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ZambeziMark7: Working better now?01:25
Zambezignomefreak: works fine for me. At least is better than the repos in Feisty.01:26
ZambeziMark7: Wasn't that hard after all right? ;-)01:26
Mark7I just hope I never need to contact the service provider01:26
Mark7I had to sign up with one in Czech01:26
Mark7WHat's the complete irc address for ubuntu?01:30
U`irc.ubuntu.com i guess01:30
Mark7Tried that01:31
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U`doesn't work ?01:31
Mark7I wish someone I knew would log into their IM account so I could see if it worked01:31
h3lloWorld.org or dot net?01:31
U`type /links   you can get the address ...01:33
Mark7The main page says it's a .com01:34
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U`sorry i ddn't understand your question but what i tried to tell you ..that im connectin here usin irc.ubuntu.com01:35
Mark7Do you know how to connect via Gajim?01:36
U`nah sorry01:36
Mark7Maybe I have to sign out of here first01:39
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HelloMeowI have a problem.02:12
HelloMeowMy computer seems to crash at random intervals whenever I idle.02:12
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HelloMeowAlso, programs themselves slowdown to the point of not working, and I have to pkill them.02:13
HelloMeowJust now, Amarok would not start working and so I had to restart my computer.02:13
HelloMeowThe toolbars on my desktop aren't even there anymore, the only reason I am on xchat is because I have it set to start up as soon as the computer boots.02:14
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HelloMeowIt is getting really annoying to have to restart my computer every other day, is there anything you guys know that might be giving me all of these difficulties using xubuntu?02:15
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LawlietSorry, this is HelloMeow.02:16
LawlietDo any of you guys have any information that can help me/A02:16
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DARKGuyhey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour?02:35
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uriahheepdoes the xubuntu desktop cd use squashfs-lzma?02:59
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The-Kernelis there a program that I can use the utilizes digital cameras?03:54
magic_ninjaThe-Kernel: gphoto204:06
magic_ninjaThe-Kernel: http://www.gphoto.org/04:07
The-KernelI did mv * .JPG to Pictures/04:11
The-Kerneland my entire /home/user/ dir disappeared!04:11
The-Kernelbut it's back now04:11
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Fri Oct 12 13:55:56 2007
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nessmuki'm just installing Xubuntu 7.04 on a Pll and wondering if the update manager will update to 7.10 when it goes gold?09:37
nessmukor does one need to use the cd of 7.10 to upgrade?09:38
d1n0interesting question09:46
d1n0i would think so09:46
d1n0but lets here with the pros09:46
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PixilarionI have a small but rather annoying problem: under Edgy I created launchers for a few scripts I use a lot and placed them in a panel. Yesterday I upgraded to Gutsy and for some reason do open in the terminal, like they should, but they don't get executed: I'm only placed inside the directory of the script10:52
Pixilarionanyone got a clue what I'm doing wrong?10:52
Pixilarionactually I did not distupgrade, but did a clean install of Gutsy10:53
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aptanetwhat file does xubuntu use for the autostart applets on the panel?11:47
aptanetI've started getting an extra icon in the panel for nm-applet each time I restart11:50
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Pixilarionaptanet: you can configure what is started at startup trough the "autostarted applications"11:58
Pixilarionsomewhere in your systempreferences11:58
PixilarionNetwork Manager is one of them11:59
aptanetI can, and have done, but for some reason it needs fixing12:05
aptanetnetwork manager wasn't originally there so I added it manually12:05
aptanetnow I have 4 applets running on the panel, and if I reboot I'll have 512:06
