=== avoine [n=avoine@modemcable003.251-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-installer === cr3 [n=cr3@] has joined #ubuntu-installer === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer === Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment === Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 === Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-installer.log === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-installer === Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment === Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 === superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-installer === xivulon [i=c2325681@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-2fc402c71a86d011] has joined #ubuntu-installer [02:35] hi, are you aware of any bug report re wubi-cdboot I should look into? === cr3 [n=cr3@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-installer [03:13] so if I understand #ubuntu-devel correctly, we cannot get any more changes in for Gutsy? [03:18] ah, my fault for not reading ubuntu-devel@l.u.c, nevermind === xivulon [i=c2325681@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-50d018147ee2968d] has joined #ubuntu-installer [05:11] what is the single-click-install spec? [05:12] xivulon: link? [05:13] It's scheduled @ UDS on the 2nd of Nov 11:00 [05:14] ohh, I imagine that's single click deb installs [05:14] from the web [05:14] I guess that has to do more with packages than with the Ubuntu installer [05:14] right [05:14] scary stuff [05:14] Shall I add a new blueprint for wubi? [05:14] Or resume the old one? [05:15] you should be able to just propose the old one for uds-boston-2007 [05:15] I'll do so [05:16] Is it possible to have the meeting on the 31st or after? I am not available on the 29-30 [05:16] done [05:17] xivulon: you'd have to take that up with cjwatson, keybuk, or mdz as they manage the schedule. [05:17] xivulon: register yourself with the proper dates in launchpad and make yourself required for the spec, and the scheduler will deal with that automatically [05:17] (in addition to dendrobates and jono, but they're completely different teams) [05:19] cjwatson: it's too late for a new ubiquity, correct? [05:20] evand: -> #ubuntu-release [05:20] evand: at this point it would need to be a branch from 1.6.6; the stuff in 1.6.7 at the moment isn't appropriate for a last-minute upload IMO [05:21] OK, that will leave the going back to m-a page bug and unmount /mnt/migrationassistant bugs in place, but those probably are not show stoppers. [05:21] Or are you suggesting I branch 1.6.6? [05:22] or should I be bringing all of this up in -release [05:25] cjwatson: bug 151126 and bug 135149 are the relevant bugs. [05:25] cjwatson: should already be registered for UDS, and am already maked as required for the spec, so hopefull all should be dandy [05:26] evand: you should bring it up on -release, explaining the relevant bugs; if a fix is needed, you should branch 1.6.6 and commit the changes there [05:27] 151126 doesn't really seem release-critical to me [05:28] ok [05:56] migration-assistant: evand * r68 migration-assistant/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.5.4 [06:37] migration-assistant: evand * r69 migration-assistant/ma-script-utils: Initialize unmount_previously_run for each call to unmount_os. === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer === Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment === Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 [08:53] evand: could you push the 1.6.7 branch somewhere please? (pref. called "gutsy" or something, I have another release to make from it) [08:53] cjwatson: sure [08:53] thanks [08:54] also preferably to ~ubuntu-installer :) [09:05] argh, do I need to ping someone to delete a lock (I canceled a push part of the way through)? [09:08] bzr break-lock [09:08] if that doesn't work, paste the error and I'll walk you through deleting it manually === Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-installer.log === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-installer === Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment === Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 [09:25] hrm, it doesn't usually take anywhere near this long [09:26] bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/gutsy [09:26] cjwatson: ^ === cjwatson pulls that the quick way [09:31] (branch locally from the point where it branched from trunk, pull, bind, rm .bzr/branch/parent) [09:31] neat [09:32] I'll have to remember that trick [09:32] if you can give two bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/ URLs to bzr branch, you might be able to use a similar trick to push [09:33] ubiquity: cjwatson * r2349 gutsy/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.6.8 [09:35] ubiquity: cjwatson * r2350 gutsy/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/install.py): [09:35] ubiquity: * Fix non-x86 installation: initialise automatic_mode even if we aren't [09:35] ubiquity: using grub-installer. [10:09] ubiquity: cjwatson * r2351 gutsy/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.6.8 [10:12] ubiquity: cjwatson * r2351 ubiquity/ (6 files in 5 dirs): merge from gutsy branch === xivulon [n=ago@87-194-85-156.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer === xivulon [n=ago@87-194-85-156.bethere.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-installer [] === avoine [n=avoine@195.234-ppp.3menatwork.com] has left #ubuntu-installer []