
jdong#ubuntuforums done.01:16
jdongPricey: I see an avatar in my head.... some sort of anime thing... man that's from like 2 years ago01:23
Pricey*head desks* at the new "4 more days" thread on the devel-discuss ML01:40
=== Snuxoll [n=stefan@63-227-103-121.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceyHello Snuxoll?01:50
SnuxollHi Pricey01:50
PriceyHow can I help?01:50
Snuxollnot really01:50
=== Snuxoll [n=stefan@63-227-103-121.spkn.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
PiciHes just mad because I banned him because he suggested that sysrq-b was an easter egg.01:55
PriceChildyeah he mentioned you'd banned him01:56
PiciOh. He pm'ed you?01:56
LjLand a nice easter egg at that01:56
PiciTwo people did it.  01:56
LjLPici: only because only two people could find the SysRq key01:56
PriceChildHe did indeedy.01:56
PiciLjL: he said alt-printscreen-b to be exact ;)01:57
LjLuhm well, that explains why someone did it at all01:57
LjLwith the compiz craze, some people now know where printscreen is ;)01:57
PriceChildLjL, I'm watching and poised.02:01
=== nalioth unties PriceChilds shoelaces
LjLPriceChild: poised?02:03
LjLinviting holycow here.02:05
LjLcheck bantracker.02:05
=== holycow [n=start@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
holycowsomeone unban me please for #kubuntu02:08
holycowi was banned without just cause i believe02:08
LjLholycow, perhaps the folks here would like to see our private query to follow the events better, mind if i post it?02:08
=== Pici [n=Pici@unaffiliated/pici] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pici] by ChanServ
holycowsure i don't mind at all02:08
holycowi really wouldn't mind if you banned me for the bad word that fine02:09
holycowit would still be unjust as others don't get banned for a slipup here or there02:10
LjLholycow: i really did. but, instead, i decided to just kick you and give you a chance to show you understood why you were so much wrong02:10
holycowbut you banned me because i refuse to cow tow 02:10
LjLso basically, if i had banned you right away, you'd be ok with that... but instead i gave you a chance, you dissed it, and *that* is not ok.02:10
holycowi accepted the kick, i didn't say a word02:10
LjLthat's the clue of what you're saying02:10
LjLyeah but being kicked doesn't mean it's up02:10
holycowits a clue that you guys just use the channels for personal gratification ...not all but its common02:11
LjLit can mean i want to discuss the behavior and make sure you understand you were wrong02:11
LjLyou clearly didn't, so there's the ban02:11
holycowno, i refused to let yo ulecture me on my typing skills02:11
=== LjL makes a mental note: next time, ban people right away without even bothering to try a warning kick
holycowthis isn't kindergaden, and the channels aren't you rpersonal playground02:11
holycowyou don't get the opportunity to twist every conversation where one must show respect to you as an op02:12
holycowits immoral02:12
LjLholycow: the !enter factoid is there in the bot, and part of our common policies. see !etiquette. if you don't like it because you feel it's "kindergarten", that's fine02:12
LjLgo somewhere else02:12
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)02:12
holycowno why? just kick them like you normally do.  when they come back if they misbehave then ban them02:12
holycowit's always been that way02:12
holycowyour just picking on someone that doesn't play your game02:12
LjLholycow: or perhaps it's you who expect to be able to behave any way you want and then to just get away with a kick that doesn't really mean anything02:12
LjLperhaps it's *your* reality that's skewed.02:12
holycowi swore accidentally i got kicked like everyone02:13
holycowfair enough02:13
LjLaccidentally? wow.02:13
LjLsomeone gave you a useful factoid, and you insulted.02:13
LjLaccidentally? wow.02:13
holycowit wasn't usefull02:13
holycowit was arrogant02:13
LjLno - you were.02:13
holycowhe saw the first part of my post and assumed i was a noob02:13
holycowno its not usefull02:13
holycowits arrogant02:13
holycowhe didn't let me finish my question02:13
LjLusing the bot (on people who pose simple questions like yours) isn't being arrogant.02:14
=== kerry [n=kerry@AMarigot-102-1-10-37.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-ops
holycowi do the same thing my self on occasion as well, just like he did02:14
holycowit is being arrogant02:14
LjLif it is in your eyes, then find a channel where people don't find it such.02:14
LjLhello kerry02:14
kerrywat the heck02:14
LjLholycow: and you expect people to start cursing when you do? i hope not.02:14
holycownaw, it was accidental02:14
LjLkerry: anything we may do to you?02:14
holycowi've tried to curb it02:14
kerryhow i get here02:14
LjLkerry: i think you are here02:14
holycowanyway, unban me, if you check  your logs, you know i haven't really particapated at all except asked a question or two and answered a few over the last few month02:15
kerryhow i get here i jus restart my pc n conect to konversation i see it went hee02:15
LjLanyway holycow, i stand on my position. i think we should just let the other folks here give their opinion if they have one and they're awake.02:15
holycowi'm not really particapating in ubuntu help any more02:15
LjLkerry, "how do i get here" is not a reasonable question, because, quite obviously, you *are* here02:16
holycowhowever you cannot really expect me to like arrogance, or to play puppy dog to ops.  i'm honest and straight forward and fair02:16
holycowand you know it02:16
LjLholycow: and *you* cannot expect me to accept arrogance.02:16
kerrywell if there's no reson im leaving02:16
holycowclearly, OTHERS arrogance is okay02:16
jribkerry: one sec02:16
holycowwhat you really object to is me not playing puppy dog to you - thus you add it to your list02:16
jribkerry: so we can find out why you were forwarded here02:17
LjLholycow: look, i don't think i was arrogant, though i think you were. so we're running in circles here now, let's see what others have to say.02:18
=== tsukasa [n=tsukasa@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tsukasacan i get tested02:18
LjLtsukasa: sure02:18
LjLtsukasa: you seem ok, remember to always connect to port 8001 unless you can fix your firmware. one second and i'll let you join02:19
kerryi got other things to do02:19
=== kerry [n=kerry@AMarigot-102-1-10-37.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Konversation]
=== kerry [n=kerry@AMarigot-102-1-10-37.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildgnomefreak, ping02:19
=== tsukasa [n=tsukasa@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
kerrywat the02:19
holycowkerry: check the channels under file/serverlist02:20
LjLkerry, it's simple, you're banned.02:20
LjLnow go away.02:20
kerryholycow: where do i go to check that?02:20
LjL... under file/serverlist, he just said02:21
holycowfile / server list02:21
kerryLjL: and im not banned i didnt do nothing02:21
LjLkerry: and i'm the king of madagascar02:21
jdongLjL: Malagasy Republic.02:22
LjLjdong: i'm the king in exile.02:22
jdongLjL: ah, then we've spoken via e-mail last week. Anyway, hope my social security number and credit card information arrived safelty02:22
kerryi dont understand02:22
jdongkerry: I think you do understand.02:23
LjLjdong: you'll get that villa in no time02:23
LjLkerry: yet you understand how to change idents very well.02:23
LjLseriously, go away02:23
LjLyou aren't fooling anybody02:23
=== jdong recalls some "a wolf in sheep's clothing" expression...