aptanetthe only entry I've found in a file so far is /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop12:08
aptanetthat is still there now I've deleted it in the autostart applications12:08
aptanetand it has the line OnlyShowIn=GNOME;12:08
TheSheepaptanet: remove ~/.cache/sessions12:12
aptanetaha, found a ubuntu bug report now I've searched on the file and path I've found12:13
aptanetTheSheep: solves the immediate problem, but not the long term issue12:16
aptanetbut thanks anyway, useful location to know, I've not needed to look at that before :)12:16
TheSheepaptanet: I know that nm-applet was added to gutsy recently, are you running gutsy?12:17
aptanetno, I've been holding off until release12:17
aptanetI'm usually quite happy to test out, but not really having the time at the moment, so sticking to final releases12:18
aptanetironic really since I'm debugging at the moment!12:18
TheSheepaptanet: make sure you disable the 'save session' checkbox when logging out12:27
aptanetyes, I was just reading up on a bit and thinking that. I usually enable it by default, but will try a reboot without and then again with12:29
aptanetI've just killed all but one instance12:29
aptanetI think I'm going to amend the nm-applet.desktop file to OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;12:30
aptanetthen kill the remaining applet and reboot12:30
aptanetI may have got to xubuntu in an odd way, although I don't think it is related12:31
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malawi13 salut a tous12:32
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aptanethmm, just found another copy of that file in ~/.config/autostart/12:33
aptanetmy grep didn't find that - didn't search . direcotries I guess - doh!12:33
aptanetaha, the one off ~/ is the one I created and is disabled - as is the tray.py.desktop that was wicd that I played with12:43
aptanetit is beginning to make sense12:43
aptanetnow I've amended the ShowOnlyIn line the nm-applet configured in the /etc shows up in Autostarted applications, which it wasn't before12:46
Pixilarionok, since everybody is getting up: anyone got a solution to my problem with the launchers for scripts?12:47
aptanettime for a reboot now, fingers crossed12:47
Pixilariongood luck ;)12:48
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aptanetphew, I think I'm in control of nm-applet now!01:42
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mikubuntuhelp.  just downloaded adobe flash player to my desktop as a tar.gz file.  can someone please walk me thru the unpackaging process?  i have a terminal open and ready if someone can help.... :)02:10
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TheSheepmikubuntu: install it from the repository instead02:17
soweto76TheSheep, In what repository is that found?02:18
TheSheep!info falshplugin-nonfree02:24
ubotuPackage falshplugin-nonfree does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:24
TheSheep!info flashplugin-nonfree02:24
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)02:24
soweto76TheSheep, Thanks.02:25
mikubuntuTheSheep: so where do i look for it, in the synaptic package mgr?02:27
mikubuntuTheSheep: did i read some where that gutsy upgrade will be including gnash by default?02:28
TheSheepmikubuntu: no idea, mine has flash player02:34
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Pixilarionmine too02:39
Pixilarionmikubuntu: if you really want to install with your downloaded version, just let me know02:39
PixilarionI walk you through :)02:39
Pixilarionweird, the soudn quality in Skype 1.3 is better than in 1.402:48
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junkeRhey, when I login into 7.10 Xubuntu, the screen goes to an orange color for a few seconds... anyway to stop it from doing that?02:54
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Keitherzis xubuntu almost the same with ubuntu03:13
Keitherzis only the Xfce interface is the difference03:13
vsouzajuniorHi, Keitherz! I've just installed and using Xubuntu. It's lighter than Ubuntu03:14
Keitherzok how is it03:14
Keitherzwhats your memory03:14
Keitherzmy problem is i only have 25603:15
vsouzajuniorIt's running quite well03:15
Keitherzi want ubuntu well its the same package right03:15
