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ubotu | New bug: #150756 in launchpad "Duplicate bug list shouldn't list duplicate bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150756 | 01:00 |
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RAOF | So, I'm updating my nouveau packages again, and so I'm once again running into PPA problems :). How much time should elapse between accepting a source upload and having it in the "needs building" status? | 03:55 |
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Hobbsee | RAOF: did you sacrifice a goat to the gods of soyuz? | 04:06 |
RAOF | No. The libdrm upload worked, eventually. | 04:07 |
RAOF | I thought that maybe the behavour would be consistent? :P | 04:07 |
RAOF | Maybe even spelled correctly? | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | pft | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | soyuz is built on chewing gum, bits of string, and lots of "oh my goodness i hope this works" | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | you should know better. | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: is the source upload being shown at all? | 04:08 |
RAOF | Yes, on the front page. It hasn't made it to the build queue in any way, though. | 04:08 |
RAOF | Now, from memory kiko-afk is the guy to ping, but he's away :) | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | which page are you looking at? | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | oh, grrr sabdfl! | 04:09 |
RAOF | Hobbsee: https://edge.launchpad.net/~raof/+archive | 04:10 |
RAOF | Notice that -nouveau-trunk doesn't appear in any build listings. | 04:10 |
RAOF | ?? | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: the source hasnt even published. i'd say soyuz got hungry. | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: upload it again, and it should decline if soyuz finds it | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | there's no equivalent of the new queue, etc there | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | oh, i wonder... | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | cprov-out: isnt here either | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: what did the email say? did it mention that the upload awaits the approval of a distro-manager? | 04:11 |
RAOF | Are we looking at the same "Published: 2 hours ago, Status: Published" page? | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | oh, didnt notice it had xserver-xorg | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | in front of it | 04:12 |
RAOF | Ah, sorry. | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | oh, hang on | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: i dont suppose there were new binaries or anything there? | 04:13 |
RAOF | Nope. | 04:13 |
RAOF | Just a new git snapshot, and some changes to debian/rules. | 04:14 |
RAOF | Which reminds me, they should probably depend upon linux-nouveau-modules-2.6.22-13-generic... | 04:14 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: ok, fix that, upload it again | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | it looks like soyuz is hating the world. | 04:15 |
RAOF | Yay, I broke it! | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | no, i dont think you did actually | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | i wonder if anything has built since the stuff got put on manual | 04:16 |
RAOF | Aw, I can't take the credit for the mastadon? | 04:16 |
RAOF | Hobbsee: Yes. My libdrm upload :) | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | oh, duh. | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | right, then i'd say soyuz ate your binaries, if other things have published recently. | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | wha? who took away the 'needs build' status? | 04:17 |
RAOF | https://edge.launchpad.net/~raof/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending ? | 04:18 |
RAOF | Status from where? | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | oh, duh | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | i'm looking from the buildd itself, not where it's pulling packages from | 04:19 |
RAOF | Heh. | 04:19 |
RAOF | Nothing that's currently building is in the needs building status? :P | 04:19 |
ubotu | New bug: #150803 in launchpad "Cannot Upgrade. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150803 | 04:20 |
RAOF | Hm, *that's* in the wrong place :) | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: no, it wont tell me what needs building from the ppa - because there are multiple ppas for each arch | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | how do people *do* that? | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | what the | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | is "ubuntu" not a project, or something? | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | oops, i broke it. OOPS-647EB12 | 04:25 |
