
lassegulkwwii: ill pick up the concept ideas and put them to Hardy/Alternate where each concept has its own page.12:29
lassegulkwwii: but some stuff is about how to organize the default desktop in hardy, and adding another colour option to the gtkcolourchooser etc. what do i do with them?12:30
kwwiiouch, yeah...looking at those pages makes it hard to decide12:31
kwwiimight be best to put the ideas into another page, as they do not fit what is going to be default (nothing I saw so far)12:32
kwwiinasty situation12:32
kwwiiprobably should have put some notice somewhere that the direction for Hardy is still coming12:33
kwwiiI kinda did that tonight though12:33
lassegulI like this one /!\12:33
kwwiiall the concept art stuff seems to be ready to move to alternate12:34
kwwiias it does not really fit the information that I have not posted yet :p12:34
lassegulive not seen this information12:34
lassegulthis could spare me some work12:34
kwwiilol, no because I have not posted it12:34
kwwiiI need to specifically define exactly what we want artistically speaking12:35
kwwiibut gutsy is not even out the door yet12:35
nothlitlassegul: no terlmann's is HardyIdeas lol12:35
lassegulnothlit: your work looks very similar :D12:35
kwwiidamn, this is a hard situation to deal with12:36
kwwiiwiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Ideas has some good ideas but I am not sure how many are good for Hardy yet12:36
lassegulhow about you make a hard decision here on what goes, and what doesnt and return a list to me?12:37
kwwiias far as the ConceptArt goes I would move them to Alternate for now...I do not want people to get the wrong idea and think that they should base their artwork on this12:37
kwwiiConceptArt sounds to official to me12:37
kwwiibetter to move it to Alternate or something else12:38
lasseguleverything goes into Alternate for now, and then you move what should be moved ok?12:38
kwwiinow you see why I was hesitant to start posting stuff about hardy so soon12:38
kwwiiok, sounds good12:38
lassegulok then12:38
kwwiibut put a notice on it that it is being moved so that we can create the offical pages12:39
kwwiinot that anyone thinks we are throwing away their ideas12:39
kwwiibut once we have posted the official design direction that might be much easier12:39
_MMA_Haha. Stolen. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming12:39
_MMA_/me runs from nothlit.12:39
nothlitlol i don't mind12:41
nothlittakes away your [[BR] ]  smugness ;p12:41
nothlit_MMA_: your art guidelines are both hilarious and awesome12:50
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_MMA_nothlit: Refresh my page. I think I 1-uped you. ;)01:05
nothlitthanks for grabbing the alignment code so i didn't have to find it :D01:07
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lassegulgood morning08:44
lassegulif anyone wants to check it out, the wiki was heavily reorganized last night. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming. (nothlit has even done magic)08:56
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KidProQuoHi, I want to change the title of my submission on the Hardy Heron artwork page to something a bit more descriptive. How do I go about that?09:20
coz_KidProQuo, I personally have no idea but would appreciate a link to the site :)09:21
coz_KidProQuo, thanks let me go there and look maybe I can find the answer you need :)09:21
KidProQuoEverything has been moved into their own sub page there from the ideas page.09:22
coz_KidProQuo, mm   I am not seeing any info on chaning anything it should be easily done if this is like a wiki09:23
KidProQuoIt is a wiki but since it's the name of a whole page that I want to replace, not just a heading within the page, I'm not sure what to do09:25
coz_KidProQuo, well I logged in and let me check out the options for changes hold on09:26
coz_KidProQuo, sorry  I havent submitted anything so I am probably not able to see any of the edit features avaiable09:28
KidProQuoNo worries, I'll wait until someone a bit more familiar with the system comes online.09:28
KidProQuoFailing everything else, I could just delete the page and make a new one with the proper title.09:29
KidProQuoCheers for trying anyway09:29
coz_KidProQuo, oh ok i guess that would work also    which one was your submission09:29
lassegulKidProQuo: you rename the page from the drop-down menuy09:30
KidProQuoah, thankyou09:31
lasseguli did that with about 10 000 pages last night *yawn*09:31
lassegulsorry if yours got a wierd name.09:31
lassegulPlease add your name to the concept description if it isnt already there. lots of these posts werent signed.09:32
KidProQuono worries. I just thought I'd give it a bit more descriptive title than it had09:32
lassegulwhich one is yours?09:32
KidProQuo'savanna' - the page formerly known as 'DifferentApproach'09:34
KidProQuowhich reminds me, those screenshots are a bit out of date. I should put the new lot up09:35
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lassegulnothlit: are you awake?11:16
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nothlitlassegul: yeah, what do you need02:48