vsouzajuniorit's better to install a lightweight system, like xubuntu and afterwards install what you need03:16
vsouzajuniorto install more stuff you can use synaptic03:16
junkeRhey, when I login into 7.10 Xubuntu, the screen goes to an orange color for a few seconds... anyway to stop it from doing that?03:17
Keitherzwhats that03:17
vsouzajuniorSynaptic is a package manager03:18
vsouzajuniorIt has a list of the programs available on the repositories03:18
Keitherzdarn i want compiz-fuzion03:19
Keitherzill just wait 3 days03:19
Keitherzso i dont need to upgrade03:19
Keitherzill wait for gusty gibbon03:20
Keitherzis gusty is out of beta and release officially do you still need to upgrade it03:20
vsouzajuniorI don't know.03:21
Keitherzdo you have xp installed there03:22
vsouzajunioryes. in another partition03:23
Keitherzhow to dual boot03:24
Keitherzdo you use GRUB03:24
Keitherzdoes the install cd have grub03:25
vsouzajuniorI installed xubuntu from the alternate install cd. by using it you can manage the partitions. I uses Grub03:26
vsouzajunioryes. the intall cd installs and configures Grub03:26
vsouzajuniorSorry, I've got to quit.03:27
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PixilarionjunkeR: I have that problem too, don't know why it happens03:43
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Jester45has gusty been released?04:01
nanonymenot yet04:01
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:01
Jester45why is there so much gnome in it04:01
nanonymethere is?04:02
nanonymei hadn't noticed04:02
Jester45i tried it out and cant stand it i would go for feisty but its gonna be old soon and thats not good for desktops04:02
Jester45so imight go debian but i never really liked how much your had to config it04:02
nanonymehardy is probably going to be something extremely nice04:03
Jester45so right now im using win2k so i can get my games04:03
nanonymetried wine?04:04
nanonymethat is, the current versions of it04:04
Jester45i might04:04
Jester45depends on if CnC renegade and Knight online works04:04
nanonymehttp://appdb.winehq.org/ ;)04:05
Jester45yea i know im in class right now04:05
Jester45i trued wine before on a game but it didnt work so good04:06
Jester45its really slow copying files04:06
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nanonymerenegade is marked as silver and knight online as garbage04:07
nanonymeso i guess you have little luck there04:07
Jester45is this for any version or just ubuntu/debian04:07
nanonymeany version04:07
nanonymethe only choice really is windows04:07
Jester45knight online is so fun04:08
Jester45garbage is no installable right04:08
nanonymeerm, actually people have set "installs, doesn't run"04:08
nanonymeapparently it fails the install04:09
nanonymeupdate i mean04:09
Jester45man my ping time so long... im going though 4 ssh server04:09
Jester45well you have to use that on the game04:09
nanonymei wonder why no bug report hasn't been done04:10
nanonymethere's obviously a bug in wine considering knight online04:10
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Jester45those are my 2 normal games i couldnt live without04:11
garotasapoHi. xfce4-panel is taking 99% of CPU. I tried removing everything from it but it keeps glitching. xubuntu is up to date. does somebody have any clue to fix it?04:11
Jester45you could search for a bug04:15
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:15
garotasapoI'd better search for a fix heheh :P04:15
Jester45have you tried kkilling it and restarting it04:15
garotasapoyes. no success04:15
Jester45well if the bug is fixed it will show how to fix it04:15
garotasapoI was just kidding.04:15
Jester45or if it has been put in the repo will should say fixed,released or something04:15
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mikubuntuPixilarion: thanks, sorry i was away from the computer, i think the package was ihnstalled through synaptic; maybe i can take you up on your offer in the future? :)04:38
Pixilarionmikubuntu: no problem04:40
Pixilarionif you open firefox and type "about:plugins"04:40
Pixilarionflash should be listed there04:40
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mikubuntuanybody know why my cursor sometimes goes black?06:27
