tkamppeter | teprrr I have got them and answered to the kernel bug report. There is another kernel USB problem which can be similar or the same. On that other one I got already one promising answer which can lead to this milestoned bug getting fixed in Gutsy. | 12:35 |
teprrr | tkamppeter, ah. I see, great | 12:36 |
tkamppeter | I hope I get answers from some other Brother users. | 12:37 |
teprrr | hmm, brother has the same problem? I thought spl is samsung-only thing :P | 12:41 |
teprrr | (about the spl error, for sure) | 12:41 |
teprrr | don't know about the kernel one.. | 12:41 |
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teprrr | something is wrong in udev(?) as it doesn't want to create dev entry for my printer.. but haven't had time to investigate and I'm running dapper/edgy kernel myself and my system is quite borked atm | 12:42 |
teprrr | waiting for a new comp and clean install :) | 12:42 |
tkamppeter | teprrr. the other bug is that Brother printers sometimes disappear or show only a partial device ID. Your Samsung seems to have disappeared sometimes, too. The SPL error is another bug which I have already fixed earlier by packaging the newest SPL version. | 12:42 |
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tkamppeter | teprrr, for the SpliX package for old Ubuntu versions you can also take the LSB package from OpenPrinting. This is also the latest version. | 12:44 |
teprrr | tkamppeter, hmm. the spl bug was caused by a firmware bug in the printer, right? and it was fixed in never splix I think | 12:44 |
teprrr | ahh, that's nice to hear :) | 12:44 |
tkamppeter | Yes, that is the case. Software workaround for hardware bug. At manufacturers very common. | 12:45 |
teprrr | will test one from openprinting soon. forcing gutsy package in didn't do good for my other upgrades ;) | 12:45 |
teprrr | yup | 12:45 |
teprrr | I haven't seen this printer disappearing or showing partial devid, but for some reason it doesn't get the /dev entry at all | 12:45 |
teprrr | but the error could be anywhere.. | 12:45 |
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superm1 | bryce, cjwatson i verified that adding '^xserver-xorg/' to the copy_debconf function in ubiquity does work for fix bulletproofx on the mythbuntu disks. | 12:47 |
superm1 | so i wouldn't suspect any other conflicts from ubuntu disks by committing it | 12:48 |
tkamppeter | Does the workaround with the USB suspend in the kernel bug report help you? | 12:49 |
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teprrr | tkamppeter, hmm, you mean appending that line to sysfs.conf? | 01:01 |
teprrr | tkamppeter, I'm not running gutsy at least, but hmm | 01:01 |
teprrr | tkamppeter, and using kernel: Linux tuli 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:01 |
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tkamppeter | Did not take into account that you are running a much older kernel. Perhaps the same problem exists there, too, but otherwise, it can be needed when you switch to Gutsy in the next days. | 01:03 |
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teprrr | tkamppeter, yup, well, it'll take sometime until I get a new machine and will do clean install on it | 01:04 |
teprrr | I think gutsy will be released much before that | 01:04 |
teprrr | though I'd like to wait for HH, but doubt I can live with this piece of .. that long | 01:06 |
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tkamppeter | teprrr. HH is an LTS, this will fit your needs better. | 01:07 |
teprrr | but well, time to have some sleep. thank you for this nice chat :) | 01:07 |
teprrr | tkamppeter, yup, that's why I'm waiting for it actually | 01:08 |
tkamppeter | teprrr, and thanks for the hint with the bug reports, it can perhaps fix a very ugly one (the one with the Brother printers). | 01:09 |
teprrr | yup, no problem and good night o/ | 01:10 |
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pitti | rebuilding new CDs now | 02:38 |
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ScottK | pitti: Are you up for doing a sync while you wait for the CDs to rebuild? | 02:43 |
pitti | ScottK: can do | 02:43 |
ScottK | Bug #148548 if you wouldn't mind... | 02:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 148548 in gnucash-docs "Please sync gnucash-docs (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 02:43 |
ScottK | It'd be nice to have the docs match up to the installed package ;-) | 02:44 |
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bddebian | pfft :-) | 02:44 |
ScottK | bddebian: Well people do accuse me of being "detail oriented". | 02:44 |
bddebian | :-) | 02:45 |
jroes | oh, is the dancer going counterclockwise for you then? | 02:46 |
jroes | ;) | 02:46 |
pitti | ScottK: done | 02:47 |
ScottK | pitti: Thanks. | 02:47 |
RAOF | Why can't mvo stay permanently connected in here? Now I'll have to use launchpad to tell him that his compiz fix isn't ;) | 02:50 |
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pitti | new alternates are up, ubuntu live up, rest of live are building; ISO tracker updated, please go wild and test | 03:21 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:pitti] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | | See #ubuntu-bugs for | Gutsy release freeze in effect | Please test the RC candidates: | ||
StevenK | pitti: Wow | 03:26 |
pitti | hi StevenK | 03:26 |
StevenK | pitti: Also double-wow, based on the time there. :-) | 03:26 |
=== pitti yawns | ||
StevenK | pitti: virtualbox-ose-modules 2 uploaded, if you can push The Big Red Shiny Button to let it in at your leisure. | 03:33 |
pitti | StevenK: at it | 03:35 |
pitti | good night everyone; I'll sleep a bit longer tomorrow morning, so don't expect me at my usual early-morning-bird time :) | 03:36 |
ion_ | Night | 03:36 |
ScottK | good night pitti. | 03:36 |
StevenK | Night pitti | 03:37 |
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superm1 | keescook, you around? | 05:28 |
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m1ke | Will the kernel have xpad integrated? | 05:32 |
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pwnguin | m1ke: modprobe xpad worked on my gutsy laptop | 05:37 |
pwnguin | I don't have hardware to test with | 05:37 |
m1ke | wired or wireless controller? | 05:38 |
pwnguin | i dont have either | 05:38 |
pwnguin | i do have the wiimote working though ;) | 05:38 |
m1ke | Well I know this isn't the appropriate help channel, but I have tried ever tutorial out there to get a xbox 360 wireless controller to work with no luck. I was reading a bug.launchpad thread that was talking about adding in the xpad into current/future kernels. | 05:39 |
pwnguin | well here's the deal. if it doesn't work right now with gutsy, it'll have to wait until hardy, as there's only like a week left and much more critical things to fix | 05:41 |
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=== pwnguin is thankful Nintendo went with a relatively open set of protocols | ||
pwnguin | exit | 05:47 |
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defcon | ralink based cards still dont work in gutsy | 06:07 |
defcon | isnt wireless cards high priority for gutsy? | 06:08 |
frostburn | they usually dont work because there is no published api | 06:09 |
frostburn | from the chipset makers | 06:10 |
Hobbsee | i thought ralink's were open sourced. | 06:10 |
Hobbsee | i thought they also got picked up | 06:10 |
defcon | yes they are | 06:10 |
defcon | they are open source and work in every other distro | 06:11 |
defcon | just not ubuntu | 06:11 |
defcon | search launchpad bugs for rt73 or ralink | 06:11 |
defcon | tons of problems | 06:11 |
=== Hobbsee would suggest #ubuntu-kernel, a sthey're the kernel people (but probably arent awake yet) | ||
defcon | it seems for the past 2 years they have ignored these cards | 06:12 |
defcon | how can they not see the bugs in launchpad? | 06:12 |
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nemik | for some reason i think my x11 got recompiled with the xcb option, how can i put it back? | 06:16 |
m1ke | pwnguin, are you a dev? | 06:29 |
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pwnguin | m1ke: not a kernel dev, no | 06:40 |
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m1ke | pwnguin, you are a gamer? | 06:41 |
pwnguin | yes | 06:42 |
pwnguin | just not halo | 06:42 |
pwnguin | therefore, i have no xbox controllers | 06:43 |
m1ke | Halo3 is amazing | 06:43 |
ion_ | xjump is, too. | 06:44 |
pwnguin | i dont think this's the place for this conversation | 06:44 |
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kagou | Good morning | 07:50 |
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dholbach | good morning | 08:17 |
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kagou | hey dholbach | 08:26 |
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dholbach | hey kagou | 08:29 |
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mdke | cjwatson: is for you, I suspect | 08:51 |
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soren | Eeek! I just tried the alternate installer on real hardware. At some point (fairly soon after "Running tasksel") the display became completely messed up (as in video memory corruption messed up). | 09:29 |
tepsipakki | soren: intel? | 09:29 |
soren | Yup | 09:29 |
tepsipakki | hmm, I thought that was fixed already | 09:30 |
soren | This is a fresh daily alternate. | 09:31 |
soren | tepsipakki: Anything I can do to work around it for now? | 09:31 |
tepsipakki | soren: disable framebuffer IIRC | 09:33 |
tepsipakki | although that means you don't get usplash without putting that manually on grub menu.lst | 09:34 |
soren | I think I can mange that. :) | 09:34 |
tepsipakki | heh | 09:35 |
soren | tepsipakki: Is there anything I can do to help get it fixed? | 09:35 |
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tepsipakki | soren: well, I'm not familiar with that bug, been concentrating on ati lately :) | 09:35 |
tepsipakki | but let me check the bug | 09:36 |
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soren | tepsipakki: Which package has the bug? | 09:40 |
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soren | Is it X trying to autoconfig that messes it up? | 09:41 |
tepsipakki | soren: I'm trying to find out.. I guess it was xresprobe | 09:41 |
soren | Looks like it. | 09:41 |
soren | * xresprobe: Fix issue in alternate installation for Intel gfx laptops resulting in screen to be replaced by flashing colored blocks, by making xresprobe use ddcprobe instead of xprobe for laptops using the -intel driver. (Closes LP: #127008 and many, many duplicates) | 09:41 |
tepsipakki | hmm, that's not yet passed the queue? | 09:42 |
soren | Yes. | 09:42 |
soren | I'll check what's on the CD. | 09:42 |
soren | 0.4.24ubuntu5 | 09:43 |
soren | Which should have the fix. | 09:43 |
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tepsipakki | soren: indeed | 09:47 |
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davmor2 | bryce: ping | 09:50 |
