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lamontcprov-out: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/0.8.6.release.c-0ubuntu501:43
lamontle huh??01:43
stdinwow, so good they built it twice01:46
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cprov-outlamont: don't worry, it's one of the victims of the 'duplicated-build-disaster'. It will get fixed after gutsy release.03:28
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lamontonly 4022 build records to clear, and about a week to do it... hrm.03:32
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=== lamont grumbles at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aspectc++/0.99+1.0pre3-2ubuntu1 which seems to be looping in some way
lamontas in I keep seeing it building05:16
lamontand then it's building again later05:16
lamontand claiming that primero and kohnen are building it (or some such..)05:25
=== lamont uploads a new aspectc++ just to see if that'll make launchpad less confused
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bersaceHi all10:26
bersaceHow to fix a "Fail to upload" error ?10:26
bersaceah ok10:26
bersacei found the bug10:26
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net | Next developer meeting: Thu 18 Oct 2007, 1400UTC | List: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mrevell at Thu Oct 11 18:18:01 2007
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iwjWould some Malone or Soyuz developer care to take a quick look at bug 151925 and (i) set the status of the Launchpad task appropriately and (ii) answer my question at the bottom about the delay interval for my workaround ?01:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151925 in autopkgtest "Bugs set to Fix Released by changelog-closes-bugs before fixed version is published" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/151925 - Assigned to Ian Jackson (ijackson)01:05
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ubotuNew bug: #151925 in autopkgtest "Bugs set to Fix Released by changelog-closes-bugs before fixed version is published" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15192501:10
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bigjoolsiwj: stuff generally gets published every hour, so that's a good starting point01:24
iwjbigjools: OK, well, I'll call it 2 or 3h then.01:24
bigjoolsiwj: ok :)01:25
iwjNote that this number has to include build time too.01:26
AnMasterhow do you do the bzr+ssh thing so only bzr+ssh but not for example ssh and starting bash works?01:48
mwhudsonAnMaster: custom ssh daemon01:48
AnMastermwhudson, ah, non open source?01:48
AnMasterI was trying to run some commands like /bin/bash --norc with it01:48
mwhudsonAnMaster: well it's based on twisted.conch01:49
mwhudsonthe parts that aren't conch aren't amazingly exciting01:49
AnMasterso sshd in python01:49
AnMastermwhudson, I'm still interesting in seeing how it works :)01:50
AnMasterI would need something like that for another restricted service myself (though not bzr in this case)01:50
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mwhudsonAnMaster: it's really pretty simple01:57
mwhudsonconch's ISession interface has an execCommand method01:57
AnMastermwhudson, if you are good at python: I bet01:57
mwhudsonlook at what you get asked to execute01:57
mwhudsoneither execute it, or don't01:57
AnMasterI'm not good at python (though I'm good at some other languages)01:57
AnMasterhm interesting01:58
AnMastermwhudson, but why do ssh username@bazaar.launchpad.net "/bin/bash --norc" cause so odd results?01:58
AnMasterthat is you are dropped to something that seem like cat - > /dev/null01:58
mwhudsoni don't know01:59
spivThat'd be a bug.  It ought to be rejecting the request to exec that command (or perhaps just closing the channel?).02:02
AnMasterspiv, well try it and see what I mean02:03
spivI did.02:03
AnMasterit doesn't run the command but it does something odd02:03
spivRight, that server will not run arbitrary commands for you.02:07
spivThe bug is that it doesn't refuse them clearly; the client just thinks nothing's happening.  The server ought to be explicitly rejecting the "please run this command" request.02:08
spivI think there may already be a bug on launchpad-bazaar about this.  (If not, there should be.)02:09
AnMasterwell I won't search and report, I got some other things to do atm02:10
ubotuNew bug: #151950 in launchpad-bazaar "the branch listings should be searchable" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15195002:20
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stgraberAny LP admin around with some time to rename ubuntu-qa-tracker to ubuntu-qa-website ?03:01
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mrevellstgraber: Hi03:09
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stgraberhi mrevell 03:09
=== Hobbsee waves
mrevellstgraber: The best way to request that is to file a support request at: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad03:10
mrevellstgraber: I'd happily do it for you but if you file it you'll get the response from Tom when he sorts it.03:10
mrevellyo Hobbsee03:10
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stgrabermrevell: ok, I'll do that03:11
mrevellstgraber: thanks03:11
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shriphanidoesn't launchpad host projects? like providing repos etc ?04:05
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iwjI'm getting repeated timeouts trying to file a bug against firefox.04:40
iwjand I type "irc URL doesn't work" into the box.04:40
