andersin | can't lose anything in the process anyways | 12:39 |
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andersin | but I would say it is pretty stable | 12:40 |
andersin | and definitely useable | 12:40 |
andersin | hey, for me suspend started working so I am all praise | 12:40 |
andersin | so take my advice with a grain of salt :-) | 12:40 |
enjoi1216 | hey andersin hey andersin where should i save the firefox file to after i download it | 12:43 |
enjoi1216 | because that webpage that you gave me was how to install firefox manually | 12:43 |
andersin | yes, wasn't that what you wanted? | 12:44 |
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andersin | why do you need the latest anyways? | 12:44 |
andersin | cant you just use adept? | 12:44 |
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christian_ | jemand hier der deutsch kann? | 12:44 |
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lovre | andersin: im not sure if its working now, but i got access to bigger resolutions. How do i check what is installed? | 12:44 |
andersin | ja, ist aber ein englischer Kanal | 12:44 |
enjoi1216 | because i'm just going to stick with it to see if it's any better because my version hangs up from time to time | 12:45 |
andersin | lovre: try nvidia-settings | 12:45 |
christian_ | brauche hilfe^^ bin linux neuling | 12:45 |
Col-Panic | christian: Ich kann Deutsch | 12:45 |
andersin | !de | 12:45 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:45 |
enjoi1216 | but see heres the thing andersin do i need to save or open the file and if i save the file where do i need to save it to like if i go to open it it wants to open it with Ark | 12:46 |
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andersin | lovre: you can also check /var/log/Xorg.log for lines containing NVIDIA | 12:46 |
enjoi1216 | ? | 12:46 |
andersin | enjoil1216 take your home dir | 12:46 |
lovre | andersin: i get this when running nvidia-settings: | 12:46 |
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enjoi1216 | so i need to save it to my home directory correct ? | 12:47 |
Col-Panic | I'd like real life to be as easy as saying "!man" to a woman, and suddenly she understands | 12:47 |
andersin | lovre: try glxinfo | 12:47 |
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enjoi1216 | ? | 12:47 |
lovre | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 12:48 |
lovre | Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 12:48 |
andersin | lovre: ok, so that means no | 12:48 |
lovre | andersin: i have Xorg.0.log file and it has this line: (**) | |-->Device "nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7900 GS] " | 12:48 |
andersin | no, needs to be caps | 12:48 |
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lovre | like NVIDIA? | 12:49 |
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andersin | like (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs | 12:49 |
lovre | andersin: this is my Xorg.0.log file. can you check it out: | 12:50 |
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ScorpKing | andersin: the problem lovre have is with /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video | 12:50 |
ScorpKing | andersin: look at this irc log - | 12:51 |
andersin | lovre: can you please post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:51 |
andersin | and then try to type sudo modprobe nvidia | 12:51 |
ScorpKing | andersin: a guy named uga have the solution. it's near the end of the page | 12:51 |
lovre | andersin: Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:51 |
lovre | andersin: it says that | 12:51 |
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ScorpKing | it loads the lrm module and not the nvidia one. that's why you don't have X | 12:52 |
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andersin | yes | 12:52 |
ScorpKing | lovre: look at the link i posted. the fix is there | 12:52 |
andersin | what you need to do is replace the Driver "nv" line with Driver "nvidia" | 12:52 |
lovre | andersin: heres my xorg.cfg | 12:53 |
lovre | there is a nv in there | 12:53 |
ScorpKing | nite guys. c ya tomorrow. :D | 12:53 |
lovre | bye m8 | 12:53 |
lovre | nite | 12:53 |
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lovre | andersin: but if i replace it with nvidia, i dont think itll work. I can try tho | 12:53 |
andersin | wait | 12:54 |
andersin | change it to nvidia and try modprobe nvidia | 12:54 |
lovre | restart after changing? | 12:55 |
andersin | ne | 12:55 |
andersin | no | 12:55 |
andersin | just change it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:55 |
andersin | and then try modprobe nvidia | 12:55 |
lovre | i get this | 12:55 |
lovre | FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia | 12:55 |
andersin | find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -name nvidia.ko | 12:56 |
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lovre | ?? | 12:57 |
lovre | what is that? a command or a location? | 12:57 |
andersin | a command | 12:57 |
andersin | find | 12:58 |
lovre | /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 12:58 |
lovre | /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko | 12:58 |
lovre | ^the result | 12:58 |
andersin | love: did you install the nvidia driver manually once? | 12:58 |
lovre | hmm, what do you mean? like what manually? | 12:59 |
andersin | lovre: in that you downloaded it from | 12:59 |
lovre | i tried many ways, so i spose i installed it manually, yes | 12:59 |
lovre | yes i did | 12:59 |
lovre | was that wrong? | 12:59 |
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andersin | lovre: well, the problem is that you now have two versions on your computes | 01:00 |
andersin | lovre: well, the problem is that you now have two versions on your computer | 01:00 |
andersin | now | 01:00 |
lovre | :( | 01:00 |
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andersin | no problem | 01:00 |
lovre | what should i do | 01:00 |
andersin | sudo rm /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 01:00 |
ardchoille | lovre: The nvidia tutorial mentions troubleshooting multiple installations | 01:00 |
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Zombine | Simple quick question: Can I use the Debian binary of Fluxbox on Ubuntu? | 01:01 |
lovre | debian yes | 01:01 |
ardchoille | Zombine: no | 01:01 |
lovre | ??? | 01:01 |
ardchoille | Zombine: It's not safe to install packages fromother distros in ubuntu. | 01:01 |
andersin | ardchoille: do you have a link to that? | 01:01 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | andersin | 01:01 |
ubotu | andersin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 01:01 |
Zombine | ardchoille: Isn't Ubuntu largely based upon Debian though? | 01:02 |
lovre | ye, i think debian packages are same as ubuntu | 01:02 |
ardchoille | Zombine: "based" yes, but different enough to cause you problems if you go installing debian packages. | 01:02 |
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lovre | andersin: i removed that package, what should i do now? | 01:02 |
ardchoille | lovre: No, they are not. | 01:02 |
lovre | ardchoille: ok, i dont know, im a noob :D | 01:02 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: You could download the sources and compile. | 01:03 |
Zombine | ardchoille: But for a window manager, assuming I keep my old one(s) just in case it doesn't work, it wouldn't permanently damage anything? | 01:03 |
Zombine | ardchoille: Oh? | 01:03 |
andersin | I did not find anything about removing the old manually installed nvidia driver | 01:03 |
TFrog | is anyone here running gutsy gibon beta? | 01:03 |
andersin | #ubuntu+1 | 01:03 |
ardchoille | Zombine: The safest bet is to use the repos. If you can't do that, it's safe to compile/install. But that is it as far as safe practices. | 01:03 |
ardchoille | TFrog: join #ubuntu+1 | 01:04 |
TFrog | ty | 01:04 |
Sanne | lovre: Ubuntu and Debian are source compatible, but not necessarily binary compatible. Ubuntu's packages get compiled especially for Ubuntu, and Debian's may or may not work. | 01:04 |
ardchoille | Zombine: iirc, fluxbox compiles easily on *buntu | 01:04 |
Zombine | ardchoille: I see... And I can just download this source from somehwere? | 01:05 |
Zombine | wait... found it | 01:05 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: | 01:05 |
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lovre | Sanne: thanks for clearing that up :D | 01:06 |
Zombine | ardchoille: And compiling..... I assume there's some console app for that> | 01:06 |
lovre | ill brb need to restart | 01:06 |
Sanne | lovre: you're welcome :) | 01:06 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:06 |
ardchoille | Zombine: That will get compiling tools installed | 01:06 |
Zombine | ardchoille: okay... then I can just run build-essential with the source files as arguments? | 01:07 |
ardchoille | Zombine: no | 01:08 |
Zombine | ardchoille: Ah... | 01:08 |
ardchoille | Zombine: You need to install build-essential to get compiling tools. | 01:08 |
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Zombine | ardchoille: Done already | 01:08 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: Now, download the sources for fluxbox, unpack them and read the INSTALL file | 01:09 |
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Zombine | ardchoille: Ah, instructions! Handy! | 01:11 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: I believe you're going to get errors because of X Window System libraries and headers. You might wanna install libx11-dev before you compile. | 01:12 |
HayaBusa | hello everyone . i cancelled my internet , but before leaving . I llike to know what are the best ( GUI ) Editors for PHP to downlaod and use. I want to start learning PHP5 . thanks. | 01:12 |
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CPrompt^ | HayaBusa : Quanta. It's not a gui but an ide. | 01:13 |
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CPrompt^ | to learn php, is pretty good | 01:13 |
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HayaBusa | thanks, but no more internet connection .. | 01:14 |
m29338 | anyone have any probs configuring a Broadcom BCM4309 card using the HOW-TO? | 01:14 |
ardchoille | Zombine: most sources ship with either INSTALL or README files, sometimes both | 01:14 |
m29338 | I CANNOT get wireless to work on this box | 01:14 |
Zombine | ardchoille: Ah.... guessing reading both would be a halfway decent idea? | 01:14 |
m29338 | ndiswrapper (add_wep_key:798): adding encryption key 1 failed (C0010015) | 01:15 |
m29338 | I know that the ESSID/KEY are good - not fat-fingered | 01:15 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: Yes, fluxbox has both, nice | 01:15 |
m29338 | ndiswrapper -l returns: bcmwl5 : driver installed | 01:16 |
ardchoille | Zombine: Dumb question: Do you know what fluxbox is and what it does? | 01:16 |
HayaBusa | and also can you please tell me what is good for XML and CSS development ? | 01:16 |
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Zombine | ardchoille: It's a window manager, like GNOME or KDE, but more efficient hardware-wise, and imho also usage-wise. Highly customizable too | 01:17 |
ardchoille | HayaBusa: I use kate for CSS | 01:17 |
m29338 | I've got /etc/network interfaces configured correctly | 01:17 |
CPrompt^ | trying to compile with kdevelop, i'm getting errors "autoconf not found" and "cvs version:not found" i have both autoconf and cvs installed. what am i missing here? | 01:17 |
L0GAN | hello, whats the difference betweenubuntu and kubuntu? | 01:17 |
CPrompt^ | L0GAN : kubuntu uses KDE and Ubuntu uses Gnome | 01:17 |
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ardchoille | Zombine: Technically, gnome and kde are desktop environments, fluxbox is just a window manager. But, it's fast and very nice looking. Some folks have gotten fluxbox to work in kde (replacing kwin). | 01:18 |
L0GAN | im a windows user :) Gnome and kde? whats the best? | 01:18 |
ardchoille | L0GAN: Only you can make that decision. I feel you should try them both and see which works best for you. | 01:18 |
L0GAN | I would like one to use as live CD, with many apps preinstalled | 01:19 |
stdin | L0GAN: see and | 01:19 |
m29338 | any wireless gurus out there? | 01:19 |
ardchoille | L0GAN: That the nice thing about ubuntu and kubuntu, you can download both livecd's and "test drive" them before installing them | 01:20 |
L0GAN | Ubuntu didnt have Blender preinstalled. the version from the website didnt run | 01:20 |
ardchoille | !info blender | 01:20 |
ubotu | blender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.43-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 7120 kB, installed size 18600 kB | 01:20 |
L0GAN | had to look for a special deb version | 01:20 |
ardchoille | L0GAN: Blender is in the repos | 01:20 |
Zombine | ardchoille: I see.... So a desktop environment is like... window manager plus other stuff? | 01:21 |
ardchoille | Zombine: yes, window manager, session manager, etc. | 01:21 |
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L0GAN | side tracking question: I want to make a live boot from USB stick allowing to install and save things. I tried a tutorial to partition stick but was getting access denied | 01:22 |
L0GAN | is there a app or script that can do that automatically? | 01:22 |
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ardchoille | !sudo | L0GAN you need t use sudo for some things | 01:22 |
ubotu | L0GAN you need t use sudo for some things: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 01:22 |
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L0GAN | so if it says /dev/sda then i need to sudu /dev/sda ? | 01:23 |
juaco | !espaol | 01:23 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:23 |
ardchoille | L0GAN: sudo is the command to allow you to do things as the admin user.. you still need to specify the command after sudo. Example "sudo kate /foo.txt" would open foo.txt in the kate editor with admin privs | 01:24 |
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L0GAN | because the tut i followed did a sudu, but dmount worked but then /dev/sda gave error | 01:25 |
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woddf2 | Hello | 01:26 |
woddf2 | Kolf crashes KDE! | 01:26 |
ardchoille | woddf2: Are you using Gutsy? | 01:26 |
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woddf2 | No, I am on 7.04 Feisty Fawn. | 01:26 |
woddf2 | I just upgraded from 6.10 Edgy Eft. | 01:27 |
Zombine | wow.... Turns out Wine is not a works-out-of-the-box kind of app eh? | 01:27 |
woddf2 | No, this is Kolf. | 01:27 |
ardchoille | I've never seen a simple game bring down an entire de | 01:27 |
Zombine | what? me? | 01:27 |
ardchoille | no | 01:27 |
woddf2 | KBounce did it when I attempted to open a menu. | 01:27 |
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NickPresta | What is the compose key set to by default? | 01:28 |
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woddf2 | ? | 01:28 |
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Zombine | oh.... 'cause it almost did. I just went ahead and rebooted... Anyway I'll install the dev package, compile and install Fluxbox, and when I talk next, it should be on a different de :D | 01:29 |
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ardchoille | you mean wm | 01:29 |
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Minataku | Likely the program is causing X to catch a signal and crash | 01:32 |
PSPJunkie | Hey, I run they gutsy beta on my macbook, and it ran fine until i let adept_update update my comp, and now it doesn't want to charge. | 01:32 |
PSPJunkie | Anyone know a fix? | 01:32 |
Minataku | Which is quite possible, though rare | 01:32 |
NickPresta | !gutsy | PSPJunkie | 01:32 |
ubotu | PSPJunkie: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See for more information | 01:32 |
PSPJunkie | heh | 01:33 |
PSPJunkie | okay | 01:33 |
PSPJunkie | thanks | 01:33 |
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x_link | Hi | 01:33 |
x_link | Isn't there Kubuntu Server? | 01:33 |
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x_link | Or is there just Ubuntu Server? | 01:34 |
Minataku | Chances are, if you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old the last lines will mention something about a signal, probably 11 | 01:34 |
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stdin | x_link: that wouldn't make sense | 01:34 |
stdin | x_link: server = no GUI | 01:34 |
m29338 | anyone get the Fn-F2 to work on a Dell laptop? Trying to get wireless going, to no avail | 01:34 |
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woddf2 | Minataku: >>Fatal server error: Caught signal 11. Server aborting<< | 01:35 |
NickPresta | m29338, which Dell Laptop? The Latitude series? | 01:35 |
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Minataku | Bingo | 01:35 |
woddf2 | I found that in the file. | 01:35 |
robinson | evening, all | 01:35 |
Minataku | The program caused X11 to segfault | 01:35 |
x_link | stdin: Ahh okej. | 01:35 |
x_link | I didn't knew that. | 01:35 |
robinson | need some help modifying an xmodmap file, anyone able to assist? | 01:36 |
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NickPresta | !ask | robinson | 01:36 |
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ubotu | robinson: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:36 |
x_link | stdin: Is it possible to install GUI on Ubuntu Server? | 01:36 |
Minataku | Signal 11 - SIGSEGV - SEGmentation Violation | 01:36 |
Minataku | NickPresta: He wasn't asking to ask | 01:36 |
stdin | x_link: yeah, just install one of the *ubuntu-desktop packages | 01:36 |
robinson | sorry. I need to make the volume buttons on my laptop affect the PCM channel instead of the master channel. How do i do this? | 01:36 |
Minataku | He was asking if anyone could help with his specific issue | 01:36 |
schwiz | Can someone help me install ubuntu I am having the following problems... | 01:36 |
Minataku | Lay off the bot !abuse, Nick | 01:36 |
Minataku | Er | 01:36 |
Minataku | !botabuse | 01:36 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 01:36 |
schwiz | ununtu 7.04 I boot to live cd and get a blank screen, even when trying the gui safe mode | 01:37 |
Minataku | Hey, they updated it to make it suck even more | 01:37 |
NickPresta | I'm aware of the !botabuse factoid. Instead of asking if someone can help, he should just ask the question and if someone can help, they will... | 01:37 |
schwiz | so someone said try 7.10 and it wont detect my raid array to install it just sees 3 seperate disks | 01:37 |
stdin | schwiz: #ubuntu+1 | 01:37 |
Minataku | NickPresta: There's no problem with asking for assistance with a particular issue, if anything, it can be better, because no answer explicitly means that nobody knows | 01:38 |
x_link | stdin: So if I install Ubuntu server and then do sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, den I will get Kubuntu, right? | 01:38 |
juaco | wow the repository update is taking so long :S | 01:38 |
stdin | x_link: yeah | 01:38 |
robinson | i am running 7.10 Kubuntu beta on my lappy. For whatever reason, the master audio channel does nothing, which is why i need to alter my laptop volume buttons to affect PCM instead | 01:38 |
HayaBusa | how can i tell if a service is running ? i like to know if my MYSQL server is running , thanks | 01:38 |
NickPresta | Minataku, okay, as you wish. | 01:38 |
Minataku | Instead of the regular question no-reply only having that meaning IMPLICIT | 01:38 |
Minataku | HayaBusa: ps -A | 01:38 |
ardchoille | robinson: join #ubuntu+1 | 01:38 |
Minataku | That should list everything running | 01:38 |
Minataku | robinson: You're not the only one | 01:39 |
x_link | stdin: Okej. | 01:39 |
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robinson | will do. | 01:39 |
Minataku | My card has the "Main" volume as secondary as well | 01:39 |
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Minataku | The "PCM" is actually the primary control | 01:39 |
ardchoille | HayaBusa: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status | 01:39 |
Minataku | If PCM is set to 0, there's no audio | 01:39 |
robinson | Miataku: interesting enough, adjusting the Master channle even using alsamixer in the console has no effect on volume | 01:39 |
Minataku | So that's a hardware design thing | 01:40 |
robinson | it seems to be an alsa problem, but switching the button function would be a good workaround | 01:40 |
robinson | worked fine in Feisty | 01:40 |
HayaBusa | Thank you .. | 01:40 |
Minataku | No, it's the hardware, and yes, it's the proper fix, actually | 01:40 |
Minataku | The programs access the hardware mixer controls | 01:40 |
robinson | strange. historically Master and PCM both had audible effect on volume | 01:41 |
Minataku | The hardware is set to have PCM as the true master control | 01:41 |
Minataku | It WILL | 01:41 |
Minataku | If PCM is full and Master is 0, no sound again | 01:41 |
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robinson | not here.. | 01:41 |
Minataku | Master will attenuate the full PCM volume | 01:41 |
woddf2 | Minataku: How do I fix it? | 01:41 |
Minataku | Hm, well, your hardware may vary | 01:41 |
robinson | intel hda | 01:41 |
Minataku | woddf2: Debug it. Or rather, submit it as a bug | 01:42 |
woddf2 | How do I debug it? | 01:42 |
robinson | it worked flawlessly in the previous Ubuntu | 01:42 |
Minataku | Yeah, I have an ALi sound card | 01:42 |
robinson | i'll check the Gutsy forum and see what happens there. | 01:42 |
Minataku | robinson: At which point you'll have to ask in there, yeah | 01:42 |
Minataku | Good luck | 01:42 |
Minataku | woddf2: With gdb and a knowledge of what you're doing | 01:42 |
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Minataku | Which is why you may instead just submit it as a bug | 01:43 |
woddf2 | I will have to report it as a bug then. | 01:43 |
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ChaosMachine | where would my 'kde headers' be found? | 01:54 |
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lavacano201014 | ChaosMachine: where are your normal development headers found? | 01:54 |
ChaosMachine | lavacano201014, right, I belive so. a program is complaining 'in the prefex you have chosen there are no KDE headers installed' | 01:55 |
lavacano201014 | ChaosMachine: how did you install your program? Adept? | 01:55 |
ChaosMachine | a program I'm trying to install* should have been more clear, and its from source since I cant find a .deb | 01:56 |
lavacano201014 | ok | 01:56 |
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lavacano201014 | in the shell, navigate to your source code's folder, execute "make uninstall" and try "./configure --prefix=/usr" | 01:57 |
lavacano201014 | ChaosMachine: ^^ | 01:57 |
ChaosMachine | ah okay. :D thats what I needed I think. I'll try it | 01:57 |
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ChaosMachine | lavacano201014, ah, nope. no luck, I belive this program is a failure hah. | 01:59 |
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ardchoille | ChaosMachine: What are you trying to compile? | 02:00 |
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ChaosMachine | ardchoille, Domino. a window shader..I'm trying to make KDE look 'better' without the use of beryl or compbiz, I was trying to get some more transparent windows. heh. | 02:01 |
ardchoille | ChaosMachine: You can get shadows, transparency and other effects by simply using the compositing manager provided by kde | 02:02 |
ardchoille | ChaosMachine: Here's how I did it: | 02:03 |
ChaosMachine | ardchoille, ah. all this is pretty new...where do I fond the compositing manager? | 02:03 |
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sonic_ | Having issues burning with k3b in gutsy. Im trying to burn an ISO and I keep getting "Cdrecord has no permission to open device" | 02:06 |
sonic_ | Ive been using kubuntu since edgy and kde much longer | 02:06 |
ardchoille | sonic_: join #ubuntu+1 | 02:07 |
sonic_ | ok, well wont that mostly be gnome ppl | 02:07 |
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ardchoille | it's for the devel version of *buntu | 02:07 |
sonic_ | ok. Ill try there | 02:08 |
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x__ | how i can use a admins access on opendchub | 02:09 |
x__ | ? | 02:09 |
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BluesKaj | 'evening all :) | 02:12 |
sonic_ | ardchoille: some helpful developers, they said to use nero... | 02:12 |
ardchoille | sonic_: I know nothing abour nero, k3b is the best burner, IMHO | 02:13 |
ardchoille | sonic_: You're on gutsy, and gutsy is beta, this might be the reason for your problem. | 02:13 |
ardchoille | sonic_: Best to ask for help in the devel channel | 02:14 |
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pestilence | what is it that adjusts brightness when you press fn+up and fn+down? it stopped working for me. | 02:15 |
BluesKaj | my xorg file sucks again ... google earth won't launch after the latest gutsy update , it stripped the old file and replaces it with a very unfriendly non co-opertive something or other that has no regard for google earth | 02:15 |
iPanda | Hey, I have a question about connecting to my wireless network, i have a wireless card in my laptop, i just dont know how to get it to work without windows. | 02:15 |
BluesKaj | <--considers going back to feisty again | 02:16 |
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BluesKaj | !wireless | iPanda | 02:18 |
ubotu | iPanda: Wireless documentation can be found at | 02:18 |
iPanda | thank you | 02:18 |
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lovre | i have a question (imagine :D): sometimes when i try to load an application (for example firefox or gaim or any other) it doesnt load, it just says loading, and stays like that. Then it dissapears, not loading. Then i have to click it again, and it loads then. Why is this happening? | 02:22 |
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ardchoille | lovre: Try and run the app from a terminal and see if there is any error output | 02:22 |
lovre | ardchoille: it doesnt happen every time, just somethimes, maybe 5th time or something like that | 02:23 |
lovre | ardchoille: terminal shows an error everytime, even when it loads | 02:24 |
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lovre | ardchoille: | 02:24 |
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ardchoille | lovre: That error is normal and can be ignores | 02:24 |
ardchoille | *ignored | 02:24 |
ardchoille | !wacom | 02:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on | 02:24 |
NickPresta | !baddevice | 02:25 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: | 02:25 |
ardchoille | ty NickPresta | 02:25 |
lovre | ardchoille: ok | 02:25 |
lovre | ardchoille: no other errors tho | 02:25 |
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tsb | Upgrading to gutsy from feisty is a simple s/feisty/gutsy in the official repos in sources.list && dist-upgrade right? | 02:25 |
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tsb | oops, sorry. | 02:26 |
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tsb | Upgrading to gutsy from feisty is a simple s/feisty/gutsy in the official repos in sources.list && dist-upgrade right? | 02:26 |
tsb | Jesus, heh, sorry. | 02:26 |
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lovre | what new does gutsy have than feisty doesnt | 02:27 |
BluesKaj | tsb , first source-o-matic gusty and use that to replace your old sources.list then do the upgrade to gutsy | 02:28 |
BluesKaj | err gutsy | 02:28 |
Dragnslcr | At this point, it seems like you might as well just wait for the release and let Adept do it for you | 02:29 |
BluesKaj | I'm not impressed with google earth on gutsy for ati users...crashes , freezes or doesn't launch | 02:31 |
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stdin | BluesKaj: that's not a good way to upgarde now | 02:33 |
ardchoille | Dragnslcr: Especially since it's only 7 days away | 02:33 |
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BluesKaj | yeah stdin , my latest updates just wrecked my xorg.config file and google earth won't launch anymore ...becoming very disappointed with gutsy . I don't see many benefits in it for me . :( | 02:35 |
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CPrompt^ | are we going to have the same problems upgrading to Gutsy that we did with Fiesty? Mine crashed on the install and I had to re-install | 02:36 |
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flake | i have winxp 32bit on a 64-bit machine, can I set up a second partition to dual-boot ubuntu 64-bit on the 64-bit machine and keep the 32bit winxp? | 02:36 |
BluesKaj | seriously considering reverting to feisty | 02:36 |
flake | Gutsy aint out yet officially, BluesKaj? | 02:37 |
chaoticwhizz | I had a few problems upgrading to Gutsy. All teh files downloaded but when installing, it stopped aobut 35% into it. | 02:37 |
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chaoticwhizz | I couldnt restart teh upgrader program. SO once I restarted the PC I was only given a command prompt. I ran sudo apt-get -f upgrade and it finished the rest of the upgrade | 02:38 |
BluesKaj | CPrompt^, in my case I'm afraid so upgrade to the xorg file got past me and stripped the from google earth , and that really pi**es me off. | 02:39 |
BigDaddy | Evening all... got a question about display managers. My wife likes GNOME over KDE, but GNOME does not like kdm and will not "switch user". Is there a workaround for this? | 02:39 |
CPrompt^ | BluesKaj : bummer. I had my Edgy set up nicely and it crashed hard on the upgrade. Took me quite a while to get Fiesty the way I wanted. I lost some stuff too :( | 02:39 |
BluesKaj | BigDaddy, you should be able chhoose which desktop you want to use at login | 02:40 |
chaoticwhizz | Blues, I had that problem in Google earth too. reinstally the video driver fixed it | 02:40 |
BigDaddy | BluesKaj: that is true. however when my wife is on GNOME, and I wish to login is. I cannot switch to my name without logging her off | 02:40 |
BluesKaj | chaoticwhizz, yeah i reinsytalle fglrx 8.41 fine in 3D and DRI , but google earth is left behind in the dust as usual | 02:41 |
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chaoticwhizz | I honeslty dont see any major differences yet with Gutsy. A few tough ups here in there. | 02:42 |
chaoticwhizz | only been using it for a few days. | 02:43 |
BluesKaj | chaoticwhizz, agreed ...I'm beginning to think there's more hype than substance to gutsy | 02:43 |
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chaoticwhizz | Im more looking foward to KDE4. | 02:44 |
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BluesKaj | Gutsy isn't even qualifying for long term support :( | 02:44 |
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tzanger | on my old slackware systems there is an /etc/inittab that is used to tell init some of the things to do in various runlevels. It also had init.d but inittab was more for gettys and X and things | 02:45 |
chaoticwhizz | yeah. that reminds me. anyone know how to switch the default file manager to Konquerer? I dont really care for Dolphin | 02:45 |
tzanger | what is the equivalent on kubunutu? Specifically I'm wondering if there is a runlevel that does not run X | 02:45 |
BigDaddy | The message I get when leaving my wife's GNOME session is that it cannot switch user because I am not using gdm. I can log off, just not switch | 02:46 |
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BluesKaj | chaoticwhizz, I was told to just use konq as before and ignore dolphin if i don't like it. Dolphin doesn't swim :) | 02:47 |
pillowpants | what does "filesystem unclean" mean? | 02:47 |
pillowpants | the power went out a few minutes ago | 02:47 |
flake | pillowpants - means you got too much p0rn on there | 02:47 |
pillowpants | and my computer tragically crashed | 02:48 |
OpenSorce | guys know everything....anyone know how to make a submenu of the kmenu in menu editor that shows recent apps and documents? | 02:48 |
flake | jk sorry to hear that | 02:48 |
pillowpants | flake : indeed | 02:48 |
BigDaddy | pillowpants: that probably means you have microsoft software installed somewhere | 02:48 |
pillowpants | it never said it before | 02:48 |
pillowpants | it also took my grub forever to load | 02:48 |
pillowpants | and there was a pause in loading ubuntu up as well | 02:48 |
pillowpants | i feel uneasy | 02:48 |
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BigDaddy | Do you have Vista by any chance pillowpants? | 02:50 |
pillowpants | BigDaddy : nay | 02:50 |
pillowpants | a man who pays for his operating system is a fool | 02:50 |
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pillowpants | why do you ask? | 02:51 |
BigDaddy | Just curious if GRUB had become self aware | 02:51 |
pillowpants | the issue may just correct itself | 02:51 |
NickPresta | Which version of the flash plugin is included with Gutsy by default? | 02:51 |
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pillowpants | it was horrible, the power didnt really go out, it just flickered and my computer moniter twitched but stayed on, then it did it a little longer a second time and my comp went down | 02:52 |
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pillowpants | then everything electric feel dead | 02:52 |
pillowpants | i hate power outtages | 02:52 |
tiago_s | . | 02:52 |
pillowpants | i hope my gfi switch did its job | 02:52 |
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chaoticwhizz | Nick, 9.0.48 is on the repos right now | 02:53 |
ghozala | HELP !!! I got limewire for the frist time it was great then it didnt open agian i tried to reinstall it but the same problem still does anybody have any idea whats going on | 02:53 |
pillowpants | !frostwire | 02:54 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see | 02:54 |
pillowpants | !frostwire | ghozala | 02:54 |
ubotu | ghozala: please see above | 02:54 |