tepsipakki | davmor2: he's most likely asleep ;) | 09:54 |
soren | slacker :) | 09:55 |
davmor2 | tepsipakki: to be honest I thought he would be which is why I pingged to check :( I'll speak with him tonight | 09:56 |
tepsipakki | soren: :) | 09:57 |
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slangasek | mvo: ping | 09:57 |
mvo | slangasek: good morning | 10:01 |
superm1 | hey mvo | 10:01 |
slangasek | mvo: hi. is release-upgrader currently set to useDevelopmentRelease=False? | 10:02 |
mvo | slangasek: let me check | 10:02 |
slangasek | thx | 10:02 |
mvo | slangasek: m = MetaReleaseCore(useDevelopmentRelease=False) | 10:03 |
slangasek | mvo: great, thank you | 10:03 |
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pitti | Good morning | 10:05 |
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geser | Hi pitti | 10:09 |
superm1 | mvo, i attempted using the other line you had recommended, but no difference : things still hung. just to rule it out, i remastered a disk today with unionfs 1.4 (since BenC uploaded it to lum), same thing | 10:12 |
\sh | pitti, keescook: please review security issues in dircproxy (fixed versions for dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy) thx | 10:15 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150848 in dircproxy "[CVE-2007-5226] dircproxy segfault on blank /me" [Undecided,New] | 10:15 |
mvo | superm1: ok, thanks. is the current image avialable somewhere? I will give it another go | 10:18 |
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superm1 | mvo, i'll generate it on our webserver rather than push it all up again and wait for our slow upload so that you can have it with all current packages | 10:20 |
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mvo | ok | 10:22 |
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pitti | mvo: apt change looks good, accepting | 10:32 |
mvo | thanks pitti | 10:35 |
=== soren -> coffee | ||
=== \sh <- BYOD aka Build Your Own Distri | ||
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pitti | soren: how much testing did the new l-u-m with vmware modules get, and on how many arches has it been build-tested? | 10:43 |
pitti | soren: I'm not happy about introducing it into l-u-m at this point, but since it's what we have in the queue, and I don't have the skills to separate it from the bug fixes, I'd like to make sure in advance | 10:44 |
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superm1 | mvo, | 10:45 |
superm1 | mvo, again to reproduce, the way i typically do it is just pick advanced and change a ton of items from their default behavior. (With those two lines commenting out, this testing strategy works) | 10:47 |
=== mvo downloads | ||
superm1 | i better go take a nap for a few hours, it's getting late here :). i'll touch bases with you when i get up | 10:48 |
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superm1 | mvo, and the interesting file is /usr/share/ubiquity/ lines 1418 and 1529 for do_install and do_remove respectively | 10:50 |
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superm1 | those two lines are reached between 94 and 95 percent | 10:50 |
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pitti | hi Keybuk | 10:54 |
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mvo | pitti: plesae reject my translations_main_20071009.tar.gz ddtp upload, this one is bogus, rosetta send something unexpetecd when I requested the export | 10:58 |
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mjg59 | #68370 actually looks like a server bug, as far as I can tell | 10:59 |
pitti | mvo: done | 10:59 |
mjg59 | The server is calling DeviceOn even after the vt has switched | 11:00 |
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mvo | pitti: thanks | 11:02 |
cjwatson_ | mjg59: the touchpad tap-to-click disable thing doesn't seem to be working for me any more; where should I start in investigating this? | 11:03 |
mjg59 | cjwatson_: Hm. Seems to be working here. | 11:03 |
mjg59 | Any errors in ~/.xsession-errors ? | 11:04 |
cjwatson_ | I've suspended/resumed recently, but IIRC it didn't work on the most recent couple of boots either | 11:04 |
cjwatson_ | mjg59: lots of rubbish, what should I look for? | 11:04 |
mjg59 | Any mention of pad | 11:04 |
cjwatson_ | no | 11:04 |
mjg59 | Ok | 11:04 |
mjg59 | And gnome-settings-daemon is running? | 11:05 |
cjwatson_ | yes | 11:05 |
mjg59 | Ok. | 11:05 |
cjwatson_ | I'm assuming that my touchpad isn't a core pointer ... | 11:05 |
mjg59 | Mm? | 11:05 |
cjwatson_ | the synaptics entry in xorg.conf has SendCoreEvents but not CorePointer, but I'm not sure how to check that that's really the device corresponding to my touchpad | 11:06 |
mjg59 | Ok, that should be fine | 11:06 |
cjwatson_ | wasn't the synaptics stuff disabled for corepointers? | 11:06 |
mjg59 | Yes | 11:06 |
mjg59 | But SendCoreEvents doesn't make it a core pointer | 11:06 |
cjwatson_ | ok | 11:06 |
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StevenK | pitti: Morning. Can you accept my virtualbox-ose-modules 2 upload? :-) | 11:07 |
pitti | StevenK: done earlier; sorry | 11:07 |
StevenK | pitti: Quite alright, thanks. :-) | 11:08 |
StevenK | pitti: I daresay you had other things on your mind when you quit IRC earlier - like how much you miss your bed. :-) | 11:08 |
pitti | indeed :/ | 11:08 |
pitti | StevenK: it wasn't in the queue yet when you asked first, and then I just forgot about it :( | 11:09 |
=== StevenK nods. | ||
StevenK | pitti: It's fine, like you said yesterday, we have plenty of time to fix universe stuff. | 11:09 |
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mantiena-baltix | Riddell, hi, are you kde-guidance/displayconfig-gtk maintainer in Ubuntu ? | 11:10 |
mantiena-baltix | there are big problems with displayconfig-gtk or guidance-backends in Ubuntu Gutsy :( | 11:12 |
Riddell | mantiena-baltix: I package it, glatzor does most of the maintaining | 11:12 |
Riddell | (he's not here just now) | 11:12 |
Riddell | what sort of problems? | 11:13 |
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mantiena-baltix | Riddell, one of the biggest problems is, that generated xorg.conf contains wrong line "Virtual H V" | 11:22 |
mantiena-baltix | look at description of bug #139027 and last comment in bug #137517 | 11:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139027 in displayconfig-gtk "Screens & Graphics not setting correct resolution" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137517 in displayconfig-gtk "[Gutsy] displayconfig-gtk configures my 22" 1680x1050 LCD panel wrong." [Undecided,Incomplete] | 11:23 |
Riddell | mantiena-baltix: sounds like a job for glatzor, please e-mail him ( and CC me (~jr) | 11:23 |
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mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Why would the virtual line matter? | 11:24 |
mantiena-baltix | I've tested on several CRT monitors and newer get correct results - virtual screen was always bigger than choosed resolution :( | 11:24 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59: look at description of bug #139027 | 11:26 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139027 in displayconfig-gtk "Screens & Graphics not setting correct resolution" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:26 |
soren | pitti: Woot! I've just booted my laptop after reinstalling it using the autocryptolvm stuff. It worked like a charm! | 11:27 |
mantiena-baltix | When Virtual is bigger, than selected resolution then only part of desktop is visible, user should move mouse towards edge of screen to see that the window could pan and scroll the missing portion into view. | 11:28 |
pitti | soren: :) | 11:28 |
cjwatson_ | soren: ++ | 11:29 |
soren | pitti: I've build-tested it on i386. They're only built for the -virtual flavour on i386. | 11:29 |
pitti | ok | 11:29 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, almost all commenters tells the same - read for example and later comments | 11:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139027 in displayconfig-gtk "Screens & Graphics not setting correct resolution" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:31 |
mantiena-baltix | Riddell, why you think, that this problem is not in guidance-backends, but in displayconfig-gtk ? AFAIK xorg.conf if generated by guidance-backends, right? | 11:33 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Sigh. It sounds like nvidia doesn't cope with the new semantics of virtual. | 11:33 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: In the RANDR1.2 world, "Virtual" indicates the largest screen size that will be used | 11:33 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: guidance needs to avoid writing a virtual line if it's using the nvidia driver | 11:34 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, you think, that problem is in open source nv driver ? | 11:34 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No | 11:35 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I performed all tests with open source nv driver, not closed source nvidia | 11:35 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: The bugs you pointed at only seem to mention the closed one | 11:37 |
=== Fujitsu upgraded a machine using nvidia today, and managed to get X to die severely using displayconfig-gtk. | ||
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, but I tested several times on several systems with only open source drivers | 11:38 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Your description in 137517 doesn't make sense | 11:39 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: The presence of the virtual line will not make X start in a lower resolution | 11:39 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, yea, problem is, that virtual is bigger, than selected | 11:40 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: That's not what the bug says | 11:40 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, not all people can write in correct english :) | 11:40 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Point 1 of | 11:41 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137517 in displayconfig-gtk "[Gutsy] displayconfig-gtk configures my 22" 1680x1050 LCD panel wrong." [Undecided,Incomplete] | 11:41 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, look for example at (attached at bug 139027) | 11:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139027 in displayconfig-gtk "Screens & Graphics not setting correct resolution" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:42 |
Riddell | mantiena-baltix: I've no idea | 11:42 |
mantiena-baltix | SubSection "Display" | 11:42 |
mantiena-baltix | Virtual20481536 | 11:42 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: I'm trying to understand the issue. How does writing the virtual result in the screen only running at 1400x1050? | 11:43 |
