
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mozillateam.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Bug Triagers please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/ + https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Procedures | Firefox trunk package source : https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.dev | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by Ubulette at Tue Oct 2 20:39:32 2007
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thiebaudeI have a problem in firefox06:50
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=== PatrickWeb [n=PatrickW@AMarseille-256-1-174-38.w90-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
bluekujaheya asac11:51
bluekujaasac: tell me when you're there12:13
bluekujaneed to ask you something12:13
asacdon't ask to ask ;)12:14
asacgo ahead12:15
bluekujaI'm reading your istructions12:15
bluekujaand I started to work on the new patch12:15
bluekujaI did12:16
bluekuja1) added GPC_SUBDIR = gpc to makefile.am12:16
bluekuja2) in configure.in changed gpc/makefile to ${GPC_MAKEFILE} (in AC_OUTPUT12:16
bluekujaasac: now I need to apply the ENABLE_GPC12:17
bluekujawhich is already there12:18
bluekujain configure.in12:18
bluekujafor the check12:18
bluekujathat enables gpc12:18
bluekuja    AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gpc] ,[gpc polygon clipper library] ) )12:18
bluekujaasac: in fact it was necessary to add --disable-gpc12:19
bluekujato autogen.sh12:19
bluekujaso there wont be a check12:20
asacto autgen.sh invocation you mean :)12:20
bluekujaand there wont be gpc inside12:20
bluekujaautogen.sh --disab...12:20
asacyou can test for if test x$ENABLE_GPC != x; then ...12:20
asacand set a variable that contains gpc/Makefile if ENABLE_GPC contains a value12:21
bluekujaasac: added inside configure.in?12:21
asacbluekuja: the problem you have to fix in configure.in is that AC_OUTPUT currently always contains gpc/Makefile12:21
bluekujaasac: yeah12:21
bluekujawe dont have a gpc folder anymore12:22
asacso you check if gpc is enabled and only then add that to AC_OUTPUT12:22
asaci would replace the gpc/Makefile string with just $gpcmakefile12:22
asacand set gpcmakefile=gpc/Makefile if ENABLE_GPC is true12:22
asacof course all in configure.in12:22
bluekujaasac: there is AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GPC,[test xyes = x$enable_gpc] ) too12:22
bluekujajust after the check, of course..12:22
asacok then you can just do12:23
asacif test test xyes = x$enable_gpc; then gpcmakefile=gpc/Makefile; done12:23
asacremove one |test| of course12:23
bluekujaadded it12:24
bluekujato configure.in12:25
bluekujaGPC_SUBDIR = gpc12:25
bluekujaasac: is still needed?12:25
bluekujaalso we have12:25
bluekuja   Makefile12:25
bluekuja   libagg.pc12:25
bluekuja   ${GPC_MAKEFILE}12:25
bluekujainside configure.in12:26
bluekujaas well12:26
asacgive it a try12:26
bluekujapatch added12:26
asacGPC_SUBDIR is not needed in configure.in12:26
asacyou just can do that in Makefile.am12:26
asacif ENABLE_GPC12:26
asacGPC_SUBDIR = gpc12:26
asacSUBDIRS = .... $(GPC_SUBDIR) ...12:27
bluekujaasac: getting a syntax error12:41
bluekuja./configure: line 20252: syntax error near unexpected token `then'12:42
bluekuja./configure: line 20252: ` if if test xyes = x$enable_gpc;then gpcmakefile=gpc/Makefile; then'12:42
asacbluekuja: you will figure12:42
asacits just a shell script12:42
asacdouble if is definitly wrong12:42
bluekujaI dont know12:42
bluekujawhy there are two "if"12:42
bluekujaENABLE_GPC,[if test xyes = x$enable_gpc;then gpcmakefile=gpc/Makefile] )12:42
bluekujaI have this12:42
bluekujawhere does it get the second if?12:43
asacwell you changed the AM_CONDITIONAL line12:43
asacits just outside12:43
asacrevert what oyu don12:43
asacand do it outside of any AM_ AC_ macro12:43
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bluekujaasac_: configure worked01:11
bluekujabut failed on creating makefiles01:11
bluekujaconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in01:11
bluekujaasac_: that's because we changed the variable on AC_OUTPUT01:15
bluekujainside configure.in01:15
asacbluekuja: you will figure it out ... you probably did something wrong01:24
asacfor AC_OUTPUT01:25
bluekujaasac: AC_OUTPUT in configure.in file01:28
bluekujagot only01:28
bluekujainstead of using gpc/makefile01:28
bluekujathat's the only change I made there01:30
asacdoes it work if you set GPCMAKEFILE = gpc/Makefile manually?01:39
bluekujalet me see01:39
bluekujaasac: nope, doesnt work...01:49
bluekujaI added GPC_MAKEFILE=gpc/Makefile01:50
bluekujabut nothing01:50
bluekujastill cannot find input file01:50
asacits probably a syntax issue ... try just $GPC_MAKEFILE01:55
asacotherwise look in the firefox configure.in ... they dynamically extend the set of used Makefiles01:56
asacthey just setup a VARIABLE MAKEFILES that contains all makefiles and then use:01:56
asaci think you can follow that approach easily01:56
bluekujaasac: doesnt work, are you sure about ac_output(makefiles)?02:00
bluekujaasac: there are something like 15 other makefiles02:00
bluekujamaybe it will mess up everything02:00
bluekujaasac: maybe he cant find gpc/makefile02:01
bluekujawith that variable02:01
bluekujabecause it's simply does not exist02:01
asacbluekuja: the idea is to test whether it works if gpc/Makefile exists02:01
asaci thought that its clear02:01
bluekujaasac: the point is clear02:01
asacand then test if it works if gpc doesn't exist, and GPC_MAKEFILE is empty02:01
asaci am sure for AC_OUTPUT($MAKEFILES)02:02
asacyou just have to assemble MAKEFILES properly02:02
asaclunch now ... if you don't find a solution i can do it tomorrow i guess02:03
asacbut try to play around ... read autoconf documentation et al :)02:04
bluekujaasac: also02:04
bluekujawithout the original patch02:04
bluekujaadded by rene02:04
bluekujaand withot02:04
bluekujamy patch02:04
bluekujait doesnt build02:04
bluekujaconfigure.in:144: required file `gpc/Makefile.in' not found02:05
bluekujaMakefile.am:1: required directory ./gpc does not exist02:05
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host72-133-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
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asacbluekuja: well thats the issue we want to fix02:26
bluekujaasac: wait a minute02:27
bluekujaasac: re-adding the gpc dir02:27
bluekujabut disabling gpc itself02:27
bluekujais wrong?02:27
bluekujait fails with gpc dir as well02:29
bluekujadamn, staying alwais at home it's soo damn boring02:32
bluekujaeverything for that damn crash02:33
asacwell ;) ... you can learn autoconf and automake02:33
asac... is valuable know-how if you want to do something for real ;)02:34
bluekujaasac: yeah, but I definitely cant understand how can I define a variable for a dir that doesnt exist02:34
bluekujait's normal that automake complains02:35
asacpaste your configure.in please02:35
=== asac back to rc cd testing
bluekujaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741/02:36
asacbluekuja: well its obvious that it will fail if you don't have gpc/Makefile for that case02:39
asacset GPC_MAKEFILE to nothing and see if it still fails02:39
asacif it works you have to set GPC_MAKEFILE only if GPC is enabled02:39
bluekujaasac: fails02:41
asacwell how does it fail?02:42
bluekujaconfigure: creating ./config.status02:42
bluekujaconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in02:42
bluekujamake: *** [build-stamp]  Error 102:42
bluekujastill there02:42
bluekujaasac: seems that --disable-gpc doesnt work how we want02:44
bluekujaasac: and agg checks for gpc02:44
bluekujawithout finding necessary files02:44
bluekujaand fails02:44
bluekujathat's why rene removed the check itself02:45
bluekujacheck removed plus gpc dir removed02:45
asacbluekuja: do you see that the last error you get has nothing todo with gpc?02:46
bluekujaasac: mmm...yeah, missing makefile.in?02:47
bluekujain ./?02:47
