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NullName | Anyone know why I cant hear the sound on rm movie files? I'm using realplayer for linux and it isnt working | 01:38 |
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pike_ | NullName: id try mplayer perhaps | 01:45 |
pike_ | mayhaps | 01:57 |
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Pici | Hmm.. It seems there is another project going by the Xubuntu name. | 02:52 |
Zach_07 | Here is my current situation: I want to access a file called wine.sh located at my e:\ and I want to access it with Xubuntu, So does anyone know how to do this? | 02:53 |
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Zach_07 | ?? | 02:56 |
Catoptromancy | Zach_07, /media | 02:56 |
Zach_07 | whats that mean? | 02:56 |
Catoptromancy | the / is root | 02:56 |
Catoptromancy | and media is media directory | 02:57 |
Catoptromancy | in there you find flash drives | 02:57 |
Zach_07 | so how can I access e:\ in Xubuntu? | 02:57 |
Catoptromancy | errr | 02:57 |
Zach_07 | for xbox | 02:57 |
Zach_07 | that is | 02:57 |
Catoptromancy | is it on harddrive? | 02:57 |
Zach_07 | yes my hd is split into c d e f g | 02:57 |
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Catoptromancy | is it fat32 ? | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | no fatx( xbox's fat32) | 02:58 |
Catoptromancy | can you even have that many partitions? | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | yes | 02:58 |
Catoptromancy | i always thought limit was 4 | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | not because microsofts fatx supports that | 02:58 |
Catoptromancy | well it should be in /media | 02:58 |
Catoptromancy | xbox is connected to pc? | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | ok Ill try that | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | no | 02:58 |
Zach_07 | I modded my xbox | 02:59 |
Zach_07 | and added 120gb hd | 02:59 |
Catoptromancy | xubuntu running on xbox? | 02:59 |
Pici | Is Xubuntu the same as this xUbuntu? | 02:59 |
Zach_07 | Yes by DVD | 02:59 |
Catoptromancy | heh | 02:59 |
Pici | http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu ?? is the site that Zach_07 linked me in #ubuntu | 02:59 |
Catoptromancy | Zach_07, if its not in media | 02:59 |
Zach_07 | Ya thats for xbox Ubuntu | 02:59 |
Catoptromancy | you need not mount it | 02:59 |
Catoptromancy | need to | 02:59 |
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Zach_07 | Pici: xUbuntu is for xbox and Xubuntu is for pc | 03:00 |
Pici | Zach_07: Well thats confusing. | 03:00 |
Zach_07 | I know | 03:00 |
Zach_07 | Catoptromancy: what do I need to do? | 03:01 |
Catoptromancy | im not quite sure | 03:01 |
Catoptromancy | but look ib /media first | 03:01 |
Zach_07 | ok Ill check it out now | 03:01 |
Catoptromancy | it should lsit all your active partitions | 03:01 |
Catoptromancy | if its not there you need to mount it | 03:01 |
Catoptromancy | or edit fstab | 03:02 |
Zach_07 | ok to boot up xUbuntu it will take a few minutes because Im booting by DVD disc which is slow | 03:03 |
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Zach_07 | Catoptromancy: When I type /media in the terminal it says command not found | 03:08 |
Catoptromancy | cd .. | 03:08 |
Catoptromancy | cd .. | 03:08 |
Catoptromancy | cd /media | 03:08 |
Zach_07 | huh, funny it says command not found for cd.. | 03:09 |
Catoptromancy | uh | 03:09 |
Zach_07 | this must be a screwed up linux | 03:09 |
Catoptromancy | cd (space) .. | 03:09 |
Zach_07 | it works | 03:09 |
Zach_07 | but | 03:09 |
Zach_07 | displays nothing | 03:09 |
Catoptromancy | dir | 03:10 |
Zach_07 | works | 03:10 |
Catoptromancy | use thnar | 03:10 |
Catoptromancy | thunar | 03:10 |
Zach_07 | so dir /media? | 03:10 |
Catoptromancy | its alot easier | 03:10 |
Zach_07 | Is thunar on the xUbuntu? | 03:10 |
Catoptromancy | its the file manager | 03:10 |
Zach_07 | ok Ill look right now | 03:10 |
Zach_07 | I can't find thunar but I see Xfce file-manager | 03:11 |
