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nothlitanother one http://www.opensourcexperts.com/bountylist.html ...and wow lucasfilm is on there11:40
=== KidProQuo_away is now known as KidProQuo
KidProQuoWow, we're still on the bounty topic.... 12 hours later11:47
=== lapo [n=lapo@host102-254-static.189-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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KidProQuohi lapo11:48
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lapo_MMA_: I installed ubuntustudio, nice06:51
_MMA_Thanx. The dailies still need a couple of issues sorted.06:51
lapo_MMA_: small bits tho06:51
lapo_MMA_: the panel theming is kinda broken, it work only for small panels, you'll have the same effect with a bg with less issues06:52
_MMA_Yeah. Im working with Colin today on some things.06:52
_MMA_lapo: Yeah. Its known. Its a trade-off.06:52
lapo_MMA_: would be just better to kill it and use a 1x70 picture as a bg?06:53
lapo_MMA_: you won't have issue with resizing and with the window selector applet for example06:54
_MMA_We do use a 1x24px image on our panel.06:54
lapoit's in the gtkrc tho, right?06:55
lapoif you use a taller one in the panel itself you'll have less issues06:55
_MMA_But then the image gets cropped.06:55
_MMA_Sorry. Lemmie get back to you.06:56
_MMA_(kids need attention) :)06:56
lapoyou need a 24px for the top panel but you can use a bigger one in bottom one06:56
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kwwiipanel themeing, the best reason to use kde :p08:14
=== kwwii ducks
nothlitmaybe, with kmenu in kde4, generally kicker doesn't look so great, especially by default =p08:17
lapoyeah, but if you call a 5 years old version of nautilus innovations...erm dophin even :-)08:17
=== lapo ducks as well
=== lassegul just ducks, no reason required.
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troy_skwwii: You are _supposed_ to be able to fully theme the panel but it is broken in Debian.  A private gtkrc deals strictly with the panel.09:33
troy_sHopefully someone upstream will fix it... https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/11266509:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112665 in gnome-panel "/usr/share/gnome/gnome-panelrc fails to impact theme" [Low,Confirmed] 09:34
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiitroy_s: hopefully we will have that fixed for Hardy then, it is part of my nefarious plan09:43
_MMA_kwwii: Maybe a refresh of the topic? Maybe mention the new Hardy art page?09:43
troy_skwwii: You should keep your eye on it or bug seb to heat upstream.09:43
nothlit_MMA_: the submissions aren't that organised yet lol09:43
troy_skwwii: It is a rather vital part of theming, and the limited kluding using pixmap stretching is awful compared to unleashing the full power of a gtk engine on it.09:44
_MMA_nothlit: Could still point to where the page _will_ be.09:44
nothlitspeaking of the topic, is there any date set for the next meeting?09:44
troy_s_MMA_: Probably limited audience in here -- maybe elsewhere would help?09:44
_MMA_troy_s: Well I was just trying to think of _something_ to put up there. Otherwise its kinda bare. :)09:45
_MMA_The topic for #ubuntu-artwork is: Where in the world is terlmann?09:46
nothlitleaving it hanging is befitting of the current situation =p09:46
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kwwii_MMA_: very good point10:14
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, I'll talk to seb about it at UDS10:14
=== mode/#ubuntu-artwork [+o kwwii] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : terlmann, we miss you
kwwiiGuess I should spend the rest of the evening making a wiki page for Hardy10:17
_MMA_Or watching "The IT Crowd". :D10:17
kwwiiinstead of watching avi's from MMA10:17
kwwiiI'll point the topic to that with a notice that it is coming soon10:17
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy
kwwiithere, I changed it a bit to get ready for the other changes10:22