mantiena-baltix | Modes"1400x1050@75""1600x1200@65""1400x1050@60""1600x1200@60""1280x960@75""1600x1200@75""1280x1024@60""1600x1200@70""1280x1024@85""1600x1200@85""1280x960@85""1792x1344@75""1280x960@60""1792x1344@60""1280x1024@75""1856x1392@60""1152x864@75""1856x1392@75""1024x768@43""1920x1440@60""1024x768@60""1920x1440@75""1024x768@70""2048x1536@60""1024x768@75""2048x1536@75""1024x768@85" | 11:43 |
mjg59 | Riddell: guidance-backends is just inept | 11:44 |
mjg59 | By the looks of it, right now it's pretty much guaranteed to write out garbage for several common cases | 11:44 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, if you can restart your X-window system I can show how to reproduce this bug | 11:44 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No. Please tell me how the presence of the virtual line results in your monitor starting at 1400x1050 | 11:45 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: In any case, attempting to reproduce it on this machine wouldn't help - writing the virtual line is the correct thing to do on Intel hardware | 11:46 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, could you show me your xorg.conf ? is it generated by displayconfig-gtk ? | 11:48 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: It's not, no, but that's irrelevant. I'm trying to understand your issue. | 11:48 |
mantiena-baltix | wait a minute | 11:49 |
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mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Are you saying that deleting the virtual line makes your monitor start in 1920x1440? | 11:50 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, wait a minute, I showed you bad example above :( | 11:51 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: I'm still trying to understand your comment in the bug | 11:52 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: You have a 1920x1440 panel, right? | 11:52 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, no, I've CRT | 11:52 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: That can run at 1920x1440? | 11:52 |
mjg59 | Riddell: Argh. Seriously. Who wrote the displayconfig backend? | 11:54 |
mantiena-baltix | I don't know maximum, because I never use it, problem is, that displayconfig-gtk generated xorg.conf doesn't choose right resolution on all computers, where I tested | 11:54 |
mantiena-baltix | I show you real example after 1 minute | 11:55 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: I'm still trying to understand how deleting the virtual line makes it work at the correct resolution | 11:55 |
Riddell | mjg59: various people | 11:55 |
Riddell | (none of them me) | 11:55 |
mjg59 | Riddell: It's astonishingly wrong in places | 11:55 |
mjg59 | Like "Make my X not work" wrong | 11:55 |
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moyogo | ping ArneGoetje | 11:56 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: So, your monitor starts in 1400x1050. You delete the virtual line. What resolution does it then start in? | 11:57 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, wait a minute | 11:59 |
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mjg59 | Oh, argh. | 12:00 |
mjg59 | This is full of nightmares. | 12:00 |
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mantiena-baltix | I just generated new xorg.conf with displayconfig-gtk and upload it to public location to show you | 12:01 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: I don't see how that's going to help. I don't have nvidia hardware here, so I can't reproduce your issue. | 12:01 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I don't think that problem is only with nvidia hardware - now I'm testing on computer with ATI Rage 3 card (ati open source driver) | 12:02 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: So, your monitor starts in 1400x1050. You delete the virtual line. What resolution does it then start in? | 12:04 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59: it seems there are 2 problems - first problem is, that displayconfig-gtk generated xorg.conf doesn't set choosed resolution | 12:05 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Please answer my question | 12:06 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I can't answer your question now, because I tested on several systems with several monitors and don't remember exact resolutions | 12:08 |
mantiena-baltix | I just remember, that all systems had the same problems | 12:08 |
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mantiena-baltix | so, wait few minutes, while I start some computers and show you exact problems | 12:09 |
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mantiena-baltix | I think, that I found where is the problem | 12:12 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, can you look at | 12:14 |
mantiena-baltix | at Section "Screen" | 12:14 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Yes? | 12:15 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, tell me, which at resolution X should start ? | 12:17 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: 1024x768 | 12:18 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, why ? | 12:19 |
tepsipakki | it's the first | 12:19 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: What resolution did you select? | 12:20 |
mantiena-baltix | 1024x768 | 12:20 |
mjg59 | Right. So it starts at 1024x768, but will have a virtual of 1400x1050. | 12:20 |
mjg59 | You delete the virtual line. Now what happens? | 12:20 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, you are righ - screen is larger than my resolution | 12:21 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I never tried to delete that line, I just tried to set it to my resolution 1024x768 | 12:21 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Then what does your comment on #137517 mean? | 12:22 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, if you need I can delete that line and restart X | 12:22 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: You said that your monitor starts at the wrong resolution because it writes the virtual line | 12:22 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I told you already - this is because of bad english :) | 12:23 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Ok, so the screen starts at the right resolution? | 12:23 |
mjg59 | Just with the wrong virtual size? | 12:24 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, yes, but real screen is bigger than resolution and doesn't fit in my monitor | 12:24 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Yes. Ok. So it's setting the resolution correctly. | 12:24 |
mantiena-baltix | has launchpad a way to edit or delete comments ? | 12:25 |
mjg59 | No | 12:25 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I think in several bugreports people says resolution instead of virtual screen | 12:26 |
saispo | anyone use a macbook ? | 12:27 |
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mantiena-baltix | saispo, I, sometimes | 12:28 |
saispo | mantiena-baltix: which keyboard layout you use ? i search how to do a ~, | and {} | 12:29 |
mantiena-baltix | I use lt and don't have my mac here (can access only through ssh) | 12:30 |
saispo | k :/ thanks | 12:30 |
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iwj | Why is the gimp on the current ISOs a release candidate ? | 01:23 |
dholbach | because it's the latest version there is | 01:24 |
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iwj | Hmm. Fair enough I suppose. | 01:29 |
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dholbach | clearly we hoped we'd get final | 01:31 |
iwj | seb128: The icon used in Gnome menus for "Get help online" is the original gnome lifering which is replaced in the toolbar by the blue spot with the question mark. Is it right that it remains unchanged in the help menus ? | 01:31 |
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popey | I want to file a bug against a package but I am not sure what package to file against - it's the brightness thing that shows on the screen when you press the special function keys on a laptop.. any ideas? | 01:51 |
mjg59 | Gnome or KDE? | 01:51 |
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popey | gnome | 01:51 |
mjg59 | Then gnome-power-manager. But what's the issue? | 01:51 |
popey | ahh, of course | 01:52 |
popey | you know the little icon that shows when you press the buttons, well it shows for local users and anyone vnc'ed in too | 01:52 |
=== Fujitsu looks at bug #150906... did I see somebody say yesterday that was fixed? | ||
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150906 in xdg-user-dirs "[gutsy] VERY bad Desktop location inconsistency with xdg-user dirs" [Undecided,New] | 01:52 |
popey | even different users | 01:52 |
popey | it's only minor I guess, but I thought it needed reporting | 01:52 |
mjg59 | Interesting | 01:52 |
mjg59 | I guess it's picking up on the dbus message | 01:53 |
popey | yeah, kinda freaked me out a bit | 01:53 |
popey | worth filing? | 01:53 |
mjg59 | But yeah, if you're VNCed into a local session, there's no obvious way around that | 01:53 |
mjg59 | The VNC session will just scan out anything that's drawn to the screen | 01:53 |
popey | no, this was vnc'ed to a vncserver for a different user | 01:53 |
mjg59 | Hm. Yes, it'd happen in that case as well | 01:53 |
popey | I can see why it happens, no user abstraction in dbus or something | 01:54 |
popey | as you said | 01:54 |
mjg59 | Well, yeah. Failure to check that it's the foreground console. | 01:54 |
mjg59 | We some some infrastructure for doing that, but it's going to have to be reimplemented at some stage | 01:54 |
popey | well, I'll file it.. wishlist? | 01:55 |
mjg59 | Yeah | 01:55 |
popey | ok, ta | 01:55 |
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kagou | i have a strange bug. Doing test with RC iso, desktop and alternate, with desktop i do not have usplash. My question is there any difference between packages on desktop and alternate ? | 01:59 |
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=== popey files bug 150908 | ||
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150908 in gnome-power-manager "brightness popup incorrectly apears for remote users" [Undecided,New] | 02:02 |
mjg59 | popey: Ta | 02:02 |
kagou | whan i say that i do not have usplash, i mean that i have black screen | 02:02 |
popey | i don't see how I can make it wishlist, do i need to change it from "new" or does someone else have to triage it? | 02:02 |
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mjg59 | popey: Feel free to change it from new | 02:03 |
kagou | popey, which bug | 02:03 |
popey | sorry, such a bug noob | 02:03 |
mjg59 | kagou: At a guess, the one that he was just talking about? | 02:04 |
popey | :) | 02:04 |
kagou | sorry i'm just came back from lunch | 02:04 |
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kagou | popey, click on "importance" and select wishlist | 02:04 |
kagou | for more question ask then on #ubuntu-bugs | 02:05 |
DktrKranz | pitti, around for a quick quick question? | 02:05 |
kagou | popey, i will close your bug, it's a duplicate. And fix have been released | 02:06 |
