=== First|Bleh [i=Rawr@ip70-170-122-159.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | think: it doesn't ignore it but the gnome res changer does :) | 12:04 |
crisp1 | anyone know what i can do about my problem with the nvidia driver? | 12:04 |
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think | Bo^Dick: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:04 |
GNine | i810 is intel | 12:04 |
=== Lunenfeld [n=rene@e179137115.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
el_pello | I need an spanish channel for asking | 12:04 |
GNine | you should just gedit your xorg.conf | 12:04 |
soylent | Bo^Dick~> livecd->chroot->reinstall grub | 12:04 |
sarthor | how can i connect my 9300i nokia with my bluetooth, While i can scan it with #hcitool scan, I am new to linux, any gui application for feisty?? | 12:04 |
=== tongueroo [n=tonguero@netblock-66-245-248-74.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | !es | el_pello | 12:05 |
ubotu | el_pello: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 12:05 |
el_pello | please | 12:05 |
think | kitche: gnome resolution changer wont launch after intel xorg driver installation | 12:05 |
Bo^Dick | thanks | 12:05 |
think | GNine: i810 is the old driver | 12:05 |
=== runemaste644 [n=Duh@adsl-12-124-152.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soylent | sarthor~> apt-cache search bluetooth :) | 12:06 |
LinuxJuggalo | el_pello: cual es el problema que tienes? | 12:06 |
kitche | think: no i810 is the stable driver the -intel one is not quite stable yet :) | 12:06 |
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IdleOne | LinuxJuggalo: help him in #ubuntu-es please . english only here thank you | 12:06 |
GNine | still.. check right config for xorg.conf .. i would change drivers after the fact (conf dont work) | 12:06 |
kitche | think: many cards can't use the -intel driver I know a few people that can't use it | 12:06 |
think | kitche: i810 driver does not properly support my chipset per the docs, it will not allow anything above i810 | 12:06 |
think | sorry above 800x600 | 12:06 |
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=== hlacos [n=hlacos@lacos.kerekes.elte.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | think: hmmm it should unless you have like a brand new intel chipset since i810 supports 945g and such | 12:07 |
el_pello | i want to install a flash player por OPERA navigator | 12:07 |
IdleOne | think: have you looked at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:07 |
=== NoxBaro [n=nox@p50888B12.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
think | kitche: it does not properly support my chipset it clearly states this in the docs | 12:08 |
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HorizonXP | can someone help me out with my headset? | 12:08 |
think | kitche: where does gnome's resolution changer config live? i would like to edit it by hand | 12:08 |
kitche | think: it lives in xorg.conf | 12:09 |
=== erich_j [n=erich@mo-76-0-47-236.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sarthor | soylent, apt-cache search bluetooth result is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40007/ | 12:09 |
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danny_ | How do you reconfigure X? | 12:09 |
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kitche | think: you might have to use modelines instead of resolutions to get the rez you want | 12:09 |
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GNine | i dont think so | 12:09 |
danny_ | like sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg or something? | 12:09 |
think | kitche: all my changes to xorg.conf are ignored, hell i can even remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and X will still run | 12:09 |
=== danny_ is now known as arcanistherogue | ||
GNine | xorg will list all available resolutions.. comment out all those you dont need | 12:10 |
kitche | think: that's because X does not need a xorg.conf to run | 12:10 |
hlacos | x reconf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 12:10 |
=== Cunix [n=cunix@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
think | GNine: already have, its ignores xorg.conf | 12:10 |
IdleOne | arcanistherogue: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and try not to change nick after asking a question confuse people :) | 12:10 |
soylent | think~> maybe you only do a logout and dont restart X? (ctrl-alt-delete) | 12:10 |
gahan | i'm trying to compile kernel module on feisty and i'm getting "error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory", is there a quickfix for it? | 12:10 |
GNine | or you can do as hlacos , printed here | 12:10 |
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think | soylent: already have of course | 12:11 |
drewzf | Does anyone know how I could go about optimizing my Zend Studio installation? | 12:11 |
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think | kitche: how to get my resolution to change if not in xorg.conf? | 12:11 |
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kitche | think: really this is how I do my resolution I remove all the resolutions that I don't use and just put in the ones I use | 12:12 |
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hlacos | can | 12:12 |
HorizonXP | i can't get sound from my logitech 350 headset on feisty, can someone help? | 12:12 |
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arcanistherogue | thanks a lot guys | 12:12 |
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arcanistherogue | that worked | 12:12 |
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GNine | hint : know your hardware. | 12:12 |
think | kitche: i have already done that | 12:12 |
Juancabrito | hi. How can I quit a freezed program? | 12:12 |
sarthor | soylent, apt-cache search bluetooth result is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40007/ | 12:12 |
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drewzf | Is it possible to optimize a java install? | 12:13 |
GNine | no | 12:13 |
think | kitche: i dont understand how X can run and ignore my xorg.conf, if i put nothing but bad values in there it should still try to read it and then fail to start | 12:13 |
IdleOne | Juancabrito: kill -9 PID# -------- ps aux will list all running proccess | 12:13 |
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kitche | think: it doesn't ignore xorg.conf if you have one | 12:14 |
think | kitche: yet it does just that | 12:14 |
GNine | think, you are not thinking | 12:14 |
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=== SerenadedAbyss [n=serenade@user-10lff2d.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== tom_ is sad that he can't get his demonoid password back + bit torrent isn't working well... I wish i didn't live in the US | ||
tom_ | not that demonoid isnt working well because of my citizenship.. that just keeps me off torrentspy :( | 12:15 |
=== DGtlRift [n=DGtlRift@c-71-204-24-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNine | tom. deal with it. | 12:15 |
kitche | !offtopic | tom_ | 12:15 |
ubotu | tom_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:15 |
think | GNine: you are not nearly bright enough to engage me in this conversation, im new to ubuntu, not to linux | 12:15 |
=== ruz322 agrees with tom. | ||
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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IdleOne | think: please dont insult people GNine let it go please :) | 12:15 |
=== GNine is listening to eminem : infinite album | ||
kitche | think: how do you know it's not using the resolution since a lot fo times gnome resolution changer can lie | 12:15 |
think | kitche: the xorg.conf is there and it does not have 1024x768 listed at all, yet it starts to the resolution | 12:15 |
=== handyAndy [n=andy@cpc7-asht3-0-0-cust669.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ruz322 is mad because his ISP tries to limit and restrict torrent traffic.... | ||
tom_ | kitche: I believe my subject is on topic, as it was going to be about whether other people who are using 7.04 have had trouble using bittorrent or not- | 12:15 |
HorizonXP | i can't get sound from my logitech 350 headset on feisty, can someone help? | 12:16 |
HorizonXP | i have no idea how to debug it | 12:16 |
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HorizonXP | it's detected by ubuntu just fine | 12:16 |
IdleOne | !sound | HorizonXP | 12:16 |
ubotu | HorizonXP: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:16 |
HorizonXP | i selected it in the Sound control panel | 12:16 |
think | kitche: because the screen is only 600 pixels tall and so @ 768 tall it has to scoll to see lower toolbar | 12:16 |
LiMaO | astro76 and jrib, LOVE YA BOTH =P got java + flash working. and finally i know what was done to the system.. didn't have to run any obscure script to get it done | 12:16 |
tom_ | I have had no luck installing azureus, native or otherwise. i start it and it hogs cpu. no success with gnome-btdownload... trying bittornado, as it worked well for me before | 12:16 |
LiMaO | =D | 12:16 |
=== lotek_ [n=lotek@68-114-25-118.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | tom_: disable ipv6 it can slow down ipv4 networks sometimes | 12:16 |
HorizonXP | if I hit the Test button, I hear a loud tone | 12:17 |
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HorizonXP | but no other sound can play | 12:17 |
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FlyingPig | why in gods name cant i order the new ubuntu version on cd? | 12:17 |
tom_ | kitche: good idea... gonna investigate that, thanks | 12:17 |
FlyingPig | answer me | 12:17 |
kitche | tom_: azureus is written in Java and C++ so of course it will hog the cpu :) | 12:17 |
SerenadedAbyss | Question | 12:17 |
ruz322 | FlyingPig: it isn't out yet | 12:17 |
ikonia | FlyingPig because its not out yet | 12:17 |
FlyingPig | oh :/ | 12:17 |
IdleOne | FlyingPig: not available yet | 12:17 |
cafuego | FlyingPig: It hates you. | 12:17 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-203-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
FlyingPig | sorry | 12:17 |
IdleOne | cafuego: lmao | 12:17 |
SerenadedAbyss | Which version of Ubuntu is the best? | 12:17 |
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ikonia | SerenadedAbyss: the one that meets your needs best | 12:17 |
ruz322 | SerenadedAbyss: 7.04 at the moment | 12:17 |
cafuego | SerenadedAbyss: 6.06 for PowerPC | 12:18 |
IdleOne | SerenadedAbyss: the one you install then upgrade | 12:18 |
FlyingPig | ruz332 when will it be out exactlly? | 12:18 |
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FlyingPig | i want to order it as fast as possible | 12:18 |
IdleOne | 14th | 12:18 |
ruz322 | FlyingPig: It comes out in 10 Days. | 12:18 |
FlyingPig | k | 12:18 |
FlyingPig | 19 okt? | 12:18 |
IdleOne | or 18th | 12:18 |
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superkuh | How do I remove the samba server and all configuration files? | 12:18 |
ruz322 | FlyingPig: 18th | 12:18 |
superkuh | From feisty (7.04)/ | 12:18 |
HorizonXP | Idleone: so it's not that I didn't select in the sound panel. Any other suggestions? | 12:18 |
cafuego | superkuh: sudo dpkg --purge samba | 12:18 |
FlyingPig | ruz332 ok thanks sir | 12:18 |
=== FlyingElectron [n=lawrence@216-165-227-2.championbroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
think | kitche: you get my last line? | 12:18 |
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kitche | think: yes | 12:19 |
think | its the oddest thing i have ever seen realy | 12:19 |
IdleOne | HorizonXP: nope sorry | 12:19 |
GNine | IdleOne, thanks | 12:19 |
superkuh | cafuego, thanks. | 12:19 |
=== prestosd [n=prestosd@h216-170-005-092.adsl.navix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juancabrito | IdleOne: i'm sorry, I don't get it, what are the "---------" suposed to be? | 12:19 |
IdleOne | GNine: thanks for? | 12:19 |
GNine | am not the customer service type. | 12:19 |
GNine | lol | 12:19 |
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prestosd | Hey, games always freeze when I exit them, have to force quit. Any ideas? | 12:19 |
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kitche | think: usually just removing all the resolution should work but you could always backup your current xorg.conf and create a new one | 12:20 |
ruz322 | prestosd: which games? | 12:20 |
IdleOne | Juancabrito: was just trying to seperate my thoughts | 12:20 |
=== JamoSmith [n=JamoSmit@CPE-67-48-225-246.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prestosd | ruz322: all! :) | 12:20 |
think | does X just read the first value of the resolution? because the 1024 part is correct | 12:20 |
prestosd | ruz322: well | 12:20 |
ruz322 | prestosd: just gnome games or what? | 12:20 |
tom_ | thanks kitche.. gonna reboot and see what changes | 12:20 |
HorizonXP | anyone else have any ideas? | 12:20 |
prestosd | ruz322: 3D ones..I think its the 3D ones | 12:20 |
=== hab [n=hab@athedsl-93831.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
think | kitche: when i remove them all it continues to default to 1024x768 | 12:20 |
hab | Is there a way to change the name of a useR? | 12:20 |
drewzf | which JRE should I use for Zend Studio? | 12:20 |
ruz322 | prestosd: ah, what kind of video card do you have and which driver are you using? | 12:20 |
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pike_ | sarthor: looking at link one sec | 12:21 |
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prestosd | ruz322: dunno, and dunno :) | 12:21 |
sarthor | pike_, Hi, i am here. | 12:21 |
JamoSmith | my ubuntu setup is failing to resolve domain names into IP addresses. the appropriate DNS addresses are setup via the admin->network interface and in the resolv.conf file. can anyone give me a hint on how to troubleshoot this issue? | 12:21 |
sarthor | pike_, OK. | 12:21 |
prestosd | ruz322: im on a PPC 32MB ATI somthin' I think | 12:21 |
FlyingPig | how do i encrypt all my internet traffic with ubuntu? | 12:21 |
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FlyingPig | what app please | 12:21 |
think | kitche: think i should start X from console , maybe its giving me some good verbose errors | 12:21 |
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kitche | JamoSmith: ping your nameservers | 12:21 |
rnn | I have a problem with my ubuntu installer. | 12:21 |
ruz322 | prestosd: if it's an older machine, it probably has an older vidoe card, meaning you may not have decent if any 3d acceleration | 12:21 |
kitche | think: gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 12:21 |
Juancabrito | how can I see a list of the current processes and kill one? | 12:21 |
prestosd | ruz322: I do :) | 12:21 |
rnn | this is not initializying the graphic mode | 12:22 |
GNine | did anyone read syntux's quit quote? | 12:22 |
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JamoSmith | kitche: they work | 12:22 |
=== GNine inhales | ||
rnn | my graphic card is a geforce 6150 | 12:22 |
think | kitche: yeah going there now | 12:22 |
prestosd | its a 1Ghz G4 with 786MB RAM a 250GB HD and 32MB Vcard | 12:22 |
FlyingPig | how i encrypt all my internet traffic with ubuntu? what app? | 12:22 |
prestosd | and DVD burner :) | 12:22 |
prestosd | FlyingPig | repeat | 12:22 |
kitche | FlyingPig: tor but good luck since there is a ton of sniffers on it now | 12:22 |
FlyingPig | kitche oh? | 12:23 |
=== trdracer [n=robert@adsl-69-227-164-94.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prestosd | FlyingPig | patience | 12:23 |
pike_ | sarthor: id install both bluez-gnome and kdebluetooth | 12:23 |
prestosd | FlyingPig | wait | 12:23 |
FlyingPig | prestosd what u want from me? | 12:23 |
JamoSmith | kitche: I pinged my nameservers, they respond very promptly, any other ideas? | 12:23 |
prestosd | dang it, whats that command | 12:23 |
prestosd | lol | 12:23 |
Juancabrito | Hi can anybody help me... how can I see a list of the running apps and kill one? | 12:23 |
sarthor | pike_, with apt-get? i am quite new with linux brother. | 12:23 |
FlyingPig | prestosd ???? | 12:23 |
trdracer | do i have to download codecs to listen to my music on ubuntu?ive had troubles with that... | 12:23 |
kitche | JamoSmith: use different nameservers maybe like opendns ones? | 12:23 |
prestosd | FlyingPig: trying to tell you to stop asking the same thing, wait | 12:23 |
prestosd | :) | 12:24 |
FlyingPig | prestosd so what app you use please? is it tor? | 12:24 |
FlyingPig | or other? | 12:24 |
prestosd | LOL | 12:24 |
JamoSmith | kitche: is there anything else I can check first? these nameservers worked fine on 6.## and work great on this windows machine | 12:24 |
prestosd | I don't use one | 12:24 |
pike_ | Juancabrito: ps -A or ps aux there are a number of ways. you can pkill firefox for example of get the pid with ps -A or ps aux and kill pidnumber there is also xkill which gives you a cursor to click and kill things | 12:24 |
FlyingPig | prestosd what u want? | 12:24 |
FlyingPig | i only ask to install it | 12:24 |
=== Negra [n=negra@adsl-69-234-101-52.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FlyingPig | i dont have yet | 12:24 |
prestosd | ruz322: ?? you there? | 12:24 |
prestosd | FlyingPig: forget it | 12:24 |
GNine | if you need to install new programs outside normal feisty environment . use synaptic | 12:24 |
prestosd | FlyingPig: nevermind | 12:24 |
kitche | JamoSmith: not really besides using nslookup <domain> | 12:25 |
pike_ | sarthor: id use the package manager if you are new but yes 'sudo apt-get install bluez-gnome kdebluetooth ' will work | 12:25 |
FlyingPig | '-' | 12:25 |
=== Xander [n=janne@a91-152-176-73.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sarthor | installed. | 12:25 |
sarthor | pike_, installed bro | 12:25 |
trdracer | tells me the gstreamer plugins to decode mp3 cannot be found. | 12:25 |
Juancabrito | pike: thank you, killing firefox was exactly what I needed | 12:25 |
sarthor | pike_, how to run this app now? | 12:25 |
=== dug_ [n=ubuntu-@c-98-202-28-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Negra | is there any where i can check the new features of U7.10 | 12:25 |
h1st0 | Negra: sure go to www.ubuntu.com/testing | 12:26 |
pike_ | sarthor: 'pkill gnome-panel' to be sure panel refreshes and then it should be somewhere in your menus. i dont know gui well at all esp gnome though | 12:26 |
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prestosd | How do I make a shortcut/icon that runs a console command of my choice? | 12:26 |
=== danny [n=danny@ool-44c63760.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | help please. | 12:26 |
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=== danny is now known as arcanistherogue | ||
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pike_ | prestosd: better off just making a script | 12:26 |
sarthor | pike_, ok. let me serch in my menu | 12:26 |
trdracer | tells me the gstreamer plugins to decode mp3 cannot be found. <000 | 12:26 |
arcanistherogue | hey, I have a problem with the trident video drivers | 12:27 |
prestosd | pike_: ?how? | 12:27 |
=== phretor [n=phretor@host215-168-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arcanistherogue | there are some artifacts appearing on the screen | 12:27 |
h1st0 | !codecs > trdracer | 12:27 |
phretor | hi! | 12:27 |
trdracer | and i have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse i cant use...which i highly dislike =\ | 12:27 |
h1st0 | !bluetooth > trdracer | 12:27 |
arcanistherogue | has anyone had anything similar happen, or are there some generic drivers I can fall back to that won't have artifacts | 12:27 |
trdracer | ? | 12:27 |
catalyst_media | hey guys is there a way to ssh into my vps server with nautilus? So I can drag and drop files in and view all the files without the command line? | 12:27 |
kitche | arcanistherogue: try vesa | 12:27 |
trdracer | im new to this man i dont know what youre telling me | 12:27 |
h1st0 | arcanistherogue: you can try vesa drivers instead | 12:27 |
arcanistherogue | this is an old computer that I won't be using any games or 3d stuff on, just news/web browsing | 12:27 |
=== PartyB0y [i=tany000@unaffiliated/partyb0y] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
trdracer | !bluetooth | 12:27 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 12:27 |
arcanistherogue | ok | 12:27 |
arcanistherogue | I'll try that now | 12:27 |
trdracer | oh | 12:28 |
GNine | am sad to be so far from water... | 12:28 |
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trdracer | !codecs | 12:28 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:28 |
kitche | arcanistherogue: trident drivers are not the best anyways | 12:28 |
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=== iniciante [n=kurumin@189-10-9-249.cbace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | trdracer: ubotu should have sent you a private message when I sent you those commands | 12:28 |
Juancabrito | can anybody help me to make php work (having apache already intalled)? | 12:28 |
arcanistherogue | yeah, this computer is an old one I just found and wanted to make functional | 12:28 |
h1st0 | !php > Juancabrito | 12:28 |
Juancabrito | installed* | 12:28 |
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arcanistherogue | I had no clue what was in it until I installed ubuntu :p | 12:28 |
pike_ | prestosd: your shell is bash by default. thats what youre working in the terminal. so and this is tru of python or ruby or bash or whatever you wan the first line of your script to be #!/bin/sh or #!/usr/bin/bash basically whatever shell youre using. so open up gedit and make that the first line then in next lines just type em like you would in terminal. then save and chmod +x filename to make it executable | 12:28 |
=== mouka-tat [n=kvirc@nat-admin01-dpg.devry.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dxdt | Juancabrito: install libapach php module. I forget the exact name but that is pretty much all you need | 12:28 |
GNine | arcanistherogue, cheers | 12:29 |
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think | kitche: looks like the intel driver has some issues, give some errors about the vbios checksum is not correct, then later claims a bunch of modes ae not supported, guess i will go back to i810 driver and try the 915patch | 12:30 |
hab | Is there a way to change the name of a user? | 12:30 |
h1st0 | !libapache2-mod-php5 | 12:30 |
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trdracer | i got my keyboard to work but not my mouse. | 12:30 |
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h1st0 | For who ever was looking | 12:30 |
FlyingPig | what is the market share of linux? becuase i read it is under 1% is this true? | 12:30 |
Negra | anybody know if fake raid will ever be implemented or even if its in the to do list? | 12:30 |
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GNine | piggy pie... | 12:31 |
h1st0 | Negra: I beliee gutsy should have it since debian installer has been updated | 12:31 |
ikonia | Negra fake raid exists | 12:31 |
Negra | if it does itll be swell!!! | 12:31 |
ikonia | Negra and it s poor solution | 12:31 |
ziroday | FlyingPig: it depends who you believe and in what area | 12:31 |
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=== Drevor_ [i=Drevor28@p54B3E388.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia | Negra it is a technology not worth progressing in my opinion | 12:31 |
GNine | i like pork skin | 12:31 |
FlyingPig | ziroday i mean all distributions | 12:31 |
pike_ | FlyingPig: its difficult to determine because most pcs are sold with windows. most linux installs are aftermarket but its low single digits im sure if you dont count phones and other embeded devices | 12:31 |
frostburn | FlyingPig, over 70% of webservers and supercomputers are linux | 12:31 |
=== Drevor_ is now known as Drevor | ||
Cubey | nice, got ubuntu to print postage right. had to install official lexmark drivers :) | 12:31 |
prestosd | How do I make a shortcut/icon that runs a console command of my choice? | 12:32 |
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ziroday | FlyingPig: Server or Desktop market? | 12:32 |
LjL | !offtopic | linux market share | 12:32 |
ubotu | linux market share: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:32 |
FlyingPig | ok | 12:32 |
mouka-tat | anybody knows how to make a broadcom wireless card work? | 12:32 |
prestosd | lol | 12:32 |
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GNine | i hope i get kicked for saying fu FlyingPig | 12:32 |
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h1st0 | mouka-tat: sure you just need to firmware | 12:32 |
prestosd | Hey it's erichj! :) | 12:32 |
Negra | yeah i know its not really the way to go but I also use windows weaksta for gaiming and i would love to dual boot with ubuntu in raid | 12:32 |
danroj | c.edu.co | 12:33 |
erichj | indeed it is | 12:33 |
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FlyingPig | GNine excuse me? | 12:33 |
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h1st0 | !broadcom > mouka-tat | 12:33 |
FlyingPig | what did you say? | 12:33 |
prestosd | erichj: How do I make a shortcut/icon that runs a console command of my choice? | 12:33 |
markelhas | hi ppl need some help, got a error every time that i try to use apt-get | 12:33 |
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GNine | i said .. nevermind | 12:33 |
FlyingPig | ban GNine | 12:33 |
markelhas | can some one help!? | 12:33 |
FlyingPig | ---> | 12:33 |
prestosd | markelhas: run apt-get update | 12:33 |
kitche | markelhas: pastebin the error | 12:33 |
FlyingPig | :) | 12:33 |
LjL | markelhas: perhaps if you give us the error. without it... hardly. | 12:33 |
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pike_ | hab: anyone answered you yet? | 12:33 |
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markelhas | !paste | 12:33 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:33 |
GNine | go ahead , (...) | 12:33 |
hab | pike_: noes | 12:34 |
hab | pike_: but I think I found it. | 12:34 |
hab | pike_: with usermod | 12:34 |
hab | pike_: usermod -l <new username> <old username> | 12:34 |
erichj | prestosd, right click on the desktop and select create launcher. set the type to terminal and type the command in the command box. then hit ok | 12:34 |
=== MeisterHora [n=gerome@p5B057C71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FlyingPig | GNine you just hate me for my freedom. now leave me alone | 12:34 |
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pike_ | hab: that works :) | 12:34 |
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GNine | i dont hate you, i hate stupid questions | 12:34 |
LjL | FlyingPig, GNine, to talk to each other about things unrelated to ubuntu, you can use /msg or /query | 12:34 |
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FlyingPig | LjL ok i respect that. | 12:35 |
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pike_ | hab: i could be wrong but i think just usermod -l newname will work | 12:35 |
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hab | pike_: Done ^.^ thank you. | 12:35 |
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pike_ | hab: nm | 12:35 |
PinkFloyd | I accidently deleted some data from a storage drive, formatted to ReiserFS. Is there any way to get it back? | 12:35 |
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Negra | any body here have a dual boot setup with Windos in a fake raid? | 12:35 |
ikonia | PinkFloyd: no | 12:35 |
erichj | anyone else have an issue with compiz dying when you start virtual box? is this intended? | 12:35 |
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ikonia | Negra: yes, its a total disaster | 12:36 |
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ikonia | Negra: I've talked about 6 people through it | 12:36 |
Negra | ikonia: please elaborate | 12:36 |
kitche | erichj: probably can't run compiz and virtual box together | 12:36 |
ikonia | I stongly recommend it be ignored as a waste of time technology | 12:36 |
=== jebblue [n=jebblue@cpe-70-122-29-47.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
handyAndy | is compiz still the way to go with 3d desktop? | 12:36 |
twoshadetod | how difficult is it to set a box up as a router w/ ubuntu? | 12:37 |
erichj | kitche, it just started happening. hasn't been an issue before. installed an update to vbox and no more compiz while it's running | 12:37 |
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Negra | ok is there a way to have linux and windows dual boot in non fake raid? | 12:37 |
kitche | handyAndy: it's the only way right now | 12:37 |
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GNine | LjL, "get your free "warez" frp, ft[://127.".) come on.. | 12:37 |
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frostburn | twoshadetod, it's involved you might want to try ipcop or pfsense | 12:37 |
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kitche | handyAndy: unless you install e17 or something | 12:37 |
GNine | thats why | 12:37 |
ikonia | Negra yes, install windows, then ubuntu | 12:37 |
LjL | GNine: stupid, but hardly harmful as far as i can see | 12:37 |
handyAndy | thx, i know it was cool last time i tried :) | 12:38 |
kitche | GNine: you forgot the bitchX part which I really hate for a client | 12:38 |
LjL | GNine: and it's a standard bitchx quit message (not that it justifies anything). | 12:38 |
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Negra | ikonia: will both OS's be on raid? | 12:38 |
handyAndy | whatever you do dont put it on ur laptop though! | 12:38 |
ikonia | Negra: no, as you said wihtout fake raid | 12:38 |
GNine | alright.. u best believe my "message " dont read like that | 12:38 |
phretor | I've got a strange behavior of pdisk on a USB drive: `pdisk: No valid block 1 on '/dev/disk2'` - any idea? | 12:38 |
trdracer | !mp3 codecs | 12:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mp3 codecs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:39 |
twoshadetod | frostburn, thanks I'll look into that. you aint a mage are you? | 12:39 |
ikonia | phenom: udev should not create a device called "/dev/disk2" | 12:39 |
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erichj | !info mp3 | trdracer | 12:39 |
frostburn | twoshadetod, lol. ex-mage from wow, also ex-wizard from eq | 12:39 |
jebblue | phretor try removing/reattaching | 12:39 |
ubotu | trdracer: Package mp3 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:39 |
erichj | !mp3 | 12:39 |
phretor | ok | 12:39 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:39 |
=== PhilAirtime [n=andy@host86-138-224-239.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erichj | there you go | 12:39 |
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-72-227-37-48.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== KevlarSoul [n=Kevlar@cpe-70-112-62-232.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KevlarSoul | Will Ubuntu 64bit support Intel dual core processors?? E6850? | 12:40 |
handyAndy | i added everything with "vlc" in the name, then i could play mp3's | 12:40 |
CheeseGardener | How to you force a full system scan disk???? | 12:40 |
mc44 | KevlarSoul: it already does... | 12:40 |
ikonia | KevlarSoul yes, so will the 32bit version | 12:40 |
erichj | of course | 12:40 |
phretor | jebblue: BTW, would pdisk let me *add* a new partition without having to wipe out the existing table? | 12:40 |
Negra | ikonia: sorty I guess my question was if there is away to have both OS's on non fake raid (software raid for linux and fake on windows, or even both on software raid) | 12:40 |
KevlarSoul | How about 8800 GTX nvidia? | 12:40 |
ruz323 | KevlarSoul: Alraedy does i believe | 12:40 |
ikonia | Negra use seperate disks | 12:40 |
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ikonia | Negra: the problem is grub and fake raid partitions | 12:40 |
jebblue | phretor not sure I use and trust gparted | 12:40 |
ikonia | Negra thats one of the main problems I should say | 12:40 |
=== Evanlec [n=evan@c-75-67-237-157.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruz323 | KevlarSoul: Yes, I think so | 12:41 |
CheeseGardener | Does anyone know how to force a system scan on startup? | 12:41 |
phretor | jebblue: gparted doesn't let me do it. | 12:41 |
CheeseGardener | of all disks? | 12:41 |
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KevlarSoul | Thanks | 12:41 |
=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kitche | CheeseGardener: yes but not sure about all disks just the one that linux has in /etc/fstab | 12:41 |
ikonia | Negra: please don't tall me you want "fake raid" so that you can do a "raid 0" stripe to make your windows machine go faster | 12:41 |
Evanlec | anyone able to connect their razr phone with ubuntu (usb or bluetooth) ?? | 12:41 |
CheeseGardener | what's the command to scan disks on startup? | 12:42 |
twoshadetod | frostburn, these both look like firewalls, the want to be able to sniff traffick, mainly the wireless router (neighbor :) ) is this suitable for setting me up to be able to do that after? | 12:42 |
trdracer | !mp3 players | 12:42 |
ikonia | CheeseGardener: Evanlec fsck | 12:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mp3 players - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:42 |
ikonia | oops | 12:42 |
ikonia | CheeseGardener: fsck | 12:42 |
trdracer | !audio | 12:42 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:42 |
Evanlec | ikonia, ?? | 12:42 |
markelhas | who can i search for something with apt-get? | 12:42 |
jebblue | phretor I might not understand what it is you want to do - you want to add a partition w/o touching the partiton table? | 12:42 |
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kitche | CheeseGardener: you have to touch a file to make it do it on reboot I can never remember it though | 12:42 |
ikonia | CheeseGardener: look at the init scripts for "scandisk" it checks for a file at boot time and if it exists does a fsck | 12:42 |
frostburn | twoshadetod, yes, it might take some fiddling though | 12:42 |
ruz323 | markelhas: you mean how? | 12:42 |
Evanlec | markelhas, 'sudo apt-cache search <name>' | 12:43 |
CheeseGardener | there was a command in terminal I think, I forgot it. | 12:43 |
ikonia | CheeseGardener: fsck | 12:43 |
markelhas | Evanlec, thnks | 12:43 |
trdracer | what do i download when i download for linux? | 12:43 |
ruz323 | markelhas: sudo apt-cache search <whatever you wanna search for> | 12:43 |
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phretor | jebblue: same problem - note that I can mount and use the disk/partition without problems. | 12:43 |
ikonia | trdracer: what ? | 12:43 |
trdracer | oh nevermind | 12:43 |
trdracer | got it | 12:43 |
sarthor | pike_, i can not see new application about bluetooth installed in my menus | 12:43 |
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trdracer | !mplayer | 12:43 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 12:43 |
Evanlec | anyone able to connect their razr phone with ubuntu (usb or bluetooth) ?? | 12:44 |
m1r | moto4lin | 12:44 |
sarthor | pike_, the one is bluetooth manager, but it was here before intallation | 12:44 |
PhilAirtime | How about Nokias? | 12:44 |
Evanlec | m1r, is that reliable? i heard it was seriously flawed | 12:44 |
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markelhas | ruz323, thnks | 12:44 |
ikonia | PhilAirtime nokias supported by gnokii | 12:45 |
PhilAirtime | Many thanks | 12:45 |
Cubey | anyone know how to disable a cover page on a lexmark printer? never did it in windows. now it does it on every print job :| | 12:45 |
m1r | Evanlec: i used it long ago, was working fine as i recall | 12:45 |
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Evanlec | m1r, okay, all i wanna do is backup my contacts | 12:45 |
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m1r | Evanlec: should do enuf | 12:45 |
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handyAndy | trdracer: goto System > Adept Manager to install stuff | 12:46 |
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bobgill | What are file browser alternatives to nautilus, other than thunar and pcmanfm? any ? | 12:46 |
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markelhas | can some one help with this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/? | 12:46 |
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trdracer | thanks handyAndy i need to know how to install stuff | 12:46 |
cyberfin | Evening everyone | 12:46 |
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m1r | bobgill: check for gnome commander | 12:47 |
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cyberfin | Just a quick question (and a bit obvious maybe) Is it normal that there are so many updates for Gutsy, like everyday? Is it because it's in Beta? | 12:47 |
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trdracer | handyAndy i dont see adept manager. | 12:47 |
NotSure | I use gnome, some icons on my top panel just disappear, anybody knows what is going on? | 12:47 |
clop | hi, is there a way to make a running process "nohup" after it has already been started? | 12:47 |
bobgill | m1r: thank you ! | 12:47 |
=== icbluenu [n=blue@dsl081-052-239.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | bobgill: there are many mc, konqueror(kde), roxie | 12:48 |
Negra | The source of my problem is that I do a decent amount of PC gaming, and as much as I a loving Linux (I will never understand why I never tried it sooner) windows is for the moment home for real PC Gaming, for many reasons even with wine been able to run some games decently I would prefer the full gaming experience on windows (EAX, Great performance, Raid and other reasons) now I usw windows for gaming almost exclusuvelly bu I would | 12:48 |
m1r | cyberfin , #ubuntu+1 still | 12:48 |
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m1r | np bobgill | 12:48 |
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trdracer | handyAndy,says Keyring Manager? | 12:48 |
bobgill | kitche: thank you as well.. going to try them | 12:48 |
NotSure | I use gnome, some icons on my top panel just disappear, anybody knows what is going on? | 12:48 |
handyAndy | its probly asking for your root password | 12:48 |
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ziroday | how can I change the time via the command line? | 12:48 |
NotSure | they disappear when after I reboot | 12:49 |
Aasnes | cyberfin: Since it's still a beta, and the relese is almost here.. Yes it's normal.. :) | 12:49 |
markelhas | ppl need some help to solve this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 12:49 |
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trdracer | how can i get my bluetooth keyboard and mouse working? i have the keyboard working but not the mouse.. | 12:49 |
trdracer | logitech mx1000 | 12:49 |
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trdracer | ive already checked the bluetooth wiki | 12:50 |
Negra | OK so Its racomended to dith fake raid altogether but is it possible to dual boot win/LNX both on Software Raid? | 12:50 |
=== Niriven [n=Niriven@c-68-34-171-215.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sarthor | pike_, the one is bluetooth manager, but it was here before intallation, Am i disturbing you? | 12:50 |
NotSure | ok, i use gnome, i added some icons on the top taskbar, i reboot, some icons disappear while others stay. What is the problem here? | 12:50 |
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kitche | Negra: that doesn't make sense since fake raid is software raid | 12:50 |
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terrestre | hi, can someone help me? how i say in english this ".", ";" and ":", point? dot? | 12:50 |
LjL | !away > P2PAlaska|Away (P2PAlaska|Away, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:50 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | im trying to compile a programs source code and i have unpacked it from its tar.bz2 and cd'd into the new folder it made but the "./configure" command doesnt work, it says "No such file or directory" can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? | 12:51 |
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ePax | I have problem with refresh rate. hight refresh rate that i have is 75 hz but my monitor supports refresh rate up to 120 hz. I om feisty and i use radeon 9550 (fgrlx installed) | 12:51 |
Negra | so how would you call it then Real RAID? | 12:51 |
NotSure | ok, i use gnome, i added some icons on the top taskbar, i reboot, some icons disappear while others stay. What is the problem here? | 12:51 |
=== rbs-tito [n=tito@host86-128-191-236.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terrestre | Fluffy-Wuffy: but configure is there? you can see that with ls | 12:51 |
Evanlec | Negra, you'll have a hard time getting linux to even install on a fakeraid setup (i.e. setup in bios on newer motherboards) | 12:51 |
mssever | terrestre: . "dot," period, full stop.....; semicolon.... : colon | 12:51 |
Cubey | anyone know how to disable a "cover page" (for lack of a better term) on a lexmark printer? seems to be at a software level with the official drivers/software but there doesn't seem to be any option for it. can't seem to find any option on the printer's options either. it's a Optra S 1625 laser printer being used as a network printer (LAN card) | 12:52 |
=== TREYWiki [n=TREYWiki@unaffiliated/treywiki] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terrestre | thank you very much mssever | 12:52 |
=== rnn is away - Auto-away, motivo: Inativo a mais de 30 minutos. - (+l/+p) EqL! | ||
kitche | Negra: hardware raid is raid that uses hardware | 12:52 |
frostburn | NotSure, it may not have been written to the configuration if it was an unclean reboot | 12:52 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | there isnt a file called "configure" no terrestre, should there be? | 12:52 |
trdracer | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 12:52 |
trdracer | <000 that is the error i get when i try to restart the bluetooth services | 12:52 |
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=== Yaacov [n=Ian@p57AAFB05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NotSure | frostburn, I always do clean reboot | 12:52 |
Evanlec | Negra, real raid is referred to as hardware raid, and you will hardly ever find those except on server machines | 12:52 |
NotSure | frostburn, where is the configuration that specifies the icons on taskbars? | 12:53 |
terrestre | Fluffy-Wuffy: yes maybe just sudo make install? | 12:53 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: try just running make in the directory many software does not use configure | 12:53 |
frostburn | NotSure, /.gnome2/something not sure | 12:53 |
=== mitch00 [n=mitchell@modemcable003.87-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | terrestre: "dot" is for computers, point is for numbers; period is american, full stop is British | 12:53 |
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Negra | Evanlec: I have a Asus Crosshair Mobo with intergrated RAID | 12:53 |
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NotSure | frostburn, you are not sure just as me :) | 12:53 |
trdracer | can anyone help me with my mp3 issue? i have no clue whats up with this and why its not letting me listen to my music. | 12:54 |
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terrestre | thank you again mssever | 12:54 |
usser | trdracer: mp3 playback is blocked in ubuntu by default, u have to have install codecs | 12:54 |
Negra | and Im trying to dual boot vista and Ubuntu in a way that both OS's have raid | 12:54 |
Evanlec | Negra, I have a Gigabyte board that has integrated RAID as well...but i found out that its not actually hardware raid, its just configurable in BIOS, but it requires a windows driver to interpret it | 12:54 |
portablejim | How do you change the Gnome Login screen from command line? | 12:54 |
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trdracer | usser how can i do that? | 12:54 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | the README in the directory says " runs out of the directory you have unpacked it into - no installation step is required." what does that mean in relation to linux terrestre? | 12:54 |
=== Tanman77 [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
handyAndy | install xmms & xmms-mad, surely that will give you playback? | 12:54 |
trdracer | and which codecs | 12:55 |
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kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: means it's not source | 12:55 |
ephracis | anyone here knows where hal get its information? | 12:55 |
Evanlec | Negra, i tried to folow this guide, and i eventually gave up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 12:55 |
Cubey | ah hah, its called a "banner page" | 12:55 |
usser | trdracer: i think lame is the package | 12:55 |
hozano | how to switch the video output in feisty ? It is possible? | 12:55 |
trdracer | xmms & xmms-mad in add/remove ?? | 12:55 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: just run ./terrestre make sure it's chmod +x | 12:55 |
usser | trdracer: sudo apt-get install lame | 12:55 |
JamoSmith | kitche: when I do a nslookup google.com it says "Server:" "Address:" "cannot find server google.com: REFUSED" | 12:55 |
mc44 | !mp3 | trdracer | 12:55 |
ubotu | trdracer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:55 |
ephracis | Like how lspci reads from a pci id list | 12:56 |
JamoSmith | where is a working dns server IP | 12:56 |
trdracer | mc44 that doesnt help me.. | 12:56 |
=== Forayer [n=Forayer@CPE-65-27-47-106.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fluffy-Wuffy | terrestre is a user in here it has nothing to do with the program kitche | 12:56 |
mc44 | trdracer: why not? | 12:56 |
handyAndy | trdracer: if that doesnt work install "vlc" | 12:56 |
mc44 | usser: lame is for encoding | 12:56 |
kitche | JamoSmith: then your dns servers are rejecting dns requests find better ones | 12:56 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | and how is it not source if its the official download for the program? | 12:56 |
=== GameMX [n=gamemx@c-67-181-239-155.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | lame package? | 12:56 |
markelhas | ppl need some help to solve this apt-get problem plz help. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 12:56 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: well what program are you trying to run? | 12:56 |
Negra | Evanlec: same for me, so is there a way to have both OS's runing raid in a dual boot setup I tried the fake raid thingy but its proving quite challenging and I open for alternatives | 12:56 |
trdracer | well i will have to do this one step at a time. | 12:56 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | SecondLife | 12:56 |
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JamoSmith | kitche: my dns servers are on my router :( | 12:56 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: umm programs don't have to come in source from | 12:56 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | the linux alpha build | 12:56 |
=== who_cares [n=cameron@71-12-166-197.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | mc44: yea i know it should pull whatever libs needed for playback should not it | 12:57 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: ah then just run the binary | 12:57 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | what binary? | 12:57 |
mc44 | trdracer: did you try just double clicking on the mp3 then installing what it suggests? | 12:57 |
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kitche | JamoSmith: you can override your router dns by changing your /etc/resolv.conf file | 12:57 |
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trdracer | no mc44 | 12:57 |
=== fogos [n=marco@CableLink38-9.INTERCABLE.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evanlec | Negra, i would say try and setup your motherboard raid using half-disk partitions on both drives, and then use ubuntu's softraid | 12:57 |
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kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: it would probably be sl-client or something like that | 12:57 |
Evanlec | on the other half | 12:57 |
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Negra | Evanlec: yup yup I tried that one to and now im at the point where you were right before you gave up | 12:58 |
=== Pirate_Hunter [n=Pirate_H@host86-151-81-89.range86-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | is there a foobar type program for linux? | 12:58 |
trdracer | i love foobar. | 12:58 |
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Fluffy-Wuffy | can i PM you and send you a screenshot in a minute kitche? | 12:58 |
Evanlec | Negra, what point is that? | 12:58 |
Fluffy-Wuffy | of the directory | 12:58 |
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Pirate_Hunter | doesn't open office word have a thesaurus? | 12:59 |
dispraekailo | Are there any webcam driver packages, so that I don't need to compile gspca myself? | 12:59 |
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terrestre | Fluffy-Wuffy: you can use pastebin for that | 12:59 |
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terrestre | ubuntu pastebin | 12:59 |
terrestre | thank again mssever | 12:59 |
terrestre | jaja | 12:59 |
r691175002 | Could anyone help me get multiple monitors working? The nvidia driver won't install properly | 12:59 |
=== Mic2 [n=mick@adsl-71-142-218-236.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Negra | Evanlec: the point were I seek an alternative before giving up and intall LNX in a separate disk and just dow fake raid in windows | 12:59 |
trdracer | all my files are on my windows partition..is that the problem? | 12:59 |
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trdracer | i dont know. | 01:00 |
think | kitche: looks like im sol, i810 with 915resolution wont work either, thanks for the help | 01:00 |
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Fluffy-Wuffy | im not going to write out all the file names terrestre, can i or can i not PM you and send you links to screenshots kitche? | 01:00 |
Mic2 | do a beryl roll | 01:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | doesn't open office word have a thesaurus? where can I find it? | 01:00 |
handyAndy | trdracer: whats the error message that u get? | 01:00 |
trdracer | because with xmms i cant axx those files from where it asks add directory and what not. | 01:00 |
=== phretor [n=phretor@host215-168-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Evanlec | Negra, there's a difference between the fakeraid that ur motherboard comes with and the softraid that linux does | 01:00 |
trdracer | handyAndy i dont get one because i cant find the files from this browser in xmms | 01:01 |
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handyAndy | ahh ok | 01:01 |
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mc44 | trdracer: you've tried just browsing to the folder in gnome and opening the files? | 01:01 |
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bjorn_ | I'm having trouble booting my system with the 2.6.20-16-generic kernel. Presenly running feisty on 2.6.17-10-generic, but this is starting to give me trouble as well. On the new kernels the computer stalls in the boot. Last message before the shell promt is: "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/d6c2f2c6-6693-411b-ab32-8c68f481f86e does not exist." Can anyone help me figure this out? | 01:01 |
trdracer | no mc44 but was just about to do so. | 01:01 |
kitche | Fluffy-Wuffy: I m getting the sl download right now | 01:01 |
r691175002 | Does anyone know what the BusID of this should be? 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0402 (rev a1) | 01:01 |
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dennda | any idea why fluxbox doesn't have the normal "right-click-menu" on gutsy? | 01:02 |
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mssever | bjorn_: pastebin your fstab | 01:02 |
dennda | (fluxbox-generate_menu is missing) | 01:02 |
markelhas | who can i solve apt-get problems? | 01:02 |
trdracer | :) that works. | 01:02 |
markelhas | !apt-get | 01:02 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 01:02 |
trdracer | but i want to add that entire library | 01:02 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terrestre | jaja i am trying to use fluxbox too | 01:02 |
jonnymac | my computer is acting strangely, the hard drive is acting up when no programs are running and it's being really slow when it should be working at blitz speed. Is there a diagnostic tool I can use to scan for viruses or something else? | 01:02 |
Negra | Evanlec: what would that difference be | 01:02 |
trdracer | and i still have that problem with my bluetooth mouse. | 01:02 |
trdracer | i dont think it will work. | 01:03 |
markelhas | !Synaptic | 01:03 |
ubotu | synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 01:03 |
mssever | jonnymac: It isn't a virus... | 01:03 |
trdracer | because the only thing that was recognized was my keyboard. | 01:03 |
Evanlec | Negra, difference is if u setup raid in linux, its much less complicated | 01:03 |
mssever | jonnymac: There are no Linux viruses in the wild | 01:03 |
pike_ | jonnymac: top? :) there are tools to check for rootkits. also a 'w' in terminal | 01:03 |
trdracer | i hate this wired mouse im using at the moment. | 01:03 |
Evanlec | Negra, tho i havent tried it yet, this is my plan when i install gutsy | 01:03 |
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pike_ | jonnymac: unless youre running some server apps id think it unlikely though | 01:03 |
Evanlec | Negra, http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_software_raid | 01:03 |
Negra | Evanlec: yup but then my windows (gaiming) wont have Raid right? | 01:04 |
mssever | pike_, jonnymac: htop > top | 01:04 |
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bjorn_ | mssever : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40016/ | 01:04 |
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mssever | bjorn_: Thanks. I'm looking now... | 01:04 |
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pete83 | trdracer: if you hate a mouse, look into ratpoison | 01:05 |
Evanlec | Negra, i believe if u partition it correctly u can have both...i dont know tho, that does sound a little tricky | 01:05 |
=== gardenlevel_ [n=winbook@c-67-165-220-106.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | pete83 thats not what i meant and you know it. | 01:05 |
tarelerulz | I am trying to get into this site it is use java for its chat rooms It says I need jave ,but I installed java for frostwire . where can I install java for firefox to see it ? or is there a plugin I am missing | 01:05 |
dennda | how can i open an app from tty1-6 and let it be shown on my xsession? | 01:05 |
Cubey | anyone know how to disable a printer banner page at a software level (lp? lpr?) | 01:05 |
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Evanlec | Negra, i've decided to just let windows not have raid...i do use it for gaming but...i havent booted it in 3 weeks lol | 01:05 |
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mssever | bjorn_: Have you changed your drives or partitions? | 01:06 |
=== v24ictoria [n=v24ictor@199.Red-88-1-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
frostburn | raids aren't needed unless for data redundancy | 01:06 |
=== StiKs [n=Rob@c-69-243-138-228.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | what about raid0 human | 01:06 |
JosHate | Howdy doody. I need to restore the default Ubuntu rt61 driver. I tried to get my Linksys WMP54G wireless card working, and I went from crappy service with no WPA support to the "Network" tool in Ubuntu not seeing it at all. Yes, the card appears when I run 'lshw', which leads me to believe that one of the tutorials screwed up my driver. | 01:06 |
Negra | Evanlec: I velieve thats what im goint to have to do. | 01:06 |
Evanlec | frostburn, or for speed ;) | 01:06 |
bjorn_ | mssever : no. Not since installing ubuntu | 01:06 |
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pike_ | dennda: export DISPLAY=:0.0 so do a 'w' to see what display youre on and export DISPLAY in tty so that it opens on that display | 01:07 |
kitche | tarelerulz: sun-java6-plugin | 01:07 |
markelhas | ppl need some help to solve this apt-get problem plz help. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 01:07 |
frostburn | Evanlec,bruenig that's a myth there's nearly no speed increase for the added complexity and if you lose a disk, you lose data on both | 01:07 |
=== Aasnes [n=jann@162-156-151-213.mtulink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Negra | even unless i find a way to dual boot with LNXRaid | 01:07 |
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bruenig | nearly no != 0 | 01:07 |
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mssever | bjorn_: If you do ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid do you see the UUID in question? | 01:08 |
Evanlec | frostburn, there is a difference in drive throughput | 01:08 |
Evanlec | frostburn, can u show me some evidence of your claim? | 01:08 |
Juancabrit1 | can anybody help me repair (or find the problem and make it work) PHP5? | 01:08 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: What are the symptoms? | 01:09 |
bjorn_ | mssever : yes. it is sda6 | 01:09 |
bjorn_ | mssever I have checked the menu.lst fstab and resume files. All have the same uuid. | 01:09 |
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GNine | sda6.. big network there.. or multiuser pc | 01:10 |
=== Mask_Master [i=spall@20150156162.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | bjorn_: And does /dev/sda6 exist? Look also in fdisk to make sure that it exists. | 01:10 |
=== GNine burps | ||
trdracer | anyone know how to get my logitech mx1000 bluetooth mouse to work with linux? | 01:10 |
=== JohnRobert [n=john@CPE-124-184-147-94.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juancabrit1 | mssever: Apache is installed, I've followed some manuals, last thing ive done was libapache2-mod-php5 | 01:10 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: but php is not working | 01:10 |
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DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:11 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: Whay do you mean by "not working"? Are you getting error messages? | 01:11 |
dennda | pike_: what would be the command to open firefox on tty7? | 01:11 |
Juancabrit1 | I have webmin working, but I can't find any reference to php there | 01:11 |
bjorn_ | mssever fdisk finds it. Ubuntu is in an extended partition. | 01:11 |
pike_ | trdracer: google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org mx1000 bluetooth' maybe. i have no bluetooth exp personally | 01:11 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: The browser tries to download php pages | 01:11 |
frostburn | Evanlec, http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=1491&p=30 software raids are never a good idea | 01:11 |
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pike_ | dennda: you want to launch it from tty2 and have it appear on tty7 correct? | 01:12 |
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trdracer | thanks pike | 01:12 |
mssever | bjorn_: Hmm... What if you change your fstab to /dev/sda6? | 01:12 |
r691175002 | Can someone help me install the nvidia drivers? | 01:12 |
dennda | pike_: from tty3 to tty7 | 01:12 |
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dennda | tty2 is running irssi at the moment | 01:12 |
pike_ | dennda: in a terminal or tty type 'w' | 01:12 |
dennda | pike_: yes, i did that | 01:12 |
mssever | mssever: Do you have the package php5 installed? (I think you said you do) | 01:12 |
pike_ | dennda: youll see a from column. normally itll say :0.0 if youre only runnning one x session | 01:13 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: : Do you have the package php5 installed? (I think you said you do) | 01:13 |
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dennda | pike_: yes | 01:13 |
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pike_ | dennda: so in tty3 do 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' then just firefox& to launch it. | 01:13 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: i think so, how can I be sure? | 01:13 |
bjorn_ | mssever think I tried that once, but I'll try again. I find it a bit odd though that it works with the old kernel from edgy. The new kernel gives me an error related to ata_piix. | 01:13 |
dennda | ok, thank you. i will try that | 01:13 |
markelhas | anyone to help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 01:13 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: I mean I did install it | 01:13 |
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mssever | bjorn_: The new kernel changed some things. All my disks went from hd* to sd* | 01:14 |
dennda | yep, thank you pike_. now lemme see if i can solve this fluxbox issue... | 01:14 |
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pike_ | dennda: np. may need to preffix with nohup to keep it alive if ya log off term | 01:15 |
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mssever | bjorn_: I'm thinking that the kernel might have renamed your disk (or the UUID might be different | 01:15 |
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mssever | bjorn_: If sda6 doesn't work, try various combos | 01:15 |
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bjorn_ | mssever but it's all uuid's now. So that should not be a problem. uuid's are supposed to be constant (save in the case of a partition) | 01:15 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: In /etc/apach2/mods-enabled, fo you see php stuff? | 01:16 |
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Cubey | god damn thing | 01:16 |
Cubey | how the hell do you disable a cover page | 01:16 |
mssever | bjorn_: But in this case, it looks like your UUID wasn't constant :) Unless it's something tht I know nothing about | 01:17 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: Sorry, /etc/apache2/mode-enabled | 01:17 |
Cubey | now its printing worse than over for a cover page | 01:17 |
Cubey | banner page i mean | 01:17 |
Cubey | ARGH | 01:17 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: There's no mode-enabled there :( | 01:18 |
Cubey | linux is pissing me off! | 01:18 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: just conf.d and php.ini | 01:18 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: mode-enabled, or mods-enabled? | 01:18 |
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Cubey | ANYONE? | 01:18 |
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Juancabrit1 | mssever: neither | 01:18 |
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decay | When i boot up the ubuntu cd,and select "install ubuntu", some white text goes through the screen then the screen goes black right after it says "Loading Gnome Display Manager"...and it stays black. geforge go 6100. any ideads? | 01:18 |
Davy_Jones | what to do if ubuntu locks up and it can't hear your screams? | 01:19 |
kitche | Cubey: depends on the printer there should be a util that came with the printer driver | 01:19 |
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bjorn_ | mssever I'll try a boot then. Hope the edgy kernel will still work if I need it :) Wish me luck | 01:19 |
Davy_Jones | decay: get the alternate install CD | 01:19 |
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Cubey | kitche, its at a software level somehow | 01:19 |
dr_nick | is it possible to install ubuntu from an external hard drive? | 01:19 |
mssever | bjorn_: It should work | 01:19 |
decay | Davy_Jones, what is that? | 01:19 |
Cubey | the lexmark software doesn't have any option | 01:19 |
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Davy_Jones | decay: i got a geforce 6600 gt, and i couldn't install it with the normal cd | 01:19 |
DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:19 |
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Cubey | the printer, at a hardware level has it disabled | 01:19 |
kitche | Cubey: then you can't disable it most likely | 01:19 |
Davy_Jones | !alternate | decay | 01:19 |
ubotu | decay: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 01:19 |
roler | if I do if [ -z "$1" ] in bash to see if $1 is populated, how can I do an or statement to check $2 as well? Something like if [ -z "$1" || -z "$2" ] ; then | 01:19 |
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markelhas | ppl need some help to solve this apt-get problem plz help. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 01:20 |
Cubey | in trying to disable it i somehow ENABLED a god damn document so now it prints THAT doc PLUS the damn banner page | 01:20 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: In what directory are you looking? There shouldn't be a php.ini in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | 01:20 |
usser | Cubey: ok | 01:20 |
decay | Davy_Jones, i used to have the 6600gt, and it gave me no probs. now i got a laptop, and can't install =[ | 01:20 |
usser | Cubey: go to /etc/cups | 01:20 |
Flare183 | !language | Cubey | 01:20 |
ubotu | Cubey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:20 |
usser | Cubey: and check if in printers.conf | 01:20 |
Cubey | sorry | 01:20 |
Flare183 | np | 01:20 |
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epzilon | I have a problem with a restricted driver, can anyone tell me how to disable it via command line? (it's a display driver) | 01:20 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: The path is /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini | 01:20 |
Davy_Jones | decay: i get the alternate install cd by default, cuz the live cd never worked on any of my gfx cards | 01:20 |
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francisco | fdgsdgsdgsdgs | 01:21 |
usser | Cubey: in the section of your printer JobSheets parameter are set to something other than none | 01:21 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: no mod or mods-enabled there | 01:21 |
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Flare183 | epzilon:> you could try through xorg.conf | 01:21 |
Davy_Jones | decay: imo, ubuntu live cd doesn't have good hardware support | 01:21 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: OK, look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled and see if there's any PHP stuff there. Forget /etc/php5/apache2 | 01:21 |
decay | Davy_Jones, so you installed from the alternative cd...but then, does it boot up for the first time with a GUi? | 01:21 |
epzilon | flare183: How exactly does this work? I'm new to this. | 01:21 |
francisco | de que hablais | 01:21 |
=== Trini_Man [n=aj@76-10-128-109.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Davy_Jones | decay: exactly | 01:21 |
dr_nick | or, is there some way to tell ubuntu to re-initialize all the hardware? | 01:22 |
francisco | si se puede saber "coo" | 01:22 |
hozano | how to switch the tv output in feisty ? It is possible? | 01:22 |
mssever | !es | francisco | 01:22 |
ubotu | francisco: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:22 |
Flare183 | some one help the frene doue | 01:22 |
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Flare183 | some one help the french dude | 01:22 |
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r691175002 | Can someone help me get the nvidia drivers working? | 01:22 |
pike_ | r691175002: what card? | 01:22 |
Trini_Man | does anyone know how to install ubuntu from an iso file on a usb flash drive ? i have no CD or floppy drive | 01:22 |
bjorn_ | mssever: No change. Edgy worked still though :) | 01:22 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:22 |
Davy_Jones | decay: once you have ubuntu installed.. you can always change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "vesa".. start up the GUI then fix things from there | 01:22 |
Cubey | usser, says none none but it keeps doing it | 01:22 |
r691175002 | pike_: I have two 8600Gts | 01:22 |
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r691175002 | pike_: And, unfortunately 3 monitors | 01:23 |
decay | Davy_Jones, gotcha. but im a bit skeptical about doing the partition thing with text only | 01:23 |
Davy_Jones | decay: but with the live cd, you have much less options | 01:23 |
decay | never done it befor | 01:23 |
pike_ | r691175002: ah. you have drivers installed yet? | 01:23 |
usser | Cubey: well thats the only thing i knew where banners get set up | 01:23 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: yes it is | 01:23 |
Flare183 | then scroll down and find where it says device on the cards section and change it | 01:23 |
trdracer | !bluez | 01:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluez - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:23 |
mssever | bjorn_: Hmm... The only thing I know to do is to try various combinations and see if something works. Perhaps someone else knows a bit more about kernel stuff | 01:23 |
usser | Cubey: is it an hp? | 01:23 |
r691175002 | pike_: Yes, but changing xorg.conf to use nvidia drivers crashes the xserver | 01:23 |
Cubey | lexmark | 01:23 |
bjorn_ | mssever: BY Edgy I mean the edgy kernel off course. | 01:23 |
toker | hey | 01:23 |
Trini_Man | does anyone know how to install ubuntu from an iso file on a usb flash drive ? i have no CD or floppy drive | 01:23 |
bintrue|work | Trini_Man: You might be able to extract the ISO onto the USB drive if your system supports booting from it | 01:23 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: there's a directory called mods-enabled | 01:23 |
Dryft | !squid | 01:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:23 |
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jebblue | Trini_Man http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar | 01:23 |
Davy_Jones | decay: it isn't that hard really.. i've read nothing about it and i was able to partition safely.. you just have to be extra careful | 01:23 |
r691175002 | pike_: And sudo nvidia-settings outputs a bunch of errors | 01:23 |
DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:23 |
Sonicadvance1 | Hey, what program can I use to make Video files in to a DVD? :P | 01:23 |
Flare183 | !video | 01:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 01:23 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-225-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hozano | how to switch to the s-video output in feisty ? It is possible? | 01:23 |
usser | Cubey: hm, sorry | 01:23 |
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epzilon | flare183: to what? | 01:24 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: Is there any PHP stuff in that dir? | 01:24 |
Flare183 | !moniter | 01:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moniter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:24 |
Trini_Man | bintrue|work : so just exreqact all the files onto the flash drive and try and boot from it ' | 01:24 |
decay | alright Davy_Jones ,ill try. ill report back in a bit | 01:24 |
Davy_Jones | decay: if you really don't wanna do it, get a live cd with good hardware support. like Knoppix.. partition the thing, and reboot to ubuntu install cd | 01:24 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> depends what you card is | 01:24 |
Flare183 | like what brand | 01:24 |
bintrue|work | <jebblue> Trini_Man http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar | 01:24 |
toker | hey im new to ubuntu, and was wondering if anyone could help me... | 01:24 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> or company | 01:24 |
Davy_Jones | decay: good luch | 01:24 |
pike_ | r691175002: oh. id search the forums for your card and the word crash. i dunno dual head or more should be pretty easy with twinview and such | 01:24 |
Davy_Jones | luck | 01:24 |
Flare183 | !ask | toker | 01:24 |
ubotu | toker: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:24 |
mssever | toker: Depends on what your problem is :) | 01:25 |
bjorn_ | mssever: I'll google some more. But it seems everybody has had a simmilar but not quite the same problem. So there's so much spam out there. Thank you for taking time :) I might check back later | 01:25 |
epzilon | flare183: it is a geforce 4 chip in a notebook. my problem is that the restricted driver doesn't seem to work, screen goes blank at login | 01:25 |
r691175002 | pike_: Ive been trying for two days, I am a total noob at ubuntu | 01:25 |
Davy_Jones | decay: i'll be out for a bit, tell me how it goes and i'll check it out later | 01:25 |
mssever | bjorn_: Sorry I couldn't be more help | 01:25 |
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usser | Cubey: check cups setup cause sometimes it doesnt respect settings in conf files | 01:25 |
trdracer | how do i install stuff?such as bluez? | 01:25 |
usser | Cubey: do lppasswd -a <yourusername> | 01:25 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> then type in "nvida" (spell check may be needed) | 01:25 |
decay | Davy_Jones, alright. thank you | 01:25 |
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pike_ | r691175002: did you install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new? | 01:25 |
LjL | !software > trdracer (trdracer, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:25 |
usser | Cubey: and then in the browser go to localhost:631 | 01:26 |
trdracer | and where do this files go when i save them? | 01:26 |
LjL | trdracer: for bluez, i suggest "sudo apt-get install bluetooth" | 01:26 |
usser | Cubey: go to printers tab | 01:26 |
Cubey | i think i FINALLY found the option | 01:26 |
elusif | would it be possible to create a dual boot with windows and then when i'm happily settled into ubuntu delete the windows partition and then somehow expand the ubuntu one over the whole drive? afaik a partition can't be made larger once it's created | 01:26 |
toker | in firestarter, under blocked connections, its listing my i.p adress trying to access smb except the last 3 digits are diffrent everytime : | 01:26 |
r691175002 | pike_: I have tried both | 01:26 |
bjorn_ | trdracer, use system > admin > synaptic | 01:26 |
trdracer | i dont see anything on my desktop and what not. | 01:26 |
Cubey | YES, finally | 01:26 |
usser | Cubey: where was that? | 01:26 |
epzilon | flare183: ok, I'll try... | 01:26 |
Cubey | it was hiding deep in the lexmark settings | 01:26 |
usser | Cubey: | 01:26 |
usser | heh | 01:26 |
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Flare183 | epzilon:> good luck | 01:26 |
DM| | elusif yes, but it requires a cunning use of a live CD and red bull | 01:26 |
Cubey | the one place i didn't look | 01:26 |
jebblue | elusif yes | 01:26 |
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=== poololse [n=motti@pool-71-187-58-167.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | !iptables | 01:27 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:27 |
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Juancabrit1 | mssever: there is a php5.conf file there | 01:27 |
poololse | If someone can help i have an odd problem | 01:27 |
mssever | elusif: GParted CAN expand partitions | 01:27 |
poololse | I cant get to certain websites | 01:27 |
poololse | i controll the router | 01:27 |
pike_ | r691175002: id sudo apt-get remove --purge nvida-glx nvidia-glx-new and try the nvidia installer on their website. see http://albertomilone.com/latest_nvidia_udsf_feisty.html#METHOD_2 | 01:27 |
elusif | because i'm pretty sure i'm going to have problems getting WoW to work under wine so i'd be happier knowing i could make a little progress with it each day and still play wow on vista | 01:27 |
Flare183 | !ask | poololse | 01:27 |
ubotu | poololse: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:27 |
r691175002 | pike_: I'll try that | 01:27 |
poololse | thanks | 01:27 |
pike_ | r691175002: this is one reason i normally buy cards a gen back. good luck | 01:27 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: does it contain a line like AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 | 01:28 |
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jebblue | elusif smart move | 01:28 |
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DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:28 |
jebblue | elusif in general - i dont do wow tho | 01:28 |
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r691175002 | pike_: Thanks | 01:28 |
elusif | ok so all i need to do is create a windows partition, and ubuntu partition and install both os? | 01:28 |
=== Machtyn [n=Machtyn@74-128-119-190.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | poololse:> find out what the routers ip address on your network is then type it into firefox or konqueror's address bar | 01:28 |
trdracer | thank you. | 01:28 |
elusif | is there any reason not to use the windows vista cd to create the partitions? | 01:28 |
elusif | or fdisk | 01:28 |
jebblue | elusif run the live cd form the ubuntu main site | 01:28 |
trdracer | have to get used to this stuff. | 01:28 |
pete83 | poololse: this doesn't address the root problem, but if all you need to see is text, then you can use Google Translate to see the text of webpages that your firewall blocks | 01:29 |
elusif | i have the live cd | 01:29 |
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Trini_Man | bintrue|work i dont want to install it on the flash drive | 01:29 |
jebblue | elusif it will offer you the option to install ubuntu | 01:29 |
elusif | yah | 01:29 |
mssever | elusif: It's best to install Windows forst, so I'd use MS tools first | 01:29 |
jebblue | elusif preserving the windows partition | 01:29 |
jebblue | elusif thats what id di for my wife | 01:29 |
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=== ant- [n=ant@rrcs-24-242-166-82.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epzilon | flare183: it says "can't open display | 01:29 |
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elusif | i want to delete the windows part anyway | 01:29 |
=== justinwray [n=justinwr@c-68-34-224-91.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trini_Man | bintrue|work : i want to use the flash drive and boot from it and instal ubuntu on the HD | 01:29 |
poololse | I cannot get too certain websites, the only way i can load websites that use google-analytics is to block that script with an adblocker, i cant get to yahoo mail, this is only from my ubuntu box, from my xp machine i can get to these sites.... | 01:29 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> crap | 01:29 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> give me a sec | 01:29 |
epzilon | flare183: even two or three... ;) | 01:29 |
=== JohnRobert [n=john@CPE-58-164-20-139.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poololse | there is no firewall, | 01:30 |
elusif | ms tools | 01:30 |
Trini_Man | bintrue|work : the bios supports booting from usb flash frive | 01:30 |
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poololse | I maintain the netwoek | 01:30 |
mssever | poololse: Maybe disable IPv6? I'm not sure | 01:30 |
elusif | will that be included on the vista install disk? | 01:30 |
=== Chilblane [n=robbie@24-240-123-98.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | !ipv6 | poololse | 01:30 |
ubotu | poololse: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 01:30 |
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pete83 | poololse: why can't you get to them? javascript timeout? 404 not found? browser crash? | 01:30 |
elusif | it's cool | 01:30 |
poololse | just a plain timeout | 01:30 |
elusif | i can google the partition bit | 01:30 |
elusif | ty for letting me know i can later extend the ubuntu part | 01:31 |
elusif | :D | 01:31 |
Machtyn | I've tried to do a search for the minimum system requirements for the LiveCD, but have not found it. Can anybody confirm the need for >256MB system ram for the LiveCD? (I did find 256MB of system ram is part of the Recommended for Desktop Effects requirements http://tinyurl.com/yr3fwj | 01:31 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: yes, there is a line like this AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 | 01:31 |
jebblue | gparted is your friend | 01:31 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> check this out : http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s&forumid=14 | 01:31 |
terrestre | Machtyn: that requiriment is on the official cd | 01:31 |
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DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:32 |
poololse | i will reboot and if i still have the problem ill be back thank you | 01:32 |
terrestre | feisty 256, gutsy 320 | 01:32 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: So if you browse to a .php file, the browser tries to download the file instead of esecuting it? | 01:32 |
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pike_ | Machtyn: if you dont have a newer machine the livecd is a pain. can be anyway in my experience | 01:32 |
Machtyn | Is there a way to boot the LiveCD in console mode? | 01:33 |
terrestre | sistem requirements, to use the lice cd, you must hace a pc with at least 256 mb of ram, <--- that is for dapper, edgy and feisty | 01:33 |
epzilon | flare183: thanks! *goes to read* | 01:33 |
pike_ | Machtyn: it wouldnt be an issue so much but livecd dosnt come with the text installer so if x doesnt work or is too slow youre in trouble | 01:33 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> np just hope it helps | 01:33 |
=== zhenren [n=zhenren@i577B8092.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aSt3raL | i am getting a blue screen after detect hardware during the install of ubuntu 7.04 server edition | 01:33 |
terrestre | Machtyn: you need the "alternate" version | 01:33 |
markelhas | ppl need some help to solve this apt-get problem plz help. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40013/ | 01:33 |
terrestre | !alternate | 01:33 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 01:33 |
dimas | how a person will pick up a streaming ones i set the ip address...how they get it? | 01:33 |
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mssever | !pastebin > me | 01:33 |
terrestre | !minimal | 01:34 |
ubotu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 01:34 |
=== poololse [n=motti@pool-71-187-58-167.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | here it comes | 01:34 |
Machtyn | ok, Thanks Pike and Terrestre. I was hoping to avoid another download, but it looks like I need to. For reference, I keep getting an error when trying to load the CD that starts with the following line: "/----pstk------------rstk-------\" | 01:34 |
Flare183 | ... | 01:34 |
jrib | markelhas: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 01:34 |
aSt3raL | also there is some apic error message when it first loads | 01:34 |
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Flare183 | !ati | 01:34 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:34 |
att4b0y | Fairly simple question: have a ton of 700 MB CDs at home and flat broke with no money to buy more. PC does not like Ubuntu download, weighing in at 714,646 KB. Does anybody have any idea how I can get this to fit on one of these CDs? I have no money to buy more and at least fifty. | 01:35 |
poololse | ok so i tried the ipv6 disabling and i still cant get to these websites, blogspot websites and yahoo mail. | 01:35 |
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aSt3raL | is there still a problem with apic in 7.04 server? | 01:35 |
dimas | i would like to stream a video from my pc to an ip address with VLC but how they suppose to receive the display or video? | 01:35 |
pete83 | poololse: I know a good way to block the google-analytics.com script.... sudo gedit /etc/hosts .... and then define the addresses "google-analytics.com" and "www.google-analytics.com" to go to | 01:35 |
Flare183 | !ipv6 | 01:35 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 01:35 |
elusif | it will fit on the cd | 01:35 |
kitche | att4b0y: it should fit even if it's that size or get the mini cd | 01:35 |
aSt3raL | and if so how do i run the installer with noapic? | 01:35 |
Flare183 | i kne wit | 01:35 |
toker | does anyone know how to have dual desktop (not cloned) on a intel gma 950 gfx? Feisty | 01:35 |
dr_nick | I'm trying to install pidgin on 7.04. synaptic says its installed, but it's not in the applications menu. what am I doing wrong? | 01:35 |
elusif | use nero burning rom | 01:35 |
att4b0y | I'm using Vista's stupid installer. It says no when I try to burn it. What do I do? | 01:35 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: yes, the browser tries to download php pages, it doesn't display them | 01:36 |
rob_p | Juancabrit1: There should also be a php5.load file in your mods-enabled dir. If it's not there, do, "sudo a2enmod php5.load" at the command prompt and then check again for it. | 01:36 |
jrib | !php > Juancabrit1 (read the private message from ubotu) | 01:36 |
pike_ | aSt3raL: see the options option at bootup just add that to end of the kernel string. i think its been a while | 01:36 |
Flare183 | dr_nick:> it might not be told to install to the menu but if you press alt + f2 then type in pidgen it will | 01:36 |
=== brendon [n=brendon@mail1.oneononecreditrepair.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aSt3raL | pike_: do you think that would cause the installer to crash? | 01:36 |
poololse | I've already blocked it, but yahoo mail does not use googling analytics.... and a website by blogspot owned by google doesnt woek still | 01:36 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: Try the instructions here and tell me what the Content-Type header says: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40022/ | 01:36 |
jrib | Juancabrit1: try the troubleshooting steps on the wiki | 01:36 |
terrestre | dr_nick: maybe close the graphical first? ctrl+alt+backspace | 01:36 |
dimas | could anyone explain me about streaming? | 01:37 |
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pete83 | poololse: all blogspot sites, or just one? | 01:37 |
poololse | all | 01:37 |
Flare183 | restarting the x server does help | 01:37 |
pike_ | aSt3raL: could. | 01:37 |
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Flare183 | not | 01:37 |
Flare183 | help | 01:37 |
trdracer | oh my god installing on ubuntu drives me crazy. | 01:37 |
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trdracer | i just tried to install bluez...and kind find anything on it.. | 01:37 |
trdracer | im going to go crazy without this bluetooth mouse. | 01:37 |
goalieca | anyone having a problem with tracker search. often results don't appear when you click on it. eg: images | 01:37 |
=== att4b0yclone [n=jack@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0yclone | Hello again. | 01:37 |
att4b0yclone | Kicked me out by accident. | 01:38 |
trdracer | all ifind in ubuntu forums are how to enable the buttons. | 01:38 |
terrestre | trdracer: sudo aptitude search blue??? maybe | 01:38 |
Juancabrit1 | rob_p: it gaves me this: this module does not exist! | 01:38 |
trdracer | it works in kubuntu i dont know what it doesnt work on here. | 01:38 |
terrestre | trdracer: sorry i didnt read the entire question | 01:38 |
Flare183 | trtracer:> install kde it lets you use a bluetooth mouse, at least my works anyway | 01:38 |
trdracer | whats kde? | 01:38 |
dr_nick | ok, alt-F2 does bring up pidgin. how do I put it in the application menu? | 01:38 |
att4b0yclone | Here is the error: There is not enough free space on CD. You need an additional 23.4 MB to copy these files. Says free space is: 674. Says total size is: 702 MB. | 01:38 |
trdracer | !kde | 01:38 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 01:38 |
pete83 | poololse: does it matter if you try a different browserr? | 01:38 |
=== ratdick [n=ratdick@static-213-182-104-10.teleos-web.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | nope | 01:39 |
jrib | Juancabrit1: try just "php5" | 01:39 |
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fevel | can someone help me install skype on ubuntu 64 bits | 01:39 |
Flare183 | nope | 01:39 |
terrestre | anyone using dillo browser jaja its fast | 01:39 |
Flare183 | fevel:> yeah hold on | 01:39 |
trdracer | will installing kde interfere with anything i have now? | 01:39 |
=== cLINTo [n=abnerdoo@pool-141-153-81-38.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0yclone | Anybody have an answer? | 01:39 |
mssever | att4b0yclone: What's the question? | 01:39 |
jrib | trdracer: not if you use the repos | 01:39 |
att4b0yclone | Trouble burning CD. | 01:40 |
markelhas | jrib thnks. | 01:40 |
terrestre | trdracer: it is a huge packages | 01:40 |
jrib | !kde > trdracer (read the private message from ubotu) | 01:40 |
trdracer | how huge? | 01:40 |
=== handyAndy [n=andy@cpc7-asht3-0-0-cust669.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | fevel:>http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/ | 01:40 |
att4b0yclone | Earlier under att4b07. I have a 700 MB CD and it won't install. | 01:40 |
mssever | att4b0yclone: In Linux or Windows? | 01:40 |
=== whiskeytango [n=nicholas@user-0ccspb7.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0yclone | Using Vista to try to burn Ubuntu | 01:40 |
JosHate | I need to restore the default Ubuntu rt61 driver. I tried to get my Linksys WMP54G wireless card working, and I went from crappy service with no WPA support to the "Network" tool in Ubuntu not seeing it at all. Yes, the card appears when I run 'lshw', which leads me to believe that one of the tutorials screwed up my driver. | 01:40 |
mssever | !iso | att4b0yclone | 01:40 |
ubotu | att4b0yclone: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 01:40 |
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terrestre | check yourself sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, and dont type yes | 01:40 |
poololse | I can get to yahoo mail but not to blockspot from opera, as opposed to in firefox, | 01:40 |
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mssever | att4b0yclone: Never mind, ubotu wasn't very helpful | 01:41 |
jrib | !burning | att4b0yclone | 01:41 |
ubotu | att4b0yclone: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 01:41 |
att4b0yclone | Please help me make sense of what you just said. I've been off computers for a while now. | 01:41 |
mssever | att4b0yclone: have you tried double-clicking the ISO? | 01:41 |
=== trpr [n=ftg2@67-40-224-227.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0yclone | Let me try. | 01:41 |
trdracer | well this mouse is going to be the obstacle im on now... | 01:41 |
att4b0yclone | I tried the idiotic Vista burner tool | 01:41 |
terrestre | you can use sudo aptitude search blue and install the software, even the kde's bluetooth tools, and not the entire kubuntu-desktop | 01:41 |
whiskeytango | Ok gents and lasses, im having trouble getting my lightscribe drive to work. WTH am i doing wrong? | 01:41 |
=== IronFlint [n=sly@S010600179a9bd8c1.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | first it was the mp3 now bluetooth mouse. | 01:41 |
att4b0yclone | Am not using Linux | 01:41 |
=== dEmOn[bOt] [n=dEmOnbOt@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0yclone | Brand new to Linux | 01:41 |
att4b0yclone | Under Vista | 01:41 |
trdracer | ive probably been installing ish i dont need | 01:42 |
dEmOn | !hlp | 01:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hlp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:42 |
dEmOn[bOt] | -= | 01:42 |
dEmOn[bOt] | -= | 01:42 |
dEmOn[bOt] | -= | 01:42 |
jrib | att4b0yclone: click on the link | 01:42 |
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Juancabrit1 | jrib: with just php5 it gaves me "this module is already enabled!" | 01:42 |
pete83 | poololse: interesting.. If it is different for different browsers, then the browsers might be the problem. Have you tried Konqueror? | 01:42 |
Flare183 | !ask | dEmOn | 01:42 |
ubotu | dEmOn: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:42 |
DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to open a getty (tty, VT, whatever) on a secondary display/card/monitor, just like X :1 would, but to also keep my current X session active on my main display? | 01:42 |
terrestre | att4b0yclone: what do you are trying to burn? | 01:42 |
mssever | att4b0yclone: You might have to search for some burning software for Vista that supports ISOs | 01:42 |
dEmOn | !whathost google.com | 01:42 |
dEmOn[bOt] | Yeah, | 01:42 |
jrib | Juancabrit1: proceed with the other steps on the wiki | 01:42 |
fevel | Flare183, will the feisty package run on 64 bits?? | 01:42 |
epzilon | flare183: I think I found something... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/109414/comments/6 I just don't know what exactly to add (the line starting with "option"?), and where in that section? | 01:42 |
att4b0yclone | Trying to burn Ubuntu, latest release, ISO | 01:42 |
Flare183 | thinks so | 01:42 |
att4b0yclone | Tried Vista thing. No go. | 01:42 |
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att4b0yclone | Waiting to see what Gateway thing does. | 01:42 |
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jrib | att4b0yclone: try to keep what you say on a single line, or else the channel becomes too busy | 01:43 |
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fevel | Flare183, nope...only 32 bits | 01:43 |
Flare183 | in the device section of your video card | 01:43 |
rob_p | Juancabrit1: Are you sure you installed php5 for apache2? "sudo apt-get install php5" | 01:43 |
fevel | I need skype for 64 bits | 01:43 |
Flare183 | fevel:> sorry | 01:43 |
whiskeytango | Ok gents and lasses, im having trouble getting my lightscribe drive to work. WTH am i doing wrong? | 01:43 |
=== NelsonM [n=NelsonM@64-142-48-41.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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att4b0yclone | Okay. Thank you for letting me know. It has been a while since I've been on IRC. For whatever reason, neither the Vista nor the Power2Go gateway burner utilities like my CD. What I'm afraid of is it not letting me burn this at all for some reason, because I have around 50 of them at home with no money. Could be a faulty CD? | 01:43 |
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mssever | att4b0yclone: Possible, or it might not like to burn ISOs | 01:44 |
Flare183 | fevel:>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260519&page=2 | 01:44 |
epzilon | Flare183: yes, but does it have to be somewhere special in the "screen" section? And I add the whole line, with all "s etc? | 01:44 |
pike_ | !chroot | fevel | 01:44 |
ubotu | fevel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 01:44 |
NelsonM | hey, I'm building a new headless server. Is there something I can read on Ubuntu vs. Debian/testing? I've always gone with plain Debian before. | 01:44 |
mssever | whiskeytango: Please provide details | 01:44 |
att4b0yclone | Do you have any suggestions what I may do when I get home? Currently I have no Internet access at home. | 01:44 |
epzilon | Flare183: sorry, I don't want to ruin anything | 01:44 |
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Flare183 | i can't help everybody | 01:45 |
trdracer | what if i want kubuntu instead how would that work? | 01:45 |
nickrud | att4b0y: I've had success with ifrarecorder on vista, burning ubuntu iso's | 01:45 |
Flare183 | epzilon:>ok.. | 01:45 |
trdracer | cuz i dont want separate partitions and what not. | 01:45 |
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Flare183 | i think | 01:45 |
mssever | att4b0yclone: You could download the software you need using another computer that does have Internet | 01:45 |
Flare183 | yes | 01:45 |
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=== Wooderson [n=admin1@adsl-074-171-154-216.sip.ilm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poololse | An error occurred while loading http://jewishatheist.blogspot.com/: | 01:46 |
poololse | Timeout on server | 01:46 |
poololse | Connection was to jewishatheist.blogspot.com at port 8 | 01:46 |
ruz322 | tdracer: what is your question? | 01:46 |
Flare183 | device... option (tab) blah blah | 01:46 |
nickrud | trdracer: if you install kubuntu-desktop with synaptic, it will install into your ubuntu partition and you can choose it under sessions on the login screen | 01:46 |
Wooderson | !alsa mixer Wooderson | 01:46 |
att4b0y40 | I say, I'm loving this. It keeps booting me whenever I close another Window. My situation is this: I have a new Vista laptop and no Internet at home. I suppose I could try transferring it to my PC at home, but I have somewhat limited resources and no apparent ability to burn this thing. No at-home network currently. | 01:46 |
=== nox-baro [n=nox@p50888118.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flare183 | !alsa | Wooderson | 01:46 |
ubotu | Wooderson: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:46 |
jrib | poololse: please do not paste here | 01:46 |
att4b0y40 | I may see if I can get my brother to burn it or something similar. | 01:46 |
toker | does anyone know how to have dual desktops (not clones) in feisty with an intel 950 gma graphics? | 01:46 |
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Wooderson | i did | 01:47 |
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=== ruz322 points trdracer to nickrud's comment above. | ||
Wooderson | i read somewhere i need to download a new version or something | 01:47 |
Flare183 | !pastbin | poololse | 01:47 |
epzilon | flare183: OK, rebooting... *crosses fingers* | 01:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:47 |
att4b0y40 | Ah... I have solved the mystery problem. | 01:47 |
Flare183 | !pastebin | poololse | 01:47 |
mssever | att4b0y40: Can you burn anything at all? Or do you just need the proper software to burn ISOs? | 01:47 |
ubotu | poololse: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:47 |
infekted | whats shakin guys >.> | 01:47 |
Flare183 | ok | 01:47 |
=== RobertStuffers [n=foo@a213-22-51-96.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
att4b0y40 | Let me try burning something else. It keeps freaking out at my CD. | 01:47 |
Flare183 | good luck | 01:47 |
=== kingsizeriz [n=kingsize@cpc3-lewi5-0-0-cust946.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poololse | ok in the future i will use that | 01:47 |
=== arreis [n=arreis@201-167-101-71-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingsizeriz | hey guys? | 01:47 |
toker | hey | 01:48 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: hey | 01:48 |
kingsizeriz | im having abit of trouble with booting ubuntu | 01:48 |
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att4b0y40 | While we wait, would any of you guys care to direct me to a popular "chat" IRC channel? | 01:48 |
epzilon | Flare183: It worked! Thanks a ton! | 01:48 |
att4b0y40 | I want to practice my German. | 01:48 |
nickrud | att4b0y40: #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:48 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: give some details? | 01:48 |
kitche | att4b0y40: #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:48 |
kingsizeriz | basically when i boot into the CD it loads into an orange screen then nothing happens.. | 01:48 |
pike_ | att4b0y40: #politics but... be prepared before you join | 01:48 |
Flare183 | epzilon:> welcome yeah! | 01:48 |
kingsizeriz | no GUI actually load | 01:48 |
att4b0y40 | Lovely... | 01:48 |
=== nickrud offers flameproof pants to att4b0y40 | ||
att4b0y40 | Any specific rescommendations for German? #Deutschland didn't work. | 01:48 |
poololse | well all it was was a server timeout, in konqueror, | 01:48 |
pete83 | poololse: it should be port 80, not port 8... are you sure it said port 8? if so, that's a problem | 01:49 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: do you have any error messages? | 01:49 |
mssever | att4b0y40: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-de | 01:49 |
nickrud | att4b0y40: ircsearch.com lets you search for the topic of your dreams | 01:49 |
kingsizeriz | no errors | 01:49 |
kingsizeriz | disk passes integrity checks with no errors too | 01:49 |
att4b0y40 | Danke schn. | 01:49 |
=== markrian_ [n=markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Flare183 says Can somebody help me help these people | ||
poololse | it was port 80 | 01:50 |
=== Flare183 says I can't do it alone | ||
poololse | that was a mispaste | 01:50 |
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DA8C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruz322 | Flare183: I'm working with someone now | 01:50 |
NelsonM | does ubuntu offer advantages for headless users? or is it mostly GUI focussed? | 01:50 |
Flare183 | no problem just recently i was over flooded with questions | 01:50 |
=== r691175002 [n=r6911750@S010602ea23aa8f23.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: so can you get a text based login screen? | 01:50 |
mssever | Flare183: I don't know what conversations/topics you're referring to | 01:50 |
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kingsizeriz | i dont get anything... | 01:50 |
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Flare183 | yeah but most of us are termnial | 01:50 |
kingsizeriz | im new to Ubuntu | 01:51 |
Machtyn | NelsonM: Usually you need a head, but I've heard some zombies can do without... | 01:51 |
Flare183 | just ask we answer most of the time | 01:51 |
pike_ | NelsonM: id say its about even with debian. debian being more stable but i prefer ubuntu's community support and their repository scheme better | 01:51 |
Machtyn | :) | 01:51 |
r691175002 | How do you stop the gui but still be able to do stuff? When I press control-alt-F1 I can't do anything, its just a blank screen where I type and nothing happens | 01:51 |
kingsizeriz | i used suse before but ubuntu got reccomended to me and i want to permantly switch to linux | 01:51 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: does the ubuntu logo come up on the screen right after you boot? | 01:51 |
pete83 | poololse: are you sure the same website will work for you in windows? | 01:51 |
kingsizeriz | it comes up with the choices, so i select boot / install | 01:51 |
kingsizeriz | then it lists loadsa things | 01:51 |
kingsizeriz | no errors come up | 01:51 |
Flare183 | mssever:> don't worry I was just over flooded with questions, i'm fine now. | 01:52 |
mssever | r691175002: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 01:52 |
kingsizeriz | then an orange screen comes up with a cursor | 01:52 |
kingsizeriz | but thats it.. | 01:52 |
=== siddhartha [n=siddhart@rescomp-07-94469.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== derFuchs [n=dieter@srbk-590fcc76.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
r691175002 | mssever: But then how can I run stuff? | 01:52 |
decay | why shouldn't 'startx' be typed as root? | 01:52 |
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ruz322 | kingsizeriz: have you actually ran the installer or areyou just running ubuntuf rom the cd? | 01:52 |
poololse | yes i am | 01:52 |
pike_ | decay: its just not a good idea | 01:52 |
=== whiskeytango [n=nicholas@user-0ccspb7.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kingsizeriz | running the install / boot cd option | 01:52 |
decay | pike_, for what reason? | 01:52 |
r691175002 | mssever: It doesn't have the terminal type stuff, just a cursor and you can't do anything | 01:52 |
Flare183 | !konsole | 01:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:52 |
DM| | how can i reset my nickserv pw | 01:52 |
kingsizeriz | the first option | 01:52 |
Flare183 | what> | 01:52 |
mssever | r691175002: from the console that you'll be able to see... just log in there | 01:52 |
Flare183 | what? | 01:52 |
nickrud | r691175002: are you saying that at clt-alt-f1, you don't see a line ' Login: ' ? | 01:52 |
Flare183 | weird | 01:52 |
siddhartha | hi, I'm having trouble booting ubuntu, can I get some advice here? | 01:52 |
r691175002 | nickrud: Yes | 01:52 |
Flare183 | siddharta:> yes | 01:53 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: in other words, you haven't been able to boot the live cd to install to the hard drive? correct? | 01:53 |
dxdt | siddhartha: interesting name, I've read the book but a long time ago | 01:53 |
Flare183 | ? | 01:53 |
r691175002 | nickrud: Just an _ as the cursor | 01:53 |
=== JosHate [n=elyas2k@74-222-203-158.dyn.everestkc.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kitche | DM|: ask an oper for freenode about it | 01:53 |
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kingsizeriz | ruz: correct | 01:53 |
pike_ | decay: everything you do is as root. very easy to break something. also eaiser for someone to root ya depending. i did it for years though | 01:53 |
Flare183 | don't ask the ops they might ban you | 01:53 |
DM| | kitche any operators on you know of ? i dont want to do an ! ops | 01:53 |
mssever | r691175002: That's weird, have you tried rebooting? | 01:53 |
nickrud | r691175002: a sec, phone call | 01:53 |
Flare183 | don't do that! | 01:53 |
siddhartha | okay, great... | 01:53 |
siddhartha | I am running Feisty Fawn | 01:53 |
kingsizeriz | im gonna restart up my laptop so i can explain better as i can visually see it.. | 01:53 |
=== nickrud is doing ubuntu phone support !? | ||
Dave2 | that won't give you freenode staff anyway. it'll give you #ubuntu ops, most of whom aren't freenode staff. | 01:53 |
=== Dave2 is freenode staff | ||
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: is it an older computer? do you know what video card it is using? | 01:54 |
r691175002 | mssever: Yes, the only way I have been able to get to the console with no gui is messing up xorg.conf and restarting the xserver | 01:54 |
Dryft | !irccops | 01:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about irccops - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:54 |
pike_ | decay: imo either freebsd's wheel setup or sudo is superior to regular root where everyone can su | 01:54 |
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siddhartha | when I try to boot it says "Kernel panic: not synching. unable to mount root fs | 01:54 |
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Dryft | hehe | 01:54 |
siddhartha | " | 01:54 |
kingsizeriz | its a laptop not quite sure what graphics.. intel integrated i believe | 01:54 |
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Flare183 | all ops tell them was happens when you get called | 01:54 |
decay | pike_, okay. gotcha | 01:54 |
=== Dave2 points out that #ubuntu is not the freenode network channel, so ubotu is unlikely to cater to freenode staff... | ||
=== NelsonM [n=NelsonM@64-142-48-41.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Flare183 | please | 01:54 |
kingsizeriz | should i do "Start ubuntu in safe graphics mode" ? | 01:54 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: what path is this: /path/to/your/php/file.php? | 01:54 |
mssever | r691175002: So <Ctrl><Alt>F1 does nothing, but breaking xorg works? | 01:54 |
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pete83 | poololse: out of curiousity, does this work? .. http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fjewishatheist.blogspot.com%2F&langpair=es%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF8 | 01:55 |
LjL | Flare183, if you're so eager to show them. | 01:55 |
Dave2 | DM|, your nick's not got an associated e-mail address, so we can't reset the password. We can drop it for you to re-register, though. | 01:55 |
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Flare183 | LjL> knew it | 01:55 |
r691175002 | mssever: Ctrl-alt-F1 just brings me to a black screen | 01:55 |
siddhartha | if I boot from an earlier kernel "ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-11-generic" it works | 01:55 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: The path you use to request your php page, for example, /index.php | 01:55 |
Flare183 | some where | 01:55 |
DM| | Dave2 that would be great if you could | 01:55 |
r691175002 | mssever: I can type stuff, but I can't login or do anything | 01:55 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: if you are having trouble getting the graphical installer to boot, I would suggest downloading the "alternate install" cd. It runs a text based installer. Then you can troubleshoot your x server if you still don't have a GUI | 01:55 |
Flare183 | I just didn't want them to get kicked out like I did once | 01:55 |
=== pietro10 [i=pietro@ool-18b97500.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | r691175002: There's a good thance that a reboot would cure that | 01:55 |
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mssever | s/thance/chance | 01:56 |
kingsizeriz | okay ima download it now | 01:56 |
kingsizeriz | thanks | 01:56 |
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siddhartha | i have had ubuntu installed for almost a year now | 01:56 |
r691175002 | mssever: Ok, I'll try that | 01:56 |
=== pietro10 [i=pietro@ool-18b97500.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poololse | i tried to do a traceroute for blogspot and it isn't going anywhere, i get ip address resolution but thats it | 01:56 |
siddhartha | this problem happened all of a sudden a few weeks back | 01:56 |
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Dave2 | DM|, done. | 01:56 |
siddhartha | 2.6.20-16 does not work | 01:56 |
=== pietro10 [i=pietro@ool-18b97500.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Juancabrit1 | mssever: I have a couple sites to test in /var/www/directory, do you mean I have to use any of them? | 01:56 |
siddhartha | 2.6.17-10 does not work | 01:56 |
siddhartha | same error | 01:56 |
handyAndy | is xserver-sgl the best GL X-server atm? | 01:56 |
pete83 | poololse: can you paste the contents of your /etc/hosts file onto that paste site please? | 01:56 |
siddhartha | but 2.6.17-11 works | 01:56 |
decay | ubuntu stops when i boot in recovery mode,,,, last line i see is: "CPU#1 has 324 usecs TSC skew. fixed it up" | 01:56 |
decay | any suggestions? | 01:56 |
Pici | !enter | siddhartha | 01:57 |
ubotu | siddhartha: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:57 |
kitche | handyAndy: umm there is no sgl unless you mean xgl | 01:57 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: Use the path of the PHP page that didn't work right | 01:57 |
att4b0y40 | Update: for whatever reason, it doesn't like this CD. I'm going to try another one later on when I get home. | 01:57 |
ruz322 | decay: google that error, see what it says | 01:57 |
att4b0y40 | Thanks for the help. I will be back with questions, I guarantee. | 01:57 |
MyCatVerbs | Sorry for bugging the channel with this, but I've no idea how to verify this myself, so. Anyone know, please, what version of the nVidia proprietary driver is packaged in 7.10, please? | 01:57 |
handyAndy | sry yep :) | 01:57 |
=== att4b0y40 [n=jack@] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
siddhartha | oh, sorry, I'll do that | 01:57 |
MyCatVerbs | (Since 7.04's doesn't support my current card.) | 01:57 |
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mssever | MyCatVerbs: Better to ask in #ubuntu+1 | 01:57 |
kitche | handyAndy: probably not xserver-xorg is the best | 01:57 |
siddhartha | any suggestions? | 01:57 |
kitche | !best | handyAndy | 01:58 |
ubotu | handyAndy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 01:58 |
MyCatVerbs | mssever: dankeschon. | 01:58 |
poololse | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40027/ | 01:58 |
=== ibara [n=ibara@cpe-74-75-208-191.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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handyAndy | oh god theyre onto me | 01:58 |
Flare183 | g2g see you guys in the morning | 01:58 |
ruz322 | l8er flare | 01:58 |
toker | does anyone know why im getting smb connection attempts from almost identical i.p as me except from the last 3 digits change everytime? | 01:59 |
poololse | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40027/ | 01:59 |
ruz322 | toker: evertime you do what? | 01:59 |
=== jesse [n=jesse@adsl-4-143-72.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pete83 | poololse: hmm, dead end. I don't think I'm getting anywhere... sorry | 01:59 |
Flare183 | later to all | 01:59 |
toker | the last 3 digits change everytime | 01:59 |
poololse | thanks | 01:59 |
poololse | any other places you think i can turn i got no help at the forum | 01:59 |
ruz322 | toker: they change everytime you do what? logon? | 02:00 |
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=== scalawag [n=scalawag@cpe-24-169-163-108.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bogaurd [i=rootkit@219-90-185-169.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pike_ | toker: wireless router? | 02:00 |
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kingsizeriz | another question is there not a command i could add to the boot options? | 02:00 |
