demortes | joebobjoe: Hi... need something? | 01:18 |
IanLiu | How do I switch desktops flipping that 3D Cube? | 01:18 |
joebobjoe | beryl right? | 01:18 |
demortes | joebobjoe: Gutsy has Compiz preinstalled | 01:19 |
joebobjoe | oh | 01:19 |
joebobjoe | how do you use it | 01:19 |
demortes | IanLiu: As far as I know, you can either hold down cntrl+alt+ and an arrow key | 01:19 |
IanLiu | hmm | 01:19 |
demortes | or hold down cntrl+alt and click and drag your mouse, should put all desktops on a cube | 01:19 |
nickrud | demortes: you could add -v to the first line, then sudo invoke-rc.d hal , that will echo all the lines as they are executed, you can get an idea of where it's failing | 01:19 |
nickrud | demortes: first line of /etc/init.d/hal that is | 01:20 |
demortes | nickrud: Add -v to init.d itself? | 01:20 |
IanLiu | ctrl + alt + drag didnt work | 01:20 |
IanLiu | =p | 01:20 |
nickrud | demortes: see last line :) | 01:20 |
demortes | nickrud: Ah | 01:20 |
demortes | nickrud: Heh | 01:20 |
pawalls | Any chance the nfs-utils regression (nosharecache ordeal) is going to be corrected before gutsy releases? | 01:20 |
joebobjoe | demortes: how do i use compiz | 01:21 |
demortes | joebobjoe: If it's not that, then I don't know. | 01:21 |
demortes | joebobjoe: I was going off of expierence with beryl, what to try, nothing guaranteed | 01:21 |
demortes | nickrud: I'm in /etc/init.d/hal and the first line is the #/bin/sh or whatever | 01:22 |
demortes | add it to THAT line? | 01:22 |
mc44 | IanLiu: you need to enable the cube | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | i think he meant first uncommented line | 01:22 |
demortes | gnomefreak: Which is a path line | 01:22 |
nickrud | demortes: yes | 01:23 |
gnomefreak | demortes: im not looking at it right now but -v is for verbose so adding that would print out more info | 01:23 |
gnomefreak | but im assuming its the first line weather a path or not | 01:23 |
demortes | nickrud: Yes one what, the #! line? | 01:23 |
fryguy | how do I change my mouse cursor? | 01:23 |
Tixer | I tried what you said about changing the group and user ID with CHOWN, and now I get a different error | 01:24 |
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Tixer | "Could not parse XSLT file" | 01:24 |
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demortes | Odly enough, I manually start it, it starts | 01:24 |
nickrud | demortes: yes, add it after the /bin/sh , -v will cause it to be 'verbose' | 01:25 |
Tixer | What's an XSLT file, and why do I want it parsed? | 01:25 |
demortes | Nevermind, it's verbose, but still fails to load | 01:25 |
nickrud | demortes: you'll have to read thru the output, see where it fails | 01:25 |
demortes | nickrud: That's where I'm gonna get confused... it seems to go through it all, it actualy tries to LAUNCH hald | 01:26 |
nickrud | demortes: yes, that's what it does | 01:26 |
demortes | nickrud: How do I scroll up in a tty? | 01:26 |
nickrud | demortes: shift page-up | 01:26 |
Tixer | What's an XSLT file, and why do I want it parsed? | 01:27 |
demortes | nickrud: Try again, not working | 01:27 |
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IanLiu | And how can I enable cube? | 01:27 |
nickrud | demortes: should, but it's not here either. try sudo invoke-rc.d hal | less, you can page through that | 01:28 |
macogw | hahah my dev of OSS teacher is explaining IRC and how it can be confusing with the multi-threaded conversations | 01:28 |
demortes | nickrud: Just says starting, and no errors | 01:30 |
nickrud | Tixer: | 01:30 |
demortes | nickrud: Hold on, let me recreate the errors | 01:30 |
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nickrud | macogw: and you're multitasking here and there ;0 | 01:30 |
nickrud | IanLiu: system-prefs-advanced desktop settings, look for the cube | 01:31 |
macogw | nickrud: i do this in every class :P | 01:31 |
demortes | nickrud: Says "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" | 01:31 |
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nickrud | demortes: ok, that means that somewhere in there, a command came back with an error, which should be visible in the output | 01:32 |
demortes | nickrud: With -v? It returns nothing. | 01:32 |
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macogw | nickrud: he's pointing out that sometimes you'll go "hey $person, do you know $thing?" and someone else will reply instead and that it's acceptable | 01:33 |
kevinO | hello anyone having update problems with audacious | 01:33 |
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macogw | i think it's amusing to hear someone describe irc | 01:34 |
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nickrud | demortes: no output at all? It should echo every line | 01:34 |
demortes | nickrud: Hold on | 01:34 |
garu | hi everyone | 01:34 |
mrj | macogw, multiplayer notepad? | 01:34 |
jackuess | hi you guys | 01:34 |
jackuess | i have somewhat of a sittuation | 01:34 |
kevinO | im getting this error while trying to apply the updates: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/audacious plugins_1.3.5-3ubuntu3_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/audacious/General/', which is also in package audacious-plugins-extra | 01:34 |
jackuess | im trying to upgrade to gutsy | 01:34 |
jackuess | but the upgrade-manager froze up on me | 01:35 |
macogw | mrj: what? | 01:35 |
nomasteryoda | kevinO, just sudo aptitude remove audacious-plugins-extra | 01:35 |
nomasteryoda | then restart the update | 01:35 |
nickrud | demortes: I gotta in like 10 min | 01:35 |
kevinO | ok ill do that | 01:35 |
nickrud | demortes: *go | 01:35 |
macogw | mrj: he's describing irc | 01:35 |
nomasteryoda | worked fine for me just now | 01:35 |
demortes | nickrud: Well, I'm no further than what I was. | 01:35 |
IanLiu | Could someone manage to make sound works? | 01:35 |
macogw | and /msg and ping and all that | 01:36 |
Tixer | Can someone help me with setting up Icecast? | 01:36 |
mrj | heh | 01:36 |
unaffiliate | Tixer : I wish i could | 01:36 |
demortes | nickrud: It echos everything, however it all looks normal. The last line is esac | 01:36 |
unaffiliate | :P~~~~~~~~`~` | 01:36 |
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nomasteryoda | Tixer, i'm sure someone will help | 01:36 |
peepsalot | oh man, 3 days i'm so stoked | 01:36 |
kevinO | nomasteryoda: it says its going to remove 361 mb of programs | 01:36 |
nomasteryoda | if you remove one program? | 01:37 |
nomasteryoda | hang on | 01:37 |
kevinO | yeah | 01:37 |
jackuess | every thing seems pretty fucked up, is there any chance to solve it without having to re-install | 01:37 |
cafuego | What are you trying to remove? libc6? | 01:37 |
nickrud | demortes: then I'm not sure what else to suggest, I've usually been able to track down issues with that | 01:37 |
nomasteryoda | and you tried this on console? "sudo aptitude remove audacious-plugins-extra" | 01:37 |
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kevinO | nomasteryoda: | 01:38 |
nomasteryoda | k | 01:38 |
demortes | nickrud: Wish I could copy and paste to a pastebin | 01:38 |
kevinO | demortes why cant you | 01:38 |
demortes | kevinO: I'm in a text only mode, no mouse, etc | 01:39 |
nickrud | demortes: install pastebinit , it will paste from a console | 01:39 |
kevinO | oh crappy | 01:39 |
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cafuego | plus, gpm works fine in a console. | 01:39 |
nomasteryoda | kevinO, try sudo apt-get remove audacious-plugins-extra and then lets see what it says | 01:39 |
garu | hi everyone | 01:39 |
nickrud | even coexists with X nicely now | 01:39 |
demortes | nickrud: How do I use it? cmd >> pastebinit? | 01:40 |
garu | is there any other release after the beta one? | 01:41 |
nickrud | demortes: cmd | pastebinit | 01:41 |
demortes | nickrud: It says it's missing args | 01:41 |
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nomasteryoda | kevinO, any luck? | 01:42 |
nickrud | demortes: there's a man page, (I really hate saying that, but I gotta go, end of work day meeting) | 01:42 |
cafuego | pastebinit --help | 01:42 |
nickrud | demortes: there's much smarter people hanging around right now, restate your problem :) | 01:42 |
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gnomefreak | nickrud: still on the install file failure? | 01:42 |
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demortes | cafuego: I'm typing sudo dpkg --configure hal | pastebinit and it gives me the output of pastebinit -help | 01:45 |
cafuego | then i suggest you're not using pastebinit correctly and should read that help. | 01:45 |
demortes | cafuego: I AM! It says to pass -i or pipe the text | 01:45 |
cafuego | So dpkg isn't writing to stdout? | 01:46 |
demortes | cafuego: I see it on my screen without the pipe | 01:46 |
cafuego | demortes: redirect dpkg outto file, the pastbinit the file. | 01:46 |
cafuego | demortes: If it's stderr and not stdout, that won't matter. | 01:46 |
demortes | cafuego: It must be on stderr | 01:47 |
kevinO | nomasteryoda: sorry bout that talking to mom on the phone | 01:47 |
demortes | cafuego: Cause it didn't redirect to a file either | 01:47 |
cafuego | Ok. | 01:47 |
cafuego | sudo dpkg --configure hal 2>&1 | pastebinit | 01:47 |
nomasteryoda | kevinO, np | 01:47 |
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nomasteryoda | be glad you still have one to talk to //// =D | 01:48 |
kevinO | :) | 01:48 |
demortes | cafuego: Did it, and now it gives me nothing, not even a prompt | 01:48 |
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cafuego | demortes: Still pasting , probably | 01:49 |
Kewlb | is there a bug with kbuntu and the knetworkmanager or whatever the program was | 01:49 |
Kewlb | wanted to see how the K desktop + Compiz was gonna look and work -- replaced my stable ubuntu (fiesty) install with Kbuntu 7.10 and no network | 01:49 |
Kewlb | no matter what I do I can not get my wirelesscard up | 01:50 |
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demortes | cafuego: It's only like 3 pages of text, lots of whitespace, would it take this long? | 01:50 |
cafuego | demortes: if the pastebin is down, yes. | 01:50 |
frank23 | Kewlb: if you right-click knetworkmanager what do you see? | 01:50 |
demortes | cafuego: I give up. | 01:50 |
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Kewlb | let me move this laptop over to that one | 01:50 |
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demortes | cafuego: I'll reinstalled Feisty, at least that worked partially | 01:50 |
cafuego | demortes: When run without pastebinit, does dpkg require user input? | 01:50 |
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demortes | cafuego: No | 01:51 |
demortes | cafuego: Says problem with post installation script for hal | 01:51 |
frank23 | Kewlb: I had problems whit knetworkmanager. turned out i just wasn't using it right | 01:51 |
demortes | cafuego: The verbose says nothing. | 01:51 |
cafuego | Hmm. Well, you can use strace and see what it's doing. | 01:51 |
Kewlb | ok next to it now | 01:51 |
Kewlb | let me see | 01:51 |
Kewlb | gonna reboot just to bring it back up | 01:51 |
demortes | cafuego: In a text only mode... I can't even see that much text :P | 01:52 |
Kewlb | its an Intel PROset Wireless in a Dell Inspiron laptop | 01:52 |
cafuego | Why wouldn't you be able to use strace on a console? | 01:52 |
demortes | cafuego: Lots of text, and I'm stupid :P | 01:52 |
demortes | cafuego: I did strace sudo dpkg --configure hal | 01:53 |
demortes | cafuego: Nothing obvious | 01:53 |
cafuego | If there is lots of output, it's doing stuff | 01:53 |
Kewlb | all I want is a good desktop (K) + Compiz and a good term emulator like SecureCRT for windows and i'd be set ;) | 01:53 |
cafuego | demortes: Yes, I see. I meant, strace connect to the pastebinit script. | 01:53 |
demortes | cafuego: Ah, it errors out, connection timed out | 01:53 |
frank23 | Kewlb: not sure if compiz works great on kubuntu. | 01:54 |
demortes | cafuego: The pastebin script... | 01:54 |
cafuego | Ok, that's okay (not good, but normal) then. | 01:54 |
cafuego | demortes: Just redirect stdrr to file, then use lynx to pastebin | 01:54 |
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demortes | cafuego: I spent about 4 hours fixing computers that don't NEED to be fixed.... so, I think I'm done for the day | 01:54 |
demortes | cafuego: I wouldn't even know how to do that | 01:54 |
Kewlb | ok, I have the network config tool up | 01:54 |
Kewlb | lists my eth0 and eth1 interfaces (eth0 disabled its wired) | 01:55 |
frank23 | Kewlb: you mean in kde system settings or knetworkmanager on the taskbar? | 01:55 |
Kewlb | I go to config interface on eth1, set it up for manual and set it as as ip broad, as gateway | 01:55 |
cafuego | sudo dpkg --configure hal 2>&1 > file.txt | 01:55 |
Kewlb | setup my WEP key (128bit, hex) | 01:55 |
cafuego | lynx | 01:56 |
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cafuego | Move cursor to the text field, hit ctrl-e ctrl-e, load file.txt, save, submit. | 01:56 |
Kewlb | click ok then apply | 01:56 |
izm99 | alt+shift+tab doesn't work on the compiz switcher. and I can't seem to assign it. | 01:56 |
demortes | cafuego: I don't think it'd help you | 01:56 |
Kewlb | I click the apply button and it says the default gateway ip address is invalid | 01:56 |
demortes | cafuego: It's not putting the verbose output into it | 01:57 |
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dwezel | Gutsy is amazing! Really amazed at the jump from fiesty | 01:58 |
demortes | dwezel: Tease | 01:58 |
frank23 | Kewlb: not sure what to do | 01:58 |
nomasteryoda | dwezel, it was more work than we know | 01:58 |
nomasteryoda | but very good it is | 01:58 |
frank23 | Kewlb: what do you mean by broad? | 01:59 |
Kewlb | in a /24 based on 2 as the last network portion of the octet the broadcast of the final octet will be 255 | 01:59 |
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Kewlb | ie is the broadcast for network | 02:00 |
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frank23 | Kewlb: well you know more about this that me ;) i don't really know what a subnet mask is | 02:00 |
Greevous | I've been having lots of problems with Compiz in gutsy; are these guaranteed to be fixed by Thursday's release? | 02:01 |
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frank23 | Greevous: not that much will change between now and release | 02:01 |
demortes | frank23: I hope so, cause I wont be able to upgrade at this rate, I'm about to take a shotgun to my computer | 02:01 |
Kewlb | how can you help if you do not know basic networking? | 02:02 |
frank23 | demortes: or have a little patience and wait till things stabilize with gutsy | 02:02 |
dwezel | really? I have been using Compiz with everything turned on and so far 0 problems | 02:02 |
demortes | Kewlb: Basic networking is not subnet masks | 02:02 |
Kewlb | oh yes it is | 02:02 |
Greevous | frank23: how would I find out if and when Compiz intends to fix these? | 02:02 |
demortes | Kewlb: Oh no it isn't, DHCP, and home use applications are basic networking | 02:03 |
avatar__ | Hello, I've been having some installation issues with gusty that I was hoping to get some advice on | 02:03 |
demortes | Kewlb: Subnet masks are more for business application. | 02:03 |
demortes | Kewlb: You know, thousands of computers | 02:03 |
Kewlb | doesn't have to be | 02:03 |
dwezel | haven't tried yet, but curious... can Compiz be turned on in when running Ubuntu as a guest OS under vmware? | 02:04 |
dwezel | ubuntu = Gutsy | 02:05 |
Kewlb | maybe that is the reason the program is broken | 02:05 |
Kewlb | a programmer who lacks the very basic understanding of how IP actually works | 02:05 |
dwezel | I guess more to the point.... does Gutsy see the Vmware svga as an accelerated graphi9cs adapter? | 02:05 |
bascule | no | 02:06 |
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unaffiliate | Take care guyz | 02:07 |
unaffiliate | :) | 02:07 |
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OneLazyRussian | woohoo finally fixed my install | 02:08 |
OneLazyRussian | :) | 02:08 |
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borovy3488 | gnomefreak: are you still here? | 02:08 |
gnomefreak | borovy3488: not long | 02:08 |
gnomefreak | im trying to get away whats up? | 02:08 |
borovy3488 | gnomefreak: ok, I got an error during the upgrade | 02:09 |
gnomefreak | borovy3488: and it is? | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | gnomefreak: Setting up tzdata (2007f-3ubuntu1) ... | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | dpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure): | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10 | 02:09 |
Kewlb | heck | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | tzdata | 02:09 |
borovy3488 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:09 |
Kewlb | the default Kbuntu network tool does not even support WPA-PSK / TKIP | 02:09 |
gnomefreak | borovy3488: pastebin please | 02:10 |
dwezel | How do you disable a keyboard shortcut? | 02:10 |
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borovy3488 | gnomefreak: you want the whole thing in the pastebin | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | borovy3488: dont know what the error is | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | try sudo dpkg --configure -a | 02:10 |
borovy3488 | ok | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | i have to go | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | night | 02:10 |
dwezel | Hmmm the keyboard shortcuts is broke... pressing space doesnt clear the shortcut. | 02:11 |
borovy3488 | gnomefreak: still gave the same error | 02:11 |
borovy3488 | dang. can anyone else help me with an upgrade error on tzdata? | 02:11 |
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dwezel | ok nm... damn I can't follow instructions very well | 02:13 |
brianski | is it just me or does booting without usplash not work in RC? | 02:13 |
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Kewlb | ok | 02:14 |
Kewlb | figured it out | 02:14 |
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Kewlb | the "routes" page should really be for actual ip routes and not defining a default gateway since that is already in the network adapter page. | 02:14 |
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jerbear | i've just done a fresh install of gutsy, and i have a luks drive that i want to add to the system (already encrypted and ready). what's the best way to do this? | 02:19 |
defishguy | Evening everyone. Does anyone know if someone has been successful in getting the ipod touch syncing yet? | 02:20 |
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lee_ | hello | 02:20 |
nomasteryoda | howdy lee_ ... glad to see you made it back | 02:21 |
lee_ | lol, well not sure for how long Iam testig a theory | 02:21 |
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cafuego | defishguy: I'm pretty sure the gtkpod guys have something in svn that can handle 'em | 02:21 |
lee_ | I have been having issues with the 64 bit ATI drivers how ever the 32 end works ok. | 02:22 |
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cafuego | lee_: Yes, that's a longstanding quality issue with the closed ati drivers,. | 02:22 |
defishguy | I'll have to check out today's build. I haven't had any luck thus far. Damn thing looks like a camera card to Gutsy. | 02:22 |
lee_ | lol yeah, well any how I have an radeon x 300, I had fiesty fawn so waht I did was laoded the drivers to fiesty, then upgraded to gutsy, next thing I new I had ati running smoothly | 02:23 |
lee_ | so Iam going to try the same thing in Kunbuntu | 02:24 |
lee_ | only in the 64 bit | 02:24 |
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lee_ | my guess is that the 64 bit end is messed up | 02:24 |
lee_ | Ian not sure how ati set it up though | 02:25 |
lee_ | and I am not sure waht not shutiing dow the PC has to do with up grading and having the drivers work fine | 02:25 |
lee_ | I tired it solo with out the up grade, they didnt function | 02:26 |
lee_ | So some where along the lines somethings arye | 02:26 |
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lee_ | So far I had done it 5 sucessfull times doing it that way | 02:26 |
caravena | Hello, problem with mi lapto. I upgrade of feisty to Gutsy, and not work fine the keyboard. Howto detect the package with problem? | 02:26 |
lee_ | in 32 bit mode | 02:26 |
cafuego | lee_: At a guess, ati (th company) set it up "badly" ;-) | 02:27 |
lee_ | yeah..I recently found out I have a 256 meg video card | 02:27 |
lee_ | but the strange thing is that the drivers taht the PC down loads form the sight just lock it up | 02:28 |
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cafuego | yeah, they suck. AMD are working on making that better, but that'll take a while I guess. | 02:28 |
lee_ | iam guessing it takes a screwy idea to work screwy drivers lol | 02:29 |
cafuego | At least these days they soemtimes work, back when I bought my 64 bit box the ATI driver didn't even compile on 64bit. So I got an nvidia card. (which works fine, with no problems ever) | 02:29 |
boselecta | caravena: do you have a funny keyboard? | 02:30 |
caravena | I have the laptop | 02:30 |
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dmb | hai | 02:30 |
lee_ | iam thinking aobut going with nvida, but you any idea at the cost of 256 meg card with DVI out | 02:30 |
caravena | boselecta: I have the laptop | 02:30 |
boselecta | yes but is it with a US layout or something funny? what are the symptoms? | 02:30 |
cafuego | lee_: The older ones are dirt cheap | 02:31 |
boselecta | for all i know it's an arabic keyboard. | 02:31 |
lee_ | I have a dell dimision 5150 | 02:31 |
nomasteryoda | about $15 | 02:31 |
lee_ | and it has a PICe x16 | 02:31 |
nomasteryoda | hmm, well then about #35 | 02:31 |
caravena | boselecta: My language is spanish latin and my keyboard configuration correct. | 02:31 |
lee_ | lol | 02:32 |
boselecta | what are the symptoms of your keyboard problem? | 02:32 |
caravena | The problem is not work in minutes... | 02:32 |
cafuego | Thing is, the nvidia drivers are so much better then the ati ones, a 2 year old 128mb nvidia card will probably perform better ;-) | 02:32 |
lee_ | hmm I didnt try the built in vga lol | 02:32 |
boselecta | are you using the laptop right now? | 02:32 |
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lee_ | eh any one know waht dell built in vg runs at, iam guessing probably 8 megs top | 02:33 |
lee_ | or any way to tell? | 02:34 |
lee_ | well I have resatrt lol.. | 02:34 |
cafuego | 7200GS from AUD55 | 02:34 |
lee_ | sees ya l laters | 02:34 |
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lee_ | maybe | 02:34 |
boselecta | caravena: i'm trying to understand the problem you're having. can you type anything at all? is your computer frozen? | 02:35 |
cafuego | Actually, from AUD45 | 02:35 |
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boselecta | caravena: is this it: | 02:36 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 152633 in hal "[gutsy] laptop keyboard hangs after (un)plug ac adapter, regression" [Undecided,New] | 02:37 |
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WorkingOnWise | Hi all. Are the repos down? | 02:37 |
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boselecta | not as of about an hour ago | 02:38 |
boselecta | i installed lincity | 02:38 |
WorkingOnWise | I just tried to reload and everything failed. | 02:39 |
avatar__ | So what should I try if the installer doesn't find any hard drives? Dapper is on there now and works fine | 02:39 |
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WorkingOnWise | avatar_ It foinds no drives, or partitions? | 02:40 |
avatar__ | no drives | 02:41 |
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WorkingOnWise | real wierd. Did you reboot and try a 2nd time? | 02:42 |
avatar__ | yeah I've tried a bunch of times | 02:42 |
WorkingOnWise | Is this the first time you have tried Gutsy? | 02:42 |
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izm99 | does anyone have any suggestions as to why i can't set alt+shift+tab to Previous Window on the Application Switcher in Compiz? | 02:43 |
avatar__ | no I had the same problem with the beta on both the alternative installer and the live cd | 02:43 |
avatar__ | the live cd boots and runs fine, but it also can't see the drives (like nothing under /dev/disk) | 02:43 |
lontra | anyone else having issues with X freezing in gutsy? i have an intel 945 and sometimes (every 4 or 5 logouts) X will just freeze and start flashing. i am curious if this is the new intel driver. what's more interesting is that this doesn't happen on this lappy in debian | 02:44 |
WorkingOnWise | thats StranGe! Look for a bug in launchpad. maybe post one if it isn't there. | 02:44 |
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avatar__ | sigh, yeah thats what I was figuring. | 02:44 |
avatar__ | I suspect that this being a 7-8 year old pc is really where the problem comes from | 02:44 |
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caravena | boselecta: I reboot, idem problem | 02:45 |
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WorkingOnWise | Must be your mix of hardware is escaping the installer. Oh my, that is old... Have you tried any other Distros with the 2.6.22 kernel? | 02:45 |
caravena | Ok. Synopsis of problem: I start gnome, open firefox, xchat, pidgin, azureus, etc and work fine. | 02:46 |
avatar__ | no thats probably a good idea though | 02:46 |
caravena | boselecta: In minutes mi keyboard not work. Work fine mouse and button of mouse, and FN + N the keyboard | 02:46 |
caravena | Letter "abcd...ABCD...123...!" not work. | 02:47 |
WorkingOnWise | avatar__ It may be a kernel issue. Try puppy linux 3.01 Small download, good hardware detection, and a 2.6.22 kernel. | 02:47 |
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WorkingOnWise | that would tell you if it is an Ubuntu thing or kkernel thing. | 02:48 |
avatar__ | okay I'll download that give it a shot | 02:48 |
caravena | boselecta: I now use openbox | 02:48 |
WorkingOnWise | lemme know how it goes. I am ready to recommend Gutsy to everyone with a mose. | 02:48 |
caravena | :- ( | 02:49 |
WorkingOnWise | caravena: in Gnome, right? | 02:49 |
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caravena | WorkingOnWise: Yes, in Gnome. | 02:50 |
caravena | Now I testing OpenBox... | 02:51 |
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WorkingOnWise | do you have SCIM set to change keyboard accessability or something like that? | 02:51 |
lee_ | well well well, my theory for the 32 bit is right | 02:51 |
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caravena | WorkingOnWise: Oummm not. | 02:52 |
WorkingOnWise | lee_: what theory is that? | 02:52 |
caravena | I not configure SCIM | 02:52 |
caravena | Default | 02:52 |
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avatar__ | WorkingOnWise: bittorrent for puppylinux anywhere? | 02:53 |
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WorkingOnWise | avatar__ not that I know of. It's only 99MB, so I didn't bother. | 02:53 |
WorkingOnWise | with a torrent that is. | 02:54 |
avatar__ | okay, thanks | 02:54 |
AJ-- | ei guys how can i fix this >>>W: GPG error: gutsy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <> | 02:54 |
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Angelus | hi i wanted to know if this is a known bug, or if it is a bug at all: i booted into the RC release of kubuntu gutsy, when i pressed "start or install kubuntu" the kernel loaded, the monitor turned off, it turned on back after 5mins with a blank screen crashed. its on amd64 arch | 02:56 |
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caravena | WorkingOnWise: Howto delete/purge information of my home of SCIM? | 02:56 |
WorkingOnWise | caravena: I'm out of ideas then. initialy it is fine, then acts up after some time? | 02:56 |
WorkingOnWise | caravena: I would do a complete remove in Synaptics | 02:57 |
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alpine | i am trying to have skype launch upon startup. i added it to the startup list under Sessions, but it is not working. I used command line: skype. using 7.10 | 02:57 |
caravena | "initialy it is fine, then acts up after some time?" Yes! not reproducible. | 02:57 |
alpine | skype is still not launching on startup | 02:58 |
WorkingOnWise | Angelus: did you try the "no apic" kernel option on boot? | 02:58 |
Angelus | no | 02:58 |
Angelus | how do i do it? | 02:58 |
WorkingOnWise | Angelus: when you see the boot screen, there are instructions at the bottem for what key to press to pass options to the kernel. try "-no apic" without the quotes. My last laptop did the same thing. Once Ubuntu was installed it was fine. | 03:00 |
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WorkingOnWise | caravena: does it do it even if you don't log in? | 03:00 |
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alpine | could anyone please help with the startup question? | 03:00 |
AJ-- | alpine set start up at ur sessions | 03:01 |
Angelus | "-no apic" or "no apic" ? | 03:01 |
alpine | AJ: i already did. it is still not working | 03:01 |
alpine | AJ: I used command: skype | 03:01 |
WorkingOnWise | Angelus:'s been a while. Try both. the one that gets you to the desktop is the right one :) | 03:01 |
AJ-- | try to launch ur skype using the terminal | 03:02 |
pbx | I've kinda-sorta got power management working with my crap-ass old Dell Inspiron 4000. When I hit Fn-Suspend, it does a seemingly orderly suspend and shutdown. When I reboot, it restores, or at least I see my former session onscreen for a second... then it shuts down again. This is repeatable. Is this an achievable goal? Either sleep or hibernate would be fine... | 03:02 |
alpine | AJ: How do i lanuch skype from the terminal? | 03:02 |
AJ-- | type skype | 03:02 |
alpine | it's launching through the terminal | 03:03 |
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alpine | AJ: does that mean that skype is the command line? | 03:03 |
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AJ-- | ok press now press alt+f2 | 03:04 |
Marsly1 | Is there A "live cd" iso, of gutsy I can d/l? | 03:04 |
AJ-- | then type skype | 03:04 |
alpine | type skype where? | 03:04 |
alpine | in the terminal? | 03:04 |
AJ-- | wen u press alt+f2 run application box will appear | 03:04 |
alpine | ok. i type skype. then what? | 03:05 |
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AJ-- | click run | 03:05 |
alpine | ok, it's running. | 03:05 |
AJ-- | how did u add skype on ur start up | 03:06 |
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alpine | system--pref-sessions-add | 03:06 |
dmb | what is going to happen to people with ati cards that don't work with aiglx? | 03:06 |
dmb | will it default to xgl? | 03:06 |
AJ-- | ok on the command box type skype | 03:06 |
alpine | i did... | 03:07 |
AJ-- | thats it | 03:07 |
jerbear | i have an nvidia card (using restricted driver) i think an update killed desktop effects... it will no longer enable... what's up? | 03:07 |
|neon| | ok i am bit lost here since installing gutsy my ff freezes everytime i go to yahoo games, now java is installed and about:plugins show it to be enable, opera works ok with yahoo games, i installed swiftfox and yahoo games work ok also now snce swiftfox and ff are kind of the same why ff is not working what am i missing | 03:07 |
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alpine | it does not launch upon startup... | 03:07 |
AJ-- | thats the only thing i did to start skype on start up | 03:07 |
alpine | that is why i am here. | 03:07 |
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caravena | alpine: Problem idem with openbok | 03:08 |
AJ-- | thats all i can help bro.. im a newbie also | 03:08 |
caravena | *openbox | 03:08 |
alpine | cravena: what do you mean? | 03:08 |
caravena | alpine: keyboard work fine minutes in Gnome and OpenBox. | 03:09 |
jerbear | anyone have problems with nvidia and desktop effects? | 03:09 |
alpine | caravena: what does that have to do with skype not launching upon startup? | 03:09 |
caravena | Not | 03:10 |
caravena | I use XGL with Compiz... | 03:10 |
caravena | Oummm | 03:10 |
pbx | Hm, why am I not shocked that there are not a lot of Dell Inspiron 4000 users. | 03:10 |
caravena | Problem with XGL? | 03:10 |
alpine | caravena: i do not understand you? | 03:10 |
caravena | My video card is Ati 200m | 03:10 |
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jerbear | i assume so... when i run compiz, it says xgl is not present | 03:11 |
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dylix | hello | 03:11 |
caravena | alpine: I no use skype | 03:11 |
caravena | * not | 03:11 |
dylix | my bootscreen doesnt work in gusty | 03:11 |
dylix | doesnt show a thing til xorg starts | 03:11 |
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dylix | if i take out splash and quiet i get the console | 03:12 |
dylix | ive tried adding vga=xxx | 03:12 |
markelhas | can some one help me to config dwl-650M rev 2? | 03:12 |
dylix | but no worky :( | 03:12 |
markelhas | i've isntalled the ndis and load the windows driver but onli link led is active and can't list the pci card | 03:12 |
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jerbear | desktop effects and nvidia? anyone? | 03:13 |
dylix | yes | 03:14 |
dylix | i use em | 03:14 |
dylix | works flawlessly | 03:14 |
jerbear | for some reason, mine has stopped working... it WAS working | 03:15 |
caravena | I delete xgl and reconfigure xserver-xorg with driver ati (I now use driver privative) | 03:15 |
caravena | Reboot xserver now... | 03:15 |
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AlienX | I'm getting the following error when installing the new nvidia drivers: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-new_100.14.19+ subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 03:16 |
AlienX | anyone have any suggestions? | 03:16 |
AlienX | i looked on the forum without much luck so I figured here might be a better place. Cheers | 03:17 |
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Shpook | Hello everyone | 03:18 |
underwatercow | Does anyone know if any changes of occurred, or are going to occur to the beta before it releases? | 03:18 |
underwatercow | have* | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | by now? nothing, or almost nothing | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | AlienX: look higher for the error. | 03:18 |
Shpook | I guess I should check to see if a bug has been filed, but is anyone having problems with kernel freezing while using Firefox and scrolling with the scroll wheel | 03:19 |
Shpook | ? | 03:19 |
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underwatercow | I downloaded the beta and there were like, 400 updates... should that be expected from the final release? | 03:19 |
AlienX | Hobbsee, i was using the gui to install the app and that's all I got from the output | 03:19 |
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bur[n] er | underwatercow: yep | 03:19 |
underwatercow | bur[n] er: thanks | 03:20 |