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tzanger | on my old slackware systems there is an /etc/inittab that is used to tell init some of the things to do in various runlevels. It also had init.d but inittab was more for gettys and X and things | 02:57 |
tzanger | what is the equivalent on kubunutu? Specifically I'm wondering if there is a runlevel that does not run X | 02:57 |
Dragnslcr | I think Ubuntu uses the same runlevels | 02:58 |
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tzanger | I don't think so... I see no /etc/inittab and if i run telinit 3 (which is text only) nothing obvious happens | 02:58 |
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Dragnslcr | There's /etc/rcN.d (N = 0..6) | 02:59 |
pillowpants | does k3b have some sort of problem with burning cue images | 02:59 |
tzanger | Dragnslcr: that's fine, but what about programs like gettys and things that may die and need to be restarted? init used to take care of that thorugh inittab | 02:59 |
pillowpants | i cant get it to burn | 02:59 |
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chaoticwhizz | tzanger, this forum thread might be relevant | 03:00 |
drarem | anyone have a garmin 350? I gots some questions | 03:00 |
drarem | pm me please, it's offtopic | 03:01 |
tzanger | ugh that thread was kind of useless :-( | 03:02 |
tzanger | I can kill it, and I can kill the init levels | 03:02 |
tzanger | I guess this is just a completely different version of init that I am used to | 03:02 |
chaoticwhizz | sorry, from ,y limited exp in messing with runlevels Kubuntu doesnt seem to do much with them | 03:03 |
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shadowhywind | does the write protect on sd cards, not matter in linux? | 03:17 |
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stdin | tzanger: only runlevels S and 1 don't run X, upstart will read an inittab if there is one, but it's config files are in /etc/event.d | 03:17 |
tzanger | event.d, I'll look there, thank you | 03:18 |
tzanger | what determines the defualt runlevel in Kubuntu? | 03:18 |
stdin | tzanger: /etc/event.d/rc-default | 03:18 |
tzanger | rc-default in event.d perhaps | 03:18 |
tzanger | ok good. Now I have a starting point here. Thank you so much | 03:18 |
stdin | tzanger: we use upstart now, it's a new type of init | 03:19 |
stdin | !upstart | 03:19 |
ubotu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 03:19 |
tzanger | nifty :-) | 03:19 |
tzanger | oh | 03:19 |
tzanger | you seem to be a lower-level expert | 03:20 |
stdin | I like to know a bit about everything :) | 03:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ooh, something new i can learn about ubuntu :D | 03:20 |
tzanger | ulimit -c will let me create corefiles but they are all named 'core' and if one exists it won't be overwritten by a newly crashed app. Is there a way to tell the system to generate core.$$ ($$=pid of crashing program) or at least tell the system to overwrite an old corefile? | 03:20 |
tzanger | some systems use the pid extension, some don't, but I've no idea how to go about setting that up | 03:20 |
Jucato | "a bit" is an understatement | 03:21 |
stdin | you pick a couple things up after a decade or so :p | 03:22 |
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Jucato | "a couple" is also an understatement | 03:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ubuntu for a decade, impressive :D | 03:22 |
stdin | not ubuntu, gnu/linux in general | 03:23 |
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stdin | and besides, I use Kubuntu not Ubuntu ;) | 03:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | which is still technically ubuntu, just with kde and related packages :P | 03:24 |
stdin | tho, ask me a gnome question and I have no clue | 03:24 |
NickPresta | stdin, the answer to a gnome question is: go into the menu, click a few dozen times and you will find what you're looking for :) | 03:24 |
stdin | or start that regedit32.exe clone | 03:24 |
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bluekb | Anyone here have experience getting proprietary nvidia drivers to work? | 03:26 |
tzanger | I've been running Linux since around 1996, I know my way around the older systems very well, but trying to stay within the environment provided by dpkg and the nice configuration stuff becomes frustrating at times :-) | 03:27 |
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ChaosMachine | Most of our experiance is in Pie. | 03:27 |
stdin | I don't have and have never had and nvidia card, still I rewrote the guide so you should look at it | 03:27 |
pagan0ne | anyone know what package i need to install for mp3 support in feisty? | 03:27 |
stdin | s/had and/had an/ | 03:27 |
stdin | pagan0ne: libxine1-ffmpeg | 03:28 |
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pagan0ne | stdin: its listed as installed... | 03:28 |
stdin | then you should be able to play mp3s in xine based players, like amarok | 03:29 |
pagan0ne | stdin: kaffine and amarok both complain that mp3 support isnt installed | 03:30 |
stdin | have you restarted the players after installing the package? | 03:31 |
pagan0ne | yes, let me retry, as i just reinstalled it | 03:31 |
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letalis | sometimes you can just run the sample file then run an mp3. so long as you have the mp3 decoders installed and it fixes that glitch | 03:36 |
letalis | thats been a problem for some time. | 03:36 |
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pagan0ne | letalis: how do i do that? | 03:37 |
letalis | in amarok theres a sample ogg file in the playlist | 03:39 |
letalis | play it | 03:39 |
letalis | then play one of your mp3's | 03:39 |
letalis | i dont know why it fixes it, but it does. | 03:39 |
letalis | lol | 03:39 |
pagan0ne | i just did, still complains, no mp3 support | 03:40 |
pagan0ne | infact it crashes Amarok | 03:41 |
pagan0ne | when i try to play a mp3 now | 03:41 |
letalis | have you installed all the support plugins for amarok? | 03:41 |
pagan0ne | how do i check? | 03:41 |
letalis | well the quickest way to know is whether or not youve used easyubuntu or manually changed the repository lists for the non free stuff | 03:42 |
pagan0ne | i have non free enabled | 03:42 |
pagan0ne | and have used easyubuntu in the past | 03:42 |
letalis | its the easiest way | 03:42 |
letalis | does the searching part for you. | 03:43 |
stdin | easyubuntu = not supported, use at your own risk | 03:43 |
pagan0ne | stdin: thats why i dont use it anymore | 03:43 |
letalis | if you follow their page to the letter itll work | 03:43 |
stdin | letalis: doesn't matter if you follow their instructions, if it breaks there's often nothing we can do | 03:44 |
stdin | hence it's not supported | 03:44 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | alright, apparently something happened in the last compiz update (or xserver-xorg-video-intel update) that *really* broke C-F | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Laptop | commenting out the i965 blacklist entry is no longer working :\ | 03:45 |
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letalis | well pagan0ne, you use linux at your own risk as well, if it hoses your system, youll have a hard time finding people to sue. :) ive used easyubuntu a couple of times and things went smoothly for me. its your call. | 03:46 |
letalis | :) | 03:46 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | a bad call | 03:46 |
ghozala | ubotu: plz can u give the frostwire support url | 03:47 |
stdin | !bot | 03:47 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 03:47 |
stdin | !frostwire | 03:47 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see | 03:47 |
pagan0ne | letalis: ive used automatix and easyubuntu in the past, usually with no ill effects, however i have noticed it does tend to break the ability to upgrade to gutsy | 03:47 |
NickPresta | ghozala, | 03:47 |
ghozala | thanks | 03:47 |
letalis | im using gutsy as we speak | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and you shouldn't be recommending unsupported things like easyubuntu or automatix in the official support channel. they aren't officially supported, but a recommendation in here could give the false impression that they are... | 03:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | just sayin' | 03:48 |
letalis | granted, i upgraded it to 7.10 from 7.04 after i had used easyubuntu, but i havent seen it break deps yet. | 03:48 |
pagan0ne | in my VM i havent been able to upgrade to gutsy after using either easyubuntu or automatix | 03:48 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | !worksforme | 03:48 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see | 03:48 |
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letalis | you know stfu wouldve worked and been far easier to say. i get the picture. | 03:51 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | not trying to come down hard on you | 03:53 |
pagan0ne | letalis: wasnt trying to knock it, i like the idea, but it didnt work for me anyway | 03:53 |
pagan0ne | is there a way to reconfigure alsa config files back to default? | 03:54 |
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Jucato | now now, be nice | 03:54 |
letalis | well i understand that each system is different and has different hardware. but software decoder codecs are primarily a software issue, which in turn would lead you to believe that that aspect would be universal across one linux distro. | 03:54 |
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letalis | ie. installation wouldnt run into catastrophic failures because your computer was simply 'different' | 03:55 |
evjunior09 | I need a program that records sounds on my computer. There was a program i used when i had windows called "Freecorder" when you click record it recorded any noise that was played on the computer...any file like that for Kubuntu? | 03:55 |
letalis | id go into adept and search for record | 03:56 |
letalis | im sure theres something of use to you in the packages | 03:56 |
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letalis | are you just looking for simple sound recording? | 03:57 |
letalis | or multitrack stuff | 03:57 |
evjunior09 | just Simple sound recording | 03:57 |
letalis | yeah se if Krec does what you are looking for | 03:58 |
letalis | see | 03:58 |
evjunior09 | Krec? | 03:58 |
Jucato | !Info krec | 03:59 |
ubotu | krec: sound recorder utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 352 kB, installed size 1056 kB | 03:59 |
Jucato | of course you need to setup your system to accept input from a mic..that part I've never been able to setup... | 03:59 |
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evjunior09 | ohh. Well i wanted a program that dosent need a mic | 04:00 |
evjunior09 | it only records what is played on the computer | 04:01 |
pagan0ne | evjunior09: try sound-recorder , i think it does what you want | 04:02 |
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ghozala | UBOTU: i ve installed frostwire and when i opened it i cant write anything in the search field typing is inactive what can i do | 04:03 |
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letalis | Ubotu is a bot | 04:03 |
ubotu | Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. for all information. | 04:03 |
letalis | :) | 04:03 |
kai | nice | 04:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ask in the frostware forums! | 04:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | frostwire* | 04:03 |
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Dragnslcr | Heh, apparently my girlfriend was told by someone that "its really hard to install anything with kubuntu" | 04:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you have to be connected to other "nodes" first | 04:04 |
kai | lol | 04:04 |
Creationist | ghozala: Turn off Compiz/Beryl | 04:04 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | Dragnslcr: did you quickly respond by explaining that unlike that other os, "add/remove" programs actually does what it says? | 04:04 |
ghozala | so it doesnt work with compiz fusion | 04:05 |
letalis | lol | 04:05 |
Dragnslcr | Hehe, pretty much | 04:05 |
letalis | well redhat was almost as guilty of leaving junk behind as windows. | 04:05 |
letalis | but that was the love of rpm. | 04:05 |
evjunior09 | pagan0ne: so in Adept type in Sound-Recorder? | 04:05 |
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letalis | retarded package manager. | 04:06 |
pagan0ne | all lower case, but yes | 04:06 |
pagan0ne | letalis: RPM Hell, i remember the good old days | 04:06 |
Dragnslcr | RPM can barely even be called a package manager | 04:06 |
Dragnslcr | And yes, I know what the "PM" part stands for | 04:06 |
hgarcia | has anyone installed any ksplash screens?? | 04:06 |
pagan0ne | evjunior09: all lower case, but yes | 04:07 |
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kai | wait, adept? | 04:09 |
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kai | oh, duh, adept | 04:09 |
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matooke | do we have Kubuntu release candidate too? | 04:11 |
pagan0ne | ok, i can play mp3's in terminal, however, kaffine and amarok still complain about not having mp3 support | 04:11 |
kai | sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg | 04:11 |
kai | have you done that? | 04:11 |
pagan0ne | 2ce | 04:12 |
kai | is amarok using xine? | 04:12 |
pagan0ne | kai: yep | 04:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | libxine-extracodecs | 04:12 |
kai | that's the older package, isn't it? | 04:12 |
pagan0ne | Daisuke_Laptop: installed | 04:12 |
Jucato | libxine1-ffmpeg | 04:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | hrmm | 04:13 |
Jucato | that's the "new" package (not really new) | 04:13 |
pagan0ne | all packages are latest version | 04:13 |
kai | that's not what i mean | 04:13 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: can you check if both Kaffeine and Amarok are using xine? | 04:13 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: both using Xine | 04:13 |
kai | try running them from a shell | 04:14 |
pagan0ne | if i "play filename.mp3" from terminal, it plays fine | 04:14 |
Jucato | pagan0ne: have you restarted Amarok? | 04:14 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: amarok, kaffine, and artsd | 04:14 |
Jucato | play? that's for sox isnt' it? | 04:14 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: yes | 04:15 |
Jucato | I don't think sox uses xine, so it's not a good way to test. not really sure | 04:15 |
pagan0ne | well i wanted to test if mp3 plaback was possible off my system | 04:15 |
pagan0ne | lol | 04:15 |
kai | hah | 04:16 |
pagan0ne | had it working in the past, but i started to doubt it | 04:16 |
pagan0ne | if i run kaffeine from konsole, i get 2 "BadDevice" Errors. and it loads fine, then will play anything but a mp3 file | 04:17 |
pagan0ne | 10:16:26 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >/home/pagan0ne/Desktop/Documents/music/VoA/ - 01 - Ashes.mp3< 10:16:26 PM: xine: found input plugin : file input plugin | 04:17 |
evjunior09 | i downloaded sound-recorder and its not on my K list. How do i launch it? | 04:17 |
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Creationist | Anyone here know the package name for the kde window decorations engine for Compiz? | 04:18 |
pagan0ne | evjunior09: right click on the desktop, select "run command" and type in "sound-recorder" | 04:18 |
kai | @creationist: use apt:/ from konqueror to find it | 04:18 |
evjunior09 | Nothing happens... | 04:19 |
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Dragnslcr | Creationist- I use emerald, which works well | 04:19 |
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kai | emerald is great | 04:20 |
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Creationist | kde-window-decorator? | 04:20 |
pagan0ne | hrm, evjunior09i forgot its a terminal only program, it doesnt have a GUI | 04:20 |
pagan0ne | evjunior09: it only runs in terminal, run command > xterm then type sound-recorder into the window, not very user friendly, but i beleave it does the job | 04:21 |
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Jucato | Dragnslcr: aren't emerald and aquamarine for Beryl? | 04:22 |
evjunior09 | pagan0ne: ugh it still wont open! | 04:22 |
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pagan0ne | evjunior09: it gives you a list of switches on how to use the program | 04:23 |
Dragnslcr | I think they were originally, yeah. emerald works with compiz-fusion. I would guess that aquamarine does as well | 04:23 |
wers | the wicd icon is on my systray but is invisible. any ideas? | 04:23 |
Zelut | can anyone tell me how I can use kde4 dolphin vs this d3lphin I have? | 04:24 |
pagan0ne | evjunior09: asin "sound-recorder -f wav mywavefile.wav" will start recording all sounds as a .wav | 04:24 |
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kai | also, you could try man sound-recorder | 04:25 |
kai | that usually helps a lot | 04:25 |
Jucato | Zelut: not without installing (beta) KDE 4 packages | 04:25 |
Jucato | which is, at this point, obviously still beta... so | 04:25 |
Zelut | Jucato: I don't mind. I'm on a test-box | 04:25 |
pagan0ne | any idea asto what could be causing xine to not play mp3's right with all codec's installed as far as i can tell? | 04:26 |
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Jucato | pagan0ne: hm... weird problem there.. | 04:26 |
pagan0ne | Jucato: yeah tell me about it | 04:26 |
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evjunior09 | how do i stop a recording>? | 04:27 |
evjunior09 | nevermind | 04:27 |
evjunior09 | lol | 04:27 |
pagan0ne | hold down control and press c | 04:27 |
pagan0ne | thats the universal command to stop ANY program from running in a terminal | 04:27 |
evjunior09 | How do i play it? | 04:27 |
tzanger | pagan0ne: so long as it's listening ot signals, yes | 04:27 |
pagan0ne | use your favorite media player and open it | 04:28 |
kai | @pagon0ne: what does amarok say? | 04:28 |
pagan0ne | tzanger: yes, well i should have said MOST ANY* (with some execeptions, not limited to but including.....) | 04:28 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: there is also ctrl-\ | 04:28 |
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pagan0ne | kai: says there isnt a demuxer, and sometimes promps me to install mp3 support and promptly crashes | 04:29 |
Zelut | Jucato: I get this error when I try on 7.10 RC: Err file: gutsy/universe libsoprano3 0.9.0~snapshot~2007-07-09-0ubuntu2 | 04:29 |
evjunior09 | pagan0ne: ugh it didnt word | 04:29 |
evjunior09 | *Word | 04:29 |
evjunior09 | ***WORK | 04:29 |
tzanger | pagan0ne: gotta be careful, might be some lawyers in here :-) | 04:29 |
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Zelut | Jucato: file not found. | 04:30 |
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pagan0ne | evjunior09: well thats the extent of my skills with sound-recorder, you might check your mixer settings and make sure you actually had sound playing while it was recording | 04:30 |
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stdin | Zelut: is this a fresh install? | 04:31 |
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Zelut | stdin: its been updated since tribe 5 i think.. | 04:31 |
stdin | Zelut: what archive mirror are you using? | 04:32 |
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Zelut | stdin: apt-mirror from which should be up to date.. | 04:33 |
Zelut | stdin: apparently it isn't but it shows no updates available. | 04:33 |
Zelut | odd. manually wget'd that file and put it in place and it installs.. not sure why apt-mirror doesn't see it. | 04:35 |
stdin | odd indeed | 04:36 |
stdin | gutsy is always in a state of flux, so that probably has something to do with it | 04:37 |
Zelut | I would like to be able to use rsync for the mirror but I don't know how to filter to only 32bit that way. | 04:38 |
pagan0ne | if amarok is complaing about not having a demux plugin for mp3 files, what packages should i consider reinstalling? | 04:40 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: I generally just install kubuntu-restricted-extras and throw everything at it. | 04:41 |
pagan0ne | Zelut: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras? | 04:42 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: yeah, but that'll do *all* the codecs, much more than just mp3.. | 04:42 |
pagan0ne | Zelut: i dont care, but it doesnt find the package, im on a 64 bit system? is there a amd64 version? | 04:43 |
stdin | kubuntu-restricted-extras is a gutsy only package | 04:43 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: it is a 7.10 specific package as well i believe.. | 04:43 |
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pagan0ne | Zelut: ahh, well i wont be moving to gutsy for about a week or so still.... | 04:44 |
Airforce55555 | does somebody mind helping me install my wireless card? | 04:44 |
Airforce55555 | built in | 04:44 |
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DaSkreech | !wifi | Airforce55555 | 04:44 |
ubotu | Airforce55555: Wireless documentation can be found at | 04:44 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: well then install the gstreamer0.10-* stuff | 04:44 |
Airforce55555 | thanks | 04:45 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: I don't remember which one specifically does the mp3.. | 04:46 |
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Zombine | So... I'm pretty sure I compiled Fluxbox, what now? | 04:47 |
Zombine | (Trying to install) | 04:47 |
pagan0ne | DaSkreech: lol, i find myself trying to ps and sudo on windows boxes all the time | 04:47 |
hydrogen | gst-plugins-ugly | 04:48 |
hydrogen | or gst-plugins-fluendo for the "less ugly" mp3 decoder | 04:48 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: just reinstalled it, amarok and kaffine still complain | 04:49 |
hydrogen | well.. yea | 04:49 |
hydrogen | because amarok and kaffeine don't use gstreamer | 04:49 |
tzanger | I tried apt-get remove gst-collection but that package can't be removed in canada. | 04:49 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: what does? | 04:49 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: amarok and kaffeine use xine | 04:49 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: gstreamer is mostly used by gnome applications | 04:49 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: what uses gstreamer? in kde? | 04:49 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: I'm not sure of anything off the top of my head | 04:50 |
stdin | nothing in kde uses it | 04:50 |
Zelut | pagan0ne: perhaps I should mention I just came from gnome.. so I may be wrong :) | 04:50 |
hydrogen | stdin: some apps can use it.. kplayer maybe? | 04:50 |
stdin | gstreamer = gnome streamer | 04:50 |
pagan0ne | ok, well yet another wrong turn | 04:50 |
pagan0ne | lol | 04:50 |
xevious | i thought gstreamer = gnu streamer | 04:50 |
stdin | hydrogen: don't know, never used it (i don't think) | 04:50 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs for mp3 in amarok | 04:50 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: it is installed, and reinstalled | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | pagan0ne: ls doesn't work Wha? lsn't it ls? ls --he.. Oh crap .. dir | 04:51 |
hydrogen | Amarok used to use gstreamer, but it never got ported | 04:51 |
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hydrogen | pagan0ne: and you tried restarting Amarok after installing it? | 04:51 |
pagan0ne | DaSkreech: yeah thats about it | 04:51 |
hydrogen | (ported to 0.10) | 04:51 |
hydrogen | fully | 04:51 |
hydrogen | And there will be a gstreamer phonon backend | 04:51 |
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pagan0ne | hydrogen: yeah, restarted amarok kaffeine and artsd to be safe, as well as making sure i didnt have any stale kaffeine or amarok processes | 04:51 |
stdin | phonon will be soooo much better than what we have nwo | 04:52 |
stdin | *now | 04:52 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: and you are sure these are true mp3 files? | 04:52 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: they USED to play, and the drive isnt corrupt | 04:52 |
hydrogen | stdin: it won't reach its full potential until qt integrates it in qt4.4 | 04:52 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: infact i ripped them from cd myself using amarok some time ago | 04:52 |
hydrogen | pagan0ne: I'm not sure.. installing libxine-extracodecs should do it | 04:53 |
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DaSkreech | stdin: hurry it up! | 04:53 |
hydrogen | maybe try restarting just to make sure something weird didn't get ghosted somewhere weird | 04:53 |
pagan0ne | hydrogen: thats what everyone says, but it is installed | 04:53 |
xevious | pagan0ne: restart amarok? | 04:53 |
stdin | DaSkreech: huh? | 04:53 |
pagan0ne | xevxevious: yeah, restarted amarok kaffeine and artsd to be safe, as well as making sure i didnt have any stale kaffeine or amarok processes | 04:53 |
pagan0ne | xevious: yeah, restarted amarok kaffeine and artsd to be safe, as well as making sure i didnt have any stale kaffeine or amarok processes | 04:54 |
DaSkreech | Phonon. It needs to hurry | 04:54 |
xevious | pagan0ne: huh. | 04:54 |
xevious | pagan0ne: feisty or gutsy? | 04:54 |
pagan0ne | xevious: feisty amd64 | 04:54 |
xevious | pagan0ne: i'm on the same platform. let me give you a list of all the xine packages i have installed | 04:55 |
stdin | DaSkreech: oh, well I'll let the kde folks know you want them to speed up :p | 04:55 |
pagan0ne | xevious: pm it to me | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | stdin: If they can just get the other stuff to hurry up as well :) | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | stdin: I honestly wanted KDE4 within 3 months of Vista | 04:56 |
stdin | DaSkreech: beta3's just around the corner :) | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | me wants NOW! | 04:56 |
stdin | get svn then, like me :D | 04:56 |
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Solifugus | msg nickserv identify alpoly2 | 04:58 |
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stdin | oh dear | 04:58 |
Solifugus | oops... | 04:58 |
stdin | new password time :) | 04:58 |
Solifugus | yeah.. | 04:58 |
stdin | and now you know to always do that in the server tab | 04:59 |
DaSkreech | God thing you didn't use that as your bank password | 04:59 |
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DaSkreech | BTW what bank are you with again? | 04:59 |
pagan0ne | i can hear him thinking "oh shit" now | 04:59 |
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DaSkreech | !ohmy | 04:59 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:59 |
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Solifugus | I keep different passwords for important things than for less important things... luckily | 04:59 |
pagan0ne | my apologies | 04:59 |
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DaSkreech | Hi Airforce55555 | 05:00 |
Airforce55555 | hey | 05:01 |
Airforce55555 | my wireless light is lighting up :D | 05:01 |
Airforce55555 | happen to know any good program that handles wifi? | 05:01 |
robinson | how do i keep my laptop screen on? watching a movie on googlevideo, and must move the mouse every five minutes. | 05:01 |
robinson | dont have this problem with Kaffeine because it emulates a mouse click, but i do with Flash video | 05:01 |
DaSkreech | wirelss assistant? | 05:03 |
DaSkreech | robinson: Run kaffiene in the background >_< | 05:03 |
stdin | robinson: try "xset -s off" from a konsole or the run menu, also try commenting out anything to do with DPMS in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:04 |
stdin | robinson: erm "xset s off" (no dash) | 05:05 |
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robinson | stdin: i understand the DPMS, but what does xset do? | 05:05 |
Mr_Sonoma | mr | 05:05 |
hellhound | can someone help me understand how to connect my pda to my kubuntu box via tcp/ip | 05:06 |
stdin | robinson: it's something I found a while ago (because of the same problem), it turns on and off some X features. like the screensaver/blanking | 05:06 |
stdin | robinson: "s off" turns the screensaver off | 05:07 |
robinson | is this permanent, or just for this session? | 05:07 |
robinson | if it works, i can just add a script to do it at boot | 05:07 |
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stdin | just for the session, and (on my laptop) until I close the lit | 05:07 |
stdin | *lid | 05:07 |
robinson | thank you. i will try it now, and go back to the movie with the mrs. robinson | 05:07 |
robinson | this need to be sudo? | 05:08 |
stdin | no, run as you | 05:08 |
Airforce55555 | anybody know a good program that handles wifi? | 05:08 |
markgreene | Hey guys. I went to play something on my laptop today and the sound does not work. On ANY program. I have played with ALL the mixer settings. Rebooted, everything. Where do I start with troubleshooting further? | 05:08 |
robinson | take effect immediately? | 05:08 |
stdin | robinson: yep | 05:08 |
robinson | thanks again | 05:08 |
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stdin | Airforce55555: knetworkmanager ? | 05:10 |
stdin | markgreene: try | 05:10 |
Airforce55555 | is that already installed? | 05:10 |
markgreene | stdin: I will thanks | 05:10 |
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stdin | Airforce55555: on feisty and gutsy it is | 05:10 |
Airforce55555 | k | 05:11 |
Airforce55555 | do i also need to install driver for my realtek card for wifi to work? | 05:11 |
Airforce55555 | or is broadcom enough | 05:11 |
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vellakd | how do I install the lame encoder for k3b | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | !info lame | 05:13 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 05:13 |
vellakd | !lame | 05:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on | 05:13 |
vellakd | alright... | 05:13 |
vellakd | Well, I tried... | 05:13 |
stdin | no, you install the package called "lame" | 05:13 |
stdin | with adept | 05:13 |
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vellakd | let me guess: "apt-get install lame" ? | 05:14 |
vellakd | with a sudo in front of that? | 05:14 |
stdin | you can, or just use adept, whichever you like | 05:14 |
vellakd | since I am trying to become more proficient at command line, I'll stick witht that... | 05:15 |
vellakd | thanks for telling me an alternate, though ;) | 05:15 |
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Darkrift411 | I aksed this in the wine chan, but nobody seems to be there, so maybe someone here would know | 05:19 |
Darkrift411 | I have WOW running on wine, and when I try to load an addon that uses a seperate exe to attatch to wow, it cant find it. I normally run wow from command line. How could i go about making them both run in the same "bottle" ? | 05:19 |
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hellhound | can someone help me understand how to connect my pda to my kubuntu box via tcp/ip | 05:20 |
evjunior09 | I wanna download that possible with Kubuntu? | 05:22 |
hydrogen | no.. utorrent is windows only | 05:22 |
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hydrogen | however, you can use ktorrent or azeurus or one of the billions of other torrent clients | 05:22 |
evjunior09 | ughh | 05:22 |
evjunior09 | Would it have the same exact process? | 05:23 |
Juacom99 | please i need help | 05:23 |
Juacom99 | my kbar is not been showed :S | 05:23 |
hydrogen | evjunior09: if by process you mean "can I add a torrent file and let it download" then yes | 05:23 |
Juacom99 | i was plaing with the panels's menu and i click on delet all | 05:24 |
Juacom99 | ind now i can't get them back :S | 05:24 |
Juacom99 | *and | 05:24 |
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DaSkreech | Darkrift411: Hangout on #winehq more :) | 05:24 |
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vellakd | okay, another question: is there a unix/linux command to get the definition of words? | 05:27 |
vellakd | this is pure curiosity here, by the by. | 05:27 |
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DaSkreech | | 05:30 |
tzanger | hmm, are there no debug packages for xorg itself? | 05:30 |
DaSkreech | there is also magic-dic | 05:31 |
tzanger | I see debug packages for libx11 and a bunch of extensions, but no xorg itself | 05:31 |
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stdin | tzanger: little known fact. there's a whole other archive that makes debug packages for all package | 05:33 |
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tzanger | stdin: ? | 05:33 |
tzanger | which archive is that? | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | !info dict | 05:33 |
ubotu | dict: Dictionary Client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 228 kB | 05:33 |
stdin | tzanger: | 05:33 |
tzanger | SWEET | 05:34 |
tzanger | stdin you have been a veritible fount of timely information tonight, thank you so much | 05:34 |
stdin | tzanger: the debugging packages are <package>-dbgsym | 05:34 |
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Airforce55555 | booooooooooooooooooooyah i got my broadcom wireless card to work in 30 minutes XD | 05:37 |
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stdin | now just don't touch it again :p | 05:38 |
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tzanger | stdin: that is amazing, thank you so much... now how did YOU find that | 05:39 |
stdin | tzanger: well, one of the devs told me :p | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | Airforce55555: now don't stare at it or it will die just to spite you | 05:39 |
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Airforce55555 | but its soooooo pretty. the blue wifi light just makes my day XD | 05:40 |
stdin | tzanger: it makes debug packages for all packages, instead of the package maintainers having to try to do it manually (which is a headache, trust me) | 05:40 |
