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lamont | nealmcb: uh... when/where for the colorado loco party? | 04:39 |
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maeth | how can i install a VPN on my ubuntu machine? | 07:52 |
ivoks | there are 3 vpns ubuntu supports - pptp, openvpn and vpnc | 07:56 |
ivoks | which one do you want. do you need server or a client? | 07:57 |
maeth | ivoks, need pptp, i already installed pptpd package | 07:59 |
ivoks | great, then you just need to create a user | 07:59 |
ivoks | in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets | 08:01 |
ivoks | and edit /etc/pptpd.conf | 08:01 |
maeth | ivoks, ok , thnx ... gonna check | 08:01 |
_ruben | ivoks: and there's openswan, atleast its listed with apt-cache search | 08:04 |
ivoks | _ruben: right, ipsec also | 08:04 |
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maeth | ivoks, can you help me with the configuring? | 08:11 |
maeth | ivoks, how do i set more users? | 08:11 |
ivoks | add them to chap-secrets | 08:11 |
ivoks | [username] pptpd [password] * | 08:12 |
maeth | ivoks, with the " [ ] " ?? | 08:13 |
ivoks | without [] | 08:14 |
ivoks | but you should add "" | 08:14 |
maeth | ""? where? | 08:14 |
ivoks | example: | 08:14 |
maeth | like this "username"? | 08:14 |
ivoks | "ivoks" pptpd "secretpassword546;" * | 08:14 |
maeth | ; that too? | 08:15 |
maeth | sorry for the noob questioning | 08:15 |
ivoks | in this example, ; is part of password | 08:15 |
maeth | ivoks, k.. done :D | 08:15 |
maeth | ivoks, thnx | 08:15 |
maeth | ivoks, once created the user, i need to restart the service? | 08:18 |
ivoks | no need to do that | 08:21 |
maeth | ivoks, didnt worked :S | 08:21 |
ivoks | check yor syslog | 08:22 |
kraut | moin | 08:58 |
_ruben | gug | 09:25 |
soren | Good morning. | 09:37 |
MenZa | Morning soren :) | 09:40 |
soren | Hi, Menza :) | 09:40 |
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ivoks | why is /boot/grub/menu.lst world readable? | 12:14 |
ivoks | :) | 12:15 |
Nafallo | ivoks: it is not :-) | 12:15 |
ivoks | well, i have unusal ubuntu here then :D | 12:16 |
ivoks | it is, on all my ubuntus :) | 12:16 |
Nafallo | no, you have the usual. I have changed some permissions where it makes sence on my server thou ;-) | 12:16 |
ivoks | but we should do this by default :/ | 12:17 |
Nafallo | why? | 12:17 |
ivoks | people would like to set passwords for grub | 12:17 |
Nafallo | is there really a need before you add a password in there? | 12:17 |
ivoks | this is not about me :D | 12:17 |
ivoks | but people do want password there and don't have a clue that other users can read that file | 12:18 |
=== Nafallo thinks we should add the users password in there and not have it world-readable btw ;-) | ||
ivoks | that would be great, yes | 12:18 |
ivoks | and would require changes to passwd and useradd | 12:19 |
Nafallo | oh? | 12:19 |
ivoks | or update-grub should read if password is set, and chmod 640 it | 12:20 |
Nafallo | that would be cleaner in my mind indeed... | 12:21 |
Nafallo | grep ^password ;-) | 12:21 |
ivoks | something like that... :) | 12:21 |
ivoks | todo for 8.04 :) | 12:22 |
Nafallo | add it to the Serverteams ideas wikipage :-) | 12:23 |
ivoks | :D | 12:23 |
Nafallo | and if we haven't got one, create one ;-) | 12:23 |
ivoks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/HardyIdeaPool | 12:23 |
Nafallo | oooh | 12:23 |
Nafallo | kewl! | 12:23 |
ivoks | hm, would that be packaging or feature? :) | 12:24 |
Nafallo | hehe. and hardy cause we will have apport rolled out for the whole of mains servers? ;-) | 12:24 |
ajmitch | it's hashed with md5, isn't it? | 12:24 |
Nafallo | both :-) | 12:24 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: you can choose to do that indeed. | 12:24 |
ivoks | ajmitch: it can be, but it's not by default | 12:25 |
