
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuJordan_U_ called the ops in #ubuntu03:06
=== catfacts [n=catfacts@cpe-75-179-38-115.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
catfactsUgh why do i keep getting kicked from #ubuntu03:08
catfactsthis is the second time03:09
LjLcatfacts: have you followed those instructions carefully?03:09
catfactsabout adding the :8000 or something03:10
catfactsor 666703:11
catfactsyea thats it03:11
catfactsno it is 800103:11
catfactsim confused03:11
LjLerm... it's explained quite in detail. yes, it's 8001.03:12
stdin6667 is the default setting, you want to change it to 800103:12
catfactsi have three servers in Freenode03:12
LjLwhy? irc.freenode.net load balances.03:13
catfactsirc.freenode.net/8001 | irc.ubuntu.com/8001 | irc.freenode.net03:13
catfactsirc hates me :(03:13
LjL[03:14:14]  <csc`> you terminated my connection via a invalid packet03:14
LjL[03:14:16]  <LjL> now anyway, i'm not liking this discussion.03:14
LjL[03:14:24]  <LjL> either continue it in #ubuntu-ops, or don't continue it at all.03:14
LjLcatfacts: nevermind.03:17
LjLcatfacts: do you think you're connected to the right port now? when you are, poke me and i'll test you.03:17
catfactsLjL yea03:19
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== catfacts [n=catfacts@cpe-75-179-38-115.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLcatfacts: nope, didn't quite work.03:19
LjLcatfacts: try explicitely disconnecting and reconnecting.03:20
=== catfacts [n=catfacts@cpe-75-179-38-115.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
catfacts Looking up irc.ubuntu.com..03:23
catfacts Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 6667..03:23
catfacts Connected. Now logging in..03:23
catfactsthat is what i get03:24
=== csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has joined #ubuntu-ops
csc`nalioth: get it over with please =\03:26
naliothcsc`: get it over what?03:26
csc`the stupid ctcp test03:27
naliothcsc`: i will test you now.03:27
=== csc` giggles as that sounds like something from star wars
nalioththank you csc`, for your patience.  YOu may rejoin #ubuntu now03:28
csc`No problem03:28
=== csc` wonders where the CTCP warning went
=== csc` [n=csc@archlinux/user/csc] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Wuzzaaa"]
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stdinwow, what a lovely warm person that was </sarcasm>03:31
LjLstdin: we argued in PM.03:33
LjLcatfacts, "port 6667" is definitely not what you should get.03:33
stdinyeah, I saw the bit you posted03:33
naliothstdin: #freenode saw csc` as well03:34
LjLstdin: i could post the rest.03:34
LjLi don't much mind about posting private queries, as long as they're with obnoxious people.03:34
stdinwell, tbh, I got nothing better to do right now :)03:35
LjLhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39814/ here have fun03:35
stdinheh, some people must be born grumpy :p03:38
LjLand he's not the first i've med in -read-topic03:38
LjLnext time i'll just be outright rude to them as they are to us.03:38
stdinmaybe we should put "remember, ops have feelings too" in the channel topic :p03:40
LjLwell, i can be rude, but i don't like to lie03:41
naliothi don't even talk in -read-topic03:41
naliotheventually, they WILL read the topic and come here03:41
LjLi'm going to bed03:42
stdinwhat, people actually read the topic?? what magic powers does that channel have?03:42
LjLbut beware of malv1 in -offtopic03:42
LjLhe's an old friend of mine03:42
LjL(yeah, it *is* the same malv that shows up on the tracker for 2006)03:42
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stdinnight LjL03:43
catfactsoh well03:48
=== catfacts [n=catfacts@cpe-75-179-38-115.neo.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu03:51
Amaranthban list is full03:53
naliothso clear out old ones03:53
AmaranthI dunno which ones should stay around03:53
stdinstart from the oldest I guess03:53
AmaranthThat doens't help much03:54
AmaranthWe do have people permbanned from a long time ago03:54
=== Amaranth kicks IRC
Amaranthstupid thing should have autoexpiring bans03:54
naliothAmaranth: any !#ubuntu-read-topic from more than a month ago can go03:54
Amaranthnalioth: Problem 2: My IRC client doesn't have a ban list :)03:54
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Amaranthok then, all gone04:01
Amaranthevery ubuntu-read-topic forward from one month ago to the beginning of the list is removed :P04:02
Amaranththat should give us enough room to get to release day04:02
naliothmy gutsy box keeps shutting down04:03
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=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
DM|For god's sake, ive been tested before for having a bug and was confirmed not to have any, please get me into #ubuntu, im tired of dealing with this05:04
