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Kmoscan someone nuke this one?01:18
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bddebianHeya gang01:53
minghuaHi there bddebian.01:55
bddebianHi minghua01:55
minghuaThe mail from GetDeb.net admin looks interesting.01:55
minghuaHmm, so we are 5 minutes from archive freeze...01:56
bddebianeeks :-)01:58
ajmitchnice, positive email on -sounder01:58
bddebianSo how long before the first getdeb bugs start getting filed on LP? :-)01:59
ajmitchwhat makes you think that they haven't already been there?01:59
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ajmitcheg https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/13470702:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134707 in pidgin "Group with broken characters keeps coming back with ICQ/AIM buddies" [Undecided,New] 02:01
bddebianOf course...02:02
minghuaThat pidgin is not quite bad, actually...02:03
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bddebianHeya persia02:16
persiahey bddebian02:16
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persiaSo, it's Monday UTC now.  Does motu-uvf need to ACK all the pending sync requests?02:19
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RAOFWow, eclipse is *still* building.  ScottK - you wanted the eclipse build, right?02:26
persiaRAOF: Still?  That seemed like a sensible patch, but that's a long time for he buildds to be busy.02:27
RAOFpersia: It'll probably be faster when it doesn't have to thrash swap to build :/02:28
RAOFHow much ram in the buildds, again?02:28
minghuaAlas.  Have tracker enabled and not exclude ~/Temp from its tracking, meanwhile use ~/Temp as a place to extract big HTML documents to read is probably not a good idea...02:32
RAOFBuild needed 19:02:38, 1654800k disk space02:39
persiaIt's done!  Hurrah.  Does it work?02:39
RAOFBuild killed with signal TERM after 151 minutes of inactivity!02:39
RAOFGah!  It had built, damnit!02:39
RAOFIt was assembling the debs, and something killed it!02:40
persiaUsually 151 minutes of inactivity indicates it couldn't get something done.  Doesn't usually bode well for later buildd building...02:40
RAOFpersia: Want a pastebin of the last builder output?02:41
persiaRAOF: Sure.  No guarantees I can explain it, but it might help (and someone else might look as well)02:42
RAOFI'd mail you the build log, but apparently postfix doesn't like sending messages that large(!)02:43
persiaErr.  That's huge!   Does pastebin accept it?02:43
RAOFI don't have all the buildlog in backscroll, I haven't set screen's buffer to 64MB yet02:44
RAOFPastebin will accept what I have :)02:45
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RAOFAh, what I meant was: I don't *have* a full build log, because I rely on sbuild to mail me one.  And postfix won't :)02:48
persiaRAOF: Look in ~/logs/02:48
TheMusoRAOF: heh02:48
RAOFpersia: Nope, empty.02:49
persiaRAOF: Ah.  My sbuild is configured to store the logs there (and I don't remember fiddling with it).02:49
RAOFAnyway, here's the end of the log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40667/02:49
RAOFMaybe I should look into that :)02:49
ajmitchthat's a seriously broken package02:50
RAOFOh, whoops.  ~/Ubuntu/logs ;)02:50
TheMusoheh] 02:50
TheMusoThe bigger the project...02:50
=== persia thinks it's a good thing this didn't get uploaded in the current state.
RAOFAh, there it is.  Surprisingly enough, postfix doesn't like sending a 26Mb build log.02:51
RAOFAnyone who wants to run a post mortem on that can grab all glorious 26Mb of that log from http://cooperteam.net/eclipse_3.2.2-3ubuntu4_20071014-152502:52
=== persia thinks upstream needs a code janitor
RAOFThey perhaps could generate fewer than 6000 warnings/code file, yes.02:55
=== persia is expecting to find ant crashing, complaining that there are too many warnings
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=== persia wonders if the command to "Preinitialisz the Eclipse directory" shouldn't be in postinst.
persiaRAOF: Why does it have "L Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed" everywhere?  Isn't that usually just "Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed"?03:04
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RAOFUuum, let me grep some other build logs...03:05
RAOFNope, all my builds have "L Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed".  I don't know why.03:06
persiaRAOF: Also, did it produce any binaries?03:06
persiaInteresting.  I wonder if that is because all those dpkg-deb lines failed, or because sbuild removed them after the final failure notice.03:07
persiaRAOF: Is your sbuild purge-mode "successful"  or "never" by any chance?03:08
RAOFpersia: Let me check03:08
pwnguingrr. it should be a crime to use flash video playback when i have plugins that run flv perfectly fine03:08
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pwnguinim tired of 100 percent cpu playback for crappy youtube / google video03:10
pwnguinwhen totem et all handle it flawlessly03:10
RAOFpersia: It's default, which seems to be "successful"03:10
=== persia thought default was "always".
persiaRAOF: Does the build-tree have any useful clues?03:10
RAOFNo, it's gone, apparently.  The snapshot is no more. (Maybe the default *is* always)03:12
persiaRAOF: I like to use "successful" just for this type of eventuality.03:13
=== RAOF goes to uncomment that option.
RAOFNot very useful for now, of course.03:14
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persiaNext time :)03:14
RAOFI think, however, that this may be an artifact of how long it takes to build, although it's stupid that it'd be triggered at the end.03:14
RAOFSome of the build commands would've taken > 150 minutes without any output, and I think sbuild tries to kill such builds.03:15
persiaRAOF: I'm inclined to agree, although the number of warnings is larger than I'm willing to look at individually.  Unfortunately, it may be difficult to get enough build time to try again for gutsy.03:15
RAOFYeah.  I could turn off the timeout & try again, but that will *still* mean that the package finishes building *tomorrow*.03:17
=== persia thinks tomorrow is likely too late
RAOFYeah, probably.03:18
TheMusoRAOF, persia, what option is that?03:19
persiaTheMuso: "purge-mode".  If set to "successful", it doesn't delete the build-tree when the build is complete if there is an error.  ("never" always leaves the build-tree, and "always" always deletes it (the default))03:20
RAOFpersia: And that's going to work with lvm snapshots, too?03:21
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ScottKRAOF: At this point I'd say it's not worth uploading Eclipse.  I don't know that the buildd's are going to finish with what they already have.03:22
persiaRAOF: I've not looked at it in a bit, and my sbuild / schroot configuration is broken in a couple ways that I've manually worked around, but my memory is that it skips the "delete the build directory" step, but still clears the chroot (leaving the build directory in .)03:22
RAOFScottK: In that case an extra ~90min worth of build time is not going to go down well :)03:23
TheMusopersia: I'm guessing thats a .sbuildrc option?03:23
persiaScottK: You'll have an opinion: Do the sync requests filed yesterday need motu-uvf ACK if the syncs haven't been completed?03:23
ScottKRAOF: Right.03:23
persiaTheMuso: I believe so.  man sbuild03:23
ScottKpersia: I'd say not, but I'm easy.03:23
ScottKpersia: Did you see you got a 2nd ack for polyxmass-doc03:23
persiaScottK: Yep.  It's now amoung the 8 syncs I'd like to see get in :)03:24
lamontpersia: one of those...03:24
lamontor "always"03:24
ScottKpersia: I'd say it's time to push the process along.03:25
thenebHi all, common question I'm sure but how do I get our project (maintained in svn and on the debian repos) onto Ubunut?03:26
persiaScottK: I'm agreed to that, I just wanted to verify that I didn't need to get motu-uvf ack for all of them before making noise.03:27
RAOFtheneb: If it's in Debian, it should get sync'd into Ubuntu at the start of each dev cycle.03:27
RAOFtheneb: Or is that an answer to a different question to the one you asked? :)03:28
persiatheneb: The software will need to be packaged.  The first step is to file a bug in Launchpad, asking that the package be included.  The next step is preparing a candidate package for review.  After that, it's just shared feedback, and once two developers have approved, it will be uploads.03:28
thenebWe started being in aptitude on the 27th of April03:28
RAOFtheneb: What package is this?03:29
persiaScottK: I also haven't seen the snort-common-libraries package hit NEW yet.  Have you been chasing that?03:30
RAOFtheneb: So, if it's packaged in Debian, it'll automatically get synced over into Hardy when the archives open (in a couple of weeks, I think).03:31
imbrandonmoins all03:31
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thenebRAOF: thanks for your help so far, I've just noticed it's not in stable Debian, do I need to get a release in stable before it'll be included?03:32
ajmitchliquidsoap |    0.3.2-4 | http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources03:33
bddebianHeya imbrandon03:33
RAOFAh, ubotu was only looking at binary packages :)03:34
ajmitchwhich means that it probably never built03:34
RAOFAnd no-one noticed :)03:34
ajmitchright, build error with the docs03:35
ajmitchmaybe you'll get lucky & it'll be fixable with a stable release update03:35
thenebI know they were broken at some point, though I'll do a compile and check on it03:35
TheMusoI wonder whether we should see about getting general FTBFS notices for autosyncs for universe sent somewhere.03:36
