=== U` [n=Mr@adsl-126-41-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Zambezi | Mark7: Working better now? | 01:25 |
Mark7 | Yeah | 01:26 |
Zambezi | gnomefreak: works fine for me. At least is better than the repos in Feisty. | 01:26 |
Zambezi | Mark7: Wasn't that hard after all right? ;-) | 01:26 |
Mark7 | I just hope I never need to contact the service provider | 01:26 |
Mark7 | I had to sign up with one in Czech | 01:26 |
Mark7 | WHat's the complete irc address for ubuntu? | 01:30 |
U` | irc.ubuntu.com i guess | 01:30 |
Mark7 | Tried that | 01:31 |
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U` | doesn't work ? | 01:31 |
Mark7 | I wish someone I knew would log into their IM account so I could see if it worked | 01:31 |
h3lloWorld | .org or dot net? | 01:31 |
U` | type /links you can get the address ... | 01:33 |
Mark7 | The main page says it's a .com | 01:34 |
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U` | sorry i ddn't understand your question but what i tried to tell you ..that im connectin here usin irc.ubuntu.com | 01:35 |
Mark7 | Do you know how to connect via Gajim? | 01:36 |
U` | nah sorry | 01:36 |
Mark7 | Maybe I have to sign out of here first | 01:39 |
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HelloMeow | I have a problem. | 02:12 |
HelloMeow | My computer seems to crash at random intervals whenever I idle. | 02:12 |
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HelloMeow | Also, programs themselves slowdown to the point of not working, and I have to pkill them. | 02:13 |
HelloMeow | Just now, Amarok would not start working and so I had to restart my computer. | 02:13 |
HelloMeow | The toolbars on my desktop aren't even there anymore, the only reason I am on xchat is because I have it set to start up as soon as the computer boots. | 02:14 |
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HelloMeow | It is getting really annoying to have to restart my computer every other day, is there anything you guys know that might be giving me all of these difficulties using xubuntu? | 02:15 |
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Lawliet | Sorry, this is HelloMeow. | 02:16 |
Lawliet | Do any of you guys have any information that can help me/A | 02:16 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:35 |
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uriahheep | hey | 02:58 |
uriahheep | does the xubuntu desktop cd use squashfs-lzma? | 02:59 |
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The-Kernel | is there a program that I can use the utilizes digital cameras? | 03:54 |
magic_ninja | The-Kernel: gphoto2 | 04:06 |
magic_ninja | The-Kernel: http://www.gphoto.org/ | 04:07 |
The-Kernel | omg | 04:11 |
The-Kernel | I did mv * .JPG to Pictures/ | 04:11 |
The-Kernel | and my entire /home/user/ dir disappeared! | 04:11 |
The-Kernel | but it's back now | 04:11 |
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/ | ||
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Fri Oct 12 13:55:56 2007 | ||
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nessmuk | i'm just installing Xubuntu 7.04 on a Pll and wondering if the update manager will update to 7.10 when it goes gold? | 09:37 |
nessmuk | or does one need to use the cd of 7.10 to upgrade? | 09:38 |
d1n0 | interesting question | 09:46 |
d1n0 | i would think so | 09:46 |
d1n0 | but lets here with the pros | 09:46 |
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Pixilarion | I have a small but rather annoying problem: under Edgy I created launchers for a few scripts I use a lot and placed them in a panel. Yesterday I upgraded to Gutsy and for some reason do open in the terminal, like they should, but they don't get executed: I'm only placed inside the directory of the script | 10:52 |
Pixilarion | anyone got a clue what I'm doing wrong? | 10:52 |
Pixilarion | actually I did not distupgrade, but did a clean install of Gutsy | 10:53 |
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aptanet | what file does xubuntu use for the autostart applets on the panel? | 11:47 |
aptanet | I've started getting an extra icon in the panel for nm-applet each time I restart | 11:50 |
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Pixilarion | aptanet: you can configure what is started at startup trough the "autostarted applications" | 11:58 |
Pixilarion | somewhere in your systempreferences | 11:58 |
Pixilarion | Network Manager is one of them | 11:59 |
aptanet | I can, and have done, but for some reason it needs fixing | 12:05 |
aptanet | network manager wasn't originally there so I added it manually | 12:05 |
aptanet | now I have 4 applets running on the panel, and if I reboot I'll have 5 | 12:06 |
aptanet | the only entry I've found in a file so far is /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop | 12:08 |
aptanet | that is still there now I've deleted it in the autostart applications | 12:08 |
aptanet | and it has the line OnlyShowIn=GNOME; | 12:08 |
TheSheep | aptanet: remove ~/.cache/sessions | 12:12 |
aptanet | aha, found a ubuntu bug report now I've searched on the file and path I've found | 12:13 |
