=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp121-44-55-148.lns10.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
cwong1 | asac: hey there, I finally got my system up and running and with access to the git repository. | 01:32 |
cwong1 | asac: I am now running gusty and "git" is slightly different on gusty. Can you help me with that? | 01:33 |
gnomefreak | Ubulette: ff3 no text boxes showing up on ubuntufourms.org is this a known issue | 02:03 |
gnomefreak | Ubulette: nevermind it was a user issue (maybe not restarted after update) | 02:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-mozillateam [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-mozillateam [+b *!*n=wii@*.abo.wanadoo.fr] by gnomefreak | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-mozillateam [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
IdleOne | getting an error : could not execute child process firefox granparadiso ( no such file or directory ) after upgrade to ubuntu2 | 03:33 |
gnomefreak | IdleOne: ubuntu3 should be out | 03:39 |
IdleOne | heh ok | 03:40 |
IdleOne | let me check | 03:40 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak: my repos dont seem to have it yet. I am using archive.ubuntu.com | 03:44 |
IdleOne | there it is | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | sorry my fault it is 2 | 03:46 |
IdleOne | lmao freaks me out how I hit the servers and it isnt there and a minute later i get a upgrade notcie | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | was thinking of another package. try instead of using gp use firefox-3.0 and make the icon use that | 03:47 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak: ubuntu2 is not working for me | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | see if that helps as granparadiso is a dummy package | 03:47 |
IdleOne | what is the command for firefox3.0? | 03:47 |
IdleOne | nm think i got it | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | not sure use menu | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | .win 17 | 03:48 |
IdleOne | .win 17? | 03:48 |
IdleOne | haha that wasnt meant for this window | 03:49 |
gnomefreak | asac: JanC has ffox 2 and 3 hanging with or without extensions shes running some more differnet things to see if they help | 03:50 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak: thanks that helped | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | IdleOne: yw | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | Ubulette: we really need to do something about -gp as it seems it wont launch being a dummy package, IdleOne please explain this to Ubulette when you see him | 03:51 |
IdleOne | gnomefreak: sure thing | 03:52 |
gnomefreak | ty | 03:52 |
=== gnomefreak really getting yelled at again, night | ||
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=== tonyyarusso wonders what on earth is going on at the gnomefreak household lately | ||
IdleOne | wife is probably a lil pissed about the amount of time he spends on the computer. | 04:45 |
IdleOne | I know my wife gets mad at me now and then | 04:45 |
IdleOne | so he needs to go and cuddle for a few days hehe | 04:46 |
DarkMageZ | you just need to take her out somewhere on one of the weekend days. | 05:47 |
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jonasj | i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone know if there are plans to make easy codec installation work with the totem firefox plugin as well? | 10:22 |
asac | jonasj: it doesn't work? | 10:36 |
asac | jonasj: totem has easy codec installation from what i know | 10:37 |
jonasj | totem has | 10:37 |
asac | would be strange if it doesn't work in plugin (but might be the case) | 10:37 |
jonasj | if i open a movie in totem, it asks to get codecs | 10:37 |
jonasj | also if i open a stream in totem | 10:37 |
jonasj | but not with the plugin | 10:37 |