TheMusoSo we can pick up no them and get them fixed.03:36
bddebianI thought we had a list of all source packages with no binaries somewhere?03:37
ajmitchor even a list of packages where source version != binary version03:38
TheMusoajmitch: IMO the FTBFS notice approach would cover all architectures better, unless we could run version checks on several arches in the DC somehow.03:38
thenebOh and one little thing, stop making Ubuntu awesome, My gentoo desktop now fails in comparision03:39
ajmitchTheMuso: you mean by grabbing the Packages.bz2 files? :)03:39
bddebianlucas had an FTBFS list of the whole archive03:39
persiaTheMuso: You don't need to be in the DC to get that.03:39
TheMusoajmitch: ...or that.03:39
=== ajmitch has some scripts that probably fit that
persiaAlso, more generally, I've found a lot of FTBFS issues from bitrot, which a package version comparison won't help with.  Maybe we could schedule an archive-autobuild starting with UVF (or autosync-off), and track those?03:40
ajmitchpersia: one was meant to be scheduled03:40
ajmitchyou just have to poke people harder, I suspect03:41
persiaajmitch: What happened?03:41
ajmitchas with everything, nobody found the time to do it03:41
=== persia adds to the list of things to list as MOTU meeting topics during the hardy cycle
=== ajmitch should probably wipe the rc bug comments soon
persiaajmitch: Could you wait until the per-bug commenting system is available?  A fair number of those will be relevant during the hardy cycle, and active tracking of RCs isn't usually agreesively relevant until autosync freeze03:43
ScottKpersia: snort hasn't built yet.  It was accepted, but the line is long at the buildd's.03:44
persiaScottK: It's built on a few architectures.  Are all the binaries bundled, and presented in NEW together?03:45
ScottKpersia: Dunno.  I'll have a look.03:45
StevenKIf they're waiting in NEW, it usually won't be accepted until it has built everywhere03:45
persiaStevenK: That makes sense.03:45
ajmitchpersia: the whole point of removing per-package comments is because they couldn't simply be copied to per-bug03:47
persiaajmitch: I completely agree.  I just don't know your release schedule.  If you're releasing, by all means wipe it.03:47
ajmitch'release schedule' is when I have the urge to work on it03:48
ajmitchthough I've been doing some hacking in that area today with django, but on another app03:48
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tonyyarussoRAOF: Did you get a chance to test that amd64 kompozer crash?04:02
RAOFtonyyarusso: Ah, no sorry.04:04
RAOFI actually forgot about it! :(04:04
minghuaDoes anybody else's nautilus in browser mode need double-click in the sidepane to switch directories (gutsy)?04:08
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bigonmay I upload a fix for the liquidsoap FTBFS?04:34
persiabigon: I'd recommend opening a bug with the debdiff to make it easy for motu-uvf to approve.04:34
persiabigon: Also, if you want to chase FTBFS issues, there's still heaps of FTBFS bugs listed on http://django.ajmitch.net.nz/rcbugs/ (all of which are guaranteed to have a solution)04:37
persiabigon: Only thing to remember is that hard freeze is in seven hours, and you'll want to have had anything already accepted and built by then (and neither the accept nor build queues are empty)04:39
jdongis bryce's xserver-xorg-video-intel fix going to make it?04:40
bigonand it's nearly 5 am here :o04:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152821 in liquidsoap "Fix FTBFS" [Undecided,New] 04:42
bigongood night04:43
ScottKSince it looks like bigon went to bed, anyone want to upload his fix in 152821 ^^^.  Feel free to go for it.04:52
TheMusoI'll look into it.04:52
TheMusobug 15382104:52
TheMusobug 15282104:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152821 in liquidsoap "Fix FTBFS" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15282104:53
ScottKTheMuso: Thanks.04:53
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ScottK] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | New Packages Freeze / Upstream Version Freeze in effect - Universe Freeze in effect, all uploads to be approved by motu-uvf | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
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=== persia notices https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.has_cve=on
TheMusoUgh. Didn't put the bug number in the aptch. I'll do it for the sake of expediency.05:06
TheMusoI thought Laurent was a MOTU. Obviously not activated yet...05:08
ScottKpersia: His is, but we are in the mother-may-I motu-uvf stage of the process.05:09
ScottKI guess he gave up getting an answer.05:09
persiaTheMuso: ScottK is really speaking to you :)05:09
ScottKpersia: Sorry.05:09
persiaScottK: Not so much gave up, as was advised he needed motu-uvf-may-I just when he finally finished and was going to sleed (5am local time)05:10
TheMusoScottK: Yeah I know, and the fact he has gone to bed.05:10
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=== TheMuso waits for liquidsoap's bulid-deps to download...
StevenKTheMuso: And this is why having a local mirror is *wonderful*05:11
=== persia seconds the advantages of network-near mirrors
TheMusoStevenK: When my server is built, I'll likely have such a local mirror.05:11
TheMusoTill then, it gives my CPU enough time to finish another build session I have running.05:12
StevenKTheMuso: Yeah, but then you get to deal with the joys of syncing a mirror. And how completly brain-dead debmirror really is.05:15
ajmitchat least it's better than apt-proxy05:16
StevenKSometimes I question that. :-)05:17
ajmitchapt-proxy is a nice idea05:17
StevenKYeah, it just completly and utterly blows. :-)05:18
TheMusoStevenK: Well I'll worry about it when I get roudn to having to set it up.05:20
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | New Packages Freeze / Upstream Version Freeze in effect - Universe Freeze in effect, all uploads to be approved by motu-uvf | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by ScottK at Mon Oct 15 04:56:25 2007
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dholbachgood morning07:55
FujitsuHi dholbach.07:55
dholbachhey Fujitsu07:55
dholbachhey ajmitch07:59
TheMusoHey dholbach.07:59
dholbachhiya TheMuso07:59
dholbachhow are you guys doing?07:59
TheMusoCouldn't be better atm!07:59
=== TheMuso notes he is currently in musical heaven. :p
dholbachhehe, cool :-)07:59
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TheMusoLooks like a fair few MOTUs will be in Boston.08:01
ajmitchthat's a good change08:02
TheMusoajmitch: I thought a lot of MOTUs were in attendance for all of the UDSs.08:03
ajmitchoften there's not many08:04
dholbachwe always had a few MOTUs there, no?08:04
TheMusodholbach: Yeah, I'm just not sure how many, and looking at the boston attendees on LP, I see a few MOTUs, and theres likely to be more.08:05
ajmitcha few but not a lot08:05
=== superm1 will be there :)
TheMusosuperm1: Sweet, so will I.08:05
superm1TheMuso, cool :)08:06
superm1TheMuso, all week?08:06
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luk_hi dholbach08:08
luk_a pitty I have to go now, will contact you later today...08:09
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dholbachhey luk_ - yeah, feel free to send me a mail or ping me on IRC08:09
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whitethere is not by any chance a nice conference in the US in middle of june, which would sponsor DDs to come there and stuff?08:27
=== white found out that debconf is in august, which is in the middle of my semester time :/
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whiteScottK: will probably do08:31
whiteScottK: the maintainer is also upstream and the new version was uploaded straight after my NMU08:32
=== persia wonders to which package white is referring
persia0.9.8.5-1 is just finishing building now :)08:34
whitewell it is time to go for a run now :)08:35
persiaI just noticed bug #87844.  Is anyone planning on fixing that in the next three hours?  Should it perhaps not be milestoned?  If nothing else, I'm tempted to unassign "MOTU".08:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87844 in spe "[apport]  spe crashed with AttributeError in skip()" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8784408:54
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TheMusopersia: What needs doing to it to get it fixed? Is there a patch attached?09:03
persiaTheMuso: There's a patch, but the comments indicate it doesn't work.  Last comment is pkern suggesting an SVN pull (as far as I understand the buglog)09:03
TheMusopersia: Ok, I'll have a look in a bit.09:04
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persiaTheMuso: Thanks.  If a solution doesn't occur to you, would you mind getting it unmilestoned?  I'm not sure it's really as release-critical as some of the other outstanding bugs.09:07
TheMusopersia: I'm going to see bout pulling it from svn if I can.09:10
ajmitchhow old is the bug?09:11
TheMusofrom February.09:11
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ajmitchso hardly a regression if it's released as-is09:12
persiaThe only confusing bit is that the bug was milestoned, and assigned to MOTU.09:12
ajmitchthat sort of thing happens09:13
FujitsuAssigning to MOTU is fairly normal.09:13
ajmitchdholbach assigned it to motu back in march, so it's been there for awhile09:13
ajmitchthe activity log doesn't track nominations though09:13
FujitsuYou'd have to check bugmail09:14
=== ajmitch presumes it happened at the same time
=== Fujitsu does so.