ajmitch | probably a good default to have | 12:25 |
ivoks | and... anyway, shadow isn't world-readable | 12:25 |
ajmitch | agreed | 12:25 |
Nafallo | hmm | 12:25 |
ivoks | imho, we should chmod it | 12:25 |
Nafallo | we should probably not set a password in there thou... | 12:26 |
Nafallo | sometimes you need remote hands... | 12:26 |
ivoks | that's design problem, world-readable password is security problem | 12:27 |
Nafallo | yea :-) | 12:27 |
Nafallo | lets start with chmod if ^password | 12:27 |
ivoks | if you need remote hands, don't put password there :D | 12:27 |
Nafallo | exactly :-) | 12:27 |
Nafallo | I could probably set it on all the London-based servers thou ;-) | 12:28 |
Nafallo | which is all of them for now. | 12:28 |
Nafallo | MY systems... | 12:28 |
=== Nafallo gets the crazy look | ||
ivoks | grub: protect menu.lst from eyes of the world (chmod 640) if password is set | 12:29 |
ivoks | there... | 12:29 |
ivoks | an idean in the pool :) | 12:30 |
Nafallo | could we task sabdfl to negotiate x86 and x86_64 support of Dells tools on the serverside btw? ;-) | 12:30 |
Nafallo | hmm. what is it with all the hype around Zimbra? | 12:31 |
ivoks | marketing | 12:31 |
=== Nafallo tries the online demo | ||
Nafallo | ehrm | 12:33 |
Nafallo | this does hell of a lot more then roundcube :-P | 12:33 |
ivoks | :D | 12:33 |
Nafallo | and it has taskfreak built-in ;-) | 12:33 |
Nafallo | and IM :-D | 12:34 |
Nafallo | :-O even | 12:34 |
Nafallo | what kind of IM is it? | 12:34 |
Nafallo | XMPP? | 12:34 |
ivoks | yeah | 12:34 |
ivoks | (iirc) | 12:34 |
ivoks | bad thing with zibra atm is that it installs it's own java and services | 12:35 |
Nafallo | if it is I love it and might even ask my boss to spend some time at for hardy | 12:36 |
ivoks | hm... | 12:37 |
ivoks | i'm not sure it includes IM | 12:37 |
Nafallo | the online demo had that. | 12:38 |
Nafallo | but they have five editions of the server so.. ;-) | 12:39 |
ivoks | yes, for MSN and AIM | 12:40 |
Nafallo | oh :-/ | 12:40 |
ivoks | AOL, even | 12:40 |
Nafallo | where did you find that? ;-) | 12:40 |
ivoks | on online demo :) | 12:41 |
ivoks | IM | 12:41 |
ivoks | and then look at bottom right corner | 12:41 |
Nafallo | to bad they haven't got YIM, since that seems to be what my company is based on right now. | 12:43 |
Nafallo | or IRC! :-) | 12:43 |
ivoks | anyway... | 12:44 |
ivoks | http://www.zimbra.com/forums/developers/45-xmpp-jabber-integration.html | 12:44 |
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Nafallo | kinky! | 12:47 |
Nafallo | oh! and Yahoo bought it. | 12:47 |
ivoks | right | 12:47 |
Nafallo | something tells me we will see YIM in there soonish ;-) | 12:47 |
Tig| | Hi everyone, I am still having procmail/postfix issues :) I think I have tracked it down to postfix not invoking procmail, I have mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" in my main.cf but I can't find any mention in the mail.log at all, any ideas? | 12:48 |
Tig| | I have restarted postfix etc :) | 12:49 |
ivoks | do you have procmail installed? | 12:49 |
Tig| | yep :) and runs fine from the command line | 12:49 |
Tig| | I have run : procmail DEFAULT=/dev/null VERBOSE=yes /dev/null </dev/null from the command line and it generated the expected output | 12:50 |
ivoks | and nothing like: | 12:50 |
ivoks | (delivered to command: procmail -a "$EXTENSION") | 12:50 |
ivoks | in mail.log? | 12:50 |
Tig| | nope, no mention of procmail at all | 12:51 |
Tig| | which is slightly baffling | 12:51 |
Tig| | Mail is delivered and going through fine | 12:51 |
ivoks | ok, try like this: | 12:51 |
Tig| | does it have to be in master.cf anywhere? | 12:52 |
ivoks | mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" /etc/procmailrc | 12:53 |
ivoks | no | 12:53 |
Tig| | thanks will try that :) | 12:53 |
ivoks | hm... hm... | 12:54 |