asac | ok | 10:37 |
asac | there is nothing one can do from firefox pov | 10:37 |
jonasj | you can just rightclick the plugin and say "open in movie player", and it will search for codecs | 10:38 |
asac | please ask on #ubuntu-desktop ... or file a wishlist bug to support easy-codec in totem plugin | 10:38 |
jonasj | but it would be more discoverable if it gave the yellow bar in the top like with missing plugins | 10:38 |
asac | let me ask for you :) | 10:38 |
jonasj | niec :) | 10:38 |
asac | ok they don't know ... i would suggest that you file a bug | 10:39 |
asac | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+filebug | 10:39 |
jonasj | will do so | 10:40 |
jonasj | thx | 10:40 |
asac | np ... sorry that i couldn't help, but its a feature that totem has to implement on its own | 10:40 |
jonasj | asac: hmm, turns out it used to work, but upstream removed the functionality with no explanation... oh well. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/89072 | 10:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 89072 in totem "Totem-mozilla doesn't request codecs" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 10:56 |
bluekuja | heya asac | 11:06 |
bluekuja | everything fine there? | 11:06 |
bluekuja | I'm doing another partial upgrade to gutsy | 11:06 |
asac | yeah ... close to your TODO :) | 11:06 |
bluekuja | oh great :D | 11:07 |
asac | partial? | 11:07 |
bluekuja | yup | 11:07 |
asac | why? | 11:07 |
asac | do a full upgrade ... everything else will complain :) | 11:07 |
asac | fail i mean | 11:07 |
asac | bluekuja: is the branch done? | 11:07 |
bluekuja | asac: not yet, next todo after upgrading my pc | 11:08 |
bluekuja | asac: gonna ping you when done | 11:08 |
asac | pretty late for a MOTU to upgrade now to gutsy ;) | 11:08 |
bluekuja | it was already upgraded | 11:08 |
bluekuja | but with partial upgrade | 11:09 |
bluekuja | so I had gutsy repos | 11:09 |
bluekuja | but forget to update everytime with update-manager popup | 11:09 |
bluekuja | on the right-top side | 11:09 |
bluekuja | asac: so in fact I was on gutsy since the beginning of september | 11:10 |
asac | ok :) | 11:10 |
bluekuja | asac: have you ever heard about partial upgrade? | 11:11 |
bluekuja | or I'm the only one who did it? | 11:11 |
asac | i honestly don't know what you are talking about :) | 11:11 |
bluekuja | oh great :) | 11:11 |
asac | sometimes the upgrade app asks me if i want to do a partial upgrade | 11:11 |
asac | no idea if you mean that | 11:11 |
bluekuja | yeah, that's it | 11:11 |
bluekuja | :) | 11:11 |
asac | but i think thats because some depends are not yet fulfillable | 11:12 |
bluekuja | yeah | 11:12 |
asac | e.g. _all packages are available, while _amd64 packages are still on the buildd or something | 11:12 |
bluekuja | I should apt-get upgrade instead | 11:12 |
asac | bluekuja: apt-get upgrade is partial upgrade imo | 11:12 |
asac | apt-get dist-upgrade is full one | 11:12 |
bluekuja | I'll try to see what I get with dist-upgrade after doing this partial one | 11:13 |
bluekuja | asac: I had some problems with gutsy at the beginning of semptember | 11:14 |
bluekuja | asac: for cd rom and other stuff drivers | 11:14 |
bluekuja | pc was unusable | 11:14 |
bluekuja | had to move back to feisty for a while | 11:15 |
bluekuja | until next kernel release | 11:15 |
bluekuja | now everything seems to be fine | 11:15 |
bluekuja | asac: is there any chance to get icedove in ubuntu? | 11:16 |
asac | bluekuja: why? we have thunderbird ;) | 11:18 |
asac | bluekuja: anyway, until all mozilla apps are xulrunner based i am not allowed to upload new mozilla copies :) | 11:19 |
bluekuja | asac: icedove features are the same of thunderbird? | 11:19 |
asac | yes | 11:19 |
bluekuja | asac: nvm then | 11:19 |
asac | just a different branding | 11:19 |
asac | maybe they are not 100% in sync | 11:20 |