pike_ | toker: i spent alot of my time in the past browsing windows users shares on wireless networks | 02:00 |
handyAndy | well xserver-sgl it is then, here goes | 02:01 |
toker | no soz, i think u misread it, the connection attampts to smb are from the net, the i.p's thats trying to connect are identical except from the last 3 digits | 02:01 |
ruz322 | kingsizeriz: no, there isn't, sorry | 02:01 |
toker | no router | 02:01 |
=== sayers [n=sayers@c-76-20-182-119.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toker | cable box, cant log into it tho | 02:01 |
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=== Naisel [n=Naisel@nat-223-47.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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att4b0y | Remind me please of that wonderful IRC directory website? | 02:02 |
Naisel | ls | 02:02 |
att4b0y | ls | 02:02 |
att4b0y | Qu? | 02:02 |
kitche | Naisel: wrong window :) | 02:02 |
siddhartha | I'll state the problem again, so it's easier to read: I am not able to boot into ubuntu using the latest kernel I have -- "kernel 2.6.20-16-generic". The error I get is "crc error Kernel panic - not synching: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)".. When I use an earlier kernel -- 2.6.17-11 -- it works fine ( but seems to hang quite often, don't know if this is related). I am running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. Any suggestions? | 02:03 |
Wooderson | why doesnt my sound ever work? | 02:03 |
=== hjmills [n=hjmills@blacksheep.york.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Naisel | nothing | 02:03 |
att4b0y | LOL | 02:03 |
=== bjorn_ [n=bjorn@c213-158-246-38.static.sdsl.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
decay | ubuntu stops when i boot in recovery mode,,,, last line i see is: "CPU#1 has 324 usecs TSC skew. fixed it up". I googled it and nothing valuable showed up | 02:03 |
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=== LittleCj3k [n=ryo2@ACayenne-106-1-6-44.w90-31.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juancabrit1 | mssever: what information do you need. Pastebin doesn't let me paste | 02:03 |
=== att4b0y wants a link to a website where he can find a "chat" German IRC channel. | ||
=== fen1x [n=fen1x@adsl-70-232-38-70.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juancabrit1 | mssever: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request | 02:03 |
fen1x | I need Mp3 Codecs, how do I get some? | 02:03 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: What is the Content-type header? | 02:03 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: That means that you mis-typed something. Try it again | 02:04 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 | 02:04 |
Wooderson | !sound | 02:04 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:04 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: So, when you view that same URL in the browser, it tries to download it? | 02:04 |
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=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== [ex] p|0s10n is listening to Aanguish from Venetian Snares [4:40 (63%)] | ||
=== gardar [n=gardar@dsl-212-199.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | [ex] p|0s10n: not here. | 02:05 |
jrib | !mp3 > fen1x (read the private message from ubotu) | 02:05 |
=== NastyAccident [n=NastyAcc@unaffiliated/nastyaccident] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wooderson | can anyone tell me why my sound only works if i log off and log back in? | 02:06 |
bjorn_ | mssever: Just calling back to let you know I fixed my boot problem. Evidentely feisty has a rather severe bug related to some sata drives. Found my fix here: http://www.ralree.info/2007/3/22/huge-mistake-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn-herd-5 | 02:06 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: wait me a second please, I did mistyped | 02:06 |
fevel | I installed skype forcing architecture and now I cant remove it | 02:06 |
fevel | can someone please help | 02:06 |
mssever | bjorn_: Glad you got it figured out | 02:06 |
[ex] p|0s10n | tonyyarusso Im just try | 02:07 |
kjp | is there a way to force a 32bit app to install on a 64bit install ? freenx isn't available for amd64.... | 02:07 |
kitche | kjp: chroot | 02:07 |
mssever | fevel: Did you install the .deb? or via some other method? | 02:07 |
=== runemaste644 [n=Javascri@adsl-12-124-152.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kjp | kitche: can you say a few more words ? | 02:07 |
fevel | mssever, .deb, forcing | 02:07 |
=== runemaste644 [n=Javascri@adsl-12-124-152.gsp.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye!"] | ||
siddhartha | Okay, I'll just try to figure it out.. | 02:08 |
siddhartha | thanks | 02:08 |
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mssever | fevel: And you get errors when you try to remove? | 02:08 |
siddhartha | exit | 02:08 |
siddhartha | \exit | 02:08 |
fevel | it dowsnt find the package | 02:08 |
Evanlec | frostburn, u still here? | 02:08 |
fen1x | jrib it didn't say anything... | 02:08 |
fen1x | !mp3 | 02:08 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:08 |
=== ale_ [n=as@host197-190-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | fevel: Hmm. I've never forced a package before...too dangerous...I dunno what to do | 02:09 |
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=== mjancaitis [n=mjancait@c-76-31-12-110.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjancaitis | swiftfox crashes when I click pdf links :/ Help! | 02:11 |
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sarthor | my bluetooth is connected amont my laptop and my nokia 9300i, now how to transfer files ? any application, i am new to linux | 02:11 |
kitche | mjancaitis: don't use swiftfox to open pdf :) its sort of a joke really anyways | 02:12 |
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mjancaitis | kitche: that's good and all, but it's the only way I've found to get even a semblance of flash working | 02:12 |
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kingsizeriz | still orange screen.. will deffo have to use alternative | 02:12 |
kingsizeriz | hmmm maybe not.. | 02:12 |
decay | ubuntu stops when i boot in recovery mode,,,, last line i see is: "CPU#1 has 324 usecs TSC skew. fixed it up". I googled it and nothing valuable showed up | 02:12 |
kingsizeriz | added a couple of commands to the end of the boot and now i have visual | 02:13 |
=== Jannitax [i=Morgana@unaffiliated/jannax] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DM| | decay try taking the specifics out "324" | 02:13 |
kitche | mjancaitis: why you can't just install firefox and then the flash plugin? | 02:13 |
mjancaitis | kitche: x64 | 02:13 |
kitche | mjancaitis: umm my question still stands | 02:13 |
DM| | decay http://www.google.com/search?q=CPU%231+has+usecs+TSC+skew.+fixed+it+u&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=Swiftfox:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a | 02:14 |
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@dyn-129-64-227-62.wireless-a.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjancaitis | kitche: my understanding is there's no x64 flash plugin for linux | 02:14 |
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita | ||
fevel | can anyone help me find this file? libQtDBus.so.4 | 02:14 |
LjL | !find libQtDBus | 02:14 |
fevel | I need it for my forced skype to work | 02:14 |
mjancaitis | kitche: thus I have to use 32-bit swiftfox and the flash plugin | 02:14 |
kitche | mjancaitis: no there isn't but there is overlays like nspluginwrapper which is what I use | 02:14 |
ubotu | Package/file libqtdbus does not exist in feisty | 02:14 |
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-165-173-197.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mssever | locate libQtDBus | 02:15 |
mjancaitis | kitche: have any lit on that? | 02:15 |
mssever | fevel: locate libQtDBus | 02:15 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: Ok, I think I did it right, but get this HTTP/1.1 501 Method not implemented | 02:15 |
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mjancaitis | kitche: love to switch | 02:15 |
fen1x | How do I play Mp3's in linux guys? I know there's a codec | 02:15 |
bruenig | !info lame | 02:15 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 02:15 |
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LjL | !mp3 > fen1x (fen1x, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:15 |
Juancabrit1 | mssever: Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 | 02:15 |
fevel | LjL, is there any other way I could get it, I really eed it | 02:15 |
LjL | fevel: i don't see it being available in the repos | 02:15 |
LotsaCabo | Any Kerberos guru's lurking about? | 02:15 |
decay | DM|, thanks. im looing | 02:16 |
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decay | looking | 02:16 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: In the text/html URL, is that the type of the error message? | 02:16 |
LjL | fevel: no idea, i wouldn't touch skype with a ten foot pole either :) | 02:16 |
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DM| | decay np , just whenever u get errors that are specific like that, just take out the numbers and search , google is great for finding anything, if ujust know HOW to look :) , im outtie | 02:17 |
r691175002 | My nvidia drivers crash xserver every time, and I have probbably installed them 10 different ways by now | 02:17 |
aSt3raL | anyone know where i can find an example /etc/network/interfaces file? | 02:17 |
fevel | LjL, how would you voice on 64 bits with skype users then? | 02:17 |
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Juancabrit1 | mssever: 176 ? 400 Bad Request? | 02:17 |
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SmoothOp | who's a raw foodist | 02:17 |
mssever | Juancabrit1: ?? | 02:17 |
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LjL | fevel: i wouldn't, i'd convince them to avoid such proprietary protocols that force people on certain system, and use common, standard stuff like SIP instead, which has a client (usually more than one) available for just about every operating system ever made. | 02:18 |
=== DaveG| [n=asdfasdf@82-47-197-238.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | SmoothOp: is that an ubuntu question? | 02:18 |
SmoothOp | yes | 02:18 |
DaveG| | can someone help me with fixing virtualbox's GUI? -> http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9762/thissp5.png | 02:18 |
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Juancabrit1 | mssever: yes? | 02:18 |
fevel | LjL, oh thats a good one...ill give you 10 bucks if you convince my boss | 02:18 |
LjL | SmoothOp: uhm, then try asking it in other terms, because i didn't get the meaning | 02:18 |
wii | does anybody know why was i banned for?i cant even get in the ops ch | 02:19 |
LotsaCabo | Is Ubuntu able to be a Kerberos KDC by default? If not, what packages are required? I cannot find a direct answer in the docs. | 02:19 |
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SmoothOp | does eating raw food help your open source productivity | 02:19 |
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mssever | Juancabrit1: I don't understand the last thing you said about 176; What about the charset question I asked earlier? | 02:20 |
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fevel | SmoothOp, ive heard a simple coffee does | 02:20 |
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dbkim | hi all | 02:21 |
trdracer | hey guys i messed up my pc i cant load it.. | 02:21 |
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trdracer | was wonder if someone can help.. | 02:21 |
fevel | LjL, ok you did convince me though... Do you know a good alternative? | 02:21 |
LjL | fevel: you could tell him that SIP is what is used by the real phone companies (it's not a lie), and that being an open protocol, it's possible to encrypt communication if sensitive communication is to occur. you could tell him that it's possible to do multi-user conferencing, and there are also many companies providing SIP to PSTN gateways, some giving you a free local PSTN number you can even conference on for no fee. | 02:21 |
trdracer | must be something about a MGR or MBR not sure..i had a problem like this the other day... | 02:21 |
trdracer | i guess i need a floppy... | 02:22 |
scalawag | Is it possible (safely) to partition a drive that already holds an operating system? | 02:22 |
fevel | LjL, s SIP a client | 02:22 |
LjL | fevel, on GNOME, the best-known SIP client is Ekiga. Twinkle is a KDE client with quite a few features. | 02:22 |
trdracer | im not on the pc i messed up | 02:22 |
fevel | LjL, what would he install on windows? any idea? | 02:22 |
Dryft | scalawag, I tried resizing my XP NTFS from the LiveCD while installing and it fragged it ;) | 02:22 |
DaveG| | can someone help me with fixing virtualbox's GUI? -> http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9762/thissp5.png | 02:22 |
Dryft | so now I just have a pristine Feisty box | 02:22 |
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scalawag | Good to know. Thanks Dryft. | 02:22 |
JosHate | Can someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial to get the Linksys WMP54G v4.1 working with WPA support? | 02:23 |
dbkim | way too crowded | 02:23 |
dbkim | =) | 02:23 |
=== Roge [n=roger@CPE001346ca56d1-CM00122540214a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scalawag | Have feisty fully on the disk, just wanted to tinker with some other distros outside of the liveCD environment. Just have to break out the other box I guess. | 02:24 |
trdracer | http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y41/TRDRACER/DSCN1200.jpg?t=1191889439 <000 that is my issue | 02:24 |
trdracer | can anyone please help. | 02:24 |
LjL | fevel: ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SIP_software#SIP_clients http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Open+Source+VOIP+Software here's a couple of lists of clients. on Windows, i think EyeBeam is pretty good, and another whose name escapes me - but neither are free software. i'm sure there are also lots of free ones, though | 02:24 |
trdracer | i cancelled the install of xubuntu for some stupid reason and now i cant even get to my windows os. | 02:24 |
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=== trdracer needs urgnet help | ||
wastrel | !fixmbr | 02:25 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:25 |
mjancaitis | trdracer: looks like you screwed up your mbr; if you still have your windows CD you can do some work in the repair console with the fixmbr command | 02:25 |
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LjL | fevel: SJPhone was the one i was thinking about. | 02:25 |
wastrel | didn't that used to help with fixing the windows MBR? | 02:25 |
ambroseph2 | hey has any 1 installed ubuntu studio | 02:25 |
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wastrel | that would at least be useful | 02:25 |
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trdracer | how do i get that to a floppy disc? | 02:25 |
trdracer | mjancaitis | 02:26 |
mjancaitis | trdracer: you can't; do you still have your windows CD and a CD drive? | 02:26 |
trdracer | no | 02:26 |
trdracer | someone in here helped me before. | 02:26 |
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ambroseph2 | hey has any 1 installed ubuntu studio?? | 02:26 |
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trdracer | i typed something in terminal but i cant access that pc anymore really it seems. | 02:26 |
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leladia | pls where do i find .cshrc? | 02:27 |
Hukt | :o | 02:27 |
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mjancaitis | trdracer: can you get into ubuntu, or any OS at all? Or are you stuck with a "no mbr" error? | 02:27 |
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ambroseph2 | type locate in the terminal | 02:27 |
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trdracer | mjancaitis when i try to axx ubuntu that message comes up. | 02:28 |
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wastrel | trdracer: it seems like you're failing to boot the linux system. when you boot you should see a "grub" screen (check top left of screen during boot) hit esc to get into the menu. if you configured for dual-boot with your windows, your windows should be in the menu | 02:28 |
trdracer | i get to the ubuntu start or install screen and then that screen appears. | 02:28 |
Draggin | Ola! Tell me - is there any way to claim ownership of a file in Linux, like you can in Windows, or is the only way to change access to files and directories by changing the mode? | 02:28 |
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leladia | pls where do i find .cshrc? | 02:28 |
trdracer | no no i dont have ubuntu on it atm ... | 02:28 |
trdracer | i formatted that for some stupid reason. | 02:28 |
wastrel | leladia: ubuntu doesn't use csh by default, so there's no .cshrc. | 02:28 |
wastrel | leladia: there's .bashrc and .bash_profile | 02:28 |
trdracer | i was instlling xubuntu over it...after i formatted and i cancelled it. | 02:28 |
trdracer | and now i cant axx anything | 02:29 |
trdracer | so i need to somehow get the MBR to work. | 02:29 |
fevel | LjL, its free and for windows?? ill take a look | 02:29 |
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leladia | wastrel: thanks. but if i do add some more default to .bashrc will it also apply to csh? | 02:29 |
wastrel | trdracer: it seems like there's no linux system to boot. you formatted and didn't install anything ? | 02:29 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Do you have a windows install CD? | 02:29 |
wastrel | leladia: if you have csh installed, you can create a .cshrc | 02:29 |
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trdracer | no i dont have a wndows install cd. | 02:30 |
LjL | fevel, no, it's not free, both eyebeam and sjphone are proprietary - although there are "freeware" versions (with ads in the case of sjphone). look at those list for really free clients - i'm not very familiar with windows ones, for obvious reasons, but there are a few | 02:30 |
mjancaitis | trdracer: wastrel's got it right, you erased your ubuntu and it screwed your grub, which means you can't boot anything at the moment | 02:30 |
leladia | wastrel: how? | 02:30 |
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trdracer | true i cant boot anything. | 02:30 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Are you sure that there is still a windows partition? | 02:30 |
mjancaitis | trdracer: have you tried installing Ubuntu again, or xubuntu, or whatever you like? | 02:30 |
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wastrel | leladia: just make a file called .cshrc in your home directory | 02:30 |
druke_ | does anyone know a good site for smart homes uses linux as the central unit? | 02:30 |
trdracer | mjancaitis im sure i cant get to install them abain ive tried. | 02:30 |
wastrel | leladia: maybe check in /etc/skel/ to see if there's a default .cshrc | 02:30 |
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mjancaitis | trdracer: use the same partitions you had previously and just don't touch that windows partition and you might be able to remake your grub | 02:30 |
leladia | leladia: thanks | 02:31 |
ambroseph2 | there isnt a .cshrc | 02:31 |
trdracer | i cant get to anything at all. | 02:31 |
mjancaitis | trdracer: I dunno, I'm gonna leave it up to the real gurus then :( sorry bud | 02:31 |
Jordan_U | druke_, Might look into LinuxMCE , they tend to deal with smart appliances also | 02:31 |
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trdracer | wow....i wish scguy were here he helped me last time i did this stupid mistake. | 02:31 |
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druke_ | Jordan_U, thanks | 02:31 |
trdracer | if i have a windows disc...will i have to install windows again??? | 02:31 |
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trdracer | wow this pc here cant even burn discs either.. | 02:32 |
trdracer | im screwed. | 02:32 |
trdracer | this pc sucks | 02:32 |
trdracer | i just got on to get a solution to my problem | 02:32 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, There is a way to put your windows MBR back on with Ubuntu, but if the windows partition is hosed it won't help any | 02:32 |
r691175002 | I still can't get the nvidia drivers to work | 02:32 |
reya276 | Hello could anyone tell me what event id this device is on by looking at this line (Bus 004 Device 002: ID 056a:0018 Wacom Co., Ltd) | 02:32 |
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r691175002 | It says it can't find any video cards, then no screens and then crashes | 02:32 |
trdracer | i have two separate partitions on one HDD i cant axx my windows OS due to what ive done. | 02:32 |
trdracer | so i need to somehow get that MBR to work. | 02:33 |
george | boot up with win cd | 02:33 |
wastrel | see this is where that fixmbr thing would be useful | 02:33 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Ok, can you boot into an Ubuntu LiveCD? | 02:33 |
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george | fixboot | 02:33 |
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george | fixmbr | 02:33 |
mjancaitis | george: he doesn't have a win cd | 02:33 |
george | or something like that | 02:33 |
DaveG| | can someone help me with fixing virtualbox's GUI? -> http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9762/thissp5.png | 02:33 |
trdracer | Jordan_U ive tried but this comes up....http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y41/TRDRACER/DSCN1200.jpg?t=1191889439 | 02:33 |
george | oh | 02:33 |
george | heh | 02:34 |
trdracer | i can sort of boot the disc..it gives me options of what to do. | 02:34 |
trdracer | thats about it. | 02:34 |
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Jordan_U | wastrel, there is actually a package called ms-sys that lets you install a windows MBR from Linux, and it's in the repos | 02:34 |
trdracer | and then when i hit install/start that screen in the image appears | 02:34 |
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trdracer | all this just to get my damn mouse to work. | 02:34 |
trdracer | how lame. | 02:34 |
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r691175002 | can someone write an xorg.conf for me? | 02:35 |
reya276 | Hello could anyone tell me what event id this device is on by looking at this line (Bus 004 Device 002: ID 056a:0018 Wacom Co., Ltd) | 02:35 |
trdracer | everytime i try to install this something like this happens. | 02:35 |
kjp | is there a way to launch vnc on boot like via an RC script ? | 02:35 |
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Jordan_U | trdracer, How did you boot the first time? A different CD? | 02:35 |
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clouder | Is there a way for when gnome starts after logging in to make that screen anything other than that gross orange until my wallpaper loads? | 02:35 |
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trdracer | well i cancelled the install of xubuntu and then i took the disc out like instructed to...so then i tried to start up and i got an error. | 02:35 |
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trdracer | so i couldnt even reach my windows xp login. | 02:35 |
trdracer | nor ubuntu | 02:35 |
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trdracer | nor an option to chose. | 02:36 |
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amadeux | when is gutsy released? | 02:36 |
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wastrel | clouder: change the background color | 02:36 |
Jordan_U | clouder, I think that screen is what your desktop color is set to be if you don't have a picture | 02:36 |
trdracer | i need to somehow get that MBR on a floppy | 02:36 |
mjancaitis | amadeux: October 07 | 02:36 |
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__mad | how do i drop a service and restart it? | 02:36 |
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amadeux | mjancaitis: that's now! :) | 02:37 |
mjancaitis | amadeux: Hence the 7.10 classification ;) | 02:37 |
clouder | alright, I think I did that, but I'll double check | 02:37 |
mjancaitis | amadeux: huh... good point, :D | 02:37 |
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wastrel | __mad: sudo /etc/init.d/servicename restart normally | 02:37 |
__mad | i need to restart privoxy | 02:37 |
Dryft | trdracer, in a pinch I've used a Windows disk to boot to recovery console and fdisk /mbr | 02:37 |
mjancaitis | __mad: try the gnome system manager? | 02:37 |
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amadeux | mjancaitis: seriously, is it tomorrow or last day of the month or ... ? | 02:37 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Can you stick the HD in the computer you are working on now? | 02:37 |
Dryft | doesnt help for the ubuntu install, but you get Windows back | 02:37 |
trdracer | well im on a separate pc so this situation sucks.. | 02:38 |
__mad | mjancaitis i dont have that...? | 02:38 |
mjancaitis | amadeux: you've got me, I don't know, unfortunately | 02:38 |
trdracer | last time i could use ubuntu to get my situation fixed. | 02:38 |
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amadeux | Can I dist-upgrade to the yet unfinished gutsy now, and then dist-upgrade again when it is really finished? | 02:38 |
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trdracer | and typed in some command in terminal to resolve my issue. | 02:38 |
mjancaitis | __mad: System -> Administration -> System Monitor | 02:38 |
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__mad | ok thx | 02:39 |
__mad | the other way worked | 02:39 |
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Jordan_U | trdracer, Could you get Ubuntu to boot last time? | 02:39 |
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amadeux | Is it possible to dist-upgrade to the yet unfinished gutsy now, and then dist-upgrade again when it is really finished? | 02:39 |
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clouder | Jordan_U: that didn't work, I set my background to white with no wallpaper, and it still gives me orange during the ubuntu splash. Any other ideas? | 02:40 |
kitche | !repeat | amadeux | 02:40 |
ubotu | amadeux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:40 |
kitche | amadeux: yes it's possible | 02:40 |
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amadeux | kitche: how? | 02:40 |
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Jordan_U | clouder, As a stab in the dark try installing the package bluebuntu-look | 02:40 |
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trdracer | yeah but i didnt have this same issue. | 02:41 |
m1r | amadeux , /etc/apt/sources.list, and change to gutsy | 02:41 |
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Jordan_U | amadeux, m1r Don't do that | 02:41 |
trdracer | ) | 02:41 |
trdracer | [17:39] <Jordan_U> trdracer, Could you get Ubuntu to boot last time? yeah but i didnt have the same issue i do now. | 02:41 |
trdracer | this one is much worse. | 02:41 |
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Jordan_U | m1r, amadeux That is not the reccomended way to upgrade | 02:42 |
trdracer | i cant load my ubuntu live disc | 02:42 |
momphh | bonjour tous | 02:42 |
trdracer | because this dmn error. | 02:42 |
momphh | hello every body | 02:42 |
m1r | sry's then , amadeux and jordan_u | 02:42 |
amadeux | Jordan_U: how, then? | 02:42 |
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Jordan_U | trdracer, Again, can you put the HD in a working computer? | 02:42 |
trdracer | and i really dont want to do a system recovery due to ubuntu cuz i will really hunt down these damn developers and kill them for my mistake. | 02:42 |
trdracer | what would that do? | 02:42 |
trdracer | Jordan_U? | 02:42 |
trdracer | im sure i can do that | 02:43 |
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Jordan_U | amadeux, gksu "update-manager -d" , but stay in #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy, and don't expect it to work yet :) | 02:43 |
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Jordan_U | trdracer, That machine might be able to boot the Ubuntu CD and you could fix it from there | 02:43 |
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trdracer | ahh ok well i shall try | 02:43 |
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amadeux | Jordan_U: Well, many people are running gutsy, so why wouldn't it work? | 02:44 |
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amadeux | Jordan_U: or is it just the update that wont work? | 02:44 |
clouder | Jordan_U: woops, I think I found it. I was changing my desktop bg color and I should have been changing gdm background color under login windows preferences | 02:45 |
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clouder | Jordan_U: thanks for the help | 02:45 |
BlackCow | *scratches head* so I am able to connect to my server via FTP through my LAN but from my global IP adress I can't connect properly, it goes into this passive mode. I have port 21 and 22 forwarded, am I missing some other ports? | 02:45 |
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Jordan_U | amadeux, Gutsy is not finished, if you can't afford the possibility of needing to re-install you shouldn't run Gutsy yet | 02:45 |
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Joules | hey any of you familiar with vlc? | 02:46 |
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Zach_07 | I have a wine.sh file on my xbox in the e:\ and I wanted to access it in Xubuntu( Xbox version of Ubuntu), So how may I go about doing this??? | 02:46 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, What you would want to do on the LiveCD is install the package "ms-sys" then find your HD that needs the MBR ( /dev/something ) then run "sudo ms-sys --mbr /dev/whatever" | 02:47 |
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trdracer | Jordan_U i will comeback in here when i get this HDD in here | 02:47 |
LjL | Zach_07: Xubuntu isn't the X-Box version of Ubuntu..... | 02:47 |
Pici | Zach_07: xubuntu is an xfce version of Ubuntu, not xbox | 02:47 |
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Draggin | I need some help on file system structure - is there any way that I can change the default behaviour of Linux to create a user's home folder under /home/username? I have a partition set aside that I want to use specifically for storing personal files (i.e. non-os files). How can I move my home folder to this partition and still maintain the links in the OS? I want my home folder (and those... | 02:47 |
Draggin | ...of subsequently created users) to be located at /linux-files/username. Any advice? | 02:47 |
spawnsworld | spawnsworld | 02:47 |
BlackCow | when I google it says you only need port 21 open :-/ I have to be missing some other ports needed for servers, anyone know what it is? | 02:47 |
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wastrel | Draggin: mount your other partition under /home | 02:48 |
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Draggin | wastrel - that's all? | 02:48 |
Zach_07 | Actually, not to be rude but Xubuntu is the xbox version of Ubuntu Pici. here is the site: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Download#xUbuntu | 02:48 |
mike01 | my bt8x8 winfast tv 2000xp tuner stopped working, all the channels are blue when i boot up... | 02:48 |
mike01 | any way to get it working again? | 02:48 |
wastrel | Draggin: that's about it | 02:48 |
Draggin | wastrel - what about the stuff that's currently in my home folder though? | 02:48 |
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wastrel | copy it to the new /home partition first | 02:48 |
letalis | hi everyone | 02:49 |
amadeux | Jordan_U: I know the risks of running beta software. I am just trying to find out if you're saying that doing update-manager -d is more risky than installing a gutsy system from scratch? | 02:49 |
Draggin | wastrel - fair enough... Seems so simple now that I look at your answer :) | 02:49 |
nashirak | I am running the 64bit ubuntu, and I am trying to run some 32 bit compiled stuff. Are there libraries that I can apt-get so that 32 bit compiled programs can run on the 64 bit system? | 02:49 |
Zach_07 | Pici: go to here to see xbox version of Ubuntu: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Download#xUbuntu | 02:49 |
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letalis | has anyone had trpoble getting the nvidia framebuffer device working in gutsy gibbon? | 02:49 |
letalis | trouble even | 02:49 |
sha1sum | anybody know if there is a package for cisco's packet tracer, and if so, what's the name? I've searched apt-cache on 'tracer' and got nothing | 02:49 |
wastrel | gusty support in #ubuntu+1 | 02:49 |
up365 | mike01, there is a solution in the ubuntu forum hold on getting link | 02:49 |
wastrel | until release ;] | 02:50 |
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mike01 | up365: thanks | 02:50 |
letalis | i enabled it, x worked but all my consoles were showing a black screen | 02:50 |
Jordan_U | amadeux, I don't think it is, but an upgrade is much more likely to fail now than when Gutsy is released | 02:50 |
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Pici | Zach_07: hrm.... | 02:50 |
amadeux | Jordan_U: ok | 02:50 |
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Jordan_U | letalis, #ubuntu+1 | 02:50 |
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letalis | ty jordan | 02:50 |
mr_marvin | hello. many people here :) | 02:50 |
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mr_marvin | i tried to find answer, but did not manage to dig much, so here is the question... | 02:52 |
mr_marvin | if you have some specific help page, do let meknow :) | 02:52 |
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mr_marvin | how to mount ntfs partition automatically on startup when using "user" account? | 02:53 |
dibblego | what's the name of the PDF viewing application in GNOME? | 02:53 |
wastrel | evince | 02:53 |
dibblego | thanks, is there a KDE equivalent? | 02:53 |
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wastrel | kpdf | 02:53 |
up365 | mike01, open terminal,CD to /etc type: sudo gedit modprobe.conf add this line: "options bttv card=34 tuner=38" | 02:53 |
up365 | 5. save in /etc | 02:53 |
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Draggin | One more... Does anyone in here work with MySQL and related software a lot? Or, could you direct somewhere where I could get help - I actually have problems with a programme called DBDesigner by FabForce software - I just can't get it to run | 02:54 |
scalawag | OK, can I hook a normal 80 gig ATA harddrive up and put a seperate operating system on it, and if so, what would I configure to boot from it when I want to? | 02:54 |
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phpcurious | anybody has an idea what to do with this problem? "Error: C Compiler cannot create executables..." | 02:54 |
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BlackCow | Draggin, are you having trouble running it on a server or adminstrating it? | 02:55 |
intercek | alquien que me ayude | 02:55 |
intercek | tengo un problema | 02:55 |
mike01 | up365 there is no modprobe.conf | 02:55 |
Tortured | is there a good gnome burning program that handles .iso, .img, etc. as well as VIDEO_TS directories? | 02:55 |
mike01 | modprobe.d is there though | 02:55 |
mike01 | should i make a new file? | 02:55 |
Draggin | BlackCow - neither really - I want to use it on my desktop system to design a DB for a site, but the programme simply won't run | 02:55 |
intercek | formateo mi pc y cuando quiero subir el sistema luego de apagarla no quiere subir el disco | 02:55 |
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wastrel | phpcurious: do you have write permissions in the directory you're trying to compile in? | 02:55 |
mike01 | [ 35.141254] bttv0: detected: Leadtek WinFast TV 2000 [card=34] , PCI subsystem ID is 107d:6606 | 02:55 |
[Neurotic] | Hi all, I just wanted to confirm something - If I grab a copy of Gutsy Ubuntu Server Beta, do I need to do anything other that apt-get upgrade when the final release comes out? | 02:55 |
mike01 | card is detected on boot too | 02:55 |
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BlackCow | ohh ohh, i know of a good program called XAMPP | 02:56 |
wastrel | !es | intercek | 02:56 |
ubotu | intercek: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:56 |
intercek | me dice que hay un error en boot | 02:56 |
BlackCow | it runs a full apache server and MySQL on your desktop | 02:56 |
phpcurious | wastrel : is that supposed to be in the config.log file? | 02:56 |
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[Neurotic] | Tortured, I used K3B, it's a KDE program, but it runs fine under Gnome | 02:56 |
BlackCow | and it works for linux and windows | 02:56 |
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BlackCow | maybe that will work for you? | 02:56 |
scalawag | Tortured, same here, K3B, better then anything I've tried | 02:56 |
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wastrel | phpcurious: i'm guessing you're trying to compile as an unpriviledged user in a directory only writable as root. that may not be the problem. i don't know about the config.log | 02:57 |
up365 | mike01, hold on checking my modprobe.conf | 02:57 |
mike01 | it registered as video1 though would that screw it up? | 02:57 |
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BlackCow | http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html | 02:57 |
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Tortured | yeah ive used k3b in the past just wondering if there was anything good for gnome yet, guess ill just grab k3b | 02:57 |
madnez | guys, i wanna uninstall an ubuntu on my old drive and keep my better ubuntu on a newer drive. how do i do this? | 02:57 |
Jordan_U | Tortured, Gnome baker is pretty good | 02:57 |
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spieler | mepis is easier to use than ubuntu, because it lets you log in as root | 02:58 |
SLT | Hi | 02:58 |
spieler | www.mepis.com | 02:58 |
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spieler | mepis is based on ubutnut | 02:58 |
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phpcurious | wastrel: hmm...how do i know then where the output files are located? | 02:58 |
BlackCow | madnez, be more specific, im guessing you have two hard drives on one computer, or two partitions of ubuntu? | 02:58 |
Draggin | BlackCow - no... Unfortunately that's not the problem (I'll check out XAMPP sometime though). MySQL is running fine, like I said it's just that DBDesigner refuses to start up. There are no error messages at all. When I execute the startup command, I just get the following two lines of text and nothing else: Symbolic links exist, Starting DBDesigner4 ... | 02:58 |
Rocky | Hi, I'm having an issue with my application updater, every time I try and run synapse or install automatic updates here is the message I get | 02:58 |
Rocky | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 02:58 |
Rocky | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 02:58 |
wastrel | phpcurious: in the current directory you're running the configure in | 02:58 |
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Rocky | any ideas? (i'm a n00b) | 02:59 |
Notm | I'm trying to install UBuntu, but it keeps crashing with a lot of code lines. On the first line is written: 146.777667 BUG: Scheduling while atomic : usplash ..... and so on anyone can help? :\ | 02:59 |
phpcurious | wastrel: thanks for the help...i m really a noob and ive been a windows user and now that I am developing web apps in linux, i really feel like an idiot. | 02:59 |
amadeux | Will Ubuntu always have Gnome as default? | 03:00 |
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mike01 | amadeux get kubuntu | 03:00 |
up365 | mike01, yes, if you don't have a modprobe.conf because those settings are the only thing in it | 03:00 |
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amadeux | mike01: I know, but that's not what I meant | 03:00 |
mike01 | up365 so i should make one right? | 03:00 |
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wastrel | phpcurious: do what i do. create a src directory in your home directory, and put your source code in there. | 03:00 |
Rocky | I'm having an issue with my application updater, every time I try and run synapse or install automatic updates here is the message I get | 03:00 |
wastrel | you can run ./configure; make; make install from there | 03:00 |
madnez | how do i start my old ubuntu? | 03:00 |
amadeux | Will future Ubuntu releases always have Gnome as default? | 03:00 |
Rocky | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 03:00 |
Rocky | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 03:01 |
wastrel | rocky did you try sudo dpkg --configure -a ? | 03:01 |
madnez | i have 2 ubuntus on different drives. one has poor setup the other better | 03:01 |
mike01 | time to watch heroes on a real tv i guess | 03:01 |
madnez | boot only detects the old ubuntu | 03:01 |
mike01 | thanks for the help though | 03:01 |
up365 | mike01, yes you're going to need it for the settings for your card | 03:01 |
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Tortured | amadeux, well yes, considering the other ubuntu versions have desktop managers | 03:01 |
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Rocky | Wastrel your this noobs hero, I guess next time it's rtfm huh? | 03:01 |
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wastrel | we don't say that here | 03:02 |
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wastrel | !rtfm | 03:02 |
ubotu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 03:02 |
Rocky | haha | 03:02 |
Rocky | ok, noted | 03:02 |
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up365 | mike01, here's the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45220 bottom of the page are the directions I followed | 03:02 |
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ice799 | Hi - is there any way I can get the ubuntu kernel patches on their own and apply them to the relevant kernel? If not, I really, really need kernel 2.6.18 but my feisty fawn only seems to have kernel 2.6.20 -- I need 2.6.18 due to a bug introduced in 2.6.20. | 03:03 |
mike01 | ok so i rmmod the 2 to reload them | 03:03 |
mike01 | how do i add them again? | 03:03 |
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Draggin | Thanks again... Sure I'll be back pretty soon :) | 03:03 |
wastrel | modprobe | 03:03 |
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mike01 | still don't work | 03:04 |
Peaker | gutsy is broken, pygame doesn't work :P | 03:04 |
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aSt3raL | why are the repository downloads so slow? | 03:04 |
overlord | I have nVidia 8800 GTS. I'm unable to install the drivers for my graphic card. Any help? | 03:04 |
wastrel | gusty support on #ubuntu+1 | 03:04 |
Peaker | ya, sorry | 03:04 |
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BlackCow | ohh 8800 GTS, niice, can I touch? In all seriousness can you be more specific with your problem? | 03:05 |
up365 | mike01, after adding modprobe.conf and the settings then restart computer | 03:06 |
fevel | can I use ekiga to talk to skype/ | 03:06 |
fevel | ? | 03:06 |
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overlord | BlackCrow: I installed nvidia-glx-new driver from synaptic and enabled it, but when i restart X, it says unable to load X due to version mismatch. | 03:06 |
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SLT | to see this chat LIVE on video go to http://www.live.sltstudios.net | 03:07 |
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jrib | !offtopic | SLT | 03:08 |
ubotu | SLT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:08 |
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george | http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us | 03:08 |
neosix | fevel: I think you can't | 03:08 |
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madnez | !remove ubuntu | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remove ubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
=== Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_marvin | sorry for beginner's question, but how do i allow user to mount hd? | 03:10 |
phpcurious | wastrel: i don't mean to bug you with this problem of mine , but even if I try to configure the source code in my /home directory it still say the same error... | 03:10 |
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phpcurious | wastrel: im not sure if it still has got to do with the permissions... | 03:11 |
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Atombubble | Hi! | 03:11 |
wastrel | phpcurious: did you install the build-essential package? | 03:11 |
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phpcurious | wastrel:yup | 03:11 |
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AutoMatriX | hi folsk, does anybody know how to access a Mio C210 Digiwalker GPS ? | 03:12 |
wastrel | can you compile a hello world program? | 03:12 |
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phpcurious | wastrel: don't know how... | 03:12 |
phpcurious | wastrel: this is my first time to compile from source in linux | 03:12 |
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wastrel | do you have a hello.c file you can try? | 03:13 |
slimz | hey guys, im trying to open some dvd i had burned with windows, they udf, is there anything i have to change to open them, it says my dvd drive is empty | 03:13 |
=== mike01 [n=mike@ws053047.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phpcurious | wastrel: wait, i will search the net for a tutorial about compiling a simple hello world ... | 03:13 |
mike01 | don't have another tv to watch it on :( | 03:13 |
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mike01 | maybe if i can get it working i can catch the 2nd half | 03:14 |
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Pirate_Hunter | phpcurious: what is hello world? | 03:14 |
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mike01 | now its using tuner/38 at least | 03:14 |
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trdracer | Jordan_U i have the hdd on here as well but along with the other. | 03:14 |
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trdracer | because i couldnt boot with it by itself. | 03:14 |
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trdracer | but i still have axx to it. | 03:15 |
trdracer | Jordan..what do i do? | 03:15 |
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trdracer | Jordan_U | 03:15 |
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khatahn | hi, when i try to bring down eth0 with "ifdown eth0", i get a message "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" - even though it is there. not even "ifdown -a" seems to bring it down. any idea what could cause this? | 03:16 |
=== cam^ [n=cam@sju13-2-82-228-169-10.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atombubble | try eth1 | 03:16 |
toker | ok got a bit of a stupid question, but im new to Ubuntu, how do i get my clock back on the top bar? i made it go away because i was using vmware-server and the date kept dropping down so it got rather annoying lol | 03:16 |
bruenig | reinstall probably | 03:17 |
Luke | does anyone know what the accelerated desktop channel is? | 03:17 |
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Atombubble | #aiglx | 03:17 |
bruenig | !effects | 03:17 |
ubotu | For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 03:17 |
Luke | thanks | 03:17 |
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Atombubble | I'd try #aiglx if noones on that channel | 03:17 |
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trdracer | dang...Jordan_U isnt around anymore ? =\ | 03:17 |
khatahn | Atombubble: ifconfig shows eth0 (and lo) | 03:17 |
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Atombubble | it doesnt show an eth1? | 03:17 |
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Atombubble | it actually shows eth0 but doesnt show info for it? | 03:18 |
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Atombubble | or let you command it around, etc | 03:18 |
Atombubble | ? | 03:18 |
mike01 | up365 what is that thread again? | 03:19 |
wastrel | khatahn: ifconfig up/down and ifup/ifdown don't play nicely together | 03:19 |
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=== Atombubble is now known as AtomBubble | ||
phpcurious | wastrel: when I was trying to compile a simple hello world it said that I don' t have g++ ... could it be that reason why I can't create c executables? | 03:20 |
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khatahn | Atombubble: it shows eth0 normally and everything's works fine, execept that i can't bring it down | 03:20 |
wastrel | phpcurious: are you sure you installed the build-essential package? g++ should come with build-essential | 03:20 |
wastrel | phpcurious: apt-cache policy build-essential | 03:21 |
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khatahn | wastrel: hmm.. i've only tried ifup/ifdown. or are you saying i should use ifconfig up/down? | 03:21 |
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Nutubuntu | Hello everyone - I am running a RAID1 array and sometimes when I boot, I get the busybox initramfs shell. Why would this be, and how do I sort it out? | 03:21 |
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wastrel | khatahn: all i'm saying is you should use one or the other :] not mix them | 03:21 |
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flakzeus | Everytime I try to "sudo echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc/fan1_manual" I get the error "/sys/devices/platform/applesmc/fan1_manual: Permission denied" Does anyone know why? | 03:22 |
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@dyn-129-64-227-62.wireless-a.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joshin247 | yo yo | 03:22 |
phpcurious | wastrel: i tried sudo apt-get upgrade build-essential and it said there is nothing to install or upgrade ... | 03:22 |
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wastrel | khatahn: networking on ubuntu nowadays is also complicated by the gnome network-manager which i know v. little about | 03:22 |
wastrel | phpcurious: apt-get install build-essential | 03:22 |
=== AtomBubble wonders why Nickserv is not working | ||
Toma- | flakzeus its not actually piping properly. | 03:22 |
george | coffee break | 03:23 |
flakzeus | Toma-, any idea how to fix it? | 03:23 |
Toma- | flakzeus try this.... "echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/applesmc/fan1_manual" | 03:23 |
=== Andrew____ [n=chatzill@68-119-86-204.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== SLT boom | ||
wastrel | dude toma wth is that thing | 03:23 |
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cam^ | yesterday i had only the i386 cd version of ubuntu... so I installed it on my computer. I have a xeon cpu. I managed to grab the 64bits version of ubuntu. should i reinstall with this one ? | 03:23 |
Toma- | wastrel dont like my arrow? :) | 03:23 |
wastrel | it's no showing up so nicely on osx terminal | 03:24 |
Andrew____ | hello i am having a problem with openoffice. i cannot save my documents because the save button is greyed out. it worked just a few minutes ago and i dont know what changed. i'm sure its something easy. thanks. | 03:24 |
Toma- | wastrel works fine in ubuntu ;) | 03:24 |
toker | ok got a bit of a stupid question, but im new to Ubuntu, how do i get my clock back on the top bar? i made it go away because i was using vmware-server and the date kept dropping down so it got rather annoying lol | 03:24 |
wastrel | yeah well my laptop died | 03:24 |
Nutubuntu | cam^, the 64bit version has some issues, as far as I know you're better off with 32bit | 03:24 |
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reya276 | when I go to reconfigure my xserver-xorg, and I have an ATI card, should I choose ati or should I choose fglrx? | 03:24 |
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wastrel | Andrew____: the save button is grayed out when there's no changes to save. | 03:24 |
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Andrew____ | wastrel how about that | 03:25 |
Andrew____ | you're a genious thanks | 03:25 |
wastrel | toker: right-click on the panel, choose add to panel, find the date / time applet thingy | 03:25 |
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don00miguel | good morning room | 03:25 |
tech-mike | sup peeps, need a little help with samba (i guess) trying to share files on my windows network | 03:25 |
toker | aahhh jammin man nice one cheers | 03:25 |
cam^ | Nutubuntu what do u mean some issues ? | 03:25 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*n=wii@*.abo.wanadoo.fr] by gnomefreak | ||
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wastrel | Toma-: if i knew how to take a screenshot on os x i'd show you what i mean :] | 03:26 |
neosix | How can I leave game without closing it | 03:26 |
flakzeus | Toma-, now it seems those aren't affecting the fan speed lol | 03:26 |
khatahn | wastrel: i'm actually using kubuntu, but i thought the networking works the same whatever the gui is. but i guess i shouldn't be asking this here anyway since this is actually gutsy. i wonder why eth0 is not defined at all in /etc/network/interfaces, must be some new feature :/ | 03:26 |
=== AtomBubble : Hello Wordl | ||
Toma- | wastrel not my fault your IRC client doesnt support utf8 :( | 03:26 |
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neosix | people I need little help with games | 03:26 |
SLT | wordl? | 03:27 |
wastrel | my client does indeed support utf8. the terminal is freaking out a bit though | 03:27 |
Toma- | flakzeus is it meant to work? what guide are you going off? | 03:27 |
wastrel | i prefer ascii anyway tho | 03:27 |
wastrel | :p | 03:27 |
Toma- | :> | 03:27 |
Nutubuntu | cam^, sorry for my poor memory, but the only one I recall was with partitions (or file sizes?) > 1TB. I know I've heard of others, just don't remember what they were. | 03:27 |
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Evanlec | anyone able to backup their phonebook on their Motorola Razr phone ?? (moto4lin apparently cannot do this) | 03:28 |
AtomBubble | How does Ubuntu handle big filesystems and drive configurations | 03:28 |
wastrel | khatahn: i dunno what kde uses, but the gnome network manager makes ifup/down ifconfig /etc/network/interfaces non-worky & unpredictable. | 03:28 |
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AtomBubble | like multiple terrabytes | 03:28 |
AtomBubble | RAID's etc | 03:28 |
wastrel | AtomBubble: i suppose like any other linux ? | 03:28 |
AtomBubble | ... | 03:28 |
AtomBubble | which is? | 03:28 |
AtomBubble | ...how? | 03:28 |
wastrel | iono. never had a big disk :] | 03:29 |
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flakzeus | Toma-, i thought so, i'm using 7.04 and i thought it was supported | 03:29 |
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SLT | yest | 03:29 |
SLT | *test | 03:29 |
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wastrel | just fine i suppose. we have raid 5 and raid 1 setups at work. nothing in the terabyte disk range tho | 03:29 |
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labodegamusical | hola estamos al aire en la Bodega puedes escucharnos en www.labodegamusical.com no te olvides de dejarnos tus comentarios | 03:29 |
trdracer | Jordan_U around? | 03:29 |
khatahn | wastrel: sounds nice. one more reason not to use... err.. i guess i shouldn't say that ;) | 03:30 |
trdracer | or wastrel. | 03:30 |
SLT | english | 03:30 |
Toma- | flakzeus the only reference ive seen for that (via google) is in archlinux... | 03:30 |
phpcurious | wastrel: it works now ! you're a genius. | 03:30 |
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wastrel | build-essential <3 | 03:30 |
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flakzeus | Toma-, hrm, do you how to control the fans on a macbook then? It used to be something very similar but just in a different place i believe | 03:31 |
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trdracer | wastrel ive tried to stick my faulty HDD with that problem we were speaking of earlier..and its the hard drive it seems | 03:31 |
trdracer | is there a MBR i can put on a floppy so i can boot? | 03:31 |
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trdracer | because if that doesnt work i will have to system recovery. | 03:31 |
RAVTUX | hey peeps | 03:31 |
mike01 | hmmm i wish this woud just work | 03:31 |
trdracer | and just use ubuntu for everything and i really dont want to do that. | 03:31 |
wastrel | trdracer: you might have some luck in ##windows i know there are bootable floppy images for windows you can find on the net | 03:31 |
RAVTUX | I just set up The Sudo Web Project: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=570975 | 03:31 |
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Toma- | flakzeus http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MacBook i know its an archlinux wiki, but the modules are all the same. just remember 'echo NUMBER | sudo tee FILENAME' | 03:32 |
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Metallkasten | Anyone wanna give a guy a hand fixing sound playback? | 03:32 |
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flakzeus | Toma-, thanks | 03:32 |
Metallkasten | specifically amarok? | 03:32 |
mike01 | is there a way to force a certain detection order by the kernel? | 03:33 |
mike01 | it keeps switching my tuner and audio devices so they don't work half the time i restart | 03:33 |
Toma- | flakzeus np. if the fan shuts off for whatever reason, make sure you turn it off asap. restarting will reset the fan to working | 03:33 |
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mike01 | and it switches my hard drives too | 03:33 |
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geocritter | can anyone tell me what's the best way to switch back totally to the xserver-xorg-video-i810 driver completely (and not use the intel driver, which is really buggy on 915 chipsets at the moment) | 03:33 |
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wastrel | geocritter: can't you just change the driver in xorg.conf? | 03:34 |
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Metallkasten | After sucessfully setting up JACK, I no longer have normal alsa sound playback, even after killing the jack server. Any thoughts? | 03:34 |
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AtomBubble | testing, 1.2.3 | 03:35 |
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=== AtomBubble is testing | ||
Toma- | awesome... | 03:36 |
SLT | did anyone see chris pirillo give away a ubuntu machine | 03:36 |
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Metallkasten | Did anyone see that jack permanently murdered sound for me outside of jack? | 03:37 |
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Toma- | whos chris pirillo and whats it got to do with ubuntu help? | 03:37 |
SLT | you dont know who chris is | 03:37 |
Toma- | Metallkasten yes, because jack will be using the sounddevice | 03:37 |
IdleOne | !offtopic | SLT | 03:37 |
ubotu | SLT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:37 |
Metallkasten | After jack is dead, still no playback | 03:37 |
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Toma- | Metallkasten oh? are you sure jackd isnt running? | 03:39 |
=== yrlnry__ [n=mjd@pool-72-92-116-215.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Metallkasten | I stopped it via qjackcontrol, but I'll see if the process is till floating about | 03:40 |
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alcaponage | How come my ubuntu cant shutdown? | 03:40 |
Metallkasten | It's "jackd" no? | 03:40 |
Toma- | yes. | 03:40 |
Metallkasten | No jackd process running | 03:40 |
Metallkasten | jackd: no process killed | 03:41 |
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=== LukosErratio [n=chatzill@host86-134-21-220.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
don00miguel | can i use my microsoft office 2007 on ubuntu? | 03:41 |
Toma- | Metallkasten what are you trying to use to play sound anyway? | 03:41 |
werdis | does anyone know how to use tr command to translate a text file to uppercase | 03:41 |
Metallkasten | In what context? | 03:41 |
don00miguel | can i use my microsoft office 2007 on ubuntu? | 03:41 |
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don00miguel | can i use my microsoft office 2007 on ubuntu? | 03:41 |
george | no | 03:42 |
Metallkasten | Don>With wine, but not natively. Check out open office | 03:42 |
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=== lain [n=lain@pool-141-157-85-33.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | Metallkasten what program are you trying to use to make sound after jack? | 03:42 |
kitche | !repeat | don00miguel | 03:42 |
ubotu | don00miguel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:42 |
wastrel | cat file | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | 03:42 |
wastrel | werdis: ^^^ | 03:42 |
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Metallkasten | I was using amarok which can be problematic, but there aren't even system sounds, now | 03:42 |
lain | hey people, i know this is the ubuntu forums, but i was wondering if anyone knew here a good place to find out information about other distrobutions | 03:42 |
=== Twintop [n=Twintop@71-83-117-24.static.reno.nv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | lain: distrowatch | 03:43 |
=== mike01 [n=mike@ws053047.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mike01 | ok now its detecting it as video0 when i boot | 03:43 |
Metallkasten | I guess a way to implement jack in amarok would work! | 03:43 |
lain | thanks much! | 03:43 |
LukosErratio | !patience | 03:43 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 03:43 |
mike01 | but it keeps switching between video0 and video1 | 03:43 |
lain | hmm, can i ask why you chose ubuntu? | 03:43 |
Toma- | Metallkasten ahhh artsd.... i think artsd is a little iffy with jackd. theres a few workaround coded into qjackctl, in the form of check boxes. but for now, you could just restart sound system, in the kde control centre | 03:43 |
mike01 | how do i force the kernel and bttv to register as video0 | 03:44 |
Metallkasten | I'm using gnome, and amarok is set to use the xine engine | 03:44 |
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Toma- | Metallkasten oh, well then :D | 03:44 |
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Metallkasten | To be sure, I checked. No arts running | 03:44 |
Toma- | good job | 03:44 |
Toma- | can you get sound via any other program? | 03:44 |
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Metallkasten | Programs that use jack! | 03:45 |
werdis | wastrel: ty | 03:45 |
werdis | :) | 03:45 |
Metallkasten | I feel like this isn't a very usable tradeoff | 03:45 |
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anandanbu | Are the ubuntu servers down i'm getting too low speeds while installing any softwares using synaptic | 03:45 |
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Metallkasten | flash doesn't like jack, nor amarok, nor gnome. SO.. | 03:45 |
=== RequinB4 [n=bobby@c-75-75-87-50.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
don00miguel | can i open office documents on ubuntu? | 03:45 |
Toma- | Metallkasten jack, tbh, is only really useful if youre using 5 apps at once that need realtime. eg. recording studios and stuff. | 03:46 |
Metallkasten | With openoffice you cabn | 03:46 |
Metallkasten | I use jack for recording in ardour with both live audio and midi, so I agree | 03:46 |
=== speaker219 [n=speaker2@c-76-111-213-88.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Metallkasten | I do have a use for jack | 03:46 |
speaker219 | Does anyone know if, with the standard live ubuntu desktop CD, it is possible to install without booting into the live environment with GNOME and xserver and stuff? | 03:46 |
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cafuego | speaker219: I don't believe so | 03:47 |
Metallkasten | I think so, I don't recall how | 03:47 |
speaker219 | MULTIPLE MESSAGES | 03:47 |
speaker219 | AAAH | 03:47 |
Metallkasten | Sorry! | 03:47 |
cafuego | speaker219: The `alternate' does though. | 03:47 |
speaker219 | YEah i know | 03:47 |
speaker219 | :P | 03:47 |
Toma- | Metallkasten sweet. i plug hydrogen into ardour and record with that :> youre welcome to ask in #ubuntustudio or even #ardour for jack related questions | 03:47 |
speaker219 | i have a VM set up in windows | 03:47 |
RequinB4 | Anyone want to tackle my hard sound problem - i've been trying with no luck for 4 weeks - i have been told i need the module sda_hda_intel but the command to get it outputs FATAL: not found | 03:47 |
speaker219 | and i have the regular desktop iso | 03:47 |
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=== Condoulo [n=Condoulo@74-138-42-198.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Metallkasten | Jack works! My problem is, thats all that works now. | 03:48 |
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hjjuytr12342 | got a call from the fbi saying they seen heavy net activity on my ip about torrented movies i never done that before and told them i found someone hacked into my wireless which is true when im wired ip is dif and wireless its also a dif numb im almost always wired so how do i handle this they said they can take my comp and if anythng shows up im going to prison for 10 yrs and they been asking people around and family if they | 03:48 |
hjjuytr12342 | know me i told my aunt about it and she thinks i was downloading them but i never did please what do i do i am freaking out every sec of the day | 03:48 |
george | did anyone try the beta drivers for creative labs xfi cards? | 03:48 |
cafuego | Well, giving the VM 512Mb and waiting is probably going to be quicker then downloading the other iso. | 03:48 |
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Ashbringer | Hey, does ubuntu have ulimits by default? | 03:48 |
cafuego | hjjuytr12342: Sorry, are you having aproblem with Ubuntu? | 03:48 |
werdis | wastrel: Do you know how to paste two text files together into one text file using the paste command? :-\ | 03:49 |
=== HotdogWater [n=HotdogWa@adsl-156-56-97.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Negra | What is UbuntuStidio? | 03:49 |
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Ashbringer | Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu has ulimits by default? | 03:49 |
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Condoulo | Negra- Ubuntustudio is the media derivative (Did I spell that right) of Ubuntu | 03:49 |
wastrel | werdis: you want to concatenate them or paste them together? | 03:49 |
Toma- | Negra its an artists+media based version of ubuntu | 03:49 |
Dryft | hjjuytr12342, you might try a legal aide channel | 03:50 |
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Negra | like a media center you mean? | 03:50 |
freezerburn | Hey guys quick question. I'm trying to find a file with a specific word in the filename how do I search for that file on a driv | 03:50 |
wastrel | hjjuytr12342: 1. don't talk about it in a public forum. 2. don't trust any advice you get on IRC 3. contact the EFF and ask them | 03:50 |
_var | is there any good music notation software in the free world? | 03:50 |
RequinB4 | Anyone willing to help me with sound - I need a module but modprobe doesn't like me | 03:50 |
Negra | Or more like a dev platfor? | 03:50 |
RequinB4 | freezerburn - if you have archive manager open there is a search button | 03:50 |
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werdis | wastrel, well im doing a practice thing for unix class, and its asking me how to take the file info from 2 files and then redirect into one text file | 03:50 |
werdis | using paste | 03:51 |
Condoulo | Negra- It was designed to have media software for like creating music and videos | 03:51 |
Condoulo | or music videos. | 03:51 |
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hjjuytr12342 | Dryft, can u guide me to a chan and wastrel how i contact the EFF? | 03:51 |
Metallkasten | I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and kill onboard sound in the BIOS | 03:51 |
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Negra | is it offitial? | 03:52 |
wastrel | werdis: paste isn't one i've used much. start with paste --help and google if you need more | 03:52 |
Toma- | !ubuntustudio | Negra | 03:52 |
Dryft | hjjuytr12342, EFF.org | 03:52 |
ubotu | Negra: UbuntuStudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://ubuntustudio.org Or visit #ubuntustudio | 03:52 |
=== Kirt [n=ree@p7662-adslbkkct1.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | hjjuytr12342: www.eff.org | 03:52 |
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Toma- | Negra there are ubuntustudio packages in the offical repos | 03:52 |
speaker219 | DID YOU REALLY? | 03:52 |
hjjuytr12342 | thnks Dryft and wastrel | 03:52 |
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=== Runithard [n=Runithar@cpe-72-185-210-174.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== speaker219 | ||
speaker219 | WOW! | 03:52 |
=== Baumer [n=bjhestet@cpe-069-134-144-017.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Runithard | Is this all basic chat? | 03:52 |
freezerburn | RequinB4: I did use the search button but its not even making the external hardrive blink like it's searching. I typed into the search field pressed enter and nothing on search results | 03:53 |
Runithard | basic level support? | 03:53 |
MasterShrek | hjjuytr12342, in all honesty they probably wont do anything to you unless they keep noticing things like this, just make sure you secure your wifi, preferably using wpa and you shouldnt have anything to worry about | 03:53 |
=== speaker219 | ||
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Toma- | Runithard its the level at what whoever is helping can provide | 03:53 |
wastrel | Runithard: this is unoffical support, no levels | 03:53 |
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preaction | Runithard, all support except 3d-accellerated desktop (#ubuntu-effects) | 03:53 |
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lordmorgoth | hey guys, i was installing compiz and my X is now messed and it can't load, even worst when booting after the get the X errors i can't log in into a normal shell as the computer freezes up, how can i stop X from starting at boot time ? thanks in advance | 03:53 |
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RequinB4 | freezerburn - are you 100% certain the file exists? File manager won't give you a "no results found" message | 03:53 |
kris | Hi, I just tried install Ubuntu 7.10, but found that Xgl is unfortunately enabled by default. Xgl seems to be slowing down my graphical system quite a bit. I was wondering if I could get someone's help disabling it until I can figure out what the problem is, please? I would like to just use Xorg until I can figure out the problem later. Thanks. | 03:53 |
speaker219 | lordmorgoth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:53 |
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wastrel | kris: gusty support is still #ubuntu+1 | 03:54 |
Baumer | Hi I have a question about the audio programs that come with Ubuntu Studio... Normal Audio Playback is fine... but when I playback through JACK and other programs it has alot of static seems to be cutting in and out | 03:54 |
Condoulo | Will Ubuntu 7.10 be worth upgrading to on the day it comes out? | 03:54 |
MasterShrek | kris, what kind of wireless card do you have? | 03:54 |
kris | wastrel: I see. Thanks for the help. | 03:54 |
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MasterShrek | Condoulo, probably only if you want newer hardware support and newer software options | 03:54 |
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hjjuytr12342 | MasterShrek, i have wpa now but why would they be askn my uncle at his work about me and show him a pic of me? | 03:54 |
Toma- | Baumer #ubuntustudio | 03:54 |
kris | MasterShrek: Broadcom. | 03:54 |
george | upgrades are fun | 03:54 |
lordmorgoth | speaker219: dude i can't even get a normal terminal window, i can't arrive to the log in session | 03:54 |
_var | Condoulo: do you want GNOME 2.20? | 03:54 |
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Baumer | thank you | 03:54 |
MasterShrek | kris, not wireless, i meant graphics lol | 03:54 |
freezerburn | RequinB4: I know it's in there somewhere | 03:54 |
Condoulo | MasterShrek- True. The new Restricted drivers manager seems a lot better than the one in 7.04 | 03:54 |
speaker219 | lordmorgoth: boot into recovery mode | 03:54 |
lordmorgoth | speaker219: ok, how ? | 03:55 |
kris | MasterShrek: ATI Radeon 9600 Mobility | 03:55 |
freezerburn | RequinB4: does the search auto search in sub directories? | 03:55 |
Sweeper | why the FUCK is ubuntu forcing me to use a shitty old version of rails that creates a fuckton of SYMLINKS in new applications? WHAT THE HELL | 03:55 |
MasterShrek | kris, did you install ati drivers? | 03:55 |
=== silvio [n=silvio@bzq-79-179-104-135.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
preaction | !ohmy | Sweeper | 03:55 |
ubotu | Sweeper: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:55 |
chuy_max | is ntfs-3g safe ATM? | 03:55 |
silvio | alguien de habla hispana | 03:55 |
speaker219 | !patience | speaker219 | 03:55 |
MasterShrek | chuy_max, ive never had problems with it | 03:55 |
RequinB4 | freezerburn - i beleive so | 03:55 |
cafuego | chuy_max: I doubt it | 03:55 |
kris | MasterShrek: what is the exact name. | 03:55 |
speaker219 | !patience | 03:55 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 03:55 |
kris | silvio: Nada persona puede habla espanol aqui. | 03:56 |
chuy_max | silvio, busca en #ubuntu-es, hay hay gente que habla espaol | 03:56 |
wastrel | Sweeper: Feisty was released 6 months ago. if you want newer software, you'll have to install yourself | 03:56 |
speaker219 | Ooops. sorry | 03:56 |
MasterShrek | kris, im not sure how to do it, but you probably use the restricted drivers manager | 03:56 |
RequinB4 | freezerburn - it is possible you have inadvertenetly hidden the directory its in but i don't know why that would happen | 03:56 |
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chuy_max | silvio, si hablas espaol en este canal, se aguita la gente, este es solo para ingles | 03:56 |
kris | MasterShrek: Right now, I'm at a console login. | 03:56 |
madnez | guys | 03:56 |
cafuego | kris: apt-cache search fglrx. Keep in mind those drivers are of far worse quality than the in-kernel ones. | 03:56 |
=== W_McL_ [n=wolfgang@p54A77C53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Condoulo | The restricted drivers manager in 7.04 didn't like my ATI Radeon x200 | 03:56 |
madnez | how do i switch between different ubuntu installed on 2 different drives? | 03:56 |
Sweeper | wastrel: why does fesity not let ruby GEMS, the package manager, handle things? | 03:56 |
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wastrel | iono, no idea about ruby | 03:57 |
cafuego | Sweeper: Magically it does. | 03:57 |
Sweeper | I installed ruby gems, and gem install'ed rails | 03:57 |
MasterShrek | !grub | madnez | 03:57 |
freezerburn | RequinB4: yeah this is my dedicated download hardrive so it's got a lot of things in different places. Sucks I'm trying to find the eps of Good eats on how to cook king crab.. :D | 03:57 |
ubotu | madnez: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:57 |
madnez | i have 2 ubuntus' and i keep getting old version | 03:57 |
Sweeper | and then it didn't work :c | 03:57 |
speaker219 | "A 10-year-old school boy committed suicide by jumping from his 19th floor apartment here after his parents banned him from playing computer games." | 03:57 |
wastrel | speaker219: offtopic | 03:57 |
fram | ubuntu ultimate 1.5 | 03:57 |
cafuego | speaker219: Clever boy. Now he can never play them. | 03:57 |
Condoulo | Wow. Just...... wow. | 03:58 |
=== Metallkasten [n=james@cpe-071-071-194-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
speaker219 | he thought he had an extra life left i guess | 03:58 |
Metallkasten | To anyone who cares, I fixed my sound | 03:58 |
kris | Hmm. It seems that there was a problem with the last fglrx install. | 03:58 |
MasterShrek | Metallkasten, whatcha do? | 03:58 |
pibe86 | hello i use this to export a DB an it does not work "mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > FILE.sql" | 03:58 |
wastrel | yay | 03:58 |
Toma- | Metallkasten good job :D whatd u do? | 03:58 |
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_var | :) | 03:58 |
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pibe86 | sorry | 03:58 |
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pibe86 | wrong window | 03:58 |
RequinB4 | freezer burn - I don't know what to say but make sure you are searching for the type of file it is or if you know what type it is try searching for the .extention | 03:58 |
Metallkasten | I disabled onboard sound in the bios. I appeared the sound card IRQs got flipped during a reboot and hosed things up | 03:58 |
_var | sorry, just wondered if I could do that | 03:58 |
freezerburn | Good Job Metallkasten! that could have been a thorn in your side now download amarok!!!! | 03:59 |
Metallkasten | it* | 03:59 |
speaker219 | !idiot | speaker219 | 03:59 |
Toma- | ahh. pesky onboard sound. | 03:59 |
Metallkasten | Done and done | 03:59 |
MasterShrek | nice | 03:59 |
IdleOne | !botabuse | speaker219 | 03:59 |
ubotu | speaker219: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 03:59 |
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madnez | anyone knows how to uninstall ubuntu without formatting drive? | 04:00 |
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RequinB4 | Anyone willing to help me with sound | 04:00 |
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madnez | i need to uninstall ubuntu | 04:01 |
madnez | !uninstall | 04:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:01 |
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_var | !Bot | 04:01 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:01 |
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Toma- | madnez uninstall? | 04:01 |
IdleOne | madnez: the only way is to install whatever OS you want but it will need to format the drive | 04:02 |
Condoulo | Unless you installed Ubuntu through Wubi, I don't think Ubuntu uninstall will be too easy, especially if you did an XP and Ubuntu dual-boot, restoring XP's regular booter will be a pain | 04:02 |
kris | MasterShrek: Ok. I'm going to try rebooting now. I'll hopefully be back soon to let you know how the update went. | 04:02 |
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nospi | hey | 04:02 |
MasterShrek | ok kri_ good luck | 04:02 |
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madnez | i need to uninstall one of my 2 ubuntu's | 04:02 |
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madnez | i have another ubuntu on a different drive meaning boot is a bit'h now | 04:03 |
RequinB4 | if you are duel booting than once you get rid of ubuntu you can use the windows disk manager to un-partition your first drive | 04:03 |
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madnez | =.= | 04:04 |
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madnez | thats gonna mess up data | 04:04 |
llivavin | can someone tell me how to make a node? | 04:04 |
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RequinB4 | back up the data and delete it | 04:04 |
madnez | i'd rather remove the ubuntu i dont need and see if it can detect my other ubuntu | 04:04 |
llivavin | node /dev/tiusb0 is what i needa do. | 04:04 |
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madnez | i have like 60 gigs of stuff i dont know whats inside | 04:05 |
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nospi | this probably isn't the best channel for this but its the only on i have right now.. | 04:05 |
nospi | what are some god dos games? popular ones | 04:05 |
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nospi | i just installed dosbox and i forget all the games i used to play :( | 04:05 |
madnez | ok how about enabling write on partitioned drives? | 04:05 |
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=== Penguinista is now known as PenguinistaKC | ||
wastrel | nope, no. #ubuntu-offtopic nospi soooo offtopic | 04:05 |
IndyGunFreak | madnez: let me get this straight, you have 1 drive, with Windows and Ubuntu, and now you have a second drive, and you want to set it up XP on one drive, and Ubunntu on the other? | 04:05 |
wastrel | :] | 04:05 |
RequinB4 | nospi - right, wrong channel - but personally try the elderscrolls arena | 04:05 |
madnez | i partitioned my 320 gig with ntfs | 04:05 |
RequinB4 | www.elderscrolls.com | 04:05 |
=== Jerold [n=Jerold@ip72-199-155-22.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nospi | wastrel, thanks :) i never use irc | 04:05 |
llivavin | can someone tell me how to make a node called /dev/tiusb0 ?? | 04:05 |
nospi | thanks guys | 04:05 |
nospi | ill check em out | 04:05 |
RequinB4 | now, go somewhere else and talk | 04:05 |
=== PenguinistaKC is now known as Penguinista | ||
freezerburn | Hey guys in Windows I was using Putty to make a SSH tunnel connection to my router at home from school. What program do I use in ubutnu to do that? | 04:05 |
_var | how do I get random numbers out of /dev/random | 04:05 |
=== Penguinista is now known as mcopple | ||
=== kri__ [n=kri@p5B293891.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RequinB4 | does sudo apt-get moo do anything more than apt-get moo | 04:06 |
IndyGunFreak | !ssh | 04:06 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 04:06 |
=== ddonky [n=donpedro@66-190-237-91.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== evar [n=evar@c-67-160-112-216.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hjjuytr12342 | MasterShrek, why would they show up at my uncles work with a pic of me and asking him if he knew me? | 04:06 |
llivavin | can someone tell me how to make a node called /dev/tiusb0 ?? | 04:06 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, no what i did was install xp and ubuntu on an 80 gig then got a new 320 gig but didtn have sata power cable so i went to install another ubuntu on that drive | 04:06 |
=== HLM [n=HLM@S01060010dc7ffbeb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jebblue | putty == ssh | 04:06 |
MasterShrek | hjjuytr12342, why would they even have a picture of you? (this is sorta offtopic tho) | 04:07 |
jebblue | (sort of) | 04:07 |
madnez | the 320 gig has a better ubuntu setup which i prefer compared to the 80 gig | 04:07 |
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-68-44-165-48.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | madnez: ko, and how is this different fromw hat i said? | 04:07 |
madnez | course now with power back in, boot is detected on 80 gig | 04:07 |
madnez | uhh 2 ubuntus :D | 04:07 |
hjjuytr12342 | MasterShrek, ur right can u join me in room ###1254 | 04:07 |
IndyGunFreak | madnez: i said that | 04:07 |
freezerburn | wow ubot is so helpful | 04:07 |
aSt3raL | i installed proftpd but i cant connect to it | 04:07 |
llivavin | So much for this rooms help | 04:07 |
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madnez | haha oops? | 04:07 |
madnez | ok yeah | 04:07 |
aSt3raL | anyone know why it wont work? | 04:07 |
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madnez | missed that.... man win irc is hard to read compared to ubuntu | 04:08 |
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madnez | i miss gaim | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | madnez: why don't you jsut download gparted live, and delete your ubuntu partitions ont eh 80gig drive, and format them as NTFS(thus turning them back over to XP)) | 04:08 |
MasterShrek | madnez, ubuntu has gaim, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst and the output of fdisk -l | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | then you'll have to setup grub, to recognize your version of Ubuntu on the sata drive, or reinstall | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | MasterShrek: its actually pidgin now. | 04:09 |
aSt3raL | when i check ps it says proftpd is running accepting connections yet i cant connect | 04:09 |
madnez | i dont want to remove my partition, just ubuntu | 04:09 |
MasterShrek | IndyGunFreak, im aware, but gaim is in 7.04, its not pidgin until 7.10 unless you add extra repos | 04:09 |
madnez | 7.1 has bugs if i'm not mistaken | 04:10 |
=== outlaw [n=sean@66-168-7-17.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | MasterShrek: i dont'; even knwo fi its in extra repos, i just compiled it, but yes, you're right. | 04:10 |
jebblue | mine says gaim cant find it in synaptix | 04:10 |
jebblue | cant find pi .. ook nm | 04:10 |
MasterShrek | IndyGunFreak, i added some repos when i was on 7.04 to install pidgin, i dont remember what they were tho | 04:10 |
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IndyGunFreak | MasterShrek: hm, did it upgrade your pidgin to 2.2.1 when the security update came out? | 04:10 |
jebblue | i want pidgin :) | 04:11 |
IndyGunFreak | i've never known a repo to have and maintain pidgin, thats why i ask. | 04:11 |
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IndyGunFreak | jebblue: its not hard to install. | 04:11 |
madnez | anyway | 04:11 |
MasterShrek | IndyGunFreak, im not sure | 04:11 |
hjjuytr12342 | IndyGunFreak, there is a #pidgin room | 04:11 |
IndyGunFreak | hjjuytr12342: im' well aware of that... | 04:11 |
jebblue | but these are ubuntu packaging questions | 04:11 |
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jebblue | i dont see a pdgin in synaptic | 04:12 |
IndyGunFreak | madnez: so let me understand this, you want to keep the partitions on your 80gig drive, but you want to remove Ubuntu? | 04:12 |
madnez | yeah | 04:12 |
Metallkasten | I'm happy to report that amarok made it painfully clear that my left speaker is blown! | 04:12 |
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sparr | why do most email clients handle quote marks in email real names poorly, and differently? | 04:12 |
madnez | actually i can format the partition if i could access my other drives | 04:12 |
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IndyGunFreak | madnez: ok, then format the two partitions on the 80gig drive(assuming you have swap and ext3), as ext3, adn Windows will never see them, but they'll be there if you want them | 04:13 |
jebblue | this guy in #pidgin said to wait for gutsy | 04:13 |
madnez | as of now, i need to change permission to be super root so i can write on those dman drives | 04:13 |
rocknarayan | hi...any idea if there will be a gutsy-commercial repository like fiesty-commercial? | 04:13 |
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IndyGunFreak | jebblue: why would he say that?.. it takes 20min to compile.... | 04:13 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, yeah but i need to transfer files first | 04:13 |
jebblue | IndyGunFreak but then it isnt manage by synaptic and all things can go wrong | 04:13 |
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IndyGunFreak | jebblue: if you say so, i've had it since version 2.1, no problems | 04:14 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, i have forgotten hwo to enable root access for my other partitioned drives | 04:14 |
freezerburn | If anyone has used putty to SSH tunnel.. When I'm configuring firefox to use the proxy information, would I config it like I would in windows? being localhost and the Port the same?? | 04:14 |
IndyGunFreak | !ssh | 04:14 |
jebblue | IndyGunFreak is it better | 04:14 |
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ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 04:14 |
freezerburn | When I say same I mean same settings as I would in windows? | 04:14 |
IndyGunFreak | jebblue: well, it fixes the MSN security hole, it has a myspace plugin if you need that, other than that, its really just GAIM with different colors | 04:14 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, isnt there someway to disable the annoying root requirements on partitioned drives? i was the creator but i'm not given root priv | 04:15 |
jebblue | IndyGunFreak nah ill wait sounds good tho | 04:15 |
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IndyGunFreak | jebblue: ya, the MSN security bug is realy only an issue, if you use MSN, if you use MSN, you really should upgrade | 04:15 |
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=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
underwatercow | why is it that a lot of the characters in the character map show up as boxes with letters and numbers? | 04:16 |
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RequinB4 | anyone willing to help me with sound | 04:16 |
IndyGunFreak | jebblue: only reason i like it, is because it has a myspace plugin, which means I've cleared a virus off my ssiters' PC for the last time, that was the last thing i was waiting on, was a myspace plugin for Kopete or Pidgin/GAIM, now she's using Mint, and I don't have to run around fixing her pc | 04:16 |
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IdleOne | !sound | RequinB4 | 04:17 |
ubotu | RequinB4: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:17 |
=== kris [n=kris@74-141-140-202.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kris | Hello, I'm back. Who was helping me again? | 04:17 |
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tech-mike | sup peeps, anybody use kiso ... how do i mount the iso image (use as virtual drive)? | 04:18 |
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jebblue | IndyGunFreak ic im too old to know what myspace is about :) | 04:18 |
kris | Hi I'm back. Who was helping me again? | 04:18 |
jebblue | IndyGunFreak so i can wait i guess | 04:18 |
IndyGunFreak | jebblue: you're not missin much, trust me...lol, my sister is 14 and its all the rage | 04:18 |
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madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, so have any ideas how i can write on my other partitions? | 04:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | madnez: no | 04:19 |
RequinB4 | IdleOne - been there, done that, i need a module but modprobe isn't liking me | 04:19 |
diablos_raven | !price canada | 04:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about price canada - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:19 |
azzman | hey guys | 04:19 |
azzman | need some assistance. | 04:20 |
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RequinB4 | azzman just ask the question | 04:20 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, there was some root user permission which i can use to enable write on my other partitions | 04:20 |
azzman | got a dell precision desktop, and cant get video drivers working. any quick fix? | 04:20 |
madnez | <IndyGunFreak>, right now everytime i make a new partition, its isolated from me which is annoying | 04:20 |
IndyGunFreak | azzman: what type of vieo device? | 04:20 |
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IndyGunFreak | madnez: don't know. | 04:21 |
Coole^ | ne | 04:21 |
IndyGunFreak | prollhy need to chmod it. | 04:21 |
MasterShrek | tech-mike, use: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point | 04:21 |
tech-mike | mastershrek i dont want to use a terminal command - how do i do it with kiso? | 04:22 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
MasterShrek | tech-mike, no idea | 04:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@adsl-68-127-187-171.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net *!*@ *!*@125-238-113-39.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz *!*@] by tonyyarusso | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@adsl-75-44-28-147.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net *Flo!*@adsl-70-241-*-dsl.hstntx.swbell.net *!*@adsl-70-241-75-104.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net *!*@adsl-70-241-66-196.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] by tonyyarusso | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb *!*@cpe-075-183-108-060.triad.res.rr.com zewb!*@* *!*@] by tonyyarusso | ||
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lee_ | hi | 04:24 |
=== Pelo wonders if tonyyarusso is having fun | ||
MasterShrek | hello lee_ | 04:24 |
Pelo | hello lee_ | 04:24 |
=== mike01 [n=mike@ws053047.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | lol | 04:24 |
IndyGunFreak | gtg, be safe all | 04:24 |
lee_ | How in tarnations do you get the text to speek engine to work lol | 04:24 |
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Pelo | g'night IndyGunFreak | 04:24 |
randomchatter | safe! | 04:24 |
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tonyyarusso | Pelo: ...please tell me that didn't look like it did on my screen just now | 04:24 |
randomchatter | hi lee_ | 04:24 |
Jackpot | how can I disable the services? which file to edit? | 04:24 |
codecaine | lee espeak "my text" | 04:25 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
IdleOne | tonyyarusso: it looked like 8 lines pasted by a channel OP :) | 04:25 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@ip68-229-102-129.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | tonyyarusso, about 10 lines of tonyyarusso rumove ban on ..... , intersected with part/joins | 04:25 |
randomchatter | time to feed the bot | 04:25 |
letalis | lets say i am in a terminal and i want to run a program to be displayed in X from the terminal, is there a way to do it? from a tty to :0 for example. | 04:25 |
randomchatter | !botsnack | 04:25 |
Tortured | i have a whole dir of tar.gz files, how do i extract all of them at once? | 04:25 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 04:25 |
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lee_ | pelo didnt I see yaon here last night lol | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne, Pelo: wth...Could you PM me which lines it was? I don't know why it did that... | 04:26 |
lee_ | hi randomchatter | 04:26 |
IdleOne | Pelo: lives here | 04:26 |
=== tonyyarusso saw way more nonsense | ||
lee_ | and mastershrek | 04:26 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso: sure | 04:26 |
=== Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jackpot | how can I disable the services? which file to edit? | 04:26 |
randomchatter | letalis: DISPLAY=:0 | 04:26 |
Pelo | tonyyarusso, fyi, if you are using xchat you can use the crtl key to select multiple users to unban in one go | 04:26 |
prakriti | i have changed the bgcolor of gdm and the bgcolor of my desktop, but no matter what I do it always turns 'ubuntu orange' between gdm and my X session, anybody know why? | 04:26 |
lee_ | lol | 04:26 |
Pelo | tonyyarusso, join me in #pleo | 04:27 |
lee_ | hmm | 04:27 |
letalis | so just type that out after the command? | 04:27 |
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prakriti | the X server gets started with -br which is a black background, so ubuntu has to be doing it somewhere | 04:27 |
Pelo | tonyyarusso, jion me in #pelo | 04:27 |
randomchatter | Tortured: tar xzvf *.tar.gz | 04:27 |
lee_ | how does one get the text-to speech engine to work? | 04:27 |
Jackpot | how can I disable/enable the services? | 04:27 |
codecaine | ubuntu already has espeak installed for you lee | 04:27 |
=== hobbs_ [n=hobbs@pool-71-112-87-157.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lee_ | waht? | 04:27 |
lee_ | waht? | 04:27 |
tech-mike | hmm, the kiso homepage sez kiso can mount iso's as virtual drive - but no help on how to do it | 04:27 |
codecaine | in terminal type espeak "The text you want to say" | 04:27 |
MasterShrek | lee_, just type espeak "hello" | 04:27 |
codecaine | thats a example | 04:27 |
lee_ | oh i am on gutsy | 04:28 |
codecaine | if it don't have it apt-get install espeak | 04:28 |
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MasterShrek | so am i lee_ it works fine | 04:28 |
Pelo | lee_, I'm on here a lot , I ahve no life behond helping ppl getting ubuntu to work properly | 04:28 |
lee_ | speak "hello" | 04:28 |
codecaine | sudo of course | 04:28 |
codecaine | :) | 04:28 |
tech-mike | ah found it with kiso --help-all | 04:28 |
MasterShrek | lee_, espeak | 04:28 |
lee_ | hmm Ididnt hear a thing | 04:28 |
Jackpot | Pelo, then help me out buddy | 04:28 |
lee_ | and my speaks are on | 04:28 |
codecaine | espeak not speak | 04:28 |
lee_ | espeak? | 04:28 |
lee_ | espeak | 04:28 |
codecaine | thats the name of the program | 04:29 |
MasterShrek | yes | 04:29 |
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lee_ | lol | 04:29 |
lee_ | um | 04:29 |
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=== Jackpot is now known as Weirdo--- | ||
Pelo | Jackpot, you can do it several ways, menu < sysetm > admin > services is the easiet , the other is to remove items forom the /etc/init.d/rc ... folders read the readme files to know how | 04:29 |
Weirdo--- | how can I disable/enable the services? | 04:29 |
Weirdo--- | ok sorry for repeating | 04:29 |
Pelo | lee_, do you mean this ? | 04:29 |
Weirdo--- | hit the wrong key | 04:29 |
codecaine | in gnome weirdo? | 04:29 |
=== Pelo waives to lee_ | ||
lee_ | pelo, I didnt know ht I had espeak wait is taht short for easy speeak? | 04:29 |
Weirdo--- | codecaine, I'd recommend command-line :) | 04:30 |
lee_ | yes pelo, i am here | 04:30 |
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Pelo | lee right now I have no idea what you are talking about | 04:30 |
=== MachFennec [n=MT@c-71-228-53-92.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MachFennec | anyone here know about sprint novatel u720? | 04:30 |
codecaine | perminately or just temp | 04:30 |
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codecaine | like sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop | 04:31 |
Weirdo--- | suppose if I wanna install XChat, how would I compile it using 'sudo' command? | 04:31 |
lee_ | I havnt any sound what so ever from the speaks | 04:31 |
lee_ | except for music | 04:31 |
logreeval | I am going to do this guide > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo But what is WPA?, I dont need it so could i leave it blank? | 04:31 |
MasterShrek | Weirdo---, just apt-get it | 04:31 |
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codecaine | sudo apt-get install xchat | 04:31 |
=== tim__ [n=tim@ool-182d1c16.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim__ | hi | 04:31 |
Weirdo--- | it will install the latest version of xchat then? | 04:31 |
lee_ | speak hello | 04:31 |
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Pelo | lee_, maybe you need to select the correct device in the espeak preferences | 04:31 |
randomchatter | Weirdo---: yyes | 04:31 |
tim__ | i can't make Warcraft 3 run in OPenGL in gnome | 04:31 |
MasterShrek | Weirdo---, yes | 04:31 |
tim__ | can u help me plz | 04:32 |
lee_ | eh how do I do that pelo | 04:32 |
RequinB4 | for XChat you might as well use add/remove apps - GUI isn't always bad you know :P | 04:32 |
MasterShrek | !wine | tim__ | 04:32 |
ubotu | tim__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 04:32 |
Weirdo--- | hehe I last used RedHat 6.2 back on 2001, it wasn't that easy before | 04:32 |
Pelo | lee_, does espeak have a menu ? check in there | 04:32 |
codecaine | man espeak | 04:32 |
lee_ | espeaks not even in the menu | 04:32 |
codecaine | its espeak not espeaks lee | 04:32 |
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lee_ | I have tesxt to speeck and | 04:33 |
lee_ | K say it | 04:33 |
=== jimmacdonald [n=jim@138-212-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codecaine | hey acidx do I know you did you use to go to virtual places chat? | 04:33 |
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logreeval | anyone? | 04:34 |
Pelo | lee_, you are going to have to find a webpage to explain espeak try on google , not many ppl here seem to know about it atm | 04:34 |
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alcaponage | How come my ubuntu won't shut down? | 04:34 |
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=== JosHate [n=elyas2k@74-222-203-158.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alcaponage | My ubuntu freezes when I try to shut it down | 04:34 |
acidx | codecaine, you're probably mistaken | 04:34 |
Pelo | logreeval, wpa and wpe are encrytion security thingys for wifi you don'T absolutely need them | 04:34 |
lee_ | pelo I see | 04:34 |
kabam | Hello all | 04:34 |
jimmacdonald | I love it when three lines of code makes things much easier. | 04:34 |
codecaine | all he need to do is man it pelo is a simple program doesn't really need but one parameter | 04:35 |
kabam | I need help to setup my ubuntu network | 04:35 |
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MasterShrek | kabam, whats the problem? | 04:35 |
kabam | could anyone help me? | 04:35 |
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codecaine | haven't seen that name in a long time he use to go by it just was checking thanks | 04:35 |
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Pelo | alcaponage, it happens if an app needs time to shut down properly before ubuntu closes | 04:35 |
codecaine | Whats the problem kabam | 04:35 |
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Pelo | kabam, it's better if you ask specific quesitons | 04:35 |
JosHate | Howdy-ho. I've got a networking problem. ra0 is the interface with Internet connectivity - I'm able to ping the router. I'm connected to the machine through eth0 with a crossover cable. I would like Ubuntu to connect via ra0 to the Internet, but it seems Hell-bent on using eth0 (which doesn't go to the Internet). Can someone tell me how to prioritize network devices in Ubuntu? | 04:35 |
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JosHate | *network interfaces | 04:36 |
=== _vector_ [n=jeremy@c-76-111-134-98.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmacdonald | iwlist eth1 scanning |grep "ESSID" >> /dev/null && WLAN=1 || WLAN=0 | 04:36 |
_vector_ | anyone here use lvm with partitions over 2TB | 04:36 |
logreeval | Pelo, but if i dont put the wpa like the directions, will it still work? | 04:36 |
Pelo | JosHate, did you try setting it in menu > sytem > admin > network ? | 04:36 |
jimmacdonald | if [ WLAN =1 ] ; then | 04:36 |
Pelo | logreeval, it should | 04:36 |
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JosHate | jimmacdonald - was that directed at me? | 04:36 |
JosHate | Pelo - where in those settings do I set priority? | 04:36 |
alcaponage | pelo: what app? | 04:36 |
Pelo | _vector_, there is a #lvm channel | 04:37 |
kabam | How would you add Ubuntu to an existing network with static ip, and the Window DNS Server would resolve it | 04:37 |
logreeval | Pelo: what type of AuthMode is it? | 04:37 |
prakriti | no idea on my ubuntu orange? | 04:37 |
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_vector_ | Pelo: a pretty quiet one though | 04:37 |
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Pelo | alcaponage, could be anything , check what you have running | 04:37 |
_vector_ | Pelo: but thanks for pointing it out | 04:37 |
acidx | codecaine, no problem :) | 04:37 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-71-198-55-219.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmacdonald | iwconfig eth1 essid "ESSID" key "KEY" | 04:38 |
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Pelo | _vector_, not all channel are as well attended as this one, ask often check in at different times of day , and ask specific quesitons | 04:38 |
kabam | Pelo <== How would you add Ubuntu to an existing network with static ip, and the Window DNS Server would resolve it | 04:38 |
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jimmacdonald | JosHate: no I was just tooting my own horn. simple fix to an anoying problem. | 04:38 |
borovy3488 | hey Pelo: I have another DeVeDe problem, can you help me out? | 04:38 |
=== linux_stu [n=stu@74-138-32-244.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_stu | what is a good console based ftp server package? | 04:38 |
Pelo | kabam, same place as mentionned before, click around a bit | 04:38 |
_vector_ | Pelo: thanks...your the first to respond to any message on this channel....other times of the day I have gotten no responses to my inquiry | 04:38 |
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kabam | Pelo: meaming? | 04:39 |
Pelo | borovy3488, state the problem | 04:39 |
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=== Haibane is now known as Elda | ||
Pelo | kabam, menu > system > admin > network, select the device , click properties select the type of connection , fill in the blanks | 04:39 |
alcaponage | Pelo: how do I check what I have running | 04:39 |
kabam | I did config the resolve.conf to look at my DNS server. Do I have to add new new Ubuntu into my DNS? | 04:39 |
IdleOne | alcaponage: ps aux if you mean process | 04:40 |
borovy3488 | Pelo: I have waited for a very long time for it to convert the files. then it said that it failed to create the dvd tree. So, I was just wondering how I make the iso files where Devede doesnt have to convert the files, since theyre already in the correct format. | 04:40 |
kabam | that is not what i am asking | 04:40 |
madnez | guys how do i enable super root priv? | 04:40 |
Pelo | _vector_, most of the time ppl only answer to questions they know about , occasionnaly if I notice someone asking the same thing over and over I try to suggest alternative sources | 04:40 |
heguru | madnez: use sudo -i | 04:40 |
IdleOne | !root | madnez | 04:40 |
ubotu | madnez: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 04:40 |
Pelo | alcaponage, menu > sytesm > admin > system monitor | 04:40 |
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kabam | I want my ubuntu to be able to lookup by the other host by doing nslookup ubuntu.host.com, ex | 04:40 |
IdleOne | Pelo: you like GUI :) | 04:41 |
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_vector_ | Pelo: yeah the question I'm asking isn't a n00b question, but I was hoping some advanced server admins might be around | 04:41 |
uellington | irc.rizon.net | 04:41 |
madnez | yeah but can i enable it permanently? | 04:41 |
=== Metasploit [n=roswell@bal-bb-cable-4-356.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JosHate | I've confirmed that, if I disable the eth0 interface, Ubuntu switches over to ra0. So, does anyone know how to get it to ALWAYS default to ra0 when looking for Internet connectivity? | 04:41 |
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kabam | I cant do lookup with static ip, any suggestion | 04:41 |
JosHate | (I've also confirmed it's not a DNS issue) | 04:41 |
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JosHate | I *am* able to connect to the network with ra0, regardless of whether eth0 is on or off. | 04:41 |
borovy3488 | Pelo: I also was wondering if there was any way to shrink or compress the .iso files. I have a 4.7 GB iso, and it needs to be smaller to fit on a dvd | 04:41 |
=== dimeotane [n=dimeotan@ottawa-hs-209-217-99-192.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | borovy3488, you'll have to look around the dialog boxes but ther are option box that state that the file is already in mpeg4 format and there is a box to create jsut the dvd structure and not the tree | 04:42 |
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=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heguru | _vector_: what is your question again? | 04:42 |
=== Grumpy [n=david@c-76-103-12-207.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kabam | Any Expert network/DNS in here that coudl help me out? | 04:42 |
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codecaine | borovy3488 iso is the actaully image of all the files so its doesn't get any smaller | 04:42 |
heguru | kabam: can you pastebin your /etc/resolve.conf | 04:42 |
rawake | can swap partitions be in a extended partition? | 04:43 |
Pelo | borovy3488, don'T rely on the progress bar to much , it's not wholy reliable , I can go up to 200 % and ti fits, trial and error on that bit I am afraid | 04:43 |
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heguru | rawake: yes | 04:43 |
anas | hi room | 04:43 |
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Jumbalia | YAY! | 04:43 |
Jumbalia | I got my intarwebs working | 04:43 |
Metasploit | borovy: jumping in,,but just wondering which iso is that huge | 04:43 |
rawake | heguru: well for some reason my swap partitions aren't mounting... i have them setup in fstab and when i run free it says that they are 0 | 04:43 |
anas | can any one help in byrle at ubuntu ? | 04:43 |
codecaine | probably a dvd metasploit | 04:43 |
kabam | Heguru, we have a local DNS server in our network and they are and | 04:43 |
Pelo | borovy3488, and be aware it's 4.7 gigabits not gigaBytes, it's about 4.4 gigabytes | 04:43 |
_vector_ | heguru: I have a 3TB partition in lvm that upon reboot can only see 1TB and I don't know why | 04:43 |
kabam | nameserver | 04:44 |
heguru | rawake: pastebin your fstab and the output of sudo fdisk -l | 04:44 |
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Pelo | anas, it is better to ask a specific question | 04:44 |
Metasploit | oh wait. yea. i was thinking of just operating systems | 04:44 |
kabam | nameserver | 04:44 |
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kabam | domain conway.prod.con-way.com | 04:44 |
anas | pelo , ok | 04:44 |
MBear | hi! anybody use asus p5k motherboard? | 04:44 |
kabam | and I can't do nslookup ubuntu.conway.prod.con-way.com | 04:44 |
Jumbalia | I am about to install NVIDIA drivers, but last time it crashed my computer. What do I need to backup so that if something goes wrong, I can just copy from the backup | 04:44 |
mike01 | i use an asus p5k-e | 04:44 |
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anas | i have install it but .nothing defrent | 04:45 |
heguru | kabam: ubuntu.conway.prog.con-way.com is added to your dns? | 04:45 |
kabam | Heguru: any idea? | 04:45 |
heguru | kabam: or are you using dynamicdns? | 04:45 |
anas | pelo , .... it's not working | 04:45 |
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MBear | mike01: i have problem- aafter install grub say - can't mount partition/// | 04:45 |
Pelo | anas, you probablay need to start it , type the name of the prog in the terminal | 04:45 |
kabam | that what i was about to ask? do I need to add the new Ubuntu to my DNS server if I use static IP on the new Ubuntu? | 04:45 |
Pelo | anas, I don'T realy know anything about that prog | 04:46 |
mike01 | check what hd it is booting from | 04:46 |
anas | ok ,, thank you | 04:46 |
mike01 | i think it switches them every so often or something | 04:46 |
kabam | Heguru: what is dynamic dns? | 04:46 |
heguru | kabam: in case of static ip, you can add it to your dns | 04:46 |
borovy3488 | Pelo: OK i found the option and selected it. It greatly reduced the size of the bar. It is at 108%. Seems more accurate. Is it? | 04:46 |
=== Gimped [n=Gimped@pm3p23.cwdom.dm] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rawake | heguru: http://rafb.net/p/tuvIXp63.txt | 04:46 |
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heguru | kabam: Dynamic DNS the client itself adds its hostname and ip to the dns server (if the dns server allows) | 04:46 |
kabam | if my company use dynamicDns, then how long would it take to be able to resolve | 04:47 |
Pelo | borovy3488, since not re-encoding will take place it is probably more on the nose yes | 04:47 |
=== bcherry [n=bcherry@c-67-188-86-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_vector_ | I have a 3TB partition under lvm that only shows 1TB with lvmdiskscan after reboot...and the dmsetup table is blank? any ideas? | 04:47 |
borovy3488 | Pelo: dang it, OK. Thanks for the help | 04:47 |
kabam | I think my company uses dynameic DNS because I was able to add a Window SErver w/ stsatic IP ot it. | 04:47 |
Jumbalia | I am about to install NVIDIA drivers, but last time it crashed my computer. What do I need to backup so that if something goes wrong, I can just copy from the backup | 04:47 |
anas | another Q ,, i want to know what linux is best .(ubuntu or debian ) .. for me i wana start learning programming ..? | 04:47 |
Metasploit | uhm | 04:48 |
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kabam | heguru: how would I do it for Ubuntu if my company uses dynamicDNS? | 04:48 |
