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highvoltage | morning RichEd | 09:09 |
RichEd | hi highvoltage | 09:10 |
juliux | morning | 09:10 |
LaserJock | hi highvoltage RichEd and juliux | 09:10 |
RichEd | hey LaserJock & juliux | 09:11 |
kgoetz | arvo | 09:11 |
=== RichEd is back from an epic trip to Georgia ... and does not recommend using eTickets for travel | ||
highvoltage | hey LaserJock, juliux and kgoetz | 09:11 |
LaserJock | RichEd: lots of fun eh? | 09:11 |
highvoltage | RichEd: why not? | 09:11 |
RichEd | when the border passport control cannot see proof of an onward flight (one of them red tickety things) they won't let you out of the country | 09:12 |
LaserJock | the US is going all electronic soon | 09:12 |
kgoetz | highvoltage: hey mate | 09:12 |
RichEd | they are still under the mindset that you travel by the grace of the government allowing you a privelage | 09:12 |
=== RichEd decided not to give them the capitalist "me customer, you give me happy friendly service because my money pays your job" | ||
=== JordanC [n=MasterPl@host86-130-158-154.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
stgraber | Gutsy candidates ISO are ready for testing | 10:03 |
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=== Nuba1 [n=sysadmin@28.Red-88-17-241.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Nuba1 | hi there... | 12:22 |
Nuba1 | So I've installed Gutsy RC and have problems trying to connect my thin clients... I've compiled the feisty distro in the /opt/ltsp/i386 chroot because only feisty will read my graphics cards | 12:23 |
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Nuba1 | the ATI X1450 is not supported in xorg 7.3, which is what comes natively in Gutsy | 12:23 |
Nuba1 | hi ogra | 12:23 |
Nuba1 | (12:23:11 PM) Nubae: So I've installed Gutsy RC and have problems trying to connect my thin clients... I've compiled the feisty distro in the /opt/ltsp/i386 chroot because only feisty will read my graphics cards | 12:24 |
Nuba1 | (12:23:33 PM) Nubae: the ATI X1450 is not supported in xorg 7.3, which is what comes natively in Gutsy | 12:24 |
Nuba1 | I get connection refused when they startup | 12:24 |
Nuba1 | I'm assuming this is because feisty is expecting nfs and Gutsy only does nbd... is this assumption correct? | 12:25 |
Nuba1 | can someone help me please :-( | 12:28 |
Nuba1 | I've spent days trying to get this working, there was of course, no mention anywhere that from feisty to gutsy suddenly fglrx was not supported anymore... | 12:29 |
Nuba1 | I understand its not used much in thin clients, but surely there must be more people than me trying to use fglrx, whether it be thin or fat clients | 12:30 |
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sbalneav | Morning all | 03:17 |
RichEd | hey scotty :) | 03:26 |
ogra | sbalneav, something to play with: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40804/ | 03:27 |
ogra | (save as ltsp-chroot, make it executable and be able to run: sudo ./ltsp-chroot xterm) | 03:27 |
ogra | now we just need synapic in the chroot ;) | 03:28 |
ogra | and have full gui package management for ltsp clients ;) | 03:28 |
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sbalneav | ogra: So, this isn't local apps, right? | 03:51 |
ogra | no, thats chroot maintenance | 03:52 |
sbalneav | right, got it. | 03:52 |
sbalneav | Cool | 03:52 |
sbalneav | How's the CMPC going? | 03:52 |
ogra | not at all yet, to much release stress atm | 03:53 |
ogra | i hope to have all isos fine tonight, then i can look into other stuff | 03:53 |
ogra | whithout release there is no CMPC :) | 03:53 |
ogra | btw, forst -desktop-i386 install done :) | 03:54 |
ogra | *first | 03:54 |
ogra | lets see if it boots :) | 03:54 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:57 |
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stgraber | ogra: is there any known bug for Edubuntu LTSP that could cause a misdetection of my graphic card ? | 04:47 |
ogra | stgraber, intel ? | 04:47 |
stgraber | ogra: running at 1280x1024 instead of 1680x1050 | 04:47 |
stgraber | ogra: yes | 04:47 |
ogra | might be it detects the i810 driver for it instead of the intel one | 04:48 |
stgraber | ok, will try to override it in lts.conf and see if that helps | 04:48 |
ogra | thats likely bug 149006 as well | 04:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149006 in ltsp "ltsp does not configure xorg.conf correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149006 | 04:48 |
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cberlo | Hi folks. Got a quick question (I hope): how can you figure out who's actually logged in to an Edubuntu LTSP session? Clients are connected through LDM (the default) and thus do not show up in the "who" listing. | 04:51 |
