JacKnife | ok, running mythfilldatabase --sourceid 6 --refresh-today | 01:21 |
JacKnife | we'll see what that gets me | 01:21 |
JacKnife | is this right: 2007-10-12 19:21:22.076 sourceid 6 has lineup type: Cable | 01:23 |
JacKnife | even though its Antenna | 01:23 |
solarbaby | Im finally begining to go a little insane trying to get mythbuntu setup | 01:23 |
solarbaby | I need a real walkthrough or something | 01:23 |
superm1 | JacKnife, i'm not sure, i've never paid that much attention to my mythfilldatabase instances | 01:24 |
superm1 | solarbaby, what kind of problems are you having? | 01:24 |
JacKnife | well, like i said its just not getting any info, so i'm trying to find out where its going wrong | 01:24 |
solarbaby | my hauppauge wintv 350 will not display in Live TV, and my Schedules Program guide isn't showing up even though it sez its downloading it | 01:25 |
superm1 | solarbaby, perhaps you want to double check all your settings in mythtv-setup | 01:25 |
superm1 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV/Install/mythtv-setup | 01:25 |
solarbaby | my xbox xbmcmythtv.py script wont connect to mysql | 01:25 |
superm1 | and compare to that | 01:25 |
tgm4883_laptop | solorbaby!!! | 01:25 |
solarbaby | Thanks thats probably what I've been needing | 01:25 |
tgm4883_laptop | wow | 01:25 |
tgm4883_laptop | how did i spell that wrong | 01:26 |
solarbaby | Hiya tgm | 01:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | solarbaby !!! | 01:26 |
superm1 | tgm4883_laptop, your still typing names | 01:26 |
solarbaby | ;) | 01:26 |
superm1 | instead of tab completing | 01:26 |
superm1 | haha | 01:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | have you seen the new release | 01:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | lol | 01:26 |
solarbaby | I believe I have the newest release | 01:27 |
superm1 | solarbaby, newest came out today :) | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | yep | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | all you need to do is apt-get upgrade to the newest | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | but it would be super great | 01:28 |
JacKnife | superm1: I think i'm going to try the guys suggestion at the bottom of this thread: http://forums.schedulesdirect.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=301 | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | if you could | 01:28 |
JacKnife | thanks for your help | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | $diggit | 01:28 |
mythbot | Why haven't you dugg it? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_7_10_Release_Candidate_2 Once you digg it. Then comment it :) | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | 20!! | 01:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | we are so getting screwed in the Hot in Linux/Unix top 10 | 01:32 |
solarbaby | Ok I got the TV tuner to work.. reddownloading schedules.. it would appear that I skipped the Input Connection page | 01:38 |
=== Tari [n=Tari@mke-66-97-125-152.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
solarbaby | good thing I made some progress just when I did.. I was tempted to download and try to get Mythdora working for me.. since my patience was wearing so thin.. I fell asleep in my computer chair last night configuring myth | 01:40 |
superm1 | and its always the easy things like this that get you :) | 01:41 |
solarbaby | is anyone here using the xbmcmyth.py script on the black xbox? | 01:41 |
solarbaby | yeah.. I've installed Myth a few different ways now.. mythbuntu seems like the best so far | 01:42 |
superm1 | i'm not personally, but you should be able to just enable the mysql service in m-c-c | 01:42 |
superm1 | and then go from there | 01:42 |
solarbaby | I did enable the service .. so im good with that.. as soon as the channel linup is done downloading again, im gunna give it a try.. I've never been sucessful at connecting to the mysql database yet from another machine though.. so I feel like there will be problems again | 01:43 |
superm1 | you used the info in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt on the other machine? | 01:44 |
solarbaby | Yeah.. I wrote down the password at setup.. I will verify it right now.. good thinking | 01:44 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | superm1, ty btw. I had actually seen that thread you posted to me before and navigated to that folder looking for the cx88xx file (I thought it didn't apply to me because I thought I needed to edit and not create that file) - I did get it working and ty for your help! | 01:44 |
superm1 | MythbuntuGuest59, can you do us a favor then? | 01:45 |
superm1 | and document this in the mythbuntu section | 01:45 |
superm1 | on the forums | 01:45 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | sure can | 01:45 |
=== Tari [n=Tari@mke-66-97-125-152.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tgm4883_laptop | Tari, whats up? | 01:49 |
tgm4883_laptop | digg it....into shape....shape it up......it's not too late......to digg it....digg it good. da da da da da you must digg it | 02:06 |
=== Tari [n=Tari@mke-66-97-125-152.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tazgodx | wow, your insane today tgm | 02:09 |
solarbaby | superm1: im still having mysql database connections from the remote computer | 02:09 |
solarbaby | superm1: any documents you know to follow on this one? | 02:10 |
superm1 | solarbaby, well for starters, make sure it really is listening on the right port | 02:12 |
superm1 | you can use netstat to double check | 02:12 |
superm1 | netstat -ant | 02:13 |
superm1 | you should see something like | 02:13 |
solarbaby | ok | 02:13 |
solarbaby | tcp 0 0* LISTEN | 02:13 |
superm1 | okay so its listening fine | 02:14 |
superm1 | well try connecting using the info listed in your /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 02:16 |
superm1 | mysql -u mythtv -p | 02:16 |
superm1 | will try to connect to the local box | 02:16 |
solarbaby | in mysql.txt should I change localhost to the ip address of this server? | 02:19 |
superm1 | No | 02:19 |
superm1 | it doesnt need to be changed there | 02:20 |
superm1 | however | 02:20 |
superm1 | in mythtv-setup you may need to change that | 02:20 |
superm1 | to your local ip address | 02:20 |
solarbaby | yeah I did that for master server and mythtv | 02:22 |
solarbaby | shrug.. im so lost. | 02:22 |
solarbaby | at least it works locally.. but hehe the whole point was to get this working with my 2 xbox's | 02:22 |
superm1 | well do you have another computer you can connect from? | 02:23 |
superm1 | or at least boot the live disk? | 02:23 |
solarbaby | sure do | 02:23 |
solarbaby | thats a great idea | 02:23 |
superm1 | you can test it from there to rule out a problem with the xbox script | 02:23 |
solarbaby | yeah totally.. I like the way you think | 02:23 |
superm1 | the live frontend has a little "Test Mysql" button | 02:23 |
=== pdragon [n=pdragon@cmu-24-35-50-128.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
pdragon | superm1: dist-upgrade to RC seems to have gone fine. anything you need looked at? | 02:33 |
superm1 | pdragon, not in particular. mostly bug fixes. if you catch anything though, please report i | 02:34 |
superm1 | it | 02:34 |
pdragon | will do | 02:34 |
solarbaby | ok the live cd works is a frontend.. so thats good news | 02:35 |
solarbaby | now I know its something with the xbox script | 02:35 |
tgm4883 | when was the last time the xbox script was updated? | 02:35 |
solarbaby | it seemed kinda recent as I remember not older then a month I suspect | 02:36 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | done and done with the tutorial - ty for the help superm1, can't wait to get my video card in now so I get decent framerates! | 02:36 |
superm1 | thanks a lot MythbuntuGuest59 :) | 02:37 |
superm1 | at some point during the next cycle, if you can test sooner, we can see if we can include a workaround for your card | 02:38 |
superm1 | like a "choose" cards option | 02:38 |
superm1 | that enables workarounds | 02:38 |
superm1 | if its still necessary | 02:38 |
solarbaby | superm1: im using the most recent mythbuntu install, is this a requirement problem? MythTV backend running on a PC (0.18.1+) | 02:43 |
solarbaby | the xbox script sez it wants to run with backend 0.18.1+ | 02:43 |
superm1 | solarbaby, beats me - i have no idea what it can be : my guess would be it needs to be configured differently for mythtv 0.20.2 | 02:44 |
solarbaby | oh yeah there is a big difference in versions there | 02:45 |
solarbaby | crap | 02:45 |
solarbaby | I exist to use this script | 02:45 |
superm1 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3505487&postcount=10 | 02:45 |
=== mindframe- [n=mindfram@ip72-207-244-33.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
solarbaby | superm1: this looks promisng | 02:47 |
tgm4883 | mindframe-, Hi!!! | 02:52 |
mindframe- | hello | 02:52 |
tgm4883 | whats up? | 02:53 |
therethinker | Yes, you can say "$diggit" | 02:55 |
tgm4883 | $diggit | 02:55 |
mythbot | Why haven't you dugg it? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_7_10_Release_Candidate_2 Once you digg it. Then comment it :) | 02:55 |
tgm4883 | mindframe-, ^^^ | 02:55 |
therethinker | Hmm | 02:55 |
therethinker | I wonder if the pipe works yet... | 02:56 |
therethinker | $mcc | therethinker | 02:56 |
mythbot | Neither I, ubotu, or Wikipedia knows about "mcc", sorry. | 02:56 |
mindframe- | .. | 02:56 |
therethinker | nopt... | 02:56 |
therethinker | mindframe, ignore me ;-) | 02:56 |
therethinker | $mcc|therethinker | 02:57 |
mythbot | Neither I, ubotu, or Wikipedia knows about "mcc", sorry. | 02:57 |
tgm4883 | $mcc | 02:57 |
mythbot | Mythbuntu Control Centre - a admin panel for MythTV - Created and maintained by the mythbuntu team. http://www.mythbuntu.org/about | 02:57 |
=== mythbot [n=mythbot@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | (Don't worry guys, I'm leaving it alone after this) | 02:58 |
therethinker | $mcc|therethinker | 02:58 |
therethinker | Yeah, I'll stop | 02:58 |
therethinker | $todo | 02:58 |
mythbot | therethinker, you need to diggit | 02:58 |
therethinker | $therethinker get mythbot pipes working, change daily action by tomorrow, add + todo functionality | 02:59 |
mythbot | I'll tell therethinker to get mythbot pipes working, change daily action by tomorrow, add + todo functionality | 02:59 |