bluekujaor I'm on a wrong way?02:47
asacok ... lets forget about the configure.in stuff ... just strip everything from gpc/ directory _except_ Makefile.am ... and just fix the top level Makefile.am to not contain gpc in SUBDIRS02:48
asacthe gpc/Makefile.am probably doesn't have a licensing issue02:49
bluekujaasac: you mean pushing everything from gpc/ to ./?02:49
bluekujaor removing every gpc dir file02:50
bluekujathe makefile.am?02:50
bluekujalet me do it02:50
bluekujaasac: works02:54
bluekujabuilt twice in a row succesfull02:56
bluekujaas well02:56
bluekujaasac: why we tried to work on the configure.in file if not needed?02:58
asacsounds cleaner to me to remove the whole gpc directory03:00
bluekujaasac: so we return back to the origins03:01
asacSUBDIRS should be fixed in the same way that i suggested for the complete fix03:01
asacits just a partial fix we do now03:01
bluekujaasac: subdirs was fixed in previous patch as well03:01
bluekuja-SUBDIRS = gpc src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples03:02
bluekuja+SUBDIRS = src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples03:02
bluekujathis was already done03:02
bluekujaasac: removing the entire gpc folder will get back to the latest upload03:02
asacyes thats wrong03:02
asaci repeated how to fix Makefile.am multiple times03:03
bluekuja+SUBDIRS = src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples03:03
bluekuja+GPC_SUBDIR = gpc03:03
bluekuja+if ENABLE_GPC03:03
bluekuja+SUBDIRS = $(GPC_SUBDIR) src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples03:03
bluekujathis way, I know03:03
asacyeah ... but just with proper syntax/semantic03:04
asacyou can send it upstream as well if done03:04
bluekujaasac: so changes to the CURRENT branch are:03:04
bluekuja1) makefile.am fix (like I pasted you now)03:04
asacreplace the gpc patch by just a patch to fix SUBDIRS in Makefile.am03:05
bluekujaasac: can you please explain me03:05
bluekujawhy working on configure.in03:05
bluekujawas the wrong way to work?03:05
asacits not the wrong way ... its good to have, but is not essential to fix our issue in an upstream suitable fashion ... you can look into this later if you have time03:07
asacthe perfect fix would do both: fix Makefile.am + configure.in ... so you can just remove the complete gpc/ directory03:07
asacjust fixing Makefile.am is sufficient to satisfy our requirements in a way that can be used upstream as well03:07
=== |bluekuja| [n=andrea@host207-142-dynamic.48-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== asac back to cd testing
|bluekuja|damn, I lagged03:09
|bluekuja|asac: gonna ping you when branch is pushed03:09
bluekujaasac: mmm...it fails with that makefile.am change03:11
bluekujaI posted you above03:11
bluekujaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/742/03:12
bluekujaI should use fi03:13
bluekujanot endif03:13
bluekujalet's see03:13
asacwell the syntax is wrong03:14
asaclook in other Makefiles to get an idea how it looks03:15
asaci think its even in the same Makefile.am where you can see how if works03:15
bluekujasyntax wrong03:15
asacthere are examples in the same package03:15
bluekujaasac: right one is http://paste.ubuntu.com/743/03:16
bluekujausing this atm03:16
bluekujaand buildinh03:16
asaclooks better03:17
asacyou maybe can use03:17
asacbut then you have to define the first subdirs03:17
asacSUBDIRS := src font_freetype ...03:17
asaci guess03:17
bluekujalet me do it03:18
bluekujalet's see if it works this way first03:18
bluekujaasac: mmm...doesnt work03:22
bluekujaalso if the syntax is correct03:22
bluekujasame error, makefile.in03:22
asacyour orig probabyl doesn't have the right files ... the approach has changed03:23
bluekujaasac: I have no orig file atm03:23
bluekujaworking with dpkg-buildpackage03:23
bluekujadirectly on the source03:23
bluekujaso I take the branch03:24
bluekujaadd the patch03:24
bluekujaand build03:24
bluekujaasac: makefile.in problem wont leave us in peace03:29
