=== innovati [n=innovati@d193-46-180.home3.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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mhb | nixternal: up? | 01:37 |
nixternal | ya | 01:37 |
mhb | nixternal: have you got some time? | 01:37 |
nixternal | sure | 01:37 |
mhb | good, I'll PM you | 01:38 |
nixternal | roger | 01:38 |
Mez | who's roger ? | 01:59 |
=== BigPick [n=wpickard@18-188.ctn.du.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | you are roger | 02:07 |
nixternal | ;p | 02:07 |
nixternal | how goeth the Mez? | 02:07 |
nixternal | so...are we working on a KDE 4 port of the pult yet? | 02:08 |
=== nixternal goes to watch borat | ||
mhb | nixternal: hehe, you lazy americans :o) | 02:16 |
nixternal | why is that? | 02:16 |
nixternal | but yes, we are lazy...that is why we are the "fattest" country in the world | 02:16 |
mhb | nixternal: europeans setting accounts for you at two in the morning and you go watch borat :o) | 02:16 |
mhb | nixternal: just kidding, enjoy the show | 02:16 |
nixternal | hehe | 02:16 |
nixternal | I was told it was hillarious, so I need to find out if that is true :) | 02:16 |
nixternal | better than working on this c++ homework | 02:17 |
mhb | nixternal: right, you can tell us afterwards ... I haven't seen it either | 02:17 |
nixternal | gonna make some popcorn...back in a bit..I am sure you will be sleeping, so if I don't see ya, k'nite :) | 02:17 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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uga | > real 16m17.393s | 03:08 |
uga | > user 43m11.422s | 03:08 |
uga | > sys 7m30.788s | 03:08 |
uga | nice, real short time to build kde4 from scratch =) | 03:09 |
uga | (kdesupport/kdelibs/kdepimlibs/kdebase) | 03:09 |
uga | it used to take much more than that for just kdelibs in my previous box... | 03:10 |
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=== mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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mhb | ryanakca: poke | 04:09 |
ryanakca | pong | 04:09 |
mhb | ryanakca: wow, you're here | 04:09 |
=== ryanakca notes that the groupware server is on his TODO list. | ||
mhb | ryanakca: no, not that | 04:09 |
mhb | :o) | 04:09 |
=== ryanakca nods, continue ;) | ||
jjesse | still? i thought you were done w/ that | 04:09 |
ryanakca | no, I just have to mail out the logins | 04:10 |
mhb | ryanakca: how's your content-writing skills recently? | 04:10 |
ryanakca | mhb: umm... depends on the article/text | 04:10 |
=== BigPick [n=wpickard@18-188.ctn.du.edu] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] | ||
mhb | ryanakca: I'll explain. | 04:10 |
ryanakca | jjesse: I can scan the list and send it to you, and you can help me mail them out if you wish ;) (there's only 40 or so) | 04:10 |
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-91-11.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
mendred | to the kubuntu devel team: you guys rock, 3.5.8 is smooth and fast..and this is on an 5 yr old laptop WITH compiz-fusion running...thanks guys!!! | 05:17 |
nixternal | mendred: no, thank you! | 05:21 |
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mhb | the man who never sleeps is back :o) | 11:28 |
mhb | good morning everyone | 11:35 |
jpatrick | moin | 11:37 |
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jpatrick | anything new? | 11:42 |
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mhb | jpatrick: oh yes, but I am afraid I don't want to go public with it yet | 11:45 |
jpatrick | mhb: ah, more funny controversy.. | 11:46 |
mhb | jpatrick: hehe, nothing really *that* controversial ... I am just doing some updates for the kubuntu.org site, and I want to keep them a secret | 11:47 |
jpatrick | I think I have an idea what it is but I'll keep quite | 11:48 |
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emonkey-p | mhb: Is there any draft we can already translate? Normally we have some hours delay but it would be great if it's possible to do translate before the release of the announcement. (kubuntu-de.org) | 12:19 |
mhb | emonkey-p: yeah, that'd be splendid, unfortunately I don't do announcements. nixternal usually does. | 12:21 |
emonkey-p | ok... I just thought you're doing right know something like an announcment. We'll see if we can link us into nixternals process. :) | 12:23 |
emonkey-p | thx anyway | 12:23 |
=== milian [n=milian@p57BB2AB0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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Pr370r14n0 | hi | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | hiya | 12:57 |
