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Rynux91 | hi | 01:16 |
Rynux91 | is it possible to get Xubuntu to dual boot with another linux distro? | 01:17 |
vidd | yes | 01:17 |
vidd | is the other linux distro already installed? | 01:18 |
Rynux91 | no | 01:18 |
vidd | if the other distro WAS already installed...the default install would detect it, and allow you to "make room" or use an open partition.... | 01:19 |
vidd | then when grub was installed and configured, it would add the other distro to its list | 01:19 |
vidd | just like it does for that redman OS company | 01:19 |
vidd | otherwise...if you install *buntu first.... then the other distro would have to detect it, and add it to the bootloader | 01:21 |
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Rynux91 | so....if I install the other distro first, then install Xubuntu...it'll work fine? | 01:35 |
Rynux91 | the other distro is puppy linux btw | 01:37 |
vidd | should be fine.... | 01:41 |
vidd | if you do the reverse....it should STILL be fine...but i may not be able to help if it isnt | 01:42 |
vidd | =] | 01:42 |
Rynux91 | ok | 01:43 |
Rynux91 | I'll test it and see what happens... | 01:45 |
Rynux91 | not like this is a primary use computer in my house anyway.. | 01:45 |
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dav-e | Is there a program (or guide) to customize the xubuntu install cd that runs under Windows? I found the ubuntu customization kit but it requires being in linux, and since the os just died while upgrading to 7.10 I want to have it customized before I install it. | 02:31 |
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user1 | hi | 04:31 |
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cheeseboy | how do i delete sessions | 04:31 |
cheeseboy | then disable them | 04:31 |
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cheeseboy | anyone? | 04:41 |
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rynux91 | hey guys | 05:40 |
rynux91 | got a weird question... | 05:41 |
rynux91 | can I install multiple versions of Xubuntu on the same hard drive? | 05:41 |
rynux91 | I have my 6.06 and my 7.04 disk...running of the 7.04 disk now... | 05:42 |
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jet65 | Can I have help uninstalling Xubuntu? I doulbe boot and done | 07:42 |
jet65 | *don't want to ruin my hard drive or anything | 07:42 |
jet65 | Anyone? Could you at least tell me if "sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop" is the right command? | 07:46 |
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jet65 | How do I completely remove Xubuntu from my computer and undo my partitions? | 08:11 |
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TheSheep | jet65: just remove the partitions and restore MBR with any other operating system (or a parody of an operating system) you are using | 08:27 |
TheSheep | jet65: obviously you cannot delete it from within itself | 08:28 |
jet65 | sorry to sound so dumb how do i do that? | 08:28 |
jet65 | Yes, do I need to use the livecd againg? | 08:29 |
jet65 | *again? | 08:29 |
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TheSheep | jet65: do you have any other operating system on that computer? | 08:32 |
jet65 | Windows ME (shameshameshame) | 08:32 |
TheSheep | jet65: then boot into it and use it to remove the partitions and restore the mbr | 08:33 |
jet65 | TheSheep: MBR? | 08:33 |
TheSheep | jet65: master boot record | 08:34 |
d1n0 | Is there anyone who think I can get DualScreens (NOT with clone, Only Extended desktop) to work with ATI Radeon HD2400 on either Ubuntu, Xubuntu 7.04, 7.10? | 08:34 |
TheSheep | jet65: right now you have grub in it, you want to have the windows bootloader in it | 08:34 |
TheSheep | !xinerama | d1n0 | 08:34 |
ubotu | d1n0: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 08:34 |
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jet65 | TheSheep: so summarized I need to restore mbr in windows and get my partitions back? | 08:34 |
TheSheep | jet65: yes | 08:35 |
d1n0 | doesnt anyone in the linux community know what i mean with "extended desktop" --- NOT ONE desktop, two desktop, on each monitor! | 08:35 |
TheSheep | !dualhead | d1n0 | 08:35 |
ubotu | d1n0: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:35 |
jet65 | TheSheep: what's the best way to configure that? is there a windows program to do that? | 08:35 |
TheSheep | jet65: no idea, don't use windows, try asking on ##windows | 08:36 |
d1n0 | I'm about to give up these irc channels, sorry I did not mention: I've gone through EVERY single wiki guide that is.... I need LIVE help. | 08:36 |
jet65 | TheSheep: thanks | 08:36 |
TheSheep | d1n0: you could also try the forums | 08:39 |
d1n0 | tried everything | 08:40 |
TheSheep | d1n0: then you probably have more experience in this topic than anyone of us | 08:41 |
d1n0 | yes, probably. that's why i'm lookin for someone with the same card or more linux-experience | 08:42 |
