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kwwii | hrm, I clicked on the keyboard layout in the control center and now my machine is b0rked | 02:37 |
kwwii | x comes up but nothing else | 02:37 |
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HappyCamp | asac, didn't we get moblin-applets into ubunut? I thought for sure you and I worked on getting that in. but I don't see it in the gutsy repo??? ToddBrandt and I are confused. | 03:01 |
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kwwii | how does one turn off the matchbox-keyboard all together? | 03:26 |
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HappyCamp_ubuntu | kwwii: people over on #moblin can probably help | 03:34 |
kwwii | HappyCamp_ubuntu: thanks, I'll ask there | 03:34 |
=== pwnguin wants to know how kwwii got the screenshots he's finding on the ML | ||
pwnguin | all i get is a message telling me to update to get flash (i think something important was truncated) | 03:39 |
kwwii | pwnguin: screenshots? | 03:39 |
pwnguin | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mobile/attachments/20071004/d18c9312/attachment-0001.png | 03:40 |
kwwii | pwnguin: don't worry, that does not appear like that for me either | 03:45 |
kwwii | :p | 03:45 |
pwnguin | ok | 03:46 |
pwnguin | apparently flashplugin-nonfree isn't available in lpia or something | 03:51 |
kwwii | what you are seeing in that screenshot is not the flashplugin | 03:52 |
kwwii | that is the html interface | 03:52 |
kwwii | which should come up by default | 03:53 |
kwwii | but the theme set is not the correct version | 03:53 |
kwwii | that might have been fixed by now | 03:53 |
kwwii | not sure | 03:53 |
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Ward1983 | i would like to know if its possible to seperately install parts of ubuntu-mobile, trough from within a (not ubuntu, jsut debian) debian system | 05:07 |
Ward1983 | or as source, that would maybe even be better | 05:08 |
Ward1983 | i mean this the way like you can for isntance install ubuntu-studio from a regular ubuntu, or the ubuntu studio look | 05:09 |
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asac | HappyCamp: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moblin-applets/0.7 ... failed to build everywhere but on i386 | 11:13 |
asac | HappyCamp: ToddBrandt should have received the build failure notifications | 11:14 |
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KenSentMe | Hi, the UME project is only aimed at UMPC-like devices, not mobile phones, right? | 02:48 |
Ward1983 | i would like to know if its possible to install parts of ubuntu-mobile on a regular debian system | 03:08 |
Ward1983 | KenSentMe, from what i've read that should be correct at the moment | 03:11 |
KenSentMe | Ward1983, ok, so openmoko would be the best idea if i wanted a mobile phone that runs on open source software? | 03:12 |
Ward1983 | KenSentMe, there are also other options | 03:13 |
Ward1983 | i know there's the familiar project, which runs on a lot of pda's, so it probably runs on some phone/pda combo's | 03:15 |
Ward1983 | and there's also the greenphone | 03:15 |
Ward1983 | ( http://trolltech.com/products/qtopia/greenphone ) | 03:15 |
Ward1983 | all i can say is, research before you buy, try to find out as much as possible about all your options, and the pros and cons of each | 03:16 |
KenSentMe | Ah, thanks.I sure will. My Nokia E61 runs fine for now, but i am considering my options when it stops running | 03:17 |
Ward1983 | KenSentMe, i foudn a very intersting page for you | 03:18 |
Ward1983 | http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT9423084269.html | 03:18 |
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Ward1983 | KenSentMe, i'm looking for a decent pda and i also had interest in the neo 1973, i went to ask in the openmoko channel if the software would be ready around newyear, and someone replied probably not | 03:23 |
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KenSentMe | Ward1983, i'm in the openmoko channel now and asked the same question, but the answers are still vague | 03:27 |
Ward1983 | the one that answered me said he was not 100% sure because its possible that they get extra funding or developers | 03:28 |
KenSentMe | I also found out that umts/3g won't be supported yet | 03:29 |
KenSentMe | That is something i don't want to miss anymore | 03:29 |
Ward1983 | costs so much money | 03:30 |
Ward1983 | 25eur/month with a 1GB datalimit | 03:30 |
Ward1983 | (at least over here in Belgium) | 03:30 |
KenSentMe | Ward1983, in holland i pay 10/m for fair use policy (e.g. 50mb). It's enough to do some surfing and email while i'm on the road | 03:32 |
Ward1983 | KenSentMe, do you have roaming? lol | 03:32 |
Ward1983 | would be cool | 03:33 |
Ward1983 | (then it also works in belgium) | 03:33 |
Ward1983 | hmmm maybe i'll try it out, there's a laptop here from a collegue of my dad who quit | 03:34 |
Ward1983 | and there's a 3g card with it | 03:34 |
Ward1983 | with a KPN SIM in it | 03:34 |
Ward1983 | lol | 03:34 |
Ward1983 | (they are building a large project in holland so they needed internet in holland) | 03:34 |
KenSentMe | Ward1983, it's for my nokia phone, but it gets costly when i cross the border | 03:35 |
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Ward1983 | KenSentMe, so i better not try it :p | 03:59 |
Ward1983 | is it possible to install parts of ubuntu-mobile on a regular debian system? | 03:59 |
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Ward1983 | so nobody knows this? :-s | 05:34 |
=== Ward1983 forgets about ubuntu mobile | ||
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