Pr370r14n0 | anyone knows a repo with snapshots of kde4? | 12:57 |
Pr370r14n0 | newer than beta2 | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | beta 3 is in gutsy | 12:58 |
Pr370r14n0 | yes | 12:58 |
Pr370r14n0 | your are right | 12:59 |
Pr370r14n0 | but im refering to packages of the svn | 12:59 |
Pr370r14n0 | not releses | 12:59 |
Pr370r14n0 | sorry | 12:59 |
Pr370r14n0 | (my english is poor, like you can see) ;) | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | okay, then not for kubuntu | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: was looking into it, but i dont know if he ever did it | 12:59 |
Dekans|screen | beta 3 in gutsy ? | 01:03 |
emonkey-p | it looks like, but there is no announcement and I think not all required packages are in already | 01:03 |
emonkey-p | but there are some 3.94 packages | 01:03 |
Dekans|screen | \o/ | 01:04 |
Dekans|screen | coming soon | 01:04 |
emonkey-p | I think so yes | 01:04 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@bchm-4d091b12.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | yes, there are in | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | and due to a lovely launchpad bug, they never hit gutsy-changes ML | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | all the required packages should be in, if i got them all | 01:06 |
Dekans|screen | GG | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | ? | 01:06 |
Dekans|screen | it's good | 01:06 |
Dekans|screen | i reinstall nvidia driver and i try it :p | 01:07 |
emonkey-p | Hobbsee: I don't see the kde4base 3.94 for x86 | 01:11 |
Dekans|screen | i see 3.93 but i'm on french repos | 01:12 |
emonkey-p | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4base/ | 01:14 |
emonkey-p | here you see some 3.94 packages | 01:14 |
=== claydoh__ [n=claydoh@66-252-48-169.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | emonkey-p: i doubt they've built yet. | 01:15 |
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Dekans|screen | since gutsy upgrade i have no disk manager utility | 01:31 |
Dekans|screen | and some others modules of kcontrol | 01:31 |
=== pgquiles__ [n=pgquiles@99.Red-83-42-63.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | do you have python2.5-dev installed? | 01:42 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if that bug got reopened, and fixed properly | ||
Dekans|screen | no | 01:44 |
Dekans|screen | heu | 01:44 |
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=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== marseillai wonder why katapult never wanted to launch kwrite ? | ||
Hobbsee | marseillai: no desktop file for kwrite. | 02:03 |
marseillai | Hobbsee: is it a bug or a feature ? | 02:04 |
Hobbsee | the fact that it doesnt have a desktop file is a feature, the fact that katapult needs desktop files for programs to come up in it at all is a bug. | 02:04 |
marseillai | Hobbsee: why do we want kwrite to not havec .desktop file | 02:05 |
Hobbsee | marseillai: so that we dont have 10+ text editors listed in the menu. | 02:06 |
Hobbsee | marseillai: and because we use kate | 02:06 |
marseillai | oki | 02:06 |
marseillai | that's a good reason | 02:06 |
marseillai | Hobbsee: may be we should not install kwrite by default? | 02:07 |
=== emonkey likes kate very | ||
marseillai | and add a .desktop to kwrite ? | 02:07 |
=== marseillai likes both of them | ||
Hobbsee | marseillai: hm. some people like kwrite. | 02:09 |
marseillai | Hobbsee: i like it but i like to have a .desktop to my apps so if i like it and want to use it i can install it | 02:10 |
marseillai | i can understand we don't want to have two editor in the menu but why install two of them and hide one ? | 02:10 |
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== stivani [n=Stijn@d5152A86B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee | ||
=== buz [n=buz@84-73-66-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== buz wonders about the libsoprano issue when trying to upgrade kde4? | ||
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db44352.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Hobbsee wonders if anyone's even tried that yet | ||
Hobbsee | most are focussing on kde3 for the release. | 02:23 |
=== Jucato doesn't know what he's focusing on or how... | ||
Jucato | I'm guessing there won't be a meeting before the release right? | 02:24 |
Hobbsee | probably not, no :( | 02:24 |
=== Hobbsee has been disorganised. | ||
Hobbsee | last week was effectively wasted, and i'm not sure why | 02:24 |
Jucato | it's ok. I've been scattered myself | 02:24 |
Jucato | join the club :) | 02:24 |