nothlitlassegul: btw the platypus page has some stuff you didn't use in the reshuffle https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Platypus02:49
nothlitthe center tables for images, the attach list, the attach link for easy use, and the [[Include] ]  for the guidelines02:49
lassegulyeah I see that now.02:51
lassegulDoes that mean I must redo them all? :/02:51
nothlitnot if you don't feel like it02:52
nothlitbut replace the guidelines with the include02:52
nothlitso we can easily modify the guidelines02:52
lassegulOk. I will.02:52
nothlitotherwise we'll have to do it per page in the future lol02:52
lassegulprobably smart yes.02:52
lassegulI put the Hardy/Ideas and Hardy/ConceptArt in Attic, so they wouldnt be used anymore.02:53
lassegulbut is that the right place for them?02:53
nothlitif you're sure you've moved <everything> out of them02:53
lassegulnot the bug report/feature request.02:54
nothlitthen just clear the pages of content, and if we need do some recovery we can view the revision history02:54
nothlitand add #DEPRECATED02:54
lassegulthey are already in Attic but you want me to clear content as well? Why not just add deprecated?02:55
nothliti'd keep the pages for now (as in not delete them) just in case someone pops up and says we missed something02:55
nothlittry that first then02:55
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lassegulhow do I use #DEPRECATED ? Just add it to the top?02:56
lassegulthe "create new project page" is genious.02:59
nothlitlol, just browsing through syntax =p02:59
nothliti was looking for something else actually =/03:00
lassegulYeah but as long as people uses it, everything will be according to the standards.03:00
nothlitapparently doesn't exist in the exact form i was searching for03:00
lassegulthings like /DVDCover have gone to /Attic. Maybe I should put it back?03:03
nothlitoh, also, the template page is in the artwork category03:04
nothlitum, lemme take a second look at the page03:04
nothlityeah i guess put it back, feisty is supported for another generation and it might give other people ideas to do it themselves03:06
lassegulwhat about those panel theming concepts? Its not like they are connected to Hardy in any way, but they are timeless enough03:07
lassegul(but so are some of the themes there, I guess)03:07
lassegulnah, theyll stay in the attic. They havent been touched by others than terlmann in a long while03:08
nothlitlassegul: btw, my community theme page isn't pregutsy ;p, but it is still old03:08
nothlitEverything pre-Gutsy has now gone to /Attic03:10
lassegulok, so we should rename it to prehardy then? That will be correct wont it?03:10
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nothlitsorry, dc03:19
nothlitJust say Everything not current has been moved to Attic03:20
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nothliti'm going to revert GutsyIdeas back to its old location ok? i think people will still want to look at it for now03:25
lassegulsounds good. starting to edit the alternate pages with dynamic guidelines.03:26
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nothlit`alphalassegul: i added previous/next links and a siblings navigation at the top as well03:39
=== nothlit`alpha runs away from the now driven crazy lassegul
lassegulwow. thats so cool.03:40
lasseguldont run!03:40
lassegulIll get it in. Anything else you want before I start editing again :)03:41
nothlit`alphayeah, if the wiki wakes up lol03:45
nothlit`alphait freezes for minutes, especially on changing preferences03:46
lassegulwhats the idea?03:47
lassegulwhat else are you planning on adding?03:47
nothlit`alphatable of contents and reformatting it so it fits better there03:52
nothlit`alphadone now i hope03:52
nothlit`alphabulleted comments03:54
nothlit`alphaits fine go ahead, if there are small improvements along the way so what03:54
nothlit`alphathe other pages are still good03:54
lassegullooks good. ill add the attachement list as well and bulleted comments.03:54
lasseguland imagetable etc.03:55
lassegulhold on a sec. the navigation on the top shows Incoming, not Incoming/Alternate. Shouldnt it do that?03:56
nothlit`alphaarg, the wiki is annoying, this delay in edit syncing shows funny things sometimes03:56
nothlit`alphathe navigation will show alternate when the page is in alternate03:57
nothlit`alphathe template isn't03:57
nothlit`alphait shows siblings, the templates siblings are the things in incoming03:57
lassegulah right. im forgetting its a redirect.03:57
lassegulI dont like the image table though. :S03:58
nothlit`alphait keeps the images and fullsize/source links organised though, another example of it being used it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming04:00
nothlit`alphalol, look at what the top of this page says https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Attic/HardyIdeas04:01
lassegulyes i see. But its a pain in the ass to add them to every picture in here, and are you really sure people will use it? I think the more wiki syntax editing people must use, the more messy its going to get.04:02
lasseguli came i saw i giggled.04:02
nothlit`alphai never noticed that before04:03
nothlit`alphaif they won't  use it they'll delete it04:03
