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sayers | Is there a kernel with the CFS support built in, in the repositories ? | 01:32 |
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jheronimus | Hi, all! | 01:35 |
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foxiness__ | hi jheronimus | 01:35 |
silent[ca] | why doesnt the vga=XXX do anything? | 01:36 |
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jheronimus | Could anybody here help me with my laptop soundcard under GG? | 01:36 |
=== Psi-Jack [n=mykael@cpe-70-112-29-185.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Psi-Jack | Alright. I'm in pure 7.10 RC Ubuntu. | 01:40 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : it's broken | 01:40 |
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Psi-Jack | Seems Ubuntu actually is a bit better than Kubuntu, as far as base system goes. Why that is I STILL don't get. ;) | 01:41 |
MrMazda | heavy focus on Gnome? | 01:41 |
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Psi-Jack | Anyway. I installed the ATI Restricted Drivers. And performance, wasn't all great.. So I went and got the ATI 8.40.x drivers from AMD's website, installed them, and it actually got /worse/ LOL | 01:42 |
LiMaO | Psi-Jack: any problems at all? or is everything running ok? | 01:42 |
Psi-Jack | LiMaO: Installation was great. It's ATI video support giving me hell. | 01:42 |
LiMaO | does openoffice works for you? | 01:42 |
Psi-Jack | Heh, I haven't even tried. | 01:42 |
Psi-Jack | Loading it now, though. | 01:43 |
LiMaO | check it out later, if you can, load openoffice writer and go to 'format page' | 01:43 |
Konam | wow, it seems that you really fucked it up with all those tweaks to Xorg. My system doesn't recognize the binary driver from nvidia, it says that 'screen not found' | 01:43 |
LiMaO | see what happens | 01:43 |
Konam | and the nvidia-settings and the 'screen and graphics' deal with xorg in different ways | 01:43 |
silent[ca] | MrMazda, is there a substitute for vga= or am I stuck using windows cause my console crashes at random times due to a messed up framebuffer | 01:43 |
Psi-Jack | LiMaO: : Okay? Done.. | 01:43 |
Konam | the settings I do in one is not recognize in the other | 01:44 |
LiMaO | didn't freeze? hmm i may consider using gutsy again then =P | 01:44 |
Konam | and is suppose to be the same xorg.conf! | 01:44 |
Psi-Jack | LiMaO: : WOrking for me. | 01:44 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : tried feisty? | 01:44 |
Psi-Jack | Okay | 01:44 |
Konam | damn it, im restarting xorg | 01:44 |
Psi-Jack | So.. How do I disable compiz? Someone mentioned that earlier. | 01:44 |
LiMaO | Psi-Jack: when i last tried it on beta 2, it wouldn't work. would freeze. i couldn't do anything at all within openoffice | 01:44 |
Psi-Jack | LiMaO: Yikes. ;) | 01:45 |
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LiMaO | Psi-Jack: right click the desktop, check out desktop effects and turn it off | 01:45 |
silent[ca] | MrMazda, this is feisty | 01:45 |
silent[ca] | MrMazda, this is gutsy* | 01:45 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : gutsy is broken | 01:45 |
Psi-Jack | Hmmm. I don't see Desktop Effects. | 01:45 |
silent[ca] | MrMazda, what do you mean? | 01:45 |
LiMaO | last tab if i'm not wrong | 01:45 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : framebuffer is royally screwed in gutsy | 01:46 |
LiMaO | there's desktop background, fonts, some other stuff, and one of the tabs deals with desktop effects | 01:46 |
LiMaO | maybe 'advanced' tab | 01:46 |
Psi-Jack | Ahh | 01:46 |
reitblatt | getting a kernel panic after installing Gutsy RC, anyone wanna take a swing at it? | 01:46 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : gutsy is beta anyway | 01:46 |
Psi-Jack | Okay, so yeah, it's disabled by default, so that's not my problem. | 01:46 |
=== Psi-Jack grabs a bat and starts swinging away at it. ;) | ||
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silent[ca] | MrMazda, for approximately 6 days | 01:47 |
reitblatt | well, you didn't fix the problem, but I have a nice big dent in my screen | 01:47 |
Psi-Jack | Hehe | 01:47 |
reitblatt | this is a Thinkpad X61 | 01:47 |
alex_mayorga | !wiimote | 01:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wiimote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:47 |
reitblatt | worked in Feisty | 01:47 |
reitblatt | w/ a few hw hiccups | 01:47 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : they better fix it soon then | 01:47 |
reitblatt | installed w/o a hitch | 01:47 |
reitblatt | but when I tried to boot after install | 01:47 |
reitblatt | it kernel panics immediately after grub | 01:48 |
Psi-Jack | Well, hrmm.. I'm trying to figure out IF it's reasonably possible to get Linux working my ATI X1600, and getting on Second Life (the real only 3D program I'll likely ever be using), and get more FPS than just 2.5-5 fps. I mean, 10 would be decent. LOL | 01:48 |
reitblatt | kernel panic - not syncin: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) | 01:48 |
cyclonut | reitblatt: I get random kernel panics... no constant ones though | 01:48 |
reitblatt | cyclonut: this is the definition ofconsistent | 01:48 |
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silent[ca] | any idea why vga=XXX doesnt work in the gutsy boot? | 01:52 |
MrMazda | silent[ca] : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129910 | 01:53 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129910 in initramfs-tools "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Critical,Triaged] | 01:53 |
nomasteryoda | nice | 01:57 |
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nomasteryoda | silent[ca] , try hitting Esc, then "e" on the kernel you want to load.... then backspace over the "silent vga=*" until you get to "ro" | 01:58 |
nomasteryoda | that works for me | 01:58 |
nomasteryoda | then the tty1-6 work ok | 01:59 |
nomasteryoda | just a temp fix | 01:59 |
nomasteryoda | but good enough for getting it working... | 01:59 |
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reitblatt | I think I may have found a problem | 02:00 |
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reitblatt | a typo in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume | 02:01 |
IndyGunFreak | just to be clear, if i have mys ystem up to date, then i have the RC, right? | 02:01 |
cyclonut | IndyGunFreak: correct | 02:01 |
IndyGunFreak | cyclonut: ok, i thought so. | 02:01 |
IndyGunFreak | ty | 02:01 |
cyclonut | np | 02:02 |
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nick3 | has anyone had trouble getting monodevelop to work in 7.10 | 02:04 |
A_is_A | Can someone help me to figure out why i cannot mount my second hard drive since the upgrade to gutsy? its got all of my music on it andi m dying to access it. its formatted ext3 | 02:05 |
A_is_A | its at /dev/sdb1 | 02:05 |
reitblatt | A_is_A: what happens when you try to mount it? | 02:05 |
A_is_A | mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /media/sdb1 busy | 02:05 |
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reitblatt | A_is_A: and how do you try to mount it? | 02:05 |
reitblatt | hmm | 02:05 |
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reitblatt | show me the output of: mount | 02:06 |
A_is_A | i used sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 and also tried using "storage device manager" in gnome | 02:06 |
reitblatt | just the command mount w/ no arguments | 02:06 |
A_is_A | ed@ed-desktop:~$ mount | 02:06 |
A_is_A | /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777) | 02:06 |
bazhang | the RC is nice :} | 02:06 |
A_is_A | udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) | 02:06 |
A_is_A | binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 02:06 |
reitblatt | sorry, shoulda had you pastebin it | 02:06 |
A_is_A | sorry my bad | 02:06 |
A_is_A | should i pastebin it now? | 02:06 |
reitblatt | nah | 02:06 |
reitblatt | pastebin: | 02:07 |
reitblatt | cat /proc/partitions | 02:07 |
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A_is_A | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40473/ | 02:08 |
bjb1959 | I have a bit of an odd problem, when I use avant-window-navigator with feisty or gutsy with compiz the desktop will lock up all except the mouse after a period of inactivity. this doesn't happen with opensuse 10.3 and the same setup. any ideas? | 02:08 |
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jimmygoon | My codecs are b0rked :( | 02:09 |
reitblatt | A_is_A: what happens when you run: sudo umount -l /dev/sdb1 | 02:09 |
A_is_A | umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted | 02:09 |
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reitblatt | A_is_A: try running: sudo umount -l /media/sdb1 | 02:10 |
A_is_A | i did | 02:11 |
A_is_A | umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted | 02:11 |
bjb1959 | I have a bit of an odd problem, when I use avant-window-navigator with gutsy with compiz the desktop will lock up all except the mouse after a period of inactivity. this doesn't happen with opensuse 10.3 and the same setup. any ideas? | 02:11 |
reitblatt | A_is_A: I gave a slightly diff command | 02:11 |
A_is_A | oh | 02:11 |
A_is_A | sry | 02:11 |
reitblatt | np | 02:11 |
A_is_A | same output | 02:11 |
reitblatt | hmm | 02:12 |
reitblatt | that is quite bizarre | 02:12 |
jimmygoon | how do I do "refresh" gstreamer | 02:12 |
A_is_A | also, if it helps, gparted will not start either. it just says "scanning drives" eternally | 02:12 |
reitblatt | A_is_A: try making a new directory | 02:12 |
reitblatt | and mounting it in there | 02:13 |
A_is_A | ok | 02:13 |
bazhang | bjb1959: have you tried to shut off and restart compiz; that did the trick when I had another problem. | 02:13 |
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A_is_A | mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /media/dsk busy | 02:13 |
dbglt | In attempting to upgrade from feisty -> gusty, I used the Distribution Upgrade tool, but it seems to have a problem with configuring debconf, and all my deps seem to be a bit screwed up now | 02:13 |
dbglt | is this a known problem? | 02:14 |
bjb1959 | bazhang, yes it doesn't help | 02:14 |
bazhang | bjb1959: hmm, not having used avm, can't offer much else--sorry :} | 02:14 |
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reitblatt | A_is_A: I changed my mind, could you please go ahead and pastebin the output of "mount" | 02:14 |
A_is_A | sure | 02:14 |
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bazhang | dbglt: what command did you use? | 02:15 |
dbglt | kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" | 02:15 |
dbglt | then it installed some wizard | 02:15 |
dbglt | and I followed it through | 02:15 |
A_is_A | reitblatt: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40475/ | 02:15 |
Davy_Jones | will there be an ubuntu-studio upgrade when 7.1 is out? | 02:15 |
reitblatt | thanks | 02:15 |
dbglt | bazhang: one of the package setups seems to have not worked, and as a result, a lot of deps can't be installed | 02:15 |
Davy_Jones | why can't anyone answer that question | 02:16 |
Pici | Davy_Jones: I think so, #ubuntustudio would know for sure | 02:16 |
cyclonut | Have we got any programmers in the house? Ive got a question, though non-related to ubuntu... | 02:16 |
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Davy_Jones | ok | 02:16 |
underwatercow | anyone try installing the latest NVIDIA drivers on Gutsy? | 02:16 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: What language are you programming in? | 02:16 |
Davy_Jones | Pici: says in the topic that studio-gutsy RC is out | 02:17 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: ruby, but it doesn't really matter that much, its more a theory thing than a syntax issue | 02:17 |
Pici | Davy_Jones: so I guess it is | 02:17 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: pretend I said whatever language you happen to like ;) | 02:17 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: lol... I like Ruby, though I'm a n00b at it. What's your question? | 02:17 |
Davy_Jones | Pici: yeah, not sure if it's beta though | 02:17 |
Pici | Davy_Jones: hm? We're in RC as well. | 02:18 |
Davy_Jones | Pici: RC is pre-release? | 02:18 |
Pici | Davy_Jones: Release Candidate | 02:18 |
Pici | Still pre-release | 02:18 |
Davy_Jones | i see | 02:18 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: PM | 02:19 |
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underwatercow | Release is on the 18th isn't it? | 02:19 |
Davy_Jones | underwatercow: 5 days to go | 02:19 |
underwatercow | 6 | 02:19 |
underwatercow | :( | 02:19 |
Pici | underwatercow: yessir | 02:19 |
underwatercow | at least for me | 02:20 |
underwatercow | it's the 12th here | 02:20 |
A_is_A | reitblatt: any clue? | 02:20 |
underwatercow | the NVIDIA drivers I tried installing killed my system | 02:20 |
Davy_Jones | it's 13th here | 02:20 |
underwatercow | I had to run an older kernel | 02:20 |
reitblatt | A_is_A: I'm kinda stumped | 02:20 |
A_is_A | me too. brb | 02:20 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: I PM'd you | 02:21 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: and I you... | 02:21 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: something isnt making it here :-P | 02:21 |
=== awag [n=andrew@cpe-024-074-059-024.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
HetaUma | are u registered with nickserv to be able to pm ? | 02:21 |
underwatercow | do the default nvidia drivers allow dual monitors in gutsy? | 02:22 |
cyclonut | didnt know you needed to be on nickserv to pm... | 02:22 |
cyclonut | oops | 02:22 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: well that's strange | 02:22 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: just tried again... get anything? | 02:22 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: yep | 02:22 |
underwatercow | cyclonut: I responded | 02:22 |
cyclonut | underwatercow: not seeing it from you... do /msg nickserv register password | 02:23 |
awag | anyone here upgrade to gutsy using apt-get dist-upgrade? | 02:23 |
cyclonut | where password = whatever password you want | 02:23 |
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=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
reitblatt | anyone that is curious: I solved my problem | 02:25 |
reitblatt | the install didn't add initrd entries to menu.lst | 02:25 |
reitblatt | because of the typoe I noted above | 02:25 |
reitblatt | keeping update-initramfs from working | 02:25 |
Geoffrey2 | does Gutsy look pretty much ready to install at this point, or would I be better off waiting a few days until the official release comes out? | 02:26 |
bazhang | Geoffrey2: you could wait, though it is pretty nice right now | 02:27 |
underwatercow | the beta should be more or less the final product anyway | 02:27 |
underwatercow | I've been running it for a month or so and it's been great to me | 02:28 |
bazhang | same here | 02:28 |
Geoffrey2 | I figured if they're at RC stage, they should be pretty confident it's ready to go | 02:28 |
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bazhang | Geoffrey2: if you're on a laptop and trying to get wireless, then that might be an issue--otherwise it's very nice. | 02:29 |
gragl | hello guys, i tried to downgrade from nvidia-glx-new (with apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx-new) to the nvidia-glx driver, but its always teh new module gets loaded instead of the old | 02:29 |
gragl | how can i fix that bug | 02:29 |
bazhang | the RC is a liveCD, right? | 02:29 |
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Geoffrey2 | bazhang, desktop...only interesting detail would be my intergrated video card, which is new enough that it's been semi-sorta working under Feisty | 02:31 |
gragl | how can i say modprobe i wnat to load old nvidia module not nvidia new module? | 02:32 |
|neon| | ne1 ever use ghhhhost4linux to back upthe entire system | 02:33 |
bazhang | Geoffrey2: intel video? | 02:33 |
Geoffrey2 | bazhang, AMD 690G with ATI x1250 | 02:34 |
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bazhang | Geoffrey2: I would say wait and see what's up; provided you're happy with Feisty now--Gutsy seems to have better graphic card support--but I do have an Nvidia, so probly no the person to ask :} | 02:36 |
bazhang | probably not | 02:36 |
hoa3r | anybody here experience with beagle and cryptsetup? | 02:36 |
dbglt | any known update problems I should look out for? | 02:37 |
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dbglt | linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic: Depends: linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic but it is not installable | 02:39 |
dbglt | any ideas? :\ | 02:39 |
dbglt | and... | 02:39 |
dbglt | kdm: Depends: kdebase-bin (= 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20.7) but 4:3.5.7-1ubuntu28 is installed. | 02:39 |
dbglt | Depends: kdebase-data (< 4:3.5.7) but 4:3.5.7-1ubuntu28 is installed. | 02:39 |
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bazhang | dbglt: is your system working okay? I had that same held back installables for a bit as well. | 02:40 |
dbglt | bazhang: well, I haven't installed it yet | 02:40 |
dbglt | bazhang: manually doing the aptitude update bit now, sicne the update wizard thing decided it hated me | 02:40 |
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dbglt | "you quit me, now I will never let you back in - muahahahaha" | 02:40 |
dbglt | and the like | 02:40 |
bazhang | dbglt: ok. :} | 02:41 |
bazhang | !apt | 02:41 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 02:41 |
bazhang | !dpkg | 02:41 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 02:41 |
bazhang | ugh. | 02:41 |
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alex_mayorga | !evdev | 02:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about evdev - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:41 |
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bazhang | there is an ubotu command that tells how to dpkg --configure -a, just can't recall right now...:{ | 02:42 |
dbglt | bazhang: yeah, that's what I'm doing now | 02:43 |
noah | are there any caveats going from dev to prod when it comes out? | 02:44 |
usser | noah: not really no, with the last update it'll beta becomes release | 02:44 |
bazhang | noah: back up! :} | 02:45 |
=== GoDawgs [n=Kelley@adsl-074-244-063-105.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
usser | noah: well yea | 02:45 |
usser | noah: do that :) | 02:45 |
bazhang | :} | 02:45 |
GoDawgs | Is anyone having package problems whilst upgrading to Gutsy? | 02:45 |
noah | usser: bazhang: cool, thanksz | 02:45 |
bazhang | noah: no problem ;} | 02:46 |
GoDawgs | specifically: "Failed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl/apt/dists/feisty/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'wine.lowvoice.nl'" | 02:46 |
GoDawgs | ... or not ... | 02:48 |
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
usser | GoDawgs: comment out that line in /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:50 |
usser | GoDawgs: the line with that address | 02:50 |
usser | GoDawgs: how did it get there anyway | 02:51 |
GoDawgs | I have no idea... | 02:51 |
GoDawgs | ok | 02:51 |
GoDawgs | thank you | 02:51 |
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GoDawgs | is that in just my regular sources list? | 02:51 |
usser | GoDawgs: yea its supposed to be | 02:52 |
GoDawgs | ok | 02:52 |
GoDawgs | i'll go check it | 02:52 |
GoDawgs | thought because it was an update it was a special sources list | 02:52 |
rredd4 | do I have to dl the rc to load gibbon or is there another way? | 02:52 |
usser | rredd4: u can upgrade from feisty | 02:52 |
usser | rredd4: but if u do that i strongly suggest u to wait for its release | 02:53 |
GoDawgs | usser, how come? | 02:53 |
usser | rredd4: its 5 days away :) | 02:53 |
rredd4 | i have dl'd rc's before and had no problems, why wait? | 02:54 |
usser | GoDawgs: i dunno i just feel that upgrade is something that always goes wrong especially if u upgrade to beta/rc but it was just my experience :) | 02:54 |
nomasteryoda | nice to see the knetworkmanager working totally cool now.!! it autoconnected to my secure network after being on a non-secure network... mind i have the "password" stored in the "non-secure' mode on this system | 02:54 |
bazhang | :} | 02:54 |
GoDawgs | ok... i see... however, given that it's only five days away i think most of the big problems are outta the way... just my personal feeling | 02:54 |
rredd4 | usser using feisty now | 02:55 |
IndyGunFreak | GoDawgs: probably, but it is still beta | 02:55 |
LiMaO | rredd4: gutsy may still be broken | 02:55 |
LiMaO | rredd4: that's the main reason for waiting | 02:55 |
usser | GoDawgs: well heh, my xorg resets whenever apt-get starts installing packages :) | 02:55 |
bazhang | though a bit better than Vista beta :} | 02:55 |
rredd4 | are you using it? | 02:55 |
osmosis | should I install the release client, or wait for final ? | 02:55 |
usser | GoDawgs: have to basically do installation twice | 02:56 |
GoDawgs | osmosis, I'm doing that now... | 02:56 |
bazhang | I'm using it :) | 02:56 |
osmosis | GoDawgs: doing what? | 02:56 |
GoDawgs | usser, right on... I see your point... I'm upgrading now though... I'm quite the trusting soul :) | 02:56 |
GoDawgs | osmosis, I'm upgrading to Gutsy now | 02:56 |
LiMaO | rredd4: i installed it a few days ago. it had some problems which i couldn't stand, such as openoffice not working, nautilus freezing, among some other minor stuff | 02:56 |
usser | GoDawgs: i was just like u once.... aw the good old days ;) | 02:56 |
osmosis | Does gutsy still install a kernel that says (development) ? | 02:56 |
rredd4 | LiMaO usng nvidia? | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | OO.o works fine for me, i've honestly had no probs at all with Gutsy | 02:57 |
osmosis | in other words...might the final version be a bit per bit copy of the release client ? | 02:57 |
crimsun | osmosis: it won't | 02:57 |
osmosis | crimsun: no? | 02:57 |
nomasteryoda | GoDawgs, i've been thru the bad... its good now | 02:57 |
crimsun | we've already had several updates since RC | 02:57 |
osmosis | crimsun: oh, nice. ok | 02:57 |
nomasteryoda | GoDawgs, you rrom GA? | 02:57 |
=== usser true like kde 3.5.8 today | ||
nomasteryoda | from | 02:57 |
usser | if someone cares for kde | 02:58 |
nomasteryoda | usser, me... using now | 02:58 |
nomasteryoda | its good | 02:58 |
GoDawgs | nomasteryoda, you got it baby! ;) | 02:58 |
nomasteryoda | cool | 02:58 |
nomasteryoda | i'm down in Bonaire | 02:58 |
GoDawgs | nomasteryoda, you too? | 02:58 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 02:58 |
GoDawgs | nomasteryoda, right on :) | 02:58 |
=== IndyGunFreak would rather my face be stomped by Rosie O'Donnell wearing golf cleats, than use KDE | ||
=== usser is down in uptown brooklyn | ||
nomasteryoda | check out #ubuntu-georgia | 02:58 |
rredd4 | I am going to try rc.. apt command is? | 02:58 |
GoDawgs | nomasteryoda, ok... i'll do it now | 02:59 |
nomasteryoda | IndyGunFreak, lol | 02:59 |
nomasteryoda | k | 02:59 |
LiMaO | rredd4: yes, nvidia | 02:59 |
usser | IndyGunFreak: omg thats pretty damn gross | 02:59 |
usser | :) | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | usser: i ate kde | 02:59 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, for my issue with broken capture, what more can I do to help? | 02:59 |
usser | IndyGunFreak: well i hate gnome | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | *hate..lol | 02:59 |
DanaG | I don't mind digging around at low-level things. | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | usser: thank goodness for choice | 02:59 |
rredd4 | gnome here!! | 02:59 |
usser | IndyGunFreak: amen brother :) | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | that we can all agree on | 02:59 |
DanaG | For example, today I hacked at my DSDT and figured out the cause of that awful blinking I was getting. | 02:59 |
bazhang | they're both nice! | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | bazhang: i tend to disagree, i despise KDE..., Gnome and Xfce, are fine by me. | 03:00 |
usser | DanaG: so what was it? | 03:00 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
IndyGunFreak | KDE looks like something for a 5yr old with all the sily names, icons, etc. | 03:00 |
DanaG | My DSDT had specific checks with 'equals' instead of with 'less than or equal'. | 03:00 |
usser | IndyGunFreak: gnome is the same bloat as kde nowadays | 03:00 |
bazhang | IndyGunFreak: I'm thinking of dual booting...Kubuntu and Ubuntu :) | 03:00 |
usser | bazhang: perv | 03:01 |
usser | lol | 03:01 |
rredd4 | LiMaO what is the apt command please to upgrade | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | usser: bloat isn't really the issue, but I think Gnome si a *bit* lighter, probably not much | 03:01 |
rredd4 | forgot | 03:01 |
bazhang | yup | 03:01 |
DanaG | So instead of rounding to the nearest, or next, value, it was simply turning OFF. | 03:01 |
usser | bazhang: just install both | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | its the GUI, KDE's is just sickening | 03:01 |
bazhang | usser: don't like to mix my peanut butter and chocolate :) | 03:01 |
usser | IndyGunFreak: well we at least have a decent print system here | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | i don't use a printer...lol | 03:02 |
DanaG | I don't use KDE because it feels too bulky to me. | 03:02 |
usser | arrh | 03:02 |
usser | g | 03:02 |
DanaG | Note that bulky is NOT the same as bloaty. | 03:02 |
LiMaO | rredd4: check out this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades | 03:02 |
LiMaO | rredd4: they have the command, plus some other stuff you may happen to come across during upgrade | 03:02 |
rredd4 | ty! | 03:03 |
=== usser just ordered his ogg-compatible player http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16855627003 | ||
LiMaO | rredd4: you're welcome.. and be sure to keep us aware of your success or problems with it =) | 03:03 |
=== nzero [n=nreynold@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rredd4 | ok | 03:03 |
=== DanaG has an iAudio6. | ||
DanaG | Ogg Vorbis FTW! | 03:03 |
nzero | anyone know why display config doesn't remember anything | 03:03 |
rredd4 | c ya on the gutsy side!!! lol | 03:03 |
DanaG | Except for the impact on battery life. | 03:03 |
riotkittie | battery life is that bad? :| | 03:04 |
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
usser | ogg is somewhat a complicated format isnt it? | 03:04 |
=== IndyGunFreak loves his ipod | ||
usser | pfft | 03:05 |
DanaG | Well, the more annoying thing is that it makes the interface sluggish on my player, and you can't use as many audio effects. | 03:05 |
usser | ipod | 03:05 |
riotkittie | i'd love my ipod if it were 28gb larger. | 03:05 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | riotkittie: lol, i've got a 30gig | 03:05 |
nzero | hey ikonia, do you know why the displayconfig won't remember what monitor i tell it is connected | 03:05 |
riotkittie | IndyGunFreak: i dont :( | 03:05 |
usser | omg my collection is like 500 megs | 03:05 |
riotkittie | mine's like. 52 gigs :D | 03:06 |
IndyGunFreak | usser: ?.. amateur...lol, i'm about 9gigs | 03:06 |
=== branstrom [n=fredrik@ua-83-227-158-67.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
IndyGunFreak | riotkittie: ?..lol, geez, you need an 80gig. | 03:06 |
=== usser yes but these are all my favorites only | ||
LiMaO | mp3report says i would take over a month to listen to my whole collection. i wonder what's the point of having such a big ipod that would hold it all.. maybe it would be fun if i were lost on a desert island hehe | 03:06 |
usser | LiMaO: exactly | 03:06 |
usser | why have so much memory | 03:07 |
usser | i never quite understood that | 03:07 |
riotkittie | IndyGunFreak: i was thinking about it, but really, for the amount i use my ipod, an 8 gig nano would be fine :P | 03:07 |
=== buntunub [n=davemcbo@c-24-126-85-71.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nzero | well you can use it as a storage device as well | 03:07 |
riotkittie | tho an 80gb would have been a godsend when my unbacked up hd died. <cue sadness> | 03:07 |
nzero | an ipod is also a portable storage device | 03:07 |
nzero | for anything | 03:07 |
LiMaO | it's like willing to carry a whole library under your arm the whole day. you can have a library at your home, but will take only 1 or 2 books with you during the day | 03:07 |
IndyGunFreak | riotkittie: i see, i use my ipod quite a bit, workng out, etc.... so i keep all my music on it. | 03:07 |
nzero | major design flaw in the ipods is there storage though, flash memory is much better | 03:08 |
LiMaO | nzero, portable device? get a 500gb external compact drive | 03:08 |
usser | nzero: didnt they switch to static memory in nano? | 03:08 |
riotkittie | i wish i could plug an sdcard in D: | 03:08 |
=== lee__ [n=lee@c-71-59-177-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
IndyGunFreak | LiMaO: lol, ive got a 500gig external, not really compact thoguh | 03:08 |
IndyGunFreak | makes it easy for restoring | 03:09 |
lee__ | hello | 03:09 |
bazhang | hi lee__ | 03:09 |
LiMaO | IndyGunFreak: that's the point. you will NEVER need to copy 500gb 'on the fly', during a day.. that's why it doesn't need to be 'so' compact heh | 03:09 |
IndyGunFreak | i got the drive for 89 on sale at TigerDirect(WD), and the enclosure was 25 | 03:09 |
lee__ | eh whats a 64 bit system good for lol? | 03:09 |
LiMaO | same thing with huge memory ipods i think | 03:09 |
IndyGunFreak | LiMaO: i see, makes sense | 03:09 |
nzero | if you drop an ipod with enough force, you'll screw the drive, if you drop a player with flash rom then your data is safe. | 03:10 |
LiMaO | lee__: compression / 3d rendering / distributed networking (participation) | 03:10 |
nzero | i thing they did switch to flash in nano | 03:10 |
riotkittie | new nanos are so ugly. | 03:11 |
lee__ | distributed networking (participation)? and Compression?..I understand the 3d rendering lol | 03:11 |
riotkittie | ooh. i should start looking for second gens on clearance :D | 03:11 |
LiMaO | lee__: try compreesing 50gb to a bz2 file under 32bit.. then just check it out under 64bit. you'll see the difference | 03:12 |
lee__ | ooooh ok its like rendering video on a 486 verses rendering vid on on a p4 lol | 03:13 |
=== DanaG [n=dana@71-9-52-25.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1: | 03:13 |
DanaG | * New upstream release | 03:13 |
lee__ | so if they ever get video editing software then i set lol. right LiMaO | 03:14 |
DanaG | Wow, that's a detailed changelog..... not. | 03:14 |
lee__ | Wellone things fer sure my graphis sure have greatly improved lol | 03:14 |
crimsun | Debian changelogs normally should not replicate upstream changelogs | 03:14 |
lee__ | no herky jerky | 03:14 |
=== MrMazda paid $60 for his last 500GiB | ||
=== kurisutofuaa [n=doompigg@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Hmm, at least provide a link to the upstream.... | 03:16 |
lee__ | i guess that explains why they didnt come out whith flash...waait that compersion thing..does it effect viewing dvd's? | 03:16 |
DanaG | Well, I'm happy today because I fixed that godawful blinking. I had to edit my dsdt to do it, though. | 03:17 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, is there any way to replace the dsdt on demand, instead of only from the initramfs? | 03:17 |
lee__ | eh how do i get the text to sopeech opperational? | 03:18 |
LiMaO | lee__: 64bit would only improve video viewing if it involves post processing | 03:18 |
lee__ | coolio | 03:19 |
DanaG | Here's another reason I use Linux as my primary OS: multi-finger scrolling and tapping. | 03:19 |
lee__ | so unless i am going to majory start working on 3d models i need to run 32 bit then lol right | 03:19 |
LiMaO | well, actually you should run 64bit on a 64bit hardware. it won't hurt at all | 03:20 |
lee__ | oh...but no flash :( | 03:21 |
lee__ | oh it has wine that came with it lol | 03:21 |
LiMaO | er, i have both things | 03:22 |
LiMaO | flash, java, wine | 03:22 |
lee__ | but I just realsied tht its K-unbuntu lol | 03:22 |
LiMaO | actually all 'three' things | 03:22 |
lee__ | eh how did yout get flash opperational on your system? | 03:23 |
=== level1 [n=level1@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
LiMaO | http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb - read for 64bit wine | 03:23 |
LiMaO | i'll give you the link for java and flash | 03:24 |
lee__ | for 64 bit? I went to the adoby sight | 03:24 |
addos | is gusty still a debug enabled build? | 03:24 |
addos | it seems like sound is choppy | 03:24 |
addos | and isn't as optimized as a final release | 03:24 |
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=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-249-65-106.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== bqmassey [n=brandon@ip-66-241-168-226.cmts-dhcp.way.huntel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
lee__ | yeah I am on gutsy 64seems stable | 03:25 |
rockets | I accidentally closed the "channels" tab in gimp | 03:25 |
rockets | any idea how to get it back? | 03:25 |
bqmassey | hellllooo | 03:25 |
bqmassey | i can't log on to root | 03:25 |
bqmassey | .. fresh 7.10 installation | 03:25 |
DanaG | !sudo | 03:25 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:26 |
LiMaO | lee__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins -- read on for flash and java | 03:26 |
bqmassey | i thought it was 'su' | 03:26 |
rockets | nvr mind found it | 03:26 |
lee__ | ok ty | 03:26 |
rockets | bqmassey, you can't login to root directly in ubuntu | 03:26 |
LiMaO | lee__: READ it to understand =P | 03:26 |
rockets | bqmassey, you do sudo -i | 03:26 |
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@68-116-99-78.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rockets | bqmassey, then enter your password | 03:26 |
bqmassey | cool. thanks. | 03:26 |
level1 | hi, I want to try the radeon driver for my card, but I can't find it in the repositories, what is it called? does it come by default? | 03:27 |
=== szf [n=sean@c-24-60-10-245.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bqmassey | I'm really enjoying ubuntu | 03:28 |
bqmassey | first time i've every liked linux | 03:28 |
bqmassey | ever | 03:28 |
riotkittie | flgrx fglrx f.. fxglr frxgl fl... <me gives up> | 03:28 |
DanaG | How the heck do you pronounce fglrx? There aren't any vowels! | 03:29 |
rredd4 | please look at this. got this when I did gksudo "update-manager -c -d" http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40480/ | 03:29 |
riotkittie | level1: if you go to the System Menu > Administration ... you should be able to enable it from there | 03:29 |
level1 | riotkittie: whats the kde equivalent to that? | 03:29 |
level1 | DanaG: f-g-l-r-x? | 03:30 |
=== forevertheuni [n=andrea@87-196-81-63.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
forevertheuni | I've just updated my gutsy | 03:30 |
forevertheuni | ....and 6 days from release my gdm is broken | 03:30 |
riotkittie | level1: i have spent 5 minutes in kde in the last 4 years, 4 and three quarters of them clawing at my eyes. i am not sure, sorry. | 03:30 |
forevertheuni | lool | 03:30 |
bqmassey | is a "workspace" the same as a "desktop" | 03:30 |
riotkittie | i like to call them fuglorex. which is really fun to say at high speed. | 03:31 |
lee__ | Ok I get the Picture "I am aware that this is a very bad idea lol. | 03:31 |
lee__ | they sure do have a sense of humor | 03:31 |
nomasteryoda | bqmassey, basically but desktop mostly means the thing that is in front of you... the workspace would be all the "spaces" around the virtual desktop on which you could have more apps running | 03:31 |
level1 | bqmassey: I've used three versions of ubuntu, and each version was progressively less buggy... I have hope that a version of ubuntu could appear in a year or two that is truely free of serious bugs | 03:31 |
_dan_ | i dont recall serious bugs in the other version | 03:32 |
forevertheuni | me neither | 03:32 |
riotkittie | the only thing i've really had a problem with was my wireless in feisty. yay for complete freezes. :D | 03:33 |
level1 | riotkittie: I'm sorry you have that opinion of kde, its really not that bad! to be fair, I haven't used very much gnome | 03:33 |
=== bastid_raZor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-51-149.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rredd4 | upgrade error please help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40480/ | 03:33 |
=== bastidrazor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-51-149.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
riotkittie | level1: i'm not knocking it. i mean, i'm sure that it's got merits, and i'm sure it's a fine desktop environment in its own right... it's just way too... "busy"? for me. | 03:34 |
forevertheuni | the purge function is through dpkg-reconfigure? | 03:34 |
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
dystopianray | is kopete still broken in gutsy? | 03:35 |
level1 | riotkittie: I see that... I expect that newer version of kde will be more utilitarian with what they have by default | 03:35 |
riotkittie | its like, i load it and develop instant ADD :P | 03:35 |
=== jtt [n=jtholmes@adsl-065-006-144-253.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
riotkittie | any idea when the newer version's coming out? | 03:36 |
=== canen [n=canen@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
level1 | riotkittie: its been pushed back to the end of the century... seriously, though, it'll be at least december | 03:36 |
canen | hello | 03:37 |
LiMaO | rredd4: thought i was gonna see you on the 'gutsy side'?! =P | 03:38 |
=== boselecta [i=MpT6jPqv@S0106000ea628ca81.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rredd4 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40480/ | 03:38 |
LiMaO | i saw that | 03:38 |
level1 | riotkittie: it probably won't be truely impressive until 4.1 | 03:38 |
rredd4 | errors | 03:38 |
LiMaO | no idea on how to fix it | 03:38 |
rredd4 | me either | 03:38 |
=== mattwoodyard [n=matt@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rredd4 | :( | 03:38 |
LiMaO | rredd4: will have to wait some more days =/ | 03:38 |
=== riotkittie marks her calander | ||
rredd4 | figures.... | 03:39 |
bqmassey | when i turn compiz effects on and off and play with settings... my computer gets really slow until i restart | 03:39 |
bqmassey | then all the effects work and it's fast | 03:40 |
bqmassey | ... anyway to just restart compiz or something | 03:40 |
=== emet [n=emet@unaffiliated/emet] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
riotkittie | i wish they hadnt blacklisted my card. i'm going to reinstall and completely forget how to override it. | 03:40 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: no need to restart your computer. just hit ctrl+alt+backspace | 03:40 |
LiMaO | that will restart the x server | 03:40 |
bqmassey | what's tha tdo? | 03:40 |
bqmassey | ah cool | 03:40 |
canen | any pointers on getting flash to work with konqueror on gutsy? | 03:41 |
=== youknowme [n=tom@75-121-161-249.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
canen | is the installed version | 03:41 |
forevertheuni | gdm is broken | 03:41 |
level1 | LiMaO: lol, next time tell him to delete win32 | 03:41 |
canen | upgraded from fiesty but it didn't work there either | 03:41 |
=== earlmred [n=earlmred@cpe-24-33-75-19.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
riotkittie | and i wish animations weren't causing such wackiness. otoh, theyre useless, and i can do away with them. but. | 03:41 |
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riotkittie | watching my windows fold themselves into airplanes and fly to my panel fills me with such glee :x | 03:42 |
LiMaO | level1: who are you talking about? | 03:42 |
level1 | LiMaO: nothing, nevermind | 03:42 |
earlmred | heh nice, "do not run gutsy" isn't in the topic anymore. | 03:42 |
LiMaO | earlmred: now it should say 'run it at your own risk' =P | 03:42 |
lee__ | eh what file is the fire for 32? | 03:42 |
=== bqmassey [n=brandon@ip-66-241-168-226.cmts-dhcp.way.huntel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
level1 | riotkittie: I wish ati hadn't decided to screw me with this **** card | 03:43 |
earlmred | LiMaO, eh i've been running a few weeks, no /huge/ issues | 03:43 |
bqmassey | i guess that closes your programs too | 03:43 |
earlmred | firefox and open office like to randomly crash on me though | 03:43 |
bqmassey | that shortcut | 03:43 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: oh yeah, sorry not to mention that hehe | 03:43 |
lee__ | eh theres a file taht is just plain fire fox | 03:43 |
riotkittie | level1: which card would that be? | 03:43 |
bqmassey | lol, np | 03:43 |
level1 | mobility radeon X1400 | 03:43 |
lee__ | would that be th one? | 03:43 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: it kills graphic applications that depends on x | 03:43 |
riotkittie | oh yea. firefox is evil lately. | 03:43 |
bqmassey | it's not like i was on page 10 of a 12 page report i was writing and hadn't saved | 03:43 |
earlmred | might just compile firefox from source and see if it makes a difference | 03:44 |
LiMaO | lee__: let me tell ya, just a sec | 03:44 |
level1 | riotkittie: I'm a konqueror fan. konqueror ftw! | 03:44 |
earlmred | bqmassey, open office only likes to crash on me when i try to open cvs/xls\ | 03:44 |
earlmred | =\ | 03:44 |
lee__ | ok and yes i have all the contents extracted | 03:44 |
earlmred | i guess i should submit a bug report for it | 03:44 |
rredd4 | LiMaO downloading the rc. doing it the hard way.. lol | 03:44 |
bqmassey | hehe | 03:44 |
bqmassey | what was the shortcut again? | 03:44 |
riotkittie | ah. i have a x300. :| which sucks, but ... is sufficient :P | 03:44 |
LiMaO | lee__: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/products/download.html?product=firefox- | 03:44 |
LiMaO | after you download that | 03:44 |
riotkittie | i cant justify buying a new card. :| | 03:44 |
lee__ | hasn't had any crashes ..yet | 03:44 |
LiMaO | just extract the whole folder | 03:44 |
LiMaO | as instructed on the first site i gave you the link for | 03:45 |
lee__ | yes limamao | 03:45 |
LiMaO | rredd4: are you going to do a fresh install? | 03:45 |
lee__ | yes i still have it | 03:45 |
canen | no one using konqueror + flash? | 03:45 |
earlmred | bah, another xorg update | 03:45 |
earlmred | so it can fuck up my setup and then i can copy back my config file | 03:45 |
rredd4 | LiMaO yup | 03:45 |
LiMaO | canen: i guess people here are not so passionate for kde hehe | 03:45 |
=== jmg [n=cartel@ip-58-28-158-195.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
canen | LiMaO: :) | 03:45 |
earlmred | LiMaO, i haven't run kde in about 6 years .. | 03:45 |
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bqmassey | what's the restart shortcut again? | 03:46 |
bqmassey | ctrl + alt + backspace ? | 03:46 |
LiMaO | rredd4: be aware of the possible problems, as they may be harder to fix if you don't have a graphical interface | 03:46 |
lee__ | whts kde lol | 03:46 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: yes, exactly | 03:46 |
bqmassey | k thanks | 03:46 |
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bqmassey | how do i add a program to my start up? | 03:46 |
lee__ | oh wait is that what i have ? | 03:46 |
LiMaO | earlmred: i tried it about a week ago.. installed kubuntu. i kept it for about 5 minutes. that was enough for me to get tired of kde hehe | 03:46 |
lee__ | that k -ubuntu? | 03:46 |
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rredd4 | LiMaO ok, i will take my chances.. | 03:47 |
lee__ | lol | 03:47 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: System > Administration > Synaptic | 03:47 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: or Applications > Add/Remove | 03:47 |
earlmred | guess i'll install these 31 updates | 03:47 |
earlmred | and see what blows up | 03:47 |
rredd4 | LiMaO its going to take about an hour to dl the rc | 03:47 |
lee__ | lol | 03:47 |
silent[ca] | my system only boots with the noapic option, any way I can fix this | 03:47 |
lee__ | carefull you might be out a toaster lol | 03:47 |
rredd4 | 200k/sec | 03:47 |
earlmred | i may just have to buy codeweavers and run ms office | 03:47 |
earlmred | =\ | 03:47 |
bqmassey | i want a program that i've already installed to start up with my computer | 03:48 |
lee__ | any how liMaO.. whats nexct omn the chopping block now that i have hacked it to pieces lol | 03:48 |
earlmred | bah fuck you openoffice. | 03:48 |
earlmred | "2.3.0 (stable) | 03:48 |
earlmred | bullshit. | 03:48 |
lee__ | eh how do i fix it lol | 03:48 |
stdin | !language | earlmred | 03:49 |
ubotu | earlmred: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:49 |
lee__ | eh i am stable..read all of my moms docs lol | 03:49 |
earlmred | bah, i forget +1 is familyfriendly | 03:49 |
earlmred | sorry. | 03:49 |
LiMaO | lee__: what did you break? lol just follow all the instructions on the site, there's no way of breaking it heh | 03:49 |
silent[ca] | my system only boots with the noapic option, any way I can fix this? | 03:50 |
LiMaO | bqmassey: oh sorry, i got the point. you have to add it as a service | 03:50 |
lee__ | oh Limao, i need to know what the correct fire fox thingy is lol | 03:50 |
earlmred | i guess we gotta make sure not to teach those kids running the wind up linux laptops in africa no english curse words | 03:50 |
LiMaO | lee__: what do you mean? you got the compressed file? downloaded off the net | 03:50 |
lee__ | yes and i unpacked it LiMaO | 03:50 |
LiMaO | lee__: alright, now have you moved it to the directory mentioned in the instructions? | 03:51 |
lee__ | and stuck on Step 2..theres just a thing that says fire fox, eh not fire fox 32 | 03:51 |
=== BinaryFu [n=ghost@74-132-193-22.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bqmassey | ok... i just want pidgin to start up automatically.. ill try to figure it out | 03:51 |
lee__ | eh ok | 03:51 |
LiMaO | lee__: wait, i'll give you more precise instructions | 03:52 |
LiMaO | lee__: sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox32 | 03:52 |
earlmred | hmm, anybody using a browser other than firefox these days? | 03:52 |
LiMaO | firefox = the name of the uncompressed folder | 03:52 |
LiMaO | lee__: firefox32 = the name the folder will have when moved to /usr/local/ | 03:52 |
BinaryFu | Okay, networking question/issue: I have a wired connection on my system. I just picked up a Wireless Netgear Adapter. It is assigned as wlan0, but in NETWORK under ADMIN, it's showing up as another WIRED connection, with ROAMING enabled, and no way to turn it on or off...anyone have a clue on how to fix this and get wireless working on my box? | 03:53 |
LiMaO | just follow the exact instructions... just have to type what's specified and it'll be all fine | 03:53 |
earlmred | BinaryFu, dhclient wlan0 ? | 03:54 |
BinaryFu | Hmmm.... | 03:54 |
BinaryFu | Says, SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device, Listening on LPF/wlan0/00:00:00:00:00:00 | 03:55 |
lee__ | OH du....i substitute my name for usr egh ok i got erg | 03:55 |
BinaryFu | And send_packet: Network is down | 03:55 |
earlmred | BinaryFu, have you installed the module/driver needed for the adapter? | 03:56 |
BinaryFu | It just fired up, one minute it was showing Wired/Wireless, then it disappeared. | 03:56 |
BinaryFu | It's acting a little wonky. | 03:56 |
BinaryFu | See, right now, it's showing me Enable networking/Enable Wireless | 03:57 |
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lee__ | there is no file with firefox32 in its name is it just plain fire fox? | 04:00 |
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nomasteryoda | right should be just firefox | 04:00 |
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nomasteryoda | unless its firefox-3.0 | 04:00 |
BinaryFu | Okay, let's start from the beginning. Here's what Device Manager has to say about it: Vendor: Unknown. Device: Unknown. Status: Status. Bus Type: USB Interface. Device Type: "net", "net.80211" Capabilities: net, net.80211 | 04:01 |
BinaryFu | So, do I need to hunt for some vague drivers, is this a windows based adapter that I'm going to have to wrap drivers for? | 04:01 |
riotkittie | network-manager is dysfunctional. or at least it was when i washed my hands of it | 04:01 |
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riotkittie | what chipset's the adapter using? | 04:02 |
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lee__ | (firefox-bin:3383): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libqtengine.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64? | 04:03 |
jaym | wow RC1 is rock solid so far EXCELLENT can't wait to upgrade to final | 04:03 |
LiMaO | lee__: it's just called firefox. you will have to rename it, just to distinguish it from the original firefox (wich will be the 64bit one) | 04:03 |
BinaryFu | Nevermind kittie, I just checked google... | 04:03 |
lee__ | ok how do I rename it? | 04:03 |
LiMaO | lee__: i'm pretty sure you are not following the exact instructions. you're probably lost on that step by step | 04:03 |
BinaryFu | *sniffle* | 04:03 |
BinaryFu | First thing I find... | 04:03 |
BinaryFu | How to set it up under Hoary.... | 04:03 |
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BinaryFu | NDISWRAPPER | 04:04 |
LiMaO | lee__: it's ALL explaint on that site i gave you | 04:04 |
BinaryFu | *sob* | 04:04 |
LiMaO | lee__: i told you to read it. it's a step by step. you just have to read it. copy and paste the commands | 04:04 |
lee__ | Iam reading it Iam stuck on the second line | 04:04 |
lee__ | I did taht | 04:04 |
LiMaO | which second line? | 04:04 |
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LiMaO | copy the command here | 04:05 |
jaym | vpnc on network manager does not work but that is minor | 04:05 |
LiMaO | the one you didn't understand on that is giving you problems | 04:05 |
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BinaryFu | Hmmmm.... riotkittie: It does mention Prism2... | 04:05 |
BinaryFu | I wonder... | 04:05 |
lee__ | Open a terminal. Extract the tarball and move it (adjust the file name as needed): | 04:05 |
lee__ | tar -zxf firefox- | 04:05 |
lee__ | sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox32 | 04:05 |
LiMaO | let me explain it to you | 04:06 |
LiMaO | that tar command is the 'unpacking' command | 04:06 |
lee__ | Open a terminal. Extract the tarball and move it (adjust the file name as needed): | 04:06 |
lee__ | tar -zxf firefox- | 04:06 |
lee__ | sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox32 | 04:06 |
lee__ | oops sorry | 04:06 |
LiMaO | after it's unpacked (or uncompressed, however you may want to call it) | 04:06 |
LiMaO | you have to copy the uncompressed folder | 04:06 |
lee__ | yes its like uzipping a folder | 04:06 |
LiMaO | which is called firefox | 04:06 |
LiMaO | to /usr/local | 04:06 |
lee__ | ok | 04:06 |
LiMaO | and then rename that folder to firefox32 | 04:07 |
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lee__ | ok | 04:07 |
LiMaO | to move the folder and rename it at the same time, you just have to type the mentioned command | 04:07 |
BinaryFu | It *can't* be this easy, to dl the drivers for it and try again... | 04:07 |
LiMaO | which is 'sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox32' | 04:07 |
LiMaO | without the quotes | 04:07 |
lee__ | ok jsut a sec | 04:07 |
BinaryFu | It *can't* be that easy... | 04:07 |
jaym | are they any real outstanding bugs or is RC1 it | 04:07 |
Geoffrey2 | well, right now I can't get Gutsy to boot from CD..... | 04:09 |
Geoffrey2 | I'm getting a PCI allocation error at which point everything appears to hang | 04:09 |
nomasteryoda | Geoffrey2, bad download? | 04:09 |
nomasteryoda | err, iso | 04:09 |
BinaryFu | Son of a.... | 04:10 |
lee__ | Eh I have a second issue, a bigger bug then I thaught...It wont extcact it taht way iit said permision denied | 04:10 |
lee__ | but it will go into my /home/lee | 04:10 |
LiMaO | lee__: no, you shouldn't put it in your home | 04:10 |
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LiMaO | you are not reading the commands properly | 04:10 |
BinaryFu | riotkittie: I now officially feel like a newb again. I just looked prism2 up in syn, downloaded the drivers/util for it...and just checked my network, "WIRELESS ENABLED" | 04:11 |
lee__ | I realise taht but waht Iam syaing is I get a great big thingy that says report this bug | 04:11 |
LiMaO | 1st time, you can NOT decompress it directly to /usr folder | 04:11 |
lee__ | and a great big Denied | 04:11 |
LiMaO | you should decompress it to some other folder | 04:11 |
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lee__ | i know, i even tried pasting it | 04:11 |
LiMaO | and then use the terminal to move it, using the 'sudo mv' command | 04:11 |
bqmassey | anyone have an idea as to how to dim my screen? sony vaio | 04:11 |
dragonfly7 | Does anyone have any experience with getting a Broadcom wireless card to work on an Inspiron 1720? I have tried a few thing from the forums, with no luck. | 04:11 |
Geoffrey2 | nomasteryoda, dunno, I get the menu, choose the Start or Install option, then I get the kernel progress bar, followed by "27.366871 PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of Device 0000:00:14.0" | 04:12 |
LiMaO | lee__: you don't know how to use the terminal, do you? i see that you are not following the instructions, and is trying to do everything from the graphical interface.. right? | 04:12 |
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LiMaO | lee__: don't be afraid of saying you don't know how to do it, i'm here to explain it, to help | 04:12 |
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lee__ | eh jsut a sec. | 04:12 |
LiMaO | ok | 04:12 |
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BinaryFu | So, anyone have a clue about prismstumbler? | 04:13 |
lee__ | how do i a cctivate the thing taht alows you to access the system | 04:13 |
BinaryFu | Or something that would work similarly? Because prismstumbler seems to only like to work with like, one of only a handful of cards. | 04:13 |
nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, does the smswcanner work wiht your card? | 04:13 |
nomasteryoda | err, swscanner | 04:13 |
lee__ | I have the remote desk top up and ready | 04:13 |
BinaryFu | nomasteryoda: I'm thinking not...because prismstumbler is showing eth0 as the only accessible port to use for scanning. | 04:14 |
BinaryFu | But having no real experience with this, just starting to learn, I dunno. | 04:14 |
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nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, you have a prism card? | 04:14 |
BinaryFu | Yep yep | 04:14 |
nomasteryoda | i use kismete | 04:14 |
nomasteryoda | kismet | 04:14 |
LiMaO | lee__: do, i don't use those things hehe if you want me to help ya by acessing your computer you should install x11vnc | 04:14 |
LiMaO | type 'sudo apt-get install x11vnc' on a terminal | 04:14 |
LiMaO | tell me when it's installed | 04:14 |
lee__ | oh.. | 04:14 |
lee__ | ok iam at this sight | 04:14 |
nomasteryoda | works very well with almost all cards... you just a have to edit the /etc/kismet/kismet.conf file | 04:14 |
lee__ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins | 04:15 |
BinaryFu | nomasteryoda: Got a little time to do some hand-holding through the config fields? | 04:15 |
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lee__ | its this line I do not under stand | 04:15 |
LiMaO | lee__: yes, you are there. | 04:16 |
lee__ | tar -zxf firefox- | 04:16 |
lee__ | sudo mv firefox /usr/local/firefox32 | 04:16 |
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nomasteryoda | well i can try | 04:16 |
nomasteryoda | sure | 04:16 |
BinaryFu | Thanks. | 04:16 |
nomasteryoda | just sec | 04:16 |
LiMaO | lee__: FORGET about the 1st line. UNcompress the file to your DESKTOP | 04:16 |
LiMaO | lee__: after it's uncompressed, open up a terminal and type the following command: | 04:16 |
lee__ | ok | 04:17 |
=== jscinoz thinks secondlife should be in the official repos. | ||
bqmassey | where does one set the number of workspaces? | 04:17 |
LiMaO | lee__: 'sudo mv /home/your-name-here/Desktop/firefox /usr/local/firefox32' | 04:17 |
lee__ | terminals still open | 04:17 |
LiMaO | it'll ask for your password, you type it in | 04:17 |
nomasteryoda | wait, what are yall trying to do LiMaO ? .. firefox is in the Repos | 04:17 |
BinaryFu | nomasteryoda: Wow, didn't take long for me to hit a snag....source= for capture sources...I understand what it's saying, now where's the bloody readme so I can pick from the list... | 04:17 |
LiMaO | nomasteryoda: install 32bit firefox on his 64bit sys | 04:17 |
nomasteryoda | ah oh yea | 04:18 |
nomasteryoda | gotcha | 04:18 |
LiMaO | nomasteryoda: he's having difficulties following the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins | 04:18 |
nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, that is the thing... hang on | 04:18 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 04:18 |
nomasteryoda | i c | 04:18 |
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nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, make sure you have hostap installed | 04:18 |
BinaryFu | Doing so right now... :) | 04:19 |
nomasteryoda | 'source=hostap,eth1,hostap') | 04:20 |
bqmassey | where does one set the number of workspaces? | 04:20 |
nomasteryoda | just put that in if eth1 is your card | 04:20 |
nomasteryoda | for Ubuntu or kubuntu? | 04:20 |
BinaryFu | ubuntu | 04:20 |
nomasteryoda | and compiz? | 04:20 |
BinaryFu | How can I check what's setup? | 04:20 |
BinaryFu | Actually, I have the compiz turned off right now, until it's released 100% | 04:21 |
nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, ok | 04:21 |
LiMaO | lee__: are you still with me? | 04:21 |
BinaryFu | It gets crazy on my box sometimes and eats my window bars. :D | 04:21 |
nomasteryoda | i was attempting to help bqmassey | 04:21 |
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boselecta | how come ctrl-alt-F? doesn't take me to a text mode console anymore? | 04:21 |
nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, ya that happens to me... | 04:21 |
bqmassey | nomasteryoda: oh! sorry.. didnt know you were talking to me | 04:21 |
BinaryFu | nomasteryoda: So, what can I toss in the CLI to show me my eth0/1 etc | 04:22 |
BinaryFu | I know there's a command for it, I forget it. :D | 04:22 |
nomasteryoda | boselecta, check your /boot/grub/menu.list and make sure the line for your kernel does not have extra vga= and quiet | 04:22 |
nomasteryoda | bqmassey, hehe | 04:22 |
boselecta | thx | 04:22 |
nomasteryoda | ifconfig -a | 04:22 |
BinaryFu | THAT'S THE ONE! | 04:22 |
nomasteryoda | BinaryFu, iwconfig for specifics on the wireless | 04:23 |
BinaryFu | I got wlan0 showing up for that puppy. | 04:23 |
nomasteryoda | cool | 04:23 |
nomasteryoda | then edit the line... source=hostap,wlan0,hostap | 04:23 |
BinaryFu | iwconfig shows no wireless extensions...lol | 04:23 |
boselecta | i have vga=771 quiet in there | 04:23 |
nomasteryoda | just once? | 04:23 |
boselecta | yeah | 04:24 |
nomasteryoda | just sec | 04:24 |
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xjkx | what happened to #ubuntu-dev :o | 04:25 |
etzerd | hello all | 04:25 |
xjkx | oh worked now | 04:25 |
etzerd | how can I add more repositories in RC1? | 04:25 |
Pici | xjkx: ? | 04:25 |
