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laga | hi, is it planned to fix #139767 in linux-soruce-2.6.20? it's a regression recently introduced in feisty | 01:43 |
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laga | bdmurray: thanks. | 02:11 |
bdmurray | laga: sure, no problem. things are quite busy now but I have noted it and will bring it up. | 02:15 |
laga | bdmurray: sorry for being a pest about it, but it's a bit annoying for the i830 people :) | 02:16 |
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foxwoods | Hello there, regarding memstick.c, is there any fix, or is it just plain broken? | 03:39 |
foxwoods | I saw a launchpad bug for this, by BenC, but it didn't say anything useful. | 03:40 |
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foxwoods | BenC? | 03:42 |
foxwoods | anyone awake? | 03:51 |
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poningru | halp | 04:56 |
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poningru | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/130511 | 04:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130511 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gusty updates broke my wireless connectivity" [High,Triaged] | 04:56 |
poningru | its a simple fix | 04:57 |
poningru | the pcms and microcodes from bcm43xx fwcutter are not getting put into the latest kernel | 04:57 |
poningru | please this breaks wifi for a lot of people | 04:57 |
poningru | :( | 05:06 |
=== lamont finds himself wondering if -13.41 is going to get uploaded this week | ||
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clever`rev | !enter | 06:00 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:00 |
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defcon | hey any kernel devs awake? | 06:14 |
defcon | can someone search launchpad for ralink and rt73 wireless cards because for the past year these cards have not worked and they are open sourced and work fine with most other distro's | 06:15 |
defcon | there are thousands of people with these cards, that wont be able to take advantage of ubuntu | 06:33 |
defcon | ubuntu rocks and lets make it so everyone, even the people with these cards can finally enjoy using ubuntu instead of being stuck with m!cro$oft | 06:34 |
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kraut | moin | 08:58 |
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stgraber | Can we still ship a quick fix for intel HDA ? (setting model=auto for a defined device) | 11:30 |
stgraber | I have a laptop with no sound (2 year old toshiba laptop) and setting model=auto makes sound to work | 11:31 |
mjg59 | stgraber: No | 11:34 |
mjg59 | There'll be newer alsa in linux-backports-modules | 11:34 |
stgraber | yeah, heard of it. So it'll also fix ALC861 ? I mainly heard of ALC268 | 11:38 |
mjg59 | No clue. | 11:38 |
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\sh | hmm...guys, what's the default ramdisk device for the ubuntu kernel? | 01:53 |
\sh | (initial ramdisk I have to say) | 01:53 |
mjg59 | ? | 01:54 |
\sh | mjg59, I'm trying to load a initrd image...kernel says it's loading it into the ramdisk ...but which device? ram/ram0/ramdisk? | 01:54 |
mjg59 | initramfs? There isn't a device. | 01:55 |
mjg59 | It's just extracted into a ramfs | 01:55 |
\sh | mjg59, no...plain initrd :) | 01:55 |
mjg59 | Why are you building an initrd? | 01:55 |
mjg59 | That's massively unlikely to work with any kernels we've shipped in the past two years | 01:56 |
\sh | mjg59, hmmm.... | 01:56 |
\sh | k | 01:56 |
\sh | so I have to switch to mkinitramfs | 01:56 |
mjg59 | Yes | 01:56 |
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\sh | mjg59, the question is, I have to start a script...and add some areca userspace tools to it...where should I add it to...when I use mkinitramfs | 02:01 |
mjg59 | Take a look at /usr/share/doc/initramfs-tools/HACKING | 02:02 |
maks | \sh: read man initramfs-tools | 02:04 |
\sh | well now I have to do this inside a feisty chroot grmpf | 02:05 |
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\sh | hmmm | 02:35 |
\sh | he tries to call hook console_setup and fails with eval: 1: syntax error: Unterminated quoted string | 02:35 |
\sh | grmpf | 02:37 |
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Mithrandir | amitk: sdhc on the crownbeach is unhappy with current dailies. | 03:12 |
Mithrandir | amitk: and the current linux-source package seems to include the stock drm.ko in the kernel config? | 03:14 |
=== lamont grumbles at the lack of an ia64 kernel | ||
zul | lamount: oh just grumble for the fun of it | 03:19 |
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amitk | Mithrandir: Could you file a bug about SDHC? | 03:59 |
Mithrandir | amitk: sure | 04:00 |
Mithrandir | any update on bug 145168? | 04:00 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 145168 in linux-source-2.6.22 "disable built-in drm for lpia" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145168 | 04:00 |
amitk | Mithrandir: I am not very productive today... out sick. But I will try to check this later this evening | 04:00 |