bluekujaI guess03:29
bluekujaasac: seems that configure.in file was ok before03:34
bluekujamakefile.am with those changes03:34
bluekujamess up everything03:34
bluekujaasac: should I fix only the SUBDIRS variables03:45
bluekujaremoving gpc03:45
=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
bluekujaasac: ?03:47
asacits you who sets the standard of what you want in your packages ... making SUBDIRS generic should be a simple task imo ... but i can upload what is currenlty in bzr as well03:49
bluekujaasac: problem is using GPC_ENABLE variable03:49
bluekujain makefile.am03:50
asacalmost certainly a syntax issue then03:50
asachow does it fail?03:50
bluekujaconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in03:50
bluekujamake: *** [build-stamp]  Error 103:50
bluekujaand my patch is03:51
bluekujaasac: it doesnt look like a syntax issue then03:53
asacit is03:53
asacyou use sh syntax in makefile03:54
asaclook for examples in that package03:54
bluekujafound an example03:56
bluekujalet me try that syntax03:56
bluekujaasac: I used another syntax and keep failing04:00
bluekujaI checked abother makefile.am04:01
bluekujafor it04:01
bluekujaso cannot be wrong04:01
Ubulettebluekuja, the "if" line is wrong04:02
Ubulette+if ENABLE_GPC04:03
Ubulette+SUBDIRS = $(GPC_SUBDIR) src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples04:03
bluekujaUbulette: why its wrong?04:03
Ubulettecould be ifdef $(ENABLE_GPC) or something else depending on what ENABLE_GPC contains04:04
asacUbulette: if is an automake AM_CONDITIONAL feature04:04
Ubuletteoh, I just read the pastebin.. not much context there04:04
asacbluekuja: check in config.status if ENABLE_GPC is defined04:05
asacbut you don't say how it fails so its just blind guessing04:05
bluekujaconfigure: creating ./config.status04:06
bluekujaconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in04:06
bluekujamake: *** [build-stamp]  Error 104:06
bluekujaalwais same error04:06
asacthats a configure issue04:06
asacyou probably didn't clean it up properly after your experiments04:06
bluekujaasac: now I re-grab the branch04:07
bluekujaI add the patch04:07
bluekujaand I build04:07
bluekuja(patch= the one on pastebin)04:08
asactry to not use a variable04:12
asacif that still doesn't work ... actually you don't need to use a variable if you do it the way you do (e.g. duplicating the subdirs line)04:13
bluekujaasac: what should I use then?04:13
asacanything that works ;)04:14
asacmy hints were just suggestions to improve it ... whenever you say you are happy i can upload ... unless there is really something critical04:16
bluekujaasac: let's see if this time work04:16
bluekujaasac: lets delete the gpc variable then04:17
bluekuja+if ENABLE_GPC04:17
bluekuja+SUBDIRS = gpc src font_freetype font_win32_tt include examples04:17
bluekujashould be fine?04:17
bluekujaasac: without using GPC variable directly04:18
asacbe sure that gpc/Makefile.am exists04:18
asacand try to figure out where gpc was initially build (e.g. after or before src?)04:19
bluekujaasac: so it's ok for you to have gpc/Makefile.am?04:19
bluekujayou said me it's not clean04:20
asacbluekuja: i said its not clean, but better to keep it than patching all things in a way that will never go upstream :)04:21
asacclean would need configure.in04:21
bluekujaok, I add gpc/Makefile.am04:21
bluekujaand I use that patch04:21
asackeep that in orig ... and fix debian/rules ... then its just a nice 1 line patch04:21
asactry SUBDIRS += gpc04:21
asacinstead of duplicating all dirs04:21
bluekujadebian/rules why?04:22
bluekujaasac: for disable-gpc you mean?04:26
bluekujaok builds fine04:28
bluekujaasac: what I did is04:28
bluekuja1) adding the patch for makefile.am04:28
bluekujayou can find it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/754/04:29
bluekuja2) added gpc/Makefile.am04:29
bluekuja3) fixed debian/rules04:29
bluekuja4) built04:29
bluekuja5) built twice in a row04:30
bluekujaasac: are these small steps right?04:31