LjLjdong: wolves have better grammar though i'm sure. sheep too02:24
LjLok, cheap shot02:24
kerryLjL: if your talking about adenicio his not there i'm kerry he just install linux on my pc and im looking how to install drivers for my ati card02:24
LjLlook, i can tell IP addresses and idents.02:24
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ
=== kerry [n=kerry@AMarigot-102-1-10-37.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o LjL] by LjL
jdongaww I wanted to hear his complete evil-twin excuse!02:25
jribhow do we know it is him?02:25
jdongjrib: IP and behavior02:25
LjLjrib: perhaps based on the fact that it's the same IP (not hostmask, *exact* IP) he had one minute ago02:25
jdongjrib: his mannerisms appear IDENTICAL to wii02:25
jdongrandomly flooding with weird emoticons, etc02:25
LjLand yeah, his mixture of bad french with bad english also gives it away02:25
jdongclaiming he has some sort of question when he seeks to be unbanned02:26
jribah I see the earlier join now02:26
jdongif he wants to take on a new identity that's not a troll, I honestly don't care.... but he's a pretty bad actor this time around02:26
jdong" if your talking about adenicio..."02:28
jdonginteresting, now we have a name?02:28
holycowso any comments on my request for an unban?02:28
LjLhonestly i'm not sure any op who was in #kubuntu is awake, but if anyone else wants to check the logs...02:31
Seeker`I'm not a #kubuntu op, but I feel that the kick was justified, and everything after that was just arguing02:32
jdongLjL: you were there, right? I just looked over that interchange with you and found the attitude displayed by holycow to be incompliant with our guidelines02:32
holycowyou guys aren't there to police attitude02:33
holycowyou guys are there to police language02:33
holycowyou cannot seriously insist that you have the RIGHT to police what is in anyones head?02:33
jdongok, then your language use was appalling02:33
holycowone word was appaling02:33
holycowi got kicked02:33
holycowi realized my mistake and didn't make a fus02:33
holycowfuss even02:33
jdongholycow: we insist that we have the RIGHT to police the attitude you display in an official channel02:33
holycowc'mon, look at the end of the day its irc and it doesn't matter but it matters to me on this level02:34
holycowyou guys cannot possibly insist that you have the moral righ to police attitude?02:34
PriceChild<holycow> you guys aren't there to police attitude - Yes we are.02:34
Seeker`holycow: attitude isn't "what is going on in your head", it is how you act in the channel02:34
holycowthat is so contrary to to freedom that i ... well i have levels of feeling on this02:34
PriceChild<holycow> you cannot seriously insist that you have the RIGHT to police what is in anyones head? - No. But We have the right to police what you convey in our channels.02:34
holycowwhat insane thinking is this?02:35
jdongholycow: you do not have absolute freedom to do whatever you want in an official Ubuntu channel... that is true.02:35
PriceChildholycow, You are free to do whatever you want as long as it abides by the guidelines.02:35
holycowhow does this forward freedom?02:35
holycowit abides by the rules02:35
holycowi swore one word02:35
holycowthats it02:35
PriceChildholycow, Should I be free to ban anyone?02:35
holycowi refused to however play puppy to ljl02:35
PriceChildholycow, no... and we have guidelines for operators which they must abide by also.02:35
LjLholycow: we are *definitely* here to check your attitude02:35
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:35
holycowabsolutely but not because you hate the person02:35
holycowthis is seriously not good guys02:35
holycowi would honestly, and you know me well enough to know why i'm saying this, modify that approach02:36
PriceChildholycow, have you read the link that ubotu just gave you?02:36
holycowthis isn't 1942 nazi germany02:36
jdongholycow: refusing to comply with channel operators is not helping your cause02:36
PriceChild*head desks*02:36
holycowPriceChild: only for like the 40 times you guys post stuff like that at me02:36
LjLPriceChild: i think he has something against bots02:36
holycowjdong: noooo, there is a slight difference here02:36
holycowi swore02:36
holycowi got kicked02:36
jdongholycow: and I don't see what enforcing a basic level of respect in a channel can be compared to Nazi germany.02:36
holycowthats fair02:36
holycowi stopped02:36
holycowthats fair02:36
jdongholycow: it is not because you swore02:36
holycowjdong: exactly02:37
jdongholycow: it is because of the way you responded to LjL's warning02:37
PriceChild*invokes godwin's law*02:37
holycowljl insisted on talking to me about some nonsense02:37
LjLit's because you did not understand that the whole attitude was way off.02:37
LjLsome nonsense - exactly02:37
PriceChildholycow, read the link ubotu gave you. Discussing it further at this time will not help you.02:37
jdongholycow: had you said "I'm sorry, it was inappropriate, I won't do it again", we wouldn't be here02:37
holycowi have no responsibility to acknowledge or like what he says just because he is an op02:37
PriceChildholycow, come back to me when you've read it.02:37
LjLi insisted on trying to make you understand why you were kicked (and going to be banned) in the first place02:37
holycowand i have a right to ask for him to stop02:37
holycowi said stop right now02:37
LjLyou finding that "nonsense" *is* the problem02:37
holycowthen i said you have no right to lecture me on my typing skills02:37
LjLno holycow you don't have a right to stop me from saying things02:37
holycowwithin STRICT rules that passes, but i simply showed the lack of willingness to roll over and play dead02:38
holycowno not at all02:38
holycowi have the right to ask02:38
jdongholycow: if you don't like the styles of Ubuntu's IRC channels, nothing dictates you must continue to come here.02:38
holycowyou have the right to speak to me absolutely02:38
PriceChildholycow, read the link ubotu gave you. Discussing it further at this time will not help you.02:38
PriceChildholycow, come back to me when you've read it.02:38