RAOF | It is. | 04:25 |
RAOF | Heh | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | dear launchpad, please dont eat my data. thankyou. | 04:25 |
spiv | Hobbsee: "ubuntu" in Launchpad is a distribution, not a project. | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | spiv: what do i put it under then? | 04:27 |
spiv | Hobbsee: is that what you were asking? | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | oh, i cant just send the launchcpad bug to ubuntu, that's right. i have to open a ubuntu task, and then close the LP one. | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | spiv: yeah. | 04:28 |
spiv | Put what under? A bug? You can file bugs against distributions. | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | spiv: see ^ bug | 04:28 |
spiv | Ah, yeah. | 04:28 |
spiv | Exactly, you can't change the existing task to ubuntu, because launchpad doesn't support changing the target of a task from a project to a distro (or vice-versa). | 04:29 |
spiv | Hobbsee: could you file a bug about that OOPS? That looks like something the malone guys ought to fix :) | 04:31 |
Hobbsee | spiv: launchpad needs to learn how to, methinks. | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | spiv: under malone, i take it? | 04:32 |
spiv | Yeah, or just under launchpad, it doesn't make much difference. | 04:32 |
spiv | I agree it'd be good if launchpad let you change the target to a different "type" of target. | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | spiv: already filed by a LP dev. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/137385 | 04:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137385 in malone "OOPS changing the bug target to None" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Jonathan Knowles (jsk) | 04:35 |
spiv | Hobbsee: Ah, nevermind then :) | 04:38 |
spiv | Hobbsee: thanks | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | spiv: no problem | 04:38 |
lamont | cprov-out: was offline all day... poke me in the morning and we'll get it sorted | 04:38 |
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mpt | spiv, it's bug 80902 | 05:00 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 80902 in malone "Allow bug retargeting from project to distribution, or vice versa" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80902 | 05:00 |
cprov-out | lamont: ok, see you tomorrow. | 05:04 |
lamont | yeah - sleepy-bye time for me. | 05:05 |
cprov-out | RAOF: your build records are there, enjoy it ;) | 05:05 |
RAOF | Yay, now building! | 05:05 |
ubotu | New bug: #150812 in launchpad "ubuntu wiki should point to launchpad to change password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150812 | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | ....it does? | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | oh, it does for recover | 05:28 |
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lifeless | reviewer meeting in 35 minutes | 07:24 |
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lifeless | reviewer meeting in 4 | 07:56 |
lifeless | reviewer meeting time | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | oh noes! | 08:00 |
lifeless | # | 08:01 |
lifeless | Roll call | 08:01 |
lifeless | # | 08:01 |
lifeless | Next meeting | 08:01 |
lifeless | # | 08:01 |
lifeless | Action items | 08:01 |
lifeless | # | 08:01 |
lifeless | Queue status | 08:01 |
lifeless | Mentoring update | 08:01 |
lifeless | * | 08:01 |
lifeless | thumper, jamesh, jml are all at a code sprint in Dunedin (9th Oct). | 08:01 |
lifeless | spiv: ping | 08:01 |
lifeless | BjornT: ping | 08:01 |
spiv | I'm here. | 08:01 |
BjornT | hi | 08:01 |
spiv | Hmm, jtv is missing. | 08:01 |
BjornT | jtv sent an e-mail to the list saying he might not be here | 08:02 |
lifeless | k | 08:03 |
spiv | Ah. | 08:03 |
lifeless | so | 08:04 |
lifeless | next meeting | 08:04 |
lifeless | I suggest we move it when daylight savings kicks in | 08:04 |
lifeless | when is nsw's dst start ? | 08:05 |
BjornT | didn't we talk about this last week already? | 08:05 |
spiv | End of October, iirc. | 08:05 |
lifeless | yes, and IIRC it was on the fence | 08:05 |
lifeless | I commented on this but the meeting had already moved on | 08:05 |
lifeless | tim said that it would be better to move, because with dst it is in the middle of dinner time | 08:06 |
lifeless | last sunday in oct | 08:06 |
lifeless | for us | 08:06 |
BjornT | yes, and i said it was better not to move it, since it would be before my wake-up time :) | 08:06 |
