
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by LjL at Mon Oct 8 01:12:45 2007
=== munk_ [n=munk@CPE00e04cb28c30-CM00140493e636.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
(Ethik|LinuxNab/#ubuntu) yea05:10
(bexamous/#ubuntu) community service?05:11
(Ethik|LinuxNab/#ubuntu) I can plug into a hard line for that05:11
(Ethik|LinuxNab/#ubuntu) Thanks man05:11
munk_how do i find the resolution that i have in the terminal?05:11
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@h153.26.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has joined #ubuntu
(darkcrab/#ubuntu) ok, then if you can get ethernet, I recommend getting ndiswrapper via synaptic.05:11
(Evanlec/#ubuntu) anyone know an easy solution to get gnome-terminal to REMEMBER its window size dimensions???05:11
ubuntu_how i fix this    Error while copying to "/media/disk/home/doug".         You do not have permissions to write to this folder.05:11
=== Juchipilo [n=Juchipil@cpe-76-87-49-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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(darkcrab/#ubuntu) compiling it is a biotch05:11
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bexamouschown username:group /media/disk/home/doug probably05:12
Veinorubuntu_ what're you trying to do?05:12
=== yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu
etzerdbexamous; mabe I use the wrong word. I mean a better community in term of organization.05:12
darkcrabubuntu, go in terminal and sudo05:12
Ethik|LinuxNabI have to go downstairs to plug in05:12
darkcrabcopy using mv05:12
bexamousi've switched everythign to ubuntu, including stuff at work05:12
ubuntu_Veinor: im in live cd and trying to copy a folder from live cd to the real disk05:12
=== DropKickMurpheys [n=justin@] has joined #ubuntu
=== myconid [n=myconidx@c-75-68-193-39.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bexamouswell we just ditched redhat basicaly05:13
darkcrabsudo mv /media/disk/home/doug* /what yours trying to copy to05:13
myconidis there a reasonably simple GUI based backup app for ubuntu? (for a small business network)05:13
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@netblock-208-127-93-199.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
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myconidbackup /home to a usb drive...05:13
allamhow i can modify the screen resolution05:13
brueniggui ewww05:13
bruenigmyconid, backing up /home to a usb drive is a simple as one command05:13
Veinorubuntu_ put the word 'sudo' before the command you're trying to run05:14
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-76-29-25-210.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Flannel!backup | myconid05:14
ubotumyconid: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:14
frijolieso is there no need to "defrag" GNU/Linux?05:14
bexamousallam: Look up xorg.conf05:14
myconidbruenig, telling someone to run tar cvfz /home/ /media/sd5/ isnt a way to win over windows users :P05:14
=== Dan_ [n=joel@cpc1-lich4-0-0-cust663.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigmyconid, you said nothing of tarring05:14
myconidfrijolie, is there ever REALLY a need to defrag?05:14
=== z0r [n=alex@p1121-ipad69osakakita.osaka.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
darkcraballam, system preferences screen resolution05:15
=== trdracer [n=robert@adsl-69-227-164-94.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousprobably not with ubuntu05:15
ubuntu_Veinor: i done tht05:15
bexamousgentoo and some others can screw over a system wih fragmentation05:15
=== pulsar [n=pulsar@10ge-2-0.extmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigand I am not trying to win over windows users, I am trying to help linux users05:15
frijoliefile /disk fragmentation05:15
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo05:15
bexamousportage directory for example is horrible05:15
=== z0r [n=alex@p1121-ipad69osakakita.osaka.ocn.ne.jp] has left #ubuntu []
=== mxdos [n=mario@as5300-s07-124.cnt.entelchile.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekmyconid, never ext takes care of it05:15
Dan_hiya people how do i change rooms on here again sorry?05:15
bruenigthat tar command wouldn't work by the way05:15
MasterShrekbexamous, gentoo doesnt fragment05:15
frijolieI guess Unix indexes all the data and knows right where it lies on the hard disk?05:15
myconid'rooms' ?05:15
=== MTecknology [i=MTecknol@] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousyea it does05:16
VeinorDan_: /join #whatever05:16
MasterShrekno it doesnt05:16
bruenigbexamous, no it doesn't05:16
myconidMasterShrek, a. ubuntu doesnt control anything about files, b. ext3 does create fragments05:16
Dan_i just wanted to change to ubuntu off topic05:16
Dan_or sumtin but im not sure how05:16
Dan_just wnated to thank someone05:16
myconidtype /quit ?05:16
Veinor>_< no don't05:16
Evanlecwhy does ntfs have to be defragged and ext3 does not, im interested as well05:16
MasterShrekmyconid, not enough to make a difference because it fixes itself fast enough to not have to worry about it05:16
Veinor /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:16
Dan_thanks guy :)05:16
tmbahey, I think I have borked one of my fat32 partitions using fdisk (all I did was to start fdisk and then use 'w' to exit without any changes). Now I can't mount it and fsck.msdos reports 'logical sector size is 0'. I don't want to loose the data on the partition, is there anyway of fixing it?05:16
Veinorthere aren't even any defrag utils in the ubuntu reps, so I wouldn't worry about it.05:17
myconidEvanlec, NTFS needs to be defragged so that a company can exist to sell defragging software.05:17
=== neowikkin [n=neowikki@] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlechow does it fix itself?05:17
Evanlecmyconid, lol, but defrag comes with windows...05:17
marko-ubuntugroups <username>05:17
myconidMasterShrek, 'fixes it self'?05:17
=== ammiel [n=ammiel@68-114-229-62.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
myconidEvanlec, and who made that defrag app that comes with Windows?05:17
bruenigmyconid, yeah that's kind of a stupid point since defragging comes with windows...05:17
=== Knightlust [n=dax@ubuntu/member/knightlust] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekit fixes its fragments05:17
=== JohnRobert [n=john@CPE-121-216-19-227.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecmyconid, microsoft?05:17
ubuntu_darkcrab:  i did what u said it moved the whole ubuntu desktop to the real one and put my home folder in the ubuntu folder05:17
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bexamoussearch gentoo forums about fragmetnation05:17
MasterShrekyou never have to worry about fragmentation because the filesystem takes care of itself05:17
myconidEvanlec, nope! start->run->cmd->defrag -v == "Executive Software"05:18
=== TestScreen12 [n=jack@cpe-76-186-27-181.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecis that part of the journaling thing, was ext2 the same way?05:18
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MasterShrekbexamous, there is nothing different from gentoo to ubuntu when it comes to filesystems, ext3 is ext3 no matter what distro its using05:18
bexamousyes thre is05:18
Evanlecmyconid, no kidding, didnt know that...but why would microsoft want to pay them to fix something if they could just use a better FS05:18
marko-ubuntuKylie2004-  the command is   groups <username>05:18
bexamousgentoo's portage directy has insanely large numbers of files05:18
darkcrabWhat exactly did you type in the terminal ubuntu?05:18
MasterShrekEvanlec, ext3 journals, ext2 doesnt05:18
cafuegoMasterShrek: That is not entirely correct.05:18
=== arooni_ [n=arooni__@c-76-22-32-242.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousand every time you do an emerge sysn an insane numer of them ar deleted and added05:18
VeinorEvanlec: because switching from ntfs to anything else would break compatibility in a massive way05:18
bruenigbexamous, ports systems don't fragment much especially those distributed via cvs05:18
MasterShrekfix it for me, ive read many forums on it05:18
EvanlecMasterShrek, right i know, but journaling isnt related to fragmentation correct?05:18
cafuegoMasterShrek: Some distros enable different FS options by default.05:19
MasterShreki dont think so Evanlec05:19
cafuegoThough I noticed gutsy appears to enable dir_index by default now.05:19
bruenigbexamous, mostly edits and additions05:19
EvanlecMasterShrek, hey by the way, did u ever test out that RT kernel last night?05:19
=== waxwing [n=nous@adsl-69-235-153-202.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekEvanlec, it wouldnt boot, i was gonna compile one but i got lazy05:19
myconidext3 fragments just like any other filesystem.05:19
=== Kudak [n=kudak@] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_ok now my home folder is in the ubuntu folder how i fix that?05:19
MasterShrekno it doesnt05:19
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org05:19
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@c-67-187-117-112.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
myconidMasterShrek, yes - it does.05:20
=== jnealy69 [n=jnealy69@] has joined #ubuntu
ArtVandalaeIt does fragment, but it is better than other filesystems05:20
MasterShrekim going to get a link to prove a point05:20
darkcrabhold on.05:20
cafuegomyconid: "FAT fragments unlike any other filesystem"05:20
EvanlecMasterShrek, wouldn't boot? thats not good...it should be the same as the gutsy kernel just with the rt patch...05:20
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myconidMasterShrek, I had to move my mailserver to xfs due to fragmenting issues on 7000 mailbox files.  EXT3 *does* infact fragment.  It just chooses to less frequently than say FAT did.05:21
=== Frederico [n=ubuntu@catv-506355a3.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekEvanlec, yea, it was -13 tho, and i heard that was giving some people problems, im using -12 right now05:21
myconidFAT was optimized for small drives.. fragment first.. ask questions later.05:21
myconidEXT3 the opposite05:21
=== trimmer [n=alien@12-207-39-128.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh....well i hope i get a chance to try it out when i upgrade to gutsy05:21
bexamousi've been using xfs as its pretty easy to defrag05:21
=== Mecannotread [n=josef@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.005:21
kotauhello, I'm trying to get right click functionality with my tablet pc.  It uses a wacom driver and is already detecting pointing and clicking, but right clicking isnt running yet.  I know there is a command to show the wacom input (ie. cursor position, input methods) that I need to see to check what event my right click is.  Anyonw know that command?05:22
bexamousjusthave to install the extra tools for xfs05:22
=== brynk_ [n=gerrit@hq.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabubuntu, so your telling me your "home", the folder called home, is in the filesystem?05:22
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ArtVandalaeI don't think there is a filesystem that doesn't fragment. I mean you could technically implement a non-fragmenting FS, but it would be as slow as hell05:22
ubuntu_darkcrab: yes05:22
bexamouswell it would be impossible unless it was contatnly rearangign data in teh background05:23
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=== man33 [n=ru@241-108-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
myconidArtVandalae, Actually it wouldnt be slow... but it would have issues if you went over, say, 90% utliziation of the drive05:23
=== Xaver [n=XXx@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Frederico [n=ubuntu@catv-506355a3.catv.broadband.hu] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
myconidbexamous, incorrect.05:23
=== Xaver [n=XXx@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
Evanlecit would be slower cuz it would have to move around on the disk more...05:23
kotauI'd bet running a torrent would bring it to its disk access knees05:24
myconidFaster, because *everything* would be written sequentially.05:24
=== decay [n=decay@c-69-251-192-192.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecthe head would have to move a lot more to write files to the same place05:24
myconidEvanlec, you lean less.05:24
=== komodin [n=komodin@] has joined #ubuntu
decayWhen booting from the CD, is there a way to make it so it doesnt look for network interfaces? it freezes there for me05:24
myconiddecay, disable them in bios?05:24
Evanlecwell...i thot the tradeoff with fragmentation was it was faster for the disk to just write data where it was currently at, and then clean it up later05:24
kotaudecay yes, it's a command at the boot: prompt05:25
darkcrabok ubuntu that should be normal, under your file system there should be a folder called home? so describe the problem a little more so I can know what needs to be moved?05:25
bexamousfill a 10MB file system with 10 1MB files, delete two files not next to eachother and cratea  2MB file.. fragmented, imposible to stop05:25
myconidEvanlec, Fragmentation is required so that you can use a drive.. without fragments you probably couldnt write 20gb to a 100gb harddrive.05:25
ubuntu_darkcrab: now i have two homes one is with* and one with out05:25
bexamouswithout rearanging files nit eh background05:25
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myconidbexamous, fyi, Apple rearranges files in the background (continuous defrag)05:25
darkcrabopen the one with the *05:25
=== Oni-Dracula|lapp [n=Oni@68-189-162-172.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kotaudecay, try netcfg/disable_dhcp05:26
myconidHFS+ automatically defrags <20mb files on open05:26
decaykotau, thanks. pass that as a paremeter?05:26
Evanlecmyconid, oh, i guess i dont really know what im talking about then lol05:26
darkcrabwhat is in there?05:26
ubuntu_darkcrab: yea and theres anothr with it named that05:26
ubuntu_darkcrab: but with out the *05:26
Evanlecmyconid, hey on a sort of related topic, is a sata drive in ubuntu automatically set to dma mode or do i have to set that myself?05:27
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@p54BF1AE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousapple is getting zfs as well05:27
=== ToonArmy [n=chris@82-32-184-195.cable.ubr04.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
myconidbexamous, wasnt that an unfounded rumor?05:27
kotaudecay yeah netcfg/disable_dhcp=true is what you should put in at the boot:05:28
myconidEvanlec, it should be automatic in this day in age.. sata is scsi as linux sees it.05:28
=== |Kamen| [n=kamen@host-69-145-79-109.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoNo, apple is getting ZFS05:28
bexamousnah it was just in the news again05:28
=== wescotte [n=wescotte@user-0cdvg0q.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoLinux is not.05:28
myconidAlmost makes me wana get a MBP05:28
Evanlecmyconid, cuz i was lookin at some tweak somewhere to enable dma mode, do u know how i can check if it is in DMA ?05:28
=== fhobia [n=fhobia@c-24-6-54-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoAnd ZFS/FUSE is so slow as to be completely unuseable at this point.05:28
myconidEvanlec, speed test?05:28
bexamousyea i ran it for awhile lol05:28
wescotteIs it possible to boot with the LiveCD/install disc.. Installl a few packages and rebuild a new LiveCD/Install disc iso based on what you have installed?05:28
kotauAnyone familiar with wacom stuff?  I need to figure out what event my right click with a pen is.05:28
cafuegoEvanlec: DMA does not apply to sata.05:28
decaykotau, thanks. trying it now05:28
Evanleccafuego, oh05:29
cafuegoEvanlec: Much like it does not apply to scsi.05:29
kotaunp decay05:29
Evanlecmyconid, bonnie++ ?05:29
darkcrabno wescotte.lol05:29
ubuntu_darkcrab: wht i do?05:29
myconidDMA does indeed apply to SATA.05:29
=== Corey [n=Corey_Gr@] has joined #ubuntu
wescottedarkcrab: is it a big ordeal to create your own LiveCD?05:29
trdracer   /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <EXT_INT> -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN --dport <PORT> -m state --state NEW -j05:29
darkcrabwhat is inside the home* folder ubuntu?05:29
trdracerwhat is it that i input in that?05:29
Evanlecoooh, some disagreement05:29
trdracer   /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <EXT_INT> -p udp --dport <PORT> -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT05:30
trdracerand that05:30
myconidBut SATA hosts require DMA support.. so its implied that its on if your cards working.05:30
darkcrabto create one, not, but not the way you want to.05:30
cafuegomyconid: Not in terms of needing to run hdparm to turn it on.05:30
trdraceri dont know what im supposed to insert05:30
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darkcrabyou have to add the packages on the cd while your are going to burn it05:30
myconidcafuego, correct... but DMA still exists, and can still be an issue .. but its more a driver level issue now..05:30
=== Wooderson [n=admin1@adsl-074-171-154-216.sip.ilm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_darkcrab: no just another home05:30
darkcrabbut I dont think ubuntu allows that.05:30
darkcrabso it is empty ubuntu?05:30
Woodersonhow do i unignore someone in xchat?05:30
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Evanlecmyconid, using motherboard onboard sata...so ur saying i must DMA on if my drive works?05:31
=== m1ke [n=mike@c-67-186-85-180.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabI need to know whether it is empty or not before I decide what to do ubuntu05:31
myconidEvanlec, no! not at all.  Im saying that theres no way to (usually) turn it on or off.05:32
=== miraage [n=boris@S010600110999ad06.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_darkcrab: no its got the reg home dir in it05:32
=== skarface [n=antix@ip68-97-223-118.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
myconidEvanlec, your drivers should have it enavbled.05:32
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miraageHey, I'm trying to get my Geforce 6600 working in Ubuntu. What package do I need for glx and kernel drivers? I'm on AMD6405:32
myconidWooderson, google.com, site:xchat.org unignore or unblock.05:32
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabok, thats what I needed to know, what does the other home directory have inside of it, this is important?05:32
=== boubbin [i=boubbin@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecmyconid, okay, what would i use to test that?05:32
myconidIs there a benefit to running 64bit kernel on my AMD64?05:32
bexamousmirrage, nvidia.com or automatix05:32
Woodersonno i ignored someone by accident on here and now i cant see anything they type or anything05:33
bexamousbiggest benefit is still if ou haev more than 3GB of ram05:33
ubuntu_darkcrab: the examples folder05:33
myconidEvanlec, dmesg | grep dma?05:33
miraagebexamous: Huh? I cant do it through the package manager?05:33
myconidEvanlec, [   21.156597]  ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x0001e200 ctl 0x0001e302 bmdma 0x0001e408 irq 1605:33
bexamousautomatix will do it05:33
decaykotau, now it freezes on 'loading hardware drivers'. any thoughts?05:33
=== munk_ [n=munk@CPE00e04cb28c30-CM00140493e636.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
kotaudecay do you have usb stuff plugged in?05:33
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=== sinX_ [n=jarrett@c-67-187-232-149.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
allami want to change the order of grup that appear when i boot the os i have linux at first then windows but i want windows at first then linux05:34
kotaudecay is it a laptop or desktop05:34
miraagebexamous: will Synaptic?05:34
Evanlecmyconid, yep i pulled up 6 entries appearing like that, ata1 and ata2 at udma/100 the rest at udma/13305:34
darkcrabwait, does the "home folder have a folder with your name?05:34
miraagebexamous: What is automatix?05:34
myconidEvanlec,  then you should be golden.05:34
=== AndyCR [n=andycr@71-211-48-199.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
myconidEvanlec, do you have a reason to think they arent running DMA?05:34
=== martyvis [n=marty@124-171-58-164.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecmyconid, kk, now i should just switch to xfs right? lol05:34
AndyCRAnyone having issues with deskbar in feisty?05:34
myconidEvanlec, not unless you need to.05:34
=== frijolie [n=brian@c-67-186-240-191.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousautomatix.com or check ubuntu forums for it...  lots of threads about it05:34
Evanlecmyconid, no my performance seems pretty good actually, im just a tweak-freak05:34
decaykotau, nope. i tried installing the beta last night, but i had problems with TSC Synchronization. So now im intalling the latest one (not bera)05:34
ubuntu_darkcrab: yes has a folder with my name05:34
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu
miraagebexamous: And why the hell can't I do something so simple with the default package manager??05:35
myconidEvanlec, I would find your chipset.. and google around for tweaks/updates/etc for your specific sata chipset.05:35
munk_can SOMEBODY please please help me? i tried everything in order to change my resolution...i have an intel chipset so i have to use 915resolution...but i did follow a few guides and i didnt succed in changing it from 1024x768 to 1280x800 can somebody help me please05:35
frijolieonce you install something via a tarball, does it install it to a different directory (usually--assuming default options)?05:35
=== graphyx [n=mike@c-98-202-9-3.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_darkcrab: this is how i see it05:35
allami want to change the order of grup that appear when i boot the os i have linux at first then windows but i want windows at first then linux05:35
miraagebexamous: I don't believe you.05:35
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bexamouslol okay05:35
myconidmunk_, would you like to ask a question?05:35
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darkcrabhow the fook did that happen.05:35
darkcrabthats crazy05:35
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bexamousyou can use teh free nv driver but it has no 3d crap05:35
frijolieI guess what I'm trying to say...can you erase the original folder where it extracted to when you untarred it?05:35
graphyxHey, gotta question.  If I delete a folder with a lot of files from the File manager, it doesn't show the space as available with df -h.  What gives?05:35
darkcrabit can be fixed though05:35
bexamousteh nvidia binary provided from nvidia you have to install on your own05:35
bexamousautomatix does it for you if you'd like05:36
myconidbexamous, really?  ubuntu installed it for me...05:36
kotaudecay is it a laptop?05:36
bexamousnv or nvidia?05:36
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bullgard4How much free disk space do I need on my partitions in order to upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 7.10?05:36
ubuntu_darkcrab:  go to file system click home then see doug* click on that then i see doug and pics i click on doug i see examples05:36
decaykotau, yes05:36
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Evanlecmyconid, hmm, running the Intel 955X chipset :  http://tw.giga-byte.com/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ClassValue=Motherboard&ProductID=1903&ProductName=GA-8I955X%20Pro05:36
myconidbullgard4, can you do an inplace upgrade somehow (without an ISO)05:36
munk_myconid i cannot change my resolution...i have an intel chipset and i have to use 915resolution and i cant get it to work...please help me05:37
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scipiomunk_, did you modify your xorg.xonf file so it knows the new resolution is available?05:37
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darkcrabyou dont see desktop ubuntu?05:37
myconidmunk_, Why can you "not change resolutions"?05:37
bullgard4myconid: Yes I can do. I have done so in the past when I upgraded from 6.10 to 7.0405:37
kotaudecay ok try this paramater along with the dhcp param 'hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false'05:37
munk_scipio it doesnt work through the xorg.conf05:37
myconidbullgard4, how?05:37
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ubuntu_darkcrab: not anymore05:37
myconidmunk_, what error do you get?05:37
kotaumunk you have to restart x have you tried that after editing xorg.conf?05:37
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munk_myconid whenever i do 915resolution 4d 1280 800 16 it does sumn but when i restartx its still at the original rez....05:38
myconidmunk_, check /var/log/x.log.org (or somehting like that) for an error message about your resolution.. probably missing a modeline05:38
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munk_myconid no error..05:38
ubuntu_darkcrab: im sory i got messed up05:38
Veinorcan anyone tell me how to completely uninstall and rebuild nautilus? I have an issue that I think i caused by building it from source wrong, and I'd like to do a complete purge.05:38
decaykotau, okay. hold on, rebooting05:38
munk_myconid the intel chipsets dont use xorg settings for resolution...05:38
allamhow i can change the order of the operating systems i installed in my computer when the computer start05:38
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bullgard4I did follow the offer of Ubuntu 6.10 to upgrade to 7.10 using my ADSL connection to the Internet.05:38
darkcrabso all together there are 3 doug folders?05:38
ubuntu_darkcrab: when i click on filesystem>home then i see ubuntu05:39
kotaumunk I have a 855, mine uses xorg...05:39
myconidmunk_, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log .. im willing to bet you will se an error05:39
bullgard4myconid:   I did follow the offer of Ubuntu 6.10 to upgrade to 7.10 using my ADSL connection to the Internet.05:39
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munk_myconid let me check05:39
bullgard4myconid: err! 7.0405:39
myconidlinux needs to come with a pastebin app.05:39
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myconidpastebin <file.txt>05:40
allamhow i can change the order of the operating systems i installed in my computer when the computer start05:40
kotauveinor try sudo apt-get --purge remove nautilus05:40
myconiddmesg | pastebin05:40
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mindframe-what's the lp module for ?05:40
AndyCRmyconid: Good idea, but it shouldnt be too difficult to write05:40
dwf_starbandI have a problem, After restarting my computer i can view videos with totom,mplayer, and watch both recordings and live tv with mythtv, but after a while im not able to, its just a pink screen, or multicolored static, is there something obvious i can do to fix this?05:40
bexamousallam:  look at /boot/grub/grub.conf... or menu.lst forget which ubuntu uses05:40
AndyCRSounds like a good few hours project for interest05:40
bexamousthink that is what your talking abuot05:40
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ubuntu_darkcrab: when i open ubuntu i see desktop click on desktop then i see xamples and install there is no doug* now05:41
myconidAndyCR: I have one kinda sorta.. not very well tested.. maybe i should clean it up and get it included :)05:41
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AndyCRmyconid: sounds good05:41
allambut the menu list file i cant modify it because it protected05:41
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AndyCRcat /sys/log | grep NetworkManager > pastebin05:41
munk_myconid there are no errors, only a couple warnings nothing major...05:41
myconidmunk_, please paste your entire log file into pastebin05:41
AndyCRstdout: http://pastebin.whatever/8273605:42
bexamousyou have to edit it as root, do like sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst05:42
AndyCRgiving you the url of the post05:42
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kotaumunk have you looked at http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/documentation.html05:42
JFr3akhello can sombody tellme where put some script to run at startup but don't in session please...05:42
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myconiddwf_starband, does it work fine in Windows?05:42
decaykotau, thanks :)05:42
kotaudid it work?05:43
darkcrabok I have an idea ubuntu, do you remember what you typed in the terminal?05:43
munk_kotau not at that specific one but i looked at other documents about this thing..let me take a look..05:43
dwf_starbandmyconid: havent had windows on this computer for over a year05:43
ubuntu_darkcrab: can u join me in room #darkcrab05:43
inx-oneJFr3ak: it depends - /etc/rc.local is one answer05:43
munk_myconid yeah hold on a sec05:43
myconiddwf_starband, that doesnt answer my question05:43
kotaumunk that is how I sucessfully set mine up with dual monitors even05:43
darkcrabjust joined05:43
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brokenmunk_: ? lol05:43
brokenmunk_: im everywhere.05:43
myconidwow... xubuntu rocks my socks.05:44
dwf_starbandmyconid: what is your question? can I watch video in Windows?05:44
brokeneven though I don't use ubuntu im on this channel for some reason..05:44
lee__hello i was wondering is there any thing that resembles directx or is that the only thing that linux can not do lol05:44
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munk_broken lol yeah u are05:44
myconiddwf_starband, im trying to determine if its hardware, software, or user error.05:44
JFr3akinx-one: i have a problem with compiz and gnome-settings-daemon, right now i call gnome-settings-daemon from session but it execute twice...05:44
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EruditeHermithey, I was looking at the gutsy installer CD and it had an option to resize existing windows partitions. Is this safe. I know its not guaranteed to be safe but is it on par with say partition magic?05:44
munk_dude im getting pissed about my resolution:(05:44
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brokenmunk_:  family friendly no swear words please05:44
bexamousi'ev never had it destroy a windows partition05:44
munk_broken how do i nopaste a file in ubuntu?05:44
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bexamousbut who knows lol05:44
broken!hi munk_05:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi munk_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:44
myconidmunk_, post your farking log file to paste bin.05:44
inx-oneJFr3ak: ah, that's different - you are talking sessions05:44
lee__hu you have a gutsy intsaller cd taht works?05:44
brokenmunk_: apt-get install nopaste?05:45
brokenOr you can use pastebin.ca or anything really.05:45
munk_lol it doesnt work05:45
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munk_but how do i select it all?05:45
dwf_starbandok, I dont have windows installed on this computer so I cant determin that, but its not limited to captured video, all video seems to stop working, at least mpg and avi files05:45
inx-one!doesn't work05:45
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:45
JFr3akinx-one: yes but in session don't works fine, it runs twice... i have to kill one off the process....05:45
lee__hi ya lee in the yuk lol05:45
myconiddwf_starband, did it just start happening?05:45
kotauEruditeHermit it works pretty well for me.  I resized an NTFS part no prob05:45
broken!ubotu sucks05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:45
JFr3akinx-one: other way the system turns so slow...05:46
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brokenmunk_: one second..05:46
dwf_starbandyes, I think so, since i started getting mythtv set up is when I noticed it05:46
lee__any how for reals I have soft ware that requires direct x or something to it05:46
JFr3akinx-one:  i want run gnome-settings-daemon just once...05:46
munk_myconid i have no clue how to paste the whole file there...05:46
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moDumasshey all, um, how do you fix broken packages05:47
JFr3akit is possible to kill a process just with the name off the process ?? something like kill gnome-settings-daemon ??05:47
bexamousdwf_starband: I had that happen like years ago... it was the nvidia driver that would screw up05:47
brokenmoDumass: you reinstall them!05:47
inx-oneJFr3ak: killall gnome-settings-daemon05:47
kotauI found the command I was looking for to see the raw dump of Wacom inputs.  navigate to /dev/input and use sudo xxd 'eventX' x being whatever number your tablet is on05:47
dwf_starbandbexamous: what was your solution?05:47
tomato^hi all, i wann do 2way sync can anyone help me?05:47
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brokenThis channel is wayy too crowded.05:48
Dr_willistomato^,  give more details is step 1.05:48
lee__is currently running the ati x300 with no issues and I have the propietray drivers installed05:48
kotaumoDumass try apt-get remove --purge 'package name' then reinstall it05:48
EruditeHermitkotau: did you defragment before doing it?05:48
lee__form ATI05:48
JFr3akinx-one: just a question these command will kill both process or just the first ??05:48
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bexamousI think it only happened if i switched consoles or something, it eventually got fixed by updating nvidia driver... but that was long ago05:48
moDumassi used the broken filter in synaptic to find the package but there seems to be many05:48
kotauEruditeHermit I did it with a fresh install (I had no partition info because it was an OEM rescue disk)05:48
Veinorkotau: didn't help. I checked the version and it's 2.18.1, I just don't have the sidebars.05:48
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inx-oneJFr3ak: both I expect :)05:49
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kotauveinor you did the --purge?05:49
inx-oneJFr3ak: find the pid to kill it05:49
Veinorkotau: yes.05:49
myconid./binge --purge05:49
JFr3akinx-one: it is possible kill just one...05:49
lee__hmm sounds anaresic to me05:49
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bexamousif you use like mplayer -vo=xv filewhatever it still is all green?05:49
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JFr3akinx-one: yes that is what i want, but sincerely i don't have any idea of how do it...05:50
inx-oneJFr3ak: for instance  ps aux | grep gnome-settings-daemon , then kill one by number05:50
myconidlee__, thats cat /dev/zero05:50
lee__eh anorexic05:50
dwf_starbandbexamous: would reinstalling the nvidia drivers help at all?05:50
kotauVeinor that would remove all your configureations for nautilus....05:50
=== munk_ is about to cry
bexamousno idea05:50
bexamoustry different video outs with mplayer05:50
myconidmunk_, open the file in firefox for hecks sake, copy and paste it05:50
inx-oneJFr3ak: or use top - you can kill using "k" in top05:50
bexamousxv is optimal but see if any do it05:50
kotaudont cry, kid.  You'll get your widescreen05:50
tomato^Dr_willis, i want to sync a directory that exist both on my pc an server05:50
dwf_starbandwhat do you mean different video outs?05:50
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brokenmunk_: lol05:50
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brokeny0u n00b05:50
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JFr3akinx-one: yep i do that now, but i want do it from a script, do you think that is possible ???05:50
Dr_willistomato^,   theres a dozen + ways to do that..  check out unison05:51
bubahey where i can find a pdf manual or something for ubuntu ultimate...im a noob05:51
tomato^Dr_willis, such that if i updated the files on my pc it will push to the server and vice versa05:51
lee__yeah iam a noob lol05:51
kotaumunk look at your xorg.conf and tell me what you have under device05:51
VeinorI purged, then purged libeel for good measure. I did a manual search of /usr/local for all files with nautilus in the name, and they seem to be icons and the like. Should I rm them anyway05:51
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bexamousmplayer can use differnt video output drivers05:51
inx-oneJFr3ak: of course - just identify the process in the script and use the pid to kill it, for example05:51
tomato^Dr_willis, can unison also sync mysql databases?05:51
lee__this "Mplayer is choppy" lol05:52
munk_lol ok i got it hah i feel dumb even more now..05:52
kotauVeinor hmm not sure that would affect it... what is happening about your sidebar?  I'm confused as to what is wrong05:52
JFr3akinx-one: tell me please... i'm newbie05:52
dwf_starbandok, how do I select different ones?05:52
=== kotau claps for munk
Dr_willistomato^,  no idea.. read its details/docs. I dont mess with mysql.05:52
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munk_myconid http://pastebin.org/451705:52
miraageI keep getting a version mismatch when I start X with nvidia as my driver. It says kernel is 9xxx and module is 7xxx (I have an old Geforce 6600 so I use legacy).05:52
munk_kotau thanks ....lol05:52
bubahey where i can find a pdf manual or something for ubuntu ultimate...im a noob05:52
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lee__this is strange it didnt highlight my name05:52
kotaumunk_ no prob I'm a newbie too05:52
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Veinorkotau: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3363/nautilusod7.png05:52
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inx-oneJFr3ak: I don't quite understand why you need to do this...05:53
Veinorthat's what happens.05:53
tomato^did someone here tried unison?05:53
myconidPanelID returned panel resolution : 1280x800 << monk this resolutuion?05:53
lee__any how is there something like direct x or can linux use that..I need it for a program tht I use for editing my vids05:53
munk_broken shut up u genious werent able to help me either..05:53
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kotauveinor are you horseraper  I know that sounds wierd but I recognize that graphic05:53
brokenmunk_: thats cause i don't use ubuntu05:53
myconidmonk, are you trying to run 1280x800?05:53
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Veinorkotau: no, but that's where I do get the graphic.05:53
munk_myconid yes05:53
Cpudan80Hello all05:53
JFr3akinx-one: is something relly strange, i tell u, my problem is that i have compiz-fusion, but when runs, the gnome-settings-daemon don't works05:53
=== broken pets gentoo
kotauveinor awesome05:53
munk_broken hah yeah lol...i got it working in gentoo..lol..05:54
Cpudan80Im trying to setup my machine so that people may only login it for X hours per day05:54
=== capo [n=capo@c-24-13-108-5.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bexamousGentoo = work05:54
JFr3akinx-one: the icons theme for example simply don't works05:54
Cpudan80before they are kicked off05:54
munk_bexamous i agree...05:54
munk_i have gentoo on my pc05:54
munk_but broken here convinced me to put ubuntu..05:54
inx-oneJFr3ak: ah, i don't know anything about Compiz Fusion - try #ubuntu-effects05:54
kotauVeinor try hitting f905:54
bexamousI just gavei t up after like 4 years i think05:54
munk_on my laptop..05:54
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myconidmonk, do you have a TV or anyting plugged into your laptop?05:54
munk_bexamous why?05:54
JFr3akinx-one: then i put in my session a call to gnome-settings-daemon, and everything works so fine05:54
capowhenever i enable the restricted drivers, i restart, and the ubuntu gui wont start up.  after the loading screen, my monitor loses video signal.  what should i do?05:54
brokenglsa-check -t all :(05:54
munk_myconid nope...05:54
bexamoustoo much work lol05:54
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myconidmonk, this seems to maybe be  the issue ...05:55
myconid(--) I810(0): A non-CRT device is attached to pipe B.05:55
myconidNo refresh rate overrides will be attempted.05:55
munk_bexamous but that works...05:55
myconidmunk_, what resolution is working?05:55
munk_myconid so what should i do about that?05:55
JFr3akinx-one: the problem is that everything run too slow, then i see the top and find twice gnome-settings-daemon just kill the first and everything just works fine05:55
miraageAnyone, can you help me with nvidia drivers?05:55
munk_im not sure cuz i cant check i dunno how but it looks like 1024x76805:55
kotauVeinor hey man try hittin f9, that opens the sidebar05:55
lee__hmm i hav e ati..05:55
bubaanyone can help me whit ubuntu???05:56
myconidtry adding this to your display...05:56
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munk_myconid to xorg.conf?05:56
myconid  Option "ModeValidation" "DFP-0: NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoVertRefreshCheck,NoMaxPClkCheck, NoHorizSyncCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck, NoMaxSizeCheck"05:56
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Veinorkotau: does nothing.05:56
kotaububa whats up05:56
myconidin your screen section05:56
Kudakguys, i have a wierd problem05:56
myconidsection "screen" ... then that option05:56
JFr3akinx-one: then i want something to kill the first process of gnome-settings-daemon with a script, or put the gnome-settings-daemon in other place (not sessions) to runs once and don't twice... do you understand ?05:56
myconidKudak, do they make a cream for it?05:56
kotauVeinor what about your view menu?  is sidebar checked?05:56
astro76buba, we have no idea about ubuntu ultimate, it's not an official ubuntu distro, it's unsupported, especially as it uses automatix garbage05:57
bubain a newbie in ubuntu ...can you tell me if exists a manual or something05:57
Veinorkotau: I don't have a sidebar in my view menu.05:57
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JFr3akinx-one: is something complicate i think... LOL05:57
Kudakwhen i do a restart, my comp fail to recognize my network adapter, i can only solve it by shutting down the power and then turning it back on05:57
astro76buba, but if you want to look at official ubuntu docs, http://help.ubuntu.com05:57
lee__eh thats ATI with Catalyst Controllers installed using ATI  own downloads05:57
munk_myconid ok i did it now i restartx?05:57
kotauveinor and you have 2.18.1?05:57
myconidmunk_: alt-ctrl-backspace05:57
inx-oneJFr3ak: yes - look at e output of " pidof gnome-settings-daemon" - your script can choose the lower number and kill that05:57
capowhenever i enable the ATI proprietary drivers, i restart, and the ubuntu gui wont start up.  after the loading screen, my monitor loses video signal.  what should i do?05:57
dwf_starbandbexamous: i selected x11 output and that worked05:57
inx-oneJFr3ak: for example05:57
dwf_starbandwhat does that mean?05:57
munk_ok ill brb05:57
astro76buba, and http://help.ubuntu.com/community05:57
Veinorkotau: yes. both the about menu and nautilus --version say so05:57
bexamousx11 is 'slower' than xv05:58
myconidubuntu slows down grand theft auto :(05:58
bubathanks guys05:58
Kudakno one knows ?05:58
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kotauveinor you are using gnome desktop/metacity as your wm?05:58
bexamousxv is hardware accelerated05:58
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JFr3akinx-one: please give me an example...05:58
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munk_myconid its the same..05:58
Veinorkotau: compiz, but it still happens with metacity05:58
astro76Kudak, restarting from Linux or restarting from Windows causes this problem?05:58
JohnSmithFor some reason I'm unable to connect to the hidden share on my XP machine. The username I have tried both "Administrator" and "ComputerName\Administrator" with the proper domain and password. Does anyone know of any problems connecting to hidden shares?05:58
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Veinorand I'm running a GNOME base even on compiz05:59
bexamousif xv isn't working but x11 does its something screwy with the driver your using05:59
=== munk_ cries
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dwf_starbandbexamous: ok, the video driver?05:59
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KevlarSoulOkay I installed the Alternate CD without a hitch, or so the percentage bars and reboot prompt told me....when I rebooted, grub is fine, but then black screen...is there a way I can get into the terminal and update the installation?05:59
bexamousor ati05:59
dwf_starbandyes nvidia05:59
Kudakastro76: i didnt have this problem until installing linux, but after i do a reset(win OR linux) the only way to get the comp to recognize my network adapter again is to shutdown the power completely(removing the power cable)05:59
tomato^nyone here tried mysql clustering?06:00
bexamousi'd try installing the latest off nvidia's site06:00
kotauVeinor I'm at a loss man.  sorry.  try making a post?  Get rid of nautilus?06:00
munk_i dunno what to do anymore:(06:00
bexamousit'll be newer than whatever you're using now06:00
Veinorkotau: just posted on the forums.06:00
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cubesiswhats the off topic chat06:00
KevlarSoulIs there a way to get to terminal from the ALternate CD install screen, and get it to install the updates from online?06:00
myconidmonk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=468045 ?06:01
inx-oneJFr3ak: for example ( using an app called mocp) kill $(pidof mocp | cut -f1)06:01
astro76Kudak, strange... this happens sometimes just from windows since it does a warm restart instead of a cold restart... what kind of card, PCI, USB, etc... ?06:01
dwf_starbandok ill try that, I did that a month or so ago, from their site.  Its worth doing again though?06:01
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kotauVeinor wish my fps in DF was better in wine... Strike the Earth!06:01
bexamousataully even with alternative cd it'll check for updates during the install06:01
Kudakastro76: motherboard build-in06:01
allamwhere i can find movies work in linux06:01
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cubesisallam in your dvd drive?06:01
JFr3akinx-one: HOOO i gonna try it relly thks a lot06:01
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inx-oneJFr3ak: :)06:02
astro76allam, you can play the same movies as any other OS06:02
cubesisuse dvd rip06:02
deecki need help in beryl emerald plz06:02
deeck i cant charge theme06:02
allamany extension will work in linux??06:02
astro76!restricted | allam06:02
ubotuallam: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:02
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Veinordeeck: did you install emerald-theme-manager?06:03
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cubesiswhats the off topic chat name?06:03
deeckerm i have beryl settings  and emeral06:03
astro76!ot | cubesis06:03
ubotucubesis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:03
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Kudakare there drivers for Asus Nvidia Geforce N6200 for linux ???06:03
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munk_it didnt work:(06:04
bexamouswell i dunno wtf the N is but the 6200 cards i've used before06:04
Kudakbexamous: where can i download it from? couldnt find on nvidia website06:04
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bexamousthere is only one driver06:04
bexamousjust go to driver downloads and there is a link for linux drivers06:05
JFr3akinx-one: it works but have a bug LOL it kill all the process, don't just the first (or last) LOL06:05
dwf_starbandKudak: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us06:05
Kudakoh ok, thanks06:05
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deeck Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? <---- in terminal06:05
myconiddeeck, reboot.06:05
astro76!nvidia | Kudak06:05
ubotuKudak: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:05
bexamousyea that too ;)06:05
Kudakthanks alot guys06:05
ownerhi all06:05
astro76deeck, do you have synaptic or update manager open?06:05
inx-oneJFr3ak: it depends on the order and whether the first on is a parent process06:06
owneri got a question06:06
deeckisk man06:06
owneranyone running nessus here?06:06
Kudakdwf_starband: isnt the 6200 card from the 6 series?? u highlighted the 8's06:06
inx-oneJFr3ak: try different fields for instance cut -f2 and so on06:06
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deeckany can speak me spanish?06:06
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astro76!es | deeck06:06
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ubotudeeck: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:06
ownerany nessus users here?06:06
JFr3akinx-one: let me try... (i'm killing my calc LOL)06:06
KevlarSoulOkay I installed the Alternate CD without a hitch, or so the percentage bars and reboot prompt told me....when I rebooted, grub is fine, but then black screen...is there a way I can get into the terminal and update the installation? Is there a way to get to terminal from the ALternate CD install screen, and get it to install the updates from online?06:06
myconiddeeck, reboot your computer.06:07
dwf_starbandYou can select what you want06:07
kotaudeek, input 'sudo shutdown -r now'06:07
lee__eh ok is there any support for direct x?06:07
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inx-oneJFr3ak: pstree can help you to see which are parent processes and so on06:07
myconidlee: crossover office06:07
deeckthanx for help mans06:07
ownerok guess not06:07
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inx-oneJFr3ak: for instance  pstree | less06:07
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lee__coolio eh where do i find it at lol06:07
JFr3akinx-one: is so interant that command !!!06:07
kotaukevlarsoul try hitting ctrl+alt+106:08
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bexamousKevlarSoul: ctrl+alt+F1 for console?  or when grub comes up remove splash and stuff06:08
inx-oneJFr3ak: interant??06:08
allami cant edit the menulist file in ubuntu 7.04 to change the order of os when the computer start06:08
ScuniziKevlarSoul, if you have a black screen try Ctrl+alt+f2 to get to a terminal screen.  From there you should be able to fix whats ailing the sys... once you figure it out.06:08
allamit protected06:08
lee__is it ubunto or out side rexcource?06:08
bexamousallam you need to edit it as root user06:08
myconidwhy is ubuntu still based on dos :(06:08
lee__eh recource06:08
JFr3akinx-one: i want say interesant (sorry my english) so interest..06:09
ScuniziKevlarSoul, you can use f1 or f2-606:09
kotaumyconid how is ubuntu in anyway DOS?06:09
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astro76myconid, I don't know where to even start with that one :p06:09
bruenigmyconid, what?06:09
sillygoosequestion can I install ubuntu on a macbook pro?06:09
bexamoussudo vim /boot/grub/menu.list from the terminal06:09
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kotausillygoose, yes06:09
inx-onemyconid: that's like comparing a 100 lb weakling to a top athlete on ssteroids06:09
owneradios guys06:09
sillygoosekotau how is it done06:09
allam ok  this is what i do but i still unable to edit it06:09
ownermunk with what?06:09
=== bruenig awaits myconid's certainly convoluted explanation
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kotausillygoose, first download the appropriate distro, then boot the cd.... profit?06:10
lee__oh an d the other  question is...how do i kick in my full 128 megs of ram on my video card lol06:10
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myconidbruenig, i enjoy peoples responses.06:10
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astro76allam, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:10
bexamoussudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:10
bexamoushow bout that it'll give ou a gui app to edit with06:10
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kotaumyconid is really helpful I guess he gets to troll a little :)06:10
myconidinx-one, none t he less.. do we still need dos? windows me got rid of it..06:10
owneroh well06:11
Kylie2004I just added two new users with password to my linux ubuntu LAMP server by using the bash command line.  Now I'm trying to let them login to the website via SSL as the site is setup that way.  It won't let them login.... doesn't accept them as user/password.  what am I missing06:11
JFr3akinx-one: i think that the problem is that pidof returns for example: 9814 9810 then when i run: kill $(pidof gcalctool | cut -f2) kill both...06:11
Lankenis there an easy way to return my Ubuntu installation to the original configuration?06:11
sillygoosereally thats it  what about the disk part06:11
myconidKylie2004, when you say, 'the website', what does that mean exactly.06:11
cafuegoKylie2004: is that with libapache2-mod-auth-pam?06:11
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inx-onemyconid: I am currently ircing from a live CD with no X06:11
myconidLanken, burn a cd, install?06:11
KevlarSoul Is there an issue with 64bit systems and 8800 GTX?06:11
kotausillygoose you need to burn the disk with the ISO you download06:11
cafuegoKevlarSoul: Give me one of each and I will check for you.06:11
inx-onemyconid: I have made a live CD that does all kinds of stuff on the console06:12
bexamousKevlarSoul: you need the latest drivers06:12
KevlarSoulScunzi, once in terminal, can I get updates from the internet?06:12
astro76Lanken, what kind of configuration are we talking... you could create a new user and start from scratch for user configuration06:12
LankenI'm living behing a proxy for the first time, and I found that the best way to solve problem X from behind a proxy was to just install everything that might be helpful, and then try getting it to work.06:12
myconidinx-one, jur l33tr than i.06:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:12
lee__oh that remind me...the dell deminsion 5150 is a 64 bit system isnt it?06:12
KevlarSoulcan I update from terminal?06:12
ScuniziKevlarSoul, sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:12
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LankenI know, for instance, that Deluge works for me as a torrent client, but that several others will not.06:12
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Kylie2004myconid....well I have a domain https://<mydomain>/britttanywordpress... trying to setu up wowrdpress06:12
inx-oneJFr3ak: yes you notice that one number comes before the other...06:12
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Lankenastro76: I was considering that.06:12
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myconidKylie2004, so.. it somehow made sense to you.. that you could add users to linux.. and have them login to workdpress?06:13
JFr3akinx-one: yes... exist other command that just returns the first for example ??06:13
inx-oneJFr3ak: so check if one is needed by the other ( hence my suggestion of pstree)06:13
Lankenastro76: what about the packages...is there some way to remove all the packages I've installed (the ones that weren't there initially)06:13
Les_CaesarsDoes Anybody have any idea how I change the history cap on kickoff from 0 to something higher than 0?06:13
KevlarSoulScunizi and that shold work? from terminal ?06:13
miraageWhen I startx -- :1, the new X server lives on C-F9 instead of C-F8 where I expected it to be. How can this be fixed?06:13
astro76Lanken, no automatic way, no06:13
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Lankenmyconid: doesn't a full formatting and installation seem a bit excessive?06:13
inx-oneJFr3ak: that's what the pipe to "cut" was for :)06:13
Kylie2004myconid... well yeah... I still struggle with all of the steps that I forget are not automatic.  what am I missing possibly06:13
myconidLanken, you asked how to put it back to original though... its prefectly valid way06:14
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Lankenastro76: what about a list...is there a list of packages somewhere that I can use...I could do it manually.06:14
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myconidKylie2004, you need to create workdpress users in the WP admin page.. NOT on the server.06:14
inx-oneJFr3ak: try reading about cut - it's a cool command06:14
myconidKylie2004, WP doesnt use system users.06:14
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vmlinuz`everytime i try to install a perl module, it gives an error.06:14
allambexamous:thanks man06:14
JFr3akinx-one: ok, i gonna do it06:14
myconidHow do I apt-get to 7.10 from 7.0406:14
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Lankenmyconid: yes, quite. I'd thought of that too, and I hoped there was some better way.06:14
ashdragonCan anyone help me with getting my dvd burner running? It is a SATA LH-20A1L running under ubuntu 7.04 (32 bit)06:15
lee__ah a bistro06:15
myconidLanken, 'better' ? whats wrong with a clean install.06:15
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JFr3akinx-one: i feel i'm close your script is a light...06:15
Tronyxcan anyone tell me how to permanantly umount a partition?  i am dual booting and it shows my hard drive which is fine since I am currently using it to access MP3S and other data but it also mounts the recovery partition06:15
inx-onemyconid:  http://inx.maincontent.net <-- early example of my live CD06:15
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vmlinuz`everytime i try to install a perl module, it gives an error. http://pastebin.com/m388db75606:15
myconidashdragon, what does 'running' mean?06:15
KevlarSoulwould the sudo apt-get update the Nvidia drivers?!?06:15
vmlinuz`check pls06:15
inx-onemyconid: if you are interested06:15
Kylie2004myconid, I know that, I actually did a new install in a folder that I chown'ed to their linux account.  and isntalled a new copy of wordpress into each of their respective folders.... what I'm not able to do is get past the SSL login.  I haven't even made it to the wordpress login yet06:15
AndyCRKevlarSoul: Yes, it would, making sure it also kept the kernel in sync with it06:15
myconidKylie2004, What is this 'ssl login' you speak of?06:16
KevlarSouloff to try it06:16
lee__it means hta toyur pc grew legs06:16
marko-ubuntumyconid-  the command for upgrading is update-manager -d06:16
AndyCRWhenever I get a new kernel I don't have to worry that it'll break x thanks to it06:16
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astro76Tronyx, you can add it to fstab with the noauto option06:16
Kudakhow do i exit Ubuntu graphic mode into console mode only ??06:16
myconidmarko: your the man now dog.06:16
astro76Kudak, ctrl+alt+F1 through F6 are consoles06:17
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lee__the only thing I truely hate about ubuntu is the split bar06:17
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Kylie2004myconnid I simple get a dialog that is the SSL dialog box with a username and password which allows the user to get access to the https:<mydomain.com>06:17
inx-oneKudak: ctrl-alt-F1 or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop ( if you want to kill X)06:17
Tronyxsorry astro76, I'm not that far along.  I can edit the fstab but I am a bit worries about umounting something that's going to mess up a dual-boot install06:17
Gruelius anyone know about ADSL central filters?06:17
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:18
astro76Tronyx, mounting a windows partition or not wouldn't hurt anything06:18
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Tronyxastro76, would you mind if i PMed you?06:19
Kylie2004myconid, doesn't apache use the linux username/password for authentication?   or do I need to add their username/password to some config file first06:19
vmlinuz`everytime i try to install a perl module, it gives an error. http://pastebin.com/m388db75606:19
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astro76Tronyx, yes, keep it in the channel please :)06:19
Tronyx:) alright06:19
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Tronyxok, so i run sudo nano /etc/fstab and there's a whole lot of business going on there which I am not terribly familiar with06:20
myconidxTronyx, what are you TRYING to do?06:20
astro76myconidx, not automatically mount a windows recovery partition06:20
Tronyxkeep gutsy from mounting my NTFS recovery partition to my ubuntu desktop06:20
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Kylie2004myconid, is it possible that I need to add them to some group as www-data or apachegroup, etc.06:21
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myconidxgoogle gentoo automount06:21
TronyxI don't mind having one of the partitions as it holds a lot of my media so I am still transferring that over but the recovery partition exists on the same hard drive which is where it gets confusing for me06:21
astro76Tronyx, in fstab, you should be able to find the line containing the mount point of the recovery partition, delete that line (or comment out by placing a # in the first column)06:21
Juancabritohi, can anybody here help me with ProFTPD. I'm using XAMPP06:22
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myconidxtronyx, google gentoo automount06:22
rawakewheres a good place to buy computer cases? i need something equiped enough to hold like 12 hard drives06:22
myconidxrawake, newegg06:22
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myconidxand why on earth 12?06:22
astro76myconidx, can we not recommend gentoo specific help in here? thanks06:22
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myconidxastro76, whut?06:22
astro76myconidx, you may have noticed this is an Ubuntu support channel :)06:23
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lee__eh your on the wrong server for needing help with gentoo06:23
myconidxastro76, and you have bad english... but none the less.. are you making a point?06:23
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Juancabritohi, can anybody here help me with ProFTPD. I'm using XAMPP06:23
kotauno need to get all testicular fellas06:23
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Juancabritotesticular, lol06:24
goodboyCerberus!anyone | Juancabrito06:24
ubotuJuancabrito: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:24
kotauoh did I say testicular? I meant testy06:24
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astro76myconidx, 1) my grammar is perfect, 2) you are confusing users by giving them links to gentoo help, what happens when they come back saying emerge isn't working?06:24
myconidxJuancabrito, probably not.. but if you ask a question someone might answer your question.06:24
kotauastro, send them to #gentoo?06:24
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astro76kotau, for ubuntu help?06:25
myconidxastro76, so you are passive agressively pointing out the fact I typo'd 'gentoo' instead of 'ubuntu'?  Is that the issue?06:25
Juancabritomyconidx: I can't, I need someone to help me with the diagnose in the first place06:25
EnigmaXDoes anyone here use Opera, or does everyone use FF?06:25
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lee__hmm sounds like the person that that made th links are at fault lol not us06:25
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myconidxJuancabrito, do you have SOME inkling of a problem that you would like to share?06:25
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kotauoh umm i'm staying out of this, pardon me.06:26
=== tom_d was gonna switch to opera, but the newest adobe flash plugin which supports fullscreen messes up opera, but works (decent) on FF
astro76myconidx, you could have said it was a typo right away06:26
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Tronyxif i may say, i thought you were directing me to gentoo and I had absolutely no idea why.  if it's all the same can we just move beyond this?06:26
myconidxastro76, and since you saw it, and I didnt realize I made a mistake, you could pointed out said error.06:26
EnigmaXtom_d: How did you get the flash plugin to work with FF?06:26
tom_dastro76, myconidx: cant we just be friends. why the hostitlity06:26
EnigmaXI can't get it to recognize the plugin to save my life06:26
myconidxI am trying to evade 5 police while I get this car back to the chop shop and get it resprayed.06:26
lee__FF? is that finasl fantasy?06:26
astro76tom_d, there is none06:27
=== jj420 [n=jeff@74-134-136-131.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
tom_dEnigmaX: dl the plugin untar it in your homedir and run the script06:27
jj420i got a berylr question06:27
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:27
tom_dEnigmaX: i think its easier to get working if you don't install it system wide06:27
JuancabritoI'm using XAMPP, ProFTPD doesn't work and I don't know how to create and use an ftp account with it (making it work first of course)06:27
myconidx"New engine and paint $100!  The cops wont recognize you now"06:27
EnigmaXtom_d: I tried that, but I couldn't get it to work06:27
=== cubesis [n=cube@74-46-200-211.dr01.wyng.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
myconidxJuancabrito, why are you running XAMPP?06:27
tom_dEnigmaX: if you try to do it again and describe what you did, I can help you06:27
astro76myconidx, I did point out the error! :P06:27
EnigmaXmaybe I didn't download the correct tar?06:27
tom_dEnigmaX: also make sure you have the latest ff06:27
myconidxJuancabrito, download Ubuntu server, when you install it pick a LAMP server, and be off and merry.06:27
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Juancabritomyconidx: because I have no success with LAMP06:27
cubesishey everyone, i have 7.04 and can't get a creative soundblaster usb sound device to work anyone have a suggestion06:27
EnigmaXtom_d:  Where is a good place to get the tar?06:28
myconidxJuancabrito, so this is a reoccuring problem then?06:28
=== genii [n=user@206-248-152-228.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
jj420im following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beryl/ATI/Feisty and where im tring to get the key repository the site wont connect06:28
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Juancabritomyconidx: that didn't work06:28
myconidxcubesis, usb sound ftl.  does lsusb list it?06:28
IronWolffHi, is any mexican there 0.o?06:28
tom_denigmax: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/static/Linux/ShockwaveFlash/English.html06:28
myconidxJuancabrito, There are three kinds of issues we address here.. a. hardware, b. software, and c. users.. usually one of those is broken.06:28
=== genii sips a coffee
cubesishold on i will have to check, sorry im n00b even though i have been on ubuntu forever :)06:28
lee__erg.. i really need the hit the programming books06:28
myconidxJuancabrito, I'll let you address deciding which is broken.06:28
astro76!es | IronWolff06:28
ubotuIronWolff: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:28
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IronWolffwhere r u from?06:29
dwf_starbandmyconidx: If i rember corectly I can be in a graphical enviroment to install the nvidia driver, is there  a way besides rebooting, to exit and get a command prompt?06:29
EnigmaXtom_d: and save it where?  I'm very new to Linux, which probably why I haven't been able to get it to work yet06:29
astro76!offtopic | IronWolff06:29
ubotuIronWolff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:29
myconidxdwf: alt+ctrl + f(something? 1-8)06:29
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myconidx/etc/init.d/gdm sotp06:29
cubesismyconidx i dunno but it is detected06:29
tom_dEnigmaX you can msg me if you need help, just untar it in your homedir and follow the instructions06:29
cubesisand i switch it to that as a sound device06:29
cubesishow to i check if its listed?06:29
myconidxcubesis, soooo... it was detected.. thats good.. does it show up in lsusb?06:30
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dwf_starbandok thank you06:30
cubesisi haven't used lsusb06:30
IronWolffwho knows a good mmorpg as conquer 4 linux ?06:30
myconidxWhere do I find the ferrari looking car in GTA3:SA06:30
jj420im following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beryl/ATI/Feisty and where im tring to get the key repository the site wont connect06:30
cubesishow do i check?06:30
EnigmaXtom_d: Send you a message06:30
=== myconidx is now known as myconid
jj420can someone tell me where i can get the repository at?06:30
lee__FINAL FANTASY 11 lol but, unfortantley you nedd a ps2 lol06:30
Juancabritomyconidx: I don't know what kind of problem I have. First, using LAMP, php didn't work, know with xampp mysql doesn't work (doesn't matter right now) neither does proftpd06:31
Tronyxastro76 you still there?06:31
=== unravel [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== astro76 looks for astro76
tom_dEnigmaX: /msg tom_d06:31
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myconidJuancabrito, can I suggest you set XAMPP up on Windows and go from there?06:31
cubesismyconid, where i do i check lsusb?06:31
=== Tronyx finds astro76
myconidcubesis, ALT-F2, xterm, lsusb06:31
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cubesisyeah its listed06:32
EnigmaXdid you get that one tom?06:32
cubesiscould it be that my onboard sound is broken and this won't even work?06:32
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Juancabritomyconid: don't think so, I'm trying to use linux for a server to uninstall XAMPP from my windows machine06:32
Tronyxso, I am staring at my fstab but I don't know what to do which is particularly frustrating as you just told me.  the mount point for the recovery partition is /media/hda2 but i don't see anything like that in the fstab06:32
lee__Oh some said that my running the ATI drivers with the catalyst was a big nono.... can some one explain to me why , I havnt ahd any issues06:32
cubesiscause i know forsure that onboard sound isn't working06:32
=== adicorp_ [n=adicorp@cpe-76-83-252-234.dc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
myconidcubesis, system->pref->sounds06:32
myconiddoes it get lsited tehre?06:32
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myconidJuancabrito, i suggest you buy a second cheap desktop to use as a development machine, and run XAMPP under Windows.06:33
cubesisyeah and i select it as playback06:33
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cubesisi tried the playback testing and its stuck06:33
Tronyxdoes it have anything to do with the partition i want to have mounted and the recovery partition i do not want to mount being on the same hard drive?06:33
myconidJuancabrito, I promise you; however; that PHP works on Gentoo server when you check the LAMP server option.06:33
EnigmaXtom_d:  i'm assuming my message did not go through?06:33
lee__the right channel lol06:33
tom_dEnigmaX yep, something didn't work06:34
Juancabritomyconid: that sound better06:34
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EnigmaXtom_d:  I saved it to my "Downloads" directory in my homedir06:34
astro76Tronyx, I would have expected them both to be in fstab since they are both mounted, is the other one there?06:34
jj420im following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beryl/ATI/Feisty and where im tring to get the key repository the site wont connect06:34
lee__I was wondering did I jump the gun..when I installed the ATI  drivers from the ati down load..Ihave catylyst and evry thing I hae had no known issues06:34
EnigmaXtom_d: I extracted it06:34
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EnigmaXtom_d: and now have the .gz file06:35
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tom_dEnigmaX: open a terminal and cd to the directory, then chmod +x the install script and run it06:35
gogetajj420 protery ari drivers and beryl dont work06:35
tom_dgunzip file.gz06:35
myconidJuancabrito, whhy do you want linux?06:35
lee__save for only 32 megs of ram showing of 12806:35
jj420i have the patched ati drivers06:35
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EnigmaXtom_d: I'm not sure how to do that06:35
tom_dEnigmaX, but you can in the future use tar xvzf file.tar.gz ... you need to follow the instructions on the flash website, it tells you how to do all this06:35
lee__what is beryl?06:36
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myconidlee: search for it on  youtube06:36
gogetatom_d or just use the gui06:36
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cubesismyconid it works now thanks, i guess me doing it by double clicking the sound icon didn't switch the device like i thought it was doing06:36
myconidcubesis, awesome!06:36
cubesisthat must just be for the controls not the config06:36
=== Churchill is now known as Churchill1955
cubesisu know what i am talking about?06:36
tom_dgogeta: this is the flash plug in, if you do it with the gui, soemthings gonna eff up imho06:36
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cubesisman thanks a lot06:36
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=== tom_d has installed flash plugins repeatedly without avail
gogetaflash is easly installed lol06:37
gogetainstall deb from apt-get06:37
tom_dgogeta: you must live in a perfect world.06:37
myconidlinux w/op flash for pornotube isnt a world i want to live in06:37
tom_dgogeta: yes, but you can't get the one that fullscreens from apt06:37
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gogetai have gusty beta06:37
gogetait does06:37
tom_dgogeta: again, perfect world06:37
EnigmaXtom_d:  I get the following error:06:37
cubesisflash worked fine for me, whats porntube it sounds cool06:37
EnigmaXtom_d:  ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the06:37
EnigmaX       Adobe Flash Player installer.06:37
=== graelb [n=graelb@71-220-216-244.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tronyxastro76, am I looking for /dev/hda2  UUID-423B-2BDF   /media/hda2 ?06:38
Juancabritomyconid: I've been told linux is better for a good FREE server06:38
tom_dEnigmaX: download the 32 bit version06:38
gogetaporntube sounds fun06:38
astro76EnigmaX, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins06:38
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tom_dgogeta: why else would i n eed the fullscreen flash plugin06:38
myconidJuancabrito, And what does 'free' have to do with this?  You can pickup a p2-3ghz off craigslist for $100 with Windows XP on it06:38
astro76Tronyx, if /media/hda2 is your recovery partition as you said... you found it?06:38
jj420gogeta i used the drivers installed from here http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty06:38
gogetayoutube doesent have any porn lol06:38
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=== goodboyCerberus /facepalms at pornotube
gogetaall your pornneeds are in other formats :)06:39
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TronyxI think so, let me try this and get back to you >.<06:39
tom_di sometimes look at amateurish girls dancing on youtube. it has a voyeuristic appeal06:39
cubesisyeah whats pornotube06:39
cubesissounds kewl to me06:39
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cubesislol tom_d half of them look like they are 1506:39
riotkittieargh. can we just shut up about porn already. kthx.06:39
goodboyCerberusgoogle it.... if you're over 18... and:06:39
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:39
cubesisohyeah this isn't ot06:39
=== Aesia [n=Elive_us@] has joined #ubuntu
gogetaporn funds the internet buddy06:39
Aesiahi everyone06:40
EnigmaXtom_d:  I'm sorry Tom, it's been a long day at work, it's the JRE plugin I'm not able to get working06:40
cubesiswell thanks for help on the sound card myconid06:40
nickrudgoodboy, Cerberus!06:40
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myconidcubesis, my pleasure06:40
=== usser [n=dcherniv@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== goodboyCerberus barks!