Catoptromancy | sure use that | 03:12 |
Zach_07 | ok | 03:12 |
Catoptromancy | You should learn some basics if your going to use Linux | 03:13 |
Zach_07 | I know | 03:13 |
Zach_07 | ok, so Im at Xfce file manager | 03:13 |
Catoptromancy | find a folder called media | 03:14 |
Zach_07 | ok | 03:14 |
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Zach_07 | I found /media/cdrom /media/usb0 /media/usb2 | 03:15 |
Catoptromancy | so look for your file | 03:15 |
Zach_07 | Well, it only detects my dvd files and not hd... what a piece of crap software. Im going to switch my linux to a different xbox linux | 03:16 |
Catoptromancy | you need to mount | 03:17 |
Catoptromancy | xubuntu is probably the easiest to use | 03:18 |
Catoptromancy | is there an irc channel for xboxubuntu? | 03:18 |
Zach_07 | yes this is it | 03:19 |
Catoptromancy | or if you wait around, someone else can help | 03:19 |
Zach_07 | only other is xbox linux channel | 03:19 |
Zach_07 | thats fine | 03:19 |
Catoptromancy | maybe try that | 03:19 |
Catoptromancy | heh | 03:19 |
Catoptromancy | linux is generally the same | 03:19 |
Catoptromancy | with mounting | 03:19 |
Zach_07 | It seems so, by the way I actually have used suse linux live before and I could get around | 03:20 |
Catoptromancy | xbox linux channel should be alot more help | 03:20 |
Zach_07 | Well usually no one answers when you ask a question, probably because their snobbs | 03:20 |
Catoptromancy | actually most people here are idle | 03:20 |
Catoptromancy | or dont know | 03:21 |
Zach_07 | Why what are they doing | 03:21 |
Catoptromancy | sitting in channel 24/7 | 03:21 |
Zach_07 | oh | 03:21 |
Catoptromancy | they do other things too heh | 03:21 |
Zach_07 | yea of course | 03:21 |
Catoptromancy | if you ask a question you might need to wait a long while | 03:21 |
Catoptromancy | and re-ask later | 03:22 |
pleia2 | Zach_07: are you sure you're in the right channel? the wiki explains that Xubuntu (what this channel is for) is something different than the xbox thing | 03:22 |
pleia2 | the xubuntu this channel is about doesn't have drive names | 03:22 |
Zach_07 | Well this channel is probably not for the xbox version: PIKI | 03:22 |
pleia2 | like e:\ and such | 03:22 |
Catoptromancy | e:\ isnt labelled e: in linux | 03:23 |
Catoptromancy | well it could be | 03:23 |
pleia2 | nope | 03:23 |
Catoptromancy | someone could setup fstab to name them that | 03:23 |
Catoptromancy | heh | 03:23 |
pleia2 | if they like pain ;) | 03:23 |
Zach_07 | ok my xbox hardrive boots by evox os, it has c:, D:, E:, G: partitions on it | 03:23 |
The-Kernel | I need a shell account of which I can use an IRC client | 03:23 |
pleia2 | Zach_07: yeah, I have no idea what that means | 03:24 |
Zach_07 | oh ok | 03:24 |
pleia2 | you probably want to speak with xbox linux folks :) | 03:24 |
Catoptromancy | xbox linux channel would be much more helpful | 03:24 |
Zach_07 | ok...so wheres the channel? | 03:24 |
Catoptromancy | 03:24 | |
Zach_07 | Im tired of using google | 03:25 |
pleia2 | I'd never even heard of this xbox ubuntu before tonight ;) | 03:25 |
Zach_07 | oh well now you know | 03:25 |
Zach_07 | THANKS PPL WHO HELPED ME :) :) :) | 03:27 |
pleia2 | the wiki says there are mailing lists for support | 03:27 |
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jet65 | I'm about to install Xubuntu from a LiveCD (Alternate install). Before I do that, is there anything that I'll need for installation so I don't have to boot back and forth to get some kind of information? I already know what I'll do for partitioning, but I don't know what else I need to know. | 05:11 |
RandomDestructn | not that I can think of | 05:11 |
RandomDestructn | plus you can browse the net from the livecd | 05:11 |
RandomDestructn | while its installing | 05:11 |
RandomDestructn | :) | 05:11 |
jet65 | OK, thanks. | 05:12 |
jet65 | How long does typical install take? | 05:12 |
RandomDestructn | hm. dunno, its been ages for me | 05:12 |