tzanger | stdin: I bet | 05:41 |
tzanger | that's awesome, I was trying to find the right -dbg package | 05:42 |
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stdin | just do "apt-catch search xorg | grep dbgsym" and look in awe :) | 05:44 |
hitmanWilly | isn't it apt-cache? | 05:44 |
DaSkreech | 0 | 05:45 |
DaSkreech | ai | 05:45 |
DaSkreech | 3r333333 | 05:45 |
stdin | hitmanWilly: hush, it's 04:45, I'm allowed a typo or two | 05:45 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 05:45 |
hitmanWilly | 4:45? | 05:46 |
stdin | yep | 05:46 |
hitmanWilly | heh, central us | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | Open source folks are no fun :( | 05:46 |
hitmanWilly | ? | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | That's my favourite game to play with people online | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | tell them the time where I am and get them to try and guess where I am | 05:47 |
DaSkreech | of course everyone in open source passed geography at least .... | 05:47 |
hitmanWilly | so, see if people can add/subtract? | 05:47 |
stdin | there are websites to cheat with too | 05:47 |
DaSkreech | hitmanWilly: most people (from the US) guess the US then England then get stuck | 05:49 |
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savetheWorld | thats so sad. | 05:50 |
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hydrogen | well | 05:50 |
hydrogen | its better than guessing the us than canada then mexico and /then/ getting stuck | 05:50 |
hydrogen | at least they have some idea of geography! | 05:51 |
wers | the latest konversation does not have a tray icon by default. How do I put the tray icon back? | 05:51 |
Juacom99 | !thems | 05:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thems - try searching on | 05:51 |
DaSkreech | wers: did you look in the preferences? | 05:51 |
stdin | Settings > Configure Konversation > Behaviour > General > Enable System Tray | 05:53 |
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wers | DaSkreech: did thatttttttttttttttt | 05:56 |
wers | oooh | 05:56 |
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wers | sorry stdin... didnt notice | 05:56 |
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DaSkreech | wers: Ok Cool :) | 05:57 |
wers | hmm.. why isnt the systray icon disabled by default? | 05:57 |
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stdin | because some stupid annoying (but loud) person complained that the default kubuntu settings didn't fit in to the standard KDE settings and the setting was reverted meaning I, err you, have to re-apply some settings | 05:58 |
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hellhound | can someone help me understand how to connect my pda to my kubuntu box via tcp/ip | 05:59 |
kosta | hello | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | wers: It is disabled by default | 06:00 |
kosta | what is the filename of the default boot manager in kubuntu? | 06:00 |
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kosta | and where is it located | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | hellhound: Which PDA? | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | kosta: grub | 06:00 |
stdin | kosta: the grub configuration file is /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | /boot/grub | 06:00 |
kosta | thanks | 06:00 |
wers | I want to sync my PDA too. I have a windows mobile-powered O2 | 06:01 |
wers | but raki keeeps on crashingg | 06:01 |
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hellhound | i am wanting to sync using FinchSync to Thunderbird and it works by connecting the pda to the linux box via tcp/ip but i do not know how to do that | 06:02 |
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pillowpants | has anyone here used teamspeak? | 06:03 |
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wers | hellhound: i want to do that too. the only syncing that I have successfully done with buntu is to sync my Pocket PC with Evolution via Multisync | 06:04 |
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pillowpants | how do you forward ports when dhcp is on? | 06:09 |
hydrogen | mm | 06:09 |
stdin | you really need a static IP | 06:09 |
hydrogen | you don't | 06:09 |
hydrogen | or | 06:10 |
hydrogen | you use upnp perhaps | 06:10 |
pillowpants | dhcp is just more convenient, since i have computers come and go at my house | 06:10 |
stdin | most apps don't use UPnP | 06:10 |
pillowpants | and people need to use the internet | 06:10 |
stdin | most routers let you assign static IPs to MAC address | 06:10 |
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hydrogen | or you can assign a static ip for one computer and leave dhcp up as well for others | 06:11 |
pillowpants | is it possible to assign myself a static ip, and yet have everyone else dhcp? | 06:11 |
stdin | ie, I use DHCP, but always have the same IP | 06:11 |
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hydrogen | yes | 06:11 |
hydrogen | you can do that clientside | 06:11 |
pillowpants | ah, answered | 06:11 |
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pillowpants | what do you mean by clientside? | 06:11 |
hydrogen | on the computer | 06:11 |
hydrogen | rather than on the router | 06:11 |
hydrogen | right click on the networkmanager icon in the bottom right | 06:12 |
hydrogen | and choose manual configuration | 06:12 |
hydrogen | then configure the interface | 06:12 |
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pillowpants | hydrogen : i see | 06:12 |
pillowpants | ill figure it out | 06:12 |
dorkface | Is there a default speech recognition program in kubuntu? | 06:12 |
kosta | under what name are my sata disks? /dev/hdb* has only ide disks | 06:14 |
stdin | /dev/sd* | 06:14 |
kosta | not a single one there | 06:14 |
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pillowpants | kosta : /media/hda# | 06:16 |
kosta | whats up with that? i have 3 sata drives and I can boot in windows fine when I change the startup disk | 06:16 |
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pillowpants | kosta : check there | 06:16 |
kosta | pillowpants: it's not there, it only lists ide drive where my kubuntu installation is | 06:16 |
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pillowpants | kosta : im not sure then | 06:17 |
ryuuzi | Hello! | 06:17 |
kosta | now i remember that i didn't even see sata drives when I was installing kubuntu. do i need a sata driver or something | 06:17 |
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hitmanWilly | kosta: its in the kernel, supported out of the box | 06:18 |
pillowpants | hydrogen : so when you say client side, i can configure a static ip for myself, even though my router is set up for dhcp? | 06:18 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:19 |
pillowpants | hm | 06:19 |
wers | I'm temporarily adding debian's repos in order for me to install one package and will remove the repo after installing it. do you think it's fine? | 06:19 |
pillowpants | hydrogen : so if i assign 192.168.100 for myself, how will the router always have it reserved for me? if it just gives them out to anyone | 06:19 |
hitmanWilly | all the dhcp setting on the router does is allow incoming dhcp requests | 06:19 |
stdin | pillowpants: just make sure the IP you give yourself doesn't/won't conflict with an IP another machine may get | 06:19 |
pillowpants | stdin : so give myself something far up like or something | 06:20 |
pillowpants | ive never had more than 5 comps at my house | 06:20 |
pillowpants | so it wouldnt go that high up | 06:20 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:20 |
hitmanWilly | yes, or set up the router to reserve that ip | 06:20 |
hydrogen | or a range that dhcp doesn't assign | 06:20 |
stdin | pillowpants: you router will have a range of IPs it assigns, like, so you pick one that's not in that range | 06:20 |
hydrogen | if dhcp assigns .1 through .50 | 06:20 |
pillowpants | im not sure how to do that on my linksys | 06:20 |
hydrogen | assign yourself .112 | 06:21 |
pillowpants | oh, i see | 06:21 |
hydrogen | or something | 06:21 |
pillowpants | i didnt know you could go beyond that | 06:21 |
hydrogen | you can go 1-254 | 06:21 |
hydrogen | inclusive | 06:21 |
stdin | pillowpants: the router will have .1 tho, so .2-254 | 06:21 |
hitmanWilly | that's just for dhcp, anything in the 192.168.x.x range should work | 06:21 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:21 |
hydrogen | that as well is true | 06:21 |
pillowpants | thanks for the info | 06:22 |
DaSkreech | wers: Define "fine" | 06:22 |
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wastedfluid | hey guys; anyone else having problems with packages.gz w/ wine for the rc upgrade? | 06:23 |
pillowpants | whats "default gateway ip" | 06:23 |
pillowpants | i try to save the settings, and it gives me that error | 06:23 |
wers | DaSkreech: safer than automatix :D | 06:23 |
DaSkreech | wers: which app? | 06:23 |
pillowpants | wers: automatix broke my system once | 06:23 |
wers | DaSkreech: just ksync | 06:24 |
wers | then I'll remove the repo immediately | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | !info ksyns | 06:24 |
ubotu | Package ksyns does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | `as in Kitchen Sync? | 06:24 |
hitmanWilly | pillowpants: that's set by your router, just browse to it and check what it is | 06:24 |
wers | nope | 06:24 |
stdin | pillowpants: default gateway is the IP of the router normally | 06:24 |
hitmanWilly | pillowpants: probably or .1.1 | 06:25 |
pillowpants | stdin : yeah, cause im not seeing the words "default gateway ip" anywhere | 06:25 |
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hydrogen | pillowpants: its the ip of your router | 06:25 |
pillowpants | would local IP address fit it: | 06:25 |
pillowpants | the above | 06:25 |
wers | oooh man.. just added two debian repos and guess what.. there's no ksync too. deymmm | 06:25 |
hydrogen | yes | 06:25 |
hydrogen | if thats how you access your router | 06:25 |
hitmanWilly | pillowpants: yes, that should work | 06:25 |
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wastedfluid | anyone have problems w/ "" when trying to do r/c upgrade? it's a 404 for me..? | 06:27 |
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stdin | yep, it's down | 06:28 |
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wastedfluid | blah.. guess no r/c upgrade for me. | 06:28 |
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stdin | well 3rd party repos aren't as reliable as the official ones | 06:29 |
stdin | just disable it | 06:29 |
wastedfluid | k, i removed it from the list | 06:30 |
wastedfluid | try again | 06:30 |
stdin | how are you updating? | 06:30 |
wastedfluid | kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" | 06:30 |
stdin | good :) let us know how it goes | 06:31 |
wastedfluid | it's going now | 06:31 |
Jucato | hm.... it should disable all 3rd party repos automatically though | 06:31 |
wers | anyone has an idea on where I can get ksync? | 06:31 |
wastedfluid | Jucato: negative.. it didn't. | 06:32 |
stdin | google + download source + compile = now you got ksync | 06:32 |
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wastedfluid | ok, AFTER you remove that 3rd party source.. it then tells you it'll disable, and you can reenable after upgrade | 06:33 |
Jucato | hm... before running --version-upgrade, you enabled -proposed repositories right? then ran update, upgrade, restarted adept? | 06:34 |
Jucato | yeah it will disable them for your | 06:34 |
wastedfluid | yep, i did that.. followed the instructions | 06:34 |
wastedfluid | just that extra 3rd party one got me. | 06:34 |
wastedfluid | ok | 06:34 |
wastedfluid | wee, it's going.. 723mb left :-) | 06:34 |
wastedfluid | i don't think this will be done by the time I go to bed.. haha | 06:34 |
Jucato | it took me about 12+ hours :) | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: ooooh | 06:35 |
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wastedfluid | wow. Well, it's downloading aroud 500k/s.. but i'm sure it changes radically.. so i'll guess about 45 minutes to download it all. | 06:35 |
Jucato | on my freakishly inconsistent 512kbps connection | 06:35 |
wastedfluid | ah, i have a 10mbps connection so i'll be okay | 06:35 |
wastedfluid | download speeds are varying quite frequently.. from 200k/s, to 500k/s | 06:35 |
hitmanWilly | yes, but about an hour at least to install everything | 06:35 |
wastedfluid | I guess since the r/c announcement came out.. everyone is doing it | 06:36 |
wastedfluid | i'll take a stab and say i'll be done in about an hour.. who knows. :-) | 06:36 |
wastedfluid | i'm going to play some halo 3. . . thanks for the help again. (stdin, Jucato) | 06:37 |
Jucato | what did I do? | 06:37 |
=== Jucato gives the cookie to stdin | ||
wastedfluid | well, you helped me yesterday... and i think i left without thanking you | 06:37 |
stdin | mmmm, cookieeee | 06:37 |
wastedfluid | so it's better left said twice at least, as opposed to none | 06:37 |
Jucato | heh no problem. used to it by now | 06:37 |
wastedfluid | may i ask why you do this? | 06:38 |
wastedfluid | I think everytime I've needed help for quite a bit, you've always been here to help me | 06:38 |
Jucato | I ask myself the same question everyday | 06:38 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 06:38 |
wastedfluid | ah.. lol | 06:38 |
Jucato | tbh, I don't have a definite answer... | 06:38 |
Jucato | (yet) | 06:38 |
wastedfluid | you'll get one eventually. | 06:38 |
wastedfluid | or atleast I hope. | 06:38 |
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Jucato | I hope so too :) | 06:39 |
scheater5 | He can answer every question....except why he answers questions | 06:39 |
stdin | between patching a few kde bugs, and lurking in #kde Jucato like to help his fellow man (or woman) with their problems :) | 06:40 |
Jucato | go figure... :) | 06:40 |
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Jucato | I patch bugs? O.o | 06:40 |
Jucato | oh yeah ... right... | 06:40 |
stdin | a couple | 06:40 |
Jucato | one word here, a few words there :) | 06:40 |
stdin | the ones that annoy you the most anyway | 06:40 |
Jucato | ah the ones that annoy me most I can't seem to fix :) | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | !helpersnack | 06:41 |
ubotu | Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | stdin: ^^^ | 06:41 |
hitmanWilly | bug #1, for | 06:41 |
word | Jucato: only one :-/ | 06:41 |
stdin | well Jucato already gave me a cookie, so I'll give that one to Jucato | 06:41 |
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Jucato | just had lunch. no thanks :) | 06:42 |
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DaSkreech | stdin: That was the idea :-) | 06:42 |
Jucato | word: sorry... but you really should get a less used nick :) | 06:42 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | ...grease is the word is the word is the word.... | 06:43 |
Daisuke_Laptop | >_> | 06:43 |
=== stdin now thinks of DaSkreech as some kind of small rodent, like a mouse or hamster | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | good morning fellow non-conformists! | 06:43 |
DaSkreech | Daisuke_Laptop: Who? | 06:43 |
Jucato | like pikachu? O.o | 06:43 |
DaSkreech | I choose me! | 06:43 |
hitmanWilly | nah, a real non-conformist would be using bsd or | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | haiku!!! | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | I have that :) | 06:44 |
Daisuke_Laptop | haiku's nice | 06:44 |
=== stdin dodges Jucato's thunder attack and sends bulbasore in for a vine-whip attack | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | good to see beos carried on in some way | 06:44 |
Jucato | bulbasaur* | 06:44 |
Jucato | anyway.... | 06:44 |
stdin | like it matters :p | 06:44 |
hitmanWilly | i've got a vm image of that lying around somewhere | 06:44 |
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=== hitmanWilly now thinks he's seen everything, including RP pokemon fights, on this channel | ||
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=== Daisuke_Laptop takes a small bow | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | sometimes... you have to let off a little steam | 06:47 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 06:47 |
DaSkreech | steamisim I choose you! | 06:48 |
ubunturos | does, one have to restart tomcat for changes to take effect to a servlet file? | 06:48 |
stdin | I think you have to at least reload it | 06:49 |
ubunturos | stdin: reload tomcat? | 06:49 |
stdin | yeah, something like "sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat reload" | 06:50 |
ubunturos | stdin: umm, so, in a sense, servlets aren't dynamic as JSP pages, is it? | 06:50 |
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stdin | I can't really say for sure, I don't use tomcat | 06:51 |
stdin | so I'm just guessing ;) | 06:51 |
ubunturos | stdin: ok | 06:52 |
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wastedfluid | wee; upgrading starting now :-) | 06:57 |
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gunashekar | hi | 07:04 |
ubunturos | !hi | gunashekar | 07:05 |
ubotu | gunashekar: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 07:05 |
gunashekar | thanks ubunturos | 07:06 |
gunashekar | hi uboutu | 07:06 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: you missed it ;) | 07:06 |
wastedfluid | wow, this is taking logner than I anticipated | 07:07 |
gunashekar | what did i miss? | 07:08 |
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ubunturos | gunashekar: the nicktab completion ;) | 07:08 |
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gunashekar | ic ubunturos | 07:10 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: :) | 07:10 |
gunashekar | : tries to figure out... | 07:11 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: ... ? | 07:11 |
gunashekar | :: what is nicktab? | 07:12 |
DaSkreech | !tab | gunashekar | 07:13 |
ubotu | gunashekar: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 07:13 |
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ubunturos | gunashekar: well, that should have been separate words nick tab-completion (are you C++ fan?) | 07:13 |
=== dsmith__ is trying to setup a nfs share in fstab, could anyone help? | ||
gunashekar | nope am a layman in every profession | 07:14 |
DaSkreech | gunashekar: That's a brilliant line | 07:14 |
hitmanWilly | dsmith__: its just like setting up a regular fs, except type would be nfs | 07:14 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: umm, those ":" and "::" probably indicate something else ;) | 07:14 |
dsmith__ | hmmmmmm | 07:14 |
dsmith__ | last time I tried it it did not work | 07:15 |
hitmanWilly | and the device would be the ip/folder you are setting up | 07:15 |
gunashekar | just tried to figure out if those :: would make the text appear different | 07:15 |
gunashekar | i like learning things the long route - trial error error error success | 07:16 |
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dsmith__ | how does this look? / auto rw,user,noauto0 0 | 07:16 |
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gunashekar | hi sangeetha : looks like you are from my part of the world | 07:17 |
dsmith__ | space after /Disk-0 | 07:17 |
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hitmanWilly | can't remember if you need the : after the ip | 07:18 |
hitmanWilly | been awhile since i set one of these up | 07:18 |
dsmith__ | lets try | 07:18 |
hitmanWilly | also, no / at the beginning IIRC | 07:19 |
sangeetha | gunashekar: am from south india | 07:19 |
gunashekar | same here, chennai | 07:19 |
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dsmith__ | NAS light is working, mount has not come up yet | 07:20 |
sangeetha | me too chennai | 07:21 |
gunashekar | cool | 07:22 |
gunashekar | just figuring out how to install on my laptop | 07:23 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: install kubuntu? | 07:23 |
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gunashekar | yes gutsy kubuntu | 07:23 |
gunashekar | managed to install | 07:24 |
dsmith__ | / rw,user,noauto0 0 | 07:24 |
gunashekar | but sound is not working | 07:24 |
dsmith__ | two slashes to start //192.x.x.x. | 07:24 |
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dsmith__ | its working | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | depending on the laptop chipset. there can be sound issues. :( | 07:24 |
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dsmith__ | my panasonic cf-51 has sound issues with Fiesty | 07:24 |
gunashekar | its a compaq presarion V6000 | 07:24 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: you should wait for a few more days to do that. | 07:25 |
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Dr_willis | friend at work has a laptop - and as of right now under gutsy he has big sound issues.. :) as in no sound. | 07:25 |
hitmanWilly | dsmith__: i figured it was something like that, ok | 07:25 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: 18 october 2007, precisely :) | 07:25 |
dsmith__ | hitmanWilly: thx | 07:25 |
dsmith__ | counting down | 07:25 |
gunashekar | yes ubunturos | 07:25 |
gunashekar | im aware of october 18 ,but am being adventurous | 07:25 |
hitmanWilly | the current rc should be more or less the same thing | 07:25 |
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gunashekar | sangeeta you still here | 07:26 |
gunashekar | ? | 07:26 |
hitmanWilly | 6 days isn't going to make a whole lot of difference for patches, updates | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | I hope the # of updates slow down. :) | 07:27 |
gunashekar | its more fun patching as the patches are released | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | been a lot of them this week. | 07:27 |
hitmanWilly | there always are right before release | 07:27 |
hitmanWilly | ran feisty for about a month before the official release date | 07:28 |
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hitmanWilly | speaking of which, i need to run an upgrade on my buntu box, been letting it lag behind... | 07:28 |
gunashekar | wb flegma | 07:29 |
DaSkreech | can I put a dir with ftp on the command line? | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | it seems i update/upgrade.. then by the time its done.. theres MORE to update. :) | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | DaSkreech, Huh? | 07:29 |
hitmanWilly | yeah, i was updating twice a day right before the feisty release :P | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | cp mystuff ? | 07:29 |
gunashekar | huh doc | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | otherway | 07:30 |
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Dr_willis | DaSkreech, check out the 'fuse' tools. They proberly got a fuse-ftp filesystem module | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | not a get a put | 07:30 |
hitmanWilly | maybe wput? | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | Just thought maybe I should ook at rsync | 07:30 |
Dr_willis | THey got ebverything else for fuse. :) its a handy tool | 07:30 |
sgrover | Anyone have tips where I can look to get my laptops VGA port working properly? It causing nothing but grief when I try to hook up a projector.... | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | if you want all programs to see the ftp site as a normal directory. check out the FUSE stuff | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | sgrover, a lot will depend on the laptop video card/chipset | 07:31 |
hitmanWilly | there's a fuse ftp driver?...nice | 07:31 |
sgrover | It's an Acer TravelMate 4400. The function-F5 keys aren't working. | 07:31 |
stdin | !fuse | 07:31 |
ubotu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: | 07:31 |
sgrover | Dr_willis: Intel chipset | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | there fuse stuff for all sorts of things | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | even kioslave fuse items. and other things ive neve rheard of | 07:32 |
Dr_willis | sgrover, id say hit the laptop forums | 07:32 |
hitmanWilly | a userspace fs driver framework is very handy | 07:32 |
Dr_willis | theres dozens of intel chipsets. :) heh . may need to do some manual tweakingof the xorg.conf | 07:32 |
=== hitmanWilly has been thinking of going to zfs :) | ||
sgrover | Dr_willis: Link? Not sure which ones are the "best" ones... but thanks for the | 07:32 |
sgrover | Dr_willis: I've done the manual tweaking many times - Intel 950 chipset... | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | sgrover, the ubuntu foruims have a laptop section, then thers google. | 07:33 |
sgrover | Thanks.. pulling up the ubuntu forums now. | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | Ive never had a laptop with intel video. so never looked into it | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | i have heard of a LOT of issues with the intel/laptop stuff however. :) | 07:34 |
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sgrover | I've gotten it to work once. Had to configure KDE to use a second monitor. But now doing that messes up and I need to do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to fix it. | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | !find intel | 07:34 |
ubotu | Found: intel2gas, rng-tools, xserver-xorg-video-intel | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | !find 810 | 07:34 |
ubotu | Found: xserver-xorg-video-i810, i810switch | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | well bbl . | 07:34 |
sgrover | Dr_willis: That was for the video card fix to get it to see the 1200x800 resolution. | 07:34 |
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DaSkreech | !sound | gunashekar | 07:36 |
ubotu | gunashekar: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:36 |
gunashekar | will try that ubotu | 07:36 |
gunashekar | enable sound system is checked | 07:37 |
DaSkreech | !thanks | 07:37 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 07:37 |
gunashekar | good bot | 07:38 |
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DaSkreech | !botsnack | 07:39 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 07:39 |
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hitmanWilly | that one never gets old :) | 07:39 |
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hitmanWilly | anyway, folks, i'm out...later | 07:42 |
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trevor | Okay... I now have the 7.10, and it's not too bad... | 07:45 |
trevor | Really, though, I'd wait a week... | 07:45 |
gunashekar | yea i agree trevor | 07:45 |
trevor | Question! | 07:46 |
trevor | My wireless card? | 07:46 |
stdin | Answer! | 07:46 |
stdin | in your PC | 07:46 |
trevor | STDIN! | 07:46 |
gunashekar | crashed a few times yesterday, today it has been updated | 07:46 |
trevor | YAY! | 07:46 |
trevor | Okay, well, stdin knows about my wireless problems... | 07:46 |
gunashekar | my only problem now is wireless card | 07:46 |
ubunturos | gunashekar: which one is it? | 07:46 |
trevor | nosred... | 07:46 |
trevor | Shoot... | 07:46 |
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stdin | wireless problem... ask ubotu | 07:47 |
gunashekar | Huwaei USB modem | 07:47 |
trevor | Can't remember the rest... | 07:47 |
trevor | No... | 07:47 |
gunashekar | Huawei | 07:47 |
trevor | Ubotu's not been able to help me... | 07:47 |
stdin | my wireless just works, so I've never had to do anything to make it work | 07:47 |
trevor | I have an Acer, which brings in more sets of problems... | 07:47 |
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trevor | Cause they route everything through acpi... | 07:47 |
gunashekar | ubotu: Huawei USB Modem | 07:48 |
stdin | !wifi | 07:48 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:48 |
trevor | I'll get it somewhere... | 07:48 |
trevor | You don't understand... | 07:48 |
trevor | I've been through every Wifi doc on the internet twice... | 07:48 |
trevor | The forums don't have my answers... | 07:49 |
trevor | I got it working before, but then I messed it up, and had to reinstall, and can't remember how the hell I did it... | 07:49 |
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sgrover | Fixed my laptop -> projector problem. Turns out that I just need to restart the Xserver - without reconfiguring it - when the VGA cable is plugged in... | 07:50 |
sgrover | Just in case it helps anyone else... | 07:51 |
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sgrover | seems SOOOOOO obvious now.. :) | 07:51 |
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ubunturos | sgrover: is that a LCD projector or a DLP ? | 07:52 |
gunashekar | whathanks grover , thT HELPS | 07:52 |
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sgrover | ubunturos: either. | 07:53 |
sgrover | any VGA out was being ignored - the Fn-F5 key did nothing... | 07:53 |
pillowpants | i have an issue | 07:53 |
pillowpants | with sound playback | 07:53 |
pillowpants | like say, teamspeak and audacity | 07:53 |
pillowpants | there seems to be no playback candidate for them | 07:54 |
pillowpants | on teamspeak im permanently muted | 07:54 |
ubunturos | sgrover: oh. ok. DLPs don't seem to work with Kubuntu 7.04 (irrespective or restarts or anything) | 07:54 |
pillowpants | which is highly irritating | 07:54 |
pillowpants | anyone know what this is offhand? | 07:54 |
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sgrover | ubunturos: can't honestly say I've tried with a DLP.. or mor to the point, not sure. I'll know for sure next time I'm trying to go through a projector (next week) rather than an LCD monitor. | 07:55 |
D3f0 | anyone knows how to make nvidia hw accel work for 1520 laptop? | 07:55 |
gunashekar | my sound card works after i changed audio device to OSS | 07:55 |
sgrover | D3f0: install the nvidia commercial drivers? | 07:55 |
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sgrover | check - nice how to's there for setting up Nvidia | 07:55 |
flobruit_ | i think that teamspeak can't work with alsa, so you actually need to run it with the oss emulator | 07:55 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : how can that be? | 07:56 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : and/or how would i go about doing that | 07:56 |
pillowpants | could i just change the system sound from alsa to oss? | 07:56 |
D3f0 | they install perfectly, but laptop shutdowns due overheat (error) | 07:56 |
ubunturos | sgrover: ok | 07:57 |
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flobruit_ | I haven't used it in a while, but I remember that you have to install alsa-oss, then run "aoss teamspeak" | 07:57 |
sgrover | D3f0: | 07:57 |
Ashex | why is it that the shipit team for the kubuntu discs is so anal about sending me discs? | 07:57 |
gunashekar | yes you can try that pillowpants | 07:57 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : hmmm | 07:57 |
Ashex | My past 3 requests have been denied | 07:57 |
flobruit_ | pillowpants: I know it sounded kind of weird to me too, but it did work | 07:57 |
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pillowpants | flobruit_ : i had it already installed aparently | 07:59 |
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pillowpants | would there be any aversion to just using oss as my main sound driver? | 07:59 |
pillowpants | whats the difference anyway | 07:59 |
pillowpants | i have the same problem with audacity | 07:59 |
pillowpants | i can record, but cant playback what ive recorded | 07:59 |
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flobruit_ | the problem with oss is that you can't have more than one application sending sound to your speakers... so if gaim beeps when you receive a message, then you need to restart your media player to get sound again... | 08:01 |
gunashekar | wireless modem is Huawei USB modem | 08:01 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : ah, makes sense because thats happened to me before | 08:01 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : could i use another sound system? | 08:01 |
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pillowpants | like "enlightened sound daemon" | 08:01 |
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wastedfluid | hi guys. I just upgraded to 7.10.. but my volume control on my laptop is broke; it stops at 11%.. and if I choose "PCM" as master channel, using my keyboard to raise/lower volume no longer owrks | 08:02 |
flobruit_ | pillowpants: I guess you could, but it seems that alsa is the standard these days, I haven't tried anything else | 08:02 |
pillowpants | flobruit_ : yeah | 08:03 |
pillowpants | the fix for teamspeak didnt seem to do it though | 08:03 |
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flobruit_ | pillowpants: take a look at this thread, maybe I missed something in my explanation | 08:09 |
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pillowpants | flobruit_ : thanks | 08:11 |
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miles_ | hello? | 08:23 |
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miles_ | meow | 08:25 |
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DaSkreech | Night all | 08:32 |
jeff__k | anyone know how to start up the archive manager from konqueror to create a new archive? | 08:32 |
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flobruit_ | jeff_k: right click and select "compress" | 08:33 |
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jeff__k | it doesn't show up as an option when i do that ... but what's strange though is i can left click on a zip file and it opens it up with archive manager | 08:35 |
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jeff__k | or if i right click on a zip file it gives me an option to "open with archive manager" | 08:35 |
jeff__k | but starting "archive manager" to create a new zip file seems to have me stumped... | 08:36 |
flobruit_ | what version of kubuntu are you using? | 08:36 |
