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tonyyarussoryanakca: you around?01:42
ryanakcatonyyarusso: yes01:43
pleia2evening tonyyarusso!01:43
tonyyarussoryanakca: I had a pondering01:43
tonyyarussohey pleia2 !01:43
ryanakcatonyyarusso: I finally added you to the team01:43
=== tonyyarusso just saw
tonyyarussoDoes Canonical ever offer hosting and web sites for projects other than LoCo teams, or are we just supposed to use the wiki?01:43
ryanakcaI dunno...01:43
pleia2approved 3rd party teams can get webspace01:44
ryanakcaask them in their sysadmins channel... which has been idle for the past year01:44
=== ryanakca nods
tonyyarussonah, I've seen activity in sysadmin01:44
tonyyarussojust not lots01:44
tonyyarussoThe reason I ask is because I've been reading up on Drupal for a completely unrelated purpose, and thought some things about it sounded like they could be useful to us.01:45
=== ryanakca nods
=== ryanakca has no drupal experience, but I'd love to learn...
ryanakcafile an RT01:45
=== pleia2 is supposed to be learning drupal, but has not been motivated enough
tonyyarussoAre we "approved"?01:46
pleia2nope, don't even have a mailing list yet01:46
ryanakcaeven though I filed it several weeks ago...01:46
tonyyarussopleia2: I just bought "Building Online Communities with Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress" from Apress.  It's really good for the "I don't know anything yet and need to get off the ground" crowd.01:47
pleia2I might have to pester Apress for a "review copy"01:47
tonyyarussoI also go "Pro Drupal Development", which will be the next step, but substantially more complex.01:47
=== popey notes he got added too :)
pleia2welcome popey!01:47
popeytonyyarusso: yes, non-locos can get hosting01:47
ryanakcapopey: yep :)01:47
popeyi run the screencast team and we have our (drupal) site hosted by canonical01:48
tonyyarussopopey: 'k, cool01:48
pleia2popey: is your team approved?01:48
tonyyarussopleia2: Yeah, I need to start doing that.  I just signed up our LoCo for the user group programs with Apress and O'Reilly.01:48
popeyuhm, no :)01:48
tonyyarussoAnd then went out and spent $185 on their books at Barnes & Noble anyway :S01:48
popeymaybe i should add it to the schedule for approval01:48
pleia2tonyyarusso: O'Reilly is great if you actually write reviews, they'll nag you about asking for more books!01:48
tonyyarussopleia2: That's not so bad - it would be good to be reminded01:49
pleia2popey: cool, so even unapproved teams can have space, how did you go about getting it?01:49
popeyi kinda got it by the back door01:49
popeyi suspect that we are not the best example01:50
pleia2ah, sneaky popey :)01:50
popeyi note the mythbuntu people have also asked for hosting01:50
popeydunno if they got it yet01:50
pleia2I think the mythbuntu people had some trouble and they're approved, I just wondered if they didn't take the proper routes01:50
ryanakcahmm... can you just randomly decide to review, even though you've never done so before? I guess they take your credit card number, send you the book, and if you don't publish the review by x date, they charge you for it?01:50
popeyryanakca: if you need drupal help, just shout01:50
pleia2ryanakca: you say you're a LUG, give them your URL, they send you free books01:50
popeyi run a few drupal sites01:50
ryanakcapleia2: cool01:51
pleia2ryanakca: nothing so formal as asking for a credit card :)01:51
pleia2if you don't review, oh well, but if you do - you get more! and they like yoU!01:51
=== ryanakca wonders if they accept one person LUGs
ryanakcawe had one... but it's been dead for the past 3-4 years01:51
popeyryanakca: had one what?01:51
ryanakcaKingston Linux User Group :)01:52
popeyKingston in..?01:52
ryanakcaKLUG... http://www.klug.on.ca/01:52
ryanakcaontario, canada01:52
popeythere is a Kingston near me :)01:52
tonyyarussoryanakca: just do it through Canada01:52
popeythat's why I wondered01:52
ryanakcathey've added counters to the website... but haven't held any meetings01:53
=== popey helps with UK LUGs
ryanakcatonyyarusso: yeah, CALUG... and... the lug address is my house...01:53
tonyyarussoryanakca: I meant Ubuntu Canada01:53
ryanakcaAh... but, how would we share the books...01:53
ryanakcawould cost an arm and a leg on shipping from eastern canada to BC01:53
pleia2gosh, we are so off topic, people are actually here, I want to talk -classroom! :)01:54
=== popey wondered why he was added to the lp team actually :)
tonyyarussoryanakca: They don't have to ship to BC, so it depends on who wants it ;)01:54
popeynot that I mind01:54
pleia2popey: we're trying to relaunch classroom01:54
ryanakcapopey: because you applied?01:54
popeyi did!?01:54
tonyyarussoI was just pondering about site stuff for scheduling and posting logs and whatnot - drupal would work well01:54
popeymust have been last time round :)01:54
popeytonyyarusso: what's wrong with the wiki?01:55
pleia2the wiki is great for now, but moving forward something more dynamic would be nice01:55
popeydrupal has a nice calendar system01:55
tonyyarussopopey: well, eventually it gets limiting, particularly in the scheduling area.  The upload/linking files capability leaves something to be desired too.01:55
ryanakcanope, sept 30th01:55
popeywe use it on the fridge01:55
pleia2if someone wants to put effort into getting us hosting, that's cool01:55
pleia2right now I'm sort of looking to focus on content more01:55
=== ryanakca nods
popeyif it's just a drupal site I don't mind hosting it01:56
pleia2I don't know if it's a secret or not, but ubuntu open week is being scheduled01:56
tonyyarussoI'm sort of in CMS-studying mode, since this is one of four(?) areas I'm looking into it for01:56
=== pleia2 hides from jono if it's a secret ;)
tonyyarussopleia2: yay!01:56
=== popey has noted the changes to the prep page
popeyhandy page to be subscribed to :)01:56
tonyyarussopopey: name?01:57
tonyyarussooh, just UbuntuOpenWeek01:57
popeypleia2: did you want a domain, (ubuntuclassroom.org) or just a subdomain (classroom.ubuntu.com) or something else?01:58
tonyyarussopleia2: haha, how would you have found out?  By asking about running a U-W session perhaps?01:58
pleia2popey: either one01:59
tonyyarussopopey: classroom. is more elegant and uniform01:59
pleia2tonyyarusso: Jono asked me to run the UW one01:59
tonyyarussopleia2: ah, that works too01:59
pleia2mmm, so what else to talk about?02:01
=== ryanakca shrugs...