RandomDestructn | say half an hour if youre thinking about it? | 05:12 |
RandomDestructn | but I really don't remember | 05:12 |
jet65 | OK, well as long as it's under an hour. I guess I'm gonna get started on it, thanks very much for the help :) | 05:13 |
RandomDestructn | under an hour shouldn't be a problem | 05:13 |
RandomDestructn | . | 05:13 |
RandomDestructn | o/ bie then | 05:13 |
RandomDestructn | :/ | 05:13 |
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snax | can anyone explain why xubuntu gutsy depends on practically all of gnome | 08:27 |
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TheSheep | snax: yes of course, here is your explanation: it doesn't | 08:33 |
snax | installing xubuntu-desktop pulls in significant portions of gnome | 08:34 |
TheSheep | snax: like? | 08:34 |
snax | gnome-panel, gnome-games, gnome-utils, gnome-applets | 08:35 |
snax | and tomboy, which in turn pulls in all of mono | 08:35 |
TheSheep | snax: no, these are definitely not in xubuntu | 08:36 |
TheSheep | snax: I have a fresh install here | 08:36 |
snax | tell that to aptitude | 08:36 |
TheSheep | snax: well, learn to use it properly | 08:36 |
snax | apt-get is also keen installing those packages | 08:37 |
snax | do I need to disable installing suggested packages? | 08:37 |
TheSheep | snax: my guess is that it installs some package that has two alternatives, and because you already have (some) ubuntu installation, it picks the alternative wrong, pulling in some gnome app | 08:39 |
snax | hmm | 08:40 |
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thhp | hi, can anyone help me with my xubuntu desktop? | 08:50 |
TheSheep | !anyone | 08:51 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:51 |
thhp | Good point... my issue is that XFCE doesn't retain the "manage desktop" setting across logins | 08:53 |
thhp | I installed xubuntu from Ubuntu via "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop", btw | 08:53 |
thhp | What I get at login is my XFCE desktop, briefly, and then my old gnome one | 08:54 |
thhp | it appears Nautilus is autorunning and trampling the XFCE settings | 08:54 |
thhp | FWIW, I have a fuller writeup here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3501310#post3501310 | 08:56 |
thhp | I'm hoping someone on this channel would be able to give me some suggestions! | 08:57 |
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TheSheep | thhp: seems like you got nautilus saved with your session | 09:01 |
TheSheep | thhp: just kill it and save session, it should go away | 09:01 |
TheSheep | thhp: or you can clear the sessions altogether by removing all files from ~/.cache/sessions/ | 09:02 |
thhp | TheSheep: how should I save the session? I have 'save session on logout' set, but this does no good. Is there an explicit command I can run? | 09:02 |
TheSheep | thhp: no, that checkbox is the only way I know | 09:02 |
thhp | @TheSheep Thanks, I'll try clearing the cache | 09:04 |
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joshyu | hi,everyone | 10:28 |
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oshiii-_^ | night night | 11:07 |
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helen | hi,smop | 01:21 |
helen | hi,everyone | 01:21 |
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noah1989 | hi@all | 01:53 |
noah1989 | hi, which application is responsible for displaying the buttons when turning off the computer? | 01:59 |
_trine | xfce4-panel | 02:00 |
noah1989 | hm.. | 02:01 |
noah1989 | my problem is - they are in english, the system language is german, though. | 02:01 |
_trine | alt+f2 then type xfce4-panel | 02:01 |
_trine | well I'm a linux learner# | 02:02 |
noah1989 | hm. | 02:02 |
_trine | that's about all I know about it | 02:02 |
noah1989 | ^^ | 02:02 |
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student002 | hey, I'm trying to install gnome-desktop-environment but it lists all these dependencies and says "..but it is not installable" and at the end it says E: Broken Packages | 02:23 |