aptanet | TheSheep: solves the immediate problem, but not the long term issue | 12:16 |
aptanet | but thanks anyway, useful location to know, I've not needed to look at that before :) | 12:16 |
TheSheep | aptanet: I know that nm-applet was added to gutsy recently, are you running gutsy? | 12:17 |
aptanet | no, I've been holding off until release | 12:17 |
aptanet | I'm usually quite happy to test out, but not really having the time at the moment, so sticking to final releases | 12:18 |
aptanet | ironic really since I'm debugging at the moment! | 12:18 |
TheSheep | aptanet: make sure you disable the 'save session' checkbox when logging out | 12:27 |
aptanet | yes, I was just reading up on a bit and thinking that. I usually enable it by default, but will try a reboot without and then again with | 12:29 |
aptanet | I've just killed all but one instance | 12:29 |
aptanet | I think I'm going to amend the nm-applet.desktop file to OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE; | 12:30 |
aptanet | then kill the remaining applet and reboot | 12:30 |
aptanet | I may have got to xubuntu in an odd way, although I don't think it is related | 12:31 |
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malawi13 | salut a tous | 12:32 |
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aptanet | hmm, just found another copy of that file in ~/.config/autostart/ | 12:33 |
aptanet | my grep didn't find that - didn't search . direcotries I guess - doh! | 12:33 |
aptanet | aha, the one off ~/ is the one I created and is disabled - as is the tray.py.desktop that was wicd that I played with | 12:43 |
aptanet | it is beginning to make sense | 12:43 |
totalwormface | hehe | 12:45 |
aptanet | now I've amended the ShowOnlyIn line the nm-applet configured in the /etc shows up in Autostarted applications, which it wasn't before | 12:46 |
Pixilarion | ok, since everybody is getting up: anyone got a solution to my problem with the launchers for scripts? | 12:47 |
aptanet | time for a reboot now, fingers crossed | 12:47 |
Pixilarion | good luck ;) | 12:48 |
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aptanet | phew, I think I'm in control of nm-applet now! | 01:42 |
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mikubuntu | help. just downloaded adobe flash player to my desktop as a tar.gz file. can someone please walk me thru the unpackaging process? i have a terminal open and ready if someone can help.... :) | 02:10 |
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TheSheep | mikubuntu: install it from the repository instead | 02:17 |
soweto76 | TheSheep, In what repository is that found? | 02:18 |
TheSheep | !info falshplugin-nonfree | 02:24 |
ubotu | Package falshplugin-nonfree does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 02:24 |
TheSheep | !info flashplugin-nonfree | 02:24 |
ubotu | flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386) | 02:24 |
soweto76 | TheSheep, Thanks. | 02:25 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: so where do i look for it, in the synaptic package mgr? | 02:27 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: did i read some where that gutsy upgrade will be including gnash by default? | 02:28 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: no idea, mine has flash player | 02:34 |
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Pixilarion | mine too | 02:39 |
Pixilarion | mikubuntu: if you really want to install with your downloaded version, just let me know | 02:39 |
Pixilarion | I walk you through :) | 02:39 |
Pixilarion | weird, the soudn quality in Skype 1.3 is better than in 1.4 | 02:48 |
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junkeR | hey, when I login into 7.10 Xubuntu, the screen goes to an orange color for a few seconds... anyway to stop it from doing that? | 02:54 |
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Keitherz | is xubuntu almost the same with ubuntu | 03:13 |
Keitherz | is only the Xfce interface is the difference | 03:13 |
vsouzajunior | Hi, Keitherz! I've just installed and using Xubuntu. It's lighter than Ubuntu | 03:14 |
Keitherz | ok how is it | 03:14 |
Keitherz | whats your memory | 03:14 |
vsouzajunior | 256MB | 03:14 |
Keitherz | my problem is i only have 256 | 03:15 |
vsouzajunior | It's running quite well | 03:15 |
Keitherz | i want ubuntu well its the same package right | 03:15 |
vsouzajunior | it's better to install a lightweight system, like xubuntu and afterwards install what you need | 03:16 |
vsouzajunior | to install more stuff you can use synaptic | 03:16 |
junkeR | hey, when I login into 7.10 Xubuntu, the screen goes to an orange color for a few seconds... anyway to stop it from doing that? | 03:17 |
Keitherz | whats that | 03:17 |
vsouzajunior | Synaptic is a package manager | 03:18 |
vsouzajunior | It has a list of the programs available on the repositories | 03:18 |
Keitherz | darn i want compiz-fuzion | 03:19 |
Keitherz | ill just wait 3 days | 03:19 |
Keitherz | so i dont need to upgrade | 03:19 |
Keitherz | ill wait for gusty gibbon | 03:20 |
Keitherz | wait | 03:20 |
Keitherz | is gusty is out of beta and release officially do you still need to upgrade it | 03:20 |
