jam-laptop | such as filesystem permissions | 12:02 |
jam-laptop | and or ssh login permissions | 12:02 |
jam-laptop | (but generally it is at the level of a 'branch' not at the level of individual files inside that branch) | 12:02 |
jam-laptop | also, someone can certainly edit things on their own machine | 12:02 |
jam-laptop | it is just when you go to copy it elsewhere | 12:02 |
abdelrahman | so, this works for the hosted version on bazaar-vcs.org? | 12:03 |
jam-laptop | I'm not sure what you mean by the "hosted version" | 12:03 |
abdelrahman | I don't know if I am understood correctly..can I host code on bazaar-vcs? | 12:04 |
abdelrahman | or it is just the project page .. | 12:04 |
jam-laptop | abdelrahman: you can host on Launchpad | 12:05 |
jam-laptop | or you can host on anything that gives you sftp/ftp/etc access | 12:05 |
jam-laptop | (such as SourceForge or other free sites) | 12:05 |
abdelrahman | I need something that would allow me to restrict access to the code for the time being | 12:05 |
abdelrahman | I know sourceforge doesn't | 12:06 |
jam-laptop | abdelrahman: so you don't want people to be able to read the code? | 12:06 |
abdelrahman | for the time being yes | 12:06 |
jam-laptop | All the free sites I know of (off hand) are for hosting public stuff | 12:06 |
jam-laptop | I know LP is working on having 'private' branches | 12:07 |
jam-laptop | but I don't think that is available yet | 12:07 |
jam-laptop | You may not need to host the project somewhere, though. | 12:07 |
jam-laptop | for example: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/15152 | 12:08 |
jam-laptop | You can have a local branch, and they have their own branch | 12:08 |
jam-laptop | and you can send changes back and forth over email | 12:08 |
jam-laptop | rather than needing to have the code uploaded to an http site | 12:08 |
abdelrahman | but in this case, both machines have to be up and running at the same time ! | 12:09 |
jam-laptop | abdelrahman: no they don't | 12:10 |
jam-laptop | you send the patches over email | 12:10 |
jam-laptop | the idea is that each side just keeps a copy of what the other side has | 12:13 |
jam-laptop | so it knows what to send | 12:13 |
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igc | morning all | 01:00 |
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lifeless | sabdfl: yes, thats why annotate is slower | 01:26 |
lifeless | sabdfl: we'll be added a cache that is cheaper to maintain than that that was present in packs | 01:27 |
lifeless | sabdfl: and will make it toggleable | 01:27 |
lifeless | sabdfl: so big projects - turn the cache off | 01:27 |
lifeless | s/big/projects where commit speed matters more than anything else | 01:27 |
Peng | Don't projects where commit speed matters more than anything else use hg? | 01:28 |
=== Peng ducks. | ||
AfC | I did some cherry-picking backporting yesterday | 01:29 |
AfC | It wasn't necessary, but it was real world, and I wanted to try what, in effect, I am putting my contributors through. | 01:29 |
AfC | I must still be battling the "Bazaar's idea of revisions" != "changesets" thing, as I am having a hard time justifying to myself why the revisions I backported with `bzr merge -r 123` don't show up as a pending merge of revisions with perfectly good commit messages | 01:31 |
AfC | (sic) | 01:32 |
lifeless | AfC: they will, when we have enough breathing room on the performance side to come back to the 'doing the best possible job' stuff we actually pride ourselves on | 01:32 |
AfC | Does seem a bit of an inconsistency, though - you merge a branch and you (sic) shlurp in all its diffs and commit messages, but if I cherry pick a revision or three I get its diffs but not those revisions commit messages | 01:32 |
=== yminsky [n=yminsky@user-0cevcqv.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #bzr | ||
AfC | lifeless: ah | 01:33 |
AfC | lifeless: brilliant | 01:33 |
lifeless | Peng: no, thats the point of this performance sprint | 01:33 |
Peng | lifeless: I know. :) | 01:33 |
AfC | lifeless: (it's sometimes difficult to tell what is deliberate and what is not-done-yet) | 01:33 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: morning | 01:33 |
lifeless | AfC: I can understand that :( | 01:33 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: should we have a chat about things-to-do ? | 01:33 |
lifeless | sabdfl: where you using a copy of launchpad in pack format?, or just the packs code on a regular launchpad branch? | 01:36 |
lifeless | sabdfl: also, what revno of the packs branch ? | 01:37 |
lifeless | blah | 01:39 |
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=== Peng wanders off. | ||
=== n2diy [n=darryl@wlk-barre-208-103-148-25.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net] has joined #bzr | ||
igc | I'm having a look at the executable flag bug right now | 02:01 |
lifeless | igc: did you look at packs last night ? | 02:04 |
igc | lifeless: I run into problems grabbing the latest pack code | 02:04 |
igc | I'm got the latest pack.knits though ... | 02:04 |
igc | and I'm looking at it now ... | 02:05 |
igc | well after I look into this issue wrt executable fliags | 02:05 |
lifeless | oh, what sort of problem ? | 02:05 |
igc | I'm got I feeling I know when that is | 02:05 |
igc | the problem pulling the packs code I sent to the ML | 02:05 |
igc | looks like poolie is having it as well | 02:06 |
igc | lifeless: it's buried in my email re bzr.dev problems btw | 02:06 |
lifeless | I'm guessing its a bug in your reannotate code | 02:10 |
igc | lifeless: I'm thinking that the executable bit bug on Windows is actually due to changes made in 2862 ... | 02:10 |
igc | in particular, path_content_summary in workingtree.py | 02:11 |
igc | I'll dig a bit more | 02:12 |
lifeless | igc: well, I think the bzr.dev problem is more severe | 02:15 |
lifeless | and I strongly suspect you caused it :( | 02:15 |
igc | ok - I'll look into that instead | 02:15 |
lifeless | I've replied to the thread | 02:15 |
=== orospakr [n=orospakr@bas4-ottawa23-1177561309.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #bzr | ||
lifeless | basically, that revision was introduced in a pack repo | 02:16 |
lifeless | so the knit version of it went through your unannotated->annotated code path | 02:16 |
lifeless | and apparently code serialised incorrectly | 02:16 |
lifeless | ipso facto there is a bug | 02:16 |
igc | ok - your reply hasn't arrived yet | 02:16 |
lifeless | its <possible> that the bug is in packs, like something claiming to be annotated when its not, but I have no reason to believe that that is the case. | 02:17 |
lifeless | I'd expect many more problems if that *was* the case | 02:17 |