iwjOOPS-650EC90 for example.04:40
iwjAha, it seems to have worked.  I wonder if it will let me submit it.04:41
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popeymrevell: what's the process when a launchpad user is spamming the wiki?04:46
mrevellpopey: which wiki?04:46
mrevellpopey: Well, everyone using w.u.c is a Launchpad user :)04:46
mrevellpopey: Sorry, I think I might be misunderstanding what you mean.04:46
popeyok, I'll edit your page and say you suck.. what you going to do? :)04:47
mrevellpopey: hehe04:47
popey15:05:19 < popey> https://edge.launchpad.net/~Rosebuntu seems to keep naffing up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList04:47
popey15:05:29 < popey> repeatedly editing out other peoples names and screwing with urls04:47
popey15:44:36 < popey> and again04:47
popeyis this one for jono?04:47
=== mrevell follows link
popeyi have reverted the change twice, and others have reverted rosebuntus change also04:47
mrevellpopey: It depends how urgent it is. I can certainly speak to one of the admins and ask for a hold to put be on the account if it's urgent. However, I'd suggest Jono's probably the one to speak to as it's an Ubuntu community matter I'd say.04:48
popeywill do04:48
mrevellPerhaps we should have a conversation with Jono.04:49
mrevellTo make sure I also understand the Ubuntu community process04:49
mrevellI'll ping him into the channel04:49
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popeyjono: https://edge.launchpad.net/~Rosebuntu seems to keep naffing up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList04:50
popeyi have reverted the change twice, and others have reverted rosebuntus change also04:51
jonoone sec04:51
jonopopey: how naffing up?04:52
popeychanging urls to the korean wiki and korean loco team home page04:53
popeyand sometimes changing the name of the loco contact04:53
jonopopey: has someone contacted rosebuntu about this?04:53
popeyi sent a mail to rosebuntu04:54
popeyand they edited the page again after I sent it04:54
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jonopopey: right, first step is to ask he/she to stop doing it I guess04:55
Hobbseewhy did i read he/she/it there?04:55
popeythe drugs aren't working Hobbsee ?04:55
Hobbseei dunno...04:56
jonoHobbsee: I think you need more sleep, chuck04:57
Hobbseejono: mmm...maybe...04:57
jonoHobbsee: :)04:57
mrevelljono welcome to the happy Launchpad family.04:58
jonomrevell: :)04:58
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RainCTsome LP guy there?06:03
gmbRainCT: Sure, how can I help?06:08
RainCTgmb: Hi. I've noticed a while ago that you can create a branch with underscores (_) in the name on Launchpad and it will work fine, but if you try to change it's description there it won't let you, saying that it don't allows the character in the name.. I just wondered if you already know about this06:10
gmbRainCT: Ah. I think this is an issue which has cropped up recently. I'm not the person to talk to about it though. Hang on and I'll see if I can find someone who can be of more use to you :)06:11
RainCTgmb: ok, thanks. (for the caase you thing so, this is no problem for me right now, I just say it so that you know about it ;))06:13
gmbRainCT: Okay. Thanks for giving us the heads up. I think that we do know about it but that's not my area of expertise in LP, so I just wanted to be sure.06:14
mwhudsonRainCT: hi06:16
mwhudsonRainCT: this is bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/9510906:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95109 in launchpad-bazaar "It is possible to register branches with '_' in their name" [High,Confirmed]   - Assigned to Michael Hudson (mwhudson)06:16
mwhudsonit'll be fixed soon06:17
mwhudsoni was going to fix it yesterday but another bug i was on took way longer than i expected to finish06:17
RainCTok, thanks. what will the fix be? allow underscores or make it impossible to use them neither with bzr?06:18
AnMastermwhudson, _ should be allowed IMO06:18
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=== AnMaster got some local branches with that in
mwhudsonAnMaster: that's a different question, in some sense06:19
AnMasterand I prefer to use same name in all places for a branch06:20
mwhudsonRainCT: to ban underscores06:20
AnMasterugh why?06:20
mwhudsonRainCT: with launchpad06:20
AnMasterwhy do you hate underscores?06:20
mwhudsonRainCT: of course you can call local branches whatever your filesystem wants to call them06:20
mwhudsonAnMaster: it's harder to communicate06:21
mwhudsonAnMaster: read the bug report06:21
AnMasterand how often do you say a branch name?06:21
AnMasterI mean often you write it06:21
AnMasterlike on irc06:21
mwhudsonAnMaster: i could talk to you about it, but it's 5 pm on a friday06:22
mwhudsonso i'm going to go and play quake instead06:22
AnMastermwhudson, if you want that, I should note that saying ~ is hard too06:22
radixAnMaster: you should really read the bug report for the basic arguments :)06:22
mwhudsonhave a nice weekend06:22
RainCT...they're hard to type, read out and so forth Really? I personally prefer underscores instead of -'s, the only problem with them is if the text is  understroked06:22
AnMasterradix, ~ is used in launchpad urls06:22
AnMasteryet it is hard to say06:22
AnMasterwhat is the name in English even? wiggly dash?06:22
mwhudsonthe really really bad part of the bug is that different parts of the system disagree on what branches are called06:23
RainCTmwhudson: well, good weekend. thx06:23
