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manpreetim using minicom to connect to my nokia n7312:05
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oliver_g1DM|: I suppose the uid option is not allowed there, but if Ubuntu doesn't mount the disk automatically correct _and_ you can't fix it there manually, it's a bug...12:05
manpreeti can make calls but thats about it12:05
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manpreethow do i view my phone book, etc12:05
DM|oliver_g1 super12:05
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musashiUSMarine, it wont let me open menu.lst in terminal12:05
manpreetany thoughts12:05
DM|oliver_g1 ill try it on my feisty box, hold on12:06
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harunickrud, any ideas?12:06
DM|oliver_g1 oh snap, uid=0 fixed it12:06
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pvl1is there a file explorer that can show authors of music files?12:06
DM|oliver_g1 no wait, cancel that12:06
nickrudharu: that's really odd that an ubuntu repo would do that. Could be a corrupt download. You've tried more than once, I hope (not)?12:06
pvl1er file manager12:06
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harunickrud, yes12:06
progrock`how many primary partitions can a HD have?12:06
USMarinepvl1: amarok12:07
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DM|oliver_g1 lol no just icons didnt load12:07
pvl1USMarine: ty12:07
USMarineprogrock`: primary 4, extended many12:07
oliver_g1DM|: ?12:07
harunickrud, do u have any ideas where aptitude saves package.gz files it download12:07
manpreeti am connecting to my nokia n73 using minicom12:07
nickrudharu: security is the only one that does that? If so, it's probably a problem at the other end12:07
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manpreeti can make calls but thats about it12:07
harunickrud, works fine on another system i have12:07
nickrudharu: /var/lib/apt/lists12:07
musashiUSMarine, do you have any idea why im getting a "cannot open display:" when trying to open gedit in terminal?12:07
manpreethow do i view my phone book etc12:07
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endois there anyway that I can get rid of the login screen on bootup?12:08
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USMarinemusashi: you're opening it with a root account12:08
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musashiUSMarine, it was working fine just a minute ago... i logged on as myself12:08
f0rgivme`any way I can transfer files to my mp3(zen micro photo) from linux? :x12:08
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LiMaOendo: i think there is a way, wait a second and i'll try to find you a link12:09
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musashinvmit worked when i closed/reopened the terminal12:09
harunickrud, see.. now deleting everything there fixes it12:09
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Iceshadowi talked with someone in here last night about authenticating an ubuntu workstation against an Active Directory inside a microsoft network. would that person a.) remember, and b.) be around this evening?12:09
DM|oliver_g1 uids only go in numbers, gonna put 777 in there see if that does it12:09
nickrudharu: I'll remember that, thanks for the update12:09
f0rgivme`is it possible to transfer files to my mp3 player from ubuntu?12:10
ruz322Iceshadow: I'm not tha person, but ive done it before12:10
progrock`f0rgivme`: of course12:10
oliver_g1DM|: no, i guess it must be your user id12:10
f0rgivme`progrock`,  how? :x12:10
haru:) ty you too . was looking for the answer since a few weeks now12:10
TokenBadnickrud, I am on the ati website and I don't see a 40.412:10
f0rgivme`progrock`,  it doesn't detect my zen12:10
Iceshadowruz322: i've got some questions after talking with one of the admins here. Is kerberos an active function of authentication in AD, or something they have to add?12:10
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progrock`f0rgivme`: just plug it in, almsot all of them should show up automatically12:10
LiMaOendo: go to System > Administration > Login Window and check out the Security tab12:10
oliver_g1DM|: maybe try uid=100012:10
nickrudTokenBad: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html12:11
progrock`Does gnome or kde have better tablet functionality?12:11
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nickagianjoin #gr-ubuntu12:11
ruz322Iceshadow: what do you mean? are you asking if microsoft uses it to implement active directory?12:11
f0rgivme`progrock`,  it doesn't tho:\12:11
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DM|oliver_g1 did12:11
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DM|oliver_g1 no success12:11
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manpreetany ideas about minicom pleese12:11
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Iceshadowruz322: AD authentication12:11
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DM|oliver_g1 whats the number u use when chmod'ing something to give everyone access to it12:12
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oliver_g1DM|: DM|: I think 777 should do it12:12
endoLiMaO: thanks so much man :D12:12
oliver_g1DM|: but I'm not sure if it should go after the uid= part12:12
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oliver_g1DM|: maybe "man mount" (the section about vfat) can tell you more12:12
DM|oliver_g1 im trying uid=77712:12
ruz322Iceshadow: AD is active directory....12:12
ruz322Iceshadow: so what are you asking me? lol i'm not picking up your question12:13
oliver_g1DM|: anyway I have to leave now (it's late here already) :-/12:13
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LiMaOendo: you're welcome =)12:13
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sivikhey all12:13
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pike_DM|: you yourgroup others   so ---------  each --- and --- and --- its binary so --- is 0 and --1 is one -1- is two 111 is 712:14
Iceshadowthe admin, which probably doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, tells me that they have to "enable" kerberos on the active directory. However, documentation i'm reading says that's HOW active directory handles authentication.12:14
nickruddoh, my brain really isn't working, the containing directory was immutable12:14
sivikhow do i create a menu inside of blackbox12:14
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IrishDavehey, can someone recommend me a media center program for use? I want to be able to access files on a samba share (movies and tv episodes) along with music and pictures, i'm not too worried about getting tv to work12:14
Iceshadowand all i need to do is install ldap/kerberos on Ubuntu, configure it, and i'm set.12:14
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endoanyone in here use Frostwire? why can I not type anything when I goto search?12:14
ruz322Iceshadow: well your right about the admin, he is a dumb ass, kerberos is an open source alternative used to connect to AD environments, there is nothing to be done on the server side, it all works with microsoft stuff12:15
pike_endo: you using sun java?12:15
ChaosParserIrishDave: http://linuxmce.com/12:15
unagidisable desktop effects endo12:15
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ruz322Iceshadow: you dont have to change anything on the server to allow ubuntu machines to cnnect12:15
Iceshadowruz322: that's what i thought. So this will be as simple as setting LDAP/Kerberos up on this workstation, configure it to this network, and i'm good to go.12:15
SaSoi need the iphone room12:15
IrishDaveChaosParser: I have been looking at it but is it not hard to set up?12:15
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endoit takes me having to disable my desktop effects to be able to run forstwire proporly? that is lame12:15
pike_endo: dunno i use amule or torrent mostly but ive setup frost and lime for friends. whenever one gives me trouble i just use the other ;p12:15
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ruz322Iceshadow: exactly, i would make sure you know all your network settings though, you'll need them to connect12:16
marcelohello, who use ubuntu gusty?12:16
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information12:16
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pike_marcelo: /join #ubuntu+112:16
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unagithen dont use frost or limewire endo12:16
Iceshadowruz322: got em all already. I just wanted to make sure i'm on the same page as the documentation, the sysadmins threw me for a loop earlier when i brought this up.12:16
Striker21hey, quick question12:16
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stinger05how can i stop the X server in ubuntu terminal ???12:16
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pike_stinger05: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:16
PriceChildstinger05, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop12:16
pike_stinger05: is one way12:16
Striker21can Ubuntu run the latest pc games?12:16
ruz322Iceshadow: yea, ignore those windows junkies, they dont know what they are talking about, maybe you can convince them to dump those windows servers in the process! :)12:17
sivikStriker21: possible with cedega or wine12:17
PriceChildStriker21, depends if they have linux clients or not.12:17
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Iceshadowruz322: good luck with them having a MS contract and 7000 win clients.12:17
endowhat else would you recommend?12:17
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pike_stinger05: often yes often no. linux has its own games also. some are pretty good12:17
Iceshadowruz322: lol12:17
PriceChildStriker21, you will get variable success with things like cedega or wine12:17
unagii haven't been able to completely get rid of windows because windows runs some things linux doesnt =/12:17
ruz322Iceshadow: yea, thats true12:17
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sivikanyone here use blackbox?12:17
Striker21would you say most games today have linux support (or will in the future)?12:17
musashiim getting an error, gsynaptics couldnt initialize. i have to set SH<Config 'true' in xorg.conf to use it.  how do i do that?12:17
ruz322Striker21: No and I doubt it12:17
Iceshadowruz322: but, i silently spread the dark side inside the office here, and hope it contaminates the rest of the general pop. :)12:17
ruz322Iceshadow: that's great12:18
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MeroigoI'm getting two SyncMaster 997DF 19" monitors soon. Are they 100% compatible with ubuntu? =P...12:18
pike_stinger05: in future more will. today any id game like doom or whatnot has linux native support. there are free games also like tremulous12:18
stinger05i tried that command to stop the X server, but the video driver i want to install keeps on telling me that it's running :S:S12:18
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sivikstinger05, run a ps aux | grep xserver and see if one is still running12:18
unagiStriker21: take it from a gamer....dual boot12:19
sivikstinger05, and then you can stop it with sudo kill #12:19
sivikunagi: it really depends on the games buddy12:19
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sivikunagi: some of them run better with wine/cedega then they do in windows12:19
stinger05whats the commands to kill both ?12:19
unagiSOME of them12:19
pike_Striker21: if youre a gamer today either dualboot or get a console. me i play tremulous sometimes and im happy12:19
Striker21figured, I've been using a dell so I never had to buy Windows. I just ordered a barebones kit and a bunch of stuff. No OS though and I'm a bit tight on cash12:19
unagidoesnt change my answer12:19
TokenBadnickrud, thanks but thats for 64bit or seems it is12:20
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sivikunagi: i know, i was just saying12:20
jdq997Guys I have a request.  I just ran a bunch of searches and could not find the Dapper login and logoff sound files.12:20
sivikstinger05, just run sudo kill xserver and it should kill them all12:20
jdq997Does anyone have this on hand?12:20
sivikjdq997, why are you running dapper?12:20
stinger05ok thats what i wanted :D12:20
stinger05thx dude :))12:20
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sivikstinger05, yw12:20
jdq997I am not running dapper12:20
sivikjdq997, then why are you trying to find something for dapper?12:21
jdq997I like the login sound effects, and would like to use them12:21
nickrudTokenBad: it made 386 debs for me12:21
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sivikjdq997, have you tried google?12:21
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TokenBadreally..ok will try it12:21
arpeggihey guys12:21
sivikhi arpeggi12:21
arpeggiis this the right place for tech support?12:21
arpeggiwell not really tech support12:21
sivikarpeggi, something like that12:21
sivikarpeggi, this is a help channel12:21
arpeggijust teething problems :)12:22
sivikarpeggi, what is the problem12:22
pike_arpeggi: if its ubuntu related questions yeah12:22
sivikarpeggi, just ask it12:22
arpeggiim running the livecd atm12:22
sivikarpeggi, ok12:22
arpeggibut in safe graphics mode12:22
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sivikarpeggi, whats the problem?12:22
nickrudTokenBad: I got sidetracked by the immutable directory problem, I'll catch up now12:22
arpeggiim trying to install graphics diver12:22
sivikarpeggi, that is going to be difficult with a livecd12:22
jdq997sivik, I did yes.  I was hoping that someone here might have the files and could shoot them in my direction.12:22
arpeggimaybe thats my problem12:22
pike_wait.. we have a safe graphics mode? what is that vesa?12:23
sivikpike_, yes12:23
TokenBadnickrud, well in ubuntu12:23
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musashihow do i install mysql?12:23
arpeggiim trying to use envy12:23
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sivikmusashi: it should be simple, aptitude (apt-get) install mysql12:23
TokenBadin ubuntu+1 they say it don't use the one drivers...just the open source one12:23
sivikor you can search for it with symaptic (or however you spell it)12:23
pike_arpeggi: most here will recommend you not use envy anymore. the restricted manager is used most often now though ive never tried either12:24
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arpeggiwhats the restricted manager?12:24
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musashiit keeps giving me an error12:24
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musashibroken packages12:24
musashior something12:24
unagimusashi does it say that the package cant be found?12:24
sivikmusashi: there should be a -f command it says to run at the bottom12:24
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arpeggioh i've found the restricted drivers manager12:24
sivikarpeggi, but you can't install anything on the live cd12:25
musashiit just says E: Broken packages12:25
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pike_arpeggi: yeah i dont know gnome very well12:25
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sivikmusashi, use pastebin and past the error,, that will help us more12:25
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pike_arpeggi: the livecd will be a good test to how itll work once installed though. if it works in livecd it should on hd and youll already know how to do it12:25
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arpeggiso i can install drivers with the livecd version12:26
lufisWhat's the gui kernel config app?12:26
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musashii would if i knew how ;_;12:26
pike_arpeggi: yeah its just like hd isntall only you lose everything after reboot12:26
Striker21Looked up cdega12:26
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Striker21how much success have you had with it/12:27
Pie-rateI want to install the latest FGLRX (or open-source, if they support 3d acceleration well now) driver for my laptop's ATI Radeon xpress 1100 IGP. i can't find a download for that specific model on AMD/ATI's website, does anyone know how to do this?12:27
Pie-ratei know its available in the repos, don't !ati me.12:27
arpeggiim downloading a driver off of the nvidia site12:27
Pie-ratei want the latest one12:27
pike_Striker21: wine does about as well these days. its usually a crapshoot12:27
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arpeggii just dont know how i'll install it12:27
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lufisWhat's the gui config app for the kernel that you have to compile from the kernel sources? the terminal one is menuconfig12:28
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SWATdoes anyone know how I can get un-anti-aliased fonts in my gnome-terminal? Even monospaced is anti-aliased, it's quite annoying12:28
kitchelufis: xconfig?12:28
lufiskitche: Maybe? :) thanks12:28
Avarieli guess if you run the terminal and go to gconf-editor12:29
kitchebeen a while since I even used a gui to compile the kernel well configure the compile12:29
pike_arpeggi: http://albertomilone.com/latest_nvidia_udsf_feisty.html#METHOD_212:29
unagiyou mean you want jagged fonts?12:29
kitcheI really hate compiz right now ....12:29
Pie-ratearpeggi: ok, you can get the drivers from the ubuntu repository, they're usually fairly recent. if you NEED the latest drivers, the way you install them is you kill X by pressing ctrl-alt-f1, log in, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, type chmod 755 NVIDIA-Linux*, answer any questions it has12:29
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Pie-ratearpeggi: after that you want to run nvidia-xconfig12:29
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Avarielhey how do i go to the #emacs channel ? im on feisty fawn and i got the JDEE and JDK but my emacs wont compile ! only my shell will !12:29
Pie-ratearpeggi: so that it will enable the driver12:29
lufisjhou: not that one i don't think12:30
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SWATunagi, just a normal font (like xterm uses)12:30
arpeggihow do i log back in if i ctrl+shift+f112:30
pike_arpeggi: bear in mind if you choose not to use the package but the .run file instead you will need to rerun it when you updates replace your kernel this can happen occationally if you run updates12:30
Avarielanybody know how to switch channels ? or look for other channels ?12:30
musashiunagi, actually if i type just apt-get install mysql, yes it does say it cat be found12:30
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pike_Avariel: /join #channel12:31
jhouu sure?12:31
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pike_Avariel: what irc client?12:31
jhoumake xmenuconfig?12:31
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Avarielpike. well im having trouble with emacs12:31
Pie-ratearpeggi: after you press ctrl-alt-f1 you should have a text login. log in to that12:31
silokojoin the millions :)12:31
pike_Avariel: ive only touched emacs a few times12:31
lufisjhou: make[1] : *** No rule to make target `xmenuconfig'.  Stop. make: *** [xmenuconfig]  Error 212:31
pike_Avariel: /join #emacs  try there12:32
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Avarielthanks pike, ill try that12:32
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Pie-ratearpeggi: after you log in to that you can type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start if you killed X, or you can hit ctrl-alt-f7 if you haven't killed it yet.12:32
jhoulufis, u should be in the diercty witht he source12:32
Pie-ratearpeggi: to get back to your graphical interface12:32
lufisjhou: ok12:32
jhouwhat distro are you using?12:32
arpeggiok here goes12:32
kitchelufis: you could always look at the makefile and it should tell you in there also12:32
jhouwe're in ubuntu cahnnel arent we12:32
USMarinejhou: nop12:32
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arpeggiif i cock up i'll be back shortly12:33
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Mark7Where do I go to get help with SIM-IM?12:33
jhouanyone here use torrentflux?12:33
Tb0n3ok, well, how would I go about setting device permissions12:33
USMarinejhou: azureus only12:33
kitche? ok I don't want to know what arpeggi meant by that :)12:33
pike_jhou: what are you looking for in a torrent client?12:33
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ne0v001bitchx is making me miss mirc32... o_o12:33
=== ne0v001 shrugs
Chousukeget irssi :p12:34
musashiwhats the path to xorg.conf?12:34
jhouwell im having trouble setting up the news server NZBperl thingie...and the ppl in the channel are ignoring me12:34
pike_ne0v001: irssi  bitchx is like using a client from 199712:34
USMarinemusashi: /etc/X1112:34
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ne0v001pike_: Good point12:34
danrojbye bye12:34
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lufisOhhhh, it was "xconfig"12:35
jhouotherwise torretnflux is really cool though..u gusy shoudl definatley try it12:35
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ne0v001Eh. I'm still getting used to linux, though.12:35
ne0v001Now I have a dualboot winxp/ubuntu laptop12:35
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riotkittiepartitions. arrrr.12:35
jhouvmware workstation...xp ubuntup in aparrellel12:35
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jhou: P12:35
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[Seb] hi i have had ubuntu for some time in the past week i got a belkin router got it all working with a N wireless usb adapter and ubuntu dont see it can any one help12:36
=== ne0v001 wonders if he can boot up his mirc32 through wine
ne0v001Would it work?12:36
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nickrudI really, really really dislike ati12:36
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pike_jhou: now run qemu on the virtual xp workstation to run linux and wine in the linux in the quemu in vmware to run your windows apps12:37
Mark7Why does SIM-IM combine the search and add user dialogue?  Whose stupid idea was that?12:37
musashiUSMarine, how do i set 'SHMConfig' 'true'12:37
riotkittiebut ati loves you, nickrud12:37
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Jammerne0v001, it should work12:37
kitchene0v001: mirc works in wine very well12:37
musashinvm i think i see it12:37
nickrudenough to spend money on my drivers? (me hopes)12:37
=== ne0v001 hooks up his external hard drive :D
astro76musashi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig12:37
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musashiastro76,  thanks12:37
riotkittiemirc in wine would be awesome if scripts worked.  :<12:38
musashisweet i would have done it right12:38
musashithanks astro7612:38
MoTecirsii ftw ;)12:38
=== PThomas [n=chatzill@plns-216-222-238-4-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
PThomasAnyone having trouble with kernel.org?12:38
astro76musashi, you're welcome ;)12:38
cmp5anyone know why evince 2.20.0 on gutsy would show only a blank window when opening pdfs?12:39
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jhouanyone know where i can get porterhouse steaks online for under 50 bucks?12:39
astro76PThomas, it appears to be down12:39
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PThomasastro76: darn, only need 2 more packages.12:39
[Seb] dose any one know were to get drivers for a belkin N wireless usb adapter because i can only get the internet on windows now12:39
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Mark7Is the ad/search function in SIM-IM supposed to be broken?12:39
arpeggino luck12:39
jhou[Seb] , try ndiws wrapper and a windows driver12:39
ne0v001bitchx made me automaticlly sign onto this server12:39
arpeggiwhen i typed the chmod 755 nvidia-Linux*12:39
arpeggididnt get anything12:40
ne0v001what is the server address?12:40
Moduliz0rI'm in Ubuntu 7.10 Beta, can anyone help me with the restricted drivers manager?12:40
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riotkittieModuliz0r: #ubuntu+112:40
MoTecne0v001: irc.freenode.net works12:40
ne0v001Be right back12:40
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[Seb] ok jhow il try12:40
riotkittieplease  and thank you  </delayed politeness>12:40
musashithanks i got it12:40
jhouwhats up with that guy and bitchX12:40
musashinow i just need mysql12:40
Moduliz0rit just stopped playing around now anyway ^_^12:40
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MoTecirssi beats bitchx anyway :)12:41
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Ne0v001this feel more natural to chat in :D12:41
heatmanHello. I keep getting the following error: configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install. I was told that it was due to the fact that I was missing gnome-libs-devel. However, could anyone tell me where i can find it since its not in the repositories.^12:41
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KworthI added an Video to my OpenOffice Presentation - but it always crashes if I try to open that slide - where can I find the video settings for open office?12:42
musashik now its even less of a message when i try to install mysql12:42
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Mark7God, it can't even find me12:42
riotkittieheatman: would... libgnome-dev work?  :o12:42
[Seb] how do i get try ndiws wrapper over to my linux installation now without the net12:42
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haruDuplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/universe Packages ... anyone know a fix12:43
nickrud!find gnomeConf.sh12:43
heatmanriokittie: no :( i've tried12:43
jhou[Seb] , etherent cable?12:43
ubotuPackage/file gnomeconf.sh does not exist in feisty12:43
[Seb] my pc dont have a ethernet port12:43
riotkittieisnt ndiswrapper included on the live CD?12:43
pike_[Seb] : you could go to packages.ubuntu.com  make sure you grab dependancies too but i think ndiswrapper may be on your install cd/dvd possibly12:43
[Seb] ok il have a look12:44
heatmanubotu: is there a package that replace that?12:44
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riotkittieubotu is a bot12:44
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.12:44
riotkittieand it can confirm it. :o12:44
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heatmanlol didnt know!12:44
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[Seb] brb checking if ndiswrapper is on the cd12:46
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neverblue2how can you do an ls, only should directories, and not having the / at the end of the directory name (as ls -d */)12:47
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neverblue2or possibly a find12:47
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karin5482hello, can someone recommend me on good software to backup systems on network ? (so i can choose folders for backup on each computer on my network)12:49
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=== riotkittie makes stabby motions at her hard drive :|
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musashigot it12:50
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jhnthnneverblue2: Maybe pipe that through to something that'll remove anything ending with a /?12:51
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jturekis there a way to get gnome-terminal to work like putty for cut-paste?12:52
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jturek(highlight the word to copy,  and right click to paste)12:52
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Xenguyjturek: you should switch putty to work like X/gnome-terminal ;-)12:52
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KworthI added an Video to my OpenOffice Presentation - but it always crashes if I try to open that slide - where can I find the video settings for open office?12:53
jturekXenguy, well i could middle click to paste, that is fine.. but I want to auto copy on highlight at least :)12:53
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Grumpyim having troubles burning a dvd, any ideas?12:53
bjrondoes anyone have a recommendation for a good bit-torrent client?  I'v been pretty unsatisfied with the default one and others I'v tried.12:53
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Eminence(gusty beta) my xorg.conf is configured to use the 'nv' driver, but a lsmod reports that 'nvidia' is loaded.  any idea what's up with this?12:53
Grumpyim using deluge, its OK enough12:54
Xenguyjturek: I thought both did the latter actually (supper, TTYL)12:54
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Grumpymy dvd drive doesnt seem to be mounted, or i cant burn anything for some rewason12:54
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riotkittieEminence: > #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, please12:55
Iceshadowruz322: there is one thing i ran into here that might be a problem. The UNIX servers on the AD server have to be enabled12:55
bjronGrumpy: is that in the repos? I'm not seeing it.12:55
Iceshadowah he's gone12:55
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dbeGrumpy: Whats burning program are you trying to use?12:55
Eminenceriotkittie, thanks.12:55
Grumpybjorn, is what in the repositories?12:55
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Grumpydbe, im trying to use the gnome desktop12:56
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dbeGrumpy: Try K3B.12:56
bjronGrumpy: deluge12:56
Grumpydbe will do12:56
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Grumpybjorn, i cant rmember if i found deluge in the repos. i might have in multiverse12:57
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Grumpybjorn, i might have compiled from source.12:57
bjronGrumpy: oh well, looks like they have the relevant packages on the web anyway.  Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a try :)12:57
Odd-rationaleGrumpy: are you trying to make a data or video DVD?12:57
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Grumpyit allways told me the disk wasnt big enough12:58
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ascarter!info vim12:59
ubotuvim: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0-164+1ubuntu7.2 (feisty), package size 721 kB, installed size 1420 kB12:59
pulseezarhi, can anyone answer a few questions for me?12:59
casioxhallo! questioin: is there a way to set up a video-chat server, like a flash media-server with open-source products?12:59
pulseezarrather A question12:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:00
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dbecasiox: amsn have camera support but the MSN protocol is non-free.01:01
IceshadowAh i have a question. Without Unix Services for Windows enabled on a Windows Server 2003 box, it's not possible to map LDAP authentication against an Ubuntu workstation, true or false?01:01
pulseezarso to cut a long story short, yesterday  xp totally screwed up on me causing much pain and now i'm using ubuntu of a live cd. I'm thinking I would really like to use it as my main OS, but that I really like to play games. Windows games. Is it possible to play games for windows in ubuntu somehow?01:01
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Jammer!cedega > pulseezar01:02
Demizepulseezer: Wine works.01:02
Iceshadowpulseezar: you can try cedega, but i hate it. I dual boot for gaming.01:02
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:02
dbepulseezar: Whine is an emulator.01:02
Iceshadowpulseezar: work in linux, play in windows :901:02
DemizeWine is not am emulator.01:02
Alkivari've got a system with a celeron 366 and 160mb of ram... is it powerful enough to run basic ubuntu? or should i be trying xubuntu on it?01:02
Grumpydbe, K3B seems to be doing the trick, thanks01:02
IceshadowDemize: Wine is an interface, correct?01:03
dbeGrumpy: yw.01:03
Alkivarsetting it up for an elderly housebound woman01:03
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Grumpywine is not an interface01:03
DemizeWIne is Command line.01:03
dbeIceshadow: An emulator as said.01:03
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casioxdbe: i search a free software solution01:03
interbirdxubuntu would be more responsive01:03
dbecasiox: Whine is free.01:03
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IceshadowI always thought it was a WinAPI interface ><01:03
Iceshadowsucks to be me01:03
Grumpyheheheh.....you said Whine01:03
Alkivarinterbird: thanks... thats what i'll try then01:04
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Grumpywhats up with xubuntu over ubuntu?01:04
dbeGrumpy: Yeah, that was funny.01:04
pulseezarOh yeah, I've heard of wine before. Can it run newer games well?01:04
dbeGrumpy: I have never used it and I'm also Swedish.01:04
vladi_hello everyone01:05
Grumpydbe, whine doesnt run most windows games, but it does runa few popular ones01:05
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:05
dbeGrumpy: gNewSense is the 100% free dist derived from Ubuntu.01:05
DemizeSee that Grumpy.01:05
dbeGrumpy: Ok.01:05
pulseezarok so probs dual boot is best...01:05
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vladi_can you give me some help in matching windows at compiz-fusion's effects?01:05
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dbeGrumpy: I'm very political when it comes to software, my mentor is RMS:01:05
StevethepirateHi, can anyone help me?01:06
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dbeStevethepirate: Dont ask to ask.01:06
Grumpydbe, your not running ubuntu?01:06
dbeGrumpy: I never did.01:06
StevethepirateAccording to #alsa, i'm missing a module for my soundcard..01:06
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pulseezaralso, can anyone point me in the direction of a site that has a good list of free linux apps? I'm going to have to replace a lot of stuff that was windows only...01:06
Grumpydbe, thats funny your in here helping ppl solve problems01:06
dbeGrumpy: I'm just trying to be helpful here when I'm bored.01:06
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Grumpydbe, your a good soul01:06
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dbeGrumpy: I wrote Sovix (sovix.org). It aims to be part of GNU.01:07
Grumpypulseezer, are you running ubuntu?01:07
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Stevethepiratedbe: help me if ur bored... i need to get a module for my sound card..01:07
Grumpypulseezar, using ubuntu?01:07
KworthI added an Video to my OpenOffice Presentation - but it always crashes if I try to open that slide - where can I find the video settings for open office? or how do I remove it?01:07
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pulseezarat the moment from a live cd, but once o've shoved all my old windows files onto an external drive i'm going to install proper.01:08
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Grumpywhat kind of applications did you use?01:08
dbepulseezar: davidenglund.org/Collection_of_free_software is my recommendations01:08
pulseezarerm..so yes!01:08
casiox<dbe>: what i mean is an server with a conference-room site. a multiuser-video-chat solution01:08
dbepulseezar: I've spent years on that collection.01:08
fiXXXerMetWith modprobe, you can specify card=.  Where I can find a list of the values that card= accepts?01:08
=== pyrak [n=pyrak@ip68-109-193-64.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
PinkFloydIm running the Gutsy beta and Ive already done upgrades several times. However, there are 4 packages being kept back. Is it ok to force install them or should I wait?01:09
Muhammadif some one noticed what I will write please help me01:09
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dbecasiox: I dont know of any, please let me know if you find any. My email is dbe@gnu.org.01:09
=== MT_head [n=robert@205.sub-75-199-47.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
pulseezari need programs to use bit torrent, soul seek network, cd ripping/playing/mp3 tagging (something like fubar 2000?),01:09
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MuhammadI got a very strange problem with ubuntu01:10
pulseezarlike rainlendar01:10
Grumpypulseezar , most everything as far as office and regular computer utilities are available free for linux. its just windows games where you will fall short01:10
casioxdbe: ok01:10
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Stevethepiratepulseezar: utorrent, ?, amarok, nero linux 301:10
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Grumpyutorrent only runs in wine01:10
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Grumpythough i love utorrent, im using deluge since its native01:11
MoTecazereus seemed to work for me, a while back...01:11
MexandrewGood afternoon, gents. I need a bit of assistance setting up the open source "ati" driver for Radeon cards under Kubuntu. I cannot get glxinfo to report that there's direct rendering.  Help via private messages will be greatly appreciated01:11
pulseezaryeah, i used utorrrent before but it sounds like hassle to run under wine01:11
=== basotl [n=basotl@cpe-76-175-12-248.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grumpyazureus is java based, and i have had major problems getting the JRE in my path and azureus to recognize it\01:11
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Stevethepirate!pm | Mexandrew01:11
ubotuMexandrew: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:11
Grumpydeluge has been my answer, written in python01:11
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MexandrewOh. Well, I'll provide details. I've followed instructions on theubuntu wiki to set up my ati driver01:12
IndyGunFreak!ati | Mexandrew01:12
ubotuMexandrew: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:12
schwizCan anyone help me with installing ubuntu I am running into all kinds of problems01:12
Grumpytheres the new foxtorrent for firefox.  semms a little thin but would work for downloading onl;ly01:12
dbepulseezar: I recommend btdownloadcurses.01:13
IndyGunFreakschwiz: be a bit more specific,01:13
MexandrewErr, I'm using a Radeon 9250. It doesn't seem to be supported by fglrx.01:13
dbeMexandrew: AMD bought ATI last year so all newer cards will have free drivers soon01:13
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Muhammadcan any one help me :(01:13
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dbeMuhammad: Dont ask to ask.01:13
schwizok where to start ... lol ok well I was trying ubuntu 7.04 and when I get the cd boot menu but when I select intall/boot after it loads i get a blank screen01:14
jstarcheri just installed wine01:14
jstarcherbut it doesnt work01:14
pulseezarahhh ok. I'm gonna install ubuntu properly and sort this out after. I'll be back sometime thanks for all the help01:14
jstarchererr:winecfg:apply_drive_changes   unable to define devicename of 'C:', targetpath of '/home/stealth17/.wine/drive_c'01:14
MT_headgot my verizon pc5750 to work  now on 0ut wires01:14
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jstarcherany ideas?01:14
Grumpyi didnt like Bittorrent, im a dork and like my gui01:14
dbejstarcher: Try #gnu if its under GNU GPL.01:14
IndyGunFreakschwiz: did you boot it to the desktop?01:14
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schwizIts not installed yet so i just tried the live boot01:15
jstarcherdbe, what? why?01:15
darkcrabi dont like bittorrent01:15
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darkcrabtoo slow01:15
=== Moniker42 [n=sean@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dbejstarcher: Because they are hackers.01:15
IndyGunFreakschwiz: ok, thats what i asked, when you booted the Live CD, did you get all the way to the desktop?01:15
Muhammadfor any one who use ubuntu  help me   I can't boot my ubuntu as I changed the hard disk to another case and for sure it can't boot01:15
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MT_headhave it setup to use wvdial01:15
schwizIndy: no after the kernal loads i get a blank screen01:15
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jstarcherdbe, haha that's all i need to know, thanks :)01:15
Mexandrewdbe: I wonder what I should do, really... the ATi page for fglrx says there's no support for my card, yet the wiki claims my card is fully supported for both 2D and 3D acceleration for RV280 (mentions only 9200 and 9200SE, not 9250 but it is rv280 based too)01:16
rahulyo any 1 know how to change ur name in irc01:16
dbejstarcher: I'm one i the commuity but trying to help as many as possible here right now.01:16
schwizindy:I was trying to get to the desktopthough01:16
rahullike ur username01:16
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fhClientrahul: /name01:16
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Vimtoguys im installing the system and i got blank screen01:16
IndyGunFreakschwiz: ok...01:16
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darkcrabubuntu has ati drivers built in.01:16
Vimtowhat does this mean01:16
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IndyGunFreakschwiz: can you start in safe graphics mode?01:16
dbeMexandrew: I cant help you, I dont even use 3D support for my own ATI card.01:16
crdlbMexandrew, your card is supported by the open source driver01:16
schwizindy: tried that as well I got the same results01:16
jstarcherdbe, ahh i just fixed it....removed the .wine dir and ran winecfg again and it worked this time....thanks though!01:17
[Seb] hi im back i had no luck finding ndiswrapper on the live cd01:17
dbejstarcher: np.01:17
Mexandrewcrdlb: I know, I tried using them, followed the wiki article about teh open source drivers for it01:17
darkcrabits not on the live cd01:17
MexandrewI didn't manage to get direct rendering, though.01:17
fhClientHi.  I have a very quick question: how do I set a user's umask on a permanent basis?01:17
Kudakwhat exactly is MySQL ???01:17
[Seb] nope01:17
schwizindy:someone told me earlier to try 7.10 instead so I downloaded that but when I try to install it, it can't detect my raid array...01:17
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darkcrabthats what I am saying, its not on there.01:17
dbefhClient: umask?01:17
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schwizI have a partition all ready for the install but it sees 3 seperate disks instead of the array01:17
Nemesisautomatrix has it01:18
astro76schwiz, you need the alternate install cd to install on raid01:18
Vimtoi got an error says, somethings such as themes, sounds or background may  not work correctly01:18
fhClientdbe: default permissions for files and directories created by the user01:18
crdlbMexandrew, did you remove fglrx?01:18
Vimtowhat can i do ?01:18
astro76!automatix | Nemesis01:18
ubotuNemesis: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)01:18
IndyGunFreakschwiz: well, the only time ive ever had a prob installing Ubuntu, was with Raid, so sorry i can't be much help01:18
Mexandrewcrdlb: Yes, followed the instructions to remove it.01:18
[Seb] what do i do now01:18
crdlbMexandrew, well try again, I may be able to tell you what's wrong01:18
darkcrabyou cant use ndiswrapper with the livecd01:19
schwizanyone know what i need to install on a raid 0 partition dual booting w/ vista?01:19
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:19
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rahulrahul! change name01:19
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Mexandrewcrdlb: Okay, changing from vesa to ati driver, following instructions on wiki again, I'll be right back.01:19
Vimtoi got an error says, somethings such as themes, sounds or background may  not work correctly. what to do now?01:19
rahulchange name01:19
dbedarkcrab: Get ATI cards to avoid non-free software.01:19
schwizthanks for the link01:19
IndyGunFreakuh?.. ATI is "less free" than Nvidia.01:19
fhClientnever mind, i think i figured it out.01:19
PinkFloydIm running the Gutsy beta and Ive already done upgrades several times. However, there are 4 packages being kept back. Is it ok to force install them or should I wait?01:19
[Seb] how do i get it to linux now if i cant download it via the package manager01:19
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StevethepiratePinkFloyd: hold back01:19
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Stevethepiratewhat are they?01:20
IndyGunFreakwhy are they being kept back?01:20
dbe[Seb] : What are you talking about?01:20
Stevethepirateif they're ubuntu-desktop01:20
Tb0n3ok guys, I'm having a problem compiling gpsd from source and I'm getting errors in the make phase01:20
IndyGunFreakand yes, what are they?01:20
[Seb] ndiswrapper01:20
Stevethepiratethen you can't really keep them back01:20
Mega_paincan anyone help me install my windows xp internet driver so i can find the rest of the drivers01:20
IndyGunFreakwhyd o you want to keep them back?01:20
PinkFloydStevethepirate , libcegui-mk2-dev linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic ntfs3-g01:20
darkcrabyou can download ndiswrapper via package manager if you install ubuntu to your computer.01:20
Tb0n3ld doesn't recognise -lncurses01:20
Mega_paini got the driver just dont know where to put in01:20
IndyGunFreakPinkFloyd: i would just install them...01:21
schwizarg that link has instuctions on how to set up raid once you have linux installed.  I need instructions on how to install linux on a raid partition :(01:21
dbeMega_pain: Neve ask for Windows support in a GNU/Linux channel, try #windows.01:21
StevethepiratePinkFloyd: you might need the ntfs-3g01:21
Mega_paini dont get windows dood01:21
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MuhammadI changed my case but didn't chaneged the hard disk  so can I still run ubuntu       I can't boot it with the new case ???????????????01:21
Mega_painthat's y i came here01:21
=== scoglio [n=fra@host108-118-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Vimtoi got an error says, somethings such as themes, sounds or background may  not work correctly. what to do now?01:21
PinkFloydStevethepirate, ok I was just wondering. Im running kernel 2.6.2201:21
[Seb] darkcrab: i allready have it installed but i cant get my internet to work01:21
StevethepiratePinkFloyd: same01:21
Mega_painsome1 plz help me01:21
IndyGunFreakVimto: fix something01:21
darkcrabwhat brand is your wireless card Seb?01:22
VimtoIndyGunFreak what something?01:22
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[Seb] its a usb adapter and its belkin01:22
IndyGunFreakdon't know, you probably need to track down what its telling you is bonked up01:22
Vimtoim trying to install it! i haven't done anything to it01:22
Mega_painsome one plz help01:22
ubotuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience01:22
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Vimtoi even cant move the mouse to click on close button01:22
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Muhammad:S I can't find any help here01:22
darkcrabdoes your ethernet work?01:22
unagiplease help me, i really need this!01:22
scoglioHi. I have installed Ubuntu today. Anybody can help me?01:22
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:22
[Seb] i dont have a ethernet port on this old pc01:23
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PinkFloydStevethepirate, it's a kernel upgrade from 2.6.22-13 to 1401:23
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StevethepiratePinkFloyd: hmm, maybe force that in particular01:23
Tb0n3http://pastebin.com/d5a3b8313 I get that when I try to make, I can't see a solution01:23
darkcrabok, then you will have to download either the source or the .deb packages of ndiswrapper and compile them that way.01:23
Muhammadlooks like that I will leave this chat without any help :(01:23
PinkFloydStevethepirate I forced all 4 of them01:23
Stevethepiratealthough i read something about ntfs-3g today01:23
Mega_painso anyone would like to tell me where to put the driver for internet and how to install it on windows xp01:23
StevethepiratePinkFloyd: GL then01:23
darkcrabif you search the forums, there is instructions on how to do that.01:23
Mega_painwhere do i search01:23
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astro76!windows | Mega_pain01:24
ubotuMega_pain: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:24
pike_Mega_pain: /j #windows01:24
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scoglioMy X-Windows screen resolution have only 800x600 mode selectable (GeForce 4 MX). How to fix that? :-/01:24
[Seb] ok dose it have any special requirements or will i need to dl some other packages01:24
pike_!fixres | scoglio01:24
ubotuscoglio: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:24
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Mega_painhow do i get ot windows channle some 1 plz tell me that atleast01:25
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pike_Mega_pain: type /join #windows01:25
astro76Mega_pain, type: /join #windows01:25
Vimtoinstallation if field on windows xp01:25
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Muhammadif someone come here and asked for help  ... how can he do that ?\01:25
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scoglioThank you!01:25
gokhan_is there a way to see if i enabled my wireless card on my laptop or not by some command?01:25
dbeMega_pain: /join #windows.01:25
Vimtoim always rebooting from the disk and i can not get the system installed!01:25
darkcrabSeb, installing from source is very different, and you have to do it from command line, just make sure you search the forums on how to do it before you start to install, for the .deb package, yes, there are many other .deb packages required to install it. It is really complicated but if you cannot download it from synaptic you basically have no other option.01:26
bob__is there a way to bind a key to open a console window?01:26
Muhammadmy bad :(01:26
gokhan_is there a way to see if i enabled my wireless card on my laptop by some command?01:26
astro76Muhammad, what happens when you boot now?01:26
ChaosParsergokhan_: go into a terminal and type iwlist scanning01:26
FatalCuregokhan_: look for meaningful output from "iwlist scanning"01:26
dbebob__: Use commands from Alt-F2 instead.01:26
Muhammadit stooped01:26
dbebob__: Alt-2*01:26
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[Seb] lol il see if u can plug my moden back how it was befor i got the router and stuff and see if it will work again01:27
darkcrabI would also look around and see if you can download the firmware for you wireless device.01:27
gokhan_ChaosParser, it says "no scan results"01:27
astro76bob__, console or do you mean an x terminal?01:27
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bob__i'm not sure01:27
bob__command line would be the windows equiv01:27
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[Seb] il be back if i cant get my modem to work again01:28
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astro76bob__, the one in applications > accessories > terminal, you can bind a key by going to system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts01:28
bob__that's exactly what i want01:28
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dbebob__: Alt-F2 > gnome-terminal.01:28
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astro76that's not what he wants01:28
bob__i hit alt+F201:28
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bob__but that's bringing up what is liek the Run command in windows01:29
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bob__i want the interactive shell thingie01:29
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Mexandrewcrdlb: I'm back on the radeondriver. I'm using these options: ["XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"] ["AccelMethod" "XAA"] ["ColorTiling" "on"] ["GARTSize" "0"] 01:29
=== sajuta [n=alethea@cpe-66-24-112-70.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChaosParsergokhan_: Does it say device does not support scanning?01:29
astro76bob__, there's already an entry for gnome terminal in Keyboard Shortcuts, just have to set the key01:29
darkcrabanybody play egoboo?01:29
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crdlbMexandrew, you don't need any of those except for the first one01:29
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crdlbMexandrew, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:30
thesaint4444hi guys, can anyone give me an example of an ip alias /etc/network file, I want to add eth0:0 as an ip alias on my network.... thanks..01:30
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MasterShreki used to darkcrab01:30
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dbebob__: You execute 'cmd' in windows after Win-r, you execuete 'gnome-terminal' in GNOME after Alt-F2.01:30
gokhan_ChaosParser, no it doesn't say that, what it says exactly is "wlan0     No scan results"01:30
Muhammadastro76  I can tell you exactly what I did01:30
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darkcrabdo you happen to know of a fix for the transparent characters bug?01:30
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MasterShrekno idea darkcrab i havent played it in awhile, downloading now....01:31
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Mexandrewcrdlb: http://rafb.net/p/I6W0l826.html01:32
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Mexandrewugh, it was not complete, crdlb01:32
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MexandrewSorry, repasting01:32
=== Teejay__ [n=teejay@CPE-60-230-47-99.static.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
unagiubuntu gave me a blue screen error.......what do i do01:32
crdlbheh ok01:32
bob__I have tried binding a couple different things, but when i hit the key combo nothing pops up, could beryl be getting in the way or something?01:32
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unagipeople stll run beryl?01:33
astro76unagi, you must be running windows unknowingly if you got a blue screen01:33
darkcrabi run compiz01:33
FatalCureberyl avoids blue screen errors ;P01:33
unagiberyl locks me up01:33
unagior it did01:33
=== Inferno [n=Inferno@adsl-218-119-117.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiwhich is why i stopped using it01:33
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unagibut compiz fusion is yum01:33
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InfernoI'd love to have CF01:34
MuhammadI can't boot my ubuntu  and I know why  but I don't know how to slove this problem :(01:34
bob__no problems here, but i heard them and compiz reformed like voltron?  havn't had time to look into it01:34
unagiwhy not get it01:34
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InfernoBut it's not ocmpatible with Dapper or my video card01:34
InfernoAlthough I'm not sure about the video card01:34
astro76Muhammad, how far does the booting get, before grub?01:34
f0rtuneHi, Im using gproftpd, is there a way to let a user access all folders and files, without having to list every folder in the 'users' tab?01:34
Infernomight just need drivers or whatever linux needs01:34
InfernoOh wow01:34
darkcrabyou know what I have noticed. A lot of people that come in here dont look up there problem on the forums before they come in here.01:34
InfernoI just noticed I'm in the wrong channel xD01:35
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astro76darkcrab, no kidding :p01:35
Hoosteenok..i want my volumes to display on my desktop but currently they do not. I've got the volumes_visible option ticked in gconf but it's not making a difference...any ideas? cdrom and usb drives show up fine...01:35
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astro76Hoosteen, what is not showing up?01:36
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Mexandrewcrdlb: This is complete paste: http://rafb.net/p/vGxQED49.html01:36
f0rtunehow do i allow a user to access all files and folders with gproftpd?01:36
MuhammadI really don't know  but was booting this it stooped and flash the screen01:36
Hoosteenastro76: my HDD volumes01:36
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Hoosteenastro76: hda1, hda2 and hda301:36
crdlbMexandrew, you have the nvidia driver installed01:36
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crdlbwhich clobbers mesa glx01:37
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MuhammadI will tell you what I did01:37
pike_f0rtune: i assume there is a config file in /etc/ but youd need to check man page 'man gproftpd' or google or whatever sorry i dunno if many here will be familiar with that ftp server01:37
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Mexandrewcrdlb: O_o hell, that's right... I forgot to remove it after replacing my video card01:37
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crdlbMexandrew, sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx-legacy01:37
crdlbthen sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx01:37
Mexandrewcrdlb: I feel like such an idiot...  removing that01:37
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MuhammadI tock the hard disk and put it in another case and boot from it01:38
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pike_f0rtune: consider openssh-server as an alternative you can then use sftp and scp  winscp is a popular windows client for it01:38
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FatalCureMuhammad: Select Recovery mode from the boot menu, once it boots:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:38
dbepike_: Heard bout ReactOS?01:38
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Vimtohow can i install the system onto windows xp?01:39
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:39
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MuhammadI will try   but you know   I think this happened becuase the devics was not the same01:40
twoshadetodVimto, you just download the .iso, burn it onto disk and reboot your computer with it in yer drive01:40
dbepike_: I cant wait til its being released, Its goint to effect the whole windows addicted maket with a free windows subsitute.01:40
pike_dbe: not much.01:40
Muhammadbut what this code do ?01:40
astro76!offtopic | dbe01:40
ubotudbe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:40
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unagivimto.........shrink the windows partition format in ext3 install ubuntu01:40
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FatalCureMuhammad: you probably have different video hardware, the command will reconfigure it01:40
MeroigoI'm getting two SyncMaster 997DF 19" monitors soon. Are they 100% compatible with ubuntu? =P..01:40
Mexandrewcrdlb: Done, and done removing unnecesary options from xorg.conf, so, time to restart the X server?01:40
Vimtounagi, you mean i need to do something before rebooting from the disk?01:40
boris55is ubuntu+1 still around?01:40
astro76boris55, indeed01:41
unagiyou need to shrink the ntfs file system01:41
pike_Muhammad: vesa is the safe choice for driver usually if you run into problems01:41
DM|Anyone know what mount option i should put in nautillus to have a USB HDD to mount under a non root group id01:41
crdlbMexandrew, yes01:41
MexandrewOkay, BRB01:41
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unagiits easier to do that with the xp cd than it is with the live cd01:41
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Vimtounagi alright, i need to put the windows disk first to do that, then i reboot ubuntu disk, am i right?01:41
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bob__after assigning a new hotkey in keyboard preferences, do i need to restart a service or something?  It is not working01:42
unagiyou put in the windows disk.......shrink the ntfs partition.........reboot into ubuntu........install using the 'largest continuous free space'01:42
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod01:42
_protest|hi, i'm trying to rename all .jpg files in all subfolders of one folder to cover.jpg, I assum this can somehow be done with find.. | xargs mv .. any help how to do it right?01:42
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!01:42
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darkcrabwb seb01:43
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Muhammadok  if it works and I got into ubunto  how can I replace the new drivers with the old one ?01:43
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unagibob__: are you using compiz?01:43
[seb] hi im no my laptop no luck with the modem01:43
bob__currently in beryl, should i turn that off?01:43
unagino.......use beryl's options for the shortcut01:43
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[seb] can u take me thru what im ment to do01:43
Mexandrewcrdlb: It works! Thanks a lot, and sorry for being such a newbie, but I really wanna start using Kubuntumore and more every day01:43
bob__ah yeah, in metacity it works, i'll figure it out in beryl, ty01:44
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pike_[seb] : winmodems can be painful01:44
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darkcrabI mean, I cant tell you 100% seb, but probably at this point search on the forums for either the firmware for your wireless device or instructions for installing ndiswrapper from source.01:44
MexandrewJust like the wiki says, glxinfo | grep vendor reports SGI01:44
pike_[seb] : seen the dialup howto?01:44
[seb] its not dialup01:44
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pike_[seb] : dsl?01:45
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crdlbMexandrew, great :)01:45
[seb] cable01:45
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wersI want to put my font settings back to default. Other than .fonts.conf, what file do I delete?01:45
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musashi_i keep getting messages from syslogd@DaJi, that they are dissabling IRQ #7 or something similar to that01:45
musashi_what does that mean01:45
monkeyBoxIs there a reason why ubuntu doesn't have an init script for subversion server/01:45
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pike_[seb] : ah.  that should be easy normally01:45
pike_[seb] : usb or ethernet?01:45
darkcrabthe best information your going to find is on the forums, not in chat.01:45
Mexandrewcrdlb andeveryone, thanks for your assistance. I shall nwo start tweaking my options and enjoy my new card under Kubuntu01:45
darkcrabchat should be a last ditch effort.01:46
MexandrewThanks again, goodbye!01:46
darkcrabwhen you are at your wits end.01:46
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musashi_really =o? i always come here first :x01:46
[seb] usb but im going wireless and that the problem i can find drivers for the belkin N wireless router01:46
[seb] sorry usb adapter nor router01:47
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acusterhey all, how does one go from a tar.gz to a .deb?01:47
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MuhammadPike: how can enter the safe mode01:47
dbe[seb] : Linksys has free wireless routers.01:47
pike_[seb] : yeah i can see that. i normally go with a or g for linux.01:47
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jhou[seb] ,  wahts the moddel number?01:47
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[seb] um let me find out01:47
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pike_Muhammad: im not too familiar with the safe grahics mode i can walk you though reconfiging x if you have a question01:47
FatalCureacuster: untar it, ./configure, make, sudo checkinstall01:48
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FatalCure!checkinstall | acuster01:48
ubotuacuster: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!01:48
[seb] damn they couldnt type it any smaller01:48
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musashi_maybe thats whats messing up my internet01:48
[mayh3m] ptWhat do I need to install to be able to compile the installer for ircu?01:48
[seb] f5d805301:48
acusterFatalCure, thanks that sounds perfect01:48
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darkcrabwhat is ircu?01:49
[mayh3m] ptand IRCD01:49
FatalCureacuster: np :)01:49
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Muhammadpike:  you know  one of my friends installed ubuntu in a computer then tock the hard disk and run it in another one and it works great ..... I did the same  but it didn't work with me01:49
pike_Muhammad: what is your video card? ati or intel or nvidia?01:49
MuhammadI was thinking it is problem with drivers as it is not the same01:49
[seb] jhou: f5d8053 is the modle of the usb adapter01:50
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astro76Muhammad, you said new case but what else changed? video card, motherboard, etc... ?01:50
FatalCureMuhammad: did you try what I told you?01:50
pike_Muhammad: nvidia should be easy01:50
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pike_Muhammad: are you at the command line now?01:51
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[mayh3m] ptCan someone just ask me what I have to install to be able to use the ./configure commands for things?01:51
RichardGereEnterhello everyone01:51
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unagiis there any place i can see the major changes in 7.10?01:51
myusrnmmy computer has stopped all audio. what may have caused this / how do i solve?01:51
astro76unagi, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/gutsybeta01:51
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MuhammadFatalCure : not yet I had to restart    so I ask about everything   I'm not sure I can come here again :(01:52
FatalCureunagi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseNotes01:52
pike_myusrnm: run alsamixer and take a look at volume levels prob just something muted or turned down01:52
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Muhammadpike: I'm not01:52
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pike_Muhammad: you are in the gui?01:52
pike_Muhammad: desktop environment?01:52
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Muhammadpike: no no now I'm runing my windows xp01:53
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myusrnmAlsamixer shows master at 100 and pcm at 001:53
myusrnmwhat is pcm?01:53
jhou[seb] , if ndis doesn work u can give this a try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400236&highlight=serial+monkey01:53
jhouno gauratneess though01:53
myusrnmalso there is a box connected to the bar on master that says "00"01:53
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kitchemyusrnm: pcm turn that up too 100 if you wish it's what gives you sound 00 most likely means it's not muted01:54
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Mega_paindoes anyone know how to run steam on linux01:54
MasterShrek!wine | Mega_pain01:54
kitcheMega_pain: wine01:54
ubotuMega_pain: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:54
[mayh3m] ptMega_pain: there was this program called ummmm well i forget but it lets you run games and stuff like that01:54
wersWhat configurations files other than .fonts.conf do I delete or manipulate for me to put my font settings back to default?01:54
[mayh3m] ptWine, thats it.01:54
MasterShrekcedega also01:54
[seb] i cant even get ndis cos i havnt a clue how to compile from source01:54
pike_Muhammad: 1) alt-ctrl-f2   2) login 3) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  4) seleve 'nv' driver  and hit enter to select default for everything else  5) sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:54
MasterShrekbut u gotta pay for cedega01:54
pike_Muhammad: select i mean01:55
Crippy-boy[seb] , ./compile && make && make install, that or read the docs?01:55
kitchewell you don't have to pay for cedega but their cvs is horrible01:55
[mayh3m] ptSi senor.01:55
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[seb] ok il give it a shot but i dont realy know what ndis is01:55
jhou[seb] , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper01:56
jhousee the 3rd sectin?01:56
Muhammadpike: ok I will try what you told me and also what FatalCure told me and will come back to tell you what happened01:56
Crippy-boyndiswrapper allows you to use windows drivers for wireless cards01:56
jhouwith net access on another computer01:56
jhouthats you01:56
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myusrnmthanks kitche!01:56
pike_Muhammad: good luck :)01:56
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thesaint4444guys, where would i find out the definitive way to set up ip aliasing the ubuntu way?01:56
myusrnmand pike_!01:56
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darkcrabim telling you seb, be very careful combiling software on linux.01:56
Muhammadthx so much for helping01:56
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Crippy-boydarkcrab, Why exactly?01:56
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jhoudarkcrab, dont scare the guy01:57
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lesshasteI just upgraded to skype 1.4.x  http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/  but now the microphone volume seems very low01:57
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darkcrabit is really easy to type something wrong and screw up01:57
lesshastehow can I fix this?01:57
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kitcheit's not hard to compile software on linux just make sure your --prefix=/usr/local/01:57
Mega_painok i got wine now how do i run stuff in to it01:57
bulmerdarkcrab: what are you referring to?01:57
darkcrabsorry, not trying to scare jhou, just prevent him from screwing up his sytem.01:57
Crippy-boyOnly if you don't read the docs and it's almost always fixable.01:57
jhou: P01:57
bulmerdarkcrab not that easy01:58
darkcrabpackage errors, missing parts of the package, making sure you have all the needed tools pre-compiling.01:58
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[per0las] Someone knows why when i press ctrl + alt + left key the works spaces go from 1 workspace to 3 workspace. go 2 and 2 at the same time ... and not to the workspace next close01:58
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jhoufor the most part if configure doenst work or make01:58
jhouur still okay01:58
eauxnguyen_any advice on ipod connecting to 7.04 my fstab?01:58
lesshastehow do I just the microphone volume settings in xfce?01:58
Crippy-boyYep, chances are if there are missing deps etc configure will bitch.01:58
kitche[per0las] : ctrl+alt+left means goes backwards so it will go to 3 from 1 2 from 3 and so on01:58
[seb] wichsection of that tut do i look at01:59
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eauxnguyen_followed the two walk throughs found on the ubuntu site01:59
darkcrabyea, you can do a sudo make uninstall01:59
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Crippy-boyIsn't there a precompiled package for ubuntu anyways?01:59
thesaint4444does anyone know if you have to use the 'auto eth0' definition twice in the network file for ip aliasing?01:59
darkcrabhe doesnt have access to the internet.01:59
Crippy-boyI've never needed ndis so I wouldn't know but I'd assume so?01:59
jhou[seb] ,  2.2 tells u waht files to downlaod and tranfer to the ubuntu box and install ndiswrapper01:59
tonguerootrying to use the "dig google.com mx" command01:59
[per0las] kitche do you now how can i change this?!01:59
tongueroobut not install01:59
cafuegoeauxnguyen_: Um, it automounts to the desktop, does it not?01:59
Crippy-boydeb package + flash drive/cd/other storage media?01:59
tonguerooanyone know which package i need to install?02:00
[seb] thanks02:00
kitche[per0las] : use ctrl+alt+right instead?02:00
eauxnguyen_yes it does02:00
eauxnguyen_I find it in mtab02:00
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[seb] il be in touch when linux screws up my bios again lol02:00
darkcrabthe ndiswrapper .deb package has a lot of dependencies outside of ubuntu02:00
[per0las] kitche that what im using :x ctrl+alt+right :x02:00
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eauxnguyen_I can browse it I just can't get gtkpod or amarok to find it02:00
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cafuegoeauxnguyen_: yes, it's not treated like fixed disks, it's automounted to /media/ipod02:00
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jhouyeah but this doc tells you which dep debs to download02:01
cafuegoeauxnguyen_: Just tell gtkpod that's where it lives.02:01
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kitcheeauxnguyen_: is this a newer ipod?02:01
[seb] so do i just dl those 3 files02:01
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eauxnguyen_tried a specific entry in fstab pointing to media/ipod and pointed gtkpod at that02:01
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jhouthink so02:01
jhounot entirely sure02:01
eauxnguyen_it's 6th gen 2gb (silver)02:01
kitcheeauxnguyen_: what's the 6th gen? sicne that doesn't tell me much :)02:02
cafuegoeauxnguyen_: gtkpod has *nothing* to do with fstab. You just need to tell it where the pod is automounted.02:02
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[seb] ahhhh were do i click to dl the file02:02
[seb] nvm02:02
hvgotcodesis there a theme pack for feisty (gnome)?02:02
cafuegoeauxnguyen_: However, it's possible you need a newer gtkpod (build the svn version, see if that works)02:02
kitcheeauxnguyen_: just wondering since the newer ipods don't work with linux programs really right now02:02
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pike_why o why cant people create tiff files within the standards!!02:02
darkcrabseb, click on that02:02
eauxnguyen_cafuego: understood. I just thought that might tell it where it is automounted.02:03
jhou[seb] ,  the links in a table its like...under achitecture the link name is "all"02:03
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=== pike_ waves the tifflib standards around like a madman
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Crippy-boyI'm off. :)02:03
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jhou: )02:03
eauxnguyen_kitche: it's a refurb model so not too new? model # isn't listed in gtkpod so that may be the issue02:03
pike_ach sorry thought i was in offtopic02:03
Crippy-boyTake care, happy hackin'02:03
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eauxnguyen_model # is A119902:03
Elvenhi, anyone knows how to make Compiz-fusion works better on a geforce 8800. It looks like the 2d effects are working just on the CPU02:03
jj420can anyone help me with compiz-fusion on feisty?02:03
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hvgotcodesanyone, how to get gnome themes for feisty?02:04
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:04
darkcrabi just turned it on and it worked.02:04
eauxnguyen_I will go check out the svn for gtkpod. I don't know if amarok would be any happier. Both don't find it02:04
kduboiswhy are we still advising XGL?02:04
[seb] now geting them on my memstick02:04
kitchehvgotcodes: gnome-look.org is one of the sites to get themes02:04
kitchekdubois: people still use XGL02:05
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:05
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danielbwis compiz not availbale for xinerama and nvidia02:05
kduboisyeah, but we should be encouraging AIGLX usage if at all possible02:05
darkcrabthat is one thing I didnt understand, how do you install a compiz theme?02:05
kduboisits a lot easier02:05
danielbwis there something special i have to to make it work with xinerama02:05
hvgotcodeskitche: im talking about a theme pack?02:05
kitchehvgotcodes: as I said gnome-look.org02:05
=== Govi [n=Basic@201009070238.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
[mayh3m] ptWhat do I need to install to be able to compile things?02:06
unagiis there any place i can see the major changes in 7.1?02:06
VSpikeCould feisty and gutsy share the same /boot and /root?02:06
unagiis there talk of hibernation actually working in 7.1?02:06
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kdubois[mayh3m] pt: libtool g++ automake for starters02:06
jhouVSpike, uh..theoretical or are you actually going to try this?02:06
[seb] right their on the ubuntu system now what02:06
=== fiXXXerMet [n=kjohnson@cmu-24-35-53-185.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
hvgotcodeskitche:  yeah ive been all over that site.  looking for a good dark theme that doesn't make eclipse unusable02:06
[mayh3m] ptkdubois: is that like if i downloaded something and i need to type ./configure to install it?02:06
fiXXXerMetI installed teamspeak from apt-get but I don't know how to get it working with my usb headset/microphone02:07
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jhou[seb] ,  same document.....same section 2.2 there are 3 commands in a gray box02:07
VSpikejhou: was thinking about installing gutsy in parallel for testing, and also have been thinking for a while about using LVM02:07
[seb] kk02:07
jhoucopy each line individually seb02:07
jhouand enter ur password02:07
[seb] ok02:07
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hvgotcodeswhats the theme on ubuntustudio?02:07
jhouVSpike, in theory its  ...02:08
jhouno clue02:08
VSpikejhou: Some people suggested that it made sense to have /boot outside LVM02:08
kdubois[mayh3m] pt: yes. you may need to get individual libraries for what you are compiling02:08
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jhouroots no worries02:08
kdubois[mayh3m] pt: what are you trying to compile?02:08
VSpikejhou: tbh I'm not sure I see what use it would be02:08
jhouboots hairy02:08
jhouwhy dontu try a virtual machine?02:08
[seb] do i have to do it via comand line or can i use the gui thing02:08
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VSpikejhou: well, it's possible to have several kernels in /boot - it all depends on what grub says to do02:08
nomaShow can do, to write "ls" and show me folders with colors ?02:09
jhouu should use command line....like the uh gnome terminal02:09
jhouor something02:09
thesaint4444if you manually edit the /etc/network file can you bring the new ip alias up with ifconfig eth:1 up?02:09
kduboisnomaS: ls --colot02:09
VSpikejhou: grub specifies which kernel and initrd to load, and which parition to mount as root .. so I figure it would be OK02:09
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kduboisnomaS: ls -color02:09
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nomaSi just add that to with alias?02:09
jhouwell VSpike one way to find out : )02:09
=== Red [n=david@pool-70-105-11-109.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
VSpikejhou: reason for not using VM is I want to test on my hardware and also possibly to switch to the gutsy install when its stable02:09
kduboisnomaS: i am sorry. i keep typo-ing alias ls="ls --color" will work02:10
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VSpikejhou: I fancy a clean install rather than an upgrade02:10
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=== Red new user to linux so confused about instaling java and flash
VSpikejhou: yah, coudl just try it out :) I'm not sure, just considering all possibilities02:10
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nomaSi need to do that on root ? and then it will shows to all other users on the dedicated server?02:10
jhouVSpike, theres like ways to load actual partitions as VM with vmware...seems kinda cool but never tried02:10
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nomaSkdubois : i need to do that on root ? and then it will shows to all other users on the dedicated server?02:10
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VSpikejhou: yeah, I did that before with Windows.  It's OK, but you don't want to also have the partition mounted by the host OS02:11
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[seb] um laptop battery is low so what do i do once its installed02:11
VSpikejhou: windows guest on ubuntu, I should say02:11
lee__oh ok so this isthe one that runs the shaded background02:11
komputesHow should I test software that gives me "no assurance - no guarantees" that it will work (without messing up my Ubuntu Box?)02:12
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jhouVSpike, good stuff :)02:12
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kduboisnomaS: you might have to modify a file for all the users on the dedicated server, something like .bashrc02:12
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sandrajoin #ubuntu-classroom02:13
jhou[seb] , with that installed u should be able to follwo the rest of the document...i think u shold try the drivers that came on the CD with the wifi card02:13
azzmancant wait til 7.10 hits02:13
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kduboisazzman: me too, although i'm already on the beta02:13
azzmani hear that the ati driver issue has been resolved for compfiz02:13
komputesyou can wait it's like a week...02:13
john_priestwhats the best way to change the gtk theme under fluxbox?02:13
[seb] kk thank you for the help if the battery survives il ask if i need any help02:13
mheathAnyone here hapen to use a serial-based Wacom tablet PC? I've got a weird porblem where the device locks up coming out of suspend.02:13
azzmankdubois: how is the beta?02:14
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lee__hmm I was triyng to triger the bot onto telling me what the channel was for gutsy02:14
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kitchelee__: #ubuntu+102:14
trip-trippini need help pls... i am trying to install ubuntu but cannot02:14
kduboisazzman: its pretty good. they clean up some things, some basic 3d effects are working02:14
azzmanmheath ive heard this happen with several other users also w/ tablets02:14
capohow do i find out where XP is installed so i can add it on GRUB?02:14
pike_capo: sudo fdisk -l   look for ntfs02:14
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azzmantiight.. should be good.02:15
mheathazzman: Can't point me to any docs, can you?02:15
snolluxare there stairs in your house?02:15
michaeldid they change anything on the network manager in 7.10 beta?02:15
azzmanlemme see.. mheath02:15
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capopike: thanks man02:15
azzmanthe best i can say is searching the forums mheath02:15
azzmanthey have a vast amount of questions answered there02:15
trip-trippini partition the disk manual and then cannot uderstand what to do02:16
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azzmanmheath what kinda tablet ya got? all my issues are with the HP tablets at work02:16
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steve1trip, you make 2 extera partition one for the swap and one for the "/" Root02:17
mheathazzman: Searched already. It's a Toshiba M200.02:17
jhoutrip-trippin, did u designate the mountpoint?02:17
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komputesWhats your favorite method to safely test untested software.02:17
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trip-trippinwhat do you mean 2 extra partition?02:18
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Rueshardanyone here help with a unbuntu installation?02:18
steve1well if you have windows installed then needs to be another two partitions02:18
trip-trippini have02:18
r0bbyRueshard: well you can start by asking..02:18
steve1one with atleast 256mb in size02:18
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steve1for the swap02:19
RueshardHaha thanks r0bby02:19
r0bby!ask > Rueshard02:19
trip-trippinwhat is swap?02:19
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:19
darkcrabwhat do you think is a good size for the home folder?02:19
kduboisi remember the good old days before #ubuntu became the most crowded place on the interwebs....02:19
[seb] now installing drivers02:19
jhounice [seb] 02:19
darkcrabcool seb, good luck02:19
jj420can aneone help me with this http://pastebin.com/m4de04f1a02:20
trip-trippinand how do i choose the root and the swap partition?02:20
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Rueshardok got an asus a3a laptop saw a site that said ubuntu 6.06 lts was best ... installed relitively harmlessly02:20
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steve1through the install02:20
=== pulseezar [n=peter@cpc3-nfds10-0-0-cust798.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
markofrhello to all02:20
[seb] do i install xp or vista and 2k or 6402:20
steve1hi :P02:20
pulseezarhello again all02:20
Rueshardhowever I keep getting floating point exception when try to install during the hard drive detection process02:20
darkcrabfor what seb02:20
=== aimtrainer [n=aimtrain@pD9E141AA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabyou mean driver02:21
[seb] ye02:21
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RueshardI have been tring to do this for the last two days now ..    :P02:21
pulseezarnew question: do I still need antivirus? If so any recommendations?02:21
darkcrabit should be one .inf file and another .sys file.02:21
RueshardI have read just about everything I can find .... on installing02:21
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markofrgod damn ld is reporting me undefined references to my custom class i've dervied02:21
jhou[seb] ,  no idea02:21
markofrcan someone help me with it02:21
jhouid try xp...02:21
darkcrabI was just about to say that jhou.lol02:22
jhouwhy though? i dont know lol02:22
[seb] their are 4 folders on the cd vista64, vista2k xp64 and xp2k all with drivers02:22
annaimkonkiis there an alternative to vmware b/c vmware has a conflict with synaptic pkg manager02:22
cafuego!ohmy | markofr02:22
ubotumarkofr: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.02:22
kduboismarkofr: this isnt really the right chatroom for advanced programming help...02:22
markofrok :)02:22
markofrthanks anyway02:22
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Rueshardany takers?02:22
=== darkzero [n=rt@c-66-177-174-180.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkzeroHey all02:23
WipsIs there some way I can reset the settings of samba to defaults?02:23
[seb] i open the inf nor sys right02:23
kduboisoh, and why are we flipping over what he said anyway?02:23
=== Infinito_ [n=argos@201-10-156-30.gnace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabpick the xp drivers seb02:23
DM|I have a USB HDD that refuses to let me change its readonly status, but knoppix was able to write to it,02:23
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jhouyeah the inf02:23
darkcrabyou need the .inf and the .sys02:23
darkcrabbut you use the .inf02:23
jribDM|: what filesystem?02:23
DM|jrib vfat02:23
jhou: )02:23
[seb] ok it says hardware not pressent02:23
pulseezarnew question: do I still need antivirus? If so any recommendations?02:23
darkzeroAnyone here know a fix to totem-xine when playing a center avi file, it shows a green bar during playing on top02:23
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jrib!vfat > DM| (read the private message from ubotu)02:24
krumarpulseezar: what do you mean still?02:24
jj420can anyone help me with this http://pastebin.com/m4de04f1a02:24
pulseezari just changed from windows as of about 2 mins ago02:24
darkcrabwelcome pul02:24
pulseezari mean still now that I'm on ubuntu02:24
krumarpulseezar: so you are now on ubuntu02:24
jribjj420: #ubuntu-effects for help with compiz02:24
pulseezarcertainly am02:25
krumarpulseezar: you don't need antiviruse with linux02:25
=== iamfuzz [n=brian@adsl-074-237-056-084.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jj420no one is alive in that channel02:25
iamfuzzjoin #ubuntu-testing02:25
jhou[seb] ,  type lspci in the gnome teriminal02:25
[seb] ok02:25
pulseezarare we all sure about that?02:25
jribjj420: be patient02:25
komputesantivirus could be sefull to weed out windows viruses02:25
[seb] dont u mean lsusb02:25
DM|jrib the thing is.. its mounting fine, but no matter what option i choose its still telling me that its read only02:25
jj420i asked for help 20 mins ago and no one has even typed a word02:25
krumaron linux your not going to get a virus, it was hard for me to accept to when i first changed over02:25
pulseezarcos a horrible virus is the reason i'm now on ubuntu!02:26
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trip-trippinwell can anyone tell me how do i define the root file system???02:26
jhoutohguht uw ere on a dekstop using a pci card02:26
pulseezarso i'm a little jumpy right now!02:26
komputesif you are paranoid or play with windows kids read this02:26
krumaryou also shouldn't need to worry about spyware02:26
=== nclinuxuser [n=nclinuxu@cpe-071-068-012-107.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jhoutrip-trippin, click on the partion u want and at the mount point field enter "/"02:26
[seb] it is a desktop but with out ethernet and the router came with a usb adapter02:26
jhouic ic02:26
komputesbut basically ubuntu is safe out of the box and is updated, just update and you'll (probably) be fine02:26
[seb] right i see my usb dongle02:27
jribDM|: you need to set the umask02:27
jhoudoes it report the adapter?02:27
mrjpulseezar, you'll break ubuntu yourself, you don't need a virus to do it02:27
[seb] ye02:27
[seb] 050d:805302:27
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
snolluxHi. I can't log in via GDM. It says that it was unable to open my authorization file for writing. Which file is this, and what could cause it?02:27
pulseezarhow about a firewall?02:27
krumarpulseezar: it's built in02:27
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@cpc2-staf3-0-0-cust312.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jhoundiswrapper -l    reports hardware not present?02:27
komputesmrj - LOLS02:27
krumaryou should get firestarter to configure it though02:27
[seb] do u want we to type that in?02:28
=== aw [n=aw@mail.jobfutures.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
darkcrabndiswrapper is specifically for when ubuntu does not report the hardware.02:28
trip-trippinjhou THANK YOU! finally!02:28
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pulseezarfirestarter cheers02:28
DM|jrib what should i put in02:28
=== propagandhi [n=pclaven@CPE-124-184-151-155.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
DM|jrib nm got it02:28
darkcrabit is possible ndiswrapper does not support the drivers unless you have not installed them yet.02:28
=== Havis [n=Havis@adsl-dyn52.91-127-8.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!support > jj420 (read the private message from ubotu)02:29
jhouwait a minute02:29
propagandhigday people, I have an insmod command that I want to be run everytime I boot to load a module to the kernel with arguments. I know that it cant be place in /etc/modules because that uses modprobe and i cant provide arguments.02:29
=== PreZLaptop [n=prez@C-61-68-9-116.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jhouit might be the kernels loaded the wrong modules for it?02:29
propagandhiwhere can i set it up02:29
komputesirc://irc.freenode.net/pulseezar,isnick http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_to_Install_AVG_free_anti_virus_in_Ubuntu02:29
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[seb] good god02:29
darkcrabyea, it is very important to get the modules running correctly.02:29
[seb] what do i do now02:29
MasterShrekpropagandhi, you can add the command to /etc/rc.local02:30
darkcrabdid ndiswrapper install your drivers seb02:30
[seb] ye it installed them but says the hareware aint their02:30
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jhouyeah but its not detecting thehwardware02:30
pulseezarthanks komputes02:30
MasterShrekpropagandhi, but it wont be loaded until right before gdm starts or right after, somewhere near the end of the boot sequence02:30
=== d4rkmonkey [n=Jared@CPE000bcd15b4ae-CM00195efba7ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jhouu know what02:30
komputesthats another one pulseezar, as you can see not very famous because people on linux ae smart enough not to get viruses. they are almost non-existent02:30
jhouthe other folders on the cd02:30
jhouwont hurt02:30
[seb] ok02:30
darkcrabhold on one sec seb02:30
=== Nikster [n=nikko@ti500710a342-1776.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
krumarpulseezar: i would recommend taking a look online about viruses on linux02:30
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trip-trippinhow the swap partition is marked?02:31
propagandhiMasterShrek: lol, woops i definitely should have thought of that, sorry I've been working on this for about 9 hours now. I'm wondering if that will be timely enough but its worth a shot02:31
Niksteri have an issue with ubuntu, i updated to 7.10, and after that, 3d is running really jittery.. going from 1300 to 150 fps in glx gears, and it says direct rendering is not on, anyone have an idea what to do?02:31
krumaryou'll see just why you don't need an antivirus02:31
=== Jannita [i=Morgana@unaffiliated/jannax] has joined #ubuntu
pulseezarone thing, firestarters download page says that the ubuntu version is for 5.04 and i'm pretty sure i'm on 7.04. HOw much will that matter?02:31
propagandhiNikster: whats ur gfx card02:31
[seb] 3% batter left lol im off to get charger02:31
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PriceChildpulseezar, don't get it from there02:31
c0rrupt0rpulseezar: viruses are programmed to attack microsoft OS's02:32
PriceChildpulseezar, ubuntu has its own repositories.02:32
NiksterGeForce 202:32
krumarpulseezar: do this, and the command line type 'sudo apt-get install firestarter'02:32
Niksterworked fine until i updated02:32
jhou[seb] , does lsmod show a rt73usb loaded?02:32
DM|jrib well that didnt work, everything is root/root AND read only02:32
PriceChildpulseezar, You should not randomly find programs off the net and install them like you would on "other os's"02:32
darkcrabseb use this as a guide and make sure you did all these commands: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512828&highlight=ndiswrapper02:32
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jribDM|: pastebin your fstab02:32
darkcrabseb start from install windows driveres02:32
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[seb] hu what02:33
DM|jrib this is the line /dev/sdc1        /media/external vfat user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0       002:33
darkcrabthe link I just sent you seb02:33
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Niksteralso, my Wlan card dont work properly with the 7.10 kernel, i have to use my old one to get online02:33
jribDM|: did you remount it?02:33
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[seb] i did it via .debs02:33
DM|jrib yep02:33
jhou[seb] ,  tyle lsmod in the gnome terminal02:34
DM|sudo mount -a jrib02:34
darkcrabyes I know that!02:34
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pulseezarno idea how that worked though02:34
[seb] hold on02:34
jribDM|: that won't do it02:34
darkcrabbut read the fricken thread on installing your drivers via terminal02:34
c0rrupt0rpulseezar: go into your system at top then to administrations and then click on synaptic package manager and do a search for firestarter then right click and mark as install then apply02:34
darkcrabyou cannot just install ndiswrapper and BAM! your online02:34
DM|jrib o ?02:34
[seb] lsmod shows alot of stuff what am i looking for02:35
ScottASIs there an Ubuntu Linux Community / Off Topic IRC Channel?02:35
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chuckjoin #ubuntu-pnw02:35
jribScottAS: #ubuntu-offtopic02:35
darkcrabyou know what, nvmd, do it yourself seb02:35
ScottASThank you.02:35
krumarpulseezar: if you go to system => administartion => synaptic package manager, that is the gui for how most things get installed in linux02:35
jhoura73usb [seb] 02:35
krumaryou should learn it well02:35