EnigmaXtom_d:  I was able to figure out the flash a couple days ago06:40
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EnigmaXbut no luck with the JRE plugin06:40
tom_dEnigmaX: wellp, try following the instructions on JRE... theyre basically equally pesky06:40
temperhow to give username & password in a single line in SSH (password should not be prompt)06:40
gogetai just used automatix on my old install06:40
jpastoreIs there any reason why I can't burn dvd-r's?06:40
tom_dEnigmaX: you can get it out of apt.. open up synaptic and find it06:40
riotkittieporn may fund the internet but i dont think anybody comes into linux support channels to hear you lonely boys wax poetic about it. argh.06:40
gogetasimpl and easy06:40
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cubesisjpastore the only reason would be not having a dvd writer06:41
gogetanot needed on gusty gibben thow all there06:41
cubesisand the correct configuration06:41
jpastorecubesis, yea...I have a dvd+-rw dl06:41
Kylie2004what's the command to restart apache206:41
ArtVandalae/etc/init.d/apache2 restart?06:41
myconidtemper, use ssh keys.06:41
tonyyarussoKylie2004: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart06:41
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Aesiahow can i create trash icon on my desktop /enlightenment06:41
tonyyarussoArtVandalae: (invoke-rc.d is preferred, for reasons I don't entirely understand)06:41
=== dropety [n=dropety@s5592d5ad.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jpastorecubesis, I was reading that some people seem to have problems with trying to burn -r and I'm looking for a possible fix....like has anyone tried nero linux 3?06:42
cubesiswell i know dvd rip can get you the avi that u can make an iso and then shouldn't u just be able to burn with reg burning app06:42
tom_dthats weird.. i thought most girls liked porn06:42
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usserjpastore: nero 3 is a perversion06:42
=== titanix88 says ubuntu should develop a special static build software distro system for users without net.
=== Tronyx [n=tronyx@24-148-10-186.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
usseron linux06:42
Tronyxgot it, thanks astro76!06:42
ArtVandalaeGuys how old are we? This isn't the sort of channel to be talking about that stuff06:42
gogetai never had issues with nero on any platform06:42
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
myconidArtVandalae, are you asking a/s/l?06:42
gogetaothers peoples issues dont always mean its gonna affect your nstall06:42
=== tom_d [n=tom@207-180-158-56.c3-0.wak-ubr1.sbo-wak.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
ussergogeta: its just that why use it on linux when theres better free alternatives06:43
epswinghow do i find out what version of java i have installed?  what's this gij...06:43
temperhow to use ssh keys06:43
jpastoreusser, well if it works and the tools that came with ubuntu don't...I don't care if it humps its sister as long it gets the job done06:43
gogetai used it a long time ago06:43
usserepswing: java -version should do06:43
myconidtemper, a. google.  c. profit06:43
cubesishey man i seen an article in search that someone else couldn't burn dvd-r unless they had root priveledge06:43
gogetabefor it was easy to change a booksettings on the free ones06:43
usserjpastore: what doesnt work?06:43
epswingwoohoo, 1.4.2.  oldschool...06:43
=== arooni [n=arooni__@c-76-22-32-242.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonianyone here using virtualbox?  i have a winxp VM with a hard drive of 3GB.  is there *anyway* to expand the size of this drive *without* completely reinstalling XP?06:43
cubesisbut it was back from 5.0406:44
astro76temper, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto#head-1ff9e61cfd81e9f741920b6920af8a85f7bddb3006:44
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jpastoreusser, burning an .img with k3b, copying a data dvd with gnome-baker...06:44
astro76cubesis, so it's not applicable to the current version06:44
joshin247anyone here familiar with finepoint (tabletpc) on linux06:44
cubesis dvd+rw-tools dvdrtools nautilus-cd-burner libnautilus-burn3 libnautilus-burn-dev06:44
joshin247particularly fpit drivers06:45
cubesisthat might be current :)06:45
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joshin247setserial configurations06:45
Aesiahow can i create trash icon on my desktop /enlightenment06:45
q_a_z_stevedapper kicks out any CD I put in the drive, sometimes in the middle of reading/ripping/copying. WHY?06:45
cubesisinstead of a dvd+r try a dvd-r06:46
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jpastorecubesis, Couldn't find package libnautilus-burn306:47
jpastore everything else is the newest ver06:47
tom_dq_a_z_steve: have you confirmed this is a software problem?06:47
=== infekted [n=infekted@adsl-69-152-203-55.dsl.fyvlar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cubesisi think thats k3b06:47
joshin247is there noone else?06:47
q_a_z_stevetom_d, doesn't happen in windows XP, nor vista.06:47
jpastorecubesis, k3b package was installed as k3b per synaptic06:47
joshin247ewwww.....orc blood06:47
myconidsounds like hardware06:47
shiny_ok dear06:47
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tom_dq_a_z_steve: maybe the driver for your drive isn't so hot.. is your drive well supported?06:48
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joshin247pip rench06:48
tom_dq_a_z_steve, does this happen with audio cds or all cds or what06:48
q_a_z_stevejoshin247, can linux tell me how much, and how fast, maximum RAM for my motherboard can be?06:48
=== buttercups [n=me@c-68-54-116-100.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tom_dq_a_z_steve, also, what software are you using to read/rip/play cds06:49
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q_a_z_stevetom_d, same deal with stamped, burned, data, audio.06:49
joshin247...i note sure but you could check teh manufagtures website06:49
lee__WOW!!! i hav all my vids and pics that i can see on  my msn space lol06:49
Kudakwhy when i do a warm reboot it fails to recognize my network adapter, only when i do a cold reboot it recognize it again06:49
joshin247or just google the mobo model number06:49
q_a_z_steveI have sound Juicer auto pop, not like I want to rip...06:49
tom_dq_a_z_steve: try burning a cd with cdrecord06:50
q_a_z_stevejoshin247, can lspci or anything tell me the num?06:50
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q_a_z_stevetom_d, not trying to burn, just want to keep drive door closed around toddler.06:50
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lee__wize idea] 06:51
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joshin247i'm a noob too, but if you know the model of the computer i'm assumming it's a dell, compaq , whatever., google the model number06:51
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astro76Kudak, but it still doesn't work after restarting linux though right? because that is a cold reboot really...06:51
titanix88hey guys, i am using a non brand chinese edge modem but ubuntu does not detect it. Also my GEForce mx4000 card does not work with it! wvdialconf can't find anything and asks to use setserial.How can i use setserial to solve this(maybe irq problem i guess)?06:51
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astro76Kudak, does it work after a shutdown from either OS, or did you say you had to pull the power cord?06:51
tom_dq_a_z_steve: to keep the cd tray closed if someone pushes the button?06:51
EthikIm a linux idiot so please bare with me06:51
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q_a_z_stevejoshin247, gateway direct, sorry. Not like it's impossible, just don't want to have to open again...06:51
lee__it should say on th face plate of the pc06:51
EthikIs there a certain way to install things on linux?06:51
tom_dq_a_z_steve: you could mount the drive, that would keep it closed.06:51
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Kudakastro76: ONLY when i pull the power cord it works, nothing else i tried worked06:52
joshin247the model of the system should be on back of tower usually06:52
Ethikor is it the same as windows (Run an exe)06:52
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lee__that too on a sticker06:52
q_a_z_stevetom_d eventually yes. I thought it did mount if it was going to copy data off the drive?06:52
astro76Kudak, so even a shutdown command causes it to not work? sounds like a hardware issue then06:52
lee__also dells have a sticker on th botom06:52
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lee__or under side of the casing06:53
titanix88Can anyone help me?06:53
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q_a_z_stevelee__, gateway direct, each system may have different HDware, I'll have to open the case if not find probing software.06:53
lee__IE dells have a face plate for if its  a Demension series ect,06:53
EthikI need help too06:53
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q_a_z_steve!ask titanix8806:53
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astro76!synaptic | Ethik|LinuxDoesn06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask titanix88 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:54
ubotuEthik|LinuxDoesn: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:54
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titanix88q_a_z_steve: i already did ask!06:54
goodboyCerberusEthik: Linux doesn't have executables per se, but nowadays package managers pretty much act like them...06:54
tom_dq_a_z_steve, to test out the drive make an iso and burn it.. mkisofs -i nameofiso.iso /directoryofdata06:54
goodboyCerberusgo through the repositories before downloading files off the net06:55
jonathan_hi there06:55
jonathan_I want to login my session as a root06:55
tom_dq_a_z_steve, then do cdrecord -v speed=drivespeed dev=x,x,x -data youriso.iso06:55
gogetawell titen06:55
jonathan_but how?06:55
gogetawhers the question06:55
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lee__reboot the sytem06:55
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tom_dq_a_z_steve, to read data from a cd the cd doesn't have to be mounted. to explore a filesystem it does06:55
Ethik|LinuxNoobgot disconnected06:55
gogetalol lee06:55
astro76!sudo | jonathan_06:55
ubotujonathan_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:55
lee__it should tell ya right there06:55
Kylie2004do I need to reboot my Ubuntu lamp server after i have added new users so that they can authenticate via HTTPS/SSL?06:55
Ethik|LinuxNoobWill someone please help me? =(06:55
astro76!synaptic | Ethik|LinuxNoob06:55
ubotuEthik|LinuxNoob: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:55
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:56
tom_dq_a_z_steve, i think the problem might lie in your choice of software06:56
goodboyCerberusEthik: Linux doesn't have executables per se, but nowadays package managers pretty much act like them, use Synaptic06:56
Kudakhow do i exit from Ubuntu graphic mode to console mode cleanly instead of doing Alt+Ctrl+Backspace ???06:56
Kylie2004I resttarted my apache2 and that didn't work.06:56
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lee__ohh coolio you tuby works lol06:56
titanix88ubuntu does not detect my non brand chinese edge modem. wvdialconf does not find it, it asks to use setserial. How do i do that?06:56
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marko-ubuntuKudak-  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart06:56
gogetakudak ctrl alt f106:56
trprgoodboyCerberus: what are you talking about :P06:56
gogetawill open a text term06:57
astro76Kudak, switch to console first with ctrl+alt+F1 ~ F6, then if you want X actually shutdown, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop06:57
Kudakgogeta: if i do ctrl alt f1 the graphic mode will still be running in memory06:57
goodboyCerberusEthik's question "are there /exe's in Linux?"06:57
gogetathen the other way06:57
Kudakastro76: this is wierd, no "cleaner" way to do it ?06:57
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trprgoodboyCerberus: the answer is yes. there just aren't file extensions to mark them apart06:57
Kylie2004I've taken wordpress out of the equation.  now I'm trying to allow to user to login to my main home page which is  SSL/HTTP.  it won't let me in if I use there username/passord, but Ican login06:57
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gogetasudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop06:57
lee__q_a_z_steve reboot you machine the display will tell you what your system is06:57
gogetawill close it06:58
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astro76Kudak, how cleaner can it get than switching to the text console which you want to be in, and one command to shutdown X?06:58
Kudakgogeta: what exactly is invoke-rc.d ? any guide about it ?06:58
astro76Kudak, basically executes /etc/init.d/ scripts06:58
Kudakastro76: like in redhat .....logout to console mode lol06:58
gogetarc.d is like windows startup programs06:58
astro76Kudak, same as sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:58
titanix88q_a_z_steve: u know how to use setserial?06:58
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gogetathat tells ubuntu not to srstart it on close06:58
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gogetalike if x crashes06:59
astro76Kudak, yeah debian based systems come with all runlevels set the same, unlike redhat's 3 for nox and 5 for x, you can edit the runlevels though06:59
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trprgoodboyCerberus: everything in /usr/bin and any other bin dir you run across is filled with executables. we're just not in the habit of calling them exes ;)06:59
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Kylie2004anyone know how I can figuer out my https login errors. firefox reterns invalid password for the new users i created06:59
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jewbileeearl: I got the error.  Its Error 17: Cannont mount Selected Partition06:59
ubuntu_k i did sudo gparted and get this when i try to put it ovr there Error while copying to "/media/disk/home/doug".  You do not have permissions to write to this folder. any ideas?06:59
goodboyCerberustrpr: ah sorry, I'm a n00b too06:59
gogetabeter wor is like serivace programs07:00
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Aesiahow to create icons on my desktop /enlightenment07:00
Kylie2004please help me anyone....07:00
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titanix88Anyone here using non brand chinese edge/gprs modem with ubuntu?:-(07:00
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Dr_willisAesia,  use a program like idesk, or other 'desktop launcher' tool.07:01
Dr_willis!info idesk07:01
ubotuidesk: Program to show icons on the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.5-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 118 kB, installed size 364 kB07:01
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Aesiathx mate07:01
lee__eh i just drag and drop icons on to th dt07:01
dwf_starbandI forgot his name, but thank you to the guy that told me to install the new nvidia drivers, that fixed my problem.  Thanks07:02
titanix88Dr_willis: do you know how to use setserial?07:02
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ubuntu_ k i did sudo gparted and get this when i try to put it ovr there Error while copying to "/media/disk/home/doug".  You do not have permissions to write to this folder. any ideas07:03
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twoshadetodhow difficult is it to set up asterisk on ubuntu?07:03
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jonathan_anybody know how to login as a root?07:04
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trprgoodboyCerberus: its ok. im just uptight computer geek ;) there are more similarities than differences between various platforms07:05
gogetatrpr linux is all the same in the end07:05
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Dr_willistitanix88,  i aint messed with serial ports in ages. :) i dont recall needing setserial back then either07:05
goodboyCerberustrpr: I should just keep quiet unless I'm absolutely sure about something  :-/07:05
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skillywho can tell me what 'wiki' exactly mean07:06
gogetatrpr jut diffrent styles07:06
gogetatrpr ubuntu is the easest to use and keep up so its currently in the number 1 spot07:06
gogetabut thats what there aiming for07:07
goodboyCerberusskilly: etymology? Hawaiian word for fast. The word "wiki" is a shorter form of wiki wiki.07:07
ePaxjonathan_: Do you want to login as root in terminal or? Use su07:07
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Nutubuntuskilly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki07:07
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IowaDaveEvolution just hiccuped while starting up, and lost track of about 3/4 of my inbox. Anything I can do to recover?07:08
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blue_Is it illegal to use Adobe Flash Player Plugin in the United States?07:09
blue_I know Windows Media and stuff like that is.07:09
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Dr_willisblue_,  i imagine its all debateable. :)07:09
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blue_Well, I want to follow the law07:10
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Dr_willisI dont refall hearing that flash player plugin was illeagle..07:10
gogetalol no07:10
blue_And I was just wondering if Adobe Flash Player is illegal07:10
EthikLinux is so much better07:10
joueurhi, i am from Czech..07:10
gogetahow it is it illagle when they relese the softwhere07:10
titanix88Dr_willis: it is about an usb edge modem.07:10
trprgogeta: i was actually referring to the similarities and differences in various kernels in general.. not the different ways to package that kernel as a distribution07:10
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blue_I don't know, I'm just wondering because I have never been able to hear music from myspace or anything like that07:10
gogetafor free07:11
blue_And it prompted me to download flash player07:11
blue_so i did07:11
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blue_and it didnt tell me it was illegal or anything07:11
gogetaits not07:11
blue_Now I can hear the music07:11
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blue_with Real Player + Flash combo07:11
twoshadetodhow difficult is it to set up asterisk on ubuntu?07:11
Ahadielblue_, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:11
Ethik/server irc.deltaanime.net07:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asterisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:11
Montaroapt-get install asterix07:11
gogetaits just closed source so its under non-free07:11
Ethikthat doesnt work on gaim07:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asterix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:11
Dr_willisI give up. :)07:11
trprgogeta: anyhow. you should come over to #ubuntu-offtopic. our topic isn't exactly support related07:12
blue_oh, so non-free can be closed-source07:12
nickrud!info asterisk07:12
ubotuasterisk: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.16~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 (feisty), package size 160 kB, installed size 428 kB07:12
gogetai was talking abought flash07:12
marko-ubuntujonathaN  to activete root acount sudo passwd root     to deactivete root acount: sudo root -l    : to login as root, logout from ubuntu go to settings, and there somwhere u will found a check button to let root acces07:12
=== nickrud loves dropping in at the right moment ;)
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twoshadetodMontaro, awsome, thanks07:13
q_a_z_stevehey nickrud07:13
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nickrudhey q_a_z_steve07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:13
blue_Do you understand what I mean though?  The codecs and things for WMA and WMV and MP3 are all illegal in US - I wanted to make sure that Flash was not in this group of illegal things.07:13
KevlarSoulWhat is the command to start terminal? after grub? I started the recovery version of the kernel, but I coudlnt get internet access that way when I tried to sudo apt-get update07:13
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blue_Maybe im paranoid ><07:13
nickrud!info pidgin gutsy07:13
MystaMaxhello, how can I find out where java6-jdk is installed? I'm trying to install netbeans, and its asking for it?07:13
ubotupidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB07:13
gogetalol wma wmv illagle not relly07:13
Dr_willisblue_,  I agree with the paranoid bit. :007:13
blue_so should i delete it?07:14
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Montarotwoshadetod: pleasure07:14
gogetathe wma and wmv support in linux was coded from scrach07:14
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blue_but it's illegal07:14
blue_due to patent rights07:14
emovocalsHey Folks, I have a couple Questions. Firstly I am running an Acer Aspire 3680, I don't know how to add repositories (uni, and multiverse) and I can't get my wifi card running because I am stupid. I just left Vista for Feisty but I think I am about to go back to Vista07:14
jimmy815aHi all I just installed Ubuntu dual boot but now I am ready to remove windows completely.  do I just delete all the files and use the other partition as a drive or can that partition be removed?07:14
Dr_willisof course depending on the direction of the wind. the RIAA feels you are a lawbreaker if you so much as Listen to your legally bought cd with another person in the room....07:14
blue_can anyone tell me if flash is also illegal?07:14
gogetawell ms hasent sued anyone for using wmv in linux07:14
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nickrud!info netbeans5.507:14
ubotunetbeans5.5: NetBeans IDE for development of applications in Java. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.5-0.59 (feisty), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB07:15
gogetaif they did it would be a big uprore07:15
gogetaand flash is not illage adobe makes it07:15
Dr_willisblue_,  the flash company supplies the binaries.. so ive NEVER heard of flash being called illeagle.07:15
preactionand MS never will: they said they will not pursue patent infringement claims against single, non-commercial users07:15
gogetaand maes the linux version07:15
blue_thank you ^_^07:15
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nickrudMystaMax: netbeans is in the repos, you can get it with apt-get07:15
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myconidflash is not illegal07:15
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Dr_willisflash can be a Annoyance however. :)07:15
trprhonestly.. law suits arriving for installing a codec. what fud :P07:16
preactionflash is also an open standard, albiet controlled by Adobe. they publish specs on it07:16
emovocalsAnyone have any ideas?07:16
gogetaeven if they tryed the wmv is illage it probly would not hold up\07:16
blue_So is Real Player what is allowing me to play all these audio formats and things I wasn't able to get earlier?07:16
Ahadielemaconline, on?07:16
blue_or is that Flash07:16
myconidblue_,  what app are they playing in07:16
gogetabeing the code base it totaly diffrent07:16
dwf_starbandI lied when i said the new nvidia driver fixed my problems, I just got a frozen pink screen, when starting to watch live tv in mythtv07:16
emovocalsJust convert it man07:16
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NutubuntuAny ideas why Firefox / Swiftweasel would repeatedly crash - strace shows it dying thus: stat64("/home/nutubuntu/.mozilla/swiftweasel/init.d/K*", 0xbfe5900c) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)07:16
blue_well, I went to youtube and was able to watch/hear things there; and myspace also07:16
nickrudemovocals: system->admin->software sources , tick universe & multiverse, then sudo apt-get update07:16
myconidblue_, thats flash07:17
emovocalsI don't have that option Nick07:17
blue_and flash is not illegal07:17
myconidwhy would it be illegal?07:17
blue_i dont know07:17
nickrudemovocals: what's your desktop (if any?)07:17
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blue_everything else is07:17
gogetaits not07:17
jimmy815aim on a 64 bit machine and have to run firefox32 but it crashes a lot07:17
MystaMaxnickrud: thx for the reply, but I'm trying to install a beta version, and its asking for the path to jdk? can I use "locate" to find it?07:17
myconidnothing esle is illegal07:17
gogetablue knothing else is07:17
Dr_willisblue_,  are you sure its legal for you to be in here? you did pay your IRC tax's ?07:17
emovocalsWhat do you mean, what is my desktop?07:17
emovocalsI am a relatively new Linux user, so again, I am rather stupid07:18
blue_no im not entirely sure if its legal for me to be here07:18
gogetablue weven decss linux was ruled legil is the usa07:18
Kudakanyone knows of a good Guide Library for Linux/Ubuntu that goes from basic to advanced and has various topics ??07:18
Dr_willisLOL has been patented by MS.. please refrain from using it..07:18
nickrudMystaMax: it's under /usr/lib ; depending on which you have activated with update-alternatives --config java, it'll be a subdir under that07:18
myconidblue_, you better leave before you find out.07:18
marko-ubuntumyconid-  isnt strong crypto software illigal in us anymore ?07:18
gogetablue the dvd decrypter07:18
myconidmarko-ubuntu, it ever was.07:18
marko-ubuntuisee myconid :)07:18
preactionmarko-ubuntu, strong crypto is restricted on export07:18
Nutubuntumarko-ubuntu, strong crypto was always legal in US; the issue was "exporting" it07:18
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IowaDaveblue_: Blue is the patented color of the Microsoft Screen of Death. Please change colors.  ;-)07:19
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nickrudemovocals: that is, if you don't have software sources (and therefor not gnome) are you using kde, or just a terminal, for example07:19
Nutubuntu(even if it was imported strong crypto to begin with)07:19
emovocalsI am using Gnome I am assuming07:19
MystaMaxnickrud: ok, I installed sun-java6-jdk using aptitude. so i'll look and see if I find it...07:19
gogetablue and lets face it in the usa everything is illagle07:19
gogetablue in the eyes of big greddy corps07:20
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myconidwhat country are you tools from?07:20
Dr_willisYou are not legally allowed to discuss the legality of such things... please stop.07:20
gogetablue lol07:20
nickrudemovocals: then you should have, under the menu on the top, the system->admin->software sources dialog07:20
nickrud*have the07:20
q_a_z_stevenickrud, what's a solid way to mount a cdrom? I get dmesg errors with mine...07:20
EthikIs there a way to host my own website using a linux program?07:20
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gogetafree speech whats that im from the usa07:20
myconidEthik, no07:20
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nickrudemovocals: and use my nick in your replies, they're hard to follow otherwise07:20
myconidEthik, tjhat would be illegal07:20
Dr_willisEthik,  Huh?07:20
gogetafair use no way07:21
EthikI dont mean get a domain name07:21
MystaMaxnickrud: found it, its in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-jvm. Thanks for your help07:21
myconidwebsites on linux are illegal.07:21
Dr_willisEthik,  you can install a web server.. and have your own stuff :)07:21
preactionfree speech costs about $400 an hour, the same as a really good lawyer07:21
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m0mHi Woldtux !07:21
Ethik(10:21:08 PM) myconid: websites on linux are illegal.07:21
Ethik(10:21:08 PM) myconid: websites on linux are illegal.07:21
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emovocalsYes Nick, but there are no options to select Uni or Multiverse07:21
Dr_willisEthik,  theres a 'running gag' going on as to whats legal to use under linux. :)07:21
NutubuntuEthik, myconid is joking07:21
myconidEthik, you didnt know?07:21
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gogetaif m$ had there way it would be07:21
emovocalsand then there is still the stupid Wifi Card07:21
JohnRobertms do have their way07:21
nickrudq_a_z_steve: I just stick in a cd; I used to have to use sudo mount /dev/<device> -t iso9660 /mnt07:22
gogetanaa linux would be illagle07:22
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KevlarSoulWhat is the command to start terminal? after grub? I started the recovery version of the kernel, but I coudlnt get internet access that way when I tried to sudo apt-get update07:22
Nutubuntuns are pretty powerful too. and os.07:22
Dr_willisThe RIAA came out saying that  Ripping a cd to your ipod is 'theft' and aparently playing a radio in public is considered illeagle in England.. :)07:22
blue_No, but in all seriousness the codecs for windows media, mp3, and dvd playback are all illegal =) that's only reason I was asking about Flash - because it's sort of related =O07:22
moDumasshey all, does anyone know why gimp cant open jpegs from olympus digital cameras?07:22
blue_I'm a newb, don't yell at me *sobs*07:22
nickrudemovocals: they should be in parentheses at the end , I think one's community supported and the other is just below07:22
EthikWhat I wanted to do is run a web server, then when someone puts my ip:port in a web browser they get a web page07:22
gogetawillis yea i herd that story07:22
gogetadumb shit07:22
m0mWhen? gogeta07:22
emovocalsNo, there is nothing like that.07:22
gogetait was on slashdot07:22
myconidEthik, sudo apt-get install apache207:22
IowaDaveblue_: nobody's yelling07:22
Dr_willisblue_,  the legality of that is a bit of a grey area..  it all depends on the specific wording of the licsneing.07:22
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | gogeta07:22
ubotugogeta: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.07:22
NutubuntumoDumass, since when? gimp has been fine with my jpgs from my Olympus cam07:23
trprDr_willis: cpyright law can't get anymore ridiculous. things will come to a head eventually ;)07:23
q_a_z_stevenickrud, are you using any software to handle finding a new CD? Where do I change to not use Sound Juicer?07:23
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moDumassnutubuntu, when i try i get this plugin failed to open file error07:23
Dr_willistrpr,  as of right now - i am NOT buying any more Music cd's at all. :)07:23
gogetai have been doing that for years07:23
preactionblue_, no, in all seriousness the libs for mp3 playing and DVD playing are not illegal. mp3 encoding (recording) violates patents, wmv/wma playback violates patents (but MS has said they won't sue), and flash is completely legal07:23
gogetawhen this wole mess started07:23
Dr_willistrpr,  wellperhaps if Weird AL comes out with a new one...07:23
NutubuntumoDumass, which plugin ? (does the error tell you?)07:23
xion344anyone can give me a fast repository for ubuntu07:23
moDumassnutubuntu, seems its got someghing to do with libexif07:23
emovocalsI mean, No Nick. there is nothing like that07:23
xion344thinking of upgrading to gutsy07:23
myconidfast suposetory ?07:23
GreySimq_a_z_steve: Removable Drives and Media Preferences.07:24
Dr_willisxion344,  depends on your location.07:24
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GreySimq_a_z_steve: Might be called something different in Feisty, but something along those lines.07:24
blue_preaction:  I basically said that in my newbie terms =\07:24
gogetabackup meda you own to whatever format is legil in the usa but the greddy corps try to say otherwise07:24
moDumassnutubuntu, no thats all it says but google came up with libexif, and no one on #gimp is talkin07:24
q_a_z_stevedapper, but yeah I found it.07:24
nickrudemovocals: it'll be something like "community maintained open source software" and "software restricted by copyright.." (you're in the right place if you see something about Canonical-supported07:24
open-glhi guys does linux have any firewall and antivirus program07:24
Javidis there a tablet PC edition?07:24
Dr_willisgogeta,  but the act of actually doing the backup is illeagle. it seems..07:24
emovocalsNick: Give me a moment07:24
preactionblue_, no you said that mp3 and dvd were illegal, they're not07:24
NutubuntumoDumass, okay, libexif is needed for jpgs, is it installed?07:25
Dr_willisgogeta,  or the tools needed to do so... or .. ect. :)07:25
GreySimopen-gl: You might want to look at Firestarter for firewall. I know there is anti-virus, but I don't know which program(s) it might be.07:25
emovocalsHmm, I see Thanx07:25
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blue_preaction:  then why can't I play mp3's and DVD's?07:25
nickrudq_a_z_steve: for that, it's system-prefs-removable drives & media07:25
emovocalsAny ideas about the Wireless Card?07:25
gogetayou can07:25
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blue_not without downloading illegal codecs07:25
Nutubuntuopen-gl, you could look at clamAV07:25
marko-ubuntufirestarter is pretty buggy07:25
gogetayou just need to installthe codecs07:25
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q_a_z_steveGreySim, I have a few things checked in there, but it doesn't seem to matter, CD's always kick out after a while...07:25
Dr_willisthere are legally licensed dvd player programs out for linux. :) (well i think 1 at least)07:25
JDStonedid gutsy come out yet?07:25
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m0mClam GreySim ?07:25
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nickrudemovocals: no. I am wireless, but not knowledgeable about it. have you done the following?07:25
open-gldoes linux need a antivirus or firewall or is it secured07:25
Ethikmyconid after I get apache2 what do I do? I havent used Linux much07:26
nickrud!wireless | emovocals07:26
ubotuemovocals: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:26
trpropen-gl: there is no current need for linux anti-virus. there is only one linux virus in existence and it was created to demonstrate what an unfriendly environment linux is towards virii07:26
preactionblue_, legal to use does not mean legally unencumbered. they're not distributed by default because they're not free (as in speech / not as in beer)07:26
tonyyarusso!virus | Ethik07:26
Dr_willisas for mp3. no clue there.07:26
ubotuEthik: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:26
JDStoneerr, guess not07:26
chetnickanyone use wine with CS?07:26
tonyyarusso!firewall | Ethik07:26
ubotuEthik: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:26
chetnickor CS with wine?07:26
gogetafor mp3s you need to install lame07:26
mynymlhas anyone had any luck running IE7 standalone on wine?07:26
q_a_z_stevemount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only07:26
gogetaand a dvd should auto download the nedded07:26
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q_a_z_stevemount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,07:26
q_a_z_steve       missing codepage or other error07:26
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q_a_z_steve       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try07:26
trpropen-gl: that said, i think some company sells linux anti-virus. its a ridiculous notion though.07:27
Ethiktonyyarusso: I wasnt the one looking for a firewall D:07:27
Dr_willisq_a_z_steve,  give it the filesystem type?07:27
q_a_z_steve       dmesg | tail  or so07:27
EthikI am looking for an easy way to set up a web server07:27
KevlarSoulHow do I turn on internet access via terminal?07:27
tonyyarussoEthik: sorry, my mind is apparently broken.  :S07:27
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tonyyarussoopen-gl: See what I directed at him.07:27
Ethiklol no prob =307:27
nickrudq_a_z_steve: three lines is just under the limit, no more paste. and do the dmesg | tail -30 , see what it says about the cdrom07:27
gogetablue your thinking a few years back when decss was under a lefil battel and dvds on linux where quetenble but big greddy lost07:27
GreySimCan't help with the CD problem. No clue.07:27
q_a_z_stevenickrud, sorry, trying to be careful07:27
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gogetaand eamed legil07:28
blue_well why do I keep reading all this literature about all the multimedia is illegal except for Fluendo and Real Player07:28
marko-ubuntuEthik-  look at part5 in http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu70407:28
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Dr_willisI do recall that a % of the cost of a DVD player. goes to pay for the DVD licensing..  seems illegle to me to make me pay the same fee over and over..07:28
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blue_I just wanna follow the laws =\07:28
gogetablue if you relly have issus there is a pay dvd player for linux07:28
Dr_willisRealPlayer is Legal? :)07:28
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Montaroget vlc07:28
nickrudblue_: depends on where you live, mostly. Different countries, different laws. Fluendo bought licenses, that's why it costs you07:28
blue_real player is totally legal :D07:28
Javidis there a tablet PC edition of Feisty?07:28
GreySimBut, I'm actually in here for a problem of my own. In Gutsy, since installing the beta, and all the way through today's current updates, Firefox will not run. It pops open the window, then closes it again before displaying anything. Happens in safe mode too. Any ideas what's wrong? I couldn't find a bug, but I don't know Launchpad that well...07:28
gogetablue everything is legil if is not its not on the apt-get07:29
Dr_willisblue_,   i wonder why they have a EULA then. :)  breaking it would be illeagle..07:29
trprblue_: its also allot of other things, none of them i can mention in here ;p07:29
q_a_z_stevenickrud, what can I tell you without paste?07:29
blue_lol @trpr07:29
GreySimq_a_z_steve: You can paste in an online pastebin, and link to it.07:29
nickrud!paste | q_a_z_steve (paste it there)07:29
ubotuq_a_z_steve (paste it there): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:29
Dr_willisof coruse up untill a few yrs back. GIF files were of questionable legality07:29
open-glok thanks guy. didnt know linux was so good that it didnt need a antivirus or a firewall07:29
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gogetaopen-gl ubuntu has a firewall07:30
NutubuntuGreySim, run it from a terminal? or strace firefox-bin ? see what is making it die07:30
gogetaopen-gl built in as for antivired there no real ones for linux07:30
nickrudopen-gl: as much a matter as not having a big enough user base to make it cost effective for the big boys07:30
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trpropen-gl: heh. you still need a firewall. ;)07:30
q_a_z_steve!tablet | Javid07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:30
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open-glno i dont need one07:30
xTheGoat121xEvening everyone07:30
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gogetanickrud they do rootkit sometimes but you need some kind of server like ftp or apachie and a old ersion and weak passwords for it to even happon07:30
GreySimNutubuntu: Oh, I'd run it from a terminal for safe mode, and the answer was right there in front of me. I just didn't check the terminal.07:30
Javidthat is exactly what I needed to know, THANKS q_a_z_steve07:31
gogetahome user not gonna07:31
blue_one other dumb question for anyone who wants to laugh:  is macromedia flash and adobe flash the same thing?07:31
open-gli just read everybody saying linux doesnt need it07:31
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GreySim(gecko:5761): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Arial 12'07:31
GreySimSegmentation fault (core dumped)07:31
xTheGoat121xIs it possible to set up ubuntu to have 2 different sessions, one running GNOME and the other xfce?07:31
nickrudgogeta: yeah, I do run chkrootkit regularly :)07:31
NutubuntuGreySim ... I get the impression Firefox is picky about fonts07:31
preactionopen-gl, they said it doesn't need antivirus, not that it doesn't need a firewall. you already have a firewall built-in. you just need a tool to configure it properly07:31
trpropen-gl: i am somebody. who is your everybody? :P07:31
open-glso does this mean linux cant get spywares and adwares also07:31
Dr_willisopen-gl,  not in the sence that windows can get them07:31
Dr_willisa program could still be 'adware' by design.07:32
q_a_z_steveopen-gl, never under estimate the power of a user.07:32
gogetaopen-gl there is no spyware07:32
Nutubuntublue_, adobe bought macromedia, I think, some while back07:32
blue_nutubuntu: thanks :)07:32
nickrudopen-gl: you're biggest danger is you installing a program that does that. If you stick with the ubuntu repos, the chances of that are nearly zero (only heard of that happening once on a debian repo)07:32
linxuz3r9 days to go07:32
GreySimNutubuntu: Hmm. Never had a problem using the same set of fonts in Feisty. I just copied my ~/.fonts directory right over. Guess it's time to file a bug?07:33
gogetaopen-gl worst linux has is rootkits and as i said you would need some kind of server setup07:33
gogetaopen-gl home ser thers no vireses or known spyware07:33
NutubuntuGreySim, IDK what the story is with Firefox. My experience seems to be foreign to most people, but I've found it very unstable. It's been crashing for me with great regularity, since back in Dapper, on two different boxes.07:34
blue_<< I'm totally new to Linux, I'm like a 5 hour and counting user - but I was wondering about the 6 month update cycle for these releases.  Is it easy to upgrade?  Like will it notify you when you need to do so?07:34
marko-ubunturkhunter is a nice cli app searching rootkits07:34
open-glok cool07:34
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q_a_z_steveJavid, try lifehacker.07:34
blue_To the next version of Ubuntu that is*07:34
q_a_z_steveJavid, for tablet linux07:34
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gogetaopen-gl but as everyone else said as long as you stick to offical packages and dont take binarys from unknown/untrusted sources your chances of a rootkit is 007:34
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nickrudq_a_z_steve: that's exactly what you need to show people, but I don't grok it, sorry07:34
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q_a_z_stevenickrud, come again?07:35
lee__What is the difference betqween pci express an pci express x16?07:35
kahrytanblue_, Don't upgrade please. Just back up /home/user and reinstall. And Version numbers tell you it's release date.07:35
nickrudq_a_z_steve: try googling the first line, after hdc:07:35
NutubuntuGreySim, in fact, it's Firefox that I'm here about tonight: Firefox / Swiftweasel repeatedly crash - strace shows it dying thus: stat64("/home/nutubuntu/.mozilla/swiftweasel/init.d/K*", 0xbfe5900c) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)07:35
gogetai would say x16 would be faster07:35
Misosakiblue_, not sure if it'd notify, but upgrading is easy07:35
xTheGoat121xblue_ - honestly, I haven't had many problems with updating, at least not yet.07:35
lee__s usin pci express 1607:35
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Veinorblue_ theoretically, it's a few button presses to upgrade. In practice, you might encounter problems though.07:35
nickrudq_a_z_steve: that is good troubleshooting information, that's what the helpers here love to see.07:36
blue_I see07:36
NutubuntuVeinor, the difference between theory and practice is larger in practice than it is in theory07:36
xTheGoat121xIs it possible to have multiple sessions, one with xfce and the other with gnome?07:36
blue_So mainly everyone backs up the data and reinstalls?07:36
goodboyCerberusNutubuntu: Yogi Berra?07:36
lee__quaz did it work?07:36
marko-ubuntulee_ pci E 16 have sexteen serial chanels07:36
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GreySimNutubuntu: Huh. No idea. I've never had problems with Firefox that weren't from either me overloading it with extensions, or my current problem in Gutsy.07:36
trprblue_: i upgrade. like Veinor said... sometimes people experience issues07:36
kahrytanblue_, Upgraders make the repositories painfully slow.07:36
lee__eh is that good or bad?07:36
NutubuntugoodboyCerberus, Chris Date, I think. Probably not original to him, though.07:36
trprkahrytan: your logic for advising people not to upgrade is flawless07:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:37
lee__or is that in  64 bit system?07:37
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blue_Well, this is a pretty sweet OS.  I can't believe all the things it has to offer.07:37
ChaosRI have a problem, I installed kubuntu, but it didn't work properly, so I tried to go back to windows, and on windows, I deleted the /home partition, but now, for some reason, grub gives an error 17 (i'm on the kubuntu live cd right now, and already tried grub-install, but it says on every single partition that it can't find /boot)07:37
kahrytantrpr, It really does make repositories so slow. Makes it impossible for some to get simple updates.07:37
blue_What is the scoop on the future of gaming for Linux - will games start making them compatible or is that way off in the future?07:38
NutubuntuGreySim, theoretically running in safe mode eliminates the extensions issue ... but Ff still crashed for me. Am I running into the gap between theory and practice there, do you think? I don't know enough about safe mode ...07:38
q_a_z_stevenickrud, what's the easiest way to run a distribution upgrade, for our friend blue_ here?07:38
lee__you can say that agin, I just wish for some good video editing software grr07:38
Flannelblue_: Some already have actually.07:38
nickrudq_a_z_steve: that's an audio cd?07:38
Flannel!games | blue_07:38
ubotublue_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:38
ChaosRhow would I be able to solve this and still be able to boot both linux and windows, I can't really understand that deleting the /home partition causes grub to error07:38
q_a_z_stevenickrud, this one is a stamped CD, yeah07:38
trprkahrytan: i take it you have never done a network install? none of my installs have begun with a cd. bandwidth issues are a poor excuse for not using apt07:38
kahrytanblue_, and check the WINE Appdb for Windows compatbility with WINE.07:38
GreySimNutubuntu: I don't know much about safe mode either. I just know it means that it's a system problem, and not a profile problem.07:38
nickrudq_a_z_steve: you don't mount audio cds, that's the problem07:39
Nutubuntu:/   Yeah ... that was my take too, GreySim07:39
blue_WINE, yes I've heard some about that and will definitely check that out - and thanks for that site Flannel07:39
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q_a_z_stevenickrud, so it's kicking out because it's not a data?07:39
lee__no, live cd is the cd is a cd that allows you to do things like partioning and such and then also coe on line07:39
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kahrytantrpr,  dont bring bandwidth into it.07:39
q_a_z_stevecan't I just get the thing to stay closed, until I push a button?07:39
blue_also I was reading some things earlier about this rotating cube desktop deal - something along the lines of "Beryl" or something - anyone know about htat?07:39
nickrudq_a_z_steve: kicking out? Do you have that issue with data cds?07:39
xion344whats the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu07:40
q_a_z_stevelet me try my stamped feisty live, one sec07:40
lee__what is "beryl"?07:40
Nutubuntuxion344, one lousy little letter ;P07:40
prakritiblue_: compiz-fusion07:40
rawakewhat do i need to satisfy this error? configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old.  Make sure it07:40
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:40
blue_Do you know much about it?07:40
Ethikso I got apache207:40
Nutubuntuxion344, xubuntu runs xfce as its window manager, I believe is the correct term07:40
kahrytanblue_, Version 7.04 (Feisty) 7  is for '07 and .04 is for April, forth month of the year. Gutsy is 7.10. October is tenth month of the year.07:40
Flannelblue_: no, not just wine.  There are native versions out there.  Quake, Unreal Tournament, Americas Army, plenty of real native linux games.07:40
Ethikwhat do I do now? XD07:40
lee__ooo i gots gl lol07:40
goodboyCerberusCompiz Fusion is the re-merge of Beryl and Compiz07:40
lee__where do i get baryl at?07:40
q_a_z_stevelee__, sudo apt-get install beryl07:41
lee__or cmpiz?07:41
xion344whats xfce07:41
trprkahrytan: oh, its not the bandwidth? the repos are essentially web servers. i still don't understand why you advocate people stay away from apt ...07:41
kahrytanblue_, and plenty of linux games based on open source Quake engine.07:41
nickrudkahrytan: a useful trick: use a mirror that's not one of the ubuntu country ones. Like find a university or other institution, it's much faster07:41
q_a_z_stevenickrud, kicks that out too, should I dmesg again?07:41
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lee__which do u recomend?07:41
GreySimNutubuntu: I've seen references to Firefox crashing depending on what GTK theme you're using. That *might* be worth playing around with. I know I'm about to be.07:41
blue_Sweet, do these games include online play?07:41
gogetablue one thing lnux doeslack is gaming thow but cedega does run the majer ones07:41
xTheGoat121xIs it possible to have multiple sessions, one running GNOME and the other running XFCE?07:41
gogetablue some do07:41
lee__planning to run video eding software07:42
nickrudq_a_z_steve: yes, and keep both to show. I'm not real good with hardware07:42
=== BaD_CrC [n=john@c-67-171-0-49.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_this is good news :D07:42
riotkittiea spider has chased me away from my desktop :(07:42
Nutubuntuxion344, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=xfce&btnG=Google+Search07:42
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blue_so I can basically throw Windows away07:42
kahrytannickrud, now if dist-upgrade did that as well.07:42
=== geezone [n=gerath@c-71-199-255-189.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChaosRok, let's try it this way, how can I get grub to work again without reinstalling07:42
lee__and its not the light stuff, i am talik like adobie 6.007:42
blue_except for the mp3 and dvd lameness07:42
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xion344is xfce better than gnome07:42
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nickrudkahrytan: I've been using mirrors.kernel.org for everything, including dist-upgrades07:42
gogetablue lol well cedga/wine are far from perfect alot of games apps will not run07:42
kahrytanblue_, check wine appdb first.07:42
gogetablue for gaming windows is still #107:42
geezoneCan anyone help with a boot question?????07:42
GreySimxTheGoat121x: Yes, though if you mean at the same time, it gets complicated, but it is possible. As for how, I can't help you, but it is definitely possible.07:42
riotkittiexfce is better than gnome if you think it is. or if you have lowend hardware.07:43
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:43
blue_but that can change soon right?07:43
blue_or at least at some point07:43
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-28-164.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
gogetablue hopefully07:43
Misosakiblue_: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:43
blue_because Dell is starting to offer Ubuntu on their machines07:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:43
=== jimmacdonald [n=jim@138-212-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_thanks misosaki07:43
=== c0rrupt0r [n=c0rrupt0@c-67-187-144-253.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kahrytannickrud, could be suggestion for Apt. If main one fails to connect, try alternates.? or does it do it yet?07:43
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=== PartyBoi2 [n=karl@c58-109-107-198.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
gogetablue on the aop side of things linux pretty mutch has eerything07:43
xTheGoat121xGreySim, thanks... I'm not looking to run them simultaneously, I just want to be able to boot into XFCE for certain instances, and then into Gnome for other things.07:44
lee__that was fast lol07:44
=== moDumasser [n=evilsher@203-214-13-67.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:44
gogetaeven joost the iptv offering is getting a linux version soon07:44
Ghost_Rider30Hi, new to linux and having video card troubles....can anyone help?07:44
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:44
nickrudkahrytan: no, not that I know of. Gutsy has a nifty guide to available repos, and will even help you choose the best one (software sources under admin)07:44
q_a_z_stevenickrud, I guess it didn't change?07:44
=== zakaria [n=zakaria@brc29-2-88-162-36-175.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_wow, Wine plays Half Life 207:45
=== thekorn [n=markus@a89-182-10-242.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
gogetaas i said most majer games will run in cedega/wine07:45
geezoneMy computer crash and when it rebooted it went to fsck found most errors adn fixed them but one but it was moving so fast i did not catch it should i be worried or dose Linux has a way to fix it self with out user input.  Can anyone help with this issue please..???07:45
GreySimxTheGoat121x: You'll want to install xfce4, I believe, or something along those lines, if you're using Ubuntu. If you installed xubuntu-desktop, you'd get all of your artwork and whatnot switched to Xubuntu's instead of Ubuntu's.07:45
blue_cedega is different from WINE?07:45
lee__lee@ubuntu98632:~$  sudo apt-get install  cmpiz07:45
lee__Reading package lists... Done07:45
lee__Building dependency tree07:45
lee__Reading state information... Done07:45
lee__E: Couldn't find package cmpiz07:45
nickrudq_a_z_steve: probably not, you have a really obscure problem.07:45
nickrudlee__: please don07:45
q_a_z_steveanyone here know how to get windows32 games running in dosbox?07:45
gogetacedega is tuned for gaming and uses patented duirectx runtimes they pay for07:46
nickrud't paste here, and it's compiz07:46
Ahadiellee__, use pastebin please07:46
lee__oh sory07:46
Ahadiel!paste | leagris07:46
ubotuleagris: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:46
GreySimxTheGoat121x: In fact, I just checked. xfce4 is the exact package. You can then switch from GDM before logging in.07:46
Ahadielcrap, sorry leagris T_T07:46
gogetaso its a pay softwhere for binarys07:46
Ahadiellee__, Read that07:46
q_a_z_stevelee__, compiz!!!07:46
=== Sir_Brizz [n=brizz@c-71-199-40-168.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
q_a_z_stevenot cmp07:46
Ghost_Rider30any help with nvidia cards?07:46
gogetayou can still download and compile the source couse the softwhere itsself is still gpl but whont include the patented dx runtimes07:46
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kahrytancedega is an fork of old wine isn't it?07:47
gogetait will insteed use emulation07:47
geezoneMy computer crash and when it rebooted it went to fsck found most errors adn fixed them but one but it was moving so fast i did not catch it should i be worried or dose Linux has a way to fix it self with out user input.  Can anyone help with this issue please..???07:47
=== zakaria [n=zakaria@brc29-2-88-162-36-175.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
xTheGoat121xGreySim, thanks.  I figured it would be something along those lines.  Honestly I considered switching over to xubuntu, but I just prefer Gnome.07:47
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:47
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nickrudI think cedega sitll returns code to wine,07:47
GreySimxTheGoat121x: Yeah, me too, though I'm keeping an eye on XFCE. :)07:47
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gogetayea it does07:48
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gogetathats why wine runs alot of games simplyusing the emulation07:48
blue_It runs all my favorite games :D07:48
xTheGoat121xGreySim, honestly, I like xfce, but I've really got to be in the mood to use it, ya know?07:48
marko-ubuntuwine is not an emulator ;)07:48
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lee__eh i guess i have it already lol07:48
=== nickrud thinks the effort to get wine to run stuff is not worth it.
=== moDumasser is now known as modumass
gogetabut some games will nly work will under cedega couse of the non-gpl dx07:49
=== komodin [n=komodin@] has joined #ubuntu
trpri have a cedega subscription i haven't used in a long while. i really should cancel it. i always thought of it as a sort of donation07:49
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nickrudtrpr: you rich, huh?07:49
trprseriously been over a year since i've dled it. i give em $5 a month07:49
alla1how i can show my partitions in desktop07:49
geezonedose anyone know or can help with boot issue and crash issue in ubuntu..07:49
archlichcedega is no better than windows -.-07:49
trprnickrud: heh. i wish. poor manager of money07:49
nickrudalla1: sudo fdisk -l07:49
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nickrudtrpr: I second that emotion :)07:50
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kaushalI am using ubuntu 7.0407:50
blue_So If I am purchasing an all-in-one printer/fax/copier etc that matches up to "Work Perfectly" on LinuxPrinting.org - does that mean its just plug and play?07:50
nickrudgeezone: without more info, no one can.07:50
blue_Or do you have to hunt down drivers and things like that07:50
kaushalwhen I open a file say vi test.pl07:51
trprlast time i was at the cedega site they were giving incentives to older members. i should be grandfather status by now07:51
xTheGoat121xI've got another one.. my girlfriend's laptop won't allow her to switch users in Ubuntu07:51
kaushaland when i press i button twice i dont get insert mode07:51
=== fender [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogetablue linux comes with a libary of drivers07:51
xTheGoat121xany ideas as to why?07:51
nickrudblue_: probably no downloads at all. Stay away from lexmark07:51
=== vinboy__ [n=vinboy@125-238-140-194.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
gogetablue should be plug in play if its listed07:51
blue_yeah, so i heard - i'm going with HP :D07:51
lee__ahh I just found a bug or a n oops07:51
blue_plug and play then? great07:51
=== Baron [n=Baron@p508891F4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nutubuntufoleymark, I heard ppl call it07:51
nickrudblue_: hp supports linux actively, that's a very safe purchase07:51
lee__oh well no buggy its in the graphics thingy that s all07:52
GreySimAh, figured out my problem before submitting a bug report, thankfully. I'd just thrown a bunch of .ttf files into /usr/share/fonts, which I just found out is *not* the way to do it. >.<07:52
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=== nickrud only buys hp printers also
=== notdarkyet_ [n=michael@74-135-26-151.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
lee__eh Iguess its the thing that supose to make the window woble07:52
=== xTheGoat121x also only buys HP
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kaushal:( :(07:52
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geezoneNickrud: if ubuntu gose into a fsck check but fix all errors but one is said fail should i be worried or no.. the one error failed but it moved to fast for me to see it..07:52
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-211-21.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
alla1nickrud:this command show the partitions in terminal but i want to make the partitions on my desk to make it fast access to it07:52
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gogetaownez old cheap hp07:52
gogetanever usen it07:53
=== Juchipilo [n=Juchipil@cpe-76-87-49-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogetainks probly all dryed up07:53
nickrudalla1: what kind of partition07:53
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xTheGoat121xBRB all07:53
kaushalhi gogeta07:53
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lee__oh how come we cant form mat or partion in NTFS in 7.04?  or did it eer have tht abillity and waht is ext3?07:54
nickrudgeezone: don't know, honestly, without seeing the error. I'd boot a live cd and run fsck manually07:54
kaushalwhen I open a file say vi test.pl07:54
kaushaland when i press i button twice i dont get insert mode07:54
=== zakaria [n=zakaria@brc29-2-88-162-36-175.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
alla1nickrud: fat3207:54
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gogetaits insert07:54
geezoneok thanks07:54
kaushali did that also07:54
kaushalI pressed insert button twice07:54
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cafuegoit's not insert, you hit 'i' just once.07:55
nickrudalla1: they should show up automatically. But put the contents of /etc/fstab , and the output of sudo fdisk -l on !pastebin (see following)07:55
gogetactrl i07:55
nickrud!pastebin | alla107:55
ubotualla1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:55
cafuegoif vi doesn't work, there's always 'nano'07:55
Nutubuntukaushal, even numbers of keypresses don't do anything. Odd numbers toggle, and primes have special properties07:55
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gogetaor vim07:55
=== geezone [n=gerath@c-71-199-255-189.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
nickrudyes vim is vi for humnas07:55
GreySimlee__: I think there's something you can install to enable NTFS support. ext3 is a Linux filesystem. Your main partition is going to have to be ext3 or another Linux-compatible type; you can't install Ubuntu onto an NTFS partition, since it doesn't support the features the Linux kernel needs, I believe.07:55
Nutubuntuthem too07:56
=== hume [n=magnus@h75n2c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Baron is now known as noxBaro
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=== cafuego sings a humnas
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@p5B27C8E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_where is the best place to get themes, skins, etc07:56
=== nickrud sings a paen of praise to the creator of ubotu
nickrud!repositories | blue_07:57
ubotublue_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:57
cafuegoblue_: art.ubuntu.com or somesuch07:57
cafuegoblue_: and themes.gnome.org ...?07:57
GreySimblue_: I get most of mine from www.gnome-look.org or http://art.gnome.org but there are other places. Deviant Art has some.07:57
lee__ah i see np..thre wierd thing is it was asking me inf i wanted to import my windows profile...seeng that kinda made me panic aan eh i wiped the drive07:57
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blue_sweet, thanks07:57
=== c0rrupt0r [n=c0rrupt0@c-67-187-144-253.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:57
cafuegoblue_: To install, download them and drop the tarball on the Themes control panel window.07:57
lee__or was it trying to make my life easier?07:57
tomato^is there a free online chat system for customer support?07:58
=== elate [n=Elate@85-211-246-205.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrud!info xserver-driver-video-intel } databuddy07:58
ubotuPackage xserver-driver-video-intel does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:58
blue_? is there some step by step guide for that?07:58
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blue_like a forum link07:58
gogetayea its alled irc07:58
=== PartyBoi2 [n=karl@c58-109-107-198.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu []
blue_no idea what a tarball is07:58
nickruderg, never can remember those names07:58
GreySimlee__: I think it was just trying to import bookmarks, wallpaper, and a few other settings. I'm not sure though, as I've never used that feature.07:58
lee__its a giant ball of tar07:58
cafuegoblue_: Just open th Themes applet, and dump the downloaded file on it. That's all there is to it.07:58
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tomato^can someone give me a link? im looking for a free  online chat support07:59
lee__me neiether ..i was afraid that it would literaly mess things up07:59
gogetayou in it fool\07:59
blue_so i'll download a file to my desktop and go to system > theme07:59
blue_and drag it in there07:59
lee__as they say if indoubt...thow it out lol07:59
cafuegoblue_: Yep. A tarball is a simply a file ending in .tgz or .tar.gz07:59
NutubuntuWell, goodnight all ... I'm afraid of waking up with POIUYTREWQ embedded in mirror writing in my forehead07:59
blue_i see :D08:00
=== dwf_starband [n=dwf@vsat-148-64-71-3.c119.t7.mrt.starband.net] has joined #ubuntu
GreySimblue_: Dragging and dropping onto the themes applet works for *most* themes. Archives containing multiple themes will have to be installed manually though, generally by placing the unarchived files in /home/user/.themes/08:00
=== SLaPoet [n=SLaPoet@user-38lm58r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
GreySimblue_: I think that mostly only happens on gnome-look.org though. Maybe deviantART.08:00
blue_is that where 'chmod' and such comes in?08:00
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blue_with the terminal08:00
nickrudalla1: you about got that stuff up?08:00
blue_terminal = manual install?08:00
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GreySimblue_: I don't think so. Not sure why it would.08:00
surfacehow to know a device 's uuid?08:01
gogetatomato your in rhe ubuntu online chat nor ask question08:01
blue_oh =\08:01
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lee__eh it has downloadable themes under the theems setting08:01
GreySimblue_: You don't have to touch a terminal for manually installing.08:01
surfacehow to get /dev/sda1's uuid for /etc/fstabs08:01
nickrudsurface: blkid   in a terminal08:01
surfacenickrud, let me try, thx08:01
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GreySimblue_: You can unarchive the file by right-clicking and extracting, then I use Ctrl+L to pop up a location bar, type "~/.themes", and that will pop open your themes folder.08:01
Symmetriahrm, lo all08:02
=== biouser [n=biouser@c-24-126-131-213.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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GreySimblue_: But again, that's only for archives with multiple themes. Archives with one theme (the majority of them), are just a drag 'n' drop into the theme applet.08:02
=== Don64 [n=dpowers6@ip68-103-161-249.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Symmetriaanyone got any idea why, after I've enabled remote desktop with vino-preferences, its still refusing my vnc session connections08:02
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Symmetriaand if I look in a netstat its definately not actually working08:02
blue_i see08:03
biouseranyone use Audacity08:03
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=== Ethik [n=ethik@cpe-76-81-158-56.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== GreySim probably shouldn't have gone into that much detail. I just remember being *very* confused the first time I found a multi-theme archive.