ivoks | mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" -m /etc/procmailrc | 12:54 |
Tig| | alas still nothing in the logs :( | 12:56 |
ivoks | sec, phone | 12:57 |
Tig| | no problem, thanks for the help :) | 12:57 |
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ivoks | ok... | 01:14 |
ivoks | postconf | grep mailbox_command | 01:14 |
ivoks | what does this return? | 01:14 |
ivoks | or postconf mailbox_command | 01:14 |
Tig| | sorry back now :) | 01:18 |
Tig| | mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" -m /etc/procmailrc | 01:19 |
Tig| | mailbox_command_maps = | 01:19 |
ivoks | ok, that looks ok | 01:21 |
ivoks | when you grep 'develiered to' your /var/log/mail.log, what does it return? | 01:22 |
=== Nafallo skims through anything having Dell in the Subject on ubuntu-server | ||
ivoks | Nafallo: it would be very hard to get ubuntu-server on dell servers | 01:23 |
Nafallo | ivoks: oh? | 01:23 |
Nafallo | ivoks: why is that? | 01:23 |
ivoks | politics :D | 01:23 |
ivoks | dell has relations with redhat and novell, and adding ubuntu there... hm... well, it's worth trying... | 01:24 |
Tig| | or just buy them bare and install it yourself :) | 01:24 |
ivoks | Tig|: did you grep /var/log/mail.log? | 01:25 |
Tig| | yep | 01:25 |
ivoks | and? | 01:25 |
Tig| | just sanitising some of the data in it :) | 01:25 |
Tig| | there are lots of entries | 01:25 |
ivoks | ok :) | 01:25 |
Nafallo | ivoks: I don't need it fully supported. but I think it would be worthwhile to bring up providing official debs for their tools. | 01:25 |
ivoks | only one would be enough | 01:26 |
ivoks | Nafallo: that would surly be a step in right direction | 01:26 |
Tig| | Oct 8 14:06:49 telinf postfix/local[7920] : 173B4204608: to=<support@foo.com>, relay=local, delay=0.95, delays=0.18/0.01/0/0.77, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/bin/rt-mailgate-3.6 --queue '! New Requests !' --action correspond --url http://foo.com/) | 01:26 |
ivoks | surly? is this a word? :) | 01:26 |
Nafallo | ivoks: I think they are committed to do it if someone steps up to talk to them as well. | 01:26 |
Nafallo | ivoks: surely ;-) | 01:26 |
ivoks | ah, thanks | 01:26 |
ivoks | Tig|: well, your mail is forwarded to that /usr/bin/rt-mailgate-3.6 | 01:27 |
Tig| | yep that is done in aliases | 01:27 |
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ivoks | Tig|: if that thing doesn't return mail to postfix, then postfix can't use procmail | 01:27 |
Tig| | hmm | 01:28 |
Tig| | wouldn't procmail do the filtering before it goes to the alias? | 01:28 |
ivoks | no | 01:28 |
Tig| | aha! | 01:28 |
Tig| | right I will have to bounce it through a different address first :) | 01:29 |
ivoks | even better | 01:29 |
ivoks | create procmail rule to send a copy to that service | 01:29 |
Tig| | ah that would do it, I can create a global procmail that will send it to the right aliases, it only has to last a couple of weeks :) | 01:31 |
_ruben | Dell is already shipping Ubuntu desktop right? So why not server as well ;-) | 01:31 |
Tig| | wonderful :) thanks for that I don't think I am going mad now :) | 01:31 |
Nafallo | _ruben: my thought as well. | 01:31 |
ivoks | longer period of support | 01:31 |
ivoks | but, we should try, i'm all for that | 01:32 |
Nafallo | _ruben: and linux.dell.com seems to lean in the direction that they want to provide debs. | 01:32 |
_ruben | im in the process of testing ubuntu server on a poweredge860 here at work | 01:32 |
Tig| | Right I am going to get some lunch, thanks for your help :) | 01:32 |
ivoks | Tig|: enyoj | 01:32 |
_ruben | lets check that url | 01:32 |
ivoks | enjoy even | 01:32 |
Nafallo | to bad their BMC hangs in 64-bit on dapper. | 01:32 |
Tig| | _ruben: I have ubuntu-server running on 1850s and 1855s if that helps :) | 01:32 |
Nafallo | I have it on 2850s | 01:33 |
ivoks | i have it on 1600SC, 1500SC and 1435SC | 01:33 |