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Nikstercan anyone tell me how to kill X so i can get into bash and install new nvidia drivers?02:36
[seb] not there02:36
pulseezarnice one, might have taken me a while to find that!02:36
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[seb] oh02:36
jhouits not suppsoed ot be there02:36
Cravi seem to have deleted my system tray (where things like gaim reside) how can i get it back?02:36
jhouwhich is good i guess02:36
pulseezarok i'm off for a restart see you all in a couple of mins02:36
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krumargood luck02:36
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DM|jrib help me out :(02:37
DM|jrib its mounted now, all files belong to me, still say readonly02:37
[seb] nope not their02:37
jribDM|: umount  first02:37
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localgod12logged in as root?02:37
DM|jrib says its busy... ugh02:38
jhou[seb] ,  hmm let me look02:38
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localgod12can someone asnwer a stupid question for me?02:38
DM|jrib ok its umounted02:38
[seb] ndis has installed rt2870 drivers02:38
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krumarlocalgod12: just ask it02:39
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jribDM|: then mount -a again02:39
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[seb] and it says via comandline it is pressent02:39
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[seb] via gui it aint02:39
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DM|jrib kk one sec02:39
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pulseezarholy cow that was quick02:39
localgod12i am trying to install VMware and i cant et past the EULA02:39
Avarieljoin /#math02:39
Tb0n3:(tell me please, how the hell can I get gps SIRF-III working on ubuntu02:39
krumarlocalgod12: sorry, i can't help there02:39
c0rrupt0ryep pulseezar linux is way faster than microsoft lol02:40
darkcrabwhat is SIRF-III?02:40
gokhan__can i enable my wireless card with a command instead of using Fn + FN combinations?02:40
[seb] ooooh the dongle is flashing abit wich it want befor02:40
localgod12let me put this a different wasy02:40
localgod12i cant figure out how to click ok on the EULA02:40
localgod12its runing in terminal02:40
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[seb] YAY it works jsut the gay gui didnt see it COMAND LINE RULES02:40
krumarlocalgod12: try to use the space bar02:40
localgod12i click ok i hit enter nothn02:41
pulseezarthing is, now i'm going to have to reinstall windows on my other drive for games...:(02:41
PriceChild[seb] , Please don't use gay as a derogatory term in this channel.02:41
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jhou[seb] ,02:41
localgod12just stares at me mockingly02:41
jhougood stuff02:41
[seb] sorry02:41
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krumarlocalgod12: what buttons have you tried02:41
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HP_Administratorcan anyone help me?02:41
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jhoui dindt know there was a gui for it02:41
localgod12enter, button 1, spacebar02:41
[seb] jhou thanks for every thing you were very helpful02:41
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DM|jrib again, everything is owned by me, but it still says read only02:41
krumarlocalgod12: tab maybe?02:42
[seb] ye the 3 packages were common utils and gui02:42
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c0rrupt0rpulseezar: there is Ubuntu Ultimate gamers edition also.02:42
PriceChildHey all, trying to mount a squashfs file. works fine with mount foo.sq foo -t squashfs -o loop, however adding to fstab with squashfs ro,defaults     0 0, yields no joy. Any ideas?02:42
jribDM|: ls -ld /media/external02:42
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rjcmclocalgod12 - try 'tabbing' to the EULA window [ok]  and hit spacebar.02:42
localgod12that did it02:42
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localgod12thanks it was really drivn me nuts02:42
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DM|jrib drwxrwxrwx 21 dm root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 /media/external02:42
PriceChildGives "foo is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)"02:42
pulseezari'll give it a google02:42
[seb] but i know go to get it to work lol02:42
darkcrabUbuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition?02:42
jribDM|: then you can write to it02:43
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DM|jrib its not letting me02:43
jhou[seb] ,  hoepfully it'll be there when u reboot : P02:43
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DM|jrib hold on02:43
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jribDM|: press "reload"02:43
[seb] ah how do i get ndis do loa don boot02:43
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:44
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DM|jrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40319/02:44
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FFighterhey folks02:44
[seb] um its not connecting02:44
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FFighterHow to enable LCD sub-pixel font rendering on FluxBox?02:44
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FFighterIt doesn't seem to be using sub-pixel renderign02:45
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jhou[seb] , uh oh02:45
jribDM|: pastebin 'mount'02:45
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jhoutype dmesg02:45
jhouat the console02:45
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[seb] ye02:45
DM|jrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40320/02:45
Xenosyncan someone help me?02:45
jhouur using that lil networkmanger applet on the top menu bar right [seb]   ?02:45
[seb] ye02:46
PriceChildHey all, trying to mount a squashfs file. works fine with mount foo.sq foo -t squashfs -o loop, however adding to fstab with squashfs ro,defaults     0 0, yields Gives "foo is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)" Any ideas?02:46
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jhouyeah in the gnome termtinal type "iwconfig"02:46
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jribDM|: weird02:46
[seb] oh it works now after retyping the pass02:46
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DM|jrib when i booted up knoppix to test, it could write to it just fine02:46
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jhouso its online?02:47
DM|jrib and i know its not just gutsy, because my edgy box did the same thing02:47
[seb] ok so will it remeber all the drivers and load on boot?02:47
[seb] and ye im online02:47
Xenosyncan you guys see what im typing?02:47
jribDM|: well it says 'rw' :/02:47
riotkXenosyn: yes\02:47
jhoulets see02:47
DM|jrib think a reformat will fix it?02:47
pulseezaris there an ubuntu version of windows "minimise to task bar"?02:47
[seb] hold on il log on on the pc02:47
jribDM|: no idea.  check dmesg02:47
PriceChildpulseezar, bottom left ;)02:47
FFighterany suggestions?02:47
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Xenosynoh ok anyone not busy that can help me?02:47
PriceChildXenosyn, have you asked a question?02:48
darkcrabyou can configure the gnome desktop however you like pulseezar02:48
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DM|jrib hmm   fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 2441347) [ 1555.228000]  FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdc1)02:48
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[seb] um what linux irc apps are in the package manager02:48
wolfsonghow do I configure individual screensavers?02:48
darkcrabomg, get x-chat or bitchx02:48
jhou[seb]  secitno 3.302:48
darkcrabmy two favorite.02:48
jhouof that article02:48
Xenosynumm I have a record boot error when I start my linux how can I fix that?02:48
c0rrupt0rx-chat rocks02:48
DM|darkcrab bitchx?02:48
darkcrabDM, of course bitchx:)02:49
[seb] wich article02:49
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darkcrabits based on irssi02:49
jhouthe first one02:49
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[seb] ok i know wich one02:49
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darkcrabI mean ircii02:49
DM|darkcrab ah, i cant do that lol02:49
[seb] ye02:49
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DM|jrib any idea? maybe a corrupt HDD?02:49
XenosynI got a Boot record error can some one help me fix it??02:50
[seb] section 3.3 is downloading windows drivers02:50
jribDM|: maybe.  have not seen that before02:50
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PriceChildHey all, trying to mount a squashfs file. works fine with mount foo.sq foo -t squashfs -o loop, however adding to fstab with squashfs ro,defaults     0 0, yields Gives "foo is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)" Any ideas?02:50
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[seb] lol02:50
[seb] ok02:51
jhouauto load at startrup02:51
Xenosynplease anyone??02:51
DILXenosyn: try ultimate boot cd it may have tools to assist02:51
[seb] im gona swich from laptop to pc to save space02:51
[seb] can u re-send me the link when im on the pc02:52
pulseezarmmmmmmm it's still in the taskbar area, i just want it to hide in a corner and do it's stuff02:52
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[seb] ok cya in a sec02:52
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LjLPriceChild: may you ned simply need to add "loop", to the "ro,defaults" column?02:54
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pulseezarso im on the package manager looking at a list of bit comet clients, which ones are good? I used to use utorrent.02:55
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PriceChildLjL, yay :)02:55
seb__thanks for every thing jhou02:55
jhoupulseezar, torrent flux!02:55
PriceChildLjL, thanks lots :)02:55
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komputesHas anyone been able to use Video Conference on MSN through WINE?02:55
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komputesPidgin doesnt offer it02:55
LjLPriceChild: thank my metabot, i wouldn't have seen your question otherwise :P02:55
PriceChildLjL, haha nice one! :D02:55
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seb__irc is so much better than forums i would still be explaining my problem on the forums02:56
yellow_chickenwhere is the package for seamonkey?02:56
jhouseb__, or u can just google for the right page on the forum : P02:56
yellow_chickenlooking for composer to create html code02:57
seb__i did google i couldnt find any thing02:57
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jhouyeah its hard when u dont kjnwo what ur googling for02:57
komputesOMG, seamonkey screwed a simple HTML page02:57
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seb__y are there 2 __ after my nick02:57
DILsome using ur name02:58
komputesserioustly seamonkey, the online version of the page listed all the links as local links02:58
FatalCureseb__: because there's a seb and a seb_ already i guess02:58
komputesso nobody with Linux uses videoconferencing, is that what I'm to understand....02:58
rjcmcyellow_chicken - 'bluefish' is a good html editor.02:58
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seb__that most probably the me that was on a sec ago on the laptop lol02:59
yellow_chickenrjcmc: ok thanks, but what happened to mozilla?02:59
rjcmckomputes - install vlc02:59
yellow_chickenit's not listed in distrowatch02:59
komputesVLC can do videoconferencing???02:59
cafuegokomputes: Lots of people do, just not necessarily via MSN.02:59
cafuegokomputes: ekiga, does *standards* based conferencing.02:59
komputeshas anyone been able to to MSN VC through WINE?02:59
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rjcmcyellow_chicken - mozilla is many things, what do you refer to?02:59
komputesvut please, if VLC does videoconf please send a tutorial to do it03:00
yellow_chickenmozilla seamonkey, the composer, rjcmc03:00
komputesi'm interested03:00
seb__jhou, it gives me this when i type ndiswrapper -m03:00
seb__module configuration already contains alias directive03:01
rjcmcyellow_chicken - i'm not familiar w/it. Bluefish is more powerful i would bet.03:01
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yellow_chickenrjcmc: just installed bluefish, how to switch tag, to see html , i am currently in design view03:01
Tb0n3thanks alot shitbags03:02
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komputeshey hey watch the language there03:02
komputesmy cat is watching03:02
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komputesincredible, cool never heard of it, Thanks RJCMC!03:02
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rjcmckomputes - my pleasure.03:03
seb__jhou: i get this when i type ndiswrapper -m module configuration already contains alias directive03:03
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lee__erg I need gusty03:03
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lee__lol bot wahts the channel for gutsy03:03
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lee__oh this update was a real piec of work03:04
pulseezarhow do i configure gnome?03:04
jj420is there no one here that knows how to fix this?http://pastebin.com/m4de04f1a03:04
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seb__jhou: am i ment to be doing 3.7 or 3.7.103:04
komputeswild guess, install XGL03:05
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lee__wahts the e cahnnel for gutsy?03:05
denndahow can i change the keyboard layout that gnome-terminal uses? this is icewm, so i have no graphical interface for this03:05
denndalee__: #ubuntu] 103:05
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denndalee__: #ubuntu+103:05
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jribdennda: setxkbmap or use xorg.conf03:06
angelpHello can someone help me with a problem I am having?03:06
dimeotaneanyone know the minimum requirements to install the edgy command line system only?03:06
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:07
lee__wrong channel no one there lol03:07
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tom__dimeotane: not sure sorry, what system have you got?03:07
gokhan__can i enable my wireless card with a command instead of using Fn + FN combinations?03:07
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DILask your ? angelp03:08
angelpI am trying to get data of a CD I have just MP3 an i get this error Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'.03:08
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denndajrib: what would i type in xorg.conf?03:08
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dimeotaneACutally it's the feisty: "Ubuntu Feisty Alternate" CD that gives the option for a command line system03:08
tom__angelp: why are you trying to mount it, why not just stick it in03:08
tusseyanyone here deccent with php?03:08
dimeotaneI'm wanting to build an ubuntu lite system03:08
angelpThats what it says when I stick it in03:08
tom__dimeotane: what are the specs of your system03:08
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tom__angelp: hmm03:09
Flanneldimeotane: The installer requires something like 32MB of RAM to install.03:09
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tonyI need help with opening RAR files please.03:09
jribdennda: I do not know offhand03:09
^Ocean^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMUQ_nja39c  <-- Whats he useing for the aplication launcer panel at the Bottom  ?03:09
projectttdoes anyone know of a good file recovery software that will keep original file names and nnot rename everything file1.jpg file2.jpg and so on?03:09
phaedraangelp, I had that problem with DVD's and had to replace the udf,iso9660 entry in the fstab to auto to mount them...03:09
tom__DIL: sorry?03:09
JagettI'm a new ubun2 user--I need help getting wine to work.03:09
tom__Jagett: what program are you trying to run03:10
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JagettJust aim or similar windows .exe03:10
DM|in gutsy, for rythymbox i get the following error Unable to activate plugin Portable Players - iPod03:11
angelpthanks I ll try that Phaedra03:11
tom__Jagett: have you installed the latest wine03:11
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FlannelJagett: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine  will give you everything you need to know.  For AIM though, you're probably better off just going native, with something like GAIM03:11
komputesGAIM is now PIDGIN03:11
komputesjj420: dunno how, never done it but check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager03:11
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jribdennda: 'man kbd' suggests XkbLayout03:11
darkcrabwhen is ubuntu going to upgrade to pidgin?03:11
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jrib!timebasedreleases > darkcrab (read the private message from ubotu)03:12
basotlYou might check out program equivalents Jagett http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software03:12
komputes7.10 i think, in a week?03:12
JagettI understand I must insert code into the trusted apt, but I require guidance in doing so03:12
steve1Does anyone here have Wolfenstein:ET working on linux here?03:12
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pulseezarwhich folder should I use as a "my documents" type place03:13
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LinuxJuggalo!pidgin | darkcrab03:14
ubotudarkcrab: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.003:14
astro76pulseezar, your /home/user/, aka ~/03:14
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pulseezarthere seems to be a lot of random folers with three letter names knocking around...03:14
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komputesyour usr forlder or a folder on the desktop called My Documents if you have windowz feever03:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fortune - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
PinkFloydDoes anyone know where the fortune command originates03:15
darkcrabok, thank you linuxjuggalo03:15
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cfeddePinkFloyd: where it originates?  what it's history is?03:16
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PinkFloydNo I mean where the command pulls the quotes from03:17
Vimtoguys when install the system does the desktop appear on time? or i just get the background first and it will keep installing everything else?03:17
Jagettfor linux I want the "source" of pidgen?03:17
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PinkFloydJagett there's a deb of Pidgin on getdeb.net03:17
PinkFloydok thanks03:18
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riotkittie-I installed another distro and could not manage to get GRUB to boot it for me. That  distro uses LILO, and I attempted to install it to the superblock of that distro's partition. It overwrote my mbr :|  I am trying to recover grub. I have never had issues doing this before but03:18
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cfeddePinkFloyd: see also locate fortune03:18
bkruse_homehey guys, do you guys have any suggestion for a website to do logo's/banners/ etc etc?03:18
komputesHow to compile PIDGIN: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40450803:18
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riotkittie-now i am gettirg "Error 18: selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS" :(03:18
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PinkFloydDont compile Pidgin, just install the deb from getdeb.net03:18
PinkFloydmuch simpler plus it comes with plugins03:19
Vimtobkruse_home show me your website03:19
ChaosParserriotkittie-: Just boot a livecd and reinstall grub.03:19
LinuxJuggalo!offtopic | bkruse_home03:19
ubotubkruse_home: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:19
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riotkittie-ChaosParser: is that different from the whole sudo grub > root > setup  song and dance03:19
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Vimtoi havent got any folders on the desktop03:20
Vimtodoes it mean its still installing?03:20
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Gray_Aukhi SR71 .. did you used to have any connection to that Lockheed  bird?03:20
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localgod12can some tell me what Unable to open: Virtual machine "/home/localgod11/windows.vmx" is not in the inventory. means?03:20
DM|If you have no plugins for rhythmbox how can u get any03:20
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LinuxJuggaloVimto: no, after ubuntu is installed that is the default look, clean with no directories/icons on the desktop03:21
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FatalCureDM|: what are you trying to play?03:21
ChaosParserriotkittie-: Yeah.  Its reinstalling grub to the MBR instead of reconfiguring it.  Reconfiguring the contents isn't going to do crap if its not installed to the MBR properly.03:22
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VimtoLinuxJuggalo im always rebooting ang get the same error here!03:22
FatalCureDM|: mp3?03:22
LinuxJuggaloVimto: what error?03:22
localgod12u sure its an mp3?03:22
localgod12not a wma?03:22
VimtoLinuxJuggalo its says some things, such as themes, sounds or background may not work correctly!03:22
riotkittie-ChaosParser: and i use grub-install as opposed to install from the grub shell?03:22
localgod12can some tell me what Unable to open: Virtual machine "/home/localgod11/windows.vmx" is not in the inventory. means?03:23
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ChaosParserriotkittie-: Yep.  Then just make sure the entries are right, and you should be fine.03:23
VimtoLinuxJuggalo i have heard the sound at the beginning! so it works!03:23
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LinuxJuggaloVimto: do you have compiz-fusion enabled? A.K.A. "desktop effects"? some video cards do not support this feature enabled03:23
VimtoLinuxJuggalo i actually installing on my laptop!03:24
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localgod12can some tell me what Unable to open: Virtual machine "/home/localgod11/windows.vmx" is not in the inventory. means?03:25
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pulseezarok I have to get some sleep now, thanks loads for the help and advice everyone. night night03:25
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VimtoLinuxJuggalo the disc keep running for hours without getting the system installed !03:25
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LinuxJuggaloVimto: and the live cd is not displaying the install icon?03:27
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DM|is there a channel for Banshee03:27
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VimtoLinuxJuggalo i get something like banner on the screen and it fastly goes!03:28
Vimtoi get 3 icons on it i think!03:28
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LinuxJuggaloVimto: click on the install icon, it should look like a hard disk drive03:29
Vimtoi dont have this !03:29
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jirwinhey there. It would seem that NM is causing me not to get DHCP in gutsy with my intel 4965. Is there anyway to diable it?03:30
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Vimtobkruse_home i would be glad to work with you but i cant use the pvt for now03:30
jirwinI can associate and scan with no problems03:30
LT1Caprice57Lany ideas on why a GTK theme that worked fine in Feisty wouldn't work right in Gutsy?03:31
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LT1Caprice57Lin my case, it's only one that doesn't work properly anymore03:31
LT1Caprice57Lall the rest do03:31
FlannelLT1Caprice57L: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks03:31
wims!virtualbox > wims03:31
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LT1Caprice57Lty flannel03:32
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lockeim about to install a linksys wmp54g v4.1 in this box that i just installed 7.04 freshly on, and the hardware compatibiliy page says this about it "Works only in Feisty if you put to "blacklist" the "rt61pci" module BEFORE install the card. If not, your computer will freeze often. There is an other module: "rt61" it works fine, with WEP too."03:34
lockehow do i blacklist rt61pci03:34
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Polygon89Hello, has anyone successfully gotten electricsheep screensaver to run in fullscreen in ubuntu? its only running at like 640x400 resolution for me.03:34
LinuxJuggalo!pidgin > LinuxJuggalo03:35
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NotSureok, how do i enter any unicode character w/o char table?03:37
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NotSurelike u+00AC ?03:37
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NotSureok, how do i enter any unicode character w/o char table?03:38
Jagettwhat does it do to press the [Revert]  button?03:38
NotSureit is unusually quite here?03:38
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NotSureusually it is like a tavern in this place03:38
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PeloNotSure, you mean like alt+1224 ?  ascii codes in windows ?  if you figure it out let me know , I've been looking for a year03:38
NotSureanyway, how can I enter any custom unicode character just from the keybard w/o using char table03:38
NotSureyes Pelo!03:38
PeloNotSure, not sure you can, sorry03:39
JagettIt would seem to be some sort of a [Ok]  button, but I need to hear it from experienced ppl03:39
NotSureLet's burn the fire about this issue on this channel03:39
PeloNotSure, been there, done that ,  several times03:39
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Davy_Jones/J #politics03:39
NotSureLet's make a huge funk out of it, rotten stink03:39
NotSurebecause it is enough by now03:40
NotSurei cannot enter a unicode character knowing its code!03:40
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PeloNotSure,  it works in console mode but not in the gui03:40
NotSurehow in konsole?03:40
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riotkittie-ok. i am going to reboot. hopefully the 93949th time is a charm  :(03:41
JagettAnyone wish to answer my stupid question?03:41
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PeloNotSure,  not konsole, consol,  command line interface,    crtl+alt+f2-f5 ,  crtl+alt+f7 to come back03:41
NotSureJegett, what happened?03:41
PeloJagett, I just came it , what was you question ?03:41
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godzirraIs there a good irc client that is for X, besides xchat?  I wasn't a huge fan.03:41
JagettWhat effect does the [revert]  button have assigned to it?03:42
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JagettIt regresses ?03:42
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Pelogodzirra, konversation ,  but check in synaptic to see what is available03:42
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/03:42
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PeloJagett,  what revert button, where do you see this ?03:42
NotSureok, folks, how to enter a custom unicode character in a text editor w/o resorting to the help of character table?03:43
JagettI'm on version 4.1 first of all03:43
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PeloJagett, get the latest realease or at the very least 6.06 it would be a lot easier to give you advice03:43
JagettHow do I go about acquiring the Feisty Fawn?03:44
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LjLJagett: you'd download it from http://www.ubuntu.com - most likely03:44
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gchaseI've got a problem with my dell inspiron 6000 not properly going into s3 or s403:44
PeloJagett,  there are links for dl or the iso of the cd on the main site  www.ubuntu.com03:44
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Pelogchase, start by looking up your model in this link see if anything is mentionned  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:45
NotSureok, folks, how to enter a custom unicode character in a text editor w/o resorting to the help of character table?03:45
Davy_Jonesthe Feisty Fawn03:45
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Davy_Jonesbow down03:45
jttanyone know what pkg i need to resolve  /usr/bin/esd not found for feisty03:45
lumpycowanybody know where the ".B" file is for the blender preferences in linux(ubuntu)?03:45
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PeloNotSure,  were you paying attention when i was talking to you earlier,  you can't do it in gui , only in cli mode03:45
Jagettis there a way to simply update linux? similar to windows update03:45
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Jagettbut for linux03:46
LjLJagett: it's done automatically by default.03:46
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Pelolumpycow,  most likely in /home/username  ,  type crtl+H to see the hidden folder   ( names with a dot before them are hidden)03:46
bastid_raZorJagett: in a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:46
ravOk, i have recently been given a Nvidia 6200 PCI (not APG or PCI-E) and i cannnot install the damn thing. I have had to reinstall ubuntu 4 (yes FOUR) times because i always end up with the same error, and i cannot reconfigure xserver to get it back to normal so i can even ask for help here.03:46
ravSo i have my onboard card, (works fine) then i have the nvidia one. I installed fiesty from the livecd using my onboard, then when it was running i used the restricted drivers to enable it. and after i do that, the Xserver wont boot on ANY card, with the nvidia one, ubuntu wont boot passed the third orange bar, and with the onboard card i get this MESSED up error saying something like, the xserver is not configured correctly...03:46
ravRight now im using my LIVECD to write this... The recovery menu ONLY works with the ONBOARD card, not the nvidia one.03:46
xjkxubuntu refuses to boot, because its kernel does not have the driver of my IDE hd, is there something i can do?03:46
NotSurePelo, you mean it is literally impossible in the GUI mode? You mean this is for fact?03:46
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JagettSo my ver 4.1 should automatically update to 7 >_>03:46
Davy_Jonesthe update manager tells me there are 71 new updates03:46
Davy_Jonesbut i refuse to do them03:46
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LjLJagett: erm, no. that's not what you asked: Windows 98 (for instance) won't magically upgrade to Windows Xp03:47
PeloJagett,  update are default , upgrades are another tying,  changing versions are upgrades and you can'T go from 4.1 to 7.04 in one go , get the cd  trust me03:47
LjLJagett: you *can* upgrade to a newer distribution, but if it's Warty that you have, you're better off reinstalling from scratch03:47
tritiumrav: try disabling the on-board video in the BIOS03:47
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ravive done that, thats how i switch from one to another, but that does not work03:47
PeloDavy_Jones, why are you refusing updates ?03:47
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bastid_raZorJagett: oh, dist upgrade.. in a terminal gksu "update-manger -c -d"03:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:48
godzirraPelo: I've never used synaptic. :) I'm an old debian guy.. heh.03:48
DelphinusJagett: what part of the world are you from?03:48
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Jagettah so just burn the 7.04 cd, reformat this partition, and install the updated one?03:48
PeloNotSure, I mean I've looked for over a year, couldnT' find anywway to do it , no one could tell me how and no one else I've seen looking for a way to do it found one03:48
Davy_JonesPelo: because it tells me the download size is 145.1 MB... i don't have that much space03:48
lumpycowthanks Pelo, I see the file now.03:48
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DelphinusJagett: yes, but backup data before format03:48
Pelogodzirra,   apt-cache search keyword then03:49
JagettI'm definitely from Bethel University in MN, USA03:49
Jagettstudying CS; I'm a freshman03:49
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PeloDavy_Jones,  those files will replace exisiting ones , at least do the kernel and security updates03:49
Jack_SparrowDavy_Jones: how big is your var apt cache archive folder?03:49
Davy_JonesPelo: besides, 145MB of only compressed packages feels like bloatware to me03:49
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JagettWhat good is backup for?03:49
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DelphinusJagett: are you downloading the 7.04 iso?03:49
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bastid_raZorDavy_Jones: you are funny03:49
Vimtothis is soo bad!03:49
riotkittiebizarre. so totally bizarre.03:50
tritiumJagett: for when you lose valuable data03:50
Vimtoim not getting install icon!03:50
JagettI just installed this partition at beginning of september, but was too busy to work with it03:50
ravany other suggestions03:50
PeloVimto,   check in menu > system > ADMIN03:50
Davy_JonesJack_Sparrow: i'm not sure, but i know it's like 98 percent full03:50
bastid_raZorDavy_Jones: in terminal type df -h03:50
NotSurePelo, I suggest you don't give up so easily, perhaps there is a way but we just need to coordinate our efforts and find it (google is of no help)03:50
JagettSo this is just as the default which the CD installs03:50
PeloJagett,  if you have no data or settings you wish to keep donT' backup then03:50
bastid_raZorDavy_Jones: that will tell you you space03:50
Vimtopelo i cant even move the mouse!03:50
Jack_SparrowDavy_Jones: you can burn that folder to a cd or dvd for future use and free up a fair amount of space03:50
Vimtopelo whats the problem!03:51
riotkittieVimto: how much RAM do you have?03:51
Vimtoshould i wait for it or what?03:51
PeloVimto, tell me about your computer03:51
gchasepelo, according to the Inspiron 6000 page from that linked resource, sleep and hibernate are supposed to work with feisty and I haven't changed anything that wasn't factory-installed03:51
Davy_JonesJack_Sparrow: heh, already done that03:51
Vimtoits p 4 with 2Ghz03:51
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Davy_JonesJack_Sparrow: i got a 40GB slave drive.. i'm waiting for 7.1 to be out03:52
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Jack_SparrowDavy_Jones: with 500 gig drives going for $95 it isnt a huge problem03:52
Davy_JonesJack_Sparrow: then i'll install it on the 40GB drive03:52
Pelogchase,  so nothign relating to your problem ok  you can also check in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org , I'm sorry I can'T help any further , ask again periodicaly maybe someone else will know , or try on different days03:52
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UnaCoderHey, I'm trying to add some customizations to the "init" script in my initrd file.  Just as a simple experiment I commented out the lines that switch over to the real root directory and launch a shell03:52
ravHow do install a nvidia card from a recovery menu03:52
PeloVimto, usb mouse maybe ?03:52
Davy_JonesJack_Sparrow: i'll consider upgrading me hardware03:52
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Vimtopelo no its a laptop03:53
UnaCoderto boot into this enviroment I copied the initrd image, unpacked it with cpio, and make a few changes, then repacked, gziped, and stuck it in /boot03:53
PeloVimto,  go to this liink check your model see if anything is mentionned   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:53
tritiumrav: it should be auto-detected03:53
UnaCoderwhen i try to boot it from grub i get a kernel panick saying it can't mount the root device.  I have no idea why since I didn't change anything else... any idea?03:53
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Vimtoi just got the top and foot bars!03:53
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ravbut i installed the nvidia driver, with the restricted driver and it still wont load03:54
Vimtodoes it request to wait to complete them or what!03:54
PeloVimto, have yo tried booting he cd again ? just in case it's a fluke03:54
hexionsomeone here has installed 2.6.23 kernel and uses fglrx driver?03:54
tritiumrav: you ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?03:54
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Vimtopelo yes i did too many times!03:54
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ravyeah, but when should i select?03:54
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riotkittieI had the same prob with live CDs on my lappy. dapper was as fast as to be expected. but edgy and feisty were just miserable.03:55
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PeloVimto,  try useing the alternate install cd then,  it's text based less problematic in some case , you cna get it from the site ,  check the alternate cd box below the download now button03:55
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riotkittiei think it took like 45 to get to the desktop on 7.04 the one time i toyed with the idea of installing to my laptop03:55
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tsukasa__okay, why does dragging my windows produce static on my speakers o_003:55
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VimtoPelo, what is alternate install?03:56
jhoutsukasa__, awesome sound effects?03:56
h1st0!alternate | Vimto03:56
ubotuVimto: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal03:56
propagandhitsukasa__: you're scraping the windows against the desktop :)03:56
Pelotsukasa__,  crossed speaker and monitor cable ?  cheap onboard everthing mother board ?03:56
tritiumrav: did you see my question?03:56
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Zombinesay... anyone know how to get apt-get to stop asking for the install CD when I install stuff?03:56
propagandhiZombine:  remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list03:56
h1st0Zombine: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the cdrom as a source03:57
ravYeah, but do i have to be using my nvidia at the time i use that/03:57
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PeloZombine,  menu > system > admin > software sources , first tab, uncheck the cd  at the bottom03:57
hexionZombine: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the lines about the cdrom03:57
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h1st0Zombine: putting a # at the front of the line comments the line out.03:57
VimtoPelo, alright03:57
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:57
NotSureI just want to get a more or less comprehensive view of the population of this channel with regards to my issue03:57
ZombineAlright... I'll do one of those things :D03:57
NotSure folks, how to enter a custom unicode character in a text editor w/o resorting to the help of character table?03:57
PeloVimto,  you don'T want minimal, it doens,T hve any gui on it , it'S just a basic linux with a few  cli packages in it03:58
NotSureis it impossible in GNOME and/or KDE ?03:58
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Zombinethanks all03:58
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hexionplease, anyone has compiled/installed 2.6.23 kernel and uses fglrx driver????03:58
kaipersonally, i prefer minimal, you dont get anything you don't want03:58
h1st0NotSure: I believe there is a shortcut key combination for those characters.  Just can't remember how to do it off the top of my head03:58
NotSurethank you h1st003:58
NotSureThat is what I thought03:58
VimtoPelo, after downloading the minimal CD should i boot it or.. ?03:59
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PeloVimto,  get the alternate install cd not the minimal one03:59
NotSureh1st0, I would appreciate you telling me this combination03:59
PeloVimto,  you boot and install03:59
kaiif you're new, i wouldn't go for minimal03:59
Zombineso... do I need to reboot or something?03:59
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propagandhiZombine:  runa apt-get update04:00
hexionZombine, no, just apt-get update04:00
PeloZombine,  no just do sudo apt-get update before you do anyting else04:00
NotSureh1st0, please make an effort, It is extremely important and needs to be discussed in excruciating detail on one of the ubuntu blogs04:00
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NotSureh1st0 this issue is simply mind bogging when it comes to it04:00
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Jagettcan I get a ubun2 7.04 download url ?04:00
Pelo!attitude | NotSure04:00
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ubotuNotSure: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:00
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VimtoPelo, i just found the minimal one :/04:01
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NotSurePelo, sorry man, i did not mean to be pushy04:01
PeloVimto, www.ubuntu.com  first page  get ubuntu04:01
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ZombineI think it's going...04:01
NotSureh1st0, did you find out?04:01
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Vimtopelo, and then?04:01
matookeguys, is there a difference between the rc Ubuntu and the one to be released on the 18th?04:02
NotSurePelo, did you address that comment to me?04:02
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[1] musashia04:02
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[1] musashioh =/04:02
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h1st0!gutsy > matooke04:02
jribNotSure: ctrl-shift-u04:02
PeloVimto,  see wher eyou select the cd to dl ?    select your options,  ubuntu 7.04  location,  and below the download now button   check the alternate cd box04:02
PeloNotSure,  yes I did04:02
endlessurfanyone know how to bind an event listed in xorg to the event that the comp gives a device04:02
h1st0NotSure: no not yet04:03
NiksterIm running GeForce 2 with legacy drivers, GLX works fine as long as composite is disabled.. anyone know why? i want to try Compiz on 7.1004:03
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^Ocean^how do I increase my workspaces from 2 too 4 ?04:03
VimtoPelo, oh i see!04:03
VimtoPelo, This will resolve the problem?04:03
propagandhimatooke: yeah there is a difference. One is in the future and does not effectively exist yet04:03
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endlessurfocean right click on the workspaces and go to properties04:03
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NotSurejrib, control-shift-u and then what?04:03
propagandhimatooke: but on a serious note, I am using gutsy with no issues whatsoever04:03
EvanPhey, anyone know an exact date for gutsys release?04:03
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PeloVimto,  you,ll get a text install, no live desktop, from the cd boot menu you will go straight in to the installation, no need to worry about an install icon ,  the mouse should probably be detected aswell04:04
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Davy_JonesEvanP: http://www.ubuntu.com/04:04
jribNotSure: the code for your character04:04
Davy_JonesEvanP: 6 days to go04:04
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gaby_what is this?04:04
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matookeplanning to set iup my 1st mail server and also planning to use dydns. Is it free?04:04
t4dycehow to create a boot disk ubuntu 7.04 ?04:04
EvanPDavy_Jones, thanks bro04:04
boneCan someone suggest a good ip_masq04:04
NotSurejrib you mean to type four digits?04:04
VimtoPelo, Fine but am i required to do something with the text?04:04
Davy_JonesEvanP: sure thang04:04
propagandhigaby_: by THIS what are u referring to?04:04
boneCan someone suggest a good ip_masq'd firewall for a dual nic ubuntu server (lan side and wan side)04:05
VimtoPelo, or it should be installed by its own!04:05
ironcladlouHow can I create a launcher icon for a bash script (.sh)?04:05
EvanPis there a ubuntu swedish channel?04:05
UnaCoderbone: iptables ?04:05
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jribNotSure: not necessarily digits, but sure04:05
UnaCoderbone: that's what i use at home04:05
tritiumEvanP: #ubuntu-se04:05
UnaCoderbone: there are a lot of good tutorials on setting that up04:05
wolfsonghow do I configure individual screensavers?04:05
NotSurejrib, ok I am trying to enter ctr-shft-u and then I press 00AC but that does not work. Do you know why?04:05
boneUnaCoder, iptables isnt really a firewall script. More I want something I can plkug in a few things and get going. like the old firewall.rc from projectfiles04:06
EvanPtritium, thank you04:06
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PeloVimto,  you won'T need to   use commands for the install, just select options in an ugly shell like with the windows intaller04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:06
wolfsongI'm also having "lockups" when the screensaver starts04:06
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tritiumEvanP: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local04:06
VimtoPelo, alright is that it?04:06
UnaCoderbone: iptables is what firewalls scripts use to set policies...04:06
PeloVimto,  yes04:06
ironcladlouto clarify: how can i create a launcher icon in the gnome panel for a shell (sh) script?04:06
wolfsongit doesn't completely lockup but the screen stays black04:06
h1st0wolfsong: usually configuration is right on screensaver page but I believe ubuntu devs removed that option in some screensavers04:06
jribNotSure: did you follow it with a space or something 04:06
VimtoPelo, Thank you i will see after downloading this file04:06
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boneUnaCoder, trust me, I know that. Just dont feel like reinventing the wheel right this second to get the lan onboard04:07
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NotSurejrib no, but you I see had no trouble entering the character04:07
wolfsongh1st0: I'm not sure what you mean...the only option I have is preview04:07
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UnaCoderbone: how complicated a setup are you looking for04:07
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NotSurejrib what exactly did you type after cntr-sht-u ?04:07
endlessurfdoes anyone know how to assign devices to a particular event????   anyone04:07
h1st0wolfsong: yeah like glmatrix screen saver should have a configuration option also next to preview.  At least a default gnome install has that but the ubuntu screensaver package removed that.04:07
jribNotSure: ctrl-shift-u, releaso, 00ac, space04:08
jribNotSure: ctrl-shift-u, release, 00ac, space04:08
NotSurejrib, ok got you, hold on04:08
boneUnaCoder, multi interface (eth0 dhcp to cable modem, eth1 to lan switch serving lan via ip_masq). Maybe blacklisting and port designation.04:08
boneUnaCoder, I dont even need TOS :)04:08
jribNotSure: ctrl-shift-u, releaso, ac, space   should work as well04:09
bonesorry, qos04:09
NotSure jrib! you are cool !04:09
NotSure: ))04:09
wolfsongh1st0: yeah I don't have that for GLMatrix04:09
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ironcladlouanybody? this should be a trivial task. i've tried both a regular application launch and an application in terminal launcher, neither work04:09
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pau1Hey guys04:10
pau1I need some help04:10
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`Matirironcladlou, what's the problem?04:10
pau1Im running 7.04 Feisty, and I closed that menu bar at the bottom of the screen04:10
ironcladlou`Matir: I am just trying to figure out how to launch a shell script from an app launcher in gnome04:10
pau1That shows whats programs are running04:10
pau1and lets me switch desktops04:11
pau1I can relaunch it04:11
ironcladlou`Matir: i've tried launchers, using "sh <path to script>", gnome-terminal -e, nothing works (i'm trying to launch my java IDE, intellij IDEA)04:11
endlessurfpaul add a new bar04:11
Pelopau1,  right click on an empty area of the top bar,  select add a pannel , move the new pannel to the botom,04:11
pau1I suppose04:11
UnaCoderbone: well that stuff is pretty simply done with the iptables command line tool, but you might check this out: http://www.pcc-services.com/iptables.html04:11
ironcladlou`Matir: just executing it from a term works fine04:11
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endlessurfmouse events anyone???????04:12
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`Matirironcladlou, does just NOTHING happen?  if so, what is placed in .xsession-errors?04:12
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pau1Hmm, thats just adding things to the top panel04:12
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boneUnaCoder, is it something I can just apt-get (I come from Slack in 94, to Gentoo in 03, and now this, so I am getting used to this deb!an stuff).04:12
theATOMhow can i clean my ubuntu hdd from all ineternet activity?04:13
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riotkittieaw. a slacker. <cheek pinch>04:13
endlessurfpaul right click and hit new pannel04:13
butterjmsg NickServ set email joebutter@cebridge.net04:13
pau1A windows pops up04:13
pau1with crap to add to it04:13
ironcladlou`Matir: if i configure the launch as a terminal launcher, i see some window pop up and disappear immediately04:13
tritiumbutterj: oops ;)04:13
UnaCoderbone: oh... dunno.  never needed anything like that.  what you're talking about is probablly too simple for a whole different tool to be written04:13
haletdis the atom looking at adult content?04:13
ironcladlou`Matir: .xsession-errors is empty04:13
UnaCoderbone: I would just get friendly with iptables =)04:13
endlessurfpaul you hit add to panel04:13
UnaCoderbone: it's not that hard once you get the hang of it04:14
pau1Thanks alot04:14
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ironcladlou`Matir: if i configure the launch as an "Application", nothing happens when i click the icon (other than the animation for opening an app)04:14
tabbiHow can I burn an is9660 image with wodim/cdrtools?04:14
boneUnaCoder, unfortunately I am, and can just echo up ip_forwarding but was going to use a simple script for now. want to switch out my firewalls04:14
`Matirironcladlou, what happens if you run "gnome-terminal -e SCRIPTNAME" from a console?04:14
ironcladlou`Matir: and again, nothing in .xsession-errors04:14
ironcladlou`Matir: i'll try that04:14
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ironcladlou`Matir: the same thing that happens if i run it from the alt+f2 run dialog: a terminal window with a modal error stating "there was an error craeting the child process for this terminal"04:15
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theATOMhow can i clear hdd from internet activity?04:15
UnaCoderbone: masquerading is as simple as: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth(external) -j MASQUERADE04:15
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EruditeHermithey, what sort of suspend does ubuntu use?04:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:17
komputesThis is a Re:Ask, does anyone have a cross platform video conference tool (I was recomended VLC, but that needs ports to be opened)04:17
`Matirironcladlou, can you put the output of "mount" in a pastebin, please04:17
UnaCoderbone: well hmm i'm not aware of any tool that does what you're askin' =/04:17
ironcladlou`Matir: one moment04:17
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steve1does anyone know where i can get linux3204:17
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ironcladlou`Matir: http://pastebin.com/m79a0e86d04:18
boneUnaCoder, I just snagged my firewall script from the old projectfiles.org server that seems to be long gone now days. Will use it till I can write something more indepth. Thanks anyway.04:18
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DM|Anyone else having trouble getting gparted to run?04:18
lumpycowkomputes I think that Gizmo project has video conferencing in its newest version04:18
logreevalin firefox the adobe flash is not working correctly for this site.... http://www.toyota.com/tundra/index.html?s_van=GM_TN_TUNDRA_INDEX anyone know why?04:18
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komputessteve1: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/linux3204:18
steve1komputes: ty04:18
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boneUnaCoder, since i'm deb!an illiterate, how do I view all available packages on the server build.04:18
komputesthank google04:18
UnaCoderbone: aptitude search <pkgname>04:19
komputesso, videoconferencing on Ubuntu, anyone?04:19
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boneUnaCoder, sweet. Thanks again04:19
lumpycowkomputes: I think that the Gizmo Project has vid conferneceing04:19
bonearno's firewall script is available. Wohoo. that will work.04:19
`Matirironcladlou, odd... that error is usually from a lack of a proper /dev filesystem... what are permissions on /dev/null?04:19
steve1komputes: does it matter what Architecture i get?04:19
UnaCoderbone: if something you're looking for isn't listed make sure you have the extra repositories uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list04:20
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komputesI have no clue, it's unstable though, so I dunno if i would recomended, whats calling for it>?04:20
ironcladlou`Matir: crw-rw-rw-1 root root 1, 3 2007-09-07 09:51 /dev/null04:20
UnaCoderbone: lots of stuff is in universe and multiverse04:20
komputesdid you check the repositories first?04:20
boneUnaCoder, thanks. Will do that.04:20
bqmasseyi want the coolest installation ever....  something very sleek and mac-like.. like a hacker on an FBI drama would have04:21
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bqmasseywhat should i look into?04:21
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boneAnyone know why when I start apache2 (7.04 LAMP+DNS Server Install) apache2 will not start, and dies with a Bus Error?04:21
riotkittiehackers on fbi dramas have things that are mac-like? <puke>04:21
UnaCoderbone: bus error?04:21
=== Dave123 [n=dave@cpe-72-230-182-200.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bqmasseylike.. is there anything for ubuntu like the thing on mac that fades the screen and has customizable widgets04:22
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riotkittiefades the screen? err. elaborate?04:22
boneUnaCoder, yep.04:22
steve1komputes: Well i am trying to install this game for my son and i get the error (This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown) so i thought linux32 would help?04:22
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UnaCoderbone: can you paste or pastebin it?04:22
riotkittieyou can use compiz-fusion. and screenlets. <shrug>04:22
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UnaCoderbone: did you aptitude install apache2?04:23
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boneUnaCoder, no, used LAMP + DNS package installs during initial install.04:23
bqmasseywhat are screenlets?04:23
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bqmasseyn/m google04:23
UnaCoderbone: run: apatitude show apache204:24
bqmasseyscreenlets is excatly what i wanted04:24
steve1does anyone where have wolfenstein:et installed on their linux machine?04:24
UnaCoderbone: is the state "Installed"?04:24
komputesya, just install WINE first and then the exesteve1:04:24
boneUnaCoder, yes04:24
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TheBuddhaA quick question: I've just installed the RC of Gutsy Gibbon, along with the new Broadcom drivers, but I'm unable to connect to my wireless network...it's detected (even shows the signal strength), but it times out when looking to actively connect. Has anyone else had this problem?04:24
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boneUnaCoder, apache2 doesnt seem to generate a startuperror.log and nothing in error.log or access.log either.04:25
bqmasseyi also want an application that will check all of my email addresses (including yahoo, gmail, and hotmail) and let me know when I have new emails04:25
lumpycowSay - is there any way to get a OSX like dock for Ubuntu WITHOUT using composite??04:25
TheBuddhalumpycow: I don't think so, no.04:25
boneUnaCoder, almost like its set to depend on something else which isnt started.04:25
`Matiris anyone familiar with openldap authentication?04:25
UnaCoderbone: what error specifically are you getting on the console?04:25
boneBus Error04:25
bonethen the [failed] 04:25
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_varhow go I get ls to display colors by default04:26
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komputesONCE a system is configured properly (drivers, apps, settings etc) Is there a way to back that up in case I need to make a new install without wasting 3 hours re-configuring it?04:27
bone_var its a switch you alias to ls normally04:27
thinman1189Hello. I'm trying to see if my friend's graphics card is supported in 7.10. I check the hardware support wiki and it doesn't specifically mention it. It's GeForce 6100 128mb pcie. Anyone know?04:27
_varbone: how?04:27
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cafuegoalias ls='ls --color=auto'04:27
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UnaCoderbone: I've read that some times PHP will cause that, try commenting out the LoadModule php... and AddModule mod_php... in your httpd.conf and see if it starts or not04:27
cafuegopop that in ~/.$SHELLrc04:27
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steve1komputes: Well i am trying to install this game for my son and i get the error (This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown) so i thought linux32 would help?04:28
cafuegoUnaCoder: There is no such thing in httpd./conf on Ubuntu.04:28
ruz322thinman1189: it should be, most nvidia geforce cards are, i have a fx5200 and it works great, so you should have no problem04:28
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UnaCodercafuego: how about a broken php module04:28
boneUnaCoder, it might be my filesys. I am getting cciss cmd f7c80000 has CHECK CONDITION byte 2 = 0x3 in my /var/log/messages file when I run the start/stop04:28
thinman1189ruz322: ok, thanks.04:28
bqmasseyQUESTION:  Does Ubuntu support real window transparency? Not the old make-application-background-from-copy-of-real-background, but real transparency?04:29
_varwhat are and how do I use aliases?04:29
ruz322thinman1189: just make sure you download the nvidia-glx package using apt-get and use the nvidia driver for your xorg configuration04:29
cafuegoUnaCoder: they exist, but you still enable/disable php differently.04:29
bone_var, let me chec. give me a few seconds04:29
UnaCoderbone: more likely the issue04:29
UnaCodercafuego: how would you do it? that's how i always have04:29
ruz322thiman1189: the vesa driver works, but the nvidia is much better, and it gives you 3d support04:29
cafuegoUnaCoder: 'sudo a2enmod/a2dismod' on apache2.04:29
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:29
komputesSteve: oooooohhhhhh, try installing WINE or Ubuntu Ultimate with WINE and then try New Wolf04:29
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UnaCodercafuego: guess i'm used to apache 1 heh04:30
nixternallinxuz3r: what's up?04:30
Amaranthbqmassey: If you use compiz it does04:30
=== rob looks
bone_var, type alias, and see if you already have it set04:30
tritiumlinxuz3r: yes?04:30
linxuz3rwho thinks UBUNTU ROCKS???????????????????????????????04:30
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Amaranthlinxuz3r: !op is only to be used in emergencies04:30
ruz322linxuz3r: i know you didnt......you messaged the ops to say that?04:30
bqmasseythanks Amaranth04:30
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bqmasseywhere do i find a list of supported video cards?04:30
_varbone: just returns with anything to standard input04:31
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thinman1189ruz322: ok, thanks. would the same go for geforce 6200 agp 256mb?04:31
cafuegoThere _is_ an emergency04:31
ruz322thinman1189: yes04:31
nixternalcafuego: what is it?04:31
thinman1189ruz322: thanks04:31
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cafuegolinxuz3r is attempting to troll04:31
victor__server irc.irchighway.net04:31
bone_var, what term program are you in?04:31
=== akincer [n=akincer@CPE-76-177-36-109.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hhp2kCan someone help me with an X11 problem? I04:31
cafuego(but failing rather miserably)04:31
robcafuego, that's the impression I'm getting, or he is just being annoying04:32
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %linxuz3r!*@*] by nixternal
_varbone: bash04:32
hhp2kI'm trying to install a screensaver pack and the ./configure script stops with an error about X11 default directory not being found.04:32
nixternalany matter, that should quiet him for a bit04:32
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nixternalI noticed his previous stuff as well04:32
bonevar, type alias ls='ls --color=auto'04:32
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nixternalf0rtune: where at in Illinois are you?04:32
f0rtunenixternal, suburd of chicago04:32
bone_var, then type alias and make sure it set04:32
nixternalf0rtune: same here04:33
Amaranthbqmassey: If you use the Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate (just released today) compiz will be on by default if your hardware supports it04:33
ruz322hhp2k: pastebin the error and give me the link04:33
geirhahhp2k: you probably need to install libx11-dev package04:33
f0rtunenixternal, hmm im somewhat close to that04:33
steve1komputes: so i assume this is the place? http://wiki.winehq.org/UbuntuAMD6404:33
bqmasseyAmaranth: i don't have ubuntu installed yet.. i dont want to download the iso until it's officially released04:34
nixternalf0rtune: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/GutsyReleaseParty - We are having a release party and install fest at the College of DuPage on Sunday the 21st if you are interested04:34
f0rtunewhat package do i need to be able to play avi files (some avi codec?)04:34
bqmasseyAmaranth: is there a list somewhere?04:34
hhp2kruz322: http://pastebin.org/465204:34
komputessteve: what kind of chip what ver. of ubuntu?04:34
akincerThis might be a strange question, but what version of Bacula is going to be in 7.10? Anyone know? I've come to like that backup package.04:34
f0rtunenixternal, OMG thats so cool, i may actually go04:34
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Amaranthbqmassey: intel, older ati, and nvidia04:34
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geirhaf0rtune: depends on the player you want to use04:34
steve1komputes: 6.0604:34
f0rtunenixternal, COD isnt far from my house, just need to get ppl to go with me04:34
nixternalf0rtune: I run the Ubuntu Chicago LoCo team (#ubuntu-chicago IRC channel) if you are interested in hanging out04:34
boneUnaCoder, odd, but an apt-get upgrade of my 7.04 Server build fixed the issue.04:34
ruz322aah release party, wish we had one near me in georgia!!!04:34
endlessurfdoes any one know how to make a usb device keep the same event everytime it is booted?04:34
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nixternalI am the vice-pres of the CoD LUG. so I use CoD as much as possible :)04:35
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UnaCoderbone: heh, must have been a broken package or something04:35
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f0rtunegeirha, i was using movie player, but what would  you suggest04:35
UnaCoderbone: partially installed perhaps04:35
noorso did 7.10 come out yet?04:35
hhp2kgeirha: libx11-dev installed04:35
f0rtunenixternal, thanks for the info ill check it out04:35
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hhp2kgeirha: Already :\04:35
komputessteve1:what kind of CPY04:35
ruz322hhp2k: install the libx11-dev package and try it again04:35
nixternalcool f0rtune...awesome catching some more Chicagoans here :)04:35
akincer7 days till 7.1004:35
=== pierre_ [n=pierre@bas9-montrealak-1128569195.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hhp2kruz322: libx11-dev already installed, just checked.04:35
boneUnaCoder, ya. LAMP must have not installed properly. DNS at least looks solid considering I havent touched it.04:35
noorthx any way04:35
=== mneptok throws a Dionysos at nixternal
endlessurfdoes any one know how to make a usb device keep the same event everytime it is booted?04:36
geirhaf0rtune: mplayer and vlc are nice, since they ship with alot of codecs allready04:36
bone_var, did you get it working?04:36
noori cant wait till compiz FInally!! i cant get compiz to work on this one so ill just wait 7 days XD04:36
nixternalmneptok: gotta pimp Ubuntu mang :D04:36
f0rtunegeirha, thanks ill try those out04:36
akincerAnybody know the Bacula version in 7.10?04:36
mneptokendlessurf: "event?"04:36
steve1komputes: i got the ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64, and i am running an amd 6404:36
pierre_hi everybody04:36
nixternal!info bacula gutsy04:36
ubotubacula: Network backup, recovery and verification (Meta-package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-4ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 52 kB, installed size 96 kB04:36
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nixternalakincer: ^^04:36
_varbone: i'm unfamiliar with aliases; can you show me an example; I'm looking at the bash man page now...04:36
mneptokakincer: Version: 2.0.3-4ubuntu304:36
endlessurfmneptok when you boot your computer your usb devices get an event04:37
bone_var, I showed you an example up top04:37
akincerAhh, there's a handy command for such things here? Didn't know that. First time here04:37
geirhaf0rtune: for the movie player, which I assume is the default movie player (totem) you need to install some gstreamer-packages04:37
komputessteve1: might run into problems with 64 bit, don't know but try always, follow the instructions on the wine page, let me know how it turns out04:37
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bonevar, type the following             alias ls='ls --color=auto'04:37
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ruz322hpp2k: hmm thats a strange one...04:37
steve1komputes: will do xD04:37
endlessurfmneptok i referenced something in my xorg to a specific event but every time it boots it gets a random event04:37
_varbone: ah, missed it; thanks04:37
endlessurfmneptok have any clue?04:37
pierre_everyone know in the console a command for reset sound card i don't see in the forum04:37
mneptokendlessurf: input device?04:38
=== williams [n=williams@72-19-164-90.static.mesanetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
ruz322hpp2k: have you tried it using that option it suggests?04:38
ruz322hpp2k: --with-defaultdir=DIR04:38
bone_var, you cant just look for the nick highlight when someone is talking to you :)  I missed the _04:38
hhp2kruz322: I don't know how to do that. :\04:38
mneptokendlessurf: use UUID04:38
ruz322hpp2k: ./configure --with-defaultdir=DIR04:38
bone_var, after you type that, type               alias04:38
hhp2kruz322: But don't I have to specify a directory where DIR is?04:38
endlessurfmneptok UUID is it in repositories?04:38
bone_var, and see if its set04:38
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_varbone: done and working...04:38
ruz322hpp2k: yea, i was assuming you knew it04:39
hhp2kruz322: I don't, that's the problem. :P04:39
hhp2kruz322: If I knew, I would have tried that.04:39
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geirhahhp2k: never encountered anything like that before, I would look through the configure script and see what it actually tried04:39
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ruz322hpp2k: let me look, see if i can find soemthing04:39
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bqmasseyAmaranth: I've got an ATI Radion Mobility 9600 Turbo Pro .....  I think      that should work with all of the effects?04:39
hhp2kruz322: Okay, thanks04:39
hhp2kgeirha: That's an idea, thanks04:40
Amaranthbqmassey: yeah, should work04:40
steve1komputes: nah it won't let me install the package04:40
bone_var, you might have to set that somewhere. Most likely your in a desktop install (based on your newbieism), so I would say check which startup files that term uses so that you can add it to them.04:40
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bqmasseyAmaranth: awesome. thanks.04:40
jj420can someone tell me how to share my internet over my wirless network to my laptop running windows?04:40
akincersudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:40
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IndyGunFreakjj420: uh, a router?04:40
bonesudo su -04:40
ruz322hpp2k: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults try that04:40
komputessteve1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine04:40
jj420my friend has his laptop here and i dont want to buy a router to allow him internet04:41
hhp2kruz322: ./configure --with-defaultdir=/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults .. like that?04:41
bqmasseyQUESTION: I ran a Live CD.. and it seemed to work pretty good.. except for that when I changed resolution to my screen's native resolution (which wasn't automatically detected) the screen tiled the desktop at the original resolution04:41
jj420i thought i could share it through my wireless card04:41
bonejj420, make him use the tin can and string method.04:41
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komputessteve1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineForAMD6404:41
bqmasseyany ideas?04:41
IndyGunFreakjj420: how bout making him buy the router.04:42
_varbone: so I should put alias ls='ls color=auto' in $HOME/.bash_profile (it's linked to .bashrc)?04:42
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geirhahhp2k: I think it may be /etc/X11/app-defaults on ubuntu04:42
bonejj420, so you want to set your wireless card to AP mode to allow him to connect into you as the router?04:42
hhp2kgeirha: That's what I was just told, I'm executing that now.04:42
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IndyGunFreakbone: why does that sound extremely insecure to my wireless challenged brain04:42
ruz322hhp2k: yea, i think that one i just found was for somethign else, im reinstalling my ubuntu right now or i would look myself04:42
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bone_var, it depends on the term program. I dont use GUI's for the most part so I dont have a clue. If it were me... I would put it in /etc/profile or someplace that sources04:43
hhp2kruz322: Okay.. I believe that may have worked.. but I'm getting another directory problem now04:43
pierre_akincer thank it work04:43
ruz322hhp2k: actually, it may be the one i gave you, thats where the libraries are stored04:43
ruz322hhp2k: what error now?04:43
hhp2kbut that's a different issue, so. Thanks for your help =D Thank you too geirha04:43
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boneIndyGunFreak, its actually not that bad. I have done it, but you do need to be very careful with it.04:43
_varbone: I'm using tty1 now myself04:43
ruz322hhp2k: no prob04:43
bone_var, so your console, and not GUI?04:43
hhp2kruz322: http://pastebin.org/465604:43
IndyGunFreakbone: i bet... like i said though, i'm a wireless idiot, i know very little about it, as my network is wired04:43
_varbone: correct04:43
Evanlec_var, put aliases in ~/.bashrc04:43
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jj420 bone: ya04:44
ari_stresshelp. is there anyway i can install BOTH sendmail and postfix? i need to learn them04:44
akincerNo problem. I've had to do that a few times thanks to internet radio via Rhythmbox hosing my audio04:44
steve1komputes: old wolf is that really old game lol, i was talking about ET :P04:44
Evanlec_var, you'll see examples even in that file04:44
boneIndyGunFreak, I wasnt actually answering you though, i was answering jj420. I think04:44
boneEvanlec, thanks. helping too many at one time :)04:44
IndyGunFreakbone: ya i know... i was just commenting onw hat you said...lol04:44
Evanlecbone, np ;p04:44
pierre_akincer thank it not work04:44
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, how goes?04:44
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_varEvanlec: yeah, I've already screwed around with my ENV in there...04:44
boneIndyGunFreak, ahh. wanted to make sure you didnt think I was talking to you answering one of your issues (if you have any visibile :) ).04:45
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: eh, same ol' same ol'04:45
williamsCan somebody possibly help me with burning an iso in Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension 3000 with an old CD-RW drive that was working in this machine with a different OS? When I try to use it with several different programs under Ubuntu it just ejects and asks for a recordable disk. If I just burn as file it works, but of course that does me no good.04:45
akincerDid didn't work? Then you got an even bigger problem04:45
ruz322hhp2k: did that screensaver pack come with documentation?04:45
akincerIt didn't work?04:45
=== BuenOrtoPas [n=fresnizk@OL103-101.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, did u have any trouble with the broken gutsy updates?04:45
ruz322hhp2k: it seems there may be another package you need to install those extra screensavers04:45
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: no04:45
akincerHmmm. I'm not totally sure then.04:45
IndyGunFreaki'm putting RC on my laptop now.04:45
bonejj420, it is partially insecure so you have to watch how you set it up and make sure that you set it up properly. but it is doable. there are many howto's out there on it. I would check the web actually as it's alot more indepth that even my 85wpm fingers can start into.04:45
=== LabThug [n=labthug@c-68-58-230-122.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hhp2kruz322: I'll look through it. Thanks for your help.04:46
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EvanlecIndyGunFreak, coolness, i cant wait, but i figure ive waited this long, only one more week04:46
LabThugdoes anyone in here use evms for a software raid?04:46
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, be a man, clean install.04:46
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bonejj420, I would search for wireless ap linux howto. that should get you pointed in the right direction. Also, some wireless cards cannot do it.04:46
jj420ive been googling it but all i come up with is how to set up wap for the ap04:46
akincerWhat's wrong with it?04:46
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Evanlecbone, won't he need a wired internet connection (or two connections wireless or wired) to do that?04:47
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pierre_i check video and i have no more snd04:47
jj420i got a wired connection to my cable modem04:47
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, im still planning on clean install...04:47
akincerYou mean you play a video and sound stops?04:47
boneEvanlec, maybe i misunderstood. I thought he had a wired one, and he wanted to open his wireless one up as an AP for his roommate/whomever.04:47
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ari_stresswhy can't i install both sendmail and postfix? can't i just activating one of them one at a time?04:47
Evanlecjj420, okay, then all u gotta do is set urself up as a WAP and then use somethin like firestarter (a firewall but can also setup internet connection sharing, aka routing)04:47
Chustarhello everyone!04:47
Evanlecbone, no you're right, thats what hes got04:48
hhp2kgeirha: The configure file for this package is massive :(04:48
Chustarwindoze user on the loose!04:48
boneYa, what he said.04:48
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boneEvanlec, we are a good team, thanks...04:48
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geirhawilliams: try burning from commandline, the output may give some clues: growisofs -Z /dev/cdrom=image.iso04:48
pierre_ok after hibernate i have no sound and i want command line to write in consol for reset card04:48
=== neozen [n=neozen@lpc-204-102.lpc-south-wireless.depaul.edu] has joined #ubuntu
boneEvanlec, wait till I start asking about openswan :)04:48
williamsThanks - I will try that04:48
akincerThe only one I know to reset sound is the one I gave you. But you probably have other problems related to hibernation that simple commands won't fix04:49
Evanlecpierre_, i'd say skip the hibernate mode04:49
geirhahhp2k: do you have a link to the package your trying to compile?04:49
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Evanlecbone, openswan? lol04:49
akincerOpenswan? That thing about drove me to drink04:49
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akincerBut I got it working the way I wanted04:49
komputessteve1: I think WINE will still do04:49
boneEvanlec, ya, I have to figure out how to VPN into my work which uses RSA SecureID's and a nortel client04:49
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komputesbone: on linux?04:50
Evanlecbone, oh well that sounds like a blast04:50
boneakincer, it'll probably drive me nuts also. IBM wont support us on it.04:50
bonekomputes, yep.04:50
lumpycowWHY does my wireless only have 39-40% (2/4 bars) in linux(ubuntu) and in windows it has 3 or 4 bars??04:50
komputesbone: what sw?04:50
gregoroviusi've just upgraded to gutsy... what's the difference between the 386 and the generic kernel image?04:50
Scunizipierre_, I read something on the Dev list about this.  Apparently you have to shut down alsa during the hybernate process and bring it back live when coming out of it.. How you do this I don't know..  they're apparently working on this for the final.04:50
akincerYou looking to use it as a road warrior or as a concentrator?04:50
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EvanlecIndyGunFreak, check this out, pretty amazing http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=mxco1v392x04:50
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bonekomputes, openswan is what I was going to use originally, but It might not support the correct nortel vpn protocol.04:51
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bonekomputes, its only reason I have windows at home. on call 24/7/366 sucks.04:51
akincerOpenswan can cause issues when certain things are mandated. Such as DHCP over VPN. It will choke everytime04:51
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IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, how did you come across that?  i can't draw a stick figure with paint04:51
silentEvanlec, I don't think that website has enough images to load04:51
_vargregorovius: I believe the generic kernels work with more systems while 386 work only with i386 processors04:51
boneakincer, i havent tried it in 2 years so i was hoping it would have been better by now.04:51
williamsQuestion 2 - I cannot get the screen resolution above some awful amount like 400x600 or 600x800 - factory video with the flat panel that came with it. the screen also blanks during startup in place of showing the splash screen or the beautfil list of what it is doing04:52
Evanlecsilent, what?04:52
williamsTry video card or different monitor first?04:52
gregoroviusI got a Pentium D, which one should I use?04:52
silentIndyGunFreak, there are lots of people who do this sort of thing. I've seen some absolutely incredible photoshop ones04:52
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, skip forward a bit, its kinda long...pretty amazing04:52
akincerbone: I don't have a previous point of reference to compare. I only know that it has some severe limitations04:52
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IndyGunFreakEvanlec: ok.04:52
IndyGunFreaksilent: no doubt its impressive.04:52
boneAnyone have a clue why I had to install i386 on an dual XEON 3.06ghz system. I thought those Xeons were 64bit.04:53
Evanlecsilent, yea i bet, u got any? this one i thot was rather amazing cuz he's using PAINT, he must have a tablet tho04:53
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pierre_ok boys04:53
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pierre_ok thank's boys04:53
Evanlecbone, they probly are, but u chose 32-bit kernel?04:53
komputesbone: http://wiki.openswan.org/index.php/Openswan/Interoperating04:53
LtLgregorovius - the amd-generic kernel for intel D is what you want04:53
akincerTheir wiki reads like years of all the incoherent parts of stereo instructions cobbled together04:54
boneEvanlec, I downloaded 64bit AMD and Intel server iso and it wouldnt install. gave a message saying to use 32bit.04:54
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Evanlecbone, no kiddin...04:54
silentEvanlec, no, any 2000 dpi mouse would do the trick, and I realize doing it with photoshop would seem easier, as it is more featured, however, the quality increases with the switch. It's unbelievable04:54
bonekomputes, been through that like 100 times when I tried a few years ago.04:54
geirhawilliams: what video card is it?04:54
boneEvanlec, yep.04:54
akincerAnd the information I found for Sonicwall interoperating there was total crap04:54
komputesbone: PSK is a PARTIAL and  NAT is MAYBE, so I think it may be too flakey04:55
IndyGunFreakgotta go all, be safe04:55
Evanlecsilent, yea but have u ever tried to draw with a mouse? its certainly not natural04:55
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akincerNAT works fine over Openswan04:55
bonekomputes, uggh. still not fun.04:55
hhp2kgeirha: http://www.reallyslick.com/ is the link to the screensaver package - rsxs-0.9.04:55
komputesbone: but if you find a way let me know04:55
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boneWonder if I can make my PIX box just stay connected to the VPN. Wait, it cant use securid04:55
silentEvanlec, no, its simply another form of art. as sculpting is different from drawing, and drawing from painting, using a mouse is becoming more prevailent04:56
PinkFloydCould someone tell me what the chmod command would be to make a dir writeable by all but not readable04:56
williamsintel 82865g Integrated Graphics04:56
komputesbone: tried WINE and the windows version for now?04:56
=== TheGoodKid [n=cory@74-141-216-81.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecbone, did u read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15316504:56
silentEvanlec, particularly with gaming-grade mice with high dpi sensitivity04:56
bonekomputes, i'll play with it. I hate WINEE and GUI's though04:56
gregoroviusLtL, by amd-generic you mean generic?04:56
_varwhy when I do you dd if=/dev/random count=1 my terminal uses funny characters?04:56
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boneEvanlec, probably not :)04:56
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akincerJust run Windows in Xen and get it over with04:56
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Evanlecsilent, thats craziness when tablets are so cheap and so much easier and more functional04:56
boneakincer, i dont do gui's much. I'd rather command line it04:56
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Evanlecsilent, i got one 4 years ago for 80$ and its seen a lot of abuse, and it still works like a charm04:57
komputesso anyone use something simple and cross platform for videoconferencing on linux?04:57
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hhp2kgeirha: I found out that xscreensaver wasn't installed, which is the cause of my next error. I'm installing that now.04:57
alduin_var: You don't have an of= so the random character is getting sent to your terminal and confusing it.04:57
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akincerMe too. But if getting connected is a higher temporary priority, get the gui client running in a VM and work on an alternative in the background at your leisure04:57
_varaduin: um04:57
boneEvanlec, looking now04:57
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_varalduin: I should send it to a text file and read it?04:58
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Evanlecbone, you xeon could be either 64-bit or 32-bit apparently04:58
silentthere are various works04:58
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silentEvanlec, ^04:58
black_13how would i get ubuntu to use microsoft proxy server?04:58
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soahc00hey guys, anyone aware of issues with mixed ide/sata configuration installations?04:59
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alduin_var: That's probably a better way to go.  What are you attempting to do?04:59
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boneEvanlec, you think HP would put 32bit Xeon's in a DL360 G3? I just dont see that for a 1500 machine04:59
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steve1komputes: Ubuntu Dapper (6.06) amd64 not available:04:59
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PinkFloydCould someone tell me what the chmod command would be to make a dir writeable by all but not readable?04:59
boneEvanlec, actually maybe they are. I installed XP on one at work so I bet they are 32's05:00
_varalduin: I'm just experimenting with my system. I read about /dev/random, so I wanted to see what it was05:00
Evanlecbone, i dunno, maybe, check the specs on the model if its a brand-name system05:00
geirha_var: it's a common thing when printing non-character symbols, that the terminal may get messed up. Typing reset usually turns it back though05:00
adamkiliso, um, I used a hard drive in this one laptop I have to test if another laptop I have works (it does), and I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to get the X server working on the other laptop, but when I took the hard drive back to my other laptop, ran that command again, and got the x server running, compiz effects stopped working. any ideas on how to fix this?05:00
akincerUnless I'm mistaken, you cannot have the ability to write but not read. But don't quote me on that05:00
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PinkFloydakincer, I didnt think so but it's worth a shot05:00
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lumpycowWHY does my wireless only have 39-40% (2/4 bars) in linux(ubuntu) and in windows it has 3 or 4 bars??05:00
=== dsad [i=Amok@89-138-182-27.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
EvanlecPinkFloyd, i think chmod a-r+w <file> will work?05:00
PinkFloydlet me try05:01
komputessilent: wow i want to photoshop like macpulenta05:01
alduin_var: It's giving you a random character.  It just so happens that that character is also one that messes with your terminal. =)05:01
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-68-47-231-107.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
silentkomputes, heh, me too05:01
dsadHi..I know my question doesn't have anything to do with linux but I don't know where to go05:01
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PinkFloydEvanlec yeah it did05:01
akincercool, I was wrong!05:01
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dsadMy MSN messenger doesn't work. It loads and I sign in but then it freezes05:01
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EvanlecPinkFloyd, that worked? i just guessed lol05:01
komputessilent: you think waacom or straight on screen?05:01
silentkomputes, chances are he does it for a living, most likely for modeling. that sort of familiarity with photoshop shows some serious experience05:02
PinkFloydEvanlec you guessed correctly. :P05:02
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akincerMaybe my memory serves that it is a write once proposition.05:02
steve1komputes: get my pm? :-P05:02
komputesdsad: son't even start, I want msn too for videoconference, no go05:02
Evanleckomputes, hes gotta be using a tablet05:02
akincerOr maybe I'm just confused :)05:02
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alduin_var: And like geirha said, 'reset' will often fix it, even if you can't read "reset" while you're typing it.05:02
silentthe latest one on bumblebee from transformers is pretty awesome05:02
Evanleckomputes, if he does this for a living...he'd be crazy not to use a tablet05:02
komputestablet pc or drawing tablet?05:02
dsadCPU usage is @ 50%05:02
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silentbut scarlett johanssen is also amazing05:03
komputesspiderman one is amazing05:03
dsadIf nobody here knows do you know who could help me?05:03
komputesdsad, use pidgin05:03
silentEvanlec, it probably is a tablet, based on his sketchings he builds tone and colour on05:03
komputesmsn on wine is a no go05:03
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komputesvideoconferencing on linux is a headache05:03
silentkomputes, apt-get install gaim05:04
Evanlecsilent, oh ya the spiderman definitely a tablet, its apparent in his starting sketch outlines05:04
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hhp2kgeirha: Installing xscreensaver didn't do it, and gave me the same error about not finding the dir for xscreensaver. I tried to find that dir in etc but it wasn't there. I'm confused. :\05:04
komputesgaim is now pidgin05:04
Evanlecsilent, lines of varying opacity (black to gray)05:04
PinkFloydEvanlec I got what I wanted. I wanted a dir that could not been read in Nautilus but could be written to with the terminal05:04
lumpycowdsad I noticed that too, I don't think I can chat on MSN right now either05:04
komputespidgin does msn, aol, icq irc and more05:04
akincerEvanlec, did that write but not read apply to files you created?05:04
geirhahhp2k: could be a followup error from choosing wrong app-defaults dir05:04
silentEvanlec, yea05:04
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hhp2kgeirha: Could be. sigh.05:04
Evanlecakincer, i didnt try the command, i cant see why anyone would want to lol05:04
silentPinkFloyd, thanks for the great music05:05
dsadok thx05:05
silentPinkFloyd, you get along so well with the sweet mary jane05:05
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steve1komputes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3517803#post351780305:05
bqmasseyhow many cd's will the new release be?05:06
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akinceroh, it was PinkFloyd that asked05:06
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SnuxollHey all05:06
Gun_SmokeCan someone explain "load averages"?05:06
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SnuxollIn what context Gun_Smoke05:06
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: What is it?  Does it matter to me?05:07
geirhahhp2k: look at "dpkg -L xscreensaver-data" ... could be one of those paths05:07
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SnuxollWhere are you seeing this Gun_Smoke05:07
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: uptime05:07
akincerAnyone here messed with Plone much?05:07
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hhp2kgeirha: That's useful, thanks05:07
SnuxollWhat are your load averages?05:07
PiciGun_Smoke: check out the manpage for uptime for a good description of what the load averages mean05:08
ScuniziGun_Smoke, try "top" from console and you'll see the running load averages  and how the three columns are labeled.05:08
EvanlecGun_Smoke, its an average of the total "load" on your cpu05:08
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lumpycowWHY does my wireless only have 39-40% (2/4 bars) in linux(ubuntu) and in windows it has 3 or 4 bars??05:09
EvanlecGun_Smoke, since your computer was last rebooted05:09
SnuxollIt's more than total CPU load05:09
SnuxollIt's also RAM and SWAP loads too05:09
Scunizibqmassey, did you get an answer?05:09
Evanleclumpycow, probably just driver differences, long as it works right?05:09
bqmasseyScunizi: didn't see one05:09
bqmasseyScunizi: trying to figure it out from the site05:09
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Gun_SmokeIs it a way to tell if your system is under preforming task requirements?05:10
PiciSystem load averages is the average number of processes that are either  in a runnable or uninterruptable state.05:10
SnuxollWho here would buy a pre-built Ubuntu-configured PC if I sold one?05:10
akincerI've found that iwconfig offers more accurate views of signal quality than the dumbed down windows bars05:10
lumpycowEvanlec: I guess, but have any idea if using the windows wrapper drivers would perform better?05:10
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: I might.05:10
frostburnhow does one park a hard drives heads05:10
Scunizibqmassey, there will be one cd per version.. Ubuntu for the Gnome desktop, Kubuntu for kde desktop, Xubuntu for xfce, server and Kubuntu which is kde oriented to the educational market, kids at home etc.05:10
akincerWith a valet05:11
EvanlecGun_Smoke, its more for servers to see how many ppl were on it05:11
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: If the price is right..05:11
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SnuxollWhat's your price range?05:11
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: That would depend.  Right now I would like to stay under 60005:11
Gun_SmokeCPU alone05:11
komputesEvanlec: Ya it's a waacom05:12
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SnuxollWhat do you expect out of a $600 machine?05:12
bqmasseyScunizi: alright, cool....   does it all fit on one cd or does that just install a minimal system and you add everything you need?05:12
komputessteve1: so you followed that, did it work?05:12
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Evanleclumpycow, they might, i didnt bother with ndiswrapper, most people seem to use it if they need extended feature (aka WPA)05:12
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: DVD/CD burner, >1G ram 2.* processor 3d card05:13
Scunizibqmassey, nope that's pretty much everything you need for a basic desktop with software.. from there you add other "stuff", like Xchat, aMSN, Scribus, Inkscape, Amorak etc..05:13
lumpycowEvanlec: I see, I guess ill just have to use it!! haha.05:13
SnuxollHow powerful would you want the video card?05:13
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MasterShreklumpycow, what kind of wifi card is it?05:14
MasterShrekhello Evanlec05:14
SnuxollMoreover, what would you use the system for05:14
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: I don't game... But I don't want it to be too out of date in 18 months05:14
Evanleclumpycow, i guess if its bothering u that much...signal strength ive seen varies a lot...dont necessarily mean much long as ur connection isnt slow or dropping05:14
bqmasseyScunizi: are the CDs all live cds that give you the option to install it on the harddrive, or is there a seperate live cd05:14
EvanlecMasterShrek, hi hi05:14
SnuxollVideo cards are out of date the day they come out05:14
Evanlecbqmassey, they are one and the same05:14
MasterShrekSnuxoll, 600 dollars will buy you a nice computer05:14
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: I know.. Enough to keep up with beryl05:14
komputeslol, what you call extended (WPA) I call minimum security05:14
bqmasseyEvanlec, Scunizi: awesome. thanks!05:15
SnuxollBeryl isn't that heavy.....I run Compiz Fusion on a RADEON 9500 PRO05:15
Scunizibqmassey, all the cd are live unless you purposely get the "Alternate" cd for a text based install.  Will you try to dual boot or take over the entire drive.05:15