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FujitsuPatrice Vetsel milestoned it to beta more than a month ago, so it has been a while...09:16
TheMusoMeh. Can't find its svn repo.09:28
TheMusoI must say I haven't looked very hard for it either.09:28
TheMusoConsidering the discussion thats been had about the bug.09:28
persiaTheMuso: No rush.  There's more than 100 outstanding of each FTBFS and unmetdeps bugs, either of which is probably more interesting.09:29
=== ajmitch thinks there's really no time to chase after such bugs
=== persia thinks anything uploaded now wouldn't make the release anyway. There are still two universe uploads pending in unapproved (as far as I can tell)
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StevenKIf they both start with virtualbox, they're mine.09:31
TheMusoajmitch: I'm kinda in agreement. We've done all we can, anything important to be fixed can wait for SRUs.09:31
=== TheMuso thinks he should return to ripping CDs.
FujitsuTheMuso: Why are they unripped?09:34
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persiaStevenK: No.  There are four now: liquidsoap, sqlfairy, virtualbox-ose-modules, and virtualbox-ose09:35
TheMusoFujitsu: The HD I had them on several months ago crashed, and I haven't been bothered till now to re-rip them, and it gives me a chance to re-organise them, and change the way I'm storing them.09:35
=== ajmitch is busy doing some stuff with django anyway
jmlRAOF: hi09:36
ajmitchah, jml is back09:37
jmlyes, I'm back and I've discovered the xrandr command line tool09:38
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ajmitchgood evening Hobbsee09:39
RAOFjml: Ho!09:39
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RAOFAfternoon Hobbsee, ajmitch.09:40
ajmitchhi RAOF, how's it going?09:40
RAOFajmitch: It's hot, and I've got a friend from Hobart staying with me.09:40
RAOFThis is in order of obviousness.09:40
=== RAOF was sure he had pointed jml at xrandr
Hobbseeheya ajmitch, RAOF!09:41
jmlRAOF: you had, but for some reason when I upgraded to gutsy, I tried the GUI tool instead09:41
TheMusoGood $Time_Of_Day newcomers.09:41
jmlRAOF: anyway, it looks like I can get 1680x1050 on my new monitor from my laptop (although not while displaying stuff on the laptop screen)09:42
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RAOFjml: Yay!  Kinda.09:42
persiaStevenK: Does virtualbox not work with -rt?09:44
StevenKpersia: I've not tried.09:44
StevenKAnd to be honest, I didn't think of trying to build against -rt09:44
TheMusoDoes virtualbox need a CPU with virtualization support?09:44
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StevenKTheMuso: Not that I've seen.09:45
persiaAlso, doesn't i386 provide a special -i686 kernel which isn't -generic?  Anyway, I'll stop whining :)09:45
StevenKpersia: -386. And, hmph.09:45
Hobbseehow's the sponsorship queue?09:46
Hobbseewe have 9 hours, iirc09:46
FujitsuHobbsee: Isn't it a bit over 2 hours?09:47
persiaHobbsee: I think we only have 2 hours, and sponsorship queue looked triaged about 8 hours ago (although I haven't looked since)09:47
HobbseeFujitsu: oh, so i cant do maths? great.09:47
Hobbseeoh, i see, by 10 UTC09:47
FujitsuYeah, 20071014 1000 UTC09:47
Hobbseefuzzy deadline09:47
FujitsuErm, the date in the mail looks wrong. I presume it means the 15th, not the 14th?09:48
FujitsuThat would be a while ago.09:48
FujitsuAnd not a Monday.09:48
=== persia certainly hopes the 15th: there's been lots of uploads and acceptances since then.
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persiaThe buildds are hungry...09:55
Hobbseeyeah, i know.  i've poked.09:55
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Hobbseebut...i'm dependant on them doing the work09:56
persiaHobbsee: I completely understand.  Thanks for poking :)09:56
TheMusoWhat needed poking?09:57
HobbseeTheMuso: the archive admins who are permitted to accept packages from unapproved09:58
persiaTheMuso: Someone could accept some sources before the next publication so the buildds have something to do.09:58
persia(well, non-hppa buildds)09:59
TheMusoI'm aware of that, but wasn't aware the builds had nothing to do.09:59
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persiaTheMuso: As far as I can tell, the last 4 compiles are now underway, and there's one source expected in the next publish.10:00
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Hobbseeoh, there's not even that much there10:01
persiaFor universe, we've only 3: liquidsoap + virtualbox (x2)10:01
FujitsuI'm still wondering how they managed to have +queue using such different code that it doesn't announce.10:01
=== TheMuso wishes that sometimes people would have the same opinion on how to label tracks in CDDB.
persiaFujitsu: Doesn't announce?10:02
Fujitsupersia: Yeah, Hobbsee has permissions to accept things through the web UI, but the code there doesn't announce to <release>-changes, so is dangerous.10:02
TheMusopersia: Web UI for accepting packages not announcing to changes.10:02
persiaFujitsu: Ah.  Right.10:02
=== persia thinks unapproved -> approved is a manual script, and LP UI is a complete rewrite
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseepersia: goodness only knows.  but i havent found any launcphad-types yet.10:04
persiaAm I correct that the next publish run is the last allowed?10:04
Fujitsupersia: The 0903Z run?10:05
StevenKThe publisher probably started about a minute ago, unless they've already pushed it to manual10:05
FujitsuI suspect it will be.10:05
persiaFujitsu: Yep.10:05
persiaStevenK: It did.  I'm hoping for at least one more run to grab the last few packages.10:05
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Hobbseepersia: there's still stuff in unapproved, so until someone actually ack's that, then...10:07
FujitsuActually, there's no need to switch publisher to manual at the moment that I can see, so anything accepted will probably be published as normal, so the 1003 will be the last.10:08
persiaHobbsee: Yes.  It's the 3 in unapproved I'm watching.  At least sqlfairy made the run.  I'm guessing someone will pay attention soon, given the growing critical population.10:08
Hobbseepersia: yeah, well.  i've poked.10:08
persiaFujitsu: That still means we need the rest of the sources in for 0903, as otherwise the binaries will never go.10:10
Fujitsupersia: Hm, not sure about how freezes apply to binaries.10:10
persiaIs it not the same queue?  It looks that way from the web UI.10:10
FujitsuHobbsee: Do you know if binaries ever go into unapproved?10:12
Fujitsu(only sources seem to be published in p.u.c/~ubuntu-archive/queue10:12
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=== persia thinks binaries sometimes go NEW, but not unapproved
HobbseeFujitsu: they dont.10:12
Hobbseewell, not that i can see, anyway :)10:13
FujitsuThat's what I thought.10:13
Hobbseehiya jono10:13
Hobbseepersia: exactly10:13
persiaOddly though, I had a package with NEW binaries go in today, without ever showing in the NEW queue (that I saw).10:13
Fujitsupersia: Somebody might just have been very quick.10:13
Hobbseepersia: which was that?10:14
persiaFujitsu: Maybe.10:14
persiaHobbsee: snort-common-libraries10:14
Hobbseeoh, i didnt ack that10:14
=== Hobbsee sees no snort at all
persiaHobbsee: New snort finished publishing for !hppa a couple hours ago.  Refresh your apt-cache :)10:14
jonoheya Hobbsee10:15
FujitsuWhy aren't we permitted to see UNAPPROVED through the LP UI?10:15
Hobbseepersia: wasnt looking in my aptcache.10:15
persiaFujitsu: Silliness10:15
HobbseeFujitsu: goodness only knows.  becaus eit's soyuz, and we know about how soyuz is made..10:15
Hobbseeand they refuse to break the freeze, and add a chunk of existing launchpad code now.  GRRR!10:16
FujitsuNEW I could understand (even though we can see it), due to copyright issues, but UNAPPROVED is explicitly denied for no particularly good reason that I can see.10:16
Hobbseethey say it's not critical.10:16
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FujitsuHobbsee: Bah, who needs release managers.10:16
Hobbseeyeah, well10:16
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FujitsuAw, they're not releasing 1.1.10 in the next couple of days. It doesn't seem right to not have new Soyuz-breaking features a day before release.10:19
StevenKNope, being released on the 24th10:19
=== TheMuso quietly notes that moving the ati driver to xrandr when they did was a bad move...