jeff__k | 3.5.6 | 08:36 |
jeff__k | sorry, kde 3.5.6 in fiesty | 08:36 |
flobruit_ | I'm running gutsy, so that might have changed, but it seems to me that this functionality was there before... | 08:37 |
jeff__k | yeah i was at 3.5.7 at one point and there were definitely different options on the konqueror right click | 08:37 |
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jeff__k | i will fiddle for a while and go up to 3.5.7 if i can't find anything | 08:38 |
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luca | ho everyone | 08:46 |
luca | hi | 08:47 |
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luca | does someone know which package installs the /etc/network/interfaces file? | 08:47 |
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pillowpants | quick question, in teamspeak | 08:49 |
pillowpants | what is the default output device? | 08:49 |
pillowpants | im using the front mic plugin | 08:50 |
pillowpants | and im not sure its working | 08:50 |
Lynoure | luca: dpkg -S filepath normally shows things like that but in this case it does not, probably because some script generates it, does not just install | 08:50 |
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luca | Lynoure: yeah thanks :( Got the same answer in #ubuntu+1. I need to check it though...I think that tor does not function here anymore because of that... | 08:51 |
Lynoure | luca: I think netbase | 08:51 |
pillowpants | in my volume mixer settings i have the front mic set for default sound record etc | 08:52 |
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pillowpants | its my assumption that teamspeak would use that as well | 08:52 |
pillowpants | is this true or no? | 08:52 |
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jtmoney | anyway for me to see which process/daemon is running on a specific port? | 08:52 |
jtmoney | openvpn is conflicted with port 500 =( | 08:52 |
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the-erm | I think netstat has an option ... | 08:52 |
luca | so a reinstallation of netbase would recreate that file? | 08:52 |
the-erm | netstat -l | 08:53 |
jtmoney | awesome, thanks | 08:53 |
Lynoure | luca: I would not recommend reinstallation, maybe reconfiguration | 08:53 |
luca | so how would I do it? | 08:54 |
Lynoure | luca: because without it, it's no net for you. | 08:54 |
the-erm | What file are you missing? I just walked in. | 08:54 |
luca | Lynoure I guess so...but again, what is the command to reconfigure? :) | 08:55 |
Lynoure | luca: dpkg-reconfigure --force netbase probably | 08:55 |
Lynoure | luca: oh, and throw sudo at the front | 08:55 |
Lynoure | luca: but you can manually edit the file, too | 08:55 |
luca | yeah | 08:55 |
the-erm | Has anyone here managed to get /etc/init.d/shaper to work right with ssh connections? | 08:55 |
luca | and I just saw that I do have a backup of the original configuration | 08:56 |
Lynoure | luca: see man interfaces for editing hints | 08:56 |
luca | thanks | 08:56 |
Lynoure | backups ftw :) | 08:56 |
luca | :) | 08:56 |
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luca | ok resrtarting the network | 08:57 |
luca | damn | 08:57 |
Lynoure | hmm? | 08:58 |
luca | nope, the issue with tor did not solve | 08:58 |
luca | It still is not able to bind the correct port and thus does not start | 08:58 |
Lynoure | port? /etc/network/interfaces does not deal with ports | 08:58 |
Lynoure | What's the actual thing you are trying to achieve? | 08:58 |
luca | yeah but I did *not* act on any other files before tor started with its not-functioning fit :'( | 08:59 |
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luca | it cannot bind to - it says it cannot bind the address | 09:00 |
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Avatar-Heljara | well this is fun | 09:01 |
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Lynoure | luca: you are actually trying to bind to a local port and not a public one? | 09:01 |
Lynoure | luca: (I'll have to focus on work, so my help might seem sporadic/halfminded) | 09:02 |
luca | uh maybe....I dunno how it should work ports-wise | 09:02 |
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luca | I never touched the configuration about ports | 09:03 |
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Lynoure | luca: it's not the port that is suspect, it's the ip... | 09:03 |
luca | and thanks anyway... :) | 09:03 |
luca | so what should I try to solve the issue? any ideas? | 09:04 |
Lynoure | luca: that's local ip, basicly "me"-ip, not your public one. | 09:04 |
luca | yeah I got that | 09:04 |
Lynoure | Sorry, I have never set up tor... | 09:04 |
luca | ok thanks anyway | 09:04 |
luca | it seems I am the only one with such a problem on the net :P | 09:04 |
luca | guess I will go to #tor later :D | 09:05 |
Lynoure | but the config files for it might ask which interface to bind to, possibly. and there are probably good howtos, and have you tried the same with sudo for the fun of it? | 09:05 |
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luca | yeah | 09:06 |
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luca | not functioning, with different error | 09:06 |
luca | it tells me that ~/.tor does not belong to su | 09:06 |
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luca | Lynoure well ok gotta go now :) thanks for the help | 09:09 |
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vers | how do i install java runtime | 09:11 |
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Jucato | vers: in Add/Remove Programs, look for Sun Java, check it for installation and click Apply Changes | 09:15 |
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iNoob | helpzor plox | 09:15 |
iNoob | i have a problem creating document directory under my home directory | 09:16 |
iNoob | it says cannt create directory | 09:16 |
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iNoob | TT | 09:16 |
Jucato | how are you trying to create the directory? | 09:16 |
iNoob | mkdir documents /home | 09:17 |
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Jucato | iNoob: you can't really make directories under /home directly | 09:17 |
iNoob | permission denied | 09:17 |
Jucato | it has to be in *your* home = /home/username/ | 09:17 |
dwidmann | hrm, that's really weird, the clock configuration thing has all of the date/time modification stuff grayed out | 09:17 |
iNoob | im running on livecd | 09:17 |
iNoob | /home / buntu | 09:17 |
Jucato | iNoob: yes. the username would be ubuntu. but just type "cd ~" to get to your home | 09:18 |
iNoob | tytytytyt | 09:18 |
iNoob | i knew it | 09:18 |
schiste | hey guys | 09:20 |
schiste | is running on a livecd | 09:20 |
schiste | :) | 09:20 |
schiste | just install it ! | 09:20 |
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iNoob | yeah | 09:23 |
iNoob | sometimes it doesnt run | 09:23 |
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iNoob | if u have newer models | 09:23 |
iNoob | of computers | 09:23 |
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Avatar-Heljara | should be fine to run on a new machine, unless you have specialist hardware | 09:26 |
iNoob | i almost crash my new laptop | 09:26 |
iNoob | it freezed in the middle of installation | 09:27 |
iNoob | problems with nvdia or something | 09:27 |
iNoob | >.< | 09:27 |
iNoob | anybody noe a place where i can get computer with linux built in already | 09:28 |
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Jucato | Dell? | 09:29 |
iNoob | Dell recommends Windows Vista Business in their website >.< | 09:31 |
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iNoob | k later | 09:32 |
iNoob | thanks jucato uve been a great help | 09:32 |
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Kavi | Hi | 09:37 |
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Kavi | Anyone here? | 09:39 |
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pillowpants | what is DNS? | 09:40 |
pillowpants | as in DNS ip | 09:40 |
pillowpants | im having connection issues | 09:40 |
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Jucato | Domain Name Server | 09:41 |
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rcrook | Hi all, Upgraded to gutsy last night and found a problem with the boot and ldap. The boot seems to hang at klogd (or dbus if klogd disabled) if I have ldap enabled in nsswitch. | 09:41 |
rcrook | LDAP works once the system is booted and it is re-enabled | 09:42 |
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WaltzingAlong | !gutsy | rcrook | 09:42 |
ubotu | rcrook: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See for more information | 09:42 |
rcrook | ok... thanks | 09:42 |
Jucato | pillowpants or pillowpants_: basically it's a server that you connect to (through the DNS IP address) that resolves/converts domain names (like to ip addresses (like and vice versa | 09:42 |
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pillowpants__ | Jucato, im in windows | 09:47 |
pillowpants__ | Jucato, all i need to type was ipconfig/all | 09:48 |
pillowpants__ | i forgot the command | 09:48 |
Jucato | ok... although it really doesn't matter.. | 09:48 |
Jucato | DNS is not a Linux thing | 09:48 |
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pillowpants__ | i was setting up a teamspeak server | 09:48 |
WaltzingAlong | pillowpants__: ipconfig /release or /renew | 09:48 |
pillowpants__ | and need to get a static ip so the ports would forward | 09:48 |
pillowpants__ | but windows networking handles DNS and i had no idea what to put | 09:49 |
WaltzingAlong | pillowpants__: so set up a static address through start/settings/network connections/lan | 09:49 |
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alex_ | 09:58 | |
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alex_ | ?? | 09:59 |
ScorpKing | !ru | 09:59 |
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alex_ | yo | 09:59 |
xevious | BOOZE | 09:59 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 09:59 |
ScorpKing | alex_: join #kubuntu-ru | 10:00 |
xevious | oh sorry. #kubuntu-offtopic | 10:00 |
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alex_ | #ubuntu-ru | 10:00 |
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nebi | Hola,a alguno le ha pasado que desde la ultima actualizacion del sistema ,cuando intenta ver videos como youtube o cualquier otro por el navegador , este se queda clavado? | 10:01 |
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raylu | !es | nebi | 10:02 |
ubotu | nebi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 10:02 |
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hsystem-x | Hi there, im trying to use a logitech headphone/microphone USB port. | 10:02 |
raylu | oh, he's already there =\ | 10:02 |
raylu | hsystem-x, and..? | 10:03 |
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hsystem-x | how do i configure it on KDE , ? | 10:03 |
hsystem-x | it is suppose right to works if i select it from kmix? | 10:04 |
raylu | hm...i have something similar to that | 10:04 |
hsystem-x | i mean microphone works but cant hear anything on the headphones. | 10:05 |
raylu | does it show up in kmix? | 10:05 |
hsystem-x | yes | 10:06 |
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bluekb | I am having trouble with the kde screensaver not locking. | 10:16 |
bluekb | or blanking | 10:16 |
bluekb | reliably. | 10:16 |
Avatar-Heljara | is that in 7.04 bluekb? | 10:16 |
Avatar-Heljara | I had the same problem, but it lied with the drivers | 10:17 |
bluekb | Avatar, erm, not sure. | 10:17 |
bluekb | How do I find out? | 10:17 |
Avatar-Heljara | lol no idea :P | 10:17 |
Avatar-Heljara | what graphics card are you using? | 10:17 |
bluekb | Avatar-Heljara, Trying out ubuntu/kubuntu (usually I am a fedora/redhat user) | 10:17 |
bluekb | Though, now I think of this I had the problem with an older version of fedora, and just switched to xscreensaver | 10:18 |
bluekb | Graphics card is nvidia, with nv (free) drivers | 10:18 |
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Avatar-Heljara | Are you trying to run a 3d screensaver? | 10:19 |
bluekb | no | 10:19 |
bluekb | it's the slideshow screensaver, which afaik is only 2d | 10:20 |
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Avatar-Heljara | is the driver you are using on the CD, or did you download the binary from NVidia? | 10:20 |
bluekb | When I switch it to blank screensaver I have a similar problem. Different in that it blanks, but doesn't lock. With the slideshow, it just doesn't blank | 10:20 |
bluekb | I am not using the nvidia drivers. | 10:21 |
bluekb | I am still using the free drivers. | 10:21 |
Avatar-Heljara | vesa? | 10:21 |
bluekb | er, no. This is a new computer from dell. :) | 10:21 |
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Avatar-Heljara | well you would think they would install the correct drivers, huh? | 10:22 |
bluekb | Yeah, I had been annoyed by that | 10:23 |
bluekb | But it might be the fault of uncorrelated updates: the driver has to match the kernel, and nvidia has been known to lag. | 10:23 |
bluekb | I haven't looked into that much. | 10:23 |
bluekb | So you think it might be a video driver problem? That seems a bit odd, since it was working for a week, until now. | 10:24 |
bluekb | Sorry, that last detail should have been mentioned sooner | 10:24 |
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Avatar-Heljara | I had the same problem with my ATi Radeon x1300 Pro Silent until I removed the vesa drivers and installed the correct ones from ATi | 10:24 |
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bluekb | Avatar-Heljara, cat /etc/lsb-release says I am running fiesty 7.04 | 10:25 |
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Avatar-Heljara | When entering ss it would simply show a picture of the desktop, like the ss function failed to load properly. The pic would be frozen (could tell by the clock) but upon moving the mouse the screen would update with the lock in the center of the screen | 10:25 |
bluekb | Hmm. That's something I hadn't thought of checking--whether the clock freezes when it should be blanked. | 10:26 |
bluekb | The odd thing is, when I use the "test" button in kcontrol settings, it seems to work fine. | 10:26 |
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Avatar-Heljara | cant remember if that was the same case for me. I know that it worked in the little preview though | 10:27 |
ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara , bluekb: That happens to me now and then and I am using the nvidia drivers. | 10:28 |
bluekb | Searching google doesn't give me good results yet. I wonder if someone else might have the magic touch for a solution on this one. | 10:28 |
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bluekb | what drivers should I look for in the output of lspci to be sure? | 10:29 |
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Avatar-Heljara | possibly nv-glx? | 10:30 |
Avatar-Heljara | I wouldnt know really, my PC has an ATi in it | 10:30 |
bluekb | xorg.conf tells X to use nv, (nvidia isn't working yet, I've tried and given up for now, will probably try again later) | 10:30 |
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bluekb | But lspci doesn't list either. Hmm... | 10:31 |
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WaltzingAlong | !paste | bluekb | 10:31 |
ubotu | bluekb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:31 |
WaltzingAlong | bluekb: could you paste your lspci results? | 10:31 |
Avatar-Heljara | any nvidia driver experts in the channel? | 10:32 |
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bluekb | | 10:34 |
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ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara: Which nvidia card do you have? | 10:34 |
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Kdon | hi | 10:34 |
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Avatar-Heljara | My motherboard has an Nvidia 6150 (largely unused), but my knowledge of this comes from my ATi Radeon x1300 Pro Silent | 10:35 |
WaltzingAlong | bluekb: how about lspci ? | 10:35 |
raylu | sorry hsystem-x, i have no idea :P i can't get mine working either | 10:36 |
ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara: That card requires the nvidia-glx driver. Wanna set it up? | 10:36 |
raylu | though i bet aplay would play individual files with it; g'night | 10:36 |
hsystem-x | ok this is my problem : i have a logitech headphones/micro USB, on ubuntu I at least can play music and whatever just configuring fro mcontrol panel, but on KDE how do I do that? or at least on amarok.... | 10:36 |
Avatar-Heljara | not really, I only have one monitor anyway :P | 10:36 |
hsystem-x | thanks for any support. | 10:36 |
bluekb | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0423 (rev a1) | 10:36 |
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Avatar-Heljara | Unless you have a really good guide, ardchoille | 10:37 |
bluekb | I believe it's an 8600 series, but I need to double check... | 10:37 |
ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara: I have installed nvidia drivers on over 100 machines and have helped many people in this channel | 10:37 |
hsystem-x | The headphoens appear to be recogized. | 10:37 |
hsystem-x | recognized.* | 10:37 |
hsystem-x | i also can select them from kmix | 10:37 |
hsystem-x | nothing is on mute. | 10:38 |
Avatar-Heljara | ardchoille: thanks anyway mate, but honestly I couldnt be stuffed bothering with it :P | 10:38 |
hsystem-x | i can also talk thru microhpone and hear myself on headphones, but cant get music for example or videos to hear on my headphones. | 10:38 |
ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara: ok | 10:38 |
hsystem-x | it send output to speakers. | 10:38 |
Avatar-Heljara | my ATi card is fine as it is, I have CSS running on Kubuntu no probs | 10:39 |
Avatar-Heljara | ardchoille: Thanks anyway | 10:39 |
ardchoille | Avatar-Heljara: yeah, if it aint broke, don't fix it :) | 10:39 |
hsystem-x | CSS , counter strike source? | 10:39 |
Avatar-Heljara | yeah | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | lol how? | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | wine? | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | steam stuff does it works? | 10:40 |
Avatar-Heljara | Steam through wine | 10:40 |
Avatar-Heljara | its tricky but posible | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | and what configuration on wine? | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | XP | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | 2000? | 10:40 |
Avatar-Heljara | XP | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | 98? | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | ohh, | 10:40 |
hsystem-x | and you doent have problems with steam updates? | 10:41 |
hsystem-x | doesnt* | 10:41 |
Avatar-Heljara | there was the original 26% one, but I got round that with nice -19 | 10:41 |
Avatar-Heljara | but no further probs as of yet | 10:41 |
hsystem-x | nice, any other configuration on wine? | 10:41 |
bluekb | ardchoille, I might be interested in attempting to get nvidia working. | 10:41 |
hsystem-x | or just wine cd-SETUP-EXE? | 10:41 |
Avatar-Heljara | only OSS sound | 10:42 |
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Avatar-Heljara | steam was done with wine msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi | 10:42 |
Avatar-Heljara | then through that download my css | 10:42 |
Avatar-Heljara | and it runs | 10:42 |
hsystem-x | haha but what if i want to install it from cds? | 10:42 |
Avatar-Heljara | you also need tahoma.ttf installed into wine's directory | 10:42 |
Avatar-Heljara | then wine setup.exe should be fine | 10:42 |
hsystem-x | ok good. | 10:43 |
hsystem-x | and FEAR? | 10:43 |
hsystem-x | does FEAR run well too? | 10:43 |
Avatar-Heljara | I havent tried it | 10:44 |
Avatar-Heljara | I love the game, but I havent tried to make it run on linux yet | 10:44 |
hsystem-x | ok, thanks anyway, i know there is a linux server for FEAR( in the cds) | 10:44 |
Avatar-Heljara | well same with BF2, but BF2 has some major graphics issues running through wine (eg: the ground is invisible) | 10:45 |
Avatar-Heljara | it is a true shame | 10:45 |
hsystem-x | does you have to configure 3d stuff on wine conf? | 10:45 |
hsystem-x | direct x stuff.. | 10:45 |
Avatar-Heljara | only for some apps, where there is most likely a tutorial on how to do so | 10:46 |
Avatar-Heljara | BTW WineHQ ranks FEAR as 'garbage' on linux | 10:46 |
hsystem-x | is there a command to see if im running alsa or oss? | 10:46 |
Avatar-Heljara | | 10:46 |
Avatar-Heljara | Probably. Do I know it? no. | 10:47 |
hsystem-x | just asking, my bad. | 10:47 |
Avatar-Heljara | just look in KMix? | 10:47 |
hsystem-x | nop, not there. | 10:48 |
Avatar-Heljara | well I suppose it depends on the application - the system provides both services (so long as installed). One probably wont work | 10:49 |
hsystem-x | anyone running succesfully logitech headphones USB | 10:51 |
hsystem-x | ? | 10:51 |
hsystem-x | #amarok | 10:51 |
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Avatar-Heljara|A | bbl | 10:52 |
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forgottentruth | how do i change screen resolution if i dont see it on the kicker menu? | 12:10 |
forgottentruth | :[ have i overlooked it? | 12:10 |
tsdgeos | krandrtray will give you a system tray icon to change resolution | 12:12 |
forgottentruth | thnx <3 | 12:13 |
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pffx | Hi! I want to update my feisty to gutsy. But I have non-kubuntu KDE and have some problems with lanching adept. May somebody tell me, what I need to add to the sources for "Recommended updates" and "Pre-release" | 12:16 |
WaltzingAlong | pffx: you should be able to use update-manager; update-manager -d | 12:17 |
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pffx | WaltzingAlong: but I can't lunch adept to make pre-release updates :( | 12:20 |
pffx | They neet to be done at first | 12:21 |
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WaltzingAlong | pffx: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -y upgrade && update-manager -c -d -p & | 12:26 |
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zns | hi | 12:29 |
zns | poka molchuny | 12:30 |
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arun_ | does anyone have chandler installed? | 12:51 |
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uberDirk | senorpedro floods the server | 12:54 |
uberDirk | plz remove him | 12:54 |
senorpedro | no that was a mistake | 12:55 |
senorpedro | everyone makes mistakes | 12:55 |
uberDirk | no | 12:55 |
uberDirk | <- not | 12:55 |
uberDirk | <- perfect | 12:56 |
uberDirk | <- beautiful | 12:56 |
uberDirk | <- rich | 12:56 |
uberDirk | <- best of | 12:56 |
senorpedro | uberDirk floods with self-beweihrucherung | 12:56 |
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Jucato | stop that please | 12:57 |
uberDirk | k ;( | 12:57 |
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Jucato | ooh you're uber now? :D | 12:57 |
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arun_ | does anyone have chandler installed? | 01:01 |
thetuyen | hi | 01:01 |
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zgmf-x20a | hey can someone please help me. i need to get my cd rom drive up and running on my laptop. it is an asus f3sv-a1. the hardware works perfectly fine, and used it to install kubuntu, yet it is not recognized | 01:11 |
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alpay | hallo | 01:18 |
ubuntu | If i want two HDD's on my system the first C: is mount / and the second D: ? | 01:19 |
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zgmf-x20a | hey can someone please help me. i need to get my cd rom drive up and running on my laptop. it is an asus f3sv-a1. the hardware works perfectly fine, and used it to install kubuntu, yet it is not recognized | 01:20 |
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emilsedgh | !repeat | zgmf-x20a | 01:20 |
ubotu | zgmf-x20a: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:20 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: there shouldnt be a problem with your cdrom, what happens when you put a cd into your cdrom? | 01:21 |
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zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: nothing. i hearit run, but no window pops up | 01:21 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: go to /media and see what is there | 01:22 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: also, k3b doesnt detect any cd rom device hardware | 01:22 |
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zgmf-x20a | cdrom0 and sda1 emilsedgh | 01:23 |
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emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: and what is the cdrom0's icon? | 01:23 |
zgmf-x20a | it is a folder icon emilsedgh | 01:23 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: is the cd inside cdrom? | 01:23 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: yup there is a cd in there now | 01:24 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: open konsole | 01:24 |
zgmf-x20a | ok its open emilsedgh | 01:24 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: and type sudo mount /dev/cdrom | 01:24 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 01:25 |
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emilsedgh | gh, long time is passed from my last mount-by-hand, cant remember correctly, wait a minute please zgmf-x20a | 01:26 |
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zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: cool sounds good. thanks again for helping outt :) | 01:26 |
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emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: please copy your /etc/fstab to pastebin and give me a link | 01:28 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: ok one moment | 01:28 |
emilsedgh | !paste | zgmf-x20a | 01:28 |
ubotu | zgmf-x20a: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:28 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: | 01:30 |
emilsedgh | zgmf-x20a: sudo mount /dev/hda | 01:31 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: thats my hard drive though? it is already mounted?? | 01:31 |
zgmf-x20a | o wait | 01:31 |
zgmf-x20a | nvm | 01:31 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist | 01:32 |
emilsedgh | no, your hard drive is /dev/sda | 01:32 |
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emilsedgh | gh, dunno :( | 01:33 |
zgmf-x20a | emilsedgh: lol... awwwww | 01:33 |
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zgmf-x20a | hey can someone please help me. i need to get my cd rom drive up and running on my laptop. it is an asus f3sv-a1. the hardware works perfectly fine, and used it to install kubuntu, yet it is not recognized | 01:34 |
schiste | mis it mounted? | 01:35 |
schiste | look with the graphic mode | 01:36 |
schiste | System Settings > Drives and file system | 01:36 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: that is the problem. it is in the /media section, but shows up as a folder icon | 01:37 |
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schiste | yep | 01:37 |
schiste | and? | 01:37 |
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schiste | you can read your cd | 01:37 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: no, it cannot be accessed. no cd media works in the drive. also, k3b says there is no dvd hardware, or burner, | 01:38 |
schiste | first the easy way | 01:39 |
schiste | do you see your cdrom device | 01:39 |
schiste | in system settings | 01:39 |
schiste | drive and file system | 01:39 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: ok let me check | 01:39 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: oooooooooo it says its there, but disabled! | 01:40 |
dhq | i just upgraded to gutsy | 01:40 |
schiste | so enable it ;) | 01:40 |
WaltzingAlong | dhq: congrats to you | 01:40 |
dhq | now vmware wont start | 01:40 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: erm, how, theres no left click options | 01:40 |
zgmf-x20a | right click i mean | 01:40 |
schiste | on the bottom | 01:40 |
dhq | WaltzingAlong, some thing to do with modules | 01:41 |
schiste | you should have a button | 01:41 |
schiste | administrator mode | 01:41 |
zgmf-x20a | omg, lol, there it is. hahaa | 01:41 |
WaltzingAlong | dhq: i had to grab vmware-server from with gutsy rc | 01:41 |
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dhq | WaltzingAlong, how?? | 01:41 |
WaltzingAlong | dhq: access in your web browser | 01:42 |
schiste | I don't remember, but normaly you should have a box (when you have enabled it) with "mount on startup | 01:42 |
WaltzingAlong | dhq: install it the manual way | 01:42 |
dhq | WaltzingAlong, how | 01:42 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: | 01:42 |
zgmf-x20a | Return code from mount was 32. | 01:42 |
zgmf-x20a | "mount failure" | 01:42 |
schiste | ha | 01:42 |
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WaltzingAlong | !vmware | 01:42 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at - See also !virtualizers | 01:42 |
schiste | ok so | 01:42 |
jelle | test | 01:43 |
schiste | open a shell | 01:43 |
schiste | konsole | 01:43 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: yup | 01:43 |
schiste | and then type kate /var/log/syslog | 01:43 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: ok, it is open | 01:44 |
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schiste | you should have stuff about your cdrom | 01:44 |
schiste | better paste your syslog to pastebin | 01:44 |
schiste | !pastebin | 01:44 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:44 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: its liek a million years long man | 01:44 |
schiste | yeah that's normal | 01:45 |
schiste | past it | 01:45 |
schiste | the last one | 01:45 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: ok man one moment | 01:45 |
schiste | you should have the date at the beginning of each line | 01:45 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: it doesnt seem to want to paste, it might be too long? | 01:46 |
schiste | hmmm | 01:47 |
schiste | ok we'll try just a thing | 01:48 |
schiste | just go to /dev/sr0 and /dev/sr1 | 01:48 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: ok sounds good to me | 01:48 |
schiste | it's a reader/burner | 01:49 |
schiste | ? | 01:49 |
zgmf-x20a | it says, the file or folder soes not exist | 01:49 |
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schiste | hmmm | 01:49 |
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schiste | weird, I've got to go | 01:49 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: yes, both. dvd burnder, readr etc | 01:49 |
schiste | oh | 01:49 |
JuJuBee | Howdy... Anybody ever use cssh successfully? | 01:49 |
schiste | what is the path in your system settings | 01:50 |
schiste | for the cdrom | 01:50 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: /dev/hda | 01:50 |
schiste | ok | 01:50 |
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schiste | We could try something | 01:51 |
schiste | folks can someone review what I'm saying | 01:51 |
schiste | to see if I'm not saying crap | 01:51 |
schiste | thanks | 01:51 |
schiste | you could try | 01:51 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: lol | 01:51 |
schiste | sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda /media/cdrom | 01:51 |
schiste | I haven't done that for ages | 01:52 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist | 01:52 |
schiste | it used to work on some problem like yours | 01:52 |
schiste | sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda/ /media/cdrom | 01:52 |
schiste | with the / | 01:52 |
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ardchoille | zgmf-x20a: You have to have a disk in the cdrom before mountin git. You don't mount device4s, you mount file systems. | 01:52 |
schiste | (so stupid sometime | 01:52 |
schiste | he has a cd inside I guess | 01:53 |
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ardchoille | ok | 01:53 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: ardchoille yes i have a cd in there | 01:53 |
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ardchoille | zgmf-x20a: When you put a new disk in it, doesn't it popup a window asking what you want to do? | 01:54 |
schiste | ardchoille: it doesn't | 01:54 |
schiste | and he can't enable it with the graphic mode | 01:55 |
ardchoille | :( | 01:55 |
zgmf-x20a | as schiste is saying, no it does not. also, k3b says there is no hardware detected for buring, etc | 01:55 |
schiste | what's the device name for cdrom ? | 01:55 |
schiste | zgmf-x20a: can you find your device name with lspci ? | 01:56 |
zgmf-x20a | schiste: device name... as in hardware name? im not sure, it came with the laptop, i dodnt build this pc | 01:56 |
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ardchoille | zgmf-x20a: Is hald polling storage devices? "ps aux | grep hald-addon-storage" | 01:57 |
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ardchoille | oh, it's a laptop. Those things are always a headache. | 01:58 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: | 01:58 |
zgmf-x20a | should be the same hardware, not sure what im looking for though | 01:58 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: hmmm apparently its this LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T20N | 02:00 |
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zgmf-x20a | schiste: ermmm... hello | 02:07 |
zgmf-x20a | ? | 02:07 |
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zgmf-x20a | hmm i guess they are gone... can anyone else help out??? | 02:09 |
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WaltzingAlong | some of us are here still | 02:12 |
franco_ | hay alguien que hable espaol y me pueda dar una manito? :P | 02:12 |
Jucato | !es | franco_ | 02:13 |