nothlit`alphathats fine if they keep it organised anyways04:03
nothlit`alphabut if they want to use its there for them04:03
nothlit`alphaif you want i can put ##comment in about the table use being optional04:04
nothlit`alphabut, otherwise people just do it row by row like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Attic/ConceptArt04:04
lassegulok im with you. wanna split this task with me? You start in this end  /GTK2Idea1 and ill do the one before that one04:05
nothlit`alphaoooh ,the next meeting is set04:06
lasseguls/the one/those/04:07
nothlitkwwii: so the meeting is during the last day of UDS?04:08
nothlitlame wiki system... the original ideas page is gone... i moved it to Artwork/Incoming/Attic/Hardy/Ideas, but for some reason it existed in both places, so i deleted the Attic/Ideas and kept Attic/Hardy/Ideas, but they're both gone now04:10
nothlitprobably in some weird wiki sync04:10
nothlitlassegul: ok starting at GTK2Idea1 and moving down the list04:11
lassegulnothlit: great!04:11
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kwwiinothlit: not necessarily, I just put that up so that some meeting was somehow planned04:16
kwwiiwe might do it one day in advance04:17
kwwiior perhaps a couple of days later04:17
kwwiiwe could also change the time so that other people have a chance to join04:17
lassegulkwwii: you probably shouldnt let a date that is possibly wrong be public for too long :P04:18
nothliti thought you had VoIP planned? or just stick to irc04:19
nothlitlassegul: i also added example comments, * Comment 1 * Comment 204:20
kwwiilassegul: yeah, probably not04:21
kwwiiI'll send an email to the list04:21
lassegulnothlit: why must you always do better than me! :P04:23
lassegulhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/FreshTheme lol this didnt go so well.04:23
nothlitlassegul: i'm just more accustomed to the wiki and i can't stop the incessant tweaking04:23
nothlitlol, well its fixable =p04:24
nothlitlassegul: psst, the Fullsize link goes in a second row of the table under the images =p04:25
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : Next team meeting Nov 2nd 17:00UTC :: Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://w
nothlitbtw bullet points need a space before the * or it becomes an ordinary asterisk04:26
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:kwwii] : Next team meeting sometime around Nov 2nd 17:00UTC :: Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy
nothlitlassegul: you have guidelines twice and the = = don't match04:27
lassegulnothlit: I should do this when im not working at the same time. Ill clean up my mistakes, then leave it either for you to fix the rest, or when i get home tonight. This just leaves a mess.04:30
nothlitsorry for the nagging lol04:31
lassegulnothlit: no no, of course, this must be done right.04:33
nothlitkwwii: what do we do about damians wallpaper rules? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/WallpaperRules declare them canon? or leave them until you find time to edit it04:39
kwwiinothlit: I like the basics of what is there but I do not agree with them all04:44
kwwiiso no, they are not canonical, so to speak :p04:44
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lassegulok. ill leave for a meeting. See you all later tonight.04:55
=== kwwii is off to parent-teacher night at school
_MMA_kwwii: Hit me up when you're back.05:28
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lassegulnothlit: you mind checking the syntax on this for me?08:53
lassegulnothlit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Animals08:53
thorwillassegul: interesting concept. i think the 3 flares on the bottom are too much - they get in a fight with the bird over the viewers attention ;)08:57
lassegulthorwil: its not mine, im just concerned of the wiki syntax08:58
lassegulthorwil: but i agree :)08:58
lassegulthorwil: im having trouble with the || || syntax to make tables.08:58
thorwillassegul: now that you say ... who's is it, or rather shouldn't that page state that clearly?08:59
nothlitlassegul: contributions is top level, and you left a trailing space08:59
nothlityou're missing the attach file link in contributions as well09:00
lassegulthorwil: it should, but when they dont attach their name to it in the first place it takes some time to get through the revision logs to see who actually uploaded it.09:00
nothlitand you have leading spaces making funny tabs09:00
lassegulnothlit: im correcting that as we speak09:00
lassegulnothlit: funny tabs?09:01
lassegulnothlit: nm, i understand, but that isnt the reason. look i fixed it now, but the same table appears.09:03
nothlitlassegul: nm, i fixed it--you forgot about the trailing spaces and watching the concept and reference levels too09:50
lassegulnothlit: didnt I fix that?09:50
nothlitlassegul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/Animals?action=diff09:51
lasseguli see.09:51
nothlitanyways, i paste in a bare template to a text editor, and then paste in the text from the working page09:51
nothlitthat way i can't make mistakes as easily09:52

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