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fiz1 | hey, anybody know how to turn off a primary hard drive when booting from the live-cd | 10:00 |
TheSheep | !hdparm | 10:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hdparm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:00 |
TheSheep | fiz1: see the manual for hdparm | 10:00 |
TheSheep | fiz1: man hdparm | 10:00 |
fiz1 | i only need to turn it off long enough to install ubuntu onto a usb stick | 10:01 |
fiz1 | will hdparm work for that? | 10:02 |
TheSheep | fiz1: I don't follow | 10:02 |
TheSheep | fiz1: why would you need to turn off the hdd for that? | 10:02 |
fiz1 | ok, so i want to boot from a live cd, and install ubuntu/xubuntu onto a usb pendrive | 10:03 |
fiz1 | i have XP on the computer and i dont want to mess up the mbr | 10:03 |
fiz1 | so i have to turn off the primary hard drive | 10:03 |
TheSheep | fiz1: just don't tell the installer to install grub on your hdd | 10:03 |
fiz1 | hmm | 10:04 |
fiz1 | last time i tried it, it just did it automatically | 10:04 |
fiz1 | hold on, im going to boot into ubuntu | 10:04 |
TheSheep | fiz1: you use the livecd or the laternate cd? | 10:04 |
fiz1 | live-cd | 10:04 |
fiz1 | but it was a different distro | 10:04 |
fiz1 | alright, brb | 10:05 |
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TheSheep | fiz1: ubiquity is the same | 10:05 |
TheSheep | rgh | 10:05 |
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fiz1 | thesheep: are you there? | 10:15 |
TheSheep | fiz1: yes | 10:23 |
TheSheep | fiz1: I was going to tell you that ubiquity will act the same both on xubuntu and ubuntu | 10:24 |
TheSheep | fiz1: it's the alternate installer that asks before installing grub | 10:24 |
TheSheep | fiz1: apparently they removed it from the livecd installer | 10:24 |
fiz1 | hmm | 10:25 |
fiz1 | so how can i use that? | 10:26 |
TheSheep | fiz1: I'm not sure | 10:26 |
TheSheep | !install | 10:26 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 10:26 |
fiz1 | hmm | 10:28 |
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TheSheep | fiz1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 10:38 |
fiz1 | yeah i tried that one | 10:43 |
fiz1 | didnt persist | 10:43 |
fiz1 | :( | 10:43 |
fiz1 | im going to try this tutorial | 10:44 |
fiz1 | http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/07/03/xubuntu-feisty-now-from-usb-drive/ | 10:44 |
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Boneless | hi | 11:07 |
Boneless | i would like to know, does xubuntu have a desktop manager, or is it only a window manager? | 11:08 |
Boneless | in the latter case, are there any compatible lightweight desktop managers? | 11:08 |
warbler | What does a desktop manager do that a window manager doesn't? | 11:11 |
Boneless | it's just for having icons on the desktop | 11:14 |
Boneless | they are handy, after all | 11:14 |
hyper___ch | xfce is a desktop environment | 11:16 |
Boneless | is it? | 11:16 |
hyper___ch | yes | 11:16 |
Boneless | all the screenshots i've seen don't have icons on the desktop | 11:16 |
Boneless | i assumed it wasn't | 11:16 |
hyper___ch | Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for various *NIX systems. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources. | 11:16 |
hyper___ch | www.xfce.org | 11:17 |
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Boneless | ok | 11:18 |
Boneless | so you can also have icons on the desktop | 11:18 |
Boneless | but is it really much faster compared to ubuntu or kubuntu? | 11:19 |
Boneless | i'm running ubuntu, i've benne running it for two years now | 11:19 |
hyper___ch | Boneless: just test it and you'll see | 11:19 |
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Boneless | ok, it's just that i have to back up all my things | 11:19 |
Boneless | (well, just /home actually) | 11:20 |
hyper___ch | why=? | 11:20 |
Boneless | and I wanted to avoid having to try it out and then eventually switch back | 11:20 |
Boneless | what are you referring to with "why?" | 11:20 |
hyper___ch | [11:19] <Boneless> ok, it's just that i have to back up all my things | 11:21 |
Boneless | well | 11:22 |
Boneless | to have a clean install | 11:22 |
Boneless | i would format the partition | 11:22 |
Boneless | and install everything all over again | 11:23 |
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Boneless | since I installed many things not from repositories | 11:23 |
Boneless | but by manual compiles and external repositories | 11:23 |
hyper___ch | why do you compile? | 11:23 |
hyper___ch | and why do you need to make a clean install? | 11:24 |
Boneless | i compile since some software | 11:24 |
Boneless | is not really up to date in the repositories | 11:24 |
Boneless | (such as aMSN... plus, I have recompiled it with antialiasing support - I recompiled the beta version of tcl/tk as well to let it work) | 11:25 |
TheSheep | that's why I usually keep /home on a separate partition | 11:27 |