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chetnickSymmetria are connecting from inside LAN?08:04
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Don64biouser: i've used it for book voice recording08:04
Symmetriachetnick externally, no firewalls etc08:05
=== elp [n=elp@c-76-108-13-88.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_so i'm looking for metacity themes right?08:05
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blue_or does it not matter what kind08:05
=== Ethik_ [n=ethik@cpe-76-81-158-56.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Symmetriabut it aint got a tcp listen on it anyway so not sure that would make a difference, but yeah, behind routers, all of which are under my control08:05
chetnickforward connections on vnc port08:05
chetnicktrough your router08:05
=== Juchipilo [n=Juchipil@cpe-76-87-49-183.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Symmetriaheh chetnick there is no NAT here08:05
Symmetriaits all live ip space08:05
Symmetriaso no forwarding needed08:05
chetnickso no router than :)08:06
Symmetriaerrr yes, a router08:06
Symmetriaa router doesnt only do nat08:06
Symmetriachetnick heh, no, a router, *laugh*08:06
=== Symmetria <=== network administrator
=== drgeb [n=drgeb@adsl-76-244-71-16.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Symmetriaheh chetnick routers do a lot more than just nat, they do everything from mpls to QoS :p08:07
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Symmetriathe moment you cross a subnet boundary you have to pass through a router08:07
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lee__ok real question is the best way to run windows aps is to have them allready on installed in widows then run it through linux using wine or beryl?08:07
Symmetria(well, technically you could pass through a L3 switch but then its doing routing anyway)08:07
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nickrudlee__: no, install it into wine. (and beryl is a pretty window manager)08:08
=== freudinator [n=a@78-86-135-66.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
chetnicki dont know than08:08
codenameI need some help with my Video card08:08
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blue_sorry, back - anyone know what themes apply for ubuntu - i think it's Metacity right?08:08
lee__how do i ececute beryl then?08:08
nickrudlee__: with a gun?08:08
riotkittiewith two guns. you can never be too sure.08:09
jimmy815ai just run beryl as a startup program lee08:09
nickrudlee__: beryl is dead software already, it's been replaced by compiz-fusion. In 9 days, you can install it with gutsy. I'd suggest not even worrying about beryl08:09
lee__lol..  idon't want to frag everything lol08:09
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codenameI need some help with my video card.08:09
lee__oh ok08:09
Kudakhow come i cant set my resolution to any higher than 1024x768 ?? my screen supports up to 1600x120008:09
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lee__actualy this is saying that i have compiz lol08:10
marko-ubuntuberyl worx nice  is wery stable now08:10
riotkittieKudak: you need to reconfigure xorg. you can do this by manually editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf as sudo [backup first]  or by running the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command in a terminal08:10
nickrudKudak: the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log will have a lot of info about that. It's long, but just scroll through until you get to the section that shows the resolutions08:10
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Symmetriahrm, other than that tick box in vino-preferences to enable it, is there anything else I need to do to actually start vino08:11
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=== nickrud does practically nothing with networks, so has no clue about vino
lee__ok if my pc is saying i have compiz..how in tarnations do i access it lol08:12
nickrudlee__: what kind of video card do you have?08:12
codenamegood one08:12
codenameNvidia GeForce 6800 GT08:12
Kudaknickrud: the Xorg file is equal to the XF86Config file in other linux distributions ???08:12
lee__eh the only thing i did with net working i set my moms msn boxy thingy to talk to her pc lol08:13
nickrudKudak: yes, it's just a rename to all practical effects08:13
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Kudaknickrud: alright, thanks.08:13
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lee__nickrud i have an ati x30008:13
chetnicki would test that in some other environment first08:13
Dark_Rainmorning guys08:13
nickrudKudak: XF86Config went out with the XFree version of X08:13
chetnickto see is it working08:13
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chetnickmorning Dark_Rain08:14
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nickrudlee__: no compiz for us, then. The ati drivers don't support it. You will be able to use compiz-fusion in gutsy, though.08:14
Kudaknickrud: i seems to be outdated :(08:14
ethikim bored :|08:14
lee__so fr its been 100 percent stable minus one bug or glitch that i found08:14
nickrudKudak: welcome back then08:14
Kudaknickrud: it seems like i need to read about linux from scratch all over again lol08:14
ethikAnyone got something fun to do on linux?08:14
chetnickethik tell me than08:14
lee__i have gutsy08:15
chetnickhow to make my sound work08:15
ethiktell u what?08:15
chetnickin CS over wine08:15
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ethikI dunno08:15
lee__well the beta version08:15
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nickrudKudak: ah, what a great way to learn about linux. I ran that for 6 months, eating my own dog food.08:15
ethikGetting CS to work on my laptop with WINE seems like fun though...08:15
lee__wine gave me headaches08:15
lee__slow to respond08:15
chetnickit works fine just the F sound08:15
ethikwhat do u use to run windows apps then?08:16
chetnickthere is that cedega08:16
nickrudcodename: you got lost in the flow, what's your problem? (I don't know a lot about nvidia, a warning up front)08:16
riotkittiei use windows to run windows apps. because i am just that awesome.08:16
lee__nickrud, I have gutsy, i went to load compiz..it said it was the latest version08:16
chetnickbut it is worthless08:16
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chetnicki couldnt get nothing done with it08:16
codenameBasically the graphics are not working properly.08:16
nickrud!xgl | lee__ us ati people have to run a special server, this has instructions)08:16
codenameSo I was gonna try08:16
ubotulee__ us ati people have to run a special server, this has instructions): Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:16
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codenameSwitching cards.08:17
ethikknow what my favorite thing about ubunto is? the cube workspace effect08:17
codenameIs it a pain hotswapping cards?08:17
ethikits like08:17
marko-ubuntulecrossover office is easy to use for win apps08:17
lee__I have opengl as well08:17
nickrudcodename: every time you change cards, you have to rewrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and restart X08:17
Kudaknickrud: if i wanna create a backup,   cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log <what do i put to make it stay in same directory) Xorg.0.log.backup ????08:17
codenameHow long does that take?08:17
ethikany good games for linux?08:17
codenameIs it pretty hard?08:18
lee__In fact I have the entire ati catylysts installed08:18
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chetnickmarko-ubuntu: crossover08:18
lee__and running08:18
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chetnickyou can run CS08:18
nickrudKudak: I always cd into the directory if I'm doing that, fewer characters to type.  then sudo cp <file> <file>.back08:18
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chetnickodakle si mako care08:18
ethikI want something thats just a linux app08:18
ethikNo stress08:18
ethikits too late at night08:18
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Kudaknickrud: yea but how do u do that the way i asked? i know its possible i forgot how the command structure should be08:18
lee__nickrud, I  have opengl08:19
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nickrudcodename: usually it's just changing one line, from one video driver to another. If you have a pretty standard setup, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh will ask a question or two, and you're done08:19
=== xTheGoat121x [n=TheGoat@pool-71-168-194-149.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
codenamek thanks08:19
nickrudKudak: sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/file.back08:19
codenameor i can just rename "nv" to "nvidia"08:19
nickrudcodename: precisely08:19
xTheGoat121xnickrud, you seem to be the local expert this evening.08:19
codenameand use the Restricted dirvers manager to install the proper drivers08:19
lee__eh I loaded the ati drivers taht i got from ati08:20
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Nottinghamhi ^^, is there a way to change or increase mount for /var/ from x. mbs to x. mbs mount?08:20
Symmetriaurgh, heh, Xrealvnc segfaults on me :p justttt great08:20
tb77lee__: you need xserver-xgl08:20
=== riotkittie makes random stabby motions
nickrudxTheGoat121x: the real knowledgeable people are not around, and the questions are low hanging fruit. Perspective is everything :)08:20
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lee__tb77 wahts taht?08:20
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xTheGoat121xriotkittie..... stabby motions?08:20
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mrakcodename: its another drivers ...08:20
KevlarSoulhow can I update my nvidia driver without access to the internet08:20
=== nickrud is armored ;)
riotkittiehe shouldnt need anything if he's running gutsy, and if he does need anything, he should ask in the gutsy support channel, #ubuntu+108:20
codenameWhat was the question mrak?08:21
chetnickKevlarSoul dont think you can do that08:21
lee__eh this is where it spit me out at08:21
xTheGoat121xnickrud, haha, well I'm about in the same boat.  People take me for some kind of expert in here sometimes, yet I haven't used Ubuntu for more than, oh 3 months08:21
nickrudlee__: read that page I gave you, it tells you what you _have_ to do08:21
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chetnickunless you have update localy08:21
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mrakcodename: .... can just rename "nv" to "nvidia ...08:21
temperis it possible convert from ruby object to ruby class (or any other interpreted language)08:21
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lee__eh waht page08:22
nickrud!xgl | lee__08:22
=== riotkittie weeps
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nickrudah, it's soooo close, riotkittie08:22
xTheGoat121xriotkittie, what's wrong08:22
Symmetriaok, errr, in ubuntu, if I add another partition to a drive using fdisk, how do I add the device node in /dev manually since it doesnt exist :p08:22
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Symmetriait *should* automatically do it as far as I know, I just cant remeber how to trigger it without a reboot08:23
nickrudSymmetria: if it's not in /dev, then you got problems. udev creates those automagically08:23
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Symmetrianickrud yeah, but I think it only does that on boot08:23
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SymmetriaI need to trigger that manually somehow08:23
temperis it possible convert from ruby object to ruby class (or any other interpreted language)08:23
nickrudSymmetria: I saw that bit late :)08:23
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astro76Symmetria, maybe try restarting udev... sudo invoke-rc.d udev restart08:24
nickrudSymmetria: you can try sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart08:24
lee__eh I have 3d already running08:24
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xTheGoat121xEveryone else beat me to that answer08:24
nickrudSymmetria: although I vaguely remember that was unrecommended. But that was a while ago08:24
tb77lee__: you have fglrx drivers installed?08:24
Symmetriahrm, didnt add the node when I restarted it08:25
nickrudlee__: three d is not enough for ati. You must run the xserver-xgl08:25
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tb77lee__: xserver-xgl?08:25
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lee__Eh I also have this thing that alows me to change my08:25
trprSymmetria: mknod comes to mind, but i have no idea how to use it08:25
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lee__anti alizialization08:25
lee__to 6x08:26
Symmetriaheh trpr mknod is definately not a good idea while running udev, since udev and mknod could end up conflicting with each other :)08:26
lee__and my deintelacing to08:26
Symmetriathat was my first thought as well, then I realized heh, not a good idea08:26
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nickrudSymmetria: you could always try /dev/.static/dev08:26
xTheGoat121xSo, lemme ask, does anyone know why Ubuntu would prevent a session from logging out or switching users?08:26
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lee__and its saying that I have th ooption of overiding the 8 buit buffer08:27
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mynymlis there a way to turn off ~ files?08:27
lee__or is there more to it the nthat?08:27
KevlarSoulWhy cant I install network through terminal?08:27
mynymllike, prevent them from being automatically generated?08:27
WaltzingAlongmynyml: the back up files, sure08:27
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Symmetriaheh nickrud *nod* that or just reboot the goddamn thing :p heh, but would rather see if I can figure this out :p otherwise Im gonna sit wondering08:27
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nickrudSymmetria: maybe link that to /dev/, and have a shutdown srcript to remove the link for the next boot :)08:28
lee__eeehheew its not for gutsy08:28
WaltzingAlongxTheGoat121x: most likely because you are in kde with gdm or vice version in gnome with kdm08:28
mynymlWaltzingAlong: that'd be great, how can i do it? google gives me everything but what i need on that term and i dont know how to restrict it08:28
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WaltzingAlongmynyml: which program are you using that generates them? typically i just name them starting with a . instead08:29
KevlarSoulhow can I install the internet.08:29
xTheGoat121xWaltzingAlong, doubtful.  It's a fresh install of Ubuntu Feisty.... I will say, it was the first time I had to set up the partitions by hand, could that have something to do with it?  Could I have set it up wrong?08:29
WaltzingAlongxTheGoat121x: no i would not think it has anything to do with the partitions. so you are using both gdm and gnome, ok08:30
mynymlWaltzingAlong: all editors generate them, i thought it was a feature of the filesystem actually ...!08:30
lee__Eh I have no Idea waht I did then lol08:30
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lee__I guess I traded one thing off for another08:31
chetnickSymmetria i`m not sure what are you trying to do08:31
chetnickbut this might help08:31
IronFlintdoes any1 know how to install oddcast08:31
IronFlinti, still a nix n00b08:31
chetnickMounting and Populating /dev08:31
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lee__well, what i was trying to do was prevent my screen from melting down, as it was an hour glass shape08:32
xTheGoat121xWaltzingAlong, the only other thing  I can think of is a problem with the ACPI.... I've heard stories about incompatibilities wreaking all kinds of havoc08:32
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nickrudgo for a walk08:33
lee__it seems that i have partial effects though like...a flashing tab for a new sight , just no woble08:33
ethikits 11:33 PM08:33
IronFlintwell i need help if ur bored ethik08:33
Symmetriaheh, just bounced the box in the end, quicker and easier *shrug*08:33
ethikWhat do u need help with?08:33
IronFlintim a nix n00b08:34
lee__so then what did i do the nickrud?08:34
=== Symmetria laughs, god its been a long long long time since I worked on a linux system and I've forgotten so many of its quirks
IronFlintand im trying to figure out how to install oddcast08:34
ethikguess wut? :D08:34
ethikme too08:34
nickrudlee__: I don't know?08:34
ethikim a nab too08:34
=== GreySim [n=dennis@71-217-6-105.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Symmetriaheh first linux system I think I've had on my network in 3 years other than a gentoo desktop08:35
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GreySimShould I file a bug on a package in Universe, or does the bug tracker only care about packages in main?08:35
lee__nickrud i have the catylysy control and it tookaway a few of the features? plus this 60 mhz gives me a headache lol08:35
astro76GreySim, all packages are valid for bug reports08:35
chetnicki like gentoo08:35
GreySimastro76: Thanks.08:35
chetnickdidnt have a chanse to use a lot08:36
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-165-173-197.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
phrostehh gentoo is so so08:36
phrosttakes way too long to build on production systems08:36
nickrudlee__: I don't use the drivers from ati, but from the repos. I have no clue about how to help you with that08:36
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Symmetriaheh phrost I only use gentoo on one of my workstations, heh, everything else on the network these days is solaris08:37
Symmetriaother than this ubuntu box I just installed now08:37
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=== Symmetria kicks mkfs.ext3 for taking 2 long
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chetnickis solaris difficult for patch and updates?08:38
phrostchetnick: never tried08:38
WaltzingAlongmkfs.ext3 kicks Symmetria for being impatient :D08:38
=== nickrud says Symmetria 's partition is too big, thine
Symmetriaheh it is kinda a large partition :p08:38
Symmetriaheh chetnick rather take that off channel i think, kinda off topic for #ubuntu, but you can message me about it if you want08:38
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SymmetriaWriting inode tables:  3575/1077608:38
chetnickok :)08:38
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AnAntI am an arabic user, how can I change the virtual console direction to be right-to-left and to join letters ?08:39
nickrudCan the vc's even do that?08:39
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa08:39
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lee__lol, its ok.. i was trying 2 things..prevention of migraines from 60hz (yes that frequency triggers  them for real for me) and preventing screen dammage from an hour glass shspe08:39
astro76AnAnt, they might no in #ubuntu-sa ;)08:39
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lee__eh in other words...i was trying to kep my sanity lol08:40
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AnAntastro76: no one there08:41
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humehi, I am trying to set up software raid 1 with ubuntu 7.04 alternate CD. But where am I to get the option to configure raid? I do the disk partitioning by no option raid anywhere....?08:41
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lee__oh is x16 pciexpress a 64 bit thing or is thatstandard?08:42
WaltzingAlongwhere to set the default session? this machine has xfce, kde, gnome, and fluxbox but i would like kdm to default to kde (as in for users who log in for the first time)08:42
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kaushalis there a specific document for vi editor in ubuntu08:42
dbkimhi all08:42
astro76AnAnt, eventually there will be ;)08:43
dbkimI'm just wondering that I can connect my pocketpc with ubuntu.08:43
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dbkimis it possible?08:43
lee__tryin to see if i can run in 64 bit or not08:43
Symmetriakaushal you mean a vi tutorial?08:43
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astro76kaushal, vimtutor08:43
davinakaushal, type: man vi      in a terminal08:43
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astro76kaushal, nice interactive tutorial08:44
nickrudoh, the dreaded man word ;)08:44
chetnickyou are going to need few days08:44
lee__eh ok better ? what is linux? and why is it he rave ?08:44
chetnickmaybe weeks08:44
chetnickto get around vi08:44
dbkimis there anyone has succeeded to connect pocket pc with ubuntu?08:44
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lee__i am really confused08:44
astro76!linux | lee__08:44
ubotulee__: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux08:44
dbkimseems only pilots are supported by linux =(08:44
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GreySimDoes Launchpad email you when someone comments on your bugs?08:44
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bmt2hello to all08:45
Kyokuzi saw a link somewhere that you can run ubuntu on your ipod08:45
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dbkimI really want to use evolution with my pocket pc on ubuntu08:45
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lee__i asm asking because i am wodering why theres no good software fore editing video like adobie 6.008:45
Jamesinatorlee__: Kino08:45
WaltzingAlonglee__: may need to be written08:45
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lee__yea a nd i seen a hac version on a psp lol08:45
GreySimKyokuz: I know you can run Linux on your iPod, if you mean flashing the iPod firmware directly. You can boot Ubuntu on a PC from your iPod as well.08:45
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GreySimlee__: Pitivi is an upcoming app for that, though last I heard it wasn't ready yet.08:46
bmt2why when i try to install a new theme it says "file format invalid" ?08:46
nickrudthe things people do with linux. You'd think they were trying to take over08:46
bmt2the file is a tar.gz08:46
lee__jamesintor where do i find it at?08:46
GreySimKyokuz: But running Ubuntu directly on the iPod itself is not possible as far as I'm aware.08:46
puffI want to set up my screensaver to invoke a perl script and then display the text in that script.  I had this working in the past, when I dist-upgraded six months ago it broke.08:46
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davinai have linux running on my ps308:47
puffIn the past it was using the star wars effects screen saver.08:47
mrakbmt2: try to unpack it ;)08:47
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bmt2mrak: i did that but now i do not know what to pick when i try to ' instal theme '08:47
lee__it crashed hard corp that piyvi, i never want to see it so longas i live08:47
lee__but then..maybe that is because08:48
GreySimlee__: Like I said, it's not ready *yet*.08:48
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lee__it wasnt ready to be dowown  loaded at the time08:48
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GreySimlee__: It just might be something to watch, and hopefully a good release happens in the near future.08:48
mrakbmt2: i think .. in pack was some REAME or INSTALL ... it should b there08:48
bmt2mrak: let me check08:49
Symmetriaheh *snore* mkfs.ext3 is still busy08:49
lee__greysim i'll give it  a second try..when its ready lol08:49
lee__I hope that it will have great wipes an faades and such08:49
lee__and dang  a good titler to08:50
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lee__oops.. talking tv there for a sec08:50
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lee__sdmits he was a vollunteer for kltv..widows has issues when it comes to editing and then putting it all to geather08:51
bmt2mrak: no readme files at all08:52
jeff1212where do i go to get mp3/dvd/mpg codecs?08:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:52
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:52
lee__thats something else i knoticed about linux.....its not a DRive hog08:52
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mrakbmt2: !theme08:53
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:53
lee__oh how do you defrg using linux?08:53
bmt2mrak: always wanted to know what that does08:53
lee__or do you defrag it?08:54
xTheGoat121xCorrect me if I'm wrong... read/write NTFS support will be included in Gutsy, right?08:54
astro76lee__, linux filesystems do not suffer from fragmentation for the most part, you don't need to08:54
Madpilotlee__, ext3 doesn't need to be defragged08:54
astro76xTheGoat121x, correct08:54
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mrakbmt2: i know now :)08:54
lee__hu what? a program that doesnt self destruct?08:54
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ethikhow do I get WINE running?08:55
ethikI already installed it apparently08:55
lee__please for give me while i take time to gather my thaughts08:55
Madpilotlee__, amazing, isn't it?08:55
xTheGoat121xastro76, do you know if it automatically mounts NTFS partitions?08:55
lee__ok waht aobut viruses? and eh fire wals?08:55
lee__and spye ware?08:55
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Kaybolethik: the easiest way to fully install wine is using winetools08:56
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Kaybolit doesn't come in the package manager though08:56
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astro76xTheGoat121x, the installer will add fixed drives to fstab, and usb/firewire drives would be automatically updated... I'm not sure how the feisty->gutsy upgrade will handle existing ntfs lines in fstab08:56
Madpilotlee__, none of those really need to be worried about08:56
lee__oh and the other thing I knoticed is when you tell the frozen program to quit it quits it just dont sit there08:56
astro76xTheGoat121x, *usb/firewire automatically mounted08:56
mrakastro76:  r u sure .. i dont think so08:56
astro76mrak, about?08:56
mrakastro76:  frangmentastion of linux fs08:57
lee__so waht your saying is taht linux sytems are more cost effective and when running right08:57
astro76mrak, positive08:57
xTheGoat121xastro76, ok.  The only thing that I'm worried about is constantly having my NTFS partition on my desktop08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fragmentation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:57
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mrakastro76:  i think every fs are have b fragmented08:57
lee__so bascially the only truely uneek thing is  free source coding has08:57
Kaybolanybody got problems setting up their WIRELESS? I've finally managed to make it work under Ubuntu ^^08:58
astro76mrak, you think, but I know ;)08:58
astro76xTheGoat121x, I believe there's a way to remove the icon08:58
xTheGoat121xastro76, well that'll be nice, if/when I have to cross that bridge08:58
Symmetriamkfs.ext3 finally finished08:59
Symmetria/dev/sda3             1.3T  198M  1.3T   1% /home/diskspace08:59
astro76mrak, http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting08:59
mrakastro76:  if u know ;) ... so why xfs has util for defragmatation ;)08:59
Symmetriathats better08:59
GreySimlee__: You can add an applet to your panel to force kill misbehaving programs if it turns out to be a common problem. I generally don't have to use it, but sometimes when using third-party packages I've had to use it.08:59
riotkittie1.3T :o08:59
astro76mrak, yeah I'm not talking about xfs08:59
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Madpilotlee__, even if you've got a program using up all your system resources and really screwing up, your desktop will basically never freeze. Linux is much, much better at system utilization than other OSes08:59
mrakastro76: so what u mean that linux fs ;)08:59
astro76mrak, xfs is a unix filesystem from before linux09:00
lee__grey sim the only one miss behaivng prgram taht I had was that one that is soon to be a video editing software inthe works09:00
lee__So Ihave noticed09:00
lee__my mother can use this09:00
astro76mrak, so like ext3, reiser, these are linux filesystems09:00
mrakastro76: oh ok09:00
ethikso if WINE is installed09:00
lee__I wish I had known aobut this befor she spent 300 on softeare alone09:00
ethikI should be able to run a windows app?09:00
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riotkittieethik: possibly.09:01
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ethikor do I need to run WINE before I run something?09:01
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riotkittieyou need to run wine, and install through wine09:01
lee__eh 198 on xp, 98 on antivirus software...um..eh I am thinking taht I am seeing a light here09:01
astro76ethik, run winecfg for wine settings09:01
lee__the light has blinked on09:02
ethikhow do I do that?09:02
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ethikIM a nix nab09:02
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richeehi ubotu09:02
astro76lee__, :D09:02
lee__oh now if I can talk my om into converting09:02
lee__her business would be a lot better09:02
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lee__and more cost effective09:03
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lee__ok iam brign my live cd to hr house09:03
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astro76ethik, open a terminal (applications > accessories > terminal) and type winecfg, or for graphical programs (winecfg is) you can hit alt+f2 and type it there09:03
lee__the only problem is..all the games she has09:03
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lee__but then she wasnts the kids off her puter lol09:03
ethikoh wow09:04
ethikTHats awesome09:04
ethikI thought I was going to have to type file paths09:04
ramikyDo you any good webpage creators to Ubuntu?09:04
=== grinnblade [n=grinnbla@71-33-119-74.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
lee__woas whats this with wine?09:04
GreySimlee__: That is a problem. WINE can play *some* games. Cedega can play more, but costs money for the effective version. ($15 for it + three months of updates, last time I looked)09:04
astro76ethik, winecfg like most programs on your system is in a directory included in your $PATH variable09:04
astro76lee__, what games?09:04
lee__eh she has games like the nancy drew mystery hour and such09:05
GreySimlee__: Personally, I keep a copy of Windows 2000 installed and dual boot for games, but I'm hoping I won't have to once WINE gets better.09:05
lee__but then she always believed her pc aught t o be for work ad such not for the kids to mess around with09:05
lee__ah I see09:06
ethikastro76: i'll pretend to understand that =)09:06
grinnbladehello all, I am currently attempting to install Ubuntu 7.04 on my other computer, and after a misburned CD i finally got it to boot to a new CD09:06
lee__iam freankly tired of having to fix the kids mess ups09:06
=== Wicks hopes for Gears of War to come to Linux
astro76lee__, maybe your mom would like dual-booting then, it would rigidly separate work and play ;)09:06
grinnbladeonly to find that the installer errors out when I attempt to run or install Ubuntu it says "invalid or corrupt kernel"09:06
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astro76ethik, hehe, if you are curious in a terminal type: echo $PATH09:07
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lee__I'll talk to her aobut it09:07
lee__can she transfr works type dopcuments?09:07
Wicksgrinnblade: what version are you downloading, and what processor is in your machine?09:07
GreySimlee__: It would also mean that her $300 wouldn't be invalidated. She'd still be using XP and the anti-virus software. Just not all the time.09:07
grinnbladeIntel Pentium D for the processor. 7.04.... x86, I think.09:07
astro76lee__, you'll be able to at least read from the windows partition out of the box, so you can copy over as needed09:07
grinnbladeAt least I got the last two right >_>09:08
ethikoh, you know what I should have done? :|09:08
ethikI had Windows XP on here09:08
lee__oh coolio09:08
ethikand a seperate HDD09:08
lee__oh tahts where the term lindows comes from then?09:08
lee__or..am I wrong09:08
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Wicksgrinnblade: Cool - have you tried downloading the ISO from a different location?09:08
GreySimlee__: No, Lindows was a Linux distribution. It's now called Linspire.09:08
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lee__I have linspire lol09:09
sauvinis it any good?09:09
lee__just..never loadedit09:09
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gordonjcpsauvin: it was ok in its day09:09
lee__oh wate I have freespire09:09
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gordonjcpsauvin: I set it up on a PC for my Mum to use09:09
sauvinWhat, precisely, is it?09:09
gordonjcpsauvin: tbh there wasn't a lot to recommend it09:09
GrinnbladeWicks: No. Should I attempt another mirror?09:09
GreySimlee__: Same thing, basically. Freespire is just the free version of Linspire.09:09
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gordonjcpsauvin: it's Debian with a crappy proprietary installer, everything running as root, and a bit of time and money spent on the UI09:10
dn4what is a good text based webrozer?09:10
gordonjcpdn4: links09:10
GrinnbladeAlso, a corrupt kernel error couldn't possibly be caused by a bad burn, would it?09:10
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GreySimdn4: I keep hearing w3c recommended, I think.09:10
gordonjcpsauvin: Ubuntu has kind of replaced it now09:10
lee__I can't remeber the reason why I stoppped uisng it09:10
gordonjcpGreySim: it's a distinct possibility09:10
lee__oph no up grade09:10
gordonjcplee__: it sucked?09:10
sauvinI'm using Ubuntu and don't see that it's much differnet from any other reasonably thought out distro.09:10
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lee__no..Ijsut didnt undersnad it at the time\09:11
gordonjcpsauvin: Ubuntu has had a lot of time and money spent on the look and feel09:11
drizzytcan someone help me configure gproftpd09:11
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WicksGrinnblade: Yep, thats what I would do. Download both text based and LiveCD (handy to have both anyway)  Oxford Uni Comp Sci is a good mirror09:11
lee__Oh I remebr now09:11
=== GreySim definitely appreciates the feel, and has stolen SuSE's look. :o
WaltzingAlongsauvin: ok and?09:11
lee__I couldnt figure out how to configure my video graphics card on it lol09:12
Evanlecquestion: is there a way to "uninstall" a .deb package i downloaded and installed (not from repo) ?09:12
Kudakguys, i redefined my resolution to a higher one by editing xlog.conf but the screen is like out of propurtion, its like the desktop is bigger than my screen and i need to move mouse to get parts, how do i make the resolution fixed to the monitor ?09:12
tom__hey guys i need to back up 2 hdd's onto another one before i install gutsy, how can i do it and make sure everything is there afterwards?09:12
erichjEvanlec, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>09:12
Evanlecerichj, thanks, will the package show up in synaptic?09:12
GreySimEvanlec: That will work even though you didn't use apt-get to install it.09:12
WaltzingAlongEvanlec: sudo aptitude purge <package>09:12
lee__eh in the add remove programs ther is a back up utility floating in there som wehre09:12
Evanlecwhich is it, apt-get or aptitude?09:13
GreySimlee__: Yes, though I don't know how well it works.09:13
astro76Evanlec, either09:13
WaltzingAlongEvanlec: you can use either. i prefer aptitude09:13
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riotkittieEvanlec: either is fine09:13
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lee__yeah, me niehter09:13
drizzytcan someone help me configure a proftpd server09:13
Evanleco k09:13
GreySimlee__: Believe there are several, in fact.09:13
erichji prefer apt-get09:13
erichjdpkg works as well09:13
lee__say this is bring back a lot of programming memores form when I had my c-64 lol09:13
Kudakguys, my desktop is bigger than my monitor, how do i make the desktop fixed on monitor size ?09:13
WaltzingAlongKudak: virtual desktop size?09:14
Kudakwithout reducing resolution ofcorse09:14
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KudakWaltzingAlong: i changed it to 1280x102409:14
lee__erg i had that issue too at one time..eh the othe reason why I h it the panic button and loaded the ati drivers09:14
chetnickthere si configuration file09:14
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scrotleswhat would be funnier.  While plugged into an extention cord, dropping my CRT monitor off the garage, or hitting the screen with a hammer?09:14
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scrotleswhat would be funnier.  While plugged into an extention cord, dropping my CRT monitor off the garage, or hitting the screen with a hammer?09:14
GrinnbladeWicks: Thank you for your help. I'm gonna head to bed now and let these two isos download. Hopefully it works this time, heh.09:15
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:15
lee__but make sure there are no pees and pets09:15
WicksGrinnblade: No worries, Good luck!09:15
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lee__and a 25 foot radius for flying galss09:15
dn4ok I just enabled nvidia glx for my computer and lost my gui, how do I get that back?09:15
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lee__one thing is for sure I cna not believe how simple code coretion can be i nthis09:16
lee__and to be alowed into the kernal09:16
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lee__no wonder why windows is so miffed09:16
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Kudakhow do i set my monitor to be at a certain resolution? (not screen res,  monitor res)09:17
lee__waht I can not beilieve is that linux found everything09:17
ejot_if i want to reconfigure ubuntu, what command do i run? like the one you get when installing?09:17
lee__I thaught for sure I would have 8 channel suround sound09:18
dn4Kudak: /etc/X11/xorg.cfg09:18
dn4nano that up09:18
SuperQejot_: that's a tough one09:18
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erichjejot_, what do you want to configure?09:18
astro76ejot_, what do you need to reconfigure specifically?09:18
SuperQejot_: there really isn't a "reconfigure everything"09:18
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lee__oh how can I check if Iam in 32 or 24 bit color mode09:18
Evanlecrecompile kernel? ;p09:18
ejot_what i can think of now, the keymap :)09:18
drizzythas anyone had experience with gproftpd?09:18
lee__it kinda looks like 2409:18
Evanlecthats a reconfigure everything sorta...but its a lot more fun ;)09:19
SuperQlee__: there really isn't a 32bit mode09:19
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SuperQlee__: X only supports 24bit with alpha channels09:19
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lee__one of them windows trics eh09:19
dave__Is there anything here with knowledge of hostapd? Trying to make an access point of my router.09:19
Kudakdn4: what do i need to change there in the monitor section ?09:19
Evanlec32bit mode would be nice esp for wine ... certain games want your desktop in 32bpp09:19
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SuperQEvanlec: it should emulate it I think09:19
notdarkyet_what commands do i use to do an AAlib conversion of a jpg file09:20
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lee__eh ok then how do i get it to use the 128 megs of rma instead of 32 lol09:20
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ethikIm gonna stab WINE09:20
riotkittiecat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep DefaultDepth09:20
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EvanlecSuperQ, well maybe, but i know i had to patch the wine source and build it manually to get rid of the 32bpp problem09:20
SuperQEvanlec: huh09:20
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SuperQEvanlec: I guess I havn't played with that much09:20
notdarkyet_what commands do i use to do an AAlib conversion of a jpg file09:20
notdarkyet_anyone know09:20
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dn4Does anyone know the generic display driver for ubuntu?09:21
qBert^notdarkyet_, probably mencoder09:21
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Kudakhow do i config my monitor ???09:21
SuperQnotdarkyet_: apt-get install libaa-bin09:21
SuperQnotdarkyet_: I think09:21
Evanlecdn4, generic display driver for linux is VESA, there is no specific to ubuntu09:21
qBert^notdarkyet_, or convert (imagemagick)09:21
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lee__eh for real...how do i step it up from 32 megs to 128?09:22
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Evanleclee__, what ever do you mean09:22
lee__the card its self has that much lol09:22
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Evanlecyour video card?09:23
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notdarkyet_superQ aalib is installed and i can get movies working fine, just dont know how to play with images09:23
lee__evanlec , my card is 128 megs yet its reading 32 megs09:23
Evanleclee__, how do you know that?09:23
Evanlecand what card is it09:23
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ethikg'night everyone09:24
lee__the card is sell has 128 megs of ddr ram...becasue  when I had windows its said tht it was 128 and I checked the card and it is 128 megs09:24
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lee__its an ati x30009:24
Kudakhow can i fit my desktop to my monitor? i need to scroll with mouse cuz desktop too big09:24
erichjaahhh so integrated09:25
Ademanfor ShipIt i have the option of getting 10 CDs, am i required at all to give them away? I mean i can think of 3 or so people who i'd give the cds to, but, certainly not 8, i trust there wouldn't be any legal problems, but what's really "expected" of me if i were to request 10 cds?09:25
annaimkonkipowerpc [mac] : need help.. can i install ubuntu on an oLd mac computer>> specs: PowerMac 6500 series09:25
Ademancertainly not 10*09:25
lee__pci express x1609:25
Evanleclee__, and how do you know that its only using 32mb in ubuntu?09:25
SuperQannaimkonki: yes09:25
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lee__eh thats what my catylyst is saying09:25
Ademan!ppc | annaimkonki09:25
lee__but i have no weay ovf verifying it09:25
annaimkonkiSuperQ: i read the wiki about install and it says Oldworld mac are not supported09:26
lee__the vids arent as shard as they once were09:26
SuperQannaimkonki: ohhh09:26
annaimkonkiAdeman: ppc... yes09:26
Javid^how do I get rid of a package that keeps eternally wanting to upgrade to the exact same version?09:26
Javid^ethik, do "winecfg"09:26
Javid^how do I get rid of a package that keeps eternally wanting to upgrade to the exact same version?09:26
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Javid^x.x ok, ignore me, c/p issues09:26
Evanleclee__, sharp? that has to do with your video codecs not your video ram09:26
Ademanannaimkonki: i kinda expected ubotu to have something useful to say, like a list of supported processors09:26
lee__how do i truely check?09:26
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SuperQannaimkonki: that's a beige box one right?09:26
lee__how do i check to see what  my trure running ram is?09:27
hegurulee__: ati x300 has 32meg built-in actually. it can *borrow* memory from system RAM if needed to make total ram upto 128M09:27
annaimkonkithe specs of the ppc says 250 mhz machine speed09:27
Evanleclee__, u can try running lspci and see what it detects09:27
lee__its also saying i have a clockspeed of 32909:27
Evanleclee__, there ya go, heguru has your answer09:27
lee__how do i ecute that and where?09:28
erichjand you can set the limit to how much ram it borrows in your bios09:28
annaimkonkiSuperQ: yes its kinda white..  certainly not the ones on circuit city09:28
Evanleclee__, from terminal type lspci09:28
hegurulee__: read specifications at ati.com09:28
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ubotuannaimkonki: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ09:28
heguruTechnology that builds on the bandwidth of PCI Express, PC system memory andATI software to deliver performance for desktop and mobile graphics using loweramounts of local graphics memory.09:28
annaimkonkilooks like an old computer SuperQ...09:28
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lee__erg ok give me a few to digest this lol09:29
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AdemanWOW ubotu took its sweet time to respond...09:29
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annaimkonkiubotu: thanks will take a look at that wiki09:29
drizzytdoes anyone have experience with gproftpd, or setting up an ftp server throught NAT?09:29
Javid^how do I get rid of a package that keeps eternally wanting to upgrade to the exact same version?09:29
Javid^I already did an aptitude hold on all of them09:29
hegurulee__: x300 (infact all x series) use HyperMemory Technology, both desktop and notebook versions09:29
lee__it pulled mre then the video lol just a sec09:29
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SuperQannaimkonki: http://www.mac-pro.com/s.nl/it.A/id.106/.f?sc=2&category=6409:30
SuperQannaimkonki: one of those?09:30
erichjyeah, it shows you everything on your pci bus09:30
EvanlecJavid^, you can remove the repository ...09:30
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erichjdrizzyt, what exactly do you need to know?09:30
Javid^The package is in the main repos. That wouldn't be wise09:30
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annaimkonkiSuperQ: yes.. which OS or distros is best for old macs or pcs?09:31
EvanlecJavid^, which package is it, are u on feisty?09:31
Javid^and it's firefox09:31
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annaimkonkijust want it for internet/word processing... maybe some more if it can handle it09:31
Evanlecthats a rather important one i spose09:31
sauvinA distro for PPC-based mac might be problematic.09:31
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Javid^There's a PPC ubuntu feisty09:31
EvanlecJavid^, when u run synaptic does it say anything is broken?09:31
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EvanlecJavid^, did u do a apt-get autoremove ?09:32
SuperQannaimkonki: Yellow Dog might be a good option09:32
lee__its an ati  hmm its anx300se lol09:32
SuperQannaimkonki: it used to be the good speciatly OS09:32
Javid^Evanlec, just did it now09:32
EvanlecJavid^, that probly wont fix it, i had the same problem once but it was a 3rd party repo so i just removed the repo09:32
Javid^the package in question IS an equivs-made dummy package I made just to get apt to shut the hell up09:32
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lee__ATI Technologies Inc RV370 [Radeon X300SE] 09:33
Javid^I guess they just aren't that great09:33
lee__eh thats one of things i am getting09:33
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Javid^!info equivs09:33
ubotuequivs: Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 128 kB09:33
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lee__the otherline says exact same thing only09:34
annaimkonkithanks SuperQ09:34
Evanlec!info preload09:34
ubotupreload: adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-3 (feisty), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB09:34
lee__nothinbg about ram or any thing09:34
Evanlecanyone ever used preload?09:34
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phpcurioushi ... i was trying to follow steps to Windows DualBoot with Ubuntu ... and when I am in partitioning part of installing ubuntu, it says manual partitioning but there are no choices to partition ... ? what did i overlook here?09:34
CyberMadhow do i know what is speed of my RAM ? there are PC 2700, 3200, etc09:34
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EvanlecCyberMad, only real way i think is through your system BIOS, check your ram clock speed...otherwise you need to know what chips you bought09:35
Javid^there really needs to just be a "not interested" option on updates09:35
hegurulee__: X300SE should be 64MB, 128MB or 256MB09:35
EvanlecJavid^, lol, agreed09:35
tom__Javid^: but they are quite important09:35
hegurulee__: if you run fireglcontrol you can check the detected video RAM09:35
lee__its not iding any of that09:36
annaimkonkiSuperQ: what about xubuntu.. isn't it for older pcs??09:36
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Javid^the cool thing about having my own computer is I get to decide what's important to put on it09:36
CyberMadEvanlec how to calculate from RAM Clock speed to get PCxxxx?09:36
lee__is that in the box to?09:36
Javid^is it utterly critical that I endlessly update firefox with the exact same deb? XD09:36
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SuperQannaimkonki: it is, but I don't know how much PPC support there is09:36
Javid^I think not.09:36
phpcuriousif there is any other way to manually create partitions in ubuntu ...09:36
m0mbye, bye !!!09:36
SuperQannaimkonki: Ubuntu has kinda drifted away from PPC support :(09:36
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tom__Javid^: but the guys at ubuntu want to have a secure distro so they want people to update09:37
lee__that comand is not found09:37
EvanlecCyberMad, im not exactly sure..check here http://www.lyberty.com/encyc/articles/tech/RAM.html09:37
lee__flgrx is not found09:37
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Javid^tom__, do you understand the problem I am having at all?09:37
Javid^because if you did you would know why such a feature would be useful09:37
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tom__Javid^: i was just generally commenting on the update notifications.09:38
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Javid^yeah, and 99% of the time you're right09:38
Evanleci think such a feature would not only be useful but would add safety, look at all the people that got borked from the latest gutsy updates09:38
Javid^but the inflexibility of the program causes problems when someone screws up09:38
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tom__Evanlec: if you are running a beta distro you are asking to get borked09:38
lee__eh ok i downloafded it lol09:38
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ScourgedI have a problem.. I removed ubuntu and now i cant access vista anymore.. can sombody help me plz_09:39
Evanlectom__, well okay, thats true i spose....09:39
tom__Evanlec: :)09:39
lee__but not sure if it installed or not09:39
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nrdbHi can I use the program 'webcam' to get pictures on my local drive without going though a ftp server ?09:39
lee__eh what was that comand again?09:39
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cultavixgood morning09:40
protocol1is there a reason why my linux changes my windows vista time?09:40
ScourgedI have a problem.. I removed ubuntu and now i cant access vista anymore.. can sombody help me plz09:40
gordonjcpnrdb: have a look in the man page09:40
Kudakin Screen Resolution the highest refresh rate i have is 53Mhz but my monitor supports up to 75Mhz, how can i change that ?09:40
tom__protocol1: are you sure it's linux that's doing it?09:40
protocol1I adjusted a setting before to fix that09:40
gordonjcpnrdb: there seems to be an  option "archive" to do that09:40
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Javid^your biggest problem is that you have a vista infestation, here's the number of a reliable exterminator09:40
protocol1it was in linux09:40
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Javid^Scourged, boot into the windows recovery console from your cd and do "fixmbr"09:41
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nrdbgordonjcp: it says to use ~/.webcamrc but then doesn't explain all the setup options.09:41
coldsteali have a quick questio for u guys09:41
protocol1tom_, yes it was09:41
protocol1tom__, yup09:41
coldstealdoes vfat.org resolve?09:41
tom__protocol1: how do you know?09:41
gordonjcpnrdb: the man page tells you what the setup options are09:41
protocol1tom__, it done it with previous installations09:42
SuperQcoldsteal: vfat.org has address
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CyberMadthanks Evanlec09:42
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nrdbgordonjcp: not the one I have. :(09:42
tom__protocol1: it's pretty strange that ubuntu does anything at all with your vista inst.09:42
ScourgedJavid, from my vista cd ,questionmark,09:42
protocol1tom__, upgraded to gutsy and its back again09:42
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EvanlecCyberMad, np09:42
lee__wwwwoooah i got a second thingy09:42
coldstealSuperQ: yes but in a browser does it work?09:42
gordonjcpnrdb: yes, the one you have, assuming you're on feisty09:42
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JavidScourged, yes exactly09:42
Javidscourged, or an XP CD09:42
Scourgedill try... thanks09:42
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protocol1tom__, there was something I adjusted in a config and it fixed that09:43
protocol1going to google it up again09:43
tom__protocol1: no idea man sorry09:43
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Scourgedthe problem is that i tryed to install win95 ones and it totaly destryed my vista09:43
Scourgedbut ubuntu may not have don that09:44
protocol1tom__, I think I just need to get linux to use local time09:44
doktoreashello everybody09:44
lee__hegure its truely saying its running at 32megs09:44
protocol1but I am trying to find that setting09:44
doktoreasis there a html/javascript development framework for ubuntu?09:44
vega-how do i find out if ALC888 audio chip is supported in the kernel? thinking of buying a mb with that integrated09:44
Scourgedyes... i was gonna try it on a partition but it messed up vistas09:45
vega-grepping kernel sources gives something but i'm not really sure09:45
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Evanlecvega-, i have the ALC 882 chip and had flawless support out of the box09:45
Scourgedok ill try to recover it... and if it doesnt work ill come back here.. hehe09:46
Scourgedcya later maybe.....09:46
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nrdbgordonjcp: I have gotten somewhere with this, but now I am getting a weird error message, I have a line "local transfer /tmp/uploading.jpeg => /tmp/webcam.jpeg" "open filename: No such file or directory" :(09:49
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gordonjcpnrdb: no idea, I don't use webcam09:50
jodi2hello guys09:50
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gordonjcpnrdb: if you're still about in roughly half an hour when I get to work, I'll see if I can help09:50
jodi2could someadvise me if there is a txt browser on ubuntu09:50
gordonjcpnrdb: in the mean time, keep at it09:50
gordonjcpnrdb: sounds like it either can't write to /tmp, or isn't writing /tmp/upload.jpg09:50
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Evanlec!info lynx | jodi209:51
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ubotujodi2: lynx: Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.5-2ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1088 kB, installed size 4584 kB09:51
riotkittiejodi2: i dont think theres one preinstalled but you can find elinks links links2 lynx [so on and so forth]  in the repos09:51
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Evanlecriotkittie, just out of curiosity which of those do you prefer?09:52
Evanleci found lynx to be....abysmal09:52
jodi2thanx you guys allways save me09:52
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riotkittieEvanlec: i cant really say i have a preference. i've only used elinks since returning to linux, and my experience with any others is so far gone it can't be relevant09:53
Evanlecriotkittie, ah ok, thot there might be one a little nicer than lynx09:53
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Evanlecriotkittie, esp cuz i use mutt as my primary mailreader, it pipes to lynx09:53
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Kudakanyone here read the book Hacking Linux Revelaed ?09:54
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jodi2anybody installed squirrelmail09:55
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chris00_297247see my naked ex on www.nackte-ex.de.gg   <my revange!09:55
Evanlecjodi2, isnt that a webmail reader?09:56
jodi2evanlec it is09:56
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Evanlecthen you wouldnt install it, u just use your web rbwoser09:57
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nrdbI am using the gspca module to access my webcam, but it is very dark, I have been unable to find any program that will control the brightness, even spcagui doesn't affect it.  is there a way to control the brightness ?  maybe argument to the kernel module.09:57
jodi2i need to install it so my partners can get there mail via a web interface09:57
ultraviolet_hi, i had ubuntu-server 6.06 installed in my comp, and i just installed gutsy in other partition. now that it works fine, i want to remove the other partition and resize the gutsy one for the whole disk. i tried to do that with gparted, but the server partition seems to be blocked, and it recommends i do it manually. how do i do that?09:58
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jodi2were running postfix/courier mysql09:58
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ArafangionHey, why might I be running out of ptys?09:59
Evanlecjodi2, oh you want to serve it ... beyond my expertise09:59
ArafangionI can't load a new terminal.09:59
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nrdbultraviolet_: I wouldn't try that, you could mount the other partition as /home or something like that.09:59
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karmelekknow somebody how to install extcalendar?10:01
ultraviolet_nrdb, i will be able to use it with gutsy data?10:01
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Evanlecultraviolet_, yes10:01
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longneckhow would i get the distribution upgrde to look at the cd for the upgrade?10:02
ultraviolet_ok, and how do i do that? sorry for the stupid question, but i'm really beginning with linux10:02
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dave__Is there anything here with knowledge of hostapd? Trying to make an access point of my router.10:03
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longneckwow! there is realy good suport in here10:03
nrdbultraviolet_: 1) backup anything you want on the partition. 2) copy you current /home partition into the root of the partition 3) create an entry in you /etc/fstab 4) reboot.10:04
ArafangionIronFlint: He's being sarcastic.10:04
IronFlinti noticed10:05
Javidis there a specific distro of ubuntu for tablet PCs?10:05
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longneckara:: if your talking about me, I am not a (HE)10:05
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nrdbultraviolet_: do you know how to mount partitions ?10:05
ultraviolet_nrdb, thanks10:05
longneckI am a SHE10:05
omniushow do i mount my hda when using the liveCD?10:05
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ultraviolet_nrdb, not manually. i used ubuntu installation CD to create the other ones10:05
Arafangionlongneck: Sorry, if you're so sensitive, why don't you suggest a gender-neutral pronoun?10:05
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Arafangionlongneck: One that is gramatically correct.10:06
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longneckwoman can have long necks to thank you!10:06
mraklongneck: wow ... i see first woman/miss who use linux10:06
Arafangionlongneck: Forgive me for not noticing your long neck on irc.10:06
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longneckyou can tell your a man (dick ) is poping out of ya10:07
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici10:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
mrakomnius: mount /dev/<your dev> /where/u/want10:07
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso
nrdbultraviolet_: ok step by step, have you got access to the computer now ? are you using for this communication ?10:07
ultraviolet_nrdb, yes10:07
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omniusHey guys! How do I mount my hda as root when while I'm using the LiveCD?10:08
omniuscheers mrak10:08
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RHLinuxGUYomg that is a lot of users10:08
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ultraviolet_mrak, i also a SHE, and i use linux. is that so remarkable?10:08
ArafangionRHLinuxGUY: Not really. :)10:08
Arafangionultraviolet_: Some think so, it seems. :(10:09
nrdbultraviolet_: ok, so you can't reboot it so all the setup needs to be done before resetting.10:09
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nrdbultraviolet_: is there anything important you want to keep on the partition ?10:09
omniusmrak How do I mount it as root?10:09
mrakultraviolet_: i dont know any1 ... so for me yes  ;)10:09
ultraviolet_nrdb, not at all10:10
boyssuckthat was stupid ass hole!!!!!10:10
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boyssuckFuck you10:10
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici10:10
robhe left10:10
RHLinuxGUYHello everyone, my question is as follows:  I can't mix audio from multiple applications, with the exception of a couple. (Flash 9 & mplayer)  If I try to run audio on one app, any others don't work.  How do I fix this?10:10
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RHLinuxGUYI'm using the latest version of Ubuntu10:10
nrdbultraviolet_: ok, is there plenty of spare space on the partition ?10:10
mrakomnius: i wrote that10:10
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max_bizzleif we didnt have Radia Perlman and ada lovelace we'd be in shit street10:11
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ultraviolet_RHLinuxGUY, there's another channel for developing versions #ubuntu+110:11
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ultraviolet_nrdb, 15Gb10:11
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RHLinuxGUYultraviolet_: o no wait, I should have said latest stable version of Ubuntu. 7.0410:11
mrakomnius: sudo mount /dev/hda /media/(or somethin)10:11
scoobydoo28139Can I get some help upgrading?10:12
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tonyyarussoscoobydoo28139: Not until you change your attitude and learn how to behave in Ubuntu channels.10:12
Puppetany1 from exYugoslavia?10:12
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ultraviolet_RHLinuxGUY, sorry.10:12
nrdbultraviolet_: that should be enough.  how many users are setup for that computer ?10:12
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RHLinuxGUYultraviolet_: np10:13
opexocHow can I check if my samba server is running?10:13
tonyyarussoscoobydoo28139: Yes, I know who you are/were.  Surprised?10:13
ultraviolet_nrdb, two: me and a root account10:13
jodi2how do i unstall a program i installed and decided i dont want10:13
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Garthemusjodi2:  start synaptics, find the program, right click -> uninstall10:14
ultraviolet_jodi2, sudo apt-get remove nameoftheprogram10:14
Garthemusor that too10:14
Arafangionscoobydoo28139: For crying out loud, stop pretending, "shuttle".10:14
nrdbultraviolet_: fyi, root isn't a seperate account.    ok,  cd to the /home directory10:14
mrakopexoc: try to login :)10:14
omniusright what I'm trying to do is delete a users folder in the home directory10:14
scoobydoo28139I have a shuttle10:14
omniusi need to be root10:14
ultraviolet_nrdb, ok10:14
max_bizzleopexoc -  ps aux |grep smbd10:14
omniusi keep getting " you dont have permission"10:15
mrakjodi2: aptitude purge <name_of_package>10:15
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scoobydoo28139I am a registered user10:15
nrdbultraviolet_: do a 'ls' you should see one directory ?10:15
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Arafangionscoobydoo28139: So?10:15
opexocmax_bizzle: why smbd if when I want to start samba then I execute /etc/init.d/samba start?10:15
omniusso I want to mount the file system so i can delete anything10:15
ultraviolet_nrdb, yes, my name on it10:15
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mrakomnius: for test of running samba ... i think no ;)10:16
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scoobydoo28139what are you talking about? you lost me....10:16
mrakomnius: sorry another nick ;)10:16
ArafangionPity the ops don't ban people for just being stupid.10:16
max_bizzleopexoc - because thats the name of the samba daemon process10:16
nrdbultraviolet_: is the partition you want to use mounted ?10:16
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opexocmax_bizzle: wierd, thx :)10:16
max_bizzleopexoc - have you done any research on running samba?10:17
riotkittiewe're talking about your being obnoxious, and then coming back on new handles10:17
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scoobydoo28139I am trying to find out about upgrades, anyone upi for a chalange?10:17
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ultraviolet_nrdb, i can see it in gparted, it's hda2 and hda6 (linux swap). what is it, by the way?10:17
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Evanlecin xchat what button do i press to automatically insert the last nickname i spoke to??10:18
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opexocmax_bizzle: what do you mean? I have check this command ps -aux | grep smbd and it throws that the server is running.10:18
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DamjanAre the new kde python updates necessary ?10:18
opexocmax_bizzle: how can I check which deamons are running now on my ubuntu?10:18
CyberMadhow do you check memory speed from BIOS ?10:19
MadpilotEvanlec, I don't think XChat has a function like that10:19
scoobydoo28139<Arafangion>: do you know how to upgrade to 7.10? or do i need to goto the testers room?10:19
DamjanCyberMad use mem86 in grub10:19
EvanlecMadpilot, no function like that? do u know what im referring to, Konversation has it...10:19
mrakopexoc: try to telnet lcoalhost 139 or 44510:20
nrdbultraviolet_: swap is the partition used for the Linux virtual memory, its ok.  I presume that hda1 has the install you want to keep ?10:20
Madpilotscoobydoo28139, #ubuntu+1 for all upgrade questions, please, including how to upgrade.10:20
MadpilotEvanlec, never used Konv, but I've never seen a feature like that in any IRC app10:20
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scoobydoo28139madpilot: ok thanks10:20
CyberMadDamjan ok10:20
ultraviolet_nrdb, i also presume that : ) but I'm willing to take risks10:20
opexocmrak: I know how check if samba is running. Now I want to know which deamons are running10:21
max_bizzlescoobydoo28139, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/upgrade-ubuntu-from-feisty-to-gutsy/10:21
EvanlecMadpilot, in Konversation if you were speaking with someone, all you had to do was press tab and their nick would appear and you could just type your msg10:21
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DamjanCyberMad let it run one hour, maybe or more time, depends how much ram do you have10:21
mrakopexoc: thats way how to check it10:21
MadpilotEvanlec, most irc apps can do tab-complete - just type the first three letters or so of the nick.10:21
mrakopexoc: if is listening on this port u suer its runnning10:22
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EvanlecMadpilot, yes i know thats what i do now, but like if im only talking to one person, i shouldnt have to type in those letters over and over10:22
nrdbultraviolet_: we can find out, if you type the command 'cat /proc/mounts' near the top you should see a line like '/dev/hda1 / ext3 ....'10:22
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Damjanwhy the my computer is where slow now, while I'm updating ubuntu?10:22
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mrakopexoc: /usr/sbin/nmbd -D; /usr/sbin/smbd -D name of deamons10:23
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opexocmrak: Firstly, this commands throw nothing. Secondly, I want to know about every deamon in my system.10:24
Arafangionopexoc: ps aux | less10:24
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m1lkc0wI have some issues with the aspell packages on Gutsy Gibbon. An automatic update failed and ever since, post-installation of packages complains about issues with aspell. Reinstalling aspell via Synaptic didn't work either (same error)10:24
opexocArafangion: but there are many other process I want to know about only deamons.10:25
riotkittiem1lkc0w: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, please10:25
m1lkc0wriotkittie: Thanks10:25
DamjanDoes nvidia geforce 4400 will work better in Gutsy?10:25
mrakopexoc: i think ... u need firstly know something about linux ;)10:25
ultraviolet_nrdb, my that might help: at gparted it finds: hda1 ext3 20Gb | hda3 ext3 15Gb (boot flagged) |  hda2 extended 1Gb | hda6 linux-swap 684Mb | hda5 linux-swap 684Mb10:25
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opexocmrak: why? where is a problem?10:26
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mrakopexoc: ps if cmd for check wich processes are running ...10:26
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ArmedKingDamjan: Best way to find out is just try.10:27
opexocmrak: yes running, but I know about deamons which are running, not every processes which are running.10:28
ultraviolet_nrdb, cat output is too long, i don't i can paste it here. is there any particular information you need?10:28
n0000bdoes someone can tell me how to write on two lines in open office calc please ? :((10:28
annaimkonkii installed ubuntu on my pc easily... how do i install it on mac??10:28
opexocmrak: yes running, but I want to know about deamons which are running, not every processes which are running.10:28
mrakopexoc: some processes for these are deamons .. for the most part of these end d like proftpd smbd etc10:28
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Bo^Dickmention a good way to ftp in ubuntu?10:28
opexocmrak: I know that. But I would like only see deamons.10:28
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ultraviolet_annaimkonki, i have it running fine in a mac, and i installed it the same way i did with my pc. are you having any troubles?10:29
DamjanArmedKing, I don't want to risk, I will wait until 20 October or what was the date, for the final release10:29
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nrdbultraviolet_: no hda2 !  is the partition you want to use visible at /media/hda3 ?10:30
annaimkonkiultraviolet_: i have  ol os... mac os 8.610:30
annaimkonkii don't know how 2 boot it from disc10:30
DamjanArmedKing, I will use the beta another year, for now I need full working OS10:30
Bo^Dickhope gftp is graphics10:30
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mrakopexoc: i think itsnt any way how to check that ... if u know what u find ... find it but if u dont .... im sorry10:30
annaimkonkiow do u go 2 bios on macs???10:30
nrdbultraviolet_: I am trying to get a feel for your setup, so any commands don't do any damage.10:31
Arafangionmrak: It's a matter of definition, really. To me, a "daemon" is a "very long-lived program".10:31
ultraviolet_nrdb, in media i have only cdrom and floppy10:31
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phpcuriousanybody knows gparted? is it advisable to use gparted to partition Win XP ?10:31
mrakArafangion: and how u know after boot ? ;)10:32
ultraviolet_nrdb, ok here's cat output10:32
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ultraviolet_rootfs / rootfs rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_none /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
ultraviolet_none /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
ultraviolet_udev /dev tmpfs rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_/dev/disk/by-uuid/33738998-9894-423a-8b6c-c4144c24bac7 / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 010:32
ultraviolet_/dev/disk/by-uuid/33738998-9894-423a-8b6c-c4144c24bac7 /dev/.static/dev ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 010:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:32
DamjanDoes a restart or logging out of a session is necessary, wnen an update is done, if it ask?10:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic/volatile tmpfs rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_devpts /dev/pts devpts rw 0 010:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
ultraviolet_tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 010:32
mrakArafangion: every processes run the same time long10:32
ultraviolet_securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw 0 010:32
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Madpilotubotu, pastebin | ultraviolet_10:33
ubotuultraviolet_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:33
=== D_ReaL_PuNiShEr is now known as DDD
Arafangionmrak: The concept of a "service" is not the same as in windows.10:33
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x_how we can run Beryl automatically in start up ?!10:33
ultraviolet_nrdb ok, just saw the pastebin stuff, but don't know how to use it, just a sec10:34
nrdbultraviolet_: can you put it in the pastebin see above.10:34
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nrdbultraviolet_: cut/paste it in via firefox and give me the url it gives you.10:34
x_anyone can help me about Beryl ?!?!?!?!?!!10:34
Bo^Dickin gftp, can i view my local directories in one of the window?10:35
mrakArafangion: i know that .. i tried to show u .. its not true every time ;)10:35
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Arafangionmrak: I must've missed it.10:35
Arafangionmrak: Was it before the flood?10:36
mrakmrak> Arafangion: and how u know after boot ? ;)10:36
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ultraviolet_nrdb, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40131/10:36
Madpilotubotu, beryl | x_10:36
ubotux_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects10:36
Arafangionmrak: Everything is started after boot, by definition. ;)10:36
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mrakArafangion: does a matter10:37
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Arafangionmrak: does a matter?10:37
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mrakArafangion: my english isnt very well10:37
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Arafangionmrak: Heh, it's "it", not "a", as you are not referring to any general item, but a particular concept, and it's "good", not "very well", because your english doesn't get sick. :)10:38
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ultraviolet_annaimkonki, you downloaded the Live CD image? which version?10:38
Arafangionmrak: I've yet to *successfully* learn a second language, so what can I say? :(10:38
nrdbultraviolet_: ok got that !10:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:39
annaimkonkiultraviolet_: yes i did... power pc the latest one fiesty10:39
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:40
nrdbultraviolet_: can you please do the same with /etc/mtab ?10:40
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piaoi found ubuntu 7.10 released10:41
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Damjanwhat do u mean?10:42
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annaimkonkiare there any other alternatives to install linux if it cant boot from cd???10:43
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maikerupiao: the beta you mean?10:43
ultraviolet_nrdb, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40132/10:43
piaowhen i boot i found grub list non contain dev...10:43
piaocat /etc/issue  it is ubuntu 7.1010:43
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opexocArafangion: so you say that there is any possibility to check if some process is deamon or ordinary process? because there isn't any differance beetwen them?10:44
Arafangionopexoc: Pretty much, though arguably, you could say that a daemon is a process that was started directly by init.10:45
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Arafangionopexoc: And is therefore, the set of processes whose direct parent is init.10:45
ultraviolet_annaimkonki, i don't think so. but maybe that may help you: http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-148617.html10:45
nrdbultraviolet_: ah! hda3 is your main partition.    so we want to mount hda1.   "cd /tmp" then "mkdir hda1"  then "mount -t auto /dev/hda1 /tmp/hda1"10:46
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heavenhy  ppl10:46
nrdbultraviolet_: you might need to use "sudo mount -t auto /dev/hda1 /tmp/hda1"10:47
ultraviolet_nrdb, just did it10:47
dave__Is there anything here with knowledge of hostapd? Trying to make an access point of my router.10:47
ultraviolet_nrdb, it's only that?10:47
opexocArafangion: ok. I don't know that that deamon is a process always started by init. If so how can we check what is a parent of a particular process?10:48
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nrdbultraviolet_: no!  we need to copy the home directory and change you setup slightly.  if you look a /tmp/hda1 you should see the partition you want to use.10:48
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heaveni got a problem i reinstalled ubuntu and in "computer" i have the functional floppy the cd rom "filesistem" partition and another unusable floppy that has 40 GB can anyone tell me at instalation what exactly should i do for: 100 GB storage space , 40 GB linux partition where ubuntu goes installed and 10 GB swap space please PM me i could really use some help10:49
DamjanIs there a good program for making telephone calls with fax/modem10:49
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ultraviolet_nrdb, ok10:49
annaimkonkii have 2 ethernet on my main PC running Ubuntu proudly, my router has only one eternet connection, and it is connected to my main pc... can i jump the connection to the other computer w/the 2nd ethernet port on my pc...10:49
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astro76annaimkonki, yes, but, you really should just get a switch10:50
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annaimkonkiastro76: a switch??why... how can this be done...10:51
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nrdbultraviolet_: ok now copy the home directory. "cd /tmp/hda1" then "cp -r  /home/* /tmp/hda1"10:52
astro76astro76, an ethernet switch (like a hub)... because then the 2nd pc is double-NATed... by buying one, a 5 port switch is cheap10:52
astro76annaimkonki, ^^10:52
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gokiworkDoes anyone have any idea why the first time a new user logs in on my system, they are forced to change password? Also, their passwords revert to the first password set when the user is created (at random). In order for my imap daemon to actually work with the user, I need to log back in as the user, and then I am forced to change the password again, at which point it works again for a little while10:52
annaimkonkiastro76: i don't have one now but i need to see if my opther computer is capable of ethernet connection10:53
astro76annaimkonki, then each pc and the router hook into the switch10:53
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gokiworkIt's like the passwords have some weird 10 minute expiry time on them, but I set no expiry up in the kde user settings tool thing10:53
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heaveni got a problem i reinstalled ubuntu and in "computer" i have the functional floppy the cd rom "filesistem" partition and another unusable floppy that has 40 GB can anyone tell me at instalation what exactly should i do for: 100 GB storage space , 40 GB linux partition where ubuntu goes installed and 10 GB swap space please PM me i could really use some help10:54
ultraviolet_nrdb, sorry but copy to where?10:54
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annaimkonkiastro76: my main pc which is connected has two network plugs in it.... can i just plug my 2nd pc to to 2nd ethernet plug for internet...10:54
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Arafangionopexoc: Not entirely sure, right off the top of my head.  ps probably has options for that. See man ps.10:55
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nrdbultraviolet_: the "cp -r /home/* /tmp/hda1" will copy it the drive mounted at /tmp/hda1 which should be the partition you want to use as your /home directory.10:56
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opexocArafangion: ok. I'll check. thx.10:57
frojndWhen I try to compile ralink there is somekind of a error... I don't know what to do to fix this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40134/  Can someone help*10:57
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ultraviolet_nrdb, sorry, i got it wrong. just did it10:57
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nrdbultraviolet_: if you now do a "ls -lA /tmp/hda1/<name>" you should see all your files.  make sure there are the directories starting with a '.' dot.10:59
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nrdbultraviolet_: opps! that directory is /tmp/hda1/<name>11:00
ultraviolet_nrdb, everything is up there11:00
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DerangedDingohey everyone, I need help sort of fast... how can I get my Stylus C86 printing!? my HP printer before this one worked great until it refused to turn on one day.. what's up? I don't wanna boot windows and have to install the driver.. call me lazy..11:02
nrdbultraviolet_: ok! now we change things.  "cd /" then rename the home directory "sudo mv /home /home_old" then "sudo mkdir /home".11:02
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ultraviolet_nrdb, should i do this from root or from tmp/hda1?11:04
nrdbultraviolet_: from root thats why I put in the "cd /"11:04
usr13DerangedDingo, Load the  gutenprint driver for it and that should do it.11:05
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tech0007hi everyone11:06
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Bo^Dickany alsa gurus in here?11:08
ultraviolet_nrdb, just did a stupid thing. i closed terminal window, and now it can't open anymore, cause it doesn't find it11:08
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Bo^Dicki'm testing my sound with GNUSound but when i try to change the bitdepth and samplerate to anything attractive the system restarts11:09
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Bo^Dicki've got 1.0.1411:10
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Bo^Dickthat's pretty fresh i've been told11:10
ultraviolet_nrdb, can i access it through nautilus?11:10
nrdbultraviolet_: try <alt> and <ctrl> then <f1> then login, and to return to the gui <alt> and <ctrl> then <F7>11:10
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kubitzHello there I tried to install Ubuntu on a very old computer and it wouldn't even boot up into the live CD so I tried Debian Etch instead, which works fine. I have acouple of questions really. Firstly what type of hardware is likely to create the installation problem and more boradly what dod I lose out on by going with a basic Debian? I'm trying to gauge whether it's worth buying a slightly newer computer and trying again to install11:10
nrdbultraviolet_: i will try again for that message11:10
kubitzsorry about that11:11
Bo^Dickkubitz: what kind of problems?11:11
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nrdbultraviolet_: try [alt]  and [ctrl]  then [F1]  and login in, use [alt]  and [ctrl]  then [F7]  to return to the gui.11:11
kubitzI don't know really the Ubuntu CD just wouldn't load11:12
Bo^Dickkubitz: black screen?11:12
kubitzWhen it got so far the screen went blank11:12
kubitzyeah I giess it must be the monitor11:12
Bo^Dickkubitz: i had to start the live cd in safe graphics mode11:12
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Mostaranyone know how i can scan program for my tv tuner?11:12
usr13kubitz, What processor do you have?11:12
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Mostarwhats the comand11:13
kubitzslightly over clocked11:13
kubitzI gorget what to11:13
Arafangionkubitz: Debian is less proactive with automatic hardware detection, plus the configuration and bootscripts are nearly completely different.11:13
ultraviolet_nrdb, nothing happens11:13
Arafangionkubitz: I suggest reducing that clock, if only for testing.11:13
usr13kubitz, How much memory?11:13
tech0007kubitz...tried the alternate CD?11:13
Arafangionkubitz: Also, what graphics card does it have/11:13
kubitzI know it's disgraceful11:13
pupi120290i cant change the volume in the gnome volume control... cant even mute it... can anyone help me?11:13
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kubitzI should chuck it really11:13
kubitzI think it's an nvidia11:14
Arafangionkubitz: 128MB is fine, but I suggest not using Ubuntu (At least, use XUbuntu if you do use an Ubuntu-based distro)11:14
kubitzI meant to look11:14
nrdbultraviolet_: the [alt]  and [ctrl]  then [F1]  didn't change the screen ?11:14
ultraviolet_nrdb, but i could also login as root and do all the renaming and cutting in nautilus, isn't it?11:14
kubitzSo why does Debian Etch run fine with Gnome11:14
ultraviolet_nrdb, not at all11:14
kubitzIs it more efficient?11:14
Arafangionkubitz: Gnome is fine, but it will use much more memory than xfce, and in your case, memory is at a particular premium.11:15
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nrdbultraviolet_: I don't think you are allowed to login as root.11:15
pupi120290i cant change the volume in the gnome volume control... cant even mute it... can anyone help me?11:15
usr13Arafangion is right, you'll more than likely be better off not overcloclocking, because if it runs unstable, it will only be a hinderance.  And besides that, you won't see any performance increase between 500 and 40011:15
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ultraviolet_nrdb, i am, i created a root account, and change the settings, so i can login to gnome as root11:16
ultraviolet_nrdb, i'll try it, if i don't come back anymore, i just wanted to say thanks11:16
kubitz<Arafangion> thanks for your advice - to behonest I'm new to Linux but I've used computers for years so I had no trouble with Debian's more traditional install rountine. It actually looks like I can install most of the same stuff as if I ran Ubuntu anyway - is that a fair statement?11:16
usr13kubitz, But to tell you the truth, 400MHz is about bottom end, (for running X).11:16
nrdbultraviolet_: ok, you could try a 'switch user'11:16
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kubitz<usr13> well I'm actually quite happy now Debian runs a lot faster than Windows 2K on here11:17
nrdbultraviolet_: you can reverse the 'mv' with the LiveCD.11:17
usr13kubitz, I would suggest a faster machine.11:17
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Arafangionkubitz: Personally, if you already have Debian on it, I'd keep it, Ubuntu (imho) primarily wins over Debian in areas of automatically setting stuff up in a nice way, including hardware.11:17
usr13kubitz, Debian is fine.  If it works stick with it.11:18
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kubitz<usr13> so I would get more form a more modern installation like Ubuntu? Or are you just saying this machine is too old for anytihng now?11:18
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MuelliI need packages with debug symbols for network-manager{,-gnome} but network-manager-dbg only exists for dapper11:19
nrdbultraviolet_: hi11:19
usr13Well, yes, if you were to install Ubuntu, you'd have slightly newer versions of most packages, that's the only difference.11:19
ultraviolet_nrdb, worked11:19
kubitz<Arafangion> I actually like Debian - there's something solid about it11:19
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trprkubitz: what are the specs? ive run x on p2-350 but it was w/ windowmaker, not gnome / kde. performance was acceptable11:19
kubitzPerhaps I'm just old fashioned myself :)11:19
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kubitztrpr: KDE is really crap on here11:20
usr13 kubitz You ARE old fashioned.  [400MHz]    :)11:20
ultraviolet_nrdb, now i opened terminal. what do i do again?11:20
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kubitzGnome is ok for speed but i tihnk KDE is too heavy11:20
nrdbultraviolet_: ok! first lets check the copy to make sure its worked ok.  first 'umount /tmp/hda1'11:20
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usr13kubitz, Yes, KDE might be a little too resource hungry for your system.11:20
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kubitzI have arange of computers from 2.8Gig to 400Meg I just don't like throwing them away :)11:21
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usr13kubitz, What are you doing with the 2.8GHz machine?11:21
trprkubitz: anyways, that was a debian install11:21
kubitzIt's running Fedora and Windows 200011:21
kubitzI don't like XP much11:22
ultraviolet_nrdb, "umont: command not found", the umount command path is probably changed now, so it doesn't find it...11:22
nrdbultraviolet_: umount11:22
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Scourgedwho helped me with just now? somone staring with "J"....11:22
kubitz<usr13> I'm trying out lots of distros at the moment11:23
ultraviolet_nrdb, that's what i put, just mistyped now11:23
usr13kubitz, I like Linux.  But XP is better than 2K IMO, but either one is like a boat anchor compared to a modern Linux system.11:23
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kubitzI was hoping one would stand out but they're all good in different ways11:23
nrdbultraviolet_: try /bin/umount /tmp/hda111:23
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ultraviolet_nrdb, worked11:23
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usr13kubitz, Choosing the right distro is all about finding the packages and package management that suits you.11:24
nrdbultraviolet_: ah!  the path doesn't seem to be setup. ok we will work around that.11:24
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kubitzI'm going to try Studio 64 - that media version of Debian soon usr1311:25
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nrdbultraviolet_: now try "/bin/mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home"11:25
usr13kubitz, Yes, they are all good.  You are right.  The difference is in package management.11:25
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ultraviolet_nrdb, ok11:25
nrdbultraviolet_: now "cd /home/[login name] "11:25
usr13kubitz, Ubuntu / Debian has the most advanced and easiest [to use]  package management system.11:26
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kubitz<usr13> yeah after you try a few you realise how different they are. Debian is very good for apt - it seems to always get the dependencies dead right.11:26
nrdbultraviolet_: is everything there !11:26
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ultraviolet_nrdb, yup11:26
kubitzI was least happy with Mandriva - it reminded me too much of XP :)11:26
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usr13kubitz, I have a friend that has just installed Mandriva.  In fact, he has yet to set up repositories.11:27
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usr13I'll be interested to see how he does with it.11:27
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nrdbultraviolet_: good now to make it automatic.  "nano /etc/fstab"  and add a line at the bottom "/dev/hda1   /home   ext3   defaults   0 0"11:28
pupi120290hello^^ i cant change the volume in the gnome volume control... cant even mute it... can anyone help me?11:28
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kubitzI wasn't at all happy with the package management in Mandriva.11:28
usr13pupi120290, Try the headphone control.11:28
usr13sometimes the contorlls get switched.11:28
kubitzIt looks easier at first but it doesn't seem to work perfectly in my experience11:28
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ultraviolet_nrdb, done.11:29
pupi120290usr:13 headphone does function11:29
pupi120290pcm too11:29
pupi120290b ut master channel not11:29
usr13kubitz, Doesn't resolve all dependencies, right?11:29
kubitzI haven't played musch with Fedora yeat cos mu teenage son has taken a liking to it and hogs that box.11:29
Raiders32I'm using Feisty.  Where can I find the C header files that match the running kernel?11:29
nrdbultraviolet_: [ctrl]  O (as in orange) to save11:29
usr13kubitz, Did you use KDE or Gnome ?11:29
pupi120290usr13: so how can i switch controlls in right order11:29
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kubitz<usr13> some things I installed in Mandriva disn't work reliably11:29
ultraviolet_nrdb, saved11:29
kubitz<usr13> I was using KDE with Mandriva it sets that up by default11:30
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tech0007hi...i cant play Alienarena2007, it exits w/ error Received signal 11, exiting... while loading maps..pls help..am i on the right channel11:30
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nrdbultraviolet_: [ctrl]  X to exit11:30
ultraviolet_nrdb, ok11:30
kubitzFor an inexperienced user like me Mandriva seems harder to modify thatn other distros11:30
usr13pupi120290,  Right-Click, choose Open Volume Control11:30
nrdbok do you see what that is going to do ?11:31
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kubitzIf you like the defaults it's great but Debian is easier to change11:31
pupi120290usr13: and then?11:31
kubitzFrom a newbies position anyway11:31
usr13Try headphone control.11:31
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StFSHello. I was wondering whether anyone knew if there will be a 2.6.23 kernel package anywhere available for ubuntu feisty or whether there will be some easy to follow howto? I believe there are some patches that are applied to the ubuntu kernels right?11:31
pupi120290yeah... it does change the volume... but can i make the master channel change the volume?11:31
usr13kubitz, Ubnutu is the most user friendly.11:31
Raiders32I'm using Feisty.  Where can I find the C header files that match the running kernel?11:32
nrdbultraviolet_: do you see what that is going to do.11:32
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kubitzI'll habe to get a new box and try Ubuntu again usr1311:32
usr13pupi120290, I don't know.11:32
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tech0007hi...i cant play Alienarena2007, it exits w/ error Received signal 11, exiting... while loading maps..pls help.11:32
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kubitzI suppose I can use most of the Debian stuff I'm learning with Ubuntu anyway from what I read11:33
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pupi120290usr13: bnut thanks... now i know a bit more... bout my prob..11:33
ultraviolet_nrdb, i supposed i moved everything i had from hda3 to hda1, was that the question?11:33
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usr13kubitz, Yes, Ubuntu is just a pretty version of Debian.11:33
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usr13kubitz, Ubuntu is just Debian-made-easy11:34
ultraviolet_nrdb, now i need to umount hda3 and resize hda1, isn't it?11:34
kubitzusr13 that's what I really wanted to hear. I've decided I want to learn Debian anyway. It seems to be very community orientated which I like11:34
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usr13kubitz, And you can get your Debian system as cutting edge as Ubuntu, you just have to juggle the repositories a bit.11:35
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nrdbultraviolet_: if you reset now, you should be able to log in.  if every thing goes ok you will need to clean the /home directory. of all the extra directory left over. (i.e. everything but the [user name]  directory).   Got to go for dinner now will check back latter to see if things are OK.11:35
Arafangionusr13: I wouldn't recommend it.11:35
Arafangionusr13: I prefer to keep it /very/ stable, and older software tends to be less memory hungry, anyway.11:36
ultraviolet_nrdb, ok. thanks a lot11:36
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Arafangionusr13: (Simply because it does a little bit less)11:36
tsurc I'm having a few problems with iptables. want to be able to force and trafic from the "pupils group" to use the port dansguardians listening on. But I just can't see the wood for the trees, anyone any ideas? easily understandable tutorials/howtos?11:36
ultraviolet_nrdb, really. have a nice dinner11:36
usr13Arafangion is right, you can get into trouble doing that - can wreck the system and have a hard time fixing it again.11:36
nrdbultraviolet_: see you latter.11:36
kubitzusr13 yeah I've already got the newsest version of flash, but looking at what Arafangion says yes I did shy away from the latest Java RE. It looks too heavy for this box11:36
=== tom_d has used everything worth trying for the desktop, and nothing would replace the ability to just click something and have software installed perfectly. its such a timesink when things don't work right and you have to fix them when you just need something to do what you want it to do.