zengen | I'm trying to compile easytag with mp4 support, but it keeps asking for libmp4v2. I have libmp4v2 and libmp4v2-dev installed. Is it referring to some other package I need? | 03:20 |
bur[n] er | underwatercow: | 03:20 |
zengen | I was also just told that libmp4 is broken in feisty. Is it still broken in gutsy? | 03:20 |
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dsmith__ | how are upgrades doing from 7.04 to 7.10? | 03:20 |
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pbx | dsmith__, golden here | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | zengen: doesnt exist in gutsy. | 03:21 |
Vadi | Hi. I'm installing Gutsy right now, but it got stuck on "Scanning the mirror"... can I have it skip this step? | 03:21 |
Vadi | It's been on it for 15 mins now, doing nothing. | 03:21 |
dsmith__ | pbx: how old is your os? | 03:21 |
Shpook | I'm enjoying Gutsy so far, only one small minor issure | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | zengen: doesnt exist in any ubuntu release | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | Vadi: yeah, you should be able to | 03:21 |
Shpook | issue* | 03:21 |
Vadi | How? | 03:21 |
pbx | dsmith__, what do you mean? | 03:21 |
dsmith__ | when did you install it? | 03:21 |
zengen | hobbsee: Is it from medibuntu? | 03:21 |
dsmith__ | upgrade from Fiesty? | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | zengen: i have no idea. i dont use medibuntu | 03:21 |
Shpook | dsmith: was that addressed to me? | 03:22 |
Hobbsee | look it up. | 03:22 |
pbx | dsmith__, are you talking about 7.10? it's not like I installed it on a particular date and stopped. i safe-upgrade every day or two. | 03:22 |
AlienX | Hobbsee, is the full output from apt | 03:22 |
pbx | dsmith__, no breakage so far :) | 03:22 |
dsmith__ | hmmmm ok, wel I do that as well.. | 03:22 |
zengen | hobbsee: Okay, thank you. I'll just get rid of the ones I have and get the source to see if that works. | 03:22 |
Vadi | Hobbsee: how can I kick it to continue? | 03:22 |
dsmith__ | last time I went from 6.10 to 7.04 it broke | 03:22 |
Shpook | So, has anyone had any problems with the kernel freezing up? | 03:23 |
pbx | dsmith__, i did install the warn-me-about -bugs-in-stuff-i'm-about-to-install package and that has stopped me from doing an update once or twice. | 03:23 |
Vadi | It just says "configuring apt" and then "scanning the mirror...". For whatever reason. | 03:23 |
pbx | dsmith__, i am pretty low maintenance. basically i just keep installing stuff until wifi works :) | 03:23 |
stdin | zengen: gutsy has libmtp6 in the repos anyway | 03:23 |
dsmith__ | ok | 03:23 |
pbx | dsmith__, also, i'm using wmii, not Gnome, so I'm not exercising what most people think of at Ubuntu proper | 03:23 |
Shpook | It seems like it only freezes up while I'm using firefox, and mostly when I'm using the scroll wheel | 03:23 |
dsmith__ | I just rolled my g/f to fiesty | 03:23 |
pbx | sounds naughty | 03:24 |
dsmith__ | im kde | 03:24 |
Vadi | Oh, actually, nevermind. It just woke up and continued. | 03:24 |
dsmith__ | :P | 03:24 |
dsmith__ | lol | 03:24 |
dsmith__ | pbx: thx for the help | 03:24 |
pbx | FWIW i found 6.04 not great, 6.10 great, 7.04 not great, 7.10 pretty great so far. in terms of not having to mess with things to have a usable system. | 03:25 |
bur[n] er | 7.04 was not great but 6.10 was? very odd | 03:25 |
Shpook | I looked through the logs, but didn't see anything. Although, I don't know my way around yet. What log files would I check to see what is causing the system to hang? | 03:25 |
caravena | Arght!!! Arght!!! problem with driver fglrx : -\ | 03:25 |
dsmith__ | 7.04 better then 6.10 in my opinion | 03:25 |
pbx | bur[n] er, i admit i didn't spend a lot of time troubleshooting, i just kept going down the upgrade path. the OS was fine but some critical HW bits (video or wifi, don't remember which) didn't work right | 03:26 |
bur[n] er | odd indeed | 03:26 |
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bur[n] er | as long as 7.10 rocks the casbah, i think we're fine | 03:26 |
pbx | Seems great to me. | 03:26 |
pbx | It's fun installing 50-200MB of updates every day too :) | 03:27 |
markelhas | can some one help me to config dlink dwl-650M rev 3.0? | 03:27 |
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Shpook | Anyone? Even just this one answer will help. | 03:27 |
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markelhas | can some one help me to config dlink dwl-650M rev 3.0? | 03:28 |
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bur[n] er | markelhas: check the wiki? | 03:29 |
dsmith__ | pbx: lol | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | !wifi | markelhas | 03:30 |
ubotu | markelhas: Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:30 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, i've done that and yesterday i've managed to config ir right after trying many tips. i've reboot my laptop and now can put it to work again :( | 03:30 |
bur[n] er | markelhas: it use ndiswrapper? | 03:31 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, yes | 03:31 |
bur[n] er | you modprobe it? | 03:31 |
pbx | !wmii | 03:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wmii - try searching on | 03:31 |
pbx | shame | 03:31 |
bur[n] er | "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" from a term will do | 03:31 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, with the pci card plugin? | 03:31 |
bur[n] er | uhh... i don't know what you mean by that... | 03:32 |
bur[n] er | for the record, i've never used ndiswrapper. (my hardware doesn't blow nutz in terms of open drivers) | 03:32 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, should the card connected in the pci bay? | 03:32 |
markelhas | :( | 03:32 |
bur[n] er | uhh... is it a pci card? | 03:33 |
bur[n] er | you had it working once right? i'd say it's installed physically corrent if you had it working once | 03:33 |
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markelhas | bur[n] er, how can i recover it? | 03:33 |
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motti | is there any fix for the random freezes? i just installed gutsy RC and every so often at least 5 or six times in the past 5 hours it has frozen i wait and it doesnt resume | 03:34 |
bur[n] er | markelhas: you modprobe ndiswrapper like i was saying? you follow the same directions you used before to get it working? | 03:34 |
bur[n] er | i'd start there | 03:35 |
bur[n] er | motti: using compiz? maybe it's a video card problem and you could use metacity | 03:35 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, i've done that so many times that right now i don't now what to do anymore. | 03:35 |
bur[n] er | markelhas: that sucks, i'd find a good resource and bookmark it. or take notes next time | 03:36 |
motti | well using the compiz-tray-icon i disable it but it still froze | 03:36 |
AJ-- | can i install emerald in gutsy | 03:36 |
bur[n] er | AJ--: yep | 03:36 |
markelhas | bur[n] er, the problem is note on the notes. i've done the same steps but this time it doesn't work:( | 03:36 |
bur[n] er | bummer | 03:36 |
bur[n] er | if you had it working once, there's hope though | 03:37 |
markelhas | whell maybe tomorow i'll some one that can help me | 03:37 |
markelhas | see u | 03:37 |
motti | the keyboard freezes tottaly the capslock and numlock lights dont change, I am using a nvidia 7300 | 03:39 |
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AJ-- | bur[n] er: i tried to install emerald but it wont install | 03:40 |
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bur[n] er | AJ--: odd.. it works here | 03:41 |
bur[n] er | there is no emerald-themes anymore | 03:41 |
bur[n] er | only emerald | 03:41 |
AJ-- | yeah.. and i cant install emerald themes | 03:42 |
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_neon_ | can ne1 tell me the difference between swiftfox and swiftweasel if any thx | 03:44 |
erichj | _neon_, swiftfox isn't being developed anymore, AFAIK. weasel is just the rebranded version for debian | 03:45 |
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_neon_ | erichj: kew lthx, | 03:47 |
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sdrev | I just did a fresh install of there any reason I don't have an /etc/resolv.conf? I'm not able to connect to the internet (wired or wireless) and I remember from the last time I tried linus (about a year ago) that resolv.conf was kinda important | 03:51 |
sdrev | linux* | 03:51 |
lee_ | erg every one in here lol | 03:51 |
lee_ | eh how do i get permissions or force the sytem to run a script? | 03:52 |
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szf | sdrev, IIRC resolv.conf is created *when you connect to your ISP* | 03:54 |
pwuertz | lee_: sudo gives you root permissions | 03:54 |
szf | so is the hardware, cabling in good working order? | 03:55 |
pwuertz | lee_: running scripts at specific times is done by cron | 03:55 |
sdrev | szf: yes, it works fine in XP, same machine | 03:56 |
lee_ | oh duh | 03:56 |
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lee_ | sorry getting a headaache...not thinking erg lol | 03:56 |
pwuertz | sometimes I had to unplug/plug my network kable on order to get networking using dhcp working | 03:57 |
pwuertz | network manager sometimes "hangs" | 03:57 |
szf | what kind of hardware? | 03:57 |
lee_ | bash: /media/disk/ Permission denied | 03:57 |
szf | /sbin/ifconfig eth0 sez... | 03:58 |
lee_ | ok wehen i load it from windows an the use it works only after i transfered did it not work | 03:58 |
lee_ | brb loading windows | 03:58 |
pwuertz | lee_: that does not mean you don't have the permission to run that file... maybe its just the +x flag thats missing | 03:58 |
szf | /sbin/iwconfig _th0 sez... | 03:58 |
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lee_ | how do I fix that then? | 03:59 |
sdrev | this will take a minute....I'm on a different comp and that comp isn't connected to the internet, so I'll have to type it all out | 03:59 |
szf | where the underscore == a, assuming Atheros-based wifi | 03:59 |
lee_ | ah currently using a 64 bit system | 03:59 |
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lee_ | and using fiesty | 03:59 |
pwuertz | lee_: the problem with non-unix file systems is that the permissions will screw up... whn using FAT, NTFS or CIFS you can't distinguish between +x or -x files | 04:00 |
cafuego | lee_: sudo sh /media/disk/ | 04:00 |
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lee_ | ok | 04:00 |
pwuertz | lee_: if its a bash script... which seems to be the case for most .run files | 04:00 |
lee_ | weird it didnt say anything but rather just sat there | 04:01 |
sdrev | link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:45:19:5D:B0 | 04:01 |
sdrev | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 04:01 |
sdrev | RX packets:59 errors:0 dropped:5861 overruns:0 frame:0 | 04:01 |
sdrev | TX packets:0 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 04:01 |
sdrev | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 04:01 |
sdrev | RX bytes:4650 (4.5 KB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) | 04:01 |
sdrev | Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd800 | 04:01 |
lee_ | erll I guess my theory is corect 64 bit drivers are scewd | 04:02 |
lee_ | not just form the download at ati but from her as ell | 04:02 |
pwuertz | lee_: why aren't you using the drivers from the repository? | 04:02 |
lee_ | I havnt tried it yet..I cant access the restrcited card to activate Icon for it any hwre | 04:03 |
pwuertz | !ati | 04:03 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 04:03 |
pwuertz | ha.. I've been waiting for this a long time ^^ | 04:03 |
lee_ | waht? | 04:03 |
pwuertz | using a ! command | 04:04 |
lee_ | well iam not on gutsy yet can some one access my sytem or tell me how to access the restriced drivers | 04:04 |
lee_ | I tried everything | 04:05 |
szf | sdrev, is this cable? dsl? other? | 04:05 |
sdrev | szf cable | 04:05 |
pwuertz | lee_: the manual includes instructions for any ubuntu version from breezy to gutsy | 04:06 |
szf | try ->man 5 interfaces | 04:06 |
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szf | that should give helpful assist on tools | 04:07 |
Konam | Am I getting some blurry icons in the menus? | 04:07 |
Konam | excuse me | 04:07 |
Konam | Am I the only one getting some blurry icons in the menus?* | 04:08 |
pwuertz | think so | 04:08 |
_neon_ | are the trevinos repos up? | 04:09 |
pwuertz | grr... gnome-appearance-properties taking 100% cpu again | 04:09 |
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_neon_ | pwuertz: how are u measuring cpu usage? | 04:10 |
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pwuertz | _neon_: by this tiny monitor applet I added to the gnome panel.... or by using the "top" command line tool | 04:11 |
_neon_ | pwuertz: i'm using kubuntu | 04:12 |
_neon_ | can i installed the ubuntu desktop in addition to kubuntu? | 04:12 |
pwuertz | _neon_: I think so... but kde also has some nice tools for this job | 04:13 |
pwuertz | i think its called ksysguard | 04:13 |
_neon_ | pwuertz: i'll try that thx | 04:13 |
pwuertz | or this windows task-manager like thingie | 04:13 |
pwuertz | I think it will appear when you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del | 04:13 |
pwuertz | do not hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, this will kill your Xserver ^^ | 04:14 |
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caravena | Ok masters, my history is "Driver privative ATI + Video card 200m (X300)" is very bad in Gutsy RC : -(. Now with driver ati (free) my keyboard work fine. | 04:15 |
pwuertz | _neon_: if you want a permanent monitor.. you could add an applet to your kicker-bar... just right-click and add applets... there must be some kind of monitoring applet in the list | 04:15 |
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Clinton__ | what is the sed command for converting all references of feisty to gutsy in sources.list ? | 04:16 |
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pwuertz | Clinton__: "update-manager -cd" | 04:16 |
Clinton__ | k | 04:16 |
PirateHead | Two issues: 1) when can we dist-upgrade to Hairy Hardon, and 2) is there anybody in here who can help me debug sound issues? | 04:17 |
Clinton__ | clinton@clinton-desktop:~$ sudo update-manager -cd | 04:17 |
Clinton__ | Password: | 04:17 |
Clinton__ | sudo: update-manager: command not found | 04:17 |
pwuertz | if you are actually asking how to upgrade from feisty to gutsy ^^ | 04:17 |
Clinton__ | I should mention I'm running Kubuntu 7.04, so perhaps I do'nt have the update-manager? | 04:17 |
pwuertz | hm.... thats correct | 04:18 |
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Clinton__ | sudo sed -e 's/\sfeisty/ gutsy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:19 |
Arc|Angel | hello sorry to bother everyone but i have a problem with gutsy | 04:19 |
Clinton__ | that's what I was looking for.... | 04:19 |
Clinton__ | I hope Gutsy has AMD64 support for flash | 04:19 |
pwuertz | I know some people telling you to replace feisty -> gutsy when upgrading the dist... but I think update-manager is doing some other things too.... | 04:20 |
Arc|Angel | i was in the middle of an upgrade on a spare laptop and now it wont connect to the network through the wireless or the ethernet | 04:20 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: but if update-manager doesn't even exist on my system, then what? | 04:20 |
XsteelWolf | is gutsy finalise yet or is it better to wait for the official release date? | 04:20 |
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Clinton__ | XsteelWolf: this Thursday | 04:20 |
pwuertz | Clinton__: did you upgrade a previous kubuntu version? | 04:21 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: naw, I installed this the other day forgetting about the new version | 04:21 |
XsteelWolf | yea,but are things finalise yet? | 04:21 |
XsteelWolf | or is it better to wait till thursday for them to optimise it and fix some bugs etc | 04:21 |
Clinton__ | XsteelWolf: I sure hope so | 04:21 |
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pwuertz | Clinton__: when ubuntu+1 becomes the current version "your update-manager" should inform you about a dist-upgrade | 04:22 |
Clinton__ | AMD64 FLASH IS SUPPORTED! WOOHOO! (that is so worth the caps for me, and maybe the kick too) | 04:22 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: adept sucks as an update manager | 04:22 |
ubuntu | ok onle last time | 04:22 |
Arc|Angel | i have a bug - tried to use beta so i can test my wireless at school (we use LEAP) and not it wont connect to the network, wireless or ethernet, and wont see any usb drives i plug in | 04:22 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: CLI is far better any day | 04:22 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: this is after reboot? | 04:23 |
ubuntu | I have fiesty and iam reloading..its me lee | 04:23 |
Arc|Angel | yes | 04:23 |
Arc|Angel | after reboot | 04:23 |
ubuntu | now using fiesty the repository should not break my system right? | 04:23 |
pwuertz | gnash isn't that good... you might get basic flash support... but besides some broken-looking youtube videos.. it doesnt do any good | 04:23 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: Ubuntu has been known to drop support for various wireless gadgets, including my pcmcia wifi card I had for my laptop. It worked up to 2006.4 and then support was non-existant until 2006.10. You may be having some simliar issues | 04:24 |
Arc|Angel | not just that though | 04:24 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: I know, gnash sucks, but the package flashplugin-nonfree is now available | 04:24 |
Arc|Angel | ethernet | 04:24 |
Arc|Angel | no usb device will load | 04:24 |
ubuntu | great | 04:24 |
pwuertz | Clinton__: but it isn't 64bit | 04:24 |
sdrev | Arc|Angel: what kind of laptop do you have? | 04:25 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: I don't need 64bit optimization in my browser | 04:25 |
pwuertz | Clinton__: flashplugin-nonfree is the 32bit plugin from adobe | 04:25 |
Arc|Angel | ibm thinkpad t40 | 04:25 |
Arc|Angel | fiesty was rocking on the same laptop | 04:25 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: ha, you're lucky there - whatever doesn't work will have three dozen FAQ's and howto's in the next week | 04:25 |
ubuntu | I have a 64 bit system, I expect it to be used | 04:25 |
ubuntu | not halfed downd to 32 bit | 04:26 |
Arc|Angel | my problem now is that it is dead and has my email on it | 04:26 |
pwuertz | but you just wohoo'ed "AMD64 FLASH IS SUPPORTED".... which is only true for gnash... and gnash still is quite useless | 04:26 |
Arc|Angel | in evolution | 04:26 |
Clinton__ | ubuntu: good for you, but not everything is supported under 64 bit in Ubuntu, if you truly want complete 64 bit, pure, then switch to Gentoo | 04:26 |
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XsteelWolf | Gentoo is really too complex | 04:26 |
Clinton__ | pwuertz: having the package available is my idea of support | 04:26 |
ubuntu | Iam out of roms | 04:26 |
pwuertz | oh | 04:26 |
XsteelWolf | anyone using intel 4965agn wireless card here? | 04:26 |
Clinton__ | XsteelWolf: I hear you there, that's what I'm switching back from | 04:26 |
ubuntu | where is this gentoo at? | 04:27 |
Clinton__ | | 04:27 |
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XsteelWolf | don't forget to take a look at my site: :D | 04:27 |
Clinton__ | gentoo is: Wonderfully customizable, horribly manage-able | 04:27 |
ubuntu | ok..ill go there whn my systems done | 04:27 |
pwuertz | gentoo isn't that complex... but I moved away from gentoo because they tend to break the system over and over | 04:27 |
Clinton__ | how new to linux are you? are you willing to work in pure command line for a couple of days? | 04:27 |
sdrev | any reason network manager would insist my wireless network needs a password when I've set the network to not have any encryption? | 04:28 |
XsteelWolf | anyone using intel 4965agn wireless card here? | 04:28 |
Arc|Angel | any idea how to get my emails off since no usb device will be seen now and no networking ability | 04:28 |
ubuntu | Iam so flusterd am aobut to go baack to windows | 04:28 |
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Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: yes, use gmail or another web-mail | 04:28 |
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Arc|Angel | ya except not network | 04:28 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: oops.. burn to CD then | 04:28 |
Arc|Angel | cant get it up to gmail | 04:28 |
Arc|Angel | dur | 04:28 |
Arc|Angel | never thought of a cd burn | 04:28 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: or boot up using a boot cd and copy them off | 04:28 |
Arc|Angel | <-- shakes head like a dumb.... | 04:29 |
Clinton__ | it's alright :) | 04:29 |
Arc|Angel | i tried the boot cd did not work | 04:29 |
Clinton__ | you might need to try different boot options | 04:29 |
Arc|Angel | i have had a bad day, son had surgery today | 04:29 |
Arc|Angel | head is not in the game so to speak | 04:29 |
Clinton__ | my computer only boots with the options: noapic irqpoll acpi=force | 04:29 |
AlienX | I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out with an issue. nvidia-glx-new doesn't seem to want to install and the output is over at | 04:29 |
TheRepacker | I just tried the new Mandriva 2008 Live Gnome, pretty blue desktop | 04:29 |
ubotu | Mandriva bug 2008 in Core Packages "reloading the user config or system menu closes the menudrake window" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] | 04:29 |
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rust | Arc|Angel: hope he is doing ok | 04:30 |
TheRepacker | It only took it 7 mins to lockup | 04:30 |
Arc|Angel | ya had a good bit of oral surgery | 04:30 |
Arc|Angel | but he is doing well | 04:30 |
nomasteryoda | wtH is that... ubotu comments on mandriva too? | 04:30 |
nomasteryoda | LOL | 04:30 |
Arc|Angel | giving me flak again so he is doing well | 04:30 |
rust | :P | 04:31 |
pwuertz | AlienX: moving from nvidia-glx to nvndia-glx-new is a little bit difficult if you are relying on the package manager to do the job for you | 04:31 |
TheRepacker | Mandriva was blue and it locked up in 7 mins | 04:31 |
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Clinton__ | wow, kopete really craps out as an IRC chat application. | 04:32 |
rust | anybody know when the ati closed driver is going to be released | 04:32 |
ubuntu | can gento be ran from a one gig card? | 04:32 |
rust | ? | 04:32 |
ubuntu | taht is set up | 04:32 |
Clinton__ | I would *NOT* recommend that | 04:32 |
pwuertz | AlienX: if you want to avoid any trouble you should set your X driver back to "nv"... then uninstall "nvidia-glx".... reboot.... then install "nvidia-glx-new" | 04:32 |
AlienX | pwuertz, i did an upgrade from feisty to see how it worked (which, I have to admit is significantly better than previous versions). I can't seem to remove nvidia-glx using apt because it doesn't look to be installed. | 04:32 |
Arc|Angel | i am SOOOOO close to a house of no winders i see the light | 04:32 |
Clinton__ | no winders? | 04:33 |
nomasteryoda | Arc|Angel, cool | 04:33 |
AlienX | pwuertz, that's currently what I'm doing, using the open source drivers and tried to uninstall nvidia-glx but no joy. | 04:33 |
nomasteryoda | that would be a Dark House | 04:33 |
Arc|Angel | we will have to keep ONE dang machine windows | 04:33 |
nomasteryoda | no, just put winders into a virtualbox | 04:33 |
Arc|Angel | because i can not (YET) export my quickbooks and import the same data to linux yet | 04:33 |
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Arc|Angel | i thought about that | 04:33 |
Arc|Angel | like VMWare | 04:33 |
AlienX | pwuertz, rc nvidia-glx 1:100.14.12 is what dpkg is saying | 04:34 |
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Clinton__ | oh, winders = windows | 04:34 |
Arc|Angel | ya | 04:34 |
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pwuertz | AlienX: hm.. looks messed up | 04:34 |
AlienX | pwuertz, yeah, absolutely. | 04:34 |
joebobjoe | hey guys | 04:34 |
TheRepacker | AlienX: if you have a Series 7 or 6 nvidia card, do not load the nvidia-glx-new, it is broken is tou also have a multi-core CPU | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | Arc|Angel, ya vmware server & player work well.... | 04:34 |
joebobjoe | im trying to install a graphics driver and it needs to quit xserver, how do i completely turn it off? | 04:34 |
Arc|Angel | i do high level tech support and this guy called in saying he needed help with Winders made by Microscope | 04:34 |
AlienX | TheRepacker, I have a 7900GT on a C2D 2.13GHz machine | 04:34 |
Arc|Angel | so it sorta stuck with me | 04:34 |
XsteelWolf | why is gutsy only supported for 8 months while 6.06 is supported till 2011? | 04:34 |
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pwuertz | AlienX: maybe you should revert to a working state.... by using the restricted driver manager | 04:35 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: I'm sorry, but high level techies should not have to deal with windows | 04:35 |
Arc|Angel | I AGREE | 04:35 |
cafuego | AlienX: Hmm, time for an upgrade, methinks. | 04:35 |
joebobjoe | hey guys, im new | 04:35 |
Arc|Angel | ooooo do WE agree | 04:35 |
rust | !lts | 04:35 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | Arc|Angel, sudo init 3 will get you down to no X | 04:35 |
rust | !lts | XsteelWolf | 04:35 |
ubotu | XsteelWolf: please see above | 04:35 |
RB2 | I just had the strangest experience... I rebooted my machine (running 7.10) after some updates and my Compiz theme changed. | 04:35 |
Arc|Angel | me and another guy have converted nearly half the department into fulltime linux users | 04:35 |
joebobjoe | im trying to install a graphics driver and it needs to quit xserver, how do i completely turn it off? | 04:35 |
pwuertz | AlienX: maybe the restricted driver manager fixes the broken links when enabling the nvidia driver again | 04:35 |
Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: good | 04:35 |
AlienX | pwuertz, yeah, i tried all that. Even trying to install nvidia-glx, it throws the same error. | 04:35 |
AlienX | cafuego, i hope you're joking... | 04:35 |
pwuertz | AlienX: then force it | 04:36 |
cafuego | Hmm, maybe .. ;-) | 04:36 |
TheRepacker | AlienX, 100.14.19 has a regressive bug that causes lockup and freezes, That is what just happen to me with the Mandriva Live | 04:36 |
XsteelWolf | yea but why is only that version longterm support? | 04:36 |
joebobjoe | how do you turn off xserber | 04:36 |
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joebobjoe | server* | 04:36 |
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AlienX | pwuertz, i'll force it and go from there. | 04:36 |
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Clinton__ | joebobjoe: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 04:36 |
rust | XsteelWolf: the idea is that they release an LTS and spend all their time on bug fixes. | 04:36 |
cafuego | joebobjoe: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 04:36 |
rust | XsteelWolf: get it real stable. | 04:36 |
pwuertz | AlienX: k.. good luck! | 04:36 |
AlienX | TheRepacker, thanks for the info! I appreciate it | 04:36 |
joebobjoe | thanks guys | 04:36 |
AlienX | pwuertz, cheers m8 | 04:36 |
RB2 | Has anyone else experienced this? | 04:37 |
XsteelWolf | hardware compatibility issue wise? | 04:37 |
pwuertz | bye all | 04:37 |
rust | XsteelWolf: then the other releases add new features. Like compiz :) | 04:37 |
XsteelWolf | have to install manually? | 04:37 |
ericrost | I'm in a bit of a pickle. i have vmware installed, but not configured with current modules, and the headers for my running kernel are no longer in the repos (since I'm running an nvidia card, i can only run with 2.6.22-12 but can only get headers for -14) | 04:37 |
Clinton__ | ericrost: dill or plain? | 04:37 |
TheRepacker | I have tried to make people aware about the prob, load the 9639 driver you will have no probs | 04:37 |
rust | XsteelWolf: don't understand | 04:37 |
ericrost | Clinton__: ? | 04:37 |
Clinton__ | ericrost: dill pickle or plain pickle? | 04:37 |
ericrost | ahh, dill pickle | 04:37 |
_neon_ | ok my sys shows running at 100% on all 4 cores wtf over | 04:38 |
ericrost | any suggestions | 04:38 |
XsteelWolf | like im having trouble with nvidia and intel wireless card on ubuntu 7.04 | 04:38 |
AlienX | TheRepacker, i was thinking about simply loading the binary driver off the nvidia website and be done with it :) | 04:38 |
rust | XsteelWolf: can't help you there, I'm on ati and wired on both compus | 04:39 |
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Clinton__ | ericrost: no idea here, sorry | 04:39 |
rust | XsteelWolf: but I've seen plenty on the subject in the forums. | 04:39 |
ericrost | I have a vm I need to get to on a remote host to install openssh-server onto that I was only getting to a shell in through vmware server console... I suppose I can just do it through another host.... | 04:39 |
ericrost | but this is the machine I normally have available to me | 04:40 |
dasiala | anybody here try to update to 7.10 with one of the new dell laptops with feisty preinstalled? | 04:40 |
XsteelWolf | where can i see a list of bugs fixes,and driver compatibility being issued for gutsy? | 04:40 |
ericrost | and I'd like to have vmware server on it... hopefully the restricted modules will get on here for -14 | 04:40 |
TheRepacker | you still have a problem, use ENVY to unload what ever driver you have then re-install the kernels to over write the changes made by the nvidia install then you can do a clean install, with that 7 series card stay away from 100.14.XX | 04:40 |
Arc|Angel | you can change the port used for SSH right | 04:40 |
Arc|Angel | man my head is not in the game | 04:41 |
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Clinton__ | Arc|Angel: yes, you can change the port. | 04:41 |
rust | XsteelWolf: good question. bugs-> | 04:41 |
Arc|Angel | man i need to relax and get my head in the game - I want my terabyte server NOW... lol | 04:42 |
rust | XsteelWolf: haven't got an idea on driver compatibility. | 04:42 |
vo | whoops i just reformatted my windows partition | 04:42 |
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vo | ah well | 04:42 |
rust | XsteelWolf: don't reccomend ATI X1300 if that helps :'( | 04:42 |
Clinton__ | vo: bye bye porn? | 04:42 |
XsteelWolf | heh | 04:42 |
vo | Clinton__ aw crap, you reminded me. time to pull out the forensic tools to recover the porn | 04:43 |
vvd | hello, i have a save.cfg file in my home, still tracker doesnt find it when searching for "save.cfg" | 04:43 |
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Clinton__ | heh | 04:43 |
XsteelWolf | is there a list of hardware drivers new added for gutsy? | 04:43 |
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vvd | is that the new cool desktop search? :) | 04:43 |
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vvd | or am i searching wrong? | 04:46 |
fryguy | hrmm, my fonts in firefox look far different/worse now than they did on the initial install, any ideas on what could cause something like that? | 04:46 |
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vvd | vvd@miqu:~$ tracker-files -s Text|grep save.cfg | 04:47 |
vvd | vvd@miqu:~$ file save.cfg | 04:47 |
vvd | save.cfg: ASCII text | 04:47 |
vvd | hmhm | 04:48 |
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vvd | any idea anyone? | 04:48 |
vvd | its so quiet, why is that? | 04:48 |
dylix | you are scaring us | 04:49 |
dylix | :) | 04:49 |
jimmacdonald | Hi everyone,. after last nights update I cannot get to a desktop. I can boot, get a login screen, but when I login my screen goes black and then back to the password screen. | 04:49 |
jimmacdonald | I am running Gutsy Kubuntu on a laptop with an invidia card. | 04:49 |
jimmacdonald | I have access to a console login and have networking through a wifi adapter. | 04:50 |
vo | difference between #ubuntu and #gentoo - #ubuntu is quiet because people are actually off doing productive things while #gentoo people are chatting up IRC while waiting for stuff to compile | 04:50 |
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vvd | dylix: ah | 04:52 |
vvd | vo :o | 04:52 |
rust | jimmacdonald: can you select session then use safemode gnome? | 04:52 |
dylix | vo; roflcoptor | 04:52 |
dylix | that is fucking hilarious | 04:53 |
dylix | hahahaha | 04:53 |
dylix | good material | 04:53 |
jimmacdonald | I have kde gnome and failsafe | 04:53 |
XsteelWolf | i can sudo apt-get install upgrade to upgrade from RC to official release on this thursday yea? | 04:53 |
rust | jimmacdonald: try failsafe then | 04:54 |
jimmacdonald | didn't work | 04:54 |
rust | jimmacdonald: did you try KDE :) | 04:54 |
jimmacdonald | that's the default | 04:55 |
jimmacdonald | all three options give me the same thing... it appears to be a driver issue. | 04:55 |
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dylix | stupid ass xp/vs/mac | 04:56 |
rust | jimmacdonald: odd because you already have X up. | 04:56 |
dylix | commericials | 04:56 |
dylix | lol | 04:56 |
jimmacdonald | last time I had this it was related to the Nvidia driver. | 04:56 |
rust | jimmacdonald: couldn't help then. I'm inflicted with ATI | 04:57 |
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Clinton__ | sure seem to be a lot of illnesses in here for a virus free distribution | 04:58 |
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Jordan_U | Clinton__, Virus free doesn't mean Bug free :) | 04:59 |
Clinton__ | you got that right | 04:59 |
Arc|Angel | night all - thanks again | 04:59 |
Jordan_U | Clinton__, What problem are you having? | 04:59 |
Clinton__ | Jordan_U: this upgrade is taking too long | 04:59 |
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Clinton__ | Jordan_U: not really a problem, I'm just impatient | 05:00 |
Clinton__ | :) | 05:00 |
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Clinton__ | Ya know, nvidia-glx-new is a bad name for a package, it won't always be new | 05:02 |
jimmacdonald | Clinton and we are talking about beta software. | 05:02 |
kingrayray | has anybody used mdf2iso before? | 05:02 |
ClintonCorporati | gr... can't be corporatist | 05:02 |
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PirateHead | Two questions: 1) when can we dist-upgrade to Hairy Hardon, and 2) is there anybody in here who can help me debug sound issues? | 05:03 |
AlienX | TheRepacker, thanks for the help. I got nvidia going but now i have to troubleshoot some issues with ccsm | 05:03 |
Clinton__ | Clinton__: hello! 12 years on IRC and I have never seen anyone else use Clinton before | 05:03 |
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Clinton__ | bur[n] er: you don't have to be my fan, it's alright | 05:04 |
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jimmacdonald | Is there anyone on who can help me? | 05:07 |
MtJB | if i update the beta of gutsy, will i have the same system as the final release, or do i need to download the final when it's soup? | 05:07 |
rust | MtJB: you can upgrade to the final when "it's soup" | 05:08 |