Mithrandir | yeah, I saw you sent that email. I wasn't intending you to come here until you felt better. :-) | 04:01 |
amitk | Mithrandir: hmm. wonder how stock drm came back on LPIA... I will check this one now | 04:02 |
Mithrandir | cheers | 04:02 |
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defcon | can someone search launchpad for ralink and rt73 wireless cards because for the past year these cards have not worked for thousands of people and they are open sourced and work fine with most other distro's | 05:23 |
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lamont | II: Checking modules for itanium...previous or current modules file missing! | 05:48 |
lamont | BenC: ETA for a -14.42 upload to fix ia64 the rest of the way? | 05:48 |
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elmo | halp | 06:32 |
elmo | we have a Dell with HDA audio not working - what's the shortest/quickest get it up and working solution? | 06:32 |
kylem | replace the laptop? | 06:33 |
zul | lol | 06:34 |
mjg59 | elmo: Hardy | 06:35 |
elmo | seriously? | 06:36 |
mjg59 | Or, with luck, linux-backports-modules | 06:36 |
mjg59 | But that doesn't seem to exist in a useful way yet | 06:37 |
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_rtg | elmo: gimme the 'lspci -vvnn' and I can tell you if its going to be supported in linux-backports-modules | 06:40 |
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elmo | _rtg: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/tmp/lspci.txt | 06:58 |
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_rtg | elmo: Its a Dell Precision something or other? Looks like it'll work: 'SND_PCI_QUIRK(PCI_VENDOR_ID_DELL, 0x01f9, "Dell Precision", STAC_9205_DELL_M43)' | 07:00 |
elmo | _rtg: Dell Latitude I think | 07:03 |
elmo | D630 | 07:04 |
_rtg | elmo: I should have the Gutsy lbm package uploaded today or tomorrow. | 07:04 |
elmo | _rtg: ok, cool, thanks | 07:04 |
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pina | who has been doing x86 builds | 07:17 |
lamont | BenC/amitk/kylem: who's the right person for me to pester to get -14.42 uploaded to finish fixing ia64? | 07:18 |
kylem | i'm already doing it. stop fucking nagging. | 07:18 |
lamont | hadn't heard any response to queries... hence nagging... will stop now. thanks. | 07:18 |
kylem | look at git. | 07:18 |
lamont | doh. thanks | 07:19 |
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osmosis | is gutsy's xen kernel getting more stable ? | 08:57 |
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pina | guys the initrd doesn't mount the root filesystem and the initrd is mounted *as* the root filesystem? | 09:19 |
mjg59 | It's supposed to be mounted as the root filesystem, yes | 09:20 |
pina | ok | 09:21 |
pina | so the kernel boots into the initrd, which then mounts the root filesystem and unmounts itself? | 09:21 |
mjg59 | Yes (effectively | 09:22 |
mjg59 | It's an initramfs rather than an initrd | 09:22 |
pina | it's still the kernel that mounts the root filesystem at the end isnt it?? | 09:22 |
pina | i thought since initrd/initramfs handled mounting root nowadays it becomes a problem for kernel development as you have to match the kernel and the init(ramfs|rd) | 09:26 |
pina | so are there tools for semiautomatially creating both or is it distro specific | 09:27 |
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pina | mjg59? | 09:29 |
johanbr | The short answer is "yes and yes". | 09:29 |
mjg59 | No, the root filesystem is mounted by the initramfs | 09:30 |
pina | mjg59: can you explain a bit more on that | 09:30 |
pina | mjg59 i was talking about initrd | 09:31 |
mjg59 | Nobody uses initrd any more | 09:31 |
pina | ok so eventually initramfs mounts the rootfilesystem | 09:32 |
mjg59 | Yes | 09:32 |
BenC | pina: basically it checks the root= kernel argument (which is usually a UUID in Ubuntu) and mounts that after loading the right drivers for storage devices | 09:34 |
pina | ok | 09:39 |
pina | thanks | 09:39 |
pina | some confusion | 09:42 |
pina | i tell you i had 3 different answers for the same question | 09:42 |
BenC | first, you need to forget about initrd | 09:43 |
BenC | I know the file is called initrd, but it's actually an initramfs (handled quite differently) | 09:43 |
pina | exactly | 09:43 |
BenC | all the scripts in the initramfs are from the initramfs-tools package, and various other packages that include some helper scripts (look in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/) | 09:44 |
BenC | also /etc/initramfs-tools/ | 09:44 |
BenC | it's quite extensive, since it can do more than just mount a normal rootfs (netboot, resume from s2disk, etc) | 09:45 |
BenC | and yes, the initramfs has to match the booted kernel, hence a separate one is generated for each kernel in /boot/ | 09:45 |
BenC | that's only because the modules have to match | 09:46 |
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pina | yeah, initrd is what was used before initramfs came along | 09:46 |
pina | got you | 09:47 |
pina | thanks a bunch | 09:48 |
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