therethinker | (I'm done) | 02:59 |
=== gib [n=gib@c-24-118-4-13.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | Hello gib | 03:03 |
gib | Hi. | 03:03 |
therethinker | What brings you to #ubuntu-mythtv? | 03:04 |
gib | I'm still pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my ptv-305 works with motv and xawtv, but not MythTV. | 03:04 |
gib | In fact, once I try to "watch TV" under Myth and get a blank screen, to causes motv and xawtv to not work either until I reboot the system. | 03:05 |
gib | So myth is doing something strange. | 03:05 |
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-76-115-157-227.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tgm4883 | Hi TgM Laptop | 03:10 |
tazgodx | hi tgm4883 and tgm4883_laptop | 03:10 |
tgm4883_laptop | nice | 03:11 |
tazgodx | ironically have the same name, just minus the _laptop | 03:11 |
tgm4883_laptop | what do you think you're doing | 03:11 |
tgm4883 | don't you already kow | 03:11 |
tgm4883 | know | 03:11 |
tazgodx | know what? | 03:11 |
tgm4883_laptop | Whats for dinner? | 03:11 |
tazgodx | i was just thinking about that same dillema | 03:12 |
therethinker | I already ate | 03:13 |
tgm4883 | dunno | 03:13 |
therethinker | pizza! | 03:13 |
tgm4883 | no pizza | 03:13 |
tgm4883_laptop | hot wings? | 03:14 |
tgm4883 | nope | 03:14 |
therethinker | ...frozen meals? | 03:14 |
tgm4883 | hmmm.... that's an idea | 03:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | sandwiches? | 03:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | and soup? | 03:14 |
therethinker | Oh, do you have a can of pizza dough? | 03:14 |
tgm4883 | a can? | 03:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | they make pizza dough in a can? | 03:14 |
therethinker | Like... pilsbury? | 03:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | oh | 03:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | no | 03:15 |
tgm4883 | I think that qualifies as a tube | 03:15 |
therethinker | Wait, you 2 are different people? :P | 03:15 |
tgm4883_laptop | although that would be good for breakfast | 03:15 |
therethinker | http://www.instructables.com/id/%5bCollegiate-Meals%5d-Stromboli/?ALLSTEPS | 03:15 |
tgm4883 | no and yes | 03:15 |
therethinker | Ah, someones just talking on your laptop? | 03:15 |
tgm4883_laptop | tgm4883 needs to diggit | 03:15 |
therethinker | Haha | 03:16 |
tgm4883_laptop | I guarentee someone is talking on my laptop | 03:16 |
tgm4883_laptop | and on my desktop | 03:16 |
tgm4883 | diggit | 03:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o tgm4883_laptop] by ChanServ | ||
=== tgm4883 [n=tgm4883@c-76-115-157-227.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-mythtv [requested] | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o tgm4883_laptop] by ChanServ | ||
=== tgm4883 [n=tgm4883@c-76-115-157-227.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | What happened? | 03:17 |
tgm4883 | I don't know | 03:17 |
therethinker | http://www.instructables.com/tag/?q=Collegiate+Meals&limit%3Atype%3Ainstructable=on&type%3Ainstructable=on&type%3Auser=on&type%3Acomment=on&type%3Agroup=on&type%3AforumTopic=on&sort=none -- see anything good? These are good meals for one... | 03:18 |
tazgodx | i need someone to cook for me | 03:18 |
tazgodx | while i do nothing | 03:18 |
therethinker | $daily tgm4883 | 03:18 |
mythbot | /me spreads vicious rumors about tgm4883... Oh, BTW, they're marring Mythbuntu next weekend! | 03:18 |
tazgodx | marring? | 03:19 |
therethinker | You know, to marr? | 03:19 |
tazgodx | no i don't know | 03:19 |
therethinker | I marr, you marr, he marrs... it's a simple word really | 03:20 |
therethinker | Marrful, marrily, come on | 03:20 |
tazgodx | To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on. | 03:20 |
=== tgm4883 is now known as fluttrby | ||
tazgodx | so is your name "the rethinker"? or "there thinker"? or "the reth inker"? | 03:22 |
therethinker | Actually, Ther ethin ker ;-) | 03:22 |
tazgodx | ahhhhh | 03:22 |
therethinker | (the rethinker) | 03:22 |
tazgodx | maybe we should rethink this whole bot problem you got here | 03:24 |
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=== mythbot [n=mythbot@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | Why? what's wrong with it? | 03:25 |
tazgodx | your name | 03:25 |
tazgodx | or did you finally fix it | 03:25 |
therethinker | What's wrong with what? | 03:25 |
therethinker | Do you mean... | 03:26 |
therethinker | $todo | 03:26 |
mythbot | therethinker, you need to get mythbot pipes working, change daily action by tomorrow, add + todo functionality | 03:26 |
therethinker | $therethinker get mythbot pipes working, change daily action by tomorrow, add + todo functionality | 03:26 |
mythbot | I'll make sure therethinker knows he needs to get mythbot pipes working, change daily action by tomorrow, add + todo functionality | 03:26 |
therethinker | it works now ;-) | 03:26 |
tazgodx | well, theres no fun in working code, can you mess it up again? | 03:27 |
therethinker | :P | 03:27 |
therethinker | the only thing not working right now is piping | 03:27 |
therethinker | $mcc|tazgodx | 03:27 |
tazgodx | yeah see, i knew there was a problem somewhere | 03:28 |
therethinker | unless... | 03:28 |
therethinker | $therethinker|mcc | 03:28 |
therethinker | $mcc|therethinker | 03:28 |
=== mythbot [n=mythbot@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | $mcc|therethinker | 03:29 |
=== therethinker stops playing with the bot | ||
therethinker | Wait, when I did the pipign thing for you, did YOU get a message from the bot? | 03:30 |
tazgodx | maybe... | 03:32 |
tazgodx | if i told you, that would spoil the fun im having | 03:32 |
tazgodx | ok, no i didn't get one | 03:34 |
therethinker | k | 03:34 |
=== Tari [n=Tari@mke-66-97-125-152.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
solarbaby | any chance someone here is using the xbmcmythtv.py script? | 04:07 |
solarbaby | (Cry) | 04:07 |
therethinker | Don't worry :P | 04:10 |
solarbaby | I really shouldn'tt worry.. its just I finally was able to make mythtv work!! and thats exciting.. but the whole reason I did it was to use that script on my xbox's | 04:11 |
solarbaby | I dont see any mention of the maintainers of the script having any irc support.. | 04:11 |
superm1 | solarbaby, that reseting the password didn't work? | 04:13 |
superm1 | well setting | 04:13 |
superm1 | it to old_password style | 04:13 |
solarbaby | I haven't done that yet.. instead I tried grabbing the cvs version of the script.. Im affraid to mess with my database for fear that i will cause myself to have to reinstall the whole deal again | 04:14 |
superm1 | really you should try that | 04:15 |
solarbaby | I was running Ubuntu and apt-get install mythtv and everytime I messed with the database I had to reinstall my operating system | 04:15 |
solarbaby | It must be the answer | 04:15 |
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=== Solar_ [n=Doc@70-41-210-60.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Solar_ | superm1: this mysql thing is too difficult for me | 04:45 |
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Solar_ | this horribly sucks | 05:25 |
Solar_ | I guess I have to wait helplessly | 05:25 |
Solar_ | at least the ubuntu-mythtv side of things are looking good.. | 05:25 |
Solar_ | superm1: what if i reset mythtv to have no password? | 05:27 |
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=== Tari_ is now known as Tari|zzz | ||
MitoTranin | so is everyone enjoying the new release candidate? | 06:08 |
tgm4883_laptop | yep | 06:11 |
MitoTranin | good to hear :0 | 06:12 |
MitoTranin | :) rahter | 06:12 |
MitoTranin | ugh... rather | 06:12 |
=== sslashes [n=rmf@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest59 | hey Solar_ you still around? | 06:37 |
Solar_ | Im Still Here | 06:37 |
Solar_ | still trying to make this work.. but I fear im loosing it | 06:38 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah... and MythTV wants to setup every time you go into front end | 06:38 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | and there's no combination that will work? | 06:38 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | does this sound like you? | 06:38 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | because I had the same problem | 06:39 |
Solar_ | I did have that problem a while ago | 06:40 |
Solar_ | when I'd mess with the database | 06:40 |
Solar_ | it was lame.. you'd have to reinstall | 06:40 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah | 06:40 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I had to reinstall too | 06:40 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | heh | 06:40 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I was wondering if that was your problem | 06:40 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | just DON'T TOUCH THE PASSWORD | 06:41 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | :-) | 06:41 |
Solar_ | I downloaded the mythbuntu cd from a few days ago.. and thats actually pretty easy setup.. the part im having the most difficulty with is a python script im running from my xbox | 06:41 |
Solar_ | this time I copied the database | 06:41 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | oh, so you're the one trying to get it to run on the Xbox | 06:41 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | nice | 06:41 |
Solar_ | its horribly frustrating | 06:41 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | lol | 06:41 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | well unfortunately you're installing linux on a microsoft product... | 06:42 |
Solar_ | Im praying someone will have some clue how to do it on this channel | 06:42 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | let's just say it requires programming skills and holy water | 06:42 |
Solar_ | actually.. moding the xbox didn't involve installing linux | 06:42 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | really? | 06:42 |
Solar_ | theres a python script that the xbox can run just fine.. with out installing linux | 06:42 |
Solar_ | yeah | 06:42 |
MitoTranin | Solar_: there's a new cd released today too, mostly bugfixes... if you want to try that one... | 06:42 |
Solar_ | check our xbmcmythtv and sourceforge and you'll see what im up against | 06:43 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | oh, so are you just making that the backend then? | 06:43 |