Boneless | yeah, I know | 11:27 |
Boneless | that's what I would do today | 11:27 |
Boneless | but at the time | 11:27 |
Boneless | it didn't seem necessary | 11:27 |
hyper___ch | you could still create a seperate home partition | 11:28 |
hyper___ch | huhu TheSheep | 11:29 |
Boneless | the thing is | 11:29 |
Boneless | i probably could | 11:29 |
TheSheep | hello hyper___ch | 11:29 |
Boneless | resizing another partition | 11:29 |
Boneless | but! my HDD is only 13GB... and I have, erm, 247 MB free :D | 11:30 |
hyper___ch | 13gb isn't much | 11:30 |
Boneless | I know, i probably should buy a bigger HDD, but... $$$ | 11:31 |
hyper___ch | hds don't cost much anymore | 11:31 |
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Boneless | the thing is I'm saving for a new PC | 11:32 |
Boneless | since this one's an old one | 11:32 |
hyper_ch | :) | 11:32 |
Boneless | (PIII 850 Mhz, 256 MB RAM... it's an old IBM Netvista) | 11:33 |
hyper_ch | how big is your home folder? | 11:33 |
Boneless | let me check | 11:33 |
hyper_ch | cd /home | 11:33 |
hyper_ch | du | 11:33 |
Boneless | yeah, I'm using disk usage analyzer | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | du will tell you how much disk space is used in /home | 11:34 |
Boneless | yeah | 11:34 |
Boneless | i'ts faster this way, I've noticed :d | 11:35 |
Boneless | :D | 11:35 |
TheSheep | + | 11:36 |
Boneless | 7021320 | 11:37 |
Boneless | (kB right?) | 11:37 |
hyper_ch | of that would by kb you'd use 7 tb | 11:39 |
hyper_ch | but it's 7 GB | 11:39 |
TheSheep | Boneless: use du -h | 11:39 |
Boneless | ok | 11:39 |
Boneless | 6,7G | 11:40 |
Boneless | ah, by the way, is there a command to show free space on disk? | 11:41 |
TheSheep | Boneless: df -h | 11:41 |
Boneless | cheers, mate | 11:41 |
Boneless | now that I think of it... | 11:43 |
Boneless | it there a way to convert a NTFS partition in a ext3 - ReiserFS - whatever? | 11:43 |
hyper_ch | Boneless: delete the partition and recreate it ;) | 11:43 |
Boneless | I supposed so :( | 11:44 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: no need t delete it, just format | 11:44 |
Boneless | well, the end result is just the same anyway... | 11:44 |
hyper_ch | :) | 11:45 |
hyper_ch | if you have ntfs partitions that are not fully use, you could also resize them | 11:45 |
TheSheep | but less opportunities to make a mistake | 11:45 |
Boneless | anyway | 11:46 |
Boneless | is xubuntu 7.10 coming out on the same day as "regular" ubuntu? | 11:46 |
hyper_ch | I guess so | 11:46 |
Boneless | compatibility with Gnome and KDE apps is total, right? | 11:47 |
hyper_ch | yes | 11:48 |
Boneless | are my hardware specs enough for it anyway? using Gnome, everything is... well... sluggish | 11:49 |
hyper_ch | those apps will be more sluggish I tend to think | 11:50 |
Boneless | no, my greatest concern | 11:51 |
Boneless | is not with gnome-specific apps | 11:51 |
Boneless | actually, i don't really use gnome specific apps... the programs i use most are firefox, amsn, audacity, audacious, cd burning utilities... | 11:52 |
Boneless | which may be GTK apps... but isn't XFCE based on GTK? | 11:52 |
hyper_ch | it is | 11:53 |
Boneless | so I shouldn't have any problems... since the GTK libraries are preloaded to work with XFCE right? | 11:55 |
hyper_ch | depends on the libraries | 11:55 |
Boneless | what do you mean? | 11:56 |
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whyking | hi | 01:18 |
whyking | why is pyqwt5 present in debian but not yet in ubuntu? its been around for a while.. | 01:18 |
TheSheep | whyking: I don't know, but it seems that xubuntu uses gtk | 01:23 |
whyking | well... but it should be in the repositories.. | 01:28 |
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aryr100 | hello all | 01:53 |
aryr100 | what is the cmd for gconf-editor in xfce ? | 01:53 |
TheSheep | aryr100: none | 02:01 |
TheSheep | aryr100: gconf is a gnme thing | 02:01 |
TheSheep | gnome | 02:01 |
d1n0 | is there a similar program in xfce? | 02:02 |
aryr100 | yes i know how do i use the editor in xfce like i would use gconf-editor in nome ? | 02:02 |
TheSheep | d1n0: xfce keeps its configuration in text files | 02:03 |
TheSheep | d1n0: you just edit the files in ~/.config | 02:03 |
d1n0 | aryr100: you need to sharpen your head and edit those bastards yourself :-) | 02:03 |
whyking | hm? I mean there is a settings manager | 02:03 |
TheSheep | d1n0: actually almost all options are available in the settings menu | 02:03 |
aryr100 | lol thx | 02:04 |
d1n0 | TheSheep: btw, it's aryr100 you should say this to :-) | 02:04 |
TheSheep | d1n0: I was responding to: 14:02 < d1n0> is there a similar program in xfce? | 02:04 |
d1n0 | yeah, but i was just trying to help you understand him | 02:05 |
d1n0 | just so we are clear on that one... : ))) | 02:05 |
TheSheep | or her or it ;) | 02:05 |
d1n0 | hehe | 02:05 |
d1n0 | if it's a she i'll take her | 02:05 |
TheSheep | sigh | 02:06 |