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noah1989 | hm.. is xubuntu supposed to run a gnome environment? | 02:25 |
student002 | I dunno, what is it supposed to run? | 02:25 |
noah1989 | xfce4 | 02:25 |
noah1989 | that's why it's xubuntu | 02:26 |
student002 | oh so should I try apt-get install xfce4? | 02:26 |
noah1989 | hm? | 02:26 |
Pres-Gas | Make sure to update your packages as well | 02:26 |
noah1989 | what is your specific problem? | 02:26 |
student002 | whenever I try to install anything | 02:26 |
Pres-Gas | You should be able to install whatever envoronment with whatever *buntu distro. | 02:26 |
student002 | it says "depends:..."but it is not installable | 02:27 |
student002 | and at the end it says E: broken packages | 02:27 |
noah1989 | did you update the package list? | 02:27 |
student002 | apt-get update? | 02:27 |
noah1989 | dunno, maybe? | 02:28 |
student002 | I tried that..it does all this stuff then it says "error: http://download.tuxfamil.org feisty release: the following signature couldn't be verified because the public key is not available | 02:28 |
noah1989 | i'm not using ubuntu myself, but installed it on my parent's machine (very old computer) | 02:28 |
student002 | W: you may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems" | 02:29 |
student002 | lol but that's what I ran | 02:29 |
noah1989 | ^^ | 02:29 |
student002 | .. | 02:31 |
student002 | okay I removed the tuxofamily repo from sources.list | 02:32 |
Pres-Gas | Another thing is that third party repos can occasionally break things | 02:32 |
student002 | Ran apt-get update again and it does some stuff and says at the end "fetched 4B in 3s, Reading package lists...done" | 02:33 |
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Pres-Gas | It could explain the messages you are getting....unresolved dependencies and whatnot. | 02:33 |
student002 | Pres-Gas, so how do I repair them? | 02:33 |
Pres-Gas | well, if you have removed the repo, you could try "apt-get dist-upgrade", student002. | 02:33 |
Pres-Gas | Since you have already apt-get update-ed | 02:34 |
student002 | k 1 of the packages it wants to upgrade is mozilla-thunderbird | 02:35 |
student002 | and it says 403 access forbidden E: unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing | 02:35 |
student002 | gonna try to run it again with --fix-missing | 02:36 |
student002 | Pres-Gas, that worked..it upgraded 3 packages..But I still get that broken packages message when I try to install xfce4 | 02:37 |
Pres-Gas | So, you are running reg ubuntu now? | 02:39 |
student002 | I tried 'apt-get install xfdesktop4' but it gives me an error saying "E: Package xfdesktop4 has no installation candidate" | 02:40 |
student002 | I've been running xubuntu | 02:40 |
student002 | any ideas? | 02:43 |
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TABASCO | Hello again | 02:47 |
TABASCO | Maybe you remember I asked yesterday about the system requirements of Xubuntu | 02:48 |
TABASCO | anyone of you said it is possible to install it on a 2gb hd | 02:48 |
TABASCO | but now the installer aborts and if you configure the partitions manually he says that he needs 2gb diskspace for the root-partition | 02:49 |
TABASCO | and 256 mb for the swap | 02:49 |
TABASCO | what can I do now? | 02:49 |
grazie | I'd say 2G was a bit tight for a standard install. 2.5G + swap minimum (for feisty) in my opinion. Which install cd do you have? | 02:51 |
TABASCO | gutsy gibbon beta | 02:52 |
TABASCO | To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk. | 02:53 |
TABASCO | this is what the xubuntu page says | 02:53 |
TABASCO | well wait a minute | 02:53 |
TABASCO | how can I find out which version of xubuntu I actually use? | 02:54 |
grazie | well it's it not wrong for older distros, but feisty (and I think gutsy too) need a bit more space. That figure gives you no room to do updates | 02:55 |
TABASCO | what about dapper? | 02:55 |