Pici | er, nvm | 04:25 |
xjkx | nevermind | 04:25 |
xjkx | :> | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda | etzerd, you can edit the /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda | like you need a faster mirror? | 04:26 |
nomasteryoda | or closer | 04:26 |
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etzerd | what should I do after I edit it? | 04:26 |
nomasteryoda | bqmassey, check the list here... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs | 04:26 |
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Pici | etzerd: System>Administration>Software sources | 04:26 |
nomasteryoda | etzerd, do what Pici said | 04:26 |
Pici | etzerd: third party software tab. | 04:26 |
etzerd | thanks | 04:27 |
etzerd | let me try that | 04:27 |
=== kavelot [i=x@201-68-26-36.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
racter | can i still use python 2.4 as my default python in gutsy? | 04:27 |
bqmassey | nomasteryoda: what's that link for? | 04:27 |
kavelot | I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 (desktop) on a new PC, but it crashes when loading the GUI... sometimes caps and scrollock blink... any hints? | 04:27 |
nomasteryoda | oh list of bugs | 04:27 |
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nomasteryoda | there is a bug in the initrd scripts or some such for booting... | 04:28 |
nomasteryoda | i have the same issue here too | 04:28 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 04:28 |
nomasteryoda | i rebooted earlier today but have not switched to tty1... nice one | 04:28 |
kavelot | hm, is it happening only on the 7.10? | 04:28 |
nomasteryoda | yup... | 04:29 |
nomasteryoda | will be fixed | 04:29 |
kavelot | ok, thanks | 04:29 |
nomasteryoda | devs are working it right now... | 04:29 |
nomasteryoda | bet my Feisty on it | 04:29 |
nomasteryoda | =D | 04:29 |
nomasteryoda | i don't really like the way ff3 handles https in the address bar, but it lets you know its secure for sure | 04:30 |
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boselecta | so it's a known issue? | 04:30 |
nomasteryoda | the tty? | 04:30 |
boselecta | yeah | 04:30 |
nomasteryoda | yup | 04:30 |
boselecta | OK thx. | 04:30 |
nomasteryoda | ubotu | 04:31 |
etzerd | Pici, since there's no ubuntuguide yet for version 7.10 how can I add the software to play DVD? | 04:31 |
boselecta | was burned by the evms mess lastnight too | 04:31 |
nomasteryoda | libdvdcss2 | 04:31 |
Pici | The same way you did in feisty? | 04:31 |
nomasteryoda | seek on tha google and ye shall find | 04:31 |
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lee__ | Do rename the folder or File ? | 04:32 |
boselecta | what's the bug number for the tty? | 04:34 |
Geoffrey2 | the MD5 checks out, so the ISO download is good...but I can't get Gutsy RC to load | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | hangon | 04:34 |
WorkingOnWise | ok, It's probably realllly simple, but I cant figure it out! How do I lay a DVD movie in Totem? The help says it can, but when I do what help says, It doesn't see the dvd as a supported type?? | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | Bug #129910 | 04:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129910 in initramfs-tools "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129910 | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | there it is | 04:35 |
boselecta | thx | 04:36 |
nomasteryoda | ah, thank launchpad | 04:36 |
nomasteryoda | =D | 04:36 |
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etzerd | pici? | 04:38 |
MTecknology | I'm having troubles with the keyring manager | 04:38 |
Pici | etzerd: ? | 04:38 |
boselecta | weird you can log in to them and do stuff but can't see anything | 04:38 |
addos | is rc1 unoptimized? | 04:38 |
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etzerd | which of the 2 GUI that you think is best, Gnome or KDE? | 04:38 |
MTecknology | I try to use it, the login keyring has 3 blank entries and the default keyring is locked | 04:38 |
Pici | etzerd: I think it depends on your preferences. | 04:39 |
railz | i just installed gusty and have compiz working but can't find some of the window effects like minimize fire | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | boselecta, ya it is weird... | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | i use Xnest now... and screen | 04:39 |
etzerd | for your own experience since you know Linux, which one do you prefere? | 04:39 |
railz | do i not need to switch to emerald window manager for those effects? | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | those work well | 04:39 |
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nomasteryoda | etzerd, ubuntu | 04:40 |
Pici | etzerd: I prefer Gnome, but I always have a few terminal windows open to do stuff that way. | 04:40 |
usser | railz: no | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | railz, you need to install ccsm | 04:40 |
usser | railz: install ccsm as nomasteryoda said | 04:40 |
railz | no pkg ccsm | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | and the extras to get the coolness... =D | 04:40 |
Pici | compizconfig-settings-manager | 04:41 |
usser | railz: compiz-config-settings-manager | 04:41 |
nomasteryoda | thanks | 04:41 |
usser | :0 | 04:41 |
nomasteryoda | i use it all the time but forget the name now... icons spoil my fingers | 04:41 |
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etzerd | I think KDE look very similar to windows, I kind like prefere kde better than Gnome, but it seems like Gnome is the main GUI for the Linux operating system. | 04:42 |
nomasteryoda | nah | 04:42 |
nomasteryoda | that depends on the distro | 04:42 |
nomasteryoda | but the main reason for Gnome being so popular is its Freedom | 04:42 |
etzerd | Pici: one last question. | 04:43 |
usser | etzerd: that is actually not true | 04:43 |
nomasteryoda | kde uses trolltech's stuff | 04:43 |
Pici | etzerd: yesss? | 04:43 |
nomasteryoda | which is not free | 04:43 |
railz | i have compiz-config installed, and i chose burn but it's having no effect | 04:43 |
usser | etzerd: Linus uses KDE | 04:43 |
railz | so i thought gnome's window manager was still active instead of emerald | 04:43 |
lee__ | '/home/lee/Desktop/firefox/firefox | 04:43 |
etzerd | what is the easier and quickest way to install the software that will allow you to play commercial DVD? | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | railz, try this... Alt+F2 then type killall -9 compiz.real ... then start that again with "compiz --replace & | 04:44 |
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nomasteryoda | without quotes | 04:44 |
lee__ | limiao thats what i have for an exe file | 04:44 |
usser | etzerd: sudo apt-get install livdvdread3 | 04:44 |
etzerd | usser: I agree | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | then Alt+F2 emerald --replace & | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | should work fine | 04:44 |
usser | etzerd: and then theres a script in that packages that downloads libdvdcss | 04:44 |
etzerd | since I'm new to linux that is why I asked so many question | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | no problem etzerd | 04:45 |
etzerd | thanks usser | 04:45 |
railz | ok now i have emerald running | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | k | 04:45 |
railz | i thought they added something to gutsy instead of having to do compiz --replace & | 04:45 |
_dan_ | etzerd www.ubuntuguide.org is great for such questions, there is alot explained there | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 04:45 |
LiMaO | lee__: now you have to open up a terminal and type 'sudo mv /home/lee/Desktop/firefox/firefox /usr/local/firefox32' | 04:45 |
railz | but burn still does not seem to be working | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | its there, just wanted you to restart it | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | hangon | 04:45 |
usser | etzerd: and then do sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | you need to edit the animations i think | 04:46 |
LiMaO | lee__: COPY and PASTE the command above, to avoid mispelling something | 04:46 |
railz | ah i see the prob | 04:46 |
railz | if i choose add burn the rest of the values are empty and it doesn't work | 04:46 |
nomasteryoda | i set burn for close window | 04:46 |
railz | but if i edit the default and change it it worked | 04:46 |
etzerd | usser I have an error that said "could not find livdvdread3" | 04:46 |
lee__ | ok now i have a grapic that came up and in the box i have a grahic up but theres one catch, unless i was to rename the file its self | 04:46 |
lee__ | there is not 32 | 04:47 |
usser | etzerd: my bad libdvdread3 | 04:47 |
etzerd | ok thanks | 04:47 |
rabiddachshund | Is the mouse controlled by xorg? | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | yea the setings are there | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | yup | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | what mouse? | 04:47 |
usser | mouse is controlled by u :) | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda | nice one usser | 04:47 |
=== usser bows :) | ||
rabiddachshund | lqtm. Sorry, I forgot to specify I'm on a laptop. | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, is it a synaptics pad? | 04:48 |
lee__ | No such file or directory | 04:48 |
rabiddachshund | It doesn't like my scroll wheel. | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | or alps? | 04:48 |
_dan_ | etzerd http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability | 04:48 |
rabiddachshund | yes. | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, ah... | 04:48 |
LiMaO | lee__: oh lee.. for God's sake.. just type what i'm telling you to type | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, there is a package to install to let you tweak it | 04:48 |
lee__ | I did | 04:48 |
LiMaO | when you type that, it WILL CREATE the folder, and copy everything from firefox to firefox32 | 04:49 |
lee__ | oh ok | 04:49 |
rabiddachshund | gsynaptics? | 04:49 |
nomasteryoda | LiMaO, i think God would like the Chris tian edition of ubuntu | 04:49 |
LiMaO | you are not typing the command, you are trying to do it some other way | 04:49 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, that will help | 04:49 |
lee__ | grr closing down the 2 boxes and the grapical box that popped up | 04:49 |
nomasteryoda | hang on rabiddachshund | 04:49 |
LiMaO | nomasteryoda: at least it would be bug free =P | 04:49 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 04:50 |
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usser | christian edition would be full of prejudices | 04:50 |
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usser | holy inquisition edition | 04:50 |
LiMaO | lol | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=975421 | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | LOl | 04:50 |
Pici | !o4o | 04:50 |
ubotu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu+1. Controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | +++ | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | ya love that | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | we have a special edition for Muslims too now | 04:51 |
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nomasteryoda | yet can't talk about it | 04:51 |
usser | polit correctness | 04:51 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 04:51 |
nomasteryoda | so back to work | 04:51 |
usser | or whatever its called nowadays | 04:51 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, you see that file? | 04:51 |
rabiddachshund | ok. I'll try that. | 04:51 |
lee__ | ok coppying and pasting this exaclty 'sudo mv /home/lee/Desktop/firefox/firefox /usr/local/firefox32' | 04:52 |
LiMaO | exactly | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | the gsynaptics is limited, but will work... be sure to include the SHM part | 04:52 |
LiMaO | copy and paste that in a terminal window | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | Option "SHMConfig" "true" | 04:52 |
rabiddachshund | It works fine, it just doesn't recognize the scroll area. | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | right | 04:52 |
=== procrastinator [n=chatzill@pool-72-70-176-7.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nomasteryoda | this will get you going | 04:52 |
lee__ | my sytem is the one messing up not me | 04:52 |
rabiddachshund | ah | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | you can edit and add those control lines... Options | 04:53 |
LiMaO | lee__: there's no messing up on that step by step.. just have to type stuff.. =) | 04:53 |
LiMaO | lee__: do you want me to write a script that will do everything for you? automatically | 04:53 |
nomasteryoda | Option "UpDownScrolling" "1" | 04:53 |
lee__ | wate I see wahts happening | 04:53 |
procrastinator | hmm, i think this may have more to do with openoffice, but anyways, oo crashes anytime i try to edit a graph in calc as well as in a few other circumstances, any ideas why/similar experiences/fixes? | 04:53 |
nosrednaekim | sweetgutsy is getting nicer! 64 bit flash plugin is amazing, sound is great, wireless is awesome, thanks guys!! | 04:53 |
LiMaO | lee__: sorry? i didn't understand what you said | 04:53 |
rabiddachshund | ok. As long as I'm in xorg.conf, will the high screen resolution fix for feisty work in gutsy? (intel i810) | 04:53 |
usser | LiMaO: yea but the script has to be launched :) | 04:54 |
nomasteryoda | procrastinator, might be a java issue | 04:54 |
lee__ | No such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or directorNo such filNo such file or directorNo such file or directorwahte or directorNo such file or directorNo such file or director | 04:54 |
nosrednaekim | rabiddachshund: yeah.. ti should | 04:54 |
lee__ | waht the hell idint type that | 04:54 |
nomasteryoda | rabiddachshund, i use the i810 fix on mine... not the intel driver | 04:54 |
procrastinator | nomasteryoda: although not conclusive, i originally had the jre for oo disabled | 04:54 |
nomasteryoda | cause it did not work for me rabiddachshund | 04:54 |
LiMaO | usser: launched? where? hehe | 04:54 |
nomasteryoda | hmmm | 04:54 |
procrastinator | nomasteryoda: thinking the same thing, i enabled the jre and it still doesnt work | 04:54 |
lee__ | that keyed in its self I didnt type that | 04:54 |
LiMaO | i can post it someplace for people to look at it | 04:55 |
nomasteryoda | procrastinator, i would try running as another user.... to see if the same thing happens | 04:55 |
lee__ | its not letting go of that file cant be found | 04:55 |
nomasteryoda | if not, then some config file in your profile is hosing it | 04:55 |
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LiMaO | lee__: i'm gonna write a script | 04:55 |
lee__ | ok I followed that step | 04:55 |
lee__ | ok | 04:56 |
nomasteryoda | LiMaO, on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:56 |
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lee__ | see if it is they syem, noever have I ever had this kind of issue | 04:56 |
LiMaO | lee__: then i'll post it on that paste site.. | 04:56 |
LiMaO | the script will do everything for you | 04:56 |
nomasteryoda | just put the link in here | 04:56 |
lee__ | normaly i can see the instructions | 04:56 |
LiMaO | lee__: wait a sec, i will write the script | 04:56 |
lee__ | and follw through but every time I try to cut and paste the machine won't let it go once I selct something else | 04:57 |
LiMaO | lee__: by the way, delete the folders you created and the file you downloaded off the net | 04:57 |
lee__ | ok | 04:57 |
rabiddachshund | nomasteryoda: you're talking about this, right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-0e3051713171cb5d1bf49dc2dc7bea24eb9ed83e | 04:57 |
lee__ | ok am doing soe | 04:57 |
lee__ | including the pakage? | 04:57 |
nomasteryoda | yes but i had to use i810 instead of intel.. | 04:57 |
nomasteryoda | at least on this d505 | 04:57 |
rabiddachshund | ok. ty. | 04:58 |
nomasteryoda | i've been using that since Warty | 04:58 |
nomasteryoda | i get my 1450x1024 | 04:58 |
LiMaO | lee__: yes, including the package | 04:58 |
LiMaO | lee__: the script will do everything | 04:58 |
rabiddachshund | :O | 04:58 |
nomasteryoda | using the 915resolution | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda | patch thing | 04:59 |
lee__ | ok it just told me access denied while emptying the trash | 04:59 |
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nomasteryoda | lee__, cause you deleted something as "root" | 04:59 |
rabiddachshund | 17" lappy = 1280x800. | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda | or while in sudo mode | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda | cool | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda | ya that willwork on it i'm sure | 04:59 |
procrastinator | nomasteryoda: my problem seems to be very similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org-amd64/+bug/141049 | 04:59 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 141049 in openoffice.org-amd64 "Openoffice calc 2.3 crashes when pressing the chart button (gutsy)" [Medium,Triaged] | 04:59 |
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procrastinator | nomasteryoda: although im not using amd64 | 05:00 |
lee__ | ok | 05:00 |
lee__ | its delted | 05:00 |
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nomasteryoda | procrastinator, sounds like it for sure | 05:01 |
lee__ | what? i never placed...oooooo i see ok | 05:02 |
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lee__ | i git it | 05:02 |
lee__ | I still cant get rid of the line:'sudo mv /home/lee/Desktop/firefox/firefox /usr/local/firefox32' | 05:02 |
lee__ | out of my paste | 05:02 |
lee__ | oh wait, jsut seen something that says clear | 05:03 |
lee__ | eh no that clears the line | 05:03 |
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lee__ | what the..this stupid thing ha s a frigging meory of everything | 05:03 |
lee__ | guys iam not attempting to flood but this is waht i get every time I use an arow key | 05:04 |
lee__ | guys iam not attempting to flood but this is waht i get every time I use an arow key | 05:04 |
lee__ | what the..this stupid thing ha s a frigging meory of everything | 05:04 |
procrastinator | nomasteryoda: just to let you know, i followed along with that bug report and switched back to human theme and it all works fine now | 05:05 |
lee__ | eh no that clears the lineHow the hell do I clear its memory? | 05:05 |
procrastinator | thanks for the help anyways | 05:05 |
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lee__ | this like the saem thing in ffxi | 05:05 |
Psi-Jack | Wow. Gnome's REALLY changed since I last used it. heh | 05:05 |
lee__ | any one any ideas on how to dlear "this memory" or waht ever it sdoing? | 05:06 |
lee__ | oh wait never mind went back to simple composing | 05:06 |
lee__ | ha heck tht didnt work either | 05:06 |
LiMaO | lee__: it'll keep everything you typed. that's ok | 05:07 |
lee__ | my cut and pstes is all screwy | 05:07 |
lee__ | ok..thats wierd I never had taht happend to me befor | 05:07 |
lee__ | ecept in final fantasy | 05:08 |
lee__ | I never expected that in this lol | 05:08 |
lee__ | well guys using the aorw keys will creat a repeat of waht you said lol | 05:08 |
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silent[ca] | kudos to the developers out there... OS looks very nice | 05:09 |
lee__ | yes it does, but it will take me some time to learn it lol | 05:09 |
silent[ca] | lee__: first time on linux? | 05:10 |
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Psi-Jack | Okay, what am I missing for Rhythmbox to play oggs? | 05:10 |
lee__ | yeah, I used fiesty an gutsy biu this is my first on a 64 bit | 05:10 |
silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: try searching for gstreamer ogg plugins | 05:10 |
=== bintut [n=bintut@bb121-7-111-165.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bintut | hello all.. | 05:10 |
lee__ | its a slightly diffeeerent beast | 05:10 |
bintut | ekiga app in gutsy amd64 always crashes | 05:10 |
silent[ca] | lee__: I find its a little faster, but I prefer 32 bit now for its compatibility | 05:11 |
lee__ | LiMaO is writing a script for me seeing | 05:11 |
Psi-Jack | silent[ca] : I searched, but I don't see it. | 05:11 |
LiMaO | lee__: for you to use it =) | 05:11 |
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silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: shouldnt rhythmbox play oggs by default? ogg is open source isnt it? | 05:11 |
lee__ | Ill probably take on elook ant that script and slap my face lol | 05:11 |
LiMaO | silent[ca] : what haven't you been able to run on 64bit? | 05:11 |
Psi-Jack | silent[ca] : Yes, and I would THINK so. | 05:12 |
lee__ | Oh Ill back it up lol | 05:12 |
lee__ | then stick it in a safe | 05:12 |
lee__ | and I hope others lol | 05:12 |
silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: I would help you but I'm a little busy atm | 05:12 |
lee__ | <silent[ca] >I was having graphical issues with 32 | 05:13 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>well this feature comes in handy lol so you dont have to keep typing in a name | 05:14 |
=== Psi-Jack nods. | ||
Psi-Jack | It's cool. I'm just seeing if anyone here knows, if they can think on it. WHILE I am still looking myself. ;) | 05:15 |
lee__ | erg | 05:15 |
Psi-Jack | My MP3's work, but I have so few of those left. Most of my music files are all ogg these days. | 05:15 |
lee__ | goes afk..this deserves a burger feed | 05:16 |
lee__ | food | 05:16 |
silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: good, ogg is better | 05:16 |
lee__ | mabe that will hlep lol | 05:16 |
Psi-Jack | Of course ogg is better. | 05:16 |
emet | you guys think the updated fglrx driver with AIGLX will make it into gutsy as an update\ | 05:16 |
emet | ? | 05:16 |
LiMaO | lee__: what irc client are you using? | 05:16 |
=== Geoffrey2 [n=Name@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bintut | $ ekiga | 05:17 |
bintut | ekiga: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libopal.so.2.2: undefined symbol: _ZN11PSafeObjectC2Ev | 05:17 |
lee__ | Just a sec | 05:17 |
lee__ | Konversatuion irc | 05:18 |
lee__ | eh Konversation | 05:18 |
lee__ | everythings in k lol | 05:18 |
Psi-Jack | heh. I just can't believe it. I used to be a major KDE lover for so long everytime I used X since KDE vs Gnome, today, I'm looking at Gnome going.. Wow. | 05:19 |
LiMaO | lee__: may i send you the script? | 05:19 |
lee__ | eh i am running Kubunto | 05:19 |
lee__ | sure | 05:19 |
LiMaO | do you know how to run it? | 05:19 |
lee__ | no | 05:19 |
lee__ | but if you tell me I am sure I can reun it corectly | 05:19 |
Geoffrey2 | I want to boot Gutsy from CD in text mode, so I can see what's happening that's causing a fatal error I'm getting.....I exited to the boot: prompt, what would I want to do next? | 05:20 |
lee__ | let me guess the konsole | 05:20 |
Psi-Jack | I had too many problems with Kubuntu base install. it wasn't even funny anymore. | 05:20 |
lee__ | ahh | 05:20 |
LiMaO | lee__: actually you will just have to double click the file | 05:20 |
lee__ | now they tell me | 05:20 |
lee__ | oh ok | 05:20 |
lee__ | lol | 05:20 |
lee__ | <LiMaO> I can do that much | 05:21 |
lee__ | eh how will I know your sending it | 05:21 |
LiMaO | if anyone wanna have a look at the script, it's at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40488/ | 05:21 |
LiMaO | lee__: you gotta accept the transfer | 05:21 |
LiMaO | er.. some window should pop up in your client | 05:22 |
lee__ | I did I figured that out lopl | 05:22 |
Psi-Jack | Okay, wierd. | 05:22 |
lee__ | seen a tab pop up on the lower page | 05:22 |
LiMaO | lee__: ok, you have the file. now double click it and choose to run it on terminal | 05:23 |
Psi-Jack | I closed Rythmbox and re-opened it, and it started playing oggs, for no apparent reason.. | 05:23 |
lee__ | its says its done | 05:23 |
LiMaO | lee__: ok, now you have to know where you saved the file to.. and double click it | 05:23 |
lee__ | no | 05:23 |
silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: lol | 05:23 |
silent[ca] | Psi-Jack: that's ubuntu, troubleshooting made easy | 05:24 |
=== Psi-Jack chuckles. | ||
lee__ | do I click it right where it is? | 05:24 |
Psi-Jack | I'm still wanting to know! When was it Gnome actually got to the point it was GOOD? LOL | 05:24 |
=== Psi-Jack grins. | ||
LiMaO | lee__: yes | 05:24 |
lee__ | oh ok | 05:24 |
LiMaO | double click it | 05:24 |
LiMaO | and choose to run it | 05:24 |
LiMaO | you should run it, and not view it in a text editor | 05:24 |
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Psi-Jack | I mean. Wow.. Win+E, zooms out to show my vwm's and I can even manipulate them. Not even OSX does THAT. ;) | 05:25 |
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LiMaO | lee__: tell me when the script is done running, ok? | 05:26 |
lee__ | its done and this is waht I have up...please forgive this line just this one time guys but I need a verification | 05:27 |
lee__ | Reading package lists... Done | 05:28 |
lee__ | Building dependency tree | 05:28 |
lee__ | Reading state information... Done | 05:28 |
lee__ | ia32-libs is already the newest version. | 05:28 |
lee__ | Note, selecting ia32-libs instead of ia32-libs-gtk | 05:28 |
lee__ | ia32-libs is already the newest version. | 05:28 |
lee__ | linux32 is already the newest version. | 05:28 |
lee__ | lib32asound2 is already the newest version. | 05:28 |
lee__ | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 05:28 |
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LiMaO | already, what else? | 05:28 |
lee__ | is taht corect? | 05:28 |
LiMaO | it finishes there? | 05:28 |
lee__ | yes | 05:28 |
LiMaO | doh, wait | 05:29 |
LiMaO | that first part is ok, but it shouldn't finish there | 05:29 |
lee__ | eh tahts waht happend | 05:29 |
LiMaO | wait a sec, lemme send you a fixed version | 05:29 |
LiMaO | it's ok, it has finished checking that you have the needed stuff | 05:29 |
lee__ | eh ok lol | 05:29 |
lee__ | jsut a sec getitng burger off the thing | 05:29 |
Geoffrey2 | I exited the graphical installer for Gutsy, and am staring at a "boot:" prompt, how can I get the computer to reboot from this point? | 05:30 |
lee__ | <LiMaO> ok iam back | 05:31 |
LiMaO | lee__: accept the file transfer | 05:31 |
lee__ | ok | 05:31 |
LiMaO | you should overwrite the old file | 05:31 |
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bintut | hello all.. | 05:32 |
LiMaO | lee__: now just double click it | 05:32 |
bintut | wengophone in gutsy amd64 has a buggy interface | 05:32 |
bintut | i can't resize it | 05:32 |
LiMaO | if you need to paste anything, paste on a private message to me, not the channel | 05:32 |
bintut | the borders are not showing properly | 05:32 |
lee__ | eh in super user mode right? | 05:32 |
bintut | any other sip softphones in gutsy amd64 that is stable (at least)? | 05:33 |
LiMaO | lee__: yeah, that's better | 05:33 |
lee__ | ok doing a selct all and | 05:34 |
lee__ | there it goes lol | 05:35 |
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lee__ | ok guys this is only for verification on | 05:36 |
lee__ | ok | 05:36 |
lee__ | please for give me just htis one time | 05:36 |
lee__ | root@kubuntu98632:~# sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2 | 05:36 |
lee__ | Reading package lists... Done | 05:36 |
lee__ | Building dependency tree | 05:36 |
lee__ | Reading state information... Done | 05:36 |
lee__ | ia32-libs is already the newest version. | 05:36 |
=== lee__ [n=lee@c-71-59-177-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
LiMaO | lee__: don't write many lines on the channel | 05:36 |
lee__ | oh oops ill never do taht again | 05:36 |
LiMaO | do you know how to write a private message? | 05:36 |
LiMaO | double click on my nickname | 05:37 |
lee__ | sorry I chould have imd | 05:37 |
LiMaO | look at the tabs you have | 05:37 |
=== lee__ [n=lee@c-71-59-177-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
LiMaO | look at the tabs you have | 05:37 |
LiMaO | there will be one with my name | 05:37 |
LiMaO | type the text there | 05:37 |
LiMaO | lee__: can you read me??? | 05:38 |
lee__ | I can now | 05:38 |
lee__ | sorry | 05:38 |
LiMaO | look at the tabs you have | 05:38 |
LiMaO | there will be one with my name | 05:38 |
LiMaO | type the text there | 05:38 |
bintut | i'm always keep on getting this message "the following packages have been kept back:" how do i fix this? | 05:38 |
boselecta | bintut | 05:39 |
boselecta | you don't | 05:39 |
bintut | boselecta: why? | 05:39 |
lee__ | no I cant read you | 05:39 |
lee__ | I get this | 05:39 |
lee__ | [20:38] [505] Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( | 05:39 |
LiMaO | omg | 05:39 |
sleepynate | hehe | 05:39 |
sleepynate | /msg nickserv register :) | 05:40 |
lee__ | ehwhats taht mean? | 05:40 |
boselecta | well to be honest that's beyond me. but i just allowed update-manager to do it | 05:40 |
boselecta | s thing | 05:40 |
LiMaO | lee__: that means you are not registered with this irc server | 05:40 |
boselecta | and i was OK except for some bugs that weren't fixed as of last night. | 05:40 |
LiMaO | lee__: please let me help you in a different way | 05:41 |
lee__ | yeah ok | 05:41 |
LiMaO | load a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install x11vnc' | 05:41 |
LiMaO | go do it now | 05:41 |
lee__ | eh trying to register | 05:41 |
LiMaO | tell me when it's finished installing | 05:41 |
bintut | hhmmmm.. | 05:41 |
boselecta | if you're not doing anything fancy you should be OK | 05:41 |
LiMaO | lee__: are you still with me? | 05:42 |
lee__ | yeah and I got command not found | 05:42 |
lee__ | but the entire script ran | 05:42 |
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bintut | currently what i noticed with gutsy is that the ekiga is keep on crashing, the wengophone has a bug on its ui and that the border is not showing the right way, and lastly | 05:42 |
LiMaO | lee__: alright, if the script ran it's good | 05:42 |
LiMaO | now press ALT+F2 | 05:42 |
LiMaO | (close all your firefox first) | 05:43 |
lee__ | the script ran but that las comand line line lol | 05:43 |
lee__ | didnt lol | 05:43 |
LiMaO | it's ok | 05:43 |
boselecta | OK so you're worried about bugs. best not to upgrade now, then. | 05:43 |
lee__ | ok saaaving that script though | 05:43 |
LiMaO | don't worry | 05:43 |
LiMaO | the script did it all | 05:43 |
LiMaO | now you have to close ALL your firefox windows | 05:43 |
LiMaO | then hit ALT+F2 on your keyboard | 05:43 |
LiMaO | and a window will appear.. then you type firefox32 on that window | 05:44 |
Geoffrey2 | any wild idea what loading the live CD of Gutsy would do to make Feisty unable to see my USB mouse? | 05:44 |
bintut | boselecta: i'm not worried. i just want to inform this channel that i am experiencing these bugs on my setup because i believe, there are lots of ubuntu developers in here | 05:44 |
lee__ | ok I backed the scrpt up | 05:46 |
bintut | boselecta: honestly, i don't want to submit the bugs at launchpad because it requires me to create an account and other requirements to fill-in. | 05:46 |
=== bintut is lazy | ||
LiMaO | lee__: now close ALL your firefox windows... hit ALT+F2 and write firefox32 on the window that will appear | 05:47 |
rabiddachshund | where is the xorg.conf in gutsy? | 05:47 |
lee__ | ok | 05:48 |
willwill | rabiddachshund$ /etc/X11/xorg.conf didn't | 05:48 |
LiMaO | rabiddachshund: /etc/X11 | 05:48 |
boselecta | i see. i was in here reporting bugs of my own earlier | 05:48 |
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rabiddachshund | apparently not. :/ | 05:48 |
rabiddachshund | I can't find it there | 05:48 |
lee__ | it giving me a box | 05:48 |
LiMaO | rabiddachshund: type 'sudo find / -name "*xorg*"' on a terminal window | 05:49 |
lee__ | to creat a profile | 05:49 |
LiMaO | lee__: just use the default profile | 05:49 |
lee__ | ok | 05:49 |
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LiMaO | rabiddachshund: the double quotes are important | 05:49 |
lee__ | eh ok there is no default profile | 05:49 |
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LiMaO | lee__: have you ever loaded firefox before? | 05:50 |
lee__ | jsut key in /default or? | 05:50 |
lee__ | no | 05:50 |
boselecta | is NSV video supposed to work automatically in Firefox? | 05:50 |
LiMaO | do | 05:50 |
lee__ | it came with the system | 05:50 |
LiMaO | lee__: just cancel it | 05:50 |
LiMaO | yes man, but have you RAN firefox before? | 05:50 |
LiMaO | what were you using to browse sites on the internet?? | 05:50 |
lee__ | ok | 05:50 |
lee__ | yes I ran it befor | 05:50 |
rabiddachshund | that's a lot of stuff. none of it is xorg.conf :\ | 05:51 |
LiMaO | lee__: then create another profile | 05:51 |
lee__ | ok | 05:51 |
LiMaO | type in anything | 05:51 |
rabiddachshund | I tried sudo gedit etc/X11/xorg.conf but it opened a blank document. | 05:51 |
LiMaO | lee__: be sure you have closed ALL other firefox windows | 05:51 |
buntunub | try gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:51 |
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LiMaO | rabiddachshund: try sudo find / -name "xorg.conf" | 05:52 |
rabiddachshund | ack! It's still searching. | 05:52 |
WorkingOnWise | is there a way to over ride the cpu speed? not overclock, just to be able to set it for 100% when it thinks it only needs 50% | 05:52 |
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LiMaO | rabiddachshund: cancel that search with ctrl+c | 05:52 |
buntunub | he forgot the / in front of etc | 05:52 |
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LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: yes, let me give you a link | 05:52 |
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lee__ | ehooo I found a window hiding lol | 05:52 |
lee__ | ok redoing it | 05:52 |
LiMaO | lee__: oh may.. pay attention to instructions =/ | 05:52 |
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lee__ | I did I haad way to many windows open | 05:53 |
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WorkingOnWise | LiMaO: ok | 05:53 |
rabiddachshund | hm. /usr/share/xresprobe/xorg.conf ?? | 05:53 |
LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: there's a panel applet that will show the frequency used. load it on any panel of yours.. right clicking on it will give you the option to choose the frequency | 05:54 |
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willwill | join #ubuntu | 05:54 |
LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: or you may disable 'frequency scaling' on the bios | 05:54 |
willwill | sorry | 05:54 |
LiMaO | lee__: did it work now | 05:54 |
LiMaO | ? | 05:54 |
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boselecta | no i had nullsoft video working from within firefox before upgrading and now it's not working | 05:55 |
boselecta | now i have some drawing for totem-plugin-viewer 2.20.0 but no video | 05:55 |
LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/ | 05:55 |
lee__ | keeps giving me acces denied because the folder or waht ever cant be written to | 05:55 |
bintut | boselecta: why not use mplayer and the corresponding plugin for firefox? | 05:55 |
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allam | i have error 15 file not found and when i tried to edit menulist through live cd i see no thing the file is empty | 05:56 |
lee__ | eh nothing in fire foxes folder | 05:56 |
boselecta | it could be that's how i got it working before (don't remember). surprised it's like this out of the box though | 05:56 |
DanaG | ARrgh, I can't see this computer's samba shares from anywhere, even from itself! | 05:56 |
LiMaO | lee__: open up a terminal window.. and type the following command sudo chown -R lee:users /usr/local/firefox32 | 05:56 |
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boselecta | seems to me that mplayer was one of those packages that get left back? | 05:56 |
LiMaO | copy and paste it to avoid mispelling | 05:56 |
lee__ | Iam ok...in super user mode or normal? | 05:57 |
LiMaO | superuser | 05:57 |
allam | i have error 15 file not found and when i tried to edit menulist through live cd i see no thing the file is empty | 05:57 |
LiMaO | allam: why would you want to edit the menus of a livecd? | 05:57 |
lee__ | eh ok | 05:58 |
LiMaO | i mean, when using a livecd, just test it out.. if you like it, then install it | 05:58 |
lee__ | keyd it in didnt say fail nor written | 05:58 |
lee__ | I guess its ok now lol | 05:58 |
LiMaO | lee__: yes, it's ok now.. now hit ALT+F2 again and run firefox32 | 05:58 |
boselecta | installing now | 05:59 |
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
lee__ | eh | 05:59 |
=== Geoffrey2 [n=Name@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
allam | no i have ubuntu and winxp inthe same hard when i reinstall win the mbr missed and the linix grub missed i tried to reinstall it and i success to reinstall it but it show me error 15 file not found | 06:00 |
LiMaO | lee__: did it work now? | 06:00 |
lee__ | i have a boucey ball | 06:00 |
lee__ | and an hour gallss spinning | 06:00 |
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lee__ | and no | 06:00 |
wubuntu | hi, does anybody know how get the volume-key on a thinkpad to work? | 06:01 |
buntunub | anyone still having issues with dual monitor setups or random freezes? | 06:01 |
lee__ | eh niothing on either | 06:01 |
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buntunub | err.. random freezes with compiz enabled | 06:02 |
lee__ | ok I got a box again that says create profile | 06:02 |
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LiMaO | lee__: try restarting, then try again | 06:02 |
=== ezzieyguywuf [n=wolfie@bearcrk-wilvil-bldr-223-178.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
LiMaO | you probably have some stuff running in the background.. and old instance of firefox | 06:02 |
ezzieyguywuf | is anyone here running gutsy on a t60p? | 06:02 |
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boselecta | bintut do you need both mplayer and mozilla-mplayer? | 06:04 |
bintut | boselecta: yes | 06:05 |
boselecta | seems like firefox can't find the plugin, but it's installed | 06:05 |
bintut | boselecta: mozilla-mplayer is an mplayer plugin to firefox | 06:05 |
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bintut | boselecta: remove totem | 06:05 |
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bintut | boselecta: on my laptop, i removed totem and rhythmbox because i don't like them | 06:06 |
bintut | boselecta: i'm still a die hard fan of mplayer and xmms | 06:06 |
lee__ | ok its acting like i donot have permissions to wrti | 06:06 |
bintut | rhythmbox cannot read an audio cd | 06:06 |
boselecta | i'm sort of the same way. i can safely get rid of all of totem? (there are 4 packages installed relating to totem) | 06:07 |
Ltl | xtknight: an ion walks into a bar looking sad, bartender says, 'why so glum chum'? ion says, 'i think i lost an electron'! bartender says, 'are you sure?' ion says, Yes, i'm Positive. /* excuse me ppl */ | 06:07 |
boselecta | i guess libtotem-plparser7 is required | 06:08 |
lee__ | in fact its not even showing me my file | 06:08 |
=== xtknight is confused | ||
lee__ | i am re booting to see whats going omn | 06:08 |
Ltl | xtknight - you mentioned studying physics, just a joke :) | 06:09 |
Ltl | xtknight - that was in another channel though, my mistake. | 06:10 |
xtknight | Ltl, lol just channel change confused me | 06:10 |
Ltl | so is gutsy beta available as an .iso yet, all i see are dvd.iso's? | 06:11 |
Geoffrey2 | after running lspci -vvnn, how can I figure out what a particular device listed in there is? | 06:11 |
Ltl | xtknight - yeah, ewps on that. i cant resist a physics joke myself. | 06:11 |
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contrast83 | Ltl: Not sure about the beta. The RC should be though, I just dl'd the Kubuntu one earlier today. | 06:11 |
lee__ | yikes i had a crash and didnt even know it | 06:12 |
=== DanaG [n=dana@71-9-52-25.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Ltl | Geoffrey2 - use lspci -vvv or atleast one 'v' | 06:12 |
Ltl | contrast83 - ok, thank you | 06:12 |
lee__ | ok trying that again | 06:12 |
contrast83 | Ltl: np | 06:12 |
contrast83 | Anyone know if the nVidia issues are gonna be resolved before release? | 06:13 |
frostburn | contrast83, elaborate? | 06:13 |
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Ltl | Geoffrey2 - you might try sudo dmidecode it shows lots of stuff. | 06:14 |
Geoffrey2 | ATI Technologies Inc SB600 SMBus (rev 13) | 06:14 |
contrast83 | frostburn: Sorry... KDM won't start with the prop. drivers on the 2.6.22-14 kernel, and I'm currently unable to switch to a TTY regardless of the kernel I boot into. | 06:14 |
Geoffrey2 | Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Unknown device 8232 | 06:15 |
frostburn | contrast83, that's odd, wait 5 days and find out, i suppose =] | 06:15 |
lee__ | ok i have fire fox lol | 06:15 |
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
lee__ | eh an d a few screen changes too? | 06:16 |
Geoffrey2 | whatever it is, Gutsy's not playing nice with it | 06:16 |
contrast83 | Heh. Yeah... I hate the idea of having to go backwards to Feisty after Gutsy's been working mostly perfectly for me since Tribe 4. :-\ | 06:16 |
lee__ | eh i had to revamp so i could get flash | 06:16 |
lee__ | on my 64 bit | 06:16 |
Geoffrey2 | would SB mean that's the southbridge chipset? | 06:17 |
Ltl | Geoffrey2 - i have an ati600, and you might be right. | 06:17 |
lee__ | well, i have no vids or any flash things | 06:18 |
DanaG | open hal-device-manager; that'll list a video card. | 06:18 |
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lee__ | hmm | 06:21 |
boselecta | bintut i have it working now. thanks | 06:21 |
WorkingOnWise | LiMaO: Just reconfigured the cpu appelet....sweet! Manual or auto cpu speed contron with 2 mouse clicks! thanks | 06:21 |
LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: you're welcome =) | 06:22 |
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WorkingOnWise | do you know a simular trick for fan speed? | 06:23 |
Nuked | I get this message when updating | 06:23 |
Nuked | update-manager: Depends: update-manager-core (= 1:0.81) but 1:0.80 is to be installed | 06:23 |
bintut | boselecta: you're welcome | 06:24 |
LiMaO | WorkingOnWise: hmm no.. no fan speed manager =/ | 06:24 |
Nuked | is this just an update gone bad or is it a different issue | 06:24 |
DanaG | Laptop or desktop? Sensors are easy, but fan control is harder. | 06:24 |
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DanaG | And there are no nice apps like Speedfan. | 06:24 |
earlmred | hmm | 06:25 |
earlmred | i wonder if the new vaio's with SSDs are compat out of the box with gutsy | 06:26 |
earlmred | they sure are hot laptops | 06:26 |
=== Oli`` [n=oli@88-111-54-228.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Oli`` | Guys i'm on Gutsy and just applied the latest update and now all my window borders are MIA... any ideas on how to get them back? | 06:26 |
WorkingOnWise | DanaG: laptop | 06:26 |
Nuked | no one knows? | 06:26 |
esac_ | i was playing with compizconfig-settings-manager and somehow my desktop resized to approximately 75%. the outer edge is black. the weird part is that my mouse thinks the desktop is normal size. any ideas ? | 06:26 |
DanaG | Laptops are even worse, often. | 06:27 |
lee__ | YAY I can can now view all my things in my msn space | 06:27 |
Nuked | esac did you maybe zoom into your desktop | 06:27 |
DanaG | Manufacturers don't often give direct fan speed control. | 06:27 |
DanaG | What brand? | 06:27 |
lee__ | thatn you ...eh I saaaaved that script though | 06:27 |
esac_ | Nuked: not intentionally, but rebooting didnt fix it | 06:27 |
lee__ | this is cool I can view flah files | 06:27 |
lee__ | on a 64 bit machine | 06:28 |
Nuked | esac I dont know much about compiz, but I know ctrl-alt-+ will zoom into your desktop | 06:28 |
lee__ | oh heck I need to back this up | 06:28 |
Nuked | try ctrl alt - | 06:28 |
lee__ | oh I am already here | 06:29 |
esac_ | so i turned off desktop cube and it fixed it (although the screen needs to redraw so everything looks bad now) | 06:29 |
WorkingOnWise | DanaG: this is an Averatec.... I'm greatful they gave me control of the boot order! :) | 06:29 |
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lee__ | so who else here is on a 64 bit machine | 06:30 |
WorkingOnWise | lee__: I am on AMD64 laptop | 06:30 |
moparisthebest | I take it this is for kubuntu+1 as well? | 06:30 |
esac_ | what do i install for emerald themes ? | 06:30 |
moparisthebest | same as WorkingOnWise lee__ here | 06:30 |
WorkingOnWise | amd AND64 Ubuntu | 06:30 |
Ltl | lee__ i run feisty on x86_64 | 06:30 |
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WorkingOnWise | AND=AMD | 06:31 |
Nuked | moparisthebest: this is where #kubuntu tells you to go | 06:31 |
usser | lee__: iam | 06:31 |
Nuked | for gutsy related stuff | 06:31 |
lee__ | I good person jsut showed me how to get the system to accept flash and java | 06:31 |
moparisthebest | didn't go in #kubuntu, went straight to #kubuntu+1 and then here :) | 06:31 |
lee__ | on a 64 bit machine | 06:31 |
usser | lee__: neato :) | 06:31 |
lee__ | but after restarting I lost the web link :( | 06:31 |
moparisthebest | lee__, I installed a 32 bit firefox, 32bit java, and 32 bit flash, and kept my 64-bit firefox as well | 06:32 |
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lee__ | yeah taht waht he showed me how to do | 06:32 |
moparisthebest | there is supposedly a wrapper for 32 bit plugins in a 64bit browser, but it never worked for me | 06:32 |
lee__ | well I really needed it thoguh | 06:32 |
moparisthebest | nspluginwrapper i believe | 06:32 |
moparisthebest | so is gutsy gibbon rather stable now? | 06:33 |
Nuked | I just dont understand why I get this on an update : The following packages have unmet dependencies: update-manager: Depends: update-manager-core (= 1:0.81) but 1:0.80 is to be installed | 06:33 |
moparisthebest | should I upgrade from fiesty? | 06:33 |
Nuked | moparisthebest: depends.... gutsy will be released on the 18th | 06:34 |
lee__ | ok any one know some really good video editing software fo r this beast | 06:34 |
moparisthebest | I know, I upgraded to fiesty when it was beta with no problem | 06:34 |
lee__ | hmm Ill have to say thanks to the guy/or gall taht helped me | 06:34 |
Nuked | moparisthebest: then you answered your question | 06:34 |
moparisthebest | but I don't want to cripple my only currently working computer | 06:34 |
lee__ | well one thigns for sure it sure renders well in 64 bit | 06:34 |
moparisthebest | i just wanted to check in here if there are any big issues left | 06:35 |
lee__ | hu it all dissabperaed all of a sudden | 06:35 |
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silent[ca] | am I right to conclude that gutsy does not have support for ndiswrapper? | 06:36 |
earlmred | hmm, just installed swiftweasel, hopefully maybe that'll solve my firefox crashing problems | 06:36 |
Nuked | no silent[ca] | 06:36 |
silent[ca] | Nuked: it doesnt? | 06:37 |
moparisthebest | silent[ca] , for as long as I have used (k)ubuntu the repo ndiswrapper package has never worked | 06:37 |
moparisthebest | you just have to compile it yourself, and then it will be fine | 06:37 |
silent[ca] | moparisthebest: I compiled the latest build... didnt use the repos | 06:37 |
moparisthebest | i don't see why it shouldn't work then | 06:37 |
Nuked | silent[ca] : read this | 06:37 |
Nuked | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3518952 | 06:37 |
silent[ca] | my wireless card is detected through ndiswrapper, however it doesnt appear in my system>networking | 06:38 |
silent[ca] | device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx) | 06:39 |
=== philip_ [n=philip@adsl-69-230-208-163.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
buntunub | make sure you blacklist the native bcm43xx | 06:40 |
moparisthebest | that bcm43xx is a real pain | 06:40 |
Nuked | silent[ca] : http://blog.sandipb.net/2007/10/08/giving-up-on-bcm43xx-in-gutsy-beta/ | 06:40 |
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moparisthebest | yes, I was just going to say what buntunub said | 06:40 |
moparisthebest | i have to do the same thing | 06:40 |
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usser | lee__: kino is pretty good for video editing | 06:41 |
buntunub | follow the wireless in 5 minutes or less guide | 06:41 |
Demortes | Hey, anyone know if 7.10 will fix the Realtek NIC issue? | 06:41 |
alex_mayorga | anyone using a bluetooth PAN, that can show me how-to do it? | 06:41 |
lee__ | cool | 06:42 |
lee__ | kino where do I get that at? | 06:42 |
Nuked | why do I keep getting a message telling me that update manager update fails | 06:42 |
lee__ | <usser> where do I get kino at? | 06:43 |
Demortes | Anyone here know if the Realtek NIC issue is resolved in 7.10? | 06:44 |
lee__ | oh eh I found it lol | 06:44 |
Nuked | Demortes: Ive had a realtek card for a long time and I have never had issues with it | 06:44 |
Nuked | Demortes: only once when windows update updated the card driver to a windows only version | 06:45 |
moparisthebest | Demortes, all of my computers have realtek NIC's | 06:45 |
Demortes | Oddly enough, me either, however one time I installed Ubuntu through Wubi.... and suddenly the NIC isn't initialized, not recognizing IPv4 | 06:45 |
Demortes | It seems common enough, I found thousands of hits on Google when I searched for it | 06:45 |
moparisthebest | strange | 06:45 |
Demortes | I can reload, and never see the problem again | 06:45 |
Nuked | very strange | 06:45 |
Nuked | might be a wubi issue | 06:46 |
Demortes | Nope | 06:46 |
Demortes | Others reported it as a full installation issue | 06:46 |
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A543CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Demortes | I have a question, if Windows updates it to a Windows only driver, how's that affect Ubuntu? | 06:46 |
Demortes | Ubuntu uses it's own drivers... | 06:47 |
Nuked | Demortes: because it somehow changes the firmware on the card to operate solely with windows | 06:47 |
=== an0malist [n=beau@ip68-9-24-202.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Nuked | I dont know the specifics.. I just know that that was indeed the problem, and I had to rollback the windows driver | 06:47 |
Demortes | Hmm... now that I think about it, I did download the update from Windows update. | 06:47 |
an0malist | hello | 06:48 |
esac | where can i get emerald themes for gutsy ? | 06:48 |
Demortes | However it's worked afterward too | 06:48 |
Nuked | roll it back and see what happens demortes | 06:48 |
Nuked | if the issue persists, see a doctor | 06:48 |
=== wastedfluid [n=tom@c-71-57-214-110.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Demortes | I reinstalled, so I will have to wait until I'm not in VNC to do that | 06:48 |
an0malist | trying to install vmware-player in sypantic but it says it can't find a dependency | 06:48 |
usser | esac: beryl-themes.org kde-look.org | 06:48 |
wastedfluid | Hi guys.. before the upgrade, I could s2ram --force, and s2disk perfectly.. but now, after the rc upgrade.. s2disk is broke(s2disk: Could not stat the resume device file), and s2ram is just gone. | 06:48 |
usser | esac: gnome-look.org should have it too | 06:49 |
Nuked | Demortes: I dont remember the name of the card because im not on my other box, But in my case, it was a problem with the windows driver and not ubuntu | 06:49 |
Demortes | If I remember right, it was 8139? | 06:49 |
Demortes | Hold on, let me check my device manager | 06:49 |
an0malist | what repositories are recommended other than the ones installed by default? | 06:49 |
Nuked | Yes demortes I think it was | 06:49 |
DanaG | Where are you, country-wise? | 06:50 |
Demortes | It is, Nuked. | 06:50 |
usser | an0malist: mediubuntu would be a pretty useful repo | 06:50 |
an0malist | do I just need the server name? | 06:50 |
Nuked | Demortes: it may very well be the driver | 06:50 |
an0malist | anyone have vmware-player? | 06:51 |
Demortes | Well, here's something interesting. I can tell if it wont work if the DHCP signal isn't detected in the setup process... also, no IPv4 address is EVER assigned, but network manager states, | 06:51 |
usser | an0malist: i do why? | 06:51 |
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Demortes | When I do some command related to networking, I get the green LED on the integrated NIC to come on, but no activity and it's not recognized. | 06:51 |
Nuked | Demortes: I had that problem im sure its the driver now | 06:52 |
Demortes | The windows driver? | 06:52 |
usser | an0malist: mediubuntu repo faq http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php | 06:52 |
an0malist | how do I get the vmware-player-kerlnel-modules package? | 06:52 |
Nuked | Demortes: yeah | 06:52 |
Demortes | Well, I'll see. | 06:52 |
Demortes | I'll report back if it seems to be the issue, hope that I have a restore point before that... or at least driver rollback | 06:53 |
Nuked | best of luck Demortes | 06:53 |
usser | an0malist: ooh i have player with vmware workstation and it compiled one for me | 06:53 |
usser | an0malist: i guess module should be in the repo | 06:54 |
Demortes | Thanks for the help. Looking forward to testing 7.10, if only Wubi would allow it to be downloaded instead of 7.04 | 06:54 |
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an0malist | usser: nope.. it doesn't appear to be.. | 06:55 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, ndiswrapper DOES work with wired drivers, if it comes down to that. | 06:55 |
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usser | an0malist: take a look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vmware-player-kernel-2.6.15/+bug/124775 apparently its not yet packaged | 06:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 124775 in vmware-player-kernel-2.6.15 "No kernel modules for the 2.6.22 kernel" [High,Confirmed] | 06:56 |
an0malist | bummer | 06:56 |
an0malist | no idea how else to get it.. hehe | 06:57 |
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usser | an0malist: try to get player from vmware site | 07:00 |
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usser | an0malist: installation is pretty straightforward and it compiles a module for u | 07:00 |
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an0malist | oh nice | 07:00 |
=== chequers [n=alex@203-59-181-166.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bintut | gtg now | 07:01 |
LiMaO | lee__: are you there? how's everything? | 07:02 |
chequers | hi all, I have a slightly strange issue with my WLAN on gutsy beta. I can browse the net fine (connected to it now), but I cannot ping any device on my home LAN... including the router | 07:02 |
usser | chequers: can u ping localhost? | 07:03 |
chequers | yes | 07:03 |
usser | chequers: what does ifconfig have to say | 07:03 |
usser | chequers: and sudo route | 07:03 |
chequers | I can also see the MAC address of the router | 07:03 |
=== chequers looks | ||
usser | pastebin | 07:04 |
chequers | ok | 07:04 |
chequers | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40494/ | 07:06 |
=== aspro [n=aspro@ppp121-44-217-225.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chequers | eth1 is the wlan | 07:06 |
usser | chequers: wow | 07:06 |
usser | chequers: i see your eth0 is up too | 07:07 |
usser | chequers: sudo ifdown eth0 if u dont use it | 07:07 |
chequers | no, it's just manually configured | 07:07 |
chequers | ok | 07:07 |
usser | chequers: why? | 07:07 |
chequers | because it's easier to use a static IP on my LAN when it's in use | 07:07 |
chequers | sometimes I connect to networks without DHCP servers & all forced IPs | 07:08 |
usser | chequers: oh ok | 07:08 |
chequers | ahh, bingo | 07:08 |
chequers | if I set eth0 back to dhcp configuration ping starts working for the lan | 07:09 |
usser | chequers: so there were two routes that apparently lead to the same gateway | 07:09 |
chequers | and it was trying the first only? | 07:09 |
lee__ | eh it keeps failing on the avi | 07:09 |
usser | chequers: probably | 07:09 |
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usser | chequers: so u connected through wlan now? | 07:09 |
usser | chequers: or both? | 07:09 |
chequers | just the wlan | 07:10 |
usser | chequers: so the ping works? | 07:10 |
=== chequers is sitting outside | ||
usser | chequers: oh :) | 07:10 |
chequers | yep thanks | 07:10 |
chequers | I can access all my shares again :) | 07:10 |
usser | chequers: but this is still kinda strange u shouldnt have had internet oh well | 07:10 |
usser | :) | 07:10 |
=== chequers will just hope this problems never presents again and ignore | ||
lee__ | <LiMaO>ah yes i am here lol | 07:11 |
chequers | thanks for your help usser | 07:11 |
usser | chequers: no problem | 07:11 |
lee__ | and i can view th pics on my msn spaace now lol | 07:11 |
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lee__ | I owe you a big thank you | 07:11 |
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lee__ | I saved taht script wll it work If I ever have to relaod it some time? | 07:12 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>thank you | 07:13 |
lee__ | eh ok can i back my sytem up to a rom? | 07:15 |
LiMaO | lee__: yes it will work.. do you have flash and java now? | 07:15 |
lee__ | OHyea | 07:15 |
=== usser good news for people who like bad news | ||
LiMaO | lee__: very nice. i had to leave for a while and thought you didn't get it working | 07:16 |
LiMaO | it's nice to see it's all good now =) | 07:16 |
lee__ | no, i got it working bu t i stayed to say thanks...hm now i need to burry my face in some code later lol | 07:16 |
lee__ | so i can help others | 07:17 |
lee__ | the other thing, al though i personally hate it..is i m on an online school for ms certification | 07:17 |
lee__ | but, i am liking this a lot better | 07:18 |
LiMaO | =) | 07:18 |
LiMaO | you'll love it, that's for sure | 07:18 |
LiMaO | linux is great | 07:18 |
lee__ | heck if something breaks in windows, there isnt gluing it baack to geather lol | 07:18 |
LiMaO | and man, i feel happy for helping you | 07:18 |
LiMaO | =) | 07:18 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>it turnd out waht caused all this issue was something had crashed | 07:19 |
lee__ | and i wsnt aware of it | 07:19 |
lee__ | but it is still giving me that error | 07:19 |
LiMaO | that's why i asked you to reboot.. that would clean up anything that was messed up | 07:20 |
LiMaO | which error? | 07:20 |
lee__ | in thta I can't write to certan folders | 07:20 |
lee__ | eh just a sec | 07:20 |
LiMaO | ok =) | 07:20 |
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lee__ | hmm the resart must have taken the area out lol | 07:22 |
LiMaO | yay, just configured mplayer + mplayer plugin =) | 07:22 |
LiMaO | lee__: so, no errors, everything is fine.. that's just great! | 07:22 |
LiMaO | =D | 07:22 |
lee__ | eh which one lol | 07:22 |
lee__ | yeah | 07:22 |
lee__ | hmm the 64 bitss been stable | 07:22 |
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lee__ | <LiMaO>oh are you supose to be able to open ms docs lol? | 07:23 |
lee__ | cause i just open all of moms an even th oldies | 07:23 |
Leonekl | hello folks | 07:24 |
lee__ | i am taking a 32 bit version up to moms on live cd | 07:24 |
lee__ | and se just how much it will do | 07:24 |
lee__ | hi | 07:24 |
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Leonekl | is it possible to upgrade gutsy tribe 5 to release candidate version of ubuntu 7.10? | 07:24 |