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici05:04
ubotuDM| called the ops in #ubuntu-ops05:04
AmaranthDM|: You have the bug, you got bounced on it05:04
AmaranthHobbsee: He needs tested05:05
tonyyarussoSure you aren't.05:05
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hobbseeyou lose05:05
tonyyarussoDM|: You _are_ affected.05:05
AmaranthDM|: just connect to port 800105:05
HobbseeDM|: hint:  when you get thru here successfully, *dont* change your port back.05:05
Amaranthand make sure you always connect to 800105:05
DM|this has happened before, funny how i havent changed any hardware05:06
Hobbseehardware != irc port05:06
tonyyarussoie, you should change the port in the actual config, not your one-time settings.05:06
=== Hobbsee wonders why some people find it so hard to follow instructions about changing ports
Pumpernickels/ about changing ports//05:07
Hobbseethis time, test him twice.05:07
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hobbseeor at least, to see if he drops off again05:08
DM|test me again pls05:08
HobbseeYOU FAIL05:08
=== tonyyarusso sighs
Hobbseeoh interesting05:08
Hobbseectcp-send also works for exploits05:08
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AmaranthHobbsee: Do you keep bouncing him?05:09
Hobbseewas trying to figure out which was the correct syntax05:09
Hobbseeah, this one must be it, seeing as i now get a highlight :P05:09
AmaranthHobbsee: again!05:10
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
DM|try again05:10
HobbseeDM|: hint:  dont waste our time by not following instructions05:10
tonyyarussopassed mine05:10
Hobbseeright.  seems OK, finally05:11
AmaranthDM|: now close your IRC client, reopen it, come here, and get tested again05:11
Amaranthso we make sure you don't end up here again next time you reconnect05:11
Hobbseehm, he's back on eht netwokr05:12
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
DM| Received a malformed DCC request from Hobbsee.05:13
Hobbseegood.  so you're finally fixed.05:13
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
jribdo not paste that in channel -- argh05:13
Hobbseenow lets watch him change his port back?05:13
=== nalioth is glad his switch is in the off position
Hobbseehe's starting to troll anyway, methinks05:14
VorianHobbsee, no he's not a troll05:14
Hobbseehe's being a pain in the neck in +105:14
Hobbseeand i cant even find his ban in #ubuntu05:14
Vorianwhat's he doing05:14
Hobbseeah, because it's removed05:14
Hobbseejust giving attitude05:15
AmaranthHobbsee: I added so I figured I'd remove it :)05:15
HobbseeAmaranth: great :)05:15
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu05:42
=== ppj [n=mrj@c-71-228-69-135.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ppjcan you test haxoring my router06:05
naliothppj: ok06:05
ppjty sir06:05
=== ppj [n=mrj@c-71-228-69-135.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ppji guess i'll flash with ddwrt06:06
naliothppj: not necessary06:06
ppjisn't that like a 2-3 year old exploit?06:06
naliothppj: just connect to port 800106:06
naliothppj: no, you're thinking of the old mirc exploit06:06
ppjalright 8001 it is06:07
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=== cdm10 [n=caleb@unaffiliated/cdm10] has joined #ubuntu-ops
cdm10The user ag3nt99 is in #ubuntu, and is spamming people when they join the channel (or at least spammed me.)08:03
tonyyarussocdm10: with what text?08:04
cdm10tonyyarusso: hold on a sec, getting it from the logs.08:04
tonyyarussocdm10: also, immediately on join?08:04
cdm10ag3nt99: (notice) LOL, http://www.cdm10.is-a-jerk.com found on google :)08:04
cdm10tonyyarusso: For me, yes.08:04
cdm10ag3nt99: (notice) Visit http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com for days of fun :)08:05
=== ppj [n=mrj@c-71-228-69-135.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
naliothtsk tsk08:08
tonyyarussonalioth: did he do it for you?08:08
=== tonyyarusso is still lurking
naliothyes, he did. and he went bye-bye on the train08:08
tonyyarussowith a nick known to have an is-a-jerk page ;)08:08
tonyyarusso'k :)08:08
cdm10nalioth: he doesn't exist anymore, was he removed from the network?08:09
naliothdoing it in other channels, too, he was08:09
naliothcdm10: didn' you see his part message?08:09
=== tonyyarusso nods sagely, and sinks back into the swamp with nalioth
=== tonyyarusso forwards #ubuntu-dagoba here
cdm10nalioth: I don't have j/p messages on.08:10
cdm10nalioth: Really? His /whois just said #ubuntu.08:11
naliothcdm10: his /whois should say /whowas08:11
naliothcdm10: and /msg seenserv seen %NICK will tell you where he went08:11
cdm10nalioth: ok.08:12
=== cdm10 [n=caleb@unaffiliated/cdm10] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving."]