ryanakcawho we going to get to teach?02:02
ryanakcasame people as last year or?02:02
tonyyarussoDo we want to try to have any sessions before open week, or just start up right away after?02:02
tonyyarussoWill we be doing any classroom sessions ourselves?02:02
pleia2tonyyarusso: start up after02:02
tonyyarusso(for ow)02:02
ryanakcabit of both... I might post something on planet asking for volunteers02:02
tonyyarussoryanakca: I'm thinking of asking for one volunteer from each LoCo.02:03
pleia2ryanakca: I think we can go through the presenters from last year and see if any are interested in doing their class again02:03
jribare you planning on new topics or the same?02:03
tonyyarussosome of each I suppose02:03
pleia2yeah, some of each02:04
tonyyarussonew ones would be better, but harder02:04
ryanakcaI'd go for pretty much the same, but if we think up of anything new, sure02:04
pleia2I also liked that MOTU is doing sessions in here02:04
pleia2need to get more teams to do Q&A sessions that we promote02:04
ryanakcaAnd, do we keep the same model, beginner-intermediate-advanced courses, or alternate between beginner-advanced type thing?02:04
tonyyarussoSo, s/each LoCo/each LoCo and team/02:04
pleia2tonyyarusso: yeah02:04
pleia2ryanakca: I think we can sort of alternate, based on availability02:05
tonyyarussoryanakca: not sure it has to be structured, as long as there is a mix of everything02:05
ryanakcaalso, umm... if you can hunt down the logs of the 2 person meeting gnomefreak and I had in #ubuntu-meeting a while back, we had lots of good points/ideas/etc in there02:05
ryanakcaFebruary-ish methinks02:05
pleia2where are logs from here kept?02:05
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs - See also !OpenWeek02:05
popeylooks like older logs are purged02:07
pleia2they're in the archives/ directory02:08
pleia2well it wasn't feburary :)02:10
tonyyarussoryanakca: timestamp?02:12
=== ryanakca scratches his head
tonyyarussoyour conversation02:13
tonyyarussowhere's it start?02:13
tonyyarussooh yeah, I think I read this before02:13
=== ryanakca works on homework while you guys read it... or while pleia reads it...
ryanakcaping me when you're done02:14
=== merriam [n=merriam@85-211-143-106.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== pleia2 sees where tonyyarusso's idea of "reminding presenters" comes in :)
tonyyarussoanother nifty part with drupal - that could be automated potentially02:22
jroeshas there been any thought to ubuntu classroom screencasts?02:22
jroesI would say google-style lecture videos probably wouldn't be worth it, but a screencast with running commentary sounds neat02:23
ryanakcapleia2: see Classroom/Guidelines02:23
popeylike http://screencasts.ubuntu.com jroes ?02:23
tonyyarussojroes: There is a separate screencast team right now02:23
=== popey waves from the screencast team
tonyyarussoPerhaps there would be some cause for helping them work together, but classroom has always been irc-oriented so far02:23
jroesgood one :)02:24
popeyi completely agree02:24
jroesI like the irc format too though02:24
jroeshmm.  I didn't realize that most of this is geared towards using ubuntu02:24
jroesis there anything geared toward learning how to contribute?02:24
pleia2ryanakca: nice02:25
ryanakcajroes: there's open week02:25
popeynot yet from the screencast team jroes, no, but that's a big part of the open week02:26
popeyoh :)02:26
=== jroes googles open week
=== popey needs to learn to type quicker
pleia2jroes: see topic02:26
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek jroes02:26
=== jroes smacks self
pleia2ok, I need to sneak out02:27
=== pleia2 has a toothache, which has turned into a not so fun headache!
pleia2dentist on wednesday...02:27
pleia2stupid wisdom teeth02:27
pleia2and I'm 26! I'm too old for this ;)02:28
=== popey is 35 and I haven't had my wisdoms come yet
ryanakcasee yah pleia202:28
pleia2ok, nite02:28
ryanakcahehe... *feels young*02:28
=== ryanakca heads back to his homework
popeytime for bed methinks.. nn all02:29
ryanakcanight popey02:29
jroeshm, oct 22 and an empty schedule?  did dholbach2 just accidentally kill the schedule or is that from the previous open week?02:29
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep jroes02:29
jroesexcellent, that is going to be an interesting week :)02:30
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pleia2popey: congrats :)08:48
popeythanks :S08:49
popeykinda talked myself out of becoming official there :)08:49
pleia2heh :)08:51
popeywell if we get a blog post out of mark, that'll help :)08:51
pleia2making it through a CC meeting even if you don't get an approval is fine (:08:52
pleia2your project is great08:52
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