TheSheepmikubuntu: I think that some applications can force a mouse cursor when it is over them, and the default X cursro is black...06:37
mikubuntuTheSheep: i notice that sometimes when the cursor is black, some addons don't operate properly, like 'back to top' in firefox.06:41
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Fri Oct 12 13:55:56 2007
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) alnokta: try du -sk -- * | sort -n09:14
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) szyszeja: I've found a thread about similar problems on ubuntu forums09:14
(alnokta/#xubuntu) TheSheep, yes works, thanks09:15
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) szyszeja: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5651.html09:15
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) alnokta: you must have a file with name starting from -09:15
(TheSheep/#xubuntu) s/from/with09:15
TheSheepszyszeja: you can try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:16
TheSheepszyszeja: and try various options09:16
alnoktaTheSheep, so adding -- escapes it?09:17
TheSheepszyszeja: also , you can try pressing alt+ctrl+gray + when in X09:17
TheSheepalnokta: yes, -- means "no more options, only file names follow"09:18
alnoktaah good09:19
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TheSheepalnokta: but many script writers forget about that, so having a file with name starting with - is asking for trouble09:19
TheSheepalnokta: especially if it's "-delete"09:19
alnoktai will remember that09:21
alnoktaso it works with another commands as well?09:21
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TheSheepalnokta: programs can't really say whether the name comes from a * or you typed it09:22
TheSheepalnokta: all they get is the string09:22
alnoktapoor things :P09:22
TheSheepone of the more annoying gotchas09:23
TheSheeprici: old. also, ot09:27
ricioops, wrong window.09:28
riciit was on topic where it was supposed to go, honest. :)09:29
alnoktait is good . thanks :)09:29
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hyper__chTheSheep: how do you use at?10:34
R[a] ndomman at?10:35
hyper__chR[a] ndom: many questions are still open :)10:35
R[a] ndomsuch as?10:35
hyper__chR[a] ndom: would that be correct:   sudo at -c poweroff 12:00   ?10:36
R[a] ndomnever used at myself, but it looks like it10:36
R[a] ndomunknown jobid10:37
hyper__ch       at [-V]  [-q queue]  [-f file]  [-mldbv]  TIME10:37
hyper__ch       at -c job [job...] 10:37
hyper__chthat's the synopsis10:37
R[a] ndomyeah I have the man page open10:37
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hyper__chR[a] ndom: that's one man page that doesn't help much10:38
R[a] ndomoh do you only have those 2 lines?10:38
R[a] ndommine is a couple pages..10:38
hyper__chR[a] ndom: I have it all10:38
R[a] ndomit helps, we just havent figured it out yet.10:38
eimHello folks, is there any way (yaboot args) to install xubuntu Feisty on PowerPC without the gui (just via ncurses installer)? Thanks.10:38
hyper__chR[a] ndom: but its still not much help10:38
R[a] ndomim sure theres something we missed10:38
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R[a] ndomits about critical reading :P10:38
hyper__cha full example of how to add a job would be good10:39
R[a] ndomyeah I prefer them to have examples10:39
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R[a] ndomits also impossible to google for help10:41
hyper__chI guess I got it10:42
R[a] ndomyeah?10:43
R[a] ndomall I figured out is that your -c is the wrong option10:43
R[a] ndomheh10:43
R[a] ndomI can enter at, and then have it ask me for the commands10:43
R[a] ndombut I cant figure a way to do it in one line10:44
hyper__chI created a file:  poweroff10:44
hyper__chwith the content poweroff10:44
hyper__chand then I did10:44
hyper__chsudo at -f poweroff 12:0010:44
hyper__chthat worked10:44
R[a] ndomah yeah, i thought of that approach too10:44
hyper__chbut there must be a way to enter the command from the cli10:45
R[a] ndombut there must be a way to do it on one line :)10:45
hyper__chand not through a file10:45
R[a] ndomah well10:45
hyper__ch  at and batch read commands from standard input or a specified file10:48
