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jroes | @schedule charlotte | 02:16 |
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hjjuytr12342 | i got a call from the fbi saying they seen heavy net activity on my ip about torrented movies i never done that before and told them i found someone hacked into my wireless which is true when im wired ip is dif and wireless its also a dif numb im almost always wired so how do i handle this they said they can take my comp and if anythng shows up im going to prison for 10 yrs and they been asking people around and famil | 03:42 |
hjjuytr12342 | y if they know me i told my aunt about it and she thinks i was downloading them but i never did please what do i do i am freaking out every sec of the day | 03:42 |
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sid | !seen sabdfl | 04:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen sabdfl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | sid: /msg seenserv seen sabdfl | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | sid: and he'll be asleep | 04:19 |
sid | thanks Hobbsee | 04:20 |
sid | huh, za and uk are on the same time zone | 04:21 |
sid | I didn't know that. | 04:21 |
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kraut | moin | 08:58 |
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coolbhavi | hello | 11:53 |
popey | hello | 11:53 |
popey | @schedule | 11:53 |
ubotu | Schedule for Etc/UTC: 09 Oct 18:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 12:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 16:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 15:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 16:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 16:00: QA Team | 11:53 |
=== RicardoPerez [n=RicardoP@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
coolbhavi | Ok Will there be an interview? | 11:57 |
popey | an interview? | 11:57 |
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A67164.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
coolbhavi | I am writing a book on hacking.... for ubuntu membership i mean... | 12:00 |
coolbhavi | hello... anyone out there? | 12:01 |
popey | this channel tends to be quiet until there is a meeting | 12:01 |
popey | then it's used exclusively for the meeting, so no chat | 12:01 |
popey | coolbhavi: did you want to interview someone? | 12:02 |
coolbhavi | no... Will the community councilinterview me? My interest is security,security and more security... can I talk on this today in the meeting? | 12:04 |
dholbach | the meeting is at 18:00 UTC, not now | 12:04 |
popey | why would they interview you coolbhavi ? | 12:06 |
coolbhavi | Hi holbach..OK only thing i wanted to know is can i speak out myself in the meeting? | 12:06 |
dholbach | coolbhavi: the agenda is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda | 12:06 |
coolbhavi | OK had a look at it... but.. Am I allowed to speak something about myself? this is my doubt.. | 12:08 |
popey | not if it's not on the agenda, no | 12:09 |
soren | coolbhavi: Yes, there's an interview. | 12:10 |
coolbhavi | Ok..... then how do i express my ideas? | 12:11 |
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coolbhavi | Open source open minds! | 12:11 |
popey | soren: i don't see it on the agenda | 12:12 |
=== popey opens his eyes and sees it | ||
soren | coolbhavi: Er... You say them? | 12:13 |
popey | coolbhavi: during the interview you are expected to detail what you have done for ubuntu and what you plan to do for ubuntu, talk a bit about yourself, team memberships, achievements. That kind of thing. | 12:14 |
coolbhavi | horrible miscommunication! blame it on myself... Ok that i can do..... | 12:15 |
popey | sorry, I misunderstood you. | 12:15 |
coolbhavi | achievements? carrying on my ubuntu education throughout my college.. Helping newbies to get their hands on ubuntu on the answer tracker, Currently working on UMC actively... ! | 12:18 |
coolbhavi | and doing a bit of research from past 6 yrs on linux security..... And currently on Processor design... | 12:20 |
popey | you need to do this during the meeting, not now | 12:20 |
popey | the meeting is at 18:00 UTC today | 12:21 |
coolbhavi | Will talk on this in detail in the meeting... Thanks for the info mate... See you at the meeting! thanks again! | 12:22 |
popey | bye! :) | 12:25 |
coolbhavi | see ya | 12:25 |
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zul | @schedule montrela | 03:00 |
zul | @schedule montreal | 03:00 |
ubotu | Schedule for America/Montreal: 09 Oct 14:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 08:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 12:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 11:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 12:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 12:00: QA Team | 03:00 |
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Mamarok | @schedule zurich | 03:17 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Zurich: 09 Oct 20:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 14:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 17:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 18:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 03:17 |
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ian_brasil | @schedule manaus | 03:30 |
ubotu | Schedule for America/Manaus: 09 Oct 14:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 08:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 12:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 11:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 12:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 12:00: QA Team | 03:30 |
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mathiaz | hi everyone ! | 05:01 |
sommer | hey | 05:02 |
=== jdstrand waves | ||
dendrobates | hey all. | 05:02 |
dantalizing | morning | 05:02 |
=== nealmcb waves | ||
lionel | hi all | 05:02 |
=== Hobbsee comes in, sprays everyone with a water pistol, and leaves again. | ||
dendrobates | I've asked mathiaz to chair this meeting, as I am up against a few deadlines. | 05:03 |
=== nealmcb enjoys the coolness that Hobbsee contributes | ||
dendrobates | Hobbsee: are you coming to UDS? | 05:03 |
=== popey starts praying | ||
Hobbsee | dendrobates: unfortunately not :(. boston+1, however... | 05:03 |
popey | is boston+1 in Aus? | 05:04 |
=== Hobbsee decided to stay at uni, as she's got an evil physics unit to pass this semester | ||
mathiaz | soren: around ? | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | popey: no idea. | 05:04 |
popey | its about time for one | 05:04 |
zul | there has already been one in aus | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | popey: your prayers are answered, i'm not coming to shoot you :P | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | popey: there's been one. | 05:04 |
popey | hurrah | 05:04 |
popey | back in 2005 | 05:04 |
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popey | that would be 3 years by the time boston+1 | 05:05 |
zul | nah it should come back to montreal | 05:05 |
popey | ooo canada, never been there, that would be fun | 05:06 |
mathiaz | ok. so let's get started. | 05:07 |
mathiaz | #startmeeting | 05:07 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 16:07. The chair is mathiaz. | 05:07 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC] , [IDEA] , [ACTION] , [AGREED] , [LINK] , [VOTE] | 05:07 |
mathiaz | the agenda for today is short. | 05:07 |
mathiaz | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting | 05:07 |
mathiaz | [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting. | 05:07 |
MootBot | New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting. | 05:07 |
DoctorMO | we got a meeting at 2pm (NYT)? | 05:08 |
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-68-44-165-48.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
ivoks | hi | 05:08 |
mathiaz | previous meeting logs are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20070927 | 05:08 |
soren | Sorry, I'm here now. | 05:09 |
mathiaz | DoctorMO: are you talking about the New-York loco team meeting ? | 05:10 |
mathiaz | I just realized that the fridge is not up-to-date | 05:10 |
mathiaz | the ServerTeam meeting is not there... | 05:10 |
nealmcb | I tried to note that on #ubuntu-server, but for some reason my client doesn't want to get me there.... | 05:11 |
mathiaz | @schedule | 05:11 |
ubotu | Schedule for Etc/UTC: 09 Oct 18:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 12:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 16:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 15:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 16:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 16:00: QA Team | 05:11 |
ivoks | we should speed up things then | 05:11 |
nealmcb | But we'll be done long before 18:00 :-) | 05:11 |
popey | mathiaz: there is a problem with recurring meetings on the fridge | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | popey: fridge didnt integrate in with launchpad did it? | 05:12 |
popey | Hobbsee: no its a drupal issue | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | popey: oh good | 05:12 |
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mathiaz | popey: who should we contact to get this fixed ? | 05:12 |
mathiaz | popey: fridge-devel ? | 05:13 |
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dendrobates | mathiaz: can we start, or is there a conflict? | 05:14 |
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mathiaz | dendrobates: well... we've already started I think. | 05:14 |
mathiaz | dendrobates: the NYC is supposed to be 2:00 PM EST. | 05:14 |
mathiaz | soren: what's the state of the mta change wrt debian % | 05:15 |
mathiaz | soren: ? | 05:15 |
soren | I haven't written to Debian yet. It's hardy material anyway. | 05:15 |
popey | mathiaz: yes, but a bug has already been filed | 05:16 |
mathiaz | popey: ok. Thanks. | 05:16 |
mathiaz | dendrobates: I think you've sent the mail for the IdeaPool page for Hardy. | 05:17 |
mathiaz | The page is located here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/HardyIdeaPool | 05:17 |
dendrobates | mathiaz: yes, I did, and we had a pretty good response. | 05:17 |
dendrobates | mathiaz: the UDS scheduling has begun. | 05:18 |
mathiaz | dendrobates: ok. That means that it's too late to add new items to this page. | 05:18 |
mathiaz | As we're in the next phase of specification planning. | 05:18 |
mathiaz | I'll update the wiki page to reflect that. | 05:18 |
dendrobates | mathiaz: There are a few open slots, but I recommend emailing ideas to me at this point. | 05:18 |
mathiaz | [ACTION] mathiaz will update the IdeaPool | 05:19 |
MootBot | ACTION received: mathiaz will update the IdeaPool | 05:19 |
dendrobates | rick@ubuntu.com | 05:19 |