StevenKTheMuso: Like you need a video driver.10:20
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TheMusoAt least for gutsy that is.10:20
persiaAnyone happen to know the planned estimated toolchain schedule?10:20
TheMusoStevenK: I do actually, and I'd like my monitor to run at full res.10:21
=== StevenK makes a note to not joke about compiz to TheMuso.
TheMusoStevenK: Actually, the eZoom plugin is very andy, particularly on my notebook.10:22
StevenKTheMuso: Which is what I thought about, hence the lack of jokes.10:22
TheMusoStevenK: Gotcha.10:22
TheMusoBut at any rate, I feel there will be a few unhappy ati driver users out there...10:24
TheMusoCome release.10:24
FujitsuWhat's broken about it?10:26
TheMusoFujitsu: Well for me at least, its not driving my monitor at full resolution possible, even though xorg.conf is correct for the monitor.10:26
FujitsuTheMuso: What if you play around with displayconfig-gtk or xrandr?10:27
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TheMusoFujitsu: I could play with those a bit. It could also be something to do with my DDC-signaling incapable KVM.10:29
FujitsuAh, that could do it.10:29
Fujitsurandr probably wants EDID.10:29
TheMusoSO I need to try direct via VGA and DVI.10:29
=== persia notes than displayconfig-gtk supports third-party preloaded EDID files where a monitor is unresponsive
brycemoving to -ati 6.7.x was a chancy risk we took, and we knew it would incur regressions for certain users.  However this was balanced by fixes to a number of long-standing problems.  I felt it was worth the risk, and I think due to how responsive Alex Deucher has been to generate fixes to the issues we've reported, it was a good decision.10:34
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brycethe good news is that while we may still have some issues for situations like kvms or triple-head, or etc. Alex is still being very active with fixes, so as long as they get reported upstream effectively, we should be able to continue rolling out updates for -ati and resolve many of the remaining issues.10:36
persiabryce: Are you expecting high -updates traffic for the driver?10:36
brycepersia: I am hopeful we can roll out 6.8.0 and be done, but can't say for sure10:37
brycepersia, I think what we have now is stable enough that we could hold off until 6.8.010:38
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huatsgood morning everybody10:58
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pkernpersia: you highlighted me11:02
persiapkern: It was about bug #8784411:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87844 in spe "[apport]  spe crashed with AttributeError in skip()" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8784411:02
persiapkern: More specifically, that bug was milestoned when I mentioned it (I don't know about the current state), and I thought the last comment was you indicating it should be pulled from SVN.  I doubt there's time for it to matter now.11:03
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persia(hard freeze in < 1 hour and RM reviewing the last uploads beforehand already)11:04
pkernpersia: It is too late. It would somehow require a UVFe anyway because the changes are way too intrusive.11:06
pkernTheir way of programming is broken.11:06
persiapkern: It's still milestoned.  You don't happen to know how to unmilestone do you?11:10
pkernI don't see a milestone there.11:11
=== persia points at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-7.10-rc
pkernpersia: Sorry yeah. Un-milestoned.11:13
pkernPoint is that this program might be unusable in its current state.11:13
pkernWe can't fix that for RC/release, but we should consider a SRU iff we release with that program in Ubuntu.11:14
persiapkern: I totally agree it's broken.  I just don't think it's any more RC than the > 100 unmetdeps or > 100 FTBFS bugs that aren't milestoned, and I don't want to promise to fix it for gutsy unless someone actually volunteers to do so.11:14
persiaAlso.  Thanks for unmilestoning.11:15
pkernNow packages with unmetdeps should be removed IMHO, but well.11:15
pkernpersia: Unmilestoning is clicking on the bug state and removing the milestone besides the bug's priority.11:16
persiapkern: Thanks for the hint.11:16
nxvlpersia: hi11:16
persiaremoving packages is hard, so we don't.11:16
persiahi nxvl11:17
nxvlhow are you?11:17
=== Hobbsee has no idea if people will do a final archive run
nxvlim reading the docs to help wwith hardy11:17
nxvlim creating mi pbuild chroot also11:17
persiapkern: The main obstacle is that we don't have "testing", so it's hard to keep a good model of the target set.11:17
pkernpersia: Now actually removing packages should not be hard.11:17
pkernpersia: If a package is not in a releasable state it should not be released.11:17
persianxvl: Great!  We're having a bunch of sessions for Ubuntu Open Week soon, which might be interesting to you.11:17
pkernIt could be pulled back in afterwards.11:17
pkernBut universe isn't supported anyway, so... whatever.11:18
pkernOr rather *officially supported11:18
persiapkern: Perhaps.  If you have an idea for implementation, write a spec for hardy.11:18
nxvlpersia: i have add Ubuntu Open week to mi Gcal so i don't forget it :D11:18
nxvlpersia: and the motu meeting too11:19
nxvlbut it's a little bit harder to be in MOTU meeting, here it will be at 7 am11:19
pkernpersia: Implementation to get rid of unmetdeps/FTBFS packages shortly before release or somehow draw more attention to them throughout the cycle?11:19
persiapkern: Either would be good.  We have some infrastructure to detect unmetdeps, and tend to do better with them, but having something run dist-problems on universe would help.  We don't have any infrastructure to detect FTBFS due to bitrot, and only very weak infrasrtucture to support FTBFS from sync.11:20
pkernYou have archive rebuilds to detect FTBFS?11:21
persiapkern: No.  We also only rebuild when we get a new upload, so if the build-deps shift, nobody notices.11:21
persia(sometimes this happens when there's no new upstream in >6 months)11:22
persiapkern: Actually, let me clarify that.  We have archive analysis runs & archive rebuilds, but only for main.11:23
nxvlpersia: when it will be up the hardy mirrors? on Oct 18?11:25
persianxvl: Perhaps.  It might be a little later.  Development won't really start until the developer summit is underway.11:26
pkernpersia: Now main is actually a tiny subset.  I'm all for fix or lose it.  But well, probably too many packages for too few people.11:30
=== TheMuso returns from having dinner.