hyper__chbut how to read it from standard input10:48
=== pequatre [n=jojo@AOrleans-152-1-8-24.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu
pequatreanyone knows how to remove network-manager without removing the whole xubuntu system ? an "aptitude remove network-manager" says that xubuntu-desktop needs to be removed as well...10:52
pequatrebtw i'm on gutsy10:52
zoredacheremoving xubuntu-desktop won't remove the entire system10:56
zoredacheit is just a 'task' package.  It is just there to make sure everything gets installed, and upgraded correctly10:56
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pequatrezoredache, i wouldn't be so sure...are you ?10:57
zoredacheif you want to keep xubuntu-desktop, but remove the network-manager package, I believe you could also use build-equivs10:58
zoredachewell lets say it this way.  I am 99% sure that xubuntu-desktop is a task package on feisty10:58
pequatrewell i'm on gutsy10:58
zoredacheI am less certain about gutsy because I haven't actually used it,  but I am still pretty sure10:58
zoredachein the 90-95% range10:58
pequatrewell im must be in the 5% range then :)10:59
hyper__chR[a] ndom: echo "poweroff" | at 12:00   --> thats how to do it10:59
R[a] ndomhaha10:59
zoredacheit would be easy enough to test... simply do an apt-get source on the package, and look at what is in there10:59
R[a] ndomI thought of that, but didnt even think it was worth trying10:59
R[a] ndomthat makes sense though10:59
zoredacheI best it is just a control file and a few docs11:00
zoredacheI bet*11:00
pequatrezoredache, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40730/ ("enlever"  means to remove)11:00
hyper__chR[a] ndom: now we know11:00
pequatrewell it seems i'm stuck with nm. i'll try and prevent it from loading.11:01
zoredachewhat do you get, if you just do an 'apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop'?11:02
pequatrezoredache, what i've pasted11:02
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pequatremaybe i should try and use apt-get instead of aptitude ?11:03
hyper__chpequatre: remove those packages and then add them again.. that shouldn't be a problem11:03
zoredacheah... Unfortunatly I can't read most of of the messages11:03
pequatrehyper__ch, there are 250 MB of packages11:03
zoredacheI believe aptitude would do the autoremove thing for you automatically, apt-get doesn't?  I am not entirely sure11:03
hyper__chpequatre: where's the problem?11:03
pequatrezoredache, yes aptitude says (translated) "those packages are not usefull anymore and thus will be removed"11:04
pequatrehyper__ch, well that would remove xubuntu from my pc !11:04
hyper__chpequatre: thats why I say to make a copy of those packages to reinstall them again11:05
zoredachehyper__ch: pequatre> anyone knows how to remove network-manager without removing the whole xubuntu system ? an "aptitude remove network-manager" says that xubuntu-desktop needs to be removed as well...11:05
hyper__chzoredache: obviously network-manager is part of the xubuntu-desktop package... but you can re-install the singel packages agan11:06
zoredachethere is a way to mark the packages so aptitude doesn't think there where installed automatically...  If you did that on everything, then it shouldn't try and get rid of them...11:06
pequatreok. i think i'll just remove nm from the lists of applications that start automatically. the app itself will remain on my hdd but oh well11:06
pequatreon another topic: do you guys use gutsy and if so, does the "network monitor applet" works ? mine won't be added to the bar also i chose to "add it to the taskbar"...bug ?11:08
hyper__chI don't11:09
pequatrek. i suppose it's a bug. most other applets work (the system load monitor won't work either)11:10
pequatrek. thx for the support. cheers11:13
hyper__chgutsy is still rc - you update everyday?11:13
pequatrehyper__ch, maybe i should ?11:13
alnokta<alnokta> how can make a user which could play in their home directory only?11:14
alnoktaand cannot browse the rest of the hd11:14
hyper__chpequatre: I'd recommend so11:14
hyper__chalnokta: local user access or remote one?11:14
pequatrehyper__ch, ok i'll try that.11:14
alnoktahyper__ch, i created a user and they logged through ssh11:15
hyper__chalnokta: ah, that's simple11:15