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Pelo | Jumbalia, what do you mean by crash ? if the nvidia thing does not work you just need to boot in recovery mode , and reset x to use the vesa driver sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:48 |
heguru | kabam: was your windows computer part of Active Directory? | 04:48 |
=== Elbryan [n=syryda@S01060290f50d5129.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heguru | rawake: i don't see your md1 partition where swap is supposed to mount | 04:48 |
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Jumbalia | Pelo: thanks, no one could tell me that before | 04:48 |
heguru | rawake: wait let me check further | 04:48 |
Jumbalia | Pelo: it would crash the xserver | 04:49 |
kabam | heguru: yes, I have to add it into AD with admin right/ | 04:49 |
Jumbalia | Pelo: Thanks :) | 04:49 |
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rawake | heguru: it does exist | 04:49 |
=== javabugz [n=tri@c-69-254-131-167.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Jumbalia, and for backup of your settings and data just make a copy of your /home folder on another partiton , in fact you can mount your /home folder on seperate partition and never worry about it again when installing | 04:49 |
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madnez | guys | 04:49 |
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keanu | Question - I'm trying to copy a bunch of files to my microsd card, but the files have question marks in them. There's about 100 of them, so it'd be a hassle to rename them all, but is it possible to copy them on to the (FAT32 formatted) microsd card? | 04:49 |
kabam | heguru: how would I do it for ubuntu? | 04:49 |
Pelo | Jumbalia, sometimes it's how you ask the question, took me a while to figure out what you were asking | 04:49 |
Pelo | and why | 04:50 |
madnez | why when i partition a new drive, it does not allow me to write on that drive? | 04:50 |
=== Haukka_ [n=haukka@adsl-85-217-16-134.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jumbalia | Keanu: yes, you can copy them | 04:50 |
borovy3488 | Pelo: OK, new problem. When I start it, it automatically says "failed to create the DVD tree. Maybe you ran out of disk space." I have 40 GB free. | 04:50 |
Jumbalia | Keanu: what type of MicroSD card do you have | 04:50 |
heguru | rawake: not in the output of your fdisk -l | 04:50 |
javabugz | i am running conky with kde ... when i first started conky...there is no transparency. However, if I disable the desktop wallpaper and then enabled it (after conky started) then transparency works | 04:50 |
anas | Question - how can i install photoshop in my ubuntu ? | 04:50 |
javabugz | any idea? | 04:50 |
heguru | rawake: how big do you want your swap parition? | 04:50 |
=== jvai [n=jvai@c-24-126-127-148.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | keanu, in add/remove , do a search for rename there is little app in there that lets you do bach rename, several options are available such as removing carachters | 04:50 |
keanu | Jumbalia, just a Sandisk 2GB - cp and mv both complain about invalid arguments when trying to move. | 04:51 |
jvai | hey ppls | 04:51 |
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kabam | Any help???? | 04:51 |
keanu | Pelo, thanks | 04:51 |
rawake | heguru: 2gb | 04:51 |
anas | Question - how can i install photoshop in my ubuntu ? | 04:51 |
rawake | heguru: i have md1 partitioned to 2gb so i want all of that to be swap | 04:51 |
Jumbalia | Keanu: I do tech support for SanDisk :) | 04:51 |
=== shogunx [n=shogunx@rrcs-24-73-158-97.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Metasploit | anas: use gimp instead | 04:51 |
jvai | dapper on a thinkpad z60m, aftr 2 kernel updates i can't burn music thru serpentine or gnomebaker.. help? | 04:52 |
Pelo | borovy3488, I occasionnaly get stuff like that to, it takes a lot of diskspace apprently to do some of those operations, I donT' know how to get around it asside from selecting a diffrente partiton to save the file ( last operation before starting the actual encoding) | 04:52 |
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-67-11-178-206.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
borovy3488 | Pelo: thanks again | 04:52 |
anas | from where can i download it ? | 04:52 |
keanu | Jumbalia, ok ;). I'm using my Sansa (e250) as a card reader, but it won't let me copy them onto the card | 04:52 |
shogunx | anyone in west africa looking for an ubuntu admin gig on stable power infrastructure? | 04:52 |
foug | will 7.10 have better hardware support? | 04:52 |
Pelo | kabam, maybe you can get more help in #networking | 04:52 |
Metasploit | anas: you have it already | 04:52 |
kabam | thanks | 04:52 |
heguru | rawake: I don't see md1 in the output of fdisk -l, that generally means it doesn't exist | 04:52 |
foug | is there a complete list of the new features and hardware support in 7.10? | 04:53 |
anas | Metasploit , from where ?? | 04:53 |
Jumbalia | Keanu: It's not a restriction in either the card or the Sansa. I'm sorry for telling you yes you can copy, I had copied files in a similer manner as you but I guess I don't remember if I did something special | 04:53 |
Metasploit | anas: Menu / Graphics / gimp | 04:54 |
tim__ | How do I make MY PC-beeper not to be beeb while i am typing in Xchat ? | 04:54 |
=== domster [n=dominic@125-236-131-104.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keanu | Jumbalia, I didn't think it'd be the card or the Sansa - IIRC it's simply a FAT32 limitation | 04:54 |
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Pelo | tim__, check the xchat properties, you can turn off sound somewhere | 04:54 |
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Pelo | tim__, menu > settings > preferences | 04:54 |
anas | metasploit , thank you ..and flash plz ?? | 04:54 |
Elda | :( I just cannot figure out how Im supposed to find this. I was trying to get LM sensors to work and I found out I have a max6692 sensor. When I go to the lm wiki page for the hardware I see this under the comments, "One request (ticket #2149). No driver yet. Use the lm90 driver with force_max6657 for partial support in the meantime." But where do I find lm90? ;_; | 04:54 |
Jumbalia | But yeah, if you ever need support with your product, lemme know. sablenine@gmail.com is my personal addy | 04:54 |
earlmred | hmm, i'm trying to get virtual hosts setup properly in apache2, if i go to the domain name locally from the server, i get the correct page, but outside of the machine, i don't ... what gives. | 04:55 |
tarelerulz | I am lost ktorrent and azureus seem to have the same problem with this torrent leech. I download great and upload really bad or not at all times? anyone have an idea what might be up | 04:55 |
foug | does AOL work properly in Ubuntu? | 04:55 |
Elda | ewww AOL :> | 04:55 |
heguru | rawake: can you also pastebin the output of sudo lvmdiskscan | 04:55 |
=== Porfiry [n=porfiry@CPE-76-84-111-119.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foug | i have friends i still chat with in AOL Elda :P | 04:55 |
=== NemesisD [n=NemesisD@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Elda | gaim? | 04:55 |
foug | not AIM, actual AOL chats | 04:55 |
Elda | :> | 04:56 |
Pelo | tarelerulz, enable encrypton , not sure where but check the settnigs | 04:56 |
earlmred | anybody care to help with virtual host config? i have my config files ready to paste from pastebin... | 04:56 |
Metasploit | anas: thats another story.. probably Menu>System> Administration>Synaptic manager....... search for adobe flash | 04:56 |
=== Khyron [n=torrent@c-24-15-24-89.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Elda | Anywhoo anyone have any idea about where I could find lm90? | 04:56 |
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anas | metasploit: there is no | 04:56 |
rawake | heguru: http://rafb.net/p/OJqAV229.txt ... is there a way to resize my extended partition? | 04:56 |
Pelo | Elda, google ? | 04:56 |
Elda | I tried . . . | 04:57 |
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Pelo | Elda, have you tried this wiki http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty should find the sensors easily enough | 04:57 |
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niru | hi all | 04:57 |
=== stevie [n=stevie@222-154-245-103.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | im trying to remotely control a vista machine from windows, for some reason rdesktop just hangs at autoselected keyboard en_us | 04:57 |
nanbudh | friends is there a way to make 1 ubuntu desktop computer into many, having say 10 montors and keyboards and mice? | 04:57 |
tarelerulz | Pelo , what made you say turn on the encryption ? | 04:57 |
niru | I have got a sony laptop | 04:57 |
heguru | rawake: are you using some RAID controller? | 04:58 |
=== EViLGiMp [n=evilgimp@bas1-barrie18-1242378085.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | tarelerulz, could be a ISP bittorrent trottleing problem | 04:58 |
niru | motion eye does not work with it.xawtv command shows the following o/p:v4l-conf,has some trouble starting | 04:58 |
_vector_ | can someone help me out with this lvm error with vgchange? http://pastebin.com/m5a4e917f | 04:58 |
Metasploit | anas: not sure then. try going to a flash website and your website should ask you if you want to download' | 04:58 |
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niru | v4l2-has no such device /dev/video0 | 04:58 |
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Pelo | tarelerulz, what makes you ask why I suggested that ? | 04:59 |
tarelerulz | Pelo , that never came to me at all. I really need to read up on bit torrent and networking in general . So much to know a bit | 04:59 |
rawake | heguru: no, but md1 is a software raid... i have 2 disks, sda and sdb which i have 2 partitions that are 2gb big on an extended partiton... md1 is a raid 1 of sda5 and sdb5 which is supposed to be my swap | 04:59 |
Pelo | tarelerulz, I use to do quite a bit of support in #utorrent and #azureus and I wrote a few guides for utorrent , I have a bit of knowledge in torrent | 04:59 |
nanbudh | there is one project: userful.com but its not free | 05:00 |
_vector_ | tarelerulz: unfortunately if you are on comast turning on encryption doesn't work all that well | 05:00 |
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dxdt | nanbudh: I've seen it done with linux, don't know about ubuntu though | 05:00 |
niru | what does this mean:ioctl VT_GETSTATE:invalid argument | 05:00 |
_vector_ | tarelerulz: comast | 05:00 |
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tarelerulz | Pelo, I have been doing it for years ,but I did it on windows and I did not know much more then forwarding. Now there is so much to know . I wondering if it was the program I am use or router or the site | 05:01 |
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heguru | rawake: are you using something other than LVM2 for your raid? | 05:01 |
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nanbudh | dxdt:what i mean is not thin clients,,a terminal connects via a video card and consists of just a monitor and a keyboard and a mouse | 05:02 |
_vector_ | tarelerulz: lookup up on google comast and sandvine .... sad state of affairs for those wanting to seed torrents | 05:02 |
Khyron | can you log in multile vnc sessions on the same user account? | 05:02 |
rawake | heguru: i'm not using lvm2, just regular fdisk and mdadm | 05:02 |
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rawake | one second, reboot | 05:03 |
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kevsthabest | how would i go about to check what version is a kernel module thats loaded? | 05:05 |
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=== Pelo is gonna go to bed now, he's starting a new job tomorrow | ||
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Pelo | g'night folks | 05:05 |
jonathan_ | hi | 05:05 |
jonathan_ | how to remove my vmware on my system? | 05:05 |
Pelo | kevsthabest, uname -r | 05:06 |
tarelerulz | Thanks for the infro pelo | 05:06 |
heguru | kevsthabest: modinfo <modulename> | 05:06 |
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jonathan_ | hei! | 05:06 |
randomchatter | jonathan_: rm yourvm.vm | 05:07 |
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Joules | basic question.... is there any way to make it so that when im opening a file ... with i assume nautilus ubuntu shows a picture .. when i use gimp it shows me the little thumbnail but when adding stuff online it doesnt | 05:07 |
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yrlnry__ | When I start up apache2 with sudo apache2ctl start, CGI scripts don't work. I have to manually create /var/run/apache2 before I start apache. Why is this, and what's the right ubuntu way to fix it? | 05:08 |
Vuen | hey guys, how do i see how much ram my system has? | 05:08 |
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Vuen | i just added a 512 stick so i should have 1g now, and memtest saw it fine, but df -h seems to think i only have 512 | 05:09 |
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randomchatter | Vuen: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 05:09 |
heguru | Vuen: free -m | 05:09 |
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Vuen | Mem: 1011 430 580 | 05:09 |
Vuen | hooray! | 05:09 |
Vuen | thanks guys | 05:09 |
Elda | Meh.... pelo that did not work | 05:09 |
Jumbalia | Is there a way to have ubuntu automatically log in on a restart? | 05:09 |
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Elda | I need the lm90 | 05:09 |
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randomchatter | Jumbalia: that is not safe | 05:10 |
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Jumbalia | random: I know | 05:10 |
heguru | Jumbalia: System -> Administration -> Login Window | 05:10 |
Vuen | in relation to random's question, is there a way to disable being able to lock the active session? | 05:11 |
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heguru | Jumbalia: Click at security tab and enable Automatic Login | 05:11 |
Jumbalia | Heguru: thanks | 05:11 |
keanu | Jumbalia / Pelo: found a way how to do a mass rename at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3500221 | 05:11 |
Extravert | http://pastebin.com/d638a957e | 05:11 |
kevsthabest | im getting a version mismatch for my nvidia drivers.. the only way i can seem to get Xorg to load is by installing the closed drivers directly from nvidia.com.. any ideas how that could happen? | 05:11 |
tarelerulz | just one thing after other messing up on my system been working getting azureus and my other bit torrents working. I broke azureus | 05:11 |
Jumbalia | Keanu: awsome, thanks | 05:11 |
heguru | keanu: you can use rename command | 05:11 |
heguru | keanu: better than using a bash script | 05:11 |
randomchatter | Vuen: why would you do so? | 05:12 |
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rawake | back | 05:12 |
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keanu | heguru, I already used the bash script ;) | 05:12 |
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rawake | can a linux system function ok without any swap? | 05:12 |
heguru | keanu: yeah just for future reference, rename command is much simpler and designed for this purpose only :) | 05:12 |
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Dean_Harryman | ok, Linux noob here, and I am having a few problems.... | 05:12 |
MasterShrek | rawake, i think so, but its probably not a good idea | 05:12 |
eslumz | hello, does anybody know a good bittorrent client for linux? | 05:13 |
MasterShrek | eslumz, ktorrent | 05:13 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, shoot | 05:13 |
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IdleOne | rawake: think it would require alot of ram but it should work yeah | 05:13 |
eslumz | but i'm not on kde | 05:13 |
heguru | rawake: not recommended, some things will not work at all (like hibernate) | 05:13 |
Dean_Harryman | anyone set up a broadcom 4318 wireless card? | 05:13 |
eslumz | would it work on gnome? | 05:13 |
keanu | heguru: heh, didn't even notice the rename command was installed. | 05:13 |
IdleOne | !wifi | Dean_Harryman | 05:13 |
ubotu | Dean_Harryman: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:13 |
Vuen | randomchatter: because this is meant to be a public terminal, so it kindof defeats the purpose when people lock it and i need to come around with a password to unlock it | 05:13 |
MasterShrek | eslumz, it will work in gnome | 05:13 |
ckin2001 | eslumz, ktorrent works on gnome, but bittornado is good too | 05:13 |
eslumz | thanks | 05:13 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, i can help you | 05:13 |
Vuen | eslumz: ktorrent rocks, and it works in gnome as well | 05:13 |
werdis | anyone know the command for displaying all the lines in the file but starting at like like 25 or something? | 05:14 |
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Dean_Harryman | I have been crawling the forums, and have tried several different methods to use my card, but no lick | 05:14 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv extract the file there to /lib/firmware | 05:14 |
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IdleOne | Vuen: why not just remove the lock icon from the panl? | 05:14 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, it says 4311, but it will work for 4318 as well | 05:14 |
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Vuen | IdleOne: how do i do that? | 05:14 |
sharkey7617 | I just installd the tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin tomcat5.5-webapps packages, tomcat started fine but I am not able to access the web pages on port 8180 | 05:14 |
rawake | ok, i think my problem is i cannot raid 1 a swap that has its real partitions in an extended partition so i have to re-partition my disks so that the partitions which are going to be used for swap are primary partitions and then raid 1 them | 05:15 |
randomchatter | Vuen: right click it and click remove from panel | 05:15 |
IdleOne | Vuen: just right click on the little window with lock and remove | 05:15 |
Vuen | i'm on KDE. | 05:15 |
randomchatter | yuck- kde | 05:15 |
IdleOne | Vuen: should be the same | 05:15 |
Dean_Harryman | so I just extract to that directory? | 05:15 |
IdleOne | Vuen: if not ask in #kubuntu | 05:15 |
Elda | Does anyone know about the driver for an lm90 sensor? This is what the stupid lm-sensors wiki says to use anyway :( | 05:15 |
sharkey7617 | is there something up with the tomcat package? | 05:15 |
randomchatter | bye | 05:16 |
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Elda | This is driving me nuts | 05:16 |
kevsthabest | Error: API mismatch: this NVIDIA driver component has version 96.43.01, but the NVIDIA kernel module's version does not match. <- what should i do with this? | 05:16 |
Jumbalia | SHould I install wine or crossover | 05:16 |
ckin2001 | werdis, tail -n +25 file works, i think | 05:16 |
heguru | rawake: you should be able to RAID1 a swap partition and it is recommended to do so, sorry for so many pastebins earlier, i thought you're using lvm, can you pastebin the output of sudo mdadm --detail /dev/md1 | 05:16 |
IdleOne | Jumbalia: depends | 05:16 |
randomchatter | Elda: what's an lm sensor? | 05:16 |
tarelerulz | Any you have stuff not install right from synaptic ? I have had it happen to me alot. Azureus beeing one that did not work untel latly and broke it again . | 05:16 |
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Vuen | Jumbalia: heh, depends on your budget and the software you want it for. crossover costs money. | 05:16 |
Elda | lm sensor is the program used for sensors | 05:16 |
werdis | ckin2001; Oh yeah! it does, ty. I didnt think of tail! | 05:16 |
Elda | detecing temperature | 05:16 |
Elda | fan speed etc | 05:16 |
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ckin2001 | werdis, otherwise you gotta mess with awk :p | 05:17 |
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randomchatter | don't pay money for evil commercial forks of oss projects | 05:17 |
werdis | ckin2001: naw it works ty | 05:17 |
werdis | :) | 05:17 |
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Elda | The wiki says this "). No driver yet. Use the lm90 driver with force_max6657 for partial support in the meantime." But where do I find lm90? | 05:17 |
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Dean_Harryman | Mastershrek, I have the firmwafre installed, and it shows up in the network manager, the light doesnt turn on.....and it wont connect | 05:18 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, try sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 05:18 |
MasterShrek | see if the light comes on | 05:18 |
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Jumbalia | SHould I install wine or crossover | 05:18 |
MasterShrek | prolly wine Jumbalia | 05:18 |
Elda | wine is free crossover isnt? | 05:18 |
Jumbalia | sorry | 05:18 |
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Jumbalia | My window wasnt scrolling and i didnt see your messages | 05:19 |
werdis | chkin2001: so then to the first lines it would be head -n +25 file ? | 05:19 |
IdleOne | Jumbalia: wine for windows apps ( not all supported ) and crossover for games ( not free ) | 05:19 |
MasterShrek | Elda, sudo modprobe lm90 | 05:19 |
Jumbalia | IdleOne: ok thanks | 05:19 |
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rawake | i think i messed it up but here it is.. http://rafb.net/p/AmmtrS54.txt | 05:19 |
heguru | Jumbalia: for games you should go for cedega (not free) | 05:19 |
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Jumbalia | I thought crossover was the paid version of wine, so I didntk now if I should do just crossover | 05:19 |
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Elda | MasterShrek: What does that do? | 05:19 |
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Dean_Harryman | Mastershrek, it didnt do anything.... | 05:19 |
Jumbalia | I'm gonan do cedaga later, I dont have to pay for the others | 05:19 |
IdleOne | Jumbalia: yeah cedega for games sorry | 05:19 |
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heguru | rawake: run sudo mkswap /dev/md1 | 05:20 |
MasterShrek | Elda, that will load the lm90 driver | 05:20 |
randomchatter | Jumbalia: what kind of windows software do youneed? | 05:20 |
Elda | okey | 05:20 |
IdleOne | Jumbalia: dont know if crossover has any game support | 05:20 |
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Jumbalia | random: *shrugs* Mostly gaming | 05:20 |
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Elda | MasterShrek if that does, wouldnt my sensors work then? Because sensors says that none has been found yet :( | 05:20 |
randomchatter | Jumbalia: which games? | 05:20 |
Elda | Or would I have to do sensors-detect again? | 05:20 |
Jumbalia | well i gotta restart, wine is done installing | 05:20 |
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rawake | heguru: http://rafb.net/p/p5FehO36.txt | 05:21 |
Jumbalia | random: City of heroes, wow, eve online, and steam/valve games | 05:21 |
MasterShrek | Elda, maybe, i dont know how the sensors work, but i konw there is a module lm90 and if you have to use it, thats how you would | 05:21 |
rawake | rawake: i think it has to be started somehow | 05:21 |
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randomchatter | Jumbalia: you don't need to! | 05:21 |
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shekhar | hello can someone help me with mounting my usb device using udev | 05:21 |
randomchatter | Jumbalia: wow aand valve games are two of the best working apps in (free) wine | 05:21 |
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randomchatter | Jumbalia: see http://appdb.winehq.com | 05:22 |
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HELPME | anyone have install a UBUNTU Server into Window Domain before? | 05:22 |
werdis | What command is best to use to search for lines that contrain a string im looking for in a file? | 05:22 |
rawake | heguru: notice on the details it says its active but not started | 05:22 |
vector7 | werdis: try grep .. that is the one I would use | 05:22 |
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riotkittie | wow. is it normal for usb keyboards to act completely stupid under linux, with random excessive keystrokes and what not :| | 05:22 |
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riotkittie | errr wireless keyboards, rather | 05:23 |
werdis | vector7: do you know the syntax or should I look it up? | 05:23 |
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randomchatter | werdis: cat filename | grep strng | 05:23 |
werdis | man grep scares me | 05:23 |
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vector7 | riotkittie: no...batteries low? | 05:23 |
riotkittie | oh wait. maybe i have my finger on the space bar. <hides> | 05:23 |
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werdis | ty! | 05:23 |
sharkey7617 | linux hates me | 05:23 |
sharkey7617 | alot | 05:23 |
sharkey7617 | has anyone successfully installes the tomcat5.5 package? | 05:23 |
vector7 | werdis: or grep words filename | 05:23 |
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Dean_Harryman | ok, i just tried to extract the files to /lib/firmware and it said I do not have permission.... | 05:23 |
riotkittie | sharkey7617: linux doesnt hate you; it's just playing hard to get | 05:23 |
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Jumbalia | random: why do you say I do not have to restart | 05:24 |
logreeval | Hi, i am doing this how to ,the feisty fawn one, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo and i get to the .... sudo echo "nameserver ADRESS" >> /etc/resolv.conf ..... it says permission denied, so i did it by hand and it didnt work, i cant ping google.com | 05:24 |
frostburn | Dean_Harryman, you need to use sudo to access root folders/files | 05:24 |
randomchatter | werdis: you ca also put thirtyfour | grep string in a row to grep the line you greped before | 05:24 |
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logreeval | I can ping my router, just not websites :( | 05:24 |
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punsad | logreeval: are you using cable ? or dsl? | 05:25 |
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logreeval | punsad: satellite | 05:25 |
heguru | rawake: yes i see that, try sudo mdadm --run /dev/md1 | 05:25 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, use sudo | 05:25 |
Dean_Harryman | so what do I type in the terminal? | 05:26 |
punsad | logreeval: yikes. where do you think the problem is? | 05:26 |
randomchatter | logreeval: you in sahara? | 05:26 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, sudo tar -xjvf bcm4311_firmware.tar.bz2 | 05:26 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, then sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware | 05:26 |
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logreeval | punsad shouldnt the itnernet work though? | 05:26 |
logreeval | im just far in the country, no internet :( | 05:26 |
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Dean_Harryman | tar: bcm4311_firmware.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 05:27 |
Dean_Harryman | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 05:27 |
Dean_Harryman | tar: Child returned status 2 | 05:27 |
Dean_Harryman | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 05:27 |
punsad | logreeval: forget the router... can a single computer access the internet with your satellite connection. you need to try to isolate the problem | 05:27 |
heguru | rawake: actually that should be: sudo mdadm --misc --run /dev/md1 | 05:27 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, cd Desktop first | 05:27 |
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rawake | heguru: actually i just notice that for some reason md1 is set to read only, i think that's the problem but i don't know why that was set to read only? | 05:28 |
logreeval | punsad right now i am connected to the router with a cable and then the router to the satellite modem | 05:28 |
rawake | heguru: # mdadm --misc --run /dev/md1 | 05:28 |
rawake | mdadm: failed to run array /dev/md1: Device or resource busy | 05:28 |
logreeval | punsad the connection works in windows... | 05:28 |
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frostburn | logreeval, what does your /etc/resolv.conf say | 05:29 |
punsad | oh... one of *these* kinds of problems (just kidding :) | 05:29 |
george | can you ping | 05:29 |
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logreeval | frostburn: no quotes ... "nameserver" | 05:29 |
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logreeval | george: let me try......... | 05:29 |
Dean_Harryman | ok, it showed a file list | 05:29 |
frostburn | logreeval, i'm assuming that's your router's ip? | 05:30 |
E-mu | does lspci and lsusb give the manufactuer's name and chipset besided the device and id or is that all you usually get? | 05:30 |
heguru | rawake: whan you run 'mount | grep swap' do you get anything? maybe its mounted already | 05:30 |
Dean_Harryman | then I typed in the second command, and nothing happened | 05:30 |
logreeval | frostburn: yes | 05:30 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, ls /lib/firmware and see if theres bcm43xx files in there | 05:30 |
heguru | rawake: if you get nothing then i suggest drop and recreate the md1 raid (after making sure its really your swap partition and nothing else) | 05:30 |
rawake | heguru: no its not mounted | 05:30 |
frostburn | logreeval, can you do nslookup foo.com | 05:30 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, if there is, then try sudo modprobe bcm43xx again | 05:30 |
rawake | heguru: i tried deleting it but it won't let me | 05:30 |
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Dean_Harryman | 2.6.20-15-generic bcm43xx_initval04.fw bcm43xx_microcode2.fw | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | 2.6.20-16-generic bcm43xx_initval05.fw bcm43xx_microcode4.fw | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | bcm43xx-0.3.2-internet bcm43xx_initval06.fw bcm43xx_microcode5.fw | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | bcm43xx-0.3.2-internet.tar.gz bcm43xx_initval07.fw bcm43xx_pcm4.fw | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | bcm43xx_initval01.fw bcm43xx_initval08.fw bcm43xx_pcm5.fw | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | bcm43xx_initval02.fw bcm43xx_initval09.fw | 05:31 |
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Dean_Harryman | bcm43xx_initval03.fw bcm43xx_initval10.fw | 05:31 |
punsad | ouch | 05:31 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, you didnt have to paste it, but thats good there | 05:31 |
logreeval | frostburn hold on.....my livecd froze, i have to reboot it | 05:31 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, now sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 05:31 |
Dean_Harryman | ok i typed it, and it did nothing | 05:32 |
deadlock | I have an issue with folding@home install, I need some help | 05:32 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, the light didnt come on? | 05:32 |
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Dean_Harryman | nope | 05:32 |
heguru | rawake: try deleting after booting into recovery mode | 05:32 |
MasterShrek | does it have an on/off switch? | 05:32 |
frostburn | Dean_Harryman, type dmesg|tail | 05:32 |
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logreeval | frostburn...does this case look fixable though? | 05:32 |
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Dean_Harryman | dean@dean-laptop:~$ dmesg|tail | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 48.030806] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 48.150119] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 48.150139] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 48.150141] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.8 | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 55.349925] eth0: no IPv6 routers present | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 469.014466] cs: pcmcia_socket0: unable to apply power. | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 1301.085549] ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL' | 05:33 |
frostburn | logreeval, it looks like a bad nameserver | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 1301.088930] ieee80211: 802.11 data/management/control stack, git-1.1.13 | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 1301.088935] ieee80211: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation <jketreno@linux.intel.com> | 05:33 |
rawake | heguru: how do i boot into recovery mode? | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | [ 1301.111722] bcm43xx driver | 05:33 |
frostburn | !pastebin | 05:33 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:33 |
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logreeval | frostburn: in simpler terms... :P | 05:33 |
frostburn | Dean_Harryman, that means the driver is loaded | 05:33 |
Dean_Harryman | yes, mastershrek it has a button, but nothign happens when I press | 05:33 |
heguru | rawake: on the reboot, press Escape to enter grub menu, you will find an entry with (Recovery Mode) written | 05:33 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, it should be loaded, dmesg said it was, try iwlist eth scan | 05:34 |
heguru | rawake: that will log you on in single user mode without a password | 05:34 |
Dean_Harryman | then why isnt it working? LOL, this has been frustrating me sence midnight last night | 05:34 |
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MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, and dont paste the output | 05:34 |
MasterShrek | eth1 Dean_Harryman | 05:34 |
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Evanlec | frostburn, hey, u were arguing against using raid0 in ubuntu, i took off before i got your reply, do u have a link to where u base your info from? | 05:34 |
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rawake | heguru: ok | 05:34 |
george | paste your whole syslog! | 05:34 |
shekhar | hello can someone help me with mounting my usb device? i can see it with lsusb and it mounted automatically before but i can't see it now | 05:34 |
frostburn | logreeval, can you humor me and replace with in your /etc/resolv.conf (opendns server) | 05:35 |
l3jj | Why can I not install apache2-mpm-worker and php5 , everytime I go to do it, apt tries to remove worker and install prefork | 05:35 |
Dean_Harryman | what am I looking for? | 05:35 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, see if it scanned anything | 05:35 |
MasterShrek | or if it said no scan results | 05:35 |
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heguru | l3jj: php5 is not good with mpm-worker | 05:35 |
Dean_Harryman | Cell 01....... and cell 02..... | 05:35 |
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frostburn | Evanlec, yes, it's probably 400 pages that way | 05:35 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, then it scans, does network manager work? | 05:36 |
l3jj | heguru: but prefork is sooo slow | 05:36 |
naught101 | anyone know where I'd find dpkg post install scripts? I want to remove pre-link | 05:36 |
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Evanlec | frostburn, lol yea i know...but i didnt have logging enabled | 05:36 |
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frostburn | Evanlec, check out anandtech regarding raid0, they basically say it's not a good tradeoff | 05:36 |
Dean_Harryman | Yes, it shows up in there | 05:37 |
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Dean_Harryman | but it allways has | 05:37 |
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heguru | l3jj: well its not really that slow, but then the whole reason mpm-worker is fast is because most of the apache modules are disabled (they don't work with it) | 05:37 |
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Dean_Harryman | ok.......guys it is working....I have a signal | 05:37 |
Evanlec | frostburn, i see...so ur saying its not even linux-specific | 05:37 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryman, can you connect to anything? | 05:37 |
frostburn | Evanlec, of course not, i'd never trade stability for a marginal increase in speed | 05:37 |
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Astrome | fuck | 05:38 |
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Astrome | fuck | 05:38 |
Dean_Harryman | I am going to disconnect from my lan..... and try the wireless.....brb if it fails | 05:38 |
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Astrome | fuck | 05:38 |
Hilikus | how do i make a command be executed at boot time? i just need to call a command that starts a program that runs in the bg to change my dynip, i guess thats technically a daemon | 05:38 |
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IdleOne | !ops | 05:38 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 05:38 |
fen1x | guys I need you to all spam this email aznstunna6969@hotmail.com | 05:38 |
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MasterShrek | Hilikus, add it to /etc/rc.local | 05:38 |
t3hub3rk1tten | hilikus system->preferences->sessions ought to help you | 05:38 |
Hilikus | thanks | 05:39 |
IdleOne | fen1x: we dont do stupid script kiddy stuff | 05:39 |
Elda | Hes been banned | 05:39 |
RequinB4 | anyone willing to help me get sound | 05:39 |
RequinB4 | i need a modual but modprobe doesn't like me | 05:39 |
Elda | apparantly I have an lm90 sensor driver thingy, but now I dont know how to use it :( | 05:40 |
Impaled_on_Rebar | is on word all it takes to get banned? | 05:40 |
MasterShrek | RequinB4, sudo modprobe? | 05:40 |
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Impaled_on_Rebar | i.e., one word | 05:40 |
Hilikus | t3hub3rk1tten but thats for users logins no? | 05:40 |
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Hilikus | if nobody logins it wont start | 05:40 |
Elda | RequinB4: what type of device is it? | 05:40 |
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Elda | I mean your computer | 05:40 |
RequinB4 | i've been with 3 different people and they all say i need sda_hda_intel, but sudo modprobe sda_hda_intel returns FATAL: not found | 05:40 |
MasterShrek | Impaled_on_Rebar, not generally, but spamming and asking stupid things like fen1x did probably will | 05:40 |
RequinB4 | integrated, the bane of all OS -.- | 05:40 |
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frostburn | RequinB4, have you tried #alsa ? | 05:41 |
logreeval | frostburn: you still here ? | 05:41 |
Dean_Harryma1 | ok I am back on wireless.... | 05:41 |
logreeval | yes | 05:41 |
Dean_Harryma1 | You gys are awesome.... | 05:41 |
george | do you get any results with lsmod | grep lm? | 05:41 |
RequinB4 | Trust me, i've been out of sound for 4 weeks, my alsa is fine | 05:41 |
MasterShrek | Dean_Harryma1, :) | 05:41 |
logreeval | sorry, i entered a different nameserver and my computer got disconnected | 05:41 |
logreeval | what did you want me to do frostburn? | 05:41 |
frostburn | logreeval, can you humor me and replace with in your /etc/resolv.conf (opendns server) | 05:41 |
Dean_Harryma1 | now I can sit somewhere more comfortalbe to learn linux | 05:42 |
Evanlec | frostburn, but i like SPEED ;p | 05:42 |
MasterShrek | RequinB4, you may need to install kernel-modules pacakge or something, but i dunno for sure, i have that module, im currently using it | 05:42 |
Dean_Harryma1 | LOL | 05:42 |
Dean_Harryma1 | thx guys.... I will be around.... | 05:42 |
RequinB4 | The only thing i can think of is somehow my sourse list is corrupted | 05:42 |
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RequinB4 | because modprobe should get it | 05:42 |
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frostburn | Evanlec, then why are you using ubuntu?=P | 05:43 |
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Evanlec | frostburn, lol, what should i be using then? | 05:43 |
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heguru | l3jj: you can improve performance for mpm-prefork by using FastCGI with PHP5 | 05:43 |
frostburn | Evanlec, gentoo | 05:43 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, gentoo | 05:43 |
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Evanlec | why gentoo? | 05:44 |
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Evanlec | i thot gentoo was the complicated one | 05:44 |
MasterShrek | because everything is compiled for the hardware you are using | 05:44 |
t3hub3rk1tten | I upgraded my kernel (2.6.22-ck1) and am having problems with nvidia kernel driver, tried nearly every tutorial to reinstall it but all seemed to fail. | 05:44 |
t3hub3rk1tten | Any ideas from anyone? | 05:44 |
Evanlec | oh? | 05:44 |
frostburn | it is. but you want a 5% increase in speed =P | 05:44 |
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Evanlec | gentoo is 5% faster? | 05:44 |
MasterShrek | its alot more complicated than ubuntu, ill give it that, but its pretty cool, you learn linux in-depth, compiling kernels and stuff | 05:44 |
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Evanlec | mm | 05:44 |
logreeval | frostburn: it didnt ping and my computer got disconnected | 05:44 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | Its not so complicated, I installed gentoo when I was 10. | 05:45 |
MasterShrek | t3hub3rk1tten, try the nvidia driver from their website if nothing else is working | 05:45 |
Impaled_on_Rebar | t3hub3rk1tten: add '--purge' to apt-get remove | 05:45 |
MasterShrek | t3hub3rk1tten, and you cant get an nvidia driver working? | 05:45 |
RequinB4 | if you have an intel processer i'd recommend powertop if its power you're wanting as an end result of speeed | 05:45 |
Evanlec | t3hub3rk1tten, lol, ur destined to rule the world someday | 05:45 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | hehe | 05:45 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, what are u speaking of? | 05:45 |
logreeval | frostburn any ideas? | 05:46 |
RequinB4 | i don't have the link, google powerTOP | 05:46 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, oh, for laptops | 05:46 |
frostburn | logreeval, smack your router against the wall, can you do nslookups? | 05:46 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, no thats not a problem, im on a desktop | 05:46 |
RequinB4 | intel runs a program for linux-based OS that finds stuff to save power | 05:46 |
RequinB4 | ah | 05:46 |
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logreeval | frostburn: how do i do a nslookup? | 05:46 |
Evanlec | and i dont pay the electric bill currently ;p | 05:46 |
RequinB4 | get a better processer? >.> | 05:46 |
frostburn | logreeval, nslookup foo.com | 05:46 |
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logreeval | frostburn: ok | 05:46 |
Evanlec | to get a better processor i'd have to get a new mobo too...dont have the $ right now | 05:47 |
RequinB4 | have a bake sale | 05:47 |
Evanlec | lol | 05:47 |
RequinB4 | a really really large one | 05:47 |
RequinB4 | but i feel ya | 05:47 |
RequinB4 | anyway, back on topic | 05:47 |
Evanlec | is there a low-latency version of the kernel that comes with gutsy? | 05:47 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, i was just about to look into that | 05:47 |
niru | /dev/video0: OK [ -device /dev/video0 ] | 05:48 |
niru | type : v4l2 | 05:48 |
niru | name : meye | 05:48 |
niru | flags: capture | 05:48 |
Evanlec | ah | 05:48 |
MasterShrek | i didnt see one tho | 05:48 |
logreeval | frostburn: should i use that server that you said before? | 05:48 |
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naught101 | Evanlec: there's a realtime kernel | 05:48 |
niru | how to get this section | 05:48 |
naught101 | linux-rt | 05:48 |
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frostburn | logreeval, yes in /etc/resolv.conf | 05:48 |
Evanlec | right now im running 2.6.20-16-lowlatency | 05:48 |
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logreeval | frostburn: could you repeat that please, sorry | 05:48 |
Hilikus | can apt-get modify init scripts? | 05:48 |
frostburn | logreeval, can you humor me and replace with in your /etc/resolv.conf | 05:48 |
Evanlec | naught101, oh? whats that? *eyes opening wider* | 05:48 |
heguru | Evanlec: there is the -rt kernel that replaces lowlatency | 05:48 |
Hilikus | like, make a program start everytime the computer starts | 05:48 |
naught101 | hard realtime | 05:48 |
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drgeb | what is device 170? I keep seeing this "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 170", or is there a command to tell me what device 170 is ? | 05:49 |
MasterShrek | Hilikus, yes | 05:49 |
Evanlec | hard? | 05:49 |
naught101 | for music, etc. | 05:49 |
Evanlec | heh | 05:49 |
naught101 | I dunno ;) | 05:49 |
Evanlec | im not following | 05:49 |
Hilikus | MasterShrek is there a way what changes will a package do? | 05:49 |
Hilikus | to see* | 05:49 |
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MasterShrek | Hilikus, i guess to look if it puts anything in /etc/init.d | 05:49 |
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RequinB4 | Evanlec - Just delete all your GUI usage you'll be a lot faster then... But I don't know if you'll want that... | 05:50 |
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ckin2001 | Hilikus, do you mean a completely new package or an updated package? | 05:50 |
rawake | did you send me something before i restarted my computer? | 05:50 |
Hilikus | MasterShrek but before installing it, some way to do a "tell me all youre going to change" thing | 05:50 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, trust me i love the CLI but...i do also do web/graphic development...and web browsing on a console kinda blows | 05:50 |
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Hilikus | ckin2001 new | 05:50 |
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logreeval | frostburn: it timed out and disconnectred me | 05:50 |
MasterShrek | Hilikus, i think synaptic has something that will, i know adept does, so theres probably a way for apt-get to also | 05:51 |
[per0las] | can someone recomend to me some good newbie lecture :x | 05:51 |
vector7 | having issues with a raid5 changing sizes on reboot...anyone run into that before? | 05:51 |
RequinB4 | Evanlec - you can run off of a command line and open an independant GUI off of that if you get some really really basic GUI stuff | 05:51 |
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RequinB4 | I don't know specifics tho | 05:51 |
ndckweaver | irc.hackerthreads.org | 05:51 |
ArtVandalae | Does anyone know the name for "tabs" in PyGTK? | 05:51 |
ndckweaver | oops | 05:51 |
frostburn | logreeval, weird, this is the livecd? perhaps it's fixed in a later version | 05:51 |
ndckweaver | srry | 05:51 |
zzZim | o/join #iphone | 05:52 |
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zzZim | sry' | 05:52 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, yea...but i have 2gb of ram, i think i can afford to run Gnome | 05:52 |
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MasterShrek | [per0las] , ubuntuguide.org | 05:52 |
logreeval | frostburn isnt the livecd the same as the regular install? | 05:52 |
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RequinB4 | Evanlec - do you have a multi-core processer | 05:53 |
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Evanlec | have a Pentium-D running at 3.2ghz | 05:53 |
Evanlec | so yes | 05:53 |
unique311 | should be alright to do an upgrade to gutsy, considering release day is near by? | 05:53 |
[per0las] | MasterShrek thanks :) | 05:53 |
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MasterShrek | unique311, its still beta, but ive been running it just fine | 05:53 |
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RequinB4 | Evanlec - don't know what to say then - was going to suggest killing all simultaneous tasks | 05:53 |
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Evanlec | RequinB4, i dont understand | 05:54 |
unique311 | k, enough for me to upgrade.. | 05:54 |
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frostburn | logreeval, i just realized you followed that guide for wireless. | 05:54 |
IdleOne | unique311: yes | 05:54 |
ephesius | MasterShrek, you've been running the beta with no problems? | 05:54 |
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unique311 | thanks | 05:54 |
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brokensambot | I'm tired and have to finish a 4 page essay by morning someone feel moderately bad for me. | 05:54 |
logreeval | frostburn: it is a wireless card........ | 05:54 |
RequinB4 | Single-cores have a lot more slow-downs with concurrent big processes | 05:54 |
Hilikus | how can i tell all the changes that installing a package with apt-get will make? | 05:54 |
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lionel_hutz | if I took a hard drive with ubuntu out of one laptop and put it into a different laptop, do I need to do anything to make sure it's properly set up for the new hardware? | 05:54 |
MasterShrek | ephesius, no problems at all, well a few minor things here and there, but im pretty good with this stuff so i can get around things, for the average user i wouldnt suggest upgrading | 05:55 |
endlessurf | hey anyone know how to kill compiz from the terminal? | 05:55 |
heguru | unique311: The topic for #ubuntu+1 is: DON'T run Gutsy! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Channel is for Gutsy discussion only | Update-notifier is broken the fixed version 0.61 will be uploaded shortly wait for it. | 05:55 |
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MasterShrek | endlessurf, killall compiz | 05:55 |
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frostburn | logreeval, can you connect to the net not using wireless? if so i recommend installing first, then updating all your packages so you have the latest kernel to compile against | 05:55 |
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ephesius | MasterShrek, usually I can fix most things and don't have a problem but for some reason I couldn't access google and a few other sites after i upgraded | 05:55 |
ckin2001 | Hilikus, cannot find anything | 05:55 |
Hilikus | me neither | 05:56 |
logreeval | frostburn instead of risking it, do you think gutsy would support it better? | 05:56 |
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ckin2001 | apt-get -s will simulate, but not show what individual packages will do | 05:56 |
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endlessurf | MasterShrek that did not work | 05:56 |
logreeval | frostburn: could i just wait and try that, it should install/work right | 05:56 |
logreeval | ? | 05:56 |
frostburn | logreeval, i'd say yes | 05:56 |
Evanlec | hmm, maybe i wont upgrade to gutsy tonight ;p | 05:56 |
MasterShrek | endlessurf, use the tab key after you type compiz, i think it might be compiz.real or something | 05:56 |
logreeval | frostburn: ok, thanks so much for your time and help, i appreciate it | 05:56 |
heguru | logreeval: if you listen to what the official gutsy support channel (#ubuntu+1) says, then wait! | 05:56 |
acecase | I have a level 2 question for you guys :) What all would be involved in changeing the names of my network cards? After I upgraded I have eth2 and eth3 instead of 0 and 1. | 05:56 |
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frostburn | logreeval, let me know if you need help | 05:56 |
RequinB4 | Evanlec - it doesn't matter for you, you have a multi-core. Multi-cores are best at having two things done simultaneously - one core can take one bunch of commands and the other another | 05:57 |
logreeval | frostburn thanks :) | 05:57 |
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RequinB4 | If you had a single-core i would say check and see which system-intensive stuff you have going on at the same time | 05:57 |
acecase | would it just be a matter of changing simlinks? | 05:57 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, i see what ur saying, but how would i know which processes are simultaneous as u said | 05:57 |
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cyberbuff | guys, anyone tell me how to get the details of all the drives from the terminal?? | 05:57 |
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endlessurf | MasterShrek I just did that and now i don't have any top bars on my windows lol | 05:57 |
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acecase | cyberbuff, what details? | 05:57 |
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seamus7 | hi.. is gutsy still going through last minute tweaks or if i upgraded now would be getting essentially the guts to be officially released in 10 days? | 05:58 |
MasterShrek | endlessurf, u need to start metacity i think | 05:58 |
quigz | i was wondering if gusty has compiz-fusion or not. | 05:58 |
inflex | can I rip out CUPS and replace it with lprng or something ? | 05:58 |
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Evanlec | cyberbuff, sudo fdisk -l | 05:58 |
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acecase | cyberbuff, does mount tell you what you need? | 05:58 |
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MasterShrek | seamus7, i wouldnt do it yet, its unstable i guess | 05:58 |
Ste-Foy | no acecase | 05:58 |
cyberbuff | @ace, i meant all the details like free space, used space | 05:58 |
acecase | Evanlec, had a better suggestion :) | 05:58 |
heguru | seamus7: do not upgrade to gutsy now, wait for the stable release | 05:58 |
cyberbuff | nope@ace | 05:58 |
Evanlec | seamus7, read the channel topic in #ubuntu+1 | 05:58 |
endlessurf | MasterShrek how do i go about doing that? | 05:58 |
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ephesius | cyberbuff: du -h | 05:58 |
MasterShrek | Cyber_Stalker, type df | 05:58 |
prakriti | liquid rescale++ | 05:58 |
acecase | Ste-Foy, no? to my question? | 05:58 |
quigz | df | 05:58 |
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cyberbuff | @ephe, thanks | 05:59 |
quigz | #ubuntu+1 | 05:59 |
ephesius | cyberbuff: actually thats only for the filesystem | 05:59 |
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cyberbuff | ya thats what i was lookin for | 05:59 |
ckin2001 | Hilikus, you could try dpkg-deb -c filename.deb | 05:59 |
Evanlec | holy shit, do not type du -h | 05:59 |
cyberbuff | 2ephe | 05:59 |
LiMaO | seamus7: you may join #ubuntu+1 to see what people are going thru with gutsy | 05:59 |
cyberbuff | then what?@eva | 05:59 |
ephesius | Evanlec, whats wrong with du -h | 06:00 |
acecase | LiMaO, i'm running it. working great for beta | 06:00 |
Hilikus | where would the package be ckin2001 | 06:00 |
MasterShrek | endlessurf, try typing metacity in a terminal | 06:00 |
MasterShrek | porno? | 06:00 |
MasterShrek | !es | 06:00 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:00 |
ckin2001 | Hilikus, you might have to download it by itself :/ | 06:00 |
Hilikus | i see | 06:00 |
LiMaO | acecase: i had some problems with openoffice.org, nautilus freezing, panels disappearing | 06:00 |
endlessurf | MasterShrek thanks, i had to restart so i'll try that in a second thanks for the help | 06:00 |
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MasterShrek | np endlessurf | 06:01 |
Evanlec | ephesius, you'll get about 8000 lines of output... | 06:01 |
RequinB4 | Evenlec - system -> administration -> system moniter shows your processes | 06:01 |
LiMaO | acecase: besides those minor stuff, it's a great os.. i just couldn't stand being without oo.org writer | 06:01 |
acecase | LiMaO, yeah most problems are from Compiz. They will get it ;) | 06:01 |
ckin2001 | Hilikus, you may be able to use apt-get to fetch it, haven't tried it before | 06:01 |
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Evanlec | RequinB4, yes im aware of that...but not sure what u meant by "simultaneous" or processes i could do without? | 06:01 |
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acecase | LiMaO, it has taken me several hours to get everything rite | 06:01 |
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seamus7 | LiMaO: good idea .. thanks | 06:02 |
LiMaO | acecase: i really liked gutsy... fast, stable and beautiful at the same time.. i'll get some feedback on those bugs after it's released and then install it if everything is ok | 06:02 |
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heartsblood | If I wanted to cut and slice a .wav file, what program would I want to use? | 06:02 |
acecase | LiMaO, I have to say though, it is closer to a release candadate than Vista :) | 06:02 |
ckin2001 | heartsblood, audacity | 06:02 |
RequinB4 | Evanlec - its really less of a problem on GNU/Linux - on windows users can store up lots of processes they don't need running. The only thing to do in linux would mostly be to stop beryl and/or not run GUI | 06:02 |
heartsblood | ty sir | 06:02 |
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endlessurf | MasterShrek thanks again it worked | 06:02 |
MasterShrek | cool endlessurf | 06:02 |
Evanlec | RequinB4, i see...trying to find info on the linux-rt kernel tho | 06:03 |
MasterShrek | i was a bit skeptical endlessurf lol | 06:03 |
acecase | LiMaO, I wouldn't put it on a system I had to depend on :) | 06:03 |
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MasterShrek | Evanlec, im installing it right now | 06:03 |
LiMaO | acecase: that was my case.. i 'had' to get rid of it =/ | 06:03 |
Evanlec | heh | 06:03 |
Rabbitbunny | (ubuntu 6.06, XMMS 1.2.10) XMMX keeps crashing, seemingly at random, hints? | 06:03 |
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Evanlec | MasterShrek, but will u be able to benchmark it? | 06:03 |
MasterShrek | Rabbitbunny, completely uninstall it, and then reinstall it maybe? else run it from a terminal and check the output when it crashes | 06:04 |
acecase | LiMaO, :/ it won't be long. Someone said release was 10 days. Not to mention I have gotten updates 2 times since upgrading so they are working | 06:04 |
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Rabbitbunny | ah. good idea. | 06:04 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, i suppose i could | 06:04 |
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Evanlec | MasterShrek, well otherwise your results would be rather subjective dont u think? | 06:04 |
endlessurf | MasterShrek it's funny i could set up my vid card ok and get my touchscreen working on my 64 bit, but for the life of me i couldn't get the boarders back | 06:04 |
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Evanlec | acecase, gutsy will be released on the 18th | 06:05 |
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LiMaO | acecase: you didn't do all the updates.. and that's why it's still working.. there have been a lot of updates per day | 06:05 |
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MasterShrek | Evanlec, i suppose, but i like to think that it would run better with a low latency kernel, it would only make sense i suppose | 06:05 |
LiMaO | and i think one of the last ones broke it all hehe | 06:05 |
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acecase | Now that I have all the bugs worked out I just want to get my eth# back to normal. eth0/eth1 have always been my cards so I keep doing things like iwconfig eth1 crap! eth3 lol | 06:05 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, i dont necessarily understand what a low-latency kernel does, and why default kernels aren't "low-latency" to begin with | 06:06 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, what would i use to benchmark? ive never really done it before | 06:06 |
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acecase | I started to just change the links but I don't wanna bork it :) | 06:06 |
rcampbel | mastershrek - depends what you want to benchmark - start with lmbench | 06:06 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, not sure lol, theres one called LMbench | 06:07 |
MasterShrek | i suppose processor speeds....ill try lmbench | 06:07 |
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alex_mayorga | !bluetooth | 06:08 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 06:08 |
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Evanlec | !lmbench | 06:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lmbench - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:08 |
MasterShrek | !info lmbench | 06:08 |
ubotu | lmbench: Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.0-a7-1 (feisty), package size 782 kB, installed size 3552 kB | 06:08 |
ephesius | did anyone have problems connecting to google in the beta? | 06:08 |
Evanlec | heh | 06:08 |
Evanlec | well there ya go ;p | 06:08 |
cyberbuff | anyone temme how to install nokia's usb driver? | 06:09 |
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Evanlec | cyberbuff, u dont need a driver, just use somethin like bitpim | 06:09 |
lionel_hutz | noob question: gaim/pidgin is screwing up my system somehow. how can I diagnose/fix the problem? | 06:09 |
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cyberbuff | @eva, where to getthat? | 06:09 |
rcampbel | lionel_hutz: define "screwing up the system" | 06:10 |
MasterShrek | lionel_hutz, run it from a terminal and look for output i spose | 06:10 |
Madpilot | ephesius, questions about Gutsy in #ubuntu+1 until it's released, please | 06:10 |
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MasterShrek | cyberbuff, i think its in the repos | 06:10 |
arun_ | What do you guys use for FTP? | 06:10 |
cyberbuff | oks | 06:10 |
cyberbuff | thanks@eva | 06:10 |
rcampbel | l_h strace -o /tmp/pidgin.out pidgin | 06:10 |
acecase | arun_, gftp | 06:10 |
MasterShrek | arun_, client or server? | 06:10 |
Evanlec | arun_, easy one is gftp | 06:10 |
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rcampbel | lftp is nice | 06:10 |
arun_ | gftp keeps crashing every time i try to download a file | 06:10 |
acecase | MasterShrek, I assume by the way he asked that he means client :) | 06:11 |
MasterShrek | i spose | 06:11 |
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arun_ | i've looked up some stuff on linux forums and it seems like gftp isn't very stable | 06:11 |
Madpilot | arun_, for basic FTP, Nautilus does nicely. For everything else, use Filezilla. | 06:11 |
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acecase | MasterShrek, you know what they say about ASSuME :) | 06:11 |
mike01 | heh upgraded my nvidia driver and think it made a huge difference | 06:11 |
lionel_hutz | is l_h a command? | 06:11 |
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mike01 | from 1.something to 100.14.19 | 06:11 |
arun_ | Madpilot: FileZilla doesn't work with Linux-based OSes, does it? | 06:11 |
Evanlec | gftp is about as stable as it gets i think... | 06:12 |
MasterShrek | mike01, thats usually the case :) | 06:12 |
MasterShrek | heh acecase | 06:12 |
Madpilot | arun_, the Linux version is in stable beta. | 06:12 |
rcampbel | lionel_hutz - no it was me abbreviating your name :P | 06:12 |
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Madpilot | arun_, and it's in Universe as of Feisty | 06:12 |
Madpilot | ubotu, info filezilla | arun_ | 06:12 |
ubotu | arun_: filezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta7-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 763 kB, installed size 1980 kB | 06:12 |
arun_ | I tried using Nautilus for FTP, it worked nicely. I can't quite figure out how to log out of a session using Nautilus though.. | 06:12 |
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ArtVandalae | What version of GTK+ does GNOME 2.20 use? | 06:13 |
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rcampbel | actually, if you know the files you want to get and aren't afraid of the commandline, use wget $URL or curl $URL | 06:13 |
jaycaverte | jey | 06:13 |
lionel_hutz | @rcampbel when pidgin is running, everything else slows down.. up to 15 second delays when trying to do anything | 06:13 |
MasterShrek | ArtVandalae, check in synaptic | 06:13 |
WGGMk | does anyone know what the correct path to "smbuser" should be?? | 06:13 |
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_vector_ | anyone know why a hardware raid partition would change size after reboot? | 06:13 |
bruenig | ArtVandalae, whatever it's compiled against | 06:13 |
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joy | hai | 06:14 |
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bruenig | !english | joy | 06:14 |
ubotu | joy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 06:14 |
arun_ | thanks Madpilot, I didn't know there was a linux port of Filezilla. I love that app. | 06:14 |
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arun_ | Madpilot: Do you use it? | 06:14 |
Madpilot | arun_, when I moved to Ubuntu from XP, that was (seriously) the only app I actually missed. Glad the Linux port works now. | 06:14 |
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heguru | WGGMk: what is smbuser? | 06:14 |
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Madpilot | I do, for FTP stuff that Nautilus can't handle - changing permissions, and such. | 06:15 |
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bruenig | gftp can do that stuff iirc | 06:15 |
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arun_ | Madpilot: Yeah, me too. I'm happy that there's a linux port now. How long has it been unavailable? | 06:15 |
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arun_ | has it been available* | 06:15 |
Madpilot | arun_, the Linux port came out earlier this year, and made it into Feisty back in April | 06:15 |
arun_ | Madpilot: How do you log out of FTP sessions in Nautilus? | 06:15 |
Evanlec | command line FTP can do all that stuff too ;) | 06:16 |
Madpilot | arun_, just collapse the file tree. | 06:16 |
alex_mayorga | !3gp | 06:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3gp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:16 |
arun_ | Madpilot: I tried kftpgrabber when I was using Kubuntu.. it's a good application as well, but not quite as good as Filezilla. | 06:16 |
phpcurious | hi, i want to install ubuntu in my HD that already has Windows XP. how do i install ubuntu? | 06:16 |
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arun_ | phpcurious: Like a dual boot? | 06:16 |
Evanlec | phpcurious, put in the ubuntu cd | 06:16 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | Anyone know off the top of their heads where the gnome login screen pam config files are? | 06:16 |
phpcurious | yeah. like a dual boot... | 06:17 |
phpcurious | is it recommended? | 06:17 |
MasterShrek | t3hub3rk1tten, what are you looking to do? | 06:17 |
Evanlec | !dualboot | 06:17 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 06:17 |
t3hub3rk1tten | allow it to use empty passwords | 06:17 |
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heguru | t3hub3rk1tten: /etc/pam.d/gdm | 06:17 |
heguru | t3hub3rk1tten: add nullok to auth line | 06:17 |
Evanlec | phpcurious, it is quite common, since there are still unfortunately reasons to have windows installed | 06:17 |
t3hub3rk1tten | Thanks | 06:17 |
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riotkittie | whee. that was fun =| | 06:18 |
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phpcurious | Evanlec : maybe because of graphics softwares that are running on windows only... | 06:18 |
lionel_hutz | how do I run a program from the terminal? | 06:18 |
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Evanlec | phpcurious, mostly games are the problem actually | 06:18 |
MasterShrek | phpcurious, mostly gaming, and some hardware problems | 06:18 |
phpcurious | ahhh..yeah...games too...:S | 06:19 |
arun_ | lionel_hutz: just type the name of the program? | 06:19 |
Evanlec | phpcurious, or in-house software that was only written for windows | 06:19 |
phpcurious | :-s | 06:19 |
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Elda | what is the irc room for the sensors chat? | 06:19 |
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foug | how can i make xchat auto perform commands? | 06:19 |
foug | similar to perform in irc | 06:19 |
Evanlec | but hey, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars one of the hottest games out will be fully linux compatible | 06:19 |
bruenig | foug, commands like.... | 06:20 |
lionel_hutz | arun_: that's so sensible | 06:20 |
phpcurious | i really want to try beryl + Ubuntu on my pc but i can only run ubuntu on vmware... | 06:20 |
alex_mayorga | how do I play .3gp videos from a cell phone in Ubuntu? | 06:20 |
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foug | bruenig: /msg x@channels.undernet.org, /mode +x | 06:20 |
Elda | Thats find an dandy.... too bad I cant get my sensor to work so I cant make my fan turn on at a certain temperature -_- | 06:20 |
WGGMk | ok, so I removed my 'smbuser' file from /etc/samba.. how do i get the default back (I have already tried purge and reinstall) | 06:20 |
Evanlec | phpcurious, then dual boot | 06:20 |
rawake | hello, i have an active mdadm raid 1 but its not started, i tried using -As to start it but it tells me its already active and can't assemble it... anyone know how to start an array that's already active with mdadm? | 06:20 |
bruenig | foug, you mean to run them at startup or um what? | 06:20 |
arun_ | Madpilot: Is there any way to get Filezilla to use icons from the Human theme? | 06:20 |
foug | bruenig: ya once i connect to the server | 06:20 |
heguru | WGGMk: samba doesn't use smbuser file | 06:21 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, u using feisty or gutsy? | 06:21 |
MasterShrek | gutsy | 06:21 |
Evanlec | ah | 06:21 |
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WGGMk | heguru: how doesnt it? | 06:21 |
Evanlec | i wanted to try that kernel too but im usin feisty, maybe not worth the effort? | 06:21 |
Elda | Does *anyone* know how I would go about getting the sensors to work in here? I have a max 6692 and it says I have to use lm90.... but I am simply not sure HOW to use it :> | 06:21 |
alex_mayorga | !amr | 06:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about amr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:21 |
WGGMk | heguru: this tutorial says to add Unix user's to the smbuser file | 06:21 |
bruenig | foug, look at the connect command part in the edit section of the xchat dialog that comes up, the server selection dialog | 06:21 |
Madpilot | arun_, don't think so - it uses some 3rd party widget library | 06:21 |
heguru | WGGMk: because it uses /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb for passwords | 06:21 |
heguru | WGGMk: don't add users manually | 06:22 |
alex_mayorga | !codecs | 06:22 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:22 |
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heguru | WGGMk: just type 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' | 06:22 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, probably not, apparently the mirrors have packages that will break your system, i havent upgraded in a couple days | 06:22 |
heguru | WGGMk: the appropriate files will be created for you | 06:22 |
foug | bruenig: hmm, i tried adding them there but i always got invalid password, how can i seperate commands? i tried a comma with and without a space | 06:22 |
bruenig | foug, it says, to put commands in a file and use /Load -e | 06:22 |
heguru | WGGMk: your tutorial is outdated | 06:22 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, yea, well i wasnt going to dist-upgrade, was just gonna get new kernel...but maybe thats a no no without upgrading distro | 06:22 |
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foug | bruenig: so /Load -e first then type in the commands i want? | 06:23 |
Evanlec | i dont know | 06:23 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, it can become complicated, but its possible | 06:23 |
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arun_ | Wow, filezilla works great. Thanks everyone. | 06:23 |
Nutubuntu | rawake, mdrun? (I think it's mdrun) | 06:23 |
bruenig | foug, put the commands in a file, and the use load -e to load that file | 06:23 |
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Evanlec | guess i'll wait till the 18th ;p | 06:23 |
WGGMk | hegure: "sudo smbpasswd -L -a name" enter passwords comes back with "Failed to modify password entry for user name" | 06:23 |
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foug | bruenig: save the file as what? | 06:23 |
Evanlec | still debating whether to upgrade or clean install | 06:23 |
t3hub3rk1tten | I updated my kernel to 2.6.22-ck and it broke my nvidia driver, so I removed all traces and tried installing it with the nvidia site drivers. Seemed fine but x won't start because of this: | 06:24 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, i always recommend a clean install, but ill prolly upgrade myself lol | 06:24 |
heguru | Elda: try #linux-sensors the official channel for lm-sensors | 06:24 |
Elda | k | 06:24 |
acecase | :) I'm getting new updates to Compiz again 3rd time today. I love Ubuntu devs | 06:24 |
t3hub3rk1tten | michael@michael-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe nvidia -v (...) install /sbin/lrm-video nvidia (...) FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia | 06:24 |
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bruenig | foug, I would imagine a perl script unless you have something else | 06:24 |
t3hub3rk1tten | Replace (...) with newlines | 06:24 |
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foug | bruenig: hmm, allright, what's the extension :P | 06:24 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, heh yea....i dunno, im iffy about how to backup my /home folder and restore it on the new install.... | 06:25 |
bruenig | foug, .pl, make sure you write the script correctly and such | 06:25 |
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WGGMk | hegure: "sudo smbpasswd -L -a name" enter passwords comes back with "Failed to modify password entry for user name" | 06:25 |
rawake | Nutubuntu: what arguments do i pass to mdrun? | 06:25 |
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MasterShrek | Evanlec, im going to kill my xserver and try out those benchmarks, ill be back in a bit with a report :) | 06:25 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, plus i wanted to setup raid/lvm but frostburn tells me raid0 isnt worth the speed increase it gives | 06:25 |
foug | bruenig: no idea what perl looks like, all i have are the commands put in | 06:25 |
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bruenig | foug, yeah well might want to read up on that | 06:25 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, sweet, i couldnt figure out how to run them from the man page but yea do that ;p | 06:25 |
heguru | WGGMk: did you try without -L | 06:25 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, i konw nothing about raid0 lol, back in a flash... | 06:26 |
WGGMk | heguru: yes, same feedback | 06:26 |
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Evanlec | k | 06:26 |
WangLang | hola! | 06:26 |
Nutubuntu | rawake, not sure - man mdrun ought to say, if I'm remembering the right command | 06:26 |
heguru | WGGMk: then use sudo pdbedit -a username | 06:26 |
heguru | WGGMk: if that fails, your smb.conf file needs fixing | 06:26 |
Evanlec | anyone here A+ certified? | 06:26 |
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bruenig | !ot | 06:26 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:26 |
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heguru | Evanlec: ah! long time, what is your question? | 06:27 |
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Evanlec | heguru, just curious how u studied and where u took the exam | 06:27 |
t3hub3rk1tten | I updated my kernel to 2.6.22-ck and it broke my nvidia driver, so I removed all traces and tried installing it with the nvidia site drivers. Seemed fine but x won't start because of this: " sudo modprobe nvidia -v (\n) install /sbin/lrm-video nvidia (\n) FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia" | 06:27 |
heguru | Evanlec: i took the exam at prometric, i didn't study | 06:27 |
Nutubuntu | Evanlec, RAID0 is a recipe for data loss - unless you back it up regularly and carefully, or don't care, or combine your RAID0 with another RAID that offers redundancy, e.g., RAID1 | 06:27 |
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heguru | Evanlec: that was in 1998 | 06:27 |
Evanlec | Nutubuntu, yea, i guess i dont WANT data loss...but i feel like maybe the risk is worth it...maybe not, i wanna know if the performance is really any better | 06:28 |
WGGMk | heguru: thanks.. but im an idiot.. i forgot last night i removed the user | 06:28 |
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Evanlec | heguru, once ur certified, u certified for life? | 06:28 |
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heguru | Evanlec: I guess so, never bothered lookin into it | 06:29 |
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Nutubuntu | Evanlec, if your data is not worth the time it would take to recreate it, then experiment with it ;P | 06:29 |
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Evanlec | heguru, why'd u do it then? | 06:29 |
Evanlec | Nutubuntu, well my data is worth the time, thing is i just lost ALL my data, so i dont have a whole lot to lose now lol | 06:29 |
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heguru | Evanlec: i used to train, and to A+ you have to be A+ (plus certified to train) | 06:30 |
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Evanlec | ah | 06:30 |
Evanlec | heguru, and u didnt study at all and passed ur first time? | 06:30 |
heguru | Evanlec: yes I did | 06:30 |
eyemean_ | hello every1 | 06:30 |
heguru | Evanlec: its getting OT :) you might want to move to #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:30 |
Nutubuntu | Well ... Evanlec ... you pry won't ever be in a safer position to experiment then ... try it and see what the speed gain is, if you want. There really are not too many reasonable uses for RAID0 in my opinion though | 06:31 |
Evanlec | heguru, oh, sorry | 06:31 |
heguru | Evanlec: RAID0 is good (and recommended) only for temp, cache and such data | 06:31 |
Evanlec | heguru, now there's an idea | 06:31 |
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Evanlec | that way u get the speed without the risk ... | 06:31 |
rawake | is init 1 the safest mode i can be in? | 06:32 |
lionel_hutz | thanks to all of you who help us noobs! | 06:32 |
frostburn | rawake, no | 06:32 |
eyemean_ | hi, is any1 using ubuntu 7.04 + azureus + firestarter? pls | 06:32 |
bruenig | rawake, init 6 is | 06:32 |
frostburn | raid 6, 10, 60 are the safest | 06:32 |
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heguru | rawake: i guess you're asking about sysV runlevel 1? If so then yes 1 is safest mode | 06:33 |
bruenig | well init 0 I guess is better than init 6 | 06:33 |
Evanlec | frostburn, raid? u mean runlevel? lol | 06:33 |
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frostburn | Evanlec, raid | 06:34 |
Evanlec | i didnt know there was a raid 6 or 10 | 06:34 |
bruenig | raid 0 ftw | 06:34 |
Nutubuntu | Evanlec, with RAID0, one drive failure = loss of all data on the RAID. With RAID5, you'd have to lose two drives out of the array - less likely. With RAID1, two specific drives - one mirrored pair - less likely still. | 06:34 |
Magdin | hi everyone, i've installed tomcat with apt-get but I can't find tomcat logs. any suggestions? | 06:34 |
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indraveni | hi all | 06:35 |
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heguru | Evanlec: RAID 10 mirroring + striping (RAID0+1) | 06:35 |
Evanlec | Nutubuntu, right but Raid5 requires atleast 3 drives | 06:35 |
bruenig | Magdin, logs? | 06:35 |
Magdin | tomcat log directory | 06:35 |
indraveni | I executed v4l-conf command, and its showing the error messgae like | 06:35 |
Evanlec | heguru, right raid0+1 heard of that, that also needs atleast 3 drives correct? | 06:35 |
indraveni | ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Invalid argument | 06:35 |
bruenig | Magdin, where is it supposed to be? | 06:35 |
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indraveni | what does this mean? am i missing any package ? | 06:35 |
Nutubuntu | Evanlec, yes. And? | 06:35 |
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Evanlec | Nutubuntu, i only have 2 ;p | 06:36 |
bbardlbradd | Hey, what are the commands to build source? | 06:36 |
Magdin | well i dont understand how apt-get installs tomcat | 06:36 |
foug | bruenig: i keep getting error loading the file, i've tried /load -e, no -e...i dunno wtf | 06:36 |
bbardlbradd | Like, for an application | 06:36 |
Nutubuntu | Evanlec, drives are cheaper than the cost of recreating data. ;p | 06:36 |
Magdin | its all over the place | 06:36 |
bruenig | foug, did you go with perl or tcl? | 06:36 |
foug | perl | 06:36 |
Evanlec | Nutubuntu, but what im wondering is, whats wrong with what heguru said and just having raid0 for temp/cache/boot data? | 06:36 |
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Nutubuntu | Evanlec, you only have two drives ;P | 06:36 |
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ehammond | Any Amazon EC2 users here? I built an Ubuntu 7.04 feisty AMI that I'd like to get feedback on if you'd like to try it out. | 06:37 |
heguru | Evanlec: you cannot have boot on RAID0 | 06:37 |
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Evanlec | can't i make raid partitions for /var /boot | 06:37 |
heguru | Evanlec: tmp/cache is good | 06:37 |
Evanlec | o | 06:37 |
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Evanlec | what partitions would i make for those | 06:37 |
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bullgard4 | English help wanted for 'cpufreq-selector' in Gnome: Right-click on a panel > Add to panel > System and Hardware: What is the English name of the applet you can choose for cpufreq-selector? | 06:38 |
=== Kyokuz [n=oo@bas4-kitchener06-1096619043.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbardlbradd | HOW do you install things from source in Ubuntu??? | 06:38 |
foug | apt-get? | 06:38 |
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bullgard4 | bbardlbradd: Use the program Synaptic. | 06:38 |
t3hub3rk1tten | bbardlbradd: get the source, untar it, open the dir in terminal, ./configure, make, make install | 06:39 |
heguru | Evanlec: depends, /var/cache is used for cache for most apps, /tmp is for temporary (though tmp cab be mounted in RAM which is even faster) | 06:39 |
Kyokuz | anyone familiar with installing version 7.04, it goes thru install process and stops at 65% when it gets to "Installed php5-mysql" any ideas? | 06:39 |
t3hub3rk1tten | better to use synaptic though | 06:39 |
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Dr_willis | !source | 06:39 |
ubotu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 06:39 |
htc0412 | hhhhhhh | 06:39 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | bbardlbradd: before you compile from source, you need to install a meta-package called build-essential | 06:39 |
bbardlbradd | bullgard4, I have tried that... I just went and got the app, now it's sitting unpacked on my desktop... I see the config files and so on, but I forget how to do... things | 06:39 |
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bbardlbradd | I think I have that already | 06:40 |
Negra | what the diference between Gnome and KDE? | 06:40 |
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Dr_willis | bbardlbradd, what app? | 06:40 |
trdracer | !adept manager | 06:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adept manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:40 |
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Evanlec | heguru, tmp cab, what runs from that, and how do i mount that to ram? sounds interesting ;p | 06:40 |
Dr_willis | Negra, different desktop enviroments. install them both and try them out.. or try some live cd's with them to test them out | 06:40 |
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BlackCow | im trying to access an ftp server I set up behind a router, I can access it through the LAN but when I try to do it from the global IP adress it goes into this Passive mode, I made sure ports 21-22 were forwarded, am I missing any other ports for server ftp traffic? | 06:40 |
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Wolf23 | Guys! how can i install a file.msi on ubuntu? | 06:40 |
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Dr_willis | Negra, 'standard answer' is 'gnome is more streamlined/polishes" 'kde is more customizable' | 06:41 |
Negra | so its just a gui type of thing for the desktop right? | 06:41 |
heguru | Evanlec: you can use tmpfs/shmfs google for it, its a good way to use >4G RAM on 32-bit processors | 06:41 |
cellofellow | Wolf23: no idea. That's Microsoft Installer and not for Linux, period. | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | Negra, it is the desktop gui. :) X runs the desktop envuroment programs. | 06:41 |
Negra | ok | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | Negra, linux is all about 'layers' of software | 06:41 |
Negra | thanks | 06:41 |
cellofellow | Wolf23: maybe in Wine, but I doubt it, cause you need WIndows Installer. | 06:41 |
bbardlbradd | it's Pidgin | 06:41 |
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heguru | Wolf23: i guess you want to install your nokia apps on linux? it won't work unfortunately :( | 06:41 |
bbardlbradd | the new GAIM | 06:41 |
BlackCow | im googleing ftp ports but only finding to open port 21, I must be missing some others | 06:41 |
PurpZeY_ | Can someone tell me how to create an executable script? I am following a How-To, I am just cutting and pasting...I used sudo gedit to create the document...but when I go to run it I get "permission denied" then I run sudo...and then I get "no such command" | 06:42 |
Evanlec | heguru, dont u need a kernel patch to use more than 4gram on 32bit proc? | 06:42 |
Wolf23 | heguru: huh too bad for me :( | 06:42 |
cBot_v2r0 | I need a Linux laptop and I want to run Ubuntu. What brand do you recomment? | 06:42 |
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tonyyarusso | cBot_v2r0: system76 | 06:42 |
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heguru | Evanlec: not for any recent kernel (including the ones used in Dapper, Edgy, Feisty) | 06:42 |
cellofellow | cBot_v2r0: yeah, they're the best if you are going all-Ubuntu. | 06:42 |
Dr_willis | cBot_v2r0, it pays to do research. :) good boy. There are those Dell laptops that come with linux. | 06:42 |
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bullgard4 | bbardlbradd: No, if you fetched a program through Synaptic , then it is no longer unpacked on your desktop. Rather it is nicely put in the proper directories. You only need to call then your program in order to execute. -- What is on your desktop is probably unrelated to your Synaptic procedure. | 06:43 |
cBot_v2r0 | Will the Dell laptops update to 7.10 when it is released? | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | cBot_v2r0, http://www.ubuntuhq.com/content/ubuntu-7.10-should-make-dell-happy | 06:43 |
Wolf23 | heguru: how about crossover, is there a solution for this nokia app? | 06:43 |
Evanlec | heguru, so ur saying 32-bit can use more than 4g of ram? i thot that was one of the central reasons to ever use 64-bit | 06:43 |
heguru | Wolf23: no, even with crossover the nokia app doesn't work | 06:43 |
htc0412 | admin | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | cBot_v2r0, :) read that review of the process.. the ghy says they work BETTEr with 7.10 | 06:43 |
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bbardlbradd | bullgard4, I got the package from their website, I couldn't find it through Synaptic | 06:44 |
KYUBI | rgtg | 06:44 |
bbardlbradd | bullgard4, I tried that first actually... | 06:44 |
trdracer | how do i get my adept manager to work? | 06:44 |
cBot_v2r0 | thank you for the nFo | 06:44 |
trdracer | not sure what the syntax is. | 06:44 |
heguru | Evanlec: I am using 20GB RAM on a 32-bit server :), 64-bit can access >4GB directly 32-bit has to use things like shmfs | 06:44 |
frostburn | bbardlbradd, get it from getdeb | 06:44 |
cBot_v2r0 | Thank you for the nFo | 06:44 |
bbardlbradd | frostburn, what's that? | 06:44 |
Evanlec | heguru, o i c | 06:44 |
mdl-unit | cBot_v2r0: in my experience, there are a lot less issues with laptops with intel graphics. | 06:44 |
frostburn | getdeb.com has binary ubuntu packages like pidgin | 06:45 |
bbardlbradd | Sorry, I'm a noob still :/ | 06:45 |
cellofellow | frostburn: it's getdeb.ne | 06:45 |
heguru | Evanlec: but not all application can benefit from shmfs, they have to be designed for it | 06:45 |
bullgard4 | bbardlbradd: Yes, this is another situation and much more complicated. Then you need carefully follow their advices. There is no standard way to deal with such packages. | 06:45 |
cellofellow | frostburn: getdeb.net | 06:45 |
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trdracer | hello. | 06:45 |
Nutubuntu | heguru, what is the server's main job -- 20GB seems like a hecka lot of RAM | 06:45 |
trdracer | anyone | 06:45 |
heguru | Nutubuntu: Oracle DB | 06:45 |
Evanlec | heguru, so should i try tmpfs or shmfs ? | 06:45 |
trdracer | how do i give root axx to my adpet manager? | 06:45 |
frostburn | bbardlbradd, getdeb.net * | 06:45 |
trdracer | adept | 06:45 |
gnychis | does ubuntu have a glibc debuginfo package?? most other distros seem to | 06:45 |
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heguru | Evanlec: tmpfs in ubuntu | 06:46 |
jpastore | is there something like peer guardian for ubuntu? I found moblock but it doesn't play nice with iptables | 06:46 |
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Dr_willis | jpastore, privoxy is the father of peer guardian i belive | 06:46 |
LiMaO | trdracer: sudo adept? | 06:46 |
Dr_willis | !info moblock | 06:46 |
ubotu | Package moblock does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:46 |
Evanlec | heguru, what sort of apps would benefit from mounting /tmp in ram? | 06:46 |
Dr_willis | jpastore, i recall some articals on moblock last wek.. not used it however. | 06:46 |
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Wolf23 | heguru: brb | 06:47 |
dn4 | how many floppy disks are required to store a dvd? | 06:47 |
dn4 | 1.44mb floppies | 06:47 |
r691175002 | I have two Nvidia 8600Gt cards, but the restricted drivers manager says I don't need any drivers, and if I manually install the nvidia drivers they crash the gui | 06:47 |
Evanlec | jpastore, peerguardian is available for ubuntu, i had it installed before | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | dn4, around 3000+ | 06:47 |
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heguru | Evanlec: any apps that use tmporary folder for their work area | 06:47 |
trdracer | !Adept Manager | 06:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adept manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:47 |
jpastore | Dr_willis, moblock was recommended on the peer guardian site.... | 06:47 |
LiMaO | dn4: a lot | 06:47 |
dn4 | thanks Dr_willis | 06:47 |
LiMaO | hehe | 06:47 |
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heguru | Evanlec: i would only use tmpfs if i have more than 4gb ram though | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | jpastore, moblock is the next gen tool i guess then. | 06:47 |
jpastore | Evanlec, really when you click on the linux link on their say it say it doesn't exist and to use moblock | 06:47 |
amidaniel | Anyone know of a simple way to convert a PAL iso to NTSC? | 06:48 |
jpastore | *their site | 06:48 |
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Evanlec | heguru, hmm..i have 2gb but i dont feel like im ever really running out of ram | 06:48 |
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Evanlec | heguru, i also did the "swappiness 0" trick...think it helped a little | 06:48 |
r691175002 | Neither the restricted drivers manager, or manually installed nvidia drivers will recognize my video cards, can anyone help? | 06:48 |
heguru | Evanlec: what do you do with your machine? | 06:49 |
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Dr_willis | cool - moblock has gutsy repos. :) | 06:49 |
etteyafed | is it 9 days now? | 06:49 |
etteyafed | ;) | 06:49 |
trdracer | cmon people :) how do i get my adept manager to get root axx? | 06:49 |
trdracer | whats the wiki for that? | 06:49 |
jpastore | Dr_willis, yea but it specifically states iptables + moblock not a good idea | 06:49 |
jpastore | I'm doing stuff with iptables... | 06:49 |
Evanlec | heguru, mm, mostly lotta web browsing, alwyas have like 18 tabs open in firefox, i do some web development and play some games... | 06:49 |
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Dr_willis | jpastore, i dont do anything with iptables.. so :) | 06:50 |
jpastore | Dr_willis, then give it a shot =) | 06:50 |
heguru | Evanlec: :D you don't need to do anything, 2GB is enough for what you do | 06:50 |
dn4 | any idea on the command to copy a directory to the A: drive then have it let me put in a floppy each time one fills up | 06:50 |
tonyyarusso | trdracer: kdesu adept | 06:50 |
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Evanlec | heguru, heh, well thats why im saying, maybe i could put some of that extra ram to use with the shmfs thing | 06:50 |
tonyyarusso | dn4: well, first off there's no such thing as an A: drive. | 06:51 |
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heguru | Evanlec: try it out then | 06:51 |
etteyafed | dn4: it is /dev/fd0 | 06:51 |
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heguru | Evanlec: start with like 512mb /tmp | 06:51 |
trdracer | tonyyarusso do you know the syntax? | 06:51 |
tonyyarusso | trdracer: that would be the command right there, then you will be prompted for your password | 06:52 |
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trdracer | :0 thanks | 06:52 |
trdracer | :) | 06:52 |
Evanlec | heguru, now this is interesting, it says many unix distros enable and use tmpfs by default: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TMPFS#Linux | 06:52 |
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Dr_willis | dn4, egads that sounds like somthing i did in 1980's :) | 06:52 |
Extravert | Why do my programs print \r instead of returning?!?!?!?!?!?! | 06:52 |
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dn4 | Dr_willis, apparently A: drives don't exist weird | 06:52 |
Dr_willis | dn4, you backing up a Huge file? or a lot of little files? | 06:52 |
frostburn | dn4, what are you doing exactly? | 06:52 |
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dn4 | Dr_willis, one huge file | 06:53 |
trdracer | just recently made the change ive fallen in love with it since my bad occurrence the other day | 06:53 |
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Dr_willis | dn4, Linux dose not use A: B: drive lettering. | 06:53 |
heguru | Evanlec: even ubuntu use it for certain things | 06:53 |
dn4 | Dr_willis, ahhh my bad | 06:53 |
Dr_willis | dn4, you could use tar to backit up - but ICK. | 06:53 |
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Dr_willis | dn4, proberly be faster to find some online site to hold it :) | 06:53 |
dn4 | Dr_willis, that is cheating, no | 06:53 |
trdracer | tonyyarusso i still cant use adept manager. | 06:53 |
Evanlec | heguru, im confused tho, running df -h shows that dev/shm is mounted with 1014m available but 0% used...now is that virtual memory or what? | 06:54 |
trdracer | something about root access | 06:54 |
tonyyarusso | trdracer: what's it say? | 06:54 |
Dr_willis | dn4, cheating? Good luck then.. you got some learnign to do about linux basics I guess. :) id have to reread up on tar. and its ussage | 06:54 |
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trdracer | You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because this application needs special administrator (root) privileges. Please run it as root or through kdesu or sudo programs to be able to perform these actions | 06:54 |
bbardlbradd | thanks~!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:54 |
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heguru | Evanlec: thats your shm :) | 06:54 |
heguru | Evanlec: apps that are designed to use it, will use it | 06:54 |
JamoSmith | my linksys router's dns appears to be denying lookup requests from only my ubuntu machines, fireware upgrade failed (thx to linksys) has anyone heard of such a thing? | 06:54 |
Evanlec | heguru, whats a shm ;p | 06:54 |
dn4 | Dr_willis, alright thanks | 06:54 |
Evanlec | heguru, shared memory? | 06:55 |
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heguru | Evanlec: yes | 06:55 |
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Evanlec | i c | 06:55 |
etteyafed | dn4 why in the name of Linux would you want to put a huge file on several floppies in 2007? | 06:55 |
trdracer | tonyyarusso did you get that? | 06:55 |
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tonyyarusso | trdracer: ya | 06:55 |
Dr_willis | dn4, there might be some other backup tools.. but given that i have spare machines on the lan. :) i just ssh stuff around | 06:55 |
Evanlec | heguru, but it appears /tmp is not mounted by default, so whats my command to allocate 512mb like u said | 06:55 |
=== Dr_willis wonders if he has ANY machines with floppy disks... | ||
tonyyarusso | trdracer: You got that even with kdesu? | 06:55 |
Marv3n | hi guys, i have some trouble setting an static ip, can anyone help me? | 06:55 |
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trdracer | idk what that is. | 06:56 |
trdracer | .. | 06:56 |
dn4 | etteyafed, pure innanity I suppose | 06:56 |
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trdracer | but i put that syntax you told me earlier interminal | 06:56 |
heguru | Evanlec: change the fstab, add a line to mount /tmp using tmpfs filesystem | 06:56 |
dn4 | s/innanity/inanity | 06:56 |
Evanlec | kk | 06:56 |
heguru | Evanlec: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/excerpt/BSDHacks_chap1/index.html?page=last&x-showcontent=text | 06:57 |
djlenoir | Can you create a 'share' in Ubuntu to map to on your Vista machine? | 06:57 |
etteyafed | dn4: install mtools if it is not already installed and read the tar manpage. just type at the shell prompt, "man tar" | 06:57 |
Evanlec | heguru, heres my df -h output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40040/ | 06:57 |
trdracer | tonyyarusso and my bluetooth mouse and keyboard dont work for this =\ | 06:57 |
trdracer | i miss them | 06:57 |
trdracer | !bluetooth | 06:57 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 06:57 |
bullgard4 | English help wanted for 'cpufreq-selector' in Gnome: Right-click on a panel > Add to panel > System and Hardware: What is the English name of the applet you can choose for cpufreq-selector? | 06:58 |
tonyyarusso | trdracer: kdesu is a KDE graphical tool for sudo, allowing you to run applications with root privilidges, such as adept. | 06:58 |
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cmac_ | Hello, I have a lot of m4a audio files and am having problems listening to them using rythmbox in 7.1 any suggestions? | 06:58 |
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JamoSmith | my linksys router's dns appears to be denying lookup requests from only my ubuntu machines, fireware upgrade failed (thx to linksys) has anyone heard of such a thing? | 06:58 |
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amidaniel | Anyone know of a simple way to convert a PAL iso to NTSC? | 06:59 |
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etteyafed | dn4: read this for what you want http://aplawrence.com/Basics/floppy.html | 06:59 |
=== ZeroSpinBoson [n=kemper@ip24-250-164-91.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djlenoir | How can I share folders in Ubuntu so I can map to them with Windows please? Is that possible? | 06:59 |
bruenig | amidaniel, need to transcode it to an ntsc mpeg probably and go from there | 06:59 |
Kyokuz | JamoSmith: are you doing something involving a lot of lookups? | 06:59 |
ZeroSpinBoson | How do I find out what file system my external USB HD is? | 06:59 |
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indraveni | hi all, | 06:59 |
indraveni | executing v4l-info, gievs me output saying , open: /dev/video0 No such device | 07:00 |
heguru | ZeroSpinBoson: sudo fdisk -l | 07:00 |
indraveni | I am trying to make my motioeye camera, get detected in my sony laptop | 07:00 |
bruenig | ZeroSpinBoson, is it mounted? | 07:00 |
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indraveni | all the modules are installed and lsmod | grep gives me a output like | 07:00 |
indraveni | http://pastebin.ca/730402 | 07:00 |
indraveni | which means all my modules are loaded, but | 07:00 |
Evanlec | heguru, i also do some AVI to DVD conversions ... any way to speed those up? ;p | 07:00 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, sudo fdisk -l /dev/whateveritscalled | 07:00 |
ZeroSpinBoson | It is not mounted | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, or just 'sudo fdisk -l' shows all drives | 07:01 |
trdracer | tonyyarusso so you telling me i need that? | 07:01 |
amidaniel | bruenig: Okay .. I'm toying around with dvd::rip at the moment | 07:01 |
ZeroSpinBoson | thus the issue | 07:01 |
trdracer | kdesu whatever | 07:01 |
ZeroSpinBoson | but I will try fisk sec | 07:01 |
bruenig | dvd::rip is garbage iirc | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, it dosent HAVE to be mounted for fdisk. :) | 07:01 |
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heguru | Evanlec: faster processor, more RAM! | 07:01 |
ZeroSpinBoson | I notice =) | 07:01 |
ZeroSpinBoson | So it says HPFS/NTFS | 07:01 |
trdracer | i just want to be able to use my bluetooth mouse and keyboard and be able to install files | 07:01 |
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ZeroSpinBoson | But when I do mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /whateverf it won't let me | 07:01 |
Evanlec | heguru, lol, so mounting /tmp wouldnt help with that then | 07:01 |
heguru | Evanlec: no | 07:01 |
indraveni | when I am trying with xawtv command the output is something like this | 07:01 |
cmac_ | i'm having issues with the rythmbox codec for acc anyone have any advice about this issue? | 07:01 |
indraveni | http://pastebin.ca/730403 | 07:02 |
indraveni | help needed, please, | 07:02 |
indraveni | where am i going wrong | 07:02 |
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indraveni | seems like my v4l is not installed properly, am i correct ? | 07:02 |
indraveni | how can i solve this issue | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, you got some typos... | 07:02 |
ZeroSpinBoson | sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb usb/ | 07:02 |
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salkot | Please help me play a DVD. I followed all the instructions on the RestrictedFormats page, and I have the latest version of libdvdcss2 from the Medibuntu repository, but DVDs still don't work. What else can I try? | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, you need a sudo, its NOT sdb, it might be sdb1, and the mount point MUST exist first | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | !mount | 07:03 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | ahhh sdb1 lets try that | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | genius! | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | =) | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | I should've thought of that | 07:03 |
Dr_willis | Mounting stuff is a core linux skill. :) worth reading all about. | 07:03 |
djlenoir | Is it because I mentioned Windows? :) Sorry, how would someone access the Ubuntu file system from a non-*nix, and thus inferior, Operating System? | 07:03 |
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Evanlec | heguru, but with 32-bit how much could i benefit from having 4gb ram? | 07:03 |
riotkittie | where are packages from apt downloaded to before tehy get installed? | 07:03 |
Dr_willis | ZeroSpinBoson, and rember its 'umount' NOT 'uNmount' :) | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | I normally do just fine with it =) | 07:03 |
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matthew | i need help of* removing vmware-server that was custom installed | 07:03 |
ZeroSpinBoson | hehehe I know that one | 07:03 |
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heguru | Evanlec: depends on your apps | 07:04 |
trdracer | i will just use synaptic since im not getting useful help :P | 07:04 |
salkot | I wouldn't have to restart, would I? | 07:04 |
Veinor | I can't get my Targus PAWM10U wireless mouse to work with my computer; the receiver gets power and flashes when I move it/click, but lsusb doesn't show it. | 07:04 |
Evanlec | heguru, how bout video conversion | 07:04 |
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Evanlec | heguru, or encoding i should say | 07:04 |
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teKnofreak | matthew, just do a locate vmware-server and remove things | 07:05 |
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heguru | Evanlec: well i guess you can benefit to some degree | 07:05 |
matthew | E: vmware-player: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 07:05 |
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matthew | i try installing the normal ubuntu deb player and it mess up alot | 07:05 |
lazarus_lupine | djlenoir, there is an ext2 driver for windows (works with ext3 too) | 07:05 |
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Nutubuntu | djlenoir, samba? | 07:06 |
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teKnofreak | matthew, ah, find the prerm script, and make it an empty file and try it again | 07:06 |
arun_ | Madpilot: still here? | 07:06 |
Evanlec | heguru, hey something else i seeing here on that link u gave me : A sufficient swap size can greatly increase the performance of your filesystem. Also, if your system contains multiple drives, this swapping process will be much more efficient if each drive has its own swap partition. | 07:06 |
djlenoir | thanks lazarus... I will do a search for ext2 driver for windows then | 07:06 |
salkot | Anyone? Playing DVDs? | 07:06 |
Madpilot | arun_, yes - what's up? | 07:06 |
heguru | Evanlec: yes thats true | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | !ext2 | 07:06 |
threethirty | salkot: i am | 07:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | !ext3 | 07:06 |
ubotu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 07:06 |
arun_ | Madpilot: I found a way to use Tango icons with Filezilla | 07:06 |
ZeroSpinBoson | Okay, so now I've got my disk mounted but it'll only let me access it as root. How do I fix that? | 07:07 |
salkot | threethirty, what do I have to do besides install libdvdcss2? | 07:07 |
george | more upgrades! this is really going to break now... | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | djlenoir, http://www.fs-driver.org | 07:07 |
Madpilot | arun_, what's the trick? | 07:07 |
Veinor | I can't get my Targus PAWM10U wireless mouse to work with my computer; the receiver gets power and flashes when I move it/click, but lsusb doesn't show it. | 07:07 |
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djlenoir | thank you everyone... i appreciate the link and will go read now :) | 07:07 |
Evanlec | heguru, i dont understand tho, if ubuntu is installed on one drive, why would i want a swap on the other drive? | 07:07 |
arun_ | Madpilot: Just pick up the icon set here: http://sumowski.deviantart.com/art/FileZilla-Tango-55312081 | 07:07 |
threethirty | salkot: that's all i have ever done | 07:07 |
teKnofreak | ZeroSpinBoson, try chown'ing the mount point | 07:07 |
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matthew | teKnofreak, the wat? | 07:07 |
arun_ | Madpilot: and go to /usr/share/filezilla/resources/16x16/ | 07:07 |
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arun_ | replace the default filezilla icons | 07:07 |
teKnofreak | matthew, locate *.prerm and look for something like vmware-server.prerm | 07:07 |
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squidgy | Hi. My desktop icons labels are suddenly linewrapping after only a few chars. How do I reset that? | 07:08 |
Madpilot | arun_, very cool - thanks! Bookmarked that. | 07:08 |
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ZeroSpinBoson | teKnofreak: Says: chown: changing ownership of `usb': Read-only file system | 07:08 |
KevlarSoul | I click "Install" from the options, AMD 64 bit version, and the screen goes blank and stays there until I manually reboot. | 07:08 |
heguru | Evanlec: well swap file is used when you run out of ram, it is used as an extension to RAM, putting two swap files on different hard disks, just doubles the speed of swap | 07:08 |
matthew | teKnofreak, i didnt install the ubuntu verson so | 07:08 |
teKnofreak | ZeroSpinBoson, mount it somewhere in your home ? | 07:08 |
ZeroSpinBoson | I did | 07:08 |
threethirty | salkot: some dvd's wont work for some reason, i could paly ATHF:MFFD but not the special features dvd | 07:08 |
salkot | threethirty, using totem? | 07:08 |
Evanlec | heguru, are u saying having them interleaved? how would it know which swap file to use? | 07:08 |
ZeroSpinBoson | teKnofreak: It belongs to me until I mount it, then it changes to root | 07:08 |
threethirty | salkot: yeah in totem | 07:08 |
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teKnofreak | matthew, then you can manually find and remove it, but its a bit PITA | 07:08 |
salkot | ok | 07:08 |
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heguru | Evanlec: you don't have to do anything, just create swap partition on two driver, and put them both in fstab, linux does the rest | 07:09 |
matthew | /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmware-player.prerm | 07:09 |
heguru | *drives | 07:09 |
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threethirty | salkot: you could install something like vlc, or okle | 07:09 |
matthew | i was tring install that | 07:09 |
foxiness | hi,from time to time i notce high load of the cpu,when i check system monitor i found it grep! what is that or there way to know what called grep? | 07:10 |
salkot | ok | 07:10 |
teKnofreak | matthew, what does `sudo apt-get remove vmware-player` say ? | 07:10 |
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Evanlec | heguru, no kiddin...wish i had an example fstab to look at for that ;p | 07:10 |
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Evanlec | heguru, i dont need to reinstall or anything for that rite? | 07:10 |
matthew | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 07:10 |
Nutubuntu | Gnight all | 07:10 |
heguru | Evanlec: if you have free space on the second drive for a swap partition, then its very easy | 07:11 |
matthew | VMware Player is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured | 07:11 |
dryrot | i have a 10 meg encrypted encfs directory and a 10 meg temp_encrypted directory, am i taking up 10 megs total or 20 megs ? | 07:11 |
heguru | Evanlec: just follow any example for creating and mounting a swap partition for the 2nd drive | 07:11 |
Evanlec | heguru, i dont at the moment but if i booted up Vista and shrunk its partition down i could | 07:11 |
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heguru | Evanlec: that would do | 07:11 |
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matthew | Virtual ethernet failed that was being use on my custom install of vmware-server | 07:12 |
Evanlec | cool | 07:12 |
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Evanlec | but i still dont see how that would make it twice as fast ;p | 07:12 |
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Evanlec | is there other directories i should store on the other drive ? | 07:12 |
matthew | i need to some how remove the custom install of vmware-server | 07:12 |
heguru | Evanlec: one hard disk = X MB/s two hard disk = 2X MB/s :D | 07:12 |
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Jordan_U | matthew, Vmware comes with a removal script | 07:13 |
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wallen | intirc.rixport80.se fiskarflyger | 07:13 |
Evanlec | heguru, well yea, that was my understanding of how RAID0 gave a speed increase... | 07:13 |
matthew | but i didnt use the ubuntu version to install | 07:13 |
Veinor | I built my own libeel and nautilus and now nautilus is messed up... is there any way of removing my custom version and then re-installing from synaptic? | 07:13 |