bluekuja | asac: best mail client is thunderbird atm, right? | 11:20 |
bluekuja | for features et all | 11:20 |
asac | depends on your requirements. but with lightning-extension i don't see any reason to use evolution anymore | 11:20 |
bluekuja | true thing | 11:21 |
bluekuja | I tested lightning-extension yesterday | 11:21 |
bluekuja | and that's a pretty useful app | 11:21 |
asac | the UI isn't yet perfect, but it more or less does its job | 11:21 |
asac | yes. | 11:21 |
bluekuja | asac: did you ever tried out apple mail? | 11:22 |
asac | no apple here :) | 11:22 |
asac | or is it a free software application? | 11:23 |
bluekuja | mmm... | 11:23 |
bluekuja | no it's not | 11:23 |
bluekuja | asac: not an apple lover there? | 11:23 |
bluekuja | asac: restarting everything, brb in 10 mins | 11:47 |
asac | Ubulette: haha ... i suck ;) ... i took the time to document the changes of the ffox prod->.dev merge in the commit log and forgot the most important part :) | 12:27 |
asac | Ubulette: fixed ... overwritten rev 108 ;) | 12:27 |
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bluekuja | asac back | 01:04 |
bluekuja | damn, my keyboard settings got changed to en | 01:04 |
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bluekuja | asac_: you there? | 01:15 |
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp121-44-55-148.lns10.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
bluekuja | asac: let me know when back ;) | 01:24 |
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gnomefreak | bunch of people filing bugs about 64bit sys. and flashplugin-nonfree but none of them state snpluginwrapper :( | 01:43 |
asac | gnomefreak: ? | 02:07 |
asac | is it broken? | 02:07 |
asac | gnomefreak: show me a bug | 02:08 |
asac | bnworks for me | 02:10 |
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
bluekuja | asac: any news? | 04:38 |
asac | cwong1: there? | 04:51 |
asac | bluekuja: now looking | 04:51 |
bluekuja | asac: you rock thanks :) | 04:51 |
asac | bluekuja: .upstream branch doesn't have any new revision | 04:52 |
asac | is it just a bugfix? | 04:52 |
bluekuja | asac: yup, mere bug fix | 04:52 |
asac | bluekuja: your bzr log doesn't tell me were development for this revision starts ... or where the last upload happened | 04:53 |
asac | bluekuja: usually you should create new changelog entry right after release with UNRELEASED | 04:53 |
bluekuja | asac: let me tell you | 04:53 |
asac | and then for upload update date and to gutsy ;) | 04:54 |
asac | yeah | 04:54 |
asac | tell me the revision that was in the last upload | 04:54 |
bluekuja | asac: rev. no. 5 | 04:54 |
bluekuja | is the previous upload | 04:54 |
bluekuja | asac: no | 04:54 |
bluekuja | asac: rev .no 4 | 04:55 |
bluekuja | ;) | 04:55 |
bluekuja | deleting gpc folder, which is not-free so cannot be distributed. Updating changelog revision. | 04:55 |
bluekuja | that's the previous upload | 04:55 |
bluekuja | 5-6-7-8-9 are new | 04:55 |
bluekuja | for this upload | 04:55 |
asac | bluekuja: why remove the if ENABLE_GPC blocks instead of taking care that ENABLE_GPC isn't true? | 04:58 |
asac | bluekuja: its --disable-gpc from what i see | 04:58 |
gnomefreak | asac: jan didnt give me a bug, iirc jan is canonical employee but i will ask her to report one when i see her (thought i did ask her to report one) | 04:58 |
bluekuja | asac: which revision? | 04:59 |
asac | bluekuja: you shouldn't need to patch configure.in either | 04:59 |
asac | bzr diff -r4..5 | 04:59 |
asac | gnomefreak: jan? which nick? | 04:59 |
gnomefreak | JanC | 05:00 |
gnomefreak | im 99% sure she is | 05:00 |
bluekuja | asac: that patch was already there | 05:00 |
bluekuja | asac: I just cleaned up | 05:00 |
asac | you told me that 5 is new | 05:00 |
asac | anyway ... that patch isn't needed imo | 05:00 |
asac | --disable-gpc should be enough | 05:01 |