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lee__ | eh try | 07:25 |
lee__ | updaaate-manager -d | 07:25 |
lee__ | minus my bad spelling | 07:25 |
lee__ | lol | 07:25 |
lee__ | update-manager -d | 07:25 |
Leonekl | it says system is up to date | 07:25 |
lee__ | in your console | 07:26 |
lee__ | eh there should be an upgrade option | 07:26 |
Leonekl | unless i did an update that already has the Release candidates already in it? | 07:26 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>you can have this on elol | 07:26 |
Leonekl | i already have TRIBE 5 | 07:26 |
lee__ | hmm | 07:26 |
lee__ | I had fiesty | 07:26 |
Leonekl | just wanna upgrade it to RC | 07:26 |
Leonekl | yeah i hear ya | 07:26 |
Leonekl | it worked | 07:26 |
Leonekl | the new one that just came out on the 11th | 07:27 |
Leonekl | has some new things | 07:27 |
Leonekl | im guessing the update applied itself | 07:27 |
lee__ | oh oy aught to try the 64 bit..some say good some say bad | 07:27 |
=== Leonekl [n=rv@adsl-072-148-158-041.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
lee__ | but there's always a work around lol | 07:27 |
=== rredd4 [n=rredd@68-116-99-78.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
lee__ | hmm can't do tht with ms though | 07:28 |
lee__ | Well, mr soft i just saved me 300 bucks ona 64 bit system | 07:28 |
lee__ | or is it 200 | 07:28 |
rredd4 | LiMaO I have gutsy now... | 07:28 |
lee__ | congrats | 07:29 |
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LiMaO | rredd4: how's it going? hope it's all fine | 07:29 |
rredd4 | LiMaO when the install did partitions, why did it call the hd a sda drive. I windows ide drive | 07:29 |
rredd4 | install was great | 07:29 |
rredd4 | no problems | 07:30 |
LiMaO | sda = scsi drive? sata... | 07:30 |
rredd4 | yeah | 07:30 |
rredd4 | i have ide | 07:30 |
rredd4 | not sda | 07:30 |
LiMaO | that's strange hehe | 07:30 |
murlidhar | installed RC and my booting takes ages after the grub menu without the startup screen what to do ? | 07:30 |
rredd4 | I thought it was formatting a mac scsi drive | 07:30 |
rredd4 | weird | 07:30 |
LiMaO | rredd4: are you running 64bit or 32? | 07:31 |
rredd4 | not sure | 07:31 |
rredd4 | how do i tell] | 07:31 |
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rredd4 | i think 32 | 07:31 |
rredd4 | is there a way to find out | 07:32 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>http://lee986321.spaces.live.com/?lc=1033 thislink is the reason why I need it so bad lol | 07:32 |
LiMaO | type uname -a in the terminal | 07:32 |
LiMaO | and tell me what it says | 07:32 |
rredd4 | Linux waykool 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 06:00:47 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 07:32 |
LiMaO | 32bit | 07:32 |
lee__ | hmm | 07:33 |
LiMaO | btw, i like your computer name hehe | 07:33 |
lee__ | have him check his bios | 07:33 |
rredd4 | waykool | 07:33 |
LiMaO | no need to check bios | 07:33 |
lee__ | I knoticed taht was off | 07:33 |
rredd4 | !! | 07:33 |
rredd4 | so why sda? | 07:33 |
=== cwillu [n=cwillu@S01060011952cd2e5.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cwillu | is there any way to disable the xrandr stuff for the radeon driver? | 07:34 |
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lee__ | Linux kubuntu98632 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 05:28:36 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 07:34 |
macogw | nobody's leeching the rc torrents | 07:34 |
macogw | im seeding, but there's leechers | 07:34 |
lee__ | hmmm waht aare you seeding? | 07:35 |
macogw | gutsy rc desktop and alternate isos for i386 and amd64 | 07:35 |
rredd4 | what processor do I need for x86_64? | 07:36 |
bascule | is 64 bit worth running on core 2 duos? | 07:36 |
lee__ | an emt64 | 07:36 |
rredd4 | but it says x86 | 07:36 |
rredd4 | not amd | 07:36 |
lee__ | wait an EM64T | 07:36 |
rredd4 | oohh | 07:36 |
lee__ | tahts an intell one | 07:37 |
rredd4 | i have a p4 2.4 ghz | 07:37 |
lee__ | I can see why my pc cost me just over a grand lol | 07:37 |
lee__ | hmm just a sec | 07:37 |
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macogw | rredd4: amd64 is just the name because amd did it before intel did | 07:38 |
rredd4 | ok | 07:38 |
murlidhar | installed RC and my booting takes ages after the grub menu without the startup screen what to do ? | 07:38 |
rredd4 | so why did rc install show sda when I am using a ide drive? | 07:39 |
rredd4 | bug? | 07:39 |
rredd4 | used desktop install | 07:39 |
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cosmo_ | is the procedure pretty much the same on gutsy as it was on fiesty for enabling dual monitors? | 07:40 |
usser | rredd4: i dont think hd* notation is used at all anymore | 07:40 |
cosmo_ | as far as modifying the xorg.conf | 07:40 |
murlidhar | rredd4: same case with me and i am using ide drive . somebody told me it does not matter . so no problem | 07:40 |
=== jmg [n=cartel@ip-58-28-158-195.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
murlidhar | :0 | 07:40 |
murlidhar | :0 | 07:40 |
murlidhar | :) | 07:40 |
rredd4 | usser that could be confusing | 07:40 |
rredd4 | ok | 07:40 |
usser | rredd4: everything is treated as scsi | 07:41 |
rredd4 | any way the install worked ok | 07:41 |
usser | rredd4: i think every linux distro does that nowadays | 07:41 |
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lee__ | Linux kubuntu98632 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 05:28:36 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 07:41 |
lee__ | oh I amrunning 2.80 dual threading | 07:42 |
macogw | rredd4: libata was updated in feisty to get rid of hd* because sd* works better. people complained and they reverted. this time the upgrade is forced. | 07:42 |
rredd4 | as long as it works!!! | 07:42 |
rredd4 | i don't care what they call it!!!! | 07:43 |
rredd4 | lets see if open office works | 07:43 |
rredd4 | yup | 07:43 |
murlidhar | where can i find my grub menu?? | 07:44 |
usser | murlidhar: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:44 |
murlidhar | thnks | 07:44 |
lee__ | waht is 36 bits physical and 48 virtual mean? | 07:45 |
lee__ | any how | 07:46 |
lee__ | <LiMaO>did you get a chnace to see that sight lol? | 07:47 |
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murlidhar | i have a desktop pc and i don't want to get bluetooth services activated during boot . What should i do? | 07:47 |
lee__ | eh remove it | 07:47 |
murlidhar | how do i remove the bluetooth services during startup | 07:47 |
lee__ | th e device | 07:47 |
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lee__ | ooh | 07:47 |
bascule | system -> administration services | 07:48 |
bascule | turn it off | 07:48 |
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murlidhar | :) | 07:48 |
lee__ | is cleaning his icons | 07:48 |
=== `Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cosmo_ | is there a way to renable konqer rather than dolphin? | 07:50 |
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usser | cosmo_: i didnt find it | 07:51 |
osmosis | so if compiz fusion is turned off by default on my intel based video chipset, then how do I turn it on? should I turn it on ? | 07:51 |
usser | cosmo_: i guess we stuck with that ugly file manager | 07:51 |
lee__ | what the hech is GwenView? | 07:52 |
lee__ | oooooh ok | 07:53 |
lee__ | i can changy the iconnys | 07:53 |
=== silent[ca] [n=silent@S01060050bac94b86.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
silent[ca] | how do I get gutsy to detect my sound device? The device was detected on default install but did not function. I compiled the latest alsa build and installed and the card is no longer detected. | 07:56 |
rredd4 | i like the search applet!! | 07:57 |
bascule | osmosis: turn it on by running compiz --replace , assuming it's installed of course | 07:59 |
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silent[ca] | oh wow | 08:02 |
silent[ca] | compiz is amazing, how do I get the cube? | 08:02 |
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usser | silent[ca] : ccsm turn on cube and cube rotate | 08:03 |
silent[ca] | usser: in console? | 08:04 |
usser | silent[ca] : type ccsm in console yes it'll bring compiz setup | 08:05 |
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
underwatercow | is it reasonable to assume that the RC will not change in the next 6 days? | 08:06 |
silent[ca] | usser: how do I use the cube, its enabled now | 08:06 |
usser | silent[ca] : ctlr+alt+mouse | 08:06 |
silent[ca] | usser: its not working :( | 08:07 |
usser | silent[ca] : hm other effects work? | 08:07 |
silent[ca] | usser: the windows wobble.. but the screen darkened when I did the ctrl alt thing | 08:08 |
silent[ca] | is it supposed to zoom out or something? | 08:08 |
usser | silent[ca] : yes | 08:08 |
silent[ca] | on ctrl+alt | 08:08 |
silent[ca] | ? | 08:08 |
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usser | silent[ca] : no when u press ctrl+alt and click left mouse button it'll zoom out | 08:09 |
silent[ca] | wooow | 08:09 |
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslb-088-070-018-229.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
silent[ca] | ok yeah its working | 08:09 |
silent[ca] | lol | 08:09 |
silent[ca] | doesn't zoom out, however. | 08:09 |
silent[ca] | just rotates | 08:09 |
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gunashekar | hi | 08:10 |
usser | silent thats nothing u can do stuff like this: ftp://whom.homeunix.org/snapshot3.png | 08:10 |
osmosis | bascule: when I run compiz --replace ...it says, Blacklisted, aborting. | 08:11 |
usser | silent[ca] : go to rotate cube settings and play with Zoom slider | 08:11 |
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osmosis | what to do ? | 08:12 |
silent[ca] | usser: I am thouroughly impressed.. *bows to the power of compiz* | 08:12 |
silent[ca] | now if only my sound card was detected | 08:13 |
usser | silent[ca] : hm use 5ch? | 08:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | Hey everyone! | 08:14 |
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usser | silent[ca] : i dont care about sound much so when mine wasnt recognized i pulled out my old cheap pci card | 08:14 |
rredd4 | when I do cntrl-alt left click nothing happens | 08:15 |
silent[ca] | usser: laptop | 08:15 |
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
usser | silent[ca] : bugger | 08:15 |
MilhousePunkRock | Is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-386 on the CD of the RC? | 08:15 |
silent[ca] | usser: I'm not too concerned though, it's worked before | 08:15 |
silent[ca] | usser: it will work again | 08:15 |
underwatercow | Does anyone know why I have two "Desktop" options in my Places menu and how I fix it? | 08:15 |
=== usser someday... someday :)) | ||
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cosmo_ | now that I have it istalled how do I access the compiz options window? | 08:16 |
cosmo_ | oops wrong chanel | 08:16 |
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Redneck|Ubuntu | need RC help :/ | 08:16 |
Redneck|Ubuntu | i would like to know how to get it and such | 08:17 |
cdm10 | Redneck|Ubuntu: http://ubuntu.com/testing | 08:17 |
rredd4 | do i have to restart x to get the cube to work? ccsm is installed | 08:17 |
usser | rredd4: no | 08:17 |
rredd4 | control alt left mouse does nothing | 08:17 |
usser | rredd4: did u enable the cube plugins? | 08:18 |
rredd4 | in ccsm? | 08:18 |
usser | rredd4: yes | 08:18 |
rredd4 | yes, desktop cube and rotate cube is selected | 08:19 |
silent[ca] | usser: its bouncing on a table now! | 08:19 |
silent[ca] | how do I undo? | 08:19 |
silent[ca] | O_O | 08:19 |
usser | silent[ca] : bouncing on a table??? wtg? | 08:19 |
usser | silent[ca] : what is? | 08:20 |
usser | rredd4: other effects works? | 08:20 |
silent[ca] | its rolling on the table | 08:20 |
silent[ca] | the cube | 08:20 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
silent[ca] | oh, its reflection | 08:21 |
usser | silent[ca] : ahah, try ctrl+alt+arrow down | 08:21 |
silent[ca] | dude its messing with my mind | 08:22 |
usser | silent[ca] : dont loooook!! | 08:22 |
usser | lol | 08:22 |
usser | i dunno, try restarting compiz | 08:22 |
=== silent[ca] runs away and hides | ||
silent[ca] | its just too good | 08:23 |
usser | silent[ca] : what did u do that it started this? | 08:23 |
silent[ca] | good overload | 08:23 |
usser | oh | 08:23 |
silent[ca] | sorry, I'm used to windows | 08:23 |
usser | lol | 08:23 |
rredd4 | usser don't think so | 08:23 |
Redneck|Ubuntu | what does this mean? | 08:23 |
Redneck|Ubuntu | (gksudo:7252): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. | 08:23 |
Redneck|Ubuntu | Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 08:23 |
usser | rredd4: run compiz --replace from console and pastebin the output | 08:23 |
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rredd4 | Checking for Xgl: not present. No whitelisted driver found aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity | 08:25 |
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usser | rredd4: what videocard do u have? | 08:25 |
rredd4 | nvidia geforce 4 mmx | 08:25 |
rredd4 | worked on fiesty | 08:25 |
usser | rredd4: did u install the restricted driver? | 08:25 |
rredd4 | nvidia | 08:26 |
rredd4 | o | 08:26 |
usser | rredd4: do glxinfo | grep direct | 08:26 |
rredd4 | no | 08:26 |
silent[ca] | this is absolutely beautiful | 08:27 |
usser | silent[ca] : did u try fire paint and window minimize animations? | 08:27 |
usser | silent[ca] : window grouping is useful tpp | 08:28 |
silent[ca] | usser: nah, gonna focus on audio now | 08:28 |
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silent[ca] | usser: one more thing, how do I make my cube translucent? | 08:28 |
usser | silent[ca] : there's an option in desktop cube | 08:29 |
usser | transparent cube | 08:29 |
=== rredd4 [n=j@68-116-99-78.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rredd4 | usser direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 08:30 |
usser | rredd4: the driver is not installed | 08:30 |
usser | rredd4: do sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules | 08:31 |
rredd4 | ok ty | 08:32 |
usser | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 08:32 |
usser | sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source | 08:32 |
usser | sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common sorry | 08:33 |
rredd4 | ok | 08:33 |
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rredd4 | usser it won't let me do the last command, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:36 |
rredd4 | all i have open is x chat and terminal | 08:36 |
tritium | rredd4: update-manager is running in the background | 08:36 |
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tritium | it'll occasionally interfere with command-line apt* operations | 08:37 |
usser | rredd4: check if u have synaptic open | 08:37 |
=== usser makes some tea | ||
rredd4 | its not | 08:37 |
rredd4 | only xchat and terminal | 08:37 |
tritium | rredd4: I just told you... | 08:37 |
rredd4 | update manager is not open, at least so I can see it | 08:38 |
rredd4 | i understand | 08:38 |
tritium | rredd4: I didn't say it was open | 08:38 |
rredd4 | its running in the background | 08:38 |
rredd4 | got it | 08:38 |
rredd4 | its interfering with what I am doing | 08:38 |
rredd4 | hmm | 08:38 |
rredd4 | tritium can I turn it off | 08:39 |
tritium | rredd4: you can grep the process list for apt, and kill those that are running, if you like | 08:40 |
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ChaosParser | Has anyone ever used a Sony Walkman Video MP3 Player with ubuntu? | 08:42 |
rredd4 | brb | 08:42 |
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contrast83 | ChaosParser: I haven't, but what's your question? | 08:45 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: That was my question. ;) | 08:46 |
contrast83 | Ohh. Usually questions like those are followed by something like, "Does it work ok?" :-) | 08:48 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: Well yeah. But it really doesn't make sense to ask that of someone that hasn't used one, now does it? | 08:49 |
contrast83 | Well, one can gauge the likelihood of whether it'll work under Linux based on a couple of things. ;-) | 08:50 |
contrast83 | Have you used it under Windows? | 08:50 |
=== karmue [n=karli@e178186149.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
contrast83 | ChaosParser: Or are you just researching a potential purchase? | 08:51 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: I haven't bought it yet. But, since Sony tends to go for USB mass storage mode, it apparently works with Ubuntu. I finally found an article on it. :) | 08:51 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: I'm desparately trying to justify spending 50 less on 10 times less space than an ipod ;D | 08:52 |
contrast83 | Yeah. Even if they were cheaper, I wouldn't buy an iPod. | 08:52 |
macogw | i want a sansa | 08:52 |
macogw | theyre rockboxable | 08:52 |
macogw | and i dont need 30gb of storage | 08:52 |
macogw | so i can sell my zen | 08:52 |
ChaosParser | The Sony Walkman I want is 199 for 8 gigs... but Cnet says it has amazing audio quality. | 08:53 |
usser | sansa dont support ogg | 08:53 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ChaosParser | And sony offers accident damage protection, cheap. That alone is worth it. | 08:53 |
macogw | wow what a coincidence | 08:55 |
macogw | i was just reading about how Arthur Dent and Fenchurch had sex above the clouds while flying and a 747 went by and then they repeated the experience the next night with Sony Walkmen | 08:56 |
macogw | (So Long and Thanks For All the Fish) | 08:56 |
=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-90-81-133.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
osmosis | what is an EFI System Partition? | 08:57 |
macogw | Elephant Firing Imminent Partition | 08:57 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Hitchhikers guide, eh? | 08:58 |
macogw | it's 3am and i'm reading Douglas Adams, what can i say? | 08:58 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Eh, no worries. That was a refreshingly discordian response. | 08:58 |
usser | yea good movie | 08:58 |
usser | err book | 08:58 |
macogw | it's not possible to read Douglas Adams and not so something horribly silly | 08:58 |
macogw | heh | 08:58 |
ChaosParser | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI_System_Partition | 08:59 |
ChaosParser | osmosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI_System_Partition | 08:59 |
gunashekar | can anyone suggest which is better ? KDE or gnome? | 08:59 |
usser | KDE | 08:59 |
macogw | do you like options or simplicity? | 08:59 |
ChaosParser | gunashekar: Are you trying to start a war? Gnome is my vote. | 08:59 |
macogw | if the latter, the former; if the former, the latter | 08:59 |
usser | good news for all people who like bad news | 08:59 |
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gunashekar | u mean gnome has more options? | 09:00 |
usser | kde is actually more customizable | 09:00 |
gunashekar | no war ChaosParser | 09:00 |
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gunashekar | just learning from your experience | 09:00 |
macogw | gunashekar: no no | 09:00 |
macogw | options or simplicity | 09:01 |
ChaosParser | gunashekar: To be fair, I haven't used KDE that much. So I'm partial to Gnome because I know Gnome. | 09:01 |
gunashekar | ChaosParser: fair nough | 09:01 |
macogw | oh dang i got them backwards | 09:01 |
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ChaosParser | But, I think Gnome is prettier. | 09:01 |
macogw | sorry about that one | 09:01 |
macogw | ChaosParser: me too | 09:01 |
gunashekar | macogw: ok u say KDE has more options and Gnome is simpler | 09:02 |
macogw | yes | 09:02 |
ChaosParser | Oye vey. With Compiz now installed, how many more damn options do you need? | 09:02 |
macogw | if you want to give it to your computer illiterate parent, i vote gnome | 09:02 |
macogw | my mother says it's easier than windows | 09:02 |
macogw | and faster | 09:02 |
gunashekar | ok will continue using Kubuntu then, some how i liked the look and feel of gnome | 09:03 |
ChaosParser | Then do with Ubuntu. | 09:03 |
ChaosParser | *go | 09:03 |
contrast83 | gnome and kde can both be made to look pretty much however you want. i'll never understand people who say one looks better than the other. | 09:03 |
FunnyLookinHat | Has anyone else randomly lost their icons in openoffice?? | 09:03 |
FunnyLookinHat | Mine are all gone, haha | 09:03 |
FunnyLookinHat | Now I just have buttons with text | 09:03 |
macogw | i dislike qt themes | 09:03 |
macogw | gtk 1 as well | 09:03 |
contrast83 | macogw: how many have you tried? | 09:03 |
gunashekar | ok contrast83 i agree, just that i'm a slow learner | 09:04 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: Every time I have configured KDE, I have still be left with the feeling that there is something incomplete about KDE. Gnome feels more finished. | 09:04 |
macogw | um whatever's included in kubuntu and opensuse | 09:04 |
ChaosParser | *been | 09:04 |
macogw | i also couldnt figure out how to rid myself of the damn window list in the kde panel | 09:04 |
contrast83 | macogw: by default? yeah, the ones that come included aren't that great. i'll admit that. | 09:04 |
contrast83 | macogw: qtcurve, serenity or baghira, among others, look fantastic though | 09:05 |
macogw | i installed kubuntu-desktop and as i started it up i was going "ugh ugly cant stand looking at all this damn blue" | 09:05 |
=== MrMazda can't get too much blue | ||
macogw | i quite love EFL though | 09:05 |
macogw | i want black or red | 09:05 |
contrast83 | i'll agree with that. :-) | 09:06 |
macogw | black and blue's ok | 09:06 |
jussi01 | !ot | 09:06 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:06 |
macogw | black and red is good | 09:06 |
=== contrast83 wishes E17 was in Gutsy's repos. | ||
macogw | black and green is good as well | 09:06 |
macogw | black and silver too | 09:06 |
macogw | i havent looked to see if there are gutsy repos for e17 yet | 09:06 |
macogw | but i havent upgraded my e17 since feisty | 09:06 |
macogw | it works just fine on gutsy though | 09:06 |
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
contrast83 | i've been using a Debiam Unstable repo for E17. Works fine so far. | 09:07 |
=== localgod11 [n=localgod@adsl-074-186-153-059.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
localgod11 | how will the conversion to compufision (supposedly included with gutsy work) | 09:07 |
contrast83 | There's one for Edgy also, but it hasn't been updated in nearly a year. | 09:07 |
macogw | usser: sansa support rockbox which supports ogg | 09:07 |
localgod11 | : will the transition from fiesty (with beryl) to gutsy be smoth? | 09:07 |
usser | macogw: is it easy to install? | 09:07 |
localgod11 | rockbox is really cool | 09:07 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: yeah. It'll remove beryl completely, actually. | 09:08 |
contrast83 | localgod11: Beryl and C-F can both be installed, so I wouldn't see that causing problems. | 09:08 |
jussi01 | !compiz | localgod11 | 09:08 |
ubotu | localgod11: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:08 |
usser | macogw: aww i'd really buy sansa their players look solid | 09:08 |
localgod11 | what about all my settings? | 09:08 |
usser | too bad i made my choice already :) | 09:08 |
macogw | usser: i dont know i've yet to try. its nice to use | 09:08 |
contrast83 | localgod11: should be fine | 09:08 |
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ChaosParser | jussi01: Do you actually read questions, or do you just randomly ubotu everything? That doesn't help him at all. | 09:08 |
macogw | my DAP doesnt support rockbox :( | 09:08 |
localgod11 | lol | 09:09 |
usser | o well off to sleep | 09:09 |
=== contrast83 was thinking the same thing as ChaosParser | ||
jussi01 | ChaosParser: Yes I do. It does help him if he reads the link... | 09:09 |
usser | see you guys good luck with... things | 09:09 |
localgod11 | damn thats kinda harsh man its 3 am | 09:09 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: The Dist-Upgrade completely removed Beryl on my PC. Including settings. | 09:09 |
macogw | sometimes TFM doesnt eally work | 09:09 |
localgod11 | fugg | 09:09 |
macogw | ChaosParser: weird. i manually removed my beryl | 09:10 |
contrast83 | ChaosParser: So ~/.beryl/settings is no longer there? | 09:10 |
localgod11 | the damn thing had about ten thousand setting it took me hours to adjust them all! | 09:10 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: Nope. | 09:10 |
contrast83 | ChaosParser: Very strange. I assumed a dist-upgrade wouldn't touch anything in $HOME | 09:11 |
localgod11 | but gutsy will just down load i dont have to do anything? | 09:11 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: I was suprised when it started removing beryl, and emerald, but its not like I could argue with it. | 09:11 |
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localgod11 | chaos did u install using a cd? | 09:11 |
contrast83 | ChaosParser: Were they from a third-party repo? | 09:11 |
localgod11 | i mean upgrade? | 09:12 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: Nope. I installed Beryl from the repos. | 09:12 |
ChaosParser | Ack. | 09:12 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: No, I just upgraded. | 09:12 |
localgod11 | third-party repo? wait its gonna remove my 3rd party repos to? | 09:12 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:12 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: I installed Beryl from add/remove, actually. | 09:12 |
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macogw | dist-upgrade doesn't, to my knowledge, purge anything | 09:12 |
macogw | just remove | 09:13 |
macogw | can you do "dpkg -l beryl" and tell me what the first column's letter is? | 09:13 |
contrast83 | localgod11: I think it's recommended to comment out the 3rd-party repos in your sources.list when dist-upgrading | 09:13 |
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ChaosParser | macogw: No packages found matching beryl. | 09:14 |
contrast83 | localgod11: And whatever packages they contained that aren't in the official repos will be removed, but you can always reinstall them once it's done. | 09:14 |
macogw | ... | 09:14 |
ChaosParser | macogw: I told you. It removed it. | 09:14 |
ChaosParser | : is not a n00b. | 09:14 |
macogw | ChaosParser: dpkg isnt that mundane | 09:14 |
macogw | dpkg knows when someone was previously installed | 09:14 |
localgod11 | news to me | 09:15 |
slackgenbuntoo | i'm having trouble making my rt onboard sound go, who do i need to kill to get it working? | 09:15 |
macogw | it lists p if it was purged, u if "unknown" and r to removed packages | 09:15 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Do you not believe that's what it says? would you like a screen shot? | 09:15 |
macogw | i mean when someTHING was previously installed | 09:15 |
localgod11 | did i just get called a newb | 09:15 |
macogw | youre certain you didnt have old compiz not beryl before? | 09:15 |
localgod11 | i mean i am but im still askin | 09:15 |
contrast83 | lol | 09:16 |
=== djennewe__ [n=djennewe@71-221-58-191.sxfl.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | for instance, i purged beryl and get this | 09:16 |
localgod11 | i did | 09:16 |
macogw | http://pastebin.ca/735006 | 09:16 |
slackgenbuntoo | i haven't previously used the onboard sound, but i moved the sound card i ws using to another compy | 09:17 |
ChaosParser | macogw: I'm not an idiot. Last week I did the following, in the following order: Reinstalled XP MCE from a recovery disc. Reinstalled Feisty. Used Envy to install Nvidia drivers, Installed Beryl FROM THE ADD/REMOVE panel. Installed emerald with an apt-get Never installed anything compiz. Upgraded and it REMOVED beryl. | 09:17 |
macogw | thats very very odd | 09:17 |
jussi01 | slackgenbuntoo: what is your onboard sound card? | 09:17 |
macogw | i suppose a new version of the upgrader could be set to do that :-/ | 09:17 |
ChaosParser | Here, I'll even upload you a screen shot. | 09:17 |
contrast83 | ChaosParser: I know you probably don't want to hear this, but is there any particular reason you still want to use Beryl? | 09:18 |
macogw | was emerald removed? | 09:18 |
macogw | emerald is usable by CF | 09:18 |
localgod11 | i dont know whether to be happy that it does leave stuff behind or worried about what else its gonna take | 09:18 |
localgod11 | contrast: i dont think thats the point | 09:18 |
ChaosParser | contrast83: Oh, I'm not using Beryl now. I have Gutsy on all my PCs now, with Compiz. | 09:18 |
contrast83 | localgod11: i know. | 09:18 |
localgod11 | ok | 09:19 |
contrast83 | :-) | 09:19 |
jmg | whats envy? | 09:19 |
jussi01 | !envy | jmg | 09:19 |
ubotu | jmg: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 09:19 |
slackgenbuntoo | jessi01 it's the onboard realtek sound | 09:19 |
contrast83 | lol | 09:19 |
jussi01 | slackgenbuntoo: | 09:19 |
localgod11 | lmao | 09:19 |
macogw | localgod11: it doesnt leave files (well, if you remove the settings are saved, but purge deletes those), just keeps a listing in the database. that's how vrms can mark "packages with statuses other than intalled" | 09:19 |
jussi01 | slackgenbuntoo: does it work with the normal kernal? | 09:19 |
localgod11 | um.....whats a purge | 09:20 |
ChaosParser | jmg: Ignore that. It's terrible. Envy is a fantastic script that installs your video drivers for you. Provided you remember to remove those drivers before upgrading the kernel, its fine and I have never had an issue with it on over 10 individual PCs. | 09:20 |
localgod11 | <-------newb | 09:20 |
slackgenbuntoo | jussi01 i would guess that it would, but i could check the .config | 09:20 |
macogw | localgod11: sudo aptitude purge <package> | 09:20 |
ChaosParser | !pastebin | 09:20 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:20 |
jussi01 | !worksforme | ChaosParser: | 09:20 |
ubotu | ChaosParser:: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 09:20 |
localgod11 | chaos: your agruing with a bot | 09:20 |
macogw | localgod11: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> | 09:20 |
macogw | localgod11: it deletes the config too, not just the program | 09:21 |
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localgod11 | ah tahnks | 09:21 |
macogw | localgod11: you can use either aptitude or apt-get. up to you | 09:21 |
silent | what sort of commands/utilities do I have available for detecting/enabling my sound card | 09:21 |
murlidhar | i lost my feisty wallpapers how do i get them back? help | 09:21 |
macogw | murlidhar: lost? | 09:21 |
localgod11 | should i be running that whenever i uninstall a program | 09:21 |
macogw | silent: #alsa may help | 09:21 |
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ChaosParser | macogw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40504/ | 09:22 |
macogw | localgod11: if you want to get rid of the configs too, yes | 09:22 |
murlidhar | yes after update i dunno where can i find them | 09:22 |
murlidhar | macogw: ^ | 09:22 |
jussi01 | silent: lspci should have it listed | 09:22 |
localgod11 | does it matter? | 09:22 |
localgod11 | i mean does it hurt anything? | 09:22 |
macogw | murlidhar: /usr/share/backgrounds/ i think | 09:22 |
contrast83 | "apt-get autoremove --purge <package>" is best, me thinks. | 09:22 |
macogw | localgod11: i dont think so | 09:23 |
silent | jussi01, it is listed, but I cant select it in sound options under system | 09:23 |
macogw | contrast83: thats no different from using aptitude purge | 09:23 |
jussi01 | silent: which card is it? | 09:23 |
localgod11 | do things like automatix do that for you? | 09:23 |
=== rredd4 [n=j@68-116-99-78.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
contrast83 | !automatix | 09:23 |
macogw | silent: is your nick a joke? | 09:23 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 09:23 |
macogw | localgod11: dont use utomatix!!!!!!! | 09:23 |
localgod11 | greaaaaaaaaaat | 09:23 |
silent | jussi01, onboard on my laptop. it was working under debian etch with same alsa | 09:23 |
contrast83 | localgod11: if you just want to get rid of crap left behind from not purging stuff, open Synaptic -> Status -> Residual Config | 09:24 |
localgod11 | now how do i get rid of that | 09:24 |
silent | I'm thinking it's a configuration problem | 09:24 |
contrast83 | and no, Automatix doesn't do that. :-) | 09:24 |
macogw | contrast83: wait wait wait. if synaptic can do that, so can apt. how? | 09:24 |
contrast83 | not sure | 09:24 |
jussi01 | silent: yeah. If its an intel hda then you may have some issues. is it? | 09:24 |
murlidhar | macogw: i didn't find it there are a lot but not that | 09:24 |
rredd4 | i installed nvidia drivers, did sudo nvidia-config to enable. Now when I open terminal all i get is a white window?? | 09:24 |
contrast83 | macogw: i read through both aptitude and apt-get's man pages and came up empty handed. | 09:24 |
localgod11 | so how do i remove automatix? | 09:24 |
murlidhar | macogw: perhaps i have to download them where can i find them? | 09:25 |
elkbuntu | localgod11, you're stuck with it now | 09:25 |
silent | jussi01, shows up as nvidia high definition audio | 09:25 |
contrast83 | macogw: it might only be through dpkg, haven't looked over that one thoroughly yet. | 09:25 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:25 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:25 |
silent | jussi01, in lspci | 09:25 |
crdlb | rredd4, sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 | 09:25 |
localgod11 | if i dont use it will it still fug my system?? | 09:25 |
jussi01 | silent: not sure then... 1 sec | 09:25 |
ChaosParser | jussi01: !worksforme is ironic considering that one person writes each factoid for ubotu. The factoid for Envy is not only wrong, its written incorrectly by the bot's own suggested standards. It does not even link to the wiki instructions. | 09:26 |
silent | jussi01, its the hp pavilion tx1000 if that helps | 09:26 |
murlidhar | also i can't see the start up screen take ages to boot. help me | 09:26 |
elkbuntu | localgod11, it does some things that will break your system by removing it. if you've installed it but are not seeing symptoms now, you're one of the lucky ones, but it's strongly advised that you do not upgrade without reinstalling the whole of ubuntu | 09:26 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:26 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:26 |
macogw | heh | 09:26 |
rredd4 | crdlb ok, i have to do that in alt f3... | 09:26 |
ChaosParser | !ubotu | 09:26 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:26 |
localgod11 | fug | 09:27 |
crdlb | rredd4, won't work | 09:27 |
macogw | localgod11: ive a friend whose system went damn near unusable after a bout with automatix and an attempt at upgrading from edgy to feisty | 09:27 |
crdlb | rredd4, just switch to metacity | 09:27 |
murlidhar | also i can't see the start up screen take ages to boot. help me | 09:27 |
rredd4 | how | 09:27 |
crdlb | the problem only occurs in compiz | 09:27 |
crdlb | *sigh* | 09:27 |
contrast83 | regarding automatix, the "lucky ones" seem to be the majority of those who use it. would that be an incorrect observation? | 09:27 |
rredd4 | can't use terminal | 09:27 |
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crdlb | rredd4, system>preferences>appearance>desktop effects | 09:27 |
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elkbuntu | contrast83, no, they're the majority of those who stick with it and not go runnign back to windows | 09:28 |
macogw | murlidhar: odd. gutsy's is called warty-final-ubuntu.png (or maybe i'ts w-u-f.png...one of the two orders) | 09:28 |
alecwh | How do I install java on gusty? | 09:28 |
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jscinoz | Automatix is obsolete in gutsy. | 09:28 |
crdlb | contrast83, automatix will occasionally send a SIGKILL to dpkg | 09:28 |
crdlb | do you have any idea how bad that is? | 09:28 |
macogw | alecwh: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre | 09:28 |
contrast83 | i'm not saying Automatix isn't bad | 09:28 |
localgod11 | i dont | 09:28 |
murlidhar | macogw: where can i find my feisty backgrounds? | 09:28 |
macogw | alecwh: then do "sudo update-java-alternatives" to set sun java as the default | 09:28 |
contrast83 | just that most people who have used it haven't gotten problems out of it | 09:28 |
localgod11 | obviously | 09:28 |
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macogw | murlidhar: theyre supposed to be in /usr/share/backgrounds | 09:29 |
alecwh | thank you very much macogw! :) | 09:29 |
macogw | murlidhar: and feisty's says it's for warty, but it's lying | 09:29 |
alecwh | jscinoz: Why is automatix obsolete in gusty? | 09:29 |
macogw | murlidhar: if you use kde it's in /usr/share/wallpapers/ | 09:29 |
jussi01 | silent: Im sorry, I dont know for sure, and I dont want to tell you a solution that will break things | 09:29 |
rredd4 | crdlb ok, worked. (its visual effects, not desktop effects) | 09:29 |
elkbuntu | contrast83, i know you're not, but when you say 'most people who use it', visually yes, but you're not even seeing the ones who use automatix and blame the breakage on linux and give up and go back to windows | 09:29 |
rredd4 | ty | 09:29 |
macogw | alecwh: becuse what do you do with automatix that isnt in gutsy's add/remove? | 09:29 |
murlidhar | macogw: there i can't see my feisty one only new ones | 09:29 |
crdlb | rredd4, close enough :) | 09:29 |
localgod11 | is it possible to take an inventory of whats installed now so i know what i have to put back? | 09:29 |
rredd4 | yeah | 09:29 |
contrast83 | elkbuntu: point taken. :-) | 09:30 |
silent | jussi01, It stopped detecting the card after I installed the latest alsa | 09:30 |
alecwh | macogw: skype? | 09:30 |
macogw | murlidhar: oooo feisty. damn. i'm sorry. get a feisty source package | 09:30 |
alecwh | macogw: I've never used automatix, but I have an idea of what it is. | 09:30 |
jscinoz | alecwh, when you try to play things without codecs, gutsy can automatically tell you which ones are required and install them | 09:30 |
macogw | alecwh: canonical's commercial repo, no? | 09:30 |
contrast83 | elkbuntu: not sure i want people that stupid using linux anyway though. :-P | 09:30 |
silent | jussi01, how can I uninstall the drivers I had installed through make install? | 09:30 |
contrast83 | j/k | 09:30 |
macogw | silent: sudo make uninstall | 09:30 |
ChaosParser | !no, Envy is A useful script that will install video drivers if the restricted drivers console does not work for your card. However, not uninstalling drivers before kernel updates causes issues. | 09:30 |
murlidhar | macogw: where can i get it? | 09:30 |
jussi01 | silent: ouch. I have a feeling its the same problem as with intel hda, but i am by no means certain of thet | 09:30 |
alecwh | macogw: not sure. >_> | 09:30 |
jscinoz | silent, go to the directory you install from and "sudo make unisntall", in the future use checkinstall instead of make install, that way you can remove it through apt/synaptic/dpkg | 09:31 |
macogw | murlidhar: packages.ubuntu.com go to the feisty part and it should be in ubuntu-artwork's source package i think | 09:31 |
jussi01 | silent: make uninstall | 09:31 |
crdlb | checkinstall >< | 09:31 |
macogw | crdlb: is that a "i hate checkinstall"? | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | contrast83, its not that type that we need to worry about, it's the type that are general obnoxious idiots... like the majority of places like efnet ;) | 09:31 |
crdlb | macogw, indeed | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | s/majority of places/majority of people in places/ | 09:31 |
savvas`bday | jussi01: you have a problem with hda intel? | 09:31 |
macogw | crdlb: i know there are those who dislike it. what's the reasoning though? | 09:32 |
jussi01 | savvas`bday: happy bday. no | 09:32 |
savvas`bday | thanks :) | 09:32 |
contrast83 | elkbuntu: i see what you mean. | 09:32 |
elkbuntu | macogw, go as the motus : | 09:32 |
Cable86 | alecwh: for info about why you shouldn't use automatix, go to http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html | 09:32 |
elkbuntu | s/as/ask/ | 09:32 |
crdlb | macogw, it makes terrrible packages | 09:32 |
macogw | theyre not meant to be portable | 09:32 |
alecwh | Cable86: I don't use it. But thanks for the link, I'll read over it | 09:32 |
crdlb | I've seen checkinstall packages overwrite gcc with a broken symlink | 09:32 |
macogw | just to be easily removable without keeping a source directory sititng around | 09:33 |
Cable86 | checkinstall is fine to use on your own system, but distributing them for others' use is a bad idea | 09:33 |
macogw | well that's just plain silly | 09:33 |
macogw | i did manage to learn to package things properly | 09:33 |
crdlb | and a few extremely important libraries >< | 09:33 |
ChaosParser | I've never really understood the appeal of using automatix. | 09:33 |
Cable86 | i have yet to learn how to package properly | 09:33 |
elkbuntu | macogw, some of the motus will react far more to someone saying 'i use checkinstall' than 'i use automatix' if that's any indication ;) | 09:33 |
macogw | ChaosParser: bad frontend to apt that does bad things automagically without you needing to understand how to click 3 buttons and copy and paste urls to add repos. what could be better? | 09:34 |
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contrast83 | crdlb: is this on the same system the checkinstall package was created on? | 09:34 |
contrast83 | lol macogw | 09:34 |
crdlb | contrast83, it was embedded into the package | 09:34 |
rredd4 | crdlb t | 09:34 |
rredd4 | crdlb ty | 09:35 |
localgod11 | so let me get this right if i update with automatix i may have to reinstall ubuntu | 09:35 |
Cable86 | where would you guys recommend looking to learn how to package properly for ubuntu? | 09:35 |
contrast83 | localgod11: automatix doesn't update | 09:35 |
macogw | localgod11: right. it breaks things. bad. | 09:35 |
crdlb | so if you open it in file-roller, you'd see the broken symlink | 09:35 |
localgod11 | but my other option is to reinstall ubunutu | 09:35 |
macogw | contrast83: he means while automatix is installed | 09:35 |
elkbuntu | contrast83, he means 'with automatix installed' | 09:35 |
contrast83 | ohh | 09:35 |
ChaosParser | macogw: It takes me all of 15 minutes to get Ubuntu exactly the way I like it after install. The only script I used to use was Envy. And that was a habit from Dapper. | 09:35 |
murlidhar | macogw: i can't find it could u look for me please | 09:35 |
crdlb | even if that symlink worked on that one computer, now that package owns gcc, which is really bad | 09:35 |
contrast83 | localgod11: how far along are you with your current installation? | 09:35 |
localgod11 | done | 09:35 |
localgod11 | for about 2 months | 09:36 |
crdlb | rredd4, worked? :) | 09:36 |
macogw | Cable86: ubuntu wiki. or Spec on #ubuntu-offtopic. he sat next to me and showed me how | 09:36 |
elkbuntu | localgod11, you may have to, yes. no harm trying though, so long as you have time and do backups | 09:36 |
rredd4 | crdlb yes | 09:36 |
localgod11 | or did i miss it | 09:36 |
crdlb | cool | 09:36 |
Cable86 | macogw: cool, i'll look into it | 09:36 |
elkbuntu | localgod11, anything information about where breakages happen is most useful to preventing them | 09:36 |
localgod11 | linux is on a sperate partion from my data | 09:36 |
rredd4 | next problem.... when I login, the login screen res is too high. its ok after I login though | 09:36 |
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macogw | Cable86: you should have pbuilder to test your source packages on and fakeroot and devscripts | 09:37 |
localgod11 | but either way i am going to have to reinstall | 09:37 |
contrast83 | rredd4: comment out the Virtual Screen Size lines in your xorg.conf | 09:37 |
macogw | localgod11: partition, you mean | 09:37 |
localgod11 | right? its not like its gonna frag the bios or into my other partitions right? | 09:37 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: Ubuntu doesn't touch your BIOS. | 09:37 |
localgod11 | its 330 am | 09:37 |
mewt | Hi, After the last update, when I try to boot into X, My monitor turns off | 09:38 |
localgod11 | yah i didnt think so but ..... | 09:38 |
macogw | localgod11: right it just could mess up permissions in a very insecure way on a pile of system files and might uninstall things automatically without asking you first | 09:38 |
localgod11 | newb | 09:38 |
mewt | If i switch to a terminal it comes back on | 09:38 |
mewt | any ideas ? | 09:38 |
localgod11 | im ok with thta | 09:38 |
contrast83 | localgod11: every expert was a newb once. :-) | 09:38 |
rredd4 | contrast83 manually edit xorg.conf. won't that mean I won't be able to do dpkg-reconfig... ? | 09:39 |
macogw | honestly, i spent a month asking a kid from facebook *everything* about *everything* | 09:39 |
contrast83 | rredd4: no. | 09:39 |
macogw | and it took me 12 hours to get WPA working | 09:39 |
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localgod11 | like i said i have my data on a seperate partition and vista on another partition so if either way i gotta reinstall no big deal | 09:39 |
mewt | macogw: your lucky, i still havent managed on 2 of my pcmcia cards | 09:39 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Hah. It took me an entire weekend to get wifi working once. And then I reformatted because it wasn't fast enough. | 09:39 |
macogw | mewt: that was with works-out-of-the-box intel wireless | 09:39 |
macogw | it was the stupid system > admin > networking's fault | 09:40 |
localgod11 | yah i figured i would get into trouble at some point so i split the hard drive up | 09:40 |
macogw | it cant do wpa | 09:40 |
rredd4 | brb | 09:40 |
macogw | of course, it doesn't TELL you that | 09:40 |
mewt | macogw: lol, I have a broadcom chipset and an atheros one | 09:40 |
contrast83 | localgod11: smart move | 09:40 |
ChaosParser | Broadcom is the DEVIL. | 09:40 |
contrast83 | localgod11: do you have / and /home on seperate partitions? | 09:40 |
localgod11 | see learned alot from windows | 09:40 |
macogw | contrast83: he said that aleady | 09:40 |
macogw | or she | 09:40 |
localgod11 | no i wasnt that smart | 09:40 |
macogw | whichever | 09:40 |
macogw | oh wait | 09:40 |
contrast83 | macogw: did he? i know he said his "data" was seperate. | 09:40 |
mewt | anyone know anything about my monitor turning off problem in x ? | 09:40 |
macogw | hmm then what do yo mean by data on a separate partitin? | 09:41 |
contrast83 | media files, documents, etc., i would presume. | 09:41 |
localgod11 | to be fair i didnt know there was a such thing when i installed linux | 09:41 |
macogw | oh | 09:41 |
localgod11 | yep yep | 09:41 |
macogw | when i say a partition for data i mean a /home | 09:41 |
macogw | because saving files and not settings means having to go do settings later | 09:41 |
macogw | i had mine all on one partition though before | 09:42 |
localgod11 | yes but i would rather loose settings than files | 09:42 |
jussi01 | mewt: sounds like you need to reconfigure x - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:42 |
macogw | til i accidentally formatted | 09:42 |
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contrast83 | localgod11: yeah, when you reinstall, seperately partition / and /home. then when you reinstall next time, your settings and stuff will still be in tact | 09:42 |
macogw | jussi01: isnt there also sudo X --configure or something lik ethat? | 09:42 |
ChaosParser | macogw: How exactly, does one accidentally reformat? | 09:42 |
mewt | jussi01: I AM doing an update right now..see if it fixes it..if nothing works out then ill try that | 09:42 |
localgod11 | so when i have to reinstall you got a tutorial for that? | 09:42 |
jussi01 | macogw: not sure | 09:42 |
jussi01 | mewt: good luck :) | 09:42 |
localgod11 | sudo | 09:42 |
macogw | ChaosParser: intend to install feisty alpha 2 to /dev/sdb for testing and install it on /dev/sda instead | 09:43 |
mewt | jussi01: thanks, not turning on your pc for 2 days means a LOT of updates ;) | 09:43 |
localgod11 | thats something i learned early sudo does not ask ARE YOU SURE? | 09:43 |
jussi01 | mewt: lol... | 09:43 |
jussi01 | mewt: what speed connection? | 09:43 |
mewt | 2mbit | 09:43 |
contrast83 | localgod11: do manual partitioning when you get to that step, and create 3 partitions - one for swap (2x your memory), one for / (around 10GB is suitable for most people), and the rest to /home | 09:43 |
jussi01 | mewt: well let us know how you go | 09:44 |
localgod11 | nope thats not gonna work | 09:44 |
contrast83 | localgod11: make sure the bootable flag is on for / and / only. i think that covers everything. sorry, don't know of a tutorial. | 09:44 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Ouch :( | 09:44 |
murlidhar | i can't find the grey background in feisty wallpaper could somebody help me | 09:44 |
contrast83 | localgod11: ? | 09:44 |
mewt | jussi01: will do :) | 09:44 |
macogw | ChaosParser: /dev/sda is my laptop's hard drive. /dev/sdb is my external drive | 09:44 |
localgod11 | I only have 12gb for linux the rest is vista and files | 09:44 |
macogw | contrast83: linux doesnt need bootable flags. the bootable flag needs to be on his windows. only windows is silly enough to require it. | 09:44 |
localgod11 | 2 gb swap file | 09:44 |
mewt | jussi01: i'v seen that there are some mesa files in the update | 09:44 |
mewt | jussi01: maybe that's what it is | 09:44 |
contrast83 | macogw: ohh, interesting. thanks. | 09:44 |
localgod11 | yah linux does have a bootable flag now | 09:45 |
macogw | it has it in case you dual boot | 09:45 |
jussi01 | mewt: yeah, there is a whole lot of stuff there. hopefully it fixes it | 09:45 |
macogw | it doesnt *need* it | 09:45 |
contrast83 | macogw: so if the bootable flag for the / partition is turned off, it'll still boot from /? | 09:45 |
rredd4 | contrast83 don't see Virtual Screen Size in xorg.conf | 09:45 |
localgod11 | damn 2x memory for 4gb for swap | 09:45 |
mewt | jussi01: yup, well im not too bothered...actually happy..been on gutsy for 6 weeks now, was really sad about the few things that broke | 09:45 |
localgod11 | sorry i meant does not have a bootable flag now | 09:45 |
macogw | contrast83: yes, i believe so. booting starts at the MBR with GRUB and then GRUB knows where to look. i have triple booted linux and only 1 of the 3 could possibly have had the bootable flag | 09:46 |
localgod11 | this would be the down side of all that partitioning | 09:46 |
contrast83 | rredd4: sorry, i don't remember if that's exactly what it's called. do "grep -i virtual /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 09:46 |
mewt | jussi01: I expected hell to break lose and instead everything went smoothyl | 09:46 |
macogw | localgod11: 4gb of swap is unnecessarily large | 09:46 |
jussi01 | mewt: your lucky then. I have an ati card, which the driver has been broken on for I cant remember how long... | 09:46 |
localgod11 | so is the 2gb of ram (damn vista) | 09:47 |
macogw | localgod11: you wont be swapping. yes, swap is needed for hibernate, but that only needs to be as much as you have real memory or slightly more if you think you'll swap at all (and with 2gb you won't be) | 09:47 |
mewt | jussi01: upgrading to gutsy actually fixed my nvidia problems immediately :o | 09:47 |
rredd4 | contrast83 nothing | 09:47 |
contrast83 | yeah, they say 2x memory up to 2 gigs, then one and a half is sufficient. personally, i've got a gig of ram on the laptop and a gig of ram for swap (small hard drive) and it's fine. | 09:47 |
jussi01 | mewt: nice. | 09:47 |
localgod11 | hibernate doesnt work anyway | 09:47 |
contrast83 | rredd4: sorry, not sure then. | 09:47 |
mewt | jussi01: ye! | 09:48 |
mewt | jussi01: well time to reboot | 09:48 |
mewt | jussi01: see you in a but | 09:48 |
mewt | bit* | 09:48 |
jussi01 | mewt: good luck :) | 09:48 |
macogw | contrast83: they said 2x memory in the 90s. if you dont use hibernate/suspend (and if it's a desktop or server you likely don't...those are things for laptops), > 256mb of ram is excessive | 09:48 |
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localgod11 | so how much for home and how much for the rest? | 09:48 |
Vlad | lu | 09:48 |
Vlad | hi | 09:48 |
localgod11 | hibernate doesnt work on my laptop | 09:48 |
contrast83 | macogw: > 256mb of ram or > 256mb of swap? | 09:48 |
localgod11 | never comes back | 09:48 |
macogw | contrast83: of swap | 09:48 |
contrast83 | heh, ok. i was gonna say... :-P | 09:49 |
localgod11 | usually ctrl alt backspace brings it back | 09:49 |
macogw | heh oops | 09:49 |
macogw | i do have a few computers with < 256mb of ram :) | 09:49 |
contrast83 | localgod11: was this with compiz/beryl on? | 09:49 |
localgod11 | yah | 09:49 |
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contrast83 | localgod11: turn it off before suspending | 09:49 |
contrast83 | localgod11: i had that same problem and that solved it for me. | 09:49 |
macogw | localgod11: well ive done something like 2gb for / before, but that had a 5gb drive and extremely little installed. 7gb is sufficient provided you clear your apt cache once in a while | 09:50 |
localgod11 | yah if i remeber i try to | 09:50 |
macogw | contrast83: you can probably set it in acpi to automatically kill compiz and the nvidia driver | 09:50 |
localgod11 | well i could use gparted and move things around a little | 09:50 |
macogw | nvidia drivers are bad with suspend | 09:50 |
macogw | ? | 09:50 |
macogw | I: is that for amusing /me 's?? | 09:51 |
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localgod11 | so i could make i swap file 1 gb? | 09:51 |
mewt | jussi01: nope it didnt fix it ! | 09:51 |
mewt | :D | 09:51 |
contrast83 | then again, if the only thing going into his $HOME is his personal settings, he could probably get away with a pretty small amount of space there | 09:52 |
localgod11 | that would leave me 11 for everything else | 09:52 |
jussi01 | mewt: how about the command i gave you? | 09:52 |
macogw | localgod11: partition | 09:53 |
mewt | jussi01: Im actually suspecting my problem isnt package related since i can login into my sisters account | 09:53 |
macogw | not file | 09:53 |
jussi01 | mewt: ahhh | 09:53 |
localgod11 | yah swap partition | 09:53 |
mewt | i *think* i might have tinkered about with my resolution settings | 09:53 |
mewt | in my account | 09:53 |
mewt | putting them too high for myself | 09:53 |
mewt | any way to change those from cli ? | 09:54 |
Cable86 | i typically make root 10-15 GB, swap twice as big as the amount of RAM i have, and use the rest for home | 09:54 |
contrast83 | well, i'm off. peace out, y'all. | 09:54 |
localgod11 | 1 gb swap partition 4 for home and 11 for the rest | 09:54 |
mewt | contrast83: gn | 09:54 |
localgod11 | does that sound right? | 09:54 |
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ChaosParser | localgod11: That should work. | 09:56 |
localgod11 | yah but i am running 2 gb of ram | 09:56 |
macogw | doesnt add up to the 12 you said you had... | 09:56 |
localgod11 | its 4 am | 09:56 |
macogw | localgod11: with 2gb of ram you will not be swapping. | 09:56 |
macogw | how do you expect to use all 2gb of ram and *still need more*?? | 09:56 |
localgod11 | sorry i was responding to cable | 09:56 |
mewt | macogw: i can manage that :) | 09:57 |
macogw | O_o | 09:57 |
macogw | 500 tabs in firefox? | 09:57 |
macogw | firefox 1.5, i mean | 09:57 |
hit | :D | 09:57 |
localgod11 | fug 5 min in vista will runn up most of it | 09:57 |
macogw | for 3 days? | 09:57 |
macogw | localgod11: well thats microsoft | 09:57 |
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localgod11 | yah i know i am amazed by the fact the vista at idle takes more power than beryl with the cube spinning | 09:58 |
Cable86 | localgod11: with 2GB of RAM, you won't need much swap at all for linux....vista will swallow it up indeed, but linux will be much nicer :-) | 09:58 |
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macogw | linux runs on a p2 with 192mb of ram | 09:59 |
macogw | xp ran, but linux is faster | 09:59 |
localgod11 | i maybe i newb but i have found religion | 09:59 |
mewt | Cable86: def, altho with a large number of tweaks i got my work laptop running vista to run on 1gb of ram leaving 500mb of ram free | 09:59 |
macogw | vista wouldnt even fit on the damn hard drive | 09:59 |
Cable86 | indeed it does, depending on what DE you use | 09:59 |
Cable86 | if any :-P | 09:59 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: Vista is a badly written piece of crap. | 09:59 |
localgod11 | i have noticed | 09:59 |
mewt | macogw: actually it will, wont leave much space for anything else tho :p | 09:59 |
localgod11 | i am so ashamed | 09:59 |
macogw | Cable86: gnome was faster than xp. e17 is phenomenal | 09:59 |
localgod11 | i am in love with a penguin | 10:00 |
Cable86 | has e17 reached final release yet? | 10:00 |
macogw | mewt: vista will fit on a 5gb hard drive? | 10:00 |
silent | what utilities are there for detecting sound devices? The card shows up in lspci, but is not recognized by gutsy | 10:00 |
murlidhar | how i go back to feisty since i have lost my ubuntustudio wallpapers | 10:00 |
localgod11 | e17? | 10:00 |
mewt | erm not 5 7 | 10:00 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: Enlightenment | 10:00 |
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localgod11 | mewt no | 10:00 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: It's a window manager. | 10:00 |
macogw | Cable86: pre-alpha. rock solid, but it seems they want to make apps for their libraries since the wm part of it seems to be very well fleshed out | 10:00 |
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mewt | last time i tried e17 was back when i was using mandrake 10 | 10:00 |
macogw | localgod11: enlightenment dr 17 | 10:00 |
Cable86 | macogw: gotcha | 10:00 |
mewt | sig faulted every 3 seconds | 10:00 |
localgod11 | wth is that? | 10:00 |
Cable86 | maybe ill give e17 a try soon | 10:00 |
Cable86 | is it in the gutsy repo's? i havent looked | 10:01 |
mewt | seg* | 10:01 |
macogw | localgod11: window manager | 10:01 |
macogw | Cable86: no | 10:01 |
ChaosParser | Advantages of E17 over Gnome are... ? | 10:01 |
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localgod11 | this is the problem with linux as soon as i get everything running i find a cool new thing i have to have | 10:01 |
macogw | extraordinarily lightweight while still being beautiful (unlike, for example, icewm) | 10:01 |
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localgod11 | macogw: works with beryl? | 10:01 |
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macogw | localgod11: it's a window manager. beryl is a window manager. one window manager at a time. | 10:02 |
murlidhar | please somebody tell me how to get my wallpaper back????? | 10:02 |
mewt | localgod11: beryl is dead now ;) | 10:02 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Eh. I love my compiz. :) | 10:02 |
mewt | actually last update really made compiz smoother than ever | 10:02 |
localgod11 | but then does beryl always look like gnome? | 10:02 |
silent | ChaosParser, I love compiz too, but my sound wont work | 10:02 |
Cable86 | not sure about e17, but e16 was very lightweight and had some features resembling compositing window managers like compiz | 10:02 |
macogw | ive been very excited to get fluxbox set up how i want it the last couple days | 10:02 |