heguru | Evanlec: you will not use the 2nd hard disk for data, only for swap, Kernel will itself utilize both the swap partitions together | 07:13 |
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lullis | Guys, how many of you experienced bugs with sound in Ubuntu Feisty, using amd 64 and a mobo with an NVidia chipset? | 07:13 |
Evanlec | heguru, but without striping i dont see how it can access the same file from two drives at once | 07:13 |
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heguru | Evanlec: why not? | 07:14 |
Jordan_U | matthew, In the same folder as the install script there should be a removal script\ | 07:14 |
teKnofreak | matthew, locate vmware-server and remove all that is associated with it (your own risk) | 07:14 |
trdracer | hey guys how can i axx my homeportal...i cant forward my ports on linux like i did on windows | 07:14 |
heguru | heguru: its part of the kernel memory management code | 07:14 |
indraveni | no one there to solve my problem with motioneye ? | 07:14 |
heguru | Evanlec: ^^ | 07:14 |
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Jordan_U | trdracer, axx? homeportal? | 07:14 |
Evanlec | heguru, well it must be somethin special about the swap file then, cuz as far as i know u cant just cut a file in half over two drives unless you had a magic file-chainsaw | 07:15 |
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Evanlec | o | 07:15 |
Jordan_U | Evanlec, Yes you can | 07:15 |
lullis | Evanlec, isn't RAID 0 a simple mirror? | 07:15 |
Veinor | also, whenever I have the sound manually turned all the way down, I can't use the keyboard shortcuts to turn it up. | 07:15 |
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Evanlec | lullis, RAID 0 is striping...RAID 1 is mirroring | 07:15 |
Evanlec | Jordan_U, how? | 07:15 |
matthew | /home/music/vmware-server-distrib is the files i used to install | 07:15 |
lullis | Ok... | 07:15 |
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teKnofreak | trdracer, man ipchain | 07:16 |
lullis | if RAID 0 is stripping, what's the problem of putting half of each file in separate Hds? | 07:16 |
Jordan_U | Evanlec, That is what RAID0 is, every other X number of bits is stored on the other drive | 07:16 |
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Evanlec | Jordan_U, right, but beyond RAID 0 how would u accomplish that? | 07:17 |
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Jordan_U | Evanlec, What are you trying to do exactly? | 07:17 |
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Evanlec | Jordan_U, oh just trying to do little performance tweaks, take advantage of my second drive | 07:17 |
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trdracer | !ipchain | 07:18 |
JamoSmith | my linksys router's dns appears to be denying lookup requests from only my ubuntu machines, fireware upgrade failed (thx to linksys) has anyone heard of such a thing? | 07:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ipchain - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:18 |
Evanlec | but apparently doing a full raid0 is not worth the risk | 07:18 |
lullis | Mighty wikipedia to the rescue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID#Standard_RAID_levels | 07:18 |
Evanlec | from what i hear | 07:18 |
heguru | Evanlec: swap partitions work differently, they don't have to exactly equally used, but kernel will use the 2nd disk swap for different process | 07:18 |
djlenoir | man, 50 minutes to copy a 555MB file from Ubuntu to Windows at 100Mb/s... does that seem slow? | 07:18 |
Jordan_U | Evanlec, RAID1? | 07:18 |
gwen | gfgt | 07:18 |
Evanlec | Jordan_U, doesnt RAID1 give you a performance hit? | 07:18 |
Jordan_U | Evanlec, It would "waste" some space, but it would be faster ( and add redundancy ) | 07:19 |
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Evanlec | it would be faster? | 07:19 |
frostburn | Evanlec, all software raids give performance hit | 07:19 |
Jordan_U | Evanlec, I think that it's a hit on write and helps on read | 07:19 |
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Evanlec | i thot raid 0 was a hit on write and a boost on read... | 07:19 |
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kevinO | is there any way to remove the networking icon in the task tray? | 07:20 |
trdracer | teKnofreak is it in a pack? | 07:20 |
frostburn | Evanlec, every time you write, or read, it takes more cpu cycles | 07:20 |
Evanlec | oh ur right, i guess u can get increased read performance | 07:20 |
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Jordan_U | Evanlec, I think raid0 helps both ( though like frostburn says, there is always the overhead of software raid in general to factor in ) | 07:20 |
heguru | kevinO: System -> Preferences -> Sessions and uncheck Network Manager | 07:20 |
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teKnofreak | trdracer, eh ? | 07:20 |
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bullgard4 | English help wanted for 'cpufreq-selector' in Gnome: Right-click on a panel > Add to panel > System and Hardware: What is the English name of the applet you can choose for cpufreq-selector? | 07:21 |
Watson` | hello, I need to change my boot sequence so that other OS gets the default priority, how exactly can I do that? | 07:21 |
Evanlec | frostburn, right i know, but i feel like hard drives are the main bottleneck in most systems and thus the sacrifice is worth it | 07:21 |
heguru | Evanlec: RAID1 read is as fast as no RAID | 07:21 |
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frostburn | Evanlec, what are you doing that requires such intense io? | 07:21 |
kevinO | thankd again heguru | 07:21 |
trdracer | teKnofreak this ipchain thing.. | 07:21 |
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Evanlec | heguru, from wiki: "RAID 1: mirrored set (minimum 2 disks) without parity. Provides fault tolerance from disk errors and single disk failure. Increased read performance occurs when using a multi-threaded operating system that supports split seeks, very small performance reduction when writing" | 07:21 |
Watson` | can I get some attention please! | 07:22 |
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Evanlec | frostburn, mm, nothing really lol...faster boot/app launch times? idk | 07:22 |
Jordan_U | bullgard4, "CPU frequency scaling Monitor" ? | 07:22 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:22 |
teKnofreak | Watson`, check for which option has the line `default 0` and move it to the similar place in the option you want | 07:22 |
frostburn | Evanlec, so get a 4gig usb key/sdcard and put ubuntu on that | 07:22 |
teKnofreak | Watson`, in the file pointed by lazarus_lupine ^^ | 07:22 |
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Evanlec | frostburn, i have ubuntu on a 2gb usb thumbdrive, its kinda slow actually ;p | 07:23 |
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bullgard4 | Jordan_U: Thank you. But Why do you put aquestion-mark at the end of your answer? | 07:23 |
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teKnofreak | Watson`, and make it `default 3` | 07:23 |
Jordan_U | bullgard4, I wasn't sure if I had really understood the question | 07:23 |
Evanlec | frostburn, i mean seek time is nice n fast but throughput is a little shabby | 07:23 |
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bullgard4 | Jordan_U: Thank you. That is what I wanted to know. | 07:24 |
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Jordan_U | bullgard4, np | 07:24 |
teKnofreak | bullgard4, a question mark at the end means "isnt't this what you want?" | 07:24 |
teKnofreak | :) | 07:24 |
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safet | hello all | 07:25 |
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Watson` | teKnofreak, there is no line containing 'default 0' | 07:26 |
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trdracer | teKnofreak i just wanted to know how to forward my ports bro with my azureus this is just confusing me. | 07:26 |
magic_ninja | has anyone here tried voip before | 07:26 |
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lazarus_lupine | Watson`, are you looking at the right file? | 07:26 |
heguru | Evanlec: my bad, new raid-1 implementation does support read balancing | 07:26 |
lazarus_lupine | its /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:26 |
Watson` | yup, I've got menu.lst opened. | 07:26 |
heguru | Evanlec: on linux that is | 07:26 |
_6StringKng_ | how would I got about updating openoffice to 2.3 in Ubuntu? | 07:26 |
trdracer | on windows i used to be able to axx my router and what not and change up the ports allowed and what not and now i cant. | 07:26 |
trdracer | teKnofreak | 07:26 |
safet | maybe your router address changed ? | 07:27 |
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teKnofreak | Watson`, pastebin you menu.lst plz | 07:27 |
teKnofreak | your* | 07:27 |
Evanlec | heguru, yea it said something about supporting split-seeks, does linux do that? | 07:27 |
teKnofreak | trdracer, am sure you will answer with a bit of googling | 07:27 |
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teKnofreak | get an answer* | 07:28 |
heguru | Evanlec: yes mdadm RAID1 does that | 07:28 |
Hilikus | is there a way to print everything that comes in a device? | 07:28 |
Evanlec | ah | 07:28 |
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Hilikus | i want to print everything that comes in /dev/lirc0 | 07:28 |
teKnofreak | Hilikus, you mean files within /dev/lirc0 ? | 07:28 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`, you figure it out? | 07:29 |
trdracer | well i used to be able to axx it with just typing /homeportal..now i cant. | 07:29 |
scguy318 | teKnofreak: /dev/lirc0 is a device, not a directory | 07:29 |
=== trdracer easily confused. | ||
=== trdracer unfocused. | ||
scguy318 | trdracer: hello | 07:29 |
_6StringKng_ | how would I got about updating openoffice to 2.3 in Ubuntu? | 07:29 |
Hilikus | teKnofreak lirc0 is not a directory | 07:29 |
lullis | Does someone here knows anything about how to troubleshoot ALSA on and MAD 64 machine? | 07:29 |
scguy318 | trdracer: did my MBR fix work? | 07:29 |
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Hilikus | i just want to see the raw stream coming in the device | 07:29 |
safet | im trying to browse my windows home network and the only computer i can see if the one set as a dns server... anyone know how i could change that | 07:29 |
trdracer | scguy 318 :) | 07:29 |
trdracer | yeah | 07:29 |
scguy318 | trdracer: goodie | 07:29 |
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trdracer | scguy318: bro i messed it up again today and used fixmbr and fixboot | 07:29 |
trdracer | im on ubuntu now. | 07:29 |
trdracer | i like it..just need to learn some things. | 07:30 |
scguy318 | trdracer: ok, cool :) | 07:30 |
Watson` | lazarus_lupine, it says this (in order) | 07:30 |
teKnofreak | Hilikus, oops, sorry, think possible but need some bash help :) | 07:30 |
Watson` | title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic | 07:30 |
Watson` | root (hd0,1) | 07:30 |
Watson` | kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=139762b9-083d-4d36-88d7-314f890298dd ro quiet splash | 07:30 |
=== wabiD [n=wabid@24-183-41-233.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Watson` | initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic | 07:30 |
scguy318 | !pastebin | Watson` | 07:30 |
ubotu | Watson`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:30 |
trdracer | scguy318: do you know how i can get my bluetooth mouse and keyboard to work with this? | 07:30 |
trdracer | i dont know what happen they dont work ive tried !bluetooth | 07:30 |
Watson` | thanks, I'll pastebin | 07:30 |
trdracer | that doesnt work. | 07:30 |
scguy318 | trdracer: well, I know Gusty is decked out with some bluetooth stuff, but for Feisty, lemme look | 07:30 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`, its above that | 07:30 |
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scguy318 | trdracer: its not terribly difficult | 07:31 |
safet | i can browse the computers if i put in the name manually but they do not show up in the network browser | 07:31 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`, about line 15 | 07:31 |
trdracer | scguy318: im sure its not..its just that im used to windows. | 07:31 |
scguy318 | trdracer: lemme look | 07:31 |
trdracer | all that comes easy to me but his is a bit different..takes some getting used to. | 07:31 |
trdracer | not everyone is as helpful as you :) | 07:31 |
wabiD | where is the new startup sound located? | 07:31 |
wabiD | and is it creative commons | 07:32 |
=== Axes [n=axes@190-95-20-69.bk17-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Rageon [n=kobe@d58-104-201-252.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teKnofreak | Watson`, can you read the commented part in that file and esp the part which speaks about "savedefault" | 07:32 |
scguy318 | trdracer: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html | 07:32 |
Jordan_U | wabiD, AFIK all the artwork is | 07:32 |
scguy318 | Jordan_U: hello | 07:32 |
heguru | wabiD: /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav and yes it is CC | 07:32 |
Madpilot | wabiD, it's more likely to be GPL'd than CC'd | 07:32 |
Watson` | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40041/ | 07:32 |
Jordan_U | scguy318, Hi | 07:32 |
scguy318 | Watson`: looks wrong | 07:33 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`, is that the whole config file? | 07:33 |
scguy318 | Watson`: quiet and splash should have their own little section I think | 07:33 |
scguy318 | Watson`: the best way | 07:33 |
Jordan_U | locate .wav | 07:33 |
trdracer | scguy318: Device is not available: No such device | 07:33 |
scguy318 | trdracer: you have to make the Bluetooth devices "visible" first, if you know what I mean | 07:34 |
Watson` | ok wait buddies.. I gotta paste the whole file there then.. give me a second | 07:34 |
riotkittie | I'm doing an update. I don't want to update packages x, y, z, aa. They've been downloaded but have not been installed, as I canceled the download of updates before it was complete. How do I stop those packages from being installed? | 07:34 |
teKnofreak | Watson`, add a `savedefault` at the end of the option you want | 07:34 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-133-35-6.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | scguy318: i dont know what you mean.. | 07:34 |
scguy318 | riotkittie: they weren't installed then | 07:34 |
trdracer | the keyboard works now though :) | 07:34 |
trdracer | the mouse is what i love. | 07:34 |
scguy318 | trdracer: oh cool | 07:34 |
Kyokuz | anyone installed 7.04 server recently, it keeps crashing in exact same place for me after php5-mysql is installed | 07:35 |
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scguy318 | trdracer: when you try to get two Bluetooth devices together, you have to set one to broadcast an identifier, or something like that | 07:35 |
scguy318 | trdracer: so the other device can identify and connect and talk | 07:35 |
riotkittie | scguy318: i know they werent installed, hence the "they've been downloaded but have not been installed" :P but once i resume downloading upgrades, will they be? or will unselecting them, though they have been download... save me? :P | 07:35 |
Kyokuz | just sits there once it has installed php5-mysql at 85% | 07:35 |
scguy318 | riotkittie: they've probably landed in the cache, so probably you won't have to d/l again, though I could be wrong :P | 07:36 |
Ippb | hi, newly joined to this chat , can some body help me with ./Setup file configuration | 07:36 |
heguru | Kyokuz: did you check your cd? | 07:36 |
scguy318 | riotkittie: they wont be uninstalled unless you say so | 07:36 |
scguy318 | riotkittie: *installed | 07:36 |
Jordan_U | Ippb, What are you trying to install? | 07:36 |
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Kyokuz | i am using an iso - i downloaded a second one to make sure it wasn't corrupt | 07:36 |
riotkittie | yes, but there are other files that i do need to download. and then upgrade manager's going to install them all. | 07:36 |
Kyokuz | hangs in same place, every time | 07:36 |
Ippb | i am trying to install wanpipe drivers | 07:36 |
Watson` | ok guys, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40042/ | 07:37 |
trdracer | (10:35:28 PM) scguy318: trdracer: when you try to get two Bluetooth devices together, you have to set one to broadcast an identifier, or something like that <i have no clue on how to do so...and the keyboard doesnt work again. | 07:37 |
trdracer | nevermind it does...just wasnt visible. | 07:37 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: press Ctrl+Alt+F2 or F3-F12 one of them will show you whats going on behind the installer, see if there is any error | 07:37 |
lazarus_lupine | Watson`, mine looks like this: http://pastebin.com/dc71fcc9 | 07:37 |
=== Axes [n=axes@190-95-20-69.bk17-dsl.surnet.cl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
trdracer | but the mouse is the problem...idk whats going on with that.. | 07:37 |
Ippb | some syntax error ( Jordan | 07:38 |
Hilikus | how can i find the codes for my STB remote? | 07:38 |
=== nkpart [n=nick@203-206-169-14.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evanlec | heguru, does this line look good for my fstab? : md /tmp mfs rw,-s512m 0 0 | 07:38 |
Jordan_U | Ippb, Does the file start with "#! /bin/sh" ? | 07:38 |
Watson` | so what can I do to make Windows Vista the default OS? | 07:39 |
Rageon | edit menu.lst | 07:39 |
=== insta [n=bryan@CPE-65-27-1-102.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | Watson`: you change the default OS number I think | 07:39 |
Ippb | Yes Jordan | 07:39 |
heguru | Evanlec: replace md with tmpfs and mfs with tmpfs, remove | 07:39 |
scguy318 | Watson`: if you dont like playing with menu.lst by hand, theres a script on Ubuntu Forums called GrubEd that may be of interest | 07:39 |
Jordan_U | Watson`, Move its entry in your /boot/grub/menu.lst above the debian automagic kernels lsit | 07:39 |
=== windows_ [n=windows@c-76-107-158-137.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | *list | 07:39 |
Kyokuz | heguru: now i'm at a console, which option should i use? | 07:39 |
=== thoreauputic [i=peter@d58-110-210-165.mas9.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | Ippb, Change it to /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh | 07:40 |
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safet | anyone familiar with samba? | 07:40 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: nano /etc/fstab | 07:40 |
scguy318 | safet: not me | 07:40 |
heguru | !anyone | safet | 07:40 |
ubotu | safet: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:40 |
Watson` | scguy318, may I have the link to that? | 07:40 |
scguy318 | Watson`: sure, one moment | 07:40 |
Evanlec | heguru, remove what? | 07:41 |
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riotkittie | /var/lib/dpkg/info << is this where files are put pending installation? | 07:41 |
heguru | Kyokuz: sorry! not for you | 07:41 |
scguy318 | Watson`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228104 | 07:41 |
Evanlec | heguru, current line now reads: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,-s512m 0 0 | 07:41 |
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@187-221-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== freakazoid0223 [n=matt@pool-72-81-11-14.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wabiD | what is the easiest way to edit 1920x1200 ogg theora video | 07:41 |
heguru | Evanlec: that looks fine, just let me make sure, 1 min | 07:41 |
trdracer | scguy318: im also having trouble tuning my azureus. | 07:41 |
Evanlec | kk | 07:41 |
Ippb | ./Setup: line 1255: syntax error near unexpected token `cat' | 07:41 |
Ippb | ./Setup: line 1255: ` cat << ENDOFTEXT' | 07:41 |
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heguru | Evanlec: change it to: none /tmp tmpfs mode=1777 0 0 | 07:42 |
=== insllvn [n=ian@c-65-96-248-89.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jordan_U | Ippb, Did you change sh to bash ? | 07:42 |
Evanlec | the whole line? | 07:42 |
trdracer | scguy318: i used to be able to axx my 2wire /homeportal site now i cant.. | 07:42 |
Ippb | Yes , but same error | 07:42 |
insllvn | i have a question about power management | 07:42 |
safet | im having trouble browsing my windows network from my ubuntu box, but from my windows box i can browse my ubuntu box, i have samba set up and it works if u put the server name in manually but browsing does not find any computers besides the dns server | 07:42 |
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Jordan_U | Ippb, Where did you get the script? | 07:42 |
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trdracer | !ports | 07:43 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall | 07:43 |
trdracer | !firewall | 07:43 |
scguy318 | trdracer: axx? | 07:43 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 07:43 |
heguru | Evanlec: yes, you can change that to mode=1777,size=<requiredsizeinbytes> if you want to control size yourself | 07:43 |
scguy318 | !ask | insllvn | 07:43 |
ubotu | insllvn: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:43 |
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-24-108.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insllvn | my screen goes blank after a few minutes of inactivity even though i have set the power management option to never do this | 07:43 |
trdracer | scguy318: axx =access | 07:43 |
scguy318 | trdracer: ah | 07:44 |
insllvn | how can i prevent power management to stop doing that | 07:44 |
=== A01 [n=Albert@cpe-75-83-218-35.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | bash: $: command not found | 07:44 |
trdracer | <00 whats that mean | 07:44 |
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heguru | safet: pastebin your /etc/smb.conf file | 07:44 |
scguy318 | trdracer: what did you type? looks like you just typed a $ sign | 07:44 |
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heguru | safet: or just tell me if there is anything in wins server= | 07:44 |
Ippb | I got it from sangoma site , now this site is down | 07:44 |
Evanlec | heguru, so like this?: none /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,size=512mb 0 0 | 07:45 |
trdracer | $ sudo iptables -L | 07:45 |
safet | wins server is disabled | 07:45 |
trdracer | thats what i typed | 07:45 |
scguy318 | trdracer: without the shell prompt :) | 07:45 |
trdracer | im guessing idont need the $ | 07:45 |
trdracer | haha | 07:45 |
scguy318 | trdracer: yep | 07:45 |
heguru | Evanlec: perfect | 07:45 |
Kyokuz | heguru: i did ctrl-alt-f2 now stuck in this busybox console | 07:45 |
heguru | Evanlec: oh sorry change mb to m | 07:45 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-211-21.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evanlec | sure thats the right syntax for the size? | 07:45 |
Kyokuz | heguru: can't see errors | 07:45 |
scguy318 | trdracer: you should try the Firestarter frontend for graphical mangement | 07:45 |
Evanlec | ah k | 07:45 |
corevette | what distros besides ubuntu come with madwifi? | 07:45 |
Jordan_U | corevette, Most | 07:45 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: try Ctrl+Alt+f3-f12 | 07:45 |
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Jordan_U | corevette, Usually not by default since it requires some proprietary stuff | 07:46 |
heguru | Kyokuz: one of them will show you whats going on behind the installer, something like installed php5 etc. | 07:46 |
trdracer | scguy318: oh gawd where do i find all these different things..all i see is random confusion in this channel for me. | 07:46 |
scguy318 | !firewall | trdracer | 07:46 |
ubotu | trdracer: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 07:46 |
Ippb | can i send u this file | 07:46 |
Evanlec | k soits now none /tmp tmpfs mode=1777,size=512m 0 0 | 07:46 |
Jordan_U | corevette, But almost all have the option of installing it | 07:46 |
scguy318 | trdracer: sudo apt-get install firestarter, then look in System -> Administration | 07:46 |
heguru | Evanlec: thats good, just add it to fstab, reboot and you're good | 07:46 |
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insllvn | how can i prevent my display from going to sleep? | 07:46 |
Evanlec | k | 07:46 |
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kaushal | hi | 07:47 |
Evanlec | and if its wrong? i change it from cmd line? ;p | 07:47 |
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corevette | jordan_U, suse and fedora don't come with it...then what does? | 07:47 |
Kyokuz | heguru: ahh it's stuck in a loop, can't resolv the websites for updates | 07:47 |
safet | heguru: winserver = off | 07:47 |
=== ome [n=ome@70-100-241-49.dsl2.bvr.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insllvn | i have already used the gui option is there some config file i need to edit? | 07:47 |
=== Fallenou [n=Fallen@sionneau.maisel.int-evry.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | nevermind. apparently, update manager will purge any pkgs you've downloaded after X minutes of not resuming an install | 07:47 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: press Ctrl+C to cancel this operation, and it will continue | 07:48 |
Extravert | why is my system soo corrupted! arg | 07:48 |
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=== riotkittie hugs update manager | ||
DigitalNinja | I need help with a disappearing mouse pointer. It's there for a while but then it disappears. | 07:48 |
=== Redrose [n=Lonewolf@cpe-76-183-8-3.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ippb | 1247 install_config() | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1248 { | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1249 banner | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1250 | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1251 if [ "$PKG_NAME" = "wanpipe-lite" ] ; then | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1252 | 07:48 |
ome | I just did a fresh install of ubuntu. Everything is working flawless. Is there a package to restore it to this point after i screw it up agaain? | 07:48 |
Evanlec | heguru, cant i just do "umount /tmp" and "mount /tmp" ? | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1253 get_conf_dir() | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1254 | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1255 cat << ENDOFTEXT | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1256 WANPIPE (LITE) CONFIGURATION | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1257 | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | corevette, They don't come with it pre-installed, like I said before because it requires proprietary stuff to work, but it should be easy to install | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1258 Please read the wanpipe_lite_manual.(pdf/txt) manual for further | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1259 information. | 07:48 |
Evanlec | !pastebin | lppb | 07:48 |
ubotu | lppb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1260 | 07:48 |
Extravert | ... | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | !paste > Ippb | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1261 ENDOFTEXT | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1262 | 07:48 |
Redrose | what is the recommmended ircd? | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1263 else | 07:48 |
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Redrose | #ircd | 07:48 |
heguru | Evanlec: no need to umount, just type sudo mount -a | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1264 | 07:48 |
Ippb | 1265 cat << ENDOFTEXT | 07:48 |
Redrose | !ircd | 07:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ircd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:49 |
trdracer | scguy318: i want to open up ports..i dont know how to do so on linux. | 07:49 |
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@p5B27EA74.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | so confusing to do the simplest things | 07:49 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, They are all open by default | 07:49 |
scguy318 | trdracer: firewall blocks nothing, since nothing is running | 07:49 |
insllvn | hello? | 07:49 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.131-109.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evanlec | heguru, aha.... evan@ubuntu:~$ df -h /tmp | 07:49 |
Evanlec | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 07:49 |
Evanlec | none 512M 0 512M 0% /tmp | 07:49 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, And firestarter is pretty easy to use | 07:49 |
scguy318 | trdracer: port forwarding of course would be done onthe router | 07:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jordan_U: not in ubuntu, afaik we have no open network ports by default | 07:49 |
trdracer | scguy318: i want to use azureus | 07:49 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i may be wront | 07:49 |
scguy318 | trdracer: you have to forward on the router of course | 07:49 |
friedtofu | anyone have ideas on how to play .ape files? | 07:50 |
heguru | Evanlec: :) | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | Admiral_Chicago, No, we just have nothing listening | 07:50 |
trdracer | scguy318: i cant axx the router on linux is what im trying to say..ive done so easily on windows. | 07:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah okay that is more clear to me. | 07:50 |
Redrose | for a newbie irc admin, what's a recommend daemon for creating your own irc server? | 07:50 |
Extravert | Why do my programs print \r instead of returning to a new line? | 07:50 |
trdracer | will i have to go to windows to check which ports ive done so with? | 07:50 |
trdracer | i cant axx my router is pretty much what ive been trying to say | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, How are you trying to access ( please just type it out, sorry it annoys me for some reason :) the router? | 07:50 |
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=== maeth [n=maeth@pc-110-15-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | /homeportal (in firefox) | 07:51 |
=== JerKB [n=jerry@c-69-252-194-214.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heguru | Evanlec: good, now you might have some things not working till you reboot :), you just removed their temporary files | 07:51 |
trdracer | thats what ive done before | 07:51 |
Kyokuz | heguru: i did that now it's stuck in some process restarting tail thing | 07:51 |
trdracer | and its reached what ive needed everytime. | 07:51 |
Evanlec | heguru, lol i c | 07:51 |
=== sleepster [n=yesi@pool-71-104-238-164.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
friedtofu | huh. maybe try the direct ip address? | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Then your router has its own DNS ( just guessing ) ? | 07:51 |
heguru | Kyokuz: well Ctrl+C again :) (bad idea, but will install atleast) | 07:51 |
Kyokuz | heguru: now it's trying to contact the update websites again and it still can't.. don't seem to be able to get out of this loop even with ctrl-c | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Just enter the ip, it's the same as your gateway address | 07:52 |
trdracer | i dont know i just know i used to be able to axx it and change its settings and nowi cant | 07:52 |
=== nickrud [n=nickrud_@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nickrud] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maeth | does anybody know how to install a VPN on ubuntu? | 07:52 |
heguru | Kyokuz: go to busybox | 07:52 |
ome | is there a system restore package with a gui? | 07:52 |
Kyokuz | heguru: i did it about twenty times, wont come out of it | 07:52 |
heguru | Kyokuz: run ps | 07:52 |
=== corevette_ [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-211-21.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heguru | Kyokuz: find the pid of update process, and kill it | 07:52 |
trdracer | Jordan_U: ive tried that already as well. | 07:52 |
friedtofu | anyone know how to play .ape files (lossless audio codec) | 07:52 |
trdracer | thats why i came in here and started asking. | 07:52 |
=== tom_d [n=tom@207-180-158-56.c3-0.wak-ubr1.sbo-wak.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trdracer | i never wanted a firewall my router has one already | 07:52 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Do you get an error? | 07:53 |
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Extravert | Why do my programs print \r instead of returning to a new line? | 07:53 |
maeth | trdracer, you using firestarter? | 07:53 |
trdracer | yes..the firefox error that says try again blah blah | 07:53 |
trdracer | maeth yes | 07:53 |
Don64 | !backup | ome | 07:53 |
ubotu | ome: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:53 |
trdracer | dont know why | 07:53 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, Again, nothing should be blocked by default, and certainly not port 80 | 07:53 |
ome | im looking for the gui noob way | 07:53 |
Jordan_U | trdracer, What is the ip of your router? | 07:53 |
trdracer | why whats port 80? | 07:53 |
maeth | trdracer, dont compare the firewall of a router with firestarter... firestarter will kick any router ass | 07:54 |
scguy318 | ome: system restore? like? | 07:54 |
scguy318 | trdracer: port 80 is standard HTTP port | 07:54 |
ome | something where i click a button . then i can restore it to that state after i screw things up by clicking a button | 07:54 |
scguy318 | maeth: not rly, Firestarter...is just a GUI | 07:54 |
scguy318 | maeth: netfilters/iptables is the magic, and some routers have that functionality in firmware | 07:54 |
maeth | scguy318, yeah , but it gives you complete real time report on every action on the network | 07:54 |
nickrud | and not that great of one, either. I don't see how to control udp & tcp separately | 07:55 |
Jordan_U | maeth, In fact, some routers *use* iptables :) | 07:55 |
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Don64 | ome: simple backup is easy | 07:55 |
insllvn | can anyone help me? | 07:55 |
Kyokuz | heguru: killed it, now install has continued to grub and grub install failed, tried to redo it but keeps failing | 07:55 |
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ome | ok ill check it out | 07:55 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | insllvn | 07:55 |
ubotu | insllvn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:55 |
nickrud | ome: no, there's nothing quite like that one touch rollback | 07:55 |
insllvn | how can i prevent my display from going to sleep? | 07:55 |
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maeth | Jordan_U, it is as i said, because of the real time report that makes firestarter great.. | 07:55 |
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maeth | Jordan_U, and it makes iptable programing for kids | 07:56 |
Jordan_U | maeth, Ahh, missed that part | 07:56 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: well if grub fails you won't be able to boot, what is the error? | 07:56 |
maeth | Jordan_U, so, i belive its a great thing... got a DHCP server and firewalled via firestarter... | 07:56 |
nickrud | insllvn: system-prefs-screensaver, the power options button I believe | 07:56 |
scguy318 | trdracer: so, what's the gateway IP of your router? :) | 07:56 |
trdracer | scguy318: i have no clue. | 07:57 |
maeth | well.. i repeat... does anybody knows how can i install a VPN on my ubuntu machine? | 07:57 |
Kyokuz | heguru: failed to install into /target/ is the error | 07:57 |
trdracer | and how in the world do i find my files ive downloaded? | 07:57 |
Watson` | thanks for the help guys.. I'll reboot and check if it works properly now | 07:57 |
heguru | maeth: what VPN do you want? PPTP? OpenVPN? | 07:57 |
trdracer | as in like azureus so i can make it my default to handle the type of files i want it to | 07:57 |
maeth | heguru, pptp | 07:57 |
scguy318 | trdracer: pastebin the output of ifconfig | 07:57 |
Ippb | Thanx very much able to install now | 07:57 |
scguy318 | trdracer: and Azureus probably stores to a folder in your home | 07:57 |
heguru | maeth: install the pptpd package | 07:57 |
WGGMk | i need help with samba..... im dying here | 07:57 |
scguy318 | trdracer: its in the options | 07:57 |
maeth | heguru, pptp is the one that windows came with isnt? | 07:57 |
JerKB | friedtofu: jlgui plays monkey's audio | 07:57 |
heguru | maeth: sudo apt-get install pptpd | 07:57 |
nickrud | insllvn: also, you can add the inhibit (screen sleep) applet to the panel, to turn it on and off easily | 07:57 |
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insllvn | nickrud, thanks i was checking the power management stuff and completely ignoring the screensaver setting | 07:58 |
heguru | maeth: yes it is | 07:58 |
insllvn | silly me | 07:58 |
troseph | !hiding my pr0n | 07:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hiding my pr0n - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:58 |
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maeth | heguru, mind helping me configure it? | 07:58 |
ehammond | msg obotu help | 07:58 |
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safet | how do i restart samba? | 07:59 |
heguru | maeth: no problem, though its straightforward, do you mind telling how you plan to authenticate? | 07:59 |
Kyokuz | i hate vmware.. is there a special version of ubuntu just for vmware? i didn't get these install problems on MS VPC | 07:59 |
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heguru | safet: /etc/init.d/samba restart | 07:59 |
WGGMk | safet: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 07:59 |
nickrud | safet: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 07:59 |
safet | thanks to all | 07:59 |
=== heguru won ;) | ||
ome | is duplicity a good choice? | 07:59 |
=== nickrud lost big time | ||
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WGGMk | lies... i hit a lag spike | 07:59 |
Jordan_U | Kyokuz, What problems and what version of Vmware? | 07:59 |
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luxdoritos | hola alguien k hable spanol | 08:00 |
Kyokuz | vmware won't resolve dns... Server 1.04 | 08:00 |
heguru | !es | luxdoritos | 08:00 |
ubotu | luxdoritos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:00 |
WGGMk | ok, can someone help me configure samba.. im loosing and samba is pwn'ing me in the face tuff | 08:00 |
luxdoritos | graxias | 08:00 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-42-160.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maeth | heguru, mm... ill explain what i want, then can you tell me what i need to do? , i want a friend to connect to my home network from a windows, the server that has the VPN is the DHCP and internet share server | 08:00 |
Kyokuz | local network is fine.. bridged direct | 08:00 |
Jordan_U | Kyokuz, Have you added a virtual ethernet controller? ( I don't remember if one is there by default ) | 08:00 |
salsashark | Kyokuz, Ubuntu JeOS | 08:00 |
=== nickrud is sad to say, that all he knows about samba is what he just typed | ||
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heguru | WGGMk: run: sudo smbd -F | 08:01 |
heguru | WGGMk: and see whats the error | 08:01 |
safet | heguru thanks for mentioning wins support that fixed my problem :) | 08:01 |
maeth | heguru, so normally, in windows, he will just create the connection , then set the address, user and pass... and thats it... i hope :S | 08:01 |
WGGMk | heguru: i dont think its an 'error'.. the configuration is not set to what i want to happen.. if that makes sence | 08:01 |
Kyokuz | yah, default is bridged controller.. it's like a routing problem | 08:01 |
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Jordan_U | Kyokuz, Set it to NAT, it's easier to work with in general | 08:02 |
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heguru | maeth: again, do you want to Connect TO windows server from linux, or do you want Windows computers to connect to Linux using VPN? | 08:02 |
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heguru | WGGMk: can you explain further? | 08:02 |
eyemean_ | hi if i want to help a friend on his pc by taking control of it how can i do that if he on windows xp pls? | 08:02 |
maeth | heguru, windows computers to connect to my linux server | 08:03 |
Kyokuz | ick - fatal error unable to install grub (hd0) | 08:03 |
eyemean_ | and im using ubuntu 7.04 | 08:03 |
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WGGMk | heguru: I see my work group called "TEST" and i see my server inside the work group, also called "TEST" but it doesnt prompt me to login, nor does it have any action once i double click on the server (from within the workgroup folder) | 08:03 |
heguru | maeth: ok, just install pptpd and its preconfigured to do that :) | 08:03 |
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Kyokuz | i tried nat, that doesn't work either | 08:03 |
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maeth | heguru, so... where do i make a user name? wich address should i set? | 08:03 |
Kyokuz | same problem | 08:03 |
titia | salut tout le monde | 08:03 |
heguru | maeth: it uses the Ubuntu users | 08:03 |
Kyokuz | i'll look up this JEOS thing | 08:03 |
heguru | maeth: address? | 08:04 |
Jordan_U | eyemean_, There is VNC and terminal services, VNC works for any platform but terminal services is for windows ( but has a linux client ) | 08:04 |
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maeth | heguru, yeah, when u connect to a VPN , it creates this "virtual" ethernet adapter isnt? | 08:04 |
heguru | WGGMk: you have to pastebin your smb.conf file, though i believe the right place for this is #samba | 08:04 |
heguru | maeth: on linux it will create ppp+ connections on the server | 08:04 |
eyemean_ | jordan_u thank you will check out their website | 08:05 |
WGGMk | heguru: you dont have to troubleshoot.. should i scoot on over to samba? | 08:05 |
heguru | WGGMk: that would be a good idea | 08:05 |
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WGGMk | k thnx | 08:05 |
maeth | heguru, k... and if i want to create another user for a friend of mine? | 08:05 |
friedtofu | JerKB: so is jlgui some kind of online app or what is the command to get it? | 08:05 |
eyemean_ | lol jordan_u u meant something like logmein | 08:05 |
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Kyokuz | i only see two versions of ubuntu where is the jeos one? | 08:06 |
heguru | maeth: add a user to ubuntu (System -> Administration -> Users and Groups) | 08:06 |
eyemean_ | that wat i tried, but caus eim on linux wouldnt install logmein on my browser | 08:06 |
maeth | heguru, k... | 08:06 |
maeth | heguru, great... gonna try now | 08:06 |
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ome | is there a gui driven backup system? | 08:06 |
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Jordan_U | eyemean_, terminal services is easy to enable, the hardest part is the port forewarding on the router | 08:07 |
heguru | ome: amanda + webmin is almost that | 08:07 |
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JerKB | friedtofu: it's a java app. if you look on http://www.javazoom.net/jlgui/sources.html there's more info. | 08:07 |
maeth | heguru, wich TCP / UDP port uses the VPN? | 08:07 |
Matthai | ome, I don't know, but I am using rsync | 08:07 |
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maeth | heguru, i need to set it on the firewall | 08:07 |
heguru | maeth: 1723 TCP + GRE protocol | 08:07 |
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eyemean_ | jordan_u im kind alost wen u say terminal services, im a newbie to linx | 08:08 |
eyemean_ | linux | 08:08 |
eyemean_ | and am not very clued up, lol | 08:08 |
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mcgrewism | Hi | 08:08 |
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Jordan_U | eyemean_, Terminal services is actually a windows thing, ask how to set it up in ##windows , then come here for how to connect to it from Linux | 08:08 |
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mcgrewism | I have a ubuntu question if someone could help me. | 08:09 |
heguru | !ask | mcgrewism | 08:09 |
ubotu | mcgrewism: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:09 |
eyemean_ | ahaaaa | 08:09 |
eyemean_ | ok thnk you jordan_u | 08:09 |
titun | what is this error: "FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device" , it comes when i try to load my infrared driver by doing sudo modprobe irda0 | 08:09 |
Jordan_U | eyemean_, np | 08:09 |
maeth | heguru, k... seems its working... brb | 08:09 |
eyemean_ | ur help is much appreciated, | 08:09 |
eyemean_ | will see what i cn do 2morow | 08:09 |
eyemean_ | bye for now | 08:09 |
friedtofu | JerKB: looks promising - thanks, and it seems it can support winamp skins? haha | 08:10 |
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tux78 | hi anyone know where i can get a list of samba commands? | 08:10 |
yell0w | !wifi | 08:10 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:10 |
mcgrewism | Alright. my monitor has everything pushed over to the right to much, and for some reason its on lock mode, so I cant alter the settings. I was told there might be a way to fix this with messing around with the monitor properties, but I dont know how to access that. This is like my second day using ubuntu. | 08:10 |
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heguru | tux78: http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/ | 08:11 |
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tux78 | are those for ubuntu heguru? | 08:12 |
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titun | what is this error: "FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device" ?? | 08:12 |
heguru | tux78: they are for samba, applicable to samba on ubuntu as well | 08:12 |
scguy318 | !vm | 08:12 |
ubotu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 08:12 |
scguy318 | !virtualbox | 08:12 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 08:12 |
coulix | helo, can someone look at his xmodmap and tell me what is the name for the "pipe" key, apparently its not pipe .. | 08:12 |
scguy318 | !vmware | 08:12 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 08:12 |
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Kyokuz | Anyone know where I can download JeOS for Ubuntu, I can see tons of press releases saying they developed it but no download......... | 08:13 |
tux78 | ok heguru | 08:13 |
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ome | what directory would I back up if i just want to backup system files and things that can alter my current flawless state. ? | 08:14 |
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coulix | pipe key anyone ? | 08:14 |
heguru | coulix: bar | 08:15 |
titun | please someone tell me what is this error? FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device | 08:15 |
coulix | doooooh | 08:15 |
coulix | thanks | 08:15 |
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heguru | coulix: welcome :) | 08:15 |
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titun | i have been asking for so many days.... i get no response..please friends help me with this error | 08:15 |
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JerKB | titun it's trying to load a kernel module that you don't have. | 08:17 |
PurpZeY | titun: Sounds like you need an additional kernel header or driver..That's about all I can do for you...Essentially, it is looking for a a device that isn't there...Check the forums...sems like it'd be common | 08:17 |
riotkittie | | | 08:18 |
riotkittie | oops | 08:18 |
titun | JerKB: yes i am trying to load infrared driver by doing sudo modprobe lrda0 | 08:18 |
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Kyokuz | heguru: you have crystal ball? where is JeOS? | 08:18 |
titun | PurpZeY: i searched in the forum for my infrared dongle/adapter connection solution, i could not do it :( | 08:18 |
Kyokuz | i need it right now | 08:18 |
Kyokuz | emergency | 08:19 |
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PurpZeY | titun: Did you try googling that exact message? | 08:19 |
JerKB | you may need to install additional packages or compile the module. I'm not sure exactly what you'd need. I've not used infared before. try google.com/linux | 08:19 |
titun | JerKB: if that infrared driver is not in the kernel by default can i add it | 08:19 |
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safet_ | bommmmmmmmm | 08:19 |
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PurpZeY | titun: Is it supported hardware? | 08:20 |
titun | PurpZeY: yes i tried google also.. actually many results come but i could not understand much of them | 08:20 |
JerKB | titun: you might try installing module-assistant and seeing if it's listed and installing it that way. | 08:20 |
PurpZeY | titun: Is it on the supported hardware list? | 08:20 |
titun | PurpZeY: no i don't think that infrared adapter is supported, so anyway to get it working | 08:20 |
PurpZeY | titun: Maybe, but not that I know of...Gotta comb the web and the forums | 08:21 |
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heguru | Kyokuz: its not available yet | 08:22 |
titun | PurpZeY: i am also googling , lets see.. i have also posted in the forum | 08:22 |
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=== Kyokuz screams in pain | ||
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foxiness | hi,monodevelop beta can i see this on ubuntu "am on beta too but ubuntu u know it are u ;)" ? | 08:25 |
jeff121212 | i need someone that is good at data recovery please | 08:25 |
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yokobr | hi | 08:25 |
yokobr | well | 08:25 |
yokobr | i need to mount a pen drive | 08:25 |
yokobr | look at this http://rafb.net/p/kFmFYa49.html | 08:25 |
scguy318 | jeff121212: im no expert, else I would get paid for it, but what exactly do you want to do | 08:26 |
yokobr | i cant mount it | 08:26 |
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jeff121212 | scguy318, my 8 year old son deleted a folder called m pictures it not in the bin alrdy looked | 08:27 |
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yokobr | please | 08:27 |
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yokobr | i really need to mount my pen drive | 08:27 |
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yokobr | i have an important document there | 08:27 |
yokobr | this is the output | 08:27 |
yokobr | http://rafb.net/p/kFmFYa49.html | 08:27 |
jeff121212 | scguy318, can u say ssh into me and look and see if u could find it? | 08:27 |
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titun | any keyboard shortcut to switch between workplaces? | 08:28 |
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allam | 08:28 | |
allam | 08:28 | |
scguy318 | !ar | allam | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
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allam | 08:28 | |
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scguy318 | !arabic | 08:28 |
ubotu | For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join #ubuntu-sa | 08:28 |
heguru | !sa | allam | 08:28 |
ubotu | allam: please see above | 08:28 |
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scguy318 | heguru: weird, isn't the Arabic language code ar? | 08:28 |
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=== riotkittie takes this opportunity to stress the importance of backing data that you value up | ||
yokobr | hey guys | 08:29 |
heguru | scguy318: yeah it is, but ubuntu-sa is actually for Saudi Arabia though they should change it to ubuntu-ar | 08:29 |
yokobr | i need to mount that ****** pen drive... =( | 08:29 |
scguy318 | jeff121212: next time, back up, use testdisk ,stop writing to that damn hard drive | 08:29 |
scguy318 | jeff121212: use testdisk | 08:29 |
scguy318 | jeff121212: Rescubuntu or w/e | 08:29 |
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jeff121212 | lol riotkittie i was going too i went to fix him some lunch thn do it | 08:29 |
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Tech-Mike_ | sup peeps... just installed ubuntu on another machine (dual-boot with winxp pro) upon ubuntu boot - freezes | 08:29 |
scguy318 | !trash | 08:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:30 |
scguy318 | !datarecovery | 08:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about datarecovery - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:30 |
scguy318 | blah | 08:30 |
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riotkittie | bleh | 08:30 |
allam | 08:30 | |
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heguru | jeff121212: look at http://sourceforge.net/projects/giis/ | 08:30 |
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dapiz987 | can ne one help me with installing the nvidia drivers on my laptop? | 08:31 |
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jeff121212 | thnks scguy318 and heguru | 08:31 |
scguy318 | !nvidia | dapiz987 | 08:31 |
ubotu | dapiz987: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:31 |
titun | is there any keyboard shortcut to switch between workplaces?? | 08:31 |
patty_mf | hello, could someone help me with a dsl connection trouble in 7.10 beta? | 08:31 |
allam | what is the name of arabic channel | 08:32 |
scguy318 | allam: #ubuntu-sa | 08:32 |
heguru | #ubuntu | 08:32 |
Tech-Mike_ | titun alt+ctrl left or right | 08:32 |
jeff121212 | heguru, But u can't recover the files deleted b4 installtaion of giis. | 08:32 |
yokobr | =( | 08:32 |
yokobr | pleaseeee | 08:32 |
heguru | allam: ^^ | 08:32 |
allam | ok | 08:32 |
allam | ok | 08:32 |
allam | dont be angry | 08:32 |
titun | Tech-Mike_: ah gr8, thank you a ton :) | 08:32 |
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Tech-Mike_ | np | 08:32 |
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dapiz987 | i kno, i have 7.10 and whenever i install the driveres and set them up, i got this gigantic black bar on the right of my screen, and its set at like a 780x600 scrolling resolution | 08:32 |
heguru | jeff121212: yeah just noticed, my bad | 08:32 |
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trdracer | scguy318: | 08:33 |
dapiz987 | the problem was easily fixed on 7.04 | 08:33 |
riotkittie | dapiz987: #ubuntu+1 for 7.10 support, please | 08:33 |
jeff121212 | heguru, no prob thnks for the link it will help in the future | 08:33 |
dapiz987 | k | 08:33 |
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Tech-Mike_ | .. just installed ubuntu on another machine (dual-boot with winxp pro) upon ubuntu boot - freezes | 08:34 |
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godsyn | Help. I have a file containing a list of IPs (cr seperated). I'd like to traceroute each IP in the file. very much a linux noob. I'm assuming it'll be a combo of find's exe ability and traceroute. suggestions? | 08:34 |
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strike | hi, some of my fonts are missing but I have already installed almost all the fonts. still text on buttons on xmms is missing | 08:34 |
riotkittie | Tech-Mike_: when does it freeze? if you're unsure, boot with nosplash & remove quiet from the kernel options | 08:35 |
strike | any ideas why it may happen? | 08:35 |
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Tech-Mike_ | it freezes at about 1/10th the progress bar ... like 20 secs into booting | 08:35 |
yokobr | hey guys | 08:36 |
Tech-Mike_ | ill try the no-quiet | 08:36 |
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wabiD | is there anywhere that will host high def ogg theora video | 08:36 |
yokobr | my pen drive stopped to work today, with no reason. | 08:36 |
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yokobr | I really have to open it | 08:36 |
godsyn | anyone? | 08:36 |
riotkittie | highdefoggtheoravideohosting.com | 08:36 |
yokobr | at least to get a document on it | 08:36 |
riotkittie | no wait, that doesnt exist :P | 08:36 |
madnez | mike | 08:36 |
yokobr | i dont know what else i can do | 08:36 |
madnez | you mean xp loading freeze? | 08:36 |
riotkittie | yokobr: can you mount it? | 08:37 |
madnez | or ubuntu? | 08:37 |
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yokobr | nope, i cant mount it | 08:37 |
yokobr | here`s the output | 08:37 |
yokobr | http://rafb.net/p/kFmFYa49.html | 08:37 |
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godsyn | Help. I have a file containing a list of IPs (cr seperated). I'd like to traceroute each IP in the file. very much a linux noob. I'm assuming it'll be a combo of find's exe ability and traceroute. help? | 08:37 |
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yokobr | riotkittie, got it | 08:38 |
yokobr | ? | 08:38 |
riotkittie | yea, but i'm clueless, yokobr :| | 08:38 |
yokobr | =( | 08:38 |
yokobr | i really need my .doc, thats inside. | 08:39 |
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osxdude | Night guys! | 08:39 |
riotkittie | nite osxdude | 08:39 |
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osxdude | oops | 08:40 |
yokobr | hey guys, please, take a look on my output!! i really need to get a file back from my pendrive riotkittie | 08:40 |
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osxdude | thought it wouldn't go to this server... | 08:40 |
yokobr | http://rafb.net/p/kFmFYa49.html | 08:40 |
riotkittie | heh. | 08:40 |
scguy318 | yokobr: sudo fdisk -l, what device is your fine pen-drive? | 08:41 |
Mr-Nilsen | guys, Do I need some extra software to get "dual monitors" ? got a monility x1400 . | 08:41 |
scguy318 | !dualhead | 08:41 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:41 |
scguy318 | !xinerama | 08:41 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 08:41 |
yokobr | its a sony pen drive | 08:41 |
riotkittie | i wonder if a fdsk would do anything. or chkdsk, if you have access to a win install :| | 08:41 |
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riotkittie | err fsck. not fdsk. | 08:41 |
yokobr | fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005) | 08:42 |
Bars-Teic | Where Russian chanel? | 08:42 |
riotkittie | !ru | Bars-Teic | 08:42 |
ubotu | Bars-Teic: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 08:42 |
Tech-Mike_ | ok...if i take the quiet option out and boot - does the same (with splash/progress bar) if i add nosplash - system reboots | 08:42 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: you can use ati control panel, if you are using fglrx (which i guess you are as x1400 doesn't work without it) | 08:42 |
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godsyn | how do I combine commands in linux? I have a file containg IPs, I'd like to traceroute each IP. suggestions? | 08:42 |
Mr-Nilsen | heguru: yes I'm using fglrx, but can't get that damn control panal to open :P | 08:43 |
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scguy318 | godsyn: probably write a teeny bash script, though my scripting skills are 0 | 08:43 |
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varka | scguy318: you need a "scriptkiddie" to write a "teeny bashscript" i bet ^^ | 08:44 |
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heguru | Mr-Nilsen: are you using compiz? | 08:44 |
Mr-Nilsen | Never got it to work =\ | 08:44 |
Tech-Mike_ | could the dual boot be the prob? should i just reformat entire disk w/ ubuntu - if that works...try installing xp | 08:45 |
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oheartsblod | how do I make sure files can read libs from /usr/local/lib? I've installed two programs from source that both install libs there but they can't see their files. | 08:46 |
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DigitalNinja | I have a system with a mouse that disappears. Is there a way to fix this? | 08:46 |
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varka | DigitalNinja: is it a wireless one? | 08:47 |
heguru | godsyn: cat filename | while read IP; do tracepath $IP; done | 08:48 |
titun | DigitalNinja: is that a laptop? | 08:48 |
DigitalNinja | no | 08:48 |
DigitalNinja | no | 08:48 |
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DigitalNinja | The mouse pointer is what disappears | 08:48 |
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titun | DigitalNinja: and it disappears while u r using it!! | 08:48 |
Tronyx | can anyone tell me why my text...jiggles when I type? (And I wish this was as much of a joke question as it sounds) | 08:48 |
Mr-Nilsen | when i use "sudo apt-get install compiz" I get a error message with the following information :"dpkg installation failed on daemontolls ( --configure ) | 08:48 |
DigitalNinja | Yup | 08:48 |
titun | strange | 08:48 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: ati control panel doesn't work under compiz | 08:48 |
DigitalNinja | I'v never seen this before | 08:49 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: which version of fglrx are you using? the one that comes with feisty? | 08:49 |
Mr-Nilsen | no, i had to reinstall it cause X somthing faild to load | 08:49 |
[per0las] | this ubuntu chess game default is to much easy ... even play whith the harder | 08:49 |
yokobr | http://rafb.net/p/ISqY9n13.html | 08:49 |
strike | either 7.04 is buggy or I am doing something wrong.. | 08:49 |
godsyn | I have a file containg IPs, I'd like to traceroute each IP. suggestions? | 08:49 |
yokobr | please, guys, take a look | 08:49 |
yokobr | http://rafb.net/p/ISqY9n13.html | 08:49 |
SlimG2 | Is there a specific file in Linux that tells what distro it's a part of? | 08:49 |
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titun | DigitalNinja: yes this is wired..as my touchpad hangs on boot, i had to do acpi=off to get it working | 08:49 |
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heguru | Mr-Nilsen: on the terminal just type: amdcccle | 08:49 |
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heguru | godsyn: i pasted the script above | 08:50 |
titun | DigitalNinja: but in ur case i am clueless | 08:50 |
heguru | godsyn: cat filename | while read IP; do tracepath $IP; done | 08:50 |
scguy318 | SlimG2: lsb_release -a or something | 08:50 |
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DigitalNinja | titun: The mouse works for me. It's just the pointer that disappears. | 08:50 |
scguy318 | SlibG2: not sure about file tho | 08:50 |
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strike | my sound that was working earlier is now gone and fonts have disappeared from xmms menus | 08:50 |
Mr-Nilsen | bash: amdcccle: command not found | 08:50 |
godsyn | testing | 08:50 |
strike | is there a way to put xmms in debug mode? | 08:50 |
titun | DigitalNinja: yes may be someone knows the solution | 08:50 |
DigitalNinja | I wonder if it has something to do with the video driver | 08:51 |
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heguru | Mr-Nilsen: can you check which version of fglrx you have? run: dpkg -l | grep fglrx | 08:51 |
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godsyn | heg, I love you. | 08:51 |
SlimG2 | scguy318: hmm.. the system I'm trying to figure out doesn't seem to have the lsb_release app | 08:51 |
godsyn | ty | 08:51 |
johndoe | hello | 08:51 |
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heguru | godsyn: welcome :) | 08:52 |
pc9 | jakarta | 08:52 |
johndoe | I just installed 32bit ubuntu over my old 64 bit ubuntu | 08:52 |
johndoe | I formatted the partition and everything | 08:52 |
johndoe | but now for some reason I can see my windows and hp recovery drives on the desktop | 08:52 |
Mr-Nilsen | xorg-driver-fglrx 7.1.0-8.34.8+ | 08:52 |
johndoe | is this normal? | 08:52 |
johndoe | I can acess files from my windows partition in ubuntu... | 08:53 |
Mr-Nilsen | heguru xorg-driver-fglrx 7.1.0-8.34.8+ | 08:53 |
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heguru | Mr-Nilsen: its the old one, i think the control panel is called fireglcontrol | 08:53 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: try running fireglcontrol from terminal | 08:53 |
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=== Havis [n=Havis@adsl-d162.87-197-162.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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wabiD | dunno if cinelerra will let me do 1920x1200 it keeps crashing | 08:54 |
patty_mf | could someone help me with a adsl connection trouble? | 08:54 |
heguru | patty_mf: ask your question | 08:54 |
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Mr-Nilsen | heguru_ it worked! Thanks. But how do i update those drivers ? | 08:54 |
johnonymous | can anyone see me? | 08:54 |
patty_mf | ok, its a long one | 08:54 |
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Bupss | hi all | 08:55 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: by downloading the new drivers from ATI's website, I recommend you wait for the next release which is a major improvement | 08:55 |
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Mr-Nilsen | heguru; Thanks :) | 08:55 |
heguru | Mr-Nilsen: welcome :) | 08:56 |
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heguru | johnonymous: I cannot see you | 08:56 |
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n2diy__ | Does my USB memory stick have a serial number, How do I read it? | 08:57 |
Mr-Nilsen | heguru; btw when is the next driver release from ati ? sorry bout my nagging :p | 08:57 |
patty_mf | i had my connection working properly in dapper, then one day i reseted the modem, and couldnt connect again. the same modem is working fine in windows, and i cheked all cables and stuff, so tis not a hardware problem. i tried installing feisty, and then gutsy. the problem is: it recongnizes there is a modem, and finds 2 ethernet connections: "eth0" and "eth0:avah", but i have only one onboard card | 08:58 |
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heguru | Mr-Nilsen: 2 more weeks | 08:58 |
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Mr-Nilsen | ok =) | 08:58 |
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patty_mf | i tried pppoeconf, it says it couldnt find the controller | 08:58 |
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patty_mf | i tried ifconfig it says "no dhcpoffers" | 08:59 |
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patty_mf | thats what i have by now | 08:59 |
maeth | how do i check the syslog? | 08:59 |
n2diy__ | patty_mf: does lshw, and/or lsmod list your controller? | 08:59 |
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patty_mf | havent tried it | 09:00 |
heguru | patty_mf: what type of modem is it? USB? | 09:00 |
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patty_mf | but tell me more details, cause i gotta install the modem on the other computer to try it | 09:00 |
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patty_mf | no, its no-usb, i dont know the word in english | 09:01 |
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gogeta | lol | 09:01 |
scguy318 | patty_mf: this is just informational, but eth0:avah is the zeroconf interface, should you be hooked up to such a network | 09:01 |
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n2diy__ | patty_mf: we don't know who you are talking to if you don't include our nicks in your response. | 09:01 |
patty_mf | regular cable, you know that plastic thingy you press to put inside | 09:01 |
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patty_mf | sorry | 09:01 |
heguru | patty_mf: ok thats an ethernet ADSL modem | 09:02 |
patty_mf | yes yes | 09:02 |
patty_mf | heguru | 09:02 |
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heguru | patty_mf: right now you are using gutsy? | 09:02 |
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patty_mf | scguy318, i think the problem is my connection worked formerly in dapper with a fixed ip determined by dhcp, and now i had to disable dhcp in order to connect | 09:03 |
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patty_mf | heguru, yes, but i still have ubuntu server 6.06 installed, and it goes the same | 09:03 |
s1amson | so, theres no root, what keeps me safe other than my user password? | 09:04 |
meson10 | I have some trouble...i just upgraded my ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 ... and everytime i boot my computer it says.. nvidia kernel version and module version dont match .... so i have to compile the nvidia driver and after that things work fine ... and this needs to be done every time | 09:04 |
patty_mf | actully right now im on windows | 09:04 |
scguy318 | s1amson: safe as in? | 09:04 |
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epax | I'm on feisty and i have installed ati drivers but i have problem with refresh rate for higher resolution and refresh rate for GDM. Card is Radeon 9550. fgrlxinfo, glgears, direct rendering works. | 09:04 |
n2diy__ | slamson: sudo. | 09:04 |
s1amson | safe as in someone snagging my userpass (ie:girlfriend) and rm -rf /* | 09:05 |
WGGMk | meson10: sudo lsmod and see if the nvidia module is running.. if so.. sudo modprobe nvidia | 09:05 |
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scguy318 | s1amson: well, you could drop yourself from /etc/sudoers | 09:05 |
xs4545x | no i understand slamson's argument | 09:05 |
s1amson | can the sudo pass be changed? | 09:05 |
scguy318 | s1amson: and set a root password | 09:05 |
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xs4545x | i was just reading about this the other day | 09:05 |
xs4545x | i'm pretty new to linux | 09:05 |
s1amson | how do i go about that cuz i just installed and my first thought was 'this is about as safe as windows' | 09:05 |
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Madpilot | s1amson, why are you sharing your passwords with anyone? | 09:06 |
xs4545x | but maybe somebody could explain this further | 09:06 |
Madpilot | Just give your girlfriend her own account, w/o sudo privs | 09:06 |
anas | Q - wifi on ubuntu .. plzzzzzz ?? | 09:06 |
s1amson | because i used to be a suse user and she doesnt know my root pwd | 09:06 |
n2diy__ | slamson: anybody with physical access to the box can harm you, all the need is an install disk, and the rights to reboot. | 09:06 |
heguru | s1amson: that is wrong, in windows your account IS administrator, in ubuntu it can become administrator when you want by re-entering the password | 09:06 |
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s1amson | no, she dunno nothing except rm -rf. | 09:06 |
meson10 | WGGMK: its by name i2c_core | 09:06 |
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s1amson | shes a win user without the root pwd on y box | 09:07 |
s1amson | my* | 09:07 |
s1amson | i just converted, forgive me for being sceptical | 09:07 |
xs4545x | couldn't you restrict a user's access to sudo? | 09:07 |
s1amson | converted from suse* | 09:07 |
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heguru | s1amson: non-root users cannot delete anything other than what they own (the files in their home folder usually) | 09:07 |
WGGMk | meson10: i2c_core??? | 09:07 |
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anas | plzzzz ...i have travelmate 4060 .. i dont know how to have the driver and istall it .... plzzzz ..help | 09:07 |
jdoe | quick question | 09:08 |
erUSUL | !wifi | anas | 09:08 |
ubotu | anas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:08 |
jdoe | is it normal to be able to view and access windows partitions from ubuntu | 09:08 |
jdoe | ? | 09:08 |
scguy318 | !root | s1amson | 09:08 |
ubotu | s1amson: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 09:08 |
s1amson | heguru: so, where do i set my user acct as non root, and can i still su to maintain it? | 09:08 |
Madpilot | xs4545x, by default, only the first user - the one created during install - has sudo privs. Other users created later don't, unless the 1st user gives it to them | 09:08 |
scguy318 | s1amson: thats the discussino you should read | 09:08 |
meson10 | WGGMK: there is a entry in lsmod names i2c_core 30208 2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2 | 09:08 |
anas | ubontu ,, thanx | 09:08 |
s1amson | !bullshit scguy318 | 09:08 |
heguru | s1amson: create a new account, it will be non-root by default | 09:08 |
meson10 | WGGMK: sounds ok? | 09:09 |
xs4545x | i thought any user would be able to use sudo or even su from terminal | 09:09 |
Madpilot | s1amson, be polite. And read the URL the bot just sent you | 09:09 |
WGGMk | meson10: yea.. nvidia.. forget the rest.. nwo sudo modprobe nvidia.. and try restarting | 09:09 |
Madpilot | xs4545x, no. | 09:09 |
s1amson | heguru: thank you, and can i su to access it? | 09:09 |
s1amson | Madpilot: i am polite and i dont accept msgs | 09:09 |
n2diy__ | W2GMK!? QSL? | 09:09 |
s1amson | ergo i never got it | 09:09 |
xs4545x | well shows how much i know | 09:10 |
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Madpilot | s1amson, this was sent to you in-channel - go read this, please: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 09:10 |
jdoe | can anyone tell me whether it's normal or not to have windows partitions show up on the ubuntu desktop? | 09:10 |
xs4545x | i do like the idea of uid and pass though | 09:10 |
jdoe | even my laptops recovery partition is accessable | 09:10 |
heguru | jdoe: windows partitions should show by default on ubuntu | 09:10 |
s1amson | Madpilot: i was speaking with someone else, sorry i didnt see it i wassnt looking, i'll check it. | 09:10 |
jdoe | and be accessible? | 09:11 |
WGGMk | jdoe: as read only | 09:11 |
jdoe | I can't view my ubuntu partition when I'm in windows | 09:11 |
heguru | jdoe: NTFS partitions as read-only, fat as read/write | 09:11 |
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heguru | jdoe: you need special software for that. ext2fs | 09:11 |
MeRodent | jdoe, that's cause its a bit confusing for windows. MS doesn't think other OS's exist. | 09:11 |
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jdoe | oh okay, I never tried to write to them. I was worried I might overwrite one of them accidently, especially the recovery partition | 09:11 |
arun_ | will gutsy provide better support for wireless connections using laptops? | 09:11 |
s1amson | brb | 09:11 |
jdoe | Alright guys, thanks a lot | 09:12 |
jdoe | One less thing to worry about | 09:12 |
jdoe | on another note, I'm enjoying 32 bit ubuntu a whole lot more than 64 | 09:12 |
WGGMk | arun_: what wlan card do you have? chipset | 09:12 |
n2diy__ | Does my USB memory stick have a serial number, How do I read it? | 09:12 |
meson10 | WGGMk: after restarting .. the computer seems to be processing something.....eversince | 09:12 |
arun_ | WGGMk: broadcom | 09:12 |
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WGGMk | arun_: i have a broadcom card as well.. using Gutsy amd64.. provided you have a DIRECT connection to router/modem.. you can use restricted drivers manager to auto download and install the firmware for your card | 09:13 |
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n2diy__ | Duh, lshw answered my question: Does my USB memory stick have a serial number, How do I read it? | 09:13 |
WGGMk | arun_: i would recommend keeping a copy of wl_apasto.o on your HD.. so that when/if you upgrade kernel's.. you can just specifiy the file and wont have to have a direct connection again | 09:14 |
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WGGMk | meson10: does it properly start X without any problems? | 09:14 |
oheartsblod | how do I download a feisty package if I have gutsty installed? | 09:14 |
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heguru | oheartsblod: doing that can break things | 09:15 |
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heguru | oheartsblod: what package do you want? | 09:15 |
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decay | Is there anyway to disable TSC synchronization? Ubuntu freezes there when booting. It only booted once...now it's not booting. tried 6 times. it booted on the second | 09:15 |
n2diy__ | pheartsbod, enable the feisty repos? | 09:15 |
oheartsblod | I need the lib dir from libwnck18 to get awn to work | 09:16 |
stoicha | hiho, I have a non-ubuntu specific problem but maybe someone can help anyway? in PHP, how can I find out to what ip address a domain belongs to? Any suggestion? | 09:16 |
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puff | Anybody know how to finish setting up awstats? | 09:17 |
t00th | ppl,how i can uninstall nvidia drivers ? how names they have in synaptic ? | 09:17 |
s1amson | Madpilot: thank you. thgis makes me feel more secure (even if the page says it wont) | 09:17 |
puff | I'm hoping it's pretty much the same on debian vs. ubuntu. I'm testing it on an ubnutu box, the live site is on debian... | 09:18 |
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heartsblood | n2diy__: I dont want to break my source lists, I just want 1 file :/ | 09:18 |
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heartsblood | is it possible to download .debs from packages.ubuntu.com? | 09:18 |
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n2diy | pheartsbod, back up your original source file before you edit it. :) | 09:19 |
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heartsblood | all I see are source files :x | 09:19 |
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n2diy | heartsblood: try Debian.com | 09:20 |
Innomen | //ping $me | 09:20 |
n2diy | heartsblood: or .org? | 09:20 |
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Innomen | Hi all, i'm having network issues, it took this machine like 20 minutes to connect here, so i'll probably lag badly, it downloads updates at 302bps, but this same machine connects wonderfully via xp, so i know its not mechanical failure. Suggestions? | 09:23 |
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chris00_29724 | www.nackte-ex.de.gg : meine rache an der alten schlampe! | 09:23 |
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Denbeiren | hey everyone,.. | 09:25 |
Cyber_Stalker | could some one help me, i get this error:error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 09:25 |
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Denbeiren | i have a brandnew notebook ans of course some issues,.. anyone in here to help? | 09:26 |
decay | Is there anyway to disable TSC synchronization? Ubuntu freezes there when booting. It only booted once...now it's not booting. tried 6 times. it booted on the second | 09:26 |
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leighaquarius | Denbeiren: what's the laptop doing? | 09:28 |
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heguru | decay: what makes you think its TSC? | 09:29 |
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decay | heguru, when booted in securit mode, the last line that shows on screen is: "CPU#1had 325 usecs TSC skew, fixed it up" | 09:29 |
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heguru | decay: are you using gutsy? | 09:30 |
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masterloki | !paste | 09:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:30 |
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rich_ | #help | 09:31 |
Rebooter | Hi, Does anyone know how to get sound running on one of the new alu imacs? I got everything else running... | 09:31 |
decay | heguru, yes | 09:31 |
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Dean_Harryman | Hey guys.... so my install is working rather good, my wireless is functioning, my flash is working.... but I cant get desktop effects to work right.... | 09:31 |
heguru | decay: 2.6.22 kernel has some issue with TSC sync, you should use feisty | 09:31 |
heguru | decay: or wait for the fix | 09:31 |
Denbeiren | first of all, i see a lot of errors in my wireless connection,.. in windows, i do not have these problems | 09:31 |
Evolution2 | hey guys, i have a question. i have been getting "GNOME Daemon manager errors" when i open up my themes section. does anyone know how to fix this? | 09:31 |
heguru | decay: or you can add the notsc boot option | 09:31 |
c0_boloz | hii | 09:32 |
leighaquarius | Denbeiren: what sort of errors, like disconnections? | 09:32 |
Cyber_Stalker | error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <=== any suggestions? | 09:33 |
decay | heguru, thanks. ill try notsc | 09:33 |
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Denbeiren | RX packets:998 errors:0 dropped:953 overruns:0 frame:0 | 09:33 |
Denbeiren | TX packets:630 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 09:33 |
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Rebooter | The "Sound Preferences detects HDA Intel (Alsa) and Realtek (OSS) mixer | 09:34 |
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wooza | Denbeiren: Those aren't errors. Dropped frames are pretty normal for wireless ethernet. | 09:34 |
Rebooter | But my speakers are quiet as the grave | 09:34 |
Denbeiren | wireless surfing is extremely slow | 09:34 |
wooza | Denbeiren: Notice, "errors: 0" | 09:34 |
wooza | Denbeiren: What's your chipset? | 09:35 |
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Dean_Harryman | I get a white screen when I start desktop effects..... and after enabling the restricted driver for the ati raedon xpress 200m, I get an error message :The composite extension is not available | 09:35 |
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Dean_Harryman | when I click on desktop effects | 09:36 |
dissection | I get an unable to allocate mem resource everytime before Ubuntu loads. How do I find out whats causing it? | 09:36 |
Innomen | Denbeiren: I'm also having wireless issues that i dont have in windows, but in windows this card wants an installer and an app to containtly run, stupid belkin | 09:36 |
Innomen | constantly* | 09:36 |
scguy318 | !ypops | 09:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ypops - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:36 |
Denbeiren | my notebook is two days old, i suspect intel | 09:37 |
Jordan_U | Dean_Harryman, ATI's crappy drivers don't support Compiz :( | 09:37 |
wooza | Denbeiren, open a terminal window | 09:37 |
Denbeiren | done | 09:37 |
wooza | Denbeiren: type lsmod | grep ipw | 09:37 |
Rebooter | Anyone who can help with the No Sound issue? | 09:37 |
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decay | heguru, having trounle entering those paremeters at boot uop | 09:37 |
Dean_Harryman | is there anything I can do? I want full functionality from this install.... | 09:37 |
wooza | do you see "ipw3945" in there? | 09:38 |
wooza | or something similar? | 09:38 |
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heguru | decay: how are you trying to enter them? press Escape at boot to enter menu, then e to edit | 09:38 |
Denbeiren | ipw3945 119840 1 | 09:38 |
Denbeiren | ieee80211 35656 1 ipw3945 | 09:38 |
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Cyber_Stalker | error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory any suggestions guys? | 09:38 |
wooza | Denbeiren: Intel, definitely | 09:38 |
indraveni | where can i get v4l module | 09:38 |
decay | heguru, I press 'E' and edit Ubuntu Kernel Recovey Console, then i press O to add a new line. i press E to edit this new line, and then i press ESC, and boot | 09:38 |
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meson10 | WGGMk: nopes it doesn even start .. X server | 09:38 |
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decay | heguru, It didn't work. However, when i checked, "notsc" wasn't there. is it a one time thing or is it supposed to stay saved? | 09:39 |
heguru | decay: no need to add a new line, add the notsc to the end of kernel line (2nd line usually) | 09:39 |
meson10 | WGGMk: Its hung badly :( | 09:39 |
wooza | Denbeiren: type "iwlist scanning" and look for a "quality" number | 09:39 |
Kyokuz | note to self - monitor udp on firewall, allow udp 53 outbound from vmware 7.04 install and next time it will work.. haha | 09:39 |
Tronyx | could anyone help me figure out why my text seems to vibrate when I type? | 09:39 |
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heguru | decay: any options you add during boot are gone on reboot, to make them permanent edit /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 09:39 |
Innomen | when i type "lsmod | grep ipw" nothing happens, just drops to another prompt, heh | 09:40 |
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Denbeiren | quality 95/100 | 09:40 |
decay | heguru, just tried it. didn't work. same problem. i guess ill have to wait for the fix in the next kernel release (hopefully), or install feisty | 09:40 |
Kyokuz | heguru: thanks for help earlier, was my fault i misconfigured firewall so feel free to send a kick my way | 09:40 |
heguru | Innomen: you don't have Intel Wireless, you have belkin, thats not for you | 09:40 |
heguru | Kyokuz: glad you found the error :) | 09:40 |
meson10 | WHHMk: another restart and the same problem | 09:40 |
Haru | where do i put a script so that its run as soon as i login into gnome | 09:40 |
meson10 | WGGMk* | 09:40 |
wrobel_ | hello | 09:41 |
heguru | decay: install feisty, gutsy is still beta | 09:41 |
wooza | Denbeiren: Okay, it's probably not a connection problem | 09:41 |
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heguru | Haru: System -> Preferences -> Session | 09:41 |
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Cyber_Stalker | is it possible to reinstall with out formatting the drive? | 09:41 |
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Rebooter | I would really appreciate some help with sound. I don't want to go back to OSX | 09:41 |
decay | heguru, i know. but it comes out in 10 days. i figured this beta can't be that different from the final release | 09:41 |
Haru | heguru, what file is it editing actually? | 09:41 |
Cyber_Stalker | in other words just replace all the required scripts | 09:41 |
wooza | Denbeiren: Try plugging into the wired network, see if speed improves at all. If it doesn't, the issue is with your network or ISP | 09:41 |
heguru | Haru: it uses gconf database | 09:41 |
Haru | heguru, : i tried editing bash_profile but it doesnt work | 09:41 |
Haru | Haru, ohh | 09:42 |
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wooza | Denbeiren: good luck! | 09:42 |
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Haru | heguru, umm where is the gconf db stored? | 09:43 |
cn28h | http://rafb.net/p/IflwX317.html getting this when I fsck my external hdd.. any idea what it means or how to fix it? | 09:43 |
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heguru | Haru: somewhere inside the .gconf2 folder | 09:43 |
heguru | *.gconf | 09:43 |
Dean_Harryman | Jordan_U, is there a way to fix the driver issue with my ati card? or am I SOL for now? | 09:43 |
Innomen | heguru: i knew it wasnt for me, but i was thinking maybe it was some sort of general diagnostic command so i figured, what the hey. | 09:43 |
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heguru | Innomen: yeah np :), i read your problem about extremely slow internet on ubuntu, is that only with wireless? did you try wired? | 09:44 |
wooza | cn28h: Well, you have options 1 and 2. Were you messing with boot managers, or is there a Windows partition on the drive? | 09:44 |
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Innomen | heguru: cant get to wired, its in my roomates rooms and they are sleep, but its not the net, because the ubuntu install to my left connects blinding fast, and the xp install on this same machine also connects very fast | 09:45 |
SuperB^ | hello, i just installed ubuntu from my system, i simply delete the partion from windows.. but the boot screen still comes.. how to get rid of the boot menu? | 09:45 |
cn28h | wooza, nope, it's just a 500GB FAT partition on an external HDD.. no OS installed on it, and I didn't do anything wrt making it bootable | 09:45 |
meson10 | I have a trouble with my nvidia card ... i upgraded to gutsy ... and i have to recompile the nvidia drivers from source...as elsewise it doesn start X and says conflict in kernel and nvidia modules | 09:45 |
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Jordan_U | Dean_Harryman, You can install XGL to get desktop effects with the restricted driver, or try to get it working with the open source one ( i.e. try to fix the white screen bug ). Either way I would try #ubuntu-effects or /join #compiz | 09:45 |
wooza | cn28h: That's odd | 09:45 |
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wooza | cn28h: I was thinking maybe a Windows boot sector virus | 09:45 |
Innomen | its something in the drivers for this card, which i'm told is belkin/broadcom, but if you'd like me to confirm that in some way i'd be happy to | 09:45 |
heguru | Innomen: what kind of response time do you get when you ping | 09:46 |
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SuperB^ | can I get some attention please? :) | 09:46 |
cn28h | wooza, indeed.. if I read things that were written a while ago it works fine.. but if I read things I wrote recently or try to write I get all sorts of errors and failures that show up in dmesg etc | 09:46 |
leighaquarius | SuperB^: as in so u don't see grub when u start up? | 09:46 |
wooza | cn28h: It would not be destructive to do option 1 or 2, if the message bothers you and you aren't booting from the volume | 09:46 |
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erUSUL | SuperB^: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and delete the entry for Windows | 09:46 |
wooza | cn28h: Ohh. Sounds like a drive going bad | 09:46 |
cn28h | wooza, yeah.. the boot sector doesn't bother me so much, it's the last error that I can't figure out -- the one that exits with no options | 09:46 |
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cn28h | :/ | 09:46 |
heguru | SuperB^: you're asking for help about removing Ubuntu on #ubuntu channel lols, | 09:46 |
wooza | cn28h: Have you tried remaking the filesystem? | 09:46 |
Innomen | heguru: tell me how to ping in ubuntu, but it took 10 minutes to dl a 315kb update, i'm amazed i can talk here at all | 09:47 |
heguru | SuperB^: well you can just boot using Windows XP cd, go into recovery mode and run fixmbr | 09:47 |
meson10 | I have a trouble with my nvidia card ... i upgraded to gutsy ... and i have to recompile the nvidia drivers from source...as elsewise it doesn start X and says conflict in kernel and nvidia modules | 09:47 |
cn28h | wooza, not yet but I suppose that's the next step.. was trying to avoid losing the data on the drive but I guess I don't have a lot of options | 09:47 |
SuperB^ | leighaquarius, I DO see that even though ubuntu is no more in the system.. so I wanna get rid of the boot menu too so that the system directly boots to windows! | 09:47 |
heguru | Innomen: ping www.google.com | 09:47 |
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heguru | SuperB^: read my response ^^ | 09:47 |
Innomen | 7ms? | 09:47 |
meson10 | SuperB^: try FIXMBR from windows XP cd. | 09:47 |
wooza | cn28h: :/ Sorry, it's a weird situation. Best I can say is, pull whatever you can from the drive, then remake the fs | 09:47 |
cn28h | wooza, the drive is < 6 months old.. and hasn't gotten all that much use. I hope it's not dying already :/ | 09:47 |
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scguy318 | SuperB^: or Super GRUB | 09:48 |
cn28h | yeah | 09:48 |
cn28h | guess I will try that | 09:48 |
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heguru | 7ms!! | 09:48 |
Innomen | or 2554 ms | 09:48 |
SuperB^ | heguru, I don't have XP cd but vista. | 09:48 |
kossik | hey folks which package containes pangocairo >=1.10.0 please ? | 09:48 |
wooza | cn28h: You might want to check the drive's connections before doing drastic things | 09:48 |
heguru | thats very fast | 09:48 |
Innomen | lots of answers heheh | 09:48 |
wooza | cn28h: jumpers and the like if it's pata | 09:48 |
Innomen | hmmm | 09:48 |
heguru | SuperB^: same applies to Vista | 09:48 |
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meson10 | I have a trouble with my nvidia card ... i upgraded to gutsy ... and i have to recompile the nvidia drivers from source...as elsewise it doesn start X and says conflict in kernel and nvidia modules | 09:48 |
cn28h | wooza, well, I actually tried it on two different PCs and even in windows. fsck on both reports the same errors and windows claims the drive isn't formatted at all.. Right now I'm using it over USb | 09:49 |
wooza | cn28h: But even newish drives can fail, especially if they get bumped | 09:49 |
Innomen | heguru: then why does any use of the network crawl? like i said 20 minutes for a 315kb file and it died sevral times during | 09:49 |
tech0007 | hey guyz, how can i enable 3d accel ? | 09:49 |
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Rebooter | I know I am green as #00FF00, but could someone help with my sound problem, plz? | 09:49 |
scguy318 | heguru: not so much ;) the Vista DVD -> bootrec /fixmbr or something | 09:49 |
Innomen | the biggest number on this list is 7800 ms | 09:49 |
wooza | cn28h: I wish I had better ideas for you. Good luck with it. | 09:49 |
erUSUL | tech0007: which card? | 09:49 |
heguru | scguy318: i meant using the Windows XP cd to run FIXMBR will fix vista, said it in a wrong way i guess | 09:49 |
mmc | what package contains update-menus? | 09:49 |
cn28h | wooza, hm, ok thanks.. do you know what the 2nd error means in the fsck output though? it's rather vague :/ | 09:50 |
SuperB^ | heguru, is there anything I could do while I was logged in the Ubuntu to remove the boot screen and then maybe I should have deleted the partition? | 09:50 |
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tech0007 | erUSUL...its integrated..asus pvv8x-mx board | 09:50 |
heguru | SuperB^: no | 09:50 |
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wooza | cn28h: Yes, it is. Are you sure the fsck was completed at that point? | 09:50 |
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leighaquarius | SuperB^: u could hide it while ur in ubuntu, but not totally get rid of it | 09:50 |
wrobel_ | halo jest kto z polski? | 09:50 |
wooza | cn28h: it just dies there? | 09:51 |
cn28h | wooza, it ends.. and exit code is 1. But it seems much too short to have scanned the whole drive | 09:51 |
heguru | Innomen: try to ping your router and see your response time (the time= value) | 09:51 |
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Haru | heguru, cant find it >_< | 09:51 |
heguru | Haru: can't find what? | 09:51 |
wooza | cn28h: Yeah, it's got to be some kind of fatal condition. Exit code 1 is fail. | 09:51 |
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ademan | do you have to compile the lirc sources in order to use lirc? | 09:51 |
wooza | cn28h: not well handled in fsck code | 09:51 |
cn28h | wooza, right :/ ok, mkfs it is. | 09:51 |
SuperB^ | ahh that reminds me of Win98, was so simple.. just hit "fdisk /mbr" | 09:51 |
SuperB^ | hehe | 09:51 |
Innomen | 8500 ms | 09:51 |
wooza | cn28h: sorry :L | 09:51 |
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Innomen | lol | 09:51 |
Haru | heguru, where in gconf db is the startup script stored | 09:52 |
heguru | Haru: oh k, just go to cd ~.gconf | 09:52 |
erUSUL | tech0007: do 'lspci | grep -i vga' | 09:52 |
cn28h | wooza, np, thanks for trying :) heheh | 09:52 |
Innomen | and then sevral 4000+ lentries | 09:52 |
heguru | Innomen: do you have a firewall? | 09:52 |
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Innomen | entires* | 09:52 |
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heguru | Innomen: on your ubuntu i mean | 09:52 |
scguy318 | heguru: ~/.gconf :) | 09:52 |
wooza | cn28h: ah well. I just lost 4 750GB seagates in one week, I feel your pain | 09:52 |
Haru | heguru, apps/desktop | 09:52 |
cn28h | wooza, ouch :o | 09:52 |
tech0007 | erUSUL....01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01) | 09:52 |
losper11 | hi people... | 09:52 |
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wooza | cn28h: Cooling problems! Good night | 09:52 |
heguru | scguy318: thanks man, i guess its time for me to sleep :P | 09:53 |
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leighaquarius | SuperB^: Win 98 lol yeh, i remember the BSOD's lol | 09:53 |
mmc | Why do I get message from apt? The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: sysvinit ? | 09:53 |
erUSUL | tech0007: :( for via it's not easy to enable 3d acceleration | 09:53 |
scguy318 | mmc: its just saying that there are extra packages that no package depends on | 09:53 |
heguru | Haru: you should not edit the gconf db manually, instead use gconftool-2 | 09:53 |
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Innomen | heguru: not that i am aware of | 09:53 |
Ademan | mmc: well sysvinit is being phased out, i don't know if you can safely get rid of it though... | 09:53 |
tech0007 | erUSUL...how bad is it? | 09:53 |
heguru | Innomen: was this connection ever working fine? | 09:54 |
mmc | scguy318: It says Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. Which is then FATAL ...i.e. impossible to use the system. | 09:54 |
Ademan | mmc: *yet* anyways | 09:54 |
Haru | heguru, i wanted to edit it manually :).. was trying to figure out how gnome login works | 09:54 |
mmc | Ademan what is the alternative? | 09:54 |
Cyber_Stalker | error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <=== some one please help? | 09:54 |
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Ademan | mmc: there are many, upstart is the one ubuntu is using | 09:54 |
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Innomen | heguru: how would i confirm the firewall? and i'm not sure, i ahve sufred the net before on it, but it wasnt ever very fast | 09:54 |
dissection | Does the 64 bit version of Ubuntu support dual processors? | 09:55 |
Ademan | mmc: but really i wouldn't remove the sysvinit package, just to be on the safe side, it's very small anyways | 09:55 |
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leighaquarius | dissectoin: i would think so | 09:55 |
mmc | Ademan ... they conflict i.e. apt-get install upstart insists on removing sysvinit | 09:55 |
dissection | Great | 09:56 |
heguru | Innomen: sudo iptables -L if you see anything other than 3 empty chains, then you have a firewall | 09:56 |
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Ademan | mmc: ah, are you doing an upgrade? | 09:56 |
Ademan | otherwise why are you installing upstart? | 09:56 |
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Innomen | i dont see the word empty | 09:57 |
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tech0007 | heguru....how do i know if chains are empty? | 09:57 |
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mmc | Ademan .... I don't want to be prompted to autoremove sysvinit as it is fatal error for now. So how to solve it? | 09:57 |
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Innomen | heguru: policy accept 3 times, do not knwo what i'm looking at here heh | 09:57 |
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heguru | Innomen: you will just see six lines | 09:58 |
heguru | Innomen: that means its empty | 09:58 |
Mr-Nilsen | any Norwegian ubuntu gurus here ? Pm me is there is :) | 09:58 |
Innomen | heguru: yes I see 6 lines | 09:58 |
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astro76 | !no | Mr-Nilsen | 09:58 |
ubotu | Mr-Nilsen: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 09:58 |
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Innomen | heguru: so i have a firewall, how would i disable it? | 09:59 |
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heguru | Innomen: six lines means you don't have a firewall | 09:59 |
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Innomen | heguru: let me try and figure that out | 09:59 |
dissection | 9 days more for gutsy ;] ] ] | 09:59 |
Mr-Nilsen | ty | 09:59 |
Ademan | mmc: if you installed the upstart and upstart-compat-sysv packages all *should* be well. What version are you using? | 09:59 |
Innomen | heguru: oh, damn | 09:59 |
leighaquarius | wooot | 09:59 |
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heguru | Innomen: can you run iwconfig | 10:00 |
erUSUL | tech0007: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome | 10:00 |
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heguru | Innomen: what Bit Rate and Quality do you get? | 10:00 |
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Innomen | yes, but please dont tell me to paste bin it because the page would never load | 10:00 |
JamoSmith | my linksys router's dns appears to be ignoring lookups from my new ubuntu setup (7.4) whereas 6.10 worked great and the same dns works from this windows machine. has anyone heard of this or have any ideas? | 10:00 |
Ademan | why isn't there a binary kernel module for lirc? | 10:00 |
Innomen | :) | 10:00 |
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Innomen | the br says 54meg a second, but i see no "quality" | 10:01 |
heguru | Innomen: Link Quality | 10:01 |
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tech0007 | erUSUL...im reading it now | 10:01 |
Innomen | 60/100 | 10:01 |
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leighaquarius | JamoSmith: still same after restart? | 10:01 |
riotkittie | what kind of adapter? what chipset? | 10:02 |
heguru | Innomen: anything else unusual? large number of Rx invalid? | 10:02 |
JamoSmith | riotkittie: yup, several and many | 10:02 |
Innomen | one diffrence between this and my laptop connection is on the laptop it calls itself eth0 or something and here its wlan | 10:02 |
K-Rich | Would anyone in here who uses skype be willing to help me test the voice feature of it? | 10:02 |
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heguru | Innomen: thats ok | 10:02 |
Innomen | if that helps | 10:02 |
Innomen | *shrugs* | 10:02 |
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tech0007 | erUSUL...thanks will try it now | 10:02 |
Innomen | heguru: no, all zeros | 10:03 |
Dark_Rain | morning all | 10:03 |
Innomen | heguru: i'm getting the impression that everything reads fine | 10:03 |
erUSUL | tech0007: good luck | 10:03 |
Innomen | heguru: that i 'should' have damn fine speed | 10:03 |
leighaquarius | Dark_Rain: evening | 10:03 |
Dark_Rain | :) | 10:03 |
heguru | Innomen: what belkin do you have? and what kind of encryption are you using? (WPA, WEP) | 10:03 |
Dark_Rain | welll in romania is 11:03 AM | 10:03 |
leighaquarius | in Australia its 6:04pm | 10:04 |
leighaquarius | lol | 10:04 |
JamoSmith | leighaquarius: yes, same issue after restart | 10:04 |
Innomen | heguru: open network, and hold on i'll got snag the box, or is there a way for me to ask ubuntu what kind of card it is? | 10:05 |
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Innomen | heguru: or do you trust its answer... | 10:05 |
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leighaquarius | JamoSmith: hmm.. thats odd | 10:05 |
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erUSUL | Innomen: lspaci ? lsusb? (depends on how it's connected to the box | 10:06 |
Dark_Rain | may i jump in? | 10:06 |
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heguru | Innomen: just type lspci | 10:06 |
heguru | Innomen: or lsusb (if its usb) | 10:06 |
Dark_Rain | what is the problem? | 10:06 |
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heguru | Innomen: and find the line that talks bout Network Interface | 10:06 |
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leighaquarius | JamoSmith: only thing i can think of atm is setting ur IP.. but apart from that upgrade to Gusty in 9 days, might fix things | 10:06 |
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Innomen | 02:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) | 10:07 |
erUSUL | !broadcom | Innomen | 10:07 |
ubotu | Innomen: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:07 |
=== tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3A3B1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indraveni | dissection, hi | 10:07 |
heguru | Innomen: are you using ndiswrapper? | 10:07 |
erUSUL | !bcm4xxx | 10:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bcm4xxx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:07 |
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erUSUL | !bcm43xx | 10:07 |
ubotu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 10:07 |
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=== erUSUL :) | ||
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Innomen | heguru: yes | 10:08 |
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Innomen | erUSUL: yea read all that, prefer human help till i'm a little more grounded | 10:09 |
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erUSUL | Innomen: no problem | 10:09 |
Innomen | erUSUL: plus getting to the net is a little hard at the moment. | 10:10 |
heguru | Innomen: did you try the native linux driver? | 10:10 |
Innomen | erUSUL: :) | 10:10 |
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heguru | Innomen: you would need internet to download the firmware | 10:10 |
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josh_ | hi,everyone | 10:11 |
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heguru | Innomen: but using the native driver will be the best thing you can do to your wireless card | 10:11 |
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arun_ | anyone here know of any good streaming server solution apart from icecast? | 10:12 |
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absolon | Where do I report problems with Ubuntu Gutsy Beta installation on a lenovo T60p? | 10:12 |
erUSUL | !bugs | absolon | 10:12 |
ubotu | absolon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 10:12 |
Innomen | heguru: fine with me man, you say jump i say how high till i figure out what jumping is :) | 10:12 |
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josh_ | who | 10:13 |
Innomen | absolon: #ubuntu+1 i think | 10:13 |
Innomen | ? | 10:13 |
heguru | Innomen: you have to start with: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 10:13 |
pupi120290 | hello... if i adjust the master volume in the volume control nothing happens... i cant even mute the volume. can anyone help me? | 10:14 |
Innomen | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:14 |
Innomen | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 10:14 |
heguru | Innomen: close synaptic or update-manager if its running | 10:14 |
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Innomen | wait | 10:15 |
pupi120290 | Innomen: another package program (apt-get or aptitude) is running | 10:15 |
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pupi120290 | or synaptic of course | 10:15 |
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Innomen | yea i just realized that | 10:15 |
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Innomen | duhr :P | 10:15 |
josh_ | country Innomen | 10:16 |
Innomen | ok trying to download | 10:16 |
Innomen | sitting at 0% | 10:16 |
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absolon | thanks ubotu and Innomen | 10:16 |
pupi120290 | anyone help me? i cant mute the sound in the volume control. i mute the master channel and theres still sound.. | 10:16 |
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Innomen | pupi120290: i make that mistake alot, heheh | 10:16 |
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pupi120290 | Innomen: me too^^ | 10:17 |
Innomen | josh_: What is the worst kind of music? I'll take comibc book trivia for 400 alex | 10:17 |
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heguru | Innomen: also start downloading this http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl- | 10:17 |
Innomen | heguru: i'll wait tillthefirst one finishes | 10:17 |
heguru | Innomen: if you can download from the other machine thats working fine and have some way to transfer it (USB memory) | 10:18 |
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pupi120290 | can anyone help me? problem with the gnome volume control... | 10:18 |
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Innomen | starting the second download | 10:19 |
leighaquarius | pupi120290: whats wrong with it? | 10:19 |
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pupi120290 | leighaquarius: if i click mute... its not muted. | 10:19 |
pupi120290 | cant even adjust volume | 10:19 |
Innomen | heguru: i'll do that if i have to | 10:19 |
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heguru | pupi120290: right click at Volume Manager and click preferences | 10:20 |
[nrx] | does anyone know of a desklet/screenlet that gives a webcam feed? | 10:20 |
heguru | pupi120290: make sure the right sound card is selected | 10:20 |
pupi120290 | heguru: yes.. | 10:20 |
heguru | Innomen: it would make things faster | 10:20 |
leighaquarius | pupi120290: ok, right click on it and go Preferences | 10:20 |
meson10 | I have a trouble with my nvidia card ... i upgraded to gutsy ... and i have to recompile the nvidia drivers from source...as elsewise it doesn start | 10:20 |
OGENG | how can i set internal web cam? | 10:20 |
heguru | Innomen: the firmware is 880kb | 10:20 |
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OGENG | i using gutsy | 10:21 |
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leighaquarius | pupi120290: and just keep selecting different ones untill it starts working | 10:21 |
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leighaquarius | pupi120290: one of them will be right | 10:21 |
Innomen | oky, booting second machine | 10:21 |
heguru | Innomen: use this link not the one above http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- | 10:21 |
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OGENG | !pingme | 10:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pingme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:23 |
pupi120290 | i tryed all out... no one does change the volume... | 10:23 |
=== Innome1 [n=innomen@CPE-75-81-192-216.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OGENG | webcam | 10:23 |
OGENG | !webcam | 10:23 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 10:23 |
Innome1 | oky this is the second machine | 10:23 |
Innome1 | can you give me that lkink again? | 10:24 |
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heguru | Innome1: yes just download this file: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- | 10:24 |
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pupi120290 | leighaquarius: ok... i found this... the card "Intel 8201DB-ICH4 (Alsa mixer)" has a PCM-channel... if i change it volume will be changed... but if i change the master channel nothing happens. | 10:26 |
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Innomen | heguru: ok, its on this machine, now what? | 10:26 |
epax | I'm on festy and have radeon 9550. I have installed drivers and have working fgrlx but my refresh rate can not be changed if i use higher resolutions like 1280-1024? Anyone know how to solve this problem? As well my GDM hase strange resolution. | 10:26 |
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epax | feisty* | 10:26 |
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heguru | Innomen: copy it to ubuntu using usb memory | 10:26 |
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Innomen | heguru: i have | 10:27 |
heguru | Innomen: oh ok | 10:27 |
heguru | Innomen: is the apt-get complete? | 10:27 |
Innomen | heguru: yes | 10:27 |
jeff121212 | how do i install a virtual machine or server to try dif distros of linux | 10:27 |
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cresco | does anyone know how to open .SH files | 10:28 |
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heguru | Innomen: good, on the terminal type: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- | 10:28 |
jeff121212 | and do i need vm or vmserver? | 10:28 |
Evanlec | jeff121212, try vmware or virtualbox | 10:28 |
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Stavros | is anyone familiar with apt-proxy? | 10:28 |
heguru | Innomen: first cd into the directory where you copied the file | 10:28 |
jeff121212 | Evanlec, thanks | 10:28 |
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Tronyx | cresco, you could use a simple editor such as gedit | 10:29 |
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heguru | Innomen: so if the file you got from the other machine is copied to your desktop then type: cd ~/Desktop | 10:29 |
heguru | Innomen: and then run the above command | 10:29 |
Innomen | gotcha | 10:29 |
n2diy | jeff121212: look in your system menus? | 10:29 |
cresco | thanks | 10:29 |
Tronyx | np | 10:29 |
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Explosives | hi how can i install ati drivers ?? | 10:29 |
jeff121212 | Evanlec, is it server or player i need? | 10:30 |
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Tronyx | explosives, which version of ubuntu? | 10:30 |
Innomen | Cannot open input file wl_apsta- | 10:30 |
Explosives | 7.04 | 10:30 |
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Innomen | hold on | 10:30 |