Solar_ | I may have just shafted my database again, so I might as well get the newest thing | 06:43 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | heh | 06:43 |
Solar_ | the xbox becomes a frontend | 06:43 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | really? that's nice! | 06:43 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | are we talking original Xbox or 360 | 06:44 |
Solar_ | its awesome if i ever get it to work.. I have 2 xbox's and thats enough to cover my house | 06:44 |
Solar_ | im talking black xbox | 06:44 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | wow... is it fast enough to handle it | 06:44 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | well... I guess it would be | 06:44 |
Solar_ | sure it is | 06:44 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah... i guess it is a 700mhz pentium or something like that | 06:45 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | hmm | 06:45 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | if you do get it running, you NEED to post the results to the forum and at least a brief how | 06:45 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | -to | 06:45 |
Solar_ | turns out I didn't mess up my database this time.. I guess the copy worked.. | 06:45 |
Solar_ | but now that you guys have a new version.. I dunno what to do.. wait for the people that made this script to make it with the new version or the current version | 06:46 |
Solar_ | Yeah no doubt.. i'd be happy too.. I just signed up for an account at sourceforge so that I can talk to the guys that made it.. but they might be too technical for little ole me | 06:47 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah | 06:47 |
Solar_ | Oh I did shaft the database | 06:48 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I'm not incredebly adept at the linux interface and sometimes it does seem you're held at distance... it wasn't too bad here though | 06:48 |
Solar_ | I guess copying it the way I did made no difference | 06:48 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | heh | 06:48 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | nice | 06:48 |
Solar_ | after using GBPVR for 2 years, I really dont want to use it anymore | 06:48 |
Solar_ | I want Myth | 06:48 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah, but hooray for betas | 06:49 |
Solar_ | and now that im setup with the xbox's as my frontends.. I need to make them work with whatever I can | 06:49 |
bendailey | Solar_: have you tried: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu ? | 06:51 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | that may be a much easier way to go Solar_ | 06:53 |
bendailey | if it works then just add the mythbuntu repos :) | 06:54 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | it's a live CD though, so wouldn't he have to compile a disk with myth on it though. | 06:54 |
MitoTranin | the livecd can be installed to the hard drive | 06:55 |
MitoTranin | mythbuntu is a livecd.... | 06:55 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | you're right, I see that now | 06:55 |
MitoTranin | but normal use includes being installed to the hard drive.. | 06:55 |
Solar_ | would I have to install linux to my xbox? | 06:55 |
Solar_ | sorry still reading | 06:56 |
MitoTranin | yeah | 06:56 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | oh, that's true... you probably don't want that | 06:56 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah, you would | 06:56 |
MitoTranin | you'd install xUbuntu to the xbox, and then install the mythbuntu repos | 06:56 |
Solar_ | as long as I dont have to sacrafice XBMC and all my games for this | 06:56 |
MitoTranin | if you don't want to install linux to the xbox, then you can just run the mythbuntu livecd on the xbox without installing it to the hard drive | 06:57 |
MitoTranin | the livecd can be ran as a frontend easily | 06:57 |
Solar_ | I wouldmint mind installing it to the hard drive so long as I still have an option to boot up normal too | 06:57 |
MitoTranin | it should work... | 06:57 |
Solar_ | that might be way nicer then the script I wanted to run.. | 06:58 |
MitoTranin | though I'm not sure how well the xbox would work with grub etc | 06:58 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I'm sure you could install a grub loader to handle that... I'm just not familiar with the OS that Xbox runs | 06:58 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | try using the live cd-frontend first | 06:58 |
Solar_ | yeah totally | 06:58 |
MitoTranin | the mythbuntu installer includes the option to have grub setup for dual-boot | 06:58 |
Solar_ | btw Thanks for pointing this out | 06:58 |
Solar_ | heh | 06:59 |
Solar_ | wow | 06:59 |
Solar_ | you might have found the gold mind right here | 06:59 |
Solar_ | or is it mine | 06:59 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | mine <- | 06:59 |
Solar_ | fuck I can't think after 15 hours of trying to make shit work | 06:59 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | lol | 06:59 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I know how you feel man | 06:59 |
Solar_ | ;) | 06:59 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I spent 9 hours trying to get a linux router working one day and no matter what I did I couldn't get it to pull an IP from my DHCP server... | 07:00 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | turns out I had eth0 and eth1 reversed... | 07:00 |
Solar_ | hehe | 07:00 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | so the solution was flipping the cords in the back | 07:00 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | so been there... done that :-) | 07:01 |
Solar_ | I remember someone asked me to program ipchains with out a gui | 07:01 |
Solar_ | it was horrible | 07:01 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | lol | 07:01 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | nice | 07:01 |
Solar_ | way back in my old linux days.. back when nobody really knew anything | 07:01 |
Solar_ | only prob is I left linux for years and now I came back to play with all the new exciting projects | 07:01 |
Solar_ | first device that brought me back was $80 nslu2 which I bought as a file server for my xbox | 07:02 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah... I'm kind of the same way | 07:02 |
Solar_ | I flashed the firmware and took linksys software off there and put linux on | 07:02 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I knew my way around what... slackware 3? | 07:02 |
Solar_ | and the second project which is now.. I formated my windows GBPVR system and put your distro on it | 07:02 |
Solar_ | I was always Redhat | 07:03 |
Solar_ | way back in the begining | 07:03 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I used that 2nd most, but my heart was with slack | 07:03 |
Solar_ | they pissed me off soooooo much about 5 years ago that I've never gone back to them | 07:03 |
Solar_ | maybe a little longer then 5 years ago.. shrug | 07:03 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | why's that | 07:03 |
Solar_ | they changed things on me.. and stopped offering support | 07:04 |
Solar_ | I was really ticked | 07:04 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | ahhh | 07:04 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah... I do remember that now | 07:04 |
Solar_ | they only wanted to support their business addition | 07:04 |
Solar_ | yeah | 07:04 |
Solar_ | so I said screw them and screw linux for now | 07:04 |
Solar_ | Ubuntu looks great.. I really like it | 07:05 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | oh, I completely agree | 07:05 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | the install is amazing | 07:05 |
Solar_ | yeah | 07:05 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | place the disk in and hit start | 07:05 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | :-) | 07:05 |
Solar_ | or check it out with out installing | 07:05 |
Solar_ | thats really smart | 07:06 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yep | 07:06 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | and when it is installing, you have a FULLY FUNCTIONAL MACHINE | 07:06 |
Solar_ | Im gunna format my laptop and put ubuntu on | 07:06 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I don't thin any other OS can claim that | 07:06 |
Solar_ | Yeah | 07:06 |
Solar_ | hehe | 07:06 |
Solar_ | you could be checking out kiddy porn while installing your desktop | 07:06 |
Solar_ | hehe | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | hell yeah... | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I mean | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | :-) | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | backing up the subject a bit | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | aloing the lines of fun projects / ipchains / routers... | 07:07 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | have you seen the upside-down router project | 07:07 |
Solar_ | not yet | 07:08 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | this is probably the funiest use of a linux router ever | 07:08 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html | 07:08 |
Solar_ | checking | 07:08 |
Solar_ | is that the one that will change what they view on the internet around? | 07:09 |
Solar_ | like even re-write jpegs and stuff? | 07:09 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | it changes the images | 07:09 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yep | 07:09 |
Solar_ | I remember that.. thats awesome! | 07:09 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I know! | 07:09 |
Solar_ | I wanna hit a network that has that installed | 07:09 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | as soon as I get wireless going around here I'm doing exactly that | 07:10 |
Solar_ | hehe | 07:10 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I'm in an apartment so I would much enjoy f--king with my neighbors | 07:10 |
Solar_ | hell yeah.. im pretty far away.. I'd totally see someone having to pull up in front of my house and try to get on, like I noticed this evening | 07:10 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | did you really?! | 07:11 |
Solar_ | Yup | 07:11 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | wow | 07:11 |