TABASCO | because it's a laptop, and I have only that 2 gigabyte disk | 02:55 |
TABASCO | dell is going to ship a bigger one but for the moment I have only that small.. | 02:56 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: you asked how much it takes after install, and I said 'about 2GB' | 02:56 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: it needs some free space to operate, obviously | 02:56 |
grazie | TABASCO, for version one way > cat /etc/issue | 02:57 |
TABASCO | I asked about if I can install it on a 2 gb disk :) | 02:57 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: you can do the server install (which will install the base system only) and then install xfce and whatever applications you need | 02:57 |
TABASCO | mhm, yes.. | 02:57 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: then I didn't understand you, I'm sorry | 02:57 |
TABASCO | no problem :) | 02:57 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: I think you can only do the server install with the alternate cd | 02:58 |
TABASCO | mhm, that is going to be a bit complicated.. | 02:58 |
TABASCO | well, it's not me who is going to install it but a friend.. | 02:58 |
TABASCO | does anyone knows about dapper? | 02:59 |
TABASCO | can I install xubuntu on a 2gb disk with dapper? | 02:59 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: it doesn't grow that much from version to version | 02:59 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: I'd say it's about the same, maybe several hundreds MB less | 02:59 |
TABASCO | TheSheep: Well, for which version are the system requirements on the website? | 03:00 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: for the current stable, in this case feisty | 03:00 |
TABASCO | TheSheep: But the feisty installer says that the root partition requires 2 gigabytes | 03:01 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: use the manual partitioning | 03:02 |
TheSheep | TABASCO: it should fit | 03:02 |
Catoptromancy | heh | 03:03 |
Catoptromancy | only 2 people talking, not really need to highlight every line | 03:04 |
TheSheep | Catoptromancy: habit | 03:05 |
Catoptromancy | hehe | 03:05 |
=== maxamillion does it too | ||
=== maxamillion would do it in jabber conversations if the tab completion functionality was there ... but that would be horribly redundant | ||
TheSheep | explicit is better than implicit | 03:07 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: i know this is horribly off topic but i was poking around moin last night and i was wondering how often the devs actually implement the feature requests? | 03:11 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: once per feature, usually | 03:13 |
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TheSheep | maxamillion: --> #moin | 03:14 |
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ancient1 | hi . which TVtuner app is best for xubuntu ? | 03:35 |
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ancient1 | everyone's asleep | 03:36 |
ancient1 | perhaps i should too | 03:37 |
grazie | TVTime? | 03:37 |
ancient1 | are you asking ? | 03:37 |
grazie | no...suggesting | 03:37 |
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ancient1_ | grazie, thx ! . my PC froze | 03:53 |
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grazie | you're welcome! | 04:05 |
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Ben_Cs | hello. well after lots of headache it figures the internet problems i had were caused because a bad dsl router. so i swapped it for a newer one and no i'm back to xubuntu (been using pc-bsd for several days). | 04:33 |
Ben_Cs | upgrading to gutsy is done by: gksu "update-manager -c" ,right? | 04:34 |
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zeroflag | hey. | 04:41 |
zeroflag | is there any single package in (x)ubuntu that installs xfce(auto-startup and the common desktop items including login manager) AND a VNC server that allows reusable sessions/access to real xfce sessions? | 04:43 |