holycowjdong: well freedom dictates that i should have a chance to try02:38
holycowand freedom is really what this is all about02:38
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] by PriceChild
PriceChildsee above02:38
PriceChildI will be happy to remove the mute as soon as you have read the guidelines we ask all users to abide by.02:39
=== holycow [n=start@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
LjL[02:39:16]  <holycow> lol02:39
LjL[02:39:22]  <holycow> you guys trully are idiots02:39
LjL[02:39:27]  <holycow> serve the permaban morons02:39
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %*!*@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] by PriceChild
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ
LjLi think we should abide02:39
LjLnote that he joined #ubuntu as soon as i kicked him from #kubuntu :)02:40
PriceChildI think that . was a test to see if he could talk.02:46
LjLwhich he can, it's just that what he says is marked with a violet highlight :)02:47
LjLehm, how come https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades has instructions in *chinese*?02:47
Seeker`LjL: what client do you use?02:47
LjLSeeker`: konversation02:48
PiciLjL: odd02:50
LjL[02:51:42]  <Mii> LjL: u block the other pc from going on the ch.i only install linux for him to lurn how to use it ect he's using my conection.i told him to ask the ch how to install the drivers for his ati becaus i dont know how02:53
LjL[02:51:56]  <Mii> LjL: but i guess u dont care02:53
LjL[02:52:05]  <LjL> ?!02:53
LjL[02:52:25]  --> ptitgui has joined this channel (n=ptitgui@bro29-2-88-164-249-78.fbx.proxad.net).02:53
LjL[02:52:53]  <LjL> mii: crois tu que ce canal a quelque chose a voir avec ce que passe en #ubuntu?02:53
LjL[02:52:55]  <Mii> LjL: u block mii so i take his name i'm wii02:53
LjL[02:52:59]  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o McPeter02:53
LjL[02:53:00]  *** McPeter sets mode: +b %Mii!*@*02:53
=== Mii [n=wii@AMarigot-102-1-10-37.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Mii u block the other pc from going on the ch.i only install linux for him to lurn how to use it ect he's using my conection.i told him to ask the ch how to install the drivers for his ati becaus i dont know how02:57
MiiLjL: 02:57
Miii'm wii u block kerry02:57
LjLMii: tell kerry to blame you, then.02:58
LjLyou should think before behaving in a way that makes other people on the same connection as you end up banned.02:58
robI was thinking the same thing nalioth02:59
naliothenough is enough03:00
robI noticed he was ban-forwarded here though, so was waiting to see how it panned out03:00
naliothah, and now more fun in #freenode 03:00
LjLrob: he was forwarded because we've put a blanket ban on half of his ISP ;)03:00
LjLdidn't feel like making that a *ban*03:00
robyeah, that's what I noticed :)03:00
stdinwow, I step away for like an hour and miss world war 3! :p03:12
LjLstdin: nah, just much ado for nothing.03:16
stdinI do so love it when they complain that we only ban them for personal gratification, if that was the case I'd have banned holycow ages ago03:18
Seeker`i think that by that point, they are just trying to have fun by winding people up03:18
LjLheh indeed, irritating guy since the very first time i saw him03:18
stdinI've had to /ignore him in #kde a few times, just because of the seer number/frequency of the bad language highlights03:20
stdinmy computer was beeping so much it sounded like a bomb waiting to go *BOOM*!!03:20
=== jdong looks into #kubuntu and wonders if Minataku is a troll...
jdongnothing too suspicious so far, other than going on a random rant about PC's being crap03:25
LjLjdong: he's someone i don't like, and i think he's trolled in the past03:26
Piciarg.  I need to fix this.  'suspicious' keeps highlighting me.03:26
LjLPici: terrible client :)03:26
jdonggoatse mono novell pigsex wii mii kerry03:26
jdongany of those work?03:26
PiciLjL: nah, its a hilight I set myself.03:27
LjLPici: you set "suspicious" as a highlight? i mean, really? i thought i was among the guys with the most gratuitous highlights, but you beat me by a distance03:27
LjLjdong: wha?03:27
LjLare those all aliases of wii?03:28
PiciLjL: no.  I set pici as a a hilight.  I just didnt use the right syntax and it keeps hilighting when its in the middle of a word.03:28
LjLNovell is online, but03:28
jdongLjL: lol no, I suspect they may be magic highlight-words of the ops :)03:28
=== jdong braces for barrage of angry pinged staff
LjLPici: ah, uh, but clients usually have one's own nickname highlighted by default...?03:28
LjLjdong: uhm i have none of those to be honest :P03:29
LjLalthough, i don't even *really* know what i have on highlight03:29
Seeker`Pici: what client?03:29
jdongLjL: then I'm a bad guess :)03:29
PiciLjL: I've found its only for when the message is directed towards me, I like to know if someone is talking about me.03:29
LjLthere should be a searchbox for highlights03:29
PiciSeeker`: irssi03:29
LjLPici: weird, konversation just highlights me regardless of where "ljl" is said, as long as it's a single word03:29
Seeker`Pici: what is the hilight set as?03:30
PiciSeeker`: Pici03:30
LjLPici: i don't know about irssi, but if you can use regular expressions, just make it [^[:alnum:] ] Pici[^[:alnum:] ] 03:32
Seeker`Pici: Did you use any of the mask/regex/full options?03:32
PiciSeeker`: none03:32
jdongPici: should be /hilight -regexp03:32
jdongwrt. Ljl's expresion03:32
PiciThanks everyone03:33
jdongauspiciously suspicious.03:33
jdong[jdong@blackbook:~] $ grep pici /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l      (10-14 21:34)03:34
Picijdong: thanks for the tests, seems to have worked03:34
LjLmy three letters nicknames is a full zero :P03:34
=== Seeker` has 3
jdongwake me up when jdong is a word.03:35
Seeker`seeker, seeker's and seekers03:35
jdongwell except when hobbsee randomly unleashes her factoids on me :D03:35
Seeker`gah, where did the evening go - I have to get up for lectures tomorrow :(03:35
PiciI have work tomorrow03:36
