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cjwatsonhighvoltage: best talk to evand, who wrote it12:39
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m1keWill a xbox 360 wireless controller be supported in future updates?   Just curios since it is so popular and a preferred controller of choice.02:35
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mekiusbryce: ping04:42
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brycemekius: rather than ping me, just ask a question, so I can answer it when I get back, even if you're not05:19
=== Hobbsee pings bryce with no question
mekiusbryce: I apologize :)05:20
mekiusbryce: Is the use of xdebconfigurator sane, or should i really be using something else?05:21
mekiusi noticed it is looked for in the dexconf script05:21
mekiusand is used if there05:21
brycehmm, I don't notice 'xdebconfigurator' in my dexconf05:22
mekiusoh wait05:23
mekiusit is in the 20xconfig script in the casper-bottom scripts in initrd05:23
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mekiussry about that, been looking at a lot of files trying to put this auto loading of drivers together05:23
bryceno prob05:24
bryceyeah it's a confusing nest of scripts in there05:24
mekiusit seems though that xdebconfigurator uses a card db of sorts to setup the debconf database with the right X values05:24
mekiusso that when dexconf reads it, it actually gets an autogenerated one05:24
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mekiusbut there might be something else in place already05:24
brycehmm, unfortunately I'm not too familiar with casper internals yet05:26
mekiusok :)05:27
mekiusyeah, it is hard to find any docs on this type of stuff :)05:27
brycecan you explain what you're thinking you need it for?05:27
mekiuswell i don't know if you remember me, but we need to make sure a custom VIA driver loads for X, but don't want to break compatibility with other systems05:28
mekiusbut i'd like to do it as right as possible05:28
bryceah, right05:28
mekiusin case we work anything out with others05:28
mekiusbut dexconf reads from debconf db, just trying to find the piece that auto configures the db05:29
mekiusand xdebconfigurator seems to do that :)05:29
bryceI think now you know more about this area of the code than me.  :-)05:30
mekiusxorg 7.3 will be nice05:30
mekiusit is suppose to do all this by itself05:30
mekiuswill be very cool if it works well05:30
brycewhich package is the 20xconfig script in?05:31
mekiuswell it is part of the casper scripts, i'm not entirely sure :)05:31
mekiusthe scripts inside the initrd image05:31
bryceyup; of course that's not magic either - you'll want to make sure your driver is accounted for inside the x codebase so it gets detected and loaded correctly05:31
mekiusbut i hope they make it easy to update this or something05:32
mekiusif it is hardcoded that doesn't seem too good heh05:32
bryceit's hardcoded, but the code itself is pretty straightforward... just setting some defines and stuff05:32
bryceok, found it in 'casper'05:33
mekiuswhy not make this editable via a card database or something so if someone does have a newer card or a weird card, support can be added in a custom distribution for that PC05:34
bryceI suppose they don't see that as a huge need, but I'm not sure.  I imagine they'd say, "Send us a patch."  ;-)05:36
mekiusyeah hehe05:37
mekiusthx for all the help btw05:38
brycesure, I'm digging into xdebconfigurator right now05:39
brycelooks like it's a wrapper around a variety of detection tools05:39
mekiustries to get strings and compare them against data in a Cards file05:39
mekiusi installed the hwdata package but it didn't have a Cards file :P05:39
mekiusi found a random one at /usr/share/apps/guidance/Cards+05:40
mekiusseems to follow the format but not sure heh05:40
bryceoh that's different, that's for kde-guidance.  unrelated05:41
mekiusyeah i know05:41
mekiusbut the format of the file is pretty much identical :)05:41
mekiusand has quite a few of the cards in it05:41
mekiusnot sure why the hwdata package doesn't contain the Cards file unless there is no central file05:42
mekiusand you are meant to just define you overrides05:42
bryceok I get what's going on here05:42
brycexdebconfiguration is a wrapper script that calls a variety of different underlying hardware identification systems05:43
bryceone of the systems it calls is discover, which I mentioned the other day05:43
mekiusi figured this is the one i will want :)05:44
bryceI *think* that all you need to do is get your card+driver recorded in one of the underlying programs (i.e., insert it into discover-data, as I described before), and this should pick it up from there05:44
brycexdebconfigurator will read the info from discover, and populate debconf with it05:45
mekiusok nifty, let me check this out :)05:45
mekius/lib/discover eh05:47
mekiushas a bunch of xml files :)05:47
mekiussweet, yes, this looks like the one :)05:47
mekiusawesome, thx again, sometimes it helps to have that little push in the right direction :)05:47
bryceI have to say thanks myself - this xdebconfigurator finally explains the one piece of the whole process that was still sort of a black box to me.05:48