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heguru | Innomen: ok | 10:30 |
Tronyx | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 10:30 |
Evanlec | jeff121212, just grab the workstation, or better yet just get virtualbox, its faster and free | 10:30 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, try here http://www.computing.net/linux/wwwboard/forum/28126.html | 10:31 |
Explosives | i tried to install from synaptic but my monitor didnt show anything and i opened it on recovery mode and i changed xorg.conf 's name | 10:31 |
jeff121212 | Evanlec, thnks again | 10:31 |
Tronyx | are you having problems with the resolution? | 10:31 |
Innomen | this is so alien to me | 10:31 |
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Explosives | now it works without drivers... | 10:32 |
heguru | Innomen: what happened? | 10:32 |
Innomen | brandon@brandon-desktop:~$ | 10:32 |
cresco | my gedit can't recognize the coding | 10:32 |
Innomen | is that not the desktop? | 10:32 |
cresco | to open .sh file | 10:32 |
Innomen | no | 10:32 |
Innomen | desktop is the name of the pc | 10:32 |
heguru | Innomen: cd ~/Desktop | 10:32 |
Stavros | why is aptitude ignoring some repositories in the update? | 10:32 |
Ademan | anyone know what serial8250 is? | 10:32 |
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Innomen | why tilde? *sigh weird* | 10:32 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, check the link i gave u | 10:32 |
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Carb0n | Innomen: It is a short-cut for your $HOME | 10:33 |
heguru | Innomen: tilde unfolds to your home folder | 10:33 |
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Innomen | oh wow its case sensative | 10:33 |
Innomen | heh | 10:33 |
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Innomen | ok | 10:33 |
Innomen | done | 10:33 |
Eminence | trying to upgrade to gibon beta. there appears to be a typo on /usr/share/gconf/schemas/update-notifier.schema. missing a < on line 7 | 10:33 |
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Eminence | (i'm off to bed, i'll file a bugreport tomorrow morning. though i'd let you all know anyway) | 10:34 |
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heguru | Innomen: ok now you have to unload ndiswrapper and load bcm43xx driver | 10:34 |
coz_ | early morning all | 10:34 |
heguru | Innomen: that means you'll disconnect temporarity | 10:34 |
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Innomen | ok, use the manager an uninstall wrapper? | 10:35 |
heguru | Innomen: no don't uninstall it now | 10:35 |
Innomen | do i use remove ore completly remove or does it matter | 10:35 |
Tronyx | I'm in a bit of a jam. I am installing gutsy beta and the install froze up at 88% (importing documents and settings). It appears that it is no longer reading the CD. Normally I would leave this until the morning however the install has already formatted the partition which housed my GRUB and hasn't installed another. any suggestions? | 10:35 |
heguru | Innomen: just unload it temporarily | 10:35 |
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Innomen | i can still talk via the other machine :) | 10:35 |
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Innomen | heguru: how would i go about doing that? | 10:35 |
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CyberMad | i need to install ubuntu on 20 PCs, i need to install some packages like aMSN, Krdc, wine, smbfs, unrar, samba, etc.. The problem is our office only use Dial-Up 56.6kbps connection. Any solution? | 10:36 |
Explosives | i tried to install from synaptic but my monitor didnt show anything and i opened it on recovery mode and i changed xorg.conf 's name should i change it back ? | 10:36 |
floitting | Hello. Is there a log file in the system, that tells details whats going on my network ? my Direct Connect works kind of randomly | 10:36 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, yea go back to 7.04 till 7.10 is stable | 10:36 |
heguru | Innomen: type: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper | 10:36 |
cresco | im trying to install crossover but when i try to open the that is .sh format it does not open | 10:36 |
tarzeau | CyberMad: download the packages you want, and idnex them, then distribute them on your private fast network? | 10:36 |
Tronyx | 7.04 hates the ATI X1000 series and doesn't load X | 10:36 |
leighaquarius | pupi120290: hm.. well i used to have same trouble.. i just had to fiddle roun with the preferences and eventually got it working | 10:36 |
tarzeau | CyberMad: http://wiki.debian.org/Enterprise#head-bb380fa5a8376438e235ff053c0ad5e71541d0ed | 10:36 |
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leighaquarius | pupi120290: soz, would like to help u more.. but not quite sure | 10:37 |
Innome1 | heguru: oky done | 10:37 |
Tronyx | the text install from the alternate disk stops functioning after it detects hardware | 10:37 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, try 6.06 | 10:37 |
heguru | Innome1: good, now type: sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 10:37 |
Innome1 | talking here just in case it logs off | 10:37 |
heguru | Innome1: it should've disconnected already? | 10:37 |
cresco | can someone help me? | 10:38 |
Tronyx | what's even weired is that I previously had gutsy installed earlier this morning, in fact, this is my 2nd install of the day as I managed to blow up X on the first one with fglrx and compiz | 10:38 |
Tronyx | *weirder | 10:38 |
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jeff121212 | Tronyx, try xubuntu kubuntu its not long till gutsy is stable | 10:38 |
Innome1 | heguru:" it did, command entered | 10:38 |
OGENG | hello ubuntu gurus | 10:38 |
heguru | Innome1: ok did you run the sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 10:38 |
Innome1 | yes | 10:38 |
OGENG | need your help on integrated webcam | 10:38 |
heguru | Innome1: connect again using network manager to your wireless | 10:38 |
Innome1 | can i reboot? my startbar is gone | 10:39 |
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jeff121212 | Tronyx, if all else failes run live cd for awhile | 10:39 |
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Tronyx | i'm not trying to be difficult, i had a thread up about it earlier but most distros I get my hands on hate the ATI x1000 series. sabayon, knoppix, 7.04, gentoo | 10:39 |
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heguru | Innome1: well if you reboot it will use ndiswrapper again | 10:39 |
Tronyx | heh, can't run liveCD for too long, I have a paper due in 48 hours | 10:39 |
Innome1 | ahhh | 10:39 |
heguru | Innome1: what do you mean the startbar is gone? | 10:39 |
heguru | Innome1: you mean the network manager icon? | 10:39 |
Innome1 | so we're not done | 10:39 |
Innomen | wow it connected | 10:39 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, hold on ill find u a distro | 10:40 |
heguru | Innomen: ok good | 10:40 |
Innomen | the bar across the bottom showing me what apps i have running | 10:40 |
Innomen | its gone | 10:40 |
Innomen | i can alreayd tell it's faster | 10:40 |
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heguru | Innomen: ok run gnome-panel to start it again | 10:40 |
Innomen | trying the update | 10:40 |
Innomen | oky hold on | 10:40 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, look herehttp://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php | 10:41 |
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Innomen | says one is already running and will now exit | 10:41 |
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Innomen | i can move around with alt tab | 10:41 |
Innomen | no biggie | 10:41 |
Tronyx | thanks jeff. how would I go about burning the .iso though? | 10:41 |
heguru | Innomen: killall gnome-panel | 10:41 |
heguru | Innomen: then run gnome-panel | 10:41 |
heguru | Innomen: how is your internet speed now? | 10:42 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, how u on now? | 10:42 |
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Innomen | that fixed the panel | 10:42 |
Tronyx | with a liveCD of gutsy | 10:42 |
Innomen | let me check | 10:42 |
heguru | Innomen: ok | 10:42 |
OGENG | my laptop use integrated webcam, can any one help me? i use ubuntu 7.10 beta.. | 10:42 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, borrow a friends comp? that im stuck on sorry | 10:42 |
Tronyx | lol no worries | 10:43 |
Tronyx | the most frustrating part is that the first install today went 100% fine. the last 2 attempts get stuck at 88% | 10:43 |
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OGENG | hello | 10:44 |
Tronyx | =] hi | 10:44 |
OGENG | !help | 10:44 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:44 |
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Innomen | still wont load the updates, and i still cant surf *sigh* | 10:44 |
OGENG | tronyx can you help me? | 10:44 |
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Innomen | heguru: i'm so usta needing to reboot :P | 10:44 |
Tronyx | i can try, but i make no guarantees =p | 10:44 |
jeff121212 | can i use .iso with virtual box? | 10:44 |
Tronyx | yes | 10:44 |
heguru | Innomen: can you check if you are using the new driver and not ndiswrapper, type: lsmod | grep ndiswrapper | 10:45 |
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OGENG | can you help me on integrated webcam subject? | 10:45 |
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ikonia | morning | 10:45 |
Tronyx | I'd like to ogeng but unfortunately I think any assistance I have to offer would be mostly speculation | 10:45 |
heguru | ikonia: morning :) | 10:45 |
Innomen | ndiswrapper 187612 0 | 10:46 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, meet me in room ####1654 | 10:46 |
OGENG | it ok tron, i'm a newbie on linux | 10:46 |
Innomen | usbcore 134280 10 ndiswrapper,usbhid,lmpcm_usb,xpad,usblp,usb_storage,libusual,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd | 10:46 |
gogeta | lol | 10:46 |
heguru | Innomen: ok ndiswrapper is still running | 10:46 |
Tronyx | same ogeng =X | 10:46 |
Innome1 | ok | 10:46 |
Innome1 | i'm seeing things here way before on the other machine | 10:46 |
heguru | Innomen: try: sudo modprobe -v -r ndiswrapper | 10:47 |
Tronyx | what's the problem with the webcam? | 10:47 |
OGENG | can you recommend me ubuntu gurus here | 10:47 |
gogeta | LOL | 10:47 |
Innome1 | ok done | 10:47 |
OGENG | tronyx? | 10:47 |
heguru | Innome1: then run again lsmod | grep ndiswrapper | 10:47 |
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gogeta | your in a channel full of em | 10:47 |
heguru | Innome1: do you still get ndiswrapper | 10:47 |
Innome1 | yes | 10:47 |
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OGENG | thx gogeta, maybe you can help me | 10:48 |
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heguru | Innome1: hmm, well add ndiswrapper to blacklist and reboot | 10:48 |
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Innome1 | wherew would i find blacklist | 10:48 |
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heguru | Innome1: type sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 10:48 |
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gogeta | if your asking abought you webcam i neer had issues with mine | 10:48 |
heguru | Innome1: add: blacklist ndiswrapper | 10:48 |
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CapaH | Quick question, my laptop battery acts very strange. Ubuntu shows 100% green and then when my battery dies, it does not gradually go from green down to red -- it just instantly turns red and I get notified "Power Critical! Machine about to turn off" -- at that point I have less than 5 seconds before it shuts off. Anyone have any ideas? | 10:49 |
heguru | Innome1: to the end of this file, save and close and reboot | 10:49 |
gogeta | it just workes | 10:49 |
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Innome1 | ok file is open | 10:49 |
gogeta | capah bad battery? | 10:49 |
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CapaH | nope -- works in winxp | 10:49 |
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Innome1 | revbooting | 10:50 |
heguru | Innome1: to the end of the file, add this on a new line: blacklist ndiswrapper | 10:50 |
heguru | Innome1: ok | 10:50 |
gogeta | well you can disbale the power managment | 10:50 |
slimjimflim | hi, i've got a masked domain, and whenever i link outside of it, the url stays masked to my domain. does anyone know why that would happen? | 10:50 |
gogeta | but then the laptop will be a battery eater in linux | 10:50 |
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gogeta | sence it will be runnning at 10% | 10:51 |
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gogeta | 100% | 10:51 |
CapaH | gogeta: explain | 10:51 |
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gogeta | turning off the power managent in linux will disbale the battery monoter | 10:51 |
gogeta | as well as the prosser thottling | 10:52 |
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gogeta | and any other power savers | 10:52 |
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gogeta | desktops of course this doesent make any diffrence | 10:52 |
gogeta | but on a laptop that means it will use more power and less abtery time | 10:52 |
olive | bad | 10:52 |
Innome1 | ok rebooted | 10:52 |
CapaH | If I check my battery state directly -- it says there is 65287 mAH remaining --- If I use the laptop normally for 1 minute I notice that # only goes down by 20 --- if this is the case, my battery life should be 3,264 minutes --- can anyone explain why this is not so? | 10:53 |
Innome1 | it dosent apear to be connected/connecting | 10:53 |
heguru | Innome1: run lsmod | grep ndiswrapper | 10:53 |
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heguru | Innome1: shouldn't give you anything | 10:53 |
gogeta | arg | 10:53 |
Innome1 | nothing | 10:53 |
Innome1 | :) | 10:53 |
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gogeta | the linux power managment is mis reading your battery | 10:53 |
heguru | Innome1: run sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 10:53 |
nacer | someone know why a i can't launch de preference for 3d effect ? | 10:54 |
heguru | Innome1: then run dmesg | tail | 10:54 |
CapaH | gogeta: Ahhhh -- that makes sense, - how an I fix that? | 10:54 |
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heguru | Innome1: tell me what you get, briefly | 10:54 |
gogeta | capah if you boot with acpi=off apm=off noapic | 10:54 |
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Innome1 | it connected | 10:54 |
Innome1 | i'm testing speed | 10:54 |
CapaH | gogeta: Where do I set those options -- and what will that achieve? | 10:54 |
heguru | Innome1: great :) | 10:54 |
gogeta | linux will no longer have power mangment | 10:54 |
gogeta | i will be all bios | 10:54 |
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gogeta | meaning it whont even see your battery to misread it | 10:55 |
CapaH | Ok let me describe what just happened, I just went from Remaining Capacity: 65,212 and then 1 second later it was at 4,570 --- my laptop has only been running on battery (from a fully charged battery) for 10 minutes --- strange | 10:55 |
nacer | i am on gutsy | 10:55 |
gogeta | it should run then | 10:55 |
Innome1 | hmm i wont connect to irc or the update server | 10:55 |
Innome1 | it* | 10:55 |
CapaH | gogeta: If I do that how do I know when my battery is low? | 10:55 |
heguru | nacer: ask in #ubuntu-effects or #ubuntu+1 | 10:55 |
gogeta | you whont | 10:55 |
nacer | heguru, ok tks | 10:55 |
gogeta | thats the issue | 10:56 |
Innome1 | heguru: i'm gunna buy a freeakin linksys card asap *grr* | 10:56 |
CapaH | Is there some way I can get Linux to properly read my batter | 10:56 |
Innome1 | :P | 10:56 |
gogeta | well most apps use the kernels acpi and apm | 10:56 |
gogeta | and unfortanly i have always had issues with it | 10:56 |
heguru | Innome1: hmmm still the same? | 10:57 |
CapaH | gogeta: Ok, so the disadvantage if I do that is -- I pretty much have to just let my laptop run out to know how much battery life it has --- what are the advantages? | 10:57 |
gogeta | on my pc it loves to turn off my fans and not turn them back on | 10:57 |
heguru | Innome1: can you run lsmod | grep ndiswrapper | 10:57 |
jeff121212 | can ntfs crash a install of ubuntu? | 10:57 |
gogeta | then shutdown couse its getting to hot | 10:57 |
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Innome1 | heguru: a little worse, its not even connecting to irc | 10:57 |
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Innome1 | heguru: i did already and it returned nothing | 10:57 |
gogeta | advatage it will run on the battery | 10:57 |
nucco | I've removed the eth0:0 alias from my /etc/network/interfaces, but it still shows up in ifconfig | 10:57 |
gogeta | if its jjuts not gone bad | 10:57 |
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x_ | hello everyone ... i have a problem with Shutdown , ... it unloading but can't shutdown the pc :-( | 10:58 |
heguru | Innome1: hmm, try running iwconfig | 10:58 |
gogeta | you said 10 minuts befor this hapond | 10:58 |
gogeta | i think your battery is getting weak | 10:58 |
heguru | Innome1: and check your speed, quality and essid | 10:58 |
nucco | x_: where does it get stuck? | 10:58 |
Innome1 | rx invalid crypt:28 | 10:59 |
heguru | nucco: did you restart networking after that | 10:59 |
CapaH | gogeta: Why would that account for Linux seeing its life at 65212 mAH one minute, and 4570 the next? | 10:59 |
gogeta | capan best bet test in xp | 10:59 |
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nucco | heguru: yes. | 10:59 |
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x_ | nucco when i shutdown my pc , ubuntu unloading but can't turn off the pc | 10:59 |
Innome1 | heguru: its 11 mbps now where it was 54 | 10:59 |
gogeta | capan easy when batterys get weak the carge is no longer held right | 10:59 |
gogeta | capan and the timers get wrong readings | 10:59 |
nucco | x_: does it show that ubuntu logo with the progressbar? | 10:59 |
CapaH | hmm bad battery does sound possible | 10:59 |
CapaH | maybe it is a bad batter | 11:00 |
x_ | nucco yes | 11:00 |
Explosives | i have two monitor have connected to my pc how can i use them dualview ? | 11:00 |
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heguru | Innome1: thats worst :( | 11:00 |
gogeta | capan you said you have xp i would go there swtch to battery power and see what happions | 11:00 |
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nucco | x_: ubuntu dapper does that on my laptop too... I think its an acpi issue. | 11:00 |
heguru | Innome1: well just remove the line you added to blacklist (sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 11:00 |
Haru | what do i use to extract a cue/bin image ? | 11:00 |
Explosives | i have two monitor have connected to my pc how can i use them dualview ???? | 11:00 |
heguru | Innome1: and reboot to get back to where you were | 11:00 |
nucco | x_: newer versions work fine. | 11:01 |
lunz | i accidently deleted my file and empty my recycle bin,how can i recover it back? | 11:01 |
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Innome1 | heguru: i dont wanna go back to wrapper, what is the deal with the rx invalid crypt:28 line? | 11:01 |
nucco | can anyone tell me where else I need to remove an eth0:0 alias for it to disappear? | 11:01 |
scag | The "always on top" option in VLC Player does not work for me. Anyone else have the same problem? | 11:01 |
gogeta | capan if it works in xp then yea linux issue | 11:01 |
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x_ | nucco i have 7.04 which version do u mean ?! | 11:01 |
heguru | Haru: use bchunk | 11:01 |
nucco | x_: what machine are you using? | 11:01 |
x_ | nucco desktop | 11:02 |
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heguru | Innome1: that shouldn't be there because you're using an open network | 11:02 |
nucco | x_: I meant "hp xxxx 3221" sort of... | 11:02 |
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Innome1 | heguru: ahh, maybe it's seeing my neibor's | 11:02 |
nucco | x_: if it's very recent hardware, it's likely that gutsy will work fine. | 11:02 |
Explosives | nobody knows how to use them dualview ? :( | 11:02 |
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Innome1 | wait no, it says spesifically what network its on | 11:03 |
nucco | Explosives: use what dualview? | 11:03 |
x_ | nucco nope , i assembled self | 11:03 |
lunz | i accidently deleted my file and empty my recycle bin,how can i recover it back?please | 11:03 |
Explosives | i have two monitor have connected to my pc how can i use them dualview ???? | 11:03 |
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heguru | Innome1: the essid should tell you | 11:03 |
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Innome1 | heguru: it does, i'm just leanring what i'm seeing | 11:03 |
heguru | lunz: there is no way | 11:03 |
nucco | x_: its an acpi issue. if you don't wanna fiddle with acpi related docs, just upgrade your system I guess... | 11:03 |
x_ | nucco is that beta version ?! | 11:03 |
Explosives | nocco: i have two monitor have connected to my pc how can i use them dualview ? | 11:04 |
nucco | x_: yes, but gutsy should be stable enough around now | 11:04 |
x_ | nucco thanks :-) | 11:04 |
Innome1 | windows has undelete apps, but they rarely work | 11:04 |
nucco | Explosives... what version of ubuntu? | 11:04 |
Explosives | 7.04 | 11:04 |
Innome1 | +1 | 11:04 |
nucco | Explosives: two video cards? or one with dualhead? | 11:05 |
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Innome1 | wait thats 7.10 | 11:05 |
Innome1 | ignore me | 11:05 |
Innome1 | my brian is fried | 11:05 |
heguru | Innome1: can you paste the model number of your card again? | 11:05 |
Explosives | dualheads ( dvi ) | 11:05 |
Innome1 | sure | 11:05 |
Innome1 | i forgot the command to display it | 11:05 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, try here? http://techtoppicks.com/archive/ubuntu-to-get-better-dualview-support/ | 11:05 |
Innome1 | i never learn anything with command line | 11:05 |
nucco | Explosives, paste your xorg.conf here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 11:05 |
nucco | gimme the link | 11:06 |
heguru | Innome1: ok i got it | 11:06 |
Innome1 | its like tyring to walk through mny house blind, i have to find the same chair over and over | 11:06 |
ufoz | hi all. there is a replacement for the gnome main menu. with some nice gimicks and search build in afaik. but it forgot the name of it | 11:06 |
Innome1 | oh, good | 11:06 |
Innome1 | i just need a better card dont i | 11:06 |
gogeta | heh no response | 11:06 |
gogeta | musta died in xp as well | 11:06 |
Innome1 | care to recoomend one? preffrably usb and cheap :) | 11:07 |
heguru | Innome1: well your card is known to work with the new driver that you just installede | 11:07 |
oshiii-_^ | night night | 11:07 |
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Innome1 | heguru: sure it is :P :) | 11:07 |
gogeta | wifi flakyness | 11:07 |
gogeta | isnt that fun | 11:07 |
Innome1 | gogeta: *with a resounding thunderclap* NO | 11:08 |
gogeta | i stick to wired | 11:08 |
gogeta | works everytime | 11:08 |
Innome1 | gogeta: no choice | 11:08 |
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gogeta | 50 ft cables and a drill bit does wonders | 11:08 |
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Innome1 | gogeta: trust me, no choice | 11:08 |
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Innome1 | besides i dont like abandoning an option, i'd much rather make it work | 11:09 |
Explosives | nucco : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40045/ but there is a problem i installed succesfuly ati drivers :S | 11:09 |
gogeta | and a cheap flaky linksys roughter | 11:09 |
gogeta | lol | 11:09 |
Innome1 | heguru: i guess we've reached the end of the road then? | 11:09 |
Haru | heguru: cant install bchunk w/o root permissions? | 11:09 |
Explosives | nucco : but in xorg.conf says nvidia :s | 11:09 |
lunz | does ubuntu have undelete software for recycle bin? | 11:09 |
Innome1 | gogeta: they're all flaky | 11:09 |
heguru | Innome1: well, there are a few things left, wait | 11:10 |
gogeta | mine love to randimly die | 11:10 |
Innome1 | unless you are a yuppie and can pay 4 billion dollars | 11:10 |
heguru | Haru: not using apt-get atleast | 11:10 |
gogeta | if upnp is on | 11:10 |
Innome1 | heguru: cool | 11:10 |
heguru | Haru: do you want to play a videoCD ? | 11:10 |
nucco | Explosives: you have an ati card? | 11:10 |
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gogeta | lunz no there like macs the files gone forever :) | 11:11 |
Explosives | nucco yes i have an ati card | 11:11 |
gogeta | relly the case if ext2 | 11:11 |
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nucco | explosives: what model? | 11:11 |
lunz | arrgggg | 11:11 |
|skyrocker67| | whats the the differance between a gateway and a wireless routor tried asking in ##networking but got nothing | 11:11 |
Explosives | nucoo : radeon 9550 | 11:11 |
gogeta | not shure abought ext3 | 11:11 |
Innome1 | gogeta: what does ubuntu overwrite deelted files automatically? | 11:11 |
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Explosives | nucco : radeon 9550 | 11:12 |
nucco | doesn't radeon 9550 work with free drivers? | 11:12 |
gogeta | naa without jurnlyed support | 11:12 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, i got ur pm but i cant respond sorry | 11:12 |
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heguru | Innome1: when you run iwconfig, is your card called eth0 or eth1 instead of wlan0? | 11:12 |
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Explosives | nucco : nope i tried but didnt worked | 11:12 |
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gogeta | jfs yea it can be done | 11:12 |
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nucco | explosives: gimme the resolutions of your monitors. | 11:12 |
Innome1 | no its still wlan0 | 11:12 |
Explosives | nucco : 1024x768 | 11:13 |
nucco | both? | 11:13 |
gogeta | but even then its kinda hard | 11:13 |
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@82-46-66-41.cable.ubr11.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Explosives | nucco : yea | 11:13 |
Haru | heguru, yes : | 11:13 |
nucco | explosives: so you want to use fglrx? | 11:13 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, did u try the site i linked to u? | 11:13 |
nucco | I mean ati proprietary drivers? | 11:13 |
Haru | heguru, its a video indeed | 11:13 |
heguru | Innome1: try running lsmod | grep bcm | 11:13 |
varka | |skyrocker67|: a router is implemented on OSI layer 3 while a gateway works on layers 4 to 7 | 11:13 |
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Explosives | nucco : of course i will install beryl :) | 11:13 |
Haru | heguru, wow mplayer plays bin files off the rack | 11:13 |
heguru | Haru: then you can play it without extracting if you have mplayer installed, | 11:14 |
heguru | Haru: thats what i was suggesting :D | 11:14 |
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yenouandre1956 | YENOUANDRE | 11:14 |
Innome1 | it shows | 11:14 |
Haru | indeed, thanks a lot | 11:14 |
Innome1 | heguru: it shows bcm is running the show | 11:14 |
gogeta | lunz yea gone forever i think linux zeros the file rather then just mart it as writable like windows does | 11:14 |
nucco | explosives: you need to generate a new xorg.conf file. run in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 11:14 |
Explosives | jeff121212 : i tried but it is for 7.10 but i have 7.04 | 11:14 |
heguru | Innome1: ok now run: modprobe -r bcm43xx | 11:14 |
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|skyrocker67| | kok second part of that is can more then one computer acess it at the same time for regular networking? | 11:14 |
gogeta | undeletion would be very hard | 11:14 |
gogeta | and expensiv | 11:14 |
heguru | Innome1: that should be: sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx | 11:15 |
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Explosives | nucco : ok doing it... | 11:15 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, sorry bout that | 11:15 |
heguru | Innome1: then: sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx | 11:15 |
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gogeta | you can try lsof | 11:15 |
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Innome1 | heguru: fatal error operation not permittied, and this time uypdate is not running :) | 11:15 |
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gogeta | someone said you can use that to try | 11:16 |
Tronyx | jeff121212! i got it! | 11:16 |
Innome1 | want me to blacklist it also? | 11:16 |
Innome1 | :P | 11:16 |
heguru | Innome1: did you run with sudo? | 11:16 |
Explosives | nucco : which driver should i select ? vesa sisung trident etc. ? | 11:16 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, what was it? | 11:16 |
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varka | |skyrocker67|: perhaps you should name the model of the device you are talking about | 11:16 |
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gogeta | http://www.hackitlinux.com/50226711/desperate_undelete.php | 11:16 |
gogeta | lol guide on unelete | 11:17 |
gogeta | if its still on the disk at all | 11:17 |
nucco | explosives: use fglrx | 11:17 |
Innome1 | heguru: ok now i did it wil sudo and it asked for pass and now its just sitting there blinking with no prompt | 11:17 |
jeff121212 | Explosives, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 | 11:17 |
|skyrocker67| | ok its a 2wire 2701HG-B gateway | 11:17 |
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Tronyx | for some reason the prompts weren't executing correctly. in the step where it asked me what I would like to import, it skipped it completely on the previous attempts. I'm thinking that for some reason not having been prompted, it didn't know what to do at that 88% mark so it just shut down | 11:17 |
heguru | Innome1: press Ctrl+C | 11:17 |
Innome1 | test | 11:17 |
heguru | Innome1: and repeat | 11:17 |
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Innome1 | cntrl c no responce | 11:18 |
Tronyx | "switching users" on the LiveCD appears to have put the prompts back in check | 11:18 |
johanl | Hi how do i get swat to work on ubuntu | 11:18 |
heguru | Innome1: weird | 11:18 |
Innome1 | shall i reboot? | 11:18 |
jeff121212 | Tronyx, i hate it when its the most simplest things | 11:18 |
heguru | Innome1: yes do that | 11:18 |
Tronyx | lol same same | 11:18 |
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Tronyx | on that note, goodnight #Ubuntu =] | 11:18 |
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jeff121212 | nite Tronyx | 11:18 |
erUSUL | !info swat | johanl | 11:18 |
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|skyrocker67| | johanl swat is part of samba goto #samba | 11:18 |
ubotu | johanl: swat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 800 kB, installed size 2180 kB | 11:18 |
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Mrre | hey guys, I got a question for you. which would you recommend Gnome or KDE for ubuntu's desktop? | 11:19 |
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varka | |skyrocker67|: to answer your question: yes! to get more info http://www.2wire.com/pages/pdfs/5100-000562-000_2W_Rev_A_0107.pdf | 11:19 |
gogeta | mrre that on you in the end | 11:19 |
jeff121212 | Mrre, its up to u really | 11:19 |
|skyrocker67| | ok thanks | 11:19 |
dibblego | how can I make the TCP software try to perform network operations even when the network is unreachable? | 11:20 |
heguru | Mrre: its a matter of personal preference, both are equally good | 11:20 |
gogeta | there pretty mutch the same these days | 11:20 |
Mrre | I know but I cant really figure it out my self ;) | 11:20 |
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jeff121212 | Mrre, try this sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop kubuntu-desktop | 11:20 |
varka | |skyrocker67|: actually this device is a router with an adsl gateway | 11:20 |
gogeta | lol by his question i bet hes deciding on a cd | 11:21 |
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heguru | Mrre: KDE is known to be more windows like, Gnome is known for its simplicity | 11:21 |
Mrre | ok, so its really just up to me then :S, well thanks for the responses | 11:21 |
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jeroen__ | hey dudes! | 11:21 |
jeff121212 | Mrre, u forgot the othres | 11:21 |
gogeta | gnome is ulgy | 11:21 |
gogeta | LOL | 11:22 |
jeroen__ | man i really start to like ubuntu now. | 11:22 |
gogeta | ut i still use it | 11:22 |
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meson10 | how dowe configure kernel source files? | 11:22 |
gogeta | couse to me its faster | 11:22 |
Innome1 | heguru: rebooted and ran -r bcm | 11:22 |
jeff121212 | Mrre, u have xubuntu and u have edubuntu | 11:22 |
nucco | gogeta: careful how you say that ;) | 11:22 |
Innome1 | no errors | 11:22 |
jeroen__ | but now all I need is to get MP3 support in K3B | 11:22 |
heguru | Innome1: is your connection on? It shouldn't be | 11:22 |
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nucco | jeroen__: you don't like brasero? | 11:22 |
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gogeta | lol | 11:23 |
Innome1 | heguru: it is not on | 11:23 |
overclucker | gnome rocks, but then so do kde and xfce | 11:23 |
gogeta | i always found gnome faster then kde without compiz of course | 11:23 |
ant-_ | flux owns | 11:23 |
heguru | Innome1: run: sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 11:23 |
Jordan_U | ant-_, And it's finally 1.0 :) | 11:23 |
|skyrocker67| | Varka thanks I now know that all I have to do is set up samba | 11:23 |
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jeroen__ | does it support burning isos? does it support burning dvd's? does it support burning and encoding MP3? | 11:23 |
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gogeta | thers even faster but then they get kinda to light wight for my tast | 11:24 |
heguru | Innome1: run iwconfig again, check the speed | 11:24 |
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jeff121212 | me i love gnome tried the othrs if i want a windows lookalike id go to windows and xfce was eh to me | 11:24 |
jeroen__ | nucco: does it support burning isos? does it support burning dvd's? does it support burning and encoding MP3? | 11:24 |
Mrre | I tryed edubuntu and xubuntu once and that was just not for me ;) | 11:24 |
gogeta | kde is the windows lookalike | 11:24 |
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gogeta | well kinda | 11:24 |
Innome1 | its 11, but the wuality is 73 this time and no crypt errors, but its still trying to connect | 11:25 |
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jeff121212 | its windows and xfce mix | 11:25 |
gogeta | mree those have the very light managers | 11:25 |
nucco | jeroen__: of course it can burn isos. it can burn dvds, with IMHO, a great gui, and you can burn audio cds from any gstreamer supported format (I think), although I tend to use rhythmbox and serpentine for audio cds... | 11:25 |
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jeff121212 | 5 hours for slax iso ='( | 11:25 |
varka | |skyrocker67|: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba | 11:25 |
Innome1 | failed to connect apprently | 11:25 |
gogeta | mree gnome compiz kinda rules the roast right now | 11:26 |
Madne1 | anyone knows how to disable the locks on partitioned drives? | 11:26 |
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jeroen__ | ok cool gonna check it out. | 11:26 |
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gogeta | mree wile kde has the better 2d look i guess | 11:26 |
Madne1 | i'm totally stuck and cant adjust anything on my drives let alone formatt hem | 11:26 |
Madne1 | !subo | 11:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about subo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:26 |
Madne1 | !sudo | 11:26 |
nucco | jeroen__: if you meant mp3 cds... all you need is to disable jolliet extensions in your burning preferences (off by default) and your discs will be readable in mp3 players | 11:26 |
overclucker | meson10: well, you need to have build-essential and the kernel-dev(i don't think that's the actual package name) and the kernel source | 11:26 |
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Madne1 | !sudo | 11:26 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:26 |
gogeta | !windows | 11:26 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 11:26 |
gogeta | hehe | 11:26 |
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jeroen__ | ok. can I rip my cd's with it? | 11:26 |
Madne1 | !permission | 11:26 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 11:26 |
jeff121212 | lol | 11:26 |
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jeff121212 | now that ws funny | 11:27 |
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Innome1 | heguru: man i totally understand if you're tired of this | 11:27 |
Remo_A | why do you guys still have Imagemagick 6.2.4 in feisty and not the much more bug free 6.3.3 or 6.3.6? I don't get that! | 11:27 |
nucco | !windows | 11:27 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 11:27 |
heguru | Innome1: well not tired, just out of ideas | 11:27 |
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nucco | ROTFLOL | 11:27 |
jeroen__ | is there a .deb package for it? where can I get it? | 11:27 |
Innome1 | heguru: cool cool | 11:27 |
Remo_A | when I upgrade it myself, kaffeine crashes | 11:27 |
gogeta | !equivalents | 11:27 |
ubotu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant | 11:27 |
Remo_A | where is the connection... | 11:28 |
gogeta | ahh | 11:28 |
gogeta | thought it would be something else funny | 11:28 |
jeff121212 | jeroen__, .deb for? | 11:28 |
nucco | and those people thinking about mplayer should try "smplayer" | 11:28 |
jeroen__ | uhm.........I found it in synaptic | 11:28 |
gogeta | mplaer ownez | 11:28 |
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jeff121212 | i like gxine my self | 11:28 |
Innome1 | heguru: casn i force it to be eth0 instead of wlan? | 11:29 |
jeroen__ | now installing...........brasero (bonfire) | 11:29 |
Innome1 | or eth1 or whatever? | 11:29 |
gogeta | vlc to but its been kinda whiny latly | 11:29 |
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heguru | Innome1: you can, but that would do nothing :) | 11:29 |
gogeta | crashing on x264 vids | 11:29 |
Innome1 | heguru: it would make me feel better *pout* | 11:29 |
Innome1 | lol | 11:29 |
nucco | jeroen__ the brasero in the more recent versions of ubuntu sports a wicked search interface too! | 11:29 |
jeff121212 | yea i dont like vlc | 11:29 |
overclucker | Innome1: man udev | 11:29 |
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ant-_ | flux owns ->> | 11:29 |
gogeta | wile mplayer handels it like a champ | 11:29 |
heguru | Innome1: lols, well you have to edit udev files | 11:29 |
Crozar | Go UbuntU Go UbuntU go Go Go !!!! UP TO tHE SKY | 11:29 |
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ant-_ | > | 11:29 |
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ant-_ | > | 11:29 |
Innome1 | heguru: you seem to discourage the idea :) | 11:30 |
heguru | Innome1: yes i do | 11:30 |
gogeta | what idea | 11:30 |
Innome1 | ok, fine i'll leave it stupid old wlan | 11:30 |
jeff121212 | gogeta, what distro u runnen? | 11:30 |
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gogeta | ubuntu beta | 11:30 |
jeroen__ | cool found | 11:30 |
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overclucker | flux is great, but it's too cleean and simple to use to ever catch on | 11:30 |
jeff121212 | gogeta, u on gutsy eh | 11:30 |
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Innome1 | well i'm gunna boot into xp and play games and stuff, check my email and whatnot | 11:30 |
gogeta | atm winhell | 11:30 |
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Innome1 | maybe price wireless cards | 11:31 |
Crozar | Innome1: wireless lan can be fixed , need some necessary files to make it work tho. | 11:31 |
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gogeta | playing games | 11:31 |
gogeta | lol | 11:31 |
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Innome1 | crozar: me and heguru spent like 4 hours just now | 11:31 |
Crozar | Innome1: i run XP on virtualbox soo good | 11:31 |
gogeta | i have mine rigged | 11:31 |
Crozar | dont tell me u dont have more then 512 ram? | 11:31 |
jeff121212 | man i tried automatix it uninstalled all of gnome-desktop thn deleted the xorg.confg file | 11:31 |
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gogeta | runs both nativly and under vmware | 11:31 |
Crozar | every1 does so i guess virtualbox is a good idea =) | 11:32 |
Innome1 | crozar: if you think you can fix my wirless connection please give me a braod overview of what the process is and heguru can tell me if we've already done it | 11:32 |
Crozar | vmware is a memory hog guys ;) | 11:32 |
Madne1 | damn it.... | 11:32 |
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gogeta | fasest thow | 11:32 |
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overclucker | !automatix | 11:32 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 11:32 |
Madne1 | need help!!! how do i change my drive permission to write from read! | 11:32 |
Innome1 | crozar: i duel boot | 11:32 |
gogeta | innome1 i can do both | 11:32 |
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Crozar | maybe u did , but theyr are things u didnt i guess , and Innome1 every ubuntu release is a bit diffrent tell me ur version | 11:32 |
gogeta | lil hack to xp | 11:32 |
Madne1 | i've been doing chmod and everything else but it keeps telling me its a read only drive! | 11:32 |
nucco | can someone help me with ssh? | 11:32 |
Innome1 | gogeta: coolkl :) | 11:33 |
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Innome1 | someday | 11:33 |
Innome1 | l8r guys thanks alot a heguru, seriously | 11:33 |
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heguru | Innome1: :) | 11:33 |
Crozar | Innome1: i quit windows 4months ago ;) and i think dualbooting is aunncessary for me , maybe if bootcamp 4apple work out better i might buy me an apple and go for MultiBoot nextgeneration Way ;) | 11:33 |
jeff121212 | nucco, i too am playing with ssh | 11:33 |
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nucco | I 'am trying to setup a system so I can login remotely... | 11:33 |
gogeta | crozar trust me compleate removel has crossed my mind | 11:33 |
Innome1 | crozar: hope it works out for ya :) | 11:33 |
heguru | nucco: just install openssh-server | 11:33 |
Innome1 | l8r ppl | 11:33 |
Crozar | looooooooooool | 11:33 |
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Crozar | im happy yes | 11:34 |
heguru | nucco: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 11:34 |
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jeff121212 | sorry nucco no idea | 11:34 |
gogeta | crozar but i test alot of games and most cedega/wine fail at | 11:34 |
nucco | I have openssh-serfer | 11:34 |
nucco | server* | 11:34 |
Crozar | im no much gamer as u all are =) i play the best games which is available for linux like Quake series all of them 1 - 4 | 11:34 |
nucco | it fails saying X11 forwarding is disabled... | 11:34 |
Crozar | i dont use cedega hell i never installed wine | 11:34 |
gogeta | crozar well most games when retil probly will get cedega suport | 11:34 |
overlord | I have nVIdia 8800 GTS. I'm unable to install the drivers required for it. I tried installing the drivers available at their site, but when i reboot, it says X failed to load as the version specified in the kernel and the driver version did not match. | 11:34 |
jeff121212 | shoot as game wise i play xjump | 11:34 |
Crozar | looooooool u guys are such window life who wants gameing in theyr head gaming | 11:34 |
gogeta | crozar wbut as a tester half probly are not even known yet | 11:34 |
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kaushal | hi | 11:35 |
heguru | nucco: you want to use ssh to run graphical apps? | 11:35 |
kaushal | when will ubuntu 7.10 be released to the public | 11:35 |
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heguru | kaushal: after 9 days | 11:35 |
gogeta | unde 2 weeks | 11:35 |
heguru | kaushal: 18th of October | 11:35 |
nucco | no. commandline, that's the funny thing | 11:35 |
Crozar | if you have amind of whe're u do blogs and researches uni work education and abit of gaming like quake or doom then u will get linux with them , you can find alot of compliled linux games like Quakewars ect.. | 11:35 |
nucco | heguru: I wonder what business x has meddling in this setup | 11:35 |
gogeta | heh | 11:35 |
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kaushal | Thanks :) | 11:35 |
heguru | nucco: what did you type to connect to server? | 11:35 |
jeff121212 | kaushal, look at the ubuntu main site | 11:35 |
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kaushal | sure | 11:36 |
gogeta | yes i knoe of the linux nativ games | 11:36 |
Crozar | !offtopic | gogeta | 11:36 |
ubotu | gogeta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:36 |
nucco | ssh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -lusername | 11:36 |
heguru | nucco: it should be: ssh username@servername | 11:36 |
heguru | nucco: that is fine as well | 11:36 |
jeroen__ | what about NERO for linux? anyone used that before? | 11:36 |
gogeta | but the astuff i test isnt linux nativ yet | 11:36 |
overlord | I have nVIdia 8800 GTS. I'm unable to install the drivers required for it. I tried installing the drivers available at their site, but when i reboot, it says X failed to load as the version specified in the kernel and the driver version did not match. | 11:36 |
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gogeta | yes i have | 11:36 |
nucco | heguru: if I use an address on the LAN interface, it works fine. | 11:36 |
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gogeta | nero linux is same as nero windows | 11:36 |
Ademan | hey if setserial lists a device as UART: unknown then is it disabled as a serial device? | 11:37 |
heguru | nucco: do you get a password prompt? | 11:37 |
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Crozar | gogeta: i run QuakeWorld , Quake2 , Quake3 , Quake4 , Doom3 . | 11:37 |
gogeta | but now the naiv apps do everything nero linux can do | 11:37 |
Madne1 | someone please help me!!! i'm totally locked out from my drives! | 11:37 |
Madne1 | this is frustrating.... I cant write to the drives, only read! | 11:37 |
Crozar | Madne1: what do u mean lol | 11:37 |
overclucker | Madne1: is this a persistant problem? | 11:37 |
leighaquarius | overlord: what version of ubuntu are u running? | 11:37 |
Crozar | Madne1: yes need admin rights | 11:37 |
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jeff121212 | Madne1, did u member to make spare keys? | 11:37 |
Madne1 | i partitioned my drives and now the drives are locked | 11:38 |
Madne1 | i need keys? | 11:38 |
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overclucker | lol | 11:38 |
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overlord | leighaquarius: Feisty Fawn | 11:38 |
kaushal | I am running Ubuntu 7.04 so whats the easiest way to get upgraded to 7.10 | 11:38 |
jeff121212 | Madne1, lol was a joke | 11:38 |
overclucker | Madne1: have you tried rebooting? | 11:38 |
Madne1 | cant | 11:38 |
Remo_A | I want Imagemagick 2.3.6, but when I upgrade to it, kaffeine does not work anymore (dependency issue) | 11:38 |
overclucker | cant reboot? | 11:38 |
jeff121212 | kaushal, check the ubuntu site its at the top | 11:38 |
Madne1 | overclucker, i can | 11:38 |
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Madne1 | overclucker, just doesnt help. my drives are registered under root and chmod cant even change it to write | 11:39 |
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leighaquarius | overlord: ok, i've got an 8800GTS as well and used to have a 7900GS i never had much luck with nvidia drivers in feisty... but using Restricted Driver Manager in the Gusty Beta it worked first time | 11:39 |
Crozar | Madne1: you can write by going to terminal and typing the appropriate directory path so u can write =) by using sudo gedit ect.. but if u want to use the eyecandy kde method theyr is a way . let me get u alink | 11:39 |
gogeta | thats a new one | 11:39 |
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Madne1 | overclucker, is there anyway to enable root priv? | 11:39 |
jeff121212 | games on my vid card are all chopy and blotchy | 11:39 |
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gogeta | nadne1 lol they ntfs | 11:39 |
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jeff121212 | Madne1, sudo is for root | 11:40 |
compwiz18 | is there any way to type pinyin in ubuntu with the tone marks? | 11:40 |
Madne1 | Crozar, i have different partitions and they are all locked. cant even write at all | 11:40 |
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nucco | heguru: interestingly, vncworks | 11:40 |
overclucker | Madne1: pastbin the results of these from the terminal: mount and cat /etc/fstab and fdisk -l | 11:40 |
gogeta | all locked? | 11:40 |
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Madne1 | jeff121212, yeah but there must be a way for it to be enabled for a while so i can change the permissions | 11:40 |
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Crozar | Madne1: what did u do lo | 11:41 |
overclucker | !pastebin > Madne1 | 11:41 |
heguru | nucco: vnc has nothing to do with ssh :) | 11:41 |
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leighaquarius | overlord: i tried for ages with nvidia drivers and feisty, never go anywhere.. i'd just recommend waiting and downloading Gusty when it comes out.. or just get the beta now.. it seems pretty stable | 11:41 |
gogeta | yea what did he do | 11:41 |
heguru | nucco: unless you're tunneling it through ssh | 11:41 |
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kaushal | Thanks Again | 11:41 |
kaushal | :) | 11:41 |
Madne1 | no idea | 11:41 |
aftertaf | cpuinfo shows the ht flag for my P4 2.4ghz processor, but the flag ht=on in grub doesnt change anything... | 11:41 |
[nrx] | try su | 11:42 |
Madne1 | all i did was partition them and now i cant change permissions | 11:42 |
gogeta | drive locking with keys is a hardware thing | 11:42 |
aftertaf | how can i activate hyperthreading? | 11:42 |
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Philo06 | I'm attempting to install a Geforce 7800 gtx video driver through the restricted drivers manager and it crashed. | 11:42 |
Crozar | the problem is linux has more control , when windows is squeezed , sooner or later i think linux will have to squeeze and release Homeuser releases lo | 11:42 |
nucco | heguru: I woulda thought that's the one that X would cmplain about | 11:42 |
Madne1 | my old 80 gig, i can change but my new 320 is completely locked | 11:42 |
Philo06 | Is there not a stable driver I can download and install? | 11:42 |
overlord | leighaquarius: I tried the restricted driver manager last time, it didn't work out well. I downlaods and install nvidia-glx while I need nvidia-glx-new. If i attempt to download nvidia-glx-new through the synaptic package manger,I get the same version problem. Last time I used Envy to install the drivers, it worked very well, but this time I'm not able to install Envy. Its showing up some dependency error. | 11:42 |
Mooski | hmm been a long time since I have done something similar but is there something like the old frambuffers to get higher res and full colors in the console? | 11:42 |
heguru | nucco: when you run ssh, before giving you this error, does it prompt for a password? | 11:42 |
Philo06 | 8800* | 11:43 |
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gogeta | madne1 maybe you should check the drives maule or unitly disk | 11:43 |
OSuKaRu^-^ | hello | 11:43 |
OSuKaRu^-^ | problems with gnopernicus | 11:43 |
Crozar | i dont know why people like clicking with theyr mouse when u can just type sudo apt-get install | 11:43 |
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gogeta | repartaning does not lock a drive with a key | 11:43 |
gogeta | thers no code in it to even do so | 11:44 |
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heguru | aftertaf: what do you get when you uname -a | 11:44 |
jeff121212 | Crozar, i been beating my self on the head about that my self | 11:44 |
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aftertaf | heguru: 2.6.22-13-generic #1 SMP Thu Oct 4 17:18:44 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:44 |
leighaquarius | overlord: hmm.. is nvidia-glx-new in the repositories? | 11:44 |
Explosives | nucco : hi again i reconfigured xorg.conf now what should i do to use dualview ? | 11:44 |
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overlord | leighaquarius: Yes. | 11:45 |
nucco | heguru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40046/ | 11:45 |
heguru | aftertaf: HT should be enabled by default | 11:45 |
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aftertaf | cpuinfo shows 1 cpu. | 11:45 |
jeff121212 | Crozar, 2 things come to my mind one lazy two scared of the term | 11:45 |
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leighaquarius | overlord: try that.. if u havn't already | 11:45 |
diazepam | hi all - anyone here had ANY experience with opengroupware installation under Ubuntu? | 11:45 |
nucco | Explosives: paste the new one... | 11:45 |
Explosives | ok | 11:45 |
overlord | leighaquarius: well..i did, but again, no luck...same version problem. not able to compile the kernel properly.. | 11:45 |
heguru | nucco: this is not a X11 error | 11:45 |
Crozar | naa jeff121212 , its because oldschool can , and new youth generation are worst then your to answers lo | 11:45 |
nucco | explosives: paste the new xorg.conf and gimme a link | 11:45 |
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kanjo | excuse me | 11:46 |
heguru | nucco: just type mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts.bak | 11:46 |
kanjo | i have a question regarding wpa_supplicant | 11:46 |
heguru | nucco: run again and everything should be fine | 11:46 |
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aftertaf | heguru: is there a SURE way to test if its activated? | 11:46 |
Crozar | jeff121212: i joined linux 4months ago ;) and same time i quited windows , i got xp on virtualbox but i ran that twice until now | 11:46 |
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ant-_ | this is how much flux owns, http://img39.picoodle.com/img/img39/9/9/29/f_Screenshot3m_47b2240.png | 11:46 |
jeff121212 | !ask | kanjo | 11:46 |
ubotu | kanjo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:46 |
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Explosives | nucco: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40047/ here !!!! | 11:47 |
kanjo | okay, I have an AP with WPA encryption, I use wpa_supplicant to connect to wpa_supplicant with correct essid and passphrase | 11:47 |
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leighaquarius | overlord: have u done a full apt update? | 11:47 |
diazepam | kanjo - shoot | 11:47 |
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nucco | heguru: it worked. can you try that for me from your end? | 11:47 |
kanjo | do I have to assign static IP or DHCP after wpa_supplicant? | 11:47 |
nucco | heguru: ssh -llayer3 | 11:47 |
heguru | aftertaf: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 11:47 |
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heguru | aftertaf: in the flags line, look for ht | 11:47 |
nucco | heguru: tell me what you see | 11:47 |
jeff121212 | Crozar, i been runnen 7.04 for 6 months and nothing else | 11:47 |
overclucker | ant-_: you're still on about flux? why don't you marry it! | 11:47 |
diazepam | kanjo - how do you mean? | 11:47 |
overlord | leighaquarius: it came to my mind just now, and i started it just before you me | 11:47 |
ikonia | kanjo wpa has nothing to do with your ip, you assign that at the card level | 11:47 |
heguru | nucco: its asking for the password | 11:48 |
kanjo | ikonia: so it just let you connect to the ESSID | 11:48 |
Crozar | i was on feisty i just updated about a week ago | 11:48 |
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leighaquarius | overlord: lol kool.. hopefully it should help | 11:48 |
heguru | nucco: first i had to accept your key ofcourse | 11:48 |
ikonia | kanjo: not if its encypted | 11:48 |
nucco | heguru: means its working. thanks. | 11:48 |
heguru | nucco: welcome :) | 11:48 |
jeff121212 | Crozar, i wana upgrade but being my luck it will crash | 11:48 |
aftertaf | heguru: i have the ht flag.... does this mean its active? | 11:48 |
heguru | aftertaf: yes | 11:49 |
nucco | exlosives: I'll be with you in a minute | 11:49 |
kanjo | ikonia: one simple question, which encryption type used by AP under Linux? | 11:49 |
gogeta | heguru you found the harddrive issue? | 11:49 |
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aftertaf | heguru: ok cool :) thx | 11:49 |
heguru | gogeta: what hard disk issue? | 11:49 |
Explosives | nucco: ok bro i m waiting for u :) | 11:49 |
gogeta | guy with locked drive | 11:49 |
kanjo | ikonia: sorry, i mean how to find out encryption type of an AP under console | 11:49 |
heguru | aftertaf: welcome :) | 11:49 |
ikonia | kanjo you can only use the same time of encyption as your AP, it doesnt matter | 11:49 |
ikonia | kanjo you can't, you need to login to the AP or speak to who set it up | 11:49 |
Crozar | jeff121212: dont upgrade , im a tester and getting all the laptop side effect issues and problems , until now i have 8 , but ill wait until the full release is out in 8 days and yes if thats not fixed then my bug reports will be active . | 11:49 |
leighaquarius | overlord: any idea what version of the driver was in the repositories.. 100.14.19? | 11:50 |
kanjo | ikonia: well, how NM firgure this out? | 11:50 |
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ikonia | Crozar your not a "tester" your a member of the public using a beta bit of software and complaining about bugs | 11:50 |
heguru | kanjo: iwlist scan | 11:50 |
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Crozar | ikonia: those help statement doesnt help alot really | 11:50 |
ikonia | heguru that won't return encyption protocol | 11:50 |
Jeffy1 | perhaps someone can point me in a direction | 11:50 |
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ikonia | heguru it does as your missleading someone | 11:50 |
heguru | ikonia: it does | 11:50 |
Jeffy1 | or can point me to a forum, chat etc. | 11:50 |
ikonia | heguru: sorry | 11:50 |
ikonia | Crozar it does as your missleading someone | 11:51 |
overlord | leighaquarius: yes, the new one is 100.14.19 (nvidia-glx-nmew). Also, now I have found the missing dependencies of envy. So, now I should be able to install envy properly, and once its done, all is at peace ;) | 11:51 |
Crozar | ikonia: im a suicidal when it comes with beta so yes im maybe better then the testing group | 11:51 |
ikonia | heguru surly thats a security risk advertising encyption methods ? | 11:51 |
ikonia | Crozar please don't talk nonsense or miss-lead people. You are a member of the public same as me, who uses the beeta software your not a "teseter" | 11:51 |
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ikonia | tester | 11:51 |
Crozar | ikonia: missleading with what? this sake of arguments maybe a waste of time and its really lame on this subject ;) maybe hop in to !offtopic we can talk more | 11:52 |
jeff121212 | Crozar, yea im on a lapy too with intel and ikonia if u run something in beta ur the same as a tester u find or run cross bugs and report them same thing a tester does | 11:52 |
leighaquarius | overlord: sweet! | 11:52 |
Jeffy1 | Question: What would cause a system to freeze at random points during boot? (More often than not enabling Swap devices in FSTAB), Memory checks passed successfully so i'm not sure what could cause it? | 11:52 |
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heguru | ikonia: I don't think so, one can stop ssid broadcast if they need more security though | 11:52 |
ikonia | heguru yes, thats a fair point | 11:52 |
kanjo | ikonia: okay, after generating /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf; can you show me how to use restart wpa_supplicant deamon to apply new changes? | 11:53 |
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ikonia | heguru just surprises me that it advertises the encrption protocol - so almost gives you a head start should you wish to break it | 11:53 |
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nospi | hey | 11:53 |
ikonia | kanjo just start/stop the network start | 11:53 |
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ikonia | kanjo just start/stop the network script | 11:53 |
ikonia | kanjo: /etc/init.d/network restart | 11:53 |
Crozar | jeff121212: i go by 8 loops around the situation and answer all questions about it before posting so im no kid ikonia lol maybe you think ur the only one? | 11:53 |
knubbe | How do i forward multiple local ports using ssh? | 11:53 |
jonnyboy27 | i have a very broken housemates laptop that needs fixing if anyone can help -- ran update manger last night and it apparently locked up hard (no mouse, kb response) mid-way thru. i had a look at it this morn and it also hard locked up on me. when i restarted and tried to install htop with apt-get i got a message saying i needed to "dpkg --configure -a" so i did that and then it locked mid-way thru doing that and now i just get a blank screen when grub start | 11:53 |
ikonia | Crozar pardon ? | 11:54 |
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Crozar | i ask myself to pardon yes | 11:54 |
ikonia | knubbe google for "ssh tunnle" | 11:54 |
ikonia | knubbe sshe tunle sorry | 11:54 |
ikonia | Crozar ? | 11:54 |
knubbe | :-) | 11:54 |
ikonia | knubbe tunnle | 11:54 |
Crozar | peace upon you =) | 11:54 |
ikonia | tunnel | 11:54 |
kanjo | ikonia: /etc/init.d/networking restart? | 11:54 |
ikonia | I can't type today, sorry | 11:54 |
ikonia | kanjo correct, use sudo though | 11:54 |
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overclucker | Madne1: are tou still alive? | 11:55 |
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kanjo | ikonia: i thought we have to use /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant restart | 11:55 |
Crozar | bbye guys , i was going to help 4 members here until i felt sick suddenly | 11:55 |
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heguru | kanjo: use ikonia's method, it would run wpasupplicant itself | 11:55 |
ikonia | kanjo you can do that to, I thought wpasupplicant was a depndency on networking | 11:55 |
knubbe | ikonia: found it.. i could specify more than one -L parameter | 11:55 |
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knubbe | ikonia: thanks | 11:56 |
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jeff121212 | jonnyboy27, ouch time for a new comp? | 11:56 |
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kanjo | ikonia: unless you specify wpa_supplicant in //etc/network/interfaces? | 11:56 |
ikonia | kanjo not sure I follow what your saying, sorry | 11:56 |
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nucco | explosives: can you try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 | 11:56 |
jonnyboy27 | @ jeff121212 - real helpful :P | 11:56 |
kanjo | ikonia: Final Installation of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo?highlight=%28WPA%29#head-19b0a03ec0e66fadc9426778724825dd585178a5 | 11:57 |
Explosives | nucco: checking out... | 11:57 |
ikonia | kanjo ahh ok, your following the wiki - good, yes, just restart the networking script should do it for you | 11:57 |
jeff121212 | jonnyboy27, sorry but i never heard or had something like that before | 11:57 |
nucco | explosives: I gotta step out for a bit... if you're still here when I get back, I'd make a new xorg.conf for you. I don't have two monitors here, so I can't exactly test it | 11:57 |
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kanjo | ikonia: good lord, let me try it | 11:58 |
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Jeffy1 | hmmm i guess i have a toughie issue on my hands. | 11:59 |
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ikonia | Jeffy1 what is the problem | 11:59 |
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Philo06 | root@jamie-desktop:/home/jamie# sh "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run" | 11:59 |
Philo06 | sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run | 11:59 |
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Philo06 | this is what i get when i try to install the nvidia drivers | 12:00 |
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ikonia | Philo06 why are you installing 3rd party nvidia drivers ? | 12:00 |
|skyrocker67| | acttualy I have come up with a even better question then I thought why is the Linux Community not allowing root login in the graphics mode? | 12:00 |
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A1 | 12:00 | |
Tasmaniac | which is the 'weak' wireless encrypt wpa or wep? | 12:00 |
Philo06 | Because I used the restricted drivers manager and it crashed. | 12:00 |
ikonia | !offtopic |skyrocker67| | 12:00 |
ubotu | skyrocker67|: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:00 |
Philo06 | I got this file from Nvidia's website. | 12:00 |
|skyrocker67| | ok | 12:00 |
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heguru | Tasmaniac: wep | 12:00 |
ikonia | Philo06 why are you not using the nvidia drivrs packaged from ubuntu ? | 12:00 |
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Philo06 | I assumed a driver would work and not crash. Something wrong with the file it gave me? | 12:01 |
ikonia | !nvidia >Philo06 | 12:01 |
ikonia | Philo06: read that link from ubotu and it will explain to you how to install the nvidia drivers that are packaged by ubuntu | 12:01 |
Visual | Hello every one | 12:01 |
Philo06 | ikonia, It gave me a generic set of drivers and I attempted to install the drivers from the manager and it crashed X | 12:01 |
ikonia | Philo06 from what manager ? | 12:01 |
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ikonia | Philo06 what card do you have | 12:01 |
Philo06 | ikonia, K thanks. | 12:01 |
Visual | Have any one tried Gusty beta | 12:01 |
Philo06 | geforce 8800 gtx | 12:02 |
ikonia | Visual yes, most the people in the #ubuntu+1 channel are | 12:02 |
ikonia | Visual ahh I see | 12:02 |
jeroen__ | dudes how do I install stuff from a .tar.gz? | 12:02 |
indraveni | hi, | 12:02 |
ikonia | oosp | 12:02 |
ikonia | Philo06 ahh I see | 12:02 |
indraveni | can we install *.ax file in linux | 12:02 |
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Bo^Dick | hi | 12:02 |
Philo06 | What's the issue? | 12:02 |
ikonia | Philo06 you have 2 options 1.) install the file you have now 2.) wait for gusty to be released in 10 days | 12:02 |
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Philo06 | .... | 12:02 |
Visual | Ok | 12:02 |
Bo^Dick | my nvidia installer doesn't like that X server is running. how do i do? | 12:02 |
Philo06 | Are you serious? | 12:02 |
Philo06 | Will this file work? | 12:03 |
ikonia | Philo06 the 8800 series is not supported in the fesity nvida dirvers | 12:03 |
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ikonia | Philo06 it may work | 12:03 |
ikonia | Philo06 you need to chmod it | 12:03 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: use the nvidia drivers in the ubutnu repo's | 12:03 |
Visual | could some give me feed back on beta. I know the finish version will be amazing. | 12:03 |
ikonia | Visual ask in #ubuntu+1 | 12:03 |
leighaquarius | Visual: i'm running Gusty atm its gr8 | 12:03 |
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Philo06 | ikonia, Will I need to download the newer version of Ubuntu in 10 days or will there be an update? | 12:03 |
ikonia | Visual lots of people wrunning it in there | 12:03 |
Visual | ok | 12:03 |
Jeffy1 | ikonia: the issue is when trying to boot, it freezes at random points. | 12:03 |
ikonia | Philo06> ikonia, Will I need to download the newer version of Ubuntu in 10 days or will there be an update? | 12:03 |
Jeffy1 | more commonly when loading fstab | 12:03 |
ikonia | 11:20 < ikonia fesity will ask you if you want to update | 12:03 |
Jeffy1 | memory check revealed perfect ram | 12:04 |
milenko | whats a very decent irc-client | 12:04 |
jeff121212 | jeroen__, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/71066-how-do-we-install-tar-gz-rpm-archive-appz-ubtuntu.html http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246092 | 12:04 |
ikonia | Jeffy1 boot from teh livecd, mount your file systems and check your fstab for errors | 12:04 |
jeroen__ | uhm think I found it allready | 12:04 |
leighaquarius | milenko: XChat is pretty good | 12:04 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: do you mean the package manager? | 12:05 |
neotrix | 8800 series work nice in gibbon.. at the latest drivers | 12:05 |
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Visual | I got my answer with out joining there chat. I'm glad I did not install it | 12:05 |
Philo06 | Hasn't this card been out for a year or so? | 12:05 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: are you trying to run the nvidia installer from nvidia.com | 12:05 |
Visual | thanks alot ikonia | 12:05 |
Philo06 | That's pathetic. | 12:05 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: yes | 12:05 |
ikonia | Philo06: correct, but ubuntu didn't update the drivers in fesity | 12:05 |
Jeffy1 | thats what i used ikonia.. the livecd | 12:05 |
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Jeffy1 | both the 32bit and 64bit cd's | 12:05 |
ikonia | !nvidia >Bo^Dick | 12:05 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: read the link ubotu sent you on hot to install the nvidia drivers packaged by ubuntu | 12:06 |
ikonia | Philo06: yes it is a bit weak, but thats the situation | 12:06 |
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Philo06 | ikonia, Well, It's my ignorance, I was told that linux was a great os to use. | 12:06 |
Explosives | nucco: doesnt work :( and it is for nvidia cards :( | 12:06 |
ikonia | Philo06 it is, ubuntu have just been slow to package the later nvidia drivers in fesity | 12:06 |
Philo06 | ikonia, but there are drivers that can be installed? | 12:07 |
jeroen__ | dudes I did it | 12:07 |
ikonia | Philo06 yes, the file you have | 12:07 |
Philo06 | I mean nvidia has the drivers. I just need to install them. | 12:07 |
Philo06 | I see. | 12:07 |
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Philo06 | Well, I just need to install them then. Is it difficult? | 12:07 |
Philo06 | As I have shown a second ago. There is an issue with sh opening the file. | 12:08 |
ikonia | Philo06: the problem is "linux" is generic, the differences between redhat/fedora/ubuntu/debian etc can be massive so one generic "driver" from a 3rd party is bound to have compatability issues which have to be irned out. Ubuntu was a little slow with nvidia in fesity | 12:08 |
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ikonia | Philo06 chmod 775 $file.pkg | 12:08 |
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Philo06 | alright. | 12:08 |
safet_ | 777 YAH | 12:09 |
ikonia | Philo06 then sudo ./$file.pkg | 12:09 |
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safet_ | any samba gurus here? | 12:09 |
jeroen__ | yes! | 12:09 |
jeroen__ | I got Nero. | 12:09 |
jeff121212 | Philo06, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 12:09 |
ikonia | safet_ ask the question and lets see if we can fix it | 12:10 |
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jeff121212 | !ask | safet_ | 12:10 |
ubotu | safet_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:10 |
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safet_ | if i restart samba i see the computers i want to browse through network, after about 5 minutes they all go away | 12:10 |
Philo06 | chmod: cannot access `nvidia.run': No such file or directory | 12:10 |
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Philo06 | Jeff, Thanks. | 12:11 |
ikonia | Philo06 ls -la nvidia.ruin | 12:11 |
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jeff121212 | Philo06, try the link i gave u eh? | 12:11 |
Philo06 | jeff, I'm about to look at it. | 12:11 |
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safet_ | if i restart samba again all the windows clients come back.. anyone have any clue whats going on ? | 12:12 |
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Philo06 | k | 12:12 |
ikonia | safet_ what do you mean come back ? | 12:12 |
Philo06 | It brought a program up | 12:12 |
ikonia | safet_ if they are connected and you restart samba, of course they will re-connect | 12:12 |
safet_ | i can browse them through network | 12:13 |
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safet_ | after 5 minutes or so i can't browse them anymore | 12:13 |
ikonia | safet_ correct | 12:13 |
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safet_ | if i restart samba they all come back | 12:13 |
Philo06 | Is there anyway I can get on irc if this crashes my x? | 12:13 |
ikonia | Philo06 a text client like irssi | 12:13 |
Philo06 | k thanks | 12:13 |
Philo06 | Here goes nothing. | 12:13 |
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jeff121212 | Philo06, or live cd | 12:13 |
Bo^Dick | how do i know which of the methods are best, this extremely complicated and fancy method here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual or just running the dpkg1.run file when X server is not running? | 12:13 |
ikonia | safet_ check the syslog to see if samba is doing anyhing unusual, or look in /var/log/samba at the individual logs, see what thy are up to | 12:14 |
Philo06 | How do I close X to run it? | 12:14 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: dont' use the nvidia.com drivers | 12:14 |
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Bo^Dick | ikonia: why? | 12:14 |
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ikonia | Bo^Dick: compatability with ubuntu | 12:14 |
jeff121212 | Philo06, Now you need to restart your X by logging out and in or by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace | 12:14 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: are they buggy? | 12:14 |
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Bo^Dick | ikonia: ok, thanks | 12:14 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: no - but ubuntu spend time packaging up the drivers for you, there is a reason | 12:14 |
safet_ | ikonia: which samba log files should i be looking at ? | 12:15 |
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ikonia | log files | 12:15 |
ikonia | safet_: in /var/log/samba | 12:15 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: so just because nvidia.com says the driver is for "linux 32-bit" this doesn't guarantee it has compability to ubuntu? | 12:15 |
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lrone | hi | 12:16 |
Bo^Dick | ubuntu != "linux 32-bit"? | 12:16 |
mrak | ? | 12:16 |
milenko | on a laptop system (sony viao something or other core duo) would it be wise to try useing the 64-bit version or just stay with the 32-bit version | 12:16 |
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safet_ | i see this many time "lib/util_sock.c:write_data(562) write_data: write failure in writing to client Error Connection reset by peer" | 12:17 |
Bo^Dick | but ubuntu is linux isn't it? | 12:17 |
Bo^Dick | i might sound like an idiot but i'm a noob | 12:17 |
indraveni | there aer no drivers avaliable for ricoh Id, 05ca:183a | 12:17 |
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jeff121212 | milenko, try both u can run live cd with the 64 and 32 test run them see what is best for how and what u need | 12:17 |
mrak | Bo^Dick: yes its | 12:18 |
indraveni | could some one help me in getting it | 12:18 |
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Explosives | nucco: r u there ? | 12:18 |
Bo^Dick | but if a driver is flagged as "linux 32-bit" it mustn't necessary mean that it's compatible with ubuntu? | 12:18 |
Jeffy1 | ok | 12:18 |
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Jeffy1 | excuse me whilst i destroy my laptop | 12:18 |
milenko | allright one more question it has the little selector switch for the intel video/ nvidia video wich one do i want to use | 12:18 |
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jeroen__ | Finally!!! I got AviDemux to work. I got Nero-linux to work....I got it all to work! | 12:18 |
jeroen__ | I love Ubuntu man! | 12:19 |
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Philo06 | heh | 12:19 |
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jeff121212 | Explosives, nucco steped out for awhile said hed help u when he got back | 12:19 |
mrak | Bo^Dick: why u want to make yourself nvidia drivers if u can use this nvidia-new-kernel-source | 12:19 |
safet_ | im playing with my belly | 12:19 |
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jeroen__ | brb | 12:19 |
kaushal | hi | 12:19 |
Philo06 | I cant close x out. I | 12:19 |
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Philo06 | or gnome... | 12:19 |
Bo^Dick | mrak: uhm, i'm not trying to "make my own" nvidia drivers | 12:19 |
jeff121212 | milenko, what vid card u have? | 12:19 |
safet_ | ikonia: any idea what that means? | 12:20 |
kaushal | I wanted my PPPOE ADSL Connection to be automatically started when booting up | 12:20 |
kaushal | is that possible | 12:20 |
Explosives | jeff121212: thnx | 12:20 |
mrak | Bo^Dick: ah sorry | 12:20 |
milenko | its a nvidia geforce go 7400 i think | 12:20 |
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jeff121212 | milenko, join me in room #1234 | 12:20 |
Philo06 | How do you close out of the graphic manager? | 12:21 |
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simplechat | control alt backspace | 12:21 |
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Bo^Dick | to me this link http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_100.14.19.html feels safer than this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual but i'm a noob so i might be wrong | 12:21 |
Bo^Dick | the latter one feels more complicated | 12:21 |
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Arafangion | Hey, how do I "fix" my keyboard? Every time I press left, right, or anything, I get a wierd escape sequence instead. (In rxvt, within screen) | 12:22 |
overclucker | Bo^Dick: does it not make sense that linux 32-bit drivers tailored to work best with ubuntu, would work better that driver that meet more generic needs? | 12:22 |
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Bo^Dick | overclucker: uhm, after a second thought yes | 12:23 |
overclucker | heh | 12:23 |
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Bo^Dick | still the "Prepare Configuration Files" section scares the shit out of me | 12:23 |
safet | woah nice trick with ctrl+alt+backspace | 12:23 |
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Bo^Dick | my tiny linux experience says that messing with configuration files manually is playing with fire | 12:24 |
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safet | that was sweet im gonna do that to friends ha | 12:24 |
overclucker | Bo^Dick: playing with fire rocks! how else will you know what will burn you? | 12:24 |
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Tasmaniac | Bo^Dick, so long as you make a backup its semi-safe | 12:25 |
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Bo^Dick | lets roll | 12:25 |
Arafangion | So, what might be wrong with my command line? | 12:25 |
Bo^Dick | thanks guys | 12:25 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, anyone use postfix as a mail server? I need to upgrade from default apt-get install to a newer version, any ideas how i would do that? | 12:25 |
Arafangion | If I hit tab, I get a literal tab, NOT a "completed command". | 12:26 |
Tasmaniac | (says me who managed to lock root out of a server) | 12:26 |
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Arafangion | thesaint4444: You could backport from the next version of ubuntu, or compile the official version from postfix and install it into either /opt, or /usr/local | 12:26 |
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Ghismo | good morning | 12:28 |
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thesaint4444 | Arafangion: what do you think the best method would be? why would i install it into either /opt or /usr/local if i were to compile it? thanks... | 12:28 |
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N|ghtwo|f | hey | 12:29 |
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N|ghtwo|f | i cant find this file : /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent | 12:30 |
Ghismo | guys i'm looking for something to watch tv programmes on my pc(by streaming)... | 12:30 |
Arafangion | thesaint4444: Because tradition dictates that the package manager manages everything else in / and /usr. | 12:30 |
N|ghtwo|f | why or what i need to do ? | 12:30 |
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cidwel | buenas a todos! | 12:31 |
cidwel | oops sorry | 12:31 |
cidwel | wrong channel :S | 12:31 |
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nwf_ | i cant find this file : /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent. why ? | 12:31 |
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Jeffy1 | lol N|ghtwo|f and nwf_ | 12:32 |
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tiberiu | #romania | 12:32 |
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N|ghtwo|f | lol Jeffy1 same server | 12:33 |
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thesaint4444 | Arafangion: ok.. how would i backport from the next version of ubuntu - edit my sources.list file to pretend to be next version of ubuntu for that 'apt-get install..' then change it back? | 12:34 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: your question is a bit unclear :/ | 12:34 |
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Philo06 | k | 12:35 |
Taejo | Does gutsy have compositing by default? Even for upgraders? | 12:35 |
Philo06 | Said something about the kernel not being compiled and looked for one. | 12:35 |
Philo06 | Then it stated that libc headers were not installed. | 12:35 |
CapaH | Question, if I download and install the CD of Gusty Gibbon on my computer *now* as beta, will it automatically upgrade itself when the release is made official? | 12:35 |
Arafangion | thesaint4444: You'd have to compile from the source .deb. | 12:36 |
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Arafangion | thesaint4444: And make a new package. :) | 12:36 |
Moosky | philo06 apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 12:36 |
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Philo06 | moosky, thanks | 12:36 |
Moosky | thesaint4444: or just add the backports repository if it's already there :) | 12:37 |
cidwel | I have a question, How dangerous can be to make the root folder for my apache to be modified by my main user instead trying to load the root for moving files in the apache web file? >_< | 12:37 |
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Philo06 | Will do | 12:37 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: hmm.. i already added in the backports directory - does apt-get install the latest package available from there automatically? | 12:38 |
Moosky | thesaint4444: the latest available ON the repository. not the latest avaialble from source. | 12:38 |
Moosky | if you understand what I am trying to sat... | 12:39 |
Moosky | say* | 12:39 |
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thesaint4444 | Arafangion: so i compile from the source into a .deb file and then make a new package for apt-get? | 12:39 |
Moosky | thesaint4444: if you make a .deb you can install it with dpkg no need for apt-get. | 12:40 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: ok, thanks, I understand, what if the backports is still to old? | 12:40 |
thesaint4444 | Moosky: ok.... | 12:40 |
Optimus55 | hey im trying to create a launcher to launch a command in terminal but when i double click the icon i get an error "failed to execute child process" any ideas?? | 12:40 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: well if the version available on the repository is too old for your taste, then you'd have to play around with tarballs. | 12:41 |
N|ghtwo|f | how can i change my eth1 to wifi0 ? | 12:41 |
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Optimus55 | anyone knows what: failed to execute child process "-x" (no such file or directory) means? she launcher used to work b4 but doesnt anymore | 12:43 |
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Optimus55 | the* | 12:43 |
thesaint4444 | Moosky: so download the tarball source from postfix, compile and make into .deb, use dpkg to install into usr/local or /opt - or can i let dpkg handle the install location? | 12:43 |
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Moosky | Optimus55: hmm may be the path to the process you have in the launcher contains spaces ? or weird symbols that you'd have to escape or something :/ | 12:44 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: what is the reason you're so fond of the latest version of postfix? | 12:44 |
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Optimus55 | Moosky: used to work b4, then stopped all of a sudden. some problem. checking google now.. thnx | 12:45 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: if there is no real reason for having the very last one just use the one available from the ubuntu repositories. | 12:46 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: apt-get installs version 2.2.10 which means you have to use postfix smtp auth. version 2.3 or greater of postfix allows you to use dovecot sasl which gives you more setup options... | 12:47 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: and i have just finished a new setup which now does not smtp auth as i used version 2.2.10 without realising the full ramifications.... | 12:48 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: so i am trying to consider my best options to get if fixed.... I am also using postfixadmin to manage the user accounts so switching to postfix auth will be worse... | 12:49 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: any suggestions? :-) | 12:50 |
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ramvi | I installed vmware player 2. Vmplayer made my internet router stop working and I lost internet connection till I removed vmware again. Is this a known error? | 12:51 |
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Flanders | Are there australian on the channel? | 12:51 |
Moosky | thesaint4444: am googling a bit | 12:52 |
thesaint4444 | Moosky: many thanks... | 12:52 |
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Philo06 | Well, I did as you said and the result was "0 installed, 0 updated, 0 etc. | 12:52 |
Steen | Hi I have some problem with vpn and PPTP. | 12:52 |
ramvi | Im in australia but norwegian | 12:53 |
Moosky | ramvi: you probably just misconfigured your network connection when installing vmware mate :) | 12:53 |
Philo06 | I never knew installing a driver could be so difficult. | 12:53 |
ramvi | if thats of any help | 12:53 |
Optimus55 | Moosky: thnx. found what it was. some kind of bug with compiz syncing something else. changes preffered applications setting... i jus switched it back | 12:53 |
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Moosky | Optimus55: cool | 12:53 |
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ramvi | Moosky, got the config from easyvmx.com. Shouldnt I use nat when Im behind a nat? Could you take a really quick look on the config file? Pretty please! | 12:54 |
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Philo06 | I guess i'm just going to use the generic drivers. | 12:54 |
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Philo06 | and do a reinstall. | 12:54 |
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Bo^Dick | i know ctrl+alt+F1 switches to a text mode console, how do i switch back? | 12:55 |
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bmt2 | hello to all | 12:55 |
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Steen | hi | 12:56 |
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ramvi | Moosky, really quick. Please! http://pastebin.com/d762bed98 | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | can anybody here help me out? | 12:56 |
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jeroen__ | I wanna play this live audiostream | 12:56 |
stijn_ | hellow | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | but I get this error: | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:55:30 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >http://beatflex.sytes.net:7000< | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:55:26 PM: xine: found input plugin : http input plugin | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found demuxer plugin: ASF demux plugin | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found input plugin : mms streaming input plugin | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found demuxer plugin: ASF demux plugin | 12:56 |
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jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: input_http: content length = 231 bytes | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found input plugin : http input plugin | 12:56 |
Moosky | ramvi: can't atm mate am in a console fixing my own connection and am helping someone else. but you shouldn't need any kind of premade config file .. just read the questions step by step and taht should do it | 12:56 |
stijn_ | does anybody know where I can download a DEB for wireless connection? | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found demuxer plugin: ASF demux plugin | 12:56 |
jeroen__ | 12:54:33 PM: xine: found input plugin : file input plugin | 12:56 |
bmt2 | is there a way to change the way my splash screen, and my initail login screen looks like when i first turn on my laptop for Ubuntu ? | 12:56 |
Moosky | !pastebin > jeroen__ | 12:56 |
Moosky | don't spam plz..... | 12:56 |
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jeroen__ | sorry moosky | 12:56 |
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jeroen__ | I just need some help | 12:57 |
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jeroen__ | it's a stream I wanna listen to | 12:57 |
cjae_ | is the adobe flash still suck for lin compared to win | 12:57 |
Bo^Dick | uhm, when i've switched to textmode by Ctrl+Alt+F1, how do i _switch_back_ to normal again? | 12:57 |
cjae_ | -is + does | 12:57 |
Steen | Hi. I have problem with resolving host-name when I'm connected with VPN (pptp). Need help | 12:57 |
ramvi | Moosky, questions? I didnt get any questions when I installed vmware player 2 | 12:57 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: Hmmm tbh I think just build it from source. | 12:57 |
kingsizeriz | hmm guys can anyone help with "restricted drivers?" | 12:58 |
cjae_ | is there an alternative to adobe flash | 12:58 |
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jeroen__ | ok here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40048/ | 12:58 |
cjae_ | in buntu | 12:58 |
trpr | Bo^Dick: ctrl+alt+f7.. for that matter, ctrl+alt+f1 through f6 are all virtual consoles (textmode) ;) | 12:58 |
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jeroen__ | don't know what codecs I need to install. | 12:58 |
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Bo^Dick | sorry for repeating myself but how do i escape from Ctrl+Alt+F1 text console? | 12:59 |
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Bo^Dick | trpr: thanks | 12:59 |
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cjae_ | Bo^Dick, crt alt f7 | 12:59 |
cjae_ | oops | 01:00 |
Bo^Dick | wow, it worked! | 01:00 |
Bo^Dick | thanks! | 01:00 |
user_ | hi | 01:00 |
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user_ | anyone knw how to instal the yahoo messenger? | 01:00 |
cjae_ | user_, gaim | 01:00 |
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user_ | wat? | 01:00 |
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user_ | wat is gaim? | 01:01 |
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ufoz | user_, google | 01:01 |
cjae_ | search gaim on google then install via synaptic | 01:01 |
preaction | !info gaim | user_ | 01:01 |
user_ | tnx | 01:01 |
ubotu | user_: gaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta6-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1700 kB, installed size 4808 kB | 01:01 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: ok, so download source and build? | 01:02 |
user_ | u mean guys download pidgin? | 01:02 |
Sinkro63 | Hi. I have problem with resolving host-name when I'm connected with VPN (pptp). | 01:02 |
cjae_ | !pidgin | 01:03 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 | 01:03 |
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cjae_ | ok | 01:03 |
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cjae_ | f+ck is that dumb | 01:03 |
tom17bombadil | is there a chance that i can get help setting up tomcat plus apache? | 01:03 |
user_ | guys i alredi download the pidgin | 01:04 |
user_ | wat next | 01:04 |
user_ | ?? | 01:04 |
user_ | sori im new to ubuntu | 01:04 |
cjae_ | did you download and install with synaptic | 01:04 |
user_ | ??? | 01:04 |
=== Dean_Harryman [n=dean@c-76-31-96-126.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user_ | hmmm... i didnt see or read synaptic | 01:05 |
user_ | wat is that? | 01:05 |
cjae_ | applications -> system-> synaptic package manager | 01:05 |
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user_ | ahhh | 01:05 |
user_ | w8 | 01:05 |
user_ | let me try | 01:05 |
cjae_ | or something like that | 01:05 |
scag | How many ext3 partitions can I have? | 01:05 |
Dean_Harryman | I am back...... LOL...... I have more problems than ideas nowadays | 01:05 |
cjae_ | don't use ubuntu | 01:05 |
Dean_Harryman | I cant get beryl to run | 01:05 |
Dean_Harryman | and noone responds in the correct irc channel | 01:06 |
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Dean_Harryman | so I was hoping someone here could help | 01:06 |
wilson | u mean compiz ? | 01:06 |
Bo^Dick | btw, is it possible to close the x server in ubuntu? | 01:06 |
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cjae_ | user_, you might still have to search gaim in synaptic, I don't know | 01:06 |
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wilson | you can terminate the x server by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace | 01:06 |
Dean_Harryman | beryl opens, and is in the "taskbar" but I get no effects | 01:07 |
cjae_ | !info synaptic | user | 01:07 |
ubotu | user: synaptic: Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 1279 kB, installed size 5836 kB | 01:07 |
ufoz | that will restayrt the server @wilson Bo^Dick | 01:07 |
cjae_ | !synaptic | user | 01:07 |
ubotu | user: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 01:07 |
wilson | or just press ctrl-alt-f1 to go to the first terminal | 01:07 |
wilson | then kill kdm or gdm or whatever | 01:07 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: should I remove the existing package first ? | 01:07 |
trpr | Bo^Dick: what wilson said. you can also kill X's process from the prompt. the login manager will keep relaunching it though. if you really want it to stay dead, you have to kill the login manager first (gdm) then x | 01:08 |
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Dean_Harryman | anyone have any ideas? | 01:08 |
wilson | i thought compiz is the 3d thing people are meant to be running, isn't beryl the old one ? | 01:08 |
Bo^Dick | thanks | 01:08 |
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Dean_Harryman | I think there is compiz and beryl..... but they are combined now......IDK | 01:09 |
preaction | compiz is the "stabler" one, beryl is the "experimental" one forked from compiz, compiz-fusion is the merge | 01:09 |
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wilson | i got compiz running, was pretty easy, just load the nvidia driver then type in compiz in a terminal | 01:09 |
Dean_Harryman | thx for clearing that one up.///... | 01:09 |
Dean_Harryman | I tried compiz-fusion.... to no avail | 01:10 |
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wilson | it didn't work for me when i tried to use xgl server | 01:10 |
Dean_Harryman | I have an ati raedon 200m.... that s half the problem | 01:10 |
user_ | hey i cnt find synaptic | 01:10 |
Sinkro63 | Hi. I have problem with resolving host-name when I'm connected with VPN (pptp) | 01:10 |
wilson | but i didnt seem to need it | 01:10 |
user_ | wer can i find it | 01:10 |
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user_ | portableapps.com | 01:10 |
user_ | wer can i download gaim | 01:11 |
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wilson | gaim is called pidgin now | 01:11 |
Dean_Harryman | I have the xgl installed, and i am in an xgl session..... and beryl is opne and seems to be running | 01:11 |
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Dean_Harryman | it doesnt make sence to me... | 01:11 |
Bo^Dick | intresting | 01:11 |
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cjae_ | user_, did you not find synaptic? | 01:11 |
user_ | yah.. i alredi download it.. after wat would i do? | 01:11 |
user_ | yah.. i ddnt find it | 01:11 |
simplechat | hey | 01:12 |
Dean_Harryman | I changed the window manager to beryl..... | 01:12 |
Dean_Harryman | nothing | 01:12 |
Dean_Harryman | no effects at all | 01:12 |
reverseblade | I can't seem to enable 3d my nvidia card on gutsy can someone help | 01:12 |
=== PatrickWeb [n=PatrickW@AMarseille-256-1-65-42.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user_ | cjae.. plz help me | 01:12 |
cjae_ | downloading it with a browser is going to be to much headache for you user_ | 01:12 |
wilson | dean, is there a new option in your settings menu ? | 01:12 |
user_ | ^_~ | 01:12 |
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Bo^Dick | uhm, what's the command to view processes now again? | 01:12 |
wilson | ps ax | 01:12 |
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cjae_ | you need to install it with synaptic you will have to look through your appications menu to find synaptic | 01:13 |
Dean_Harryman | what do you mean by settings? | 01:13 |
user_ | cjae... tel wat website im goin to visit and download it | 01:13 |
user_ | wat website? | 01:13 |
Dean_Harryman | system > prefrences has emerald on it now | 01:13 |
Bo^Dick | milion thanks | 01:13 |
wilson | when i run compiz, a new item appears in the menu under settings | 01:13 |
cjae_ | user_, no website | 01:13 |
user_ | OMG | 01:13 |
wilson | "advanced desktop effects settings" | 01:13 |
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cjae_ | there is a thing in ubuntu that does all the work for you called synaptic | 01:14 |
user_ | cjae.. try to visit this one.. www.portaleapps.com | 01:14 |
cjae_ | user_, | 01:14 |
Bo^Dick | my system didn't like the command "kill gde" | 01:14 |
jeff121212 | is there a linux game like world of warcraft but is not word of warcraft? | 01:14 |
wilson | killall gdm ? | 01:14 |
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=== heterodox [n=benign@user-5af0f1d1.wfd98.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Bo^Dick | gotta try it | 01:14 |
simplechat | hey, my openssh server will not restart with my computer | 01:15 |
simplechat | i nede to rerun it from /usr/sbin/sshd | 01:15 |
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user_ | cjae... did u try it? | 01:15 |
simplechat | i have reinstalled | 01:15 |
simplechat | i'm not sure if this would be a configuration problem, or not | 01:15 |
heterodox | simplechat, check your /etc/rc.# folders | 01:15 |
cjae_ | user_, what about it | 01:15 |
Dean_Harryman | I dont see advanced deskto effects setting anywhere ??? | 01:15 |
cjae_ | user_, I don't need it | 01:15 |
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tarelerulz | would install a bunch of different javas mess up Azureus ? | 01:15 |
wilson | dunno then dean, sorry i'm not familiar with beryl | 01:15 |
simplechat | heterodox: more info? | 01:15 |
user_ | i just want u to help me | 01:15 |
user_ | plz | 01:16 |
user_ | i reli ned it | 01:16 |
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user_ | for my user | 01:16 |
user_ | users | 01:16 |
user_ | im on a cafe now | 01:16 |
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heterodox | simplechat, the /etc/rc.# folders hold scripts for things that start & stop with your computer | 01:16 |
user_ | and they want to chat.. using ym | 01:16 |
cjae_ | user_, if you type the first letters of my name and press tab it will spell my name correctly and alert me | 01:16 |
simplechat | hetrodox: more information? | 01:16 |
simplechat | yeah | 01:16 |
simplechat | but which one should i look at? | 01:16 |
wilson | dpkg -i pidgin...... | 01:16 |
user_ | cjae_, | 01:17 |
Dean_Harryman | I guess it is back to the proverbial salt mines that are google....LOL thx for trying | 01:17 |
wilson | or apt-get install pidgin | 01:17 |
cjae_ | user_, yes | 01:17 |
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user_ | cool | 01:17 |
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user_ | cjae_, can i download synaptic? | 01:17 |
cjae_ | user_, so you are at cafe and it's running ubuntu? | 01:17 |
simplechat | heterodox: ? | 01:17 |
user_ | yes | 01:17 |
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user_ | cjae_, acctually im xpermnting | 01:18 |
cjae_ | user_, ok synaptic is already installed by default but you may not be able to install it cause not your machine | 01:18 |
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cjae_ | user_, brb | 01:18 |
user_ | cjae_, sori for dsturbing u | 01:18 |
simplechat | so what exactly am i looking for? | 01:18 |
heterodox | simplechat, /etc/rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d etc | 01:18 |
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cjae_ | user_, there are web based ones as well I think or so my sister said | 01:19 |
heterodox | those folders hold programs which will boot up with your computer & stop when you shutdown, simplechat | 01:19 |
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mbone | I can't find Lamp ( apache + php ) on Sysnaptic Manager , how can I install it ? | 01:19 |
cjae_ | user_, http://webmessenger.yahoo.com/ | 01:20 |
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simplechat | heterodox: if i remove and reinstall, should that rebuild the init folders?? | 01:20 |
ibob63 | my dns lookups are really slow. Can anyone tell me how to speed them up? | 01:20 |
heterodox | not necessarily simplechat | 01:20 |
simplechat | well, what should be there? | 01:21 |
scag | How many ext3 partitions can I have? | 01:21 |
trpr | simplechat: more specifically, /etc/init.d holds the scripts. /etc/rc2.d and so on are the various run levels and the files inside those folders symlinks to the scripts that should run | 01:21 |
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heterodox | scag, logically 4, virtually as many as you like | 01:21 |
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simplechat | trpr: so what run level should i add the thing to run openssh-server? | 01:22 |
scag | And what do I need to do to encrypt a partition? | 01:22 |
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heterodox | scag, a good howto found on google :) | 01:22 |
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Moosky | scag what not use update-rc.d add ssh defaults | 01:22 |
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scag | Moosky: Use ssh for encrypting a partition? I thought that was only for remote access. | 01:23 |
Moosky | or something like that I think it was at least. | 01:23 |
johan-_ | trying to start ezbounce it say: | 01:23 |
johan-_ | Error listening on port 6667: Address already in use. netstat says tcp 0 0* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0). No program should use the port. How to remove? | 01:23 |
simplechat | heterodox: so what do i do? | 01:23 |
Moosky | scag eh? | 01:23 |
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user_ | cjae_, tnx | 01:23 |
scag | Moosky: ? | 01:24 |
thesaint4444 | Moosky: should i remove the existing package first then start to compile the source? thanks... | 01:24 |
cjae_ | user_, welcome | 01:24 |
simplechat | atm, i'm trying to get it to run through @restart on crontab | 01:24 |
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Moosky | scag, what is it you want to reach exactly ? | 01:24 |
simplechat | and it isn't doing that | 01:24 |
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Moosky | thesaint4444: that would be best. | 01:24 |
Nemes | I've suddenly lost the right-click --> "Extract Archive" feature. Does anybody know how I could recover it? | 01:24 |
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scag | Moosky: Encrypt a partition | 01:24 |
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thesaint4444 | Moosky: thanks... lol | 01:24 |
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user_ | bye all | 01:25 |
user_ | cjae_, tnx alot man | 01:25 |
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Moosky | scag: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_dm_crypt_luks | 01:25 |
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atlfalcons866 | is gutsy safe to use | 01:26 |
xperamental | can anyone help me getting an Attansic L1 Gigabit Ethernet Card to work in Ubuntu??? I am having nothing but problems :'( | 01:26 |
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trpr | simplechat: i think rc2.d is default run level. putting a symlink to the appropriate script in /etc/init.d should start sshd when you boot. i thought the packaged version did all this on its own though | 01:26 |
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user_ | hi all] | 01:27 |
Moosky | atlfalcons866: I am using at this very moment. Nothing exploded yet ) | 01:27 |
cjae_ | user_, just for reference there are many online (web based) applications like that like google docs and www.ajaxwrite.com/ for word processing | 01:27 |
user_ | cjae_, can i ask | 01:27 |
Bo^Dick | !nvidia>Bo^Dick | 01:27 |
Moosky | atlfalcons866: it's not something i would recommend you to use on a server. | 01:27 |
cjae_ | user_, what | 01:27 |
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atlfalcons866 | Moosky: on a typical desktop computer? | 01:27 |
user_ | cjae_, wat if i want to play.. online games.. like silkroad... do i have to download anything??? to make it run? | 01:27 |
simplechat | trpr: it did, for some reason now it isn't | 01:27 |
Moosky | atlfalcons866: yes. I am running it and very happy with it. | 01:28 |
simplechat | trpr: in the last hour or so, when i came to reboot my machine i just got connection refused | 01:28 |
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user_ | cause i cnt run the installer | 01:28 |
bullgard4 | Where is the meaning of the LS_COLORS variable entries explained, for example "36:pi=40;"? | 01:28 |
user_ | cjae_, i cnt run the instaler | 01:28 |
atlfalcons866 | Moosky: are there 100 updates a day | 01:28 |
user_ | cjae_, wat will i do that? | 01:28 |
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bullgard4 | Where is the meaning of the LS_COLORS environment variable entries explained, for example "36:pi=40;"? | 01:28 |
cjae_ | user_, would have to ask someone else as I am not aware of what silkroad is | 01:28 |
Moosky | not that many but yes it's still heavily updated. | 01:28 |
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user_ | cjae_, ok.. but any games | 01:28 |
atlfalcons866 | ok i am going to try gutsy then =) | 01:28 |
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user_ | cjae_, wat will i do??? | 01:29 |
user_ | cjae_, all my instaler wont run on ubuntu | 01:29 |
Pici | !wine | user_ | 01:29 |
trpr | simplechat: try sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 01:29 |
ubotu | user_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 01:29 |
tarelerulz | I have problem with azureus and torrents I did not seem to share much at all and I picked popular torrent with a lot of leeches . I use utorrent on my windows computer and it seems to do better ,but not the one site I use all the time . why is utorrent so much better | 01:29 |
kanjo | what is <super> key used in compiz? What button is it on the keyboard? | 01:29 |
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cjae_ | if they are linux based games maybe but running windows executables on linux is gay but can be done user_ | 01:30 |
Pici | kanjo: usually your 'windows' key | 01:30 |
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cjae_ | !wine | user_ | 01:30 |
ubotu | user_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 01:30 |
user_ | ok... tnx a lot | 01:30 |
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user_ | i will try dat | 01:30 |
Pici | !coc > cjae_ ( dont use gay as a derogatory term ) | 01:30 |
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user_ | tnx evryone | 01:30 |
kanjo | Pici: T__T i used IBM laptop that doesnt have the key, damn | 01:30 |
user_ | ^_~ | 01:30 |
Bo^Dick | you really gotta know what you're doing when installing hardware in ubuntu | 01:30 |
Bo^Dick | particularly if it isn't specifically supported | 01:30 |
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Bo^Dick | omg | 01:31 |
simplechat | trpr: it restarted | 01:31 |
cjae_ | Pici, sorry bad habit from living with roommate who says it all the time, sorry channel | 01:31 |
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tarelerulz | What I am trying to ask is how to do tell if it is the bit torrent client or the site or maybe your router? | 01:31 |
Pici | kanjo: You may be able to remap that key in the keyboard prefernces tool. | 01:31 |
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Pici | kanjo: Or just re-map it in compiz | 01:31 |
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trpr | simplechat: dunno what the issue is exactly, but that's the script which is used to start and stop it. there should also be a symlink in rc2.d pointing at it | 01:32 |
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simplechat | trpr: that worked | 01:33 |
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simplechat | :) | 01:33 |
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danich | I reinstalled Winblowz and am now following the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub. Unfortunately when I go into grub and type find /boot/grub/stage1 it tells me "File not found." Currently running off Fiesty Fawn bootcd | 01:34 |
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danich | any ideas? | 01:35 |
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cjae_ | is vid-stream legal and is there anyway to view it full in ubuntu? | 01:36 |
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cjae_ | view full screen | 01:37 |
xperamental | can anyone help me getting an Attansic L1 Gigabit Ethernet Card to work in Ubuntu??? I am having nothing but problems :'( | 01:37 |
Arafangion | cjae_: Ask a lawyer. | 01:37 |
danich | need grub help someone please | 01:37 |
cjae_ | Arafangion, know any adobe flash alternatives | 01:37 |
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epatic | danich: what's your problem | 01:38 |
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danich | reinstalled winblowz and following directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub. But when at grub> prompt and type find /boot/grub/stage1 tells me "File not found" I'm currently running off Fiesty Fawn bootcd and a working ubuntu installation is already installed | 01:39 |
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danich | i think it has something to do with mounting the existing installation, but I'm too new to this to know how to do that | 01:41 |
Arafangion | cjae_: There's a few, actually, but if you have a 32-bit x86 system, adobe flash is still the best, by far. I have not actually tried any of the alternatives, though. | 01:41 |
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cjae_ | Arafangion, ok thanks anyway | 01:42 |
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Poromenos | How can I force ubuntu to rescan for HDDs when I install a new one? | 01:43 |
Bo^Dick | what's the command for uninstalling using apt? | 01:43 |
codecaine | poromenos sudo mount -a | 01:43 |
nawi | remove | 01:43 |
nawi | man apt-get | 01:43 |