igc | I remember the annotated knit changes pretty well so I'll dig into it now | 02:18 |
lifeless | we're going to have to identify all possible corrupt revisions | 02:19 |
lifeless | and write some logic that can be run to purge them | 02:19 |
=== bigdo1 [n=scmikes@72-197-8-8-arpa.cust.cinci.current.net] has joined #bzr | ||
lifeless | or find and dump them | 02:19 |
igc | yup | 02:19 |
lifeless | bbiab, picking up tickets for uds | 03:07 |
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poolie | igc, hi | 03:57 |
igc | poolie: I think I know what it is | 03:57 |
igc | just now literally | 03:57 |
poolie | can i call? | 03:57 |
igc | do you have a shared repo with one branch packs and others knits? | 03:57 |
igc | yes | 03:57 |
=== bratsche [n=cody@adsl-68-94-43-63.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #bzr | ||
poolie | igc, you should try | 04:12 |
poolie | rsync -avPz people.ubuntu.com:~robertc/packs.knits . | 04:12 |
poolie | in some appropriate directory | 04:12 |
gdoubleu | anyone here have experience installing the trac-bzr plugin? I am getting the following error: TracError: Unsupported version control system "bzr" | 04:17 |
gdoubleu | tracbzr is importable on the python prompt, In trac.ini I've set repository_type = bzr and I've set repository_dir | 04:17 |
gdoubleu | I've added a [component] section and added tracbzr.* = enabled | 04:17 |
gdoubleu | restarted apache | 04:17 |
gdoubleu | I turned on DEBUG level logging, but see no output other than the traceback | 04:17 |
gdoubleu | This is with Trac and TracBzr-0.2 | 04:18 |
gdoubleu | I wasn't sure if the TracBzr-0.2-py2.4.egg needed to be copied into the trac environment's plugins directory, but I've tried it with and without | 04:19 |
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poolie | gdoubleu, sorry, i don't | 04:24 |
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poolie | abentley is (one of) the authors, he's sometimes around at this time of day | 04:24 |
=== igc food | ||
poolie | lunch for me too | 04:57 |
igc | back now - rsync finished too | 04:59 |
lifeless | back | 05:12 |
lifeless | poolie: its ~robertc/public_html/pack-repository.knits that you want | 05:12 |
lifeless | igc: ^ | 05:13 |
igc | thanks llifeless | 05:13 |
igc | my pull of packs.knits is good - 2813 is the latest version there I have | 05:14 |
lifeless | public_html/baz2.0/dot_bzr_pack | 05:27 |
lifeless | public_html/baz2.0/dot_bzr_pack2 | 05:27 |
lifeless | they are different editions of the repository, at points where I converted | 05:27 |
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poolie | lifeless, about that hypothesis: | 06:35 |
poolie | when you changed the pack format from being annotated to not, | 06:35 |
poolie | did you change the format string or not? | 06:35 |
lifeless | no | 06:35 |
poolie | ok, thanks | 06:36 |
igc | poolie: I can branch from the main bzr.dev trunk into a fresh repo without problems | 06:41 |
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igc | lifeless: yes - I think the damage is isolated to us | 06:47 |
igc | maybe not for identical reasons ... | 06:47 |
igc | or identical sequences of events but the net effect is .. | 06:48 |
igc | some unannotated things in an annotated repo | 06:48 |
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poolie | heh | 08:04 |
poolie | would you believe, the first revision to have this problem is | 08:05 |
poolie | revno: 2786 | 08:05 |
poolie | revision-id: robertc@robertcollins.net-20071002070507-wjjfev3by9eufdga | 08:05 |
poolie | parent: robertc@robertcollins.net-20070925220517-giar8zbt8r6fyjmi | 08:05 |
poolie | committer: Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> | 08:05 |
poolie | branch nick: repository | 08:05 |
poolie | timestamp: Tue 2007-10-02 17:05:07 +1000 | 08:05 |
poolie | message: | 08:05 |
poolie | Change the packs format to be unannotated. | 08:05 |
igc | that's a while ago | 08:05 |
poolie | lifeless, ping? | 08:05 |
lifeless | hi | 08:05 |
poolie | may i call? | 08:05 |
lifeless | sure | 08:06 |
lifeless | I just piked running the review meeting | 08:06 |
poolie | lifeless, do you expect to make any format changes other than the format string? | 08:34 |
lifeless | I think we have a good enough format to make it widely available | 08:34 |
lifeless | I think there are many changes to make, just not this week. | 08:34 |
poolie | because despite that outstanding item i'd like to use it myself for my new repo | 08:35 |
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lifeless | well | 08:36 |
lifeless | if you're happy to manually change the string | 08:36 |
lifeless | gopher it | 08:36 |
poolie | i think i can just about manager that | 08:36 |
poolie | heh, freudian slip :) | 08:36 |
lifeless | rofl | 08:37 |
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lifeless | spiv: grrr. I don't like this current relpath behaviour | 08:38 |
lifeless | Path "/tmp/testbzr-gAkSjl.tmp/tmpAD2mCE/work/.bzr/repository/packs" is not a child of path "/tmp/testbzr-gAkSjl.tmp/tmpAD2mCE/work/.bzr/repository/upload" | 08:38 |
lifeless | thats from relpath | 08:38 |
lifeless | I would like to get '../packs' as the answer, not an exception :( | 08:38 |
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poolie | lifeless, i've noticed in a couple of places, including packs | 08:39 |
poolie | that it would be easier if you could have a transport pointing at a file, rather than needing a (transport, relpath) pair | 08:39 |
poolie | this came up again with knits | 08:39 |
lifeless | hmm | 08:40 |
lifeless | I think theres room for something like that, but not a full transport IMO | 08:41 |
lifeless | its the old 'are directories files' question | 08:41 |
poolie | maybe not precisely a transport | 08:41 |
poolie | i'm just observing there seems to be an incipient object there | 08:42 |
lifeless | agreed | 08:42 |
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lifeless | jml: don't forget to link the minutes into the meeting page | 08:50 |
ubotu | New bug: #153191 in bzr "command to get annotation for one line" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153191 | 08:55 |
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jml | lifeless: oops. other pages have an automatic thing. | 08:55 |
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lifeless | hi jam-laptop | 09:03 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: is it you, or your laptop? | 09:03 |
poolie | typing break.. | 09:04 |
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lifeless | poolie: have you run spivs reconcile ? | 09:10 |
lifeless | poolie: you should do that before you move to pack format | 09:10 |