mathiaz | dendrobates: ok. I'll a note to the wiki page to mail you the ideas. | 05:19 |
mathiaz | [TOPIC] RC iso testing. | 05:20 |
MootBot | New Topic: RC iso testing. | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | test iso's early, or i'll come hunting! | 05:20 |
dendrobates | I am ready for sparc testing. | 05:20 |
mathiaz | We're currently in archive freeze as we're preparing for RC on thursday. | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | mathiaz: where do you want alerts given to to go and test? | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | ie, who to poke? | 05:21 |
=== mralphabet [n=username@71-10-125-165.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Hobbsee | (although i'm assuming you'll be somewhat watching anyway) | 05:21 |
mathiaz | Hobbsee: we're already on the isotesting tracker. | 05:21 |
mathiaz | Hobbsee: there are a couple of the team members that are subscribed to test cases. | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | ok | 05:21 |
mathiaz | Hobbsee: so we're pinged when a new build is available. | 05:21 |
dendrobates | we always need more sparc testers. | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | ok | 05:22 |
mathiaz | I'll send an email on ubuntu-server once RC is out to ask for more testing. | 05:22 |
sommer | dendrobates: I have access to a Sunblade 100, is that too old? | 05:22 |
dendrobates | sommer: Is that an ultrasparc iii box | 05:23 |
dendrobates | We only officially support the t1 procs, but it doesn't hurt to test on some of the older ones as well. | 05:24 |
mathiaz | sommer: are you register on the iso qa tracker ? | 05:24 |
sommer | mathiaz: yep I registered a couple of weeks ago. | 05:25 |
sommer | didn't do much testing though | 05:25 |
mathiaz | sommer: did you subscribed to the sparc testcases ? | 05:25 |
sommer | I think so. | 05:25 |
sommer | dendrobates: I think this is the processor: UltraSPARC[tm] -IIe | 05:26 |
dendrobates | sommer: it is worth trying. It should work. | 05:26 |
sommer | I did get one of the daily builds loaded fine. | 05:26 |
=== benlake [n=benlake@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
sommer | cool I'll get it ready for testing | 05:27 |
mathiaz | sommer: hum... I don't see you subsribed to the sparc test cases. | 05:27 |
sommer | mathiaz: I may not have gotten that far. I may have been still reading the docs on how to test ISOs | 05:27 |
sommer | I set up the account before vacation | 05:28 |
mathiaz | sommer: ok. If you wanna get notified about new builds, you should subscribe to test cases. | 05:28 |
sommer | mathiaz: cool will do | 05:28 |
mathiaz | sommer: it may not be well documented though. | 05:29 |
stgraber | sommer: subscribe to the different testcases you want to do, that way you'll be notified by mail when a new ISO is out | 05:29 |
mathiaz | sommer: let me know if the documentation is not good enough. | 05:29 |
sommer | sure | 05:29 |
sommer | will do | 05:29 |
mathiaz | stgraber: did you find someone to help for you server tweaking ? | 05:30 |
stgraber | mathiaz: yes, asked pitti who gave me some names. I have also moved part of the LP sync proccess to my home server. | 05:30 |
soren | win 21 | 05:31 |
mathiaz | stgraber: great. | 05:31 |
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mathiaz | let's move on to the next topic | 05:32 |
mathiaz | [TOPIC] use of backports for samba | 05:32 |
MootBot | New Topic: use of backports for samba | 05:32 |
mathiaz | I had a discussion with the ScottK about using -backports to publish the latest of samba | 05:32 |
ScottK | The sanity threshold for -backports is pretty low, so it should be doable with a little effort. | 05:33 |
mathiaz | every now and then, bugs are filed to ask to upgrade to the latest version of samba, mysql, etc... for dapper especially. | 05:33 |
ivoks | i agree | 05:33 |
mathiaz | so I tought we may use dapper-backports to address this issue. | 05:34 |
mathiaz | I think it could also be used to see how LTS upgrade would work. | 05:34 |
soren | Is there a description somewhere of how to make sure you only get a particular subset of packages from the backports repository? | 05:34 |
soren | It's *very* likely that anyone who wants the samba packages don't want all the other crack in there. | 05:35 |
mathiaz | soren: can pinning be used for that in the apt configuration ? | 05:35 |
soren | mathiaz: Yes. | 05:35 |
soren | I'm just not sure if that is described properly somewhere. | 05:35 |
ivoks | soren: or oposite, some one who uses backports just for clamav, maybe doesn't want samba too | 05:35 |
mathiaz | ScottK: is there some documentation about pinning and -backports ? | 05:36 |
soren | If we advice our dapper users to switch on backports, we'll get an entirely different sort of problems. It needs to be easy to just use a certain set of packages from backports. | 05:36 |
nealmcb | sounds like it could get complicated and lead to confusion - how many packages would be related to e.g. a samba backport? | 05:36 |
mathiaz | nealmcb: well - all the binary packages built from the samba source package. | 05:37 |
=== Gargoyle [n=gargoyle@pdpc/supporter/student/Gargoyle] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] | ||
nealmcb | but any dependencies on others? | 05:37 |
mathiaz | Moreover, -backport is not officialy supported. | 05:37 |
ivoks | nothing from server world | 05:37 |
=== nealmcb just hasn't used backports much.... | ||
jdstrand | along nealmcb line of thinking, what kind of testing/support will we have for libraries that might be brought and used by other packages (that may break as a result)? | 05:37 |
ScottK | mathiaz: Not that I know. I don't recommend people leave it enabled. Just get in, get what they need, and get out. | 05:38 |
lionel | well, we have to be prepared to some confusion. People are not aware that backports are not supported, they have no security updates, etc. | 05:38 |
mathiaz | nealmcb: we can only use -backports if the package doesn't require new dependencies. | 05:38 |
jdstrand | s/might be brought/might be brought in by the backport/ | 05:38 |
ScottK | mathiaz: Or we can backport the dependencies if it's reasonable. It's particularly easy if the depens are New packages so there's no integration risk. | 05:38 |
soren | I'm thinking... What is the use case for this? | 05:39 |
mathiaz | soren: samba doesn'T support vista client in dapper. | 05:39 |
ivoks | imho, samba should be officialy backported (to updates) only if there is a strong reason, and for those who can live with unsupported samba, i agree that it could go to -backports | 05:40 |
mathiaz | soren: please upgrade to 3.0.26b so my dapper server works with vista client | 05:40 |
soren | mathiaz: That's a serious bug, wouldn't you say? | 05:40 |
mathiaz | soren: yes. But it would be very hard to get it through an SRU | 05:40 |
soren | mathiaz: Yes. Hard, but correct. | 05:40 |
mathiaz | soren: as it would involved a lot of patches. | 05:40 |
soren | mathiaz: I agree. | 05:40 |
soren | I definitely see the problem, but the feeling that going through -backports is wrong gets stronger and stronger. | 05:41 |
nealmcb | ahhh - do folks want 3.5 more years of hassles about that in dapper. sigh.... | 05:41 |
soren | We're considering using backports to accomplish something -updates is meant to accomplish. | 05:42 |
mathiaz | soren: yes. that's true. | 05:42 |
nealmcb | in 7 months we can point them to hardy, but .... | 05:43 |
mathiaz | soren: it's also connect to the MicroReleaseException. | 05:43 |
soren | nealmcb: We'll still be supporting Dapper, though. | 05:43 |
nealmcb | exactly | 05:43 |
=== keescook [n=kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mathiaz | soren: it seems to me that for some case (such as samba), getting through -updates can involve much more work that publishing it in -backport. | 05:44 |
soren | mathiaz: Unfortunately, I'm not convinced Samba is as thorough w.r.t. to regression testing as we might want it to be. | 05:44 |
nealmcb | which leads me to ask what the risks of just fixing it in dapper are. and I guess how often this will crop up in the future. damn non-standardized protocols.... | 05:44 |
ivoks | this already happend with MacOSX | 05:44 |
ivoks | and now Vista | 05:45 |
soren | mathiaz: I agree. I'm just trying to take a step back and look at the problem rather than focus on one proposed solution and just discuss the mechanics of that. | 05:45 |
ivoks | it will probably happend again with Vista SP2 | 05:45 |
mathiaz | soren: yes. I see your point. | 05:45 |
soren | It might turn out that -backports is the way to go, but I can't help but feel that the discussion has been shortcircuited at some poit. | 05:46 |
mathiaz | it seems that there is a category of software that won't fall in the MicroReleaseException, but that still need to be updated in an LTS | 05:46 |
soren | point. | 05:46 |
=== ScottK agrees it's better to go in -updates if it can be patched. | ||
=== nealmcb nods | ||
soren | The problem is that Samba in Dapper doesn't work with a large fraction of the Windows systems out there. | 05:46 |
jdstrand | mathiaz, soren: I just went through a review of mysql for MicroReleaseException, but there needs to be good testing and no incompatible changes | 05:47 |
=== ScottK also thinks "Use backports" should never be an official recommendation. More like, well, if you really want the latest crack, it's in dapper-backports, but it's not supported. | ||
jdstrand | I don't know if samba would meet that criteria | 05:47 |
mathiaz | ScottK: agreed. But sometimes patching is really hard - see the mysql problem. | 05:47 |
ScottK | Sure. | 05:47 |
soren | This is a serious issue which any Dapper samba user is likely to want fixed at some point. | 05:48 |
mathiaz | jdstrand: I don't know either. I think samba has a test suite. But they still tend to introduce new feature and incomptible changes. | 05:48 |
jdstrand | soren: you are correct. But they are also going to want a *supported* samba | 05:48 |
=== Lure [n=lure@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
jdstrand | I am not sure backports is the answer cause it won't be officially supported | 05:48 |
ivoks | mathiaz: quite often | 05:48 |
soren | It's a slippery slope to just put it in backports and say to our users that they should stop bitching about borken samba because they can just use whatever's in -backports. -backports is unsupported, and the reason we put it in there instead of -updates is because we're not convinced it won't cause regressions. | 05:49 |
jdstrand | soren: exactly | 05:49 |
=== nairov [n=n@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
jdstrand | I think LTS customers in particular want supported packages | 05:49 |
Daviey | samba being a crucial server app, really should have the option of known stable and latest (supported!) version - especially on an LTS release | 05:49 |