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codecaine | poromemos sudo fdisk -l to see all the disk hooked up to the pc | 01:44 |
epatic | danich: you're right but tell me first what tells the command: 'sudo fdisk -l' | 01:44 |
Bo^Dick | cool | 01:44 |
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danich | it shows all partitions. when i do mkdir /mnt/root it tells me permission denied | 01:44 |
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Poromenos | codecaine: they aren't in fstab, i think | 01:45 |
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danich | and that's following the instructions to use the LiveCD to recreate the grub loader, so I'm stuck | 01:46 |
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epatic | you need to 'sudo mkdir /mnt/root' | 01:47 |
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Poromenos | Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table | 01:47 |
danich | erp... I knew that. okay, lemme follow the rest of this and see how it goes | 01:47 |
Poromenos | i need to partition it, any tools to do that? | 01:47 |
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epatic | gparted is an excellent partitioning program | 01:48 |
codecaine | Poromenos /etc/fstabs is what was mounted when u installed unless you edited it had a program edit | 01:48 |
nawi | There's a partition editor (can't recall the exact name), just search "Add/Remove" | 01:49 |
Poromenos | codecaine: i just installed the disk | 01:49 |
ganes1 | is python 2.5 interpritter comes with ubuntu? | 01:49 |
Poromenos | nawi: it doesn't have a gui | 01:49 |
codecaine | gparted poromenos | 01:49 |
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Poromenos | ah, thanks | 01:49 |
kevin___ | error: C compiler cannot create executables | 01:49 |
kevin___ | what should i do?? | 01:49 |
scag | I was checking out TrueCrypt. But can't the encryption algorithm be determined easily since its open source? | 01:49 |
heguru | ganes1: yes | 01:49 |
Pici | kevin___: install the build-essential package | 01:49 |
erUSUL | kevin___: install build-essential | 01:49 |
codecaine | np | 01:49 |
ganes1 | heguru:where is it?i could not find it..where is editor? | 01:50 |
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Poromenos | scag: it can | 01:50 |
Poromenos | scag: the password can't, though | 01:50 |
kevin___ | merci guys! | 01:50 |
nawi | The "algorithm" usually requires a key, which actually makes it a new algorithm (I think) | 01:51 |
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Poromenos | you can't decrypt the data without the password | 01:51 |
Poromenos | at all | 01:51 |
scag | And can't that key be determined as well, by looking at the source code? | 01:51 |
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trpr | no. it doesn't work that way | 01:51 |
Poromenos | scag: you're setting it | 01:51 |
heguru | ganes1: editor? you said interpreter! you can use gedit for python scripts | 01:51 |
Poromenos | scag: it's not in the source | 01:51 |
Chamunks | does anyone know what i could use to remove the redundant mp3's from my library that just seems to like accumulating another copy of like every song every time i move the library around? | 01:52 |
Pici | scag: Read this: http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/ | 01:52 |
scag | So its safe then? Or do you recommend a better encryption software? | 01:52 |
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codecaine | scag think of it like ssh even though its open sources doesn't mean you will know the root user password they set | 01:52 |
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ganes1 | heguru:sorry interpreter ... | 01:53 |
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heguru | ganes1: run: python | 01:53 |
heguru | ganes1: on the terminal | 01:53 |
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Poromenos | how can i figure out which ubuntu version i have? | 01:53 |
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codecaine | uname -a | 01:53 |
danich | okay... that seemed to work. let's find out. i'll be back if not :-P | 01:53 |
trpr | scag: it works ok for me. i mainly use it because its crossplatform though. im sure there is a better, linux only solution | 01:54 |
Pici | Poromenos: lsb_release -a | 01:54 |
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Poromenos | and how do i see the name? | 01:54 |
Poromenos | like edgy, feisty,etc? | 01:54 |
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ganes1 | heguru: thanx a lot | 01:54 |
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Pici | Poromenos: Use the command I suggested | 01:54 |
Poromenos | Pici: it doesn't tell me the name | 01:54 |
Pici | Poromenos: it should. | 01:54 |
Poromenos | Linux ubuntu 2.6.17-12-server #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 22:57:33 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:54 |
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scag | trpr: Can it be used to keep a partition completely hidden (in addition to the encryption) from someone who happens to gain physical access to my system? | 01:54 |
Pici | Poromenos: Thats not what I said: use: lsb_release -a | 01:55 |
Poromenos | oh | 01:55 |
Poromenos | damn, it's edg | 01:55 |
Poromenos | y | 01:55 |
Poromenos | any easy way to update to feisty/gutsy? | 01:55 |
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Pici | !upgrade | Poromenos | 01:55 |
ubotu | Poromenos: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:55 |
Chamunks | no suggestions? | 01:55 |
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Chamunks | allright well thanks anyways ciao | 01:56 |
trpr | scag: not certain about that. i use truecrypt to mount filesystems stored within files. i've never used it to encrypt an entire partition | 01:56 |
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bjorn_ | Feisty won't auto mount any of my usb drives, and I can't figure out whether they are sdb or whatever.. Anyone got a tip? | 01:58 |
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kingsizeriz | hmm bloody wifi lol | 01:58 |
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codecaine | bjorn sudo fdisk -l to see all your partitions sudo mount the partition you want | 01:58 |
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bjorn_ | codecaine, they don't show up in fdisk | 01:59 |
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Poromenos | what's an easy commandline partitioner? (apart from parted) | 02:00 |
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codecaine | they should make sure your doing as root or using sudo or they won't | 02:00 |
Moosky | Poromenos: cfdisk | 02:00 |
Poromenos | Moosky: ah, thanks | 02:00 |
codecaine | poromenos run that as sudo or you won't see anything | 02:01 |
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trogdor | what would be a quick iptables ruling so I could use my laptop's wireless with another computer over ethernet? | 02:02 |
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rabbit90900 | hi all | 02:02 |
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rabbit90900 | need help with ubuntu install | 02:02 |
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kingsizeriz | whats wrong rabbit? | 02:02 |
rabbit90900 | get xserver failed to start. | 02:03 |
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trogdor | rabbit90900: an actual error message? can you post what it specifically is? | 02:03 |
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rabbit90900 | trying to install on ASUS laptop with ATI x1600 raedon | 02:03 |
heguru | trogdor: you want to share you wireless connection with another computer over your wired ethernet? | 02:03 |
nawi | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:03 |
nawi | select vesa and install it | 02:03 |
nawi | configure the driver properly after install | 02:03 |
trogdor | heguru: yep | 02:03 |
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trogdor | heguru: problem is I installed ubuntu on that other comp and need to run some updates before I setup ndiswrapper | 02:04 |
nawi | vesa is a generic (and slow) driver, but should work | 02:04 |
rabbit90900 | thanks nawi. | 02:04 |
Poromenos | What is this about? Error: Unable to open /dev/sda - unrecognised disk label. | 02:04 |
rabbit90900 | bye all | 02:04 |
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trogdor | heguru: I think it would involve using forwarding option of iptables and piping something to top. I saw someone do it before :/ | 02:05 |
codecaine | poromenos from what command | 02:05 |
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Poromenos | codecaine: parted | 02:05 |
heguru | trogdor: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward && iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <youwlanifacename> -j MASQUERADE | 02:05 |
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codecaine | gparted? | 02:05 |
Poromenos | no, just parted | 02:06 |
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heguru | trogdor: add sudo before iptables | 02:06 |
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codecaine | never used parted before | 02:06 |
heguru | trogdor: replace <youwlaninterfacename> with wlan0/eth0/eth1 or whatever your wlan interface name is | 02:06 |
cjae_ | read the man page for ogle why doesit not load dvd? | 02:06 |
[nrx] | !ntfs | 02:07 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:07 |
monkeyBox | How do I make bash expand environment variables on tab-complete? | 02:07 |
[nrx] | !ntfs-3g | 02:07 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 02:07 |
bjorn_ | codecaine, I was running as su. I dont really understand what just happend now. They've been plugged in an hour or so, and now suddenly rythmbox started and had found the mp3player. Then a little while later the rest of my usb disk's came. I had done nothing? | 02:07 |
cjae_ | ERROR[ogle_nav] : faild to open/read the DVD | 02:07 |
cjae_ | DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set | 02:07 |
sinkorswim | how can I find out the device name for my usb printer? I'm trying to configure turboprint | 02:07 |
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cjae_ | anyone else here use ogle | 02:07 |
trogdor | heguru: did you get that off of here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 ? | 02:07 |
heguru | trogdor: no, i wrote it based on what i know :) | 02:08 |
Pici | !dvd | cjae_ | 02:08 |
ubotu | cjae_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:08 |
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kallqvist | Hi, I'm having install problems with feisty fawn. The live cd version halts at various places seemingly related to wich program I used to burn the iso. The iso with a text based ui installs allright but when I try to boot it, it halts when the orange loading bar has reached around three segments | 02:09 |
trogdor | heguru: what does it mean by postrouting? | 02:09 |
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nawi | kallqvist, try booting with "noapic nolapic" boot parameters (press esc, and e and edit it in grub) | 02:09 |
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cjae_ | Pici, all my other players work but ogle does not $ ogle /dev/sr0 or /dev/dvd | 02:09 |
heguru | trogdor: rules in the nat table postrouting chain are applied once the route to the destination is finalized | 02:09 |
codecaine | bjorn maybe when u did the mount -a it auto mounted them back on | 02:10 |
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heguru | trogdor: in simple words, once the computer knows that its an internet packet and how to route it, the rules in postrouting are applied | 02:10 |
Pici | cjae_: Ah. I see. I'm not familiar with ogle though, sorry. | 02:10 |
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nawi | the line that you need to edit should have "ro" and possible splash.. can't remember exactly | 02:10 |
cjae_ | Pici, np | 02:10 |
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heguru | trogdor: in the above example, all you're asking, is to remote the source address and replace it with address of the your wlan interface (masquerade) | 02:10 |
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heguru | *remote = remove | 02:10 |
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aguitel | wich is the diference between gdm and gnome ? | 02:14 |
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heguru | aguitel: nontechnical difference: gdm is the login screen, gnome is what starts after you login | 02:15 |
b0nza1 | ne one up | 02:15 |
IdleOne | b0nza1: ssssshhhhh please we are napping | 02:15 |
b0nza1 | ooo ok.. shhh got ya | 02:15 |
IdleOne | what's up b0nza1 | 02:15 |
b0nza1 | lol | 02:15 |
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b0nza1 | ok.. i am racking my brain | 02:15 |
aguitel | heguru: i have problem with the login screen ,how remove gdm and install it later | 02:16 |
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heguru | aguitel: what is the problem? | 02:16 |
b0nza1 | amorak works but system sounds dont and mythtv doesnt aswell.. the sounds in them i mean | 02:16 |
student002 | hey, I'm trying to install gnome-desktop-environment but it lists all these dependencies and says "..but it is not installable" and at the end it says E: Broken Packages | 02:16 |
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aguitel | heguru: black screen | 02:16 |
bjorn_ | codecaine, I really don't understand it. I did nothing at least the last ten minutes before it mounted. Now fdisk returns some info on the disk. not all good though it "has different physical/logical endings:" Just hope it will be stable | 02:16 |
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b0nza1 | idleone: amorak works but system sounds dont and mythtv doesnt aswell.. the sounds in them i mean | 02:16 |
b0nza1 | idleone: man.. i must have woken everyone up. lol | 02:17 |
heguru | aguitel: what makes you think its gdm (login screen) maybe your display driver is not configured properly | 02:17 |
aguitel | heguru: somebody tellme yesterday to remove gdm | 02:17 |
student002 | anyone know how to fix them? | 02:17 |
IdleOne | b0nza1: haha nope was just a lull in the chatter. | 02:17 |
heguru | aguitel: if you remove gdm you won't be able to see the graphical login screen | 02:17 |
RvGaTe^work | im having troubles with my laptop... it has a cisco wireless card in it, Aironet CB21AG... the community docs say it works out of the box, but im unable to connect to any access point... can anyone help me in the right direction ? | 02:17 |
IdleOne | !sound | b0nza1 | 02:17 |
ubotu | b0nza1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:17 |
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heguru | aguitel: are you on ubuntu? | 02:17 |
aguitel | heguru: because y make some change in the login menu option | 02:18 |
aguitel | heguru: yes | 02:18 |
b0nza1 | IdleOne: been there done that | 02:18 |
b0nza1 | IdleOne: thanks though | 02:18 |
heguru | aguitel: ok so you want to revert back to original gdm settings? | 02:18 |
aguitel | heguru: exact | 02:18 |
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SlimG2 | What CLI application do I use to copy files via the ssh protocol? | 02:18 |
heguru | aguitel: on the terminal type: sudo apt-get --purge remove gdm | 02:19 |
IdleOne | b0nza1: best I can tell you is ask in here every now and then and someone will be able to help you more | 02:19 |
heguru | aguitel: this will remove gdm and all configuration | 02:19 |
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heguru | aguitel: then type: sudo apt-get install gdm | 02:19 |
codecaine | slimG2 sftp or you can us scp | 02:19 |
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b0nza1 | IdleOne: thanks bro | 02:19 |
b0nza1 | IdleOne: been working on it for days.. lol | 02:19 |
Bo^Dick | do you guys know how the xorg.conf file works in detail? | 02:19 |
aguitel | heguru: ok thanks i will do that | 02:19 |
student002 | hello? | 02:19 |
IdleOne | np but please let me get back to napping now | 02:19 |
b0nza1 | IdleOne: ooo ok..shh | 02:20 |
Bo^Dick | i know my monitor can operate at 70Hz when in 1280x960 mode | 02:20 |
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Bo^Dick | can i modify it in a way so that it operates at 70Hz? | 02:20 |
aguitel | heguru: it is necesary to delete all gdm files 9 (rm-r gdm* ) ? | 02:20 |
codecaine | slimG2 oh you said copy sorry I mean cp fileyourcopying thepathandfilename | 02:20 |
heguru | aguitel: no! just run the commands i wrote above | 02:21 |
aguitel | heguru: ok | 02:21 |
heguru | aguitel: sudo apt-get --purge remove gdm | 02:21 |
heguru | aguitel: sudo apt-get install gdm | 02:21 |
aguitel | heguru: ok | 02:21 |
aguitel | heguru: thanks | 02:21 |
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SlimG2 | codecaine: your first answer was the right answer for me :) thanks | 02:21 |
heguru | welcome | 02:21 |
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codecaine | np :) | 02:21 |
student002 | hey, I'm trying to install gnome-desktop-environment but it lists all these dependencies and says "..but it is not installable" and at the end it says E: Broken Packages | 02:22 |
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Bo^Dick | can i test to launch my own xorg.conf without reboot and overwrite the original one? | 02:22 |
b0nza1 | now thats some stuff.. even the alsaplayer works... | 02:22 |
heguru | student002: are you on kubuntu? | 02:22 |
b0nza1 | bahhhh1!! | 02:22 |
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student002 | heguru, nope | 02:22 |
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student002 | xubuntu | 02:22 |
rainleong | restart gdm is ok | 02:22 |
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Bo^Dick | i've named it xorg.conf.foo and just wanna try it out before i overwrite original | 02:23 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: you can tell X to use a specific conf file, hang on | 02:23 |
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heguru | student002: then try #xubuntu | 02:23 |
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rainleong | ctrl+alt+backspace could restart gdm. | 02:23 |
thesaint4444 | any ideas how to install the berkley development environment via apt-get ? | 02:23 |
codecaine | Bo^Dick you should always have a copy of the orginals no matter what anyways :) | 02:23 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: Xorg -config xorg.conf.foo | 02:23 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: will it boot with that one only this time then? | 02:23 |
student002 | heguru, yeah I'm there but no one is answering. I thought you guys could help | 02:24 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: yes, just that one time you run that command | 02:24 |
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Bo^Dick | that's really cool | 02:24 |
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ratpoison | hello! I wan't to copy some console output and paste it on links www.pastebin.com (I'm trying to install gentoo and I don't have desktop environment yet) | 02:24 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: of course assuming X isn't already running, unless you want to start another server on another display | 02:24 |
nosklo | ratpoison: you should go to #gentoo | 02:25 |
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Bo^Dick | Daverocks: ah | 02:25 |
Bo^Dick | ok | 02:25 |
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=== heguru hates gentoo | ||
codecaine | ratpoison you can install lynx its a terminal webbrowser | 02:26 |
Bo^Dick | i must remind myself, | 02:26 |
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Bo^Dick | sudo /etx/init.d/... something | 02:26 |
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Daverocks | Bo^Dick: gdm? | 02:26 |
fevel | hey guys | 02:26 |
sphaw | hey guys... having a problem. Whenever I change to a virtual terminal (CTRL-ALT-F1), my keyboard layout doesnt work (norwegian). How do I set the keyboard layout in a virtual terminal? | 02:26 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: yeah | 02:26 |
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fevel | I need some help, on nvidia x server settings I switch to twinview and set "right of" my laptop screen but it ignores and stretches the screen through both monitors | 02:27 |
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fevel | can someone help me fix this issue? | 02:27 |
Daverocks | sphaw: setxkbmap will work in X, but in tty1, hmm | 02:28 |
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chimaera | hello, are there known problems with windows update? i insstalled windows xp on a linux host an when i try to use the update service, it fails. with my "original" installation, it works fine.. | 02:28 |
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sphaw | so you can see that im kinda stomped here | 02:28 |
jrib | sphaw: loadkeys | 02:28 |
sphaw | been googling for ages... cant find anything relevant | 02:28 |
heguru | !windows | chimaera | 02:28 |
ubotu | chimaera: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 02:28 |
sphaw | tried loadkeys no... didnt do the trick | 02:28 |
reverseblade | can someone help me I cannot use my nvidia drivers on gutsy | 02:29 |
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codecaine | sphaw sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data | 02:29 |
sphaw | ill try that... be back soon | 02:29 |
nawi | reverseblade, download envy script and use the "gutsy" tweak | 02:29 |
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Pici | !envy | nawi | 02:29 |
ubotu | nawi: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 02:29 |
chimaera | heguru: very helpfil, but like i said. it works fine with a "normal" windows installation, so i though it might ba a vbox-related issue. | 02:29 |
reverseblade | nawi, what is gutsy tweak | 02:29 |
nawi | http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=107 | 02:30 |
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jrib | reverseblade: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 02:30 |
IdleOne | !envy | reverseblade we cant help if you use this | 02:30 |
ubotu | reverseblade we cant help if you use this: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 02:30 |
reverseblade | jrib, yeah but no help from there | 02:30 |
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Pici | reverseblade: Gutsy is offtopic for this channel until it is released. | 02:30 |
jrib | reverseblade: be patient | 02:30 |
Bo^Dick | i got disconnected since i stopped gdm | 02:31 |
reverseblade | should I use envy ? | 02:31 |
jrib | reverseblade: no | 02:31 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: was it Xorg -config xorg.conf.foo | 02:31 |
sphaw | reconfigure console-data doesnt do the trick either | 02:31 |
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Daverocks | Bo^Dick: yeah | 02:31 |
Daverocks | fevel: isn't twinview meant to only do merged screens? | 02:32 |
Bo^Dick | i got a fatal error when i attempted that, it was something about a backup file | 02:32 |
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chimaera | heguru: oh, sry, never mind. this is in fact the wrong channel, should've gone to #vbox. | 02:32 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: i assume the "xorg.conf.foo" file actually existed, in that directory | 02:32 |
codecaine | thats weird sphaw | 02:32 |
nawi | go ahead with envy | 02:32 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: ok, it must be located in /etc/X11 ? | 02:33 |
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Pici | !envy > nawi (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 02:33 |
Bo^Dick | i had the copy in the home directory | 02:33 |
Poromenos | I can't resolve my ubuntu gutsy server hostname, my feisty server resolves fine. What can I do? | 02:33 |
sphaw | i just dont get it... how hard can it be to set the keyboard layout in a virtual terminal? | 02:33 |
jrib | Poromenos: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 02:33 |
Pici | nawi: We don't support envy here, please stop suggesting its use. | 02:33 |
codecaine | sphaw did you reboot after you do it? | 02:33 |
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sphaw | yup | 02:34 |
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fevel | Daverocks, nope, or it wouldnt give me an option right off | 02:34 |
sphaw | alright... im loosing it... gonna go outside for a while | 02:34 |
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Bo^Dick | Daverocks: btw, the Xorg command alone didn't even work but when i typed startx it immediately launched me back | 02:34 |
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jrib | sphaw: loadkeys and console-data have both worked for me to get dvorak | 02:35 |
fevel | ill be right back, gonna try something | 02:35 |
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codecaine | jrib I see that all over google also | 02:35 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: so Xorg didn't even launch a root screen? | 02:35 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: nope | 02:35 |
Bo^Dick | Daverocks: only a fatal error message | 02:35 |
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Bo^Dick | Daverocks: about some other log file i think | 02:36 |
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tech0007 | erUSUL...thanks...i followed the link and i have 3d accel now | 02:36 |
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Bo^Dick | gonna attempt this again | 02:37 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: ...more detail? (don't paste in here btw) | 02:37 |
Bo^Dick | bbl | 02:37 |
Daverocks | Bo^Dick: k | 02:37 |
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erUSUL | tech0007: no probelm, glad of being of any help ;) | 02:37 |
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Pici | !paste | 02:38 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:38 |
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jeff121212 | The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect.. how i fix that? | 02:40 |
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student002 | guys I can't install anything...either it says " E: broken packages" or "e: Package..has no installation candidate" | 02:41 |
`Matir | jeff121212, have you added yourself to the vboxusers groups? | 02:41 |
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`Matir | student002, have you tried updating? | 02:41 |
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jeff121212 | how i fix this The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect.. | 02:42 |
student002 | apt-get update? Yeah it just "hits" all these links and then says "fetched 4B in 5s" "Reading package lists..done" | 02:42 |
codecaine | sudo apt-get install -f | 02:42 |
FlyingPig | o hai | 02:42 |
student002 | that's all | 02:42 |
codecaine | try to fix | 02:42 |
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jrib | jeff121212: sudo adduser YOUR_USER vboxusers | 02:43 |
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student002 | any ideas guys? | 02:44 |
student002 | When I try to install stuff it says "depends...but it is not installabe" and at the end it says "E: broken Packages" | 02:44 |
jeff121212 | jrib same thing | 02:45 |
jrib | jeff121212: did you log out? | 02:45 |
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jeff121212 | of x or vbox? | 02:45 |
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jrib | jeff121212: X | 02:45 |
codecaine | :) | 02:45 |
IndyGunFreak | student002: what are you trying to install | 02:46 |
student002 | I've tried | 02:46 |
student002 | gnome, and xfce4 | 02:46 |
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IndyGunFreak | student002: how are you tryign to install them? | 02:46 |
student002 | apt-get install xfce4 | 02:47 |
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IndyGunFreak | student002: don't know.. that should resolve any package issues, try searching the for the package in Synaptic, and install it there... or adept if you're using kubuntu | 02:47 |
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RvGaTe^work | Is there a list of supported ATI cards? (looking for mobile X1300 compatibility) | 02:48 |
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IndyGunFreak | student002: also, check that you have all the repositories enabled. It might not be able to get those packages, because you don't have the repos enabled. I don't know a lot about Adept, but its gonna be one of the menu options there. | 02:48 |
nucco | rvgate^work: you gotta use fglrx | 02:48 |
heguru | RvGaTe^work: works with ati driver | 02:48 |
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IdleOne | !ati | RvGaTe^work | 02:49 |
ubotu | RvGaTe^work: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:49 |
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codecaine | RvGate^work that card works on ubuntu | 02:49 |
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IdleOne | student002: you can also sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 02:50 |
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IndyGunFreak | lol IdleOne i can't beluieve i missed that, | 02:51 |
IndyGunFreak | student002: are you there? | 02:51 |
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IdleOne | IndyGunFreak: happens :) | 02:51 |
IndyGunFreak | ya, i'm tired | 02:52 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | I'm having problems with my nvidia kernel driver, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3500934 no responses yet :( | 02:52 |
t3hub3rk1tten | maybe someone here knows? | 02:52 |
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IdleOne | IndyGunFreak: but yeah repos need to be enabled because the meta package is in main but alot of the depends are in universe and multiverse IIRC | 02:52 |
ikonia | t3hub3rk1tten: you only posted it 8 hours ago | 02:53 |
Poromenos | how can i have ubuntu recheck hard disks and add them to fstab? | 02:53 |
t3hub3rk1tten | yes :P | 02:53 |
IndyGunFreak | IdleOne: ya, jsut the first thing i thought was the repos not being enabled. | 02:53 |
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IndyGunFreak | Patience is a Virtue | 02:53 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | and at night us time, but I was hoping for something I suppose | 02:53 |
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IndyGunFreak | t3hub3rk1tten: can you get to a GUI?.. or does it kick you to CLI>? | 02:54 |
t3hub3rk1tten | I changed the driver to vesa and it works for basic gui | 02:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | ok | 02:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | i never had a prob with that card under Feisty, but I don't use it anymroe either. | 02:55 |
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kaushal | hi | 02:55 |
t3hub3rk1tten | It worked out of the box until my kernel upgrade... Darn me being greedy about performance :P (-ck) | 02:55 |
kaushal | is there a version of pidgin software for Ubuntu 7.04 | 02:56 |
IdleOne | !pidgin | 02:56 |
CaptainMorgan | !upgrade | 02:56 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 | 02:56 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:56 |
erUSUL | kaushal: you can install the one from www.getdeb.com | 02:56 |
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IndyGunFreak | kaushal: you can compile it to, its easy. | 02:56 |
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CaptainMorgan | huh? - Gaim is illegal ? | 02:57 |
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CaptainMorgan | the name? | 02:57 |
t3hub3rk1tten | No, it infringes on aims copyright | 02:57 |
Mrre | hallo guys, got a question. How do I know if I am using NVidia's drivers or the standard driver it uses when ubuntu is installed? | 02:57 |
ikonia | CaptainMorgan the name was a trade mark issue with AOL | 02:57 |
IdleOne | the use of the name is yes | 02:57 |
\prybar | Hello World | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | CaptainMorgan: no, AOL pitched a fit over the name GAIM | 02:57 |
t3hub3rk1tten | trademark* | 02:57 |
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IndyGunFreak | erUSUL: link doesn't work. | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | site must be done. | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | *down | 02:57 |
cjae_ | whats better Geforce 4 MX 4000 or NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] | 02:57 |
CaptainMorgan | IndyGunFreak, wow.. you would think they wouldn't mind - after all, a lot of companies do the alteration of product name already in existence | 02:58 |
t3hub3rk1tten | fx 5500 works out of box, I have it | 02:58 |
IndyGunFreak | t3hub3rk1tten: lol, but now you're havng probs with it..lol | 02:58 |
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IndyGunFreak | CaptainMorgan: yeah, go figure. | 02:58 |
t3hub3rk1tten | because of a kernel upgrade but that happens to all nvidia cards :P | 02:58 |
void^ | t3hub3rk1tten: you'll need a package with the nvidia module compiled for your -ck kernel, or compile it yourself | 02:58 |
t3hub3rk1tten | I tried to, but modprobe gives that message | 02:59 |
ikonia | t3hub3rk1tten no it doesn't | 02:59 |
void^ | t3hub3rk1tten: keep in mind the -ck line is dying as far as i know, there probably won't be a -ck patchset for .23 and beyond | 02:59 |
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cjae_ | geforce fx series is after geforce 4 series right? | 02:59 |
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t3hub3rk1tten | Yes, con left, but the nvidia kernel driver if used should probably always break when the kernel upgrades? This happened before when I used the update manager to upgrade the kernel. | 03:00 |
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void^ | t3hub3rk1tten: might have to disable nv in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 03:00 |
IndyGunFreak | erUSUL: only issue with the version of Pidgin on getdeb.net, is its the older version that still has that MSN Security bug | 03:00 |
Philo06 | How do you update a particular piece of software? | 03:00 |
TABASCO | can anyone say me how big a dapper drake installation is? | 03:01 |
\prybar | anyone know anything about how to troubleshoot/configure SAMBA? | 03:01 |
Philo06 | Such as Xchat? | 03:01 |
TABASCO | or on other words: can I install ubuntu dapper drake on a 2 gigabyte hard disk? | 03:01 |
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ikonia | Philo06 ubuntu will offer you updates for the installed softrware when they are available | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | TABASCO: that would b epushing it. | 03:01 |
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IndyGunFreak | TABASCO: what are the other specs of the pc? | 03:01 |
Philo06 | Well, I've got Xchat .16 and .18 is out. | 03:01 |
ikonia | Philo06 not packaged for ubuntu yet, why do you want .18 ? | 03:02 |
Philo06 | I just updated..... | 03:02 |
IndyGunFreak | philt | 03:02 |
jeff121212 | jrib, how i install slax i do what it sayes but it sayes if u want to install something install slackware | 03:02 |
TABASCO | IndyGunFreak: I think about 512MB | 03:02 |
Philo06 | ikonia, Just curious. | 03:02 |
TABASCO | RAM | 03:02 |
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IndyGunFreak | TABASCO: and it only has a 2gig hard drive?..w hats the processor speed? | 03:02 |
ikonia | Philo06 leave it as is, when a newer version is available ubuntu will offer it | 03:02 |
t3hub3rk1tten | void^ I did that, I'm guessing I need to reboot? | 03:02 |
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Mortice | Philo06: there's a delay between the general release of the software and its availability in the ubuntu repositories, since additional work has to be done to create an ubuntu-compatible package | 03:02 |
IndyGunFreak | TABASCO: .18 is in Gutsy | 03:03 |
kaushal | erUSUL : the website is www.getdeb.net | 03:03 |
Philo06 | I see. | 03:03 |
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jrib | jeff121212: you are trying to install slackware in vbox? | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | kaushal: you'll want to use caution if you use that version on getdeb.net, it has a security flaw, see http://www.pidgin.im | 03:03 |
Philo06 | That's fine. I'll probally switch over to the newer release in a few days anyway. | 03:03 |
professor_ | does anyone think that gutsy is going to be better for laptops | 03:03 |
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TABASCO | IndyGunFreak: The original hard disk is broken.. so I am using this one at the moment | 03:03 |
busman | hey.. whats a better irc client then Gaim?.. any links please?.. | 03:03 |
jeff121212 | jrib, yes | 03:03 |
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cjae_ | Philo06, the packaging of programs is a little behind but saves one a lot of troubles if there is no reason for your update then just wait | 03:03 |
professor_ | pidgen | 03:03 |
TABASCO | It is a DELL Inspiron 8100 | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | well, 2gigs is pushing it. | 03:03 |
professor_ | busman | 03:03 |
kaushal | is it better to use pidgin-2.2.1.tar.bz2 | 03:04 |
professor_ | yea | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | kaushal: you can compile it pretty easy | 03:04 |
TABASCO | IndyGunFreak: So can I give it a try? | 03:04 |
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Mortice | busman: try irssi.org if you're not afraid of terminals :) | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | TABASCO: you can do anything you want, wether it works or not, is another issue. | 03:04 |
busman | im open... also new :S | 03:04 |
Philo06 | cjae_, No issue. I just assumed that it would automatically install the newer version. | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | i just dont' think its gonna be enoughs pace | 03:04 |
jrib | jeff121212: should just need to tell vbox to boot from the slackware iso | 03:04 |
TABASCO | IndyGunFreak: Well, is it worth to try? :) | 03:04 |
cjae_ | Philo06, sometimes they do this for a reason such as eg. version 16 is more stable than 18 | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | to me, no, to you, i don't know. | 03:04 |
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Mortice | busman: it's not for everyone, but it's a really great bit of software you should definitely consider | 03:05 |
kaushal | Thanks :) | 03:05 |
Philo06 | cjae_, Of course. | 03:05 |
jeff121212 | jrib, i hve but it wont let me install | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | kaushal: do you use MSN | 03:05 |
busman | cheers.. | 03:05 |
kaushal | yeah | 03:05 |
professor_ | anyone think that gutsy is going to be good for laptops | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | kaushal: then you definitely want to upgrade | 03:05 |
kaushal | do i have to use pidgin-2.2.1.tar.bz2 | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | yes | 03:05 |
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kaushal | there is no deb version of pidgin-2.2.1.tar.bz2 | 03:05 |
johan-_ | If I run netstat it says that port 6667 is in use, but I cant find the process that could be using it. What to d? | 03:05 |
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johan-_ | *do | 03:06 |
kaushal | is there any | 03:06 |
IndyGunFreak | kaushal: join me in #indygunfreak, adn i'll talk you tyhrough compiling it real fst, its easy... "/join #indygunfreak" no quotes | 03:06 |
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=== Kyzia [i=kyzia@215-178-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
professor_ | I hate tar files | 03:06 |
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Pici | professor_: works fine on mine, I get quite good battery life with it. | 03:06 |
ikonia | professor_ don't use one | 03:06 |
professor_ | I can never extract them corectly | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaahttp://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
=== MannyZ [n=mannyz@a80-186-141-156.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
ikonia | !ops | 03:06 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 03:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ | ||
Kyzia | http://www.ipweb.ru/?kyziaa | 03:06 |
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ikonia | thanks jrib didn't see you there | 03:06 |
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gerro | anyone here using ipw3945 wireless? | 03:06 |
professor_ | Pichi, you have the new gutsy | 03:06 |
mattjuk | yes i use ipw3945 | 03:06 |
ikonia | professor_ gusty chat is in #ubuntu+1 | 03:07 |
jrib | ikonia: i'm a bit slow on dvorak still | 03:07 |
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jrib | jeff121212: you need to be more specific, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you have error messages. Might want to ask in #vbox | 03:07 |
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jeff121212 | jrib, can i transfer u screen shots? | 03:07 |
student002 | IndyGunFreak, sorry I had to go do something. I can't use synaptic cause I'm not in GUI mode. that's why I'm trying to install xfce | 03:07 |
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bsund | hehe switching to dvorak must be the ultimate "to much time on me hands" ^ | 03:08 |
jeff121212 | jrib, its hard to explain | 03:08 |
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jrib | jeff121212: imageshack.us | 03:08 |
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Badpenguin86 | i have a laptop with an AMD LIVE processor, does that mean I can use the 64 bit edition? | 03:08 |
IndyGunFreak | student002: no prob.. try sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop.. and why are you in cli | 03:08 |
=== deebus [n=decassid@c-68-48-107-92.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
student002 | IndyGunFreak, I tried apt-get xubuntu-desktop it says, E: Package xubuntu-desktop has no installation candidate | 03:09 |
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ikonia | student002 what version of ubuntu are you on | 03:09 |
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IndyGunFreak | student002: hm, seems you don't have some repos enabled, why are you in CLI? | 03:09 |
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student002 | Package xubuntu-desktop is not available, but is referred to by another package this may mean that th package is missing, has been osoleted, or is only available from another source | 03:09 |
IdleOne | IndyGunFreak: he didnt install a GUI yet | 03:09 |
student002 | IndyGunFreak, someone uninstall python on my comp | 03:09 |
Badpenguin86 | i have a laptop with an AMD LIVE processor, does that mean I can use the 64 bit edition? | 03:09 |
Dean_Harryma1 | alright guys........my install is 100 percent functional! | 03:09 |
ikonia | Badpenguin86 do you have a ned for 64bit computing ? | 03:10 |
Dean_Harryma1 | effects and all | 03:10 |
IdleOne | student002: what version of Ubuntu? | 03:10 |
t3hub3rk1tten | Adding nv to disabled restricted drivers didn't work, and I'm in console irssi because I don't want to bother changing my xorg.conf | 03:10 |
IndyGunFreak | IdleOne: i know that, so he must have installed server edition | 03:10 |
student002 | IdleOne, feisty | 03:10 |
Dean_Harryma1 | but I have a new question | 03:10 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | I have seen some ubuntu desktops that dont have the top and bottom bar, and have floating icons.... | 03:10 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | what do you have to do to get that? | 03:11 |
IdleOne | student002: how did someone else remove anything from your system? unless they had the sudo password | 03:11 |
t3hub3rk1tten | Dean_Harryma1: define floating? | 03:11 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | like icons that move, and bounce when you scroll | 03:11 |
student002 | we all use the same account..I guess that was the big mistake | 03:11 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | I dont know how to describe it | 03:12 |
IdleOne | student002: indeed. anyhow make sure you have universe and multiverse enabled | 03:12 |
psyphen | Dean_Harryma1: sounds like beryl | 03:12 |
IdleOne | !universe | student002 | 03:12 |
ubotu | student002: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 03:12 |
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IndyGunFreak | see, i knew it..lol | 03:12 |
CaptainMorgan | is it possible to change permissions on a folder/file that is currently under Windows, through my Ubuntu system? I am su and I tried sudo, the command with chmod went through without errors but there is literally no change on the permissions | 03:12 |
IdleOne | IndyGunFreak: lol | 03:12 |
hendry | can i run i386 packages on a amd64 system? | 03:12 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 03:12 |
=== [Neusy] [n=michal@host88-58-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dean_Harryma1 | I know it is beryl.... I have the beryl and compiz mix | 03:13 |
IdleOne | hendry: install 32bit ubuntu will save you headaches | 03:13 |
Dean_Harryma1 | I just cant find that option | 03:13 |
=== dominus [n=dominus@cpc3-bror2-0-0-cust957.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | Dean_Harryma1: try asking in #ubuntu-effects | 03:13 |
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student002 | IdleOne, That only shows it in GUI mode..is there a way to do it via commands? | 03:14 |
t3hub3rk1tten | void^: Adding nv to restricted modules disabled had no effect | 03:14 |
=== Warmedal [i=warmedal@c-54c070d5.018-36-6f72652.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | or is it not an ubuntu question? | 03:14 |
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IdleOne | student002:gimme a sec | 03:14 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | I have tried that channel, noone talks in there??? | 03:15 |
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=== merriam [n=merriam@85-211-143-106.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
student002 | kk | 03:15 |
Warmedal | I was testing ubuntu-livecd and took a screenshot and saved it on the desktop.. I have rebooted to windows now. did the screenshot save itself to the hdd? | 03:15 |
=== livingdaylight [n=livingda@77-101-174-180.cable.ubr06.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metellius | Warmedal: no | 03:16 |
Warmedal | doh ;< | 03:16 |
jeff121212 | jrib, here u go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3502332#post3502332 | 03:16 |
livingdaylight | hello fellow Ubunteros! | 03:16 |
metellius | with livecd everything resides in memory and the harddrives are not touched unless you explicitly do so | 03:16 |
Warmedal | Okay, thanks | 03:16 |
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Chai_Sangeen | hello everyone | 03:17 |
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IdleOne | student002: you get my msg | 03:17 |
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Warmedal | Im thinking of installing ubuntu.. I have 2hdds in my computer, how many partions does it need? | 03:17 |
livingdaylight | Anyone juse bitTyrant? know if dere is a .deb for eet? | 03:17 |
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MannyZ | warmedal 2 | 03:17 |
student002 | IdleOne, yeah..that's a lot to type up | 03:17 |
Chai_Sangeen | can anyone help im trying to configure an irtrans with VFD | 03:17 |
MannyZ | 1 is swap | 03:18 |
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psyphen | Warmedal: one main and one swap | 03:18 |
Dean_Harryma1 | http://bp3.blogger.com/_tvv1C9goIjM/RwRS_nkjW8I/AAAAAAAAANg/VSLH7Q60I7w/s1600-h/itunesplaying.png | 03:18 |
IdleOne | student002: copy and paste it ctrl+shift+v to paste into terminal | 03:18 |
jrib | jeff121212: fixed? | 03:18 |
Dean_Harryma1 | there is a screen shot of what i am talking about | 03:18 |
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psyphen | Warmedal: i suggest trying it out in a virtual machine first | 03:18 |
jeff121212 | jrib, na i just sayed that | 03:18 |
MannyZ | thankyou psyphen for repeating :DDDDDDddd | 03:18 |
Dean_Harryma1 | at the bottom | 03:18 |
void^ | t3hub3rk1tten: hrm, try commenting out the significant lines in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video | 03:18 |
Warmedal | psyphen: how come? | 03:18 |
IndyGunFreak | Dean_Harryma1: whats wrong with it? | 03:18 |
IdleOne | student002: then edit it. to edit sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:18 |
student002 | IdleOne, yeah how do I copy though? This chat is on another comp | 03:18 |
kumarmohit | sorry for being an ass, but can anyonetell me the releare dat of 7.10 | 03:18 |
MannyZ | warmedal ask god | 03:19 |
student002 | IdleOne, yeah I'm editing it right now | 03:19 |
IdleOne | student002: lol | 03:19 |
psyphen | Warmedal: in case you really really don't want to dual-boot or completely replace windows? =) | 03:19 |
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jeff121212 | jrib, thought i had it for a sec but im wrong | 03:19 |
ckin2001 | kumarmohit, 18th | 03:19 |
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Dean_Harryma1 | no, I am trying to figure out how to set mine up like that | 03:19 |
Warmedal | psyphen: I want dualboot ;p | 03:19 |
kumarmohit | oct? | 03:19 |
metellius | does anyone happen to have a 3rd gen ipod nano and running ubuntu? I messed it up a bit and need someone to tell me how big the partition table is on yours | 03:19 |
MannyZ | 1giga for the swap | 03:19 |
IdleOne | student002: your SOL gonna have to do it by hand | 03:19 |
jrib | jeff121212: it's a slax question, I've never installed it | 03:19 |
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erUSUL | kumarmohit: have you checked www.ubuntu.com before asking here?? | 03:19 |
psyphen | Warmedal: ah k cool | 03:19 |
IndyGunFreak | Dean_Harryma1: its just fairly heavily themed, thats all. | 03:19 |
Warmedal | psyphen: how big should the main be? 10, 20gb? | 03:19 |
Dean_Harryma1 | so it is a theme? hmmm..... | 03:19 |
Dean_Harryma1 | I cant find one like that | 03:19 |
kumarmohit | No but that is why ssid sorry for being an ass | 03:19 |
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psyphen | Warmedal: 10gb minimum. 20gb should be fine | 03:20 |
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kumarmohit | I am in a bit of a hurry ya see | 03:20 |
livingdaylight | chelo? anyone juse bitTyrant? | 03:20 |
\prybar | could someone help me out with some SAMBA issues? | 03:20 |
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jeff121212 | jrib, there a slax room? | 03:20 |
Warmedal | psyphen: and 1gb for swap? | 03:20 |
IdleOne | student002: do you have a text browser on the machine with no GUI and does it have internet? | 03:20 |
psyphen | Warmedal: in fact you can get away with about 5gb | 03:20 |
student002 | IdleOne, it does have internet..not sure about the text browser | 03:20 |
Bo^Dick | does anyone know how to adjust the refreshrate in the xorg.conf file? | 03:20 |
Cyber_Stalker | is it possible to do a repair? some library cant be loaded and i have no where to backup my data so i would like to do a repair instead of format | 03:20 |
psyphen | Warmedal: i'd recommend around 256 to 500mb for swap | 03:21 |
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Warmedal | psyphen: Okay | 03:21 |
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kumarmohit | one more thing which version of Wine is inclduded if it is included | 03:21 |
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IdleOne | !info wine | 03:21 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 03:21 |
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void^ | !info wine feisty-backports | 03:22 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.41-0ubuntu2~feisty1 (feisty-backports), package size 10031 kB, installed size 46796 kB | 03:22 |
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jeff121212 | jrib, i asked but only 5 in the room | 03:22 |
Warmedal | psyphen: before I try to install it, I need to like.. shrink one partion so I have 10GB unalcolated-something | 03:22 |
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kumarmohit | thanks | 03:22 |
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LSEFT | I'm having trouble getting a wired ethernet connection to work. Got it set to recieve ip address from dhcp. Connection is all dead and according to network info in gnome I've got no ip since it says | 03:22 |
jrib | jeff121212: I need to reboot to a new kernel now, might try their forums too http://www.slax.org/forum/ | 03:22 |
jeff121212 | jrib, thnks | 03:23 |
LSEFT | am using a laptop and the driver loaded is sky2 | 03:23 |
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MasterShrek | LSEFT, try sudo dhclient3 eth0 | 03:23 |
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michael | Hi, da bin ich wieder... hat leider nicht geklappt | 03:23 |
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MasterShrek | !de | 03:23 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:23 |
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Bo^Dick | my xorg.conf file appears to know that i've got a lousy hp v72 monitor | 03:24 |
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Bo^Dick | how did it know that? | 03:24 |
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IdleOne | MAGIC! | 03:24 |
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, its smart :P | 03:24 |
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silviu | K | 03:24 |
Bo^Dick | would it autodetect if changed monitor? | 03:24 |
silviu | re | 03:24 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: info probe on hardware addresses | 03:24 |
Jammer | Bo^Dick, Plug and Play :p | 03:24 |
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=== Benzies [n=Benzies@60-242-104-136.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, maybe, it may require an xserver reconfigure tho | 03:25 |
Bo^Dick | neverthless, it appears to believe that this monitor only can do this resolution at 60Hz where i know it can do 70 | 03:25 |
IdleOne | ikonia: you sure it isnt magic? | 03:25 |
ikonia | could be | 03:25 |
Bo^Dick | and even worse, it doesn't allow me to do 70 | 03:25 |
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ikonia | Bo^Dick: the driver may not support it | 03:25 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: I got "No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping." Had the wired ethernet work earlier in windows | 03:25 |
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MasterShrek | LSEFT, pastebin the output of lspci -vv | 03:26 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: so i'm not allowed to change settings in the xorg.conf file that are not supported in the driver? | 03:26 |
=== hotty [n=ubuntu@dslb-084-061-100-022.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, if it crashes your xserver just go and change it back | 03:26 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: if the driver isn't compatible with it - no, how do you expect it to work | 03:27 |
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IndyGunFreak | ikonia: lol, abbra cadabra! | 03:27 |
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Bo^Dick | ikonia: it doesn't make sense that the driver would inhibit the refreshrate | 03:27 |
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rapiecer | hello, how to know if wake on lan is available on my wifi card ? | 03:27 |
rapiecer | thanks in advance ! | 03:27 |
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Damjan | Hi my webcam was working fine, but now it says X Error of failed request: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode | 03:27 |
sajt | hello | 03:27 |
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ikonia | Bo yes it does | 03:27 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: if this is the case, would a monitor upgrade be useless then? | 03:27 |
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co_bgt | jjjj | 03:28 |
student002 | IdleOne, done! | 03:28 |
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LSEFT | MasterShrek: haven't got a working network connection on said computer so I can't pastebin it. may be able to transfer the data in some other way though... or is it possible for me to tell you the bit you're after in the ouput? | 03:28 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: no, there can be many reasons, eg: the ddc info from the monitor is wrong and needs to be forced, the limations of the card with that mointor may be borked in the driver | 03:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
ikonia | Bo^Dick: just for easy exmaples | 03:28 |
=== benjamin [n=benjamin@pool-72-73-84-3.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greedo | what's the status about, compiz, beryl and compiz-fuzion ? is the merge done ? | 03:28 |
sajt | How can I set up if somebody send a mail from oputlook this mail is going to the imap sent folder? | 03:28 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, trying to 'make' postfix from source, how can i tell if the make has completed ok? | 03:28 |
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IdleOne | student002: you saved the changes? now sudo apt-get update | 03:28 |
Hobbsee | thesaint4444: if it doesnt contain the word "error" | 03:28 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: in ms windows i can run 70Hz | 03:29 |
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student002 | IdleOne, yeah, doing it right now | 03:29 |
MasterShrek | yea LSEFT pm me it or put it in #MasterShrek if ur nick isnt regged | 03:29 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: your not using Windows | 03:29 |
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student002 | Okay it did them and then saide W: duplicate sources list | 03:29 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: not now | 03:29 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 why do you want it from source ? | 03:29 |
student002 | it has 3 of them and says run apt-get update to correct these problem | 03:29 |
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ikonia | Bo^Dick: I'm saying just becuas somthing works in windows doesnt mean it does in ubuntu | 03:29 |
IdleOne | student002: then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. Note: your machine means you Admin it. change the password and dont let nobody break your stuff again :) | 03:29 |
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, did you try just changing it in your xorg? it cant hurt, if it doesnt work just change it back | 03:29 |
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thesaint4444 | ikonia: I need greater than version 2.2.10 ... | 03:30 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 why ? | 03:30 |
Bo^Dick | MasterShrek: yes | 03:30 |
student002 | IdleOne, Thank you so much!! | 03:30 |
Zarrathusa | can anyone help me install ubuntu onto my spare (d) drive so I can give linux a try | 03:30 |
student002 | downloading it right now | 03:30 |
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thesaint4444 | ikonia: version 2.3 and up have much better smtp auth control, it lets you use dovecot smtp auth... | 03:30 |
student002 | I really do appreciate all the help IdleOne. | 03:30 |
Bo^Dick | MasterShrek: i got a "failed to initialize HAL" when trying to change 60 to 70 under "section "monitor" | 03:30 |
Damjan | what is kernel 2.6.20-15-lowlatency | 03:30 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: hold on, I'll transfer the data through a flash card | 03:30 |
IdleOne | student002: check the sources.list there might be a duplicate if so add a # infront or delete the line | 03:30 |
thesaint4444 | ikonia: as a filter... | 03:30 |
IdleOne | student002: np that is why we are here | 03:31 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 you can do that in lower versions. | 03:31 |
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thesaint4444 | ikonia: how? | 03:31 |
Damjan | what is the kernel lowlatency for? | 03:31 |
MasterShrek | Damjan, a low latency kernel | 03:31 |
Damjan | yes | 03:31 |
student002 | IdleOne, is it okay after it's done install the desktop? I already started the install | 03:31 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 thre is a guide on htlp.ubuntu.com | 03:31 |
IdleOne | student002: yeah should be ok | 03:31 |
ikonia | thesaint4444: help.ubuntu.com | 03:31 |
student002 | okay cool, thanks again man | 03:31 |
Damjan | MasterShrek is it bad, cause may cause it my webcam doesn't work | 03:31 |
Bo^Dick | maybe i should upgrade the nvidia driver | 03:31 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: no | 03:31 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 03:32 |
thesaint4444 | ikonia: that explains setting up postfix and dovecot with dovecot smtp auth? | 03:32 |
MasterShrek | Damjan, its not bad, its good, as for your webcam its probably just not loading the correct drivers like it was | 03:32 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: I must have told you this about 30 times now, don' use the nvidia.com drivers unless you have a genuine reason to | 03:32 |
Damjan | MasterShrek it was working before I installed the kernel | 03:32 |
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MasterShrek | Damjan, are you using that kernel right now? | 03:32 |
thesaint4444 | ikonia: for certain that functionallity is not available below postfix 2.3 .... | 03:32 |
Damjan | MasterShrek yes | 03:32 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: my card isn't supported | 03:33 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 I'm reasonalby certain you can. What(document)makes you think you can't | 03:33 |
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Zarrathusa | can anyone help me to install linux onto a spare drive | 03:33 |
MasterShrek | Damjan, reboot and use the other one | 03:33 |
Damjan | MasterShrek but the name what it means | 03:33 |
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ikonia | Bo^Dick: what card do you have | 03:33 |
Damjan | MasterShrek ok | 03:33 |
berent | why is ubuntu (+tncLf #ubuntu-unregged) | 03:33 |
Bo^Dick | ikonia: 8500GT | 03:33 |
Damjan | berent what is heaven | 03:33 |
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MasterShrek | Zarrathusa, whats the problem? boot it up and point the installer at the spare hard drive | 03:33 |
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ikonia | Bo^Dick: Hmmm you may have to use the nvidia.com ones, or just sit back 10 days for gusty | 03:33 |
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W_McL | looks like i got a problem with lvm and the install cd | 03:34 |
berent | Damjam: heaven is an island -separated | 03:34 |
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Bo^Dick | ikonia: is gutsy 32-bit? | 03:34 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: gusty is either 32 or 64 bit - the same way fesity is | 03:34 |
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, not just 32 bit, its got 64 bit and ppc archs | 03:34 |
MannyZ | where i can get help fro engine installing? | 03:34 |
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MannyZ | for* | 03:34 |
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berent | !gutsy | 03:34 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 03:34 |
ikonia | MannyZ engine ? | 03:34 |
Damjan | berent there you have the answer | 03:34 |
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thesaint4444 | ikonia: http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html - Dovecot SASL support is available in Postfix 2.3 and later........ | 03:35 |
MannyZ | ikonia, here look: http://www.ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438 | 03:35 |
berent | Damjam : you mean ubuntu is unregged in heaven | 03:35 |
ikonia | thesaint4444 fair enough | 03:35 |
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ikonia | MannyZ so you want a theme | 03:35 |
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Bo^Dick | so i won't have to reinstall linux then, just upgrade to gutsy over lan cable? | 03:35 |
Damjan | ubotu, i downloaded the graphic manager for my monitor and etc, why it is not loading on Feisty? | 03:35 |
MannyZ | ikonia, yes | 03:35 |
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MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, yea, but i would wait until its released | 03:35 |
jeff121212 | i need an .iso for a good os for my vbox | 03:35 |
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IdleOne | Bo^Dick: yes | 03:35 |
MannyZ | can we talk in private ikonia? | 03:36 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, slackware :) | 03:36 |
berent | Bo^Dick : quite unbeleivable on lan cable | 03:36 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, had it wouldnt install | 03:36 |
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MasterShrek | lies | 03:36 |
Bo^Dick | is gutsy totally backward compatible to all stuff i have in feisty? | 03:36 |
IndyGunFreak | lol, totally?. | 03:36 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3502344#post3502344 | 03:36 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: its an upgraded version of fesity, the the product versions are updated | 03:36 |
Bo^Dick | cool | 03:37 |
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IdleOne | Bo^Dick: um if you have a pure ubuntu install yes but if you added stuff like " EWWWW Automatix " then you will be in trouble | 03:37 |
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MasterShrek | jeff121212, use slackware not slax | 03:37 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, slax is a live version of slackware | 03:37 |
Bo^Dick | why would gutsy have support for my graphics card while feisty has not? | 03:38 |
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MannyZ | ikonia, you there? | 03:38 |
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berent | which ships are ubuntu cd's shipped. Takes a lot of time. | 03:38 |
ikonia | Bo^Dick: because it uses later packaged versions of thee nvidia drivers | 03:38 |
ikonia | MannyZ: yes | 03:38 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, can u guide me to a download? | 03:38 |
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IdleOne | Bo^Dick: because the devs just got your card working so it is supported in gutsy at the time of feisty release it was not working | 03:38 |
MasterShrek | Bo^Dick, its got newer drivers and stuff, but i always use nvidia's website drivers and never have to worry about how the os uses the driver | 03:38 |
Bo^Dick | so everythings gonna be allright in ten days, sound too good to be true | 03:38 |
codecaine | Bo^Dick gutsy is a upgrade and kernel is more up to date | 03:38 |
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MasterShrek | jeff121212, http://www.slackware.com/getslack/ get 12.0-iso | 03:39 |
berent | looks like everyone is interested to type Bo^Dick | 03:39 |
Damjan | call ubotu the bot and write to him "your brain sucks" | 03:39 |
student002 | everything is working great, thanks again IdleOne. Cya later | 03:39 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, thanks | 03:39 |
Pici | Damjan: ? | 03:39 |
IdleOne | student002: yw have a good day | 03:39 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: My lspci -vv output: http://pastebin.com/d57b75506 . Sorry for the delay, had to burn data to get it to a computer with internet connection. | 03:40 |
Damjan | Pici, he will answer that he is not intelegent | 03:40 |
Damjan | Pici an egg | 03:40 |
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MannyZ | ikonia, so can you help me? | 03:40 |
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Damjan | Pici an egg in ubotu bor | 03:40 |
ikonia | MannyZ help you what ? | 03:40 |
kst | can anyone help me with my notebook fan? it's running all the time although temperature is only 42C... lm-sensors wont give me any sensors to control... using an Acer Extensa 4100 notebook | 03:40 |
MannyZ | ikonia, with the teheme install :S? | 03:40 |
ikonia | !themes >MannyZ | 03:40 |
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W_McL | anybody already experienced a very slow lvm configuration during an installation? | 03:41 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, one thing http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware-12.0-iso/ what one? | 03:41 |
berent | kst: i think u can change the boot time parameters | 03:41 |
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kst | berent how do i do that, what do i have to do? | 03:41 |
T | I do not seam to get the full extent of the bandwidth on my computer | 03:42 |
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T | is there a reason inherent in Linux | 03:42 |
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Guest15726 | does it possible to make ubuntu 32 bit to recognize big ram ? (above 2g) ? | 03:42 |
berent | kst : while booting (press delete button immediately on startup) and browse through it to find CPU fan temperature and things like that. | 03:43 |
heguru | Guest15726: yes | 03:43 |
ikonia | Guest15726 it can see up to 4GB without any problems | 03:43 |
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kst | berent you mean in bios? | 03:43 |
void^ | T: what kind of bandwidth? | 03:43 |
berent | kst: yes | 03:43 |
ikonia | Guest15726Guest15726 then you have to patch to make it see more | 03:43 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, i use the dvd, but u can get by with just the first 2 cds | 03:43 |
kst | let me try | 03:43 |
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MasterShrek | LSEFT, are you using feisty? | 03:43 |
Pici | Guest15726: You can use the server kernel, it supports PAE. | 03:43 |
freezerburn | Hey guys, what's a realtime kernel? | 03:43 |
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freezerburn | Someone said something about ubuntu having it | 03:44 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, so the top two? | 03:44 |
berent | freezerburn: its real | 03:44 |
gokhan_ | hi there i tried every possible way to disable my laptop's touchpad but none of them worked so the only one thing i didn't try is that i didn't delete the whole touchpad section from the xorg.conf file but i dont know if it will cause any problem? | 03:44 |
MasterShrek | freezerburn, its like a low latency i think, but its borked cuz i tried to use it last night | 03:44 |
Guest15726 | for now my ubuntu recognize just 4g from 8g .. so what is the easy way to fix this problem ? | 03:44 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: yes, 7.04 64-bit | 03:44 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, look at the file extensions and sizes | 03:44 |
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LSEFT | MasterShrek: on an acer travelmate 5520 | 03:44 |
MasterShrek | LSEFT, is it a laptop? | 03:44 |
MasterShrek | yea i figured | 03:44 |
Pici | Guest15726: Easiest way is to install the server kernel, if your CPU supports PAE. | 03:44 |
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LSEFT | MasterShrek: it is | 03:45 |
Guest15726 | !PAE | 03:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pae - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:45 |
berent | !server | 03:45 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, whats the dif with .md5 and .asc | 03:45 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support | 03:45 |
MasterShrek | LSEFT, id try using gutsy beta on it, at least boot the livecd and see if the wired works | 03:45 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, i dunno, i use md5 | 03:45 |
Guest15726 | Pici: what is PAE ? | 03:45 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: will do | 03:45 |
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Pici | Guest15726: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension | 03:45 |
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freezerburn | MasterShrek: would you happen to have a link with some info, I'm completely in the dark about it. | 03:45 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, thanks sorry to be a pest | 03:45 |
Ero_Otaku | hi | 03:46 |
MasterShrek | no prob jeff121212 | 03:46 |
MasterShrek | freezerburn, lemme look... | 03:46 |
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Damjan | ubotu it is all I needed in Linux for help | 03:46 |
LSEFT | MasterShrek: appreciate your help, will get back to you when I've tried | 03:46 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, im aslo going to try knopix and solaris | 03:46 |
erUSUL | jeff121212: *.asc is a gpg acii armored signature | 03:47 |
MasterShrek | http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9566944929.html freezerburn | 03:47 |
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ePax | ubotu is bot. | 03:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is bot. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:47 |
MasterShrek | sounds good LSEFT good luck | 03:47 |
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MasterShrek | jeff121212, knoppix is another live distro, no use really using on vbox, solaris will take alot of processor power to run also | 03:47 |
freezerburn | MasterShrek: thanks mate! | 03:47 |
Guest15726 | Pici: my ubuntu version is 32 bit desktop version , if i will install the server kernel i will still be able to use the graphic mode ? and can u give me link to a guide for installing server kerenl ? | 03:48 |
DUM | ? | 03:48 |
jeff121212 | erUSUL, thanks | 03:48 |
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Pici | !ru | DUM | 03:48 |
MasterShrek | Guest15726, open synaptic and search for server kernel | 03:48 |
ubotu | DUM: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 03:48 |
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paulowsky | I downloaded liferea from getdeb.net for my feisty but It doesn't work. I downloaded liferea-mozilla too and managed to install it. any help? | 03:48 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, can u join me in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 03:49 |
Bo^Dick | i wonder if soundblaster cards are supported in ubuntu? | 03:49 |
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MasterShrek | Guest15726, yes you will still be able to use a gui too | 03:49 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, #MasterShrek | 03:49 |
RvGaTe^work | MasterShrek, you seen that advertisement? its hilarious | 03:49 |
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erUSUL | Bo^Dick: which ones? | 03:49 |
Bo^Dick | audigy 2 platinum pro | 03:49 |
MasterShrek | RvGaTe^work, what advertisement? | 03:49 |
Guest15726 | how can i check if my CPU support APE ? | 03:49 |
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Magus_X_ZZZ | Anyone here knows about php? i know this is not the right place but i need help | 03:49 |
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MasterShrek | #php | 03:49 |
paulowsky | can somebody help me to get liferea to work? | 03:50 |
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void^ | Guest15726: in /proc/cpuinfo. there's no restricted-modules package (fglrx,nvidia,..) for -server though | 03:50 |
Bo^Dick | it wasn't supported on their homepage | 03:50 |
Guest15726 | how can i check if my CPU support PAE ? | 03:50 |
Bo^Dick | maybe soundblaster is considered very "ms windows" hardware? | 03:50 |
MannyZ | what type of files you can add on the theme manager? | 03:50 |
heguru | Guest15726: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 03:50 |
heguru | Guest15726: check the flags line for pae | 03:50 |
kingsizeriz | can someone help me sort out my wireless? | 03:50 |
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Bo^Dick | do you guys try to buy hardware specifically ubuntu supported? | 03:50 |
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MasterShrek | kingsizeriz, what kind of card is it? | 03:51 |
jeff121212 | how do i use .md5 in vbox? | 03:51 |
erUSUL | Bo^Dick: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs | 03:51 |
kingsizeriz | D-link DWL650 Revision c3 - laptop wireless | 03:51 |
RvGaTe^work | MasterShrek, on that page you sended... on the right, about vista | 03:51 |
MasterShrek | jeff121212, you dont | 03:51 |
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MasterShrek | RvGaTe, no, firefox blocks almost every ad for me | 03:51 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, check ur chan | 03:51 |
erUSUL | Bo^Dick: yes i try to make sure it will wrok under linux before buying | 03:51 |
MannyZ | ikonia, i have the package extracted on my desktop.. and umm now when i open the theme manager thing.. and i try to add it .. the problem is i dont know what file to add! | 03:51 |
kingsizeriz | i tried windows wireless drivers GUI but it stopped opening then i found driverloader but realised it wasnt free.. | 03:51 |
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ikonia | MannyZ read the link | 03:52 |
MannyZ | for ex. .exe, .sh | 03:52 |
kingsizeriz | and i get an error with NDISWrapper | 03:52 |
MannyZ | !changethemes | 03:52 |
ubotu | To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. | 03:52 |
Bo^Dick | erUSUL: million thanks | 03:52 |
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checcomanuel | marcus | 03:52 |
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Guest15726 | MasterShrek: what am i need to check under car /proc/cpu... for knowing if my CPU support PAE ? | 03:53 |
Guest15726 | fix - cat /proc/cpu | 03:53 |
heguru | Guest15726: read the flags line, it should contain pae | 03:53 |
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erUSUL | Bo^Dick: million++ "no problem" ;P | 03:53 |
MasterShrek | Guest15726, do: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae and see if anything comes up | 03:53 |
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kingsizeriz | i get 2 errors on trying to "MAKE" ndiswrapper | 03:54 |
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temper | me tooo | 03:54 |
MasterShrek | kingsizeriz, isnt in the repos? | 03:54 |
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heguru | kingsizeriz: why are you trying to make it? its in the repos | 03:54 |
temper | you tooo | 03:54 |
MasterShrek | !info ndiswrapper | 03:55 |
temper | we tooo | 03:55 |
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IdleOne | kingsizeriz: did you install build-essential? | 03:55 |
ubotu | Package ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:55 |
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MasterShrek | hrmm | 03:55 |
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temper | libra | 03:55 |
Bo^Dick | my volume control on the breakoutbox doens't work in ubuntu, is it supposed to be this way? | 03:55 |
temper | supra | 03:55 |
temper | sapra | 03:55 |
IdleOne | !ops | temper | 03:55 |
heguru | !info ndiswrapper-common | 03:55 |
temper | fuckra | 03:55 |
ubotu | temper: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 03:55 |
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ubotu | ndiswrapper-common: Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.38-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 100 kB | 03:55 |
kingsizeriz | build essential? | 03:55 |
jrib | temper: stop | 03:55 |
temper | why ? | 03:56 |
kingsizeriz | i did apt-get ndiswrapper-common | 03:56 |
kingsizeriz | as i found that on the net | 03:56 |
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IdleOne | kingsizeriz: sudo apt-get install build-essential . should fix any compile errors you are getting | 03:56 |
Guest15726 | MasterShrek: i get under flags: alots of words.. inculding pae .. that mean my cpu support pai ? | 03:56 |
temper | ya you tooooo | 03:56 |
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IdleOne | kingsizeriz: ok what are the erros? | 03:56 |
jrib | temper: keep the discussion related to Ubuntu support only | 03:56 |
ikonia | jrib: are you still idling slwoly | 03:56 |
Guest15726 | pae | 03:56 |
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kingsizeriz | i get: make[1 | 03:57 |
temper | ok ok | 03:57 |
kingsizeriz | sorry | 03:57 |
kingsizeriz | i get: | 03:57 |
MasterShrek | Guest15726, i would guess so | 03:57 |
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kingsizeriz | make[1] *** [loadndisdriver] Error 1 | 03:57 |
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kingsizeriz | make: *** [all] Error 2 | 03:57 |
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Bo^Dick | erUSUL: btw, the link you gave me, does it state all cards that are supported by the alsa architechture? | 03:57 |
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temper | how to run a program in other user permission | 03:57 |
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ikonia | temper sudo -c | 03:58 |
MasterShrek | kingsizeriz, if u installed ndiswrapper-common why are you trying to compile it? | 03:58 |
heguru | temper: sudo -u username programname | 03:58 |
temper | hey are you man or machine | 03:58 |
kingsizeriz | because nothing has shown up lol | 03:58 |
kingsizeriz | im confused.. | 03:58 |
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kingsizeriz | ive switched from xp to suse to xp to ubuntu | 03:58 |
kingsizeriz | but i cant get wireless to install | 03:58 |
kingsizeriz | and the Windows Wireless Drivers GUI wont even open now | 03:58 |
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IdleOne | !wifi | kingsizeriz check out this link it may help you | 03:59 |
ubotu | kingsizeriz check out this link it may help you: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:59 |
Guest15726 | MasterShrek: i am not sure what i should choose on Synaptic for installing server kernel .. can u write me the command line for the terminal ? | 03:59 |
erUSUL | Bo^Dick: and the things they support (click on details) | 03:59 |
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heguru | kingsizeriz: you need to install ndiswrapper-modules as well | 03:59 |
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erUSUL | Bo^Dick: the link only list the creative cards | 03:59 |
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erUSUL | Bo^Dick: creative is known for its open source unfriendness | 04:00 |
MasterShrek | Guest15726, sudo apt-get install linux-kernel probaby | 04:00 |
jeff121212 | i386 is? | 04:00 |
MasterShrek | Guest15726, linux-server i mean | 04:00 |
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doktoreas | anyone is running ubuntu on ps3? | 04:02 |
kingsizeriz | build essentials sorted it mate | 04:02 |
Bo^Dick | i already got a neat mixer console for my card | 04:02 |
kingsizeriz | cheers | 04:02 |
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Bo^Dick | but the digital volume control knob doesn't work | 04:02 |
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temper | my os is ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) . How can i give XDMCP & SSH access to one particular IP Address in LAN ... | 04:04 |
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Pici | temper: That should be relatively easy to do in firestarter. | 04:05 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, please see other chan when u have time | 04:06 |
temper | sorry i am new to this . how to do that ? | 04:06 |
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Pici | !firestarter | temper | 04:07 |
ubotu | temper: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:07 |
erUSUL | !ssh | temper | 04:07 |
ubotu | temper: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 04:07 |
jeff121212 | temper, keep in mind we all where new at some point in time =D | 04:07 |
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FlyingPig | steve ballmer says linux is illegal and he will come against linux distribution | 04:07 |
Bo^Dick | thanks for all support guys | 04:07 |
Pici | temper: The firestarter gui is very intuitive, just allow access for your one ip to the ports for ssh and xdmcp | 04:07 |
erUSUL | temper: for xdmpc i think you have to enable it in System>Preferences>Login Window | 04:07 |
co_bgt | hjj | 04:07 |
co_bgt | j;j | 04:07 |
co_bgt | jl | 04:07 |
FlyingPig | steve ballmer said linux is infringing on microsoft patents | 04:07 |
co_bgt | nmlk | 04:07 |
co_bgt | gun | 04:08 |
=== genii makes Ballmer sign a GPL3 | ||
Bo^Dick | FlyingPig: you must be kidding | 04:08 |
Guest15726 | MasterShrek: forgot to say 10x(thanks) for your help | 04:08 |
Pici | !offtopic | 04:08 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:08 |
Guest15726 | thanks :) | 04:08 |
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kingsizeriz | k maybe not.. it knows its there but wont connect.. | 04:08 |
temper | thanks | 04:08 |
genii | Pici :) | 04:08 |
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jeff121212 | where can i get a legal .iso copy of xp home? non torrented | 04:09 |
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Magus_X | o.O | 04:09 |
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Magus_X | Legal Iso copy | 04:09 |
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erUSUL | jeff121212: ask M$ but i'm sure you can not | 04:09 |
sander | xp is never legal imo ? | 04:09 |
Magus_X | That does not exist | 04:09 |
Pici | jeff121212: from the store, this is offtopic, join ##windows. | 04:09 |
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jeff121212 | and MasterShrek thanks again ur abig help =D i owe u big time | 04:10 |
WildOS | Does the size of an unsigned long differ between an x86 based computer and an arm9 based controller? | 04:10 |
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danich | anyone have any clues on installing the latest nvidia driver? | 04:10 |
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Magus_X | danich: afaik, you need to enable the restricted drivers and install it from synaptic, at least i did that | 04:11 |
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jeff121212 | Pici, thnks | 04:11 |
WildOS | Sorry, for asking this question here.. but I've found that there are people in this channel working with stuff like this... I am using the helix toolchain and kernel 2.6.22.. | 04:11 |
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Magus_X | WildOS: porting apps for NintendoDS? | 04:11 |
Magus_X | lol | 04:11 |
Mrre | where in ubuntu can I see witch driver my grafik card uses? | 04:11 |
danich | well, i've got the previous nvidia version loaded. I think... it shows in Synaptic anyway. But I'm somehow not able to get it to load the newest one | 04:11 |
Pici | !offtopic | WildOS, also ##programming | 04:11 |
ubotu | WildOS, also ##programming: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:11 |
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danich | so I assume restricted drivers is enabled. | 04:12 |
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ztw559 | Mrre: Section "Device" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:13 |
WildOS | Pici: I know, but since its a debian based toolchain and linux distro, I was hoping to find people in this channel.. | 04:13 |
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Pici | WildOS: Once again, this channel is _only_ for Ubuntu support. You are more than welcome to ask about it in #ubuntu-offtopic though. | 04:13 |
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sebastian | does anybody know how to make banshee play real radio? | 04:13 |
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WildOS | Pici: oops, wrong server even.. sorry, my bad =) | 04:14 |
MannyZ | how i copy a folder full of stuff to another directory? | 04:14 |
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MannyZ | cp...? | 04:14 |
danich | how to enable restricted drivers? when i look at xorg.conf under video it keeps saying generic card though it does say nvidia | 04:15 |
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erUSUL | MannyZ: cp -r ?? | 04:15 |
MannyZ | so | 04:15 |
nanoteker | sup ppls | 04:15 |
WildOS | MannyZ: cp -r folder/* targetFolder | 04:15 |
erUSUL | danich: System>Admin> | 04:15 |
MannyZ | thanks! | 04:15 |
nanoteker | i need a little help on compiling | 04:15 |
MannyZ | ill try | 04:15 |
genii | MannyZ: To move it all there and not copy use mv other wise recursive copy as erUSUL suggests | 04:15 |
nanoteker | i'm on a macbook pro w/ tiger... | 04:15 |
danich | okay... thx. it shows in there | 04:15 |
nanoteker | and ran a make, make install... | 04:15 |
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nanoteker | and then got a new install file | 04:16 |
danich | enabled and in use | 04:16 |
nanoteker | and now i'm stuck | 04:16 |
Pici | nanoteker: On Ubuntu? | 04:16 |
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nanoteker | pici...on osx | 04:16 |
nanoteker | i DO run ubuntu | 04:16 |
danich | so... i'm missing something on getting Synaptic to pick up and use the new one | 04:16 |
nanoteker | but osx is my primary | 04:17 |
Pici | nanoteker: But this is Ubuntu support, not OSX support. | 04:17 |
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erUSUL | nanoteker: the problem is in OSX so the question does not belong here | 04:17 |
nanoteker | pici...isn't compiling practically universal amongst *nix ans osx? | 04:17 |
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Pici | nanoteker: You are more than welcome to ask about it in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##mac | 04:17 |
void^ | nanoteker: platform specific issues arise all the time, that's why we love autotools | 04:18 |
nanoteker | pici the question helps linux users as well, seeing that 99% of the techniques are the same | 04:18 |
Pici | nanoteker: That is besides the point, this channel is _only_ for Ubuntu support, there are many other channels on freenode that may be able to help you. | 04:18 |
ztw559 | nanoteker: no, it isn't when it comes to system specific things like kernel headers and such | 04:18 |
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nanoteker | i'm trying to compile a quick app | 04:18 |
nanoteker | like 30 mb | 04:19 |
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nanoteker | not a kernel | 04:19 |
Pici | nanoteker: Stop. | 04:19 |
nanoteker | ok | 04:19 |
thesaint4444 | IndyGunFreak: hey cool, many thanks, it worked.... | 04:19 |
`assioma` | hi how can i patch the kernel from a .diff file? | 04:19 |
ztw559 | nanoteker: even the libraries and their header files are in different places. so we cannot help you here. | 04:19 |
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JEFFmasterFLEX | hey guys i'm having a problem accessing the internt on OS/2 ? Can anyone help me? | 04:19 |
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JEFFmasterFLEX | sorry that was a joke. i'm done | 04:20 |
wolferine | :) | 04:20 |
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`assioma` | hi how can i patch the kernel from a .diff file? | 04:20 |
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noelferreira_ | how to convert .amr soud file to .mp3? | 04:21 |
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Phydoux | OS/2... Been a LONG time since I heard OS/2 | 04:21 |
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erUSUL | `assioma`: cd $kernel_source_dir ; patch -p1 patchfile.patch | 04:21 |
erUSUL | `assioma`: cd $kernel_source_dir ; patch -p1 < patchfile.patch | 04:21 |
danich | what am I missing in Synaptic to get it to use the downloaded nvidia file? | 04:21 |
`assioma` | but i only have a .diff file | 04:21 |
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`assioma` | no .patch | 04:21 |
erUSUL | danich: what "downloaded nvidia file" ? | 04:21 |
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kaushal | hi | 04:21 |
danich | the latest nvidia driver for *nix | 04:21 |
Damjan | MasterShrek I fixed the camera, it was device problem, the macromedia flash has stucked the device | 04:22 |
wolferine | !nvidia | danich | 04:22 |
ubotu | danich: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:22 |
kaushal | I have connected my headset and mic to my ubuntu box | 04:22 |
erUSUL | `assioma`: the extension of the file does not matter | 04:22 |
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kaushal | but the sound comes from speakers and not in my headset | 04:22 |
Sleft | MasterShrek: booted with 7.10-amd64 and network does not work right away :( | 04:22 |
Damjan | !pygtk | 04:22 |
wolferine | kaushal, in which application? | 04:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pygtk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:22 |
=== SickTear [n=sicktear@southpark.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== keks_ [n=keks@pD9E3A54C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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erUSUL | `assioma`: use patch -p1 --dry-run < patchfile.patch to make sure it aplies cleanly before actually apying the patch without the --dry-run | 04:22 |
`assioma` | yes sure | 04:23 |
=== newbie___ [n=asd@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Damjan | !kiba | 04:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kiba - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:23 |
=== newbie___ is now known as lol | ||
=== lol is now known as asdf | ||
Damjan | !core | 04:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about core - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:23 |
=== BB-Berend [n=berenddk@a194-109-3-40.dmn.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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`assioma` | the source directory is /usr/src/linux..../kernel? | 04:23 |
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Damjan | !webcam | 04:23 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 04:23 |
Damjan | !modem | 04:23 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 04:23 |
erUSUL | danich: that "nvidia file" you have to install it manually if you know what you are doing... if not better use the packaged versions found on synaptic | 04:24 |
Pici | !msgthebot | Damjan | 04:24 |
ubotu | Damjan: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:24 |
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youness | i have a problem with installing ubuntu server 7.04 giving msg"trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:24 |
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youness | plz help "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:24 |
erUSUL | `assioma`: dunno i have them in $HOME/kernel not sure where ubuntu installs though | 04:24 |
=== korni [n=markus@xdsl-87-78-116-231.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Damjan | Pici, I'm sorry | 04:25 |
=== kolla [n=kolla@drift1.uninett.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | How can i hear sound on my headset | 04:25 |
MasterShrek | youness, remove the word splash from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:25 |
noelferreira_ | how to convert .amr soud file to .mp3? | 04:25 |
MasterShrek | soundconverter can probably do it noelferreira_ | 04:25 |
kolla | In gutsy I only get wpa psk in Network Settings for Wifi, how do I also get wpa enterprise in there? | 04:25 |
Damjan | amr from mobile phone | 04:26 |
MasterShrek | kaushal, turn the volume up? :p | 04:26 |
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reverseblade | Hello I can't seem to use my nvidia driver. Can anyone help ? | 04:26 |
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MasterShrek | reverseblade, how did you install it? restricted drivers manager? | 04:26 |
youness | i have this problem in the first step in installing | 04:26 |
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=== Poromenos [n=por@hellenic.cha.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Damjan | Pici, what word is in ubotu for operation and? | 04:27 |
=== shagggy [i=iiiiiiii@nat/ibm/x-312d642ab35ab136] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | youness, is there an option for text installer or something? | 04:27 |
Poromenos | what are the options for adding a new HDD (sata, ext3) to fstab? | 04:27 |
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danich | checked the URL given by ubotu; didn't help | 04:27 |
reverseblade | MasterShrek, in deed I am using gutsy. I was using fiesty and it was working. I upgraded gutsy it was working again . But there was a recent upgrade gutsy and enabling it in restricted drivers manager causes fails safe X to run | 04:27 |
MasterShrek | !grub | 04:27 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:27 |
youness | i dont know | 04:27 |
noelferreira_ | MasterRa, didn't work gstreamer error | 04:27 |
Pici | !bot | Damjan | 04:28 |
ubotu | Damjan: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:28 |
erUSUL | Poromenos: defaults | 04:28 |
=== DoYouKnow [n=michael@adsl-68-77-35-193.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noelferreira_ | MasterRa, didn't work gstreamer error | 04:28 |
Poromenos | erUSUL: nothing else? | 04:28 |
Pici | Damjan: Read the usage info, there are no text operators like AND/OR | 04:28 |
Poromenos | erUSUL: what about the 0s after that? | 04:28 |
=== MeisterHora [n=gerome@p5B055A57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danich | restricted drivers shows nvidia, does not version | 04:28 |
MasterShrek | reverseblade, ive heard gutsy is broken right now, i havent updated in a couple days, but i dunno what to tell you cuz i dont know what would be wrong | 04:28 |
Damjan | Pici, but I need modem + phone help | 04:28 |
noelferreira_ | MasterShrek, didn't work gstreamer error | 04:29 |
Pici | Damjan: Well the bot only knows these things: http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi . Ask the channel if the bot can't help you | 04:29 |
MasterShrek | noelferreira_, install gstreamer plugins, get all of the 0.10 plugins | 04:29 |
=== Kopfgeldjaeger [n=nicolai@p54AD60F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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erUSUL | Poromenos: i have 0 2 (also i added noatime,user_xattr,nodev,noexec but read the mount man page and make your own choices ;)) | 04:29 |
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Damjan | How to use the modem as a phone? | 04:29 |
noelferreira_ | i have it installled MasterShrek | 04:29 |
erUSUL | Poromenos: user_xattr is for beaggle | 04:30 |
MasterShrek | noelferreira_, even the bad and ugly ones? | 04:30 |
noelferreira_ | all of them | 04:30 |
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danich | I guess I'll just stick with Windows then. | 04:30 |
MasterShrek | pew | 04:30 |
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Poromenos | erUSUL: noatime stops it writing the access time, isn't it? | 04:30 |
Damjan | What program do I need to use the modem as a phone? | 04:31 |
Linuturk | I keep getting a message from my server. It is disabling IRQ 11, and I can't figure out 1) what IRQ 11 is and 2) how to stop it from doing this. | 04:31 |
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erUSUL | Poromenos: yes | 04:31 |
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danich | damjan: you mean like skype? voip? one is installed by default in Applications:Internet:Akiga Softphone | 04:31 |
youness | MasterShrek: come back | 04:31 |
Damjan | danich nope, as a dial phone | 04:32 |
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Poromenos | erUSUL: great, thanks a lot :) | 04:32 |
jamili | How can I install Ubuntu with LILO instead of GRUB? from live-cd | 04:32 |
danich | terminal. echo the commands. for a phone it's atdt8175551212 | 04:32 |
=== kazliux [n=kazliux@78-59-28-87.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | Poromenos: no problem | 04:32 |
youness | MasterShrek: how can i know if i have text installer | 04:32 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, if I install a package from source and then try to install a dependent package via apt-get how do i get around the fact apt-get thinks the dependent package is not installed? | 04:33 |
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jamili | i already installed lilo package with apt-get | 04:33 |
jamili | i'm running from live cd atm, grub wont start for me :\ | 04:33 |
danich | i'll have to stay with Windows. must get the nvidia driver working and no help available | 04:33 |
jamili | any help please? | 04:33 |
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noelferreira_ | MasterShrek, i need 3gpp hi guess | 04:33 |
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danich | this is a major problem LInux lovers will have to learn to overcome but show absolute reluctance to do. They don't want to help newcomers | 04:33 |
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jamili | they should =D | 04:34 |
erwin85 | Hi, my locale is using en_US.ISO-8859-15 how do I set it to utf-8? | 04:34 |
Pici | !patience | 04:34 |
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ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:34 |
=== pickett_ [n=pickett@ppp121-45-6-17.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thesaint4444 | can i apt-get -- force packagename ? | 04:34 |
danich | i have been polite and done my best to follow the instructions given. | 04:34 |
skyrocker67 | just installed 7.04 onto a laptop however I need to reset video but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg not working with sudo | 04:34 |
=== schaalml [i=schaalml@hspc55.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sleft | MasterShrek: booted with 7.10-amd64 and network does not work right away :( | 04:35 |
danich | and... nada... just some bot tsk-tsking me | 04:35 |
=== bruco_16th [n=steph_16@bas7-montrealak-1167895985.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danich | so... screw it | 04:35 |
=== Pusur [n=henbru@42.80-203-52.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danich | time to fdisk the drive and put Win2K03 server on it | 04:35 |
erUSUL | erwin85: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' and 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf' | 04:35 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | danich: not everyone has the answer for you. sorry, if you don't have the patience to wait for a response from someone more knowledgeable. I say get a refund | 04:35 |
=== ankitag [i=chatzill@nat/yahoo/x-b03706a7959c9235] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klipnicki | hello | 04:35 |
=== Ben_Cs [n=Ben@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ben_Cs | hello | 04:35 |
=== Greeny` [n=nn@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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danich | patience? Okay... how long do I wait for the answer to "how do I get Synaptic to pick up and use the downloaded nvidia driver?" | 04:36 |
Ben_Cs | upgrading to gutsy is done by: sudo update-manager -c right? | 04:36 |
=== jseattle [n=jseattle@adsl-70-136-53-119.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klipnicki | may somebody know solution for that problem with openoffice in ubuntu 7.10 : /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: double free or corruption | 04:36 |
danich | is that not a fairly simple question? | 04:36 |
jamili | danich: let's try forums? | 04:36 |
danich | been there.... | 04:36 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | danich: obviously not for you | 04:36 |
erUSUL | Ben_Cs: add -d as is still a development version | 04:36 |
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erUSUL | !upgrade | Ben_Cs | 04:36 |
ubotu | Ben_Cs: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:36 |
klipnicki | i was looking on forums :( | 04:36 |
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usamahashimi | does anyone know the name of any Mathematics channel? | 04:37 |
klipnicki | but i have not found nothing good ;( | 04:37 |
danich | ah... of course. blame it on user error instead of cryptic instructions | 04:37 |
Pici | !beta > Ben_Cs (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 04:37 |
erUSUL | Ben_Cs: further questions in #ubunt+1 ;P | 04:37 |
Pici | usamahashimi: #math | 04:37 |
=== Cykus [n=cykus@tkp30-3.rybnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | danich: i have already told you that that is not possible | 04:37 |
=== FunkyFoxStudio [n=studio@bos94-6-88-171-105-181.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== heaven [n=heaven@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usamahashimi | Pici: lemme check | 04:37 |
bruco_16th | usamahashimi: have you tried irc.freenode.net? | 04:37 |
=== tom17bombadil_ [n=tross@T86a6.t.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heaven | woooah... | 04:38 |
danich | sorry.. missed that. but i do have the version right before this one running, so it IS possible | 04:38 |
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heaven | first time on x chat and looks so... | 04:38 |
heaven | :| | 04:38 |
Pici | bruco_16th: we're on freenode. | 04:38 |
erUSUL | danich: you can not tell synaptic to install some random *.run package you dl from nvidia.com | 04:38 |
heaven | hey gytz | 04:38 |
heaven | guyz* | 04:38 |
danich | did before guy... sorry | 04:38 |
=== Spelltress [n=pr@ppp-69-148-167-206.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruco_16th | i thought it was irc.ubuntu.com! | 04:38 |
Pici | bruco_16th: Same thing :) | 04:38 |
usamahashimi | bruco_16th: i am already on irc.freenode.net | 04:38 |
=== skal [n=pascal@ADijon-258-1-181-118.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Viiskasi [n=jussi@dsl-lhtgw1-fe76df00-140.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | danich: you have to install it manually and if you do not know how to do it you'd better using the prepackaged versions | 04:38 |
kst | can someone tell me how to modify the acpi settings for my fan? i want it to raise the lower temperature that tells the fan to turn off | 04:39 |
=== Dzabaman [n=akras@gw-world.bt.ktu.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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erUSUL | danich: there are plenty of help on how to install the prepackaged drivers | 04:39 |
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erUSUL | !nvidia | danich | 04:39 |
ubotu | danich: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:39 |
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=== ibara [n=ibara@cpe-74-75-208-191.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erwin85 | erUSUL, had to install localeconf and tried it. Afterwards 'locale' still gives an ISO encoding. Do I need to reboot or something? | 04:39 |
root_ | Can somone help me install my nvidia card... i got a new kernel update today and it stoped working... | 04:39 |
danich | been there... no help | 04:39 |
linux4me | hi guys, i'm trying to setup LVS on ubuntu fiesty boxes (4), i'm trying to follow this article, http://www.ultramonkey.org/3/topologies/hc-ha-lb-eg.html, in the heartbeat section, i'm trying to configure heartbeat but it doesn't look like i have those files. do I simply install heartbeart via "sudo apt-get install heartbeat"? | 04:39 |
heaven | one question how do i join other channels too on xchat? | 04:39 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spelltress | ./join # | 04:40 |
heaven | thanx | 04:40 |
heaven | :D | 04:40 |
=== Linuturk [n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
heaven | ./join #baia | 04:40 |
bulmer | danich okay you made your point, go and pay a windows consultant | 04:40 |
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\prybar | could anyone help me install a network printer? | 04:40 |
erUSUL | erwin85: with locale you have to mark utf8 locales for generation and then for localeconf you choose the locale you want iirc | 04:40 |
DM| | ok, never done remote desktop with ubuntu before, anyone got a good guide? | 04:40 |
Pici | heaven: without the prefixing . | 04:40 |
DM| | !remotedesktop | 04:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remotedesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:40 |
danich | using Synaptic I told it to generate package download script. selected the driver and it gave no error. now try to use downloaded packages and nothing | 04:40 |
DM| | !vnc | 04:40 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 04:40 |
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kst | !hardware | 04:40 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 04:40 |
DUM | 04:40 | |
Pici | !ru | DUM | 04:40 |
ubotu | DUM: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 04:40 |
kst | !channels | 04:41 |
ubotu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 04:41 |
heaven | ./join #baia | 04:41 |
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heaven | like this? | 04:41 |
Pici | heaven: /join #baia | 04:41 |
Spelltress | yeah | 04:41 |
DUM | mda | 04:41 |
Pici | DUM: /j #ubuntu-ru | 04:41 |
heaven | ok how do i change irc server? | 04:41 |
erUSUL | erwin85: also you have to make your LANG variable be LANG=en_EN@utf8 or en_US@utf8 or something like that... | 04:41 |
danich | look... i'm trying real hard here and all i'm getting is "it's not for you" and "you're doing it wrong" and "can't be done" instead of step 1, step2, step3, which is NOT on the webpage you're directing me to, which I have read in its' entirety and it makes no sense because it assumes a level of knowledge I don't have | 04:41 |
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=== baegle [n=beagle@h-68-167-32-195.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skyrocker67 | ok here goes nothing | 04:42 |
danich | its' that kind of arrogance that will prevent *nix from ever being accepted as a reasonable desktop OS replacement | 04:42 |
danich | bye bye | 04:42 |
=== danich [n=daniel@pool-96-226-20-94.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Pici | Er, Okay. | 04:42 |
jeff121212 | are linux .iso's illegal? | 04:42 |
=== wam [n=wam@p57B5756C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sjoerd | no | 04:42 |
jamili | no | 04:42 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | JEFFmasterFLEX: if it's illegal to be awesome, then yes | 04:42 |
jamili | so no | 04:43 |
=== Shyde [n=shyde@HSI-KBW-085-216-077-234.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | !ubuntu | JEFFmasterFLEX | 04:43 |
ubotu | JEFFmasterFLEX: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 04:43 |
wam | Hi, I need megamon for ubuntu. Has anyone ported the rpm or can give me a hint which rpm is good for feisty on x86/64? | 04:43 |
erwin85 | erUSUL, I select en_us.UTF-8 UTF-8 while configuring localconf. I'm going to see if rebooting helps. Thanks for your help! | 04:43 |
root_ | Can anyone help me ....? | 04:43 |
Pici | JEFFmasterFLEX: er, too many jeffs. | 04:43 |
jeff121212 | JEFFmasterFLEX, lol | 04:43 |
root_ | !nvidia | 04:43 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:43 |
erUSUL | erwin85: no problem | 04:43 |
heaven | im like so new to linux that im still pff looking around synaptic and can barely find my way around but there's somehow that i know i made the right choice kicking microsoft OS's away | 04:43 |
mrec | hi, are there any FAI (fully automatic installation) ubuntu CDs available? | 04:43 |
=== misnix [n=jkr@corona.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | !install | mrec I think there is an OEM type install you can use read: | 04:43 |
ubotu | mrec I think there is an OEM type install you can use read:: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 04:43 |
\prybar | can anyone help me with a Samba network printer? I had it installed.. un-installed it and now it won't install again | 04:43 |
kst | !acpi | 04:44 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:44 |
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DUM | fuck | 04:44 |
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jeff121212 | !automate | 04:44 |
ubotu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 04:44 |
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jamili | how can i change ubuntu's bootloader | 04:45 |
DM| | !xdmcp | 04:45 |
ubotu | xdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it | 04:45 |
jamili | before or whilst installing it | 04:45 |
Spelltress | can i run windows applications with ubuntu | 04:45 |
erwin85 | erUSUL, restarting x helped. Thanks again. | 04:45 |
jamili | yes you can, download wine | 04:45 |
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jamili | or buy cedega.. | 04:45 |
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JEFFmasterFLEX | \prybar: i would try removng the samba config file and starting from scratch. then backup th config file whne you have it working how you want. i'm not familiar enough with samba to help you out more, unfortunately | 04:45 |
Spelltress | isnt that just an emulator for linux | 04:45 |
Spelltress | wine | 04:45 |
jamili | yes | 04:46 |
jamili | windows emulator | 04:46 |
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heaven | i would do that too but i can't install... i don't know how to install something so i ask someone out there for 10 minutes of patiente in explaining me a thing or two around ubuntu please PM me i could really use some help | 04:46 |
Pici | !wine | Spelltress no: | 04:46 |