Solar_ | well I didn't see the glow of the screen but they were in a mini van | 07:11 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | ahh | 07:11 |
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Solar_ | Im encrypted and I wasn't downloading so I wasn't too worried | 07:11 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | ahh, ok | 07:11 |
Solar_ | we all have the legal right to carry arms around here.. and its not worth killing someone over | 07:11 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | very true | 07:12 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I just think it's kind of ballsy nowadays | 07:12 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | it used to be no big deal | 07:12 |
Solar_ | yeah it is | 07:12 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | heck, I used to go storm chaseing a while back and we wouldn't bother with an aircard or anything | 07:12 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | they were way to expensive then | 07:13 |
Solar_ | I use 128bit encryption on my linksys.. I know its nothign special.. but then again.. most people in their mini vans aint gunna crack it that quickly | 07:13 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | we'd just roll around a small town refreshing the network list till we got a connection, the run back to look at radar and upper level winds | 07:13 |
Solar_ | hehe | 07:14 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | exactly | 07:14 |
Solar_ | I might put up a second hardware firewall one day | 07:14 |
Solar_ | I do have 2 linksys routers so far | 07:14 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | do you have 2 connections? | 07:14 |
Solar_ | actually 3.. lost the power plug to 1 of em | 07:14 |
Solar_ | no.. just 1 | 07:14 |
Solar_ | I use the second wireless linksys with wrt installed.. and it became a wireless bridge for my xbox | 07:15 |
Solar_ | and nslu | 07:15 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | it shouldn't make a difference at all then by putting up another hardware firewall | 07:15 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | ahh | 07:15 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | very nice | 07:15 |
Solar_ | linksys routers make very good wireless bridges | 07:15 |
Solar_ | very fast | 07:15 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | I'll have to remember that | 07:16 |
Solar_ | its still cheaper then buying a game adapter | 07:16 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | actual bridges that are advertized as bridges are expensive | 07:16 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | yeah... exactly | 07:16 |
Solar_ | and you get 4 plugs | 07:16 |
Solar_ | yeah.. wrt is amazing software.. and its free | 07:17 |
Solar_ | it just works ;) | 07:17 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | nice | 07:17 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | well I'm out, good luck getting your xbox frontend up | 07:20 |
Solar_ | Thanks for this new info my friend | 07:20 |
Solar_ | I might just end up using it | 07:20 |
Solar_ | hope to seeya next time | 07:20 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | that was actually mostly MitoTanin, but I'll take the credit :-) | 07:21 |
MythbuntuGuest59 | ttyl man | 07:21 |
Solar_ | Ah | 07:21 |
Solar_ | right on | 07:21 |
Solar_ | later | 07:21 |
=== MitoTranin [n=mito@24-177-155-206.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
gib | Well, I got the software channel to work on my hard, but not the Hardware MPEG2 channel. I need it cause it's on a slow computer. Anyway, in the meantime, how do you set MythTV to not record as it plays live TV so you can go back, and just play it strait. It takes up too much cpu time on my computer without hardware MPEG2 | 07:24 |
MitoTranin | gib: you can't | 07:24 |
gib | Are you sure? Why not? I have enough cpu power to record OR watch, but it's a bit too slow to do both at the same time. | 07:25 |
MitoTranin | it's impossible to watch straight live TV, there has to be a buffer | 07:26 |
MitoTranin | even then, what you want wouldn't do any good, because your cpu would still have to encode it to mpeg2 in order to play it... live or recorded, it still has to encode it | 07:27 |
MitoTranin | some older versions of mythtv allowed you to watch livetv without saving it as a recording | 07:27 |
gib | It works OK with motv and xawtv | 07:28 |
MitoTranin | but it still had to "record" and playback with a 2-second or so buffer | 07:28 |
gib | All would be fine if I could get the damn /dev/video1 hardware MPEG2 channel to work :( | 07:28 |
MitoTranin | http://hawley.homeip.net/recycled-machine-mythtv.html | 07:29 |
MitoTranin | that link is the best I can give you as far as instructions on how to get it working | 07:29 |
MitoTranin | if he can get it to work on a celeron 366 system, then you can get it to work on whatever you are running | 07:29 |
Solar_ | MitoTranin: are you using this xbox linux software? | 07:29 |
MitoTranin | Solar_: never owned an xbox in my life | 07:30 |
MitoTranin | don't intend to either | 07:30 |
MitoTranin | I do my gaming on pc | 07:30 |
Solar_ | MitoTranin: heeh.. you just got the good info | 07:30 |
MitoTranin | : | 07:30 |
MitoTranin | ) | 07:30 |
MitoTranin | :) works too :) | 07:30 |
Solar_ | MitoTranin: im seriously considering running this.. it looks good | 07:31 |
Solar_ | MitoTranin: there are a few choices to figure out first | 07:31 |
gib | I'll check it out. I'm using a 1gz via C3 Nehemiah because it only draws about 5 Watts, so it's really green. | 07:31 |
MitoTranin | I don't see why not... all you need is a backend to do the recording etc, other than that, the xbox should work great as a frontend | 07:31 |
MitoTranin | gib: my cousin is using one of those and it works fine | 07:31 |
Solar_ | MitoTranin: yeah.. now that I read that this shouldn't interfear with me running my games or xbmc im more satisfied | 07:32 |
gib | and doesn't require a fan on the heat sync after I put a big copper sync on it, so it's quiet | 07:32 |
Solar_ | I'd like to see a youtube video of this in action though ;) | 07:32 |
Solar_ | brb | 07:32 |
gib | The guy who wrote the underpowered pc page is using a card with hardware encoding. I'd be fine too if I could get it to work, but I think the firmware it is loading is not quite an exact match. That's the only thing I can think of. | 07:38 |
gib | Under software Encoders, what it the "default" setting anyway? | 07:39 |
gib | Options are Default, Live TV, High Quality, Low quality. | 07:40 |
gib | but it doesn't say which one default uses if you don't choose explicitly. | 07:41 |
gib | Forget it, I misunderstood how it works. You can go deeper into each one and set them. | 07:50 |
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=== clarkey [n=clarkey@c210-49-178-24.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
clarkey | hi im having a problem with vnc viewer when I try to connect to it on my mythbuntu machine it asks for a password I enter the password i set up i the mythbuntu control center but it says Authentication failure and just quits | 08:16 |
clarkey | any ideas? maybe the password wasn't set properly | 08:17 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
clarkey | also I am trying to compile patched drivers for my tv card but it doesn't seem to be working properly, is everything I need included in Mythbuntu or do I need to install another component | 08:21 |
clarkey | ? | 08:21 |
=== clarkey_ [n=clarkey@c210-49-178-24.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
clarkey_ | sorry battery cut out any Ideas about my problems? | 08:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | what card? | 08:36 |
=== beavis [n=beavis@drms-590c90f8.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
clarkey_ | its a Fusion Dual digital 4 | 09:09 |
clarkey_ | I have had it going in the past just I decided to change over to mythbuntu | 09:10 |
clarkey_ | aha done it | 09:10 |
clarkey_ | it was a matter of installing a couple of new packages | 09:10 |
clarkey_ | including automake and gcc | 09:11 |
=== hugolp [n=jo@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
hugolp | Hi | 09:14 |
hugolp | anyone arround? | 09:14 |
clarkey_ | I am but I dont kno if I can help whats ur problem? | 09:23 |
hugolp | clarkey_: I installed Ubuntu gutsy rc and installed the mythtv packages | 09:26 |
hugolp | amazing work by the way, it loads faster and havent got a single isue yet | 09:26 |
clarkey_ | btw im a bit of a newbie | 09:27 |
hugolp | the problem is that in both computer I have, I get compiz by default, and when I am watching live tv and try to use alt+tab to move to another application mythtv goes all black (sound still ok) and starts flickering | 09:27 |
hugolp | I have reported to lauchpad but wonder if mythtbuntu has its own bug report list | 09:28 |
clarkey_ | yea bit out of my depth I would guess that their just incompatible idk really | 09:28 |
clarkey_ | my advice would be to disable effects | 09:28 |
clarkey_ | and see if that helps | 09:29 |
hugolp | yeah that sure would help | 09:32 |
hugolp | I want to keep both, and I had Ubuntu feisty with compiz fusion and had no problems so wonder why this is happening | 09:32 |
hugolp | thanks for the help | 09:33 |
clarkey_ | yea idk as I say just a newbie | 09:34 |
clarkey_ | my only advice would be to post your question here and leave it on for a few hours and come back and see if anyone with any idea has responded thats what I tend to do lol | 09:35 |
=== temba [i=tem@e177166083.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== hugolp [n=jo@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
hugolp | hi | 10:21 |
hugolp | installed gutsy RC and mythtv packages and mythvideo is not displaying the videos properly. They work in Totem | 10:22 |
MitoTranin | do you plan on using the system as a normal desktop as well? | 10:22 |
MitoTranin | or just for mythtv? | 10:22 |
hugolp | Im using it as normal desktop as well | 10:24 |
hugolp | I didnt install mythbuntu but a normal Ubuntu | 10:24 |
MitoTranin | yeah, well, that was the reason I was asking | 10:24 |
hugolp | then I installed the mythtv packages | 10:24 |
MitoTranin | if you wanted just mythtv, then I was going to suggest mythbuntu | 10:25 |
MitoTranin | I would still suggest installing the mythbuntu packages | 10:25 |
hugolp | the same videos that dont play now play fine in totem and they where playing fine in feisty mythvideo | 10:25 |