zeroflag | because I installed xubuntu-desktop (through aptitude) but xfce won't start and no matter what I do I get strange "X not running" and unidentifyable error messages... | 04:44 |
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zeroflag | lol @ http://xkcd.com/149/ | 04:56 |
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Ben_Cs | hi | 05:11 |
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elfez | any known showstoppers lurking around when upgrading from feisty -> gutsy? | 05:49 |
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tuxutug | salut | 06:01 |
TheSheep | elfez: only one | 06:17 |
TheSheep | !beta | elfez | 06:17 |
ubotu | elfez: Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) *BETA* information and release notes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ - It is development software and as such unstable, support ONLY in #ubuntu+1 | 06:17 |
TheSheep | elfez: ehm, I mean "use only at your own risk" | 06:17 |
elfez | TheSheep: indeed - thanks :) | 06:17 |
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NullName | hey there | 06:23 |
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fir3 | hi | 06:27 |
fir3 | could someone tell me if the package hal-device-manager is installed out-of-the-box on xubuntu? | 06:28 |
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TheSheep | fir3: I don't have it | 06:37 |
TheSheep | fir3: but it's not a clean install -- I was upgradding since dapper | 06:37 |
fir3 | k, the cdrom drive appeared without installing it in thunar anyway :) | 06:38 |
fir3 | i just switched from dapper to etch on my old p2 350 pc, it runs much faster now | 06:39 |
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fir3 | cya | 06:57 |
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DM| | hey guys trying to get XDM running , ive installed xubuntu-desktop what else do i need to do | 07:20 |
DM| | anyone? | 07:22 |
TheSheep | DM|: xubuntu uses gdm... | 07:24 |
DM| | hmm | 07:24 |
DM| | whats XDM then | 07:24 |
TheSheep | !info xdm | 07:25 |
ubotu | xdm: X display manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.5-2 (feisty), package size 165 kB, installed size 764 kB | 07:25 |
DM| | werd | 07:25 |
TheSheep | DM|: xdm is pretty generic, not associated with any toolkit or desktop environment | 07:26 |
TheSheep | DM|: gdm is gtk-based, I think | 07:26 |
DM| | im using freenx to run through a remote machine , and its only allowing gnome to run even tho i can log into xfce when i remote in | 07:26 |
TheSheep | DM|: try editing your .dmrc | 07:27 |
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DM| | TheSheep will do gimme a sec | 07:28 |
junkeR | hey, where can I find info for the changes that will be coming in 7.10 | 07:28 |
TheSheep | !gutsy | 07:29 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 07:29 |
DM| | JunkeR http://tech.tolero.org/blog/en/linux/review-ubuntu-710-gutsy-features-changes | 07:29 |
junkeR | but does it list the changes for xubuntu? | 07:29 |
DM| | TheSheep lol it says XFCE but yet freenx loads gnome instead | 07:30 |
TheSheep | DM|: .xsession ? | 07:31 |
DM| | sec | 07:31 |
TheSheep | DM|: finally, there might be a config in freenx for that | 07:31 |
DM| | im trying the vnc option, its taking forever tho | 07:32 |
DM| | TheSheep no cigar | 07:36 |
TheSheep | DM|: maybe try putting 'xfce4-session' to your .xsession? | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | why not using another vnc client? | 07:37 |
DM| | etc/X11/Xsession? | 07:37 |
DM| | hyper__ch i wanted a GUI and vncviewer wouldnt work for me for some reason | 07:38 |
DM| | TheSheep where is my .xsession i need to edit? | 07:38 |
hyper__ch | well, I used krfb - that just works fine | 07:38 |
TheSheep | DM|: in your ~ | 07:38 |
TheSheep | DM|: you might have to reate it | 07:39 |
TheSheep | create | 07:39 |
=== TheSheep curses his keyboard. | ||
DM| | yeah its not there, what should i put in the file | 07:39 |