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kubitzAnd most sites work with 1.411:37
WaltzingAlongtom_d: ok11:37
gorganalmightyquick question to everyone: How safe is it to remove checkfs.sh from the start-up sequence?  I know how to do it manually, but I don't want to remove it if its really important.11:37
tom_dthat is, choosing ubuntu over just debian, where i'd probably have to do more work to get things the way i want them11:37
DarthShrineHow do I install a PCF font? I've done it the same way as TTF fonts but it isn't being installed..11:37
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Arafangiongorganalmighty: How important is your data to you?11:38
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kubitzI have to go to the pub now - well I don't have to but you know what I mean. Seeya when I have Ubuntu!11:38
cjaeis there no more ddwrt channel on freenode11:38
gorganalmightyArangion: thats not very helpful11:39
cjaeI guess that would be a contradiction hey11:39
Arafangiongorganalmighty: On the contrary, its' an extremely helpful response.11:39
usr13kubitz, THat could be true (about latest Java RE), don't know for sure, but Java RE can bog down even a high end system11:39
Arafangionusr13: He's gone, and Java's bog is primarily in just liking buckets of RAM.11:40
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gorganalmightyArafangion: obviously my data is important, but how important is checkfs in protecting my data?11:40
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chervai have a problem with supercaramba the themes are not updating, but when i click on update from the right mouse menu the theme updates once11:40
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opexocWhen I want to mounting a samba share that:11:40
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opexocopexoc@opexoc:~$ smbmount //myserver/myshare ~/mnt11:41
opexoc8488: Connection to myserver failed11:41
opexocSMB connection failed11:41
opexocWhy I have get this?11:41
Mooskygorganalmighty: in case of a crash and loss of nodes checkfs helps you restore the lost data due to that crash.11:41
gorganalmightyArafangion: For example, I never used to run scandisk every time I started windows11:41
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usr13Arafangion, Yea, I don't know for sure, but the wife plays Java games a lot and leaves it on for days at a time and it seems to take a toll, but probably just hogging up memory11:41
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scagI've installed apache. Which file do I need to edit, to change the location of the webpages?11:42
Arafangiongorganalmighty: scandisk is an entirely different beast.11:42
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Mooskygorganalmighty: but why would you want to remove it anyhow? it only runs like after a crash or once every 32 start ups or so...11:42
usr13scag, httpd.conf11:42
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ArafangionMoosky: That once-every-30 starts is a PITA, imho.11:42
opexocmaybe I should put something different than myserver in that line?11:42
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gorganalmightyIf its more important than scandisk then Ill leave it in there, thanks guys11:43
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MooskyArafangion: pita? the bread? hehe what do you mean?11:43
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ArafangionMoosky: Pain-In-The-A***11:43
gorganalmightyMoosky: It still takes about 30 sec every boot before it decides not to do anything11:43
Mooskyhaha that's a new one to me :)11:43
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surfacefor msn connection with gaim, is it possible to appear offline and still talk?11:44
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Arafangionsurface: Not if the other person is /also/ offline, and I'm not sure.11:44
gorganalmightyMoosky: btw, I have big FAT32 drives, checkfs seems to spend its time on those11:45
Arafangionsurface: gaim is a lowest-common-denominator, and msn is a bit unusual in that regard.11:45
Arafangionsurface: You might be happier with amsn.11:45
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surfaceArafangion, i stay invisible but can't talk with gaim11:45
myconidisnt using MSN from Linux a bit ... evil?11:45
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gorganalmightymyconid: lol11:46
Arafangionmyconid: A neccessary evil, if you happen to like your existing friends.11:46
osfameronArafangion: heh11:46
myconidFriends dont let friends use MSN.11:46
hhp2kHey everyone! I have the protocol on ubuntu to allow winSCP on my Windows machine to connect to my Ubuntu machine. I'd like to know if, with this setup, I can execute a terminal command from ubuntu that sends a file over my network to my Windows machine - is that possible, do I need any extra software? It would be incredibly convenient.11:46
Mooskygorganalmighty: how do you come to that conclusion? heh e11:47
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scagHow do I restart apache?11:47
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gorganalmightymyconid: At the risk of starting a flame war, MSN is about the only good thing thats come out of M$11:47
myconidhhp2k: What kind of crazy talk is that?11:47
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myconidscag, /etc/init.d/apache restart11:47
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=== hhp2k shrugs?
myconid(possibly apache2)11:47
blaa_hey guys, does anyone know how/know where i can read how to install gnome 2.20 in ubuntu? is it even possible at all?11:47
Arafangiongorganalmighty: I disagree.11:47
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myconidgorganalmighty, arguably the linda and bill gates foundation has done *some* good as well.11:48
myconidblaa_: install 7.10?11:48
scagmyconid: Thanks :)11:48
Arafangiongorganalmighty: imho, MS Office is the only good thing that has come out of MS, it's just too damn expensive.11:48
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osfamerongorganalmighty: that's silly.  Their office productivity tools are nice if you like that sort of thing, and there is a *lot* of interesting research coming out of C#, Linq, powershell etc.11:48
hhp2kmyconid: It can't be done?11:48
Arafangionmyconid: And that has nothing to do with MS, btw. ;)11:48
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Mooskyblaa_: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:48
Arafangionosfameron: Such as?11:48
myconidArafangion, I disagree.11:48
hhp2kArafangion: MS Office 2007 is pretty.11:48
myconidhhp2k, i just found your question bizzarely phrased.11:48
blaa_myconid: how do i upgrade to gutsy?11:49
gorganalmightyh dear look what I started....11:49
osfameronArafangion: well, I named Linq and powershell.11:49
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myconidMy turds are pretty.. doesnt make them useful except to remove crap.11:49
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myconidblaa_, update-manager -d11:49
hhp2kmyconid: Might have been awkwardly phrased :P11:49
Mooskyosfameron: amen to Linq .. i rly like it tbh11:49
hhp2kmyconid: But you get it, right?11:49
mrakmno tak stahnout11:49
gorganalmightymyconid: your turds ARE crap, arent they?11:49
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osfameronLINQ is like functional programming for the masses.  I want it for Perl...11:49
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myconidgorganalmighty, sometimes they have pieces of corn.11:49
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myconidhhp2k, im not exactly sure what you are getting at.11:49
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myconidhhp2k, if you have winscp (which uses ssh) .. why not just use somehting like putty to run commands?11:50
myconidor cron them.11:50
blaa_oh you guys are clever :) thanks11:50
MooskyHmm this  is turning into yet another flame thing against ms .. ye we know that everyone got opinions about some stuff, let's get back to QnA's11:50
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hhp2kmyconid: I don't know anything about any of this, that's why I'm asking :P What's putty?11:50
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myconidhhp2k, what are you trying to do?11:50
gorganalmightyoh well I got real world work to do... :(11:50
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osfameronhhp2k: putty is an ssh client for windows.  Probably the least hateful one there is :-)11:51
Mooskyhhp2k: putty is a nice ssh program and MUCH more (www.putty.nl)11:51
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hhp2kmyconid: I can send and receive files on my Windows machine, but I can't send or receive files from my ubuntu machine, because I don't think I have (or know of for that matter) any software like winSCP on my ubuntu machine that will load up a file manager and let me transfer files.11:51
myconidhhp2k, transfer files to what?11:52
hhp2kbetween each machine.11:52
myconidhhp2k, samba?11:52
osfameronhhp2k: your ubuntu console has "scp"11:52
thoreauputichhp2k: connect to server11:52
myconidosfameron, but windows doesnt.11:52
Mooskyhhp2k: how about filezilla and connect using SSH11:52
thoreauputichhp2k: you can use ftp or sftp/ssh11:52
myconidpeople stop unless you just read what he said.11:52
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scagIn apache, does the .htaccess file go to the same location where the webpages are saved?11:53
myconidhhp2k, you could install samba on the ubuntu machine (which lets windows connect to it via normal windowsy ways.. \\servername)..11:53
osfameronmyconid: "I can't send or receive files from my ubuntu machine" - that's why I mentioned scp11:53
osfameronbut yeah, samba is probabl the thing11:53
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myconidhhp2k, or install XAMPP on the Windows machine to get ftp ON the windows machine.. and ftp files to the Windowsmachine.11:53
scagDo I need to install anything else in addition to apache for .htaccess to work? I'm trying to redirect the page but it won't work11:53
thoreauputicprople, Ubuntu does sftp with nautilus out of the box...11:53
hhp2kthoreauputic: I've tried that before and it's never worked.. I need to work on that some more, because it is the most native way to do this, I agree.11:54
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myconidscag: do you have htaccess overwrite allow enabled?11:54
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thoreauputichhp2k: it works fine here11:54
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scagmyconid: I'm using the default configuration. So I don't know.11:54
hhp2kthoreauputic: I know, it's definitely something I'm doing wrong, I just need to figure out what that is :P11:54
myconidwhats your .htaccess look like?11:54
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frojndhello there11:54
frojndI'm in serious problem...11:54
myconidhhp2k, just install it, add a user (smbpasswd) and you shjould be good to go :)11:55
thoreauputichhp2k: try typing ssh://you@server  in nautilus ( ctrl+L to get a location field)11:55
myconidfrojnd, arent we all?11:55
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thoreauputichhp2k: or dftp:// ftp://11:55
myconidthoreauputic, stop.  his windows machine doesnt have a 'ssh' server.11:55
frojndi made: sudo dpkg -P network-manager network-manger-gnome11:55
frojndAnd now i can't connect to the internet..11:55
thoreauputicmyconid: *cough* works for ftp too11:55
frojndhow can I get those 2 packages on my conputer ?11:55
hhp2kmyconid: That might be the problem :P I'm not sure if I got that with winSCP.11:55
myconidthoreauputic, *cough* he doesnt have ftp11:55
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thoreauputicmyconid: *cough* he can get it for windows11:56
myconidhhp2k, got what with winSCP11:56
myconidthoreauputic, *cough* lets not recommend insecure protocols.11:56
hhp2kssh, ftp, etc11:56
rakehow about just using a usb stick for now, if he's an urgent need.11:56
=== hhp2k stoopid
thoreauputicmyconid: agreed :)11:56
myconidsneakernet ftw.11:56
rakeand then he get down to figuring out scp, etc later.11:56
npnuf1chmod is not changing the permissions for symbolic links.  How can I change the permissions for symbolic links?11:56
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opexocDo you know what it means when I get this during mounting network shares process: 8931: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)11:57
opexocSMB connection failed11:57
myconidhhp2k, apt-get install samba; adduser testsmb; smbpasswd -A testsmb; smbpasswd -E testsmb; /etc/init.d/samba start; goto windows pc, start->run->\\linuxmachineipaddress11:57
thoreauputicnpnuf1: ypu don't change the permissions on the link - you change them on the file11:57
hhp2kSee this is why I like coming here early in the morning.. I get a lot of service :P11:57
myconidopexoc, that would be an access denied message.11:57
=== rake services... wait... ?
frojndCan someone tell me where can I get network-manager and network-manager-gnome for my ubuntu?11:57
myconidfrojnd, apt-get ?11:57
=== myconid smacks rake ftw
frojndmyconid, I can't... these 2 packets were my source for the net..11:58
hhp2kmyconid: I'll try that now.11:58
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opexocmyconid: I know, but why? I am using "sudo" command to mount resources.11:58
rakeat the command line, use sudo apt-get install network-manager11:58
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myconidfrojnd, ifconfig interface eth0 up?11:58
rakeor, use synaptic, if you've a gui11:58
myconidopexoc, you dont have perms on the remote machine.11:58
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npnuf1thoreauputic; I just wanted to make the link read only.  I think chattr is the only alternative.11:58
frojndmyconid: I've tryed but nothing..11:58
myconidfrojnd, i promise you; you DONT need the network manager to get a network connection.11:59
myconidfrojnd, are you using wireless or wired?11:59
thoreauputicnpnuf1: .... erm ... make waht it points at read only11:59
frojndmyconid wireless...11:59
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myconidfrojnd, so use iwconfig11:59
myconidfrojnd, and configure your connection11:59
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attunixWhich is a better video editor? Kino or Pitivi?11:59
temperhow to clear terminal history ?12:00
frojndmyconid: I really ron't know how to do this, since I am stuck here with wireless...12:00
thoreauputicattunix: 4312:00
myconidattunix, Kino is MUCH better.12:00
frojndmyconid I can't find any instructions on computer..12:00
myconidfrojnd, ALT+F2, xterm12:00
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hhp2kmyconid: the install worked, but all commands after it failed with permission denied. :/12:00
myconidthen t ype iwconfig12:00
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myconidhhp2k, prefix them with sudo12:00
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npnuf1thoreauputic; then can you tell me how should I do that?12:00
hhp2kmyconid: Alright12:01
attunixmyconid: explain, please? I need to make a video project and I want to find a quick-to-learn video editor with more than just 3 features or something like that.12:01
attunixthoreauputic: 43? :S12:01
myconidattunix, i have no idea.. i was just making you happy by giving you an answer.. i didnt claim it was the RIGHT answer, but an answer.12:01
frojndmyconid: ok, I'll try,12:01
myconidattunix, i use Final Cut Pro and Premier12:01
attunixmyconid: ok :)12:01
thoreauputicnpnuf1: see where the link points - ls -l /path/to/link , then do a chmod 444 if you really want read only, on that file12:01
temper anyone know that ,how to clear terminal history ?12:01
attunixmyconid: yeah.... um.... free as in beer please :)12:01
myconidtemper, rm ~/.bash_history12:02
opexocmyconid: ok but this resources what I want to get are on my ubuntu machine. It is very weird for me that I can explore them thanks to WIN XP on other side of network, but I can't do this from my system using default file manager.12:02
npnuf1theoreauputic; thanks.12:02
hhp2kmyconid: Wait, if I just put the rest of those commands in the terminal, they won't just be recognized by samba, will they?12:02
nrdbtemper: the 'reset' command12:02
thoreauputicattunix: asking "which is better, X or Y is kind of meaningless12:02
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attunixthoreauputic: well, I want the public's opinion to see which is more widely used and why12:02
myconidhhp2k, i gave you almost everything you need.. google ubuntu samba setup for more.. its pretty easy.. especially when i gave you the steps.12:02
thoreauputicattunix: ah, that's a different question altogether :)12:03
opexocmyconid: when I want to explore this file then I get: the folder contents could not be displayed.12:03
myconidopexoc, This is ubuntu support.. your error is a Windows side error.12:03
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myconidopexoc, but I would bet a beer or two its a windowspermission issue12:04
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:04
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opexocmyconid: You maybe don't understand. This has nothing with Windows. I want to explore my own directories on my ubuntu machine throught ubuntu graphic file manager.12:05
thoreauputicnpnuf1: be sure you actually want 444 on the file - if it is a directory you need at least access (x)12:05
myconidopexoc, and whats the problem?12:05
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myconidopexoc, what folder are you trying to view12:05
myconid/home/anotheruser ?12:05
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npnuf1thoreauputic;  the original file is having 444.  may be my question is ridiculous!12:06
thoreauputicnpnuf1: if it is 444 it is definitely read only :)12:06
myconidtoday seems like a good day for drinking.12:07
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opexocmyconid: No I want to view my home folder throught this graphic windows manager - smb://opexoc/homes. And I get what I said.12:07
npnuf1theoreauputic; I just wanted the link to be readonly.  may be this is impossible in Linux.12:07
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thoreauputicmyconid: every day is a good day for drinking :)12:07
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thoreauputicnpnuf1: it's meaningless...12:08
opexocmyconid: but when I want to explore it thanks to windows xp then I have to put password and I can do explore it.12:08
myconidopexoc, so, I offer my previous assertion once again -- you have a samba permissions issue.12:08
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thoreauputicnpnuf1: you set permissions on real files, not symlinks12:08
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myconidwhy are you trying to browse the local machine over smb?12:08
npnuf1ok, ok, my thoughts are meaningless.12:09
opexocmyconid: because I am testing samba. What I can do and what I can't.12:09
Bo^Dickwhat command displays all partitions detected by ubuntu?12:09
myconidopexoc, its either software,hardware, or user error.12:09
thoreauputicnpnuf1: maybe you just need to rephrase what you are trying to do :)12:09
myconidopexoc, it sounds like youve tested software and hardware12:09
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thoreauputicBo^Dick: df12:10
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opexocmyconid: I just wonder why I can't explore my own resources.12:10
myconidopexoc, so, I offer my previous assertion once again -- you have a samba permissions issue. <<<<12:11
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myconidxSilly 7.10 upgrade.12:12
opexocmyconid: yes. probably. But do you know what should I do to repair that ( any suggestions? )?12:12
myconidxopexoc, i am not sure what the problem is... you havent made it very clear.. if you can connect from xp->linux just fine, then maybe samba isnt bound on, or maybe your not passing a username/password correctly, etc, etc.12:13
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myconidxbrb 7.10 time12:13
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BlindravenQuestion! running Ubuntu, samba decides it just wont play sometimes, no particular reasons that i can tell. I'll throw it a sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop/start and it just wont play. some other times all my shares are there.. (when i view network from the Places panel) any ideas guys?12:13
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frojndu vere right...12:15
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frojndIt works without window manager..12:15
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frojndanyway: I'm trying to enable rt61 module for my wireless card, cause computer freezes on every 2 hours or 3... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2912:16
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tsurc on a single machine with iptables, a desktop and dansguardian/squid is there any way I can force traffic (any port) owned by the "guest" group to be redirected to port 808012:16
frojndI just don't understand, here in this manual says that feisty has ra1 but I don't have ra112:16
frojndonly ra012:16
myconidtsurc, no12:16
zoldaris it possible to add axis description "by hand" in OO Calc?12:16
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Bo^Dickuhm, i know i've got another large ntfs partition besides the /windows one12:18
Bo^Dickwhy isn't it displayed?12:18
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jhatlelidHi .. How come I don't find "lcdproc" in "apt-cache search" when it is here? http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/lcdproc12:18
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hegurutsurc: actually i believe you can12:19
_JohnyI just eager to know how come, installing a program throught svn make it appear in the upgrade list later? Can anyone answer?12:19
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opexocmyconidx: what does it mean bound on Where can I set this option?12:20
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scagI made a page redirection under <virtualhost>, in apache's httpd.conf but the page is not getting redirected (It worked earlier). Can someone help me fix this?12:20
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hegurutsurc: there is a match module --match owner --gid <grouname> that will match all traffic generated by the specified group12:20
littlefingerMy Logitech Quickcam is not supported by default, so I compiled the qc-usb-messenger module myself. However, the /dev/video0 device node is not created by udev. http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html says that this should happen automatically, but it doesn't. How come?12:20
Mooskyscag did you restart apache?12:20
scagMoosky: Yes12:20
hhp2kHow do you find out your ip on Ubuntu?12:20
hegurutsurc: that can then be redirected to port 808012:20
Mooskyhhp2k: ifconfig12:21
hhp2kThat's it, thanks12:21
philip_Hello to all of the nice people in the ubuntu channel :)12:21
zoldarnevermind, found it...12:21
tsurcheguru: its getting the syntax right though. Its got to that time of day that I just cant see the wood for the trees12:21
frojndI have a Q. about passphrase. Is passphrase the same as Access Point ? something like this: 00:40:DE:AC:94:96  ??12:22
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scagMoosky: http://www.cgi-interactive-uk.com/apache_redirect_directive.html <--- I used thsi example, and it worked. After I put the url to my own pages, it no longer redirects. I put it back to the pages as it was in the tutorial and now that won't work either.12:22
philip_Little problem:  I uninstalled vmware from my system, and now I can't install it again because the console says I already have it (I don't)12:23
Bo^Dickone of my ntfs partitions isn't visible with the df command, why?12:23
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hegurutsurc: the rule will be something like this: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --match owner --gid-owner guest -j REDIRECT --to-port 808012:23
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digitalspaghettiHey, can anyone help - My gf has given me her iPod nano, problem is it's name is ALEX'S IPOD, and I can't seem to get rockbox to recognise it, and when I try umount it only recognises the ALEX' part.  Is there any way in Ubuntu to rename it or remount it to /media/ipod  ?12:24
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kbrooksheguru, sorry to annoy, but why does he want to do that?12:25
kbrooksdigitalspaghetti, umm...12:25
khamaelwhen I try to run sudo apt-get update I get this: http://pastebin.com/d13ed1291 what can I do?12:25
kbrooksdigitalspaghetti, use quotes.12:25
wilsondigitalspaghetti,  you need to work out which dev it is, eg /dev/sdd12:25
hegurukbrooks: he wants to send all the traffic generated by users in guest group to be sent to his SQUID proxy12:25
heguruBo^Dick: is the partition mounted?12:26
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kbrooksheguru, ah ok, that just goes to say how useful iptables can be.12:26
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hegurukbrooks: oh yes you can do miracles with iptables :D12:26
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digitalspaghettiwilson, whats the easier way to do that?12:27
kbrooksheguru, "miracles" lol12:27
scaghttp://www.cgi-interactive-uk.com/apache_redirect_directive.html <--- I used thsi example, and it worked. After I put the url to my own pages, it no longer redirects. I put it back to the pages as it was in the tutorial and now that won't work either.12:27
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scagI need to redirect my website12:27
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zimmy__im installing a new server? and i had to add noapi to usb to get it to work? does this mean i should just install the 64bit install?12:28
tsurcheguru: na I'm getting invalid argument, any idea how I can debug it?12:28
heguruscag: why not pastebin the lines you added to redirect your website?12:28
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hegurutsurc: it might be that --gid-owner only takes numeric group ids, run getent group | grep guest and use the numeric id12:29
wilsonim not 100% sure but the first usb mass storage device you plug in should be /dev/sdd12:29
kbrooksscag, offtopic here, use #apache12:29
kbrookswilson, no...12:29
heguruwilson: no12:30
wilsonseems to on my computer here12:30
kbrookswilson, really, you mean sda. but it depends.12:30
wilsonive just tried plugging my muvo into different ports12:30
heguruwilson: it depends on the computer12:30
rhalffhi, how do I configure the screen for those opengl games ? I use two monitors and the game appears small and in the middle.12:30
senlina_05mn niy12:30
tsurcheguru: one step ahead of you I'd done that already. same result both times12:30
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philip_I have a problem with my openGL X server, any can help?12:30
kbrookswilson, typing "mount", without quotes, on the command line, can tell you the /dev name12:30
hegurutsurc: ok let me try it myself first12:30
zimmy__i meant i have to add noapic to get it to install on my new server i just built12:31
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wilsonahh, there you go that's the easy way then12:31
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kbrooksphilip_, i doubt it, but if we don't help at all, join #ubuntu-effects12:31
wilsonso after you find out what device it is you can type in umount /dev/whatever12:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:31
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hegurutsurc: its --redirect-ports 808012:31
hegurutsurc: --to-ports 808012:31
wilsonthen mount /dev/whatever /directory_you_want12:32
khamaeldoes anybody else have problems running "sudo apt-get update"? I get a strange error: http://pastebin.com/d13ed129112:32
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Steezushello, quick question, seems like an easy answer but cant find in google. how do you apply emerald themes???12:32
khamaelSteezus: you should ask in #ubuntu-effects12:32
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zimmy__i just took my fbsd disro off and im installing ubuntu? i think its for the better? right is it more secure than fbsd was?12:33
tsurcheguru: "iptables v1.3.6: Unknown arg `--redirect-ports'"12:33
scagheguru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40144/plain/12:33
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hegurutsurc: one min12:33
younessi have problem in installing ubuntu12:34
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vikasjoin #freetds12:34
xubuntuMi have problem in configuration materiel12:35
Steezushello, quick question, should be easy answer but cannot find in google. how do you apply emerald themes?12:35
hegurutsurc:  iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match owner --gid-owner 1000 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 808012:35
khamaelmy apt-get seems to be broken. every time I try to run an apt-get command, I get E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room12:35
hegurureplace 1000 with your gid12:35
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hegurutsurc: just verified, it works too12:35
rake|lurkkhamael: have you tried sudo apt-get check12:35
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khamaelrake|lurk: same error12:36
kbrookszimmy__, security depends on us humans.12:36
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Steezuscrap this is not the effects channel is it12:36
kbrookszimmy__, not on a particular setup.12:36
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kbrooksSteezus, /join #ubuntu-effects12:36
kbrookszimmy__, humans write software.12:36
hegurutsurc: in your case 8080 might be 312812:36
Steezussorry, just using irc for first time. will try going there!12:36
kbrookszimmy__, therefore we are the weak links in security.12:37
tsurcheguru: yup worked here too, now I'm hoping that those pesky kids won't be able to circumnavigate it. edubuntu gutsy + squid + dansguardian + iptable = one kick ass terminal server12:37
kbrookszimmy__, so the answer to that question is subjective12:37
khamaelrake|lurk: is there anything else I can try?12:37
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rake|lurkkhamael: try this....12:37
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kbrookstsurc, they might be able to circumvent it with enough knowledge and convincing you to make them an admin12:38
hegurutsurc: lols, well i doubt that, kids can bypass any type of protection!, instead of trying to block, I would rather just LOG every connection12:38
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_JohnyI'm just eager to know how come, installing a program throught svn make it appear in the upgrade list later? Can anyone answer?12:38
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tsurcheguru: thanks for your help. me thinks I'll be writting it up somewhere on the edubuntu wiki. and add logging too12:38
kbrookstsurc, can i pm you :p12:38
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scagheguru: Hello?12:39
rake|lurkkhamael:  at first blush is looks like your sources.list has been added to a bit  :)12:39
tsurckbrooks, yeh sure12:39
heguruscag: oh i forgot you, wait let me check12:39
rldowling03Hi all. Is there anyone who can help me setting up my bluetooth with ubuntu12:39
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khamaelrake|lurk: tried the apt.conf thing.. .still same error12:40
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rake|lurkkhamael: in short, that site suggests to edit /etc/apt/apt.conf and add APT::Cache-Limit "16777216";12:40
heguruscag: what error are you getting?12:40
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scagheguru: None, it doesn't redirect12:41
rake|lurkkhamael: read through your source list file, and comment out the stuff that doesn't seem to actually be from ubuntu12:41
heguruscag: are you on ubuntu?12:41
scagheguru: Yes12:41
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heguruscag: which file did you add this to? apache2/sites-available/default ?12:42
scagheguru: /etc/apache/httpd.conf12:42
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digitalspaghettiIs there a way to change the mount point of a device?12:42
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heguruscag: oh apache 1.312:43
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scagheguru: It was already there, and commented out. I pasted it exactly as it is from the tutorial, and it worked. I put my own pages, and it stopped working. Then I put it back to how it was in the tutorial and that won't work again.,12:43
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xubuntuMproblem cnfiguration materiel ubuntu rtm29012:43
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scagheguru: Hm, I don't know the version. I just need to redirect the site cause the webpages are on another PC.12:44
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rakescag: that seems to be an html issue... not an apache issue12:44
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jeff1212where can i get some killer wallpapers?12:44
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rldowling03can anyone help me?? When i do lsusb  device it is listed but i cannot use the device12:45
heguruscag: actually i believe its because there might not be /index.html12:45
Bo^Dickwhy does ubuntu restart w/o notification when i change bitdepth and samplerate?12:45
scagheguru: There is12:45
scagheguru: It opens the index.html, doesn't redirect12:46
jeff1212rldowling03: what is the device? u might have to make a script for it12:46
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TwiinzHi there12:46
heguruscag: i'm sure you restarted apache after this?12:47
rldowling03jeff1212: It is a Bluetooth USB device12:47
scagheguru: Yes, several times12:47
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Twiinzi'm setting up a linux server that will server an heterogeneous network of linux windows and mac clients, i wonder what that's best way to provide shared hard disk to this network12:47
heguruscag: sorry no clue, can't also test it here as i have apache212:47
_Argasmhi guys, I'm having problems setting up my wireless device in Ubuntu...  worked fine in 7.04 but 7.10 is giving me hassle... any help ???12:48
Morticed!samba | Twiinz12:48
ubotuTwiinz: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:48
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MorticedTwiinz: I'd definitely go the samba route for that12:48
rake|lurk_Argasm: ummm beta?  try #ubuntu+112:48
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scagheguru: Okay, np :)12:48
jeff1212_Argasm: join #ubuntu+1 for 7.1012:48
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Twiinzsamba support is somewhat dodgy in OSX though12:49
_Argasmbeen there, no-one answers my questions...  I just need someone to talk me through setting it up normally please...12:49
rake|lurkahh, well, then I can't help.  never done it.12:49
jeff1212rldowling03: sorry never owned a bluetooth12:49
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Twiinzand the number of windows machine is very limited compared to the number of linux and OS X boxes, isn't there another option to smb ?12:49
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Moosky_Argasm: may be you should explain what's the problem. Then we'd have something to talk about .12:50
rldowling03ok, is there anyone here who can help me figure out why i can see my bluetooth in ubuntu, but not use it12:50
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_Argasmk, usually I goto Prefs-Network and setup my wireless card and static ip addy... then I apt-get dnsmasq and ipmasq and share internet conneciton with laptop over wireless and it works fine12:50
rake|lurkTwiinz: any os comes with FTP support, usually via a GUI even (even if nothing else than a browser - uploading via browser isn't as intuitive though)12:50
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_Argasmbut... I setup the wireless and the damn thing wont even come on now (blink)12:50
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Twiinzrake|lurk: unfortunatly OS X Finder doesnt upload files to FTP12:51
_Argasmit's like ubuntu see's the wireless card but doesnt like using it...12:51
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rake|lurkTwiinz: so, pick the pain.  someone is going to have to go through some extra steps.  seems like OS X folks are hurting one way or another - I'd go with reliability over flakiness12:52
xubuntuMvoici mon problem http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=100085812:52
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Seeker`Where is the shortcut key for scrolling terminal output set?12:52
rake|lurkand there's FTP clients available - and tell the users, this is the new file server browser.... lol12:52
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xubuntuMj ai un problem dans l installation d ubuntu (chargement du modul trm 290)12:53
Twiinzah well12:53
rake|lurkwe got linux, windows, os x at work too12:53
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xubuntuMthis is my problem http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=100085812:53
rake|lurkheck, vista has to browse by IP12:53
rake|lurkit's the worst12:53
Twiinzmaybe there's a way for setting up nfs for windows12:54
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Twiinzthat'd be the absolute best12:54
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rake|lurkwin svr?12:54
rake|lurkpretty sure...12:54
Twiinzwin client12:54
xubuntuMi have problem in installing ubuntu when i become in the configuration materiel it stoped in 6%12:55
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max_bizzleTwiinz, - use macfusion to do ftp and ssh from the finder12:55
xubuntuMsomeone for help12:55
rake|lurkTwiinz: Yup!  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324055  google to teh rescue12:55
rldowling03is there anyone here who can help me figure out why i can see my bluetooth in ubuntu, but not use it12:55
rake|lurk(omfg, did I just link to the MS KB on #ubuntu?)12:55
rake|lurkI'm goin to bed now.12:55
Twiinzthanks ;)12:56
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xubuntuMplz help me this is my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44597512:57
xjkxwhat does ubuntu means?12:58
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sbcI'm trying to connecto to a WPA peap tkip mschapv2 wireless network. I'm told by the 'staff' that those are the correct settings. Can anyone make any sence of my syslog http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40142/ or point me in the right direction for a fix? I'm using the nm-applet.12:58
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Matic`MakovecHello there. So I was upgrading my Ubuntu from 6.10 to 7.04 today morning and I left it when it was installing. The system obviusly tried to reboot or something as it was shut down when I came home and now I can't boot into Ubuntu. Any ideas what might went wrong or how to fix/check it?12:59
heguruubuntu is an African word meaning Humanity to Others12:59
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xubuntuMI am trying to install Ubuntu Studio 7.04, and having a problem. I downloaded it, burned it to a DVD, and stuck it in the computer. The installer came up just fine. I selected the default "Install Ubuntu Studio" menu option, and it tells me it's starting the Linux kernel. Then the screen goes blank for about three minutes, and then says "Trying to enable the frame buffer." Another three...01:00
xubuntuM...minutes later, the installer starts. The keyboard detection and all that works fine, but when I get to detecting the hardware it has problems. The "Detecting Hardware" progress bar sits at 0% for a few minutes, then jumps to 6% and says "Loading module 'trm290' for 'IDE Chipset Support'..." Nothing after that happens. I left it like that for about 4 hours yesterday, and it just sits...01:00
xubuntuM...there. The same thing happens if I select "Text Mode Install for Manufacturers," or "Check CD For Defects" from the installation menu.01:00
xubuntuMCould it be that I'm just not waiting long enough? If so, why is everything going so slow? Any ideas?01:00
xubuntuMAny help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!01:00
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rldowling03is there anyone here who can help me figure out why i can see my bluetooth in ubuntu, but not use it01:01
xubuntuMplzzzzzzzzz help me01:01
hegururldowling03: what happens when you try to use it?01:01
opexocWhat is with samba: when I try to explore my own home folder throught network system directories then the files manages throw: The folder contents could not be displayed.  I add that when I connect to samba thanks to win xp to this folder then after put user and password I can explore it.01:02
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max_bizzlesbc - have installed a cert?01:03
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sbcmax_bizzle: Properly not - what is a cert?01:03
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max_bizzlesbc - certificate01:03
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sbcmax_bizzle: I haven't. I need to get one from the it staff at the place? Or is it one I can 'make' myself?01:04
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xubuntuMI am trying to install Ubuntu Studio 7.04, and having a problem. I downloaded it, burned it to a DVD, and stuck it in the computer. The installer came up just fine. I selected the default "Install Ubuntu Studio" menu option, and it tells me it's starting the Linux kernel. Then the screen goes blank for about three minutes, and then says "Trying to enable the frame buffer." Another three...01:04
xubuntuM...minutes later, the installer starts. The keyboard detection and all that works fine, but when I get to detecting the hardware it has problems. The "Detecting Hardware" progress bar sits at 0% for a few minutes, then jumps to 6% and says "Loading module 'trm290' for 'IDE Chipset Support'..." Nothing after that happens. I left it like that for about 4 hours yesterday, and it just sits...01:04
xubuntuMrake|lurk: Hello,01:04
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xubuntuM...there. The same thing happens if I select "Text Mode Install for Manufacturers," or "Check CD For Defects" from the installation menu.01:04
xubuntuMCould it be that I'm just not waiting long enough? If so, why is everything going so slow? Any ideas?01:04
xubuntuMAny help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!01:04
max_bizzlesbc - no, you need to get it from the it staff01:04
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heguru!repeat | xubuntuM01:05
ubotuxubuntuM: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:05
rldowling03heguru: I contacted you privately about it01:05
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hegururldowling03: you don't have registered nick i believe, you cannot communicate on PM01:06
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hegururldowling03: why not talk here01:06
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cyranoHi. i get an error in Firefox.01:07
rldowling03heguru: whoops my bad, lol. well. my problem is ubuntu sees the usb bluetooth dongle when i do lsusb, but when i do hcitool dev it says nothing says there are no devices, and when i go hcitool scan, it says scanning for devices and then nothing.01:07
cyranobeaglePageLoad: beagleWriteContent/Metadata failed: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JSframe ::01:07
cyranochrome://beagle/content/beagleOverlay.js :: beagleWriteContent __line 112" data: no] 01:07
cyranoI realy don't know how to solve this01:07
bmt2hello to all01:07
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cyranopls. help01:07
bmt2is there any app out there used to convert different audio format ? (i.e. mpeg to mp3)01:08
bmt2or .m4a to .mp3 ?01:08
cyranoi run Gutsy01:08
han_Helo everybody,My cube desk doesn't display!Any help?01:08
bmt2i tried using faad at the command line it was not much help01:08
hegururldowling03: well showing in lsusb doesn't mean it will work. even unsupported hardware appears in lspci/lsusb01:08
hegururldowling03: pastebin your lsusb01:08
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cyranoit happened after i installed the gtk-murrine engine... and an gutsy update. don't know where the problem is01:09
heguru!gutsy | cyrano01:09
ubotucyrano: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:09
han_Desktop effects could not be be enabled!Why?01:09
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cyranobeaglePageLoad: beagleWriteContent/Metadata failed: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JSframe ::01:10
cyranochrome://beagle/content/beagleOverlay.js :: beagleWriteContent __line 112" data: no] 01:10
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hegurucyrano: support for gutsy _only_ in #ubuntu+101:10
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han_My card is ATI!and my desktop-effects does not display01:11
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heguru!compiz | han_01:11
ubotuhan_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:11
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rldowling03im not in ubuntu now, i cannot use internet on my ubuntu because I need the bluetooth dongle to work inorder to use internet on ubuntu. so i dont have the output01:11
Abhisekafter installation i cant install extra packages from the cd. it sez MDSUM Mismatch. Any clue?01:12
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han_I'm blue!thank you heguru01:12
hegururldowling03: do you by any chance remember what your usb bluetooth was detected as?01:12
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bmt2is there any HOWTO out there in converting different audio formats ?01:13
bmt2i.e. .mpeg to .mp301:14
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bmt2.m4a to .mp301:14
tarzeaubmt2: mencoder can do such things01:14
tarzeaubmt2: it usually comes with mplayer01:14
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bmt2tarzeau: how do i used mencoder.....because i have mplayer installed already01:14
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tarzeaubmt2: but do you also have mencoder?01:15
bmt2tarzeau: can i apt-get mencoder ?01:15
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xubuntuMI am trying to install Ubuntu Studio 7.04, and having a problem. I downloaded it, burned it to a DVD, and stuck it in the computer. The installer came up just fine. I selected the default "Install Ubuntu Studio" menu option, and it tells me it's starting the Linux kernel. Then the screen goes blank for about three minutes, and then says "Trying to enable the frame buffer." Another three...01:15
xubuntuM...minutes later, the installer starts. The keyboard detection and all that works fine, but when I get to detecting the hardware it has problems. The "Detecting Hardware" progress bar sits at 0% for a few minutes, then jumps to 6% and says "Loading module 'trm290' for 'IDE Chipset Support'..." Nothing after that happens. I left it like that for about 4 hours yesterday, and it just sits...01:15
tarzeaubmt2: not from debian official repositories. probably neither from ubuntu, not sure01:15
xubuntuMwath is the solution Hello,01:15
xubuntuM...there. The same thing happens if I select "Text Mode Install for Manufacturers," or "Check CD For Defects" from the installation menu.01:15
xubuntuMCould it be that I'm just not waiting long enough? If so, why is everything going so slow? Any ideas?01:15
xubuntuMAny help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!01:15
tarzeaubmt2: i've got some repos with it. i386 or amd64?01:15
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bmt2tarzeau: i38601:15
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hegurubmt2: mencoder is available in official repositories01:17
hegurubmt2: just sudo apt-get install mencoder01:17
bmt2heguru: thanks i got it01:18
bmt2tarzeau: thanks to you alos sir/madam !01:18
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rldowling03heguru: sorry for slow response, what do you mean??01:18
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hegururldowling03: the make/model of your bluetooth as printed by lsusb, if u remember01:19
Steezusgnomefreak is an artard01:19
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max_bizzleexcuse my ignorance, but whats an "artard"01:21
hegurumax_bizzle: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=artard01:21
wilsonheh, someone who doesn't play WOW ?01:21
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rldowling03heguru, i not sure off top of my head, but I know that it is a Mobile Action MA-72001:22
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VSpikewhat's the difference between /usr/bin/X and /usr/bin/Xorg ?01:24
max_bizzlewell heres my peice of wisdom for the day/night "there are two types of geeks in this world, those with a pr0n folder, and those with a .pr0n folder"01:24
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tarzeauVSpike: one is setuid root, the other not, and their size is different too01:28
rldowling03heguru: here is the topic i made for it if it is any help, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=350771501:28
hegururldowling03: bad news, MA-720 is not supported under linux yet (according to bluez-devel mailing list 10th Sep 2007)01:28
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rldowling03heguru: bugger, ok, well do you know if it is being worked on or if it is possible in the future??01:29
cizarrwould someone help me please to connect into windows VPN?01:29
VSpiketarzeau: my display manager starts /usr/bin/X which doesn't seem to have a man page.. I'm wondering if the options will be the same for xorg, which does01:29
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rldowling03heguru: can u give me a url to that page?01:30
alejandrosomeone remembers howto open programs in windows with the root01:30
hegururldowling03: http://sourceforge.net/search/?ml_name=bluez-devel&type_of_search=mlists&group_id=26526&words=MA-72001:30
alsch_what is your problem ... windows vpn ?01:30
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Pici!gksudo | alejandro01:30
ubotualejandro: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  - See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info01:30
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rldowling03heguru: ok, thanks for all your help01:30
hegururldowling03: welcome01:31
alejandrothanks Pici01:31
shashank_whois aj_01:31
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max_bizzleandy jones ?01:32
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gangi have one problem with ubuntu01:32
gangi want to install driver for nvidia 8600gt01:33
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aj_shashank: ya01:33
hegurugang: !nvidia01:33
gangwhen i restart gui the linux don't indentify video card01:33
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heguru!nvidia | gang01:33
ubotugang: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:33
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ZeroA4gang, did you use the Restrited Drivers Mananger?01:35
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gangwhen i start manager he says me you don't hvae restrited device01:36
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bazziebhi there, what are cool sites to go to to get started with linux?01:36
tarzeaubazzieb: livecd.gnustep.org01:36
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gangplease help me01:38
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gangmaybe ubuntu don' support 8600gt pci-e01:38
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hegurugang: it does, just read the link above01:39
tarzeaugang: the nvidia card?01:39
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LonniebizI just extracted 17000 files into the wrong folder (a folder that has files I want to keep in it). Anyone know how I can delete only the files I just extracted to that folder?01:40
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gangi try again01:40
PiciLonniebiz: you could use some sort of magic with the find command.  There are switches to look for files as of a certain date and you can specify an action to do on those files, like move/delete/whatever01:41
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PiciLonniebiz: I dont know the syntax off the top of my head though.01:41
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hegurugang: for your card read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=279148001:41
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LonniebizI've been working with find, but I haven't found the right command combination yet.01:41
gangthanks heguru01:42
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heguruLonniebiz: maybe: find -mmin n01:44
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LonniebizI'll look into that now.01:44
heguruLonniebiz: where n is number of minutes01:44
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heguruLonniebiz: the archive that you extracted the files from, you can use that with xargs or for loop as well01:45
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heguruLonniebiz: something like: for f in `tar -ztf your.tar.gz`; do rm $f; done;01:47
heguruLonniebiz: you might want to replace rm with mv to make sure you don't accidently delete something01:48
shriphanihow can I get syntax highlighting for vim. I have installed vim.python, done touch .vimrc and put "syntax enable" in it.01:48
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Kohvihoorhow to purge something, that i have manually compiled?01:48
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hegurushriphani: sudo apt-get install vim-full01:49
heguruKohvihoor: find and remove all the files manually01:49
Kohvihoorbut what if i install newer version?01:49
shriphaniheguru, that will enable syntax-highlighting but installing only vim.python won't ?01:49
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KohvihoorWill it overwrite those old files?01:50
heguruKohvihoor: next time try using checkinstall in place of make install01:50
LonniebizThere are so many files in the directory that nautilus won't even open the folder.01:50
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heguruKohvihoor: usually yes01:50
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heguruLonniebiz: why not use cli01:50
Lonniebizfind -mmin 60 | xargs rm01:50
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Lonniebiznever heard of cli01:51
heguruLonniebiz: i don't know how would xargs be with 17000 files *-)01:51
LonniebizI'm looking into it01:51
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heguruLonniebiz: cli = command line interface01:51
CluBBaHcan someone help me with geforce 6600 :)01:51
heguru!nvidia | CluBBaH01:51
ubotuCluBBaH: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:51
Matic`MakovecHello there. So I was upgrading my Ubuntu from 6.10 to 7.04 today morning and I left it when it was installing. The system obviusly tried to reboot or something as it was shut down when I came home and now I can't boot into Ubuntu. Any ideas what might went wrong or how to fix/check it?01:52
LonniebizI am now, but having trouble creating the right command.01:52
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tituncan someone please help me in this problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3501143#post350114301:52
CluBBaH i have drivers installed , but still can't get better resolution than 1024x76801:52
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heguruLonniebiz: your command above seems fine, you can also try the for loop one i pasted above01:53
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LonniebizI'm a programmer, but I've never wrote programs in the command prompt.01:54
LonniebizI need a good book that explains that stuff.01:54
heguruLonniebiz: well I would call it a script :)01:54
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heguruLonniebiz: get the Advanced BASH scripting guide, the holy grail of bash scripting :D01:55
heguruLonniebiz: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html01:55
LonniebizI'm a javascript programmer, but no command line there.01:55
tituncan someone please help me in this problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3501143#post350114301:55
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Lonniebizok, I'll buy it.01:55
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heguruLonniebiz: its free :) part of linux documentation project01:55
heguru!repeat | titun01:56
ubotutitun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:56
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titunheguru: sorry :) but i felt my message disappered within so many lines poping up so fast01:56
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:57
hegurutitun: so many lines! right now its as slow as #ubuntu get01:57
LonniebizWell, I'm going read up a bit, and I've copied the commands you've told me. I need to learn how to automate these type of things.01:57
hegurutitun: i have seen your problem btw, and i guess you came here yesterday too01:57
Lonniebizthanks heguru01:57
heguruLonniebiz: welcome01:57
titunheguru: yes i have been asking for past 2 days, no luck :(01:58
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hegurutitun: the message seems to suggest that your device is not recognized01:58
titunheguru: btw now i have the drivers for the infrared adapter.. they r old RedHat9 drivers.......01:58
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titunheguru: i don't know how to install these drivers01:58
hegurutitun: are you sure your infrared adapter works under linux?01:59
hegurutitun: is it usb or serial?01:59
titunheguru: its USB01:59
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hegurutitun: and you are sure it works?01:59
titunheguru: i don't know if it is supported in linux..but it should , what u think01:59
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zengenAnyone familiar with the gedit project manager plugin know how I could open up a project without them all opening in tabs, only in the sidebar?01:59
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hegurutitun: well just pastebin the output of lsusb01:59
titunheguru: with the device attached?02:00
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hegurutitun: yes02:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:00
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titunheguru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40147/02:01
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titunheguru: would u like to see the dmesg also?02:01
joaobI an not able to access my NTFS partition on HDB - newly installed ubuntu did not list the /dev/hdbN drives.02:01
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joaob*I am02:02
fblade1987can anyone help, how can i run a shell script without always putting "sh" in front of it02:02
hegurutitun: yes that would be good02:02
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joaobI tried mknod-ing /dev/hdb1, to no avail.02:02
hegurufblade1987: make the script executable: chmod +x script.sh02:02
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joaobfblade1987: just make it executable02:03
juan__hello all02:03
titunheguru: only the relevant last portions : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40148/02:03
joaoband put it ina  directory that is in your PATH environment variable.02:03
titunheguru: ignore the Broadcomm Wireless errors02:03
fblade1987says command not found when i attempt to run it02:03
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joaobfblade1987: if it already is executable, you have to put it in a direcorty in your PATH, or type the path to it02:04
joaobfblade1987: like $./script.sh"02:04
juan__i just typed sudo apt-get remove --purge amsn but it didn't delete any of the .amsn files, any idea on how to do this with apt-get?02:04
fblade1987ok thanks02:04
joaobanyone have any ideia on how to make /dev/hdb1 accessible ?02:05
hegurutitun: your infrared seems to be detected fine02:05
hegurutitun: what do you want to do with it?02:05
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Picijuan__: purge doesnt remove user preferences, you need to remove those out of your home manually.02:05
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titunheguru: yes yesterday the messages did not show there!02:05
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titunheguru: i want to transfer image from my mobile02:05
titunheguru: let me try02:05
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juan__thanx Pici02:06
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juan__joaob, can you be more specific?02:06
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Whoopiehi, anybody on gutsy and wants to test uswsusp with usplash support? I've added a patch to bug 109151. I'd be every grateful for any tests. Thanks.02:07
PiciWhoopie: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.02:07
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darkchr0n0s7 days to gutsy :(02:08
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WhoopiePici: MOTU guys told me to also ask here, but ok.02:08
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darkchr0n0si want 7.10 :@ :# :'( :(02:08
joaobjuan__: here it is...I have a recently installed system, and /dev/hdb1 is simply not there, in /dev.02:08
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fblade1987are you not able to just run a shell script like unix, by just typing the command name02:08
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joaobjuan__: although there is a NTFS partition tehre which works under windows02:08
hegurufblade1987: only if its in PATH02:08
joaoband is printed by fdisk02:08
darkchr0n0sjoaob : try sudo fdisk -l02:09
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hegurufblade1987: copy to /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin to run just by typing name02:09
hegurufblade1987: copy to only one of the folders mentioned above02:09
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thesaint4444is it possible to add a virtual ip alias i.e. eth0:0 in dapper without bringing eth0 up and down? say edit the network file then reload networks via init.d or something?02:10
jribfblade1987: . is not in your path, so './foo' if it is in your current directory02:10
heguruthesaint4444: ifconfig eth0:0
fblade1987right thank alot helped me out a lot02:10
heguruthesaint4444: ifconfig eth0:0 up02:10
joaobdarkchr0n0s: I had done that already. As I said, the partition is there02:10
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darkchr0n0scan you paste the output in the bin ?02:11
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thesaint4444heguru: ok and what about for a permanent change? i.e. after reboot..02:11
heguruthesaint4444: add it to network file02:12
joaobdarkchr0n0s: the values returned by fdisk are a bit "funny", though02:12
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darkchr0n0sjoaob : can you paste the output in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:12
thesaint4444heguru: ok, and to make that change available straight away?02:12
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titunheguru: my mobile battery drained... i will try to send something from mobile to PC later.. but do u think this will be sufficient to transfer or anything else is needed?02:13
heguruthesaint4444: what i wrote above: sudo ifconfig eth0:0 yourip && sudo ifconfig eth0:0 up02:13
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titunheguru: like some other interface, i have irda-utils and setserial installed,02:13
hegurutitun: that should be enough02:13
hegurutitun: just remember that your irda port is /dev/ttyUSB0 if any software asks02:14
titunheguru: ah ok02:14
joaobdarkchr0n0s:  hmmm... -l ooptions gives me more info thatn "p" inside fdksik02:14
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titunheguru:i will come back and inform you if that worked...and will also edit the forum post02:14
joaobdarkchr0n0s: It looks like it is plainly corrupted02:14
joaobalthough windows can read it.02:14
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thesaint4444heguru: ok, thanks will test it out...02:14
juan__joaob you need to install ntfs configuration tool02:14
juan__joaob, you find it in add/remove02:15
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hegurutitun: ok, good luck :)02:15
thesaint4444heguru: it is on a remote connection machine and i dont want to loose the interface for obvious reasons...02:15
titunheguru: oh btw according to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto i did SETSERIAL=/dev/ttyS1, [step 5]  should i change that to /dev/ttyUSB0?02:16
joaobjuan__: I can't see how that will help , if the partiotin table is corrupt.02:16
heguruthesaint4444: normally /etc/init.d/network restart will not disconnect you02:16
joaobI'd need to create a new onematching the dirves contents...02:16
hegurutitun: yes02:16
shriphaniheguru, I installed vim-full but I still don02:16
shriphanit have syntax highlighting.02:17
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shriphanisorry, typo there.02:17
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hegurushriphani: one min02:17
darkchr0n0s_joaob : just paste it there02:17
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thesaint4444heguru: yes, thats what i was wondering... thanks...02:17
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joaobdarkchr0n0s_:  it is there02:17
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joaobdarkchr0n0s_:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40149/02:17
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filthpighi, isn't OpenOffice 2.3 added to the feisty repos?02:18
hegurufilthpig: no02:18
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thesaint4444heguru: what if there is a syntax/config error in the network file? will i loose the existing interface or just not get the new one?02:19
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Pici!br | novato_br02:20
ubotunovato_br: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:20
heguruthesaint4444: if error in only new one then you will not get the new one, if you modified the exiting ones and there is some error there, you will loose your connection02:20
codecainehey how can I move all the files in one directory on a ftp server to another part of the ftp server at one time?02:20
joaobjuan__, darkchr0n0s_thanks for the help02:20
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joaobjuan__, darkchr0n0s_: founfd it out02:20
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joaobwinXtraPain did not create a parttition table on hdb!!02:20
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joaobthe FS is on raw /dev/hdb02:20
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joaobtaht makes me __sick__02:21
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juan__joaob so you need to create a patrition table, right?02:21
joaobjuan__: No.02:21
Baikonurbad grammar makes me [sic] 02:21
thesaint4444heguru: ok, cool, just trying to check before i take action.. thanks :-)02:21
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juan__joaob then?02:21
novato_brjoaob, what do you make  sick ?02:21
filthpigheguru, okey, what's the easiest way of getting openoffice 2.3 on a feisty system with minimum fuss?02:21
joaobjuan__: I can  reate one tehre, or I would overwriute teh beggning of tthe filesystem02:21
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joaobI could already mount it02:22
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joaobthe painfull part is see such a crappy thing done.02:22
joaobbut I can work fine now.02:22
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hegurufilthpig: wait for 8 days, then upgrade to gutsy02:22
hegurufilthpig: not exactly minimum fuss!02:22
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krekonI have kubuntu feisty and I want to install printer Epson stylus c84 but there is no driver for this printer in printer list. What should I do?02:24
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ch3ckm8efind the driver online, and install it on ubuntu02:24
codecaineanybody know how to copy a directory recursively by ftp to another directory on the ftp server?02:25
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krekonch3ckm8e there is not driver for linux for this model of epson02:25
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hegurucodecaine: use GUI ftp tools if you have the option (gftp, filezilla)02:26
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hegurucodecaine: though I guess it can be dont with cli ftp too02:26
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Indiadev_Techiecan any one help me ??02:26
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ch3ckm8ekrekon: do you have a windows machine?02:27
codecaineId idn't see it in gftp either02:27
krekonch3ckm8e yes02:27
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ch3ckm8ekrekon: is it possible to install the printer on the windows machine and network the printer via samba to the ubuntu machine?02:27
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krekonch3ckm8e no I don't have network02:28
fevelset it up02:28
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fevelit would be a good idea to get rid of those unsupported hardware02:28
Indiadev_Techieis there any support for mp3,mpeg & other video/audio formats on ubuntu....02:29
Kleber_hello folks, I need to setup a new x86 desktop machine. I'd like to install gutsy beta and I know soon it will get the stable. My question is: if I install gutsy beta today, when the stable get available, can I update the beta to stable throw the internet ? if yes, how can I do that ?02:29
ch3ckm8ekrekon: you have a few options i can think of off the top of my head02:29
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ch3ckm8eindiadev_techie: get vlc player for linux02:29
punzadaAnyone know off the top of their head if/how to set the window decoration plugin in compizfusion from formatting 'any' window to any window but the 'dock' window?02:29
maconithIndiadev_Techie: please, search before coming here.02:29
Pici!mp3 | Indiadev_Techie02:29
ubotuIndiadev_Techie: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
ch3ckm8eKleber_: yes.. through the update manager provided in ubuntu02:29
Indiadev_Techiei want the dowloads....i m new 2 ubuntu....02:30
krekonch3ckm8e it is wierd that debian sarge (my old system) had a driver for c84 but ubuntu don't02:30
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maconithIndiadev_Techie: This really isn't a big issue.02:30
ch3ckm8eIndiadev_Techie: also check out the howtoforge on "setting up the perfect desktop ubuntu"02:30
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PiciIndiadev_Techie: Please read the links that ubotu gave you02:30
codecainefilezilla don't have it either :(02:30
Kleber_ch3chm8e: just using it ? all the software will be upgraded (even the wallpaper, etc..) ?02:30
Indiadev_Techiebut i dont have internet connection..i wanna download manually...02:31
fevelkrekon, then I guess there is a driver online somewhere, I had a similar problem with canon i32002:31
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PiciIndiadev_Techie: What exactly is the question here?02:31
fevelkrekon, have you checked linuxprint .org02:31
ch3ckm8eKleber_: yes there is an update manager that will update your system02:31
hegurucodecaine: gftp has it, just select the folder and press -> key02:31
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hegurucodecaine: unless I understood your question completely wrong02:31
Kleber_ch3chm8e: thanks, I will download and install the gutsy beta right now and later I upgrade it...02:32
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ch3ckm8ekrekon: a linux driver for debian should work in ubuntu.. try it and let me kno02:32
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fevelI had to install windows on vmware server to get the damn thing working02:32
krekonfevel no , I'll check it now02:32
maconithfevel: poor you.02:32
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fevelmaconith, yes...I got  me pretty frustrated02:32
ch3ckm8efevel: lol i thought of that solution02:32
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codecaineyea I figured it out thanks heguru02:33
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Chamunksdoes anyone know why im having trouble connecting to a vista shared folder in ubuntu this folder has shared permissions set up fine and it doesent have a password set but ubuntu keeps asking me for login credentials02:33
codecaineI selected the files then drag drop02:33
Indiadev_Techiei wanna download audio/video codec like (specially mp3,mpeg) for ubuntu manually.......u dont have internet connection at home......02:33
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Indiadev_Techiesorry "i"02:33
ch3ckm8eIndiadev_Techie: why not just use VLC for this?? It contains all the codecs you need02:33
fevelChamunks, I had a similar problem too! lol try typing the direct ip on nautilus02:33
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Steven_LaptopCan some tell me what setting to edit in Xorg to kill the horizontal scrolling?02:34
fevelChamunks,  like smb://ip02:34
Chamunksfevel, ill give that a try02:34
Indiadev_Techiei wanna download audio/video codec like (specially mp3,mpeg) for ubuntu manually.......i dont have internet connection at home......02:34
Indiadev_Techieany other ???02:34
Indiadev_Techiegive me the link.......02:34
Chamunksfevel, still asks me for the password02:34
poningru_Indiadev_Techie, go to packages.ubuntu.com02:34
poningru_and download it from there02:35
ch3ckm8eIndiadev_Techie: sudo apt-get install vlc02:35
Chamunksfevel, sigh i hate windows02:35
fevelChamunks, dang02:35
poningru_ch3ckm8e, he just said he doesnt have internet at home02:35
Chamunksfevel, if my friend had a nix box i would just ssh02:35
heguruIndiadev_Techie: you can download the codecs from http://www.medibuntu.org/02:35
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fevelChamunks, yes02:36
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ch3ckm8eponingru_: if he doesn't have the internet at home how does he expect to install the codecs?02:36
ch3ckm8eponingru_: i mean download not install02:36
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Chamunksany one know what this could be a password free windows share is having ubuntu ask me for login credentials02:36
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fevelIndiadev_Techie, with internet access you can just click the unsupported media and it will get the codecs online02:36
heguruChamunks: are you sure its password free? did you try accessing it from windows?02:37
Chamunksfevel, sigh i wish this would be easier but windows networking is allways beyond complicated for its issues02:37
poningru_ch3ckm8e, cause obviously he is connected now....02:37
poningru_ch3ckm8e, please think before you speak02:37
Chamunksfevel, sorry i was distracted while i typed that last sentence disregard it :P02:37
fevelheguru, good idea, try accessing from windows to see if the problem persists Chamunks02:37
Indiadev_Techieoh man....i m in cybercafe......02:37
Chamunksheguru, i can check it in my vm02:37
juan__i have serious problems while sending files though kopete, it is really slow an it usually hangs at 8-20%, any ideas on how to solve this?02:38
Chamunksheguru, i can see the shares but every time i try getting into one it prompts me02:38
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heguruChamunks: you can access the share from your windows VM?02:39
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feveljuan__, yes, I guess the protocol isnt stable yet02:39
ch3ckm8eponingru_: the last time i will refer to this issue, if you read his first post he states he wants to DOWNLOAD the codecs.. thanks for the reminder that i need to think before i speak02:39
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Chamunksheguru, booting now02:39
Chamunksheguru, its vista so if vista cant talk to vista than theres an issue here lol02:39
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feveljuan__, although there are other methods02:39
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heguruChamunks: normally vista doesn't allow password free shares by default, and guest account is also disabled02:39
heguruChamunks: in other words, its quite difficult to get password free shares in a stock vista without modifying security policy02:40
ch3ckm8eChamunks: have you tried the local admin password/?02:40
amadeuxAny users of VirtualBox here? Right now, the virtual network interface is running NAT to the real interface, but I can't connect to servers within virtualbox? How do I do that?02:41
ch3ckm8eChamunks: the login:password credentials for the user that created the share or local admin should be able to login to that share02:41
Chamunksch3ckm8e, i tried his username he doesent use a password02:41
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Chamunksheguru, we altered the specific folders privelages02:41
heguruChamunks: allowing everyone full access does not make it password less02:42
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juan__fevel, what are those other ways?02:42
Chamunksheguru, true enough02:42
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ch3ckm8eChamunks: try this, go into Places > Connect To a Server and type in the ip address for the machine. if it prompts you for the password go back into the windows machine and reset the admin password then login with the credentials Administrator:password02:42
heavengot some partition problems can anyone help me ? please PM me if you got a couple of minutes02:43
heguruheaven: maybe asking you're question here will be more helpful02:43
feveljuan__, dont come to mind right now, ask people on the channel, ive chosen a rather complicated way...I create a torrent and share the torrent only, it goes superbly fast. But thats me, the comlicated guy02:43
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heguruamadeux: try #vbox02:43
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juan__fevel thanks02:44
xubuntuMhow to install ubuntu server in expert mode02:44
feveljuan__, no prob02:44
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ChamunksGod damn i hate windows02:44
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ch3ckm8eChamunks: have you tried to reset the administrator password on that machine?02:44
heavenokay. I wanted to install ubuntu on a 40gb partition, 10 gb swap space, and another 100 GB storage space and now i got in "computer"two floppies from wich one is the 100GB partition but i can't acces it a DVDRW and the filesistem partition wich is 40 GB what should i do at reinstal to make it just right?02:45
ch3ckm8eChamunks: then set it with an appropriate password02:45
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ch3ckm8eheaven: go into console and type cd /media02:47
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ch3ckm8eheaven: does it list the 100gb partition?02:47
filthpighehe, heguru, I'm already on gutsy, I'm asking for a friend of mine02:47
sjordalhey i'm trying to make a customised install cd set. i'd like it to prompt for a second cd with extra packages02:47
heavenheaven@Station-Void:~$ cd /media02:47
sjordalanyone know what i need to modify ? something in preseed?02:47
idleone_heaven: why do you need/have 10gb swap? usauly swap is 2x RAM02:47
b08ydoes someone the ircchannel where i can find totem02:48
hegurushriphani: any progress with syntax highlighting on vim?02:48
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=== heaven looks around....