bluekujaif yes, I push and everything is ready04:32
bluekujaasac: pushed04:59
bluekujaasac: can you please branch everything out and give it a try?05:00
bluekujathanks alex05:00
asacbluekuja: upstream branch isn't updated05:01
bluekujaasac: I added gpc dir to debian only05:01
bluekujashould I add it to upstream as well?05:01
bluekujaanyway merging those two branches will end up in having it at the end05:01
bluekujabut if you want me to push gpc/Makefile.am there too, is ok05:02
asacbluekuja: of course to upstream only05:02
asacthen merge it over to debian05:02
bluekujaasac: aww, sent to debian already05:03
asacyou don't merge from debian to upstream but the other way05:03
bluekujalet me add it manually05:03
bluekujato upstream05:03
asactry merge upstream to debian afterwards ... to see if bzr resolves th conflict smart fashion05:03
bluekujaR   gpc/ => gpc.moved/05:07
bluekujaConflict adding file gpc.  Moved existing file to gpc.moved.05:07
bluekuja1 conflicts encountered.05:07
bluekujaasac: seems ok then05:09
bluekujagpc is on debian as well05:09
bluekujaother files are N05:09
bluekujaso same for both branches05:09
asacplease resolve the conflict now05:10
asac(so its done in turn of a merge associatable with this upload)05:10
bluekujaasac: I should re-remove gpc folder05:11
bluekujaand merge again then05:11
asacfigure it out ... i hate resolving these "added in two places" conflicts05:11
asaci think you have to remove the gpc.moved dir ... or bzr mv it back05:11
bluekujalets see05:12
bluekujaasac: resolved05:24
bluekujaasac: after merging, should I push?05:25
asacif it makes sense yes05:25
bluekujaadded gpc05:26
bluekujaadded gpc/Makefile.am05:26
bluekujadeleted gpc05:26
bluekujadeleted gpc/Makefile.am05:26
bluekujaasac: seems that it doesnt make sense05:26
bluekujaso I keep them resolved here05:26
asacthat doesn't help05:26
asacresolve them in a way that fixes it ... otherwise i cannot build the package from bzr05:27
asacbecause --merge will fail05:27
bluekujaasac: let me see if it fails05:27
bluekujaasac: builds ;)05:29
bluekujatry there05:30
bluekujaasac: just use a correct orig05:32
bluekujawith gpc/Makefile.am05:32
bluekujaand will build fine05:32
bluekujadpkg-deb: costruisco il pacchetto `libagg-dev' in `../libagg-dev_2.5+dfsg-2_i386.deb'.05:34
bluekujaCleaning build dir: ../build-area/agg-2.5+dfsg05:34
bluekujaasac: works fine there?05:37
asacbluekuja: it works but its a pain ... you should sureley resolve the conflict properly ... otherwise it will come back on next update et al05:46
bluekujaasac: why pain?05:46
bluekujagone like a charm here05:46
asacbecause you cannot merge new upstream revisions now05:46
asactry bzr merge ../libagg.upstream ... it will result in the conflict. better resolve that now then later05:47
bluekujanothing to do05:47
bluekujaI get05:47
bluekujaAll changes applied successfully.05:48
bluekujano conflicts here05:48
asacthen you haven't pushed all?05:48
bluekuja3 revisions for upstream05:49
bluekujaand 11 for debian05:50
bluekujamerging should make a rev 1205:50
bluekujafor debian05:50
bluekuja12 plus 3 of upstream05:50
bluekujaand 1.1.305:50
asacbluekuja: you haven't pushed the merge05:52
asacbluekuja: please do that then05:52
bluekujaasac: ok05:52
bluekujagive me a small second05:52
bluekujaasac: done, try now please06:01
bluekujaasac: ok everything is fine then06:05
asacok ... doing test build06:08
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Bug Triagers please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/ + https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Procedures | Firefox trunk package source : https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.dev | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by Ubulette at Tue Oct 2 20:39:32 2007
(Ubulette/#ubuntu-mozillateam) you have to rename it07:27
(Ubulette/#ubuntu-mozillateam) otherwise md5 or size wont match07:27
bluekujaUbulette: asac will just have to upload the tarball07:32