=== Seeker` will be woken up in 5.5 hours
jdongwas holycow only banned in #kubuntu?03:47
LjLjdong: yes03:47
LjLi have him on highlight though, if he says something bad in #ubuntu, he's gone at once03:47
LjLnot kicking and nice words this time for sure03:48
LjLgood night now03:48
=== mrguser [n=mirggi@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
mrguseri've talked a little with the -fr ops anyway04:03
mrguserthey've known wii for some time too04:04
mrguserand now i understand why he claims that english is his language04:05
mrguserMargot is some island where they speak english04:06
mrguserat least if i've understood the french guys right04:06
mrguserthough they confirm that is french is as horrible as s english04:07
mrguserErr, "his" and "his"04:09
LjLSigh... Two more meters bluetooth range, just two!04:24
jdonghow the hell, I just spent 2hrs+ randomyl answering questions in #*buntu04:44
robeasy done, time flies when you are having, umm, fun :)04:46
jdongha. :)04:48
jdongwow, my roommate just had MS Office 2k3 deactivate itself on him when trying to print an 11-page paper due tomorrow04:51
jdongtook me about 2 seconds to finally sell him on OpenOffice04:51
jdongnext, I'll have to burst his bubble and tell him Vista has identical timebombs built in :)04:51
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Mez at Sun Sep 30 18:13:35 2007
draikrob: Thank you for the clarification.07:53
robdraik, np07:53
draikI will complete the "manual" and get back to you about it.07:53
robI was just about to reply..07:54
roboh well07:54
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotunickrud called the ops in #ubuntu09:07
robgot it09:08
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=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
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=== Gary pokes someone to approve his status on the https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc page :p
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !seamless is <reply> Seamless virtualiasation is a method to bring applications for Windows directly to your Ubuntu box! See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization for more information.10:30
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v GazzaK] by ChanServ
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu10:47
roblooks like a troll10:50
roboh looky, ban avoidance10:55
Tm_TI'm not!10:56
Amaranthrob: He wasn't banned10:56
robhe wasn't? oops, oh well ;)10:57
robserves him right for trolling!10:57
MezI just removed him, seemed to keep him quiet11:01
Tm_Twho where?11:01
Mezmartin_ in #ubuntu11:01
Tm_TI see11:01
Tm_TI noticed he was bit ass11:02
ubotuIn ubotu, arcticblue said: That is true, but is it not a release candidate?11:03
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seeker`] by ChanServ
=== MenZa [n=you@last.fm/subscriber/pdpc.student.MenZa] has joined #ubuntu-ops
MenZaApparent troll in #ubuntu-offtopic; just a head-sup11:08
rob<winchesterPAT> im investing in vista11:09
robthat one?11:09
AmaranthHim and pommer seem...off11:10
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v GazzaK] by ChanServ
AmaranthTroll city11:13
=== rob blasts one of the trolls with his superior logic in pm
robbut yes, there are several trolls, he (winchesterPAT) is trying to troll me in pm and failing11:15
robhe is now hitting ##windows too btw, so I can confirm at least one is a troll11:16
robor, maybe he is just young/naive, I dunno11:17
robhopefully school starts in whatever country just work up soon11:18
roberr woke11:18
=== martin_ [n=martin@80-235-47-4-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Tm_Trob: mind to show what this winchester friend tries?11:18
robpaste alert11:19
robwinchesterPAT> i dont know anything about developing softwaree11:19
rob<rob> that's okay, you can get involved and learn, just being helpful on channels like #ubuntu is a good start11:19
rob<winchesterPAT> i dont trust linus11:19
rob<winchesterPAT> he hacks pepoles lifes11:19
rob<rob> ok, if you say so. People are free to do what they want.11:19
rob<winchesterPAT> no theyr not11:19
rob<rob> sure they are, within reason usually defined by social norms and laws.11:19
rob<winchesterPAT> they are free to hack people ?11:19
rob<winchesterPAT> go hack micros**t11:19
rob<rob> why? Not only is that illegal, but I have nothing to gain by doing so.11:19
robnote that I sanitised that11:19
Amaranthmartin_: This is where the ops are, what do you need?11:20
ikoniahow interesting11:20
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic11:21
robapparently someone should whack me now, as in end my life..11:21
Tm_Trob: *hug*11:22
martin_Amaranth I dont need anything ,, I just wouldnt know how to better or develop linux distributions 11:22
Amaranthmartin_: Then this is the wrong place11:23
ikoniamartin_: there are tons of channels and projects to work that through on, what point are you at 11:23
martin_Amaranth .. But how do I post bugs or improvement ideas to ubuntu? launchapad is confusing11:24
Amaranthmartin_: Launchpad is the way11:24
ikoniamartin_: there is a guide on launchpad itsself on using launchpad11:24
martin_k, I go read then11:24
Tm_Tok Holycow in #ubuntu11:24
MenZarob: Yes, him, but that wasn't it :P11:28
robnow, for some reason he is talking about kiddy porn..11:28
MenZaI was thinking more of [2007-15-10 10:44:01 CEST]  < winchesterPAT> kiss my ass11:28
MenZa(Immediately after joining)11:28
robif this conversation degrades anymore, I'm going to terminate his connection11:29
MenZaAlso, I was wondering if I could have the ops 'grace', if you will, to stay here? I've read the IrcCouncil mailing list lately, and I don't want to risk banning.11:29
MenZaYes. Permission, if you will.11:30
Tm_Tnow I realised11:30
Tm_Twell I have nothing against it11:30
MenZaGood, good11:30
MenZaI assume you read Hobbsee's e-mail to the mailing list?11:30
AmaranthMenZa: You're allowed if we know who you are11:30
Tm_Tknown and known to be "tolerated" =)11:31
MenZaExactly. :)11:31
Tm_TMenZa: are you? really?!11:31
=== Tm_T hides
=== MenZa ph34rs.