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heaveni dont know02:48
hegurushriphani: are you gutsy?02:48
ch3ckm8eheaven: i should've asked first, is the 100gb partition on a seperate harddrive from your ubuntu install?02:48
Chamunksch3ckm8e, its not my machine unfortunately i dont get admin rights02:48
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idleone_b08y: sudo apt-get install totem02:48
heavenno it's all on the same drive02:48
fevelb08y, comes preinstalled02:48
fevelor that =)02:48
darkangelis gusty stable enough for a desktop02:48
Steven_LaptopDoes anyone no what I need to edit in xorg to kill horz scrolling on this laptop?02:49
ch3ckm8eheaven: if you are going to create 3 partitions and one of them is going to be 100gb for storage space make sure you set the mount point correctly for that storage space02:49
idleone_darkangel: yes and support in #ubuntu+102:49
ChamunksIm going to try a power cycle of everything02:49
Chamunksthanks all!02:49
heavenand wich mount point should i set for the 100 GB storage space?02:49
b08yidleone_: im talking about where is the totem irchannel02:49
hegurub08y: i don't think totem has its own irc channel02:49
idleone_#totem maybe02:50
ch3ckm8eheaven: i dont know.. that mount point is going to be a folder you use to access that partition02:50
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ch3ckm8eheaven: you can use any directory you create02:50
heavenplease explain.... i don't understand so when i have to resize the partitions at ubuntu install what should i do then?02:50
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hegurub08y: if its totem on ubuntu, you can ask here, maybe someone can help02:50
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hegurub08y: you can also try #gstreamer02:51
ch3ckm8eheaven: first, why are you resizing partitions? are you dual-booting os'es or something similiar?02:51
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heavenno i want the 40 GB linux partition and the other 100 GB partition for me to put movies music software and stuff like that IN LINUX02:52
usr13heaven, Next, use free space for Ubuntu install.02:52
ch3ckm8eheaven; go into console and type mount and paste what you got02:52
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heaven/dev/sda3 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)02:53
heavenproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)02:53
heavenvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)02:53
heavenvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)02:53
heavenprocbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)02:53
heavenudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)02:53
heavendevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)02:53
heavendevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)02:53
heavenlrm on /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw)02:53
heguru!pastebin | heaven02:53
ubotuheaven: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:53
heaven/dev/sda2 on /home type ext3 (rw)02:53
heavenbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)02:53
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xubuntuMi have probem with installing ubuntu server02:54
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ch3ckm8eheaven: do you see sda3 and sda2?? those are your two partitions.. one is the root file system (ubuntu) on / and the other is on /home02:54
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usr13xubuntuM, What seems to be the problem ?02:55
ch3ckm8eheaven: this isn't windows. its not going to be C:\ and D:\ it will be /folder/partition1 /folder/partition202:55
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heavenok sorry yeah im a ex windows user and where do i find the second partition? and why do i have a 100 GB floppy drive?02:56
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b0nza1100gb floppy ehh02:56
b0nza1hmm sounds kinda big..02:57
heavenits the other partition02:57
heaveni know02:57
usr13heaven, partitions are numbered02:57
xubuntuMusr13: during the install it freez at 6%02:57
usr13drives are lettered02:57
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b0nza1should be something like /media/disk02:57
ch3ckm8ebonza1: it is the same device sda02:58
heavenfloppy 1 | floppy drive | CD-RW/DVDRW | Filesystem02:58
xubuntuMusr13: in step hardwar configuration it freeses at 6% (tmr290)02:58
heaventhis is what i have in computer02:58
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usr13heaven, An IDE drive will be hda    A scsi drive will be sda   partition one will be hda1  or sda102:58
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ch3ckm8eheaven: you have 2 partitions sda2 and sda3 go look in mount02:59
heavenlook where?02:59
ch3ckm8eheaven: in terminal type mount02:59
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:59
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heavenok can you tell me if i reinstall what exactly should i set as mount point for each one to work just as expected?02:59
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usr13heaven, That is an open-ended question.  It all depends on the hard drive space you have compared to your plans for using the system.03:01
opexocHow is called program to add new programs to menu Aplications?03:01
ch3ckm8eheaven: if you reinstall you can choose what you set the mount point as.. it is up to you but i would recommend you set the mount point for the 100 gb partition to be /JUNK to make it completely idiot proof03:01
ch3ckm8eheaven: once you boot up ubuntu you can see that you will indeed have a 100gb folder named JUNK under /03:01
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hegurushriphani: incase you are still here, you have to edit /etc/vimrc and uncomment syntax on03:02
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ch3ckm8eheguru: why do we do it? why do we help people :P03:02
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ch3ckm8eheaven: check out ULTIMATE UBUNTU i think you will find it to your liking03:03
heguruch3ckm8e: ah! I ask that myself everyday03:03
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MohammadBoozaryHaniHashemi: Salam :d03:03
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Picich3ckm8e: Ultimate Ubuntu isn't an official Ubuntu version.03:03
ch3ckm8ePici: and your point?03:03
heguruch3ckm8e: Walikumsalam03:03
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MohammadBoozaryHaniHashemi: mibini cheghad inja user dareh ?!03:04
aguitelch3ckm8e: what is ultimate ubuntu?03:04
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Picich3ckm8e: My point is that we'll be hard pressed to provide support for that.03:04
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ch3ckm8eheguru: where are you located? Im in Alpharetta, Georgia and im 1903:04
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ch3ckm8eaguitel: everything.. it has so many packages it needs to be on a dvd.. but its cool cuz you can install the gamers edition..03:05
Pici!english | MohammadBoozary03:05
ubotuMohammadBoozary: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:05
heguruch3ckm8e: ah i hate going offtopic here, specially when Pici is watching! maybe ask me in ubuntu-offtopic03:05
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Piciheguru: :)03:05
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aguitelch3ckm8e: where i can get it?03:06
ch3ckm8eaguitel: check google for ultimate ubuntu it comes with everything you would ever need on a desktop system unfortunately.. its a very big distribution03:06
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ch3ckm8ePici: i apoligize for going off topic03:06
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aguitelch3ckm8e: ok03:06
ch3ckm8ePici: and for advocating the use of ultimate ubuntu :P03:06
ikoniach3ckm8e don't recommend ubuntu ultimate03:06
heguruch3ckm8e: Don't recommend Ultimate ubuntu03:06
MohammadBoozaryPici: exusme, I'm Speak with my firend03:06
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cberl1Hi folks.  I was trying to use Sabayon and Pessulus yesterday and it appears to have done something to my default desktop settings -- I get a default GNOME icon set, a panel with nothing on it (and about two inches wide), no default background, etc.  I think this has to do with gconf, but I can't seem to find out how to set it back to "defaults".03:07
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darkchr0n0s_anyone knows, why i cannot resume some torrents in deluge.... it's just paused and won't resume :(03:07
hegurucberl1: this is #ubuntu support channel03:07
aguitelch3ckm8e: i think there will be version gutsy in this ultimate03:07
zimmy__my usb keyboard wont load on startup? do i need to add a usb to the kernel?03:07
cberl1heguru: Good.  Then I'm in the right place.03:07
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ch3ckm8eaguitel; im using it right now ;)03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sabayon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pessulus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:08
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Picicberl1: While you are in the right place, I think you'll find better support for those programs from a gnome channel, irc.gnome.org I believe.03:08
aguitelch3ckm8e: fesity version?03:08
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aguitelch3ckm8e: feisty version?03:08
cberl1Pici: Fine.  But Sabayon works just fine in Fedora and Debian.  This IS an Ubuntu issue....03:09
ch3ckm8eaguitel: get 1.5.. and then you can upgrade it to the version of your liking later03:09
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Piciheguru: Saybayon is the name of a distro and also the name of a profile lockdown application.03:09
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Picicberl1: hmm.03:09
Picicberl1: On Feisty or Gutsy?03:09
aguitelch3ckm8e: a ok03:09
aguitelch3ckm8e: is live dvd too ?03:09
AJ--ei guys.. my sound is gone after i restarted my PC.. wat seem to be the problem???03:09
heguruPici: oh, my bad03:09
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ch3ckm8eaguitel: please check your pms03:10
Piciheguru: It confused me at first too :)03:10
aguitelch3ckm8e: what is pms?03:10
cyranoHi. Get all the time a large error in firefox starting with: BeaglePageLoad: beagleWriteContent/Metadata failed: [Exeption... and it goes on. I think it has with parts of my hardisk being read only mode... but i don't really know or what to do. I haven't done anything special. it just happened. Please help03:10
usr13 To get gnome specific support try ##gnome channel  e.g.  /join ##gnome03:10
ch3ckm8eaguitel: lol.. yes its a live dvd email me at ch3ckm8e@gmail.com i would like to know your thoughts03:10
UbersoldatAJ--: check your dmesg and syslog to check out for posible errors03:10
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Piciusr13: gnome has their own IRC server, afaik they dont have any official channels on freenode.03:11
AJ--Ubersoldat: how can i check that03:11
Ubersoldatjust type dmesg03:11
dooglusI just turned the brightness down on my laptop by hitting the 'brightness down' button, but the 'brightness up' button doesn't turn it back up again.03:11
dooglusI can barely read the screen now - how can I turn the brightness back up?03:12
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AJ--ok its in terminal ryt03:12
dooglusplease highlight me in any replies so I can see what you say03:12
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usr13Pici I think you are wrong.03:13
Ubersoldaton a terminal03:13
Piciusr13: Examples?03:13
dooglusmaybe there's a gui or command line ay of changing the brightness?03:13
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usr13Pici, not important03:13
ch3ckm8elol any thoughts on dooglus?03:13
cberl1So....  Basically you guys are referring me off to GNOME to get this fixed?  I can't even find any info for Sabayon googling it with (aside from the distro)03:14
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nicolas_salut a tous!03:14
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Ubersoldatcberl1: not to gnome, but to the gnome irc server where most of the projects have their own room03:14
fernando_& games03:14
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usr13cberl1, We would be glad to help you, but our knowledge about gnome is less than what you'll find on the ##gnome channel03:15
cberl1Right.  Even though this is a Ubuntu issue.  (As I mentioned, Sabayon works the way I was using it.  Just not on Ubuntu)03:15
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usr13cberl1, But you are welcome to ask your questions.03:15
Picicberl1: Have you checked https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sabayon/ ?03:15
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Picinicolas_: stop03:15
cberl1All I really want is to get my default settings back without reinstalling.03:15
Pici!ops | nicolas_03:15
ubotunicolas_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici03:15
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demis_hi everybody03:16
Picijrib: ty03:16
ch3ckm8ewhy even provide support for sabayon?? this is a ubuntu channel..03:16
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Pici!info sabayon | ch3ckm8e03:16
ubotuch3ckm8e: sabayon: system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 122 kB, installed size 2352 kB03:16
usr13cberl1, I'm quite sure that if anyone knew how to do that, they would have told you by now.  If you will type    /join ##gnome   and ask again, you might get a better answer.03:16
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cberl1usr13: Fair enough.03:17
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hegurucberl1: WAIT, i found out!03:17
ch3ckm8eoops i was thinking of sabayonlinux.org is this different?03:17
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Picich3ckm8e: Yes. Its confusing, I know.03:18
aguitelch3ckm8e: is impossible downloading in mirrors03:18
ch3ckm8eaguitel: i would just get the torrent03:18
usr13heguru, Too bad, he's gone.  Sorry to say, I ran him off.03:18
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usr13heguru, What did you find?03:19
heguruush13: the defaults for gnome panel are part of gnome-panel-data03:19
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usr13He will more than likely be on ##gnome channel03:19
heguruusr13: a reinstall on that would've fixed03:19
heguruusr13: no he's not there03:19
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AJ--i realy cant find the error in dmesg ,, still cant make my sound to work03:20
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usr13heguru Well, that is where he should be.03:20
ch3ckm8eAJ: right click on the volume icon and go into preferences, try changing the device03:20
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AJ--ive than that ch3ckm8e03:20
nemo_workeSVN 0.6.12 has been updated in debian sid.  Is there any chance it will make it into gutsy?03:20
heguruusr13: actually I pm'ed him :)03:20
UbersoldatAJ--: type lspci and check if your sound card is there03:20
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nemo_workright now eSVN is essentially non-functional in ubuntu03:21
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nemo_workwell. semi-non-functional03:21
Picinemo_work: Probably not, but you can file a bug report on it. Also please move gutsy discussion to #ubuntu+103:21
nemo_workRapidSVN suffers from several deficiences eSVN does not03:21
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Ubersoldat00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)03:21
Ubersoldatsomething like that03:21
nemo_workPici: aight. will drop by there03:21
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AJ--Ubersoldat: i see the sound card  Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] 03:22
miles8Anyone have a nice bash cmd to add a string of text to the start of each line of a file03:22
hegurumiles8: you can do that with a vim macro03:22
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jribmiles8: sed03:23
miles8sed is probably better, about time for me to learn it too03:23
dooglusch3ckm8e: I rebooted, and it stayed dark03:23
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Ubersoldatmiles8: something like sed s/^/"String"/g foo.txt03:24
ch3ckm8edooglus that is quite the error.. let me look into it and ill get back to you03:24
Steven_Laptophow do I disabling taps03:24
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miles8Ubersoldat: so it just uses regex?03:24
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Ubersoldatmiles8: yeap03:25
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ch3ckm8edooglus: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28727103:25
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AJ--Ubersoldat: do ubuntu have problem with via sound cards like this  -->  Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] 03:26
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dooglusch3ckm8e: I have an ATI card, not SiS03:27
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zlobendoggToday my Ubuntu failed to start normally. After loading screen it wrote somtning like "X failed to start - it might be disconfigured" and then "X server is disabled". But i didn`t ever touch it =) Why can it be and how should i solve it?03:27
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dooglusch3ckm8e: rebooting and adjusting the brightness quickly before ubuntu breaks the brightness controls worked for me03:27
kanjohello there, if the disk i installed to is /dev/sdb2, so in grub> root (hd0,0) must be changed to?03:27
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Kaurhas anyone been successful running gutsy with two monitors while both have different resolution?03:28
heguruKaur: try asking in #ubuntu+103:28
usr13kanjo,  hd0,103:28
sandrhow many days till gutsy release ?03:28
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sandrnice :d03:29
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usr13kanjo, no it would be hd1,103:29
octmanlo installed ubuntu and only picked up 1 h/d03:29
doogluswhich package should I file 'broken brightness control' against?03:29
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fblade1987how can i save my wpa enterprise setting so when im a Uni i dont have to put the settings in all the time/03:29
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usr13sdb1 in gnome terminology would be hd1,103:30
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usr13CORRECTION:  sdb1 in grub terminology would be hd1,103:30
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kanjousr13: thx03:31
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zlobendoggOk, no one knows what to do with this X error. Next question - can i repair it from livecd?03:31
usr13kanjo, Sorry for the confusion03:31
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ch3ckm8eis there a vmware-any-any update that works with vmware server 1.0.4?03:32
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kanjousr13: np03:32
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usr13kanjo, I just didn't want you to doc my pay  :)03:33
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ch3ckm8ei wonder if dell tech supports ubuntu03:34
usr13kanjo, Didn't want you to cut my salary for giving inaccurate information.03:34
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gautadaHow do I determine which package provided a specific file03:34
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fblade1987how can i save my wpa Enterprise settings in ubunut03:34
FlatsAny pppd users here today?03:34
usr13ch3ckm8e, Well, if they won't, we will !03:34
kanjonovato_br: nandesuka?03:34
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octmanlo installed ubuntu and only picked up 1 h/d03:35
usr13gautada, apt-cache search03:35
zlobendogg,      =(03:35
novato_bri don't speak japanese, kanjo ! I'm funny03:35
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gautadafblade, you can setup "Location" using System->Administration->Network03:35
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beanageHola =)03:36
stibHi all. I'm trying to set up the SP-DIF i/o on my motherboard, it works in windows, but I don' get any joy in ubuntu. When I try to run alsamixer I get an error saying "function  snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such device" Also when I run the GUI mixer from the settings menu I get a blank list in the Device menu.03:37
_Andrew!es beanage03:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es beanage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:37
kanjonovato_br: lolz, i thought I could speak in my native here03:37
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zlobendoggX failed to start03:38
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:38
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novato_brkanjo, go to #fisica, and talk to akamaru03:38
zlobendoggand on russian?03:38
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Pici!ru | zlobendogg03:38
ubotuzlobendogg:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:38
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novato_brkanjo, he speaks little japanese language03:38
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octmaninstalled ubuntu and only picked up 1 h/d03:39
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Satyr 03:39
usr13octman, Please elaborate03:39
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usr13octman, What is your question?03:40
cosmodadhow do I fix: "Found x installations of <program> on your system! I won't run until there is only one of me"03:40
cosmodadI have definitely not installed the same binary from different packages03:40
usr13cosmodad, apt-get -f install package-name03:40
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ch3ckm8eoctman: go into console and type cd /dev/sd* if its a sata drive or cd /dev/hd* if its an ide03:40
octmani got a 80 gig and 40 gig h/d in pc but only got the 80 gig space03:40
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ch3ckm8ewhat does the output tell you03:40
usr13cosmodad, apt-get -f install03:40
gautadausr13: No not working I am trying to figure out which package provided "/usr/bin/gnome-keyboard-properties" and %>apt-cache search /usr/bin/gnome-keyboard-properties turned up nothing.03:41
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Evanlecwho wants to help me compile a custom kernel today?? :) :)03:41
cosmodadusr13: doesn't make a difference...03:41
beanageQuick Q&A, can you install compize or beryl on ubuntu 6?03:41
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geniiPici: :)03:42
ch3ckm8eoctman: im sorry go into /dev and type ls sd* for sata or hd* for ide03:42
cosmodadusr13: n/m used a broken package03:42
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stibAnyone know how to get alsamixer up and running?03:42
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kimmey] gnome03:42
ConnorWhy isn't IP masking set as a default flag set03:43
mr_marvinhello. i bought new HD, and use win xp/ubuntu. what do you guggest? ntfs or fat32?03:43
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Evanlecbeanage, sure03:43
jribmr_marvin: ext303:43
kimmeymr_marvin: nfts03:43
ch3ckm8emr_marvin: ntfs for windows03:43
beanageevanlec, k. just making sure it wasn't some sort of 64 bit thing.03:44
jrib!ext3 > mr_marvin (read the private message from ubotu)03:44
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:44
beanageEvan, you know where I could get a man for that?03:44
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usr13gautada,  apt-cache search keyboard |grep gnome03:44
Evanlecbeanage, no, nothing requires 64-bit :) some software requires 32-bit tho03:44
ConnorWhat character flag is IP masking03:44
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Evanlec!compiz | beanage03:44
ubotubeanage: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:44
beanageEvanlec, googles not turning up much but feisty fawn crap.03:44
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geniimr_marvin: If you will have some shared partition I recommend using ext2 and ext driver for windows from fs-driver.org    Various reasons03:44
mr_marvini would like to share that disk between win/linux. is ntfs support 100% reliable?03:45
beanage!compiz | beanage03:45
joneshi! question about grub. anyone good about it?03:45
jattmr_marvin: yes03:45
ch3ckm8emr_marvin: you shouldnt have a problem sharing an ntfs partition unless its thru a usb drive03:45
jattmr_marvin: ntfs-3g is stable03:45
mr_marvingenii: thank you. i'll se more details03:45
ch3ckm8ejones: what are you trying to accomplish03:45
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jribmr_marvin: it's reverse engineered... I would rather go with ext303:46
Evanlecbeanage, i think beryl might suit your version better, im not sure about compiz on dapper, try here http://forum.beryl-project.org/03:46
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geniijrib: Exactly03:46
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o00win directory structure what does the tilda represent?03:46
Picio00w: your home directory03:46
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beanageevanlec, kewl thanks. mind if I ask you a couple other quick ubuntu questions03:46
Picio00w: ~/Documents = /home/pici/Documents03:46
Evanlecbeanage, if i can answer them i will03:46
octmanwhere to is dev lol03:47
jonesch3ckm8e: after kernelubdate grub does not work, reconfigure menu.lst...is hda5 (second partition) always hd0,4 or could it be hd0,1?03:47
beanageevanlec, Like how do I update my video card driver? or How can I change my resolution?03:47
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Evanlecbeanage, what kinda vid card ya got?03:47
benzonHow do i add More Workspaces only got 2 right now and i want 4 if possible03:48
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jattright click on the workspaces->Preferences03:48
Evanlecbenzon, right click on the panel applet and preferences03:48
beanageevanlec, Let me look it up right quick it's a averatec laptop 3700 (ed1)03:48
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Evanlecnever heard of that brand lol03:48
o00wPici: so this screensaver electricsheep wants me to save files @ ~/.sheep but thats not possible...I was under the impression a directory cannot contain a . in the first char03:48
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Picio00w: Nope, directories can start with a .03:49
ch3ckm8ejones: dunno? anyone else familiar with a grub??03:49
Evanleco00w, directories under your home folder with a . are quite common, they are just hidden from view by default03:49
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mr_marvinok, one general question: what are chances of rendering hd completely unusable by error in some file sistem driver?03:49
ch3ckm8eanyone know the proper way to install and configure vmware server on ubuntu??03:49
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Picio00w: If you are using nautilus you can use ctrl-h to show them or on the terminal ls -a03:50
Evanlec!vmware | ch3ckm8e03:50
benzonEvanlec, thx :) - and now ill do a bug report for all the ati users and gutsy hehe  :) - just found out that if you install the ATI Driver - that Compiz stops working hehe03:50
ubotuch3ckm8e: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:50
beanageEvanlec, if I was using windows I would use run and through up dxdiag to get a direct X diagnostic, how do I do that on linux?03:50
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beanageor something to let me know what it thinks I'm running03:50
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benediktCan i use LVM to mirror two discs?03:51
benediktLike raid.. That is, if one disc fails, you still got your whole data. You jsut change the failed disc and the new one becomes a mirror too03:51
Evanlecbenzon, i found using the default ati driver worked better with compiz (atleast on feisty)03:51
Evanlecbeanage, you can try 'lspci' on the command line03:51
kanjocho, can some1 here show me how to install epiphany-webkit?03:51
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Matic`MakovecHello there. I need some help, urgent! Would anyone have an idea what to do about this? http://pastebin.com/m43f16e4103:51
Evanlecbenedikt, surely03:51
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octmanthanks ch3ckm8e03:52
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beanageEvan, I'm guessing it's a Via onboard video card.03:52
rpj8Hey guys, where do the install scripts get sent when you add them to startup via the gnome gui session manager03:52
o00wPici: so when I create a directory with a . in the beginning, after I refresh the folder has gone...does it move to the previous folder?03:52
kanjoMatic`Makovec: best way is to remove mysql-client and mysql-server, then reinstall03:52
benzonEvanlec >> so you wood say go and get the ati .run file and just install that or?03:52
rpj8o00w: adding a . in front of files or folders makes them private03:53
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Forage1Aaah.. Good Morning.  How can I sieze ownership of files and folders from owner: root?03:53
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Matic`MakovecHrm, alright kanjo.03:53
Picio00w: no '..' denotes parent directory.  If you name a file or folder .name its just hidden03:53
vinnie_Any1 using kiba dock and knows how to stop the icons from going into a spinning frenzy when doing mouseover? :(03:53
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punsadForage1: as root, use the chmod and chown commands to reassign ownsership/permissions03:53
rpj8Forage: sudo chown user file03:53
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JimQodeForage1, run nautilus as root03:54
rpj8Hey guys, where do the install scripts get sent when you add them to startup via the gnome gui session manager03:54
jonesquestion about grub, anyone good in this?03:54
Evanlecbenzon, no i would say do a 'sudo dpkg reconfigure xorg-xserver' and select the ATI when it asks for video card driver03:54
Evanlecbenzon, or simply turn off ati binary driver under restrictedd drivers manager03:54
Evanlecbenzon, and reboot03:54
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beanageEvanlec >> So how do I update the video card drivers? Or use linux to check what it thinks I'm using?03:55
Forage1Wow.. awesome!  I'll read the man on chmod and chown to work that out.  Next question: How can I change the order of items in the GRUB bootloader list?03:55
benzonEvanlec ill try that :) i manged to remove the restricet driver before and now Compiz adleest works opening windows aint to good and can crash the desktop if used to mutch so have to shut that off03:55
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Evanlecbeanage, you know how to open the terminal?03:56
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rpj8Forage1: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/7324-how-do-i-change-boot-order-grub.html03:56
rpj8Forage1: A little bit of google goes a long way :)03:56
Evanlecbenzon, support for it is a little flakey, i'd try compiz-fusion or talk to the guys in #compiz-fusion03:56
ch3ckm8erpj8: couldn't have said it better.. we should put that in TOPIC03:56
beanageEvan>> yes I do03:56
stibforage look at /boot/grub/menu.lst03:56
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Evanlecbeanage, try typing lspci at your terminal03:57
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rpj8ch3ckm8e: Heh.03:57
Forage1Terrific!  THanks everyone!03:57
beanageEvan>> k, big read back03:57
benzonEvanlec >> It works adleest tho on Gutsy :)03:57
EvanlecForage1, lol, you're a model ubuntu user ;)03:57
benzonEvanlec >> Aint perfect but way better then the others i tryed03:57
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Evanlecbeanage, yea, see if u can find something that looks like your vid card03:58
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Evanlecbenzon, yea that seemed to be my experience with ATI and compiz as well...nvidia drivers still much better supported under linux, tho that is changing now that ati has finaly released their driver source03:58
beanageEvenlec>> Apparently the drivers are correct, but my resolution is like 640x48003:58
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beanageEvanlec>> maybe 800x600, but how do I change it from console?03:59
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jonesabout menu.lst: is hda5 (1st disk, second partition) always hd0,4 or could it be hd0,1?03:59
beanageerr terminal03:59
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tvvladimiranyone here ever tried running Solidworks on Ubuntu?03:59
Evanlecbeanage, okay, well, here's where you get to edit your xorg.conf file...and trust me you'll probably do it atleast a few times before you get things right :)03:59
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aatahey can anyone telll me what xpde is?03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xpde - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:59
Evanlecbeanage, its a lot of fun trust me lol....*sarcasm*04:00
beanageEvanlec>> hehe did it once and killed my gui04:00
Evanlecaata, google probly could04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:00
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beanageevanlec>> is it under etc/apt/ ?04:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:00
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:00
Evanlecbeanage, the rescue from that is 'sudo dpkg reconfigure xorg-server' from the terminal04:01
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Evanlec!resolution | beanage04:01
ubotubeanage: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:01
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beanageevanlec>> hehe yeah thats how I wound up with this crazy resolution.04:01
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Evanlecstart there, i'll look at your xorg.conf if u need04:01
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XTaranHi, what's Ubuntu's replacement for reportbug?04:02
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EvanlecXTaran, launchpad04:02
Evanleci believe04:02
Mark7Hey everyone.  Is there a "Get Linux" campaign?  Other than Steve Balmer's I mean?04:02
PiciXTaran: apport automagically reports bugs when things crash, and points you at launchpad.net04:02
XTaranwhich launchpad doesn't output anything04:02
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Mark7YOu know, like the Firefox one04:02
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rpj8Hey guys, where do the install scripts get sent when you add them to startup via the gnome gui session manager04:03
XTaranPici: Ok, "apport" looks like a point to start searching for more infos. Thx.04:03
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beanageEvan, so you want me to try running the xserver reinstall?04:04
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geniiMark7: Well, thats a bit offtopic for this channel which is mainly geared to tech support04:04
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Evanlecbeanage, not reinstall but reconfigure, but read this page first: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:04
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Mark7This is tech support?04:04
rpj8Mark7: Yes04:04
Mark7I thought it was just general Ubuntu chat04:04
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ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels04:05
PiciMark7: Thats #ubuntu-offtopic04:05
Mark7Where's General?04:05
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EvanlecMark7, but we are also part of the get linux campaign, because without support from these people here, ppl wouldnt be too happy with ubuntu guaranteed04:05
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dr3w2morowI just got my linux and im needing flashplayer 9 but when i fownloaded it through the synpatic manager that flashsomething-nonfree04:05
dr3w2morowi install it04:05
dr3w2morowand it still wont work>04:05
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Mark7K.  I'll ask there04:05
aatauh will installing xfce require me to install new programs? and can i install it w/o installing xubuntu?04:05
tokerdoes anyone know, why i keep getting i.p adresess, exactly the same as mine except from the last 3 digits are diff, trying to connect to smb (137,138)04:06
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Evanlecaata, you can install xfce and any number of other window managers and switch between them at login04:06
aatathought so..04:06
aatathanks evanlec04:06
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Evanlecaata, however if you like and prefer xfce its best to use xubuntu04:06
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aatai just want to test out xfce, and see if i like it04:07
Evanlecsince everything works together a little nicer from the get-go04:07
John117Hey everybody, I'd like to ask a few questions if I may.  I'm brand new with ubuntu and I'm having trouble with the installation.04:07
Evanlecaata, you can do that without fear then04:07
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aatacause i dont have any system resource issues as such... so if xfce gives me the look, thats all i want04:07
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Matic`MakovecErr...hey there. Any ideas about this thingie? http://pastebin.com/m43f16e41 (removing mysql-server doesn't help really)04:08
mozjonathanhi ; is suspend2 (aka tuxonice) included in the default gutsy kernel ?04:08
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Piciaata: Whats the problem with installing xubuntu-desktop?04:08
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WaltzingAlongmozjonathan: i do not think so04:08
aatai dont know... i guess ill have to put in the effort of finding new apps for everything04:08
John117 I'm going to wait a minute for you guys to catch up with your questions then I'd like to ask one.  Just let me know.  Thanks! :)04:08
Evanlec!gutsy | mozjonathan04:09
ubotumozjonathan: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:09
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fritzsJohn117 ask away.04:09
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genii!ask John11704:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask john117 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:09
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genii!ask | John11704:09
ubotuJohn117: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:09
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Piciaata: You can install the xubuntu-desktop package on top of Ubuntu/Kubuntu, it won't hurt anything.04:09
mozjonathanEvanlec, WaltzingAlong okay, thanks04:09
XTaranI have to register to report bugs?!?04:10
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aataand i can run gnome apps (banshee fspot etc.) with no trouble?04:10
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John117Okay.  Toshiba Celeron 1.4ghz laptop 512memory 40g hd.  Installing Ubuntu from CD burned yesterday.  6.xx desktop version.  Hangs at 72% of installation every time.  the 7.xx version does not even start up past the main menu screen.  Am I doing something wrong?04:10
betimhi, I have this new version of ubuntu, and when I select normal visual effects my metacity is gone, I don't want to use emerald, so what should I do?04:10
WaltzingAlongaata: you can use kde, gnome, xfce, and so on (like fluxbox and others) then run the apps you normally use like fspot or amarok or so on04:10
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murlidharcan anybody make a binary package of a great torrent client called linkage i have used it in fedora unfortunately it does not have any binary package for ubuntu. If anyone can help the author by building a binary package for ubuntu04:10
fritzsaata, xfce is a window manager, those applications rely on libraries that (while associated with the window manager) don't require the window manager to be running.04:10
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aataah thanks for clearing that up fritzs04:11
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_Andrewmurlidhar: If you have an rpm you could use alien to make it into a deb04:12
murlidhar_Andrew: i did that it is not working04:12
Evanlecmurlidhar, you could also make one yourself, but thats beyond the scope of support for this channel i believe04:12
murlidharEvanlec: i am a noob04:12
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aataalso, is alien a foolproof way of converting rpm => deb?04:12
Evanlecmurlidhar, have you tried Deluge?04:12
fritzsmurlidhar: check out deluge in the apt repositories.04:12
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Evanlecaata, hardly04:12
murlidharEvanlec: yes i have04:13
WaltzingAlong!info deluge-torrent04:13
aataso what could go wrong? corrupt files?04:13
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:13
Evanlecmurlidhar, whats not to like? ;p04:13
cVsupi need change usplash in ubuntu 7.0404:13
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Evanlecaata, any number of things, its certainly not foolproof, maybe not corrupted files, but certainly breakage04:13
XTaranHow should I report bugs if the reporting tool has a bug? *grrr*04:13
XTaran# apport-cli -f -p schedutils04:13
XTaranCould not import module, is a package upgrade in progress? Error: No module named xdg.DesktopEntry04:13
aatai see04:13
murlidharEvanlec: but i felt linkage was working better plus it is light weight04:14
WaltzingAlongmanually via launchpad04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upsplash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
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=== John117 is waiting patiently for his answer. :)
geniiJohn117: It does not sound like you are doing anything strange during install. Some hardware especially SATA controllers or odd chipsets can give occasional grief.04:14
usr13murlidhar, apt-cache search linkage04:14
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cVsupsomebody can help me?04:14
XTaranOk, my error, package name seems to have changed with gutsy...04:14
John117genii, do you have any recomendqations?04:14
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fritzsJohn117:  It sounds like some sort of hardware issue, you're probably not doing anything wrong.  Try 7.10 in a few days if you don't want to devel into the internals of the operating system.04:14
erUSULmurlidhar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Torrent <<<< there is an effort there to package it04:14
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WaltzingAlong!usplash | cVsup04:14
ubotucVsup: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:14
Evanlecmurlidhar, you may be right, but to compile it and install from source probably wouldnt be worth your effort, but look and see if it already has a package for ubuntu04:14
John117fritzs thanks!04:15
sanguisdexhow can I get my dell laptop to recativate the screen when I open the lid04:15
dr3w2morowI need flash player on my linux for school... i downloaded the flashplugin-nonfree and it doesnt work? can anyone help me?04:15
XTaranBut the error message is quite misleading...04:15
cVsupWaltzingAlong, but this manual not work in feisty04:15
EvanlecJohn117, try the alternate install cd04:15
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XTaranBut the right package name gets the same error:04:15
XTaran# apport-cli -f -p util-linux04:15
XTaranCould not import module, is a package upgrade in progress? Error: No module named xdg.DesktopEntry04:15
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murlidharEvanlec: there has been no package built for ubuntu http://code.google.com/p/linkage/04:16
John117 I'm trying really hard to get rid of windows.  I tried to do a dual boot on my laptop. If i like it, i'll do my desktop, But when it hung at 72%, it @#$ed my laptop so i had to wipe the whole HD. Now I'm VERY wary about trying it on the desktop.04:16
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geniiJohn117: If possible make sure the bios of your computer is set to use SATA drives in what may be "Compatability" or "IDE" mode. More likely to progress further along with install if SATA is the issue. If you have one of the ALternate install CDs  and are doing text install, you can switch to see what error msgs are being generated by alt-f4, these can be enlightening also04:16
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John117Okay!  Alternat instal CD??04:17
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murlidharEvanlec: i tried to compile it but failed miserably04:17
dr3w2morowJohn117: when it boots up go to the system set up and change it to go to your cd-rom before it goes to hard drive... then turn off your computer and when it reloads press your Boot button (probably F12) and press it until it comes up with the install cd that you plugged in04:17
John117I just burned the one on the website.04:17
geniiJohn117: If you google something like "laptopname" ubuntu install           you may find some issues addressed on ubuntuforums or similar as well04:17
Evanlecmurlidhar, if you're relatively new to this stuff...i would say dont bother04:17
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EvanlecJohn117, look on the website again, there is an "alternate" install CD that is a text-based installer but in my opinion is much better than the normal install cd, has much less trouble with hardware usualy04:18
John117dr3w2morro, when i boot, i press f12 for the boot menu and select CD-ROM.  It boots fine, then i select "Try ubuntu/Install" and it loads fine.  Then i click "install" and it hangs at 72%04:18
WaltzingAlongJohn117: there are several from the website. alternate is just for installing through a text interface. the live or desktop ones boot to a kde or gnome session and from there you install or just play04:18
geniiJohn117: The same location which you got the regular iso, you can check a box near bottom to get Alternate iso instead04:19
murlidharEvanlec: i am not that new in compiling from source but this gives me a headache since first u have to compile libtorrent and then compile linkage04:19
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John117Thanks guys.  Very helpful.   More so thank macrosofts tech support :p04:19
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Evanlecmurlidhar, yea, see you probly know more about it than me ;p04:19
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WaltzingAlongso in the end you may find that it is just easier to use azureus or any of the other torrent clients/servers (peers) murlidhar04:20
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murlidharEvanlec: don't know about u but i am a noobie04:20
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EvanlecWaltzingAlong, the alternate cd may allow him to get thru the install process tho, since itrequires less resources04:20
Evanlecmurlidhar, i am too with compiling stuff04:21
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murlidharWaltzingAlong: no i would like to have a lightweight torrent client for my slow pc04:21
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John117The bios, unfortunately, does not list anything about the transfer mode of the CD-rom or conroller.  I'll try the other options. Thanks all.04:21
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breakinStupid question, but what version of the linux kernel will be in 7.10? Only thing I could get from the beta-page was "Ubuntu includes the latest Linux kernel, featuring dynticks." which was included in the 2.6.21-kernel... would like to know where to find out these things for myself the next time as well...04:21
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WaltzingAlongbreakin: 2.6.22 i think04:22
Picibreakin: 2.6.22-1404:22
erUSULbreakin: 2.6.22 heavily patched as allways with ubuntu04:22
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breakinThanks a lot, that's what I wanted to hear (2.6.22-something)!04:22
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Evanlecis  the -something mean the heavily patched part?04:23
Evanlecjust wondering04:23
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geniiJohn117: Are you using a PPc by any chance?04:23
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Evanlecam wanting to do a custom compile04:23
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SpecHow do I disable screen blackout/screensavers/any power management function at all?04:24
dr3w2morowGuys can anyone msg me with flash player help?04:24
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kahrytanSpec,  why?04:24
erUSULEvanlec: no really is just an internal versioning of ubuntu04:24
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Speckahrytan: i'm in a lab with 30 computers, and we seem to notice that when screens black out/screen saver is activated, it crashes the central server04:24
Specit's an ltsp-like lab04:25
PiciSpec: odd.04:25
incorrecthas anyone got the vpnc client to connect to a cisco vpn?04:25
erUSULEvanlec: most add on patches of ubuntu are out of tree drivers04:25
EvanlecerUSUL, oh, but it does refer to ubuntu-specific patches to the kernel then?04:25
Speci agree, i'm sure there's a CLI way to disable screensavers/screen blackouts, right?04:25
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: you installed through the ubuntu.com repositories and which browser?04:25
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EvanlecerUSUL, i see04:25
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PiciSpec: Do you mean xscreensavers or the cli blackouts?04:25
EvanlecerUSUL, and that provides all the automagick hardware support right?04:25
dr3w2morowWaltzingAlong: they told me to install flashplugin-nonfree so i did and im using firefox04:26
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SpecPici: it's not CLI, i haven't seen the problem myself, i was told to disable all power management features as well as the screen savers04:26
hi_hello_niceexplain me something? Someone on irc says "bye, your internet will shut down haha". And 2 seconds later it does. How does someone do that?04:26
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erUSULEvanlec: it does not mean "we patched it 14 times" its just the 14th "final build" they made afaics04:26
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jatthi_hello_nice: which irc client do you use?04:26
PiciSpec: Is this accross multiple users?04:26
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: ok and what happens then when you visit a website using flash?04:26
SpecPici: yes04:26
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SpecPici: 30 :p04:26
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erUSULhi_hello_nice: maybe a DDoS ??04:27
jatthi_hello_nice: use another irc client.04:27
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LadyNikonuh oh04:27
LadyNikonkde upgrade heh04:27
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hi_hello_nicejatt: uh? how mirc is vulnerable?04:27
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LadyNikonmirc has tons of those. heh04:27
erUSULhi_hello_nice: so it was on windows ;P04:27
PiciSpec: Do you need to do it from the cli?04:27
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hi_hello_niceshow me one?04:27
dr3w2morowWAltzingalong: it says its not turned on or i dont have the flash player 9 and it takes me to they adobe site but when i try and download it there i get stuck at the litte place where it says Add Extract folders stuff04:27
EvanlecerUSUL, interesting...was looking at this page...thot maybe i'd give it a shot:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel04:27
pierre__hi everybody04:28
John117genii, what is PPc?04:28
Speci was thinking maybe killall gnome-screensaver and chmod -x `which gnome-screensaver`04:28
PiciSpec: If not, you could try using sabayon/pessalus04:28
pierre__everyone can help me with acpi fonction04:28
PiciSpec: or disabling the xscreensaver/gnomescreenaver daemon04:28
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: after installing flashplugin-nonfree you need to close the browser then start it again.04:28
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cy_`what's a good cpu/memory stress/performance test-tool?04:28
Evanlechi_hello_nice, mIRC is Terrible in my opinion, use x-chat04:28
erUSULEvanlec: i use vanilla kernels myself (just built and run 2.6.23 final ;))04:28
Picicy_`: cpuburn04:28
dr3w2morowwaltzing along: u mean i need to install and unistall firefox?04:29
John117cy_` Sandra by Sysoft is good.  I don't know if they have a Linux version though.04:29
Spec Pici: how do i disable the screensaver per user?04:29
addoswhat is the easiest way to get ALL the source of a particular ubuntu release?04:29
EvanlecerUSUL, by vanilla you mean without any patches (ubuntu or otherwise) ?04:29
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: no just close firefox then start it again.04:29
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PiciSpec: Theres probably a gconf key.04:29
SpecPici: crap04:29
Kenny3how can i change to kde in ubuntu studio?04:29
WaltzingAlongEvanlec: that is what erUSUL should mean04:29
dr3w2morowwaltzingalong: i do but youtube still wont work?04:29
cy_`thanks Pici and John11704:29
Ballenahow do I format an USB-stick in ubuntu?04:29
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kstcan someone tell me how you make descriptions of desktop icons not make a linebreak, at least not stupid linebreaks (in the middle of a word, or 1 letter alone in next line)?04:29
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EvanlecBallena, use gnome partition manager04:30
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cy_`Pici,  Warning: The goal has been to maximize heat production from the CPU, putting stress on the CPU itself, cooling system, motherboard. This may cause data loss (filesystem corruption) and possibly permanent04:30
cy_` damage to electronic components. Use at your own risk. # sounds dangerous ;\04:30
John117 Update:  I'm attempting the installation again in Safe Graphics Mode.  We'll see if that works.  If not, i'm going to Worst Buy to get some more blank CDs..  Then i try the alternat CD install.04:30
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Picicy_`: sounds like a good stress-test tool to me04:30
ripperhi all, i'm having problem with X Server trying to run nvidia driver for geforce go 740004:30
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: which version does this command show? aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Version04:30
erUSULEvanlec: the one from kernel.org... no patches (i compile the nvidia module and my wifi card driver though)04:30
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BallenaEvanlec: ok. But it dosent show up in gparted :/04:30
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EvanlecPici, he wants a benchmark tool tho, not a burn-in04:31
PiciEvanlec: ah04:31
ripperi installed the nvidia driver using Envy, and when i reboot X server crashed04:31
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!04:31
EvanlecerUSUL, interesting, and why do you do it that way im curious04:31
dr3w2morowwaltzingalong: u mean what version in the sunaptic manager?04:31
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EvanlecBallena, it should....if it doesnt something may be wrong04:31
WaltzingAlongdr3w2morow: could be there too. otherwise open a vterminal, type (paste) those commands04:31
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BallenaEvanlec: ok04:31
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dr3w2morowWaltzingalong: what commands? sorry new to this loinux04:32
rippercan someone please help me with this? i can no longer enable desktop effects...i'm running ubuntu feisty fawn04:32
erUSULEvanlec: i like to build my own kernels (done so from my early days in linux) and report problems ...04:32
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addosis there a package on the repository of all the source for a ubuntu distribution?04:33
rippercan someone help with my above problem please04:33
EvanlecerUSUL, well thats what i want to do as well, but im confused as to whether i should install any patches or not04:33
erUSUL!envy | ripper04:33
uboturipper: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!04:33
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Evanlec!compiz | ripper04:33
uboturipper: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:33
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flokuehnhi all04:34
Evanlecaddos, ALL the source? what you're asking for would be immense in proportion04:34
erUSULEvanlec: depends on the hardware you got mainly04:34
geniiripper: You able to get into X at all?04:34
pierre__someone can help me with acpi04:34
addosEvanlec: how so?04:34
flokuehni want to create an iso file of a cd04:34
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HentaiSushihello i am trying to install 7.04 ... again.  im having trouble with the partitioning04:34
flokuehnwhat application can do this04:34
addosEvanlec: I routinely build FreeBSD, why can't I rebuild Ubuntu from source?04:34
Evanlecaddos, Ubuntu is a distribution of linux, which means it uses a linux kernel (the core) and a set of software that works together, so im not sure what you're asking04:34
nrdbflokuehn: you can use the command 'dd'04:35
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_Andrewaddos: I think all the source code is 100 gig compressed04:35
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flokuehnnrdb: thank you04:35
Evanlecaddos, do you mean the linux kernel? i think that must be what you mean04:35
rippergenii: no i can't get into X at all, unless i change the Driver "nv" in xorg.conf, basically as long as i don't use "nvidia" as the Driver in xorg.conf, i can get into X04:35
geniiflokuehn: Simplest is from a terminal. Just do:   sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom ~/filename.iso04:35
addosI mean, the source for all the userland and kernel04:35
addosaka, the whole distribution04:35
senhorsomeone help-me04:35
Evanlecaddos, well like _Andrew said, 100 gig compressed sounds about right...you got a fat pipe? lol04:35
nrdbflokuehn: I use "dd if=/dev/hdc of=x.iso"04:35
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erUSUL!anyone | senhor04:36
ubotusenhor: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:36
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moppitripper:Are you using the updated NVIDIA drivers or NVIDIA-LEGACY drivers if you have an older card?04:36
rippergenii: it was fine all these while, until i tried to install the latest nvidia driver 100.14.19, and failed to do so, and i tried to revert, and failed miserably04:36
geniiripper: OK, use something that works for now, nv is fine. then rerun restricted-manager ad configure again from there04:36
=== RickH [n=rick@c-68-58-106-180.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
addosthat is so odd, Linux distribs used to provide cds with the source for the distribution04:36
flokuehngenii: thank you04:36
afiefDoes anybody know about a game similar to Flags(minesweeper multiplayer) in MSN Messenger?04:36
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RickHGreetings.  Is there a way I can disable disk read/write caching on a particular volume?04:36
EvanlecerUSUL, okay so i'd want to compile in the latest nvidia driver and my wifi driver (RT2500), anything else?04:36
moppitRickH Isn't that something you do from BIOS?04:37
rippermoppit: i believe i'm using nvidia driver 100.14.11, it's the version before the current latest version, my nvidia card is geforce go 740004:37
Evanlecaddos, Ubuntu is HUGE compared to older linux distros04:37
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geniiflokuehn: I erred with syntax, should be of=~/filename.iso   in the command i gave earlier04:37
RickHmoppit:  Nope, OS specific.04:37
erUSULEvanlec: that's exactly the two drivers i build into my kernels XD04:37
marko-_-I wanna play this game http://www.highgrow.us/download.php :P i downloaded the setup .exe and runed it through wine it installed everthing fine and the icon from the game is on my desktop but it won't launch04:37
EvanlecerUSUL, and so thats all i would need you suspect?04:37
erUSULEvanlec: ralink rt2500 legacy (rt2x00 serialmonkey ) and nvidia (from nvidia.com)04:38
EvanlecerUSUL, the rt2500 driver? nice...yea im using a broadcom 802.11g card04:38
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Picimarko-_-: support applications in wine is handled in #winehq, they will be able to help you better than we can.04:38
Kenny3can i change to KDE on ubuntu studio?04:38
rippergenii: you mean enable the nvidia driver through restricted driver manager? and then do a restart?04:38
erUSULEvanlec: you have 2 wifi cards? rt2500 and broadcom?04:39
RickHWhen does Gibbon come out?04:39
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PiciRickH: ~18th04:39
geniiripper: Yes04:39
RickHPici:  Thx.04:39
EvanlecerUSUL, no no, its a Broadcom card with the rt2500 chipset04:39
flokuehngenii: where did get this knowledge about dd ? Iam looking at the manpage and i cant find anything about the thins you told me to do04:39
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rippermoppit: envy installation of nvidia driver shows that i'm using nvidia-glx-new04:39
EvanlecerUSUL, well Broadcom i think just being the brand name on the box04:39
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John117Argh...  It hung at 73% this time. :)   i'll go get some more CDs and try again.  Thanks for the help everybody.  Keep up this great community and Ubuntu will take over the world. :)04:39
Symmetriaheh ubuntu is now our second largest mirror on our mirror servers04:39
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EvanlecerUSUL, but it is a RT2500 im sure of that (thats the chipset right?)04:40
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rippergenii: all right, fingers crossed, i'll try that now, would come back here again regardless if it works04:40
erUSULEvanlec: i see mine is  Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01) (from lspci)04:40
Symmetriaand the largest of which is actually not an operating system distribution at all04:40
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EvanlecerUSUL, thats exactly what my lspci says too04:40
tom_I have made my  Mac Book Pro a dual boot system, but I want to share a HFS+ partition. In kubuntu, it says 'hal-storage-fixed-mount-refused uid 1000'. How do I fix?04:40
geniiflokuehn: dd is not originally for making a cd copy, it is for making a bit-by-bit exact copy of a hard drive or similar. So it works anyhow this method for an iso file from a cd.04:40
Symmetriaheh, we do 4 times the amount of ubuntu traffic than any other linux distro at the moment actually04:40
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nrdbSymmetria: what is the largest ?04:40
flokuehngenii: ok04:40
Symmetrianrdb firefox updates04:40
Symmetriaby far04:40
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Symmetrianrdb heh firefox averages 50 to 60 mbit/second 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and peaks at 150mbit/second on releases04:41
EvanlecSymmetria, what site are you representing?04:41
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stinger05hi there04:41
Symmetriaza.releases.ubuntu.com/za.archive.ubuntu.com specifically04:41
nrdbSymmetria: wow04:41
HentaiSushihow do i set up partitions so i can install ubuntu manually?04:41
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EvanlecSymmetria, firefox downloads? how about ubuntu iso downloads?04:41
Symmetriaubuntu currently averages 35 to 40mbit/second04:41
senhorsomeone help me04:41
Evanlec24/7 ?04:41
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Symmetriaevan we push 35 to 40 in normal times when its not release04:41
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stinger05is there a way to install packages for ubuntu "offline"?04:42
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Symmetriaduring release times it gets insane, coupla hundred megabit04:42
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Suqare_Rootwhere can I find a proxy list for irc?? I've found many but all proxies fail, rejected / closed or unable04:42
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VomI would need help installin' fglrx, done everythin' like BinaryDriverHowto/ATI tells me to, but still its whinin' of my DRI.04:42
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Pici!offtopic | Suqare_Root Symmetria04:42
ubotuSuqare_Root Symmetria: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:43
EvanlecSymmetria, can i get a shell account? :) :)04:43
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stinger05is there a way to install packages for ubuntu "offline"?04:43
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MasterShrekstinger05, if you have the cd, or the pacakges already04:43
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Picistinger05: Theres aptoncd and .deb packages.04:44
sniperjami sent my laptop off to get its damaged screen replaced, and now the titlebad of windows are MASSIVE... any ideas? (it is like that on live cds too)04:44
EvanlecerUSUL, do you have a guide or something you follow when compiling your kernel? do you think this is a good one to start with?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel04:44
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Evanlecstinger05, you can download the ubuntu dvd, has a bunch more packages, for offline install04:44
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stinger05what is aptoncd for then ?04:45
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erUSUL!kernel | Evanlec04:45
ubotuEvanlec: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages04:45
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stinger05ah ok i got the idea:)04:45
ubotuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.04:45
sergio_Hola ...hay alguien aqui??04:45
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rippergenii: are you there?04:46
erUSULEvanlec: i do not use the "debian way" i use the manual way just make; make install; make modules_install... and mkinitramfs04:46
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stinger05but is there anyway to back-up the packages using aptoncd in "windows xp"04:46
geniiripper: yup04:46
rippergenii: enabling nvidia through restricted driver manager did not work, X server crashed as well04:46
VomSo - anyone having the similar problem? Meaning DRI not workin' with ATi.04:46
Pici!es | sergio_04:46
ubotusergio_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:46
EvanlecerUSUL, initramfs what do u do that for?04:46
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sniperjamany ideas about my massive titles in windows guys? (not ms windows)04:46
rippergenii: it changed "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf, i had to manually change it back to "nv" to get back in here04:46
erUSULEvanlec: to make the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic04:46
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MasterShrekEvanlec, that loads modules right away when u choose your kernel so things like mounting your root partition work before modules for it would be loaded04:47
EvanlecerUSUL, oh thats part of the normal process then..gotcha04:47
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rippergenii: and by the way, enabling the restricted driver uninstalled my nvidial-glx-new and replaced with nvidia-glx04:47
geniiripper: When you hit gdm did it give a series of config panels?04:47
EvanlecMasterShrek, i see, isnt it possible to not use initrd?04:47
rippergenii: you mean now?04:47
MasterShrekyes it is Evanlec if you compile things directly into the kernel04:48
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stib sniperjam: look for the DPI setting, that's what's causing it.. try /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:48
EvanlecMasterShrek, is there any implicit advantage in doing that?04:48
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geniiripper: no, i mean the first time after you rebooted after switching to restricted driver from nv04:48
MasterShrekEvanlec, just to not have to make an initrd, i generally try to do that because its just one last step you have to do when compiling a kernel04:49
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EvanlecMasterShrek, you try to avoid making an initrd?04:49
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MasterShrekEvanlec, yes, as much as possible04:49
rippergenii: after i rebooted after switching to restricted driver, i can't even get into X. the X server error screen shown and i ended up in the terminal04:49
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stinger05is there anyway to back-up the packages using aptoncd in "windows xp"? or do i have to do that via linux ? ?04:50
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r2r4hello. i have 2 eth cards on my computer,VIA XXXX and 8139. ethtool shows VIA XXXX is using the driver of 8139, and the 8139 card is using the driver of VIA. how to fix it?04:50
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EvanlecMasterShrek, I used to compile kernels way back on redhat 7 i believe, am interested in doing it here on ubuntu, not because im a developer by any means, but just wanted to tweak and make a lean & fast kernel04:50
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geniiripper: What was the error message/code?04:51
MasterShrekme to Evanlec im working on it right now, ive never compiled one in ubuntu tho, just in slack and gentoo, but it should be the same, i dont think an initrd is required, it never was in slack04:51
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Stefan__Hi guys, can someone help me please with this mysql problem: mysql don't start, ERROR 2002 appears every time :-( what to do to fix it?04:52
MasterShrekEvanlec, just use a config from /boot and make sure to do a 'make oldconfig' first04:52
MasterShrekStefan__, do you konw what error 2002 is?04:52
EvanlecMasterShrek, are you compiling a Ubuntu kernel or a stock kernel from kernel.org04:52
Exonimusguys, maybe someone can help me. I've got this really old philips vesta webcam, and I've used it as a mircrophone for years. Is this possible in ubuntu? I have no clue where to find the correct drivers..04:52
rippergenii: it was pretty long, can't remember everything from it, it asked me whether i want to see the full error message with <Yes> and <No> options04:52
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MasterShrekEvanlec, a vanilla kernel from kernel.org04:53
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MasterShrek2.6.23 is out :)04:53
Stefan__MasterShrek, yes i believe it says that there is no mysql.sock or the wrong rights on the mysql.sock04:53
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MasterShrekStefan__, are you trying to start it as a user?04:53
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EvanlecMasterShrek, im guessing the vanilla kernel is a lot leaner than the ubuntu one04:53
Klaus___hi all04:53
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Stefan__@MasterShrek yes with sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start04:54
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geniiripper: OK. Have you tried method described here yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual04:54
ch3ckm8eStefan_ start mysql under the user you installed it with or root04:54
Klaus___can anyone say me how  i partition my 10 gbyte hd to install x-ubuntu? (manual)04:54
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EvanlecMasterShrek, is there any pitfalls i should watch out for when trying to do this myself?04:54
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Stefan__But when i use sudo isnt that like the root user start it?!?! And when not, how can i change to mysql/root user?!04:54
MasterShreknot too much Evanlec, the ubuntu kernel is just a patched vanilla kernel, although i dont know how many patches they put in, i dont think its any 'bigger' persay, but the ubuntu kernel does contain alot of modules that you wouldnt use04:54
musashii am at the prepare partitions screen about install ubuntu.  What partitions do i need to make to install it?04:55
dmesghi , is posible to change the ubuntu logo where it says aplications?04:55
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MasterShrekEvanlec, you shouldnt have any problems, just dont overwrite your other kernel images and boot options for them04:55
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EvanlecMasterShrek, right, well it has a lot of added hardware support, being those modules rite?04:55
rippergenii: actually, i should be using nvidia-glx-new instead of nvidia-glx right?04:55
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ch3ckm8eStefan_ have u tried using root?04:56
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MasterShrekEvanlec, yes, its compiled for almost all kinds of hardware, obviously you dont have a need for all of them, but they are mostly modules, its not that the actual kernel image is bloated04:56
ch3ckm8eStefan_ sudo is not root04:56
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MTecknologyAnybody in here that can change the topic for #ubuntu+1 ?04:56
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EvanlecMasterShrek, oh i see04:56
WaltzingAlongripper: nvidia-glx-new provides nvidia-glx04:56
Stefan__@ch3ckm8e can i make "su" and then /etc/init.d/mysql start?04:56
geniiripper: The restricted-manager should have properly detected which was correct, so I suspect whichever one it (unsuccessfully) tried04:57
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ch3ckm8eStefan_: in terminal do "su -" then "/etc/init.d/mysql start"04:57
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ch3ckm8eStefan_: if that doesn't work reinstall sql under root04:57
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ch3ckm8eStefan_: not sudo04:57
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3B6FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
WaltzingAlongKlaus___: with just 10GB i may leave it as one big partition / and a swap; always could give some room to /boot or /home04:57
PiciStefan__: ch3ckm8e: sudo -i  is prefered instead of su -04:57
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EvanlecMasterShrek, do you have a link to a howto for compiling a linux kernel source ?04:57
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rippergenii: what i noticed is that, if i install the nvidia driver with Envy, then nvidia-glx-new is used, but with restricted driver, then nvidia-glx-new would be uninstalled replaced with nvidia-glx04:58
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MasterShrekEvanlec, i think so lemme check...04:58
Evanlecripper, thats because the restricted driver is older04:58
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Evanlecripper, so use the newer one if you want best performance04:59
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stephan_vuile sletten04:59
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Stefan__@ch3ckm8e it doenst work :-(( when i reinstall it will all my databases be deleted or?04:59
ripperEvanlec: in other words, install nvidia driver with Envy? then i'm back to square one, when Driver is set to "nvidia" in xorg.conf, my X server fails04:59
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!05:00
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MasterShrekEvanlec, i dont really have a link for it i guess, i just kinda know how to do it lol05:00
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geniiripper: Well, i trust restricted-manager more than envy. Sorry for lag, at work and AFK occasionally here05:00
musashiMasterShrek:  i am trying to install ubuntu on my laptop, i am at the prepare partition screen, what partitions to i have to make to install ubuntu?05:00
Klaus___could somebody help me to partition my 10 gb hd for xubuntu?05:00