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pitti | yes, if you wouldn't disappear so quickly | 02:08 |
bluekuja | pitti: he wanted to ask you about | 02:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150905 in xawtv "Merge xawtv 395.dfsg.1-6 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 02:08 |
pitti | it's universe, so subject to motu-sru scrutiny (and not bound by the current RC freeze) | 02:09 |
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popey | oh, thanks kagou, i searched but didn't find it, sorry | 02:11 |
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bluekuja | pitti: it's just a new debian revision | 02:13 |
bluekuja | pitti: so we dont need motu-uvf | 02:13 |
pitti | then get it uploaded :) | 02:13 |
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bluekuja | good lunch :) | 02:13 |
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jdstrand | soren: re bug #119075 | 02:21 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 119075 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "Root password policy for mysql" [Undecided,In progress] | 02:21 |
jdstrand | you had some questions? | 02:22 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, hi again, I tested displayconfig-gtk on several computers again and it seems I really know where is the problem | 02:37 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Mm? | 02:37 |
mantiena-baltix | main problem is that Virtual line is set not the same, like choosen mode | 02:37 |
mantiena-baltix | s/choosen/choosed | 02:37 |
mjg59 | If it was set to the chosen mode, there'd be no point in it being there | 02:38 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, you think, that virtual desktop should be bigger, than selected resolution and user shouldn't see all the desktop ? | 02:39 |
soren | jdstrand: so.. | 02:39 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No | 02:39 |
soren | jdstrand: Yes, it's not going to fly the way you've proposed. | 02:40 |
jdstrand | soren: this is the partial debdiff for mysql | 02:40 |
jdstrand | | 02:40 |
jdstrand | that is for dapper, edgy and feisty | 02:40 |
jdstrand | I didn't do anything for gutsy | 02:40 |
jdstrand | very unintrusive | 02:40 |
soren | The reason I messed around with whiptail and all that jazz was to avoid ever being able to see the mysql root password in the process list. With your approach a malicious user has as much as three chances to do that, iirc. | 02:40 |
jdstrand | soren: I didn'twant to introduce a new dependency into the fold on a security update | 02:41 |
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soren | jdstrand: line 75 and 84 at least. | 02:41 |
soren | jdstrand: That's fine. I understand that. | 02:42 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, but if virtual is bigger, than choosed resolution, then user can't see all the desktop, right? | 02:43 |
soren | jdstrand: ...but your debdiff is not acceptable. We need another way to get a password from the user without it being made trivially available to a malicious user. Currently, even a friendly user might see it by accident. | 02:43 |
jdstrand | soren: I understand your point | 02:43 |
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soren | jdstrand: I'd create two files and do a diff -q on them instead. | 02:43 |
jdstrand | soren: that was my thought just now | 02:44 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: By default, yes | 02:44 |
soren | And create another temporary file similar to what I did originally. | 02:44 |
soren | hold the SQL code to inject the new password. | 02:44 |
jdstrand | soren: I can do that | 02:44 |
soren | Rock. | 02:44 |
soren | jdstrand: Something like splitting your line 84 into a: echo -n "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('" >> "${tmpfile}" ; cat "${passwdfile}" >> "${tmpfile}" ; echo -n "');" >> "${tmpfile}" | 02:46 |
jdstrand | soren: yeah | 02:46 |
mantiena-baltix | Riddell, hi again, maybe glatzor sometimes comes here ? | 02:46 |
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soren | jdstrand: Coolness. | 02:46 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, why you are telling, that virtual should be bigger, than selected resolution ? Why user should't see all desktop by default ? | 02:49 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No, that's not what I said | 02:51 |
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Riddell | mantiena-baltix: sometimes | 02:54 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, then I don't undertand you :( Please tell me, what you want to tell when told "If it was set to the chosen mode, there'd be no point in it being there" | 02:55 |
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mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: A virtual line that specifies the default resolution is a noop | 02:57 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, but if I remove virtual line then same problems still exists - resolution is smaller than desktop :( | 02:58 |
iwj | Looks like I have some kind of weird display regression installing on my test laptop. | 02:59 |
mantiena-baltix | at least with nv driver (I don't tried to remove virtual line with ati driver) | 02:59 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No, it's not | 03:00 |
soren | Failure to resume from hibernation... which package should that be filed against? | 03:00 |
soren | acpi-support? | 03:00 |
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mjg59 | soren: Probably the kernel | 03:03 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I just tried this with Ubuntu 7.10 beta and noticed, that removing virtual line does nothing with this xorg.conf: | 03:03 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Can you please put /var/log/Xorg.0.log there as well, please? | 03:04 |
mantiena-baltix | I get correct virtual desktop only when I specify Virtual 1024 768 | 03:04 |
soren | mjg59: Maybe if I give you a rough description, you can tell me which package is likely to be at fault? It's seems a bit special. | 03:04 |
mjg59 | soren: Sure | 03:05 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, ok, which Xorg.0.log I should put ? when Virtual line exists or when it's removed ? | 03:05 |
mjg59 | When removed | 03:05 |
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soren | mjg59: It seems to hibernate just fine. When booting again I type my password for the cryptolvm (I don't think this matters, the problems were there before I switched to that), and then there's a lot of disk activity again. I get the typical white bar across the screen and after a while, nothing more happens. When I get tired of waiting for that... | 03:06 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, then I should restart X, wait several minutes | 03:06 |
soren | ...I press Alt-f7 or something, and it suddenly springs to life, shows me a mouse cursor which I can move around, flickers a bit, shows me the cursor again, starts blinking the little moon led (this is a thinkpad) and then stops responding (black screen). | 03:07 |
soren | Magic SysRq+S doesn't even make the hdd led blink. | 03:08 |
Fujitsu | soren: You sure it hasn't gone to sleep? | 03:09 |
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soren | Fujitsu: It's very much awake (it gets warm, the fan is running, the backlight is on (iirc)) | 03:09 |
Fujitsu | Ah. | 03:09 |
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soren | suspend-to-ram and resume from that works perfectly, though. | 03:10 |
soren | Well... If I'm not using compiz, that is. | 03:10 |
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soren | Blimey! It worked this time! | 03:12 |
soren | That's a first. | 03:12 |
StevenK | soren: It was the threat of mjg59. | 03:12 |
=== soren tempts fate and does it again | ||
soren | StevenK: I think you're right. I should have picture of him I can wave in front of it if it misbehaves. | 03:13 |
StevenK | Bwahahaha | 03:13 |
soren | StevenK: If *I* was a b0rken ACPI implementation, I'd be frightened. | 03:13 |
soren | Twice in a row! | 03:15 |
Zarrathusa | i need some help.I want to try linux.I have spare drive(d)which is empty so I thought I would give it a whirl to look see. | 03:16 |
StevenK | Zarrathusa: Please ask in #ubuntu | 03:16 |
Zarrathusa | can anyone spare time to be my spirit guide in this instance | 03:17 |
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jdstrand | soren: I was evaluating your comments | 03:18 |
jdstrand | echo and [ are builtins for dash | 03:19 |
Zarrathusa | wots #ubuntu | 03:19 |
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Chipzz | Zarrathusa: please type /hop #ubuntu | 03:19 |
jdstrand | soren: as such, not a separate process and not in the process table | 03:20 |
pitti | StevenK: vbox-modules NEWed | 03:20 |
Chipzz | (does that even work with x-chat? :p) | 03:20 |
StevenK | pitti: Ahhhh, thanks. | 03:20 |
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Zarrathusa | hop#ubuntu | 03:20 |
jdstrand | soren: its true of bash as well | 03:20 |
StevenK | pitti: We'll probably need to NBS them tomorrow. linux-image -14 is building now. | 03:20 |
Zarrathusa | hop#ubuntu | 03:21 |
pitti | StevenK: ah, indeed; I should have rejected them | 03:21 |
pitti | *shrug* | 03:21 |
soren | jdstrand: You need to put it in a file anyhow to fix the other problem, don't you? | 03:21 |
StevenK | pitti: Let me just upload a bunch of packages with virtualbox-ose-modules in their Depends. :-P | 03:22 |
jdstrand | soren: unless I am missing something it is safe as is | 03:22 |
pitti | StevenK: no problem at all; the queue is *very* patient :) | 03:22 |
StevenK | Muahaha | 03:22 |
jdstrand | soren: reading | 03:22 |
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ScottK | pitti: Speaking of the queue, would you please accept libcommons-modeler-java (if you haven't already). There's a merge waiting on it. | 03:23 |
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jdstrand | soren: I use a tmpfile. /usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e "\. ${tmpfile}" | 03:23 |
jdstrand | soren: unless I just don't understand what you are referring to | 03:24 |
Zarrathusa | /hop #ubuntu | 03:24 |
Chipzz | Zarrathusa: without the leading space | 03:24 |
Zarrathusa | dont work this | 03:24 |
Chipzz | hrrm ok then try /join #ubuntu | 03:25 |
soren | jdstrand: How do you get the password into that file? | 03:25 |
Zarrathusa | /join #ubuntu | 03:25 |
jdstrand | soren: 'echo -n'. echo is builtin | 03:25 |
soren | jdstrand: Hm... Good point. | 03:26 |
jdstrand | echo -n "SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('$ans1');" >> "${tmpfile}" | 03:26 |
Zarrathusa | magic not working | 03:26 |
soren | mjg59: Amazing. Until I told you about the issue it failed consistently. Now I can't make it break. How do you do it? | 03:27 |
soren | Zarrathusa: Stop putting a space at the beginning at the line. | 03:27 |
Chipzz | Zarrathusa: you're typing ' /join #ubuntu', you need to type '/join #ubuntu' (without a space in front of the /) | 03:28 |