bluekujabzr bd creates07:32
bluekujabut unfortunately he went out07:33
Ubuletteif the tarball for agg_2.5+dfsg-1 has been changed, you cannot reup for agg_2.5+dfsg-2; you have to bump version07:35
Ubulettelike agg_2.5+dfsg+1-107:35
bluekujaUbulette: huh?07:37
bluekujaUbulette: bzr bd creates a tarball with agg_2.5+dfsg207:37
bluekujait wasnt uploaded07:37
bluekujaalong with the files:07:37
bluekuja  agg_2.5+dfsg-2.dsc07:38
bluekuja  agg_2.5+dfsg-2.diff.gz07:38
bluekuja  libagg-dev_2.5+dfsg-2_amd64.deb07:38
bluekujaso dak gets the orig already in the archive07:38
bluekujawhich is wrong07:38
bluekujabecause it has been changed07:38
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=== harLuad [n=lol@ADijon-257-1-99-41.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
harLuadI'm unable to connect on secured site (like gmail) since an upgrade of firefox ( The message ask me if PSM is correctly installed. A complete reinstall of firefox change nothing. Anybody have an idea ?07:47
asacbluekuja: yes right you have to bump the upstream version to dfsg109:24
asacthe dfsg one was uploaded before, right?09:24
bluekujaasac: back09:52
bluekujaasac: I've talked with myon too09:53
bluekujaasac: so dfsg1-2?09:53
Ubulettemakes more sense09:56
bluekujaUbulette: why asac said dfsg1?09:56
Ubuletteor dfsg1-109:56
Ubuletteas you prefer09:56
Ubulette-1 because it's the 1st round with the new tarball09:56
bluekujaUbulette: we had another dfsg tarball09:57
bluekujabefore this one09:57
bluekujaagg (2.5+dfsg-1)09:57
bluekujawas previously uploaded revision09:57
Ubulettedfsg is part of the version so append something after it, either 1 or 209:58
Ubulettethen -1 for the revision09:58
bluekujaUbulette: and for a second revision?09:58
bluekujaon a different tarball09:58
bluekujabut still with dfsg?09:58
Ubulette2.5+dfsg-1 => (now) 2.5+dfsg2-1 => (later) 2.5+dfsg2-2, 2.5+dfsg2-309:58
Ubulettethen 2.6+dfsg-1 again09:59
bluekujaUbulette: thanks for the hint, it's not usual working with dfsg stuff09:59
bluekuja2.5+dfsg2-1 now then10:00
Ubuletteit's not different from +cvs10:00
bluekujaUbulette: anyway tarball gets +dfsg only10:00
bluekujawithout a revision10:00
bluekujaand that's why dak complains10:01
Ubulettewith 2.5+dfsg2-1, the tarball will end in dfsg210:01
Ubulettethat's what you want10:01
Ubulette(i know) :)10:01
bluekujanow I wait asac and I push the update to the branch10:02
bluekujaso he can upload10:02
Ubulettedamn, ppa is slow10:07
Ubulette1 or 2 hours to start the build10:07
Ubulettefor 10 sec of build :P10:07
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asacbluekuja: so what did you came up with?10:47
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Ubulettehm, with the latest webrunner, my lp webapp is now usable11:17
bluekujaasac: still here?11:38
bluekujaasac: great11:39
bluekujaasac: I bump version to dfsg1-111:39
bluekujaand then should be ready for upload11:40
asacbluekuja: which version is currently in debian?11:40
asacok thats correct then11:40
bluekujaasac: give me a while and it's live on the branch11:41
bluekujaasac: pushed11:55
bluekujaasac: just remember to include new orig as well11:55
bluekujaasac: works fine?12:04
bluekujaasac: I talked with myon some hours ago12:08
bluekujaasac: about identification stuff12:09
bluekujaasac: he said me I can start the NM, do every test but when creating the account, I should have a DD to sign my key12:09
bluekujaso it's not necessary to have it now12:10
asacthats true12:10
asacits just uncommon12:10
bluekujabut he said I'll have to organize12:11
bluekujain the next month12:11
asacbut things can go fast and being at the DAM level without key would make me shiver12:11
bluekujaasac: it's hard for me to get a DD here12:11
bluekujaI have no car12:11
asacbluekuja: why next month?12:11
asacvisit turin :)12:12
bluekujawhat there will be in turin??12:12
asaca DD?12:12
asacno idea12:12
bluekujaI've explained him12:12