Tm_T<3<3<3 Yes - And You And I <3<3<311:32
=== Tm_T is singing so hard that windows are shaking
Tm_Tmartin_: got snow already?11:35
MenZaI wish we had snow.11:36
Tm_Tits not fun when it covers everything with 1 meter thick wall11:38
MenZano school \o/11:38
Tm_Toh right, that kids stuff ;-P11:38
Tm_Twe almost have snow here11:40
Tm_Tit's freezing by night but just few degrees over zero by days11:40
jussi01Tm_T: we had snow up here in oulu on friday11:41
Tm_Tjussi01: heh, we had it too slightly, but its gone now11:41
MenZaTm_T: Where do you live?11:41
Tm_TEastern Finland11:41
jussi01Tm_T: yeah... I hope it holds off for a while..11:41
MenZaDenmark here.11:41
MenZaNo snow till late November :(11:42
MenZaIf we're lucky.11:42
Tm_TMenZa: "Siberia of Finland" =)11:42
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, pkern said: ubotu: LP is Launchpad (http://launchpad.net)11:48
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, Fujitsu said: !launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:50
AmaranthI already handled lp11:51
Amaranth!launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:51
ubotuBut launchpad already means something else!11:51
Amaranth!no, launchpad is <reply> Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:51
ubotuI'll remember that Amaranth11:51
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:51
Tm_TAmaranth: like to handle me too? ;)11:51
FujitsuThanks Amaranth.11:51
Tm_TFujitsu: youre welcome11:52
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu11:59
Tm_T!away | Mez 12:01
ubotuMez: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines12:01
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu12:44
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Seeker`_ [n=cjo20@host-138-38-248-83.nat.bath.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker\`
=== Seeker\` is now known as Seeker`
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=== GaryKe [n=Gary@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Garysorry for the join/parts, client broke01:49
Garyit's a pony windows client, meh02:06
GaryI cannot get silverex's xchat client running with python right02:07
=== Gary kicks xchat
MenZaWindows. :<02:07
Garywell I am at work02:07
PiciI just ssh into my home computer using putty, ssh/screen/irssi  :D02:08
GaryI might start doing that02:08
Garybut I do like Sevea's chanserv.py script02:08
MyrttiI wanna pony02:11
Garyme too, then I can have yummy steaks for at least a week02:11
Tm_TMyrtti: can I be your pony?02:11
Myrttiyou're too far away02:11
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seeker`] by ChanServ
Tm_Tnot on saturday02:12
PiciMister will you please help my pony.02:12
Myrttibesides these days applicants are crowding my irssi with their queries02:12
MyrttiI wonder why02:12
MyrttiApparently I'm even more invisible pink unicorn than before02:13
Garywoo Seeker` you have voice :p02:13
Myrttinot only am I a female with some linux knowhow02:13
Seeker`Gary: yup :) Tis much better than being banned :P02:13
PiciMyrtti: applicants?02:13
MyrttiI'm SINGLE! which, I suppose, is totally unexceptable02:13
=== Tm_T is old pink pony hermit
MyrttiPici: to be my pony02:14
PiciMyrtti: Ooh. :D02:14
MyrttiI what kind of colts would a pink invisible unicorn and an icelandic pony have02:15
Myrtticamocapabilities would without a doubt be marvelous02:15
pleia2so cute ones02:15
Tm_Twait, pony doesnt say mooh?02:15
pleia2I'd rather have a llama though02:16
Myrttior an alpaca02:16
Myrttithe wool... :-P~~~~~02:16
pleia2alpacas are smaller, so would make more sense for my smallish property02:16
=== Tm_T is bored and lone
MyrttiTm_T: don't be, join Facebo... ;-)02:17
Tm_TMyrtti: how that would help?02:17
MyrttiI could pet your panda :->02:17
Myrttioh wait, I haven't done that yet today for my own either02:18
Tm_TMyrtti: er, you lost me02:18
Myrttithey've got this application that you can take care of a pet of your choice :-D02:19
PiciOh.  I thought it was a euphemism. <.<02:19
=== Pici coughs
Myrttiwhen you feed them, they get faster and get better results in races (and you can gamble on the results)02:19
MyrttiPici: you sick animal you02:19
MyrttiTm_T: a tamagotchi, if you will02:20
Tm_TMyrtti: ok, not my piece of cake or so02:20
=== jussi01 wonders where pricey is...
PiciHe was here earlier.02:39
=== jussi01 also wonders if now he has a voice, does he need to be helping with testing users with the router exploit? and if so, how does one go about that.
Picijussi01: do you have ops in #ubuntu ?02:41
jussi01Pici: no02:41
LjLjussi01: don't bother then, you can't make them rejoin anyway02:41
Picijussi01: Then there really isnt a point, is there?02:41
jussi01OK. :) I didnt realise ops for #ubuntu was needed :)02:41
LjLjussi01: well, for #ubuntu or whatever channel they were redirected from02:41
Picijussi01: well, you test them, and if they pass, you unban them from #ubuntu02:41
=== jussi01 blushes and hides in corner...
=== Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== BugMaN [n=BugMaN@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
BugMaNhi Seveas, could you please tell freenode to add my ubuntu/member cloak? my LP profile is https://launchpad.net/~bugman03:28
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
PriceChild*wonders where his cheque book is*03:49
jdong*giggles at british spelling*03:58
Tm_TPriceChild: !!04:09
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gnomefreakPriceChild: pong05:28
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-188-110.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jussi01] by ChanServ
PriceChildgnomefreak, was someone caught by the ban a very long time ago :P05:35
PriceChildgnomefreak, was wii in disguise though it turned out05:35
PriceChildTm_T, hmm?05:35
PriceChildjdong, shh05:35
gnomefreakis the ban that we set working?05:35
PriceChildI assume so05:36
PiciI removed the duplicate matching mask out of offtopic, since we've been running out of banlist space lately.05:37
PriceChildPici, time to clean a few more bans?05:37
PiciPriceChild: Is it okay to go through stuff that I didnt set?  05:37
naliothPici: if you are "running out of banspace", pruning the list is not verboten05:38
PiciThen a-pruning I shall go05:39
gnomefreakit seems to have grabbed him on 3 nicks wii mii and kerry ;)05:40
PriceChildI'd leave all the stuff set before the netsplit :/05:40
PriceChildjul 12 on my screen05:41
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothgnomefreak: PriceChild: others: if you see wii/mii/whoever, please poke the staff (he's been doing this long enough and is now evading klines)05:42
gnomefreaknalioth: will do05:42
=== gnomefreak would like to get rid of him but i think we finally set a ban that works :)
naliothwell, if the ban works, don't bother us  :P05:47
gnomefreaknalioth: so far but we have it forwarded here05:48
gnomefreakjust incase it catches someone other than him05:48
gnomefreakbut i doubt it will05:49