=== jdstrand promoted LTS for that reason | ||
ScottK | Just for reference, current Postfix is available in dapper-backports. | 05:49 |
soren | ScottK: It provides new features, right? | 05:50 |
ScottK | soren: Yes. Many. | 05:50 |
soren | "Is not broken" is not a feature. :) | 05:50 |
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
nealmcb | but the current postfix is less broken than samba? | 05:51 |
ScottK | Postfix in Dapper is not broken, but it's, umm, carefully designed. | 05:51 |
ivoks | where that came from? broken, how? :D | 05:51 |
ScottK | It's not. | 05:51 |
soren | ScottK: Ah, that's not what I meant. | 05:51 |
ScottK | Postfix 2.2.10 is perfectly fine if you don't need newer features. | 05:52 |
jdstrand | keescook: would probably slap me for saying this, but (and I am just brainstorming here) would it be possible to package the new version in 'updates', but that wouldn't be an upgrade, but rather a separate package that conflicted with samba in Dapper (obviously, a lot of packaging issues would have to be resolved, but it would give the LTS users a real choice) | 05:52 |
ivoks | interesting idea | 05:52 |
soren | I mean that Samba in Dapper is broken (since it doesn't support a lot of the clients it's meant to serve). -backports is for new features, and "Is not able to do what it's supposed to" is not a feature in that respect. | 05:52 |
=== lamont vomits on keescook's behalf | ||
=== keescook also vomits. ;) | ||
=== jdstrand isn't thrilled by supported 2 sambas either | ||
keescook | jdstrand: the -updates and -security pockets need to stay "clean", unfortunately. | 05:53 |
jdstrand | supporting | 05:53 |
lamont | either it's broken and needs to be fixed, or it's not sufficiently broken and it doesn't change | 05:53 |
keescook | this is a problem that should be solved somehow, though. we run into it with clamav too. | 05:53 |
soren | lamont: Well said. | 05:53 |
jdstrand | I just feel that the pockets aren't serving LTS server's needs | 05:53 |
jdstrand | existing pckets that is | 05:53 |
=== jdstrand is still miffed about mysql | ||
soren | The only reason they feel insufficient is because Samba is a scary monster. | 05:54 |
nealmcb | the underlying problem is trying to be compatible with a moving target which many users regard as the definition of what it means for samba to be "working" vs "broken".... | 05:54 |
ScottK | Clamav is even worse because due to API changes I can't even backport the current clamav to Dapper. | 05:54 |
jdstrand | mysql is bad boy too | 05:54 |
nealmcb | and they are the major use case for samba in the first place | 05:54 |
=== Daviey agrees that 'backports' for core server apps need to be supported on LTS | ||
lamont | "I want LTS and the latest $FOO" is a evidence of a conflicted mind. | 05:54 |
keescook | ScottK: right, would be nice to have a volatile or something similar. | 05:54 |
=== ScottK agrees. | ||
jdstrand | lamont: not when you can't backport security updates | 05:54 |
ScottK | jdstrand: Sure you can. Just someone has to do them. | 05:55 |
jdstrand | ScottK: not with mysql developers | 05:55 |
nealmcb | 5 minutes to CC meeting.... | 05:55 |
jdstrand | witout mysql developers | 05:55 |
soren | lamont: True that, but I consider it a perfectly valid use case to have LTS on one's servers and something slightly newer (Vista) on one's desktops. | 05:55 |
=== jdstrand hrmm | ||
ivoks | nealmcb: that's 18:00 utc | 05:55 |
jdstrand | s/witout/without/ | 05:56 |
lamont | jdstrand: you can always backport security updates... the question is does that mean adding the fix as a patch in the old version, shoving the new version with all that risk and possibly new features back into the release, or some combination of the two.... | 05:56 |
Daviey | lamont: conflicting how? An admin worth their salt uses an LTS server version IMO - is it unreasonable for them to want the latest stable samba to be supported and backported? | 05:56 |
ScottK | It's a similar situation, I think, to the LTS kernel's problem with dealing with new hardware. | 05:56 |
soren | One of the major blockers of this problem is that we don't have anyone who is familiar enough with samba code and the protocols involved to identify the bug fixes and handle the updates properly. | 05:56 |
jdstrand | ScottK: they redesigned large protions of code in a *stable* release that cannot be backported. Unfortunely those changes were incompatible with earlier versions | 05:57 |
jdstrand | in the stable release that is | 05:57 |
nealmcb | ivoks: man - I have really gotten that one confused - I guess by earlier conversation about another meeting - thanks | 05:57 |
ScottK | Right. So if you backport once from the current release, you just keep backporting newer stuff as it comes out. | 05:57 |
jdstrand | lamont: while I agree with you in theory, that doesn't always work. You end up with a 'wont fix' situation sometimes | 05:58 |
=== Hattory [i=darkrad@host144-161-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
dendrobates | Sorry to interrupt this long thread, but I have to run, and I wanted to get a show of hands for all those coming to UDS. | 05:58 |
=== mathiaz waves | ||
=== nijaba waves | ||
popey | o/ :) | 05:59 |
=== ScottK says maybe. | ||
=== jdstrand raises his hand | ||
=== nealmcb probably | ||
=== Daviey sulks | ||
soren | o/ | 06:00 |
=== Hobbsee belatedly leaves hand down too | ||
dendrobates | I'm told there will be punch and pie. :) | 06:01 |
soren | \o/ | 06:01 |
jdstrand | mmmm... pie | 06:01 |
tepsipakki | o/ | 06:01 |
=== ScottK holds out for alcohol. | ||
dendrobates | oh, I meant spiked punch. | 06:02 |
ivoks | o/ | 06:02 |
ScottK | OK then. That sounds good. | 06:02 |
dendrobates | I will buy a beer for any one in the server community that shows up. :-) | 06:03 |
ivoks | uh :D | 06:03 |
=== soren makes a note of that | ||
dendrobates | That is over 21, that is. | 06:03 |
=== ScottK feels his motivation to attend rising. | ||
=== Hobbsee sees a sudden influx of 14 year olds joining hte server team | ||
nijaba | Shall we talk about next meeting date and time before parting ? | 06:04 |
mathiaz | [TOPIC] Next meeting date and time | 06:04 |
MootBot | New Topic: Next meeting date and time | 06:04 |
nealmcb | were we done? any action items re samba? | 06:05 |
mathiaz | nealmcb: not really I think. | 06:05 |
ivoks | downgrad to universe :/ | 06:05 |
mathiaz | nealmcb: I just wanted to raise the issue... There isn't a clear consensus about it. | 06:05 |
soren | :p | 06:05 |
nealmcb | lol | 06:05 |
nijaba | 22:00 UTC seemed to be convenient for most every other tuesday. Is that ok for next week ? | 06:06 |
mathiaz | I think -backport can always be used... | 06:06 |
ScottK | nealmcb: mathiaz is going to fix it. | 06:06 |
ScottK | That was the action. | 06:06 |
mathiaz | The question is whether -updates should shipped the newest version of samba or not. | 06:06 |
soren | mathiaz: Well, yes, -backports can be used, but we still need to handle the issues via -updates as well. | 06:07 |
mathiaz | soren: yes. | 06:07 |
mathiaz | I've started to build 3.0.26 for dapper and it seems to work os far. | 06:07 |
ivoks | too bad samba team doesn't have stable releases :/ | 06:08 |
nealmcb | if we can't resolve it now, I'm just wondering what a next step would be - connect with samba team? write up a wiki page about the issue? tell users to run the latest ubuntu non-lts on their file servers?? | 06:08 |
mathiaz | I'll probably submit it to -backport. | 06:08 |
soren | nealmcb: There will be participation by the Samba team at FOSSCamp. | 06:08 |
nealmcb | and more testing can happen that way at least... | 06:09 |
nealmcb | soren: nice | 06:09 |
mathiaz | So what about the next meeting date and time ? | 06:10 |
mathiaz | Do we need another meeting next week before the release ? | 06:10 |
ivoks | 16th? | 06:12 |
nealmcb | I wish we could see the blueprints submitted for uds boston, but launchpad won't let non-drivers see them until approved... | 06:13 |
dendrobates | The server blueprints aren't done yet anyway. | 06:13 |
dendrobates | Working as fast as I can. | 06:13 |
nealmcb | :-) | 06:13 |
mathiaz | ivoks: yes. Tuesday 16th. | 06:14 |
=== dantalizing is now known as dantalizing_away | ||
nealmcb | 22:00 utc? | 06:14 |
=== Vaelen [n=andrew@ppp-70-135-65-108.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mathiaz | The question is whether we need one or not ? | 06:15 |
ivoks | no has guts to say... :) | 06:15 |
mathiaz | There wasn't much to say for this meeting | 06:16 |
ivoks | it will be too late to change anything, right? | 06:16 |
mathiaz | (I added the two items before the meeting) | 06:16 |
soren | ivoks: It would have to be earth shatteringly important. | 06:16 |
mathiaz | and the discussion about samba and -updates is long-standing issue. | 06:16 |
ivoks | then, if nothing comes up, it's reasonable to not schedule it | 06:16 |
soren | mathiaz: UDS material for sure, yes | 06:17 |
mathiaz | soren: that could be covered in two weeks. | 06:17 |
mathiaz | soren: once release is done. | 06:17 |
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
ivoks | soren: it's more fosscamp question.. :/ | 06:17 |
soren | mathiaz: Sorry, I mean that the samba discussion is UDS material. | 06:17 |
mathiaz | we'll probably be in the release iso testing. | 06:17 |
soren | mathiaz: Ah, yes, FOSSCamp. | 06:17 |
mathiaz | soren: yes. definetly. | 06:17 |
zul | is there any xen specs for uds? | 06:18 |
=== kagou [n=kagou@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mathiaz | So I don't see a compeling reason to have a meeting next week. | 06:18 |
=== nealmcb nods | ||
mathiaz | Two weeks seems reasonable to me. | 06:18 |
nealmcb | what time? | 06:18 |
mathiaz | same time | 06:18 |
mathiaz | 15:00 UTC | 06:18 |
soren | I think that's a problem. | 06:19 |
ivoks | is that ok for us people? | 06:19 |
soren | There's openweek or something. | 06:19 |
=== ScottK think if we need to be talking about something next week there will be plenty of panic on #ubuntu-server about it directly. | ||
mathiaz | I'll get in touch with the fridge developper to get the meeting added to the fridge | 06:19 |
ivoks | ScottK: right :) | 06:19 |
mathiaz | ScottK: agreed | 06:19 |
mathiaz | soren: how would that be a problem ? | 06:20 |
mathiaz | soren: is #ubuntu-meeting reserved ? | 06:20 |
soren | mathiaz: Ah, is that in a different channel? | 06:20 |
soren | Probably is. Sorry. My mistake. | 06:20 |
mathiaz | soren: I don't know. | 06:20 |
nealmcb | I think so | 06:20 |
nealmcb | different channel | 06:20 |
mathiaz | ok. So next meeting in two weeks, same time, same place. | 06:21 |
ivoks | ubuntu-classroom | 06:21 |
soren | mathiaz: Yeah, #ubuntu-classroom | 06:21 |
mathiaz | Thanks all and happy RC/release iso testing ! :) | 06:21 |
ivoks | yay! | 06:21 |