jdongdo we allow nicks like "ohshit" (#kubuntu)08:58
tonyyarussojdong: no08:59
jdongnot to mention he's completely offtopic08:59
jdongohshit needs to watch his mouth09:47
=== Hobbsee ponders lynoure as an op
Hobbseejdong: want me to op you?09:56
jdongHobbsee: I wanna sleep now mommy....09:57
Hobbseejdong: no sleep for you09:57
jdonghaha you're mean :D09:57
=== Hobbsee is going out
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jussi01Hei, can someone jump into #ubuntu and watch gogeta? he is being mildly annnoying10:59
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ubotuardchoille called the ops in #kubuntu11:58
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ubotuIn ubotu, MeRodent said: gutsy is Can the refference to #ubuntu+1 be changed to the start of the factoid as most people don't bother to read that far in the factoid?12:12
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, ashu said: !!!!when is gusty coming when is gusty coming!!!!02:24
=== jdong wonders why the heck wii tries to ping random ops whenever he enters -desktop
stdinbecause he lives to be annoying04:45
jdongindeed he does04:46
Tm_Tcant you just keep him banned05:07
=== jdong finds it mind-boggling that there's people like him out there, who cannot communicate over IRC without ticking everyone off
jdongok, let's see if I can reason with him to stop spamming -desktop.... wish me luck05:21
stdingood luck, you'll need it05:25
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jdong"too much to read"??05:30
=== jdong resists just sending back a STFU
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jds2001i *believe* that i've fixed my router problem.05:36
jribready for a test?05:37
jds2001i.e. i upgraded my firmware to the latest.05:37
jribI *believe* it is not fixed :)05:37
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jds2001guess not :-/05:39
stdinjds2001: you may want to connect to the server on port 800105:39
jds2001however, i am now connecting to 800105:39
stdinare you sure, the exploit only works on 666705:39
jribhe's ok now05:39
jds2001yep. first i upgraded firmware05:40
jds2001and then connected to 8001 - preferring real fixes for band-aids05:40
jribjds2001: please ensure that that is the default port from now on05:40
jds2001but i guess linksys doesn't have a real fix :-/05:40
jds2001it is, edited the irssi config05:40
stdinwith a firmware upgrade you can't guarantee a fix, changing the port does :)05:41
jribjds2001: you may rejoin #ubuntu 05:41
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ubotuIn ubotu, recon said: uptime is UPTIME WARS!07:53
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ubotuIn ubotu, jussi01 said: !partition is <reply>Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) -  for mounting partitions please see !fstab and !diskmounter08:34
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:36
jussi01seems a little out of date to me...08:36
jribPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For later versions, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:37
jussi01yeah sounds ok to me :)08:39
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@40.Red-88-24-238.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjL... and we still don't have a sane mounter even in gutsy09:15
jussi01LjL: very true09:28
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ikoniaguys heads up on user "lunz" spam pm'ing users for help in #ubuntu 10:51
=== Moduliz0r [i=99@host37-ip2.globalgate.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Moduliz0rhi guys, can I be unbanned from #ubuntu now?11:56
SeveasModuliz0r, why were you banned?11:56
Moduliz0ri was given a 24 hour ban weeks ago for typing "sudo rm -Rf /" in #ubuntu11:57
Moduliz0rbut I never came back until now11:57
Seveasunbanned, but don't do it again11:59
Moduliz0rI won't. I learned my lesson.11:59
Moduliz0rThank you.11:59
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ikoniaany ops awake please12:40
ikoniacouple of jerks in #ubuntu chri2 using bad language, and complaing the channel is "shit"12:41
ikoniadon't get help so start being rude to people and calling the channel "peice of shit"12:42
ikoniahe's just left12:42
ikonia Chri2 [n=chris@dhcp-0-50-ba-c2-2a-f0.cpe.mountaincable.net] 12:42
Tm_Twell he left12:42
Tm_Talso I dont have op rights12:42
ikoniastill in #ubuntu+112:43
Tm_Tnor there =)12:43
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=== stefg [n=stefg@e179144213.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgi know it won't help much but wouldn't it be nice to add 'gutsy support is in #ubuntu+'1 to the #ubuntu topic ?01:09
LjLnot sure... they have that in #kubuntu, but i think it can give the impression that it *is* supported, which is not a good impression to give imo01:11
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stefgok, other way round... gutsy isn't supporte here yet 01:11
stefgbut the flood of gutsy zealots in #ubuntu asking why system broke is rising01:12

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