MitoTranin | ontop of the normal gutsy | 10:25 |
MitoTranin | rather than just installing mythtv | 10:25 |
hugolp | MitoTranin: but I was informed that mythtv packages where the same either in mythbuntu or in Ubuntu | 10:25 |
hugolp | and this is a mythvideo isue | 10:26 |
MitoTranin | they are... | 10:26 |
MitoTranin | but you can install the mythbuntu packages while in the standard gutsy | 10:26 |
MitoTranin | it doesn't turn your system into a full mythbuntu system, but it does allow mythbuntu to configure things for you | 10:26 |
MitoTranin | my point is that mythvideo is probably configured funny/wrong | 10:27 |
MitoTranin | and installing the mythbuntu packages (yet still leaving it to run as a standard desktop) will give you the auto-config of mythbuntu, but also the functionality of a standard desktop | 10:27 |
hugolp | MitoTranin: its not that I can see the recordings | 10:28 |
hugolp | I had the same configuration in feisty | 10:28 |
hugolp | I see the list of recordings | 10:28 |
hugolp | I select one and go into the details | 10:29 |
hugolp | and when I try to play it it displais some werid static image and the sound plays well | 10:29 |
hugolp | its some codec isue | 10:29 |
hugolp | wait, now this is weird | 10:31 |
hugolp | I had some isues with the gstreamer codecs | 10:32 |
hugolp | they needed a reinstall to work fine. I actually was getting the same problem as mythtv a weird green image and fine sound | 10:32 |
=== MythbuntuGuest18 [n=Mythbunt@37.Red-217-125-132.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
hugolp | after reboot the gstreamer codecs where working fine but not mythtv | 10:32 |
MythbuntuGuest18 | hello | 10:33 |
Solar_ | So if you want a full desktop is it just better to install your desktop first? | 10:33 |
hugolp | now I have rebooted again and tried mythvideo first and they were working fine, but then the gstreamer codecs went back to the green image and fine sound | 10:33 |
hugolp | it seems like theres a problem with mythtv and gstreamer codecs | 10:33 |
=== MythbuntuGuest47 [n=Mythbunt@p508C54C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest18 | I would like to know if mythbuntu work as live CD or if I must install to try it. Does anyboydy know this? | 10:38 |
hugolp | ok, after a second reboot everything seems to work fine | 10:39 |
hugolp | also, has anybody had any isue with mythtv and compiz together? | 10:39 |
hugolp | (wonder if mythbuntu uses compiz) | 10:39 |
MythbuntuGuest47 | in the RC is it out-of-the box that you are able to shutdown the pc in the frontend? | 10:47 |
MythbuntuGuest47 | or will it be in the final | 10:47 |
MythbuntuGuest47 | i think this would be nice | 10:47 |
=== Suggley [n=suggley@ppp121-44-101-135.lns10.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Suggley | hi guys | 11:03 |
=== Wy|laptop [n=wy@c-24-21-162-35.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
laga | re | 11:39 |
=== beavis [n=beavis@drms-590c90f8.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
hugolp | anyone having problems with mythtv and totem? | 11:51 |
hugolp | in Gutsy RC | 11:51 |
laga | can you be more specific? | 11:55 |
hugolp | laga: I have installed Ubuntu Gutsy RC and mythtv packages | 11:55 |
hugolp | (by the way, great work, it loads a lot quicker, tv channel scan doesnt hang, etc..) | 11:56 |
hugolp | and after I installed the gstreamer codecs to watch videos with totem | 11:56 |
hugolp | when I reboot the computer and I load into mythtv it works fine, live tv and mythvideo | 11:57 |
=== billf [n=bill@210-84-10-143.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
hugolp | but if I use totem afterwards, then totem doesnt work well (I can hear the audio but I see a greenish image) | 11:57 |
hugolp | then if I try to use mythtv again video and live tv wont work (same, I can hear the audio but I see a greenish image) | 11:58 |
hugolp | if I reboot and load totem first it works fine, but then mythtv wont work, and after using mythtv totem wont work neither | 11:58 |
laga | try to use a different video output driver in totem. what VGA hardware do you have? | 11:58 |
hugolp | so it looks theres some kind of problem between totem/grsreamers codecs and mythtv | 11:58 |
hugolp | laga: it happens in my two computers. I have a Nvidia 7100GS in one, and an Nvidia integrated serie 6 in the other | 11:59 |
laga | no, it#s most likely totem somehow interfering badly eith your video card drivers. | 11:59 |
laga | s/eith/with/ | 11:59 |
laga | mythtv does not care about totem#s codecs | 12:00 |
hugolp | ok, so how do I change my video output driver in totem? | 12:00 |
laga | by reading the manual i suppose :) | 12:00 |
hugolp | :-P | 12:00 |
laga | i don't use gnome | 12:00 |
hugolp | I see | 12:01 |
hugolp | laga: great work with the new mythtv packages, they work great | 12:01 |
hugolp | one thing, I though flash player for mythweb was working, but I see it hasnt been included. Any known reason? | 12:02 |
laga | hugolp: it only works in trunk. | 12:04 |
laga | hugolp: but i've heard it's possible to use it with mythstream | 12:04 |
laga | http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/294371?search_string=mythstream;#294371 | 12:06 |
laga | ^ hugolp try this | 12:06 |
laga | if it works, please post that info in the mythbuntu forums | 12:06 |
hugolp | checking | 12:07 |
laga | have you dugg us already? | 12:07 |
hugolp | laga: what does "dugg" mean? | 12:08 |
hugolp | laga does mythbuntu uses compiz when posible? | 12:09 |
laga | http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_7_10_Release_Candidate_2 | 12:09 |
laga | ^^ that's digg :) | 12:09 |
laga | hugolp: no, it doesn't use compiz. why should it? | 12:10 |
hugolp | right | 12:10 |
hugolp | laga: actually I am using Ubuntu 7.10 RC and installing the mythtv packages | 12:11 |
=== DiggThis [n=anon@123-2-145-209.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
DiggThis | hey guys | 12:12 |
laga | hi DiggThis | 12:12 |
DiggThis | superm1: if your here slight prob | 12:12 |
DiggThis | prop driver shows enabled but not in use why? | 12:12 |
laga | DiggThis: have you dugg us? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_7_10_Release_Candidate_2 | 12:12 |
laga | DiggThis: in restricted-manager? | 12:12 |
DiggThis | ill do it thx laga lol | 12:12 |
DiggThis | yes in res manager | 12:13 |
DiggThis | reconfigure in xorg drivers is not possible apparently | 12:14 |
DiggThis | again this $$%%### shits me cause i dont want yet another reinstall | 12:14 |
laga | calm down :) | 12:15 |
laga | i've never really used the proprietary manager.. hum.. | 12:15 |
laga | +ponder+ | 12:15 |
laga | can you do anything in there to enable it? | 12:15 |
DiggThis | lol. i guess i hate the fact that there are so many people in the chat room but the same 2 or 3 people always help... | 12:16 |
laga | :) | 12:16 |
DiggThis | how would i try to enable? | 12:16 |
laga | ok, i've opened restricted-manager. | 12:16 |
DiggThis | im using kernel 14 | 12:17 |
laga | what does it say in the "enabled" column? | 12:17 |
DiggThis | ticked | 12:17 |
DiggThis | but status is not in use | 12:17 |
laga | have you restarted your system already? maybe that's needed. | 12:18 |
DiggThis | twice | 12:18 |
laga | ok. | 12:18 |
DiggThis | can i manually change status? | 12:18 |
laga | i have just disabled the restricted nvidia driver in restricted-manager. if this messes up my hand-crafted xorg.conf, i'll | 12:19 |
laga | $infect restricted-manager | 12:19 |
laga | bah, where is this stupid bot. | 12:19 |
laga | DiggThis: not sure. you can try disabling it and re-enabling it | 12:20 |
DiggThis | ok how? | 12:20 |
laga | by double-clicking it and choosing the appropriate options | 12:21 |
DiggThis | easier said then done it says that xorg.conf is invalid or not existing... | 12:22 |
laga | o_O | 12:23 |
laga | can you post your xorg.conf on a pastebin? | 12:23 |
DiggThis | will do | 12:23 |
DiggThis | slight prob. file does not exist | 12:25 |
laga | hum | 12:26 |
=== laga blinks | ||
laga | ya know, that's pretty unusual | 12:26 |
DiggThis | tell me about it | 12:26 |
laga | :/ | 12:26 |
DiggThis | do i have to reinstall?? | 12:26 |
laga | are there any backups in /etc/X11/ ? | 12:27 |
DiggThis | ill look | 12:27 |
DiggThis | ok there was a backup i have renamed it and am now restarting | 12:29 |
laga | looks like bulletproof X might not be entirely working on your box. come to think of it, it's broken in the beta as far as i know ;) | 12:30 |
DiggThis | what does this mean laga? can i not reinstall the prop driver? | 12:31 |
laga | oh. well, bulletproof X is a specification in ubuntu. it's goal is to make sure that X comes up under any circumstances so users are not left with just a command line prompt in case something breaks. | 12:32 |
laga | AFAIK, it should also regenerate a xorg.conf but i'm not sure about that | 12:32 |
laga | DiggThis: does the backup work? | 12:32 |
DiggThis | testing it now. do you know if gutsy has updated the ati driver with new release driver?? first | 12:38 |
DiggThis | should i go for it you reckon? | 12:42 |
laga | no clue | 12:46 |
laga | i try to avoid ati | 12:46 |
DiggThis | did not work driver must be crap | 12:50 |
DiggThis | can i install from the ati site you reckon? | 12:50 |
laga | i really have no clue. you should talk to someone in #ubuntu+1 probably or to superm1, he knows about fglrx | 12:51 |
laga | as i said, i avoid ATI like the plague unless they release sane drivers | 12:51 |
DiggThis | thx hopefully superm1 has an answer | 12:51 |
laga | he's probably still asleep | 12:53 |
DiggThis | fair enough im trying to reinstall backup then ill leave it most likely till gutsy final release so the issues can be fixed | 12:55 |
laga | you need to tell someone about your issue, too ;) | 12:57 |
laga | eg create a bug report | 12:57 |
laga | but i'd check with superm1, he's way more knowledgeable than me | 12:57 |
DiggThis | where do i file ubuntu bugs? | 12:58 |
laga | http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ i'd say | 12:59 |
DiggThis | thx laga | 12:59 |
laga | i have no clue why your xorg.conf is gone, though, again, superm1.. | 12:59 |
DiggThis | xorg.conf is back | 12:59 |
DiggThis | it was deleted somehow | 01:00 |
laga | hum, ubuntuforums are down for me | 01:52 |
laga | so i installed pilot-xfer and get a popup telling me i need to reboot my system after the update. huh. | 01:55 |