mathiaz | #endmeeting | 06:22 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 17:22. | 06:22 |
sommer | later all | 06:23 |
=== nealmcb waves | ||
nijaba | later... | 06:23 |
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johnc4510 | @schedule Phoenix | 06:39 |
ubotu | Schedule for America/Phoenix: 09 Oct 11:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 05:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 09:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 08:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 09:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 09:00: QA Team | 06:39 |
=== tepsipakki [n=tjaalton@replicant.hut.fi] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
DoctorMO | I'll be back at 2pm for the meeting | 06:55 |
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coolbhavi | has meeting started? | 07:34 |
juliux | coolbhavi, not yet | 07:34 |
johnc4510 | 25 mins yet to go | 07:34 |
juliux | coolbhavi, 25min to go | 07:35 |
coolbhavi | OK | 07:35 |
Mamarok | @ schedule zurich | 07:37 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Zurich: 09 Oct 20:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 14:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 17:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 18:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 07:37 |
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=== Darksun88 [n=Ma@ubuntu/member/darksun88] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Darksun88 | Hi all | 07:40 |
Darksun88 | @schedule rome | 07:40 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Rome: 09 Oct 20:00: Community Council | 10 Oct 14:00: Forum Council | 10 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 11 Oct 17:00: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 18:00: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 18:00: QA Team | 07:40 |
=== Supremus [n=Supremus@222-49.5-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
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=== RicardoPerez [n=usuario@90.Red-213-96-162.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Hattory | Hi Darksun88 ;) | 07:46 |
Darksun88 | :) | 07:47 |
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mdke | evening all | 08:01 |
Darksun88 | Hi Matt. | 08:02 |
RicardoPerez | good evening! | 08:02 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:kagou] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Oct 18:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Oct 12:00 UTC: Forum Council | 10 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | 11 Oct 15:00 UTC: CHiommunity Development Team | 16 Oct 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | ||
andrea-bs | hi all | 08:02 |
kagou | Hi | 08:02 |
Supremus | hi mdke | 08:02 |
coolbhavi | hello I am bhavani Shankar who has come here to the meeting as per the new member process | 08:02 |
Hattory | hi all | 08:02 |
popey | hi mdke | 08:02 |
totopalma | mdke, hi :) | 08:02 |
Seveas | kagou, don't mess with the topic please... | 08:02 |
mdke | seems we're a bit short of CC members so far. mako / MikeB, are you here? | 08:02 |
MikeB | yes | 08:03 |
=== elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
kagou | Seveas, it's a mistake | 08:03 |
kagou | sorry | 08:03 |
elmo | sorry I'm late | 08:03 |
=== xSBChome [n=shammond@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mayeco | deadwill | 08:03 |
mdke | ok, that's three. Missing mark, daniel, corey and possibly mako | 08:03 |
=== jamesstansell [n=james@wsip-24-249-157-103.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdke | jerome may come too, I think | 08:03 |
juliux | hi all | 08:04 |
mayeco | hello | 08:04 |
mayeco | hey OgMaciel | 08:04 |
OgMaciel | howdy mayeco | 08:04 |
coolbhavi | hello I am bhavani Shankar studying BSEE in india and my ubuntu contributions are: | 08:05 |
elmo | I'll text daniel and mark | 08:05 |
mayeco | coolbhavi: in order please | 08:05 |
mdke | coolbhavi: please wait until later | 08:05 |
mdke | elmo: thanks | 08:05 |
coolbhavi | OK | 08:05 |
leftyfb | i'm here for the Ubuntu MA Team for approval consideration | 08:05 |
DPic | i am as well | 08:06 |
mayeco | let's make the approval in order ok? | 08:06 |
Seveas | leftyfb, you're up right after Jono (if he shows up) | 08:06 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Oct 18:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Oct 12:00 UTC: Forum Council | 10 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | 11 Oct 15:00 UTC: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | ||
=== hfwilke [n=hwilke_@gateway.grayinsco.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mayeco | deadwill, viridari, demrit, paulliu, etc.... | 08:06 |
=== maruscia [n=maru@85-18-136-90.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdke | Seveas: I believe jono's item was discussed at the last meeting, from what I read in the logs; is there an outstanding issue on that, do you know? | 08:07 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== popey texted jono | ||
mdke | popey: thanks | 08:07 |
Seveas | mdke, I've missed the last meetings | 08:07 |
mdke | yeah, me too | 08:07 |
mako | yes, i'm here | 08:08 |
mdke | \o/ | 08:08 |
leftyfb | hi mako :) | 08:08 |
mako | i'm in another meeting actually :) | 08:08 |
mako | so a little distracted, but i'll do my best | 08:08 |
elmo | dholbach can't make it, sends his apologies | 08:08 |
=== Palintheus [n=0c1fca05@unaffiliated/palintheus] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdke | ok, perhaps we should start, 4 is not bad | 08:09 |
MikeB | don't think we heard from Corey | 08:09 |
mdke | he said he would come but he can always join later | 08:09 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Community CouncilCalendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Oct 12:00 UTC: Forum Council | 10 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | 11 Oct 15:00 UTC: Community Development Team | 16 Oct 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 17 Oct 16:00 UTC: QA Team | ||
=== sabdfl [n=mark@87-194-36-33.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdke | ah, rock | 08:09 |
sabdfl | evening all | 08:09 |
mako | sabdfl: greetings | 08:10 |
popey | reply from jono "can't attend, please defer to next meet" | 08:10 |
leftyfb | i'm trying to get in touch with my team leader (doctormo) to join as well | 08:10 |
Seveas | popey, thanks | 08:10 |
mdke | ok, off we go. Agenda is here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda | 08:10 |
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mdke | so we'll defer jono's item as requested, onto the Mass team | 08:10 |
mdke | leftyfb: would you like to introduce your team? | 08:10 |
sabdfl | hey Seveas :-) | 08:11 |
Seveas | hi sabdfl ! | 08:11 |
leftyfb | sorry .. currently at work and apparently when I tell people i'm busy from 2-3, that means give me 2 URGENT projects to start ASAP | 08:11 |
juliux | hi sabdfl | 08:11 |
Seveas | I'm picking up my secretary duties again as of this meeting | 08:11 |
mdke | leftyfb: ok, well the wiki pages are very clear, let's pause for the council to read them | 08:12 |
sabdfl | welcome back! | 08:12 |
MikeB | Seveas: welcome back | 08:12 |
mdke | Seveas: great | 08:12 |
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
leftyfb | I am from the Massachussetts team. I'm sure you have all had some contact or heard of our team with the recent case badges project that Martin Owens (doctormo) spearheaded and I helped a bit. | 08:13 |
DPic | Well the Massachusetts Team has been holding regular meetings since we got started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Meetings | 08:13 |
leftyfb | We also have our first Installfest planned for this Saturday at MIT | 08:13 |
sabdfl | DoctorMO sent me some of those badges and they are awesome | 08:13 |
DoctorMO | hey all | 08:13 |
DPic | Hi | 08:14 |
sabdfl | the man himself :-) | 08:14 |
mdke | leftyfb: for my part I'm pretty impressed with the team's wiki pages, seem very organised and you have a good few events under your belt. Has jono reviewed your application? | 08:14 |
leftyfb | there he is :) | 08:14 |
DoctorMO | sorry for the delay, running late from Thai lunch | 08:14 |
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andrea-bs | heya dfiloni2, Jak-o | 08:14 |
sabdfl | leftyfb, DoctorMO: i see you have both a mailing list and a dedicated forum. do you find much overlap? and if not, how do you coordinate across those? | 08:15 |
dfiloni2 | Hi andrea-bs! | 08:15 |
dfiloni2 | hello men | 08:15 |
=== calc [n=ccheney@conr-adsl-209-169-68-138.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
DoctorMO | The mailing list is where we co-ordinate all out actions and notices of events; the forums are for helping users rather than organising events and funtion different needs | 08:15 |
=== nairov Cheers loudly for the MA team! | ||
DoctorMO | function* | 08:16 |
DPic | The mailing list is for those more involved with the time. Right now it | 08:16 |
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=== johnc4510 gives a big hand to MA team | ||
MikeB | what areas of MA are you active in? | 08:16 |
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DPic | The Boston area but we have people who are in central MA who will hold meeting in Worcester to reach out to those not near Boston. | 08:18 |
DPic | meetings* | 08:18 |
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mayeco | whois mayeco | 08:18 |
mayeco | ops... | 08:19 |
MikeB | DPic: excellent | 08:19 |
juliux | where some of your team at the boston summit this year? | 08:19 |
mdke | good stuff. It's definitely a +1 from me, assuming jono has reviewed the application and ok-ed it | 08:19 |
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DoctorMO | juliux: the boston summit is yet to happen | 08:19 |
juliux | DoctorMO, ok i thought it is allready over;) | 08:20 |
=== maccam94 [n=cam@pool-72-72-13-241.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mjg59 | DoctorMO: No, the boston gnome summit was this weekend | 08:20 |
MikeB | +1, the great wiki | 08:20 |
mako | i showed up at the summit this weekend | 08:20 |
mako | and i participate in the team from time to time | 08:20 |
Seveas | mako, so you can't vote :) | 08:21 |
DoctorMO | mjg59: missed, I don't think anyone from our group knew | 08:22 |
mdke | DoctorMO: can you confirm that jono has ok-ed the application? | 08:22 |
DoctorMO | mako: apart from Mako it appears | 08:22 |
leftyfb | The developers summit is in a couple weeks which we will be attending | 08:22 |
DoctorMO | mdke: no, is he not available? | 08:22 |
DPic | I was the one who sent Jono the application | 08:22 |
sabdfl | +1 from me, it's clearly a very well-organised team that's aware of the social context within which they rock | 08:22 |
mako | it's an active and involved community | 08:23 |