lifeless | later all | 09:13 |
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vila | hmm, can't remember who I should ping for a request in loggerhead mrevell or mwhudson ? | 09:32 |
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vila | anyway, we have decided to track the specs with bb instead of the wiki (roughly), when using launchpad blueprints, it's now a bit difficult to set the right specification URL | 09:35 |
vila | bialix gave a hint when using an URL right into a branch hosted on launchpad, but the urls are ugly and quite impossible to predict (they use revid and file-id), I'd like to use (revno, path) | 09:37 |
=== mwhudson [n=mwh@62-31-157-102.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #bzr | ||
vila | where should I report that ? | 09:37 |
vila | mwhudson: are you the one I should ping about loggerhead or is it mrevell ? | 09:38 |
mwhudson | it's me | 09:39 |
vila | lol, just made a test, you read my mind :-) | 09:40 |
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ubotu | New bug: #153201 in bzr "bzr v0.91 - ERROR: Unable to delete transform temporary directory ../.bzr/checkout/limbo." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153201 | 09:40 |
vila | anyway, we have decided to track the specs with bb instead of the wiki (roughly), when using launchpad blueprints, it's now a bit difficult to set the right specification URL | 09:40 |
vila | bialix gave a hint when using an URL right into a branch hosted on launchpad, but the urls are ugly and quite impossible to predict (they use revid and file-id), I'd like to use (revno, path) | 09:40 |
vila | I just realized http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~jw+debian/bzr/bzr.0.90/revision?start_revno=2700 works already :) | 09:41 |
mwhudson | :) | 09:41 |
vila | that will solve my immediate problem may be better than (revno, path) | 09:41 |
vila | mwhudson: codebrowse.launchpad.net is public right ? Not restricted to launchpad beta testers ? | 09:42 |
mwhudson | vigneswari: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/138021 | 09:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 138021 in launchpad-bazaar "loggerhead should generate links based on revision numbers and file paths" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 09:42 |
mwhudson | vila, even, sorry | 09:42 |
mwhudson | vila: yes, totally public | 09:42 |
vila | great ! | 09:43 |
vila | great ! | 09:43 |
vila | I subscribed to the bug so I can monitor the changes, is it still considered ? No urgent need, just curious | 09:43 |
vila | mwhudson: ^ | 09:46 |
mwhudson | yes, it's something i'd like to do | 09:47 |
mwhudson | not scheduled yet, as you can see | 09:47 |
vila | mwhudson: ok, good to know, I'm too busy to even dream scratching that one, but please receive my moral support :) | 09:50 |
mwhudson | vila: ok :) | 09:50 |
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alla | So.. what's a good reason for picking bzr over hg? | 10:22 |
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=== igc dinner | ||
poolie | alla, i think we do better merging in some cases, and we support storing branches on sftp or ftp servers, and i believe bzr has better windows support | 10:31 |
poolie | however, i haven't used hg recently | 10:31 |
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mlh | via reddit: http://betterexplained.com/articles/intro-to-distributed-version-control-illustrated/ | 01:24 |
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mrevell | abentley: ping | 02:36 |
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mrevell | abentley: ping | 03:12 |
Lo-lan-do | jelmer: You around? | 03:13 |
jelmer | Lo-lan-do, hi | 03:13 |
Lo-lan-do | Hi | 03:13 |
abentley | mrevell: pong | 03:13 |
Lo-lan-do | Sorry to bother you again... did you have time to look at the bzr-svn pushing bug? | 03:14 |
mrevell | hi abentley - do you have a few minutes to help me come up with a good way to describe merge directives for the five minute guide? | 03:14 |
jelmer | Lo-lan-do, not yet - but I just got back to working on bzr-svn so there hopefully should be some news in the next day or so | 03:15 |
Lo-lan-do | That would be great :-) | 03:15 |
Lo-lan-do | (But I can bug you about bitlbee for a change, if you prefer :-) | 03:16 |
abentley | mrevell: A merge directive is a machine-readable request to perform a particular merge. It usually contains a patch preview of the merge, and either contains the necessary revisions, or provides a branch where they can be found. | 03:17 |
mrevell | abentley: Thanks :-) | 03:17 |
mrevell | abentley: Do you think we should avoid mention of bundles in that section? Is it a distraction? | 03:18 |
abentley | I'm inclined to think that detail isn't important for a 5-minute tutorial, but do what you think makes sense. | 03:20 |
mrevell | Let's go with merge directives. I'll reply to your post on the list. | 03:22 |
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weigon | can I merge changesets between two unrelated trees (at least diff | patch with keeping the commit msg) ? | 04:26 |
weigon | I have a bzr tree from svn2bzr and another one from bzr-svn and want to merge between them | 04:27 |
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_jaalto | What is the last version that supported Python 2.3? I need one for the OS, which isn't upgradeable | 05:06 |
jelmer | _jaalto: Python2.4 has always been the earliest python version supported | 05:09 |
dato | revno: 982 | 05:09 |
dato | committer: Martin Pool <mbp@sourcefrog.net> | 05:09 |
dato | timestamp: Wed 2005-07-27 10:11:28 -0300 | 05:09 |
dato | message: - we need python2.4 now, so update the statup check for that | 05:09 |
dato | so practically as jelmer said | 05:10 |
jelmer | weigon: You should be able to do something like that using rebase | 05:11 |
weigon | now that you say it ... right. | 05:11 |
weigon | now I "diff | patch + commit"ed it by hand | 05:12 |
jelmer | weigon: sorry :-/ are you migrating between the two? | 05:12 |
_jaalto | jelmer: Not at all, I've installed bzr to Python 2.3, just don't remember the version. Does r982 refer to release 0.16? | 05:12 |
weigon | jelmer: first I svn2bzr'ed the tree locally and committed against it for testing and playing around | 05:13 |
jelmer | _jaalto: r982 started warning about needing 2.4, I bet it's been a while before that that 2.4-specific features were used | 05:14 |
jelmer | _jaalto: afaik it's more like 0.0.7 | 05:14 |
weigon | now I wanted to 'rebase' the changes against the original svn-tree | 05:14 |
jelmer | _jaalto: r540 refers to it depending on set() from python2.4 | 05:14 |