clarkey_ | quick question is there a reason why I cant select tv_grab_au for my guide data? | 02:41 |
laga | it's probably not baseline compliant. what does it say when you run tv_grab_au --capabilities ? | 02:45 |
=== tafkaz [n=tafkaz@achn-4db48071.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tafkaz | hi there. massive problems here with the latest build ! known bugs ? | 03:01 |
laga | it'd actually be useful if you described what problems you had | 03:02 |
laga | ah | 03:02 |
laga | no need to stay in here | 03:02 |
laga | $daily clueless people | 03:02 |
=== tafkaz [n=tafkaz@achn-4db48071.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
laga | tafkaz: it'd actually be useful if you described what problems you had | 03:02 |
tafkaz | sorry...xchat preferd to quit ! :-) | 03:02 |
tafkaz | ok...well hard to say actually because actually i am rather happy to have it all working again | 03:03 |
tafkaz | i downgraded | 03:03 |
tafkaz | basicallay it seemed that the indices of the recordings went all crazy | 03:03 |
tafkaz | in live-tv | 03:03 |
tafkaz | so after a short while no picture was shown anymore | 03:04 |
tafkaz | btw not a mythbuntu installation here, but ubuntu feisty with your (normally splendid) builds | 03:05 |
tafkaz | reproducable there ? | 03:08 |
laga | uh | 03:10 |
laga | what did you upgrade to what? | 03:10 |
laga | define "a short while". also, do you have any logs? | 03:11 |
tafkaz | well every mythpackage installed here (which are barely all of them) is updated with those weekly builds | 03:11 |
tafkaz | i can look it up ...mom | 03:11 |
laga | ah, the weekly builds | 03:12 |
laga | http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/3953#comment:1 | 03:12 |
laga | ^ maybe this issue? | 03:12 |
tafkaz | i will have a look | 03:12 |
foxbuntu | morning laga | 03:13 |
laga | hi foxbuntu | 03:13 |
tafkaz | no laga that was different and only occured with the latest build... | 03:14 |
foxbuntu | perhaps I should say good afternoon to you laga | 03:14 |
tafkaz | moment please...i try to find yesterdays logs | 03:14 |
foxbuntu | laga, your about 8 hrs ahead of superm1 and I correct? | 03:15 |
laga | foxbuntu: UTC+2 | 03:15 |
laga | 3pm here | 03:15 |
laga | well, 3:15 | 03:15 |
foxbuntu | 7 hrs | 03:16 |
foxbuntu | 8:15 here | 03:16 |
foxbuntu | laga, btw...my upgrade to trunk went quite well | 03:18 |
laga | "If some guest downloads a previous release, and starts asking | 03:18 |
laga | questions about stuff thats happening and such, and it takes 30 minutes | 03:18 |
laga | to figure out they are using alpha 1 then I'm going to start hanging out | 03:18 |
laga | in the -dev forum more than laga." | 03:18 |
laga | tgm4883_laptop: ^^ rotfl :) | 03:18 |
tafkaz | Recording does not have position map | 03:18 |
laga | foxbuntu: that's great to hear :) | 03:19 |
foxbuntu | laga, yeah...I see you are rolling through the logs | 03:19 |
tafkaz | that was pretty much the problem...then afterward i i managed to configure it so badly, that really bad things happened | 03:19 |
foxbuntu | or rather the mailing list | 03:19 |
tafkaz | but that was all my fault | 03:19 |
tafkaz | Preview Error: Previewer file '/mythtv/recordings/13060_ | 03:20 |
tafkaz | 20071012191225.mpg' is not valid. | 03:20 |
tafkaz | MainServer: Failed to make preview image. | 03:20 |
tafkaz | thats about it | 03:21 |
tafkaz | 0.20.20070821-1 was the version | 03:21 |
Daviey | foxbuntu: hey, did you fix your mirror? | 03:22 |
laga | the logs don't really tell anything | 03:22 |
Daviey | drupal was still getting in the way | 03:22 |
tafkaz | hm....sorry i thought it heleped | 03:22 |
laga | tafkaz: are you sure it's not related to the trac link i posted? | 03:22 |
tafkaz | no.... | 03:22 |
laga | tafkaz: not your fault ;) | 03:22 |
tafkaz | it was the normal one | 03:22 |
tafkaz | i will have a look which version runs flawlessly now, and which one was a problem | 03:23 |
tafkaz | mythtv_0.20.2+fixes14581-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu1_all.deb runs fine | 03:24 |
tafkaz | mythtv_0.20.2+fixes14659-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu1_all.deb did not | 03:24 |
laga | tafkaz: can you please file a bug about that against mythbuntu? | 03:25 |
laga | therethinker: where is your bot? | 03:25 |
laga | tafkaz: http://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/ | 03:26 |
tafkaz | yes but using which log... | 03:26 |
laga | tafkaz: just post the most relevant parts of mythbackend.log and maybe the .xsession-errors file in your user's home directory. even if the logs are not too useful, it's good to have a bug report for tracking purposes | 03:27 |
laga | eg so we can get to it quicker if someone else has this problem | 03:27 |
tafkaz | clearly... | 03:28 |
tafkaz | i will do my very best | 03:28 |
laga | cool, thanks a lot :)) | 03:28 |
tafkaz | the least i can do right ? | 03:29 |
laga | :) | 03:29 |
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laga | hum. | 03:30 |
laga | tafkaz: can you check something for me? are you using opengl vsync? are you using the libmpeg2 video decoder? | 03:31 |
tafkaz | not sure... | 03:31 |
laga | i have summoned a list of changes in trac and those might be relevant. | 03:31 |
tafkaz | where to find out ? | 03:31 |
laga | http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/changeset?old_path=%2Fbranches%2Frelease-0-20-fixes&old=14581&new_path=%2Fbranches%2Frelease-0-20-fixes&new=14659 | 03:31 |
laga | tafkaz: in the playback settings screen | 03:32 |
tafkaz | give me a minute ok ? | 03:32 |
laga | sure | 03:32 |
tafkaz | opengl vsync is used and mpeg2 is "standard" | 03:34 |
laga | ho-hum. | 03:34 |
tafkaz | ho-hum ? | 03:34 |
laga | just thinking :) | 03:34 |
laga | so, how exactly would livetv behave? can you describe that? | 03:35 |
tafkaz | hm.... | 03:36 |
Solar_ | Finally got my xbox frontend to work with myth | 03:37 |
Solar_ | Yay | 03:37 |
tafkaz | well...as i said...i reconfigured it to last version... | 03:37 |
tafkaz | hm...i could reactivate the update..... | 03:37 |
tafkaz | hm.....i only hope.....really hope this time the mysqldump is ok ! | 03:38 |
tafkaz | cause yesterday i had to rebuild my whole db....just finished | 03:38 |
laga | Solar_: cool | 03:38 |
tafkaz | ok....i'll do it for you.... | 03:38 |
tafkaz | LOl | 03:38 |
Solar_ | Yeah im pretty stoked | 03:38 |
laga | tafkaz: thanks :) | 03:38 |
Solar_ | this frontend that is working isn't a real frontend instead its just a python script that lets me control certain things like scheduling recordings and all the good stuff | 03:39 |
Solar_ | im thinking bout installing linux on there and experimenting with the visually stunning frontend | 03:39 |
tafkaz | ok....backed up my data again ! | 03:41 |
tafkaz | here i go !!! :-) | 03:41 |
Solar_ | good luck.. backups are great | 03:42 |
tafkaz | hm....apt-get doesnt find the new builts.... | 03:42 |
tafkaz | are the uk and the us mirror different ? | 03:42 |
laga | they are probably not synced | 03:43 |
laga | i dont use the weekly -fixes builds so i dunno ;) | 03:43 |
=== mythbot [n=mythbot@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tafkaz | uk mirror doesnt find those builts, but now us mirror does | 03:44 |
tafkaz | hm | 03:44 |
tafkaz | ok 4659 is being installed | 03:45 |
therethinker | Why doesn't something I recorded show up in the manage_recordings? | 03:47 |
therethinker | Its in the directory | 03:47 |
tafkaz | ok....i will go and see what happened ! cross ya fingers | 03:49 |
tafkaz | ok....same problem again.... | 03:50 |
tafkaz | no picture at all....i was wrong there... | 03:50 |
laga | tafkaz: turn off opengl vsync please | 03:51 |
tafkaz | not even the slightest moment | 03:51 |
tafkaz | ok ...moment | 03:51 |
therethinker | Ah, it just popped up | 03:51 |
tafkaz | laga, GOTCHA !!! | 03:52 |
tafkaz | works again | 03:52 |
therethinker | ... | 03:52 |
tafkaz | hope i was of some help | 03:52 |
laga | tafkaz: thanks, i'll get a bug reported | 03:52 |
tafkaz | ok i forget my bug report then ! | 03:52 |
laga | tafkaz: can you file a ver quick one, "eg weekly build version XXX broken if opengl vsync is rboken" so we can track them? | 03:53 |
tafkaz | oh yes i can...what benefits gives opengl vsync anyway | 03:53 |
laga | http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Frame_display_timing | 03:54 |
laga | tafkaz: ^^ | 03:54 |
tafkaz | Bug #152324, | 03:55 |
therethinker | Is there a way to remove the commercials from the video itself? If I don't want to watch them in mythtv... just in totem | 03:55 |
laga | tafkaz: can you do me a favor? start mythfrontend in a terminal like this "mythfrontend --verbose playback", *enable* opengl vsync again and try to play something? after that, give the log to me ;) | 03:55 |
tafkaz | ok.. moment ! | 03:56 |
laga | therethinker: you need to mark them in the cut list editor and remove them afterwards. it is possible to remove them automagically, but it's not recommended. commercial flagging is not accurate | 03:56 |
therethinker | Hm... okay | 03:56 |
tafkaz | Waiting for prebuffer.. 9 LAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAA | 03:59 |
tafkaz | loads of | 03:59 |
Solar_ | time to fiddle with lirc.. I've got a usbuirt and dish network satalite dish.. and I want to make sure it'll turn my channels for recordings | 03:59 |
laga | tafkaz: pastebin the log please so i can put it in the bug report ;) | 04:00 |
tafkaz | no wait....its not the same thing.... i tried to see it here on my pc upstairs...but i guess that wont help... | 04:01 |
laga | :/ | 04:01 |
tafkaz | could be prebuffers because of a lame wireless connection also... | 04:01 |
tafkaz | give me some instant ! ;-) | 04:01 |
tafkaz | can i pipe the output to a file ? | 04:02 |
tafkaz | mythfrontend --verbose playback > /txt.txt | 04:02 |
tafkaz | that would make life a bit easier | 04:02 |
laga | well | 04:03 |
laga | just do it? :) | 04:03 |
laga | also, please go to the physical box and use mythfrontend on the display attached to that box | 04:04 |
laga | do NOT use VNC, X forwarding or the like | 04:04 |
tafkaz | right....have what u need ! ;-9 | 04:06 |
laga | is it still broken with opengl vsync and does it still work without opengl vsync? | 04:07 |
bendailey | laga: ping | 04:08 |
laga | bendailey: PONG | 04:09 |
bendailey | I saw you over on #mythtv is janneg in there often? | 04:10 |
laga | yes, quite often | 04:10 |