ogra | thin client manager | 04:51 |
stgraber | ogra: using XSERVER=intel fixed it | 04:52 |
cberlo | ogra: Okay, and that' won't fly on a command line... :) Need a script to do some cleanup work at logout. Can't figure out who's logged in, though. | 04:52 |
ogra | it has a commandline tool as well | 04:52 |
ogra | scp-remote --help | 04:52 |
ogra | stgraber, yeah, thats what i thought, thanks :) | 04:52 |
stgraber | ogra: receiving "Connection refused" when trying to play a sound :( | 04:53 |
cberlo | ogra: Thanks. Looks like that will work for me. :) | 04:58 |
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stgraber | ogra: pulseaudio isn't running on the client :( | 05:09 |
ogra | oh | 05:09 |
ogra | thats a fresh install ? | 05:10 |
stgraber | yes | 05:11 |
ogra | meh | 05:11 |
ogra | i havent managed finishing a server install yet | 05:12 |
ogra | vbox isnt nice to me today | 05:12 |
ogra | two desktop install were fine though | 05:12 |
stgraber | I logged as root on a thin client, soundcard is correctly detected but looking at ps aux there is no pulseaudio :( | 05:13 |
ogra | weird | 05:13 |
ogra | any errors on any of the consoles ? | 05:13 |
stgraber | do you know what's the exact command used to start pulseaudio ? | 05:14 |
ogra | pulse usually pops them up in red | 05:14 |
ogra | thats tricky since we use hardcoded options ... look in the ltsp-client-core initscript, its a whole bunch | 05:14 |
stgraber | ogra: pulse works well, it's just not launched ... | 05:22 |
ogra | hmm | 05:22 |
stgraber | ogra: I typed the exact same command as there is in the ltsp-client-core.install and it worked | 05:22 |
stgraber | .init I mean | 05:23 |
ogra | i assume you didnt create an lts.conf saying SOUND=False | 05:23 |
stgraber | indeed, I first thought that the problem could come from there so I tried without any SOUND (default), then with SOUND=yes and SOUND=true (current) | 05:24 |
stgraber | none of them worked | 05:24 |
ogra | thats pretty strange | 05:24 |
ogra | without any should work fine | 05:25 |
ogra | SOUND=True should do as well | 05:25 |
ogra | are ltspfsd and cdpinger runnng on the client ? | 05:27 |
stgraber | ltspfsd yes, cdpinger no | 05:27 |
ogra | you dont have a cdrom ? | 05:28 |
stgraber | I have one (serial-ata) | 05:29 |
ogra | (it should start if /dev/cdrom exists) | 05:29 |
stgraber | /dev/cdrom exists and points to scd0 | 05:30 |
ogra | hmm, anyway, ltspfsd runs so the configure_localdev function was executed ... | 05:30 |
stgraber | ogra: running : cdpinger cdrom | 05:31 |
ogra | ok | 05:32 |
stgraber | worked fine, I just don't see why it doesn't automatically start | 05:32 |
stgraber | nah, it's not ok :) | 05:32 |
ogra | i think scott made it start from ldm scripts as well, so that does no harm | 05:32 |
ogra | ah, no, thats delayed mounter | 05:32 |
stgraber | I had to run the cdpinger by hand, but running it with the command there is in ltsp-client-core.init worked | 05:33 |
stgraber | that's what I don't understand | 05:33 |
stgraber | it's supposed to have executed the exact same command ... | 05:34 |
ogra | righ, me neither | 05:34 |
ogra | the thing is that absolutely nothing changed between RC and today | 05:35 |
stgraber | I'm pretty sure I had sound on that same computer with RC :( | 05:36 |
ogra | the last change i made to ltsp was 8 days ago ... RC is five days ago | 05:37 |
ogra | i suspec a race condition ... | 05:38 |
ogra | something is gotten slower or faster during boot ... that exposes it ... | 05:38 |
ogra | probably udev | 05:38 |
stgraber | rebooting without the lts.conf (just in case) | 05:38 |
ogra | you could try to add a "sleep 5" before the localdev and sound functions (after the screenscripts are run) | 05:39 |
ogra | (in the ltsp-client-core initscript) | 05:40 |
stgraber | hmm, got sound this time | 05:41 |
ogra | yeah, race condition ... :/ | 05:41 |
stgraber | I hate that :) | 05:41 |
ogra | indicates a prob with udev | 05:42 |
ogra | i guess cdpinger wasnt up because there was no /dev/cdrom when it was started | 05:42 |
ogra | same for sound | 05:42 |
ogra | but dont quote me on that ... | 05:43 |
ogra | need to see it myself | 05:43 |
ogra | sounds like something to fix in an SRU# | 05:43 |
ogra | -# | 05:43 |
stgraber | yeah, got both sound and high res this time :) | 05:43 |
stgraber | and cdpinger running | 05:44 |
stgraber | will try to reproduce the no sound, no cdpinger thing | 05:45 |
stgraber | reproduced :) | 05:47 |
stgraber | just had to reboot once | 05:47 |
stgraber | but well, my client is a Core2Duo 2.0Ghz with tons of RAM (2GB), not really the usual thin client as of performance :) | 05:48 |