mekiusyeah, for some reason it wasn't on our live cd05:48
mekiusi'm not sure if i accidentally removed it at some point :/05:48
mekiusbryce: VIA has an open source driver that they develop, I don't know all the details of how open source it is or how much community involement they have, but what are the chances of this driver being able to be on the livecd and such to better support VIA hardware?05:53
brycethere's quite a story here05:54
brycethere are actually three drivers for via.  -via, -openchrome, and -unichrome05:54
bryceall are adequately open source05:54
bryce-unichrome was a fork of it, that the community began developing05:55
mekiusyeah, via -> openchrome05:55
brycehowever due to a strong personality leading that effort, the community forked again, to make -openchrome05:55
mekiusunichrome is supposedly better coded, but doesn't support as much :)05:55
mekiusyeah i read most of it heh05:55
bryceI think partly due to this forking, it's hampered things05:55
mekiusyeah, i can imagine05:56
bryce-via is the most official, but if I understand correctly, isn't very actively developed05:56
mekiusthe unichrome dev doesn't want to just put in new cards and features though unless they are coded perfectly :)05:56
mekiusvia i think is dead05:56
bryceI do not know if VIA is involved in its maintenance05:56
mekiusi think openchrome has picked it up05:56
mekiusi don't think so, they have their own driver05:56
mekiuswhich i believe they release source for05:56
mekiusand we are actually in talks to hopefully get this stuff even more out there and open05:57
brycehmm, then that would be a fourth.  :-P05:57
mekiusindeed, but this one should support most new hardware, but might be a bit less stable, not sure :)05:57
mekiusviaarena.com is their open source "portal"05:58
mekiuswell community portal i gues05:58
bryceanyway, I've heard good things about -openchrome and have considered promoting it to main and making it the default for via hardware; I hadn't thought about the livecd, though05:59
mekiusi haven't looked at the licensing for them, but if there are any conflicts with packaging it, let me know and we can discuss this with them :)05:59
mekiusyeah, openchrome is pretty good as far as i can tell05:59
mekiusbut still lacking support for the newest cards :)05:59
mekiusopenchrome has 3D for most of the older cards (can't imagine very fast, but doesn't hurt)06:00
mekiusthey are talking of trying to do compiz type effects on these cards, i'm a bit skeptical :)06:00
mekiusbryce: i think this is it, has all the cards in there and I think the ones we have aren't returning anything, so i'm updating it and hopefully the via driver will load :)06:10
mekiuswill be so awesome if it does :)06:10
mekiushonestly it sucks that they all name their driver via :P06:11
mekiusotherwise you could do hints for the different drivers heh06:11
mekiuscause certain cards work best with the different drivers :)06:11
brycehmm, poking through a few of their drivers, yeah they look like they're all licensed BSD06:15
brycedoesn't seem like they've structured things open source-ish though... no mention of how to contribute stuff, no sign of public rcs, etc.06:16
bryceso guess it qualifies as open source by license, not open source by community06:17
mekiuswhich is what i've seen as well06:17
mekiusso i think I and my team will try to push them to open up to the community06:17
mekiusthey have a lot of packaged versions06:17
mekiusso i'm not sure if they do those themselves or have people do them for them06:18
brycethat'd be good.  I wonder if there's an overlap with what the openchrome folks are doing06:18
mekiusthe build system they have for their drivers is kinda ugly though :P06:18
mekiusi don't think so06:18
mekiusafaik the openchrome is just an extension of the original via driver and continues by just using docs that are available06:18
mekiuswould be nice if via would fuel openchrome though06:19
mekiusas openchrome is closer to the community and seems like a better overall drivers06:19
bryceunfortunately that hardly ever works out for a company to collaborate with an existing open source community06:19
mekiusyeah :/06:20
brycemekius: do you know if some of their drivers are already in ubuntu?06:20
mekiusi really think they could help each other a lot06:20
mekiusopenchrome and via are in there06:20
mekiusi don't think the unichrome drivers are in ubuntu06:21
mekiusthe via driver has feisty packages i believe, but not in the repo06:21
brycewhat about their savage driver?  is that the same as xserver-xorg-video-savage?06:21
mekiusnot sure on that one06:21
mekiusthose cards are so old lol06:21
mekiusit probably is not though06:22
mekiusi love intel right now, working right with the community and contributing to the intel driver shipped with xorg06:22
mekiusjust lovely :)06:22
mekiusi bought an intel laptop largely because of that06:22
bryceyup, I got a laptop and a desktop because of that06:23
brycethey've got a fair number of bugs though06:23
mekiusgonna build a desktop soon, might go amd though, still deciding on the video card for that heh06:23
brycebut I like that the process is open and we can just chat directly with the devs about the problems06:23