vsouzajunior | I don't know. | 03:21 |
Keitherz | do you have xp installed there | 03:22 |
vsouzajunior | yes. in another partition | 03:23 |
Keitherz | how to dual boot | 03:24 |
Keitherz | do you use GRUB | 03:24 |
Keitherz | does the install cd have grub | 03:25 |
vsouzajunior | I installed xubuntu from the alternate install cd. by using it you can manage the partitions. I uses Grub | 03:26 |
vsouzajunior | yes. the intall cd installs and configures Grub | 03:26 |
vsouzajunior | Sorry, I've got to quit. | 03:27 |
Keitherz | bye | 03:27 |
vsouzajunior | bye | 03:27 |
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Pixilarion | junkeR: I have that problem too, don't know why it happens | 03:43 |
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Jester45 | has gusty been released? | 04:01 |
nanonyme | not yet | 04:01 |
nanonyme | !gutsy | 04:01 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 04:01 |
Jester45 | why is there so much gnome in it | 04:01 |
nanonyme | there is? | 04:02 |
nanonyme | i hadn't noticed | 04:02 |
Jester45 | i tried it out and cant stand it i would go for feisty but its gonna be old soon and thats not good for desktops | 04:02 |
Jester45 | so imight go debian but i never really liked how much your had to config it | 04:02 |
nanonyme | hardy is probably going to be something extremely nice | 04:03 |
Jester45 | so right now im using win2k so i can get my games | 04:03 |
nanonyme | heh | 04:03 |
nanonyme | tried wine? | 04:04 |
nanonyme | that is, the current versions of it | 04:04 |
Jester45 | i might | 04:04 |
Jester45 | depends on if CnC renegade and Knight online works | 04:04 |
nanonyme | http://appdb.winehq.org/ ;) | 04:05 |
Jester45 | yea i know im in class right now | 04:05 |
Jester45 | i trued wine before on a game but it didnt work so good | 04:06 |
Jester45 | its really slow copying files | 04:06 |
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nanonyme | renegade is marked as silver and knight online as garbage | 04:07 |
nanonyme | so i guess you have little luck there | 04:07 |
Jester45 | is this for any version or just ubuntu/debian | 04:07 |
nanonyme | any version | 04:07 |
nanonyme | the only choice really is windows | 04:07 |
Jester45 | humm | 04:07 |
Jester45 | knight online is so fun | 04:08 |
Jester45 | garbage is no installable right | 04:08 |
nanonyme | erm, actually people have set "installs, doesn't run" | 04:08 |
Jester45 | o | 04:08 |
nanonyme | apparently it fails the install | 04:09 |
nanonyme | erm | 04:09 |
nanonyme | update i mean | 04:09 |
Jester45 | man my ping time so long... im going though 4 ssh server | 04:09 |
Jester45 | o | 04:09 |
Jester45 | well you have to use that on the game | 04:09 |
nanonyme | i wonder why no bug report hasn't been done | 04:10 |
nanonyme | there's obviously a bug in wine considering knight online | 04:10 |
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Jester45 | those are my 2 normal games i couldnt live without | 04:11 |
garotasapo | Hi. xfce4-panel is taking 99% of CPU. I tried removing everything from it but it keeps glitching. xubuntu is up to date. does somebody have any clue to fix it? | 04:11 |
Jester45 | you could search for a bug | 04:15 |
Jester45 | !bugs | 04:15 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 04:15 |
garotasapo | I'd better search for a fix heheh :P | 04:15 |
Jester45 | have you tried kkilling it and restarting it | 04:15 |
garotasapo | yes. no success | 04:15 |
Jester45 | well if the bug is fixed it will show how to fix it | 04:15 |
garotasapo | I was just kidding. | 04:15 |
Jester45 | or if it has been put in the repo will should say fixed,released or something | 04:15 |
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mikubuntu | Pixilarion: thanks, sorry i was away from the computer, i think the package was ihnstalled through synaptic; maybe i can take you up on your offer in the future? :) | 04:38 |
Pixilarion | mikubuntu: no problem | 04:40 |
Pixilarion | if you open firefox and type "about:plugins" | 04:40 |
Pixilarion | flash should be listed there | 04:40 |
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mikubuntu | anybody know why my cursor sometimes goes black? | 06:27 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: I think that some applications can force a mouse cursor when it is over them, and the default X cursro is black... | 06:37 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep: i notice that sometimes when the cursor is black, some addons don't operate properly, like 'back to top' in firefox. | 06:41 |
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/ | ||
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Fri Oct 12 13:55:56 2007 | ||
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) alnokta: try du -sk -- * | sort -n | 09:14 | |
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) szyszeja: I've found a thread about similar problems on ubuntu forums | 09:14 | |
(alnokta/#xubuntu) TheSheep, yes works, thanks | 09:15 | |
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) szyszeja: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5651.html | 09:15 | |