localgod11 | beryl is easier to type | 10:02 |
macogw | localgod11: gnome isnt a window manager | 10:02 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Desktop Wall on a 14.1 notebook makes all the difference. :) | 10:02 |
localgod11 | fug | 10:03 |
ChaosParser | silent: What sound card ya got? | 10:03 |
localgod11 | right metacity right | 10:03 |
macogw | localgod11: gnome is a desktop environment. its default window manager is metacity. you're just changing the window manager and keeping the rest | 10:03 |
ChaosParser | silent: Have you checked alsamixer to make sure things aren't muted? | 10:03 |
macogw | you can use beryl with kde | 10:03 |
macogw | or even use beryl by itself | 10:03 |
silent | ChaosParser, onboard laptop sound... installed the latest alsa to no avail, .... the card isnt detected | 10:03 |
silent | at all | 10:03 |
localgod11 | interesting what does that look like? | 10:03 |
silent | it appears in lspci, however | 10:03 |
Cable86 | do people still use beryl since compiz fusion is around now? | 10:03 |
localgod11 | beryl by itself i mean? | 10:03 |
macogw | localgod11: like kde with wobbly windows | 10:03 |
localgod11 | lol | 10:03 |
ChaosParser | silent: And whats the output of lspci for it? | 10:04 |
silent | sec | 10:04 |
macogw | localgod11: oh that. compiz fusion *does* seem to be stable enough for it now (ie doesnt crash). it just looks plain. no panels. you can install a dock, though last i looked none of them were very stable | 10:04 |
localgod11 | i use beryl and compizfusion interchangabkey | 10:04 |
silent | ChaosParser, 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) | 10:04 |
Cable86 | macogw: have you tried avant window navigator? | 10:04 |
silent | ChaosParser, I was wondering, I'm using the development alsa build, would the latest stable release work better? | 10:05 |
macogw | localgod11: i like mapping keyboard shortcuts to run processes in compiz fusion, so i could run whatever common things from those, and then anything else...well, one of my mappings is a terminal | 10:05 |
localgod11 | you would like a bunch of linux coder would have come up with an easier to type name | 10:05 |
macogw | Cable86: no, i heard AWN was unstable. i tried kiba | 10:05 |
localgod11 | no mouse? | 10:05 |
ChaosParser | silent: Probably not. Give me a minute or three with google. | 10:05 |
silent | chaos, k | 10:05 |
macogw | localgod11: CF | 10:05 |
Cable86 | macogw: i actually used awn before switching to gutsy, i never had any problems with it | 10:05 |
macogw | localgod11: you can use a mouse to do stuff, but there's no menus if you dont have a dock | 10:05 |
localgod11 | ok i admit it i like the name beryl better | 10:05 |
mewt | macogw: last time i used awn, it was very good, kiba was slow | 10:06 |
localgod11 | intestting | 10:06 |
macogw | Cable86: oh ok. maybe will try again then | 10:06 |
silent | localgod11, I like the software... it could be called "pink fluffy bunnies", and as long as it worked, I wouldn't care | 10:06 |
localgod11 | yah but then how do you know your windows wooble? | 10:06 |
macogw | localgod11: DE's have panels, a bundled (changeable though) window manager, and a suite of software | 10:06 |
ChaosParser | silent: Looks like a known bug with a possible solution on the discussion for it that might be worth trying for you. | 10:06 |
ChaosParser | silent: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117246 | 10:06 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 117246 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Not work Audio device: "nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)"" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:06 |
macogw | localgod11: you can move your windows with the mouse. you just cant go to a panel and open a menu to get to the program you want if you dont have a dock | 10:07 |
silent | ChaosParser, I will check that out, thanks | 10:07 |
localgod11 | so whats this i keep hearing about the expose geature? | 10:07 |
murlidhar | how can i uninstall the updates that i have done in an hour ago?????????????? | 10:07 |
ChaosParser | silent: No problem :) | 10:07 |
localgod11 | feature? | 10:07 |
localgod11 | is there any real reason to use it instead of the RIng | 10:07 |
macogw | localgod11: you can set the "scale" plugin to be activated on a screen edge. i do top left corner for all workspaces and top right for regular "current workspace" | 10:07 |
macogw | localgod11: a matter of what you like best. i use them both | 10:08 |
macogw | scale shows them all roughly the same size. ring zooms one in | 10:08 |
localgod11 | ill be honest i like it cause it looks impressive | 10:08 |
murlidhar | how can i uninstall the updates that i have done in an hour ago?????????????? | 10:08 |
ChaosParser | macogw: The ring switcher compiz plugin is a memory whore. | 10:09 |
ChaosParser | macogw: And a CPU whore. | 10:09 |
localgod11 | 2 gb ram | 10:09 |
Cable86 | i use the shift switcher | 10:09 |
ChaosParser | localgod11: Yeah, me too. Its still a whore. | 10:09 |
localgod11 | dual core 1.8 5600 series | 10:09 |
macogw | murlidhar: removal of your old bg would have been a post install script thing | 10:09 |
silent | ChaosParser, I'll let you know how that install goes | 10:09 |
ChaosParser | silent: Good luck! | 10:09 |
localgod11 | i have the power i like to see it being used | 10:09 |
murlidhar | macogw: how to do that? | 10:10 |
macogw | murlidhar: i dont know what grey feisty bg you mean though. afaik, they were all brown, not grey | 10:10 |
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mewt | is there an xorg.conf for every user on the system ? | 10:10 |
macogw | murlidhar: i just mean uninstalling the new one wont bring back the old one | 10:10 |
murlidhar | macogw: it was from ubuntustudio | 10:10 |
Cable86 | mewt: no | 10:10 |
mewt | or how are the resolution setttings stored | 10:10 |
mewt | ? | 10:10 |
silent | does anyone here know how to make compiz more physics-based (ie, give the windows kinetic energy that allows you to nudge the window off and have it continue moving? | 10:10 |
macogw | murlidhar: oh then you wouldnt look on ubuntu's package page like i said. look through ubuntustudio's site. im sure they have a way to navigate their archives | 10:10 |
localgod11 | anyway its 4am here and i gave been screwing around in linux since 7pm i gotta sleep | 10:10 |
localgod11 | i cant thank you all enough | 10:11 |
mewt | i can login into my sisters account..but when i try mine, monitor turns off (light goes amber) | 10:11 |
localgod11 | i learned alot | 10:11 |
silent | localgod11, sleep is for the weak, I'm not sleeping | 10:11 |
macogw | silent: not sure the options are still there, but wobbly windows definitely let you set friction and k at some point, resulting in me going "low friction, high k, lets see what happens!" and my window flying off the screen where i couldn't find it | 10:11 |
localgod11 | sorry man i been up since 9am yesterday and i want to build a DVR tomorrow | 10:12 |
silent | macogw, sounds like just what I want | 10:12 |
localgod11 | GOODBYE AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH | 10:12 |
macogw | silent: its still there | 10:12 |
macogw | silent: in the compizconfig settings manager, click on "wobbly windows" and those options are there | 10:12 |
mewt | localgod11: see you at the restaurant at the end of the universe :) | 10:12 |
ChaosParser | silent: do you have compizconfig settings manager installed? | 10:13 |
macogw | localgod11: it's "so long" | 10:13 |
ChaosParser | good night, localgod11 | 10:13 |
silent | ChaosParser, I do | 10:13 |
Cable86 | silent: install compiz config settings manager and look in the wobbly windows dialog | 10:13 |
silent | ChaosParser, playing with the friction now | 10:13 |
ChaosParser | Cable86: He's a step ahead! lol | 10:13 |
mewt | you, nearly every guy in here has read the hithickers guide to the galaxy | 10:13 |
Cable86 | haha yeah, he beat me :-P | 10:13 |
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ChaosParser | mewt: Not everyone in here is a guy. | 10:14 |
ultraviolet__ | hello | 10:14 |
ChaosParser | Allo, ultraviolet__ | 10:14 |
ultraviolet__ | ChaosParser, me not for instance | 10:14 |
macogw | im a girl | 10:14 |
macogw | i was just reading So Long and Thanks for All the Fish | 10:14 |
silent | ChaosParser, can I just use the install files from alsa-project or should I use the suse snapshot referenced? | 10:14 |
ChaosParser | I'm a girl. I've read So Long and Thanks for All the Fish too. | 10:15 |
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ultraviolet__ | macogw, i love that book | 10:15 |
ChaosParser | silent: I'd go for the install files. | 10:15 |
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macogw | someone saying "walkman" while i read about arthur and fenchurch using walkmen while having airborn sex is what made me pop in here | 10:15 |
contrast83 | Back again... | 10:15 |
mewt | ChaosParser: my apologies on that one | 10:15 |
ChaosParser | macogw: That was me. :-D | 10:15 |
macogw | oh ok | 10:15 |
contrast83 | KNetworkManager isn't listing any devices when I right-click it, even though I *am* online. Any ideas? | 10:16 |
silent | that linessa commercial is starting to get annoying | 10:16 |
localgod11 | WOW THERE ARE WOMEN ON THE INTERNET | 10:16 |
ChaosParser | mewt: Its okay. its a common mistake when things with electricty are involved. ;) | 10:16 |
macogw | localgod11: http://xkcd.com/322 <-- preemptive | 10:16 |
mewt | ChaosParser: it's really not the technology barrier, it's more the book in this case | 10:16 |
gogeta | localgod11 nope thats only a,ie | 10:16 |
localgod11 | dont worry i easnt going to ask for pics | 10:16 |
ChaosParser | mewt: Oh. What? Why? | 10:16 |
ultraviolet__ | people, i've just installed gutsy beta in my PC, and everything went fine, except for my comp won't turn off. i have to press power button, or turn off using terminal. anyone has been through this? how did you solve it? | 10:16 |
localgod11 | a,ie? | 10:17 |
ChaosParser | ultraviolet__: Have you done all the updates already? | 10:17 |
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mewt | ChaosParser: I always expected the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy a very guyish book | 10:17 |
ChaosParser | macogw: xckd is fantastical. :) | 10:17 |
ultraviolet__ | ChaosParser, yes, i had a dist-upgrade already | 10:17 |
localgod11 | i read xkcd to | 10:17 |
macogw | ChaosParser: better when spelled right | 10:17 |
ChaosParser | macogw: LOL. That it is. >.< | 10:18 |
ChaosParser | ultraviolet__: Notebook? | 10:18 |
andcor | am I right if I asume that there is a bug in compiz-fusion with the latest updates ? | 10:18 |
ultraviolet__ | ChaosParser, no, regular PC | 10:18 |
contrast83 | ultraviolet__: Maybe make sure /sbin/shutdown has execute permissions for everyone? | 10:18 |
ChaosParser | macogw: I'm dyslexic. :( | 10:19 |
contrast83 | ultraviolet__: Do you know how to do that? | 10:20 |
ChaosParser | ultraviolet__: You said you can shut down from terminal, right? Do you have to sudo when you do? | 10:20 |
ultraviolet__ | contrast83, i'lll take a look | 10:20 |
mewt | and i fixed it! kind of :/ | 10:20 |
macogw | ChaosParser: oh worry | 10:20 |
macogw | *sorry | 10:20 |
ultraviolet__ | ChaosParser, i tried with sudo, never tried without it. | 10:21 |
macogw | i simply can't type properly | 10:21 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Irony. | 10:21 |
mewt | I changed the line saying virtual in my xorg.conf from 2480 1534 to 1280 1024 | 10:21 |
macogw | ChaosParser: bitch, isnt it? | 10:21 |
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ChaosParser | macogw: Total. Eris laughs. | 10:21 |
silent | all in favour of voting gutsy best distro evar say I | 10:21 |
italianidle | hi everybody | 10:21 |
silent | ..I | 10:21 |
macogw | ChaosParser: eris? for some reason i have in mind some pagan jokester deity | 10:22 |
contrast83 | given i haven't used every distro ever made, i can't honestly cast a vote. sorry. | 10:22 |
mewt | ..I..just wish I could fix my probs :p | 10:22 |
italianidle | i have a problem with gutsy rc | 10:23 |
ultraviolet__ | contrast83, just changed the permissions for shutdown, i'll try to turn off now. thanks | 10:23 |
mewt | contrast83: well you can, as your knowledge only extends to those you tried, then effectively, the ones you tried are the only ones made for you | 10:23 |
silent | question, if I didnt have all the necessary packages to do a ./configure/make/make install.... it would tell me right? | 10:23 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Next time you're bored, wiki Discordianism | 10:23 |
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ChaosParser | silent: In theory, yes. | 10:24 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Great. Whats your problem? | 10:24 |
italianidle | when the system start it doesn't found splash image | 10:24 |
macogw | ChaosParser: ah this is discordianism again, is it? that explains why i heard the phrase recently. the emacs user was explaining why his facebook religion is discordianism | 10:25 |
silent | ChaosParser, I just need gcc right? | 10:25 |
andcor | silent: buildessential | 10:25 |
ChaosParser | silent: what andcor said. | 10:25 |
mewt | silent: buildessential | 10:25 |
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macogw | silent: build-essential with a dash | 10:25 |
italianidle | so I have a black screen instead of splash with logo | 10:25 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Yep. The wikipedia article is actually rather good. | 10:25 |
silent | the compile completed successfully | 10:25 |
silent | so I'm guessing it was alright | 10:25 |
silent | moment of truth, restarting | 10:26 |
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andcor | silent: I would asume that to | 10:26 |
ChaosParser | macogw: Ever read the Illuminatus Trilogy? | 10:26 |
macogw | ChaosParser: i looked it up in the jargon file the other day as well while i was looking up the list of holy wars | 10:26 |
macogw | no | 10:26 |
ChaosParser | macogw: If you enjoy Hitchhikers, you may enjoy it as well. | 10:26 |
macogw | my facebook now includes the following: Holy Wars: | 10:27 |
macogw | if (EMACS || vi) return vi; if (KDE || GNOME) return GNOME; if (Trek || Wars) return Trek; if (Linux || Windows) return Linux; | 10:27 |
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ChaosParser | hah hah | 10:27 |
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ChaosParser | ultraviolet: Did it work? | 10:27 |
macogw | is it a trilogy the way H2G2 is a trilogy (that is, by having !3 books?) | 10:27 |
italianidle | did you understand ChaosParser? | 10:28 |
ultraviolet | ChaosParser, nope | 10:28 |
macogw | s/?)/)? | 10:28 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Its probably just not the right resolution so it isn't displaying. | 10:28 |
ChaosParser | macogw: I don't think so. its just a really thick book. | 10:28 |
ultraviolet | ChaosParser, i also tried editing grub/menu.lst and adding "ACP1=force" at the end of kernel entry, but also the same | 10:28 |
TheInfinity | macogw: you miss the distrie wars :p | 10:29 |
macogw | TheInfinity: oh right. yum v. apt | 10:29 |
TheInfinity | yes | 10:29 |
macogw | for me it comes down to nice or evil package manager | 10:29 |
macogw | or no package manager at all (*shudder*) | 10:29 |
TheInfinity | and debian vs gentoo vs suse vs ... | 10:30 |
italianidle | /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID="*****" ro quiet splash locale=it_IT | 10:30 |
italianidle | this is the row on menu.lst file | 10:30 |
ChaosParser | ultraviolet: I'd throw power+yourmotherboardmodel+gutsy into google and see if maybe there's a bug. | 10:30 |
macogw | TheInfinity: well i refuse to get into any sort of ubuntu v debian thing except to point out that debian doesnt support my laptop's hardware | 10:30 |
TheInfinity | but suse vs ubuntu? ;) | 10:31 |
TheInfinity | or gentoo vs debian? :D | 10:31 |
ChaosParser | ultraviolet: Do you have an ATI card? | 10:32 |
ultraviolet | ChaosParser, thanks but i've been looking around for almost 3 days and found some complaints and no solution. Found several bug reports for this kernel version with the same problem. That's why i thought someone here has been through the same. | 10:32 |
macogw | TheInfinity: for me, the entire difference is the package manager. the tools are nearly identical throughout | 10:32 |
ChaosParser | Eek. italianidle: Do you have an ATI card? | 10:32 |
TheInfinity | ok ;) | 10:32 |
italianidle | yes | 10:33 |
ultraviolet | CahosParser, no. | 10:33 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/124526 | 10:33 |
italianidle | ati radeon mobility 9600 | 10:33 |
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silent | ChaosParser, no dice, I'm getting ( sorry for paste): The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. | 10:33 |
silent | You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu. | 10:33 |
macogw | TheInfinity: if i was the type to require that things be pre-configured or if i had fussy hardware, it might matter, but as it is, my wireless card takes 3 debian packages or 1 rpm, or nothing on ubuntu. i find that yum and yast are terribly slow, though, and well...by the time you're done emerging world, you may have to do it again | 10:34 |
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macogw | TheInfinity: if i tried to do gentoo "the right way" (not the compiled one from the live cd) or LFS, id certainly be in trouble from not knowing *what* to compile, but anything that has a default config to it, im fine with i think | 10:34 |
papo | hi. Is this a distro war or something? | 10:35 |
ChaosParser | silent: Then I am sadly out of suggestions. It is a bug, that is being worked on though. | 10:35 |
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italianidle | ok thanks ,ChaosParser | 10:35 |
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silent | ChaosParser, I dont think so, the card was detected before I installed the latest driver | 10:36 |
vmlinuz` | gogeta: i tried alot of torrents, all say the same thing. isn't it maybe a port forwarding problem? | 10:36 |
silent | ChaosParser, I think I'll try installing the latest stable | 10:36 |
ChaosParser | silent, I meant bug 117246. | 10:36 |
ChaosParser | silent: you won't get sound even if you get it installed, apparently. | 10:37 |
ChaosParser | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117246 | 10:37 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 117246 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Not work Audio device: "nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)"" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:37 |
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silent | ChaosParser, I've gotten it working in etch... this makes me sad | 10:37 |
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ChaosParser | silent: How'd you get it working in etch? | 10:38 |
mewt | jussi01: Still there ? | 10:38 |
jussi01 | mewt: yep | 10:38 |
silent | ChaosParser, installing the latest alsa ;P | 10:38 |
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mewt | jussi01: I did the reconfigure process | 10:38 |
mewt | jussi01: and i logged in fine | 10:38 |
silent | ChaosParser, I guess it's something to do with the kernel... that was with 2.18 | 10:38 |
jussi01 | mewt: great! | 10:38 |
silent | 2.6.18* | 10:38 |
mewt | jussi01: however i dont have any panels, just icons | 10:38 |
rohan | can someone please give me the md5sum for kubuntu rc gutsy iso ? the mirrors seem donw | 10:38 |
ChaosParser | silent: Yeah. It must be. | 10:38 |
rohan | *down | 10:38 |
mewt | jussi01: if i run gnome-panel | 10:38 |
mewt | jussi01: it says that a panel is already running | 10:39 |
rohan | more specifically kubuntu-7.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso | 10:39 |
mewt | jussi01: so im guessing they are floating in oblivion somewere out of my screen or i have a second problem then | 10:39 |
ChaosParser | rohan: ALL of the mirrors are down? Thats sorta.... really unlikely. | 10:39 |
jussi01 | mewt: sounds a bit screwed... | 10:39 |
rohan | ChaosParser: no, actually the mirrors that i tried are down | 10:39 |
mewt | jussi01: it is slightly | 10:40 |
rohan | ChaosParser: ah no, releases.ubuntu.com works now | 10:40 |
rohan | np | 10:40 |
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frostburn | ddos? | 10:40 |
mewt | jussi01: compiz fusion and all that thing work etc | 10:40 |
mewt | jussi01: i get cube and all | 10:40 |
mewt | just missing my dear buttons it seems | 10:41 |
jussi01 | mewt: try killing the gnome panel and restarting it | 10:41 |
bazhang | wondering if there is a preferable download the KDE live CD or the DVD for the RC. | 10:41 |
rohan | bazhang: there is a kde live cd available | 10:41 |
rohan | bazhang: kubuntu-7.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso | 10:41 |
italianidle | ChaosParser: the problem in the link refers to splash screen but I'm talking about usplash at boot time | 10:41 |
mewt | jussi01: again, sisters account works fine, mine doesnt | 10:41 |
mewt | ok will try | 10:41 |
bazhang | rohan: thanks! Is that better than the KDE RC DVD (now at linuxtracker dot org)? | 10:42 |
mewt | jussi01: AHA! You are ze genius | 10:42 |
mewt | mewt: worked that way..so what's up with it loading on startup ? | 10:42 |
jussi01 | mewt: lol | 10:42 |
rohan | bazhang: well, i prefer the cd download, because i don't need complete main repo on dvd | 10:42 |
rohan | bazhang: the cd has just enough for a normal user to use, and whatever more i need, i add :) | 10:43 |
jussi01 | mewt: not sure. try saving the session and restarting... | 10:43 |
bazhang | rohan: thanks! appreciate it. Will download asap. :} | 10:43 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Do you get the login screen? | 10:43 |
rohan | bazhang: go ahead, best of luck :D kubuntu rocks | 10:44 |
italianidle | ChaosParser: yes | 10:44 |
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rohan | bazhang: and during feisty, the rc iso itself was released as gold iso, so there are high chances you're getting the final stuff itself ;) | 10:45 |
italianidle | but at boot time i press ALT+F1 to start normal boot because no usplash image was found | 10:45 |
mewt | jussi01: that seems to have worked :D | 10:45 |
mewt | jussi01: If you are a girl, I'd kiss you, a guy - well i'd shake your hand! | 10:45 |
jussi01 | mewt: great. you probably had some setting it didnt like | 10:46 |
jussi01 | mewt: Im male :) | 10:46 |
=== mewt shakes hands with jussi01 | ||
=== jussi01 shakes hands with mewt | ||
reldruh | hi all. I don't mean to interrupt and I'm not sure if this is the right place to do this but I just installed the Kubuntu Gutsy RC and less than 5 minutes later I had wireless working, better than it ever had before, without having to touch the command line once. I don't know if there are any developers here but if there are, you guys are doing an amazing job. | 10:46 |
mewt | brb lemm close irssi and log into xchat | 10:46 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Try installing a new one? | 10:47 |
silent | ChaosParser, think a kernel reinstall might help? | 10:47 |
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ChaosParser | silent: No. its a bug in the kernel source. | 10:48 |
ChaosParser | silent: thats what the bug IS. | 10:48 |
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mewt | back | 10:48 |
mewt | ! | 10:48 |
frostburn | someone wake me when ubuntu forums are back | 10:48 |
silent | ChaosParser, some one had it working after a -13 update though, unless the bug jumped back in on -14 | 10:48 |
mewt | what they're down ?! | 10:48 |
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ChaosParser | silent: I have no idea, in that case. | 10:48 |
silent | ChaosParser, oh well, how long do kernel bugs usually take to work out? | 10:49 |
ChaosParser | silent: Till the next update, i would imagine. | 10:49 |
rohan_ | huh .. the rc has a kernel bug ? | 10:50 |
silent | ChaosParser, how often are updates on average? | 10:50 |
rohan_ | silent: pretty fast, for grave bugs | 10:50 |
silent | rohan_ days? | 10:50 |
rohan_ | silent: hours | 10:50 |
ChaosParser | rohan: There's a kernel source bug for a specific sound card. | 10:51 |
silent | rohan_, I see | 10:51 |
rohan_ | ChaosParser: oh, i see | 10:51 |
rohan_ | shouldn't expect it very fast then silent | 10:51 |
rohan_ | silent: when did you report the bug ? | 10:51 |
silent | I didnt | 10:51 |
silent | but I'm installing some updates right now so I'll see what happens | 10:51 |
rohan_ | silent: then the bug was already reported ? | 10:52 |
silent | yes | 10:52 |
ChaosParser | rohan_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/124526 | 10:52 |
silent | brb, restart quick | 10:52 |
ChaosParser | rohan: Wrong one. | 10:52 |
rohan_ | ChaosParser: that;s what i was going to ask, compiz .. | 10:52 |
ChaosParser | rohan_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117246 | 10:52 |
italianidle | ChaosParser: maybe i've found the solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=561841&highlight=usplash+gutsy | 10:52 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Looks like it. | 10:53 |
rohan_ | for some reason launchpad is terribly slow. or is it just me ? | 10:53 |
ChaosParser | rohan_: Not at all. Even Ubotu is complaining. | 10:53 |
jussi01 | launchpad is always slow... | 10:54 |
rohan_ | jussi01: not this slow | 10:54 |
=== silent [n=silent@S01060050bac94b86.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
silent | no dice | 10:54 |
ChaosParser | jussi01: Yeah. But its actually timing out everytime Ubotu tries to access it. | 10:54 |
silent | on the update | 10:54 |
silent | I'll keep looking into it | 10:54 |
silent | gonna sleep | 10:55 |
rohan_ | silent: | 10:55 |
rohan_ | silent: does the bug status say fix commited ? | 10:55 |
ChaosParser | good luck and good night, silten | 10:55 |
rohan_ | silent: or released / | 10:55 |
jussi01 | ChaosParser: oh... | 10:55 |
silent | don't know, can I get that bug link again ChaosParser | 10:55 |
ChaosParser | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117246 | 10:55 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 117246 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Not work Audio device: "nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)"" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:55 |
rohan_ | if it's just "confirmed" then i don't expect it to be fixed for release | 10:56 |
silent | well that sucks | 10:56 |
italianidle | ChaosParser: do you know how to use mkinitramfs? | 10:56 |
ChaosParser | italianidle: Nope, sorry. | 10:57 |
italianidle | ok | 10:57 |
silent | rohan_, does gutsy greatly rely on 2.6.22 or could I use 2.6.18? | 10:57 |
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rohan_ | silent: err, it uses 2.6.22 | 10:58 |
rohan_ | why do you want to use such an old kernel ? | 10:58 |
silent | sound | 10:58 |
silent | I know it worked in .18 | 10:58 |
rohan_ | silent: did you try compiling the modules from alsa-hg ? | 10:58 |
rohan_ | silent: and you should really file the bug on alsa-project.org tracker | 10:58 |
silent | I did ./configure make make install if that's what you mean | 10:58 |
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rohan_ | silent: you did ./configure make make install for drivers from the alsa-hg repository ? | 10:59 |
silent | rohan_, I used the latest development release | 10:59 |
rohan_ | silent: ah ok .. those did not work too ? | 10:59 |
silent | 1.0.15rc3 | 10:59 |
silent | rohan_, nope | 10:59 |
silent | they did under .18 though | 11:00 |
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rohan_ | silent: well i don't suggest using such an old kernel .. maybe if you are so inclined you can forward port the drivers from 2.6.18 to .22 , or just wait for ubuntu guys to fix the bug | 11:00 |
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rohan_ | which i am almost sure won't make it to gutsy | 11:00 |
silent | rohan_, I'll just wait | 11:00 |
silent | I'm out though, night | 11:01 |
rohan_ | ok, i'm off to install gutsy .. | 11:03 |
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pwnt- | hey is it possible to install w32codecs for gutsy? I see in medibuntu site for fiesty but not for gutsy, anyone know? | 11:12 |
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ssb | hi. I have a problem: photo printing is very slow. (my printer is hp 8200, driver hpijs/foomatic-rip, from clicking "print" to beginning of actual printer work "gs" spends roughly a minute, cpu-bound) | 11:15 |
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savvas`bday | pwnt-: yep, I'm using it as well | 11:16 |
spr0k3t | okay... All of my computers have sound with the latest updates except my main computer. Anyone have a SoundBlaster Audigy with sound? | 11:16 |
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=== savvas`bday off | ||
pwnt- | savvas`bday: from which site. is it possible to download the .deb file from here. http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/ --- and then dpkg -i w32codecs.deb ? | 11:17 |
pwnt- | do you think it'll work aswell? | 11:17 |
savvas`bday | argh | 11:17 |
ssb | is my problem known? | 11:17 |
savvas`bday | pwnt-: it's better to use www.medibuntu.org | 11:17 |
savvas`bday | from what I know, they keep that list updated | 11:17 |
pwnt- | savvas`bday: allright. but which one should i get? The fiesty one? | 11:18 |
spr0k3t | ssb: are you sure it's a problem? how does it differ from printing in 7.04? | 11:18 |
savvas`bday | pwnt-: yes | 11:18 |
savvas`bday | pwnt-: why don't you add the feisty to the sources.d as they explain in their "how to" and just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 11:19 |
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ssb | spr0k3t, dunno, I installed ubuntu on this box for the first time. fotoprinting in windows on that box worked perfectly | 11:19 |
spr0k3t | savvas`bday: what about the ubuntu-other-restricted-modules? | 11:19 |
DevideZero | i can request ubuntu gusty from shipit ? | 11:19 |
spr0k3t | savvas`bday: that has the w32 codecs | 11:19 |
crdlb | pwnt-, there is a medibuntu gutsy repo | 11:20 |
crdlb | that page just doesn't list it | 11:20 |
savvas`bday | spr0k3t: I don't have such a package here | 11:20 |
pwnt- | cool man thanks | 11:20 |
pwnt- | crdlb: couldn't find it | 11:20 |
pwnt- | crdlb: I got the fiesty one, looks like it'll work | 11:20 |
crdlb | pwnt-, bad idea | 11:20 |
crdlb | just change "feisty" to "gutsy" | 11:20 |
ssb | spr0k3t, and yes it is a problem as waiting more than a minute each time before printing even starts is painful | 11:21 |
spr0k3t | savvas`bday: oops, my bad, it's "ubuntu-restricted-extras" | 11:21 |
pwnt- | crdlb: how man. couldnt find a gutsy one, can you give me the wget command line for gutsy one? | 11:21 |
pwnt- | to update my repo | 11:21 |
kaminix | How stable is the Release Candidate? :) | 11:21 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: there is no medibuntu for gutsy | 11:21 |
savvas`bday | spr0k3t: dunno, I have it too, didn't know it had w32codecs :P | 11:21 |
crdlb | spr0k3t, yes there is | 11:21 |
crdlb | pwnt-, just change "feisty" to "gutsy" | 11:22 |
pwnt- | apparntly I got w32codecs now, and try to run a .wmv file and it didn't work :( | 11:22 |
spr0k3t | crdlb: but why not use the repos? | 11:22 |
crdlb | so sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 11:22 |
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crdlb | spr0k3t, eh? | 11:22 |
spr0k3t | `sudo apt-cach search ubuntu-restricted-extras | 11:23 |
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savvas`bday | anyway, i'm out :) | 11:23 |
spr0k3t | wavies savvas`bday | 11:23 |
spr0k3t | and I'm guessing happy b-day | 11:23 |
crdlb | no idea, I'm just pointing out that it exists ;) | 11:23 |
cosmo_ | I am trying to get my xorg configured on gutsy, but I cant get the ubuntu forums to load to find instructions, I have 2 monitors, the primary is a acer al2016w lcd and the secondary is a optiquest q71 crt,and my video card is a nvidia 7950 I am trying to get it set up in twinview can anyone help? | 11:23 |
pwnt- | do I need a reboot or something after installing w32codecs? cause the file .wmv isn't working | 11:24 |
spr0k3t | cosmo_: gksu nvidia-settings | 11:24 |
d1n0 | can i update from xubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 beta without burning a new cd? | 11:24 |
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aLeSD | hi all | 11:24 |
aLeSD | how to install acrobat reader ? I can't find it in the repository | 11:24 |
spr0k3t | d1n0: yup... update-manager -d -c | 11:24 |
d1n0 | spr0k3t: ok cool | 11:24 |
d1n0 | thx | 11:24 |
spr0k3t | n/p | 11:25 |
cosmo_ | spr0k3t: thank you | 11:25 |
spr0k3t | cosmo_: make sure you disable xinerama, then configure one of the monitors to use twinview | 11:26 |
spr0k3t | cosmo_: oh yeah, make sure you backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf just in case. | 11:26 |
cosmo_ | spr0k3t: already did that, learned to always backup from installing fiesty =) | 11:26 |
spr0k3t | =) | 11:26 |
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spr0k3t | cosmo_: once you have that changed, do a Save to X Configuration File and restart X | 11:27 |
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pwnt- | still having problems accessing .wmv files. I got my w32codecs installed. can someone help please | 11:28 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: :D what's the problem :D | 11:28 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: is the wmv file a DRM locked file? | 11:28 |
FOAD | Hey, the new gutsy kernel 2.6.22-14-386 causes my box to spew "Bad block number requested" messages when trying to boot, and then everything more or less crashes. | 11:28 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: no its not locked | 11:28 |
FOAD | This doesnhappen with 2.6.20 | 11:29 |
pwnt- | sbucatino: giving me error sec I'll show you. | 11:29 |
FOAD | doesn't | 11:29 |
FOAD | Anything known about this? | 11:29 |
spr0k3t | FOAD: first I've seen that. have you checked the answers over at launchpad.net? | 11:29 |
FOAD | No, I'm stuck without X too, haven't yet had the time to try links or _and_ remember the url... | 11:30 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: have yu installed this pack ? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extra | 11:30 |
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pwnt- | ok now its working, but the Picture is weird. i'll show you | 11:30 |
spr0k3t | FOAD: nothing there that I can see on a quick search. | 11:31 |
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pwnt- | http://shell.lomag.net/~org/Screenshot-2.png | 11:31 |
pwnt- | check it out pls | 11:31 |
pwnt- | btw sbucatino E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extra | 11:32 |
FOAD | Ok thanks. | 11:32 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: looks like WMV to me... in all its glory too (j/k) | 11:32 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: :D first you must add medibuntu repo | 11:32 |
FOAD | Any suggestions on what to do? Other than report it.. | 11:33 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: have you tried in totem and mplayer? | 11:33 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: then you must install ubuntu-restricted-exstra | 11:33 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: then you must install ubuntu-restricted-extra | 11:33 |
pwnt- | sbucatino: Okay but its not in the repos. | 11:33 |
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pwnt- | sbucatino: I added medibuntu repo :( I know i did | 11:33 |
spr0k3t | FOAD: it's something I've never run across myself. | 11:33 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: yep tried, in totem it gives error. doesn't even play | 11:33 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: how big is the file? | 11:34 |
FOAD | Okay. | 11:34 |
FOAD | Thanks. | 11:34 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: untill you have not ubuntu-restricted-exstra you will have problem with that wmv | 11:34 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: only 2mb | 11:34 |
spr0k3t | @gmail.com <-- send it there and I'll test it on the systems I have. | 11:34 |
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pwnt- | sbucatino: can you give me the command line of repo I need to add & apt-get update & to make me able to get ubuntu-restricted-extra ? | 11:34 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extra | 11:35 |
sbucatino | spr0k3t: :D no he know that i has not all repo activeted | 11:35 |
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murlidhar | any picture recovery(undelete) tool ?? my wallpaper is deleted | 11:35 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t & sbucatino , http://pastebin.com/m5e0743ad | 11:35 |
uga | murlidhar: photorec is nice, but it will recover ALL pictures removed in the past | 11:36 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: sorry i remember fof feisty i have not ubuntu-restricted | 11:36 |
sbucatino | in gutsy | 11:37 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: you forgot the s on extras | 11:37 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: plz upload that video on www.mediafire.com and i will see it | 11:37 |
uga | murlidhar: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec | 11:37 |
murlidhar | uga is it in repos? | 11:37 |
uga | murlidhar: i don't think so, but it doesn't require installing | 11:37 |
pwnt- | okay | 11:37 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: how do i install the extras, give me the repo first :P | 11:37 |
uga | murlidhar: just uncompress | 11:37 |
uga | murlidhar: it's a tool that lets you scan whole disks (usually CF/SD and similar), and looks for pictures deleted in the past. | 11:38 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: i dont want say something of wrong but i think ubuntu-restricted-extra is not on gutys repo | 11:38 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: do you have the multiverse and universe enabled in your repos? | 11:38 |
murlidhar | uga: thanks i am trying it | 11:39 |
pwnt- | bah ok | 11:39 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: I dunno, I rlly i am not that good in my repo list. | 11:39 |
spr0k3t | sbucatino: extras, it needs an s | 11:39 |
pwnt- | ah wait | 11:39 |
spr0k3t | pwnt-: open synaptic package manager, MENU: settings / repositories, first four checks on the first tab. | 11:40 |
pwnt- | http://pastebin.com/m63942e95 | 11:40 |
pwnt- | I think i have it installed? check | 11:40 |
pwnt- | and the file is here | 11:40 |
pwnt- | http://www.mediafire.com/upload_complete.php?id=c5mgvwmw5hg | 11:40 |
uga | murlidhar: oh, it _is_ in the repos | 11:40 |
uga | murlidhar: apt-get install testdisk | 11:40 |
uga | it includes both testdisk and photorec | 11:40 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: no you must give me the right url | 11:41 |
pwnt- | http://www.mediafire.com/?31jbtemjmuu | 11:41 |
pwnt- | here | 11:41 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: yes | 11:41 |
murlidhar | uga: i am looking | 11:41 |
pwnt- | sbucatino: btw i have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed | 11:41 |
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wolfalfa | hello guys, i just tried to upgrade to gutsy (beta) and X won't start: failed to load module fglrx (module requirement mismatch) | 11:42 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: -.- its a porn movie | 11:43 |
sbucatino | -.- | 11:43 |
wolfalfa | laptop: inspiron 6400, atiX1400 | 11:43 |
pwnt- | yea sry. It's not about that tho. its just the only wmv i found, and i want to be able to run wmv files. | 11:43 |
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spr0k3t | pwnt-: looks the same on gutsy and feisty. do you know if it works on that other sorry excuse for an operating system? | 11:43 |
pwnt- | spr0k3t: yea I had fiesty and worked on it... | 11:44 |
spr0k3t | 32bit or 64bit? | 11:44 |
pwnt- | what? My vga? | 11:44 |
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=== jheronimus [n=jheronim@ppp85-140-144-131.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
jheronimus | Hi, all | 11:45 |
pwnt- | hey | 11:45 |
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murlidhar | uga: ain't any gui tool to recovering? | 11:46 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: the movie is corrupted | 11:46 |
sbucatino | pwnt-: i can see my wmv :D | 11:47 |
pwnt- | sbucatino: ok | 11:47 |
pwnt- | sbucatino: so you saw the same as my screenshot? | 11:47 |
=== jhaig [n=jhaig@host-212-18-228-50.static.mailbox.co.uk] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
spr0k3t | pwnt-: looked the same here... | 11:47 |
pwnt- | okay | 11:48 |
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@68-116-99-78.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
jheronimus | I've got a problem here. I was trying to set my ALC268 soundcard properly and I've found a corresponding article on the wiki. One of the options there was to install an updated version of kernel modules, which I did. But I didn't notice that it was i386, not amd64 and the system has installed it happily. And now here comes an update for this package and I guess, there are some problems with the architecture on my system | 11:49 |
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FOAD | Okay, I moved back to an older kernel, but now X won't start, I guess because of the nvidia driver being matched with the current kernel. How do I roll the nvidia driver back? | 11:50 |
pwnt- | FOAD: just curious why did you move back to older kernel? | 11:51 |
spr0k3t | FOAD: did you use the nvidia-glx-new package in the repos, or did you install from binary off the nvidia site? | 11:51 |
FOAD | pwnt_: because of what I said above, with the new one it keeps spewing about Bad block numbers and won't boot. | 11:51 |
FOAD | The package from the repos. | 11:51 |
FOAD | pwnt-: and apparently I am the only one in the world with that bad block thing, so it's not likely to be fixed (soon) I reckon. | 11:52 |
spr0k3t | FOAD: odd, you may need to remove --purge and reinstall the package | 11:52 |
FOAD | ok.. | 11:52 |
uga | murlidhar: not that I know | 11:54 |
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uga | murlidhar: but ncurses apps aren't hard to use. =) | 11:54 |
uga | just execute it | 11:54 |
uga | (under sudo, if you want hdd to appear) | 11:54 |
murlidhar | uga: yeah i figured it out | 11:57 |
murlidhar | uga: myself :) | 11:57 |
uga | murlidhar: be careful though with this tool, it will put ALL pictures it finds in the disk, into the folder you specify | 11:57 |
uga | that will mean lots of gigs possibly | 11:57 |
murlidhar | uga: did that | 11:57 |
murlidhar | uga: can i interrupt it? | 11:58 |
uga | possibly ctrl+c will do | 11:58 |
uga | doesn't it show an option to stop? | 11:58 |
uga | else killall -9 photorec | 11:58 |
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murlidhar | uga: it made a lot of directories and i can't access through my file explorer | 12:00 |
uga | murlidhar: you can't because they were created with root permissions | 12:01 |
uga | chown -R murlidhar directoryname | 12:01 |
uga | or kdesu konqueror/dolphin | 12:01 |
uga | but it's best not to run gui apps under root permissions | 12:02 |
murlidhar | me using gutsy ubuntu | 12:02 |
uga | then kdesu dolphin | 12:02 |
uga | but I don't suggest it... | 12:02 |
uga | murlidhar: oh, sorry, ubuntu, not kubuntu... | 12:02 |
uga | well, then gksu gcrapfilemanager ;) | 12:02 |
uga | whatever you use | 12:02 |
murlidhar | checking' | 12:04 |
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murlidhar | uga: it recovered a lot of txt files and few pictures . how can i make search only for pictures | 12:10 |
uga | murlidhar: it doesn't recover txt files, in theory | 12:10 |
uga | murlidhar: just pictures and movies | 12:11 |
uga | you run photorec, right? | 12:11 |
murlidhar | uga: it did recover more that 4000 | 12:11 |
uga | it searches for picture headers etc | 12:11 |
murlidhar | yes | 12:11 |
uga | ignores the filesystem completely | 12:11 |
uga | murlidhar: maybe the .txt file is some logfile or so | 12:11 |
murlidhar | i ran photorec | 12:11 |
uga | then they all must be pictures and/or movies | 12:12 |
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HetaUma | are the main repos down? | 12:14 |
magoo | i dont know i was having problems earlier | 12:14 |
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=== darkzero [n=rt@c-66-177-174-180.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
darkzero | morning all | 12:19 |
darkzero | Anyone here us miro? | 12:19 |
uga | HetaUma: archive.ubuntu works fine here, maybe dns issues in your side? | 12:20 |
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host164-92-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
darkzero | anyone? | 12:21 |
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avatar_ | ubuntu.com gives some troubles here (netherlands) | 12:23 |
lukketto | In Italy too! | 12:24 |
lukketto | what's up? | 12:24 |
sbucatino | ;D | 12:24 |
lukketto | now it works! | 12:25 |
sbucatino | a lucche che problemi hai | 12:25 |
sbucatino | xD | 12:25 |
lukketto | ubuntu.com non era raggiungibile... | 12:25 |
lukketto | ...ora per funge ;) | 12:25 |
sbucatino | si anche quello ita era fuori uso | 12:26 |
lukketto | ...mmh...sar stato il gibbone ;) | 12:26 |
sbucatino | mboo | 12:26 |
darkzero | Anyone who install Miro and during loading, will crash or shutdown in Miro Guide | 12:27 |
sbucatino | lukketto: che stanno facendo delle modifiche per i link le guide un casino quando si cambia versione | 12:27 |
jussi01 | !it | sbucatino | 12:27 |
ubotu | sbucatino: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:27 |
sbucatino | jussi01: ok was a bit now english | 12:27 |
jussi01 | :) | 12:28 |
sbucatino | !ot | 12:28 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:28 |
sbucatino | :D | 12:28 |
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pere_ | Yep people, good morning | 12:32 |
pere_ | I've a problem with my alc262 sound chip in gutsy | 12:32 |
pere_ | I've posted a bug in launchpad | 12:32 |
pere_ | is the correct procedure? | 12:33 |
=== howlingmadhowie [n=anton@dslb-088-073-197-115.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
howlingmadhowie | hi everybody :) | 12:33 |
howlingmadhowie | has anybody here had a problem with blender while using gutsy? | 12:34 |
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=== Tigge [n=tigge@bacchus.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sbucatino | pere_: have you a realtek? | 12:37 |
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sbucatino | pere_: if you have realtek maybe use the driver for realtek (based on alsa driver but patched) to install just decompress the file open the terminal and sudo ./install | 12:40 |
pere_ | is a realtek | 12:41 |
pere_ | sbucatino, In oss driver says realtek in alsa says intel-hda | 12:41 |
sbucatino | pere_: so if it is a realtek try that driver because it's an alsa driver 1.0.15 rc3 but it is patched :D | 12:41 |
sbucatino | pere_: alsamixer what it say | 12:42 |
sbucatino | pere_: terminal : alsamixer | 12:42 |
sbucatino | it say what you need | 12:42 |
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sbucatino | pere_: for my alc861-vd that driver has worked but i have read the README file and your chip is supported | 12:43 |
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sbucatino | so i think if i was you i will try to install that driver | 12:43 |
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pere_ | sbucatino, alsamixer says realtek alc262 | 12:45 |
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pere_ | ok | 12:46 |
=== equex_ [n=equex@ti0030a380-1141.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sbucatino | pere_: i am going out in 20 minuts i wll be back, let me know if you have any problem | 12:48 |
pere_ | thanks a lot sbucatino :) | 12:49 |
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thewrinklyninja | Hi, I am unable to upgrade to gutsy from the upgrader.It keeps crashing out my error log is here.http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40515/ anyone help? | 12:56 |
soul9 | dbus isn't running and update-manager needs that for some reason. | 12:58 |
thewrinklyninja | How do I start it? | 12:59 |
=== cahe [n=cahe@chello089077130035.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cahe | hi | 01:00 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cahe | nice work guys - gusty works like magic ;] | 01:00 |
=== Celtiore [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-18-51.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Celtiore [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-18-51.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
thewrinklyninja | anyone know how to start dbus? | 01:03 |
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cahe | hmm | 01:05 |
cahe | guessing - /etc/init.d/dbus start | 01:06 |
cahe | as root? | 01:06 |
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
thewrinklyninja | still not upgrading with dbus started. its always been on but still reports dbus error | 01:10 |
assasukasse | hi everyone | 01:10 |
assasukasse | what is the difference between feisty and gutsy? | 01:10 |
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cosmo_ | about 6 months =P | 01:11 |
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gunashekar | hmm | 01:12 |
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cosmo_ | gutsy has a lot of upgrades from fiesty its a rather long list | 01:12 |
sbucatino | pere_: have you installed ? | 01:13 |
cosmo_ | yes | 01:13 |
gunashekar | sure is | 01:13 |
gunashekar | and there will be more updates | 01:13 |
=== Celtiore [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-18-51.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== hypn0 [n=h@dial-dynamic-62-69-37-73.surfdial.murphx.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
gunashekar | need help on making the sound work in gutsy | 01:15 |
=== globra [n=anton@ppp85-140-45-90.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== boris__ [n=boris@BSN-77-126-127.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
gunashekar | ubotu are you there? | 01:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about are you there? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:17 |
=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boris__ | ubotu rv350 | 01:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rv350 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:18 |
boris__ | hi every1 | 01:18 |
boris__ | i need some help pls | 01:18 |
gunashekar | ubotu: where can i find information on installing HDA intel card and CONEXANT Audio device on gutsy? | 01:19 |
hypn0 | could someone do me a favour and check the keyboard preferences to see if microsoft wired 500 keyboard is in list of supported keyboard | 01:19 |
boris__ | i got ati radeon rv350 (Radeon9550) which is blaclisted but i still want compiz fusion | 01:19 |
pere_ | sbucatino, yes but nothing happened | 01:19 |
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boris__ | blacklisted* | 01:20 |
sbucatino | pere_: mm ok now setting :D | 01:20 |
boris__ | what drivers do i have to install ? | 01:20 |
sbucatino | pere_: have you done only sudo ./install ? right? | 01:20 |
pere_ | sbucatino, yes | 01:21 |
sbucatino | pere_: well have you laptop ? | 01:22 |
pere_ | sbucatino, but amixer is not installed | 01:22 |
pere_ | sbucatino, yes I've a sony vaio | 01:22 |
sbucatino | pere_: just a second now alsamixer doest say nothing because your card is not installed ? | 01:23 |
=== giorgo1 [n=giorgos@xdsl-81-173-141-41.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sbucatino | pere_: or the card is not installed and so you cannot use alsamixer | 01:23 |
pere_ | sbucatino, amixer says:amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device | 01:24 |
giorgo1 | hi guys. One question. Has somthing be changed for an nfs moutning? I canot establish a nfs conection anymore with kubuntu 7.10? | 01:24 |
sbucatino | pere_: mmm ok you must try this | 01:24 |
sbucatino | pere_: just a second i must find the file | 01:25 |
pere_ | sbucatino, no problem | 01:25 |
giorgo1 | i try it with: sudo mount -t nfs ipadress:/mnt/folder /mnt/folder | 01:25 |
sbucatino | pere_: try this and post what it says | 01:26 |
sbucatino | pere_: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec | 01:26 |
=== Moduliz0r [n=lee@user-5442fe5a.lns3-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
giorgo1 | i receive the message: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock...etc | 01:27 |
sbucatino | pere_: are you here ? | 01:27 |
pere_ | sbucatino, Codec: Realtek ALC262 | 01:27 |
pere_ | Codec: Conexant ID 2c06 | 01:27 |
=== marko-_- [n=kaizoku@BSN-61-44-192.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Moduliz0r | Is there any software for handling finger print readers? | 01:27 |
sbucatino | pere_:mm ok | 01:27 |
sbucatino | pere_: you have not realtek | 01:28 |
sbucatino | but conexant | 01:28 |
sbucatino | chip | 01:28 |
=== chillervalley [i=da@v1251.ncsrv.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pere_ | sbucatino, but it says realtek | 01:28 |
chillervalley | oh hi | 01:28 |
chillervalley | hi anyone familar with Gutsy gibson and compiz? its not starting with my nvidia graphics card ... if i do "compiz --replace" it shows error: "/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format" | 01:28 |
chillervalley | and i cant open the compiz-settings-manager | 01:28 |
sbucatino | pere_: mm you can try to do something but i think it will not work | 01:29 |
sbucatino | pere_: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 01:29 |
Moduliz0r | chillervalley: Do you have the nVidia restricted drivers? | 01:29 |
chillervalley | yeah | 01:29 |
Moduliz0r | oh | 01:29 |
Moduliz0r | i don't know then >_> | 01:29 |
=== boris__ [n=boris@BSN-77-126-127.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chillervalley | lol okay :D | 01:29 |
pere_ | sbucatino, and? | 01:29 |
boris__ | im getting the composite extension is not available error | 01:29 |
sbucatino | pere_: add this: options snd-hda-intel model=auto | 01:29 |
=== _6StringKng_ [n=sasquatc@72-161-132-253.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sbucatino | pere_: you can add at the end of the file | 01:30 |
sbucatino | !paste | 01:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:30 |
pere_ | sbucatino, and then? | 01:30 |
pere_ | sbucatino, trying modprobe? | 01:30 |
sbucatino | pere_: after this restart modprobe not matter | 01:31 |
sbucatino | env must load the service | 01:31 |
=== neztiti [n=neztiti@a78-52.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pere_ | sbucatino, ok I try now, thanks for your help | 01:31 |
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pere_ | sbucatino, :) | 01:32 |
sbucatino | pere_: come back here | 01:32 |
pere_ | sbucatino, ok | 01:32 |
neztiti | FATAL: Module adv717x not found. | 01:32 |
sbucatino | pere_: just second | 01:32 |
Moduliz0r | Anyone know how i can get a biometric reader recognised and used in Ubuntu? | 01:32 |
neztiti | any help | 01:32 |
=== Seiver`Damross [n=Tracer@177-190-58-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
neztiti | dxr3 | 01:32 |
_6StringKng_ | hwo would I go about upgrading to gusty? from 7.04 | 01:32 |
giorgo1 | no one can help me? | 01:32 |
sbucatino | pere_: if it doesnt work try to change auto with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40519/ | 01:32 |
neztiti | FATAL: Module adv717x not found. | 01:32 |
neztiti | FATAL: Error running install command for em8300 | 01:32 |
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sbucatino | pere_: for example options snd-hda-intel model=basic | 01:33 |
pere_ | sbucatino, I'll grab the url | 01:33 |
pere_ | sbucatino, thanks | 01:33 |
sbucatino | pere_: ok good luck | 01:33 |
_6StringKng_ | hwo would I go about upgrading to gusty? from 7.04 | 01:33 |
neztiti | any help with dxr3 card with gustyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 01:34 |
GNUtoo-laptop | hello, is there a ubuntu-java channel? | 01:35 |
neztiti | FATAL: Module adv717x not found. | 01:35 |
chillervalley | so noone has an idea on that? | 01:37 |
Moduliz0r | What do I need to compile some source code? | 01:37 |
giorgo1 | i have investigate that nfs-common needet to be istalled. Buto now the conection will be failt regards "time out". The courios is that on vesion 7.04 i dont used nfs-commont and the connectin to my NAS file was successfully. Successfully. Something has been changed. Can please some one help me ? Please | 01:37 |
stefg | !pleae | giorgo1 | 01:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pleae - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:39 |
stefg | !please | giorgo1 | 01:39 |
ubotu | giorgo1: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 01:39 |
=== lemonade [n=lemonade@87-94-146-82.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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Moduliz0r | what programs do I need to compile source code? | 01:40 |
albert23 | Moduliz0r: you will most likely need build-essential as a minimum | 01:40 |
Moduliz0r | Ok I'll try installing that | 01:41 |
=== buttercups [n=me@c-68-54-116-100.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Moduliz0r | why does it suddenly need my CD? | 01:41 |
albert23 | because it will try to install the package from your CD | 01:41 |
Moduliz0r | >_> ok | 01:42 |
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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Moduliz0r | what if i dont have the cd? | 01:42 |
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albert23 | disable the CD in Software Sources | 01:43 |
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Moduliz0r | sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) <- is that the right way to get them? | 01:44 |
giorgo1 | ok ubotu: sorry i will do it. Thanks | 01:45 |
Moduliz0r | configure: error: cannot find required header: security/_pam_macros.h <- ??? | 01:46 |
albert23 | Moduliz0r: if you are using a desktop, I would install packages using Synaptic | 01:46 |
Moduliz0r | but apt-get is so much more cool | 01:46 |
Moduliz0r | i dont have to leave the terminal to do it | 01:46 |
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNUtoo-laptop | does sun's java implementation export the jardir variable?(i don't want to make a useless bugreport) | 01:46 |
Moduliz0r | How do I install those headers? | 01:48 |
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albert23 | Moduliz0r: I think normally you would use back-ticks to do it, so linux-headers-`(uname -r)` | 01:49 |
Moduliz0r | albert23: apparently I already have the Linux headers | 01:49 |
Moduliz0r | but I need the stuff that security/_pam_macros.h is in somewhere | 01:49 |
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albert23 | Moduliz0r: you can try to install libpam0g-dev. The -dev libs will normally give you these .h files | 01:52 |
Moduliz0r | ok | 01:53 |
Moduliz0r | yay thanks | 01:53 |
Moduliz0r | but now... | 01:53 |
Moduliz0r | configure: error: cannot find required header: bioapi.h | 01:53 |
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Moduliz0r | bioapi.h? Where do I get that | 01:58 |
Meroigo_ | If I update my Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 Release Candidate, will I get the 100% final 7.10 through update manager when it's released for real in 5 days? | 01:59 |