asac | if not, then that should be fixed instea | 05:01 |
bluekuja | asac: was added by rene | 05:01 |
asac | hmm | 05:01 |
bluekuja | and it's needed | 05:01 |
asac | well .. --disable-gpc? and fixing the SUBDIRS AC_OUTPUT dependent on the ENABLE_GPC var | 05:01 |
asac | anyway ... just remember to look into it | 05:01 |
bluekuja | ok | 05:01 |
asac | bluekuja: so maintainer mode patch is yours? | 05:03 |
bluekuja | asac: nope | 05:03 |
asac | so its not new either? | 05:03 |
asac | see how hard its even for you to see what is new :) | 05:04 |
asac | pleaes tell me _which_ revisions belong to this release :) | 05:04 |
asac | bluekuja: see bzr log | 05:04 |
bluekuja | asac: for new I mean needed for the new release | 05:04 |
asac | you committed the revision 4..5 patch on 7 oct | 05:04 |
asac | thats definitly new | 05:04 |
asac | bluekuja: yes ... then tell me how you get those patches? | 05:05 |
asac | so we can still redo 4..5 :) | 05:05 |
bluekuja | asac: debian BTS | 05:05 |
bluekuja | I told you that some days ago | 05:05 |
asac | ok ... maintainer mode patch is ok | 05:05 |
asac | 01_disable_gpc patch should be redone if possible to tackle the real issue | 05:05 |
asac | drop the patch and see what is needed to make --disable-gpc work properly | 05:05 |
asac | then you can send the patch upstream | 05:06 |
bluekuja | asac: mmm..why is not needed? | 05:06 |
asac | the rest is good | 05:06 |
bluekuja | it was added since 2.4 | 05:06 |
asac | read the patch | 05:06 |
asac | you remove checks for if ENABLE_GPC ... which thus appear to be true | 05:07 |
asac | so pass --disable-gpc on configure and autogen.sh and see how you can fix it in a way that it works even if the directory doesn't exist | 05:07 |
asac | for that you have to make the AC_OUTPUT make file dependent on ENABLE_GPC | 05:07 |
asac | in configure.in | 05:07 |
asac | and the SUBDIRS variable dependent on ENABLE_GPC in Makefile.am | 05:07 |
asac | i configure.ac you ca replace gpc/Makefile in AC_OUTPUT | 05:08 |
asac | by ${GPC_MAKEFILE} | 05:08 |
asac | and set GPC_MAKEFILE to gpc/Makefile if ENABLE_GPC is set | 05:08 |
asac | in Makefile.am you can introduce a variable GPC_SUBDIR = gpc | 05:09 |
asac | and only set that if ENABLE_GPC | 05:09 |
bluekuja | asac: maybe I'm watching a bad patch | 05:09 |
bluekuja | are you looking at no_gpc patch? | 05:09 |
bluekuja | or am_maintainer | 05:09 |
bluekuja | one | 05:09 |
gnomefreak | asac: shes afk i guess but i asked her for bug number again just incase i forgot last night | 05:09 |
bluekuja | asac: I removed gpc folder from SUBDIRS | 05:10 |
bluekuja | and from makefile | 05:10 |
asac | bluekuja: yes read what i wrote | 05:10 |
asac | its about no_gpc patch | 05:11 |
bluekuja | asac: just to know, what's the problem on having the patch that way? | 05:11 |
bluekuja | we dropped the gpc dir | 05:12 |
bluekuja | removed references | 05:12 |
bluekuja | disabled from building | 05:12 |
bluekuja | with --disable-gpc | 05:12 |
asac | no | 05:12 |
asac | you don't use that | 05:12 |
asac | drop the patch ... use that ... and see were it breaks | 05:12 |
asac | if you do it like i say, the patch can be included upstream | 05:12 |
asac | your patch is a hack :) | 05:13 |
bluekuja | ^^ | 05:13 |
asac | and since the right solution is simple i would fix it for real | 05:13 |
bluekuja | asac: let me see if it works | 05:13 |
asac | it doesn't | 05:13 |
asac | read what i wrote | 05:13 |
asac | those two changes are needed | 05:13 |
asac | instead of the patch ;) | 05:13 |
bluekuja | yeah | 05:14 |
bluekuja | I removed the patch | 05:14 |
bluekuja | adding --disable-gpc to configure | 05:14 |
bluekuja | *autogen | 05:15 |
asac | yeas | 05:18 |
asac | you have create a new patch | 05:18 |
asac | that fixes configure.in AC_OUTPUT | 05:18 |
asac | and Makefile.am subdirs | 05:18 |