alnoktahyper__ch, how?11:15
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hyper__chalnokta: ssh or sftp?11:16
alnoktahyper__ch, ssh11:16
hyper__chalnokta: google for restricted shell11:16
hyper__chalnokta: or you could try that... but I haven't checked that with pure shell access:  http://www.howtoforge.com/mysecureshell_sftp_debian_etch11:17
hyper__chpequatre: how many updates?11:18
pequatrehyper__ch, 1911:18
pequatreusing "update-manager -d"11:18
hyper__chpequatre: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude upgrade11:19
pequatrehyper__ch, i mean right now i'm updating agian11:19
hyper__chthat's how I do it ;)11:19
pequatrethat's the same using the update-manager right ?11:19
hyper__chnot sure... been a long time since I used a gui to install/update anything11:20
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pequatrehyper__ch, when i upgraded to gusty yeah there was more like 400MB of packets11:20
hyper__chi'll do a clean install on the 18th... it's time again to do that11:21
hyper__chbut first I'll check how gutsy handles my encrypted drives11:21
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-72-231-196-100.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
totalwormfaceHELLO ARCHONIAM11:33
archoniamCaps wont go off?11:33
totalwormfaceIT WONT11:33
totalwormfaceSTORY OF MY LIFE11:33
archoniamhate that,well if ur up to it restart your compy11:34
archoniamthat fixes it most my time11:34
totalwormfaceMOST OF THE TIME YES11:34
totalwormfaceBUT THIS IS A CURSE11:34
archoniamwow, you need a quick reformat11:35
totalwormfacenah :P11:35
archoniamdid it finally go off?11:35
totalwormfaceno, i'm just boing drunk11:36
hyper__ch!shout | totalwormface11:36
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ubotutotalwormface: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:36
archoniamah good old ubotu11:36
archoniambeen a little while since ive used ubuntu but i wanted to try the new 7.10 RC11:37
alnoktahyper__ch, is there a file listing user permissions?11:38
hyper__chalnokta: what do you mean?11:39
archoniamLike the sudoers file, alnokta? Or maybe the /etc/shadow or some like that?11:39
alnoktai mean, what the utility of users edit11:40
alnoktawhat files it edits11:40
hyper__chalnokta:  /etc/passwd11:40
archoniamah yep /etc/passwd11:40
alnoktaah thanks11:40
hyper__chalnokta: np11:41
archoniamwoo, it worked! i got VBox running and i got windows and linux dual booted... without really dual-booting linux and windows...11:41
archoniamso now what? lol11:42
hyper__charchoniam: not quite... no 3d support in VMs11:42
archoniamew *bleargh*11:42
archoniamwell im just a lousy little hacker so no real damage11:43
hyper__chI'm no hacker at all11:44
archoniamdont need 3d much just pivot stickfigure animator, etc.11:44
archoniamheh, i haxed my ipod to use podzilla211:44
archoniamas main os in it (myehehe)11:44
hyper__chhacked? or firmware replacement?11:44
archoniamhaxed. appleos is still on it but yno you cant access it11:45
hyper__chok..  I have no ipdo11:45
archoniamthat sucks11:45
archoniami need my ipod for music self-stability tho you might not be a music person11:46
hyper__chmy two Technics SL-1210 MK2 tell differently11:46
archoniamhehe... wait wats dat again? lol11:47
hyper__chtools that make you feel the musc ;)11:47
archoniamso what do you think 7.10 is gonna be for its official release11:47
archoniambe like*11:48
hyper__chno clue11:48
hyper__chI'll see in a few days11:48
archoniamwell i have the RC and its kool, got a few nice anis added, restricted drivers notification, its kool11:49
hyper__chI'll do a clean install... it's time again11:49
archoniamagh it would be easier if you just upgraded11:50
=== wyrd [n=alex@82-68-87-41.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
archoniamEllo Wyrd. What's your question? if you have one?11:50
hyper__charchoniam: why would that be easier?11:51
archoniamum well you wouldn't have to backup all your files and stuff hyper__ch11:51
archoniamAnd if you use kubuntu they have it easy11:51
hyper__charchoniam: I already have a incremental snapshot-style backup every 6h11:51
archoniam=O wtf is that?11:52
hyper__charchoniam: why not? don't you do regulare backups?11:52