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kst!ask | Klaus___05:01
ubotuKlaus___: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:01
MasterShrekmusashi, are you dual booting with windows?05:01
geniiripper: Anyhow, you may want to try the method at end of the link where it described how to return to restricted-manager method from binary insertion way05:01
Evanlecripper, like pici said...envy is hit or miss, for me it worked no sweat...for some its disastrous05:01
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:01
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rippergenii: that's all right genii, glad that you are trying to help...i think i'm going to try out the steps in the website you shown me, by the way, are these steps irrelevant to what i had currently defined in xorg.conf?05:01
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musashiMasterShrek:  yes two versions of windows, i just need to figure out which partitions i have to specify on the unallocated space for ubuntu05:01
Klaus___Mastershrek: could you help me to partition my 10 gb hd for xubuntu?05:01
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kstKlaus___ what do you wanna know?05:02
MasterShrekKlaus___, just let the installer automatically do it, first option when it asks05:02
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MasterShrekmusashi, is there a choice just to use the free space?05:02
geniiripper: So long as you have some workable xorg.conf it can begin with i think you will be fine to go.05:02
ripperEvanlec: it worked beautifully for me before, but yesterday i was trying out the new compiz-fusion and the latest nvidia driver, and i ended up like this, unable to revert05:02
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Klaus___Mastershrek: the installer say every time... error...05:02
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Klaus___couldnt partition ext305:02
musashiMasterShrek: ahh there is one that says use the free space but i was thinking it meant ALL the free space, so that means unallocated space?05:03
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rippergenii: all right, good to know that, i'll give it a shot and let you know what turns out05:03
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Klaus___now i will do it maual05:03
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MasterShrekmusashi, yes, it means all the space that isnt already in use05:03
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geniiripper: I will be away for a few minutes, but returning :)05:03
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musashiMasterShrek:  hmm.. but i have two globs of unallocated space i was hoping to use together for ubuntu. would it just be easier to use the larger one?05:03
Warmedal_I have installed ubuntu just a sec ago, And now I get "Error 21" when loading Grub.. Please help05:03
rippergenii: no problem, but in case i don't catch again in time, thanks a lot for helping :)05:04
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WipsI don't think my Microphone is working >.< Are there any settings I can play with?05:04
Exonimusguys, can anyone help me with my question? I'm trying to get an old philips vesta webcam working05:04
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MopheadAnyone know an ubuntu command to keep two year olds from the powerstrip?05:04
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PiciMophead: duct tape?05:05
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MasterShrekmusashi, you can use the other one for your /home directory if you want, but how big is the bigger one?05:05
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MasterShrekmusashi, you can also use the smaller one as swap, but its prolly kinda big for that, which isnt bad, just kinda wasted space05:06
o00wPici: thanks it works for me05:06
musashiMasterShrek:  the small one is about 6 GB and the large one 20 GB05:06
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Warmedal_I have installed ubuntu just a sec ago, And now I get "Error 21" when loading Grub.. Please help05:06
WaltzingAlongWarmedal_: ask google, she knows05:06
MasterShrekmusashi, i would just use the big one as your install, and leave the 6 gig for a transfer space between windows/linux, format it as fat32 (vfat)05:07
Mopheadexonumus: Try this link http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-197202.html see if that helps.. Few people have had that prob..05:07
Klaus___MasterShrek: can you help me?05:07
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musashiMasterShrek:  o.o so i should chose the use largest continuous free space to install ubuntu on the 20 gb unallocated?05:07
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musashiMasterShrek:  then format the 6 gb as swap while in linux?05:08
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Hilikushey guys05:08
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WaltzingAlonghey gals05:08
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Hilikushow do i make anacron take care of my user crontabs?? they are stored in /var/spool/cron   but anacron only executed /etc/cron.*05:09
musashiMasterShrek:  also if i use the automatically use unallocated space thing, it will still let me choose not to install grub on the mbr, right?05:09
MasterShrekmusashi, let the installer make the swap partition, prolyl use a gig or so out of the 20 gig, and then when its done installing come back here and ask how to format that 6 gig as vfat so windows and linux can read and write to it05:09
MasterShreki think so musashi05:09
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musashiMasterShrek: ok thanks. even if it does do the grub mbr thing ill just restore the windows one and reset the easybcd05:10
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MasterShrekmusashi, you should use grub to boot your windows partitions05:11
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atlfalcons866what filesystem should i use?05:12
musashiMasterShrek:  meh i would rather use what i know for now.  that way if i dont like linux all i have to do is wipe that partition in windows and it wont mess anything up05:12
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atlfalcons866does anyone use jfs05:12
Piciatlfalcons866: ext305:12
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atlfalcons866Pici: is ext3 the fastest file system05:12
dperryhey all05:13
MasterShrekmusashi, i dont think u can boot linux from a windows boot loader, but more power to ya05:13
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musashiMasterShrek:  =o there is an option to do it maybe i misread :x05:13
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Piciatlfalcons866: Its the default on Ubuntu and the most popular on Linux05:13
musashiMasterShrek:  i should probably check that first thanks for the help05:13
MasterShrekim almost certain there is not musashi, but im not 100%05:13
Juhazatlfalcons866, there is nothing that is fastest or best for everything. it depends on your workload, ext3 is reasonable compromise for general usage05:13
WikzoI got some problems about my Print Screen-shot buttom. Some days ago I removed Compiz Fusion from Ubuntu 7.04, and now when I am using the PrtSc-buttom I get an error message: "Der opstod en fejl ved krsel af "/usr/share/compiz/take-screenshot.sh": Fejl under krsel af underprocessen "/usr/share/compiz/take-screenshot.sh" (No such file or directory)." How do I get the standard "Take Screenshot"program to use the PrtSc-buttom on my keyboard?05:13
MasterShrekEvanlec, im compiling it now :)05:13
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musashiMasterShrek: well thats not good05:14
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atlfalcons866i used xfs and had bad luck05:14
musashiMasterShrek:  if it fails ill just wipe the partition and use grub05:14
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MasterShrekmusashi, if you decide to get rid of linux, u can just boot back into a windows install cd, hit r to repair and type fixmbr05:14
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dperryi just compiled and installed the latest xine-lib (after uninstalling the installed libxine1 package), and when I go to install kaffeine and kaffeine-xine, it tries to install the libxine1 from the package archive05:14
musashiMasterShrek: will do if it comes to that05:15
musashiMasterShrek: im off to try05:15
dperryhow would I get it to install just kaffeine and kaffeine-xine without installing the libxine1 package05:15
MasterShrekgood luck musashi =D05:15
dperrysince i already have it installed from source05:15
musashithanks :)05:15
MasterShrekdperry, why did you install it from source?05:15
EvanlecMasterShrek, compiling 2.6.23 vanilla?05:15
mr_marvinis fat32 most compatible file system for use under both linux and windows?05:15
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MasterShrekyes Evanlec, i wish i knew what my inird was doing tho, so i made sure to build the right modules into the kernel05:16
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Evanlecmr_marvin, yes i spose but linux can write to ntfs no problem nowadays05:16
MasterShrekmr_marvin, natively yes05:16
nrdbmr_marvin: I think so, but the support NTFS is growing.05:16
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EvanlecMasterShrek, so far im planning to put in the latest nvidia driver and the RT2500 driver (my wifi card)05:17
mr_marvinwhat would you recommend? should i format my data dh as htfs/fat32/ext3?05:17
wmorseI am upgrading Eclipse. My original install was through the Synaptic Package Manager. Now I want to replace that with something I downloaded myself. How does the package manager decide where to put things like eclipse, and what would be a smart way to replace the version I have with this new one? I have a working copy of the new software under my regular user home folder.05:17
jimcooncatmr_marvin: have heard good things about ext2 windows driver so you can use ext3 partition05:17
dperryMasterShrek: I couldn't get the video to display right05:17
dperryfrom dvb and any video file, i would get only a green screen05:17
mr_marvini also need good support for +10 GB files05:17
dperrywith some purple artifacts on it05:17
asininityHi guys, I got a random question. I'm currently dual booting with vista on a laptop that has a recovery partition, not that I'm going too but if I decided to ditch linux how would I fix the mbr to be able to boot the recovery partition again as grub has taken over. Cheers.05:17
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MasterShrek!medibuntu | dperry05:17
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ubotudperry: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:17
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ibaramr_marvin don't use fat32 then05:17
benzonOmg - just found out that ATI x300 is able to run on Intel drivers05:17
mr_marvinibara: noted. thaks.05:18
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nuccohey, need a lil help here. I know this is the wrong channel. where do I find gftp's svn repository?05:19
dperryMasterShrek: doesn't that contain an older version of kaffeine than is in the gutsy repository?05:19
dperry0.8.3, gutsy has 0.8.505:19
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MasterShrekdperry, maybe, i didnt know you were using gutsy05:19
dperrysorry, should've said that first05:19
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MasterShrekwell, i dont think that compiling from source is going to help so much, did you install all the gstreamer libraries? including the bad and ugly ones?05:20
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dperryyep, everything05:20
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HentaiSushiMastereShrek: you are quite sure using the largest continuous free space will only use unallocated space, right?05:21
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MasterShrekdperry, i think if u run checkinstall in the source directory of that lib u compiled, apt should catch it as being installed05:21
dperryokay, lemme test that out05:21
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MasterShrekHentaiSushi, how big does it say your largest continuous free space is? is it equal to the size of your unallocated space?05:22
mr_marvindo you think that "write" support for ntfs is ok nowdays?05:22
Matic`MakovecErr...hey there. Any ideas about this thingie? http://pastebin.com/m43f16e41 (removing mysql-server doesn't help really)05:22
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musashiMasterShrek: it doesnt give me an amount05:22
MasterShrekmr_marvin, yes its pretty good05:22
dperrymr_marvin: I use it all the time, haven't had any problems.05:23
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MasterShrekmusashi, it should be fine05:23
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mr_marvinhm... i'll think i'll use ntfs then...05:23
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | mr_marvin05:23
ubotumr_marvin: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:23
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nucco!windows | paul05:24
ubotupaul: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:24
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nucco!windows | paulowsky05:24
ubotupaulowsky: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:24
musashiMasterShrek: it just says that SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) has been changed and that partition #3 of SCSI1 is going to be ext3 and partitoin #6 is going to be swap05:24
murlidharmr_marvin: just sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g && ntfs-config05:24
MasterShrekmusashi, does that seem right to you? im obviously not looking at your screen and i dont know anything about your partition scheme05:24
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geniinucco: I'm not sure an svn for gftp exists. However, a cvs site is listed from here: http://gftp.seul.org/readme.html05:25
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musashiMasterShrek: well SCSI1 is my main hard drive so that just means its adding those partitions to it, right? not deleting anything?05:25
nuccogenii: I tried that. didn't work, so I thought maybe they migrated as well05:25
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dperryMasterShrek: That did make it show up in my package database, however it is not registering as the same thing.05:26
MasterShrekim guessing its right musashi05:26
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musashiMasterShrek: it would be easier to do manual than hope all my stuff isnt destroyed05:26
paulowsky!ubuntu | nucco05:26
Hilikusi used gnome-schedule to schedule some jobs. but those jobs dont get executed if the computer was off at that time, how do i fix that?05:26
MasterShrekdperry, is it the same thing? lol05:26
ubotunucco: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:26
mr_marvinmurlidhar: i get error ntfs-config (command not found)?05:26
dperryMasterShrek: I got the xine-lib sources by doing apt-get source  libxine105:26
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Bo^Dickis it possible to write to an ntfs partition from ubuntu?05:26
dperryand it produced a directory xine-lib05:27
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nuccoBo^Dick: install ntfs-3g05:27
dperryit's showing up as xine-lib in the directory, and not libxine105:27
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nuccoand ntfs-config05:27
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=== dperry is confused.
=== MasterShrek is too
murlidharmr_marvin: are u using feisty?05:27
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mr_marvinsorry. got it :) ntfs-config is a package :)05:27
Bo^Dicknucco: thanks05:28
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musashiMasterShrek: i have got to do manual. its too much, hoping that nothing is lost05:28
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dperryI got it05:28
mr_marvinmurlidhar: all ok. i have to set up groups now?05:28
dperryDuring checkinstall I can change the name of the package05:28
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MasterShreki didnt not know that dperry, cool05:28
dperrychanging it to libxine1 should (theoretically, reinstalling now) get it to work05:28
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murlidharmr_marvin: applications>system tools05:29
geniinucco: svn html site: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gftp/05:29
dperryMasterShrek: thanks a lot for the help05:29
=== VladimirMelo [n=vladimir@201-10-155-157.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
o00wwhat screensaver is included with 7.04 xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver?05:29
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EvanlecMasterShrek, how long on the kernel compile you estimate?05:29
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nuccogenii: thanks05:29
musashiMasterShrek: do i only need a /ext3 and a swap to install ubuntu?05:29
geniinucco: np05:29
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MasterShrekEvanlec, forever prolly lol, i didnt uncheck most of the modules, so its compiling almost all of them, but i wanna get a kernel running before i start trimming it down05:30
MasterShrekyes musashi05:30
geirhaWikzo: I would try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-utils, gnome-screenshot is part of that package, and reconfiguring the package might make it reregister itself as the screenshooter, though where the screenshot-app is configured, I don't know05:30
mr_marvinerrr... how can i start ntfs-config (or any other tool) while logged as admin?05:30
Bo^Dicknucco: maybe i should've stated that i already have them mounted as read-only, here's my fstab file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40165/05:30
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musashiMasterShrek: i dont have to specify /home or w/e?05:30
nuccoBo^Dick: install ntfs-config.05:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, Oh, i heard 3-4 hours was average...lol05:30
mr_marvin*while logged as user, sorry05:30
MasterShreknope musashi05:30
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murlidharmr_marvin: application>system tools05:30
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nuccoBo^Dick: it's a GUI for remounting them read-write. simple to use.05:30
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Bo^Dicknucco: ah, thanks05:31
MasterShrekEvanlec, i doubt 3-4 hrs, im running dualcore turion64's it shouldnt take THAT long lol05:31
Wikzogeirha: Ok. What else will it do? I don't want to mess around with my GNOME desktop05:31
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nuccogenii: what url do I use for checkout? this: " svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gtfp trunk gftp" isn't working05:31
mr_marvinmurlidhar: ok, but is it possible to run it while logged as user? some console commnd?05:31
EvanlecMasterShrek, lol yeah...im runnin a pentiumD @ 3.4ghz05:31
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henrywhat are you on about05:32
musashiMasterShrek: ok then, the swap is for going between operating systems, so i can just use the entire 6gb for it, and format it as fat32, or do i need a swap just for the ubuntu install?05:32
=== Elite [n=Elitenes@AC8DBE4F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
nuccomusashi: swap for using between operating systems?05:32
MasterShrekmusashi, you need a swap partition for the ubuntu install, should be about the amount of ram you have, its like the windows paging file05:32
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EliteHi people.05:32
MasterShreknucco, no05:32
Bo^Dickdoes it look better to mount the ms windows partition to /media/windows rather than just /windows?05:32
mr_marvinsorry... <blushing> forgot to type "sudo ntfs-config"05:32
murlidharmr_marvin: i dunno u can try05:32
=== nucco :O
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EliteWonder if you can help me guys.05:33
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musashiMasterShrek: ok then i will use 1 gb for the swap in creating now and creat one with the rest of teh unallocated space later.  that will work, yes?05:33
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MasterShrekmusashi, what i was talking about before about fat32 is a partition that you can put files on that both linux and windows can read, then you wont have to set up ext2ifs in windows05:33
EliteEverytime i try to slam in my Blekin F5D7050 usb dongle, Feisty just crashes...? Any ideas?05:33
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MasterShrekthat should work musashi05:33
musashiMasterShrek: alright i got it then, making teh /ext3 and swap now then05:33
MasterShrekElite, tried booting with it in?05:33
geirhaWikzo: not sure, it's just a guess from my part. There really should be an easier way imo, but none of the menu selections seem to have that config option05:33
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EliteYeah i have MasterShrek.05:34
MasterShrekdoes it still crash?05:34
EliteIt is really slow when it boots with it in... like too slow.05:34
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sandipmy dcpp is nt working properly05:34
MasterShrekElite, maybe you shouldnt "slam" it in lol05:34
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Wikzogeirha: Hmmm ... thanks for the advice, but I think I'll wait to hear if there is any better way to do it :)05:34
mr_marvinmurlidhar: thanks you. ntfs is up & running05:34
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EliteComputer specs: Advent 7086, 512 Mb Ram, 40 Gb HD, 64 Mb internal gfx.05:35
MasterShrekWikzo, what were you doing?05:35
musashiMasterShrek: alright i have a 1gb swap and a 20 gb /ext, thats all i need, correct?05:35
WikzoI got some problems about my Print Screen-shot buttom. Some days ago I removed Compiz Fusion from Ubuntu 7.04, and now when I am using the PrtSc-buttom I get an error message: "Der opstod en fejl ved krsel af "/usr/share/compiz/take-screenshot.sh": Fejl under krsel af underprocessen "/usr/share/compiz/take-screenshot.sh" (No such file or directory)." How do I get the standard "Take Screenshot"program to use the PrtSc-buttom on my keyboard?05:35
geniinucco: Tried svn://svn.gnome.org/svn/gftp  ?05:35
dperryMasterShrek: Just finished installing that new libxine1 package, I was right; Changing the package name in checkinstall fulfills the dependency. Definitely going to write that one down for future reference :D05:35
MasterShreksounds good musashi05:35
murlidharmr_marvin: say thank you to the developer not me i have done nothing05:35
musashi /ext3*05:35
MasterShrekmusashi, it shold be mounted as /   but the filesystem type should be ext305:35
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musashiMasterShrek: yes it says type: ext3 mount point: /05:36
noizeIf Ubuntu randomly is locking up on me and freezing to the point i have to do a physical reboot, what log files should I be looking in to help find the problem?05:36
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MasterShrekgood musashi you shodl be in good shape05:36
mr_marvinmurlidhar: well, when you use new os for just 3 days every tip is helpful...05:36
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musashiMasterShrek: alright thanks for the help, and for the time you volunteer to do so ;)05:36
nuccogenii: worked. thanks.05:36
MasterShreknoize, dmesg, syslog, try disabling different hardware one at a time and see if it doesnt do that, are you on a laptop?05:36
MasterShreknp musashi05:37
mr_marvina silly quiestion: is it possible to keep permisssions from winxp parttition and have them work in ubuntu?05:37
EliteMasterShrek, It still crashes when I boot up... I meant i put the thing in on boot up but just crashes.05:37
geniinucco: enjoy05:37
MasterShrekno mr_marvin05:37
incorrectwhat is a good tool to use up bandwidth,  i want to test my network traffic alerts05:37
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Matic`MakovecErr...hey there. Any ideas about this thingie? http://pastebin.com/m43f16e41 (removing mysql-server doesn't help really)05:37
MasterShrekElite, is that belkin usb dongle supposed to be linux-friendly?05:37
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EliteMasterShrek, Is anything Belkin make 'computer' friendly? Lol05:37
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noizeMasterShrek, nope it's a 64bit desktop. The only oddities are the firefox32bit, and a matrox qid card. dmesg and syslog, thanks.05:37
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kstwhere do I find mouse.lst in ubuntu?05:38
musashiMasterShrek: urk. it also says the bootloader will be installed  on (hd0). what exactly does that mean? or is it specific to my pc?05:38
bgrupeMatic`Makovec: do you try to replace a dapper package with a feisty package manually?05:38
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ai dunno05:38
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:39
MasterShrekmusashi, to your machine, you should be fine to just leave it as defaults05:39
musashiMasterShrek: wont that install it to the mbr though...?05:39
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MasterShrekMatic`Makovec, just out of curiosity do you have build-essential installed? sudo apt-get install build-essential05:39
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sandipcan anyone resolve my dcpp prob05:40
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MasterShrekmusashi, probably, it shoudl pick up your windows install(s) though, and if it doesnt its not hard to add them to grub, and if u decide to get rid of linux later you can always fixmbr from a windows install recovery console05:40
Matic`Makovecbgrupe, no. I was upgrading system a lil bit05:40
Matic`MakovecMasterShrek, well it was before I started with this upgrade of the system05:40
geniiMatic`Makovec: running as root lecture aside. Perhaps try: (sudo normally) apt-get install -f mysql-server=>5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu105:40
Matic`MakovecI'm here on over Live CD now with mounted HD and chrooted..05:41
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mr_marvinwith what command cant i get list of users and uids?05:41
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musashiMasterShrek: it also says migration assistant: windows vista/longhorn (loader) (/dev/sda1):. does that mean it sees windows vista?05:41
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bgrupeMatic`Makovec: looks as though the update went terribly wrong... are other things broken?05:41
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Matic`Makovecbgrupe, mysql-client was as well05:41
Picimr_marvin: cat /etc/passwd05:41
MasterShrekmusashi, yes, its asking if you want your usernames and bookmarks imported into ubuntu05:41
Matic`MakovecBut I was able to remove it easily05:41
Matic`MakovecThis is a though bastard though05:41
kevlar_Can't believe Konversation doesnt come with a server list05:41
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usr13sandip, What is your question?05:41
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musashiMasterShrek: i put the same username when it asked me who i was, will that mess anything up if its the same as my windows one?05:42
Pici!hi | a05:42
ubotua: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:42
gchasehi there05:42
MasterShrekdefinately not musashi05:42
Matic`Makovecgenii, err...this?05:42
Matic`Makovecroot@ubuntu:/# LANGUAGE=en_US apt-get install -f mysql-server=>5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu105:42
Matic`MakovecE: Version '' for 'mysql-server' was not found05:42
Matic`Makovecroot@ubuntu:/# LANGUAGE=en_US apt-get install -f mysql-server-5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu105:42
Matic`MakovecReading package lists... Done05:42
Matic`MakovecBuilding dependency tree05:42
Matic`MakovecReading state information... Done05:42
Matic`MakovecE: Couldn't find package mysql-server-5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu105:42
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musashiMasterShrek: alright im going for it thanks again05:42
Pici!paste | Matic`Makovec05:42
ubotuMatic`Makovec: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:42
MasterShrek!paste | Matic`Makovec05:42
kevlar_How do you install grub on a particular hard drive....it installed it on the HD0 , I need it on HD205:42
sandipi cant dnld from dcpp05:42
Matic`MakovecYeah, yeah05:42
=== barbara_ [n=User@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
musashiMasterShrek:  ill prolly be back soon05:42
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mr_marvinfunny quiestion, but how do i exit screen that loads when i type "man something"?05:43
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barbara_I turned off dbus under services and stuff crashed! please help?05:43
MasterShrekok musashi i have class in an hour so i may not be around, but im usualyl here all the time when im not in class05:43
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valermosmr_marvin, q05:43
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ArseneLupinsalam guys05:43
tomy-silchi how can i install SILC05:43
musashilright then05:43
usr13sandip, what is "dcpp"?05:43
MasterShrekbarbara_, dont disable dbus :)05:43
MasterShrekdc plus plus05:43
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Matic`MakovecLemme paste the same thing now then.05:43
CrypTomHi, I would like to run a shell script as root (with sudo), but I cant get it to work05:43
barbara_MasterShrek: I miss clicked and next I know stuff shut off05:43
Matic`MakovecHere it is, genii05:43
CrypTomit always asks for a password, even if NOPASSWD: is specified05:43
mr_marvin valermos: i managged to miss that... tnx ;)05:43
CrypTommy last sudoers line looks as follows:    www-data localhost=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/iar_add.sh05:44
MasterShrekbarbara_, where was this at?05:44
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barbara_MasterShrek: what is dbus used for anyway? my blackbox setup doesn't use it05:44
sandiplinux dc++05:44
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ArseneLupinguys ,how can i add a hardware driver?05:44
ArseneLupinguys ,how can i add a hardware driver?05:44
ArseneLupinguys ,how can i add a hardware driver?05:44
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barbara_MasterShrek: on the services section under the start menu05:44
moppitCrypTom : A shell script you wrote, are you typing ./ first as in ./run_my_shell_script05:44
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Pici!repeat | ArseneLupin05:44
ubotuArseneLupin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:44
tomy-silchi how can i install SILC05:44
ArseneLupinok pici05:44
=== arkygeek [n=arkygeek@82-42-81-27.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekbarbara_, check the permissions of /etc/init.d/dbus  and make sure its executable05:45
navandresI have problems with the soundcard on my laptop05:45
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geniiMatic`Makovec: Ah, yes. Because the chrooted environment doesn't know of course of the install candidates i imagine05:45
ArseneLupinsorry ubotu05:45
CrypTommoppit: its in the path, but I specify the whole path anyway05:45
musashii shuold prolly shut this off while installing bbl05:45
arkygeekhi.  i am having probs with glx not loading with my nvidia card...05:45
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:45
Matic`Makovecgenii, might be, I guess. Any idea what is left to do?05:45
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geirhaArseneLupin: what hardware do you need driver for?05:45
o00wubotu isn't real05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isn't real - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:45
barbara_MasterShrek: ?05:45
rippergenii: i followed all the instruction at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual but X still fails05:45
kevlar_ Something is wrong between grub and login....when I run recovery and init 5 no problem. but after grub it goes blank05:45
navandresI have problems with the soundcard on my Dell Vostro 150005:45
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MasterShrekArseneLupin, ubotu is a bot =P05:46
gchaseI've got a problem where whenever I try to do s3 standby or hibernate, ubuntu appears to perform the action correctly, but my processor, hard drive and fan keep running05:46
=== HentaiSushi [n=ubuntu@ip72-218-1-143.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniiMatic`Makovec: dpkg also has a force switch05:46
barbara_MasterShrek: I tried going back to services section but it says the configuration could not be loaded You are not allowed to access the system configuration05:46
rippergenii: the nvidia driver 100.14.19 installation completed through these steps05:46
geniiripper: :(05:46
HentaiSushiMasterShrek: i almost forgot, i can install mysql in ubuntu, right? i need it for class.05:46
awhat are you all on about05:46
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MasterShrekbarbara_, how did u do it before then?05:46
tomy-silchi how can i install SILC05:46
MasterShrekHentaiSushi, of course05:46
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barbara_MasterShrek: I went there and turned it off. I suppose its responsible for allowing me to turn it off05:47
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ripperi checked on the log file in Xorg.0.log, i found in the last line, the "Fatal error: screen not found" or something close to that05:47
HentaiSushiMasterShrek: there was also something else i had to be able to install... i only ask cause the class was using fedora05:47
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MasterShrektomy-silc, sudo apt-get install silc ?05:47
rippergenii: i checked on the log file in Xorg.0.log, i found in the last line, the "Fatal error: screen not found" or something close to that05:47
moppittomy-silc sudo apt-get install libsilc-1.0-205:47
rippergenii: what does that mean? screen not found05:47
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MasterShrekHentaiSushi, you shoudl be fine, most software is avaiable to both05:47
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Matic`Makovecgenii, not that it helps, I belive05:47
usr13ArseneLupin, sudo insmod drivername05:47
Bo^Dicki wanna run realplayer on ubuntu05:48
HentaiSushialright later then im lagging like heck... maybe cause im installing an OS05:48
barbara_MasterShrek: wow I can't even shutdown because of that thing...05:48
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usr13ArseneLupin, sudo modprobe drivername05:48
Carsten-hi guys... uber dumb question.... I forget how to enable root login, can anyone help?05:48
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Bo^Dickhow do i stall the BIN file?05:48
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sandipuser 13 do u know tat05:48
MasterShrekbarbara_, give me the output of: ls -l /etc/init.d/dbus05:48
moppitOoops... SILC install Correction... sudo apt-get install silky05:48
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MasterShrekBo^Dick, ./filename.bin05:48
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geniiripper: Usually that means the X server is not running05:48
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tomy-silcdone that then what to do to run it05:48
barbara_MasterShrek: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2760 2007-03-08 08:56 /etc/init.d/dbus05:48
ahi, xmms says that it cant run my audio but i dont know why05:49
sandipuser 13,can u resolve tat05:49
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rippergenii: ohh...so, i', doomed?05:49
blue|foxHi :> I have an 80GB iPod Classic...I've tried copying music to it with gtkpod, rhythmbox and amarok...with each one the sync is successful, but no music comes up in the list on the ipod :< Anyone know why this might be?05:49
kevlar_ Something is wrong between grub and login....when I run recovery and init 5 no problem. but after grub it goes blank05:49
navandresexecute the bin file05:49
moppitjust type silky from terminal05:49
MasterShrekhmm barbara_ have you tried rebooting since this has happened?05:49
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MasterShrekbarbara_, also try: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart05:49
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barbara_MasterShrek: nope but that was my next guess on how to fix it05:49
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geniiMatic`Makovec: since it's looking for the mysqld to shutdown you could start it up then try the install again05:49
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Bo^Dickdidn't work05:50
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tomy-silchi how can i install SILC05:50
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ksteven tho I set /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll to 2, my mx510 usb mouse still works on 100hz instead of 500hz ( /proc/bus/usb/devices says 10ms).. how do I enforce this? somehow it wont work :(05:50
usr13sandip, No.  tat is not a fully qualified domain name.05:50
navandreswhat is the name of your file?05:50
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barbara_MasterShrek: wow that thing has a lot of sub services05:50
mr_marvinis there any chance i start beryl/compiz on radeon x1300 card?05:50
clouderhow can I prevent screensavers from spanning across both monitors, and have the screensaver be on both monitors individually?05:50
sandipsorry i dint get u05:50
Matic`Makovecgenii, it doesn't want to start.05:50
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moppittomy-silc did sudo apt-get install silky not work for ya?05:51
sandipi can see all the users available cant dnld anything from them05:51
navandresand what is the error text?05:51
Dr_willisI wonder if there is a realpayer factoid.05:51
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:51
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geniiMatic`Makovec: Just saw in last paste, you made a syntax error. should not be the complete name of package but after generic name eg: mysql-server   then you put => then the other version part. As i had earlier in the example05:51
MasterShrekBo^Dick, chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin05:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:51
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Dr_williswe need a .bin factoid :)05:51
usr13Bo^Dick, chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin05:51
usr13Bo^Dick, ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin05:52
geniiMatic`Makovec: eg:  apt-get install -f mysql-server=>5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu105:52
Matic`Makovecgenii, look at the last paste again05:52
Matic`MakovecFirst I tried it your way, then I tried with usual name05:52
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Matic`MakovecNone worked. Tho it might be a syntax error in first one as well05:52
Bo^Dickusr13: that didn't work despite i was root05:52
murlidhar_!info bin05:52
ubotuPackage bin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:52
sandipuser13, did u get me05:52
Bo^Dickusr13: maybe i misspelled05:52
usr13Bo^Dick, sh RealPlayer10GOLD.bin05:52
geniiMatic`Makovec: Ah, yes, apologies05:53
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Bo^Dickusr13: now it works05:53
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rippergenii: according to the steps in the website, i do have one last resort, that is installing the linux-source...would you recommend so? sounds pretty risky05:53
usr13Bo^Dick, Use tab key to auto-complete.05:53
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usr13Bo^Dick, Good...05:53
moppitOnly way I got realplayer to work was sudo apt-get install realplay but I had to add the commercial repository... 1 sec and I'll dig it up..05:53
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geniiMatic`Makovec: I can't remember if a space needed,eg: name => version05:53
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MasterShreki just use mplayer to play my real media05:53
navandresthere is someone who can help me????05:54
MasterShrek!ask | navandres05:54
ubotunavandres: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:54
erik__Hi how do i connect to my external harddrive thats pluged in to my airport extreme?05:54
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barbara_MasterShrek: it removed that services thing after it did restart so I'm rebooting05:54
neowikkinhey. is there a way to write to a windows NTFS partion in ubuntu? or linux at all?05:54
Dr_willisMasterShrek,  so do i. for what little real media i can even find these days. :)05:54
odomsbar_I had a friend do a little song about linux http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=499641150398432379&hl=en05:54
usr13navandres, What is your question?05:54
cdavishow do I grab the cmp -s exit status as a variable?05:54
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MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | neotrix05:54
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ubotuneotrix: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:54
Matic`MakovecYah, it seems to be it. But it still says it can't find the package, genii05:54
fermatstheoremneotrix: search for ntfs write in synaptics05:54
navandresI have problems with the soundcard on my Dell Vostro 150005:54
cdavisin a bash script so that I can use if [ $STATUS =0 ] ?05:54
geniiripper: I'm not sure installing the source is going to help much in this case. But you may want to try the method of purging the binary install and reinstating the restricted-manager, it is at the end of that page somewhere05:54
geniiAFK work05:54
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Bo^Dickusr13: thanks05:55
sandipuser13,i m unable to download from dc++ in ubuntu ultimate05:55
fermatstheoremneotrix: you will download something called ntfs-write/fuse utils..i dont remember the name...05:55
usr13Bo^Dick, NP05:55
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murlidhar_just sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g && ntfs-config05:55
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rippergenii: all right, would take your advise05:55
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | neowikkin05:55
murlidhar_neotrix: just sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g && ntfs-config05:55
ubotuneowikkin: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:55
navandresCan't find the way to make it work05:55
usr13sandip, Please restate your question.  (I do not understand.)05:55
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Hilikushow do i make anacron take care of my user's crontabs and not only /etc/cron.*05:56
sandipi can see the list of available users in my dc++ but cant dnld files05:56
rippergenii: by the way, i read somewhere in an ubuntu forum, it was said that the restricted driver does not support 3D...is that right?05:56
moppitNote.. I am only on dapper, but commercial repository for realplay (er) is deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main05:56
bsundis there anyway for apt-get to remove all packages that isnt from sources.list? so you can clean up before upgrading?05:56
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rippergenii: so meaning, desktop effects would not work as well?05:57
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Tomcat_bsund: In synaptic you can create a filter for all "not installable" packages. You can remove those, and it'll be the same. :)05:57
MasterShrekbsund, i think synaptic has a filter for that05:57
bsundah cool :)05:57
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erik__Hi how do i connect to my external harddrive thats pluged in to my airport extreme?05:57
navandresusr13: Can you drop a line??05:57
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sandipuser 13, did u get me05:58
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neowikkinhey. is there a way to write to a windows NTFS partion in ubuntu? or linux at all?05:58
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:58
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murlidharneowikkin: : just sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g && ntfs-config05:58
rellikis there a good basic XML parser/validator gui for linux?05:58
Matic`MakovecIs there a way to make apt simply ignore one package?05:59
usr13navandres, ?05:59
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navandresusr13: Who can help me with a driver for a SigmaTel soundcard?05:59
barbara_MasterShrek: I have no background or desktop icons and I can't access services under menu it says Internal error failed to initialize HAL!05:59
erik__Hi how do i connect to my external harddrive thats pluged in to my airport extreme?06:00
MasterShrekbarbara_, give me the output of: ls -l /etc/init.d/hal06:00
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barbara_MasterShrek: all this cause I miss clicked on that services thing ;_;06:00
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barbara_MasterShrek: ls: /etc/init.d/hal: No such file or directory06:01
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MasterShrekbarbara_, thats not good06:01
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sandipcan anyone resolve my dc++ prob06:01
valehruMeh, I updated to gutsy for one package only, it got a few extra dependancies.  Now I reverted back to Fiesty and I am getting the following error trying to install php5-dev: php5-dev: Depends: libssl-dev but it is not going to be installed06:01
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MasterShrekbarbara_, sudo apt-get install hal06:01
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barbara_MasterShrek: hal is already the newest version.06:02
barbara_I'll try reinstall06:02
MasterShrekvalehru, it was not designed to upgrade then downgrade, youll probably have more problems than just that06:02
sandipmaster shrek, can u resolve my dc++06:02
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usr13navandres, Yes,  I'll try to help.  Do you want to PM me?06:02
valehruMasterShrek, should I just upgrade for the hell of it?06:02
sandipusr 13,?06:02
MasterShrekvalehru, yea i would, im running gutsy right now just fine06:02
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o00wdoes 7.04 run gnome-screensaver or xscreensaver?06:02
navandresWhat is PM??06:02
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rellikis there a good basic XML parser/validator gui for linux?06:02
o00wprivate message06:03
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MasterShreko00w, try: locate xscreensaver06:03
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valehrunavandres, Private Message, project manager, pre-menstral06:03
MasterShreksandip, not really, i dont know anything about dc++06:03
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sandipin linux06:03
barbara_MasterShrek: still nothing but is there a guide on this I'm sure its not first time someone has had this problem06:03
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Pici!patience | sandip06:03
ubotusandip: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:03
MasterShreki dont know for sure barbara_, did that file appear in /etc/init.d/ ?06:04
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MasterShrekEvanlec, damn 1569 modules lol06:04
moppitbarbara_ / mastershrek : I am only on dapper but I didn't have an /etc/init.d/hal file either.. and Not experiencing any problems.. But I may have missed the first part of the post06:04
barbara_MasterShrek: nope... is it there on yours? I'm on feisty06:04
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MasterShrekim on gutsy, and its there, but i should think it would b there barbara_06:05
barbara_moppit: I went under services and clicked off dbus now I'm in a whole hell of startup issues06:05
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geirhaMasterShrek: hal doesn't have a init-script ...06:05
Wikzogeirha: It is solved now. I found help here :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57235106:05
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barbara_MasterShrek: probably a new use of the file system not present in older releases06:05
MasterShrekdp@dp-lappy:~$ ls -l /etc/init.d/hal06:05
MasterShrek-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2294 2007-10-01 03:13 /etc/init.d/hal06:05
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o00wPici: ok so the terminal located png, mo, and svg files for xscreensaver ...but that command returns results for gnome-screensaver also?06:05
erUSULMasterShrek: hald is not started1 by system V init afaik i found this grepping ( less /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal )06:06
usr13sandip needs to ask specific question(s)06:06
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MrBougois there any way to change the cd in the tray while using the livecd06:06
MrBougoi mean06:06
Picio00w: Huh? I think you have the wrong person :)06:06
barbara_MasterShrek: I have a /usr/lib/hal06:06
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MrBougoi'd like to burn a cd06:06
sandipr u available nw06:06
geirhaWikzo: ah, nice :)06:06
usr13MrBougo, No06:06
geirhaMasterShrek: it's not there in edgy at least06:06
sandipusr 13 ,,r u available nw06:06
barbara_MasterShrek: and a /usr/share/hal06:06
MrBougobecause my mbr is all messed up06:06
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MasterShrekbarbara_, do you have a /usr/bin/hal ?06:07
usr13sandip, Yes06:07
MasterShrekor hald06:07
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o00wPici: sorry my bad06:07
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MrBougoi need to burn a cd so that i can fix it06:07
barbara_MasterShrek: no but something in /etc too06:07
MrBougook  thanks... bye06:07
Aw0Lif I downloaded and installed 7.10 beta, would I have to do anything to make it "non-beta" when the final release comes out?06:07
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usr13sandip, But I may not know the answer to your question.06:07
sandipusr 13,u got my prob??06:07
paulowskyMrBougo. you're using the live cd so you can't eject it06:07
murlidharMrBougo: reinstall mbr then06:07
o00wMasterShrek: ok so the terminal located png, mo, and svg files for xscreensaver ...but that command returns results for gnome-screensaver also?06:07
erUSULAw0L: only accept the updates as they come06:07
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MasterShrekbarbara_, i dont really know how hal works, but if its not starting i would think you would need an init script for it06:07
barbara_MasterShrek: oooh /usr/sbin/hald06:07
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usr13sandip, No, I do not understand your question.06:07
sandipdint u try dc++ in linux06:07
Aw0LerUSUL, so the only difference between the beta and final release are package versions?06:07
MasterShreko00w, i think gnome-screensaver might be a metapackage, but im not sure06:08
erUSULAw0L: yes06:08
barbara_MasterShrek: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 249804 2007-03-30 13:54 /usr/sbin/hald06:08
Aw0LerUSUL, thanks06:08
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usr13sandip, No06:08
MasterShrekbarbara_, try: ps -e | grep hald06:08
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sandipusr 13. i can browse the files in dc++ but cant dnld them06:08
ArseneLupinhow do i connect my Sagem 800 fast modem for the foirst time ?06:08
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sandipusr 13,so wat can be possible reasons for tat06:09
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1
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(magnetron/#ubuntu) !gutsy | GutsyTest807:29
(ubotu/#ubuntu) GutsyTest8: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:29
(z0rz/#ubuntu) I just added a new environment variable to /etc/environment ... how do I "rehash" my shell?07:29
(trdracer/#ubuntu) magnetron: how is it that i install file-roller?07:29
(genii/#ubuntu) kidalabama: If they are willing to open up ports, you should go for at least: 20-27 80 11007:29
(Otokonoko/#ubuntu) What in the world...07:30
(GutsyTest8/#ubuntu) the restricted drivers cannot be downloaded using gutsy, is this an know fact?07:30
PiciGutsyTest8: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.07:30
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magnetrontrdracer: it is already installed if you install the standard ubuntu. double click an extracted file and it will be opened by fileroller07:30
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Otokonokobsund: It's not a hardware problem... I can play "Experience ubuntu.ogg" just fine using the Movie Player.07:31
alromaithihey guys im using KDE and my sound card is on my mother board , i want to use my card but i cant find the option to change it?>07:31
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alromaithithe alsamixer indicated the built in sound card not the PCI07:31
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trdracerwell earlier when i had this installed i just right click and extract here..but now its telling me not a supported file type07:31
trdracerand it is RAR so install that package corect?07:31
bsundOtokonoko, nah must be something with firefox/flash07:31
usr13GutsyTest8, If you add repositories you probably can.  Depends on what drivers you're talking about, but as Pici says, take it to #ubnutn+1 for better more accurate info.07:31
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Otokonokobsund: I almost want to reinstall everything involved and see if that works.07:31
z0rzI just added a new environment variable to /etc/environment ... how do I "rehash" my shell?07:32
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bsundOtokonoko, seems like people have some problems with different solutions but they seem rare07:32
bsunddo you use the 64bit version?07:32
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AcoustykCan anybody direct me to a guide that will show me how to do a clean reinstall over my current Ubuntu partition without touching anything else?07:33
usr13Otokonoko, Is your problem with audio from streaming video?07:33
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AcoustykI have a live cd and all that07:33
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Otokonokousr13: If by streaming video, you mean "YouTube and YT-derivatives", then yes07:33
Otokonokobsund has found several different solutions, none of which have worked, unfortunately.07:34
usr13Otokonoko, Are you sure the video player applet is not muted or volume is not turned down?07:34
Otokonokousr13: Yes, and yes.07:34
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages07:34
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:34
murlidhartrdracer: u have to sudo apt-get install unrar07:34
usr13Otokonoko, Or that you've not run a java applet that may still have audio  tied up07:35
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bsundanother solution, but older version of ubuntu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18659407:35
geniiz0rz: Why not just logout/login07:35
qawshi, can you help me, how to mount my new disk to "/" pls? Is posible to mount 2 disks to 1 location? /etc/fstab has some UUIDs there, but not entries that is described on loads of pages.07:35
bsundflash is the problem not java :)07:35
trdracerthanks murlidhar07:35
murlidhartrdracer: then just double click on the rar file07:35
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z0rzgenii: I guess I could do that.. But I'm trying to configure an environemnt variable for liek 20 compiters07:35
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Wolf23erUSUL: thanx anyway07:35
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Otokonokousr13: What bsund said, that and the problem was happening even before I installed Java (in this case, Puzzle Pirates)07:36
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bsundOtokonoko, last tip if nothing else have worked, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_PulseAudio_Sound_Server07:36
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beanageCompizfusion, is that a stand alone install or will I need to download and install compiz first and then upgrade to compizfusion.07:36
usr13Otokonoko, You might also see if Firefox is latest version?  Or try another version?07:36
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usr13Otokonoko, Try another browser07:36
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Wolf23anyone help me with Virtualbox, thanx?07:37
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z0rzIf I type  sudo echo $JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" >> /etc/environemnt I get bash: /etc/environment: Permission denied07:37
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Otokonokousr13: I ran the upgrade manager when I first installed and everything is up to date. I'll try the last few options you and bsund have given07:37
stdinz0rz: use tee07:37
z0rzstdin: teehee k07:37
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beanagez0rz: try gksudo07:37
stdinz0rz: "echo  JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" | sudo tee -a /etc/environemnt"07:37
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bsundOtokonoko, seems like a very rare problem with flash :(07:38
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navandresusr13: can you help me?07:38
beanageCompizfusion, is that a stand alone install or will I need to download and install compiz first and then upgrade to compizfusion.07:38
usr13Otokonoko, What version is your firefox?07:38
usr13navandres, What is your question?07:38
Otokonokousr13: Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)07:39
Otokonokoaccording to the About dialog.07:39
navandresusr13: you ask me tu send you by PM07:39
navandresusr13: and i did it07:39
z0rzstdin: tee's not working.. I copy/pasted your command exactly and it doesn't give error.. and it actually echo's the line out to the terminal.. but tee doesn't seem to catch it and insert it into /etc/environment07:39
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:40
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stdinz0rz: have you checked /etc/environment ?07:40
z0rzstdin: Yes07:40
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cAbRiToHola alguien habla espaol?07:41
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Pici!es | cAbRiTo07:41
ubotucAbRiTo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:41
erUSUL!es | cAbRiTo07:41
pipegeekwhy the fuck is ubuntu so easy to use?07:41
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Pici!language | pipegeek07:41
pipegeekI was all settled in for a long battle with cups07:41
erUSUL!ohmy | pipegeek07:41
ubotupipegeek: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:41
ubotupipegeek: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.07:41
pipegeekhaha, sorry about that07:41
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=== erUSUL :)
z0rzstdin: Sorry.. Typo  .. I got it working now.. Thanks07:42
stdinz0rz: hmm, k "sudo nano /etc/environment" paste it in, Ctrl+o then Ctrl-x07:42
usr13navandres, Didn't get it.07:42
usr13Just do it here.07:42
stdinz0rz: ahh, ok :)07:42
navandresusr13: ahh ok07:42
OtokonokoHah, that is quite possibly the best auto-help topic I have ever seen07:42
navandresusr13: i will going to try again07:42
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cAbRiTo ubotu>>>>>>muchas gracias!! thanks (Y)07:42
z0rzstdin: You wouldn't happend to know how to "rehash" /etc/environment w/o a relogin, woulda ya?07:42
OtokonokoOkay, how do I save this file and quit the terminal version of nano?07:42
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=== Otokonoko feels smrt
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erUSULOtokonoko: Crtl + O ; Crtl + X07:43
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stdinz0rz: you can do it per-shell with "source /etc/environment"07:43
stdinz0rz: only works in the shell you put the command in07:43
jbishanyone with!!!!!experience with tablet pc and fpit drivers07:43
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usr13Otokonoko, instructions are at bottom of screen.07:43
z0rzstdin: Good enough for me.  Unless Make is going to cry about it when I go to compile...07:44
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Hilikusis it dangerous if i create a symlink from /etc/cron.daily to the user's crontables (/var/spool/cron/crontabs) since root will run cron and therefore the user crontabs?07:44
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navandresusr13: I just open a dialog window07:45
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navandresusr13: do you see it?07:45
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skynexus_hello, I have a question regarding web cameras in Ubuntu07:45
usr13navandres  /join #navandres07:45
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_Andrewskynexus_: whats the question?07:45
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Wolf23_Andrew:  wb :)07:46
skynexus_I have bought a cheap USB web camera and connected but nothing works...07:46
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skynexus_...I have determined the USB manufacturer ID as well as product ID...07:46
skynexus_...and from that figured out that the driver I needed was gspca07:47
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beanageso if ubuntu 7 is feisty fawn, whats 6 called?07:47
skynexus_so I installed the corresponding package, compiled, got kernel driver loaded, yet nothing07:47
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Pici!codenames | beanage07:47
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ubotubeanage: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more07:47
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_Andrewskynexus_: Did you try unplugging the usb device and then plugging it back in?07:48
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Nemesisdoes anyone know any decent window managers that are actually useful07:48
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skynexus_yes, several times07:48
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skynexus_also after manually running modprobe on said driver07:49
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_Andrewskynexus_: My webcam for some reason only works if I plug it directly into the usb not into a usb hub.. are you using a usb hub?07:49
beanageIs the install the same for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and Ubuntu Edgy?07:49
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Milos_SDWill Final version of Gutsy Gibon have 2.6.23 kernel or 2.6.22 ?07:50
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OtokonokoWell, the forum tip didn't work, Epiphany doesn't work... guess I have to try Pulse07:50
skynexus_oh, ok... tried with hub and connector on front of the computer... guess I might try on the back as well07:50
bsundOtokonoko, sry was away for a time u can use gedit instead of nano, i a bit easier07:50
DShepherdMilos_SD, i dont know. ask in #ubuntu+107:50
Otokonokobsund: I got it in the end :P07:50
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beanageIs the install for Compiz the same for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and Ubuntu Edgy?07:51
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Dr_willismillhouse,  .23 is a 'beta' kernel as far as i know. being an odd ##07:51
doktoreasdoes the server edition use a desktop manager?07:51
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Dr_willisdoktoreas,  server does not have X included. No desktop07:52
geniidoktoreas: Not by default07:52
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doktoreasDr_willis, and lamp is default one?07:52
doktoreasi need just tomcat07:52
beanageIs the install for Compiz the same for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and Ubuntu Edgy?07:52
skynexus_just hooked up to the back but nothing, and by nothing I mean that I got not /dev/video files how up07:52
MikeonTVhey all. Running Fiesty, I recently allowed the automatic upgrades to go through and have since lost my sound. very confusing07:52
Dr_willisLamp is not a desktop.. :)07:52
skynexus_i meant to say, no /dev/video file showed up07:53
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:53
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OtokonokoMikeonTV: I ran the automatic updater on my first boot of Ubuntu and now Flash sound doesn't work.07:53
OtokonokoMikeonTV: so I feel your pain. Sort of.07:53
MikeonTVso you haven't figured it out yet?07:53
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the 5th release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes07:53
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skynexus_it is my understanding that when a web camera works properly in linux, then when connected the file /dev/video should become available, which applications then use to communicate with the camera, or something to that effect07:53
doktoreasthx Dr_willis07:53
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beanageIs the install for Compiz the same for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and Ubuntu Edgy?07:54
Otokonokobsund: E: Couldn't find package gst-pulse07:54
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_Andrewskynexus_: Did you try viewing the webcam using camorama or something?07:54
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Dr_willisbeanage,  you may want to wait for gutsy to mess with compiz. since its in there by default. makes it much easier.07:54
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bsundOtokonoko, ignore it for now07:55
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bsunddo the rest07:55
skynexus_camonarama says it could not connect to /dev/video007:55
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skynexus_also used lauchcam207:55
beanageDr_Willis, I would wait but I deploy to Iraq in a week. =(07:55
skynexus_no luck07:55
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_AndrewWhats the webcam and usb id?07:55
skynexus_Bus 005 Device 009: ID 093a:2600 Pixart Imaging, Inc.07:55
beanagedr_willis> That why I gotta find a guide to get it up and running now. =p07:56
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Dr_willisbeanage,  Gee.. You are a dedicated leet-linux-haxor. :)07:56
beanageDr_Willis> but all I can find right now is feisty install compiz how to's.07:56
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skynexus_bought in a swedish retail store, clas ohlson, and nothing on the package or camera indicated the manufacturer07:56
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skynexus_it was the cheapest they got :-)07:56
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beanageDr_willis>> I try07:56
bsundOtokonoko, you can do sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-pulse0.10-0, but it doesnt matter with firefox07:56
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murlidharbeanage: go ahead try :)07:57
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musashiquestion, when you delete a partition, does it move the unallocated space to the end?07:57
Dr_willisbeanage,  installing compiz on the older releases.. i imagine can get harder and harder. Lot of needed Driver, and xorg bits thathave to be just right.07:57
Lakitu7I'm dual booting feisty with XP. If I want to share profiles of thunderbird, pidgin, etc., is ntfs3g stable and recommended enough for everyday frequent use that I should use it? Or should I still make a fat32 partition for "in-between" and use that?07:57
Dr_willismusashi,  no. it does not.07:57
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Dr_willismusashi,  you have a block of unallocated drive right where the parittin was at.07:57
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musashiis there any way to move them around?07:57
Dr_willismusashi,  it would be a neat task if it did.  use gparted and move the OTHER partitins around07:58
graelbI just want to type in cd $scripts, and have it go to /home/graelb/.bin ... how do i set that up?07:58
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musashiDr_willis, my problem is XP is on the third partition when i need it to be the second one07:58
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Dr_willisgraelb,  bash has a 'cd path' variable/feature i think where ya could just do 'cd scripts' and it would default to /home/whatever07:58
alx_a todos07:59
Pici!es | alx_07:59
ubotualx_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:59
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bruenigscripts="/home/whatever" ; cd $scripts07:59
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Dr_willisgraelb,    make an alias - would be an easier way  'alias cds='cd /home/whatever/bin''07:59
ferronicahow could i increase my download speed :( i got ADSL 1Mbps connection07:59
beanageDr_willis>> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/EyeCandy has acouple guides but their only labeled for mainstream video cards ATI nvidia i915. I have a VIA onboard graffix card.07:59
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martin__testing irssi07:59
Dr_willisbeanage,  egads.. :) im not sure that card can even handle it. Might want to try a live cd that has compiz on it.08:00
graelbthat's all there is to it? alias newcommand='what you want that new command to do' ?08:00
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Dr_willisgraelb,  it might be worth your time - to read a few bash boolks/guides. :)08:00
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_Andrewskynexus_: I found this thread on the forums for your camera I don't know if you looked at this already... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50145108:00
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ferronicaanybody who can help me regarding azureus ?08:00
Dr_willisgraelb,  check out the 'advanced bash scripting guide' its in the repos. and online.08:00
graelbhehe yeah, this is true08:00
bruenigbash books are a waste, just use the internets and learn it gradually by practice08:00
musashiis there no way to move the second partition, or combine it with the first?08:00
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graelbwill do. thank you =P08:01
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Ongakuim having strange make errors...error 1 and error 2 what's going on?08:01
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scguy318Ongaku: what does it say before that?08:01
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scguy318!pastebin | Ongaku08:01
ubotuOngaku: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:01
beanageDr_willis>> I'm pretty sure it can, based on it's gaming capabilitys when I had XP on their. So.. is it possable to find a guide for a VIA card?08:01
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skynexus_no, i had not seen it... let go over it and ill be back in a while, thank you :-)08:01
OngakuPhrase.cpp:274: error: 'phraseEdit' was not declared in this scope08:01
Ongakumake[4] : *** [Phrase.lo]  Error 108:01
Ongakumake[4] : Leaving directory `/home/katy/Desktop/Stuff/tse3-0.3.1/src/tse3/cmd'08:01
Ongakumake[3] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 108:01
Ongakumake[3] : Leaving directory `/home/katy/Desktop/Stuff/tse3-0.3.1/src/tse3'08:01
Ongakumake[2] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 108:01
Ongakumake[2] : Leaving directory `/home/katy/Desktop/Stuff/tse3-0.3.1/src'08:01
Ongakumake[1] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 108:02
Ongakumake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/katy/Desktop/Stuff/tse3-0.3.1'08:02
Ongakumake: *** [all]  Error 208:02
murlidhar!enter | Ongaku08:02
OtokonokoPulseAudio just threw up on me.08:02
ubotuOngaku: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:02
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:02
Konamhow can i kill the xserver?08:02
murlidhar!pastebin | Ongaku08:02
ubotuOngaku: please see above08:02
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scguy318Konma: permanently? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:02
trumeedoes anybody have HAUPPAUGE 1100 or SAA7134 based card?08:02
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scguy318!anybody | trumee08:03
ubotutrumee: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:03
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Dr_willisbeanage,  it may more of an issue of the quailty of the via drivers for linux. ive no idea on the chipset. Sorry08:03
trumeei cant seem to use LINE-IN on my HAUPPAUGE card. Need some help.08:04
Konamwhich is the command to kill the xserver (not the ctrl+alt+backspace)08:04
ferronicaPici: can you help me regarding Azureus ?08:04
Dr_willisbeanage,  best test would be a qick test install of Gutsy.  or try the gutsy live cd.08:04
beanageDR_willis>> thanks bud.08:04
Piciferronica: Nope, sorry :(08:04
Ongakuwhy dont u use Ktorrent ferronica, it's better i think08:04
shimizuferronica quit using java torrent clients, best suggestion08:04
Dr_willisbeanage,  lets just say that compiz can give my 6800 a bit of a work out08:04
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Ongakuhttp://pastebin.com/me9f6132 here's the error...had the same problem when i was trying to make for kguitar08:04
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murlidharferronica: i am with Ongaku  and shimizu08:05
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Ongakui haven't installed a source package in awhile...never got error 1 or error 2 when doing make08:06
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astronaughtDoes anyone know what kernel version gutsy will release with?08:06
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Piciastronaught: 2.6.2208:06
astronaughtthanks pici  :D08:06
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astronaughtNo CFS then...08:06
astronaughtHo hum.08:06
Otokonokobsund, usr13: Okay, none of your solutions have worked... should I reinstall all the plugins involved?08:06
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ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages08:07
biebthere is an apache/log/rewrite.log file that I had to zero out.. how can I find the config file that is making the writes to it?08:07
niina_How do i register my nick at freenode.net?08:07
Ongakuso what is this? error 1 and error 2 in make files? can it be fixed easily? lol08:08
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:08
murlidharniina_:  type /msg nickserv help08:08
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bsundOtokonoko, hmm i have no clue.. read somewhere that flash 9 is bad and one could try to install a older version08:09
bsundOtokonoko, but dunno..08:09
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Ongakusays that phraseedit does not have any field named08:09
bsundmine worked out of the box and seems to do for everyone :/08:09
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shimizuim glad ati made some decent drivers so compiz fusion now runs =] 08:10
niina_is Python a good programming language to start with or should i go with Perl instead?08:10
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bsundOtokonoko, or wait you edited the /etc/firefox/firefoxrc ?08:10
SlimeyPetepython will probably be easiest, niina_08:10
Otokonokobsund: No.08:10
shimizuniina_, python is very good08:10
dfletcher_niina_, Python FTW!08:10
SlimeyPetethe syntax is simpler08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:11
niina_oh rly? :P08:11
trdracerwhat python?08:11
niina_Il go with that then08:11
Otokonokobsund: Did I miss something to do regarding that file?08:11
niina_a programming language08:11
bsundOtokonoko, ok so it still says "none" ?08:11
murlidhartrdracer: it is a language08:11
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trdraceri just speak & write english & spanish :P08:11
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Otokonokobsund: OMG. Yes, yes it does.08:11
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=== Otokonoko headdesks TO THE EXTREME.
