nothlit | wow, quite nice inkscape work | 12:34 |
Gadren | that's cool | 12:45 |
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kwwii | someone remind me how to increase the font size in an xterm | 02:05 |
nothlit | xterm*faceSize: 10 | 02:06 |
kwwii | ? | 02:06 |
kwwii | export that before opening it or what? | 02:07 |
nothlit | put that into your ~/.Xdefaults | 02:07 |
nothlit | if reopening xterm doesn't fix it, use xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults | 02:08 |
kwwii | well, I really just wanted to increase it for this one session | 02:08 |
kwwii | I am ssh'ing into my server from my samsung q1 with ubuntu-mobile atm | 02:09 |
nothlit | xterm -fs # | 02:09 |
kwwii | ahha, let me try that, brb | 02:10 |
_MMA_ | Hmm.. didnt work here. :-/ | 02:10 |
nothlit | -fs size | 02:11 |
nothlit | This option sets the pointsize for fonts selected from the FreeType library if support for that library was compiled into xterm. This corresponds to the faceSize resource. | 02:11 |
kwwii | yeah, and on this machine I cannot start an xterm like that | 02:12 |
kwwii | I need something to change it while it is running | 02:12 |
kwwii | hrm | 02:20 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Family in bed? | 02:20 |
kwwii | _MMA_: yeah, my son is sleeping over at a friends and the wife went to sleep at 11 | 02:21 |
kwwii | I fell asleep for a while but woke up | 02:21 |
kwwii | so I thought i would play with my little toy here | 02:21 |
_MMA_ | I do that at least twice a week. | 02:22 |
kwwii | but a 7" screen with 1024x600 resolution makes for tiny fonts in xterm | 02:22 |
_MMA_ | I can imagine. | 02:22 |
_MMA_ | I wanted to SSH with the Nokia Im gonna get. That has a smaller screen. :( | 02:23 |
kwwii | hehe, I did that with my N770 | 02:23 |
kwwii | it sucks | 02:23 |
_MMA_ | Should I wait for this samsung thing? ;) | 02:24 |
kwwii | wait for the next version | 02:24 |
kwwii | the next ones will have bascially a core-single chip | 02:24 |
kwwii | and a nice intel graphics chip | 02:24 |
_MMA_ | samsung q2? | 02:24 |
kwwii | this one has something like a celeron | 02:24 |
kwwii | not sure how they will be named | 02:24 |
_MMA_ | Whats the MSRP _supposed_ to be? | 02:24 |
kwwii | I think sony will make one as well | 02:25 |
kwwii | MSRP? | 02:25 |
kwwii | ahh | 02:25 |
_MMA_ | :) | 02:25 |
kwwii | somewhere around 1000 dollars I woudl guess | 02:25 |
kwwii | I got this for free from intel :-) | 02:26 |
_MMA_ | Ouch. Might be a bit steep. | 02:26 |
_MMA_ | I might get a 770 to play with for a bit. I can grab one for $130 US. | 02:26 |
kwwii | looks like the current version costs around 1500+ | 02:26 |
_MMA_ | Yeah. That would be a hard-sell to the wife. | 02:27 |
_MMA_ | At least $1500 for a 30" screen looks like we got something. | 02:28 |
_MMA_ | Though Im fighting her on a $1500 replacement wedding ring. :) | 02:28 |
kwwii | yeah, no doubt | 02:28 |
kwwii | lol | 02:28 |
kwwii | did you lose it? | 02:29 |
kwwii | that is like instant divorce | 02:29 |
_MMA_ | She developed a nickle allergy. Cant wear gold. | 02:29 |
kwwii | ouch, that sucks | 02:29 |
kwwii | I am allergic to nickle but I have a white-gold wedding band | 02:29 |
kwwii | doesn | 02:29 |
kwwii | 't seem to bother me | 02:30 |
_MMA_ | Yeah. I really like her engagement/wedding rings. Slight bummer. | 02:30 |
_MMA_ | And replaceing them feels, wrong somehow. | 02:30 |
_MMA_ | *replacing | 02:30 |
kwwii | she could just replace you at the same time :p | 02:31 |
_MMA_ | lol. Sure. I cant give her kids anymore. She's done with me. :) | 02:31 |