TheSheep | d1n0: if you desperately want to meet a girl on irc, go to #ubuntu-ops ;) | 02:06 |
d1n0 | haha :p | 02:06 |
aryr100 | nope I'am a him lol | 02:07 |
TheSheep | d1n0: argh, it was a joke | 02:07 |
TheSheep | d1n0: although there are girls among the ops, you better not make them angry | 02:08 |
d1n0 | yeah i know, just playing along... too bored.. | 02:08 |
TheSheep | d1n0: do behave | 02:08 |
TheSheep | d1n0: don't play with ops | 02:08 |
TheSheep | d1n0: they are busy with keeping it all together | 02:08 |
d1n0 | yep | 02:08 |
d1n0 | wont do it again | 02:08 |
TheSheep | sorry, I should have encouraged you | 02:09 |
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ancient1 | hi. " bash: alsaconf: command not found " WHY ? | 02:16 |
TheSheep | !info alsautils | 02:17 |
ubotu | Package alsautils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 02:17 |
TheSheep | !info alsa-utils | 02:18 |
ubotu | alsa-utils: ALSA utilities. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.13-1ubuntu5 (feisty), package size 1026 kB, installed size 1848 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc) | 02:18 |
TheSheep | ancient1: should be there :/ | 02:18 |
ancient1 | ... should I reinstall alsa ? | 02:19 |
TheSheep | ancient1: anyways, what do yuo need the alsaconf for? | 02:19 |
ancient1 | my audio card is detected by kernel , but .. | 02:20 |
ancient1 | sudo modprobe snd-sb16 | 02:21 |
ancient1 | FATAL: Error inserting snd_sb16 (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/sound/isa/sb/snd-sb16.ko): No such device | 02:21 |
TheSheep | ancient1: are you sure you have sb16? | 02:21 |
TheSheep | ancient1: the right module should be loaded automatically anyways | 02:22 |
ancient1 | isapnp: Card 'Creative ViBRA16C PnP' | 02:24 |
ancient1 | isapnp: Card 'U.S. Robotics Sportster 33600 FAX/Voice Int' | 02:24 |
ancient1 | isapnp: 2 Plug & Play cards detected total | 02:25 |
TheSheep | hmm... maybe it uses the wrong one by default :/ | 02:25 |
ancient1 | there's nothing like : Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 | 02:26 |
ancient1 | which I see on the net . no mention of any driver in dmesg | 02:27 |
ancient1 | I have no audio device in xubuntu | 02:27 |
ancient1 | any idea ? | 02:28 |
ancient1 | if not , I'll go for a nap | 02:28 |
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ancient1 | thx anyway | 02:29 |
J-_ | It seems as though when I go to shutdown my brother's computer, it doesn't shut down. My screen shuts down normally like it usually does, but the computer just sits on. | 02:29 |
J-_ | Is this mornal? | 02:30 |
J-_ | normal | 02:30 |
J-_ | What can I do to fix this problem? | 02:30 |
TheSheep | J-_: you mean all the fans and disks are still working? | 02:30 |
nanonyme | acpi failure? | 02:31 |
J-_ | yes fans working I can hear 1 anyway | 02:31 |
TheSheep | that's strange | 02:32 |
TheSheep | J-_: is this an old computer? | 02:32 |
J-_ | fairly old yes | 02:32 |
J-_ | I get an acpi warning | 02:32 |
TheSheep | J-_: if it has an AT power, not ATX, then it cannot powerdown itself | 02:32 |
J-_ | "unable to locate RSDP" | 02:32 |
TheSheep | J-_: it has to be disabled manually | 02:32 |
J-_ | k | 02:33 |
J-_ | disabled manually, meaning shutting off? =P | 02:34 |
TheSheep | J-_: yes | 02:40 |
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hraefn | hello all | 04:15 |
hraefn | anyone here to answer a question/give an opinion? | 04:16 |
d1n0 | hraefn: yeah, probably anyone here is able to do that :-) | 04:16 |
hraefn | hehe | 04:16 |
hraefn | good | 04:16 |
hraefn | well, here it goes: | 04:16 |
hraefn | I'm running Xubuntu 7.10, and am okay with it...however, I have an older machine, and I'm looking to pare my OS down to the minimum | 04:17 |
hraefn | I'm wondering if there is another Ubuntu derivative for older machines | 04:17 |
hraefn | or if anyone could suggest a more light-weight Linux distro | 04:18 |
TheSheep | fluxbuntu | 04:18 |
hraefn | if that's allowed on here ;) | 04:18 |
TheSheep | dsl is pretty small | 04:18 |
hraefn | yeah | 04:18 |
TheSheep | archy can be easily cut down to size | 04:18 |
hraefn | I've got a P4 laptop | 04:18 |
TheSheep | archlinux | 04:18 |
hraefn | okay | 04:18 |
TheSheep | that's all I tried | 04:18 |
d1n0 | i think xubuntu is what you are looking for =P | 04:19 |
hraefn | I've been scouring the nets looking for any suggestions/help, but I figured I'd come here and ask | 04:19 |
hraefn | hehe | 04:19 |
hraefn | I like Xubuntu, as it's easy for me to use, but I think I might want to move up the experience ladder and dive a bit further into Linux with Fluxbox/Blackbox... | 04:19 |
hraefn | tried them, and like them | 04:19 |
hraefn | but need to adjust to them | 04:19 |
hraefn | anyway, thanks for the suggestions | 04:20 |
hraefn | :) | 04:20 |
hraefn | hmmm...while I'm here...X Windows System libraries and headers would be found in which package??? | 04:33 |
TheSheep | xorg-dev probably | 04:33 |