TheRepacker | updated beta will be full Gutsy | 05:08 |
rust | MtJB: just like you get your daily updates anyway | 05:08 |
MtJB | thanks, rust | 05:08 |
rust | MtJB:np | 05:08 |
MtJB | okie doke | 05:08 |
prakriti | I've noticed a bunch of packages released today | 05:08 |
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prakriti | Are there changelogs? | 05:09 |
orionr | Has anyone here been aable to get a brother 420cn printer to work with 7.10? | 05:09 |
jimmacdonald | anyone? | 05:10 |
jimmacdonald | I'm dying over here.... | 05:10 |
Clinton__ | I'll try - but no promises | 05:10 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: whats up? | 05:10 |
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jimmacdonald | Hi everyone,. after last nights update I cannot get to a desktop. I can boot, get a login screen, but when I login my screen goes black and then back to the password screen. I am running Gutsy Kubuntu on a laptop with an invidia card. | 05:10 |
jimmacdonald | I have access to a console login and have networking through a wifi adapter. | 05:10 |
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jimmacdonald | sorry for the cut and paste. | 05:11 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: sounds like a video driver problem | 05:11 |
Jordan_U | jimmacdonald, Can you start a failsafe gnome session? | 05:11 |
orionr | yea thast what it sounds like to me too Jordan_U | 05:11 |
TheRepacker | what driver and what nvidia card | 05:11 |
jimmacdonald | I can't run KDE, failsafe or Gnome. | 05:11 |
Jordan_U | jimmacdonald, Doesn't sound like a driver problem :) | 05:11 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: are you logging in with KDM? | 05:11 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: try reconfiguring your nvidia card | 05:11 |
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orionr | dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 05:12 |
rayb0t | how well does mdf2iso work? anybody used it? | 05:12 |
lontra | anyone else having issues with X freezing in gutsy? i have an intel 945 and sometimes (every 4 or 5 logouts) X will just freeze and start flashing. i am curious if this is the new intel driver. what's more interesting is that this doesn't happen on this lappy in debian | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | I'm planning on upgrading from Kubuntu Fiesty to Gutsy, but I have Compiz-Fusion installed via Amaranth's repositories, should I remove these packages beforehand, or will the upgrade process handle this? | 05:12 |
rust | Kr4t05: remove them first | 05:12 |
Clinton__ | Kr4t05: you should remove them | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | rust: Thanks | 05:12 |
rust | Kr4t05: the upgrade should remove the repo. | 05:13 |
rust | Kr4t05:np | 05:13 |
orionr | lontra: i kinda have X getting supper slow and then i have to restart it some times i think it would be becaues i have an ATI card and im running fglx on top of x because of the ati card | 05:13 |
XsteelWolf | i can sudo apt-get install upgrade to upgrade from RC to official release on this thursday yea? | 05:13 |
Clinton__ | XsteelWolf: you could do it now, but it's kind of slow. it'll be even slower on thursday | 05:13 |
orionr | XsteelWolf: yea but you could upgrade now if you want | 05:14 |
orionr | XsteelWolf: just do it tonight before you go to sleep | 05:14 |
XsteelWolf | are you guys using gnome or kde | 05:14 |
Clinton__ | KDE | 05:14 |
rayb0t | if you use autoupdates, won't we just have the release automatically? | 05:14 |
XsteelWolf | just want to see a poll :D | 05:14 |
rayb0t | gnome here | 05:14 |
TheRepacker | gnome | 05:14 |
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orionr | gnome | 05:15 |
vvd | xfce | 05:15 |
Clinton__ | TWM | 05:15 |
taggie | gnome | 05:15 |
rayb0t | lol twm | 05:15 |
vvd | :L | 05:15 |
orionr | whats twm? | 05:15 |
taggie | xfce on my old slow boxes | 05:15 |
orionr | taggie: do you use them as production machines? what do you need a desktop for? | 05:16 |
jimmacdonald | well that certainly improved my kdm login but still has the same symptoms. how can I tell from a console what video driver I am using? | 05:16 |
rust | XsteelWolf: gnome | 05:16 |
taggie | use what as production machines? gnome xfce or old boxes? | 05:16 |
XsteelWolf | why gnome towards kde,other than personal perferences? | 05:16 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: if your KDM is starting up then it is likely not a video issue, since KDM relies on the video | 05:16 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: lspci | grep video | 05:16 |
Clinton__ | XsteelWolf: more configurable and doesn't treat me like an idiot | 05:16 |
rayb0t | kde's interface is something i've never personally been comfortable with | 05:17 |
rayb0t | too many buttons | 05:17 |
rayb0t | and i vastly prefer GTK2 | 05:17 |
rust | XsteelWolf: Use more apps from gnome. And the desktop integrates better in my work for me. | 05:17 |
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Clinton__ | rust: I don't care for the preference of gnome or kde apps, I just use whichever better :) | 05:18 |
jimmacdonald | seems lspci |grep video didn't produce anything | 05:18 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: it should | 05:18 |
rust | Clinton__: me too and I rate more gnome apps than kde :) | 05:18 |
jimmacdonald | but it didn't. | 05:18 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: perhaps try lspci | grep nvidia | 05:18 |
rust | Clinton__: so i use gnome | 05:18 |
rayb0t | i'm far too particular about the aesthetics of my desktop, so i just use gtk2 across the board | 05:18 |
XsteelWolf | kde doesn't have much more apps? | 05:18 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: the grep just shows the line of output like a search of what was search for | 05:19 |
rayb0t | XsteelWolf: it has plenty of apps, just as many if not more.. some of us just prefer the gnome ones :) | 05:19 |
XsteelWolf | gnome if im not wrong, comes with os fingerprinting tools yea? | 05:19 |
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orionr | if you do lspci it will display all the hardware you have | 05:19 |
rust | orionr: lspci will show him what hardware he has not which drivers are loaded | 05:19 |
joebobjoe | hey guys, im trying to save a config file, but it wont let me because i dont have permission | 05:19 |
rayb0t | if you are trying to see what drivers are loaded you may want to look at the output of lsmod | 05:19 |
joebobjoe | how do i save it | 05:19 |
rayb0t | joebobjoe: try using sudo when you go to edit the file | 05:20 |
prakriti | Are there fixes for i915 cards and XGL in this latest set of updates? | 05:20 |
orionr | rust: well the he should have the right drivers loaded i just told him to do reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:20 |
rayb0t | ie sudo gedit /path/to/file | 05:20 |
jimmacdonald | lspci |grep nVidia shows 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVidia Coperoration NV34M [GeForce FX G05200 64m] (rev a1) | 05:20 |
orionr | rust: idk what he wants to find out with that | 05:20 |
joebobjoe | thanks | 05:20 |
rust | orionr: sorry must have missed a part of the conversation there. | 05:20 |
jimmacdonald | I know how to use grep. I was just reporting what I got. | 05:20 |
rust | slaps his own wrists | 05:21 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: i would recommend removing the old nvidia drivers completely apt-get remove and then apt-get clean and then reinstalling the new nvidia drivers | 05:21 |
jimmacdonald | so how do I tell what nvidia packages are installed? | 05:21 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 05:21 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 05:22 |
TheRepacker | jimmacdonald: I think the spec calls for 128M video ram for CCSM | 05:22 |
joebobjoe | i am trying to open a file by sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf.failsafe | 05:22 |
joebobjoe | but it opens a blank file, wtf? | 05:22 |
Jordan_U | !gksudo | joebob777as7 | 05:22 |
ubotu | joebob777as7: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> - See for more info | 05:22 |
Jordan_U | joebob777as7, Capital "X" | 05:22 |
joebobjoe | ok thanks | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | joebob777as7, Why are you changing the failsafe xorg.conf though? | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | joebob777as7, That should really be kept as is | 05:23 |
jimmacdonald | reboot after the remove? | 05:24 |
Jordan_U | joebobjoe, , Why are you changing the failsafe xorg.conf though? | 05:25 |
Jordan_U | joebobjoe,That should really be kept as is | 05:25 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: ctrl-alt-backspace to kill any X sessions you have, then you won't have to reboot | 05:25 |
joebobjoe | i am trying to change the x server config file | 05:25 |
joebobjoe | and in the nvidia readme | 05:25 |
joebobjoe | it said to check to logfile | 05:25 |
joebobjoe | for the config file | 05:25 |
joebobjoe | and thats what the log file said it was | 05:26 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: or better yet /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:26 |
joebobjoe | so ill use it what the heck | 05:26 |
jimmacdonald | Clinton__: remember that I am at a console login. | 05:26 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: that's right, use orionr's suggestion | 05:26 |
jimmacdonald | after I remove I should just be able to do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and that should detect and reinstall correct? | 05:27 |
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orionr | no | 05:27 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: just do apt-get isnatll nvidia-glx-new | 05:27 |
orionr | then i think x should restart automattiacly | 05:27 |
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orionr | if not run /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:27 |
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Clinton__ | orionr: nope, it didn't restart at all, I just did it and never lost my session | 05:28 |
Clinton__ | I'm kind of surprised by that too | 05:28 |
zaatar | do you guys think it's a bad idea to install gutsy final release candidate on a production server? | 05:28 |
orionr | Clinton__: you had an active desktop running that was logged in though | 05:28 |
rayb0t | zaatar: yes. | 05:28 |
Clinton__ | orionr: yes, but a restart should still kill the active desktop session | 05:29 |
orionr | Has anyone here gotten a brother printer to work in 7.10? | 05:29 |
zaatar | rayb0t, as opposed to a final release? how different do they get? | 05:29 |
orionr | Clinton__: yea i know what your saying idk its odd | 05:29 |
Clinton__ | zaatar: wait for official release | 05:29 |
rayb0t | yea, theres still a few bugs to work out im sure | 05:29 |
rayb0t | like my sound doesnt seem to work right | 05:29 |
rayb0t | hehe | 05:29 |
zaatar | i thought a final RC was basicaly a final release | 05:29 |
rayb0t | "basically | 05:29 |
rayb0t | " | 05:29 |
Clinton__ | zaatar: typically yes, but there's always post-release bugs to be found and fixed | 05:29 |
orionr | do you guys think there will be more updates in the following days up to when it is finally released? | 05:29 |
Clinton__ | zaatar: would you want your production server to have these bugs? | 05:30 |
rayb0t | orionr: definitely | 05:30 |
Clinton__ | orionr: absolutely yes | 05:30 |
rayb0t | for a production server i'd probably use an LTS release to be perfectly honest | 05:30 |
orionr | like probably 500 mbs? | 05:30 |
Clinton__ | orionr: no clue there | 05:30 |
Clinton__ | maybe, maybe not, depends on how broken some things are | 05:30 |
orionr | i agree deff go with LTS for a server | 05:30 |
jimmacdonald | ok. updating now. | 05:30 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: ware u using a terminal version of IRC? | 05:31 |
jimmacdonald | no I'm on a different computer. | 05:31 |
orionr | k | 05:31 |
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orionr | just wondering | 05:31 |
Clinton__ | orionr: BitchX is a good terminal version | 05:31 |
orionr | how old are all of you guys. Just wondering | 05:32 |
orionr | Clinton: i just gaim | 05:32 |
Clinton__ | gaim is good too | 05:32 |
Clinton__ | 30yo | 05:32 |
rust | 26 | 05:32 |
orionr | 19 | 05:32 |
gunashekar | Iage survey 44 | 05:32 |
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Clinton__ | ya know, I spent hours arranging the coral and sand in my saltwater tank, only to see one of my damsels pushing the sand all over the place.. little fucker | 05:33 |
orionr | are you guys in someone kind of technology career or just tried out ubuntu as to somethihng better then windows? | 05:33 |
Clinton__ | oops wrong window :) | 05:33 |
jimmacdonald | orionr: why did you ask? | 05:33 |
rust | lmao | 05:33 |
Clinton__ | orionr: I graduated with a major in Computer Science, minor in Math from Central Michigan U. | 05:33 |
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jimmacdonald | age survey: 37 | 05:33 |
gunashekar | career survey pet breeder | 05:33 |
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orionr | im just wondering about what age most of the users are | 05:34 |
rayb0t | 21 | 05:34 |
Clinton__ | I now code java websites and in house apps for a living :) I love my job | 05:34 |
orionr | Yea im computer engineering its kicking my ass right now. | 05:34 |
jimmacdonald | and I am almost embarrassed to say this... I am a Unix sysadmin.... I just don't do linux for a living. | 05:34 |
rayb0t | im gonna be taking some computer forensics courses shortly | 05:34 |
rust | career survey: computers, currently @ work | 05:34 |
rayb0t | should be interesting | 05:34 |
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zaatar | Clinton__, where do you live? | 05:35 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: did you know what grep did lol? | 05:35 |
jimmacdonald | ummm yes. :) | 05:35 |
orionr | CLinton__: like smart house apps to control lighting and tv's? | 05:35 |
Clinton__ | orionr: not even close. We maintain sales DB's for several very large companies. I won't name them but their names can be found on cereal boxes and candy bars and chips | 05:36 |
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rayb0t | general mills and frito-lay!! hooah | 05:36 |
jimmacdonald | orionr I know how to use grep better than I do find. | 05:36 |
TheRepacker | 59yrs grad 1981 first C & IS Queens U in Kingston On | 05:36 |
Clinton__ | hehe, that's two | 05:36 |
rayb0t | i own | 05:36 |
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rust | I was born in 1981 :) | 05:37 |
rust | (im gonna regret saying that in 30 years im sure) | 05:37 |
TheRepacker | I still have some punch cards you can look at | 05:37 |
Clinton__ | I mostly do the backend stuff - improving effiency (in java that's tough) and looking for general problems. I've got a co-worker who's great at the design layout of stuff.. although he likes bouncy stuff way too much | 05:37 |
WorkingOnWise | Any ord on hen the repos ill be back up? | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | I do believe this is the first time I've use the GUI-based upgrade tool. | 05:38 |
rayb0t | 42 | 05:38 |
WorkingOnWise | ord=word | 05:38 |
Clinton__ | rust: I have a 15yo sister with some hot ass friends that I feel guilty for looking at whenever I visit Mom | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | Every previous release, I either used apt-get or just downloaded the disc image and did a clean install. | 05:38 |
Clinton__ | kids nowadays! too damn young and look like they're in college | 05:38 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: I have an 8inch floppy and a copy of windows 3.1 still shrinkwrapped. | 05:38 |
rust | Clinton__: lol | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | Clinton__: It happens. :/ | 05:38 |
jimmacdonald | Viagra~! | 05:39 |
Kr4t05 | My younger sister turns 13 in December. | 05:39 |
rayb0t | this is getting dangerously offtopic | 05:39 |
rayb0t | lol | 05:39 |
Clinton__ | heh.. viagra.. I read the funniest commercial application to that in a book called Bangkok 8 | 05:39 |
TheRepacker | I remeber buying an 8 inch drive (128K) for $600 | 05:39 |
Kr4t05 | And, she hangs with the "looks-older-than-they-should" crowd. | 05:39 |
Clinton__ | rayb0t: yea, we're all OT.. shame on us | 05:39 |
rayb0t | :D | 05:40 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: yes but can you convert dec to binary to octal and back again? | 05:40 |
orionr | whats OT? | 05:40 |
rayb0t | orionr: offtopic | 05:40 |
rayb0t | :p | 05:40 |
Clinton__ | off topic | 05:40 |
rayb0t | or omni-tek if you play anarchy online. | 05:40 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: i can | 05:40 |
TheRepacker | and 4K mem chips (1 bit, so you needed 8) at $24 a chip | 05:40 |
jimmacdonald | orionr: using calc doesn't count | 05:40 |
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orionr | jimmacdonald: i dont need a calc to do it | 05:40 |
rust | I need a calc anything pas 10! | 05:41 |
jimmacdonald | ok video reinstall didn't fix it... same symptoms. | 05:41 |
rust | ohh I just remembered something, make that 11 ;) | 05:41 |
TheRepacker | fond memories of a Dec PDP 8/20 | 05:41 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: I'm telling you it isn't video | 05:41 |
orionr | you just divide by the base you and to get and you just order the remainder in reverse and keeep dividing the number untill you get to 0 | 05:41 |
jimmacdonald | Clinton__: ok then what is it? | 05:41 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: is your video working? | 05:41 |
WorkingOnWise | So are the repos down, or is my system fubar? | 05:42 |
jimmacdonald | I can see a login screen. | 05:42 |
orionr | jimmacdolad: when you log it what does it do again? | 05:42 |
rust | jimmacdonald: what's in your session rc files | 05:42 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: your xdm/gdm/kdm whatever starts up fine, right? Therefore there is something else wrong.. try running startkde logged in as you | 05:42 |
=== orionr login | ||
jimmacdonald | orionr: I login the screen goes black and it kicks me back out to kdm. | 05:43 |
rust | jimmacdonald: you aren't running xgl are you? | 05:43 |
jimmacdonald | xgl? | 05:43 |
Clinton__ | heh, that's a no | 05:43 |
rust | I guess so. | 05:43 |
rust | dpkg -l | grep xgl | 05:44 |
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rust | jimmacdonald: just in case you installed it in a moment of madness :) | 05:44 |
orionr | glx | 05:45 |
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jimmacdonald | rust: nothing returned. | 05:45 |
rust | jimmacdonald: then it's not that | 05:45 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: idk you could try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but i wouldnt recommend it that would give you gnome and might work | 05:45 |
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rust | jimmacdonald:/etc/X11/Xsession.d whats in there? | 05:45 |
Clinton__ | apt-get? use aptitude | 05:46 |
jimmacdonald | I have gnome installed already and it doesn't work either | 05:46 |
Clinton__ | then when he is done with the package he can uninstall it and all it pulled in with aptitude remove | 05:46 |
gunashekar | ubotu: what is the offtopic channel ? | 05:46 |
jimmacdonald | rust: several files which one are you looking for? | 05:46 |
rust | jimmacdonald: something that runs something that is borking your login | 05:47 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: did it work before you upgraded? | 05:47 |
rust | once you log in these files are executed in order. | 05:47 |
rust | or "sourced" | 05:47 |
Clinton__ | look in your ~/.kde/Autostart directory | 05:47 |
orionr | jimmacdonlad: was it ever working even after you upgraded? | 05:47 |
rust | Clinton__: can't be .kde because it fails on gnome and kde | 05:48 |
rust | has to be X | 05:48 |
rust | no,? | 05:48 |
Clinton__ | I'm hesitant to say it is X, since gdm/kdm is starting | 05:48 |
Clinton__ | but yes, something is runnig to crash it afterwards | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | ok. | 05:49 |
orionr | perhaps just reinstall the root directory with a live cd the '/' dir | 05:49 |
rouben | xsession-errors? | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 20x11-common_process_args | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 30x11-common_xresources | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 40guidance_displayconfig_restore | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 55gnome-session_gnomerc | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 60seahorse | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 80ubuntu-xmodmap | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 90gpg-agent | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 90x11-common_ssh-agent | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | 99x11-common_start | 05:49 |
orionr | pastebin lol | 05:49 |
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jimmacdonald | orionr: yes it worked prior to the upgrade | 05:49 |
orionr | i guess it doesnt matter | 05:49 |
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seanix | hi guys :) | 05:49 |
orionr | did it work after the upgrade? | 05:49 |
jimmacdonald | orionr I am on a different computer. | 05:50 |
rust | !seahorse | 05:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seahorse - try searching on | 05:50 |
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Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: try creating a new user and loggin in as that user | 05:50 |
seanix | anyone know how to fix the loooooong names in the menus? | 05:50 |
rust | forgive my ignorance but wtf is seahorse | 05:50 |
Clinton__ | rust: a marine invertabrate | 05:50 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: i understand that im asking if when you upgraded to 7.10 did the video work for a little bit and then stoped working or did it just start doing this kick you out thing? | 05:50 |
rust | Clinton__: :) maybe I should have been more specific | 05:51 |
ksivaji | i think i can upgrade for feisy to gutsy now what is your opinion shall i do it ? | 05:51 |
jimmacdonald | orionr: it did not initially happen after I upgraded to 7.10. it just happened after last nights upgrades. | 05:51 |
rust | Clinton__: just a minute, is it really an invertebrate? | 05:51 |
Clinton__ | rust: heh, well I am having a saltwater discussion with someone else right now :) | 05:51 |
Clinton__ | rust: pretty sure, yes | 05:51 |
seanix | lol | 05:51 |
Clinton__ | rust: they're difficult to keep in captivity too | 05:51 |
rust | Clinton__: well i never. Wouldn't want to keep them in captivity. | 05:52 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: so some upgrade broke it hrm i bet that it will probably get fixed in a few days | 05:52 |
ksivaji | is there any risk in upgrading now | 05:52 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: is this your main computer? | 05:52 |
Clinton__ | ksivaji: there is always a risk | 05:52 |
jimmacdonald | orionr: no it's my laptop. | 05:52 |
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rust | Clinton__: I can barely take care of myself, I don't think im ready for seahorses yet :p | 05:52 |
gregorovius | hi | 05:52 |
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gregorovius | I've been having completely random lockups since last kernel | 05:52 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: ah that sucks i was going to say you could run vncserver on it to get a desktop if you really needed a desktop | 05:52 |
rust | ksivaji: only way to get the answer to that is suck it and see | 05:53 |
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gregorovius | 2.6.22-14... I can't see anything in dmesg, syslog, etc | 05:53 |
gregorovius | anybody having similar issues? | 05:53 |
ksivaji | !language | 05:53 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:53 |
Clinton__ | rust: that sounds like a college line to me | 05:53 |
Les_Caesars | (7.10 Gusty RC) Desktop effects aren't working for me. glxgears works just fine. What might I need to do to get desktop effects to work/ | 05:53 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: you know what you could do is download the drivers from the nvidia website and i bet that would fix it for you. | 05:53 |
rust | Clinton__: college line? | 05:54 |
nickrud | Les_Caesars: you sure you don't have gldesktop there? how'd you install gutsy? | 05:54 |
seanix | anyone managed to install virutalbox? | 05:54 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: i had a problem like what you had an upgrade broke X for me. It didnt do a kick me out sorta deal but it wouldnt let X start. But i used the drivers off the nvidia site and built those from source and it worked fine | 05:54 |
jimmacdonald | I think at this point I agree with Clinton that it's not a video problem esp since I reloaded them and it didn't correct. and I get KDM to start just fine and I can't run gnome or kde or failsafe. | 05:54 |
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Les_Caesars | nickrud: Fresh install. Wiped the whole HD. And There isn't even anything that begins with a G in preferences | 05:54 |
rust | Clinton__: jock humour? | 05:55 |
Clinton__ | rust: something like that yea | 05:55 |
orionr | does anyone have any ideas of what else it could be then? | 05:55 |
gregorovius | if the kernel hangs without printing any error messages, can it be a kernel error? or a hardware problem is the only possibility? | 05:55 |
rust | Clinton__: ok, im from the uk, you lost me for a minute there. | 05:55 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: have you tried creating a new user and logging in as that user? | 05:55 |
rust | Clinton__: I have no idea where i got it from. | 05:55 |
nickrud | Les_Caesars: hrm. ok, try alt-f2 compiz --replace && emerald --replace | 05:55 |
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Clinton__ | rust: heh.. you might have heard it in a movie | 05:55 |
orionr | jimmacdonald: what you could do and waht i would probably do if i were u is just burn the live cd and just reinstall / and keep my /home dir and it would probably fix the problem | 05:55 |
Clinton__ | rust: you're up late too aren't ya? | 05:55 |
jimmacdonald | Clinton__: please forgive my linux ignorance but what is the easiest way to do that from a console? | 05:56 |
rust | Clinton__: Thinking about it im sure it's in an advert (commercial) in the 80's | 05:56 |
Les_Caesars | nickrud: Fail. | 05:56 |
rust | Clinton__: yea, working. | 05:56 |
Clinton__ | rust: ah OK | 05:56 |
rust | Clinton__: I work 6pm till 6am | 05:56 |
orionr | rust: you are at work right now? | 05:56 |
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Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: adduser | 05:56 |
rust | orionr: yep. quiet night | 05:56 |
nickrud | Les_Caesars: ok, install xserver-xgl and logout, login and try the replace again | 05:56 |
Les_Caesars | ok | 05:56 |
orionr | rust: what do you do? | 05:57 |
nickrud | Les_Caesars: before you log out, run glxinfo | grep direct in a terminal , just to be sure | 05:57 |
rust | orionr: I work for a large IVR provider | 05:57 |
Les_Caesars | nickrud: might do the trick. It -wasn't- already installed. Let's see what it'll do | 05:57 |
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silent | **** I love ubuntu | 05:57 |
orionr | voxeo? | 05:58 |
rust | IVR= those anoying phone systems you call and a computer answers. | 05:58 |
Les_Caesars | nickrud: Direct rendering: Yes | 05:58 |
nickrud | ok, good :) | 05:58 |
orionr | i know | 05:58 |
orionr | what it is | 05:58 |
rust | wow | 05:58 |
orionr | do you work for voxeo? | 05:58 |
Lokanetra | has anyone come across the icedtea plugin problem for firefox? i've tried searching for the problem but i haven't come-up with any solutions | 05:58 |
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rust | not many people do. but saying that I don't get out much working here! | 05:58 |
jimmacdonald | how do I get back to kdm from a console | 05:59 |
Les_Caesars | thanks btw nickrud: I think this'll do the trick | 05:59 |
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Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: /etc/init.d/kdm start | 05:59 |
nickrud | Les_Caesars: Worked For Me | 05:59 |
rust | orionr: I get to stay up all night fixing stuff when it breaks. | 05:59 |
orionr | rust: does stuff break a lot? | 05:59 |
rust | orionr: like you wouldn't believe. | 05:59 |
orionr | rust: are they running windows? | 06:00 |
gunashekar | stuff is not stuff unless it stuffs | 06:00 |
jimmacdonald | new user does the same thing. | 06:00 |
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rust | orionr: we have a mix mostly windows and linux | 06:00 |
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MrKeuner | hi, virtualbox-ose upgrade fails | 06:00 |
Clinton__ | jimmacdonald: wow.. I'm lost then, you might want to backup your home dir and do a fresh install | 06:00 |
dylix | | 06:00 |
orionr | rust: is it possible for me to set one of those system up with just a computer or would i need special hardware? | 06:01 |
rust | orionr: you could set something basic up with a modem. but you would be limited to answering 1 caller at a time | 06:01 |
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benkillin | How do I print out to a PDF | 06:01 |
benkillin | like a spooler but to pdf format | 06:01 |
benkillin | Ive got 7.10 beta | 06:02 |
rust | orionr: software is the killer though. | 06:02 |
rouben | benkillin: i thought 7.10 comes with a PDF generator spool preconfigured, no? | 06:02 |
rust | orionr: as far as im aware there is no complete solution, it's all a mash of different applications. | 06:02 |
benkillin | well I try printing to it from PDF (cups/pdf) and it doesnt work | 06:03 |
benkillin | it doesnt give me a dialogue to point to a location to put the pdf | 06:03 |
rust | orionr: and most of our stuff is written inhouse | 06:03 |
benkillin | and I dont see a pdf generated anywhere | 06:03 |
benkillin | from firefox | 06:03 |
benkillin | im trying to print a webpage to pdf | 06:03 |
Clinton__ | benkillin: use openoffice | 06:03 |
benkillin | how is openoffice gonna open a webpage? | 06:03 |
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Clinton__ | save the webpage and open it with openoffice, it might not render the same however | 06:04 |
benkillin | how come I cant print pdfs from firefox? | 06:04 |
orionr | rust: can i get a copy of your software just kidding lol | 06:04 |
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rust | orionr: lol. | 06:05 |
lee986321 | eh not sure what happend but i keyed in update-manager -d and well its upgrading to the newer saaid new version 7.10 availiable.. | 06:05 |
rouben | benkillin: try enabling "save to file" or something... not quite sure. quite honestly I've never tried that feature... hmm, lemme try on my office box over ssh :) | 06:05 |
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orionr | rust: could it be done with like a 56K modem card? | 06:05 |
rouben | man this is gonna be slow.... | 06:05 |
rust | orionr: I would say "I could but I would have to kill you" | 06:05 |
Hydrogen | benkillin: print to file and then run ps2pdf over the file.. thats a bit of a long ways around thouhg | 06:05 |
Hydrogen | benkillin: I remember not being able to find the file I printed to either :) | 06:05 |
rust | orionr: but to be honest you would probably do it yourself after a week :) | 06:05 |
rust | orionr: yea | 06:05 |
benkillin | how do I print to file? | 06:05 |
Hydrogen | its an option in most print dialogs | 06:06 |
orionr | lol | 06:06 |
Hydrogen | theres a checkbox that says print to file | 06:06 |
rouben | benkillin: there's an option in the print dialog, print to file, or save to file | 06:06 |
Hydrogen | and allows you to give a path | 06:06 |
rust | orionr: most just use DTMF and voice recognition | 06:06 |
Hydrogen | it prints as a postscript document | 06:06 |
Aishiko | xine vs. gstreamer is there a major difference? | 06:06 |
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Les_Caesars | nickrud: ok. About to try it. Cross your fingers | 06:06 |
Hydrogen | so you need to run ps2pdf over the document | 06:06 |
orionr | thats pretty cool stuff | 06:06 |
Hydrogen | Aishiko: the apps that use them | 06:06 |
rust | orionr: and pre-recorded prompts. but we have tts as well | 06:06 |
lee986321 | dristribution upgarde means final release right? | 06:06 |
rust | orionr: It can be. | 06:07 |
benkillin | ok, so I do print to file and I save it as <filename>.pdf and it works just as PDF? I dont have to run a converter program on it? | 06:07 |
rust | orionr: you in the uk? | 06:07 |
orionr | ok im gonig to bed | 06:07 |
lee986321 | no | 06:07 |
Clinton__ | night orionr | 06:07 |
orionr | no South carlina | 06:07 |
orionr | why are you in the UK? | 06:07 |
jimmacdonald | orionr seems there are a lot of people in #ubuntu and #kubuntu having the same problem as me. | 06:07 |
lee986321 | in washington state | 06:07 |
rust | orionr: what the hell am i on about it's 5 in the morning! | 06:07 |
Aishiko | Hydrogen: ahh so no differnce if an app can use either, then I take it | 06:07 |
rust | nobody is from the uk here. | 06:07 |
Clinton__ | orionr: he's in the UK cuz just maybe he lives there... | 06:07 |
rust | lol | 06:08 |
Hydrogen | benkillin: no, if you print to file it prints as a postscript document | 06:08 |
Hydrogen | benkillin: you then need to run ps2pdf on that document | 06:08 |
rust | orionr: yea I live in the uk/ | 06:08 |
benkillin | ok cool | 06:08 |
rust | orionr: working night shifts this week | 06:08 |
Hydrogen | benkillin: there is a way to print directly to pdf but I don't know where the pdf's go :) | 06:08 |
lee986321 | what problem is that? | 06:08 |
benkillin | ok now how do I make gnome minimize all my windows using the windowskey + d key combo like in icewm? | 06:08 |
rust | jimmacdonald: I assume nobody else has a solution yet | 06:09 |
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jimmacdonald | not that I have found that fixes it yet.... | 06:09 |
jimmacdonald | still looking. | 06:09 |
gunashekar | try this , it is open source | 06:09 |
gunashekar | | 06:09 |
Clinton__ | gunashekar: no, I will not try it | 06:09 |
gunashekar | ok | 06:10 |
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rust | jimmacdonald: which directions have they covered yet? | 06:10 |
gunashekar | someone wanted html to pdf | 06:10 |
gunashekar | so suggested | 06:10 |
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caesar_ | nickrud: Fail. It works. but it doesn't work. | 06:11 |
jimmacdonald | dist-upgrade, I reloaded drivers, no one has suggested reloading x but that doesn't suprise me. it might be an xorg.conf issue.... perhaps I will rename that and reconfig. | 06:11 |
rouben | benkillin: check your home directory for a folder called PDF | 06:11 |
nickrud | caesar_: which means ?.. | 06:11 |
rouben | benkillin: your PDF file should be there | 06:11 |
rust | Im sure that nobody from AMD is in here but just in case, could you please, please, please for the love of god, release the damn driver. | 06:11 |