Jucato | although I can afford to be disorganized | 02:24 |
Jucato | and it seems I can afford to disappear for a few days too :) | 02:25 |
=== jpetso [n=jpetso@v213-022.vps.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | Jucato: it seems that i *have* been disappearing some what, because people keep asking when i'm going to show up on irc again | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | buz: telling us wha tthe libsoprano issue is might help | 02:27 |
Jucato | yeah, remember the time I got worried when you didn't show up for 24 hours (which you said was 28)? :) | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | :) | 02:27 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Jucato still doesn't know what to do... | ||
Jucato | moin jpatrick | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | hiya jpatrick | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: about? | 02:29 |
Jucato | life :) | 02:29 |
jpatrick | moin Jucato | 02:29 |
jpatrick | hey Hobbsee | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | ah, yes. | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: 42. | 02:29 |
jpatrick | lol | 02:30 |
Jucato | ah yes :) | 02:30 |
Jucato | hahah | 02:30 |
buz | trying to install kde4base-dev yields | 02:31 |
buz | Seek (typical) | 02:31 |
buz | 10.6 W | 02:31 |
buz | Read/Write (typical) | 02:31 |
buz | 9.5 W | 02:31 |
buz | Idle (typical) | 02:31 |
buz | 8.2 W | 02:31 |
buz | Standby (typical) | 02:31 |
buz | 0.7/1.2 W | 02:31 |
buz | Sleep (typical) | 02:31 |
buz | 0.7/1.2 W | 02:31 |
buz | ooops | 02:31 |
buz | wrong buffer | 02:31 |
buz | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 02:31 |
buz | libsoprano4: Conflicts: libsoprano3 but 0.9.0~snapshot~2007-07-09-0ubuntu2 is to be installed | 02:31 |
buz | that's on gutsy ;) | 02:32 |
jpatrick | I installed libsoprano fine yesterday :> | 02:32 |
buz | i can install libsoprano4 just fine on its own | 02:32 |
buz | something about the dependencies of kde4base-dev is wrong | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | ew, pastebin. | 02:33 |
buz | or maybe its recursively | 02:33 |
buz | full paste http://pastebin.ca/736303 | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | buz: you need to remove libsoprano3 | 02:35 |
buz | i have | 02:35 |
buz | doesnt help | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | why? | 02:35 |
buz | well i figured if it conflicts, i may just as well get rid of it | 02:36 |
buz | seeing that nothing i have installed seems to depend on it | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | indeed. | 02:42 |
buz | but didnt help | 02:46 |
Hobbsee | why did it not help? | 02:47 |
=== marseillai_ [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-167-212.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== jpatrick gives up on ksquirrel | ||
Jucato | skuirrel... | 03:08 |
=== jpatrick looks for another kapp to package | ||
Jucato | tasty menu? domino (style)? | 03:10 |
jpatrick | aplg is doing tasty menu | 03:11 |
Jucato | ok... | 03:11 |
Jucato | hm... semantik? (kdissert's successor) | 03:12 |
Jucato | although that's a Qt app technically | 03:12 |
jpatrick | which domino (on -look.org) do you want? :) | 03:13 |
Jucato | there's only one domino actually | 03:13 |
Jucato | the rest are themes | 03:13 |
Jucato | anyway, just thinking from the top of my head... | 03:15 |
Jucato | and right now, that head isn't reliable | 03:15 |
=== n8k99 waves at Hobbsee and Jucato | ||
Hobbsee | hiya n8k99 | 03:16 |
=== Jucato drowns before n8k99's eyes | ||
n8k99 | oh my! | 03:16 |
=== Hobbsee rescues Jucato | ||
Jucato | that's Hobbsee's line... | 03:17 |
Jucato | formerly.. | 03:17 |
Jucato | oh wait, that was "oh dear" | 03:17 |
Jucato | danke Hobbsee | 03:17 |
n8k99 | whew! good thing there is Hobbsee! | 03:17 |
Jucato | ey kool, Mez is on Planet KDE now too :) | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | heh | 03:18 |
jpatrick | woah, it's going to be fun trying to get this build system to work | 03:23 |
=== coreymon [n=coreymon@ubuntu/member/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== pgquiles__ is now known as pgquiles | ||
Mez | Jucato, BACK on planet KDE | 03:33 |
Jucato | ah ok | 03:33 |
Jucato | sorry | 03:33 |
buz | Hobbsee: because i still get the same error about libsoprano3 and 4 being in conflict | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | are you removing libsoprano3, or trying to add libsoprano4? | 03:46 |
buz | trying to install kde4base-dev which depends on one of them | 03:47 |
buz | recursively i think | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | hm, kde4base depends on libsoprano3 | 03:50 |