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) alnokta: you must have a file with name starting from - | 09:15 | |
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) s/from/with | 09:15 | |
TheSheep | szyszeja: you can try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 09:16 |
TheSheep | szyszeja: and try various options | 09:16 |
alnokta | TheSheep, so adding -- escapes it? | 09:17 |
TheSheep | szyszeja: also , you can try pressing alt+ctrl+gray + when in X | 09:17 |
TheSheep | alnokta: yes, -- means "no more options, only file names follow" | 09:18 |
alnokta | ah good | 09:19 |
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TheSheep | alnokta: but many script writers forget about that, so having a file with name starting with - is asking for trouble | 09:19 |
TheSheep | alnokta: especially if it's "-delete" | 09:19 |
alnokta | ah | 09:21 |
alnokta | i will remember that | 09:21 |
alnokta | so it works with another commands as well? | 09:21 |
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TheSheep | alnokta: programs can't really say whether the name comes from a * or you typed it | 09:22 |
TheSheep | alnokta: all they get is the string | 09:22 |
alnokta | poor things :P | 09:22 |
TheSheep | one of the more annoying gotchas | 09:23 |
rici | http://www.xkcd.com/327/ | 09:26 |
TheSheep | rici: old. also, ot | 09:27 |
rici | oops, wrong window. | 09:28 |
rici | sorry | 09:28 |
TheSheep | :) | 09:29 |
rici | it was on topic where it was supposed to go, honest. :) | 09:29 |
alnokta | it is good . thanks :) | 09:29 |
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hyper__ch | TheSheep: how do you use at? | 10:34 |
R[a] ndom | man at? | 10:35 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: many questions are still open :) | 10:35 |
R[a] ndom | such as? | 10:35 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: would that be correct: sudo at -c poweroff 12:00 ? | 10:36 |
R[a] ndom | never used at myself, but it looks like it | 10:36 |
R[a] ndom | unknown jobid | 10:37 |
hyper__ch | at [-V] [-q queue] [-f file] [-mldbv] TIME | 10:37 |
hyper__ch | at -c job [job...] | 10:37 |
hyper__ch | that's the synopsis | 10:37 |
R[a] ndom | yeah I have the man page open | 10:37 |
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hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: that's one man page that doesn't help much | 10:38 |
R[a] ndom | oh do you only have those 2 lines? | 10:38 |
R[a] ndom | mine is a couple pages.. | 10:38 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: I have it all | 10:38 |
R[a] ndom | it helps, we just havent figured it out yet. | 10:38 |
eim | Hello folks, is there any way (yaboot args) to install xubuntu Feisty on PowerPC without the gui (just via ncurses installer)? Thanks. | 10:38 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: but its still not much help | 10:38 |
R[a] ndom | im sure theres something we missed | 10:38 |
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R[a] ndom | its about critical reading :P | 10:38 |
hyper__ch | a full example of how to add a job would be good | 10:39 |
R[a] ndom | yeah I prefer them to have examples | 10:39 |
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R[a] ndom | its also impossible to google for help | 10:41 |
hyper__ch | I guess I got it | 10:42 |
R[a] ndom | yeah? | 10:43 |
R[a] ndom | all I figured out is that your -c is the wrong option | 10:43 |
R[a] ndom | heh | 10:43 |
R[a] ndom | I can enter at, and then have it ask me for the commands | 10:43 |
R[a] ndom | but I cant figure a way to do it in one line | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | I created a file: poweroff | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | with the content poweroff | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | and then I did | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | sudo at -f poweroff 12:00 | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | that worked | 10:44 |
R[a] ndom | ah yeah, i thought of that approach too | 10:44 |
hyper__ch | but there must be a way to enter the command from the cli | 10:45 |
R[a] ndom | but there must be a way to do it on one line :) | 10:45 |
hyper__ch | and not through a file | 10:45 |
hyper__ch | ;) | 10:45 |
R[a] ndom | ah well | 10:45 |
hyper__ch | at and batch read commands from standard input or a specified file | 10:48 |
hyper__ch | but how to read it from standard input | 10:48 |
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pequatre | hi | 10:51 |
pequatre | anyone knows how to remove network-manager without removing the whole xubuntu system ? an "aptitude remove network-manager" says that xubuntu-desktop needs to be removed as well... | 10:52 |
pequatre | btw i'm on gutsy | 10:52 |
zoredache | removing xubuntu-desktop won't remove the entire system | 10:56 |
zoredache | it is just a 'task' package. It is just there to make sure everything gets installed, and upgraded correctly | 10:56 |
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pequatre | zoredache, i wouldn't be so sure...are you ? | 10:57 |
zoredache | if you want to keep xubuntu-desktop, but remove the network-manager package, I believe you could also use build-equivs | 10:58 |