caesar_ | nickrud: it says "direct rendering: No" now, and "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect" | 06:11 |
benkillin | oh | 06:11 |
rouben | benkillin: that's how CUPS/PDF works | 06:11 |
benkillin | nice | 06:11 |
benkillin | its there | 06:11 |
caesar_ | nickrud: I dunno. It works in the software sense, but it doesn't use my video card any more! | 06:11 |
nickrud | caesar_: yup, that's expected. Don't ask me why, but that's right. try the compiz --replace && emerald --replace | 06:11 |
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rust | jimmacdonald: I would be surprised. When you get a bad X config it usually bombs out before login | 06:12 |
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rust | jimmacdonald: but If you have tried everything else... | 06:12 |
niwt | xorg setup just fine for me - my problem is how to get to a console | 06:12 |
nickrud | caesar_: counter intuitive, but somehow gl gets used. | 06:12 |
caesar_ | nickrud: I got disconnected. Could you repeat what you said? glxgears makes X crash | 06:13 |
jimmacdonald | what is the command to reconfigure? | 06:13 |
nickrud | caesar_: well, it usually just segfaults for most people | 06:13 |
g0dd3ss | hai my feisty is all screwy and I wanna reinstall, so is it worth downloading gutsy now? will there be much difference between the gutsy of today and the "proper" release thiingo | 06:13 |
caesar_ | what are segfaults? | 06:13 |
caesar_ | well, nvm that. How do I fix it? | 06:13 |
rouben | !segfault | 06:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about segfault - try searching on | 06:13 |
TheRepacker | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:13 |
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benkillin | there should be a message box for the first time that cups/pdf gets used informing users of the location of the ~/PDF directory | 06:13 |
niwt | g0dd3ss: I hope so | 06:13 |
feld | ok anyone here running amd64 with nvidia drivers? | 06:14 |
rouben | caesar_: segfault is basically a crash... what is segfaulting? | 06:14 |
nickrud | caesar_: usually it's means the app tried to write outside it's allotted memory | 06:14 |
feld | every time i reboot i the nvidia drivers majorly fail | 06:14 |
lee986321 | oh eh i had to loade the upgrade console | 06:14 |
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Clinton__ | feld: yes | 06:14 |
Clinton__ | feld: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new | 06:14 |
caesar_ | ok. So how do I turn on direct rendering? | 06:14 |
feld | Clinton__: got it already | 06:14 |
lee986321 | eh updater thingy | 06:14 |
nickrud | caesar_: but, believe it or not, that's how the xgl server works. | 06:14 |
Clinton__ | feld: ok, what's up then? | 06:14 |
feld | Clinton__: here's the deal. nvidia drivers fail. they just do. modprobing gives mtrr mismatch errors in dmesg | 06:15 |
=== Clinton__ might get knocked off - everything finally finished downloading | ||
cupojava | getting this error on upgrade from feisty.. : "failed to fetch Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)" | 06:15 |
cupojava | does anyone know what this is? | 06:15 |
feld | if i do m-a a-i -f nvidia and rebuild them; rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia, then restart X it works fine. | 06:15 |
rouben | caesar_: depends on your video card... what card do you have? | 06:15 |
feld | they load fine and everything, Clinton__ | 06:15 |
nickrud | cupojava: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists, and do the upgrade again | 06:15 |
caesar_ | ATI Radeon 9550 | 06:15 |
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cupojava | cool.. thanks | 06:15 |
nickrud | cupojava: /var/lib/apt/lists/* that is | 06:15 |
Clinton__ | feld: but you hvae to do that for each boot? or is it good now? | 06:15 |
feld | Clinton__: each boot | 06:15 |
nickrud | cupojava: don't forget the * | 06:15 |
rouben | caesar_: do you want to run compiz or beryl? | 06:15 |
caesar_ | rouben: compiz of course! I'm running the Gusty RC | 06:16 |
rust | jimmacdonald: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg incase you dont already have it like | 06:16 |
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jimmacdonald | well it's not X | 06:16 |
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rouben | caesar_: I may be wrong, but I think that even now ATI support for compiz is kinda sucky... you may have to run Xgl on top of Xorg, which can be a pain in the ass... but either way lemme see if i can dig up the instructions for ya :) | 06:16 |
benkillin | how do I make gnome minimize all my windows using the windowskey + d key combo like in icewm? | 06:17 |
cupojava | :).. yes delete the folders underneath.. not lists.. gotcha | 06:17 |
jimmacdonald | I mv the xorg.conf file over and reconfig'd and it still didn't fix the problem. | 06:17 |
nickrud | rouben: he's got xgl up and running, but of course glxgears fails | 06:17 |
cupojava | there was a folder called partial.. which got removed | 06:17 |
rouben | heh oh... never mind... i dont recall, is it supposed to fail? havent dealth with ati for a while now | 06:18 |
Arenlor | if you're using Gutsy with XGL make sure to log in with the normal GNOME session | 06:18 |
Clinton__ | ok, here goes nothin | 06:18 |
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caesar_ | nickrud: well, xgl doesn't use myv ideo card. It's all buggy and slow. | 06:18 |
caesar_ | but it "works" | 06:18 |
Arenlor | I have an ATI with XGL and it works fine | 06:18 |
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nickrud | caesar_: ah, it doesn't rotate the cube smoothly? | 06:19 |
caesar_ | it doesn't even move the WINDOWS smoothly. It leaves stray pixels. | 06:19 |
caesar_ | but they wobble all right. | 06:19 |
rust | jimmacdonald: have you tried just starting gnome without GDM? | 06:19 |
rust | jimmacdonald: /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:19 |
rust | jimmacdonald: | 06:19 |
rust | jimmacdonald: then gnome-session | 06:20 |
rouben | caesar_: hmmm... perhaps the open source radeon driver might work better (slower, but better)? | 06:20 |
rust | it should just start the gnome desktop for the current user | 06:20 |
nickrud | caesar_: I saw that myself. I logged out, stopped gconfd-2 , and removed ~/.gconf . Had to redo my panels & such, but the pixel stuff dissapeared. Thought it was just me. | 06:20 |
=== jimmacdonald doesn't normally run gdm, uses kdm and yes I did try that with kdm and it didn't work | ||
rust | jimmacdonald: talking about users have you tried logging in as a different user. | 06:20 |
rust | jimmacdonald:ok | 06:20 |
jimmacdonald | rust: yes still didn't fix the problem | 06:20 |
rust | jimmacdonald: different user as well? | 06:20 |
rust | jimmacdonald: ok | 06:21 |
rust | jimmacdonald: well I'm all out of ideas I'm afraid. what you need there is somebody who knows their talking about ;) | 06:22 |
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caesar_ | nickrud: I got disconnected. Did you say anything? | 06:22 |
nickrud | caesar_: I saw that myself. I logged out, stopped gconfd-2 , and removed ~/.gconf . Had to redo my panels & such, but the pixel stuff dissapeared. Thought it was just me. | 06:22 |
caesar_ | but it still unreasonable choppy, and I still crash! | 06:23 |
nickrud | caesar_: but the actual rotation and movement was smooth, just pixel garbage. | 06:23 |
caesar_ | it obviously isn't utilizing my card. | 06:23 |
benkillin | what is a good program for diff backups so I can synch up my USB Flash Drive | 06:23 |
benkillin | I want to back it up to disk | 06:23 |
rust | well im off. | 06:23 |
nickrud | that's why I've trademarked Worked For Me | 06:23 |
prakriti | elmargol: ( | 06:24 |
rust | good luck with that jim | 06:24 |
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caesar_ | heh | 06:24 |
prakriti | ... i mean... arg :( | 06:24 |
Arenlor | I use ATI Radeon with the restricted driver perfectly fine, caesar_ are you logging in with the XGL session of with the one that says GNOME? | 06:24 |
prakriti | gutsy is totally hosed on my lappy | 06:24 |
benkillin | gutsy is awesome on my lappy | 06:24 |
prakriti | feisty + xgl + trevino's compiz-fusion ran perfectly | 06:24 |
benkillin | wireless works | 06:24 |
benkillin | im impressed | 06:24 |
benkillin | wireless worked painlessly | 06:25 |
prakriti | gutsy + xgl + stock compiz-fusion barely run s | 06:25 |
Arenlor | also caesar_ do you have xserver-xgl installed? | 06:25 |
caesar_ | Arenlor: I've never had an XGL session (I looked) and I do have xserver-xgl installed. | 06:25 |
caesar_ | But I just noticed that I didn't have "gnome compiz manager" installed | 06:25 |
prakriti | I've noticed that my /etc/xorg.conf hasn't changed in years. How might I update that? | 06:26 |
caesar_ | is there a way I can revert back to my old settings, which had working GL? | 06:26 |
jimmacdonald | something I just realized. it didn't even start the splash screen for loading the desktop. | 06:26 |
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caesar_ | would uninstalling xserver-xgl do that? | 06:26 |
TheRepacker | jimmacdonald: try reconfiguring xorg, but use vesa as your card | 06:26 |
rockets | I'm trying to update gutsy, and i'm getting the error: | 06:26 |
rockets | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/audacious-plugins_1.3.5-3ubuntu4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/audacious/General/', which is also in package audacious-plugins-extra | 06:26 |
rockets | any ideas? | 06:26 |
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prakriti | TheRepacker : is there an ubuntu specific Xorg configuration tool? | 06:26 |
Clinton__ | well no obvious hassles, nvidia starts right up | 06:27 |
Clinton__ | seems hdparm is off tho | 06:27 |
prakriti | one that would run on install? | 06:27 |
feld | Clinton__: oh wonderful.... what are the specs of your machine? | 06:27 |
Clinton__ | nope, hdparm is just fine | 06:27 |
prakriti | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:27 |
prakriti | yay | 06:27 |
Clinton__ | feld: Dell E521 AMD64 Dual Core, 2 gigs memory | 06:28 |
TheRepacker | jimmacdonald: the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with sudo in front | 06:28 |
niwt | anyone know how to read the kernel line of grub/menu.lst? | 06:28 |
Arenlor | caesar_ I have compizconfig-settings-manager try that | 06:28 |
feld | Clinton__: i have a Tyan S2895 dual socket 940 running a single opteron270 with 4GB of pc3200ECC memory and a 7900GTX for that nvidia card. | 06:28 |
nickrud | caesar_: simply remove xserver-xgl | 06:28 |
Clinton__ | oh you wanted to know about my nvidia card? | 06:28 |
benkillin | in open office if I go to printer settings it crashes | 06:28 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: didn't fix it. | 06:29 |
jimmacdonald | same indications. | 06:29 |
Clinton__ | feld: GEForce 7300 256MB | 06:29 |
Ward_PSP | what are the best improvements according to you all? | 06:29 |
feld | Clinton__: I dont understand why my machine doesn't just work until i rebuild and rmmod/modprobe the nvidia module EVERY BOOT | 06:29 |
caesar_ | Arenlor & nickrud: ok. Doing all of that | 06:29 |
nickrud | Ward_PSP: networkmanager for me, hands down | 06:30 |
Clinton__ | feld: what happens if you just modprobe the module at boot? | 06:30 |
TheRepacker | jim: hate to say this but I think you are up the creek without a paddle | 06:30 |
erichj | well this sucks. my office decided to start developing with adobe air so i have to choose between windows and os x now as my primary os | 06:30 |
Arenlor | Ward_PSP bcm43xx drivers come with it | 06:30 |
feld | Clinton__: nothing. if i rmmod/modprobe without rebuilding i often find in dmesg an 'mtrr mismatch' error | 06:30 |
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Ward_PSP | nice | 06:31 |
benkillin | and in open office it freezes if I go to format->page... | 06:31 |
benkillin | this is with a .doc format | 06:31 |
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TheRepacker | jim: I'd back up my home directpry then reinstall | 06:31 |
naught101 | running wine Sketchup (3D app), gives me Major opcode of failed request: 128 (XFree86-DRI) | 06:31 |
feld | benkillin: maybe it's trying to give you the Microsoft feeling without having the whole OS there? :P | 06:31 |
naught101 | on an intel card | 06:31 |
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naught101 | this didn't happen in feisty, using the i810 driver | 06:31 |
naught101 | anyone got any ideas? | 06:32 |
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naught101 | I tried switching back to the gutsy i810 driver, but it didn't help. | 06:32 |
TheRepacker | jim: if you can not get in with vesa then it really is BROKEN | 06:32 |
Clinton__ | ah! no sound! | 06:32 |
benkillin | feld: I tried saving as .odt but it still locks up when I try to adjust the page formatting | 06:33 |
jimmacdonald | tar ing up my /home now. | 06:33 |
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benkillin | I need to be able to adjust page formatting | 06:33 |
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oli_ | how long has 2.6.22-15 been out? just noticed it after the last update, booted it and now I've managed to break my graphics =) | 06:33 |
Arenlor | I'm trying to get my church to switch over to all FOSS only, I've just yesterday talked to one of the people in charge about how they don't have the correct licenses to use M$ in the way they do (actually most of the stuff they do they lack the licenses for as I explained) and then I showed them the free software on my Gutsy laptop here, they were highly impressed. ^_^ tomorrow I speak with the pastor about it | 06:33 |
TheRepacker | jim: it should fallback to failsafe | 06:33 |
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jimmacdonald | failsafe doesn't work either | 06:33 |
er | hi all :) my menus have long text and are hard to use. Anyone else have this bug? | 06:34 |
jimmacdonald | wonder if it's a filesystem full thing | 06:34 |
caesar_ | Well, I got glxgears to work again, and now I have GL Desktop as an option in my preferences. | 06:34 |
caesar_ | But turning it "on" doesn't seem to make it work quite yet | 06:34 |
Arenlor | oli_ 15 is news to me, guess it's time to update | 06:35 |
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Clinton__ | ah, flash 9 on amd64, nice, now to figure out where the sound went | 06:35 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: /dev/sda3 is 100% | 06:35 |
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TheRepacker | I'm racking my brain because I been sitting back watching and I've gone totally clueless and I'm not even blond | 06:35 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, It looks as if I can actually do w/o secvpn | 06:36 |
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caesar_ | @ nickrud and Arenlor | 06:36 |
er | anyone running kubuntu RC and if yes, are you menus working? (mine have really long text entries) :( | 06:36 |
nickrud | caesar_: just popped back in, if you were sending something @ me, I missed it | 06:36 |
MTecknology | I'm starting to consider a clean install when Gutsy is released :) | 06:36 |
TheRepacker | 100% there you go, there is no room | 06:36 |
caesar_ | nickrud: Well, I got glxgears to work again, and now I have GL Desktop as an option in my preferences. | 06:36 |
caesar_ | But turning it "on" doesn't seem to make it work quite yet | 06:36 |
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Arenlor | caesar_ compizconfig-settings-manager and xserver-xgl are installed? | 06:37 |
jimmacdonald | Hobbsee are you in here? | 06:38 |
TheRepacker | jim: you might even have problems trying to backup | 06:38 |
Ward_PSP | will all my apps keep working if i update? | 06:38 |
caesar_ | Arenlor: I uninstalled xserver-xgl because it reconfigured my settings so that direct rendering was turned off, and openGL made X crash | 06:38 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker I am | 06:38 |
caesar_ | reinstalling xserver-xgl. Maybe a miracle will happen | 06:39 |
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Arenlor | caesar_ try this go into System > Preferences > Appearance | Visual Effects > choose extra | 06:39 |
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TheRepacker | jim: can you use Gpart to try and make your partition bigger? | 06:40 |
cupojava | yeah.. that partial folder removal was not a good thing | 06:40 |
caesar_ | Arenlor: already tried that. It says "Desktop effects could not be enabled" | 06:40 |
cupojava | upgrade didnt work after that | 06:40 |
cupojava | had to put it back.. | 06:40 |
TheRepacker | jim: forget I asked that | 06:40 |
Arenlor | caesar_ that's what xserver-xgl is for | 06:41 |
caesar_ | Arenlor: ok. I'll give xserver-xgl a second chance. *Crosses fingers* | 06:42 |
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Arenlor | caesar_ hopefully you just had a bad/corrupt install of it | 06:42 |
caesar_ | ok. glxgears is working ok. Now let me restart X... | 06:42 |
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TheRepacker | jim: the only other thing I might try if a live boot of Knoppix then try to recover data to an usb stick | 06:42 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: gpart not installed | 06:43 |
nickrud | cupojava: just the files under lists, remove those. To do it easier, cd /var/lib/apt/lists && rm * . That way you can't touch any directories | 06:43 |
cupojava | thanks nickrud.. that solved the problem.. startingt o upgrade now | 06:43 |
nickrud | cupojava: wow, that was a quick response :) | 06:43 |
bobgill | If I download the RC and then apply updates Thursday, is that the same as downloading the final on thursday? | 06:43 |
cupojava | was already typing it.. by the time you sent your reply.. | 06:44 |
riotkittie | yes, bobgill | 06:44 |
cupojava | actually misinterpreted your earlier suggestion as rm -rf instead of just rm | 06:44 |
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bobgill | ok ty | 06:44 |
nickrud | ah | 06:44 |
cupojava | so removed partial too.. then everything broke.. | 06:44 |
Arenlor | caesar_ it work? | 06:44 |
vishalrao | hello. gusty rc is not able to get wireless drivers/firmware for my new hp tablet with broadcom 4321 chip, any chance that can be updated by release? i currently blacklist bcm43xx and use ndiswrapper with latest winxp .sys file for support :) | 06:44 |
cupojava | then googled it and found that if I just recreate the partial dir.. it will work again.. phew.. | 06:44 |
caesar_ | Arenlor: Nope. | 06:44 |
nickrud | would do that. But good thinking ;) | 06:44 |
cupojava | was sweating for a bit | 06:45 |
caesar_ | disabled direct rendering | 06:45 |
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caesar_ | it would seem that it doesn't know HOW to configure xserver-xgl the right way | 06:45 |
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TheRepacker | jim: what are your other partition on that drive? | 06:46 |
nickrud | caesar_: I get the same, no direct rendering but trust me, that's correct with xgl & ati | 06:46 |
Arenlor | caesar_ that is quite odd, are you using fglrx? | 06:46 |
Neatchee | Hey all, I'm still having a network problem with gutsy. My network keeps disconnecting every 10-15 mins, for about 20-30secs at a time. I'm on wireless, and the wireless signal isn't dropping or getting disconnected, it's just that all of my active network connections are interrupted, and i can't create any new ones during that time. Any ideas? | 06:46 |
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nickrud | Neatchee: does /var/log/syslog say anything relevant during those times? | 06:47 |
caesar_ | I...think so... there are fglrx modules I haven't installed, but the modules I DO have installed are brought up when I search for fglrx in synaptic | 06:47 |
gunashekar | vishalrao: what computer do you use? | 06:47 |
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Arenlor | caesar_ did you enable it in the restricted drivers manager? | 06:47 |
vishalrao | gunashekar: hp pavilion tx1302au tablet | 06:48 |
caesar_ | where's restricted drivers manager? | 06:48 |
caesar_ | nvm found it | 06:48 |
vishalrao | the restricted drivers load existing bcm43xx package and can download firmware but it is not latest and my card is not supported :) its model 4321 | 06:48 |
nickrud | Neatchee: you could try opening a terminal, running tail -f /var/log/syslog in it. That will spew a lot, when your net goes down, take a look | 06:48 |
caesar_ | I -really- hope this does it | 06:48 |
caesar_ | I think this is actually it this time | 06:49 |
Neatchee | looks like here's what's coming out at those times... | 06:49 |
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gunashekar | vishalrao: it will take some effort to make it work | 06:49 |
caesar_ | ATI hasn't been a problem for me since I got off of SUSE | 06:49 |
Arenlor | vishalrao make sure it's not blacklisted and download your own version of the drivers to have it use | 06:49 |
jimmacdonald | woot! and the UNIX sysadmin for teh win! | 06:50 |
caesar_ | In advance, thank you very much nickrud and Arenlor. | 06:50 |
vishalrao | gunashekar: and Arenlor: yea i got it working by blacklisting default bcm43xx module and using latest winxp files with ndiswrapper module. that works fine :) | 06:50 |
Neatchee | nickrud: actually, scratch that. That's not limited to just the times when the network goes down | 06:50 |
caesar_ | I may go to bed before it finished downloading (I be dialup, arr) | 06:51 |
nickrud | Neatchee: ah. | 06:51 |
nickrud | I just found it :) | 06:51 |
Amaranth | Who was talking about a -15 kernel? | 06:51 |
vishalrao | i also managed to get the touchscreen working with some tinkering :) | 06:51 |
Arenlor | vishalrao actually ndiswrapper is faster, 24 vs 54 MB/S | 06:51 |
jimmacdonald | TheRepacker: note to self KDE will not start when / is at 100% | 06:51 |
jimmacdonald | :) | 06:51 |
vishalrao | Arenlor: cool :) | 06:51 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: of course for internet access that doesn't matter at all | 06:52 |
TheRepacker | neither will gnome :) | 06:52 |
jimmacdonald | or failsafe. | 06:52 |
Arenlor | Amaranth what type of internet do you use that you don't want to be able to max it out at 54 MB/S? Think torrent files | 06:52 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: err, a 12mbit connection :P | 06:53 |
TheRepacker | it needs at least 5% if I remember correctly | 06:53 |
Amaranth | TheRepacker: actually it probably needs less than 1MB | 06:53 |
Amaranth | maybe a couple MB, I can't remember all the things that write files on login anymore | 06:53 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: you have an internet connection that can max that out? | 06:54 |
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jimmacdonald | sorry for all the recreational troubleshooting folks. I didn't realize I was that close. | 06:54 |
caesar_ | well Arenlor & nickrud. It'll be a while before this finishes downloading. So I'm going to exit IRC for now. thank you very much! | 06:54 |
TheRepacker | but we all learn | 06:54 |
Amaranth | !ping | 06:55 |
ubotu | pong | 06:55 |
Arenlor | Amaranth actually yeah, but it takes a good bit of torrents and the like, I maxed it out and knocked myself off IRC earlier tonight | 06:55 |
jimmacdonald | yeah but I do this for a living. and I don't remember the last time I got bit by the file system filling up. | 06:55 |
Amaranth | stupid NetworkManager restart | 06:55 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: You're at a university? | 06:56 |
TheRepacker | because (and I have fallen victim myself) we assume | 06:56 |
Arenlor | Amaranth, not currently, I'm at home right now, but yeah, Geneva College | 06:56 |
jimmacdonald | well that's what I get for doing backups of /home/jim to the same file space. and then not cleaning it periodically. | 06:56 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: I mean where you can max out your wireless | 06:56 |
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TheRepacker | you should be able to use the live or Knoppix to clean up | 06:57 |
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Arenlor | Amaranth, I can max it out in multiple places actually, and I've knocked entire systems down doing so, you just need to remember how to mess with your programs to let it use too much | 06:57 |
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jimmacdonald | oh I am already backup... I was using the backup scripts to backup /home to /var/backup and it filled the file system... i just wiped /var/backup and I am in like flynn. | 06:58 |
jimmacdonald | s/backup/back online | 06:58 |
TheRepacker | way to go, happy ubuntung | 06:59 |
Oli`` | okay so I just tried to boot in 2.6.22-15 after installing the nvdia restricted driver and I'm getting a module mismatch error (nvidia is 1.0-9755 and X is 1.0-9639) | 06:59 |
Oli`` | Do I wait this out until X has been updated or can I actively do something? | 06:59 |
prakriti | :( | 06:59 |
Arenlor | Oli`` where the heck do you get -15 from? | 06:59 |
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Oli`` | Arenlor: i think it just must have come with an update.. | 07:00 |
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nickrud | -15? Oli`` | 07:00 |
Arenlor | Oli`` I've been checking updates every 10-15 mins and just checked again, I have -14 and no -15 to update to | 07:01 |
jimmacdonald | and I are a unix admin i strater ... :) | 07:01 |
nickrud | jimmacdonald: rflol | 07:01 |
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Oli`` | Do I have magical future-access to the repos or something? =\ | 07:01 |
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Arenlor | Oli`` it would seem so | 07:02 |
TheRepacker | I haven't used unix since 81, U days | 07:02 |
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nickrud | Oli``: uname -r says -15 ? | 07:02 |
Oli`` | yeah | 07:02 |
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Oli`` | I'm in mandriva (atm - just checking their 2008 livecd) but yeah, it's -15 generic | 07:02 |
nickrud | Oli``: Amaranth was just in here, looking for you | 07:02 |
Jordan_U | How does the alternate install CD update script work? I assume that for packages that are not on the CD / DVD they are just grabbed from the repos? What if you are not connected to the internet? | 07:02 |
agent9 | kalbo | 07:02 |
Amaranth | Oli``: I don't even get a -15 available | 07:02 |
TheRepacker | System 3, I might be wrong, lot of dead brain cell now | 07:03 |
prakriti | how does ubuntu decide wether or not to start Xgl vs Aiglx? | 07:03 |
Arenlor | I even have Pre-released updates (gutsy-proposed) marked and no -15 Oli`` | 07:03 |
nickrud | Jordan_U: you get only a partial upgrade, things that need stuff from the net as dependencies will get held back | 07:03 |
Jordan_U | prakriti, If XGL is installed it uses it | 07:03 |
Amaranth | prakriti: If you install Xgl it gets used | 07:03 |
Oli`` | How the hell has my computer managed to install -15 ? =\ | 07:03 |
Jordan_U | prakriti, XGL is not installed by default | 07:03 |
Arenlor | Oli`` give me a few minutes and I'll check unsupported and backports | 07:04 |
prakriti | hrm | 07:04 |
nickrud | I have all the proposed & updates listed as well, and just got a -14 update less than an hour ago | 07:04 |
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Oli`` | but to my knowledge, I don't have any non-standard repos activated... | 07:04 |
Arenlor | nickrud I've had -14 for a bit | 07:04 |
Jordan_U | Oli``, Magic :) | 07:05 |
Oli`` | yeah I've been on -14 for quite a while | 07:05 |
nickrud | Arenlor: also, just an update today | 07:05 |
nickrud | *I also | 07:05 |
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Arenlor | Oli`` just checked everything, time to see if I can find your -15 | 07:05 |
Fishfoot | not sure if this is a Gutsy bug, but when I mute the volume (e.g. with the Mute key on the keyboard), if I leave it muted for more than 5 seconds then when I unmute it, the volume will be 0, rather than what it was before I muted.. sound familiar to anyone? | 07:05 |
prakriti | do i915 cards work in aiglx? | 07:06 |
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Arenlor | Oli`` you're magic, it's not in any repo | 07:06 |
Jordan_U | prakriti, Yes | 07:06 |
prakriti | oh | 07:06 |
prakriti | well crap | 07:06 |
=== prakriti removes xgl | ||
prakriti | thats probably my issue | 07:06 |
=== nickrud thinks that Amaranth would be a reasonable touchstone on this issue | ||
Jordan_U | prakriti, Intel cards were one of the first to support AIGLX, long before nvidia :) | 07:07 |
Amaranth | Jordan_U: Wrong. | 07:07 |
Amaranth | nvidia has supported AIGLX since before compiz existed | 07:08 |
prakriti | ohhhh sweeet | 07:08 |
Arenlor | Oli`` maybe you have a virus or something? I'd uinstall -15 and rm all remnants I'd think | 07:08 |
Amaranth | Jordan_U: You're talking about texture_from_pixmap | 07:08 |
prakriti | that compeltely fixed it | 07:09 |
prakriti | my laptop is usable again | 07:09 |
Amaranth | It doesn't need AIGLX (for nvidia anyway) and won't in the open source drivers once all the new tech lands (DRI2, ttm, etc) | 07:09 |
prakriti | i wonder how xgl got on there | 07:09 |
=== prakriti cheers | ||
Amaranth | prakriti: probably installed it a long time ago, forgot about it, then upgraded | 07:10 |
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Amaranth | lots of people have been doing this and then thinking Xgl is there by default | 07:10 |
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Oli`` | Arenlor: sounds like a plan back in a tick | 07:11 |
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Jordan_U | prakriti, With Gutsy's XGL you don't need an extra script, so it probably was installed before but not enabled. | 07:11 |
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chay | eto na ko | 07:13 |
nickrud | now this is a neat effect. I can grab the xchat tree and drag the whole darn thing | 07:14 |
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Jordan_U | Amaranth, Any Idea around when to expect redirected direct rendering to be available? ( is that part of DRI2 ? ) | 07:15 |
Amaranth | Jordan_U: that's ttm | 07:15 |
Arenlor | Does anyone know when we're likely to see Firefox | 07:15 |
Fishfoot | nickrud: move the tree to the right side of the window. then try to get it back, I dare you. | 07:16 |
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nickrud | Fishfoot: can't get it to drop there. | 07:16 |
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Fishfoot | if you drop it on top of the user list, it will dock to that side. and then.. it's rather difficult to move it back | 07:17 |
Jordan_U | Amaranth, What exactly is Glucose? ( sorry for the questions, just havn't found much documentation on it ) | 07:17 |
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oli_ | sugar? | 07:17 |
Amaranth | Jordan_U: glucose is basically 'Xgl inside Xorg' | 07:17 |
nickrud | Fishfoot: dropped it on the scrollbar, it disappeared ;( | 07:17 |
nickrud | nah, there it is | 07:17 |
Amaranth | Jordan_U: it's a new acceleration framework for Xorg that uses Xgl code | 07:18 |
Fishfoot | nickrud: did you get it back to the left side yet? | 07:18 |
nickrud | Fishfoot: nope | 07:18 |
Fishfoot | View > Channel Switcher > Tabs. View > Channel Switcher > Tree. | 07:18 |
nickrud | Fishfoot: ah, found that myself ;) | 07:19 |
Fishfoot | haha, yay. | 07:19 |
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nickrud | Fishfoot: do you know the mechanism for that? is it some new treeview thing, that someone will turn into a nice tool? | 07:19 |
Fishfoot | nickrud: it's krud. | 07:19 |
nickrud | lol | 07:19 |
Arenlor | Does anyone know if this: affects us? | 07:20 |
oli_ | okay... I'm back on -14 and now I can't enable the nvidia driver because (I think) it's gone and upgraded itself for my makebelieve -15... How do I revert it to a sensible version? | 07:20 |
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Jordan_U | Arenlor, I think that's a windows exploit | 07:21 |
Arenlor | oli_ run apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade and see if it'll fix it, otherwise try first apt-get remove to remove it and then apt-get install to reinstall it | 07:22 |
Arenlor | Jordan_U figured it was, thanks | 07:22 |
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Jordan_U | Arenlor, That's just IIRC, I think I saw it before | 07:23 |
nickrud | it says windows, anyway | 07:23 |
oli_ | Arenlor: dist-upgrade did nothing. Don't suppose you know the umbrella package for the restricted nvidia driver, do you? | 07:25 |
oli_ | I'd look myself if I had X =) | 07:25 |
cafuego | linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) nvidia-glx-new | 07:25 |
oli_ | cafuego ty | 07:25 |
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clusty | hey | 07:29 |
clusty | was wondering if its a standard bug in gutsy: nvidia video card won't wake up after suspend to ram | 07:30 |
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oli_ | here goes nothing | 07:30 |
cafuego | clusty: It's probably a bug in the very closed source nvidia driver that the kernel devs can't fix. | 07:30 |
Balachmar | Hi, Gutsy doesn't boot properly it just ends up with a black screen | 07:31 |
Balachmar | It does boot into the recovery mode though | 07:31 |
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clusty | cafuego: well i have a friend that uses feisty and suspend works like charmed. same video card | 07:31 |
cafuego | clusty: Different driver | 07:31 |
Balachmar | But when booting normally I don't really get any errors it just stops at a black screen when it should display the gdm | 07:32 |
Arenlor | Balachmar, what graphics card? | 07:32 |
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clusty | cafuego: so any chance stuff will work fine with gutsy once it becomes final? | 07:32 |
Balachmar | Arenlor: intel graphics 855 gme or something | 07:32 |
cafuego | clusty: Maybe, that depends 100% on nvidia. | 07:33 |
cafuego | clusty: It's one of those things where closed source drivers make kernel debugging impossible. | 07:33 |
clusty | cafuego: so its a matter of using glx- instead of glx-new? | 07:33 |
cafuego | clusty: So it's unlikely a kernel dev will want to spend any time on the problem. | 07:33 |
clusty | cafuego: i mean progress is coming. before yesterday laptop woould not fall asleep | 07:34 |
cafuego | heh | 07:34 |
cafuego | Well, you cna try glx- | 07:34 |
clusty | cafuego: just replace glx-new by glx? | 07:35 |
cafuego | Yeah, see what that does. | 07:35 |
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clusty | cafuego: will try. thanx | 07:35 |
Amaranth | clusty: HP laptop? | 07:35 |
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Oli`` | wo | 07:35 |
clusty | Amaranth: sony | 07:35 |
Oli`` | o | 07:35 |
Arenlor | Balachmar did you make any changes recently to anything such as to compiz or anything like that? also what kernel are you using? | 07:35 |
Amaranth | clusty: please pastebin your dmesg | 07:35 |
clusty | Amaranth: ok | 07:36 |
Oli`` | Arenlor and cafuego: thank you =) | 07:36 |
Arenlor | it working now Oli``? | 07:36 |
Oli`` | yeah back in -14 and nvidia's playing ball | 07:37 |