ubotu | franco_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:13 |
WaltzingAlong | hola franco_ | 02:13 |
franco_ | como va? | 02:13 |
franco_ | jajajaja no paso 2 minutos aca y ya me estan echando cheee | 02:14 |
Jucato | English only franco_ | 02:14 |
WaltzingAlong | si aqui parliamo inglese | 02:14 |
franco_ | :S aburridos | 02:15 |
franco_ | bueno me voy a kubuntu es =) gracias!!! | 02:15 |
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tdj_ | ole | 02:16 |
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pepijn | blah | 02:52 |
pepijn | (sorry, but posting was so low) | 02:53 |
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Jucato | O.o | 02:53 |
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bazhang | As Kubuntu gets ever closer to perfection, I may have to go to IRC-Anonymous | 02:54 |
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CJari | hi | 02:56 |
bazhang | hi CJari | 02:56 |
Jucato | !hi | 02:57 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 02:57 |
CJari | I'm trying to record some audio using microphone, but I dont know why the krec isn't receiving the sound? | 02:57 |
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Broc93 | Vado... | 03:09 |
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CJari | sorry, any one knows how to test if microphone works (while setting the volume levels from KMix)? | 03:09 |
Ash-Fox | Hm, is there even a ident daemon in the repositories? I can't seem to find any. | 03:09 |
llutz | Ash-Fox: apt-cache search identd | 03:10 |
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=== Ash-Fox only gets "postgresql-8.2 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.2 server" | ||
Ash-Fox | Which, I doubt it's a ident daemon | 03:10 |
Juacom99 | Hi | 03:11 |
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Juacom99 | and anyoen pelse help me this | 03:11 |
bazhang | hello | 03:11 |
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toxicfume | hi all | 03:13 |
toxicfume | does anyone here have experience with linuxmce? i need helop | 03:13 |
toxicfume | help | 03:13 |
matte_ | hi there | 03:13 |
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matte_ | i can't connect with my SSH-Server from the internet | 03:14 |
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matte_ | ssh localhost is no problem... | 03:14 |
llutz | matte_: you are using a router? | 03:14 |
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matte_ | yes. port 22 is AFAIK forwarded. i get to the login, but he tells me, that my login is incorrect. my command: "ssh <hostname> -l <user>" | 03:16 |
matte_ | nmap also shows that port 22 is open... | 03:16 |
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_fang | hello, just a question for you. is kubuntu 7.10 rc also coming with compiz fusion or just ubuntu? | 03:17 |
matte_ | llutz: here is my sshd_conf: | 03:17 |
bazhang | toxicfume: what's wrong with linuxmce? | 03:17 |
llutz | matte_: did you try to login as root? | 03:17 |
matte_ | no, as user | 03:17 |
bazhang | _fang: easy to get, just a few items to install. | 03:17 |
lavacano201014 | _fang: i havent a clue | 03:18 |
lavacano201014 | _fang: my kubuntu install has AIGLX, if that helps | 03:18 |
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_fang | bazhang: well, because i have an ati grapics card, and it can be really a pain to install it correctly, and i've heard that ubuntu gutsy configures it automatically. but since i'm not a great fan of gnome, i was considering trying kubuntu | 03:19 |
Jucato | _fang: not by default unfortunately (or fortunately) | 03:19 |
_fang | lavacano201014: ati card? | 03:19 |
lavacano201014 | _fang: nVidia | 03:19 |
_fang | hmm | 03:19 |
Jucato | _fang: there's a restricted manager utility in Kubuntu 7.10 for easy installation of restricted/proprietary drivers | 03:20 |
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Jucato | it should ease your paoin | 03:20 |
Jucato | pain* | 03:20 |
lavacano201014 | _fang: but it is an old machine, so... | 03:20 |
matte_ | llutz: should i login as root? | 03:20 |
_fang | i was just wondering if it will be easy to install. i guess i'll wait the final version and some reviews over the internet xD | 03:20 |
llutz | matte_: no, (it's disabled) | 03:20 |
Jucato | !root | 03:20 |
matte_ | yes... | 03:20 |
ubotu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 03:20 |
bazhang | _fang: easy to install; to get working properly with card, depends a bit. | 03:21 |
Jucato | (I just love that :P) | 03:21 |
_fang | Jucato: the biggest problem is that the ati restricted driver does not support composition, which is required for beryl/compiz fusion, afaik | 03:21 |
llutz | matte_: look into /var/log/auth.log for more info | 03:21 |
Jucato | _fang: I see.. haven't had any experience with ATI at all (thank $DEITY) | 03:21 |
llutz | matte_: i can't see a reason for that error in sshd-config | 03:21 |
_fang | anyway! thank you very much. with the final release i'll try it and come here to tell what happened \o | 03:22 |
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bazhang | _fang: good luck! | 03:22 |
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matte_ | llutz: me nether... When i try to login over internet, nothing happens in my auth.log | 03:23 |
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Chani | !nixternal | 03:24 |
ubotu | Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! | 03:24 |
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Chani | lol | 03:25 |
Jucato | O.o | 03:25 |
Jucato | you came in here just to see that didn't you? :P | 03:25 |
Chani | Jucato: just stumbled on one of your blog posts... why on earth wasn't it on planetkde? | 03:25 |
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Jucato | hahah! :) | 03:25 |
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Jucato | mostly out respect for older people :) | 03:27 |
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urli | ayuda en espaol | 03:28 |
matte_ | llutz: Interesting... When i disable the port-forwarding i get to the login, too | 03:28 |
urli | ayuda en espaol | 03:28 |
Chousuke | !es | 03:28 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:28 |
Kachna | how's called that thing for kde like make menuconfig? O.o | 03:28 |
Kachna | please O:-) | 03:28 |
llutz | matte_: do you have sshd running on your router too? | 03:28 |
Chousuke | Kachna: kconfig or qtconfig maybe | 03:29 |
Kachna | mm not present here,will try apt-getting,thx | 03:29 |
matte_ | i don't think so. i can't see any ssh-configuration on it... | 03:29 |
llutz | matte_: strange... | 03:30 |
zgmf-x20a | hey anyone know how i get my Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN up and running? | 03:30 |
matte_ | llutz: really... | 03:30 |
llutz | matte_: check the portforwarding again, an error there's my only idea | 03:30 |
matte_ | i'll look, what nmap now sais... | 03:30 |
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matte_ | well, i've closed port 22, but nmap sais, it's still open :-/ | 03:31 |
nixternal | thanks Jucato and Chani :p | 03:31 |
Jucato | :D | 03:31 |
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Jucato | you're very much welcome nixternal :) | 03:31 |
llutz | matte_: are you sure to use your own external-IP? :)) | 03:31 |
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Ben_Cs | hello. had a problem with realtek built in net-card. installed an old 3com 3c595 card. any known problems with this one? | 03:34 |
Chousuke | 3coms should work | 03:34 |
Chousuke | Then again, realteks should usually work too (at least somehow) :/ | 03:35 |
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matte__ | re | 03:36 |
matte__ | llutz: yes, the ip is allright. | 03:36 |
ekrengel | are there any "monitor and display" commands that i can use for scripting in terminal? | 03:37 |
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Ben_Cs | Chousuke: realtek works but randomly disconnects. on "dmesg" i see eth1 (3com) is "half duplex" is it ok? i feel like the net is fast... | 03:38 |
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zgmf-x20a | hey anyone know how i get my Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN up and running? | 03:40 |
Jucato | !wireless | 03:41 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:41 |
Chousuke | Ben_Cs: half duplex is suboptimal, but it should work just fine if your internet connection isn't too fast. | 03:41 |
ChaosMachine | does anyone have any experiance in getting lm_sensors to work? | 03:41 |
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Chousuke | Ben_Cs: half duplex means it can't send and receive data at the same time, so you lose some performance. | 03:42 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: wait, naybe eth1 is realtek. how do i find out which "eth" is which card? | 03:42 |
Chousuke | but if your internet connection is slower than 10Mbps then I don't think it'll make that much of a difference | 03:43 |
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Chousuke | Ben_Cs: hmm, good question | 03:43 |
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Ben_Cs | Chousuke: when i "ifconfig" i get that eth1 is connected, and the only connected card is 3com. so i guess eth1=3com. but when i "dmesg" i get: eth1: RTL8168b/8111b at 0xf8850000, 00:19:66:08:33:1f, XID 38000000 IRQ 17 so now i'm confused | 03:45 |
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matteL | llutz: Ok, it really seems that my router has an own ssh-server... thank you for your help so far... | 03:46 |
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Chousuke | hmm | 03:46 |
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Chousuke | Ben_Cs: I don't know :/ | 03:46 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: anyway the card LED and the SWITCHs LED show i have 100mb connection | 03:47 |
Chousuke | no, I mean to the internet | 03:47 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: but i feel the home net is fast as 100mb | 03:48 |
Chousuke | the switch says 100Mb because that's what your nic is using to communicate with the switch | 03:48 |
zgmf-x20a | hey anyone know if there is something similar to envy for wireless networking | 03:48 |
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zgmf-x20a | ? | 03:48 |
Chousuke | Ben_Cs: as it should be | 03:48 |
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Ben_Cs | Chousuke: so "half duplex" is referred to internet only? i don't understand | 03:49 |
Chousuke | it refers to the mode of operation | 03:50 |
Chousuke | it's not as fast as full duplex when you send and receive data at the same time | 03:50 |
matteL | bye @ all | 03:50 |
Chousuke | but it may not matter. | 03:50 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: so "half duplex" is almost as fast as "full duplex"? | 03:50 |
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Ben_Cs | i see | 03:50 |
zgmf-x20a | #wireless | 03:50 |
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Chousuke | Ben_Cs: full duplex only means you can send data at 100Mbps while receiving at 100Mbps | 03:51 |
Chousuke | theoretically :P | 03:51 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: maybe it's "half duplex" cause the card is old and that's the way net cards worked at that time? | 03:51 |
Chousuke | may be | 03:51 |
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Ben_Cs | ok thnaks | 03:51 |
Chousuke | it should work at full duplex if it's newer than five years old though | 03:52 |
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Ben_Cs | Chousuke: no, it's from an old P2 :) | 03:52 |
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Chousuke | but I don't think you'll have trouble even if it is in half-duplex mode. :P | 03:52 |
Ben_Cs | Chousuke: yeh, as i said, the net seems fast enough | 03:52 |
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Ben_Cs | well thanks for the help. | 03:57 |
Ben_Cs | bbl | 03:57 |
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JuJuBee | Is there a program that will allow me to view another comptuers desktop (watch what another user is doing)? | 04:00 |
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Brocaway | Sono tornato... | 04:00 |
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dbglt | Hi guys... I'm trying to update to 7.10, I'm using adept manager, but when I click "Manage repositries" it brngs up a manual list of repositries to edit, not the config box that the example gives | 04:01 |
dbglt | what am I doing wrong? | 04:01 |
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Jucato | dbglt: check if software-properties-kde is installed | 04:01 |
Jucato | install if not | 04:01 |
Broc93 | Vado... | 04:02 |
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WaltzingAlong | dbglt: update-manager -c -d -p | 04:03 |
Jucato | WaltzingAlong: um.. Kubuntu... | 04:03 |
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WaltzingAlong | :D is that not part of kubuntu, alright | 04:04 |
Jucato | and not "optimized" for Kubuntu either | 04:04 |
Ben_Cs | if i have kubuntu gutsy and i get the updates. so when the official release will be out, will my kubuntu update to it? | 04:04 |
Jucato | yep | 04:05 |
WaltzingAlong | Ben_Cs: sure | 04:05 |
Jucato | you just update and update and update... then bam! broken system | 04:05 |
Jucato | er... gutsy! | 04:05 |
Jucato | :D | 04:05 |
ardchoille | lol | 04:05 |
harmental | hey guys...shall we expect arobat reader 8 anytime soon in the mainstream repos? | 04:05 |
Ben_Cs | ok. thanks | 04:05 |
Jucato | harmental: not possible because of licensing issue afaik | 04:06 |
WaltzingAlong | harmental: no | 04:06 |
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dbglt | Jucato: installing it now | 04:10 |
dbglt | thanks | 04:10 |
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WaltzingAlong | Jucato: so what is the kde way to dist-upgrade ? | 04:15 |
Jucato | using Kubuntu's own upgrade tool (through adept, based on update-manager-core) | 04:15 |
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deviance | When I start Konversation, it opens the server list and doesnt show any of the buttons like to close it | 04:17 |
deviance | what Can I do? | 04:17 |
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=== Jucato bets he's using compiz or beryl | ||
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rico_ | deviance, is this for Konversation only or for other windows as well? | 04:17 |
WaltzingAlong | i was just using compiz but i saw only black inside maximized windows | 04:17 |
deviance | Only for Konversation, but I am using Compiz | 04:18 |
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emilsedgh | Jucato: why this unstable-thing is becoming default in distro's? im happy that its not shipped with kubuntu | 04:19 |
deviance | Is the RC for Fesity out? | 04:19 |
Jucato | yes | 04:19 |
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deviance | Throught so, Somebody should update the topic then. | 04:20 |
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Jucato | emilsedgh: actually it's only unstable as far as KDE is concerned... | 04:21 |
Jucato | deviance: btw, that's a known bug in konvi + compiz. you might want to ask in #konversation about the fix. I forgot how to | 04:21 |
deviance | Thanks Jucato | 04:22 |
emilsedgh | Jucato: no, try to open a game in window (for example), everything will be stopped.its unstable... | 04:22 |
Jucato | what game? and while using compiz? | 04:23 |
kaminix | How can i remove a bunch of vorbiscomments from an oggfile? I don't want them just empty, but not there at all. | 04:23 |
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WaltzingAlong | !info vorbiscomment | kaminix | 04:24 |
ubotu | kaminix: Package vorbiscomment does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 04:24 |
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WaltzingAlong | kaminix: anyway, the package vorbiscomment allows adding or modifying vorbis comments | 04:25 |
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Jucato | WaltzingAlong: um... | 04:26 |
Jucato | !Info vorbis-tools | kaminix | 04:27 |
ubotu | kaminix: vorbis-tools: several Ogg Vorbis tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-6build1 (feisty), package size 98 kB, installed size 732 kB | 04:27 |
Jucato | it's not in a separate package | 04:27 |
WaltzingAlong | Jucato: thanks | 04:27 |
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PhinnFort | Jucato: regarding compiz/konvi, the konversation devs aren't overly happy about compiz | 04:28 |
Jucato | yeah but iirc there was a fix for it in the svn version of konversation | 04:29 |
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kaminix | Jucato: Yes, I have the vorbis tools and checked the manual for vorbiscomments, nothing there. :s | 04:31 |
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Jucato | don't ask me. I just gave the package that installs vorbiscomments :) | 04:32 |
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Jucato | vorbis-tools contains oggenc (an encoder), ogg123 (a playback tool), ogginfo (displays ogg information), oggdec (decodes ogg files), vcut (ogg file splitter), and vorbiscomment (ogg comment editor). | 04:32 |
kaminix | Yeah, I know that much too :) | 04:33 |
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WaltzingAlong | kaminix: man vorbiscomment you will need to use it in the -w mode | 04:34 |
WaltzingAlong | !tagtool | kaminix or perhaps that | 04:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tagtool - try searching on | 04:35 |
berkes | Can I use tail -f to follow multiple files? | 04:35 |
kaminix | WaltzingAlong: -w Replace comments with the new set given either on the command line with -t or from a file with -c., so I just replace them with nothingness? Will this actually remove the prescence off the comments entirely? (my mp3 does not take comments, replacing with id3v2) | 04:35 |
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kaminix | tagtool? | 04:35 |
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WaltzingAlong | or maybe the rudy vorbis tagger kaminix | 04:36 |
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Kachna | any idea why make menuconfig works but make kconfig says no rule to make target when compiling kernel? | 04:37 |
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annemarie | anyone knows where to find w32codecs.tar.gz? | 04:37 |
kaminix | Hmm... I'll try the tagtool | 04:38 |
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annemarie | and where to unpack this? | 04:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | why don't the codecs from the repos work? | 04:39 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | annemarie | 04:39 |
ubotu | annemarie: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see - See also !Codecs | 04:39 |
WaltzingAlong | !codecs | annemarie | 04:39 |
ubotu | annemarie: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:39 |
annemarie | Daisuke_Laptop: because medibuntu does not have them for gutsy | 04:39 |
WaltzingAlong | !gutsy | annemarie | 04:39 |
ubotu | annemarie: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See for more information | 04:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | look up | 04:39 |
annemarie | *doing now | 04:40 |
annemarie | thanks all | 04:40 |
Daisuke_Laptop | the #ubuntu+1 part :) | 04:40 |
gelin | annemarie: find here | 04:40 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | gelin: you apparently missed where she said she was running gutsy. | 04:41 |
harmental80 | Jucato: what kind of licesing issue? | 04:42 |
harmental80 | Jucato: is there any backport report where to find Reader 8 | 04:43 |
Jucato | not really familiar with the specifics. you can ask in #ubuntu-motu for the details | 04:43 |
Jucato | basically we can't redistribute it | 04:43 |
harmental80 | i meant backport repo | 04:43 |
Jucato | so it can't be in any repo | 04:43 |
harmental80 | mmm.....its a shame.... | 04:43 |
Jucato | yes. shame on adobe | 04:44 |
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BluesKaj | howdy all :) | 04:46 |
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WaltzingAlong | how to i get firefox, for example, to be in the language set for the user in kmenu/system settings/regional and language settings? the kmenu and kde apps have changed names but not firefox or thunderbird or other gtk apps | 04:54 |
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WaltzingAlong | shame on adobe for not releasing a gpl compliant reader for gnu/linux? | 04:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | WaltzingAlong: you just answered your own question a couple minutes back. they're gtk, not qt, kde language settings don't apply to them, you'll have ot find individual localisations for those | 04:59 |
jeff__k | anyone know how to adjust the volume to a usb phone headset (my keyboard volume control just changes my speaker volume, not headset) | 04:59 |
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WaltzingAlong | Daisuke_Laptop: the language packs for each (say firefox) are installed, how do i get firefox to use it? | 05:00 |
deviance | Red hat and Novell being sued :O | 05:00 |
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Jucato | and before it gets worse... | 05:01 |
Jucato | !offtopic | 05:01 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:01 |
Jucato | (just in case) | 05:01 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | deviance: that kinda sucks, but worse is the hard drive importing being stopped because of a patent troll. | 05:02 |
deviance | Hard drive importing? | 05:02 |
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Gast876 | so here i am again | 05:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | | 05:03 |
Gast876 | | 05:03 |
Gast876 | this is my paste for ifconfig | 05:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | okay | 05:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you have lo and two nics | 05:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | what's the problem? | 05:04 |
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Gast876 | my routing ip is setted to on every reboot | 05:05 |
Daisuke_Laptop | do you use both nics? | 05:05 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and how was that pastebin supposed to explain that? | 05:05 |
Gast876 | no just one | 05:05 |
Daisuke_Laptop | okay | 05:05 |
Gast876 | the eth1 | 05:06 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i assume eth0 is onboard and eth1 is a card | 05:06 |
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Gast876 | yeah ithink | 05:06 |
Gast876 | but no | 05:06 |
Daisuke_Laptop | if that's the case, you might try disabling the onboard in the bios | 05:06 |
Gast876 | i think both are onbard | 05:07 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | two onboard sounds a little odd | 05:07 |
Gast876 | its a laptop | 05:07 |
Gast876 | i sont really know | 05:07 |
Gast876 | dont | 05:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | then two onboard sounds *really* odd | 05:07 |
Gast876 | okay perhaps not | 05:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | are they both wired? | 05:07 |
Gast876 | no one wireless and one ethernet | 05:08 |
Gast876 | my problem is the wireless connection | 05:08 |
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WaltzingAlong | !wifi | 05:08 |
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jeff__k | !sound | 05:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | the output of iwconfig may be more useful | 05:08 |
Gast876 | ok mom | 05:08 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:08 |
combo | !ktorrent | 05:08 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on | 05:08 |
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WaltzingAlong | !info ktorrent | combo | 05:09 |
Daisuke_Laptop | mom? | 05:09 |
ubotu | combo: ktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu2.1 (feisty), package size 2347 kB, installed size 8852 kB | 05:09 |
Gast876 | just need a bit | 05:09 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ah | 05:09 |
buz | does suse ship a special version of amarok? according to their docs, you can select sound effects like hall?!? | 05:09 |
combo | WaltzingAlong: thx :) can u tell me also where can i find some configuration manual ? :} | 05:09 |
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WaltzingAlong | combo: config manual for ktorrent? ktorrent's help? | 05:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | buz: this isn't suse, you realise that, right? | 05:10 |
buz | Daisuke_Laptop: yes, that's why i ask | 05:10 |
buz | standard version does not have that, but i'd like to have it ;) | 05:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | so why are you asking *us* if *suse* ships a custom version | 05:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that makes no sense | 05:10 |
buz | well cant find the feature in kubuntu ;) | 05:10 |
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combo | WaltzingAlong: uhm... not exactly.. i mean some FAQ how to set all options most correctly ? :) | 05:11 |
Gast876 | | 05:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | have you looked in the EQ? | 05:11 |
WaltzingAlong | combo: so just for torrent in general? | 05:11 |
WaltzingAlong | !torrent | 05:11 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: | 05:11 |
Gast876 | this is the iwconfig | 05:11 |
buz | eq does eq stuff, no hall etc | 05:11 |
combo | WaltzingAlong: THX :} | 05:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i see "large hall" in there. | 05:11 |
buz | if they mean that by effects, then suse docs are braindead | 05:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Gast876: i'm just going to go out on a limb and guess your wireless network isn't called --- | 05:12 |
buz | (which isnt entirely unlikely, that's how i remember suse ;) | 05:12 |
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Gast876 | yes it is | 05:13 |
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Gast876 | nice huh :) | 05:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | okay, that solves that | 05:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | aside from a slightly lower link quality than i would usually prefer, it looks okay... perhaps i should ask what the problem with the wireless is :) | 05:14 |
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debian | Hello | 05:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | well, i see a lot of invalid misc | 05:14 |
Gast876 | i have to set the routing ip on every restart | 05:14 |
debian | I have debian, how can I get kdm to use the loginlist in winxp? | 05:14 |
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WaltzingAlong | Gast876: if you needed, you could set it in /etc/network/interfaces or through the gui at kmenu/system settings/network settings | 05:15 |
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Gast876 | yeah i do | 05:15 |
Gast876 | but it does not appear to sty there | 05:15 |
Gast876 | stay | 05:15 |
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spiroo | Hello, I wonder how do I run binary files like .bin? It has been working before but now when I run ./keygen.bin it does not happening anything. | 05:15 |
Gast876 | i have to set it to connect to the internet | 05:15 |
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Gast876 | (i think so) | 05:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | spiroo: 1) illegal software cracking is bad. 2) is it executable? | 05:16 |
debian | is compix beryl? DO i need NVIDIA drivers? and how do I run compiz/beryl? | 05:17 |
BluesKaj | spiroo: sudo ./keygen.bin | 05:17 |
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lapisdecor | hi | 05:17 |
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lapisdecor | i need to know wich usb wireless "pen" client should i buy for Ubuntu/Kubuntu, thanks! | 05:18 |
spiroo | Daisuke_Laptop: 1) I know, but it is a must sometimes, 2) yes | 05:19 |
spiroo | BluesKaj, I have tried, no luck | 05:19 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | try sh keygen.bin | 05:19 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | or if that doesn't work... | 05:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | bash keygen.bin | 05:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | since dash is the default shell now | 05:19 |
WaltzingAlong | bash ./keygen.bin | 05:20 |
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spiroo | It says. cannot execute binary file | 05:21 |
Ash-Fox | chmod +x keygen.bin && ./keygen.bin | 05:21 |
spiroo | nope does not work | 05:22 |
WaltzingAlong | then you should figure out which file this really is | 05:22 |
Ash-Fox | type: file keygen.bin | 05:22 |
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Ash-Fox | And paste the result here. | 05:22 |
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WaltzingAlong | which file will do | 05:22 |
Ash-Fox | I just told you the command. | 05:23 |
Ash-Fox | Type "file keygen.bin" | 05:23 |
spiroo | keygen.bin: setuid setgid sticky ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, statically linked, corrupted section header size | 05:23 |
spiroo | :D | 05:24 |
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spiroo | What does that mean? | 05:25 |
spiroo | It has been working before, I jsut do not know why now. | 05:26 |
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llutz | spiroo: you are using evil software on 64-bit linux? | 05:28 |
spiroo | :P | 05:28 |
spiroo | Zend Studio is good :) | 05:28 |
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llutz | then pay for usage | 05:29 |
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spiroo | That good it is not :DI re-download the file instead. | 05:29 |
spiroo | BTW, will (X)Ubuntu 7.10 be released 18 oct as said? | 05:30 |
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spiroo | Just wonder, because I still got extremely many bugs. And yes I have updated to RC-release. | 05:30 |
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Ash-Fox | spiroo, often corrupt headers in binaries indiciate a old virus that effected elf binaries. | 05:32 |
spiroo | And I extremely looking forward to KDE 4 :P Hope Kopete and many other bugs will be fixed. | 05:32 |
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spiroo | Ash-Fox: Haha okay. | 05:32 |
Ash-Fox | KDE4 will not be default in Gutsy | 05:32 |
spiroo | I know | 05:32 |
spiroo | Just said it | 05:32 |
buz | spiroo: kopete will ship with 4.1 | 05:33 |
spiroo | que? | 05:33 |
buz | there might be a kde4.0 compatible port of the current one | 05:33 |
spiroo | Will 4.0 not support Kopete :O | 05:33 |
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spiroo | !+ | 05:33 |
spiroo | *? | 05:33 |
buz | i'm not entirely sure | 05:33 |
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buz | but by anymeans, you will sitll have kde3 anyhow | 05:33 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | from what i've heard, it won't be default in hardy either | 05:33 |
buz | which is a shame, seeing that it is a LTS release, but i can see why it wouldnt be default | 05:34 |
Ash-Fox | Kopete still hasn't reached version 1. | 05:34 |
spiroo | Just sighs to that KDE now going for wanna be Windows Vista. I hate the toolbars on desktop. | 05:34 |
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Ash-Fox | I use pidgin under feisty (made my own repository for it on ) | 05:34 |
spiroo | Kopete is the only one that works half. | 05:34 |
buz | but unlike vista, you dont have to use it | 05:34 |
spiroo | I know, but still | 05:35 |
spiroo | Pidgin sucks | 05:35 |
buz | besides, i happen to like the screenshots ;) | 05:35 |
spiroo | No IM works | 05:35 |
buz | yeah, badly so | 05:35 |
Ash-Fox | Pidgin actually works. | 05:35 |
spiroo | no | 05:35 |
buz | it's just uhm weird | 05:35 |
Ash-Fox | I want two things n Kopete: Inore and privacy settings | 05:35 |
Ash-Fox | *Ignore | 05:35 |
Daisuke_Laptop | spiroo: what, on kde4? | 05:35 |
spiroo | None working to transfer files, send offline messages, share files and so on. | 05:35 |
buz | kopete will work on kde4 | 05:35 |
Ash-Fox | And guess what.. Kopete does not providing a working ignore or privacy settings. | 05:35 |
buz | every app will, as long as you have proper libs installed ;) | 05:36 |
Daisuke_Laptop | buz: not really | 05:36 |
spiroo | buz: Yes I hope so | 05:36 |
buz | kicker maybe not | 05:36 |
Ash-Fox | spiroo, I can send offline messages just fine on networks that support it. As for sharing files. I've always used HTTP for that, so no biggy. | 05:36 |
spiroo | Kopete does support ignore | 05:36 |
buz | Daisuke_Laptop: so kde4 has magic that preventds kde3 libs from being loaded? | 05:36 |
Ash-Fox | Kopete has a ignore function, it just doesn't work. | 05:36 |
hydrogen | buz: huh? | 05:37 |
Ash-Fox | I should know, I've tried to use it, repeatedly. | 05:37 |
spiroo | I do not file share on msn, but sometimes people actually want to send files to me and it does not work. | 05:37 |
buz | hydrogen: Daisuke claimed not all apps would work | 05:37 |
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buz | which is quite contrary to what i see with the beta | 05:37 |
hydrogen | buz: all apps will work.. some just won't be kde4 apps | 05:37 |
spiroo | Ash-Fox: hehe okay, did not know that. | 05:37 |
buz | hydrogen: yeah thats what i'm saying | 05:37 |
hydrogen | you will be able to run kde3.5 apps using kdelibs3.5 on a kde4.0 desktop | 05:37 |
buz | exactly | 05:37 |
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Ash-Fox | spiroo, it also lacks privacy settings. | 05:37 |
hydrogen | just as you are able to run kde4 apps using kdelibs4 on a kde3.5 desktop | 05:38 |
spiroo | Hope that they will change to latest MSN protocol | 05:38 |
hydrogen | however, thats twice as much memory and harddisk usage | 05:38 |
buz | hydrogen: that sometimes gives somewhat funny results though ;) | 05:38 |
Ash-Fox | I can't believe they have added webcam support but not a working ignore. | 05:38 |
spiroo | Ash-Fox: What you mean with privacy settings? | 05:38 |