mdke | DPic: ah, ok. he was ok with it? | 08:23 |
mako | and i'd recommend it, although i'm happy not voting sine i've been involved in the past | 08:23 |
Seveas | elmo, what's your vote? | 08:23 |
DPic | His exact words were, "Looks good. :)" | 08:23 |
elmo | +1 | 08:23 |
mdke | DPic: good, thanks for confirming that | 08:23 |
Seveas | ok, 5 times +1 | 08:23 |
Seveas | congratulations, Massachusetts! | 08:24 |
sabdfl | welcome aboard guys | 08:24 |
sabdfl | and congrats on your energy and quality of work so far | 08:24 |
Seveas | popey, you're up | 08:24 |
juliux | welcome massachusetts | 08:24 |
popey | hi | 08:24 |
leftyfb | :) | 08:24 |
DPic | Woohoo! | 08:24 |
maccam94 | thank you! | 08:24 |
DPic | Thanks so much! | 08:24 |
DoctorMO | woot | 08:24 |
nealmcb | ahh - another part of the country changes color to APPROVED! | 08:24 |
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sabdfl | holy crap that ROCKS! | 08:25 |
Seveas | nealmcb, yes, the US is taking ove Ubuntu :) | 08:25 |
DoctorMO | nealmcb: care to link? | 08:25 |
=== popey has some general comments to add, in addition to what's on the application page | ||
Mamarok | congrats Massachusetts from Switzerland too :) | 08:25 |
mdke | popey: go ahead | 08:25 |
sabdfl | (screencasts) | 08:25 |
popey | We get a lot of positive feedback in comments on the site, and I get quite a bit of personal email from people both asking technical questions, but also just saying "thanks". Notably I've had a few that have said they were concerned about running Ubuntu but after seeing the screecast their doubts were quashed. Which is a really nice feeling! | 08:25 |
=== Seveas the screencasts team | ||
nealmcb | it should happen soon at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/TeamList | 08:25 |
popey | Having a policy of "eating our own dogfood" is important because it shows we _can_ produce quality videos (I hope) on Linux just like Windows and Mac people do with the aid of their wallets, and loss of freedom of course :). | 08:25 |
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popey | Making the decision to make screencasts in HD720p was hard as it requires quite a bit of computing power, disk space and eats bandwidth every time we upload a video - and we do that in 6 formats! | 08:26 |
popey | We'd like to progress the spec of "Screencasts in Ubuntu" to the point where it's ubiquitous to just click an icon in an app and get a video showing you how to do what you want. | 08:26 |
popey | Further to that we'd like to make it _real_ easy to make and submit screencasts to that project. At the moment whilst there are easy to use apps like istanbul et al, there are still technical challenges that need ironing. | 08:26 |
popey | <EOF> | 08:26 |
leftyfb | I find those screencasts VERY helpful. We're actually going to be having them run in a playlist on a projector at our installfest this Saturday | 08:27 |
mdke | popey: do you have thoughts on how "screencasts in ubuntu" can relate and be integrated with documentation? | 08:27 |
Seveas | popey, whenever you are in NL and in need of beer, call me :) | 08:27 |
sabdfl | amazing - who will be in Boston to champion this? It's very classy thinking, but it would help if we made the whole team more aware of it | 08:27 |
popey | wow leftyfb, fantastic! | 08:27 |
popey | i will be in boston at UDS | 08:27 |
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sabdfl | figure out how to integrate screencasts into the whole ubuntu experience | 08:27 |
Seveas | I'll be playing screencasts at the Ubuntu release party | 08:27 |
Seveas | in NL | 08:27 |
popey | yes, I would like to work on that sabdfl | 08:27 |
sabdfl | popey: will you be at UDS-Boston at the end of the month? | 08:28 |
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popey | mdke: I just don't know, I guess some hooks which link to the local player to trigger a "how to" video | 08:28 |
popey | yes sabdfl | 08:28 |
DoctorMO | popey: do you have a link to your screencasts? | 08:28 |
=== Barty cheers for screencast team | ||
popey | DoctorMO: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/ | 08:28 |
mdke | popey: let's brainstorm about it sometime | 08:28 |
popey | or just google ubuntu screencasts - we take up the whole first page pretty much | 08:28 |
sabdfl | popey: have you had any conversations with the ubuntu marketing team, and canonical marketing, about the Month of Screencasts? I think we should push for radical awareness and publicity of this superb work | 08:28 |
popey | mdke: wilco | 08:28 |
popey | it was mentioned on the fridge | 08:28 |
popey | and they are syndicated on p.u.c | 08:29 |
popey | (there's one there right now at the top :) ) | 08:29 |
popey | i have only recently started working with the marketing team and the fridge guys | 08:29 |
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mako | yes, the screencasts are very exciting | 08:29 |
sabdfl | ok, will send a note to canonical marketing now. email addy? | 08:29 |
popey | mine? alanpope@ubuntu.com | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | I had written on the -marketing ML recently about integrating various projects, including the screencasts, and popey has been most involved with keeping track of other teams and inserting info about the screencasts as appropriate of the projects I mentioned. | 08:30 |
popey | yeah, "screencasts" is a kinda highligh/trigger word for me | 08:30 |
popey | I home in on anyone who says it anywhere, in any medium :) | 08:31 |
mdke | popey: is there a good level of contribution from other members of the team, aside from yourself, nowadays? | 08:31 |
=== paolettopn [n=paolo@host42-239-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
popey | mdke: making screencasts, not so much, translation and transcription, lots | 08:31 |
popey | we have some subtitled in like 6 languages now | 08:31 |
mako | popey: how many other people are producing screencasts? | 08:31 |
popey | I'm pretty much the only one who makes them regularly :S | 08:32 |
popey | we have had contributions for which I am majorly happy! | 08:32 |
sabdfl | how straightforward is the process of making one? | 08:32 |
popey | i think at least in part one of the problems is the high standards I like to think i have | 08:32 |
OgMaciel | popey: any integration with other doc teams to create i18n versions? | 08:32 |
sabdfl | is the a screencast-on-making-screencasts? | 08:32 |
popey | sabdfl: not as easy as it could be | 08:32 |
popey | hehehe | 08:32 |
maccam94 | popey: are there clear guidelines for creating a screencast? I'd be interested in contributing... | 08:33 |
popey | I am so glad you asked that sabdfl | 08:33 |
popey | sabdfl: no, but I have it on my to-do to make one | 08:33 |
mdke | sabdfl: see their roadmap ;) | 08:33 |
mako | popey: does that mean other people submit them that you do not publish? | 08:33 |
popey | maccam94: join the mailing list or drop me a mail any time | 08:33 |
popey | mako: not really, maybe people are put off | 08:33 |
sabdfl | popey: if you can get that one up in the next few days, we can call attention to it, as well as the translation capability (do we use gettext? rosetta?) so that you get contributions for the Month | 08:34 |
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mako | so i love your work | 08:34 |
popey | translation is tricky | 08:34 |
popey | i would love to get a system to be able to import subtitles into lp | 08:34 |
juliux | popey, you should be the speaker of an ubuntu news broadcast | 08:34 |
popey | who can I speak to to do that? | 08:34 |
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mako | but a team with one person doing the core work seems strange :) | 08:34 |
mdke | the team is really well organised, and doing great work now for several months. my only concern is that popey is doing all the work, but that doesn't stand in the way of approval for me | 08:34 |
mdke | popey: what does approval mean for the team? | 08:34 |
mako | mdke: well, a team means multiple people | 08:35 |
popey | mdke: recognition | 08:35 |
tonyyarusso | popey: Is there a "how to make screencasts" session for UOW scheduled yet? | 08:35 |
mdke | popey: really? there is no formalprocess for approving non-locoteams | 08:35 |
mdke | mako: true... | 08:35 |
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mako | so i'm happy to recognize popey's work, but good work, even great work, doesn't make it a team | 08:35 |
popey | tonyyarusso: jono asked me, and I did do one last UOW | 08:35 |
mako | right | 08:35 |
popey | but it wasn't that successful | 08:35 |
sabdfl | errr, we are the formal process :-) | 08:35 |
Seveas | popey, re: subtitles: ask in #launchpad :) | 08:36 |
coolbhavi | excuse me please gentlemen... Its already october 10 here and I have not slept for 21 hrs on a trot... Wanted to know when will I have my turn so that I can get some sleep!!.. Sorry to disturb you.... Please excuse me.... | 08:36 |
popey | thanks Seveas, will do | 08:36 |
mdke | sabdfl: well, I mean there is no wiki page detailing requirements as there is for locoteams; and there are no advantages of being approved, as there are for locoteams | 08:36 |
sabdfl | ok, +1 from me for the team, even though it still needs broadening out as a team | 08:36 |
popey | I already have canonical hosting | 08:36 |
popey | so it's not like I'll get that :) | 08:36 |
mdke | but we approved the mythtv team, and ubuntu-women I guess | 08:36 |
sabdfl | popey has done lots of teamwork and i have every confidence he will grow the team well | 08:37 |
popey | sabdfl: willing to take input from all on how to achive that | 08:37 |
mdke | I think the team is in a good position to grow too | 08:37 |
popey | i don't mind approval being deferred until we grow | 08:37 |
popey | gives us something to aim for :) | 08:37 |
DoctorMO | Can I just quickly ask the CC where approved teams are listed and where the contact is mentioned? it should be me but it may be yuiry who set up our teams resources | 08:37 |
Seveas | DoctorMO, wiki.ubunut.com/LoCoTeamList | 08:38 |
=== popey taps the mic | ||
Seveas | any other questions or is it time for votes? | 08:39 |
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Seveas | I'd say voting time. mdke/mako/elmo/mikeb? | 08:40 |
MikeB | none here | 08:40 |
mako | i'm going to abstain. i like popey's work but i don't like creating official structures before the team and if it's only one person making screencasts, i have a hard time calling it a team | 08:40 |
popey | I totally understand | 08:40 |
mdke | I'm slightly uncomfortable about approving without a process, because i know a lot of other teams around the community that would probably apply too | 08:41 |
elmo | I feel a bit weird about +1-ing a one man team too, but I mean no disrespect to popey or the work he's done | 08:41 |