buz | maybe some other kde4 element depends on 4 then | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | kdelibs5 does | 03:51 |
buz | so that's the issue | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | oh, neat. | 03:51 |
buz | is that beta3 already, btw? if so, it better be fixed before that is announced ;) | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | oh, i know what this will be | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | oh, nyah | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | how can i list the build deps of a package? | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | without downloading it? | 03:54 |
=== Hobbsee looks thru man grep-dctrl | ||
Hobbsee | oh, way cool. i've inadvertantly caused this bug, too. | 03:56 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== uga [n=uga@unaffiliated/uga] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-148-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | buz: what you didnt say was the fact that kde4base was the old version, and not the beta3. | 04:26 |
gnomefreak | latest updates for 3.5.8 wants to remove kde4base and such | 04:26 |
buz | i must have missed that | 04:27 |
buz | but i did upgrade several times | 04:27 |
buz | i mean package lists | 04:27 |
buz | so i'm using whatever is on the server, reall | 04:27 |
buz | y | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | buz: yeah, and it hasnt all built yet | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: does it now? why? | 04:27 |
gnomefreak | no im guessing update for kdelibs5 | 04:28 |
buz | yeah it's probably that | 04:28 |
gnomefreak | apt-get is just removing them | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | wish i'd noticed that *before* looking further into it. | 04:28 |
buz | kde 3.5.8 itself did not seem to care about kde4 one bit | 04:28 |
gnomefreak | libportaudio0 libsoprano4 these are not kde so im not positive im guessing its kdelibs5 | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: do you have a useful pastebin, or do you expect me to be psychic? | 04:28 |
gnomefreak | lol i can give you what it tells me | 04:28 |
buz | it just so happens that kde4 beta 3 parts hit the repos at the same time | 04:29 |
gnomefreak | oh good time to fail you sob | 04:29 |
gnomefreak | brb | 04:29 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/218710 | 04:30 |
gnomefreak | once i run it i can attempt to install them and let you know | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | buz: than kde 3.5.8? they didnt. | 04:31 |
buz | well it depends how often you upgrade ;) | 04:31 |
gnomefreak | i think i found it | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: ah yeah. that'll sort itself out. same problem as above, pretyt much | 04:33 |
gnomefreak | kde4base Replaces: kdelibs5 (<< 3.93.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1), kde4base-dev (<< 3.91.0-0ubuntu2) | 04:33 |
gnomefreak | assuming that is it | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | no, that's not the problem | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | it's that they depend on libsoprano3, which doesnt exist anymore. | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | well, it does, but it's conflicted and replaced by ls4 | 04:34 |
gnomefreak | so libsoprano3 is the reason? | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | yes | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | and the packages havent built yet to update that | 04:34 |
gnomefreak | ah i thought they were E17 packages | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | libsoprano? nah | 04:35 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: for you questions above about showing build-deps without downloading doesnt apt have a --show flag or the like | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | grep-dctrl does it, i found. | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | it probably does too, actually | 04:38 |
gnomefreak | ty will install dctrl-tools when updates are done to play with it | 04:39 |
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ryanakca | mhb: ping | 05:34 |
=== amachu [n=amachu@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== mluser-home [n=mluser-h@ip68-0-70-23.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
mluser-home | Why does kde show up as 3.5.8 when it has not been released yet? | 05:39 |
gnomefreak | mluser-home: you are using the PPA repo | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | 3.5.8 was released or will be in a week or so no? | 05:40 |