kwwiionce I get done working on my current projects I'll work on getting everything in place for Hardy10:22
kwwiifirst I need to get Gutsy out the door10:23
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : Next team meeting Nov 2nd 17:00UTC :: Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy
kwwiiguess that is long enough now10:30
nothlitany news on artwork licenses?10:35
=== _MMA_ [n=_MMA_@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiinothlit: nope, none yet...I asked for a good opinion from management but I assume it will take a bit of time10:53
kwwiifor now I guess it is best that we do not suggest any license10:56
kwwiiin particular, I mean10:56
kwwiione thing I was thinking about the CC is that although it will not be accepted by debian upstream nor OOo upstream it seems to be OK for use by Ubuntu itself10:57
kwwiibut again, I'll wait for an official response on that one, IANAL10:57
nothlitoh yeah, the superguide to the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HelpOnEditing11:02
kwwiilol, several different places for editing info, how wiki-like11:03
=== Misosaki [n=chatzill@ip6-74.eyrkonaeac08.dialup.ca.telus.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
lassegulSo, anything else one could get to work on now?11:11
lassegulhow about cleaning up the Incoming page?11:11
kwwiilassegul: that sounds like a great idea11:11
kwwiinot sure if there is any point keeping old stuff around11:11
lasseguljust put it in /OldStuff/ ?11:12
kwwiiyeah, or something like PreviousReleases11:12
MisosakiCan we link to them anyway?11:12
lassegulHow about on incoming we link to one page for Hardy, then one page for previous.11:12
kwwiiMisosaki: yes, the idea is not to lose them completely but to move them somewhere more appropriate11:13
kwwiilassegul: we could do that11:13
lassegulOr should incoming be for hardy, and just link to previous11:13
nothliti would just use #DEPRECATED at the most11:13
kwwiiincoming just for the current release sounds better11:13
MisosakiOne incoming for each release?11:13
MisosakiOr some kind of page for each?11:13
nothlitit takes out revision history for the old stuff, and makes it not pop up in search results11:14
kwwiito be honest, the best thing is what will work best for everyone11:14
lasseguldont ubuntu-studio do it one page for each?11:14
kwwiino personal opinion on my part11:14
kwwii_MMA_: ?11:14
MisosakiThe Gutsy page might need a little cleaning though, lols11:14
nothlit#DEPRECATED: Mark this page as deprecated, i.e. further changes to the page will create no backup versions and displaying it will show the current contents (usually the reason why this page is deprecated) plus the last backup. This effectively freezes the last version of the page, makes it unavailable for searches (no hits on stale content), but keeps that content available for viewing.11:14
kwwiinothlit: I guess some people might still like to search for something11:15
nothlitthey can manually see it in the Incoming subpages section11:15
_MMA_This is how we do it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork11:15
MisosakiAlso might like to clarify the "free license" thing a bit, since it seems to be so important people attach one11:15
troy_sjust delete the older crap that isn't relevant11:15
troy_ssome things will be relevant, some won't... kill the 'won't'11:16
lassegulthat was what i initally was thinking about.11:16
nothlit_MMA_: btw i would make that straight up a hardy page with links to the old ones @ the bottom or top, based on your preference, jmho11:16
_MMA_Its that way because it shows all of our artwork pages.11:17
MisosakiCan they be migrated to the new gallery system, or will that always be only for current artwork?11:18
_MMA_Talking to me? :)11:18
kwwiiMisosaki: I think we will have categories for the gallery11:18
MisosakiJust so everything is in one place11:19
kwwiilassegul, nothlit: deprecated sounds like the best idea11:19