mdke | but definitely +1 about popey's work and the team structures | 08:41 |
popey | well technically it's not one man | 08:41 |
popey | we have one person doing transcription | 08:41 |
MikeB | +1 here, because I think a offical team may encourge more people to participate | 08:41 |
popey | people from various locos doing translation | 08:41 |
popey | but yes, I actually make most of the screencasts, yes | 08:41 |
popey | thin line | 08:41 |
sabdfl | i think mikeb has a good point | 08:42 |
sabdfl | making the team official may well encourage people to step up | 08:42 |
OgMaciel | popey: maybe you didn't see this, but... any integration with other doc teams to create i18n versions? | 08:42 |
popey | I'll work on the "how to screencast, screencast" as a priority | 08:42 |
Barty | Can screencasts be recorded as a team? A does the video, B gives voice-over? | 08:42 |
popey | i didn't OgMaciel | 08:43 |
OgMaciel | no worries popey | 08:43 |
popey | OgMaciel: I don't know that subject well, but contact me after, please | 08:43 |
popey | Barty: in theory yes | 08:43 |
OgMaciel | k | 08:43 |
Barty | k | 08:43 |
popey | Barty: better if one person plans / scripts, then another does video + audio | 08:43 |
=== mdke is still unsure of what "official" means here | ||
popey | then another re-encodes and uploads perhaps | 08:43 |
sabdfl | given that we have a month-of-screencasts coming up | 08:43 |
popey | distribute the loads somewhat | 08:43 |
popey | sabdfl: it's already running | 08:44 |
sabdfl | is it not worth trying to accelerate this? | 08:44 |
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popey | sabdfl: and overrunning | 08:44 |
sabdfl | oh, i misread the "9 days" | 08:44 |
sabdfl | i thought it meant it would start in 9 days :-) | 08:44 |
popey | thats the countdown to gutsy :) | 08:44 |
sabdfl | right | 08:44 |
popey | we have already made 16 of them | 08:44 |
sabdfl | well, nonetheless | 08:44 |
MrEgg964 | I'm sure having a plan / script laid out would help and encourage making screencast | 08:45 |
popey | but as we are a small team, the workload is high | 08:45 |
popey | so we have overrun | 08:45 |
popey | MrEgg964: agree | 08:45 |
sabdfl | it seems to me no hassle for the CC to approve the team, but i suppose we could also just say "We all think Popey's work rocks and want to encourage folks to join him and do more of this" | 08:45 |
mdke | I'll definitely support that :) | 08:46 |
popey | fine by me :) | 08:46 |
Seveas | sabdfl, I think promotion like that (on your blog for instance) will have more effect than making the team official, which will be noticed by much less people many of whom already know about the screencasts | 08:46 |
popey | sorry to have taken up so much time | 08:46 |
mdke | popey: you could get jono to blog about it too :D | 08:47 |
sabdfl | ok | 08:47 |
mako | right, i'd prefer the latter | 08:47 |
sabdfl | i'll blog | 08:47 |
mako | great :) | 08:47 |
popey | only if I add the magic words "community" and "jokosher" | 08:47 |
mako | popey: awesome dude :) | 08:47 |
popey | yay | 08:47 |
sabdfl | other's welcome to blog too! | 08:47 |
mako | look forward to seeing you at the summit | 08:47 |
Seveas | Two +1's out of 5 members do not make quorom, so let's defer for now and move on to members | 08:47 |
popey | ditto! | 08:47 |
mdke | thanks popey for everything you've done | 08:47 |
popey | thanks guys! :) | 08:47 |
popey | np | 08:48 |
sabdfl | and then some | 08:48 |
Seveas | popey, please keep rocking! | 08:48 |
popey | \m/ | 08:48 |
mdke | not only in that team but generally as well | 08:48 |
MrEgg964 | Would it be possible to have screencast scenarios for which we could all contribute, add our thoughts etc., then having it reviewed and approved by acknowlegded members ? | 08:48 |
Seveas | totopalma, you're the first in the list of members who's actually here | 08:48 |
totopalma | ok :) | 08:48 |
Seveas | please paste your introduction | 08:48 |
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totopalma | Hello, | 08:48 |
totopalma | Iam Salvatore Palma (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PalmaSalvatore / https://launchpad.net/~palma-salvatore). | 08:48 |
totopalma | I am 28 years old and i live in the south Italy. | 08:48 |
totopalma | I started using Ubuntu with Breezy, and now i am using gutsy. | 08:48 |
totopalma | I am an active member of the Ubuntu Italian Forum, where I try to help new users to solve their issues since december 2006, getting moderator status after 9 months of activity | 08:48 |
totopalma | http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?action=profile;u=4870 | 08:48 |
totopalma | After a year, I obtained Ubuntu Italian membership. I'm working with Ubuntu-it Promotion Group and I coordinate two other projects as well, they are: Stickers Project: | 08:49 |
totopalma | https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-it/+spec/stickers-ubuntu | 08:49 |
totopalma | Stickers project goal is the distribution in Italy of system76's stickers. I'm coordinating the project, you can even see my name in system76 web page. | 08:49 |
totopalma | These are the guidelines that we are following: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/StickerUbuntu/LineeGuida | 08:49 |
totopalma | but they are in Italian! :) | 08:49 |
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totopalma | and the Cd Ubuntu Project: | 08:49 |
totopalma | https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-it/+spec/cd-ubuntu | 08:49 |
totopalma | Actually lots of people in Italy don't have a DSL Internet connection, they are still stuck on dial-up and they can't download Ubuntu's ISOs. There's shipit service, but sometimes CDs are not available or arrive a little late. In this way we can distribute CDs locally in shorter time. | 08:49 |
totopalma | People send us the blank CD and we burn one of Ubuntu's ISO on it, the user could choose wich version we should burn. | 08:49 |
totopalma | The main things this group takes care of is promoting ubuntu in the whole italy trying to fix the bug #1 every single minute, hour or day. | 08:49 |
totopalma | In the near future I would like to join the ranks of the Ubuntu Italian Translators Team trying to improve the overall quality | 08:49 |
totopalma | of italian translations | 08:49 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 08:49 |
mdke | whoosh | 08:49 |
Seveas | long intro :) | 08:49 |
totopalma | yes :) | 08:50 |
mdke | I'd quite like to support totopalma, I know him well from the italian community, he's doing an incredible job as organiser of various initiatives, such as distributing stickers and cds, he is always very willing to listen and help, and is generally a fabulous asset to the community | 08:50 |
=== Barty [n=user@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
DktrKranz | Salvatore is a very active person: he is moderator of Italian forum and he's involved in several projects related to marketing issues. He puts a lot of efforts to spread Ubuntu in Italy, and his work begins to pay. Nice work, Tot! | 08:50 |
totopalma | mdke, tanks :) | 08:51 |
Seveas | mdke, wow, totopalma gets CC members to cheer :) | 08:51 |
totopalma | DktrKranz, :) | 08:51 |
bluekuja | I would like to support Salvatore as well, he's doing a great work for the italian community | 08:51 |
mdke | Seveas: wholeheartedly | 08:51 |
sabdfl | mdz: are we going to have a collision of TB and CC here in 8 minutes? | 08:52 |
mdz_ | sabdfl: my calendar says TB | 08:52 |
sabdfl | +1 to salvatore from me | 08:52 |
mjg59 | mdz_: Fridge doesn't have TB, for some reason | 08:52 |
Daviey | @schedule london | 08:53 |
MikeB | +1 for me | 08:53 |
Seveas | 3 done, 2 to go | 08:53 |
Seveas | going well totopalma! | 08:53 |
elmo | +1 | 08:53 |
Seveas | mako, ? | 08:53 |
Seveas | no mako, it seems | 08:55 |
Seveas | well, 4 out of 5 is quorum as well, so congrats and welcome aboard totopalma! | 08:55 |
mdke | good job dude, keep doing what you're doing | 08:55 |
DktrKranz | totopalma, \o/ | 08:55 |
bluekuja | congrats totopalma" | 08:55 |
totopalma | thanks at all :) | 08:55 |
bluekuja | :) | 08:55 |
Seveas | mako, if you read back later and have objections, please shout | 08:55 |
DktrKranz | totopalma, a pizza for the CC! | 08:55 |
bluekuja | lol | 08:55 |
totopalma | DktrKranz, lol | 08:56 |
Seveas | Hattory, you're up next, let's keep this meeting moving! | 08:56 |
Hattory | o/ | 08:56 |
Hattory | Hello, my name is Paolo Naldini, I'm 16 and I live in Italy ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NaldiniPaolo ). | 08:56 |
Hattory | I joined Ubuntu on Februray 2006 with Ubuntu 5.10 "The Breezy Badger" where I began to give support to the Italian Forum of Ubuntu. After that I tried to help in other support channels too. | 08:56 |
twilight | ops, i'm late...my support is not needed... but, totopalma, congratulation :) | 08:56 |
Hattory | After about a year, I obtained Ubuntu Italian membership. | 08:56 |
Hattory | At the moment I focus on the translations in Rosetta and on the Italian wiki. The universe of "packaging" has always fascinated me but I don't have enough time to make all these things at the same time (I also attend high school :D ), let's see what will be in the future. | 08:56 |
Hattory | In my wiki home page it's possible to see some of my translations made for Italian wiki, you will be able to find other translations in my launchpad account (https://launchpad.net/~hattory/). | 08:56 |
Hattory | I'm waiting to join in the Ubuntu Italian Translator. | 08:56 |
Hattory | I joined Ubuntu Italian Promoters Team too, where I'm working to the Stickers Project and the Cd Ubuntu Project. | 08:56 |
Hattory | ;) | 08:56 |
Mamarok | auguri totopalma :) | 08:56 |
DktrKranz | Paolo is young, but he's pretty involved in Ubuntu. He recently started to poke with answer tracker and Rosetta in Launchpad, but his interests do not stop here: he provided a lot of help on the Italian forum and IRC chans. A very talented guy. | 08:57 |
mdke | sabdfl, mdz, mjg59 : can the two meetings run simultaneously? We could carry on dealing with membership applications maybe | 08:57 |
mako | Seveas: sorry, got called away.. will read the backlog | 08:57 |
sabdfl | mdke: not easy | 08:57 |
Seveas | mako, np, you said you were in another meeting :) | 08:57 |
sabdfl | TB agenda is... short? | 08:57 |
mdke | I'll support Hattory too, I've seen him doing lots of good work in the community, although I don't know him as well as totopalma, he gets my support | 08:57 |
mdke | good wiki page too | 08:57 |
Hattory | thanks mdke ;) | 08:58 |
bluekuja | Paolo is an active member of the italian community and he's doing a great work for the italian wiki translating all the MOTU section. So I fully support his application! Rock on Paolo! | 08:58 |
Seveas | sabdfl, tb agenda is 'Other business' and 'update agenda' -- possibly very short :) | 08:58 |