albert23 | it doesn't seem to be in a Ubuntu provided package. You would be able to find the package on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ if it was. | 01:59 |
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KenSentMe | Meroigo_, yes you do. If the final packages are in the repositories, the update manager will update them and you have the final version of ubuntu | 02:02 |
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tony_ | Does anyone know how to fix the "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000" error? | 02:03 |
Meroigo_ | KenSentMe > okay nice. so I have really nothing to lose by upgrading now? | 02:04 |
Meroigo_ | some very annoying bugs still floting around? | 02:05 |
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KenSentMe | Meroigo_, well, there can be bugs because it's not final. But if everything goes well they are solved when final is released | 02:05 |
KenSentMe | And i wouldn't expect any major bugs anymore | 02:06 |
Meroigo_ | okay... | 02:07 |
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Meroigo_ | I'm thinking about upgrading now... :D but it would be so boring if something were to break :( is there a tool for like restoring a system to it previous state, like you can do in windows XP? | 02:08 |
Meroigo_ | (easily) | 02:08 |
FallenHitokiri | Meroigo_: dd | 02:08 |
Meroigo_ | dd? | 02:08 |
FallenHitokiri | Meroigo_: dd | 02:09 |
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Hobbsee | Meroigo_: not really | 02:16 |
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savvas`bday | Meroigo_: you could install irssi and join from the console in irc and get help, just get familiar with the program | 02:18 |
nomasteryoda | see, all is well.. the initramfs bug was fixed... good | 02:18 |
Hobbsee | savvas`bday: yeah, but we dont even want to attempt to downgrade a version, without reinstalling it. | 02:19 |
chillervalley | aie irssi rocks | 02:20 |
Moduliz0r | savvas: It's your birthday? | 02:20 |
chillervalley | but can anyone help me with my compiz problem? ;_; | 02:20 |
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nanbudh | i was planning to install postgresql on my 6.06, but i plan to dowload 7.10 right at the first moment..i was wondering whether 7.10 will have all the latest things preinstalled?like postgresql | 02:23 |
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pere | sbucatino, ALL WORKING GREAT! | 02:23 |
=== MrStein [n=stein@cpe-90-157-156-176.dynamic.amis.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sbucatino | pere: :D | 02:23 |
MrStein | Are DVDs an official release uf gutsy ? | 02:23 |
pere | sbucatino, where I can post the solution for other people haveing troubles can do the same? | 02:24 |
chillervalley | can anyone tell me why compiz-settings-manager don't start? and compiz doesn't too | 02:24 |
sbucatino | pere: in the forum :D http://ubuntuforums.org/ | 02:24 |
sbucatino | pere: if you are not registred i can post for you | 02:25 |
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pere | sbucatino, ok thanks. I'll post it now. | 02:25 |
sbucatino | pere: remember every time you upgrade you must do that | 02:25 |
pere | sbucatino, thanks for the help and see you later. | 02:25 |
pere | sbucatino, ok | 02:25 |
sbucatino | pere: ok :D | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: they will be, yes | 02:27 |
addos | is RC1 still unoptimized? | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | define optimized? | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | er, unoptimized? | 02:27 |
addos | well, sound stutters a lot with rc1 | 02:27 |
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addos | and apps seem to take awhile to load, compared to feisty | 02:28 |
nanbudh | what will be system requirements for 7.10? | 02:28 |
addos | when I say unoptimized, I mean, is there still debugging code compiled into the apps and kernel? | 02:28 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: if one searches for "gutsy" on google, he will land on a download page that lists _only_ dvd images. IF one follows the link in the topic of this chanel, he will find _only_ CD images. Seems as if the left hand does not know what the right is doing. | 02:29 |
nanbudh | andhow much installation space will it require? | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: cant really help what google says. | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: and the topic says what it does, because no one's asked where the DVDs are yet. | 02:30 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: you cant blame google for the ubuntu release schedule document ;-) | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | it appears the new topic doesnt even have a reference to the cds | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: they were accurate. *shrug* | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | they've been accurate up till tribe 5 or so, iirc. | 02:31 |
chillervalley | okay guys i got it | 02:32 |
chillervalley | "compiz --replace gconf" works! | 02:32 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: actually the topic points to the release schedule doc (I didn't notice that before). So if someone folow the relealse schedule, he will find dvd only images, if the utjer link , then cd only. Why this divide ? | 02:32 |
MrStein | utjer=other | 02:32 |
neztiti | Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed. | 02:32 |
neztiti | any help | 02:32 |
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Hobbsee | MrStein: i fixed that weeks ago. | 02:33 |
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MrStein | Hobbsee: fixed what ? | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: so, if the person actually reads the release schedule, they'll find the one they want. | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | [WWW] Release Candidate (DVD images) [WWW] Release Canidate (CD images) | 02:33 |
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MrStein | _I_ fixed that yesterday ;-) | 02:33 |
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Hobbsee | oh, maybe i only did teh beta. | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | fair enough. it's fixed, then. | 02:34 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: no , wait. Are talking about the rel schedule ? | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | yes | 02:34 |
chillervalley | okay! but how can i do that on startup? | 02:34 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
john_wat | I just update to kernel 2.6.23,but no linux-restricted-module for the kernel ,how to use 3D effects ? | 02:34 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : Home of the Gutsy Gibbon" | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | This channel is for Gutsy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty join #ubuntu | Remember Gutsy still has bugs, so please file them as you find them | Gutsy release candidate has been released | see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/RC to test | ||
Hobbsee | john_wat: install the restricted modules, then. | 02:35 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: hmm, the beta link still links only to dvd images. Besides, I repeat, why is one server having dvd only images, and the other cd only ? Who manages this ? | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: space reasons. | 02:35 |
john_wat | no restricted fit for 2.6.23.... | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | john_wat: there is. do you even have restricted enabled? | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | in your sources list? | 02:35 |
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john_wat | yes,i only apt-get the 2.6.22-14 restricted modules | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | oh grr, who reverted my changes? | 02:36 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: adding a link doesn't take that much space ;-) | 02:36 |
john_wat | but no more than that version | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: yeah, well. there's a bug open about that | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: oh, bloody people who revert changes from the release team. | 02:37 |
chillervalley | how can i do it so ubuntu will do "compiz --replace gconf" on startup??? | 02:37 |
MrStein | chillervalley: boot script ? | 02:37 |
john_wat | How to update restricted-module to fit for kernel 2.6.23? | 02:38 |
=== MementoMori [n=filippo@d83-181-202-121.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | uh oh. too many reverts. /me fixes | 02:38 |
MementoMori | hi all | 02:38 |
MrStein | really, ubuntu must get their act together. With "little issues" like this _all over_ the place... you won't get far. Except in the MS way maybe. | 02:39 |
MementoMori | does anyone have a working bcm4312 wireless chipset in gutsy? | 02:39 |
Hobbsee | thanks for volunteering to help | 02:39 |
hylje | little issues are fine for the initial release, they'll get squashed over time | 02:39 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: oh ,accurate bug reorts are not enough ? What do you want. Blood ? | 02:39 |
MrStein | reports | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: fixing them would be nice too, and/or working on teh wiki. | 02:40 |
=== Hobbsee shrugs | ||
=== cllink [n=cllink@dpc6935253028.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MrStein | I reported a few one liners in the last year. First the maintainer bugged about not sending a patch (for a few changed characters). Then when I sent it, they refused to accpet it. That is not really encouraging. | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | and it all boils down to one developer, of course. | 02:42 |
MrStein | it was just an example. This happens all over the place. | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | so, fix it. | 02:43 |
MrStein | Going to extremes, when they claim that "bad" is actually "good" | 02:43 |
MrStein | how ? Can I "fire" a developer and replace him ? | 02:43 |
MrStein | or send him an "ego remover" ? :-) | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | you can become another developer. no need to remove the first. | 02:43 |
MrStein | IS Canonical hiring ? | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | do you need to be hired? | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | most of the people who work on ubuntu *arent* paid to do it. | 02:44 |
MrStein | I just asked. | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | to answer your question, yes they are. | 02:45 |
john_wat | I just update to kernel 2.6.23,but no linux-restricted-module for the kernel ,how to use 3D effects ? | 02:45 |
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Hobbsee | john_wat: which mirror? | 02:45 |
Nukeador | hi there | 02:45 |
john_wat | mirror? | 02:46 |
MrStein | Hobbsee: is there a channel about working for Canonical ? (it is a bit off topic here) | 02:46 |
john_wat | what mirror? | 02:46 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: ubuntu.com/employment. | 02:46 |
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Nukeador | Is it normal that file roller overwrites files without asking when you drag & drop the files? | 02:46 |
MrStein | 10x | 02:46 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: but, to do MOTU stuff, you dont get paid to. this is open source. | 02:46 |
john_wat | kernel 2.6.23 download from kernel.org | 02:46 |
d1n0 | Im having problems installings radeonhd drivers.... can anyone help? | 02:46 |
john_wat | apt source is ubuntu.com | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | john_wat: if you downloaded the kernel and compiled that, you're on your own. | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | MrStein: they only hire really good people for specific stuff. no idea if you're interested in that stuff or not | 02:48 |
john_wat | yes...but is there some way to use 3d effects on new kernel? | 02:48 |
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sbucatino | grazie: prego | 02:49 |
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grazie | sbucatino: what did I do? | 02:49 |
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sbucatino | grazie: nothing but :D | 02:49 |
sbucatino | grazie: where do youi came from | 02:50 |
grazie | sbucatino: uk | 02:50 |
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sbucatino | grazie: your nick is italian nick :D | 02:50 |
bretzel | Wow! how comes KDE3.5.8 not yet announced and already installed/updated on my comp. ... | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | bretzel: because we needed it in before the freeze. | 02:50 |
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sbucatino | grazie: your nick mean thank you | 02:51 |
sbucatino | lol | 02:51 |
bretzel | Cool for me then :-) 8-) | 02:51 |
Nukeador | Is it normal that file roller overwrites files without asking when you drag & drop the files? Should I report this at launchpad as a bug? | 02:51 |
d1n0 | Im having problems installings radeonhd drivers.... can anyone help? | 02:51 |
bretzel | Even KDevelop is 3.5.0 !!! And btw, first of all thank you Ubuntu guys for this almost total working 7.10 RC!! wonderfull | 02:52 |
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nomasteryoda | you should be able to just select Desktop Effects under the System menu | 02:53 |
nomasteryoda | oops | 02:54 |
nomasteryoda | dang scrollback | 02:54 |
john_wat | Can't open the effects | 02:54 |
john_wat | in 7.10 rc ,effects can work | 02:54 |
john_wat | but in kernel 2.6.23, no resteicted-modules ,effects can't open | 02:55 |
bretzel | And talking about Desktop effect it is great, but how Can I adjust settings like refresh rate and vsync etc ... ? no gui for that yet ( I mean installed by default ) ? | 02:55 |
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john_wat | sudo apt-get install compizconfig-setting-manager | 02:56 |
john_wat | you can see it in synatic | 02:57 |
=== Hobbsee highly doubts that the restricted modules come with the kernel from kernel.org at all, adn that you really will have to grab the source, and compile it yourself. | ||
Hobbsee | while making whatever necessary changes are needed. | 02:57 |
bretzel | good thank you john_watI couldn't remeber the pkg name... | 02:57 |
=== sleepynate $ gccit_yourself | ||
john_wat | restricted-module is not from kernel.org | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | john_wat: oh wait. 2.6.23? well of course there arent. | 02:57 |
sleepynate | Hobbsee: ... it's not working... | 02:57 |
john_wat | it from apt-source | 02:58 |
john_wat | yes,the lastest kernel version | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | no, but it's for a different kernel, and if you insist on using a later kernel, you'll probably need to compile each driver you want by hand. | 02:58 |
sleepynate | memories... | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | for which you cant get support for here. | 02:58 |
john_wat | yes ,i compile it each driver | 02:58 |
john_wat | i have compile ti | 02:59 |
sleepynate | Hobbsee: unless he brought beer and pizza | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | sleepynate: not even then. | 02:59 |
=== Nukeador [n=nuke@140.Red-83-38-110.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
sleepynate | damn. | 02:59 |
john_wat | i have in 2.6.23 | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | sleepynate: we dont do support on compiling your own kernel, or anything related to it | 02:59 |
john_wat | but only can't open 3d effects | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | sleepynate: because those who do so are expected to know what they're doing :) | 03:00 |
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bretzel | okay I am done here - again - thank you Ubuntu dev guys, I am really impressed, Ubuntu RC is already far more superior than Mandriva + OpenSuSE all together ! | 03:00 |
sleepynate | Hobbsee: yes, but everyone knows the classic way to get a buddy's help when you're supposed to have known what you're doing but didn't and screwed it up is -- beer and pizza :D | 03:00 |
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Hobbsee | sleepynate: haha, i'm not that silly :) | 03:01 |
junkeR | hey I installed Xubuntu 7.10 Gutsy last night and when I open a music file using totem, it automatically sets itself to "always on top" | 03:01 |
junkeR | can I disable that somehow? | 03:01 |
sleepynate | yes | 03:02 |
bretzel | I am only cold about the terminal console text setup -- too much wide-char setup, bring down all goodies about graph and attributes... still not agree with your too much internaltional setup | 03:02 |
junkeR | when I disable "always on top", close totem, then open another music file, it's set back to "always on top" | 03:03 |
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john_wat | I just update to kernel 2.6.23,but no linux-restricted-module for the kernel ,how to use 3D effects ?Who can help me.... | 03:09 |
john_wat | painful... | 03:10 |
Ximal | happy birthday savvas ! | 03:14 |
=== FallenHi1okiri [n=blitz@p54ACE586.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | john_wat: i thought you got told that you wouldnt get support here... | 03:20 |
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john_wat | ...... | 03:20 |
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Gunner_Sr | Has the VGA setting changed in gutsy? | 03:33 |
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sleepynate | no, but do you have an nvidia card and problems with x? | 03:33 |
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[yodaa_bel] | Hi, I have an intel945 and a laptop, can't get the correct resolution with gutsy... | 03:34 |
Gunner_Sr | With Feisty I had the splash screen, did an upgrade and now no splash. Also the resolution has reset in the console | 03:34 |
[yodaa_bel] | any pointers ? | 03:34 |
jsubl2 | if i enable normal visual effects my desktop seems unstable. i have an nvidia card | 03:34 |
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Gunner_Sr | sleepynate: what is a safe VGA setting that also gives me the splash screen? | 03:37 |
sleepynate | Gunner_Sr: you'll have to play with it. it really depends on your hardware | 03:37 |
=== rulus [n=margot@210.78-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Gunner_Sr | sleepynate: humm, okay. thanks. | 03:38 |
=== Moduliz01 [n=lee@user-5442fe5a.lns3-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Moduliz01 | Ubuntu has crashed on me twice now >_> | 03:38 |
sleepynate | but if you screw it up, you'll have to fix xorg.conf by hand :) | 03:38 |
Moduliz01 | all of a sudden all my input devices stop working | 03:38 |
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pdelgallego | hit, is there any ubuntu guide for 7.10? | 03:38 |
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sleepynate | Moduliz01: you using the Gutsy RC beta? | 03:38 |
Moduliz01 | yes | 03:38 |
sleepynate | Moduliz01: that's why! :D | 03:38 |
=== Meroigo__ [n=Meroigo@vxj-177-200-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Moduliz01 | Why does it do it? | 03:39 |
Gunner_Sr | sleepynate: okay, but I just use the 7xx numbers right not hex? | 03:39 |
sleepynate | Moduliz01: 'cause it's untested software. so there's still bugs :) | 03:39 |
nemik | Moduliz01: try to find that out. check your kernel logs, Xorg logs, etc. is it reproducable? | 03:39 |
Moduliz01 | it seems to be random | 03:39 |
Moduliz01 | everything still works, but I can click anywhere and it is like there's a glass window over my desktop | 03:39 |
sleepynate | Moduliz01: heh, you using compiz? :D | 03:39 |
Moduliz01 | yes. | 03:39 |
sleepynate | hahaha | 03:39 |
nemik | lol | 03:40 |
Moduliz01 | Shall I disable it? | 03:40 |
sleepynate | that's probably why :) | 03:40 |
sleepynate | would probably help :) | 03:40 |
Moduliz01 | done | 03:40 |
Moduliz01 | when it happens i cant do anything | 03:40 |
=== Gunner_Sr [n=cgunn@c66-235-21-108.sea2.cablespeed.com] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
Moduliz01 | i mean | 03:40 |
pdelgallego | how can i install w32codecs in 7.10? apt-get dont find any candidate? | 03:40 |
sleepynate | see if it crashes as much now | 03:40 |
Moduliz01 | i can't ctrl+alt+backspace out of it | 03:40 |
Moduliz01 | and I can't ctrl+alt+f1 or anything out either | 03:40 |
nemik | hmmm strange | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | !codecs | pdelgallego | 03:41 |
ubotu | pdelgallego: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:41 |
rulus | Hi, my computer boots incredibly slow, except when I press ctrl+alt+f1 at boot. Also usplash does not work. Is there a link? | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | but everything is still working | 03:41 |
sleepynate | Moduliz01: yea, sounds like it's totally locking X | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | my media is still playing, Pidgin is still logging in | 03:41 |
=== joakim- [n=joakim@s5591c04b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sleepynate | Moduliz01: probably compiz's fault | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | but mouse/keyboard become useless | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | :| | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | k | 03:41 |
sleepynate | err wait | 03:41 |
sleepynate | stuff happens on the screen? but your inputs don't work? | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | Yeh | 03:41 |
sleepynate | ohhhhh | 03:41 |
Moduliz01 | I can move the mouse, but clicking is useless | 03:41 |
sleepynate | that is wacky | 03:42 |
nemik | yea | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | it's twice now:| | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | and i had downloads running : | 03:42 |
sleepynate | malicious host? :D | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | :( | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | VMware actually | 03:42 |
sleepynate | hmm, you're running gutsy in vmware? | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | no | 03:42 |
sleepynate | oh | 03:42 |
Moduliz01 | i was downloading vmware | 03:42 |
nemik | oh. press ctrl+alt to escape vmware | 03:43 |
sleepynate | right | 03:43 |
Moduliz01 | now i have to start it again | 03:43 |
Moduliz01 | hmm | 03:44 |
Moduliz01 | it did do it right as i started Pidgin | 03:44 |
sleepynate | probably a coincidence... something like pidgin has little to do with what devices can give stdi/o | 03:45 |
Moduliz01 | ok | 03:45 |
Moduliz01 | this might help... i was copying a CD to a disc image | 03:45 |
=== sleepynate shrugs | ||
sleepynate | beyond me | 03:45 |
Moduliz01 | it had appeared to stop at 100% | 03:46 |
Moduliz01 | which was why I started Pidgin | 03:46 |
Moduliz01 | to come here ^_^ | 03:46 |
sleepynate | ohhhh | 03:46 |
sleepynate | interesting | 03:46 |
Moduliz01 | i cant wait for the final release | 03:46 |
sleepynate | 5 days :P | 03:46 |
Moduliz01 | too long | 03:46 |
Moduliz01 | it's stopped at the end of the disc copy again :| | 03:47 |
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Moduliz01 | anyone here know much about Ubuntu's cd copy? | 03:48 |
nosrednaekim | Moduliz01: do you mean the program that copies CDs? | 03:49 |
Moduliz01 | yes | 03:49 |
Moduliz01 | the one built into ubuntu pretty much | 03:49 |
Moduliz01 | why has it stopped at like 100% :( | 03:50 |
=== mare2 [n=marek@host81-151-174-246.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sleepynate | nautilus :P | 03:50 |
Moduliz01 | just says Creating Disc Image | 03:50 |
=== gotiniens [n=gotinien@cc68413-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mare2 | Hello, I have upgraded to RC from 7.04. Can anyone help me resolve my issues ? | 03:50 |
Ximal | mar2 ... type up your issue ;) | 03:51 |
sleepynate | mare2: yes... tail /var/log/kernel.org | 03:51 |
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uga | mare2: just point out the issues, and people might be able to help | 03:51 |
Moduliz01 | it's stopped at 100%, still says creating disc image, but my cd drive keeps making noises, but it's not spun up | 03:51 |
uga | we cant' predict future ;) | 03:51 |
mare2 | 1. my wifi stopped working even if it works from install CD | 03:52 |
mare2 | It uses restricted driver, which is red, dunno what that means | 03:52 |
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pvl1 | hi, i ugh have been having this problem since like 6.5, device manager barely shows anything about my devices | 03:53 |
mare2 | 2. my dual core CPU (T7200) is now identified as 1 CPU only | 03:53 |
mare2 | 3. I cannot see any sound device anymore | 03:54 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: what is your wireless | 03:55 |
mare2 | ipw3945 | 03:56 |
mare2 | but restricted drivers says Not in use | 03:56 |
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nosrednaekim | mare2: can you enable it? | 03:57 |
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nosrednaekim | in the restrcited-manaher | 03:58 |
nosrednaekim | and.... is the wireless switch on? | 03:58 |
mare2 | It's enabled | 03:58 |
mare2 | or better it is ticked | 03:58 |
spo0ner | I'm trying to get the desktop effects to work on a Gutsy upgrade and NVidia card | 03:59 |
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spo0ner | I know how to do it with ATI (xserver-xgl and stuff) but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with Nvidia | 03:59 |
pravin1 | I just upgraded to 7.10 and now my dns times out very frequently. I disabled ipv6 in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases. Firefox works okay (after disabling ipv6) but pidgin doesn't work. | 03:59 |
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nosrednaekim | spo0ner: #ubuntu-effects | 03:59 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: is the wireless switch on your computer on? | 04:00 |
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spo0ner | pravin: have you tried a clean "purple" directory for pidgin? | 04:00 |
spo0ner | mv purple old_purple | 04:00 |
spo0ner | and then run pidgin | 04:00 |
pravin1 | i ./configured and made it again | 04:00 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mare2 | nosrednakim: not sure what do yo mean, it's always switched on | 04:00 |
spo0ner | in your home directory there should be a folder called "purple" | 04:00 |
sampson | having issues getting hl2 to work...with wine 0.9.46 it crashes after the intro vid so i downgraded to .43 and now it shows the loading screen but then it crashes out with wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000038 at address 0xe9914a1 (thread 0009) | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: ah ok. some laptops have wireless switches | 04:01 |
spo0ner | thats what I had to do to get mine to work properly | 04:01 |
pravin1 | spo0ner, even xchat wouldn't connect, until i pinged irc.ubuntu.org from the terminal | 04:01 |
sampson | sound is working so it isn't a sound issue because it plays in the intro vid | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: pastebin the output of "iwconfig" | 04:01 |
pravin1 | spo0ner, i'll try creating a new .purple | 04:01 |
spo0ner | that's odd | 04:01 |
spo0ner | what DNS servers are you using? your own ISP's? | 04:01 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: I could use Fn+F2 but that has no effect at all | 04:02 |
spo0ner | there's nobody answering in ubuntu-effects | 04:02 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: it's like the driver is not loaded | 04:02 |
spo0ner | can anyone point me to a good troubleshooting page or forum post? | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: please pastebin the output of "iwconfig" | 04:02 |
spo0ner | I've been looking for a while now...its driving me nuts =o) | 04:02 |
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pravin1 | spo0ner, yes my own isp | 04:02 |
spo0ner | I use opendns.org | 04:03 |
nosrednaekim | spo0ner: whats happening? no window borders? | 04:03 |
pravin1 | spo0ner, nope. pidgin still timing out | 04:03 |
spo0ner | try that just to make sure there's not a lag with your ISP's DNS servers | 04:03 |
spo0ner | plus opendns.org has a lot of safety features | 04:03 |
sampson | you could try using the l3 dns... | 04:04 |
pravin1 | I don't think dns would be an issue. It was working fine. It took 3 hours to upgrade and i was using the internet when 7.10 was being downloaded | 04:04 |
pravin1 | besides, firefox (with ipv6 disabled) works alright | 04:04 |
sampson | have you checked resolv.conf to make sure localhost isn't listed first | 04:04 |
pravin1 | sampson, localhost isn't listed | 04:05 |
sampson | when you use nslookup on a domain is it quick? | 04:06 |
spo0ner | I would try the open DNS just to see what happens | 04:06 |
pravin1 | yep, its very quick | 04:06 |
sampson | then i doubt it's a dns issue | 04:06 |
pravin1 | xchat kept timing out before i opened a terminal and said "ping irc.ubuntu.org" | 04:07 |
pravin1 | just as i did that, xchat connected | 04:07 |
sampson | are you on a router? | 04:07 |
pravin1 | yes | 04:07 |
sampson | check the arp tables | 04:07 |
pvl1 | Device manager does recognize vendors,devices, or statuses | 04:07 |
sampson | sounds more like a gateway issue | 04:07 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: What can be wrong if dmesg does not contain nether Wireless nor ipw | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: please look at "iwconfig" | 04:08 |
pravin1 | er, how do i check the arp tables? but everything worked until i rebooted to 7.10 | 04:09 |
sampson | have you rebooted your router since you upgraded | 04:09 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: iwconfig, no wireless extensions | 04:09 |
pravin1 | no | 04:09 |
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sampson | try doing that | 04:09 |
pravin1 | ok | 04:09 |
pravin1 | brb | 04:09 |
mare2 | ok, will try to reboot, bbl | 04:10 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: ok... trun off your computer, and pull out the battery for like 2 minutes, your wireless might be "off" in the bios/ACPI. | 04:10 |
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sampson | fuck!!! | 04:11 |
sampson | hl2 doesn't work but hl2dm works | 04:11 |
Moduliz01 | haha | 04:11 |
Moduliz01 | I can get all of them to work | 04:11 |
Moduliz01 | Wine, right? | 04:11 |
sampson | yeah i'm using 0.9.43 right now | 04:11 |
Moduliz01 | Cool. | 04:11 |
Moduliz01 | Guys, what sort of framerate would you expect on HL2 under Wine, with a nVidia GeForce 8600 GT (256MB PCI-E)? | 04:12 |
sampson | from what i've gathered decent enough to be playable | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | on a Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz machine with 1GB of 800MHz DDR2 ram? | 04:13 |
sampson | ati x1600s get 60 | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | hmm | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | in Windows I could get ~120 in Garry's Mod | 04:13 |
sampson | who cares after 60 | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | now it's limited to around... 20-30fps | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | sometimes 10 | 04:13 |
Moduliz01 | :( | 04:13 |
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sampson | ah that would be a problem | 04:13 |
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sampson | the ram would be your bottle neck...make sure you aren't using too much | 04:14 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@bchm-4d091840.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
spo0ner | sorry about that | 04:14 |
spo0ner | system locked | 04:14 |
sampson | he's resetting his router | 04:14 |
Moduliz01 | it's crucial ballistix 800MHz stuff, only 1GB... it's not slow or anything | 04:14 |
Moduliz01 | but my framerate hasn't been that great | 04:14 |
sampson | it sounded more like a gateway issue considering nothing resolved outside his network without pinging it first | 04:15 |
spo0ner | who was helping me before? | 04:15 |
=== ferric84 [n=eric@c-75-69-24-74.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ferric84 | whenever I try to add a program via "add/remove applications" in 7.10a I receive a "The list of applications is not available" message, at which point it updates itself, and the process continues. any ideas? | 04:15 |
sampson | nosrednaekim was | 04:15 |
Bauldrick | i upgraded my gutsy system and lost my desktop? have tried install kubuntu-desktop but cant get it back :( | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | spo0ner: here | 04:15 |
spo0ner | ferric84 what do you have selected under System/Administrative/Software Sources? | 04:16 |
IndyGunFreak | Bauldrick: hope you upgraded | 04:16 |
IndyGunFreak | excuse me, backed up | 04:16 |
ferric84 | spo0ner: none of the boxes except the CDROM is checked under "ubuntu software" tab | 04:16 |
sampson | gah fuck you wine | 04:16 |
Moduliz01 | haha | 04:17 |
LjL | !language | 04:17 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:17 |
IndyGunFreak | sampson: geez, take a paxil | 04:17 |
Bauldrick | backing up is for sensible people...... !! Is it royally screwed and need reinstal? | 04:17 |
Moduliz01 | for me, steam runs almost as well in Wine as it did in Windows | 04:17 |
spo0ner | aaaah | 04:17 |
sampson | it just makes no sense | 04:17 |
IndyGunFreak | Bauldrick: probably n ot, whats it doing, kicking you to a CLI? | 04:17 |
spo0ner | ferric84 thats your problem | 04:17 |
sampson | how come all the dm hl2 games work fine but none of the sp games! | 04:17 |
ferric84 | excellent, what should I check? | 04:17 |
sampson | portal won't launch past the loading screen either | 04:17 |
Moduliz01 | i dont have portal so I wouldn't know | 04:17 |
spo0ner | uncheck the cdrom one and check the others (I use all including universe and multiverse) | 04:18 |
sampson | which wine version are you using Moduliz01 | 04:18 |
ferric84 | ok, thank you | 04:18 |
Bauldrick | Indy> kdm appears to be working but I have no toolbars etc.. have to start everything from cmd box | 04:18 |
spo0ner | once you select that you will get a ton of update notifications | 04:18 |
Moduliz01 | the latest wine | 04:18 |
spo0ner | just go ahead and let apt work its magic | 04:18 |
IndyGunFreak | Bauldrick: now that is wierd, haven't heard that one | 04:18 |
Moduliz01 | hmm, i do have one problem | 04:18 |
sampson | Bauldrick: have you tried running startkde from the cmd box? | 04:18 |
Moduliz01 | my Steam IMs... | 04:18 |
Moduliz01 | i cant read any that come to me | 04:18 |
=== papo [n=mathias@adsl-177-161-fixip.tiscali.ch] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Moduliz01 | or see what I write once I press Send | 04:18 |
Seiver`Damross | can anyone help with a broken LAMP? | 04:19 |
Aondo | anyone else having performance issues with the -14-rt kernel? i dont seem to get the same performance as earlier builds. not sure why | 04:19 |
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pravin | nope. still the same issue | 04:21 |
spo0ner | Seiver - superglue always worked best for me | 04:21 |
spo0ner | my mom still figure out I broke it because of the missing pieces though | 04:21 |
pravin | This is what xchat says before I ping -- Connecting to irc.ubuntu.com ( port 6667... | 04:21 |
Moduliz01 | WTH | 04:22 |
Moduliz01 | garrys mod is running | 04:22 |
spo0ner | pravin before upgrading did you use automatix? | 04:22 |
Moduliz01 | i can hear it | 04:22 |
Moduliz01 | but its vanished | 04:22 |
pravin | no | 04:22 |
IndyGunFreak | easyubuntu, envy? | 04:22 |
Moduliz01 | great now Wine has stopped working | 04:23 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: what is the problem with the broken server? | 04:24 |
Seiver`Damross | spoon i get the oddest error | 04:24 |
pravin | any other suggestions? spo0ner sampson ? | 04:24 |
Seiver`Damross | i get this error tasksel: aptitude failed (100) when i try to install LAMP | 04:24 |
spo0ner | hrmmm | 04:24 |
=== Bauldrick [n=matt@host86-135-102-14.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
spo0ner | does this only happen with name resolution? | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | !LAMP | 04:24 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:24 |
spo0ner | or do you also have the problem when using a direct IP? | 04:25 |
Bauldrick | startkde brings up my desktop for a few seconds then it goes back to splash screen | 04:25 |
pravin | this happens in name resolution only with apps like xchat and pidgin | 04:25 |
Moduliz01 | is there any way i can accelerate the graphics on games under Wine? | 04:25 |
Seiver`Damross | that dosent help im looking at right now and there is nothing to do with this error on it | 04:25 |
spo0ner | Seiver - there are probably some really good IRC channels that deal with LAMP issues specifically | 04:25 |
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spo0ner | I don't use it enough to know much about it | 04:26 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: what does: sudo tasksel lamp-server say then? | 04:26 |
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spo0ner | gotta restart X...be back in a few | 04:26 |
uga | uhm... after digging a bit about why I had two /dev/mouse... 0 and 1,... I find in proc/bus... N: Name="Macintosh mouse button emulation" | 04:27 |
uga | why would anyone want a mac emulated mouse =) | 04:27 |
Bauldrick | I think the latest upgrade I did uninstalled a shed load of dependent packages | 04:27 |
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Seiver`Damross | it gives me the installing package and then gose to 100% and i get the tasksel: aptitude failed (100) | 04:28 |
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=== Cleric [n=kavmeist@bb-87-81-176-169.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Cleric | can anyone help me access my Windows files via Ubuntu laptop hardwired to the local network? | 04:29 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: hmmm sounds like the package does not exist | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | !samba | 04:31 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 04:31 |
scizzo- | !bug "131134 | 04:31 |
scizzo- | !bug #131134 | 04:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 131134 in tasksel "When attempting to install lamp-server, returns "aptitude failed (100)"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131134 | 04:31 |
scizzo- | it does exist in the tasksel desc though | 04:33 |
Seiver`Damross | how do i get that package | 04:34 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: well its not really a package | 04:34 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: its a task | 04:34 |
Seiver`Damross | O.odo i have to DL a new server? | 04:34 |
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MementoMori | I cant reproduce dvd in kubuntu gutsy with kaffeine: I always get xine: couldn't find demux for dvd:///dev/scd0 | 04:35 |
=== guardian [n=guardian@ANantes-252-1-61-249.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
guardian | hi | 04:35 |
MementoMori | xine: found input plugin: dvd navigator | 04:35 |
guardian | how to upgrade gcc please ? i installed gcc 4.2 on my gutsy but it's not the default compiler yet | 04:35 |
MementoMori | I've already installed libdvdcss | 04:36 |
MementoMori | and mpgs xine related libs | 04:36 |
MementoMori | any hint? | 04:36 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: hmmm I just tried it | 04:36 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: seems to work here | 04:36 |
=== n0yd [n=n0yd@pdpc/active/archlinux.user.n0yd] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
n0yd | Any idea how this person accomplished getting his gnome-panel to look like this? http://sourceforge.net/dbimage.php?id=140875 I know he is using a bhackground image, which I have the same one he has, from the mac4lin project on sourceforge, but how do I get _everything_ on the panel to follow that look/theme? My menu bar, and my sound applet, and sucg don't follow the same look, they stay gray... | 04:36 |
Seiver`Damross | im useing 7.04 | 04:37 |
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scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: what? | 04:37 |
Seiver`Damross | server 7.04 | 04:37 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: you are using feisty and asking questions about those things in a gutsy channel? | 04:37 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: ./j #ubuntu | 04:38 |
Seiver`Damross | O.o | 04:38 |
Seiver`Damross | they cant seem to help me | 04:38 |
=== Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-kpogw6-fe8edc00-62.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu+1 | ||
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: then check your repos | 04:38 |
Seiver`Damross | ?? i sh kinda noobie at this | 04:39 |
nosrednaekim | Seiver`Damross: did you try #ubuntu-server? | 04:39 |
pravin_ | xchat keeps resolving irc.ubuntu.com to until i run ping irc.ubuntu.com on a terminal | 04:39 |
pravin_ | this is true for pidgin and other net apps (apart from firefox) | 04:40 |
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Seiver`Damross | that channal is unregistered | 04:40 |
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Seiver`Damross | any more ideas? | 04:43 |
Cleric | can anyone help me access my Windows files via Ubuntu laptop hardwired to the local network? | 04:43 |
=== Ahadiel [n=michael@S010600131042857c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nosrednaekim | !samba | Cleric | 04:44 |
ubotu | Cleric: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 04:44 |
MementoMori | Cleric: do you mean you want to access your files via samba? | 04:44 |
pvandewyngaerde | smb:// | 04:45 |
Seiver`Damross | so there is no place i can get the LAMP setup? | 04:47 |
scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: there is.... | 04:48 |
Seiver`Damross | i sence a but | 04:48 |
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scizzo- | Seiver`Damross: every tried to check the repos and stuff like that? | 04:52 |
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Seiver`Damross | again im kinda of a noob to this what is repos? | 04:53 |
Cleric | mementomori: no i am jsut trying to browse using ubuntu network places | 04:54 |
stefg | !repos | 04:54 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 04:54 |
=== ericrost [n=eric@74-136-158-62.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ericrost | are there any plans to add vmware-server to the gutsy repos? It was in feisty... just wondering if they're waiting for something, or if they're getting rid of it? | 04:55 |
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MementoMori | kaffeine cant play dvds while mplayer do it without problems | 04:56 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: when canonical gets the commercial repo up, it will. | 04:56 |
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nosrednaekim | ericrost: usually thats after it is stable | 04:57 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: thanks, vmware player is out there, but I assume its a difference in having kernel mods? | 04:57 |
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ericrost | nosrednaekim: I'm moving pretty much all my server stuff over to vmware, as I have underutilized hardware/not sure of the best combination to get the most out of the same box so I want it easy to play with | 04:58 |
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ericrost | nosrednaekim: especially my firewall/dhcp/dns/nat server | 04:58 |
=== mare2 [n=marek@host81-151-174-246.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nosrednaekim | ericrost: try virtualbox... its veyr very good without having to deal with liscencing etc | 04:58 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: I fixed my problem | 04:58 |
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ericrost | nosrednaekim: are there converters for the images? I have a bunch of stuff all set up under vmware | 04:59 |
Cleric | can anyone help me access my Windows files via Ubuntu laptop hardwired to the local network? | 04:59 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: zimbra and wordpress (the wordpress wouldn't be a tragedy, there's no content) | 04:59 |
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ferric84_ | when trying to edit config files, 99% of the time I can't save it because I'm not the owner. Is the easist way to fix this to chown the file to my user, or chmod the permissions? | 04:59 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: virtualbox can use vmdk's | 05:00 |
mare2 | nosrednaekim: I cannot use 2.6.22-14-386 kernel which is default but I have to use -generic one. No idea what is the difference | 05:00 |
ericrost | ferric84_: use sudo, configs SHOULD be root owned | 05:00 |
nosrednaekim | mare2: now it works? | 05:00 |
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scizzo- | well managed to break my own LAMP server now | 05:00 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: hmm.. then I'm sold... I'll do that when I'm switching my setup | 05:00 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: I have to re-build the base on one box anyway (switch from desktop to server) so while I'm messing with packages and have stuff down anyway, I'll switch, that was the main reason I hadn't | 05:01 |
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mare2 | nosrednaekim: yes, everything works, sound, wireless, 2 cores. With 22-14-386 none of these work for me | 05:01 |
=== rulus [n=margot@210.78-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nosrednaekim | mare2: odd :) | 05:02 |
nosrednaekim | I don't know what the difference is either. | 05:02 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: does it have a good remote viewer? I use vmware on another system to remotely manage, but just the basic shell access so I don't have even ssh open on the box | 05:02 |
Bauldrick | I still can't get my desktop fully up (have no toolbars)- issueing 'startkde' brings it up for a few seconds, but then it cuts back to login screen | 05:02 |
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ericrost | nosrednaekim: and what's the performance comparison? as long as its close | 05:03 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: yeah... but I THINK you need the non-open version for that. (still free and all, but IDK if its in the repositories) | 05:03 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: vista was decently fast for me in it...must be pretty good :) | 05:03 |
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rulus | Hi, my usplash isn't working and my pc boots slow except when pressing ctrl+alt+f1 upon boot. This is a regression from the beta. Check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40541 and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40542 Any toughts? | 05:04 |
KenSentMe | My gutsy system wont get to the login screen anymore. After the nvidia screen i get an error screen that says the greeting screen (raw translation) cannot be started and i have to start another one. If i press Ok it gets in a loop, displaying the nvidia screen and then the error message. Anyone have any idea what i could do? | 05:04 |
ericrost | nosrednaekim: well, if I have to leave ssh open, that's not a tragedy | 05:05 |
koham | Hi all | 05:05 |
ericrost | if I'm going to switch to use something free, I may as well use the Free version | 05:05 |
koham | i would like to upgrade my ubuntu macbook to gusty, but i would like to know if anyone has problem with xorg on that hardware ? | 05:05 |
KenSentMe | Rebooting brb | 05:05 |
ericrost | brb, have to change a port mapping for my subnet.. never tried to access my fiance's blog server from the subnet since I reconfigured :p | 05:05 |
borovy3488 | did anyone else have locale problem upgrading from feisty? | 05:06 |
borovy3488 | anyone here? | 05:08 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: nope | 05:08 |
nosrednaekim | ;) | 05:08 |
borovy3488 | dang it, i knew i was alone :) | 05:09 |
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borovy3488 | do you feel like helping with some gutsy issues, nosrednaekim | 05:09 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: speak them, and if I don't know the answers.... someone else will. (there ARE others here) | 05:10 |
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sslashes | is there anything running that would continually enable dpms | 05:11 |
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borovy3488 | OK, so when I tried the upgrade from feisty to gutsy, I used the terminal command. Everything was running smoothly, then I got a lot of errors. Including language packs not installed java6 not installed ubuntu minimal not installed and others. Where should I post the entire list of errors i got? | 05:12 |
nosrednaekim | sslashes: the powermanager. | 05:12 |
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nosrednaekim | pastebin | 05:12 |
sslashes | i have it disabled in my xorg, and when i run xset -dpms s off (and then xset q to confirm), after twenty minutes - the screen blanks, after which i run xset q to find dpms on again | 05:12 |
sslashes | nosrednaekim: does power manager run in xfce | 05:12 |
nosrednaekim | no clue. | 05:12 |
Moduliz01 | im hitting 13fps :( | 05:12 |
borovy3488 | Then, after all of these errors, it said that the update was over and aborted. Nothing on my user was working, so I made a new user and it booted gutsy, and seems to be working fine. I even got the welcome to Ubuntu 7.10 when starting Firefox. What do I need to do to make sure everything is installed that needs to be? | 05:13 |
sslashes | found the answer - it does, would powermanager override an explicit call to xset -dmps? | 05:13 |
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ericrost | nosrednaekim: hmm.. I don't exactly want an RDP, what I want to do is manage the vm options on a headless server from a nice gui on a laptop (which is what I do with VMWare) | 05:14 |
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nosrednaekim | borovy3488: run "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 05:14 |
swhalen | I broke my gtk themes | 05:14 |
swhalen | and i dont know how | 05:15 |
gorara | anyone run openarena on gutsy tribe 5? | 05:15 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: ah... I see | 05:15 |
nosrednaekim | gorara: thats rather....old | 05:15 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: running now | 05:15 |
swhalen | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574143 | 05:15 |
gorara | im trying to run it but it just dies (installed via deb packages) | 05:15 |
gorara | it kills xserver | 05:16 |
swhalen | i dont want to reinstall my system :( | 05:16 |
sslashes | i tried to remove gnome-power-manager, but it relies on ubuntu-desktop - any ideas? | 05:16 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: I got a list of errors with the same things as the update. What the list? | 05:16 |
nosrednaekim | yeah.. pastebin the list | 05:16 |
borovy3488 | where do I paste it? | 05:16 |
nosrednaekim | !pastebin | 05:16 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:16 |
=== cyclonut [n=tristan@65-183-133-47-dhcp.burlingtontelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
KenSentMe | Anyone want to check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40547/ and help me get my system running again? I get an error before the gnome login screen is opened | 05:17 |
swhalen | can someone help me with the gnome-appearance-properties | 05:17 |
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ericrost | I'm not sure I want to give that up..... but OTOH a Free version would be nice... grr (and I'm not messing with Xen again.. that's a great backend, but I don't want to mess with setting it up properly for what I'm doing) | 05:18 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: here ya go! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40548/ | 05:18 |
swhalen | Anyone? | 05:18 |
nosrednaekim | ericrost: go over to #vbox | 05:18 |
nosrednaekim | maybe they have a solution | 05:19 |
nosrednaekim | I don't do theserver stuff | 05:19 |
swhalen | Where can i get help with gnome-appearance-properties? | 05:19 |
ericrost | good idea... sorry for the OT :) | 05:19 |
cyclonut | Has there been any revelation regarding why gutsy likes to change screen brightness on its own? | 05:20 |
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KenSentMe | swhalen, i might not be able to help, but just ask what you want to know | 05:20 |
pvandewyngaerde | if i want to update the kubuntu RC to current it needs a new key | 05:21 |
SuperLag | I think there may be some kernel issues with USB audio, after one of these updates. | 05:21 |
nosrednaekim | pvandewyngaerde: key? | 05:21 |
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nosrednaekim | ericrost: not a problem. | 05:21 |
dhq_ | has anyone got vmware working with gutsy | 05:21 |
SuperLag | yes | 05:22 |
AboSamoor | i upgraded to gutsy from feisty but i'm wondering that screen and graphics preferences don't appear in Administration or Preferences ?!!!\ | 05:22 |
SuperLag | http://pastie.caboo.se/106887 | 05:22 |
pvandewyngaerde | nosrednaekim: authorisation key | 05:22 |
pvandewyngaerde | for the packages | 05:22 |
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nosrednaekim | pvandewyngaerde: does it REQUIRE it? | 05:23 |
swhalen | KenSentMe: Well... i dont know whats wrong...all my gtk themes quit one day...as well as the ones packaged with gutsy. Ihave a forum post with a screenshot at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574143 | 05:23 |
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AboSamoor | also many configuration GUI tools do not updated :( , like mouse and printing ... | 05:24 |
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borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: any other ideas? Someone on the forums was asking me about my sources.list. It still has the stuff I added in from Feisty. | 05:24 |
pvandewyngaerde | yes | 05:25 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: ah....like which ones? | 05:25 |
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SuperLag | Ubuntu rocks. However, I think a release of this version in less than a week, is ambitious. | 05:25 |
nosrednaekim | SuperLag: lol... its always liek this :) | 05:25 |
SuperLag | nosrednaekim: is that so, Mike Anderson? :) | 05:26 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: want me to post a copy of it? there's a few | 05:26 |
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nosrednaekim | SuperLag: indeed:) | 05:26 |
gunashekar | Superlag there is always the mirosoft way | 05:26 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: yeah | 05:26 |
nosrednaekim | or you can just link me to your thread | 05:26 |
borovy3488 | heres the paste:: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40549/ | 05:27 |
SuperLag | gunashekar: sure... but if Ubuntu only releases security releases after Gutsy goes live, then a LOT of stuff will still be broken. | 05:27 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: here's the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574771&page=2 | 05:27 |
macogw | anyone else ever have trouble where you open a window and there's window borders and there's the gtk grey and there's the white box where everything goes...but none of the gtk widgets are actually drawn? | 05:27 |
SuperLag | gunashekar: I'm not certain how it works, but it was my understanding that after a version has been released, there are no updates to its packages unless they are security-related. | 05:28 |
mc44 | SuperLag: no, there are updates to fix non-security bugs | 05:28 |
SuperLag | mc44: there are? | 05:29 |
=== djennewe__ [n=djennewe@216-161-10-250.sxfl.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cyclonut | screen rightness: Has anyone figured out why it changes on its own??? | 05:29 |
SuperLag | mc44: that's a *very* good thing | 05:29 |
cyclonut | brightness, that is | 05:29 |
gunashekar | i am not sure. i installed fiesty only recently and later the beta gutsy an | 05:29 |
mc44 | SuperLag: however, only for critical bugs mostly regressions and such | 05:29 |
gunashekar | If you are using a screen reader, you may wish to switch to basic HTMLfor a better experience. | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Gmail | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Calendar | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Documents | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Photos | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Groups | 05:29 |
mc44 | gunashekar: stop please | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Web | 05:29 |
gunashekar | more ? | 05:29 |
gunashekar | crguna@gmail.com | Settings | Help | Sign out | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Search Mail Search the Web Show search options | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Create a filter | 05:29 |
gunashekar | 05:29 | |
gunashekar | Compose Mail | 05:29 |
gunashekar | Inbo | 05:29 |
=== chrisle [n=chris@e178116102.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SuperLag | oops | 05:30 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: remove the automatix lines | 05:30 |
gunashekar | stop what ? | 05:30 |
nosrednaekim | !flood | 05:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:30 |
SuperLag | looks like somebody copied the wrong text :) | 05:30 |
mc44 | gunashekar: pasting half your gmail page | 05:30 |
gunashekar | oops am i flooding? | 05:30 |
gunashekar | there must be some problem | 05:30 |
gunashekar | could be a bug or virus? | 05:31 |
=== bobesponja [n=bobespon@bas75-1-82-235-231-205.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rulus | I'm sorry to repeat but this seems kind of a serious problem. Anyone having similar problems? | 05:31 |
mc44 | SuperLag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 05:31 |
rulus | Hi, my usplash isn't working and my pc boots slow except when pressing ctrl+alt+f1 upon boot. This is a regression from the beta. Check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40541 and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40542 Any toughts? | 05:31 |
bobesponja | hey all | 05:31 |
bobesponja | any release date about gutsy? | 05:31 |
nosrednaekim | 18th | 05:31 |
scizzo- | bobesponja: checked the website? | 05:32 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: OK, they are gone | 05:32 |
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gunashekar | wonder whats wrong? | 05:32 |
scizzo- | gunashekar: you are flooding the channel with information that you should have pasted into pastebin | 05:32 |
gunashekar | oops | 05:32 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: sudo apt-get update | 05:32 |
gunashekar | i havent done anything | 05:32 |
gunashekar | could it be a virus? | 05:33 |
mc44 | no | 05:33 |
scizzo- | gunashekar: no | 05:33 |
mc44 | you just pasted the wrong thing | 05:33 |
gunashekar | i dont see anything pasted on the screen mc44 | 05:33 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: it is taking a much longer time. | 05:33 |
scizzo- | flooding channel == pasting a huge amount of information into the channel that really should have gone into pastebin and then you paste the link to us here | 05:34 |
spr0k3t | so what's the best way to get sound working in gutsy? | 05:34 |
borovy3488 | nasrednaekim: I didn't get any errors! Does that mean that everything is there now? | 05:34 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: that was just updating your package lists ;) | 05:34 |