macacoi need help. how i can ubuntu detect my HTC APACHE 6600 pocket pc? i use dmesg to but i don't see USB conecction05:15
akincerSkip the wireless encryption and just stick your wireless in front of VPN.05:15
Pici!ot | silent05:15
Gun_SmokeMasterShrek: esp if you build yourself.. I have always wanted to do it.05:15
SnuxollHell, I can run beryl on a i94505:15
ubotusilent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:15
lumpycowEvanlec: oh I see, it seem to work alright. that all I was wondering. it does work fine.05:15
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komputessilent: Now how does uptown girl relate to ubuntu05:15
silentMasterShrek, a good computer is relative to what operating system you run... windows requires significantly more resources than ubuntu05:15
akincerIf you have the extra hardware to do it that is05:15
SnuxollSo, Gun_Smoke, average desktop use with eyecandy support?05:16
hhp2kgeirha: I fixed that problem with your advice, thanks. But now it's telling me it can't compile without openGL support.. which I thought I had enabled. It's telling me this: http://pastebin.org/4662. Let me know if you're too busy by the way, I really appreciate your help :)05:16
=== Avenger [n=jz_45@ip-66-241-177-34.dsl-dhcp.blr.huntel.net] has joined #ubuntu
silentkomputes, I was just checking to see if it was a rickroll... my friend sent the link on msn05:16
Evanlecsilent, lol ? why am i waatching billy joel ?05:16
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komputesi dunno either05:16
bqmasseyScunizi: still deciding that..  i recently corrupted my windows filesystem by accidently dropping the batter out of my laptop when i went to pick it up05:16
hhp2kgeirha: Is there any way to enable OpenGL now, or would I have to reconfigure something to do that?05:16
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: Who's to say where beryl will be in 2 years.. just need enough to keep up.05:16
MasterShreksilent, im quite aware, but if you have 512mb ram vs 2 gigs, or a 1.3ghz processor vs dual core 2.4 or something, it doesnt matter what os you have, its going to make a huge difference05:16
komputessongs addictive05:16
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Evanleckind of annoying actually05:17
SnuxollOK, but no overly-intense 3D stuff like Crysis?05:17
komputeschicks pretty hot too, for an uptown girl05:17
silentMasterShrek, aye, though both will do an admirable job... depending on what you need05:17
AvengerWhat is the best binary downloader for newsgroups?05:17
macacoi need help. how i can ubuntu detect my HTC APACHE 6600 pocket pc? i use dmesg to but i don't see USB conecction05:17
Scunizibqmassey, ouch!05:17
silenteither will work for basic tasks05:17
=== JD_ [n=jd@adsl-70-129-21-209.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheGoodKid!info pan | Avenger05:17
ubotuavenger: pan: A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version 0.120-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 781 kB, installed size 3272 kB05:17
bqmasseyScunizi: and i'm pissed at windows anyways... so i'm thinking about a complete conversion05:17
SnuxollGive me five minutes and I'll give you an estimate05:17
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: msg me05:17
MasterShrekSnuxoll, build from newegg, its probably got the best deals around05:17
SnuxollI am building from newegg05:18
Scunizibqmassey, If you decide you still need windows later you can always install it in a Virtual Machine and run it in a window insite of Ubuntu.05:18
Avengerthanks goodkid, i'll check it out05:18
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: would save me a trip to newegg05:18
cafuegoUnless you're not in the US.05:18
SnuxollI am in the US05:18
SnuxollGun_Smoke: So, you do want Wireless?05:18
geirhahhp2k: you need to install libgl-dev libglu-dev etc...05:18
bqmasseyScunizi: i just don't know if i can do that because i dont know of any good iTunes replacements for linux. and i need to work in photoshop every once in a while05:18
MasterShrekgimp for photoshop, and amarok for itunes05:19
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Evanlecbqmassey, its not that bad trust me05:19
Scunizibqmassey, amorak will sync with ipods ,.. with the exception of the newer ipods.05:19
Xenguybqmassey: run windows under linux via virtual machines, e.g. Virtualbox or Vmware etc.05:19
hhp2kgeirha: Basically all the OpenGL packages?05:19
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Evanlecbqmassey, i have vista still installed, havent booted it in a month05:19
Gun_Smokebqmassey: GIMP is your friend05:19
akincerAmazon DRM-free music + gtkpod can be a decent replacement05:19
SnuxollVista FTL05:19
Xenguybqmassey: but only if you must :-)05:19
SnuxollRhythmbox > GTKPod05:19
bqmasseyMasterShrek: i can't stand GIMP.. too much experience with photoshop05:19
geirhahhp2k: the development packages at least, but they probably depend on all the rest of the gl packages, so ... yes :)05:19
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SnuxollI love GIMP.....I just wish it had layer styles...05:20
akincerRhytmbox = how many times can you lock my sound up today?05:20
akincerat least for me05:20
Snuxollakincer: Try Banshee then05:20
Scunizibqmassey, try gimpshop, it's gimp where the menu's have been rearranged to mimic photoshop05:20
EvanlecMasterShrek, im gonna have to agree with massey on the gimp, find it irrtating coming from photoshop05:20
MasterShrekakincer, use audacious05:20
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SnuxollIf that doesn't work, try Amarok05:20
bqmasseyare those VM things free?05:20
EvanlecScunizi, no shit? been wonderin about that05:20
akincerwith Xen yes05:20
MasterShreki dont do much image editing or anything, so it works for the little that i do05:20
Scunizibqmassey, VM is free..05:20
SnuxollGun_Smoke, check your PM's05:20
Evanlecbqmassey, everything with ubuntu is free05:20
Gun_SmokeNever seen photoshop.. Only know GIMP... And I don't do much05:20
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EvanlecGun_Smoke, okay you've never seen photoshop? i find that hard to believe but, we're comin from two different worlds then05:21
Scunizibqmassey, I currently have a dual boot with winxp and run win2kpro in a VM inside of my Ubuntu for work.. the xp install is just for games.05:21
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MasterShrekSnuxoll, you need to be regged to send pm's, just so u konw05:21
nooroh man ff8 theme song rox05:21
bqmasseyi just like that itunes keeps my ipod firmware up-to-date and syncs automatically05:21
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SnuxollI am regged05:21
SnuxollI never get on IRC without nickserv05:22
Scunizibqmassey, nice feature, but they lock you in.05:22
MasterShrekbqmassey, just cuz the firmware is newer doesnt make it better05:22
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:22
akincerMake no mistake: as Linux market share grows, Apple WILL release iTunes for Linux.05:22
hhp2kgeirha: Selecting some lib packages requires me to uninstall nvidia-glx.. I definitely don't want to do that :\05:22
MasterShrekakincer, i bet they will, it would only make sense for them to05:22
akincerEspecially when Amazon.com releases their software for Linux05:22
EvanlecScunizi, u using VMware or virtualbox ?05:22
komputessteve1: wow new wolf sux, sorry for the blinded recommendation did you get your game to work05:22
geirhahhp2k: hm, which packages is that?05:22
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JD_Are there any programmers in here? I'm trying to find a Java compiler...05:22
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hhp2kgeirha: Selecting glide liib packages for opengl makes this happen. Do I need glide?05:22
ScuniziEvanlec, VMWare Server.05:23
geirhahhp2k: it should be enough to just selecting the libgl*-dev packages05:23
MasterShrekJD_, try javac if you have it installed already05:23
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-72-227-37-48.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
akincerVMWare ESX rocks05:23
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Evanlecbqmassey, you will be able to sync your itunes on ubuntu np05:23
hhp2kgeirha: Okay. We'll see what happens05:23
MasterShrekelse u need jdk05:23
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MasterShrekakincer, esx is pretty sexy, but not for personal use05:23
akincerNo, of course not05:23
Scuniziakincer, is ESX GPL'd or something similar?05:23
EvanlecScunizi, ever try vbox? i heard it was faster...which means a lot when it comes to virtual machines in my opinion05:23
CheeseGardenerif I download the beta of 7.10, will I still be able to update to the full 7.10 when it's released on the 18th, from the beta?05:23
bqmasseyScunizi: does running windows in a VM inside Ubuntu work well?  windows still responsive and no major errors?05:23
akincerNo, it isn't05:23
hhp2kgeirha: Woah, now it's telling me it's going to remove xorg.. jeez05:23
MasterShrekvbox is good i guess, i use qemu qith kvm05:23
SnuxollVBox is the best VM software out there05:23
MasterShrekvbox is built of qemu i guess05:24
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MasterShrekcan vbox take advantage of kvm?05:24
macacoplease help how synchronize ubuntu in my pocket pc HTC Apache 660005:24
EvanlecCheeseGardener, you will have the full release in your panel ;p05:24
SnuxollVBox does use kernel acceleration, yes MasterShrek, however not through KVM or KQEMU05:24
ScuniziEvanlec, bqmassey .. VMWare runs win2kpro just as fast as if it was insalled on it's own machine.. no problems whatever with speed.05:24
CheeseGardenerEvanlec, what do you mean I will have the full release in my panel?05:24
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hhp2kgeirha: De-selected xorg for uninstallation. Installing other packages now05:24
EvanlecMasterShrek, kvm?05:24
geirhahhp2k: hm... I see there's a libglu1-xorg-dev, you probably don't need that one05:25
MasterShrekkernel virtual machine05:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:25
akincerScunizi:VMware isn't GPL'ed. At least not their own secret sauce. It is built on an old Red Hat version05:25
twiplebqmassey: I run a WindowsXP in VMware Server inside Ubuntu and it works very well05:25
EvanlecScunizi, well okay but that all depends on what ur using it for, of course not games05:25
MasterShrek!info kvm05:25
ubotukvm: Full virtualization on x86 hardware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:16-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 474 kB, installed size 1440 kB05:25
bqmasseyScunizi, twiple: would iTunes be able to access/update my iPod if it was running in a VM?05:25
MasterShrekbqmassey, yes05:25
EvanlecMasterShrek, is that a replacement for vmware ?05:25
ScuniziEvanlec, that's why I have a dual boot.. for games.. win2k is just for accessing some work programs that need windows including some websites.05:25
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macacoplease help how synchronize ubuntu in my pocket pc HTC Apache 660005:26
MasterShrekEvanlec, qemu is the actual program, kvm is a kernel module that makes it run smoother05:26
Scunizibqmassey, yes.. if windows is running in a VM it doesn't know it at all..05:26
CheeseGardenerEvanlec, what do you mean I will have the full release in my panel?05:26
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EvanlecCheeseGardener, i mean the answer to your question is yes05:26
MasterShrektwiple, vmware is good, very easy to use, but when its not in use, its still got processes running, which tends to slow things down, maybe not to the point where you would notice it right away, but if u arent using vmware, theres no sense for vmware services to be running05:27
Scunizibqmassey, also you don't have to go through the pain of loading motherboard drivers, video drivers, usb drivers etc..05:27
CheeseGardenerEvanlec, is the beta fairly stable now?  I heard it was risky to update.  Or is it mostly finished, and waiting to be released?05:27
bqmasseyScunizi, MasterShrek: that's pretty crazy... if I could photoshop and use iTunes while in ubuntu...  i have no reason to install xp.. I don't game much anymore05:27
EvanlecMasterShrek, what would u recommend for running winxp?05:27
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Scunizibqmassey, there you go!  Time to convert!05:27
MasterShrekbqmassey, yep, i use ms visual studio on my xp vm05:27
EvanlecCheeseGardener, it will be release on the 18th...im just gonna wait, only 1 more week05:27
akincerbqmassey, that time is fast approaching05:27
MasterShrekEvanlec, virtualbox05:27
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hhp2kgeirha: And we have life! =D Thanks for your help.05:28
EvanlecMasterShrek, sweet, i think im going to try that, running photoshop thru wine makes me want to throw things05:28
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, it should be ok now, im running just fine05:28
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bqmasseyScunizi, MasterShrek: when you use a VM.. do you install XP on it's own partition and then run it in ubuntu? how's that work?05:28
MasterShrekEvanlec, i hear ya there haha05:28
luishello all05:28
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luisdoes anyone know if I can put music into my ipod in ubuntu?05:28
twiple<bqmassey>: In the latest version of VMware Server  you can use a USB device, but I am not sure iPod can work well.05:28
Scunizibqmassey, I recently reinstalled xp on a machine and it took about 2.5 hrs start to finish with all the drivers. Of Course that included 13 reboots during updates.05:28
akincerluis: yes you absolutely can05:28
macacoplease help how synchronize ubuntu in my pocket pc HTC Apache 660005:29
luiswith what programme?05:29
MasterShrekbqmassey, it makes a virual hard drive, just a file or series of files on your hard drive, u can choose how big u want it, usually 8-10 gigs, and in vmware it can be broken up into 2 gig pieces05:29
geirhahhp2k: \o/05:29
Scunizibqmassey, no.. load the VM program and install.. into just a few files05:29
akincerI've used gtkpod to do it. Others may offer you a "better" one05:29
MasterShrekluis, amarok05:29
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luiswhere can I get these?05:29
Scunizibqmassey, easy to copy backup etc, even put on another machine.05:29
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MasterShrekluis, sudo apt-get install amarok05:29
luisdo they come bundled with ubuntu? or can someone give me the commands to install them please05:29
_dan_hi guys, i have this problem with samba: when i mount a directory via sshfs inside a samba share, and then connect to that samba share, samba wont show me the mounted dir. why and how can i fix it05:30
akincerYou can use the command line or the synaptic package manager05:30
adamkiliakincer and luis: is it true amarok and other third party tools don't work with the 6th generation? (the touch, classic, video nanos?)05:30
MasterShreki think thats true adamkili05:30
akincerI've heard it WAS true, but that someone broke through that nonsense05:30
=== MasterShrek doesnt have an ipod
bqmasseyScunizi, MasterShrek: awesome, thanks for the advice05:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, ahh whats the package name for virtualbox05:30
luisomg omg, this thing needs to hurry05:30
macacoany one here know how i can synchronize my pocket pc05:30
h1st0Evanlec: there isn't one in ubuntu05:31
luisI need to get this stuff inyo my ipod quick05:31
MasterShrekEvanlec, isnt it virtualbox?05:31
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h1st0Evanlec: you have to download the deb from there site05:31
MasterShrekh1st0, im pretty sure there is05:31
Evanlech1st0, i thot for sure05:31
Scunizibqmassey, go for it.. the worst that can happen is you decide to reformat and go back to the old way... :(05:31
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox05:31
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luismaster shrek05:31
h1st0Evanlec: MasterShrek see05:31
adamkiliya i knew someone would crack the DRM crap but still, just wondering.05:31
luisand after I install amarok, it'll be available from  the toolbar?05:31
MasterShrekok, i believe you h1st005:31
h1st0!ipod > luis05:31
akinceradamkili:you would obviously want to do some testing to verify05:32
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MasterShrekshould be luis05:32
h1st0You just download the deb and double click it its a painless process05:32
luisok, danke schon05:32
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macacoany one here know how i can synchronize my pocket pc  PM please05:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, is there a way to have vbox use an existing windows installation, like a "thin" installation sorta05:32
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h1st0There are how ever virtual box packages in gutsy05:32
Evanlech1st0, gotta be kiddin me! argh05:32
MasterShrekh1st0, maybe thats what i was thinking of, i am running gutsy05:32
adamkiliakincer: except I've never had or plan on getting a ipod cause there's no music subscription service05:33
MasterShrekEvanlec, i think u can use a physical partition, it may mess with trying to boot that partition later tho05:33
h1st0Evanlec: you can just download the deb from their site its  a small package and it allows for easy removal05:33
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h1st0Evanlec: its a pita to set up with the hardware changing etc...05:33
bqmasseyScunizi: lol yea.. out of curiousity.. if i install xp on a seperate partition is there any way to boot it while inside of unbuntu?05:33
h1st0Evanlec: I've seen howtos online on how to do it though.05:33
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komputesQuestion, anyone know an application that will prompt me if an application tries to connect to the net!05:33
akinceradmakili: If you want an iPod, but not their music store, Amazon.com is selling DRM-free music now. I've used it and it works great if you purchase one song at a time05:33
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MasterShrekbqmassey, yes, but its not recommended05:34
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Evanlech1st0, really? thin install not so easy then?05:34
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bqmasseyMasterShrek: why's that?05:34
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MasterShrekEvanlec, its easy to do, but not really smart05:34
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EvanlecMasterShrek, why noot?05:34
chetnickyou guys any good action games for linux?05:34
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h1st0Evanlec: because the hardware on the virtual machine will be different than the actual hardware in yoru pc05:34
luisahhhh verdammt05:34
MasterShrekEvanlec, bqmassey when the vm loads it, its different hardware that windows sees, therefore it needs to load different drivers and such each time, and we all know how windows deals with change05:34
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luisthis thing is still unpacking05:34
bqmasseyMasterShrek: oh, alright.. that makes sense05:35
Evanlecchetnick, enemy-territory or quake 405:35
h1st0Evanlec: http://kimchimik.humandroids.net/2007/10/02/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/05:35
MasterShrekchetnick, saurbraten05:35
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chetnickthanks for advise05:35
chetnickwill try it05:35
luisit's installed, tahnks master shrek05:35
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea that does sound like a nightmare, it could then screw up booting the actual windows partition?05:35
akincerIsn't there a Quake3 version for Linux too?05:35
komputesUtility that warns you when an app requires WAN access? Anyone?05:35
h1st0Evanlec: aparently you can create a seperate hardware profile to avoid problems05:36
macacoany one here know how i can synchronize my pocket pc  PM please05:36
geirhachetnick: some windows games will work too, using wine. if you search for the game at http://appdb.winehq.com , you can see how well it works05:36
MasterShrekit could Evanlec, it may not, but it could05:36
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chetnickwell i install CS05:36
macacoNo one help me :(05:36
chetnickbut no sound05:36
chetnickand cat fix it05:36
akincermacaco:I've tried getting a pocket pc syncing. I'd rather have tobasco sauce poured in my eyes than try to work through that nightmare. There is allegedly some people working on that. Don't hold your breath though05:36
h1st0Evanlec: although the link I gave you doesn't explain how to create a seperate hardware profile but that is pretty much a must if you read that page.05:36
chetnickdont know what is going on05:37
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h1st0!sound > chetnick05:37
chetnickwith that audio on CS over Wine05:37
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silentI love how people use the ubotu flags... like sound is always simple05:37
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h1st0chetnick: audio works fine it maybe that you have to configure wine's sound secion.  Try hitting alt+f2 and launching winecfg05:37
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Evanlech1st0, i have a vista installation, he claims on that page that vista doesnt allow u to create hardware profiles...that ture?05:37
geirhachetnick: have you checked the CS page at appdb.winehq.org? might be some bug reports on that05:37
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h1st0Evanlec: I have no idea about vista05:38
chetnicktired various combinations on the winecfg audio settings05:38
chetnicknothing seems to work05:38
akincermacaco:I did actually get some communication going, but could never make anything of it05:38
h1st0chetnick: try asking in #winehq05:38
h1st0!enter > chetnick05:38
macacowell thx for you time akincer05:39
macacobye all05:39
akincerno problem05:39
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bqmasseyI assume running windows in a VM would require activating windows within the VM, correct?05:39
akincerIf you already have a valid windows image, use P2V and you won't05:40
MasterShrekbqmassey, yes05:40
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Evanlecakincer, p2v? ;o05:40
h1st0bqmassey: yes unless you use some hacked version such as tinyxp05:40
komputesso, any replacement for ZoneAlarm on linux?05:40
akinceror so I've heard05:40
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h1st0!virus | komputes05:40
ubotukomputes: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:40
h1st0!firewall | komputes05:40
ubotukomputes: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:40
=== anathematic [n=anathema@203-217-21-54.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlech1st0, i have the vista install...can i transfer license from it to my vm?05:40
komputesno i wanted the popup05:40
h1st0Evanlec: I no nothing about vista sry.05:41
MasterShrekEvanlec, no probably not, but if u have an xp disc, i can give u a key...05:41
akincerEvanlec: Have you tried p2v and it didn't work?05:41
komputesyou know Your Program is trying to access the internet (yes/no)05:41
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Evanleckomputes, lol...firestarter works fine...but u dont really need a firewall for ubuntu05:41
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komputesi want to restrict certain apps from using the net05:41
Evanlecakincer, no i dont even know what p2v is05:41
MasterShrekkomputes, i know what you mean, but ive never found anything like that in linux, and u really dont need it05:41
h1st0!piracy > MasterShrek05:41
bqmasseyi'm just wondering if I could activate my copy since i've already done it on my machine...05:41
akincerPhysical to Virtual05:41
bqmasseyand it will think the hardware is different05:41
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh i can get hacked keys no problem lol05:41
komputesactually, i do need it05:42
Avengeri know this is gonna sound stupid because i'm really new to ubuntu but how do you find out how much hard drive space there is in the GUI?05:42
komputesthats why i asked05:42
MasterShrek!piracy > Evanlec05:42
h1st0bqmassey: read what people are saying about p2v05:42
Evanlecyea yea05:42
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Evanlechey atleast its just pirating windows!05:42
komputesso hw do you restrict an app internet use.05:42
MasterShrekAvenger, there shold be somthing under system>administration05:42
h1st0komputes: read the message from ubotu about iptables05:42
oli_Anyone here know how to clone a stereo audio source to the rear speakers?05:42
MasterShrekAvenger, but if you type: df     in a terminal it will tell you also05:42
FrogzooAvenger: if you add a 'system monitor' applet to your toolbar, you can right click it to open it & select file systems05:43
Avengersystem monitor works05:43
Evanlech1st0, is p2v only for vmware?05:43
Avengerthanks guys!05:43
h1st0Evanlec: dunno never used it.05:43
komputesh1st0:I don't want to block the IP, I want to restrict Application network access05:44
Avengerok one more question and then i'm done.  Can PAN be used to download .rar files?05:44
Evanleckomputes, zonealarm and those apps are terrible in my opinion, linux networking is usually a little more raw, ur gonna be blocking ports and setting rules yourself05:44
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MasterShrekkomputes, just close the program, problem solved, programs dont stay open like in windows05:44
EvanlecAvenger, u can use anything to download .rar files...and u can use 7zip to extract them, for free05:44
Avengerfrom a newsgroup server.05:45
komputeshow do you set rule : Program X do not connect to outside internet05:45
Evanleckomputes, i would try Firestarter05:45
Evanlec!firestarter | komputes05:45
ubotukomputes: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:45
Evanleci meant05:45
twipleAvenger: yes, there are many softwares can extract .rar files.05:45
Evanlec!info | firestarter05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:45
Evanlecoops bah05:45
Evanlec!info firestarter | komputes05:45
ubotukomputes: firestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 396 kB, installed size 1920 kB05:45
Avengerany tutorials on the net work d/l files from a newsgroup server in Ubuntu?05:45
komputesYa IP tables are IP based, I need Apptable, lol05:46
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EvanlecAvenger, im sure there are hundreds05:46
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twipleAvenger: 7-ZIP is a open source software.05:46
AvengerGoogle...here I come!05:46
MasterShrekAvenger, search in synaptic05:46
Frogzookomputes: sys -> admin -> login window -> remote - x disabled05:46
josephI think I must be crazy running a triple boot system with Vista, Ubuntu and PCLinux OS05:46
ubuntuis anyone else having problems connecting to a network when setting up newly installed ubuntu?05:46
Evanlecnewsgroups? those are like as old as email05:46
Avengerwell i have the .nzb file, i just can't figure out how to import it into an app05:47
Evanleclinux was designed around e-mail lol05:47
MasterShrekjoseph, its not what i would call 'sane' lol05:47
komputesfrogzoo: not all apps just one of them05:47
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Evanlecjoseph, how do u like PCLOS? i have vista nd ubuntu...05:47
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komputesthink firestarter may work05:47
akincerEvanlec: I'm not sure. Looking into it05:47
MasterShreki dont know why pclinuxos is #1 on distrowatch05:47
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Avenger<3 Linux05:48
jonnyis anyone else having problems connecting to a network when setting up newly installed ubuntu?05:48
Avengerhellanzb works great05:48
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twiplejoseph: I have Vista on my laptop and I run Ubuntu in VMware Server.05:48
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josephWell master shrek one thing it handles my wireless when no other distro would05:49
EvanlecMasterShrek, i dunno either, they aggressively promote it, ever read the pclos magazine?05:49
geirhakomputes: have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8042805:49
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AncientRelicJust got a new laptop, Compaq F730US GeForce 6100 Chipset, the LiveCD doesn't boot05:49
Frogzoojonny: hardly - what seems to be your problem?05:50
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Evanlecjoseph, u tried ndiswrapper ?05:50
MasterShrekno Evanlec05:50
akincerjonny: my network card will NOT auto enable on boot. I have to manually do it.05:50
MasterShrekjoseph, where did u get it from? the website? did u pay for it?05:50
Frogzooakincer: jonny: check your /etc/network/interfaces settings05:50
jonnywell i set up a static ip in network settings, but i have to play around with the settings before it finally kicks off05:51
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EvanlecMasterShrek, i read one issue, the first article was all this BS about how this guy gave PCLOS, Ubuntu and like Mandriva to a bunch of "newbies" and they all said they liked pclos and ubuntu was too hard lol05:51
jonnyit's like starting a bad lawnmower05:51
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Frogzoojonny: pebcak - pastebin /etc/network/interfaces05:51
akincerFrogzoo: I've never bothered since I rarely reboot05:51
Evanleci mean, if ubuntu is too hard...maybe they should try gentoo or slackware05:52
shimizugo straight freebsd05:52
Frogzoomeh - try windows05:52
AncientRelicEvanlec: gentoo is definitely the n00best distro05:52
Evanlecor that ;p05:52
jonnyauto lo05:52
jonnyiface lo inet loopback05:52
jonnyauto eth105:52
jonnyiface eth1 inet dhcp05:52
jonnyauto eth205:52
jonnyiface eth2 inet dhcp05:52
akincerScrew that. Xenix. Go for nostalgia05:52
jonnyauto ath005:52
jonnyiface ath0 inet dhcp05:52
jonnyauto wlan005:52
EvanlecAncientRelic, really? i heard otherwise in #linux05:52
Frogzoo!pastebin | jonny05:52
ubotujonny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:52
jonnyiface wlan0 inet dhcp05:52
AncientRelicakincer: Coherent05:52
jonnyiface eth0 inet static05:52
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jonnyauto eth005:53
Frogzoooh god.05:53
bqmasseywill the new version of Ubuntu have all of the effects that are in this vid:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w05:53
AncientRelicEvanlec: ;)05:53
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Evanlec!pastebin | jonny05:53
Frogzoojonny: not in channel - you spam everyone else out05:53
Evanlecbqmassey, yes05:53
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akincerNever messed with Coherent05:53
jonny!pastebin auto lo05:53
jonnyiface lo inet loopback05:53
jonnyauto eth105:53
jonnyiface eth1 inet dhcp05:53
jonnyauto eth205:53
jonnyiface eth2 inet dhcp05:53
jonnyauto ath005:53
jonnyiface ath0 inet dhcp05:53
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici05:53
jonnyauto wlan005:53
jonnyiface wlan0 inet dhcp05:53
jonnyiface eth0 inet static05:53
Evanleclol shrek05:53
AncientRelicakincer: or Minix, or Amoeba05:54
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by rob
bqmasseyEvanlec: i really like the blur, and the circular window switchting05:54
AncientRelicakincer: or OS-905:54
Evanlecbqmassey, oh and its as fun as it looks too05:54
akincerAncientRelic: I had the pleasure (or pain?) of modifying the memory manager in Minix05:54
robjonny, that command does not send something to a pastebin05:54
AncientRelicoh god, I'm dating myself05:54
bqmasseyEvanlec: :D05:54
rob!pastebin > jonny05:54
rob!pastebin | jonny05:54
silentjonny, that was a very interesting piece of literature. I assume that was /etc/network/interfaces no?05:54
ubotujonny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:55
bqmasseyEvanlec: will they be on the disc, or do you have to add them after install05:55
Evanlecakincer, it looks like using a physical partition is a pain in the arse, and if i cant game with a vm anyway...why bother? just wanna run photoshop mostly05:55
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Evanlecbqmassey, if u use Gutsy, they come pre-installed05:55
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb #ubuntu!*@* %*!*@] by rob
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:55
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Evanleclol silent05:55
AncientRelicany suggestions on getting my liveCD to boot?05:55
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josephI installed a copy of 7.10 today to see if it works better with wireless05:55
MasterShrekAncientRelic, put it in your drive and reboot05:55
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akincerEvanlec: I'd say Adobe will release Photoshop for Linux in 2010. Maybe 2009 depending on how Dell, HP and Lenovo box sales go05:56
geirhaAncientRelic: insert it into the coffeecup holder ;)05:56
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AncientRelicMasterShrek: Gee, never would have thought of that ;)05:56
MasterShrekjoseph, what kind of wireless card do you have?05:56
localgod11ok lil help05:56
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EvanlecAncientRelic, if it really wont boot, you shold probably try the alternate cd05:56
localgod11i was intalling VMware05:56
AncientRelicevanlec: OK I'll download that05:56
geirhaAncientRelic: does it give any error message when you try to boot?05:56
EvanlecLOL @ AncientRelic05:56
shi'm having trouble opening email05:56
localgod11can anyone help me with VMware05:56
akincerCoffee cup holder. An oldie but a goodie05:56
akincerWhat do you want to know localgod11?05:56
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shfirefox just closes whenever i click a link05:56
localgod11i installed it using http://www.advicesource.org/ubuntu/Run_Existing_Vista_Installation_On_Ubuntu_With_Vmware_player.html05:56
AncientRelicakincer: The mouse as a foot pedal is a classic to me05:56
bqmasseyi really hope my computer can handle all of that05:56
Evanlecoh jesus "trouble opening email" sounds like a windows user problem05:56
localgod11now vista goes TU when i try to boot05:57
localgod11either in VM or out05:57
akincerAhhh, that's outside my realm. I'm an ESX junkie. Not much beyond that05:57
AncientReliclocalgod11: are you sure that's not normal? ;)05:57
MasterShreklocalgod11, sounds about right05:57
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localgod11it worked before05:57
jonnyok frogzoo it's been pasted05:57
localgod11whats esx05:58
Evanlecakincer, yea, or they may never release ps for linux, but running it thru wine...not a big fan of it05:58
silentEvanlec, I set up a media center pc for watching movies on our TV... she thought linux was going to be complicated... but after a < 1 minute tutorial... "that's it??" "Wow that's really nice... its easier than windows!"05:58
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=== Avariel [n=andres@dhcp1278.hnw.resnet.group.upenn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
shcan anyone help05:58
MasterShreklocalgod11, at some point people will realize the one time you try to mess with a windows install, its probably going to destroy it, 90% of the time, thats the case05:58
Avarieljoin/ #C05:58
AncientRelicsilent: www.geexbox.org05:58
Avarieljoin\ #C05:58
geirhajonny: do you have more than one NIC?05:58
akincerEvanlec: If the market materializes, they WILL release for it. They'd be stupid not to05:58
MasterShrekAvariel, /join05:58
=== G_Willakers [n=dale@netblock-72-25-95-156.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
localgod11ok can you tell me how to reinstall it without trashin linux?05:58
jonnyi have wireless as well, but that's not the problem05:58
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Frogzoojonny: once you learn to use pastebin & post the url here, I'll take a look05:59
jonnyi've had this problem since warty05:59
Frogzoo!pastebin | jonny05:59
ubotujonny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:59
MasterShrek!grub | localgod1105:59
ubotulocalgod11: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:59
akincerlocalgod11: ESX is VMWare's big box enterprise server edition05:59
geirhaFrogzoo: he did paste url to pastebin05:59
bqmasseyPentium M 1.6ghz / 512mb RAM / ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 TurboPro       think that will be able to handle all of the effects in 7.10?05:59
MasterShreklocalgod11, you will lose grub after you install windows, but afterwards you can boot your livecd and reinstall grub05:59
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SnuxollWell, I've done it, I have made the ~$600(before assembly and re-shipping) awesome Ubuntu PC05:59
jonnytook me a minute to learn it.06:00
MasterShrekbqmassey, it should, only problem u may have is setting up that ati card, but it shouldnt be too bad06:00
adamkiliso, um, I used a hard drive in this one laptop I have to test if another laptop I have works (it does), and I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to get the X server working on the other laptop, but when I took the hard drive back to my other laptop, ran that command again, and got the x server running, compiz effects stopped working. any ideas on how to fix this? i tried instructions to get compiz to work on ubuntu 6.10 (I have 706:00
adamkili.04) and they worked when I had version 6.10, but they didn't this time06:00
localgod11ok so i reinstall vista and use the live to reinstall grub?06:00
cfeddebqmassey: you'd be surprised how many it does do in comparison to Vista.06:00
akincerBed time. Later all06:00
bqmasseySnuxoll: what are the components06:00
Evanlecakincer, lates06:00
geirhajonny: it could be that the wireless card registers as eth0, while your wired card is eth106:00
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bqmasseyMasterShrek: good to hear06:00
Evanlecbqmassey, yap06:00
geirhajonny: lshw -class network     in a terminal should display which is which06:00
Frogzoojonny: which is your nic, and do you need all those other interfaces there eth1, ath0 etc.?06:00
localgod11got it06:01
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MasterShrekjonny, also iwconfig will tell you which ones have wireless extensions06:01
Evanlecbqmassey, linux runs muuuch better on older hardware than windows06:01
n08l3Jhello ubuntu folks06:01
Frogzooubuntu: pass conceded06:01
MasterShrekubuntu, test passed06:01
Snuxollbqmassey: Hold on06:01
localgod11ok anyone know how to pull this off with vista?http://www.advicesource.org/ubuntu/Run_Existing_Windows_Instalation_On_Ubuntu_With_Vmware_player.html06:01
n08l3JI have a question, when i try the live CD the wireless connection works06:01
n08l3Jbut when i boot up in the system06:01
n08l3Jit doesn't work06:01
MasterShrekn08l3J, what kind of wireless card?06:01
ubuntutry for ubuntu ultimate live cd06:02
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Evanlecubuntu, no do not try for that06:02
jonnyok pasted the iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40328/06:02
xcst!doesn't work frostwire06:02
bqmasseyEvanlec: that hasn't been my experience in the past.. but i've always had it as the last partition on the drive... Suse.. and i probably didn't have everything set up right06:02
=== MasterShrek is out, nite every1
Frogzooxcst: frostwire works - what's your problem?06:02
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jonnywell i've been having this problem for a while...i'll pull the wireless card and try again, but i feel like i've run into this problem minus wireless card06:02
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xcstFrogzoo, my download stops, like for example if im downloading more than 1 file06:03
localgod11ok better yet how do i stop VM when it hits the BSOD?06:03
Evanlecbqmassey, well, suffice to say some distros are lighter than others, but most of them can be trimmed and optimized almost infinitely for speed06:03
n08l3JIts Broadcom06:03
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n08l3J440X10/100 Integrated Controller06:03
Frogzoojonny: no need to change hardware, but remove the redundant interfaces from the interfaces file - and for the 2nd time, which is your nic you're trying to enable - eth0?06:03
MasterShrekn00dl3, i think thats wired, but i could be wrong06:03
bruenigubuntu is one of the slower distro, especially in boot time, good jesus allah on boot time06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:03
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n08l3Jlol allah on boot time06:04
jarrod_what is a nic card06:04
EvanlecMasterShrek, thats most definitely wired ... 10/10006:04
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jonnyfrogzoo, eth0 is the correct and enabled nic06:04
Evanlecjarrod_, nic card is a network interface card...06:04
bqmasseyEvanlec: yeah, i'm sure that's true... i'm pretty linux-stupid... i could never get anything installed if Yast wouldn't do it06:04
danrojmira Georgy3206:04
MasterShrekyea i guess Evanlec i didnt see that, just looked at the 44 part, 43 is wirless06:04
n08l3Jnic card is Intel Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection06:04
ubuntuselamat berpuasa06:04
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localgod11does anyone know how to stop VM when it gets an error instead of ahving it reboot?06:05
n08l3Ji m sorry the broadcom is the etherenet port06:05
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Frogzoojonny: try this instead: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40329/06:05
geirhajonny: have you set up /etc/resolv.conf with the nameservers?06:05
jarrod_Evanlec: umbrela term for: ethernet card/ enternal modum etc?06:05
cfeddebruenig: I've seen some installs that realy take a long time to boot.  But since I've not been in charge of a system that has this problem I've not solved it het.06:05
MasterShrekn08l3J, im thinking u need firmware, search synaptic for ipw06:05
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Evanlecjarrod_, just ethernet card06:05
localgod11does anyone know how to stop VM when it gets an error instead of ahving it reboot?06:05
Snuxoll~$600 Ubuntu PC: https://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/WishList/MySavedWishDetail.asp?ID=851590706:05
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mikeo2anyone here have expierence setting up SElinux?06:06
n08l3Jhow would i do that MasterShrek06:06
bruenigcfedde, no, not installs that take a long time to boot (I am not talking about live cd). I mean once it gets installed, makes you cry with its speed.06:06
localgod11does anyone know how to stop VM when it gets an error instead of ahving it reboot?06:06
bruenigor lack of speed06:06
jarrod_Evanlec: is saying "ethernet card" incorrect then?06:06
EvanlecSnuxoll, link dont work06:06
brueniglocalgod11, human being, we heard you 4 times ago, calm down06:06
Evanlecjarrod_, no either is fine06:06
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MasterShrekn08l3J, im not really sure, ive never done an intel chip before, but that shold help you get started, get the firmware06:06
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MasterShreklocalgod11, not really, can u take a screenshot?06:07
AncientRelicSnuxoll: give us the nickel description, should get that in 1 line06:07
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n08l3Jhm.... i think i should boot in the ubuntu and login from the desktop06:07
jonnyi think we're good frogzoo.  it's just the mass of unused nics registered in interface file06:07
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cocoanyone who can help me with linux06:08
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n08l3Ji be back when i am in the ubuntu06:08
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MasterShrek!ask | coco06:08
ubotucoco: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:08
Snuxoll2G Ram, 2.2GhZ dual-core CPU, 256MB x1500 video card, nice airflow, wifi card, 160GB HD, DVD burner06:08
bruenigcoco, might try ##linux06:08
azzmanwhats up coco06:08
cocothank you06:08
MasterShrekSnuxoll, sexy06:08
Avariel If a computer has 8 bit addressability, but has an address space of 2^28 memory locations...how do you possibly store a 28 bit address in 8-bit locations ?06:08
cocoi need to delet some files from a NTFS partition06:08
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:08
=== vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-244-118-150.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:09
SnuxollAnyone wanna buy one? :P06:09
cocowindows crap06:09
cocoit sucks06:09
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bruenig!ot | coco06:09
ubotucoco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:09
Evanlecx1500 video card? sounds kinda chincy to me06:09
AncientRelicSnuxoll: not too bad06:09
Evanlec!ntfs | coco06:09
cocoit wont let me do it because its read only06:09
ubotucoco: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:09
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garrett__Is there a php5-xslt package anywhere?06:10
Snuxollx1500 is a great budget card06:10
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SnuxollIt runs beryl and most games just fine06:10
Evanleci wasnt even aware ati made an x150006:10
AncientRelicSnuxoll: So's my GeForce 7300GT06:10
Evanlecsure u got that right?06:10
SnuxollI see no need for an Ubuntu machine for a 8600GTS06:10
cocoi can see the partition but it don let me delet anything06:10
SnuxollYes, I am sure Evanlec06:10
localgod11coco try this http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/03/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite.html06:10
AncientRelicsnuxoll: got a link to the card?06:10
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Evanlectrue, but...christ atleast i dunno, a gforce 7 series06:10
SnuxollRead it wrong06:10
Evanlecand Snuxoll i would go with nvidia either way, better driver support06:11
garrett__or is php5+xslt something that has to be compiled manually?06:11
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AncientRelicEvanlec: I actually have Gutsy beta running stable on a X300SE card06:11
cocook im very new to UNIX. thank you ill see whats on it06:11
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AncientRelicits improved a lot06:11
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SnuxollEvanlec: Duh.....I think I picked the ATI card on accident06:11
AJ--ei guys..need help here... i followd the ubuntu guide in install lamp server.. buy still i cant get my php to work.. apache2 is ok.. wat seems to be the problem???06:11
EvanlecAncientRelic, well i dont doubt that06:11
SnuxollLemme change it with and NVidia...06:11
Frogzoo!docs | coco06:12
ubotucoco: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com06:12
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decayIs there a way to do s verbose mode when installing? it freezes at 87%06:13
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FrogzooAMD will probably make linux drivers for ATI a happening thing but it will need 12 months06:13
MasterShrekdecay, did u check the cd for defects?06:13
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bruenig!alternate | decay06:13
ubotudecay: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal06:13
AJ--ei guys..need help here... i followd the ubuntu guide in install lamp server.. buy still i cant get my php to work.. apache2 is ok.. wat seems to be the problem???06:13
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jonnythanks for helping out this noob guys, adios06:14
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endlessurfuuid does anyone know anything about this utility?06:14
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coco<Frogzoo> !docs | coco06:14
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:14
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AncientRelicSnuxoll: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413002606:14
AncientRelicSnuxoll: Now that's an entry level Linux card06:15
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-068-209-082-227.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
endlessurfmastershrek do you know?06:15
cocoi see06:15
SnuxollGrr....can't figure out how to make my wishlist public06:15
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MasterShrekendlessurf, its not a utility, its just a way of identifying seperate hard drives and partitions06:15
decayMasterShrek, no.06:15
decaybruenig, thanks06:15
SnuxollGive me your email if you want to see the machine, I'll send the wishlist then06:16
endlessurfcan it identify usb devices?06:16
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MasterShrekmaybe endlessurf06:16
Gun_SmokeIs it possible to set up a RAID 1 with an external HD?06:16
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SnuxollI'm trying to get my pc-builder buisiness going here :P06:17
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endlessurfmastershrek you seem to know more about ubuntu, i was wondering if you can look at my post on the forums and try to help me06:17
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MasterShrekwhats it about endlessurf06:17
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endlessurfmastershrek i've been trying to get help for over a week with no luck06:17
AncientRelicSnuxoll: you've got PM06:17
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ArtVandalaeendlessurf: what's the problem?06:18
SnuxollYes, I can PM06:18
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AncientRelicSnuxoll: you HAVE a PM06:18
endlessurfmastershrek http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3511924#poststop06:18
JosephHas anybody tried 7.10 on a Laptop with a Broadcom chipset?06:18
underwatercowWhat does it mean when a character in the character map is designated as "<Private Use">?06:18
AncientRelicjoseph: I'm trying it now06:18
SnuxollJoseph: My current machine uses a bcm43xx chip06:18
SnuxollIt runs just fine06:18
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Snuxollbcm43xx-fwcutter and wl_apsta.o06:19
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endlessurfArtVandalae http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3511924#poststop06:19
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SnuxollThere we go06:19
SnuxollThat's the $600 Ubuntu machine06:19
=== Jannitax is now known as Jannita
JosephThis is a rereshing touch I put 7.10 on my desktop machine with a linksys card and the wireless worked with no additional effort06:19
endlessurfmastershrek ArtVandalae it is for a touch screen computer in my car06:20
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jtaylorIs there any way to skip a file system check on bootup?06:20
Snuxolljtaylor: Don't use ext2?06:20
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Evanlecjtaylor, probly but they shouldnt happen very often06:20
MasterShrekendlessurf, im not really sure, ubuntu and usb devices are not friends, at least not for me lol06:20
jtaylorSnuxoll, its ext3... the drive is fubar... I need to boot once and grab what I can06:20
JosephWhat did they do with the restricted drivers in 7.1006:20
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SnuxollModern-linux filesystems whouldn't need file system checks06:20
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bulmerwhy not?06:21
LBO_KENhello every body06:21
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clmbngbkngDoes anybody know how to set up Samba to share an internal hard drive that is formatted with NTFS? I have it setup to share without a password and it keeps on telling me that it's "not accessible" and "You might not have permission to use this network resource."06:21
Mizhttp://dpaste.com/22224/  I'm very confused at "ifequal" being obnoxious.06:21
=== cubesis [n=cube@74-46-200-211.dr01.wyng.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mizwhoa, wrong channel.06:22
endlessurfmastershrek yeah i have had the same problems, it works if my touchscreen is the only one plugged in on start up, i just don't want to have to plug in everything else every time i start up my car06:22
underwatercowwhy can't I see certain characters in the character map? it shows a bow with hex in it and says "<Private Use>"06:22
cubesisanyone know what channel i could ask a question about a AMD CPU??06:22
Niksterim having issues with the 7.10 driver called rt61pci.. it wont connect to my wireless network, but in 7.04 it used just rt61, which worked fine.. how can i load the old driver into 7.10?06:22
logreevalcubesis: whats the Q?06:22
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ChaosParsercubesis: what kind of question?06:22
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ChaosParserclmbngbkng: It probably wants you to be root.06:23
cubesiswell i have a L1N64-SLI asus board06:23
MasterShrekNikster, blacklist the rt61pci and load rt6106:23
cubesisand i thought when i bought the cpu it came packaged as 2 cpus06:23
endlessurfmastershrek it's painful too when it has been over 2 weeks of trying to figure it out and 20+ post and M$ will do it just fine06:23
MasterShrek!blacklist | Nikster06:23
ubotuNikster: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 06:23
cubesisbut it didn't so i only have one, and i seen a couple forums stating you could run just 106:23
cubesisbut i am scared that i will eff it up06:23
NiksterMasterShrek: Thanks, ill look into that!06:24
cubesisits a dual socket board06:24
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n08l3JMasterShrek, I am on a different machine, I was having the problem of connecting to the wirless Network using the intel 3945 Chip06:24
clmbngbkngOk, but the odd thing is that I can share multiple external hard drives with no problem. So how do I set it up so it'll think i'm root?06:24
cubesisyou know about opterons??06:24
MasterShrekyep n00dl3, figure n e thing out?06:24
clmbngbkngif you dont know its fine06:24
jasonsHi everyone anyone know what channel for a gnome question?06:24
MasterShrekjasons, here06:24
ChaosParsercubesis: My advice would be.... call Asus and ask.06:24
cubesisyeah good idea06:24
n08l3Ji am in the ubuntu now06:24
cubesisbut its midnight :(06:24
n08l3Jlets see what happen06:24
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-22-223.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
n08l3JWhat the hell, it started working now06:25
cubesisand i have been waiting a week :(06:25
n08l3Jfor some reason didn't want to work before06:25
n08l3Jthats weird06:25
n08l3Jwell as its working now, any tips for the general ubuntu system ?06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tips - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:26
mikeo2anyone know of a good ubuntu friendly tv card?06:26
MasterShreknope guess not =P06:26
n08l3JBot doesn't know tips06:26
Evanlecmikeo2, i hear the hauppegauge ones are great06:27
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mikeo2i have the leadtek tv2000xp rm but it hasn't been working consistently in linux lately and breaks every so often06:27
localgod11ok anyone know how to do a screen cap in Vmware >?06:27
n08l3JNow I want to configure my sound card, when i click on the volume button, it says that volume control did not find any elements to control06:28
n08l3Jhow should i deal with this problem ?06:28
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LBO_KENhi all i need help im trying to install ubuntu on my  pc ( masus m2n-mx se , 1 gig ram,) but when i start the cd its loaded then  i get a  x window error,  the ubuntu is the   one that is avalaible to download (i downloaeded it 2 days ago)06:28
LBO_KENmasus= asus06:28
Evanlecmikeo2, thats about all i know about tv-cards, sorry ;p06:28
jasonsAll the launchers on the desktop are now .desktop files and are text files? I just installed and have been installing stuff like crazy so I don't know how I broke the desktop.06:29
n08l3Jhow can i change to the development edition to the release candiate of gusty ?06:29
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EvanlecLBO_KEN, try downloading the alternate install cd and use that06:29
LBO_KENok  what will be the difference  ?  just to be sure06:29
Evanlecn08l3J, it will update automatically, long as u accept the updates it gives u06:30
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EvanlecLBO_KEN, no difference, just uses a text-based installer06:30
n08l3Joh ke thanks for tha Evanlec06:30
Evanlecits actually more configurable and better in my opinion06:30
Evanlecbut everyone's gotta have their "liveCD" ooo wow06:30
n08l3JWhen i first boot into that, i saw something regarding the non free drivers for my nividia card to enable the 3D effects06:30
n08l3Jbut i don't see it anymore.06:31
LBO_KENthanks Evanlec06:31
Evanlec!nvidia | n08l3J06:31
ubotun08l3J: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
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LBO_KENhope it will work fine :-)06:31
localgod11ok anyone know a program that can open .cab files?06:31
FatalCuren08l3J: System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager06:31
n08l3JHow would i know that the new driver is loaded ?06:31
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Evanleclocalgod11, i think u can open cab files with anything06:32
n08l3Joh Thanks FatalCure, You Rock06:32
n08l3Jits downloading something now :P06:32
localgod11ii tried it no worky06:32
Evanlecn08l3J, read the guide06:32
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Evanleclocalgod11, did u try 7zip?06:32
FatalCuren08l3J: cool :)06:32
jtaylor_Is there any way to skip a forced ext3 disk check?  It gets about half way and I get a bunch of errors... If I could boot once I could get my data off of the LVM drives without having to figure out how to mount them using a rescue CD.  Any way to do this?06:32
n08l3JI am new to ubuntu, so just a little different things :)06:32
Evanleclocalgod11, search cab under add/remove programs06:32
astro76_!info cabextract | localgod1106:32
ubotulocalgod11: cabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (feisty), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB06:32
dfk-hi. i got a new MB (Abit ip35) and the built in NIC isn't working. do I need to recompile kernel or something? i have ubuntu 6.1006:32
FatalCure!info cabextract | localgod1106:32
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FatalCureastro76_: :)06:33
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Evanlec!network | dfk-06:33
ubotudfk-: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:33
localgod11i searched nothing came up06:33
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dfk-ubotu it's not wireless just plain on board nic06:34
Evanleclocalgod11, sudo apt-get install cabextract06:34
dfk-Evanlec even06:34
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greenmanspiritdoes anyone run a vanilla kernel?06:35
Evanlecdfk-, why dont u just use feisty or gutsy?06:35
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Evanlecgreenmanspirit, i know some ppl do, i was thinkng about it but decided it wasnt worth the trouble06:35
wt8008_is there a reason you want to run a vanilla kernel?06:35
dfk-i'll give it a try06:35
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Evanleci wanted to run it for speed / leanness06:36
greenmanspiriti wanted to compile 2.6.23 to see how the new cfs works06:36
Evanlecbut having a fairly powerful system, it apparently dont make a whole lotta diff06:36
localgod11ok got the program still cant get at the file06:36
Evanlec!info cfs06:36
ubotucfs: Cryptographic Filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-17 (feisty), package size 181 kB, installed size 568 kB06:36
Evanlechave no need for such security06:36
greenmanspiriti mean completely fair schedular06:37
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greenmanspiritlinus replaced 0106:37
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Evanlecyea i heard that was sposed to be pretty good06:37
chetnickhey guys any good download manager ?06:37
Evanlecdoesnt gutsy have 2.6.22 ?06:37
Evanlecchetnick, yea, firefox ;)06:37
chetnickheheh :)06:38
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greenmanspiritI forget which one it has, but i'm guessing its .2206:38
Evanleci used downthemall a little, but no point really06:38
mistatwistai'm having a problem with a bcm4318 wireless card using ndiswrapper06:38
chetnickEvanlec you cant resume your download with firefox06:38
Evanlecgreenmanspirit, im not sure either, is it only in .23 and not .22 ? cuz gutsy comes with .22 i think06:38
[mayh3m] ptI can't get my desktop to spin like a cube. Whats the problem?!06:38
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Evanlecchetnick, i think u can...depends, but yea there are tons of download managers, just search firefox extensions06:39
mistatwistawhen it trys to connect, half the time it wont connect at all, and sometimes i can get it to work by turning off the wireless on the laptop with fn-f3 and turning it back on06:39
greenmanspiritits just in .23, but there are patch's that let the older kernels use it06:39
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riotkittie[mayh3m] pt:  try #ubuntu-effects for compiz(-fusion)/beryl help06:39
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localgod11 !info cfs06:39
ubotucfs: Cryptographic Filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-17 (feisty), package size 181 kB, installed size 568 kB06:39
cubesisanyone have a Asus L1N64-SLI motherboard??06:39
localgod11what does  !info cfs mean?06:39
Evanlecit has the bot spit out info about cfs06:40
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G_Nine2.6.22.14 (gutsy)06:40
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localgod11ok so i got the program to open the cab file but it still wont open06:41
localgod11archive manager doesnt recogize it06:41
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Niksterany way i can get the old feisty rt61 driver into gutsy? cause the one in gutsy doesent work for me06:42
cubesiscan anyone help me with a server pc question? i mean anyone that has worked with dual socket boards06:42
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Evanleclocalgod11, look for the program in your application menu06:43
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localgod11i used sudo apt-get install cabextract06:43
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localgod11said it already was there06:43
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localgod110 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:43
Evanlecit is there, but u have to open the cab file using the cabextract program06:43
digitalskyhello all.06:44
goaliecaanyone else getting /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit.. SATA race condition with new kernel??06:44
Evanlecor do 'man cabextract'06:44
goaliecahaving to use feisty's instead of gutsy's06:44
digitalskyi'm new to kubuntu and was wondering if someone here could help me understand memory issues06:44
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localgod11where would i find the program?06:44
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mistatwistaanyone know why a wireless driver would work perfectly sometime and hafto be coaxed into working other times(ndiswrapper, and bcm4318)06:44
DShepherd!info cabextract06:44
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (feisty), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB06:44
localgod11i have it i just cant find it06:45
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DShepherdlocalgod11, you need to enable the universe repository06:45
n2diydigitalsky: if you want an answer, you have to ask a question.06:45
digitalskyi'm running the latest kubuntu just as a server. i have configured a LAMP server + gallery2 with only a few pics. For some reason i see my memory (using "top") usage is near 1GB (I only have 1GB)...06:45
digitalskyalmost 100%06:45
Evanlecmistatwista, cuz that is the nature of hardware and driver support06:45
localgod11i used man cabextrac and it seems to have sprung something to life06:45
digitalskyright now it's not bad, after i restarted: Mem:   1035828k total,   462808k used,   573020k free,    83836k buffers06:46
mistatwistaso, there's nothing I can do about it until there's better support?06:46
Nikstercan anyone help me install the old rt61 driver into gutsy? cause gutsys rt61pci doesent work for me.. it wont connect06:46
localgod11any ideas where it put the files06:46
Evanlecmistatwista, have u looked?06:46
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Newbuntu2I'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop, but it has trouble reading the live cd (I tried multiple downloads/cd burns). Is there a way to but the live CD on a USB drive?06:46
greenmanspiritman i just saw that there was an ext4 file system, anyone know anything about it?06:46
mistatwistayes, found nothing thus far.06:46
n2diydigitalsky: and what is the problem?06:46
digitalskythe biggest user seems to be 4632 mysql     15   0  125m  19m 5456 S  0.0  2.0   0:05.93 mysqld06:46
digitalsky, but that's still a far cry from 1GB06:46
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digitalskyi'm just wondering what's using up all the memory06:46
bqmasseydigitalsky: probably windows06:47
digitalskywhat do u mean?06:47
Evanlecmistatwista, there are a shitload of wireless cards based on bcm4318 , there's probably hundreds of pages of information about how to install those drivers on linux06:47
n2diydigitalsky: so there isn't a problem, just a concern over memory usage?06:47
localgod11ok so i used man cabextrac  any idea it did something but i cant find the files06:47
Buicklesaberanybody ever of desktop launchers changing to .desktop files in gnome?06:47
DShepherddigitalsky, run top and sort my memory usage06:47
digitalskyhow do i sort by mem usage?06:48
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LBO_KENwb Bhaal06:48
n2diydigitalsky: Ok, it isn't broke. And the memory you bought is being well used. :)06:48
Evanlec!info htop | digitalsky06:48
ubotudigitalsky: htop: interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1 (feisty), package size 43 kB, installed size 172 kB06:48
mistatwistaEvanlec, i have the driver installed, but it seems to have a mind of its own when connecting...sometimes it works perfectly06:48
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astro76digitalsky, that's normal, linux keeps stuff cached in ram and frees it when needed, basically taking advantage of that ram you paid good money for, type "free -m" to check06:48
Evanlecmistatwista, are u using encryption?06:49
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DShepherdlocalgod11, cabextract <file.cab> #that should extract the cab file. I am assuming that's what you want to do06:49
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JosephIf I have a tripple boot system with windows and 2 linux distros where do I find the menu.lst file if I'm using the grub loader06:49
digitalskyhmm that's what i hoped is happening06:49
Frogzoodigitalsky: if you run top/htop - hit M06:49
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_Officeok anyone no y unbuntu has drop to 18 mo support on 7.10?06:49
digitalskyi'm used to windows which always shows a lot of mem still available06:49
localgod11where will it extract to?06:49
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FatalCuredigitalsky: Linux will use memory for disk cache if it's available.  Have a look at the output of "free".  The second row of numbers doesn't include buffer/cache usage06:50
n2diydigitalsky: What apps. are you running?06:50
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Frogzoo_Office: think 18 mo is standard for non LTS?06:50
riotkittieJoseph: did you look in /boot/grub/06:50
digitalskyfree: Mem:          1011        464        546          0         82        25206:50
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cdm10_Office: non-lts releases are always supported for only 18 mo06:50
mistatwistaEvanlec, yes, wpa06:50
digitalskyoooo  top (M) helps06:50
idefixso, about the mailto...06:50
digitalskywhere can i paste my results?06:50
idefixit has been scrolled out of existence!06:50
FatalCure!pastebin | digitalsky06:51
ubotudigitalsky: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:51
n2diy! paste | digitalsky06:51
Evanlecmistatwista, okay then using ndiswrapper is a must , and thats probably where your problem lies06:51
cdm10it wasn't THAT big a paste.06:51
_OfficeFrogzoo, can I ask then y is 6.10 being supported in tell 201106:51
cdm10_Office: It isn't.06:52
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digitalskyumm i just pasted in ubuntu pastebin06:52
cdm10_Office: maybe 6.06 is, but not 6.1006:52
n2diycdm10: he wants to paste top06:52
FatalCurecdm10: no, he asked -> 14:49 < digitalsky> where can i paste my results?06:52
sadminhey guys am feeling u ubuntu system slow06:52
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cdm10n2diy: ah.06:52
riotkittietheyre not !pasting him for that. he wanted to know where he would paste the output of top06:52
sadminwhay i need to check06:52
sadminany ideA06:52
cdm10FatalCure: ok, sorry, missed that.06:52
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digitalskywow apache is taking up a lot06:52
=== riotkittie hides in the slow-fingered corner
FatalCurecdm10: s'cool, np :)06:52
JosephI looked in the boot/grub on the last install of linux and the boot/grub of the previous version and can't find the menu.lst it is using06:52
Frogzoo!lts | _Office06:52
ubotu_Office: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.06:52
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Newbuntu2I'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop, but it has trouble reading the live cd (I tried multiple downloads/cd burns). Is there a way to but the live CD on a USB drive?06:53
digitalskyhmm i don't even use xorg (i never log on with GUI, just ssh). is there a way to turn it off?06:53
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alecw2How do I remove unused dependencies from my ubuntu system?06:53
cdm10alecw2: sudo apt-get autoremove06:53
G_Nineis your support expiring in 18 months?  grab a snicker06:54
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_OfficeFrogzoo, thanks Due we no when the next LTS version will be release?06:54
digitalskywere u guys able to see my paste?06:54
mistatwistaEvanlec, thanks...going to compile the new version of ndiswrapper and hope that works06:54
astro76_Office, 8.04 will be lTS06:54
riotkittie_Office: april06:54
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Evanlecmistatwista, k, good luck06:55
riotkittiegood luck, mistatwista :D06:55
n08l3JHow can i configure or test my sound card with different drivers available ?06:55
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G_Ninethere is a ubuntu server edition,...06:55
n2diydigitalsky: nope, you have to copy and post the URL here.06:55
alecw2cdm10: Thanks. This is what it's telling me:   libqt4-core libqt4-gui libungif4g linux-headers-2.6.22-1306:55
alecw2  linux-headers-2.6.22-13-generic06:55
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Frogzoo_Office: we don't - expect gutsy+1/206:55
_OfficeThanks again I wound update servers tell 8.04 then06:55
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cdm10alecw2: well, if those are unneeded, it'll remove them.06:55
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_OfficeIC thankds06:55
alecw2cdm10: Thanks!06:56
digitalskyG_Nine were u talking to me?06:56
n08l3Janyone with the help regarding my soundcard ?06:56
JosephI am half tempted to try 7.10 on my laptop which uses the broadcom chipset since it worked on the desktop but it uses the ralink chipset06:56
cdm10Joseph: Wait 6 days :)06:56
alecw2I'm looking for a simple animation program. I just want to animate simple things... stick figures, ect. Nothing the size of Flash. Can someone suggest an app?06:56
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digitalskyn2diy: are you able to see my link? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40330/06:56
alecw2!animation > alecw206:56
ChaosParserJoseph: It works on my broadcom wireless on my notebook.06:56
G_Ninefreedom of information06:57
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A_is_AOk, I've updated to gutsy, and gparted wil not start, and i cannot mount my sdb106:57
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JosephChaos did you have to do ndiswrapper or anything?06:57
riotkittieA_is_A: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, please06:57
ChaosParserJoseph:  Nope.06:57
n2diydigitalsky: yes, I just brought it up. Nothing is using more than 3% of your memory, whats the problem?06:57
JosephWhich Broadcom?06:57
JosephOr more like which laptop06:57
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ChaosParserJoseph: The dreaded Dell 1390 POS.06:58
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JosephI have a HP Ze series06:58
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sandrajoin surabaya06:58
steve__I'm doing the distro upgrade to 7.10 and it seems to have frozen on "configuring wvdial". It's been sitting there for about half an hour now. Is it hosed or what?06:58
ChaosParserJoseph: Dell 1390 WLAN MiniPCI is the name of the card, but it;s in an Acer Aspire 5570z06:58
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digitalskyoh i was just worried cuz i'm not used to seeing >90% of my mem used in windows (yesterday i saw 1GB used)06:58
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digitalskyif it's normal then great! i'd rather the OS make full use of my RAM06:58
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ChaosParserdigitalsky: That's.....not how it works?06:59
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_OfficeJoseph, Broadcom is easy to get working but I have to go home to the wife now maybe tomorrow if you dont get it running I can get you going.. we have 6 laptops with the chip06:59
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JosephI'm going to have to try it on the laptop and see what happens worst is I have to reinstall another version of linux lol06:59
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n2diydigitalsky: If things are working ok, don't sweat it.06:59
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_Officegn all06:59
digitalskyi dunno... in windows i always have a ton of ram available06:59
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digitalskycool thanks guys! you've been very helpful07:00
Buicklesabercaccan anyone  tell me a better place for a gnome question? seems like all system in here.07:00
ChaosParserdigitalsky: You mean used?07:00
n2diyBuicklesaber: #gnome07:00
digitalskyChaosParser: umm no. what i mean is I'm not used to seeing so much ram used in windows. so when i see almost all my ram is used up in kubuntu, i'm worried.07:01
Buicklesabercool night all07:01
coco_linux rocks07:01
FructoseI installed ntfs-config and ntfs-3g, but even using sudo, I can't write to this drive: /dev/sdb3 on /media/SharedNTFS type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)07:01
FructoseBut it says rw, so what's wrong?07:01
ChaosParserdigitalsky: Kubuntu is using MORE ram than windows?  What on earth did you do?07:02
astro76ChaosParser, that is perfectly normal, and has been thoroughly answered for digitalsky07:02
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coco_i did too07:02
digitalskyChaosParser: yea... maybe i have too many processes running07:03
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ferronicai have an .ISO file , i want to add some files in it or replace it is it posssible to do it in ubuntu 7.04 GNOME ?07:03
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digitalskyok time to continue to learn about configuring ubuntu. thanks!07:03
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ChaosParserastro76: Isn't KDE supposed to use less ram than Gnome?07:04
ChaosParserastro76: In theory?07:04
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coco_lol thats the way a nub like me is doing it07:04
astro76ChaosParser, not by any means, it's being used by disk cache07:04
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steve_lamI'm not able to ping anything, but my internet still works. I've been using Nessus and Netcat, could that have messed with something?07:05
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komputesDoes Cinerella support HD video 1080i?07:05
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ravHey, first was up? Second. I have a problem with a Nvidia card i have been trying to install ALL day. i finally got it working, BUT, when i go into NVIDIA settings it says You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.  but when i follow those instructions, it makes me use NVIDIA driver, which does not work, then i have to re modify xorg.07:05
ChaosParserastro76: Thanks for the info.  Obviously I haven't spend any time with KDE.  ;)07:05
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ravihpi wanna share my drievs ,files,folders from ubuntu..which to use nfs or samba?07:06
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felicianoI connect a HD to my PC... its have two partitions fat32, One is reading ok, but the another one send me this messege "mount: /dev/hdb5/: can't read superblock" I have very valuable information, because that is my backup partition in a PC with win2000... please help me I need recover that files07:06
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ravihpthat must be accessible for windows users07:06
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ravihpi wanna share my drievs ,files,folders from ubuntu..which to use nfs or samba?07:06
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ravihphow to share drives to LAN?07:07
digitalskysorry steve_lam, don't know07:07
frostburnravihp, samba is easiest to share among windows pcs07:07
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digitalskyravihp: samba for windows07:07
frostburnravihp, right click a folder, share07:07
ferronicai have an .ISO file , i want to add some files in it or replace it is it posssible to do it in ubuntu 7.04 GNOME ?07:07
steve_lamit's alright07:07
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digitalskysteve_lam: but i'm a newb so u should wait for others to answer07:07
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ravihpwhat the difference b/w samba and nfs07:08
siimowhats Gobuntu? is that GOOGLE Ubuntu?07:08
ravHow do i enable direct rendering on my card?07:08
guidosteve_lam: what do you have inside /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all07:08
felicianoPLEASE HELP ME07:08
steve_lamlet me check07:08
ravihpwhat the difference b/w samba and nfs07:08
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frostburnravihp, samba is more configurable and nfs is primarily used between nix machines07:08
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sadminhelo guys am feeling slowness in my ubuntu machine07:08
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sadminwhat i need to check07:08
sadminmy firefox loading my java website is real slow07:09
alecw2I'm looking for a fun/easy to learn/professional animation application for linux. Is there such a thing?07:09
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ravihpthanks dude<frostburn>07:09
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LBO_KENbye al07:09
astro76siimo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gobuntu07:09
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ravalexw2: got to add/remove and look for there07:09
steve_lamguido: proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all   was empty07:09
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alecw2rav: me?07:09
Tech-Mikesup peeps...when i open an .iso with file-roller ... the file names have ;1 at the end and am unable to modify (add/remove) files07:09
ravyeah you07:09
steve_lamI'm able to ping localhost07:09
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guidoit was only an idea07:10
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alecw2rav: I'm looking for actual first person suggestions, but i will look there. thanks! :)07:10
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Tech-Mikeany help?07:12
cubesislooks like gobuntu wouldn't be so great07:13
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ravihpi installed beryl from synaptic package manager ..but it is not working....i am not getting any effects07:13
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guidoTech-Mike can you mount an iso file like a normal hd07:13
guidomount -t iso966007:14
ravihpi installed beryl from synaptic package manager ..but it is not working....i am not getting any effects07:14
lunzhow to update latest software and security for ubuntu feisty fawn?07:14
guidoyou can mount it in rw mode07:14
Tech-Mikeyes with sudo mount file.iso /media/cdrom -o loop07:14
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lunzhow to add latest repositories indexes?07:14
guidosee man mount07:14
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guidoi not remember how, but i know you can do it07:15
Tech-Mikei just said...07:15
=== heguru would not see a man mount
Kudaklunz: either use the System > Administration > Update Manager, or type "apt-get update" in command line07:15
Tech-Mikeyes with sudo mount file.iso /media/cdrom -o loop07:15
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decayis there a way to not install language packs?07:16
Evanlecsweet, got vista runnin on vbox07:16
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Evanlechave one operating system on 1 monitor, another on the 2nd...how pimp is that07:17
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Kudaklunz: did it help you ?07:17
james296can anyone plz tell me whats up with the doc.gwos.org website and how long it has been down for?07:17
lunzFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  maindeb/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:17
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FructoseAnyone know how to enable writes to an NTFS partition? I thought I installed the right software, but I'm still told it's a "Read-only file system"07:18
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lunzkudak:failed to fetch07:18
G_NineEvanlec, not much07:18
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lunzkudak:failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/Release: Unable to find expected entry  maindeb/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:19
bullgard4English help wanted: Is the English name of the menu item 'network roaming activated'? In: Gnome Panel > NetworkManager applet (left-click) > Network Administration Tool > Links > (Cable Links) 'network roaming activated'?07:19
EvanlecG_Nine, well i think its pretty exciting, wont have to use photoshop thru Wine anymore07:19
riddleboxwhat is the best app to create a slide show with?07:19
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NomolasThe process udevd takes sometimes up to 75 CPU. is tthat normal en what can I do?07:19
G_Nineoh.. that.. ok.. good for you07:19
Kudaklunz: when you use the update manager, the software sources is directly linked to that07:20
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EvanlecG_Nine, i sense some sarcasm, but thanks07:20
lunzkudak:then why fail to fetch it?07:20
Kudaklunz: open software sources07:20
Gun_SmokeCan you do a RAID 1 with an external HD via USB or FW?07:20
lunzkudak :opening now07:20
G_Ninejedi like even07:21
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EvanlecGun_Smoke, maybe but that would not be advisable07:21
lunzkudak :what should i look for?07:21
EvanlecGun_Smoke, better to use rsync07:21
Evanlec!info rsync | Gun_Smoke07:22
ubotugun_smoke: rsync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-3ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 500 kB07:22
alecw2I'm looking for a 2D Vector animating application. Any suggestions? :)07:22
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EvanlecGun_Smoke, yep, it synchronizes files07:22
Kudaklunz: is the universe repository enabled ?07:22
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Dr_willis!info unison07:22
ubotuunison: A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.16-6ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 469 kB, installed size 1128 kB07:22
ravihpberyl is not working ?does anyone know it?07:22
SnuxollEvanlec: It syncronizes them from a REMOTE SERVER07:22
SnuxollIt's not a Disk-to-Disk copy program07:22
SnuxollMight as well cp -r to do that07:22
EvanlecSnuxoll, oh really? i thot it could be used as a backup program07:23
ravihpIs there any supporting software to be installed?07:23
Evanlecmy bad07:23
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lunzkudak :where should i look for universal repository?07:23
james296can anyone plz tell me whats up with the doc.gwos.org website and how long it has been down for?07:23
Evanlecisnt there an app that auto syncs any modified files?07:23
Gun_SmokeEvanlec: More like real time back up than actual RAID then?07:23
EvanlecGun_Smoke, correct07:23
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hegurualecw2: synfig studio07:23
Kudaklunz: on the first tab there should be community repository....(universe)07:24
Kudaklunz: should be the 2nd line07:24
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SnuxollGun_Smoke: If you want to backup to a 160, might as well make a cron job that cp -r's a directory to the drive07:24
james296anyone? anyone?07:24
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ravihp<kudak>goto synaptic manager07:24
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EvanlecGun_Smoke, well i spose u could try setting up a softraid 1 ... i wouldnt tho, the usb drive will slow you down07:24
SnuxollLike I said, cron job that cp -r's the files07:24
Gun_SmokeEvanlec: And firewire?07:25
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lunzkudak:first tab is ubuntu software,first line is cannical main07:25
heguruEvanlec: rsync can and should be used even for local synchronization of files07:25
Snuxollheguru: Really?07:25
Evanlecheguru, oh? so i WAS right07:25
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lunzkudak:second line is community maintain universe07:25
heguruSnuxoll: yes :)07:25
Kudaklunz: yup thats the one, is it enabled ?07:25
lachygHello; can anyone please tell me what exactly "use keypad with unicode additions (arrows and math operators)" does? I am unable to see any difference when it is enabled, nor when using the compose key.07:26
SnuxollI didn't think RSync could do directory-to-directory07:26
ravihphow to get beryl?07:26
Kudaklunz: try changing server and do revert07:26
Evanlecyea, and id think rsync would be better cuz it dont copy over all the files, just modified ones07:26
Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: Interested in the cron but more less looking into playing with some for of RAID as a learing tool.07:26
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:26
heguruSnuxoll: it can, and that too very well07:26
SnuxollWell then, you'd still want a cron job for that07:26
alecw2heguru: synfig? Is that free?07:26
SnuxollGun_Smoke: If you wanted a RAID, you'll want two internal disks07:26
hegurualecw2: yes, its part of the repositories as well07:26
Dr_willisravihp,  given that gutsy will be released soon with compiz in by default. It may not be worth the effort to mess with beryl  under  Feisty07:26
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alecw2what's the command to isntall it heguru?07:27
SnuxollInternal + USB is not a good way to do it07:27
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hegurualecw2: sudo apt-get install synfigstudio07:27
Gun_SmokeHammer and chisel the xHD? lol07:27
ravihpthanks <ubotu>but i want to know list of channels..07:27
NomolasThe process udevd takes sometimes up to 75 CPU. is tthat normal en what can I do?07:27
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alecw2heguru: Thanks a lot! Have you tried it? IS it good?07:27
heguruSnuxoll: i second that, internal + external RAID1 can be really messy07:27
heguruSnuxoll: though technically possible07:27
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SnuxollIt CAN be done though LVM, but it kills the benifits of having a RAID, namley SPEED07:28
Gun_SmokeCan I not pull the disk from the ext case and stuff it in the box?07:28
ravihphow to get list of irc channels?07:28
hegurualecw2: experimented with it a bit07:28
ravihplist of irc channels?07:28
Gun_Smokeravihp: Google...07:28
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Kudakravihp: Alt +C07:28
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alecw2heguru: Is it easy to learn? Is there documentation? :)07:28
SnuxollGun_Smoke: What case is it?07:28
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hegurualecw2: I couldn't find export to flash, which was something i was looking for, but again thats possible using external tools, maybe they have export to .swf now07:28
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: LaCie07:29
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SnuxollLaCie what?07:29
Gun_SmokeStill looking for model number07:29
lachygNever mind, I've got it now.07:29
alecw2heguru: Is there a learning curve?07:29
NomolasThe process udevd takes sometimes up to 75 CPU. is tthat normal en what can I do?07:29
hegurualecw2: its quite user friendly, and easy to learn07:29
SnuxollDon't worry about model number, just the name of the drive07:29
hegurualecw2: if you have worked with any animation software, you will feel at home07:30
SnuxollLaCie doesn't do 'model numbers' per se'07:30
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Snuxollhttp://www.lacie.com/us/products/range.htm?id=10033 <- What one is it?07:30
hegurualecw2: you might want to check out there website for more info: http://www.synfig.com/07:30
alecw2heguru, I just downloaded it... it won't start. :( I'm on Gusty Gibbon though.07:30
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Gun_SmokeSnuxoll: Nothing descriptive on the box...07:31
hegurualecw2: hm, might be some gutsy issue, try this: sudo apt-get install synfig07:31
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Kudaklunz: how did that work for you ?07:31
hegurualecw2: if that doesn't solve it, ask in #ubuntu+107:31
SnuxollWhat about that link, what one is it?07:31
dietzbpplz help...7.04 install issue, cd used on other installs, pentium mmx 512mb ram, hangs up @ 3% after selecting boot/install with various boot options07:31
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alecw2thanks again heguru.07:31
Evanlec!info synfig07:31
ubotusynfig: vector-based 2D animation package. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.61.05-8 (feisty), package size 42 kB, installed size 148 kB07:31
abhiberahow do i set an env variable from command line?07:31
lunzkudak:i changed the server07:31
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Snuxollabhibera: export [VARIABLE] ="[value] "07:32
Evanlecheguru, but it cant export to swf? how useful is it really then?07:32
abhiberaSnuxoll: i want to over write it07:32
lunzkudak:i downloading package information now07:32
Frogzooabhibera: env=value07:32
abhiberaSnuxoll: this variable has already been set07:32
Snuxollabhibera: Same proccess07:32
Frogzooabhibera: or export env=value07:32
Kudaklunz: so it worked yea? :))07:32
lunzkudak: but http://debian.linux.org.tw/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/Release: Unable to find expected entry  feisty/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:32
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lunzkudak:the link is not working07:33
heguruEvanlec: well that was one reason I didn't spend much time on it, I heard they have export to .swf now, didn't verify it though. Well you can still create your own version of southpark on it :D07:33
lunztry a few server same error..or may the files is not exist?07:33
Evanlecheguru, lol...it seems like u have to use wine or windows to do flash authoring pretty much07:34
Kudaklunz: u get that error when u try to check if any updates are available ??07:34
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heguruEvanlec: Flash MX works fine on wine07:34
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obsolete_Can I update from the beta 7.10 to the release client via the update manager?07:35
Kudaklunz: when do you get that error then ? when your trying to do what ?07:35
lunzkudak:only that files other updates is ok07:35
tom__obsolete_: yes07:35
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Snuxollobsolete_: Open up a terminal and: sudo update-manager -d07:35
lunzkudak:how do i know that my ubuntu is up to date?07:35
Evanlecheguru, yea i had flash 8 runnin pretty well too, but photoshop cs2 was bein a little flakey, even with the touted better support in .9.4607:35
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tom__lunz: it'll tell you if it needs updating07:35
clmbngbknganyone have some suggestions for good html editors? i dont care how clean the code is mainly ease of use and what about a program that could make a photo album program to resize picts and spit them out on a web page07:35
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tom__clmbngbkng: nvu07:36
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Kudaklunz: open update manager (apt-get update) and see if any updates are available, if not, then your computer is up-to-date07:36
lunzkudak:how do i check my ubuntu version?07:36
tonyyarusso!kompozer | clmbngbkng, tom__07:36
ubotuclmbngbkng, tom__: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It will be in the Ubuntu repos for 7.10 ("gutsy"); meanwhile for other versions add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:  "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu {edgy,feisty} universe"  (pick your release and list it without brackets, and no quotes)07:36
Crush`does anyone know how to just select the kernel version from uname -r without -generic, -smp, etc07:36
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clmbngbkngtom__ thanks07:36
tonyyarussoclmbngbkng, tom__: to correct that, it should be in feisty-backports now too.07:36
Evanlecclmbngbkng, yea id try kompozer if u want easy and messy code yea ;p07:37
lunzkudak:wait..how to open update manager?07:37
Snuxolllunz: click the orange icon in your notification area07:37
clmbngbkngtonyyarusso so i can do both of what i was asking with kompozer?07:37
Kudaklunz: System > Administration > Update Manager, or from the command-line type "apt-get update"07:37
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tonyyarussoclmbngbkng: kompozer is the continuation of the nvu codebase, so if you can do it with nvu, you can do it with fewer bugs with kompozer.07:37
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tonyyarussoclmbngbkng: not sure what you'd use for the photos.07:38
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clmbngbkngtonyyarusso: i'll give it a shot07:38
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clmbngbkngtonyyarusso: i'm looking for something that would work like dreamweaver and fireworks would, they'd do those two together07:39
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clmbngbkngbut yeah i'll try it out07:39
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n08l3JI am trying to enable the sound on this machine, but when i click on Test in the sound preferences, it says "Could not open resource for writing" /07:39
lunzkudak:all updates available only for mysql and error while downloading all repositories indexes..07:39
=== sauvin is guessing /dev/dsp is "busy".