lifeless | when does your daylight savings end ? | 08:06 |
BjornT | it should be end of oct/beginning of nov | 08:07 |
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lifeless | what UTC offset will you have then ? | 08:07 |
BjornT | +2, meaning that if the meeting stays at the same UTC time as now, it will be 8am for me | 08:08 |
BjornT | otoh, if jtv attends both the .au and .eu meetings, it's not that important to accomodate the meeting time to make it possible for me to attend | 08:09 |
lifeless | right | 08:09 |
lifeless | so I'm fine through to the second meeting in nov | 08:09 |
lifeless | because UDS covers the transition :) | 08:09 |
lifeless | we can ask jtv next week | 08:10 |
lifeless | so for now, same bat-time, same bat-channel ? | 08:10 |
BjornT | sounds good | 08:10 |
spiv | Yeah. | 08:10 |
jamesh | [I'm here, but may time out again due to crappy hotel internet] | 08:11 |
lifeless | no action items | 08:12 |
lifeless | queue ize | 08:12 |
lifeless | mammoth | 08:13 |
spiv | The late branch in my queue was actually reviewed earlier today. | 08:13 |
lifeless | 30 items | 08:13 |
lifeless | 15 overdue | 08:14 |
lifeless | did you nag on list after the last meeting ? | 08:14 |
spiv | No :( But it did actually improve dramatically by the time of the .eu despite that, IIRC. | 08:15 |
lifeless | ok | 08:15 |
spiv | s/.eu/.eu meeting/ | 08:15 |
lifeless | again, most are not at this meeting | 08:16 |
lifeless | I wonder if there is 'before meeting rush' happening in .eu time ? | 08:16 |
lifeless | also 8 are for stub | 08:16 |
spiv | 8/30 is a pretty large fraction. | 08:16 |
lifeless | stu1: ping | 08:16 |
lifeless | 8/15 actually | 08:16 |
spiv | That's even larger :) | 08:17 |
lifeless | theres 10 or so for stub | 08:17 |
lifeless | AIUI db reviews require a round trip to Mark some fraction of the time | 08:17 |
lifeless | anyhow, I'll mail a nag to the list | 08:19 |
lifeless | mentoring update | 08:19 |
lifeless | -------------------- | 08:19 |
spiv | The proposed "needs-mentoring" flag has generated a fair bit of discussion. | 08:20 |
spiv | Has someone been following the thread closely? I haven't kept up. | 08:20 |
BjornT | i've been participating in the discussion; no decision has been made yet | 08:22 |
lifeless | ok | 08:24 |
lifeless | anything about mentees today? | 08:24 |
spiv | Not from me; the mentoring workload has been pretty light for me so far. | 08:25 |
BjornT | not from me either; i'm not mentoring anyone | 08:25 |
spiv | (jml is at a sprint, so that's not so surprising) | 08:25 |
lifeless | ok | 08:28 |
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lifeless | Any other business ? | 08:29 |
spiv | Not from me. | 08:29 |
BjornT | no | 08:30 |
lifeless | meeting over kthxbye | 08:30 |
spiv | lifeless: thanks :) | 08:30 |
BjornT | thanks lifeless | 08:30 |
RAOF | Ok, so now that's over I'll ask how long the wait between source-published to build-queued should be for PPA :) | 08:33 |
jamesh | lifeless: mind looking at a bzr-pqm patch for me? | 08:33 |
jamesh | RAOF: the people who can answer you are either on UK or Brazil time, IIRC | 08:34 |
jamesh | so maybe ask again in a few hours | 08:34 |
RAOF | Eh, OK. | 08:34 |
jamesh | lifeless: if you can look at it, it is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-pqm/+bug/150834 | 08:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150834 in bzr-pqm "Make STARTTLS and AUTH work better" [Undecided,New] | 08:35 |
lifeless | hmm | 08:37 |
lifeless | bzr-pqm really should use the bzrlib core mail sending logic these days | 08:37 |
jamesh | lifeless: hmm. the bzrlib.smtp_connection module looks broken in the same way as bzr-pqm ... | 08:40 |
jamesh | lifeless: but I agree with you. | 08:40 |
lifeless | yah, it was factored out from there | 08:40 |
lifeless | so I'd say the right fix is - use the bzr module, and fix the bzr module | 08:40 |
jamesh | this server really does need "EHLO, STARTTLS, EHLO, AUTH" to connect ... | 08:42 |
lifeless | I don't know anything about the trunk owner change | 08:42 |
lifeless | the logic change makes sense to me | 08:42 |
lifeless | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-pqm/devel | 08:43 |
lifeless | is the main branch | 08:43 |
lifeless | anyone in ~bzr can write to that | 08:43 |
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jamesh | lifeless: anyone who wants masses of unrelated bugmail, yes. | 08:52 |
lifeless | jamesh: hey, don't complain to me about malone limitations :) | 08:52 |
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poolie | hi | 09:28 |
poolie | it's odd to me that https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?advanced=1 | 09:28 |