gunashekar | sorry bye | 05:34 |
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
philip_ | gunashekar, don't worry about it, it was 5 minutes ago, move on, use pastebin if you want | 05:34 |
sslashes | in reference to my blanking issue (i seem unsable to disable dpms) - i get this error from X "(EE) intel(0): I830 Vblank Pipe Setup Failed 0", any ideas? | 05:34 |
=== Moox [n=dgo@77-56-134-124.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nosrednaekim | now run a "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 05:34 |
borovy3488 | ok, its running | 05:35 |
Moox | hi ! I have an issue during the gutsy upgrade : authenticate '/tmp/tmp4WxEug/gutsy.tar.gz' against '/tmp/tmp4WxEug/gutsy.tar.gz.gpg' and update-manager close ... | 05:35 |
borovy3488 | nosrednarkim: nope, i still got the same error dangit. | 05:35 |
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spr0k3t | anyone willing to help with sound? | 05:36 |
gunashekar | need sound help too | 05:36 |
macogw | did you guys know open office can open office 2007 power point files? | 05:37 |
spr0k3t | gunashekar: which sound card? | 05:37 |
gunashekar | HDA intel | 05:37 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: fire of synaptic, remove all those broken packages, and then run "apt-get upgrade" again | 05:37 |
spr0k3t | gunashekar: damn... running audigy here. | 05:38 |
gunashekar | spr0k3t: thanks | 05:38 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: OK, I'm working on it as we speak | 05:38 |
KenSentMe | Anyone want to check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40547/ and help me get my system running again? I get an error before the gnome login screen is opened | 05:39 |
gunashekar | can anyone help with making my sound card work? | 05:39 |
=== spiroo [n=spiroo@c-2e1de353.02-2016-73746f43.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | gunashekar: check #alsa | 05:40 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: complete removal or just removal? | 05:40 |
=== swhalen [n=swhalen@cpe-65-31-5-179.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | gunashekar: theyre the ones that got mine working | 05:40 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: complete | 05:40 |
borovy3488 | k | 05:40 |
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spiroo | Hi I wonder, in the future, is it coming something like Deamon-tools in Linux? | 05:40 |
gunashekar | thanks macogw | 05:40 |
spiroo | It is not very much support for ISO-files I mean. You can mount it, but it is a little bit tricky and does not all the time work. | 05:41 |
=== benzon [n=benzon@0x573795b0.bllnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: wow, all of them were in the tzdata package | 05:42 |
nanonyme | hmm | 05:42 |
nanonyme | if i don't currently have compiz installed, will dist-upgrade after release install it? | 05:42 |
nosrednaekim | KenSentMe: nope...i'm not seeing anything in there.... what exactly is happeneing? | 05:43 |
mc44 | nanonyme: it is installed by default, unless you have removed it | 05:43 |
spiroo | anyone? | 05:44 |
nosrednaekim | I always make /home the first partition, and memorize its size, so that is I lose my partition tables, I can at least get my /home back ;) | 05:44 |
mc44 | spiroo: mounting isos works fine | 05:44 |
nanonyme | mc44, so the answer is yes | 05:44 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: OK, I removed it and ran the command. It did nothing. 0 upgraded, 0 installed, etc... | 05:44 |
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nanonyme | mc44, that is, dist-upgrade will install it | 05:44 |
Moox | no idea for my issue ? | 05:44 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: any errors though? | 05:44 |
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mc44 | nanonyme: depends, if you have the right metapackages yes | 05:45 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: no errors at all | 05:45 |
nanonyme | hmm | 05:45 |
Ramy | after upgrading to gutsy from feisty i can't get the new features like Screen and Graphics preferences :( and many other control GUI tools don't updated :( | 05:45 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: you're good then :) | 05:45 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: just DON'T USE Automatix! | 05:45 |
nanonyme | mc44, so i can leave it out until i consider it stable if i don't manually install the metapackages? :o | 05:45 |
benzon | actualy got a fun problem - Ubuntu's partition manager wont scan my 10000rpm disk and i know the disk works since it still can run windows | 05:45 |
nanonyme | cool | 05:45 |
mc44 | nanonyme: eh? you don't have to use compiz | 05:45 |
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benzon | Ramy >> reinstall upgrade is a bad solution | 05:45 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: so everything should work? awesome. Yea, Automatix was a pain from the beginning | 05:45 |
nanonyme | well, i don't want stuff on my system i don't use :) | 05:46 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: how do I configure compiz-fusion? Like the cube and stuff like that? | 05:46 |
KenSentMe | nosrednaekim, i start my ubuntu system, everything seems to go fine, i get the usual nvidia screen and then the login screen should load. However, i get an error window saying my greeting screen (raw translation) can't be loaded and i should try another one. When i then click Ok. the whole process of nvidia screen, then error starts over again | 05:46 |
mc44 | nanonyme: then you can remove or install the package as you want | 05:46 |
riotkittie | borovy3488: install compizconfig-settings-manager | 05:46 |
nanonyme | currently it seems i don't have it installed on my gutsy which is just dist-upgraded all the way from feisty | 05:46 |
borovy3488 | riotkittie: from where? | 05:46 |
sslashes | borovy3488: in gnome, go to System > Preferences > Appearance | 05:46 |
riotkittie | borovy3488: apt? aptitude? synaptic? | 05:47 |
=== nosrednaekim is on kubuntu so he can't help borovy3488 | ||
mc44 | nanonyme: well, if you didn't have the ubuntu-desktop metapackage that might be why. dist-upgrading isn't supported anyway | 05:47 |
nanonyme | mc44, i have xubuntu-desktop meta-package, i think | 05:47 |
nosrednaekim | KenSentMe: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" | 05:47 |
spiroo | mc44: Yes I know that, but for instance .img does not work if I want to watch movies. Then it is hard to mount an ISO. | 05:47 |
mc44 | spiroo: use VLC | 05:48 |
KenSentMe | nosrednaekim, ok, will try that, thanks | 05:48 |
mc44 | spiroo: you don't need to mount it, just open the file in vlc | 05:48 |
nosrednaekim | KenSentMe: might not be the solution... but try it :) | 05:48 |
spiroo | But if I do not wanna use VLC then. | 05:48 |
mc44 | nanonyme: I don't think xubuntu comes with compiz | 05:48 |
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borovy3488 | does anyone know if my old install of avant windows navigator should work?? | 05:48 |
mc44 | spiroo: then use something else which supports those files | 05:48 |
mc44 | borovy3488: as it's not in the official repos I doubt it | 05:49 |
spiroo | Yes, but there is none out? | 05:49 |
mc44 | spiroo: whats wrong with vlc? | 05:49 |
borovy3488 | thanks mc44 | 05:49 |
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nanonyme | mc44, alright, i no more questions then. thanks | 05:50 |
PriceChild | yay no ethernet :) | 05:50 |
nosrednaekim | PriceChild: wireless working :) | 05:50 |
PriceChild | nosrednaekim, meh... wireless on router is wpa and don't want to turn it off | 05:50 |
nanonyme | i have even | 05:51 |
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PriceChild | My ethernet appears in ifconfig | 05:52 |
PriceChild | network manager tried to use it fine.... | 05:52 |
PriceChild | just the light on my router doesn't appear :/ | 05:52 |
mc44 | PriceChild: hardware problem kthxbye :P | 05:53 |
spiroo | mc44: VLC does not work correctly | 05:53 |
mc44 | spiroo: what do you use? | 05:53 |
spiroo | Nothing, because no app works. I would like to watch movies in for instance Kaffeine | 05:54 |
nosrednaekim | PriceChild: all the wires pushed all the way in? | 05:54 |
PriceChild | mc44, but it works in windows, I upgraded my router 15 minutes ago... reboot back to ubuntu and doesn't work, so go back to windows, restore the router back to original and still nothing works | 05:54 |
=== Celtiore [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-18-51.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mc44 | PriceChild: it doesn't work in windows either now? | 05:54 |
PriceChild | mc44, no it does in windows | 05:54 |
mc44 | ah | 05:54 |
PriceChild | ubuntu just isn't turning things on, yet still tries to use it | 05:55 |
spiroo | Would be awesome with a GUI ISO-mounter like Deamon-tools. Then you just watch it from the mounted ISO | 05:55 |
chillervalley | another question: I have here a external drive but if i connect it to my pc Gusty doesnt recognise it! not on SATA and not on USB! what to do? | 05:55 |
mc44 | !info gisomount | spiroo | 05:55 |
ubotu | spiroo: gisomount: A utility for mounting and managing .iso images. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 268 kB | 05:55 |
spiroo | thanks | 05:56 |
=== coastGNU [n=templin@dyndsl-085-016-007-225.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
coastGNU | [Bug 152243] It seems that there is a bug in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14 I would judge as a grave bug. | 05:57 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 152243 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "prism p54pci broken in 2.6.22-14" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152243 | 05:57 |
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borovy3488 | OK guys, I think I may have another brain buster. | 05:58 |
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FFForever | how does the encryption work? | 05:58 |
bqmassey | holla | 05:58 |
bqmassey | hola | 05:58 |
chillervalley | okay now it recognize it on usb | 05:59 |
nosrednaekim | bye all! | 05:59 |
=== nosrednaekim doesn't want to bust his | ||
bqmassey | can someone explain to me "horizontal virtual size" vs "number of desktops" | 05:59 |
borovy3488 | I have Gutsy installed and everything works, on the user that I had to create to actually do work because nothing was working on my other user. Now, all I want to do is move all of the data files from that user to this user and delete that one. How can I do this? | 06:00 |
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bqmassey | anyone? | 06:02 |
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TheInfinity | bobesponja: cp ? | 06:02 |
borovy3488 | any ideas on how to import everything from one user to another? | 06:03 |
TheInfinity | cp :) | 06:03 |
chrisle | Hi! I can not open the files under /var/log/installer they are owned by root. But there is no root user in ubuntu or? | 06:04 |
TheInfinity | just look at man cp for the right options for you | 06:04 |
spiroo | mc44: How about .cue? | 06:04 |
macogw | borovy3488: sudo cp /home/olduser/* /home/newuser/ | 06:04 |
Asad2005 | whats the best way to purge /var/cache/apt/archives | 06:04 |
macogw | borovy3488: make that cp -r | 06:04 |
mc44 | spiroo: should mount fine I assume | 06:04 |
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macogw | chrisle: sudo | 06:04 |
spiroo | Does not work in gisoMount | 06:05 |
borovy3488 | macogw: after that is done, should I just delete the old user? | 06:05 |
macogw | chrisle: there is a root user, of course, but the password is locked | 06:05 |
mc44 | Asad2005: sudo apt-get autoclean | 06:05 |
macogw | borovy3488: system > admin > users and groups | 06:05 |
chrisle | okay thanks | 06:05 |
mc44 | spiroo: dunno then | 06:05 |
macogw | borovy3488: then delete their home directory | 06:05 |
borovy3488 | macogw: awesome thanks | 06:05 |
TheInfinity | he has to be in bash only macogw | 06:05 |
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TheInfinity | and he has to change gid / uid | 06:06 |
TheInfinity | otherwise it will fail | 06:06 |
Asad2005 | mc44, will that also clean future downloaded .deb files or just whats currently saved only | 06:06 |
macogw | borovy3488: ok TheInfinity says you have to kill X when you do it | 06:06 |
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mc44 | Asad2005: just the cache | 06:06 |
TheInfinity | or make it from a third account | 06:06 |
Asad2005 | mc44, thanks | 06:06 |
borovy3488 | macogw: how do I do that? | 06:07 |
chillervalley | why doesnt my External HDD work if plugged in with SATA? | 06:07 |
macogw | borovy3488: and for that change gid/uid bit he just said, chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser/* | 06:07 |
chillervalley | how can i fix that? | 06:07 |
TheInfinity | to guarantee that no data is used in the moment | 06:07 |
macogw | borovy3488: ctrl alt f1 | 06:07 |
macogw | borovy3488: and then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 06:07 |
giorgo1 | !repeat | 06:07 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:07 |
borovy3488 | macogw: it already started, like when you first said it | 06:07 |
Asad2005 | I want to rsync back up root partition what folder should i exclude | 06:07 |
macogw | borovy3488: ctrl C to kill it | 06:07 |
bqmassey | I've got 7.10 installed. I'd like to do the cube like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w Please Help! | 06:07 |
macogw | bqmassey: install compizconfig-settings-manager | 06:08 |
bqmassey | did that | 06:08 |
borovy3488 | ok what do I need to run again? | 06:08 |
macogw | bqmassey: ok then just enable the cube | 06:08 |
bqmassey | i can't figure out how to get four desktops that have the main toolbar | 06:08 |
macogw | borovy3488: write it down since you have to kill X | 06:08 |
riotkittie | bqmassey: go to ... ok, you have ccsm right? go to general options... its one of the tabs in there | 06:08 |
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chillervalley | bqmassey: right click and choose options on the desktops in the right lower corner | 06:09 |
bqmassey | ok.. i've got both open.. what both of you said | 06:09 |
macogw | borovy3488: hit ctrl alt f1, then type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" (and i mean write on analog paper) then "sudo cp -r /home/olduser/* /home/newuser/" then "sudo chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser/*" | 06:09 |
bqmassey | from the bottom right corner i have "Workspaces, Columns: 4, Rows: 1" | 06:09 |
riotkittie | desktop size tab, bqmassey | 06:10 |
chillervalley | okay there you got this 4 desktops | 06:10 |
chillervalley | is compiz running bqmassey? | 06:10 |
bqmassey | chillervalley: yea, my other effects are working | 06:10 |
riotkittie | increase horizontal vertical size | 06:10 |
macogw | bqmassey: did you disable desktop wall? | 06:10 |
bqmassey | under desktop size i have "Horizontal Virtual SIze: 4, Vertical Virtual Size: 1, Number of Desktops: 4 | 06:10 |
riotkittie | hm | 06:10 |
chillervalley | and you have enabled the cube in the settings manager bqmassey | 06:10 |
bqmassey | macogw: possibly | 06:10 |
axel_s | hi, can't use k3b since last update anymore... | 06:11 |
axel_s | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40550/ | 06:11 |
macogw | bqmassey: number of desktops should be 1 | 06:11 |
bqmassey | it makes me disable desktop wall when i enable "desktop cube" and "rotate cube" | 06:11 |
macogw | bqmassey: mine says 4, 1, 1 on that tab | 06:11 |
macogw | bqmassey: ok | 06:11 |
bqmassey | macogw: got it | 06:11 |
Asad2005 | mc44, i have issued sudo apt-get autoclean but it did not delete all .debs, i assume only those which are not required (old ones) are deleted, is that right ? | 06:12 |
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macogw | Asad2005: ye | 06:12 |
macogw | s | 06:12 |
borovy3488 | who was helping me with the user import? | 06:12 |
macogw | borovy3488: i was | 06:12 |
borovy3488 | macogw: aparently ctl alt f1 crashes my laptop. | 06:12 |
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borovy3488 | good news, eh? | 06:12 |
riotkittie | ooh. :o | 06:12 |
macogw | borovy3488: takes it to a black screen you mean? that's supposed to happen | 06:12 |
mc44 | Asad2005: try using clean instead of autoclean | 06:12 |
bqmassey | hey cool.. it's working | 06:13 |
borovy3488 | macogw: oh, well now I feel like a retard | 06:13 |
macogw | borovy3488: killing X means all the graphics go POOF thats why i said to write it on real analog paper | 06:13 |
bqmassey | thanks guys | 06:13 |
borovy3488 | macogw: ok, so what was the command I need to run again? | 06:13 |
macogw | borovy3488: it has a login prompt on the black screen, right? | 06:13 |
riotkittie | wee. animations. | 06:14 |
borovy3488 | macogw: no, it just was completely black and had a blinking line | 06:14 |
Asad2005 | mc44, Thats what i intended to do, thanks anyhow | 06:14 |
bqmassey | it rotates the screen.. but i don't actually see a cube.. any ideas? | 06:14 |
macogw | borovy3488: :-/ do you have framebuffer enabled? it sounds like it | 06:14 |
macogw | bqmassey: ctrl alt, click and drag | 06:14 |
Asad2005 | I want to rsync root partition what folder should i exclude | 06:14 |
borovy3488 | macogw: dang, maybe how do I take it off? I never turned it on? | 06:15 |
bqmassey | macogw: awesome | 06:15 |
bqmassey | macogw: how do i zoom out? like the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w | 06:15 |
macogw | borovy3488: framebuffer is, AFAIK still broken. it's a boot option that i dont think can be disabled midrun (someone tell me if that's wrong please). when you boot you hit Esc to go to GRUB, then "e" on the first line of ubuntu stuff. arrow down one to the very long line and hit "e" again. at the end of the line it'll say something like vga=792 or some other number, backspace that out and hit enter | 06:16 |
macogw | bqmassey: play with cube settings | 06:16 |
bqmassey | ok, thanks | 06:16 |
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borovy3488 | macogw: OK, now that kind of scares me. Does it have to be done? The last command you gave me looked like it was working, just taking a while. all of the desktop files are there and some of the other files from the home | 06:17 |
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macogw | borovy3488: TheInfinity says that if you move them while logged in as either user it will F things up, and that sounds about right. | 06:18 |
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macogw | borovy3488: editing the grub boot parameters that way only affects you for *one* boot | 06:18 |
macogw | they revert to normal next time you reboot | 06:19 |
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borovy3488 | macogw: OK, when I edit that, what do I do? | 06:19 |
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borovy3488 | will it just load into ubuntu like normal? | 06:19 |
macogw | borovy3488: before we start, can you do "sudo apt-get install irssi"? | 06:19 |
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lufis | Every time I try to print with my hp photosmart c3180 (on gutsy) the print dialog freezes. It was working fine before a recent update, now print dialogs in all apps freeze up whenever they are opened. The HPLIP toolbox won't open either, when i run it from the cli it says: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 171 | 06:20 |
PriceChild | Now it works... wierd | 06:20 |
skyhook | Hi, when gusty comes out and I upgrade, will it be like a fresh install, or will it keep a lot of my programs and files? | 06:20 |
borovy3488 | it says the isrssi has no installation candidate | 06:20 |
macogw | borovy3488: actually better idea. boot one of the recovery options | 06:20 |
macogw | borovy3488: you spelled it wrong | 06:20 |
lufis | skyhook: do you have /home on its own partition? | 06:20 |
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macogw | borovy3488: recovery options do not have X, just command line, which means i dont have to explain how to get to the command line | 06:21 |
skyhook | lufis: no, I don't think so | 06:21 |
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macogw | borovy3488: recovery option also makes you root automatically | 06:21 |
borovy3488 | ok, sounds good, how do I do that? | 06:21 |
lufis | skyhook: you probably do... as long as /home isn't touched during the installation, all your old files will be safe | 06:21 |
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | borovy3488: when GRUB comes up and lets you pick what to boot, every other one says "recovery" just arrow to it and hit enter | 06:21 |
skyhook | lufis: I see, okay thanks | 06:22 |
borovy3488 | ok, then can I come back on this channel and get some help | 06:22 |
macogw | borovy3488: irssi is an IRC client for the command line so you can ask questions here while doing stuff | 06:22 |
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SuperLag | irssi++ | 06:22 |
macogw | borovy3488: no. there will not be X to get here using xchat or pidgin. you need irssi to come back here while in recovery mode | 06:22 |
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macogw | borovy3488: play along and imagine you're a hacker in Live Free or Die Hard, ok? | 06:23 |
=== macogw winces | ||
borovy3488 | sounds good | 06:23 |
borovy3488 | haha | 06:23 |
borovy3488 | macogw: I ran this exactly in the terminal:: sudo apt-get install irssi | 06:23 |
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borovy3488 | said that there was no installation candidate | 06:23 |
macogw | borovy3488: O_o | 06:24 |
chillervalley | i'm a hacker and building a virus like in Hackers! | 06:24 |
chillervalley | with this nice cube thingy ect. | 06:24 |
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karachi9 | Anyone with ATI Radeon 9200 graphics trouble? | 06:24 |
macogw | borovy3488: O_o it's in main. | 06:24 |
sargsmitten | hey all... does ne1 know if the new gnome has a thumbnail view for file uploads? | 06:24 |
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macogw | karachi9: use the open source driver and there is no trouble | 06:25 |
malajenho | hi, is there any command like NET SEND in Windows for messaging one pc with Ubuntu and another with Windows ? | 06:25 |
borovy3488 | should I try synaptic? | 06:25 |
macogw | borovy3488: guess you could try | 06:25 |
karachi9 | Is the open source driver the default driver or would I need to manually set it to that? | 06:25 |
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sargsmitten | DOES THE NEW GNOME have a thumbnail view for file uploads? | 06:26 |
contrast83 | karachi9: it's the default | 06:26 |
karachi9 | well it's not working well on an nforce2 motherboard | 06:26 |
macogw | sargsmitten: file uploads? | 06:27 |
contrast83 | karachi9: elaborate? | 06:27 |
karachi9 | can't set the resolution frequency to anything besides 60Hz and I need 85Hz | 06:27 |
borovy3488 | macogw: it has irssi-plugin-icq, irssi-plugin-silc, ekg, irssi-scripts, etc... but no just plain irssi | 06:27 |
sargsmitten | LIKE when you go to upload a pic to 4chan or myspace or somethin....and you wanna look through ur pics.... is there a thumbnail view to preview those pics...the GNOME for fiesty does not have this feature | 06:28 |
macogw | borovy3488: weird. install one of those and maybe itll yank in regular irssi. also possible,i guess, that irssi is a wrapper for a bundle of packages | 06:28 |
borovy3488 | ok | 06:28 |
Ramy | can anyone help me to fix my VirtualBox according to this thread https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose-modules/+bug/151379 | 06:28 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 151379 in virtualbox-ose-modules "Please provide virtualbox modules for 2.6.22-14" [Medium,Fix released] | 06:28 |
macogw | borovy3488: if not, there's also bitchx | 06:28 |
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borovy3488 | ok, we'll try that one | 06:29 |
karachi9 | The screen flickers and won't fit the size of my monitor | 06:29 |
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contrast83 | karachi9: you could try the proprietary driver | 06:29 |
borovy3488 | macogw: yea, it found bitchx | 06:29 |
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karachi9 | Okay... | 06:29 |
macogw | borovy3488: ok then use that | 06:29 |
karachi9 | contrast83: Thanks | 06:29 |
bfallik | any recent problems with fglrx? It stopped working on my laptop this AM | 06:29 |
contrast83 | np | 06:29 |
borovy3488 | macogw: should I get the dev, gtk, ssl, etc.. packages as well? | 06:30 |
bfallik | (ironically, I'm sitting in an Ubuntu installfest) | 06:30 |
macogw | borovy3488: no | 06:30 |
contrast83 | sargsmitten: i'm pretty sure it does | 06:30 |
macogw | borovy3488: dev is for developers and gtk is for not-command-line usage | 06:30 |
borovy3488 | macogw: ok, its installing | 06:30 |
bqmassey | I found a theme i really like.... can i use it on 7.10? | 06:30 |
bqmassey | http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Grey+Neu?content=60824 | 06:30 |
sargsmitten | CONTRAST83>>> thanks...that was the only thing i didn't like about the fiesty.... i'm in the middle of my distro upgrade to gutsy rite now | 06:31 |
borovy3488 | macogw: its installed | 06:31 |
borovy3488 | what now? | 06:31 |
contrast83 | sargsmitten: well, just remember i did say i *think*. :-) | 06:31 |
contrast83 | sargsmitten: if it's not, you could always switch to kde. :-P | 06:31 |
macogw | borovy3488: with a real piece of paper and a pen, write this down | 06:31 |
macogw | borovy3488: pencil is also ok | 06:31 |
Ramy | i don't know how i can fix that bug with the fix in the VirtualBox bug thread | 06:31 |
borovy3488 | macogw: how about a crayon? | 06:31 |
macogw | borovy3488: if you can make a crayon legible, more power to ya | 06:32 |
sargsmitten | I could...but I like gnome better....its not a big deal, it would just be nice to have that feature inclduing | 06:32 |
mc44 | sargsmitten: no, the firefox dialog doesn't have previews. It's not a gnome problem | 06:32 |
macogw | borovy3488: cp -r /home/olduser/* /home/newuser/ | 06:32 |
borovy3488 | macogw: ok, I'm ready | 06:32 |
contrast83 | mc44: most other GNOME apps do though, right? | 06:32 |
macogw | borovy3488: chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser/* | 06:32 |
sargsmitten | damnX is there a way around that? EPIPHANY perhaps? | 06:32 |
contrast83 | sargsmitten: that was my next suggestion | 06:32 |
mc44 | contrast83: some do, gimp for instance | 06:32 |
macogw | borovy3488: when thats done, "reboot" will reboot the computer | 06:33 |
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macogw | borovy3488: oh wait. "rm -rf /home/olduser/" before you reboot | 06:33 |
eternal_p | good afternoon everyone, quick question...I just upgrade to 7.10 so far so good, except with my nvidia card I get a black window sometimes, I would like to upgrade to the latest nVidia drivers which fix this bug, how do I stop gnome so I can install the driver (or is there a better solution)? | 06:33 |
macogw | eternal_p: ctrl alt f1 then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 06:34 |
eternal_p | macogw: thank you | 06:34 |
eternal_p | is that the best solution or am I asking for trouble? | 06:34 |
TheRepacker | eternal_p what card are you running? | 06:34 |
eternal_p | nVidia | 06:34 |
eternal_p | Gforce2go | 06:34 |
=== filthpig [n=carl@ti0010a380-5429.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | eternal_p: thats the way to kill X. idk much abotu gutsy nvidia | 06:34 |
borovy3488 | macogw: OK, now when I restart, what do I do? Like how do I get into the command line mode again | 06:34 |
macogw | ive only use nvidia with feisty and only ati with opensuse | 06:35 |
macogw | borovy3488: after you have copied things in recovery mode and that finishes and you reboot, just use the default boot option to go back to your regular way of doing things | 06:35 |
bretzel | Is there are still bugs in 7.10 RC ??? because I can't see any ( compiz-fusion; and other bleeding pkg cannot be wihtout bugs obviously -- but it is not ubuntu ) so what's still missing ? | 06:35 |
borovy3488 | macogw: ok, also in the chown part, is it supposed to say old user: new user, or are both supposed to be new user | 06:36 |
macogw | bretzel: framebuffer | 06:36 |
borovy3488 | just wondering cause it looks weird | 06:36 |
macogw | borovy3488: newuser both times. that sets the user and the group | 06:36 |
filthpig | hi, I guess I just found a bug with compiz fusion and the workspace switcher! If you enable desktop cube first and then reduce workspaces to less than two, something funny happens ;) | 06:36 |
bretzel | framebuffer can you point me at the track (please )? | 06:36 |
borovy3488 | macogw: OK, I'll be back soon hopefully! | 06:36 |
TheRepacker | Because there is a regressive bug in 100.14.11 and 14.19, I am using 9639 with no problems or lockups, and all the eye candy | 06:36 |
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macogw | bretzel: umm what? in launchpad? framebuffer isnt in the initrd stuff by default so you have to manually add it and if you dont your tty is blank and useless if you use framebuffer | 06:37 |
bqmassey | i have a theme packaged as "emerald".. how do i decompress that? | 06:37 |
=== djennewe__ [n=djennewe@216-161-10-250.sxfl.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
contrast83 | bqmassey: With Emerald Theme Manager | 06:38 |
macogw | bqmassey: drag it into what contrast83 said | 06:38 |
bqmassey | is that installed by default? | 06:38 |
contrast83 | ETM does DnD now? Nice. | 06:39 |
macogw | bqmassey: dont know | 06:39 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: not sure (i'm on kde). if not, apt-get install emerald-theme-manager | 06:39 |
=== Pusur [n=henbru@42.80-203-52.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
macogw | contrast83: i think....oh er maybe you have to click "import" | 06:39 |
contrast83 | err, nevermind | 06:39 |
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bqmassey | contrast83: cool, thanks | 06:39 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: apt-get install emerald | 06:39 |
macogw | bqmassey: ok click import on ETM then | 06:39 |
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Pusur | How do I make the panel hide completely when autohiding? | 06:40 |
bretzel | did not noticed only beta had that issue for me : now RC shows FB - the only issue I have is woth Compiz/Beryl : switch to console ( ctrl-alt+Fx ) and try to return back to tty7 --- I have to cold-reboot if I cannot remotely kill X... nothing to do with Ubuntu - happens on all distros | 06:40 |
bretzel | woth ** with | 06:40 |
bqmassey | macogw: what's ETM? | 06:40 |
bqmassey | macogw: disregard that.. im an idiot | 06:40 |
contrast83 | lol | 06:40 |
macogw | heh | 06:40 |
cypherdelic | How to find out the UUID for a device, command for console??? | 06:41 |
contrast83 | Think of all the precious time we save with acronyms. By the end of our lives, we'll have saved at least a few hours, EASILY. | 06:41 |
contrast83 | :-P | 06:41 |
bretzel | -- | 06:42 |
bqmassey | ok.. i run apt-get and get "permission denied" and "are you root" | 06:42 |
Pusur | When a panel autohides, there will still be a couple of pixels showing. How do I reduce this? | 06:42 |
MisterN | contrast83: what does EASILY stand for? | 06:42 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: sudo apt-get install emerald | 06:42 |
contrast83 | MisterN: lol, g1 | 06:42 |
bqmassey | contrast83: perfect, thanks | 06:42 |
contrast83 | np | 06:42 |
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bqmassey | ok, i've got it imported... how do i apply it? | 06:45 |
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bqmassey | think the default theme manager is overriding it? | 06:45 |
contrast83 | click it in the list | 06:45 |
bqmassey | contrast83: did that | 06:45 |
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contrast83 | bqmassey: probably... if you haven't already, "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"... | 06:46 |
bqmassey | contrast83: yep, done that | 06:46 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: In there, go to the Window Decoration plugin (under Effects), and put "emerald --replace &" under the Command field. | 06:47 |
freelock | Hey, is there a workspace switcher working for Compiz? | 06:47 |
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CheeseGardener | I'm having some problems with Gutsy. I am using the Intel 915 chipset, but when use the i810 drivers, or the intel experiemental modesetting driver, it doesn't seem to work for me. It simply tells me something to the effect of it couldn't configure my video card correctly, when I re-login. | 06:47 |
bqmassey | contrast83: ok did that | 06:48 |
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contrast83 | bqmassey: still no change? | 06:48 |
bqmassey | contrast83: nope.. did you really mean '&' ? | 06:49 |
cypherdelic | Please help. wehen I try to boot with Gutsy Beta from encrypted LVM, then i spawn to busy box and need to manually open the encrypted device. Please how do I fix that? | 06:49 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: yeah | 06:49 |
bqmassey | contrast83: it doesn't need to be in quotes does it? | 06:49 |
Skrot- | Hi, which version of alsa does gutsy use? | 06:49 |
contrast83 | nope | 06:49 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: do your titlebars look the same as when compiz isn't running? | 06:49 |
bqmassey | i dont know how to turn off compiz | 06:50 |
contrast83 | run "metacity --replace &" | 06:50 |
bqmassey | but the theme i'm using is selected in System>Preferences>Appearance | 06:50 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: ok, nevermind that then | 06:50 |
bqmassey | ok.. the bars are different now | 06:51 |
thetyr | does anyone know where the scripts are stored in the home directory for (K)ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon? | 06:51 |
bqmassey | no, nm, they're the same | 06:51 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: one sec... | 06:51 |
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bqmassey | hehe.. how do i start it again? no likey | 06:52 |
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contrast83 | bqmassey: what kind of card do you have? | 06:52 |
eternal_p | hello all, again...I installed the new nvidia driver and now I have lost my resolution and graphic accelleration, it won't seem to detect my card anymore... any thoughts? | 06:52 |
bqmassey | it's a vaio laptop... probably integrated | 06:52 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: compiz --replace & | 06:52 |
FFForever | is 7.04 better then 7.10? | 06:52 |
FFForever | errr i mean the other way around.... | 06:53 |
bqmassey | hey | 06:53 |
bqmassey | that worked | 06:53 |
bqmassey | turning compiz back on ran the emerald command | 06:53 |
mc44 | FFForever: yes? | 06:53 |
bqmassey | problem solved | 06:53 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: cool | 06:53 |
bqmassey | contrast83: hehehe.. thanks | 06:53 |
contrast83 | np | 06:53 |
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=== jon9314 [n=jon9314@cpe-71-74-157-222.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
jon9314 | i'm running gutsy and one of the recent updates caused the nvidia drivers not to work. if i enable them i reboot and a screen comes up saing low grafics mode and i only have one resolution anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? | 06:55 |
=== LiMaO writing a complete script that will help newbies install firefox32 + java + flash + mplayer on a 64bit system. actually the script will do it all automatically, while explaining to the user what it's doing. there will also be an uninstall option, to revert your system to how it was before the script ran =D | ||
bqmassey | contrast83: i can't turn off that terminal without turning off compiz | 06:55 |
eternal_p | jon9314: I'm having the same problem | 06:55 |
eternal_p | right now, i"m just downloading RC and may have to re-install.... | 06:55 |
contrast83 | jon9314, eternal_p: try hitting escape when GRUB's loading and booting into the older kernel | 06:56 |
mc44 | jon9314: how did you install the nvidia drivers? | 06:56 |
jon9314 | so its a kernel problem? | 06:56 |
eternal_p | contrast83: its not a kernel issue though, just a driver issue (i see what you are saying though) but how would you recover the driver? | 06:56 |
contrast83 | eternal_p: well, that fixed it for me. i'm having the same problem and am currently using 2.6.22-12 without issue | 06:57 |
jon9314 | i used nvidias installer and gutsy's installer | 06:57 |
contrast83 | jon9314: seperately, i hope? | 06:57 |
jon9314 | yes | 06:57 |
mc44 | if you use nvidias drivers then they will break | 06:57 |
eternal_p | contrast83: but then how do you go back to the latest kernel...its kind of side-stepping the issue rather tahn fixing it, know what I mean | 06:57 |
eternal_p | mc44: now you tell us, lol | 06:57 |
mc44 | The issue is you should use the drivers from the repos not nvidias installer | 06:57 |
contrast83 | eternal_p: yeah, i agree. i haven't found a real solution though. | 06:58 |
eternal_p | mc44: can you force a re-install of the ones from the repo? | 06:58 |
mc44 | contrast83: don't use the nvidia drivers? | 06:58 |
mc44 | contrast83: I mean, the nvidia drivers from their site | 06:58 |
contrast83 | mc44: i'm not | 06:58 |
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mc44 | contrast83: then new kernels shouldn't break nvidia | 06:58 |
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CheeseGardener | I'm having some problems with Gutsy. I am using the Intel 915 chipset, but when use the i810 drivers, or the intel experiemental modesetting driver, it doesn't seem to work for me. It simply tells me something to the effect of it couldn't configure my video card correctly, when I re-login. | 06:58 |
jon9314 | i have tried the ones from repos same problem plus they are the same version | 06:58 |
contrast83 | mc44: well, they did. :-\ | 06:58 |
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mc44 | jon9314: it;s not to do with the version | 06:59 |
mc44 | jon9314: if the kernel abi changes you need a new module, if you use the repos this is done automatically | 06:59 |
jon9314 | how can i make shure i only have the ones from the repo? | 07:00 |
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jon9314 | i see what u are saying | 07:00 |
mc44 | uninstall the nvidia drivers using the nvidia installer | 07:00 |
bqmassey | im away | 07:00 |
mc44 | then use the restricted driver manager | 07:00 |
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bqmassey | thanks for the help contrast83 | 07:00 |
contrast83 | bqmassey: no problem. | 07:00 |
eternal_p | mc44: I never say that as an option | 07:00 |
mc44 | eternal_p: saw what? | 07:01 |
eternal_p | mc44: using the nvidia script to uninstall | 07:01 |
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mc44 | eternal_p: don't know the specifics but you can do it | 07:02 |
mc44 | eternal_p: if you will do things the hard way :) | 07:02 |
mc44 | Enabling the drivers using the restricted driver manager is so simple yet people still go to nvidia to get drivers *sigh* | 07:03 |
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eternal_p | mc44: lol sure, except for the lovely back window bug which is fixed in the latest version... | 07:03 |
contrast83 | eternal_p: nvidia-glx-new is the latest version, i believe. | 07:04 |
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bascule | eternal_p: ./NVI<thingy> --uninstall <-- removes the scripted driver | 07:04 |
jon9314 | i tried restricted manager first then as a last resort tried nvidias | 07:04 |
eternal_p | bascule: ya, I just saw that...I wonder if I install the latest version via apt-get over this version..will that work, or should I clean it out first? | 07:05 |
bascule | clean first always | 07:05 |
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eternal_p | going to try it now, thanks guys | 07:05 |
contrast83 | np. good luck | 07:05 |
bascule | *never* force conflicting drivers in any OS, ever | 07:05 |
CheeseGardener | I'm having some problems with Gutsy. I am using the Intel 915 chipset, but when use the i810 drivers, or the intel experiemental modesetting driver, it doesn't seem to work for me. It simply tells me something to the effect of it couldn't configure my video card correctly, when I re-login. | 07:06 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: try 915resolution | 07:06 |
bascule | !info 915resilution | 07:06 |
ubotu | Package 915resilution does not exist in gutsy | 07:06 |
=== eljefe__ [n=eljefe@75-168-78-77.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bascule | !info 915resolution | 07:06 |
ubotu | 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 15 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 07:06 |
eljefe__ | where do i report upgrade bugs? the fist one is that the release announcement is for 6.06... | 07:07 |
CheeseGardener | bascule, how do I use it? | 07:07 |
bascule | just run it as root | 07:07 |
CheeseGardener | what does it do? | 07:07 |
bascule | it modifiesbad bios on somecards | 07:07 |
bascule | insert appropriate space sin that last comment | 07:08 |
bascule | :)) | 07:08 |
eljefe__ | how do i upgrade kubuntu? I followed the instructions on the web and then did the adept_manager --version-upgrade but the upgrade program itself never started | 07:08 |
NoNet | help Issue using Network Manager after update to new Dstribution no internet and no ping wlan0 & eth0 show up in if config | 07:08 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: it adds it's self at boot time too, so if effective you can rest in peace from that time on | 07:09 |
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CheeseGardener | bascule, so what command do I type in terminal? | 07:09 |
bascule | 915resolution | 07:09 |
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bascule | CheeseGardener: sudo of course | 07:10 |
CheeseGardener | it cameup with a bunch of options | 07:10 |
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bascule | it did??? | 07:10 |
CheeseGardener | I messaged you | 07:10 |
CheeseGardener | bascule I sent you a PM with it | 07:11 |
eljefe__ | !kubuntu | 07:12 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 07:12 |
eljefe__ | bah | 07:12 |
eljefe__ | !upgrade | 07:12 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 07:12 |
eljefe__ | !version-upgrade | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about version-upgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
eljefe__ | !gutsy | 07:13 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 07:13 |
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eljefe__ | how do i upgrade kubuntu? I followed the instructions on the web and then did the adept_manager --version-upgrade but the upgrade program itself never started... | 07:14 |
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nosrednaekim | eljefe__: go to #kubuntu-devel I think that app is in rather a beta state | 07:15 |
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eljefe__ | nosrednaekim: thanks | 07:15 |
=== coolnesssss [n=coolness@cpe-69-204-202-89.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
coolnesssss | why the 5 day wait isnt it done by now :P | 07:16 |
NoNet | help 2 Issue using Network Manager after update to new Dstribution no internet and no ping wlan0 & eth0 show up in ifconfig | 07:16 |
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coolnesssss | does anyone know if kernel 2.63 is included??? | 07:17 |
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ThunderStruck | NoNet, i restarted n-m than restarted pc and it worked after that | 07:17 |
mendred | coolnesssss: nopes | 07:17 |
ThunderStruck | coolnesssss, 2.6.22 will be in gutsy | 07:17 |
coolnesssss | ahh ty | 07:17 |
coolnesssss | would be nice to have the program throttler | 07:18 |
ThunderStruck | we dont use odd numbers for releases | 07:18 |
ThunderStruck | and it was released way too late in cycle | 07:18 |
coolnesssss | why is that? | 07:18 |
coolnesssss | ahh ok | 07:18 |
ThunderStruck | coolnesssss, because of the released dates | 07:18 |
coolnesssss | right odd numbers are bad lol i get it i can just install the kernel by myself | 07:19 |
coolnesssss | i cant wait to see the finished product | 07:19 |
mc44 | ThunderStruck: nothing to do with odd numbers, though | 07:21 |
NoNet | have reistaled 7.10 and had no internet but would pingThen Firefox would not work until I tried my router setup page (HTML) | 07:21 |
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ThunderStruck | mc44, not really but odd number releases are never with our releases | 07:22 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, time wise | 07:22 |
mc44 | ThunderStruck: eh, edgy was .17 | 07:22 |
ThunderStruck | normally we start devel on odd numbers | 07:22 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, we didnt have alot of time on edgy remember | 07:22 |
ThunderStruck | we lost 2 months of devel | 07:22 |
mc44 | just pointing out your argument was incorrect :) | 07:23 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, the point i was making is due to time frame of kernel release comapred to our releases | 07:23 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, it just came out that way | 07:23 |
nosrednaekim | ummm and dapper was 15 | 07:23 |
mc44 | ThunderStruck: yes. Nothing to do with odd numbers | 07:23 |
mc44 | anyway | 07:23 |
ThunderStruck | nowas it? | 07:23 |
nosrednaekim | yep | 07:24 |
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ThunderStruck | ok my bad but atleast lately it has been even due to relelases | 07:24 |
ThunderStruck | damn keyboard | 07:24 |
ThunderStruck | releases | 07:24 |
ThunderStruck | either way .23 was released hmm maybe 4 days ago so it wouldnt have made it anyway | 07:25 |
coolnesssss | what is the next lts version is it 7.10? | 07:26 |
ThunderStruck | 8.04 | 07:26 |
coolnesssss | ahh | 07:26 |
coolnesssss | ty | 07:26 |
CheeseGardener | could someone give me a hand getting gutsy to detect my 915GM intel chipset? | 07:26 |
ThunderStruck | hmmm this is odd. brb xchat devels stopped using gtk in xchat for win and it seems to still be using it | 07:27 |
ThunderStruck | chrestricted-manager | 07:27 |
ThunderStruck | CheeseGardener, restricted-manager | 07:27 |
coolnesssss | 915GM chipset with integrated Intel video card has a problem with Xorg: despite the screen is set to power off in 1 minute, it does not. | 07:27 |
llutz | CheeseGardener: be carefull if you use the xserver-xorg-video-intel, it's broken | 07:27 |
coolnesssss | it also causes alot of crashes | 07:27 |
ThunderStruck | llutz, the 915 works iirc | 07:28 |
llutz | ThunderStruck: nope, only with a fixed package | 07:28 |
ThunderStruck | its > than 915 was broke last time i heard | 07:28 |
coolnesssss | there should be a patch if i member correctly | 07:28 |
llutz | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/127101 | 07:28 |
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ubotu | Launchpad bug 127101 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop hangs when switching video mode" [High,In progress] | 07:28 |
coolnesssss | >.< hates intel | 07:28 |
coolnesssss | almost as bad as ati | 07:29 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 07:29 |
nosrednaekim | not really | 07:29 |
coolnesssss | i always have problems even in windows with intel chipsets | 07:29 |
=== ThunderStruck remembers bryce saying it was fixed | ||
bascule | my intel works beautifully | 07:29 |
coolnesssss | do you have the 915 chipset for laptops? | 07:30 |
llutz | bascule: now, mine too :) | 07:30 |
bascule | direct rendering: Yes | 07:30 |
bascule | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 20061017 x86/MMX/SSE2 | 07:30 |
ThunderStruck | ah almost fixed might have been what i remember | 07:30 |
coolnesssss | it doesnt display anything correctly | 07:30 |
ThunderStruck | luckz, you even say its fixed in the bug | 07:31 |
ThunderStruck | eh not you | 07:31 |
coolnesssss | you cant set it to widescreen and the external moniter support is choppy | 07:31 |
coolnesssss | so i sold it | 07:31 |
llutz | ThunderStruck: the new pckage fixed that bug for most of the guys, not all :( | 07:31 |
bascule | coolnesssss: 915resolution is needed to add some resolutions | 07:31 |
coolnesssss | got an amd and solved all my problems | 07:31 |
ThunderStruck | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/127101/comments/134 https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/127101/comments/135 | 07:32 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127101 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop hangs when switching video mode" [High,In progress] | 07:32 |
llutz | bascule: 915resolution shouldn't be needed with intel anymore (only with i810...) | 07:32 |
bascule | never tris to switch modes though | 07:32 |
NoNet | Help 4 Issue using Network Manager after update to new Dstribution no internet and no ping wlan0 & eth0 show up in ifconfig have reinstalled 7.10 and had no internet but would ping Then Firefox would not work until I tried my router setup page (HTML) then Firefox was working so I the updates now everytime I boot Everything looks OK but no internet | 07:32 |
bascule | llutz: well I didn't know that | 07:32 |
cyclonut | y'know, I know i810 shouldnt be used any more, but xorg-intel doesnt work for me at all :( i945 here | 07:33 |
bascule | but it is running fine in 1280x800 here | 07:33 |
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bascule | cyclonut: doesn't work at all? no X or no accel? | 07:34 |
llutz | ThunderStruck: but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/127101/comments/136 | 07:34 |
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ubotu | Launchpad bug 127101 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop hangs when switching video mode" [High,In progress] | 07:34 |
ThunderStruck | llutz, thats one person | 07:34 |
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ThunderStruck | llutz, taht can be anything on his system | 07:34 |
cyclonut | bascule: no X | 07:35 |
llutz | ThunderStruck: you might be right, we will see | 07:35 |
CheeseGardener | llutz, how is the xserver broken for intel? | 07:35 |
ThunderStruck | llutz, if everyone still had issue i would say its still borked but 1 person kind of shakey on that for now, i will ping bryce monday see where he is on it | 07:35 |
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llutz | CheeseGardener: read given launchpad-links (freezes on modechange) | 07:35 |
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mattwoodyard | how do i disable trackerd in gutsy? | 07:35 |
CheeseGardener | llutz, how do I fix it? | 07:35 |
llutz | CheeseGardener: theres a fixed intel-package in that thread, use it | 07:36 |
bascule | cyclonut: post your xorg.conf somewhere | 07:36 |
bascule | and /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 07:37 |
CheeseGardener | llutz, wihch one? | 07:37 |
cyclonut | aye, momentarily | 07:37 |
CheeseGardener | llutz, how do I use that package btw? Could you tell me how to make use of it? | 07:38 |
llutz | CheeseGardener: xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.1-0ubuntu9~pcjc2_i386.deb | 07:38 |
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llutz | CheeseGardener: download it, install "sudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.1-0ubuntu9~pcjc2_i386.deb", make sure your xorg.conf uses driver "intel" and restart X | 07:38 |
CheeseGardener | where do I download it though? | 07:40 |
ThunderStruck | chfrom the bug | 07:40 |
llutz | 240663 | 07:40 |
ThunderStruck | CheeseGardener, from bug | 07:40 |
llutz | ups | 07:40 |
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CheeseGardener | where is the link though? how do I get to it? | 07:41 |
ThunderStruck | go to bug and find it click on it | 07:41 |
llutz | CheeseGardener: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Testing/bug127101/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.1-0ubuntu7~bwh1_i386.deb | 07:42 |
Myrth[home] | hi, on my thinkpad x40 gutsy have this problem - when close the lid and reopen, the whole screen goes down by about 20px and top space is fliled with memory junk. to fix i have to switch to console and back. anyone knows about this problem? | 07:42 |
llutz | CheeseGardener: sorry no! this one http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/ubuntu/xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.1.1-0ubuntu9~pcjc2_i386.deb | 07:42 |
cyclonut | bascule: http://pastebin.com/d270d5fde | 07:42 |
cyclonut | current | 07:42 |
CheeseGardener | and how do I change the xorg.conf file? | 07:42 |
cyclonut | I swap quite often | 07:42 |
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cyclonut | I have even tried going with the intel driver, and starting with a blank xorg (which gutsy does quite well configuring w/ i810) | 07:43 |
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frank_ | Anyone know of a fast mirror? All the ones I try seem pretty slow | 07:44 |
Myrth[home] | cyclonut: i also have gutsy / i810 - do you have the problem i described before? | 07:44 |
cyclonut | frank_: bittorrent? | 07:44 |
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cyclonut | Myrth[home] : nope, happily I dont have that issue | 07:44 |
cyclonut | though my screen had been refusing to turn back on after shutting & opening lid | 07:45 |
frank_ | cyclonut: I mean for the repositories | 07:45 |
cyclonut | a recent update (yesterday got an update that fixed that) | 07:45 |
Myrth[home] | cycllonut: i had this problem too with suspend | 07:45 |
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CheeseGardener | where is xorg.conf located? | 07:46 |
Myrth[home] | CheeseGardener: /etc/X11/ | 07:46 |
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bascule | cyclonut: all those modelines are worrying, put them there yourself? | 07:49 |
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cyclonut | bascule: negative, that is an X generated xorg.conf | 07:50 |
borovy3488 | who was helping me with the user switch again? | 07:50 |
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CheeseGardener | No luck. | 07:51 |
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bascule | cyclonut: and you try to run 2 screens? Laptop or desktop? | 07:51 |
CheeseGardener | I'm still having the same problem. It knows there is a video card ther but i can't pick i up for some reason. | 07:51 |
CheeseGardener | it* | 07:51 |
borovy3488 | is he not here anymore I'm guessing? | 07:51 |
lee_ | eh limao, eh i kinda have a problem atm ..lol | 07:52 |
CheeseGardener | Both the i810 driver, and Intel Experimental Modesetting driver don't work, they won't allow or additional effecs. | 07:52 |
cyclonut | bascule: laptop | 07:52 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: glxinfo | grep render | 07:52 |
lee_ | i had to reload caues i enguaged the ati.. | 07:52 |
LiMaO | lee_: hey you lee, what's up?! =) | 07:52 |
bascule | cyclonut: and it's native resolution is 1440x900 ? | 07:52 |
lee_ | and i ran that script..oops | 07:52 |
cyclonut | aye, main screen on lappy is 1440x900, secondary is 1280x1024 | 07:53 |
lee_ | any how lesson 1..don't mess with da drivers lol | 07:53 |
lee_ | i backed that script up for fire fox and ran it | 07:53 |
bascule | cyclonut: 915resolution -l lists 1440x900? | 07:53 |
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lee_ | it said it can't run program | 07:53 |
lee_ | eh did i oops some where lol | 07:54 |
borovy3488 | OK, can anyone answer questions about moving one user to another? | 07:55 |
cyclonut | bascule - aye | 07:55 |
lee_ | that is to say , i don't even have the browser.. or do i now need to get it? | 07:55 |
CheeseGardener | bascule, what is glxinfo geprender? | 07:55 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: type it into a shell show the output | 07:55 |
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bascule | CheeseGardener: preferably copy/paste the one I typed ;) | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:56 |
nanonyme | arrgh | 07:56 |
bascule | stop | 07:56 |
borovy3488 | I moved everything over from one user to another user and deleted the old one. Now, in my home directory, there are some files containing archives of some of my files. Is it safe to delete them??? | 07:56 |
bascule | thats the answer right there | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | Oh well you told me to copy/paste it. | 07:56 |
nanonyme | cheesegardener, never ever copy paste on irc | 07:56 |
nanonyme | use a pastebin | 07:56 |
CheeseGardener | oh well he told me to. | 07:56 |
bascule | i said copy/paste the one i typed | 07:57 |
lee_ | found it and loading it it lol | 07:57 |
CheeseGardener | what's pastebin | 07:57 |
CheeseGardener | ? | 07:57 |
CheeseGardener | well how do I fix the problem I'm having? | 07:57 |
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nanonyme | cheesegardener, paste your outputs to pastebin like pastebin.ca and paste only the *link* on irc | 07:57 |
sharperguy | ok suddenly my mouse isnt working properly | 07:57 |
bascule | !paste | CheeseGardener | 07:57 |
ubotu | CheeseGardener: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:57 |
nanonyme | alright, so we have our own pastebin | 07:58 |
LiMaO | lee_: erase that script. delete it. i'm writing a more advanced version =) | 07:58 |
lee_ | oh ok... | 07:58 |
sharperguy | the acceleration is stuck on slow and when i put it up it dosn't do anythin - when i restart the mouse app its back on slow again | 07:58 |
lee_ | i just reloaded ff lol | 07:58 |
lee_ | will do | 07:58 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: well it could be caused by a lot of things | 07:59 |
lee_ | Hey well i had to test it to see what happens if one had to reload it ..right lol | 07:59 |
bascule | paste (see ubotu message) your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:59 |
lee_ | tahts my excuse | 07:59 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: ^^ | 07:59 |
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lee_ | <LiMaO> Ok I beta tested the script then for reload purposes l... | 08:00 |
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lee_ | scri[pt being deleted | 08:00 |
CheeseGardener | ok well... what's the problem? | 08:01 |
CheeseGardener | it works fine with fiesty.... | 08:01 |
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CheeseGardener | for some reason though, gutsy doesn't like my video card. | 08:01 |
bascule | hmmm, wonder why? | 08:01 |
lee_ | <LiMaO>want me to reformat the system | 08:02 |
lee_ | after gettign the script to see how it goes lol | 08:02 |
thegve | CheeseGardener: I came in a bit late, you probably already told it, but what videocard do you have? | 08:03 |
CheeseGardener | Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller | 08:03 |
thegve | As I'm having problems with my Radeon X800 | 08:03 |
thegve | ATI too.. | 08:04 |
lee_ | eh I have the x 300 | 08:04 |
lee_ | and I went over to the 64 bit system and it stable out | 08:04 |
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lee_ | LiMaO eh when I reload do you want to reload the Ubuntu 64 bit or the kubuntu? | 08:05 |
LiMaO | lee_: most of the time i do not understand what you are asking me =) hehe | 08:05 |
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digitalspaghetti | Is anyone having high load issues with Gusty? | 08:06 |