n08l3Janyone on what could be this "Could not open resource for writing" is for ?07:40
Snuxolln08l3J: First user on the system?07:41
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n08l3Jyes sir07:41
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obsoleteSo I did  update-manager -c -d and it didn't show me that I had an update07:41
obsoleteHow do I update from 7.10 beta to 7.10 RC07:41
n08l3Jis there anything i have to do for it Snuxoll ?07:41
Snuxollobsolete: Don't use -c07:41
G_Nineyou guys know that movie "knocked up"?  it f#$%&* sucks07:42
ubotuGutsy Gibbon (7.10) Release Candidate information and release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - The RC is development software and as such unstable, support *ONLY* in #ubuntu+107:42
obsoleteg_nine: I loved that movie07:42
Snuxollobsolete: You don't need to do anything special to go from beta to rc, just run update manager normally07:42
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages07:42
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Snuxollobsolete: They both use the same apt repos07:42
Kudaklunz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu07:42
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G_Ninefor some reason .. i didnt find absolutely anything funny in it.07:42
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lunzhow do u check my ubuntu kernel version?07:42
n08l3Juname -a lunz07:43
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n08l3JSnuxoll,  what were you saying regarding the first user ?07:43
obsoleteTaking out the -c didn't seem to work either :(07:43
G_Ninehmm.. i mean .. i didnt find .. anything funny .. am sleepy.. linux rocks..07:43
hegurun08l3J: is your sound card configured? was sound ever working?07:43
hegurulunz: uname -r07:43
n08l3Jno i just installed the distro gutsy, it was never configured07:43
Snuxolln08l3J: Is the account you are logged into the first user created during the install?07:43
n08l3Ji want to know houl would i do that07:44
stdinobsolete: If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version07:44
n08l3Jyes Snuxoll07:44
n08l3Jthis is the only account on this07:44
hegurun08l3J: gutsy support in #ubuntu+107:44
obsoleteoh :(07:44
=== krammer [n=krammer@c-66-177-57-246.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
obsoleteI was excited for the "RC"07:44
krammerneed help with 3d effects07:44
lunzi dont think is latest07:44
stdinyou can always format and reinstall the RC if it makes you feel better :)07:44
sadminguys my machine seems very slow am accessing java application on firefox07:45
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G_Ninelunz.. there is no ...-15-generic out yet07:45
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sadminplz can any one guide what should i check07:45
hegurukammer: /join #ubuntu-effects07:45
heguru*krammer: ^^07:45
SnuxollAlright, time for me to hit the hay everyone07:45
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lee__evanlec I have tht info on where I got that oem version from07:46
davemlinux1Is it possible to install ubuntu-7.10-rc and later down the road upgrade to the stable branch?07:46
prathapnirmalhow do I configure the firewall settings in ubunut?07:46
G_Ninethey werent funny and they sucked at impersonating "stoners"07:46
hegurusadmin: java loads slow when run through firefox on most machines, usually due to download of java applet, is it also slow after the applet has started?07:46
lunzG-nine : meaning?07:46
G_Ninematter of fact.. they sucked at impersonating canadians even..07:46
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:46
Evanleclee__, what are u talking about?07:46
sadminya seems to be very slow actually i have 2 MB link n my java server is on remote side connected to 2 mb link07:47
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prathapnirmalplease help - one of my applications is not working because of a particular port being blocked07:47
sadmini have done software raid on this machine07:47
Evanlec2megabit link? thats not that fast...07:47
prathapnirmalhow do I unblock it?07:47
obsoletestdin: I think I might :)07:47
hegurusadmin: can you try running htop after loading the java app07:47
krammerneed help with 3d effects07:47
hegurusadmin: you have to install it first: sudo apt-get install htop07:48
sadminsata drives to i do dd=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 to copy boot loader on second disk07:48
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sadmindoes thsi affect machine speed07:48
=== G_Nine brought up the firewall because of lunz
nanonymeindeed. a bit over 200 kilobytes is pretty amazingly slow :)07:48
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heguruprathapnirmal: what port? what application?07:48
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G_Ninei feel safer now07:48
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AshexI should be able to chroot into an installation and compile a new kernel for it, right?07:48
Ashexfrom a live disc that is07:48
prathapnirmalmysql administrator - port 330607:48
lee__yesterday I signed in as OEM07:49
prathapnirmalheguru: mysql administrator - port 330607:49
lunzG_nine:i dont know what are you talking about..07:49
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r3dw0rmjust to satisfy my own curiosity why are rar and unrar separate packages?07:49
EvanlecAshex, you can compile a kernel on a completely different machine than the one u plan to use it on07:49
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G_Ninegood.. that means i feel even safer now..07:49
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=== G_Nine giggles
AshexEvanlec, I know that07:49
Ashexbut to install it07:50
heguruprathapnirmal: mysql administrator does not use port 3306, it connects to mysql running on port 3306, do you have mysql installed and running?07:50
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EvanlecAshex, u can install without using the livecd i believe07:50
Ashexwell, doing it the debian way I mean07:50
lunzG_nine:you only joking right?07:50
sauvinr3dw0rm, because rar was originally a DOS baby, written FOR babies.07:50
lee__it is because at the time I had used the OEM sut up version and couldnt creat a user name, so I hit the button that said, make this  ready for shipping07:50
AshexEvanlec, I can't boot into the system07:50
EvanlecAshex, yea its prety easy, it makes a deb for you, sets up the menu entries all that07:50
r3dw0rmOhhh slam07:50
G_Nineno, unless you like teletubies.. i hate those things07:50
Evanlecoh, well then ur screwed07:50
Evanlecj/k ;p07:50
lee__any how this is wehre I got gutsys OEM07:50
AshexEvanlec, I'm running gutsy on an X21 laptop, kernel hangs while assigning irq's07:50
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lunzG_nine:i am just a newbie,dont worry,just installed ubuntu a week ago,this is my first time using it..07:51
Ashexso, I'm going to try recompiling the kernel to see if it's a bad kernel07:51
lee__some said that normally OEMS arent sent out thogh07:51
heguruprathapnirmal: pastebin the output of: netstat -ntpl | grep 3306 (caution: it could reveal your public IP)07:51
EvanlecAshex, try messin with bios settings?07:51
heguru!pastebin | prathapnirmal:07:51
AshexEvanlec, yup, no luck07:51
ubotuprathapnirmal:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:51
AshexIt was working fine in Feisty07:51
prathapnirmalI am able to connect to it from my local machine but not from another machine07:51
Ashexso altering the bios won't have change anything07:51
nanonymeisn't OEM OS usually that you buy a computer and get an OS with it?07:51
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G_Ninecool beans.. in that case.. welcome to the underground, lunz07:51
prathapnirmalso I am sure that mysql is running07:51
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Evanlecnanonyme, usually yes07:52
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Ashexprathapnirmal, you need to remove a line from the mysql config07:52
bqmasseyi can't wait any longer...  got. to. download.07:52
lunzG_nine:i am using irssi and how do u up ur firewall?07:52
Ashexlemme grab that line real quick07:52
nanonymeEvanlec, what's the relevance here then?07:52
r3dw0rmsauvin, it makes perfect sense to package them separately though especially since NO ONE uses rar anymore douche07:52
ktnehow do i create an youtube video in linux?07:52
ktnei have a song and some pictures07:52
bqmasseyso.. there is a release candidate out?07:52
heguruprathapnirmal: do you have a firewall? run sudo iptables -L to check07:52
halpdoes anyone know of a some software that can recover files names form a salvaged hdd?07:52
ktneand i want to create a slideshow with music on background07:52
prathapnirmalAshex: what is the line?07:52
r3dw0rmnot my fault people use rar to wrap things up07:52
lunzG_nine:do i really need a firewall?07:52
G_Nineit's called program execution , lunz07:52
Ashexprathapnirmal, gimme a sec. I wrote a guide on doing some mysql stuff, i included it in there07:52
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G_Nineand , you dont need a firewall.. but you should use one07:53
krammerneed help with 3d effects07:53
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lee__but in this case the oem set s the pc up, you down load the files that you need and then clcik prepeare this fmachine for shipping, a second screen comes up with all the things taht they downloaded07:53
Absumthis might not be the right place to ask this but how can I make mono applications behave as "regular" binaries? For example to make them execute without having to write mono before07:53
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lunzG_nine:do i really need a antivirus too?07:53
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prathapnirmalAshex: sure, thanks07:53
tronyxis anyone able to help me figure out why certain window effects won't stay enabled or work in compiz?07:53
sauvinr3dw0rm, I guess you don't have much contact with binaries newsgroups on the usenet.07:53
sadminheguru as soon as i start firefox memory shoot ups07:53
heguruprathapnirmal: sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf07:53
Evanleclunz, u dont need an antivirus for ubuntu07:53
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Ashexprathapnirmal, edit the line /etc/mysql/my.cnd07:53
Absumtronyx: what effects?07:54
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lee__in essens you build the the machines to fit a person or your personaly use, then when you click taht button everythings right there07:54
Ashexcomment this line: bind-address =
G_Nineno need for antivirus unless you transfer alot of files with windows puters ..07:54
Ashexprathapnirmal, get that?07:54
lunzG_nine:i left windows because of virus ...07:54
G_Nineor download bs from the internet..07:54
Ashexprathapnirmal, after that, restart mysql07:54
hegurusadmin: check your firefox extentions, or better remove all of them and add them one by one to find the faulty one07:54
lunzG_nine:sorry,i throw my windows out of window because of virus ...07:54
tronyxabsum: if i go to the compizconfig settings manager and enable animations, they don't actually enable.  if i check the box to enable them and them click say...rotate cube, when i am back at the main settings manager window the animations box is unchecked07:54
sadminhey wait07:55
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lee__the gutsye beta download contians the oem lol07:55
r3dw0rmsauvin, I It was a question as to why they are not packaged together not witch compression scheme is better07:55
heguruprathapnirmal: you have to change the line to bind-address = yourLANip07:55
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lee__but its rather not nice and unfreindly lol07:55
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Absumtronyx: have you tried just starting compiz from commandline and see what you get in output?07:55
sadminheguru see CPU shots but goes normal then07:55
Ashexokay, I'm sick of gutsy07:55
lee__it crashed 4x befior it finally loaded07:55
tronyxno, open a terminal and just type compiz?07:55
sadminmem is not normal07:55
r3dw0rmsauvin, I thought it might be a licensing issue or something no reason for you to be a dick about it07:55
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=== Ashex gives gutsy the finger and goes back to feisty
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sadminits 130.885 MB07:56
iuaudio__where do I find the mythbuntu lircrc generator?07:56
sadminheguru what this mean07:56
Absumtronyx: open a terminal type killall compiz.real && compiz --replace07:56
sadminand mem usgae baar is approx on 80%07:56
prathapnirmalAshex: thanks07:56
Absumtronyx: i think07:56
sauvinUnrar is more easily available; I believe it's flingware. Rar itself, I think, either is or used to be payware. PKZip used to be the same way; a number of such utilties were.07:56
Ashexnow where are my feisty discs07:56
lunzG_nine:why u said 15-is not out yet?07:56
sadminbut its says 130/885 MB07:56
AshexI had out over 100 a month and I can't even find one07:56
sadminwhat this mean07:56
prathapnirmalAshex: I will check and let you know07:56
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hegurusadmin: as i said, remove all extensions from firefox and try again07:56
hegurusadmin: it could be a bad extension07:56
G_Ninebecause i would have had it07:56
Ashexprathapnirmal, okay07:56
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ePaxHow do i add gdesklets to autostart?07:57
[Trash] Is there a way to transfer files across a petition (I'm using a dual boot XP/Fawn system)? Using the gnome file browser gives me a permission error, and I can't seem to find the Xp partition using terminal mode.07:57
tronyxbrb absum, i need to restart X07:57
lunzG_Nine:thats what the system tells me..uname -r07:57
iuaudio__hi all, where do I find the mythbuntu lircrc generator?07:57
obsoleteWhat's a good IRC client other than xirc (slightly off topic)07:57
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sadminwhat extensions07:57
[Trash] obsolete: I use chatzilla07:58
sadmincan u guide07:58
G_Ninewell.. then you got some special hook up or something.. i havent received that update yet07:58
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hegurusadmin: can you remove all firefox extensions and try again?07:58
r3dw0rmobsolete, xchat or bx07:58
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sadminhow i remove07:58
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sadminapt-get --purge remove firefox07:59
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lunzG_nine:and i also using on the other partition..07:59
kiragood morning hi all07:59
heguruheguru: in firefox, click at tools -> Addons07:59
boneUsing DHCP on eth0, how can I stop dhcp from overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf?07:59
heguruheguru: if there is anything there, just uninstall it07:59
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obsoleteTrash: Thanks07:59
heguruheguru: doing that would REMOVE firefox, don't do taht07:59
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prathapnirmalAshex: thanks it works07:59
G_Ninegood for you07:59
Ashexprathapnirmal, no problem :)07:59
sadminhey wait it was wrong machine07:59
Ashexjust make sure that computer can't be connected to from the outside world08:00
lunzG_nine:just update form the software updates..08:00
prathapnirmalAshex: sure08:00
iuaudio__hi all, where do I find the mythbuntu lircrc generator?08:00
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=== Akurtz [n=user@76-195-63-248.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kirai have ubuntu 7.10 and if my pc boot the grub starts and pc reboot again .. sometimes he trys 3 times then he boot already the system somebody knows this problem?08:00
tronyxwould anyone be able to help me figure out why I cannot get certain window effects to work in compiz?  i cannot keep window animations enabled or even get them to work.08:00
prathapnirmalAhsex: This is unrelated, but how do i stop the firewall running in my machine?08:00
sadminheguru as sonn as i start java applet my CPU goes to 98 % now its 31%08:01
heguru!gutsy | kira08:01
ubotukira: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:01
hou5tonanyone know of a way to get Office 2003 running stably on Ubuntu?08:01
tonyyarussoprathapnirmal: You can't, it's in the kernel.08:01
Ashexprathapnirmal, why would you want to do that?08:01
Ashexhou5ton, virtualization08:01
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lunzG_nine:welcome to underground?what is that suppose to mean?08:01
prathapnirmalAshex: just wanted to know08:01
hou5tonAshex:  more information, please.08:01
Ashexprathapnirmal, it's kinda built into the kernel. There's no reason to remove the firewall anyways08:02
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G_Ninethat means you'll die in seven days. starting from the day of you last update08:02
prathapnirmalokie thanks08:02
sadminheguru wht?08:02
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Ashexprathapnirmal, all it does is prevent people from connecting to you in ways you don't want them to. Pretty any service you want to use will normally open the port for you08:02
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sadminheguru mem is 788/2027MB08:02
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hegurusadmin: you're not listening08:02
Ashexiptables will automatically open the port when an application needs to use it. It's a much cleaner and nicer firewall then anything windows has to offer08:02
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sadmincan u tel again08:03
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Ashexhou5ton, get yourself virtualbox and install windows08:03
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G_Ninehave you ever watched that movie "white noise" .. thats what awaits ubuntu users.. usually..08:03
Ashexhou5ton, there's a reason office 2003 is a windows app08:03
CheeseGardenerI just updated to 7.10 beta.  I thought 7.10 comes with compiz fusion???08:03
boneAnyone? dhcp cable connection (7.04 server). Need to stop dhcp from overwriting /etc/resolv.conf08:03
AshexCheeseGardener, it does08:03
sadminheguru sorry can u tel again08:03
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CheeseGardenerAshex, does the beta come with it?08:03
RobCI am on the beta08:03
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AshexCheeseGardener, yeah, it's in a different area08:04
Ashexit's not called desktop effects anymore08:04
alla1how i can user yahoo messenger on linux08:04
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Ashexalla1, use pidgin instead08:04
G_Ninei got my share of white noise ghosts around.. but well.. i cant die.. you ... i cant guarantee that..08:04
hou5tonAshex:  I have the latest OpenOffice installed ... but it is lacking in some areas .... I wonder if StarOffice would be better?08:04
CheeseGardenerAshex, what area is that?08:04
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AshexCheeseGardener, what RobC said08:04
hou5tonAshex:  or ... more complete08:04
CheeseGardenerAshex, do I need "gnome-compiz-manager" for it to work?08:04
tom__hou5ton: probably not08:04
Ashexhou5ton, install virtualbox, then use it to install a copy of windows08:05
sadminheguru plz can u tel again08:05
alla1i dont no pidgin08:05
RobCcheese, what video card to you have08:05
Ashexyou can setup seamless desktop intergration if you like08:05
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox08:05
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CheeseGardenerAshex, I removed gnome-compiz-manager, and it says it can't enable desktop effects.08:05
AshexCheeseGardener, I'm not sure then08:05
Ashexi haven't got my gutsy laptop running atm08:05
decayhow can i permanently change the terminal text? for example, me@localhost08:05
decayhow can i make it me@home08:05
Ashexdecay, change your hostname08:05
CheeseGardenerAshex, maybe if I restart it'll work.  brb.08:05
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alla1Ashex:i dont no pidgin08:06
RobCdecay, uname in the console08:06
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sadminas soon as java_vm start cpu goes 98%08:06
decayAshex, where?08:06
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Ashexalla1, applications>internet>pidgin08:06
decayRobC, is that permanent though?08:06
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boneis there a way to make apt-get not ask for the cd, and instead download from the internet?08:06
sadminaverage CPU is approx 50%08:06
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sadminheguru u there?08:06
Ashexdecay, preferences>administration>network08:06
Ashexit's under the general tab I believe08:06
decayAshex, thank you08:06
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RobCdecay, I have always done that08:07
void_nick voidvoid08:07
tech0007bone...uncheck cd from software sources08:07
void_why does the ubuntu kernel take so long to compile?08:07
bonetech0007, i'm in server08:07
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alla1Ashex i user ubuntu 7.04 and there is no program called pidgin in this place08:07
Ashexalla1, ah, it's called gaim then08:07
void_make-kpkg -initrd --revision=386 kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image is what I'm doing and it takes way longer by huge orders of magnitude than on gentoo08:07
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tech0007bone...sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:08
halpdoes anyone know of a some software that can recover files names form a salvaged hdd?08:08
bonetech, thanks found it as well. did man apt-get.08:08
tech0007bone....comment out deb cdrom ....08:09
q_a_z_stevehey, using dapper and trying to get access to vista drive on same computer, can someone give me a good guide?08:09
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alla1yes with out tjis program i cant speake whith u now , i know gaim but i heared program called wine make u user windows program in linix08:09
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tronyxj #ubuntu-effects08:09
lunzG_Nine:u must be kidding me...too much movie for you...08:09
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alla1Ashex:yes with out tjis program i cant speake whith u now , i know gaim but i heared program called wine make u user windows program in linix08:10
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ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:10
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages08:10
Ashexalla1, http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php08:10
bonetech0007, know how to stop dhcp from overwriting /etc/resolv.conf (iface eth0 inet dhcp)08:10
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ktneanyone knows an easy way to create a slideshow with music background and upload it to youtube?08:10
ubotuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.08:11
lunzdoes anyone knows how to grab xtube video?08:11
ktnelunz: an youtube video?08:11
ktnelunz: if you are using firefox then there are some extensions that can do that i think08:11
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basotlLike the unplug extension.08:12
lunzktne:i am using firefox08:12
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lunzktne:sorry but swiftfox08:12
Evanlecsame thing08:13
lunzktne:so how do i download and save it to my computer?08:13
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the_bullhello all08:13
the_bulli want to upgrade my fiesty fawn to gusty gibbon08:14
basotlThere's the add-on lunz08:14
the_bullwill only apt-get dist-upgrade work?08:14
obsoleteupdate-manager -c -d08:14
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obsoleteThat was for you, the_bull08:14
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hou5tonAshex:  ok .... I'm goggling virtualization ... looks like it will be a little challenging, which is ok ... but when I'm done, will I really have a Windows XP installation or Windows Media Center installation on which I can install anything?08:14
the_bullobsolete, i cannot get your point... will u plz. repeat again?08:15
Ashexhou5ton, yup. Just don't run too much stuff, as it will slow the whole system down08:15
AshexI know a couple people who do it08:15
bensaCan anyone here advise me on how to upgrade from Hoary to Heron?  >.<08:15
bensaWell, not heron, but Fawn08:15
AshexOne person I know uses compiz fusion with it, has it setup so one side of the cube is the entire windows desktop08:15
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the_bullobsolete, will you please repeat again?08:16
fatlipokay this is a dumb question that i know theres an answer to becuase i've done it before, just dont remember how.. how do i stop auto-mounted drives (sda2, sdb1) from showing up on my desktop?08:17
basotlAshex - speaking of Virtualbox? I do that with an XP VM.08:17
RobCthe_bull, run that in your console08:17
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Ashexbasotl, so do i08:17
obsoleteoh, sorry08:17
Ashexbut with virtualbox, you can intergrate the windows directly to the ubuntu desktop08:17
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the_bullRobC, i know .. but -c and -d means?08:18
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Ashextake a look at their website and you'll see some screencaps08:18
obsoletein terminal type in: update-manager -c -d08:18
Ashexbasically like what paralells does in osx08:18
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obsolete-c makes it look for updates, -d makes it look for distros08:18
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obsoleteSomething like that, anyway08:18
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RobCdo a man dist-upgrade08:18
the_bullobsolete, :D08:18
basotlI realize that but I still prefer setting it off to it's own view port. Keeps my desktop better organized.08:19
tech0007or u can do 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'08:19
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lunzbasot: but how do i add the add-on?08:19
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basotlClick on the install link - then it downloads - then istalls in the browser.08:20
lunzbasot: ok done08:20
lunzbasot: how to save the utube file now?08:20
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basotldid you restart the browser?08:21
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lunzbasot:yeah i did08:21
basotlOnce you do you will have a green fish icon on the browser.08:21
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ash_anyone know a program to rip streaming video from the net?08:22
basotlNear the search bar. - lunz08:22
lunzbasot:let me check it08:22
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tech0007ash_:  firefox extensions08:22
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RobCCheese, did you figure it out08:22
ash_thanks, any specific?08:22
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basotllunz - When when you are on the YouTube page or any video page with media click the fish icon.08:23
decayAlright. under restricted drivers, i see my videocard and wireless card listed there. i click enabled, then a popup message says " <device name> not enabled"  any thoughts?08:23
CheeseGardeneri'm having some problems getting gutsty to see my graphics card.  Does anyone know if this is a common issue?08:23
lunzbasot:there is no fish icon!!08:23
DerangedDingoash_: there are multiple. you can do it with bash scripts too08:23
CheeseGardenerGutsy clearly uses it but apparently the drivers perhaps aren't right?08:23
ikensukehello all, can anybody help me out with some bootloader issues?08:23
RobCCheeseGardener, what graphics card08:23
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chalcedonyikensuke: its better if you say what theissues are08:24
Johnsonhey i'm using x-chat is there a way to get it to minimize to tray?08:24
CheeseGardenerRobC, it's a Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller08:24
DerangedDingoash_: There's a few firefox extensions, a bash script called IRaistube, and.. google it and there's probably more08:24
briggsyis anyone here running a saphire X1950 grapgics card08:24
CheeseGardenerRobC, Intel makes it.08:24
chalcedonyJohnson: top right corner the - sign08:24
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Johnsonu know what the tray is?08:24
Johnsonits not the taskbar08:24
ash_DerangedDingo: Thanks I will have a look around08:24
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Vimtowhats the different between alternate CD and the other one!08:25
PurpZeYIs there a CLI command for determining a programs pid with ps aux | grep ?08:25
Johnsonlol. but thanks tho. im sure someone out there knows that or xchat just sucks08:25
PurpZeYVimto: Alternate is not graphical08:25
chalcedonywell Johnson ask in #XChat ;)08:25
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chalcedonyof course.. they are probably asleep08:26
VimtoPurpZeY, aha got it thanks!08:26
ikensukeI currently have a WinXP install on one SATA drive, and an Ubuntu fiesty install on a separate SATA drive. I installed the windows drive second, and now cannot get grub working. I have tried all the usual faqs, but nothing seems to be working.08:26
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briggsydoes anyone have a saphire/radeon X1950 graphics card or know anything about them. I am having difficulty and google searching is not solving it.08:26
clouderPurpZeY: the 2nd item is the pid ain't it?08:27
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chalcedonyi'm only being funny because i'm scared. my friend said: check hpoj for conf in etc use ssh .. what did he meain?08:27
chalcedonyhe went to bed08:27
CheeseGardenerRobC, so do you have any idea?08:27
RobCCheeseGardener, I am having no luck on ubuntu's wiki, I would try compiz's site08:27
ash_Anyone know what would cause a new SATA dvdrw to not burn but read discs just fine? it is a LH-20A1L (Lite-on)08:27
Vimtois that correct, burning the CD in 4x speed?08:28
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RobCI have an nvidia card and compiz worked from the first boot08:28
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Hunnurjoin #ruby08:28
CheeseGardenerRobC, oh.... maybe they don't have a driver for it yet?08:28
Hunnuroops :P08:28
lunzbasot:its working,gee thanks08:28
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RobCthat is what I am thinking08:28
briggsycheese gardener what video card do you have08:28
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CheeseGardenerRobC, if they come up with a driver, will I get an update for it in update manager?08:28
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:29
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:29
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RobCCheeseGardener, I am thinking not all packages are right08:29
q_a_z_steveCan someone tell me how to find my vista partition (separate drive, same computer) in dapper?08:29
CheeseGardenerbriggsy, I have a Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller from Intel.08:29
briggsyCheeseGardener,  what videocard are you using08:29
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briggsyCheeseGardener, i am using an ATI X1950 and am having many problems with mine...when i do lspci it doesn't even recognize it, it just says unkown ATI device08:31
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decayAlright. under restricted drivers, i see my videocard and wireless card listed there. i click enabled, then a popup message says " <device name> not enabled"  any thoughts?08:31
briggsyCheeseGardener, and that is after installing the latest drivers from ATI's website08:31
CheeseGardenerbriggsy, I see... maybe they don't have driver for gutsy yet?08:31
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briggsyCheeseGardener, im not on gutsy yet, i am still on fiesty08:32
Scuniziq_a_z_steve: in terminal type df -h.  that will give you the different drives on your machine.  You can also do "fdisk -l" (that's L).08:32
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RobCCheeseGardener, do you have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed?08:32
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Giddionhas anyone ever installed ubuntu on microsoft virtual PC with any level of success?08:33
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Scuniziq_a_z_steve: fdisk -l is actually sudo fdisk -l08:33
CheeseGardenerRobC, I'm not sure, how can I check?08:33
RobCgo to your synaptic package manager08:33
RobCits in system/administration08:33
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CheeseGardenerwhat name do I search for?08:34
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RobCand it will be at the bottom08:34
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CheeseGardeneryeah it is installed.08:34
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Scuniziare all the drives in Feisty /dev/sd??.  How do I identify a Hda drive (ide)?08:35
RobChow can I talk to you without being in this chat08:35
RobCsorry, I am an IRC noobie08:35
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josh1me too08:35
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ScuniziRobC: it's easier to see your messages if you put the nick of the person you're talking to in the beginning of the line.  Same for the person talking back to you.08:35
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SyntraI feel really dumb08:36
CheeseGardenerRobC, yeah it is installed.08:36
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chalcedonyRobC: do /msg nickserv help  and register your nick08:36
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SyntraBut I just started using Linux, and How do I get into folders using the Terminal?08:36
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chalcedonySyntra: try  $ cd directoryiwant08:37
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SyntraOK thanks08:37
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chalcedonyroot@marcus:~# apt-get mtr08:37
chalcedonyE: Invalid operation mtr08:37
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AJ--hi guys is it safe to upgrade to gutsy now??? wat will be the effect on my current system?08:38
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ISS_StudentWell I finally deleted 1 install of PCLinux OS I switched to 7.10 and my wireless works at least with the chip set on this system. Does anybody know if they did Java and flash built in?08:38
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jlgerberanyone know anything about the nvidia-settings problem?08:39
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bensaI'm having issues upgrading from Hoary. I keep getting errors about the repositories no longer existing when I use the Synap Pkg manager.  Any advice?08:39
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prasanthany one who is working with Vxworks?08:40
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ikensukehas anybody used super grub disk before?08:40
lunzhow do i download and save xtube video file?08:40
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chalcedonywhat command goes after apt-get upgrade ?08:41
jlgerberhow come the resolutions dont seem to pay attention to my xorg.config?08:41
FallenHitokirilunz: did you try firefox video downloader?08:41
espereguanyone knows how to solve '/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off' when booting the live cd of the RC 7.10 (I've put it on a usb stick)08:41
FallenHitokirichalcedony: nothing. after upgrade you are done with upgrading your system08:41
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lunzyeah and it cant download the xtube file08:41
chalcedonyFallenHitokiri: ty08:41
FallenHitokirijlgerber: you have more than one resolution in you xorg.config per line?08:42
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FallenHitokirichalcedony: or do you want to upgrade to gutsy?08:42
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chalcedony~# apt-get mtr08:42
chalcedonyE: Invalid operation mtr08:42
chalcedony  why is it giving me invalid operation?08:42
RobC4apt-get install mtr08:42
chalcedonyRobC4: thanks :)08:43
lunzfallenhitoriki:only can download from youtube?how about xtube?08:43
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FallenHitokirilunz: i don't know xtube (i even don't use youtube to be honest)08:43
chalcedonyis there a way to get the NON-gui mtr back ?08:43
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FallenHitokirichalcedony: apt-cache search ^mtr08:44
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FallenHitokirichalcedony: there seems to be a mtr-tiny08:44
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lunzdoest anyone knows how to download and save xtube video file?08:44
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chalcedonyFallenHitokiri: apt-get install mtr-tiny  ? what do i do with the gui then?08:45
bensaLunz: what OS?08:45
FallenHitokirichalcedony: remove it? apt-get remove --purge mtr08:46
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murlidharany application alternative to Aceiso to iso mounting08:46
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lunzbensa:i am using ubuntu feist fawn08:46
josh1join #kubuntu08:46
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FallenHitokirimurlidhar: mount?08:47
bensaOk. I can't upgrade hoary to breezy with the synap pk manager, so I'm trying to do it by replacing the text in the sources.list with what's in the websites instructions, but it will not allow me to save the sources.list.  Any idea why?08:47
murlidharFallenHitokiri: yes need a application to mount iso08:47
FallenHitokirimurlidhar: yeah I read this. use mount08:47
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murlidhar!mount iso08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mount iso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:48
FallenHitokiribensa: you are not editing with root08:48
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bensaLunz: have you tried with the shell prompt?08:48
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:48
bensaFallen: It prompts me for my root pass.  o.008:48
lunzbensa:how?teach me08:48
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FallenHitokiribensa: what do you use for editing?08:49
ikensukedoes anybody know if it is possible to modify the grub menu.lst from the grub command line?08:49
gogetaikensuke i ont think so08:49
FallenHitokiriikensuke: o / e for editing a line08:49
gogetaikensuke you can do it from the live cd08:49
gogetahe said menu.list08:49
ikensukehm, let me pop in the live cd08:50
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FallenHitokirigogeta: yeah and I suppose his system doesn't boot. for a quick change this should work08:50
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gogetalive cd he can mount said system and edit08:51
bensaFallen: -shrugs- I'm just following directions.  >.<  I'm a n00b.  I open terminal, type " gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list " and then enter the text from the site.08:51
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gogetaor ven use the scripts like grub update08:51
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CheeseGardenerHmmm I'm still having problems.  Could someone give me a hand with the Intel Mobile 915 chipset?08:51
FallenHitokiribensa: and gedit tells you you don't have permission to write sources.list? try a sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list08:52
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FallenHitokiribensa: or wait a moment if here is somebody who can help you to edit the file with a more "noob friendly editor"08:52
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jtmoneyanyway for me to see which process/daemon is running on a specific port?08:52
lunzbensa: how to use the shell prompt?08:52
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jtmoneyopenvpn is conflicting with port 500 =(08:52
RobC4use nano08:52
Bassettshow can I force a external HDD to unmount?08:53
bensaFallen: it doesn't tell me that I don't have permission. It just says "Could not save the file "/home/bensa/'/etc/apt/sources.list'"08:53
FallenHitokirijtmoney: netstat -tulpe and cat /etc/services08:53
BassettsI keep getting " data being written to device"08:53
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gogetabassettes sudo umount08:54
RobC4bensa, run this sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:54
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jtmoneyawesome, thanks08:54
FallenHitokiribensa: there is some wrong with "/home/bensa/'/etc/apt/sources.lst'" if I had to guess08:54
bensaFallen: should it be blank when I open it?08:54
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bensaRob: what does that do?08:55
RobC4opens the file08:55
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FallenHitokiribensa: no. it sould allready have some lines in08:55
robbensa, no idea08:55
RobC4are you trying to get rid of the CD?08:55
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reberhi. I got a window with "lang fr_FR doesn't exist, using default" at kde startup, what could it be ?08:55
AJ--hi guys i have a very noob question.. how can i place a trash launcher on my desktop ???hehehhe08:55
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FallenHitokiribensa: try a cd /etc/apt/08:55
bensaRobC4: What does that do?08:55
FallenHitokiribensa: nano sources.list  (but please ask RobC4 how to use nano)08:55
bensaFallen: heh.  yea, it's blank when I open it.08:55
RobC4bensa, what are you trying to do with editing the sources.list08:56
FallenHitokiriAJ--: gnome?08:56
AJ--yup FallenHitokiri08:56
CheeseGardenercould someone help me try to get gutsy to see my graphics card?08:56
RobC4bensa, you need to run this from the console: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"08:56
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bensaRobc4: I'm trying to upgrade from Hoary to Breezy (and then from Breezy to Dapper, etc)08:56
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sadminheguru u there08:56
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virenhi guys08:57
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FallenHitokiriAJ--: start gconf-editor08:57
virenIh ahve big problem08:57
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FallenHitokiriAJ--: and go to apps -> nautilus -> desktop08:57
bensaRobC4: I did that.08:57
FallenHitokiriAJ--: there you can check trash_icon_visible08:57
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RobC4and it didnt open anything?08:57
vireni can not install ndiswrapper in my laptop08:57
bensaRobC4: was something visibly suppose to happen?08:57
virenany one can help me08:57
RobC4bensa, yea, it was08:57
virenany expert around?08:58
RobC4bensa, run this from the console: sudo updatedb08:58
FallenHitokiribensa: did you think about a fresh installation - 4-5 dist-upgrades are not really fun08:58
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bensaRobc4: Just to be sure, how do I run something in console?  >.<08:58
RobC4then run sudo locate sources.list08:58
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RobC4you on gnome of kde08:58
ferromagMSG RobC4 http://www.lethain.com/entry/2007/jul/13/creating-my-dream-server-django/08:58
bensaFallen: Yea, if I had the InstallCD or a CD burnner.  >.<08:58
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to get the Intel 915 chipset working with Gutsy?08:58
FallenHitokiriviren: if somebody could help you he would ansewr. you don't have to scream around08:58
FallenHitokiribensa: order a cd from ubuntu.com08:59
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bensaFallen: BTW, how are you making your text red?08:59
bensaFallen: I have.08:59
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RobC4ferromag: thanks for the link09:00
FallenHitokiribensa: if I want to talk to you i write you name at the front and you client recognizes this and highlights the line. thats exactly why I don't alway get when you just write fallen: ;)09:00
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inflexAnyone know which glibc the latest 64 bit ubuntu uses?09:00
bensaRobc4: Well something happened when I ran "sudo updatedb", but nothing visible.09:00
RobC4bensa http://www.lethain.com/entry/2007/jul/13/creating-my-dream-server-django/09:00
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bensaFallenHitokiri: Ah. Thank you.  :)09:00
inflexbensa: you won't - it'll just 'return'09:00
ferromagMSG RobC4 you'll find useful info on how to upgrade09:01
RobC4bensa then run: locate sources.list09:01
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FallenHitokirioargh. django server with apache oO09:01
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SAanyone having any problems with a radeon x1600 agp?09:01
RobC4bensa you get that link?09:01
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bensaRobC4: I got the link. I'm still on hoary (three years or so behind).  Can I just jump?  The help site list in this channel doesn't recommend  that.  >.<  Also, how do I open console? I'm just hitting ALT F2.09:03
iNoobdoes anybody know how to make a directory called documents under home directory09:03
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FallenHitokiriiNoob: mkdir documents09:04
lunzbensa: how to use the shell prompt?09:04
iNoobk thanks09:04
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FallenHitokirilunz: you pen a terminal and enter commands09:04
RobC4bensa, alt-f2, type in gnome-terminal09:04
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ScuniziRobC4: alt+f2 is a terminal09:04
iNoobthats weird cannot create directory documents09:05
iNoobim using cdlive09:05
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RobC4alt+f2 shows run application for me09:05
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james296anyone know whats wrong with doc.gwos.org?09:05
bensaRobc4: and start over again?09:05
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bensaRobc4: From sudo nano. . . ?09:06
Scunizibensa: your best bet to upgrade if you have the HDD space is to move your home to its own partition. Then install fresh without formatting home09:06
RobC4bensa yea, thats the plan, but as everyone else is saying, that is a massive jump09:06
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RobC4bensa lots have changed, and I wouldnt doubt if multiple things broke09:06
ikensukei used a live cd, but now how do i edit my menu.lst file if i'm not the root user of that file?09:06
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RobC4bensa hell I upgraded from mandriva 06 to 07 and it broke every damn thing on the system09:07
FallenHitokiriikensuke: become root or chroot to your partition09:07
lunzFallen:i am talking about xtube video downloadinf\d usinf shell prompt..09:07
bensaRobC4: *lol*  Oh dear.  Well. . .what kinds of things would it break?  This is a fresh install of Ubuntu from an old CD.09:08
iNoobporno freak09:08
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ikensukefallen: but when I tru su and it won't accept my password09:08
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FallenHitokiriRobC4: heh - you should have upraded from suse 5.1 to 5.2 that was fun09:08
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FallenHitokiriikensuke: the live cd has own passwords09:09
RobC4bensa well I am not familiar with how ubuntu handles upgrading, but I was caught where programs tried to call from the wrong places09:09
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iNoobwhich one is better09:09
bensaRobC4: I opened console, and started over at sudo nano /etc/. . . ..  where do I go from there again?09:09
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iNoobunbuntu livecd or suse09:09
lunzbensa: how to use the shell prompt to download xtube file?09:09
RobC4bensa you did sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:09
bensaRobC4: Oh dear.  Well, I suppose I could just always reinstall if I seriously screw this up.  >.<09:09
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FallenHitokiriiNoob: depending on what you do, but SuSE has no LiveCD IIRC - anyway. LiveCDs suck09:10
bensaLunz: Mistake.  I know how to do it for you tube. I don't know if it's the same.09:10
bensaRobC4: yes I did.09:10
RobC4did anything come up?09:10
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bensaRobC4: It gave me information.  :D09:10
iNoobi almost crash my new computer trying to install ubuntu09:10
FallenHitokiribensa: do yourself a favor and do a backup09:10
RobC4ok good09:10
RobC4yes, please09:10
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iNoobsomething wrong with the nvidia09:10
tvistohey all09:10
iNoobi couldnt load it up09:10
riotkittiethere are live cds for opensuse09:10
RobC4if I were a betting man, I would say 5 bucks this will break09:10
bensaFallenHitokiri: there's nothing on here.  :)09:10
bensaRobC4: *lol*  Optimism!09:11
RobC4but I am curious if you can go three up09:11
iNoobbetter have insurance on it09:11
tvistoanyone ever launched SolidWorks on Ubuntu?09:11
tvistomaybe with WINE or anything like it09:11
RobC4bensa, change every instance of hoary to gutsy if you want 7.1009:11
bensaRobC4: ok.  After that, just do the same commands you listed previously?09:11
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iNoobis there a school to learn linux09:11
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bensaRobC4: That's a large jump.  Should I not just do it (painfully) one at a time?09:12
lunzbensa:just tell me the it might work09:12
FallenHitokiriRobC4: nice idea - if we break it, we do it fast and clean ;)09:12
RobC4all in the name of research my good man09:12
RobC4I bet few have tried it09:12
FallenHitokiriRobC4: lol09:12
RobC4see if it works09:12
bensalunz: http://www.linux.com/articles/11416109:12
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FallenHitokiriRobC4: yeah - and I think we both know why09:12
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RobC4bensa I would try going to the next upgrade first09:13
RobC4bensa however, make sure you comment out the CD, its the first line where it says deb cdrom:09:13
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bensaRobC4: change everywhere it says hoary to breezy then, right?09:14
RobC4bensa just change everything from hoary to breezy (or whatever was next), and then alt-x, say yes (press y), and then exit09:14
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RobC4bensa then run apt-get update09:14
Geoffrey2updating from hoary?09:14
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RobC4bensa apt-get dist-upgrade09:14
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RobC4bensa apt-get upgrade09:14
bensaRobC4: comment out the CD?09:15
RobC4bensa and get out the rosary beads09:15
RobC4its a pound sign09:15
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RobC4however, I have to ask, how fast if your internet connection09:15
novato_awaytvisto ???09:15
novato_awaysolidoworks is free?09:16
lunzbensa:how to install the md5sum?09:16
bensaRobC4: Just remove the #?  I'm on a cable modem.  It's decent. I would prefer to be on my work t1 line though.09:16
hanihashemiI need a hellp09:16
lunzapt-get md5sum install09:16
RobC4bensa dont remove the # if it is there09:16
novato_awaylunz, it's apt-get install md5sum09:16
FallenHitokirihanihashemi: yeah... just ask09:16
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Geoffrey2he's not trying to go straight from hoary to gutsy, is he?09:17
RobC4bensa it should be # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 xxx or whatever09:17
RobC4I am trying to make him, but he is being sane09:17
bensaRobC4: I don't see anywhere it says that.  o.009:17
FallenHitokiriGeoffrey2: oh yes he is :>09:17
lunzCouldn't find package md5sum09:17
RobC4bensa it should be at the very top09:17
bensaRobC4: Naah, I'm not sane. I setting each instance of the word "hoary" to a different distro.  :-P09:17
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=== RobC4 is about to try upgrading from 5.04 to 7.10 to see if it will do it
bensaRobC4: very top:  "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy  main restricted09:18
Geoffrey2FallenHitokiri, if that's me, back up the data files, blow away the partitions, and do a fresh install from CD...but that's just me09:18
hanihashemiwhen i want to start apache it show me error message : hani@hAni-laptop:~$ apache2ctl start09:18
hanihashemiapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName09:18
hanihashemi(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
hanihashemino listening sockets available, shutting down09:18
hanihashemiUnable to open logs09:18
RobC4bensa, well if it isnt there, then dont worry about it09:19
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RobC4bensa basically you dont want ubuntu to try and use the cd upgrade09:19
RobC4bensa just change everything to breezy, and alt-x, y, enter09:19
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bensaRobC4: alt x makes it say "Help Mode disabled09:19
lunzbensa:what is md5sum???09:19
RobC4in nano?09:20
RobC4control x09:20
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bensalunz: verifies md5 hashes09:20
bensaRobc4: sok09:20
macavitylunz: a program that calculates a checksum that it is very close to impossible to tamper with.. that way you can know if a file is corrupt or not09:20
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FallenHitokiriGeoffrey2: yep. I would handle it the same way... but I wouldn't backup. i have my /home on a seperate partition and cron always runs a backup sending my files to my fileserver09:21
clmbngbknganyone know how to use ddclient with dyndns?09:21
RobC4you guys have no sense of adventure ;)09:21
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lunzbensa:and how to install it?09:21
FallenHitokirihanihashemi: are you running this as root?09:21
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bezakclmbngbkng: i have used it before, but i can't remember it. what's the problem09:21
bensalunz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5sum09:21
bensaRobc4: done.09:22
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FallenHitokiriRobC4: nah. some of use don't have no time to waste with useless experiments ;)09:22
RobC4bensa did you say apt-get update09:22
RobC4err type09:22
hanihashemiFallenHitokiri: Yes09:22
Geoffrey2FallenHitokiri, after a complete meltdown of Dapper one time, I learned REAL FAST the importance of keeping the /home folder on a seperate partition09:22
FallenHitokirihanihashemi: netstat -tulpe   - what program is listening on 8070?09:22
clmbngbkngbezak: i have it installed and use the config file that dyndns makes for you but it doesnt update the IP address with it09:22
clmbngbkngdo i need to open a port for it?09:22
bensaRobc4: I did.  I got this error: "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:23
bensaE: Unable to lock the list directory09:23
bezakclmbngbkng: is it running09:23
FallenHitokiriGeoffrey2: hehe :> you should have run a early suse or redhat with reiserfs :> "backup every day or do your work again"09:23
RobC4sudo apt-get update09:23
FallenHitokiribensa: run it as root!09:23
RobC4anytime you see that error, sun it as sudo09:23
bensaFallenHitokiri: I realize this now.  *lol*09:23
lunzdamn..now i have to know about python..etc etc sigh...09:23
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clmbngbkngbezak: i think it is, how can i check?09:23
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clmbngbkngand if not how do i get it running from start?09:24
FallenHitokiriclmbngbkng: ps -A | grep client09:24
FallenHitokiriclmbngbkng: ddclient should appear in this list09:24
Geoffrey2FallenHitokiri, it was weird, one night I shut down my laptop properly....next day it won't start up, file system is hash....09:24
hanihashemiFallenHitokiri: tcp        0      0 *:8070                  *:*                     LISTEN     r09:25
clmbngbkngFallenHitokiri: it does show up there09:25
RobC4y2k bug finally caught up with you09:25
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FallenHitokiriGeoffrey2: that's exactly what reiser did - beside the fact that this happend nearly every reboot09:25
FallenHitokiriclmbngbkng: so it is running09:25
bensa . . . .and now I get a bunch of errors.  *lol*09:25
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ikensukea little while ago I booted into ubuntu and it prompted me to updated some files ( a few of which pertained to the linux kernel) and now my x server wont start..09:25
FallenHitokirihanihashemi: use another port for apache, like 80 - what it is supposed to listen on or 808009:25
RobC4you spell everything right?09:26
ikensukeit's saying error: api mismatch09:26
bensaRobc4: Mostly 404 errors.09:26
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clmbngbkngFallenHitokiri: but it doesnt update the IP address automatically, i can force it to update it on its own09:26
FallenHitokiribensa: apt-get update09:26
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RobC4oh great09:26
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FallenHitokiriclmbngbkng: you configuration file is correct?09:26
Geoffrey2FallenHitokiri, what version # is hoary, anyway?  my first version was Dapper....09:26
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ScuniziI have several partitions when I open them they have a "lost+found" folder that is locked for root access only.  Why is it there?09:27
RobC4bensa, you might have to go to dapper09:27
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bensaRobc4: same kinds of errors I was getting with I was atttempting to do this with the synpatic pkg mngr09:27
FallenHitokiriGeoffrey2: i have no idea... i don't really use ubuntu for my daily work09:27
bensaRobc4: Skip breezy?09:27
RobC4bensa thats because ubuntu doesnt support anythign until dapper IIRC09:27
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bensaGeoffrey2: 5.10 I think09:27
FallenHitokiriScunizi: lost+found is a directory your filesytem uses (ext3) primary if your system crashes...09:28
clmbngbkngFallenHitokiri: it seems to work when i force it to update manually but it doesnt do it on its own, so i guess it is wrong, but its the one that dyndns made with on their site and they claim it should work09:28
clmbngbkngdo i need to open up a port or something like that?09:28
RobC4bensa ya, you need to go to dapper09:28
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: so I shouldn't worry about it and just let it sit there?09:28
bensaGeoffrey: not wait. It's 5.4. Breezy is 5.1009:28
RobC4but that will get you right in the middle09:28
FallenHitokiriclmbngbkng: ddclient _is_ working, maybe the timeout isn't right09:28
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: just look over it ;09:28
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bensaRobc4 , ok, so the same thing again, just change everything to dapper?09:28
RobC4bensa yes09:29
RobC4bensa and then it should all work09:29
clmbngbkngFallenHitokiri: ok i'll look it over09:29
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trdracerany known xvid/avi codecs for gutsy/gusty not even sure its name09:29
MannyZBefore you begin the installation, exit the X server and terminate all OpenGL applications (note that it is possible that some OpenGL applications persist even after the X server has stopped). You should also set the default run level on your system such that it will boot to a VGA console, and not directly to X. Doing so will make it easier to recover if there is a problem during the installation process. See Appendix H, Tips for New09:29
MannyZ Linux Users for details.09:29
RobC4bensa and dapper is 6.06, which is right in the middle. You can go from there to 6.10 and then 7.04 no problem09:29
MannyZhow i disable x?09:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:29
Geoffrey2interesting....they jumped from "h" (Hoary) back to "b" (Breezy), and since then it's been Dapper, Edgy, Feisty, and now Gutsy.....09:29
bensaRobc4: hopefully.  ;-)  If it does work, what will happen?  Will all my screens close or something? If they do, thank you sooooo much.09:29
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bensaFallenhitokiri: Thank you sooooo much as well.  :D09:30
FallenHitokiritrdracer: apt-cache search gstreamercould please tell someone this ugly bot to query the people09:30
FallenHitokiribensa: no problem09:30
RobC4bensa naw, when you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, it will flip out09:30
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: thanks.. there's nothing in the file.. is it safe to delete?  Will it be recreated automatically?09:30
RobC4bensa and say you need to install 10000000 packages, and 680 mgs of downloads09:30
lunzanyone knows how to install phyton?09:30
MannyZhow i exit the X ?09:30
MannyZthe x server09:30
RobC4bensa let it run, and then it *should* boot up into 6.06 the next time you reboot09:30
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: sorry, I think I used the wrong term (english is not my native language) - just forget that the directory is there and don't touch it09:31
RobC4once you get into there, then run sudo apt-get update09:31
RobC4and then sudo apt-get upgrade09:31
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FallenHitokirilunz: apt-cache search ^pathon09:31
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ScuniziMannyZ: ctrl+alt+f2 then log in, now type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:31
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lunzFallen:bash: s/pahton/python/: No such file or directory09:32
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: thanks :)  now how do I gain permissions on a partition that is root access for read write only?09:32
FallenHitokirilunz: this means you should replace pahton with python in my previous line09:32
bensaRobc4 Hey!  It's working.  (I think/So far)09:32
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: no problem.09:32
RobC4bensa awesome09:32
RobC4bensa is it updating the sources to dapper?09:33
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bensaRobC4: all done! No errors.  On to the next step!  (I'm happy I get to make it flip out)09:33
FallenHitokiriScunizi: only edit something wit sudo $editor $file - you don't want to have it world read write able09:33
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L0GANhi all09:33
bensaRobc4: that's after sudo apt-get update right?09:33
FallenHitokiriScunizi: or is it a external drive or somehting other than /09:33
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gregoroviusfonts in firefox look kinda ugly now that i've upgraded to gutsy... anyone else had this happen?09:33
RobC4bensa do the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:33
RobC4and see what happens09:33
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bensaRobc4 *presses enter*09:34
lunzFallen:bash:  s/python/python/s/pahton/python/: No such file or directory09:34
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: I have a couple of different partitions that are outside of / that are locked for some reason.. I multi-boot with Feisty gdm, kde and Dapper gdm.. something got messed up along the way with the permissions.09:34
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L0GANI finally got my usb drive partitioned and was hoping to boot ubuntu from it. Sadly however I cannot seem to get the system to boot from USB :( (I have set first boot from USB-HDD)09:34
FallenHitokirilunz: apt-cache search ^python09:34
bensaRobc4: whoa.09:34
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RobC4lots of stuff?09:34
bezakFallenHitokiri: what does the ^ do09:34
bensaRobc4: yes.  I need to write these down.09:34
lunzanyone knows how to install phyton?fallen done09:34
FallenHitokiriScunizi: please paste the output of mount09:34
RobC4it should be substantial09:34
lunzfallen:done with that09:35
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lunzfallen:then what?09:35
FallenHitokiribezak: it tells the program that ^python is the start of the word. so ^python-foobar is listet but foobar-python not09:35
RobC4bensa just say yes, lets do it09:35
harudoes anyone know of a desklet clock that allows me to show time for 4-5 locations?09:35
bezakFallenHitokiri: cool that's useful09:35
FallenHitokirilunz: you see the packages you can install - install them. apt-get install python for example09:35
RobC4and then catch up on some sleep09:35
L0GANI think I did everything correct but somehow it doesnt buut from my USB stick09:35
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cLINTocan someone tell me how to figure out the UUID on a filesystem by command?09:36
cLINToI can't remember09:36
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40337/09:36
harudoes anyone know of a desklet clock that allows me to show time for 4-5 locations?09:36
bensaRobc4: It's on Get: 164.  :)09:36
lunzfallen:python is already the newest version.09:36
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RobC4bensa good, that is what you want to see09:36
FallenHitokirilunz: congratulations - you allready head python installed09:37
L0GANi do however get in live cd 2 drives (partitions). Windows shows only one09:37
bensaSo that was sudo how did I open console again?  gnome - what?09:37
FallenHitokiriScunizi: ntfs: read writeable with ntfs-3g09:37
bensaRobc4: how long do you think this will take?09:37
bensaThank you09:37
RobC4bensa a while09:37
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RobC4bensa you can see, it gives you a time remaining09:38
lunzfallen:and now how to install youtube-dl?09:38
bensaRobc4: Good. I need to sleep soon anyway.  :)09:38
FallenHitokiriScunizi: and if there are system file for another distri on one of this partitions you also don't want to make them world read writeable or your system won't boot ;)09:38
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: that one I'm not overly concerned with.. it's a couple of ext3 partitions that are giveing me a headache09:38
RobC4bensa and then it has to install it all09:38
FallenHitokiriScunizi: what is on this partitions?09:38
guidoHi men, I'm trying to configure an IPsec VPN from my Ubuntu box to a remote network, but I cannot correctly setup racoon. Anybody there with some experience?09:38
FallenHitokirilunz: no idea. don't know this app09:38
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RobC4bensa I think thats the size of the app its downloading09:39
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bensaRobC4: 423 kbps 16m49s09:39
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: Which partition has system files for the other distro?  One of the partitions is /home for Dapper but I want access only for some of the data, the others are a mish mash of data drives that I'm presently trying to clean up and consolidate.09:39
RobC4bensa yea, thats the time left09:40
bensaRobc4: I'm on Get: 52509:40
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RobC4thats good09:40
bensaWell I was.  I'm way ahead of that now.09:40
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RobC4it looks like it is doing it09:40
cLINTocan someone tell me how to figure out the UUID on a filesystem by command?09:40
RobC4if this works, Ubuntu is a bad ass distro09:40
bensaSo, is everything going to change when it reboots into Dapper?09:40
RobC4and you need to let them know09:40
FallenHitokiriScunizi: if there are no files from /etc for example from another distri you can just do a chmod -R 777 /path_to_mountpoint09:40
bensaRobc4: I will!  (If it works)09:40
bezakcLINTo: type apropos uuid09:40
FallenHitokiriScunizi: this will give you and _everyone_ else read and write access09:40
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bezakcLINTo: theres some stuff there09:40
bensaRobc4: if it doesn't work, how will I know?  Will it be drastic?09:41
FallenHitokiriScunizi: i repeat: don't do this if there are _any_ system files on it09:41
RobC4bensa it should look different09:41
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cLINTothank you bezak09:41
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RobC4bensa you will know immediately09:41
bezakcLINTo: no worries, apropos is a really useful command09:41
bensaRObc4: *lol*  Greeeat09:41
FallenHitokiribensa: we'll hear your scream09:41
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: gotcha.. root for dapper is sdc3 which I don't put in fstab for feisty.. keeps it safe that way..09:41
FallenHitokiriScunizi: good idea ;)09:42
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bensaFallenhitokiri: hilarious.  :-P  *lol*09:43
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: I'll give chmod a try and report back.. One last question..... are permissions for a partition held on that partition or within the file system of the distro you're working in?09:43
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=== bensa bounces around happily
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bezaki need to backup my home folder to another hard drive, theres around 290 gigs of data there, how can i check that it has all copied over ok?09:45
WaltzingAlongbezak: rsync09:45
WaltzingAlongbezak: or md5 sums09:45
L0GANbtw how can I make a live CD with some custom apps pre-installed?09:45
bezakWaltzingAlong: how does rsync do that09:46
L0GANfor example I want to add blender and videolan as default apps09:46
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unicsis it possible to make 'virtual admins' on ubuntu ? like, they should be able to add users and delete them, but only in their group.09:46
WaltzingAlong!info rsync09:46
ubotursync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-3ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 500 kB09:46
FallenHitokiriScunizi: if a file is 777 (everyone can do everyone) that's always the fact09:46
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FallenHitokiribezak: md5sum09:46
bezakWaltzingAlong: i know what rsync is, i just wasn't aware it had some way of verifying integrity09:46
bezakFallenHitokiri: is that some easy md5sum program, and do i have to zip everything first, or can i just cp it over09:47
WaltzingAlongbezak: o well it would check that one side matched the other09:47
macavitybezak: if you use cp and it doesnt complain about anything, then everythine went ok09:47
FallenHitokiriL0GAN: system -> preferences -> preffered applications or a right click on a file and "open with"09:47
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bezakmacavity: it's just i don't really wanna sit and watch cp go for 5 hours or however long it will take09:47
macavitybezak: like cp ~/* ~/.* /path/to/that/other/disk09:47
FallenHitokiribezak: cp it over, run md5sum on the original files and again on the copied files. write the output to a file and diff it09:47
CharlyHmm. Can someone help me out real quick?09:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:48
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FallenHitokiriCharly: not if you don't ask a question09:48
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L0GANi dont have it installed. i think its tricky from live cd. (and not able to bet boot from USB still09:48
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: that is to say, the partition would be read/write for anyone that logs into their account on this computer.. right?09:48
macavitybezak: you are not supposed to watch it.. just come back and see if it complained :P09:48
RobC4man, that ubotu is a slick piece of software09:48
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: yes09:48
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RobC4bensa whats the status09:49
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: man chmod gives a good overview how you can set permissions09:49
CharlyHehe okay. My brother decided to be a jerk, and changed my password to my laptop which has ubuntu on it. Now i didn't install it, my brother did and i don't know the password.09:49
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: that's ok.. I'm the only user.  thanks..09:49
CharlyCan anyone help me figure out the password?09:49
FallenHitokiriScunizi: than there shoulnd be a problem. np09:49
macavityCharly: that is going to be very very hard...09:49
FallenHitokiriCharly: boot from a live cd, chroot and change your password09:50
haruand that shud probably not be answerer anywho09:50
macavityCharly: either you know it.. or you have to change it09:50
KudakCharly: to solve that u have 2 options, 1. hack ur system, 2. beat ur brother up, i suggest the 2nd option :)09:50
RobC4one of the downfalls to not having a root09:50
simplechatCharly: restart, hit escape on startup09:50
FallenHitokirihm. option 2 form Kudak sounds not only effizient but also fun :>09:50
L0GANtake your brother by the ear09:50
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: but just in case I want to lock down a partition to just "me" how would I do that.?09:51
CharlyThanks guys for all the options09:51
simplechatCharly: select recovery mode or so09:51
Charlybut i don't know a lot about computers09:51
FallenHitokiriwhatch a bit 24 and play Jack09:51
Kudakyup, u want a howto to "How to beat up your brother to gain root access" guide ???09:51
FallenHitokiriScunizi: chmod 70009:51
FallenHitokiriScunizi: or 60009:51
AnRkeyI want to ouput my CPU load to a log file once a day? Can this be done with tops?09:51
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simplechatCharly: its fairly simple. esc on startup, recovery mode, then passwd whatever.09:51
AnRkeywith top sorry09:52
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simplechatadd yourself a new user (with adduser) and make it an admin09:52
FallenHitokiriAnRkey: cron09:52
simplechatthen log in and remove it from the normal startup :)09:52
AnRkeyFallenHitokiri, the cron part is easy09:52
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: thanks..  I've got an old "Unix Shells" referance manual that I'll take a look at for more chmod into.. I appriciate your help.. What is your first language?09:52
AnRkeyproblem is that top runs and does not end automatically09:52
FallenHitokiriScunizi: german09:52
AnRkeyi need it simply to output the stats and close09:52
FallenHitokiriScunizi: but english is fine for me (at least if I'm not sick and on medicaments like now)09:52
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: Ich hapt fur drei yar im duetchland gevont.. (forgive the spelling)09:53
FallenHitokiriScunizi: what's your native language?09:53
AnRkeyFallenHitokiri, top -b :D09:53
FallenHitokiriAnRkey: no idea - I only use htop09:53
AnRkeyFallenHitokiri, i used man top hahaha09:53
FallenHitokiriAnRkey: so simple and always working...09:54
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AnRkeythanks a stack09:54
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: Am English, but I lived in Europe for 5 years growing up. 2 in Italy and 3 in Germany... Naples, Stuttgart & Munich09:54
FallenHitokiriScunizi: at least you were in beatufull citys ;)09:54
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: i thought italy because of your nick09:55
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ScuniziFallenHitokiri: I like it a lot.. good travel.. good skiing.... Yep the nick might be a bit phonetic but in Neopolitan it means "street kids" or urchans.09:55
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: ah, I see09:56
FallenHitokirihm. 10am, I should at least shower even if I don't work today :/09:56
grimborg0hi. i'm trying to install ubuntu and when i boot the live cd / live dvd i get Error 22 right after "GRUB Loading Stage 1.5". I googled around and couldn't find any solution. I tried both feisty and gutsy live dvds and the feisty live cd. Anyone knows how can I solve this? thanks!09:56
ScuniziFallenHitokiri: thanks for all the help.  At this point I'll get 5 hrs of sleep then I get the kids off to school.09:56
capiirafinallly!!!! encryption in the installer :D09:56
FallenHitokirigrimborg0: check gentoo wiki for grub errors + solution09:56
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FallenHitokiriScunizi: no problem. feel free to ask again.09:57
Scunizigrimborg0: do you have more than one drive installed?09:57
grimborg0Scunizi: yes, two09:57
AnRkeyFallenHitokiri, thanks so very much, htop is waaaay better09:57
Scunizigrimborg0: are they both SATA drives?09:57
FallenHitokiriAnRkey: yes :) np09:57
AnRkeysolved a few problems already in my script09:58
AnRkeyyes it's gonna be a good day09:58
Charlysimplechat: What do you eman by passwd whatever?09:58
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grimborg0Scunizi: no, it's a pretty old pc09:58
WaltzingAlongCharly: man passwd ;09:58
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Scunizigrimborg0: so they are ide?  Do you plan on using one entire drive for Ubuntu and keeping Windows installed?09:59
lunzbensa:it's work with youtube and gonna test with xtube now09:59
reberhow to have the content (files) of a package ?09:59
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Scunizigrimborg0: or is this a project pc that you don't care about the current system on it or the data?10:00
grimborg0Scunizi: yes. i have some unpartitioned space in one of the disks and i was planning to partition that and put ubuntu there10:00
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simplechatCharly: is it up now?10:00
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simplechatwhat does the prompt say?10:00
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Scunizigrimborg0: what you might want to try is to disconnect the drive that you won't be using or installing Ubuntu on.  You can plug it back in later.10:00
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Vimtooh my god! i did it! :P10:01
grimborg0Scunizi: ok, i'll try that right away. thanks a lot :)10:01
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Scunizigrimborg0: if you do that, you might need to reinstall grub after reconnecting the other drive...10:01
Scunizigrimborg0: wait.. more info.10:01
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Vimtoi installed the system correctely! any  acceessories i can add? :P10:01
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fairmanHi, i need help with network: I downloaded RC Gutsy Gibbon for my laptop (HP n6720) and ethernet does not work, i can not ping my gateway etc. When i use Test CD 5 Gutsy, it works good, any suggestions?10:02
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Scunizigrimborg0: write down this url...  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm.. it has the easiest/best instructions for fixing Grub after things get messed up..10:02
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Scunizigrimborg0: sometimes the live cd hickups on older pc when there are 2 drives.10:03
ScuniziNighty Night all.!10:03
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:03
grimborg0thanks! i'll look into it10:03
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haruhow do i upgrade from fiesty to gutsy10:07
bensalunz: tell me if works out for you.10:07
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bensaRobc4: It's at some postfix configuration screen10:08
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RobC4thats fine10:09
RobC4thats for your e-mail10:10
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bensaRobc4: what kiknd of configuration should I choose?10:10
bensa Oh10:10
bensaRobc4: I'll skip it then10:10
RobC4if you use thunderbird or something like that, dont worry about it10:10
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RobC4just make sure you are still installing10:10
bensaRobc4: I just told it what dictionaries to use./10:10
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RobC4is it getting close?10:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:12
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CharlyOkay still having problems trying to reset the password. I press esc at startup, i choose a recovery mode and when i have time to type passwd exwep it says "Password : exwep" and i get invalid password thing10:12
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lunzbensa:didnt work for xtube because of the php script..10:12
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RabbitbunnySo... just did the mysql updates from tonight while installing opera. My screen is gibberish and unresponsive. What now?10:14
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soundrayHello Edge198110:15
Edge1981i have some problems with my ubuntu...10:16
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:17
Edge1981i think i have to install an Ati driver... because i can't find the right screen resolution....10:17
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Edge1981this is my MB K9AGM2-FIH (MSI)10:17
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Edge1981hmz something went wrong :D10:19
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clmbngbkngdoes anyone know how to make totem movie player louder? it's quieter than the normal system volume level10:20
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foxinessclmbngbkng: i agree with u10:21
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RabbitbunnyShould I reboot and hope?10:22
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clmbngbkngfixiness:  so as of now there isnt a way to fix it other than turn up your speakers more and have the ubuntu startup sound blast at you when you boot your system?10:22
soundray!fixres > Edge198110:22
soundray!ati > Edge1981, please read the private messages from ubotu10:23
Edge1981ok :D10:23
foxinessclmbngbkng: :D yeah10:23
soundrayclmbngbkng: I take it you've found totem's own volume control?10:23
Edge1981thx soundray10:23
clmbngbkngsoundray: where should i look for that? i believe i've checked all of the preferences but i might have missed it10:24
ePaxI have radeon 9550 and i have XGL installed. Now i can only watch movies if i choose Session "Gnome with XGL" not in normale gnome. how can i watch movies in Gnome session as well?10:25
foxinesssoundray: u need to turn up everything not only totem to reach the max volume10:25
soundrayclmbngbkng: the small speaker symbol towards the bottom of the totem window.10:25
foxinessclmbngbkng: no u r not10:26
soundrayfoxiness: no need to tell me.10:26
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ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate10:27
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clmbngbkngsoundray, ok i had already maxed that out before, didnt know if you were talking about that specifically10:27
foxinesssoundray: k keep watching when other answer10:27
soundrayfoxiness: what?10:27
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nomegohow would I get libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 on a 64-bit feisty server?10:28
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soundrayIn the output of dpkg --get-selections, is there a way to distinguish packages that don't have other packages depending on them?10:28
soundrayLeaves in the dependency tree, as it were?10:28
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fairman82562GT network card (intel) does not work in RC Gutsy Gibbon, what shall i do?10:31
soundraynomego: are you sure the package name is correct?10:31
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nomegosoundray: I want to know if there even is a packagename containing that file on 64-bit feisty10:32
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bensaRobc4: It's prompting me to restart.10:33
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bensaRobc4: restart services that is.10:33
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soundraynomego: have you checked in libstdc++2.10-dbg ?10:34
bensaRobc4: I'm going to restart them and see what happens10:34
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bensaRobc4: it's replacing things now.10:35
bensaRobc4: and unpacking.10:35
Edge1981does anybody have a 37" LCD instead of a normal monitor?:D10:35
RobC4bensa awesome10:35
nomegosoundray: yes, it's not available on 64-bit10:36
tsukasa__hey anyone know a good dock app?10:36
bensaRobc4: I only installed this on a 4 gig partiion.  Should i have made that larger?  o.010:36
tsukasa__like the osx dock sortof.10:36
nomegotsukasa__: avant-window-navigator10:36
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RobC4bensa probably10:36
Almindorhello, is there a way to apt-get install --reinstall all installed libs?10:36
RobC4bens but you can always add another drive and make that /home10:37
bensarobc4: *lol*  oh well.  this was mostly experimental anyway.10:37
Almindorthe word "installed" is important here, reinstalling a few "lib*" non-lib packages won't hurt10:37
RobC4bensa just let me know how it ends up10:37
RobC4bensa I am going to hit the hay10:37
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bensarobc4 could i move home to the other partion?10:37
bensarobc4: will do.  if it restarts the computer, i'll log back in.10:37
RobC4bensa you should be able to10:37
RobC4bensa awesome10:37
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soundraynomego: indeed. Seems strange10:38
bensarobc4: thanks again for all your help! :D10:38
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RobC4bensa not a problem, I am very interested if this will work10:38
bensarobc4: me too!10:38
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soundrayAlmindor: what do you want to accomplish?10:38
RobC4bensa seeya10:39
Almindorsoundray, fix pkg-config which I stupidly broke :)10:39
bensarobc4 night!10:39
soundrayAlmindor: give more detail please10:39
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Almindorsoundray, pkg-config is poofed (the .pc files in /usr/lib)10:40
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Almindorsoundray, the libs are there, but pkg-config doesn't know10:40
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Edge1981thx for all the help10:40
Almindorsoundray, it was a rather idiotic thing to do I know :)10:40
Almindorsoundray, wasn't intentional;10:40
Almindorsoundray, if I could just tell apt-get to reinstall all existing libraries (or just packages beggining with lib) that'd fix it in a jiffy10:41
soundrayAlmindor: 'dpkg --get-selections | grep ^lib | cut -f 1 | apt-get --reinstall install'10:42
soundrayAlmindor: mind you I haven't tested this10:42
soundrayAlmindor: and it's going to take a while10:42
Almindorsoundray, no, did 0 changes10:43
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Almindorsoundray, missing xarg?10:44
Almindorthe list seems fine10:44
soundrayAlmindor: yeah, sorry10:44
soundrayAlmindor: 'dpkg --get-selections | grep ^lib | cut -f 1 | xargs apt-get --reinstall install'10:44
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Almindorfails on libopal10:45
soundrayAlmindor: how?10:45
Almindor"has no candidate for install"10:45
Almindorthere was some libopal-ism in gutsy..10:45
soundrayDoes it work on the others?10:46
Almindor"libopal is not available but other package points to it" now that's funny coz I just installed it again o.O10:46
Almindornot it skips all others I guess there's a global check10:46
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ggoogiAfter installing Ubuntu server 7.04 without a glitch (using ISO from the site), the first boot gets stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)". what should I check?10:46
soundrayAlmindor: 'dpkg --get-selections | grep ^lib | grep -v libopal | cut -f 1 | xargs apt-get --reinstall install'10:47
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Almindorsoundray, ok, that goes, but it fails on the question of [Y/n] 10:47
soundrayAlmindor: 'dpkg --get-selections | grep ^lib | grep -v libopal | cut -f 1 | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install'10:47
Almindorsoundray, eg: as if I pressed something != y10:47
Almindorah :)10:47
apeksmay somebody chat with me10:47
apeksi'm a newbie10:48
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Almindorsoundray, cool, thanks a million!10:48
soundrayapeks: you have to ask a support question10:48
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soundrayAlmindor: yw10:48
=== Almindor should remember to not use * with sudo so much
AlmindorI was making an elaborate deletion command when I mis-entered o.O10:48
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soundrayAlmindor: can you write that on a big sign and pin it to the entrance of this channel please? :)10:49
apeksi'm using ubuntu feisty fawn that installed on my laptop10:49
apeksbut now i don't know what to do10:49
Almindorsoundray, hehe, you know people always get into trouble when debugging a frustrating bug :)10:50
soundrayapeks: you want to learn your first steps with Ubuntu?10:50
Almindorsoundray, it's too narrow focus or something, makes you lose your "IT sanity" and do the stupidest of things :)10:50
apeksi mean more than that10:50
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apeksi think i can use ubuntu10:51
WaltzingAlongapeks: like starting a web browser ? like playing games? like keeping track of your finances?10:51
Almindorsoundray, crap E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libcomerr2 :(10:51
Almindorsoundray, I guess I could grep that one out too eh?10:51
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ObsidianXhey folks, anybody have the Envy deb handy? the site to download it is down, gives me an internal error page10:51
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WaltzingAlong!envy | ObsidianX10:52
ubotuObsidianX: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!10:52
soundrayAlmindor: yes. And be careful about using profanity in the channel. When it gets busier, you'll be kicked.10:52
apeksyeah i like surfing10:52
soundray!envy | ObsidianX10:52
apeksbut i don't know what to find10:52
Almindorsoundray, not it's libgcc1 which IEs out, isn't this an apt-bug?10:52
apeksi use stumble to search hacking10:52
apeksi'm using firefox10:53
soundrayAlmindor: I don't know10:53
apeksi don't like IE10:53
soundray!enter | apeks10:53
ubotuapeks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:53
ObsidianXi've used envy on my desktop, i know it works10:53
apeksi'm new bie10:53
soundrayapeks: I'm still not clear what you actually want10:54
soundray!worksforme | ObsidianX10:54
ubotuObsidianX: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/10:54
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apeksi want to ask about comfiz10:54
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bensaHey, can anyone help me with this one, is "apt -get update" a command?10:55
ObsidianXdamn, you got macros for everything here :P10:55
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soundrayapeks: why don't you then?10:55
apeksi have install comfiz my ECS G331 laptop but i can use it10:55
soundraybensa: no, 'apt-get update'10:55
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by LjL at Mon Oct 8 01:12:45 2007
(smmagic/#ubuntu) Plus if it doesn't work11:59
(Martiini/#ubuntu) as opposed to enyone who works in MS11:59
(smmagic/#ubuntu) Windows will still be there11:59
(elimin8/#ubuntu) kk11:59
(Stevethepirate/#ubuntu) Martiini: attempting to simulate quadro gfx-card11:59
(Stevethepirate/#ubuntu) Martiini: but only have 2 outputs...12:00
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(Stevethepirate/#ubuntu) but need 4 desktops for the simulation...12:00
(smmagic/#ubuntu) Thank god I don't have ATI lol12:00
elimin8So you have 4 towers 2 monitors?12:01
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KenSentMeIs it possible that when NM connects to a different access point that automaticly the smtp server in Evolution is changed?12:01
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StevethepirateI have one tower, 4 monitors12:01
dardanneed init 6 later12:01
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Stevethepirate[one gfx card with 2 out, and now 2 extra vga out PCI cards12:01
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Stevethepirateso i need each monitor to have an image12:02
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elimin8Ya your spliting one image 4 ways right?12:02
elimin8check that link12:02
Asad2005I want to rsync back up root partition what folder should i exclude12:02
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Stevethepirateelimin8: no, wanna have 4 monitors, in a 2/2 array12:02
elimin8Thanksa again for the help guys. hope to see ya soon on a penguin box12:03
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smmagic6 days till gutsy :D12:03
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smmagicI got a good name12:03
smmagicBumbling baboon12:03
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Stevethepirateelimin8: OH NOES.12:03
Stevethepirateno, not multiple desktops12:04
elimin8cant pm ya12:04
StevethepirateI want to basically have a singel tower, with 4 workspaces12:04
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Stevethepirateeach with its own background and icons, etc.12:04
elimin8linux doesnt have extended desktop modes?12:04
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Stevethepirateelimin8: ignore my graphics situation12:05
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Stevethepiratepretend i just need a way to have 4 customized and different workspaces12:05
smmagicOh and elimin812:05
smmagicDid the livecd burn ok?12:05
smmagicCould be problem12:05
foxinessam on beta version ,and using vbox 1.5 OSE, when i installed it am on other version what am on it now ,and seems that  sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup not work and point me to log file?12:05
elimin8havent done it yet, just finishing the dl12:05
Stevethepirateelimin8: http://wallpapoz.akbarhome.com/ maybe looks good.12:05
elimin8na i use 4 burning tools one will work lol12:06
Stevethepirateelimin8: talk to me :P12:06
elimin8Steve i cant pm ya12:06
elimin8not a reg user12:06
smmagicOK what does this mean12:07
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Stevethepirateelimin8: you're not registered?12:07
smmagicYou appear to running an X server12:07
foxinessnow what i need to let virtualbox get to work with new kernel? ^^^ "above for more info"12:07
smmagicplease exit X12:07
elimin8Actually that does look right, each desktop in linux is its own resource, should be able to set one up to go to each output monitor12:07
Stevethepirateelimin8: join #rofls_teh_cat12:07
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Stevethepiratewe can talk in there...12:07
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smmagicWhy can't I install driver12:10
preactionsmmagic, are you using the Restricted Drivers Manager?12:11
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preactionsmmagic, you are running Fiesty, right?12:11
preactionopen up the restricted drivers manager under System > Administration12:12
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preactionsounds good to me12:12
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elimin8This is why linux will beat windows down one day :P12:13
Ghismogood day guys12:13
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elimin8See ya soon.12:13
smmagicThen linux gets viruses12:13
smmagicNeed to restart12:13
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Ghismocan i pass to 7.10 candidate release by synaptic?12:14
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preactionviruses don't work on linux because normal users do not have write permissions to executables (which is required for the virus to propagate)12:14
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WaltzingAlongamong other reasons12:14
juaniv_ai'm using an usb adsl modem, if i upgrade to gutsy will this continue working?12:15
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preactionjuaniv_a, you can test using the gutsy live CD, but i'd wait until gutsy is actually released12:15
FallenHitokirijuaniv_a: why should it sop working?12:15
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juaniv_ayes i'm gonna wait12:16
preactionFallenHitokiri, he might be used to Windows hardware support regressing with advancing versions :(12:16
juaniv_aI'm asking because this is my first upgrade12:16
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smmagicThis is bad12:16
smmagicResolution is stuffed12:16
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preactionsmmagic, change it?12:17
Ghismocan i install ubuntu 7.10 RC by synaptic?12:17
smmagicOh 800x600 LOL12:17
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smmagicOther choice is 640x48012:17
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WaltzingAlongGhismo: update-manager -d12:18
heguruGhismo: you can use update-manager to upgrade to 7.10, for further questions join #ubuntu+112:18
preaction!fixres | smmagic12:18
ubotusmmagic: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:18
MechdaveHi all, strange one, I want to be able to start/stop firefox as a service on the server via ssh from another box. I have the daemon written and it all works locally, but when I try remotely it says it cannot open display. Any pointers on how to open the display on the server from a remote machine?12:18
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StevethepirateWhy would ff be a service?12:19
smmagicWhich one do I do12:19
WaltzingAlongMechdave: you need to set the DISPLAY enivornment variable and have permission to write the server12:19
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heguruMechdave: Why do you want to do that?12:19
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Mechdaveheguru: I have a project concerned with displaying a set of pages on a server which is to be administered via another machine12:20
MechdaveWaltzingAlong: thanks, will try :)12:20
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smmagicDidn't work12:23
Curs0rso what's the deal with hd access under the linux kernel? ide, sata1, sata2, and scsi all report the same transfer speed here12:23
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npnuf1what are the known issues with kubuntu 7.10 beta. is it worth to use?12:24
smmagicTime to deactivate legacy drivers12:25
smmagicJust stuffed up graphics12:25
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Scareynpnuf1: can't wait 6 days? :)12:25
WaltzingAlongCurs0r: if you are connecting via ide you could check out hdparm12:25
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sherkin`which package should I install for ssh ? open-ssh ?12:25
Scareysherkin`: yep12:25
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Martiinipreaction, yea ,, and windows vista has really poor hardware and driveers support right?12:26
sherkin`thw Scarey12:26
Curs0rWaltzingAlong, I tested all my bus speeds with hdparm -Tt and they all report the same speed12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about selection - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
npnuf1yeah, I wanted to test it on production system.12:26
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ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate12:26
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npnuf1if it is not having much problems.12:26
preaction!offtopic | Martiini12:26
ubotuMartiini: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:26
WaltzingAlongCurs0r: hdparm can also be used to set parameters to improve performance12:26
Scareynpnuf1: beta's are not supposed to be used for production use even though they are close to final.12:26
Martiinipreaction, what did you do that for?12:26
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Curs0rWaltzingAlong, so using hdparm I can get 300mb/sec instead of 60 using sata2?12:27
MartiiniU think I dont know what this is?12:27
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preactionMartiini, this is the ubuntu SUPPORT channel. talking about windows is off-topic. please take the conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic12:27
smmagicAnyone know how to fix my resolution12:27
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WaltzingAlongCurs0r: asaik hdparm is for configuring /dev/hd* devices12:27
Martiinipreaction,  YOU were talking about windows12:27
npnuf1so where can I get the alternative cd of kubuntu 7.10?12:27
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WaltzingAlongnpnuf1: releases.ubuntu.com12:28
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:28
npnuf1thanks for the link.12:29
smmagicAnyone know?12:29
Scareynpnuf1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.10/12:30
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:30
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DeMoNSeEdI need help, i'm tryin to install ubuntu on my AM2 4200+ and i keep getting: PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of Device 0000:00:14.012:32
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DeMoNSeEdany help appreciated12:32
USMarinei get that too12:33
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DeMoNSeEdso i can't install ubuntu?12:33
WaltzingAlongDeMoNSeEd: does anything seem to not work or you just see that error?12:34
DeMoNSeEdthat error12:34
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WaltzingAlongDeMoNSeEd: perhaps just something from bios? or are you seeing a double speed error?12:35
phantomHelp : My new HD isn't showing in My Computer (with Ubuntu the same). In bios SATA Control was disabled I set it to IDE restarted xp and got an dialog after some thime of hardware recognition to restart (at this time already appeared in My Computer an device with an red questionmark, after restart it remained the same. Isn't IDE the right choice what did I do wrong?12:35
DeMoNSeEdnot that i realize12:36
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ozgurhelp me12:36
smmagicWho suggested for me to use legacy drivers?12:36
smmagicI can try12:36
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Scareyozgur: are you drowning?12:36
Stevethepirate!ask | ozgur12:36
ubotuozgur: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:36
heguruozgur: ask your question12:36
ari_stressVi is a good example of software deliberately created for a user who already knows how it works: It's not unheard of for new users to reboot their computers because they couldn't figure out how else to get out of vi.12:37
Stevethepirateari_stress: ctrl-z ftw :P12:37
Scareyari_stress: true :) first lession in vi is how to quit12:37
ari_stressyeah :)12:37
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npnuf1ari_stress; I did it many times in the beginning of vi usage.12:37
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StevethepirateScarey: i stick to kate and pico.. although i've heard vi > *12:37
npnuf1Does the 7.04 netboot images are sufficient for 7.10 network install?12:38
ozgurim logging in from playstation3 right now i want to install flash 9 and java but i couldunt install them powerpc system using Gnash program can do them but i intsalled Gnash from add and remove i installed nothing happened12:38
ScareyI've always used Joe (in the good old days)12:38
phantomHelp : My new HD isn't showing in My Computer (with Ubuntu the same). In bios SATA Control was disabled I set it to IDE restarted xp and got an dialog after some thime of hardware recognition to restart (at this time already appeared in My Computer an device with an red questionmark, after restart it remained the same. Isn't IDE the right choice what did I do wrong?12:38
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ozguri am using ubuntu 7.04 too12:38
Scareybut mostly I just use gedit since I'm hardly in a console only enviroment12:38
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ari_stressnpnuf1: i think in ubuntu for network install they require the exact same image as the os12:39
ozguri couldnt watch youtube videos12:39
thedonvaughnphantom, uhm.  wrong channel ?12:39
ScareyStevethepirate: or one could use nano .. I heard :)12:39
etzerdhello all12:39
smmagicGet flash plugin for firefox?12:39
ozgurhelp me12:39
npnuf1then I should ask again where can I find them!12:39
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etzerdhow can I add the software to play DVD?12:39
StevethepirateScarey: i use nano a bit12:40
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phantomthedonvaughn: I need quickly some help where can I get it?12:40
Stevethepirateetzerd: you heard of google?12:40
etzerdI'm using the RC1 version12:40
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ari_stressetzerd: usually ubuntu will offer you to install additional plugin to play dvd12:40
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etzerdYes I heard of google12:40
Stevethepirateyou could google it, or get vlc12:40
Scareyflash help: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox12:40
thedonvaughnphantom, *shrugs* for windows?  i guess microsoft support, and good luck.  we tend to use ubuntu in here, since it's #ubuntu :)12:40
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Stevethepiratesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc12:41
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:41
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Stevethepirateari_stress: vlc is > * :P12:41
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thedonvaughnphantom, do you see the drive in ubuntu?  What does sudo /sbin/fdisk -l show?12:41
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smmagicAnyone know how to get direct rendering working on nvidia TNT2?12:41
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autodidakthi, how do i run a *.sh script from the console?12:41
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thedonvaughn!nvidia | smmagic12:42
ubotuFor at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.12:42
ubotusmmagic: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:42
Stevethepirateari_stress: i have a question.. i have a "Music" folder, spread over 3 harddrives [its quite big] .. is there a way to make a virtual folder /home/Music which is really all the files from all 3 hdd's?12:42
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WaltzingAlongsmmagic: install the nvidia-glx-legacy package12:42
phantomthedonvaughn:I quicly boot to ubuntu please wait12:42
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ari_stressStevethepirate: no, that feature is only supported in solaris or any other using unionfs, ext3 cannot do that12:42
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WaltzingAlongsmmagic: but you could just use the restricted-manager to install restricted software: drivers, firmware, and such12:42
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smmagicTryed it12:43
smmagicStuffed up my resolution12:43
Stevethepirateari_stress: the other drives are ntfs12:43
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ari_stressStevethepirate: it only make it impossible :)12:43
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Stevethepiratesighs :(12:44
autodidakthi, how do i run a *.sh script from the console?12:44
thedonvaughnStevethepirate, back up the files.   re-format the 3 drives and make them a Logical volume (RAID).  Then copy the music folder back onto the logical volume? :)   Other than that, realistically no way12:44