=== gnomefreak thought last week it was released | ||
mluser-home | Yes.. it will be released soon, but my kde is already showing up as 3.5.8 | 05:40 |
mluser-home | Not that I mind.. just curious :) | 05:40 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: will be released on monday | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | mluser-home: only if using the ppa | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: ty | 05:40 |
Hobbsee | mluser-home: because of when our freeze is. | 05:40 |
mluser-home | Ahhhh, ok.. makes sense | 05:41 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: it's in gutsy archive now, not just ppa | 05:41 |
gnomefreak | it is? | 05:41 |
gnomefreak | well damn | 05:41 |
mluser-home | A sneaky way of getting around the freeze? | 05:41 |
gnomefreak | brb takes ppa lines out | 05:41 |
mluser-home | lol | 05:41 |
gnomefreak | that would explain the masive updates the last 2 days | 05:42 |
gnomefreak | never even looked at version | 05:42 |
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@p5497556D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== phnom_ [n=phnom@kr-lun-103-146-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== vlo [n=valentin@80-219-4-3.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | Hobbsee: is Riddell gone for the weekend or something? We need to get kubuntu-docs uploaded before it is to late, otherwise we won't have translations | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: likely. | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | hasnt it b een uploaded? | 06:17 |
nixternal | not -5 | 06:17 |
=== nixternal looks just to make sure though cuz changes is broke | ||
Hobbsee | why is changes broke? | 06:18 |
nixternal | according to LP, 7.10-4 is the latest in the repos | 06:18 |
nixternal | I have no idea, I just heard it was | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | oh, you read -motu | 06:19 |
=== Hobbsee broke it. | ||
nixternal | oh | 06:19 |
nixternal | hahaha | 06:19 |
Hobbsee | no really! | 06:19 |
nixternal | how did you break it? | 06:19 |
Hobbsee | i hit "accept" | 06:19 |
nixternal | heh | 06:19 |
Hobbsee | the UI from launchpad for accepting packages doesnt seem to generate mail, as we discovered last night, after i'd done ~20 packages. | 06:19 |
Hobbsee | it's all working now | 06:20 |
nixternal | groovy | 06:20 |
Hobbsee | just means that i cant accept things :P | 06:20 |
ryanakca | hehe ;) | 06:22 |
=== ryanakca html-izes the FAQ for drupal | ||
ryanakca | nixternal: umm... do we still need the breezy documentation? | 06:27 |
ryanakca | (adding MP3 support, etc for breezy) | 06:27 |
nixternal | ryanakca: no | 06:31 |
ryanakca | nixternal: ok | 06:31 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
uga | uhm... I wonder if translations could be handled by google for those untranslated docs. They'd be broken docs for sure, but at least half readable | 06:33 |
uga | with a note on top: warning: this text was autotranslated by ... | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: if you point me at a tarball really quickly, i can just upload it | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | or otherwise email me | 06:34 |
nixternal | http://www.nixternal.com/tmp | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | is it sane? | 06:36 |
nixternal | yes | 06:38 |
Hobbsee | good | 06:39 |
uga | nixternal: man, is that guy in the pic, you? because I know somebody that looks 99% like him | 06:39 |
uga | shame I don't have a picture around to show =) | 06:39 |
nixternal | nope, that is to skinny to be me :) | 06:41 |
ryanakca | Hobbsee: if you're still there, do you know if we kept the amarok-install-mp3-support-script in 7.04 and 7.10? | 06:43 |
Hobbsee | we did, and the amarok guys even fixed it so it doesnt freeze | 06:43 |
ryanakca | Hobbsee: cool, thanks | 06:43 |
=== ryanakca updates the documentation on help.u.c | ||
uga | nixternal: hehe | 06:47 |
jjesse | uga: i've met nixternal and that is way to skinny to be him :0 | 06:51 |
=== jjesse ducks and heads afk | ||
nixternal | ass | 06:51 |
nixternal | :p | 06:51 |
Hobbsee | oh, come on... | 06:52 |
Hobbsee | this thing is *stilL* going | 06:52 |
nixternal | what is that? | 06:52 |
Hobbsee | the docs | 06:52 |
nixternal | if you are building the docs package, go take a break, it has a thousand translation files to work through | 06:52 |
nixternal | hehe | 06:52 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | it takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes on average | 06:52 |
Hobbsee | nah, i'm just trying to upload the damned thing. | 06:52 |