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clusty | Amaranth: | 07:37 |
Amaranth | Oli``: what is the output of apt-cache madison linux-source-2.6.22 ? | 07:38 |
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clusty | Amaranth: what specific info are you looking into? | 07:38 |
Amaranth | clusty: The same thing I found in mine before I got my suspend to work | 07:38 |
Oli`` | Amaranth: | 07:39 |
Oli`` | linux-source-2.6.22 | 2.6.22-14.46 | gutsy/main Packages | 07:39 |
Oli`` | linux-source-2.6.22 | 2.6.22-14.46 | gutsy/main Sources | 07:39 |
Amaranth | clusty: When you try to resume the cd drive spins up and then nothing else happens, right? | 07:39 |
Amaranth | Oli``: You have have a -15 kernel :P | 07:39 |
clusty | Amaranth: sony has both intel and nvidia cards. intel works fine | 07:39 |
Amaranth | Oli``: Err, you don't have | 07:39 |
Amaranth | clusty: When you try to resume the cd drive spins up and then nothing else happens, right? | 07:39 |
clusty | Amaranth: well, it either does not fall asleep or does nothing | 07:39 |
Arenlor | Amaranth we just fixed that up for him lol, he was the one who pulled magic remember? | 07:39 |
Oli`` | my /boot/ and grub/menu.lst disagree =\ | 07:40 |
clusty | Amaranth: should i try? | 07:40 |
Balachmar | Arenlor: I just installed it yesterday. It hasn't booted into gnome yet. I haven't changed a thing yet | 07:40 |
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Balachmar | Arenlor: I just reconfigured the xserver and that seems to work | 07:40 |
Amaranth | clusty: ok, anyway add 'acpi_osi=!Linux acpi_apic_instance=2' to the defoptions line in /boot/grub/menu.lst then run sudo update-grub | 07:40 |
Balachmar | as I had a login screen just yet | 07:41 |
Balachmar | Arenlor: it works! | 07:42 |
Amaranth | clusty: The first part makes the system pretend to not be linux so it doesn't get the (usually broken) Linux specific code in your dsdt and the second part works around a BIOS bug (but might not be related) | 07:42 |
Arenlor | Balachmar, that was what I was going to suggest doing | 07:42 |
Oli`` | ok new problem =) just re-enabled twinview and gnome's panels are spanning both screens... | 07:43 |
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Amaranth | clusty: You'll have to reboot after adding those, obviously, so you'll be running a kernel that uses them | 07:43 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: rite | 07:43 |
Oli`` | wow everything spanning both windows... time for a restart to see if that fixes it | 07:43 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: add what. pls repost | 07:43 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: cdrom fires up but not display | 07:43 |
Amaranth | clusty: ok, anyway add 'acpi_osi=!Linux acpi_apic_instance=2' to the defoptions line in /boot/grub/menu.lst then run sudo update-grub | 07:43 |
Balachmar | Arenlor: I just kept searching the forum at the same time. this suggestion came about and looked reasonable :) | 07:44 |
Balachmar | Arenlor thanks for the help | 07:44 |
Arenlor | Balachmar, Oli`` had a similar problem when he performed magic and got the -15 kernel which isn't out, which was why I asked about that first. | 07:45 |
Amaranth | clusty_: oh, and to get hibernate to work you have to add something else to that line | 07:45 |
Amaranth | clusty_: if you want hibernate, that is | 07:45 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: would not hurt having | 07:45 |
Amaranth | clusty_: ok, do you know what partition is your swap? | 07:45 |
clusty_ | yes | 07:46 |
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Amaranth | clusty_: add 'resume=/dev/<that partition>' to the defoptions line too | 07:46 |
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Amaranth | clusty_: so mine is resume=/dev/sda5, for example | 07:46 |
Oli`` | amazing what restarting X can fix | 07:46 |
Arenlor | Oli`` press ctrl+alt+backspace real fast | 07:47 |
Amaranth | clusty_: No guarantee this stuff will work, of course :) | 07:47 |
Oli`` | Arenlor: yup, just did | 07:47 |
Arenlor | Oli`` ok I had also found this while you were gone | 07:48 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: defoptions acpi_osi=!Linux acpi_apic_instance=2 resume=/dev/sda4 right? | 07:48 |
Amaranth | clusty_: no | 07:48 |
clusty_ | i add to command line? | 07:48 |
clusty_ | to kernel booting? | 07:49 |
Amaranth | clusty_: the line already exists in your menu.lst, it says '# defoptions=quiet splash' | 07:49 |
Amaranth | clusty_: change it to be '# defoptions=quiet splash acpi_osi=!Linux acpi_apic_instance=2 resume=/dev/sda4' | 07:49 |
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clusty_ | Amaranth: without the comment i guess :D | 07:49 |
Amaranth | clusty_: no, with the # | 07:49 |
Amaranth | menu.lst is magic | 07:49 |
zetheroo | I am wondering if when I upgrade to Gutsy ... will I loose any settings or data? | 07:49 |
Oli`` | shouldn't | 07:50 |
Amaranth | clusty_: the # makes grub ignore those things but update-grub uses them to generate the boot options | 07:50 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: can i add also the usbsuspend option as well? | 07:50 |
Amaranth | clusty_: no, ubuntu's kernel does not support usb autosuspend | 07:50 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: ok | 07:50 |
Arenlor | zetheroo I didn't, all that happened with me is I could make it all pretty now | 07:50 |
Amaranth | clusty_: because it breaks printers and scanners (and a bunch of mice and keyboards) | 07:50 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: will do now a updategrub | 07:50 |
zetheroo | Arenlor: what about mail accounts and Bookmarks etc? | 07:51 |
Amaranth | clusty_: after you do update-grub pastebin the menu.lst so I can make sure it's correct | 07:51 |
Amaranth | clusty_: because if it's not you won't be able to boot :P | 07:51 |
Arenlor | zetheroo nope they all stayed | 07:51 |
clusty_ | clusty: have CD's and know how to bootstrap it :D | 07:52 |
clusty_ | posting anyways | 07:52 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: | 07:52 |
Amaranth | clusty_: looks good, time to reboot :) | 07:53 |
clusty_ | Amaranth: bombs away :D | 07:53 |
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Amaranth | eww he dual boots vista :P | 07:54 |
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Arenlor | Amaranth, use to, but got sick of it taking up space | 07:54 |
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Amaranth | Arenlor: I meant clusty :) | 07:55 |
Arenlor | Vista is what caused me to switch to linux in the first place | 07:55 |
Oli`` | Amen | 07:55 |
Amaranth | I used to dual boot XP just for Halo and to make my sound work (really weird bug that was) | 07:55 |
Arenlor | Amaranth, I know, just saying, don't judge, he may be required for school/work to run it | 07:55 |
Amaranth | got rid of it, vmware supports USB devices :) | 07:56 |
Amaranth | and i don't play halo anymore | 07:56 |
Arenlor | Amaranth, what would PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge 0000:00:05.0 mean? | 07:56 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: Nothing | 07:56 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: everyone gets that | 07:56 |
Arenlor | Why do we all get it, because it's beta? | 07:57 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: No, I've always gotten that | 07:57 |
Amaranth | Well, since dapper at least when I started paying attention | 07:57 |
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Arenlor | I only got it once I hit Gutsy, had to reinstall the other day with Feisty and that wasn't there | 07:58 |
riotkittie | sigh. | 07:58 |
cafuego | Arenlor: it's just the kernel printing some debug info, you cna safely ignore it. | 07:58 |
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cafuego | I mean, I get 3 of 'em :-) | 07:58 |
dxdt | Will Kubuntu be behind Gutsy again? As in lacking some of the cool features like the auto effects install and stuffs like that? I feel that Kubuntu is often always 1 step behind ubuntu :-/ | 07:59 |
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clusty | Amaranth: you are a fokin wizard | 07:59 |
Arenlor | I do get a bug PCI: BIOS BUG #81[49435000] found and I get a problem which is fixed with noapic | 07:59 |
clusty | thanx | 07:59 |
Amaranth | clusty: suspend and hibernate work now? | 07:59 |
dxdt | Specifically, I see screenshots of the cool auto desktop effects enabler and such and wonder if that will be in Kubuntu? | 07:59 |
clusty | Amaranth: how did you know. and tell me what does the acpi thing mean | 08:00 |
clusty | Amaranth: like charmed | 08:00 |
Amaranth | clusty: Awesome! | 08:00 |
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Amaranth | clusty: I have the exact same problem | 08:00 |
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clusty | Amaranth: screen looks funny while suspending: looks like decaying :D | 08:00 |
Amaranth | clusty: Some companies tried to be good and add linux specific code in their acpi implementation but it's usually broken or just out-of-date | 08:01 |
Amaranth | clusty: So you make the system tell acpi it's not linux | 08:01 |
clusty | Amaranth: sony is included? | 08:01 |
Amaranth | clusty: Apparently | 08:01 |
Amaranth | clusty: Oh, you get the gray screen with weird lines and crap on it? :) | 08:01 |
clusty | Amaranth: yeah | 08:01 |
Amaranth | Yeah, that's something with nvidia | 08:02 |
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Amaranth | No big deal though | 08:02 |
clusty | Amaranth: i can;t complain about sony support. they have the sonypi controller | 08:02 |
clusty | Amaranth: wrote my own C code to controll fan :D | 08:02 |
Amaranth | hehe, one of those | 08:02 |
Amaranth | I have no control over my fan | 08:02 |
clusty | Amaranth: make it more silent while iddleing | 08:02 |
cafuego | Amaranth: cocktail stick to stop/start it ;-) | 08:03 |
clusty | Amaranth: not very smart though. i have to ram down it throat the spindown command: evey 500ms | 08:03 |
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Amaranth | Wish I did, it comes on too soon. If I could raise the temp it comes on at by a couple degrees it would almost never come on | 08:03 |
cafuego | it would come on when the stick charred | 08:03 |
Amaranth | hahaha | 08:03 |
Amaranth | Apparently on the macbooks the hardware doesn't control the fan at all | 08:04 |
Amaranth | So if something in the kernel (or userspace) isn't controlling it it won't come on at all | 08:04 |
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clusty | Amaranth: nice toasty componen ts? | 08:04 |
Arenlor | I have the problem of looking and seeing it being 65C and the fan being off, and it never goes into the high mode, so it's hard to get it back down to 40 where I want it to be lol | 08:04 |
Amaranth | clusty: hehe, yeah | 08:05 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: Wow I tend to idle at 48 | 08:05 |
clusty | my cpus are around 42 degress while iddleing | 08:05 |
clusty | my GPU is 50 | 08:05 |
Amaranth | my GPU is 42 :P | 08:05 |
clusty | and its a crappy old 7400 | 08:05 |
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Amaranth | clusty: GeForce Go 7400 ftw | 08:05 |
cafuego | H'ah | 08:06 |
clusty | all hot components are connected to same heat pipe | 08:06 |
Amaranth | clusty: We basically have the same laptop, I bet | 08:06 |
Amaranth | clusty: Just a different case | 08:06 |
clusty | guess so | 08:06 |
Arenlor | currently holding steady at 50C | 08:06 |
clusty | make a test today: glxgears runs at 2k FPS on 7400 | 08:06 |
clusty | and at 9k on 8400 | 08:06 |
clusty | :D | 08:06 |
clusty | what governors are you guys using? | 08:07 |
cafuego | and at 14k on my 5700 | 08:07 |
cafuego | ooh, 17k! | 08:07 |
Amaranth | clusty: damn i only get 1200 | 08:07 |
Amaranth | I use powersave | 08:07 |
cafuego | Amaranth: make the window tiny, speeds it up nicely. | 08:07 |
clusty | oscilating in between ondemand and conservative | 08:07 |
Amaranth | They say ondemand is better overall for power savings but powersave keeps the fan from coming on | 08:07 |
Amaranth | powersave locks it to 1Ghz | 08:07 |
Amaranth | (my lowest setting) | 08:08 |
clusty | same | 08:08 |
clusty | :D | 08:08 |
clusty | 7300? | 08:08 |
clusty | :D | 08:08 |
clusty | talking of CPU | 08:08 |
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Amaranth | I have a Core Duo, not a Core 2 Duo | 08:08 |
clusty | 2ghz 4mb cache | 08:08 |
clusty | ok | 08:08 |
Amaranth | T2500 | 08:09 |
Amaranth | 2mb cache | 08:09 |
clusty | how can i change de default governor? | 08:09 |
Amaranth | Well, /proc/cpuinfo says 2MB for each core | 08:09 |
clusty | tired of setting manually | 08:09 |
clusty | well its shared the cache | 08:09 |
clusty | thats main diff with amd | 08:09 |
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cafuego | clusty: via the applet, it should remember it | 08:10 |
Amaranth | clusty: /apps/gnome-power-manager/cpufreq in gconf-editor | 08:10 |
clusty | amd makes each core with own cache, while intel has double and shared | 08:10 |
se7en^Of^9 | Need to get 197MB/197MB of archives. jesus ... | 08:10 |
Amaranth | policy_ac and policy_battery | 08:10 |
Amaranth | se7en^Of^9: OOo upgrades suck | 08:10 |
Arenlor | Does anyone know what I can do, I have 1GB of RAM but only 882.9 is seen as existing | 08:10 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: Your kernel took the rest | 08:11 |
se7en^Of^9 | yes Amaranth i hate the oO updates | 08:11 |
cafuego | Arenlor: Any video ram shared by the on-board vga? | 08:11 |
Amaranth | se7en^Of^9: OOo = openoffice | 08:11 |
Arenlor | Cafuego, yes, but even counting that in, it's only taking 128, so maybe Amaranth is right about the kernel taking it | 08:12 |
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clusty | also CPUs never use any intermediate settings | 08:13 |
clusty | just 1 GHZ or 2 | 08:13 |
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cafuego | 882+128 leaves about 12Mb for the kernel. | 08:14 |
Arenlor | would that sound about right? | 08:15 |
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cafuego | With all the newfangled stuff today's kernels have, yeah that would be approximately right | 08:15 |
cafuego | if not, we'll have to sacrifice Fujitsu | 08:16 |
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clusty | there is still something very wrong with gutsy | 08:17 |
clusty | just saw my console text spinning around | 08:17 |
clusty | like synch speed was too high for display | 08:18 |
erichj | is the gnome loading screen going to make an appearance? or is it always going to be that blank ugly camel colored background? | 08:18 |
erichj | i expected that the RC would have had this issue resolved | 08:19 |
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Arenlor | erichj go to System > Administration > Login Window then local, and choose a new theme. | 08:20 |
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rafael__ | hello | 08:20 |
erichj | Arenlor, tried that. | 08:20 |
rafael__ | the avant-window-navigator works on the ubuntu gutsy ? | 08:20 |
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rafael__ | how ? | 08:20 |
erichj | parts of gutsy seem like a regression | 08:20 |
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Arenlor | erichj my theme change worked for me | 08:21 |
rafael__ | the avant-window-navigator works on the ubuntu gutsy ? | 08:21 |
clusty | i get some bogus network interface called eth0:avah | 08:21 |
clusty | what might this be? | 08:21 |
erichj | Arenlor, I'm not disputing that, but it doesn't work for me | 08:22 |
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Arenlor | erichj try configuring xorg again and see if that maybe helps, or maybe it's something in grub's menu.lst | 08:23 |
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Arenlor | clusty can you tell me the inet addr of eth0:avah from ifconfig | 08:25 |
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clusty | Arenlor: | 08:25 |
clusty | really weird... | 08:25 |
clusty | what does it do? | 08:25 |
Arenlor | | 08:26 |
amr | hello, how to use mp3 preview in gusty it was working in feisty but after i installed gusty it's not working | 08:26 |
Arenlor | read that over and see if the suggested solution works | 08:26 |
Arenlor | rafael__ synaptic does not list avant-window-navigator as a package available | 08:26 |
clusty | Arenlor: nothing wrong really, i just don't whats the purpose :D. will read to figure out if there is a problem | 08:27 |
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clusty | Arenlor: whats this interface? | 08:27 |
Arenlor | 169.254.*.* is a reserved IP for when DHCP is not working, so whatever eth0 normally is (which is your wired network most likely) is not working right, let me look up what avah is | 08:29 |
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jscinoz_ | gah xchat crashed | 08:30 |
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jscinoz_ | in the most recent alsa update was something changed with the driver hda-intel, some of the options i had in alsamixer are no longer there (mainly the switch to use mic as output) | 08:30 |
Amaranth | my video card was doing that fun thing where it runs at half speed or something, i get 2400 from glxgears now :P | 08:31 |
Arenlor | here's some info on avah(i) clusty: | 08:31 |
Arenlor | This tool implements IPv4LL, "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local | 08:31 |
Arenlor | Addresses" (IETF RFC3927), a protocol for automatic IP address | 08:31 |
Arenlor | configuration from the link-local range without the | 08:31 |
Arenlor | need for a central server. It is primarily intended to be used in | 08:31 |
Arenlor | ad-hoc networks which lack a DHCP server. | 08:31 |
clusty | Arenlor: its fine really cause i am on wireless now | 08:31 |
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clusty | Arenlor: wooow. cute. dhcp was a bitch to setup always | 08:31 |
tbf | gutsy - aka freeze or crash all the time :-( | 08:32 |
rafael__ | well, i did the upgrade of feisty to gutsy, and my compiz is not working right, what can i do ? | 08:32 |
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Arenlor | rafael__ go to System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects and put it on extra | 08:33 |
rafael__ | Arenlor, my compiz setting manager is not opening | 08:34 |
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Arenlor | then make sure to apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 08:34 |
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tbf | gah, now it is not even starting! | 08:35 |
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rafael__ | Arenlor, the last u said, is installed already, but when i click on that to open, nothing happens | 08:35 |
Amaranth | rafael__: You used trevinho's repo | 08:36 |
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rafael__ | i dont know.. possible | 08:36 |
Amaranth | rafael__: You have 'compiz fusion' on feisty? | 08:36 |
rafael__ | i had | 08:37 |
rafael__ | :) | 08:37 |
rafael__ | so i upgraded it to gutsy | 08:37 |
rafael__ | compiz is working here. because i just installed my avant | 08:37 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Then either everything is still working great (using my repo) or everything is broken (using his) | 08:37 |
rafael__ | so | 08:37 |
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rafael__ | what can i do now ? | 08:37 |
Amaranth | rafael__: This is why you don't use random 3rd party repos | 08:37 |
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rafael__ | :) | 08:38 |
Amaranth | rafael__: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig* emerald libemeraldengine* | 08:38 |
rafael__ | dang ! | 08:38 |
Amaranth | rafael__: then reinstall | 08:38 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, reinstall from where ? | 08:38 |
rafael__ | sudo apt-get install compiz ? | 08:38 |
Amaranth | yeah | 08:38 |
rafael__ | omg | 08:39 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, hahaha hope it works | 08:39 |
rafael__ | other thing | 08:39 |
rafael__ | after upgrade my feisty to gutsy | 08:39 |
rafael__ | after the login and password | 08:39 |
rafael__ | to start the gnome, turned a bit slow | 08:39 |
rafael__ | i need to see the orange screen amost 1 minute | 08:39 |
rafael__ | can i do something to fix it ? | 08:39 |
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Arenlor | rafael__ this may fix that | 08:40 |
clusty | rafael__: for me takes same amout to boot and load gnome | 08:40 |
Amaranth | rafael__: same bug, you're using trevinho's crap | 08:40 |
Amaranth | he makes compiz start with --sm-disable which stalls the session start for about 60 seconds | 08:41 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, are u sure about libemeraldengine* ? | 08:41 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, apt-get remove is not finding that | 08:41 |
clusty | Amaranth: dud, i think you got yourself a groupie | 08:41 |
clusty | <--------- | 08:41 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Then take that part off | 08:41 |
Amaranth | clusty: hehe | 08:42 |
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rafael__ | Amaranth, could u tell me how can i do it ecxtally, please | 08:42 |
clusty | Amaranth: i would say i loved you, but that would be just gay :D | 08:42 |
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rafael__ | Amaranth, application > add remove > preferences ? | 08:42 |
rafael__ | there ? | 08:42 |
Amaranth | rafael__: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig* | 08:42 |
rafael__ | ok | 08:42 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, and now ? | 08:43 |
Amaranth | rafael__: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 08:43 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, already in the newest version | 08:44 |
Arenlor | clusty, there are over 40 different version of love in the Bible alone, when Jesus asks do you love me three times it's actually two different loves. You can love Amaranth as a brother maybe lol (or it could be hero/idol-worship :P) | 08:44 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: I'll vote for worship ;) | 08:44 |
clusty | Arenlor: halleluja | 08:44 |
clusty | Arenlor: so say we all :D | 08:44 |
rafael__ | u 2 funny | 08:44 |
rafael__ | :P | 08:44 |
Amaranth | clusty: Actually I sort of got that from the nvidia forums | 08:45 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, newest version already.. what is the next step friend ? | 08:45 |
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Amaranth | Someone mentioned the acpi_apic part in there and then I grepped my dmesg for acpi and found the !Linux part | 08:45 |
Amaranth | rafael__: You didn't do the first part | 08:45 |
Amaranth | rafael__: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz* libcompizconfig* | 08:45 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, i did | 08:45 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Not possible | 08:45 |
level1_ | hi, I think guidance-power-manager is causing trouble for me but I can't figure out how to prevent it form starting on start up in kde... how do I do that? | 08:45 |
Amaranth | rafael__: If you remove compiz ubuntu-desktop gets uninstalled | 08:46 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, oh.. couldn't find package compiz | 08:46 |
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Amaranth | rafael__: sudo apt-get install compiz | 08:46 |
clusty | Amaranth: so what gave you info from all that dmesg crap? | 08:46 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, installed | 08:47 |
clusty | Amaranth: i most aCPI stuff is jibberish to me | 08:47 |
Amaranth | clusty: [ 11.281272] ACPI: System BIOS is requesting _OSI(Linux) [ 11.281277] ACPI: Please test with "acpi_osi=!Linux" | 08:47 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, now that command to remove ? | 08:47 |
clusty | Amaranth: duhh. better read warning messages next time | 08:47 |
Amaranth | rafael__: no | 08:48 |
rafael__ | alright.. | 08:48 |
Amaranth | rafael__: now what is the output from 'compiz.real --version'? | 08:48 |
jscinoz_ | how does one acess that new ubufox thing to install firefox extensions, is it through a menu in firefox or somewhere outside the program | 08:48 |
Amaranth | jscinoz_: in firefox | 08:48 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, how can i see the output ? | 08:48 |
Amaranth | jscinoz_: in the extension viewer | 08:48 |
Amaranth | rafael__: uh, you are running these things from a terminal, right? | 08:48 |
jscinoz_ | looking at it, only has a disable and about option >_< | 08:48 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, sorry i made a mistake | 08:48 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, compiz 0.6.1 | 08:49 |
Amaranth | rafael__: ok, you should be alright | 08:49 |
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Amaranth | rafael__: but i suppose you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager again too | 08:49 |
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rafael__ | yes i need | 08:49 |
rafael__ | hehe | 08:49 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, how did u learn that ? | 08:49 |
clusty | any1 into prison break? | 08:50 |
Arenlor | jscinoz_ in the bottom right, Get Ubuntu Addons | 08:50 |
Amaranth | rafael__: I'm the compiz guy for ubuntu :p | 08:50 |
jscinoz_ | ah | 08:50 |
clusty | rafael__: do a whois on him : | 08:50 |
clusty | D | 08:50 |
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clusty | and you will see where he hangs out | 08:50 |
jscinoz_ | ah using allinonesidebar hid that option | 08:50 |
Amaranth | clusty: oops, i forgot to hide that | 08:50 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, installed but that is not on my system administration ? | 08:50 |
Amaranth | clusty: you won't now :) | 08:50 |
Amaranth | rafael__: System->Preferences->Advanced Desktop Effects Settings | 08:51 |
clusty | Amaranth: no secret really | 08:51 |
Amaranth | clusty: I couple of them are | 08:51 |
Amaranth | s/I/A/ | 08:51 |
rafael__ | oh | 08:51 |
clusty | Amaranth: why? and which? | 08:51 |
clusty | :D | 08:51 |
rafael__ | omg | 08:51 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, next time my ubuntu will turn on faster ? | 08:51 |
Amaranth | clusty: I'll never tell :P | 08:51 |
Amaranth | rafael__: It should | 08:51 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, u know only compiz things ? | 08:52 |
rafael__ | i have other problem here | 08:52 |
clusty | Amaranth: now you are foked | 08:52 |
rafael__ | for while. .thank u very much i wouldnt know how to do that | 08:52 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, thanks | 08:52 |
rafael__ | clusty, he is not :P | 08:52 |
clusty | Amaranth: the JC complex all over again :D | 08:52 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Ask away, maybe I'll know, maybe someone else will | 08:52 |
rafael__ | what is jc complex ? | 08:52 |
rafael__ | alright | 08:52 |
Arenlor | clusty just open up the channel list and join them ALL and see where he's at | 08:53 |
rafael__ | here i have a sony vaio notebook | 08:53 |
clusty | jc=jesus christ | 08:53 |
rafael__ | and im not sure but i think when i turn it on and i press ctrl alt f2 to see the system loading | 08:53 |
clusty | you know the leprosy ppl jumping on the saviour | 08:53 |
rafael__ | i get error message from uvcvideo | 08:53 |
Amaranth | I don't even know what that is :/ | 08:53 |
clusty | rafael__: webcam? | 08:54 |
rafael__ | i think its that eyemotion, that computers webcam | 08:54 |
rafael__ | un | 08:54 |
clusty | its useless | 08:54 |
rafael__ | i know | 08:54 |
rafael__ | so | 08:54 |
rafael__ | can i disable this uvcvideo ? | 08:54 |
clusty | only ekiga supports webcams | 08:54 |
rafael__ | rmmod ? something / | 08:54 |
rafael__ | ? | 08:54 |
rafael__ | clusty, my amsn too | 08:54 |
Amaranth | If you don't need the webcam just ignore it | 08:54 |
rafael__ | :) | 08:54 |
rafael__ | yes.. i can ignore | 08:54 |
clusty | rafael__: amsn has webcams | 08:54 |
rafael__ | but its not nice to see uvcvideo error | 08:54 |
clusty | cuuuute | 08:54 |
rafael__ | amsn is strange | 08:54 |
rafael__ | sometimes i think that make voodoo to my webcam works right | 08:55 |
clusty | shame that latest kernel foked up my webcam again | 08:55 |
rafael__ | because i cant use that on xawtv or camstream | 08:55 |
rafael__ | only on amsn | 08:55 |
rafael__ | dont know how | 08:55 |
Amaranth | clusty: kopete supports msn and yahoo video too | 08:55 |
rafael__ | dont know why | 08:55 |
clusty | xawtv gives me X errors | 08:55 |
clusty | Amaranth: why wont pidgin ppl import the code | 08:55 |
clusty | Amaranth: ppl are bugging them non stop | 08:56 |
Amaranth | clusty: I dunno but pidgin will hopefully be replaced soon | 08:56 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, the compiz is a bit strange .. i cant see that ubuntu write on the top of the cube, and the cube is big. maybe something about the zoom... | 08:56 |
rafael__ | i will configure it later | 08:56 |
Amaranth | clusty: We have this thing called telepathy | 08:56 |
rafael__ | telepathy ? | 08:56 |
rafael__ | hehe | 08:56 |
clusty | Amaranth: well pidgin just came to life :D | 08:56 |
clusty | Amaranth: 6 months maybe? | 08:56 |
Amaranth | telepathy is a cross-desktop presence framework | 08:56 |
clusty | meaning? | 08:57 |
Amaranth | Meaning every app on your desktop could use it to support msn, aim, etc | 08:57 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, on my feisty on the main bar.. on the left side of the Applications i had an icon there.. but now other icon appeared there.. could i do something to change it again? | 08:57 |
Amaranth | Like evolution could tell you what people in your address book are online | 08:58 |
clusty | Amaranth: rite | 08:58 |
Amaranth | But there are a couple regular pidgin-like apps for it too and they expect to have msn video working soon | 08:58 |
clusty | shame i hate evolution | 08:58 |
avatar_ | empathy is a nice im client based om lib-telepathy | 08:58 |
Amaranth | empathy, yeah | 08:58 |
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avatar_ | i use it for msn/jabber | 08:59 |
avatar_ | sip support is on the works | 08:59 |
Amaranth | telepathy supports msn, jabber, aim, irc, sip (voip), etc | 08:59 |
Amaranth | I think the sip one can do video already | 08:59 |
Amaranth | But it's experimental | 08:59 |
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clusty | i am comfused :D | 09:00 |
clusty | which can do video | 09:00 |
Arenlor | telepathy and empathy, as long as they don't use apathy or anything like that | 09:00 |
clusty | and suport yahoo/msn | 09:00 |
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Amaranth | clusty: only kopete (kde app) right now | 09:01 |
Amaranth | clusty: In the next 6 months or so empathy should support videophone and msn video | 09:01 |
clusty | Amaranth: guess voice over skype will just have to do for now | 09:01 |
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clusty | Amaranth: can barely bare with kile | 09:01 |
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clusty | Amaranth: but i am writing my thesis and need something that can support projects :D | 09:02 |
riotkittie | yay. maybe gutsy will go onto my external drive now. | 09:02 |
rafael__ | un | 09:02 |
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rafael__ | i forgot where is the place to change the ubuntu logo | 09:03 |
Jordan_U | Is it hard to install Gutsy to USB or Firewire? | 09:03 |
rafael__ | some place on my folder | 09:03 |
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tech0007 | :-D | 09:04 |
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clusty | Jordan_U: not really. if your PC can boot from usb | 09:04 |
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riotkittie | but i'm going to be perturbed if that wasnt the issue after all. so. D: | 09:05 |
rredd4 | i just got rc working with a dell c810 and also have vmare server with xp in the rc. | 09:06 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Don't PM me | 09:06 |
tech0007 | just upgraded to GutsyRC..its not that different from Feisty at all | 09:06 |
Amaranth | rafael__: Ask here | 09:06 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, ok. i will send a screenshot | 09:06 |
Amaranth | rafael__: I only know things that I've had to deal with | 09:06 |
Jordan_U | clusty, So basically just point the installer and GRUB to the USB drive? | 09:06 |
Amaranth | So no webcam or cube | 09:06 |
Amaranth | Because I don't use cube :P | 09:06 |
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rafael__ | Amaranth, no no | 09:06 |
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clusty | Jordan_U: and PC has to be able to boot from usb | 09:07 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, i want to change that icon on the left side of "applications" on the main bar | 09:07 |
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Jordan_U | clusty, Obviously :) | 09:07 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, i did it before, but im no finding now | 09:07 |
Amaranth | rafael__: that's distributor-logo | 09:07 |
rafael__ | yes yes | 09:07 |
clusty | Jordan_U: allrighty then | 09:07 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, its some hidden folder on my personal folder isnt it ? | 09:07 |
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Amaranth | rafael__: it's in whatever icon theme you use | 09:08 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, that is the problem. im using the theme i was using on feisty | 09:09 |
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rafael__ | Amaranth, but on themes options here its in blank | 09:09 |
foxiness | what is the last ver of FF come with gutsy? | 09:12 |
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emanuelez | postfix | 09:13 |
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clusty | foxiness: this is gutsy chanel | 09:15 |
clusty | foxiness: its for gutsy | 09:15 |
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reber | hi all. Where can i download gutsy cd (if possible) ? | 09:16 |
foxiness | reber: | 09:16 |
reber | foxiness, great. | 09:17 |
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reber | foxiness, maybe here : ? | 09:17 |
foxiness | clusty: thanks am on it but ff not stable at all ,coz that am asking to make sure it upgrade well with other part | 09:18 |
foxiness | reber: yes | 09:18 |
tech0007 | jst upgrade to GutsyRC, do i need to recompile via openchrome driver coz i did that in Feisty? | 09:18 |
reber | valuable info, thanks | 09:18 |
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clusty | foxiness: works just fine. no crash in 2 weeks since i have it | 09:18 |
clusty | reber: | 09:19 |
clusty | one thing: worth getting the 64 bit ubuntu? | 09:19 |
foxiness | clusty: me too but not soomth it hang for sec 1-5 on every new tab | 09:19 |
clusty | foxiness: have tons of crap installed? | 09:20 |
clusty | extensions i mean | 09:20 |
foxiness | sure :) why then i use it | 09:20 |
clusty | foxiness: you can downgrade anyways if you don't like it i guess | 09:20 |
foxiness | clusty: great idea i will wait until final release if nothing changed i will do it | 09:22 |