mekiusmight go with an nvidia integrated until AMD releases enough specs to have a great driver for their stuff :)06:23
mekiusbryce: yes, that is so nice06:24
brycewe've really been enjoying working with alex deucher on -radeon issues06:24
mekiushow long before they release some more specs?06:25
mekiusbtw, do you work on X or what is your specialty?06:25
bryceyes X06:25
bryceI don't know when they're going to release more specs, but I suppose it should be any time now06:26
bryceI talked with one of the development managers for fglrx at XDS.06:26
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brycesmart fellow, but I wasn't as impressed at his attitude towards open source06:26
mekiusi think some people just can't understand it06:27
brycebut it's amazing they're releasing the specs06:27
mekiusI'm sure some of the long time ATI devs might be sore about that :)06:27
mekiusmaybe they feel threatened hehe06:27
mekiusthe only holdout is nvidia06:28
mekiushopefully they will crack too :)06:28
bryceit sounded like AMD's strategic goals required having their graphics chips with an available open source driver06:28
bryceI'm not so sure about that06:28
mekiusthat is cool06:28
brycethe reason ATI released specs is to support AMD's main processor sales06:29
mekiuswell you open source the driver, you open yourself up to embedded linux stuff much more06:29
brycenVidia doesn't have that pressure06:29
mekiusyes, true06:29
mekiusi think the gpu should be just as open as the cpu at this point though06:29
mekiusthey are both processors, different instruction set06:29
=== bryce nods
mekiusanything ever happen with that open graphics project?06:30
bryceyou might be right, as embedded devices gain more sophisticated graphics capabilities06:30
brycewhich one?06:30
mekiusnot sure06:30
mekiusi recall one where they were building it ground up06:30
mekiusdesigning the processor, making the drivers06:30
brycethe one to design an open design for a graphics chip?  don't know, but I think they took on a pretty ambitious objective06:31
mekiusyeah heh06:31
mekiusi don't think the hardware was as capable as today's hardware06:31
mekiusnot sure if it could hold against intel or what not heh06:32
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tepsipakkimekius: unchrome is in universe since edgy08:35
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tepsipakkianyone here who could push the new ati package, currently waiting for approval?10:29
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Treenakshm, bugs.freedesktop.org's cert expired les Wednesday10:56
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Amaranthmjg59: any idea how resume from suspend could fail on the ptyb9 device?12:54
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nicolaisiretart: any progress with the cryptsetup@installer thing? can i help somehow? i got it working in QEMU (manual partitioning, cryptsetup, lvm)02:00
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Lhademmo1, can anyone tell me where in the docteam svn trunk is the GNOME Desktop Users Guide? I can't find it!03:19
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gameldarheya all03:22
minghuaLhademmo1: Are you sure docteam has a svn repo for GNOME desktop user's guide?03:23
gameldarjust looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - I have a fix for a bug I need to upload for sponsorship. Does the requestsponsor script work for others in gutsy?03:24
gesergameldar: iirc it was broken but I don't know if it still is03:27
gameldargeser: is there an alternative way of submitting them then?03:27
persiagameldar: You can also request sponsorship manually: just make sure everything is attached, and subscribe the appropriate team to the bug (see further down the page).03:27
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Lhademmo1minghua. no, but wherer  is it thrn?03:34
minghuaLhademmo1: The upstream svn of GNOME desktop user's guide should be http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/gnome-user-docs/03:35
minghuaLhademmo1: I have no idea if docteam have another svn repo, I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-docs03:36
minghuaLhademmo1: Hmm, #ubuntu-doc, apparently.03:36
Lhademmo1minghuam its because of bug 12698803:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126988 in ubuntu-doc "Incorrect text to add logout (exit) button" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12698803:36
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minghuaLhademmo1: As I've said, go to #ubuntu-doc and ask.03:38
minghuaLhademmo1: Be aware that it's weekend though, so developers may be not around.03:38
Lhademmo1nah, I've noticed that :)03:39
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cjwatson_bryce: we don't use xdebconfigurator (it got into casper by way of a merge from Debian, where it's an optional feature I believe), so if you're looking to it to explain part of our process I think you've found a red herring :-)04:14
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gameldarheya all again04:52