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USMarineWaltzingAlong: i have that error too but it doesn't affect the system at all12:44
ari_stressStevethepirate: but you can make a playlist to play them all, right?12:44
dystopianrayautodidakt: chmod +x blah.sh ; ./blah.sh12:44
Stevethepiratethedonvaughn: gtfo.. its > 4 TB of data12:44
thedonvaughnautodidakt, make sure it has the executable bit set.  chmod +x file.sh && ./file.sh12:44
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smmagicAnyone else know?12:45
thedonvaughnStevethepirate, life is rough then :)12:45
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thedonvaughn!nvidia | smmagic12:45
Stevethepirateari_stress: yeah.. its also movies that i have.. so i'd like to be able to 'ls' over all the HDD's at the same time..12:45
ubotusmmagic: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:45
Stevethepirateari_stress: as oppoed to search through each one individually12:45
Matthaihelo, is there any GUI driven backup, like rsync?12:46
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smmagicWhy does this say vanta.12:46
smmagicWait..New computer =.=12:46
ari_stressStevethepirate: since you have so many collections, i think it's time for you to manage it using a software to catalog all your mp3s and videos?12:46
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smmagicWhoopsie LOL12:46
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:46
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe12:47
StevethepirateOkay, heres a random Q.... I need a web service that allows people to upload and download photo's [through web interface]  as well as browse through all the pics...12:47
Stevethepirateari_stress: only 760gigs movies :P12:47
Stevethepirateavi >> :P12:47
WaltzingAlongStevethepirate: apache + gallery12:47
smmagicubotu: That doesn't help because that driver stuffed my resolution12:47
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StevethepirateWaltzingAlong: that doesn't allow people to upload photos though..12:47
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Stevethepirateits like.. facebook photo gallery idea..12:47
WaltzingAlongStevethepirate: gallery.sf.net? sure it does12:48
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Stevethepirateeach person must have an account as well..12:48
ari_stressStevethepirate: yeah gallery is a well known web photo gallery12:48
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Stevethepirateso its like a picasa thingy?12:49
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ari_stressStevethepirate: is that why your nickname is 'pirate'? you're collecting pirated movies???? :D12:49
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StevethepirateThey're legal backups of my movies..12:50
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StevethepirateI have > 500 dvds.. all legal12:50
Stevethepiratebut, due to my dvd collection, mates call me 'Teh Pirate"12:50
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USMarineWaltzingAlong: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/5429412:50
Stevethepirate[My names not even Steve}12:50
smmagicSo anyone know how to get direct rendering working on a vanta nvidia card12:50
AJ--ei guys how can i start ubuntu without X or GUI... only text mode12:51
ari_stressAJ--: turn off gdm12:51
USMarineAJ--: don't install gdm or kdm12:51
heguruAJ--: to disable gdm type: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove12:51
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autodidakti tried to run a shellscript but if i du "sudo ./criptname i get an error "permission denied"12:51
arun_does anyone here have chandler installed?12:51
illusion-1Hello pliz How to startx x in chroot ubuntu12:52
heguruautodidakt: chmod +x scriptname12:52
AJ--tnx a lot guys12:52
ari_stressAJ--: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove12:52
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ari_stressautodidakt: make sure it's chmod executable12:52
ari_stressautodidakt: sudo chmod +x script.sh12:53
autodidakti dont know what this means :/12:53
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heguruautodidakt: it adds execute permission to the script12:53
autodidaktand how do i do that?12:53
thedonvaughnautodidakt, go google unix file permissions... in a nutshell just make sure the executable bit is set for your user or group on the file.  chmod +x file12:53
ari_stressautodidakt: sudo chmod +x script.sh12:53
illusion-1heguru, How can i startx in chroot ubuntu ?12:53
autodidakthm its on a cs so i cant change the permission12:54
thedonvaughnillusion-1, you will need to have X and it's environment installed in the chroot environment.12:54
phantomthedonvaughn : Im bac now what was the comand?12:54
heguruillusion-1: typing startx should do the trick if you have everything correctly done12:54
thedonvaughnphantom, sudo fdisk -l or sudo /sbin/fdisk -l12:54
heguruillusion-1: you will need to mount the udev12:54
thedonvaughnphantom, how many drives do you see?12:54
illusion-1i mount /proc and /sys12:54
illusion-1and x installed12:54
illusion-1but i can login in gdm12:55
illusion-1he ask me for user+pass12:55
illusion-1i remaster livecd ubuntu12:55
thedonvaughnautodidakt, copy it off of the cd12:55
autodidaktsure but is there no toher way?12:55
heguruillusion-1: so what is the problem?12:55
illusion-1/etc/init.d/networking restart12:56
illusion-1cp /etc/resolv.conf $CUSTOMCD/system/etc/12:56
illusion-1cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf $CUSTOMCD/system/etc/X11/12:56
illusion-1chroot $CUSTOMCD/system/12:56
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illusion-1mount -o none /proc12:56
illusion-1mount -o none /sys12:56
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illusion-1export HOME=/etc/skel/12:56
thedonvaughnautodidakt, if it's on a read-only medium like a cd-rom, no.  you can't change the file permission12:56
illusion-1cd /dev/12:56
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illusion-1MAKEDEV generic12:56
illusion-1MAKEDEV pty12:56
illusion-1/etc/init.d/dbus start12:56
illusion-1/etc/init.d/gdm start12:56
illusion-1it is correct ?12:56
heguru!pastebin | illusion-112:56
ubotuillusion-1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:56
illusion-1but i cant login in livecd12:56
thedonvaughnillovae, please use pastebin12:56
illusion-1he ask me for user and password12:56
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heguruillusion-1: enter the username and password12:56
autodidaktkk i thaught maybe i could change sth on the device permission12:56
phantomthedonvaughn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40359/12:56
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illusion-1what is the user and pass of livecd ubuntu 7.0412:57
autodidaktthedonvaughn, thx i'm copying ^^12:57
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thedonvaughnphantom, u typed it wrong.  what was the exact command you used?  Just issue "sudo fdisk -l"  OR "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l"12:57
Crash91hello, can anyone help me install a liveCd image to my 2GB USB stick?12:57
thedonvaughnautodidakt, np12:57
thedonvaughnillusion-1, ubuntu and no password i believe12:57
heguruillusion-1: ubuntu and no password12:58
illusion-1not Work !12:58
USMarineCrash91: inde Kde you just have to plugin it in12:58
heguruillusion-1: but that might not work because gdm by default disallows null passwords12:58
USMarineand it's installed12:58
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heguruillusion-1: add a password to ubuntu, type passwd on CLI to do that12:58
Crash91USMarine: what do you mean?12:58
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illusion-1aha then How i start gnome-session without gdm start ?12:58
heguruillusion-1: startx12:59
USMarineCrash91: you stick the usb pen into the usb port, and it's mounted for you12:59
thedonvaughnillusion-1, put gnome-session in your .xinitrc and type 'start'x12:59
illusion-1ok i will try thnx :)12:59
thedonvaughnillusion-1, er 'startx'12:59
FilemonHey, just wanted to ask-- is there any way getting Fluxbuntu? The website is down...12:59
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Crash91USMarine: not mounting! installing a LiveCD image to it, i.e OS-on-a-stick12:59
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Crash91Filemon: Torrent??12:59
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:59
phantomthedonvaughn:  "sudo fdisk -l"     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40362/01:00
Crash91ubotu: Thanks01:00
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:00
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FilemonCrash91: right.. search came up empty... just some old alpha ver. with no seeders01:00
USMarineCrash91: thank me ffs01:00
thedonvaughnphantom, yup sees 2 discs.  /dev/sda is your sata and /dev/hda is your IDE/PATA01:00
thedonvaughnphantom, your sata is currently blank with no partitions according to fdisk01:00
Crash91USMarine: you completely misunderstood what i said...01:00
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thedonvaughnphantom, 500GB SATA and 160GB IDE01:01
USMarinewell, i invoked the bot to tell you the links01:01
thedonvaughnphantom, ubuntu sees it just fine :)01:01
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USMarine!karma -1 Crash9101:02
Crash91USMarine: oh, Thanks then, ffs01:02
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phantomthedonvaughn: That probably changet since i set it to IDE . So windows is my problem now. Any IDEA? please01:02
thedonvaughnphantom, I haven't used Windows since Windows 95 man.  I have no idea my friend.01:02
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thedonvaughnoff topic in here01:03
taomastera little help please- how do i change root password in 7.10 ?01:03
phantomthedonvaughn: Thanks anyway.01:03
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:03
heguru!root | taomaster01:03
ubotutaomaster: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:03
arun_does anyone here have chandler installed?01:03
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taomasterheguru  thanks01:04
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Crash91does ubuntu fully support dual core?01:05
heguruCrash91: yes01:05
dardanStevethepirate: can i install kde4 via synaptic?i installed but can`t see anywhere kde4...01:05
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thedonvaughnCrash91, the linux kernel does infact, so Ubuntu in turn does.  :)01:05
USMarineCrash91: yes01:05
hegurudardan: only on gutsy01:05
Crash91=) thanks guys01:05
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tsukasa__anyone know of a good program to poke around on the network to find any windows shares01:06
hegurutsukasa__: nmap01:06
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Stevethepiratedardan: sudo aptitude search kde401:07
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xIkeCrash: it likes my intel core 2 duo01:07
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dardanthx Stevethepirate01:07
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dardanit says it is installed01:08
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dardani A kde4base01:08
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trprtsukasa__: maybe something like pyneighborhood is what you are looking for01:13
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belahi, I just tryed to install the last ubuntu alterante rc7.10, errors occur in bootst01:14
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ukdslhi all01:14
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tarnaphow can i change the rights of a port?01:14
hegurubela: support for 7.10 in #ubuntu+101:14
tarnapi want to run a server on port 2101:15
tarnapas non-root01:15
tarnapand i'm unable to bind the port 21 to my software01:15
tarnap'cause it's a "privileged" port01:15
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ukdslive tried 3 networks cards in a box now. lshw -C network shows them all as disabled :S first two were realtek, latest is an 82541GI01:16
mahoneI have a problem with swap partitions in Ubuntu 7.0401:16
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hegurumahone: what is the problem?01:17
dooglusI just booted, and my ext3 partition was checked (it's been 31 mounts without a check, etc).  It told me it is 10% fragmented, but didn't offer to defrag.  Where's the defrag tool?01:17
mahoneThe problem is that I can hibernate, but when I switch the system on again...01:17
stinger05i can't seem to shutdown the Xserver only by using sudo killall Xorg01:17
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mahonethe system is not restored to the previous state01:17
stinger05but the problem is that it's restarting01:17
mahonebut it instead goes through the "normal" boot process....01:18
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mahoneIn /etc/fstab, I have a like like this01:18
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hegurumahone don't paste here01:18
heguru!pastebin | mahone01:19
ubotumahone: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:19
mahoneOK, why?01:19
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mahoneIt's just a single line01:19
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hegurustinger05: it will keep restarting, use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:19
hegurumahone: ok then01:19
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hegurumahone: i thought you're pasting the whole fstab! (we get that here alot)01:19
Cyber_Stalkercould some one please help me i have my digital cam plugged into my ubuntu machine (feisty) but its not detecting it01:20
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stinger05heguru: the X server doesnt shut down using that command01:20
zgmf-x20ahey can someone please help me.  i need to get my cd rom drive up and running on my laptop.  it is an asus f3sv-a1.  the hardware works perfectly fine, and used it to install kubuntu, yet it is not recognized01:20
dooglusI just booted, and my ext3 partition was checked (it's been 31 mounts without a check, etc).  It told me it is 10% fragmented, but didn't offer to defrag.  Where's the defrag tool?  My system keeps getting slower and slower - I reckon a defrag might help.  What do you guys do about the problem?01:20
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hegurustinger05: are you using ubuntu?01:20
rico_hey... when I login into my system, the gnome splash screen stays for a lnog time and it takes ages (many minutes) for the system to get into a usable state. how can I trace what's causing this?01:20
hegurustinger05: you have to run this command from terminal, did you get any error?01:20
ZaschHello: I just downloaded Thunderbird, but I don't know how to install it. Can anyone assist? I extracted the directory, but I don't know where to go from here01:20
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stinger05it only shuts down the GNOME display manager01:21
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heguruZasch: why not use the one from repository? goto System -> Administration -> Synaptic and search for thunderbird01:21
mahonedev/sda6 none swap sw 0 001:21
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mahone(with the '/' at the beginning)01:21
hegurustinger05: that should end X as well01:21
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zengenDoes anyone know how I can send the output of a md5sum check to a text file?01:22
mahoneThe system worked since some days ago, but then for some strange reason it stopped hibernating and resuming correctly01:22
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hegurudooglus: ext3 does not need defrag, it manages the fragmentation level automatically01:22
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stinger05should i type that in terminal? is it okay if i did typed it after pressing ctrl+alt+F1 ?01:22
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Picizengen: md5sum file > sum.txt   (I'm just guessing)01:22
Zaschheguru: The one from the repository doesn't appear to be the latest one, and I don't know if the difference is significant or not01:22
dooglusheguru: it keeps getting more and more fragmented.  it's currently at 10% and very slow.01:22
zengenPici:  Than you, I'll try that.01:23
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mahoneI also tried to recreate the swap partition with mkswap /dev/sda601:23
dooglusheguru: sometimes it takes over a minute to save to 20KB file01:23
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mahoneAnd it gives me back the UUID of the new swap partition01:23
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heguruZasch: the difference is not significant IMO, you can update to gutsy once its launched after 6 days as it contains the latest01:23
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xion344anyone know here how to install flash in ubuntu?01:24
mahoneBut when I try to put it into the /etc/fstab file, and then do 'swapon -a', the system says me that a partition with that UUID doesn't exists...01:24
stinger05heguru: would it make a difference if i typed sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop after pressing ctrl+alt+F1 ?01:24
joarival: if you do a dist-upgrade for each version between dapper and feisty it should work01:25
hegurustinger05: try that01:25
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heguruxion344: you can install it using synaptic, seach for flashplugin-nonfree01:25
stinger05i already did but my NVIDIA driver setup program keeps on telling me that Xserver is running :S01:25
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mahoneIs there anyone who could help me, please?01:25
kondor101Is it possible to transfer all my data, my whole hard drive, on to a new hard drive?01:26
hegurumahone: can you check if your swap is mounted? sudo cat /proc/swaps01:26
joarival: I did an upgrade from dapper to feisty with seemingly nor problems... but it was a test system, I just confermed that it booted after the upgrade without any notable errors01:26
mahoneYes, it is, but the priority is "-2"01:27
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RRichardIf i want two HDD's on my system the first C: is mount / and the second D: ?01:27
hegurumahone: thats ok01:27
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mahoneDo you know if I could remove the swap partition, and use a swap file to hibernate?01:27
hegurumahone: which version of ubuntu are you using?01:27
rico_hey... when I login into my system, the gnome splash screen stays for a lnog time and it takes ages (many minutes) for the system to get into a usable state. how can I trace what's causing this?01:27
mahoneI repeat, if I use the UUID "new" system, it doesn't work...01:28
hegurumahone: how big is your swap file and how much ram do you have01:28
joarkondor101: yes, using '# dd if=/dev/partitionToClone of=/dev/partitionToCloneTo01:28
mahone2GB, and the RAM is 2GB01:28
dooglusrico_: I don't know, but when I've seen that before it's been 'esd's fault.  try killing esd - does that speed it up?01:28
hegurumahone: increase your swap to 4GB01:28
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hegurumahone: for hibernate you need more swap than RAM01:29
hegurumahone: it stores the RAM and the information to resume01:29
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jc-dentonhi all01:29
joarkondor101: note that if you clone the partition containing your mbr, the mbr would have to be cloned by itself01:29
hegurumahone: second thing, you told me that UUID is not working with swap01:29
mahoneBut it worked since some days ago...01:29
dooglus4GB is a stupid amount of swap - you'll never get close to using it all01:29
kondor101joar : are you staying on a while?  I am going to install the thing first01:29
mahoneYes, heguru01:29
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dooglusthe old "double the amount of RAM" rule doesn't apply any more01:29
hegurudooglus: he's talking about HIBERNATE01:29
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kondor101joar  I do not know what mbr means to be honest01:30
AJ--sudo update-rc.d gdm install <--- will this give back my gui???01:30
joarkondor101: I will be to and from here... if you priv msg me I will answer when possible :)01:30
kondor101joar : thanks, this might take some time :)  if your gone when i come back thats fine01:30
hegurudooglus: and incase you didn't know that, hibernate copies the RAM to swap parition01:30
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dooglusheguru: twice?01:30
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inflexHey thre guys, where are you hiding the crypt() library's for C ?01:31
joarkondor101: as long as you don't delete the partition being copied, don't worry too much about mbr, you'll find out if you have to copy that one as well, and it's no problem doing that later01:31
hegurudooglus: if he's using some swap and hibernates, he would need 2GB for his RAM + resume instructions + the swap being used, so to be safe yes 2xRAM01:31
mahoneCould I use a swap file in /, instead than a partition?01:31
RvGaTe^workinflex, becouse it contains piracy software... and we dont want you to find out.... oops... guess you know now :/01:31
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linux4mei'm trying to setup lvs-dr with ultramonkey, is there a channel dedicated to lvs?01:32
hegurumahone: back to you, you have to change the resume partition in menu.lst under /boot/grub to match your current swap partion01:32
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joarkondor101: http://www.newlinuxuser.com/howto-use-the-dd-command/01:32
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ziko234hey someone speak polish??01:32
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mahonewhat should I modify?01:32
inflexRvGaTe^work: dernit... I love it when they move functions in/out of libs01:32
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dooglusinflex: -lcrypt01:33
inflexdooglus: that much I have... the question is, which lib/apt pkg does it come from :(01:33
mahoneShould I add resume=/dev/sda6?01:33
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stinger05can the Xserver be killed in livecd mode ?01:33
hegurumahone: yes01:34
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dooglusinflex: libc6-dev: usr/lib/libcrypt.a01:34
mahoneCould you explain me why the UUID system doesn't work?01:34
italian_spikewhat can i use to substitute msn messenger?01:34
LuCypherHi how can I enable mod_rewrite in apache2?01:34
italian_spikeamsn is giving me too many problems in gnome01:34
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LuCypherI've tried a2enmod rewrite01:34
hegurumahone: maybe you're not specifying the right UUID's01:34
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mahoneI specify the one that 'mkswap' gives me at the end of the creation process...01:35
vladi_how do i burn cds in ubuntu?01:35
vladi_or better...what's the application for burning CDs01:35
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heguruvladi_: insert a blank cd/dvd, goto Places -> CD/DVD Creater01:36
heguruvladi_: you can also install and use gnomebaker if you need more than basics01:36
stinger05heguru: can the Xserver be killed in livecd mode ?01:36
vladi_only an mp3 cd01:36
vladi_for my car radio01:36
heguruvladi_: then use the first method01:36
vladi_ok tnx alot01:36
marcusfeisty 2.6.20-16 is a real loser: after rebooting, I can't even logon to GNOME failsafe session.  it's hanging somewhere, with an empty rectangle in the upper left corner01:37
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inflexdooglus: okay, one more question - what package are all the programming man pages hidden in?01:37
LuCyphervladi_ : you could try Brasero too...01:37
hegurustinger05: well i am not sure, can you check /etc/event.d/ to see if there is some file that's respawning X?01:37
mahoneI specify the one that 'mkswap' gives me at the end of the creation process...01:37
inflex(from that I can stop asking dumb questions)01:37
marcusbut my primary problem right now is that even 2.6.20-15 seems to have problems now, exim can't connect to port 2501:37
StevethepirateI need a way to change the top and bottom images of my desktop cube01:37
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mahoneheguru, do you know what could the problem be?01:37
italian_spikedoesn't anyone use msn messenger in ubuntu?01:38
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hegurumahone: well unless I try to troubleshoot it with you, I don't think i would know01:38
rico_dooglus, how do I disable esd>01:38
vladi_LuCypher: why would i download and install more applications if i already have the burning program integrated in ubuntu?01:38
inflexdooglus: aah, found the ones I want... manpages-posix-dev01:38
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heguruitalian_spike: I don't think it works, you can use pidgin/gaim/amsn01:38
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mahoneAnother thing, heguru (or anyone else who knows): Could I use a swap file into '/', instead than a partition?01:39
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italian_spikeheguru: thats what i use but it's giving lots of problems in gnome and was wondering if there something better?01:39
Mortenkromannitalian_spike: i use gaim01:39
joelliotitalian_spike...I tried msn messenger thru wine ...doesn't work properly01:39
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hegurumahone: though you can do something like that, but resume (from hibernate) only works if swap is on a partition and not a file01:39
rico_how do I find out what runlevel i'm running?01:39
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mahoneOK, I understand. Thanks01:40
hegururico_: telinit01:40
joelliotitalian_spike .. as suggested by heguru use pidgin01:40
seanm1hello need help installing vmware tools - keep getting a previous install detected, get an errot when runnng uninstall01:40
hegururico_: sorry, runlevel01:40
rico_telinit just shows "telinit: illegal runlevel: (null)"01:40
rico_o ok :)01:40
rico_"N 2" == runlevel 2?01:40
hegururico_: yes01:40
hegururico_: default runlevel in ubuntu is 201:40
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LuCyphervladi_ : de gustibus...01:41
rico_so how can i turn off esd?01:42
vladi_LuCypher: what does that mean? pedercino jedna01:42
hegururico_: System -> Preferences -> Sound then click at sounds tab01:42
mahoneI need an advice on softwares for Ubuntu...01:43
seanm1hello need help installing vmware tools - keep getting a previous install detected, get an errot when runnng uninstall01:43
hegurumahone: ask your question01:43
rico_oh nice thanks :)01:43
mahoneI'm looking for a GUI to iptables, so that I can setup a personal firewall...01:43
js_mahone: firestarter is ok01:43
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mahoneI've seen through synaptics that there are at least 2-3 alternatives...01:43
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LuCyphervladi_ : it's Latin... De gustibus non est disputandum. = There is no disputing about tastes.01:43
hegurumahone: guarddog if you know firewall and iptables and want greater control01:43
hegurumahone: firestarter if you just need basic personal firewall01:44
gorskiis it possible to make a script for these two commands? eciadsl-start  pon dsl-provider01:44
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mahoneOK, thanks heguru and js_ for the advice. What about backup programs? I'd like to do periodic backups of entire partitions...01:44
vladi_LuCypher: and why do you speak latin with me? :)01:44
Picigorski: just write the two commands in a file, chmod +x it and voila, you have a scropt.01:44
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vladi_i don't study medicine01:44
PiciAnd a script01:44
splinterfuck your mother01:44
murlidharhow to check a md5sum of the cd01:44
splinter :D01:44
Pici!language | splinter01:45
heguru!ohmy | splinter01:45
ubotusplinter: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.01:45
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murlidhar!oops | splinter01:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oops - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:45
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LuCyphervladi_  : ;-)01:45
Jeeves_Hi there01:45
splinteri dont speak english ubotu01:45
seanm1OK PRETTY PLEASE HELP = hello need help installing vmware tools - keep getting a previous install detected, get an errot when runnng uninstall01:45
TaBowho's here?"01:45
splinter 8-)01:45
Jeeves_Anyone here running Gutsy with 'Visual Effects' at 'normal'?01:45
hegurumahone: you can use amanda, but its cli based01:45
PiciJeeves_: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.01:45
TaBowho can help me01:45
murlidharhow to check a md5sum of a file in ubuntu01:46
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PiciTaBo: just ask01:46
Jeeves_Pici: Ehm, ok. :)01:46
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jattmurlidhar: with md5sum01:46
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TaBoi have voodoo 3 graphic card01:46
splintercan you speaking to french01:46
TaBoand ubuntu as you see..01:46
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heguru!fr | splinter01:46
ubotusplinter: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:46
TaBoand i want the desktop effect01:46
murlidharjatt: do i have to install it01:46
mahoneAnd what about GUI based backup applications?01:46
TaBomy card support?01:46
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WaltzingAlongseanm1: not really so difficult. how did you install vmware?01:47
TaBolike the cube..01:47
vladi_LuCypher: :))01:47
splinteroui mais le #ubuntu-fdr n'es pas plein01:47
PiciTaBo: voodoo 3s are really old, I'm not sure its going to work.01:47
splinter :(01:47
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jattmurlidhar: is in the coreutils package should be installed already on your machine01:47
TaBoeven not other softwere?01:47
CubeyDoes anyone have any idea what might cause video lag (?) on an installation with official nvidia drivers proper for the hardware, and glxgears gives over 2000 fps?01:47
PiciTaBo: I would ask in #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion if you want to be 100% sure.01:47
splinteryes this chan is good01:47
seanm1off my local drive afer download01:47
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vladi_even not other software?01:48
vladi_on the page i gave you01:48
vladi_i found a way01:48
vladi_to install compiz-fusion01:48
Cubeythe video card is an fx5500 256MB AGP, by the way01:48
vladi_and all the effects work01:48
TaBoon voodo 3?01:48
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:48
vladi_i don't believe so01:48
TaBooo.. i see01:48
TaBoi try to install that software01:49
TaBobut it dosn't work01:49
TaBoi have voodo 301:49
vladi_get a better card01:49
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vladi_voodoo 3 is prehistoric :D lol01:49
PiciTaBo: Please ask about it in #ubuntu-effects and/or #compiz-fusion, they will give you a definitive answer.01:49
IdleOne!enter | vladi_ TaBo01:49
ubotuvladi_ TaBo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:49
smmagicAnyone know how to fix resolution after installing nvidia driver01:49
TaBothank's any way. i'm searching for other software that will support01:49
mahoneI have an ATI Radeon X700 Mobile, and Compiz doesn't work with me01:49
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vladi_IdleOne :)01:49
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SleepyHareHello, my system have "lost" all my external usb-drives, is there a way to recover them? Feisty.01:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.01:50
splinterfuck your mother ubotu01:50
Picimahone: compiz-fusion?01:50
Pici!ops | splinter01:50
ubotusplinter: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici01:50
IdleOne!ops | splinter01:50
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vladi_TaBo: i don't believe you will find software that supports both your card and the effects of compiz-fusion or beryl01:50
mahonePici: No, I have only the executable 'compiz'01:50
Mez!cs kb splinter01:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cs kb splinter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:50
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vladi_Pici: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml01:51
smmagicHow do I check if I have direct rendering enabled?01:51
TaBo=\ thank's anyway vladi01:51
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Picivladi_: Dont tell me, I'm already running ti01:51
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Amaranthstupid script01:51
mahoneBut at the beginning it worked. The I activated the restricted ATI drivers, they didn't work, I deactivated them, and compiz stopped working01:51
Picimahone: Where did you get it?01:51
vladi_TaBo you can try it anyway...maybe it will work01:51
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mahonePici: Get what?01:51
vladi_Pici: what... the compiz fusion?01:51
Picivladi_: I'm not talking to you.01:51
Picimahone: Compiz.  There is a difference between compiz in the feisty repos and compiz-fusion01:52
TaBovladi_ , it does'nt work01:52
TaBoi tryed01:52
IdleOnePici: good morning!01:52
The-CompilerI can't access my sd-card, i'll get a "mount: /dev/sde1: can't read superblock". But with the camera i still can take photos. fdisk -l: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/120763/ (2nd "code")01:52
PiciIdleOne: :D01:52
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mahonePici: I got it installed by default with Ubuntu 7.0401:53
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smmagicIs it possible to get a resolution that is not supported?01:53
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marcusno server can't bind to any port (mysql, exim, etc).  anyone any idea why that could be?01:53
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The-CompilerThe output of dosfsck: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15874/01:53
SleepyHareHello, my Feisty have "lost" all my external usb-drives, is there a way to recover them? E.g. there was an entry /dev/scd0 for my external dvd, and now it`s gone, replugging does no effect. Neither does restarting helps.01:53
seanm1waltzinalong did u see my reply or private message?01:53
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The-CompilerSleepyHare: Please give us the outputs of "sudo fdisk -l", and "mount" in a terminal (please paste it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/)01:54
seanm1hello need help installing vmware tools - keep getting a previous install detected, get an errot when runnng uninstall01:54
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The-Compilerseanm1: I think the exact error message would be helpful.01:55
vladi_TaBo if you want fancy visual effects you'll have to get a better graphic card...01:55
stefgseanm1: sudo rm -rf /etc/vmware01:55
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vladi_TaBo: that's kind of logic01:55
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seanm1a previous installation of vmware has been detected01:56
rasputnikdoing some really basic shell scripting - how do I check if a variable has been set?01:56
WaltzingAlongseanm1: need to be registered to send private messages01:56
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stefgseanm1: yeah.. because there's still the conf in /etc. get rid of it, then it'll run01:56
seanm1i will try that01:56
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WaltzingAlongseanm1: something like /etc/vmware01:56
joarrasputnik: if the variable contains any data... you could do a check against that....01:56
SleepyHareThe-Compiler, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40366/01:57
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rasputnikjoar: how though?01:57
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joarrasputnik: if you know what values the variable might contain, you could do something like if [ variable = something ]  ; then01:57
The-CompilerSleepyHare: Oops, i forget "lsusb", sorry01:58
joarthat is [ $variable = something ] 01:58
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Picirasputnik: if you're just debugging, you can just echo $var01:58
mahonePici: I got it installed by default with Ubuntu 7.0401:58
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rasputnikPici: no, I need to check an argument was passed or exit01:58
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SleepyHareThe-Compiler, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40367/01:59
DoYouKnowhow do I prevent all of my parent firefoxes from closing when I close a child firefox?01:59
casperinHello guys.. can you help me install a Realtek sound card? Or just point me to a place where I can get the driver :)01:59
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joarrasputnik: then you can do a if [ $variable = '' ]  ; (then the variable is empty01:59
Pici!effects | mahone :)01:59
ubotumahone :): For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects01:59
The-CompilerSleepyHare: Do you see the card reader?01:59
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joarraputnik: I would test that... just wrote something from the top of my head02:00
rasputnikjoar: if it's not set at all, that doesn't work02:00
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mahoneOK, sorry and thanks for the advice02:00
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rasputnikdon't worry, I'll crib from /etc/init.d02:00
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WipsIs there a command to list the current partitions with information about them in a list?02:01
DoYouKnowI am using avant to launch the parent firefox02:01
The-CompilerWips: sudo fdisk -l02:01
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Cyber_Stalkerhow do i "unrar" some thing02:01
SleepyHareThe-Compiler, Yes, just fine... It`s actually inside my laptop, so it is somehow connected, but none of the external (connected via usb-ports) drives show up.02:01
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The-CompilerSleepyHare: The reader is internally connected via usb, too. So for me it seems as a hardware problem of your usb-ports02:03
tvistohey guys, anyone can tell me how i can make programs launch on startup? liek skype i have to launch manually each time.02:03
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot02:04
tvistothanks guys!02:04
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:04
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SleepyHareThe-Compiler, I`ve plugged in a usb-mouse and it works...02:06
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The-Compilerbut the devices don't work?02:06
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SleepyHareI`ll try the same port02:06
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krakatoaalgun espaol?02:07
Pici!es | krakatoa02:07
ubotukrakatoa: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:07
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kondor101i am using fiesty  will my fstab be in etc/fstab02:08
WaltzingAlongkondor101: yes /etc/fstab02:08
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kondor101k thanks02:09
SleepyHareThe-Compiler, no luck here. Mouse works fine, but the dvd-drive in the same port doesn`t.02:09
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The-CompilerSleepyHare: Then I have no more ideas....02:09
SleepyHareThe-Compiler, I thought about the external enclosure failure, but two of them failing at the same time is quite improbable...02:09
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The-CompilerOr.. Maybe it could help me, if you give me the output of "dmesg" after pluging the device in.02:11
soulfreshneris there a package that can be considered a minimal version of ubuntu-desktop, basically with the gnome desktop and all the system software, but *without* the extra application software02:11
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soulfreshnerI don't like many of the default applications - and it's a mission to uninstall them all :(02:11
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WaltzingAlongsoulfreshner: then you do not want meta package ubuntu-desktop, but perhaps want pieces of gnome02:12
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WaltzingAlong!info ubuntu-desktop02:12
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB02:12
The-Compilersoulfreshner: gnome-core02:13
SleepyHareThe-Compiler, this is getting somewhere... I`ve copied the interesting part: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40370/02:13
soulfreshnerWaltzingAlong, yep - that's right, but I don't know what all the systems packages are - synaptic, networking, nautilus should get installed... is that included in gnome-core?02:13
The-CompilerSleepyHare: No ideas... Maybe some other has02:14
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WaltzingAlongsoulfreshner: just install the ones you want, the prereqs get pulled in02:14
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soulfreshnerta WaltzingAlong02:14
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SleepyHareThe-Compiler, thanks for your help! I`ll try googling now, to see where id all leads...02:15
AL3X-adminHi everyone :) How are you? Could somebody help me with "dhclient" ? I want to request new IP from the DHCP...02:16
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WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: sure sudo dhclient3 eth002:16
AL3X-adminI tried this :( but I get my old IP :(02:17
AL3X-adminand I want a new public IP02:17
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hjmillsAL3X-admin, what ip do you get at the moment?02:17
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: the dhcp determines which address you get. perhaps you could change your mac to trick the dhcp into giving you a new one02:17
The-CompilerAL3X-admin: Maybe it would be simpler if you restart your router02:17
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AL3X-adminI have a modem (Motorola B5100E)02:18
AL3X-adminI tried ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 but .... :(02:18
AL3X-adminI also tried dhclient --renew02:19
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: the dhcp server keeps track of which mac gets which ip address02:19
drewcompiz still doesn't work in new ubuntu =[02:19
WaltzingAlongworks here02:19
AL3X-adminLook, I made a program for changing the IP in windows. Its a simple bat file. If i post here the code (5 lines) could you look at it ?02:19
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: so you could change the reported mac of your ethernet card so the dhcp server sees a new device, giving a new address, or you could reconfigure the dhcp server02:20
WaltzingAlong!paste | AL3X-admin02:20
ubotuAL3X-admin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:20
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AL3X-adminI will paste it there :)02:20
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kondor101i have,,, /dev/sda1/nas2ext3defaults00 in my fstab,  it worked when i mounted it first time, but rebooted and now i can not see it02:22
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kondor101oh hang on, i found it, its in nas2 in my filesystem  (do not laugh)02:23
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AL3X-adminHere is the code02:24
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hegurudo you need a specific IP via dhclient?02:25
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heguruAL3X-admin: ^^02:25
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AL3X-admin:). Could someone "translate" this code into bash ? (or similar)02:25
Bo^Dicki need semiproffessional help here02:25
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Bo^Dicki've reinstalled windows and my grub bootloader is gone02:26
Bo^Dickbut this isn't all to it02:26
Bo^Dickmy /boot/grub/ directory does no longer exist in ubuntu02:26
kondor101I want to copy my partition to my new hard drive, which i have just mounted fine, any tips?02:27
IdleOne!fixgrub | Bo^Dick02:27
ubotuBo^Dick: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:27
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AL3X-adminWaltzingAlong: Here you have the code http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40371/   :)02:28
Bo^Dicki've installed grub successfully before but know it doesn't work02:28
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pike_kondor101: dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb1 or whatever maybe02:28
Bo^Dickthe partition manager in the ubuntu installer crashes too02:28
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IdleOneBo^Dick: take a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:28
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v3ctorBo^Dick: windows install destroys grub02:29
seanm1Thanks to all fro helping me get VMware tools installed - UBUNTU rocks !!02:29
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Bo^DickIdleOne: doesn't that link require that /boot/grub/state1 exists?02:29
Bo^Dickv3ctor: no news to me02:29
kondor101pike, thanks, its sda1  for the new drive, i am guessing hda1 is going to be my old one02:29
Bo^Dickv3ctor: i've installed grub before02:29
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: yes i have seen that.02:29
Bo^Dickno sda's exist in my /dev/02:30
AL3X-adminaa, ouch sorry :( :$02:30
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Bo^Dickmy theory is that these problems has occured after my bios update02:30
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AL3X-adminWhat do you think? Is there any posibility to be "translated" ?02:30
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: you could look at /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases  perhaps as it stores the leases from dhcp servers02:30
kondor101pike you still around?02:31
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Bo^Dickwhen i type find /boot/grub/state1 in the grub prompt it says "file not found"02:31
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Bo^Dickis this serious?02:32
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AL3X-adminand then ?02:32
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AL3X-adminIf I change the MAC I loose my conexion :( . Why ?02:32
kondor101my old drive is sdb1 (according to fdisk -l) my new one is sda1  so,  to copy the partition i would do .....  dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1  ...  correct?02:32
kondor101oh no i got it wrong02:33
chickenFuegoHello, can someone tell me if the packages using java are compiled with java-sun or gcj?02:33
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chickenFuegoHello, can someone tell me if the packages using java are compiled with java-sun or gcj in ubuntu/debian?02:33
kondor101my old drive is sdb1 (according to fdisk -l) my new one is sda1  so,  to copy the partition i would do .....  dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1  ...  thats right this time i think?02:33
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IdleOne!java | chickenFuego02:33
ubotuchickenFuego: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:33
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WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: you can get good at putting several commands together. command1 && command2            so command2 runs upon successful (no error) completion of command102:34
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nrdbkondor101: looks right to me if both drives are the same size.02:34
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kondor101nrdb,  i just realised the same,  its going from a 15gb to a 80gb so I do not think dd will do it :(02:35
jusama14Hey I just installed ubuntu 7.10, But synaptic won't let me install openchrome drivers for via chipsets02:35
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nrdbkondor101: I don't ether, you could mount and do a 'cp'02:36
WaltzingAlong!gutsy | jusama1402:36
ubotujusama14: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information02:36
AL3X-adminWaltzingAlong: Ok ^^, but... whitch commands should I put ? :S02:36
shriphaniIs this the right place to ask abou the ubuntu wiki ?02:36
shriphaniI mean about wiki.ubuntu.com02:36
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WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: what happens when you empty the leases file? does the server give the same address or not when running dhclient ?02:37
IdleOneshriphani: ask first then we will shoot you if this is he wrong place :)02:37
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kondor101nrdb , it is mounted  so to copy every thing (except nas2 which is the name of my new drive) into nas2 i do?02:37
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jribshriphani: depends on the question02:38
nrdbkondor101: it would be easier to boot from a LiveCD, then do the copy02:38
AL3X-adminI dont know :S. I never tried it... I'll try it now :) give me 1 min02:38
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AL3X-adminWhat should I do ?02:38
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shriphaniIdleOne, I want to make a wiki page of my own, (I belong to the AP loco team). One where I can put up all my scripts. I always am shot a message that my changes to my own wiki will be reported to some individuals whose names I can't remember. Why is this so ?02:38
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AL3X-adminempty the lease file and type "dhclient" (sudo) ??02:39
kondor101nrdb thanks :)  good idea as it would stop it mounting inside02:39
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hegurukondor101: if you just want to clone your hard disk, use something like http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page02:39
biotroxi have a problem02:39
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hegurukondor101: download it and run Partimage02:39
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate02:39
biotroxi installed ubuntu on my laptop02:39
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biotroxit started alright02:39
biotroxbut too long to start02:40
shriphaniIdleOne, is it illegal to have my own wiki page ?02:40
tvistoi installed Ubuntu on a laptop today too :P02:40
IdleOneshriphani: this wiki page is part of the Loo team page? if so your edits will be reported to the admin of the main page02:40
biotroxto start my laptop with ubuntu took about 10 minutes02:40
=== inflex [n=PLD@122-148-188-66.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
hegurushriphani: no its not, just goto launchpad.net and register02:40
stefg!boot | biotrox02:40
ubotubiotrox: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:40
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lucky_lucashi, anyone uses the cli here ?02:40
inflexdoes Ubuntu have a command line 'hybernate' or 'freeze' sort of state?02:40
shriphaniheguru, I did that.02:40
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inflex(where I can power off the PC)02:40
hegurushriphani: then goto wiki.ubuntu.com and login using that account02:40
IdleOneshriphani: I dont think so unless you are providing scripts that are illegal02:40
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stefgbiotrox, gah that was the wrong factoid02:40
shriphaniIdleOne, it is not a part of any team. scripts are legal (to help with translations)02:40
stefg!install | biotrox02:41
ubotubiotrox: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:41
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IdleOneshriphani: follow heguru advice02:41
inflex"software suspend" ?02:41
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lucky_lucasWhy the completion in bash when I type cd $HO <TAB> replaces $HOME by \$HOME02:41
AJ--guys any gui base ftp client for ubuntu?02:41
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WaltzingAlonglucky_lucas: to escape special character #02:41
IdleOne!ftp | AJ--02:41
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd02:41
ubotuAJ--: please see above02:41
nrdb_kondor101: lost the conntection for a while.02:42
hegurushriphani: by default it will create your wiki page using your registered name, if you want your wiki page to have a different title, goto your account settings in launchpad (click at your name on the upper right corner) and change the Wiki Name02:42
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tvistoCan Solidworks (CAD/CAM) software run on Ubuntu? I mean I know it can with WINE but how good? because everyone online says it runs really bad.02:42
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lucky_lucasWaltzingAlong: Yes but if I want to enter the folder pointed by the variables so I can't use the completion02:42
AL3X-adminWaltzingAlong: Where is the lease file? :(02:42
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WaltzingAlong!info filezille | AJ--02:43
ubotuaj--: Package filezille does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:43
WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: you could look at /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases02:43
tvistoOr is there a powerfull CAD/CAM software because I haven't found for Ubuntu02:43
WaltzingAlong!info filezilla | AJ--02:43
ubotuaj--: filezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta7-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 763 kB, installed size 1980 kB02:43
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WaltzingAlong!info qcad | tvisto02:43
ubotutvisto: qcad: A professional CAD System. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 2950 kB, installed size 12596 kB02:43
hegurutvisto: Pro/ENGINEER if you have lots of money02:43
kondor101nrdb  It makes sense, to do it from live,  to mount the new drive will i use something like my fstab line i used to mount it?02:44
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tvistoPro engineer can run on Ubuntu?02:44
lucky_lucasWaltzingAlong:  Is there a way to get completion for such variables ?02:44
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hegurutvisto: yes it can02:44
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tvistoWhat about SolidWorks?02:44
biotroxanybody can help me..?02:44
hegurutvisto: don't know02:44
WaltzingAlonglucky_lucas: dnk02:44
biotroxcan't work if my ubuntu doesn't work on my laptop02:44
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tvistoqcad is really bad: so bad so bad :(02:45
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lucky_lucasWaltzingAlong: ok02:45
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hinogii'm still struggling to get it to work properly on my tablet ^^02:45
WaltzingAlongtvisto: there are others. osalt.com02:45
lucky_lucasWaltzingAlong: thanks anyway02:45
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nrdb_kondor101: I generally make a couple of directories in '/tmp' and mount them there with a mount command like "sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda1'02:45
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tvistoThanks guys: Heguru, Waltzingalong, ubotu - hopefully it helps!02:45
biotroxubuntu on laptop02:46
biotroxhow to make it work..?02:46
biotroxplease help02:46
biotroxneed help02:46
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:46
hegurubiotrox: what is your problem? and don't flood the channel!02:46
WaltzingAlong!install | biotrox02:46
ubotubiotrox: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:46
hegurubiotrox: What is the problem with ubuntu on your laptop?02:47
biotroxheguru: i install the ubuntu on my laptop it succeeded02:47
WaltzingAlongrunning on all the laptops i have managed02:47
biotroxheguru: but it won't start as fast as i hope it will be02:47
nrdb_biotrox: so did I02:47
biotroxheguru: too long to get started02:47
hegurubiotrox: how long?02:47
skunkworksanyone seen this behavior on gutsy? http://www.electronicsam.com/images/KandT/Oddvideo.png02:47
kondor101ok nrdb,  so i would do something like mkdir /tmp/sdb1  and mkdir /tmp/sda1  and then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdb1 and sudo mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda102:47
biotroxheguur: about 10 minutes02:47
AL3X-adminWaltzingAlong: Nop... nothing...still the same ip  :(02:48
biotroxheguru: about 10 minutes02:48
skunkworksI have seen it with 2 different video cards.02:48
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skunkworks(2 different systems)02:48
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nrdb_kondor101: yes!  don't forget the '-t auto' I don't think mount will work without it.02:48
hegurubiotrox: when ubuntu is booting, press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to see what is taking all this time02:48
biotroxooo oke02:48
biotroxand then..? what should i pay attention to?02:49
kondor101ok will pen and paper the -t auto down as i know i am like a fish for memory02:49
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kondor101thanks nrdb02:49
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WaltzingAlongAL3X-admin: so either reconfigure your dhcp server or find the way to change your card's reported mac, update the address, change it back02:49
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hegurubiotrox: well you will see a screen which will show information as the software is being loaded, just note the line that takes longest02:49
AL3X-adminHow can I change the IP ?02:49
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biotroxi know the lines takes the longest one02:50
biotroxthe preliminary keymaps02:50
nrdb_kondor101: fine, those LiveCD are very usefull.02:50
Ballenais someone here using Yakuake?02:50
biotroxit's the  first longest02:50
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kondor101nrdb  sorry, but what is the cp for copying /tmp/sdb1 to /tmp/sda1  (am guessing cp -a /tmp/sdb1 /tmp/sda1)02:51
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WaltzingAlongkondor101: dd if=... of=...02:51
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biotroxheguru: let me try it again.. don't go offline now... wait for me to get back02:51
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tvistoIs there anything else not as expensive but as closely good as Pro/ENGINEER for Linux?02:51
kondor101waltz, wont work, i am going from 15gb partition to 80gb partition02:51
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WaltzingAlongkondor101: oh and you just want to copy the data? perhaps rsync02:52
hegurukondor101:  you should install partimage and use that02:52
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hegurukondor101: it will work on different sized/different types of hard disks02:52
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=== tbf wonders if its possible to do just a partial download for a dist-upgrade
hegurukondor101: and it will be much faster than cp02:53
Iron_BloodHey all02:53
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kondor101heguru i read partimage website, it said only same size, if you go to a bigger one it will lose the rest of the new one02:53
tbfa dist upgrade would  require a download  of 1,7 Gig for my box, but i only have about 1 Gig left for this billing period02:53
arajabathello, I installed ubuntu in my computer and now I installed amarok to manage my ipod. The amarok can read my musics, but how can I manage the musics, delete, etc?02:53
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tbfso i'd like to download the first half now and the other half next week. is that possible?02:54
aquariusdoes anyone  know how to make a call to gtalk users? any help would be appreciated02:54
heguruheguru: yes, it will copy the partitions, you will be left with free space on the new, you will be able to create partitions on it02:54
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heguruheguru: if you want to use cp, use cp -r -p /tmp/sdb1 /tmp/sda102:54
nrdb_kondor101: the '-a' looks correct to me.  I would double check that source/destination carefully.02:54
tvistoAnyone ever used Compiere or OFBiz? Can u share what you think about it?02:54
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heguruor cp -a :)02:54
WaltzingAlong!info partimage | kondor10102:55
ubotukondor101: partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (feisty), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB02:55
hegurutvisto: what do you want to ask02:55
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kondor101nrdb  yes i know they look backwards but thats correct02:55
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shriphaniheguru, is there a special editor I can use without having to type "==##==' and the like myself ?02:56
kondor101ok going live, catch you all in a while02:56
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Bo^Dickwhen i execute the install icon from the live ubuntu cd i can get into the partition manager02:57
hegurushriphani: sorry? editor for what?02:57
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shriphanito avoid putting in all the tags myself.02:57
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Bo^Dicknothing appears in the windows where the mount points are supposed to be listed02:57
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hegurushriphani: i am sorry, i don't understand, tags for what?02:57
Bo^Dickcan someone pleeez help me02:57
nrdb_kondor101: I think the copy would go faster if the two drives where on different cables (i.e. hda1 and hdc1)02:57
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shriphaniheguru, formatting. like title 1 etc. I want to avoid typing those myself.02:58
hegurushriphani: oh in wiki.ubuntu.com! unfortunately no02:58
tvistoto henguru: I need to install enterprise solution for small company; but i don't know what to install and Compiere and OfBiz seem to be quite good. But I am not sure because even if its free its still a big step02:58
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=== genii sips a coffee
Bo^Dickhas anyone experienced that situation where nothing is listed in the partition manager?02:59
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hegurutvisto: I would go for Adempiere (A fork of compiere, and much more active than compiere) you can also consider OpenBravo which started as a web-version of compiere02:59
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=== Bo^Dick stands on his knees and beggs for help
aquariusHojor: there is a chinese channel #ubuntu-cn03:00
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hegurubiotrox: did you find what software is delaying the boot?03:00
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xloadhello, i've a problem with my ubuntu 7.04 server, my computer reboots after "Starting kernel.." somebody can help me?03:01
biotroxheguru: the ctrl + alt + f8 didn't work03:01
chickenFuegoHello, can someone tell me if the packages using java are compiled with java-sun or gcj in ubuntu/debian?03:01
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biotroxheguru: loading.... takes the longest03:01
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Hojoryes I am a chinese03:01
heguru!cn | Hojor03:02
ubotuHojor: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:02
tvistoto henguru: But compier seems to have so much documentation and support. Adempiere website is quite naked I'd call it so. Not even able to find pictures and so on. Or am I wrong.03:02
hegurubiotrox: can you press Ctrl+Alt+F8 now (press Ctrl+Alt+F7) to get back here03:02
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hegurutvisto: Adempiere 100% compiere compatible, it was created to give a boost to compiere development, it has the largest community, all documentation for compiere is applicable to adempiere03:03
biotroxheguru: now i'm online in ubuntu on my desktop computer, hope that u can teach how to trouble shoot the laptop03:03
=== WorkingOnWise [n=workingo@68-188-193-183.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
biotroxheguru: it's just showing Starting up... Loading, please wait03:03
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hegurubiotrox: well all I can tell you, is when the system is booting press Ctrl+Alt+F8 (keep pressing a few times till you see the text screen)03:04
hegurubiotrox: and find out what line takes the longest03:04
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biotroxheguru: i did that and the result is that the screen goes blanks03:05
WorkingOnWisewhat do I need to do to be sure Ubuntu boots properly after I put a partition inbetween 2 existing partitions?03:05
biotroxoo wait here it comes03:05
xload:s somebody can help me with my problem?03:05
biotroxpreliminary keymap took longer than i expected03:05
biotroxheguru: Setting preliminary keymap ...03:06
biotroxit stuck there03:06
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hegurubiotrox: ok wait03:06
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karin5482hello, how i can make script run on startup(boot) ?03:06
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biotroxheguru: now it stucks at 'Preparing restricted drivers ..."03:07
nrdb_biotrox: you could edit the /boot/grub/menu.list and create anyother entry without the "quiet" and "splash" kernel options.03:07
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biotroxhow how..?03:07
hegurukarin5482: you can add it to /etc/init.d/rc.local03:08
=== Bo^Dick [n=kvirc@84-217-121-204.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
biotroxnrdb. without quiet and splash and it effect will be to what..?03:08
xloadwhy my ubuntu restats after grub???03:08
hegurunrdb_: he is already looking at the boot screen03:08
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Bo^Dicki'm still not getting anything listed in the partition manager03:08
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Bo^Dickis it supposed to be like that?03:08
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biotroxheguru: it stucks at Loading hardware drivers now03:08
nrdb_biotrox: heguru: no need then.03:09
hegurubiotrox: you can add quite to see what you are seeing without pressing Ctrl+Alt+F803:09
Bo^Dickcan someone help me please?03:09
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hegurubiotrox: ok it seems like your machine is slow itsefl03:09
Bo^Dicksorry for being annoying but i'm really into trouble03:09
novato_brdudes, what is the channel about script shell programming ?03:09
hegurubiotrox: what motherboard/processor are you using?03:09
biotroxdon't know03:09
Bo^Dicki don't get anything listed in the partition manager03:09
=== marko_ [n=kaizoku@BSN-61-95-105.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
HojorI am a Chinese03:09
biotroxi got this laptop from work ex-boss03:09
heguru!cn | Hojor03:09
ubotuHojor: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:09
chickenFuegoHello, can someone tell me if the packages using java are compiled with java-sun or gcj in ubuntu/debian?03:10
biotroxi just know it brand03:10
=== gianluca [n=gianluca@adsl-ull-19-61.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
chickenFuegois there a rule for that? Or is it package depedant??03:10
nrdb_Bo^Dick: are you trying to install ?03:10
biotroxall information just fades because it's an old laptop03:10
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novato_brwow, Hojor03:10
Bo^Dicknrdb_: yes03:10
novato_brshell script03:10
novato_bri need the channel about this03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ina - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:10
novato_branybody knows?03:10
Bo^Dicknrdb_: i'm not getting anything in the list in the partition manager03:10
hegurubiotrox: well if the machine is very old, it will be slow on boot, you might want to use Xubuntu which is a version of ubuntu for low-end machines03:10
novato_br!shell script03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shell script - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about script - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:11
biotroxbut it's not that long03:11
skyrockernovato try scriptkiddies03:11
tvistohenguru: Oh so, thanks alot! Really helped out!03:11
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biotroxit had 1.7GHZ processors and 2GB of phisycal mem03:11
Bo^Dicknrdb_: the installer doesn't let me continue since i'm not able to choose a place for /03:11
hegurunovato_br: join #bash03:11
hegurutvisto: welcome :)03:11
novato_brthx, heguru03:11
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nrdb_Bo^Dick: can you mount the drive ?03:11
HojorThis my first use this03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scriptkiddies - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
hegurubiotrox: thats a decent machine, shouldn't be this slow03:11
biotroxi run this in amd 1.5GHZ and 512MB and it doesn't have any problem03:11
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biotroxso what the problem then..?03:12
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chimaerahi, is there a way to include firefor & thunderbird into session-management?03:12
biotroxwant to run ubuntu on my laptop :((03:12
hegurubiotrox: don't know then sorry03:12
karin5482i have this script and i use the next line to run it : nohup newsocket.pl &" how can i make this script run on the start(when i makeing restart)03:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about indonesia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:12
heguruchimaera: explain include into session-management?03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about in - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:12
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information03:13
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heguru!id | biotrox03:13
ubotubiotrox: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia03:13
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bulmerkarin5482: man update-rc.d03:13
biotroxthanks heguru03:13
ubotuJoin #ubuntu-ph for tagalog03:13
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Evanlecheguru havent u been on here a little too long today? lol03:13
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chimaeraheguru: other apps i had open when i shut down ubuntu are being started automagically when i restart, firefox and thunderbird are not. i might simply autostart them, but i wonder why "session-management" excludes them.03:14
heguruEvanlec: I have a week off :D, you'll be seeing me here alot ;)03:14
Evanlecheguru, lol, you were on here when i went bed03:14
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heguruchimaera: System -> Preferences -> Sessions and click add03:14
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HojorOh my god my English is very poor! Sorry!03:14
Bo^Dickif nothing is listed in the partition manager for the ubuntu installer, is all ok then?03:14
Cyrus25801just installed ubuntu 7.04 on the same HDD as windows XP. but the bootloader doesn't seem to work, because it doesn't give me options it only boots into XP.can someone pls help me03:14
heguruchimaera: add one entry for Firefox and another for thunderbird03:14
chimaeraheguru: stupid me. thanks.03:15
heguruchimaera: welcome :)03:15
nrdb_Cyrus25801: which did you do first ?03:15
Bo^Dicki'm not allowed to continue if i can't specify the root directory in the partition guide03:15
heguruEvanlec: lol, I will be here for another 8 hours :P, maybe I am just a very neat bash script :P03:15
Evanlecheguru, yea haha03:15
Cyrus25801nrdb_: i first installed XP then ubunt.i have doen it before like that and it did work.03:16
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heguruHojor: this is English only channel, join the Chinese channel03:16
Cyrus25801nrdb_: can u help me edit the boot loader03:16
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nrdb_Cyrus25801: no idea, maybe you could run grub again to reinstall the bootloader.03:17
Bo^Dicknrdb_: is it a problem if nothing is listed in the partition manager?03:17
Cyrus25801nrdb_: how do i run grub03:17
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Hojorwow  sorry! I know03:17
chimaeraheguru: one thing, though, with this dialog i autostart them.  other apps beeing "restored" on relog aren't listed there (e.g. virtualbox, pidgin, terminal..). where is teh difference?03:17
nrdb_Bo^Dick: Don't wory about the install just for now, can the drive you want to install to be mounted.03:17
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: don't know03:17
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=== mypapit out!!!
heguruchimaera: well those are saved in your session, click at the Session Options tab03:18
Cyrus25801nrdb_: k, thanx03:18
nrdb_Bo^Dick: is your drive going to be only for Ubuntu ?03:18
Cyrus25801can someone help me with grub03:18
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: i wanna have dual boot03:18
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: i already have an ext3 partition dedicated for the ubuntu03:18
heguruchimaera: there is a checkbox, if you check it, it will remember things when you logout, (I don't recommend!, if you have a bad application that hangs gnome, it will do that everytime you login!)03:18
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shriphaniheguru, doesn't launchpad use darcs ?03:19
chimaeraheguru: which brings me back to my original question: why is ff and thunderbird excluded from the "autmatically remember.." function?03:19
xloadsomebody knwos why muy ubuntu reboots after grub????03:19
shriphaniIf it doesn't, I'll ask folks to just copy the text off the webpage.03:19
Bo^Dicknrdb_: but the list of partition in the ubuntu installer partition manager is now empty03:19
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hegurushriphani: not sure, it does use some revision control03:20
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heguruchimaera: is that checkbox checked?03:20
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chimaeraheguru:  yes, it is by default.03:20
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heguruchimaera: hm, I don't know why specifically firefox and thunderbird are not save as part of the session, can't seem to find any bug report as well03:21
jaybuntugood morning!03:22
heguruchimaera: as a work around you can add firefox and thunderbird if you want, I will check it out on my system in a while03:22
gandhijeehey, is there a package to install WebPam for ubuntu?03:22
Bo^Dickwhat's the name of the partition manager in the ubuntu installer?03:22
chimaeraheguru: same here. strange enough.03:22
jaybuntuwhat causes the sreensaver to freeze ubuntu?03:22
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hegurujaybuntu: is it freezing immediately after the screensaver starts? or after like 15-30 mins?03:23
chimaeraheguru: well, autostarting is no problem, just wanted to know if there'S any reason for the behaviour shown.03:23
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jaybuntua minute or less>>>>>>>>>>>03:23
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Bo^Dickdoes anyone know the name of the partition manager in the ubuntu installer?03:24
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heguruchimaera: I will look into it, first thing that comes to my mind is the way firefox and thunderbird manage their session (using profiles and not allowing multiple firefox/thunderbird instances) might be the issue03:24
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hegurujaybuntu: well if it was more, I would've suggested looking into standby settings03:25
jaybuntuheguru,freezes within a minute>>>>03:25
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chimaeraheguru: i thought about that as well. anway, thanks.03:25
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heguruchimaera: welcome :)03:25
nrdb__Bo^Dick: so you allready have a windows install on the drive ?03:25
nrdb__Cyrus25801: Boot from the LiveCD, mount the drive, cd to the /boot/grub directory and run "grub --config-file=[full path to menu.list] "03:25
Bo^Dicknrdb_: yes03:26
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jaybuntuheguru:i'll check anyways.03:26
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nrdb__Bo^Dick: got no idea, I would try a reboot and start again (if you haven't allready).03:26
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nrdb__Bo^Dick: don't know if it has any chance of helping.  it just that if the drive is working I don't know what else to try.03:27
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: do you know the name of the partition manager inte the ubuntu installer?03:28
nrdb__Bo^Dick: NO! have you got the drive mounted ?03:28
Bo^Dicknrdb_: i can see the file system yes03:29
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: i tried to make a document in my Desktop folder and it worked03:29
Bo^Dicksomething exists apparently03:30
nrdb__Bo^Dick: maybe the partition manager can't get access to /dev/hda or whatever the drive is.03:30
snooplsmis there a proper name for a 25pin serial male that converts to an ethernet input?03:30
snooplsmfor which only 9 pins exist03:30
Bo^Dickthe file /dev/hda exists03:30
=== Jork [n=uros@BSN-77-230-138.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
nrdb__Bo^Dick: try quiting the installer, and unmount the drive and restart the installer.03:31
Bo^Dickthis has to be a bug in the partition manager03:31
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Bo^Dickdo i type unmount /dev/hda/ then?03:31
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Bo^Dickjust wanna make sure since i gotta reboot first03:32
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nrdb__Bo^Dick: if you have an icon for the drive on the Desktop you can unmount with that.  "right click" on the icon once, and select "unmount volume"03:33
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Pitelcan someone help with tv out from my intel 945 card? i use gutsy rc, and xrandr says tv disconnected, but my tv is connected.03:33
AJ--i set /var/name/ <-- my apache doc directory  how can i give permission to user1 to have permession on this folder???03:33
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Bo^Dicknrdb_: i'm afraid i've only got an icon with the label "install" on my live cd desktop03:33
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heguruAJ--: chown user1 /var/name (will make the user owner of the folder with permissions)03:34
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AJ--k ill try that heguro.. tnx a lot03:34
JorkHello.Eneybody know for if exists program for creating disk labels?03:35
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nrdb__Bo^Dick: have you have accessed the HDD while running the LiveCD ?03:35
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AJ--heguru: it works!!! tnx a lot pal :D03:35
Bo^Dicknrdb_: i think so since i was able to write a file to my Desktop folder03:36
heguruJork: there are three tools to make volume labels: mke2fs, tune2fs and e2label03:36
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heguruAJ--: welcome :)03:36
AhadielBo^Dick, Writing a file to your desktop on a liveCD doesn't mean you accessed the harddrive.03:36
Bo^DickAhadiel: uh, m'kay03:36
Jork<heguru> Can I install those tools from terminal?03:36
heguruJork: tune2fs is installed03:37
Bo^DickAhadiel: where did the file be located then if not on any hd?03:37
heguruJork: just type: sudo tune2fs -L YOURLABEL /dev/sda03:37
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AhadielBo^Dick, In the tempfs that the lvieCD made.03:37
Bo^DickAhadiel: ok03:37
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AhadielBo^Dick, Think of it as in ram, and it disappears once you exit the liveCD.03:38
Bo^DickAhadiel: ok03:38
Jork<heguru> I would like to create sticker for cd disk?03:38
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someguyhello everyone03:38
SullinForward Slash03:38
heguruJork: ah! sorry, that software is for volume labels! not stickers of any sort :)03:38
nrdb__Bo^Dick: I am not sure what is going on, try a reboot and see if the problem still happens.03:38
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Bo^Dicknrdb__: tried that already03:39
someguyanyone using any wireless presentation remotes for Ubuntu and OOo?03:39
Bo^Dicknrdb__: still empty list in partition manager03:39
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someguymcjustice >> bringin' justice Ubuntu style! Yo!03:39
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Bo^Dickthis bug in the partition manager is _really_ annoying03:40
stiev3where should I unzip third party gedit plugins to?03:40
Bo^Dickit inhibits the opportunity to reinstall linux03:40
someguybugs are annoying by definition03:40
rohanhow is dlink wireless card support in ubuntu ?03:40
Bo^Dickthis bug is particularly mean03:40
someguyi hear u03:40
hegurustiev3: /usr/share/gedit-2/plugins03:40
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Jork<heguru> Is there any program for making cd-stickers?03:40
someguyanyone using any wireless presentation remotes for Ubuntu and OOo?03:40
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Bo^Dickcould my updated bios as done something stupid?03:41
nrdb__Bo^Dick: which version are you trying to install ?03:41
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Bo^Dicknrdb__: ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn desktop i386 32-bit version03:41
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heguruJork: Sorry don't know, check out scribus maybe03:41
Bo^Dicki've done it before and i've never seen an empty list in the partition manager03:41
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nrdb__Bo^Dick: maybe the 7.10 installer will work better with you setup.03:42
Bo^Dicktried to google around about this too and found nothing03:42
Bo^Dicknrdb__: 7.10 is gutsy isn't it?03:42
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jkpquestion: how can i configure a shared directory so that anything copied into it would take the group of the parent directory? and ideally, the permissions (im aware of umask but not sure how it applies here)03:43
nrdb__Bo^Dick: yep, beta out now, 7.10 released in 6 days.03:43
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Bo^Dickthanks for all support03:43
Bo^Dickgonna try out these things, bbl03:43
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Tritonionrdb__, I think that I had the same problem with Bo^Dick03:44
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nrdb__Tritonio: problem ?03:45
Tritonionrdb__, and it was because of a damaged partition table. I had two overlapping partitions. I got them after trying to install windows in a spall parition.03:45
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jullehi, can someone post me a directlink to download nvidia driver, i cant get into X anymore, since i did a apt-get upgrade?03:45
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WuPeakhi there. i've a small question. 6 days to go to ubuntu 7.10. is it easy to update my 7.04 to 7.10?03:45
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nrdb__Tritonio: so the windows install screwed the partition table on you ?03:46
heguruWuPeak: yes it is, using update-manager03:46
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Kalumbajulle: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us03:46
pike_julle: apt-get install links2   then do links2 -g     hit g key and enter url03:46
Tritonionrdb__, i think so. it was ok before them. I tryied to install them. They said that the partition had errors that couldn't be fixed.03:46
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Tritonionrdb__, and after that gparted didn't show my partitions. fdisk did though.03:47
nrdb__Tritonio: I wish Bo^Dick was still here. to here that.03:47
WuPeakheguru: thx. i'll do so. can't wait for it :D03:47
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Ballenawhat is the command for deleting a directory? rm wont work :/03:48
heguruWuPeak: welcome :)03:48
jkpBallena: rmdir03:48
PiciBallena: rm -r /path/to/dir03:48
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jkpBallena: or rm -rf03:48
Tritonionrdb__, then I used a tool called TestDisk to fix them. The tool showed two overlapping paritions. The swap parition and the /home. I tryid to fix them. But i simply completelly destroyed everything... :-)03:48
rico_hey guys, how should I go about splitting off my partition into two (into / and /home)?03:48
Ballenajkp: what does the -f do?03:48
heguruBallena: force03:49
jkpBallena: force03:49
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jkpit wont ask you for every file if you want to delete it03:49
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jkpbe careful!!!!03:49
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=== jkp remembers being a *nix noobie and rm -rf'ing his /home
Ballenaok ;-)03:49
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jkpBallena: seriously, its a dangerous command, there is no going back03:50
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=== Tritonio executed a rm -rf / because of late night stupideness...
nrdb__Tritonio:  one more windows problem, making Linux look bad.  :(  are well.03:50
jkpTritonio: heh :), shit dude03:50
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jkpTritonio: did you have backups? (i didnt)03:50
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jkpit was years ago now, but i lost all my personal data that i had accumlated up till that point in my life, maybe 10 years!03:51
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Tritoniojkp, i didn't... :-P Bu I was fast enough to kill the computer... ;-) before rm entered my flash drive and the external HD with music etc...03:51
=== nrdb__ arg damn
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xloadM374n4M3 no he conseguido nada03:52
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jkpTritonio: heh, yeah it took me a while to realise what was going on, but which time most of it had gone03:53
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xloadmy ubuntu server just rebbot after grub, somebody can help me?03:54
InnomenDoes ubuntu have a norton ghost equivalent?03:54
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heguruInnomen: partimage03:54
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WuPeakheguru: got an other question. my 7.04 is installed on a asus notebook with an ati x700 grafix chip. it was quite dificult to get this chip running. do i have to reinstall the driver after the update to 7.10?03:54
Innomenthank you03:54
qiuhouHi, I want to record audio output from a player using audacity. Though regardless of which record device I choose in the audacity settings, the recorded stream is silent. Any ideas?03:54
Tritoniojkp, :-( I know. The funny thing is that after setting up the whole computer again (gedit scipts, firefox plugins, etc) I has to recreate the partition table because of the problem I was discusing with nrdb__ before...03:54
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profanephobiahow can I search a torrent site from terminal03:55
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heguruWuPeak: well, if you are using ATI proprietary drivers then you have to recompile them, if you're using the fglrx package from repositories then nothing03:55
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heguruprofanephobia: you can use a text based browser. try Lynx03:56
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Tritoniodoes anybody know what is the -bundle parameter in gcc?03:56
seb__hi im installing vmware server on 7.04 and i get this message when selecting were to put the manual files The path "/usr/bin/man" exists, but is not a directory03:56
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profanephobiaheguru, ty03:56
heavenhow to install wine? i got the .rpm file and it shows as a archive, and umm when i double click it it gives me: "archive type not supported"03:56
tvistou don't need rpm03:56
tvistou need debian file03:56
heguruWuPeak: well I should have said it in a different way: If you downloaded the fglrx driver from ATI's website then you will have a prob, else all will be file03:56
Tritonioheaven, why didn't you install it from the repositories?03:57
jkpTritonio: i think thats OS X only03:57
jkp"-bundle Produce a Mach-o bundle format file.  See man ld(1) for more infor- mation.03:57
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heguruheaven: on the terminal type: sudo apt-get install wine03:57
WuPeakheguru: ok. i'll see what happens. i think i'll have to reinstall my ATI chip.03:57
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seb__hi im installing vmware server on 7.04 and i get this message when selecting were to put the manual files The path "/usr/bin/man" exists, but is not a directory any one know how to fix it?03:57
WuPeakbut some how it'll work03:57
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Tritoniojkp, oh ok thank you. I suspected that. I got accross an arror saying that this is an unknown parameter ehile trying to make luasocket.03:57
heavenReading package lists... Done03:58
heavenBuilding dependency tree03:58
heavenReading state information... Done03:58
heavenPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:58
heavenThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:58
heavenis only available from another source03:58
heavenE: Package wine has no installation candidate03:58
Pici!paste | heaven03:58
ubotuheaven: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:58
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heavenoh sry i forgot03:58
Piciseb__: /usr/bin/man is where the executable lives03:58
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seb__Pici: then were am i ment to put it im jsut following the defualts03:58
pike_heaven: most likely you need to enable universe and multivers in synaptic or just add em to sources.list and sudo apt-get update03:58
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heguruheaven: you have to enable universal repositores (System -> Administration -> Software Sources)03:58
jkpTritonio: np, what system are you running on?03:59
markvdshello, i am getting a bios error at startup and i think it may have something to do with the nvidia driver not working. it is something like "powernow-k8 error no psb or acpi_pss found"03:59
jkpodd that it threw that flag in to the mix03:59
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Tritoniojkp, hardware?03:59
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AlexC_Hey there,03:59
Piciseb__: most manpages are in /usr/share/man/ or documentation in /usr/share/doc/03:59
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jkpTritonio: software04:00
shriphaniheguru, i am relatively new to coding procedures. putting my code up on launchpad seems to be a hassle. can you tell me where I can start?04:00
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jkpim assuming ubuntu :)04:00
Innomenwill partimage let me image an entire drive instead of just parititons?04:00
Tritonioubuntu 7.0404:00
jkpproblem with that build script then maybe04:00
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:00
hegurushriphani: have you checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnEditing04:00
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Tritoniojkp, what do you mean?04:00
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heguruInnomen: partimage works on partitions AFAIK04:01
pike_markvds: maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/powernowd/+bug/4469904:01
jkpyou were building something? and that flag was in the makefile or something?04:01
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Tritoniojkp, luasocket has a problem with it's makefile?04:01
markvdsthank you i'll have a look04:01
seb__were is the ubuntu paste bin?04:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:01
Innomenheguru: hmm, oky thanks :)04:01
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chippyhmm, my sound has stopped. was using xmms, pressed stop, now cannot start says "check soundcard.. etc" in system->sound, none of the tests work, plus i get warning "resource busy or not available" I'm sure a reboot might work, but thats so windows...04:02
someguyubotu is very strict on this grammar04:02
kaminixHow do I remove vorbiscomments from a file?04:02
markvdsbut pike_ i don't even have a laptop and don't want to save energy by scaling my processors frequency, is that only about that?04:02
Tritoniojkp, maybe it's a problem in the makefile like you said. I tried to compile two different versions of luasocket. The old one had the -bundle thing and the latest didn't create a file for some rieason04:03
heguruchippy: you can find out which process is consuming /dev/dsp (lsof | grep /dev/dsp) and kill the process04:03
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chippyok. will do04:03
seb__after telling vmware server install were to put the document files i get this any idea on how i fix it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40379/04:03
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WaltzingAlongmarkvds: saving energy sure, but also being quiet too by running low enough it does not require active cooling04:04
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kondor102decided to keep my drives as they are after all lol04:04
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karracould someone help me with install priter?04:04
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Innomenwow this is so not going to work04:04
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pike_markvds: using an amd proc?04:05
markvds3500+ i don't remember what core04:05
heguruchippy: you should use fuser /dev/dsp instead of lsof04:05
seb__after telling vmware server install were to put the document files i get this any idea on how i fix it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40379/04:05
kondor102so,far, I have managed to install, mount, chown and chmod my 2nd hdd, all is working fine.  Any tips on how I create a short cut to my new drive (which is called /nas2)04:05
pike_markvds: try this may me helpful. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5309404:05
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chippyhmm, lsof | grep /dev/dsp gives no matches - theres a few /dev/snd entries04:06
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chippyahh me reads up, thanks heguru04:06
pike_markvds: or just disable in bios  i guess if you dont care about it04:06
Bo^Dickno partition manager is able to show anything about my partition except the ms windows one04:06
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karraI should install canon LBP 5000, but maybe nobody here cannot help me?04:07
heguruchippy: well it turns out that ubuntu is using /dev/snd!04:07
markvdspike_, how might that be called in the bios04:07
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seb__after telling vmware server install were to put the document files i get this any idea on how i fix it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40379/04:07
Crippsif I have wpa_supplicant, and I'm trying to run it where the APs here have hidden ssids, what would the usual suspects be if my card keeps trying to associate to 00:00:00:00:00:00? (the network is WPA, tkip, and peap with phase2="auth=MSCHAPv2")04:07
heguruchippy: lsof | grep /dev/snd (final command, promise :P)04:07
WaltzingAlongseb__: yeah i see that. ask google or give more data04:07
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Innomenwow, google tells me there is nothing like ghost for ubuntu04:07
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heguruchippy: killall mixerapp04:08
CrippsInnomen, g4l04:08
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pike_markvds: dunno never had a fancy proc like that :)04:08
InnomenCripps: googleing that04:08
WaltzingAlongInnomen: interesting. dd04:08
seb__WaltzingAlong:what other data do u need04:08
markvdswhat have you got then pike_?04:08
InnomenWaltzingAlong: "dd"?04:08
chippyheguru, well, theres several others that match /dev/snd but mixerapp sounds more sound like ;)04:08
WaltzingAlongInnomen: man dd04:08
pike_markvds: old sempron04:08
WaltzingAlong!info dd | Innomen04:08
ubotuinnomen: Package dd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:08
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daftesthey guys. i found a sudo exploit04:09
WaltzingAlongdaftest: great04:09
Crippsdaftest, what is it?04:09
daftestjust let to run this http://pastebin.com/ddc853e5 <== with a execute in .bashrc04:09
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Bo^Dicki wonder if it was my bios update that made all my linux partition managers to fail to list any device at all04:09
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InnomenWaltzingAlong: ...ok... I still dont understand04:09
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Bo^Dickhas anyone ever experienced an empty list in the partition manager?04:09
seb__WaltzingAlong: what other data do u need because thats all i get in the terminal window04:09
WaltzingAlongInnomen: what do you want to do with ghost? there is partimage and dd04:10
InnomenCripps: where would i aquire this magical ghost for linux for ubuntu?04:10
WaltzingAlongsorry there are04:10
^brandon^can someone help me fix a small problem I am having with getting my new install of ubuntu 7.04 to connect to the internet properly?04:10
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markvdsi'll try to disable that scaling stuff04:10
InnomenWaltzingAlong: i want to image this machines hd, which is duel boot, and move it to a smaller drive on my laptop04:10
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WaltzingAlong!cloning | Innomen04:10
ubotuInnomen: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate04:10
=== Ceox [n=Max@dsl-hkigw3-fe2cde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kondor102^brandon^ no idea, what is the problem?04:10
CrippsInnomen, the thing is, ghost backs up the whole system ... you don't install it.04:10
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WaltzingAlongInnomen: there are ways to do it04:10
mauseri have a fresh ubuntu 7.04 install and having trouble with installing the Win32::NetAdmin module04:11
manu_hack what can I do if my computer does not respond due to running a exhausting program?04:11
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CrippsInnomen, you download the CD, insert it into your CD tray, restart, and then ghost your ubuntu install.04:11
mauserdoes Win32::Netadmin works on Linux?04:11
qberti just apt-got spidermonkey-bin ( a CL JS interpeter ) , but there is no man page, and their is no binary called spidermonkey-bin , how do I find what the executables name is ?04:11
InnomenCripps: that sounds like exactly what i want04:11
qbertmauser,  im guessing no ...04:11
heavenok i added a repository, downloaded and installed throught terminal now how do i run wine?04:11
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daftestCripps, WaltzingAlong pritty lame hu04:11
CrippsInnomen, glad I could help )04:11
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InnomenWaltzingAlong: i know a feww, but i'm wanting to learn the open source way :)04:11
Crippsdaftest, hm. I'm still trying to figure out what *exactly* it does ;)04:12
kondor102ubotu, thats clever i did not know you could do that pkg trick04:12
InnomenCripps: where do  aquire ghost for linux?04:12
irish53bhaving trouble with hplip, getting error unable to connect to hpiod unable to connect to HPLIP I/O, anyone have any thoughts04:12
Innomen...for ubuntu04:12
heguruInnomen: well its called ghost for unix: http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/04:12
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daftestCripps, it trys to do sudo. ofc it has not a pw untill you do sudo in console04:12
heavenok i added a repository, downloaded and installed throught terminal now how do i run wine?04:12
CrippsInnomen, there should be a download available on sourceforge, else google "g4l +download"04:12
daftestthen it got root04:12
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karraI should install canon LBP 5000 printer, but maybe nobody here cannot help me!?04:13
someoneelse2007heaven: wine04:13
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chippyheguru, cheers! it turned out to be artsd (the last one on the list)04:13
someoneelse2007karra: how are you connectingit? usb?04:13
Crippshm. interesting04:13
MasterShrekheaven, first you need to type: wineconfig   to configure wine04:13
seb__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260159 can some one pleas tell me how i ment to do the sullution to this problem04:13
WaltzingAlongheaven: to run wine, execute the command 'wine'04:13
MasterShrekheaven, after that u type: wine file.exe04:13
WaltzingAlong!wine | heaven04:13
ubotuheaven: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:13
karrasomeoneelse2007 yes04:13
heguruchippy: well so you're not on Windows afterall ;)04:14
Crippswhich are the driver specific settings with wpa_supplicant.conf ?04:14
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WaltzingAlongkarra: after you have the printer connected, supply us with the output of lsusb to pastebin04:14
daftestCripps, any exploit virus can write to .bashrc and waits to do real evil until it got root04:14
WaltzingAlong!paste | karra04:14
ubotukarra: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:14
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InnomenCripps: downloading, thanky :)04:14
seb__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260159 can some one pleas tell me how i ment to do the sullution to this problem04:15
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Crippsdaftest, with the increasing use of sudo, that hole should be plugged ... like, yesterday.04:15
CrippsInnomen, no problem :)04:15
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daftestCripps, just remove the remember the pw feature04:15
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Crippshm. How's that done?04:16
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heavendoesn't help04:16
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WaltzingAlongseb__: which system are you using? feisty? you can install vmware server through the canonical repository04:16
manu_hackeven cannot ssh to my machine, properbly need to turn it off, damn04:16
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hegurudaftest: thats really stupid, you're removing the passwd feature and running sudo (so it runs without asking the password) and you claim its an exploit!04:16
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Innomenwhile i wait, diffrent question. Sacred wants the newest direct x when running in windows, could i install direct x under wine and get sacred to run? (is a diablo clone)04:16
heavenheaven@Station-Void:~$ wineconfig04:16
heavenThe program 'wineconfig' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:04:16
heavensudo apt-get install kde-guidance04:16
hegurudaftest: plus its offtopic as this is ubuntu support channel04:17
seb__im on 7.04 and i cant find it in the package manager04:17
daftestheguru, I installed Ubuntu specialy for this expoit. I did not disable anything04:17
^brandon^kondor102  well basically I cant get a response back when it makes the DHCP request.  I have an onboard Marvell 88e8001 and a pci ethernet card as well, Realtek rtl8139.04:17
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heavenwhat now?04:17
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irish53bneed help setting up an HP printer, when I use hp-setup I'm getting multiple errors04:17
heavenhow do i actually run wine?04:17
daftestuser uses sudo Enters PW and then sudo remebers the pw for what 10 min04:17
Innomenheaven type winefile in a terminal04:17
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WaltzingAlongheaven: you actually run wine with the command wine04:18
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hegurudaftest: thats the normal behavior, the moment you close the terminal it forgets the password04:18
seb__WaltzingAlong: im on 7.04 and i cant find it in the package manager04:18
WaltzingAlongheaven: but that alone is not all that useful. so instead you download utorrent for example then run  wine utorrent.exe04:18
daftestheguru, yup and what if some script executed by bashrc probes sudo with out a pw04:18
daftestit has the same tty :D04:18
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InnomenWaltzingAlong: or, run winefile and select what you want to emulate that way :)04:19
heavenwoowooow oo ... wait to much info ok winefile and it opened.. some window04:19
WaltzingAlongseb__: have you enabled the canonical repository?       deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main04:19
heavenwhat now?04:19
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Innomenheaven: what are you trying to do with wine? whats the goal here04:19
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heavenrunning winshit files04:19
Innomenheaven: winefile is like wine's manager or shell04:19
hegurudaftest: bashrc is run only when you start the shell04:20
Innomenheaven: thats not a goal, thats another means, what app would you like to run first?04:20
heavenok so im not looking for a GUI program?04:20
hegurudaftest: can you move this discussion to offtopic?04:20
WaltzingAlongheaven: so then you have winefile open, navigate to where you have the .exe you want to run, 2x click it04:20
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Innomenheaven: what WaltzingAlong said04:20
seb__WaltzingAlong: nope how do i enable it04:20
heavenjust like that?04:20
heavenit gets inside the kernel?04:20
Innomenheaven: yea04:20
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WaltzingAlonggets inside the kernel? heaven04:21
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:21
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WaltzingAlongseb__: through synaptic i guess, manager repositories04:21
heavenumm sorry i know im stupid as hell but it works with the kernel it's not a stand alone software with a GUI?04:21
Innomen*does his impression of that chick from hacker* Kernel who?04:21
heavenbecause that's what i was looking for04:21
heavenbut it seems im wrong04:21
daftestheguru, is offtopic the ubuntu securty channel?04:21
Innomenheaven: for my own part, i dont care why i works so much as how, or if. :)04:22
WaltzingAlong!wine | heaven04:22
ubotuheaven: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:22
WaltzingAlongheaven: when a ms windows program uses the ms windows api to draw a window, for example, either ms windows does that or wine does that04:22
irish53bevery time I print, my printer goes into a stopped: job-stopped state, need help04:22
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hegurudaftest: this is Ubuntu support channel, to support people with problems they're facing with ubuntu :) I am sure you will find many in #ubuntu-offtopic willing to explain to you how the script is not an exploit but normal behavior04:23
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seb__WaltzingAlong: i must sound like a total noob but i cant find any option is synaptic to add repositories04:23
heavenInvalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'L2 Extreme Kit'.04:23
heguruseb__: System -> Administration -> Software Sources04:23
WaltzingAlongheaven: so no, wine is not an installation of ms windows04:23
WaltzingAlongheguru: thanks04:23
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karraWaltzingAlong: I do not understand what you ment when you wrote: "supply us with the output of lsusb"04:24
heguruWaltzingAlong: welcome :)04:24
seb__so what was it again deb ...04:24
WaltzingAlongseb__: scroll up?04:24
seb__lol ok04:25
seb__irc is chaos04:25
WaltzingAlongkarra: enter into a virtual terminal (command line) then type  lsusb04:25
heavenCannot open /home/heaven/Desktop/utorrent.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.04:25
heavenok what now?04:25
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rico_sudo apt-get install wine04:26
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freezeywhats the package for berkley db in ubuntu?>04:26
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karraWaltzingAlong: Ok! Thanx!04:26
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seb__WaltzingAlong: I added the repository and its still not coming up in search04:27
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WaltzingAlongseb__: after you add the repository and enable it, you need to update your sources04:27
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seb__how would i go about doing that lol04:27
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heavenhow do i know if wine really works>04:28
heavenon my pc04:28
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heavenbecause it seems its dead04:28
heguruseb__: when use add repository and close Software Sources it asks you to update, if you said yes then its updated04:28
Innomenanyone have experience with off the "record for gaim?"04:28
Innomen"off the record" for gaim*04:28
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seb__it said another synapic was open and closed04:28
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seb__il just delete it and re-add it04:29
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seb__done thanks04:29
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pike_heaven: after installing it run winecfg04:30
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pike_heaven: now you still need to open windows progs with wine like wine utorrent.exe  or soemthing04:30
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seb__Thank you WaltzingAlong and heguru im installing it now04:31
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heguru!hi | Ken-12304:34
ubotuKen-123: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:34
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Ken-123thanks! ;)04:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugreport - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:34
Innomenhow would i make a bug report?04:34
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Pici!bug | Innomen04:34
ubotuInnomen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:34
cyranoThis is my problem:04:34
cyranoOpen office crashes at startup. This is my output when i start oowriter in terminal: X-Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)04:34
cyrano        Major opcode: 53 (X_CreatePixmap)04:35
cyrano        Resource ID:  0x580029c04:35
cyrano        Serial No:    2663 (2663)04:35
heguruInnomen: bugs.ubuntu.com04:35
cyranoThese errors are reported asynchronously,04:35
cyranoset environment variable SAL_SYNCHRONIZE to 1 to help debugging04:35
cyranoThanks for any help04:35
Picipaste | cyrano04:35
Innomenthanks guys04:35
MasterShrekcyrano, are you running 64 bit?04:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:35
cyranosorry. forgot to paste.04:35
cyranono i run i38604:35
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RichWI have a simple question.. My laptop has very little video memory... can I use some of my system memory to expand this?04:35
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heguruRichW: no04:36
csc`RichardL: no04:36
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csc`RichW: *04:36
Ken-123my god; is it always that bussy here?04:36
cyranoi run gutsy so it could be a bad update. but its been like this for two days and noone in #ubuntu+1 channel could help04:36
MasterShrekcyrano, try: export SAL_SYNCHRONIZE=1    and then try running again04:36
PiciKen-123: usually moreso.04:36
cyranoin terminal?04:36
RichWI swear I saw a option in a X configuration thing once04:36
murlidharwhen is this channel will officially support gutsy??04:36
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Picimurlidhar: When Gutsy is released.04:36
js_when its released04:36
hegurumurlidhar: after six days04:36
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Innomenso the 18th04:37
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:37
Innomenman you guys are hard with straight answers lol04:37
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MasterShrekyea Innomen the 18th gutsy comes out04:37
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:37
Innomenhow often does that happen?04:37
Innomennew releasaes04:38
knuffelbeertjeHi, is it possible to reset someone's keyring password?04:38
[mayh3m] ptHello, I'm trying to compile an ircd and during the 'make' cmd it says "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" "*** [ircd]  Error 1" what is wrong?04:38
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MasterShrekevery 6 months or so04:38
PiciInnomen: 6 months04:38
heguruInnomen: 6 months04:38
Ken-123knuffelbeertje is nederlands???04:38
cyranoit didnt work04:38
knuffelbeertjeKen-123, nee04:38
Innomenwow cool so i have good timing, its like day 10 for me04:38
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WipsI've installed windows and reinstalled grub. But afte I reinstalled grub some file called "<windows root>\system32\hal.dll" got damaged or deleted. I was thinking I'd open the partition in ubuntu and simply replace the file with one from the cd.. but I dont know where to find the windows-partition on the ubuntu.. Any ideas or other solutions?04:38
Ken-123nee :S04:38
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murlidharam using RC of gutsy and it has so far rocked ;-) giving no problems till now04:38
MasterShrekcyrano, i only said to do that because it said to do that to help debugging, did you get different output now?04:38
MasterShrekmurlidhar, what kinda problems?04:38
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Innomenmurlidhar: you know about #ubuntu+1 right?04:38
cyranoMasterShrek: just a little different. I'll paste it04:38
murlidharMasterShrek: No problems04:39
AddyKwhy do I get /dev/fb0: File does not exist when I want X to run in fbdev04:39
murlidharInnomen: i know thanks04:39
Ken-123je spreekt alleen nederlands, knuffelbeertje ;)04:39
Innomenmurlidhar: just makin sure, these guys like to scold people.... alot.04:39
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl04:39
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cyranoMasterShrek: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/40387/04:39
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cyranomy output04:39
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:40
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knuffelbeertjeKen-123, ook niet04:40
yogiBNEWBIE q? - do you need special instructions on the CPU to run Xen? I have a regular turionX2 laptop04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nrg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:40
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ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:40
PiciWaltzingAlong:  http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion04:40
Ken-123hahahaha sorry ubotu04:40
heguruyogiB: no04:40
MasterShrekcyrano, and im assuming you dont have a very small amount of ram04:40
cyrano1 GB04:40
heguruyogiB: you can run xen on your laptop04:40
MasterShrekcyrano, i would say its a problem with the package then04:40
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[mayh3m] ptWhat do I install to be able to compile things that use a 'make' cmd?04:41
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Pici[mayh3m] pt: build-essential04:41
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yogiBheguru: ty m8, will I be able to run only others linux or netbsd?04:41
MasterShrekyogiB, you may have an option in your bios for virtualization, which may help with performance...i do on my turionX204:41
cyranohow will i solve it? wait for update? Noone else has complaine on oofice problems with gutsy?04:41
DM|Anyone know a good VPN client?04:41
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[mayh3m] ptPici: And I can get that in synaptic?04:41
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Pici[mayh3m] pt: sure can :)04:41
yogiBMasterShrek: what options?04:41
heguruyogiB: anything that can be modified to run on xen (bsd, linux) Windows won't work04:42
MasterShrekcyrano, have you tried reinstalling it?04:42
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cyranoooffice? no.04:42
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MasterShrekyogiB, theres jsut an option that i can enable or disable in my bios04:42
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cyranoi'll try. best to do it with apptitude i guess04:42
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[mayh3m] ptPici: I'm still getting an error compiling :/04:42
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MasterShrekcyrano, or synaptic04:43
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yogiBMasterShrek: is it the SVM option?04:43
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Pici[mayh3m] pt: Do you have all the required prerequisites for the source you are trying to compile?04:43
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Innomenthanx guys l8r04:43
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seb__Hi its me again i have run the installer for vmware server off the repository and it had run the config thing and says this when i click forward: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-server_1.0.3-1_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 104:43
MasterShrekyogiB, maybe, i dont remember exactly, i just remember it said something about "Virtualization"04:43
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[mayh3m] ptPici: I'm not sure, I just downloaded ircu, i did the 'sh configure' and now I'm trying to do make and it wont work04:44
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Pici[mayh3m] pt: There should be a README or INSTALL file in there with instructions04:44
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seb__i have run the installer for vmware server off the repository and it had run the config thing and says this when i click forward: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-server_1.0.3-1_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 104:45
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heguru!repeat | seb__04:46
ubotuseb__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:46
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seb__sorry but it also says to keep trying04:46
cyranoMasterShrek: should i mark for reinstallation or do a complete removal first in synaptic?04:46
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AddyKAnyone expert in framebuffers? :D04:47
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ubuntuguyAnyone got compiz working with either i810 or intel drivers?04:47
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MasterShrekcyrano, up to you, i would completely remove then reinstall04:47
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AddyKubuntuguy: yes04:48
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AddyKwhat video card do you have ubuntuguy ?04:49
Chinaski1hello i am looking for a way to copy my linux partition  to an external hd in order to boot into linux from this hd ..04:49
Chinaski1any help?04:49
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murlidharhow to reset the lag in this channel?? me new to irc04:49
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heguruAddyK: what help do you need with framebuffer?04:49
AddyKmurlidhar: new internet connection? or closer server04:49
ubuntuguyaAddyK on Gutsy?  I had it working on Feisty then upgraded, now nothing04:49
InnomenI guess i should just get usta spesifying "gui" when i ask for things, and noting that i do not know linux04:49
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AddyKheguru: well I changed the i810 to fbdev under driver in xorg.conf so I can have framebuffer, but it said /dev/fb0 not exitend04:50
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Bo^Dicki've got a slightly off topic question here04:50
murlidharAddyK: about three months old and i am in india04:50
Bo^Dicki updated my bios recently and had to update it back again04:50
Bo^Dickthe flash was successful04:50
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Bo^Dicknow the motherboard just beeps04:50
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Bo^Dickdo i have to buy a new motherboard?04:51
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PiciBo^Dick: ##hardware04:51
crowbarHello all.   I'd like to make the typing cursor be fat by default (instead of the thin line.)   I want the fat, overwrite mode (that you get by hitting insert) cursor to be my standard cursor.04:51
InnomenCan someone tell me if there is a *gui* way to clone this duel boot drive? Note: I do not know linux. (G4L is useless)04:51
AddyKmurlidhar: I wanted to know the type of video card :)04:51
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nanonymeseb__, i also don't think you're giving enough information for debugging04:51
heguruAddyK: you have to enable fb modules (they're blacklisted by default) sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-frambuffer ~/04:51
MasterShrekBo^Dick, search for beep codes on your motherboard, but it doesnt sound good :(04:51
AddyKAti? I810 (integrated)04:51
murlidharubuntuguy: compiz-fusion would be a  better idea for gutsy04:51
Gast876my routing ip is resetted on every reboot to somebody know this bug?04:51
MasterShrekisnt i810 intel?04:51
bqmasseymurlidhar: compiz-fusion instead of what?04:51
AddyKheguru: lol, blacklisted?04:51
seb__nanonyme: thats all the info im given lol04:51
ubuntuguymurlidhar: yes, I guess, I'04:51
Innomenat least partimage had a menu, sorta *grrr*04:51
nanonymeseb__, http://communities.vmware.com/thread/91807 might be related though04:52
heguruAddyK: well yes blacklisted :)04:52
ubuntuguyI'm trying to do it with the gnome appearance applet04:52
murlidharbqmassey: instead of compiz alone04:52
sipiorGast876: what does your routing table look like?04:52
AddyKheguru: but why? I mean... they're good when nothing else works04:52
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nanonymemurlidhar, true04:52
bqmasseymurlidhar: the new release doesn't have fusion?04:52
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MasterShrekbqmassey, yes it does04:52
heguruAddyK: well but then they can sometimes prevent the better driver from being loaded04:52
Gast876sorry where cani i look at it? i1e3f on linux since yesterday :)04:53
murlidharbqmassey: are u sure?04:53
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sipiorGast876: try pasting the output of "route -n" and ifconfig04:53
AddyKheguru: ah, right :) thanks :) I'll try the blackist hting :)04:53
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sipiorGast876: but use the pastebin service, s.v.p04:53
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:53
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nanonymeMasterShrek, erm, are you absolutely sure abou this?04:54
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murlidharanyways i am using gutsy and i do not require any of them the default works fine04:54
MasterShrekwhats that nanonyme ?04:54
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Gast876hm ok i ll try04:54
nanonymei think the committee just decided about compiz, not compiz-fusion04:54
nanonymethat is, compiz will be on in gutsy04:54
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seb__nanonyme: il give that a go04:54
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hegurunanonyme: compiz that comes with gutsy IS compiz fusion04:54
edelvahello all04:54
sipiorGast876: if those commands don't appear to work, try prefacing them with the "/sbin/" path04:54
tushydhow do I set up a vnc server on my computer?04:55
MasterShrek!vnc | tushyd04:55
ubotutushyd: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:55
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WaltzingAlong!info x11vnc | tushyd04:55
ubotutushyd: x11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (feisty), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB04:55
atlfalcons866will i see a speed increase if i compile a kernel04:55
Gast876ok ifconfig worked04:55
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nanonymeheguru, compiz != compiz-fusion. what on earth is going on in here?04:55
WaltzingAlongatlfalcons866: probably not04:55
hegurunanonyme: any version of compiz starting 0.52 is actually compiz fusion04:55
edelvaThe KDE in ubuntu 7.10 is it KDE4?04:55
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WaltzingAlongedelva: no04:55
Gast876where shall i paste the summary?04:55
Bo^Dickthe reason i restored my old bios was that ubuntu didn't manage to locate any mount point after bios update04:55
WaltzingAlong!paste | Gast87604:55
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ubotuGast876: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:55
atlfalcons866even if i compile it for my specfic processir?04:55
MasterShrekedelva, no, but you can install kde4 which i am actually currently doing04:56
WaltzingAlongatlfalcons866: maybe but if so i would doubt it would be anything you really would notice04:56
hegurunanonyme: *0.5.204:56
edelvawowww.how do you do that Mastershrek?04:56
nanonymeit's not stable04:56
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atlfalcons866if i switch my fs to jfs would there be more speed04:56
bqmasseygonna try booting unbuntu.. bbl04:56
WaltzingAlongedelva: check kubuntu.org for instructions04:56
nanonymeare you sure gutsy will have 0.5.2 (development version) instead of 0.4 (stable version)?04:56
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sipioratlfalcons866: depends on the sorts of files on your system04:56
nanonymeagh, wrong channel for this04:57
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:57
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atlfalcons866i mostly have home videos04:57
MasterShrekedelva, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php04:57
atlfalcons866and ext3 stalls a lot on 1.4Gb file04:57
hegurunanonyme: it contains 0.5.204:57
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sipioratlfalcons866: i doubt jfs would provide an enormous speedup, if any. you could build a test filesystem on an identical disk, see what happens04:57
atlfalcons866and ext3 fsck is annoying04:57
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hegurunanonyme: infact they upgraded to 0.6.0 :)04:58
sipioratlfalcons866: you can turn that off with tune2fs04:58
sipiorif you really want to...04:58
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robertj_hey all, how can I add another lo?04:58
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seb__nanonyme: thanks that forums topic fixed my error04:58
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heavenhow do i mount a .udf disk in ubuntu ?04:59
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WipsI've installed Windows and I've reinstalled Grub.. but somewhere in the reinstalling grub process a windows dll called "hal.dll" got damaged. I've tried to replace it with one from the winxpcd, but with no luck.. Anyone have any idea at what may have gone wrong?05:00
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atlfalcons866can i am also running out of inodes05:00
WaltzingAlong!grub | Wips05:00
ubotuWips: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:00
sipiorheaven: i believe you just need to supply the "-t udf" argument to mount05:00
WipsI've done that WaltzingAlong05:00
sipiorheaven: try googling for udf and ubuntu, see what comes up05:00
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atlfalcons866im kissing ext3 goodbye and switching to jfs05:01
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iggeif I install the 7.10 rc, is it possible to upgrade to the "real" release without reinstalling?05:01
WaltzingAlongigge: yes05:01
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iggeWaltzingAlong: ah ok... so once I have 7.10 rc installed the update is just lika a normal update by the package manager?05:01
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WaltzingAlongigge: right05:02
sipioratlfalcons866: you're running out of inodes? with large home movie files? that seems odd...05:02
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atlfalcons866well im done with ext3s slowness and its 5% reserved space05:03
iggeWaltzingAlong: wicked..05:03
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html05:03
=== Pici reminds everyone that Gutsy is still not released and discussion for that should still be in #ubuntu+1
^brandon^I cant seem to get my install of ubuntu 7.04 to connect to the internet.  Neither my onboard ethernet port (marvel 88e8001) nor my pci ethernet card (Realtek rtl8139) will connect.  Anyone know why this is?05:03
WaltzingAlong^brandon^: what is the output of ifconfig05:04
sipiortune2fs can set the reserved space to 0, not sure they'll be much gain in speed going to jfs05:04
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AlexC_Hey guys,05:04
ndubebrandon; do you see your cards on ifconfig05:04
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sipioryou might see if your disks are performing properly before going to the trouble of building a new filesystem05:04
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demonstealerwhat is the channel name for amsn?05:08
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[mayh3m] ptDoes anyone know of a website with a tutorial for setting up an ircd?05:08
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namiwawahow can u use windows inside Linux05:09
hegurudemonstealer: #amsn05:09
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namiwawai cant get the install package for wine windows emulator05:09
Picinamiwawa: why not?05:09
^brandon^waltzingalong , I pasted my ifconfig here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40389/05:09
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications05:09
[mayh3m] ptnamiwawa: Wine is the only way.05:09
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ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:09
namiwawaplease give me the install command05:09
Picinamiwawa: sudo apt-get install wine05:09
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namiwawalet me give it a try and thanks Pici05:10
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Puppy_just wondering, when will dell be offering 7.10 on the Ubuntu computers?05:10
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namiwawaPici, thanks alot05:11
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namiwawait worked05:11
namiwawai was trying the whole line of command05:11
namiwawanow let me know one thing05:11
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MasterShrekPuppy_, probably when its released, but i guess its up to dell05:11
namiwawahow do u know what to type and when to do the same05:11
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Puppy_MasterShrek: ok thanks.05:11
MasterShreknamiwawa, what do u mean?05:11
maffanyone else having issues logging into gnome?05:12
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namiwawalike now i just wanted to install wine windows emulator05:12
MasterShrekmaff, what kind of issues?05:12
namiwawai didnt know the package is "wine"05:12
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ndubemaff; please be a little more specific05:12
namiwawaso how do u determine what to type?05:12
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maffupon logging in via gdm the screen goes the nice orange color for about 30-45 seconds then kicks back out to the gdm login05:12
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MasterShreknamiwawa, you can use synaptic (system > administration > synaptic) to search for package names, its just going to take time to know what the name of the packages are though05:13
maffonly safemode works05:13
|_SpY_|anybody knows where i can download ubuntu 7.10 RC1 ?05:13
sipiornamiwawa: synaptic has a good package search facility. also try "apt-cache search windows". that sort of thing05:13
Picinamiwawa: `apt-cache search stuff` and I've been doing this for a while.05:13
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Pici!rc | |_SpY_|05:13
ubotu|_SpY_|: Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) Release Candidate information and release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - The RC is development software and as such unstable, support *ONLY* in #ubuntu+105:13
WaltzingAlong|_SpY_|: releases.ubuntu.com05:13
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maffI should mention this is 7.1005:13
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MasterShrekmaff, #ubuntu+105:14
Picimaff: you shoud ask in #ubuntu+105:14
sipiormaff: hmm...better read the topic then :)05:14
namiwawathanks alot guys I appreciate05:14
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urthmoverwill there be a difference with the /iso for the new 710...than the beta that I can download now?   can I just download the beta now...and do some updates in 6 days when the official release comes out?05:14
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maffso this will be fixed in the next 5 days? ;)05:14
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heguruurthmover: yes you can update to final using update-manager05:15
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new2buntuhi, i'm unable to get audio mixing working on feisty (tried jackd, esd, artsd) -- any tips ?05:15
heaveni type: su and then the password but sais autentification failiure, what the hell? i use that password at log in but when witching to su doesen't work any clues?05:15
urthmoverok great thanks05:15
Piciurthmover: Will there be a difference? Yes.  Will it be a big difference? Hopefully not.05:15
sipiorheaven: you're thinking of sudo, i imagine05:15
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WaltzingAlongheaven: su is to switch users or without a name will attempt root;05:15
sipiorheaven: su will expect the root password, by default05:15
WaltzingAlong!root | heaven05:15
ubotuheaven: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:15
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MasterShrekheaven, its asking for your root user's password, it doesnt exist though05:16
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urthmoverI just don't want to have to re-install in half a week.  so I was confirming that I can just run update-manager to fix it up to final05:16
WaltzingAlongurthmover: correct. update-manager will do that without reinstalling05:17
urthmoverand I'm hearing that yes...install the beta now...and just keep it up-to-date ....and its the same as installing final from scratch05:17
urthmovergood thanks05:17
MattyMHi folks, having trouble installing Ubuntu Gutsy.  After selecting to start install, it flashes video mode not supported on my monitor05:17
Piciurthmover: Use the RC not the Beta05:17
Schalkenurthmover: correct :)05:17
PiciMattyM: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.05:17
urthmoverok Pici05:17
MattyMok Pici05:17
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heavenyeah im trying to make ubuntu read UDF dvd format but nothing seems to work and google aint helping05:18
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MasterShrekheaven, i think u might have to convert it05:18
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MasterShrekmaybe not though...udf, lemme check something...05:18
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WaltzingAlongheaven: your device needs to support it05:18
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jribheaven: check bugs.ubuntu.com, there is a bug05:19
pasteler0hello, I can't make compiz working properly with my ubuntu, anyone over there could help me with this?05:19
MasterShrekheaven, try sudo modprobe udf  then try05:19
heguruheaven: install udftools05:19
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jribpasteler0: #ubuntu-effects for that05:19
sipiorpasteler0: you might simply want to wait a few days and see if the problem hasn't gone away in the newest release05:19
[mayh3m] ptIs the newest ircu compatible with the newest ubuntu?05:19
pike_[mayh3m] pt: abolutely05:20
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pike_[mayh3m] pt: what is ircu?05:20
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[mayh3m] ptpike_: an ircd05:20
peggerI am looking for a good reliable cpanel host, that does not have downtime05:20
peggerany suggestions05:20
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heguru!ot | pegger05:20
ubotupegger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:20
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ubuntoonoobI got a problem05:20
WaltzingAlongwe have a solution05:21
MasterShrekask away ubuntoonoob05:21
pike_[mayh3m] pt: yeah sorry :) i dont know about the dependancies but id imagine it wouldnt be hard to setup05:21
heguruubuntoonoob: whats the problem05:21
new2buntugreetings, does anyone know how to get one of artsd/esd/jackd working on feisty ?05:21
heaven<downloading UDF tools>05:21
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MasterShreknew2buntu, they should work automatically, pastebin the output of: lsmod | grep snd05:21
[mayh3m] ptpike_: Well I keep getting errors when I run the 'make' cmd05:21
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hegurunew2buntu: esd is installed/enabled by default in Ubuntu. artsd on kubuntu05:21
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MasterShrek[mayh3m] pt, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:21
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heavenok it downloaded, installed but where did it install or how do i use UDF tools?05:22
sipiornew2buntu: running more than one of those at once might be the source of your sound troubles :)05:22
ubuntoonoobI added another IDE Hard disk to my system AFTER I installed ubuntu. Ubuntu recognises this drove, however I have to mount it every time I restart, also I got no user rights to write anything onto the disk (only the root, but i don't know how to become root in ubuntu)05:22
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lee__eh this is a general questionnn not genre related...how do you make a boot able hdd or cread a bootaable hdd with an iso or can it be done?05:22
[mayh3m] ptMasterShrek: I'll try that when I can get my ubuntu to restart. The ati installer messed it up and it won't boot now.05:22
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new2buntuheguru, with eg. esd, mplayer *.mp3 cant open /dev/dsp on the second instance05:22
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^brandon^I cant seem to get my install of ubuntu 7.04 to connect to the internet.  Neither my onboard ethernet port (marvel 88e8001) nor my pci ethernet card (Realtek rtl8139) will connect.  Anyone know why this is?  I have my ifconfig pasted here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40389/05:22
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new2buntumastershrek, lsmod | grep snd -- very long - any line i should look for ?05:23
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[mayh3m] ptLooks Like I might have to reinstall lol05:23
MasterShreknew2buntu, not really, i was just going to make sure that you had sound drivers loaded05:23
MasterShreknew2buntu, it looks liek you do...05:23
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BrianMHI bet your all quite busy but when you get a chance could I get some advice05:23
sipior^brandon^: how did you try to connect? dhcp?05:23
new2buntumastershrek, ok, yes mplayer -ao alsa works fine, but just the audio mixing part doesnt work for more than one channel05:23
hegurunew2buntu: configure mplayer to use esd, mplayer -ao esd05:23
MasterShrekBrianG, ask away05:23
Scuniziubuntoonoob: In ubuntu you don't become root. you use sudo to gain root access.  Your issue with the drive is "permissions".  You need to change the permissions of the drive.05:24
heavenok it downloaded, installed but where did it install or how do i use UDF tools?05:24
^brandon^sipior yes, DHCP05:24
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new2buntuheguru, done that; first instance works fine, second instance (at the same time) cant open /dev/dsp05:24
ubuntoonoobHow do I do that Scunizi ?05:24
erUSUL!root | ubuntoonoob05:24
ubotuubuntoonoob: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:24
sipior^brandon^: and what command did you use?05:24
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BrianMHhaving a bit of a problem on install05:24
BrianMHworks on my desktop05:24
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BrianMHon my laptop its getting stuck at installing hardware05:24
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: first.. you said the drive doen't automatically mount right?05:24
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^brandon^sipior command?  i dont follow05:24
BrianMHtook a bit to get into safe mode in the first place05:24
MasterShrek!enter | BrianMH05:25
ubotuBrianMH: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:25
sipior^brandon^: what steps did you take to try connecting the card05:25
^brandon^sipior i have tried ifdown and ifup05:25
ubuntoonoobyes, Scunizi ?05:25
ePaxI'm getting black screen on all my video players and i'm getting this error message on my MPlayer when i try to play videos "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device. Anyone know how to solve this problem? I'm on Feisty and i have radeon 9550 with fgrlx and XGL.05:25
MasterShrekBrianMH, does it finally boot up though?05:25
geniiFor whoever was asking when dell will ship with 7.10, I am chatting with a Dell rep this moment. They plan to keep shipping 7.04 until 8.0405:25
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heguruheaven: you have to setup packet device associations, read man pktsetup05:25
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BrianMHyeah in safe mode now...doing the graphical install...its just stuck at installing hardware now05:25
MasterShrekvery interesting genii05:25
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: first let'05:25
sipior^brandon^: try "dhclient eth0" and see what it says (or try with eth1 if that's the card you want)05:25
heavenumm works with other stuff but can't mount UDF05:25
new2buntuthanks for the replies all, i'll try again with apt-*05:26
MasterShrekBrianG, how long has it been stuck there?05:26
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Innomenis anyone aware of a gui/shell for "Sox" or anything esle that would batch convert .voc audio files into anything useful?05:26
KlrSpzanyone know of a quick/easy/secure irc server?05:26
BrianMHloading module 'usb-storage' for 'USB storage... about 30 minutes05:26
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heguruheaven: to mount UDF files you need to set up packet device associations05:26
sipiorKlrSpz: ...pick any two... :)05:26
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aTypicalMorning, all.  I'm trying to install 7.10 on my laptop.  All appears to go well until it gets to 90% complete.  At that point the install seems to hang.  Is there a way I can find out if the install is in fact still going?05:26
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heaven(total noob here sorry)05:26
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heguruaTypical: gutsy support in #ubuntu+105:26
KlrSpzsipior: any two? what do you mean?05:27
MasterShrekBrianMH, ouch, have you tried starting the install over again?05:27
aTypicalheguru, thanks.05:27
CyberAwayaTypical, it does generally do that05:27
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heguruheaven: just type man pktsetup and follow05:27
bqmasseyoh boy.. running in ubuntu.. yay05:27
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CyberAwayi think05:27
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SchalkenaTypical: if the isntaller on the livecd crashes, try the alternate cd where you have more control.05:27
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heavencomand not found05:27
Scuniziubuntoonoob: first lets get the drive mounting correctly at boot. type "mount" in a terminal and paste the results to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ then give me the url here.05:27
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sipiorKlrSpz: well, quick and easy, but not secure, etc. etc.05:27
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KlrSpzok, then let's focus on security05:27
BrianMHnot yet.  I'm guessing this is probably a hardware incompatibility with my wireless card or something.  if I try restarting it and it gets stuck again is there a way to force it to skip the current hardware device install?05:28
Hypergraphei've some problems with gutsy. Actualy on my laptop when i try to use my headphone output, it works but without disabling the main output .. I try many things but it doesn't work. Any idea ?05:28
lee__can one creat a boot able hdd using an iso?05:28
MasterShrekBrianMH, what kind of wifi card is it?05:28
_fanghello, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on a secondary hd of mine. i have the primary one (that is running now), with debian installed, and grub on it. when i installed ubuntu i unchecked the option to re-install grub in order to prevent any mess ups. i would appreciate any references you could get me to manually add the ubuntu image to the grub that is on the primary hd05:28
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BrianMHbuilt in broadcom05:28
sipiorKlrSpz: how about trying the server that freenode runs? they seem to do all right05:28
lee__or extract the contents to either an sd card?05:28
KlrSpzlee__: not exactly, you can use DD to copy an HDD05:28
ferronicaGusty Gibbon released ???05:28
MasterShrek!grub | _fang05:28
ubotu_fang: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:28
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MasterShrekBrianMH, before you install, type in a terminal: sudo rmmod bcm43xx05:28
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KlrSpzsipior: do you know the product name?05:29
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_fangMasterShrek: thx!05:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camera - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:29
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lee__hmm how about a way to extract the iso to a sd card05:29
BrianMHon bootup there was a problem with bcm4305:29
ferronicaIS Gusty Gibbon released ???05:29
MasterShrekCyberAway, what about a camera?05:29
ubuntoonoobScunizi http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40394/05:29
lee__i am out of disks lol05:29
heguruferronica: no, will be on 18th05:29
Hypergrapheferronica, nope only beta05:29
BrianMHso what does that command doe exactly?05:29
MasterShrekferronica, its in rc right now, final release on the 18th05:29
sipiorKlrSpz: looks like it's called hyperion. shows up when you log in05:29
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: are you running Dapper or Feisty?05:30
sipior^brandon^: did that work for you?05:30
CyberAwayMasterShrek, i have a sony digi cam and when i pug it in and turn it on it doesnt like auto detect it :(05:30
MasterShrekBrianMH, it unloads the kernel module for your wirless card, i think the installer may pass it up, after the install you can go through setting it up05:30
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lee__i have a disk but there is one error on it05:30
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^brandon^sipior here is the result from dhclient that i did yesterday : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40395/05:30
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ubuntoonoobScunizi Feisty i think05:30
MasterShrekCyberAway, mine does...hmm05:30
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KlrSpzwell what's a good server system to do intranet chat that has encrpytion?05:30
heavenheguru: Comand not found05:30
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ferronicaoh okay05:30
KlrSpzor some kind of security?05:30
BrianMHthanks thats exactly what I wanted05:30
heguruheaven: did you install udftools?05:30
heguruheaven: sudo apt-get install udftools05:30
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CyberAwayKlrSpz, you can chat on irc using SSL05:31
Evanlecheguru, still here eh? just got back from a job interview05:31
CyberAwaywell connect to the server using SSL05:31
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok now in a terminal type "blkid" and paste those results.05:31
MasterShrekEvanlec, howd it go?05:31
heguruEvanlec: yeah, how did it go?05:31
Evanlecit went good i thot05:31
sipior^brandon^: you sure there's a dhcp server listening?05:31
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MasterShrekmcdonalds Evanlec ?05:31
ubuntoonoobaah, scunizi , the second drive isn't mounted, yet05:31
Evanlecwebmaster position at a small computer sales place05:31
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ubuntoonoobshall i mount it and do "mount" again ?05:31
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sipior^brandon^: i take it this card is plugged into a cable modem or so?05:32
Scuniziubuntoonoob: that's ok..05:32
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Evanlecyea, interview went well but...05:32
ubuntoonoobok, then I'll just do blkid05:32
Evanlecat the end he told me the pay-rate ... i was not impressed05:32
urthmoversometimes I just watch iptraf like the matrix05:32
cberloHi folks.  Anyone know if the profile editor sabayon works properly in either Feisty or Gutsy?05:32
ferronicai have one .iso image in ubuntu 7.04 gnone, now i wanna to add some file in it is it possible to do it if yes how ?05:32
^brandon^sipior yeah its plugged into the cable modem, in that paste the modem was plugged into eth0, nothing was plugged into eth105:32
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ubuntoonoobScuzini: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40397/05:32
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:33
MasterShrekferronica, apparently there is, i wouldnt have any idea how to though05:33
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:33
sipior^brandon^: might try looking at your cable modem logs, if you can get to them. does the link work under windows?05:33
Evanlecferronica, u should be able to open up that iso in archive manager and extract it, then add ur file(s) and repackage it as an iso (the latter part im not sure on, give it a search probly easy)05:33
KlrSpzCyberAway: yeah i realize that, just not sure what daemon to go with05:33
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MasterShrek^brandon^, have you cycled the power on you cable modem?05:33
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. try mounting the drive and doing blkid again.. I only see 2 partitions on one drive..05:33
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belgarath_Hi!   is there a way to list all the packages i've installed on my ubuntu-pc?   I want to clone it to my laptop.05:34
dgjones!cloning | belgarath_05:34
ubotubelgarath_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate05:34
lee__ok better qyestion, if i have a 64 bit machine how do i upgrade online to the 64 bit version of any thing?05:34
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MasterShrekbelgarath_, i think synaptic can export the package lists also05:34
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EvanlecMasterShrek, what do u do just curious05:34
ferronicaEvanlec: i did , but when i copy file and paste option is dim :(05:34
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sipior^brandon^: yeah, that's a good point. if you've switched cards, some modems get confused by the new MAC05:34
lee__eh either festy or gutasy?05:34
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^brandon^sipior : as far as whether or not DHCP server is listening?  I have no idea as i dont know much about this stuff, i dont this its a prob with the modem as i am using the same cable right now, just switching it back and forth from computer to computer when needed05:34
MasterShrekEvanlec, nothing, im going to college :)05:34
belgarath_wow ... thanks!  (try to do that with windows)   :)05:34
EvanlecMasterShrek, nice05:35
Hypergraphei've some problems with gutsy. Actualy on my laptop when i try to use my headphone output, it works but without disabling the main output .. I try many things but it doesn't work. Any idea ?05:35
sipior^brandon^: ah, then try MasterShrek's suggestion. bet your modem is confused by the changed card05:35
ubuntoonoobScunizi : blkid shows the same, but mount now has another line ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40398/ )05:35
MasterShrekEvanlec, computer engineering...tough major05:35
EvanlecMasterShrek, ooh yea i bet05:35
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^brandon^sipior : sorry I missed MasterShrek's suggestion and I cant seem to find it05:36
lee__MasterShrek, is there a commandin line in the up date that can allow you to up date to a 64 bit version of either feisty or gutsy?05:36
sipior^brandon^: power cycle your cable modem05:36
MasterShreklee__, its the same as 32 bit05:36
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MasterShrek^brandon^, unplug it and wait like 30 seconds, then plug it back in05:36
MasterShrekwait lee__ are you running 32 bit right now?05:37
MasterShrekand u want to upgrade to 64?05:37
lee__yes and i need 64 bit05:37
MasterShrekyoure better off reinstalling05:37
^brandon^alright, ill be right back!05:37
lee__and i am out disks lol05:37
Scuniziubuntoonoob: what's weird is your drives are showing up as hd?? and not sd??.  My Feisty install shows all my drives as sd?? even though they are a mix of SATA and IDE.. no problem though.  Now we need to create a mount point for the drive.  Type sudo mkdir /media/hdb105:37
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lee__and money lol05:37
MasterShreki just preordered my gutsy cds :)05:38
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jriblee__: why do you need 64bit?05:38
Evanleclee__, shrek is right, u cant just "upgrade" to 64-bit , it wont work05:38
MasterShreknobody NEEDS 64 bit05:38
cberlolee__: There's a way to netboot ubuntu to install -- do you have another machine you could setup to do that?05:38
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lee__because i have tatsed its power and i love it05:38
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lee__i have a second hdd05:38
Evanlecfrom what i've read, it seems that 64-bit only gets taken advantage of in certain situations05:38
lee__i can swap05:38
cberloIs 64-bit actually desktop-usable yet?  Web plugins, multimedia, etc.?05:39
kuch3ncan i get help for the compiz-extra package here?05:39
lee__ahh ok05:39
Evanleclee i'd say give it a shot, but you will need a 64-bit iso image05:39
jriblee__: you realize there is no 64bit sun java plugin and flash?05:39
kuch3nwant to install it but there is a error...05:39
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ubuntoonoobScunizi , done. It asked for a password. I typed my userpw, was that correct ?05:39
Evanleccberlo, there's ways to hack around just about every problem, the question is whether u want to spend the effort05:39
lee__yes i know05:39
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MasterShrekcberlo, i use it for everything, multimedia is no issue, flash and java are the only things u really have to worry about, and they arent nearly as hard to install as they used to be05:39
hegurukuch3n: try #ubuntu-effects05:39
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wershow do I set the compose key on gnome?05:39
Scuniziubuntoonoob: yes that's correct.  Are you also dual booting? It looks like your main install is on hdd1 instead of hda105:40
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EvanlecMasterShrek, ur runnin 64-bit?05:40
cberloEvanlec: No, I want simple to use.  I'll stick with 32 until it's "plug and play" for 64-bit.  And then I'll enjoy the "free" upgrade.05:40
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MasterShrekEvanlec, yep05:40
MasterShrekgutsy 64bit05:40
HealthyElijahhow many of you are running vmware?05:40
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lee__i have a 64 bit but it has one error in 1 file05:40
EvanlecMasterShrek, did u try the 32-bit first?05:40
MasterShreknot i HealthyElijah, qemu/kvm05:40
sipiorwers: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layout Options05:40
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lee__and it stos loading at 53 percent05:40
EvanlecHealthyElijah, Im running virtualbox ... similar thing05:40
MasterShrekEvanlec, ive used ubuntu since 4.10 (first release) so yea ive used 32 bit05:40
ScuniziHealthyElijah: I'm running vmware server.05:41
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EvanlecMasterShrek, when/why did u decide to jump to 64?05:41
Innomenhttp://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2992&package_id=2933 <---<can this be made to work on ubuntu? (i have no idea how to compile, but am willing to learn)05:41
MasterShrekEvanlec, when i got a 64 bit processor :)05:41
HealthyElijahScunizi: Are you happy with it?05:41
ubuntoonoobScunizi : I have no idea what dualbooting is, I think Ubuntu is only on hdd105:41
ScuniziHealthyElijah: yes very..05:41
werssipior, thanksi!05:41
EvanlecMasterShrek, lol...ive had one for a while, its an intel tho so its not displayed on the box everywhere05:41
HealthyElijahScunizi: I am thinking of getting VMware for my home system05:41
heavenheguru: yes i did install UDF tools but where do i run it or how do i enable it?05:41
lee__eh i dc a hdd i don't dual boot05:41
=== Dave123 [n=dave@cpe-72-230-182-200.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EvanlecMasterShrek, but ive heard varying opinions about 64-bit ubuntu, some say dont bother, others say how could u not?!?05:42
lee__so how do i do this net thing?05:42
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:42
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. please type gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and then copy and paste the contents to pastebin05:42
MasterShrekEvanlec, its personal preference, why wouldnt you though, get the most out of the hardware i guess05:42
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ScuniziHealthyElijah: it works good..05:42
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MasterShrekInnomen, sudo apt-get install build-essential   << this will install compilers and stuff for you05:43
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lee__ok ok its an editing thing when working with vids05:43
InnomenMasterShrek: Thank you :)05:43
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heaven!seen criosoft05:43
EvanlecMasterShrek, well besides the obvious issues (flash/java) whcih i know can be worked around, there's a lot of other more obscure things i think i'd run into, like Wine for instance, no 64-bit version rite?05:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen criosoft - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:43
heguruInnomen why do you want to use this software? it looks outdated05:43
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ubuntoonoobScunizi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40400/05:43
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lee__use one for editng and the other for what ever  use lol05:43
heavenheguru: yes i did install UDF tools but where do i run it or how do i enable it?05:43
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Innomenheguru: it is the one and only thing that will play voc files, or so it seems05:44
heguruheaven: do you want to write to UDF or read?05:44
umop-apsidnanyone got a clue for me? i have a buncha iptables commands (rules), and i want them to run when the system boots. how do i do so?05:44
MasterShrekEvanlec, no 64 bit version of wine, but u can run the 32 bit, and if u think about it, u wouldnt want a 64 bit version of wine, because it would be like using x64 windows, which i dont know how good that is05:44
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. we need to find the uuid of hdb.  Try blkid /dev/hdb05:44
MasterShrekumop-apsidn, put the commands in: /etc/rc.local05:44
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heguruInnomen: looks like mplayer can do that too05:44
lee__ohh yes there ios a 64 bit vwesion of wine...this i do know lol05:44
Innomenheguru: sox claims it will convert and play them but its command line and i'm just opposed to cli software, on principal05:44
npnuf1I just installed kubuntu 7.10 RC, it stuck at busy box and I used modprobe ide-generic +^D.  Now it is booted.  But the result is sluggish, high Disk Activity Desktop.05:45
Innomenheguru: let me test05:45
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EvanlecMasterShrek, i see, so how hard is it to run 32-bit apps? or is it just a matter of simply running it in 32-bit mode...rather than trying to force it to 64...and theres no real problems?05:45
npnuf1What can I do to improve my system.05:45
kuch3nhow can i force apt to overwrite existing files?05:45
murlidharwell there is an application called linkage that i have installed by compiling the source . Now when i start the the application nothing is visible to me except the windows05:45
lee__the cd ro i have at least boots up and i have seen it05:45
MasterShrekEvanlec, you run them just as you would any other program05:45
heguruheaven: cd /media/udf && sudo mount -t udf your.udf /media/udf05:45
MasterShrekkuch3n, i think it automatically does05:45
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heguruheaven: correction: sudo cd /media/udf && sudo mount -t udf your.udf /media/udf05:45
ubuntoonoobScunizi: doesn't do anything05:45
EvanlecMasterShrek, really? so any app that doesnt have 64-bit version will run in 32-bit mode no prob?05:45
kuch3nnope it doesnt, because the file is allready  written by an another package05:46
MasterShrekyes Evanlec, i have 32 bit firefox installed along with 64 bit, i used to use the 32 bit for flash and java before i had it set up in 6405:46
lee__well in the gutsy version there is a 64 bit version of wine.. i really seen it05:46
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. we'll try it the Dapper way.. hang on.05:46
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MasterShreklee__, its 32, its maybe in the repos for 64, but its 32 bit wine, there is no 64, im almost positive05:46
Mileshow do i start ubuntu in text mode with no framebuffer or anything?05:46
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EvanlecMasterShrek, and it worked fine? why do i keep hearing that 64-bit isnt "ready" for desktop use yet05:47
Scuniziubuntoonoob: is the drive partitioned and formatted? What type of formatting?05:47
geefinatorAnyone here familiar with ncpfs that could help me with something?05:47
lee__no the disk that I down loaded had it in it05:47
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MasterShrekMiles, remove 'splash' from your kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:47
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jribMiles: there is05:47
MilesMasterShrek: from a live cd05:47
lee__it wasnt in to rpos..that I know for sure05:47
EvanlecMiles, disable gdm in your boot options, you will boot to a tty05:47
MasterShrekEvanlec, runs fine, just perfect :)05:47
jribMasterShrek: there is05:47
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Milesi'm trying to install05:47
heguruMiles: use the alternate cd05:47
Milesthe machines doesn't have enough ram for x05:47
morryerWhats the ubuntu command for editing php.ini?05:47
lee__but your maybe right maybe it is a 32 and they are laoding it onto the system any ways05:47
geefinatorUse the alternate cd Miles.05:47
MasterShrekMiles, you want ubuntu server then probably05:48
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ubuntoonoobScunizi: It should be formatted and partinioned to one ext3 partition (did it with GNOME Partition Editor)05:48
MilesMasterShrek: it'll start fine from the hard disk05:48
heavenheguru: sudo: cd: command not found05:48
Mileswhen it's installed05:48
jrib!wine > lee__ (read the private message from ubotu)05:48
EvanlecMasterShrek, bah...methinks i must do 64-bit, but just to make sure, when u have a 32bit app, what do u have to do specifically to run it in 32bit mode?05:48
Milesi just want to install from a sorta minimal environment05:48
heguruheaven: my bad its: mkdir /media/udf && sudo mount -t udf your.udf /media/udf05:48
lee__eh I just reaslised someting05:48
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. hang on. I'm going to add a line to your fstab and repaste it to paste bin.05:48
heguruheaven: add sudo before mkdir05:48
murlidharwell there is an application called linkage that i have installed by compiling the source . Now when i start the the application nothing is visible to me except the windows05:48
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MasterShrekEvanlec, nothing, they just run05:49
hegurumorryer: sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini05:49
MasterShrekEvanlec, but you dont want to install a bunch of 32 bit apps, kinda defeats the purpose of running 64 bit os05:49
Milesis there a nox kernel param or something?05:49
kuch3nnobody can help me???05:49
lee__Its kunbutu lol......ugggg its not ubuntu thats why the difference in look erg05:49
morryerheguru: Thanks, how do i restart apache 2?05:49
geefinatorWhat was your question kuch3n?05:49
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hegurumorryer: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:50
EvanlecMasterShrek, well of course, anything that had 64bit version id use the 64...but i know not everything does05:50
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lee__I thaught something looked off05:50
morryerheguru: Thanks :)05:50
sipiormurlidhar: is it a java application, by any chance?05:50
lee__I must have clicked the wrong link for an iso down load05:50
MasterShrekEvanlec, yea, but you shouldnt have problems loading 32 bit apps in 6405:50
kuch3ni want to install the package "compiz-extra" while installing there comes the error that a file is allready written by an another package05:50
murlidharsipior: no it based gtk++05:50
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EvanlecMasterShrek, interesting, and u were able to hack the flash/java plugins to ur 64bit firefox?05:50
heaven!seen criosoft05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen criosoft - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:51
geefinatorlee__:  if you want you can install ubuntu-desktop and get rid of KDE05:51
MasterShrekEvanlec, yea they run fine05:51
sipiormurlidhar: and no errors at compilation?05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncpfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:51
lee__hmm sure taht will work but how do I do that?05:51
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MasterShrek!info nspluginwrapper05:51
ubotuPackage nspluginwrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:51
murlidharsipior: sorry libgtkmm there were warnings05:51
lee__on the phone with my mom05:51
geefinatorlee__: go to a command line and do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu desktop05:51
MasterShrekEvanlec, well ubotu doesnt apparently know about it, but its nspluginwrapper05:51
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kuch3nno help for me there?05:52
sipiormurlidhar: fix those, then :)05:52
Scuniziubuntoonoob: just cut and paste the contents into your fstab file and save but leave the editor open. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40401/05:52
Milescan i not even disable the splash screen? o.o05:52
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EvanlecMasterShrek, interesting, u running gutsy too?05:52
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MasterShrekEvanlec, yes05:52
geefinatorlee__ once you instal you can do sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop.05:52
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:52
murlidharsipior: do i have to uninstall it first to fix them?05:52
ubuntoonoobScunizi: done05:52
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geefinatorlee__: ah ubuntu desktop should have a hyphen, so ubuntu-desktop.05:52
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sipiormurlidhar: i don't know. probably rebuilding and reinstalling would be fine05:53
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok now unmount the drive05:53
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sipiorkuch3n: does removing the offending package not work?05:53
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: now type sudo mount -a05:53
ubuntoonoobScunizi: wait05:53
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pjzanyone know where/how I can get firefox 1.5 to install on my ubuntu box? ( I need it for some backcompat testing)05:54
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|dreamhey guys, just installed ubuntu. Internet isn't working. it's wireless. any thoughts?05:54
ubuntoonoobScunizi: when I try to unmount the disk via the GUI it says "Cannot unmount disk. Disk is not mounted"05:54
Scunizipjz, Dapper repos05:54
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geefinator|dream: what version of ubuntu did you install?05:54
ubuntoonoobScunizi: Any cmd to do this via the terminal? :P05:54
|dreamgeefinator, the beta one05:54
EvanlecMasterShrek, okay im going to grab the 64-bit gutsy image, last time i tried i couldnt boot to a gui with the 64 livecd so that kinda put me off the 64 thing05:54
skyhookhi, does anyone know how to set the default sound device?05:54
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok.. yep .. sudo mount -a.  for a 1st try.05:55
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geefinator|dream: Ok,  does ubuntu even see your wireless card?05:55
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pjzScunizi: any way to make multiple firefox versions coexist on one machine?05:55
MasterShrekEvanlec, good luck :)05:55
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Scunizipjz, I don't know the answer to that one.05:55
EvanlecMasterShrek, but i have since upgraded my graphics card to nvidia, so im hoping things will be different05:55
umop-apsidni have a buncha iptables commands (firewall rules), and i want them to run when the system boots. how do i do so?05:55
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Evanlecpjz, definitely05:55
ubuntoonoobScunizi: ok, now what?05:55
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pjzEvanlec: how?05:56
heguruumop-apsidn: are you on dapper or feisty?05:56
juaniv_aput them then on the file rc.local05:56
Evanlecpjz, for example swiftfox will run alongside firefox no problem even tho its technically a seperate app05:56
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devasura<ubuntoonoob> sudo umount  [path of the mounted disk] 05:56
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pjzEvanlec: right, but I want to be able to run both firefox 2.x and also firefox 1.505:56
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|dreamgeefinator, i supopse it does. i type "iwlist" and it shows some stuff, and my chipset "broadcom"05:56
murlidharwell i did a make check the error show this  and what does this mean ?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40402/05:56
Scuniziubuntoonoob: lets see if we can look at the folder.. using the gui go to "places" then "computer" and see if you can locate the drive.05:56
pjzEvanlec: I suspect that if I just do like a --force-install of firefox it's going to downgrade me05:56
Evanlecpjz, well im not entirely sure, probly just have to configure it so that they're not installed to the same directories05:56
heguruumop-apsidn: just use the /usr/share/doc/iptables/examples/oldinitdscript05:57
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cit1anyone sing irssi?05:57
MasterShrekpjz, install 2.x from the repos, and download 1.5 from mozilla.com05:57
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Scunizicit1 sometimes05:57
cit1(in terminal)05:57
pjzMasterShrek: I can't find where on mozilla.com to download it from :)05:57
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geefinator|dream ah I think there are some issues with Broadcom and 7.10.  One second.05:57
Evanlecpjz, u dont wanna use apt-get then, download a .deb or maybe even source05:57
pjzEvanlec: yeah, I figured05:57
cit1Scunizi: do you use it in terminal?05:57
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to make the backgrounds of my windows translucent, like the effect terminal has????05:57
CheeseGardenerAs in, to make all my windows like that.05:58
Scunizicit1: it's a terminal program,  it's also useful to use it with "screen"05:58
umop-apsidnjuaniv_a: i don't think prvmsg is the place for helpful info, k? try explaining it in channel, maybe i won't auto-ignore you05:58
heguru!compiz | CheeseGardener: you will need compiz,05:58
ubotuCheeseGardener: you will need compiz,: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:58
ubuntoonoobScunizi: Says I don't have permission05:58
cit1Scunizi: I am running with screen, very nice, although how to I connect to a channel on a different server while maintaining my connection in here?05:58
murlidharMasterShrek: could u take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40402/05:58
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lee__Ok I go it....I have to meet my mother..her "Windows " is broken05:58
Scunizicit1: not sure.. sorry.05:58
|dreamgeefinator, okay.05:58
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UbuntuN00B_HBGHi all! Panic help needed! By some reason the keyboard shortcuts for Sound is gone, and the Sound title isnt expandable... i really want my multimedia linux pc to work as well as possible when the guests arrive in 30 minutes!!! (Im controlling it usin an ATI remote wonder)05:59
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ok .. now in a terminal type chmod -R 777 /media/hdb105:59
geefinator|dream:  could you pastebin your iwlist for me?05:59
MasterShrekpjz, i dunno, they must not have it on there anymore05:59
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murlidharMasterShrek: when i open the application only the window is visible . nothing inside is visible05:59
|dreamgeefinator, yes. one second please05:59
Scuniziubuntoonoob: then try again.05:59
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lee__I am going to try to talk her into getting linux..but I need to know can works be read in the text ? can it be translated?05:59
juaniv_ato put commands on boot, wirte on terminal sudo gedit /etc/rc.local and write your commands there05:59
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devasuraubuntoonoob: do you have permission to use sudo??05:59
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MasterShrekmurlidhar, did u run ./configure ?06:00
lee__well Iam aout a here lol ttyl06:00
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ubuntoonoob Operation not permitted06:00
ubuntoonoobchmod: /media/hdb1/lost+found: Permission denied06:00
murlidharMasterShrek: yes i was working fine06:00
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cit1lee__: for the love of got keep that woman off linux06:00
Scuniziubuntoonoob: sorry do the same thing again and preface it with sudo06:00
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MasterShreki dunno murlidhar06:00
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ubuntoonoobScunizi: done06:01
geefinator|dream: Strange, broadcom should be supported in 7.10...06:01
murlidharMasterShrek: well ....... i am in a trouble06:01
Scuniziubuntoonoob: now use the gui and see if you can open it.. If you can try dragging a small file to it as a write test.06:01
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tommygjdoes anyone know if valve is going to make a linux-supported version of Steam?06:02
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|dreamgeefinator, ubuntu is not recognizing my usb pen drive, i can't take the text file to show you >=(06:02
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EvanlecMasterShrek, what do u think, 7.10-rc-alternate-amd64 or 7.10-rc-desktop-amd64 ?06:02
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ubuntoonoobSunizi: still no permission to open the damn disk06:02
MasterShrekEvanlec, id go desktop and if it doesnt work use the alternate06:02
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:02
EvanlecMasterShrek, i prefer alternate install but the desktop one will let me know initially about hardware support06:02
Scuniziubuntoonoob: try a blkid again and see if it shows up.06:02
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geefinator|dream hmm, ok.  So does it just have no internet connection when you try to use it?06:02
EvanlecMasterShrek, gotcha06:03
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|dreamgeefinator, yes.06:03
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|dreamgeefinator, youre correct06:03
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ubuntoonoobscunizi: nope06:03
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: try a df -h06:03
geefinator|dream:  What is the actual full card name?06:03
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: paste the output of df -h06:04
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ubuntoonoobScunizi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40403/06:04
=== Evanlec appreciates the plentiful bandwidth available for ubuntu iso's / apps
|dreamgeefinator, one second, i just rebooted.06:04
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keitois there a way to check your HDD's health (ie tell me how many bad sectors I have and if it's about to die) in ubuntu?06:04
geefinator|dream:  ok.06:04
|dreamgeefinator, also, it's a laptop if that makes a difference.06:04
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geefinator|dream:  it shouldnt.06:05
|dreamgeefinator, and i have to boot using noapic, acpi=off06:05
devasuraubuntoonoob: can u also paste output of mount06:05
Evanlec!info testdisk06:05
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB06:05
Scuniziubuntoonoob: how large is this drive .. 8 gigs?06:05
Evanlec!info testdisk | keito06:05
ubotukeito: please see above06:05
iggewhen I press the buttons on my touchpad it doesn't "stay pressed", I can't drag anything.. any ideas?06:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:05
ubuntoonoobScunizi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40404/06:05
Evanlecigge, your touchpad?06:05
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ubuntoonoobyes, 8GB06:06
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DM|Anyone have an easy prgram to get mouse buttons working?06:06
CheeseGardenerheguru, I already have compiz, I'm on gutsy gibbon already.  So I have compiz fusion.  But I want to make the backgrounds of my windows translucent, with the text being clear.06:06
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geefinator|dream:  ok, when you go to the Restricted Drivers Manager on your computer, is there anything in there for broadcom?06:06
heguruCheeseGardener: you cannot06:06
EvanlecDM|, u mean extra ones like side buttons? havent been able to get those working either06:06
keitoEvanlec: cheers 4 the headsup06:06
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iggeEvanlec: yes, on my laptop... or actually the buttons below the touchpad06:06
Evanleckeito, np06:06
heguruCheeseGardener: you can make the whole window gradually transparent06:06
DM|Evanlec i had them working perfectly till gutsy borked my xorg06:06
Scuniziubuntoonoob: ya gotta use my nick in responses otherwise your answers get lost in the noise.. ok.. try sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb106:06
TriGz_Halp! i forgot my windows password :( cant remember the admin one either :'(!06:06
DM|Evanlec now i cant remember what i had as the xmodmap06:07
iggeEvanlec: using the actual touchpad for pressing and dragging works fine, but not the buttons06:07
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heguru!windows | TriGz_06:07
ubotuTriGz_: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:07
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Evanlecigge, ohh i see, most of those touchpads are made by synaptics (not to be confused with the ubuntu package manager)06:07
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geefinatorTriGz_:  I don't think anyone can help you here...06:07
TriGz_Lol, true that heguru :P06:07
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=== ppd [n=max@dslb-088-064-027-119.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerheguru, I don't want to whole window transparent, only the background.  Like the effect terminal has, but for my IMs and text windows.06:07
|dreamgeefinator, yes, but i cannot enable it06:07
Wuzianyone in here got any 1on1 action with the windows installer?06:07
TriGz_geefinator: i know, but i thought there might be a tech guru in here that might know :P06:07
ubuntoonoobScunizi: according to mtab, /dev/hdb1 is already mounted on /media/hdb106:07
EvanlecDM|, didnt make a backup of your xorg? u might check if there is a backup copy in the folder06:07
|dreamgeefinator, gives me a popup error06:07
heguruCheeseGardener: you cannot do that06:07
keitodpkg: failed to open package >>> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) --- sounds like the disk is already dead YIKES!!!06:07
geefinator|dream:  whats the error say?06:07
iggeEvanlec: ok... so where can I start to look for a solution?06:07
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Evanlec!touchpad | igge06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:08
|dream"the software source for the package bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled06:08
CheeseGardenerheguru, oh I thought there was a way... I thought I saw a desktop like that once.06:08
Scuniziubuntoonoob: can I PM you?06:08
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devasuraubuntoonoob: u want to un mount or read the disk?06:08
Evanlecigge, i'd say ubuntu forums search, look for someones xorg file u can look at06:08
ubuntoonoobScunizi: I dunno, can you?06:08
geefinator|dream: ok, one second.06:08
|dreamgeefinator, i also see my nvidia driver here, which i also cannot enable06:08
DM|Evanlec i made many, but i was in between backups last time i fixed it : (06:08
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iggeEvanlec: ok.. will try that06:08
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: do you see a private channel that's opened?06:08
amishninjaAnyone here have experience with using VMWare?06:09
keitoEvanlec: is there any livedisc with that on?06:09
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geefinator|dream:  Ok, have you enabled all of the repositories?06:09
EvanlecCheeseGardener, you're probably referring to compiz/fusion ...06:09
keitoEvanlec: it won't install as dpkg fails to open package06:09
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heguruEvanlec: no he's not :)06:09
ubuntoonoobscunizi: no i don't06:09
Evanleckeito, sudo apt-get install testdisk??06:09
=== keito should have backed up his stuff
Scuniziubuntoonoob: are you using xchat?06:09
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amishninjaCompiz Fusion is so awesome06:09
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Evanlecheguru, well thats the only way to get "true" transparency06:10
|dreamgeefinator, not sure i know how.06:10
MasterShrekamishninja, what about vmware?06:10
ubuntoonoobScunizi: excactly06:10
geefinator|dream:  System -> Administration -> Software Sources I belive if you are using Gnome.06:10
AoLaragood day06:10
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amishninjaShrek: I'm just wondering how to emulate a second installation of Ubuntu using VMWare.06:10
heguruEvanlec: well he needs transparent background with contents intact in all applications06:10
keitoEvanlec: thats what I did :0|06:10
SirronTMI know this is off topic... but are there any danish people here that know how to do an anonymous phone call there? ^^06:10
Scuniziubuntoonoob: look in the box on the left or bottom that shows the channels that you're in.  You should see my nick listed.06:10
|dreamgeefinator, ok one second. its booting up06:10
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MasterShrekand just for the record, compiz, compiz fusion, beryl, and all the derivatives, are pointless, wasted hardware resources for people to be like "ooh" and "aww" over an os that is already superior to anything that has cool little visual effects06:11
Evanlecheguru, yea i see, and so far only gnome-terminal wants to do that properly06:11
Pici!ot | SirronTM06:11
ubotuSirronTM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:11
amishninjaSirronTM: use IP-relay06:11
Evanleckeito, are u running off livecd? what was your error output06:11
SirronTMok, cheers06:11
geefinatorAgreed totally Mastershrek06:11
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keitoEvanlec: had to manually run a load of fsck's during boot time recently after system crashes.  plus my drive goes into read-only mode?!06:11
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keitoEvanlec: not a livecd06:11
GoshaHow do I check what kind of RAM i have?06:11
MasterShrekamishninja, you just need an ubuntu iso or cd, and just load it in vmware, have you used vmware before?06:11
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keitoEvanlec: i wondered if there was a livecd with testdisk already on06:11
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stiev3shot in the dark: where would I find the settings files for syntax highlighting in gedit?06:11
Naitsesome one knows how to put a screensaver or a video as wallpapper?06:11
Scuniziubuntoonoob: do you see it?06:11
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keitoEvanlec: I'm 99.9% sure my disk is f**k*d06:12
EvanlecMasterShrek, im gonna have to disagree somewhat with you on that, compizfusion while mostly eyecandy, DOES give added functionality and features for accessibility06:12
|dreamgeefinator, alright. i see a bunch of options here. check them all?06:12
amishninjaShrek: Compiz Fusion does have pointless visual effects, but I actually do find parts of it to be useful, so I disagree partly on that06:12
pike_stiev3: /etc? :) actually its prob in .gconf or soemthing06:12
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust118.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving."]
geefinator|dream: yep.06:12
ubuntoonoobscunizi : no, but i opened one myself06:12
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amishninjaShrek: yes but it was a long time ago06:12
Evanleckeito, im not sure about a livecd with testdisk already on it06:12
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Naitsei read a lot of threads but does not work06:12
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Scuniziubuntoonoob: by clicking on my nick and choosing private chat or Dcc chat?06:13
hegurustiev3: /usr/share/gedit-2/taglist06:13
geefinator|dream:  After you do that it should tell you it needs to reload.  After it is done, see if you can enable the drivers.06:13
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MasterShreka wobbly window, or a desktop on a cube is not really useful, although cool to look at, its pointless06:13
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|dreamgeefinator, yea i got that06:13
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keitoEvanlec: don't think I need the confirmation now as I'm resigned to the fact I need a new HDD & Power Supply06:13
|dreamgeefinator, but it also says i need an internet connectionf or that'06:13
=== keito goes off to sulk
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EvanlecMasterShrek, there are a whole buncha other things tho, in particular the zoom plug-in, helpful for ppl with vision problems obviously, but also quite useful if im on my bed with wireless keyboard06:14
geefinator|dream ah crap, i forgot lol.  Is there any way you can wire it?06:14
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amishninjaMasterShrek: The cube desktop is awesome to look at; If you're gonna switch around you desktops you might as well have it set up like that if your computer can handle it. Eye of the beholder and all. Aside from that, the window scaling is useful.06:14
ubuntoonoobScunizi: I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have to go now. Maybe I'll cu later, bye. And thanks for the help anyway06:14
Evanleckeito, you can test for bad sectors with any windows disk too i believe06:14
MasterShrekif u want visual effects use vista =P06:14
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Evanleckeito, might also wanna try super grub disk06:14
|dreamgeefinator, i can try. give me a sec. gotta take it to where the router is06:14
amishninjaLol. Vista is behind both mac and linux in terms of visual effects, though.06:14
geefinator|dream:  Ok.06:14
gustavonareaHi. Just a dump question: I have a 64-bit computer, but I don't want to face problems with a 64-bit distro (flash, among others)... So, may I install a 32-bit distro under a 64-bit computer?06:14
Scuniziubuntoonoob: good luck.. :)06:14
hegurugustavonarea: you can do that06:15
MasterShrekgustavonarea, of course, it probably came with a 32 bit os on it06:15
EvanlecMasterShrek, vista's visual effects are SAD compared to compiz06:15
remarK-that vista comment made me giggle a bit.06:15
amishninja /agree evanlec06:15
devasuragustavonarea: ya i installed 32 bit one06:15
keitoEvanlec: I think its the power supply that is knackering these disk's as this is the 3rd one in 1 year (though one got sent back and returned which is probably the same one zero-filled and sent back to me)06:15
gustavonareaoh, okay, thank you, !06:15
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Stormx2remarK-: Why? it's absolutely correct.06:15
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geniiInteresting. Dell Sales tells me they are going from 7.04 to 8.04 but here says different: http://techiqmag.com/2007/10/08/dell-preps-for-next-linux-desktop-release/06:15
MasterShrekyea i know Evanlec im just kinda trolling, but i still think compiz is not worth the hassle of having your xserver crash every couple hours06:15
skyhookhi, does anyone know how to set the default sound device?06:15
remarK-The part where vista is graphically better than mac and linux?06:15
remarK-that is correct?06:15
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EvanlecMasterShrek, well some ppl have hard time with it, i did too with ATI card, i got an nvidia card and have had 0 problems06:16
MasterShreknot at all remarK-06:16
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amishninjaIf your X server is crashing every couple of hours then that's a problem on your end...06:16
keitovista graphically better than linux LMAOROFL06:16
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remarK-i didn't think so either.06:16
EvanlecremarK-, no way06:16
|dreamgeefinator, alright its downstairs. it worked for the Nvidia, but not broadcom06:16
remarK-which is why i giggled, a lot.06:16
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amishninjaI have a totally worthless vid card and it runs fine for me *shrug*06:16
CheeseGardenerEvanlec, is compiz fusion able to make the window backgrounds transparent while keeping the text at 100% opacity?06:16
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keitothat is some funny shizzle06:16
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@5ac824c9.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
geefinator|dream:  That is real strange.  You may need to get the driver from broadcom.  Other than that I am out of ideas.06:16
keitovista is like a stain on your pc06:16
=== heguru agrees with MasterShrek, but would encourage the use of compiz in hopes it would lead to *useful* interface improvements in the future
EvanlecCheeseGardener, i wanna say no, but there might be a way to do that, there's a LOT of plug-ins/options in it06:17
keitowipe and clean06:17
nickrudskyhook: asoundconf list to get a list, asoundconf set-default-card <card> to set06:17
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|dreamgeefinator, alright. ill give it a shot. thanks for all the help! :)06:17
MasterShrek|dream, what kind of card is it?06:17
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geefinator|dream:  you are welcome :)06:17
craigwww.chata-aussie.com :P06:17
keito!offtopic | craig06:17
ubotucraig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:17
tuxcrafterhow do i create a list of installed packages that are larger than 2 MB?06:17
geefinatorMasterShrek, yeah thats the card he has.06:17
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Evanlecheguru, it does have useful interface improvements, i'll admit i dont use em that much, but nevertheless they are not all just for effects06:18
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-67-11-178-206.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fougis there a list of problems that are in 7.10 atm, unfixed ones?06:18
MasterShrekgeefinator, how were u trying to set it up, sorry i wasnt paying attention, ndiswrapper?06:18
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MasterShrekfoug, not really, its more case-by-case i guess,but so far 7.10 seems very stable to me06:18
heguruEvanlec: if its usability vs stability/performance atm compiz sucks06:18
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skyhooknickrud: thanks!06:18
Evanlecheguru, and really for eyecandy it blows Vista out of the water, which i think is impressive for an OS thats not designed for flashyness06:18
geefinatorMasterShrek, well no, I was just seeing if he could use the restricted driver manager since he is using 7.1006:18
=== KristianDK [n=Kristian@0x5552a336.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
remarK-foug, you'll find more support/info in #ubuntu+106:18
|dreamMasterShrek, broadcom 431106:18
fougMasterShrek: good to hear, i'm interesting in switching now :)06:19
geefinatorMasterShrek,  I have never messed with ndiswrapper06:19
fougremarK-: ok thank you06:19
keitocheers guys, adios06:19
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remarK-foug: no problem.06:19
MasterShrek|dream, thats the card i have, ill help u set it up06:19
Evanlecheguru, well i think it really depends on hardware/configuration/environment , for some people like me its pretty damn stable, for others not so much06:19
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|dreamMasterShrek, thank you so much06:19
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MasterShrek|dream, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv  get the file there and extract it to /lib/firmware06:20
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|dreamMasterShrek, not sure i have much time though, i have a job interview soon =(06:20
MasterShrek|dream, it will only take 3 minutes06:20
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MasterShrekat most06:20
heguruEvanlec: if a software's stability differs from machine to machine then it is unstable :)06:20
Evanlecheguru, and as far as performance is concerned, i think its silly if you have a powerful 3d card that u only take advantage of when you're playing games, so in that way you're not losing performance because its hardware accelerated, your gfx card is doing most of the work06:20
MasterShrekif i was there id do it in 30 seconds lol06:20
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|dreamMasterShrek, alright. one problem though, ubuntu is not recognizing my usb pen drives when i insert the06:20
Evanlecheguru, okay well perhaps, im not as familiar with the term "unstable" but i guess that makes sense06:21
stiev3heguru: /usr/share/gedit-2/taglist has 4 foo.tags.gz collections, the gedit color settings are contained within?06:21
MasterShrek|dream, that could be something completely different, can u get online with ubuntu using wired?06:21
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|dreamMasterShrek, yes i know it's different, but its the only way i can trasnfer the driver over there. and yes, i can get online if i hook up the wire06:21
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hegurustiev3: it contains tags and keywords that are highlighted06:22
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devasura|dream: if you can post the o/p of dmesg06:22
MasterShrek|dream, hook up the wire, download that file and thats all youll need06:22
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MasterShrek|dream, just change to the directory where u download that file then run: tar -xjvf bcm4311_firmware.tar.bz2 && sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware06:22
AoLarasorry exist in ubuntu a similar directory "/etc/X11/Xmodmap"06:22
AoLarai have problem to mapping a lcd crt switcher06:22
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INTitlost my usb06:23
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MasterShrekAoLara, i made a file ~/.Xmodmap  and use xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap06:23
mrechi, kdb is included in the gutsy kernel isn't it?06:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:23
devasuraINTit: I lost mine too06:24
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devasuraINTit: cheer up06:24
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McTw1stgot a question about ubuntu and games i wonder if Stepmania runs under ubuntu and warcraft 3 frozen throne if they will even run under ubuntu and if i need wine?06:24
MasterShrekMcTw1st, youll definately need wine, they should run06:25
WJIRC-Testcourse ya need wine06:25
Baikonurwhen you need wine, you should run06:25
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McTw1sti know ther is another win emu program out there just dont remember what its called06:26
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|dreamMasterRa, ok, extracted06:26
McTw1stthats it06:26
WJIRC-Testcedega is just a cheap rip off of wine06:26
ChriswaterguyI'm finding that Xubuntu is taking a lot of fiddling - a lot of things don't work without serious messing around. I'll do what I need to learn Linux, but if there's a smoother distro, I'll switch. QUESTION: Should I upgrade to Gutsy, switch to Ubuntu Gutsy (with Gnome), or switch to a different distro (OpenSuse sounds good). Suggestions?06:26
MasterShrek|dream, did u run the other command? sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware06:26
|dreamdevasura, i can, one second06:26
MasterShrekChriswaterguy, kubuntu06:26
|dreamMasterShrek, no i will now.06:27
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McTw1stwhat would u chose if u want StepMania and WC3 To work? cedega or wine?06:27
MasterShrek|dream, then sudo modprobe bcm43xx06:27
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MasterShrekMcTw1st, cedega, but u have to pay for it, so i never use it lol06:27
remarK-Chriswaterguy: I found ubuntu (gnome) to be pretty intuitive. Maybe give that a go on the gutsy release?06:27
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AstroBlackanyone know any good education resources for easily learning how to use ubuntu ?06:27
|dreamMasterShrek, The extracted files are in a folder called broadcom inside the folder firmwae06:27
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WJIRC-Testwine works fine for most games06:28
MasterShrek|dream, i dont think the can be, i have mine just in /lib/firmware06:28
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geniiChriswaterguy: since underneath the window managers, the core parts are the same. If you have some issue on xubuntu (unrelated specifically to window manager) same issue will exist also on kubuntu or regular ubuntu (gnome)06:28
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TheRepackerI've been running Gutsy since tribe 2, been very stable06:28
abadtoothHey everyone06:28
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|dreamMasterShrek, all the files scattered inside that folder?06:28
ChriswaterguyremarK: intuitive for a geek...? a lot of what Linux people call easy is actually not clearly explained at all.06:28
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MasterShrek|dream, yes, thats what i use, i dont know if they can be in a subfolder or not06:28
BrianMHHi again.  Having problems.  Earlier tried to install on laptop and it froze at hardware install.  That was on my second hard disk.  Now I am trying again but the disk isn't showing up at all.06:28
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McTw1stwine isnt that free? =)06:28
MasterShrekMcTw1st, yes06:29
McTw1steverything thats free is fine by me :P06:29
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WJIRC-Testalmost all linux software is free06:29
McTw1stwell in this internet era were living in everything is free in some way06:29
remarK-Christwaterguy: I wouldn't call myself a geek except for the area of gaming. I couldn't tell you anything really like these guys can. Just giving you a little tip that seemed to work for me.06:29
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AstroBlacki mean easy - i'm a new user and am used to using Windows OS06:29
ChriswaterguyIn Xubuntu, I've had stuff like Trash not working (and didn't find out till I deleted hundreds of photos accidentally due to a touchpad glitch - thankfully I have backups, though some are on a CD in another country)06:29
|dreamMasterShrek, alright. another thing, inside the firmware folder, there was already a file named bcm43xx_microcode11.fw06:29
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heguruMcTw1st: wine is free, cedega is not, cedega is wine customized to run win32 games06:29
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MasterShrek|dream, overwrite it06:29
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abadtoothI have a question, I can't boot 7.10 off the cd without going into the shell and typing "sudo startx" but I want to install it... there doesn't appear to be an option to install anywhere. thanks.06:30
AoLarathank MasterShrek..06:30
ChriswaterguyremarK: okay thanks. I think you're right, Ubuntu is a bit more intuitive than Xubuntu.06:30
MasterShrekChriswaterguy, ive never used xubuntu, but it seems a little too dumbed down06:30
WJIRC-Testcedega really isn't even much better anymore. as far as i know they have no progress on DX10 reproduction/etc06:30
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heguruabadtooth: asking in #ubuntu+106:30
MasterShrekAoLara, for what?06:30
McTw1stheguru so if u just extract the source code from cedega and rewrite wine ul get the same thing? ^^06:30
abadtoothheguru: okay. thanks.06:30
amishninjaAs far as user-friendliness in Linux goes, Ubuntu is up there.06:30
WJIRC-Testcedega isn't open source, far as i know06:30
MasterShrekcedega is not open source06:30
=== McTw1st <3 my private chan thatsa open to the public
McTw1stok :)06:30
=== negluf [n=negluf@149.Red-83-57-82.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #Ubuntu
remarK-I mean, if dell users are trusted to use ubuntu, I'm sure it can't be THAT bad. :P06:31
heguruMcTw1st: yes06:31
BrianMHany idea why my second hard disk is now missing when it showed up and I could install on it earlier?06:31
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WJIRC-Testlmao, exactly remarK06:31
taganyone use TKIP with ubuntu?06:31
neglufHi all, hola a todos.06:31
|dreamMasterShrek, what does sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware do?06:31
heguruMasterShrek: cedega does publish modified wine that it uses06:31
amishninjaAre you serious, Dell users using Ubuntu? I wouldn't go that far...06:31
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=== McTw1st is on a IBM ThinkPad T20
MasterShrek|dream, it would move all of the extracted files to /lib/firmware06:31
remarK-it's being pre-loaded onto Dell comps as we speak.06:31
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WJIRC-Testgo "build" a new computer06:31
amishninjaIt is...?06:31
AoLaraMasterShrek because on ubuntu-it i have not an answer06:31
|dreamMasterShrek, ok theyre already there06:31
remarK-Yes sir.06:31
amishninjaWell, I don't keep up on my Ubuntu geek news, sorry!06:32
MasterShrek|dream, now sudo modprobe bcm43xx06:32
McTw1stom testing the windows installer to see if it works any good06:32
|dreamMasterShrek, ok i did the modprobe06:32
MasterShrek|dream, did the led for your wifi card come on? if u have one?06:32
remarK-Hehe. No worries. My knowledge is extremely limited. I'm just a news junkie.06:32
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MasterShrek|dream, type: sudo iwlist eth1 scan06:32
|dreamMasterShrek, i don't know. its a laptop, it's internel06:32
MasterShrekthat will scan for networks06:32
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MasterShrekwell, try that scan command |dream06:32
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=== genii pre-orders a DellBuntu 7.10 box for amishninja
amishninjaIt's cool... I like calling people dumb and then telling them to open up a science book to look up something obscure that the average person shouldn't know06:33
ChriswaterguyMasterShrek: Is switching to Kubuntu likely to make much diff for stuff like the Trash glitches, and problems with sound and video often not working on my laptop?06:33
amishninja... not really. but uh... yeah, that's cool.06:33
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stiev3heguru, I see, so in order to alter my highlighting colors I'd have to overwrite these collections.  Is it common to find different templates in these formats on the net?06:33
|dreamMasterShrek, says "no scan results"06:33
ChriswaterguyOr is genii right - basic probs will be the same?06:33
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MasterShrekChriswaterguy, im guessing yes, those seem like xfce problems, but i could be wrong06:33
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MasterShrek|dream, you may need to reboot so it picks up on some things, but it should be workign after that06:34
ChriswaterguyMasterShrek: ok, including sound & vid?06:34
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neglufSomeone who can to say me a channel of help?06:34
geniiChriswaterguy: By underlying problems i mean things like hardware not setting up correctly etc.06:34
hegurustiev3: I guess so, never needed to add anything to it myself06:34
MasterShrekChriswaterguy, well sound is run by artsd in kde, so it may work, it may not, its hard to say, depends on your hardware and software setup i guess06:34
MasterShreknegluf, help for what?06:34
hegurunegluf: help with what?06:34
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:35
=== PipHog [n=pipsgalo@ip24-250-132-234.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
|dreamMasterShrek, alright will try06:35
neglufi need to find a file in my ubuntu lol06:35
ChriswaterguyMasterShrek: I've got a Lenovo Thinkpad - which should be easy to setup with Linux.06:35
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MasterShreklocate filename06:35
hegurunegluf: locate filename06:35
neglufyes yes.. i dont know the filename06:35
MasterShreknegluf, then you are in trouble06:35
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neglufis a personal certificate06:36
PipHogtypical ubuntu problems06:36
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MasterShrekChriswaterguy, well i would give ubuntu or kubuntu a try, xubuntu is realy only for slow systems06:36
neglufthanks piphop06:36
twistiesanyone have any idea why my windows workgroup "WORKGROUP" is not being seen in feisty?06:36
MasterShrek!tab | negluf06:36
ubotunegluf: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:36
twistiesI want to access my shared folders06:36
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust118.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
user934How can i modify my screen resolution .. currently it only allows up to 1024x76806:36
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:36
ChriswaterguyMasterShrek: I liked the idea of super-speed, but I'm getting too many hassles :)06:36
user934I am looking for 1125x768 I think.06:37
twistiesuser934: what size monitor do you have?06:37
user93415 inch LCD.06:37
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MasterShrekChriswaterguy, you can get good speed in ubuntu or kubuntu, you just have to know how :)06:37
Chriswaterguygenii: I guess that includes hardware not working consistently. Do you have suggestions for a distro that would give less hassles?06:37
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twisties1024x768 is the highest / native res06:37
user934no 17 inch actually ;-)06:37
EvanlecMasterShrek, u know a way to get xchat to bind a key to insert the nick of the last person u talked to? i know Konversation can do this06:37
twistiesyou can go any bigger06:37
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xloadhello, my ubuntu resets after uncompress the kernel, con somebody help me???????????????06:37
krabadorhi, people, someone can help me with an hd choice?06:37
twistiesthen 1280x1024 is the highest06:37
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MasterShrekEvanlec, no idea06:37
user934er.. thats widescreen06:37
twistiesis it a 4:3 or 16:10 ratio?06:37
EvanlecChriswaterguy, ubuntu has some of the best hardware support of any distro06:37
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user934my monitor is 4:306:38
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ChriswaterguyMasterShrek: I'm willing to spend a couple of hours tweaking, but I'd like to know which are the approved, safe tweaks. (and if they're approved and safe... why aren't they the default?)06:38
twisties1280x1024 is 4:306:38
user934It auto detected last time..06:38
user934now its not working06:38
twistiesand is the largest res on a 17inch06:38
remarK-Chriswaterguy, I would go for Ubuntu also.06:38
|dreamdevasura, here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/73433106:38
MasterShrekChriswaterguy, its all user preference06:38
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user9341280x1024 is 16:9 im pretty sure06:38
twistiesim VERY sure06:38
twistiesit IS 4:306:38
heguruuser934: no its not06:38
MasterShreki gotta run, time for class...06:38
twistiesim using it right now06:38
heguruMasterShrek: bye :)06:38
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EvanlecChriswaterguy, try out the livecd, its likely that you can boot to a desktop and all of your hardware will work out of the box06:39
MasterShrekgoodbye all you penguins :)06:39
EvanlecMasterShrek, lates ;p06:39
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user934But can my monitor do 1125x768?06:39
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neglufSo someone knows where ubuntu install the personals certificates? i want to do a secur copy.06:39
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user934what do i edit with nano06:39
geniiChriswaterguy: Your laptop may be listed in here as far as someone testing it or known issues with ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam  Other decent distributions are Damn Small Linux, PuppyLinux, Knoppix06:39
WJIRC-Testactually 1280x1024 is 5:406:39
WJIRC-Test1280x960 is 4:306:39
user934i remember something like X11/etc/xorg.conf06:39
user934is that right?06:39
hegurunegluf: personal certificates for what application?06:39
twistiesis 1125x768 some weird widescreen res?06:39
ChriswaterguyEvanlec: Boot to a desktop?06:39
WJIRC-Test1280x800 is 16:906:40
user934my misteak06:40
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WJIRC-Test1024x768 is 4:3 so 1125 would be probably 5:406:40
neglufheguru firefox06:40
EvanlecChriswaterguy, yes, the ubuntu livecd boots you to the ubuntu desktop, albeit its running off the CD but its still close to what you'd experience had you installed ubuntu06:40
Chriswaterguygenii: Tried puppy, seemed super-bare and a bit unstable.06:40
twistiesbasically user934. the res you want to aim for is 1280x102406:40
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user934yes 5:406:40
twistiesunless you are blind and cant read it at that high06:40
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user934can i edit that in06:40
twistiesthen go for something smaller06:40
user934because currently ubuntu only gives me 3 options06:40
WJIRC-Test1280x1024 is a nice balanced resolution which is native for most LCDs but 1280x960 has more software support06:41
ChriswaterguyEvanlec: ah, *that* desktop :)06:41
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amishninjaSpeaking of res... does anyone have experience tweaking resolution under Feisty?06:41
EvanlecChriswaterguy, yea, that one06:41
geniiChriswaterguy: At http://distrowatch.com        you can see quite a few distributions listed by popular ranking06:41
neglufor where can i get help..06:41
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Evanlec!resolution | amishninja06:42
ubotuamishninja: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:42
devasura|dream,  whats the size of ur usb disk??06:42
hegurunegluf: firefox certificates are stored in an internal certificate database, you can view installed certs by viewing preferences -> Advanced -> Encryption -> view certificates06:42
amishninjaubotu: thank you.06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:42
neglufok wait06:42
|dreamdevasura, 120mb. i rebooted with it in and it recognized it though06:42
amishninjaoh, he's a bot...06:42
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Evanlecyes amishninja06:43
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devasura|dream,  so no problem now!!!06:43
Evanlecits okay you're not the first one to thank ubotu06:43
heguruubotu your brain sucks06:43
amishninjaI guess that's why he has "bot" in the name06:43
Evanlecsome people try to have conversations with ubotu lol06:43
Chriswaterguygenii: thanks for the links06:43
psnakdoes anyone know how to restore /dev/null?06:43
Badpenguin86Appr. how much do I need to download to update my system to gutsy when it comes out?06:43
|dreamdevasura, hoorah !!!06:43
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AzzkikrBadpenguin86: probably by a sudo apt-get dist upgrade, but not sure06:44
Evanlec!gutsy | Badpenguin8606:44
ubotuBadpenguin86: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:44
=== Netham45 needs to reboot, brb.