archoniami dunno how to =P11:52
hyper__charchoniam: there are multiple way.... I use rsync and hardlinks11:53
archoniamAnd what's the easiest way then?11:53
archoniamlol, well that just gave me a reason to come into the chatroom XD11:53
archoniamwell, ima google it first =D11:54
hyper__charchoniam: http://www.howtoforge.com/rsync_incremental_snapshot_backups11:55
hyper__charchoniam: just skip the ssh part if you don't backup to a remote location as I do11:55
archoniamalright then11:55
hyper__chand backup to another harddisk or - if possible - to another computer11:56
hyper__chbest would be to another, remote computer ;)11:56
hyper__chand if you don't use mysql, you can also skip that ;)11:57
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archoniamQuestion, hyper__ch: I don't have a file server. How am i going to do this?11:58
hyper__charchoniam: well, where do you want to make backups to?11:58
archoniamuhh, lol, i can never be sure11:58
hyper__chin that case the whole script is useless...11:59
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archoniamwill all the files i need ta back up fit in a 4GB flash drive?11:59
hyper__chdepends on what you want to backup ;)12:00
hyper__chif you try to backup 12gb files you have a problem12:00
hyper__chand is the flash drive fat32?12:00
archoniamI'm not sure, let me fdisk it12:00
archoniamW95 FAT32. Yep. But, i'll format it to linux or sum if i need to =D12:01
hyper__chwell, the hardlinking does not work on fat32... this means no incremental backups12:02
hyper__chhowever you still can use rsync to do backups once in a while12:02
archoniamand what are incremental backups?12:02
hyper__chincremental means only altered files will be newly transferred12:03
hyper__chand with hardlinks you can have snapshots12:03
hyper__chmeaning at any given backup point you ahve a full backup of that time12:03
hyper__chand I do that every 6h back for 90 days12:03
R[a] ndom6 hours?12:03
R[a] ndomwow12:03
archoniamokay kool. Can i set it up with some kinda GUI?12:04
R[a] ndomyou ever get stuff from 72 hours ago?12:04
R[a] ndomwhen 66 hours ago wouldn't do?12:04
hyper__chR[a] ndom: ???12:04
archoniamhold on lemme format to linux.12:04
hyper__charchoniam: let be to fat3212:04
R[a] ndomjust seems pretty often to be running incremental backups and saving all of them12:04
R[a] ndomnot that I'm saying you shouldnt. was just curious if you used it. heh12:05
hyper__chR[a] ndom: was not too bad when I was writing my master thesis12:05
hyper__chR[a] ndom: so I had tons of backups12:05
wyrdi used subverion for my diss12:05
archoniamno i think i want an incremental snapshot so i need to format to linux-type?12:05
hyper__chiieks... diss.. what sane person would do that ;)12:06
wyrdon a mirrored array, with periodical backups to the uni filerver12:06
hyper__charchoniam: do you actually know how much space you need for backups?12:06
hyper__chwyrd: what was the diss about?12:06
archoniamNot rly, i just need to back up a max of 1gb of files12:06
hyper__chwyrd: the love life of windows virii?12:07
wyrdhyper__ch, mapping networks with snmp12:07
hyper__charchoniam: don't you wanna first see how it works before formatting your stick?12:07
wyrdwas a pain in the arse12:07
archoniamwell, uh i think i need a quick and easy hard drive attach not my flash drive.i use it for my knoppix saves ^^12:08
hyper__chwyrd: sounds like it12:08
hyper__charchoniam: you can rsync also locally... so before you format your stick it's not bad to actually check how it works ;)12:09
hyper__chwyrd: what ws the page count?12:09
wyrdcan't remember12:09
wyrdnot many :P12:09
hyper__chwyrd: heheh... well, I liked writing 20-25p pages on interesting topics but the 80p for my master thesis was too much12:10
hyper__chI just think 20-25p is a nice size12:10
wyrdsorry, not 10012:11
wyrd38 :(12:11
hyper__chwyrd: wow... that's cool...12:11
wyrdjust dug out my copy12:11
wyrdit's a piece of crap12:11
hyper__chwyrd: the diss of Einstein was 18 pages if I remmeber correctly12:12
hyper__chwyrd: it was accepted?12:12
wyrdit's a miracle i passed my course with a 2.112:12
archoniamhyper__ch what do you mean by check how it works?12:12
wyrdyeah, was accepted12:12
hyper__charchoniam: what the actual mechanisms are behind my script12:12