gameldarpersia: sorry got disconnected (I updated to the latest packages and it killed my wireless kernel driver).... I have a question about the sponsorship still.04:53
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persiagameldar: OK.  Which bug?04:54
gameldarbug 126314 - I have the debdiff now - do I modify that bug to add it to the list shown on: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors/+subscribedbugs04:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126314 in anjuta "Anjuta crashes on opening or creating a glade file" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12631404:55
persiagameldar: First, this package is a universe package (MOTU Developers), so #ubuntu-motu is a better channel, but it's a weekend, so here is fine for now (next time, ask there).04:57
persiaSecond, you'll need to wrap the patch into a debdiff.  There are some instructions in the "Preparing New Revisions" section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing04:58
gameldarpersia: ok thats done (followed that part)04:59
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persiaDo you mean with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9678551/anjuta-2.2.0.patch?  If so, you're missing a changelog entry.05:00
gameldarno i haven't uploaded it yet - after I do that I assign the bug to ubuntu-universe-sponsors?05:00
persiaThird, once you've attached the debdiff to the bug, use the "Subscribe Someone Else" action (upper left) to subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors05:00
persiagameldar: Don't assign.  Just subscribe.05:01
gameldarpersia: ahh ok05:01
gameldarpersia: thanks for that - I have it up there now!05:03
persiagameldar: Great.  Thanks for taking the time to make a debdiff from the patch.05:04
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gameldarpersia: Not a problem.05:06
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gameldarthanks again for those steps. time for me to sleep - bye all05:08
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mekiustepsipakki: ah ok, wasn't aware of that :)05:23
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cypherbiosogra: Hi. Could you tell me who is the responsible for the Edubuntu addon CD? I mean, the building process. Is that the release team or someone else?05:43
cjwatsoncypherbios: ubuntu-cdimage team; I deal with most of the code though much of the code for the Edubuntu addon CD was contributed by Edubuntu people05:45
cypherbiosI am interested in the script used to separate the .desktop and icons files (if any is used) for use with the gnome-app-install05:45
cjwatsoncheck out http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/, check out the bits in configs/devel within that05:46
cjwatsonthen debian-cd/tools/gutsy/app-install.sh05:46
mjg59Amaranth: It doesn't. That's a false call from pm_trace05:48
cypherbioscjwatson: thank you. It seems to be exactly what I was looking for05:49
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Amaranthmjg59: ok then, i'm lost :/06:40
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cromoI just noticed that vino-server ignores hosts.allow and hosts.deny. this seems to be a serious security issue.06:52
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Amaranthhrm, update-manager doesn't make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed?07:08
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pochuslangasek: liferea uploaded, fyi (in case you have time to let it go in)07:29
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sorenAmaranth: No, but if it's installed, it makes sure that it stays that way.08:01
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superm1bryce, i was looking a little more regarding bulletproofx stuff.  during the live cd, debconf is updated with the results of the casper-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  is this data supposed to also be copied over to the resultant system though?  By what mechanism is it supposed to occur?09:42
bryceI believe it should; yes.  I am not certain of the process used, though09:43
superm1hm well for us its for sure not happening, and that is where the issue lies.  i didn't see any references to reconfiguring xserver-xorg in ubiquity source, so i wonder if there is an external hook by which it is supposed to happen09:44
superm1bryce, do you know who i should ask to determine that this week?09:45
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brycesuperm1: cjwatson09:45
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superm1bryce, okay i'll talk to him during business hours this week. thanks, have a good weekend :)09:46
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cjwatson_superm1: casper/ubiquity-hooks/20xconfig copies xorg.conf over09:59
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cjwatsonsuperm1: the relevant bits of the debconf database aren't copied over, but per general debconf design principles they aren't supposed to need to be10:01
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cjwatsonsuperm1: apologies in advance for the confusing accept/reject mails about mythtv; I only noticed that there were two in the queue with the same version after hitting accept, and therefore switched to rejecting the first and accepting the second10:21