TheSheep | DM|: just 'xfce4-session' (without the quotes) and an empty line | 07:39 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: will an upgrade to gutsy cause any problems with dm-crypt/luks? | 07:40 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: never tried | 07:40 |
DM| | thesheep lol still loads gnome | 07:41 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: in feisty I had to load first some kernel modules | 07:42 |
TheSheep | DM|: I give up | 07:42 |
DM| | TheSheep got it... you start it with the custom command startxcfe4 | 07:42 |
winkerbean | We have an internal (wired) network and external (wireless) internet access. Anybody know how I can use both at the same time? | 07:43 |
TheSheep | DM|: that also starts X | 07:43 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: just set the default gateway to the wireless and a route for the internal network to the internal gateway | 07:43 |
DM| | TheSheep aye, but it works now :) im in XFCE | 07:44 |
TheSheep | DM|: congrats, you did it :) | 07:44 |
DM| | TheSheep im new to XFCE , whats the command to start the Xterminal ? | 07:45 |
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DM| | just xterminal? | 07:45 |
TheSheep | DM|: terminal | 07:45 |
TheSheep | DM|: or xfce4-terminal | 07:45 |
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winkerbean | TheSheep: thanx, that worked! | 07:50 |
DM| | TheSheep thanks for your help, im sure ill be bugging u again in a min | 07:51 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: great! | 07:54 |
DM| | TheSheep how do you change the time in Xfce? its wrong, saying 9 am | 07:55 |
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TheSheep | DM|: system -> date and time | 07:59 |
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DM| | TheSheep its not there :( | 07:59 |
DM| | nm | 07:59 |
DM| | got it , im blind | 08:00 |
DM| | gonna put it in the case now, thanks for all the help | 08:01 |
TheSheep | DM|: no problem, do come back :) | 08:01 |
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winkerbean | TheSheep: I stand corrected (now I'm back online). I had both connections for a few minutes, but then lost the external connection. | 08:14 |
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psyhhix | hei | 08:18 |
vinze | Hey psyhhix | 08:18 |
psyhhix | how do i get near to my other pc via ip address? i cant find a place where to put it :F | 08:18 |
vinze | What do you mean: "near to my other pc via ip address"? | 08:18 |
psyhhix | i have other pc with xp on local network | 08:19 |
psyhhix | with kde no problem | 08:19 |
psyhhix | but im using first time xfce :D | 08:19 |
vinze | Oww... Not my area, sorry :( | 08:19 |
psyhhix | np :) | 08:19 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: that's very weird | 08:25 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: what does 'ip route' say? | 08:26 |
winkerbean | dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src | 08:26 |
winkerbean | dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src | 08:26 |
winkerbean | dev wlan0 scope link metric 1000 | 08:26 |
winkerbean | default via dev wlan0 | 08:26 |
winkerbean | Now, I seem ok. But then I seemed ok before and lost the outside world. | 08:27 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: you use static ips or dhcp? | 08:27 |
winkerbean | TheSheep: dhcp for outside, static for inside | 08:28 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: maybe it's just the signal power of your wireless? | 08:28 |
TheSheep | winkerbean: or dhcp timed out? | 08:28 |
winkerbean | TheSheep: Could be either, I suppose. | 08:28 |
TheSheep | or both :) | 08:28 |
NullName | hey you guys.....if I used ssh to connect to a box on my LAN and downloaded a torrent, through ssh. Would this hide that i'm downloading a torrent from my isp?....what if I also renamed the file to a "schoolwork.zip" | 08:28 |
winkerbean | TheSheep: Heh. Thanx just the same. | 08:29 |