=== mbiebl [n=michael@p4FD2D975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | it'd build faster than it'd upload, probably | 06:53 |
nixternal | oh...ya the tarball is a biggen | 06:53 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@bur91-2-82-231-159-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | you should have seen edgy docs build w/o 1 dep...hours it took | 06:53 |
nixternal | it still built correctly, but just took so long | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | ew | 06:54 |
nixternal | I think with Hardy, I am going to go back to using the "About Kubuntu" page for the firefox homepage though...I don't like the configuration of it, and if it continues having issues with the translations, then I will definitely rip it | 06:55 |
Hobbsee | yay! | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | kubuntu-docs_7.10-5.dsc: done. | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | kubuntu-docs_7.10-5.tar.gz: done. | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | kubuntu-docs_7.10-5_source.changes: done. | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | Successfully uploaded packages. | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | Not running dinstall. | 06:56 |
nixternal | hehe | 06:57 |
=== Hobbsee heads to bed. | ||
nixternal | k'nite | 07:03 |
nixternal | thanks to Jucato for that one | 07:03 |
=== mhb is back | ||
mhb | no Riddell today? | 07:14 |
mhb | is he on a business trip or something? | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | it's a sunday there still | 07:15 |
mhb | or just enjoying a weekend without internet? | 07:15 |
mhb | Hobbsee: right, here too, but it's unusal for him not to be online the whole weekend, so I had to ask | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | true | 07:16 |
uga | mhb: [19:18] [Whois] Riddell has been idle for 1 hour, 26 minutes, and 58 seconds. | 07:18 |
uga | just one hour | 07:18 |
uga | he's alive somewhere | 07:18 |
mhb | ryanakca: poke, just got home | 07:27 |
ryanakca | mhb: pong | 07:28 |
mhb | ryanakca: FAQ, nicey | 07:28 |
mhb | thanks | 07:28 |
=== ryanakca forgets his question... | ||
ryanakca | not done yet | 07:28 |
=== ryanakca is adding the anchors | ||
ryanakca | oh yeah, the question was how to get the FAQ in the menu bar to point to my page... but I figured it out after browsing the admin pannel for a while | 07:29 |
mhb | ryanakca: great :o) | 07:29 |
mhb | ryanakca: if you don't know anything else, just ask, I am quite familiar with drupals | 07:29 |
=== ryanakca nods, will do :) | ||
ryanakca | mhb: feel like looking at the faq page and helping me figure out why it only takes the first 6 anchors? | 07:38 |
mhb | ryanakca: frankly, when it comes to "feeling like", I still feel kind of disappointed (and insulted) because of not being given a visa ... | 07:39 |
mhb | ryanakca: but yes, I'd be happy to help you | 07:40 |
ryanakca | a visa to where? | 07:41 |
mhb | ryanakca: oh, you don't know? I thought I have complained more than enough here :o) | 07:42 |
mhb | ryanakca: http://mhb.ath.cx/blog/english/enjoy-the-uds-without-me/ | 07:42 |
mhb | ryanakca: FAQ fixed, you had the first <a href=""></a> and then <a name=""></a>, which was incorrect | 07:44 |
=== ryanakca hasn't been in here for a while... homework and other fun stuff | ||
ryanakca | ah, thanks | 07:46 |
mhb | ryanakca: no, thank you | 07:54 |
mhb | nixternal: any chance you will patch those CSS soon-ish? :o) | 07:55 |
mhb | nixternal: I am sorry to be such a bossy tyrant | 07:55 |
=== ryanakca could volunteer himself to fix it if nixternal is busy and it's a simle patch | ||
mhb | ryanakca: I would patch it myself, if I had them :o) | 07:57 |
ryanakca | had what, the CSS files? | 07:57 |
mhb | ryanakca: the patches for the CSS files | 07:57 |
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-051-075.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | ah | 08:05 |
=== mbiebl [n=michael@p4FD2E556.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | mhb: whoah! I changed the Documentation menu link from node/1 to node/documentation, and I got something that looks like the download page... any idea why? http://mhb.ath.cx/kubuntu/site/node/documentation | 08:21 |
mhb | ryanakca: you should change that from "node/1" to "documentation" | 08:26 |
ryanakca | ah | 08:26 |
mhb | node/documentation is not correct | 08:26 |
=== ryanakca changes node/faq to faq | ||
ryanakca | mhb: and, was there an FAQ entry in the side bar, or did I inadvertedly create it? | 08:30 |
mhb | ryanakca: who knows ... content/menu finalization needs to be done with jr | 08:34 |