zoredache | well lets say it this way. I am 99% sure that xubuntu-desktop is a task package on feisty | 10:58 |
pequatre | well i'm on gutsy | 10:58 |
zoredache | I am less certain about gutsy because I haven't actually used it, but I am still pretty sure | 10:58 |
zoredache | in the 90-95% range | 10:58 |
pequatre | well im must be in the 5% range then :) | 10:59 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: echo "poweroff" | at 12:00 --> thats how to do it | 10:59 |
R[a] ndom | haha | 10:59 |
zoredache | it would be easy enough to test... simply do an apt-get source on the package, and look at what is in there | 10:59 |
R[a] ndom | I thought of that, but didnt even think it was worth trying | 10:59 |
R[a] ndom | that makes sense though | 10:59 |
zoredache | I best it is just a control file and a few docs | 11:00 |
zoredache | I bet* | 11:00 |
pequatre | zoredache, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40730/ ("enlever" means to remove) | 11:00 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: now we know | 11:00 |
pequatre | well it seems i'm stuck with nm. i'll try and prevent it from loading. | 11:01 |
zoredache | what do you get, if you just do an 'apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop'? | 11:02 |
pequatre | zoredache, what i've pasted | 11:02 |
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pequatre | maybe i should try and use apt-get instead of aptitude ? | 11:03 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: remove those packages and then add them again.. that shouldn't be a problem | 11:03 |
zoredache | ah... Unfortunatly I can't read most of of the messages | 11:03 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, there are 250 MB of packages | 11:03 |
zoredache | I believe aptitude would do the autoremove thing for you automatically, apt-get doesn't? I am not entirely sure | 11:03 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: where's the problem? | 11:03 |
pequatre | zoredache, yes aptitude says (translated) "those packages are not usefull anymore and thus will be removed" | 11:04 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, well that would remove xubuntu from my pc ! | 11:04 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: thats why I say to make a copy of those packages to reinstall them again | 11:05 |
zoredache | hyper__ch: pequatre> anyone knows how to remove network-manager without removing the whole xubuntu system ? an "aptitude remove network-manager" says that xubuntu-desktop needs to be removed as well... | 11:05 |
zoredache | hrm... | 11:05 |
hyper__ch | zoredache: obviously network-manager is part of the xubuntu-desktop package... but you can re-install the singel packages agan | 11:06 |
zoredache | there is a way to mark the packages so aptitude doesn't think there where installed automatically... If you did that on everything, then it shouldn't try and get rid of them... | 11:06 |
pequatre | ok. i think i'll just remove nm from the lists of applications that start automatically. the app itself will remain on my hdd but oh well | 11:06 |
pequatre | on another topic: do you guys use gutsy and if so, does the "network monitor applet" works ? mine won't be added to the bar also i chose to "add it to the taskbar"...bug ? | 11:08 |
hyper__ch | I don't | 11:09 |
pequatre | k. i suppose it's a bug. most other applets work (the system load monitor won't work either) | 11:10 |
pequatre | k. thx for the support. cheers | 11:13 |
hyper__ch | gutsy is still rc - you update everyday? | 11:13 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, maybe i should ? | 11:13 |
alnokta | <alnokta> how can make a user which could play in their home directory only? | 11:14 |
alnokta | and cannot browse the rest of the hd | 11:14 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: I'd recommend so | 11:14 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: local user access or remote one? | 11:14 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, ok i'll try that. | 11:14 |
alnokta | hyper__ch, i created a user and they logged through ssh | 11:15 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: ah, that's simple | 11:15 |
alnokta | hyper__ch, how? | 11:15 |
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hyper__ch | alnokta: ssh or sftp? | 11:16 |
alnokta | hyper__ch, ssh | 11:16 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: google for restricted shell | 11:16 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: or you could try that... but I haven't checked that with pure shell access: http://www.howtoforge.com/mysecureshell_sftp_debian_etch | 11:17 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: how many updates? | 11:18 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, 19 | 11:18 |
hyper__ch | only? | 11:18 |
pequatre | using "update-manager -d" | 11:18 |
hyper__ch | pequatre: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude upgrade | 11:19 |
pequatre | hyper__ch, i mean right now i'm updating agian | 11:19 |
hyper__ch | that's how I do it ;) | 11:19 |
pequatre | that's the same using the update-manager right ? | 11:19 |