=== harmental_ [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-30-167.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ChriswaterguyUbotu: the way you talk is turning me on06:44
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[mayh3m] ptChriswaterguy, the way you talk is turning me on.06:44
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Picipsnak: check out the manpage for makedev  I dont know the exact syntax.06:44
devasura|dream,  in dmesg you can see the problems if any realated to usb?? u have to search through it though!!06:45
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heguru[mayh3m] pt: Chriswaterguy: the way you two are talking is making me send the !ot message06:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:45
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|dreamdevasura, gotcha. thanks for the tip. im new to linux =[06:46
EvanlecChriswaterguy, its okay, heguru spends too much time in here ;p06:46
geniiBadpenguin86: I've done it 3 times now and somewhere around 500Mb seems average from Feisty to Gutsy06:46
cyranoHi. I need help. I run thunderbird under ubuntu. After updating my inbox was suddenly empty. Still, my inbox file in .thunderbird folder is still 2.6 GB... and growing when i start to download new mails from my inbox. Its a lot of mail i can't access anymore. please help06:46
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neglufheguru in what aplication? in firefox? preferences -> Advanced -> Encryption -> view certificates06:46
[mayh3m] ptChriswaterguy: So you wanna come back to my channel? Maybe have a few drinks, and do stuff we'll regret the next morning?06:47
hegurunegluf: in firefox, click at Edit menu then preferences06:47
devasura|dream,  I too was a few months ago!! Have patience, one u learn u will get to like it!!!06:47
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Evanleccyrano, 2.6GB of EMAIL? good god man06:48
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Evanlecyouve got more than a spam problem lol06:48
=== Phydoux [n=Phydoux@dpc674763221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
cyranoi don't wanna loose it. Its backup from a couple of gmail accounts06:48
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|dreamdevasura, im sure :D06:48
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cyranoi got 40k mail excluding spam. But i do not want to lose it all. lot of it is important06:49
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Evanleccyrano, you know im not sure how to access old mailboxes, i never understood how an email was stored as a file...id suspect under thunderbird try the import option06:49
=== alex222 [n=alex@e210.wh-wieland.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu
hegurucyrano: thunderbird Inbox file is just a normal mailbox format file, you can mv it to .bak and touch Inbox06:49
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Picicyrano: I believe that thunderbird2's information is in a .thunderbird2/ directory.06:50
Evanlecheguru, what does "touch" do again? lol06:50
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namiwawaany help with windows emulator installation06:50
Azzkikrman touch06:50
Chriswaterguy[mayh3m] pt:man... what an invite... but I've already talked dirty with one person this evening. And I'm pretty sure that was someone of my preferred gender :D. Okay, gotta go work and stop annoying people. Thanks people - and I'll be back!06:50
=== andre_ [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034234097.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
devasuraEvanlec,  it creates an empty file06:50
Azzkikrbasically, it 'touches' a file. If the file does not exist, it is created06:50
Azzkikrif the file exists, the date-timestamp is updated.06:50
Evanlecdevasura, why would u want to do that in this case?06:50
cyranook... but how do i touch?06:51
devasuraEvanlec,  i havent followed all ur questions before!!06:51
heguruEvanlec: he can move the Inbox to .bak and touch Inbox to create a blank Inbox, all his old email will stay in Inbox and he can view them using mutt or even a text editor06:51
heguruEvanlec: s/stay in Inbox/stay in Inbox.bak06:51
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Evanlecheguru, sounds like he would rather use thunderbird tho06:52
cyranoso you are saying i can import my inbox file... to show the e-mails06:52
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cyranoi'm not familiar with this so i would need some specific instructions06:52
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theDtTvB2Hello, how do I turn off gnome-panel?06:52
hegurucyrano: you mentioned that you Thunderbird is showing blank inbox? With a 2.6GB Inbox, I am suggesting you move it to .bak and create a new blank inbox with touch06:52
senseturn off ??06:52
cyranowhat is touch?06:53
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Evanlecim suggesting you relax with the e-mails, 2.6gb ... is ridiculous lol06:53
hegurucyrano: hm, it creates an empty file06:53
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UbuntuGuyjust upgraded to gutsy, trying desktop effects. tells me "can't enable". i180 cihipset, tried both i8109 and intel drivers.  What can I do?06:53
theDtTvB2Looks like gnome-panel forces at least one panel to be on the screen.06:53
=== coco [n=coco@72-160-176-124.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyranoheguru: but how do i "touch" ehat button or terminal command do i do?06:54
theDtTvB2I want to turn it off. What should I do?06:54
=== MacDaddy [n=evan@wireless-dhcp228023.wjb.fsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== Evanlec likes touching things
hegurucyrano: its a terminal command: type touch Inbox06:54
cocohow can i install a ATI X1900 driver06:54
heguru!ati | coco06:54
ubotucoco: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:54
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cyranobut first move the inbox to .bak06:54
hegurucyrano: yes06:54
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geniiUbuntuGuy: comment out any DRI settings in xorg.conf06:55
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cyranoso. step by step: I rename my inbox file "inbox.bak"06:55
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cyranoaccess .mozilla-thunderbird folder through terminal and type "touch inbox"??06:55
UbuntuGuygenii including Section DRI?06:55
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geniiUbuntuGuy: You may also need to add a section for Composite Extension in there if it doesn't exist already06:56
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efx2k3hey guys i am abs. a noob at linux... how do i install a program that comes in a tar.gz file?06:56
hegurucyrano: yes absolutely, you can try accessing your Inbox.bak by typing mutt -f Inbox.bak at the terminal06:56
=== orionr [n=zabin@130-127-46-3.mccabe.resnet.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu
geniiUbuntuGuy: Yes, including section DRI in its entirety06:56
UbuntuGuygenii: Oh, so how do you do that?06:56
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nickrudefx2k3: what program?06:56
orionrif i install ubuntu server edition is there a gui with that by default?06:56
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UbuntuGuygenii: composite section I mean06:56
geniiUbuntuGuy: One moment i'll find you a link of what to add06:56
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nickrudefx2k3: it'll depend on what's in that tar.gz06:57
efx2k3just anything in general b/c ive tried to download many things and they all come in tar.gz files06:57
cyranoi really don't feel sure if i've udnerstood....06:57
=== Mostar [n=marin@78-0-83-168.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
heguruefx2k3: usually sources come in tar.gz you have to compile them06:57
efx2k3what is the most used way?06:57
efx2k3ok using the terminal?>06:57
nickrudefx2k3: usually you'd look for the same package in the synaptic package manager and install it that way06:57
heguruefx2k3: you should use System -> Administration -> Synaptic to search and install most programs06:57
Piciefx2k3: What program?06:57
heguru!hi | bankster06:57
ubotubankster: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:57
efx2k3ok cool06:57
Stormx2dhcp-helper: cannot bind DHCP server socket: Address already in use <--- i need to find out which port this is, and what is using it. Any suggestions?06:57
efx2k3well some things i need is a dc++ client06:57
spartanHow do I install a VNC viewer in Xubuntu?06:58
=== Renato [n=renato@201-25-67-118.gnace702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== Evanlec is about to see whether or not he becomes a 64-bit promoter
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Pici!p2p > efx2k3 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:58
nickrudefx2k3: search in synaptic for the it, there are several06:58
efx2k3c and java compilers and development software06:58
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orionrspartan: search for it apt-cache search vncviewer06:58
Pici!software > efx2k3 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)06:58
=== valahogy [n=kezdetek@catv-50628d45.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudefx2k3: all there. synaptic is your one stop source for nearly all software06:58
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orionrdoes anyone know if i install ubuntu server edition if that has  a gui by default?06:58
Evanlecsynaptic will make your life better ;)06:58
heguruStormx2: dhcp-server uses udp port 67, this message means dhcp is already running06:59
efx2k3ok is it the add/remove thing in ubuntu?06:59
Piciorionr: No.06:59
heguruStormx2: or something else is running on udp port 6706:59
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spartanI mean: How do I install VNC as host on Xubuntu?06:59
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orionrDoes anyone know what the best way to secure a computer from brute fore ssh attacks?06:59
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banksterde kub06:59
nickrudefx2k3: that's a subset of what's available, there's nearly 8000 software packages available in synaptic06:59
theDtTvB2How to stop gnome-panel from launching automatically on login?06:59
Piciefx2k3: Either the Synpatic Package Manager from System>administration or Add remove programs from Applications (this will probably be easier for you)06:59
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Evanlecefx2k3, thats the "dumbed down" version of synaptic, u can use that but its limited, synaptic is more powerful06:59
heguruspartan: if you're using gnome and want to share your logged on sessions then just goto System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop07:00
banksterIm from Thailand07:00
[mayh3m] ptHow do I install automatix?07:00
cyranoheguru: ok now i touched the inbox and nothing happened...07:00
banksterjust install  it07:00
efx2k3thanks guys! :)07:00
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:00
theDtTvB2bankster: #ubuntu-th ?07:00
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nickrud[mayh3m] pt: with tongs and not on any machine you want to upgrade later07:00
keito7812HELP!!!! my drive wont mount and now at boot I get a black srceen telling me initramfs I loaded a livecd to see if my data is intact and the disk wont mount error is as follows mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or other error07:00
banksterummm ubuntu-th it's me07:00
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=== Evanlec wishes he hadnt used automatix
[mayh3m] ptare you saying automatix isn't good?07:01
Pici[mayh3m] pt: Correct.07:01
Evanlecnot if u want to upgrade07:01
[mayh3m] ptWhy is that?07:01
devasuratheDtTvB2,  system->preferences->sessions --- tab of current session07:01
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DM| /set irc_conf_mode 107:01
efx2k3another small question: can anyone recommend a good dc++ client?07:01
heguru!automatix | [mayh3m] pt07:01
ubotu[mayh3m] pt: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:01
nickrud[mayh3m] pt: read that link the ubotu message07:01
Evanlecbecause it doesnt follow ubuntu guidelines for software installation07:01
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=== Icekuma [n=henri@194-144-30-245.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu
valahogyhello hungary07:01
IcekumaEvening folks07:01
[mayh3m] ptoh ok07:01
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theDtTvB2devasure: Oh, I am now at the sessions properties07:01
IcekumaAnyone else have problems with firefox locking up?07:02
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geniiUbuntuGuy: Bah.no decent links.Anyhow, att to bottom of xorg.conf 3 lines, like so: Section "Extensions"     new line then:    Option "Composite" "Enable"  then new line again and finally: EndSection07:02
=== fooo [n=foo@AAmiens-152-1-40-91.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
heguruIcekuma: while using flash?07:02
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Evanlecefx2k3, there's only really one i think that u'd wanna use, its under add/remove programs07:02
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devasuratheDtTvB2, remove gnome-panel from there !! i think that should do it07:02
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IcekumaI try to go to youtube and similar sites07:02
IcekumaI always LOCK up07:02
efx2k3thanks evan07:02
Icekumamyspace works okay until I go to a site with videos07:02
Evanlecyep i get crashes with flash07:02
heguruIcekuma: thats a flash problem07:02
scrumpyGumsIs there any way of setting the default width of a terminal window?07:02
Icekumaso what's the fix?07:02
theDtTvB2Ok, I will try.07:02
Evanlecflash 9 for linux seems a little flakey to me07:03
heguruIcekuma: wait for adobe to release a better version for linux07:03
Icekumaohh lol07:03
theDtTvB2Ok, it works for now.07:03
banksterCan you tell me how can I backup my ubuntu07:03
keito7812HELP!!!! my drive wont mount and now at boot I get a black srceen telling me initramfs I loaded a livecd to see if my data is intact and the disk wont mount error is as follows mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or other error07:03
theDtTvB2Now do I logout?07:03
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devasuratheDtTvB2, go to tab current session07:03
keito7812how do I retrieve the data??????07:03
banksterand restore it when can not startx07:03
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=== keito7812 will need to change is boxers at this rate
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devasuratheDtTvB2,  no idea07:04
theDtTvB2devasura: Oh, OK.07:04
Evanleckeito7812, werent u the one looking for a disk checking software?07:04
UbuntuGuygenii: I found that I can say Composite "1" and get the same result07:04
keito7812Evanlec: yes07:04
neverblue2why would my crontab -e not run, for my user?07:04
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Evanleckeito7812, werent u saying u thot u needed a new HD?07:04
devasuratheDtTvB2, you can restart x server by cntl-alt-backspace07:04
=== Lenway [n=mekhera@AToulouse-257-1-136-99.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
keito7812Evanlec: now it has gone bigtime07:05
devasuratheDtTvB2, you will go to the log in window07:05
Evanleckeito7812, well i think you may have proved your point ...07:05
keito7812Evanlec: is there anyway to fix this error and get it to mount so I can get the data back07:05
theDtTvB2Is there an application name for the logout window?07:05
heguruneverblue2: are you getting any errors?07:05
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UbuntuGuyHow can I control/disable the file indexing feature of Gutsy?  Every startup the disk goes crazy for 5-10 minutes -- didn't happen on feisty07:05
Evanleckeito7812, there may be, you could try Super Grub Disk, or fsck07:05
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keito7812Evanlec: super grub disc?07:06
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keito7812Evanlec: whats that then ;0)07:06
Evanlec!sgd | keito781207:06
neverblue2heguru, the cron running should be indicated in /var/log/syslog, but I am seeing nothing, which leads me to believe the cron isnt running07:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:06
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust118.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
geniiUbuntuGuy: Same result meaning it's equivelent to "Enable" or same result as in you still can't enable desktop effects?07:06
K-42Hi, when i try to run a program with wine, it gives me error msg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/833/ does anybody know how to help me?07:06
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=== unmatrix [n=unmatrix@pD9E6F6A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
valahogyhy i am not english07:06
nickrudUbuntuGuy: look for beagled or trackerd in system-prefs-sessions startup programs07:06
UbuntuGuygenii: equivalent to Enable -- desktop effects now working!07:06
Evanleckeito7812, google super grub disc, and fsck is the equivalent of chkdsk in windows07:06
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host136-4-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
geniiUbuntuGuy: Good :)07:07
heguruneverblue2: ls /var/run/cron*07:07
BrianMHwhen someone is free for some advice let me know please07:07
keito7812Evanlec: this is not a good situation there was about 80gb not backed up07:07
heguruneverblue2: if you get crond.pid then cron is running07:07
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keito7812Evanlec: how many times do I have to learn that lesson?07:07
neverblue2heguru, I see a crond.pid07:07
superflymughello everyone07:07
drewzfWhen one uses --message with an svn commit where is this data stored?07:07
superflymugI need help07:07
=== Saenger [n=Saenger@dyndsl-091-096-046-129.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
heguruneverblue2: then cron is running07:07
Evanleckeito7812, i just lost about that much data, but that was my own stupidity07:07
geniiBrianMH: A better approach is to just openly ask your question and see if someone responds07:08
neverblue2heguru, but the cron is to turn my display off07:08
=== `Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keito7812Evanlec: this is pretty stupid of me to be fair07:08
nickrudUbuntuGuy: and possibly what you're seeing is updatedb , it gets run once a day, from /etc/cron.daily/find.notslocate something07:08
keito7812Evanlec: Ie had at least 6 drives die over the years07:08
heguruneverblue2: to further confirm you can do ps aux | grep cron07:08
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superflymugcan anyone help me07:08
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keito7812Evanlec: do I ahve to use sgd to boot then fsck or what?07:08
neverblue2heguru, and look for ?07:08
Evanleckeito7812, wow, bad luck, never had a drive die on me really, well one or two, but i had my data backed up on usb drive, accidentally intalled ubuntu somehow on my usb drive lol07:08
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neverblue2!anyone | superflymug07:09
ubotusuperflymug: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:09
heguruneverblue2: a line ending with /usr/sbin/cron07:09
drewzfWhen one uses --message with an svn commit where is this data stored?07:09
Evanleckeito7812, super grub disk has its own tools, you can boot off it and look, fsck u can run from the recovery console off the livecd07:09
neverblue2heguru, does crontab -e not output results to /var/log/syslog, which would be the same as /etc/crontab ?07:09
cyranoheguru: I had to rebuild the index. That solved the sunderbird problem07:09
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xxxb u07:09
keito7812Evanlec: that looks like my first port of call then.. trust me, you really wanna back up your shizzle07:10
heguruneverblue2: crontab -e just opens the users crontab file for editing07:10
cyranoall my 2.6 GB of e-mails are back :D07:10
cyranoc u07:10
neverblue2heguru, that doesnt answer my question :)07:10
keito7812Evanlec: Im a bit dubious as to the state my data will be in after this07:10
foxinessam on beta version ,and using vbox 1.5 OSE, when i installed it am on other version what am on it now ,and seems that  sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup not work and point me to log file? any tips?07:10
superflymugI have just gotten ubuntu and I need to get to the internet with it07:10
superflymugI cant connect though07:10
hegurucyrano: good :D i would still backup Inbox if i were you07:10
neverblue2superflymug, wired, wireless, modem ?07:10
keito7812superflymug: ethernet or wifi or usb?07:10
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keito7812superflymug: modem???07:10
Evanleckeito7812, yea i hear ya07:10
heguruneverblue2: crontab -e does not output anything to syslog, it only opens the users crontab for editing07:10
superflymugbelkin wirless usb07:10
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nickrudfoxiness: for 6 more days, gutsy questions on #ubuntu+107:11
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UbuntuGuynickrud: I think its trackerd -- I did ctrl-alt-backspace and it went crazy after I logged in07:11
keito7812superflymug:Evanlec: thanks again for the headsup Il give it a shot07:11
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=== keito7812 has his fingers crossed tight
theDtTvB2Oh, great, gnome-session-save --kill --gui07:11
nickrudUbuntuGuy: sounds right. you should be able to uncheck it in that session dialog07:11
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foxinessnickrud: k thanks07:11
keito7812superflymug: wireless can be a pain07:11
superflymugoh yeah I know07:11
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keito7812superflymug: if it was speedtouch I could help you07:12
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neverblue2heguru, ok, allow my to rephrase for you, as I obviously made a mistake, does the 'users crontab' write to /var/log/syslog, when something is executed within that 'users crontab' ?07:12
drewzfWhen one uses --message with an svn commit where is this data stored?07:12
keito7812superflymug: I had to alter my modprobe.d to get my wifi to work07:12
BrianMHdid that earlier and got no response so thought I would try that method.  Anyway here we go:  I was doing an install earlier on dev/sdb when it froze at installing hardware.  I used xp to delete those extra partitions and booted up to try again.  Now all that is showing is dev/sda and dev/sdb is missing.  I want to try the install again on that drive but can't.07:12
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keito7812superflymug: youe gonna need to do some hardcore research me thinks07:12
BrianMHsorry used vista to delete07:12
superflymugI've done research but cant seem to find a solution07:12
neverblue2superflymug, forums?07:13
superflymugoh yeah thousands07:13
heguruneverblue2: when something is executed then yes it writes to sysloh07:13
keito7812superflymug: i personnaly07:13
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keito7812superflymug: personally don know that card mate07:13
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neverblue2heguru, then why would I not see results posted to /var/log/syslog then?07:13
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UbuntuGuyI've got desktop effects enabled on gutsy,  How do I get to the fancy stuff (like in compiz-beryl) for cube, wobbly windows etc?07:14
neverblue2heguru, for my 'users crontab'07:14
superflymugI believe my usb wirless card uses rt73 not for sure though07:14
neverblue2!gutsy | UbuntuGuy07:14
ubotuUbuntuGuy: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:14
heguruneverblue2: perhaps because it never ran?07:14
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nickrudUbuntuGuy: for six more days :)07:14
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neverblue2heguru, if I add to /etc/crontab, I see it run for root07:14
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superflymugkeito7812: how do you make that ding07:15
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neverblue2heguru, is there something else I might be missing?07:15
UbuntuGuynickrud: do you mean that the fancy stuff is not available yet?  I did upgrade to gutsy the other day07:15
keito7812superflymug: eh? ding?07:15
nickrudUbuntuGuy: no, 6 more days of not asking gutsy questions here07:15
bqmasseyare there any applications available that will check yahoo, gmail, and hotmail email accounts?07:15
keito7812superflymug: I have NO idea lol07:15
cocoanyone knows waht is a run file07:15
heguruneverblue2: well can't say, unless you've added cron.allow or cron.deny07:15
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hegurucoco: did you download the ATI driver?07:16
keito7812superflymug: wish I could be of more assistance but I gotta go sort my HDD before it explodes! peace07:16
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cocohow do i install it07:16
superflymuglater thanks anyway07:16
BrianMHbqmassey: do you mean check for email?07:16
bqmasseyBrianMH: yep07:16
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alex_ajtHi folks - has anyone managed to enable kde4 in the new rc?07:16
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superflymugCan anyone help me with getting internet to work on my ubuntu07:16
heguru!ati | coco: you should follow the instructions here07:17
ubotucoco: you should follow the instructions here: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:17
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superflymugI'm using a wireless belkin usb07:17
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nickrudcoco: and try the ones provided by ubuntu first, before messing with that one07:17
BrianMHwell gmail offers pop3 so basically any email client07:17
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cocoi will07:17
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BrianMHhotmail and yahoo offer pop3 for a fee07:17
nickrudcoco: I'm fairly savvy, and that is a rough road07:17
neverblue2heguru, thanks for trying to help07:17
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cocoim very new to unix and im not good with the commands07:18
Stormx2Hmm. I need someone to help me through getting internet connection sharing working - I've been trying for a while now but with no cigar. I'm using a wireless card for internet connectivity, and plugging and xbox into my NIC.07:18
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bqmassey BrianMH: well i was looking for something like Gmail Notifier, that will work for all three07:18
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alex_ajtI was looking for any tips on how to make kde4 show up in the sessions option07:18
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heguruStormx2: do you know the interface names for your Wireless and wired NIC?07:18
nickrudcoco: you've come to the right place for linux then, this distro keeps all the complexity but has good front ends for it, until you are ready07:18
bqmasseyBrianMH: I don't want to download the emails, I just want to be notified when I have a new one .. and have it open up to webmail to see them07:18
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Stormx2heguru: Yeah. wlan0 and eth0, respectively.07:19
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BrianMHfound one for gmail http://lifehacker.com/photogallery/Lifehacker-Top-10-Ubuntu-Apps/196023907:19
cocothank you07:19
BrianMHlooking for one for all 3 if I can find one07:19
cocoill start reading07:19
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grimborg0i have installed the nvidia proprietary drivers on gutsy and then i could get only low-res Xorg. i tried to revert to the ubuntu drivers, reinstalling nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel, but it always appears in low-res. i only get hi-res with the unaccelerated nv driver. is there a way to cleanly install again the ubuntu nvidia drivers ? thanks07:20
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bqmasseyBrianMH: cool, thanks for the help.. im looking too07:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusion-icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:20
superflymugCan anyone help me I'm new to linux07:20
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spartanHow do you set up a VNC server on Xubuntu with xfce?07:21
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:21
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superflymugI'm trying to connect to the internet with ubuntu I have a wireless usb belkin card07:21
chippybqmassey, gmail also does rss, so can use email reader07:21
BrianMHhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gaim/+question/5692 post from emmet hickory offers a possible solution for you07:21
tatterswhat best way to stop n start compiz on gutsy07:21
heguruStormx2: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward && sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE07:21
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heguruheguru: then just set default gateway on Xbox to the ip of eth007:22
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Stormx2heguru: Hmm. The xbox is returning "No DNS server addresses were received from DHCP"07:22
nickrudtatters: I use compiz --replace && emerald --replace to start, metacity --replace to stop07:22
Stormx2heguru: Talking to yourself again? :)07:22
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bqmasseychippy, BrianMH:  awesome.. thanks guys07:22
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tattersnickrud thnx ill give it shot07:23
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grimborg0it says "API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7185, but07:24
grimborg0this X module has the version 1.0-9639.07:24
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bqmasseyi'm running 7.10-RC Live CD... it's incredibly slow... i assume that's because it's a Live CD.. correct?07:25
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Stormx2heguru, when i manually set the DNS servers to my computer, my router, or openDNS, I get "DNS Servers could not be reached". maybe ip forwarding isn't working?07:25
Picibqmassey: yes.  Further questions in #ubuntu+1 please.07:25
heguruStormx2: sorry went to answer the door07:25
chuy_maxwhat does ro and quiet mean in menu.lst file?07:25
Stormx2heguru, no prob :)07:26
heguruStormx2: you should not use DHCP on xbox, but static IP07:26
chippysuperflymug,  have you looked at the wiki? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs there may be some walk throughs there for your particular card07:26
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Stormx2heguru, I've set up the IP address aquisition to be static. That works fine. But it complains that it hasn't received any DNS servers from the DHCP server.07:26
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Stormx2heguru: i guess that's dnsmasq's fault, I'll look into it07:27
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heguruStormx2: well I don't have Xbox in front to test, but the error suggests xbox is using DHCP for DNS which it should not07:27
heguruStormx2: you should set the DNS server address manually07:27
Stormx2Hold up :)07:28
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Stormx2heguru, when i manually set the DNS server to the OpenDNS servers (what this machine also uses), it says it can't reach the servers.07:28
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Stormx2So... maybe the packets aren't being forwarded to wlan0?07:29
amishninjaAnyone know how to specify a disc image for VMWare to use for booting a virtual machine?07:29
maxbdput just surprised me and uploaded a package to upload.ubuntu.com instead of my private repo. Who should I contact to explain and ask for it to be dropped?07:29
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heguruStormx2: did you get any error running the command I gave you? do you have any firewall running?07:29
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Stormx2heguru: No errors. Firestarter is running, but it won't actually start the firewall.07:30
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Stormx2heguru: Ah, it will now. Wasn't working earlier.07:30
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heguruStormx2: you have to disable firestarter or atleast create some exceptions for this work07:31
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tattersemerald --replace    gives me errors "Checking for Xgl: not present." and it seems to fail to load  90% of plugins07:31
Stormx2heguru: interesting. When I start firestarter, it can't locate the network gateway. I'll disable it again.07:32
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aunesI have a theme set up where everything is white on black. Anyone have a suggestion on how to force pidgin (gaim) to display the incoming messages to a dark background instead of white? (grey on white is hard to read)07:32
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bqmassey:  <3's  Ubuntu07:33
=== bqmassey <3's Ubuntu
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chervahow can i change the resolution of the login screen because it is a little longer than my normal resolution (1024x768)07:33
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aunesnm. fixed.07:33
erle64where can i find out the differences between ubuntu kernels and kernels from kernel.org?07:33
seapiggycherva, I would thing you could make it the default in the xorg.conf file and that would take care of it07:33
Stormx2heguru: uhg. I enabled firewall and got that error. Disabling it again doesn't fix it... meh. i need to eat, be back later.07:33
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Tilllinu1heya.... is there any way to replace the goom visualization effects?07:34
heguruStormx2: you would have to run the command i wrote above again, once you're back that is07:34
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ShakaGoldSainthi there, i'm trying to recover my grub after a windows install...07:34
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ShakaGoldSainti'm trying with a liveCD and the chroot method but when i get to the "setup (hd0)" part it says in the end: "error 22: no such partition"07:35
DM|shakagoldsaint type in terminal "mount"07:35
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DM|shakagoldsaint and pastebin it07:35
DM|!pastebin | ShakaGoldSaint07:36
ubotuShakaGoldSaint: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:36
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amishninjaDoes anyone know VMWare?07:36
seapiggyI am using the desktop cube compiz pager. For some reason, when i do a <ctl><alt><arrow key> it is shifting two desktops over, not just one. Has anyone seen this?07:36
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=== kyja like virtualbox best\
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chervaseapiggy: my desktop (after the login is 1024x768), but the login screen has diferent i don't thing there is an option for the login screen resolution in xorg.conf07:37
=== Tilllinu1 likes virtualbox more than VMWare, too
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amishninjaWhat's better about virtualbox?07:37
=== rockets thinks vmware workstation destroys virtualbox, even though its proprietary and evil
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ShakaGoldSaintDM|, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40411/07:38
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amishninjaWell, my question is: does anyone know how to specify a disc image for VMWare to use in booting up a virtual machine?07:38
rocketsamishninja, you mean like an iso?07:38
DM|ShakaGoldSaint umm, what disk are you trying to mount?07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lostgrub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:39
amishninjayes, rockets. iso = disc image :)07:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:39
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rocketsamishninja, just edit the settings for the cdrom07:39
rocketsamishninja, its right in there07:39
ShakaGoldSaintDM|, sda6 in my ubuntu partition07:39
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ShakaGoldSaintit's mounted07:39
DM|ShakaGoldSaint well its now showing its even mounted :(07:40
ShakaGoldSaintis that a bad thing?07:40
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DM|ShakaGoldSaint well for you yes, you can chroot something that isnt mounted07:40
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DM|Shakagoldsaint why are you trying to chroot out of curiosity07:40
seapiggycherva, There is not a special area of the xorg.conf that controls just the login screen and post login desktop. its all the same to the x server.  Do you think you used gnome to change your desktop resolution?? thats the only thing i can think of that would cause that07:40
user934I am confused about configureing new resolution.. there is no resolution higher than 1024x768 option07:41
ShakaGoldSaintto run grub-install with my grub settings :P07:41
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tatterssing a nvidia fx5200    compiz --replace && emerald --replace   returns "checking for Xgl: not present and then fails to load plugins"07:41
DM|shakagoldsaint in the GUI do u see your HDD mounted? Places>Computer07:41
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seapiggycherva, if so, just make the xorg.conf's default resolution be 1024x768 and you should be good07:41
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ShakaGoldSainti'm trying to recover my grub07:41
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chervaseapiggy: 1024x768 is the default res but the res isn't the same in the login screen07:42
DM|Shakagoldsaint when u right click it, does it give the option to mount?07:42
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croesegot a quick question for you guys07:42
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ruz322croese: go for it07:43
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ShakaGoldSaintDM|, it gives the unmount volume option07:43
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DM|Shakagoldsaint which version of liveCD are u running07:43
seapiggycherva - how do you know that? does your monitor have On-Sceeen-Display that tells you what the current resolution is or does it just feel different?07:43
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kermit_dudeHi! How can I make my VLC program play my mkv files?07:43
croesei just built my new comp and when i try to install 7.04, i get the menu and select the install option and it appears to start intalling and then my video suddenly cuts out07:44
croesei also tried the safe graphics option, same result07:44
ruz322croese: alternate install cd? sounds like your having some video problems07:44
kermit_dudeHi! How can I make my VLC program play my mkv files?07:44
chervaseapiggy when i i move the mouse to the right the login screen scrolls and the clock shows07:44
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DM|ShakaGoldSaint do this "ls -ld /dev/sda7"07:45
belgarath_What is wrong?  I install nvidia-driver (propert) and got X working... after reboot it fails to start X and I got a message that the kernel module version is wrong...07:45
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junkeRhey, will I notice a big jump in performance going from 512MB RAM to 2GB?07:45
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seapiggyShakaGoldSaint, this is what i have done in the past - boot from cd, mount root drive. chroot into root drive. run the grub install scripts. exit chroot. unmount root partition. reboot. not sure if that is what you have already tried or not07:45
ShakaGoldSaint/dev/sda7: No such file or directory07:45
croesebefore it happens, i get a msg at the bottom of the screen about the kernel being mapped or some such. this normal?07:45
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ruz322junkeR: yes, definitely07:45
seapiggyjunkeR, yes07:45
ShakaGoldSainti have no sda7 partition07:45
kermit_dudeHi! How can I make my VLC program play my mkv files?07:45
junkeRusually past ram upgrades haven't been all that noticeable for me07:45
DM|ShakaGoldSaint ok tell me what u have been trying ( the line for chroot ) in terminal ?07:46
ruz322croese: are you using the normal cd or the alternate install cd?07:46
seapiggycherva, are u running gdm or kdm?07:46
DM|shakagoldsaint IOW what code have u been entering07:46
croesesince i'm not sure what the alternate one is, i'm going to say normal07:46
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ShakaGoldSaintseapiggy, yep, that's what i'm trying to do right now, it's just that when i run grub-install /dev/sda, it says "/dev/sda7: Not such file or not a block device" or something like it, i have no sda7 partition, :S07:46
seapiggycherva, I am guessing the login isnt' in the middle of the screen then?07:46
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kermit_dudeHi! How can I make my VLC program play my mkv files? Anyone please help....thanks07:47
ruz322croese: download the alt install cd iso, and try that, it installs in an all text mode that should work, after you get it installed, if it still dont work, we can troubleshoot the xorg file07:47
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chervaseapiggy no it's just wider07:47
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chervathan 1024x76807:47
croesek, where's the alternate, same place i got the normal?07:47
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seapiggyShakaGoldSaint, have you tried skipping the grub install script and just using the grub command to install it?07:47
user934I am confused about configureing new resolution.. there is no resolution higher than 1024x768 option07:47
ruz322croese: yes, should be int he same directory07:47
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ldiamondCan any1 tell me how to exit rdesktop when its full screen?07:48
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folkihi all, can anybody  give me advice how can i tell to automount in ubuntu what name of mount point i want to use for my usb disk. for example when i plug an usb disk in, it will be automatically mounted into directory called disk-1. But I do not want use that name. How can i solve this problem? thanks for your replies.07:48
seapiggyuser934, what modes are listed in your xorg.conf?07:48
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user934i tried to edit it .. but even after adding it still doesnt give different modes in gui07:48
bsdunixis there any proposed relationship between ubuntu and google? <i heard rumor...07:49
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user934in xorg.conf there originally were only 307:49
ruz322croese: when you go to "get ubuntu" on the ubuntu website, there is a checkbox at the bottom of the page where you pick your download location that you check to get the alt install07:49
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croeseyeah, i just found it07:49
seapiggycherva, i have no idea - I have never seen that. perhaps you should paste your xorg.conf in the pastebin???07:49
ruz322croese: k07:49
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superflymug50Hello can someone help me with getting my Ubuntu on the Internet I'm using a belkin wirless usb07:49
croesebtw, i do get the same issue when i try checking the cd also07:49
seapiggyuser934, what video card do you have?/07:49
user934installed ubuntu feisty on previous pc and it auto gave me best mode..07:50
user934now using nvidia07:50
user934different story07:50
ShakaGoldSaintseapiggy, yep07:50
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ruz322croese: wat do ;you mean checking the cd? md5sum it?07:50
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seapiggyare you using the nvidia driver or the nv driver?07:50
chervaseapiggy http://pastebin.com/dbbbba9007:50
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ShakaGoldSaintseapiggy, in the last step, setup (hd0) gives me this error in the end: "error 22: no such partition"07:50
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superflymug50Hello can someone help me with getting my Ubuntu on the Internet I'm using a belkin wirless usb07:50
croeseno, the md5 sum was good, i mean the checking option on the boot-up menu07:50
ldiamondCan any1 tell me how to exit rdesktop when its full screen?07:50
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d90for ubuntu and linux generaly what is better graphic card ATI or Nvidia?07:51
croesewhere you can verify the cd image, i guess07:51
ruz322croese: oh you might just have a bad disc, just try the alt cd and see what happens07:51
chervad90 Nvidia07:51
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croesealright, thnx07:51
seapiggycherva, how did you configure the xorg?07:51
user934gfx card doesnt show up in devman07:51
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croeseof course, this one's d/ling at a snail's pace...just when i need it07:52
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user934some nvidia 7800 something or other07:52
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chervaseapiggy nvidia-xconfig and a little nvidia-settings after that07:52
seapiggyare you sure you need the metamode line?07:53
seapiggyline 66?07:53
seapiggyis it twin view?07:53
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chervaseapiggy twin view is curently disables07:53
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seapiggyyou have 1600x1200, 1280x1024 listed as modes on 69.07:54
seapiggyare those for the second screen?07:54
chervamy second screen is a tv07:54
superflymug50Hello can someone help me with getting my Ubuntu on the Internet I'm using a belkin wirless usb07:54
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seapiggyi would remove "1600x1200" "1280x1024" from line 69, restart x and see if that takes care of it07:54
chervai'll comment it sec07:55
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seapiggythose modes arn't  for a tv anyway ;-)07:55
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defendguini have an ongoing issue where i deleted a partition from my drive but the file system check keeps trying to check it during boot and drops me into a rescue shell during boot and this is truly annoying   how can i stop this and configure what drives are checked during boot?07:56
EvanlecWTF i change my gfx card (300$) and ubuntu 64 liveCD still gives me squat when i try to boot it07:56
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ldiamondCan any1 tell me how to exit rdesktop full screen mode?? Im using a VM so ctrl+alt+enter aint working :(07:56
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seapiggydefendguin, is the partition still in your fstab?07:56
chervaFIXED :)07:56
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folkihi all, can anybody  give me advice how can i tell to automount in ubuntu what name of mount point i want to use for my usb disk. for example when i plug an usb disk in, it will be automatically mounted into directory called disk-1. But I do not want use that name. How can i solve this problem? thanks for your replies.07:57
chervaseapiggy thx07:57
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skunkworksanyone seen this?  http://www.electronicsam.com/images/KandT/GLXGEARS1.png07:57
defendguinseapiggy: yeah07:57
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chervafolki i'm not shure about it but look at /etc/fstab07:57
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fuzzyhairIf I am downloading something and I have a really good connection it will mess with the connections of others in the network. How can I limit my bandwidth so I won't affect others?07:58
chervaskunkworks what about it ?07:58
riotkittieif you are going to mess with fstab, back it up first :P07:58
skunkworkscherva: 7.10 seems to have issues with opengl07:58
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Evanlecfuzzyhair, newer routers have QoS support07:59
nickrudfolki: after you mount the disk, right click the icon on the desktop and select properties. There's an option for setting the displayed mount name there07:59
okeefenokeeFolks, my media center running ubuntu has crashed - I suspect a broken motherboard. WHat would happen if I got a new one, different model with different processor, but kept all the other components? Would my Ubuntu installation still worek, or would I have to do it all over again?07:59
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chervaskunkworks well they have 6 days to fix them :)07:59
Evanlecokeefenokee, should work no problem07:59
skunkworkscherva: Yeck ;)07:59
rocketsokeefenokee, if it doesnt work, you can just copy the /etc/ directory, reinstall ubuntu, and overwrite etc with the old directory07:59
rocketsthat would restore the vast majority of your configuration08:00
skunkworkscherva: I posted here if it is the right place  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57398008:00
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nickrudfolki: mount point under volume08:00
folkinickrud:thanks. and do you know what config file i should edit if do not have gui?08:01
rocketsgutsy seems to work just fantastically for me . . . ive got the crazy compiz fuson stuff running on Xgl with no issue skunkworks08:01
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okeefenokeeevanlec, rockets: Thank you, sounds good. I guess I'll start surfing for a new mboard then!08:01
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silent_any tips on customizing my applications/places/desktop menus in gnome? never really tried it, as they're organized so well, but something i installed wasn't added :/08:01
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seapiggydefendguin, why don't you just remove it from fstab? do you need it in there for some reason?08:01
rocketsokeefenokee, :-D08:01
mayecois there a channel for Ubuntu Planet?08:01
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defendguinseapiggy: yeah just did that08:01
rocketssilent_, just right click on the applications menu and click edit08:01
nickrudfolki: nope.08:01
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silent_rockets, thanks08:02
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rocketssilent, be thankful. before alacarte, it was a total pain in the ass to edit gnome menus08:02
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rocketsyou had to edit a bunch of text files08:02
nickrudfolki: the option I'm talking about is kept as part of the gui config. You might look for information about hal, the hardware abstraction layer.08:02
bqmasseyQ:  I'm running a Live CD... how do I figure out how much free space is available for an NTFS partition I have08:02
Evanlecokeefenokee, yea, u might wanna just check and see if there are ones that work nicely with ubuntu, tho most should08:02
rocketsbqmassey, df -h08:02
mayecohow is the planet ubuntu admin?08:02
silentrockets, hehe, I'm thankful for a lot of things in linux that weren't before08:02
rocketsbqmassey, you have to mount it first though08:02
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silentrockets, getting very close to an all-purpose desktop system without cli08:03
rocketssilent, yeah. ubuntu is just great in that way.08:03
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Evanlecanyone else able to boot the 32-bit liveCD but never even get past the first screen on a 64-bit liveCD ?08:03
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desertcQuestion, recently, I occasionally have problems getting a DHCP address with my desktop computer.  When I run "sudo dhclient", it seems to be successful, but still no addr set to the eth0 card.  What's a good way to start troubleshooting this problem?08:03
bqmasseyrockets: how do i go about mounting it?08:03
riotkittieew. dont say 'without cli'. that. is. so. wrong.08:03
bqmasseyill see if i can figure it out08:03
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user934Could anyone please help me configure my screen resolution?08:03
silentrockets, I'm actually running debian (taboo?), but its all the same, I run ubuntu on another system as well... really just wanted to try to build my own system from the base up08:03
okeefenokeeevanlec: Aye. Any particular recommendations? I'd like to have Wake-On-Lan and nvram wakeup (or wuzzitcalled)08:03
bulmerfolki: man udev08:04
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seapiggydesertc, have you checked syslog and messages when this happens?08:04
rocketsbqmassey, mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever /mount/me/here08:04
rocketssilent, nothing wrong with debian. if it wasnt for  debian thered be no ubuntu08:04
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silentrockets, yep08:04
desertcseanw, no -- I will do that next time.  ty08:04
folkinickrud, bulmer: thanks08:04
amishninjaI am in need of advice; I need to test a website using a php4-based lamp setup. I already have php5-based lamp installed (Ubuntu of course), and I don't want to deal with the confusion of having both php4 and php5 on here because I understand it's messy. so my idea is to use virtualization to install a separate linux and put the php4-based lamp stuff on there to test and run.08:04
rocketssilent, basically debian is like ubuntu, but more stable, and harder to configure. thats the only difference really08:04
amishninjaQuestion is: what is the best, lightweight distro for doing this?08:04
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doogersciao a tutti08:04
Evanlecokeefenokee, mm, i'd recommend my board cuz it works, but its a couple years old, its an intel 955X based board....i'd definitely go for dual-core processor, Amd or Intel is fine, and wake-on-lan should be on most boards08:05
amishninjaI'm not looking to download 2.5 GB's worth of ISOs if possible08:05
riotkittie!it | doogers08:05
ubotudoogers: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:05
croeseevanlec: i'm alos having trouble w/ the 64-bit one08:05
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silentrockets, yeah, I had a limited amount of hard drive space as well.. so not installing the multitude of software that comes with ubuntu was helpful08:05
rocketsamishninja, uh . . . ubuntu? you can install php4 just fine on another box08:05
meekcould anyone please help me change screen resolution?08:05
=== nickrud was wondering if hal is even used in xserverless environments
meekmy screen needs to go to higher resolution08:05
rocketssilent, actually you can do a "command line install" off the alternate cd, which installs basically nothing. and then just add what you want via aptitude/apt-get08:05
meekubuntu feisty only gives 3 resolutions08:05
doogersOh... please. I thought that I was to Italian Chan :D08:05
Evanleccroese, yea? i cant get any 64-bit liveCD to do a damn thing, cd-rom just spins for a couple minutes and then stops...no output to screen whatsoever08:05
seapiggymeek - what is you video card?08:05
okeefenokeeevanlec: And, oh yeah, micro-at would be nice08:05
rocketsrockets, only differences i can tell between cmd line install and server install is one uses the desktop kernel other uses the server kernel08:06
silentrockets, good to know, haven't looked into that. I might try that on another system.08:06
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meekseapiggy: nvideo 780008:06
meekI think08:06
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seapiggyEvanlec, are you sure you are on a 64-bit box?08:06
Evanlecokeefenokee, micro-at ... u building a shuttle? ;p08:06
croeseevanles: i get to the menu and then as it starts installing, my video cuts out08:06
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amishninjaI unfortunately don't have another box to work with at the moment; Is there a minimal Ubuntu installation I can get then? Like just command line? I guess I should also mention that the website I'm testing is running live on a Fedora Core 4 box.08:06
Evanlecseapiggy, its a pentium D, it HAS to be08:06
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hjmillsdoes anybody know how to get the raw characters from a caca output as text?08:06
silentrockets, I'm good for now though, getting an hp laptop released 6 months ago to get wireless access/sound functionality is no small feat08:06
seapiggyEvanlec, just thought I would ask ;-)08:06
bqmasseyrockets: I think that it's already mounted08:06
riotkittieamishninja: you can go with a ubuntu minimal install and08:06
Evanleccroese, starts installing? it should be booting to a desktop first...08:06
okeefenokeeevanlec: micro-atx, sorry08:06
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geniiamishninja: Yes, install from Alternate CD for a minimal/commandline installation08:06
croeseno, i mean i choose to install it from the bot-up menu08:06
okeefenokeeIt's a media center bo, I'm trying to keep it small08:06
seapiggymeek can you paset your xorg.conf?08:06
Evanlecokeefenokee, not sure if micro-atx is like small or really small08:07
mayecohow is the planet ubuntu admin?08:07
rocketsbqmassey, then just do df -h08:07
seapiggymeek, - also, what resolution are you getting and what do you want?08:07
okeefenokeeRunning vdr on it. Not really small, 18x18 cm (about)08:07
adrian`Where can I set the default position at which new windows should be displayed (GNOME)?08:07
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bqmasseyrockets: where do i do that08:07
Evanlecokeefenokee, but if its the really small kind, i'd definitely search around and find one thats well supported cuz those tend to be less "mainstream"08:07
seapiggymeek, - read server message08:07
rocketsbqmassey, a terminal . . .08:07
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amishninjagenii: okay. do you think it's a good idea to do this if my goal is to test a website that runs on a Fedora Core 4 system? It will essentially run the same, right?08:07
okeefenokeeWell, the previous one (that crashed) worked A-OK. It was El Cheapo, lacked the wakeonram and so on, but served its purpose. Now I'd like to go the whole hog ;)08:08
silentrockets, Odd thing, the menu editor says I have gimp in graphics08:08
silentrockets, I'll try to restart x08:08
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Cpudan80Hey all08:08
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geniiamishninja: web stuff is (supposedly) platform independent. If you need some box to test the fedora box from, perhaps just run livecd08:08
Cpudan80Is there a way to see all activity going through SSH? Specifically SFTP08:09
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seapiggymeek - the url for pasting is in the server message - - -08:09
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bqmasseyhow do i open up a command line in Ubuntu08:09
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linux4meanyone here setup lvs-dr on ubuntu fiesty and can point me to some docs?08:10
rocketssilent yeah thats a bug sometimes things dont show up. its seems to have been fixed in gutsy though08:10
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soulfreshnerI upgraded to gutsy and now my text consoles don't work08:10
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amishninjagenii: okay. well perhaps I can find a minimal fedora core 4 installation image and be done with it.  :)08:10
soulfreshnerI specify vga=0x317, but since the upgrade the screen is just blank08:10
adrian`bqmassey: open the "run command" window with ALT + F2 and type "gnome-terminal" (just an example)08:10
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soulfreshnerfunny thing is, I'm using the same kernel version ??08:11
linux4mefound this http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ultramonkey.htm, but is was for debian sarge08:11
bqmasseythanks adrian`08:11
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silentrockets, well I'm running etch08:12
silentrockets, ;P08:12
geniilinux4me: Most debian install instructions will also work on Ubuntu08:12
soulfreshneranybody else have the same problem with gutsy on a laptop?08:12
brun0_|laptopI have  a problem with subversion !08:12
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rocketssilent, ah right. then you should be asking in #debian08:12
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brun0_|laptopI get "Unrecognized URL scheme" with https urls08:12
ptCan someone tell me what could be the problem here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40416/08:12
brun0_|laptopfrom today oni08:12
silentrockets, no need, the x restart fixed it. I'm not to worried about it08:12
brun0_|laptoplast update ...08:12
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rocketsah ok08:12
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aguiar# goalunited.pt /08:13
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LogicalDashThe smooth scrolling on gutsy's release of Pidgin is very slow. Anyone else having this problem?08:13
silentrockets, approximately when will gutsy go stable?08:13
rocketssilent, october 18th08:14
adrian`silent: on october 18th ;)08:14
rocketssilent, but they've already put out a release candidate.08:14
waldo323party on the 18th :)08:14
silentrockets, ok, I'll install it then...08:14
rocketssilent, I've been running it with very few issues for the last two days, as production08:14
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rocketswaldo323, the 18th is also my birthday :-D08:14
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ibti'm a little confused on the proper place to define something like the environment variable JAVA_HOME.. /etc/environment doesn't seem to be loaded for /bin/sh scripts08:14
geniiwaldo323: At your house? i'll bring the beer...08:14
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silentrockets, mine on the 5th08:14
aguiarplz how to join another channel08:14
waldo323rockets, double party for you then08:14
rocketsgenii, i'll drink your beer.08:14
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rocketswaldo323, totally\08:14
meekseapiggy: i am getting to pastebin now08:15
Gandalf84can somebody help me please?08:15
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waldo323genii, theres a release party in ann arbor, mi i'll be going to08:15
Gandalf84i had installed ubuntu and XP on my HD08:15
rocketsim hoping ubuntu-newyork does something08:15
Gandalf84now i installed Vista too08:15
geniiaguiar: //join #channelname08:15
silentwaldo323, they have release parties?08:15
Gandalf84and it rewrite the MBR and i cannot access to ubuntu08:15
aguiarthanks genii08:15
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silentwaldo323, that's almost lame... but kinda awesome08:15
Gandalf84can you help me please?08:15
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seapiggymeek - k, brb08:15
geniiaguiar: /join #channelname       rATHER08:15
ron_ashetoncups root password doesn't work using the live cd, even doing a 'sudo passwd'. what can I do?08:15
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rocketssilent, a word of warning. HAL seems to crash on me sometimes, at boot. if it does just pop open a terminal and do sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart08:15
geniiBah capslock08:15
aguiarok , nice08:15
waldo323it'll be at the ann arbor brewery08:15
silentrockets, I'm not even sure what HAL is08:16
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geniiwaldo323: There may be one here in toronto, have to checl local LUG08:16
rocketssilent, its the thing that automounts external hard drives and CDs and does some other stuff08:16
rocketssilent, also theres still a bug where the usplash just shows up as blank, so dont think that its not booting just cuz the screen is blank.08:16
silentrockets, ah I see08:16
rocketssilent, if you think it isnt booting, in grub, edit the boot params and remove splash08:16
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waldo323there are a lot of ubuntu local groups around as well as lugs08:17
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silentrockets, chances are I'll have to use vga=0x317 option as well.. needed it for my laptop08:17
J-_I'm just in the process of installing Xubuntu 7.04, and with this machine and another one, while hte boot process goes, it says something about ACPI - unable to locate RSDP08:17
J-_Is this a big issue?08:17
dunnowhat is the latest ubuntu out now?08:17
J-_Can I correct it?08:17
rocketssilent, whats that do08:17
soulfreshnermy screen boots up blank if I specify any other resolution than the default...08:17
soulfreshnerit's very annoying08:17
aguiar7.10 beta08:17
helpmeI just got ubuntu and I need help connecting to the internet can someone help me08:18
meekseapiggy: http://pastebin.com/d799bed5f08:18
LiMaOaguiar: 7.10 RC1, to be exact08:18
LiMaOit's out of beta alreayd08:18
dunnothnx aguiar :)08:18
silentrockets, sets a basic resolution I think...08:18
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meekhelpme: whats the prob?08:18
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aguiarsoon at 18 i believe comes out08:18
rocketssilent, to what though08:18
helpmeI have a belkin usb wirless08:19
helpmeand I cant get it to work08:19
geniihelpme: How is the machine to be connected? LAN cable to router then ADSL/Cable out? Dialup modem? wireless?08:19
silentrockets, wiithout it the system is blank, with it, console resolution goes up. I think it adjusts for screen dimensions08:19
=== tarmo [n=tarmo@84-50-8-225-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
neopsychelots of configurating!08:19
ScuniziFor anyone using Openoffice in Kubuntu.  When inserting and image, the dialogue box in kde allows for choosing a specific partition but I can't figure out how to choose a folder within that partition.  How do I do that? (Kubuntu Feisty)08:19
helpmecan you help08:19
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neopsycheGood news.. wireless devices seem to work better than softmodems for example ;-)08:20
ptWhat does this mean? "configure: error: Cannot find flex."08:20
soulfreshnerhelpme, is ubuntu already installed?08:20
helpmethats real good08:20
neopsychewhat are you connecting to?08:20
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helpmeyes I have both it and xp08:20
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neopsychei know you need to get on the internet08:20
rocketssilent, ah. is your laptop widescreen08:20
neopsycheseapiggy: pasted to paste bin08:20
helpmeyes I do lol08:20
neopsychebut.. what device08:20
neopsycheare you connecting to/through08:21
neopsycheis it a wireless router?08:21
geniiScunziI'm pretty sure you don't want to try and pull a file off something like /dev/sd5 or so without mounting it into a directory first someplace08:21
silentrockets, it sure is08:21
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO08:21
helpmea linksys router that is at my bros08:21
neopsychedoes your ubuntu install recognize the device?08:21
pwndrianWhere can I set the default position at which new windows should be displayed (GNOME)?08:21
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geniiScunzi:  I'm pretty sure you don't want to try and pull a file off something like /dev/sd5 or so without mounting it into a directory first someplace08:21
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soulfreshnerhelpme, if you take a look at /etc/networking/interfaces, you should set the ssid with preup - I had the same problem, for some reason feisty didn't like setting the sessionid once the interface was up08:21
helpmeno it doesn't08:21
helpmethat I know of08:21
rocketssilent, maybe thats my problem. but it used to work fine without doing that08:21
Scunizigenii: the drive is mounted.  there just doesn't seem to be a directory option.08:21
helpmelet me try08:21
silentLVM is godly. merged 3 hard drives to create a 1tb mount08:21
seapiggyneopsyche, looking...08:22
neopsycheCheck system> prefs >  hwinfo08:22
iggeanyone who knows how to disable the scrollwheel?08:22
neopsycheseapiggy: thanks08:22
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silentrockets, its a new laptop so I'm not sure as to the history of the issue08:22
neopsychehelpme: Check system> prefs >  hwinfo08:22
aguiarsee if lnksys is set as ACCESS POINT08:22
seapiggywhat resolution are you wanting?08:22
neopsychewanting 1125x768 i think08:22
neopsychethat is what i had last time i think08:22
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neopsycheUbuntu worked ok on ATI08:23
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geniiScunizi: Since it's running with local user priveleges, OO will only be able to see directories to which that user running it has rights to. So unless there is a directory owned by that user, it won't see much there08:23
neopsychenow nvidea on other machine08:23
seapiggyneopsyche, so this is an nvidia card?08:23
neopsycheI would like to have the option to change modes if i need to08:23
neopsychenvidia yes08:23
helpmeok I put the /etc/networking/interfaces in and it said no such file or directory08:23
seapiggyhave you tried the "nv" driver?08:23
neopsychepastebin .. original xorg.conf08:23
neopsychehow do i get that?08:24
seapiggyneopsyche, you are using vesa...08:24
soulfreshnerhelpme, there are several versions of the problem as I recall - here's another: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/4815308:24
Scunizigenii: entire drive is owned by me..08:24
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neopsychevesa yes08:24
geniihelpme: just network not networking   in that path name08:24
seapiggyneopsyche, just change vesa to nv08:24
seapiggyand restart x08:24
neopsychein xorg.conf?08:24
soulfreshnerhelpme, so you may need to google a bit - but I'm 90% sure you'll fix it with a preup somewhere :/08:24
seapiggyneopsyche, - how are you editing the file?08:24
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=== Kill_X [n=kill_x@p5B1657F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniiScunizi: Can you ls the contents of the mountpoint in terminal/console?08:25
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seapiggyneopsyche, do a <ctl><alt><F1> and edit it there  - if X doesnt' start back up you can still edit08:25
neopsycheseapiggy: nano08:25
neopsychectrl alt f1?08:25
=== Blue89 [n=michael@c-76-120-167-178.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
neopsychewhats that do?08:25
seapiggyits a non-x tty08:26
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Blue89does ubuntu have any remote control apps out-of-the-box?08:26
Scunizigenii, oh yea.. from every where else in the system it works.  Even in OO I can "save-as" to that partition.08:26
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Blue89I am trying to help a n0b over IM and he wants me to see for myself08:26
silentBlue89, ssh08:26
helpmeok I have good news it recongnizes the router but it will not connect08:26
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jc-dentonhi all08:27
geniiScunizi: Ah, OK. No other ideas offhand then08:27
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soulfreshnerhelpme, explain - how does it recognise the router?08:27
junkeRdoes anyone know where to find a xubuntu 7.10 changelog?08:27
silentsoulfreshner, what do you mean?08:27
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helpmeit can see it and try to connect but it wont08:27
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
neopsycheso now ctrl alt backspace?08:27
geniijunkeR: They might know in #xubuntu08:27
neopsycheseapiggy:  so now ctrl alt backspace?08:27
=== Regal [n=perhe@1-141.adsl.apoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Scunizigenii: it's frustrating.. OO channel says it's not an OO problem.08:27
neopsychegoing to try08:27
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seapiggyneopsyche, sure08:27
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soulfreshnersilent, nick helpme, not helpme help me... :P08:28
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neverblue2anyone know of a site for small audio clips ?08:28
silentsoulfreshner, I see08:28
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geniiScunizi: Did you ask in #kubuntu yet?08:28
pike_neverblue2: smallaudioclips.com08:28
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songmy emacs23 told me : cannot open load file:term/x-win . how can i fix it?08:28
DM|anyone have a good guide for setting up a VPN for remote access?08:28
soulfreshnerhelpme: do you have any access control or mac filters on your router?08:29
silentI personally think all ubuntu support should be handled through #ubuntu while gnome/kde issues should be handled through their respective channels08:29
helpmeno I dont08:29
neverblue2funny pike, is that your site?08:29
neverblue2cause its down :P08:29
pike_neverblue2: jk i used to goto dailywav.com alot08:29
Scunizigenii. yep.. no good response yet.. however another point. I can choose the mount point to look for the image file and then hand type the remaning path to get to the image.  I just can't browse to it..  arg!08:29
ptAnyone know about ircd's ?08:29
soulfreshnerhelpme: you use dhcp?08:29
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neverblue2!anyone | pt08:30
ubotupt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:30
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:30
helpmeI've tried to connect with using IP addresses and so on but it still wont connect08:30
ptWhats a good ircd....08:30
geniiScunizi: Yeah thats frustrating. I do think it is actually an OOo issue, since it's from within the app and otherwise the mountpoint is correct etc08:30
helpmeHow can you scan for wirless ap in the area08:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:30
=== Rincevent [n=mauron@AToulouse-156-1-102-29.w90-30.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
soulfreshnerhelpme: if you run ifconfig, do you have any interfaces up?08:30
drukeis there a way to know for sure if a device located.. lets say at /dev/video0 is actually mounted/connected?08:30
=== GNine [n=Jorg@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DM|!help | Soulfreshner08:31
ubotuSoulfreshner: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:31
DM|forget the bot command lol08:31
geniipt: ircd-hybrid is not a bad ircd and their website is pretty up to date and informative08:31
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DM|!help | DM|08:31
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aguiarPerhaps on the TOOLS aplication08:31
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ptgenii: where does it install to if i install it from synaptic?08:31
silent!help | ubotu08:32
ubotuubotu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:32
silentstop talking to yourself08:32
songDoes anyone knows about emacs23 can't start? the message is : cannot open load file:term/x-win08:32
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geniipt: somewhere in /opt directory structure mainly08:32
Graham1Hi, when I'm installing ubuntu on a pre-partioned pc, it keeps telling me no root directory chosen08:32
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seapiggysong  - try "emacs -nw <filename>"08:32
songemacs -nw is fine08:32
neverblue2pt, aptitude search ircd08:33
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seapiggydo you need the x emacs stuff?08:33
Graham1Hi, when I'm installing ubuntu on a pre-partioned pc, it keeps telling me no root directory chosen (Desktop version)08:33
user934seapiggy: the video server gives an error08:33
brokensambotDoes anyone here own a Dell 530s?08:33
user934had to change it back to vesa08:33
user934i think maby its not installed .. nv driver08:33
brokensambotIf so how are you liking it?08:33
helpmeYes I have eth1 wlan0 and wmaster008:33
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seapiggyuser934, k08:33
belgarath_I got no Window decorations when I start X. Everything else works great (I use beryl)08:33
remarK-Having trouble opening both terminal and software sources. Thoughts?08:34
ptneverblue: aptitude search?08:34
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helpmeYes I have eth0 lo wlan0 and wmaster008:34
meekseapiggy: but.. it also says generic video card...08:34
seapiggymeek try this    apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nv08:34
banksterd kub08:34
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banksterI have some question08:34
songyes , i need08:34
Graham1Hi, when I'm installing ubuntu on a pre-partioned pc, it keeps telling me no root directory chosen after I chose to do the partition manual, I clicked the partition I wanted, hit okay, then it gave me the error08:35
seapiggymeek, when you run that does it install or say that it already is installed?08:35
kadakasHas anyone gotten a CDMA modem working with Ubuntu? How?08:35
P_Kablehello I need to save my /home/frederic to /media/Elements I get tons of errors by doing   sudo cp -R /home/frederic /media/Elements .... any idea ?08:35
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silent!ask | bankster08:35
ubotubankster: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:35
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ptwhat is the cmd to enable the root account?08:35
silentpt, why would you want to do that?08:35
Jowi!root | pt08:35
ubotupt: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:35
Graham1any idea08:35
seapiggypt - sudo bash;passwd08:35
banksterHow can I resize my ubuntu desktop Icon08:35
Scunizigenii: yep.08:35
meekseapiggy: nv is already newest?08:35
banksterI think it too large08:35
Jowipt, there you go :) please read the link before enabling it.08:35
songseapiggy do you know how can i fix it?08:35
soulfreshnerhelpme: try ifconfig wlan0 down08:35
seapiggypt actually i guess sudo passwd would work08:36
ptI know about sudo.08:36
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P_Kableanybody please08:36
therion_Hi all08:36
geniiGraham1: You need to have a partition which is not already in use by some other thing like windows.08:36
soulfreshnerhelpme: then iwconfig wlan0 essid "whaddever"08:36
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seapiggysong - I dont' know what you are trying to fix08:36
Graham1genii, it's a empty partition08:36
silentpt, why on earth would you enable the root account?08:36
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helpmepermission denied08:36
banksterHow can I resize my ubuntu desktop Icon08:36
banksterHow can I resize my ubuntu desktop Icon08:36
banksterHow can I resize my ubuntu desktop Icon08:36
banksterHow can I resize my ubuntu desktop Icon08:36
pti don't know silent lol08:36
soulfreshnerhelpme: then ifconfig wlan0 up08:36
Gandalf84how can i erase a CD rewritable?08:36
meekwhat happened to the new feisty!? it came with sounds on the gaim client and everything08:36
soulfreshnerhelpme - use sudo08:36
therion_Anybody know how to fix problems like this? http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/7150/mohaabug1xp5.png08:37
meekreinstall with another feisty and none08:37
Jowibankster, repeating not needed. right click on the icon and resize it.08:37
songseapiggy let my emacs23 running in x-window08:37
croeseruz322: i started the text installer and got a msg about "[...]  ata1.00 set of native returned #somenumber, expected #someothernumber"08:37
geniiGraham1: If it's empty, then make a linux partiton on it somewhere. then you will be able to have a /08:37
ptBecause nothing works on this version of ubuntu. I've had an ircd up before on the old version08:37
meekit has slightly different names in the aps menu etc too08:37
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ptBut this shitty new version doesn't work with anything I want it to.08:37
soulfreshnersudo ifconfig wlan0 down, etc08:37
Jowipt, which version is that?08:37
ptBreezy maybe?08:37
silentpt, you're doing it wrong08:37
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pike_pt: lol considered etch or something? if its a server thats how id go08:37
ptsilent. I've hosted an ircd 8 times before and i'm not new to ubuntu08:37
helpmeno it says command not found08:37
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seapiggyoh - no idea - I realize this doesnt' help at all but I hate the x version of emacs - I only use it in a terminal ;-) is this xemacs  or emacs?08:37
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silentpt, why are you running an ubuntu server? ubuntu is for desktops08:38
songit's emacs08:38
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pti'm following the same exact tutorial i followed before and using the same versions as i used before08:38
Jowipt, breezy is the new version you installed?08:38
jc-dentondoes anybody have an idea how to get the Radeon 2600 working with ubuntu08:38
helpmeit didn't say anything after sudo ifconfig wlan0 down08:38
ptsilent i'm not running a ubuntu server08:38
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jc-dentoni'm currently trying with gutsy08:38
meekhow do i rename in linux?08:38
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silentpt, then why are you in #ubuntu08:38
jc-dentoni guess it's not supported by the open source driver..08:38
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Jowijc-denton, support for gutsy is in #ubuntu+108:39
ptsilent and i'm also not talking to you so stfu plz k10x bai08:39
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ptwhat are you talking about?!?!?!?108:39
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dunnohello, my name is samina and im a fish brain!08:39
jc-dentonJowi: yes but there nobody had an idea about fglrx and stuff08:39
krishi have a broadcom 4318 wireless card08:39
ompaul!stfu | pt08:39
ubotupt: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.08:39
krishon my compaq presario v200008:39
meekseapiggy: see original xorg? take a look?08:39
dunnoalso aneesah likes fish too!08:39
soulfreshnerhelpme: that's ok - do the next commands as well08:39
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tarmokrish - same here08:39
ptthis new version of ubuntu sucks and nothing works. everything worked fine on breezy08:39
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ptthe only good thing about this new version is the wobbly windows08:39
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Jowijc-denton, that's why it's beta. it's either there or the forums for now.08:39
krishtarmo are u able to connect to any wireless lan?08:39
ompaul!gutsy | pt08:39
dunnoi have no idea what you are talking about samina!08:39
ubotupt: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:40
helpmethe sudo ifconfig wlan0 up08:40
tarmosame card - works dell d41008:40
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silentpt, you mean the only thing your ignorant self has looked into08:40
kadakasHas anyone gotten a CDMA 2000 modem working with Ubuntu? How?08:40
kadakasits connected via USB08:40
ptsilent, i'll rape your fucking face. shut up nigglet08:40
Jowipt, if by "this new version" you mean Gutsy, it is still not released and you need to /join #ubuntu+108:40
krishwell i need to connect to wireless LAN08:40
seapiggymeek - yeah repaste the xorg08:40
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krishi am using feisty fawn08:40
ptJowi, by that i mean what ever the hell i'm using now that I just dled and installed, and not breezy08:40
silentpt, it's people like you that poison our community. Please leave and do not come back.08:40
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songseapiggy you know maybe you using English , but i using Chinese,so i must running emacs in x-window can edit Chinese ,please give me some help i'm sorry about my poor English08:40
croesei started the text installer and got a msg about "[...]  ata1.00 set of native returned #somenumber, expected #someothernumber", anyone know what this means?08:41
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tarmoyes wireless works08:41
meekseapiggy: original xorg before i edited it... http://pastebin.com/m6851560208:41
krishtarmo i did this08:41
seapiggysong have you installed xemacs21 or emacs21?08:41
flokuehnthank you pt08:41
helpmewhen you highlight the wirless network thing at the top and it says the ap is that a progress bar next to it or a signal08:41
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songseapiggy no i havn't08:41
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krishi did as said in that link08:42
therion_I've got this problem http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/7150/mohaabug1xp5.png in all games (quake3 engine based) after gutsy upgrading.. How to fix it? sry for my English..08:42
=== BK [n=mael@ARennes-252-1-67-19.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
krishand yes the wireless led did light up08:42
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seapiggysong: apt-get install xemacs2108:42
soulfreshnerhelpme: yeah - that's the same problem I had - the gui networking tool didn't work for my card08:42
tarmosame here08:42
krishbut when i try to connect to my wireless lan (has essid and passphrase)08:42
helpmeok what do I need to do08:42
krishit is not taking the IP from the wireless router08:43
songseapiggy i don't understand...08:43
meekhow can i delete current xorg file and replace with old backup?08:43
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krishinstead it is taking some 169.x.x.x series08:43
aguiarhelpme> u must check if the Accesspoint is open at the Linksys08:43
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soulfreshneryou need to do those 3 commands in a terminal - if it works, you can fix it in /etc/network/interfaces08:43
seapiggysong - install xemacs08:43
meeksong: you must use terminal program08:43
Jowitherion_, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support.08:43
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:43
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therion_thanks jowi08:43
seapiggymeek - is this on a notebook?08:43
DigDugzHmm, this is just evil... been kicked out of debian and ubuntu  (by stew) for the 4th time. Me and others where discussing general governmental policies on the use of GNU/Linux nation wide but it appears they didnt like that. Who am i you might ask... im Magnus-swe of http://www.gadmintools.org or http://mange.dynalias.org/linux.html (Its as if microsoft took over the freenode, tell me its not so! ?)08:44
meekseapiggy: desktop08:44
songseapiggy yes,i know .i'm doing that but ,why??08:44
seapiggymeek - is it an widescreen monitor ?08:44
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meekseapiggy: it is a 19inch 4:3 lcd AViDAV08:44
soulfreshnerhelpme: also check these suggestions - http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/linux/2007/06/12/ralink-help-for-ubuntu-feisty-part-2/08:45
seapiggysong - I really dont' know what difference between emacs and xemacs are, but if you want x support see if the xemacs package works for you08:45
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ompaulDigDugz, that is offtopic for here okay08:45
Pici!offtopic | DigDugz08:45
ubotuDigDugz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:45
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flokuehnmeek: isnt it possible just to replace the new one by the old one?08:45
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meekbut.. when i previously installed on my shuttle XPC the gfx ATI auto detect/installed the right drivers/size08:45
seapiggymeek do you know what the native resolution for the screen is?08:45
PiciDigDugz: You can join #ubuntu-offtopic for that08:45
meekgot 1125x768 etc.08:45
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meeki think it is 5:4 actually so .. 1125x768 looks good ;-)08:46
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danskuwhy cant I install pidgin, it says there's some problem because of gaim. what should i do?08:46
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DigDugzompaul, pici: I started coding in 1986... One of you needs to tell me about what i might have missed since then...08:46
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meekdansku: unistall gaim first08:46
danskuhow do i do that w08:46
meekdansku: synaptic08:47
seapiggymeek, so when you tried the nv driver it said that the driver wasnt' found?08:47
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:47
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helpmecommand ok I just installed wifiradar08:47
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meekno no.. the driver was located originally upon install.. however .. when i reconfigured xorg i chose vesa .. it gave me that as default and diddnt detect nv08:47
DigDugzIm missing a clu, been coding for you.. let me knew (.. aww, cmon!)08:48
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helpmeit doesn't see any aps though08:48
danskushould i unninstal everything with gaim name?08:48
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ompaulDigDugz, you are offtopic for this support channel08:48
seapiggymeek - I know but you said you tried changing it to nv, correct? what did it tell you when you tried that?08:48
helpmeDoes anyone use wifiradar08:48
fiXXXerMetAre there any linux programs that are similar to Norton Ghost for network backups/restores/images?08:48
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swhalenAll my GTK themes are broken08:49
PiciDigDugz: I'm not sure what you are talking about.  This channel here is only for Ubuntu support, if you just want to talk programming with us you can join #ubuntu-offtopic08:49
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meekgot blue screen on restart08:50
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meekso changed back to other settings08:50
LiMaOfiXXXerMet: partimage08:50
seapiggymeek : blue screen?08:50
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meekyes.. with red option for yes to see error log08:50
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meekafter reboot08:50
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helpmeCan someone help me with my ubuntu08:50
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helpmeit will not connect to the internet08:51
meekhelpme: ?>08:51
seapiggymeek ic08:51
croesei started the text installer and got a msg about "[...]  ata1.00 set of native returned #somenumber, expected #someothernumber", anyone know what this means?08:51
swhalenInned help with gtk08:51
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reconI just royally screwed up my X. I was setting up XGL as an experiment, and all hell broke loose. I reversed the steps, and stuff still isn't working. I made sure AIGLX was off by doing a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and all X does now is perpetually load the login screen.08:51
helpmeI am tryin to connect to an ap with a belkin wirless usb unit08:51
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flokuehnmeek: have you tried to reconfigure your xorg?08:51
seapiggymeek, well I have always just changed it to nv, and been up and running - I guess you could install the nvidia binary driver, but it shouldnt' have to08:52
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu
meekwhats this about seapiggy? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397308:52
dooglusI rebooted earlier, and my ext3 partition was checked (it's been 31 mounts without a check, etc).  It told me it is 10% fragmented, but didn't offer to defrag.  Where's the defrag tool?  My system keeps getting slower and slower - I reckon a defrag might help.  What do you guys do about the problem?08:52
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meekseapiggy: up and running? meaning you got higher than 1024x76808:52
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flokuehnmeek: thats it08:53
=== Cassius [n=case@190-82-27-143.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu
seapiggymeek - yes meaning that i could run what ever res i needed08:53
Cassiushow can i upgrade to rc1 from beta gutsy?08:53
seapiggybut I think flokuehn is correct, try the reconfigure step on that page08:53
helpmeExcuse me but could someone please help08:53
flokuehnmeek: you have an nvidia card?08:53
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DigDugzOmPaul is botty aint it ? ... blowhardestwinterwepz08:54
meek"nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GS] "08:54
flokuehnmeek: because if you can also install the nvidia-kernel-modules etc08:54
flokuehnmeek: i have 7600 gt ;)08:54
silent[ca] meek, why not an 8-series card?08:54
flokuehnmeek: nad it works08:54
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flokuehnmeek: so have a try08:54
meekhow to install kernel ?08:54
meekim going to be downgrading the card soon08:54
meekto the card below this08:54
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Gek_sup guys08:55
flokuehnyou have to install this kernel modules to get the nvidia driver08:55
silent[ca] meek, why08:55
Gek_can someone help me with a shared folder permissions issue?08:55
Gek_i created a smb share08:55
meeka friend is loaning me the card and he is bridging his two cards soon.08:55
Gek_where are permissions shared.08:55
silent[ca] Gek_, I have lots of experience with sharse08:55
Gek_or set08:55
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stefg_!samba | Gek_08:55
ubotuGek_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:55
flokuehnmeek: have an moment and i will tell you howto install the kernel thing08:55
helpmeI need help with connecting ubuntu to the internet via usb wirless belkin reciever08:56
Cassiushow can i upgrade to rc1 from beta gutsy?08:56
silent[ca] Gek_, do you mean fs/dir permissions or samba permissions?08:56
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helpmePlease help08:56
stefg_!wifi | helpme08:56
ubotuhelpme: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:56
Gek_yes i suppose08:56
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meekflokuehn: will that give me higher modes?08:56
helpmeYeah I've gotten them08:56
silent[ca] meek, I'm planning on getting a second 8800 gts when crysis comes out08:56
Gek_i created a share.  when i try to access it from another computer \\rubuntu\ryans it asks for a username and password08:56
silent[ca] meek, bridging them08:56
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:57
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silent[ca] Gek_, you should use swat08:57
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meeksilent[ca] : adding two cards in one machine08:57
silent[ca] Gek_, makes samba administration easy08:57
silent[ca] meek, sli08:57
flokuehnmeek: this ist the nvidia one-liner08:57
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meekseapiggy: any ideas?08:57
flokuehnmeek: apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:57
arnathhi, i'm trying to run photoshop on linux, but i'm having a problem when trying to right click -> open with photoshop. it opens up photoshop, then says "could not open ... because of a disk error"08:57
bluequijotesomeone works with a account application?08:58
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flokuehndont forget the second sudo after &&08:58
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silent[ca] Gek_, apt-get install swat08:58
remarK-gnome-terminal will not launch and i can't seem to figure out the reason.08:58
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flokuehnat least i dont know if there are any higher modes08:58
bewstSeveral of my packages are being held back; how can I find out why, and decide whether it's safe to force an upgrade?08:58
Jowiarnath, I guess #winehq is a better channel to ask in08:58
flokuehnbut i konw that my card didnt work properly without this nvidia driver08:58
arnathJowi: ah yes08:58
meekthanks it is updating08:58
stefg_arnath: your probably better served at #winehq08:58
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flokuehnmeek: i hope it works for you too08:59
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kadakasso no CDMA modem experience here ?08:59
meekhow can i configure ubuntu so that every time i type sudo apt-get i dont have to go sudo su first?08:59
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meekthanks flokuehn08:59
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Sitowlanmeek, alias08:59
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Jowimeek, you add your user with the NOPASSWD option to /etc/sudoers. see "man sudoers" for more info and correct syntax09:00
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meekstrange i never had to do that previous install09:00
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meekthanks jowi09:01
Picibluequijote: hmm?09:01
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Jowimeek, that is, if you want the user to execute apt-get without being asked for a password. all users in "admin" group should be able to use "sudo apt-get" and is then asked for password.09:01
Cassiushow can i upgrade to rc1 from beta gutsy?09:01
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meekyes but for some reason it wants me to use sudo su09:01
PiciCassius: yes, further questions in #ubuntu+1 please09:01
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stefg_Cassius: you don't want that09:01
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meekthen it wants password09:02
Terry2hey everyone09:02
PiciCassius: If you've been keeping it up to date you are running the RC09:02
Jowimeek, that does not make sence to me. "sudo su" would give you a root prompt, in which case you don't need to use sudo at all.09:02
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Cassiusoh thx09:02
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stefg_!sudo | meek09:03
ubotumeek: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:03
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sashimihi everybody09:03
Terry2i have a quick question for you guys about the livecd09:03
Jowimeek, have you by any chance copied over old /etc/... files from the old ubuntu install?09:03
meekJowi: human error:09:03
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meekandrew@videoserver1:~$ apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:03
meekE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:03
meekE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:03
sashimi'hoping to find some answers about bluetooth in gusty09:03
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Pici!paste | meek09:03
ubotumeek: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:03
sashimianyone here using bluetooth ?09:03
Terry2i have an nvidia 8600 series card. I was wondering if theres any way to use nvidia drivers with the livecd, since i know it doesnt come with it09:03
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meekandrew@videoserver1:~$ apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:03
kBAKEDI need to format a ntfs partition to fat, can someone recommend a program?09:03
meekE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:03
meekE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:03
stefg_meek: close synaptic09:04
meekI see now09:04
Terry2if I downloaded and ran the installer, would it work? or is the only way to install the whole OS09:04
arnathJowi: not getting much of a response in winehq, could anyone venture a guess? (it could be linux-related instead of wine)09:04
Naitseis there a beryl channel here? on spanis?09:04
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stefg_meek: and stop that flooding09:04
meekyes closed09:04
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stefg_!es | Naitse09:04
meekapologies stefg_ getting used to gaim09:04
ubotuNaitse: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:04
Jowimeek, "sudo apt-get install nvidiblabla && sudo dpkg-reconfigure..." the lock error usually means that apt is busy (you might have synaptic package manager or aptitude open already=09:04
TriGz_Can anyone tell me how to write a bootable C with linux? ^^09:04
hegurukBAKED: do you want to preserve data?09:05
keitoanyone feeling sassy with my mounting problems here is a pastebin of the error http://pastebin.com/m30e51ffa09:05
keitopartition will NOT BOOT but goes to busybox initfsram and tells me can't access tty: job control turned off. then livecd can't mount the same disk that errors telling me "mount: wrong fs type bad option bad superblock missing codepage or other error".  tried supergrubdisc but grub is now working it's just the disk not mounting that is screwed09:05
meekJowi: on previous installation i could install multiple apt-get at same time in seperate terminal windows09:05
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fuzzyhairAny way I can connect to poker.com with ubuntu?09:06
tcksilly question, is ubuntu based on debian experimental or ubuntu unstable ?09:06
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meekfuzzyhair: whats the problem?09:06
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tckive heard conflicting info from diff. websites09:06
steph__just a question : how can I add a respository to my sources.list in a simple single commande line ? I tried sudo echo "myrepo" >> /etc/apt/sources.list, but still get 'Permission Denied'09:06
youknowmeWhats a good video editing program for linux? I want to edit .MOV files, and add music .ect09:06
keitotck: debian unstable09:06
Jowimeek, that is not possible nowadays due to that there can be corruption in the apt cache (or something similar. that's why there is a lock used now)09:06
meekfuzzyhair: gambling is bad .. so, I prefer not to say how. ;-)09:06
keitoyouknowme: try lives (think it does mov)09:07
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fuzzyhairmeek: It's not for me, but the person it's for plays with play money out of boredom.09:07
youknowmekeito: is it in add/remove?09:07
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meekwhats the problem fuzzyhair?09:08
TriGz_Blue89: i ment CD, sorry :P09:08
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Terry2er, is there an ubuntu channel that isnt as busy, that i could get help with the livecd? i dont want to bother anybody and this place seems quite busy :/09:08
keitoyouknowme: erm ,don't know off the top of my head but pretty sure you can apt-get it09:08
fuzzyhairmeek: I need to know how to run the client in Ubuntu.09:08
Blue89ah, bootable CD09:08
Jowisteph__, the best way is to place a file called "myrepo.list" with the "deb ..." line in it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ . then run sudo apt-get update.09:08
keitoyouknowme: i'm using a livecd at the mo as my system is KO'd09:08
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keitoyouknowme: if you know how to fix my problem just yell ;0) lol09:08
youknowmekeito: O that sucks dude, I feel your pain :)09:08
Gek_is there a reason that vi is broken?09:09
meekIm not sure what you are referring to fuzzyhair.09:09
steph__ok, i'm gonna try that09:09
keitoyouknowme: ty09:09
steph__thank you !09:09
Gek_do i need to change my default bash or something?09:09
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hendrixskiI apt-get installed mysql-client in a chroot, now when I try to run mysql in that chroot it tells me "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)" ... and I have no /var/run/mysqld folder :-(09:09
meekif there is a client needed for poker.com rather head on over to another game site.09:09
fuzzyhairmeek: sorry. I get those 2 confused. It's called carbon poker.09:09
TriGz_yes Blue89 :P09:09
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astinus-workGood Evening :) I'm having a problem with LTSP after upgrading to Gutsy Gibbon, all my clients use NFS and I'm getting a lot of complaints from thin clients about necessary directories being mounted r/o despite being specified as rw_dirs= in the ltsp-client-setup file09:09
meeknot sure about that.09:09
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hendrixskido I need to install anything else to get that mysqld folder?09:09
heguruastinus-work: for gutsy support join #ubuntu+109:09
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hendrixskior is there a common fix for something like that?09:10
meekthere are plenty of interesting things for feistyu09:10
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astinus-workheguru: Which is exceedingly unhelpful as nobody in there (289 people) seems to use LTSP09:10
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keitoanyone feeling sassy with my mounting problems here is a pastebin of the error http://pastebin.com/m30e51ffa partition will NOT BOOT but goes to busybox initfsram and tells me can't access tty: job control turned off. then livecd can't mount the same disk that errors telling me "mount: wrong fs type bad option bad superblock missing codepage or other error".  tried supergrubdisc but grub is now working it's just the disk not mounti09:10
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Piciastinus-work: Gutsy is offtopic for this channel until it is released.09:10
d90what is best hex editor09:10
Jowiastinus-work, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support09:10
meekhey I installed ubuntu on my other machine it gave me a ton of games automatically in the add/remove section.. even flight of the amazon queen .. but now there is no more.   when i install on new machine?09:10
steph__Jowi, I still get that Permission denied !09:10
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astinus-workGreat. So Ubuntu encourages people to upgrade so they get good bug reports, and then f*cks users over with LTSP not working, and when people try to get help, a bunch of pompous folks just go "OMG! You're in the wrong channel d00d. plz2F*ckOff." - yet Linux zealots wonder why Windows is used by business? :P09:11
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keitomeek: have you sudo apt-get update?09:11
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hendrixskiI apt-get installed mysql-client now when I try to run mysql i it tells me "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)" ... but I have no /var/run/mysqld folder :-(  Is there something else I should be need to do?09:11
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heguruastinus-work: Ubuntu NEVER encourages people to upgrade to pre-release09:11
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meekoh i see .. check all available ;-)09:12
steph__1. cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   2. sudo touch myrepos.list 3. sudo echo 'therepo' >> myrepos.list 4. Permission denied :/09:12
Gek_in VI.... arrow keys dont' work properly09:12
keitomeek: worth a try ;)09:12
Gek_any reason for this?09:12
Gek_or how can i fix it?09:12
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code09:12
TriGz_Can anyone tell me how to write a bootable CD (i have the iso) please? :)09:12
hendrixskiGek_, try vim :-)09:12
waldo323astinus-work, seems like the ltsp channel has some activity09:12
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Piciwaldo323: Hes not here anymore09:12
TriGz_!vi Gek_09:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vi gek_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:12
Jowisteph__, "sudo -i" to get a root terminal then try again without sudo09:13
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waldo323Pici, oops thanks09:13
TriGz_i missed the m too09:13
TriGz_lol >.<09:13
hendrixskiGek_, they never worked right in regular vi, in my oppinion  you had to hit like jkli instead of up down left right09:13
d90I need urgently hex editor, so what is best hex editor, please09:13
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flokuehnmeek: i found an nice entry in the ubuntuusers wiki for sudoers09:13
ScuniziI'm trying to instert a .jpg image and OO complains "Graphics filter not found".  Gif's work fine.. Where/How do I get and activate the appropriate filters to insert jpg files?09:13
meekwhat should i use for my identifier for my videocard in xorg?09:13
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flokuehnmeek: want it ?09:13
hendrixskid90, hexedit, if you don't mind doing it from command line09:13
steph__yeah, with sudo -i, it does work09:13
heguruTriGz_: follow the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19428.html09:13
flokuehnmeek: but its in german09:13
steph__but I'd like to add my repo in a single commande line09:14
TriGz_heguru: thanks.09:14
meekdas no good ek english09:14
meekbut thanks anyway09:14
flokuehnmeek: :)09:14
flokuehnmeek: everytime:)09:14
chuy_maxcan anyone help me set up my elo touch screen monitor?, I plugged it in but it doesn't work out of the box09:14
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chuy_maxxserver-xorg-input-elographics package is already installed09:14
TriGz_heguru:  i already have the iso, i just need an app to burn it >.<09:14
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hendrixskihelp :-)  I apt-get installed mysql-client now when I try to run mysql i it tells me "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)" ... but I have no /var/run/mysqld folder :-(  Is there something else I should be need to do?09:15
heguruTriGz_: right click at the .iso file and click at burn09:15
keitoholy cow batman, I just held my finger on "Y" to fix errors using fsck and I was doing it for like 2min at least... yowsers09:15
Jowisteph__, it should probably work with "sudo -s command" as well.09:15
TriGz_heguru:  it didnt boot, already tried that.09:15
Scunizihendrixski: you might also ask in #ubuntu-server09:15
hendrixskiScunizi, will do09:15
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heguruTriGz_: then its something with the .iso, you can also try gnomebaker09:16
meekwhat do i put for amount of KB to be used for gfx card ... if my card already has 256 onboard?09:16
Jowisteph__, hmm, just tried sudo -s but that also gave permission denied.09:16
TriGz_heguru:  thanks.09:16
heguruTriGz_: you can check if the .iso file is ok by doing an md5sum09:16
keitoMY FILES ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!! I FIXED IT. YAAAAHOOOOO!!! :) :)09:16
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TriGz_heguru:  how do i do a md5sum?09:16
igge/bin/arch: No such file or directory <-- what's going on (gutsy)09:16
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flokuehnmeek: that doesnt matter09:17
heguruTriGz_: on the terminal go to the folder with the iso file and type: md5sum filename.iso09:17
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=== keito does a little dance round the room
stefg_!gutsy | igge09:17
ubotuigge: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:17
flokuehnmeek: i also let it be09:17
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:17
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heguruTriGz_: this will give you a hash value, match it with the hash value available on the website where you downloaded the iso from09:17
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veynomi have a question09:17
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Jowisteph__, seems like everything after "sudo echo" is ignored and the rest of the command is done as your normal user account. that's why you get permission denied.09:17
iggestefg_: i know what gutsy is... but why doesn't it have a /bin/arch command?09:17
heguru!ask | veynom09:17
ubotuveynom: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:17
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veynomis it possible to hook up to two networks at the same time and do a shotgun like download thing09:18
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meekflokuehn: ok thanks09:18
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KasoHi, I've got no idea what sound chip my PC has (short of actually cracking it open and finding the chip), and ubuntu hasnt auto-done the drives for it, is there anyway i can identify the hardware i have in my system to aid me searching for drivers ?09:18
veynomdownload the same content but be on two connections through one computer09:18
stefg_igge: gutsy questions in #ubuntu+109:18
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meekfolkuehn: use kernel framebuffer device?09:18
heguruveynom: if on both sides there are linux routers which you have access to then yes, if you want to speed up internet downloads this way then no09:18
chuy_maxanyone can help me activate a elo touch screen monitor?09:18
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meekuse kernel framebuffer device?09:19
veynomlike a linux computer acting as a router?09:19
flokuehnmeek: no09:19
meekok thanks09:19
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derFuchswhere can i get informations about my lcd-panel that is build in my notebook09:19
heguruveynom: you can however use two connections to load balance (i.e. when you download two files from two location they will download concurrently, one on each connection)09:19
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heguruveynom: yes09:19
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songi installed xemacs ,but my emacs23 still can be start in x-window:'(09:20
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meekXorg modules that should be loaded by default???09:20
heguruveynom: goto lartc.org for more information09:20
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flokuehnis this an list ?09:20
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juanolong live TIRC09:20
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Jowimeek, bitmap, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype, glx, int10, vbe should be enough09:21
veynomis there a way to find  out when a user was last on irc?09:21
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flokuehnmeek: you can do as jowi wrote09:21
silent[ca] clear09:21
silent[ca] !clear09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clear - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:22
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meekwondering what i need to put in to get high res09:22
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flokuehnmeek: what do you mean?09:22
meekthats whats on by default09:22
meekbut is there anything else i might need?09:22
flokuehnmeek: there are some marked09:22
JowiKaso, yeah. you can have a look here: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:23
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meekalready mentioned09:23
flokuehnmeek: if the one you want is also marked09:23
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flokuehnthen just hit enter09:23
flokuehnand go on09:23
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flokuehnmeek: if not mark it09:23
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meekI dont know what they do09:23
KasoJowi that is awesome, thanks09:23
flokuehnmeek: they are just for reason09:24
meekis there an alternative used in nv?09:24
flokuehnmeek: i guess so09:24
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meekhorizontal and vertical refresh rates?09:24
flokuehnmeek: pass it09:25
meekmy monitor is 19inch09:25
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meekpass it?//09:25
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flokuehnmeek: i didnt change it for mine09:25
meekbut it wants me to set something... Advanced etc.09:25
meekyes but i want to use higher than 1024x768 on highest possible refresh09:25
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meekgoing for refresh of xorg09:26
meekhope it works09:26
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flokuehnmeek: what resolutions have you choosen?09:26
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comicinke1hi! has anybody experience with data rescue?09:26
comicinke1I destroyed my ext2 superblock09:27
Mar1hi, last week I installed compiz and it's working perfectly (almost :)).. I have 4 virtual desktops in 1 row, but when I switch with CTRL-ALT-left/right, the system shifts two views to the left/right. It's impossible to get to desktop 2 and 409:27
Mar1does anyone have an idea where to start fixing this ?09:27
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crackintoshDoes anyone have SVN installed09:27
crackintoshor websvn for that matter?09:27
comicinke1but I heard that the superblock has backups somewhere09:27
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Picicrackintosh: Depends on what the question is.09:28
comicinke1anyone who can help me?09:28
justin__hey all...i've got a bcm4318 running using ndiswrapper....networkmanager doesn't seem to like it as it won't connect to my wireless network..it shows up, but won't connect.  however, if i use sudo dhclient, it connects no problem....i read bout wicd but wasn't sure that was the route i should go..any help is appreciated....thanks!!09:28
stefg_comicinke1: man fsck.ext2 .... the -b option09:28
CreedI need a little help with my tftp server...I installed tftpd-hpa and dhcpd3, it was working fine last night but today I get and IP from the DHCP server but theres a "TFTP Timeout" error.09:28
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comicinke1stefg_ I tried already that. but it tells me again it cannot find the superblock09:30
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Lheho guys09:30
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Lsmbd here?09:31
stefg_comicinke1: what happened to that filesystem ?09:31
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banksterhow can I use windows live ID with gaim ?09:31
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crackintoshPici: I installed websvn and it cannot find /var/lib/svn So I am wondering where svn installs on ubuntu09:31
crackintoshPici: I did locate svn and locate subversion09:32
chippybankster, it's a MSN account to choose09:32
banksterI have gmail that already register to wl id09:32
crackintoshPici: But was not able to find anything09:32
banksteragain please09:32
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CreedI need a little help with my tftp server...I installed tftpd-hpa and dhcpd3, it was working fine last night but today I get and IP from the DHCP server but theres a "TFTP Timeout" error.09:32
bankstergaim seem to accept hotmail only09:32
Picicrackintosh: dpkg -L packagename09:32
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Picicrackintosh: That will tell you where all the files installed to09:33