bendailey | ok I am testing his ffmpeg sync patch and wanted to give him some feedback | 04:10 |
tafkaz | http://pastebin.com/d5045c4f5 | 04:10 |
tafkaz | is this ok ? | 04:10 |
laga | bendailey: do it then :) there's also a mailing list | 04:11 |
laga | tafkaz: thanks, great. | 04:11 |
tafkaz | good | 04:11 |
tafkaz | now i need some help as well :-) | 04:11 |
bendailey | yeah I am on the mailing list would that be preffered? | 04:12 |
laga | bendailey: i think so. mythtv-dev. | 04:12 |
tafkaz | i am struggling with choppy mplayer performance... the videos are on an other machine connected via wireless lan....what would be a good mplayer line to start a video from there ? | 04:12 |
tafkaz | it sometimes actually works pretty fine....but then again sometimes the movie gets out of syng or just hangs | 04:13 |
tafkaz | or is xine the better option...what do you think | 04:13 |
Daviey | tafkaz: i prefer the Internal player | 04:14 |
tafkaz | yeah...taht one worx pretty well | 04:14 |
tafkaz | but only for mpeg | 04:14 |
Daviey | erm, and xvid | 04:14 |
tafkaz | i dunno...can i use it for avi as well... | 04:14 |
Daviey | MKV it aint so hot at, i'll agree | 04:14 |
laga | tafkaz: um | 04:14 |
tafkaz | i treid some time before and it didnt work | 04:14 |
laga | tafkaz: are you sure you created that log with -v playback?! | 04:15 |
tafkaz | pretty much yes... | 04:15 |
=== laga needs to run very, very soon so please hurry | ||
laga | huh | 04:15 |
laga | ok, thanks | 04:15 |
tafkaz | its only the log with opengl... | 04:15 |
tafkaz | you need the lines before too ? | 04:16 |
tafkaz | i switched to opengl somewehere in the middle of the log ! | 04:16 |
laga | no, only opengl. | 04:17 |
tafkaz | http://pastebin.com/d288ca922 | 04:17 |
tafkaz | maybe it helps anyway | 04:17 |
laga | is that the complete log file, including w/o opengl vsync and w/ opengl vsync? | 04:17 |
tafkaz | actually after all these updates i could give the internal player a chance on playing avis again ! | 04:18 |
tafkaz | laga, yes | 04:18 |
laga | ok | 04:19 |
laga | http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/4078#comment:1 | 04:19 |
=== laga heads to the vet | ||
Daviey | tafkaz: I use Internal exclusivley on my frontend | 04:19 |
tafkaz | hm,.... | 04:20 |
Daviey | laga: Are you unwell? | 04:20 |
sslashes | is there a way to disabled mythtv's internal dpms handling? | 04:20 |
Daviey | sslashes: yes.. how so? | 04:20 |
tafkaz | huuuuuhhh ! | 04:20 |
tafkaz | i submitted a bug !!! | 04:21 |
tafkaz | LOL | 04:21 |
tafkaz | hope i could help ! | 04:21 |
sslashes | Daviey: "how so?" thats what i'm asking you! =P - I want make sure mythtv never tries to handle screen blanking itself | 04:21 |
Daviey | sslashes: I mean, how so = what end result do you want | 04:22 |
sslashes | Daviey: mythtv to *never* do *anything* even *remotely* related to dpms | 04:22 |
sslashes | :) | 04:22 |
Daviey | I can't find the option, but i'm sure there is one | 04:24 |
Daviey | pretty sure | 04:24 |
sslashes | i.e. - always on, so that the only time the screen blanks is when i press the power button on my remote - which executes a function to screen blank | 04:24 |
sslashes | heh, yeah - google is letting me down todays, i cannot find any information about it | 04:24 |
Daviey | myth currently only blanks when you are watching video, that's alright isn't it? | 04:25 |
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sslashes | Daviey: why would myth blank when watching videos? | 04:25 |
Daviey | it doesn't.. | 04:25 |
Daviey | Erm.. sorry i mistyped | 04:25 |
Daviey | other way around | 04:25 |
sslashes | ah, no - thats not alright | 04:26 |
sslashes | heh | 04:26 |
sslashes | my myth box now does a whole bunch of things that might involve the myth doing nothing | 04:26 |
sslashes | for instance, i don't like mythmusic, (nor mythmpd), so i use wmcfg to switch to a different virtual desktop and open sonata (a mpd client) - i also have it switch to another virtual desktop for an alarm program i settup | 04:27 |
Daviey | sslashes: sorry i can't find the option - but i know it can be done, as i've done it | 04:28 |
Daviey | sorry, i can't help more | 04:28 |
sslashes | heh, np, thanks | 04:29 |
=== therethinker [n=zach@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
superm1 | therethinker, what was your problem yesterday? | 05:11 |
superm1 | how'd you solve it | 05:11 |
therethinker | I'm not sure how I solved it | 05:12 |
therethinker | I repared the DB, and then it was color | 05:13 |
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=== therethinker does CPR on mythbot | ||
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-50-151.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Solar_ | I have a feeling Im going to be struggling with lirc for quite some time until I get it to the point where it can turn the channels for me on my dish network satalite reciever | 05:43 |
Solar_ | Im sure the Myth Brainiacs are working hard on this one.. its like the only thing myth doesn't do well | 05:44 |
tgm4883_laptop | did someone want something from me? | 06:03 |
therethinker | I wanted... your braaaiiinnnn! | 06:04 |
tgm4883_laptop | ha, jokes on you. I don't have one. | 06:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | wait a minute. Thats not right | 06:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | Ha, jokes on you. I don't have one. | 06:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | much better | 06:05 |
=== Tari|zzz is now known as Tari | ||
therethinker | I want... your gf's brain! | 06:07 |
therethinker | or laga's! | 06:08 |
=== therethinker holds back dis'in both of you... | ||
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sslashes | what actually starts mythtv? (ie, where is the script that handles starting mythfrontend) | 06:54 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
carlesoriol | when i schedulle a program sometimes the channel changes the item (name or desc) and it's not recorded. It's there any option to force the record schedules? | 07:14 |
fluttrby | what do you mean by it changes the item. The name or description is being changed? By what? | 07:18 |
fluttrby | arg | 07:18 |
=== fluttrby is now known as tgm4883 | ||
carlesoriol | tgm4883: Actually I've a program that by the eit (air program?) now has disappered at the time slot | 07:21 |
tgm4883 | ah | 07:21 |
tgm4883 | I don't do much with EIT so I don't know | 07:22 |
tgm4883 | I think Daviey and laga use that though | 07:22 |
carlesoriol | tgm4883: but it's there any way to froce the creation of a recording by time and channel when i select a program? | 07:23 |
carlesoriol | (of course i can do it by manual schedule but then i've to search the program channel time and duration) | 07:24 |
tgm4883 | when you select a program? not that I know of, unless there is some EIT thing I don't know about. Perhaps you can set it to grab the EIT data once, but then not update listings that it already has. Then it shouldn't change | 07:24 |
carlesoriol | it updates automatically | 07:25 |
tgm4883 | ok. I was hoping there was a setting to not update existing channel data | 07:26 |
carlesoriol | tgm4883: it could work. where can i find information about it | 07:26 |
tgm4883 | There may be a setting in mythtv-setup where you setup your guide data | 07:27 |
tgm4883 | or where you link your data to your tuner | 07:27 |
carlesoriol | I look | 07:28 |
carlesoriol | tgm4883: I cannot find this option in the menus. May be I could query it at sql? | 07:33 |
tgm4883 | like i said, i dont' even know if the option exists | 07:33 |
carlesoriol | tgm4883: thanks anyway | 07:34 |
Wy|laptop | Okay, this sucks. I now see where my hardware problems lie. :| | 08:06 |
Wy|laptop | Buying stuff a bit too bleeding edge support-wise again | 08:06 |
tgm4883 | Wy|laptop, how so? | 08:07 |
Wy|laptop | the imon LCD requires a custom patch that hasn't been integrated into the main lcdproc core yet. | 08:08 |
tgm4883 | ah | 08:08 |
Wy|laptop | ditto for their remote control | 08:08 |
Wy|laptop | Basically, previous VFDs were character based devices, while the LCD is a pixel-based device | 08:09 |
Wy|laptop | and the imon PAD (remote control) also has the same problem, since instead of a directional keypad it has a analog pressure sensative mouse cursor control | 08:10 |
Wy|laptop | see http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Imon | 08:10 |
=== dwilson805 [n=dwilson@cpe-75-84-153-8.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
dwilson805 | hello! Has anyone tried using mythbuntu as a front-end under vmware? | 09:04 |
tgm4883 | no | 09:05 |
tgm4883 | I don't think it would work | 09:05 |
tgm4883 | at least, not very well | 09:05 |
Wy|laptop | why? | 09:05 |
Wy|laptop | it's not dependent on overlays or hardware accelleration | 09:06 |
tgm4883 | well what would be the point in doing so? | 09:06 |
tgm4883 | and I think it is | 09:06 |
dwilson805 | I would like to run a myth front-end on my son's win xp computer | 09:07 |
Wy|laptop | winmyth.sourceforge.net | 09:07 |
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tgm4883 | exactly | 09:07 |
dwilson805 | oh! I hadn't heard about that yet! | 09:07 |
dwilson805 | and I hadn't seen a word about it on the mythtv site, either - nor did a google search show that | 09:08 |
dwilson805 | thanks for the information - I'll go check that out! | 09:08 |
Wy|laptop | first hit under 'windows mythtv' | 09:08 |
Wy|laptop | =) | 09:08 |
dwilson805 | I guess I shouldn't have tried "myth frontend win32", then, lol | 09:10 |
Wy|laptop | Hey, think about the poor 64 bit windows users! | 09:11 |
dwilson805 | winmyth doesn't seem well-maintained? (last release Feb 06)? | 09:13 |
tgm4883 | you could alway try cygwin, but im not sure how well that would work | 09:14 |
dwilson805 | when I look at the huge amount of rpms brought into my linux system for myth, I worry about trying to install and compile that many source packages under cygwin - the odds of something not working right keep going up | 09:15 |
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tgm4883 | rpms? | 09:17 |
dwilson805 | my backend system runs fedora 7, not ubuntu. I tried ubuntu first, but something between my hardware and ubuntu didn't play well, but f7 worked instantly when I tried it. I'd rather have run ubuntu, but went with what worked | 09:19 |
dwilson805 | hmmm I found mythtvplayer, which seems to be under active development. anyone know anything about it? | 09:28 |