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Hobbsee | right, there we go | 03:29 |
jdstrand | soren: I think things are good as is. I'll admit that I didn't think about echo and [ in terms of dash, as I have long used bash and pdksh, which are built in | 03:29 |
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jdstrand | soren: so I definitely appreciate your bringing it up | 03:30 |
Chipzz | Hobbsee: was wondering that too; maybe he clicked on something instead of typing it? | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | Chipzz: usually requires some level of clue. | 03:30 |
persia | Hobbsee: In GUI tools, one can use Join...Chat Room :) | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | Chipzz: it's opera on windowd... | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | persia: in which case, joining #ubuntu wouldnt be hard | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | it's *defnietly* not listed there by default. | 03:31 |
Chipzz | Hobbsee: possible the server channel list? | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | Chipzz: windows opera? | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | there's *nothing* by default there that would point to linux, let alone a development channel of it. | 03:32 |
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Chipzz | Hobbsee: haven't tried it, but I recall mirc having such a feature | 03:32 |
Chipzz | Hobbsee: but irssi also has the /list command | 03:33 |
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Hobbsee | Chipzz: true | 03:35 |
soren | jdstrand: np. Thanks for checking up on it. | 03:36 |
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kagou | ping Riddell | 03:38 |
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Riddell | hi kagou | 03:40 |
kagou | hey Riddell , i'v reported Bug #150930 | 03:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150930 in usplash "Black screen, and bad usplash.conf" [Undecided,New] | 03:42 |
kagou | Riddell, but i think that it's a ubiquity problem. i ask you if this is the case | 03:42 |
kagou | Riddell, if i understand, it's ubiquity which tell usplash, what's the resolution to write in usplash.conf. Am I wrong ? | 03:43 |
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Riddell | kagou: not as far as I know (evand, cjwatson_, mjg59 could confirm) | 03:44 |
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kagou | thank you Riddell | 03:46 |
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seb128 | iwj: yes, that's the icon that the artwork guys picked to use for lpi | 03:54 |
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iwj | seb128: OK. Just wanted to check, since it seemed like it might be a mistake. Fair enough, thanks for confirmation. | 03:55 |
seb128 | np ;) | 03:56 |
seb128 | I don't really like those icons to be honest, the color are too faded or something, but I'm not an artwork guy | 03:57 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, hi again | 04:03 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, | 04:05 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, I tested one more time - same problems, X starts with correct virtual desktop only when there is a Virtual line, with same resolution, like first Mode | 04:06 |
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iwj | seb128: As I suspected, that "pigdin does not start" bug was due to it already being running. I think the behaviour is wrong and have reported it in bug 150953. HTH, thanks. | 04:10 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150953 in pidgin "menu item can sometimes do nothing" [Undecided,New] | 04:10 |
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seb128 | iwj: ok, right, that's better than what he did before (running again which was making you first instance disconnect from everywhere when the second was connection to those accounts) | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | iwj: HTH? | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | oh, hope that helps | 04:12 |
seb128 | iwj: anyway, it should open the window list when you run it again to show that's it's using the running one | 04:12 |
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evand | kagou: I beleive Riddell is right. | 04:22 |
kagou | evand, ok :) thanks | 04:23 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, are you alive ? I wanna help ubuntu developers to fix this important problem before 7.10 | 04:23 |
=== Hobbsee killed him. sorry. | ||
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iwj | Hobbsee: That linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 ftbfs is just archive skew then ? | 04:26 |
Hobbsee | iwj: yeah, they're in the process of fixing it. | 04:26 |
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iwj | OK. | 04:26 |
Hobbsee | iwj: parts are approved, parts arent, iirc | 04:26 |
Hobbsee | yeah, the modules have gone thru now | 04:26 |
iwj | I just wanted to point out that closing the bug will put the package back on autopkgtest's to test list, so if you just leave it broken with the bug closed, autopkgtest will refile it ... | 04:27 |
iwj | Ah, good. | 04:27 |
iwj | But the turnaround is quite a while so you won't get caught out straight away. | 04:27 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: is your patch already included in the current daily? or, is it already uploaded? | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | iwj: oh, oops. | 04:30 |
pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: "my patch"? | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | iwj: hopefully it will all be fixed before the new lot | 04:30 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: cryptsetup stuff, patch for pkgsel | 04:31 |
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pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: yes, that's in; I tested it this morning on the ISO, works like a charm now | 04:32 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | oh, how wonderful :-) thanks a bunch | 04:32 |
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pitti | BenC: can you please upload lbm for -14? | 04:36 |
pitti | BenC: I'm currently beating the new kernel through the buildds and the archive, looks good so far | 04:36 |
BenC | pitti: rtg is working on it, we needed to nail down and test the alsa update in there | 04:36 |
pitti | BenC: oh, there's actually stuff in lbm already? I thought it was empty? | 04:36 |
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BenC | pitti: we wanted to do a largish update of alsa preemptively for vendor support and to close some bugs without a huge round of testing :) | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | BenC: sounds like fun... | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | who needs sound anyway... | 04:37 |
pitti | BenC: oh, I see :/ | 04:37 |
pitti | BenC: alright, thanks for the heads-up; I thought it would just be a 2-minute bump-abi no-brainer | 04:38 |
pitti | BenC: ia64 FTBFSed again, BTW (abi checker) | 04:38 |
BenC | pitti: right now it will be a 2-minute test then upload | 04:38 |
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pitti | BenC: oh, no problem to delay it for another day or so in this case | 04:39 |
BenC | pitti: yeah, and kyle is doing a non-ABI kernel upload to get last minute sparc fixes in, a serious USB hang fix, and fix the ia64 ftbfs | 04:39 |
sladen | BenC: the last that happened, it opened as much as it fixed | 04:39 |
pitti | it doesn't affect CDs, it just generates some noise in the gutsy_probs.html report | 04:39 |
pitti | BenC: hm, another kernel? we need CDs RSN | 04:39 |
pitti | BenC: would it be too bad to release the RC with the currently built -14 kernel? (amd64 and i386 at least; sparc is easier, since it has much fewer test cases) | 04:40 |
BenC | pitti: this is mostly sparc related, so feel free to roll CDs, with a reroll after RC | 04:40 |
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pitti | BenC: ah, we think alike :) | 04:41 |
BenC | :) | 04:41 |
kylem | in that case, we definitely shouldn't put this acpi patch in. | 04:41 |
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BenC | kylem: agreed | 04:42 |
pitti | cjwatson_: can you please prepare a d-i upload for building against -14? lum is almost built | 04:42 |
BenC | kylem: don't want to risk a "works in RC, but not in release" situation :) | 04:43 |
kylem | indeed. | 04:43 |
kylem | it's ready to go now, just need to test the module checker | 04:44 |
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evand | hrm, anyone else having connection issues with and | 04:47 |
pitti | evand: WFM | 04:48 |
evand | curious | 04:48 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:51 |
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pitti | Mithrandir, evand: do you know the steps to do for building d-i against new kernel abi? | 04:54 |
evand | pitti: nope, sorry | 04:54 |
mathiaz | pitti: do you plan to create new server isos ? | 04:55 |
pitti | mathiaz: we have a new kernel, with lots of sparc fixes, so yes | 04:55 |
Mithrandir | pitti: bump the kernel version in the seeds, do a no-change upload, iirc. | 04:55 |
mathiaz | pitti: ok. Thanks. | 04:55 |
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pitti | ogra: do you want to fill your CDs with langpacks a bit? | 05:01 |
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pitti | cjwatson, Mithrandir: seeds mangled for -14 | 05:05 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: apparently it's changing all the {BASE,KERNEL}VERSION in build/config/** | 05:12 |
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Mithrandir | pitti: sure that doesn't happen automatically? | 05:13 |
pitti | no, I mean "it needs to be done" | 05:13 |
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ogra | pitti, i was waiting for doko's ok that icedtea is ready for inclusion to see whats left then | 05:14 |
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mantiena-baltix_ | mjg59, are you alive ? I wanna help ubuntu developers to fix displayconfig-gtk problem before 7.10 | 05:14 |
doko | ogra: as cjwatson said: it won't be in gutsy main | 05:14 |
davmor2 | ogra: your include a free rapper wow your generous :) | 05:14 |
ogra | doko, ok | 05:15 |
ogra | pitti, then yes, i think i'll do some math today :) | 05:15 |
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pitti | ogra: no need to, I have a clever script which calculates it | 05:17 |
pitti | | 05:17 |
pitti | ogra: ^ "./langpacksize MB" -> list with Megabytes; just ./langpacksize gives a list with byte precision | 05:18 |
ogra | heh, i have something similar but more genereic | 05:18 |
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mjg59 | bryce: Hm. I'm not suer switching to -intel on <915 was a great plan. | 05:20 |
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mvo_ | bryce: that reminds me, if -intel is used by default on i855, I will have to blacklist that card for compiz because of the suspend/resume texture problem | 05:30 |