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comicinke1stefg_ I don't know exactly. maybe the file system was not unmounted clearly, or two different partitioning tools tried to access the drive09:33
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chippyhotmail is windows live mail09:33
comicinke1it happened during a gutsy install09:33
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banksterI know09:33
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banksterbut I can use gmail09:33
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bankstercan't use09:33
juanois someone using TIRC ?09:34
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comicinke1stef_g: so can I get the superblock back with a copy?09:34
banksterI can use gmail account with windows live messenger09:34
hendrixskiif a package installation breaks, what can I do to fix it?09:34
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banksterbut It can't with gaim09:34
Jowihendrixski, depends on the error and how you installed the package.09:35
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chippyas IM/Chat?09:35
stefg_comicinke1: so there might be no backup superblock anymore. usually -b 32768 on 4k filesystem09:35
silent[ca] how do I get rhythmbox to play m4a files?09:35
bankstersorry 4 my damn eng09:35
banksterI from th09:35
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banksterim from th09:35
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FlyingPigi have question about gutsy gibbon09:35
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hendrixskiJowi, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:35
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ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:36
DigDugzListen up! ... people with m$ stock are gonna feel grumpy for a while, theese might be your frinds and such. Do not listen to them and if youre a coder, then code (Been here done that... its no biggie)09:36
stefg_FlyingPig: #ubuntu+109:36
FlyingPigstefg_ thanks09:36
chippybankster, i use an XMPP account09:36
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comicinke1stef_g can I get the blocksize by myself, or do I have to try them out?09:36
juanochippy hello09:36
banksterchippy , what is it ?09:37
Jowisilent[ca] , "file song.extension" should tell you which encoder you need to install. Rhythmbox uses gstreamer codecs09:37
comicinke1stef_g: it is a 200GB disk, with no partitions09:37
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juanohello all09:37
banksterjuana , hello too09:37
Jowihendrixski, for which package and which version of ubuntu?09:37
stefg_comicinke1: if you left everything as it was then you most probably have a 4k blocksize09:37
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hendrixskiJowi, for mysql-server09:38
gonzaloaf_workhi can I set a environment variable to be the default for all my wide system and users?09:38
chippybanskter http://wiki.freeculture.org/Google_talk_with_Gaim_and_Pidgin09:38
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heydeanwat up ppl09:38
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chippyjabber for gaim, sorry xmpp for pidgin09:38
Jowihendrixski, the one in the main repo or another version. again for which version of ubuntu?09:38
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bewstPackages are being kept back; I can find out "why" but I don't know what to do about it.  Who can help me?09:39
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forest252525i was able to use my wireless network but i connected to another one at work and now i can't connect to mine, does anyone know what to do?09:40
hendrixskiJowi, feisty, from the main repo09:40
Jowisilent[ca] , so if the "file songname" returns "MP3 encoding" you would "apt-cache search gstreamer mp3" to find the package you need (just a basic example)09:40
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bewstforest252525: what happens when you try to connect?  Are you using networkmanager?09:41
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silent[ca] Jowi, I'm thinking I'll just wine foobar200009:41
Jowihendrixski, can you pastebin the entire command + error you get?09:41
CapaHDoes anyone here know if LivePerson software works well with Wine/Ubuntu ?09:41
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forest252525network settings09:41
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bewstforest252525: you're not on feisty?09:41
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justin__hey all...i've got a bcm4318 running using ndiswrapper....networkmanager doesn't seem to like it as it won't connect to my wireless network..it shows up, but won't connect.  however, if i use sudo dhclient, it connects no problem....i read bout wicd but wasn't sure that was the route i should go..any help is appreciated....thanks!!09:41
forest252525oh yes09:41
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hendrixskiJowi, yep... one second...09:42
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bewstforest252525: so you have an icon in your top panel that can be used to control the network?09:42
MuhammadI want help   I can't open my fat32 partitions at ubuntu09:42
bewstforest252525: what happens when you click it?09:42
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forest252525yes the 2 box taht lokks like tv09:42
bewstforest252525: do you get a menu when you click it?09:43
bewstforest252525: what's in the menu?09:43
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forest252525i have the choice between wire and manual09:43
stefg_!mountwindows | Muhammad09:43
ubotuMuhammad: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:43
Muhammad I want help   I can't open my fat32 partitions at ubuntu09:43
bewstforest252525: what happens when you right-click it?09:43
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silent[ca] Jowi,  ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, iTunes AAC-LC09:43
bewstforest252525: do you see "enable wireless" there?09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tea - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:43
forest252525enable networking is checke09:43
heartsbloodis it possible to string commands together in sudo without -i?09:43
bewstforest252525: and "enable wireless?"09:44
heartsbloodwith sudo*09:44
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forest252525not threr09:44
hendrixskiJowi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40442/09:44
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bewstOK, left click and select Manual Configuration09:44
forest252525but i don't think it was there when is was working09:44
Muhammadubotu: thx         I will see now09:44
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heartsbloodsudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade will only complete the first command09:44
bewstforest252525: do you see an entry for "wireless connection?"09:45
bewstforest252525: does it say "roaming mode enabled?"09:45
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heguruheartsblood: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:45
VorondilHi all, I'm using a CLI install of 7.04 that I've built up to an x11 desktop.   I can't seem to get arecord to record input to my mic.  http://pastebin.com/me3104bc  Here's the output of amixer, arecord -L, and a test using arecord/aplay.  When I playback the file, I get silence.  I can hear mic input through my speakers.  Could someone take a look and tell me where I might be going wrong?  Thanks.09:45
bewstforest252525: double-click it and check "enable roaming mode"09:45
DigDugzHi, im Magnus-swe of gadmintools.org  Do you like all the apps ive coded since 1996 (if you say yes id be really happy)09:46
Jowisilent[ca] , I think "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad" should be able to play itunes files but haven't tried it.09:46
heartsbloodheguru: so i have to initiate sude at each command?09:46
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heguruheartsblood: yes if you want to run them as root09:46
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bewstforest252525: OK that dialog, close network settings, right click your network manager icon and deselect "enable networking"09:46
comicinke1stef_g: so do you know how many copys of the superblock exist?09:46
Silver_Shadowcome si fa per vedere se sono attivi i bluetooth?09:47
heartsbloodseems kinda wasteful.09:47
bewstforest252525: brb09:47
silent[ca] Jowi, it's installed so I guess not09:47
heartsbloodheguru: ty for the input though.  appricated as always here.09:47
Jowihendrixski, "debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed" >> do you have apt-utils installed?09:47
DigDugzgproftpd, gdhcpd, servo chipset code, suid code, httpd code,  bin2iso09:47
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hendrixskiJowi, I'll give that a try09:47
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:48
DigDugzGive me a fucking "Hurray!" plz :)09:48
corentin`Hi all09:48
Muhammadubotu: I forgot to tell you that I was able to access them but after installing some updates I couldn't open them :(09:48
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justin__hey all...i've got a bcm4318 running using ndiswrapper....networkmanager doesn't seem to like it as it won't connect to my wireless network..it shows up, but won't connect.  however, if i use sudo dhclient, it connects no problem....i read bout wicd but wasn't sure that was the route i should go..any help is appreciated....thanks!!09:48
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leandrowfxei! alguem do brasil???09:48
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:48
DigDugzBhaal: hello tool.09:48
Jowisilent[ca] , I havent even seen iTunes store or files so I can't be of much help there.09:49
hendrixskiJowi, but now everything I try to install something else it tries to get mysql server in there first... and craps out09:49
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee09:49
heguru!ohmy | DigDugz09:49
ubotuDigDugz: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.09:49
silent[ca] itt washed up programmers try to legitimate their existences by checking their impact on the open source community09:49
bewstforest252525: now re-enable networking09:49
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hendrixskiJowi, so apt is basically totally hozed until I get mysql-server installed :-(     what should I do?09:49
heguruMuhammad: ubotu is a bot09:49
bewstforest252525: ?09:49
DigDugzheguru: .mil are interrested, would you care to explain :P09:49
Mar1Someone willing and/or able to help me with my compiz desktop switch problem ?09:49
corentin`justin__: personaly, I don't use network-manager09:49
silent[ca] justin__, network-manager is bad09:50
Jowihendrixski, remove mysql-server or mysql-client first of all. install apt-utils and try again.09:50
Muhammad:) you know I was thinking in that :)09:50
bewstforest252525: now left-click the NM icon09:50
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bewstforest252525:  do you see your network?09:50
DigDugzMuhammad:; stfu :P09:50
comicinke1stef_g: I found a very cool tool! the big advantage in may yase is that I dont had partitions on my harddrive. so maybe mke2fs can help me09:50
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justin__corentin': what do you use?09:50
hendrixskiJowi, the remove's try to finish the install before removing it :-(09:50
Muhammad:D it's ok09:50
comicinke1stef_g: do you know that command?09:50
heguruMuhammad: what ubuntu are you using? feisty or gutsy?09:50
justin__silent[ca] : what do you suggest?09:51
chippyisnt there a gnome network manager (similar name!) thats meant to be better?09:51
bewstforest252525: ?09:51
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bewstforest252525: select it09:51
silent[ca] justin__, depends what you're trying to do09:51
Muhammad7.10 beta09:51
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bewstforest252525: are you connecting?09:51
MuhammadI think Gutsy09:51
Jowihendrixski, try "sudo apt-get -f remove mysql-server-5.0 mysql-client-5.0"09:51
forest252525it ask me for the key09:51
heguruMuhammad: then try asking in #ubuntu+1, this is only for feisty09:51
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justin__silent[ca] : not have to use "sudo dhclient" every time i login to get on the web...hehe09:51
bewstforest252525: I assume you know your own network key(?)09:51
corentin`justin__: dhclient or wifi-radar09:51
SAhey guys09:51
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stefg_comicinke1: mke2fs will format your drive... that means: erase everything09:51
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nanonymeoh, no09:52
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cyberjameswhat happen09:52
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:52
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Muhammadok I will try09:52
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nanonymeban the ctcp sender!09:52
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heartsbloodeither netsplit, or somebody is ctcp flooding09:52
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Kill_Xf******** script kiddies09:52
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Affilated!ohmy | Kill_X09:53
ubotuKill_X: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.09:53
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nanonymewhat on earth09:53
hendrixskiJowi, k09:53
LiMaOc-68-49-242-241.hsd1.dc.comcast.net -- this idiot is flooding people09:53
silent[ca] !ops09:53
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:53
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silent[ca] that was.... interesting09:53
diaficsomeone set ups up the bomb09:53
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)09:53
diaficcyberjames, no09:53
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hendrixskiis this automated, or is this someone being a prick?09:53
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=== kloeri looks in
bewstforest252525: yst?09:53
Muhammadbut you know  I was thinking  this a general problem09:53
=== troubled pokes kloeri
diaficcyberjames, no its not a split09:53
nanonymeno, it can't have been a netsplit09:53
=== silent[ca] slowly backs away from computer
cyberjameswhat is that09:53
diaficThat was a griefer attack09:53
Dave2it wasn't a netsplit, it was an attack.09:53
Kill_Xlol -.-09:53
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:53
heartsbloodI didn't see the network split error, I think it was somebody dbeing a dick09:53
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nanonymeyou don't "excess flood" when you drop due to netsplit09:53
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Kill_Xthis had nothing to do with a netsplit09:53
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forest252525i type in my key09:53
LinuxJuggalodamn kiddies09:54
Kill_Xthat was a CTCP attack09:54
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ndubedefinitly NOT a netsplit09:54
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comicinke1stef_g: yeah, but, the -n option shows what it WOULD do, and it shows possible other superblock copies09:54
LiMaOhendrixski: c-68-49-242-241.hsd1.dc.comcast.net that guy is flooding / spamming people09:54
bewstforest252525: and what happened?09:54
silent[ca] I've seen a good many netsplits in my time09:54
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bewstforest252525: are you connected?09:54
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nanonymefound it09:54
forest252525i can see that i have 4 bar09:54
chippyyeah, not netsplit, other channels unaffected09:54
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forest252525but no access to internet09:54
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forest252525but nothing in the router has changed09:54
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=== tomaw slaps the ircd
hendrixskiLiMaO, spam?  so we'll get popups soon like in Windows?09:54
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LiMaOhendrixski: actually you'll get dcc send requests saying 'spamspamspam'09:55
forest252525if it ask me again for my key09:55
nanonymethose are the guys09:55
smultronwhy do people do that?09:55
heartsbloodrouter exploit?09:55
forest252525it means thant my key is not correct09:55
Hoosteencorrentin': hey justin_ here...ok..yeah..i use "sudo dhclient" whenever i login to get on the web..is there any way around that?09:55
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diaficsmultron, shits and giggles.09:55
heartsbloodsmultron: why not?09:55
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:55
bewstforest252525: I think if you have bars, then you got a DHCP address and your problem is on the other side of the router.09:55
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nanonymeit is indeed a router exploit09:55
smultronit's annoying09:55
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corentin`diafic: do you have any idea how they do that ?09:55
bewstforest252525: you can verify by right-clicking the NM icon and choosing "connection information."09:55
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stefg_!msg ubotu dccexploit09:55
silent[ca] the guy I was helping got dc'd09:55
silent[ca] lol09:55
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dfgwhen I start my vmware it says "the network bridge on device /dev/vmner0" is temporary down because the bridged Etherner interface is down." why is that ? I can work on my main machine well09:56
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AndehWut did I miss?09:56
diaficcorentin`, botnet.09:56
silent[ca] Andeh, it was bad09:56
heartsbloodsmultron: I may have a macab way of looking at it, but i'd rather know there was a problem do what I can to avoid/fix it than be oblivious.09:56
n6a6iyacan i install messenger live on my unbuntu?09:56
diaficyou get a botnet of virus'd machines09:56
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:56
diaficn6a6iya, see gaim/pidgin09:56
Andehsilent[ca] : No it was hilarious. What did I miss?09:56
PriceChildn6a6iya, use gaim, installed by default.09:56
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit09:56
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DigDugzDo you wish to be helped ?09:56
diaficthey're our equivilent of many messengers rolled into one09:56
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diafic(I'm actually a debian user)09:56
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smultronheartsblood: i guess that's one way of looking at it09:56
bewstNow that I've performed a mitzvah by helping someone with his network, can someone please lend a hand with my packages that are being held back?09:56
n6a6iyaPriceChild you mean i just download it from the web?09:56
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diaficI just come here to get my lols and help people when I get bored09:56
n6a6iyanothing is needed?09:57
nanonymeagh, if only i had perm ops. would be trivial to add automatic kickbans for that kind of attacks09:57
diaficn6a6iya, its preinstalled09:57
silent[ca] Andeh, some script kiddie lowlife employed by microsoft causing havoc on linux support networks... you know how it is09:57
PriceChildn6a6iya, no, it is installed by default.09:57
CreationistAnyone know of any alternatives to GNUCash that has a better interface (more reminiscent of Quicken)?09:57
diaficlook under internet09:57
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n6a6iyawhat about IRC ?09:57
corentin`diafic: arf ... just a simple DoS attack ?09:57
nanonymecorentin`, no09:57
VorondilHi all, I'm using 7.04 (amd64), and I can't seem to get arecord to record input to my mic.  http://pastebin.com/me3104bc  Here's the output of amixer, arecord -L, and a test using arecord/aplay.  When I playback the file, I get silence.  I can hear mic input through my speakers.  Could someone take a look and tell me where I might be going wrong?  Thanks.09:57
DigDugzbewst: So youre still spamming the people you like the most ?09:57
PriceChildnanonyme, If you feel we could improve the management of this channel then please suggest it in #ubuntu-ops09:57
stefg_bewst: are on on gutsy?09:57
diaficcorentin`, no, its a botnet of machines designed to cause grief on IRC networks09:57
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bewststefg_: is this #ubuntu+1?  ;-)   No, I'm on feisty09:57
DigDugzbewst: Like Alan Ralsky ?09:57
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PriceChildATTENTION - Yes we had an attack. Lets please ignore it, move on and stay on topic - helping people. #ubuntu-offtopic is for other discussion.09:58
n6a6iyaPriceChild, how can i install the IRC?09:58
flokuehnis anybody arround here who knows howto install drivers in vmplayer?09:58
diaficn6a6iya, aptitude install xchat09:58
PriceChildn6a6iya, pardon?09:58
diaficits a good client09:58
bewstDigDugz: spamming?  If you're trolling, I'm not biting09:58
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DigDugzLike: simoriah "Achmoud"09:58
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n6a6iyai  would like to install adobe photoshop09:58
diaficI think n6a6iya doesn't speak english as a native language09:58
hendrixskin6a6iya, go to applications --> add/remove programs and select IRC from the list09:58
diaficyou can't n6a6iya09:58
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:58
Hoosteencorrentin': hey justin_ here...ok..yeah..i use "sudo dhclient" whenever i login to get on the web..is there any way around that?09:58
diafichowever, we have the GIMP09:58
silent[ca] I cant get xwine and wine to work together. when I apt-get one the other is removed and vise versa09:58
n6a6iyayou are right09:58
DigDugzbewst: you are, i wish you none the breast09:58
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n6a6iyawhy cant i ?09:59
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diaficn6a6iya, because its windows-only09:59
FlyingPighow i get same settings on gutsy gibbon from my gnome settings i have now? what file i need to  copy and paste??? i dont want to redo it all09:59
AndehNetsplit or hax0r?09:59
dfgwhen I start my vmware it says "the network bridge on device /dev/vmner0" is temporary down because the bridged Etherner interface is down." why is that ? I can work on my main machine well09:59
n6a6iyasomebody told me there's something i can install09:59
hendrixskin6a6iya, why photoshop?  try the GIMP, it's fun, and it's actually cross platform09:59
PriceChild!offtopic > diafic (see ubotu's pm)09:59
diaficAndeh, neither, its a scriptkiddy09:59
n6a6iyato install windows softwares!09:59
PriceChild!offtopic > andeh (see ubotu's pm)09:59
bewstso much for good kharma09:59
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hendrixskin6a6iya, there's something called wine, which can install some windows software09:59
diaficn6a6iya, thats WINE09:59
bewst\me is out of here09:59
AndehPriceChild: I saw it. And?09:59
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diaficWine allows you to run some windows apps a bit slower on a linux machine10:00
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n6a6iyadoes it install the photoshop?10:00
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DigDugzn=Greyscal@host86-147-168-200.range86-147.btcentralplus.com.. Yes, christian, who is this tool... :=)10:00
diaficI dunno if photoshop works.10:00
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diafictry googling it10:00
susan>i want to change my motherboard but i know i have to remove my IDE drivers first.. trouble is, my computer went dead before i could remove the drivers so i cannot remove them. however, if anyone can tell me how i can go into my harddrve and remove the drivers manually, that would be fab.10:00
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FlyingPighow do i get my GUI settings on feisty fawn onto gutsy gibbon without redoing all settings?10:00
heguru!ot > DigDugz (see ubotu's pm)10:00
n6a6iyaokay i will give it a try thanks10:00
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kjpwhen using the md interface for "raid" do you have to start with clean, data-free disks ? or can you compile a pool of pre-formatted drives ?10:00
silent[ca] diafic, apparently some verisons of photoshop do, but cedega has more compatibilty10:00
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diaficYeah, but I can't afford cedega10:01
DigDugzheguru: another m$ gold partner are you ?10:01
Balzguys, i installed ubuntu on a dual-boot with winxp, but when i restart my comp i dont get the grub loader and it goes straight to windows10:01
CreationistAnyone know of any alternatives to GNUCash that has a better interface (more reminiscent of Quicken)?10:01
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flokuehnn6a6iya: do you speak german?10:01
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diaficBalz, installed windows last?10:01
PriceChild!de | flokuehn10:01
ubotuflokuehn: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:01
diaficFlyingPig, sup?10:01
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PriceChild!gutsy | FlyingPig10:01
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ubotuFlyingPig: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:01
Balzdiafic: nope, ubuntu10:01
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stefg_susan: i wouldn't panic in advance. have a try, if it doesn't work  you've got to fix it from Live CD10:01
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flokuehnn6a6iya: PriceChild thank you i know that. i just want to ask him because i found an nice tut in german10:01
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diaficTry installing GRUB again10:01
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meekwhats going on here? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-241427.html10:01
diaficor the whole thing if there is nothing on it10:01
PriceChildflokuehn, my apologies.10:01
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:01
FlyingPigdiafic hello sir i use ubuntu feisty fawn today and i will install gutsy gibbon soon and how do i get my current GUI settings to gutsy gibbon from feisty fawn???10:01
Balzdiafic, tried both10:02
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flokuehnPriceChild: doesnt matter :)10:02
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flokuehnmeek: did it work10:02
flokuehnmeek: ????10:02
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heguruFlyingPig: for gutsy support join #ubuntu+110:02
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meekyeah thanks after some messing around with it its / half working10:02
diaficFlyingPig, what'd I'd do is tarball my entire /home directory, install the new one and copy it back10:02
soundrayLooking at the output of dpkg --get-selections -- is there a way to distinguish between packages that others depend on and those that don't have reverse-dependencies?10:02
meekgot right res...10:02
meekbut no 3D10:02
flokuehnmeek: oh ok10:02
meekso wonder now what.10:02
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:02
Jowisusan, no need to remove drivers, simply open the computer and unplug the disk drives. if you don't know how, contact your PC manufacturer (on DELL machines it's a simple clip, no screws or anything and the support people are usually willing to guide you)10:02
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FlyingPigdiafic is it that simple?10:02
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flokuehnmeek: i think there will ge an solution for this problem at all10:02
diaficFlyingPig, hopefully :P10:02
FlyingPigdiafic is all gnome settings there?10:03
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flokuehnmeek: maybe you cann google for10:03
meekflokuehn: do you know what this is all about (or how to fix it withiout reinstalling ubuntu?) http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-241427.html10:03
diaficHopefully it won't break10:03
flokuehnmeek: ill have a look10:03
diaficbut it works a dream from one version to the same10:03
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diafichopefully they don't change where stuff goes too much10:03
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diaficI read that as "<hido> Ni!"10:03
diaficToo much Monty python10:03
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Nidowhat do I have to do to upgrade from Tribe 5 to Release Candidate?10:04
PriceChild!gutsy | Nido10:04
ubotuNido: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:04
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diaficWhat is tribe?10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tribe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:04
Jowidiafic, (offtopic-warning) wow, haven't seen the Grail for years and years. thanks for the flash-back.10:04
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r0bbydiafic: it's one of the beta releases.10:04
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r0bbyor (maybe alpha(?)?10:05
diaficNido, I'd assume you don't.10:05
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PriceChildAHEM This channel is for Dapper/Edgy/Feisty support ONLY.10:05
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diaficEither run a supported system or expect wipe-down systems10:05
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fdciao a tutti10:05
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PriceChild!it | fd10:05
ubotufd: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:05
meekcan I unistall gaim and get pidgeon instaead?10:05
UsiuIs there an LiveCD of ubuntu ?10:05
estreloHello there, new user here. Anyone could give me a hand with a couple of newbie driver issues? Thank you10:05
diaficmeek, depends on the version10:05
Jowihendrixski, did the -f remove work?10:05
diaficUsiu, the installer IS a liveCD10:05
PriceChild!highno | meek10:05
ubotumeek: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.10:05
diaficit just has a button to install to disk on the desktop :P10:06
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flokuehnmeek: ok10:06
diaficwhat version of ubuntu10:06
hendrixskijowi no... even then it tries to finish the mysql-server install10:06
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chippymeek, i did that. But i had to compile pidgin from source10:06
meekfeisty 7.0410:06
diaficdebian its a bit easier. You just track sid and you get everything hot.10:06
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flokuehnmeek: it seems that if you use the envy thing you could get all the 3d options working10:06
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diaficmeek, wait until it get pushed down the pipe10:06
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diaficor see if 7.10 has it10:06
meekthanks for the tip flokuehn10:06
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soundrayI'm looking for a way to list packages on my system that are "leaves in the dependency tree", ie. don't have others depending on them.10:07
Gek_anyone have a good raid1 guide for a new install?10:07
geniimeek: the getdeb website has a 7.04 deb of pidgen. I'm running it now10:07
heartsblooddiafic: that's exactly why I dont use debian.  to get all the latest and greatest you have to use sid which breaks all the time.10:07
flokuehnmeek: but10:07
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Gek_i'm wanting to mirror two 750GB hard drives10:07
diaficheartsblood, I have patience and use Lenny10:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:07
flokuehnmeek: as he told, he had to reinstall ubuntu for that10:07
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heartsblooddiafic: you sir are a better man than I.10:07
hendrixskiJowi, It's happened once before and I had to re-install.  where every time I try to install or remove something, it tries to install a package that just doesn't want to DL10:07
flokuehnmeek: so maybe you will try at the next installation10:07
diaficheartsblood, version me.10:07
Gek_these hard drives will also be my boot drives10:07
diaficIts windows D:10:07
diafic(stupid office 07)10:07
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diaficIt gets no worse than this10:08
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi10:08
Usiudiafic, does it contain pidgin by default ?10:08
heguruGek_: you can configure these drives as RAID1 and still boot with them10:08
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flokuehnmeek: i havent ever tried to do that thing with the envy script because i use windows for gaming and stuff10:08
Usiudiafic, I want to burn cd with live GNU/Linux for my girl10:08
heguru!raid | Gek_10:08
ubotuGek_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:08
heartsblood;) blocked10:08
diaficUsiu, dunno, but it DOES contain gaim10:08
heartsblood<3 script kiddies.10:08
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diaficwhich is the pre-rename version10:08
meekI seem to be having this problem though: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-241427.html10:08
MrMark79I upgraded gutsy and enabled compiz with cube effects. Now I notice that CTRL-ALT-left/right shifts the desktop twice instead of one, so from 1=>3 instead of 2. I'm not sure wheter this is a gutsy problem or just a setting I missed.. someone able to help me out ?10:09
Usiudiafic, :(10:09
diaficalso, the liveCD is slow.10:09
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Jowihendrixski, have you tried to remove it with synaptic?10:09
diaficIt depends on the disk drives bandwidth.10:09
Gek_heguru, that one doesnt' work10:09
heguru!gutsy | MrMark7910:09
ubotuMrMark79: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:09
hendrixskiJowi, no actually... but isn't that just the same thing?10:09
meekflokeuhn: ;-)10:09
diaficWhich is less than a hard disk. Which is slow to begin with10:09
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SLaPoeti'm trying to install dapper server lamp and it's stuck at 86%, no running processes.10:09
heguruGek_: what doesn't work?10:09
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diaficSLaPoet, I had that10:09
diaficis it an Intel P4?10:09
Jowihendrixski, it can work. if not try "dpkg --configure -a"10:10
SLaPoetvmware server guest installation10:10
flokuehnmeek: will you try envy?10:10
Gek_"This is *NOT* for people with new, blank hdds"10:10
diaficDunno why it happened to me. I just retrie10:10
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meekwould be great if game designers custom built games to take advantage of the linux kernel processing advantages making games run faster on linux.. and hey presto ..  a whole market moving towards linux.10:10
SLaPoetdiafic: did you report a bug?10:10
diaficI got a 33% chance of success10:10
Gek_and the second link... i don't wanna do LVM10:10
diaficNo. Because thats like pissing into the wind these days10:10
AnarchSLaPoet: I had that kind of stuckage at 6% with dapper server; it turned out to be a bad CD.10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:10
=== InteGastono [n=Gasten@h14n5c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gek_the problem with that is there is no option to make Raid 1 in the partitioner10:11
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kiukdoes anyone have a clue why I might not be getting sound on my ubuntu? I have a intel HDA10:11
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Gek_which of course is the first step10:11
soundray!intelhda | kiuk10:11
ubotukiuk: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:11
chippyhave you ever kiuk ?10:11
Gek_heguru, see? :(10:11
Jowihendrixski, I will be away for awhile. good luck.10:11
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
hendrixskiJowi, k, that reconfigures everything, right?10:11
heguruGek_: so you have a hard disk WITH data and you want to mirror it?10:11
kiukthanks ubotu I'll check it out10:11
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oo PriceChild Seveas] by PriceChild
estreloHellCould anyone help get an Intel AGn wifi card working?10:11
hendrixskiJowi, k thanks :-) I appreciate it10:11
Gek_i have 2 blank hard drives10:11
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Gek_i want to install a full system using all disk space as a mirror of the drives10:12
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Balzhow can i install the grub loader to a certain partition ??10:12
diaficestrelo, probably not10:12
downhillgamescan somebody please point me to _the_ compiz fusion repo to use?10:12
diaficBalz, it installs to the bootloader.10:13
downhillgamesme love you long time10:13
diaficYou can make a /boot partition that contains all the extrenuous bits of it10:13
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soundrayGek_: you need the alternate CD. Read ubotu's private messages:10:13
soundray!alternate > Gek_10:13
diaficswap bootloader for "master boot record"10:13
soundray!raid > Gek_10:13
corentin`Balz: you can't10:13
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corentin`Balz: grub must be in the MBR10:13
VorondilHi all, I'm using 7.04 (amd64), and I can't seem to get arecord to record input to my mic.  http://pastebin.com/me3104bc  Here's the output of amixer, arecord -L, and a test using arecord/aplay.  When I playback the file, I get silence.  I can hear mic input through my speakers.  alsamixer reports my sound hardware as: Card: HDA Nvidia, Chip: Analog Devices AD1986A.  Could someone take a look and tell me where I might be going wrong?  Thanks.10:13
=== xIke [n=root@24-158-124-25.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
diaficI totally just said that corentin` :P10:13
soundraycorentin`: that's not entirely correct (Balz)10:14
diaficTotally! *wristflick*10:14
Gek_is there an alternate gutsy?10:14
kiukI did kiuk@eniac2:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-'uname -r' and I get a couldn't find package10:14
Balzcorentin': i got the grub loader installed at hd0,6 which is the linux ext3 partition10:14
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soundrayGek_: yes10:14
corentin`Oops sorry diafic :)10:14
=== h|barbobot [n=barbo@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/h-barbobot] has joined #ubuntu
downhillgames"THE" compiz fusion repo to use, anyone?10:14
heguruGek_: I believe you can use the alternate cd to configure RAID1 during installation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FileServerWithRAID10:14
Balzcorentin': but when i load my computer grub wont load and it goes straight to windows10:14
downhillgamesthe forums are a needle in a haystack and the help. site didn't even mention it10:14
estrelodiafic, Hum, Intel does have a driver in their site, but I can't load it...10:14
corentin`could you explain soundray ?10:15
h|barbobotBalz: you need to load a live-cd, run grub-install then reboot10:15
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SLaPoetdiafic: i killed the "apt-get update" process, and it installation completed.10:15
soundrayBalz: in that case you should install grub to the MBR of the disk that the BIOS considers your first.10:15
diaficestrelo, its 90% certain unsupported. DO some googlin'10:15
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diaficSLaPoet, nice. Mine always died during kernel install on my P4.10:15
h|barbobotthen you can add windows to your grub menu10:15
diaficlike it locked up10:15
Usiudiafic, how to check if pidgin is in 7.04 or 7.10 ?10:15
soundraycorentin`: you can have grub in a partition instead of the MBR. Then you can chainload it using another boot loader, or a separate grub instance.10:15
corentin`Balz: you have to install it at /dev/hda or /dev/sda10:15
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diaficUsiu, dunno.10:15
kiukanyone have a clue how to run this line on the terminal? sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`10:15
corentin`soundray: oh yeah I see :)10:16
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PriceChildkiuk, just paste it in10:16
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PriceChildkiuk, then press enter10:16
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diaficdoes ubuntu have a packages site like packages.debian.org?10:16
h|barbobotkiuk: just as you wrote it10:16
kiukthe uname -r means what?10:16
PriceChildkiuk, make sure you use ` and not '10:16
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:16
Usiudiafic, its debian way doesnt work:D10:16
h|barbobotkiuk: it's the kernel version10:16
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PriceChildkiuk, that's a command in a command10:16
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SLaPoetdiafic: for some reason the dapper installer won't access the security updates repo on this network, i think it has something to do with a firewall on http10:16
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PriceChildkiuk, basically appends the kernel version number10:16
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diaficThe debian way has one flaw: They don't always use the right tool for the job10:16
soundraykiuk: do a sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:16
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soundraykiuk: cleaner10:16
SLaPoetdiafic:  most of the "security" websites are blocked from work,10:16
Balzguys, no offense but what ur saying is not helpful10:17
diaficSLaPoet, thats silly :P10:17
PriceChildBalz, pardon?10:17
soundrayBalz: how many disks in your system?10:17
kiukthanks guys10:17
soundrayPriceChild: I'll help10:17
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PriceChild*highfives kiuk*10:17
Balzsoundray: 2 hard drives10:17
downhillgames'the' compiz fusion repo... someone's gottak now10:17
downhillgamesthe bot?10:17
Balzsoundray: both sata10:17
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=== downhillgames can start spamming liek a faggot if you want
seb__hi i linux on my usb flash drive but my bios dosn't support usb booting is their some sort of cd that i can boot wich then redirects to usb? sorry if this is off topic10:17
SLaPoetdiafic: its because people use security sites to subvert network security here, so they blocked most of them,10:17
soundrayBalz: and you installed ubuntu on the second?10:17
diaficstill silly.10:18
estrelodiafic, Thanks. Any pointers for a place to read up on mounting drivers? I need to hammer in the one for my graphics card.10:18
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flokuehnBalz: have you created an boot partition for the grub loader10:18
Balzsoundray: the linux ext3 is installed on partition 7 of the first hard disk10:18
SLaPoetseb__: you might want to google "puppy linux documentation"10:18
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PriceChild!offtopic | diafic10:18
ubotudiafic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:18
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soundrayflokuehn: please don't confuse balz. He or she doesn't need that10:18
seb__thanks SLaPoet10:18
Balzsoundray: and when i do find /boot/grub/stage1 it finds hd(0,6)10:18
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seb__il have a look10:18
flokuehnsoundray: sorry. just read the topic and thougt about solution10:18
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soundrayBalz: that's good then10:19
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kiukhow do I get through the third bullet point in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:19
soundrayflokuehn: we'll try that when the standard approach fails (grub -> MBR)10:19
Guildmagehi, when i try to install Ubuntu from a Live CD, it gives me an error just after i try to install it, it say something about my X server not beeing well set up....10:19
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flokuehnsoundray: ok10:19
Balzsoundray: when i do fdisk -l tho, the boot (*) is at the 2nd partition of the 2nd harddrive10:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:19
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soundrayBalz: the boot flag will be ignored, once you replaced the Windows MBR with the grub one.10:20
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Balzsoundray: alright, and how do i do that? :)10:20
comicinke1hi! a desaster happend: the superblock of my hdd is destroyed. can I restore data from the mke2fs -n some files?10:20
soundrayBalz: first I need to know where you are now. Chatting on the same machine?10:20
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kiukis there an easy way to download the latest version of alsa without having to download alsa-driver, alsa-lib, and alsa-utils separtately10:20
downhillgamesompaul; how do i use <whatever the bot's name is>?10:20
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PriceChilddownhillgames, ubotu?10:21
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Balzsoundray: yes, on windows10:21
downhillgamesPriceChild; if that's the bot, yes10:21
stefg_!info photorec10:21
ubotuPackage photorec does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:21
downhillgamesi need to know the compiz fusion repo.10:21
PriceChilddownhillgames, have you searched on the internet for it?10:21
soundrayBalz: do you have a live CD from which you could boot instead?10:21
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PriceChilddownhillgames, isn't it in feisty even?110:21
Balzsoundray: yup10:21
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swhalenCan someone help me?10:21
soundrayBalz: shall I see you in a few minutes then?10:21
downhillgamesPriceChild; i've used Linux for ~4-5 years now. take a guess. :)10:21
downhillgamestis a simple question.10:21
h|barbobothey guys, im actually having a problem getting x backup. After an upgrade, ubuntu (gutsy) refuses to use /etc/X11/xorg.conf and keeps trying to use the VESA driver10:21
comicinke1can anyone help me with my deleted ext2 filesystem?10:21
downhillgameswith only 1 possible answer.10:22
stefg_comicinke1: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec10:22
=== diafic [n=Greyscal@host86-147-168-200.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
kiukanyone know what I have to download from ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/?10:22
h|barbobotis there a way to force it to use my config?10:22
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Balzsoundray: i got a diff network problem on ubuntu so i cant talk to u in there10:22
PriceChilddownhillgames, ok well compiz fusion is in the ubuntu repos afaik10:22
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reconIs there any way to reset X to all the defaults short of a clean install? (no, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work.)10:22
comicinke1oh ok, I see10:22
soundrayBalz: okay, I'll give you the summary procedure then10:22
Balzsoundray: tell me here on what direction to take and if it wont work i'll come back and tell u the results10:22
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI10:22
PriceChilddownhillgames, (and I don't care how long you've been using linux. It means nothing.)10:23
downhillgamesthat's bad logic.10:23
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downhillgamesit means a lot.10:23
soundrayBalz: once booted, mount the root partition on mount. Make sure that it contains /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst10:23
downhillgamesno, it's not in the repos.10:23
downhillgamesunless it's in some area that isn't enabled currently. which section is it in?10:23
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soundrayBalz: when you've got that, run 'sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda'10:23
kiukanyone know why I don't have an external amplifier section in my alsamixer?10:23
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astro76downhillgames, it should be in gutsy only10:24
seb__SLaPoet were do i go on the documentation site because the part on usb booting is blank10:24
Stormx2Folks, my connection keeps dropping, and I have no idea why. Could anyone recommend how to diagnose the problem? I'm using wifi.10:24
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soundrayBalz: sec, phone10:24
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downhillgamesOKAY! this channel is nearly worthless.10:24
downhillgamesjust like your documentation10:24
recondownhillgames: it ain't the channel, bub.10:24
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downhillgamessure as shit is10:24
reconcue !language10:24
downhillgameswow... now you're going to tell me what an IRC channel is or is not...10:24
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geniiSeems a lot of them around these days unfortunately10:25
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seb__SLaPoet: were do i go on the documentation site because the part on usb booting is blank10:25
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flokuehnastro76: stay cool10:25
preactionthird link on google for "compiz-fusion fiesty"10:25
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soundrayBalz: was I making sense so far?10:26
flokuehnastro76: ;)10:26
SleepyHareHello, Is there a way to defeat the USB2 - ehci-hcd bug?10:26
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Balzsoundray: just to see i got all the "steps" correct...10:26
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reconi just "sudo aptitude purge xserver-xorg; sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg". i'm getting desperate.10:26
Balzsoundray: mkdir /mnt/root, mount /dev/xxx /mnt/root, chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash10:26
Balzsoundray: is that correct so far ?10:26
soundrayBalz: no, no need to do all that chrooting.10:27
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Balzsoundray: the partition i mount is the linux native ext3 partition ??10:27
soundrayBalz: the --root-directory option takes care of that -- it makes sure that your MBR references the stages etc.10:27
boyam_if downhillgames has been using linux for 4-5 years then why can't he/she figure out how to get compiz fusion ....geeeezz...i agree astro76...10:27
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seb__do any one know if their is such a thing as a cd that i boot which then boots a usb drive because my bios dosnt support usb booting10:27
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soundrayBalz: yes, the root one if you have more than one. /dev/sda7 I assume it will be called in your system.10:28
crackintoshCan someone explain how I messed up the permissions on this directory? Im not able to enter the directory. drwxrwx---  7 www-data subversion 4096 2007-10-12 14:44 menumine_azavar/10:28
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Engineerhi all10:28
Balzsoundray: when i do the grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/dev/sda part10:28
reconGreat. X is giving me a "Xserver not found" because it's trying to use XGL. I don't want it to. Any advic10:29
Balzsoundray: i ddint get the /mnt/sda part10:29
soundrayBalz: there's a space10:29
hegurucrackintosh: sudo chmod o+rx www-data (this will let you in for read access)10:29
Balzsoundray: what do you mean ?10:29
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soundrayBalz: the --root-directory=/mnt option tells grub-install where your stages are.10:29
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seb__dose any one know if their is such a thing as a cd that i boot which then boots a usb drive because my bios dosnt support usb booting10:29
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soundrayBalz: /dev/sda is the disk where grub-install shall replace your MBR.10:30
Engineerhey i got some booting problems, it keeps telling me "error loading operation system" when i want to boot my windows10:30
SleepyHareHello, Is there a way to defeat the USB2 - ehci-hcd bug?10:30
Balzsoundray: oww i see so i should keep it at that10:30
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Balzsoundray: thats it ?, i'll go try it out ?10:30
thedonvaughn!windows | Engineer10:30
ubotuEngineer: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:30
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soundrayBalz: the full command again, once root is mounted: 'sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda'. Do have a look at man grub-install to familiarize yourself a bit more.10:31
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Engineerubotu: its not really a windows-problem10:31
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Balzsoundray: ok thx i'll try and brb10:31
h|barbobotEngineer: you need to add chainloader +1 to your grub config10:31
DILwhy wud u want to boot after it is alredy booted?10:31
Stormx2thedonvaughn: Isn't that a grub error?10:31
h|barbobotthis can be found in /etc/menu.lst10:31
soundrayBalz: if that succeeds, you will be able to reboot into ubuntu (but probably not into Windows anymore...)10:31
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Stormx2!u | DIL10:31
ubotuDIL: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:31
thedonvaughnStormx2: be it as it may, it's to troubleshoot windows not booting.  Off topic in my ieyees10:31
seb__dose any one know if their is such a thing as a cd that i boot which then boots a usb drive because my bios dosnt support usb booting10:32
DILwill do10:32
stefg_Engineer: it is a win problem, because that's already a post-grub message comming from the win-loader10:32
heguruStormx2: did you manage to share the internet with your Xbox?10:32
Stormx2thedonvaughn: No, it's clearly a grub error, well within the scope of this channel.10:32
Stormx2heguru: I gave up on it for today.10:32
=== silent[ca] [n=silent[c@S01060050bac94b86.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
thedonvaughnStormx2: ok then help him rather than argue with me :)10:32
puffAfternoon. I've successfully indoctrinated a friend into linux via ubuntu, but she's a kde fan and wants to switch to kde.  Is there a significant difference between just switching to KDE as the window manager on her current install, vs. reinstalling with kubuntu?10:32
heguruStormx2: :)10:32
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Engineerstefg: sorry then, but i tried the win channel... no one would answer10:32
soundraypuff: no10:32
hegurupuff: no significant different10:32
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astro76puff, no, if you install kubuntu-desktop it's the same, except you'll have some gnome programs in the menus too, and vice-versa10:33
soundraypuff: biggest difference may be the gnome files which will lie around uselessly after that.10:33
Stormx2puff: No difference. An install of kubuntu-desktop is exactly the same as a fresh kubuntu install10:33
reconDisregard my X problem: Fixed it.10:33
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DILubotu: Why Dutch Flemis or Government officee, please enlighten10:33
=== `Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
seb__dose any one know if their is such a thing as a cd that i boot which then boots a usb drive because my bios dosnt support usb booting10:33
puffCool, thanks.10:33
=== a69oker [n=a69oker@IGLD-80-230-168-127.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
soundraypuff: wow, so many replies. You must be convinced now :)10:33
=== oshiii-_^ [n=h1@unaffiliated/oshiii/x-3278] has joined #ubuntu
a69okerhi 2 all10:34
Engineerbarbobot: i added that line to the grub config, but grub wont recognize the windows-installatino10:34
puffI am :-)10:34
a69okeranyone got a clue how to save the position of gdesklets.... in gnome?10:34
DILah, i see very funny?10:34
silent[ca] will the stable release of gutsy differ from that released now? will I be able to update to that stable release from the development release?10:34
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ubersoldata69oker: good question... I've never been able to do that10:34
stefg_!kde | puff10:35
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axel_shi, where can I change the cursor theme?10:35
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AncientRelicsilent[ca] : you should be able to10:35
thedonvaughnsilent[ca] : yes it will probably differ.  yes you will be able to update to stable since you are already using the repos.  Please seel further support in #ubuntu+110:35
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a69okerubersoldat: let's figure it out...10:35
ubotupuff: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.10:35
swhalenCould someone help me?10:35
Stormx2I'm so sick of my connection dropping. This has gone beyond irritating.10:35
silent[ca] Is it possible to backup my current gnome settings/layout for the upgrade?10:35
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heguruswhalen: what is your question?10:35
ubersoldataxel_s: have you tryed System -> PReferences -> Mouse ... ???10:35
ubersoldatsilent[ca] : just save you /home10:36
thedonvaughnsilent[ca] : need to back up your .gtkrc* file and .gnome2 directory as well as .config  .. may be some more.  all in all just back up your /home :)10:36
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KremlFuck "Stew". Lame asswhipe! ... Irc is changing again.. to the disamay of the elderscrolls, you have to poser to please us, make it so jounglings!10:36
thedonvaughnthat's why i always create my own seperate /home partition10:36
axel_subersoldat, theres a tab button and motion but neither one contains an option to change the theme10:36
swhalenhegeru: I broke my gtk themes, i dont know what i did. none of them work10:36
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ubersoldatthedonvaughn: same here10:36
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silent[ca] ubersoldat, will that cause incompatibility issues? or will any deprecated config files remain stagnant?10:36
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heguruswhalen: are you using compiz/beryl?10:37
ubersoldatsilent[ca] : no "pointers" tab?10:37
puffI wonder if compiz/beryl will ever work with my thinkpad.10:37
thedonvaughnpuff: what card do u have?10:37
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silent[ca] ubersoldat, the issue is, I'm currently on debian, going to upgrade to gutsy base10:37
swhalenheguru: Tried off and on, still nothing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57414310:37
silent[ca] and install everything from there10:37
axel_subersoldat, you talking to me? no "Pointers" tab10:38
ubersoldatsilent[ca] : no problem then10:38
ubersoldatyes axel_s sorry10:38
Stormx2silent[ca] : Why, out of interest?10:38
ubersoldatStormx2: cuz Ubuntu rules!10:38
comicinke1stef_g: that tip was great10:38
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=== Stormx2 just ignores that
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`Matiranyone know of a way to install gutsy from the iso on an external hard disk?10:39
Stormx2silent[ca] : Why only install base? What will you be using the box for?10:39
silent[ca] Stormx2, larger support base, more compatibility, more forum guides I know will work... instead of... "hmm, where can I find that since i dont use that repository..."10:39
khairallI have a question10:39
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heguruswhalen: try to reinstall gnome-themes: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-themes10:39
myohi all.  newb question. I am currently running feisty fawn.   I would like to switch from Gnome to KDE.  Is there a way to easily switch window managers without wiping and installing Kubuntu?10:39
khairallHow to change my hostname10:39
puffthedonvaughn: ATI MOBILITY FIRE GL V3200 - 128 MB10:39
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mrannanjhi myo10:39
thedonvaughnpuff: should work with XGL.10:39
thedonvaughn!ati | puff10:39
ubotupuff: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:39
Incompetnceso im using gnome and i want to do that thing to get the KDE working i just need to know approximately how big the download is if i do "sudo apt-get kde-desktop" or whatever it is...10:39
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silent[ca] Stormx2, it's a desktop, but I like a simple system, I'll install what I want. I dont need/want all the applications that come by default10:39
soundraykhairall: 'echo newhostname | sudo tee /etc/hostname' -- then update /etc/hosts10:39
myorannanj: hi10:40
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mrannanjmyo: right Incompetnce said it :)10:40
Stormx2silent[ca] , ah, okay. Best of luck, I've never tried that.10:40
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myopuff: thanks for the email10:40
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silent[ca] Stormx2, I just recently did it with base debian etch so it shouldn't be too much hassle10:40
Stormx2okay :)10:40
Incompetncemyo: go here http://www.debianadmin.com/install-kde-desktop-in-ubuntu.html10:41
ubersoldatsilent[ca] : then you better try alternative10:41
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silent[ca] ubersoldat, always ;P10:41
khairallsoundray: after rebooting, would the effects10:41
silent[ca] I dont get live anymore10:41
myorannaj:  it's really that easy?    there is nothing specifically optimized for kde in kubuntu?10:41
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Incompetncemyo, its not exactly what i typed. i was close though ;)10:41
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myoincompetnce: thanks!10:41
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puffmyo: Hm?10:42
stefg_Incompetnce: i'd guess 400-500 MB to d/l when installing kubuntu-desktop10:42
soundraykhairall: yes. In fact, you should reboot to make sure every bit of your system is up to date on the name change.10:42
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marek347just installed Ubuntu 7.04, where (which file) do i configure network card please? it does not seem to pick up any network interfaces. thx10:42
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swhalenheguru: still nothing. I think im missing an engine of somesort?10:42
khairallsoundray: I tried doing that but did not work.10:42
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Incompetncestefg_ thanks10:42
Juntistikhello everyone10:42
mrannanjmyo: i think you have to switch init start kdm and not gdm10:42
myopuff: I am assuming you are a certain person I know most likely sitting at the hive?10:43
flokuehnswhalen: you have compiu/beryl installed right?10:43
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myorannanj: cool thanks.  I10:43
soundraykhairall: you tried this before I suggested it?10:43
jchillerupHey. Do I want a 32b or a 64b version of ubuntu to be installed on my Core 2 Duo iMac?10:43
Juntistikcan anyone help me with my ubuntu laptop? i was installing some things for my nvidia drivers10:43
Juntistikand then i restarted and now my x server crashes10:43
silent[ca] jchillerup, save yourself the grey hair, go 3210:43
Juntistikleaving me at a command prompt10:43
Juntistiki can view all my files from a live cd10:43
swhalenheguru: Human works. and yes, compiz is installed but not running10:43
soundrayjchillerup: your choice.10:43
Juntistikbut i cant log in10:43
khairallI found a link on http://www.cpqlinux.com/hostname.html10:43
jchillerupsilent[ca] , will I suffer from severe performance losses?10:43
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heguruswhalen: well you can try to reinstall the theme engines as well, sudo apt-get --reinstall install  gtk2-engines  gtk2-engines-murrine  gtk2-engines-pixbuf10:44
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flokuehnswhalen: if yes. its just a short time away i also had problem with my kde and had to reinstall the whole system10:44
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acecaseanybody old enough to remember when we always had an option to "restart in msdos mode"? How hard would it be to build that in to ubuntu myself?10:44
stefg_Juntistik: what did you do?10:44
soundrayjchillerup: 64bit = faster, but more problems with closed-source software (Flash, Adobe Reader, Skype etc)10:44
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jchillerupsoundray, It's mainly for encoding10:44
silent[ca] jchillerup, not noticeably. I have the pleasure of running a c2d myself. You'll end up giong to 32 anyway10:44
ubersoldatacecase: why would you want that?10:44
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AsusG1How do I recover the password for my nick?10:44
heguruacecase: there is something called recovery mode (press escape on boot)10:44
jchillerupso I kindda need its full potential10:44
soundrayacecase: it's already there (recovery mode)10:44
Juntistikim not exactly sure, i had made alot of changes before i rebooted and realized the problem10:44
soundrayjchillerup: go for 64bit then10:44
Juntistiki know that i installed some nvidia driver packages from synaptic10:44
ompaulAsusG1, in irc?10:44
mrannanjAsusG1: reboot in recovery mode and change passwd10:44
marek347which one's network config file pls?10:44
AsusG1In IRC10:45
soundrayjchillerup: erm, open-source codecs?10:45
Juntistikmaybe tried to upgrade a kernal10:45
Estethif i simply tar my /home/esteth folder and stick the tar on a DVD, after, say, upgrading to gutsy, or reinstalling feisty, can i just untar and it will "just work" ?10:45
jchillerupsoundray, yes.10:45
Juntistikim new to linux so i have been trying to wing it10:45
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acecaseubersoldat, I just realized I said that wrong. restart in msdos mode was a win95/98 thing. I mean when linux distroes always had a way to say shutdown and restart in windows10:45
soundraykhairall: sorry, got sidetracked. What do you get from 'cat /etc/hostname'10:45
jchillerup(open source encoder)10:45
mrannanjAsusG1: join #freenode and shout for staffer10:45
silent[ca] jchillerup, if you're sure you can encode using 64 bit software that will work, then go 64, but for a general desktop environment 32 wins out10:45
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acecaseheguru, soundray ^ sorry :)10:45
ompaulAsusG1, as a freenode staffer pm me10:45
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mheathSo, I recently did an install of Feisty on my tablet PC. It has Nvidia graphics, and I hve the NVidia driver installed. However, Compiz has problems (Desktop background and icons disappear), Beryl has problems (Windows contents are just black/empty), and Compiz Fusion won't start(Gives a vague error about how there is less than 64MB of VRAM and nvidia drivers).10:45
mheathCan anyone give any suggestions on getting Compiz working?10:45
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ompaulAsusG1, or even as I am a freenode staffer pm me10:46
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khairallI get greif10:46
Juntistikwould i be best off reformatting?10:46
Juntistiki had to do alot to get my wireless working so im trying to avoid it ;)10:46
mheathI'd even go with opensource nvidia drivers, if any work with Compiz...I don't care about performing, just like some eyecandy stuff that requires a composite rendering framework10:46
puffmyo: Yup.10:46
puffmyo: You are?10:46
soundraykhairall: is that the old or the new hostname?10:46
khairallthis is the new10:46
heguruacecase: grub-reboot 2 (if windows is the third boot entry)10:46
acecasemheath, 7.10 is coming out soon. if you can hold out till 18th/19th it works much better10:46
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stefg_Juntistik: are you on Live CD now?10:46
puffActually, at the moment I'm about ten blocks down the street, at the Terminal Way complex.10:46
myopuff: give you a hint... I just emailed you the question I came here to ask about KDE/Ubuntu10:47
acecaseheguru, that's it?10:47
mheathacecase: 7.10 isn't any better.10:47
seb__quick question what program should i use to burn a iso10:47
soundraykhairall: did you enter that in /etc/hosts as well? (Second line)10:47
Juntistikim on my windows desktop with the laptop in front of me10:47
acecasemheath, ic :)10:47
heguruacecase: yes :)10:47
Juntistiki have my logs up10:47
Juntistikand such10:47
puffmyo: I already asked and replied :-).10:47
mheathacecase: 7.10 breaks my tablet PC's tablet.10:47
acecaseheguru, thanks10:47
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myopuff: gotcha thanks!10:47
heguruacecase: welcome10:47
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mrannanjmheath: nvidia drivers were too unstable for me so i went back to no compiz :)10:47
Juntistiki can swap the ethernet cable if i need to be accessing it with it10:47
khairallThe reason I say it is not working is because when I ssh to anoither machine and then ssh back in it doesnot work10:47
mheathacecase: Locks up the tablet when it comes out of hibernate or suspend.10:47
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bb-gllo all10:47
puffSay thanks to stefg_, soundray10:47
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seb__quick question what program should i use to burn a iso to a cd-r10:47
flokuehnbb-g: hi10:47
mheathmrannanj: Thats odd. Up until this laptop, I've had the exact opposite experience: Compiz had always 'just worked', and done so perfectly, when using Nvidia proprietary drivers10:47
acecasemheath, that is a very common compiz issue with nvidia chips10:47
swhalenheguru: i think i will need to do the same :( were you able to keep your home folder?10:48
Juntistikseb use nero10:48
silent[ca] seb__, its integrated10:48
soundraykhairall: elaborate on "does not work" please10:48
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khairallyes I did10:48
mrannanjmheath: what sort of problem do you have?10:48
Juntistikoh yeah10:48
compengiis there a resent update for those packages "hpijs, hplip and hplip-data"?10:48
Juntistikwe're talking linux10:48
mheathacecase: Any workarounds for Feisty?10:48
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puffSay thanks to stefg_, soundray, Stormx2, astro76, a nd heguru.  In no partiuclar order.10:48
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seb__were is the option10:48
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soundray!burniso > seb__10:48
astro76seb__, right click on the iso in the file manager10:48
silent[ca] seb__, oh... from windows... use cdburnerxp pro... extremely good freeware app... or you can use... another thing cant remember one sec10:48
ScuniziJuntistik: nero is integrated?  into Feisty? or Gutsy?10:48
khairallI can not ssh back in. the connection doesnot work since address not recognised10:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about createiso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:48
mrannanjmheath: oh i see you already said your problem10:48
stefg_Juntistik: to get back into the gui first you should use the free nv driver. so edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace 'nvidia' in the driver section with 'nv'10:48
Juntistikits not10:48
Juntistikim sorry i wasnt thinking10:48
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acecasemheath, There are gobs of "fixes" people are trying. I noticed when I was getting mine going that some work some don't it is very system specific.10:48
seb__im in ubuntu10:48
Juntistiki just burned a live cd with my windows pc so i was thinking windows, sorry =/10:48
Juntistikmy bad10:49
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acecasemheath, mileage may very kinda thing that is HARD to troubleshoot10:49
Estethwill a "copy and paste" to and from DVD work to backup my home directory in case of reformat and reinstall?10:49
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seb__thanks found the option in the right clikc menu10:49
Scuniziseb__: k3b at the slowest speed.. sudo apt-get install k3b10:49
silent[ca] seb__, right click the iso10:49
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soundraykhairall: is that on the local network or the internet?10:49
mheathacecase: I might give Gutsy another try. I attempt to run it on this laptop, but had some problems.10:49
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seb__thats the one k3b10:49
Juntistikokay hold on10:49
Juntistikill try that10:49
heguruEsteth: yes it will10:49
PanagantDIL: ?10:49
Estethheguru: thanks :)10:50
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soundraykhairall: on the internet, you would have to update your DNS entry10:50
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mheathacecase: It was kind of a Frenkenstein-esk install...Feisty installed on another laptop, and the harddrive was pulled, put in this one, and upgraded to Gutsy. I think some of the problems may have been that a few packages weren't configured properly.10:50
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bb-gdoe someone know if in Gutsy you can make ntfs partitions?10:50
silent[ca] I'm wondering what the fastest way to obtain the cd image would be... direct http/ftp download or bittorrent?10:50
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PriceChild!gutsy | bb-g10:50
ubotubb-g: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:50
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acecasemheath, if you lockup or somthing before you get a chance to update try loging in to xterm safemode from the login screen and run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. A LOT of fixes have come out by the day10:50
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khairallcan u elaborate please10:50
stefg_Juntistik: if you want me to notice you, put my nick in frint when yopu talk to mem so i get a highlight10:50
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PriceChildsilent[ca] , we'd prefer torrent if possible.10:50
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acecasemheath, yeah that could have been a problem :)10:51
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khairallI went under network and added a new alias to my static ip10:51
Juntistikit says that it is read only10:51
silent[ca] PriceChild, you would prefer, but how many seeds are going on gutsy?10:51
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PriceChildsilent[ca] , +1 please10:51
Juntistiki cant log in to my user account for some reason10:51
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ad4mthere are too many users on this channel10:51
puffmyo: Also this may be useful:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde10:51
ad4msee you guys10:51
Juntistikso im just on the default live account i suppose10:51
khairallsoundray: under general I put greif for host name10:51
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soundraykhairall: you went under network?10:51
acecaseyou guys have a good one. gotta get back to Windows :) and finish my powerpoint for class.10:52
khairalland kept the domain name10:52
acecasesee yahs10:52
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soundraykhairall: sorry, I don't understand that10:52
aukgreetings from ath,gre10:52
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=== puff plays with 3ddesk
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aukanyone knows if there is a suitable ubuntu driver for siemens cl110 adsl router?10:52
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khairallOK, can you carry on with what you wanted to tell me10:53
myook this may be a really dumb question..am I correct that all of my programs should still run under kde?   the only ones I really use are pidgin, swiftfox, xchat, liferea.10:53
khairallThat is, how to set the DNS10:53
soundrayTrying to build lirc modules. The instructions tell me to run "make-kpkg --revision number modules_image". What should I enter as "number" to compile for an existing kernel.10:53
compengii used this command wget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - to add this key, is there a way i can remove it?10:53
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soundraykhairall: that depends on your setup10:53
PriceChildmyo, yes10:53
myopricechild: thanks10:53
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puffmyo: I can tell you that generally, the answer is yes.10:53
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khairallso so I have to contact the administrator of the network to change my hostname10:54
heguruauk: are you using the USB or RJ45 connection to connect it to your machine?10:54
Engineercould anybody please help me with a boot-problem?  i get the message "error loading operation system"... i installed ubuntu, then wanted to boot windows again, but it didnt show up in the booting menu.. i tried to add it, but the partition is not recognized10:54
Juntistikwhy hello there person with part of my name10:54
puffmyo: that is, there is a possibility of some issue, but it's a generally safe assumption that thigns will still run.10:54
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PriceChildmyo, I "think" in feisty there is a bug in gtk-qt-engines that means in xchat you won't get channel names changing colour in the list view.10:54
soundraykhairall: probably10:54
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PriceChildJuntistik, because he chose it.10:54
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_will_There we go10:54
Juntistikhow can i edit read only files while booting from a live disk?10:54
aukheguru => USB10:54
Juntistikim trying to edit xorg.config10:54
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khairallIs there now way to create an alias I can use to refer to my oldhostname10:54
myopricechild: huh?10:54
soundrayJuntistik: open it with gksudo gedit10:55
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PriceChildmyo, channels on the left hand side in xchat... change colour with different events.10:55
soundraykhairall: sure, you can make a fixed entry in the /etc/hosts of the other machine10:55
PriceChildmyo, in kubuntu feisty there is a bug that stops that happenning unless you change it to tab view.10:55
myopricechild k10:55
Engineercould anybody please help me with a boot-problem?  i get the message "error loading operation system"... i installed ubuntu, then wanted to boot my old windows again and it didnt show up in the booting menu10:56
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myopricechild puff incompetnce: thanks all gott run10:56
khairallThe directions that the website I mentionned, do they permanently change the way I ssh to my machine?10:56
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stefg!grub | Engineer10:56
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ubotuEngineer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:56
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aukheguru => sorry i m using RJ45 to connect the device10:58
aukheguru => not USB10:58
Juntistiki cant open it with gksudo10:58
heguruauk: then you don't need a special driver, just install pppoeconf10:58
compengii used this command wget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - to add this key, is there a way i can remove it?10:58
Juntistikit just opens up a blank text editor10:58
Juntistikwhen i type gksudo gedit xorg.conf10:59
Juntistikam i not putting that in right10:59
moope2Hi, I have just plugged my cable modem into my ubuntu laptop via the ethernet but nothing is doing the dhcp. How should I set this up?10:59
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heguruauk: on terminal type: sudo apt-get install pppoeconf10:59
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astro76compengi, sudo apt-key list, then use the key id with sudo apt-key del <keyid>10:59
astro76compengi, man apt-key for all options10:59
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soundrayJuntistik: you have to give it the full path. It's in /etc/X11. Use File-Open from where you are.11:00
aukheguru => when running pppoeconf, the blue window starts and trying to scan for a device / my eth card is listed in the device list but the scan doesnt find the router11:00
macd!java > macd11:00
Engineerjuntis: just right-click on the file xorg, then select "open with other..", find texteditor and add "gksudo" in front of the "gedit"11:00
Juntistikwho was it that was telling me to change nvidia to nv?11:00
danielmarsomhaving a bit of trouble with workspaces in compiz... i only seem to have 1 workspace and I don't know how to fix it11:00
Juntistikbecause it is already nv11:00
heartsbloodis it possible to pass several root level commands to sudo?11:00
heartsblood-at once11:00
macd!multiverse > macd11:00
sacamanoQuestion for you all.....I have an external HD of 120gb capacity, there's only 86gig's worth of stuff on it, yet Ubuntu is telling me I only have 125mb free space on the drive.11:00
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_will_how are your partitions setup?11:01
heartsbloodsacamano: sounds like the partition table got scewed when you formated11:01
Scunizisacamano: is there unpartitioned space on it.?11:01
Engineercould anybody please help me with a boot-problem?  i get the message "error loading operation system"... i installed ubuntu, then wanted to boot windows again, but it didnt show up in the booting menu.. i tried to add it, but the partition is not recognized11:01
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_will_yeah dude11:01
stefgJuntistik: so that's the easier driver to get going. what error do you get when you try to boot to GUI ?11:01
sacamanoi dont think i've ever formatted it either heartsblood scunizi11:01
Scunizisacamano: or is it partitioned more than once.11:01
soundrayheartsblood: sudo sh -c 'command1 ; command2'11:01
xIkeanyone know how to remove items from the menu?  I have wine apps showign up that I've uninstalled11:01
heguruauk: is your router configured properly (it should be configured for bridge mode)11:01
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heartsbloodsoundray: ty11:02
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Juntistiklet me boot real quick, it say ssomething about x server crashing11:02
sacamanono, and i havent done any partitioning since it randomly showed up like this11:02
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heguruxIke: rightclick at the menu and click edit-menus11:02
soundrayxike: use alacarte to edit the menu11:02
compengiastro76, i got those http://paste.ubuntu.com/843/ do you know which one refers to the one i added?11:02
Juntistiki notice a few new things showing when im booting up as well so ill do it real quick11:02
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xIkeheguru, yeah, that doesn't let me remove stuff, just enable/disable it11:02
heartsbloodsoundray: what exactly does that command do?  sudo shell.. '-c'?11:03
astro76compengi, it's not the first two11:03
heguruxIke: you can right click any item and click delete11:03
xIkesoundray, same problem...I can only move stuff.  any idea how to rename/delete stuff?11:03
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aukheguru => i ll check that - i ll config it from Windows - the settings will still work when i boot in ubuntu?11:03
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xIkeheguru, ah, thanks11:03
heguruauk: that should be good11:03
heartsbloodoh n/m11:03
compengiastro76, then the third one?11:03
xIkeheguru, any way to rename items?  I right click and choose properties and nothing comes up11:04
heartsbloodI wasn't aware you could execute a shell enviroment within sudo11:04
EngineerCould anybody p help me with a boot-problem? I had a windows XP system, when I installed ubuntu. Then I wanted to boot windows again, but it didnt show up in the booting menu.. I tried to add it, but the partition is not recognized11:04
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astro76compengi, the third one is one you added11:04
aukheguru => thx for ur time and for ur help11:04
Juntistikit says11:04
Juntistikno resume image11:04
soundrayheartsblood: you can even do it interactive: sudo -i11:04
compengiastro76, Okay, thanks a lot11:04
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Juntistikdoing hard boot11:04
Juntistikand then that flashes11:04
xIkeaaaah, right-click:delete and right-click:properties both do nothing11:04
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Juntistikand it says failed to start the x server ( your graphical interface) it is ilkely that it is not set up correctly11:04
heartsbloodyea I knew about that, but I couldn't figure out if it was possible to pass commands on the same line as -i.  it opens up the root shell then kills the rest of the line11:05
soundrayheartsblood: sudo sh -c is also useful for output redirection, if you dislike sudo tee11:05
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Juntistikwhen i click the button to "diagnose" the problem11:05
Juntistikit says11:05
soundray!enter | Juntistik11:05
ubotuJuntistik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:05
soundray!pastebin | Juntistik11:05
ubotuJuntistik: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:05
Juntistikalright sorry11:05
=== bastid_raZor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-51-149.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefgJuntistik: ok, ignore the resume image stuff, that doesn't relate. Run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' on the command line11:05
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Juntistiki apologize11:06
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Engineer-__-  nobody got an idea why I can't boot anymore?11:06
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soundrayEngineer: what does your Windows boot section in menu.lst look like? Please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:07
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Juntistikalright, it says xserver-org is not installed and no info is available.11:07
PriceChildJuntistik, -xorg11:07
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soundrayJuntistik: xserver-xorg11:07
stefgJuntistik: no typos allowed11:07
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JuntistikHahaha. im ridiculous11:08
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heartsblooddoes the gutsy version of compiz have the 3d desktop plugin yet?11:08
PriceChild!gutsy | heartsblood11:08
ubotuheartsblood: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:08
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P_Kablewhere is the website where we can choose different servers for the sources.list depending on our loaction ? Please11:08
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Engineersoundray: it looks like the example in the menu.lst, just with adjusted partition11:08
silent[ca] heartsblood, I suggest #ubuntu+111:08
soundrayEngineer: what have you adjusted it to?11:08
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Juntistikalright, and i select nv as my driver?11:09
heartsbloodso I can't ask gusty questions in here for another 6 days? sheesh11:09
stefgJuntistik: right+11:09
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silent[ca] heartsblood, yep ;)11:09
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Engineerwhich is the location of my windows11:09
heartsblood /cry11:09
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soundrayheartsblood: it makes good sense, because the experts for unstable software are over there.11:09
heartsbloodthat's like being 20 and being denied at the abc 6 days before your birtyday11:10
silent[ca] heartsblood, gotta keep them separate11:10
heguruP_Kable: System -> Administration -> Software Sources then select your location11:10
heartsbloodyea yea yea11:10
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heartsbloodi'm going i'm going ><11:10
Juntistikwhere it says i can pick my resolution, should i just leave what is already selected?11:10
P_Kableheguru=>  there is a website for that11:10
P_Kableanybody knows where is that site ?11:10
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soundrayEngineer: your Windows is on /dev/sda7 ?11:10
stefgEngineer: you are aware that grub counts from 0, while the kernel counts from 1.. so e.g hda6 is (hd0,5) in grub speak11:10
Engineersoundray: yes, it is11:11
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heguruP_Kable: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors11:11
Tr0gd0ranyone can help me with this http://pastebin.ca/73459211:11
neverblue2I want to speak with someone about turning monitors on and off, its complicated, whose up for the task ?11:11
soundrayEngineer: the offset from the partition start may be too big for Windows to deal with11:11
stefgEngineer: 1024 cylinder problem with your BIOS ?11:11
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P_Kableno heguru this is not this site11:12
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soundrayneverblue2: you still haven't learned to pose good questions11:12
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Engineerstefg: what is this problem? how can I tell if I got it?11:12
astronaughtwho broke svn?  The update today removed SSL support!11:12
stefgEngineer: how old is that bios aprrox. ?11:12
Engineer3-4 years, its Award 6.011:12
soundrayEngineer: I'm afraid you'll only find out by moving your Windows partition.11:12
neverblue2soundray, excuse me?11:13
soundray!elaborate | neverblue211:13
ubotuneverblue2: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:13
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Juntistikalright it says xserver-xorg postinst warning:overwriting possibly-customised configuration file;backup in etc/x11/xorg.conf.20071012151210, should i just reboot at this point?11:13
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Engineersoundray: how could I move it?11:13
neverblue2ill elaborate when someone is confident enough they can assist11:13
astronaughtsvn has dropped ssl support in latest update (today)... anyone else found that?11:13
neverblue2as its a long discussion11:13
heguruneverblue2: and how can one be confident that they can assist without known what you need assistance with?11:14
RoR2isdoes anyone here know  the command to login using nick (I m registered by the way)11:14
stefgEngineer: then it might just not be able to access that far back on the disk. many older BIOSs can't get past cyl. 1024 on the disk. Only cure is to repartition and get win in front of the 1024 cyl. limit11:14
Juntistikuse pastebin i suppose, im sure someone here can help once they view it11:14
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PhydouxIs it possible to write to NTFS yet with Ubuntu?11:14
kitcheneverblue2: if you don't elaborate no one will help you11:14
soundrayEngineer: using gparted. But it can be hairy, depending on what's on the first few partitions11:14
preaction!ntfs-3g | Phydoux11:14
ubotuPhydoux: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:14
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soundrayneverblue2: how can ANYONE be confident about a problem they no NOTHING about11:14
neverblue2ah, well, heguru and kitche, you just appear to want to rant, rather than help, so please, no need to reply11:14
RoR2isdoes anyone here know  the command to login using nick (I m registered by the way)11:14
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astronaughthow can I downgrade to the previous version of the svn package after an update?11:14
neverblue2soundray, some people really know alot about Linux11:14
trprneverblue2: let me jump in the rant. i agree. state your question and those who know will help11:15
Juntistikneverblue, calm down man, im sure someone here can help. just put the stuff in pastebin and post a url to it11:15
heguruRoR2is: /msg nickserv identify password11:15
danielmarsom'/ns identify yourpassword11:15
Juntistiksoundray does, him and stefg are helping me out alot11:15
danielmarsomwhitout the quote11:15
neverblue2trpr, you also dont appear to want to help11:15
RoR2isheguru : thanx11:15
soundrayneverblue2: you're just the kind of guy people are eager to give help to. Not.11:15
stefgsoundray: Engineer , i'd bet tomorrows lunch that gparted will toast the partitions in that case11:15
Cable86i can't remember my nick's password :-(11:15
kitcheneverblue2: I am one that knows linux unless you tell me what is the problem I won't help you11:15
neverblue2oh, haha, your so funny11:15
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soundrayneverblue2: passing judgment instead of describing your problem11:15
Stormx2RoR2is: be sure to do it in the server tab, not a channel11:15
Tr0gd0rhelp? http://pastebin.ca/73459211:15
trprneverblue2: on the contrary. i am not willing to sit down for a long period of time and discuss your problem without first knowing if i can even solve it.11:15
=== kitche worked on SourceMage for a while another linux distro
Cable86i did associate it with my email address though....any way to retrieve it?11:15
Engineerstefg & soundray: I got the first 2 partitions for my ubuntu, which I dont want to mess up... it is my only remaining system11:15
trprneverblue2: good luck finding volunteers for that11:15
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soundraystefg: I won't bet against that.11:16
Engineernot that encouraging, are you?11:16
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soundrayEngineer: have you got a spare disk?11:16
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Juntistikso should i restart at this point guys? it says that the conf has been changed and that it has been backed up11:16
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LlivavinCan someone help me get wine to read my USB headset? It reads the Headphone part, just not the mic11:17
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Engineersoundray: hd you mean, or cd?11:17
soundrayEngineer: hd11:17
stefgJuntistik: just run 'sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart ... if you're lucky you have a gui then11:17
Engineerno, i dont :(11:17
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neverblue2Llivavin, possibly try in #winehq ?11:17
Llivavinneverblue2: They never responded.11:17
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=== Llivavin waited an half an hour
=== atbnet` is now known as atbnet
Engineerbut I wanted to buy a new 400 GB hd for my Ubuntu...11:18
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Engineeryou think this might help?11:18
neverblue2how can I turn a monitor on and off, from a single command ?11:18
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JuntistikVERY NICE, thank you so much stefg, soundray, and everyone who helped me out :) you guys are great11:18
soundrayEngineer: oh, great, do that and come back, we'll help you copy stuff over and set it up.11:18
stefg!nvidia | Juntistik: now read11:18
ubotuJuntistik: now read: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:18
soundrayJuntistik: not sure I know what I did, but I'm sure glad you're happy :)11:19
Engineercan I copy (mirror) a whole partition to a new disk?11:19
Cable86does anyone know how to retrieve a password for a nick that is associated with an email address?11:19
trprneverblue2: i have a feeling you could use xset to set the dpms power off to some really low number11:19
Juntistikhaha i spent like 15 hours trying to teach myself how to fix that problem, i wish i would have came here quicker11:19
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neverblue2trpr, is I was a user on a system, what groups must I be in for me to 'xset dpms force off' ?11:20
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chuy_maxcan anyone please help me configure my elo touch screen monitor?11:20
soundrayneverblue2: just enter 'xset dpms force off' and be done with it11:20
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neverblue2soundray, thanks, but you have been help enough :)11:21
soundrayneverblue2: no special groups necessary11:21
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Engineersoundray: can I copy (mirror) a whole partition to a new disk? then I could easily kill some partitions on my old HD..11:21
soundrayneverblue2: after all that palaver about a "difficult problem", it turns out it's a one liner. Great.11:21
livecduser230912i'm confused with the commands in terminal to mount my ntfs external partition11:21
livecduser230912it told me to call on :11:21
soundrayEngineer: yes, gparted will let you copy partitions and their contents.11:22
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neverblue2trpr, am I asking the wrong person ?11:22
soundrayEngineer: when done, you will need to adapt grub and /etc/fstab11:22
livecduser230912sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2/media/Sentinel -o force11:22
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-134-68-57.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!backup | Engineer11:22
ubotuEngineer: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:22
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livecduser230912what goes after that because apparently, i'm not using a full command if its throwing back the options and all?11:22
Engineerbut you just did not want to bet your breakfast for my data...11:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:23
Engineerthe moment before11:23
trprneverblue2: not sure. i was testing it out ;) you should be able to use xset on the display which belongs to your user. not sure what group you would have to be in to use it on another display. im thinking it will take root11:23
soundrayEngineer: it was lunch. And at the time, there was no talk about a second disk. Having a 2nd drive makes it all a lot easier.11:23
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livecduser230912anyone help me please?11:23
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soundraytrpr: have you tried xset dpms force off? No need for root11:24
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neverblue2trpr, now if you were to setup a cron to do it, you need to export DISPLAY as well11:24
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trprsoundray: try it on a display which belongs to another user. i am certain it won't work11:24
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soundraylivecduser230912: 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Sentinel' -- watch the spaces11:25
dgjoneslivecduser230912, looking at the command, it looks like you are missing a space between the sdc2/media11:25
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Engineersoundray: ok, fine, I will order a new disk11:25
trprneverblue2: oh? you can't use the -display option from xset instead of that shell var?11:25
_fanghi all, completely off-topic, but is there any french speaker here so that i can ask how to write down one sentence in french?11:25
=== nUllSkillZ_ [n=oliver@p54B257C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverblue2trpr, try it :)11:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:25
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soundraytrpr: I would try  sudo su - otheruser DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force off11:26
_fangstefg: thx and sorry =D11:26
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stefg_fang: just as a hint... -offtopic will be glad to help11:26
livecduser230912i dont understand type how i would space it please?11:26
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soundraylivecduser230912: I corrected it for you ^^11:27
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soundraylivecduser230912: 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Sentinel' -- watch the spaces11:27
_fangstefg: sure, i was not aware of it! sry again =] 11:27
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livecduser230912:[ i just tried it and11:27
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livecduser230912$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)11:28
livecduser230912Failed to mount '/dev/sdc2': Operation not supported11:28
livecduser230912Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:11:28
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oxeimo1how do I sort a list of two integers first by the first column, and then by the second?11:28
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neverblue2trpr, any luck ?11:29
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Y3kfor some reason my sound card seem to have become "unrecognized"11:30
oxeimo1I need to sort a list of 2 integers per line first by the 1st column, and then by the 2nd, any ideas?11:30
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WJIRC-Testthat's kind of vague11:31
VeinorIs there any way to change the theme on Amarok from within gnome? I tried changing it in the amarok options, but there's still some stuff that's the normal white-ish colors11:31
h|barbobotkcontrol -> styles and themes might do it for you11:32
Kpoxmanhello. after latest update SVN fails to update, saying\svn: Unrecognised URL scheme for 'https://myserver.com/trunk'. how do I know the latest update ID I performed to post a bug on launchpad?11:32
=== johncub [n=john@dsl-191.static.grp40.tnmmrl.infoave.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayoxeimo1: sort -nk 1,211:32
beanageI think I have the worst possable graffics card for linux ever.11:32
johncubanyone have any inkling on how to get netscape navigator to run?11:33
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oxeimo1soundray: It doesn't work11:33
johncubor could point me in the right direction to read about how to get netscape to run?11:33
beanagenetscape, ewww.11:33
soundrayoxeimo1: how are your columns separated?11:33
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johncubI'm not really wanting it but need to test something11:33
trprneverblue2: ill see in 2 min if my crontab entry turns off my screen. im just guessing you weren't successful or you wouldn't be asking about it?11:33
oxeimo1soundray: by spaces11:33
Y3kquestion: i run ALSA mixer and it closes as it opens, i can play videos and sound without any errors, but there's just no sound11:33
Y3kany ideas?11:33
Q_ContinuumWill there be any change(s) necessary to take 7.10 beta -> final, or will it just be a matter of running whatever updates are available? (setting up a testing server, want the latest greatest)11:33
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dannyI have a question about screen resolution, can anyone help?11:33
neverblue2trpr, as I said its complicated, but your almost caught up to where I am :)11:33
oxeimo1soundray: it puts "41 242" before "41 76" before "41 794"11:34
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heguru!gutsy | Q_Continuum11:34
ubotuQ_Continuum: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:34
stefg!fixres | danny11:34
ubotudanny: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:34
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soundrayoxeimo1: did you use the n?11:34
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oxeimo1sort temp -nk1,2 | less11:34
dannyI want to have a higher resolution but it's stuck at a lower one11:35
heguruneverblue2: so you need to switch off the monitor without sudo?11:35
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neverblue2no hegur, thats not it at all11:35
heguruneverblue2: or something with sudo will work too?11:35
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oxeimo1soundray: yeah I'm using "sort temp -nk1,2 | less"11:35
soundrayoxeimo1: is there more than one space separating?11:35
oxeimo1soundray: nope11:36
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trprneverblue2: ok. my crontab entry works. whats next?11:36
neverblue2trpr, now xset -q11:36
neverblue2is DPMS enabled ?11:36
puffbaobab is cool.11:36
heguruneverblue2: well if its switching off monitor (even other users sessions) if you have sudo, then you can use: sudo vbetool dpms off11:36
oxeimo1soundray: I created the file by iterating "fprintf(fout, "%d %d\n");"11:36
trprneverblue2: yes11:36
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neverblue2trpr, xset -dpms11:36
trprxset -dpms11:37
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trprlol woops11:37
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soundrayoxeimo1: try cat temp | sort -n | sort -n k 2 | less11:37
neverblue2trpr, pm now ?11:37
trproff now11:37
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johncubanyone have any inkling on how to get netscape navigator to run?11:37
soundrayoxeimo1: sorry, other way round11:38
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neverblue2pm, as this is where it gets complicated11:38
oxeimo1soundray: that just sorts it by the second column11:38
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moope2Oct 12 22:32:19 andrew-laptop dhcpd: Can't open lease database /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases: No such file or directory -- check for failed database rewrite attempt!11:38
moope2Does anyone know what is going on here?11:38
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WeaverHi, if I'm using wget to download files what is the default directory stuff is saved to? How do I navigate to taht directory?11:38
trprsure. btw this is pretty interesting. ;)11:38
kitchejohncub: you type the command in the terminal and it should open up11:38
kitchejohncub: or add it to your menu if you wish11:39
MoezHello, i would run the terminal in session start, what is the command to add in the session options ?11:39
livecduser230912ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Sentinel11:39
livecduser230912$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)11:39
livecduser230912Failed to mount '/dev/sdc2': Operation not supported11:39
livecduser230912Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:11:39
livecduser230912Choice 1: If you have Windows then disconnect the external devices by11:39
livecduser230912          clicking on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows11:39
livecduser230912          taskbar then shutdown Windows cleanly.11:39
livecduser230912Choice 2: If you don't have Windows then you can use the 'force' option for11:39
livecduser230912          your own responsibility. For example type on the command line:11:39
astro76Weaver, it should download to the current directory11:39
livecduser230912            mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Sentinel -o force11:39
livecduser230912    Or add the option to the relevant row in the /etc/fstab file:11:40
johncubkitche, I have the directory navigator but it won't run the file run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute .11:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:40
livecduser230912            /dev/sdc2 /media/Sentinel ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 011:40
soundrayoxeimo1: yeah, sorry11:40
livecduser230912theres my problem, help plz11:40
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kitchejohncub: is the file chmod +x?11:40
beanageWho was looking for netscape?11:40
Weaverastro76: Ok, I gotcha. Thanks11:40
rynessi hope someone can please help... when i ssh to my dapper server the font color is blue on a black background and is horribly hard to read... anyone know how i can change it?11:40
moope2Oct 12 22:39:06 andrew-laptop dhcpd: Can't create new lease file: Permission denied11:40
moope2Anyone know how why Im gettingthis error when I try to run dhcp??11:40
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johncubkitche, -rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 10492 2007-10-01 08:35 run-mozilla.sh11:40
soundrayoxeimo1: I'm trying this and it works: (echo 41 242 ; echo 41 794 ; echo 41 76 ; echo 40 1 ; echo 40 2332 ; echo 41 2) | sort -n -k 1,211:41
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kitchejohncub: well it should run you could try sh -x run.mozilla.sh the -x is used for debugging11:41
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oxeimo1soundray:  "cat temp | sort -nk2 | sort -n | less" didn't work, but applying the -s switch to the second sort worked11:41
oxeimo1thanks :-D11:41
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soundrayoxeimo1: sort confuses me if I spend too much time with it11:42
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oxeimo1soundray: hahah yeah me too11:42
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oxeimo1soundray: the stable-sort switch was key11:42
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oxeimo1soundray: thanks :-D11:42
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Beto29tengo un problema al iniciar ubuntu11:44
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jearshuhm, when i "rm -rf" it doesn't clear diskspace...what am i missing?11:44
heguru!es | Beto2911:44
ubotuBeto29: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:44
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cookie_Is it gonna be a difference between beta 7.10 and the final release11:45
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heguru!gutsy | cookie_11:45
ubotucookie_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:45
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cookie_But I am running now Ubuntu 7.10 Beta11:46
johncubkitche, well that gave me some details.  I think I'll leave it at that and just spoof my agent.  I think that's going to be easier11:46
cookie_And I expected more from it11:46
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cookie_Will the final release be the same or it will have some more features11:46
beanageAnyone know why this command wouldn't work? ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr11:46
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kitchejohncub: well nav is based on firefox so it probably will show up as firefox maybe I never used it before to see11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netscape - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:47
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hegurucookie_: you will get better information about that in #ubuntu+111:47
johncubkitche, blue cross blue shield only allows ie and netscape agents so I have to somehow work around that, hence the request to install actual netscape.  firefox is blocked11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about via - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openchrome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:48
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:48
J-_where are the basic icons stored? (synaptic, etc)11:48
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kitchejohncub: well I m not sure but netscape at least the newer one comes up as Firefox I believe maybe haven't tried to out when they made it based on firefox instead of mozilla suite11:48
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chuy_maxwhat happened with /etc/modules.conf ?11:49
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johncubkitche, thanks for the help anyway, and now I know the sh -x trick.  :)11:49
kbrosnankitche: have you tried a user agent switcher?11:49
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johncubkbrosnan, it's me and that's what I'm going to try11:49
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chuy_maxI have to load a module before the load of usbhid and hid, if it is not modules.conf who loads modules, who loads them then?11:49
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Guildmageanyone know how to solve the X server problem on ATI?11:50
Guildmagethe thing about the screen11:50
kitchekbrosnan: not really I do it by hand i mainly use googlebot :)11:50
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selinuxiumTried to run newly installed azureus thi sis what i got...  azureus  exec: 40: java: not found    what gives?11:52
_varhow do I change the font of my term?11:52
moope2http://rafb.net/p/2j5Ldv89.html does anyone know dhcpd can help me with this little bugger?11:52
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beanageAnyone know why this command wouldn't work? ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr11:52
Juntistiikhello again everyone :), is the 64 bit version of ubuntu much less stable then 32 bit?11:52
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chuy_maxanyone using feisty has a file called /etc/modules ?11:53
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soundraychuy_max: I bet everyone does11:53
jimcooncatchuy_max: yes11:53
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chuy_maxsoundray, I don't have that file11:54
chuy_maxand I'm using feisty :(11:54
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heguruchuy_max: you can create a new one11:54
soundraychuy_max: do a 'echo yourmodule | sudo tee /etc/modules'11:54
Castmichhello guys, I think i got some nasty problem here, there is a screen here saying: session ends in 10 secs, install problem or full drive etc11:54
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jimcooncatchuy_max: just a list of module names, one per line11:55
soundraychuy_max: replace "yourmodule" with the name of the module that you're hoping will solve your problems11:55
chuy_maxsoundray ah, that was the reason, it is modules, not modules.conf11:55
ZambeziWhen adding network, then port in Irssi. Is it 01 adress:port 02 adress/port 03 adress -p port?11:55
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soundraychuy_max: yep, these details matter11:55
_varwhy do many configuration files end in tab?11:55
chuy_maxsoundray, well, I actually have to load a module before usbhid and hid are loaded11:55
soundray_var: example?11:55
heguruchuy_max: though to do what you want to do, you have to create a new file in /etc/modprobe.d with something line install usbhid modprobe --ignore-install usbhid ; modprobe yourdriver; modprobe usbhid11:56
_varcrontab, mtab, fstab...11:56
chuy_maxsoundray, using modules file will my module be loaded before both mentioned modules?11:56
Juntistiikwhat terminal command can i use to view my video card information?11:56
soundray_var: for "table"11:56
kulprettab = table11:56
_varah, that does make sense11:56
soundraychuy_max: I don't know. Listen to heguru11:56
Chabacanomy nautilus opens automatically, even if I kill it, reset the computer or uninstall+kill+reinlstall it, any clues?11:56
daniI have a problem. My card is RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro, and after installing the drivers ... there is a performance drop - I should change it back to "vesa" driver in xorg.conf to get a working system. Any idea what is the problem11:57
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kbrooksi dont use my sound card11:57
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kbrookshow can i find the driver loaded wrt the sound card11:57
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soundraykbrooks: 'lsmod | grep snd'11:58
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kbrookssoundray, thx11:58
=== Baltazaar [n=general@084202030208.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== heguru hates when soundrays msg appears just when he's about to press enter!
=== LiMaO [n=limao@] has joined #ubuntu
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chuy_maxI will check if it works11:58
=== soundray lives in heguru's head
=== alex_ajt [n=alex@CPE00e04c0000c4-CM0017ee619d30.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
alex_ajtany luck with kde4 in the rc yet anyone?11:59
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soundrayalex_ajt: join #ubuntu+111:59
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kbrookssoundray, the dependencies all seem to point to snd_maestro3 and snd_ac97_codec here. i'll blacklist. thanks!11:59
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=== qmario_ [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Psi-JackHeya everyone. I tried, just earlier today, getting Ubuntu 7.10 RC running, and I had 2 problems. First try, was with an ATI X1600, and it was painfully sloooow, even with the latest official AMD ATI drivers. Next I tried with an older card, the nVidia 9200, and with nvidia-glx-new, it was pretty decently fast, but text consoles stopped working after X loaded. I tried nVidia's official driver, and it didn't get any better...12:00
PriceChild!gutsy | Psi-Jack12:01
ubotuPsi-Jack: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information12:01
heguruPsi-Jack: join #ubuntu+112:01
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Psi-JackIs this a problem just with 7.10, or would I experience the same trouble in 7.04 as well?12:01
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Psi-Jackheguru: Eh?12:01
MasterAslanI'm pulling my hair out...earlier I attempted an install but it froze at installing hardware.  So I wiped the partitions and went to try again.  The first time I installed on my second HD.  Now I have gone back and the second HD is missing.  I cannot find it in the Gparted with ubuntu.  I also tried the alternate install disk and its not showing up.  I downloaded the stand alone gparted live cd and it does show there.  Any ideas w12:01
freshpressedhas it been decided whether to go with alsa or pulseaudio?12:01
abadtoothHey guys, does anyone know if the wubi installer will include Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10?12:01
kbrooksabadtooth, wubi is unofficial.12:02
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html12:02
=== cfedde_ is now known as cfedde
PriceChild!gutsy | abadtooth12:02
ubotuabadtooth: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information12:02
kbrooksabadtooth, talk to the wubi developers, not us.12:02
abadtoothHuh, it says to get support here... lol12:02
kbrooksPriceChild, that wasnt support for gutsy12:02
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PriceChildkbrooks, pardon? He was asking about gutsy right?12:03
kbrooksPriceChild, that was support for wubi12:03
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kbrooksPriceChild, no. he was asking if wubi would put in gutsy.12:03
Juntistiikhow can i uninstall automatix?12:03
PriceChildkbrooks, wubi/gutsy (neither of which supported)12:03
=== zabovo [n=mcogoni@ip-88.net-89-2-226.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
heguru!automatix | Juntistiik12:03
ubotuJuntistiik: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)12:03
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kbrooksPriceChild, and i told him that it was unofficial12:03
dr3w2morowIm trying to get WoW on my ubuntu but i cant figure out how to?12:03
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kbrooksabadtooth, what says to get support here?12:04
dr3w2morowAny Help?12:04
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php12:04

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