shimizuniina_, the only thing there is not many services wich provide python hosting, but in some time there will be a lot.. if u planning not write web projects it's all fine08:11
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Ongakui'm getting error 1 and error 2 when trying to make, anyone know how to fix it08:11
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bsundOtokonoko, well.. thats what it does defaults and it usually work anyway :(08:12
murlidhartrdracer: computer language something that a computer needs08:12
bsundOtokonoko, sry but i have no clue08:12
Lakitu7How good is ntfs3g nowadays? Is it stable enough to where there's even little-no anecdotals of "ntfs3g trashed my drive"?08:12
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trdracermurlidhar: got it..08:12
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trdracernow how do i get my bluetooth mouse to get working?08:12
trdraceroh yeah....08:12
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:12
Ongakujus trying to use KGuitar...*sigh* lol08:13
bsundOtokonoko, give me a sec and i'll try to find a older flash and you can try with that, try everything else now and see if any sound work at all after all fiddeling :P08:13
murlidharLakitu7: yes it is stable08:13
punzadaLakitu7, it's supposedly really stable now, but I still don't trust it for constant read/writes08:13
riotkittieLakitu7: it's enabled in 7.10, out of the box, i believe.... if that says anything. and i believe it's been out of beta for a while08:13
murlidhar!stable | Lakitu708:13
ubotuLakitu7: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:13
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Lakitu7Heh. Fat32 in-between partition it is then I guess.08:13
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punzadathat's what I did08:14
punzadaconverted my xp partition to fat32 and use it as my download partition08:14
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Yulquenmade a couple of smb shares on my ubuntu box for use with networked dvd player.dvd player can access all shares fine without user&pasword, but my windoze pz insist on username and password for the same shares.isnt this just a guest account?08:14
punzadaworks great so far.08:14
trdracerdamn still cant get my mouse to work...08:14
trdraceri had it working before i formatted and reinstalled =\08:14
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Otokonokobsund: brb, gotta vacuum08:15
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trdraceranyone know how i can change my resolutionto 1280 x 1024?08:16
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cld2what is the channel for compiz question/support? thanks.08:16
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Norrelcld2: #ubuntu-effects08:18
niina_So, /away and /quit are on a boat, /away jumps off, who's left?08:18
Otokonokobsund: WAIT A MOMENT.08:18
cld2Norrel: thanks08:18
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Otokonokobsund: I installed flash through Firefox when I first installed Ubuntu08:18
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finalbeta. /quit niina_ , and don't do that in a support channel08:18
murlidhartrdracer: preferences>screen resolution08:18
D123how stable is 7.10 at this moment?08:18
Otokonokobsund: and then I installed the Restricted Media Package, which ALSO comes with flash. Could that be the conflict?08:18
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bsundOtokonoko, no idea.. but maybe08:19
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murlidharniina_: do u use xchat?08:20
trdracermurlidhar: that way doesnt work...i got tit though08:20
trdraceri had to type08:20
bsundOtokonoko, do sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree08:20
trdracersome weird command08:20
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benzonwhere can i change the splash boot screen in ubuntu?08:21
OtokonokoE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-notfree08:21
Otokonoko... wait, what?!08:21
PiciOtokonoko: nonfree, not notfree08:21
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KonamD123 tomorrow the RC is out08:22
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Otokonokobsund: Okay, command run successfully08:22
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benzonIs it possible to change the Boot splash screen on Ubuntu08:23
mik3anyone have problems with their web browsers crashing when they look at flash video sites like youtube or break?08:23
bsundthen do sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*08:23
Konamsomeone knows how can I kill the xserver, not restart it08:23
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Otokonokobsund: And then I threw in a sudo apt-get autoremove for good measure08:23
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bsundthen do sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/*flash*08:23
PiciKonam: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop08:23
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Otokonokobsund: Done08:24
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bsundsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:24
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bsundrestart firefox etc08:25
bsundwould be strange if it worked but wth08:25
Otokonokobsund: haha08:26
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Otokonokobsund: Well, no strange happenings here.08:26
OtokonokoNo dice.08:26
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bsundrm -fr ~/.mozilla08:26
D123Konam thanks, IM currently running a 7.10 beta, upgraded from 7.04 last night08:26
D123It crashed on me nearly 3 times already :(08:26
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PiciD123: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.08:27
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nuked_omeni need a program to extract audio from a video file, anyone knows?08:27
bsundthat was the thing you should have deleted in the first place not the /usr/lib/mozilla thing :P08:27
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assasukassei was using swiftfox repo, after installing the beta 5 swiftfox doesn't start anymore, is that only me, or someone else has seen that too..08:27
bsundi messed up :P08:27
Otokonokobsund: so, do that command, reboot, then reinstall Firefox?08:27
punzadaI haven't tried swiftfox yet, is it really a major improvement?08:27
bsundnah just restart firefox08:27
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Piciassasukasse: Perhaps you should be asking the swiftfox team.08:28
assasukassepunzada: is slightly faster..08:28
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MrPinkhey heguru ;)08:28
bsundnothing harmed in the /usr/lib/mozilla thing though just that the files were already gone08:28
tushydI was thinking of getting the xbox 360 hd dvd drive... does anyone know if I could use it on my computer? (feisty)08:28
Otokonokobsund: No dice, once again.08:28
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=== Otokonoko kicks Flash.
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bsundi have no clue sorry :(08:29
Otokonokobsund: well, thanks for your help.08:29
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bsundnah was just fun to do some detective work :)08:29
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bsundbut i make no good sherlock :~(08:29
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages08:30
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tushydanyone? 360 hddvd drive in Ubuntu?08:31
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humohello hello08:31
humono clue08:32
humoim a newbie08:32
murlidhar!ask | humo08:32
ubotuhumo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:32
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Otokonokobsund: Would I harm something by sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox and reinstalling?08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hey - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:33
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bsundOtokonoko, i dont think so, i think it would be the same as rm -fr ~/.mozilla08:33
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murlidharhumo can we help u08:33
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shimizuany suggestion why 3d windows does not work on compiz fusion08:34
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murlidharshimizu: perhaps at /#ubuntu-effects08:34
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MrPinkwhen will Gutsy be released ?08:36
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murlidhar8days left08:37
MrPinkok cool, thanks08:37
bsundOtokonoko, one thing you could try is to go to http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14266 and download flash 7.. i dont know if there is a linux version in it though :S depends on your bandwith it's 30'ish MB08:37
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MrPinkif I already install Gutsy now, and do the updates it shows me, than I will have the same version as if I would wait for the release and download it then, correct ?08:38
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anto_Can somone help me install my nvidia drivers ??08:38
Dr_willisMrPink,  gutsy is having about 100mb of updates a day for me over the last week.. :) You MIGHT want to wait.08:38
tonynlisaAnyone familiar with content filtering? I'm looking for a way to perminantly block 3rd party ads08:38
MikeonTVSince upgrading to the newest kernel I have noticed that my wireless isn't working. I then went back to the previous kernel and it still isn't working08:38
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Dr_willisMrPink,  when released it should get updated fine. (should)08:39
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murlidharMrPink: dunno for sure ask in gutsy channel08:39
anto_Anyone that can help me please, i would realy love to have my drivers working again...08:39
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murlidhar!gutsy | MrPink08:39
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ubotuMrPink: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:39
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MrPinkDr_Willis well the thing is I wanted to reinstall the whole system anyway (as I am switching my Windows version as well) so I wanted to do a whole System change... and install Gutsy instead of Feisty as a "fresh" install08:39
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Dr_willisMrPink,  Go for it. :) if its not a production machine. report bugs also! :)08:40
bsundOtokonoko, you can also remove the /etc/asound.conf and any .asound.conf since they did no good08:40
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murlidharMrPink: if u can wait for a few days . my suggestion08:40
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Soli1hi i'm using aptana as a plugin with eclipse, my question is : how to "edit HTML files in code mode" without always opening them with the integrated browser? (BAD english)08:41
MrPinkmarlidhar maybe I should... but I already burned the Gutsy Image on a DVD lol08:41
gpolohello, is there any bug report for python2.5 debug build package ?08:41
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MrPinkmarlidhar but maybe I will wait afterall... that might be best...08:41
JimmeyWhat does it mean to bridge two internet connections?08:41
murlidharMrPink: :)08:42
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murlidharMrPink: my name is murlidhar not marlidhar :/08:42
MrPinkups ^^08:42
MrPinksry ;)08:42
murlidharMrPink: just type mur then press TAB08:43
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MrPinkmurlidhar why do you suggest the wait... because of issues, or because of the many updates coming out ?08:43
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benzonhow can i force an install true apt-get?08:43
murlidharMrPink: yes08:43
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MrPinkmurlidhar hehe sry... that doesn't work I am using ChatZilla a firefox extension... tab doesnt help ;)08:43
erUSULbenzon: -f08:43
d90hey I want to try KDE enviroment and question is: Is possable to use KDE and Gnome on one installation of ubuntu (so, I choose on startup witch to use)?08:44
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Ballenahow can i see what fonts is installed on my system?08:44
murlidharMrPink: it works see options in chatzilla08:44
ice9any tutorials for setting up domain controller using feisty and having winxp as clients08:44
UserCyes d90 that is possible08:44
Jimmeyd90, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, if you have a good internet connection08:44
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riotkittieand then you can select via "sessions" on the login screen08:44
Jimmeyd90, or sudo apt-get install kdebase08:45
d90Jimmey, no I havent but what to do I`ll download it, THX08:45
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benzonerUSUL, just says its installed and i still want to reinstall that thing how do i do that08:45
d90Jimmey, ok first or second or booth to download08:45
Jimmeyd90, try sudo apt-get install kdebase then, and you can select KDE from the options in the login menu08:45
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MrPinkmurlidhar I checked through the menues (again) can you tell me where I can find it ?08:46
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bsundOtokonoko, hmm btw since the closed source flash plugin doesnt want to work.. you maybe wanna try the GNU flashplayer :) do "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree", "rm -fr ~/.mozilla" and then "apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash" :)08:47
ice9any tutorials for setting up domain controller using feisty and having winxp as clients08:47
erUSULbenzon: --reinstall then08:47
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lonranhi everybody08:47
murlidharMrPink: wait let me search08:47
lonranSometimes my systems crashes and the only thing to do is to reboot it via power button. I think is an IRQ assigment problem due to ACPI. How can i fix it? Can i boot it with the noacpi option? how will then irq's be assigned?08:47
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dogghi lonran08:47
bsundit says it has support for youtube and most flash 7 stuff (which is most stuff)08:47
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ZombineWhat's the name of the network manager app in GNOME?08:47
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Jimmeybsund, it doesn't support Youtube anymore08:48
benzonerUSUL, thx tryed to change splash screen dident work to well hehe08:48
Jimmeybsund, It won't for a while, at least08:48
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erUSULbenzon: no problem08:48
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doggcan anyone tell me if i can use fluxbox gui with ubuntu??08:48
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bsundJimmey, ah :(08:48
Jimmeybsund, Youtube changed some things - It should work shortly though08:48
UserCdoes any one know if theres a way to run sapgui on ubuntu?08:49
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socialone75can anyone help me with rshd?08:49
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Symmetriahrm, what package do I need to install to get the standard include files that would normally be in /usr/include?08:49
pike_dogg: yes08:50
mr_marvinwhat is console command for "add/remove programs"?08:50
doggpike_  how would i do this?08:50
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pike_dogg: sudo apt-get install fluxbox    then just click the sessions button at login to login to it instead of gnome08:50
pike_dogg: usually if im using flux i dont use the gdm login though08:50
doggo cool, thanks a lot08:50
Jimmeymr_marvin, sudo apt-get install packagename/sudo apt-get remove packagename/apt-cache search packagename08:50
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dogghow do u log in then?08:51
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Jimmeymr_marvin, that's for installing/removing/searching for packages, respectively08:51
doggsorry, im a linux n00b08:51
doggmade the switch from windows08:51
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sandryou're not alone, me too08:51
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MrPinkdogg I only switched from Windows to Linux like 3 weeks ago or so08:52
pike_dogg: i normally 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove' to stop gdm from running at boot then 'echo "exec startfluxbox" > ~/.xinitrc'  then just run xinit at cli to start x session with flux08:52
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mr_marvinjimmey: thaks08:52
MikeonTVis there a  way to have it so ubuntu loads without entering any password or selecting any user. I am the sole user fo this machine and would like it if as soon as I power on my machine i can bypass the login screen08:52
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socialone75if anyone knows anything about rsh login please send me a private message08:52
MrPinkthat is what I like about linux most... the community... its totally ok to ask "stupid" questions here :-D08:52
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pike_dogg: dont do the updaterc.d unless youre sure you are comfortable swithcing it back08:52
JimmeyMikeonTV, System>Administration>Login Window08:52
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JohnnyJetis it possible to free a program from a process which use it without killing the process itself ?08:52
Dr_willisMrPink,  and we only make a LITTLE fun of the person asking.. :)08:52
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JimmeyMikeonTV, then click "Security"08:53
doggok, thanks 4 the help08:53
pike_dogg: to test it you can just sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  and then do the xinit thing08:53
MrPinkDr_willis yeah only a little ;)08:53
pike_dogg: np08:53
silent__hey guys, how do I choose the playback device I want to use? I've tried the system control panel but VLC still plays out of my onboard instead of my audigy08:53
JohnnyJetlet me try again, is it possible to free my soundcard from a process without having to kill the process itseld ?08:53
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doggill be back in 10 mins to tell you if it worked08:53
JohnnyJet(sorry for repeating)08:53
spinexorzpike_: whats wrong with adding flux to GDM sessions?08:53
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MikeonTVJimmey: Thanks08:53
Jimmeysilent__:, there's a way of specifying which soundcard to use by default, but I forget how to do it08:53
mr_marvinJimmey: and how do i start gui for adding/removing?08:53
ArseneLupinplease tell me step by step hwo to install my fast gsm (dsl) modem for the first time08:54
pike_spinexorz: nothing just normally if im running flux its because i want a leaner system. i just dont think of gdm as lean08:54
silent__Jimmey: I figured as much ;P08:54
Jimmeymr_marvin, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager08:54
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Jimmeysilent__:, when you have a hardware and a chipset fighting for control of sound, you have to do a quick commandline hack to select which to use, but I can't remember it. It's on the forums somewhere - let me look for you08:54
Otokonokobsund: gnash didn't work >_>08:54
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Otokonokobsund: Well, it did, but same problem08:54
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silent__Jimmey: thanks, I'll try rebooting to see if there's an option in bios to turn off the onboard. brb08:55
bsundOtokonoko, wth08:55
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blaochai would like to setup the wikipedia on ubuntu server anybody can guide me please ?08:55
Otokonokobsund: I've said the same thing, plus other... erm, spicier variations multiple times this morning08:55
mr_marvinJimmey. and if i'm not logged as admin, but user. i "become" admin using "su" command in console, and what then?08:56
blaochaor any suggestions ?08:56
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bsundOtokonoko, mandriva 2008 has come out :)08:56
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bsundi dont know otherwise08:56
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Otokonokobsund: Meaning... what exactly?08:56
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MrPinkmurlidhar did you find out where it is?08:56
stinger05hi there08:56
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Jimmeymr_marvin, it's better to use the "sudo" command to gain admin privileges temporarily.08:56
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Jimmeymr_marvin, for console applications, you can "sudo application name", and for graphical applications, you can "gksudo applicationname"08:57
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murlidharMrPink: no but strange i am now in chatzilla and it is working08:57
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bsundOtokonoko, it's another dist that is easy and seen by many other as more mature then ubuntu, but boring having to give up ubuntu because flash doesnt work and nothings says it will work better on mandriva :)08:58
stinger05are the packages for playing music and watching dvd's with "feisty" compatible with "gutsy gibbons"??08:58
mr_marvinjimmey: ok.... i got it, btw "sudo synaptic" :/08:58
eckstinger05: yes08:58
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bsunddont think mandriva has this badass community either08:58
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Jimmeymr_marvin, like I say, it's better to "gksudo synaptic-package-manager"08:58
MrPinkmurlidhar when I press tab it switches the cursor through the different "frames" of the firefox browser08:58
Otokonokobsund: True, true.08:58
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silent__Jimmey: I got the onboard disabled through my bios, I'm going to try to play something through audigy08:58
murlidharMrPink: just check the global settings08:58
stinger05ok thx dude :)08:58
OleMoudigutsy here, is there any official kernel module for truecrypt support?08:59
pike_bsund: the flash9 plugin doesnt work?08:59
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Otokonokobsund: I suppose a roundabout solution would be to use vixy.net or a FF plugin to convert the videos then watch them in movie player.08:59
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Otokonokobut that is a pain in the ass.08:59
Jimmeymr_marvin, oops...I mean "gksudo synaptic"08:59
eckOleMoudi: is it in the mainline kernel?08:59
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d90Is possable to backup all isntalled programs, so when I reinstall ubuntu (if ever crushes :D ) I not going need to download it again becausecs08:59
bsundpike_, yeah Otokonoko have this problem that sound doesnt work but else it's fine08:59
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OleMoudieck, I guess not09:00
eckOleMoudi: then probably not09:00
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OleMoudiI have checked with modconf09:00
Hilikushow do i schedule user tasks that are guaranteed to run (i.e. not cron)09:00
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ArseneLupinplease tell me step by step hwo to install my fast gsm (dsl) modem for the first time09:00
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clownypart #ubuntu09:00
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murlidharMrPink: with some names it is working with some it is not. strange09:00
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OleMoudieck, and is there any alternative to truecrypt ubuntu supports to allow mounting special volumes?09:00
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eckHilikus: have you tried anacron/fcron?09:00
OleMoudiI mean, volumes as in files, not partitions09:00
spinexorzArseneLupin: what kind of modem do you have?09:01
Jimmeysilent__, this makes your name kind of ironic09:01
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eckOleMoudi: sure, you can already so something like mke2fs and then point it to a file instead of a partition, and mount that file as a separate filesystem09:01
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Hilikuseck anacron is ment for root/system tasks, i couldnt find anything useful for USER tasks09:01
silent__Jimmey: hehe... I think its detecting it... but its not playing anything. I can't change the volume. I'm going to try to upgrade my alsa09:01
spinexorzArseneLupin: what kind of modem do you have?09:01
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eckOleMoudi: i'm not sure what the options are as far as encryption is concerned, but i know there are a few modules in the kernel for encrypted filesystems09:01
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Jimmeysilent__, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Sound - Scroll down to "how to change the default soundcard"09:01
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pike_d90: dpkg -l > filename will create a file with all installed progs. you can then point to that file on a new system to have it install all the packages. im not sure though of the exact command09:01
murlidharMrPink: perhaps this is because selecting guess unknown commands09:02
mr_marvinJimmey: and how do i start add/remove window?09:02
kstare there any problems known with the usbhid module not accepting options for mousepolling? somehow my tweaks won't apply, no matter how I do it..09:02
OleMoudiok thanks eck09:02
eckHilikus: you should still be able to do something like crontab -e and edit the user's crontab09:02
spinexorzArseneLupin, i tried to help you09:02
ArseneLupini have fast sagem 800 modem09:02
Hilikuseck, from wikipedia: Only the system administrator can configure anacron tasks. In contrast, cron allows non-admin users to configure scheduled tasks.09:02
MrPinkmurlidhar I have that selected09:02
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ompaul!cn | joviwood09:02
ubotujoviwood: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:02
Symmetriaurgh, anyone know off hand which ubuntu package contains the standard include files?09:02
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joviwooduboto      thank u09:03
Hilikuseck from what i can tell, anacron will only run stuff in /etc/cron.* whereas crontab -e will put the tables in /var/spool/cron/crontabs09:03
spinexorzArseneLupin, and i bet your using USB to connect it to your PC?09:03
eckHilikus: i believe you can schedule tasks as a regular user in fcron09:03
bsundOtokonoko, if you run alsa mixer.. does everything seem ok?09:03
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Jimmeymr_marvin, gnome-app-install09:03
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MrPinkompaul no thanks for you ^^09:03
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MrPinkthe bot did the work ;)09:03
bsund(from terminal)09:03
spinexorzArseneLupin: dont, get an ethernet cable instead09:03
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Otokonokowoharri@woharri-desktop:~$ alsa-mixer09:03
Otokonokobash: alsa-mixer: command not found09:03
bsundsry alsamixer09:04
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ArseneLupinwhat ro u mean?09:04
ArseneLupinwhat do u mean?09:04
Otokonokoit looks like it, yes09:04
Hilikuseck is there a way to tell anacron to run stuff from /var/spool/cron/crontabs?09:04
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musashican anyone help me with a partitioning problem?09:04
Otokonokocard: HDA ATI SB09:04
bsundOtokonoko, both Master and PCM are activated?09:04
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:05
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eckHilikus: i don't know, i'm not that familiar with anacron09:05
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musashii forgot09:05
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spinexorzArseneLupin: your ADSL is connected to the PC via USB cable right? i doubt there are drivers for modem for linux, what you need to do and it would make things alot easier is connect it via ethernet09:05
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Otokonokobsund: I can't see a "Master" option.09:05
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Otokonokobsund: PCM looks fine though.09:05
mr_marvinJimmey: that's it. thank you.09:05
MrPinkmurlidhar I dont know if you saw my question a while ago, but why would you recommend me not installing Gutsy yet? Because of the many updates and the downloads, or more because the current downloadable version isn't stable ?09:05
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spinexorzArseneLupin: i meant drivers for THAT modem09:05
musashimy windows xp wont boot anymore, im getting an error that the boot location has changed09:05
Jimmeymr_marvin, you're welcome. Plus, my second name is Marvin....You're not my Dad, are you? :-P09:05
musashii installed ubuntu before all this happened09:05
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Otokonokobsund: Chip = realtek alc86109:06
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musashii dont even know how to phrase this.09:06
b4dmusashi: put in txe xp cd and run fixmbr from recovery console09:06
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musashibut then ubuntu wont be accesable09:06
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shimizuit will09:06
bsundOtokonoko, it's strange that's a very common soundchip09:06
Jimmeymusashi, how did the problem occur?09:06
Otokonokobsund: Yeah.09:06
bsundand still bugged somehow09:06
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musashii installed ubuntu on some unallocated space between my vista and xp partitions by mistake09:06
murlidharMrPink: yes since i am not sure that all the problems in Gutsy will be solved automatically simply by auto updating it09:07
MrPinkmusashi the worst that will happen is that your grub boot loader wont work but its isn't to hard to fix that09:07
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musashii have vista and xp, though09:07
OtokonokoWhoa, there's a new one09:07
Jimmeymusashi, does Vista still boot?09:07
musashiyes vista does09:07
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OtokonokoI changed the default sound card, and now Totem doesn't work09:07
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spinexorzArseneLupin: any luck?09:07
martinfCan anyone help me with Virtualbox network settings?09:08
MrPinkmurlidhar aha... that truely is a reason... I was of the impression and that is what others have told me... that Gutsy would simply update... even from Feisty... so I expected that the Gutsy beta would update even easier...09:08
b4dmusashi: is there any reason you run two windows?09:08
markelhashi ppl i've a problem with my desktop, when i click on the right button of my mouse nothing happens and my icons also gone. how can i solve this?09:08
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musashiwell i dont like vista but i cant use an ethernet cable for internet in xp for some reason09:08
Jimmeymusashi, did Ubuntu automatically create the Grub menu?09:08
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musashiJimmey: yea09:08
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murlidharMrPink: why don't u ask in #ubuntu+1 cuz i am not sure09:08
Jimmeymusashi, and you didn't edit the menu.lst?09:09
spinexorzmusashi: do you have your mobo drivers isntalled and up to date?09:09
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kane77what are some wifi chipsets that do work with ubuntu? I currently have bcm4310 and I cannot get it to work propperly (mainly with wep/wpa)...09:09
bsundOtokonoko, http://www.opera.com/download/ try that browser09:09
mr_marvi1how to setup gaim to work with google? i really tried but no success...09:09
musashii dont know what any of that means09:09
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bsundit's a nice one :)09:09
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b4dmusashi: a text configuration file in ubuntu09:09
spinexorzmusashi: thats probably why you cant use ethernet in XP09:09
Otokonokobsund: First I have to figure out what I screwed up so that sound doesn't work PERIOD now.09:10
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musashii tried installing the ethernet network controller i think it was called but everything lagged so i took it off xp09:10
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo09:10
murlidharMrPink: i will update my feisty by downloading  alternate cd and do it offline upgradation to gutsy09:10
bsundOtokonoko, yeah i feared that09:10
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davemlinux1What for txt config if you dont mind09:10
bsunddo rm ~/.asound*09:10
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Jimmeymr_marvi1, where are you from?09:11
bsunddo rm -f ~/.asound*09:11
musashii have a picture of my partitioning from gparted i think that would help09:11
Otokonokobsund: didn't work09:11
Otokonokobsund: Gah.09:11
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musashii obviously didnt do it right09:11
Jimmeymusashi, can you select XP from the boot menu?09:11
Otokonokobsund: Maybe I should just reinstall ubuntu lol09:11
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bsundand sudo rm -f /etc/.asound*09:11
martinfAnybody ever used Virtualbox ??09:11
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grungerdo I have to have x86_64 cds to install it on a core 2 duo laptop?09:12
ArseneLupini saw some one usoing it martinf09:12
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ArseneLupinthat's rzeally cool09:12
musashiJimmey: yes i can, it give me an error : <windows root> \system32\hal.dll09:12
Otokonokobsund: No dice, once again.09:12
Otokonokobsund: Boy I must have REALLY screwed something up.09:12
Jimmeymusashi, that's a Windows problem09:12
ArseneLupinyou switch the desktop and you have linux and windows at the same time09:12
musashiJimmey: i googled it and it says that its from the position of XP changing from when it was installed09:12
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martinfAny idea of who?09:12
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musashiwhich occured from installing ubuntu...09:12
Jimmeymusashi, did you re-size the XP partition during the installation of Ubuntu?09:12
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musashii shrunk my first partition and used that one for ubuntu, but the xp one was next to the first on prior, so it got shifted to the right09:13
martinfArsenelLupin - I have a network problem using VB any ideas of a chat room that could help?09:14
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Jimmeymusashi, that's probably why, then - Did you defrag XP before all of this?09:14
Jimmeymartinf, is that Visual Basic? Or Verse Blender?09:14
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musashiJimmey: no..09:14
Otokonokobsund: error from Movie Player: The audio output is in use by another application. Please select another audio output in the Multimedia Systems Selector. You may want to consider using a sound server.09:15
bsundOtokonoko, i think if you remove ~/.asound* and /etc/asound* you should get sound back maybe need to reboot though09:15
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musashii have an idea ill be back if i fix it09:15
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anto_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:15
anto_Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual09:15
sandman_hi, what video conference SW do you recommend in order to communicate with Windows machines?09:15
anto_Sorry about spamm but could somone explain how to fix that_09:15
amadeuxCutting and pasting in my feisty (Gnome) is suddenly broken. No matter what I copy, all it can paste is "". I don't want to end my session and log out, let alone reboot. How can I fix this? What component of gnome is responsible for this? Can't I just restart gnome without ending my session?09:16
Otokonokobsund: Okay, I'll reboot, and if this doesn't work I'll just start with a fresh Ubuntu install and see if I can't fix the problem by trying some different steps.09:16
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bsundbut the * in asound* is important :)09:16
bsundmeans everything thats starts with asound :)09:16
bsundthe file is called asound.conf or summat09:17
sandman_is gnomemeeting capable to communicate with neetmeeting?09:17
Otokonokobsund: I've done that command multiple times :P09:17
bsundok :)09:17
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OtokonokoAnyway, restart, brb09:17
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MrPinkmurlidhar yeah I downloaded the cd install too... but of the beta version you can download now... so maybe I should wait and redownload the main release cd version09:18
silent__oh my god that alsa compile took forever09:18
ompauljoviwood, ?09:18
erUSUL!cn | joviwood09:18
ubotujoviwood: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:18
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murlidharMrPink: apt-get dist-upgrade09:19
joviwoodnobody in #ubuntu-cn channel09:19
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ompauljoviwood, it is rather late there09:19
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jbishanyone with experience with serial drivers09:20
joviwoodhere  3:20 am09:20
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Otokonokobsund: Well, sound works again...09:20
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bsundtry opera09:20
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murlidharMrPink: u can always reinstall anything without any problems if you don't change the installation locations09:20
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Otokonokobsund: On it. Wanted to try FF one more time lol09:21
amadeuxCutting and pasting in my feisty (Gnome) is suddenly broken. No matter what I copy, all it can paste is "". I don't want to end my session and log out, let alone reboot. How can I fix this? What component of gnome is responsible for this? Can't I just restart gnome without ending my session?09:21
bsundbut you got the gnash one installed? :)09:21
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Otokonokobsund: No, I purged it.09:21
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lalalaany guru here in linux who can help ?09:21
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mr_marvinjJimmey: lol. no i'm not. it's taken from adam's the hitchhiker's guide...09:22
murlidharlalala: are u from india?09:22
bsundopera is a really nice browser though you could easily replace it with firefox until it gets fixed09:22
lalalaim from Greece09:22
bsundfirefox with it*09:22
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Otokonokobsund: no dice09:23
musashilalala: could you get back on msn please09:23
bsunddid you try opera?09:23
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Otokonokobsund: Yep.09:23
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bsundinsane problem09:24
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Otokonokobsund: Indeed.09:24
EliteHai people.09:24
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bittinHi Elite09:24
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EliteWonder if you guys can help me...09:24
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bsundso you get picture with no sound09:24
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Otokonokobsund: Yep.09:24
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kermit_dudeHi! Anyone who knows any media player for hd videos?09:24
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markelhashow can i save the gnome fail session setting to default one?09:24
Dr_williskermit_dude,  Hmm i have a lot of avi files that claim to be 'hd' they play normally in all the players..09:25
murlidhar!help | Elite09:25
ubotuElite: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:25
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EliteI have an AOC M19W monitor, but everytime i try to switch the actual screen resolution it goes back to default... I want 1440x900 damnit =[09:25
Dr_williskermit_dude,  play on the computer monitor at least. :) i dont have any HD tv's09:25
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sandman_hi, what video conference SW do you recommend in order to communicate with Windows machines?09:25
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antoGeezuz can somone help me fix my glx problem?09:25
markelhasshould i've to do somethig special to save the gnome fail safe session setting to the default one?09:26
Dr_willissandman_,  Irc. :)09:26
murlidharElite: change the resolution by using gconf editor09:26
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kermit_dudeI have these video files that I can watch on Windows with VLC but won't play in Ubuntu09:26
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skynexus__Andrew: hello, are you still there?09:27
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Elitemurlidhar: gconf doesn't come up when i type it in terminal.09:27
bsundOtokonoko, try reinstall maybe try mandriva 2008 to widen your view at the same time :) and then maybe try the new ubuntu that comes in a week :)09:27
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pupi120290hello^^ i get this error wihile running ./configure:09:28
pupi120290configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!09:28
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murlidharElite: srry it is not gconf it is something else that i am not able to remember , i will google it and tell u09:28
Elitegot it09:28
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kermit_dudeI have these video files that I can watch on Windows with VLC but won't play in Ubuntu09:29
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Otokonokobsund: Well, I've got some cleaning to do, so I'll go ahead and do a fresh ubuntu install and see if that works.09:29
Elitemurlidhar, I got it... now what?09:29
erUSULkermit_dude: which type of files? avi wmv?09:29
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bsundOtokonoko, kk damn annoying problem though09:29
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voidususing gnome, i can make a "virtual folder" that is a ftp/samba connection, but i can't find this folder in the file system09:29
trdraceriptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)09:29
trdracerPerhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.09:29
espereguHow can I set a static IP that won't get reset with dhcp when replugging the network cable??????09:29
murlidharElite: u have to edit xorg i dunno how09:29
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trdracerwhats that mean?09:29
trdracerwhat do i need for it to allow what im trying to do?09:30
pupi120290hello^^ i get this error wihile running ./configure:configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!09:30
bsundOtokonoko, did you try to enter a myspace site or something that just play sounds?09:30
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antoGeezuz can somone help me fix my glx problem?09:30
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Alarien-WorkAre there any Gutsy Beta users that can assist with /dev/dsp busy?09:30
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bsundbut guess it's flash there to so..09:30
murlidharElite: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 follow this09:30
voidusAlarien-Work: /join #ubuntu+109:30
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kermit_dudeI got these mkv files,not avi or wmv09:30
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pupi120290hello^^ i get this error wihile running ./configure:09:31
pupi120290configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!09:31
kermit_dudeI got these mkv files,not avi or wmv09:31
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psyferrehey folks, i'm a new ubuntu user with a weird little problem... my usb mouse just randomly stops working.  UNplugging the mouse and plugging it back in does nothing to help.  I've been googling and it seems to be a common problem somewhat, but i haven't seen an answer.  Can anyone help?09:31
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=== psyferre curses at his mouse.
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kermit_dudeI got these mkv files,not avi or wmv09:32
benoit17gillaume #ubuntu-fr09:32
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antoCan somone explain why Glx is not loading at startup here is my xorg log http://pastebin.com/m6a7aaab09:33
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kane77where do I get the wl_apsta.o file when installing bcm43xx-fwcutter??09:33
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macographeris it possible to change a user's home directory to the apache webspace?09:33
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grungerwow. how do I extract password protected rar files using "unrar" ?09:34
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saineyc2gfggg6t] 09:34
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kermit_dudeI got these mkv files,not avi or wmv09:34
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antoCan somone explain why Glx is not loading at startup here is my xorg log http://pastebin.com/m6a7aaab09:34
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Symmetriaheh kermit_dude those are h264 files09:35
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Symmetriaplay them with vlc09:35
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nicgioshi all, does anyone know if it is possible to import audio from a sony MD to a pc (running ubuntustudio) ?09:35
kermit_dudei tried vlc but failed09:35
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oliver_g_kermit_dude: yes those seem to be "Matroska" files (says http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matroska)09:35
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Symmetriathen your vlc isnt built with h264 support09:35
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kermit_dudeso how can i play them with vlc?09:36
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daedraanyone need help09:37
_Andrewskynexus_: yo09:38
bsundkermit_dude, sudo apt-get install vlc09:38
cLINTothere should be different channels for different topics09:38
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{Zeus}that would be confusing09:38
daedracLINTo: make one09:38
cLINTothe whole 30 conversations going on in one window isn't?09:38
cLINToi guess09:39
{Zeus}well... it's hard to have many channels09:39
daedracLINTo: if you're solving a problem for someone, invite them to your channe;09:39
bsundkermit_dude, if you already have vlc do "sudo apt-get install x264-bin"09:39
cLINTowell, actually, I'm having problems setting up grub properly09:39
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heavenhey guyz09:40
daedra8 days or something now09:40
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.09:40
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cLINToI have XP and Ubuntu and I just installed openSUSE09:40
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calcooshi can i ask for ics help here? :)09:40
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kane77where do I get the wl_apsta.o file when installing bcm43xx-fwcutter??09:40
skynexus__Andrew: hello there09:40
cLINToI figured out how to get Ubuntu onto SUSE's grub list09:40
{Zeus}how do I make my own channel?09:40
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cLINTobut when I boot into Ubuntu09:40
skynexus__Andrew: just wanted to update on my progress09:40
cLINToI get a filesystem error09:40
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{Zeus}what is the erR?09:41
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skynexus__Andrews: I got the camera to work!09:41
_Andrewskynexus_: any luck?09:41
calcooscan i ask about internet connection sharing here? :P09:41
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cLINToI'll have to go check it out again09:41
cLINTocan't remember09:41
{Zeus}yes go ahead calcoos09:41
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skynexus__Andrew: the problem was that I was not using the latest driver09:41
tracyhey, how can i get a kernel installed that has the mac80211 built in, i'd like to try the iwl intel wireless drivers09:41
cLINToif I hit control+d it boots09:41
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_Hunttamight be stupid question, but how to set password on GRUB??09:41
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daedra{Zeus}: type /j {Zeus}09:41
_Andrewcalcoos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetConnectionSharing09:41
daedrabingo, you're the op of channelname {Zeus}09:41
{Zeus}it says "no such channel :(09:42
calcoosi wanna use my laptop as i wireless network card for my xbox as it can only connect through ethernet how do i do this? :D09:42
cLINTo@ _Huntta should be in menu.lst09:42
pygiintel pentium M, laptop overheating, Intel i815 ... anyone have any idea? :)09:42
{Zeus}what brand?09:42
daedraah well you just suck then09:42
Zinatheme.awn je sais pas que faire avec09:42
tracypygi, you checked any fans havent burnt out?09:42
{Zeus}what laptop pygi?09:42
daedra!fr | Zina09:42
ubotuZina: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:42
_Andrewskynexus_: ok, glad you got your camera working. I had real problems with mine.09:42
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pygi{Zeus}, dont think you know it, forcebook09:42
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calcoosi wanna use my laptop as i wireless network card for my xbox as it can only connect through ethernet how do i do this? :)09:43
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{Zeus}ok... no I don't recognize it09:43
BillyBeanshey , is there anything easier than dovecot to configure?09:43
pygitracy, fans doesnt seem to be detected at all, and lm_sensors cant find any supported sensor which is weird09:43
psyferreanyone know why a usb mouse would continually just stop working?09:43
_Andrewcalcoos: Read this link.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetConnectionSharing09:43
{Zeus}it works then stops?09:43
tracypygi, anything in /proc/acpi/ etc09:43
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pygitracy, like what? Shoot, and I'll give you output09:43
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nameless`what means "moa" ?09:43
tracypastebin ls /proc/acpi/09:43
psyferre{Zeus}: yup! works just fine and then suddenly just freezes.09:44
skynexus__Andrew: I used the gspca-source package in Synaptic, but it was version 1.00.12; upon closer inspection, I noticed the needed header file was missing in the source code (compared it to the latest version, 1.00.18), so basically I downloaded, compiled and installed manually09:44
psyferre{Zeus}: keyboard works just fine, but i have to reboot to get mouse control back09:44
{Zeus}that's weird psyferre09:44
{Zeus}does restarting X (logout/login) fix the problem?09:44
voidususing gnome, i made a "virtual folder" that is a ftp/samba connection, but i can't find this folder in the file system09:44
kermit_dudei just installed x264-bin but the files won't play09:44
oliver_g_psyferre: maybe the system log says something about mouse problems=09:44
psyferre{Zeus}: i'm not sure... i just tried that but it never finished logging out... had to cold boot09:45
pygitracy, http://pastebin.com/mc1028b509:45
oliver_g_psyferre: ... have you looked at the output from dmesg?09:45
BillyBeansdoes anyone have dovecot setup for ubuntu?09:45
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Ubersoldatvoidus: duh! because its virtual09:45
daedrapsyferre: just after booting, type dmesg|tail in command prompt09:45
_Andrewskynexus_: If you got the time you should file a bug report at launchpad.net and make sure it doesn't happen in Gutsy09:45
pygitracy, http://pastebin.com/m3629552f09:45
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psyferreoliver_g_: no, but that's a good idea.  I'll do that.  Thanks!09:45
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voidusUbersoldat: so no way to use it in any program except gnome?09:45
kermit_dudei just installed x264-bin but the files won't play09:45
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tracypygi, doesnt look like a software problem if all that is in there, do the fans work on another OS / Live CD09:46
Ubersoldatvoidus: yep... I feel your pain09:46
daedragive me an obscure video filetype and I'll play it09:46
pygitracy, afaik, it started overheating after 2.6.20 kernel09:46
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bXican i somehow see what version a certain kernel module is?09:46
pygitried several distros09:46
oliver_g_just guessing, but shouldn't the automatic codec downloader find the correct codecs for .mkv files?09:46
{Zeus}i guess...09:46
BillyBeansplease anyone, does anyone have dovecot installed on ubuntu?09:46
smultroni have an old USB1.1 Buslink harddrive enclosure. it shows up in the Hardware Information app as "usb device", but It doesn't mount at all09:46
oliver_g_bXi: try modinfo09:46
daedrabXi: wait there i'll get my big linux book out :D09:47
=== RealmMaster 15 Step - In Rainbows - Radiohead (xamarok)
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heavenrelax i still got a 45 GB floppy (some other partition) that i cant use09:47
oliver_g_bXi: also sometimes the modules print their version info in the system log (dmesg) when load them09:47
pygitracy, nothing in /proc/acpi/fan o.O09:47
daedrain rainbows :D09:47
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e\ectro_is anyone using ubuntu as an LDAP client?09:47
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{Zeus}smultron: can you see it in Places > Computer?09:47
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tracypygi, thats not uncommon09:48
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linenoiseso there's GOT to be a better way to automount usb drives than messing with /etc/rc.d/rc.autofs09:48
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linenoiseI just want the drive mounted to the same mountpoint every time.  That's it.09:48
smultron{Zeus}: nope, but it shows up as "Buslink USB device" in the Hardware Information thing09:48
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{Zeus}linenoise, if you want a drive mounted to a directory, the best way is through /etc/fstab09:48
skynexus__Andrew: Gutsy has version 1.00.16, have not bothered to install it yet so don't know if that would be a problem09:48
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jonathanvwhy does my dell latitude d630 hate ubuntu?09:48
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linenoise{Zeus}: yeah, but what I fi plug it into a different port every time?09:49
wuber1ola raga....09:49
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=== RealmMaster Bodysnatchers - In Rainbows - Radiohead (xamarok)
{Zeus}linenoise: i don'09:49
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{Zeus}*don't know... i guess you could make a mount point for each USB port09:49
oliver_g_linenoise: theoretically you could make a udev rule for the drive...09:49
linenoiseand what the HELL is a UUID?  why the hell do I need to know a 40 bit random string?09:49
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:49
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Dr_willistime to do some reading on the topic and less ranting.09:49
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IHKhi, i have installed parallels on my comp, but when i try to run parallels-config i keep getting the error "Unable to find linux kernel source", i have tried to apt-get almost everything i have seen on the web, but i cant get it to work, anyone knows what i should do?09:50
_Andrewskynexus_: Ah, nevermind i'm sure they've fixed it if its been updated09:50
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daedrahmm theres got to be a module equivalent of ldd09:50
linenoiseyeah, time to install an OS that doesn't require me to jump through these kinds of hoops09:50
Dr_willislinenoise,  whtever.. have fun.09:50
daedraldd lists the library types/versions09:50
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shimizulinenoise, try gentoo09:50
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oliver_g_daedra: is it _mandatory_ that a module has version info embedded?09:50
afterlifeciao a tutti09:50
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skynexus__Andrew: ironically, my friend remenbered he too had a web camera when I told him I finally got mine to work; so when I tried it out, it worked out of the box, and with much better picture (no flicker for example)09:51
kermit_dudethanks for the suggestions...gtg09:51
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linenoisewtf?  why isn't autofs using blkid to do this shit for me?09:51
kermit_dudethanks for the suggestions...gtg09:51
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | linenoise09:51
ubotulinenoise: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.09:51
linenoiseshimizu: is Shimizu your surname?09:51
wuber1ciao ragazzi09:51
_Andrewskynexus_: haha, oh well.. least you know you can get yours to worlk09:51
daedraoliver_g_: someone asked a question about module versions09:51
Dr_willisMy Usb Gizmos always seem to appear under the same place - based on their "label"09:51
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shimizulinenoise, no it's my nickname09:52
frojndDoes anyone know where will other countries be able to buy dell inspiron 1420 N   ?   And if Dell is in general good choice for laptop with ubuntu?09:52
daedradaedra: i want to know too!09:52
skynexus__Andrew: I'll be using his and return mine, quality sucks :-)09:52
frojndwhere = when09:52
shimizuis there any who tryed to run second life on feisty09:52
yaserplease urgent help!!! I need to quickly  umount an ssh filesystem, i do "sudo umount /media/mydev" but it says "device is busy", what can i do to umount at any price????09:52
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IHKanyone knows why parallels-config keeps saying "Unable to find linux kernel source"?? even though i have already installed it, and everything that looks like it..??09:52
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linenoiseyaser: lsof /media/mydev09:53
Dr_willisyaser,  theres a --force option. Or just reboot. :)09:53
shimizuIHK, what does google say about ur problem... Oo09:53
_Andrewskynexus_: It sounds like its a cheapo cam which is why I can understand theres not much support for it working out of the box09:53
linenoiseyaser: kill the thing it's telling you is using that file system09:53
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wuber1non esiste una chat in itaiano?09:53
yaserDr_willis, reboot not an option09:53
IHKit says to apt-get a lot of stuff i have apt-get'ed09:53
IHKand installed09:53
IHKbut doesn't help09:53
yaserlinenoise, i cant kill that process, i need it to keep running09:53
Dr_willisyaser,  "what can i do to umount at any price????"09:53
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linenoiseyaser: then you can't unmount it09:53
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Dr_willishas the machine it ssh'd to crashed?09:54
yaserDr_willis, well may be i exagerated a little,:-)09:54
IHKcant remember it all, about 5 things i should apt-get, which requied a lot of other things which gave several packages in all09:54
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L0GANhi, im trying to prep my usb stick and I follow the steps09:54
wuber1nessuno mi caga....09:54
skynexus__Andrew: agree with you completely; though it is still critical to have the latest updates of those drivers in the repository since a lot can happen between releases09:54
BillyBeanshow do i uninstall a package with apty-get?09:54
Dr_willislog out that user. see if frees up the mountpoint09:54
BillyBeansi mean apt-get09:54
linenoiseyaser: So, you won't kill the process that is preventing you from unmounting the drive?09:54
yaserDr_willis, it happens to me when several process use sshfs09:54
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L0GANim at step 2, but the unmount command cannot be found09:54
phaedra!it |wuber109:54
shimizuBillyBeans, try synaptic.. why do u need to bother with apt-get09:54
ubotuwuber1: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:54
linenoiselogging out will not free up the mountpoint09:54
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yaserlinenoise, other important process are using it09:54
socialone75anyone know anything about the rexec process?09:55
BillyBeansis it apt-get uninstall09:55
wuber1grazie ubotu09:55
linenoiseyaser: those processes are hosed anyway if you manage to unmount that filesystem09:55
oliver_g_BillyBeans: try apt-get remove09:55
voidusBillyBeans: apt-get remove09:55
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shimizuyaser , unmount is like u pull device out of pc... there is no way to keep proccess on it and unmount09:55
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oliver_g_BillyBeans: or apt-get purge (if you also want to remove all config files etc. of that package)09:55
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yaserlinenoise, lsof doesnt work with fuse09:56
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yaserline72, thats what it says09:56
skynexus__Andrew: I believe the problem is that certain kinds of packages really should be updated often, but this is typically never the case in practice09:56
linenoiseuhm....  what?09:56
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_Andrewskynexus_: Agreed09:56
oliver_g_yaser: maybe fuser works, instead of lsof?09:56
yasershimizu, its a remote drive, "umount"has a relative sense here09:56
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yaseroliver_g_, wich syntax?09:56
daedraoliver_g_: lsmod is the command!09:57
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linenoiseyaser: what do you mean lsof doesn't work?09:57
shimizuyaser, no chance to hold it for a while so u can mount it ? no suggestions then :(09:57
oliver_g_yaser: fuser /mount/whatever09:57
daedraonly you can't anything with it09:57
linenoiseyaser: nevermind I get it09:57
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delsolitoHi all09:57
oliver_g_daedra: hmm09:57
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oliver_g_daedra: does lsmod show the versions?09:57
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skynexus__Andrew: what is even more frustrating is that later versions that are needed is sometimes only available in the next release of Ubuntu, a few months away at times :-(09:58
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yaser oliver_g_ :Transport endpoint is not connected09:58
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BillyBeanswhats a good pop3 server?09:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:58
BillyBeansi have postfix setup, now i need a good pop3 server09:58
oliver_g_yaser: is that what fuser says?09:58
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yaseroliver_g_, thats the ouput with fuser /media/dev09:58
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oliver_g_yaser: is the file system still mounted and accessible?09:59
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daedradaedra: no09:59
yaseroliver_g_, and thats the error my processes are giving too09:59
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yaseroliver_g_, no09:59
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visik7anyone has a jaiku invite ?09:59
daedraoliver_g_: no09:59
Alarien-WorkAre there future plans to allow /dev/dsp to not be monopolized by system sounds?09:59
daedrawhy do I always msg myself09:59
yaseroliver_g_, well some folder do09:59
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oliver_g_yaser: ah ok, hadn't followed all discussion...09:59
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daedraive got irc schizophrenia10:00
psyferrehey guys, finally got a dmesg output for my weird "mouse stops working" problem10:00
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skynexus__Andrew: I'll try to file a bug report in launchpad, but don't really see much point for the reasons mentioned (I anticipate the reply "upgrade to Gutsy in a couple of weeks")10:00
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Alarien-WorkI understand legacy OSS applications needing this, but ubuntu is under active development and should be able to change10:00
oliver_g_yaser: so if the remote host is no longer reachable, you won't be able to unmount "cleanly" (i guess)10:00
_Andrewskynexus_: Yes, it can be annoying at times, but its ubuntu policy to only fix security flaws10:00
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skynexus__Andrew: oh, that explains it... didn't know that :-)10:00
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psyferrelast lines in dmesg sayusb 1-7.3: USB disconnect10:01
yaseroliver_g_, i want to unmount at any price(except rebooting) then if i mount again all will be fine10:01
visik7Alarien-Work: is a "feature" of oss you can use aoss to wrap oss application in to alsa10:01
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psyferreusb 1-8: new low speed usb device using ohci_hcd and address 810:01
yaseroliver_g_, i have done a number of time but this time it says: device is busy and doent umount10:01
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daedraoliver_g_: what interests me is that you need only update your modules manually if you are compiling a new kernel version10:01
oliver_g_yaser: I still do not completely understand :-) Do you suspect that the mount is "broken" or "corrupted"?10:01
yaseroliver_g_, yea10:01
skynexus__Andrew: since I have installed gutsy in another computer, I'll check if the version in synaptic is up to date and file a bug report if necessary10:01
oliver_g_yaser: ah ok10:01
psyferreusb 1-8: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice10:02
yaseroliver_g_, i can acces some folders and not others10:02
Alarien-Workvisik7: can ESD/Pulse be wrapped to use ALSA then?10:02
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psyferreinput: USB mouse as /class/input/input810:02
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yaseroliver_g_, umount has a kind of force option?10:02
oliver_g_yaser: iirc there's a "force" option for umount... might work but might also make things worse :-)10:02
shimizuany suggestion how to set up microphone work so i can use teamspeak10:02
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yaseroliver_g_, ok let me see10:02
crowHi is hibernate/suspend working on ubuntu (need it for laptop)10:02
_Andrewskynexus_: Sure, infact all you really need to do is to tell them to upgrade the deb file10:02
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kane77should I have bcm43xx in /etc/modules if I want to run fwcutter??10:02
psyferreinput: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [usb mouse]  on usb-0000:00:0b.0-810:02
visik7Alarien-Work: esd use alsa and oss10:03
=== psyferre curses at his mouse again
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visik7Alarien-Work:  I dunno pulse10:03
visik7Alarien-Work: anyway     try yourself   aoss <program that use oss>10:03
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oliver_g_daedra: what do you mean? or: what is the question? ;-)10:03
Alarien-Workpulse is the gutsy replacement for  esd (specfically pulseaudio-esound-compat)10:04
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skynexus__Andrew: in launchpad? and if the needed file is in there, should I then not tell them to update? (I mean, synaptic has version 1.00.16 while 1.00.18 is out... if it works for me, should anyone bother with an update?)10:04
Alarien-Workvisik7: I'm aware of how to use aoss, It would just be nice to not have the system sounds monopolizing /dev/dsp10:04
oliver_g_daedra: about the version (the question from someone else 200 pages further up...): i guess the modules don't always have version info, and so you can't get the version with a tool10:04
Inspiron_GLxubuntu will be released in the same day as ubuntu?10:05
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daedranot a question more of a speculation10:05
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oliver_g_daedra: you can get some info with modinfo, but it's lacking some module-specific version info10:05
daedraits useful to know module versions when buildin a kernel10:05
_Andrewskynexus_: Well, you could always launch a bug, "Please update blahblah to version 1.00.18"10:05
trdracerhow is it that i do this > http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/NAT_problem#Port_Forwarding_on_Linux.2C_specifically_Ubuntu10:05
trdracerive tried and i dont seem to be doing it correctly.10:06
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mycha202jest ktos z polski??10:06
L0GANi try to make run from usb stick10:06
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L0GANbut now /dev/sda says permission denied10:06
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BillyBeansis anyone in hear good with mail servers?10:06
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visik7Alarien-Work: if you use aoss the application will not use /dev/dsp10:06
daedraooh modinfo seems to do the trick10:06
L0GANis there no script to make ubuntu run from usb stck?10:06
kane77!doesnt work | trdracer10:06
ubotutrdracer: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:06
visik7Alarien-Work: but will go through alsa10:06
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oliver_g_daedra: as I see it there are two versions for a module: the module-specific version (like, for the out-of-tree webcam driver i use, the developer has an own version schema); and there's rge kernel version (I think that's the vermagic entry in modinfo output)10:07
CorpusCallosumi am using gutsy beta and want to an IDE for C++ and LEDA for sensor network and graph algortihms, is there anyone have an idea how i can install ? or any documentation?10:07
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skynexus__Andrew: ok; by the way, why is gspca provided as source code only? why not pre-compiled? it makes a big difference in usability (wrt installation) to regular users...10:07
SoulCarriermacd u there?10:07
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L0GANrunning from live cd now10:07
daedrabut not all fields are always filled in10:07
trdracerpsh kane77 you know what i mean why does everyone want to be a smart ass10:08
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OM1136someone point me to instruction for samba printing from 1 ubuntu box to another, please?10:08
_Andrewskynexus_: afraid I had no idea what you just said.. ^_^10:08
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yaseroliver_g_, umount -f option doesnt work, if i "ps -e | grep sshd" i dont see anything, how can i umoutn the filesystem, should i kill fuse?10:08
jonathanvgoddamnit, fuck you xorg.conf10:08
tonyyarusso!ohmy | jonathanv10:08
ubotujonathanv: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.10:08
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Alarien-Workjonathanv wow10:09
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jonathanvi retract nothing10:09
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L0GANanyone have some sugestion?10:09
kane77trdracer, what part of that doesn't work?10:09
daedrasudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:09
Alarien-Workjonathanv: What is wrong with your config file?10:09
daedraITS MAGIC10:09
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Flare183Still can't get the water effect to work10:10
Flare183on beryl10:10
skynexus__Andrew: the gspca driver is available through the gspca-source package, which only delivers the source code... you then need to open a terminal and run a couple of commands (compile, install) before you can use your camera; what I meant was, why is it not delivered pre-compile? there is probably a good technical reason for that though...10:10
L0GANim considering switch from windows to ubuntu10:10
SoulCarriermacd tell me when u are there10:10
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trdracerkane77: well the application azureus is up and running..its the port forwarding im having trouble with10:10
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yasercan i rmmod fuse and load it again?10:10
trdracerkane77: ive already configured my router to allow it...now i just need to configure iptables10:10
trdraceror whatever it is10:11
oliver_g_heh, try the new displayconfig-gtk stuff in gutsy - that's pure genius (I have been able to get my very first arch-nemesis-like 14" monitor to work, which didn't work under windows - wheeee)10:11
BillyBeansis courier easy to setup?10:11
kane77trdracer, I understand, but did the first two commands work?10:11
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_Andrewskynexus_: Oh right. I have no idea why that is, but that shouldn't happen. The deb package should at least build it for you10:11
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trdracerkane77: no i get this error.10:11
oliver_g_yaser: sure, you can try to rmmod fuse...10:11
_Andrewskynexus_: That sounds like a problem right there10:11
oliver_g_yaser: but i suppose the rmmod will fail10:11
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trdracerrobert@robert-desktop:~$    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -i eth0 -p udp --dport 5569 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT10:12
trdraceriptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)10:12
trdracerPerhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.10:12
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yaseroliver_g_, true it failed10:12
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daedra!paste | trdracer10:12
ubotutrdracer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:12
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macdSoulCarrier, uep10:13
skynexus__Andrew: ok, I'll install it in gutsy later and see how it works out... if I see the same behaviour I'll file a bug report in launchpad, and mention that they should update the version in the same report while at it10:13
yaseroliver_g_, is there any thing i can do to umount the damn filesystem withot reboot?10:13
oliver_g_yaser: now that must be a common theme today :-) but: maybe dmesg says something useful?10:13
ubotuIt is spelt !guTSy :)10:13
_Andrew!pastbin | _Andrew10:13
Flare183slow bot10:13
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:13
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oliver_g_(oh well... people must think i have a dmesg-fetish...)10:13
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yaseroliver_g_, never used dmesg10:14
Flare183I can't spell10:14
oliver_g_yaser: it gives you last few thousand kernel messages10:14
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Flare183trdracer:> you need to use sudo10:14
oliver_g_yaser: best run it throug "tail": dmesg | tail10:14
trdracerFlare183: and how do i use sudo how i need to?10:14
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trdracerscguy318 is always helping me thuroughly but hes not around10:15
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skynexus__Andrew: on a similar topic, just wanted to mention that it would be nice if there was somekind of application that could recognize USB devices when connected and checked it against a database so that it could inform the user on how to proceed10:15
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yaseroliver_g_, it doesnt says nothing about10:15
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Flare183trdracer:> sudo gives you root privlagies* (*sp) and lets you do stuff that normally can't a regular user10:15
trdracerhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40201/plain/ <000 are the commands ive tried.10:15
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Flare183slow bot10:16
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:16
Flare183see trdracer10:16
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Flare183!root | trdracer10:16
ubotutrdracer: please see above10:16
skynexus__Andrew: the database could contain information on availble driver, or homepage of some driver project, or forum where the particular device is discussed as a last resort10:16
_Andrewskynexus_: I'd personally just like a database of hardware that works with Ubuntu10:16
frojndI'm trying ot configure my rt61 wifi driver properly by this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29  If I take down ra0 and configure it by this tutorial and if something goes wrong how can I make my previous ra0 work ??10:16
SoulCarrierum macd ok so it worked and booted up the system and when i try to select high graphics it says it cant10:16
trdraceroh gawd why does everyone send me there..that makes things much more difficult on me10:16
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yaseroliver_g_, but you know, i still dont believe linux doesnt has i kind of tool to kill or a least know why is the device busy10:16
SoulCarriermacd cuase i wanna look at the cube feature and stuff10:16
trdracerim sure some of you have gone through this problem i see no reason why you cant help me...10:16
trdraceroh well10:16
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trdracerthat wiki doesnt help me it confuses me more10:17
oliver_g_yaser: I have no other ideas (not that i had much to start with :) but maybe the people in ##fuse can help?10:17
macdSoulCarrier, are you using the livecd? or are you installed now?10:17
Flare183trdracer:> just type sudo <command name>10:17
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.10:17
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SoulCarriermacd im usin the live cd10:17
trdracerFlare183: and what is the command name?10:17
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trdracerim new to this bro..10:17
trdraceri dont know how this all works yet..10:18
judgenwhere cn i find the sparc iso of ubuntu10:18
trdraceri just know if i type the right commands i get what i need10:18
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Flare183trdracer:> the thing that you mentioned above I think it was iptables maybe10:18
stofferhi, which channel should I use for questions on nvidia+gutsy ?10:18
trdracerso sudo (then what i typed before)?10:18
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trdraceroh ok10:18
oliver_g_yaser: the device is probably busy because some application still has a file open on the filesystem10:18
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Flare183trdracer:> exactly10:18
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oliver_g_yaser: and usually lsof and fuser tell you which apps have which files open10:18
trdracerFlare183:  well why didnt you just say that :)10:18
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oliver_g_yaser: only, if these tools fail, you're out of luck10:19
Flare183trdracer:> well i didn't know you where new10:19
graelbHi there, is there some reason Beryl spontaniously makes some of my unminimized windows black, then when i full-screen that window, and return it to normal, it goes back to normal?10:19
trdracerFlare183: /me is a n00b10:19
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trdracerbut trying to get into this10:19
trdracerill be preferring this over windows10:19
yaseroliver_g_, ok you have been of great help, thanks for your dedication10:19
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OM1136someone point me to instruction for samba printing from 1 ubuntu box to another, please?10:19
doggsince gusty gibbon is coming this month, is there any point in getting windows vista?10:19
Flare183trdracer:> yeah me too any day. Windows is a bad omen in the linux world10:20
trdracerFlare183: can i pm you these errors i get?10:20
Flare183yeah join #shstech10:20
macdSoulCarrier, well, to get hardware acceleration for your video (needed for all the nifty compiz stuff) you really want to install10:20
macddogg, of course not ;)10:20
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SoulCarrierok ty macd10:20
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doggits nice to see that people boycott windows10:21
doggit is a goof thing10:21
oliver_g_*freud is calling*10:21
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doktoreasis there a wayt for limit the memory used by apache?10:22
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doggdoes anyone know the release date of gusty gibbon?10:22
oliver_g_dogg: 18. oct of course!10:22
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oliver_g_duh ;-)10:22
doggah ok10:22
erUSULdogg: have you checked www.ubuntu.com??10:22
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:22
skynexus__Andrew: sure, but I think it would be even better with a dialogue that popped up and said "Hello, it looks like you just connected webcam XX, you need to install YY before you can use it - would you like to install YY now?"10:22
Unix-Testthis is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for fu10:22
Unix-Testthis is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for fu10:22
Unix-Testthis is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for funn.....this is just for fu10:22
ubotuUSE !OPS ONLY IN EMERGENCIES! - Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici10:22
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macddoktoreas, you can tune the apache server, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html10:22
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_Andrewtoo late10:22
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oliver_g_skynexus_: that would be a nice feature, yes10:23
AndehI just installed ubuntu10:23
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AndehI am not new to this10:23
oliver_g_skynexus_: maybe file a bug report for this?10:23
AndehI built a dual core PC and installed windows (gasp) and now I installed ubuntu on it10:23
AndehAnd ubuntu boots up10:23
_Andrewskynexus_: TBH it would be better if it just automatically happened10:23
doggerUSUL: ah right, big logo on ubuntu.com pagr "8 days to go"!10:23
AndehOh never mind10:23
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AndehX wasn't loading for like 2 minutes10:24
Lakitu7Hello. After trying to use the Main Menu editor in Gnome, Gnome seems to have broken. Selecting ANYTHING from the menu results in "could not launch menu item"10:24
Andehit did though10:24
Andeh;D thanks10:24
L0GANoh well, i dont seem to have any permissions on live to make ubuntu on an usb disk10:24
L0GANwell im back to windows10:24
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AndehOne thing though. My ADSL modem only has one ethernet output cable.10:24
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AndehI'll buy a router soon10:24
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oliver_g_L0GAN: from my experience it's somewhat difficult to make a bootable usb stick; and doing this from live cd might be even more work10:25
Andehbut for now, i'm stuck with only one internet at a time10:25
Andeholiver_g_: lol he left10:25
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oliver_g_Andeh: yeah I type too slowly or people are just too hasty ;-)10:25
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erUSULdoktoreas: check /etc/security/limits.conf  maybe you can tweak something there10:25
Bo^Dickwhy does xwindows crash on the low latency kernel?10:25
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AndehAnother reason I love linux10:26
AndehI just installed on another machine, all I need to do now is copy over my home folder.10:26
AndehAnd my lovely 500 GB hard disk will come in handy10:26
Andehexternal, and only 100 euro10:26
Andehreally fast too10:26
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Bo^DickAndeh: have you ever tried the low latency kernel?10:27
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hoa3roops wohl den slash vegessen10:28
AndehBo^Dick: Nope ;D10:28
_Andrewskynexus_: I'm going to get something to eat, i'll talk to you later10:28
AndehI did try some quirky patched kernel for speed10:28
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AcoustykHow do I make shortcuts in Ubuntu?10:29
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runemaste644I have a Gutsy virtual machine, but the VBox guest additions messed it up10:29
Acoustykim trying to make one on my desktop for my documents folder on my ntfs partition10:29
marko-_-why the printer on ubuntu won't work10:29
marko-_-that is the printer10:29
marko-_-deskjet 840c10:29
marko-_-please help10:29
hoa3rkennen nur mit alt10:29
marko-_-it's a emergency10:29
runemaste644Ive got an emergency too10:29
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Bo^Dickare the low latency kernel only supported by 64-bit ubuntu?10:30
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judgenAnyone has experiences with wubi?10:30
marko-_-we have a test tomorow and i don't know nothing and the teacher hates me and i must print someting to help me by my test10:30
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html10:30
BillyBeanshow do i find out my usergroup?10:31
Andehmarko-_-: LOL. Same here. Except for the printing part. And the teacher hating me.10:31
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Bo^Dicki'm running 32-bit ubuntu10:31
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erUSULBillyBeans: System>Admin>User and groups10:31
psyferrearrrg.  Anyone have any idea why a usb mouse would just stop working suddenly?  It seems to be an infrequent problem from my googling, but i can't find any "fixes"10:31
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Bo^Dickwhen i try to boot with the low latency kernel xwindows crashes10:31
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bsundhehe it's funny that when you put a ubuntu cd in windows it says "try out those cool programs for windows!" ^^10:32
erUSULBo^Dick: you should report it as a bug10:32
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psyferredmesg shows it being disconnected and a new one plugged in10:32
erUSUL!bugs | Bo^Dick10:32
silent__hey guys, my sound on my Audigy is not working. I have tried installing the latest alsa drivers to no avail.10:32
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Bo^DickerUSUL: have you ever used the low latency kernel?10:32
ubotuBo^Dick: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:32
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Bo^Dicksilent__: what card do you have?10:33
AndehMAN ANGRY10:33
erUSULBo^Dick: nope i use my own self compiled kernels... (they are "lowlatency"...)10:33
AndehDing Dong10:33
=== kane77 can't wait for feisty!