ubotu | Spelltress no:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 04:46 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | Wine Is Not an Emulator. | 04:46 |
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neverblue2 | buy software.... what is this? | 04:46 |
Pici | jamili: No, Wine Is Not an Emulator | 04:46 |
jamili | ok | 04:46 |
jeff121212 | is there a gaming linux os for say even windows games? | 04:46 |
ariesas | when linux will support nvidia 7150 ? | 04:46 |
Pici | !games | jeff121212 | 04:46 |
ubotu | jeff121212: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 04:46 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | didn't the pay versions of Mandriva have Cedega built in already? | 04:46 |
erUSUL | erwin85: you are wellcome | 04:46 |
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\prybar | I will try that JEff, thanks | 04:46 |
jamili | could anyone tell me? | 04:47 |
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DM| | Im having some problems connecting via terminal server to another ubuntu machine, anyone know a good guide? i dont want to use any special stuff yet, just terminal server client | 04:47 |
MasterShrek | ariesas, it should support it already, if it doesnt, the correct question would be when will nvidia support that card under linux | 04:47 |
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ariesas | oh yeah nvidia is lazy | 04:47 |
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Sleft | MasterShrek: booted with 7.10-amd64 and network does not work right away :( | 04:47 |
Pici | !grub | jamili | 04:47 |
ubotu | jamili: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:47 |
DM| | Seveas you're a master of remote connection right : ) ? | 04:47 |
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jamili | no no no | 04:48 |
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youness | MasterShrek: can fou help me | 04:48 |
bjqrn | is there a solution to the problem where VLC in fullscreen still has the window border? | 04:48 |
jamili | GRUB won't start with me (because my JMicron loader?) so i was thinking that would it help me if i installed lilo or some other boot loader instead? | 04:48 |
erUSUL | DM|: terminal server is for rdesktop protocoal of windows not for ubuntu2ubuntu iirc | 04:48 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | jamili: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96920 | 04:48 |
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JEFFmasterFLEX | jamili: it's old but it will prob work | 04:48 |
erUSUL | DM|: you can use plain X, VNC or freenx | 04:48 |
bobdrakken | I need help.. I have a zune and I need to convert avi files to mpeg | 04:49 |
jamili | thanks JEFFmasterFLEX | 04:49 |
MasterShrek | !ask | 04:49 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:49 |
DM| | erUSUL hmm , it has a xdmcp option tho : | 04:49 |
bobdrakken | what can I use to convert it | 04:49 |
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youness | i dont know to access to text installer | 04:49 |
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MasterShrek | Sleft, was i helping you before? | 04:49 |
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erUSUL | DM|: didn't know that | 04:49 |
MasterShrek | youness, i dont even know if there is one, try the alternate install cd maybe | 04:49 |
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bobdrakken | any idea of what I can use to convert avi files to mpeg | 04:49 |
erUSUL | bobdrakken: avidemux | 04:49 |
Sleft | MasterShrek: yes, with network connection | 04:49 |
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bobdrakken | k one sec | 04:49 |
bobdrakken | ill install that | 04:49 |
ariesas | ei buddies do u know how to run programs in linux? | 04:49 |
erUSUL | bobdrakken: or in cli ffmpeg | 04:49 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | youness: the alternate cd is the text installer | 04:49 |
bobdrakken | wait | 04:50 |
bobdrakken | how does that work | 04:50 |
ariesas | do u have to compile them first? | 04:50 |
DM| | erUsul problem is that it comes up with an Xnest but shows nothing but that black and brown square Xnest shows | 04:50 |
MasterShrek | Sleft, well if its not working there you may have some real problems, its apparently not supported in the kernel | 04:50 |
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Cyber_Stalker | http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc <=== lol :P | 04:50 |
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DM| | erUSUL woopsie, restarted X by accident | 04:51 |
Pici | !offtopic | Cyber_Stalker | 04:51 |
ubotu | Cyber_Stalker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:51 |
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Sleft | MasterShrek: too bad, maybe I'll have to change laptop then. http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_23#head-a1384508daf053f61be89bc05bb1e8a8fe00f693 says "Yukon Extreme (88e8071) support." is in 2.6.23. know how far off that is til release? | 04:51 |
youness | i have problem msg"trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:51 |
retour | Hallo all! I need help with selecting keyboard layout. I want to get special characters using ALT+standard character key. What layout should I use? Polish quotes on key "1/!" OR Polish quotes on quotemark key. ??? | 04:51 |
DM| | erUSUL know any good remote desktop guides ubuntu2ubuntu | 04:51 |
Cyber_Stalker | woooooooops i didnt know that /amsg goes to all servers | 04:51 |
\prybar | JEFF, I tried what you said about the SAMBA config.. I get all the way to the end of the printer install procedures.. it just doesn't finish for some reason | 04:51 |
erUSUL | DM|: no... but you can ask ubotu ;) | 04:52 |
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erUSUL | ubotu tell DM| about vnc | DM| see priv msg from ubotu | 04:52 |
erUSUL | ubotu tell DM| about freenx | DM| see priv msg from ubotu | 04:52 |
MasterShrek | Sleft, its at rc9 right now, but youd probably have to compile it by yourself after its released, not really a hard thing to do, but it can take awhile if u dont know what you are doing | 04:52 |
youness | plzzzzz help "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:52 |
ariesas | linux is so cumbersome | 04:53 |
MasterShrek | ariesas, how so? | 04:53 |
erUSUL | ariesas: what are you trying to install? | 04:53 |
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youness | install ubuntu problem "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:53 |
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MasterShrek | !patience | youness | 04:53 |
ubotu | youness: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:53 |
ariesas | i just downloaded a program, rosegarden, now how do i run it?in windows it's just a click of a button... | 04:53 |
Sleft | MasterShrek: ok. thanks for helping me | 04:53 |
MasterShrek | ariesas, youll need to compile it im sure | 04:53 |
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youness | ok sorry | 04:54 |
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ariesas | masterShrek how do i do that | 04:54 |
MasterShrek | np Sleft, good luck and if u need help compiling a kernel i can try to give you a hand :) | 04:54 |
JEFFmasterFLEX | ariesas: it should already be in your menu under appilcations | 04:54 |
erUSUL | ariesas: in ubuntu/linux you do not dl programs from websites you use Applications>Add Remove | 04:54 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, does anyone know how i can install package without any of its dependencies via apt-get? | 04:54 |
MasterShrek | thesaint4444, that woudl be pointless, the program wont work without its dependencies | 04:54 |
erUSUL | ariesas: or System>Admin>Synaptic search rousegarden mark for instalation and aply changes | 04:54 |
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erUSUL | ariesas: how can this be cumbersome ? | 04:55 |
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thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: i have installed the dependency from source.... | 04:55 |
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profanephobia | how can i find my FQDN in ubuntu feisty? | 04:55 |
DM| | erUSUL do you know if seveas put it up for gutsy? | 04:55 |
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erUSUL | DM|: no, sorry you will have to ask him | 04:55 |
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DM| | Seveas u there? | 04:55 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, thanks again for earlyer and u to Pici | 04:56 |
thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: but the other program would be ok to install via apt-get ... | 04:56 |
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ariesas | ErUSUL ok with synaptic manager i found the program so now i have to compile it yeah? | 04:56 |
youness | no one helping me | 04:56 |
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MasterShrek | thesaint4444, i would guess you would need to somehow let apt know that you installed it from source and that its a newer version than the one that apt would install | 04:56 |
erUSUL | ariesas: no, just right click on it and mark for instalation | 04:56 |
MasterShrek | np jeff121212 did you get it to work? | 04:56 |
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Ox1GeN | hi all! | 04:56 |
erUSUL | ariesas: then use the apply button | 04:56 |
ariesas | erUSUL ok | 04:56 |
MasterShrek | youness, try the alternate install cd if you cant find an option to boot without a splash | 04:56 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, its still downloading so not yet | 04:57 |
thesaint4444 | youness: what are you trying to do? | 04:57 |
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erUSUL | ariesas: as easy as it can get... no googling around no manually download... etc | 04:57 |
youness | nn i didnt fond it | 04:57 |
MasterShrek | ic jeff121212, slackware? | 04:57 |
frojnd | hello there, If I click on the site never remember password for this site... How can I change this to allways remember (in firefox) ?? | 04:57 |
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jeff121212 | MasterShrek, yep | 04:57 |
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MasterShrek | jeff121212, its a sexy distro :p | 04:57 |
erUSUL | ariesas: also check in Application>Add/Remove it is even more easy | 04:57 |
thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: any idea how to do that? :-) | 04:57 |
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ariesas | erUSUL so all the possible programs are included in Synaptic? | 04:57 |
erUSUL | ariesas: talk about "cumbersome" ;P | 04:57 |
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youness | thesaint4444: i install ubuntuand a msg display wheni start "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 04:58 |
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MasterShrek | not really thesaint4444, i suppose make a debian pacakge of the source and install it through apt, but i wouldnt know how to go about doing that | 04:58 |
mariocesar_bo | Hi all, How do I download a .deb package from the repos with out installing it? | 04:58 |
erUSUL | ariesas: not all but 95% of what anyone could need | 04:58 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, well when i get it installed mind showing me somethings? | 04:58 |
Pici | !checkinstall | MasterShrek | 04:58 |
ubotu | MasterShrek: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 04:58 |
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MasterShrek | mariocesar_bo, apt-get --help ( think the tag is -d ) | 04:58 |
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thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: yeah must be an easier way... | 04:58 |
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MasterShrek | jeff121212, sure, if im around, i may be gone most of the day,but ill be aroudn tonight for sure | 04:59 |
youness | MasterShrek: when i can found this option | 04:59 |
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thesaint4444 | youness: install how and onto what? | 04:59 |
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mariocesar_bo | MasterShrek: thanks, there is a way to do it from synaptic? | 04:59 |
mutable | Hi. I have direcotry in home where tomcat stores data. In ls output this directory it has green background. I haven't any permission to this directory, but flags shows that I should have. What's that type of file? | 04:59 |
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kst | can someone help me configure acpi? i want my notebook fan to switch off earlier (at an already higher temperature) because it's set a little bit too cold atm so my fan is running all the time | 04:59 |
Ox1GeN | i have some troubles with ndiswrapper. I have D-Link g520m PCI card, so i installed drivers, blacklisted ath_hal, ath_pci, rebooted and it was working correctly. But after last reboot Ubuntu doesn't want to load up! I've runned the recovery mode and there is smth like: BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0. Can some1 help me? Sry for my English =) | 04:59 |
linux4me | anyone? | 04:59 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, cool thanks i got 40 min left on it | 04:59 |
MasterShrek | thesaint4444, run checkinstall instead of make install according to ubotu :) | 04:59 |
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MasterShrek | mariocesar_bo, i dunno, i dont use synaptic, but i should think theres an option in there somewhere | 05:00 |
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erUSUL | !anyone | linux4me | 05:00 |
ubotu | linux4me: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:00 |
youness | thesaint4444: i install with cd ubuntu 7.04 installer and i press install ubunt but after i see the msg"trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:00 |
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mariocesar_bo | MasterShrek: thanks, I Would look | 05:00 |
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thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: checkinstall? ok, will have a look, thanks... | 05:00 |
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dr3w2morow | hey guys | 05:01 |
dr3w2morow | quick question about gmail | 05:01 |
Blue89 | hi dr3w2morow | 05:01 |
thesaint4444 | youness: is your computer old? | 05:01 |
dr3w2morow | i cant get it to go through gmail | 05:01 |
jeff121212 | how do i install and where i get the file for Knights and Merchants | 05:01 |
A_is_A | I am having a problem with beryl. IT suddenly started crashing a lot. My desktop slows to a crawl to the point I have to restart. Specifically, this has been a major issue while surfing porn. | 05:01 |
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mutable | ubotu: I have a real question :) Few lines above | 05:01 |
linux4me | erUSUL - I did ask the question! | 05:01 |
MasterShrek | mutable, ubotu is a bot | 05:01 |
mutable | XD | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | guys can anyone msg me for gmail help!!! i need it to go through to Evolution | 05:02 |
youness | thesaint4444: no its pentuim 4 ram 256 dd 20 Go | 05:02 |
MasterShrek | =p | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | but i cant find it! | 05:02 |
DM| | erUSUL its hard to believe that i cant just remote desktop into a ubuntu machine, when it has the option to do so, i have to install extra software... | 05:02 |
jeff121212 | nevermind | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | guys can anyone msg me for gmail help!!! i need it to go through to Evolution?? please | 05:02 |
Blue89 | dr3w2morow, don't repeat | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | kk | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | lol | 05:02 |
Blue89 | you're gonna get on peopl's nerves | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | sry new to linux | 05:02 |
MasterShrek | dr3w2morow, does gmail even support pop3/imap? | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | my friend got me on it | 05:02 |
dr3w2morow | and yes it does | 05:02 |
thesaint4444 | youness: that is very old... i think that might be your problem... | 05:02 |
A_is_A | Gmail supprts it | 05:02 |
MasterShrek | there should be a howto on it | 05:02 |
DM| | dr3w2morow you need to go to Gmail's help files | 05:02 |
A_is_A | go to prferences under your account, and enable it | 05:03 |
erUSUL | dr3w2morow: there are a lot of how to's on how to get gmail mail with evolution and other mail clients | 05:03 |
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MasterShrek | i would assume imap.gmail.com and smtp.gmail.com | 05:03 |
=== Liox [n=NuMb@host195-122-dynamic.21-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
A_is_A | Gmail supprts it | 05:03 |
A_is_A | I am having a problem with beryl. IT suddenly started crashing a lot. My desktop slows to a crawl to the point I have to restart. Specifically, this has been a major issue while surfing porn. | 05:03 |
DM| | MasterShrek Gmail uses pop | 05:03 |
erUSUL | MasterShrek: no, pop access | 05:03 |
Liox | hi everybody | 05:03 |
erUSUL | MasterShrek: both of them encrypted | 05:03 |
Liox | :D | 05:03 |
dr3w2morow | ahh lol | 05:03 |
neumind | how in to ftp insert file if you are on firefox? | 05:03 |
=== Liox is now known as Liox` | ||
DM| | !hi | Liox | 05:03 |
ubotu | Liox: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:03 |
IdleOne | !ohmy | A_is_A | 05:03 |
ubotu | A_is_A: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:03 |
Ox1GeN | i have some troubles with ndiswrapper. I have D-Link g520m PCI card, so i installed drivers, blacklisted ath_hal, ath_pci, rebooted and it was working correctly. But after last reboot Ubuntu doesn't want to load up! I've runned the recovery mode and there is smth like: BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0. Can some1 help me? Sry for my English =) | 05:03 |
DM| | IdleOne why did u do that | 05:04 |
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youness | thesaint4444: no befor i install it in an older computer | 05:04 |
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dr3w2morow | another question when i search P2P on my sympatic package manager it comes up blank? | 05:04 |
neumind | how in to ftp insert file if you are on firefox? | 05:04 |
Pici | !p2p | dr3w2morow | 05:04 |
ubotu | dr3w2morow: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 05:04 |
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DM| | dr3w2morow i think you should check out ubuntuguide.org | 05:05 |
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IdleOne | DM|: because porn is a offtopic subject and we have kids as young as 12 in this channel who's parents dont appreciate that kind of language. not to mention it is just ignorant to ask for help with something like that | 05:05 |
youness | MasterShrek: CAN YOU HELP ME PLZ "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:05 |
DUM | man | 05:05 |
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DM| | IdleOne well despite what he was talking about he just mentioned what he was doing when he was having the problem | 05:06 |
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ariesas | erUSUL ok i installed Bristol, but i can't find it in applications menu, where can i find it? | 05:06 |
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IdleOne | DM|: indeed and #ubuntu-effects is the best place to get help with it | 05:06 |
DM| | IdleOne and if parents cared about what their kids saw enough they wouldnt let them into IRC channels nor on the internet | 05:06 |
=== Tronyx [n=tronyx@24-148-10-186.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peterretief | how do i find attempted connections to my pc? | 05:07 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@s55935a24.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | DM|: there are also rules that the Ubuntu comunity asks all it's user to follow see !CoC | 05:07 |
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ubuntu__ | Hello? | 05:07 |
Enselic | peterretief: netstat | 05:07 |
DM| | peterretief use firestarter | 05:07 |
ubuntu__ | Can somebody helpme? | 05:07 |
Enselic | peterretief: or you mean failed ones? look into iptables | 05:07 |
youness | plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:07 |
koalaguy | !coc | 05:07 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 05:07 |
=== Yaacov [n=Ian@p57AACC26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic | ubuntu__: just ask | 05:07 |
DM| | IdleOne i know this, i was just stating my opinion on the matter | 05:07 |
Pici | !please | youness | 05:07 |
ubotu | youness: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 05:07 |
ubuntu__ | how can i come back into my own computer.. | 05:07 |
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peterretief | iptables | 05:08 |
peterretief | ok | 05:08 |
ganes1 | chmod: cannot access `qwe.rpm': No such file or directory..how do i access qwe.rpm file? | 05:08 |
erUSUL | ariesas: some apps do not create menu entries you can "call2 them from command line or with Alt+F2 | 05:08 |
temper | how to install gtalk in linex | 05:08 |
=== philipp_ [n=philipp@xdsl-87-78-217-70.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !cli | ariesas | 05:08 |
ubotu | ariesas: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 05:08 |
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philipp_ | ect | 05:08 |
IdleOne | DM|: I understand but we might disagree on the rules but still need to follow them. gotta put my new desk together be back later havea good day all | 05:08 |
ubuntu__ | Enselic? | 05:08 |
youness | problem "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:08 |
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Enselic | ubuntu__: how do you mean? | 05:08 |
erUSUL | temper: for connecting to gtalk use gaim | 05:08 |
ubuntu__ | im working from a cdrom | 05:08 |
ubuntu__ | ubuntuy | 05:09 |
ubuntu__ | ubuntu | 05:09 |
erUSUL | temper: there is no specific gtalk client for linux | 05:09 |
ubuntu__ | but without restart te computer | 05:09 |
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ubuntu__ | i want to come back in my own folders | 05:09 |
peterretief | how would i use iptables to find failed connections though? | 05:09 |
ubuntu__ | thats working on windows xp? | 05:09 |
ariesas | erUSUL thanks for that alt + f2 | 05:09 |
erUSUL | ariesas: no problem | 05:09 |
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ubuntu__ | Iemand die nederlands spreekt? | 05:10 |
erUSUL | !nl | 05:10 |
Pici | !nl | ubuntu__ | 05:10 |
ubotu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 05:10 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: please see above | 05:10 |
Enselic | ubuntu__: you mean folders that are on the harddisk? | 05:10 |
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ubuntu__ | yes | 05:10 |
ganes1 | Enselic: chmod: cannot access `qwe.rpm': No such file or directory..how do i access qwe.rpm file? | 05:10 |
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Enselic | ubuntu__: use the mount command | 05:10 |
kst | what port is hddtemp using? my desklet wont work with default port | 05:10 |
boubbin | what are the benefits for building your own kernel, can anyone point to me a doc or something where i can read about the benefits etc about it ? | 05:10 |
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ubuntu__ | whats that? | 05:11 |
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ubuntu__ | mount command? | 05:11 |
thesaint4444 | MasterShrek: thats a pretty usefull program. thanks. | 05:11 |
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Enselic | ganes1: make sure qwe.rpm is in the worksing directory | 05:11 |
Neosophist | Anyone know if theres a patch for network manager to work with my wifi rt2500 (ra0) in feisty? I have the latest release but have to use iwconfig / ifconfig to down the device, set essid / key, updevice, dhcp for it to work. network mgr just dosn't do anything but say failed, even with no encryption | 05:11 |
koalaguy | ? | 05:11 |
frojnd | If I click on the which require password: "never remember password for this site"... How can I change this to "allways remember for this site"(in firefox) ?? | 05:11 |
koalaguy | Got a real strange problem. I have a duel boot machine, WinXP64 on one drive, Ubuntu on the other. When I shut down windows the network light on my DSL modem goes off and booting into Linux does not restore it, so no access to the modem or internet is possible. Can't figure out the cause of this. | 05:11 |
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Enselic | boubbin: you very rarely need to build your own kernel. on some rare occations you might need to build kernel _modules_ though | 05:12 |
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ubuntu__ | what is the mount command guys? | 05:12 |
erUSUL | ubuntu__: for a ext3 partition? | 05:12 |
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ubuntu__ | yes | 05:12 |
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DM| | dr3w2morow u can use firestarter, and look at the events tab | 05:12 |
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ubuntu__ | yes erusul | 05:12 |
gabriel | hola | 05:12 |
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erUSUL | ubuntu__: mount -t ext3 /dev/xxxx /mount/point | 05:12 |
DM| | !hi | gabriel | 05:12 |
ubotu | gabriel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:12 |
erUSUL | !es | gabriel | 05:12 |
ubotu | gabriel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:13 |
ubuntu__ | where do i need to give up this command? | 05:13 |
Neosophist | ubuntu__: mount -t ext3 /dev/whatever /mount/point | 05:13 |
DM| | erUSUL question, can i use ubuntu as a ! hi ? | 05:13 |
ganes1 | Enselic:its in desktop..the terminal is ganesh@ganesh-desktop:~$ | 05:13 |
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LadyNikon | !hi | 05:13 |
gabriel | hi | 05:13 |
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DM| | erUSUL i do it in other channels but i dont know if ill get my head bitten off | 05:13 |
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erUSUL | DM|: use ubotu? yes anyone can | 05:13 |
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Neosophist | i'm just thinking that theres some inherent coding wrong with networkmgr as it works through commandline :S | 05:13 |
erUSUL | DM|: but | 05:13 |
DM| | erUsul no no i mean to say .!hi |erUSUL | 05:13 |
gabriel | alguien me puede decir como instalo las cosas en linux | 05:13 |
ariesas | erUSUL i want to make another partition using Gnome partition editor, but it doesn't let me, should i run it as a root or something? | 05:14 |
who1 | can ny1 plz tell me how to use gcc..... | 05:14 |
who1 | plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 05:14 |
DM| | !es | gabriel | 05:14 |
ubotu | gabriel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:14 |
who1 | plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 05:14 |
erUSUL | DM|: yes you can | 05:14 |
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Pici | !compile | who1 | 05:14 |
ubotu | who1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 05:14 |
DM| | erUSUL okie | 05:14 |
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erUSUL | gabriel: haz "/join #ubuntu-es" en el cliente irc | 05:14 |
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spawnsworld | hi | 05:14 |
ubuntu__ | mount -t ext3 /dev/xxxx /mount/point | 05:14 |
spawnsworld | everyone | 05:14 |
who1 | how do i compile? | 05:14 |
ubuntu__ | where do i give up this command? | 05:15 |
erUSUL | who1: gcc file.c | 05:15 |
spawnsworld | anyone use compiz fusion | 05:15 |
ubuntu__ | cant see command prompt | 05:15 |
who1 | 1 sec | 05:15 |
erUSUL | ubuntu__: in terminal | 05:15 |
ubuntu__ | keej | 05:15 |
erUSUL | ubotu tell ubuntu__ about cli | ubuntu__ see priv msg from ubotu | 05:15 |
Pici | !effects | spawnsworld | 05:15 |
ubotu | spawnsworld: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 05:15 |
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DM| | spawnsworld If you have questions about compiz please join #compiz-fusion channel | 05:15 |
Neosophist | ubuntu__: in the terminal | 05:15 |
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youness | problem"trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:16 |
noelferreira_ | how to convert .amr sound files to mp3? | 05:16 |
erUSUL | ariesas: yes you should use it with "gksu gparted" | 05:16 |
youness | install"trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:16 |
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ubuntu__ | yes | 05:16 |
andrer | a friend has a server on a HOSTING site (dedicated server) that is going to "out of memory, process killed" state after it reboots... since this is a remote installation, how could one start with a "safe mode" that won't start most programs so he can debug the thing? | 05:17 |
erUSUL | ariesas: alt +f2 and then "gksu gparted" | 05:17 |
ubuntu__ | but the terminal didnt reconize the root | 05:17 |
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ubuntu__ | only root can do that | 05:17 |
ubuntu__ | is what i see | 05:17 |
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spawnsworld | thnx | 05:17 |
ubuntu__ | mount: only root can do that | 05:17 |
youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:17 |
ariesas | erUSUL thanks | 05:17 |
WaltzingAlong | noelferreira_: what have you used to play .amr files? | 05:17 |
erUSUL | ariesas: also kee in mind that you can not edit mounted partitions so you may need to make this from a livecd | 05:17 |
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youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:17 |
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Neosophist | ubuntu__: sudo then type that command | 05:18 |
erUSUL | ubuntu__: use "sudo -i" to get a "rooted shell" | 05:18 |
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youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:18 |
youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:18 |
youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:18 |
noelferreira_ | nothing WaltzingAlong tha't my mobile | 05:18 |
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erUSUL | ubuntu__: in livecd you have a blank password iirci | 05:18 |
youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:18 |
ubuntu__ | oke | 05:18 |
ubuntu__ | let me see | 05:18 |
gnomefreak | youness: stop repeating | 05:18 |
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thesaint4444 | lol ... | 05:18 |
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noelferreira_ | WaltzingAlong, any idea? | 05:19 |
youness | gnomefreak: wath is the solution of my problem | 05:19 |
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Neosophist | no-one knows about networkmanager and rt2500 based cards then with feisty, not working? | 05:19 |
erUSUL | youness: you are a clear case of "if nobody knows the answer nobody will answer..." sorry of not being of any help | 05:19 |
erUSUL | Neosophist: the legacy driver of rt2500 does not use wpa supplicant (wext) so you have to use iwpriv for things like WPA | 05:20 |
=== Oni-Dracula|lapp [n=Oni@adsl-250-160-50.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | Neosophist: nm does not support it | 05:20 |
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fevel | youness, have you tried your distros community? | 05:20 |
ariesas | erUSUL i can't create a new partition in Gparted | 05:20 |
youness | erUSUL: are good in wath if you dont know the solution of problems | 05:20 |
gnomefreak | youness: your problem is not stated clearly nor has the info for anyone to help with it. a couple of reasons your card doesnt support framebuffer you are using vesa drivers or another generic driver | 05:21 |
ePax | noelferreira_: realplayer and quicktime | 05:21 |
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=== hero_ [n=hero@host113-98-static.57-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youness | ok thank you | 05:21 |
frojnd | !opera | 05:21 |
noelferreira_ | ePax, i just need to convert not listen to .amr | 05:21 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 05:21 |
=== joni [n=joni@dsl-olubrasgw1-fe56fb00-43.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | gnomefreak: he gets the error when he tries to boot the instaler | 05:21 |
gnomefreak | erUSUL: ah use the alternate | 05:21 |
Enselic | noelferreira_: use ffmpeg to convert from .amr, that should work | 05:21 |
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Enselic | gtg, ciao | 05:22 |
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gnomefreak | erUSUL: it doesnt recognize your card | 05:22 |
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fevel | gnomefreak, thats a good idea | 05:22 |
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noelferreira_ | Enselic, don't work | 05:22 |
Neosophist | erUSUL: ah yeah | 05:22 |
erUSUL | gnomefreak: talk to youness ;) | 05:22 |
=== Skelet0n [n=1337skel@86-45-66-12.b-ras2.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== ANOON [n=test21@ip57-23-211-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skelet0n | !fsck | 05:22 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 05:22 |
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Neosophist | erUSUL: I know about WPA supplicant, I don't use wifi-encrption, just mac filtering as i have some legacy devices that don't support encription | 05:22 |
youness | erUSUL: just hepl me | 05:23 |
ANOON | #ubuntu-nl | 05:23 |
youness | problem install ubuntu "trying to enable the frame buffer" | 05:23 |
ANOON | oosp :p | 05:23 |
ubuntu__ | if i want to save something on my computer, but im working with a livedisk, how can i open or see that document, when im working back on windows xp? | 05:23 |
gnomefreak | youness: see what i said up there | 05:23 |
youness | yes i see | 05:23 |
Neosophist | youness: your computer sucks :P | 05:23 |
Neosophist | done :) | 05:23 |
youness | but i dont tink so | 05:23 |
DM|_ | . | 05:23 |
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WaltzingAlong | noelferreira_: where were you getting the .amr files? does mplayer or vlc play them? | 05:23 |
ubuntu__ | where can i safe it.. | 05:23 |
erUSUL | youness: i do not know what to do to stop the booting kernel from loading the fb module sorry | 05:23 |
ePax | noelferreira_: Ok. Just google and you will find bunch of programs for converting amr files. Then use Wine, | 05:23 |
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Neosophist | AMR? adaptive multirate encoding, usually from mobiles, 3gpp type audio | 05:23 |
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youness | erUSUL ok thanks | 05:24 |
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heaven | anyone PM me please and let me know what repository you are getting wine from i can't find it | 05:24 |
erUSUL | youness: if i could i have already tried to help you | 05:24 |
gnomefreak | youness: download the alternative cd and install from that | 05:24 |
DM|_ | erUsul is there anyway to get rid of the join and leave messages from other peopl | 05:25 |
Neosophist | try booting hte live cd too | 05:25 |
sebastian | is there a real-player plugin for gstreamer? | 05:25 |
Neosophist | could be hardware issuesl | 05:25 |
gnomefreak | youness: there is nothing that we can do for your issue | 05:25 |
=== ChaosMachine [n=jer@ip24-252-207-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neosophist | maybe memory | 05:25 |
jeff121212 | how do i install scourge-0.19.data.tar.gz | 05:25 |
youness | erUSUL: i know i know rak 3ziz alah ihafdo | 05:25 |
Neosophist | youness: download something like memtest and test your ram if your still having problems | 05:25 |
=== MStublefield [n=spiritgo@cent-matthew.MissouriState.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | DM|_: what irc client do you use? | 05:25 |
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DM|_ | erUsul im deciding between xchat and gnome x chat, do both have the option | 05:25 |
MStublefield | Hey everyone. had a question about the OOXML Translator for OpenOffice.org (http://ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com/2007/09/openofficeorg-openxml-translator.html). Anyone know where I can find licensing information on it? | 05:25 |
ePax | erUSUL: Xchat (not gnome xchat) | 05:26 |
erUSUL | DM|_: right click on the channel tab | 05:26 |
MStublefield | I know that Novell's translator is licensed through their agreement with Microsoft... wasn't sure where Ubuntu's came from. | 05:26 |
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ePax | Woups | 05:26 |
ePax | (; | 05:26 |
DM|_ | erUsul ok | 05:26 |
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DM|_ | erUSUL got it thanks, Xchat it is | 05:26 |
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arcad3 | hi...i have a PC runnig ubuntu (dhcp,iptables) that works like a router for 2 PC ,s i asked my ISp to give me 2 IP ,s ....HOW CAN he do that ?:) | 05:28 |
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ariesas | erUSUL why does GPart doesn't let me to create a new partition | 05:28 |
Pici | MStublefield: Perhaps ask in #openoffice.org | 05:28 |
MStublefield | Alright Pici, thanks. | 05:28 |
youness | erUSUL: wa fink ghbarti 3lina | 05:28 |
erUSUL | ariesas: do you have the fre space aviable in the disk? | 05:28 |
dfgas | any pros that run dual monitor span with a nvidia 5200lp? | 05:28 |
erUSUL | youness: ?? | 05:28 |
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youness | erUSUL: u ar from morrocco | 05:29 |
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=== insub [n=insub@bas7-montrealak-1167896461.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ariesas | erUSUL all i have is two partitions, one ntfs and oe ext3 , i would like to shrink one of them... and to creeate a new one | 05:29 |
erUSUL | youness: no, a little bit north >> Spain | 05:29 |
insub | Hi! How can i install Apache on Ubuntu | 05:29 |
Pici | insub: apt-get install apache2 | 05:29 |
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erUSUL | ariesas: you have to first shrink a partition once you have empty space you can create anew partition | 05:30 |
Pici | !apache > insub (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 05:30 |
linux4me | insub - you might need "sudo" if you are not root | 05:30 |
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heaven | anyone PM me please and let me know what repository you are getting wine from i can't find it | 05:30 |
insub | Of course | 05:30 |
insub | but another question | 05:30 |
=== heaven brb | ||
insub | it seems i cannot download a few updates i need | 05:30 |
insub | why is that | 05:30 |
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ariesas | erUSUL whe i press the right menu button, i can't select the otpions, they are grey, all i can do i unmount and manage flags, but not to shrink the partition :/ | 05:30 |
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=== heaven back | ||
erUSUL | ariesas: if the partitions are mounted you can not edit them | 05:31 |
youness | erUSUL: visca barca | 05:31 |
heguru | MStublefield: its the same Novell odf-converter repackaged for debian/ubuntu | 05:31 |
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DM|_ | erUSUL anyway to do it in gnome x chat? im blind as it is and regular xchat is just too small for me | 05:31 |
insub | is there a way to change the downloading server for ubuntu | 05:31 |
jeff121212 | MasterShrek, u there? | 05:31 |
erUSUL | ariesas: you have to do it from a liveCD (the one you used to install ubuntu works fine) | 05:31 |
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=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ariesas | erUSUL :The partition could not be unmounted from the following mountpoints: | 05:32 |
ariesas | ok | 05:32 |
WaltzingAlong | insub: yes you could use any of several mirrors | 05:32 |
erUSUL | DM|_: dunno, i thought both had the same options regarding this... (btw i use irssi) | 05:32 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-204-095.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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thesaint4444 | hey guys, still struggling to install postfix-mysql by itself... any ideas? only seems to be available as part of postfix package.... | 05:33 |
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linux4me | insub - you have to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file | 05:33 |
dr3w2morow | i just downloaded gtk-gnutella where can i find it on my menu? | 05:33 |
WaltzingAlong | insub: you could also change the sources through the gui; adept or synaptic | 05:33 |
Pici | insub: or go to System>Adiministration>Software Sources | 05:34 |
WaltzingAlong | dr3w2morow: internet? | 05:34 |
cristobal | hola | 05:34 |
youness | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:34 |
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dr3w2morow | i would find it on the internet? | 05:34 |
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youness | erUSUL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:34 |
insub | there | 05:34 |
=== rgrullon [n=rgrullon@adsl-233-20-134.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ariesas | erUSUL i could say it takes a while to get used to ubuntu | 05:34 |
ariesas | it's not straightfoward | 05:34 |
insub | i found a ber fast ubuntu download server | 05:34 |
youness | erUSUL: thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:35 |
cristobal | do you speak spanish | 05:35 |
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vich | curse fglrx | 05:35 |
=== ArmedKing [n=king@cable-213-34-249-77.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youness | MasterShrek: thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:35 |
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cristobal | hi anto | 05:35 |
bobdrakken | is there not a k3b room | 05:35 |
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ariesas | if i knew linux is so hard i would never have installed it | 05:36 |
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bobdrakken | I could of swore there used to be one | 05:36 |
vich | LOL ariesas | 05:36 |
erUSUL | ariesas: the same happens the other way around ;) i have my gripes when i *have* to use windows ;P | 05:36 |
=== Xyhthyx [n=Xyhthyx@adsl-72-50-54-230.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !es | cristobal | 05:36 |
ubotu | cristobal: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:36 |
=== Matthias_ [n=matthias@p548C95A5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobdrakken | when you want to burn a dvd... with k3b the video file needs to be what .. mp4 right | 05:36 |
insub | how do i get MySQL for Ubuntu | 05:36 |
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vich | sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.0 | 05:36 |
Xyhthyx | How do I find out what module my eth card is using? | 05:36 |
vich | or sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 | 05:36 |
apac_ | hello.how would i setup django to server admin media files from apache.iam stuck | 05:36 |
erUSUL | !info mysql-server | insub | 05:36 |
anto | Xyhthyx, ifconfig | 05:36 |
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vich | !info mysql-server | vich | 05:37 |
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linux4me | insub - may i recommed ubuntu fiesty 7.04, it gives you a LAMP (linux apache mysql php) in about 15 mins! | 05:37 |
ubotu | insub: mysql-server: mysql database server (meta package depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.38-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 46 kB, installed size 84 kB | 05:37 |
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cristobal | hi how can i read my tex in spanish | 05:37 |
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vich | fascinating | 05:37 |
erUSUL | ubotu tell insub about lamp | insub see priv msg from ubotu | 05:37 |
Xyhthyx | anto: Oh, thanks. Didn't know it was there | 05:37 |
jeroen__ | hey peepz | 05:37 |
Xyhthyx | . | 05:37 |
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jeroen__ | uhm somehow Ubuntu doesn't show my USB flishdrive | 05:37 |
vich | I love ubotu | 05:37 |
vich | what was it written in? | 05:37 |
jeroen__ | it shows up in LSUSB | 05:37 |
maconith | i wonder whether or not i should ubuntu my macbook | 05:37 |
WaltzingAlong | insub: sudo aptitude install mysql-server ? | 05:37 |
erUSUL | !botsnack | 05:37 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 05:37 |
jeroen__ | but that's it | 05:37 |
anto | Can somone help me install my nvidia card again? | 05:37 |
insub | last question: hoy do i get php and phpMyAdmin | 05:37 |
maconith | vich: all new users to ubuntu love ubuntu | 05:38 |
maconith | it's really not all that facinating | 05:38 |
anto | After generic kernel update it dosen't work | 05:38 |
vich | I'm not new | 05:38 |
vich | so take that | 05:38 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:38 |
WaltzingAlong | maconith: | 05:38 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:38 |
erUSUL | insub: with apt or synaptic the same way you install everything else | 05:38 |
compilerwriter | insub apt-get install <package> | 05:38 |
vich | I'm also an irc-bot coder | 05:38 |
WaltzingAlong | wahta bout ubotu? i think vich mentioned the bot rather than the distribution | 05:38 |
vich | it is very fascinating | 05:38 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:38 |
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maconith | vich: you're an irc-bot coder? | 05:38 |
maconith | wow.. | 05:38 |
insub | ok | 05:38 |
insub | thx | 05:38 |
insub | :) | 05:38 |
vich | not professionally | 05:38 |
Pici | !bot | vich | 05:38 |
ubotu | vich: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:38 |
linux4me | Insub - sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin | 05:39 |
jeroen__ | man frick! | 05:39 |
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vich | not that it would be a profession | 05:39 |
maconith | do you know what a slab allocator is? | 05:39 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:39 |
vich | silence | 05:39 |
Pici | vich: its a supybot, read the usage info for.. well, more info | 05:39 |
vich | it's late | 05:39 |
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maconith | i thought not | 05:39 |
=== maconith is away -- class | ||
vich | cheers Pici | 05:39 |
jeroen__ | my usb stick can't be used! | 05:39 |
linux4me | anyone know where I can find an LVS howto for ubuntu fiesty? | 05:39 |
Xyhthyx | Hibernating kills my networking (net devices unrecognizable), is there a workaround to getting them back? | 05:39 |
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phk | .. | 05:39 |
erUSUL | linux4me: LVM? | 05:39 |
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youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:40 |
jeroen__ | please help me out! | 05:40 |
linux4me | erUSUL - no, LVS, linux virtual server | 05:40 |
jeroen__ | my USB stick MUST WORK! | 05:40 |
=== hilikus5 [n=hilikus@psych-miller-lab1.Concordia.CA] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !doesnt work | jeroen__ | 05:40 |
ubotu | jeroen__: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 05:40 |
Oassive | Anyone know how long until RadeonHD is equal to fglrx in terms of performance? | 05:40 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hilikus5 | is anacron functional by default? | 05:40 |
vich | anyone here with experience setting up fglrx on feisty amd64? I had it all working nicely on the 32bit version, but now if I switch to fglrx (I've installed the latest version via that nice wiki) I cannot reach the login screen, I get blackness | 05:40 |
vich | and "no signal" on the monitor | 05:40 |
hilikus5 | i had some jobs when my server was off, and its been on for 4 hours and it hasnt run them | 05:40 |
jeroen__ | well I plug it in, the light start blinking but Ubuntu doesn't show a new drive(letter) | 05:40 |
hilikus5 | do i need to configure something? | 05:40 |
jeroen__ | windows shows it........ | 05:41 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:41 |
arcad3 | how to bridege eth0 to eth1 ? | 05:41 |
maconith | jeroen__: it's not a great problem, it'll work eventually.. | 05:41 |
maconith | it's rather simple | 05:41 |
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maconith | post your dmesg | last | 05:41 |
jeroen__ | yeah but that's what I need help with | 05:41 |
linux4me | jeroen__ - have you mounted the usb drive? | 05:41 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:41 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:41 |
youness | thats the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476326 | 05:41 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 05:41 |
=== skyrocker67 [n=paul@adsl-69-217-163-131.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen__ | doesn't ubuntu have automount | 05:41 |
vich | spamming much? | 05:41 |
maconith | youness: well, jeroen__ evidently wants first hand help | 05:41 |
WaltzingAlong | jeroen__: have you been looking for C: ? | 05:41 |
jeroen__ | if not, how is that done? | 05:41 |
=== Arkian [n=migger@2404ds1-ksa.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maconith | real time | 05:41 |
erUSUL | jeroen__: open a terminal and type 'tail -f /var/log/messages' then plug the usb stick and whatch the new messages printed | 05:41 |
=== Saelynh [n=saelynh@cha92-11-82-243-247-67.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | jeroen__: one of them should say the device name | 05:42 |
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linux4me | jeroen__ - google it please | 05:42 |
erUSUL | jeroen__: yes it should have been automounted | 05:42 |
youness | i will try alternate cd thanks | 05:43 |
jeroen__ | ok........uhm so where is the pastebin? so you can look at the messages | 05:43 |
=== KevlarSoul [n=Kevlar@cpe-70-112-62-232.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skyrocker67 | just found out there is no support for the broadcom 1390chipset after downloadin all the ndis stuff is there any other approch? | 05:43 |
Pici | !paste | jeroen__ | 05:43 |
ubotu | jeroen__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:43 |
hilikus5 | do i need to schedule things in anacron as well as in cron? | 05:43 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KevlarSoul | I try to use the install disk and it tells me there is a Xfer error 0x40 | 05:44 |
jeroen__ | there it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40073/ | 05:44 |
web_knows | hi o/ | 05:44 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 05:44 |
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erUSUL | jeroen__: so the stick is recogniced but not icon on the desktop? weird | 05:44 |
jeroen__ | yeah indeed | 05:45 |
erUSUL | jeroen__: try 'pmount /dev/sdb1' | 05:45 |
dryrot | hilikus5: cron assumes your machine is up all the time 24/7, anacron does not assume this | 05:45 |
jeroen__ | same goes for my mp3 player | 05:45 |
=== wildur [n=wildur@1-2-2-8a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen__ | I think it has something to do with the NTFS3G thing | 05:45 |
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-75-248.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dryrot | hilikus5: what kind of machine are you using ? | 05:45 |
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Bo^Dick | hi | 05:45 |
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jeroen__ | hmm it detected my mp3 player | 05:45 |
=== acecase [n=fu@24-176-146-177.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | jeroen__: they use ntfs ? | 05:45 |
Bo^Dick | is there a way i can determine the specifications of my alsa driver? | 05:46 |
acecase | gibbon is getting a HUGE update rite now. It did a lot for stability yesterday so hopefully this one will seal it up :) | 05:46 |
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cave | r irc.globalchat.org | 05:47 |
jeroen__ | no but the automounting started doing weird after NTFS3G was installed | 05:47 |
Bo^Dick | how else would i be able to determine if the driver can use the full 24-bit audio dynamics resolution? | 05:47 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 05:47 |
jeroen__ | this is what Pmount gave me: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40076/ | 05:47 |
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thesaint4444 | does anyone know how to make apt-get think an unmet dependency is met? | 05:48 |
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GabrielCaneca | How I configure my ADSL? | 05:48 |
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GabrielCaneca | How I configure my ADSL? | 05:48 |
GabrielCaneca | ops... | 05:48 |
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erUSUL | !adsl | GabrielCaneca | 05:48 |
ubotu | GabrielCaneca: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 05:48 |
GabrielCaneca | Thank you | 05:48 |
Xyhthyx | Hibernating kills my networking (net devices unrecognizable), is there a workaround to getting it back? | 05:48 |
jeroen__ | I think I know what it is...........my freecom drive normally is SDB1........and that's an external hd that's got NTFS | 05:48 |
acecase | thesaint4444, do you meen install without installing it? | 05:48 |
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Bo^Dick | is there a way i can see what performance my alsa driver supports? | 05:48 |
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heaven | anyone PM me please and let me know what repository you are getting wine from i can't find it. Forgot to mention im using AMD 64 and ubuntu x64 | 05:49 |
Bo^Dick | is there a way i can tell if my soundcard alsa driver supports different recording and playback formats? | 05:49 |
jeroen__ | I think I know what it is...........my freecom drive normally is SDB1........and that's an external hd that's got NTFS | 05:49 |
neverblue | heaven, consult 'ubuntu guide' via google | 05:50 |
jeroen__ | got it | 05:50 |
jeroen__ | it was the freecomHD that was bothering me | 05:50 |
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thep33t | heaven, just grab the feisty one | 05:50 |
acecase | heaven, or the ubuntu wiki (again via google) | 05:50 |
erUSUL | heaven: deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main | 05:50 |
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Xyhthyx | heaven: www.winehq.com has the repo in it's download section somewhere. | 05:50 |
jeroen__ | one line in the fstab | 05:50 |
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jeroen__ | it was the line that made it possible to write on my external harddrive | 05:51 |
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Bo^Dick | maybe linux doesn't support all audio formats? | 05:51 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, what exactly is the problem? | 05:51 |
jeroen__ | I'll just have to add it to the fstab......if I wanna write to my external HD | 05:51 |
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jeroen__ | now I can use my usb flash disk | 05:51 |
Bo^Dick | acecase: i'm not saying i've got a problem but i just wanna know what my alsa driver is capable of | 05:52 |
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heguru | Xyhthyx: try adding your network card module name to /etc/default/acpi-suppport MODULES= | 05:52 |
kelvin | hackersinc | 05:52 |
heaven | winehq.com isn't working | 05:52 |
elliotjhug | Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has had any success with Lotus Symphony in Feisty? It def. not working in gutsy atm, so I want to know how specific it is. | 05:52 |
acecase | Bo^Dick, ic. I'm sure there is a way. I'm also sure that was helpful :) | 05:52 |
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Bo^Dick | lol | 05:52 |
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dr3w2morow | Help... when i launch GTk Gnutella it does nothing | 05:53 |
malajenho | hi, i'm trying to extract music cd's with sound juicer to MP3, I edit the preferences and Add mp3 parameters but I can't select MP3, where is the problem ?? | 05:53 |
Bo^Dick | the sound recorder inside ubuntu appears to primitive to support a user defined audio format | 05:53 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 05:53 |
acecase | Bo^Dick, try amixer? | 05:53 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, if you run amixer with no options or switches it will show the capabilities etc. at least it would way back when :) | 05:54 |
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john_doe | where can I find out how to get my usb sound card to work. It's in /proc/asound/cards but I can't get any sound through to it. | 05:56 |
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Bo^Dick | maybe i should download a non-textbased mixer instead | 05:56 |
erUSUL | !sound | john_doe | 05:56 |
ubotu | john_doe: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:56 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, :) | 05:56 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, CLI is your friend :) | 05:57 |
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Jumbalia | So I installed NVIDIA drivers. everything was working great, then I restarted my computer. Now xserver cannot start because it says "failed to start X server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output?" and the major error in the output was "screens found, but none have a usable configuration" | 05:57 |
Jumbalia | how do I reset x | 05:57 |
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Bo^Dick | acecase: i agree | 05:57 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, think of CLI as a friend who drinks a lot growing up, forcing you to give him rides all the time, but then later he gets rich and buys you a chopper :) | 05:58 |
erUSUL | Jumbalia: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' | 05:58 |
john_doe | erUSUL: thanks, but I don't have any problems with my onboard card. | 05:58 |
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john_doe | erUSUL: it's not sound in general, it's using two cards.... | 05:58 |
youness | i m back with the solution | 05:58 |
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heguru | acecase: that analogy of CLI should be added to ubotu factoid db :P | 05:59 |
youness | erUSUL: i m back with the solution | 05:59 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 05:59 |
youness | MasterShrek: i m back with the solution | 05:59 |
prestosd | Hey, whenever I exit a game it freezes (the game, not the desktop). | 05:59 |
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acecase | heguru, lol that was poetic wasn't it :D | 06:00 |
Bo^Dick | actually i've got a graphical mixer in ubuntu | 06:00 |
Pici | youness: whats the solution, I'm curious | 06:00 |
frojnd | How can I figure it out what application is using my flash drive? cause I can't unmount it because of that... ?? | 06:00 |
Jumbalia | erUSUL: Same errors | 06:00 |
jeff121212 | what is something fun i can do in ubuntu? | 06:00 |
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Jumbalia | after I recofngiure | 06:00 |
thesaint4444 | does anyone know how to build from source and then turn that source into a .deb? | 06:00 |
Pici | thesaint4444: use checkinstall. | 06:00 |
prestosd | Hey, whenever I exit a game it freezes (the game, not the desktop)...any ideas? I do not have 3d desktop effects on/ | 06:00 |
djm62 | frojnd: lsof | grep yourdrive | 06:00 |
Pici | !checkinstall > thesaint4444 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu) | 06:00 |
Bo^Dick | but i can't see anything about the audio format | 06:01 |
djm62 | frojnd: might need options on lsof | 06:01 |
=== Hilikus [i=aa@psych-miller-lab1.Concordia.CA] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youness | when you boot from the cd you have the menu you press esc and enter install fb=false | 06:01 |
Hilikus | where are the user's crontabs stored? | 06:01 |
prestosd | !money | 06:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about money - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:01 |
prestosd | lol | 06:01 |
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youness | erUSUL: when you boot from the cd you have the menu you press esc and enter install fb=false | 06:01 |
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Hilikus | /etc/crontab are the system-wide schedules | 06:01 |
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youness | MasterShrek: when you boot from the cd you have the menu you press esc and enter install fb=false | 06:02 |
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eloquence | can somebody help me with an apt-get update issue? something having to do with gpg keys: http://pastebin.ca/730848 | 06:02 |
Poromenos | How can I share a directory with samba with authentication? | 06:02 |
prestosd | !Ubuntu | 06:02 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 06:02 |
Bo^Dick | and besides that, the amixer command didn't supply information about samplerate and resolution | 06:02 |
Poromenos | eloquence: you need to add the key to your keyring | 06:02 |
acecase | Bo^Dick, alsa driver shouldn't effect the supported audio format should it? | 06:02 |
Jumbalia | So I installed NVIDIA drivers. everything was working great, then I restarted my computer. Now xserver cannot start because it says "failed to start X server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output?" and the major error in the output was "screens found, but none have a usable configuration" | 06:02 |
prestosd | !computers | 06:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about computers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:02 |
prestosd | xD | 06:02 |
eloquence | where do i find th ekey? | 06:02 |
Jumbalia | I already did dkpg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 06:02 |
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eloquence | froto doesnt have it | 06:02 |
prestosd | Hey, whenever I exit a game it freezes (the game, not the desktop)...any ideas? I do not have 3d desktop effects on/ | 06:02 |
Poromenos | eloquence: hmm, good question... that shouldn't happen | 06:02 |
Bo^Dick | acecase: maybe not | 06:02 |
Poromenos | can you live without backports for a bit? | 06:03 |
eloquence | i thought it was a public thing | 06:03 |
Poromenos | !samba | 06:03 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 06:03 |
eloquence | i guess so | 06:03 |
scrumpy | scrumpy.gums | 06:03 |
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eloquence | i just wanna install wine | 06:03 |
Poromenos | eloquence: you should be ok | 06:03 |
pavs | ubotu doesnt know anything about computers... that doesnt sound right... | 06:03 |
Poromenos | just remove the lines with backports in them from your sources.list | 06:03 |
eloquence | and had lots issues trying to install it so i removed a few sources from my list | 06:03 |
freezerburn | what should I use to extract RAR files? | 06:03 |
prestosd | Hey, whenever I exit a game it freezes (the game, not the desktop)...any ideas? I do not have 3d desktop effects on.. | 06:03 |
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eloquence | ok cool | 06:03 |
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frojnd | djm62: hm... I tryed lsof | grep /dev/sdc1 but still this error: An application is preventing the volume from being unmounted. | 06:03 |
acecase | Bo^Dick, by the time a "sound" gets to ALSA it is "raw" and alsa just tells the sound card what to make the speakers sound like :) | 06:03 |
djm62 | frojnd: what output does lsof | grep sdc1 give you? | 06:04 |
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Poromenos | Can anyone help me with sharing a dir with Samba? | 06:04 |
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prestosd | Hey, whenever I exit a game it freezes (the game, not the desktop)...any ideas? I do not have 3d desktop effects on...I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 (fully updated) gnome DE on a PPC | 06:04 |
frojnd | djm62: none | 06:04 |
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youness | thanks for all and see u | 06:04 |
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Bo^Dick | acecase: m'key | 06:04 |
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nate_ | as anyone had problems getting compiz fusion to work on gutsy 7.10??? | 06:04 |
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freezerburn | anyone, I tried to use Archive manager to extract some rar files but it did not recognize the format | 06:04 |
Jumbalia | So I installed NVIDIA drivers. everything was working great, then I restarted my computer. Now xserver cannot start because it says "failed to start X server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output?" and the major error in the output was "screens found, but none have a usable configuration" | 06:04 |
Jumbalia | I already did dkpg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 06:04 |
djm62 | frojnd: just grep sdc1, not /dev/sdc1 | 06:04 |
thesaint4444 | Pici: many thanks, will give that a go. then apt-get should think the dependency is met? | 06:04 |
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acecase | Bo^Dick, that was the technical explanation :) | 06:04 |
spr0k3t | freezerburn: you have to have the non-free rar installed for some rar archives to work | 06:04 |
anto | Jumbalia, what dose it say?? | 06:04 |
ariesas | Jumbalia switch back to windows:) | 06:05 |
Pici | thesaint4444: To be honest, I'm not sure. | 06:05 |
frojnd | djm62: still nothing... | 06:05 |
Jumbalia | what does what say anto | 06:05 |
anto | Be right back | 06:05 |
guest__ | hello , can someone know good package (Software) for format HDDS on graphic mode ? | 06:05 |
djm62 | frojnd: oh.... that ain't good | 06:05 |
peterretief | how do i read /var/log/faillog | 06:05 |
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prestosd | ariesas: Jumbalia's too smart for that | 06:05 |
frojnd | djm62: hm.. yes very interesting := | 06:05 |
ariesas | :DDD | 06:05 |
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spr0k3t | freezerburn: just do a search for "rar" in the package manager to find it. | 06:05 |
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Bo^Dick | is anyone on this channel a music maker? | 06:05 |
neverblue | sshd[7563] : Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN <-- I receive this error when connecting to my Ubuntu box, from another, google didnt come up with many results, anyone want to offer ideas ? (taken from /var/log/auth.log) | 06:05 |
ariesas | all u linux fans think u are very samrt because u r using linux? | 06:06 |
prestosd | Bo^Dick: I do some music making... | 06:06 |
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anto | Ariesas, got a problem with that? | 06:06 |
acecase | guest__, to work with HardDrives is graphics mode you would propably like gparted. If that is what you meant | 06:06 |
Bo^Dick | prestosd: what sequencer do you use? | 06:06 |
ariesas | all i can say that linux is far form user friendly | 06:06 |
Pici | freezerburn: install the `unrar` package, not unrar-free. | 06:06 |
prestosd | Bo^Dick: Sequencer? | 06:06 |
LinuxJuggalo | !offtopic | ariesas | 06:06 |
ubotu | ariesas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:06 |
peterretief | ariesas: thats right | 06:06 |
anto | ariesas, and your from smart | 06:06 |
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djm62 | frojnd: is it definitely still mounted? | 06:06 |
jeroen__ | thanx peepz | 06:06 |
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prestosd | Bo^Dick: lol, I use GarageBand xD | 06:06 |
jeroen__ | It works now | 06:06 |
ariesas | :D | 06:06 |
acecase | ariesas, I'm smart because I know math and redeing | 06:06 |
ariesas | i know math too | 06:07 |
Pici | freezerburn: unrar-free cannot handle multi-part rar files very well / at all | 06:07 |
nate_ | has anyone had any problems getting the extra effects enabled on gutsy 7.10 Beta?? | 06:07 |
Bo^Dick | anyone knows of a linux complement to cubase? | 06:07 |
prestosd | acecase ariesas CUT OUT THE CAT FIGHTING | 06:07 |
acecase | :) | 06:07 |
Pici | nate_: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please. | 06:07 |
jeroen__ | The only thing I have to do now........when I wanna write on my NTFS formatted external HD, I have to add a line to my fstab | 06:07 |
elliotjhug | Can anyone remind me whereabouts the 3D window setting is in compizconfig? | 06:07 |
prestosd | acecase: :) | 06:07 |
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frojnd | djm62: yesm cause I can still delete files from it.. | 06:07 |
nate_ | sorry..thanks | 06:07 |
Jumbalia | how do I rebuild my xconfig file so that it is just like it was when I had a fresh install | 06:07 |
=== hoa3r [n=gerome@p5B055A57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acecase | Gutsy is rite there. Anyone waiting for the official release? | 06:08 |
anto | Jumbalia, dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 06:08 |
djm62 | frojnd: my guess would be that nautilus is sitting on it, but I really don't know how | 06:08 |
frojnd | Jumbalia: it's a wise move to make a backup before playing with xorg.. | 06:08 |
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Hilikus | anacron is not running my users' jobs, just the system wide jobs, how do i fix that | 06:08 |
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frojnd | djm62: so logout will help.. | 06:08 |
anto | or ls /etc/X11/ | grep xorg.conf and look for the oldest version of it and copy it back | 06:08 |
bXi | hi | 06:08 |
Poromenos | How can I make a samba share authenticate with a specific user? | 06:08 |
Pici | acecase: Gutsy is still getting updates, we are advising people to wait for the release. | 06:08 |
elliotjhug | !hi | bXi | 06:08 |
bXi | is the bcm4301 supported by the bcm43xx driver? | 06:08 |
ubotu | bXi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:08 |
djm62 | frojnd: feel like risking just pulling it out | 06:08 |
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freezerburn | Pici, whoops, I did p7zip-full | 06:08 |
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acecase | Pici, "we"? | 06:09 |
Pici | freezerburn: Thats for 7zip files ;) | 06:09 |
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djm62 | frojnd: ? or if you don't want to, you can try logging out - lsof not showing anything is weird though | 06:09 |
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anto | i'm currently using Gusty i can tell you its a pain in the ass to reinstall my nvidia card with all the new kernel updates coming all the time and now they changed somthing so the nvidia.glx.new is not working greate :( | 06:09 |
bXi | elliotjhug: i've been around for 47 days straight now :p | 06:09 |
Pici | acecase: We, as in the ubuntu-ops and the regular users of this channel. | 06:09 |
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acecase | Pici, IC. then I guess I should stop pushing Gutsy :) | 06:10 |
Bo^Dick | uhm, do you know about a linux complement to cubase? | 06:10 |
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acecase | Pici, and yes they are getting a lot of updates | 06:10 |
Hilikus | anacron is not running my users' jobs, just the system wide jobs, how do i fix that | 06:10 |
Pici | acecase: Until Gutsy is getting prime-time support, its kind of asking for trouble. | 06:10 |
Jumbalia | Anto: I found the backup, but there is know x11 directory in /etc | 06:10 |
Jumbalia | where are the xorg.conf files located? | 06:10 |
eloquence | when is gutsy officially coming out? | 06:10 |
Tb0n3 | so, when doing the graphical instalation of xubuntu I had to unmount/reunmount the hdd it was trying to format because when it started it automounted the hdd | 06:10 |
Tb0n3 | wtf | 06:10 |
Jumbalia | Eloquence: 9 days | 06:10 |
frojnd | djm62: i've killed opera... and it unmounted ... | 06:10 |
eloquence | and any news on the new KDE or the new GNOME? | 06:11 |
acecase | Pici, rite. I am lucky enough to have a system that I can sacrifice | 06:11 |
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eloquence | leet | 06:11 |
anto | Jumbalia its /etc/X11 not x11 | 06:11 |
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Jumbalia | oh yeah | 06:11 |
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Jumbalia | Still not used to the case sensitivity | 06:11 |
anto | Kde4 is leet i'm using it | 06:11 |
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Tb0n3 | kde4 is failure | 06:11 |
djm62 | frojnd: oh - leaving us none the wiser but at least you're sorted | 06:11 |
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anto | Tb0n3, why you say so? | 06:11 |
bXi | kde4 isnt failure | 06:11 |
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eloquence | anto any news on when the stable version will be out? | 06:11 |
bXi | kde4 just isnt for you | 06:11 |
Pici | !offtopic | 06:11 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:11 |
acecase | Pici, are you guys expecting a flood of Compiz questions around the 19th? :) | 06:11 |
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anto | eloquence, i don't know but i thougt it was the 18 of okt? | 06:12 |
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eloquence | i just started usind e17 but it's not enough | 06:12 |
Pici | acecase: Our high estimates peg the channel volume at ~2000 users | 06:12 |
Jumbalia | Yay! it worked | 06:12 |
boubbin | how to see what network card im using/i have ? | 06:12 |
acecase | Pici, :) | 06:12 |
Jumbalia | I <3 you anto | 06:12 |
frojnd | djm62: I got a flash in my mind that I was downloading indirect to flash drive :) | 06:12 |
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anto | Jumbalia, :) | 06:12 |
KevlarSoul | I try to use the install disk and it tells me there is a Xfer error 0x40 | 06:12 |
KevlarSoul | ? | 06:12 |
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Bo^Dick | lol, i read on the internet that "if you gonna play games or make music, use windows, not linux" | 06:13 |
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Bo^Dick | is that true? | 06:13 |
Jumbalia | Now, how do I find out why the nvidia drivers did not install properly> | 06:13 |
anto | Pici, how long time dose dpkg-reconfigure -a take .....? | 06:13 |
eloquence | yea its true | 06:13 |
eloquence | not | 06:13 |
Pici | anto: It really depends, could be a while. | 06:13 |
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anto | Jumbalia, how did you try and install it? | 06:13 |
acecase | it isn't saying so but since it upgraded ubuntu-desktop I'm sure I need a reboot. You guys have a good one. | 06:13 |
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DM| | erUSUL isnt there an easier solution than FreeNX? | 06:13 |
Jumbalia | I downloaded the drivers from nvidia for linux and ran the installer for it | 06:14 |
Jumbalia | it did everything itself | 06:14 |
Poromenos | Where does samba write its passwords? | 06:14 |
Jumbalia | and after it was done, it restarted X and everything was working | 06:14 |
Jumbalia | then I restarted my comp and thats when it broke | 06:14 |
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anto | Jumbalia, system -> restricted drivers install nvidia driver always worked better for me latly | 06:14 |
KevlarSoul | xfer error 0x40? | 06:14 |
Jumbalia | Anto: I was told the restricted drivers were out of date | 06:15 |
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djm62 | Bo^Dick: there is some music stuff for linux, including some fairly professional stuff, but I haven't seen cubase since I saw an atari (?) so I don't really know what capabilities "cubase" is short for for you | 06:15 |
anto | Jumbalia, Try http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 06:16 |
Jumbalia | k | 06:16 |
BDI | Does anyone know when linux will be releasing their version of iTunes. I'm going to buy a nano soon. | 06:16 |
Pici | !envy | anto Jumbalia | 06:16 |
ubotu | anto Jumbalia: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 06:16 |
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npnuf1 | is there any one who knows about FastBid. | 06:16 |
Pici | !ipod | contact apple about itunes | 06:16 |
ubotu | contact apple about itunes: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 06:16 |
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DM| | Anyone know of a easy solution for ubuntu2ubuntu remote desktop | 06:16 |
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anto | Pici, never used it but a freind said it worked good. | 06:16 |
npnuf1 | is there thing that can make it to use fastbids on Linux. | 06:17 |
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anto | Pici, how can i use the restricted drivers when im stuck in the terminal and when i try use the command lines for it always trys and starts the gtk version...? | 06:17 |
Bo^Dick | how do i adjust the time resolution of my ubuntu core? | 06:17 |
anto | Pici, im sitting on my laptop at the moment | 06:17 |
gerro | heguru: tried what you said earlier with my laptop and it didn't work, but that guide I showed you mentioned installing some apps to handle such a task. I know it can be done without those though | 06:17 |
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eloquence | anto what are the major differences with kde4? | 06:18 |
Jumbalia | well I will worry more about my drivers later. I have other things i gotta do now. Anyone good at diagnosing why I only have a 60kb download speed in ubuntu w/ wine, but on windows i get 900k? | 06:18 |
gerro | anto: wow must have a sturdy case for you to sit on it | 06:18 |
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anto | eloquence, i found that kde4 started faster | 06:18 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? | 06:18 |
eloquence | Jumbalia, what program? uTorrent? | 06:18 |
anto | gerro, you got a good sence of humor :) | 06:18 |
Pici | anto: use `sudo restricted-manager --help` | 06:18 |
thesaint4444 | Pici: thanks, that would probably have worked but i have already installed from source, will i have to manually find the directory locations and delete them? | 06:18 |
Jumbalia | eloquence: Steam | 06:18 |
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eloquence | oh | 06:19 |
eloquence | dunno | 06:19 |
Jumbalia | But in general, downloading anything on my linux machine is really slow | 06:19 |
anto | Pici, thanks i know the restricited managers commands of my heart but they always try and start GTK when in console | 06:19 |
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eloquence | what u playin? | 06:19 |
Pici | thesaint4444: you probably can do an `make uninstall` if you still have the source package/directory somewhere. | 06:19 |
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eloquence | i've always found my linux to download faster | 06:19 |
eloquence | but i dont use wine | 06:19 |
gerro | anto: my has a fluffy lace cover so it doubles as a pillow :D | 06:19 |
Pici | anto: even sudo restricted-manager -e modulename? | 06:19 |
eloquence | maybe its a wine problem | 06:19 |
thesaint4444 | Pici: ok, thanks, will give that a go.... | 06:19 |
Jumbalia | like just staright downloads off the internet or through synaptic. I get less than 100k, where on windows with the same hardware i get between 800k-1mb | 06:19 |
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anto | Pici, Yeap | 06:19 |
djm62 | Bo^Dick: have you looked at http://ubuntustudio.org/ | 06:20 |
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anto | pici, then it goes into a Core dumped case | 06:20 |
eloquence | Jumbalia are u sure its not just a kilobits and kilobytes issue? | 06:20 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:20 |
gerro | Jumbalia: hmm using what application though? | 06:20 |
Jumbalia | eloquence: yeah | 06:20 |
eloquence | 512kb = around 60kB | 06:20 |
gerro | Jumbalia: is it ipv4 or ipv6? try disabling ipv6 if you don't use it | 06:20 |
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anto | Pici, any suggestions on how to install my nvidia GeForce 6600 card threw console? | 06:21 |
Pici | anto: I'm not sure what to suggest then. You may be able to get into xwindows if you use the vesa driver. | 06:21 |
Jumbalia | how do I disable ipv6 | 06:21 |
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Jumbalia | and even outside of wine, just downloading with firefox, I get slow speeds | 06:21 |
Pici | !ipv6 | Jumbalia | 06:21 |
ubotu | Jumbalia: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 06:21 |
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thesaint4444 | Pici: i tried 'make uninstall' in source directory and received '** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop' .... does that mean there is no uninstall directive? | 06:21 |
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Pici | anto: I'm getting some lunch now, so if you have any questions, ask the channel. | 06:21 |
anto | Pici, when i use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and then restart kdm i can access X but when i try and install nvidia acceleration stuff i get stuck in terminal again. | 06:22 |
anto | Pici, Okej :/ | 06:22 |
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Bo^Dick | i'm trying out "Rosegarden" right now | 06:22 |
Pici | thesaint4444: Try `make remove` or check the install/readme files for the list of make targets | 06:22 |
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Hilikus | anacron is not running my jobs schedules thorugh crontab -e. it does run the system-wide jobs, how can i fix it | 06:22 |
Bo^Dick | can it play audio as well as midi? | 06:22 |
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ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:22 |
anto | any suggestions on how to install my nvidia GeForce 6600 card threw console? | 06:22 |
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genii | thesaint4444: It means the Makefile there does not have "uninstall" as one of the options. you may try make remove as Pici suggests. Sometimes to remove the files it created you can also use make clean or make dist-clean | 06:23 |
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boggystudios | Is the broadcom 4311 wireless card supported natively in 7.04? | 06:23 |
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ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
djm62 | Bo^Dick: #ubuntustudio will probably contain people who can give you tips and recommendations | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
b0nza1 | kick | 06:24 |
b0nza1 | lol | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
Juhaz | !ops | 06:24 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 06:24 |
ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:24 |
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ihateubuntu | how do i change the default vnc port? i tried gconf-editor and found something in Desktop>Gnome>remote access, however the settings changed nothing. | 06:25 |
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thesaint4444 | genii: thanks, make clean did it... | 06:25 |
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heaven | get back to xp if you hate ubuntu | 06:25 |
thesaint4444 | Pici: thanks.... | 06:25 |
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Antena | :) | 06:25 |
genii | thesaint4444: Glad to help | 06:25 |
djm62 | heaven: you're too kind, tell them to get to ... vista | 06:25 |
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heaven | yeah vista... you need a 2000$ machine to run vista and a .jpeg | 06:26 |
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gerro | heaven: need a 4000$ machine to run ubuntu in style though hehe :D | 06:26 |
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anto | Gerro, 4000$ U MAD? mine is 400$ and works perfectly well for me :> | 06:27 |
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heaven | yeah but if you get a 4000$ machine on vista you can run solitaire too yaaay! | 06:27 |
gerro | anto: I'm sorry just been checking those awesome monster machines over at www.system76.com | 06:27 |
heaven | guyz, here's my screw xp lets go linux story: it all happened 3 days ago when i was working in 3d max and umm i get this windows xp eror: Eror: Some sort of eror. i went postal and started kicking the shit out of my PC when i realised that windows was the one to blame and that's how i got to ubuntu (BTW this is my first ubuntu day so im still a total noob) | 06:29 |
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Fedman | Hi I really need to install the driver for this adaptec hba: http://www.adaptec.com/en-US/products/scsi_tech/entry/ASC-39320A-R/ with the source from this webpage but I have no idea how to apply it to the kernel | 06:29 |
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Fedman | There is a driver for this hba in the kernel but it's really outdated | 06:30 |
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heaven | anyway see you guyz later i've been linux'ing all day and i got to get some air and some cigs inside so il be ready for tomorow see you later :D:D:D | 06:30 |
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heydean | wazzup | 06:30 |
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anto | Gerro, Price: $8,043.00 | 06:31 |
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ariesas | linux is a virus | 06:31 |
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gerro | huh? | 06:31 |
anto | i pimped the best computer at system76 you buy it for me :D? | 06:31 |
gerro | anto: one I want is like 3.2k :D | 06:31 |
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anto | gerro,the one i want is 8k | 06:32 |
Hunnur | If I put `%pre\n foo\n %post\n bar` at the end of a kickstart file they should run before and after right? | 06:32 |
gerro | anto: no man use the one before that comp it has bigger video memory :P | 06:32 |
rickard | Is there any universal driver for wifi network cards for ubuntu? | 06:32 |
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prakriti | I changed the gdm background color to black, and my desktop background color to black. But when I log in right after I authenticate it turns orange until gnome loads then it turns black. I have been digging through conf files everywhere and I can't find what is setting my root window to orange while it loads. | 06:33 |
Hunnur | anto: the one I want is 34k :) | 06:33 |
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anto | Hunnur your mad right? | 06:34 |
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erUSUL | Fedman: why do you say that bundle driver are out of date? | 06:34 |
DM|_ | anto not to insult system76, but their prices are way too high | 06:34 |
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prakriti | any ideas? | 06:34 |
godzirra | So is there any software that will record video of what I'm doing on my ubuntu box? Kind of like fraps? | 06:34 |
anto | DM|_, i dont buy stuff from there just looking :P | 06:35 |
Poromenos | When you install Ubuntu, can other computers resolve its hostname automatically | 06:35 |
Poromenos | ? | 06:35 |
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prakriti | no Poromenos, only if you have a dhcp server that registers into dns | 06:35 |
fevel | does anyone know a crossplatform sip client?? | 06:35 |
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Hunnur | Poromenos: no. The computers name and ip must be in DNS, or the other computers /etc/hosts file | 06:35 |
DM| | anto :) | 06:35 |
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Poromenos | how do the windows computers do it? :/ | 06:36 |
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Fedman | erUSUL: the drivers in the kernel are an older version and the external storage I'm connecting to the HBA doesn't want to work on UTRA320 speed | 06:36 |
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Hunnur | Poromenos: what version of windows? | 06:37 |
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Poromenos | Hunnur: XP | 06:37 |
rickard | how do i mount my cd player from console? | 06:37 |
Hunnur | home or pro? | 06:37 |
anto | ZzZzzzz | 06:37 |
Poromenos | Hunnur: pro | 06:37 |
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Hunnur | add name and ip to c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts | 06:37 |
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Poromenos | Hunnur: actually linux does it as well, i have an install where i managed to do it | 06:37 |
anto | !mount | rickard | 06:37 |
ubotu | rickard: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 06:37 |
Poromenos | but then i forgot how | 06:37 |
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godzirra | Anyone know? | 06:37 |
Poromenos | Hunnur: i don't want to add it, i want the machine to respond to requests for the hostname | 06:37 |
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Poromenos | i am wondering how windows machines do it automatically and linux can't | 06:38 |
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petru | helloo guys! what programs can i use for creating a iso image of a file? | 06:38 |
Fedman | erUSUL: and I got a response from technical support from adaptec that I should update it with the ones on the promise webpage but I don't know how to apply the source code to the kernel | 06:38 |
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boubbin | how to see what networkcard im using/i have ? | 06:38 |
Hunnur | Poromenos: you can set up samba, which may get you what you want | 06:38 |
Pici | Poromenos: They use WINS/Netbious, ask in ##windows formore info | 06:38 |
cyberfin | Can anyone tell me if it's best to install the stable feisty version and update to gutsy once released or is it safe (enough) to go with gutsy... on a laptop? | 06:38 |
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cox377 | Hunnur: I think he is asking how does windows do it automatically?? or am i wrong? | 06:38 |
rickard | !diskmounter | 06:38 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:38 |
Poromenos | Hunnur: hmm, i did, and i set the hostname option, but no | 06:38 |
Poromenos | actually yes | 06:38 |
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petru | hello guys! what programs can i use for creating a iso image of a file? | 06:39 |
Poromenos | I want my ubuntu box to respond to netbios hostname requests | 06:39 |
rickard | !mount | 06:39 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 06:39 |
anto | Sitting in console is driving me mad save me! | 06:39 |
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FlyingPig | steve ballmer says linux is infringing on its patents and that linux is illegal. is this true? | 06:39 |
Hunnur | cyberfin: gutsy seems to work fine on laptops right now (for $laptop that can run feisty already) | 06:39 |
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Miz | petru: mkisofs . > ../all-files-in-this-directory.iso | 06:39 |
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anto | FlyingPig, don't be stupid linux is not ilgeal | 06:39 |
Hunnur | Poromenos: sorry, I don't know enough about samba | 06:39 |
cyberfin | thnx | 06:39 |
Miz | petru: You may want -J too, for Joliet stuff. | 06:39 |
FlyingPig | anto :) | 06:39 |
cox377 | anto: console IRC client? | 06:40 |
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rickard | anto: i dont find the console command? | 06:40 |
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Poromenos | Hunnur: ah, thanks anyway | 06:40 |
petru | miz, so, like, i type in terminal; mkisofs/name-of-the-folder.iso? | 06:40 |
erUSUL | Fedman: i have dl the drivers and afaics you have to replace the folder drivers/scsi/aic7xxx of the kernel sources with the one you dl from the website | 06:41 |
Hunnur | Question: If I put `%pre\n foo\n %post\n bar` at the end of a kickstart file they should run before and after right? | 06:41 |
Miz | petru: 1. cd name-of-folder | 06:41 |
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anto | cox377, i'm using a laptop while trying to fix my regular pc | 06:41 |
Miz | 2. mkisofs -J . > $HOME/my-iso.iso | 06:41 |
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shishir | hi | 06:41 |
cox377 | anto: what client r u using? | 06:41 |
moppit | hello | 06:41 |
Fedman | erUSUL: I tried it but I got an error when I tried to compile it | 06:41 |
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anto | Xchat | 06:41 |
genii | Poromenos: I'm pretty certain for netbios nameserving you will need NIS services (which are not really related to Samba) | 06:41 |
erUSUL | Fedman: :( | 06:41 |
Fedman | So I thought I'm missing something out, but thanks for the help | 06:42 |
erUSUL | Fedman: which version of ubuntu are you using? | 06:42 |
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Poromenos | genii: I have an ubuntu box already working like this, i want to make the rest work as well, but i don't remember what i did :/ | 06:42 |
anto | rickard, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount.2Funmount_CD.2FDVD-ROM_manually.2C_and_show_all_hidden_and_associated_files.2Ffolders | 06:42 |
shishir | hey guys my ubuntu bcame slow aftr loading g desklets and wallpaper changer | 06:42 |
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shishir | can any1 explain | 06:42 |
DM|_ | shishir what wallpaper changer? | 06:42 |
Fedman | erUSUL: 7.04 server | 06:42 |
petru | miz, thanks! ubuntu rullz. so easy | 06:42 |
shishir | wallpaper_tray | 06:42 |
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Miz | :) | 06:42 |
Poromenos | i saw a solution saying i should add send host-name "$HOSTNAME"; to my dhcpd.conf, but i'm using a static ip | 06:42 |
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gnychis | how can i find what package contains this file: libc-2.5.so | 06:43 |
genii | Poromenos: Well, you could offload the package selections you have on it and use that list on another box to test. | 06:43 |
genii | !clone | 06:43 |
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ubotu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade - See also !automate | 06:43 |
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Poromenos | genii: it's probably a configuration option somewhere, but i'll try that, thanks | 06:43 |
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erUSUL | Fedman: pretty recent i thought you were using dapper... my next advice is to download the gutsy server kernel and try it | 06:44 |
genii | Poromenos: Likely NIS (ypserv, ypclient, etc) | 06:44 |
anto | i could have reinstalled my pc by now ..... | 06:44 |
Zaq_ | is it possible, and if so how, to disable the current ubuntu theme in a specific program? In this case open office | 06:44 |
erUSUL | Fedman: can you post the error you are getting on a pastebin (compiling) | 06:44 |
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Fedman | just let me recompile it so I can get it again | 06:44 |
anto | Zaq_, replace the gtk widgets ? | 06:44 |
millhouse | hey | 06:45 |
Zaq_ | hm? | 06:45 |
anto | Or i got no idea good luck. | 06:45 |
Zaq_ | >_> | 06:45 |
Zaq_ | please explain what you mean by gtk widgets | 06:45 |
Poromenos | genii: nope, those aren't installed on the working machine :/ | 06:45 |
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Poromenos | it was something like avahi, winbind, one of those | 06:45 |
anto | I got a question who is the youngest person here? | 06:45 |
Zaq_ | >_> | 06:46 |
=== Zaq_ is 21 | ||
shishir | can nay1 tell me why my booting is slow in linux... i get a error msg while file systems get loaded | 06:46 |
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ChaosMachine | !ati | 06:46 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:46 |
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jeroen__ | dudes, i'm afk..........gonna grab some veggies. | 06:46 |
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shishir | i get there is a diff btn boot sector and its back up | 06:46 |
neverblue2 | im having issues with DPMS, can someone help to troubleshoot. I have removed DPMS from my xorg.conf, but its still shutting my screen off | 06:46 |
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millhouse | what fibre channel controllers are supported under linux? | 06:46 |
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raph | hi is an global option for grub ( ex: vga=791) for set framebuffer ? | 06:47 |
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Zaq_ | meh, I'll just change the theme while I'm working on this thing | 06:47 |
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ariesas | how to turn on sound in ubuntu? | 06:47 |
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erUSUL | !sound | ariesas | 06:47 |
ubotu | ariesas: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:47 |
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Kohvihoor | Hello | 06:48 |
Kohvihoor | I installed gutsy, but the restricted driver manager says i don't need any restriced drivers. | 06:49 |
Kohvihoor | But i think i do | 06:49 |
genii | Poromenos: Perhaps try suggested here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88206 | 06:49 |
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erUSUL | !gutsy | Kohvihoor | 06:49 |
ubotu | Kohvihoor: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 06:49 |
Kohvihoor | I have ati radeon 2400 pro videocard | 06:49 |
dgjones | !gutsy | Kohvihoor | 06:49 |
Kohvihoor | Thankx | 06:49 |
Poromenos | genii: tried that, that's for resolving FROM the box, not TO :/ | 06:49 |
Poromenos | i need something that will reply to the netbios requests | 06:49 |
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ariesas | fucking linux | 06:49 |
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dgjones | !ohmy | ariesas | 06:50 |
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ubotu | ariesas: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:50 |
genii | dgjones: thx | 06:50 |
benzs_s | lmao | 06:50 |
jamili | how do i run ubuntu installation in expert mode? i read on forums that there's an option to choose whether install grub or not | 06:50 |
Zaq_ | >_> | 06:50 |
ariesas | dgjones tell linux give my audio back | 06:50 |
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genii | Poromenos: You say you have 1 box that does this? | 06:51 |
jamili | !expert jamili | 06:52 |
Poromenos | genii: well, three | 06:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about expert jamili - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:52 |
Poromenos | i made one work | 06:52 |
jamili | bahbahbhabah | 06:52 |
Poromenos | the other three are default installs and don't work | 06:52 |
jamili | !installation expertmode | 06:52 |
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jamili | bahbahbah | 06:52 |
Poromenos | ping box1 works from windows | 06:52 |
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Poromenos | ping box2 to box4 doesn't | 06:52 |
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Poromenos | IPs work | 06:52 |
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boggystudios | Is the broadcom 4311 wireless card supported natively in 7.04? | 06:53 |
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genii | Poromenos: Conceivably could be a PDC vs SDC issue | 06:53 |
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Poromenos | genii: what's that? | 06:54 |
erUSUL | !bcm43xx | boggystudios | 06:54 |
ubotu | boggystudios: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 06:54 |
anto | this is a hallelulya moment my pc is working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:54 |
Fetrovsky | hello | 06:54 |
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Fetrovsky | i just installed ubuntu | 06:54 |
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erUSUL | anto: congrats | 06:54 |
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Fetrovsky | it never asked me for root password | 06:54 |
erUSUL | !hi | Fetrovsky | 06:54 |
ubotu | Fetrovsky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:54 |
Fetrovsky | now i know what it is | 06:54 |
erUSUL | !root | Fetrovsky | 06:54 |
ubotu | Fetrovsky: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 06:54 |
Fetrovsky | and it doesn't accept empty password | 06:54 |
jamili | anyone? :P | 06:55 |
genii | Poromenos: Primary Domain controller or Secondary Domain Controller. you normally want 1 PDC and the others are SDC | 06:55 |
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erUSUL | Fetrovsky: there is no root user in ubuntu | 06:55 |
Fetrovsky | i don't want sudo | 06:55 |
Poromenos | oh | 06:55 |
Fetrovsky | i want rood | 06:55 |
Fetrovsky | root | 06:55 |
genii | Poromenos: This is set in the smb.conf | 06:55 |
Poromenos | genii: there are no domain controllers | 06:55 |
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Poromenos | genii: hmm | 06:55 |
Fetrovsky | why not root user?? | 06:55 |
jamili | insecure? | 06:55 |
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petru | miz, i get a error after typing cd nname of folder | 06:55 |
erUSUL | Fetrovsky: then use another distro that is not designed to root without root | 06:55 |
neverblue2 | im having issues with DPMS, can someone help to troubleshoot. I have removed DPMS from my xorg.conf, but its still shutting my screen off, is there something else I need to look at ? | 06:55 |
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moppit | You can always sudo su as a viable workaround.. That will put you in root | 06:56 |
nickrud | s/sudo su/sudo -i/ | 06:56 |
Fetrovsky | they all are designed to root without root, but they also have the root user | 06:56 |
erUSUL | Fetrovsky: you can read the reasons in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 06:56 |
VictorE | Hi guys, newbie question - how can i find out certain "compile options" in packages - something like "--with-x11" etc ? | 06:56 |
genii | Poromenos: Whether you realise or not, if you have only 1 samba box on network which is hosting, it becomes by default PDC | 06:56 |
VictorE | I probably missed it in dpkg man | 06:56 |
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LinuxJuggalo | Fetrovsky: to enable root as an active account: sudo passwd root | 06:56 |
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erUSUL | Fetrovsky: designed to run without root i meant | 06:57 |
Fetrovsky | LinuxJugga i did that, it asked for password | 06:57 |
=== Ubersoldat loving xchat XD | ||
Poromenos | genii: ah | 06:57 |
LinuxJuggalo | Fetrovsky: thats what is supposed to do | 06:57 |
Poromenos | genii: what does a PDC do? | 06:57 |
nickrud | Fetrovsky: it's asking for your sudo password | 06:57 |
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Jumbalia | Ok problem | 06:58 |
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genii | Poromenos: Like any other DNS system it tries to look up other boxes you wish to reach | 06:59 |
Jumbalia | Each time I would install NVIDIA drivers, the drivers would work until I restarted, then xserver wouldnt load. NVIDIA would make a backup of xorg, and I would just restore the backup | 06:59 |
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Jumbalia | I took someone's advice and installed the NVIDIA restricted driver that came with ubuntu. Now X won't load, and I do not have a backup because the restricted driver did not make a backup | 06:59 |
Fetrovsky | nickrud what's my sudo passwd? | 06:59 |
Jumbalia | if I reconfigure xorg, it still doesn't work | 06:59 |
Poromenos | genii: hmm, it's not my DNS server, though | 06:59 |
anto | ohhoo now i screwed it up again :( | 06:59 |
Jumbalia | where do I get a xorg.conf file? | 07:00 |
LinuxJuggalo | Fetrovsky: your sudo password is the password you set on your main account | 07:00 |
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nickrud | Fetrovsky: your user password. Read that link erUSUL gave you , it explains it well. You will find you don't really need a root account | 07:00 |
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Fetrovsky | so if i only set up one user account, thats my user password? | 07:00 |
LinuxJuggalo | Fetrovsky: doing sudo passwd root will change the password of root, making it an active root account | 07:00 |
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erUSUL | Fetrovsky: have you read the docs ubotu told you? You are dismissing a model (using sudo instead a root accaunt) without even knowing how to use the model!! | 07:00 |
moppit | Jumbalia I think I had something like that happen to me before.. I am using Nvidia Geforce2 and i needed to sudo apt-get install nvidia-legacy drivers to fix... If you have an older vid card, you may need the legacy drivers.. not sure which cards go to what but on nvidia site.. | 07:00 |
VictorE | Do you know, what i mean - something like Use flags in gentoo ... | 07:00 |
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Jumbalia | I have an NVIDIA geforce fx 59050 ultra | 07:00 |
silent | hey, when I use the networking interface under desktop administration, and change my essid to airuc (university wireless) it wont connect, however, if I edit my interfaces file and change my home essid to airuc and get rid of the password and reboot, it connects | 07:01 |
silent | what am I doing wrong with configuring while booted? | 07:01 |
Jumbalia | the problem is I dont have internet unless im gnome | 07:01 |
Jumbalia | because I have to put in a keyring password to connect to the net | 07:01 |
genii | poromenos: In netbios system, each client is supposed to broadcast it's existence on a segment of the LAN. The PDC gathers the IP and netbios name of all machines whiuch are announciong their existence and allows them to reach each other by name only. | 07:01 |
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Fetrovsky | ersul: i don't dismiss the model.. it's just that ubuntu is forcing me to use the new model without giving me the choice first | 07:01 |
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Poromenos | genii: hmm, okay | 07:02 |
Guest71853 | hey I got a simple problem even a ubuntu noob could help me with. plz prv msg me. | 07:02 |
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Poromenos | genii: but each machine also broadcasts a request to its subnet when it wants to resolve a local hostname | 07:02 |
Fetrovsky | i want to use my model, then learn the new one and decide if i want it or not | 07:02 |
Jumbalia | Does anyone here have a working basic xorg.conf file they could send me? | 07:02 |
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silent | Guest71853 ask here | 07:02 |
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Poromenos | Jumbalia: how about sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg/ | 07:03 |
Poromenos | ? | 07:03 |
nickrud | Jumbalia: you can create a basic xorg.conf with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 07:03 |
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genii | Poromenos: Yes, that is the same IP they are supposed to announce on, usually x.x.x.255 | 07:03 |
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erUSUL | Fetrovsky: well ubuntu is designed to be user friendly so it *has* ( or *must*) make choices for you. any distro will make choices for you except if you do a linux from scratch | 07:03 |
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Poromenos | genii: yes | 07:03 |
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Poromenos | genii: well, this ubuntu box isn't answering the requests :/ | 07:03 |
meeper | any suggestions for installing ubuntu when you don't have a cd drive? | 07:03 |
erUSUL | Jumbalia: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' | 07:03 |
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Bo^Dick | can someone tell me why the inputs in my alsa mixer are so noisy? | 07:04 |
genii | Poromenos: Check that all boxes are using the broadcast IP | 07:04 |
Jumbalia | erUSUL and nickrud: both do not work | 07:04 |
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petru | is there ant magiciso -like program for ubuntu? | 07:04 |
Fetrovsky | sheesh... i didn't want linux for starters... oh well, i guess i'll find stuff to like as i use it... | 07:04 |
petru | is there any magiciso -like program for ubuntu? | 07:04 |
Poromenos | genii: doing that now :/ | 07:04 |
Jumbalia | I always get fatal server error: no screens found | 07:04 |
erUSUL | !doesntwork | Jumbalia | 07:05 |
ubotu | Jumbalia: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:05 |
Poromenos | genii: god, that was it :( | 07:05 |
iamollie | can someone go through slowly installing java or explain why the application installer isnt working | 07:05 |
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Jumbalia | lol, sorry | 07:05 |
petru | is there any magiciso -like program for ubuntu? | 07:05 |
Poromenos | the network is using and i used | 07:05 |
Poromenos | jesus, all these days of sweating over it | 07:05 |
Poromenos | petru: you don't need it | 07:05 |
nickrud | Fetrovsky: change that linux for starters to linux for people who are tired of constantly configuring stuff :) | 07:05 |
Poromenos | petru: you can just copy the entire cd to a file | 07:05 |
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Jumbalia | either of those that I do i get an error loading xserver. When I look at the log it says at the end "fatal server error: no screens found" | 07:05 |
Poromenos | genii: thank you very much for your help | 07:06 |
Fetrovsky | nickrud i didn't get it... | 07:06 |
petru | poromenos, how can i do that? | 07:06 |
=== nickrud notes that doesntwork factoid | ||
Jumbalia | also, at the top of the log it says "NVIDIA0: failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module" | 07:06 |
genii | Poromenos: Glad to help. | 07:06 |
Poromenos | petru: erm | 07:06 |
Poromenos | cat /dev/cdrom > myimage.iso | 07:06 |
Poromenos | or | 07:06 |
iamollie | if i connect through a proxy server do i need to set up the applications installer to connect through it too | 07:06 |
jeroen-AFK | ubuntu needs configuring as well. only thing that's really easy is the fact that when installing something (like AVIDEMUX) it installs all dependencies for you | 07:06 |
Poromenos | dd if=/dev/cdrom of=myimage.iso | 07:06 |
ganes1 | genii:I hav tis at terminal.."ganesh@ganesh-desktop:~$" I need to install qwe.rpm file..how can i do this? | 07:06 |
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Poromenos | petru: i prefer the latter | 07:07 |
Bo^Dick | help me understand why my audio inputs are so noisy | 07:07 |
nickrud | Fetrovsky: use it for a while, you'll find yourself not having to worry about configuration and integration. Spent many happy hours, then less happy keeping debian focused. ubuntu does it for me now | 07:07 |
jeroen-AFK | I come from a distro called PC-Linux-OS and that's easy to use. uses RPM's....wifi is 2 clicks's and you're done. | 07:07 |
genii | ganes1: Well, first off you shouldn't install foreign package types like rpm if at all possible | 07:07 |
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iamollie | if i connect through a proxy server do i need to set up the applications installer to connect through it too | 07:07 |
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jeroen-AFK | only thing with RPM's is the fact that you have to install the dependencies yourself | 07:07 |
meeper | anybody? is there a standard mech for installing ubuntu without a cdrom? | 07:07 |
petru | poromenos, i have a dvd. i should use dvd instead of cdrom in commandline? | 07:07 |
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Fetrovsky | :) | 07:07 |
nickrud | !install | meeper (there's several options for you here) | 07:08 |
ubotu | meeper (there's several options for you here): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 07:08 |
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Bo^Dick | seriously, i don't understand it | 07:08 |
iamollie | if i connect through a proxy server do i need to set up the applications installer to connect through it too | 07:08 |
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jeroen-AFK | well it's possible to install RPM's.........but, why bother? | 07:08 |
ganes1 | genii:actually i need to install python editor.. | 07:08 |
Bo^Dick | audiophile != linux user or what | 07:08 |
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LinuxJuggalo | ganes1: sudo apt-get install alien, then: alien filename.rpm this will convert the rpm package to .deb then just do sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 07:08 |
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petru | poromenos, it works. thanks a lot! | 07:09 |
Poromenos | petru: no, it's the same | 07:09 |
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Poromenos | np | 07:09 |
erUSUL | !rpm | ganes1 | 07:09 |
ubotu | ganes1: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 07:09 |
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Poromenos | petru: test the iso just to be sure | 07:09 |
Poromenos | when you are done | 07:09 |
meeper | nickrud: thanks | 07:09 |
genii | ganes1: There is probably a decent python editor with a package you can install the normal way without using Alien for some rpm file. | 07:09 |
riotkittie | jeroen-AFK: because people equate "compile from source" with "get eaten by bear" :| | 07:09 |