PiciIf it does, can we tell that person to knock some sense into Wii?05:49
Amaranthgnomefreak: What did you set for the ban?05:50
gnomefreakwould love a kline for what we set :)05:50
AmaranthAll of wanadoo?05:50
gnomefreaksort of05:50
gnomefreakill get it05:50
gnomefreak[+b *!*@AMarigot-102-1*!#ubuntu-ops] 05:51
jdongthat's not bad...05:51
gnomefreakit has caught only him and 3 times it seems05:51
Tm_TPriceChild: hi05:53
PriceChildMeed anything?05:53
gnomefreakyeah a big strong drink (jim and coke will do)05:54
jussi01PriceChild: yeah... the list is endles... :P05:56
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== noobuntu [n=adsfadsf@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothanyone want to field a gutsy question? (same one i asked last week)06:03
mc44eat more roughage06:04
mc44not that kind of guts?06:04
Picinoobuntu: Can we help you?06:04
Seeker`nalioth: what was the question?06:04
noobuntuPici, with what06:04
Picinoobuntu: Well, you appear to be in #ubuntu-ops, most people don't come here unless they have an issue.06:05
naliothevery time i start my gutsy laptop. udevd is at the top of the cpu usage meter06:06
naliothi kill it and restart it, it behaves normally06:06
mc44have you updated recently? I thought that bug was fixed06:07
Tm_Tnalioth: I have seen that issue, just cant remember what it is06:07
naliothmc44: i update daily06:07
noobuntuPici, no issue06:09
=== philip [n=philip@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothnoobuntu: is there something we can help you with?06:09
philipHello there....I want to be tested06:09
noobuntunalioth, i dont know. is there?06:09
mc44nalioth: do you use evms?06:10
jussi01nalioth: are you using one of the main mirrors? some mirrors are 1 week behind...06:10
naliothnoobuntu: if you don't have a reason to be here, we can help you out06:10
naliothjussi01: am using archive.ubuntu.blah06:10
naliothmc44: have no clue06:10
noobuntunalioth, interesting. you can help me without a reason06:10
gnomefreaknoobuntu: read the topic06:10
naliothnoobuntu: we discourage random idlers06:10
=== Pici scratches his chin as he reads the tracker
gnomefreakbrb smoke06:11
philipguys can you 'poke' me, I "need" to be tested.....06:11
naliothphilip: buckle your seat belt06:11
mc44nalioth: apt-cache policy evms --> does it show it's installed?06:11
noobuntunalioth, gnomefreak okay, i have a question for you since you want to help me with something06:11
naliothmc44: it's not running atm06:11
philipI'm ready..........06:11
gnomefreaknalioth: :( 06:12
Amaranthguys, i'm sad06:12
Amaranthmy roommate at UDS is an automatix guy06:12
noobuntuwhat is the purpose of these instructions? how do they improve sound in gnome? ubuntuforums.org06:12
gnomefreakAmaranth: oh crap :(06:12
AmaranthI think they did it on purpose06:12
Tm_TAmaranth: ouch!06:12
AmaranthAnd he is in Omaha, NE same as me06:12
mc44nalioth: it might be bug 11561606:12
naliothphilip: you're good, you an join #ubuntu now and thanks for your patience  :)06:12
Amaranthif I kill him now I won't have to mess up my hotel room06:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115616 in update-manager "Device-mapper errors: dm-linear, lookup failed" [Critical,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11561606:12
noobuntui pasted the wrong url the first time06:12
naliothnoobuntu: supprt is in #ubuntu 06:12
naliothnoobuntu: or #ubuntuforums06:13
Pici#ubuntuforums isn't a support channel, they'll push him to #ubuntu06:13
noobuntunalioth, okay, but you asked me if i need any help06:13
mc44nalioth: in which case remove evms06:13
naliothnoobuntu: this is an administration channel06:13
Picinalioth: check the tracker, that mask is in there quite a few times fyi.06:13
=== philip [n=philip@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
noobuntunalioth, what's the purpose of telling me of a channel that you know im banned from?06:13
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] by nalioth
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o nalioth] by nalioth
naliothwhat is evms, anyway?06:15
Amaranth!info evms06:15
ubotuevms: Enterprise Volume Management System (core). In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.5-18ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 85 kB, installed size 320 kB06:15
Amaranthnalioth: it says enterprise, that's all you need to know :P06:16
Tm_TAmaranth: how it can be enterprise when its not java?06:16
PiciAmaranth: Or XML06:16
jdongit's the LVM/fancy-partition-management overlord of doom :)06:17
=== nalioth wonders how evms got on his gutsy box in the first place
AmaranthSeriously though, this is going to _suck_06:18
AmaranthI'm just not going to be in my room unless I'm sleeping06:18
Amaranthand I'll sleep with one eye open06:18
naliothAmaranth: well, you no longer have to preach EU superiority, but instead ask him why he's affiliated with "the extra coat of paint" 06:19
Amaranthnalioth: I was never happy with EU anyway :P06:19
Amaranthnalioth: I was only doing stuff there because I didn't want it to suck06:19
gnomefreakwhat happened with EU?06:19
gnomefreaki havent heard about it in a while06:19
AmaranthIt was completely replaced with gnome-app-install and automatic codec installation06:20
gnomefreakah ok06:20
AmaranthWell, basically for feisty it would have been an 'install flash' button06:20
mc44Amaranth: you could smother him with a pillow. No one will ever know!06:20
naliothgnomefreak: it is no longer needed.06:20
Amaranthmc44: I was thinking a push out the window06:20
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
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=== noobuntu [n=adsfadsf@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
ubotuntfs aliases: windowsdrives, nfts - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 00:07:2606:31
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:31
jdongthat factoid is a bit confusing in the globbing of Mac partitions06:31
jdongneither ntfs-3g nor fuse helps for writing to journaled HFS+ filesystems06:31
jdong"For NTFS write access" would be clearer06:32
naliothso clear it06:33
jdonghow do I do that? re-submit the factoid?06:33
jussi01jdong: !no, ntfs-3g is <reply> blah IIRC06:34
naliothif you like, or poke someone with ubotu write access (no ntfs-3g required)06:34
jdong!no, ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:34
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jdong said: !no, ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:34
jdongstupid paste06:35
gnomefreakhold on is that what you want it to say?06:35
jdong!no, ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:35
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jdong said: !no, ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:35
gnomefreakok give me a sec06:35
jdongjust to clarify what "write access" we're referring to06:35
gnomefreak!no, ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:35