bluekujamy situtation12:13
bluekujaand he said12:13
bluekuja[19:48:45]  <bluekuja> can an application start the NM also if the key has not been signed yet?12:13
bluekuja[19:48:54]  <bluekuja> e.g having it signed in a second moment12:13
bluekuja[19:49:01]  <Myon> yes, as long as the key is signed at some point12:13
asacwell, i just say that it should not be different if you get the key soon ... or later ... just that you will take the risk to get stuck at DAM stage because you never got it done :)12:14
bluekujaasac: yeah, but I promise I'll organize myself on a holiday period12:15
bluekujato get a DD12:15
bluekujaI need to talk with my father12:15
bluekujaand he should bring me around italy12:15
asaci don't need your promis :) ... promise that to yourself ;)12:15
bluekujahe'll kill me12:15
bluekujabut that's not a problem12:15
asachow about train?12:15
bluekujayeah, train would be ok too12:15
bluekujathere will be a meeting12:15
bluekujain Siena12:16
asacsounds good12:16
bluekujaand I'll be there12:16
bluekujaso I can ping enrico12:16
bluekujato come12:16
bluekujaand get my key signed12:16
bluekujathere will be a keysigning party as well12:16
bluekujaasac: who signed your key?12:17
bluekujawhen you started NM12:17
bluekuja(long time ago)12:17
asacsomeone here :)12:17
asaci am not the great key-signer either12:18
asacbut i would have travelled by train et al to get it :)12:18
asacfortunately i live in a big city, so there are a few DDs here12:18
bluekujayou're lucky, italian DDs are quite inactive except for giskard and enrico12:19
bluekujaso it's hard to find one available12:19
asacthen contribute a lot and request sponsorship to travel to debconf next year12:20
bluekujastill on south america?12:20
bluekujaor where?12:20
asacwhy still?12:20
asacits somewhere else every year12:20
asacthis year was england12:20
asacnext year its argentina12:20
bluekujaah yeah, was on dublin12:20
asacno idea actually12:20
bluekujathat's a long distance12:21
bluekujayou will be there?12:21
bluekujaasac: agg accepted12:21
bluekujaasac: from?12:22
asactwo many things to tell ... and even more that i don't know about yet ;)12:22
bluekujaI would like to meet you12:22
bluekujain the future12:22
asacyeah :) ... who knows, maybe next UDS will be in italy :)12:23
bluekujawould be great!12:23
bluekujaasac: my curiosity12:23
asacbut i doubt it ;)12:23
bluekujahow to make a binary upload?12:23
bluekujalike debian does12:23
asacjust without arguments :)12:23
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot12:23
asacwill do the trick12:24
bluekujaand for uploading?12:24
asacif you have messed up your versioning and need an orig for other debian revision than -1 you can also pass -sa12:24
asacbluekuja: uploading? you just dput the .changes file ... as usually12:24
bluekujaand it uploads the .deb as well?12:24
asacyes try to build like above ... look at .changes file12:24
asacif you don't add -S ... binaries will be included by default12:25
bluekujalol yeah!12:25
asacdput uploads everything in changes file ;)12:25
bluekujathanks for this, was keeping asking me12:26
bluekuja"hey, how he pushes binaries too?"12:26
bluekujaasac: ok, everything clear now12:27
bluekujaasac: tomorrow, I'll compile the request form12:27
bluekujaand I'll ping you at some point of the day12:27
bluekujaadding a note to my TODO12:27
bluekujahaving key signed12:27
bluekujapriority = high12:27
asacrequest form?12:28
bluekujayeah, surname/name/mail12:28
asacah right12:29
asacthen i need to advocate you12:29
bluekujaasac: yeah :)12:29
bluekujaasac: which mail should I use?12:29
bluekujathe one where my packages are registered?12:29
asaci would use your personal one12:29
asacusually yes ... but it doesn't matter much i guess12:29
asacbut using a role email isn't good either imo12:30
bluekujaasac: yeah, you're absolutely right12:30
bluekujaI'll use gmail one then12:30
bluekujaI hope they'll find my QA page12:30

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