persiapkern: I don't think that's true.  We get a lot of people who want to help generally, but haven't found their niche yet.  Given public resources with dynamic TODO lists, I think they would be happy to use them to try different things, including unmetdeps and FTBFS work.11:32
pkernHow could we track possible SRUs which are not prepared yet?11:32
pkernpersia: The first dholbach pointed me at in the `mentor process' were unmetdeps.11:33
persiaOn the other hand, just implementing "lose it" might be a step in the right direction.  We'd need a pocket in which to temporarily stuff things, and get them back.11:33
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pkernWell, we could just prepare a merged package and upload it.  But maybe it shouldn't need NEW approval (don't know how this is handled here).11:34
pkernThe old version we synced was broken anyway.11:34
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persiapkern: Possible SRUs?  I was just thinking of something that detected FTBFS from the buildd logs, and prepared a web interface listing them, with version and last uploader.  The system would auto-remove on the next successful build.  That'd be a good start.11:34
pkernAnd it lives on in librarian.11:34
pkernpersia: I'm talking about spe.11:35
pkernActually I did talk about both and intermixed, oh well.11:35
persiaFor spe, we've lost the window.  If it's broken enough (I don't know spe), we can prepare something for -updates, which is fairly easy, but needs to be a minimal changeset.11:36
pkernpersia: Yep, but how to track that?11:36
persiaFor hardy, we just upload a fixed version, and everyone is happy.11:36
pkernIt's confirmed -- medium, you can't escalate it more. ;)11:37
pkernI could open a gutsy task for it.11:37
persiapkern: Nominate the bug for "gutsy", and track as an SRU.11:37
pkernAnd I also may approve the nomination, right? ;)11:37
pkern(It may be auto-approved anyway.)11:37
persiapkern: So the primary task becomes "hardy", and the new task is "gutsy".  And yes, approve the nomination if you like :)11:37
pkernIt was auto-approved. ;)11:38
persiapkern: That's nice to hear.  For ages it was much more annoying than that.11:38
pkernWell I'm on edge, don't know the `real' LP. ;)11:39
pkern\sh_away: Thanks again for yesterday. ;)11:40
nxvlwhat that SRU means?11:47
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.11:47
nxvlHobbsee: thanx11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:48
pkernubotu: LP is Launchpad (http://launchpad.net)11:48
nxvlubotu: ping11:49
pkernDo I need elevated access to add factoids? Or are !ones specialcased anyway?11:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:49
pkernAh, he informed me, sorry.11:49
persiapkern: You'll want to submit to the list.  See the web page.11:49
=== proppy [n=proppy@ram94-2-82-66-68-232.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:50
Amaranth!lp is <alias> launchpad11:50
ubotuI'll remember that, Amaranth11:50
pkernpersia: #ubuntu-ops will review it according to the message I just got. ;)11:50
pkernAmaranth: Thanks.11:50
nxvlpbuild takes a lot to "create"11:50
Fujitsu!launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:50
persiaFujitsu: You don't like Bounties?11:51
Fujitsupersia: That part was turned off more than a year ago.11:51
FujitsuWell, unlinked, anyway.11:51
persiaFujitsu: Ah.11:51
FujitsuIt is meant to have died.11:51
persiaWas it not a succesful program?11:51
AmaranthFujitsu: Done11:51
Fujitsupersia: Not sure.11:52
nxvlpbuild create downloads a new OS, didn't it?11:54
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nxvland why it doesn't use the packages in my system instead of downloading them?11:55
TheMusonxvl: The idea is to use a clean environment to ensure the package builds properly.11:57
nxvlTheMuso: ant why it doesn't use the .debs on /var/cache/apt/archives/12:00
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Fujitsunxvl: It's very unlikely that the entire base system would be there.12:00
nxvlbut it can use some packages12:01
nxvlso i don't need to download again12:01
TheMusonxvl: Copy the packages you have to /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache I think its called. Can't remember as I no longer use pbuilder.12:02
nxvlfor example, if it's an upgrade for my system, why did i need to download once for my system and a second time for pbuild12:03
Hobbseebecause you may have installed packages from unofficial repos, etc, and i dont think pbuilder is smart enough to detect that.12:03
nxvlHobbsee: i haven't think on that12:03
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TheMusoAdri2000: Your audacious-plugins upload has a broken upgrade path, as you forgot to put necessary conflicts etc in place for the binary packages, since you were moving a file from one package to the other.12:43
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pkerngnome-dbg unmet recommends epiphany-browser-dbg, libtotem-plparser1-dbg. Annoying.01:03
=== persia thought that was fixed in the last MOTU Q&A session.
pkernNewest gutsy.01:04
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blueyedIt's not uploaded yet.01:05
persiablueyed: The archive is closed (I think), so it's too late now.  I'm just surprised it wasn't uploaded at the end of the session.01:06
pkernaptitude refuses to install gnome-desktop-environment. Fun.01:06
pkernFrom a minimal cli install.01:06
blueyedpkern: dholbach said to handle it, when he gets the mail.01:07
Hobbseeit's almost closed01:07
blueyedbug #14554301:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145543 in meta-gnome2 "[UNMETDEPS]  meta-gnome2 has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14554301:07
dholbachblueyed: anybody else can upload it too - is the sponsoring team subscribed?01:07
dholbachI'm doing something else atm, if nobody looks at it in the next 30 minutes, I can do it - no problem01:08
persiadholbach: Are uploads not frozen?  I can upload now, but stopped ~24 hours ago because of the release freeze.01:08
blueyedsomeone assigned it to the ubuntu desktop bugs01:08
dholbachpersia: some uploads were processed this morning01:08
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TheMusoHobbsee: As in almost closed, how long?01:08
persiadholbach: I've been watching :)01:08
Hobbseesometime after i shove my upload in :P01:08
persiaAnyone from motu-uvf want to give me a blessing on meta-gnome2?01:09
ajmitchHobbsee: ok, approve some NEW packages for me then, I just want to throw some last minute crack in ;)01:09
TheMusoajmitch: lol01:09
=== persia wants NEW processing for liquidsoap when the amd64 build finishes
=== ajmitch is busy trying to download ~1GB of packages to the laptop
TheMusoHobbsee: I think the archive is closed.01:10
TheMusojudging by the time.01:10
StevenKBah, it isn't even 1200UTC yet01:10
Hobbseeajmitch: i cant :P01:10
HobbseeTheMuso: yeah, but judging by the state of gutsy-changes still getting packages in, i dont thin it's quite closed yet :P01:11
StevenKpersia: Can I bug you for a debdiff?01:11
persiaStevenK: Sure.  Which?01:11
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StevenKpersia: meta-gnome201:11
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=== TheMuso ponders fixing audacious-plugins.
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persiaStevenK: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9953256/meta-gnome2_2.18.3ubuntu2.dsc.diff01:11
ajmitchHobbsee: not fair01:12
Hobbseeajmitch: okay, more to teh point, i wont.01:12
persia(assuming it applies & builds cleanly)01:12
ajmitchyou're mean & cruel to me01:12
ajmitchwho wouldn't want new, unreviewed crack in the archive?01:12
StevenKpersia: Looks fine.01:14
persiaStevenK: Thanks.01:14
persiablueyed: Uploaded.01:18
=== TheMuso decides to chance fixing audacious-plugins then, once its been tested.