hraefn | good assumption...I'll plow through synaptic and look for it... | 04:34 |
hraefn | fabulous! thank you again! | 04:35 |
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cjae | hi I have been asking in other forums for days anyway using k3b on 7.04 and cannot write dvd with .mpg and .mov to disc faster than .40x - 1.5x. The burner is a plextor that is capable of burning dvd5 @ 16x | 05:17 |
cjae | is this is long standing issue or can it be rectified | 05:18 |
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cjae | and is this still an issue if one burns via cli? | 05:34 |
cjae | oh and it s not media cause I ve used noname, maxell and vertibatim | 05:40 |
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ancient1 | whole lotta problems .. how do I increase fonts size globally ? this login they've become tiny | 05:50 |
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K3rl0u4rn | hi ! is it possible with xfce to change the language for a single user ? | 05:52 |
cjae | took me 53 min to burn to burn dvd5 | 05:52 |
ancient1 | K3rl0u4rn, It should be possib;e .. but i don't know how | 05:56 |
K3rl0u4rn | ancient1: so do I think :) | 05:57 |
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ancient1 | actually i don't understand why u have this problem. session=user | 05:57 |
K3rl0u4rn | I don't get you point | 05:58 |
ancient1 | well , you log in , right ? thats a user identification , right ? | 06:01 |
K3rl0u4rn | yep | 06:01 |
ancient1 | there must be a session/user config | 06:01 |
K3rl0u4rn | sure | 06:02 |
ancient1 | look at the log-out screen - there is "save session for future logins" right ? | 06:02 |
K3rl0u4rn | yes | 06:03 |
ancient1 | do u know how to get to nvidia controls ? | 06:04 |
ancient1 | xubuntu is too problematic .. now I see that none of my cards is working properly under xubuntu | 06:05 |
K3rl0u4rn | what is nvidia doing with xfce language ? | 06:05 |
ancient1 | ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension version 1.6 is too old; the minimimum required | 06:06 |
ancient1 | version is 1.9. | 06:06 |
ancient1 | nothing | 06:06 |
ancient1 | i have my own problems too | 06:06 |
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K3rl0u4rn | ok | 06:11 |
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hyper_ch | TheSheep: online? | 06:26 |
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dickydolittle | hi folks, can anyone help get ndis_wrapper working for wicd, can't connect to wpa network | 07:17 |
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mwax | does anyone know if ubuntu has problems detecting usb 2.0 devices | 07:42 |
mwax | i have a couple external lacie drives connected by usb and when i look under hardware profiles, it notes all of my usb devices as 1.0 | 07:43 |
mwax | how do i get it to detect everything as usb 2.0 | 07:43 |
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BlueParrot | Ok, the guys in Gutsy didn't seem to have any suggestions so before filing a bug I figured I'd ask here in case I've missed something obvious | 08:38 |
BlueParrot | Basically the help contents options in gnome based apps, opens yelp, but I get errors akin to "ghelp:gnumeric is an invalid URI" , even thou I have gnumeric-doc installed | 08:39 |
BlueParrot | it appears to apply for all gnome apps | 08:39 |
BlueParrot | is this a known problem , or do I likely miss something obvious ? | 08:40 |
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BlueParrot | ah, nvm, seems to be a yelp issue... foudn an open bug : / | 08:46 |
gnomefreak | BlueParrot: i havent seen it please file a bug on it | 08:46 |
gnomefreak | ah ok | 08:46 |
BlueParrot | gnomefreak: hmm, I'm not sure actually | 08:52 |
BlueParrot | gnomefreak: At first I thought it might be this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/yelp/+bug/138770 | 08:52 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 138770 in yelp "fails to open valid links" [Medium,Triaged] | 08:52 |
BlueParrot | gnomefreak: but it seems to claim part of it is resolved | 08:53 |
BlueParrot | I guess gnumeric might miss the omf file ... | 08:53 |
=== BlueParrot checks | ||
BlueParrot | hmm, there is an omf file there | 08:53 |
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warddr | hello | 09:19 |
warddr | I've got a question about keyboardsetting in xubuntu, how do I set the keyb layout to AZERTY (belgium)? | 09:20 |
=== uriahheep [n=alexis@bas1-montreal45-1177813060.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
uriahheep | ello | 09:25 |
uriahheep | does gutsy have compiz fusion support out-of-the-box? | 09:25 |
TheSheep | !gutsy | uriahheep | 09:29 |
ubotu | uriahheep: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 09:29 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: and yes | 09:29 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: (ubuntu that is, in xubuntu you have to install it additionally) | 09:30 |