WorkingOnWise | ok, maybe I'm an idiot here. I installed virtualbox, and when i run it, is says kernel driver not installed, with the error VBox status code:-1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED)., and a result code of 0x80004005. I google the status code, and find instructiong from the user manual to disable nmi watchdog. I do so and reboot. Still no joy. I also see in the user manual to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox". I do this, a | 08:06 |
thegve | I had everything working using the ATI manual and some xorg.conf messing, after the upgrade to Gutsy I lost direct rendering.... But I'll try to get it working again :) | 08:06 |
digitalspaghetti | At the moment, my load is 10.34, and idle is 0% | 08:07 |
lee_ | oh sorry | 08:07 |
lee_ | LiMaO did you want me to reload or will I be fine? | 08:07 |
digitalspaghetti | i am trying to load eclipse at the moment, but it takes over 5 mins to load, when i just boot up my pc, no apps running i get a load between 4-5 | 08:07 |
lee_ | Iam really not using the system | 08:08 |
lee_ | for any thing inpmportnat | 08:08 |
LiMaO | lee_: why did you run the script again? | 08:08 |
lee_ | LiMaO I relaoded the system | 08:08 |
DanaG | for vm driver: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup | 08:08 |
bascule | CheeseGardener: try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 08:09 |
lee_ | LiMaO because I had to messing with the ati drivers trying to get a refresh reat that won't give me headaches | 08:09 |
LiMaO | lee_: so you reINSTALLED the system? | 08:09 |
lee_ | LiMaO yes | 08:09 |
WorkingOnWise | DanaG: when I do that, I get command not found | 08:09 |
LiMaO | lee_: oh ok. now you should run the script again | 08:09 |
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lee_ | LiMaO eh you said delete it lol and I did | 08:10 |
WorkingOnWise | it's like the gui is installed but not the binaries? I thought virtualbox was only gui? | 08:10 |
sharperguy | ookk ssoommtthhiinngg iiss mmeesssseedd uupp | 08:10 |
LiMaO | lee_: don't worry, i'll send you a newer version later | 08:10 |
LiMaO | lee_: as soon as i start writing it, ok? | 08:10 |
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lee_ | LiMaO ok | 08:10 |
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sharperguy | ah i can type vaguly now - the gnome settings stuff seems to be completly broken with todays update | 08:11 |
lee_ | LiMaO be back on in a bit | 08:12 |
lee_ | in about 20 | 08:13 |
lee_ | Minutes. | 08:13 |
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WorkingOnWise | any idea why virtualbox is acting up? | 08:15 |
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thegve | Odd, when I use the 'Screens and graphics' tool to set my screen resolution to 1680x1050, my monitor confirms it is set to that resolution, but the screen is larger, when I go to the edges of the screen using the cursor the screen scrolls | 08:15 |
DanaG | That is really odd. Perhaps it needs to be reinstalled. | 08:16 |
DanaG | Virtualbox, I mean. | 08:16 |
DanaG | I used the Feisty deb from their web site. | 08:17 |
[Ramy] | 'Screens and graphics' i can't get this tool after i upgraded to gutsy from feisty , please can any one help me :( | 08:17 |
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frank_ | is the gutsy commercial repository active now? | 08:17 |
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WorkingOnWise | DanaG: i'll try that then. Thanks | 08:17 |
dgjones | !gutsy | 08:17 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 08:17 |
tronyx | hello, can anyone tell me how to disable sticky windows in compiz on gutsy? | 08:18 |
CarlFK | http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04 - is there a 7.10 beta or anything? | 08:18 |
digitalspaghetti | can anyone help me with a high load issue? | 08:18 |
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atiredmachine | Hello! | 08:19 |
devkid | hi, i've got a problem with my gusty installation | 08:19 |
atiredmachine | I've got a problem with my Firefox/nspluginwrapper/flash ... I've tried complete removal of everything (firefox,nspluginwrapper,flash) and the problem is still there. More or less the problem looks like this: | 08:20 |
atiredmachine | LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so [/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32] | 08:20 |
atiredmachine | sh: /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer: not found | 08:20 |
atiredmachine | *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: failed to execute NSPlugin viewer | 08:20 |
atiredmachine | *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: failed to initialize plugin-side RPC client connection | 08:20 |
atiredmachine | *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NP_Initialize() invoke: Connection was NULL | 08:20 |
devkid | on every startup i have to type ctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f2 to make the system boot | 08:21 |
atiredmachine | and when I uninstall nspluginwrapper, I get errors saying that Firefox can't find nspluginwrapper! | 08:22 |
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atiredmachine | anybody? | 08:23 |
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WorkingOnWise | tronyx: the only way I found is to turn off wobby windows. | 08:26 |
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bascule | atiredmachine: looks like you got 64bit? | 08:26 |
bascule | and don't paste so much please | 08:27 |
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atiredmachine | bascule, yeah, sorry, I forgot to mention that, yeah. | 08:28 |
bascule | that is the answer, need to get 64bit flash, dunno if it exists | 08:28 |
pbx | I need some help with cleaning up (the appearance of) my boot process. I have a fairly lean setup on an old slow laptop with wmii as my window manager. I'd like my boot process to STFU until it gets to a login prompt. In fact autologin would be spiffy. | 08:28 |
atiredmachine | bascule, it doesn't exist, not even for windows | 08:29 |
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bascule | wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32] << dead give away | 08:29 |
JenFraggle | i can't get my wireless working. tried with both d-link dwl-g122 b1 and dwl-650 but neither work | 08:29 |
pbx | I tried setting up splashy but ended up never seeing the login prompt -- it was there behind the (blank) splash screen, and I could log in, but... ! | 08:29 |
ephracis | Hi, I am having trouble with a computer on which I just installed gutsy rc. When I enable the nvidia driver it starts to use desktop effects, which is very buggy (cannot interact with some applications, desktop freezes sometimes). Is there a way to disable the desktop effects from the command line? | 08:29 |
atiredmachine | bascule, do you know if there's simply a way I can remove flash and nspluginwrapper so that firefox will run without hanging and giving me these errors? | 08:29 |
bascule | atiredmachine: try gnash??? | 08:29 |
JenFraggle | should have said using rc | 08:29 |
ephracis | Note: I have to be able to do this from another virtual console, since I cannot type in the terminal inside the x session. | 08:29 |
bascule | atiredmachine: there has to be someway of disabling the plugin | 08:30 |
atiredmachine | bascule, I've tried gnash, and I've even gotten normal flash to work, but it'll only work like once and then it'll give me these errors and start hanging. | 08:30 |
bascule | /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ <-- try removing that, but as a last resort. first look up 'disable flash firefox' | 08:31 |
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bascule | atiredmachine: don't delete the whole plugins dir just flash_thingy.so | 08:31 |
atiredmachine | bascule, I've tried removing the flash stuff from /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ and then firefox hangs and I get errors saying it can't find the plugins! | 08:32 |
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amr | hi all, i have a new laptop fujitsu siemens amilo pi 1505 and i am havng problem that when i plugin my headphone the speaks don;t mute | 08:33 |
amr | ANY THOUGHTS | 08:33 |
CarlFK | first thought: don't shout | 08:34 |
CarlFK | if plugging in doesn't disconenct them, I am guessing you need to use the mixer control thing to mute them. I would be surprised if there was a software way to detect the "plug in" event, but i suppose it is possible | 08:36 |
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pucko | hello. how do I report bugs in gutsy? | 08:39 |
pbx | Here's a question unrelated to my previous one. I've been chugging away with Gutsy by periodically running "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"... after it's released, if I safe-upgrade again will I more or less have a "finished" Gutsy? Or does that depend on my sources? | 08:39 |
bqmassey | hey. im trying to figure out how to get a mac-style bar at the bottom.. | 08:39 |
bqmassey | anyone know an app that does that? | 08:39 |
bqmassey | or is it part of compiz? | 08:39 |
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CarlFK | pucko: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs | 08:40 |
Ben____ | hey | 08:40 |
bascule | hi | 08:41 |
Ben____ | I've got a bit of a problem with my network connection... It worked fine until one day my router reset | 08:41 |
Ben____ | it's wierd because some things work and others dont | 08:41 |
Ben____ | msn wont connect, aim will | 08:42 |
bascule | bqmassey: koolbar? the zoomy icon thingy? | 08:42 |
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pbx | A third question -- I came across some docs that made it sound like lines beginning with "#" in /boot/grub/menu.lst are *not* comments... is that true? | 08:42 |
Ben____ | I can load www.digg.com, but not www.google.com | 08:42 |
pbx | bascule, he means the Dock | 08:42 |
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Ben____ | so synaptic doesnt work at all | 08:42 |
pbx | bascule, sorry, misread your message. | 08:42 |
bascule | pbx: I know nothing of macs :) | 08:43 |
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JenFraggle | Can anyone help with my wireless problem? Don't want to pester but if no-one here knows then I'll try and sort something out elsewhere. Thanks | 08:44 |
thegve | JenFraggle: Please ask again | 08:44 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 08:44 |
ubuntu_ | its me lee passing bordum | 08:44 |
thegve | Explain your question again I mean | 08:45 |
JenFraggle | I have upgraded to rc and now my wireless doesn't work. I've tried with a dwl-g122 b1 and also a dwl-650 | 08:45 |
JenFraggle | one is usb, other pcmcia | 08:45 |
ubuntu_ | say any on with any ideas on why the OEM allows the system load correctly ? | 08:46 |
frostburn | how does one auto add Sources to /var/lib/apt/lists other than manually going to archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/source etc | 08:46 |
thegve | Do you need a windows driver or is there an OSS driver. They are D-link cards? | 08:46 |
Ben____ | frostburn: you can do it through synaptic fairly easily | 08:46 |
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Ben____ | frostburn: not sure if that's what you meant though | 08:47 |
pookey | my update of ubunut has gone *horribly* wrong, can anyone supply their /usr/bin/apt-get via http ? | 08:47 |
frostburn | Ben____, i'm in a chrooted environment they weren't added | 08:47 |
JenFraggle | They are both D-link, yes. My normal card died so was using the usb. That doesn't work in gutsy so tried another one that was lying around and couldn't get that working either | 08:47 |
pookey | from 7.04 I mean | 08:47 |
Ben____ | frostburn: ahh | 08:47 |
rohan | anyone here having a problem with volume control keys on kubuntu rc gutsy ? here the up volume key takes volume from 0% to 11% and down from 11 to 0. there is no change in volume. the mute key works fine though. | 08:47 |
ubuntu_ | No no problems here other then they preset it more to the right channels side lol | 08:48 |
Bennito | if theres anyone available I have a networking question | 08:48 |
thegve | JenFraggle: Have you tried System -> (Translated from dutch) Adminstration -> Limited supported drivers? | 08:48 |
ubuntu_ | and I had to adjust taht, but other then that no...OH wait ...if you ahve a suround card use PCM | 08:49 |
rohan | ubuntu_: ah ok | 08:49 |
ubuntu_ | to control you main sound volume | 08:49 |
rohan | ubuntu_: i've a laptop .. and the sound is intel onboard | 08:49 |
rohan | i've recompiled my drivers using drivers from alsa-hg repo | 08:49 |
JenFraggle | thegve: nothing listed there for them | 08:50 |
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ubuntu_ | rohan, I see, well I am knida new at this too..but I found that using the PCM control worked way beter | 08:50 |
frostburn | Bennito, are you on gutsy32? | 08:50 |
Bennito | yea thats me too | 08:50 |
Bennito | yea frostburn | 08:50 |
rohan | ubuntu_: you won't be able to mute it then | 08:50 |
ubuntu_ | after I got Blasted to kindome come lol | 08:51 |
ubuntu_ | Hmm I havnt tried to mute it | 08:51 |
frostburn | Bennito, can i ask a favor and can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:51 |
Bennito | not really | 08:51 |
Bennito | my network is messed up | 08:51 |
ubuntu_ | Not usre waht happens if you mute the PCM contorl | 08:51 |
Bennito | so I'm on windows ATM | 08:51 |
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frostburn | o | 08:52 |
rohan | maybe it will work after the kde is updated. it strikes to me as strange that complete kde should be updated after rc release | 08:52 |
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ubuntu_ | But I am on Kubuntu...an drunning 64 bit system | 08:52 |
thegve | JenFraggle: Using some googling I found this driver: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Downloads | 08:52 |
Bennito | frostburn: sorry though | 08:52 |
thegve | Have you tried it? | 08:52 |
ubuntu_ | actaully currently aobut to restart the sysemt lol | 08:52 |
bsm | hi, does anyone know a repository for gutsy kernel 2.6.23? I guess there will be no official one? | 08:52 |
rohan | bsm: no official one, that's right | 08:52 |
ubuntu_ | iam reinstalling the software | 08:52 |
rohan | bsm: also, it might appear in backports, but not anytime soon | 08:53 |
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rohan | what is a "brown paper bag release" ? | 08:53 |
JenFraggle | which would those drivers be for? | 08:54 |
ubuntu_ | wNever heard of brown paper bag release | 08:54 |
Amaranth | It's when you make a stupid mistake and do a very quick release to fix it | 08:54 |
rohan | Amaranth: oh, ok. | 08:54 |
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ubuntu_ | I wonder if taht a prerelease befor it hits the net | 08:55 |
Amaranth | Like do a 1.4 release and then realize it doesn't build so you do a 1.4.1 almost immediately after | 08:55 |
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frostburn | If given a file name, how does one find out what package provided it? | 08:55 |
rohan | HEY .. kde 3.5.8 is soon to be released ? the kubuntu packages are upgrading to 3.5.8 | 08:55 |
Amaranth | People used to not even change the version number for these (and some still don't) but they get yelled at | 08:55 |
bsm | thanks rohan | 08:55 |
rohan | Amaranth: ofcourse, it's justified .. not changing version number means md5sums won't match etc | 08:56 |
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Amaranth | btw, to prove how close gutsy is to done if a package isn't uploaded before 10:00 UTC on Monday it is not getting into the release | 08:56 |
Amaranth | as of that time what you get from upgrades is what gutsy will be | 08:56 |
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amr | hi all, i have a new laptop fujitsu siemens amilo pi 1505 and i am havng problem that when i plugin my headphone the speaks don;t mute | 08:56 |
Amaranth | oh yes that's a fun one | 08:57 |
=== chris_ [n=chris@pool-71-108-122-155.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Amaranth | amr: does sound play through the headphones? | 08:57 |
chris_ | how do i get the compiz fusion icon? | 08:57 |
amr | yes | 08:57 |
bqmassey | i have the release candidate.. will i be able to go to final release with the updater? | 08:57 |
Amaranth | amr: Just manually turn down the speaker volume, I guess | 08:57 |
amr | amaranth ,yes | 08:57 |
Amaranth | bqmassey: Yes, it'll automatically update itself | 08:57 |
amr | it don't have one | 08:57 |
Elswalbe | anyone willing to help with wired network problems? | 08:57 |
Amaranth | bqmassey: It should have been all along | 08:57 |
rohan | amr: 99% your problem has been fixed in alsa-hg repo | 08:57 |
thegve | tango-icon-theme I guess, not sure | 08:57 |
rohan | amr: because our cards use the same codec | 08:58 |
Amaranth | chris_: You don't | 08:58 |
amr | plz can you tell me more about that | 08:58 |
Amaranth | chris_: Why do you want it? | 08:58 |
chris_ | why not? | 08:58 |
bqmassey | Amaranth: cool.. so no reason to wipe the partition and install the final version when it comes out? | 08:58 |
chris_ | yes! lol | 08:58 |
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Amaranth | chris_: You misunderstood | 08:58 |
Amaranth | chris_: There is no comma there. :) What reason do you think you need it? | 08:58 |
Aondo | when grub fail at the end of an install... there is a better way than starting from the beginning, right? | 08:58 |
rohan | amr: can you give me the output of "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 | head -1" | 08:58 |
amr | ok 1 sec plz | 08:58 |
chris_ | because i use it to turn compiz off and on :) | 08:59 |
branstrom | Does tracker work on gutsy right now? | 08:59 |
Amaranth | bqmassey: Nope, you should basically have the final release right now if you've been keeping up-to-date | 08:59 |
chris_ | because somethings do not work good with compiz on... like google earth sucks with it on.... | 08:59 |
rohan | Aondo: yes, just chroot into the install and set grub right | 08:59 |
Amaranth | chris_: Why do you need to turn compiz on/off? | 08:59 |
bqmassey | Amaranth: awesome | 08:59 |
Amaranth | chris_: Odd | 08:59 |
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amr | Codec: Motorola Si3054 | 08:59 |
rohan | bqmassey: no, just keep on doing dist-upgrade | 08:59 |
Elswalbe | My internet worked fine until a rebooted my router, now it won't connect to certain pages, like google, or protocals, like msn. Synaptic doesn't work, so it's kindof bricked atm. Anyone know what to do? | 08:59 |
chris_ | if i launch google earth with compiz on it flickers.... | 09:00 |
amr | amaranth ,yes Codec: Motorola Si3054 | 09:00 |
Aondo | rohan i guess i need some kind of menu.1st for grub to success? | 09:00 |
Amaranth | chris_: Well fusion-icon (the thing you're looking for) it someone's "I'm learning Python" project and it duplicates our startup script so... | 09:00 |
rohan | Aondo: one is created automatically | 09:00 |
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Amaranth | amr: I didn't ask you, someone else did | 09:00 |
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rohan | amr: oh, then we don't have the same codec. try the hg drivers still, if you want | 09:00 |
chris_ | so....? | 09:00 |
amr | sorry but what it alsa-hg | 09:00 |
Amaranth | chris_: So we don't have it in Ubuntu | 09:01 |
rohan | amr: what is the output of lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel | 09:01 |
nebriv1991 | hey everyone | 09:01 |
Amaranth | chris_: Because it's not 'good' | 09:01 |
rohan | amr: it is the development repository of sound card drivers .. much like svn or cvs | 09:01 |
chris_ | i downloaded the deb it says its already installed.... | 09:01 |
Elswalbe | hey | 09:01 |
chris_ | i don't care if its good lol, it just needs to work :D | 09:01 |
Elswalbe | good lucky getting an answer in here... it's a madhouse | 09:01 |
amr | nothing rohan | 09:01 |
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Amaranth | chris_: Then see if someone in #compiz-fusion will help, that's not supported | 09:01 |
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rohan | amr: err ? what ? | 09:01 |
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amr | rohan , nothing appeared , and how to use alsa-hg | 09:02 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: Sounds like your router messed up | 09:02 |
Aondo | rohan ok thx, think i got it :D | 09:02 |
amr | no error nothing | 09:02 |
JenFraggle | can anyone help me with my wireless, I got a response and then it stopped | 09:02 |
Elswalbe | amaranth: it works great in windows, though | 09:02 |
rohan | amr: ok, please paste the output of lsmod | grep snd to pastebin.com | 09:02 |
amr | lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel nothing appear | 09:03 |
nemik | does anyone else think gutsy got way unstable since and up? | 09:03 |
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amr | but nothing was output | 09:03 |
nemik | i am constantly freezing, randomly. especially when resuming from suspend | 09:03 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart (you'll be disconnected) | 09:03 |
Elswalbe | ok | 09:03 |
Elswalbe | brb I'll try that. | 09:03 |
Elswalbe | thanks | 09:04 |
rohan | amr: i think you will not benefit by using the newer alsa drivers. because the last change to your codec was made 2 years ago ;) | 09:05 |
rohan | amr: did headphone automute work in any distro in the past ? | 09:05 |
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amr | no it works on windows but it's my first time to install ubuntu on that laptp i use ubuntu before on my desktop and i just want it on my laptop | 09:06 |
nebriv1991 | can someone give me a hand updateing from 7.04 to 7.10? | 09:06 |
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rohan | amr: yes, this problem is pretty prevalent in linux. my sound driver too was fixed just recently. | 09:07 |
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Elswalbe | hey | 09:08 |
nebriv1991 | hi | 09:08 |
Elswalbe | amaranth: commant not found? | 09:08 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: err, you did disconnect though | 09:08 |
Elswalbe | i had to reboot into ubuntu | 09:09 |
Elswalbe | lol | 09:09 |
Amaranth | oh, you were in windows | 09:09 |
Amaranth | heh | 09:09 |
Elswalbe | yea | 09:09 |
rohan | amr: well all you can do is wait for it to be fixed upstream. there is no other alternative. | 09:09 |
Amaranth | well, rebooting does the same, more or less, as what i was telling you to do | 09:09 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: Does it work? | 09:09 |
Elswalbe | well I've rebooted several times | 09:09 |
rohan | amr: if it does not work in ubuntu, don't expect it to work in any other distro. | 09:09 |
Elswalbe | and it's still broken | 09:09 |
frostburn | where does one find a vanilla /etc/apt/sources.list from an i386 installation? | 09:09 |
WorkingOnWise | ok, I got virtualbox installed, and now it says "Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service" Looing in the manual says add me to a group that has rw access to the usbfs. | 09:09 |
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Amaranth | Elswalbe: You've misconfigured your router, I have no idea why Windows is able to work | 09:09 |
amr | how to get the latest codec driver | 09:09 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: Reset your router to factory settings | 09:10 |
Elswalbe | it already is | 09:10 |
amr | rohan, how to get the latest diver | 09:10 |
Elswalbe | all i did was reboot it and it stopped working | 09:10 |
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Elswalbe | it worked fine before that. | 09:10 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: Then I have no idea | 09:10 |
cyclonut | could I see an xorg.conf for someone using the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver, with dual monitor (extended desktop) please? | 09:10 |
rohan | amr: it will not help you. | 09:10 |
Elswalbe | lol | 09:10 |
Amaranth | Elswalbe: If a restart of the router did it and rebooting Ubuntu does not help either you changed something in Ubuntu and don't remember or the router is messed up | 09:11 |
Elswalbe | well i suppose I could always reinstall ubuntu | 09:11 |
nebriv1991 | can some one help me with updating from 7.04 to 7.10? | 09:11 |
amr | ok can u plz let me try?? and help me to know how ?? plz | 09:11 |
nebriv1991 | I get an error during the update | 09:11 |
Amaranth | nebriv1991: sudo update-manager -d | 09:11 |
nebriv1991 | "Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:11 |
nebriv1991 | amaranth I did that | 09:11 |
Amaranth | partner? | 09:11 |
Amaranth | wtf is that? | 09:11 |
Elswalbe | what? | 09:11 |
nebriv1991 | no clue... | 09:11 |
rohan | amr: ok, sure you can try | 09:11 |
Amaranth | nebriv1991: it doesn't exist | 09:11 |
rohan | amr: hang on a sec | 09:11 |
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nebriv1991 | what do you mean? | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | ok | 09:12 |
Amaranth | nebriv1991: There is no 'partner' | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | so what should I do? | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | I figured that | 09:12 |
Amaranth | nebriv1991: find that in your sources.list and remove it | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | considering it couldn't find | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | ok | 09:12 |
amr | ok | 09:12 |
nebriv1991 | thanks | 09:12 |
rohan | amr: open a terminal, type this -- "sudo aptitude install build-essential automake1.10" | 09:12 |
rohan | i'll brb | 09:13 |
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amr | ok i did that today | 09:14 |
Marsmensch | hi | 09:14 |
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hasse_ | i have installed kubuntu 7.10 on my thinkpad t61p, and have no sound, anyone ... | 09:14 |
Marsmensch | where can i read about changes in the gutsykernel? | 09:14 |
WorkingOnWise | ok, I got virtualbox installed, and now it says "Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service" Looing in the manual says add me to a group that has rw access to the usbfs. what group is that? | 09:17 |
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rohan | anyone here noticed that volume raising key doesn't work in kubuntu gutsy rc ? or is it just me ? | 09:18 |
bascule | rohan: well known, intel HDA? | 09:19 |
rohan | bascule: yes, intel hda | 09:19 |
rohan | bascule: it's been fixed, or in the process ? | 09:19 |
bascule | seem to be the cause, no fix that I know of | 09:19 |
rohan | and i don't need to file a bug ? | 09:19 |
amr | hi rohan about the reinsatall on soud driver can you continue | 09:19 |
rohan | amr: ok, sudo aptitude install mercuiral | 09:19 |
bascule | ah ah! | 09:19 |
amr | did that i have the whol pack of build essentil to compile from sooource | 09:20 |
nebriv1991 | amr: where can I find the sources.list | 09:20 |
hasse_ | /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:20 |
nebriv1991 | its the one in the etc folder? | 09:20 |
rohan | bascule: where has the bug been filed ? | 09:20 |
nebriv1991 | because there is nothing that says partner | 09:21 |
amr | /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:21 |
amr | rohan: | 09:21 |
nebriv1991 | yeah nothing with partner | 09:21 |
rohan | amr: then in terminal, "cd ~; mkdir alsa-hg; cd alsa-hg; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver alsa-driver; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel alsa-kernel" | 09:21 |
chris_ | i keep getting touchpad lost sync in dmesg :( | 09:21 |
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bascule | rohan: dunno, but there was a fair bit of chat 10 days ago in here, thought something was happening | 09:22 |
rohan | chris_: you tried the new release of the driver ? | 09:22 |
nebriv1991 | does anyone know if there is a sources.list online that I can check mine against? | 09:22 |
rohan | bascule: ah ok .. can i read the logs ? | 09:22 |
Marsmensch | since 2.6.22-12-generic my xserver doesn't start proper. i don't know if is a bug or just me ;) my xorg.con and xorg.log is here http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/16119/ | 09:22 |
nebriv1991 | for updating to gusty? | 09:22 |
hasse_ | anyone who is able to help me get some sound on my lenovo t61p ? | 09:22 |
WorkingOnWise | um.....nevermind about the virtualbox usb error. I changed from OSS audio to ALSA, and, um...it is working... | 09:22 |
rohan | because this feature worked correctly in feisty | 09:22 |
bascule | rohan: bounces between 11% an 0%, thats it? | 09:22 |
chris_ | rohan, i just installed 7.10 that i downloaded from ubuntu.com | 09:22 |
rohan | bascule: right | 09:23 |
rohan | chris_: yes, after that did you update your system ? | 09:23 |
chris_ | yes | 09:23 |
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chris_ | after i fixed my apt-get.... | 09:24 |
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rohan | chris_: ok, how about filing a bug at bugs.launchpad.net ? | 09:24 |
rohan | or search whether it has already been filed ? | 09:24 |
chris_ | i installed without internet... so it commented out all of my sources.... | 09:24 |
amr | rohan: ok plz wait while it's going on,,... | 09:24 |
rohan | chris_: same here ;) | 09:24 |
rohan | amr: yes, i'm here :D | 09:24 |
chris_ | i don't want to register.... | 09:24 |
chris_ | looks like ill just use 7.04 (lol) | 09:25 |
rohan | chris_: installing with internet is a PITA because it installs lots of stuff .. language packs etc | 09:25 |
amr | but what is that hg clone and what doeas | 09:25 |
amr | it do | 09:25 |
rohan | chris_: err, bad idea. why not file a bug and help fixing the problem ? | 09:25 |
chris_ | i don't care about that lol, i was just 2 lazy to get up and go over to the cable | 09:25 |
bascule | rohan: well I cant find a bug filed, so someone might as well | 09:25 |
chris_ | rohan, i doubt it would be fixed b4 ubuntu 7.10 goes live in 6days | 09:26 |
rohan | amr: hg clone will create a local copy of the development repository, from where you can compile drivers for yourself | 09:26 |
nebriv1991 | 5 days | 09:26 |
rohan | chris_: why not ? just mintues ago new package of synaptics was uploaded (on my mirror) | 09:26 |
rohan | so similarly this bug can be fixed too | 09:26 |
amr | it's easier than .wget ./configure make sudomake insall | 09:26 |
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rohan | amr: yes, but this is not as easy because you are actually creating a copy of a "live" repository | 09:26 |
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amr | ooh that means it may be changed a sec after i download? | 09:27 |
rohan | amr: yes, but usually it's not that fast | 09:27 |
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dmulligan | The RC LiveCD crashes when starting X. A daily build about a week ago did too. Both AMD64 and x86 | 09:28 |
amr | rohan:the first one finished and says 732 files updated ,ofiles merged 0files removed 0 files unresolved | 09:28 |
dmulligan | Graphics safe mode works | 09:28 |
rohan | amr: ok, wait for kernel and driver to both finish :) | 09:28 |
rohan | bascule: on record of any bug filed, then ? | 09:29 |
amr | ok | 09:29 |
rohan | bascule: i meant "no" not "on" | 09:29 |
dmulligan | is there any way to see the xorg logs when starting a live cd? | 09:29 |
amr | so you gave me 2 commands , the first is the latest alsa and the second is the kernel update? | 09:30 |
chris_ | rohan, my bug has been reported a lot... | 09:30 |
rohan | chris_: ah ok .. | 09:30 |
amr | both finished , what to do ? | 09:30 |
chris_ | and it was not an issue in 7.04 just in 7.10.... | 09:30 |
rohan | amr: no, both are sound card updates | 09:30 |
amr | rohan: both] ] | 09:30 |
rohan | amr: now do lsmod | grep snd and paste the output on pastebin.com and give me the link | 09:30 |
amr | ok but both finished | 09:30 |
rohan | chris_: yes, because i'm not having any problems with my synaptic touchpad here | 09:30 |
amr | snd_hda_intel 293792 1 | 09:31 |
amr | snd_pcm_oss 43008 0 | 09:31 |
amr | snd_mixer_oss 17920 2 snd_pcm_oss | 09:31 |
amr | snd_pcm 80644 2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss | 09:31 |
amr | snd_page_alloc 11656 2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm | 09:31 |
amr | snd_hwdep 10628 1 snd_hda_intel | 09:31 |
amr | snd_seq_oss 35456 0 | 09:31 |
amr | snd_seq_midi_event 8704 1 snd_seq_oss | 09:31 |
amr | snd_seq 54384 4 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event | 09:31 |
rohan | shit, not here ! | 09:31 |
amr | snd_timer 24580 2 snd_pcm,snd_seq | 09:31 |
amr | snd_seq_device 9740 2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq | 09:31 |
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amr | snd 56708 9 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_hwdep,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device | 09:31 |
rohan | oh well .. | 09:31 |
amr | soundcore 8800 2 snd | 09:31 |
amr | that what appeared , didn't appear last time :) | 09:31 |
_MaRoK_ | :P | 09:31 |
mmkassem | amr : pastebin.com | 09:31 |
amr | ok | 09:31 |
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rohan | amr: anyway, now do cd alsa-hg/alsa-driver; ./hgcompile --with-cards=hda-intel; sudo make install | 09:32 |
hasse_ | when i try to play some music in ex vlc-player i get this error http://pastebin.com/m5ca32c5c | 09:32 |
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amr | http://pastebin.com/m2cf197ed | 09:32 |
=== lee_ [n=lee@c-71-59-177-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
amr | ok did that .. waiting | 09:33 |
lee_ | ook doky that is a great deal better lol | 09:33 |
nebriv1991 | amr: In the sources.list there is nothing Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz called that | 09:34 |
lee_ | 1024x768 at 85 a lot easier to read lol | 09:34 |
nebriv1991 | I found another sources.list and coppied into mine | 09:34 |
nebriv1991 | and still didn't work | 09:34 |
amr | rohan: the problem is i can;t imgine my self using windows and that makes me crazy whenever i found a problem in linux that mae me say i didn;t have this in windows but i love linux so i 'll wait for fix | 09:35 |
rohan | amr: tell if you find any errors. if it is all successfull you should end with a warning about volume levels | 09:35 |
amr | ok rihan: it finished | 09:35 |
amr | rohan: it finished | 09:35 |
nebriv1991 | the error occurs on the modifying channels part | 09:35 |
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rohan | amr: got a warning ? | 09:35 |
bascule | rohan: not that I can see, sorry lagged out | 09:36 |
amr | warning!!! mixer channels for alsa driver are muted by default!!! | 09:36 |
rohan | bascule: ok. i am asking about in #ubuntu-devel but i can't find a clue | 09:36 |
amr | ******************************************************************* | 09:36 |
rohan | bascule: i really wish the problem is fixed before release | 09:36 |
lee_ | LiMaO, I finally got brave to reset the monitor...I didnt have to go intot he program to reconfigure it | 09:36 |
rohan | amr: yes that's fine. now just reboot, and it'll use the new sound driver | 09:36 |
bascule | Im trying to remeber who else confirmed in here | 09:36 |
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amr | you should use some alsa or oss mixer to set the approperiate volume | 09:37 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@ool-182d0529.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
amr | ok plz wait i'll reboot | 09:37 |
rockets | What is the point of the clone output plugin for compiz fusion? | 09:37 |
amr | thank you i'll be back | 09:37 |
AirBender | I'm having issues with Firefox 2 in Gutsy, it's funny because issues started together with the end of the beta process... | 09:37 |
bascule | rockets: god question ... :) | 09:37 |
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rohan | AirBender: what issues ? | 09:38 |
hasse_ | rohan, question, then thing you have done for amr, is that getting sound to work on e lenovo ? | 09:38 |
nebriv1991 | can someone help me with updating to gusty? | 09:38 |
AirBender | Any of you are having some unstable behaviours of firefox 2 ? | 09:38 |
lee_ | its easy | 09:38 |
rohan | hasse_: well you can try the same procedure, it might work for you if your sound card has been fixed in the development repo of alsa | 09:38 |
lee_ | if your on fiesty | 09:38 |
nebriv1991 | I am | 09:38 |
hasse_ | it's a lenovo/ibm t61p | 09:38 |
mmkassem | AirBender: What exactly is the unstable behaviour you're having with firefox? | 09:38 |
nebriv1991 | I am getting an error on the modifying channel part | 09:39 |
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AirBender | rohan, It's quite strange, with some websites, when I'm getting the files, it turns dark(like programs waiting for signals or not responding...) | 09:39 |
picard_pwns_kirk | will Gutsy have the CFS? | 09:39 |
nebriv1991 | "Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:39 |
hasse_ | but i dont have the beginning where i have to install a program called mercuiral have to add something to sources.list ? | 09:39 |
lee_ | nebriv1991 try Udate-manager -d | 09:39 |
AirBender | and after some minutes It comes back | 09:39 |
nebriv1991 | thats how I started | 09:39 |
mmkassem | AirBender, Are you opening lots of tabs? | 09:39 |
picard_pwns_kirk | will Gutsy have the CFS? | 09:39 |
lee_ | it will say a newer verion is availiable | 09:39 |
AirBender | not too many | 09:39 |
AirBender | around 4 | 09:40 |
rohan | AirBender: oh, compiz problem .. no idea, sorry | 09:40 |
=== cursor [n=cursor@82-46-207-18.cable.ubr06.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nemik | picard_pwns_kirk: doesn't seem like it :/ | 09:40 |
cursor | hey | 09:40 |
foxiness | nebriv1991: did the line drop on the middle of something? | 09:40 |
picard_pwns_kirk | dng | 09:40 |
rohan | hasse_: no, you just have to do "sudo aptitude install mercurial build-essential automake" | 09:40 |
lee_ | lets see Ill check my menu | 09:40 |
nebriv1991 | lee: | 09:40 |
mmkassem | AirBender: I get the same behavior sometimes but I am always keeping a large number of tabs opened | 09:40 |
nebriv1991 | I did that I click the update button | 09:40 |
|neon| | AirBender: i have the same proble kind off my browser will turn dark whe i try to popen like yahoo games and freezes to the point i have to ctrl+alt+bkspace | 09:40 |
AirBender | rohan, Perhaps Compiz thinks it's not responding while It's getting the website? | 09:40 |
nebriv1991 | and in the part where is says modyfing channels I get this error: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 09:41 |
foxiness | nebriv1991: if yes del this file from /var/cache/apt.... | 09:41 |
rohan | AirBender: yes .. how about filing a bug ? though i doubt it'll be fixed so late in the release cycly | 09:41 |
foxiness | nebriv1991: then try again | 09:41 |
mmkassem | AirBender, |neon| : my desktop does not freeze though, I can kill firefox and restart it. | 09:41 |
lee_ | nebriv1991 eh there supose to be a thing at top taht says upgrade | 09:41 |
AirBender | |neon|, well, In my case, it's just firefox, and when the site finishes the load process, it comes back | 09:41 |
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|neon| | ff freezes not my desktop but the only way i can start ff again is by doing so | 09:41 |
cursor | wondering if i could have some help with my wifi , i have a wusb54g v.4 , in 7.04 it worked fine once i had amde a few changes , however in 7.10 theres a problem for me and i think its dhcp requests | 09:41 |
bascule | rohan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/152286 | 09:41 |
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lee_ | its not an update its an Up grade | 09:41 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 152286 in ubuntu "Gusty Beta update stopped laptop Fn Volume Control" [Undecided,New] | 09:41 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bascule | guess we need to get that confirmed | 09:42 |
nebriv1991 | foxiness what do you mean did the line drop on the middle of something? | 09:42 |
rohan | bascule: thanks | 09:42 |
AirBender | I think that could be an nspluginwrapper issue too | 09:42 |
rohan | bascule: though this is not exactly the same as the specific 0 to 11 problem, right ? | 09:42 |
AirBender | by the way, Firefox 3 - granparadiso it looking great | 09:42 |
lee_ | <nebriv1991> eh aare you on a 32 bit or 64 bit machine? | 09:42 |
foxiness | nebriv1991: just del the file and try again | 09:42 |
tmccrary | so... I updated to Gutsy and now I can either use kernel 2.6.22-14-386 and a usable nvidia driver with no sound or I can use kernel 2.6.22-14-generic and use the nv driver WITH sound | 09:42 |
cursor | wondering if i could have some help with my wifi , i have a wusb54g v.4 , in 7.04 it worked fine once i had amde a few changes , however in 7.10 theres a problem for me and i think its dhcp requests | 09:43 |
|neon| | AirBender: i hard wired and it only happens whe i try to open like a java website mostly yahoo games for me | 09:43 |
AirBender | the new motor seems to be quite faster than the one Firefox2 uses | 09:43 |
nebriv1991 | which file the folder? | 09:43 |
nebriv1991 | 64 bit | 09:43 |
nebriv1991 | I think | 09:43 |
lee_ | thats a heck of a choice erg | 09:43 |
tmccrary | Ideally I'd like to be able to use both nvidia's drivers and audio simultaneously, does Ubuntu support that? | 09:43 |
lee_ | double check in your cmos | 09:43 |
rohan | hasse_: though you must confirm if you use snd-hda-intel module, only then the above procedure will work for you | 09:43 |
nebriv1991 | yeah 64 bit | 09:43 |
AirBender | |neon|, I thought that could be a Flash/java issue | 09:43 |
lee_ | if its 64 bit go with that..LiMaO is working on a script taht will give us 64 ers a good round about way for flash and java lol | 09:44 |
lee_ | I tested it and it worked great.. | 09:44 |
lee_ | But I played with the drivers in my card..eh big nono | 09:44 |
|neon| | AirBender: yeah i think so tho opera works with any java page without any issues also in the ff about:plugins the java plugins are listed and enabled | 09:44 |
AirBender | So... as firefox 3 is running quite well, does any one know how to make flashplayer plugin run in Firefox 3? | 09:44 |
lee_ | ok update to taht | 09:45 |
cursor | anyhelp with my wifi problem anyone :S | 09:45 |
nebriv1991 | foxiness which file? | 09:45 |
lee_ | have you any cds? | 09:45 |
nebriv1991 | yes | 09:45 |
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amr | hello rohan | 09:45 |
tmccrary | when I install linux-restricted-modules, it always forces me to use the -386 variant (2.6.22-14-386), is there anyway to fix that? | 09:45 |
rohan | hello amr | 09:45 |
amr | rohan, nothing changed its the same | 09:46 |
lee_ | nebriv1991 ok make sur you have a 64 bit machine...if you don't then dot waste a rom | 09:46 |
rohan | amr: yes, that was to be expected. the last change in your sound card driver happened in 2005 :( | 09:46 |
amr | is there any way to turn off the speakers amnualy | 09:46 |
nebriv1991 | yes I do lee | 09:46 |
hasse_ | rohan, i use that module, after i reboot and have compiled the stuff in the alsa-module , i should work right out of the box ? | 09:46 |
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chris_ | why can i use my side scroller on my touch pad? | 09:46 |
cursor | hey can anyone help ith my dhcp problem in 7.10 ? | 09:46 |
rohan | hasse_: yes, once you use alsamixer to set up the volume | 09:46 |
lee_ | nebriv1991 if you go into your c-mos which on a dell its f-2 | 09:46 |
nebriv1991 | yup | 09:46 |
lee_ | it will say in plain veiew | 09:47 |
nebriv1991 | yes its 64 bit | 09:47 |
hasse_ | rohan, han pcm is the channel right | 09:47 |
lee_ | then up grade to the 64 bit version, I have had all my graphics fixed in part that wy | 09:47 |
amr | ok but alsa mixer mutes all sound and when i unmute the headphone and the spears work | 09:47 |
usser | cursor: whats the problem? | 09:47 |
lee_ | Ill send a link | 09:47 |
nebriv1991 | ok | 09:47 |
cursor | usser: wondering if i could have some help with my wifi , i have a wusb54g v.4 , in 7.04 it worked fine once i had amde a few changes , however in 7.10 theres a problem for me and i think its dhcp requests | 09:48 |
usser | cursor: hm sorry i never done wifi | 09:48 |
lee_ | eh I thaught I was but..I don't have fire fox installed erg | 09:48 |
rohan | hasse_: err, i didn't get you | 09:48 |
cursor | usser: ahh thanks anyway you know anyone who can help? | 09:48 |
nebriv1991 | lee: I can probably find it | 09:49 |
chris_ | http://pastebin.com/d299b44b4 dmesg of touch pad problem | 09:49 |
usser | cursor: just keep asking, someone might know the answer | 09:49 |
cursor | usser: okay thanks | 09:49 |
tmccrary | pos | 09:50 |
cursor | Can anyone help with my wireless problem in 7.10 it worked in 7.04 but since updating it doesnt | 09:50 |
rohan | amr: ok, so it's just not automatic, you need to do it manually ? | 09:50 |
amr | ok | 09:50 |
AirBender | cursor, what's the issue? | 09:50 |
cursor | wondering if i could have some help with my wifi , i have a wusb54g v.4 , in 7.04 it worked fine once i had amde a few changes , however in 7.10 theres a problem for me and i think its dhcp requests | 09:50 |
cursor | *made | 09:51 |
chris_ | why can i use my side scroller on my touch pad???? | 09:51 |
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AirBender | cursor | 09:51 |
amr | but i down' have any hardware volume control only the keyborad | 09:51 |
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AirBender | cursor, can you associate to the Access Point? | 09:52 |
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rohan | amr: same here. | 09:52 |
cursor1 | AirBender: sorry about that laptop wireless went down | 09:52 |
rohan | amr: just mute the surround channel whenever you wnat sound only from the headphones. that worked for me | 09:52 |
cursor1 | but wondering if i could have some help with my wifi , i have a wusb54g v.4 , in 7.04 it worked fine once i had made a few changes , however in 7.10 theres a problem for me and i think its dhcp requests | 09:53 |
amr | where is that? | 09:53 |
rohan | amr: in kmixer window ? | 09:53 |
rohan | or in a console do "sudo alsamixer" a | 09:53 |
amr | but i use gnome | 09:53 |
lee_ | http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ nebriv1991 | 09:53 |
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chris_ | can i recompile the touchpad driver? | 09:53 |
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lee_ | there will be a list of oses to pick from | 09:54 |
rohan | amr: ok, then it might be hidden .. gnome does that .. poke around in volume control applet settings | 09:54 |
AirBender | cursor1, so, can you associate to the Access Point? | 09:54 |
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amr | no it's not there 2 | 09:54 |
cursor1 | Airbender, yes i done that using iwconfig | 09:54 |
nebriv1991 | thanks lee | 09:54 |
AirBender | ok | 09:54 |
lee_ | yeppers | 09:54 |
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AirBender | cursor1, so you can ping the router and it answers you? | 09:55 |
amr | and no such thing called surround i have only headphone,pcm,front,microphone,micboost | 09:55 |
rohan | amr: even in "sudo alsamixer" window ? | 09:55 |
amr | no there it 3 more | 09:55 |
cursor1 | airbender , nope no reply | 09:55 |
rohan | amr: ok, try playing about with muting front and headphone channel as you want | 09:55 |
amr | iec958 , caller i , input so | 09:55 |
bascule | i'm having some real router problem I can't seem to upload anything at all ... | 09:55 |
xet7 | Hey, what is trackerd in ubuntu? It did take a lot of processor time (near 100%), after killing it system returned to normal. | 09:55 |
bascule | xet7: it's a serch tool | 09:56 |
AirBender | cursor1, so, have you tried to set your ip manually? | 09:56 |
bascule | it was compiling a dataase of files I guess | 09:56 |
=== hasse_ [n=hasse@0x55529f9e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
amr | when i mute the front or pcm the headphone mutes | 09:56 |
xet7 | bascule: how do I disable it? | 09:56 |
bascule | in services | 09:56 |
bascule | or uninstall it | 09:56 |
hasse_ | rohan, still no sound | 09:56 |
cursor1 | airbender, i only know how to do that using dhclient3 | 09:56 |
cursor1 | and thats not working | 09:57 |
rohan | hasse_: do "sudo alsamixer" in a terminal and adjust the volumes / channels ? | 09:57 |
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lee_ | eh um wahts the comand line for gutsy, I just realised Iam not running gutsy lol | 09:57 |
lee_ | I am in Kubuntu | 09:57 |
AirBender | cursor1, so let's try the other way | 09:57 |
cursor1 | airbender, how do you do that | 09:58 |
hasse_ | is it pcm that is the master channel | 09:58 |
AirBender | cursor1, you can do it by different ways | 09:58 |
lee_ | eh | 09:58 |
rohan | hasse_: i don't know, it's different for different cards | 09:58 |
lee_ | how do I up grade I mean | 09:58 |
rohan | ubotu: upgrading | 09:59 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:59 |
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hasse_ | rohan, | 09:59 |
AirBender | cursor1, 1. Using Network Settings on gnome, 2. By edit the /etc/network/interfaces manually, 3. by using the ifconfig command | 09:59 |
bascule | rohan: just tried to rebind the keys in kmixer -> global shortcuts and demeg shows a few of these atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e034 <keycode>' to make it known | 09:59 |
lee_ | eh ok waht am I a fiesty, dapper or waht | 09:59 |
lee_ | ? | 09:59 |
rohan | lee_: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades | 09:59 |
=== ResPiDeR [n=respider@201-42-203-185.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rohan | hasse_: yes ? | 10:00 |
rohan | bascule: me too | 10:00 |
rohan | i get the same error | 10:00 |
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ResPiDeR | Hey, historically the RC and final release are the same image? | 10:00 |
cursor1 | airbender, in etc/network/interfaces it says im connected to linksys | 10:00 |
amr | rohan , front and pcm mute the headphone as well | 10:00 |
rohan | bascule: err, you have an acer laptop ? | 10:01 |
hasse_ | rohan, when i try to play in xmms, i get this in konsole : ** WARNING **: SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED ioctl failed: Invalid argument | 10:01 |
rohan | hasse_: that was after these drivers ? | 10:01 |
hasse_ | thats right now | 10:01 |
AirBender | cursor1, this file just reflects what you've set in the gnome network config tool | 10:01 |
cursor1 | ahh yup i tried setting it in gnome config but thats no joy lol | 10:02 |
rohan | amr: oh well, no idea then :( | 10:02 |
amr | rohan: when i mute the headphone it just don\t mute | 10:02 |
rohan | because, bascule , on acer laptops e034 is the key for dollar sign .. that's to the right of up arrow key | 10:02 |
rohan | hasse_: is this problem occuring after you used the hg drivers ? | 10:03 |
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amr | rohan: i have another problem.. when boot up gusty it gives me very large letters font and i have to use "compiz-replace" to fix it | 10:03 |
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hasse_ | rohan, yessir | 10:03 |
cursor1 | AirBender, could you talk me through setting the ip | 10:03 |
hasse_ | rohan, maybe a stupid question, but i have to select "alsa drivers" as output plugin in xmms right | 10:04 |
rohan | hasse_: but this problem was not occuring before ? | 10:04 |
AirBender | cursor1, you can set it with the parameters: address your_ip_address, then netmask, then gateway your_gateway | 10:04 |
rohan | hasse_: oh if it's a xmms related problem, i have no idea | 10:04 |
AirBender | cursor1, always using the ifconfig command | 10:04 |
rohan | amr: sorry, can't help you out there. . i don't use gnome or compiz | 10:04 |
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@71-87-42-252.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
AirBender | cursor1, for example: sudo ifconfig ath0 gateway | 10:04 |
hasse_ | rohan, i can try with vlc and mplayer to see if it's global | 10:05 |
amr | ok thank you any way | 10:05 |
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rohan | amr: you're welcome :) | 10:05 |
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cursor1 | airbender, still no joy | 10:07 |
hasse_ | rohan, in vlc i can see the time moves, but no sound in my headphones | 10:08 |
AirBender | cursor, take it easy | 10:08 |
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AirBender | cursor1, you must set down your interface and then up | 10:08 |
hasse_ | and in alsamixer i cant do anything with the 'headphone' row, it's 00 | 10:08 |
cursor1 | i tried that | 10:08 |
AirBender | and make sure the parameters are correctly set up | 10:08 |
AirBender | type ifconfig and see the output | 10:09 |
cursor1 | okay | 10:09 |
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AirBender | I suggest you to choose an ip above 199 | 10:09 |
Gunner_Sr | what should I do for fan control on a dell 1520 notebook? | 10:09 |
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bascule | whay above 199? dhcp conflicts? | 10:09 |
AirBender | Gunner, it generally comes by default | 10:10 |
chris_ | how come the volume control has no effect on youtube video's? | 10:10 |
cursor1 | its saying i have inet addr: | 10:10 |
bascule | chris_: does here just takes its time | 10:10 |
AirBender | bascule, this is because dhcp servers usually uses ips until 199 | 10:10 |
bascule | sure | 10:10 |
Gunner_Sr | AirBender: My cpu temp has been at 55C and the fan has not come on? | 10:10 |
rohan | bascule: ping, are you around ? | 10:10 |
bascule | thanks though AirBender | 10:10 |
chris_ | i am really missing 7.04 lol | 10:10 |
AirBender | so, you don't want to have ip troubles | 10:10 |
bascule | rohan: yes | 10:10 |
bascule | updated the bug | 10:10 |
rohan | bascule: err, you did not get my last message ? about the acer laptop and the dollar sign ? | 10:11 |
rohan | you did ? can you link me to the bug too ? | 10:11 |
bascule | no | 10:11 |
hasse_ | rohan, this error in vlc : ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:867:(snd_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) snd_pcm_hw_params_any failed | 10:11 |
cursor1 | AirBender, its saying i have inet addr: | 10:11 |
rohan | (i lost it, sorry) | 10:11 |
bascule | rohan: sorry missed th edollar sign thing, was updating the sound bug | 10:11 |
chris_ | the volume control on the flash app works but not the master gnome app control... | 10:11 |
chris_ | should i be worried? | 10:11 |
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rohan | hasse_: you got the same error before using the newer drivers ? | 10:11 |
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chris_ | not even mute works... | 10:11 |
rohan | bascule: so, e034 was the error for dollar sign, right ? | 10:11 |
hasse_ | not sure, but almost i think | 10:12 |
bascule | rohan: yes I have an acer laptop $$$$$$$$ <-- dollar signs | 10:12 |
rohan | bascule: ok, please link me to the bug ? | 10:12 |
hasse_ | maybe i didn' t everything from you guide | 10:12 |
rohan | is it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/152286 , bascule ? | 10:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 152286 in ubuntu "Gusty Beta update stopped laptop Fn Volume Control" [Undecided,New] | 10:12 |
bascule | rohan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/152286 | 10:12 |
rohan | hasse_: err, what all did you not do ? | 10:12 |
chris_ | pcm controls everything but master does nothing.... | 10:12 |
AirBender | cursor1, that means you have ip address, but now the question is: does your router have ip in this range? (192.168.1.xxx) | 10:13 |
rohan | bascule: i think the error you got has nothing to do with sound. keycode e039 is not for sound i think | 10:14 |
hasse_ | i did : mkdir alsa-hg; cd alsa-hg/; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver alsa-driver; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel alsa-kernel; cd alsa-driver/;./hgcompile --with-cards=hda-intel; sudo make install; reboot | 10:14 |
cursor1 | my routers ip is | 10:14 |
cursor1 | no sorry | 10:14 |
bascule | coincidence perhaps, I will look again | 10:14 |
bascule | rohan: ^ | 10:14 |
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cursor1 | bcast: | 10:14 |
rohan | yes please have a look again | 10:14 |
lee_ | eh ok this is going to sound really corney but how Do I know waht I am running? am I fiesty or waht? | 10:15 |
bascule | rohan: definitely connected, as soon as I press the hotkeys for sound, the mesages appear in dmesg | 10:15 |
rohan | bascule: ok, then maybe your and my laptops have a bit different key layout | 10:16 |
bascule | I am UK | 10:16 |
cursor1 | Airbender: sorry which one shows router ip ,im pretty sure its | 10:16 |
lee_ | i tired kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" and not hing comes up | 10:16 |
AirBender | cursor1, you must know that address | 10:17 |
bascule | rohan: kmix correctly identified the key combos though as XF86Audio* | 10:17 |
rohan | bascule: same here. | 10:17 |
rohan | which laptop, bascule ? | 10:17 |
bascule | acer 5633WLMi | 10:17 |
cursor1 | Airbender, yup im sure its | 10:17 |
rohan | bascule: ah ok, aspire | 10:17 |
AirBender | cursor1, but generally could be 1.1 or 0.1 | 10:17 |
bascule | rohan: yes aspire | 10:17 |
lee_ | eh | 10:17 |
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cursor1 | airbender , yes im sure its | 10:18 |
lee_ | how come i just can't do the update-manager -d anymore? | 10:18 |
AirBender | cursor1, so, try using the address | 10:18 |
AncientRelic | any help with Broadcom 4311 wireless? | 10:18 |
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AirBender | lee_, you probably are on gutsy yet | 10:19 |
hasse_ | rohan, i did : mkdir alsa-hg; cd alsa-hg/; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver alsa-driver; hg clone http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel alsa-kernel; cd alsa-driver/;./hgcompile --with-cards=hda-intel; sudo make install; reboot | 10:19 |
lee_ | eh how can I tell? | 10:19 |
chris_ | how can i recompile my driver? | 10:19 |
cursor1 | airbender, so i set that by "ifconfig rausb0 192.168.200" | 10:19 |
rohan | hasse_: yes, that should be enough. did sound work with the older drivers ? | 10:19 |
chris_ | i mean kernel... i guess u guys messed up because nothing is working right.... | 10:19 |
lee_ | becaue this Os is to satbale lol | 10:19 |
rohan | hasse_: if yes, we can just revert back to them | 10:19 |
rohan | chris_: is it a synaptics touchpad ? | 10:20 |
rohan | chris_: how come i'm not getting any errors while using it ? | 10:20 |
chris_ | yes | 10:20 |
chris_ | dunno | 10:20 |
rohan | chris_: you changed your xorg.conf manually ? | 10:20 |
hasse_ | rohan, no, sound has not worked at all, thats the problem | 10:21 |
chris_ | no | 10:21 |
AirBender | cursor1, ok, so turn down and up your interface and try pinging your router | 10:21 |
chris_ | i installed rebooted upgraded and came in here with the synaptic problem | 10:21 |
AirBender | cursor1, sometimes it's better to restart, in order to do a fresh conexion | 10:21 |
rohan | hasse_: what lenovo model is it ? how about searching around on google for some known problem ? | 10:21 |
cursor1 | Airbender, whats the syntax for ifconfig n changing the ip | 10:21 |
rohan | or you can file a bug on alsa-project.org tracker, hasse_ | 10:21 |
AirBender | cursor1, but make sure there aren't other settings overwriting your settings | 10:21 |
AirBender | ifconfig interface address ip | 10:21 |
AirBender | where ip is your ip address | 10:22 |