sabdfl | i saw | 08:58 |
Hattory | bluekuja, thanks bro :D | 08:58 |
mdz_ | sabdfl: I think the only issue for TB is delegation of MOTU membership | 08:58 |
sabdfl | i think there's a discussion we could have about letting MC approve new MOTU's directly | 08:58 |
sabdfl | and also about having TB officially nominate new MC members | 08:59 |
bluekuja | Hattory: :) | 08:59 |
sabdfl | (MC == MOTU Council) | 08:59 |
sabdfl | those are sort of CC-ish anyhow | 08:59 |
Seveas | indeed | 08:59 |
sabdfl | and should be short | 08:59 |
sabdfl | since TB is mainly focused on the release | 08:59 |
Seveas | but can we please finish Hattory's application first - I'm seeing many cheers and good things | 08:59 |
Hattory | :D | 09:00 |
MikeB | +1 here, great work shown on wiki and launchpad | 09:01 |
elmo | +1 | 09:01 |
sabdfl | Hattory: the LP picture is a bit thin | 09:01 |
sabdfl | unless i'm misreading it, it looks like just 57 translations? | 09:02 |
Hattory | bit thin?? | 09:02 |
Hattory | a ok | 09:02 |
Hattory | :D | 09:02 |
elmo | sabdfl: karma shows a fair bit of translation approval and answer tracker stuff | 09:02 |
Seveas | Bug Management 17 | 09:03 |
Seveas | Translations in Rosetta 1559 | 09:03 |
Seveas | Answer Tracker 1107 | 09:03 |
mdke | good non-launchpad work too, which counts double! | 09:03 |
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Hattory | Not enough? | 09:03 |
Seveas | sabdfl, mako: +1/-1? | 09:05 |
sabdfl | -1 from me | 09:05 |
sabdfl | i would like to see a more sustained picture | 09:05 |
bluekuja | lol | 09:06 |
sabdfl | but i know i'm not factoring in other contributions like forums, mailing lists, advocacy | 09:06 |
sabdfl | if other folks feel he's over that hump, go ahead and +1 | 09:06 |
bluekuja | sabdfl: of course...not the lp picture he pushed on his profile... | 09:06 |
Hattory | LOOOL | 09:06 |
sabdfl | what's the story on TB now? | 09:06 |
sabdfl | mdz? | 09:06 |
mdz_ | CC finished? | 09:07 |
Seveas | sabdfl, how are you judging sustained? LP karma summary doesn't really go back beyond a few dozen of the 2683 items so it's hard to track that | 09:07 |
sabdfl | no, i thought we could have those 2 TB conversations, then come back to TB | 09:07 |
sabdfl | karma value != # contributions | 09:07 |
mdke | we certainly shouldn't use LP karma as the only basis to judge contribution | 09:07 |
mdz_ | I think it would be more sensible to finish this meeting and then do TB | 09:07 |
mdz_ | or reschedule TB for another time | 09:07 |
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sabdfl | mdz, we have a lot of members to process | 09:08 |
mdz_ | otherwise, the other CC members will have to wait around during TB | 09:08 |
mdz_ | (and the members, for that matter) | 09:08 |
sabdfl | we SHOULD have the regional member vetting teams in place by now hint hint ;-) | 09:08 |
Daviey | or make membership harder :) | 09:08 |
sabdfl | since we have said the CC will move away from vetting members, i think we should act on that | 09:08 |
mdz_ | I'm happy to reschedule, the agenda is not urgent | 09:08 |
sabdfl | i'd like to get the MC things settled, if we have TB and CC here, if it is not quickly consensual we can defer | 09:09 |
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RicardoPerez | Sorry for the noise, but... is it necessary for the Ubuntu Member application for me to stay in the meeting? Sorry, but I must go in a few minutes, and I would like to know if that can be a problem... Thank you! | 09:09 |
bluekuja | RicardoPerez: yeah, you need to be in the channel, and present yourself | 09:09 |
mdz_ | mjg59: are you still here? | 09:09 |
RicardoPerez | bluekuja: ok, thanks! | 09:09 |
Seveas | RicardoPerez, you should be there when your applications is up for discussion but you don't need to be there before that moment | 09:09 |
mdke | Hattory: we'll just wait for mako to see your application, and discuss these other issues in the meantime, don't despair | 09:10 |
Hattory | ok i'm always here.... | 09:10 |
mdke | thanks | 09:10 |
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RicardoPerez | Seveas, thanks a lot | 09:11 |
Seveas | mdz_, sabdfl: we could do the impromptu TB/CC meeting about the MC now since mako is still away | 09:12 |
mdz_ | sabdfl: we're missing 2/4 and for a delegation matter I think we should have a full complement | 09:12 |
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sabdfl | ok | 09:12 |
sabdfl | defer TB | 09:12 |
mjg59 | mdz_: Yes | 09:13 |
sabdfl | let's continue with members | 09:13 |
mjg59 | (sorry) | 09:13 |
sabdfl | err... | 09:13 |
sabdfl | is that 3/4? | 09:13 |
mdz_ | it is | 09:13 |
mdz_ | Scott is on a train | 09:13 |
sabdfl | mjg59: are you happy for TB to nominate MOTU Council folks, rather than just me? confirmation / selection-from-shortlist vote would be whole ubuntu-deve (MOTU and core) | 09:14 |
mjg59 | I'm happy with that | 09:14 |
sabdfl | cool | 09:14 |
sabdfl | any comments from community folks on this subject? | 09:14 |
nealmcb | Do you have a link to the agenda or topic you're discussing? | 09:15 |
mdke | no problem from me | 09:15 |
Seveas | sabdfl, +1 | 09:15 |
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sabdfl | ok, let's mail keybuk, and if he's +1, let's discuss the suggestions dholbach has made for new MC folks | 09:15 |
sabdfl | next, TB, are you happy for MC to approve new MOTU members directly, notifying TB, rather than suggesting them for TB's approval? | 09:16 |
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mdz_ | I believe I suggested it, so yes | 09:16 |
sabdfl | i'm +1, I think the MC are doing a super job | 09:16 |
nealmcb | It seems that two meetings this morning have run into scheduling problems and some frustrations because of some problems with the meeting scheduling system - hopefully those can be fixed soon :-) | 09:16 |
mjg59 | +1 here too - I've no reason to doubt their judgement so far | 09:16 |
sabdfl | ok. we will have complete visibility on everything they do via LP in any event | 09:17 |
mdke | that involves granting membership too doesn't it? | 09:17 |
mdz_ | we've had no substantial issues with their selections and they've been rigorous in recording their rationale | 09:17 |
sabdfl | mdke: yes, good point, any comments from CC? | 09:17 |
mdke | I'm happy with whatever the TB decides, seems clear that the MC are doing a great job | 09:17 |
sabdfl | MikeB, elmo, mako et al? | 09:18 |
elmo | fine by me | 09:18 |
MikeB | fine here | 09:19 |
Seveas | (mako still afm) | 09:19 |
sabdfl | ok, i'll mail lists giving keybuk and mako a chance to object, but i think it's clear we're all generally in favour | 09:19 |
Seveas | so unanymous +1 of all active CC/TB members | 09:19 |
RicardoPerez | sorry, I must to go. see you! | 09:19 |
Seveas | bye RicardoPerez ! | 09:20 |
sabdfl | congrats to dholbach and the MC for doing such a great job | 09:20 |
sabdfl | thanks TB | 09:20 |
sabdfl | any other TB business? | 09:20 |
bluekuja | sabdfl: new MC members vote is scheduled for? | 09:20 |
sabdfl | bluekuja: no schedule but likely soon, we have some good candidates | 09:20 |
sabdfl | TB is discussing | 09:20 |
bluekuja | sabdfl: really nice to hear, thanks | 09:20 |
sabdfl | ok, thanks TB, mdke take it away | 09:21 |
=== mdke passes on to Seveas | ||
sabdfl | :-) | 09:21 |
=== Seveas passes on to kagou :) | ||
Seveas | you're up! | 09:21 |
kagou | Seveas, ok let's go | 09:21 |
kagou | Hi, my name is Patrice Vetsel, i'm french, i'm 36 years old. I'm using Linux since 1993. I discovered no-name-yet (thanks to seb128) and since this great day, i'm completely ubuntu addicted | 09:21 |
kagou | I'm doing my best helping people (irc/forums/tutorials), triaging bugs and i'm trying to do more and more patches or packages upgrades (playing with ppa) | 09:21 |
kagou | At this time i'm writing a dozen articles for a special edition (gutsy) of a french magazine. | 09:22 |
bluekuja | Seveas: sorry, but what's the final decision for Hattory's application? | 09:22 |
Hattory | ehm.... | 09:22 |
Seveas | I've seen Patrice since forever | 09:22 |
Seveas | bluekuja, Hattory: no decision yet, with the -1 from sabdfl we need a vote from mako for quorum | 09:22 |
Hattory | ah, ok no problem...... | 09:23 |
Hattory | ;) | 09:23 |
bluekuja | Seveas: thanks, we have to wait mako then | 09:23 |
bluekuja | thought it got deferred | 09:23 |
bluekuja | kagou: do you have a wiki/LP page to show up to the CC? | 09:24 |
mdke | kagou: what are your most active activities at the moment? | 09:24 |
sabdfl | lots of folks saying patrice has been very active for a long time | 09:24 |
kagou | indeed | 09:24 |
=== mako is back | ||
kagou | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VetselPatrice https://edge.launchpad.net/~vetsel-patrice | 09:25 |
bluekuja | wb mako | 09:25 |
bluekuja | kagou: sorry for bothering, but that's required for your presentation :) | 09:25 |
kagou | mdke, my top priority is finishing articles | 09:25 |
seb128 | I confirm that kagou is around for quite some time now and an useful community member | 09:25 |
sabdfl | lots of bugs associated with kagou too | 09:25 |
mdke | bluekuja: it's ok, we have it on the agenda | 09:25 |
sabdfl | +1 from me based on support from longstanding ubuntu stalwarts | 09:25 |
bluekuja | mdke: oh sorry then :) | 09:25 |
mdke | yes, impressive array of comments from key members | 09:26 |
kagou | mdke, i'm very honoured by them | 09:26 |
mako | [CATCHING UP] +1 on totopalma, nice work! :) | 09:26 |
kagou | and thanks seb128 :) | 09:26 |
mdke | kagou: what sort of articles? | 09:26 |
totopalma | mako, thanks :) | 09:27 |
seb128 | kagou: you're welcome ;) | 09:27 |
kagou | i'm talking about, what an user can do after gutsy installed (user management, sharing informations/printers/where to find informations/help )how to contribute | 09:27 |
elmo | +1 | 09:27 |
mdke | kagou: is that for the ubuntu-fr site or elsewhere | 09:28 |
MikeB | +1 for kagou, | 09:28 |
kagou | mdke, it's for http://www.ed-diamond.com/ | 09:28 |
kagou | Linux Pratique HS Gutsy | 09:28 |
mdke | ah, nice | 09:29 |
mdke | good work; +1 from me for contribution over a long period | 09:29 |
sabdfl | i think that's the ticket? | 09:29 |
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mdke | yep, well done kagou | 09:29 |
Seveas | yup, apart from reading-back-mako :) | 09:29 |
kagou | Great ! Thank you all :) | 09:29 |
Seveas | well done, welcome aboard! | 09:29 |
bluekuja | kagou: welcome! | 09:29 |