uriahheep | ah, k... but that isn't complicated, is it? | 09:30 |
uriahheep | TheSheep: is there a network install version of the install cd? | 09:33 |
uriahheep | TheSheep: i need an iso that fits on my 256mb usb key :-/ | 09:33 |
TheSheep | !install | 09:41 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 09:41 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: you should have a network install howto there | 09:42 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: there is the minimal cd, I thibk about 50MB | 09:42 |
uriahheep | alright, cool, thanks | 09:42 |
uriahheep | well, wait... | 09:42 |
uriahheep | what about for xubuntu though? | 09:43 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: minimal cd only installs the base system | 09:43 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: you need to install xubuntu-desktop manually after that | 09:43 |
uriahheep | ah, ok | 09:45 |
uriahheep | thanks for the info | 09:46 |
=== Mark7 [n=Mark-W@cpc2-nfds11-0-0-cust599.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Mark7 | Help me someone :( | 09:47 |
TheSheep | !ask | Mark7 | 09:48 |
ubotu | Mark7: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:48 |
Mark7 | Hey TheSheep | 09:49 |
Mark7 | I need help with SIM | 09:49 |
Mark7 | Hye Ubotu. BTW, how are you both? | 09:50 |
TheSheep | !bot | Mark7 | 09:51 |
ubotu | Mark7: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:51 |
Mark7 | Is there a better IM client for xubuntu I'm not aware of? | 09:52 |
TheSheep | Mark7: I use gajim | 09:53 |
Mark7 | Does that do multi-protocol? | 09:53 |
TheSheep | Mark7: no, only jabber, but there are jabber gateways to other protocols | 09:54 |
uriahheep | TheSheep: can i put the normal iso onto a usb key, but not include the packages in that, to save space on the key? | 09:54 |
uriahheep | cause i just want a quick-and-easy automated network install | 09:54 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: no idea, probably not | 09:54 |
TheSheep | uriahheep: but I've heard tehre is a tool for creating your own livecd with custom packages | 09:55 |
uriahheep | hmm, ok... | 09:56 |
Mark7 | I'm installing gajim now | 09:56 |
Mark7 | Let's see how far I get | 09:57 |
Mark7 | Damn. It's asking me for a jabber account | 09:59 |
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TheSheep | Mark7: if you have a gmail account, then you already have a jabber account | 10:00 |
Mark7 | I don't do Gmail | 10:00 |
TheSheep | Mark7: otherwise you can freely create accounts on most jabber servers | 10:00 |
Mark7 | What about connecting to other protocols? | 10:00 |
TheSheep | Mark7: the servers can have gateways to other protocolas, running at them as services | 10:01 |
TheSheep | Mark7: once you're logged in, you do 'service discovery' on a server, and enable the gateways you want | 10:01 |
Mark7 | Okay | 10:01 |
TheSheep | Mark7: most of them will then ask for your username and password from that protocol | 10:01 |
TheSheep | Mark7: what protocol do you want to use? | 10:02 |
Mark7 | Yahoo, AIM and MSN | 10:02 |
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TheSheep | Mark7: this should help you http://support.jabber.com/faqs/gatewayfaq/gatewayfaq.html | 10:07 |
TheSheep | Mark7: and this http://www.jabber.org/user/userfaq.shtml | 10:08 |
Mark7 | Ta | 10:08 |
Mark7 | I'm going to go and read those | 10:08 |
Mark7 | BYe for now | 10:09 |
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brodmann | anyone know the name of the file to see all of your NICs settings? | 10:26 |
TheSheep | brodmann: you mean /etc/network/interfaces ? | 10:27 |
brodmann | yup thank you | 10:28 |
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westyvw | wheres the console in xubuntu? | 11:09 |
westyvw | ah accessories | 11:09 |
westyvw | i have a sis chip, it didnt identify my resolution, even though i specified. can i run xresprobe again? | 11:10 |
westyvw | nvm ill edit xorg.conf | 11:11 |
David-A | Is there a multimedia guide for xubuntu 7.10? (Have tried install gstream packages as listed in https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/musicvideophotos/C/codecs.html but didn't made totem work) | 11:11 |
westyvw | so i dont have a recognized sound chip or acpi, how can i turn off the acpi so i dont get warnings? | 11:11 |
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xjkx | is xubuntu's kernel different than ubuntu's? i can boot xubuntu's livecd, but i can't boot ubuntu's | 11:32 |
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Pumpernickel | No, but the memory requirements are slightly lower with Xubuntu. | 11:33 |
Pumpernickel | Depending on where the boot process is failing, that could be the problem. | 11:33 |
Pumpernickel | It could also just be a badly burnt cd. | 11:34 |
xjkx | nonono, i know, but when i say i can't boot, i really mean it, not to get the x up | 11:34 |
xjkx | it gives some errors of I/O which i believe that it just doesn't have the proper module to my IDE hd | 11:35 |