=== Andeh neither!
=== ryan8404 [n=ryan8403@dynamic-199-199.natpool.uc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
marko-_-thank god10:33
Andeherr, gusty.10:33
marko-_-i got it10:33
silent__Bo^Dick: Sound blaster audigy10:33
yaseroliver_g_, a guy from fuse solved the problem with fusermount -zu /media/medea710:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:33
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=== kane77 eh.. gutsy realy :D
DM|Is there anyway to force swapping to occur10:33
Bo^DickerUSUL: why aren't the precompiled ones low latency?10:33
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AndehQuestion: I need to copy my home folder to external hard drive. When I do this, it tells me "Permission denied". What?10:33
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Andehshould I sudo it?10:33
silent__Andeh, yes10:33
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Bo^Dicksilent__: i've got a soundblaster audigy 2 zs myself10:34
erUSULBo^Dick: there is a precompiled that is lowlatency is what you are using, isn't it?10:34
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Bo^DickerUSUL: i installed in from synaptic10:34
Andehlol perfect10:34
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silent__Bo^Dick: How did you get yours working? It's detected, the drivers are installed, everything is unmuted, no sound10:34
oliver_g_yaser: cool, good to know!10:34
DM|erUSUL hey question, what kernel would u suggest for a dual cpu p3 450mhz x2?10:34
BillyBeanshas anyone in hear setup Courrier imap, and will answer my question???10:34
AndehBut how come i don't have permission to backup my home folder without sudo-ing?10:35
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erUSULDM|: generic10:35
Bo^Dicksilent__: it worked but with a poor audio quality10:35
silent__Andeh: do you have write permissions whereever you're copying to?10:35
DM|erusul really? isnt there one for older pcs10:35
Bo^Dicksilent__: i've tweaked with the alsa.conf file10:35
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pierre__someone know for what my laptop he start ubuntu just if the ac is not connected10:35
Andehsilent__: Yes.10:35
=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-114-232-73.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
silent__Bo^Dick: I'm using default settings10:35
erUSULDM|: if its pIII the generic is fine10:35
skynexus__Andrew: ok, I'll talk to you later, will be online, perhaps playing openarena soon :-)10:36
DM|erusul generic is what i use for my dual CORE laptop ( 2006) I would use the same for a 1997 cpu10:36
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silent__Bo^Dick: I have onboard, but audigy is so much better10:36
Andehsilent__: It works when I sudo it. it's my external hdd.10:36
fuzzyhairHow can I tell what kind of processor I have(386,686,etc)?10:36
CharlieSuany good IDE's for C/C++ come w/ ubuntu10:36
magicrobotmonkeydoes anyone know how to control fan speed off the livecd?10:36
Bo^Dicksilent__: same situation here10:36
silent__Andeh, where is your external mounted?10:36
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Bo^Dicksilent__: my doesn't work well10:36
kane77heh.. which battery indicator should I trust - the applet the one in systray or powertop? I get 3 different times that differ greatly... :)10:36
Bo^Dicksilent__: i can't record audio10:36
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Andehsilent__: /media/LACIE10:36
silent__Bo^Dick: I've heard lots of people have more success with kde10:36
oliver_g_Andeh: what filesystem is on the external disk?10:37
silent__Andeh, ls -l that dir10:37
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Bo^Dicksilent__: do you mean for sound?10:37
erUSULDM|: you can try the 386 one... not sure if it supports smp though10:37
Andehsilent__: The dir i'm copying or the one I'm copying stuff TO?10:37
BillyBeans"has anyone in hear setup Courier imap ?"10:37
silent__Andeh: the one copying to10:37
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silent__Bo^Dick: yes10:37
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Andehsilent__: I'm not going to show you the contents, lol.10:38
BillyBeans"has anyone in hear setup Courier imap ?"10:38
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Flare183wow the bot actully join the irc10:38
silent__Andeh, not the contents, permission10:38
DM|erUsul ok ill check it out thanks10:38
Andehsilent__: Either way, there's no file or directory with that name :/10:38
Bo^Dicksilent__: why would the windows manager affect sound10:38
Andehi'm copying to empty folder10:38
erUSULDM|: no problem10:39
Flare183charliesu:> eclipse10:39
oliver_g_BillyBeans: maybe there's really noone here who has set up Courier :-)10:39
Andehsilent__: Permissions of /media/LACIE?10:39
silent__Andeh, yes10:39
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DM|erUSUL one more question, how can i tell if ubuntu is detecting and using both cpus on this old POS?10:39
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BillyBeansoliver_G_ : i just need some help with courier imap10:39
oliver_g_Andeh: what does "ls -la /media/LACIE" say?10:39
erUSULDM|: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:39
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silent__Bo^Dick: apparently its applets for sound controls have different options10:39
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jimmygoonI need to copy the contents of one HD to another HD, what is the best method10:39
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Andehdrwx------ 11 andy root 32768 2007-10-10 22:34 LACIE10:39
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silent__jimmygoon: cp10:40
erUSULDM|: or dmesg | less and check if it detects and brings up both cpus10:40
BillyBeansit says i need to know my usergroup and how do i find out my usergroup from the terminal?10:40
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jimmygoonsilent__, :( ok10:40
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oliver_g_BillyBeans: yes I just wanted to hint that maybe you have a too exotic problem for this channel?10:40
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riotkittiewhy the :(  jimmygoon ?10:40
oliver_g_BillyBeans: oh... in terminal, type "id" to get some info about your user and the groups10:40
jimmygoonriotkittie, ntfs10:40
silent__Andeh: are you copying /home or /home/user10:40
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KworthHello I installed an USB soundcard and it is one that should work with ubuntu because the input device on my inboardcard doesnt work right, but still it uses the old card for output now, is there an nice gui tool to configure enable + disable sound cards?10:41
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jimmygoonriotkittie, its okay, gutsy has the ntfs-3g by default right?10:41
silent__Kworth, asoundcard10:41
silent__Kworth: or something like that10:41
PeloKworth, check in your bios if you can'T disable your onboard audio from there10:41
silent__Kworth: cli though10:41
DM|erUSUL it brings up so much stuff i cant scroll all the way up10:41
kling0ncan someone suggest a way to reload snd_via82xx without a reboot ?10:42
oliver_g_Kworth: there's some tool under System -> Settings which is for setting up multimedia stuff10:42
erUSULDM|: then use the 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'10:42
Pelokling0n,  snd....  restart10:42
Bo^Dickwhat worries me is that the low latency kernel in the synaptic package manager states that it's for the 64-bit linux version10:42
Bo^Dicki'm running the 32-bit ubuntu10:42
MikeonTVahhh I upgraded Fiesty and now it doesn't recognize my audio device10:42
Flare183can anyone tell me why localhost on my machine says permission denied10:42
Pelo!sound | MikeonTV10:43
silent__Andeh: ??10:43
Kworthi will try the bios disable , might be back soon, thanks bye10:43
jimmygoonwhat do you mean "localhost"... you mean http://localhost/ ?10:43
riotkittiejimmygoon: yes, it does.10:43
jimmygoonriotkittie, good deal, I will use that then!10:43
ubotuMikeonTV: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:43
jimmygoonnoooo :( gparted should work though10:44
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:45
Flare183jimmygoon:> yeah well really I am trying to get hotway to work and it works (I guess) and when I tell thunderbird(or kontact) to get mail it says permission denied; and more than that the telnet says the same thing10:45
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PeloMikeonTV,  it's  !sound it's the bot trigger for the info you got right after10:45
DM|erUsul hmm only picking up 1  if im reading that correcyl10:45
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Andehsilent_: I'm copying from inside /home/user/ (selected all files)10:46
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Bo^Dickmention situations where one wants the low latency kernel and situations where one does not want it10:46
Andehsilent_: I was gone sorry :P10:46
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erUSULDM|: you should see a processor: 0 and and a processor: 110:46
pierre__someone know for what my laptop he start ubuntu just if the ac is not connected10:46
PeloerUSUL,  dual core ?10:46
valehru_Is there a way to get mod_proxy_balancer installed if I already have apache2 installed from the feisty repos?10:46
DM|erUSUL nope only one..10:47
DM|pelo dual CPU, its an older machine10:47
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erUSULPelo: it is and old pIII smp if i understand correctly10:47
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Pelopierre__,  someone mentionned this before if I recall, check in the forum   www.ubuntuforums.org10:47
jimmygoonFlare183, sorry, I don't even know what that is10:47
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Flare183ok then..10:47
erUSULDM|: with the i386 kernel? as i suspected it does not support smp10:47
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Pelo!hi | joao__10:47
ubotujoao__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:47
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erUSULDM|: use the generic one10:47
paolo_hi, is it true that build-essential pkgs are not part of ubuntu 7 while they were present in the previous version?10:48
DM|erUsul ok ill install that, thanks man10:48
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erUSULDM|: no problem10:48
DM|erUsul if u were a girl id marry u10:48
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joao__im trying to install ies4linux but I get an error, can anyone please help me?? it says: Your wine does not have wineprefixcreate installed. Maybe you are running an old Wine version. Try to update it to the latest version.10:48
Pelopaolo_,  they are not part of the default install, just type sudo apt-get install build-essential10:48
Flare183can anyone help me10:48
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joao__I installed wine through apt-get and it is versio.4610:48
KoweSixhow to prevent an error called: mount point /xy does not exist, when i want to mount an encrypted container file via truecrypt? Oo10:48
Pelojoao__,  try asking about this in #winehq10:48
pierre__pelo i check in forum and i don't see good tread for my problem10:49
erUSULDM|: a man XD better luck the next time ;P10:49
Flare183Pici:> do you know what I can talking about?10:49
Bo^Dickcan i adjust some settings in the kernel w/o recompile it?10:49
anoncowhey has anyone in here had graphics issues with a Radeon Mobile 345M and Gutsy?  I'm getting a really bad case of graphics problems10:49
joao__Pelo: ok, I thought that since I was on feisty it would be a distro related problem10:49
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frojndhow can I install knetowork manager ?? here shows a list of packages that relates knetworkmanager http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=knetworkmanager&version=edgy&arch=i386&page=1&number=5010:49
magicrobotmonkeydoes anyone know how to change the fan speed? i thought i could edit /proc/acpi/fan something but the dir is empty10:49
DM|erUSUL *cry*  :P10:49
gnomefreakanoncow: join #ubuntu+1 for gutsy10:49
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cwilluI'm having keyboard shortcut difficulties10:50
Flare183another op >> gnomefreak10:50
anoncowgnomefreak: thanks10:50
Pelojoao__,  could be but I don't think it is ,the ppl in #winehq can probably tell you for sure and they are more likely to know the fix10:50
gnomefreakFlare183: ?10:50
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erUSULDM|: :D10:50
Flare183gnomefreak:> is Pici here?10:50
cwilluI turned on the 'set keyboard shortcuts directly' option (forget what it was called exactly), and it works, but they all get forgotten after I close and reopen the program10:50
cwilluanybody know what I'm doing wrong?10:50
PeloFlare183, just check the member list10:51
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gnomefreakdont know. what difference does it make who are ops? this is a support channel only please lets keep it that way. join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk outside of support10:51
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ScuniziFeisty recognizes both my webcams (Philips & Creative), however if one is unplugged on boot it won't recognize it.  How do I get Feisty to recognize the cam if I plug it in after booting?10:51
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ShapeshifterI would like certain commands to be run just before suspend or shutdown. where do I have to put them?10:51
Flare183shapeshifter:> on the terminal10:52
henri_hey guys, feisty randomly locks up on my quad core, 4gb ram system - i'll be plodding along fine then sound will fail (start looping repeatedly over the same 1 second period) then the mouse/keyboard will stop working - where do i start debugging? no obvious error msgs10:52
DM|erusul haha its a dapper machine, can i just install the smp kernel since generic isnt an option ?10:52
EliteHmmm i'm still having problems with my Widescreen external monitor >_<10:52
erUSULDM|: sure10:52
PeloFlare183,  jsut ask your question and don'T feel ignored if you don'T get an asnwer right away,  just ask again later10:52
Flare183i know10:52
cwilluShapeshifter: I think there's a folder /etc/acpi.d/events or something like that10:52
Bo^Dickmany people say they recompile their kernels10:52
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Bo^Dickis that necessary in order to adjust some settings?10:52
Shapeshiftercwillu: k thx, Ill have a look10:52
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Flare183shapeshifter:> to shutdown use halt or shutdown and to restart use reboot10:53
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Flare183another reboot command is shutdown -r10:53
cwilluBo^Dick: for most people, no10:53
erUSULBo^Dick: i do not think of myself as "many people" just two or two and a half XD10:53
cwilluBo^Dick: what are you trying to do?10:53
miles8Will ssh get confused with keys if you connect to two different ssh servers with the same ip? (different ports)10:53
PeloBo^Dick,  you shouldn't need to recompile the kernel unless it is mentionned in a howto you are following,  of if you realy knowwhat you are doing10:53
ShapeshifterFlare183: I'd like the commands to be run EVERy shutdown or suspend. I know how to use a terminal ;) but I want them to be run when I press the suspend/shutdown button10:53
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DragginOh wow... This is awesome... I'm chatting through GAIM! I didn't even know that was possible!10:53
cox377does anyone know the command to correct the server time?10:53
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oliver_g_miles8: unfortunately it seems to get confused :-/10:53
Flare183shapeshifter:> thats kernel10:53
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Flare183shapeshifter:> thats kernel workings10:54
cwilluShapeshifter: any tutorial on getting suspend working on a laptop will tell you where to put things :p10:54
PeloDraggin,  just because you can doesn't mean you should10:54
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erUSULcox377: man date and man ntpdate10:54
Flare183excuse me10:54
cwilluthere's a couple dozen places, but I think the events thing I mentioned is the recommended place10:54
ShapeshifterFlare183: not really ^^10:54
oliver_g_miles8: I have such a problem myself (connecting to a router which offers ssh login to two machines on different ports)10:54
DragginPelo - is there a problem with that here?10:54
geniiDraggin: Yes, GAIM/Pidgen is very versatile :)10:54
ScuniziDraggin, you should try irssi sometime for a totally different effect.. it's for the terminal and helpful when you can't get into the gui an need assistance.10:54
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Lycoshello :)10:54
d90does anyone know real location of application/wine folder, I have to delete some shortcuts, but no one answers on winehq irc ... :(10:54
cwilluFlare183: there's a whole bunch of usermode stuff10:54
Shapeshiftercwillu, I found it, thx10:54
cwilluShapeshifter: sweet10:54
miles8oliver_g_: that is what I am trying to do, any work around?10:54
henri_cox377: ntpdate -s ?10:54
henri_something like that10:54
henri_man ntpdate10:54
cwillud90: depends on how you installed it10:54
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PeloDraggin,   I jjust think using a instant msg prog to chat is blasphemes10:55
cwillud90: ~/.wine usually10:55
henri_d90: somewhere in $HOME/.wine?10:55
oliver_g_Pelo: gaim (pidgin is awsome for irc :-)10:55
Lycoscan anyone tell me if ther is an "vnc scanner" for ubuntu ???10:55
cwilluLycos: ?10:55
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Bo^Dickthe reason is that i'd like to adjust the time resolution in the kernel10:55
PeloLycos,  did you check in synaptic ?10:55
Lycosa prog that scans for vnc servers10:55
=== cwillu is hanging around in the hope that somebody is researching his problem, but somehow doubts it :p
Lycosthat is what i'm looking for10:55
Flare183lycos:> krdc might help you10:55
DragginPelo - oh :) hehe, old-school, huh?  Well, in all honesty, I was using ChatZilla before this, but it's so ugly...10:55
PeloLycos,  did you check in synaptic ?10:55
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cwilluBo^Dick: that, you'd have to recompile, but are you sure you want to?10:55
PeloDraggin, xchat ...10:55
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:56
cox377erUSUL: I shall take a look, cheers guys10:56
d90cwillu, henri_,  !application/wine!10:56
Lycosil check now :D10:56
b08yhey i need help, where can i see how the gusty kernel was compiled, with which options?10:56
ScuniziAny one have problems with Feisty recognizing their webcam after booting then plugging it in vs. having it plugged in at boot?10:56
oliver_g_miles8: yes there is a workaround i think10:56
Bo^Dicki read about a patch too10:56
cwillu!kernel > b08y10:56
oliver_g_miles8: just have to look it up in my config files :-)10:56
gnomefreakb08y: launchpad and for further gutsy questions join #ubuntu+110:56
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Pelob08y, it's usualy on the site somewhere but you can try asking in #ubuntu+110:56
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Bo^Dickis it possible to save the unpatched kernel just in case?10:56
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cwilluBo^Dick: old kernel isn't uninstalled generally if you go the deb route10:56
spasticteapotDoes anyone know what the application for monitoring power use is?10:57
spasticteapotI found it a while ago...it's got a graphing function.10:57
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oliver_g_miles8: here's the comment in my ~/.ssh/config that says it: "# No strict IP checking, as mecky and charly have same hostname" :-)10:57
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cox377erUSUL: umm i'm just after a command say that will just make it use an external time server10:57
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Pelospasticteapot, there is a panel app for that I beleive10:57
unwiredbrainHi to everyone! I'm starting to code in C++, and I would like to know which editor is better for you.Thanks.10:57
spasticteapotThe one I'm looking for is not a panel app.10:57
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oliver_g_miles8: i have added the two machines to my ssh config file, and have set the option "StrictHostKeyChecking no" for each one10:58
spasticteapotI'm getting under two hours on an IBM X61, and I'm a bit peeved.10:58
Pelounwiredbrain,  any text editor will do as far as I understand10:58
veynomare USB wireless cards capable of RF monitoring?10:58
miles8oliver_g_: thanks10:58
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Ca0s86saludos, como registro un nick?10:58
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unwiredbrainPelo, yeah, i knew. But I'm looking for some sort of IDE or stuff like that.10:58
Pelolater folks10:58
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Ca0s86sorry, how I can register a nick?10:59
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KworthSoundcard works now, thanks guys :)10:59
oliver_g_unwiredbrain: have a look at kdevelop or eclipse (for full IDEs); or you can use emacs or kate as quite nice "programmer10:59
oliver_g_... editors11:00
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DragginCa0s86 - type "/msg nickserv register help" for info11:00
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unwiredbrainoliver_g_, thanks.11:00
KworthSkype always gives me the error : Problem with Callback? Soundcard works fine - what to do?11:00
KoweSixwhy do i not have permission to some folders in ubuntu after a new installation of the os? oO11:00
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AndehWhen I enable 3-D effects in preferences, the screen goes white and I have to restart X11:00
Andeh I have a Nvidia 8600 GT 256MB11:01
AndehDo I need to install drivers?11:01
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nuccohi, i observed something just now that could be a 'bug' but i can't classify it.11:01
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nuccoi had a cd-rw/dvdrom combo previously. i replaced it with a dvd-rw drive, and cd burning tool wouldn't work11:02
Kworthcant I use Amarok and Skype at the same time?11:02
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KworthIt just gives me an error when I use it both?11:02
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nuccosynaptic couldn't also recognise that there was a disc in the drive11:02
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oliver_g_Kworth: do you use skype 1.3 or later?11:03
Kwortholiver_g_ I use 1.411:03
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Kwortholiver_g_, to be exactly11:03
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oliver_g_Kworth: hmm, then you should be able to use ALSA for sound output, so amarok and skype should be able to work in parallel11:04
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DragginSo tell me - when I get Gutsy, do I have to do a clean install from a standard CD, or is there some way of upgrading Feisty without a complete cleanout?11:04
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erUSULcox377: use ntpdate or better yet run ntpd to maintain your clock synced11:04
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Kwortholiver_g_, Oh I think I might not have activated ALSA11:04
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erUSULcox377: 'sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start' y you want to add it to startup services 'sudo update-rc.d ntp defaults'11:05
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kevinOanyone know where the c header files for the kernel are?11:06
veynomhow can i get linux to make the windows i open stay the same dimensions, like to keep terminal at the same size every time i open it?11:06
erUSULkevinO: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'11:06
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nuccoveynom: try devilspie11:06
jstarcherwere does the file go when I run iptables-save?11:06
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kevinOerUSUL: I dont already have them?11:07
usr13jstarcher, No where,  No file, only a command11:07
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erUSULkevinO: if you didn't installed them, no11:07
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usr13jstarcher, You would need to make a script yourself if you want the rules to be executed in the future.11:08
Lakitu7Gnome seems to have broken itself. ALl menu items simply return "could not launch menu item" How do I fix?11:08
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nuccoKevinO: that is: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:08
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gsbLakitu7:  Did you uninstall or change anything?11:08
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AndehHow do I EXIT X?11:09
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AndehNot restart it11:09
kevinOnucco: ahh thanks11:09
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Lakitu7I attempted to use the MAIN MENU editor in system menu.11:09
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Lakitu7in which most things seemed to not work, but upon exiting, this began.11:09
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inimesekenehello, what's the difference between the dvd and the cd versions?11:09
mik3i need to monitor a machine that is down right now, as in no route to it, and i need an alarm that will go off when the IP address is pingable, anyone have a recommendation?11:09
nuccoAndeh: if you want a terminal, press "alt+ctrl+f1-f6"11:10
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gsbLakitu7:  What programs are having the issues?  All the gnome related programs?11:10
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spasticteapotmik3: Sounds like something you could do with a shell script.11:10
EnderTheThirdmik3: pay a neighbor kid to watch it?  ;-)11:10
Andehnucco: I know that. how do I EXIT X? My NVIDIA driver wont run if X is running.11:10
ScarEyeHey guys,  I just installed Ubuntu Server 7.04 and I wanted to know does it come with a firewall by default ?  if not what do you guys recommend. I am not using any gui (kde or gnome)11:10
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AndehScarEye: it does.11:10
Lakitu7Anything in the gnome menu has the issue, including simple things such as "about me"11:10
nuccoAndeh: if you're not running X, is nvidia still useful?11:10
mik3spasticteapot : i don't know how to shell script, not enough to do what i need.11:10
erUSULAndeh: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'11:11
gsbAndeh: sudo /etc/init.d/gsm dtop11:11
EnderTheThirdScarEye: it comes with one.  I'm not sure if it's turned on by default for Server or not though11:11
Lakitu7Could not launch menu item  Error reading file 'file:///usr/share/applications/gnome-about-me.desktop': Unsupported operation11:11
spasticteapotmik3: Use a CHRON function to PING the IP address every minute or so.11:11
gsbAndeh:  er gdm11:11
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mik3spasticteapot : and for the alarm?11:11
spasticteapotmik3: Well, shell scripting is stupid easy.11:11
Lakitu7(though all of these files are there, I can access them in console)11:11
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spasticteapotmik3: Tell your favorite .mp3 player to open a Steely Dan song.11:11
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mik3uh? all from a chrontab?11:11
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coogsHow can I change the size of the text on the desktop?11:12
ScarEyeAndeh: what does it come with ?11:12
ScarEyeiptables ?11:12
gsbmik3:  yeah, cron is pretty sweet haha.11:12
inimesekenehello, what's the difference between the dvd and the cd versions?11:12
erUSULcoogs: System>Preferences>fonts11:12
nuccocoogs: system > preferences > fonts11:12
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KoweSixubuntu got a default root pw? ^^11:12
self_enquiryHow many FPS is need for a good 3D acceleration?11:12
spasticteapotmik3: I learned shell scripting in about two hours.11:12
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gsbLakitu7:  are you able to check your logs?  If so is there anything interesting in them?11:12
nuccoKoweSix: no11:12
Scunizi!root | KoweSix11:12
spasticteapotAnd I can't really code in anything other than Qbasic.11:12
ubotuKoweSix: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:12
nuccoKoweSix: root is idsabled by default11:13
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KoweSixcheerio thx11:13
spasticteapotKoweSix: Or just use the passwd command to give yourself a root password, which enables root.11:13
coogsactually I'm running xubuntu. Would that make a difference11:13
spasticteapotThen you can use "su" or log in as root.11:13
erUSULspasticteapot: please do not advice that11:13
jstarcheris sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 6464 -j ACCEPT right?11:13
nuccospasticteapot: root login is also disabled at GDM.11:14
erUSULKoweSix: if you want a temp "root shell" use 'sudo -i'11:14
self_enquiryHow many FPS is need for a good 3D acceleration?11:14
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gsbcoogs: Applications > Desktop Settings > Behavior Tab11:14
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shimizuhow good is ur 3d accelerator to make nice fps11:14
nuccoself_enquiry: anything upwards of 30 is good.11:14
usr13jstarcher, I am wrong. I didn't look at what you said.  I didn't realize you said "iptables-save".  I've never used that command and do not know wht it does.11:14
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shimizuself_enquiry, weird question imo.. it's not about fps to make good acceleration, it's vice versa11:15
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self_enquirylawrence@inspiron:~$ glxgears11:15
self_enquiryXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".11:15
self_enquiry6270 frames in 5.1 seconds = 1230.564 FPS11:15
self_enquiry6081 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1205.522 FPS11:15
self_enquiry6100 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1210.162 FPS11:15
self_enquiry6140 frames in 5.1 seconds = 1204.748 FPS11:15
usr13jstarcher, No,11:15
self_enquiry6120 frames in 5.1 seconds = 1211.453 FPS11:15
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self_enquiryHow is this?11:16
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spasticteapotself_enquiry: That seems fishy.11:16
AndehNVIDIA installer needs to compile me a kernel header11:16
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spasticteapotself_enquiry: Also, each frame takes a LOT longer when you've got to render a dozen cyborg zombie Nazis.11:17
usr13jstarcher, the syntax is right, but a rule like that would probably not be necessary.11:17
AndehIt says I don't have libc or something installed11:17
Andehwhats the package for that?11:17
nuccoself_enquiry: glxgears does not do nearly as much as a modern 3d game does... :)11:17
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shimizuself_enquiry, i tryed this glxgears just now it says from 7500 to 850011:17
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bernierHi, where can I download the latest ubuntu kernel source?11:18
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self_enquiryI/ll check wat's happend11:18
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gsbAndeh:  Do you have gcc installed?11:18
Andehgsb: I hope so11:18
Andehinstall it now ...11:18
shimizuself_enquiry, what is ur video card11:18
Andehgcc is already the newest version.11:19
AndehI need libc11:19
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self_enquiryati radeon mobility X140011:19
gsbAndeh:  I can't remember exactly what its called, give me one second.11:19
DM|erUSUL think i can do a dist-upgrade to feisty and be ok (from dapper)11:19
unicsi'm having a little problem running psyBNC on ubuntu 6.06. It starts fine and also runs fine for a little while, but after a while i can't connect to the bouncer anymore and/or it goes down in ping timeout and won't come back. any idea what the problem could be ?11:19
Andehthanks :D11:19
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shimizuself_enquiry, i've x1950 xt.. try envy and install driver via it11:19
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Lakitu7_Person who was helping me, sorry. I missed any response after I last spkoe.11:20
shimizuself_enquiry, but comparing our cards ur result is ok i think =)11:20
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usr13jstarcher, It would depend a lot on the rules you've inserted before.  If you are blocking a range of ports including that one, and this rule will open just the one. Yes, it would be correct.  You have to judge the effectiveness of iptables rules as a whole, or end result of all the rules you insert.11:20
Lakitu7_it took me some time get back here after my console shortcut stopped working11:20
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self_enquiryshimizu, thanks, I'll try11:20
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DM|erUSUL nm its doing edgy, im gtg11:21
erUSULDM|: you have to do dapper>edgy>feisty11:21
gsbAndeh:  Have you already installed the build-essential package?11:21
gsbAndeh:  Also, do a dpkg --list |grep libc and see if what you need is listed.11:21
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Andehtheres a lot of libc packages11:21
jstarcherusr13, can I reset iptables back to defaults some how?11:21
AndehE: Couldn't find package build-essentials11:22
usr13jstarcher, Yes, -F is for flush11:22
gsbAndeh: no s :)11:22
usr13or to just delete that one rule  -D11:22
AndehE: Couldn't find package build-essential11:22
AndehIs that bad?11:22
usr13e.g.  sudo iptables -D FORWARD -d 0/0 -p tcp --dport 6464 -j ACCEPT11:22
gsbandeh: also, I would go ahead and do sudo apt-get install libc6 libc6-dev11:23
gsbandeh:  do you have all the repositories enabled?11:23
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hendrixskiAndeh, build-essntials with an s at the end11:23
bjwebbwhy are mplayer dependencies in multiverse11:23
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hendrixskiAndeh, you can press tab 3 times and it should autocomplete it for you or show you a list of available tab completions11:23
bjwebbare they still free and gpl'd?11:23
Andehah okay11:24
hendrixskibjwebb, because some countries have f*cktarded laws about codecs11:24
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usr13-F will flush all rules in a chain or designate no chain and flush all chanins.11:24
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bjwebbhendrixski: but are they still gpl'd? is it just patents rather than copyright (like w32codecs)11:25
usr13chains not chains  not chanins11:25
hendrixskianybody know how to get diff to show me more than just the different files between two directories, but also the contents of the new files?11:25
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usr13hendrixski, diff file2 file111:25
hendrixskibjwebb, I think it may be a patent issue... but don't quote me on it.... if you can apt-get source w32codecs you know it's open source11:25
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bjwebbhendrixski: im confusing you now, i know w32 codecs isn't, its other stuff i want to know about....11:26
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hendrixskiusr13, that doesn't work if that file DOESN'T EXIST in folder but does in another... I'm looking for a folder wide solution... know of anything like that?11:26
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hendrixskibjwebb, my best guess is that if you can apt-get source from ubuntu, then it's open source... if not... it's probably proprietary (make sure you have the deb-src enabled for that repository)11:27
usr13hendrixski, diff /path/file1 /path/file211:27
gsbhendrixski:  Couldn't you just specify the path to both files?11:27
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gsbah usr13 beat me to it :P11:27
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CorpusCallosumis there any IDE for C++ and LEDA for graph algorithms and wireless sensor network i am using gutsy beta11:27
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spasticteapotCorpusCallosum: Wha?11:28
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gsbI was thinking the same thing..11:28
Tronyxhow can you find a partition's mount point?  I'd like to mount an NTFS partition on the same drive11:28
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spasticteapotUm....how about getting output from another program, and feeding into a C++ program written in your IDE of choice?11:28
hendrixskigsb, usr13.... I added a file to a folder... then when I run diff -r orrigFolder newFolder it only tells me "this file is extra" but won't show the same kind of output I'd get between file1 and file211:28
d90I preformed sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install KDE, And now after 2h+, it says "Fetched 124MB in 2h23m24s (14.4kB/s)11:28
d90Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/q/qt4-x11/libqt4-gui_4.2.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb  Connection timed out [IP: 80] 11:28
d90Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdebase/kdeprint_3.5.6-0ubuntu20.7_i386.deb  Connection timed out [IP: 80] 11:28
d90E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:28
d90" What does this mean? is it ok?11:28
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spasticteapotI know there's graph libraries somewhere.11:28
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usr13spasticteapot, less /etc/fstab11:28
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erUSUL!paste | d9011:28
ubotud90: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:28
gsbTronyx:  if you do a df -h that gives you the mount points you have.11:28
spasticteapotd90: Pastedumpers will be eaten by grues.11:29
CorpusCallosumI am looking an programming IDE for C++ and LEDA plugin do you have any idea ?11:29
cacushi there11:29
Tronyxthanks much gsb11:29
cacusanyone could help me with some problems on my ALC660?11:29
gsbalong with space information11:29
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hendrixskigsb, usr13 and I want to make a .diff file so that I can send it to someone else, and they just run patch folder myDiff.diff and the file gets added to their folder as well11:29
cacusi just want to configure my inlines as outlines11:29
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cacusbut in alsamixer and gnome alsamixer there's nothing to deal with11:29
spasticteapotusr13: What was that answer in reply to?11:29
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cacussomeone told me to run the modules with another commands11:29
cacusbut i don't know wich commands are for this card and how to figure out wich commands are those who manage those kind of stuff11:29
eugmanHow do I get rid of my thumbnails? i want to refresh it since it is like 3 gigs11:29
spasticteapotHow do I turn off the power to my wireless card?11:29
Tronyxhm gsb, how can I add a mount point?11:29
andy_33How do I found out which window manager I'm running?11:30
spasticteapotI used to be able to use function-F5 on my X40; on my X61, it won't work.11:30
usr13spasticteapot, Unload the driver from the kernel.11:30
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tonyyarussoandy_33: well, if you have a guess you can grep the output of 'ps aux'11:30
spasticteapotusr13: That won't remove power to the card.11:30
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usr13spasticteapot, rmmod11:30
unicsi'm having a little problem running psyBNC on ubuntu 6.06. It starts fine and also runs fine for a little while, but after a while i can't connect to the bouncer anymore and/or it goes down in ping timeout and won't come back. any idea what the problem could be ?11:30
veynomanyone know a wireless card that supports RF monitoring?11:31
andy_33tonyyarusso,  hmm? :x11:31
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usr13spasticteapot, no, but it will dissable it.11:31
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usr13spasticteapot, effectively turning it off.11:31
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magnetronveynom: most atheros-based cards11:31
spasticteapotDisabling the card still means it draws power.11:31
erUSULhendrixski: diff -ur folder1 folder2 ??11:31
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entiei'd like to update my memcached from 1.1.2 to 1.2.2,  1.1.1 isn't marshalling my objects cleanly11:31
entiei'm not terribly great a package management though11:32
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entiethis is to the point: http://www.ducea.com/2007/09/17/memcached-122-on-debian-etch/11:32
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tonyyarussoandy_33: For instance, Gnome's window manager is metacity.  'ps aux' is a command that outputs all running processes, and 'grep' is a pattern matching tool.  'ps aux | grep metacity' would display a line with information about it if it is in fact running, and no output if not.11:32
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usr13sparkleytone, Not necessarily.  If you dissable the card it will more than likely quit drawing power.  It will be turned off.11:32
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entiebut i'm curious about if i'm going to run in to problems using debian packages?11:32
internet_Suddenly, just today, I've gotten a whole host of problems with Ubuntu...11:32
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silent__does anyone here know how to create custom resolutions for hdtvs?11:32
jikanterentie: ubuntu packages are debian packages11:32
AndehJust installed ubuntu on my brand new PC and am enjoying the speed improvement11:32
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AndehI have a question though11:33
jikanterentie: the way ubuntu works is that we clean up the upstream debian packages... The packages are the same11:33
tonyyarussojikanter, entie: Ubuntu and Debian packages are in the same format, but NOT necessarily compatible and it is NOT recommended to mix and match them.11:33
usr13entie, Ubuntu is just a pretty Debian.11:33
internet_I can't access my dekstop, some panel apps just quit, and I can't use XChat.11:33
entiejikanter: the sources location i pasted in complained because the public key was available11:33
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hendrixskierUSUL, ah, the -u may do it11:33
magnetronAndeh: great11:33
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AndehCan I use my graphics card to render my desktop etc WITHOUT effects for maximum speed?11:33
jikantertonyrusso: it can work though....11:33
robert_are there any 32-bit qt libraries for Feisty/64?11:34
AndehI''m in feisty11:34
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entieso here is the other idea11:34
tonyyarussojikanter: It can, but you do so at your own risk and such behaviour is not supported.11:34
entiegutsy has memcached 1.2.211:34
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entieis that a better choice?11:34
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KoweSixWhen I start an external hdd, it is automatically mounted as read-only.. how can i change that? :o11:34
jikantertonyyrusso: I agree11:34
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hendrixskierUSUL, nope....  same output... just says that there is a different file... probably wouldn'y make the kind of patch to create it :-(11:34
erUSULhendrixski: no it is -N11:34
jikanterentie: be really careful. Don't do anything yet..11:34
Tronyxcan anyone tell me how to add a mount point?  I need to mount the NTFS partition of my hard drive11:34
erUSULhendrixski: diff -Nur folder1 folder2 ??11:34
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entie1.2.1-1 precisely. is it resonable to upgrade a single package to gutsy?11:34
josephI am trying to figure out howcome I can get my wireless up and running in PCLinux but not with Ubuntu11:34
hendrixskierUSUL, ah, SWEET11:34
erUSULhendrixski: -u is for unified format and r recursive11:35
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jikanterentie: the issue deals with dependencies of packages...11:35
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robert_Andeh, 32 or 64?11:35
d90I sucessful installed KDE enviroment using "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop". OK what should I need to download to have option at login to choose between GNOME and KDE.11:35
MasterShrekKoweSix, is it ntfs?11:35
jikanterif you do that, it may require you to download all sorts of new gutsy- based packages.11:35
Andehrobert_: 32 bit11:35
entiejikanter: i htink i'll have to update libevent and memcached11:35
tonyyarussojikanter: What you can do however, if there is a package in Debian that hasn't synced to Ubuntu yet, is apt-get source the package from Debian and rebuild it on your Ubuntu system with pbuilder and debuild, which requires reading a fair bit of documentation and maybe getting some help from the MOTU team, but will make a good package in the end.11:35
usr13Tronyx, First you use mkdir to make the directory you are going to use as a mount point.  Then you mount the filesystem on that directory with the mount comand11:35
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MasterShrekKoweSix, cuz linux cant read/write ntfs natively11:36
hendrixskierUSUL,   wow... the N did it... I didn't figure that out from looking at the man page... it's like -N treat absent files as empty... didn't register in my head11:36
Ahadield90, As you get to the login screen, click "Session"11:36
robert_I need qt 3/4 32 libs11:36
AndehI heard there were problems with some things in x64 and that 32 bit runs fine as well11:36
hendrixskierUSUL, thank you :-)11:36
tonyyarussod90: just log out, and click "Sessions"11:36
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erUSULhendrixski: no problem11:36
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MasterShrekAndeh, mainly flash and java11:36
AndehI have a dual core (Core 2 Duo E6550)11:36
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jikanterentie: If you have the time, I would follow what tonyyrusso just said11:36
AndehMasterShrek: yeah11:36
Andehespecially flash11:36
entiei need to do it fore a bunch of computers11:36
Andehand java11:36
KoweSixMasterShrek:  so that would also explain the reason why i cant mount the encrypted container files on it?! :] 11:36
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MasterShrekAndeh, flash runs fine for me, and so does java11:36
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | KoweSix11:36
ubotuKoweSix: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:36
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AndehMasterShrek: O___O11:37
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jikanterentie: It is for sure a worthwhile learning experience though..11:37
MasterShrekAndeh, it just takes a couple extra steps to configure in x86_6411:37
Bo^Dickthanks for all support guys11:37
caskater4does anyone know of a good program that can get me CPU/mobo temperatures and fan information?11:37
entietonyyarusso: could you link me to an example of that process, with any package.   so i know what i'm expecting?11:37
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AndehSo i just wasted 2 hours installing 64 bit?11:37
d90Ahadiel, tonyyarusso, THX11:37
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MasterShrekAndeh, definately not, 64 bit is the way to go if your cpu can do it11:37
erUSUL!flash64 | Andeh11:37
ubotuAndeh: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:37
AndehI actually ENJOY configuring things. It makes me really happy when it finally works.11:37
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tonyyarussoentie: sure, a sec11:37
AndehMasterShrek: crap...11:37
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jstarcherusr13, iptables -F is a bad idea11:38
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jikanterentie: search the string "pbuilder" on the ubuntu wiki11:38
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lunzwhat is the command to umount cdrom?11:38
Andehis there a way to reinstall all packages in 64 bit?11:38
jikanterentie: http://wiki.ubuntu.com11:38
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usr13jstarcher, Why11:38
caskater4does anyone know of a good program that can get me CPU/mobo temperatures and fan information?11:38
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MasterShrekandeh what do you mean? you cant run 64 bit programs on a 32 bit kernel11:39
jstarcherusr13, it erases everything and I just lost internet connection and had to rewrite the rules by hand11:39
erUSUL!lmsensors | caskater411:39
ubotucaskater4: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto11:39
AndehMasterShrek: yeah, including the kernel I meant11:39
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AndehWhats the easiest way to convert this into x64?11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unmount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:39
caskater4ubotu: thx i'll take a look11:39
MasterShrekAndeh, i dont know if you can11:39
magnetronAndeh: of course there is. use the amd64 install cd11:39
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MasterShreklunz, sudo umount /media/cdrom011:39
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:39
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MasterShreklunz, type eject to eject it11:40
Andehmagnetron: And it will just replace this and everything will run perfectly?11:40
usr13jstarcher, Well, in your case it may have been bad, but I told you what it would do.  I also told you how to delete specific rules11:40
Andehmagnetron: haha11:40
magnetronAndeh: no, it will reformat your hard drive11:40
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Andehand I just spent 2 hours installing windows.11:40
lunzthanks again master11:40
AndehDon't ask.11:40
riotkittie2 hours. hee.11:40
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MasterShreknp lunz11:40
riotkittiei need to set up a disc that will let me do an unattended install.11:41
Andehbut felt like 4 hours11:41
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tonyyarussoentie: Four links with more than you ever wanted to know: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/, http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPackagingHandbook, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/11:41
magnetronAndeh: i hope you didn't use 100GB or something11:41
=== MasterShrek kicks Andeh in the head for installing windows as a host and not a vm
=== Andeh pokes magnetron in face.
usr13jstarcher, see man iptables    (don't take my word for it)11:41
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riotkittiei have windows installed as a host. <hugs it>11:41
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caskater4MasterShrek: I have Windows as host, Linux only as VM ;)11:42
magnetronAndeh: so violent... the youth of today11:42
AndehMasterShrek: I need windows AsAP. My plan: Install normally. Then install as VM under ubuntu, and if THAT runs fast enough, then delete installed windows.11:42
jstarcherusr13, yeah I know. I did what you said. here is my output. What is wrong with it? I'm simply forwarding port 6464 to
jstarcherusr13, http://pb.theoverclocked.com/10811:42
Dsff_SdfHey guys, I need some Help. I have a nVidia GeForce 6150 LE and I tried to use Envy to configure the driver and get the correct resolution setting, and now im running at 640X480 and I cant seem to fix it. Any ideas?11:42
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:42
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magnetrongood ubotu11:42
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veynomanyone know a wirless card that supports linux and RF monitoring and is PCI or USB11:43
magnetronubotu thank you11:43
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:43
Andehmagnetron: So, whats the best choice for converting to 64 bit?11:43
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Dsff_SdfI'm running at such a huge ugly resolution and I have no idea how to fix.11:43
magnetronveynom: any atheros-card11:43
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MasterShrekAndeh, back up your /home folder and reinstall with the 64 bit cd11:43
veynomit seems like they're all mini-pci11:43
magnetronAndeh: there is only one way i know of, i told you11:43
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AndehAlready have backed up11:44
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AndehIts almost midnight11:44
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Andehschool tomorrow11:44
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magnetronveynom: no, there are pci and pc-card variants as well11:44
riotkittieif you go the atheros route, opt for pci. i believe that support for atheros based usb is less than stellar, but i may be wrong11:44
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AndehAlso big history test that i didn't study for.11:44
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magnetronveynom: yeah, i meant any non-usb atheros card11:44
Dsff_SdfCan anyone help me with this resolution problem?11:45
AndehNow will someone answer my question: Is there a way to use the GPU to draw the GUI WITHOUT EFFECTS, so it runs REALLY fast?11:45
jstarcherusr13, any ideas11:45
Andehor does it already do that?11:45
riotkittiemy knee hurts >|11:45
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riotkittiei want dual screens, and i want them nowww. but i'm not getting them.11:46
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Dsff_SdfNo one has an Idea?11:47
dr3w2morowriotkittie: go to system and look under administration then go device manager11:47
nuccoriotkittie: if you feel up to it, read man xorg.conf11:47
usr13jstarcher, not sure what you are trying to accomplish.11:48
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dr3w2morowdsff_sdf what was ur question?11:48
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veynomwhat would be an optimal brand/manufactuer/etc new motherboard that likes linux?11:48
nuccoits actually not too complicated. you should just create a new "screen" with the right information, and add an entry to your "serverlayout" informing X of the relative positions of the screens.11:48
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jstarcherusr13, just a simple port forward11:48
Dsff_Sdfdr3w2morow,  I have a nVidia GeForce 6150 LE and I tried to use Envy to configure the driver and get the correct resolution setting, and now im running at 640X480 and I cant seem to fix it. Any ideas?11:48
{Zeus}venyom: it shouldn't matter, although I have heard ATi doesn't like Ubuntu... although my ATi is fine11:48
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dr3w2morowumm ok11:48
AhadielDsff_Sdf, Why'd you use Envy =/11:48
Dsff_SdfI didn't know not to. :\11:49
riotkittienucco: i know this, and have tried it. more than once :P11:49
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nuccoDsff_Sdf: use 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:49
FlyingPigo hai11:49
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dr3w2morowdsff_sdf system -> administration -> system moniter11:49
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dr3w2morowlol wait11:49
Dsff_Sdfdr3w2morow,  there is no setting for a higher resolution11:49
dr3w2morownvm im confusing myself11:50
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dr3w2morowreally? i changed mine yesterday11:50
nuccoriotkittie: the two monitors have equal resolution capabilities?11:50
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avalanche121I've made an ftp server, can somebody test it for me if you can join to it or not?11:50
{Zeus}avalanche: IP?11:50
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usr13jstarcher, what traffic are you trying to forward to what IP?11:50
dr3w2morowsystem --> pereferences --> system moniter11:51
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jstarcherusr13, port 6464 to
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deviantintegralhi. I'm having problems with kernel panics on my ubuntu server. I'm running raid5 + lvm. I managed to get the panic text via serial console, anyone have any suggestions? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40208/11:51
{Zeus}deviantintegral: when does this happen?11:52
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deviantintegral{Zeus}: pretty soon after boot. It seems to depend on the IO load. I've had it stay up for a few days, but now it thinks it needs to resync the array so it goes down within 10-20 minutes.11:53
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avalanche121username=user; password={nothing}11:53
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ihavethespeedanyone here that can help with an ubuntu install?11:53
{Zeus}it won't find the server11:53
avalanche121thanks zeus11:54
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{Zeus}ihavethespeed: what is the problem?11:54
carlosV2somebody has CUPS?11:54
{Zeus}avalanche, ping workd11:54
riotkittieihavethespeed: what issues are having you?11:54
Ahadielavalanche121, Did you make sure to forward ports?11:54
riotkittieyou having, rather?11:54
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usr13jstarcher, you would probably want something like:  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 --dport 6464  -j DNAT --to
ihavethespeedim trying to dual boot vista and unbuntu on my laptop11:54
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{Zeus}ihavethespeed, you are on vista now?11:55
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{Zeus}and you have a Ubuntu Live CD?11:55
ihavethespeedi have the iso i burned11:55
carlosV2somebody use CUPS?11:55
ihavethespeedi think theyre the same thing11:55
usr13jstarcher,  Not sure if I got the ehternet port right....11:55
avalanche121ahadiel; I haven't done that I think11:55
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wackamoleavalanche121: not connecting to 21 for me, ping works11:55
iva1hi need help with my ubuntu, it has problem with installing aplications. I have tried to install a few torrent but i cant run some of them11:55
Ahadielavalanche121, Well yeah, I assume you are behind a router11:56
ineedhelpcan someone help me with some simple shell scripting?11:56
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Ahadieltherefore you need to forward the appropriate ports11:56
{Zeus}what are you trying to do?11:56
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carlosV2ineedhelp, what do you want?11:56
d90hey again I have been successful installed KDE and now running it, it is so much better then GNOME but is there any possability to make double click to open files than to use one click?11:56
usr13jstarcher,  in other words, change eth1 as needed.11:56
ineedhelpWrite a bash shell script, called phonedir.sh that maintains a phone directory in a file called phonedir.txt in the invoking user's home directory. The script takes two or three arguments, with the first argument being the operation the script is supposed to do (notice this first arg starts with a -).11:56
ihavethespeedinstall it11:56
Ahadield90, It's in some settings panel somewhere11:56
avalanche121wackamole; thanks11:56
ihavethespeedthe installer wont work though11:56
ineedhelpim so confused11:57
Brian_what is better ubuntu 6.06 or ubuntu 7.04 or ubuntu 7.10 beta?11:57
carlosV2ineedhelp, in what part are you confused?11:57
{Zeus}hmm... well that is a little too advanced to be considered here11:57
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ineedhelpim not really sure how to get started11:57
Brian_ill shorten it11:57
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carlosV2ineedhelp, with: #!/bin/bash xDDD :P is a joke11:58
Brian_what is better ubuntu 6.06 or ubuntu 7.04?11:58
iva1why dosn't the apt-get install put a script in bash when i install?11:58
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ineedhelpi got that11:58
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dfletcher_ineedhelp, I'd take a look at what gawk (awk) does - seems most of your script is just finding records in a text db11:58
reporcellohello people.. i'm pretty new to ubuntu.. i got a little problem whit the wlan card.. can someone help me?11:58
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:58
carlosV2well, first, try to think what do you what the script does and write graphicaly (do you understand me?)11:58
ae88925I have no issues with 7.0411:58
Brian_>what is better ubuntu 6.06 or ubuntu 7.04?11:59
stinger05hi there.. :)11:59
Ahadielineedhelp, Make some psuedo-code11:59
erUSUL!best | Brian_11:59
ubotuBrian_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:59
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ineedhelpno not really11:59
Danaman5Hi everyone, every time I update my Linux kernel, a new entry for it is added to GRUB, but the old ones are not removed, so now I have like 4.  Is there a way to remove all of the unnecessary startup options?11:59
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erUSULDanaman5: remove the unneeded kernels11:59
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Kyokuzwhen installing ubuntu desktop version i just noticed it wanted to use 81% of the disk and do a resize, was it trying to preserve the windows partition?12:00
Kyokuzor would it still wipe the windows install?12:00
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Brian_so ubuntu 7.04 is better for features and ubuntu 6.06 is better for support?12:00
dremthI have ubuntu, vista, and xp installed right now and vista has taken over my mbr. I used to have grub installed on my ubuntu partition but now grub is gone. How can I get it back?12:00
reporcelloyes.. i red this..12:00
stinger05how do i connect to the internet on ubuntu feisty using a dedicated (usrname & password) connection ?12:00
usr13jstarcher,  where eth1 is ethernet port that is connected to.12:01
erUSULKyokuz: depends on what you tell the installer to do... both options are aviable during install12:01
carlosV2ineedhelp, try to do a diagram with lines that you want. for example: first, detect param 112:01
carlosV2+ If 'a' do that12:01
carlosV2\if 'b' do that12:01
iva1is there any good torrent clients to Linux except azureus, ktorrent, bittorrent12:01
dr3w2morowkyokuz: i think it does wipe it but im not so smart for this... i think it would make it faster? im not sure but i just put 98% on mine12:01
usr13jstarcher,  where ethX is ethernet port that is connected to.12:01
ae88925LTS will be supported for a longer period12:01
magnetron!deluge > iva112:01
ae889257.04 will have newer software12:01
reporcellomy wlan card read the name of the wireless lan12:01
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avalanche121can you try again now, (ftp server)
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carlosV2to develop a program/script, first, you need to think the things what you want do and how do you want. is imposible to do something without an idea of what you want12:02
VWJ1bnR1For Ubuntu support is there a number I could call, just like for Microsoft?12:02
stinger05how do i connect to the internet on ubuntu feisty using a dedicated (usrname & password) connection ?12:02
ae88925avalanche: Are you NATting FTP through IPTables?12:02
reporcellowhen i try to connect the led on the wlan car do not flash12:02
dremthI have ubuntu, vista, and xp installed right now and vista has taken over my mbr. I used to have grub installed on my ubuntu partition but now grub is gone. How can I get it back?12:02
carlosV2somebody use CUPS?12:02
Brian_the install program for ubuntu 7.10 beta wont work,is it becuz its in beta right now?12:02
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VWJ1bnR1dremth: I have that problem, too.12:02
magnetronVWJ1bnR1: yes, canonical sells support12:02
FlyingPigVWJ1bnR1 you must buy that12:03
erUSULcarlosV2: anybody that uses a printer under ubuntu uses CUPS12:03
acglaphotisdremth: install burn a supergrub disk12:03
PiciBrian_: Ask in #ubuntu+112:03
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dremthacglaphotis, i have one12:03
stinger05how do i connect to the internet on ubuntu feisty using a dedicated (usrname & password) connection ?12:03
dremthacglaphotis, i dont know how to use it though12:03
acglaphotisdremth: humm12:03
acglaphotisdremth: wait a bit12:03
FlyingPigVWJ1bnR1 the corp i worked at installed ubuntu on 50 computers and we bought support12:03
dremthacglaphotis, for what?12:04
nuccostinger05: what kind of connection?12:04
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carlosV2ok erUSUL, thanks. my problem is that i want to print inside a LAN. other times, i wirte in configuration file, a line to accept conections of other PCs. now, i'va this line 'listen localhost:631'. what can i write to do this?12:04
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