MisosakiBut whatever you all decide is best11:19
lassegulgobby session is up for those who want to participate lassegs.ath.cx11:20
Misosakilassegul: gobby?11:20
nothlit`alphai don't see a point of a gallery system tbh if theres a ubuntu-art.org already up and running11:21
lassegulMisosaki: gedit mulitplayer mode.11:21
nothlit`alphawe should just point people there for "general ubuntu artwork"11:21
nothlit`alphalassegul: i still don't know whether we should make an alternate page where people have the opportunity to post their theme name, link and a thumbnail or just do an autoindex of alternate submissions11:22
lassegulnothlit`alpha: i think we should do the latter11:24
nothlit`alphathe first option can still have the autoindexing on the bottom11:24
lassegulnothlit`alpha: BUt that would end up taking more work right?11:25
nothlit`alphaonly if <they> want to post a thumbnail11:26
nothlit`alphaanother minisketch btw :) https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/communitytheme/hardy/thumbnails/11:27
kwwiithe whole point is to make art.ubuntu.com what we need to help people contribute11:29
nothlit`alphathe vote was for a.u.c for general contributions though11:30
kwwiinothlit: actually, I was discussing with my friend who runs that site to put them together11:30
kwwiinothlit: right, exactly11:31
nothlit`alphageneral contributions or community contributions?11:32
_MMA_kwwii: Just my 2 cents here but doesnt Gnome-look fill that just fine. Especially considering that there's really no traffic on art.ubuntu.com since its launch?11:33
_MMA_Having our own place for things is nice sometimes but I feel it can also separate us as well.11:35
nothlit`alpha_MMA_: ehem 30k visitors a week even when no submissions had been added for months11:35
_MMA_nothlit`alpha: Get me the Gnome-look stats then we'll talk again.11:36
nothlit`alphagnome-look encompasses significantly more of the entire linux community11:37
_MMA_And that still doesnt address what I said about segregating ourselves.11:37
_MMA_And that a community we are a part of. ;)11:37
kwwii_MMA_: the guy who does gnome-look.org is the same person who does ubuntu-art (and it is the same infrastructure) so this would only be a more specific part of this11:38
kwwiiactually, it all started with kde-look.org (he is a kde guy)11:38
kwwiinow he has all kinds of websites11:39
_MMA_You I remember you saying.11:39
_MMA_I remember you saying.11:39
kwwiiperhaps we can just point art.ubuntu.com at that site and be done with it11:39
kwwiiadding our own categories, etc11:39
_MMA_Im still unsure of the need and the larger concern of segregating ourselves.11:39
kwwiiwell, it would be nice to be able to see what is submitted just for ubuntu without the other stuff and without having to click through searches even if the names are different11:40
=== _MMA_ wishes he was around for that CC meeting. ;)
kwwiimaybe we should bring this back up at the next meeting11:41
kwwiiseem sto be a bit of confusion11:41
_MMA_kwwii: Oh sure. Maybe the -look sites could have a "Distro tag" added?11:41
kwwii_MMA_: yeah, exactly11:41
kwwiithat might work just as well11:41
nothlit`alpha_MMA_: well, originally as a place to work and avoid picture mess, but the fedora wiki gives me hope11:41
_MMA_nothlit`alpha: Though the Fedora WIKI is nice I think that the right OCD people on the Ubuntu WIKI can keep things in shape just fine. :)11:42
_MMA_Obsessive Compulsive Disorder11:45
_MMA_@google OCD11:45
_MMA_gah. Not in my channel. :)11:45
kwwiilol, anal-retentive11:45
_MMA_Sure. That works as well. :)11:45
kwwiiQCIYAM - QuiteConfusingIfYouAskMe11:48
kwwiiit will never end11:48
kwwiifrom now on any answer I give will be in acronym11:48
Misosaki(Is that your final answer?)11:49
kwwiiIWLTAYBITIAOCDAFDA - IWouldLikeToAnswerYouButITurnedIntoAnObsessiveCompulsiveDisorderAFewDaysAgo11:49
kwwiiI wonder if people would learn to live with it11:51
kwwiiI could kinda become a freak show11:51