clusty | foxiness: no use upgrading anyways | 09:22 |
clusty | differences are minor | 09:22 |
clusty | ...if any | 09:22 |
foxiness | clusty: i will look to add-one and will delete what not needed any more | 09:24 |
clusty | foxiness: i use just bibTex addon and adblocker | 09:25 |
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foxiness | clusty: me more than 20 add-ons x) | 09:26 |
clusty | there you go | 09:26 |
rafael__ | someone knows how can i turn a folder into a file tar.gz? | 09:26 |
cwgannon | right click, "Create Archive" | 09:26 |
cafuego | tar cfz file.tar.gz folder | 09:26 |
cwgannon | hahaha | 09:26 |
clusty | rafael__: tar -cvzf <blah.tar.gz> <>folder | 09:27 |
clusty | :D | 09:27 |
rafael__ | thank u very much | 09:27 |
rafael__ | u all geek | 09:27 |
clusty | i speak geek :D | 09:27 |
foxiness | :) i donot think soo cwgannon is not | 09:27 |
cwgannon | :) | 09:28 |
cwgannon | i had compiz fusion and emerald installed in feisty, now w/ the upgrade they're gone but only sort of ... can somebody explain what went on? | 09:28 |
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foxiness | cwgannon: i hope someone answer ur Q:... am interested too | 09:29 |
tech0007 | jst upgrade to GutsyRC, do i need to recompile via openchrome driver coz i did that in Feisty? | 09:30 |
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cwgannon | emerald is gone, but as i understand it, compiz fusion comes with gutsy ... but it left over compizconfig settings manager (which i get to from 'System, Preferences') and when i try to open that, it doesn't work ... so i am trying to figure out if i can somehow keep the integrated fusion while at the same time use the compizconfig settings manager of old and emerald ... any help at all would be much appreciated | 09:31 |
clusty | try purging all compiz related stuff and reinstall it | 09:32 |
clusty | bug Amaranth , he is the compiz guru | 09:32 |
foxiness | clusty: now i disable more than a half of my add-ons and i will see if make it more stable | 09:33 |
clusty | foxiness: :D good choice | 09:33 |
rafael__ | is possible to change the distributor-logo on gutsy ? | 09:33 |
rafael__ | im trying the same way i did on feisty and its not working | 09:34 |
clusty | rafael__: whats that? | 09:34 |
rafael__ | that icon on the main bar | 09:34 |
Amaranth | cwgannon: Do not PM without permission. | 09:34 |
rafael__ | left side of applications | 09:34 |
Amaranth | cwgannon: I'm rather busy right now, try #compiz-fusion | 09:34 |
cwgannon | eek | 09:34 |
cwgannon | sorry | 09:34 |
foxiness | clusty: i found "ubufox" did u know what is that? | 09:34 |
clusty | foxiness: no idea | 09:34 |
magnetron | foxiness: ubufox is the firefox for ubuntu, with extension APT support | 09:35 |
clusty | magnetron: what does that do? | 09:36 |
magnetron | firefox? | 09:36 |
clusty | magnetron: like getting flash support and stuff? | 09:36 |
magnetron | yeah | 09:36 |
foxiness | magnetron: good u tell me that b4 i disable it | 09:36 |
magnetron | foxiness: Synaptic shows you a description of each package | 09:37 |
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dorkface | I just installed a machine with gutsy that has two monitors. As of now, both monitors show the same desktop. Where can I look to see how to change it so that each monitor has its own desktop? | 09:37 |
clusty | dorkface: what video card? | 09:38 |
dorkface | 8800gts | 09:38 |
clusty | dorkface: nvidia-settings | 09:38 |
clusty | with sudo | 09:38 |
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dorkface | ah, thank you | 09:38 |
clusty | dorkface: you got yourself a fokin monster amigo :D | 09:39 |
dorkface | hehe | 09:39 |
dorkface | q6600 as well | 09:39 |
clusty | whats that? | 09:39 |
clusty | quad | 09:39 |
clusty | :D | 09:39 |
dorkface | Don't want to get too off topic here :-D | 09:39 |
clusty | guess its fine | 09:39 |
clusty | not high volume traffic | 09:40 |
dorkface | ah :-) | 09:40 |
clusty | working on a quad with 2 gtx's SLIed :D | 09:40 |
dorkface | and yes, its a quad, hehe | 09:40 |
foxiness | magnetron: thanks for let me know that :) "cool" | 09:40 |
mfabbri | does anybody know where the mount options of the new disk Properties dialog get stored? | 09:40 |
dorkface | Gonna be a hot machine :) | 09:41 |
clusty | mfabbri: meaning? | 09:41 |
clusty | dorkface: maybe hot but very silent | 09:41 |
foxiness | mfabbri: System>removeable disk | 09:41 |
mfabbri | foxiness, thank you | 09:41 |
fermat_ | Hello all. Can someone estimate the difference between the release candidate of gutsy and the final version? Does it make sense to wait two days for the final version, or is there no disadvantage when I install now? | 09:42 |
clusty | fermat_: wait 1 week extra :D | 09:42 |
clusty | prolly patches will be flying around for first few days | 09:42 |
mfabbri | foxiness, I can't see any mount point... | 09:43 |
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dorkface | Since I just isntalled RC version of gutsy, is it possible to be just fine doing "apt-get upgrade" or do I HAVE to use the update manager? | 09:44 |
foxiness | mfabbri: where u are now? | 09:44 |
clusty | dorkface: use dist-upgrade | 09:44 |
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alecwh | I'm using a dell latitude D630, and I'm having problems connecting with my school's WPA network. All my friend's macs and windows PCs connect fine, but my computer just won't connect. The WPA pass is correct. Can anyone help? I'm using NDisWrapper I think with my wifi card. | 09:44 |
clusty | dorkface: that does "smart" upgrading | 09:44 |
mfabbri | foxiness, System, Preferences, Removable Drives and Media... | 09:44 |
rafael__ | i cant do it =\ | 09:44 |
dorkface | ah | 09:44 |
yeager | someone else has their logs full of apparmor stuff from avahi-daemon wanting to update localtime? | 09:44 |
fermat_ | aha, ok. I'll wait. thanks :-) | 09:45 |
mfabbri | clusty, I mean when you change something in the Volume tab of a disk Propreties | 09:45 |
yeager | s/update/read/ | 09:45 |
clusty | mfabbri: cant help you sorry. i edit most of the config files | 09:45 |
clusty | mfabbri: what you wanna change? | 09:46 |
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mfabbri | clusty, i got a vfat disk automounted as read-only and so i changed the options in the aformentioned tab... | 09:47 |
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hugolp | hi, anyone in Gutsy not being able to conect to the net after this morning updates? | 09:47 |
clusty | the mounting stuff is governed by /etc/fstab | 09:47 |
mfabbri | clusty, but I ended up somewhat mispelling the mount point | 09:48 |
clusty | mfabbri: thats easy | 09:48 |
mfabbri | clusty, there is no clue of it in /etc/fstab | 09:48 |
foxiness | mfabbri: if u right click u can see the last two tab | 09:48 |
clusty | mfabbri: gnome automounter does not do its thing? | 09:48 |
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emonkey-p | no I'm here | 09:48 |
neztiti | hi guys | 09:49 |
neztiti | anyone use dvb card here? | 09:49 |
mfabbri | foxiness, I got two partitions on the disk the vfat partition doesn't get mounted the other one yes | 09:49 |
hugolp | neztiti: I do | 09:49 |
clusty | mfabbri: just add the lines in fstab | 09:49 |
clusty | its really easy | 09:50 |
alecwh | I'm using a dell latitude D630, and I'm having problems connecting with my school's WPA network. All my friend's macs and windows PCs connect fine, but my computer just won't connect. The WPA pass is correct. Can anyone help? I'm using NDisWrapper I think with my wifi card. I have a topic @ , but my question wasn't really answered. | 09:50 |
neztiti | hugolp: did u have gbox works with gusty? | 09:50 |
clusty | alecwh: i guess no1 knows anything about the subject | 09:50 |
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hugolp | dont know whats gbox | 09:51 |
riotkittie | alecwh: are you using wpa_supplicant? also, i dont think thats the proper link ;) | 09:51 |
mfabbri | clusty, ok this should fix it but being a removable storage I'd like automount to take care of it | 09:51 |
hugolp | I have a three dvb cards and they were working on gutsy after I recompile from the v4l-dvb trunk | 09:51 |
neztiti | hugolp: its client to share with dreambox recievers | 09:51 |
hugolp | neztiti: Im from Barcelona, never heard of that before | 09:52 |
clusty | mfabbri: really weird that gnome wont do it for you | 09:52 |
neztiti | hugolp: its strange man that u have dvb card and u dont use gbox | 09:53 |
mfabbri | clusty, Gnome is compelling that I mispelled the mount-point and doesn't mount the disk... | 09:53 |
hugolp | neztiti: never heard of it, I use mythtv | 09:53 |
neztiti | hugolp: witch card do u have??? | 09:53 |
mfabbri | clusty, error message: mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) | 09:54 |
hugolp | wintv dvb-t 500 | 09:54 |
hugolp | aver media volar | 09:54 |
hugolp | and some wintv dvb-s | 09:54 |
neztiti | hugolp: its not dvb application . its plugin | 09:54 |
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hugolp | neztiti: what is it for? | 09:54 |
neztiti | its 2 share the channels with the dreambox recievers | 09:55 |
hugolp | whats a dreambox reciever? | 09:55 |
alecwh | riotkittie: yes, I am I think | 09:55 |
neztiti | its home reciever | 09:55 |
hugolp | neztiti: what exactly is a home reciever? Im not originally english speaker | 09:56 |
alecwh | riotkittie, that was the wrong lnk, just ignore it. Can you help me? | 09:56 |
clusty | mfabbri: no idea. i mount/unmount lots of stuff by hand | 09:57 |
clusty | :D | 09:57 |
neztiti | its dvb machine to watch the sats channels | 09:57 |
clusty | have fun guys | 09:58 |
clusty | bye bye | 09:58 |
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tech0007 | !fixres | 09:59 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 09:59 |
mfabbri | foxiness, do you think this problem should be fixable by the gui? | 09:59 |
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jmg | hi all | 09:59 |
rafael__ | =( how can i change the distributor-logo on gutsy ? | 09:59 |
jmg | anyone know about how to disable dpms in ubuntu+1? i have dpms false in xorg.conf | 09:59 |
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alecwh | how do I find out if I have a Broadcom BCM4306 wifi card? | 10:01 |
nanonyme | try dmesg? | 10:01 |
nanonyme | that is, dmesg|less there's a lot of text there | 10:01 |
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neztiti | hugolp: | 10:03 |
dorkface | Hmm...I tried "nvidia-settings", but all it does is give me a window that gives me a few checkboxes that have little to do with what I want | 10:07 |
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hugolp | neztiti: can you have mythtfrontend in one of this boxes? | 10:17 |
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hetauma | it is quite often that emerald crashes. When that happens I can't alt+f2 so I run emerald--replace again. and if I run it from the console with emerald --replace& when I close that terminal it dies too | 10:28 |
hetauma | what can I do ? | 10:28 |
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Tomcat_ | hetauma: I'd suggest to file a bug (to trace the crashes of emerald) and then disable desktop effects... working like that is not really possible. | 10:30 |
hetauma | Tomcat_, it's not that often to really cause serious problems. I should look around in launchpad for bug reports | 10:31 |
tolonuga | hi. what is the proper way to install a minimal gutsy server (meant to run xen as xen0 only)? | 10:31 |
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Tomcat_ | hetauma: And for it dying when the terminal closes... when you call emerald, there will be a line "[X] YYYYY". Use "disown X" so the terminal won't "own" the emerald job. | 10:35 |
hetauma | Tomcat_, nice ty | 10:36 |
hetauma | tolonuga, actually it seems that it is disown YYYY | 10:37 |
hetauma | Tomcat_, * | 10:37 |
Tomcat_ | hetauma: Did you try? | 10:37 |
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hetauma | yes | 10:38 |
Tomcat_ | hetauma: Because X is a "job spec", Y is only a PID... disown *usually* takes a job spec. :) | 10:38 |
Monkeygill | anyone else experiencing broken samba after the last series of updates? | 10:38 |
Tomcat_ | hetauma: But I don't really know, just looked it up myself. | 10:38 |
hetauma | Tomcat_, for X it gave me no such job | 10:38 |
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sikor_sxe | since i updated to gutsy my card reader only mounts sd-cards as readonly | 10:40 |
sikor_sxe | is there something i can do about this? | 10:40 |
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rafael__ | i use tilda here.. when i minimize an maximize .. that turn white.. i need to close and open the program again. | 10:49 |
rafael__ | anyone knows how to fix ? | 10:49 |
Almindor | is it known that last update is broken if you have audacious installed? (same file in 2 packages error again) | 10:49 |
rafael__ | tilda ? no problem ? | 10:49 |
rafael__ | Almindor, did u change your ubuntu logo on the main bar ? | 10:50 |
Almindor | radius, ? | 10:50 |
Almindor | hups | 10:51 |
Almindor | rafael__, ? | 10:51 |
rafael__ | Almindor, that ubuntu icon on the left side of "applications" on the main bar | 10:51 |
rafael__ | Almindor, ah its not about your audacius.. its my question only | 10:52 |
rafael__ | hehe | 10:52 |
Almindor | /usr/lib/audacious/General/ is in audacious-plugins AND in audacious-plugins-extra | 10:52 |
rafael__ | i dont use audacius | 10:52 |
rafael__ | i think gutsy is faster than feisty. my internet turned faster too o_O voodoo ? | 10:52 |
kRush | what is a .run file? | 10:52 |
rafael__ | Amaranth, hey, do u know if is it possible to change the distributor-logo ? | 10:53 |
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Almindor | hmm aparently it's reported already | 10:54 |
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nikolam | hello | 10:58 |
emanuelez | hmmm... totally off-topic... i don't believe the word interestingness exists... what can be used instead? :P | 10:59 |
nikolam | I installed gutsy but I cant find power settings in screensaver settings | 10:59 |
nikolam | is that power settings anyway else, and I am missing to see them? | 11:00 |
nikolam | its Xubuntu 64-bit rc | 11:00 |
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databuddy | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/audacious-plugins_1.3.5-3ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack): //// trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/audacious/General/', which is also in package audacious-plugins-extra | 11:02 |
databuddy | known bug? | 11:02 |
nikolam | #macedonia | 11:02 |
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rohan_ | what package does kubuntu use to display OSD when i control volume using volume keys on keyboard ? | 11:04 |
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nikolam | Is there any power settings (for screen, etc) ? | 11:07 |
databuddy | bi | 11:08 |
databuddy | no | 11:08 |
databuddy | depreciated | 11:08 |
rohan | nikolam: in kubuntu or ubuntu ? | 11:08 |
nikolam | xubuntu | 11:08 |
databuddy | o | 11:08 |
rohan | nikolam: oh, sorry no idea | 11:08 |
=== databuddy shrugs... dunno | ||
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databuddy | in gnome its depreciated | 11:08 |
databuddy | ~_~ | 11:08 |
nikolam | There was in screensavers before, now nothing | 11:08 |
databuddy | which i hate | 11:08 |
rohan | databuddy: what is deprecated ? | 11:08 |
nikolam | Should I post a bug about that? | 11:08 |
rohan | use gnome-power-manager ? | 11:08 |
rohan | nikolam: yes | 11:08 |
nikolam | OK :) | 11:08 |
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databuddy | rohan gnome advanced pref on screensaver | 11:10 |
databuddy | very sucky | 11:10 |
nikolam | Hey man, xubuntu | 11:10 |
rohan | databuddy: oh no idea, don't use gnome | 11:11 |
nikolam | ok :) | 11:11 |
Neatchee | Hey all, I'm still having a network problem after upgrading to Gutsy. Every 10-15mins i will lost connectivity. I'm on wireless and the signal is not being dropped, but I get disconnected from any connected services (AIM, IRC, etc) and can't make new connections. Internal network traffic is uneffected | 11:12 |
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Neatchee | This includes regular browsing. DNS lookups timeout. | 11:13 |
Neatchee | But local network activity is unhindered | 11:13 |
Amaranth | emanuelez: interest :) | 11:13 |
rohan | any kubuntu developers hanging around here ? | 11:14 |
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Ximal | could anyone help me with pidgin messenger please ? | 11:30 |
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rohan | Ximal: yes ? | 11:30 |
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Ximal | im trying to get the myspace plugin working on pidgin msngr | 11:31 |
rohan | Ximal: oh sorry, no idea about that. never used it. | 11:32 |
gunashekar | h | 11:35 |
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modumass | hey all, um, cant upgrade to Gibbon, i keep getting this error .. any ideas? | 11:38 |
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jscinoz_ | hey guys | 11:53 |
jscinoz | i was browsing around and noticed the awesome looking grub menu that Linux Mint has (, how is this done? simply through a view lines in menu.lst that move things around and set a background image? and if so what lines should i add. | 11:54 |
daengbo | modumass: you there? | 11:54 |
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daengbo | jscinoz: this might have your answer: | 11:58 |
jscinoz | thanks ill read over it now | 11:59 |
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jscinoz | is there any improvement in the grub contained in package grub-pc than the normal one? | 12:06 |
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pkern | My initrd with an unsupported kernel (vanilla is quite large (40M, compared with 7M with Ubuntu one). Anyone got a clue how to reduce this? | 12:09 |
avatar_ | use modules | 12:10 |
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h1st0 | Anyone notice an issue with rhythmbox's tag editor | 12:10 |
h1st0 | I'm trying to change the album listed on an mp3 and it changes int he software then when I close rhythmbox it reverts back | 12:10 |
careym | Anyone notice a problem where printing a landscape page from Abiword ends up with the page printed but only to the width of an equivalent portrait page? | 12:11 |
careym | It happens whether I print to the Kyocera FS1030D attached to the machine and when I print to the PDF printer | 12:14 |
careym | Everything looks right in print preview, but when the paper (in the case of the Kyocera) or the pdf (in the case of the pdf printer) are produced the text is only visible to the width of a portrait page when landscape was requested. Text orientation is correct for landscape. | 12:16 |
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Ximal | man oh man... heh.. this o/s rox0z ! | 12:23 |
Ximal | lol | 12:23 |
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Nuba1 | Hi there, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop with a ati radeon X1450 | 12:38 |
Nuba1 | is it true that xorg 7.3 is not supported by the fglrx drivers? | 12:38 |
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Eq|work | was true.. fairly sure that's been sorted for some time now. | 12:39 |
Nuba1 | well, no in RC my laptops will not load | 12:40 |
Nuba1 | and work fine under feisty | 12:40 |
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Nuba1 | I'm actually running edubuntu LTSP and have 21 clients running the X1450 radeons, so I must find a solution to this | 12:41 |
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Nuba1 | I guess going back to feisty is an option, but I'd imagine I'm not the only one with this issue... there must loads of fglrx users out there | 12:42 |
wers | when i installed gutsy on this partition, my feisty on my other paritition stopped working. On that feisty X did not start and the terminal stated that apt is not installed. any ideas why that happened? | 12:43 |
crdlb | gutsy doesn't have Xorg 7.3 | 12:43 |
jscinoz | Nuba how urgent is working ati hardware accelleration? i do believe that the open source 3d driver should be ready in the next few months | 12:43 |
careym | bug filed | 12:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 153248 in libgnome "landscape printed output is trucated to portrait page width" [Undecided,New] | 12:43 |
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Nuba1 | I cant wait till its out, cause I've had nothing but headaches with fglrx | 12:44 |
assasukasse | hi everyone, after installing gutsy i lost all the tty, is there any workaround fix for that? | 12:44 |
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careym | CTRL+ALT+F{1.....} does not work? CTRL+ALT+F7 brings you back to X | 12:45 |
Eq|work | jscinoz : did you ever get sound sorted? | 12:45 |
jscinoz | yep, .13 kernel update fixed it ages ago | 12:45 |
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jscinoz | was only broken in .11 and .12 | 12:45 |
jscinoz | although the most recent update changed some things | 12:45 |
lee_ | WOW eveery thing is here but my at drivers | 12:46 |
Eq|work | jscinoz : bah.. mine still ain't working :( | 12:46 |
lee_ | !ati | 12:46 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 12:46 |
Eq|work | don't think there's a codec for it. | 12:46 |
jscinoz | i got a new channel in alsa mixer "Side" (i hope this controls audio output over hdmi as i could never get that working before), and i lost the swtich "Mic as output" and a new switch "IEC958" appeared, any idea what it does? | 12:46 |
Eq|work | (damned software sound..) | 12:46 |
Eq|work | no clue | 12:46 |
jscinoz | i know IEC958 has something to do with digital sound, hopefully hdmi, but it doesnt say what it toggles. | 12:47 |
lee_ | eh that latter one might be for a didgtal in...some cards have the chips but don't have the adapter | 12:47 |
Eq|work | google it? | 12:47 |
lee_ | to used= em | 12:47 |
lee_ | sounds corny but its true | 12:48 |
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penguincentral | google is your friend | 12:48 |
Nuba1 | Ubuntu Gutsy clearly does have xorg 7.3 | 12:49 |
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Nuba1 | I know how to install my drivers... I'm just wondering when there will be a fix to make the latest ati flgrx driver work with xorg 7.3 | 12:50 |
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jscinoz | eq|work, it says it controls spdif output... but this laptop doesnt have spdif, only 3 3.5mm plugs and a hdmi | 12:50 |
jscinoz | so i assume it controls hdmi audio | 12:50 |
savvas | Nuba1: file a bug and count your lucky stars :) | 12:50 |
Nuba1 | already did that, added to the ones already there | 12:50 |
savvas | if there is already a bug, nominate it for gutsy release | 12:51 |
Nuba1 | its a known issue | 12:51 |
pkern | Nuba1: xorg 7.3 is not present in Gutsy, right? | 12:51 |
Nuba1 | yes it is | 12:51 |
savvas | xserver-xorg: Installed: 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 | 12:51 |
jscinoz | eq|work you're using the snd-hda-intel driver right? | 12:51 |
pkern | Nuba1: The fixes to the driver are not redistributable. | 12:51 |
pkern | Nuba1: 7.3 is not supported. | 12:51 |
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jscinoz | Is there an ETA on that GPL ati driver? | 12:52 |
pkern | My initrd with an unsupported kernel (vanilla is quite large (40M, compared with 7M with Ubuntu one). Anyone got a clue how to reduce this? | 12:52 |
Nuba1 | well feisty works with the fglrx drivers... gutsy doesnt | 12:52 |
pkern | jscinoz: I heared christmas for 2d stuff, but well. | 12:52 |
Nuba1 | clearly something changed | 12:52 |
pkern | jscinoz: Novell is hired for this. | 12:52 |
jscinoz | >_< | 12:52 |
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jscinoz | are any open source accelerated nvidia drivers in progress? | 12:52 |
pkern | Nuba1: If that's about suspend, then it's a known regression. | 12:53 |
Nuba1 | no, X just wont start | 12:53 |
careym | open source nvidia drivers at | 12:53 |
jscinoz | cheers | 12:53 |
careym | is a work in progress though | 12:53 |
jscinoz | yeah | 12:53 |
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jscinoz | also... anyone know when alienarena in the repos will be updated to 6.10, it game out a day or so ago and is a major update | 12:54 |
Nuba1 | really the only part of xorg 7.3 they really depended on was xrandr 1.2, and that's already in. -- from launchpad | 12:55 |
Nuba1 | Thats my problem... | 12:55 |
Nuba1 | xrandr 1.2 is not supported in newer fglrx driver cards | 12:55 |
jscinoz | i really hope someone hacks the hardware lockdown on the ps3's gpu. Linux + ps3 with full hardware access will be an awesome gaming box. | 12:56 |
Nuba1 | not all of xorg 7.3 is in Gutsy from what I understand... but since its modular, that makes sense | 12:56 |
jscinoz | hmm... anyone know what arch the ps3 was again? powerpc right? | 12:56 |
bascule | no it's cell | 12:56 |
bascule | but linux ran on cell before any other OS | 12:56 |
jscinoz | hmm | 12:57 |
jscinoz | i swear i read somewhere that it was ppc based | 12:57 |
Eq|work | nope | 12:57 |
jscinoz | mm | 12:57 |
jscinoz | hmm | 12:57 |
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bascule | thing is, getting all that code to compile on a cell will be a major hackathon to say the least | 12:57 |
Eq|work | it'll be a complete bitch | 12:57 |
Eq|work | and cell is a whore to code for at all | 12:57 |
jscinoz | and we need someone to break the hypervisor so we get GPU acess under Linux | 12:58 |
Eq|work | jscinoz : the 360 is more based on ppc | 12:58 |
bascule | lots of work for us :) | 12:58 |
Trewas | yep, cell is based on power pc, like all the three new consoles | 12:58 |
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bascule | cell is completely different from anything at all | 12:58 |
Eq|work | Trewas : only exceedingly loosely | 12:58 |
bascule | if anything it's closer to itanium | 12:59 |
Eq|work | in that ibm used some things from the ppc arch when developing cell | 12:59 |
Trewas | "Cell combines a general-purpose Power Architecture core of modest performance with streamlined coprocessing elements" | 12:59 |
alain | ei guys.. my CCSM just gone.. dont know wat went wrong | 12:59 |
jscinoz | i wish microsoft wasnt as much of a douche about modded consoles... permaban from XBL for adding functionality that should have been there in the first place is weak. | 12:59 |
alain | any ideas | 12:59 |
bascule | ms think they are the law | 12:59 |
jscinoz | so if i were to get a PPC ubuntu live cd, with all the assorted hackery required to get the ps3 to boot it.. that would work right? | 12:59 |
bascule | alain: run it from a shell, see the output | 01:00 |
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bascule | jscinoz: not even close | 01:00 |
Nuba1 | so, no one is running Gutsy on newer Radeon ATI's? | 01:00 |
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jscinoz | bascule, this page mentions it should work with basic functionality: | 01:01 |
bascule | oh! | 01:01 |
Eq|work | Trewas : yeah.. and you cannot address most of the cell proccy as ppc | 01:01 |
Trewas | Eq|work: so? it is still powerpc, even if generic powerpc code cannot use the 7 coprocessors | 01:03 |
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jscinoz | if they every managed a complete rewrite of ubuntu or some other distro for cell, and hacked the hypervisor, you'd have one hell of a gaming rig, beats the $4k custom rigs. | 01:03 |
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pkern | Nuba1: I do, it sucks. | 01:04 |
Eq|work | Trewas : generic ppc code can't use the core either | 01:05 |
Eq|work | as it won't get addressed to it | 01:05 |
pkern | Nuba1: You'll need to recompile your kernel to suspend at least. | 01:05 |
Eq|work | there's more to it than that. | 01:05 |
bascule | are there any plans to sell the cell in quantity for domestic/non-commercial use? | 01:09 |
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Rudd-O | hey there guys | 01:11 |
Rudd-O | hi guys, need a little support here with kde4? kde4 3.94 is telling me that cannot be found. any idea which package need I install? KUbuntu here. | 01:11 |
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Rudd-O | gutsy beta | 01:11 |
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stdin | Rudd-O: have you installed kde4base-dev? | 01:12 |
kyja | Rudd-O, #ubuntu+1 | 01:12 |
bascule | we're in +1 | 01:13 |
Brucevdk | 1+1=3? | 01:13 |
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Rudd-O | stdin | 01:13 |
bascule | Brucevdk: sometimes ;) | 01:13 |
Rudd-O | I am in #ubuntu+1 am I not? | 01:14 |
Brucevdk | :) | 01:14 |
kyja | omg hehe yeah you are | 01:14 |
Rudd-O | why do I need to install kde4base-dev? | 01:14 |
=== kyja is confused where he is | ||
stdin | Rudd-O: you do to get all the dependencies | 01:14 |
Brucevdk | kyja: aren't we all, aren't we all | 01:14 |
kyja | :) | 01:14 |
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Rudd-O | stdin, I have all the dependencies in kdebase-workspace | 01:15 |
Rudd-O | if that's not enough, then there's a packaging problem | 01:15 |
Rudd-O | to get kde4 kdebase-workspace is the one that pulls everything required to *run* it | 01:15 |
Brucevdk | I know of tons of packaging problems where the wrong .so is referenced | 01:15 |
stdin | no, it's not. the proper way is to install kde4base-dev | 01:15 |
Rudd-O | stdin: that makes no sense | 01:15 |
stdin | because it's not complete | 01:15 |
Rudd-O | why whould a dynamic library reside in a -dev package? | 01:15 |
stdin | it's not, it's actually a link | 01:16 |
stdin | so it should be in -dev | 01:16 |
Rudd-O | link to what lib? | 01:16 |
stdin | yes | 01:16 |
Rudd-O | ldd says it's a shared object file | 01:16 |
Rudd-O | and it says it's not found | 01:16 |
Rudd-O | so where should the link point to then? | 01:16 |
stdin | it will be a link rather, but a .so is always in -dev | 01:17 |
stdin | but like I said, installing kde4base-dev is the proper way to install | 01:18 |
stdin | it has been since the 1st alpha packages | 01:18 |
Rudd-O | it doesn't make sense | 01:18 |
Rudd-O | dev packages are for devs | 01:19 |
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Rudd-O | plus it puts like an extra 200 MB on my system! | 01:19 |
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Rudd-O | why isn't kde beta built properly instead? | 01:19 |
stdin | yes, there is no point installing kde4 packages unless you intend to develop on it. it's not exactly usable | 01:19 |
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stdin | Rudd-O: it is built properly | 01:19 |
Rudd-O | no it's not, why does an application require something that is on a -dev package that pulls hundreds of MB of dependencies in? | 01:20 |
stdin | because it's not complete | 01:20 |
stdin | it shouldn't really be packaged yet | 01:20 |
Rudd-O | what do you mean "not complete"? what is so hard about putting the lib in the kdebase-workspace package? | 01:20 |
Rudd-O | or kdelibs? | 01:20 |
Rudd-O | stdin the point of packaging is so that it receives wider testing | 01:20 |
stdin | because that's against packaging standards | 01:20 |
stdin | .so goes in -dev | 01:21 |
mzuverink | in certain programs including but not limited to xchat and gnomebaker I get those nice character symbols that look like dominos instead of the actual character, whats the best way to solve this. I am assuming that it means that I do not have that specific font installed, is that correct? If so, back to the origional question, how do I solve that aside from installing every font available? | 01:21 |
stdin | and .so *should* be a link | 01:21 |
Rudd-O | mzuverink: install a font with extended characters such as asian and stuff | 01:21 |
mzuverink | Rudd-O, ok | 01:21 |
Rudd-O | the fact that I have to install an extra hundred megs of stuff just to make a symlink is preposterous | 01:21 |
mzuverink | Rudd-O, thank you | 01:22 |
stdin | it's not a symlink yet | 01:22 |
Brucevdk | stdin: the pidgin seems to have shared libraries in it | 01:22 |
stdin | it will be when the version settles | 01:22 |
Rudd-O | a symlink to which file? | 01:22 |
stdin | to the version of the lib | 01:22 |
Rudd-O | please tell me so I can actually do the symlink and avoid the 128 M and the cruft | 01:22 |
Rudd-O | stdin: but there is NO lib!!!!!! | 01:22 |
Rudd-O | there is NOthing named* in the lib folder | 01:23 |
stdin | it's not a symlink yet, it will be, like I said | 01:23 |
stdin | when the version settles | 01:23 |
Rudd-O | ok anyway | 01:24 |
Rudd-O | the kubuntu installation instructions make no mention of this fact | 01:24 |
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alain | any good dock for gutsy coz kiba ruin my compiz | 01:25 |
stdin | from the 1st alpha | 01:25 |
stdin | "Install kde4base-dev, this will uninstall the normal qt4 packages and install the qt4 kdecopy packages." | 01:25 |
stdin | Alpha2 "Install kde4base-dev." | 01:26 |
stdin | etc, etc | 01:26 |
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Brucevdk | stdin: could you explain the whole shared libraries belong in -dev packages thing? | 01:29 |
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stdin | Brucevdk: they don't, .so's are link to the binary file with the version, eg: would point to which would then point to | 01:30 |
Rudd-O | stdin | 01:30 |
stdin | .so are normally only needed for linking, but in kde4 the versions haven't settled | 01:31 |
Rudd-O | if they are a link to a real shared library... where is the shared library then? | 01:31 |
stdin | like I said, the version hasn't settled, the .so is a binary | 01:31 |
stdin | it will link to a diversion binary when it settles | 01:31 |
stdin | one with a version | 01:32 |
Brucevdk | what's a diversion binary and where does it come from? | 01:32 |
stdin | erm, revision, not diversion | 01:32 |
stdin | .so.X.X.X is the library, .so is a link to it | 01:33 |
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Brucevdk | stdin: so a -dev package is supposed to only include only symbolic links to shared libraries, which are in turn provided by the actual package (which the -dev package depends on)? | 01:41 |
stdin | yeah | 01:41 |
Brucevdk | right | 01:42 |
geser | Brucevdk: if you're interested in library package read also | 01:43 |
geser | That's how libraries are packaged in Debian/Ubuntu | 01:44 |
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Brucevdk | ok, I see you're trying to get rid of me, sneaky! :) | 01:46 |
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panosru | Hi, I'm on Gutsy 64bit and i try to install Java on firefox can anyone help me? If i go to a page that uses java applets it says me that the plugin is missing and i press to install it, it installs icedtea 7 and then i restart firefox after that i go again to a page with java applet and it says me again that the plugin is missing and i press again to install it but this time it says me that this is already install (as it should to say) | 01:54 |
panosru | but java not works. | 01:54 |