persiaTheMuso: There was just an upload of that today, wasn't there?  Is it still broken?01:19
TheMusopersia: A file was moved between audacious-plugins, and plugins-extra, and no conflicts were put in place for the older package version, so upon upgrade, the upgrade process breaks.01:20
StevenKTheMuso: Do It.01:21
TheMusoThats what my message to Adri2000 was about before.01:21
ajmitchbad upgrades really suck01:21
TheMusoStevenK: Doing so.01:21
persiaTheMuso: Just fix it.  It's too late to be poking people01:21
TheMusopersia: Yeah I was just telling him.01:21
StevenKTheMuso: So, if your testing is okay, you have my blessing to upload, and you can tell $release_person that01:21
TheMusoStevenK: Ok.01:21
=== persia apologises for not having noticed the aolserver4-nsimap FTBFS for the past 5 months
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ajmitchpersia: why apologise? noone else has seen it & fixed it01:27
persiaajmitch: Because I uploaded it in May?01:27
ajmitchso we're all equally at fault01:27
ajmitchdoesn't matter01:27
dholbachpersia: thanks for meta-gnome2 love01:27
persiaajmitch: Except someone probably sent me the buildlog and I missed it in my mail.01:27
=== ajmitch generally never sees the build logs
persiadholbach: No problem.01:28
persiaajmitch: It also is apparently responsible for us shipping libssl0.9.7, which we'd be better off without.01:29
ajmitchis that the only thing holding libssl0.9.7 in?01:31
persiaajmitch: Yep.  aolserver4-nsimap on amd64.  I'm looking now.01:31
ajmitchso close to having it removed :)01:32
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pkernNow why oh why did you, Gutsy, start X albeit I did not request it... sucker.01:36
persiaGrr..  Who wrote "Ubuntu package not affected" on the RC bugs list for Debian bug# 43842501:38
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pkernNow why does the postinst of xserver-xorg start X. That's just... braindead, kthx.01:38
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ajmitchfunny, I can't connect to the rc bugs page from my laptop01:39
=== ajmitch decides to sleep
Fujitsuajmitch: Isn't it on your machine?01:42
persiaFujitsu: laptop / workstation01:44
ajmitchFujitsu: yes, and it's solely due to the funny networking setup at home01:44
=== ajmitch really sleeps now
FujitsuNight ajmitch.01:45
TheMusoYouch. audacious-plugins-extra pre-depends on audacious-plugins.01:54
TheMusoSo I can't test my fix locally I don't think...01:54
TheMusoAm I right in thinking that a conflicts field is used if files have been moved between binary packages01:55
persiaTheMuso: I'd recommend versioned comflicts & versioned replaces01:56
persiaum.  s/m/n/301:56
TheMusoah yes of course, replaces.01:56
ScottKHobbsee: Do I need to bug someone about NEWing the liquidsoap?  TheMuso's upload seems to have got it to build for the first time.01:57
persiaScottK: You may at least want to wait for the amd64 build to finish...01:58
ScottKpersia: Yes.01:59
=== persia happily closes the gutsy queue tabs
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fernandomoin all02:01
Hobbseeyou know, sometimes i'm not surprised why people say our QA is crap.02:02
HobbseeTheMuso: which did you have a go at Adri2000 over?02:02
Hobbseeoh, it was audacious-plugins.02:03
blueyedStevenK: thanks for uploading/using the virtualbox-ose* patches! I've found another small problem though: bug 15292502:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152925 in virtualbox-ose-modules ""vboxdrv stop" fails, if virtualbox is not running" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15292502:03
blueyed(this can be really bad, if you want to remove the package)02:03
TheMusoHobbsee: Telling him that he did not put appropriate conflicts/replaces into the audacious-plugins package due to a file move.02:03
Hobbseewhen people dont test whether their stuff installs, particularly around the close of the archives, and it's simple to test....they clearly dont care much about QA>02:03
StevenKblueyed: I hate you.02:03
StevenKblueyed: :-P02:03
HobbseeTheMuso: was wondering if it was the same or different to the one i'd found.02:03
blueyedStevenK: it worked with the Depends on virtualbox-ose :P02:04
StevenKActually, that was me, I added set -e to the init script, yours didn't have it.02:05
pkernHobbsee: Thanks (re QA)02:05
pkernI'm mindly disappointed of the result I get with cli+gnome-desktop-environment. Metacity does not start automatically albeit being installed.02:05
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pkernBut it's too laaaaate.02:05
=== Hobbsee ntoes that debian wants to collaborate on QA with us
=== persia likes the idea of QA collaboration
blueyedAny chance the fix for bug 127325 can be uploaded still? libphp-phplot seems to be unusable in Gutsy otherwise.02:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127325 in libphp-phplot "No graphs after upgrade to Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12732502:07
StevenKblueyed: I wonder if '|| :' works too02:08
blueyedStevenK: '|| :' ? instead of '|| true'? I don't know the former.02:09
StevenK|| true requires forking /bin/true, || : doesn't. :-)02:09
pkernpersia: At least when you don't assume that Debian will do the work. :-P02:12
ScottKblueyed: At this point, does it meet the criteria for an SRU?02:12
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blueyedScottK: I think so. At least the package can be left in a broken state and joe user would have no clue what's wrong, when he wants to remove the package.02:14
StevenKScottK: It could convincably make an update harder.02:14
StevenKScottK: So I'd rather get it fixed now.02:14
ScottKStevenK: OK.02:15
StevenKEr, conceivably02:15
ScottKblueyed: What StevenK said.02:15
StevenKWhatever. You know what I mean.02:15
blueyedSpeaking about upgrades, see bug 152825: "virtualbox" gets replaced by "virtualbox-ose", but the modules are missing then..02:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152825 in virtualbox-ose "virtual box not working after 7.10 upgrade (dup-of: 152405)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15282502:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152405 in virtualbox-ose "Virtualbox should depend on virtualbox-ose-modules" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15240502:17
StevenKIt Recommends them. Enough already02:17
StevenKIf they use a package manager with sense, the modules get dragged in to02:17
HobbseeStevenK: apt wont.02:18
blueyedStevenK: synaptic neither02:18
StevenK"with sense"02:18
Hobbseeyeah, well.02:18
=== StevenK grumbles.
StevenKUsers suck02:18
ScottKHobbsee: Can we go ahead with an upload for bug 127325?02:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127325 in libphp-phplot "No graphs after upgrade to Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12732502:18
ScottKPackage is currently pretty broken.02:18
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HobbseeScottK: who are you asking me this as?02:18
HobbseeScottK: oh, motu-uvf?02:19
ScottKRM hat.02:19
ScottKShould I ask in another channel?02:19
HobbseeScottK: should be fine02:19
Hobbseearchive isnt frozen yet02:19
ScottKblueyed: It's going to work, right?02:19
blueyedScottK: yes, I've made the patch, and let it confirm by another user. I've not tested it myself, but it's quite safe and cannot be more broken anyway.02:20
persiaDid anyone ever get eclipse built?02:21
ScottKpersia: No.02:21
ScottKI wouldn't wish it on the buildd's at this point.02:21
persiaI'm not advocating it, just curious.  When IDEing (rarely) I'm a netbeans person anyway02:22
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=== StevenK gags persia and drags him away
persiaStevenK: Why?02:23
StevenKBecause 'ew' :-)02:23
TheMusoArgh! I'm dumn. "Who cares about QA? Not me. :p" I just found out that I moved a file between two bloody binary packages for ubuntustudio without doing the same thing as I am working on for audacious plugins. Would one of you UVF gods mind giving an exception for an ubuntustudio-look upload to fix this stupid oversight I made a couple of days ago? :S *Me blushes*02:24
persiaStevenK: The very concept of an IDE, or NetBeans vs. Eclipse02:24
StevenKpersia: Latter.02:24
StevenKTheMuso: You also can't spell. :-P02:24
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Personal ties :)02:24
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StevenKTheMuso: Hit me with your debdiff02:24
TheMusoStevenK: Will do so shortly, and will have one for audacious once their both tested.02:25
=== pkern gags trackerd
=== TheMuso feels like a complete and utter idiot.