xjkx | on other distro i had the same I/O problem just before i recompiled the kernel | 11:35 |
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xjkx | on ubuntu the problem is that i have the I/O while the system is being loaded, which takes me unable to load, install, recompile the kernel, as i done on the other system that just gave the errors when the system was installed | 11:38 |
xjkx | s/system/distro | 11:39 |
h3lloWorld | I dont really understand the difference between the alternative install down load and the Desktop one can anyone enlighten me? | 11:39 |
xjkx | h3lloWorld, one will boot the "whole" system, the desktop cd. Other will not, the alternate | 11:40 |
xjkx | if you prefer to install while runnig xfce you will like the desktop cd | 11:40 |
xjkx | if you want a text mode install/some more advanced stuff/had problems with the desktop cd/believes the desktop cd is too heavy (since its a livecd) you should try the alternate | 11:41 |
h3lloWorld | the alternative one is command line | 11:41 |
h3lloWorld | ? | 11:41 |
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xjkx | like that, its a text mode install | 11:42 |
David-A | h3lloWorld: the desktop cd is a live-cd. the alternate is not and has a less pretty user interface for install. | 11:42 |
xjkx | probably the alternate cd is like the slackware install, i couldn't load because of hardware problems so i can't tell you exactly | 11:42 |
David-A | historically "alternate" was required to install xubuntu on a prepartitioioned disk | 11:44 |
h3lloWorld | but wit hthe desktop one I can actually install the OS on to my HD right? When I think Live I think running off of like a cd/dvd/floppy/or flashdrive | 11:44 |
xjkx | you can | 11:44 |
h3lloWorld | Yeah this computer that I am installing it is not partitioned, does Xubuntu give me the option to partition my drive> | 11:45 |
David-A | but today I installed a xubuntu 7.10 rc from a livd cd | 11:45 |
xjkx | it does | 11:45 |
xjkx | you will have gparted on the live cd, which is the most easy and the greatest partitioner | 11:45 |
h3lloWorld | perfect, I think this is the OS I want for my PIII computer, especially with xfce environment | 11:45 |
xjkx | :) | 11:46 |
David-A | do you have more than 256 MB on that P III ? | 11:46 |
h3lloWorld | RAM? | 11:47 |
David-A | I have 380MB, I found 256 is not quite enough for xubuntu, if I want to use firfox and many other progs simultanosly. | 11:48 |
h3lloWorld | well I have some more at home, so you suggest more than 256, huh? | 11:48 |
h3lloWorld | David? | 11:50 |
David-A | firefox often use a lot. if you want to use firefox and other heavy progs at the same time 256MB feels a bit sluggish in my experience. | 11:51 |
h3lloWorld | this one only have 128 but I have plenty for at home | 11:52 |
h3lloWorld | will it even function at 128? | 11:52 |
David-A | Now I have 384MB and it works fine for me. (I don't edit movies.) | 11:52 |
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David-A | a fresh xubuntu needs less than 128 i think. but a few days of browsing and firefox needs about 100MB ram plus 200MB swap. | 11:55 |
David-A | adding beagle search, uses 20-40 MB | 11:56 |
h3lloWorld | yeah not a problem ram is cheap and I have some extra, the computer was only like 30 bucks | 11:57 |
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h3lloWorld | any tips I should know about the OS or xfce? | 11:58 |
David-A | h3lloWorld: very general question:-) I was plesantly suprised the xubuntu 7.10 restricted driver manager work with my nvidia 6200, me only needed to click ok. | 12:04 |
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h3lloWorld | thanks | 12:29 |
alnokta | i have that question i have been asking for months no answer yet | 12:33 |
alnokta | i want to see whats taking up my disk space, so i can free it..but i cannot use ls -sh / | 12:34 |
=== Mark7 [n=Mark-W@cpc2-nfds11-0-0-cust599.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Mark7 | It's impossible to addd accounts to Gajim | 12:39 |
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Mark7 | The GAteways option doesn't exist in my version, TheSheep | 12:41 |
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Mark7 | Why does Yahoo only work with Pidgin and Kopete? | 12:53 |
Mark7 | Oh, Apparently I have to compile the damned thing | 12:55 |
Mark7 | Crap | 12:55 |
Mark7 | What's the bleeding command for that? | 12:55 |
Mark7 | I HATE command lines | 12:55 |
Mark7 | I hate the bloody goobledegook | 12:55 |
Mark7 | Hi All, | 12:56 |
Mark7 | can any one tell me how to configure yahoo gateway with jabber server. | 12:56 |
Mark7 | I have compiled the yahoo transport successfully .what is next step ? | 12:56 |
Mark7 | what other configuration will be needed so that i can send the Im to yahoo | 12:56 |
Mark7 | user ? | 12:56 |
Mark7 | Thanx in advance | 12:56 |