hyper__ch | not sure... been a long time since I used a gui to install/update anything | 11:20 |
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pequatre | hyper__ch, when i upgraded to gusty yeah there was more like 400MB of packets | 11:20 |
hyper__ch | i'll do a clean install on the 18th... it's time again to do that | 11:21 |
hyper__ch | but first I'll check how gutsy handles my encrypted drives | 11:21 |
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archoniam | Ello. | 11:32 |
totalwormface | HELLO ARCHONIAM | 11:33 |
archoniam | Caps wont go off? | 11:33 |
totalwormface | IT WONT | 11:33 |
totalwormface | STORY OF MY LIFE | 11:33 |
archoniam | egh | 11:33 |
archoniam | hate that,well if ur up to it restart your compy | 11:34 |
archoniam | that fixes it most my time | 11:34 |
totalwormface | MOST OF THE TIME YES | 11:34 |
totalwormface | BUT THIS IS A CURSE | 11:34 |
archoniam | wow, you need a quick reformat | 11:35 |
totalwormface | nah :P | 11:35 |
archoniam | lol | 11:35 |
archoniam | did it finally go off? | 11:35 |
totalwormface | no, i'm just boing drunk | 11:36 |
totalwormface | boing! | 11:36 |
hyper__ch | !shout | totalwormface | 11:36 |
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ubotu | totalwormface: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 11:36 |
archoniam | lol | 11:36 |
archoniam | ah good old ubotu | 11:36 |
archoniam | been a little while since ive used ubuntu but i wanted to try the new 7.10 RC | 11:37 |
alnokta | hyper__ch, is there a file listing user permissions? | 11:38 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: what do you mean? | 11:39 |
archoniam | Like the sudoers file, alnokta? Or maybe the /etc/shadow or some like that? | 11:39 |
alnokta | i mean, what the utility of users edit | 11:40 |
alnokta | what files it edits | 11:40 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: /etc/passwd | 11:40 |
archoniam | ah yep /etc/passwd | 11:40 |
alnokta | ah thanks | 11:40 |
hyper__ch | alnokta: np | 11:41 |
archoniam | woo, it worked! i got VBox running and i got windows and linux dual booted... without really dual-booting linux and windows... | 11:41 |
archoniam | so now what? lol | 11:42 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: not quite... no 3d support in VMs | 11:42 |
archoniam | ew *bleargh* | 11:42 |
archoniam | well im just a lousy little hacker so no real damage | 11:43 |
hyper__ch | I'm no hacker at all | 11:44 |
archoniam | dont need 3d much just pivot stickfigure animator, etc. | 11:44 |
archoniam | heh, i haxed my ipod to use podzilla2 | 11:44 |
archoniam | as main os in it (myehehe) | 11:44 |
hyper__ch | hacked? or firmware replacement? | 11:44 |
archoniam | haxed. appleos is still on it but yno you cant access it | 11:45 |
hyper__ch | ok.. I have no ipdo | 11:45 |
hyper__ch | ipod | 11:45 |
archoniam | that sucks | 11:45 |
hyper__ch | why? | 11:45 |
archoniam | i need my ipod for music self-stability tho you might not be a music person | 11:46 |
hyper__ch | my two Technics SL-1210 MK2 tell differently | 11:46 |
archoniam | hehe... wait wats dat again? lol | 11:47 |
hyper__ch | tools that make you feel the musc ;) | 11:47 |
archoniam | ahh | 11:47 |
archoniam | so what do you think 7.10 is gonna be for its official release | 11:47 |
archoniam | be like* | 11:48 |
hyper__ch | no clue | 11:48 |
hyper__ch | I'll see in a few days | 11:48 |
archoniam | well i have the RC and its kool, got a few nice anis added, restricted drivers notification, its kool | 11:49 |
hyper__ch | good | 11:49 |
hyper__ch | I'll do a clean install... it's time again | 11:49 |
archoniam | agh it would be easier if you just upgraded | 11:50 |
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archoniam | Ello Wyrd. What's your question? if you have one? | 11:50 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: why would that be easier? | 11:51 |
archoniam | um well you wouldn't have to backup all your files and stuff hyper__ch | 11:51 |
archoniam | And if you use kubuntu they have it easy | 11:51 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: I already have a incremental snapshot-style backup every 6h | 11:51 |
archoniam | =O wtf is that? | 11:52 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: why not? don't you do regulare backups? | 11:52 |
archoniam | i dunno how to =P | 11:52 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: there are multiple way.... I use rsync and hardlinks | 11:53 |
archoniam | And what's the easiest way then? | 11:53 |
archoniam | lol, well that just gave me a reason to come into the chatroom XD | 11:53 |
archoniam | well, ima google it first =D | 11:54 |
hyper__ch | depends... | 11:54 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: http://www.howtoforge.com/rsync_incremental_snapshot_backups | 11:55 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: just skip the ssh part if you don't backup to a remote location as I do | 11:55 |
archoniam | alright then | 11:55 |
archoniam | thanks | 11:55 |
hyper__ch | and backup to another harddisk or - if possible - to another computer | 11:56 |
hyper__ch | best would be to another, remote computer ;) | 11:56 |