Wy|laptop | Not sure, the backend protocol hasn't changed that much since 06 | 09:28 |
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@mke-66-97-115-213.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Tari_ | dwilson805, I've used it (mythtv player), and it works nicely | 09:31 |
dwilson805 | I just downloaded and tried it - worked instantly | 09:33 |
dwilson805 | seems to not skip commercials quite right, though | 09:34 |
Tari_ | my 802.11b is a little too slow to stream correctly, so I don't really know | 09:34 |
Wy|laptop | Hrm, damnit. | 09:34 |
Wy|laptop | I'm having a really hard time getting scheduling data for my cable channels | 09:35 |
dwilson805 | not using schedules direct? | 09:35 |
Wy|laptop | myth defaults to using the atsc numbering scheme and schedulesdirect seems to be using remapped numbers. | 09:35 |
tgm4883 | Wy|laptop, you can remap the channel numbers | 09:35 |
Wy|laptop | tgm: manually? | 09:36 |
tgm4883 | thats what i did | 09:36 |
Wy|laptop | or is there an automated way? | 09:36 |
tgm4883 | what channels and what are you grabbing from SD? | 09:37 |
dwilson805 | well thanks for the help everyone :) have a great day! | 09:37 |
Wy|laptop | tgm: setting up my HDHomeRun for unencrypted QAM. | 09:37 |
Wy|laptop | and I'm grabbing from SD the local digital cable signals | 09:38 |
tgm4883 | are you able to just grab the channel lineup from SD rather than scan for channels? | 09:38 |
Wy|laptop | no | 09:39 |
Wy|laptop | I tried doing that and it idn't work for digital :( | 09:39 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 09:40 |
Wy|laptop | following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HDHomeRun atm | 09:41 |
tgm4883 | Unfortunatly I don't think there is a more automated way. I'm not exactly sure why your channel data isn't being grabbed properly, as it should grab it and stick it on the designated channel | 09:41 |
tgm4883 | you may check with superm1, as maybe there is a key thing im missing (i don't have the HDHomerun | 09:42 |
tgm4883 | do you have your freq set to broadcast or cable? | 09:43 |
Wy|laptop | cable | 09:43 |
tgm4883 | what is the formatting of the channels from SD? | 09:43 |
tgm4883 | ie, is it 10.1, 10, 10_1, 10-1, etc | 09:44 |
tgm4883 | and what is it for the HDHomerun? | 09:44 |
Wy|laptop | 10.1, etc | 09:44 |
Wy|laptop | er, I mean the HDHomerun is 10.1, etc | 09:44 |
Wy|laptop | it's 1-999 for SD | 09:44 |
tgm4883 | ok | 09:45 |
tgm4883 | give me a for instance of a channel's formating on both (same channel) | 09:45 |
Wy|laptop | from SD (webpage) 66 FOODP | 09:46 |
Wy|laptop | Detected from the HDHomeRun in MythSetup : UNKNOWN101#7 (101#7) (Digital Cable) | 09:47 |
Wy|laptop | because of the name mismatch, the SD data isn't providing schedules | 09:48 |
tgm4883 | and you're getting picture from UNKNOWN101#7? | 09:48 |
Wy|laptop | in frontend, yes | 09:48 |
Wy|laptop | do you think I have to go through each channel and renumber it manually? | 09:48 |
tgm4883 | if you don't mind me asking, who is your cable company? | 09:48 |
Wy|laptop | comcast | 09:49 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 09:49 |
=== tgm4883 is so going to have to go try this on his pcHDTV 5500 with comcast | ||
tgm4883 | I do think you're going to have to go though manually | 09:50 |
tgm4883 | unfortunatly | 09:50 |
Wy|laptop | geh, my pcHDTV 5500 can't even pick up anything | 09:50 |
tgm4883 | and rename both the channel, channel number, and channel ID | 09:50 |
tgm4883 | last i checked, my 5500 saw those channels, but didn't receive anything on them | 09:51 |
Wy|laptop | :( pain in the wazoo | 09:51 |
tgm4883 | is this a QAM 256 scan? | 09:51 |
Wy|laptop | yeah | 09:51 |
Wy|laptop | actually, I need to rescan for a sec | 09:52 |
tgm4883 | I agree, it's a pain. But you should only have to do it once and you can do it in mythweb, which is at least a little nice | 09:52 |
tgm4883 | just remember to save your database backup before major upgrades or reinstalls | 09:52 |
Wy|laptop | Heh | 09:53 |
Wy|laptop | truth | 09:53 |
tgm4883 | ideally, you should also set the backup directory to a usb drive or nfs share or something. That way the nightly backups are safe in case of a HD crash | 09:54 |
Wy|laptop | Hrm, is there a better mounting mechanism for smbfs in ubuntu than fstab? | 09:54 |
=== Wy|laptop is so used to the gentoo one which handles smbfs properly (ie, mounting them after the network is up) | ||
tgm4883 | um, fstab is what mounts everything when you boot up | 09:55 |
Wy|laptop | yeah, but you don't want to mount smbfs until after the network is up | 09:55 |
tgm4883 | strange, i've not had that problem (I use NFS though) | 09:55 |
Wy|laptop | yeah, too mixed platforms here. :P smb is the least common denominator :P | 09:56 |
tgm4883 | yep, understand that | 09:57 |
=== MythbuntuGuest11 [n=Mythbunt@c-24-0-2-195.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
tgm4883 | $hello | 10:01 |
mythbot | Welcome to #Ubuntu-mythtv. Please state your question or comment. | 10:01 |
Wy|laptop | Is there a way to display a different channel number than the actual? | 10:16 |
tgm4883 | yea | 10:29 |
tgm4883 | I just changed the channel number on mine in mythwerb | 10:29 |
tgm4883 | mythweb | 10:29 |
tgm4883 | because the channelid is where it gets data from SD | 10:30 |
tgm4883 | I had to do that because my STB and pcHDTV 5500 get some of the same channels, but they have different channel numbers (and names) | 10:30 |
=== Tari__ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== Tari [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
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=== Binary_Crap50 [i=1010101a@gateway/tor/x-a842a538627f7ddf] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MitoTranin | hey guys... what is a good scp program for linux? | 11:44 |
MitoTranin | I need to transfer some files from a mythbuntu system to my server.. | 11:45 |
tgm4883 | uh scp | 11:45 |
laga | rotfl | 11:45 |
laga | i like yafc for sftp | 11:45 |
laga | or maybe konqueror and fish:// if you use kde | 11:45 |
MitoTranin | well... I meant a gui | 11:46 |
laga | restricted-manager is a great tool. it totally replaced my custom xorg.conf with a generic one instead of actually parsing it and making the necessary adjust... | 11:46 |
laga | adjustments* | 11:46 |
laga | turning debian into suse with apt-get. ubuntu. get yours today. | 11:47 |
laga | :/ | 11:47 |
Solar_ | I love Myth | 11:59 |
Solar_ | I love Ubuntu Myth!! | 11:59 |
Solar_ | I Love you all, I love everyone | 11:59 |
Solar_ | BurrrrPppP!@ | 11:59 |
laga | oh, i thought we'd postponed shipping LSD-25 till final release | 11:59 |
Solar_ | Yum LSD | 12:00 |
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B4B17.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
Suggley | Hi guys - i am just finishing up installing Mythbuntu - but have 1 little problem - tv etc works - i just have no sound - i run a SPDIF cable to an amp - i have had it working in Ubuntu but there arent the same controls that i can see in Mythbuntu (and i dont know what tehy are called to install them - can any1 give me some advice in hte right direction? | 01:02 |
tgm4883 | Suggley, do you know what they are called in Ubuntu? | 01:03 |
DaveMorris | Suggley, it's pob muted | 01:05 |
DaveMorris | run alsamixer in a terminal | 01:05 |
DaveMorris | use the arrow keys to go left/right/volume up/voulme/down | 01:05 |
DaveMorris | m toggles mute | 01:05 |
DaveMorris | esc quits | 01:05 |
Suggley | ok thanx very much - i will check it out i n a few mins wen i can reboot into mythtv :) this thing frukin rocks! | 01:06 |
Suggley | i might have a few more questions in the next few days but i got most of it figured - its just some permisions stuff | 01:06 |
DaveMorris | bugs from the installer regarding permissions? | 01:07 |
Suggley | nah somethign about permissions for the web side of things | 01:07 |
Suggley | .htaccess i think was what i read | 01:07 |
Suggley | i still cant get over how clean the interface is - it shits on MCE and Media Portal | 01:08 |
Suggley | it just works how it should - i been lookin for something like this for so long but never had the hardware to spare to try linux | 01:08 |
DaveMorris | Suggley: write a blog about it :) | 01:10 |
DaveMorris | anyway night all, time for you americans to take the torch of 24/7 support | 01:10 |
=== tgm4883 [n=tgm4883@c-76-115-157-227.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
therethinker | hello tgm4883! | 01:11 |
therethinker | Are you you, or your girl? | 01:11 |
therethinker | Well... I guess tgm4883's girl... | 01:11 |
tgm4883 | heh | 01:12 |
tgm4883 | no | 01:12 |
tgm4883 | does this answer the question | 01:12 |
tgm4883 | $diggit | 01:12 |
mythbot | Why haven't you dugg it? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_7_10_Release_Candidate_2 Once you digg it. Then comment it :) | 01:12 |
=== MythbuntuGuest14 [n=Mythbunt@24-155-14-187.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
MythbuntuGuest14 | hello | 01:13 |
tgm4883 | $hello | 01:14 |
mythbot | Welcome to #Ubuntu-mythtv. Please state your question or comment. | 01:14 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | ok. I just installed a new dvd how do i know if it is working | 01:14 |
tgm4883 | uh, watch it? | 01:14 |
therethinker | Haha, yeah | 01:15 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | can i just play it from mythubuntu? | 01:15 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | i tried to import a dvd .. ijust says no jobs | 01:15 |
tgm4883 | well can you watch a dvd in myth? | 01:16 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | i know these questions sound dumb.. i am new to linux and i boot straight into mythbuntu | 01:16 |
tgm4883 | forget about importing it first, just see if you can play it first | 01:16 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | ok | 01:16 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | i am rebooting | 01:17 |
MythbuntuGuest14 | when i click play dvd. screen goes blank then comes back to menu | 01:18 |
tgm4883 | encrypted dvd problem | 01:18 |
tgm4883 | you need to install some proprietary stuff | 01:18 |
tgm4883 | use | 01:18 |
tgm4883 | $mcc | 01:18 |
mythbot | Mythbuntu Control Centre - a admin panel for MythTV - Created and maintained by the mythbuntu team. http://www.mythbuntu.org/about | 01:18 |
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