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=== lamont discovers that the hppa buildds already had the no-unligned-traps crowbar thrown. | ||
lamont | doko: so the gij-4.2 hack only made it so that people couldn't reproduce buildd failures on paer. | 07:38 |
lamont | heh... actually, paer has the big crowbar thrown too | 07:39 |
doko | lamont: ok, I'll turn off building java for hppa | 07:44 |
lamont | the preference would be to actually get a toolchain that works on gutsy with that patch from yesterday, even if it needs unaligned traps enabled for the moment | 07:46 |
doko | lamont: please ask slangasek =) | 07:49 |
lamont | because whatever is currently in sid is working with unaligned traps disabled | 07:49 |
doko | besides the interpreter ... | 07:49 |
lamont | I didn't say _in_ gutsy. I just want a working toolchain so that we know it's all good when hardy opens | 07:50 |
lamont | I haven't seen java failures on sid... | 07:50 |
doko | because it's not used, correct | 07:50 |
lamont | note that I didn't just disable unaliged traps - they have been disabled on the buildds for _months_ | 07:50 |
lamont | so what is the interpreter doing that it needs unaligned support and can't tell gcc to generate code that does it in the app? | 07:51 |
doko | have a look, the problem is there for years | 07:52 |
lamont | doko: it would help if I knew the first thing about java... | 10:35 |
lamont | and had a working java (even requiring unaligned) on any hppa box (which means gutsy these days) | 10:35 |
doko | lamont: ok, I can prepare an upload, please get the ok on #ubuntu-release | 10:36 |
lamont | doko: not for upload. for me to work with | 10:52 |
lamont | I couldn't justify changing the compiler this late in things | 10:53 |
doko | lamont: it hppa conditional only | 10:53 |
lamont | so if you could make what you would have prepared for a gutsy upload, along with debs for same, then I can smash through debugging it, and we can get it fixed in (1) sid and (2) hardy | 10:53 |
lamont | I'll ask, I don't expect much in the way of a yes though. | 10:54 |
doko | lamont: it's fixed in sid | 10:54 |
lamont | I need to go fetch kids now though | 10:54 |
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=== Mithrandir [n=tfheen@vawad-xen1.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain | ||
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