weigon | so, setting up a svn-bzr bridge with bzr-svn and applying the same patches against the svn-tree | 05:14 |
jelmer | weigon: ah - yes, rebase should be able to do that | 05:15 |
weigon | I will try it out as an exercise | 05:16 |
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jelmer | _jaalto: 0.0.7 is r1175 | 05:16 |
jelmer | weigon: you should probably use bzr-rebase 0.1, trunk is broken atm | 05:16 |
_jaalto | jelmer: ok | 05:16 |
jelmer | _jaalto: what OS are you trying to run it on? | 05:17 |
_jaalto | jelmer: SunOS/Solaris, It's production environment and Blastwave package for Python is only 2.3.5 | 05:17 |
jelmer | :-/ | 05:18 |
_jaalto | No fun at all | 05:18 |
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Verterok | moin | 05:43 |
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Verterok | maybe I jut felt asleep | 06:47 |
beuno | Verterok, :D | 06:48 |
bwinton | How is the trunk broken? | 06:48 |
bwinton | Is it something with annotated knits? | 06:49 |
bwinton | jam: you there? | 06:52 |
jam-laptop | bwinton: yes | 06:52 |
bwinton | Do you have a couple of minutes to talk about the outfile.write patch? | 06:52 |
jam-laptop | sure, I'm going over it more line by line now | 06:53 |
bwinton | So, it sounds like print has some hideously complex behaviour built in to that trailing comma... | 06:53 |
jam-laptop | yeah | 06:54 |
jam-laptop | if it ends in 'whitespace' it won't print a new whitespace | 06:54 |
jam-laptop | It isn't horribly complex, but it is a bit surprising | 06:54 |
bwinton | I'm surprised... ;) | 06:54 |
CardinalFang | Python 3 should help with some of that. | 06:54 |
bwinton | Here's hoping. | 06:55 |
jam-laptop | Well, since they get rid of "print" as a command ... :) | 06:55 |
jam-laptop | I especially hate how it gets really messy if you are printing with arguments | 06:55 |
jam-laptop | something like | 06:55 |
bwinton | But there's no telling what they're going to add as a parameter... "magical_trailing_space=True" :) | 06:55 |
jam-laptop | print >>foo, "string one %s" % (something,), | 06:56 |
jam-laptop | I think the last comma is in the right spot | 06:56 |
jam-laptop | but what about | 06:56 |
bwinton | Heh. I'm so glad that that one didn't appear in the lines I was changing. | 06:56 |
jam-laptop | print >>foo, "string one %s" % (something,), another_thing, another, | 06:56 |
jam-laptop | Which I think is legal | 06:56 |
jam-laptop | even if it is awful | 06:56 |
CardinalFang | Yeah, does "," bind after "%"? | 06:56 |
=== CardinalFang programs too much C. | ||
bwinton | So, along the same lines when I'm writing out the "i"s, does it matter if there's a trailing space there? | 06:57 |
bwinton | i.e. | 06:57 |
bwinton | for i in mininc: | 06:57 |
bwinton | f.write(i + ' ') | 06:57 |
bwinton | f.write('\n') | 06:57 |
jam-laptop | Well it does, but there won't be any spaces in the 'i' | 06:57 |
jam-laptop | Just because we know what 'mininc' contains | 06:57 |
bwinton | for some value of "we". :) | 06:57 |
jam-laptop | I am a little concerned about when there is only 1 | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | So it might be better to do: | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | f.write(' '.join(mininc)) | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | or | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | f.write(' '.join(str(i) for i in mininc)) | 06:58 |
CardinalFang | f.write(" ".join(mininc) + "\n") ? | 06:58 |
CardinalFang | :) | 06:58 |
bwinton | But surely a test would catch that case, no? | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | maybe | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | I would guess if a test doesn't fail | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | then we don't actually care about the trailing space | 06:58 |
jam-laptop | but that doesn't mean it should be there :0 | 06:59 |
CardinalFang | Stay out of my head, j-l. | 06:59 |
bwinton | FAIL: test_bundle.V4WeaveBundleTester.test_alt_timezone_bundle | 06:59 |
bwinton | . <file file_id="newfile-20071016165753-jq7208edlvy372tb-174" name="newfile" parent_id="root-id" revision="tz-1" text_sha1="40a09aa320b3f12f99593ccd887eea724c34dd4b" text_size="20" /> | 06:59 |
bwinton | is there a "bzr selftest -v --fail_on_first" type of option? | 06:59 |
jam-laptop | bwinton: --one | 06:59 |
jam-laptop | -1, --one Stop when one test fails. | 07:00 |
CardinalFang | Those srite() syscalls are way more expensive than creating a new string, I bet. | 07:00 |
bwinton | Cool. | 07:00 |
jam-laptop | CardinalFang: yeah, but then again, I don't care much about optimizing the old weave.py code | 07:00 |
bwinton | bzr: ERROR: Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko | 07:00 |
bwinton | :P | 07:00 |
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bwinton | Okay, that looks better... | 07:04 |
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bwinton | (I've merged both of your suggested changes.) | 07:04 |
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jam-laptop | bwinton: I have a couple more I'll send you in a second | 07:05 |
jam-laptop | Most notably | 07:05 |
jam-laptop | you don't need a trailing '\' to continue onto the next line | 07:05 |
jam-laptop | when you are inside () | 07:05 |
jam-laptop | And 'stream.write(\' looks funny | 07:05 |
bwinton | Yeah, I thought about that, but the original code had it... It was a tough call. | 07:06 |
bwinton | I'm happy to change it, though. | 07:06 |
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jam-laptop | It had it because | 07:07 |
jam-laptop | print 'foo' \ | 07:07 |
bwinton | D'oh! | 07:07 |
jam-laptop | cannot wrap a line | 07:07 |
bwinton | It's true, but the next line started with a (, which could have been moved to the previous line... | 07:07 |
bwinton | What's the line length limit? | 07:09 |
bwinton | (Those lines are 82 characters, and I'ld like to know if I can just join them up...) | 07:09 |
jam-laptop | it is technically 79 characters | 07:10 |
jam-laptop | we can be lenient here and there | 07:10 |
jam-laptop | but we do try to stay <= 79 | 07:10 |
bwinton | Anything else while I'm here? | 07:10 |
bwinton | (Yes, I'm trying to reply to your tweak vote before you send it. ;) ) | 07:11 |
jam-laptop | bwinton: that is all I saw | 07:12 |
jam-laptop | well, everything I saw is in the tweak :) | 07:12 |
bwinton | Cool. I'll throw those in and resubmit. | 07:12 |
bwinton | Is revision.revno a string or an int? | 07:14 |
bwinton | And the same for revision.rev.revision_id? | 07:15 |
jam-laptop | .revno is an integer | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | .revision_id is a string | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | .revision_id should be a utf-8 encoded string (for what it is worth) | 07:25 |