hasse_ | it's a t61p, and i have googled a lot the last 12 hours, rohan | 10:22 |
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cursor1 | airbender , still no reply from router | 10:23 |
AirBender | cursor1, that's strange, but sometimes strange things happens with wireless routers | 10:24 |
AirBender | try restarting it | 10:24 |
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cursor1 | hat the whole of ubunut? | 10:24 |
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AirBender | cursor1, the router | 10:25 |
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AirBender | but restarting ubuntu might help too | 10:25 |
AirBender | if you haven't | 10:25 |
cursor1 | i have restarted ubuntu | 10:25 |
cursor1 | restarting my router will cause this wirless to go down so i'll brb | 10:25 |
cursor1 | with the results haha | 10:25 |
lee_ | eh I need a refresher wahts a PPC stand for in technical terms | 10:25 |
sebsebseb | upgraded Feisty to Gutsy Release Candidate. how come I got loads of KDE stuff in other in the menu? I only had some KDE stuff before upgrading. Also it suggested that I removed quite a lot of packages, but I didn't I left them. for example the old Ubuntu Effects thing from Feisty. and now I am wondering how I get extra effects wtih Compiz fusion, such as snow and rain | 10:26 |
hasse_ | rphan you dont have any otherideas ? | 10:26 |
hasse_ | rohan ^ | 10:27 |
rohan | hasse_: no, because i have no idea about your sound card at all :( | 10:27 |
rohan | sorry | 10:27 |
sebsebseb | I went to the thing it says on the page, system preferences then visual effects, and I get three things to choose from, but that's not what I expected | 10:27 |
sebsebseb | I thought I would be able to turn on which effects I wanted | 10:27 |
hasse_ | rohan, where to find the info you need ? | 10:27 |
sebsebseb | and decide which not to have | 10:27 |
lee_ | I noticed taht too | 10:28 |
lee_ | wait sebsebseb are you on a 64 bit system? | 10:29 |
sebsebseb | no | 10:29 |
sebsebseb | 32bit | 10:29 |
lee_ | oh ok | 10:29 |
rohan | hasse_: no, even if i have the info, i won't be able to help you .. because i have no other ideas, apart from rebuilding drivers from alsa-hg | 10:29 |
cursor1 | airbender, my wirless works now i restarted ubuntu n started with previous version of kernel | 10:29 |
lee_ | eh iam a 64 bit and its nothing but taht lol | 10:29 |
lee_ | well almost | 10:29 |
sebsebseb | what? | 10:29 |
hasse_ | okay , ill try some google, but thanks rohan | 10:29 |
rohan | hasse_: try to get hold of "crimsun" on #ubuntu, he's the real kernel sound issues master. | 10:29 |
rohan | hasse_: he was the one who taught me how to build modules from alsa-hg | 10:29 |
hasse_ | okay thanks | 10:30 |
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AirBender | cursor1, that's good | 10:30 |
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AirBender | cursor1, so, if it's a kernel issue, must be the wireless driver | 10:30 |
AirBender | mmm | 10:31 |
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Ch1ppy | hey, I installed gutsy RC and now firefox won't start? | 10:31 |
Ch1ppy | Can anyone help me out? | 10:31 |
AirBender | and have you tried with the latest kernel after the reboot? | 10:31 |
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XiXaQ | is ntfs-3g installed by default in gutsy? | 10:33 |
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mmkassem | XiXaQ: yea | 10:33 |
AirBender | XiXaQ, yes indeed | 10:33 |
Colro | Is user switching broken in gutsy? I lock my screen when I'm not at home and if someone hits switch user my screen just turns black and I end up having to hard re-boot | 10:33 |
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pvl1 | is there a file explorer that can display authors? | 10:34 |
cypherdelic_ | Issue: BusyBox at boot using encrypted luks LVM. Please Help. | 10:34 |
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earlmred | hmm openoffice is crashing on me trying to load a csv... | 10:34 |
earlmred | that opens fine in gnumeric and koffice | 10:34 |
sebsebseb | Ch1ppy: maybe your Firefox profile from Fesity got currupted some how when upgrading. could try removing Firefox and re installing | 10:34 |
sebsebseb | remove with config | 10:35 |
lee_ | Hehehee I just got a call form comcast survey groupe, I told them to make there services more user freindly with Linux | 10:35 |
rohan | sebsebseb: err how will that delete the firefox profile ? | 10:35 |
rohan | that is stored in ~ | 10:35 |
sebsebseb | rohan: yeah that's true | 10:35 |
Ch1ppy | sebsebseb: just --reinstall, or what? | 10:35 |
sebsebseb | he should just delete it from the home folder | 10:35 |
cypherdelic_ | Issue: BusyBox at boot using encrypted luks LVM. Please Help. Can mount manually and exit cause boot to continue, but i need a permanent fix of that. Please. | 10:35 |
rohan | Ch1ppy: just delete ~/.mozilla and start firefox again | 10:35 |
sebsebseb | backup his bookmarks if he wants, and delete from his home folder | 10:35 |
Ch1ppy | rohan: kay | 10:35 |
pvl1 | Can i get nautilus to show authors of music files? | 10:36 |
rohan | yeah, backup your bookmarks | 10:36 |
sebsebseb | that's your settings | 10:36 |
bascule | pvl1: authors? most will do meta tags from music | 10:36 |
sebsebseb | so anything you want to keep | 10:36 |
sebsebseb | back it up such as bookmarks | 10:36 |
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sebsebseb | before deleting that folder | 10:36 |
lee_ | but will stay onlin incase LiMaO sebnds that scrpt | 10:36 |
Colro | Is user switching broken in gutsy? I lock my screen when I'm not at home and if someone hits switch user my screen just turns black and I end up having to hard re-boot | 10:37 |
Ch1ppy | sebsebseb: that worked, thanks :) | 10:37 |
sebsebseb | np | 10:37 |
sebsebseb | no problem | 10:37 |
pvl1 | bascule: but i cant get it to show | 10:38 |
lee_ | eh this time I have fire fox running and loaded lol | 10:38 |
lee_ | well at least loaded lol | 10:38 |
bascule | pvl1: hmm, neither can I, dolphin does, but that would need half of KDE, maybe not what you want | 10:39 |
pvl1 | bascule: oh well ima look more into this, ty tho | 10:39 |
bascule | np | 10:39 |
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pvl1 | bascule: i think it just needs a meta package for support | 10:39 |
lee_ | oh you guys arnt going to believe this...the ubuntu symbles is just like my dogs toy lol eh my dog though took a bite out it lol.. | 10:40 |
bascule | pvl1: it acn show stuff under the music tab off right click, is that what you meant? | 10:40 |
pvl1 | bascule: no i mean like when u list it, so that theres a column for author and so forth | 10:41 |
cypherdelic_ | Issue: BusyBox at boot using encrypted luks LVM. Please Help. Can mount manually and exit cause boot to continue, but i need a permanent fix of that. Please. | 10:41 |
earlmred | is there a program other than openoffice that will write to Excel format? | 10:42 |
cypherdelic_ | I still got Bug #144390 | 10:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 144390 in cryptsetup "use entire disk with lvm/encrypted partitioning fails to boot" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144390 | 10:42 |
bascule | pvl1: doesn't seem to | 10:42 |
pvl1 | bascule: kk ty | 10:42 |
earlmred | or am i going to have to reboot into windows... | 10:42 |
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wastedfluid | anyone here familiar with s2disk ? running gusty.. after the rc upgrade to gutsy, it stopped working.. ? | 10:48 |
rockmanx | sorry fluid | 10:48 |
cypherdelic_ | How do I apply the fix for Bug # 144390. Please assist. | 10:48 |
rockmanx | never heard of it | 10:48 |
cypherdelic_ | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic | 10:48 |
cypherdelic_ | cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - | 10:48 |
cypherdelic_ | cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - | 10:48 |
wastedfluid | rockmanx: the uswsusp package w/ s2disk and s2both + s2ram ? | 10:49 |
rockmanx | never heard of it :) | 10:49 |
rockmanx | hey any UD's around? | 10:49 |
rockmanx | Ubuntu Devleoper | 10:49 |
cypherdelic_ | sda3_crypt /dev/sda3 none luks,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -- this is the crypttab line, please help... :( | 10:49 |
rockmanx | *Developer | 10:49 |
rockmanx | Before Gutsy gets released I think Ubuntu should finally include alsaconf!! | 10:51 |
rockmanx | It is driving me nuts that I can't set the sound card to use because there's no alsaconf | 10:51 |
hasse_ | crimsun, can you please help with a sound problem on my thinkpad t61p ? | 10:51 |
mmkassem | something strange happened to the /etc/group file .. all groups has no users | 10:51 |
mmkassem | and of course I no longer have the sudo access | 10:52 |
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cypherdelic_ | How do I apply the fix for Bug # 144390. Please assist. | 10:56 |
cypherdelic_ | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic | 10:56 |
cypherdelic_ | cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - | 10:56 |
cypherdelic_ | sda3_crypt /dev/sda3 none luks,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -- this is the crypttab line, please help... :( | 10:56 |
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Paradoxx | Quick question....why would I want to encrpy my hard drive when installing it? | 10:59 |
rohan | when i press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to F6, there is not a single VT available for me to use. what can be the problem ? | 10:59 |
bascule | high-res consoles broken | 10:59 |
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rohan | bascule: lol .. bug filed already ? | 11:00 |
rohan | any remedy found ? | 11:00 |
Colro | does gparted still not work in gutsy? | 11:01 |
rohan | Colro: i'm using it right now and it works | 11:03 |
Colro | rohan: I'm trying to format my slave drive to use with my 7.10 install, and gparted is just stuck on 'scanning all devices' when it's opened :/ | 11:05 |
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cypherdelic_ | How do I apply the fix for Bug # 144390. Please assist. | 11:05 |
cypherdelic_ | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic | 11:05 |
cypherdelic_ | cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - | 11:05 |
cypherdelic_ | sda3_crypt /dev/sda3 none luks,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -- this is the crypttab line, please help... :( | 11:05 |
lee_ | good heavens it warm out side for this time of year | 11:05 |
Colro | it was 94 here a week ago in IL | 11:06 |
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Colro | 60 now, pretty dramatic weather changes | 11:06 |
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rohan | Colro: oh, i'm using it on an installed system | 11:06 |
lee_ | hey some just had that special linux system for arabic | 11:07 |
Colro | rohan: me too =p, i installed 7.10 last night on my master drive, but my slave drive isn't formatted to be used with ubuntu yet | 11:07 |
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lee_ | yes its 65 here in Longivew WA | 11:07 |
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_Schlumpf | there'll be kde 3.5.8 in gutsy or how should i interpret the latest update? | 11:08 |
lee_ | hmm LiMaO wnet silent | 11:08 |
bascule | hmm, well I just dropped to a console, grey flashing boxes, hard lock, music repeating 0.5 second clip ... dead | 11:08 |
bascule | can't recreate it of course | 11:09 |
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andax | bascule, almost the same thing happened to me an hour ago | 11:10 |
bascule | I saw something about suspend mode doing it too | 11:10 |
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andax | Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS | 11:10 |
bascule | uh-huh | 11:11 |
bascule | intel driver, compiz on | 11:11 |
rohan | bascule: that's the problem with xorg intel drivers | 11:11 |
rohan | bascule: problem exists in suse too | 11:11 |
lee_ | eh | 11:11 |
bascule | I see | 11:11 |
lee_ | Ima getting the "Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) Release Candidate" | 11:12 |
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andax | i only have gutsy installed for a few hours so i haven't tested it too much but this bug does exists | 11:12 |
lee_ | whats the difference between an acutual release an a canadate? | 11:13 |
andax | feisty was running rock solid on this box with compiz so its not hardware related | 11:13 |
bascule | i915 25856 2 | 11:13 |
bascule | should that be in the kernel if I am using xorg intel? | 11:14 |
andax | lee_, an actual release should be stable, a release candidate is a test version that may have serious bugs | 11:14 |
bascule | like hard locks on cosole switching ;) | 11:15 |
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andax | fgrlx also produces a nice hard lock when switching | 11:15 |
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andax | but it always did so i just threw away the card | 11:16 |
lee_ | eh in that case , i am killing the dl....i only have 2 roms left | 11:16 |
rohan | hmm .. doesn't it seem that rc has lots of stuff broken ? | 11:16 |
rohan | the sound issue me and bascule have, the console switching issue | 11:16 |
andax | rohan, after using it for maybe 4 hours, i didn't notice any lockups or bugs that may cause data loss | 11:16 |
lee_ | yeah that can be anoying | 11:16 |
rohan | andax: yes, nothing serous | 11:17 |
andax | and i'm heavily trying to kill it | 11:17 |
rohan | *serious | 11:17 |
vvd | anyone else have the titlebars of maximized windows below the panel? | 11:17 |
rohan | just small nagging issues | 11:17 |
lee_ | thers a program that you can dl that will help... eh i can't mention the name of it because.....well...its what we say in a 4 letter word lol... | 11:18 |
lee_ | and it was in a database of linux lol | 11:18 |
andax | love: that new "search deskbar applet" , hate: the "xchat-gnome" package :) | 11:18 |
bascule | a hard lock is a data loss scenario ... | 11:18 |
lee_ | oh wait that was anothe program... thias one was specificalyy aimed at crashing you system | 11:19 |
lee_ | it was for testers or something | 11:19 |
lee_ | so your trying to break thsystem rohan? | 11:19 |
rohan | no, lee_ .. why ? | 11:20 |
andax | i am trying to break it.... | 11:20 |
lee_ | oh..just wondering | 11:20 |
rohan | i just want those 2 issues to be fixe | 11:20 |
rohan | d | 11:20 |
rohan | i'm not hunting for bugs specifically ;) | 11:20 |
lee_ | ah.. | 11:20 |
andax | not much success | 11:20 |
bascule | rohan: is the console switch a known bug then? | 11:21 |
rohan | bascule: not to me | 11:21 |
rohan | sorry | 11:21 |
rohan | i mean, i thought you told it was a known bug ? | 11:21 |
lee_ | well don't feel bad, i thaught that i coul d get waway with loading some drivers from ati....the system never got to the sin in screen | 11:21 |
rohan | bascule: i'm using intel 945 gm too | 11:21 |
bascule | k | 11:22 |
andax | intel 945 here too, switching consoles like mad but it doesn't want to crash .... | 11:22 |
lee_ | eh i am using the 64 bit system..graphics and sond are stable | 11:22 |
rohan | andax: exactly, but do you really get a console ? | 11:22 |
rohan | i'm not getting any console just a blank screen | 11:22 |
lee_ | eh don't hae the woble though.. can't seem to find those effects lol | 11:23 |
rohan | with a flashing cursor | 11:23 |
bascule | rohan: that used to happen here, stoped the vga=788 boot and all was OK | 11:23 |
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andax | i'm getting a normal login screen for alt+F1-F2+F3 etc and the desktop for F7 | 11:23 |
rohan | bascule: oh damn, that'd make the consoles look ugly ! | 11:23 |
lee_ | how did ya mannage thaat? | 11:23 |
neztiti | ANY HELP HW TO SRART iptables | 11:23 |
andax | but somehow i managed to kill a terminal before but couldn't reproduce it | 11:24 |
lee_ | lol | 11:24 |
bascule | rohan: yeah it's nasty | 11:24 |
lee_ | yeah i crashed it too | 11:24 |
andax | how did you do it? | 11:24 |
lee_ | hmm to bad they can't make linux self repaing in areas lol | 11:24 |
neztiti | ANY HELP HW TO StART iptables | 11:25 |
rohan | neztiti: repeating your question won't help you anyway | 11:25 |
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neztiti | sorry man | 11:25 |
lee_ | me, i can't wait tl i get that code so i can use java and flash | 11:25 |
lee_ | on a 64 bit system | 11:25 |
bascule | neztiti: as soon as you type iptables -some -parmaeters, it 'starts' | 11:25 |
rohan | what code, lee_ ? | 11:25 |
neztiti | i want to config my iptables | 11:25 |
lee_ | the one that LiMaO is wworking on | 11:26 |
andax | neztiti, if you have the iptables package installed then iptables is enabled, you just have to define the rules... | 11:26 |
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neztiti | bascula: thank u but how to config it | 11:26 |
bascule | neztiti: well use an app like firestarter or kmyfirewall | 11:26 |
lee_ | I had it oppeerational until i reloaded the sytem | 11:26 |
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lee_ | eh had to reformat cause I tried the ati drivers | 11:27 |
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andax | lee_, haha lol :) ati drivers never worked and never will. your only option for high performance 3d is nvidia. they provide stable drivers. | 11:28 |
neztiti | bascula : thank u m8 | 11:28 |
neztiti | u r right | 11:28 |
andax | this is true for all distros, ati is not for linux , too much hassle too many bugs too many hacking to get something working | 11:29 |
lee_ | and rohan it had a few things to with delting the 64 but version of the browser and loading and reconfiguring the firefox browser...i can find an Nvida in price range to use my x16 PICe | 11:29 |
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lee_ | i have 2 PCIe's | 11:30 |
rohan | lee_: well, online upgrade is always prone to more problems than a clean isntall | 11:30 |
andax | lee_, for AGP ati cards, the lockup issue is often fixed by reducing the AGP speed from 8x to 4x or 1x in the bios. Don't know about PCIe | 11:30 |
bascule | neztiti: welcome | 11:30 |
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lee_ | the really funky wierd looking one is a tiny brown port thingy | 11:30 |
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lee_ | eh.. | 11:31 |
lee_ | i cant configur it in the bios | 11:31 |
ratpoison | I want to remove all my empty subfolders in /path/to/folder | 11:31 |
bascule | andax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/127101 | 11:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127101 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop hangs when switching video mode" [High,In progress] | 11:31 |
lee_ | eh i already checked | 11:31 |
ratpoison | If I do rmdir /path/to/folder/* will it work? | 11:31 |
lee_ | eh i have an x300 | 11:31 |
ratpoison | rmdir deletes JUST the empty folders right? | 11:31 |
rohan | yes ratpoison | 11:31 |
rohan | ratpoison: any relation with the wm ? | 11:32 |
andax | bascule, i can't reproduce this. But i have managed to kill a 'terminal' started from X somehow | 11:32 |
lee_ | with dvi out aswell as lcd out aswell as s video out | 11:32 |
neztiti | ascule : when i want to start the gbox appli. seee this error ---Floating point exception (core dumped) | 11:32 |
Tatster | Hi all. Just upgraded to the RC and so far it's great. Have run into a strange prob though - if I enable "normal" level of visual effects, my Terminal app goes white and I can't see any text. Any ideas? | 11:32 |
lee_ | i think that pretty much covers the monitors i can use lol | 11:32 |
ratpoison | rohan: no. Using such a 1337 wm and asking about rmdir would be kinda.... | 11:32 |
ratpoison | :) | 11:32 |
andax | ratpoison, yeah, rmdir deletes empty folders only | 11:33 |
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rohan | ratpoison: hehe ;) | 11:33 |
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ratpoison | thnx 4 help guys | 11:33 |
lee_ | but, i sure havnt had any issues since the 64 bit i installed | 11:33 |
lee_ | well not major ones | 11:34 |
neztiti | bascule: when i want to start the gbox appli. seee this error ---Floating point exception (core dumped) | 11:34 |
andax | ratpoison, just type find /home/something/ -type d -exec rmdir {} \; | 11:35 |
lee_ | dang the cpu usage is low..windows pegs it out | 11:35 |
lee_ | at times | 11:35 |
nanonyme | hmm, do you think hardy will get integrity window manager? | 11:35 |
andax | ratpoison, but think before you type..... | 11:35 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: never heard of it.. | 11:36 |
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nanonyme | nosrednaekim, it's a newish QT/X11 based window manager | 11:36 |
nanonyme | looks good, is probably incredibly light | 11:36 |
bascule | ha, and this time I only crashed X, right back to KDM :) | 11:36 |
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nosrednaekim | nanonyme: hmmm interesting... i've wanted a lightweight qt WM | 11:36 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: is it qt4? | 11:37 |
ratpoison | andax: well, I'm just getting used to the shell. I've only been using linux for 6 months. I've done some compilations from source, but they were mostly copy/paste, with little intervention | 11:37 |
nanonyme | nosrednaekim, i was just browsing to see if qt WM's exist and found that | 11:37 |
nanonyme | i'm not sure. just found the project | 11:37 |
nanonyme | http://integrity.sourceforge.net/ | 11:37 |
andax | okay, so first make sure you _really_ want to delete empty folders then this command will do that. | 11:38 |
nanonyme | nosrednaekim, if you like it enough, do you think you'd want to participate in packaging? | 11:38 |
neztiti | anyone run gbox with gusty ??? | 11:38 |
nosrednaekim | don't think i'm switching from KDE anytime soon, but it does look interesting? | 11:38 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: I don't know the first thing about packaging ;) | 11:38 |
nanonyme | ah | 11:38 |
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ratpoison | andax: I do. It's my music library, and I'm re-organising it. Unfortunately, moving stuff around leaves some blank folders | 11:38 |
nanonyme | nosrednaekim, i expected you would considering you're on development channel :) | 11:39 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: and its incredibly old.. qt3 for sure. | 11:39 |
nanonyme | hmm | 11:39 |
nanonyme | sucks :/ | 11:39 |
nosrednaekim | well to tell you the truth.. I do know the first thing.... it the second thing that gets me ;) | 11:39 |
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nanonyme | yeah, seems like a dead project now that i look at it | 11:40 |
nanonyme | July 11, 2004 is the last changes. too bad | 11:40 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 11:40 |
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nanonyme | and i don't think i can single-handedly revive a dead WM project... | 11:42 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: do you know qt3? I know pyqt3.. | 11:43 |
nosrednaekim | *pyqt4 | 11:43 |
sinX_ | Got a Problem!! Whenever I use ktorrent, or any torrent client, all other internet connections slow wayyyy down?? | 11:43 |
Konam | am i the only one who can't set to not format the partition in the manual partition manager in ubuntu-7.10-rc-desktop-i386 | 11:43 |
Konam | ??? | 11:43 |
nanonyme | nopes. i haven't ever done graphical programming during my life :D | 11:43 |
nanonyme | i think qt is the way i would go though if i had | 11:43 |
Konam | I'm trying to keep my home unformatted | 11:44 |
nosrednaekim | sinX_: gosh..... sho would think that torrents slow things down? | 11:44 |
Konam | with the live CD install | 11:44 |
sinX_ | ha..ha.. | 11:44 |
nosrednaekim | nanonyme: yeah its pretty nice... awesome docs | 11:44 |
sinX_ | ya, but it should slow everything else to hault | 11:44 |
wastedfluid | anyone here familiar with s2disk ? running gusty.. after the rc upgrade to gutsy, it stopped working.. ? | 11:45 |
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neztiti | when i want to start the gbox appli. seee this error ---Floating point exception (core dumped) | 11:47 |
neztiti | any idea??? | 11:47 |
nosrednaekim | wastedfluid: not working for me either...s2RAM does though...so I don't mind | 11:47 |
lee_ | hmm | 11:49 |
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rockets | Anybody know of a way to swith desktops with mouse gestures? | 11:51 |
atselby | hey everyone, is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam still being used? | 11:52 |
ratpoison | rockets: if you're using compiz, you can eneable the plugin that allows to to middle click on the desktop of a workspace and drag | 11:52 |
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rockets | ratpoison, yeah but i hate the cube | 11:53 |
rockets | which plugin is it | 11:53 |
ratpoison | well, make doesn't it work with desktop plane? | 11:54 |
atselby | rockets, you can have it config. to when your mouse is on the edge it switches to the next adjacent workspace. | 11:54 |
ratpoison | srt wall | 11:54 |
ratpoison | damn my typos | 11:54 |
rockets | atselby, how? | 11:54 |
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atselby | rockets, let me check real quick | 11:54 |
jewbilee | atselby, what is the option for that? | 11:54 |
ratpoison | rockets: don't remember, why don't you search in advanced compiz config? | 11:54 |
rockets | im looking through the settings right now | 11:54 |
jewbilee | i found it | 11:55 |
rockets | ah i got it | 11:55 |
rockets | thanks so much! | 11:55 |
jewbilee | yea | 11:55 |
jewbilee | pinter flip | 11:55 |
rockets | this is so great! thanks guys! | 11:55 |
atselby | rockets, find it? | 11:55 |
ratpoison | np | 11:55 |
rockets | yeah i did | 11:55 |
jewbilee | pointer flip in rotate cube settings | 11:55 |
rockets | thank you so much | 11:55 |
rockets | my left hand thanks you | 11:55 |
rockets | i was going to get carpal tunnel | 11:55 |
atselby | oh, cool then. | 11:55 |
rockets | i use multiple desktops a lot and i switch all the time so my hand was killing me | 11:56 |
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jewbilee | i havent really found a reason to use multiple desktops | 11:56 |
jewbilee | im working on getting in the habit of dividing my workspace up though to take advantage of it | 11:56 |
ratpoison | get the only thing of worth M$ makes: a natural keyboard | 11:56 |
rockets | jewbilee, i divide desktops by task | 11:56 |
jewbilee | yea | 11:56 |
lee_ | eh me either save for editng video | 11:56 |
rockets | e.g. one for communications, like thunderbird, pdigin and xchat | 11:56 |
rockets | one for firefox alone | 11:57 |
rockets | and one for a terminal and gedit | 11:57 |
lee_ | where you can see the vid on a tv and then edit the vid on your pc | 11:57 |
atselby | i do something along those lines. | 11:57 |
ratpoison | jewbilee: multi desktops rule: One for pdf reading, One for downloaders and internet stuff, One for Chat and one for work | 11:57 |
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ratpoison | you kidding me? multi desktops rule | 11:57 |
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atselby | generally graphic apps on one, xchat, pidgin, firefox in another, and music or whatever else on the third. | 11:57 |
jewbilee | yea, once i start doing more intense programming for school im sure ill start using it more | 11:57 |
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Colro | I just formatted and mounted a second harddrive, is there any way to add its size to my home folder or anything like that? Currently I can only access it with root | 11:58 |
Colro | running gutsy | 11:58 |
atselby | anyone know if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam is still being used? | 11:58 |
rockets | Colro, mount it with mount blah -o defaults | 11:58 |
kassah-lappy | quanta: Depends: quanta-data (< 4:3.5.8) but 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 is to be installed... I'm trying to figure out what's going on here so I can file a bug. That's the error I get when I try to apt-get install quanta | 11:58 |
jewbilee | You should be able to use it as just secondary storage if you've mounted it | 11:58 |
rockets | that will make it accessible to all Colro | 11:58 |
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ratpoison | Colro: How about mounting your drive in /media/ and then adding a symbolic link to your /home? | 11:59 |
jewbilee | anyone know a way to permanantly unmount a partition? | 11:59 |
unstable | Can I have a loop back encrypted file system when I install gutsy? Like I can with debian etch | 11:59 |
jewbilee | ive got a recovery partition i dont want to keep coming up every time i reboot | 11:59 |
rockets | jewbilee, remove it from /etc/fstab | 11:59 |
ratpoison | jewbilee, delete it from fstab | 11:59 |
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ratpoison | haha :) | 11:59 |
Colro | ratpoison: well, it is mounted in /media/, but I can't access it without root currently | 12:00 |
Colro | rockets: thanks, ill try that | 12:00 |
ratpoison | try chown | 12:00 |
ratpoison | or chmod | 12:00 |
fimblo | hiya, just submitted a bug (#152460) related to grub-install during gutsy server installation process, could someone help me with how to deal with it? | 12:00 |
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ratpoison | chown if the folder is owned by root | 12:00 |
scoot | hi. Is there currently a 7.10 release for the PS3? | 12:00 |
fimblo | (that would be the gutsy rc server) | 12:00 |
ratpoison | and chmod if your user doesn't have r permission on this folder | 12:00 |
lee_ | its about time a ps3 er shoed up lol | 12:01 |
lee_ | Ihave quesitons lol | 12:01 |
jewbilee | Thanks rockets and ratpoison | 12:01 |
rockets | np | 12:01 |
andax | Colro, chown colro.colro /media/folder -R | 12:01 |
lee_ | scoot, aside from gaming hows the Ps3 all in all with handling linux? | 12:01 |
lee_ | and other Oses? | 12:01 |
lee_ | I am seriously thinkig aobut getting a ps3 | 12:02 |
scoot | lee - handles Gnome well. Not so much with KDE. These are the only distros i have used | 12:02 |
scoot | <- not a Linux person | 12:02 |
lee_ | hmm gnomes good | 12:02 |
fimblo | Can anyone tell me what the installer does after grub-install? alternatively: can someone point me to a webpage describing in what order the Gutsy RC Server CD does things? | 12:03 |
lee_ | hmm | 12:03 |
lee_ | id thinkk with its processing power it would eat anyhting up | 12:03 |
scoot | lee - not enough memory | 12:03 |
lee_ | ahh | 12:03 |
lee_ | gee talk aobut a geene in a botle | 12:04 |
scoot | and there are currently no "real" video drivers | 12:04 |
nosrednaekim | no available graphics either. | 12:04 |
lee_ | oh | 12:04 |
lee_ | ouch | 12:04 |
lee_ | so then the ps2 would be better in this area then | 12:04 |
scoot | it does what it does. not bad for a gaming console | 12:04 |
scoot | don't have a ps2 - dunno | 12:05 |
lee_ | hmm i have a ps2 and they had linux dof r it once..but now there something called balck rhino and I can't even figure taht one out | 12:05 |
lee_ | but this is anohter topic for another tim elol | 12:05 |
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LiMaO | lee_: hey you man, i'm back.. i'll send you the script in a few minutes. you'll be impressed =) | 12:06 |
lee_ | ok will do | 12:06 |
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lee_ | <LiMaO> hopefully not jsut me but some other out there looking forward to using it lol | 12:07 |
LiMaO | lee_: i'll release it, so that everyone who wants to do that just have to run the script | 12:08 |
lee_ | cool | 12:08 |
lee_ | maybe the linux team can incorperate it sometime in the futeer | 12:08 |
lee_ | <LiMaO> oh an I freshly relaoded and I have fire fox lol | 12:09 |
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lee_ | <LiMaO>want me to delete it? | 12:09 |
rockets | I love how gutsy lets you easily have firefox 3 and 2 side by side | 12:09 |
nosrednaekim | LiMaO: what does this script do? | 12:10 |
nosrednaekim | rockets: how is firefox 3? | 12:10 |
lee_ | it will alow us with 64 bits to run java and flash | 12:10 |
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: installing firefox32bit + java + flash + mplayer on a 64bit system | 12:10 |
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: includes an uninstall option and has some very nice user interaction =P | 12:10 |
nosrednaekim | LiMaO: yeah... wasn't there a script for that somewhere up on the forums? | 12:10 |
lee_ | ooh coolio | 12:10 |
lee_ | it was a pain in the ARSE | 12:11 |
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: there was.. Kilz script, but it isn't working fine on some systems | 12:11 |
nosrednaekim | ah..ok... sweet :) | 12:11 |
lee_ | you could say taht again lol | 12:11 |
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lee_ | ill back up the script to | 12:11 |
lee_ | so If I ever have to reload | 12:12 |
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lee_ | ok | 12:12 |
cyclonut | gutsy just completely tweaked on me | 12:12 |
lee_ | I am going to uninstall fire fox or do you want me to keep fire fox in ? which test should I do first? | 12:12 |
cyclonut | it acted like I was holding the spacebar down, when I wasnt, and then cpu usage maxed out | 12:13 |
cyclonut | followed by a kernel panic | 12:13 |
lee_ | Ouhc | 12:13 |
lee_ | ouch | 12:13 |
cyclonut | (which I am told I should be able to recover from, is that true?) | 12:13 |
lee_ | it burped | 12:13 |
cyclonut | (alt & pntscr & r e i s u b ?) | 12:13 |
LiMaO | lee_: ok, script is ready | 12:13 |
lee_ | you know gutsy has guts..so its digesting well expct a burp or 2 lol | 12:14 |
lee_ | ok | 12:14 |
LiMaO | lee_: let me send it, so you can check it out and tell me of any errors | 12:14 |
lee_ | <LiMaO>ok | 12:14 |
lee_ | eh | 12:14 |
lee_ | looking fer the tab to show lol | 12:15 |
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LiMaO | lee_: after it's sent, just double click it and choose to run in terminal | 12:15 |
lee_ | ok will do | 12:16 |
LiMaO | lee_: tell me if it gives any error or acts weird =P | 12:16 |
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: wanna check it out aswell? | 12:17 |
nosrednaekim | LiMaO: I am on 64 bit, but I don't have the bandwidth. (dial-up) | 12:18 |
nosrednaekim | LiMaO: flash is good enough for me (via nspluginwrapper) | 12:18 |
=== LiMaO if you need a complete script that will help newbies install firefox32 + java + flash + mplayer on a 64bit system, just let me know. the scritp actually does it all automatically, while explaining to the user what it's doing. there is also an uninstall option, to revert your system to how it was before the script ran =D | ||
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: oh ok.. the script itself is only 8k, and the files it download aren't that huge.. if you wanna give it a try anytime, just let me know | 12:19 |
lee_ | it open in kate | 12:19 |
LiMaO | i'll also post it on ubuntuforums | 12:19 |
nosrednaekim | LiMaO: ok... well java is pretty big | 12:19 |
LiMaO | lee_: you gotta choose to 'run' it | 12:19 |
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jewbilee | where is the alias file? | 12:20 |
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boselecta | i'm not sure if this is a bug or not: I tried running gdmthemetester, and get the message "ERROR: Xnest not found" | 12:21 |
lee_ | ok will do | 12:23 |
lee_ | <LiMaO>run it as aroot? | 12:24 |
LiMaO | lee_: yes | 12:24 |
lee_ | ah ok | 12:24 |
lee_ | I go it | 12:24 |
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lee_ | something aobut command not found | 12:26 |
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LiMaO | lee_: which command? | 12:26 |
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lee_ | when I use run a root | 12:27 |
jewbilee | Can anyone tell me where the file with the alias' is? | 12:27 |
LiMaO | lee_: just double click it.. and choose 'run in terminal' | 12:27 |
LiMaO | run it normally | 12:27 |
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kry0 | gsmgreeter!!! | 12:29 |
kry0 | fecked! | 12:29 |
kry0 | gdm even | 12:29 |
lee_ | kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 11? | 12:30 |
LiMaO | lee_: dude, i think you are doing something wrong | 12:31 |
LiMaO | actually you SURELY are doing somethign wrong hehe | 12:31 |
lee_ | ok i doubl clicked it and i get a window that shows the scrpt, i havnt an option to run it any oter way | 12:31 |
LiMaO | dude | 12:31 |
LiMaO | *sight* | 12:32 |
LiMaO | alright, let's do it this way | 12:32 |
LiMaO | where did you save your file? on your desktop? | 12:32 |
LiMaO | open up a terminal and type ./home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:32 |
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lee_ | just a sec no deffinately nt there ill figure its default path | 12:33 |
LiMaO | you're messing up everything.. you don't need to open the script in kate.. you just have to run the script, it's executable | 12:33 |
lee_ | Ok to make it easier t is now saved to the dest top | 12:34 |
LiMaO | alright | 12:34 |
LiMaO | lee_: now open up a terminal window. i dunno how it's called in kde, probably kterminal, something like that | 12:34 |
lee_ | bash: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: Permission denied | 12:36 |
LiMaO | lee_: type 'sudo' before the command, without the quotes | 12:37 |
nosrednaekim | konsole for future reference | 12:37 |
lee_ | it said the same thing when I dl a set of ati drivers | 12:37 |
lee_ | oh ok | 12:37 |
LiMaO | sudo ./home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:37 |
LiMaO | nosrednaekim: thank you =) i really don't have such a kde experience | 12:37 |
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nosrednaekim | ;) | 12:37 |
lee_ | like this?root@unbuntu98632:~# sudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:38 |
LiMaO | yes | 12:38 |
lee_ | it gave me this | 12:38 |
kry0 | do i like that?.. yip.. lov it.. yum yum | 12:38 |
boselecta | kry0 i noticed trouble (I think) with gdmthemetester | 12:38 |
kry0 | yeh boselecta | 12:39 |
lee_ | sudo: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: command not found | 12:39 |
LiMaO | oh God | 12:39 |
kry0 | i posted onto the forums earlier.. update today.. 12gmt.. fucked gsm greeter.. | 12:39 |
kry0 | ive been trynig to help peeps since | 12:39 |
LiMaO | lee_: you gotta know where exactly the file is | 12:39 |
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nosrednaekim | "sudo ./home/lee//Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:39 |
boselecta | you're fixing it? | 12:39 |
lee_ | and I even treid draggin and dropping the scrpit | 12:39 |
kry0 | LiMaO: why bother | 12:39 |
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LiMaO | kry0: i'm here to help.. that's why =) people that need help should be helped, no matter how long it takes | 12:40 |
kry0 | boselecta: nope.. im in contact with peeps who are experiencing it.. trying to find what combo of events result in its occurence | 12:40 |
nosrednaekim | actually... it should be "sudo ~./home/lee//Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins" | 12:40 |
boselecta | is there a bug filed? | 12:40 |
kry0 | LiMaO: nice attitude.. u must be skint | 12:40 |
LiMaO | lee_: or 'sudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins' without the quotes | 12:40 |
kry0 | boselecta: well .. not yet.. but its on the forums now.. and becoming more and more apparent.. its only a matter of time | 12:41 |
kry0 | im gutsy with compiz/xgl/fusion/gdm etc.. blooooooody marvelous!!! | 12:42 |
LiMaO | kry0: skint as 'in need of help' or as in 'high' ? | 12:42 |
lee_ | waht the heck is kate? | 12:42 |
boselecta | fwiw i tried to download and install a gdm theme today and even though it installs (gets copied to the right place on disk), it doesn't show up in gdmsetup tool. | 12:42 |
LiMaO | lee_: kate = kde text editor | 12:42 |
LiMaO | lee_: you gotta RUN the script | 12:42 |
lee_ | why is it defaulting to that? | 12:43 |
boselecta | skint = poor | 12:43 |
kry0 | hehe.. LiMaO : im just saying .. u must have lot of time to help everyone.. and thus i infer skint.. (slang for no cash) | 12:43 |
LiMaO | lee_: because you chose to OPEN it, and not RUN it | 12:43 |
kry0 | LiMaO: its like day 0 at helpdesk 101.. u not get pissed off? | 12:43 |
LiMaO | kry0: actually having enough money leaves me time to enjoy life and help others =P | 12:43 |
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LiMaO | kry0: well, sometimes it's hard to help.. but it's pleasant, don't you think so? =P | 12:43 |
lee_ | There in lies the problem i actually have no option for "running" it | 12:44 |
kry0 | ah LiMaO : theres a threshold tho.. u might be under it (ie no cash.. so time to help all.. coz on benefits).. or above it.. (ie feckin rich..... done it all.. time to help everyone ) ::) | 12:44 |
LiMaO | lee_: to RUN it, you gotta open the terminal (konsole) and type the scripts name.. and that's it | 12:44 |
kry0 | yeh.. totally is LiMaO.. i agree.. deffo nice to do.. and its gr8 to help peeps in the community or trying to become part of it (the comm being nix etc) | 12:45 |
LiMaO | kry0: i think that if i had no money i wouldn't feel like helping others.. hehe i would try to make some =P | 12:45 |
lee_ | ok | 12:45 |
lee_ | doing that | 12:45 |
kry0 | here .. 1 for u LiMaO | 12:45 |
LiMaO | kry0: yeah.. all of us needed some kind of help someday.. and specially the ubuntu community is very helpful.. | 12:45 |
kry0 | ubuntuforums.. attach.. try to add gdm.conf etc.. invalid file :) | 12:45 |
LiMaO | ubuntuforums don't accept .conf files | 12:46 |
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LiMaO | zip it | 12:46 |
kry0 | ur right LiMaO.. it applies to everything.. maybe im just getting too cynical and old | 12:46 |
lee_ | grr I clicked on the wrong tab | 12:46 |
lee_ | ok | 12:46 |
kry0 | ahh k LiMaO.. ta :)/... | 12:46 |
kry0 | wondered why | 12:46 |
LiMaO | =) | 12:46 |
kry0 | tho i ask furhter.. why no confs? | 12:46 |
LiMaO | well, that's something out of my scope hehe | 12:46 |
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LiMaO | they allow .sh scripts, should allow confs aswell | 12:47 |
LiMaO | lee_: try it now.. try hard =P | 12:47 |
kry0 | tis v odd.. coz a conf cant be harmful | 12:47 |
earlmred | interesting, firefox would crash on me all the time, smartweasel doesn't at all | 12:47 |
earlmred | i just wish he had thunderbird compiled for nocona | 12:47 |
kry0 | LiMaO: so u get satisfaction from helping others.. nice.. i think thats admirable | 12:47 |
LiMaO | kry0: i'm a dentist, i'm used to help people.. and there's nothing better than watch someone smile at you and say 'thank you so much' | 12:48 |
lee_ | bash: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: Permission denied | 12:49 |
kry0 | n1 LiMaO.. dentist make good money too :) | 12:49 |
kry0 | a nix guru dentist! tis rare ;) | 12:49 |
LiMaO | kry0: some =P | 12:49 |
lee_ | it gave me the exact same thing with the ati drivers | 12:49 |
LiMaO | kry0: i'm far away from being a guru.. just know some few things | 12:49 |
LiMaO | lee_: | 12:49 |
lee_ | yeah | 12:50 |
LiMaO | lee_: what are you typing exactly in the terminal?? | 12:50 |
lee_ | just a sec | 12:50 |
kry0 | so..tell me LiMaO.. what u running.. im ubuntu7.1(of coz).. compiz.. fusion.. cube... skydome etc.. bloody amazing.. very intuitive gui | 12:50 |
lee_ | Ill cut and paste it | 12:50 |
earlmred | what is of coz? | 12:50 |
earlmred | of course? | 12:50 |
LiMaO | kry0: feisty 64bit | 12:50 |
earlmred | LiMaO, is 64bit firefox still a pain with plugins? | 12:50 |
kry0 | (me takes on LiMaO att... help all.. feels good.. does good.. and actually makes a difference ) | 12:50 |
kry0 | :) | 12:50 |
kry0 | im running on 64b amd.. but no 64 o/s. | 12:51 |
kry0 | just stuck with 32 | 12:51 |
kry0 | coz fear of non app support | 12:51 |
LiMaO | earlmred: i just wrote a script that will install 32bit firefox + java + flash + mplayer... and is intended for everyone.. cause it's intuitive, have user interaction and does it all automatically | 12:51 |
earlmred | LiMaO, yeah, i got that working fine before ... | 12:51 |
earlmred | LiMaO, but i wish there were more 64bit plugins | 12:51 |
kry0 | ok.. ive psoted me confs to gutsy probs after update | 12:51 |
kry0 | gdm is fecked | 12:52 |
kry0 | 12pm (approx gmt).. it all went wrong | 12:52 |
LiMaO | earlmred: but about native 64bit stuff, we'll have to wait hehe | 12:52 |
lee_ | this is waht Iam typin in ok | 12:52 |
lee_ | '/home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins' | 12:52 |
LiMaO | lee_: it's missing the SUDO before | 12:52 |
lee_ | and I did it with out the quotes too | 12:52 |
lee_ | eh ok | 12:52 |
LiMaO | sudo | 12:52 |
LiMaO | not in capitals | 12:52 |
kry0 | LiMaO: !!!! yoo mate.. my fix for gdm loader.. in gutsy.. bug.. worked.! peeps did what i said.. and now they back 100%! | 12:52 |
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kry0 | man.. LiMaO : it does feel good to help.. i see what u mean now!! | 12:53 |
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yaccin | is there a bug in gcc or is it just me? | 12:53 |
LiMaO | kry0: =D you see?! you're on the right path now... | 12:53 |
=== LiMaO prouds of kry0 | ||
LiMaO | =) | 12:53 |
lee_ | sudo '/home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins' | 12:53 |
lee_ | sudo: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: command not found | 12:53 |
yaccin | /tmp/ccTeTami.o: In function `main': | 12:53 |
yaccin | wurzel.c:(.text+0x6e): undefined reference to `sqrt' | 12:53 |
LiMaO | DUDE | 12:53 |
kry0 | LiMaO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3528084#post3528084 | 12:53 |
LiMaO | no quotes | 12:53 |
kry0 | there we go | 12:53 |
lee_ | ko | 12:54 |
earlmred | lol quotes. | 12:54 |
lee_ | ok | 12:54 |
earlmred | sudo 'su' | 12:54 |
earlmred | lets see if that works | 12:54 |
LiMaO | lee_: sudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:54 |
kry0 | man.. its worked.. i went mental trying to sort that.. and i did.. and even if it only helped on guy.. worth it.. LiMaO showed me the way! | 12:54 |
LiMaO | sudo, kdesudo, su | 12:54 |
earlmred | wow, it actually did work ... | 12:54 |
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lee_ | like this correct? lee@unbuntu98632:~$ sudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 12:55 |
LiMaO | kry0: i'm pretty sure more people will benefit from your post there on the forums.. and it'll get even better | 12:55 |
LiMaO | lee_: yes | 12:55 |
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LiMaO | lee_: if 'sudo' doesn't work, try 'kdesudo' -- all without the quotes | 12:55 |
lee_ | ok that is in my cut and paste mem | 12:55 |
yaccin | is there a bug in gcc that prevents sqrt() from working correctly? | 12:55 |
lee_ | ok | 12:55 |
lee_ | ok this is waht the sudo gave me | 12:56 |
lee_ | sudo: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: command not found | 12:56 |
lee_ | ill try the other | 12:56 |
LiMaO | lee_: then try kdesudo | 12:56 |
LiMaO | instead of sudo | 12:56 |
yaccin | ? | 12:57 |
boselecta | yaccin i believe sqrt needs math.h | 12:57 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ kdesudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins like taht correct? | 12:57 |
yaccin | boselecta: http://bennid.de/wurzel.c i have it | 12:58 |
LiMaO | lee_: yes | 12:58 |
lee_ | ok that is waht I cut and pasted from the line ..escuting now | 12:58 |
boselecta | it looks like a linking error, right? | 12:58 |
yaccin | boselecta: and we tried it without the (double) first | 12:59 |
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kry0 | LiMaO: more priv msgs! .. others.. worked!!!.. thanking me.. feels good.. hehe.. i guess ive learnt someting new today | 12:59 |
Niamor | hi | 01:00 |
boselecta | just a sec | 01:00 |
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lee_ | ok I got this | 01:01 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ kdesudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:01 |
lee_ | passprompt | 01:01 |
LiMaO | kry0: use that same principle in everything in your life... you surely will feel a lot better, and others around you will feel good too | 01:01 |
LiMaO | lee_: then just input your password | 01:01 |
lee_ | I did and I got this | 01:01 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ kdesudo /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:01 |
lee_ | passprompt | 01:01 |
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Konam | hi | 01:02 |
LiMaO | lee_: now INPUT your password, type your password there | 01:02 |
lee_ | sudo: /home/lee/Desktop/LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: command not found | 01:02 |
Konam | I just installed the RC and this bug is still there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/140821 | 01:02 |
yaccin | lee_: cd Desktop | 01:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140821 in gdm "[gutsy] Can not change default GNOME splash background color (dup-of: 132833)" [Low,Invalid] | 01:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132833 in gdm "login background color is hardcoded" [Low,Triaged] | 01:02 |
LiMaO | oh God.. doesn't sudo work in kde? | 01:02 |
lee_ | thats waht is left after the grical coman not found thing pops up | 01:02 |
kry0 | chee LiMaO : its been an interesting day for sure | 01:02 |
kry0 | cheers even | 01:02 |
yaccin | lee_: sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:03 |
LiMaO | see ya kry0 =) | 01:03 |
LiMaO | yaccin: it seems he's having problems with sudo.. doesn't sudo work in kde? | 01:03 |
kry0 | its 12:05am here..(northern ireland).. where u at? | 01:03 |
yaccin | it works here | 01:03 |
LiMaO | yaccin: would you please help me get lee_ to run that script? | 01:03 |
Konam | That bug would be very annoying for more than one user | 01:03 |
yaccin | lee_: open konsole | 01:04 |
LiMaO | yaccin: he's having problems with 'sudo' and also he's not sure how to run a script | 01:04 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ sudo -s | 01:04 |
lee_ | root@unbuntu98632:~# sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:04 |
lee_ | sudo: ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins: command not found | 01:04 |
lee_ | root@unbuntu98632:~# | 01:04 |
kry0 | thats a path prob | 01:04 |
lee_ | ok | 01:04 |
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lee_ | opening console | 01:04 |
kry0 | sudo is in every nix | 01:04 |
yaccin | type "cd Desktop" | 01:04 |
kry0 | do 'id' | 01:04 |
kry0 | >>> what | 01:04 |
lee_ | this is called Konsole -terminla program | 01:04 |
yaccin | type "chmod +x LiMaO*etc*" | 01:04 |
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LiMaO | yaccin: don't use 'etc'.. you gotta give him exact instructions hehe | 01:05 |
LiMaO | lee_: type chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:05 |
yaccin | type "sudo ./LiMaO*" | 01:05 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ chmod +x LiMaO*etc* | 01:05 |
lee_ | chmod: cannot access `LiMaO*etc*': No such file or directory | 01:05 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ | 01:05 |
lee_ | eh do I have a problem? | 01:05 |
LiMaO | lee_: type chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:05 |
kry0 | then ./LiMaO[Tab] | 01:05 |
yaccin | where did you save the script? | 01:05 |
LiMaO | yaccin: it's in his Desktop | 01:06 |
LiMaO | lee_: type chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:06 |
yaccin | cd ~/Desktop | 01:06 |
yaccin | ls | 01:06 |
LiMaO | to make sure the script is executable | 01:06 |
kry0 | theres a confusion here between literal and verbal | 01:06 |
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yaccin | lee_: do these 2 steps and tell me the output :) | 01:07 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ type chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:07 |
lee_ | chmod is /bin/chmod | 01:07 |
lee_ | bash: type: +x: not found | 01:07 |
lee_ | bash: type: LiMaO*: not found | 01:07 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ | 01:07 |
lee_ | will do | 01:07 |
kry0 | not type!!! | 01:07 |
boselecta | yaccin: this is a dumb question, but do you have libc6-dev installed? | 01:07 |
thegve | Hello... I was here this afternoon(GMT +1) too, but I have almost got things working now I think... I am trying to get the ATI 8.40.4 driver to work. According to the Xorg.0.log direct rendering works, but according to glxinfo it is not (xfree86-dri is missing) | 01:08 |
LiMaO | lee_: type chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:08 |
LiMaO | just the chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:08 |
LiMaO | not the TYPE | 01:08 |
lee_ | coppying and pasting the thing in | 01:08 |
thegve | I read about some bug in the detecting of the new X.org somewhere | 01:08 |
LiMaO | no man | 01:08 |
kry0 | just enter on your keyboard (quotes denote exactly what your to enter) "chmod +x LiMaO*" | 01:08 |
yaccin | you also can right-click the script on your desktop, go to the permission-tab, select executable and hit ok... then just klick the script to run it :) | 01:08 |
LiMaO | lee_: chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:08 |
thegve | I think it was a bug in the ATI driver, but after a x server restart I lost the bugtracker address and never found it again :) | 01:09 |
kry0 | LiMaO: this is not gutsy specific help.. this is comp sci 101 ;) | 01:09 |
LiMaO | kry0: basic of basic ehe | 01:10 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:10 |
lee_ | chmod: cannot access `LiMaO*': No such file or directory | 01:10 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ | 01:10 |
kry0 | well.. we are talking chmod .. and literal interpreations of every word.. without inference... yikes! | 01:10 |
lee_ | that is waht I get | 01:10 |
yaccin | lee_: if that doesnt work you also have to check "run in terminal" or something like that | 01:10 |
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lee_ | run? | 01:11 |
yaccin | lee_: cd ~/Desktop | 01:11 |
kry0 | lee.. gimme ssh/rdp to ur box and ill fix0r it ;) | 01:11 |
yaccin | lee_: ./LiMaO* | 01:11 |
LiMaO | lee_: here's a step by step | 01:11 |
LiMaO | 1. open up terminal | 01:11 |
LiMaO | 2. type "cd ~" | 01:11 |
lee_ | did | 01:12 |
LiMaO | 3. type "cd Desktop" | 01:12 |
lee_ | dithat and directory changed | 01:12 |
LiMaO | 4. type "chmod +x LiMaO*" | 01:12 |
LiMaO | 5. type "sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins" | 01:12 |
LiMaO | ONLY THAT | 01:12 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:12 |
lee_ | is this the line we need? | 01:12 |
LiMaO | yes | 01:12 |
LiMaO | if the script is in your Desktop, YES | 01:13 |
lee_ | ok executing it now | 01:13 |
kry0 | w00000t! | 01:13 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ was the end resuklt | 01:13 |
LiMaO | don't worry about results | 01:13 |
LiMaO | just follow the step by step | 01:13 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~$ cd ~/Desktop | 01:14 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ chmod +x LiMaO* | 01:14 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ | 01:14 |
yaccin | lee_: sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:14 |
lee_ | this the step corect | 01:14 |
yaccin | lee_: thats the last step | 01:14 |
LiMaO | lee_: now go to step 5 | 01:14 |
kry0 | run it!! go go go !!! | 01:14 |
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LiMaO | and type "sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins" | 01:14 |
kry0 | itll pwn ya ;) | 01:14 |
LiMaO | i think we all will have an orgasm when he gets to run the script lol | 01:14 |
kry0 | gogoog! run it!! | 01:14 |
kry0 | im so close! | 01:14 |
kry0 | lol ;) | 01:14 |
LiMaO | lee_: are you still with us? | 01:15 |
lee_ | WTF..befor I could do step 5 I went to past it in and it did soemthing on its own | 01:15 |
kry0 | yeh.. go lee.. am only jesting.. run that fecker | 01:15 |
yaccin | ok... so can i have some help now with a SERIOUS gcc problem? ^^ | 01:15 |
lee_ | bash: lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$: No such file or directory | 01:15 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ | 01:15 |
lee_ | bash: lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$: No such file or directory | 01:15 |
lee_ | lee@unbuntu98632:~/Desktop$ | 01:15 |
lee_ | this computer doesnt know its....from it head | 01:15 |
LiMaO | lee_: you pasted it wrong | 01:15 |
lee_ | oh | 01:16 |
kry0 | wtf?! | 01:16 |
lee_ | ok starting a new terminla | 01:16 |
LiMaO | lee_: just TYPE sudo ./LiMaO-FF32wPlugins | 01:16 |
LiMaO | lee_: you may right click the file on your desktop now.. and choose to RUN IT in terminal | 01:16 |
kry0 | LiMaO: he could just double click it .. if on his dtop | 01:16 |
LiMaO | kry0: yeah, will try that approach now | 01:16 |
boselecta | yaccin: i figured out your problem | 01:17 |
yaccin | its a single click :P | 01:17 |
yaccin | boselecta: yes? ^^ | 01:17 |
kry0 | this is what happens when u get non techs into nix.. be same withiin win.. | 01:17 |
boselecta | you weren't linking against the math library | 01:17 |
yaccin | so? | 01:17 |
yaccin | what did i do wrong? | 01:17 |
boselecta | gcc -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 wurzel.c -lm -o wurzel | 01:17 |
kry0 | u ran 'ffs' instead of 'gcc' | 01:17 |
lee_ | waht the heck it gave me this | 01:17 |
lee_ | ########################################################### | 01:17 |
lee_ | # # | 01:18 |
boselecta | if you leave out -lm you get your linker error | 01:18 |
lee_ | # This script will install the 32bit version of Firefox # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # along with flash, java and mplayer plugins on a 64bit # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # system. # | 01:18 |
yaccin | o.O | 01:18 |
lee_ | # An UNinstall option is also available, to revert your # | 01:18 |
usser | lee_: stop that please | 01:18 |
lee_ | # system to how it was before the script ran. # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # # | 01:18 |
kry0 | floooooooooooood | 01:18 |
kry0 | stop | 01:18 |
lee_ | ########################################################### | 01:18 |
lee_ | ########################################################### | 01:18 |
usser | !pastebin | lee_ | 01:18 |
ubotu | lee_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:18 |
lee_ | # # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # Please make your selection: # | 01:18 |
usser | god | 01:18 |
lee_ | # # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # (1) Install (2) Uninstall # | 01:18 |
lee_ | # # | 01:19 |
boselecta | this is funny | 01:19 |
kry0 | for christ sake | 01:19 |
kry0 | wtf r u doin | 01:19 |
LiMaO | lee_: for God's sake, don't paste the script output to the channel, just read it | 01:19 |
LiMaO | lol | 01:19 |
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=== lee_ [n=lee@c-71-59-177-24.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [requested] | ||
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kry0 | omg.. stoop!!! | 01:19 |
usser | ahahaha | 01:19 |
kry0 | u can read.. we dont need to know all | 01:19 |
usser | i dont think the guy is quite normal | 01:19 |
LiMaO | lol | 01:20 |
boselecta | i think lee_ was in here last night for the very same issues | 01:20 |
LiMaO | he may be a kid.. a veeeery young kid | 01:20 |
LiMaO | =P | 01:20 |
yaccin | boselecta: i got a few warnings now with that | 01:20 |
kry0 | warns=fine.. move along | 01:20 |
boselecta | no get rid of the warnings. good lesson for you. | 01:20 |
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