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jenda | dergringo: semi-pong | 12:45 |
jenda | dergringo: I recommend email - i'm here for about a minute a day lately :( | 12:45 |
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popey | for uwn perhaps? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7034828.stm | 01:11 |
popey | "Russian schools move to Linux" | 01:11 |
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dee | hello | 07:07 |
dee | question concerning: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1154 under which license are these entries? can we use the images in a translation? (I'm from the German Ubuntu LoCo-Team) | 07:08 |
popey | well, they are hotlinked from other sites, so the tracker logo is (I suspect) whatever license Gnome use, the screenshot is on the wiki, so that is under whatever the wiki is under | 07:12 |
popey | at a guess | 07:12 |
dee | hm, I do not see the license of the wiki. :( | 07:14 |
popey | CC-BY-SA I believe | 07:15 |
dee | hm. okay. is the doumentation team responsible for the wiki? If so it should be cc-by-sa. | 07:16 |
popey | hmmm | 07:16 |
=== popey reverts the front page of wiki.ubuntu.com | ||
Daviey | hmm | 07:19 |
Daviey | What does that mean then? | 07:19 |
juliux | hi dee | 07:22 |
dee | hi juliux. | 07:23 |
popey | Daviey: I have no clue what _language_ it is, let alone what it says :) | 07:25 |
juliux | dee, you can also ask the tracker team in #tracker on GimpNet | 07:26 |
popey | heh, its chinese | 07:26 |
popey | it means "Welcome to the" | 07:26 |
dee | juliux: the tracker-teams knows which license fridge has? | 07:27 |
juliux | dee, not the fridce but the logo and the screenshots;) | 07:28 |
dee | the screenshot is from the ubuntu wiki (as mentioned by popey above). so the tracker team could only say what license the logo is. but it's a little bit ... eh, complicated to look in three resource for a licence. | 07:30 |
juliux | hehe | 07:39 |
juliux | always the same with licences;) | 07:39 |
dee | juliux: I hate it. :( | 07:40 |
juliux | dee, i can create an screenshot from tracker | 07:41 |
juliux | -n | 07:41 |
dee | juliux: I suppose someone in our team has gutsy too, so no need for it. but it would be easier if we could use the images. | 07:44 |
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=== Susana__ is now known as Susana | ||
beuno | popey, ping | 09:26 |
popey | beuno: pong | 09:32 |
popey | you got marks mail? | 09:32 |
beuno | popey, when you see this, I got an email from Mark asking for some help to promote screencasts, so ping me back when you're around and let's see what I can do to help | 09:32 |
popey | ok, thanks | 09:33 |
beuno | but you're here now :p | 09:33 |
beuno | when does the month of screencasts end? | 09:33 |
popey | there's a good question | 09:33 |
beuno | maybe we can announce it in -news when it's over | 09:33 |
beuno | a nice email | 09:33 |
popey | well.. | 09:33 |
popey | the original intention was to run from 1st to 30th sept | 09:34 |
beuno | full with information, and request for any collaboration you might need | 09:34 |
popey | various personal circumstances coupled with me being pretty much the only person making them has put paid to that idea | 09:34 |
popey | so what I'm doing it trying to get all 30 done before Gutsy releases | 09:34 |
popey | once they are done, there will be 30 of them which .. well, I don't know what's next :) | 09:35 |
popey | feedback would be the best thing! | 09:35 |
popey | (help would be even better) | 09:35 |
beuno | popey, so what do you think is best, wait for you to finish, or send something now and try and get some help? | 09:35 |
popey | good question | 09:36 |
popey | let me think about that and get back to you | 09:36 |
dee | popey: could you explain Marks mail? Why do you launch another Month of Screencasts in 8 days? I thought the old "month" isn't over yet. | 09:36 |
popey | he misunderstood | 09:36 |
popey | he saw the gutsy countdown | 09:36 |
popey | :) | 09:36 |
beuno | popey, sure, I'll give it some more thought on how I can help you promote it, and if you can think of anything else I can do, let me know | 09:36 |
dee | ah okay... I was a little bit confused. :) | 09:36 |
popey | :) | 09:38 |
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