stgraber | ogra: I could add a : ls /dev > /var/log/debugltsp to the init script to check if your theory is right, no ? | 05:50 |
ogra | indeed | 05:51 |
ogra | but te ls will likely take longer than the race takes | 05:51 |
stgraber | I'll put it after the cdpinger so it won't slow down the boot, just have to hope that the device won't show up between the cdpinger and the ls | 05:52 |
stgraber | argh, too bad the server isn't as fast as the client :), mksquashfs takes some time | 05:54 |
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stgraber | ogra: it worked !!! :) | 05:58 |
stgraber | ogra: I've put a : ls /dev/cdrom > /var/log/ltspdebug | 05:59 |
stgraber | ogra: after boot, still no sound and /var/log/ltspdebug exists but is empty | 05:59 |
ogra | reboot again until you have a cd | 05:59 |
stgraber | ogra: so the file didn't exist at this point | 05:59 |
ogra | and see if it corellates | 05:59 |
stgraber | confirmed | 06:02 |
stgraber | I just had a "slow" boot and have /dev/cdrom in the ltspdebug file | 06:03 |
stgraber | (boot is <10s on this computer) | 06:03 |
ogra | ah, well | 06:04 |
ogra | i never test on suc speedy stuff :) | 06:05 |
ogra | i have nothing here that boots faster than 30 secs | 06:05 |
stgraber | oh, just something I noticed while testing Edubuntu, is that normal that we have a "switch user" option ? | 06:06 |
stgraber | it doesn't work at all on LTSP and show two error messages, a first one that explain why it doesn't work and a second weird one | 06:06 |
ogra | oh | 06:07 |
ogra | it shouldnt offer any options | 06:07 |
ogra | just sit there and show your username | 06:07 |
ogra | at least on LTSP clients | 06:07 |
ogra | Bug 137980 | 06:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 137980 in fast-user-switch-applet "fusa should respect thin clients and not offer user switching but show the logged in username" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137980 | 06:08 |
ogra | that was supposed to be fixed | 06:08 |
stgraber | not talking about f-u-s-a | 06:08 |
stgraber | but the close session options | 06:08 |
stgraber | fusa works as expected | 06:08 |
stgraber | that's the close session options that still show a "Switch User" option (next to Log Out and Lock Screen) | 06:09 |
ogra | eek | 06:09 |
ogra | indeed | 06:09 |
ogra | i never thought about that | 06:09 |
stgraber | one more thing to fix for Hardy :) | 06:16 |
ogra | yeah | 06:18 |
ogra | for now a sleep in the init would do as workaround in case you really have such fast clients in day to day use | 06:20 |
stgraber | my clients are usually 200Mhz for the fastest so it won't really be a problem :) | 06:20 |
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stgraber | Which source is affected by the second bug (Switch User) ? ltsp too ? | 06:21 |
ogra | nope | 06:26 |
ogra | ah well | 06:26 |
ogra | yeah, make it ltsp as well, as we'll likely need to set the triggeres | 06:26 |
ogra | i'm not sure whats the logout dialog though ... | 06:26 |
ogra | either gnome-panel or gnome-session | 06:27 |
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stgraber | ogra: bug 153355 and bug 153356 | 07:10 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 153355 in ltsp "No sound and CD-Rom on fast thin client" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153355 | 07:10 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 153356 in ltsp ""Switch User" option available in the close session box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153356 | 07:10 |
ogra | thanks :) | 07:10 |
=== ogra goes afk for a while while another -server vbox install runs | ||
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | please help tesing gutsy (7.10) beta https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/Edubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Tue Sep 25 19:00:54 2007 | ||
ogra | wonderful | 08:31 |
=== ogra has a working vbox -server-i386 install that drives a vbox thin client now :) | ||
LaserJock | nice | 08:33 |
stgraber | ogra: last time I tried edubuntu on VBox I had 1GB ram assigned to the VM and worked fine. But I remember having some problem under VBox (not real hardware) with "only" 512MB | 08:38 |
ogra | i use 320 atm | 08:38 |
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | please help tesing gutsy (7.10) beta https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/Edubuntu | ||
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bkj | Where can i found more detailed review of edubuntu, whats included on the cd what programs what tools? | 10:02 |
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