ubotuI'll remember that gnomefreak06:35
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:35
jdongthanks gnomefreak :)06:35
naliothEEEK! BOTSPAM06:36
gnomefreakjdong: once i remember how to add editors if you want ill add you06:37
jdongsorry nalioth, I'm an idiot06:37
jdonggnomefreak: meh I don't mind either way :)06:38
gnomefreakcould have done it in pm but than i wouldnt get pm from other bot telling me his not smart (thats the fun of it)06:38
jdongin retrospect that would've been smarter06:39
naliothgnomefreak: the other bots in here have nice cups of STFU06:40
gnomefreakbrb reboot06:41
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Mez at Sun Sep 30 18:13:35 2007
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
PriceChild#ubuntu's getting a bit large...09:20
PiciYep, its already swelling.09:20
jdonginsert another innuendo here09:21
mc44jdong: wait for it's size on release!09:22
jdongmc44: tehn it'll return to its normal size09:24
jdongmc44: and cannot release again for a decent period of time09:24
jussi01hmmm, this is a good question : [21:22]  <Moniker42> any idea what the largest number of users in #ubuntu has been? 09:28
jussi01Im curious also...09:28
mc44it was on feisty release day09:29
mc44can't remember how many exactly, maybe 160009:29
jussi01is there somewhere wit the stats?09:29
tonyyarussomc44: I think it was more like 130009:32
naliothjdong: there'll be at least 1500 folks there09:32
mc44tonyyarusso: nah, higher than that09:32
nalioththe crowd swells with each release09:32
jussi01there is ~1300 now...09:32
mc44tonyyarusso: it went past 1337 quite early iirc :)09:32
Picihm.  My irc stats program doesnt grab number of users.09:35
naliothPici: usercount.pl09:37
Seeker`I'm pretty sure it was around 1600 for feisty09:37
Seeker`1297 atm in #ubuntu09:38
gnomefreakit was ~1600 for feisty release09:38
Seeker`just hit 1300 in ubuntu09:39
Mezwe need 37 more09:39
Seeker`just get a load of bots09:40
jdongfor i in range(37): system("irssi &") ?09:40
Mez<Mez> we need 37 more people in #ubuntu to make it 1337 users ;009:40
Mez<Dave2> hehe09:40
Mez<Dave2> I have a screenshot of it at 1337!09:40
Mezah didnt see you in here09:41
Dave2I have no idea where the screenshot is. But it's somewhere.09:41
jdongPriceChild: I have to relocate to another classroom right now, but can you loo kin teh bantracker for NoelCower/Noel/Cower's ban in #ubuntuforums for suggesting a rm -rf?09:43
jdongtotally forgot to lift it.09:43
jdongPriceChild: got it, nvm09:46
PriceChildsorry was away09:53
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jdongno worries10:03
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jdongstupid irssi hanging10:07
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jaytPriceChild, there is a pm there for you .. 10:10
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Seveasneh, ubotu has a proble10:14
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ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.10:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about btlogin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:48
gnomefreakSeveas: your bot is down?10:48
Seveasnot anymore10:48
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.10:48
gnomefreakdid the command change?10:49
Seveasno, it's just broken10:49
gnomefreakah ok does someone have the link i so i can comment10:50
Seveastry again10:50
Seveasyou need to login :)10:50
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.10:50
gnomefreakyeah well i tried that ;)10:50
ompaulPython 2.4.3: /usr/bin/python10:50
ompaulMon Oct 15 22:52:07 200710:50
ompaulmore errorz10:50
gnomefreakill wait he may make it in here anyway10:50
ompaulOperationalError: database is locked10:50
Seveas@reload Bantracker10:50
ompaul      args = ('database is locked',)10:50
ompaulSeveas, that may point in the right direction10:51
SeveasI know10:51
Seveasalready seen the error10:51
gnomefreaki never get good output from bot10:51
Seveasgnomefreak, ompaul grabbed it from the bantracker10:51
SeveasI saw it in the debug log10:51
Seveasso we are both cheating10:51
Seveastry now, bantracker works10:51
ompaulSeveas, it does10:52
ompaulbut it is missing the last couple of hours10:52
ompaulthe but can be dropped()10:52
Seveastoo bad10:53
ompaulyeap :)10:53
Seveashad to delete the journal10:53
ompaulahh 10:53
Seveasserver got a hard reboot10:53
Seeker`thats bad10:53
PiciIs the tracker still running on a sqlite database?10:54
gnomefreaki guess it was down when i banned him10:55
ompaulgnomefreak, your own logs10:56
gnomefreaki have my own logs but commenting on my logs is a bit harder10:56
ompaulthere is that ;-)10:56
gnomefreaki wish he would find something better to do than pm me10:57
Picignomefreak: unban and reban him, then comment10:58
gnomefreakgood idea10:58
gnomefreakPici: thanks that did it11:00
=== ikonia nods respectfully to the channel
ompaulikonia, how you doin?11:23
ikoniahey ompaul doing ok. Exausted but fine11:26
ikoniabeen a long old day11:26
ikoniathen I've come home to reasonable ammount of house work 11:26
ikoniahow about you11:26
ikoniastill full of beans11:26
ompaulgood 11:26
ompaulna its late11:27
ompaulthat is the only reason11:27
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ompaulI got out of bed at 7am 11:27
ikoniaok, so still got some drive11:27
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ikoniajump on a flight if you want/can, I'm having a birthday part on Wednesday, and a geek version on Thursday 11:29
ompaulheh, I got my whole week booked up already :)11:29
ikoniaits a last minute thing, 11:29
ompauland can't other than that - not enough notice to work and got 3 desktops and one server to work on for fun11:30
ikoniaI suspected as much11:30
ikoniabut it never hurts to ask 11:30
ikonianormally better planning, but last minute thing this year11:30
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gnomefreakhmmmmmmm seems slow12:13
gnomefreakmc44: are you only op in -offtopic?12:15
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mc44gnomefreak: not anywhere :)12:17
gnomefreakoh thought you were op in -offtopic :(12:19
naliothif you are not an op, why are you here ?  0_o12:19
gnomefreakbtw ban tracker thinks you are as well12:19
gnomefreakatleast i thought you were the banner/kicker12:20
mc44gnomefreak: occasionally people are silly and get chanserv to op people12:21
mc44nalioth: because it's useful if you're helping out in #ubuntu etc?12:21
gnomefreakoh ompaul kicked you12:21
gnomefreak2 times12:21
gnomefreak3 times12:21
gnomefreakholy crap what were you doing12:21
Seeker`gnomefreak: How many times has Gary / Gazzak been kicked?12:22
gnomefreakdont know dont see him on this first page12:22
Seeker`gnomefreak: I would be surprised if it were still in 2 figures12:22
Picimc44 has been kicked at least 10 times12:26
Picihes a bad boy.12:26
mc44Pici: more like 10012:27
naliothmc44: your logic is faulty. 12:28
mc44nalioth: which logic?12:28