pkernThe person who chose to ship that...02:25
StevenKblueyed: New virtualbox-ose and virtualbox-ose-modules uploaded.02:27
ScottKblueyed: How about a feisty SRU once this is uploaded?02:28
blueyedStevenK: -ose? for the Depends?02:28
StevenKblueyed: Yes02:28
blueyedGreat :)02:28
blueyedScottK: about what exactly?02:28
StevenKI am going to hunt down these virtualbox bug submitters ... :-P02:29
ScottKblueyed: Is the libphp-phplot but an issue in Feisty too?02:29
persiaSo, aolserver4 starts a daemon in the postinst, and always fails because it can't read a library it itself is supplying.  `dpkg --configure -a` always fixes it.  Any suggestions?02:29
pkernpersia: nsopenssl was just given back on amd64.02:30
blueyedScottK: Ah, yes. Why not? I've nominated it for feisty.02:30
pkernpersia: Same failure AFAIK.02:30
persiapkern: It won't help.  See Debian bug #43842502:30
ubotuDebian bug 438425 in aolserver4 "aolserver4: Fails to install: error while loading shared libraries: libnsd.so" [Serious,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/43842502:30
pkernpersia: Bah ):02:31
persiapkern: My candidate aolserver4 fixes that issue, but I've encountered the new one above during package review.  Any ideas?02:32
pkernI already suspected a trigger problem (libc6 ldconfig), but that somehow confirms it.02:32
pkernpersia: "the new one"? But no, probably no idea. DkrtKranz (+ spelling) fixed nsopenssl through giveback.02:32
persiapkern: Ah.  Because ldconfig hasn't yet run, the postinst fails?  Do you know of another package that encountered the ldconfig issue, and was fixed?02:33
persiapkern: Basically, I have a fix for the issues with building plugins, but not for actually installing the server cleanly (it's still as broken after my work as before)02:33
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ScottKHobbsee and blueyed: libphp-phplot uploaded.02:34
blueyedScottK: thanks!02:34
pkernpersia: And the postinst still fails? The last I saw was a "hey, I can't bind on port 80" message in the buildlogs, which was non-critical as it didn't cause the postinst to fail actually.02:35
TheMusoHow does dpkg work when it encounters conflicts/replaces? Does it have to remove a package before it upgrades the other?02:35
ScottKblueyed: I also approved the Feisty task and assigned it to you.02:35
=== TheMuso is trying to test upgrading locally with such fields on a package.
persiapkern: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40698/02:37
persiaTheMuso: It prefers to remove and install.  Ideally you'd test against a local repo.02:37
TheMusopersia: THought as much.02:38
pkernpersia: Does a ldconfig -n <path> in postinst help?02:38
geserpersia: perhaps the triggers for ldconfig break it02:38
pkernpersia: Would be a crude hack but well better than a broken package.02:38
persiageser: That's what pkern had suggested.02:38
pkerngeser: Yes.02:38
=== persia tries with hacked-in ldconfig processing
persiaUm.  Where do I put it?  Right before the call to launch the daemon?02:40
persiaErr..  There's actually a call to "ldconfig" already there.  Will ldconfig -n <path> act differently than just ldconfig?02:42
TheMusoStevenK: http://www.themuso.id.au/ubuntu has the diffs02:42
geserpersia: isn't ldconfig a wrapper now?02:43
persiageser: Good point.  I'll just swap that with ldconfig.real, shall I.  Thanks.02:43
Fujitsugeser: It is.02:43
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blueyedScottK: I've provided a debdiff for the SRU (libphp-phplot)02:50
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ScottKblueyed: Let's wait until the Gutsy one is built.  Then subscribe UUS.02:50
blueyedUUS? ubuntu-sru? I've subscribed the latter already, sorry. Can you undo it?02:51
StevenKTheMuso: Providing the version numbers are correct, I'm fine.02:51
TheMusoStevenK: Ok.02:51
persiaCool.  `ldconfig.real` worked.  Thanks pkern, geser, and Fujitsu.02:53
Adri2000TheMuso: argh, I'm really sorry :( thank you for taking care of fixing my mistake02:54
TheMusoAdri2000: np.02:54
TheMusoAdri2000: I made the mistake on another package, so we're both guilty. :)02:54
pkernpersia: I don't know what the wrapper does.  I sounds a bit wrong to call .real but well. -n just looks in the path you specify, not all.02:57
geserpkern: ldconfig checks if it is called by the triggers and runs ldconfig.real else registers only that it needs running and the end02:58
pkernWhich explains why it isn't on Debian.  What a hack.02:59
persiapkern: There are about 6 shared libraries.  I don't think it's going to hurt it too much to run ldconfig twice during install, rather than once (it's still better than for every package)03:00
pkernThanks geser03:00
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geserpkern: afaik Debian's dpkg doesn't support triggers yet03:00
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pkerngeser: Exactly.03:02
=== persia asks for review of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10008813/aolserver4_4.5.0-10ubuntu2.debdiff to be able to meet the prerequisites for closing bug #151563
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151563 in openssl097 "Please remove openssl097 source and binaries from Gutsy" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15156303:08
blueyedScottK: virtualbox-ose-modules 5 appears to have been rejected.03:09
blueyedStevenK: ^^, sry03:09
StevenKAnd then reuploaded03:09
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bddebianHeya gang03:29
persiahi bddebian03:29
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bddebianHeya persia03:30
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persiaIf any further uploads are permitted to the archive, I'd like to submit http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10008813/aolserver4_4.5.0-10ubuntu2.debdiff.  It fixes the FTBFS for aolserver4-nsimap, which allows the removal of libssl0.9.7.  If not, I'd like to be told "No", so I can sleep without worry.  Could someone please guide me?03:44
ubotuuvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d603:45
zulbut i think it might be too late03:45
persiazul!  Does xenman work in gutsy?03:45
zuli havent tried it03:45
zulbut sure03:46
persiazul: Ah.  I wasn't sure from comparing versions if Debian bug #444784 applied, and you seemed to be the person with whom I should have spoken.03:47
ubotuDebian bug 444784 in xenman "xenman doesn't run at all" [Grave,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/44478403:47
zulpersia: it says fixed03:48
zulpersia: i just ran it03:48
persiazul: It's fixed in Debian, but in a version later than the last merge.  That's why I wasn't sure.03:48
zulpersia: we have that patch already in gutsy03:48
persiazul: Excellent.  Thanks for the confirmation.  It was the last of the closed Debian Grave bugs that I was trying to make sure were fixed for gutsy.03:49
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blueyedStevenK: virtualbox-ose-modules's postinst script is missing the DEBHELPER marker..04:02
blueyedTherefor the driver does not get started after installing the package.04:02
blueyedThis was in my debdiff..04:02
blueyedAlso I had to execute "sudo depmod" now manually, because the "depmod -A" from the init script seems to have been "not enough".04:05
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norsettohi bddebian, thx again for your help04:07
Hobbseenorsetto: seen lp.net/ubuntu yet?04:07
norsettoHobbsee: no, whats up!?04:08
Hobbseenorsetto: most active contributors04:08
norsettoHobbsee: he, there must be a bug somewhere ...04:09
norsettoHobbsee: most probably they meant kmos ;-)04:11
Hobbseehe *would* be one ofthe most active, if his fixes were actually right.04:11
bddebianHeya norsetto, NP04:12
bddebianHe pissed of some of the Debian games folks already too :-)04:12
Hobbseenow why does this not surprise me.....04:13
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blueyedStevenK: I've re-opened bug 152376. The fix is really trivial. See the previous debdiff from me. Should I create a debdiff for this particular fix?04:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152376 in virtualbox-ose-modules "Load kernel driver (vboxdrv) during boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15237604:17
StevenKblueyed: I uploaded -modules 6 about five minutes ago04:18
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effie_jayxis there a wiki page on how to use pbuilder? I need to learn how add extra packages as dependencies04:47
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto04:49
superm1Hi effie_jayx, actually the way that extra dependencies are added is via debian/control of your source package though04:49
superm1in the build depends line04:49
effie_jayxohh cool04:49
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superm1once you've added them there, you pass the source package onward to pbuilder as Hobbsee described04:50
effie_jayxHobbsee and superm1 ,  thanks ;)04:50
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bddebianGrr@games team :-(05:19
geserHi bddebian05:20
bddebianHeya geser05:20
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | New Packages Freeze / Upstream Version Freeze in effect - Universe Freeze in effect, all uploads to be approved by motu-uvf | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by ScottK at Mon Oct 15 04:56:25 2007
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ScottKajmitch: Are you looking for Python/django $PAID development work?09:29
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xtknighttonyyarusso, ah, thanks for dealing w/ that bug.09:38
ondrejScottK: what kind of job? :) just curious09:40
ScottKUbuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Archive is frozen for Gutsy.  Time to get ready for Hardy. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages"09:40