bardyr | panosru, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:55 |
I-hate-xp | today i updated more than 120M. does it mean it is the final 7.10?? | 01:55 |
bardyr | I-hate-xp, nope | 01:55 |
I-hate-xp | looks like it should be final | 01:55 |
bardyr | I-hate-xp, the final is in 2 days | 01:55 |
panosru | bardyr i think that i already have this, w8 a sec to check it | 01:55 |
I-hate-xp | but actually i am unable to activate the restrict nvidia driver, to enable compiz. | 01:56 |
I-hate-xp | so i hope the final should be ok | 01:56 |
panosru | bardyr yes i already have this | 01:56 |
bardyr | panosru, there is no 64bit flash player you need gnash or install the 32bit flash player | 01:57 |
panosru | bardyr i'm talking about java | 01:57 |
panosru | flash works perfect | 01:57 |
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bardyr | hmm | 01:57 |
panosru | i have java installed | 01:58 |
panosru | and the plugin too | 01:58 |
panosru | but it not works on firefox | 01:58 |
panosru | in about:config it seems to be ok | 01:58 |
bardyr | weird | 01:58 |
bardyr | I-hate-xp, why cant you install the nvidia driver? | 01:58 |
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panosru | and i know that java works because eclipse for example works fine | 01:59 |
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JohnFlux | Hey all | 01:59 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: if i install that, it will break down my X | 01:59 |
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bardyr | panosru, "java -version" ? | 02:00 |
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panosru | java version "1.6.0_03" | 02:00 |
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bardyr | I-hate-xp, did you try to install the driver with envy or from | 02:00 |
bardyr | panosru, java should work | 02:00 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: tried | 02:01 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: no envy script | 02:01 |
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panosru | yeah i know but it not | 02:01 |
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panosru | i will try something now brb in a few seconds | 02:01 |
bardyr | I-hate-xp, before or after you tried the restricted-manager? | 02:01 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: before | 02:01 |
bardyr | I-hate-xp, do you still have the driver? | 02:02 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: yes, | 02:03 |
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bardyr | I-hate-xp, do a "sudo sh nvidia-driver.bin --uninstall | 02:03 |
I-hate-xp | bardyr: thx, but i don't want to use nvidia driver now. i am using it in office daily work, so i don't care too much compiz now | 02:04 |
I-hate-xp | just do without compiz | 02:04 |
panosru | nothing... | 02:05 |
panosru | i tried to remove ~/.mozilla | 02:05 |
panosru | and start firefox again | 02:05 |
panosru | but nothing happened i get the same issue | 02:05 |
bardyr | panosru, "ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/" ? | 02:07 |
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panosru | bardyr same.. | 02:10 |
bardyr | panosru, | 02:11 |
panosru | ok w8 a sec to finish the "Detecting Java on your computer " | 02:12 |
panosru | bardyr ok it finished now what? | 02:13 |
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bardyr | did it detect java? | 02:13 |
panosru | in "Test your JVM " i can't see anything only a grey box | 02:13 |
panosru | nothing more | 02:13 |
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panosru | bardyr, see here: | 02:17 |
Tomcat_ | panosru: Check with top or ps if java is running at all while you get the gray box. | 02:17 |
Tomcat_ | panosru: I sometimes get crashes with Java & Firefox as well... | 02:18 |
panosru | Tomcat, yes i saw the bug report with java & firefox | 02:18 |
panosru | with top i can't see java | 02:19 |
panosru | xm.. | 02:19 |
panosru | this is bad | 02:19 |
panosru | neither with ps ax | grep java | 02:19 |
panosru | :/ | 02:19 |
panosru | xm. | 02:19 |
panosru | but when i run eclipse it works | 02:19 |
panosru | i mean the eclipse | 02:19 |
panosru | not firefox | 02:19 |
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JediMaster | Hi guys, racking my brains here trying to figure out how to stop nvidia twinview from maximising windows across both screens, anyone got any ideas? | 02:23 |
JediMaster | Bearing in mind xinerama has to be off for compiz-fusion/emerald to work | 02:24 |
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panosru | Tomcat_ , bardyr, watch this -> LOOOOOOOOOL | 02:26 |
ubstud | Where can I get freenx that works on gutsy? | 02:26 |
panosru | anyway java not working its better to forget about her :D | 02:27 |
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Tomcat_ | ubstud: | 02:29 |
IdleOne | !freenx | 02:29 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 02:29 |
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IdleOne | ubstud: I believe there is a package in the !seveas repos ( very safe to use ) | 02:29 |
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ubstud | should I use the repo For Ubuntu 7.04? | 02:30 |
IdleOne | ubstud: no | 02:30 |
IdleOne | !seveas | 02:30 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on - And he's getting married! | 02:30 |
Ximal | hey guys.. what's the name of the new beta .. anyone know yet ? | 02:31 |
IdleOne | ubstud: feel secure using his repo . I do and many other people do | 02:31 |
IdleOne | !hardy | 02:31 |
ubotu | Hardy Heron is the code name for Ubuntu 8.04-LTS, due April 2008. For more info, see: | 02:31 |
ubstud | deb url-of-repository release-to-use components-to-use those? | 02:31 |
IdleOne | ubstud: yup thats it. look at that wiki page that ubotu gav you all the info you need is there | 02:32 |
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ubstud | IdleOne, would I use feisty-seveas? | 02:34 |
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IdleOne | ubstud: not if your running gutsy | 02:35 |
ratpoison | I need help! my openoffice impress won't load | 02:35 |
gemidjy | will gutsy be cutting-edge or stable dist ? | 02:35 |
ratpoison | same thing happens to base | 02:35 |
ubstud | IdleOne, so gutsy-seveas? | 02:35 |
IdleOne | gemidjy: cutting stable | 02:35 |
Ximal | gemidjy : i'm on it.. and it rocks ! | 02:35 |
ubstud | cause the site doesn't say it supports gutsy | 02:35 |
IdleOne | ubstud: yes gutsy-seveas | 02:35 |
Ximal | it has wireless support that works for me sofar ! ;) | 02:35 |
IdleOne | doesnt? | 02:35 |
IdleOne | hmmm lemme look | 02:35 |
Ximal | yes it does | 02:35 |
Ximal | until 2009 i thought | 02:36 |
gemidjy | Ximal: I didnt ask how good it is, I just need stable software | 02:36 |
gemidjy | I dont want updates every 30minutes | 02:36 |
Ximal | gemidjy : my software is stable.. not crashed unless i caused it due to overworking my processor by opening to much junk | 02:36 |
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bardyr | gemidjy, gutsy will be released in 2 days | 02:36 |
Ximal | it's not like windows and it's bluescreen of death.. | 02:36 |
gemidjy | bardyr: yes, that is why I ask, weather I install it or not :) | 02:36 |
Ximal | hmm... you should try the live cd... most of it can run from live. | 02:36 |
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bardyr | gemidjy, the release candidate is a little old, i would wait or grab a daily build | 02:37 |
gemidjy | bardyr: no I will wait for the final release | 02:37 |
gemidjy | but even then, maybe new versions of software will be deployed as soon as they get out | 02:37 |
bardyr | gemidjy, only bug fixes are allowed into gutsy now | 02:38 |
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IdleOne | ubstud: I am certain there is a gutsy package for freenx. try googling gutsy seveas freenx | 02:38 |
gemidjy | bardyr: so only security updates will be in gutsy in future too or while the freeze? | 02:38 |
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Ximal | i think the best security is turning off your pc and your router when you aren't home ;) | 02:39 |
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bardyr | gemidjy, security updates and bugfixes and small changes | 02:39 |
fiXXXerMe1 | Is there a torrent that I can download now, to help with bandwidth on release day? | 02:39 |
Tomcat_ | fiXXXerMe1: On release day there will be. | 02:39 |
bardyr | fiXXXerMe1, nope | 02:39 |
fiXXXerMe1 | Alright | 02:39 |
gemidjy | ok | 02:40 |
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JediMaster | anyone here using nvidia twinview in gutsy? | 02:40 |
ubstud | no luck | 02:41 |
pequatre | Hi. I've upgraded my xubuntu to Gutsy yesterday, i've last updated around 30 Min ago so i guess i'm up to date. I have a problem: it seems i can't add the "network monitor" applet to the panel (this is xfce, not gnome). Do you have that bug too ? | 02:41 |
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ratpoison | I need help! my openoffice impress won't load Same thing with oofice -base | 02:42 |
IdleOne | gemidjy: you can try using the feisty package but it may or may not work | 02:42 |
IdleOne | ubstud: ^^^ | 02:42 |
ubstud | ohk, thx. | 02:42 |
nikolam | I have trouble with update of gutsy this morning: | 02:42 |
nikolam | Something with audacious packages overlaping | 02:42 |
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nikolam | Should I deinstall audacious and do update? | 02:43 |
WorkingOnWise | pequatre: AKAIK that isn't a bug, it's proper operation. nm only works in gnome. | 02:43 |
pequatre | WorkingOnWise, this is not nm, this is an xfce4 applet (not the same). Besides, nm works perfectly in the latest xubuntu (see xubuntu website for gutsy) | 02:44 |
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IdleOne | pequatre: #xubuntu might be able to help you more | 02:44 |
WorkingOnWise | pequatre: my bad | 02:45 |
pequatre | IdleOne, they pointed me to that chan :) | 02:45 |
IdleOne | ratpoison: this is before the update today or after? | 02:45 |
Hamra | does the alternate CD upgrade to gutsy? or does a fresh installation? because im not willing to format my "/" partition! | 02:45 |
ratpoison | after: I have rebooted already | 02:45 |
IdleOne | Hamra: does both | 02:45 |
Eq|work | pequatre : check the package that provides it, then check launchpad? | 02:45 |
pequatre | anyway i spotted some errors in my .xubuntu-sessions files. i'll fill a bug report i guess | 02:46 |
Hamra | lets start the download then | 02:46 |
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IdleOne | !upgrade | Hamra | 02:46 |
ubotu | Hamra: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 02:46 |
vilasboas_ | hy does anyone know how to install beryl on ubuntu 7.10?? | 02:46 |
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IdleOne | vilasboas_: because it is pre-installed | 02:46 |
IdleOne | called compiz-fusion | 02:47 |
ratpoison | vilasboas_: Why don't you use compiz-fusion? It's newer than beryl | 02:47 |
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piquadrat | Hi! I'm looking for a mplayer 1.0 rc2 package for gutsy. I tried to compile it myself, but the compiler bails out on one point or another every time | 02:47 |
vilasboas_ | because i can't use compiz om my laptop and it doesn't has so many efects | 02:48 |
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crdlb | vilasboas_, why can't you? | 02:48 |
crdlb | compiz fusion has more plugins than beryl | 02:48 |
IdleOne | vilasboas_: you have 7.10 installed correct? if so got to System > Preferrences > Desktop Effects and enable them | 02:49 |
ratpoison | vilasboas_: you can install the advanced settings manager from synaptic. I think that beryl was a fork project of compiz,. Now they re-merged, they were called compiz fusions. I think whatever stable code there was in beryl, it is in compiz fusion | 02:49 |
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ratpoison | also: if you use glxgears on your terminal, does it work? | 02:50 |
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vilasboas_ | it appears "Desktop effects could not be enable" | 02:50 |
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ratpoison_ | sry, closed xchat by mistake | 02:51 |
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crdlb | vilasboas_, what video card? | 02:51 |
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tinin | Hi, can I use the same ubuntu method in xubuntu to upgrade to gutsy? | 02:52 |
Toma- | yep | 02:53 |
tinin | there's must be nothing different | 02:53 |
tinin | i guess | 02:53 |
tinin | so will sudo update-manager -d upgrade me to gutsy? | 02:54 |
ubstud | on the nxclient, when it asks for "host" should I just put the ip of the computer running the nx server? | 02:54 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb how can i see what's my video card? | 02:56 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, lspci|grep VGA | 02:56 |
crdlb | in a terminal | 02:56 |
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ubstud | for "host" I put the ip of the host computer and tried connecting but it says "connection refused" | 02:58 |
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ubstud | is it because the host computer is behind a proxy? | 02:58 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] | 02:59 |
crdlb | heh | 03:00 |
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crdlb | vilasboas_, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 03:00 |
BlueAidan_work | I give... how do I install krandr? | 03:00 |
crdlb | !pastebin | 03:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:00 |
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deptrai | !release | 03:01 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 03:01 |
ubstud | Any help on my freenx problem? | 03:02 |
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Taejo | Yay, my windows are wobbling! | 03:03 |
oshiii-_^ | hehe | 03:04 |
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ubstud | ?? | 03:05 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb one secund more ;) | 03:05 |
IdleOne | ubstud: the proxy may be blocking yes | 03:06 |
Brucevdk | anybody know of any effort to making it possible to install applications per-user using Apt? Is that a stupid question? (so non-root, in the home directory) | 03:06 |
ubstud | IdleOne, do you know how to setup nx so it knows that I'm behind a proxy? | 03:06 |
assasukasse | is there anyone that has fixed the no tty problem? | 03:07 |
IdleOne | Brucevdk: that would mean you could have 10 mplayers installed if you have 10 users why would you want that? | 03:07 |
IdleOne | ubstud: no I dont sorry | 03:07 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb: | 03:07 |
IdleOne | ubstud: should be in the settings somewhere though | 03:07 |
vilasboas_ | sory | 03:07 |
Brucevdk | IdleOne: to me it would mean that certain applications you don't want to have system-wide could be installed by the user itself, and therefor that user doesn't need sudo or other administrative rights either. If you as system administrator know everybody wants mplayer, just install it globally. | 03:08 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb: | 03:08 |
IdleOne | ubstud: try asking in #nx | 03:08 |
ubstud | kk, ty | 03:08 |
IdleOne | Brucevdk: that makes sense also but I dont know of a way to do what it is your asking | 03:09 |
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IdleOne | Brucevdk: guess disabling sudo but that would mean everyone has root privs . I sure you dont want that | 03:10 |
Brucevdk | IdleOne: ;) | 03:10 |
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Brucevdk | the whole idea is limitation of rights, not expansion hah | 03:10 |
ojwb | hi folks - I've just upgraded from feisty to the gutsy RC, but X crashed (just eating CPU) part-way through. I killed it and rebooted, then dpkg --configure -a, but things aren't totally happy. In particular, the new kernel won't boot - it gets to the progress bar, then quickly drops to a busybox prompt. The feisty kernel boots at least. I tried dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.22-generic but that hasn't helped. Any sug | 03:11 |
ojwb | gestions for digging myself out of this hole? | 03:11 |
Brucevdk | I was thinking, maybe one could just update system paths and extract the deb (but that would only work for the simplest of simplest cases) | 03:11 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb: any ideia?? | 03:11 |
IdleOne | Brucevdk: it is an interesting problem . stick around and ask a few more times. pretty soon more people will be comming online and they can probably help you | 03:11 |
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crdlb | vilasboas_, ok that looks good | 03:12 |
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crdlb | vilasboas_, what does glxinfo|grep direct | 03:12 |
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crdlb | say? | 03:12 |
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IdleOne | Brucevdk: even extracting the deb requires sudo does it not? | 03:13 |
san| | is dead? | 03:13 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb: direct rendering: Yes | 03:13 |
WorkingOnWise | Brucevdk: I'm no linux expert, but isn't that the idea behind usermode linux? a "user space"? | 03:13 |
ojwb | IdleOne: no, anyone can extract a deb | 03:13 |
Brucevdk | IdleOne: fetching it via apt/synaptic would, but otherwise no | 03:13 |
ojwb | you can even do it by hand with ar and tar | 03:14 |
Brucevdk | WorkingOnWise: I hadn't even heard of usermode Linux untill you just mentioned it ;) | 03:14 |
IdleOne | thats right dpkg -i needs sudo | 03:14 |
ojwb | that's installing, not extracting | 03:14 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, ok so what happens if you run compiz --replace | 03:14 |
crdlb | ? | 03:14 |
IdleOne | was thinking of the right thing at the wrong time lol | 03:14 |
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ojwb | ddpkg --unpack | 03:14 |
ojwb | or is it dpkg -x | 03:15 |
IdleOne | san|: tuxfamily is working for me | 03:15 |
ratpoison | IdleOne: you guessed right about gtk. I used another gtk decorator and it worked! :) | 03:15 |
IdleOne | gtk? hmm I dont remember guessing about that lol | 03:15 |
IdleOne | but glad it worked :) | 03:15 |
ratpoison | well somebody did | 03:15 |
ratpoison | thank you, somebody! | 03:16 |
Brucevdk | WorkingOnWise: looking at the descriptions for UML, this doesn't have anything to do with it. UML seems to be about virtual machine thingies, not packaging and installing software. | 03:16 |
ubstud | one is answering on #nx | 03:16 |
ubstud | anyone here used freenx? | 03:16 |
WorkingOnWise | Brucevdk: I looked into it a few years back, trying to set up a "sandbox" for each user in a single machine. I'm fairly sure UML is what I had decided to use....before some bonehead with a briefcase decided to by an xp box instead! | 03:16 |
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mzuverink | Does anyone know if the whole bonobo(sp?) bug has been fixed yet? | 03:16 |
CapaH | Hi all, Is there any good reason not to get the Release Candidate --- or would getting the Release Candidate today be pretty much identical to getting the Release in a couple days? | 03:17 |
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WorkingOnWise | Brucevdk: I'll dig into my old notes them and see what I was thinking | 03:17 |
IdleOne | mzuverink: I got that error this morning when trying to ctrl+alt+backspace | 03:17 |
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mzuverink | IdleOne, ok, I have not logged out in days | 03:18 |
WorkingOnWise | Brucevdk: ty genii | 03:18 |
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genii | IdleOne , WorkingOnWise np ppl | 03:18 |
san| | IdleOne: sorry meant the download server: | 03:18 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb: | 03:19 |
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IdleOne | san|: yup its working | 03:19 |
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=== mzuverink thanks genii and thinks to himself how this is off topic and doesnt want to get yelled at | ||
san| | weird... | 03:19 |
IrishDave | hey, i just installed gutsy RC and i was hoping to get a custom DSDT hack to fix my sounds but it didnt work.... any ideas? i saw mention of it on forum but no solution | 03:20 |
genii | mzuverink: Development work needs caffene :) | 03:20 |
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genii | *caffeine | 03:20 |
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mzuverink | genii, amen | 03:20 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, ok that's fixable | 03:20 |
san| | IdleOne: I get this every time: Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out. | 03:20 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, gksu gedit /etc/drirc | 03:20 |
vilasboas_ | :) | 03:20 |
IdleOne | loaded in less then a sec for me | 03:20 |
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Brucevdk | WorkingOnWise: actually reading some more it seems UML is a virtual machine thingy, but it allows you to share a base system and write the changes somewhere else. Which would probably accomplish the whole seperation of users, though I wonder at what performance costs. Might look at it later. | 03:21 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, and paste in this: | 03:21 |
LjL | CapaH, realistically, it's quite likely that the final release will be identical... but last-minute bugs can't be excluded, that's why the RC exists in the first place | 03:21 |
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ojwb | Brucevdk, I believe it allows sharing a base file-system with copy-on-write for any changes | 03:23 |
IrishDave | hey, i just installed gutsy RC and i was hoping to get a custom DSDT hack to fix my sounds but it didnt work.... any ideas? i saw mention of it on forum but no solution | 03:23 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb: ok i have done this do i need to restart? | 03:23 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, I don't think so | 03:24 |
crdlb | but if it doesn't work, then restart | 03:24 |
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vilasboas_ | crdlb: it appears "Desktop effects could not be enable" | 03:25 |
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vilasboas_ | i will restart | 03:25 |
tech0007 | my system slowed down a bit after upgrading to Gutsy, any idea why? | 03:26 |
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ojwb | tech0007: probably tracker indexing your files | 03:27 |
tech0007 | that essential for gutsy to work? | 03:27 |
ojwb | System->Preferences->Indexing Preferences to adjust or disable it | 03:27 |
ojwb | no | 03:27 |
ojwb | just allows you to search files | 03:27 |
ojwb | so far, I'm deeply unimpressed by it | 03:28 |
foxiness_ | tech0007: look at System Monitor it will help u know what is going in ur system | 03:28 |
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ojwb | it completely filled my /home partition and just kept bashing away | 03:28 |
tech0007 | ojwb....i can still search for files w/out it right? | 03:28 |
seanh | Oh dear, so I installed Gutsy preview over a Feisty install on my thinkpad and now, then I plug in a projector, it doesn't seem to get any signal from the thinkpad. Tried with multiple projectors. I dunno where to start, any pointers? | 03:28 |
tech0007 | foxiness...what shld i look for in system monitor? CPU, memory? | 03:29 |
ojwb | either/both | 03:29 |
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tech0007 | looking under processes, there r tons here i dont understand, do i need evolution etc, i dont use the evolution email here. i jst go to firefox. | 03:30 |
vilasboas_ | crbld: it doesn't work :'( | 03:30 |
foxiness_ | ojwb: b4 i upgrade i have beagle u can image what happen when the two work in the same time | 03:30 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, glxinfo -l | grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE | 03:31 |
ojwb | tech0007: if you were successfully using something to search for files before, it should still work | 03:31 |
IrishDave | does anyone know anything about the lack of working custom DSDT or if it will be fixed for release day? | 03:31 |
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Angelus | heya | 03:33 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 1024 | 03:33 |
crdlb | hmm :/ | 03:33 |
foxiness_ | ATI Technologies Inc M9+ 5C61 [Radeon Mobility 9200 (AGP)] (rev 01) , compiz slow on this card ,any tips? | 03:33 |
Brucevdk | ojwb: I uninstalled tracker and Nautilus search integration (CTRL + F) at least doesn't seem to work anymore | 03:33 |
Brucevdk | ojwb: didn't bother trying to find out why | 03:34 |
foxiness_ | !hi Angelus | 03:34 |
Angelus | when i boot into kubuntu RC release, (gutsy) , the monitor is giving me a wrong size or something, is there a posibility to change the resolution at boot ? :/ | 03:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hi angelus - try searching on | 03:34 |
ubstud | IdleOne, no one there :( | 03:34 |
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foxiness_ | !hi | Angelus | 03:34 |
ubotu | Angelus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! | 03:34 |
Angelus | crdlb, you are everywhere? :P | 03:34 |
crdlb | vilasboas_, I don't know why it didn't work :( | 03:35 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb I'm very thaks for the help but i really need to go to one place i will be back in a ninuts thanks ;) | 03:35 |
Angelus | so is there a way to insert a boot option for changing the monitor resolution ? | 03:35 |
crdlb | are you sure saved properly? | 03:35 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb yes | 03:36 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb I'm very thaks for the help but i really need to go to one place i will be back in a ninuts thanks ;) | 03:36 |
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tech0007 | ojwb / foxiness.....thanks folks | 03:37 |
IdleOne | ubstud: nx has a forum you can check also | 03:38 |
seanh | Okay, does my problem re projector not getting a signal from my laptop have something to do with XRandR and the new Screens and Graphics administration dialog? | 03:38 |
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san| | does gutsy support plug and play monitors? | 03:39 |
san| | on the fly I mean | 03:39 |
ubstud | IdleOne, really? what's the site? | 03:39 |
Angelus | why is no one answering me ? am i invisible ? :( | 03:39 |
ojwb | what was that noise? | 03:40 |
Oli`` | huh? | 03:40 |
tech0007 | !patience | Angelus | 03:40 |
ubotu | Angelus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 03:40 |
Pici | ojwb: :p | 03:40 |
ubstud | IdleOne, this: | 03:40 |
Angelus | :O | 03:40 |
Angelus | ok | 03:40 |
bandit12 | i'm running gutsy and can get to the graphic login screen enter username and pass and all that happens is i get back to login screen. Any ideas? | 03:40 |
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san| | Angelus: change boot resolution? Why? | 03:41 |
san| | or you mean the resolution of the desktop | 03:41 |
san| | ? | 03:41 |
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tech0007 | bandit12...try logging in to console ...Ctrl-Alt-F1, check if its X or ur user accnt issue | 03:42 |
Angelus | sacater, yeah | 03:42 |
Angelus | san|, yeaj | 03:42 |
Angelus | because | 03:42 |
Angelus | when i boot | 03:42 |
alain | hi guys how can i install the TSCu_Comic font in gutsy???? | 03:42 |
Angelus | into livecd | 03:42 |
Angelus | when kde is gonna start | 03:42 |
Angelus | it gives me a resolution error | 03:43 |
Angelus | hte monitor | 03:43 |
Angelus | :S | 03:43 |
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Pici | alain: same way you did in feisty. | 03:43 |
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Pici | !fonts | alain | 03:43 |
ubotu | alain: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 03:43 |
bandit12 | it's not user account. this is only account i use and i am poss u/p are correct plus it didn't happen till i tried changing graphics card driver so i guess it's x related / me messing about where i shouldn't | 03:43 |
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bandit12 | i'm getting Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 03:45 |
tech0007 | bandit12...u need to reconfigure x, u can do it while on the console | 03:45 |
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bandit12 | yeh i did an sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. that got me as far as the gui login | 03:46 |
san| | Angelus: when you boot the live cd.. there is an option when the initial menu is show (VGA) | 03:47 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | hello I am struggling to get ndiswrapper to work on my hp laptop, I have tx1000 amd64 running 7.10 rc and somehow it does not load ndiswrapper | 03:47 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | its modprobed and all, as far as I can tell | 03:47 |
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WorkingOnWise | Brucevdk: I looked at my notes. It was UML I was considering. I would have allowed me to give each user a "sandbox", but there was no common code sharing for the apps, so it would have been a big sandbox. About 3GB per user, 30 users, in 1999. I tinke I was gonna use server for that space. Anyway, yeah, it isn't elegent. Never did find a clean way to do what you want. | 03:47 |
Angelus | san|, i can't use vga driver, i use the safe graphics mode :P | 03:47 |
san| | pff... doesn't sound like a good start! | 03:49 |
Angelus | :/ | 03:49 |
tech0007 | bandit12...'xhost +local:username' | 03:49 |
Angelus | if i don't use sage graphics mode(vesa) the kde crashes san| | 03:49 |
san| | okay.. and you need some sort of startup option to load this vesa mode? | 03:50 |
Angelus | no | 03:51 |
Brucevdk | WorkingOnWise: I was looking at a per application sandboxing solution a while ago and all I found was Plash (also not very elegant from the short time I looked at it). | 03:51 |
Brucevdk | WorkingOnWise: but that's unrelated anyways | 03:51 |
bandit12 | tech0007... ok tried that i get -> unable to open display "" | 03:51 |
Angelus | san|, i loaded the vesa mode, but it loaded in a wrong resolution, thats the problem | 03:51 |
tech0007 | bandit12...ur not logging to X as root, right? | 03:51 |
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bandit12 | no just my own login | 03:51 |
tech0007 | bandit12....'startx' while on console | 03:52 |
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thomas__ | hi | 03:52 |
thomas__ | im having some probs with my wifi | 03:52 |
san| | Angelus: I don't have a clue mate.. I'm browsing the forums right now for ay | 03:53 |
bandit12 | tech0007... i get Fatal server error: server is already active for display 0 | 03:53 |
thomas__ | i'm working with ndiswrapper, some moments ago all was fine, but after a reboot it stopped working | 03:53 |
thomas__ | it worked with wicd | 03:53 |
thomas__ | now dmsg give: [ 654.808000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready | 03:53 |
tech0007 | bandit12...'killall gdm' if ur using gdm, then try 'startx' | 03:54 |
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Angelus | ok san| i'll try some options and maybe explode the computer, brb | 03:54 |
Angelus | . | 03:54 |
bandit12 | tech0007... i did killall kdm then startx i get a black nad white lookin screen with a black x for a pointer | 03:55 |
tech0007 | bandit12...'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' | 03:58 |
tech0007 | bandit12...what's ur video card? | 03:59 |
bandit12 | nvidia geforce6600 in a laptop | 03:59 |
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bandit12 | grep EE gives Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER. GLX is not supported with Composite extension | 04:02 |
tech0007 | bandit12...blk n white screen still? comment out GLcore and dri in xorg.conf | 04:02 |
WorkingOnWise | Wheres the SLED type menu for gnome. I cant find it, and I have installed every pkg I thought might be it. | 04:03 |
bandit12 | now we come to how do i edit xorg.conf in command line? | 04:03 |
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thomas_ | anyone? | 04:03 |
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tech0007 | bandit12...ctrl-alt-backspace to kill X, then cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf | 04:04 |
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tech0007 | bandit12...'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' then put # before Load "GLcore" and Load "dri" | 04:05 |
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bandit12 | ok i'll give that a go | 04:06 |
CapaH | Quick question, I have a 64 bit processor but some people have told me that getting the 32 bit version is better, can someone give me suggestions on this? | 04:06 |
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WorkingOnWise | CapaH: If you intend on using more that about 3.4GB of ram, you must use 64 bit. I'm on Gutsy AMD64 and it is not much, if any, faster than 32 bit. | 04:08 |
CapaH | I have 2 gigs of ram | 04:08 |
CapaH | but a 64 bit processor | 04:08 |
WorkingOnWise | I only have 1GB now, but intend on getting at least 4GB, and there is no upgrade from 32 to 64. | 04:08 |
bardyr | CapaH, intel or amd | 04:09 |
CapaH | amd | 04:09 |
WorkingOnWise | My decision was based on intended future use. I have a AMD Turion x2. | 04:09 |
bandit12 | tech0007.... there is no Load"GLcore" or Load "dri" of any discription | 04:09 |
CapaH | Its an Athlon 3500+ 64 | 04:09 |
WorkingOnWise | If I intended to stay under 4GB of ram, I would have gone with 32 bit. a little more suport, and apps ar written and updated for 32 bit first. | 04:10 |
ojwb | though that's less true than it used to be | 04:10 |
WorkingOnWise | yeah, it is getting better. It will soon be a non-issue | 04:11 |
ojwb | I bet at some point apps will need fixing to keep working on 32 bit platforms! | 04:11 |
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w00tzilla | this is my first time here but for whatever reason, i am banned from the ubuntu channel | 04:12 |
tech0007 | it dellprecisionm90? | 04:12 |
WorkingOnWise | lol...yeah! Actually, I hope not. pc's are so powerful today, I know many pl who will never need a machine a=even as fast as mine... | 04:12 |
alain | im just wondering y my AWN MANAGER wont show up | 04:12 |
LjL | w00tzilla: join #ubuntu-ops please | 04:13 |
alain | but the AWN nav is working | 04:13 |
bandit12 | tech0007... no it's gericom | 04:13 |
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bandit12 | all was well till i tried changing from nv to geforce 6 in driver selection | 04:14 |
tech0007 | bandit12...try 'nvidia' | 04:15 |
fignew | CapaH: Flash player works with no hassle under 32 bit | 04:15 |
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ojwb | hmm, I think my non-booting gutsy kernel may be evms related | 04:16 |
foxiness | i have two adsl gateway wireless,ubuntu see one of them "used now" but not the other one how to make sure the problem not form ubuntu? | 04:16 |
ojwb | which is apparently unsupported by gutsy | 04:16 |
bandit12 | in Section "Device" Driver "nvidia" so that doesn't seem to work. | 04:17 |