Nafallo | and smaller machines... want the heck are they called again ;-) | 01:33 |
Nafallo | SC1425 | 01:34 |
_ruben | we currently run novell's SLES9 on SC1425's and PE860's | 01:34 |
ivoks | eh.. and 1650 too :D | 01:34 |
_ruben | sc1425 is retired tho | 01:34 |
Nafallo | I need to document what systems we have before it's to late... | 01:34 |
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_ruben | hehe | 01:35 |
ivoks | in company i worked before, first thing to do was replace suse with (at first) debian and (later) ubuntu :) | 01:35 |
ivoks | 20-30 machines | 01:36 |
_ruben | here we started with slackware (4.0, before i even worked here) .. then debian potato, followed by woody .. then sarge took too long to become stable and we really needed a 2.6 kernel, so the decision was made to go with SLES9 .. now im investigating a possible move from SLES9 to Ubuntu | 01:37 |
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ivoks | maybe we should, for a start, edit http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu-server | 01:41 |
ivoks | and even create remastered CD with as few as possible questions | 01:42 |
Nafallo | ivoks: add to ideas :-) | 01:48 |
ivoks | Nafallo: :D | 01:48 |
ivoks | bbl | 01:50 |
=== Nafallo goes throu systems and lists on a wiki where they are, what hardware it is and what hostname they have | ||
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Gargoyle | Hello | 03:38 |
ivoks | hi | 03:38 |
Gargoyle | Anyone use vmware? | 03:40 |
soren | Yes. | 03:40 |
ivoks | god, no :D | 03:40 |
_ruben | heh | 03:41 |
Gargoyle | soren: You us ubuntu host, and other guests? | 03:41 |
_ruben | i am, but not on ubuntu, yet | 03:41 |
Gargoyle | *use | 03:41 |
Gargoyle | Just wondering how others find the stability/performance of it? | 03:42 |
soren | Gargoyle: Both stability and performance is fine, IMO. | 03:43 |
_ruben | stability: no problems .. performance: highly depends on the use of it | 03:43 |
Gargoyle | Probably 4 guests. 2 win 2k3 server and 2 linux. | 03:45 |
ivoks | at the same time? | 03:47 |
_ruben | shouldnt be a problem, but also highly depends on the hardware you want to run it on, and how heavy the virtual servers' load will be | 03:47 |
Gargoyle | What is the reason for apt not updating my linux-image-server package? | 03:49 |
ivoks | apt-get upgrade never installs new packages | 03:50 |
ivoks | apt-get dist-upgrade installs new packages if needed | 03:50 |
Gargoyle | Well, the vmware installer wants to build a module so I installed the linux-headers-server package, and it's telling me the headers are for a diff version than my running kernel | 03:51 |
ivoks | right | 03:51 |
ivoks | run apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:51 |
Gargoyle | ahh | 03:52 |
Gargoyle | sweet | 03:52 |
Gargoyle | Is dist-upgrade needed just for kernel updates? | 03:53 |
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soren | Gargoyle: Mostly, yes. The kernel packages change their name when the ABI changes. | 03:53 |
ivoks | yes, and when using beta version of ubuntu :D | 03:53 |
Gargoyle | ivoks: I was going to try the 7.10 beta, but it couldn't find the network cards in the server! | 03:54 |
ivoks | ?! | 03:55 |
ivoks | what kind of network cards are they? | 03:55 |
Gargoyle | I'll tell you once its rebooted with 6.10 | 03:55 |
Gargoyle | I thin broadcom | 03:55 |
ivoks | it didn't work during installation or after it? | 03:56 |
Gargoyle | It worked during the install | 03:56 |
Gargoyle | but not after the reboot | 03:56 |
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Gargoyle | Oh no, Intell pro/1000 | 03:58 |
Gargoyle | jeez, my typing is bad today. | 03:58 |
ivoks | that's ok | 03:58 |
ivoks | that's bug which is fixed | 03:58 |
Gargoyle | ahh. | 03:59 |
ivoks | they were working after install too, but were eth2 and eth3, not eth0 and eth1 :D | 03:59 |