petru | got that right, poromenos! | 07:09 |
iamollie | how do i install java?????? | 07:09 |
neverblue2 | im having issues with DPMS, can someone help to troubleshoot. I have removed DPMS from my xorg.conf, but its still shutting my screen off, is there something else I need to look at ? | 07:09 |
iamollie | this is ridiculous | 07:09 |
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jeroen-AFK | hehehe ok | 07:09 |
erUSUL | ganes1: which editor are you trying to install? | 07:09 |
opexoc_ | Oneone can help me install Samba? | 07:10 |
riotkittie | same with searching the repos, maybe | 07:10 |
ganes1 | genii:can u tell 1 such editor? | 07:10 |
erUSUL | !samba | opexoc_ | 07:10 |
ubotu | opexoc_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:10 |
riotkittie | what is ridiculous? | 07:10 |
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iamollie | i cant install anything | 07:10 |
nickrud | iamollie: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin | 07:10 |
Jumbalia | Heh, not exactly sure what I am doing, but I typed sudo dkpg-reonfigure -a | 07:10 |
genii | ganes1: i do not program much in python to know what is a good editor for it. | 07:10 |
Jumbalia | lets see if it works :) | 07:10 |
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nickrud | iamollie: and system-admin-synaptic is your ticket to installing software | 07:10 |
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riotkittie | nickrud to the rescue. hm. he should have his own theme song, <hides> | 07:11 |
Miz | petru: http://www.codef0x.org/forum-content/pix/mkisofs-tutorial-theora-video.ogg | 07:11 |
genii | ganes1: pype seems recommended | 07:11 |
iamollie | Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sun-java6-jre" | 07:11 |
iamollie | Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sun-java6-plugin" | 07:11 |
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Guest71853 | Hello, I could use some quick help with beryl install. | 07:11 |
nickrud | riotkittie: yeah, something about the jerk that swoops in, grabs some low hanging fruit, then leaves the hard work to others :) | 07:11 |
Guest71853 | I'm having trouble getting admin privlages | 07:11 |
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genii | ganes1: i found a list of install candidates by: apt-cache search python|grep edit | 07:12 |
Poromenos | anyone know the command to mount a samba share? | 07:12 |
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nickrud | iamollie: hm, sounds like you have some sources problems. Have you made any changes to /etc/apt/sources.list that you know of? | 07:12 |
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iamollie | no i havent | 07:12 |
riotkittie | Guest71853: what kind of admin privs are we talking about? | 07:12 |
ganes1 | erUSUL:spe ide stani's editor..which is the best editor? | 07:12 |
iamollie | fresh install | 07:12 |
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Guest71853 | nick thats the problem I'm having | 07:12 |
LinuxJuggalo | iamollie: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin | 07:12 |
Guest71853 | won't let me save the changes | 07:12 |
Miz | ganes1: I use Komodo IDE, but IDLE ( http://www.python.org/idle/ ) ain't half bad. There's also WingIDE and Stani's Python Editor. | 07:12 |
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iamollie | Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sun-java6-jre" | 07:13 |
iamollie | Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sun-java6-plugin" | 07:13 |
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nickrud | Guest71853: if you're editing /etc/apt/sources.list by hand, use gskudo gedit (you need admin privs to change that file) | 07:13 |
iamollie | sorry i meant E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-bin | 07:13 |
Guest71853 | ok | 07:13 |
Guest71853 | ty nick | 07:13 |
iamollie | im behind a proxy though | 07:13 |
nickrud | iamollie: go to system->admin->software sources, and make sure that the universe & multiverse options are ticked | 07:13 |
iamollie | would that make a different | 07:13 |
keiserr | hello people | 07:13 |
LinuxJuggalo | !java | iamollie | 07:13 |
ubotu | iamollie: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 07:13 |
genii | Miz:Thanks for helping ganes1 | 07:13 |
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Miz | no worries. | 07:14 |
keiserr | trying ubuntu fesity fawn here, on a travelmate 4200, isn't there a simple textmode installation for ubuntu??? | 07:14 |
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ganes1 | Miz:thank u very much | 07:14 |
nickrud | iamollie: sure would, that's where java is fetched from. | 07:14 |
Taejo | keiserr, on the alternate install disc | 07:14 |
genii | keiserr: Yes, on the Alternate install CD | 07:14 |
keiserr | by booting the whole OS first to get that install icon is pain in the ass, specially if it is taking more than 1 hour to load it | 07:15 |
nickrud | !components | iamollie | 07:15 |
ubotu | iamollie: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:15 |
ganes1 | genii:erUSUL:thanks a lot | 07:15 |
vleon | does anyone happen to know what connection protocol cable modem usue (pppoe, pptp... etc)? | 07:15 |
iamollie | ok so how do i get through this proxy | 07:15 |
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keiserr | Taejo: i got only the CD offerred by the shipit program | 07:15 |
Taejo | yeah, I don't think you can do it | 07:15 |
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nickrud | iamollie: you have a proxy? | 07:15 |
nickrud | iamollie: well, I guess you just said you did, a sec | 07:16 |
Taejo | it annoys me too... Ubuntu is supposed to be usable on old machines. It is, but you can't install it. | 07:16 |
erUSUL | ganes1: spe is aviable in the repos just install it with synaptic | 07:16 |
Guest71853 | nick, Auth rejected : none of the auth protocols specified are supported and host-based auth failed. | 07:16 |
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whileimhere | Hi. A few times a week randomly my laptop stops dead. When it does the numb lock and the caps lock lights will flash and the computer will need to be unplugged and the batter removed for me to reset and reboot the laptop. Anyone have any idea what happened? I even turned off the power saving features thinking that was part of the issue. | 07:16 |
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erUSUL | ganes1: the packagename is "spe" | 07:16 |
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nickrud | Guest71853: that's all warnings, you can still edit | 07:16 |
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keiserr | Taejo: its not old, its an acer travelmate, it notthat old, its 256MB ram, with a centrino | 07:16 |
Guest71853 | nick, Auth rejected : none of the auth protocols specified are supported and host-based auth failed. | 07:16 |
=== WorkingOnWise [n=workingo@68-188-193-183.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eloquence | whileimhere, i get the same problem every once in a while | 07:17 |
none | o_O | 07:17 |
titun | my infrared adapter does not work...... but i have some old linux drivers in the drivers CD that came along.. how do i use them? | 07:17 |
eloquence | it sucks :( | 07:17 |
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genii | Taejo: If you have marginal CPU speed and RAM it can be a hassle. Recommended for the GUI install is 192Mb RAM, cpu something like P2 400 or better | 07:17 |
erUSUL | !alternate | keiserr | 07:17 |
ubotu | keiserr: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 07:17 |
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Taejo | keiserr, ok, I was just saying where I'd had the same trouble | 07:17 |
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WorkingOnWise | I have a laptop with nvidia go 6100 gpu that will never change. There are all kinds of display drivers installed, and when i try to remove the extras, I am given the message that xserver-xorg-all needs to be removed too. I'm no xserver guru, but that sounds bad to do that! How do i remove all those extra drivers and not break the xerver? | 07:17 |
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titun | the drivers for RedHat 7,8,9...... should i paste the files in them? | 07:17 |
whileimhere | eloquence: I have no clue why it happens because you cant even go to another terminal to see. | 07:17 |
keiserr | erUsul :p considering bandwidth here, that's why i had orderred cds from the shipit program :p | 07:18 |
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | sounds like a kernel panic, whee. | 07:18 |
Guest71853 | Auth rejected : none of the auth protocols specified are supported and host-based auth failed. problematic | 07:18 |
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eloquence | it makes me panic woohoo | 07:18 |
iamollie | ubotu thanks for the links unfortunately it doesnt really help me | 07:18 |
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erUSUL | keiserr: well they ship both versions the desktop and the alternate | 07:18 |
DM| | whats the command for configuring the GDM /XDM ? | 07:18 |
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erUSUL | keiserr: in the same package | 07:18 |
DM| | dpkg-reconfigure ?? | 07:18 |
genii | DM|: Yes | 07:19 |
keiserr | erUsul: huh, you mean i am supposed to get that alternate CD also? | 07:19 |
iamollie | nickrud? | 07:19 |
genii | DM|: dpkg --reconfigure gdm or so | 07:19 |
keiserr | got only 3 CDs and all 3 are the same (or seems to be) | 07:19 |
richee | hi folks, I have enabled ipv6 is squid...is it possbile for me to browse websites by specifying the ipv6 address instead of hostname in firefox browser | 07:19 |
Jumbalia | ARGH! | 07:19 |
nickrud | iamollie: a sec, putting together a pastebin for you | 07:19 |
iamollie | ooo thank you | 07:19 |
Jumbalia | So I just finished dpkg-reconfigure -a, and x still wont load. theres an error loading NVIDIA kernel. Does anyone hae just a plain xorg.conf file they can send me | 07:19 |
richee | it doesn't work for me if I specify the ipv6 address but I am able to ping6 it. | 07:20 |
acecase | anyone know if it is possible to use a single wifi card to both connect to an AP and simultaneously act as an AP to share the connection? | 07:20 |
erUSUL | keiserr: yes, | 07:20 |
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riotkittie | Jumbalia: why not just run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 07:20 |
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Jumbalia | riot: because that gives me the same error | 07:21 |
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Jumbalia | I've tried 4 different reconfigures, and they all give me the same error | 07:21 |
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riotkittie | are you selecting a generic driver? | 07:21 |
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Jumbalia | riot: yeah | 07:22 |
nickrud | iamollie: http://pastebin.ca/730913 | 07:22 |
titun | i have drivers for RedHat, of a infrared adapter, the help file says : To install driver : make inst " will this work in ubuntu??? | 07:22 |
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riotkittie | i dont think someone else's xorg is going to fix your issue. then again, i am an oozing puddle of stupid, so i might be wrong :P | 07:22 |
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bill__ | anyone know how to make init not try to open /dev/log? | 07:22 |
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iamollie | nickrud | 07:22 |
iamollie | what i am supposed to do with that | 07:22 |
Jumbalia | meh, im jsut gonan reinstall ubuntu again | 07:23 |
iamollie | it just opens in firefox | 07:23 |
nickrud | iamollie: there are instructions in it | 07:23 |
DM| | genii i installed the xubuntu-desktop package and its telling me xdm isnt installed to reconfigure | 07:23 |
Jumbalia | this'll be the 13th install | 07:23 |
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iamollie | it appears blank at the moment | 07:23 |
pike_ | riotkittie: a purulent puddle of ineptitude :) | 07:23 |
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riotkittie | titun: you're going to need to install build-essential in order to compile [sudo apt-get install build-essential] | 07:23 |
nickrud | iamchris: oops, http://pastebin.ca/730918 | 07:23 |
Bo^Dick | does anyone here know about "asoundrc"? | 07:23 |
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titun | riotkittie: ok | 07:23 |
nickrud | iamchris: wearing the wrong glasses at the moment, saw a 3 instead of an 8 | 07:24 |
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riotkittie | i wish i could find my glasses :( | 07:24 |
iamollie | its still blank :( | 07:24 |
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philip_ | Hello to all of the nice Ubuntu users :) | 07:24 |
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riotkittie | hello philip_ | 07:25 |
nickrud | anyone else seeing http://pastebin.ca/730918 as blank? | 07:25 |
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nickrud | riotkittie: ^^ | 07:25 |
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oxeimo1 | for those of you who have gutsy beta, how buggy are the new desktop effects? I know that on Feisty, if I enable desktop effects, error/warning messages sometimes don't even show up. | 07:25 |
silent | does anyone here know the option for the interfaces file for the password | 07:25 |
titun | riotkittie: while i am installing build-essential, will that make work using these really old RedHat drivers? | 07:25 |
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riotkittie | nickrud: not blank for me | 07:25 |
philip_ | Can any one help me with a Beryl! installation newbi question (I promise to keep it short).....? | 07:25 |
genii | DM|: Ah, OK. Yes, gdm comes with regular ubuntu (gnome) kdm with kubuntu (KDE) XFCE has no default login manager. A light one to use is perhaps xdm | 07:26 |
frojnd | I have a Q. How can I check what version of linksys wifi do I have? | 07:26 |
bluefusionx | Hi everyone. When I try to log in via my regular use account, it says GDM cannot write to authorization file. . . but as I have enabled root access for GDM, I can login with root. Also new user accounts made with useradd trying to login shows a message about session only lasting 10 seconds. What's wrong here? | 07:26 |
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iamollie | dammit sorry about this nickrud | 07:26 |
iamollie | im not sure whats happening | 07:26 |
nickrud | philip_: beryl on #ubuntu-effects (but better to wait 9 days and install gutsy) | 07:26 |
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nickrud | iamollie: I'll stick it on another pastebin, google was blank for me for a few hours yesterday | 07:26 |
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riotkittie | frojnd: open a term and lspci or lsusb ... depending on the kind of adapter. | 07:26 |
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frojnd | riotkittie, it's pci | 07:27 |
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naknomik | I have a ubuntu machine at home.domain.com, and I also have another server running at domain.com, I want all mail sent from home.domain.com to be sent as user@domain.com and not home.domain.com, how do I do this? | 07:27 |
riotkittie | titun: i can't really comment, given that i really know nothing about red hat, and have no experience with the drivers you are trying to install | 07:27 |
nickrud | iamollie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40086/ | 07:27 |
riotkittie | frojnd: ok, open a term and type lspci | 07:28 |
frojnd | riotkittie, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40087/ | 07:28 |
slonnik | hi all guys | 07:28 |
iamollie | thanks nick i can see it | 07:28 |
Jumbalia | !beryl > philip_ | 07:28 |
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iamollie | ill report back in a sec | 07:28 |
Jumbalia | I tired, bt failed:( | 07:28 |
frojnd | riotkittie, I can't find anything with linksys... | 07:28 |
Jumbalia | errk, my keyboard failed too | 07:28 |
titun | riotkittie: humm.... ok ....do u have idea about Infrared in general.. i tried to follow the steps here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto | 07:28 |
slonnik | finally xchat is working on my laptop | 07:28 |
nickrud | iamollie: I'm at work, gotta step away for a few. I will return, not too long | 07:28 |
titun | riotkittie: but step 12 gave me error | 07:28 |
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Jumbalia | !beryl | philip_ | 07:29 |
ubotu | philip_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:29 |
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Jumbalia | 1:30 seems to be a popular time | 07:30 |
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DUM | adadsa | 07:30 |
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mnemonic | nas | 07:30 |
DUM | 07:30 | |
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riotkittie | titun: ah, those instructions are wayyy old. i'd try posting a message in the forums... someone may be able to help. | 07:30 |
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titun | riotkittie: nice of you..... i already made a post in the forum..got no reply | 07:31 |
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riotkittie | frojnd: does lspci | grep 802 return anything ? | 07:31 |
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riotkittie | titun: how long ago did you make this post? :| if it's been 24 | 07:31 |
frojnd | riotkittie, yep... | 07:32 |
riotkittie | eerr if its been 24+ hours, i might bump it up to the top again | 07:32 |
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frojnd | riotkittie, it's ralink | 07:32 |
titun | riotkittie: yes it is almost 24 hours and might have been went to the 2nd page | 07:32 |
the_bull | hello there | 07:32 |
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riotkittie | frojnd: you poor, poor thing. <hugs you> | 07:32 |
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the_bull | i need heeeeeelp | 07:32 |
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riotkittie | frojnd: are you using Feisty? | 07:32 |
bluefusionx | Btw the exact messages are: (When I try to login via my user account) "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean your out of disk space [I'm not, none of my disks are over 70% full] or that your directory could not be opened for writing. In any case, it is not possible to login. Please contact your systems administrator." and when I try to login using a new user "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logg | 07:33 |
the_bull | my webcam of Acer Aspire 5602 is not working in Ubuntu 7.04 | 07:33 |
the_bull | :( | 07:33 |
the_bull | plz. help me | 07:33 |
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frojnd | riotkittie, yep, I'm on feisty... | 07:33 |
brinstar | does anyone know a program called 'Atomic Timesync' for Windows? is there a linux equivalent? | 07:33 |
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genii | brinstar: ntp | 07:33 |
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brinstar | genii: thanks | 07:34 |
frojnd | riotkittie, how can I install this wifi? here is some manual, but only says that I have to put wap details https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys | 07:34 |
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genii | brinstar: np | 07:34 |
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brinstar | is it something that runs by itself? or user intervention necessary? | 07:34 |
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genii | brinstar: It will run just after network setup runs and automatically sync your clock to some "tick server" you specify | 07:35 |
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brinstar | cool | 07:35 |
jo2 | just installed gutsy beta and needed some help with initial issues.........anyone there for it? | 07:35 |
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rexy_ | !gutsy | jo2 | 07:35 |
ubotu | jo2: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 07:35 |
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jo2 | thank you | 07:36 |
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VictorE | does anyone knows use flags in gentoo ? How is it accomplished in ubuntu ? | 07:37 |
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the_bull | is there nyone who can help me with my webcam? | 07:37 |
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riotkittie | frojnd: i'm not sure if your adapter has the same chipset as mine, but my suggestion is to use ndiswrapper and the windows driver for your advice | 07:37 |
bluefusionx | Can someone help me with my GDM login problem? | 07:37 |
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riotkittie | err for your sanity | 07:38 |
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TheFox | evening guys | 07:38 |
riotkittie | unless you're cool with compiling and want to give building the serialmonkey rt2x00 drivers a go | 07:38 |
frojnd | riotkittie, how in the world can I install windows driveres? | 07:39 |
TheFox | this is my first day on ubuntu | 07:39 |
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MasterShrek | frojnd, what kind of windows drivers? | 07:39 |
nickrud | iamollie: how'd it go? | 07:39 |
bluefusionx | Welcome TheFox | 07:39 |
MasterShrek | TheFox, welcome =D | 07:39 |
frojnd | MasterShrek, XP, for wifi... | 07:39 |
GNine | welcome to the desert of the real , TheFox | 07:39 |
riotkittie | frojnd: with ndiswrapper ;) they only work for wireless devices, and as much as i hate resorting to them... sometimes, it's the best way to go | 07:39 |
MasterShrek | frojnd, what kind of wireless card? | 07:40 |
VictorE | ok, i'll ask different way - how can i find out that my package has e.g. X11 support ? | 07:40 |
iamollie | nick i got stuck | 07:40 |
frojnd | MasterShrek, Linksys | 07:40 |
frojnd | 07:40 | |
frojnd | WMP54G (Ver.4) | 07:40 |
MasterShrek | riotkittie, ive heard ndiswrapper can work for things other than wifi, but it wasnt tested or something | 07:40 |
VictorE | or gtk ... | 07:40 |
iamollie | when i entered the command in the terminal | 07:40 |
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iamollie | it prompted me for my password | 07:40 |
Hilikus | how do i make a user's cron jobs to be executed after they were supposed to run but the server was off? i know anacron does that for system jobs but it doesnt seem to do it for user jobs | 07:40 |
iamollie | then nothing | 07:40 |
frojnd | MasterShrek, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys first line | 07:40 |
TheFox | damn, 1235 users | 07:41 |
riotkittie | MasterShrek: really? i may have to try later, for the sake of satisfying curiousity... :) though i dont have any hardware that isnt working. hmmm. | 07:41 |
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nickrud | iamollie: gksudo gedit , use your password, you should get a editing window. if that fails, (I have to go again) use sudo nano | 07:41 |
riotkittie | oh well in that case, you just need to modify wpa_supplicant.conf | 07:41 |
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frojnd | riotkittie, so far I had under blacklist: both modules: rt61 and rt61pci is this maybe the reason that it freezes every 2,3 hours ? | 07:42 |
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rhalff | hi | 07:42 |
iamollie | well the file doesnt exsist so... | 07:42 |
MasterShrek | riotkittie, i was always thinking about trying it with my canon printer that doesnt work in linux, but never really got around to it, maybe ill give it a shot tonight when i get home and see what happens | 07:42 |
bignose__ | has anyone experience in making a custom ubuntu install cd with pre-configured packages ? | 07:42 |
riotkittie | if it's working. | 07:42 |
TheFox | by the way, Im part of CTWUG, url: http://www.ctwug.za.net we started building the wireless network with WRT54GL routers | 07:42 |
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riotkittie | MasterShrek: my Canon has always worked well, when i've botherd to configue it <knocks on wood> | 07:42 |
TheFox | I connected upto 10km with an external grid antenna | 07:42 |
MasterShrek | hehe | 07:42 |
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MasterShrek | frojnd, are you currently using ndiswrapper? if you need those modules for your wifi they shouldnt be blacklisted | 07:43 |
Mostar | hi all | 07:43 |
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Mostar | is here on xchat option like on mIRC ,,(conect in new window)?? | 07:43 |
riotkittie | frojnd: ok, soooo... which driver are you using? | 07:43 |
MasterShrek | bignose__, im sure theres a tutorial out there somewhere | 07:43 |
tretle | .bonus | 07:43 |
TheFox | gotta go | 07:43 |
rhalff | hi when i try the xen kernel in gutsy, it hangs with an timeout waiting for adma idle, someone might know what this could be. In google i can only find an occurance where a cabel is corrupt. | 07:43 |
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bignose__ | MasterShrek: yeah, i have the tutoria, but i've a specific question about it. | 07:43 |
rhalff | hi when i try the xen kernel in gutsy, it hangs with an timeout waiting for adma idle, someone might know what this could be. In google i can only find an occurance where a cabel is corrupt. | 07:44 |
riotkittie | rhalff: gutsy related questions in #ubuntu+1 please | 07:44 |
Pici | rhalff: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please. | 07:44 |
frojnd | <MasterShrek> I thought that I have this version of linksys: WMP54G(Ver 4.1) and on this page says that u must put them under black list: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys but thatn I made lspci and riotkittie told me that I have (Ver.4) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40087/ | 07:44 |
=== riotkittie does a little "i typed that faster than Pici" dance | ||
rhalff | hi when i try the xen kernel in gutsy, it hangs with an timeout waiting for adma idle, someone might know what this could be. In google i can only find an occurance where a cabel is corrupt. | 07:45 |
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rhalff | pff | 07:45 |
rexy_ | !spam | rhalff | 07:45 |
ubotu | rhalff: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 07:45 |
rhalff | jikes sorry, | 07:45 |
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rhalff | xchat was behaving weird, sorry | 07:45 |
naknomik | I have 6.06.1 LST installed. Is that dapper or edgy? | 07:45 |
rexy_ | bignose__: you can save a package list and feed it to the installer i think | 07:45 |
=== Daniel_Bestia [n=db@host219-57-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | frojnd, im wondering what driver you are using right now if both rt61 and rt61pci are blacklisted | 07:46 |
bignose__ | rexy_: yeah, problem is those packages install during the OS install. i want them to be configured ahead of time too. | 07:46 |
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frojnd | MasterShrek, NONE ? :D | 07:46 |
riotkittie | i didnt tell you you had a specific revision >_> | 07:46 |
bignose__ | i may have to make a custom live cd, and rip out the graphical bits.. | 07:46 |
riotkittie | you can't use no drivers and still have wireless ;P | 07:46 |
Daniel_Bestia | bella a tt | 07:46 |
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Daniel_Bestia | hi | 07:46 |
rexy_ | bignose__: ah, not sure, probably better to look on the ubuntu wiki and see if there's any information about how the devs make the live cd? | 07:46 |
MasterShrek | well have you used the rt61 driver? it seems that one works well with wep, i dunno so much about wpa | 07:46 |
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riotkittie | maybe rt2570? lshw -C networking and find out | 07:47 |
rexy_ | riotkittie: is he using ndiswrapper? then it makes sense that those drivers are blacklisted, if they apply for his card | 07:47 |
MasterShrek | rexy_, hes not | 07:47 |
riotkittie | rexy_: no, he's not using ndiswrapper | 07:47 |
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bignose__ | rexy_: tanks. | 07:47 |
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philip_ | One more plz: how do I know if my card supports openGL? | 07:49 |
iamollie | what card is it | 07:49 |
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rexy_ | naknomik: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ , Dapper Drake | 07:50 |
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philip_ | It's an intel card on a laptop, do you need to know the exact model? | 07:50 |
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iamollie | i think opengl 2.0 is standard | 07:50 |
iamollie | support for it i mean | 07:50 |
VictorE | nobody knows the answers for my questions ... :-( | 07:50 |
wilhart | anyone know things about NX (NoMachine) | 07:50 |
Hilikus | how do i make a user's cron jobs be executed after they were supposed to run but the server was off? i know anacron does that for system jobs but it doesnt seem to do it for user jobs | 07:50 |
rexy_ | bignose__: you can also use an alternative install cd, or even a netboot, both are text based and require minmal space | 07:51 |
MasterShrek | VictorE, i never saw you ask a question | 07:51 |
neverblue2 | im having issues with DPMS, can someone help to troubleshoot. I have removed DPMS from my xorg.conf, but its still shutting my screen off, is there something else I need to look at ? | 07:51 |
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philip_ | Hmm....then how come when I try to install beryl! me x server goes dead? | 07:51 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: i did, several times .. | 07:51 |
rexy_ | neverblue2: it blanks the screen instantly or after awhile? | 07:51 |
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philip_ | I thought that it might be because of the openGL | 07:51 |
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bignose__ | rexy_: i'm using the alternate CD with this url : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization | 07:52 |
MasterShrek | VictorE, i just got here, whats the problem? i cant say for sure that i can help you, but i can at least try to point you in the right direction | 07:52 |
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wilhart | i need sound to come from NX but i hear it only locally | 07:52 |
rexy_ | never read it bignose__ but the url looks like it'll have the stuff you need :) | 07:52 |
wilhart | ppl who connect to NX to my computer can't hear audio | 07:52 |
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neverblue2 | rexy_, its happening after a long period of time, so its not staying on all day | 07:52 |
rexy_ | wilhart:doesnt NX run programs locally? | 07:52 |
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rexy_ | neverblue2: are you sure it's not the screensaver? | 07:53 |
Chamunks | does someone know of a program to remove duplicate mp3's | 07:53 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: it's really newbie question ...i probably missed something in dpkg man or something ... | 07:53 |
wilhart | rexy_: yea, but i need to connect yo my box from another location | 07:53 |
neverblue2 | rexy_, yes, the LED on the monitor is blank | 07:53 |
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wilhart | rexy_: they can't hear music | 07:53 |
rexy_ | neverblue2: gnome-power-managment defaults to blank screen after awhile perhaps? | 07:53 |
neverblue2 | power LED | 07:53 |
wilhart | rexy_: audio | 07:53 |
MasterShrek | Chamunks, load your library in something like amarok, should be pretty easy to figure out the duplicates | 07:53 |
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rexy_ | wilhart: that makes sense if programs run locally? | 07:53 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: how can i show "compile options" fgor my ppackage ? | 07:53 |
rexy_ | on the remote machine | 07:53 |
Chamunks | i have about 16000 songs | 07:54 |
MasterShrek | VictorE, what package one from apt? | 07:54 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: something like "--with-ssl" ... | 07:54 |
Chamunks | MasterShrek, i have about 16000 songs | 07:54 |
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VictorE | MasterShrek: yes | 07:54 |
wilhart | rexy_: i got nx server on, ppl login from other places but can't hear audio, video works | 07:54 |
nosrednaekim | How often do you guys in here get support requests for kubuntu? | 07:54 |
rexy_ | wilhart: yes, video is played on your box, and audio is routed to your soundcard on your box | 07:54 |
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SlimeyPete | nosrednaekim: fairly often | 07:54 |
wilhart | rexy_: how to fix that? | 07:54 |
Draggin | Hello! How difficult is it to make your own installation packages if you have the binaries? | 07:54 |
rexy_ | if NX doesnt allow you to export the sound you have to do that in some other way? | 07:54 |
rexy_ | wilhart: you'd better ask that in the NX support forum i bet | 07:55 |
wilhart | rexy_: i was wonderin should i configure with root or user? nxclient? | 07:55 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: you know what i mean - something like gentoo use flags, if you know it... | 07:55 |
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MasterShrek | VictorE, im not really sure, theres a file somewhere that has all the defaults, yea like gentoo | 07:55 |
sam_home | !feisty | 07:55 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 07:55 |
rexy_ | wilhart: running stuff as root and sharing it over the net is a bad idea | 07:55 |
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Chamunks | MasterShrek, im just not to keen on flipping thru that many songs | 07:55 |
sam_home | what is the default kernel in xubuntu feisty please? | 07:56 |
rexy_ | Draggin: can you be more precise? | 07:56 |
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MasterShrek | Chamunks, i dont know if theres anything that would do that, especially since the filenames are probably different | 07:56 |
neverblue2 | rexy_, how do I check/configure/test gnome-power-manager ? | 07:56 |
rexy_ | sam_home: same as in ubuntu | 07:56 |
bluefusionx | Ubuntu is so beatiful! Lol sorry just had to say that | 07:56 |
erUSUL | sam_home: 2.6.20 | 07:56 |
eloquence | can anybody help me with some wine issues? | 07:56 |
MasterShrek | eloquence, #winehq | 07:56 |
rexy_ | neverblue2: erm through preferenecs-> power managment i think | 07:56 |
neverblue2 | eloquence, there is a wine channel: #winehq | 07:56 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: But i gentoo i can say e.g. " i want it with kde and not gnome support" | 07:56 |
eloquence | ok cool | 07:56 |
rexy_ | or type gnome-power-managment in a terminal | 07:56 |
Chamunks | MasterShrek, sighs it would be soo awesome if someone would finally write a program like that :( | 07:56 |
nosrednaekim | SlimeyPete: #kubuntu only has 360 persons in it, maybe you should say that kubuntu support is in #kubuntu in the MOTD, seems there is an awful lot in here :)? | 07:56 |
MasterShrek | VictorE, im aware of that, but i dont know where that file is | 07:56 |
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MasterShrek | Chamunks, u can do it =D | 07:57 |
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neverblue2 | gnome-power-preferences | 07:57 |
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Chamunks | MasterShrek, lol go learn programming jsut to write one program to sort my music library LOL | 07:57 |
rexy_ | yeah that's the one | 07:57 |
neverblue2 | its not gnome-power-manager | 07:57 |
Draggin | rexy_ - well, I'm pretty new to Linux and there are some apps that I have downloaded that don't come with an installer. Since I don't know where the best place is to put your 'Program Files' and such, I was thinking it'd be much better to have an installer to handle all of that automatically | 07:57 |
MasterShrek | nosrednaekim, most questions are not kde/gnome specific though, and if they are theyll be directed to #kubuntu or #xubuntu if need be | 07:57 |
wilhart | rexy_: ok | 07:58 |
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nosrednaekim | MasterShrek: ah ok :) | 07:58 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: So if i understand it correctly - in ubuntu/debian you install package and it has all options compiled ? | 07:58 |
neverblue2 | rexy_, those settings are setup to not enter dpms | 07:58 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, apt takes care of all of that | 07:58 |
wilhart | where do i set paths? | 07:58 |
Hilikus | how do i make a user's cron jobs be executed after they were supposed to run but the server was off? i know anacron does that for system jobs but it doesnt seem to do it for user jobs | 07:58 |
neverblue2 | s/dpms/dpms off/ | 07:58 |
Draggin | MasterShrek - yes, but not everything I need to use is listed in the repositories | 07:58 |
MasterShrek | VictorE, i believe so, since the programs are not compiled every time you install them | 07:58 |
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genii | nosrednaekim: Many of us in #kubuntu are already here anyhow | 07:58 |
rexy_ | neverblue2: maybe you can tell X specificaly to not blank the screen, but i dont know the option | 07:58 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: e.g. links2 with x11 support etc.. | 07:58 |
rexy_ | Draggin: well i'd try sticking with prepackaged stuff or at least deb packages before trying manual installs yourself | 07:59 |
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neverblue2 | but my xorg.conf has had the option dpms set to off (commented out) | 07:59 |
nosrednaekim | genii: ah... yeah I never come over here, when I did I was alarmed at the # of people. Not that it is a bad thing mind you ;) | 07:59 |
neverblue2 | so X shouldnt be handling it | 07:59 |
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rexy_ | Draggin: there's a guide on ubuntuwiki about manually installing software too, shout if you cant find it | 07:59 |
Samui | hmm...why is it, in gntrc, when i define the color of an element to be gray, it ends up being brown? | 07:59 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, what would you be installing thats not in the repos? when you 'make install' it will put things where they need to be | 07:59 |
Draggin | rexy_ - I understand that, but like I say, there are apps that I really need to use (or just different versions of the ones listed in the repos) and I'm struggling to get some of them running | 08:00 |
genii | nosrednaekim: :) | 08:00 |
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MasterShrek | Draggin, also make sure you have build-essential installed for compiling | 08:00 |
Samui | it also appears to be ignoring the settings i define under [colors] | 08:00 |
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Draggin | MasterShrek - where can I find more info on 'make install'? | 08:00 |
bignose__ | i hear google is chok full of info. | 08:00 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, you generally wouldnt find more info on it, its just there to put things where they need to be after the program is compiled | 08:01 |
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Draggin | MasterShrek - but I have no idea how to use it at all :) | 08:01 |
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MasterShrek | Draggin, there is a file somewhere tho that controls that kind of stuff, but i dunno where it is, or if it would even be safe to be editing it | 08:01 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, what are you trying to install? ill try to give you a hand | 08:01 |
ubuntu | anyone here good with wine ? | 08:01 |
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ubuntu | i get dll errors when i try to launch a exe | 08:02 |
MasterShrek | ubuntu, #winehq will have more gurus :) | 08:02 |
ubuntu | ty | 08:02 |
genii | neverblue2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121061 | 08:02 |
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MasterShrek | ubuntu, you need dlls, you can usually get them offline if you need specific ones | 08:02 |
sleepynate | anybody tried setting up moto4lin in the gutsy beta? :) | 08:02 |
wilhart | where did i se paths | 08:02 |
VictorE | MasterShrek: thank you | 08:02 |
Draggin | MasterShrek - DBDesigner4 and CeltX are two of the apps giving me problems. DBDesigner just refuses to run and CeltX, since it's not 'installed', doesn't have shortcuts on the menu etc. How can I fix that? | 08:02 |
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sleepynate | /dev/ttyACM0 seems to have disappeared :D | 08:03 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, if its compiled, you can manually add the icon for it, and why are they failing to run? missing dependencies? | 08:03 |
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Pici | !gutsy | sleepynate | 08:03 |
ubotu | sleepynate: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 08:03 |
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RainC1 | hi | 08:04 |
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sleepynate | thanks Pici :P | 08:04 |
BleedingMoon | BBL | 08:04 |
titun | my system log is full of this error: kernel: [10286.050498] bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed. , and my laptop has audio+ACPI problems, what are these errors? | 08:04 |
Draggin | MasterShrek - okay, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how to add the icon (and also where the best location would be to actually place the binaries). As far as DBDesigner, I have no idea why it's not running, since when I execute the command to start it, it says 'Symbolic Links Exist' and then 'Staring DBDesigner' and then absolutely nothing happens | 08:04 |
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RainC1 | I've an ADSL router connected on a ethernet switch. can someone please tell me how I can connect to it? | 08:05 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, the binaries usually go in /usr/bin and right click your menu and hit edit menu to do that | 08:05 |
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Hilikus | am i supposed to create my crontab jobs using contrab -e? | 08:05 |
Phlogi | how can I find out which usb driver (ehci or uhci) this device http://pastebin.ca/730979 is using? | 08:05 |
Draggin | MasterShrek, great :) Any ideas as to why DBDesigner could be misbehaving like that? | 08:06 |
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MasterShrek | not really sure Draggin, never used it | 08:06 |
rexy_ | titun: the first is about a missing firmware | 08:06 |
rexy_ | required for the wireless card | 08:06 |
rexy_ | !wireless | titun | 08:06 |
ubotu | titun: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:06 |
Draggin | MasterShrek - it's strange that it shouldn't give any errors though, isn't it? | 08:06 |
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titun | rexy_: i googled...it seems to be associated with my Broadcom Wireless...... | 08:07 |
Scunizi | Anyone run Korganizer and Evo together occasionally and find the time of set appointments gets messed with? | 08:07 |
genii | titun: you need the fwcutter and then to run it on the firmware for that adapter | 08:07 |
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MasterShrek | Draggin, does it have a log? | 08:07 |
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MasterShrek | Draggin, check in /var/log maybe | 08:07 |
Kjellviz | good evening | 08:07 |
MasterShrek | Draggin, or maybe a -v (verbose) tag you can add to the binary when you run it? | 08:08 |
titun | genii: what fwcutter does... checks for available firmware to download? | 08:08 |
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lu | can anyone help me with "no sound" issue on a sony vaio pcg-tr1a? | 08:08 |
Kjellviz | i just installed the 7.10 beta release, and ive got some system beeps (like when i press backspace when theres nothing to erase) | 08:08 |
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Kjellviz | im on a notebook, with headset connected | 08:08 |
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Draggin | MasterShrek - thanks, I'll try to look into that... | 08:09 |
Pici | Kjellviz: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please. | 08:09 |
genii | titun: no. You have to d/l whatever firmware is for your adapter from Broadcom. the fwcutter extracts the linux-usable parts from it | 08:09 |
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Kjellviz | Pici: ok thanks =) | 08:09 |
titun | genii: oh ok | 08:09 |
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RainCT | anyone? | 08:09 |
crache | anyone know what the difference between compiz-compcomm-plugins-main and compiz-fusion-plugins-main is, which one is prefereable? | 08:09 |
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lu | I can see the "volume" icon on top-right, but NO SOUND | 08:10 |
rexy_ | RainCT: depends how your internet is setup | 08:10 |
titun | genii: but at the moment i am not concerned about my Wireless... i wanted to know why i have a audio/touchpad+keyboard problem which is accociated with ACPI!! | 08:10 |
RainCT | rexy_: well.. it isn't :P. I just received the router | 08:10 |
rexy_ | RainCT: is it connected atm(wired up)? ifso, do you have an ip? | 08:10 |
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titun | genii: the exact problem is : my touchpad+keyboard hangs on login screen..but the login audio is audible | 08:11 |
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RainCT | rexy_: it's connected to the switch and power, but the Internet and ADSL lights are off | 08:11 |
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lu | Is there a certain sound card drivers I should use for the Sony Vaio PCG-TR1A? | 08:11 |
titun | genii: so in order to make my touchpad+keyboard work i do acpi=off while booting..which works fine but takes away my audio.. what is happening? | 08:11 |
lu | pleas help | 08:11 |
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rexy_ | RainCT: well you wont have internet then, since you have no internet connection, it should give your machine an IP though | 08:11 |
sam_home | thanks | 08:11 |
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genii | titun: No idea. Possibly they are all tied up in the same controller or share resources with onboard ACPI somehow. | 08:12 |
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genii | titun: As for the Broadcom, might try here to set it up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 | 08:13 |
RainCT | rexy_: oh, and what do I have to do in order that it connects? | 08:13 |
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Thomasu | hi er her nogle | 08:13 |
hccmb | wich usb wireless is a 100 % working for ubuntu 7.04? | 08:13 |
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titun | genii: yes this might be the case that my Audio+Touchpad+Keyboard+ACPI are having links and problems with each other... can i expect that to be corrected in 7.10? | 08:13 |
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Draggin | rexy_ - I can't seem to find the info on manually installing packages - do you perhaps have a link? | 08:14 |
rexy_ | RainCT: call your isp? your dsl connection is sorted by the router and your isp, either your isp hasnt enabled it yet or your cables are wrong or the router is broken, in all cases you should contact your isp about the problem i guess | 08:14 |
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Thomasu | er her nogle fra Denmark | 08:14 |
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RainCT | rexy_: okay, thanks | 08:14 |
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lu | Need help with "no sound" issue. Can anyone help? | 08:14 |
hccmb | whats the no sound issue? | 08:14 |
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TheFox | hi guys, I'm new to ubuntu, I've got 7.04 installed, how to I change the refresh rate for my monitor? | 08:15 |
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fyrestrtr | !fixres | TheFox | 08:15 |
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ubotu | TheFox: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:15 |
hccmb | there is an resolution option | 08:15 |
genii | titun: It sounds more like something having to do with the make/model or idiosyncrasies of your motherboard chipset than something linux-specific. If it is not working in 7.04 i doubt there will be some magic bullet for it in 7.10 | 08:15 |
hccmb | in system and so on | 08:15 |
lu | I can't hear anything after installing feisty fawn 7.04 on sony vaio pcg-tr1a | 08:15 |
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rexy_ | !compiling | Draggin | 08:15 |
ubotu | Draggin: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 08:15 |
TheFox | I see the option, but it doesnt allow me to change it | 08:15 |
tux78 | hi | 08:15 |
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Draggin | rexy_ - Thanks :) | 08:16 |
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titun | genii: :( no audio for me if i want to work in my laptop... this is very bad/sad, there has to be some solution | 08:16 |
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lu | so I should try 7.10 to resolve the "no sound" issue? | 08:16 |
TheFox | how do I use fixres? | 08:16 |
=== IronFlint [n=flinty@S010600179a9bd8c1.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruz322 | !alsa | 08:17 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:17 |
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albin | hi everyone | 08:17 |
IronFlint | hm | 08:17 |
LinuxJuggalo | lu: not necesary, what sound card are you using? | 08:17 |
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RainCT | rexy_: do you know if once it's working all PCs connected to the switch should be able to access the internet at the same time? | 08:17 |
IronFlint | hello im in dire need of some help | 08:17 |
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IronFlint | im a n00b | 08:17 |
IronFlint | \getting the hang of linux | 08:18 |
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genii | titun: There is almost always a way to make things work in linux. But first the problem needs to be known which is half the struggle. | 08:18 |
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mikebot | How can I choose what the default program is to opena certain file extension? | 08:18 |
titun | genii: humm...... | 08:18 |
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IronFlint | how do i find and install true type fonts | 08:18 |
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rexy_ | RainCT: depends on how it is setup, but generally that works | 08:18 |
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IdleOne | !fonts | IronFlint | 08:18 |
ubotu | IronFlint: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 08:18 |
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genii | titun: It may be as simple as smething like you need some "quirks" option to add to your soundcard module | 08:19 |
IronFlint | sorry guys ive onl;y been runnin linux for 24 hrs or so | 08:19 |
LinuxJuggalo | IronFlint: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts | 08:19 |
titun | genii: how do i do that? | 08:19 |
RainCT | rexy_: ok, cool. thanks again | 08:19 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, thats better than running windows for 24 hrs :) | 08:19 |
=== LinuxJuggalo agrees with MasterShrek | ||
LinuxJuggalo | lol | 08:20 |
mikebot | How can I choose what the default program is to opena certain file extension? | 08:20 |
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LinuxJuggalo | !windows | 08:20 |
LinuxJuggalo | ;p | 08:20 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 08:20 |
IronFlint | well i am trying and making an honnest effort | 08:20 |
genii | titun: First know what chipset or soundcard you have. then look up what settings can be for that module. | 08:20 |
titun | genii: oh ok | 08:20 |
Chamunks | armarok doesent actually delete the actual .mp3 file when you remove duplicates from the library does it? | 08:20 |
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Chamunks | or does it give you the option? | 08:21 |
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IronFlint | ok i gues it just installed | 08:21 |
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IronFlint | ok still aint workin | 08:21 |
lu | LinuxJuggalo, I'm using the built-in sound card of the vaio PCG-TR1A | 08:21 |
IronFlint | i installed wine | 08:21 |
MasterShrek | Chamunks, it should give you the option | 08:21 |
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IronFlint | trying to run winamp with shoutcast | 08:22 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, did you run wineconfig? | 08:22 |
IronFlint | it says i need arial.ttf | 08:22 |
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MasterShrek | or winecfg, i cant remember what it was | 08:22 |
Chamunks | MasterShrek, ok well thats not bad i didnt realise how it worked im poking thru it now | 08:22 |
IronFlint | umm nopt sure | 08:22 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, you need to install windows fonts to wine, i cant remember how to do it, but it wasnt hard | 08:22 |
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IronFlint | im a true n00b | 08:23 |
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IronFlint | so if ya cant remeber i have no chance in hell | 08:23 |
IronFlint | lol | 08:23 |
=== MasterShrek will always be a n00b | ||
LinuxJuggalo | lu: type in terminal: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec, to find out what card you have | 08:23 |
riotkittie | me too :( | 08:23 |
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keiserr | btw, my laptop cd drives seems fucked up, can't i install it over a network or from my hard disk? | 08:24 |
rexy_ | in ubuntu there are no noobs, just how many coffee you had appearantly counts | 08:24 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, do you have a windows install you can pull fonts off of? | 08:24 |
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IronFlint | i have dual boot | 08:24 |
MasterShrek | !ohmy | keiserr | 08:24 |
ubotu | keiserr: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:24 |
IronFlint | xp and ubuntu | 08:24 |
riotkittie | i drink 120oz cups of coffee a day. it doesnt seem to have done anything for me :| | 08:24 |
LinuxJuggalo | lu: if its the famous HDA Intel ALSA driver, i recommend you follow the steps in this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 08:24 |
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MasterShrek | IronFlint, do you have access to the windows partition? just copy all the c:\windows\fonts\ to your wine font directory...lemme find it quick | 08:25 |
x89x | anyone knows a channel for C# beginners ? | 08:25 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, i guess its ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 08:25 |
IronFlint | ty so much | 08:25 |
rexy_ | !netinstal | keiser | 08:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netinstal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:25 |
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IronFlint | so just copy n paste that in termenal | 08:25 |
MasterShrek | x89x, for a beginner i would suggest maybe a tutorial or wiki online to get the basics | 08:26 |
rexy_ | keiserr: you can do a net install, you only need two images, google ubuntu netinstall | 08:26 |
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stdin | !install | keiserr | 08:26 |
ubotu | keiserr: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 08:26 |
LinuxJuggalo | x89x: try #C# | 08:26 |
x89x | MasterShrek its not that much a beginner | 08:26 |
MasterShrek | IronFlint, do you have access to your windows partition in ubuntu? | 08:26 |
x89x | i want to hode an image in the GUI | 08:26 |
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x89x | and want to show it when required | 08:26 |
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x89x | but it hides only after the first click | 08:26 |
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Ubersoldat | x89x: ##csharp | 08:27 |
x89x | i wnat to hide it from start | 08:27 |
boggystudios | I used to be able to hover over the knetworkmanager icon on the panel and see a list of wireless networks near me but now I can't see them | 08:27 |
lu | LinuxJaggalo, typing cat /porc/asound/card0/codec#* gave me a "no such file or directory" error | 08:27 |
ubuntu | hi guys, me again, what is the package name for opengl libraries ? | 08:27 |
titun | i attached a data cable+nokia phone to the USB port.. the device manager says : "USB vendor sepcific interface" how do i load drivers for this data cable? | 08:27 |
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MasterShrek | ubuntu, you need a new nick =P | 08:27 |
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ubuntu | help me with this last question, and i'll just bail | 08:27 |
MasterShrek | titun, you probably dont need to, just install bitpim | 08:27 |
LinuxJuggalo | lu: the command is "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" | 08:27 |
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IronFlint | MasterShrek, i just pmd you | 08:27 |
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titun | MasterShrek: ok | 08:28 |
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MasterShrek | IronFlint, you need a registered nick to pm me, join #MasterShrek if u want | 08:28 |
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RickJones | ok, now, | 08:28 |
boggystudios | can someone tell me where look to fix this problem? | 08:28 |
RickJones | what is the package name for opengl libraries ? | 08:28 |
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blitz | hi all | 08:28 |
Enselic | RickJones: apt-cache search opengl will probably give you the answer | 08:28 |
RickJones | i did a search of the synaptic manager | 08:28 |
Enselic | boggystudios: please ask Kubuntu questions in #kubuntu | 08:29 |
RickJones | if you don't know just say so, ok ? | 08:29 |
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RickJones | i've done that too | 08:29 |
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rexy_ | boggystudios: did you change your network configuration? | 08:29 |
RickJones | and got 50000 listings | 08:29 |
RickJones | i'm using gutsy | 08:29 |
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rexy_ | via manual configuration | 08:29 |
boggystudios | rexy_: I restarted my computer and now it doesn't work | 08:29 |
RickJones | pfft, thanks for wasting my time | 08:29 |
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rexy_ | !volunteers | RickJones | 08:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about volunteers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:29 |
aunes | Hey guys. I want to change all of the icons on my desktop to scale to the same icon size. Preferences > File Management > Icons does a relative change (based on their original size) but I want an absolute change (without having to manually stretch each icon) Can anyone point me in the right direction? | 08:29 |
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boggystudios | rexy_, to be more specific I restarted my computer after a full upgrade and now it doesn't work | 08:30 |
cdm10 | Does Ubuntu support Bluetooth mice and keyboards? | 08:30 |
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genii | titun: Around? I found something you may want to try. | 08:31 |
Enselic | aunes: where do you find that menu? I | 08:31 |
LinuxJuggalo | lu: if that didnt work then ubuntu did not detect your card at all as in if there was no card there | 08:31 |
Enselic | 'm looking for it myself | 08:31 |
rexy_ | boggystudios: dont know then, ussually means network manager sees a manual configuration and then stops | 08:31 |
MasterShrek | cdm10, i believe so | 08:31 |
titun | genii: yes please gimme | 08:31 |
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cdm10 | MasterShrek: okay, thanks | 08:31 |
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aunes | Enselic, for relative changes, you go to system > prefrences > file management then change the Icon View Defaults | 08:31 |
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boggystudios | rexy_: how would I tell it to not use the manual config? | 08:32 |
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aunes | Enselic, if file management isn't an option, you can add it by going to system > preferences > main menu | 08:32 |
genii | titun: In bios disable usb keyboard if it is enabled. then also add to the default kernel load line usb-handoff instead of using acpi=off or so. | 08:32 |
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Enselic | aunes: ah there it was. thanks | 08:32 |
neverblue2 | im having issues with DPMS, can someone help to troubleshoot. I have removed DPMS from my xorg.conf, but its still shutting my screen off, is there something else I need to look at ? | 08:32 |
rexy_ | boggystudios: cant say for certain, did you upgrade to gutsy? | 08:32 |
matysek | all: have a problem. i put live-cd ubuntu, it booted and it runs in resolution which this monitor not support, what can i do to see something. i hear that system loaded, but with no picture | 08:33 |
boggystudios | rexy_: no gusty here | 08:33 |
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aunes | Enselic, it still won't allow for absolute changes. I want all my icons to be 32x32, but some are 16x16 and some 64x64 | 08:33 |
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Enselic | aunes: hmm yeah. if this is possible, people in #gnome probably knows | 08:34 |
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aunes | Enselic, thx | 08:34 |
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titun | genii: ok i reboot and do that and infomr back here, but just to let u know i use the default keyboard of the laptop...no usb keyboard/mouse | 08:34 |
lu | LinuxJuggalo, didn't work.....any other options? | 08:35 |
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genii | titun: Let me know how it progresses (or not) | 08:35 |
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lu | cause sound was working with Windows XP | 08:35 |
matysek | all: have a problem. i put live-cd ubuntu, it booted and it runs in resolution which this monitor not support, what can i do to see something. i hear that system loaded, but with no picture | 08:35 |
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titun | genii: yes of course :) | 08:35 |
nzero | how do i give a application realtime privilages | 08:35 |
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nzero | i trying to allow jack to have realtime | 08:35 |
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rexy_ | nzero: err, i can tell you but it will lockup your machine permanently | 08:36 |
ikonia | !gusty >ikonia | 08:36 |
rexy_ | you probably want to renice it? | 08:36 |
nzero | i'm not wanting to run it as root | 08:36 |
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rexy_ | nzero: realtime means realtime, no other process can do anything till the realtime process stops, you probably want to use the renice option or nice when you start a process | 08:37 |
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matysek | all: have a problem. i put live-cd ubuntu, it booted and it runs in resolution which this monitor not support, what can i do to see something. i hear that system loaded, but with no picture | 08:37 |
selinuxium | hi all, does anyone know ow to turn on code highlighting in vim? :) | 08:37 |
Mark17 | how big is the change i get a kernel panic when i just insert the kubuntu 7.04 cdrom in my cd player? | 08:37 |
nzero | when i renice something in the system monitor is that permanent or just temp | 08:37 |
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rexy_ | nzero: it stays so for the processes lifetime | 08:37 |
lu | LinuxJaggalo, Intel 82801DB-ICH4 (Alsa Mixer) is my current settings on volume control, does that help? | 08:37 |
BillyBeans | hey has anyone ever installed dovecot? | 08:37 |
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rexy_ | the scheduler adjusts niceness too though, but your base setting stays | 08:37 |
ruz322 | Mark17: Slim | 08:38 |
nzero | and when it is terminated it goes back | 08:38 |
rexy_ | if you kill && restart the process it will have the default nice value | 08:38 |
nzero | how do i set an app to permanently run like that | 08:38 |
rexy_ | nzero what are you trying to fix exactly? | 08:38 |
rexy_ | nzero: shell script | 08:38 |
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rexy_ | or alias the command | 08:38 |
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nzero | I am setting up JACK audio server | 08:38 |
Mark17 | lets try again | 08:38 |
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iamollie | nickrud??? | 08:39 |
Mark17 | with 6.06 server edition | 08:39 |
nzero | it is a realtime audio connection program | 08:39 |
=== domes [n=dominik@avx189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rexy_ | does it just run jack? | 08:39 |
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nzero | it needs to be realtime to process the sound without latency | 08:39 |
domes | hello | 08:39 |
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nzero | yes | 08:39 |
iamollie | can anyone help me set up my applications manager to allow it through a proxy | 08:39 |
tux97 | hi domes | 08:40 |
rexy_ | nzero: the default niceness value will do fine, it just helps if it's competing for cpu | 08:40 |
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iamollie | http://bapoumba.wordpress.com/2007/02/25/deb-package-manager-and-proxy-settings/ | 08:40 |
lu | can anyone help me with a "no sound" issue for a sony vaio pcg-tr1a? | 08:40 |
iamollie | i found this | 08:40 |
iamollie | can someone help me understand it | 08:40 |
rexy_ | are you sure the documentation says it has to run with realtime privelidges? | 08:40 |
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iamollie | im new to linux | 08:40 |
neverblue2 | dpms help required, apply within | 08:40 |
aLeSD | someone could suggest me a good substitute to emule ? | 08:41 |
nzero | !pasebin | 08:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pasebin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:41 |
nzero | !pastebin | 08:41 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:41 |
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MasterShrek | aLeSD, amule | 08:42 |
nzero | rexy: i try to run jack and this happens http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40094/ | 08:42 |
Jumbalia | How do I backup ubuntu? I want to back up everything | 08:42 |
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Jumbalia | I have a seperate partition for backup purposes | 08:42 |
aLeSD | MasterShrek: thanks ,,,, I mean a subsitute to edonkey net | 08:43 |
ikonia | Jumbalia: how do you want to backup ? | 08:43 |
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Jumbalia | I've reinstalled 13 times, I don't want to reinstal lagain. Instead, just restore a backup | 08:43 |
MasterShrek | aLeSD, dc++ is maybe what youre looking for | 08:43 |
neverblue2 | anyone willing to spend some time with me and setting up dpms to work properly ? | 08:43 |
Jumbalia | so I didnt know if in linux, if I could just copy verything from "/" to another partition | 08:43 |
ikonia | Jumbalia define how you want to restore | 08:43 |
rexy_ | nzero: seems it does need hard realtime scheduling, it needs root privelidges to do that | 08:43 |
`Matir | Jumbalia, I would use rsync for backups | 08:44 |
aLeSD | MasterShrek: is it the name of the client ? | 08:44 |
ikonia | Jumbalia: yes, you can copy anything you want, but that won't be a good way to restore a "system" | 08:44 |
nzero | how do i get it to have root | 08:44 |
Jumbalia | Let's say this | 08:44 |
rexy_ | start it via sudo | 08:44 |
rexy_ | it can lock up your system pretty good if somethings goes wrong though | 08:44 |
nzero | i have a program that runs the command to start this server | 08:44 |
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Jumbalia | If my ubuntu install is broken completely, and my only option is to reinstall I want to be able to restore a backup so I do not have to reinstall since reinstallation takes about an hour | 08:44 |
nzero | how tell the jack server to always run root | 08:45 |
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iamollie | can anyone help me set up my applications manager to allow it through a proxy | 08:45 |
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ikonia | Jumbalia ok - well thats straight forward, but it will also take about an hour to restore | 08:45 |
Jumbalia | oh | 08:45 |
nzero | i swore i so something about letting no root programs get realtime | 08:45 |
ikonia | Jumbalia: so it depends if that meets your needs | 08:45 |
Jumbalia | bummer | 08:45 |
rexy_ | nzero: dont know depends on how it's started | 08:45 |
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MasterShrek | aLeSD, the protocol i guess, search synaptic for a client | 08:45 |
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riotkittie | reinstallation takes that lonG? i can have a system up and running in about 20 mins on the live cd, on my slowest box | 08:45 |
Jumbalia | Nah, I was just hoping to save time by backing up and resotring instead of reinstalling | 08:45 |
neverblue2 | anyone willing to spend some time with me and setting up dpms to work properly ? | 08:46 |
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rexy_ | nzero: well it's not very good no, and i dont know if jack sheds privelidges | 08:46 |
ikonia | Jumbalia re-install is better then | 08:46 |
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aLeSD | MasterShrek: ok thanks | 08:46 |
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rexy_ | nzero: there is a command that schedules a program real time, but it requires root still | 08:46 |
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Jumbalia | I can start the live cd in about 5 mintues, but the full install takes 45 minutes to an hour | 08:46 |
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lu | Need help with "no sound" issue for Sony Vaio PCG-TR1A running feisty fawn 7.04 | 08:46 |
Jumbalia | well, im off to upgrade to gutsy | 08:46 |
Jumbalia | have fun | 08:47 |
nzero | what about if i run the launching program as root | 08:47 |
riotkittie | yowzers. | 08:47 |
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nzero | will it also start jack server as root | 08:47 |
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rexy_ | nzero: depends on the program, most programs started as root shed their privelidges, you should consult the documentation really | 08:47 |
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junkeR | hey, does anyone know where I can get a seamonkey debian binary? | 08:47 |
Hilikus | how do i schedule a task in ubuntu so that it gets executed EVEN if the computer was off at the time it was supposed to run? | 08:47 |
Mark17 | does ubuntu server 7.04 have the last ethernet drivers? | 08:47 |
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Mark17 | i get errors about the ethernet card when i use 6.06 | 08:48 |
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fevel | Mark17, pretty much so | 08:48 |
lu | I see volume control, but no sound and it's not muted | 08:48 |
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fevel | lu, are you an a laptop? | 08:48 |
Mark17 | :S | 08:48 |
lu | fevel, yes | 08:49 |
lu | sony vaio pcg-tr1a | 08:49 |
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fevel | lu, is vista installed? | 08:49 |
AboSamoor | i want to make a virtual network interface to my virtual machine [running Windows Server2003 by VirtualBox] , does anyone have an idea about that ? | 08:49 |
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rexy_ | nzero: i cant seem to find the command to schedule a process with real time privelidges but it's there for sure | 08:49 |
lu | no, just feisty fawn 7.04 | 08:49 |
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karmelek | hello all | 08:49 |
Stinger | hi karmelek | 08:49 |
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DM| | to test something someone say my name | 08:50 |
karmelek | could somebody help mi a bit? i need a script of a calendar for a website | 08:50 |
DM| | DM| | 08:50 |
fevel | lu, hummm, only thing I can think of is...turn off completely, the unplug the power cord and boot up, check to see if sound works, if ok, plug it back on | 08:50 |
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karmelek | i want to everybody could add an apointment to it | 08:51 |
fevel | lu, then report back | 08:51 |
lu | fevel, no other drivers maybe? | 08:51 |
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neverblue2 | my DPMS keeps getting turned back on, how can I stop that from happening ? | 08:51 |
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karmelek | it is possible? | 08:51 |
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fevel | lu, try this | 08:51 |
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fevel | lu, I mean, try that | 08:52 |
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turkish_boy_19 | chinderell slm | 08:52 |
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lu | ok, i'll be back | 08:52 |
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Mark17 | which version of ubuntu has more ethernet card drivers: ubuntu 7.04 desktop or ubuntu 7.04 server? | 08:52 |
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Chriswaterguy | Hi - my trash isn't working. Deleted files just disappear, even when I select "move to trash" from the right-click menu. | 08:53 |
novato_br | what's going on? | 08:53 |
scrumpy | :) | 08:53 |
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pvandewyngaerde | how do i remove firefox without removing startupmanager and gramps ?? there is this stupid yelp that i dont need in kubuntu | 08:53 |
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Enselic | Mark17: afaik they have the same | 08:53 |
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Mark17 | :S | 08:54 |
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novato_br | i have cosair pen drive and it's has bad blocks! I've checked and marked bad blocks, but when i try copying data, it's not working | 08:54 |
Hilikus | how do i schedule a task in ubuntu so that it gets executed EVEN if the computer was off at the time it was supposed to run? | 08:54 |
Enselic | pvandewyngaerde: that's a Kubuntu question, right? please stick to #kubuntu for Kubuntu uestions | 08:54 |
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fevel | novato_br, seems you need to through it away | 08:54 |
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pvandewyngaerde | Enselic: no, its a *ubuntu question | 08:55 |
tonyyarusso | Hilikus: I don't know the details, but iirc anacron is supposed to do that. | 08:55 |
novato_br | need I other pendrive, fevel ? | 08:55 |
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Enselic | Hilikus: one way I guess is to schedule a command that checks a timestamp of the last time the command in question was run, and run when the timestamp reveals that is is time | 08:55 |
Enselic | Hilikus: but there might be another RIght way of doing this | 08:55 |
novato_br | it's showed "error E/S " | 08:56 |
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fevel | novato_br, it would be wise to get a new one, since you at least cant trust that one | 08:56 |
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fevel | they are cheap...even in brazil | 08:56 |
lu | fevel, i'm back.....tested but didn't work | 08:56 |
lu | still no sound | 08:57 |
fevel | hummm | 08:57 |
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scrumpyGums | lu: what's the problem? | 08:57 |
neverblue2 | my DPMS keeps getting turned back on, how can I stop that from happening ? | 08:57 |
novato_br | i don't think so, fevel | 08:57 |
novato_br | heehe | 08:57 |
fevel | I do | 08:57 |
fevel | www.boadica.com.br | 08:57 |
lu | I have a sony vaio running feisty fawn 7.04 with NO SOUND issue | 08:57 |
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prakriti | I changed the gdm background color to black, and my desktop background color to black. But when I log in right after I authenticate it turns orange until gnome loads then it turns black. I have been digging through conf files everywhere and I can't find what is setting my root window to orange while it loads. Any ideas? | 08:58 |
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pike_ | lu: so no issues? :) | 08:58 |
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fevel | novato_br, of course it depends wich brand | 08:58 |
fevel | and other issues too | 08:58 |
neverblue2 | lu lspci show the device ? | 08:58 |
dvs01 | how do i disable cpu frequency scaling? | 08:58 |
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fevel | but i would rather spend the cash than stick with an untrusty data storage | 08:58 |
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lu | I'm new, what's lspci? | 08:58 |
TheMadHatter | hey | 08:59 |
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neverblue2 | lu its a command | 08:59 |
TheMadHatter | can i install an amd chip on an intel motherboard | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | hpiod: unable to write data hp:/usb/Photosmart_C3100_series?serial=CN77BC53BM04KV: Resource temporarily unavailable io/hpiod/channel.cpp 63 | 08:59 |
pike_ | !sound | lu might help | 08:59 |
ubotu | lu might help: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | HELP ^ | 08:59 |
prakriti | dvs01 : i can show you how I did it. | 08:59 |
prakriti | I added the following lines to /etc/rc.local | 08:59 |
neverblue2 | lu when run in a command line/shell/terminal, it gives a user output (as a result) | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r freq_table | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r acpi_cpufreq | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r cpufreq_userspace | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r cpufreq_stats | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r cpufreq_powersave | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r cpufreq_ondemand | 08:59 |
Enselic | TheMadHatter: probably a #hardware quesion | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r cpufreq_conservative | 08:59 |
prakriti | modprobe -r freq_table | 08:59 |
prakriti | sorry for the spam :( | 08:59 |
TheMadHatter | i dont iknow where to go for hardware questions | 09:00 |
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FlyingPig | prakriti np | 09:00 |
prakriti | I tried blacklisting the modules in /etc/modules.d/blacklist | 09:00 |
prakriti | but it didn't work] | 09:00 |
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neverblue2 | !pastebin | prakriti | 09:00 |
ubotu | prakriti: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:00 |
lu | yes, Intel 82801DB - ICH4 (Alsa Mixer) is selected | 09:00 |
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acoustyk | hey guys quick question | 09:00 |
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acoustyk | anyone know of a PDF editing/notetaking prgram for ubuntu? | 09:00 |
dvs01 | prakriti: thanks | 09:00 |
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neverblue2 | lu so you have a device, now what are you trying to run to listen to your audio | 09:01 |
neverblue2 | ? | 09:01 |
prakriti | dvs01 : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40096/ | 09:01 |
Enselic | acoustyk: PDF "editing". you mean programs that can make PDF files? | 09:01 |
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SEppl | april2008.squat.net | 09:01 |
rexy_ | TheMadHatter: #hardware is a good bet | 09:01 |
ghost | I opened the file viewer, selected all files in "/", chose copy, and when I went to my backup partition it wouldnt let me paste | 09:01 |
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ghost | how do I copy my files from one partition to another | 09:01 |
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acoustyk | Enselic: no programs that can take PDF files and add text boxes, highlight stuff, draw tools, etc for note taking | 09:02 |
TheMadHatter | thnx | 09:02 |
lu | anything, cd, mp3, youtube, etc. | 09:02 |
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rexy_ | ghost: are you clicking on an empty space in the file browser? | 09:02 |
ghost | the pate option was greyed out, i didnt get any errors | 09:02 |
Guest83 | hello. | 09:02 |
ghost | when pasting? yes | 09:02 |
scrumpyGums | acoustyk: Is there a reason for doing it in pdf? | 09:02 |
Enselic | acoustyk: is there even a free as in free beer program for that on Windows? | 09:02 |
lu | I can't get sound for anythin, and it's not muted | 09:02 |
prakriti | dvs01 : you can also remove the modules from /lib/modules/`uname -r` and rebuild your ramdisk image | 09:02 |
Meyvn | will I get flamed if I ask a compiz-fusion question in here? | 09:02 |
ghost | . | 09:02 |
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Enselic | Meyvn: yes. please do taht in #ubuntu-effects | 09:02 |
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acoustyk | enselic: yes it's calle PDF X-viewer or something like that | 09:02 |
neverblue2 | lu well, best to start with one | 09:03 |
Meyvn | Enselic: will do | 09:03 |
acoustyk | enselic: I'm just trying to avoid a fight with wine | 09:03 |
neverblue2 | lu, put your lspci output on pastebin please | 09:03 |
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neverblue2 | !pastebin | lu | 09:03 |
ubotu | lu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:03 |
Enselic | acoustyk: btw, your IRC client probably has Tab completion. Try Ens<Tab>. | 09:03 |
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ghost | anyone know how to copy files from one partition to another? | 09:04 |
acoustyk | Enselic: oh cool | 09:04 |
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Enselic | ghost: just copy them | 09:04 |
neverblue2 | ghost cp :) | 09:04 |
rexy_ | ghost: i have it sometimes too, ussually because i misclicked in nautilus or didnt select copy, other then that i dont know | 09:04 |
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Enselic | ghost: mount the dest partiion first though | 09:04 |
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Hilikus | tonyyarusso: thats what i thought, but it doesnt run jobs that were created using crontab -e OR gnome-schedule, because they are user jobs, not system jobs, so i need to know whats the right way to schedule jobs so that anacron runs them | 09:05 |
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alejandro | Hello!!!^ | 09:05 |
alejandro | ^ | 09:05 |
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alejandro | ^^ | 09:05 |
Squizzle | hai | 09:05 |
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alejandro | How are you? | 09:06 |
alejandro | :P | 09:06 |
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Squizzle | heh me good, how are you, fellow ubuntu user? xD | 09:06 |
ianm_ | so one of the guys who came to install internet service here, a college-age kid, runs Ubuntu on his laptop. And the guy with him, in his 30s, saw Compiz Fusion and wanted ubuntu on his home pc. all of this in Mendoza, Argentina. we are taking over the world, gentlemen ;P | 09:06 |
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neverblue2 | my DPMS keeps getting turned back on, how can I stop that from happening ? | 09:06 |
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dvs01 | prakriti: [14:57:37] <prakriti> modprobe -r freq_table | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:37] <prakriti> modprobe -r acpi_cpufreq | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:37] <prakriti> modprobe -r cpufreq_userspace | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:37] <prakriti> modprobe -r cpufreq_stats | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:37] <prakriti> modprobe -r cpufreq_powersave | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:38] <prakriti> modprobe -r cpufreq_ondemand | 09:06 |
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dvs01 | [14:57:38] <Enselic> TheMadHatter: probably a #hardware quesion | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:40] <prakriti> modprobe -r cpufreq_conservative | 09:06 |
dvs01 | [14:57:42] <prakriti> modprobe -r freq_table | 09:06 |
neverblue2 | !pastebin | dvs01 | 09:06 |
ubotu | dvs01: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:06 |
alejandro | Yes but in a few minits I delete the sistem :( | 09:06 |
dvs01 | shit | 09:06 |
dvs01 | sorry | 09:06 |
neverblue2 | !language | 09:06 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:06 |
dvs01 | doh | 09:06 |
rexy_ | rofl | 09:07 |
Squizzle | lol | 09:07 |
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neverblue2 | why you little.... | 09:07 |
tonyyarusso | Hilikus: "When executed, Anacron reads a list of jobs from a configuration file, normally /etc/anacrontab (see anacrontab(5))." | 09:07 |
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alejandro | But i dont understand very well | 09:07 |
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titun | genii: it worked!!! usb=handoff instead of acpi=off works, my touchpad+keyboard+audio works, you are a magician, god bless you | 09:08 |
Hilikus | tonyyarusso: anacrontab from what i can tell will run scripts under /etc/cron.daily cron.weekly, etc, but the USER crontabs are not in /etc since thats a system folder | 09:08 |
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titun | genii: thank you so much.. i can have a good night sleep after a week :) | 09:08 |
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genii | titun: :) Have fun and pass the knowledge along | 09:09 |
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titun | genii: and if u can explain a bit what is usb=handoff it will be much helpful | 09:09 |
tonyyarusso | Hilikus: you could arrange some linking systems to make it work. see the manpage for the details you will have to work with. | 09:09 |
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neverblue2 | when I do 'xset -dpms' then xset -q, I confirm that dpms becomes disabled, but after a certain time frame, it becomes enabled again, why would it do that, and how can I stop it from happening ? | 09:10 |
genii | titun: Since 2.6 series there have been some issues with acpi and smp kernels which is related much to intel usb controllers/chipsets. usb-handoff is a workaround for this | 09:10 |
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titun | genii: oh ok, now i will come back everyday to the channel to help newer people a much as i can... c ya | 09:11 |
unjustice | I have an Intel HDA (Realtek ALC880 chip) card with gutsy that can playback but not record... my internal Mic and the line in port both don't work | 09:11 |
bluefusionx | Lol I have a simple question. I'm in terminal right, in nano, and I have a block of text that goes past the viewport of the terminal window. How do I copy the text and move up in nano at the same time? | 09:11 |
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genii | titun: Usually specific intel problemmatic chipset is i8042 but works sometimes with others | 09:11 |
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JamoSmith | I have a video card with an S-Video out but when I plug that in the display is garbled, where do I find configuration options for the video outputs? | 09:11 |
Meyvn | anyone know of a cute distro to run in virtual box? | 09:12 |
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Meyvn | save puppy linux, the cutest of them all! | 09:12 |
bluefusionx | run ubuntu | 09:12 |
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JamoSmith | I have a video card with an S-Video out but when I plug that in the display is garbled, where do I find configuration options for the video outputs? | 09:13 |
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neverblue2 | when I do 'xset -dpms' then xset -q, I confirm that dpms becomes disabled, but after a certain time frame, it becomes enabled again, why would it do that, and how can I stop it from happening ? | 09:14 |
Meyvn | bluefusionx: I alreay am ;) | 09:14 |
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pvandewyngaerde | !tv out | JamoSmith | 09:14 |
ubotu | JamoSmith: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*) | 09:14 |
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JamoSmith | pvand: is there a similar function to window's dxdiag that will show me my video card information? | 09:15 |
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fiXXXerMet | I installed the courier-imap and courier-imap-ssl packages, though I only want the -ssl one. How can I stop the normal service from starting on startup? | 09:15 |
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bluefusionx | Meyvn, slackware's pretty cool but I wouldn't use it on newer somps | 09:15 |
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bluefusionx | comp | 09:16 |
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mico | howdy | 09:16 |
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pvandewyngaerde | JamoSmith: glxinfo in some way | 09:16 |
Hilikus | JamoSmith: i only got it to work after 2 days using this reference | 09:16 |
Hilikus | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=806&num=1 | 09:16 |
neverblue2 | if I want to run 'xset -dpms' on startup, how would I do this? (write a script, then call the script? or just add it into a file?) | 09:16 |
Hilikus | but thats for a (somewhat) old ATI card | 09:16 |
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Hilikus | i had to use the opensource ati driver, BUT PATCH IT | 09:17 |
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fay_elf | How about DBAN for safe-formatting a vm image file? ;) | 09:17 |
Hilikus | i never got the propietary one to work | 09:17 |
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mico | need a litle help here guys ... is it possible to make a script that at a certain day checks if wine is running a aplication as an administrator and if it's not calls "sudo wine aplication.exe" ? | 09:18 |
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neverblue2 | mico, crontab | 09:18 |
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rexy_ | why would you run it as root though | 09:18 |
DUM_ | 09:18 | |
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ost2life | Hi, I'm having trouble removing gaim from my system, synaptic says it needs to remove "ubuntu-desktop" which doesn't sound like a good idea to me | 09:20 |
stefg_ | !metapackage | 09:20 |
FlyingPig | steve ballmer said today that linux is illegal and that we need to pay fees to microsoft for infringing their patents. is this correct? | 09:20 |
ubotu | A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions. | 09:20 |
ianm_ | ost2life: I had the same question once... they said it's fine | 09:20 |
bluefusionx | Oh yeah I have that same problem, I've been trying to install pidgin for dayts ost2life | 09:20 |
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ost2life | stefg_: So it's safe to do it | 09:21 |
rexy_ | ost2life: it's a meta package, it doesnt contain programs, just references a lot of other packages. by removing gaim you have to remove the meta-package because that includes gaim | 09:21 |
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ost2life | okay | 09:21 |
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stefg_ | ost2life: yes, it's a necessary consequence | 09:21 |
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ost2life | :) thankyou. | 09:22 |
goodboyCerberus | FlyingPig: ... | 09:22 |
VWJ1bnR1 | Does anyone know how to install a wireless mouse? | 09:22 |
ost2life | by doing that, is it going to make my life difficult in the long run? | 09:22 |
Moulin | Any Wubi experts here? | 09:22 |
mindframe- | when is gutsy due to release? | 09:22 |
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FlyingPig | goodboycerberus what? | 09:22 |
bluefusionx | The 18 | 09:22 |
dgjones | mindframe-, 18th | 09:22 |
mindframe- | neat | 09:22 |
ianm_ | FlyingPig: every program ever written violates 100s of software patents, that's why they're junk and shouldn't exist | 09:22 |
bluefusionx | Yeah lol I just install Feisty | 09:22 |
rexy_ | ost2life: well new packages added to ubuntu-desktop wont be automaticly included | 09:22 |
bluefusionx | installed * | 09:23 |
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ost2life | hmm | 09:23 |
FlyingPig | ianm but is that a serious threat or nothing to be taken seriously? | 09:23 |
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rexy_ | the installed packages will still get updated though | 09:23 |
bluefusionx | Will it be easy to upgrade via console? maybe? I've done a lot of tweaks to my system | 09:23 |
neverblue2 | if I want to run 'xset -dpms' on startup, how would I do this? (write a script, then call the script? or just add it into a file?) | 09:23 |
ianm_ | FlyingPig: it's the same old crap they've been saying for ages | 09:23 |
dgjones | !offtopic | FlyingPig | 09:23 |
ubotu | FlyingPig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:23 |
ost2life | at the risk of stating the obvious, how come pidgin hasn't superseded by gaim? | 09:23 |
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rexy_ | ost2life: pidgin=gaim, only newer | 09:24 |
ost2life | yeah, that's what I mean | 09:24 |
rexy_ | and renamed | 09:24 |
stefg_ | !pidgin | 09:24 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 | 09:24 |
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ost2life | how come gaim hasn't been removed and replaced with the updated pidgin | 09:24 |
rexy_ | also it's safe to leave it on your system , there's a lot of stuff on your system you probably never use, unless you are really scrounging for space trimming it by removing such packages is not worth the time | 09:24 |
nzero | i do i intruct in app in gnome to run as root | 09:25 |
nzero | whats the command | 09:25 |
`Matir | nzero, use gksudo | 09:25 |
rexy_ | nzero: sudo or gksu from a commandline | 09:25 |
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goodboyCerberus | ost2life: as I understand it you can install it manually but it won't be in the repos till Gutsy.... sorta like Compiz Fusion | 09:25 |
goodboyCerberus | correct? | 09:25 |
ost2life | ah | 09:25 |
ost2life | okay | 09:25 |
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rexy_ | ost2life: ubuntu uses 6 month update cycles, during which software isnt updated to the latest version, but just patched for security and bugfixes. every 6 months however you get all the latest goodies | 09:25 |
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ost2life | :) thankyou rexy, goodboyCerberus | 09:26 |
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rexy_ | that way you get a stable system, instead of the bleeding (unstable) edge | 09:26 |
maXimo | hola | 09:26 |
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trdracer | !azureus | 09:26 |
ubotu | azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo | 09:26 |
VWJ1bnR1 | How come my wireless mouse doesn't work? | 09:26 |
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genii | There was a very good article in LXF97 about Ubuntu dev cycle | 09:27 |
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ianm_ | rexy_: yeah so every 6 months you get to break things on your computer and then they don't get fixed for another 6... ;) | 09:27 |
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bluefusionx | I'm running GDM as root at the moment. How do I run gui programs as another use so my ownership isn't changed when I save files? | 09:27 |
bluefusionx | user * | 09:27 |
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rexy_ | ianm_: then file bugreports ;), or submit a fix | 09:27 |
firebird619 | I am currently using Fedora, and I tried the Ubuntu Gutsy Beta Live CD today (looks great, makes me want to come back to Ubuntu), however, now in Fedora's terminal, it has firebird619@ubuntu. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the Ubuntu Live CD changed? | 09:28 |
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ianm_ | rexy_: yes that's part of the game, I know it well | 09:28 |
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ianm_ | rexy_: and maybe my D-Link card will work again in gutsy, and maybe I won't have to hack to get DRI with each kernel update, and maybe... :D | 09:29 |
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bluefusionx | firebird, are you sure you are outside of the live cd? | 09:29 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: Yes, the live cd isn't in my computers drive anymore. Also, I know Fedora blue from Ubuntu brown. :) | 09:29 |
rexy_ | maybe, there's nice progression with the new wireless stack it seems | 09:30 |
AL3X-admin | Hi all ;) Can any one give me some help with my Ubuntu 7.04 distro and an ASUS P5K SE ??? | 09:30 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: What would of the live cd done to change the terminal? | 09:30 |
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ianm_ | rexy_: ...it worked fine before feisty. ;) then there's the microphone which breaks after a sleep/resume. oh and the gtk/ruby bindings broke in feisty and aren't fixed yet... but at least I got some new apps :) | 09:31 |
mXm | hola | 09:31 |
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bluefusionx | firebird619, live cds aren't supposed to change anything. Though it sounds like a modified hostname | 09:31 |
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mXm | alguien me puede decir como configuro las x en modo texto? | 09:31 |
genii | AL3X-admin: Use the alternate install cd. then go to a busybox console (alt-f2 or alt-f3) then you need to delete /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/i82365.ko | 09:31 |
ianm_ | mXm: /j #ubuntu-es | 09:31 |
rexy_ | ianm_: yeah tribe4 worked good for me, after that gutsy went allover the place for me, latest patches seem fairly ok though | 09:31 |
mXm | nadie responde en ubuntu-es | 09:32 |
erUSUL | mXm: check #ubuntu-es | 09:32 |
trdracer | hey everyone im having trouble setting up my azureus on ubuntu... | 09:32 |
AL3X-admin | genii: WoW :O :| !!! ? eing ? | 09:32 |
trdracer | first off i cant find the right target.. | 09:32 |
ianm_ | how do you configure X in text mode? | 09:32 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: Install will progress from there | 09:32 |
rexy_ | !xconfigure | 09:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xconfigure - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:32 |
trdracer | i have many problems | 09:32 |
erUSUL | mXm: i have responded there | 09:32 |
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rexy_ | i can never remember that program | 09:32 |
mXm | ianm_: yex | 09:32 |
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mXm | ianm_: yes | 09:32 |
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ianm_ | mXm: no che estoy preguntando por ti... ;) | 09:32 |
frostburn | trdracer, get the sun-java6-bin and the official azurues off of sourceforge and it'll run smoothly | 09:32 |
AL3X-admin | genii: no, I already used an alternate cd, and it doesnt work :( | 09:32 |
Pici | !fixres | rexy_ | 09:32 |
ubotu | rexy_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:32 |
mXm | ianm_: ah ok gracias | 09:33 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: Is there anything in the live cd that would change the hostname? Would starting a program or anything cause this. I have used live cd's many of times and never had this happen. | 09:33 |
AL3X-admin | denii: It says : No CD found... Booting up console... No console were abel to spown...or something like that... | 09:33 |
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AL3X-admin | genii: and breaks there.... | 09:33 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: It will work if you delete the intel pcmcia driver for 82365 chipsets as i've instructed. I have the same board and had same exact situation | 09:33 |
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ianm_ | mXm: has probado eso: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:34 |
bluefusionx | firebird619, Were you working with any files from your ubuntu partition? You can change it back by doing as a super user nano /etc/hostname | 09:34 |
bluefusionx | In terminal | 09:34 |
AL3X-admin | genii: Ok :) I'll try it now, but I have to download the CD another time because I deleted it... :( | 09:34 |
AL3X-admin | genii: It will work fine with a normal CD on 7.10 ? | 09:34 |
mXm | ianm_: sirve para cambiar la resolucion? | 09:34 |
bluefusionx | Just change the conents to wahtever you want your hostname to be | 09:34 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: During the text-mode install, go to one of the consoles by alt-f2 or alt-f3 key. then do the delete of the driver as instructed. Install will progress | 09:34 |
bluefusionx | restart and it should be fine | 09:34 |
Hausberg | I am getting corrupted fonts on menus and buttons of evince when starting a doc from firefox32 - starting evince normally it's ok - does anyone know of this issue? | 09:34 |
ianm_ | mXm: creo q si | 09:34 |
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mXm | ianm_: ok voy a provar gracias | 09:35 |
AL3X-admin | genii: It will work fine with a normal CD on 7.10 ? | 09:35 |
mXm | chao | 09:35 |
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ianm_ | chau | 09:35 |
genii | AL3X-admin: Same thing with 7.10 cd so it doesn't matter which you use | 09:35 |
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AL3X-admin | ouch :( juu | 09:35 |
mico | neverblue2 it's a litle more complicated than that :s I need to turn on the machine as a restricted user and run that command as a administrator user ... is it possible ? | 09:35 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: It's a generalised problem not to do with 7.04 or 7.10 specifically | 09:35 |
anto | Heya guys, can somone tell me how to configure the keyboard so that the computer understands more then the arrows and backspace/enter threw the console? | 09:35 |
firebird619 | bluefusionx: No, I do not have an Ubuntu partition on the hard drive. I wasn't working with anything on the fedora partitions either. I checked /etc/hostname and it does not reference ubuntu, what in that file would I change? Also, if I change it, would that affect my cable internet connection? | 09:35 |
neverblue2 | mico, was that reply really for me ? | 09:36 |
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AL3X-admin | genii: mmm, I have requested 2Ubuntu and 4Kubuntu CD's (normal editions). Should I cancel them, and request an alternate CD's ? | 09:36 |
tb0n3 | does there happen to be a method to timeout the touchpad click on a laptop for a second or two after typing a character? | 09:36 |
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mico | neverblue2 even if the user turns off that program running in wine cron or other program turn on that program again for at least one hour. | 09:36 |
anto | Pici, You here? | 09:36 |
genii | AL3X-admin: If you will be using them on p5k se I would suggest the alternate cds, yes | 09:37 |
mico | neverblue2 yes ... sorry 4 being anoyng | 09:37 |
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mico | neverblue2 anoying :s | 09:37 |
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bluefusionx | firebird619, It changes your hostname. Your shell prompt is user@hostname. The contents of that file should have one word: ubuntu. Does it not contain one word? Not even your previous hostname? | 09:37 |
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AL3X-admin | genii: Ok :), and how can I request them? There is no such option in shipit... :( :S ? | 09:37 |
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en-glad-elefant | hello | 09:38 |
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neverblue2 | mico, first you have to write the script, then set the cron to run when required | 09:38 |
neverblue2 | mico, thats all I can help you with | 09:38 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: No, at the moment, the file is empty. | 09:38 |
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mico | neverblue2 ok, thanks man | 09:38 |
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mico | neverblue2 gonna studdy that | 09:39 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: I haven't used shipit in a while, but it was possible to order alternate install cds at that time. | 09:39 |
bluefusionx | firebird619, all right as super user try nano /etc/sysconfig/network | 09:39 |
bluefusionx | Is there anything inside it? | 09:39 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: Maybe the terminal saying firebird619@ubuntu is a sign that I should switch back to Ubuntu huh? :) LOL | 09:39 |
AL3X-admin | genii: Nop :( I have the opcion : PC CD's & 64-bit PC CD's | 09:39 |
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hookdump | hi.. how can I upgrade the version of some packages installed... ?? | 09:40 |
AL3X-admin | genii: I have an 32-bits CPU, so I cant request an 64-bits CD's.... :( | 09:40 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: That file has NETWORKING=yes and HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain | 09:40 |
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hookdump | An installation says I need libart-2.0-2 (>=2.3.18) but I have 2.3.17-1 | 09:40 |
genii | AL3X-admin: URL for instructions on the i83265 fix (except use /kernel/drivers/pcmcia and not just /drivers/pcmcia as in the instructions) http://random.openminds.be/2007/02/19/intel-isa-pcic-probe-not-found/ | 09:41 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: Well, there is always downloading and burning them. But I will look at shipit and see if it can be done | 09:41 |
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anto | Anyone got an idea how to fix my keyboard problem??? | 09:42 |
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AL3X-admin | genii: Ok. Thanks a lot!!! You are great :). YUGU Ubuntu. YUGU Kubuntu. YUGU IRC Support :) :) :) THANKS !!! | 09:42 |
mheath | Can anyone point me to some current docks on getting the SLED Menu Ubuntu port up and running? I know this was a trendy, intersting thing to try a while back, but I can't find any recent docs. | 09:42 |
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rowdy | hi, the xine engine in amarok is all of a sudden causing songs to be played intermittently..any idea how to fix it..using ubuntu feisty, amarok 1.4.7. i can play songs properly with player using gstreamer plugins | 09:43 |
bluefusionx | firebird619, lol it very well could be. Ok don't cchange anything in there then. Try nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as superuser | 09:43 |
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bluefusionx | and look for a line with ubuntu | 09:43 |
repair | anyone tried to install mono_1.2.5.1 yet? | 09:43 |
trdracer | how do i install iptables or give it root access?? | 09:43 |
trdracer | im having problems with ubuntu..all day every day | 09:43 |
Scunizi | I used df -h to list all my drives and partition and the used space. My /root partition shows 43 out of 53 gigs used. I can't find what's using so much space. I did move /home to it's own HDD partition (using 60gig now). Old /home is deleted that was in /root. cleaned apt-cache and /tmp files making not much difference. How do I discover what's taking so much room? | 09:43 |
yasper | "Xgl is alpha software" - does that mean that it is not a stable release? | 09:43 |
bluefusionx | trdracer, lol same here. | 09:44 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: No, there is no reference to ubuntu. | 09:44 |
AL3X-admin | genii: One more cuestion :$. Emmm, what will hapen after an install ? I will have the problem ? Should I do something more ? And another question: When will that be fixed ? | 09:44 |
riotkittie | utt. | 09:44 |
genii | AL3X-admin: Bah. There is nowhere on shipit to specify Alternate. It looks like you will need to download and burn it. | 09:44 |
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theshadow | I have an HP Pavilion dv6660se and I'm trying to get ubuntu on it. Unfortunately when I try to boot up in normal mode it can't start up X but in safe mode it can. Though during boot I get the error that it couldn't load bcm43x_microcode5.fw can anyone help? | 09:44 |
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riotkittie | you shouldnt need to install it, or give it root access. | 09:45 |
mckensey | hello somebody can tell me how install pando | 09:45 |
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trdracer | bluefusionx: it gets really annoying bro | 09:46 |
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trdracer | scguy318 has been helping me alot with this but hes not around | 09:46 |
Scunizi | mckensey, do you mean pandora? | 09:46 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: After you install the problem does not reoccur during normal operation. On the cdrom which came with your motherboard there is linux source code to make the driver for the IDE/SATA chipset the p5k se uses, you may want to make the driver afterwards (tho it is not strictly neccesary). | 09:46 |
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mckensey | scunizi: yeah | 09:47 |
AL3X-admin | genii: Ok. Thanks a lot!!! That is what I call REAL Support ;) PERFECT ! | 09:47 |
anto | Can somone help me install my keyboard? | 09:47 |
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Scunizi | mckensey, sudo apt-get pandora from a terminal | 09:48 |
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genii | AL3X-admin: You're welcome :) | 09:48 |
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bluefusionx | yesterday I had problems with my resolution, now I cant login to gdm lol I have to use root for awhile. | 09:48 |
anto | Anybody? | 09:48 |
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anto | bluefusionx, configure your resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:48 |
AL3X-admin | genii: Emm, that is an "offtopic" qustion, but, could I do the same for a DreamLinux 2.2 GL Edition ? Thats the last question. I promise :) | 09:48 |
Skelet0n | can aome one help me, my computer is crshing on FSCK? | 09:48 |
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Skelet0n | can any one help me, my computer is crshing on FSCK? | 09:49 |
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bluefusionx | firebird, I dont know what to tell you from here. The hostnames dont seem to be modified. Try to restart and see if it's changed | 09:49 |
trdracer | will feisty fawn upgrade to this new one being released soon? | 09:49 |
trdracer | !root | 09:49 |
ubotu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 09:49 |
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Scunizi | If I was to reinstall fresh and seperate /root from /home, how large should I make /root? | 09:49 |
Skelet0n | can any one help me, my computer is crshing on FSCK? | 09:49 |
bluefusionx | What was the purpose of that? | 09:49 |
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firebird619 | bluefusionx: I have tried a restart already, that didn't resolve the issue. Thanks for your help. | 09:49 |
anto | Skeleton if nobody is answering you ask google. | 09:49 |
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mckensey | Scunizi: ok I do | 09:50 |
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Skelet0n | google says nothing | 09:50 |
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Scunizi | mckensey, for gimp right? | 09:50 |
Skelet0n | wanna give me any results u can find? | 09:50 |
_Andrew | Skelet0n: Whats the problem? It freezes or it has an error? | 09:50 |
genii | AL3X-admin: If it is a debian-based installer as ubuntu is, you may be able to use the removal of the i82365 driver there as well from a busybox/console. Also since the Asus CDrom has source code for the IDE/SATA you can also compile the driver on it as well (as with any other box which has neccesary bits like gcc and kernel headers, etc) | 09:50 |
Scunizi | !fsck | Skelet0n | 09:50 |
mckensey | Scunizi: no | 09:50 |
ompaul | Skelet0n, define crashing, and if it is more than two lines - type it up in a pastebin (see topic) | 09:50 |
ubotu | Skelet0n: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 09:50 |
bluefusionx | My best advice is to tell you to try and post it on the ubuntuforums ( ubuntuforums.org) | 09:50 |
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AL3X-admin | genii: OK :) Thanks a lot :) . Bye !!! :) ;) | 09:51 |
mckensey | Scunizi: I want install pando for down load file of big size | 09:51 |
genii | AL3X-admin: Best of luck | 09:51 |
ruz322 | Skelet0n: do you have any error messages? | 09:51 |
Skelet0n | it freezes at a pergentage on boot | 09:51 |
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