mhb | ryanakca: don't worry about it | 08:34 |
ryanakca | ok | 08:34 |
=== jpetso [n=jpetso@chello084112133091.25.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-051-075.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | mhb: is the <span>@</span> supposed to make jr's email unspammable? | 08:52 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@bchm-4d091b12.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
mhb | ryanakca: I don't know, is that used on the official page? | 08:53 |
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ryanakca | dunno, I was just looking at http://mhb.ath.cx/kubuntu/site/shop | 08:53 |
mhb | grrrr | 08:54 |
=== ryanakca usually just uses mailto: and converts random letters to ascii... not that it helps much, but at least it's a slight deterrent for an idiot script kidde/email harvester | ||
=== jpetso [n=jpetso@chello084112133091.25.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | o mhb | 08:57 |
ryanakca | s/[] o/\/go | 08:57 |
=== rbrunhuber_ [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-016-001.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
gnomefreak | kdepimlibs5 is broken | 09:20 |
gnomefreak | or not :( | 09:20 |
gnomefreak | rrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdepimlibs-data_3.94.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb | 09:20 |
gnomefreak | but sudo apt-get -f install fixed it | 09:21 |
gnomefreak | how does it fix an overwrite issue | 09:21 |
gnomefreak | oh well later guys | 09:21 |
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | evening | 09:35 |
mhb | hi _StefanS_ | 09:36 |
=== pgquiles [n=pgquiles@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | mhb: I got a wierd error on the RC cd ... "Screen is not DRI capable.." turns out that kdm_greet | 09:55 |
mhb | _StefanS_: eh? | 09:57 |
_StefanS_ | mhb: ah sorry it was for Riddell :D | 09:57 |
_StefanS_ | and i forgot a word | 09:57 |
_StefanS_ | "crashes".. | 09:57 |
_StefanS_ | I must be tired.. (again) | 09:57 |
mhb | _StefanS_: tell me about it | 10:00 |
_StefanS_ | :) | 10:00 |
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jjesse | back | 10:10 |
ryanakca | does kopete not start for anybody else? | 10:26 |
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-57-46.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-016-001.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-016-001.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jjesse | slow day today? | 11:02 |
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=== superstoned [n=supersto@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== mbiebl [n=michael@p4FD2E556.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jjesse | msut be as i think i'm the only one here :) | 11:30 |
mhb | yeah | 11:32 |
mhb | and it's sunday | 11:32 |
jjesse | just a cold and rainy sunday here watching football | 11:33 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-083.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
claydoh | Im here but I don't do any devel stuff, so i don't truly count :) | 11:42 |
nosrednaekim | yeah! youtube working in konqueror! thanks everyone! | 11:52 |
claydoh | really?? sweet | 11:52 |
claydoh | sisnce d3lphin, I haven't used komq much the past few weeks | 11:53 |
=== claydoh checjks it out | ||
=== uga puzzles | ||
uga | konqui has always worked with youtube here | 11:55 |
Riddell | it's always worked for me | 11:55 |
buz | in feisty it reliably eat up all cpu for me | 11:56 |
nosrednaekim | I mean... its automatic :) | 11:56 |
uga | buz: that's nspluginviewer | 11:57 |
uga | it'll keep doing so | 11:57 |
buz | yeah i know | 11:57 |
buz | actually it doesnt | 11:57 |
uga | buz: I keep killing it now and then | 11:57 |
buz | well it keeps *crashing* now and then ;) | 11:58 |
uga | =) | 11:58 |
buz | but so far it very rarely started eating up all cpu on gutsy | 11:58 |
buz | cant say i got gnash to work, though | 11:58 |
buz | if i could use youtube et al in gnash, i'd kick flash far away | 11:58 |
mhb | evening Riddell | 12:01 |
mhb | did I say something bad? | 12:15 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... the "r" word | 12:15 |
mhb | is it *that* bad? I always thought of it as an honorary title, like "your magnificence" | 12:16 |
nosrednaekim | I have a machine gun and I Riddelled you.... does that sound honorary? | 12:17 |
mhb | :o) | 12:20 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 12:21 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #kubuntu-devel |
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