asac | but not just removing, but making them dependent on whether --disable-gpc is passed.. i outlined it above | 05:18 |
bluekuja | asac: that's harder | 05:20 |
bluekuja | asac: a patch that applied fixes configure.in/makefile and add --disable-gpc to rules? | 05:21 |
bluekuja | so if disabled | 05:21 |
bluekuja | makes it dependent to it | 05:21 |
bluekuja | enabled/disabled | 05:21 |
asac | yes | 05:39 |
asac | bluekuja: ^^ | 05:40 |
bluekuja | asac: so a patch that removes gpc stuff configure.in/makefile plus adding a --disable-gpc on debian/rules | 05:40 |
asac | bluekuja: no ... it doesn't remove gpc ... it makes it dependent on whether its --disable-gpc or not | 05:45 |
asac | removing wouldn't be better than what we have right now | 05:46 |
asac | bluekuja: i outlined how you can do that above | 05:46 |
bluekuja | asac: I've understood I need a new patch | 05:48 |
bluekuja | asac: I just dont understand how can I make it dependent on that variable | 05:48 |
bluekuja | asac: only thing is to delete manually gpc stuff in the makefile/configure and a variable in debian/rules | 05:49 |
asac | bluekuja: i outlined it above | 05:49 |
asac | 17:07 < asac> for that you have to make the AC_OUTPUT make file dependent on ENABLE_GPC | 05:49 |
asac | 17:07 < asac> in configure.in | 05:50 |
asac | 17:07 < asac> and the SUBDIRS variable dependent on ENABLE_GPC in Makefile.am | 05:50 |
asac | 17:08 < asac> i configure.ac you ca replace gpc/Makefile in AC_OUTPUT | 05:50 |
asac | 17:08 < asac> by ${GPC_MAKEFILE} | 05:50 |
asac | 17:08 < asac> and set GPC_MAKEFILE to gpc/Makefile if ENABLE_GPC is set | 05:50 |
asac | 17:09 < asac> in Makefile.am you can introduce a variable GPC_SUBDIR = gpc | 05:50 |
asac | 17:09 < asac> and only set that if ENABLE_GPC | 05:50 |
asac | bluekuja: ^^^ | 05:50 |
bluekuja | asac: that's the patch plus I add --disable-gpc on debian/rules | 05:51 |
bluekuja | ? | 05:51 |
bluekuja | asac: I'm getting crazy | 05:53 |
bluekuja | :) | 05:53 |
asac | yeah | 05:55 |
bluekuja | asac: restarting pc for a while | 06:12 |
cwong1 | asac: hey | 06:18 |
cwong1 | asac: tx for taken care of the uncommit | 06:18 |
asac | cwong1: let me know when you have it up ... so i can release ;) | 06:19 |
cwong1 | asac: ok | 06:20 |
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bluekuja | asac: back | 06:49 |
bluekuja | asac: what we will have different from the current situation? | 06:53 |
bluekuja | asac: e.g what will change | 06:54 |
bluekuja | asac: I dont understand why we need to make changes for a dir that doesnt exist | 06:59 |
bluekuja | and wont exist in debian for copyright issues | 06:59 |
asac | bluekuja: because we don't want to carry patches that are not needed | 07:10 |
asac | its always better to do it right and submit upstream | 07:10 |
asac | than carrying a hack forever | 07:10 |
bluekuja | asac: but upstream will keep shipping gpc | 07:14 |
bluekuja | I guess | 07:14 |
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asac | think ;) | 07:25 |
asac | it doesn't matter ... it just fixes the --enable/disable-gpc option | 07:25 |
asac | in a way that we can strip the dir | 07:25 |
asac | nothing upstream wouldn't like about it | 07:25 |
cwong1 | asac:My files are in. Tested the build locally. Please go ahead and do the release. | 07:29 |
bluekuja | asac: true, I need to find out how to do it. I have your first istructions | 07:32 |
bluekuja | but I need to move on | 07:32 |
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bdmurray | Are there any known issues with svg rendering in Firefox? | 07:45 |
Ubulette | hi | 08:07 |
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Ubulette | asac, I don't get why you included remove.binonly.sh in ff3.dev, it's not needed | 08:20 |
Ubulette | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571583 | 09:33 |
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