gnomefreakcoreymon77: is there something we can do for you?12:29
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Picimurgi can probably be removed, hes an 83.230 that was looking for -es.12:33
naliothmc44: there are dozens of other active helpful folks in #ubuntu and #kubuntu etc who do not feel it necessary to idle in here   << logic12:33
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mc44nalioth: I happen to have a different opinion12:33
mc44It wasn't logic, it was a statement of why I was in here12:34
PiciMy opinion is that we should leave it as it is right now and bring up the issue at the next IRC Council meeting, when all the Council members are present.12:34
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gnomefreakmc44: hes having fun in pm12:52
mc44gnomefreak: because we're racist? :)12:52
gnomefreakmc44: yeah 12:53
gnomefreakhes telling me hes gonna dodge the ban12:53
PriceChildgnomefreak, where's this frm?12:54
gnomefreak+1 now in pm12:54
gnomefreakPriceChild: he was using slang for black people iirc than called us rasist12:54
gnomefreaknow hes telling me hes gonna dodge12:55
gnomefreak18:54 <nzero> new ip and no problems getting in12:55
gnomefreakthers more :)12:55
PriceChildwhat channel?12:55
gnomefreakits in pm right now12:55
PriceChildwhat channel did this start?12:55
gnomefreakhe was banned from +112:55
PiciCan someone check the links in -offtopic, I'm only on a shell12:56
PriceChildwierd... :/12:56
PriceChildthey forwarded to google for me anyway it seemed12:56
gnomefreakthe usage links?12:56
Picity Seveas.12:56
PriceChildstill.... nasty person12:57
Seveasall google, but calling it goatse makes me itchy12:57
PriceChildhe was asking about goatse and tubgirl earlier12:57
Seveasgood riddance12:57
naliothPici: screen is your friend12:57
Seveasis now complaining in #freenode12:57
naliothPici: irssi in one screen, links2 in another, etc12:58
gnomefreakplease tell me the one you just banned12:58
=== gnomefreak tired of mine already
gnomefreakok cool12:58
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gnomefreakPriceChild: ;)12:58
SoskelSeveas banned me for linking to google 12:58
Soskelhttp://000-137.info/              http://0513.info/              http://0757fs.com/ 12:58
gnomefreakSoskel: and?12:59
Seveasno, I banned you for announcing links to goatse12:59
Soskelabusing powers12:59
Seveasstandard troll excuse :)12:59
SoskelSeveas: they weren't links to goatse 12:59
=== gnomefreak goes back to tracking my troll
Seveashave fun gnomefreak 12:59
gnomefreakSeeker`: ty :)12:59
Seveasmine is right here, makes it easy12:59
gnomefreakSeveas: ty12:59
gnomefreakmine wont join12:59
PriceChildSoskel, you were intentionally trying to stir the channel up. I am very sure you are aware that goatse and tubgirl are not accepted discussion topics.01:00
SoskelPriceChild: I know..... but I didn't post links to either 01:00
PriceChildSoskel, that is irrelevant.01:00
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SoskelI am also shocked to see oprs acting so immaturely 01:00
nzerome too01:01
PriceChildSoskel, I think that's enough discussion then. The ban will not be lifted at this time.01:01
PriceChildnzero, can I help you?01:01
mc44PriceChild: thats gnomefreak's :)01:01
gnomefreaknzero: welcome01:01
PriceChildmc44, I know :)01:01
gnomefreaknzero: did you bring the logs?01:01
nzerowhat logs01:01
Picimc44: he likes asking that question01:02
gnomefreaknzero: i told you in p, bring the log if you think this ban was unfaur01:02
Seveasnzero, if you want to protest against something an op dit, you must bring logs01:02
gnomefreakunfair. if you like i can post it here01:02
Seveas<Soskel> are you able to have a civilized conversation in PM?01:02
Seveas<Soskel> hmmmm01:02
Seveas<Soskel> http://www.kaarsemaker.net/contact/01:02
Seveas<Soskel> nice site01:02
Seveasfunny thing, google01:02
Soskelplease use a pastebin next time01:02
SeveasSoskel, use /dev/null for trolling01:02
gnomefreak18:59 <nzero> you didn't answer the question of how you plan to ban a changing ip address01:03
gnomefreak19:01 <gnomefreak> nzero doesnt matter how i do it its alredy been done. now i suggest you go find somewhere else to get help if you need it that bad. if you thin this ban was wrong join #ubuntu-ops with logs 01:03
gnomefreak19:01 <gnomefreak> if you cant do that than im done.01:03
gnomefreaknzero: that is what i said about logs01:03
gnomefreakdid i miss a line'01:03
gnomefreakno i did01:04
nzerobut you didn't ban me, you have banned me under different names over 5 times now gnomefreak and its always been about some joke that your humorless self got all tight about. and i have gotten past all those bans and i'll do it again01:04
Seveasnzero, if you come in here just to rant, please leave01:04
gnomefreaknzero: did i? nalioth is him admitting it enough for a kline?01:04
Seveasif you have a serious complaint, back it up with logs01:05
Soskelgnomefreak: you may not be aware, but you can't ban a specific dynamic IP01:05
gnomefreakSoskel: you stick with your person01:05
SeveasSoskel, please leave if you have nothing useful to say01:05
SoskelSeveas: please stfu01:05
nzeroyes but if you ban the IP i am on at a higher level you risk have everyone else on that number not be able to use ubuntu support01:05
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gnomefreakstupid little man01:06
gnomefreaknzero: than go for it. if you think you want to dodge it feel free01:06
nzerooh and then there always the various WiFi spots around me as well, all i am saying is stop being dick and be a little human01:06
PriceChildnzero, we're cleverer than that :)01:06
gnomefreaknzero: but warning you now admitting it in a channel full of ops and freenode staff not really smartest thing to do01:06
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naliothwhat does nzero do? (besides evade bans)01:07
Seveasevade k-lines?01:07
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naliothnzero, why were you banned in the 1st place?01:08
gnomefreaknalioth: it started because of his use of language and fighting mc and i over it and than saying we are reacists01:08
nzerocause somebody came in and said hey everybody01:08
naliothgnomefreak: ah01:08
nzeroand me being the funny guy i am, said in quot "yo yo my nigga"01:09
Seveasthat's nowhere near funny01:09
naliothunfortunately, that is not funny for everyone01:09
nzeronow i could have said nigger, now that is offensive (in certain situtions) but nigga is not even technically a word01:09
nzeroits slanguage01:09
PriceChildthat's not even a word either?01:10
SeveasPriceChild, that translates to "thin excuses for trolling"01:10
PriceChildnzero, please do not try to be clever with us. Please do not think you can bend the rules and make it "technically ok" for you to do whatever it is you want to do.01:10
DavieyHow long does it take a kline to get activated? :)01:10

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