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shriphanican anyone assist me with picking a licence?07:25
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sinequanonhi all.  I have something of a stupid question, so apologies in advance.  Can the launchpad bug tracker be used for non-FOSS projects?  It seems that the PPA license agreement would preclude commercial projects, but the general terms of service page doesn't seem to say anything on the matter.08:00
statiksinequanon: it's not a stupid question. you can email me (elliot at canonical dot com) with the particulars of your situation and we can discuss it08:02
mdkestatik: it would be interesting to hear more about that actually; the front page of LP refers to the "free software world", is there more documentation about the subject?08:07
statikmdke: not much documentation at the moment, unfortunately. it's kind of a quid pro quo thing, we are happy to provide LP for free to free software projects, but if non-free projects want to use the service then we ask to negotiate individually08:09
mdkestatik: ok cool.  but if the service is available to non-foss projects, probably the word "free" should be removed from that phrase on the front page, to make it accurate, right?08:11
statikmdke: I think the description is still accurate, LP makes it easy to interact with free software projects08:13
mdkeheh. As a matter of language it's accurate, yes08:14
statikmdke: but perhaps it could be improved, I haven't thought about that before08:14
mdkejust dropping "free" would make it a more complete description, I think (plus it might encourage more non-foss projects). You'd need to develop a bit of documentation about how non-foss projects can contact you and so on08:15
mwhudsonwell, it's assumed that the non-foss projects that want to use launchpad will still interact with the foss projects i think08:20
ScottKFOSS projects might not be happy about that though.08:21
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FlyingPighelp me order gusty gibbon!!!!!!09:44
FlyingPigfree cd09:44
FlyingPigi cant do this09:44
synicFlyingPig: do you have a launchpad account?09:47
FlyingPigsynic i dont think so, no09:48
FlyingPigsynic k09:48
synicapparently you need to create a launchpad account09:48
FlyingPigsynic ok now i did this09:50
FlyingPignow i want order gutsy gibbon cd09:50
synicthen login at that page, and you can fill out your address, etc.09:50
FlyingPigsynic ok now i did this. thanks for all help sir. i will install on all computer in my house and company. maybe i will donate some money for you as thanks in future.09:53
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FlyingPigsynic if i use feisty fawn today and i not want to destroy all my gui settings how i get this settings on my new ubuntu without doing over all settings is there a file i can copy and paste over?09:53
synicdon't donate any money to me, I had nothing to do with it.  Donate to Ubuntu :)09:53
FlyingPigyes ok09:54
synicFlyingPig: you can do it over the network.. once Gutsy is released, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all instances of feisty to gutsy... save it, apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade09:54
synicI dunno if you can do it via the CD... you probably can, but I don't know how.09:54
Spadssynic: that's not the recommended way to upgrade09:55
synicSpads: what is?09:55
FlyingPigsynic i thought the sources list only have urls for sudo apt-get install09:56
FlyingPigspads i want have same Gnome settings in new ubuntu please09:56
Spadsbut this is probably a topic best kept to #ubuntu or #ubuntu+109:56
FlyingPigwhat file i need to copy and paste?09:56
SpadsIt is not relevant to Launchpad per se.09:56
SpadsFlyingPig: #ubuntu can help you out better than I can.09:57
FlyingPigspads ok thanks09:57
FlyingPigok i order cd and it work so i am done here. thank09:57
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stdinwow, someone want LP to be their friend10:24
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jjessequick question to update my local branch from launchpad i do a bzr merge correct?10:49
synicor pull, depending on if you have local changes10:50
jjessethanks synic10:50
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mae^how do I add a bug report?12:27
stdinto what?12:27
mae^a project12:28
radixgo to that project's Launchpad page, and there should be a "report a bug" button on it.12:28
mae^I'm in the bugs tab and all i see is list {assigned,related} bugs, show pkg report, list subscribed bugs and mentoring offered12:28
mae^radix: when you say the project page, do you mean the overview tab?12:29
radixmae^: sure, there's one there. there's also one in the main Bugs tab page, too.12:29
pochu_mae^: look at the right, not at the left :)12:29
radixmae^: What URL are you looking at that doesn't have a Report a Bug button?12:30
mae^hmmm.. i dunno why i'm not seeing it12:30
radixthat's a team, not a project.12:30
radixhttps://edge.launchpad.net/activerdf <-- that's probably what you want12:31
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danigm_hi, I have a question about the log of a branch in launchpad. I have a team, and in the team there are two people, each developer has their branch, and when he push it, the log of the other developer disappear, and it's reemplaced with the new log branch.12:44
danigm_there is some method for show all changes, including the parent branch12:46
mdkestatik: I filed the issue we discussed earlier as a bug; maybe others will have some thoughts12:48

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