ScottKondrej: IETF just put out an RFP for converting some of there stuff.09:40
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ScottKIt's not on their archive page yet, but it should be here shortly: http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf-announce/current/maillist.html09:41
ajmitchScottK: it would be nice, assuming I have spare time :)09:43
=== ajmitch also has some paid plone work to get done ASAP
ScottKajmitch: As i just said above ^^^ IETF is converting some of there tools to python/django and looking for proposals.09:44
ondrejScottK: thanks for info09:44
ScottKajmitch and ondrej: This is what they want to redo - https://datatracker.ietf.org/idtracker/ it's currently 6K lines of Perl.09:45
ondrejScottK: I see. I don't have time for any job, I was just interested09:46
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RainCThave you ever tried doing "sudo chmod 644 /"? (don't do it)09:49
ajmitchsounds like a silly thing to do09:49
ajmitchhow far does it boot?09:49
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RainC1I've been like 10 minutes hitting the PC (well, actually unmounting it because the damn CD reader is broken and didn't want to open) until I remembered I've a Gutsy install that should be working :P09:52
RainC1anyways.. what's about patching chmod (for Hardy) in order that it asks for confirmation before doing that stupid things lol. I think most of the users wouldn't have much of a clue what to do if they have the great idea to try this.. :P09:54
ScottKRainC1: What's the complete list of stupid user tricks you think should be banned?09:54
ScottKHint: This is a slippery slope.09:55
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=== RainC1 is now known as RainCT
RainCTuh.. well, there would be time enough until Hardy to talk about it09:56
ajmitchthere are *far* too many ways to break a system09:57
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RainCTyes, so having less wouldn't be bad, or?10:02
RainCTit's just an idea.. isn't that important to me, I just thought I would ask you what you think about it since if it happens to someone (imagine a bad copy-past from a tutorial) if suddently programs start crashing and the terminal won't accept any command it might be quite disappointing..10:02
RainCTok, I see it doesn't seems to be that a good idea.. :-p10:04
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DktrKranzkeescook, mind looking at bug 152624?10:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152624 in nagios-plugins "Buffer overflow in check_http.c (CVE-2007-5198)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/15262410:37
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keescookDktrKranz: sure, it's on my list for today (got email about it).   thanks!10:41
DktrKranzI added a task for dapper too...original patch was not compatible, but it was just indentation issues10:41
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ScottKpkern_: pitti just killed openssl097, thanks for your help in that.11:31
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gnomefreakis there known issues with bzr package?11:34
gnomefreakpeople are telling me it doesnt install :(11:34
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nenolodAdri2000, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious-plugins/+bug/15291811:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152918 in audacious-plugins "Try to replace libcurl.so from audacious-plugins-extra" [Undecided,Confirmed] 11:36
nenolodAdri2000, your non-maintainer upload broke the upgrade path :P11:36
Adri2000nenolod: I know11:37
Adri2000nenolod: TheMuso uploaded ubuntu4 to fix my mistake, it should be available soon11:38
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ScottKUnforunately the upload didn't make the archive freeze cutoff.  Since that file doesn't exist in Feisty, it won't affect upgraders, only people already on Gutsy.  We'll need to deal with it in gutsy-updates.11:42
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nenolodScottK, no, because the file is provided by _two_ _packages_11:46
nenolodScottK, which makes the other package (audacious-plugins-extra) uninstallable unless you do a kludgy workaround11:47
ScottKnenolod: At this point we need to get it into gutsy-updates as soon as we can.11:47
ScottKAt this point we'd be pretty close to delaying the entire Gutsy release to get it in and the release manager said no.11:48
nenolodok, fair enough11:48
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Adri2000ScottK: I can upload to -proposed directly right? (no ack needed or something?)11:54
ScottKAdri2000: Yes.11:55
ScottKOnce it's there, we can bug an archive admin to copy it to updates tomorrow.11:55
persiaAdri2000: You'll want to follow the SRU process to get the package accepted after the upload11:55
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.11:55
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ScottKUbuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Universe Freeze in effect, don't even ask start working on Gutsy SRUs. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages11:59
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ScottK] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Universe Freeze in effect, don't even ask start working on Gutsy SRUs. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
=== persia likes it
TheMusoScottK: lol12:00
FujitsuShouldn't that go at the end where it usually is?12:00
FujitsuI almost missed it.12:00
ScottKWell it seemed like the lead story.12:00
persiaScottK: Nah.  Archive freeze is old news.  So yesterday12:01
ScottKKonversation doesn't wrap /topic, so I never see the stuff at the end unless I scroll over it.12:01
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desertcRe: Free Software games .... Considered ManiaDrive ?12:04
desertcversion 1.2 and 10,000s of tracks are available12:04
Adri2000TheMuso: your audacious-plugins upload got rejected (too late) :/ so I'm preparing an upload to -proposed: http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/audacious-plugins_1.3.5-3ubuntu3.1.debdiff < is it the same as what you did and tested?12:04
persiadesertc: bug #13110812:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131108 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  Maniadrive" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13110812:05
ScottKpersia: Yesterday the archive was frozen.  Now it's FROZEN.12:05
persiaScottK: methnks it's just cured.  There's still 1 source in "Accepted"12:06
TheMusoAdri2000: You would have to do it with both packages would you not?12:06
slangasekAdri2000: change of plans, I've just accepted it after all12:06
slangaseksorry for the flip-flop12:06
ScottKI'm sure he doesn't mind.12:06
persiaAdri2000: You can grab the rejected source from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue?queue_state=4&queue_text=12:06
ScottKpersia: Yes, it's not FROZEN, FROZEN, really I mean it yet.12:07
FujitsuStill slushy, I'd say.12:07
slangasekour timeline on the dak stuff got pushed back somewhat involuntarily, which gave me an opportunity to take a second look12:07
Adri2000slangasek: ah! great, thanks, that will make things easier :)12:07
persiaFujitsu: More than that.  Think concrete, after a day or so of curing.  It's still not ready to dismantle the forms, but it's really hard to change now.12:08
slangasekalso, I just hit the overwrite issue when upgrading my own system, so naturally that makes it a higher prio ;)12:08
Fujitsuslangasek: Hahah.12:08
=== persia hopes ubuntustudio-look will get the same second look for the same issue
ScottKslangasek: Thank you for all the attention you are paying to getting Universe right in the endgame.12:08
FujitsuAw, are we using `Alpha' as the milestone for Hardy?12:11
slangasektwo minute build?  Yeah, let's go for it. :)12:11
=== persia understands that "Alpha" is intended as the milestone for all future releases
slangasekScottK: heh, color me puzzled that this requires any thanks.. :)12:13
ScottKslangasek: How about it hasn't always gone this way.12:13
persiaslangasek: It's effort on your part.  That's always appreciated.12:13
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ScottKpersia: He's just accepted it.12:14
=== persia is watching, and somewhat puzzled not to see a 2203 publisher
slangasekpublisher's on manual right now12:14
slangaseksince the only things being published are individually hand-held by the release team12:15
persiaAh.  That's it.  We were wondering if it would go that way ~15 hours ago.12:15
Fujitsuslangasek: What happens with binaries? Or do we not care if there are a tonne of hppa uploads post-freeze?12:15
slangasekFujitsu: that's an interesting question and I do not know the answer12:17
slangasekbut I assume that any binaries which land in gutsy after the hard freeze are SOL12:17
Fujitsuslangasek: I'd presume so, but I don't think this has happened before.12:17
=== ScottK recalls something lamont said along the lines of hppa gets as far as it gets for Gutsy and that's a win.
FujitsuHaving thousands of binaries unbuilt at release.12:18
=== persia notes that binaries also require manual publisher
Fujitsupersia: That's true.12:18
persiaFujitsu: hppa is the only culprit12:18
=== TheMuso thinks the MOTUs present at UDS Boston owe the RMs a little something. :)
imbrandonTheMuso: there is always plenty o beer after hours :)12:24
ScottKParticularly the ones that did after the 'freeze' uploads...12:25
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TheMusoScottK: aye.12:27
FujitsuA new upstream release of KDE4 stuff at the 11th hour... how strange.12:29
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imbrandonFujitsu: howso ? they dont follow our release schedule12:33
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