Seveas | OgMaciel, you're next | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | Seveas: k | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | My name is Og Maciel, born in Brazil but living in the United States since 1991. Graduated from Pace University with a BS in Biochemistry in 1997. Married since 2000, father of a 5 1/2-year-old and a 8-month daughters. | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | After a very successful 18 months as the leader for the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Translators Team, I decided to step down so someone else could have a chance to perform this task. I also decided to dedicate whatever time I had free to translate directly with the GNOME, XFCE, and KDE upstream teams. | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | Recently became a GNOME Foundation member, leader for the XFCE Brazilian Portuguese Translators Team, helped release a 100% translated GNOME Desktop for the last two release cycles, became a developer for Foresight Linux and saw my free time cut down dramatically due to the events already mentioned. :) | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | basically, I'm here to renew | 09:30 |
Seveas | OgMaciel, you're ubuntu member already :) | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | :) | 09:30 |
mdke | I find it extraordinary that OgMaciel isn't already a member; negligence somewhere | 09:30 |
OgMaciel | basically, I'm here to renew | 09:31 |
OgMaciel | sorry for the confusion | 09:31 |
mdke | ah. You don't need to; you can renew yourself | 09:31 |
Seveas | OgMaciel, ah, there's no need to come to a meeting for that | 09:31 |
bluekuja | mdke: for membership renew, should a member come to a CC meeting again or just renew by LP? | 09:31 |
OgMaciel | mdke: I figured I'd let you guys decide it ;) | 09:31 |
bluekuja | mdke: oh ok, answered already :) | 09:31 |
mdke | OgMaciel: definitely +1 from me then | 09:32 |
Mamarok | brb | 09:32 |
MikeB | maybe we should put a note about renewals on top of the CC agenda:) | 09:32 |
Seveas | MikeB, +1 | 09:32 |
bluekuja | MikeB: yeah, thanks | 09:32 |
OgMaciel | mdke: thanks! | 09:32 |
mdke | MikeB: from what I understand, he *wants* us to consider his renewal for him | 09:32 |
mdke | I can appreciate that | 09:32 |
OgMaciel | mdke: yes | 09:32 |
mdke | we have a lot of renewals from people who aren't contributing any more, and OgMaciel is more than worth it for me | 09:33 |
=== OgMaciel strongly believes in meritocracy(sp) | ||
mako | FTR, i'm +1/happy with the MC proposal | 09:33 |
MikeB | +1 here, Og has done and is doing great work for Ubuntu | 09:33 |
bluekuja | nice to have you around OgMaciel | 09:33 |
OgMaciel | thanks MikeB | 09:34 |
OgMaciel | bluekuja: :) | 09:34 |
elmo | mdke: (we do?) | 09:34 |
juliux | OgMaciel, i like your way to go again to the cc | 09:34 |
sabdfl | nice to have you around again OgMaciel, please definitely renew yourself! | 09:34 |
elmo | mdke: (renewals from people who aren't contributing) | 09:34 |
sabdfl | thanks mako | 09:34 |
OgMaciel | thank you sabdfl | 09:34 |
elmo | +1 for OgMagciel's renewal | 09:34 |
mdke | elmo: I see em sometimes when I don't have enough other email to read | 09:34 |
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mdke | elmo: perhaps "a lot" is an exaggeration though | 09:34 |
mdke | should have said "plenty" | 09:35 |
=== mako is +1 for kagou | ||
Seveas | mdke, can't disagree with that :) | 09:35 |
Seveas | (I have killer lag btw) | 09:35 |
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kagou | thanks mako :) | 09:35 |
mako | +1 from me for og, very suprising it hasn't happened yet | 09:35 |
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=== mako is caught up now | ||
mako | i'm talking to Hattory in a query, ATM | 09:36 |
mdke | ah, thanks | 09:36 |
Seveas | ok | 09:36 |
mako | i'll get back on that in a second | 09:36 |
OgMaciel | well, I lost a good friend from the GNOME community yesterday and for what is worth, I dedicate my renewal to Raphael Higino | 09:36 |
Seveas | thanks for the heads up | 09:36 |
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OgMaciel | thank you all | 09:36 |
effie_jayx | OgMaciel, cheers dude... | 09:36 |
mdke | OgMaciel: sorry to read about that | 09:36 |
OgMaciel | cheer effie_jayx :) | 09:36 |
OgMaciel | thanks mdke :/ | 09:36 |
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mayeco | nice OgMaciel!! | 09:36 |
OgMaciel | thanks mayeco | 09:37 |
Seveas | OgMaciel, good job, good luck in the coming years with Ubuntu~ | 09:37 |
Seveas | DPic, you're up | 09:37 |
OgMaciel | thanks Seveas! Hope to see you soon | 09:37 |
DPic | Hello! My name is Danny Piccirillo https://launchpad.net/~danny.piccirillo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Dpic I am 16 years old and a proud member of the Ubuntu-MA LoCo Team which just got approved :) | 09:37 |
=== OgMaciel goes back to his world of Python and Ajax | ||
DPic | I started using linux with Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft and i have been more and more involved ever since. I have been most involved with wiki work. I did a big portion of the work on the Ubuntu-MA LoCo Team Wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam including restructuring the entire wiki to make it more efficient for new visitors not familiar with the group. This took some planning out and a lot of time. | 09:38 |
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DPic | I created the Exchange Project https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Projects/Exchange which hasn't gotten started up yet but aims to be a service we provide to take in computers for people to install Ubuntu on and then return them. | 09:38 |
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DPic | The Donation page i created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Donate serves to take in donations of money which we can spend for projects or events or hardware which we can give away to schools and libraries with ubuntu installed. | 09:38 |
DPic | Other wiki contributions to the team i have made are still being worked on but i do hope to expand my wiki contributions to outside of my Loco team as well. Outside of the team i contribute simply by advocating Ubuntu wherever i can. I have even gotten the Technology Department Head at my school to provide me with a brand new iMac (right out of the box) to install Ubuntu on and collect feedback from students. :) | 09:39 |
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mdke | nice wiki page DPic. How long would you say you have been involved in contributing? | 09:40 |
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DPic | Well probably only a month or so after trying Ubuntu for my first time which is around one year ago | 09:40 |
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mako__ | soryr about that | 09:41 |
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sabdfl | DPic: you mean you've been contributing for 11 months, or 1 month? | 09:41 |
mdke | would anyone who has worked with DPic like to big him up? | 09:41 |
DPic | 11 | 09:42 |
DPic | leftyb, DoctorMO? | 09:42 |
sabdfl | DPic: would you say most of your contribution has been in the form of advocacy, rather than documentation, translations, code etc? | 09:43 |
DPic | Yes | 09:43 |
sabdfl | can you point to specific outcomes from that advocacy? | 09:43 |
DPic | I do a lot of advocacy. I'm an activist at heart and an environmentalist too! | 09:43 |
sabdfl | both good things in an ubuntero :-) | 09:44 |
leftyfb | DPic has done a ton of work with our wiki and made a lot of effort to organize our group based on that | 09:44 |
DPic | Well like i mentioned i have gotten Ubuntu on one computer at my school so far. With the help of the Ubuntu-MA team i think we can advocate to schools, or even entire districts | 09:44 |
DPic | At our last meeting we brought up going to elementary schools first | 09:44 |
leftyfb | sorry, I was off troubleshooting power supplies at work :) (nobody makes then like they used to) | 09:45 |
DPic | Also, possibly coordinating a small team to show off Ubuntu to schools and let them try it out for themself | 09:46 |
coolbhavi | sorry for disturbing you gentlemen... hi i am bhavani shankar studying BSEE in india (https://launchpad.net/~bhavi) I am currently the head of the bmslug of our college and presently I am doing work on ubuntu media center edition btw hanging round in the answer tracker helping out newbies.. and just now started doing with translations... I am the head of bangalore ubuntu user group.. Have discussed with the team members about kannada localisation | 09:46 |
coolbhavi | and will set up a irc channel and mailing list soon as possible since i m busy with my academics going side by side... I am also the driver of indubuntu project But which i have defered due to lack of support! So I started working on ubuntu media center edition now sir... btw I am doing research on processor design and comp security sir..Here goes the synopsis sir..I am currently doing research in processor design trying to find a relationship b | 09:46 |
coolbhavi | etween number of cores feasible and transistor integration levels... power in a processor is given by dynamic capacitance(to maintain IPC efficiency)*voltage squared of the transistor i/o buffers*switching frequency of transistors and true performance of a processor is given by frequency of the processor*instructions per clock cycle.. Now I over clocked my Pentium D processor on 945G chip set( Intel doesn't provide OC bios, So I OC using Integrato | 09:46 |
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mayeco | woow | 09:46 |
leftyfb | very rude | 09:46 |
Seveas | quite | 09:46 |
ajmitch | full dump of the wiki page? | 09:47 |
bluekuja | ajmitch: yeah, seems so.. | 09:47 |
jpatrick | back on topic... | 09:48 |
Seveas | CC members, you're all awfully quiet | 09:49 |
mdke | leftyfb / DoctorMO : any comments on DPic's contributions? | 09:49 |
mdke | ah, missed yours leftyfb, sorry | 09:49 |
sabdfl | DPic: good work so far, but i think you should keep it up, build more of a track record, then come back | 09:49 |
mdke | I'd be ok with giving my +1 based on the work towards the team wiki pages, which are really good | 09:50 |
sabdfl | ok, how many folks in the queue? | 09:50 |
Seveas | 4 | 09:50 |
sabdfl | they really are very good wiki pages | 09:50 |
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DPic | Thanks :) | 09:50 |
sabdfl | but i feel that's a relatively recent burst, if that's not the case, shout DoctorMO or leftyfb | 09:51 |
sabdfl | welcome back coolbhavi, we'll come to you shortly | 09:51 |
leftyfb | I think DoctorMO is AFK. DPic has done a lot of work on our wiki and helping our team keep organized within it's guidelines. This includes submission to getting our team approved and making sure and helping out with the requirements for the approval | 09:51 |
DPic | sabdfl is there anything specific you think i should work on more? | 09:51 |
leftyfb | DPic has been with the team longer than I have (i joined in April) so i'm not sure how long he's been contributing to be honest. | 09:51 |
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