kwwii | oops, just learned one thing | 02:34 |
kwwii | the control center on that machine does not work well | 02:34 |
kwwii | I clicked on another keyboard layout and it immediatly rebooted and just kept rebooting | 02:34 |
_MMA_ | Oh hell. | 02:34 |
kwwii | considering that I spent most of the day setting it up to use the new theming and tweaking that it really wasn't worth it | 02:35 |
kwwii | oh shit | 02:36 |
kwwii | I totally screwed it up | 02:36 |
_MMA_ | :( | 02:36 |
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=== kwwii reinstalls everything | ||
_MMA_ | ouch | 03:14 |
nothlit`alpha | if you can reinstall everything, you can't just wipe out the messed up config files? =/ | 03:18 |
kwwii | I erased all the config files | 03:18 |
kwwii | this thing runs some things as root | 03:18 |
kwwii | and once you do init 3 you cannot go back | 03:18 |
kwwii | so something somewhere is b0rked and it would take more time to figure that out than to just reinstall and redo all the hand-tweaking I did today | 03:19 |
kwwii | it has something to do with matchbox-keyboard not being able to start | 03:19 |
_MMA_ | :( | 03:20 |
kwwii | funny thing is, this device has a keyboard built into it *and* I use an external keyboard | 03:20 |
kwwii | all I did was click on the control panel and select keyboard layouts and then select german (didn't even hit "ok") and then it died | 03:21 |
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DanaG | Is there an easy way to get my Tangerine icons to be orange again? | 03:22 |
DanaG | I don't like how the Computer icons are now brown. It clashes with everything else. | 03:22 |
nothlit`alpha | DanaG: grab the ones you want and paste it over the new ones | 03:22 |
DanaG | Is there a nice list of the ones that that change applied to? | 03:23 |
nothlit`alpha | has the source files for the previous releases | 03:23 |
nothlit`alpha | you can probably grab it from the bzr | 03:23 |
DanaG | I'll look there, then. Thanks. | 03:23 |
DanaG | I don't see 0.25 on | 03:25 |
DanaG | What is bzr? | 03:26 |
nothlit`alpha | !bzr | 03:30 |
ubotu | bzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model. See for a quickstart guide. | 03:30 |
nothlit`alpha | !launchpad | 03:30 |
ubotu | launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see | 03:30 |
DanaG | Yay:;O=D | 03:35 |
DanaG | Yay, I have my orange icons back. Cool. | 03:39 |
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andreasn | kwwii: around? | 02:50 |
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kwwii | andreasn: for a bit | 04:41 |
kwwii | andreasn: you still around? | 04:41 |
andreasn | kwwii: yeah | 04:45 |
andreasn | just wanted to check when you were going to be in and out of boston | 04:45 |
andreasn | I ordered flight tickets already though | 04:45 |
andreasn | arriving 26th, departing 2nd | 04:46 |
kwwii | cool, sounds ok | 04:51 |
kwwii | I will be arriving on the 26th as well but I do not leave for another week | 04:51 |
kwwii | (canonical has an all-hands meeting for one week after the UDS) | 04:51 |
andreasn | ah, I see | 04:53 |
kwwii | andreasn: if you send me your flight info I will add it to our internal wiki (in case I forget or such) | 04:53 |
andreasn | sure | 04:53 |
andreasn | will do | 04:54 |
kwwii | I arrive at 19:35 at Boston Logan airport on the 26th | 04:57 |
kwwii | I'll answer your email with my info as well, just so you know | 04:57 |
kwwii | Also, I'll send you my cell phone number in case of any problems | 04:57 |
andreasn | ah, good | 05:01 |
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