poolie | with no status or importance set isn't equivalent to having them all set | 09:28 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150865 in malone "Don't word wrap CVE URLs in bug mails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150865 | 10:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150867 in malone "Advanced search page defaults are misleading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150867 | 11:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150881 in launchpad "It should be easier to find untranslated labels without any suggestion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150881 | 12:16 |
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doko | any rosetta people online? | 12:29 |
kompressor | doko, yay i use rosetta :) | 12:34 |
doko | kompressor: this time I need a dev | 12:35 |
kompressor | doko, oki | 12:35 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150898 in soyuz "PPA pollutes personal package pages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150898 | 01:21 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150901 in launchpad "need to log in twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150901 | 01:25 |
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pleia2 | I'm wondering if someone can help me out, we have an issue with one of the launchpad team sorely needing a couple more admins added | 02:17 |
pleia2 | I have a whole pile of info about the leader being missing, the team is moderated so they're quite concerned about this issue | 02:17 |
pleia2 | I can submit a bug if that's more appropriate | 02:18 |
Fujitsu | pleia2: Please ask a question on the launchpad project (ie. on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad), and an admin should be able to help you. | 02:21 |
pleia2 | Fujitsu: thanks | 02:21 |
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yeager | i noticed that the latest POT for gnome-screensaver hasn't been imported into LP | 03:57 |
jtv | yeager: the queue is very long at the moment. | 03:59 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150945 in launchpad "Searching for "Exaile" turns up empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150945 | 04:05 |
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yeager | jtv: yes, i noticed. this means that the screensaver options Leave message and Switch user will not be translated | 04:06 |
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Nafallo | add more hardware ;-) | 04:07 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150951 in launchpad "cannot import zope testbrowser from make harness" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150951 | 04:16 |
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effie_jayx | Can I report a mispelled word on a dialog as a bug? | 04:28 |
matsubara | effie_jayx: yes please | 04:28 |
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effie_jayx | I tried going into the translation of the app on launchpad... but it was hard finding that string... | 04:31 |
matsubara | effie_jayx: oh, you mean in a ubuntu application dialog? that should be filed against the package, I guess. | 04:32 |
effie_jayx | ajam | 04:32 |
effie_jayx | cool | 04:33 |
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effie_jayx | matsubara, can't file a bug against it | 04:42 |
effie_jayx | matsubara, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/dia/+filebug | 04:42 |
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matsubara | effie_jayx: try launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dia/+filebug | 04:44 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150962 in launchpad-bazaar "BugBranch does not have an owner" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150962 | 04:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150976 in soyuz "slave-scanner script failing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150976 | 05:16 |
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lamont | cprov-lunch: when you're back from lunch, I should be around... | 05:34 |
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cprov-lunch | lamont: ahh, great. brb | 05:34 |
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ubotu | New bug: #150988 in soyuz "queue-builder failing due duplicated entries in the DB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150988 | 05:45 |
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acuster | Hey all, my launchpad bzr(as svn mirror) test failed | 06:13 |
acuster | and it sent me here for more info | 06:13 |
acuster | how can I get more info? | 06:13 |
mwhudson | acuster: has it appeared on https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests ? | 06:18 |
ddaa | acuster: what is the Launchpad page of this svn mirror? | 06:22 |