mvo_ | bryce: it would be cool if you could update me on this | 05:30 |
cjwatson_ | pitti: will do now | 05:30 |
\sh | mjg59, how would you re-start the udev daemon in an initramfs ? ... | 05:30 |
cjwatson_ | pitti: unless you beat me to it | 05:30 |
pitti | cjwatson_: oh, thanks (seeds should be ok already) | 05:31 |
\sh | mjg59, i need to catch up with newly created raid it needs somehow a restart | 05:31 |
cjwatson_ | Mithrandir: it's not a no-change upload | 05:31 |
cjwatson_ | the kernel version is hardcoded in several files | 05:31 |
cjwatson_ | pitti: ok | 05:31 |
mantiena-baltix_ | cjwatson_, it seems bug #64887 should be reopened... | 05:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 64887 in ubuntu-cdimage "/boot/initrd.img*should be removed from filesystem.squashfs" [Undecided,Fix released] | 05:31 |
cjwatson_ | pitti: all merged too? | 05:31 |
cjwatson_ | (to gobuntu too?) | 05:31 |
pitti | cjwatson_: oh, I forgot gobuntu; rest is merged | 05:32 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson_: hence my "iirc". | 05:32 |
mantiena-baltix_ | I found /boot/initrd.img.bak in 7.10 beta compressed filesystem ... | 05:32 |
mjg59 | \sh: I know nothing about udev | 05:33 |
mjg59 | mvo_: Hm. Which cards are we actually enabling compiz on? | 05:33 |
mvo_ | mjg59: all intel < i965 | 05:33 |
mjg59 | mvo_: But not 855? | 05:33 |
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cjwatson_ | pitti: uploaded | 05:34 |
mvo_ | mjg59: currently we do, but there is a bug that after suspend/resume the texture get into a very bad state on the i855 with the intel driver | 05:34 |
mvo_ | mjg59: so it is probably best to blacklist this card too | 05:34 |
mjg59 | mvo_: Ok | 05:34 |
mvo_ | mjg59: the interessting bit is, that it seems to be not happening with i810 | 05:35 |
mantiena-baltix_ | mjg59, have you looked at ? | 05:37 |
pitti | cjwatson_: checking out and merging gobuntu seeds now | 05:37 |
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pitti | cjwatson_: done | 05:39 |
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cjwatson_ | mantiena-baltix_: sure, feel free | 05:42 |
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mantiena-baltix_ | cjwatson: ok | 05:44 |
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tkamppeter | hi pitti, | 05:47 |
pitti | hi tkamppeter | 05:47 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, I want to talk with you about some simple polishing action for Gutsy. See bug 150985. | 05:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150985 in ghostscript "Printer setup tools list PPDs for which there are no driver executables in Ubuntu" [High,Confirmed] | 05:48 |
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tkamppeter | There rae some PPDs generated by Foomatic for which we do not have the drivers. Most of this is easy to correct, by deleting the appropriate driver XMLs from the foomatic-db package and by fixing a trivial "make install" bug of Ghostscript. | 05:49 |
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ogra | pitti, seeds for server are updated (added es, de, fr, pt, xh, ru and hr) | 05:56 |
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pitti | ogra: ah, great | 06:01 |
pitti | tkamppeter: window for non-fatal bug fixes is pretty much closed, I'm afraid | 06:01 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, regression is not possible on this one. It does only remove files from foomatic-db and adds files to ghostscript which Feisty's ghostscript shipped, fixing a Feisty -> Gutsy regression. | 06:05 |
pitti | tkamppeter: please attach some debdiffs to the bug and instructions which are independent (i. e. whether we could ship RC with the new ghostscript, but update foomatic post-RC, or so | 06:06 |
superm1 | mvo_, i've returned | 06:07 |
tkamppeter | pitti, will do so. I will generate the packages and debdiffs and upload them onto my server and then link them to the report. | 06:08 |
pitti | tkamppeter: thanks | 06:08 |
tkamppeter | After that we can discuss here on the IRC and decide. | 06:09 |
tkamppeter | Whether it gets in or better a spec for Hardy (and a demo for OpenPrinting's work on printing testing and validation tools. | 06:10 |
gnomefreak | what package would a bug be filed under for a ldconfig error? | 06:10 |
gnomefreak | during process triggers | 06:11 |
mvo_ | superm1: in advanced installation, what will I have to tell it so that it installs additional packages? | 06:13 |
superm1 | mvo_, tell it to take off a few plugins, take off the themes, and check vnc, nfs | 06:13 |
superm1 | change the video driver to something else | 06:14 |
superm1 | and it will make a ton of package changes then | 06:14 |
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gnomefreak | mvo_: is apt running the process triggers or does it call on something else to run them? | 06:15 |
mvo_ | superm1: ok, nice | 06:15 |
mvo_ | gnomefreak: triggers are done by dpkg, apt has no control over those | 06:16 |
gnomefreak | yeah sorry thats what i meant | 06:16 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, do you have some time to help to solve Virtual screen problem ? | 06:16 |
gnomefreak | ok ill cahnge it to dpkg than ty | 06:17 |
mvo_ | gnomefreak: wat is the bugnumber? | 06:17 |
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gnomefreak | mvo_: bug 150997 | 06:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150997 in xorg "nvidia driver issues" [Undecided,New] | 06:17 |
mvo_ | superm1: ok, thanks. its running now | 06:20 |
superm1 | okay great. | 06:20 |
superm1 | mvo_, did you go for real hardware, or is this a vm? | 06:21 |
mvo_ | gnomefreak: this sounds like the real issue here is that something is wrong with the nvidia package | 06:21 |
mvo_ | superm1: a VM, is that bad? | 06:21 |
superm1 | mvo_, no not at all. | 06:21 |
gnomefreak | mvo_: with the -11 package but shouldnt dpkg overwrite the -11 for the -19? | 06:21 |
superm1 | mvo_, i was going to recommend it actually, doing it on real hardware it has a little less frequent of an occurrence | 06:22 |
mvo_ | superm1: I might add that I'm pretty impressed with the mythbuntu CD, it looks really nice | 06:22 |
superm1 | mvo_, thx :) | 06:22 |
mvo_ | gnomefreak: hm, that looks strange indeed | 06:23 |
mvo_ | superm1: and then it hangs after "ldconfig deferered processing"? | 06:24 |
superm1 | mvo_, yeah | 06:24 |
superm1 | which from what i narrowed down to was that call to | 06:24 |
=== gnomefreak not real sure what an ELF file is but i would have though everything but config would have been overwritten but i agree it very well can be a nvidia issue | ||
=== iwj 's ears prick up. | ||
iwj | My http request is important to launchpad ... please hold ... | 06:26 |
=== mvo_ giggles | ||
superm1 | and then goes into python-apt code and i want to say it was line 62 or os that it stopped at and jumped into C, so i grabbed you :) | 06:26 |
iwj | gnomefreak: You've got this system to hand right now ? | 06:26 |
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iwj | Can you dpkg -S /usr/lib/ ? | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | iwj: no the guy left | 06:26 |
iwj | Damn. | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | iwj: i slent 1hour or so with him | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | spent | 06:27 |
iwj | Are these packages from the archive ? | 06:27 |
gnomefreak | yeah | 06:27 |
mvo_ | superm1: it looks like for some reason the cdrom method is stuck - let me debug further | 06:27 |
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gnomefreak | iwj: i left a comment on bug to run that command and post output and if he sees me to ping me | 06:29 |
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iwj | nvidia-glx-new_100.14.19+ contains /usr/lib/ | 06:29 |
mvo_ | superm1: when I kill the cdrom process it seems to be happy again | 06:30 |
superm1 | hm interesting | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | right bu 100.11 doesnt so wouldnt dpkg provide it from new package? | 06:30 |
iwj | gnomefreak: No need any more, I've got the info from the archive. | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | ah ok | 06:30 |
superm1 | mvo_, so perhaps why this doesn't occur on standard gutsy disks then is because it doesn't use the cdrom method but instead a http method | 06:31 |
mvo_ | superm1: its a all a bit mysterious, I will appy some debug options to apt and see what it spits out. | 06:31 |
mvo_ | superm1: yes, that sounds plausible | 06:31 |
iwj | gnomefreak: Hmm, I can't reproduce it here with those files. | 06:32 |
mvo_ | superm1: could you give me the url of your source again? | 06:32 |
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superm1 | mvo_, source of ubiquity? | 06:32 |
mvo_ | superm1: yes, of your branch of it | 06:32 |
superm1 | mvo_, actually that is running trunk | 06:32 |
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superm1 | we have no additional things added to it outside trunk | 06:32 |
gnomefreak | iwj: ive never seen it but he swears it was working until latest nvidia-glx-new and kernel updates | 06:32 |
superm1 | i'll grab you the trunk url then | 06:32 |
gnomefreak | -13 kenrel | 06:32 |
mvo_ | superm1: oh, cool | 06:32 |
iwj | gnomefreak: It's almost like the file is corrupted somehow. | 06:33 |
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superm1 | mvo_, here is the LP page: | 06:33 |
=== mvo_ updates his checkout | ||
superm1 | mvo_, the only thing i've been using our branch for lately was to build with that call commented out, so we could get the beta out in time | 06:33 |
=== gnomefreak has a strange feeling about this | ||
iwj | gnomefreak: I don't think triggers are relevant but I'll take an interest in this bug. | 06:34 |
gnomefreak | iwj: when i see him again ill run through a few other things. he used envy in feisty and upgraded but he said he had our drivers working im wondering if envy didnt leave something behind after removing the modules although envy doesnt allow you to do that but maybe the fix we added to u-m corrupted it? | 06:35 |
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iwj | envy doesn't allow you to do what ? | 06:36 |
iwj | Does envy divert anything ? | 06:36 |
gnomefreak | if that is the case than we have issues | 06:36 |
iwj | Or mess with these files ? | 06:36 |
iwj | What fix to u-m ? | 06:36 |
gnomefreak | iwj: envy doesnt remove ht emodules it builds | 06:36 |
gnomefreak | s/ht/the | 06:36 |
iwj | By module you mean kernel modules ? | 06:36 |
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gnomefreak | yes | 06:36 |
iwj | I don't think that's relevant here. | 06:37 |
iwj | Unless I suppose the user has kernel-bug-induced fs corruption. | 06:37 |
iwj | But it's a bit early to start thinking seriously about that. | 06:37 |
gnomefreak | true | 06:37 |
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cjwatson_ | mjg59: any more ideas on the synaptic thing? IRC has been up and down for me today | 06:47 |
mjg59 | cjwatson_: Which one? Failure to tap to click? | 06:49 |