tenfj | Hi all. What is the best/cleanest way to aqquire 3d desktop? compiz-fusion/beryl/compiz? What about aquamarin? Currently in gutsy... thanks | 05:38 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | i didn't say not all apps would work | 05:38 |
Ash-Fox | spiroo, as in, "do not allow people who are not in my contact list to message me" type stuff. | 05:38 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i was under the impression he was still talking about file transfer and other functions in pidgin | 05:39 |
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spiroo | ah okay, does not need that anyway :D | 05:39 |
hydrogen | as for kopete... a version of it should be availible for kde4.0, but it won't be the awesome version, that is being put on hold until 4.1 | 05:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | because that isn't handled by external libs, it's internal, and having certain libs won't change that | 05:39 |
hydrogen | which is really where all the awesomenes will come otu | 05:39 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sorry for any misunderstanding there... | 05:39 |
buz | Ash-Fox: people who arent in my list were never able to msg me in kopete | 05:39 |
spiroo | hydrogen: Do you know when KDE 4.1 will be released? | 05:40 |
hydrogen | spiroo: a while atfer kde4.0 | 05:40 |
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spiroo | A while? | 05:40 |
hydrogen | yes | 05:40 |
hydrogen | a while | 05:40 |
spiroo | like a year? :D | 05:40 |
buz | i'm particularly interest in seeing koffice 2.0 matur | 05:41 |
buz | e | 05:41 |
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hydrogen | probably 6+ months | 05:41 |
hydrogen | but I'm not sure | 05:41 |
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hydrogen | there needs to be time for application developers to work on their applications | 05:41 |
hydrogen | and develop them | 05:41 |
hydrogen | because they were really shafted for kde4.0 | 05:41 |
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spiroo | Hmm okay, to bad then. Hope somebody fix the file transfer somehow. | 05:41 |
hydrogen | buz: yea, koffice2.0 is very impressive currently | 05:41 |
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spiroo | bittorrent does not work correct either. :P Seems to be long digging to solve file sharing. | 05:42 |
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spiroo | Koffice me like :D | 05:42 |
spiroo | But not the name though :D | 05:42 |
Ash-Fox | buz, they do on my list. On Gadu-gadu, ICQ, MSN etc. | 05:43 |
spiroo | I hope in the future Microsoft and Linux could cooperate with some applications so we do not have to switch between .doc and other files. | 05:43 |
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Ash-Fox | .doc format is dead. | 05:43 |
spiroo | But I guess, that is in my dreams | 05:43 |
spiroo | .docx then | 05:44 |
savetheWorld | spiroo: just swithc to openoffice. it will handle both (or all 7 as thecase may be.. :-) ) | 05:44 |
buz | yeah and it actually displays odf like it should | 05:44 |
spiroo | Could they not do ONE standard any time? :P | 05:44 |
buz | which uhm isnt quite the case with koffice | 05:44 |
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llutz | spiroo: use ODF and be happy | 05:44 |
buz | or latex :P | 05:44 |
hydrogen | buz: err, openoffice doesn't follow the ODF standard in a lot of cases | 05:45 |
spiroo | I use OpenOffice, but just boring. I hate to say it, but I like Windows office better. | 05:45 |
Ash-Fox | At work we have office 2003, but we save in odf compatible formats by default. | 05:45 |
buz | hydrogen: i know | 05:45 |
hydrogen | buz: but because it was the real creator of odf, it | 05:45 |
Ash-Fox | Got to love Microsoft Office | 05:45 |
hydrogen | /is/ the standard | 05:45 |
Ash-Fox | Got to love Microsoft Office addins* | 05:45 |
buz | exactly | 05:45 |
hydrogen | which is really stupid | 05:45 |
spiroo | haha | 05:45 |
hydrogen | so saying "it renders odf documents properly" is incorrect | 05:45 |
hydrogen | plus OOo is almost as bloated as firefox | 05:46 |
hydrogen | koffice please! | 05:46 |
Jucato_ | (almost?) | 05:46 |
Jucato_ | thought that was a fact by now? :P | 05:46 |
spiroo | I do not have any against any of the apps. Its just annoying because in school we only have Windows :( | 05:46 |
buz | koffice 1.6 is hopeless | 05:46 |
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Jucato_ | hm.. it isn't like me to add fuel to the fire... | 05:46 |
buz | qt3 cant kern fonts for s*** | 05:46 |
spiroo | Though I have Linux on my computer in school also :P | 05:46 |
Jucato_ | buz: aren't you glad they're working on KOffice 2? :) | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | buz, for word proccesing, I agree. | 05:46 |
hydrogen | Jucato_: well, I havn't used OOo in a while so maybe its reached it :) | 05:46 |
buz | i am | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | buz, for krita, karbon - actually quite like those. | 05:47 |
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buz | thankfully my current boss doesnt care one bit what i use to do my job | 05:47 |
Jucato_ | karbon? O.o | 05:47 |
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buz | karbon? vector graphics who cant display simple svg properly? | 05:47 |
daSkreech | !info karbon | 05:47 |
ubotu | karbon: a vector graphics application for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 972 kB, installed size 3316 kB | 05:47 |
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spiroo | Krita sucks. I want Photoshop in Linux :) Hope Adobe will take their small sense they have left to code one for linux. | 05:47 |
buz | krita is good enough, just needs get more stable | 05:48 |
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spiroo | The UI sucks. | 05:48 |
buz | its better than gimp :P | 05:48 |
daSkreech | spiroo: Just install Photoshop then | 05:48 |
spiroo | *GUI | 05:48 |
spiroo | CS 3 does not work, and wine does not work. | 05:48 |
=== Jucato_ thinks it's time to call !offtopic | ||
daSkreech | spiroo: CS2 works | 05:49 |
llutz | spiroo: better use win for all your win-apps | 05:49 |
buz | better dont, win makes me angry | 05:50 |
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spiroo | I have Photoshop in Windows. I just mean that I want to throw Windows completely in the trash. But I need Photoshop, some kind of Deamon-tools. | 05:50 |
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buz | virtualbox ;) | 05:50 |
Daisuke_Laptop | vbox is a great solution | 05:50 |
spiroo | What is Vbox? | 05:50 |
buz | opensource vmware thingy | 05:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | there's acetoneiso for the virtual cd mounting and such | 05:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | buz: that's selling it short. | 05:51 |
Jucato_ | !info virtualbox | spiroo | 05:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !virtualbox | 05:51 |
ubotu | spiroo: Package virtualbox does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:51 |
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ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at - Setup details at | 05:51 |
Jucato_ | bah | 05:51 |
buz | (well except for the fact that kernel crashes upon resume from suspend with vbox) | 05:51 |
Jucato_ | it's packaged in gutsy :P | 05:51 |
buz | hows saying its a vmware thingy selling it short? | 05:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | because vbox has features vmware can only dream of :) | 05:52 |
Daisuke_Laptop | see: seamless mode. | 05:52 |
buz | ok, so vmware doesnt have seamless windows for all i know, but then again, seamless doesnt really work anyway | 05:52 |
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buz | at least not on any resolution i'd care to use | 05:52 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | doesn't work? | 05:52 |
Daisuke_Laptop | hahaha | 05:52 |
buz | try running it on a 1600x1200 display | 05:52 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | 1440x900, works great. | 05:53 |
Jucato_ | but the open source edition of vbox doesn't have USB support afaik | 05:53 |
buz | only worked <=1280x800 for me | 05:53 |
spiroo | hehe vbox. COuld it run an OS which currently already is intalled on pc? | 05:54 |
ubuntu | ((( | 05:54 |
buz | spiroo: not windows ;) | 05:54 |
Vermux | what does alt+ctrl+F8 do in console? | 05:54 |
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daSkreech | Vermux: Jump to the 8th console | 05:55 |
daSkreech | spiroo: Just install CS2 | 05:55 |
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Brocaway | Sono tornato... | 05:55 |
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Brocaway | Vado... | 05:56 |
Vermux | daSkreech: it says something about checking battery state... doesnt give prompt | 05:56 |
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Vermux | daSkreech: "starting kde display manager" "running local boot scripts" | 05:57 |
Vermux | is that a special console? | 05:57 |
daSkreech | Vermux: Yeah the boot messages get dumped there by default I think | 05:57 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | Brocaway: you did this the other day. go to #ubuntu-it | 05:59 |
Vermux | daSkreech: what does it mean though? I type ls and nothing happans | 05:59 |
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daSkreech | Vermux: can You login on F1-6 ? | 06:00 |
Brocaway | Daisuke_Laptop: it's only an automated emssage... | 06:00 |
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Vermux | daSkreech: yes | 06:00 |
Vermux | daSkreech: but what is that terminal f8? | 06:00 |
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daSkreech | It's a terminal | 06:00 |
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daSkreech | Just that terminals above the F7 normally get treated as system stuff since the user is given full control of terminal 1-6 | 06:01 |
daSkreech | If you spawn a new Xserver it takes F8 for example | 06:01 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | <- vbox + seamless mode @ 1440x900 | 06:03 |
Vermux | daSkreech: but it is not responding to commands | 06:03 |
fcameron | a | 06:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Vermux: perhaps you should read this again: <daSkreech> Just that terminals above the F7 normally get treated as system stuff since the user is given full control of terminal 1-6 | 06:03 |
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Vermux | Daisuke_Laptop: what do u mean, getting treated as system stuff? | 06:04 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | the system has control, not the user. | 06:05 |
alberdi | hi | 06:05 |
buz | Daisuke_Laptop: what graphics card | 06:05 |
Vermux | Daisuke_Laptop: the user can only see what the system did, but not input anything? | 06:05 |
alberdi | how do i put the cpu monitor on my try? | 06:05 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | buz: intel integrated | 06:06 |
buz | doesnt work above 1280x800 on mine | 06:06 |
buz | most certainly does not with 1920x1200 | 06:06 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Vermux: no... it's treated, as was said, as a second terminal for an xserver... | 06:06 |
buz | (to be fair, i dont think i tried 1440x900) | 06:07 |
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Vermux | !xserver | 06:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on | 06:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i only did because that's the display's native resolution :) | 06:07 |
buz | xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1400x900 | 06:07 |
buz | xrandr: cannot find mode 1400x900 | 06:07 |
buz | doesnt seem to be even available on mine | 06:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | 1440x900 | 06:07 |
buz | and neither is 1440 ;) | 06:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ah | 06:08 |
buz | tried both, just in case ;) | 06:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i just hate having to drop to 1024x768 to get output on the tv... | 06:08 |
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buz | oh i never actually tried that ;) | 06:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | the tv's 1366x768, i believe | 06:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you would *think* it would at least accept 1280x768 | 06:08 |
Vermux | Daisuke_Laptop: have no idea what xserver is or what it does | 06:08 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | Vermux: look at the screen | 06:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | see all the pretty colors and pictures and shapes and windows and... | 06:11 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | that's an xserver. | 06:11 |
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Vermux | so a second terminal for x server can be used by the current xserver or an additional xserver that has to be installed? | 06:13 |
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daSkreech | Vermux: Spawn a new Xserver | 06:14 |
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daSkreech | like opening a second browser window | 06:14 |
daSkreech | Just a few milion lines more code :) | 06:14 |
Vermux | is it a special code for something, the word Spawn? | 06:15 |
daSkreech | Vermux: No you justrun a new server | 06:16 |
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Vermux | daSkreech: and why would I want to do that? | 06:17 |
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daSkreech | Vermux: Dunno. A few reasons. but if you want to that's what you would do | 06:18 |
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Vermux | what reason do I have to spawn another xserver? | 06:19 |
daSkreech | Vermux: Running multiple monitors with different tasks on each | 06:20 |
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blue112 | Hello everyone ^__^ | 06:22 |
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Vermux | daSkreech: good idea | 06:22 |
blue112 | I have a problem with my second pc, using ssh : in local network, with 192.168.0.x, it's take about 10-20 secs to connect and to ask me for password... | 06:23 |
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daSkreech | blue112: dunno it's strange sometimes I swear that the other computer is in the bath or on the toilet | 06:26 |
daSkreech | happens everytime. someone comes knocking on the door | 06:26 |
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blue112 | O_o | 06:27 |
hsystem-x | #amarok | 06:27 |
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pestilence | i got a new laptop, and i find that much moreso with this laptop than my old one, when a program is doing heavy I/O to the disk, it becomes very difficult to use the computer. everything is very slow | 06:29 |
pestilence | any ideas on how to remedy this? | 06:29 |
andycr | pestilence: I just came in here to ask about that | 06:29 |
andycr | Does it on both my desktop and laptop | 06:30 |
pestilence | andycr: :-/ | 06:30 |
pestilence | at first i suspected it was a DMA issue, but according to hdparm DMA is on. | 06:30 |
blue112 | I had the same problem on my desktop, and I solve it by replacing HD >_> | 06:31 |
pestilence | the thing is, this laptop should have much better hardware than my old one. pretty much faster everything | 06:31 |
pestilence | and i'm pretty sure SATA is supposed to be faster than the old PATA drive my other laptop has. | 06:33 |
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andycr | pestilence: My laptop is SATA, desktop is PATA and they have basically the identical problem | 06:36 |
andycr | It's especially bad when copying files or playing games; the whole system drags along | 06:37 |
andycr | I think it | 06:37 |
andycr | *I think it's probably a kernel bug | 06:37 |
andycr | SHould be fixed in gutsy I think | 06:37 |
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andycr | I know it didn't happen in Edgy | 06:37 |
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pestilence | andycr: oh. well, i'm running gutsy. so don't hold your breath. | 06:39 |
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andycr | pestilence: Crap. Better get my edgy CD. | 06:42 |
andycr | Or compile an older kernel. | 06:42 |
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apothus | hello all, | 06:46 |
apothus | i have got a problem, which is no real suprise, i have just created a nice fresh ubuntu install yet firefox refuses to access the intenet, i can ping the computer from my laptop yet it wont even attempt to load pages | 06:47 |
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apothus | does any one have any idea what may cause this problem? | 06:49 |
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hjmills | how do I turn on desktop-effects in kubuntu? | 06:52 |
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poison-- | is there any flv player for kubuntu? | 06:54 |
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apothus | im not sure, vlc normally works alright hough | 06:54 |
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apothus | so has no one had this issue before ? "i have just created a nice fresh ubuntu install yet firefox refuses to access the intenet, i can ping the computer from my laptop yet it wont even attempt to load pages" | 06:55 |
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|Cugel| | maybe /etc/resolv.conf is not so good? | 06:58 |
hjmills | apothus: have you got an ip? | 06:58 |
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apothus | yes and i can ping from this pc | 07:01 |
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apothus | resolv.conf is an empty file, is this correct :S? | 07:03 |
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jpatrick | apothus: should have your hostname... | 07:03 |
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Brocaway | Sono tornato... | 07:03 |
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sbn | hi | 07:04 |
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annemarie | !ntfs | 07:06 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:06 |
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apothus | i just took the information from the resolv.conf on this machine and typed it in but it is saying i dont have the permision, is there a way to bypass this protection? | 07:07 |
apothus | i dont have permission when i try to save it that is | 07:07 |
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ardchoille | !sudo | apothus use sudo rather than trying to bypass security | 07:09 |
ubotu | apothus use sudo rather than trying to bypass security: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 07:09 |
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apothus | i have been opening it up in the text editor, how do i edit the file in the terminal window? | 07:11 |
genii | sudo nano /path/filename | 07:12 |
sliv3r | hey there.... i'm a total newbie... i'd like to install a kubuntu version on my pc (amd athlon 400+), i've downloaded it an all. i read i should defrag my disk, then partition it (three partitions, linux, win and shared). so, i guess partitioning doesnt affect my files, does it? and besides this, how should i proceed?! | 07:12 |
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genii | apothus: sudo nano /path/filename edit the file. crtl-x to exit, saying Y when asked to save | 07:12 |
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apothus | !nano | 07:14 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 07:14 |
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apothus | !code | 07:14 |
ubotu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida | 07:14 |
xevious | sliv3r: it'll resize your windows partition, keeping your files intact | 07:15 |
sliv3r | perfect.... | 07:15 |
xevious | sliv3r: just boot off the install cd | 07:15 |
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xevious | sliv3r: it'll guide you through it | 07:15 |
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sliv3r | ok.... but i read the kubuntu cd might have problems with creating partitions in the right way is this true?! | 07:16 |
sliv3r | 07:16 | |
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xevious | sliv3r: where'd you read that? | 07:17 |
sliv3r | i guess on a stupid website, from how you're asking? | 07:18 |
xevious | no, i wanted to read it and see if it was a valid concern | 07:18 |
xevious | i dont use windows at all, so i've only done fresh installs | 07:18 |
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sliv3r | right. if you want the url ill look for it... | 07:18 |
apothus | Thank you very much! this channel makes it so much easier for us new people to get started!! | 07:19 |
xevious | if you don't mind... | 07:19 |
LeeJunFan | just me or is ICQ down? | 07:19 |
X314Z159 | I read (after trying) that ubuntu has problems with the certain type of laptop i have, that the processor overheats.. | 07:19 |
sliv3r | yep | 07:19 |
sliv3r | i guess ill do that | 07:19 |
superflymug | excuse me can anyone help me with getting ubuntu to work on the internet I have a belkin wireless usb card | 07:19 |
sliv3r | its just.... the typical problem. some programs just don't work. | 07:19 |
X314Z159 | kinda sucks.. since i liked my laptop | 07:19 |
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xevious | superflymug: google for the exact model name of your wireless card and linux. aka belkin [model] linux | 07:21 |
xevious | superflymug: see if there's info on how well it's supported | 07:21 |
sliv3r | well, it says "the Ubuntu installer is not 100% effective in resizing NTFS partitions"... on | 07:21 |
superflymug | tried | 07:21 |
ardchoille | LeeJunFan: I can't sing into ICQ either :( | 07:21 |
superflymug | it didn't help | 07:22 |
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coreymon77 | sliv3r: its not | 07:22 |
tatters | does kubuntu have a tray icon for compiz? | 07:22 |
ardchoille | tatters: join #ubuntu-effects | 07:22 |
sliv3r | coreymoon77: just quoting | 07:22 |
xevious | sliv3r: XP or Vista? | 07:22 |
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coreymon77 | sliv3r: linux is not made for ntfs, ntfs is a wierd proprietary filesystem | 07:23 |
sliv3r | xp (at least i didnt make THAT error) | 07:23 |
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rudy_ | hola | 07:23 |
coreymon77 | sliv3r: *buntu is very good at resizing, its very unlikely to have problems | 07:23 |
sliv3r | coreymoon77: what dyou suggest then? | 07:23 |
coreymon77 | sliv3r: but but i still suggest to back any improtant data up before you try | 07:24 |
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coreymon77 | gtg | 07:24 |
sliv3r | partitioning it in two partitions or doing the thing with the ntfs? | 07:24 |
Vermux | what calculator utility does kubuntu have? | 07:24 |
xevious | Vermux: SuperCrunch and kcalc | 07:25 |
xevious | Vermux: by default, at least | 07:25 |
X314Z159 | and speedcrunch | 07:25 |
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xevious | i said supercrunch | 07:25 |
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xevious | that was an old cartoon network segment | 07:25 |
xevious | sorry | 07:26 |
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xevious | i meant speedcrunch | 07:26 |
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X314Z159 | :) | 07:26 |
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X314Z159 | It felt wrong to question you, so I just said the proper one and let you realize it by yourself :) | 07:26 |
Vermux | xevious: where can I find kcalc? | 07:26 |
X314Z159 | use adept installer | 07:27 |
tatters | So fresh install of kubuntu gutsy appears to have desktop effects turned off, I thought desktop effects were going to be turned on by default or is that just the basic ubuntu version | 07:27 |
xevious | Vermux: K Menu -> Run -> type in kcalc | 07:28 |
X314Z159 | xevious: you need to install it. its not installed by standard in newer versions (dont know about older once) | 07:28 |
radius | alt+f2 and type kcalc is faster ;p | 07:28 |
Vermux | xevious: it says it cannot run the command | 07:28 |
xevious | Vermux: you using gutsy? | 07:29 |
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xevious | oh. heh. by golly you're right | 07:29 |
radius | all that mouse clicking ... | 07:29 |
german | anymail program? | 07:29 |
X314Z159 | Vermux: add remove programs then search for kcalc. and install | 07:29 |
xevious | well i should check things out first, huh | 07:29 |
german | does anyone know a mail prgram that is able to open gmail, hotmail, and imap=? | 07:29 |
X314Z159 | xevious: well, you are atleast partialy right :P | 07:30 |
german | i have been trying to send a mail with kmail but that shit sucks | 07:30 |
xevious | X314Z159: i'm hung over, give me a break :) | 07:30 |
Vermux | Im using 3.5.7 | 07:30 |
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german | it keeps telling me i have not a sender adress | 07:30 |
X314Z159 | xevious: ah, that you cant blame on me ;) | 07:30 |
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X314Z159 | german: gmail notify for gmail. thats all i know. | 07:30 |
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german | gmail notify, what is that? | 07:31 |
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X314Z159 | a program | 07:32 |
german | that downloads gmail, | 07:32 |
german | well outlook in windows did work fine, | 07:32 |
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german | i guess there has to be a similiar thing in linux | 07:32 |
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X314Z159 | well. no, It checks if you have new emails on your gmail account. and if you press it it launches a browerser with gmail | 07:33 |
X314Z159 | german: ah. if thats what your looking for | 07:33 |
X314Z159 | german: try thunderbird mail | 07:33 |
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ardchoille | german: kmail works with gmail quite well. | 07:33 |
CPrgmSwR2 | Can you download the beta versions to kde4 with kubuntu? | 07:33 |
ardchoille | CPrgmSwR2: See the topic | 07:34 |
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german | how do i uninstall kmail from kubuntu? | 07:34 |
german | adept manager? | 07:34 |
X314Z159 | yea | 07:34 |
xevious | greets, Yammeh. Didn't notice you slip in... | 07:34 |
X314Z159 | german: you just uncheck it in the list. and then do the same procedure that you do when installing and it will remove it | 07:35 |
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german | does purge means the sam as uninstall? | 07:35 |
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ardchoille | german: No, purge means "uninstall and remove configuration files too" | 07:35 |
german | is that bad? | 07:35 |
ardchoille | Not if you don't plan on re-installing it | 07:35 |
german | i just purged kmail, i did not have the uninstall option | 07:36 |
german | i dont want to see that shit ever again | 07:36 |
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ardchoille | german: Why? | 07:36 |
german | after configuratiing it under an hour | 07:36 |
jpatrick | !coc | 07:36 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 07:36 |
german | it tells me i cant send an email without givind the letter a sender adress, wich i had done, | 07:37 |
ardchoille | german: Should have asked me, configuring kmail takes just a few minutes | 07:37 |
german | and it kept like that for ages, | 07:37 |
ardchoille | ok | 07:37 |
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german | do you know the adresses for pop mail to hotmail? | 07:37 |
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TheDude | german: since when did hotmail have pop access? | 07:38 |
german | i dont know if they do | 07:38 |
TheDude | german: they do not... | 07:38 |
german | but outlook is able to download the mail | 07:38 |
german | something they have to got | 07:38 |
TheDude | german: its different I believe | 07:38 |
german | well is there anyprogram able to download the mail besides outlook? | 07:38 |
TheDude | german: not pop access | 07:38 |
german | well is there anyprogram able to download hotmail, even if hotmail does not have pop acces? | 07:39 |
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TheDude | not sure about that | 07:39 |
TheDude | probably | 07:40 |
fdoving | german: gotmail can download it for you. | 07:40 |
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TheDude | get a gmail account bro | 07:40 |
cosmo_ | I'm trying to get the RC installed but it stalled, now it does nothing when I start back up the process any suggestions? | 07:40 |
german | thunderbird does not? | 07:40 |
radius | use for nix queries | 07:40 |
TheDude | better spam filtering anyway | 07:40 |
radius | it will narrow down the searches | 07:40 |
german | i want to install a program and a program only that handles hotmail, gmail and imap acces mail acount | 07:40 |
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nacholibre | hey german | 07:41 |
fdoving | german: gotmail behaves like fetchmail, but for hotmail. | 07:41 |
apothus | im having a similar problem to before (i think) im trying to apt-get cvs and i get the message that cvs is not avaliable. what could be continuing to cause netwrok and internet errors such as these? | 07:41 |
nacholibre | otherway is: | 07:41 |
nacholibre | install thunderbird | 07:41 |
german | i've got no idea what fetchmail is.... | 07:41 |
nacholibre | with webmail plugin | 07:41 |
german | thunderbird it is nacholibre | 07:41 |
german | and how do i do that? | 07:42 |
nacholibre | thunderbird i think | 07:42 |
german | i am a noob, just so you know | 07:42 |
nacholibre | Which version? | 07:42 |
german | type thunderbird on adept manager? | 07:42 |
nacholibre | 1.5? | 07:42 |
german | the latest, any? | 07:42 |
nacholibre | try | 07:42 |
ardchoille | !info thunderbird | 07:42 |
ubotu | Package thunderbird does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:42 |
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X314Z159 | german: noob = someone who has been doing something allot, but just doesnt care to learn or act like a humanbeeing. what you are refering to is a newbe | 07:43 |
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X314Z159 | ... I need to play less games online.. | 07:43 |
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radius | !noob | 07:43 |
ubotu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:43 |
nacholibre | !noob | 07:43 |
nacholibre | :) | 07:43 |
radius | ;p | 07:43 |
nacholibre | Oh | 07:43 |
nacholibre | sorry | 07:43 |
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nacholibre | Okay... . | 07:43 |
nacholibre | --> german: Go on | 07:44 |
nacholibre | And read the wiki's! | 07:44 |
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german | i guess i am gonna shot myself | 07:44 |
german | that sems to be easier that reading my mail | 07:44 |
nacholibre | This isn't entertainment, but you HAVE to read and learn. No one else can do that for you! | 07:45 |
X314Z159 | german: how about, open a browerser and read the mail there? | 07:45 |
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german | i va got three mail acounts | 07:45 |
ardchoille | german: Firefox has a tabbed ui now :) | 07:45 |
X314Z159 | german: I have 6. | 07:45 |
german | well do you open all of them in different windows? | 07:46 |
ardchoille | in different tabs, yes | 07:46 |
andycr | How do I get gimp print drivers working in kubuntu? My printer is supported out of the box in ubuntu but not kubuntu | 07:46 |
german | i guess that if you want to do things easier for you you should not use linux? | 07:46 |
fdoving | german: i use linux for exactly that reason, to make things easier. | 07:47 |
ardchoille | same here | 07:47 |
german | but you cant have a program tha topens all your mail? | 07:47 |
ardchoille | Linux has been making my life easier since 2001 | 07:47 |
X314Z159 | german: well, if you had been using linux all your life and switched to the W stuff, it would be the other way around. | 07:47 |
X314Z159 | ardchoille: linux is my life.. (not really, but I want to be worse :P) | 07:48 |
andycr | I switched because I dislike VC++ and GDB didn't work so well under windows | 07:48 |
deviance | Anyone here use Pidgin? How the HELL do I change my screen name? | 07:48 |
german | well i gues having outllok opening all my mail in one program would seem easier that opneing sex brosers,, oh excuse me sex tabs,... | 07:48 |
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clyrrad | Anyone know of a quick easy way to make a DVD from a bunch of Videos? (AVI and MPG) etc? | 07:48 |
X314Z159 | german: six* and there probably is some program with features so you can open all your mails in it. you just have to find it. | 07:48 |
ardchoille | german: I use kamil to open all four of my email accounts at once so I can read mail from all my accounts at the same time | 07:49 |
ardchoille | *kmail | 07:49 |
jay2ania_ | deviance: click "Accounts", select account, click "set friendly name" | 07:49 |
deviance | Ah :P | 07:49 |
apothus | i have used firefox for years on windows, great program, but at the moment im struggeling to do the basics on ubuntu, anyone know why im getting a "cvs not avaliable" when i try to apt-get it? | 07:49 |
byte[] | I'm trying to access my NTFS partitions using the Stroage Media menu in kubuntu 7.10 rc1 but it's failing, I'm guessing because it needs root access but isn't asking for it. How can I get it to work? | 07:49 |
genii | ardchoille: Linux has been making my life easier for a while too :) | 07:49 |
deviance | Thanks :D | 07:49 |
ardchoille | hi genii | 07:50 |
X314Z159 | the only problem with Firefox is that you cant keep it open for longer periods. its such a drain | 07:50 |
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german | why is that? | 07:50 |
apothus | yeah, damn memory leaks | 07:50 |
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german | i mean with firefox and the time? | 07:50 |
ardchoille | :) | 07:50 |