NullName | the reason being with ssh that it is encrypted | 08:29 |
TheSheep | NullName: it hides the fact that you're transmitting the file itself, but downloading the *content* to which that file points is an entirely different thing | 08:30 |
TheSheep | NullName: try reading about the torrent protocol on wikipedia, for example | 08:30 |
NullName | thanks | 08:32 |
NullName | yea I'm reading about ssh on wikipedia...and to my understanding it hides it...so I have to also encrypt the file that it points to? | 08:33 |
NullName | reading about torrent will help me understand how the content is stored? | 08:34 |
NullName | I mean I think I understand how torrents work. | 08:34 |
TheSheep | NullName: admins don't usually punish copying of the toreent files themselves, they detect downloading of the content via the torrent protocol | 08:35 |
NullName | but that can't detect that I'm using the torrent protocol if I'm using ssh on the lan? | 08:37 |
NullName | my other computer has the torrent client and is recieiving the file. I'm just controlling the torrent client. | 08:38 |
NullName | then later I will transfer the file to my box | 08:38 |
NullName | using scp | 08:38 |
TheSheep | NullName: he can detect it where your ssh tunnel ends | 08:38 |
NullName | darn | 08:38 |
NullName | Maybe I'm crazy...but wikipedia doestn seem to have an entry for "torrent" | 08:39 |
NullName | just b=ittorrent clients | 08:39 |
NullName | nevermind | 08:39 |
NullName | they have bittorrent protocl | 08:39 |
NullName | *protocol | 08:39 |
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psyhhix | how can i connect to my pc (win xp) with xfce? theres a switch between, with kde works fine, but xfce i cant | 08:53 |
NullName | what do you mean by "connect"? | 08:53 |
NullName | you want to control you winxp PC? | 08:53 |
NullName | for full control I would use "vnc" | 08:53 |
psyhhix | i want to access to my shared folder | 08:53 |
NullName | but for a faster adn more secure connection I would use "ssh" | 08:54 |
NullName | well then you can use ftp | 08:54 |
NullName | which isnt secure | 08:54 |
NullName | but would get the job done] | 08:54 |
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NullName | you want to be able to download files from the xp PC while you are on the box with xfce? | 08:54 |
vinze | psyhhix, as I said, not my area, but *perhaps* this might be of help: http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-6042653380764683&cof=FORID:1%3BGL:1%3BLBGC:336699%3BBGC:%23f6f6f6%3BLC:%230000ff%3BVLC:%23663399%3BGFNT:%230000ff%3BGIMP:%230000ff%3BDIV:%23336699%3B&domains=grumpymole.blogspot.com&sitesearch=grumpymole.blogspot.com&oe=ISO-8859-1&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=pyneighborhood&spell=1 | 08:55 |
psyhhix | i want transport files from pc to my laptop | 08:55 |
NullName | okay | 08:55 |
NullName | well you need to install an ftp server | 08:55 |
NullName | its MUCH easier to install one on linux | 08:55 |
NullName | I prefer hosting the server on linux | 08:55 |
NullName | let me get you the link.... | 08:56 |
psyhhix | ahh, cool, ty | 08:56 |
psyhhix | works | 08:56 |
psyhhix | thanks | 08:56 |
NullName | sudo apt-get install proftpd | 08:57 |
NullName | sudo cp /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf_backup | 08:57 |
NullName | gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf | 08:57 |
NullName | Find this section ... DenyFilter \*.*/ ... | 08:57 |
NullName | actually, just go to this link | 08:57 |
NullName | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_FTP_Server_for_File_Transfer_service | 08:57 |
NullName | the instructions are way easy | 08:57 |
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pike_ | lies...LIES! | 09:09 |
maxamillion | ? | 09:12 |
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pike_ | ive found pam+ftp to be kinda a headache. it is easier in windows to setup virtual users | 09:18 |
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