archoniamand also could i get it .gz'd and sent off through my network to some remote little thing?12:12
hyper__chwyrd: congrats ;)12:12
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wyrdi wrote it in latex, like a hardcore geek :D12:13
wyrdlooks nice12:13
archoniamhyper__ch: lol, uh what is ur script12:13
hyper__charchoniam: gzipping would defy the purpose o fmy script12:13
wyrdthe program part dosn't work too well12:13
hyper__charchoniam: http://www.howtoforge.com/rsync_incremental_snapshot_backups12:13
blahblahxwhat window managers can i replace xfwm with?12:13
blahblahxwith full support of course12:13
archoniamyou made that tutorial?12:13
hyper__charchoniam: yes12:13
wyrdhyper__ch, what did you do?12:13
archoniamwhoa thanks12:13
hyper__chwyrd: what did I do?12:13
hyper__chwyrd: in what context?12:14
wyrdfor assorted thesis and dissertations12:15
hyper__chwyrd: only master thesis: The implementation of the UN-Convention on Elimination of any Discrimination Against Women in Switzerland12:15
wyrdhistory or politics?12:16
hyper__chwyrd: law12:16
hyper__chwyrd: but most of it was a socologistic approach to it...12:16
archoniamokay, kool, so i can get my backups on my flashdrive using that?12:16
hyper__charchoniam: yes you can... but you will have to alter quite  a few parts :) actually make yours a lot simpler12:17
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hyper__charchoniam: thats why I said you first try to understand it12:17
blahblahxso what can i replace xfwm with? fully supported of course12:17
archoniam...wait a minute, lol i just thought out a shell script12:18
hyper__charchoniam: :) you can forget about the ssh part in my script... yo can forget about the mysql part12:18
hyper__charchoniam: and probably use an include list and not exclude list12:18
archoniambut i hate shell scripts. HATE THEM TRULY. i like normal executable textfiles so you don't have to go through the 'auth and sh script.sh' path12:19
hyper__chshell scripts are great12:19
blahblahxim trying to be patient but no one is answering me12:19
archoniamso why can't i use them on my computer most of the time?12:19
hyper__chand "normal exectutable textfiles" sounds like a contradiction to me12:19
hyper__cha textfile normally shouldn't be executable ;=12:19
archoniamUm, im not sure blahblah. Hyper? Little help?12:19
wyrdarchoniam, i don't think anyone knows12:20
hyper__chnever used another wm12:20
wyrdi think most people in here are happy with xfwm12:20
blahblahxwell i need to replace it12:20
archoniamsame. Im not sure, have you googled it blahblahx?12:20
blahblahxyeah i googled it, no real results12:20
hyper__chso, I'm off to bed12:20
hyper__chand archoniam try first to understand the workings of the script... then you can alter it easily12:21
archoniamlemme check12:21
archoniamokay hyper12:22
archoniamnothing. Uh, i'm not sure blahblah.12:23
archoniami think the xfwm is the only wm for xfce's use12:23
blahblahxyeah but you can change it12:23
archoniamwhy is the wm needing a change so bad?12:24
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archoniamsorry bout that, just switchin to pidgin12:27
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blahblahxim doing a custom distro12:28
=== Matts [n=Matt@wiljewelwetenhe.xs4all.nl] has joined #xubuntu
MattsI'm looking for a Linux distro that is designed for installing on a USBstick and especially designed to be secure by default, so encrypted and designed to rdp using a VPN12:43
wyrdyou might want to have a look at puppy linux or damn small linux12:43
wyrdthey're both cool for usb sticks12:44
wyrdnot sure about security though12:44
Mattsyeah indeed, I know them, slax is kewl too... but I need the security12:45
MattsI want to be able to connect to home like that12:45
wyrdencrypted filesystems can be a pain to set up12:46
wyrdi suspect the gentoo wiki has a article on it12:46
wyrdyou may have to combine a distro with your own work to get wwhat you want12:48
Mattsyep true12:49
MattsI saw I nice dualboot with windows and a usbstick to boot the laptop with Linux and otherwise with Windows :)12:49
Mattsnice for the airport12:49
Mattsok, sleep now :) thanks !12:50
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