cjwatson(please try not to do that in future though; bump the version for the second upload instead)10:22
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YokoZar1weird weird weird: put "xdg-open $HOME" (with the quotes) in a terminal10:50
YokoZar1It returns an error saying there's no such file or directory for your home folder10:50
YokoZar1without quotes it works fine10:51
mjg59YokoZar1: If you put quotes around the entire thing, bash is interpreting it as a command called xdg-open\ /home/whatever10:51
mjg59Which obviously doesn't exist10:52
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YokoZar1mjg59: ok10:52
Viper550Just wondering, does Ubuntu use hwd to detect X settings?10:52
YokoZar1mjg59: it comes from this question though: if you make an applications menu entry for xdg-open $HOME, it will fail (with or without quotes)10:52
mjg59It's probably not doing environment expansion10:53
mjg59Try ~ rather than $HOME10:53
xjkxwhy not bring "broadcom dell wireless 1390" support natively?10:53
mjg59xjkx: It is.10:53
YokoZar1mjg59: ahh, that worked.  Hmmm10:53
xjkxmjg59, here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 it says i have to apt-get lol...10:54
mjg59xjkx: There's a driver included with the distribution, but we're not allowed to distribute the firmware that's required for it to work10:54
Viper550hello, can I just discuss something?10:55
xjkxmjg59, then what should I do? apt-get won't work with no nic10:55
mjg59xjkx: Use a wired connection to obtain it? There's basically nothing we can do here, I'm afraid. We're not legally permitted to provide you with the firmware.10:56
xjkxmjg59, why you cant10:57
xjkxprovite it10:57
mjg59xjkx: Because the copyright holder hasn't granted us permission to do so10:57
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xjkxat least these sudo apt-get install build-essential ; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` could be avoided, they are free softwares11:01
Viper550Just wondering, is anyone familar with the tool hwd?11:02
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xjkxmjg59, what do you think? Download the driver on other system that i have connection and install isn't the problem, the problem is building essential and getting kernel headers that i cant just simply download and install, there is the dependencies thing11:04
mjg59xjkx: You don't need to build anything. The driver is included already.11:05
xjkxthe tutorial is crazy then? :p11:05
xjkxits on ubuntuforms11:06
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xjkxmjg59, i am not an advanced user, what is really needed, this firmware is what package, ndiswrapper?11:07
mjg59xjkx: #ubuntu is a better place to ask this sort of thing11:09
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Chipzzxjkx: for the record, apt-get *will* work without a nic (if you know what you're doing)11:13
Viper550Just wondering, I found this awesome tool for autoconfiguring X11:13
xjkxChipzz, i mean with no connection at all11:13
xjkxits out of the network world11:14
Chipzzxjkx: you have to put the right files in the right place11:15
Chipzzby means of an usb stick11:15
Chipzz(for example)11:15
Chipzz/var/lib/apt/lists/ is where the package indexes go, /var/cache/apt/archives is where the .debs go11:16
Chipzz!weekend | Viper55011:16
ubotuViper550: It's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.11:16
xjkxChipzz, i know how to dpkg, the problem is that if i download the packages on other system i wouldn't have a way to know what needs what11:16
Chipzzsure you can?11:17
Chipzzapt-get --print-uris update11:18
mjg59Viper550: No, we don't use hwd11:18
Chipzzdownload the files it prints11:18
Chipzz(you have to rename them though)11:18
Chipzzput those in /var/lib/apt/lists11:18
Viper550why don't we? You know, if we used it, if someone had to regenerate their X config, they could just go "hwd -xa"11:18
Chipzzapt-get --print-uris install foo11:18
Chipzzdownload the files it prints and put these in /var/cache/apt/archives11:19
mjg59Viper550: As opposed to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?11:19
Chipzzapt-get install foo11:19
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mjg59Chipzz: Please move this to #ubuntu11:19
Viper550yeah. it would be theoretically quicker to do that, since it wouldn't go through a long reconfigure process that is not needed11:19
Chipzzmjg59: or rather, I'll shut up now ;)11:19
mjg59Or just run dexconf11:19
Viper550is it as quick?11:20
Amaranthmjg59: if having it fail on ptyb9 is not correct do you have any idea what else i can test?11:20
Amaranthmjg59: on resume the cd drive spins up, don't think the HD does, and that's it11:20
Amaranthno keyboard, no screen, nothing11:20
mjg59Amaranth: What type of hardware?11:23
Amaranthmjg59: http://rafb.net/p/8MzWKH81.html11:24
Amaranthmjg59: hp laptop11:24
mjg59Using nvidia?11:25
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MrMazdaDoes gutsy have a startup option that allows to use legacy drivers instead of libata for IDE HDs?12:23
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