bwinton | Can I just use %s for both of them? | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | though all current examples are restricted to ASCII | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | bwinton: '%s' is python's universal "do whatever it takes to makethis a string" | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | so yes, you can always use '%s' | 07:25 |
jam-laptop | (%d exists so you can do %4.4d type formatting) | 07:26 |
bwinton | Okay, so I think I have one last question before this passes all the tests... | 07:39 |
bwinton | Line 1070(-ish) of the patch looks like this: | 07:39 |
bwinton | elif l[-1] == '\n': | 07:39 |
bwinton | assert l.find('\n', 0, -1) == -1 | 07:39 |
bwinton | - print >>f, '.', l, | 07:39 |
bwinton | + f.write('. ' + l + ' ') | 07:39 |
bwinton | But that's probably not correct, given the behaviour of the trailing comma... | 07:39 |
bwinton | I think I could just remove the trailing space, since we know that l ends with '\n', because of the first line I quoted. | 07:51 |
bwinton | Does that sound near-correct to you? | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | Remove the trailing space seems correct to me. | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | I would be happier with | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | assert l.count('\n') == 1 | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | But that is a different change | 07:51 |
bwinton | Yeah. | 07:51 |
bwinton | Well, that wasn't quite it. The next error I'm getting is: | 07:51 |
bwinton | ERROR: test_bundle.V4WeaveBundleTester.test_binary_bundle | 07:51 |
bwinton | sequence item 0: expected string, int found | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | that sounds like | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | write(''.join(mininc)) | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | you probably need the | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | write(''.join(str(i) for i in mininc)) | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | Which can also be written as | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | write(''.join([str(i) for i in mininc] )) | 07:51 |
bwinton | I like the generator expression better, assuming it's in the versions of python we support... | 07:51 |
bwinton | (Uh, which versions of Python does Bazaar support?) | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | >= 2.4 | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | Because we already use generators elsewhere | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | And we use "@" syntax | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | (decorators) | 07:51 |
bwinton | Yeah? I haven't noticed any of those... What do we use them for? | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | @needs_write_lock | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | and | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | @needs_read_lock | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | is all over Branch.py | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | @staticmethod | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | @classmethod | 07:51 |
jam-laptop | are also rather common | 07:51 |
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=== Topic for #bzr: The Bazaar Version Control System | http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 0.91 is out - http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download | Please complete the Bazaar User Survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L94RvLswhKdktrxiHWiX3g_3d_3d | ||
=== Topic (#bzr): set by poolie at Wed Sep 26 07:07:44 2007 | ||
Verterok | beuno: there are only three unitttests left: log, annotate and info. I plan to finish by thrusday/friday | 08:17 |
Verterok | beuno: s/unittests/testcases/g | 08:17 |
beuno | Verterok, great, those might come in handy when we try and get the code into bzr itself | 08:19 |
=== beuno eyeballs the bzr devs | ||
=== jam-laptop hides behind food | ||
Verterok | beuno: yes, hope they'll | 08:30 |
=== Verterok join beuno's | ||
=== beuno waits patiently for jam-laptop's food to run out | ||
Lo-lan-do | jam-laptop is made of food. And electronics. | 08:31 |
jam-laptop | actually 'jam' is made of food, 'laptop' is made of electronics | 08:39 |
beuno | heh | 08:40 |
Lo-lan-do | Yes, that was more or less what I was hinting at. | 08:51 |
Lo-lan-do | I guess I shouldn't try to be witty when I'm sleepy. | 08:51 |
Odd_Bloke | You get a jam-laptop if you spread jam on your laptop keyboard and close the lid. . | 08:51 |
jam-laptop | not quite as good as a PB&J, but it has a bit of crunch to it | 08:51 |
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=== Topic for #bzr: The Bazaar Version Control System | http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 0.91 is out - http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download | Please complete the Bazaar User Survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L94RvLswhKdktrxiHWiX3g_3d_3d | ||
=== Topic (#bzr): set by poolie at Wed Sep 26 07:07:44 2007 | ||
gotgenes | What is the recommended tool for migrating repositories from SVN to bzr? | 08:57 |
jam-laptop | I think the #1 converter is bzr-sv | 08:57 |
jam-laptop | bzr-svn | 08:57 |
gotgenes | I see there's Tailor, svn2bzr, and bzr-svn | 08:57 |
jam-laptop | followed closely by svn2bzr | 08:58 |
jam-laptop | Tailor is a far distant third or fourth or fifth even | 08:58 |
jam-laptop | gotgenes: If it is an open source project, you can also use Launchpad to do the conversion | 08:58 |
jam-laptop | with the advantage that they will keep it up to date | 08:58 |
jam-laptop | but I have the feeling it is your own personal stuff | 08:58 |
gotgenes | jam-laptop: it is a couple of personal repositories, only a few of which are software | 08:59 |
jam-laptop | I believe bzr-svn receives the most attention | 08:59 |
jam-laptop | but it doesn't let you do some things that svn2bzr does | 08:59 |
jam-laptop | (it is focused more on providing a way to inter-operate with svn, than to just convert) | 09:00 |
jam-laptop | so svn2bzr will let you filter out stuff you don't want any more, etc. | 09:00 |
gotgenes | Well I want all of the repositories, that's for sure | 09:00 |
gotgenes | what does "ids: non-deterministic" mean? | 09:00 |
jelmer | I think svn2bzr does deterministic ids these days | 09:02 |
gotgenes | jelmer: are these revision IDs? or file IDs? | 09:04 |
jelmer | both | 09:05 |