mjg59 | Nope. Does the vertical scroll option work? | 06:49 |
superm1 | mvo_, are you following the layout of code progression in ubiquity when installing mythbuntu, or did you want me to explain ? | 06:50 |
mvo_ | superm1: I'm fine, thanks | 06:51 |
cjwatson_ | mjg59: nope | 06:55 |
_MMA_ | cjwatson_: Hi Colin. Did you get my message re: Tasksel options on todays Ubuntu Studio build? "print server" still shows. :( | 06:57 |
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cjwatson_ | _MMA_: I didn't | 06:58 |
mvo_ | superm1: I will have to leave for dinner soon, but I can reproduce it now and that is a good step | 06:58 |
_MMA_ | cjwatson_: Was a PM to you're normal nick. Oh well. | 06:59 |
cjwatson_ | it is inaccessible to me today | 06:59 |
mjg59 | cjwatson_: Hrmph. Ok. | 06:59 |
=== mjg59 upgrades gnome-control-center | ||
superm1 | mvo_, awesome, well i'm glad we're headed in the right direction now :) | 07:00 |
cjwatson_ | _MMA_: oh, I forgot to deploy my debian-cd changes ... fixed | 07:00 |
_MMA_ | cjwatson_: Ahh.. :) | 07:00 |
cjwatson_ | _MMA_: also, I trust you noticed that there wasn't an Ubuntu Studio CD build today ;-) | 07:00 |
cjwatson_ | CD builds are all on manual for the upcoming RC | 07:01 |
_MMA_ | lol. Crap. I did grab the one from the 8th. :) | 07:01 |
cjwatson_ | I'll do another one once the new kernel is all in place | 07:01 |
=== _MMA_ needs to look at a calender more. | ||
cjwatson_ | building one now would be unhelpful | 07:01 |
_MMA_ | cjwatson_: Sure. np. I also attached a new install splash to bug 150736. | 07:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150736 in ubuntu-cdimage "Install splash image on Ubuntu Studio dailies is fuzzy." [Undecided,New] | 07:02 |
=== _MMA_ still doesnt know the right term for that image. | ||
cjwatson_ | _MMA_: the pcx? "gfxboot background image" | 07:04 |
_MMA_ | Ahh... Thanx. | 07:04 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: i can confirm that it works super :-) but there's an error from cryptsetup; "failed to setup lvm device". see | 07:07 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: but everything works as it should | 07:07 |
cjwatson_ | _MMA_: done | 07:07 |
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pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: right, known; that's just a cosmetical error | 07:08 |
pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: sorry, I didn't manage to fix that any more; looks scary, but can be ignored | 07:08 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: yeah. it just would be nice if it wouldnt appear. but, while it does no harm.. | 07:10 |
_MMA_ | cjwatson_: Thank you. | 07:10 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, foomatic-db on its way to my server ... | 07:12 |
superm1 | cjwatson, is there syntax to set an or between packages in a seed branch, something like: * (network-manager-gnome) || * (network-manager-kde) ? | 07:13 |
Riddell | how would it know which one to pick? | 07:14 |
superm1 | well i would assume the first one | 07:15 |
superm1 | but it was more intended for when building a meta, so that it ended up with either as an option | 07:15 |
superm1 | eg if someone is installing that meta on top of kde, they won't need to pull in the nm for gnome | 07:16 |
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cjwatson_ | superm1: no | 07:16 |
superm1 | cjwatson, ok. | 07:16 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: the line is in cryptsetup source/debian/initramfs/cryptroot-script, line 214. activate_vg fails because its not installed | 07:17 |
cjwatson_ | superm1: the only way to do that at present is to use an intermediary package | 07:17 |
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superm1 | cjwatson, okay i'll defer worrying about it for now then | 07:17 |
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bryce | mjg59: do you think we should switch back for now? | 07:21 |
mjg59 | bryce: Well, I think mvo would prefer it | 07:21 |
bryce | mvo_: does compiz work ok on it with i810? | 07:21 |
davmor2 | bryce yes | 07:23 |
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davmor2 | bryce sorry hit return as I got up. there is a problem with the graphics on kubuntu. I have added photo's to bug 127008 | 07:25 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127008 in xresprobe "Alternate install of Tribe-4 corrupts video display when installing packages (affected hardware includes Santa Rosa)" [High,Confirmed] | 07:25 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: sorry, i was absolutely wrong... of course activate_vg isnt installed, its just a bash function | 07:36 |
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pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: right, that script tries to do a lot; but with our modern udev that isn't necessary, it'll happen automatically | 07:37 |
mantiena-baltix | Riddell, are you configured your X with guidance ? if yes, then maybe you can put your xorg.conf somewhere ? | 07:37 |
iwj | gnomefreak: re bug 150997, the submitter seems to be around now. Do you happen to know their nick ? | 07:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150997 in dpkg "nvidia driver issues" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 07:38 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: yeah, it creates the UUID=x files in /dev/mapper/ for example | 07:38 |
keescook | pitti: (hi!) continuing a conversation you had with superm1 a few days ago, his lirc patches look okay to me. shall I upload it? | 07:39 |
pitti | keescook: at this point I won't accept any nonessential patches any more which affect RC CD images; we might let them slip into post-RC | 07:40 |
keescook | pitti: is lirc on the CD? | 07:41 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: im currently testing what fails | 07:41 |
keescook | we need an "rseed" like "rmadison" or something. | 07:41 |
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pitti | keescook: yes, liblircclient0 is | 07:42 |
keescook | pitti: aaah, okay. | 07:42 |
pitti | keescook: just check the .list/.manifest files on cdimage | 07:42 |
keescook | pitti: okay | 07:42 |
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iwj | gnomefreak: I have deassigned that bug from dpkg. Is there an appropriate target in Launchpad for bugs in envy ? | 07:47 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: the sanity checks fail. i guess it's checking if /sbin/vgchange does exist while / is not yet mounted, and at least that fails | 07:52 |
pitti | Kopfgeldjaeger: this whole shell code should entirely go away | 07:53 |
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mathiaz | keescook: it seems that apparmor wasn't downgraded to 2.0.1 | 07:54 |
mathiaz | keescook: am I correct ? | 07:55 |
keescook | mathiaz: that's right. | 07:55 |
=== rulus is back (gone 00:00:31) | ||
Riddell | mantiena-baltix: no, but I see glatzor is online | 07:59 |
glatzor | evening Riddell | 07:59 |
keescook | rulus: can you disable your away/back messages please? | 07:59 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: what can I do for you? | 07:59 |
Riddell | hi glatzor, mantiena-baltix and mjg59 have been grumbling about guidance-backends | 08:00 |
rulus | keescook: sorry, that was a mistake in my setting, corrected now I think | 08:00 |
mjg59 | I can work around the worst of it in gdm, I think | 08:01 |
mdke | elmo: around for the meeting? | 08:02 |
elmo | oh | 08:03 |
glatzor | Riddell: mjg59: mantiena-baltix: The displayconfig part of guidance, right? Is there an urgent problem? | 08:03 |
mjg59 | glatzor: The whole "Write a maximum-sized virtual and then let the screen pan" thing kind of sucks | 08:04 |
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mjg59 | As described in the comment at line 253 of displayconfig-restore | 08:04 |
mjg59 | But also other things, like flagging i740 as dual-head | 08:05 |
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bryce | heya glatzor | 08:06 |
mathiaz | keescook: I've got a couple of fix in my bzr branch. | 08:07 |
mathiaz | keescook: could you review them after rc ? | 08:07 |
keescook | mathiaz: yup, certainly. | 08:08 |
gnomefreak | iwj: no envy target that i know of last i heard he ran his own place for them but give me a few and ill look it up | 08:09 |
glatzor | hello bryce | 08:09 |
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gnomefreak | iwj: RE: bug 150997 i added envy task and left ubuntu there, envy has to be added from projects otherwise LP doesnt know it | 08:14 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150997 in ubuntu "nvidia driver issues" [Undecided,New] | 08:14 |
iwj | gnomefreak: IC. OK. Well, I'll set the Ubuntu task to Invalid then I suppose. | 08:15 |
iwj | gnomefreak: Thanks. | 08:15 |
gnomefreak | iwj: im there i can do it if you like | 08:15 |
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bryce | pitti or slangasek, xorg 7.2-5ubuntu13 has been uploaded, but could one of you let it into the archive? | 08:18 |
bryce | debdiff here: | 08:18 |
pitti | bryce: sorry, it's a little late for RC | 08:18 |
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pitti | bryce: change looks ok, so I'll let it in as target of opportunity, but no gurarantees | 08:20 |
bryce | thanks, this is pretty critical, else bulletproof-x won't launch properly if X fails on the cd install | 08:20 |
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bryce | pitti: is it too late for any further changes for gutsy? we've been running into stability issues for -intel on some hardware (see mvo and mjg59 discussion above), and I'm wondering if there's time for us to consider flipping back to i810 for those cards | 08:22 |
pitti | bryce: no, just late for RC | 08:22 |
bryce | ah, ok | 08:22 |
glatzor | mjg59: sorry, I was in the kitchen. do have got any ideas how to avoid this? espcially having randr 1.2 hotplug in mind. | 08:23 |
mjg59 | glatzor: Modify gdm and kdm | 08:24 |
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glatzor | sorry, I have not tested guidance on a i740 chipset yet. so I just assumed that the one who wrote the code was right. | 08:27 |
glatzor | mjg59: the i740 cannot support dualhead at all, or is there actually no dual head card available? | 08:28 |
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glatzor | the i740 driver cannot ... | 08:29 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, hi, I was waiting for you all the day ;) | 08:30 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: we had a little "oktoberfest" at work so I had to do an extra shift :) | 08:31 |
mantiena-baltix | ;) | 08:31 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: anything evil? | 08:32 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, so, if you still can think after octoberfest we can talk a little :) | 08:32 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, yes - displayconfig-gtk generates wrong xorg.conf , at least xorg's nv driver doesn't work correctly with that xorg.conf | 08:33 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: I almost have it fixed | 08:33 |