acuster | https://launchpad.net/geotools-mirror/trunk | 06:24 |
acuster | reproducible error code | 06:24 |
acuster | 00020f58 | 06:25 |
ddaa | right | 06:25 |
ddaa | this import is probably not going to work on launchpad in the forseeable future | 06:25 |
ddaa | we have no idea what's the the cause of this error, and we do not have budgeted time to improve the conversion tool. | 06:26 |
ddaa | acuster: you should investigate running the mirror yourself, for example using bzr-svn. | 06:27 |
=== acuster notes there's no "where" line in the VCSImport requests page | ||
acuster | oh, I started with bzr-svn | 06:27 |
acuster | it ends in an inconsistent state | 06:27 |
=== acuster ponders his next move | ||
ddaa | you could try hacking launchpad-cscvs | 06:28 |
ddaa | it's the conversion tool launchpad uses, it's released code | 06:29 |
=== acuster would rather work on bzr-svn | ||
acuster | but actually, I'd rather work on my code | 06:29 |
ddaa | bzr-svn is harder, it has tricky data integrity issues | 06:29 |
ddaa | acuster: I understand that it's all a distraction for you | 06:30 |
acuster | is there any way to pull only the latest revision and start there? | 06:30 |
acuster | we might all be willing to ditch history | 06:30 |
ddaa | acuster: wait | 06:30 |
acuster | since we are at a major refactoring of the code anyhow | 06:30 |
acuster | today, or wait for cscvs to improve? | 06:31 |
ddaa | mh... if you're trying to make a transition (not a mirror) you could try svn2bzr. | 06:31 |
acuster | yeah, I'm trying to evaluate bzr | 06:31 |
ddaa | Otherwise, if you are willing to ditch the history, it's as simple as "bzr init; bzr add; bzr commit" | 06:31 |
acuster | so far it's been 'iffy' which is the last thing you want a rcs to be :-) | 06:31 |
ddaa | iffy? | 06:31 |
ddaa | acuster: It seems to ME that there's something wrong with your repository if it's breaking both launchpad and bzr-svn | 06:32 |
ddaa | (both code bases are completely independent) | 06:32 |
acuster | iffy in that I don't have a working bzr tree | 06:32 |
acuster | yes, could be | 06:32 |
acuster | our repository is ten years of coding | 06:33 |
acuster | and some *huge* test files | 06:33 |
acuster | Ideally we could ditch those in any transition | 06:33 |
acuster | no, that's not true | 06:33 |
acuster | svn is less old than that | 06:33 |
ddaa | acuster: if you just want a working tree without history | 06:33 |
ddaa | you could use the "hybrid tree" technique | 06:34 |
acuster | still, I wondering what bzr can handle | 06:34 |
ddaa | it's not pretty, but gets the job done | 06:34 |
acuster | can I look up that term? | 06:34 |
acuster | or is it yours | 06:34 |
acuster | or you mean a bzr and .svn tree? | 06:34 |
=== acuster has that :-) | ||
ddaa | right .bzr and .svn in the same tree | 06:34 |
ddaa | looking up the right bzr page | 06:34 |
AnMaster | hm what about tailor | 06:34 |
ddaa | oh, right or tailor | 06:35 |
acuster | but I didn't know if that could be expected to work right | 06:35 |
AnMaster | can't it transform svn to bzr? | 06:35 |
AnMaster | iirc I used that once for that | 06:35 |
ddaa | http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrMigration?highlight=%28conversion%29#head-45d1d93c64578685cc2c942204f8a31840a5fa67 | 06:35 |
AnMaster | indeed :) | 06:35 |
AnMaster | what was the url to tailor now again... hm google doesn't find it | 06:36 |
ddaa | Here you can find some useful patterns: http://bazaar-vcs.org/TrackingUpstream | 06:36 |
ddaa | tailor: http://progetti.arstecnica.it/tailor | 06:36 |
AnMaster | thanks | 06:36 |
AnMaster | <ddaa> acuster: It seems to ME that there's something wrong with your repository if it's breaking both launchpad and bzr-svn <-- so what happens using tailor? | 06:37 |
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ddaa | tailor is fairly simple-minded, so it might work better than more sophisticated tools on iffy repositories | 06:38 |
acuster | okay thanks. I'm on dialup for the next few weeks so I don't get to resolve tailor/svn2bzr tests now. | 06:38 |
acuster | perhaps I'll wander back if I get a clean bzr repository out of svn | 06:38 |
acuster | thanks and ciao | 06:38 |
AnMaster | btw, what is "iffy"? | 06:38 |
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acuster | in english? | 06:40 |
acuster | iffy is means that things are not certain. | 06:40 |
AnMaster | ah | 06:40 |
AnMaster | I'm not a native speaker | 06:40 |
acuster | there are lots of 'if's' around | 06:40 |
acuster | so it is if-y | 06:41 |
acuster | full of if's | 06:41 |
acuster | much like salt-y | 06:41 |
oojah | if ifs and ands were pots and pans, there'd be no need for tinkers. | 06:42 |