gotgenes | and does it really matter if it's deterministic? | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | If you want 2 people to convert and get the same results, yes | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | If it is just you planning on switching from using svn | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | to using bzr | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | then no | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | If you were planning on continuing to use bzr | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | and svn at the same time | 09:05 |
jam-laptop | then yes | 09:05 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: afaik the only difference between svn2bzr and svn-import at this point is the fact that svn2bzr doesn't depend on python-subversion | 09:06 |
jam-laptop | For *you* I'm guessing the answer is no | 09:06 |
jelmer | svn-import also does filtering these days | 09:06 |
jam-laptop | jelmer: how do you reconcile filtering with determinism? | 09:06 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: you can filter which branches to convert | 09:06 |
jam-laptop | Sure, but not what revisions in those branches | 09:06 |
jam-laptop | like you can't filter out the accidental commit of a CD ISO | 09:07 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: svn2bzr doesn't allow more filtering than that, either | 09:07 |
jam-laptop | I thought svn2bzr worked on svndump | 09:07 |
jelmer | afaik | 09:07 |
gotgenes | These are my personal repos so it sounds like deterministic IDs should matter | 09:07 |
jam-laptop | and you could edit that as you wanted | 09:07 |
jelmer | sure, but you can do that with bzr-svn as well | 09:07 |
jam-laptop | gotgenes: jam-laptop: For *you* I'm guessing the answer is no | 09:07 |
jam-laptop | I didn't realize bzr-svn worked from an svndump | 09:07 |
jam-laptop | and it makes me a little concerned with the extra deterministic ids... | 09:08 |
jelmer | jelmer: it can, but will simply load the svndump and then work on the resulting repository | 09:08 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: svn2bzr also does deterministic ids | 09:08 |
jam-laptop | any time you can change the source and get the same id makes me a bit concerned | 09:08 |
jam-laptop | but hey | 09:08 |
jelmer | so I don't see how bzr-svn's situation is worse.. | 09:08 |
jam-laptop | It most likely won't be *my* repository which gets corrupted accidentally | 09:08 |
gotgenes | I would prefer an uncorrupted repo, as well | 09:09 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: there's not really a way to work around people modifying their svndumps or svn repositories without changing the repository UUID | 09:09 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: unless I would use a sha1 of the entire tree contents + revision metadata as revision id | 09:10 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: heck, even Subversion clients break if you change the contents of the server by dumping it out and loading it in again | 09:10 |
jam-laptop | sure | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | but SVN has only 1 place that breaks | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | if I merge a patch from you | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | after you have a different conversion | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | it can break my repository | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | anyway, hopefully people don't mess with things too badly | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | it is pretty rare to have random people doing the conversion | 09:11 |
jam-laptop | versus everyone working from an 'official' one. | 09:12 |
jelmer | jam-laptop: I think that's why bzr should check the sha1 of the remote repository | 09:12 |
jelmer | (against the local stored sha1) | 09:13 |
jelmer | in the case of a merge, just the base revision sha1 should be sufficient I think | 09:13 |
jelmer | even in the non-bzr-svn case, that would be useful | 09:14 |
jelmer | for example, if I clone some-evil-users' branch into my local repository | 09:15 |
jelmer | but he had an evil copy of a revision that was already in bzr.dev, but which I hadn't pulled from there yet | 09:15 |
jelmer | and I then pull from bzr.dev | 09:15 |
jelmer | I end up with a corrupt revision, but without any errors | 09:15 |
james_w | jelmer: hi. Is it true that bzr-svn never has to handle an svn revision with mulitple parents. | 09:19 |
james_w | I am looking at InterFromSvnRespository. | 09:20 |
jelmer | james_w: it does have to handle those, but there is at most one non-ghost parent | 09:20 |
james_w | jelmer: thanks. | 09:21 |
james_w | I am looking at implementing InterFromGitRepository, and so it needs the multiple parent case. | 09:21 |
jelmer | james_w: is this in bzr-git? | 09:21 |
james_w | I'm stuck on what to tell the target repository to do to transfer the revisions. | 09:22 |
james_w | jelmer: yes. | 09:22 |
jelmer | cool | 09:22 |
=== jelmer is also interested in bzr-git | ||
james_w | that's one reason why I'm looking at it, with your experience it should be easier to do. | 09:23 |
james_w | The InterRepos in bzr core are mostly specialised. I am looking at the Generic one now to see what I should od. | 09:23 |
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james_w | jam-laptop: do you have a moment for a few pointers on interrepo operations? | 09:30 |
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=== BasicOSX [n=BasicOSX@warden.real-time.com] has joined #bzr | ||
gotgenes | Where is the documentation for bzr-svn? | 09:38 |
siretart | hi james_w | 09:47 |
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jam-laptop | in a bit | 09:49 |
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jam-laptop | james_w: how can I help | 10:09 |
james_w | jam-laptop: sorry, I was eating. | 10:15 |
jam-laptop | bah, no eating for anyone but me | 10:15 |
jam-laptop | :) | 10:15 |
james_w | Having looked a bit more it seems like calling Repository.add_revision() for each revision in the ancestory that we care about, with the inv kw parameter set to the inventory for that revision is sufficient, am I correct? | 10:16 |
Odd_Bloke | If jam-laptop eats, he'll just become 'jam'... | 10:16 |
james_w | hi siretart. How are you? | 10:16 |
jam-laptop | james_w: This is after you've copied over the file texts? | 10:16 |
jam-laptop | But yes, that should work | 10:16 |
jam-laptop | though I think it *might* be better to call add_inventory() first | 10:17 |
james_w | ah, file texts. Whats the API to copy them? | 10:17 |
jam-laptop | I've done it a couple different ways, | 10:18 |