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jay2ania_ | Does anyone know if it's possible to get K3B to read files from a network share? (fish:// preferably) | 07:50 |
andersin | jay2ania: not at the moment, on the list of things to do, but not trivial | 07:51 |
jay2ania_ | ic, thanks andersin | 07:51 |
german | I need alcohol | 07:51 |
X314Z159 | german: well.. firefox ends up using more and more memory the longer you have it open. its a flaw. but just restarting firefox usually "restarts" the memory, so that it will begin with using a little memory, and then increase again | 07:52 |
apothus | i have had to much german, now im trying to get this working for tomorrow, not a good idea :S | 07:52 |
andersin | jay2ania: you probably need to buffer the files anyways, so it is not that much of a gain | 07:52 |
X314Z159 | apothus: dont do what you can do today tomorrow, you know who said that? | 07:52 |
jay2ania_ | well, k3b creates a buffer when "create image" is checked. It would just beat manually copying files one by one, and keeping track of file sizes, etc. | 07:53 |
apothus | no idea at all, at a rough guess i would say churchill :P he always had cool quotes | 07:53 |
german | i'll reinstall kmail, did i fucked it up when i purged the program five minuts ago? | 07:53 |
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ardchoille | Procrastinators: Tomorrow's leaders | 07:53 |
X314Z159 | apothus: the guy who invented electricity ;) | 07:53 |
apothus | lol | 07:53 |
ardchoille | german: No, you can reinstall it with no problems. | 07:53 |
apothus | good old tesla, you have to love him | 07:54 |
german | tesla did not discover elctribity | 07:54 |
german | lovely guy though | 07:54 |
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andersin | tesla had this crazy idea about transmitting electricity through the ionosphere | 07:54 |
X314Z159 | german: purging just deletes allot of extra files that otherwise are saved for faster reinstall or for keeping old configurations | 07:54 |
andersin | lovely might not quite capture it =) | 07:54 |
german | wich is possible, | 07:54 |
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Ash-Fox | Tesla made a ray gun. | 07:55 |
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apothus | indeed he is, yeah untill business realise it would be free energy for the world | 07:55 |
genii | !info tesla | 07:55 |
ubotu | Package tesla does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:55 |
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radius | X314Z159, do you know why tomas edison invented the light bulb? | 07:55 |
apothus | we have a tesla coil at work, so much fun :D | 07:55 |
radius | X314Z159, fear of the dark (: | 07:56 |
german | you do? | 07:56 |
german | how mcuh does it comes up to? | 07:56 |
X314Z159 | radius: :P | 07:56 |
radius | it's a true fact | 07:56 |
genii | radius: Edison didn't invent it. he bought the idea off another fellow | 07:56 |
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andersin | apothus: brilliant alright, maybe a bit too much at times | 07:56 |
Ash-Fox | Edison owned the patent. | 07:56 |
apothus | yeah! i work in a science center in aus, we have heaps of cool shit there, 2m vandegraf generator and the largest planetarium in the souther hemisphere | 07:56 |
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german | you do not!! | 07:57 |
german | what aout the plantarium in chile? | 07:57 |
apothus | how large is it? | 07:57 |
byte[] | ok so how can I switch the default file manager then? I don't think I want to use dolphin anymore | 07:57 |
X314Z159 | genii: Ash-Fox that fact has been discussed allot. but generally, since edison had the patent, he is considerd the inventor of it. | 07:57 |
german | bigger tha australia ;) | 07:57 |
genii | Ash-Fox: No, he didn't. Henry woodward had the patent. Edison bought it from him | 07:57 |
german | no well thay do not hav a big plantarium but the bigges on earth telescope | 07:58 |
X314Z159 | genii: still, edison bought it, then he owned it. | 07:58 |
radius | regardless whether he invented or bought the idea - he still had a fear of the dark woodward was too poor anyway | 07:58 |
genii | radius: Heh, true | 07:58 |
german | but he was not scared of light??? | 07:58 |
german | darkness* | 07:58 |
X314Z159 | radius: and without him, we would not have the awsome whicked lazer thingies we have today. :P and allot of other stuff.. but lazers are inportant :P | 07:59 |
apothus | LOL, i can imagine that, perth is not big on optical telescopes, but its looking better and better that we may get he SKA | 07:59 |
grul | :D | 07:59 |
andersin | byte[] : change the file association for inode/directory to konqueror | 07:59 |
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apothus | german: check this out | 08:00 |
andersin | byte[] : and also the one for inode/system_directory | 08:00 |
german | well i am reinstalling kmail anyone who know how to configurate it ? | 08:00 |
byte[] | thanks | 08:00 |
german | what is this schince center called? | 08:01 |
andersin | byte[] : then of course you need to adjust what you launch from the buttons (not quite sure how it is done in the default setup) | 08:01 |
german | i was thinking about going to study at melbourne | 08:01 |
german | but i changed my mind | 08:01 |
apothus | ok, the center is called scitech (original name i know) the planetarium is called Horizon (another original name) | 08:01 |
byte[] | oh.. | 08:01 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | crud... | 08:03 |
X314Z159 | apothus: hehe, my joystick is saitech almost the same thing.. though i could never get the damn thing to work | 08:03 |
apothus | im part way through training for the planetarium at the moment, fantastic computer system, over $2 million | 08:03 |
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apothus | lol | 08:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i can get output to the tv via vga-out | 08:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | then i have to change the resolution to 1024x768 to get a picture | 08:03 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ooh, that was easy, i wish i'd have thought of that before | 08:04 |
Hamra | wherever i go on the net, i find ubuntu programs, will these work on kubuntu? | 08:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Hamra: yes, yes they will. | 08:04 |
Daisuke_Laptop | because kubuntu = ubuntu with kde | 08:04 |
radius | minus gnome? | 08:05 |
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apothus | so no one has any idea on what may cause my continuing network errors, firefox now working but "apt-get install cvs" returing "package cvs unavaliable" | 08:07 |
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german | i can bet a dollar that i am in the coldest place of ally uo in here | 08:07 |
german | -1 degree, celcius | 08:08 |
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Hamra | lucky you, its freakin hot here, 29 c, i prefer the -1 | 08:10 |
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german | lets change | 08:11 |
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ghost | hi | 08:12 |
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Hamra | wherever i go i find ubuntu programs, do these work on kubuntu, im still a beginner | 08:15 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | Hamra: yes already. i already told you yes | 08:17 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | ubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde, xubuntu = xfce. the only difference is desktop environment | 08:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | (and some of the preinstalled applications) | 08:18 |
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Hamra | sorry, didnt see it | 08:19 |
Hamra | thnx | 08:19 |
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Scunizi | In Open Office, when inserting and image, the dialogue box in kde allows for choosing a specific partition but I can't figure out how to choose a folder within that partition. How do I do that? (Kubuntu Feisty) | 08:20 |
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jussi01 | wow...busy tonight i see,... | 08:30 |
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deviance | !info kirocker | 08:32 |
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ubotu | Package kirocker does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:32 |
deviance | Shame really, its a brilliant kicker addon | 08:32 |
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jussi01 | !info kirocker gutsy | 08:34 |
ubotu | Package kirocker does not exist in gutsy | 08:34 |
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sanotehu | Twice now, I've closed the lid of my laptop, my session has been locked, and I've tried to unlock it only to find that the field where I'm supposed to enter my password isn't accepting any input. This isn't happening consistently and I can't figure out anything I'm doing that might be causing it. | 08:37 |
sanotehu | This is on Gutsy by the way | 08:38 |
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genii | sanotehu: Have you asked in #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu-devel ? | 08:41 |
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sanotehu | genii, I'm waiting for a response in #ubuntu+1 | 08:41 |
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genii | Ah, OK. I would suspect some issue with ACPI system, myself. Much depends on hardware setup as well as other things like if it's going into hibernate or such how large the swap partition is, etc etc | 08:43 |
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trevor | Anybody know how to compizfusion working on an ATI card, using proprietary drivers? | 08:43 |
genii | work, Away From Keyboard a few minutes | 08:44 |
buz | sanotehu: probably an ACPI issue, i have never seen this so far | 08:44 |
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trevor | ACPI? | 08:45 |
trevor | That means I'm gonig to have to flash my bios... | 08:46 |
trevor | Isn't that dangerous? | 08:46 |
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m477 | how run game in a window ? | 08:49 |
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trevor | What game? | 08:53 |
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trevor | Anyone know about compizfusion on an ati card? | 08:59 |
mattrperry | Need direction on where to find clear doc for kmail customization and how to make use of 'windows' key in kubuntu | 08:59 |
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deviance | mattperry, the windows key is like any other kety | 09:01 |
deviance | key* | 09:01 |
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deviance | Or called special by Compix fusion and other programs | 09:01 |
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mattrperry | deviance: how can I bond it to the kstart button to have a similar effect? | 09:02 |
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deviance | I dont think you can, keys like Ctrl and Windows need to be bonded with other keys aswell. Ask stdin, he knows evertthing | 09:04 |
stdin | yeah, win key is a modifier, can't be used on its own | 09:04 |
mattrperry | thanks about how to set a default font style color size for the body only of new email messages only in kmail? and ideas? | 09:05 |
deviance | Modifier, thats the word I was looking for. | 09:05 |
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awag | is there anyone here who can answer questions about upgrading to 7.10 ? | 09:07 |
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trevor | I did it, but I'm having troubles with adept... | 09:07 |
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trevor | It's really easy... | 09:08 |
awag | yeah, It seems to be going great until it starts installing new packages, and then it starts complaining about debconf and x11-common and python something not being able to be upgraded | 09:08 |
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trevor | Same here... | 09:08 |
awag | and i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong | 09:08 |
trevor | I'm on the gutsy channel, trying to get help... | 09:08 |
trevor | #ubuntu+1 | 09:08 |
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stdin | you may want to ask in #kubuntu-devel if you're using adept to upgrade | 09:09 |
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awag | ok | 09:09 |
deviance | stdin: Whats the best way to upgrade? | 09:10 |
stdin | with adept | 09:10 |
deviance | Okay | 09:10 |
mattrperry | stdin: do you know how to setup kmail to have a 'custom' format for all new messages? meaning a specific font, color, size etc? | 09:11 |
stdin | mattrperry: no, I don't use kmail | 09:11 |
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deviance | I'm not a Kmail fan, I prefer thunderbird | 09:11 |
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mattrperry | that's what I use too...but my mom is trying out linux for the first time and likes kmail and I can't find a way to get it to change the font/style/color/size only for new created messages without changing the font settings for the whole app and all it's folders and messages etc | 09:13 |
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mattrperry | know anywhere I could look? | 09:13 |
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stdin | mattrperry: #kde is always a good place to ask | 09:14 |
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mattrperry | right on...thanks | 09:14 |
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deviance | Anyone know any good download managers | 09:15 |
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Hamra | lets say i asked adept to upgrade 20 programs, and i already downloaded 5, can i ask it to ignore the other 15 and just install these 5? | 09:16 |
Scunizi | I'm trying to instert a .jpg image and OO complains "Graphics filter not found". Gif's work fine.. Where/How do I get and activate the appropriate filters to insert jpg files? | 09:16 |
deviance | Hamra: Not with adept | 09:16 |
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Hamra | thnx | 09:17 |
stdin | Hamra: just open adept manager and select to upgrade the ones you want manually | 09:17 |
Hamra | yes, ok | 09:18 |
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flusswaechter | nabend | 09:23 |
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xevious | so i posed this question in #kopete already, without any response, but i'm chatting with someone on AIM who has their font set to white, and my kopete chat window background is white. in order to see what they type i have to highlight every line they type. is there a way to override their font settings? | 09:27 |
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hmartox | Buenas noches. | 09:28 |
xevious | nevermind | 09:28 |
hmartox | Tengo instalado Kubuntu 7.10. Que necesito para sincronizar por bluetooth mi mvil con Kontact? | 09:28 |
flake | can i dual-boot windows xp 32-bit and ubuntu 64-bit? | 09:28 |
xevious | flake: sure can | 09:29 |
flake | if win xp is already there | 09:29 |
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deviance | stdin: Whats the ! comman d to tell hmartox hes in the wrong place? | 09:29 |
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xevious | flake: yes. but ntfs support is not flawless in linux, so backup any important data first. it _should_ resize your ntfs partition ok, though | 09:29 |
hmartox | ok. | 09:29 |
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stdin | !es | 09:30 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:30 |
flake | ok | 09:30 |
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hmartox | how can i sync kontact with my mobile by bluetooth | 09:30 |
hmartox | ?? | 09:30 |
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Creationist | What is the command for the update manager that starts automatically when I login? I turned it off on accident. | 09:32 |
dwidmann | adept_notifier probably | 09:32 |
dwidmann | I forget | 09:32 |
deviance | Adept-notifier | 09:32 |
Creationist | Yeah, that sounds right, dwidmann | 09:33 |
deviance | !info adept-update | 09:33 |
ubotu | Package adept-update does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:33 |
deviance | Hmm, I thought it was a dash :P | 09:33 |
dwidmann | No, it's definitely an underscore | 09:33 |
stdin | the package has a dash (and it's updater), but the command has an underscore | 09:33 |
deviance | Oh ok | 09:33 |
stdin | the notifier is "adept_notifier" | 09:34 |
deviance | I have it off my default | 09:34 |
deviance | I use Compiz | 09:34 |
Creationist | Ah yeah... I do to. Now I remember why I turned it off... Compiz doesn't like it in the system tray ;) | 09:34 |
deviance | Does opera exist on Linux or do I need to use Wine for it? | 09:35 |
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deviance | !opera | 09:35 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: | 09:35 |
dwidmann | it exists just fine | 09:35 |
deviance | Hmm | 09:35 |
deviance | Whats its name it adept | 09:36 |
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deviance | I couldnt find it | 09:36 |
dwidmann | You won't find it | 09:36 |
Creationist | deviance: I'm not sure why you'd be willing to run a web browser in Wine, though.... | 09:36 |
dwidmann | Go to and download it from there | 09:36 |
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stdin | it's in the canonical commercial repo | 09:36 |
Hamra | deviance, there is opera for linux | 09:36 |
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deviance | Creationist: I'm a web developer and need to test things on Internet Explorer | 09:36 |
earl_ | hey fellas. I'm running gutsy beta 1. how do i upgrade to RC1? | 09:36 |
earl_ | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 09:36 |
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dwidmann | stdin: I have my doubts of whether or not that would even be up-to-date | 09:36 |
Creationist | deviance: Ah... I assumed so, I guess. | 09:37 |
stdin | earl_: no, open adept and update as normal | 09:37 |
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Hamra | opera is my default browser | 09:37 |
stdin | dwidmann: 9.23-20070809.6gutsy1 | 09:37 |
earl_ | oh. sounds simple enough. | 09:37 |
xevious | so is adept_notifier going to be made compiz friendly? | 09:37 |
deviance | stdin: How do I add canonical commercial repo? | 09:37 |
Creationist | earl_: And run that again on the 18th and you'll get the final release as well ;) | 09:37 |
deviance | I hope so xevious | 09:37 |
earl_ | oh, so i won't have to dist-upgrade then either? | 09:37 |
Creationist | xevious: I hope so too ;) | 09:37 |
stdin | xevious: you mean is compiz going to be made adept friendly | 09:37 |
stdin | deviance: feisty or gutsy ? | 09:38 |
Creationist | stdin: Ah, yeah... that's probably more accurate. | 09:38 |
deviance | Feisty | 09:38 |
Creationist | earl_: Nope. | 09:38 |
earl_ | stdin: I think he means how the notifier is all stupid and doesn't stay in the systray if you have compiz | 09:38 |
lee_ | ergles | 09:38 |
earl_ | cool. next question! | 09:38 |
dwidmann | stdin: might just be then, I'm impressed. I'm running the "public alfa" right now though ... has a nifty new feature worth running it for. | 09:38 |
stdin | deviance: deb feisty-commercial main | 09:38 |
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Creationist | earl_: Once you're running Gutsy, you have the Gutsy repositories enabled... therefore you'll receive the same updates as anyone else. | 09:38 |
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deviance | Is there a src or a key needed? | 09:38 |
redheat | hi everyone | 09:38 |
xevious | stdin: i seem to remember researching it after getting that annoying floating adept_notifier window, and the compiz people reporting it was something with how adept_notifier dealt with not showing the icon when there aren't updates | 09:39 |
earl_ | i've had it up to here with the stupid bouncing icon that shows up when i load a new program. because it bounces for like 30 seconds after the program's open, and leaves an empty entry in my panel every time. | 09:39 |
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lee_ | ok i am running in 64 how do i update lol? | 09:39 |
earl_ | how do i make it go away, | 09:39 |
redheat | just one quick question, how can I access desktop configuration settings, but not from the right menu on the desktop | 09:39 |
earl_ | or at least not behave like a moron? | 09:39 |
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Creationist | xevious: Well, I've had the same issue with KTorrent, Konversation and a few others... so I assume it actually is a Compiz issue. | 09:39 |
lee_ | hi creationist | 09:39 |
redheat | anyone | 09:40 |
lee_ | SOS | 09:40 |
redheat | hi creationist | 09:40 |
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Creationist | lee_, redheat: Hmm... are you cloning yourself? | 09:40 |
lee_ | creationist I have that 64 bit up and running...but its kubuntu lol | 09:40 |
redheat | I'm what? | 09:40 |
xevious | redheat: k menu -> system settings -> desktop | 09:40 |
Creationist | lee_: Good man :) | 09:40 |
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Creationist | redheat: Nevermind | 09:40 |
lee_ | lol no its me from 32 bit i got converted lol | 09:41 |
earl_ | anyone know what i'm talking about? | 09:41 |
lee_ | eh when i had ubuntu | 09:41 |
earl_ | like if i open firefox or something, the firefox icon will bounce for like 30 seconds after i've already been using it | 09:41 |
Creationist | earl_: Yes, I do... but as far as I'm aware, that would just be a bug with the program not reporting that it's fully up and running, so KDE thinks it's still loading. I'm probably way off, but that would make sense to me ;) | 09:41 |
lee_ | but creationist, i have a problem...i don't know how to up date lol | 09:41 |
redheat | Xevious, I can't see any Destop under system settings | 09:41 |
Creationist | lee_: Run "adept_updater" | 09:42 |
dwidmann | earl, pull up kcontrol and go to appearance - launch feedback | 09:42 |
xevious | redheat: which version of kubuntu? | 09:42 |
lee_ | am i even in the right channel for gutsy? and kubuntu lol | 09:42 |
Creationist | lee_: But you should have Adept Notifier running already (it loads on login by default) | 09:42 |
deviance | Redhat and Novell are getting sued for use of Workspaces, hope *ubuntu doesnt. | 09:42 |
earl_ | kcontrol? | 09:42 |
dwidmann | indeed. | 09:42 |
redheat | the latest version, and I have compiz-fusion installed and working as we speak | 09:42 |
lee_ | eh where .. i was off line when it updated | 09:42 |
Creationist | deviance: lol by whom? | 09:42 |
lee_ | eh that is when i installed | 09:42 |
deviance | Not a clue :P | 09:43 |
xevious | redheat: 7.04 or the 7.10 release candidate? | 09:43 |
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redheat | 7.10 candidate | 09:43 |
Creationist | deviance: Probably Microsoft.... they would sue God for creating the Earth if they could :P | 09:43 |
poison-- | anyone using Cedega? | 09:43 |
xevious | redheat: in feisty (7.04) it's in system settings, under the look and feel section. it says "desktop" | 09:43 |
deviance | xD | 09:43 |
Creationist | deviance: "He's copying us!" | 09:43 |
deviance | Nah, its not | 09:43 |
lee_ | eh where do i run that in? command or the dsame o samo | 09:43 |
deviance | They have an Agreement with Novell | 09:43 |
earl_ | dwidmann: i don't have kcontorl... | 09:43 |
Macris | hi, can someone help me? I started to upgrade feisty to gutsy and everything was going fine until i got an error while installing package hpaa ftp server. After that the upgrade halted and is stuck at "configuring libxfixes-dev". | 09:44 |
dwidmann | earl_: yes you do. | 09:44 |
redheat | ok xevious, that's in 7.04, now I"m using 7.10..anyway to access it from within the system settings | 09:44 |
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earl_ | oh, nevermind, for some reason it didn't work when i used katapult | 09:44 |
lee_ | ah its running now lol | 09:44 |
xevious | redheat: i couldn't tell you. i run 7.04. not a big fan of beta OSes | 09:44 |
Creationist | Macris: Sadly, that's why a fresh install is what I always recommend. Did you try upgrading through the command line or GUI? | 09:44 |
nathan_ | I think I found a bug in kubuntu | 09:44 |
dwidmann | earl. alt + f2, run it that way (it can be added to the kmenu pretty easily though) | 09:44 |
deviance | Creationist: I feel like a right idiot. I am happy because I managed to install Internet Explorer | 09:44 |
redheat | let me tell you what happened, there are certain wallpapers, right after you install them they prohibit opening the right-click menu on their interfaces | 09:44 |
lee_ | heepre jepers this is fast lol | 09:44 |
earl_ | so if i set the timers down | 09:45 |
redheat | it is as stable as 7.04 | 09:45 |
earl_ | does that mean it'll give up on launching the program if its taking longer than that | 09:45 |
earl_ | or just stop showing the things | 09:45 |
Creationist | nathan_: Report it on | 09:45 |
nathan_ | anyone want to help confirm this bug | 09:45 |
dwidmann | nathan_: interesting thing I read in a blog yesterday, unless you report it it's only a complaint :P | 09:45 |
lee_ | dang this is faster then my 32 bit install | 09:45 |
Macris | Creationist: not yet im still waiting the upgrade tool to finish and though i could ask u guys the best way to move forward | 09:45 |
lee_ | of gutsy | 09:45 |
nathan_ | unless I confirm it, it's only a guess | 09:45 |
Creationist | Macris: Are you upgrading through the command line or with Adept? | 09:45 |
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nathan_ | can someone on kubuntu help confirm this bug | 09:46 |
Macris | Creationist: with adept | 09:46 |
Creationist | nathan_: Well, then tell us what you think may be a bug... | 09:46 |
dwidmann | earl, it'll just stop showing it, it likely already failed long before the bouncy cursor stops. | 09:46 |
lee_ | creationist i have seen the lioght of 64 bit | 09:46 |
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earl_ | good point | 09:46 |
Creationist | Macris: Click the "show details" button... see if there's some kind of input it's waiting for from you. | 09:46 |
nathan_ | when pressing tab to complete a dir, it adds \ twice and makes it not the dir anymore | 09:46 |
lee_ | boy this is a lot different then 32 bit | 09:46 |
earl_ | dwidmann: Why does that happen by the way? sometimes a program will randomly fail, and if i run it again it works | 09:46 |
Creationist | nathan_: Hmm... I can't confirm that. WOrks just fine for me, sorry. | 09:46 |
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nathan_ | Creationist: you have to duplicate the environment I think | 09:47 |
Macris | Creationist: theres nothing now, it got wiped after the error... do u know does it log it to file somewhere so i can dig it up now? | 09:47 |
Creationist | earl_: Heh, I had that for about a week with Amarok. Sometimes it wouldn't run no matter what I'd do. Wait an hour and boom, there it goes, up and running ;) | 09:47 |
lee_ | creationist what did you mean by cloning myself? | 09:47 |
dwidmann | earl_: not sure, oftentimes the problem is, especially after a crash or a failed launch, you might have more than one of that process already running, so running the command "killall firefox" before trying to start it again may help. | 09:47 |
nathan_ | Ceationist: make this path: ~/Desktop/Pogo\ Linux/Scripts/ | 09:47 |
Creationist | Macris: You can always check /var/logs | 09:47 |
earl_ | dwidmann: I meant besides firefox | 09:48 |
Creationist | lee_: Nevermind that | 09:48 |
dwidmann | earl_: 'twas just an example. | 09:48 |
earl_ | dwidmann: and usually when it happens, it'll work without a problem the next time i try to run it, no killing required | 09:48 |
nathan_ | then try this | 09:48 |
nathan_ | ~nathan (or your name) tab | 09:48 |
dwidmann | One that has given me lots of grief in the pas ttoo | 09:48 |
nathan_ | then /Dtab | 09:48 |
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nathan_ | then /Ptab | 09:48 |
lee_ | eh ok...hay why did ok turn red? | 09:48 |
Creationist | nathan_: Why do you have a \ after Pogo? | 09:48 |
nathan_ | then /Stab | 09:48 |
nathan_ | Creationist: because it's Pogo Linux | 09:49 |
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xevious | nathan_: works fine for me | 09:49 |
Creationist | nathan_: Ah... as you can see I'm not too familiar with Linux yet ;) | 09:49 |
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lee_ | Talk about no mess ups with graaahics Wow... | 09:49 |
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dwidmann | lee_: text usually shows up as red when your name is contained in it, courtesy of your irc client. | 09:49 |
nathan_ | not working right | 09:49 |
xevious | nathan_: worked fine | 09:50 |
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nathan_ | if I tab it for every section I get this: | 09:50 |
nathan_ | ~nathan/Desktop/Pogo\\\ Linux/Scripts | 09:50 |
nathan_ | and that doesn't work | 09:50 |
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lee_ | wel, this parts workin right then where as the other version unbutu didnt | 09:50 |
dwidmann | lee_: that or you have spellchecking turned on .... | 09:50 |
nathan_ | here's the expansion | 09:50 |
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nathan_ | ~na(tab) | 09:50 |
nathan_ | D(tab) | 09:50 |
nathan_ | P(tab) | 09:51 |
xevious | nathan_: i did mkdir -p ~/Desktop/Pogo\ Linux/Scripts, then did cd ~m(tab)/De(tab)/P(tab)/S(tab) | 09:51 |
Creationist | Anyone know of any alternatives to GNUCash that has a better interface (more reminiscent of Quicken)? | 09:51 |
xevious | worked just fine | 09:51 |
lee_ | ohhhh spell checker i see it now ok oh i see its on auto | 09:51 |
earl_ | alright thanks guys, i'm out | 09:51 |
nathan_ | xevious: don't do 'cd' | 09:51 |
lee_ | eh i have to chsnge the font size this is to tiny | 09:51 |
nathan_ | xevious: it works here with cd as well | 09:51 |
Creationist | !netsplit | 09:52 |
ubotu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 09:52 |
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xevious | nathan_: ok. this wouldn't be a kubuntu bug, by the way. it'd be a bash bug if anything | 09:52 |
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nathan_ | did you see it? | 09:52 |
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xevious | nathan_: yup | 09:52 |
xevious | nathan_: point that out to the bash folks | 09:52 |
nathan_ | k thanks I will | 09:52 |
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satafterh | wil 7.10rc1 install with a 8800gts with haveing to do any thing special? | 09:53 |
lee_ | that worked lol | 09:53 |
xevious | nathan_: make sure to point out that you don't cd to it. that's what got me | 09:53 |
lee_ | ok now to call mom and tell her that her pc is fixed | 09:53 |
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lee_ | well nothings truely fixed with "windows" | 09:53 |
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Creationist | lee_: Yes, there is... | 09:54 |
Creationist | lee_: It's called Delete Windows Partition ;) | 09:54 |
Creationist | Sue Bill Gates for "pain and suffering" | 09:54 |
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lee_ | lol you got a point there creationist, ok general question will ms works be able to be read by linux? be read in th | 09:55 |
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lee_ | disreguard the latter part of the sentence It eas a spell check gone bad lol | 09:56 |
Creationist | Anyone know of any alternatives to GNUCash that has a better interface (more reminiscent of Quicken)? | 09:56 |
Macris | Creationist: | 09:56 |
lee_ | so this is the right chnnel for all gutsy porjects? | 09:57 |
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Creationist | lee_: Actually, until the 18th, you should go to #ubuntu+1 | 09:58 |
Valued | hello. i upgraded from feisty to gutsy beta and lost networking, both wireless and wired. deleted all but the first four lines of /etc/network/interfaces and rebooted. cannot enable eth0, my wired connection. | 09:58 |
lee_ | on my way there lol | 09:58 |
dwidmann | Creationist: problem with that being that most of the people in #ubuntu+1 seem to be gnomes. | 09:58 |
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Creationist | dwidmann: Well, nobody's perfect ;) | 09:59 |
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ubuntu | jlkklj | 10:00 |
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nathan_ | xevious: you there | 10:03 |
nathan_ | it's a kubuntu bug apparently | 10:03 |
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xevious | nathan_: that's... not exactly possible, but how do the bash guys reason that? | 10:03 |
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nathan_ | join us in #bash | 10:03 |
xevious | ok | 10:04 |
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Hamra | is there download managers in linux? if yes, what do you recommend? | 10:05 |
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dwidmann | Hamra: how about kget? | 10:06 |
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s4xxon | hello, i got the following line on my fstab /dev/hdc6 /media/win4 ntfs auto,gid=1000,umask=0002,nls=iso8859-7,nls=$ so that my partition will be automounted. | 10:06 |
s4xxon | <A-L-A-R-M> what i want is when another user logs on not to be mounted for him | 10:06 |
s4xxon | i did add the gid=1000 which is for my user, but the partition its still being mounted automatically for other users as well, i want it just for the user i use , how would this be ? | 10:06 |
Hamra | i'll try it, thnx | 10:07 |
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emilsedgh | Hamra: Aria2 is good, but its command-line, d4x might be good | 10:08 |
dwidmann | s4xxon: that's just the mount permissions, controlling who's allowed to create files and such, maybe | 10:08 |
Hamra | ok | 10:09 |