hyper__ch | and if you don't use mysql, you can also skip that ;) | 11:57 |
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archoniam | Question, hyper__ch: I don't have a file server. How am i going to do this? | 11:58 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: well, where do you want to make backups to? | 11:58 |
archoniam | uhh, lol, i can never be sure | 11:58 |
hyper__ch | in that case the whole script is useless... | 11:59 |
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archoniam | will all the files i need ta back up fit in a 4GB flash drive? | 11:59 |
hyper__ch | depends on what you want to backup ;) | 12:00 |
hyper__ch | if you try to backup 12gb files you have a problem | 12:00 |
hyper__ch | and is the flash drive fat32? | 12:00 |
archoniam | I'm not sure, let me fdisk it | 12:00 |
archoniam | W95 FAT32. Yep. But, i'll format it to linux or sum if i need to =D | 12:01 |
hyper__ch | well, the hardlinking does not work on fat32... this means no incremental backups | 12:02 |
hyper__ch | however you still can use rsync to do backups once in a while | 12:02 |
archoniam | and what are incremental backups? | 12:02 |
hyper__ch | incremental means only altered files will be newly transferred | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | and with hardlinks you can have snapshots | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | meaning at any given backup point you ahve a full backup of that time | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | and I do that every 6h back for 90 days | 12:03 |
R[a] ndom | 6 hours? | 12:03 |
R[a] ndom | wow | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | yeah | 12:03 |
archoniam | okay kool. Can i set it up with some kinda GUI? | 12:04 |
R[a] ndom | you ever get stuff from 72 hours ago? | 12:04 |
R[a] ndom | when 66 hours ago wouldn't do? | 12:04 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: ??? | 12:04 |
archoniam | hold on lemme format to linux. | 12:04 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: let be to fat32 | 12:04 |
R[a] ndom | just seems pretty often to be running incremental backups and saving all of them | 12:04 |
R[a] ndom | not that I'm saying you shouldnt. was just curious if you used it. heh | 12:05 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: was not too bad when I was writing my master thesis | 12:05 |
hyper__ch | R[a] ndom: so I had tons of backups | 12:05 |
wyrd | i used subverion for my diss | 12:05 |
archoniam | no i think i want an incremental snapshot so i need to format to linux-type? | 12:05 |
hyper__ch | iieks... diss.. what sane person would do that ;) | 12:06 |
wyrd | on a mirrored array, with periodical backups to the uni filerver | 12:06 |
wyrd | *fileserver | 12:06 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: do you actually know how much space you need for backups? | 12:06 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: what was the diss about? | 12:06 |
archoniam | Not rly, i just need to back up a max of 1gb of files | 12:06 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: the love life of windows virii? | 12:07 |
wyrd | hyper__ch, mapping networks with snmp | 12:07 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: don't you wanna first see how it works before formatting your stick? | 12:07 |
wyrd | was a pain in the arse | 12:07 |
archoniam | well, uh i think i need a quick and easy hard drive attach not my flash drive.i use it for my knoppix saves ^^ | 12:08 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: sounds like it | 12:08 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: you can rsync also locally... so before you format your stick it's not bad to actually check how it works ;) | 12:09 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: what ws the page count? | 12:09 |
wyrd | can't remember | 12:09 |
wyrd | not many :P | 12:09 |
wyrd | ~100 | 12:10 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: heheh... well, I liked writing 20-25p pages on interesting topics but the 80p for my master thesis was too much | 12:10 |
hyper__ch | I just think 20-25p is a nice size | 12:10 |
wyrd | sorry, not 100 | 12:11 |
wyrd | 38 :( | 12:11 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: wow... that's cool... | 12:11 |
wyrd | just dug out my copy | 12:11 |
wyrd | it's a piece of crap | 12:11 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: the diss of Einstein was 18 pages if I remmeber correctly | 12:12 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: it was accepted? | 12:12 |
wyrd | it's a miracle i passed my course with a 2.1 | 12:12 |
archoniam | hyper__ch what do you mean by check how it works? | 12:12 |
wyrd | yeah, was accepted | 12:12 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: what the actual mechanisms are behind my script | 12:12 |
archoniam | and also could i get it .gz'd and sent off through my network to some remote little thing? | 12:12 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: congrats ;) | 12:12 |
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wyrd | i wrote it in latex, like a hardcore geek :D | 12:13 |