kwwiisee how hard it is?11:52
lassegulEIE - enough is enough?11:52
Misosaki(Normal, what's that?)11:52
_MMA_WOW. We _must_ be bored. :)11:52
kwwii_MMA_: just finished the first season in one night11:53
kwwiiprobably enough to drive me crazy11:53
kwwiithanks be to god that english tv has short seasons11:53
_MMA_"Did you turn it off and on again?"11:54
kwwii"Is it plugged in?"11:56
kwwiivery nice11:56
kwwiivery true, unfortunately11:56
_MMA_The writers know the job and their audience well. :)11:57
kwwiino doubt11:57
_MMA_Im gonna order the DVDs from Amazon UK. We cant get 'em here.11:59
_MMA_Though my DVD player can do PAL Ill convert them to NTSC11:59
kwwiiI could probably pick 'em up for you cheaper and bring them to UDS12:00
kwwiiat least the shipping would be cheaper ;-912:00
_MMA_Oh hell yeah.12:00
kwwiieven better, I could get someone at the company to get 'em for you12:00
_MMA_Uhhh. We dont need to go that far. :)12:01
kwwiiI know that if I transfered money to Jono in advance he would take care of it12:01
_MMA_Well ok. I can do whatever. :)12:01
kwwiimoney transfer in europe is much easier, and if not I can take care of it12:02
kwwiiI'll find out and tell you tomorrow12:02
kwwiiman, two weeks of clam chowder - can't wait12:02
_MMA_I thought the same thing. :)12:03
_MMA_FOOD! :)12:03
kwwiias fat as I already am, going back home puts on 5lbs12:04
kwwiireal food for a change12:04
kwwiihow nice12:04
kwwiimaybe I should bring some sauerkraut and sausage for the americans12:04
nothlit`alpha_MMA_: heres how i managed the picture thing :)12:04
nothlit`alphathe platypus page is ready btw lol :D12:05
_MMA_nothlit`alpha: Nice. I think Ill steal that. :)12:05
kwwiinothlit`alpha: excellent work12:06
nothlit`alphai wrote a thumbnailing script, i'll put it up in a bit as well12:08
kwwiilet me know when you do, I can probably help with that12:11
nothlitits here for the moment, https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/communitytheme/hardy/thumbnail also has svg support, but will need inkscape12:11
kwwiithe most important thing is that it only makes a few columns of pics12:12
kwwiiI think that we cannot assume that everyone will use svg12:12
kwwiiwe need to make the thumbnails out of the exported pngs or whatever12:12
nothlitwill only need inkscape if it comes across svgs lol12:12
nothlitwill thumbnail the image in whatever format it was originally in12:12
nothlithas a gui :)12:12
kwwiican't hurt then12:13
kwwiiI will add a montage script for imagemagick later12:13
lassegulkwwii: people have posted all kinds of crap to the /Ideas page. Mind if I clean up all those ideas about how to make the default desktop better, like "Windows over the panel", possibly collecting them to their own page. though that might allow it to evolve to a whole another level of crap.12:20
kwwiilassegul: I would simply put everything into another section like PreviousReleases or whatever as everything that comes next will be different12:24
kwwiiof course, if you feel like you can make more sense of it than the simple sentence I just stated feel free12:24
kwwiimaybe there is a good reason to put some ideas together and leave them in Ideas12:25
lassegulkwwii: hmmm. im cleaning up /Gutsy/Ideas and /Gutsy/ConceptArt  and organizing them into Gutsy/Alternate/12:25
lassegulkwwii: so i dont think  they fit in the attic, maybe.12:25
kwwiianything directly concerned with Gutsy or older artwork can go into another place though12:26
kwwiiman, I wish that wikis where better at that kind of thing12:26
kwwiiprobably a lot of work12:27
lassegulkwwii: when I say gutsy i mean hardy :S12:27
lassegulkwwii: sorry to make this confusing12:27
kwwiino worries12:27
lassegulkwwii: to take it from the beginning:12:27
lassegulkwwii: people have already begun putting up ideas and concept art in these wiki pages: Hardy/Ideas and Hardy/ConceptArt (nothlit and terlmanns different versions I believe)12:28

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