Gargoyle | Well, I noticed under vmware fusion on my mac, it was eth1. but I didn't try eth2 or 3 | 04:00 |
Gargoyle | :D | 04:00 |
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Gargoyle | If my host was using bonded nics, can vmware use the bond instead of each card? | 04:02 |
ivoks | i think that should be possible, but i don't use vmware :) | 04:03 |
_ruben | never tried that either | 04:03 |
ivoks | well, kvm can do that :D | 04:04 |
Gargoyle | I'll add it to my experiment list! | 04:04 |
Gargoyle | :) | 04:04 |
Gargoyle | ivoks: Can kvm do a remote console? | 04:04 |
ivoks | instead of eth0 and eth1, it should use bond0 | 04:04 |
ivoks | remote console? | 04:04 |
ivoks | with kvm it's possible to move running system from one computer to the other :D | 04:05 |
Gargoyle | In vmware I can use the vmware console on my pc to manage/install the virtual machines on the server without needing to install a gui environment on the server. | 04:06 |
Gargoyle | What is the ubuntu equiv of inetd / xinetd? | 04:06 |
ivoks | Gargoyle: well, of course you can do that with kvm :) export DISPLAY etc | 04:07 |
ivoks | Gargoyle: we don't use any by default, but both inetd and xinetd are available in repos | 04:07 |
ivoks | or, yeah... you can use vnc with kvm | 04:08 |
Gargoyle | ivoks: before the OS is installed? | 04:09 |
ivoks | yes | 04:09 |
Gargoyle | ohhh | 04:09 |
Gargoyle | cool | 04:09 |
Gargoyle | because vmware is being a bitch! | 04:10 |
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Roge | Gargoyle, you could always try virtualbox | 04:16 |
Gargoyle | vbox looks OK. Does it need a gui on the host? | 04:26 |
Gargoyle | right, vmware has been binned for being an arse to install! | 04:38 |
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dendrobates | Server Team meeting wow at #ubuntu meeting. All invited. | 05:11 |
dendrobates | #ubuntu-meeting | 05:12 |
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nny | any way to just get the mpg123 package in 6.06 server without xmms? | 05:44 |
dantalizing | apt-get install mpg123? | 05:45 |
nny | nay | 05:45 |
nny | may just get the source and compile, asterisk is picky about the version | 05:46 |
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lionel | nny: you just have to apt-get install mpg123. It's in multiverse (so check multiverse repository is activated) | 06:40 |
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nny | lionel: thanks, no need, the software i use needs the real 123 software, not 321 symlinked, i got it | 06:55 |
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lionel | nny: mpg123 in multiverse is the real mpg123 no symlink | 06:55 |
lionel | well, have gone... | 06:56 |
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sommer | mathiaz: when testing ISOs when it says CD self-check is that done automatically? | 08:54 |
sommer | or is there an options somewhere I missed | 08:54 |
mathiaz | sommer: when you boot the cd | 08:54 |
mathiaz | sommer: you have the option to test the iso. | 08:54 |
sommer | ah okay... I missed it than. | 08:55 |
sommer | /than/then | 08:55 |
mathiaz | sommer: instead of 'install to hard disk' you can 'check the iso' | 08:56 |
sommer | cool, thanks mathiaz | 08:56 |
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ScottK | mathiaz: What was the "Change MTA for Hardy" discussion about. I appear to have missed that. | 09:25 |
mathiaz | ScottK: it'S the dependency on a m-t-a | 09:26 |
mathiaz | ScottK: so that we can set a default mta to postfix | 09:26 |
ScottK | Ah. That discussion. OK. | 09:26 |
ScottK | THanks. | 09:26 |
mathiaz | ScottK: and debian can set it to exim if they want. | 09:26 |
ScottK | Right. I remember now. | 09:27 |
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ajmitch | good morning | 09:49 |
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