jam-laptop | I'm not sure that we have a great way to do it | 10:18 |
jam-laptop | but doing | 10:18 |
james_w | and, yes it appears as though add_inventory would be more efficient, as there is a check for whether the inv is present the other way. | 10:18 |
jam-laptop | weave = repo.get_weave_or_empty(file_id) | 10:18 |
jam-laptop | weave.add_lines(...) | 10:18 |
jam-laptop | bzr-hg might have a decent way to explain it | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | in the InterRepoX.fetch() function | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | at least, that is what I've copied for some things that I've done. | 10:19 |
james_w | ah, I hadn't even thought about file_ids yet. | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | Part of it is finding the 'parent revisions' so that you get the file graph correct | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | james_w: bzr-hg just uses "hg:path/to/file" | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | for the file id | 10:19 |
jam-laptop | since that *is* the hg file id | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | though it won't follow renames, etc | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | but prior to 0.9.2 or so, neither did hg | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | you *might* want to use something like | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | git:<hash of path> | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | (the problem with raw path is that it gets really long on some projects) | 10:20 |
jam-laptop | I've run into file-ids that were longer than the 256 character limit per filename on Linux | 10:21 |
jam-laptop | (you can have a really long total path, but each chunk needs to be shorter than ???) | 10:21 |
james_w | thanks for the tip. | 10:21 |
jam-laptop | so does git provide a way to do a reverse mapping? | 10:22 |
jam-laptop | (to make it easy to push bzr revisions into git) | 10:22 |
jam-laptop | svn has properties (on just about everything) | 10:22 |
james_w | I'm not sure I follow. | 10:23 |
jam-laptop | You want a way such that bzr-git can detect that this git revision matches that bzr revision | 10:23 |
jam-laptop | so that you can push, and have pull be a no-op | 10:24 |
james_w | ah yes, I see. | 10:24 |
jam-laptop | (see jelmer's "True Push" bzr-svn support) | 10:24 |
jam-laptop | One thing you could consider... | 10:24 |
jam-laptop | having a versioned file that records the mapping | 10:24 |
james_w | There is talk of 'notes' which are annotations to revisions, but it is not merged yet. | 10:24 |
james_w | (annotations is an overloaded word, hence the choice of 'notes'). | 10:25 |
james_w | if that is not merged or not applicable then I will try the versioned file. | 10:26 |
james_w | The other possibility is attributes, but I don't think they fit well. | 10:26 |
siretart | james_w: thanks! - looking forward to UDS :) | 10:26 |
james_w | siretart: me too. | 10:27 |
james_w | siretart: I have submitted https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/bzr-for-packaging-tutorial | 10:27 |
siretart | james_w: interesting. Subscribing myself as essential :) | 10:28 |
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james_w | siretart: thanks. Would you be willing to help with it? | 10:45 |
siretart | james_w: of course! - I think we should take some time to discuss details in person at UDS | 10:47 |
siretart | james_w: I assume you have noticed the recent discussion on the dpkg devel list? | 10:47 |
=== GaryvdM [n=chatzill@dsl-243-166-153.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #bzr | ||
GaryvdM | Is John Meinel arround? | 10:49 |
GaryvdM | I don't know what nick he uses. | 10:49 |
radix | jam-laptop | 10:49 |
GaryvdM | Ah! | 10:49 |
jam-laptop | hi GaryvdM | 10:49 |
GaryvdM | Hi | 10:49 |
GaryvdM | I tested you patch for bug 149113 | 10:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149113 in bzr ""KeyError: None" in Dirstate._entry_to_line when commiting" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149113 | 10:50 |
jam-laptop | thanks, any luck? | 10:50 |
GaryvdM | I get ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment | 10:50 |
GaryvdM | line 335 of bzrlib\repository.py | 10:50 |
GaryvdM | content_summary[2] = False | 10:50 |
jam-laptop | foey | 10:51 |
jam-laptop | I'll fix that, then | 10:51 |
jam-laptop | I'm working on a test case anyway, I'll post it when I get it | 10:54 |
GaryvdM | Thanks | 10:56 |
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james_w | siretart: no I haven't, let me look. | 10:57 |
siretart | james_w: JoeyH has proposed a patch for managing source packages in dpkg | 10:58 |
siretart | james_w: Kamion has then ported his patch for bzr | 10:58 |
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james_w | siretart: thanks for the pointer, it's interesting. I don't really get it yet, but if Joey wrote it, then I would say that it is probably useful. | 11:06 |
james_w | siretart: and I'm very keen to discuss things at UDS, I don't have any other activities to do there yet, so I'm going to try and get as many people interested as possible. | 11:06 |
siretart | I'll help you with that as good as I can! :) | 11:07 |
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james_w | great :). Have you seen we already have a slot in te provisional timetable? | 11:08 |
siretart | james_w: that's not decided yet. the schedule will be updated daily, even after conference start | 11:13 |
siretart | so don't pay too much attention at the current schedule | 11:13 |
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=== siretart heads to sleep. good night! | ||
james_w | oh yes, I realise that, it was just the first time that I had seen there was already a slot assigned to discuss these issues. | 11:14 |
james_w | night siretart. | 11:14 |
james_w | jam-laptop: thanks for your help. | 11:33 |
jam-laptop | james_w: happy to help | 11:33 |
james_w | I'll think about file-ids, and leave true-push until later I think. | 11:34 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: hi | 11:34 |
jam-laptop | hi | 11:34 |
jam-laptop | james_w: certainly, walk before you can run | 11:34 |
jam-laptop | just keep it in mind | 11:34 |
lifeless | re exec bit on win32 | 11:34 |
jam-laptop | since it may be easier to do it up front | 11:34 |
jam-laptop | rather than after the fact | 11:34 |
lifeless | changing commit builder is the wrong place; it will not be duplicated in other repo commit builders | 11:35 |
jam-laptop | lifeless: actually I have a test which requires them to | 11:35 |
lifeless | commit builder is repo specific serialisation, not tree specific, and this bug is tree specific | 11:35 |