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s4xxon | cant this be changed in the fstab and be mounted only for my user and no other to have permition ? | 10:10 |
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dwidmann | s4xxx: Maybe you could add the automounting for your user to some sort of login script? | 10:11 |
MacZtttlkwork | Hi! I need to convert two xvid files to DVD video, what's the best option? Is there any good program avaiable? Or a plug-in to do it with k3b? | 10:11 |
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emilsedgh | s4xxon: go to SystemSettings->Advanced Tab->Disks and Filesystems, you could change permissions there | 10:11 |
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s4xxon | okie, thanks | 10:12 |
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xevious | nathan_: you still around? | 10:13 |
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MacZtttlkwork | !xvid | 10:17 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 10:17 |
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nathan_ | xevious: yeah i'm talking in the other same room you are silly | 10:20 |
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xevious | :D | 10:20 |
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Hamra | some site on opera requested flash, so opera redirected me to adobe's site, but now the installation says opera is not supported! | 10:27 |
pillowpants | does anyone know a graphical front end for teamspeak server | 10:27 |
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stdin | Hamra: it will use the same plugin as firefox | 10:28 |
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Hamra | but i dont have firefox | 10:31 |
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jeroenvrp | I installed ubuntu-desktop (gutsy) tested gnome, but now I want get rid of it -- how!!!? apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get autoremove > doen't work | 10:32 |
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stdin | Hamra: just install "flashplugin-nonfree" | 10:33 |
Hamra | i'll try that | 10:33 |
stdin | jeroenvrp: see that will probably then remove kubuntu-desktop, wait until it's done then "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" | 10:34 |
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jeroenvrp | stdin: no I want to remove ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop is still here | 10:35 |
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stdin | jeroenvrp: yes, follow those instructions | 10:35 |
jeroenvrp | its for feisty | 10:35 |
redheat | hi again folks..just need you all for this quick help question .. | 10:35 |
jeroenvrp | I tried it allready | 10:35 |
redheat | the upper part of this page | 10:35 |
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jeroenvrp | ok I try that | 10:36 |
redheat | | 10:36 |
jeroenvrp | but I didnt install ubuntu-desktop with aptitude | 10:36 |
redheat | which talks about all the available repositories needed | 10:36 |
redheat | how can I them al | 10:36 |
redheat | how can I get all of them? | 10:36 |
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Scunizi | anyone have problems with adept notifier moving from a docked position by the clock to the application toolbar when beryl is running? (Feisty Kubuntu) | 10:36 |
stdin | jeroenvrp: doesn't matter, follow the instructions to remove all the gnome packages, then reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 10:36 |
stdin | Scunizi: it's a known problem | 10:37 |
jeroenvrp | stdin: I tried it, but its for feisty and some packages were not there anymore | 10:37 |
jeroenvrp | but I try again with removing those packages | 10:37 |
Scunizi | stdin: ok.. i'll live with it. | 10:37 |
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Hamra | flashplugin-nonfree worked well, thnx | 10:40 |
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trevor | nosrednaekim: Heys... | 10:43 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: I downgraded my bios, and that fixed my bios, but wireless is still a no go... | 10:43 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: gutsy? | 10:43 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: Why can't it just work? | 10:43 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: Yeah... | 10:43 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: you want to use remote? | 10:44 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: yeah... wireless is being finickey here on gutsy to | 10:44 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: sure.. I can try | 10:44 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: cause I'll let you do it... I'm bout to wipe it, and dual boot vista... | 10:44 |
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poison-- | !ntfs-3g | 10:44 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 10:44 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: Let me email it to you... | 10:45 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 10:45 |
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nosrednaekim | trevor: are you using 64 bit? | 10:46 |
trevor | GAH!!!! | 10:46 |
trevor | STUPID EMAIL! | 10:46 |
trevor | I can't get email working... | 10:46 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: PM me. | 10:46 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: I can't... | 10:49 |
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nosrednaekim | trevor: are you using 64 bit | 10:50 |
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trevor | nosrednaekim: no... | 10:50 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: I can't get 64 bit to start up... | 10:50 |
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andycr | hi | 10:50 |
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nosrednaekim | ok | 10:50 |
andycr | who was asking about slow file transfers? | 10:50 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: What about Acer_acpi? | 10:50 |
trevor | I can't get it to work at all on gutsy... | 10:51 |
trevor | I don't know if we can do this... | 10:51 |
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trevor | I can't PM. Can't email. | 10:51 |
nosrednaekim | hummm does iwconfig show you anything by way of ath0? | 10:51 |
lontra | is there a way to get the default konqueror theme in kubuntu | 10:51 |
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trevor | ath0? | 10:52 |
trevor | Not wlan0? | 10:52 |
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nosrednaekim | trevor: yeah... | 10:53 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: do you see a wlan0? | 10:53 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: No, and I thought that was the problem... | 10:53 |
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trevor | No, I've got 2... lo, and eth0 | 10:54 |
nosrednaekim | no... you should see both ath0 and wlan0 | 10:54 |
nosrednaekim | hmm ok | 10:54 |
trevor | I don't have either... | 10:54 |
nosrednaekim | trevor: did you try ndiswrapper? | 10:54 |
trevor | Yeah... | 10:54 |
trevor | It's acting funny... | 10:54 |
trevor | nosrednaekim: I could install F***** Vista, and this would just work. Why does it have to be so hard with Linux? | 10:55 |
andycr | trevor: it's almost never this hard | 10:55 |
nosrednaekim | cause Acer makes it hard. | 10:55 |
nosrednaekim | Laptops are hard. | 10:55 |
andycr | I've had it work with any laptop wifi chip, including an atheros | 10:55 |
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andycr | only one ive had an issue with is an ipw3945 | 10:56 |
trevor | Yeah, but Acer has a jacked up ACPI... | 10:56 |
andycr | also, I very much doubt vista supports it out of the box in the stock version either | 10:56 |
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trevor | So, you have to figure out how the hell to interface with it, and I'm getting mad... | 10:56 |
trevor | No, but I run a program that takes all of six seconds, and I'm free of wires... | 10:56 |
trevor | Oh, and when I called Acer, they said they don't support XP... | 10:57 |
trevor | Might that be a problem? | 10:57 |
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andycr | Yeah, Microsoft makes them say that... The hardware does, they just don't deal with it anymore :/ HP said the same thing | 10:57 |
andycr | About my sound card, which I did get working fine after them saying "Either install Vista or shut up", more or less | 10:58 |
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trevor | Well, nos and I had this working before... | 10:58 |
trevor | I remember, cause I went over to University Computing Services, and they helped me get it on the network... | 10:58 |
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trevor | They called NDISWrapper a dirty hack... | 10:58 |
andycr | Yeah, it is :) | 10:59 |
andycr | A dirty hack, but it served me well for years | 10:59 |
trevor | Yeah... | 10:59 |
trevor | ^.^ | 10:59 |
andycr | Never a disconnect with a netgear somethingorother | 10:59 |
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nosrednaekim | trevor: well go over there again:) | 10:59 |
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trevor | I think I might have annoyed them... | 10:59 |
dergringo | Hey there. I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 rc1 on a brand new Thinkpad T61. How do I get the audio controls working? The solution on thinkwiki seems to be for Gnome only. | 10:59 |
trevor | We had problems with it when I was there too... | 10:59 |
andycr | They're IT, they're used to being annoyed | 10:59 |
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trevor | Well, yeah... They could have just handed me a vista disk, and sent me along my way, but instead, they took me to the cages in back, where they kept the linux geeks... | 11:00 |
nosrednaekim | haha | 11:00 |
andycr | Heh | 11:00 |
andycr | If they won't help you, try your local LUG | 11:01 |
andycr | Much easier to solve in person | 11:01 |
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trevor | LUG? | 11:02 |
nosrednaekim | bye | 11:02 |
andycr | Linux User's Group | 11:02 |
trevor | ... | 11:02 |
andycr | ie | 11:02 |
andycr | group of people who meet to discuss linux and solve problems people have | 11:02 |
andycr | Normally meet monthly or bimonthly | 11:02 |
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trevor | ... | 11:03 |
andycr | If you're lucky there's one in your area soon, and you can bring the laptop to them and have them look at the problem | 11:03 |
trevor | ... | 11:03 |
andycr | If the school it wont fix it | 11:03 |
andycr | ? | 11:03 |
trevor | Or, I could just wipe the hard disk, and dual boot vista, and xp... | 11:03 |
trevor | That way I can get on the wireless network... | 11:03 |
andycr | That works too, if you so wish | 11:03 |
trevor | You don't understand how mad I am... | 11:03 |
trevor | This is rediculous... | 11:04 |
andycr | I do. I had similar problems before, too. It's not fun. | 11:04 |
trevor | Specially if it's been working before... | 11:04 |
trevor | I HAD IT WORKING! | 11:04 |
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x_link | Hi | 11:06 |
trevor | Sorry... | 11:06 |
x_link | How do I change in k3b so that it will support .mp3-files? | 11:06 |
andycr | No, I understand | 11:07 |
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trevor | The problem is, that Acer has a jacked up ACPI interface, and there aren't many ways to get to the wireless card, let alone get it to work... | 11:07 |
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trevor | There's a package that I've used before on Google Code, called acer_acpi... | 11:07 |
trevor | I can't get it work in gutsy... | 11:07 |
trevor | It allows you to turn on the wireless card, which is the whole problem... | 11:08 |
trevor | It won't turn on, to install properly... | 11:08 |
trevor | And, the drivers aren't installing properly, I don't think... | 11:08 |
trevor | WAIT A SECOND! | 11:08 |
trevor | I think I know how I got it working last time... | 11:08 |
trevor | I think I used the vista driver... | 11:08 |
andycr | hmm | 11:09 |
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x_link | Anybody? | 11:12 |
trevor | Oh... | 11:12 |
trevor | x_link: You need to get xine restricted plugins. | 11:13 |
chris__ | is it possible to get oxygen icon's on kde 3 still? | 11:13 |
trevor | x_link: You running kubuntu, right? | 11:13 |
chris__ | me? yes | 11:13 |
x_link | trevor: Yes. | 11:13 |
andycr | chris__: I think kde-look has them | 11:13 |
trevor | x_link: Okay, well, open adept manager, and look for mp3 | 11:14 |
trevor | x_link: Just like run a search, and that'll show you the package you need... | 11:14 |
chris__ | it has a script but that doesn't work, I was wondering whether there's a package like opensuse? | 11:14 |
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x_link | trevor: sudo aptitude install libk3b2-mp3 did it =) | 11:15 |
x_link | Thanks anyway =) | 11:15 |
trevor | Okay, acer_acpi won't modprobe... | 11:16 |
trevor | Invalid module format? | 11:16 |
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trevor | Anyone know anything about compiling? | 11:16 |
chris__ | depend's what? | 11:16 |
emilsedgh | trevor: what do you want to compile? | 11:17 |
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andycr | I've compiled kernel modules | 11:18 |
Vermux | !katpalt | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about katpalt - try searching on | 11:18 |
andycr | chris__: Like this? | 11:18 |
andycr | | 11:18 |
andycr | might be what you want | 11:18 |
Vermux | !katapault | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about katapault - try searching on | 11:18 |
Vermux | !katpault | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about katpault - try searching on | 11:18 |
andycr | !katapult | 11:18 |
ubotu | katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want. | 11:18 |
trevor | emilsedgh: Acer_acpi | 11:19 |
andycr | !acer_acpi | 11:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acer_acpi - try searching on | 11:19 |
emilsedgh | trevor: is that a kernel module ? | 11:19 |
andycr | Not precompiled in repo it looks like sadly | 11:19 |
trevor | Guys... F*** it... I'm getting dinner... | 11:19 |
Vermux | what is that? | 11:19 |
trevor | I think so... | 11:19 |
trevor | It ends in KO | 11:19 |
trevor | But, when I do a make install, it says invalid module format... | 11:20 |
chris__ | thanks andy, i'll give it a go | 11:20 |
Vermux | andycr: what is katpult? | 11:20 |
andycr | | 11:20 |
andycr | Vermux: you know deskbar? it's a bit like that for kde | 11:20 |
Vermux | have no idea | 11:20 |
chris__ | vermux press alt + space bar | 11:20 |
chris__ | if your in kde it load's katapult | 11:20 |
Vermux | and then, what it does? | 11:21 |
Vermux | also, something wiered happaned. suddenly everything was stuck | 11:21 |
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tehk | Hello can anyone give me a tip on hiding gnome apps in my kmenu? | 11:22 |
Vermux | what can I do with Katapult? | 11:22 |
andycr | Vermux: Launch apps quickly | 11:22 |
andycr | Instead of going through the menu to start konsole, just alt+space, kon, enter | 11:22 |
emilsedgh | Vermux: or calculate mathematics, or even play your favourite song from AmaroK | 11:23 |
andycr | yeah | 11:23 |
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trevor | What's the konsole command for delete? | 11:23 |
kreib | rm | 11:23 |
trevor | Thank you... | 11:23 |
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Vermux | but I can do that with alt+F@ too | 11:24 |
andycr | Vermux: no, there you have to type the whole name | 11:24 |
Vermux | no, just the first letter | 11:24 |
Vermux | it saved the whole word in memory | 11:24 |
andycr | Hmm. Guess it won't help you much then | 11:24 |
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andycr | Didn't remember it doing that | 11:25 |
Vermux | I tried to launch Kcalc but it doesnt give the option | 11:25 |
lontra | Vermux: use speedcrunch | 11:25 |
lontra | tehk: you could use the menu editor and just remove them | 11:26 |
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andycr | trevor: Are you using acer_acpi 0.4? Apparently that's the only version that works with newer kernels | 11:26 |
Vermux | ok, it works for that, but why it wont work for KCalc? | 11:26 |
trevor | andycr: ? | 11:26 |
lontra | Vermux: are you sure kcalc is installed? | 11:26 |
trevor | No, I'm using .9something... | 11:27 |
lontra | Vermux: i don't believe it is by default | 11:27 |
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trevor | andycr: Really? | 11:27 |
trevor | I can try that... | 11:27 |
Vermux | yes | 11:27 |
trevor | But, then i have to go eat food... | 11:27 |
Vermux | I installed it today | 11:27 |
lontra | Vermux: well it should work with katapult | 11:27 |
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Vermux | it doesnt show it | 11:27 |
lontra | Vermux: maybe you might consider restarting KDE and see if that makes a difference | 11:27 |
Vermux | maybe it needs reboot? | 11:27 |
lontra | Vermux: have you restarted KDE since install kcalc? | 11:27 |
Vermux | no | 11:27 |
fdoving | Vermux: with katapult you need to start typing the name, not the command, name as show in the kmenu. | 11:27 |
lontra | Vermux: consider restarting KDE and see if that makes a difference | 11:27 |
lontra | fdoving: isn't kcalc ... just kcalc? | 11:28 |
cosmo_ | I have my father's computer set up to dual boot now with window and ubuntu, is there a way on the grub OS selection screen to move windows to the top so that when the timer runs out it will default boot into windows, it is how he would like it to work? | 11:28 |
fdoving | Vermux: try for example speedcrunch - kcalc shouldn't be installed by default iirc. | 11:28 |
lontra | fdoving: he installed it ... read above | 11:28 |
Vermux | yes, it works with speedcrucnch | 11:28 |
Vermux | but not with Kcalc | 11:29 |
kreib | cosmo : in /boot/grub/menu.lst you set default distro to boot | 11:29 |
lontra | Vermux: restart KDE and see if that helps | 11:29 |
fdoving | lontra, vermux: ok, then it might need a kbuildsycoca. | 11:29 |
fdoving | Vermux: try to run the command 'kbuildsycoca' without sudo. | 11:29 |
Vermux | is there an option to save everything that is open so when I log on again it appears again? | 11:29 |
lontra | Vermux: that should be the default KDE option | 11:30 |
fdoving | leave the apps open. | 11:30 |
lontra | Vermux: but it's in kcontrol under sessions | 11:30 |
Vermux | what is kcontrol? | 11:30 |
fdoving | kde control center. | 11:30 |
martin_ | Just intalled Gutsy 7.10 on a new Dell Vostro. Apart from some funkiness with the bottom inch of the lcd it worked flawlessly. Now fixed with the updates from adept. Nice :) | 11:30 |
Vermux | I want everything that I have open on the desktop to appear again without me having to open everything again | 11:30 |
chris__ | do people use adept or synaptic more? | 11:31 |
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lontra | Vermux: just exit ... it should work | 11:31 |
lontra | chris__: probably more people use adept if they use kubuntu as it's QT based | 11:31 |
lontra | chris__: synaptic is GTK better integration with GNOME but nice nonetheless | 11:31 |
fdoving | it's also installed by default on kubuntu. | 11:31 |
Vermux | but what was that kbuild...\? | 11:31 |
lontra | fdoving: synaptic is? | 11:32 |
fdoving | Vermux: kbuildsycoca | 11:32 |
Vermux | what is it? | 11:32 |
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fdoving | lontra: not on kubuntu, it's installed on ubuntu. | 11:32 |
lontra | fdoving: sure | 11:32 |
fdoving | Vermux: it rebuilds the kde system config cache. (basically reads all the config files and makes a sweet and fast database out of it) | 11:32 |
martinBirmingham | <- it didn't just crash (connecting via a mobile phone, cuts out when someone calls.... brilliant) | 11:32 |
Vermux | and what is kcontrol? | 11:32 |
chris__ | yeah it's just that I find adept buggy | 11:33 |
Vermux | and how is that connected to what I want to do? | 11:33 |
lontra | chris__: use synaptic or apt-get from CLI then | 11:33 |
chris__ | ok | 11:33 |
lontra | !kcontrol | 11:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kcontrol - try searching on | 11:33 |
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fdoving | Vermux: if you recently installed kcalc it might not be in the system for katapult to pick it up. | 11:33 |
lontra | Vermux: kcontrol is the KDE control center which is kind of deprecated with kubuntu's system settigns | 11:34 |
lontra | Vermux: kubuntu's system settings will be the new control center in KDE 4.0 | 11:34 |
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Vermux | so what do I have to do? | 11:35 |
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lontra | Vermux: just restart KDE and see if it works | 11:35 |
chris__ | how do you change the k menu icon? | 11:35 |
Vermux | and if I lose everything that I have opened? | 11:35 |
lontra | chris__: that's a little tricky ... you'll need to replace all instances to kmenu the current theme your using in /usr/share/icon | 11:36 |
lontra | chris__: kmenu.png i guess | 11:36 |
chris__ | ok, I can do that, cheers | 11:36 |
erov | what if i lose the K icon :) how do i get it back ... | 11:37 |
Vermux | lontra: I have many links and programs open on the desktop and taskbar, it will ddisplay them again after I log off? | 11:37 |
chris__ | make a backup of the k icon first? | 11:37 |
erov | the whole "k menu" has disappeared.. | 11:37 |
erov | the functionality | 11:37 |
lontra | chris__: that would be a good idea | 11:37 |
erov | not just the icon.. | 11:37 |
lontra | chris__: so cp kmenu.png to kmenu.png.old | 11:37 |
lontra | erov: the whole menu is gone? | 11:37 |
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erov | yes | 11:38 |
lontra | erov: right click panel -> configure panel and add the kmenu back | 11:38 |
lontra | er... | 11:38 |
erov | im there but cant seem to find that | 11:38 |
lontra | erov: right click panel -> add applet to panel | 11:38 |
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erov | ahh | 11:38 |
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Vermux | lontra: ?? | 11:39 |
erov | thank you | 11:39 |
lontra | Vermux: yes i believe it will by default | 11:39 |
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martinBirmingham | "K Menu" is listed between Klipper and Konqueror profiles in an interesting take on "alphabetical order" | 11:39 |
Vermux | lontra: ok | 11:39 |
lontra | well 'm' is between 'l' and 'o' :) | 11:40 |
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frank_ | how do I disable compiz? | 11:41 |
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martinBirmingham | lontra: I know that :) I've just never seen a alphabetical system that ignores whitespace | 11:43 |
martinBirmingham | "K Menu" would come before "Kat" in my head... maybe it's just me?! | 11:43 |
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chris__ | frank, disable compiz on kubuntu? | 11:46 |
chris__ | alt + f2 and then type "kwin --replace" | 11:46 |
frank_ | chris__: ok thanks | 11:47 |
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Vermux | this is genious! | 11:47 |
martinBirmingham | are the "desktop effects" stuff coming to kde? are they here already & i'm missing out? :) | 11:47 |
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stdin | you can install compiz-fusion in kubuntu (gutsy), but it won't be enabled by default | 11:49 |
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Vermux | lontra: that is genious! | 11:50 |
lontra | Vermux: what is? | 11:50 |
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lontra | kittens make one tired | 11:51 |
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Vermux | lontra: I got used to Win losing or shutting off all data that is opened if loging off Win | 11:51 |
lontra | Vermux: yes the beauty of KDE! | 11:51 |
frank_ | it's a good thing that compiz is not enabled by default in kubuntu. | 11:52 |
Vermux | lontra: in kubuntu it saved everything and opened it! | 11:52 |
lontra | Vermux: you can turn that off to if you want ... but it sounds like you like it | 11:52 |
Vermux | lontra: why turning it off? | 11:52 |
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lontra | Vermux: so you can start with a completely empty session | 11:52 |
lontra | Vermux: but you like to start where you left off it sounds like | 11:52 |
Vermux | lontra: does it save everything also if unexpectedly the system is shutting down? | 11:53 |
lontra | Vermux: no ... then it will resort to your last safe logout/shutdown | 11:53 |
Vermux | yes, I like that option- to keep it | 11:53 |
stdin | no, it saves the session at logout | 11:53 |
lontra | Vermux: so if you kill X or something it won't save that session | 11:53 |
Vermux | what is kill x? | 11:53 |
Vermux | !kill x | 11:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kill x - try searching on | 11:53 |
stdin | !X | 11:54 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 11:54 |
lontra | Vermux: alt+ctrl+backspace | 11:54 |
lontra | Vermux: don't press that though :) | 11:54 |
lontra | Vermux: it'll kill X | 11:54 |
Vermux | by the way that what I presses | 11:54 |
Vermux | pressed | 11:54 |
Vermux | because earlier when I logged off, it froze | 11:54 |
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lontra | Vermux: exactly .. and that's a proper time to kill X | 11:55 |
lontra | Vermux: another time is when you're configuring X | 11:55 |
Vermux | lontra: so I played with the keyboard to try to release the computer from this situation before powering it off | 11:55 |
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lontra | Vermux: if you're computer freezes try to kill X first before trying to force a reboot | 11:55 |
Vermux | lontra: but, why the log out process froze? | 11:56 |
chris__ | oxygen script didn't work as the svn cannot be found, anyone know the new svn? | 11:56 |
lontra | Vermux: not sure ... | 11:56 |
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lontra | Vermux: video card issues maybe? | 11:56 |
Vermux | lontra: have no idea | 11:56 |
lontra | Vermux: can always check your xorg log | 11:56 |
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Vermux | so anytime I press control alt delete is restarts? | 11:56 |
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Vermux | lontra: how do I check that? | 11:57 |
lontra | Vermux: maybe i don't remember ... and i never use it ... i think it does | 11:57 |
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Vermux | lontra: how come u never use it? | 11:57 |
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lontra | Vermux: cause using alt+ctrl+del to restart isn't a good idea :) | 11:58 |
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lontra | Vermux: you could lose data | 11:58 |
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lontra | Vermux: use kmenu or drop to a terminal and type sudo shutdown -h 0 | 11:58 |
Vermux | so, in case nothing works is it a good idea? | 11:58 |
lontra | Vermux: sure | 11:58 |
lontra | Vermux: if not use the power button | 11:58 |
Vermux | ok | 11:58 |
lontra | Vermux: for your X freeze ... maybe something is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:59 |
lontra | Vermux: so you'd want to open it with any editor (kate, kwrite, kword, openoffice word, nano, etc.) | 11:59 |
lontra | Vermux: and look for EE | 11:59 |
lontra | Vermux: those are errors | 11:59 |
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Vermux | how do I remember that location, or getting in to it quickly? | 12:01 |
lupul | hi there. is any way to uninstall grub boo loader? so that i can erase the linux partition | 12:01 |
lontra | Vermux: use konqueror or in a terminal type cd /var/log/ | 12:01 |
lupul | *boot | 12:01 |
lontra | Vermux: then kate Xorg.0.log | 12:01 |
stdin | lupul: just overwrite it | 12:01 |
lupul | hjow? | 12:01 |
lupul | damn keyboard | 12:01 |
stdin | lupul: you want windows bootloader back? | 12:02 |
lupul | yes | 12:02 |
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stdin | lupul: boot in to a rescue console from the Windows cd and type "fixmbr" | 12:02 |
lupul | my first partition has windows. the second linux, and the third, data. | 12:02 |
lupul | and if i don't have the cd? :D | 12:02 |
stdin | then you're stuck | 12:02 |
stdin | you can still use grub to boot windows | 12:03 |
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lupul | thanks, and another question. why do the movies in kaffeine look green? codecs right? | 12:04 |
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stdin | depends on the file type of the video | 12:05 |
lupul | avi most of them | 12:05 |
stdin | avi is tricky, it could be mpeg, could be divx or could be wmv | 12:05 |
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lupul | i don't know. the joey seasons and mash | 12:06 |
lupul | they're all green | 12:06 |
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redheat | Hi everyone | 12:07 |
stdin | open konsole and do "file video.avi" (replacing "video.avi" with the filename) to find out what codec it's using | 12:07 |
redheat | from time to time I get an error where the upper toolbars any open window disappear, | 12:08 |
redheat | I'm running latest version of Kubuntu on Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 | 12:08 |
stdin | Gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 12:08 |
redheat | yes I said I'm talking about an error in KDE on Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 | 12:09 |
lupul | mpeg 1 layer 3 | 12:09 |
redheat | oh ok.. | 12:09 |
redheat | sorry thought you were talking to me.. | 12:09 |
redheat | sorry | 12:09 |
stdin | redheat: yes, gutst help in #ubuntu+1 | 12:10 |
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Vermux | lontra: how do I locate the point just before logging out? | 12:10 |
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Vermux | I found this: "EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable" | 12:10 |
redheat | yes, but I don't want help about gutsy, and thank you of course for taking time to answer my question, I have a problem with Kubuntu running on gutsy, and this is a gutsy | 12:10 |
stdin | lupul: hmm, should be supported. could be the video driver | 12:10 |
redheat | a Kubuntu channel right? | 12:10 |
andycr | redheat: The toolbars or the titlebars? | 12:11 |
Vermux | lontra: but how do I know that it happaned when logging off? | 12:11 |
redheat | titlebars | 12:11 |
lupul | than surely is the video | 12:11 |
andycr | reheat: You're running compiz, right? | 12:11 |
stdin | redheat: you're running gutsy, so you need to ask in #ubuntu+1 | 12:11 |
redheat | I have compiz-fusion running | 12:11 |
andycr | Yeah, thats a bug in the gtk window decorator | 12:11 |
redheat | yes and its running perfectly, the error goes away the moment I log out and log in again | 12:11 |
andycr | Only solution I know of is to either ignore it or switch to emerald | 12:11 |
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redheat | the error message generated a report I can send it to you if you want | 12:12 |
lontra | Vermux: you don't | 12:12 |
lontra | Vermux: i doubt that would cause the error | 12:12 |
stdin | I'll say it again, if you're running Gutsy, then support is only in #ubuntu+1 | 12:12 |
redheat | andycr do you want me to send you the report | 12:12 |
Vermux | lontra: why there is no time stamp? | 12:12 |
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andycr | redheat: I don't know why that occurs, I only know why the titlebar goes white | 12:13 |
lontra | Vermux: not sure ... i don't know a ton about X sorry | 12:13 |
andycr | redhead: you might ask in #ubuntu-xeffects | 12:13 |
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Vermux | ok I think I'll leave it for now. way too advanced for now | 12:13 |
redheat | in my case the titlebars just disappear..I mean as if the windows become imposed | 12:13 |
Vermux | lontra: so if the computer crushes it wont save the desktop? | 12:14 |
redheat | any how thank you for your help andycr..truely appreciate it and you too stdin...thank people | 12:14 |
andycr | np, hope it helps | 12:14 |
andycr | wait | 12:14 |
andycr | oops. | 12:14 |
lontra | Vermux: no | 12:14 |
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LEGO_Technic | no NetSplits too bad | 12:19 |
LEGO_Technic | :) | 12:19 |
vistakiller | Oo | 12:20 |
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LEGO_Technic | coooooool | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | I didn't get kicked | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | woot | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | I'm teh best | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | lol | 12:20 |
stdin | no one got kicked, it was a netsplit | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | no it wasn't | 12:20 |
LEGO_Technic | in NetSplit there would come up a message saying NetSplit | 12:21 |
LEGO_Technic | that was a silent split | 12:21 |
stdin | well it was a netsplit | 12:21 |
LEGO_Technic | you know like if you drink dr pepper upside down with 3 eggs in your lef thand | 12:21 |
stdin | no matter what you call it | 12:21 |
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LEGO_Technic | stdin | stdout | 12:22 |
LEGO_Technic | much better now | 12:22 |
LEGO_Technic | :-D | 12:22 |
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Seek_Therapy | anyone know how to configure nexxus | 12:27 |
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Seek_Therapy | anyone | 12:28 |
azzco | Hi I just upgraded to gutsy and kdm isn't working, (I've logged in with gdm) where's the log? | 12:28 |
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gnomefreak | azzco: /var/log/ | 12:29 |
azzco | Thanks gnomefreak | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | yw | 12:29 |
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azzco | Oh wait maybe I shuold reboot into the new kernel first... | 12:30 |
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