mantiena-baltix | look at | 08:33 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: oh, that is not nice. for dual head or single head? | 08:33 |
mjg59 | For gdm, anyway | 08:34 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, for single, not tested for dual | 08:34 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, how you fixed it? | 08:34 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: the virtual size issue? | 08:34 |
mjg59 | By getting gdm to handle that situation | 08:34 |
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mantiena-baltix | glatzor, yes, main issue is virtual size, also I found other important issues, like displayconfig-gtk crashes | 08:35 |
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glatzor | mjg59: a large change set? | 08:35 |
glatzor | mantiena-baltix: have you already filled but reports? | 08:36 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, if I start X without gdm I will still get too large desktop ? | 08:36 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, there are already several bugreport's, people often call this issue "incorrect resolution", etc | 08:37 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Yes | 08:37 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | pitti: that debdiff ( ) mutes the error message. of course it's not "clean", but i think, if noone has a better solution, that cosmetical problem shouldnt appear in gutsy (final) | 08:37 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: So don't do that | 08:37 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | s/that/that that/ | 08:37 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, :( not all people use gdm... | 08:38 |
mjg59 | Then things are going to be broken for them | 08:38 |
mantiena-baltix | :((( | 08:38 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, could you tell me why we can't find the real solution, which would work with all software, not only with gnome/gdm ? | 08:39 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Because there is no "real solution" | 08:40 |
mjg59 | If you want to be able to increase the resolution at run-time, you need a larger virtual | 08:40 |
mjg59 | The only other place it could be done is in the X server | 08:40 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, you mean if I wanna able to increase resolution without restarting X ? | 08:41 |
mjg59 | Yes | 08:41 |
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mjg59 | Wow. Worked first time. | 08:42 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, this is an X server upstream issue and real solution would be to patch X :) | 08:43 |
glatzor | i am away for some minutes | 08:43 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No, real solution is to make drivers use randr1.2 | 08:43 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, nv driver still doesnt' use randr 1.2? | 08:44 |
mjg59 | Not for anything before the 8000, no | 08:44 |
mantiena-baltix | you mean, that nv driver uses randr 1.2 for newest Geforce cards, but doesn't use randr 1.2 for older, like Geforce 2 or Geforce 4 ? | 08:45 |
mjg59 | Yes | 08:45 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, thank you very much, at least I understand this mystics, I think :) | 08:46 |
glatzor | bryce: mjg59: mantiena-baltix: Is there anything I can do for you? | 08:47 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59: so, when nv driver will support randr 1.2 then virtual desktop will be 1024x768 with this conf file ? | 08:47 |
bryce | sorry, I was distracted by another critical issue; reviewing backlog | 08:48 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, it would be better if you could do for displayconfig-gtk, not for me ;) | 08:48 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, I have everything uploaded now for bug 150985, see the last comment there. | 08:49 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150985 in ghostscript "Printer setup tools list PPDs for which there are no driver executables in Ubuntu" [High,Fix committed] | 08:49 |
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mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: Yes | 08:51 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, it seems I should report bugs on all xorg drivers, where this problem exists, right? | 08:52 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: You could, but I doubt it would make things happen any faster | 08:53 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, at least this helps people know, where is real problem, because I though, that this is displayconfig-gtk or guidance-backends problem | 08:54 |
glatzor | mjg59: so should we add a white list handling for known to work drivers? | 08:54 |
mjg59 | glatzor: Mm? | 08:54 |
mjg59 | Oh, right. No, that would still defeat the point of that code. | 08:54 |
glatzor | mjg59: should we only set the virtual size for drivers about which we know that they are working | 08:55 |
mjg59 | glatzor: No, that would defeat the point of that code | 08:57 |
glatzor | mjg59: hm? | 08:57 |
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mjg59 | If you don't set the virtual to be larger than the screen size, then you can't increase the resolution at runtime | 08:58 |
tkamppeter | pitti, still there? | 08:59 |
pitti | tkamppeter: on the phone | 08:59 |
glatzor | mjg59: but won't having to restart the xserver be less annoying than having a "broken" desktop? | 09:00 |
mjg59 | glatzor: I've got a patch that avoids the issue | 09:00 |
glatzor | mjg59: but for gdm only, right. | 09:01 |
glatzor | mjg59: bryce: mantiena-baltix: sorry, but I have to get up early. So I have to leave. See you. Night. | 09:02 |
mantiena-baltix | glatzor, ok, hope to meet you on IRC tomorrow :) | 09:03 |
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mjg59 | glatzor: KDE works around it in some other way, I assume | 09:03 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, maybe you have patched gdm packages ? I wanna test it before Ubuntu RC will be released :) | 09:04 |
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mjg59 | It won't be in RC | 09:06 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, so, we must test it even more, right ? | 09:07 |
mjg59 | | 09:08 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, thanks | 09:09 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, re-run the test script after installing the fixed packages and now no problem with missing drivers or not installing test queues any more. | 09:09 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, could you build 386 packages ? please ;) | 09:10 |
mjg59 | mantiena-baltix: No. The full source is there. | 09:13 |
pitti | tkamppeter: re | 09:13 |
mantiena-baltix | mjg59, btw, when you are planing to put your patch to official ubuntu archive ? | 09:13 |
mjg59 | Yes | 09:14 |
pitti | bryce: ok, xorg beat sound-juicer on the buildds, so its in | 09:14 |
bryce | yay, thanks! | 09:14 |
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mantiena-baltix | mjg59, short answer about time :) | 09:15 |
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superm1 | bryce, did you also have a gdm upload too? | 09:18 |
superm1 | is that going in post rc then? | 09:18 |
superm1 | or was it just the xorg | 09:18 |
bryce | no, the change I mentioned is in xorg | 09:18 |
superm1 | ah okay | 09:18 |
superm1 | great that got in. | 09:18 |
bryce | the files updated are in /etc/gdm/, but it's not a change to the gdm package | 09:18 |
superm1 | ah. bryce, ubiquity 1.6.4 was uploaded this morning and has the fix to copy over debconf during install too. | 09:19 |
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bryce | so just need to check that things are getting copied in correctly, and that displayconfig-gtk is writing out xorg.conf's properly | 09:19 |
pitti | tkamppeter: the patches look fine; I just don't have time ATM to sponsor them | 09:21 |
pitti | tkamppeter: can you please ping around and ask for a sponsor? | 09:23 |
pitti | tkamppeter: they won't make it to the RC (unless we have to rebuild the CDs), but post-RC is fine for me | 09:24 |
pitti | tkamppeter: btw, please sub ubuntu-release to such bugs (I did that now) | 09:26 |
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kagou | tkamppeter, what a great work on Bug #150985 ! | 09:34 |
tkamppeter | pitti, does post-RC still mean for Gutsy? | 09:34 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150985 in ghostscript "Printer setup tools list PPDs for which there are no driver executables in Ubuntu" [High,Fix committed] | 09:34 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, I have subscribed bug 150985 to both ubuntu-release and ubuntu-main-sponsors. | 09:35 |
heno | evand, Riddell: bug 151051 doesn't look good | 09:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 151051 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with NameError in run()" [Undecided,New] | 09:35 |
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heno | ubiquity-kde crashes on start | 09:36 |
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evand | hrmm | 09:37 |
tkamppeter | anyone here who can upload the foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, and ghostscript packages fixing bug 150985 for me? Thanks. doko? Riddell? ...? | 09:37 |
evand | investigating now | 09:37 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150985 in ghostscript "Printer setup tools list PPDs for which there are no driver executables in Ubuntu" [High,Fix committed] | 09:37 |
evand | oh wow | 09:38 |
evand | that's an incredibly stupid mistake on my part | 09:38 |
Riddell | tkamppeter: could do, at the usual place? | 09:38 |
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tkamppeter | Riddell, all links in my last posting in bug 150985 | 09:39 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 150985 in ghostscript "Printer setup tools list PPDs for which there are no driver executables in Ubuntu" [High,Fix committed] | 09:39 |
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tkamppeter | kagou, with these fixes in Gutsy all printers listed in the setup tools will simply work. Printers for which we have no driver will not appear in the setup tools. | 09:41 |
kagou | tkamppeter, indeed it's a great enhancement | 09:41 |
kagou | tkamppeter, thank you for your support on my wiki page. I'm approved as a member since 10mns :) (thanks pitti too) | 09:43 |
evand | pitti: I'm afraid I'm going to have another ubiquity upload as bug 151051 completely breaks the KDE UI | 09:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 151051 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with NameError in run()" [Undecided,New] | 09:43 |
evand | It was a bad copy and paste job by myself, I'm terribly sorry. | 09:43 |
evand | heno: thank you for pointing it out | 09:43 |
heno | evand: np, sorry for not testing this part sooner | 09:44 |
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