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Hobbsee | (it's not proper english, though - it's a colloquial) | 06:42 |
ddaa | http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=iffy | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | oh no, not that thing | 06:43 |
ddaa | acuster: working with bzr on the launchpad code base, i can tell you it's quite robust and reliable. | 06:43 |
ddaa | but then #bzr would be a better place to get bzr-specific help | 06:43 |
acuster | are there any repository size issues? | 06:44 |
acuster | that you know of | 06:44 |
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acuster | somehow asking on #bzr if their tool is not a heap of junk seems slight, errm, well, rude ;-) | 06:45 |
acuster | actually, its more that it seems inflamatory | 06:45 |
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ddaa | mh... maybe you should frame your issues better. The error that's causing the launchpad import to fail is a libsvn error... | 06:45 |
ddaa | so one could equally ask the same thing about svn... | 06:46 |
ddaa | in any case, as far as I can tell, you only have issues with conversion tools at this point | 06:46 |
acuster | indeed | 06:47 |
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ddaa | acuster: so you could use the approach described in http://bazaar-vcs.org/TrackingUpstream to dispense with conversion tools | 06:48 |
acuster | I trust svn just as little. (/me is very nervous about these revision control systems) | 06:48 |
acuster | yeah | 06:48 |
ddaa | that would allow you to evaluate bzr | 06:48 |
acuster | I think I'll try a hybrid to track trunk | 06:48 |
acuster | and branch off of that to do work | 06:48 |
ddaa | acuster: right, that's the way to do it | 06:48 |
acuster | thanks again | 06:49 |
ddaa | you're welcome | 06:51 |
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ubotu | New bug: #151014 in malone ""Also affects" distribution defaults to Baltix" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151014 | 07:15 |
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AnMaster | can I choose to not use launchpad for bugs for a specific project but only for bzr hosting and translations and such? | 08:05 |
AnMaster | we got our own bug tracker at our webpage that we prefer | 08:05 |
salgado | AnMaster, sure! are you the registrant of the project in launchpad? | 08:06 |
AnMaster | yes I am | 08:07 |
AnMaster | https://launchpad.net/envbot/ | 08:07 |
AnMaster | but I can't find where to make such settings | 08:07 |
AnMaster | salgado, as we use trac on website (where due to some reasons we can host main branch but not for most developers, it is rather complex hosting related reasons), we handle bugs there too | 08:08 |
AnMaster | ah think I found it at last | 08:08 |
AnMaster | as for translations, adding support for that is planned very shortly | 08:08 |
salgado | AnMaster, you should be able to change that on https://launchpad.net/envbot/+edit | 08:09 |
AnMaster | salgado, just found it a few seconds before | 08:09 |
AnMaster | thanks | 08:09 |
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mdke | danilos: around? | 08:17 |
AnMaster | something I find confusing is that I very often end up below some user rather than below some project when looking at branches | 08:17 |
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AnMaster | maybe I'm just used to project-centric systems like sourceforge rather than this that seems to be user-centric | 08:18 |
AnMaster | but is still confusing | 08:18 |
AnMaster | how does this with team work? | 08:21 |
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Kmos | how to remove a package from PPA ? | 08:54 |
Kmos | https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/12877 | 08:58 |
Kmos | i found it | 08:58 |
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Daviey | Hey, i pushed to PPA 5.5 hours and it isn't showing as queued.. Any ideas? | 09:05 |
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AnMaster | where do I find out about this "team" feature that is mentioned at adding "drivers" | 09:34 |
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AnMaster | how do I create one? | 09:36 |
stdin | AnMaster: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+newteam | 09:37 |
AnMaster | ah was not easy to find | 09:37 |
AnMaster | launchpad need easier to find docs | 09:37 |
stdin | yeah, I only know because I found it for someone a few days ago | 09:37 |
AnMaster | stdin, um, why does it say "edge" at the beginning? | 09:38 |
stdin | AnMaster: because I'm on the launchpad beta testers team, and edge is the development version, you can remove that bit if you want | 09:38 |
AnMaster | ah | 09:38 |
AnMaster | :) | 09:38 |
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