b0lle | anyone around to help me a bit with my wireless network? it worked on the livecd but not after i installed it | 12:57 |
Mark7 | First, you would probably have more luck with this on the jadmin list... but | 12:57 |
Mark7 | here's all you should need. You need to adjust the following to fit your | 12:57 |
Mark7 | situation and insert into your jabber.xml file: | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <service type="yahoo" jid="yahoo.localhost" name="Yahoo Transport"> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <ns>jabber:iq:gateway</ns> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <ns>jabber:iq:register</ns> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <ns>jabber:iq:version</ns> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <ns>jabber:iq:time</ns> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | </service> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <service id="localhost"> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | 12:57 | |
Mark7 | <load><yahoo_transport>/path/to/yahoo-transport.so</yahoo_transport></load> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <config xmlns="jabber:config:yahoo"> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <vCard> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <NAME>Yahoo Transport</NAME> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | </vCard> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <server>scs.yahoo.com</server> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <port>5050</port> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | <charmap>CP1252</charmap> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | </config> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | </service> | 12:57 |
Mark7 | That's weird. Maybe it didn't install something | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | Mark7: pastebin | 12:57 |
=== mode/#xubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#xubuntu [+b *!*@AMarigot-102-1*!#ubuntu-ops] by gnomefreak | ||
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
b0lle | it says in dmesg: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready | 12:58 |
Mark7 | PAstebin isn't a legitimate command, gmomefreak | 12:58 |
b0lle | !pastebin | 12:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:59 |
Mark7 | Okay | 12:59 |
Mark7 | Now tell me why I can't use a Yahoo account unless I use Pidgin or Kopete | 01:00 |
b0lle | sorry, no idea | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | ask yahoo | 01:00 |
Zambezi | Mark7: Pastevin nexttime please. | 01:00 |
Zambezi | gnomefreak: Is the adress to you repo changed or do I need some key? | 01:00 |
Mark7 | Tell me how to add a transport to GAjim | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: yes it has its now on LP | 01:01 |
Zambezi | Mark7: Right click, add service. | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: what in it are you looking for? i have been sick lately so i havent done alot of PPA work | 01:01 |
Mark7 | There's no such function in my version, Zambezi | 01:01 |
Zambezi | gnomefreak: I'm not sure how I'll fix it. Is there instructions on you homepage. | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: ill get you the link for it | 01:02 |
Zambezi | gnomefreak: Thanks. What I'm looking for is a better maintained sources for FF and TB which you used to provide. :-) | 01:03 |
Mark7 | Perhaps add services is only in the non UK version | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: they should be fine i believe i built them for PPA | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives?highlight=%28CategoryMozillaTeam%29 | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: feisty and gutsy should have most of what it had in it only newer | 01:04 |
=== gnomefreak thinks i found time to add iceape to feisty as well | ||
Mark7 | I can't even get it to connect to bloody AIM | 01:05 |
Mark7 | GOD I AM SO FRUSTRATED | 01:05 |
Zambezi | gnomefreak: Thanks. Working now. | 01:06 |
Zambezi | Mark7: Is the server supporting the transport? | 01:06 |
Mark7 | I don't know | 01:06 |
Mark7 | I don't even know what the server is | 01:06 |
Zambezi | Mark7: That might be a good idea to check. | 01:07 |
Mark7 | How? | 01:07 |
Mark7 | I don't even know how | 01:07 |
Zambezi | Mark7: Create a Jabberaccount, chose from the serverlist, but click on the link to see what each server got for services. I think Jabber.dk is good. | 01:07 |
Mark7 | Oh those servers | 01:09 |
Mark7 | Sorry, I thought you meant the ISP | 01:09 |
Mark7 | There's no jabber server in the UK? | 01:11 |
Mark7 | Wow | 01:11 |
Mark7 | NO wait, there is. But it's rubbish | 01:12 |
Mark7 | I ahve to go to Canada to get a decent range of options | 01:12 |
gnomefreak | Zambezi: yw ill update it again when i get a chance but getting ready for release and court for the next 2 weeks | 01:12 |
=== gnomefreak gone like the wind |
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