wyrd | looks nice | 12:13 |
archoniam | hyper__ch: lol, uh what is ur script | 12:13 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: gzipping would defy the purpose o fmy script | 12:13 |
wyrd | the program part dosn't work too well | 12:13 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: http://www.howtoforge.com/rsync_incremental_snapshot_backups | 12:13 |
blahblahx | what window managers can i replace xfwm with? | 12:13 |
blahblahx | with full support of course | 12:13 |
archoniam | you made that tutorial? | 12:13 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: yes | 12:13 |
wyrd | hyper__ch, what did you do? | 12:13 |
archoniam | whoa thanks | 12:13 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: what did I do? | 12:13 |
wyrd | yes | 12:14 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: in what context? | 12:14 |
wyrd | for assorted thesis and dissertations | 12:15 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: only master thesis: The implementation of the UN-Convention on Elimination of any Discrimination Against Women in Switzerland | 12:15 |
wyrd | history or politics? | 12:16 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: law | 12:16 |
wyrd | cool | 12:16 |
hyper__ch | wyrd: but most of it was a socologistic approach to it... | 12:16 |
archoniam | okay, kool, so i can get my backups on my flashdrive using that? | 12:16 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: yes you can... but you will have to alter quite a few parts :) actually make yours a lot simpler | 12:17 |
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hyper__ch | archoniam: thats why I said you first try to understand it | 12:17 |
blahblahx | so what can i replace xfwm with? fully supported of course | 12:17 |
archoniam | ...wait a minute, lol i just thought out a shell script | 12:18 |
blahblahx | ? | 12:18 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: :) you can forget about the ssh part in my script... yo can forget about the mysql part | 12:18 |
hyper__ch | archoniam: and probably use an include list and not exclude list | 12:18 |
archoniam | but i hate shell scripts. HATE THEM TRULY. i like normal executable textfiles so you don't have to go through the 'auth and sh script.sh' path | 12:19 |
hyper__ch | shell scripts are great | 12:19 |
blahblahx | im trying to be patient but no one is answering me | 12:19 |
archoniam | so why can't i use them on my computer most of the time? | 12:19 |
hyper__ch | and "normal exectutable textfiles" sounds like a contradiction to me | 12:19 |
hyper__ch | a textfile normally shouldn't be executable ;= | 12:19 |
archoniam | Um, im not sure blahblah. Hyper? Little help? | 12:19 |
wyrd | archoniam, i don't think anyone knows | 12:20 |
hyper__ch | never used another wm | 12:20 |
wyrd | i think most people in here are happy with xfwm | 12:20 |
blahblahx | well i need to replace it | 12:20 |
archoniam | same. Im not sure, have you googled it blahblahx? | 12:20 |
blahblahx | yeah i googled it, no real results | 12:20 |
hyper__ch | so, I'm off to bed | 12:20 |
hyper__ch | cya | 12:20 |
archoniam | cya | 12:21 |
wyrd | night | 12:21 |
hyper__ch | and archoniam try first to understand the workings of the script... then you can alter it easily | 12:21 |
archoniam | lemme check | 12:21 |
archoniam | okay hyper | 12:22 |
archoniam | nothing. Uh, i'm not sure blahblah. | 12:23 |
archoniam | i think the xfwm is the only wm for xfce's use | 12:23 |
blahblahx | yeah but you can change it | 12:23 |
archoniam | why is the wm needing a change so bad? | 12:24 |
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-72-231-196-100.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
archoniam | sorry bout that, just switchin to pidgin | 12:27 |
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blahblahx | im doing a custom distro | 12:28 |
=== Matts [n=Matt@wiljewelwetenhe.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Matts | I'm looking for a Linux distro that is designed for installing on a USBstick and especially designed to be secure by default, so encrypted and designed to rdp using a VPN | 12:43 |
wyrd | you might want to have a look at puppy linux or damn small linux | 12:43 |
wyrd | they're both cool for usb sticks | 12:44 |
wyrd | not sure about security though | 12:44 |
Matts | yeah indeed, I know them, slax is kewl too... but I need the security | 12:45 |
Matts | I want to be able to connect to home like that | 12:45 |
wyrd | encrypted filesystems can be a pain to set up | 12:46 |
wyrd | i suspect the gentoo wiki has a article on it | 12:46 |
wyrd | http://gentoo-wiki.com/SECURITY_dmcrypt | 12:47 |
wyrd | you may have to combine a distro with your own work to get wwhat you want | 12:48 |
Matts | yep true | 12:49 |
Matts | I saw I nice dualboot with windows and a usbstick to boot the laptop with Linux and otherwise with Windows :) | 12:49 |
Matts | nice for the airport | 12:49 |
Matts | ok, sleep now :) thanks ! | 12:50 |
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@81-233-50-224-no58.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #xubuntu |
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