jam-laptop | but I still feel it is wrong | 11:35 |
jam-laptop | but you had a specific comment saying that None was the right thing to return | 11:35 |
james_w | jam-laptop: yes, I agree. Thanks for putting it in my head. | 11:35 |
lifeless | I wanted to avoid having to do a lookup in path_content_summary | 11:36 |
lifeless | certainly the fix should only execute any code on win32 | 11:36 |
lifeless | e.g. be a variation of a method chosen at load time | 11:36 |
lifeless | or be a decorator put on on win32 | 11:36 |
lifeless | I'd be ok with a decorator around the commit builder | 11:36 |
lifeless | and I'd be ok with a path_content_summary_win32 that does a lookup, with | 11:37 |
lifeless | path_content_summary = _path_content_summary_win32 | 11:37 |
lifeless | at the class level, on win32 | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | so, I'm a little confused.... | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | It seems like we are using the WT.path_content_summary for WT4 trees | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | since the WT4 version | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | returns entry.executable | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | which *should* be correct | 11:37 |
jam-laptop | Or are the tests only failing for WT3 trees | 11:38 |
lifeless | I know bialix often uses wt3 trees | 11:38 |
lifeless | because of locking problems in ?win98? | 11:38 |
jam-laptop | yeah, and I guess he had ~1000 failures | 11:38 |
jam-laptop | lifeless: and some issues with locking failures on WinNT+ | 11:38 |
jam-laptop | I know 'merge' used to have a problem with double locking the tree | 11:39 |
jam-laptop | I think Aaron fixed that, though | 11:39 |
lifeless | so today | 11:39 |
=== abentley [n=abentley@bas8-toronto63-1096734725.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #bzr | ||
lifeless | I'm going to finish the pack object cleanup | 11:39 |
lifeless | and send in a branch for review | 11:39 |
lifeless | change the format string to a supported one | 11:39 |
lifeless | register the branch as visible etc | 11:39 |
lifeless | Mark had a performance glitch he's asked me to lookat | 11:39 |
lifeless | abentley: you pointed mark at packs the other day? | 11:39 |
lifeless | abentley: which branch of mine did you point him at ? | 11:40 |
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abentley | http://people.ubuntu.com/%7Erobertc/pack-repository.knits/ | 11:40 |
lifeless | k, thanks | 11:40 |
abentley | And then someone else pointed him at the pack version. | 11:41 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: you asked me about things to hack on; did you want to chat about that ? | 11:41 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: or was my answer sufficient | 11:41 |
GaryvdM | jam-laptop: I think you forgot to attach the patch in your latest mail. | 11:41 |
jam-laptop | GaryvdM: thanks for the heads up | 11:41 |
jam-laptop | lifeless: I would like to chat about it at some point | 11:42 |
jam-laptop | I'm just trying to finish this one up | 11:42 |
jam-laptop | as I see it as a fairly large regression | 11:42 |
lifeless | indeed it is | 11:43 |
lifeless | regression's R us | 11:43 |
GaryvdM | jam-laptop: Is http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/0.92-dev/dirstate_error_149113/ the same as the missing patch? | 11:44 |
jam-laptop | GaryvdM: yes | 11:44 |
jam-laptop | It should also be registered in LP | 11:44 |
lifeless | abentley: what should we do about better merges then; I agree you are right that three-way, full-tree base selection, with many-branches-in-play is dangerous when conflicting decisions are being made. | 11:44 |
jam-laptop | though that may not have updated yet | 11:44 |
jam-laptop | GaryvdM: I'm also thinking to fix it in a different way | 11:44 |
GaryvdM | Ok - I'll still give it a test. | 11:45 |
lifeless | abentley: (if we don't go back to a unique root) | 11:45 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: well, I'm around all day (har har), so am happy to chat at your convenience | 11:46 |
abentley | lifeless: Well, per-file LCAs does help, but not in every case. | 11:46 |
lifeless | I'm not going to really start work for another hour and a bit, at 9. | 11:46 |
abentley | So I'd focus on making annotate-merge better. | 11:47 |
lifeless | abentley: there is a question; its going to be slow on packs, but you had the idea we only needed to annotate the differing lines, and only back to the common ancestor | 11:47 |
abentley | Annotate merge is similar to picking a merge base for every line in the file, so it's like per-file merge bases taken to an extreme. | 11:47 |
lifeless | yup | 11:48 |
lifeless | so, I'll start using that always | 11:48 |
lifeless | and see if it plays nicer | 11:48 |
lifeless | bbiab | 11:48 |
abentley | I know it has some wacky corners, but we haven't really figured them out yet. | 11:48 |
abentley | i.e. what's causing them. | 11:49 |
abentley | I'm still confident that we only need to annotate back to a common base. | 11:49 |
GaryvdM | jam-laptop: That branch does work. | 11:52 |
jam-laptop | GaryvdM: good to hear | 11:53 |
jam-laptop | As robert and I agree, it is fixing it in the wrong place | 11:53 |
jam-laptop | but at least it works for now :) | 11:53 |
jam-laptop | I'm trying to fix it more correctly | 11:53 |
GaryvdM | Cool | 11:55 |
=== bigdog [n=scmikes@72-197-8-8-arpa.cust.cinci.current.net] has joined #bzr | ||
lifeless | remind me why we ever missed that knits would perform badly ? | 12:00 |
jam-laptop | hmm.. I take it back, it is a weird interaction with WT4 | 12:00 |
jam-laptop | otherwise we wouldn't be getting the Dirstate failure | 12:00 |
jam-laptop | when it tries to set_state_from_inventory | 12:00 |
jam-laptop | and ie.executable is None | 12:00 |
jam-laptop | which is just weird.... | 12:00 |
lifeless | its probably a badly formed inventory | 12:00 |
GaryvdM | I'm looking for some advice on how to implement something. | 12:01 |
lifeless | ie.executable = None is invalud for kind is 'file' | 12:01 |
GaryvdM | I want to create my own type of tree | 12:01 |
jam-laptop | lifeless: well, record_entry_contents is setting ie.executable | 12:01 |
lifeless | jam-laptop: to non-None? | 12:01 |
jam-laptop | which is why I was fixing it there | 12:01 |
jam-laptop | lifeless: well it was setting it to content_summary[2] unilaterally | 12:01 |
lifeless | GIGO though | 12:01 |
lifeless | I think thats fine | 12:01 |
lifeless | GaryvdM: go on | 12:02 |
jam-laptop | sure, but I can't quite find the GI when it is WT4 | 12:02 |
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