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tech0007 | bandit12..weird..just 'nv' | 04:18 |
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ojwb | and I think because my upgrade crashed, I didn't get the "remove obsolete packages" dialog | 04:19 |
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vo | great. visudo messed up my /etc/sudoers | 04:19 |
bandit12 | in graphic mode both parts in the display manager bit were 'nv' thats what ubuntu auto detected | 04:20 |
tolonuga | hi. found a bug in the alternative installer: if there are raid devices from some old setup, it can't remove them. it seems to try to remove "/dev/md/1" when it should try to remove "/dev/md1" - known issue? | 04:20 |
ThunderStruck | vo ae you sure visudo did? or you changed something you shouldnt have? | 04:20 |
bandit12 | that all worked well but i was trying to get geforce6 driver working and now i'm stuck with command line and partial gui login | 04:20 |
vo | well, i actually just opened visudo and i only looked at the file, i am sure I didn't change anything | 04:20 |
vo | i only looked inside and then closed it | 04:21 |
Pici | vo: and why do you think it messed up the file? Are you getting errors? | 04:21 |
vo | next time i went to sudo something, it said "SYNTAX ERROR!" | 04:21 |
vo | in my /etc/sudoers, line 2 | 04:21 |
vo | so i'm going to reboot in a sec in recovery mode to see what happened | 04:22 |
Pici | vo: good idea | 04:22 |
ojwb | is there a way to get to that list of obsolete packages again? is it the same as the "Installed (local or obsolete)" list in synaptic? | 04:22 |
Daviey | orphans? | 04:23 |
BHSPitMonkey | anyone else notice a blinking network-manager icon? | 04:23 |
BHSPitMonkey | nm-applet rather | 04:23 |
bandit12 | i have some backup xorg.conf files named xorg.conf.20071016140251 would sving this a s xorg.conf work? | 04:23 |
BHSPitMonkey | bandit12, if you had a working setup at that time/date, yes | 04:23 |
bandit12 | ok i'll try that is the cmd for that mv or is there a rename cmd | 04:24 |
tech0007 | bandit12....thats ur backup before u reconfigured ur x, it wouldnt hurt to try | 04:24 |
BlueAidan_work | how do I troubleshoot my ipod not automounting using kubuntu? | 04:24 |
humbolto | heard Xen is not too stable in gutsy? | 04:24 |
humbolto | true? | 04:25 |
foxiness | is the wifi radar best tool? | 04:25 |
gesker | Anyone have an ETA for the sun-java6-plugin package? | 04:25 |
ThunderStruck | humbolto, a few bugs with it not sure what they arre but i think we are releasing without another kernel update | 04:25 |
ThunderStruck | gea long time ago | 04:25 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, a long time ago | 04:26 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, enable multiverse and universe and install sun-java6-plugin | 04:26 |
humbolto | the tickless kernel is that especially good for the xen dom0 or domUs? | 04:26 |
ThunderStruck | its in edgy feisty and gutsy | 04:26 |
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gesker | ThunderStruck both Universe and Multiverse are enabled and apt-get install sun-java6-plugin returns sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate | 04:27 |
tolonuga | report the issue I found as #153313. if anyone has a spare machine with two blank disks, it should be easy to reproduce. no idea which package I should assign this to. | 04:27 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, its there please post you /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin | 04:27 |
kondor101 | has the "flash" changed on firefox in 7.10? | 04:27 |
ThunderStruck | kondor101, what do yo mean changed | 04:28 |
ThunderStruck | you* | 04:28 |
ThunderStruck | its flash 9.0.48 i think | 04:28 |
ThunderStruck | !info flashplugin-nonfree | 04:28 |
ubotu | flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) | 04:28 |
Pici | kondor101: by default Gutsy ships with gnash, not flash iirc. | 04:28 |
kondor101 | thunderstruck i was trying to find out if it was still non-free or gnash | 04:29 |
ThunderStruck | njeither are enabled installed by default | 04:29 |
ThunderStruck | we have both | 04:29 |
gesker | ThunderStruck what is the url for pastebin | 04:29 |
tech0007 | are u guyz using apparmor? what's it for? | 04:29 |
ThunderStruck | gnash works great for most part it wont play some but better than prior versions | 04:29 |
Pici | !info gnash | 04:29 |
ubotu | gnash: free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 234 kB, installed size 828 kB | 04:29 |
ThunderStruck | !pastebin | gesker | 04:30 |
ubotu | gesker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:30 |
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gesker | ThunderStruck | 04:30 |
bandit12 | yay. i got it back thanks for your help tech007 and BHSPitMonkey | 04:30 |
AlienX_ | anyone know if there is a gaim theme/emoticon set for pidgin? I dread the new ones heh | 04:31 |
foxiness | if i would use wifi radar will break something on my system ? | 04:31 |
tech0007 | bandit12...woohoo :-D | 04:31 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, try changing country code (us to uk) | 04:31 |
kondor101 | Pici, so when I upgraded, would I have changed to gnash 9I was on non-free before. I do not know how to tell which i am using | 04:31 |
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bandit12 | i think i'll leave the vid drivers alone for now and see what else i can mess up (-; | 04:32 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, than save close and run apt-get update than install it | 04:32 |
Pici | kondor101: in firefox, you can go to the address: about:plugins - it should tell you which you are running. | 04:32 |
ThunderStruck | i am unable to test us repos atm | 04:32 |
ThunderStruck | hmmmm | 04:32 |
ThunderStruck | : | 04:32 |
ThunderStruck | Pici, did you type about:plugins? | 04:33 |
ThunderStruck | yes you did | 04:33 |
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ThunderStruck | frigging xchat | 04:33 |
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Simon80 | anyone know why subpixel aliasing on gutsy would be noticeably blurrier? I don't want to file a vague bug about it, hence my asking here | 04:36 |
Simon80 | subpixel font antialiasing* | 04:37 |
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gesker | ThunderStruck same error: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate | 04:37 |
ThunderStruck | did you run apt-ge update? | 04:37 |
gesker | yes | 04:37 |
ThunderStruck | k brb smoke and think about this | 04:38 |
Pici | gesker: do you have multiverse enabled? | 04:38 |
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gesker | multiverse enabled | 04:38 |
kondor101 | application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash <--- this is not gnash is it? | 04:38 |
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chapium | anyone else have update problems? | 04:38 |
vilasboas_ | crdlb are you there? | 04:38 |
chapium | E: tzdata: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10 | 04:39 |
chapium | E: util-linux: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 04:39 |
gesker | ThunderStruck, Pici apt-get update runs fine with no errors | 04:39 |
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buntu_bum | hey all | 04:39 |
buntu_bum | anybody in here familiar with the nm-applet in gnome? | 04:39 |
gesker | ThunderStruck, do you know the url where I could download manually and do a dpkg -i | 04:39 |
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kondor101 | no it isn't flash, i just looked it synaptic, it isnt installed | 04:40 |
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drhumanist | hi there | 04:41 |
buntu_bum | anybody else having problems with network manager in gnome? | 04:41 |
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drhumanist | i am wondering if i will have any troubkles with my nVidia 7600 chipset drivers when/if i upgrade from feisty | 04:41 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, and Pici can you please apt-cache search sun-java6-plugin please or use synaptic to search, im not on ubuntu atm and i would like to see why he isnt getting it | 04:41 |
ThunderStruck | i control is always helpful | 04:41 |
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Pici | ThunderStruck: | 04:42 |
drhumanist | guys? :) | 04:42 |
Pici | drhumanist: you shouldnt. | 04:42 |
drhumanist | and i wouldn't either? :)) | 04:43 |
ThunderStruck | oh crap | 04:43 |
ThunderStruck | Pici, thats not good | 04:43 |
ThunderStruck | nvm its | | 04:43 |
tech0007 | drhumanist...before u upgrade backup ur xorg.conf | 04:43 |
buntu_bum | good call anyways | 04:43 |
gesker | ThunderStrtuck apt-cache search sun-java6-plugin return nothing | 04:44 |
buntu_bum | sucks to redo your xorg file by hand | 04:44 |
ThunderStruck | buwhy would you? | 04:44 |
ThunderStruck | buntu_bum, why would you? | 04:44 |
drhumanist | tech007: ok i will... but i read about many problems from ppl who had upgraded in previous transitions | 04:44 |
ThunderStruck | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg creates it | 04:44 |
buntu_bum | in case my tinkering destroys it in the first place | 04:44 |
buntu_bum | :P | 04:44 |
drhumanist | not only drivers.... but some programs too | 04:45 |
ThunderStruck | buntu_bum, back up | 04:45 |
drhumanist | maybe i'd better make a clean install from scratch?? | 04:45 |
tech0007 | drhumanist...not everyone gets lucky | 04:45 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, ok there is something wrong with your repos than | 04:45 |
buntu_bum | i do back stuff up, learned that lesson the hard way | 04:45 |
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tech0007 | that if u recompiled some programs or made many modifications to ur feisty | 04:46 |
Simon80 | any font gurus in here? blurry antialiasing in gutsy anyone? | 04:46 |
gesker | ThunderStruck how can i check/verify/reset my repos? | 04:46 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, im looking at them very closely | 04:46 |
tech0007 | drhumanist...i jst did the upgrade | 04:46 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, i doubt this is the issue but you should have backports commented out | 04:47 |
buntu_bum | is anybody else having problems with network manager | 04:47 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, they wont be used for a while | 04:47 |
gesker | yes | 04:47 |
ojwb | I've got the gutsy kernel to boot at last | 04:47 |
drhumanist | tech007: yes... are you happy with it? any revolutionary change??? is it stable enuff?? | 04:47 |
gesker | I man no, let me try to comment them out | 04:47 |
ojwb | FTR, if anyone else has a crash during the upgrade and can't boot the gutsy kernel, they need to uninstall evms | 04:47 |
tech0007 | drhumanist...for me yes | 04:47 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, can you run apt-cache search ubuntu-desktop please | 04:48 |
ojwb | and then (at least for me) it just boots fine | 04:48 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, does it give any output | 04:48 |
drhumanist | techoo7: how about compiz integration? | 04:48 |
GuyFromHell | how can i uninstall the whole ubuntu-desktop meta package so i can switch to kubuntu-desktop | 04:48 |
buntu_bum | compiz works pretty tight actually | 04:48 |
tech0007 | drhumanist...upgrade from feisty to gutsy was more pleasant than upgrading windoze to servicepack 2 :-D | 04:48 |
gesker | ThunderStruck no output | 04:48 |
ThunderStruck | geok good | 04:48 |
buntu_bum | you need to instal xserver-xgl but then it works fine | 04:49 |
ThunderStruck | than we know its your sources.list | 04:49 |
buntu_bum | anything is more pleasant than upgrading XP to SP2 | 04:49 |
gesker | ThunderStruck commented out backports, same issue | 04:49 |
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ThunderStruck | can someone post their /etc/apt/sources.list (gesker did you ever use the gui to enable repos? | 04:49 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, yes i know | 04:49 |
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drhumanist | techoo7: that for sure :)) but i have to keep vista in dualboot since i have specific hardware and IE dependency :( | 04:49 |
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gesker | ThunderStruck, no gui only vim | 04:50 |
mc44 | !easysource | 04:50 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, you are gonna have to repo your list. someone hopefully will post one | 04:50 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 04:50 |
buntu_bum | that sucks, went out and got myself a dellbuntu laptop for that very reason | 04:50 |
tesko | what does "bus error (core dumped)" mean? specifically the bus part | 04:50 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, rather not easysourcefor this | 04:50 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, i need to test if someelses works for him | 04:50 |
ThunderStruck | it may be the dir or something | 04:50 |
buntu_bum | tesko, sounds like a program crashed | 04:50 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, can you give me the path to your sources.list please | 04:51 |
Simon80 | buntu_bum, what? I have a Dell laptop that works ok with ubuntu | 04:51 |
drhumanist | tech007: anyhow if my machine goes bonkers i will sue you!! :) | 04:51 |
gesker | Any one got a valid sources.list they could post | 04:51 |
buntu_bum | tesko, the bus part could refer to dbus | 04:51 |
gesker | | 04:51 |
buntu_bum | simon, i got laptop preloaded with ubuntu, no windows | 04:52 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, ha | 04:52 |
tech0007 | tech0007...i wash my hands clean :-D | 04:52 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, please comment out hte cdrom repos | 04:52 |
nosrednaekim | buntu_bum: did you get a 1420? | 04:52 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Beta amd64 (20070925)] / gutsy main restricted | 04:52 |
ThunderStruck | that should have # | 04:53 |
ojwb | nosrednaekim, a bus error is nothing to do with dbus | 04:53 |
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ojwb | it's something like an unaligned access which the CPU doesn't support | 04:53 |
nosrednaekim | eh? | 04:53 |
ojwb | erm | 04:53 |
ojwb | that should have been no | 04:53 |
ThunderStruck | depends on error but shouldnt be | 04:53 |
ojwb | I think xchat is being too clever | 04:53 |
gesker | ThunderStuck, commented out cdrom, still no joy | 04:53 |
mc44 | gesker: try gb.archive not uk.archive | 04:53 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, pastebin sudo apt-get update | 04:53 |
ThunderStruck | uk was working ~2hours ago | 04:54 |
mc44 | hmm, yes it's the same actually | 04:54 |
gesker | ThunderStruck | 04:55 |
mc44 | ThunderStruck: but sometimes proxies along the way are broken | 04:55 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, maybe try sudo apt-get install not isntall | 04:55 |
ThunderStruck | nvm you did :( | 04:55 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, are you behind a proxie | 04:56 |
ThunderStruck | proxy too | 04:56 |
gesker | ThunderStruck, same problem, no proxy | 04:56 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, please give me the path that your list is at | 04:56 |
gesker | ThunderStruck /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:57 |
ThunderStruck | gesker if you cd into /etc/apt/ can you pastebin ls -a | 04:57 |
buntu_bum | look under open-source computers on the dell page | 04:58 |
buntu_bum | norednaekim, yes i did, nice lil computer too | 04:58 |
gesker | ThunderStruck | 04:58 |
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ThunderStruck | gecan you give me whats in sources.d | 04:59 |
Simon80 | I have a vostro 1400, basically same as the 1420 | 04:59 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, can you* | 04:59 |
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tesko | wow that was fun | 04:59 |
mc44 | gesker: try installing something else from multiverse, (eg a2mp3 is top of the list here :) | 04:59 |
nosrednaekim | yeah...I wish I could afford one :) | 04:59 |
tech0007 | Vostro | 05:00 |
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ThunderStruck | mc44, main isnt being hit | 05:00 |
ThunderStruck | thats what is bothering me about this | 05:00 |
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Simon80 | it was a better deal than the same inspiron :D | 05:00 |
buntu_bum | school discount rules, took off $200 | 05:00 |
Pici | gesker: Can you get on to the internet at all on that computer? | 05:00 |
ThunderStruck | Pici, you see him? | 05:00 |
mc44 | ThunderStruck: Hit gutsy/main Packages | 05:00 |
gesker | | 05:00 |
Pici | ThunderStruck: Yes, but I dont know if hes on the same computer hes ircing from | 05:01 |
trdracer | hey guys im having troubles configuring my screen resolutions. | 05:01 |
gesker | ThunderStruck, mc44 admp3 installs fine | 05:01 |
trdracer | im stuck on 800x600 | 05:01 |
ThunderStruck | mc44, apt-cache search isnt showing any output when searching for ubuntu-desktop | 05:01 |
trdracer | ugly and very bulky | 05:01 |
nosrednaekim | trdracer: what graphics card? | 05:01 |
trdracer | i need something like like 1280 x 1024 | 05:01 |
buntu_bum | check if your driver is set up correctly | 05:01 |
trdracer | ati radeon 9200SE | 05:01 |
ThunderStruck | itws not corrupted thats good | 05:01 |
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tech0007 | Simon80...heard there were issues w/ lcd in vostro | 05:02 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, install bzr please | 05:02 |
trdracer | monitor hp f1903 | 05:02 |
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buntu_bum | trdracer, you might want to try and install the binary ati graphics driver | 05:02 |
Simon80 | tech0007: I don't know, I upgraded to the WXGA+ and it seems ok.. it was blurry in feisty, but that was a driver issue | 05:02 |
tech0007 | Simon80....thats nice | 05:02 |
gesker | ThunderStruck bzr installed ok | 05:02 |
trdracer | buntu_bum would that be on the ati site? | 05:03 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, now try sun-java6-jre | 05:03 |
buntu_bum | trdracer, no, look in the repos | 05:03 |
Bryan_ | is there a way to use less power in ubuntu? | 05:03 |
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gesker | already installed | 05:03 |
trdracer | mm is that in synaptic? | 05:03 |
Simon80 | tech0007: I think screens should be high res as a rule, but alas, it's not my laptop, it's going to my sister, I was just setting it up | 05:03 |
nosrednaekim | Bryan_: did you try downloading powertop? | 05:03 |
buntu_bum | bryan_ go to power manager | 05:03 |
gesker | ThunderStruck , sun-java6-jre already installed | 05:03 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin | 05:03 |
tesko | i tried to open a link from xchat, then firefox got bus errors, then xchat got segmentation faults, then i tried sudo which gave me input/output errors, then gnome crashed! | 05:04 |
nosrednaekim | trdracer: the ati driver can be enabled via the restricted-manager | 05:04 |
Bryan_ | buntu_bum, yes I already did that. | 05:04 |
avatar_ | Bryan_: apt-get install powernowd | 05:04 |
Bryan_ | Mmk | 05:04 |
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=== ThunderStruck might know whats wrong | ||
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nosrednaekim | that only works if he has an AMD... | 05:05 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: Installed: (none) Candidate: (none) Version table: | 05:05 |
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trdracer420 | weird... | 05:05 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, does it give a repo? | 05:05 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: nothing followed version table | 05:05 |
ThunderStruck | hmmmmm | 05:05 |
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anolis | nautilus has died on my ubuntu 7.10 install | 05:05 |
trdracer420 | well nosrednaekim it says i dont need any restricted drivers..when i open that in admin | 05:05 |
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notv | suppose i download gusty today...will it be the same download i would theoretically download on friday? | 05:05 |
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ThunderStruck | can someone install sun-java6-plugin please | 05:06 |
ThunderStruck | let me know if it installs | 05:06 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: is there an command I can give apt-cache to see what repo its looking at? | 05:06 |
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nosrednaekim | trdracer420: huh.... run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 05:06 |
ThunderStruck | geapt-cache madison sun-java6-plugin | 05:06 |
tech0007 | notv...nope | 05:06 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, apt-cache ... | 05:06 |
notv | i suppose ill wait a few more days then | 05:06 |
trdracer420 | nosrednaekim what after that? | 05:07 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: ? | 05:07 |
tech0007 | notv...when i did the upgrade a few hours ago w/ using RC, it still asked if i want to download newer updates, hehe | 05:07 |
ThunderStruck | they are testing todays ISO's to see if they can be final atm | 05:07 |
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nosrednaekim | trdracer420: it should give you a dialog where you choose things. | 05:07 |
anolis | does anyone know how i can fix nautilus? | 05:07 |
chandra | I'm using Gutsy. After logging in Gnome just hangs. In the syslog I could see this: gdm[10581] : WARNING: Didn't understand `' (expected true or false) . Does anyone know what this means? | 05:07 |
notv | RC? | 05:07 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, apt-cache madison sun-java6-plugin will give you rpeos | 05:07 |
trdracer420 | damn how do i go back??i missed one | 05:07 |
ThunderStruck | notv, we are in final ISO freeze atm | 05:07 |
nosrednaekim | trdracer420: start over :) | 05:08 |
nosrednaekim | its not big deal. | 05:08 |
trdracer420 | that works | 05:08 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: sun-java6 | 6-03-0ubuntu2 | gutsy/multiverse Sources | 05:08 |
ThunderStruck | ha | 05:08 |
ThunderStruck | i think i know the issue | 05:08 |
notv | thunderstruck, what is final ISO freeze, and if im interrupting let me know | 05:08 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, install flashplugin-nonfree please | 05:08 |
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trdracer420 | amount of memory used by video card? | 05:08 |
buntu_bum | trdracer the driver is named something odd, flgrx | 05:08 |
trdracer420 | Amount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card: ??? | 05:08 |
nosrednaekim | trdracer420: just leave anything you're not sure about blankor as default | 05:09 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version. | 05:09 |
ThunderStruck | notv, it means that nothing will be uploaded at all unless it fixes very very important bugs, like installer crash or kernel crashes or cant boot but only top issues will be fixed | 05:09 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, damn | 05:09 |
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gesker | ThunderStruck: thank you for trying | 05:10 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, install something from multiverse please | 05:10 |
notv | how is gutsy coming along compared to past releases? | 05:10 |
notv | it seems to be crunch time | 05:10 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: what should I install? | 05:10 |
Simon80 | notv: I'm pissed about blurry fonts, but my wireless works | 05:10 |
trdracer420 | Monitor's horizontal sync range: | 05:10 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, nvm i think i got it | 05:10 |
WorkingOnWise | What setting do I need to change to Keep my wobbly windows, but Not have the windows "stick" to the desktop edges, or snap to them? | 05:10 |
Simon80 | and it's not crunch time, it's like, done, no more changes time | 05:10 |
Simon80 | that's my impression, at least | 05:10 |
chandra | tech007: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep EE" doesn't return any matches | 05:10 |
trdracer420 | Monitor's vertical sync range: ? | 05:10 |
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ThunderStruck | gesker, if i had to guess the binaries failed to build thats why madison only showed sources repo | 05:11 |
notv | fantastic | 05:11 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: does that mean there is something wrong with the package? | 05:11 |
Simon80 | my wireless has never worked before, but now I'm connected using WPA, it's happy | 05:11 |
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Simon80 | I mean, it's worked, but not WPA | 05:12 |
Simon80 | but now that works | 05:12 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, i would guess so but i will know more when im downstairs on ubuntu | 05:12 |
Simon80 | with rt2500 | 05:12 |
ThunderStruck | gesker, im working on sometrhing for a friend that ubuntu wont do | 05:12 |
trdracer420 | hey guys that didn't help my screen resolution options.... | 05:13 |
trdracer420 | still the same BS | 05:13 |
gesker | ThunderStruck: I've got to head into a meeting, will be back in a while | 05:13 |
trdracer420 | i hate ubuntu for this | 05:13 |
ThunderStruck | ok | 05:13 |
ThunderStruck | im gone for a bit as well | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | savvas: btw - memoserv is one of the *worst* ways to try to contact me. | 05:14 |
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buntu_bum | anybody having problems with mutltiple netowrk moniter applets in their system tray at login? | 05:14 |
trdracer420 | <000 why | 05:15 |
=== Hobbsee checks them around once every couple of months. | ||
trdracer420 | | 05:16 |
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dystopianray | Hobbsee: is kopete still broken in gutsy? | 05:16 |
trdracer420 | those two links are the best resolutions i can get currently. | 05:16 |
trdracer420 | BS! | 05:16 |
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Hobbsee | dystopianray: WFM. | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | dystopianray: WFM in feisty too, though. | 05:17 |
notv | i had a terrible time trying to use feisty with the ati card on my laptop | 05:17 |
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XsteelWolf | Anyone using intel 4965agn ? | 05:17 |
trdracer420 | notv i have an ati and having lots of troubles here as well | 05:17 |
BlueAidan_work | seems I have to restart hal to get my ipod recognized after plugging it in | 05:17 |
trdracer420 | what did you end up doing> | 05:18 |
notv | deleting it and crossing my fingers for gutsy... | 05:18 |
trdracer420 | huh | 05:18 |
notv | i worked at it for days, but 80% of the time id boot up, id have a black screen. | 05:19 |
trdracer420 | yeah i dont need/want that | 05:19 |
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trdracer420 | i hate linux...i dont know how to run/save the files ive saved to my desktop | 05:21 |
trdracer420 | such as this '' | 05:21 |
trdracer420 | wtf do i do? | 05:21 |
dzzsky | goto the main menu then administration then restricted drivers manager to install drivers | 05:22 |
dzzsky | ati* | 05:22 |
dzzsky | or look for .deb files | 05:22 |
baskitcaise | trdracer420: open a term navigate to where the file is and kdesu sh ati---blah-bla | 05:22 |
dzzsky | .deb = the same as windows .exe | 05:22 |
dzzsky | ie click and run | 05:23 |
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nanonyme | eh, not really | 05:23 |
trdracer420 | dzzsky i dont get an option to choose it just says 'no restricted drivers needed' | 05:23 |
nanonyme | dzzsky, .deb is more like .msi | 05:23 |
dzzsky | I was trying to be simple as I could | 05:24 |
trdracer420 | <000 is whats on my desktop and is what i need to install how do i do it? | 05:24 |
notv | what if you make it executable? | 05:24 |
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trdracer420 | what if i dont know how... | 05:25 |
trdracer420 | imma noob at this damn linux crap | 05:25 |
notv | i really shouldnt give advice | 05:25 |
notv | im pretty new myself | 05:25 |
tesko | anyone else crash during a system update? | 05:25 |
trdracer420 | i dont understand anything about this. | 05:25 |
ojwb | tesko: yes | 05:25 |
trdracer420 | i wish i did so this screen wouldnt be looking so damn ugly | 05:25 |
ojwb | can't say I recommend doing so | 05:25 |
TheInfinity | trdracer420: if you install beta software as a noob you should not wonder about "crap". its beta - really :.p | 05:25 |
tesko | i crashed while it was installing cups | 05:25 |
bdgraue | any idea how to get kde4 running? | 05:26 |
trdracer420 | well im beta :P | 05:26 |
trdracer420 | so the only place i would get real help is #ubuntu then ??? | 05:26 |
notv | are you running gutsy? | 05:26 |
trdracer420 | people just seem to criticize here | 05:26 |
trdracer420 | yes notv | 05:26 |
dystopianray | #ubuntu will not give gutsy help | 05:27 |
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notv | i dont think you can expect much gutsy help until it is officially released | 05:27 |
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dystopianray | if you're using gutsy at this stage it's assumed that you know what you are doing | 05:27 |
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notv | right | 05:28 |
trdracer420 | well i just need help fixing my resolutions....and im not getting any...this 800 x 600 looks so damn ugly and bulky | 05:28 |
Seeker` | lo, why does my laptop log me off whenever i resume from suspend | 05:28 |
TheInfinity | trdracer420: just use radeon driver instead of fglrx or whatever ;) | 05:28 |
ojwb | tesko: you should be able to get it to continue installing the packages with: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:28 |
ojwb | tesko: but you may have to fix up some stuff by hand (I had to install evms before it would boot the new kernel) | 05:29 |
trdracer420 | TheInfinity ive tried that already dont think i havent...i wouldnt be in here if i hadnt tried every possible way | 05:29 |
dystopianray | trdracer420: does the restricted drivers manager not working for you? | 05:29 |
tesko | oh no, not by hand :( | 05:29 |
trdracer420 | dystopianray no it doesnt work for me | 05:29 |
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ojwb | tesko: there may be a way to restart it, but I couldn't figure it out and nobody here seemed to know | 05:30 |
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preglow | is there anything right now that suggests trying to upgrade to gutsy is a bad idea? | 05:30 |
TheInfinity | trdracer420: what do the logs say about it? | 05:30 |
dystopianray | preglow: wait for it to be officially released | 05:30 |
trdracer420 | <000 i tried to install that and noooooooo doesnt work! | 05:30 |
trdracer420 | which logs? | 05:30 |
preglow | dystopianray: don't worry, i won't come nagging if it fails, just wondering if something is currently broken | 05:30 |
TheInfinity | xorg, syslog, dmesg | 05:30 |
AlienX_ | preglow: depends if you're capable of solving problems as they will arise | 05:31 |
preglow | i am | 05:31 |
MTecknology | is 7.10 still on schedule? | 05:31 |
AlienX_ | preglow: i think it's reasonably stable. I did two upgrades yesterday | 05:31 |
baskitcaise | preglow:been running here for a couple weeks all updates and no great probs | 05:31 |
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preglow | cool, i'll give upgrade a go, then | 05:31 |
trdracer420 | oh my god can someone get me a default xorg.conf file i have like 10 in my X11 folder | 05:32 |
AlienX_ | preglow: it's not a seamless upgrade though, especially if you're using nvidia...just a warning | 05:32 |
trdracer420 | so disgusting | 05:32 |
preglow | i am using nvidia :P | 05:32 |
baskitcaise | preglow: I got ATI fine at home and this lappy is OK | 05:32 |
ojwb | trdracer420, the contents depend on your hardware, so some else's won't just work | 05:32 |
trdracer420 | damn.................... | 05:32 |
MTecknology | preglow, I have a few issues yet, but I don't see them being fixed for release, if at all | 05:32 |
gnomefreak | hmmmm it seems the package is fine. not sure why his repos arent grabbing it | 05:32 |
AlienX_ | preglow: you *may* have some issues with the drivers (I did on both machines one has a 7900GT and the other is a quattro laptop card) | 05:32 |
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trdracer420 | why all this damn hassle just to get a screen resolution that should already be an option...god. | 05:33 |
trdracer420 | freesoftwaresucksd | 05:33 |
AlienX_ | someone's asking to be klined | 05:33 |
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ojwb | trdracer420, that's just the way to get help round here | 05:33 |
dystopianray | don't use pre-release software if you don't know what you're doing | 05:33 |
gabriel__ | i have one problem with ubuntu 7.10 and my notebook, because when i latch the notebook and open him, the mouse disappear | 05:34 |
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trdracer420 | ive had this problem with feisty fawn as well | 05:34 |
Odd-rationale | Hello! How do you install some Unsupported and/or experimental plugins for compiz-fusion? Thanks! | 05:34 |
trdracer420 | so its not just this release | 05:34 |
saiyr3 | has anyone noticed that the application switcher in compizconfig has a bad binding for switching to the previous window? | 05:34 |
tesko | here's what's broken for me | 05:34 |
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AlienX_ | saiyr3: you can always change the keybindings | 05:34 |
trdracer420 | and i had this resolution thing fixed but then i rebooted and it went back to this pos of resolution i have now | 05:35 |
saiyr3 | I had trouble setting it within compizconfig so I changed it in gconf-editor | 05:35 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: just edit your xorg.conf file and fix your resolution.... | 05:35 |
saiyr3 | but in the meantime I noticed that prev_key was set correctly to alt-shift-tab, but prev_button is the actual used entry | 05:35 |
trdracer420 | AlienX_ ive tried and tried that. | 05:35 |
trdracer420 | and i dont know how to configure that thing properly. | 05:35 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: dpkg-reconfigure --xserver-xorg | 05:36 |
trdracer420 | scguy318 usually helps out a lot but hes not around | 05:36 |
trdracer420 | ehh i think i just tried that...and nothing comes up for me | 05:36 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: did you run that in a terminal? | 05:36 |
AlienX_ | you can't be in X | 05:36 |
trdracer420 | dpkg-reconfigure --xserver-xorg <00 | 05:36 |
trdracer420 | i ran something not sure what it was | 05:37 |
trdracer420 | i was told it earlier by someone in here | 05:37 |
trdracer420 | dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority <000 is what i need | 05:37 |
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ojwb | you don't want the "--" | 05:37 |
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trdracer420 | ok | 05:38 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: hit ctrl + alt + F1, login, type in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure --xserver-xorg | 05:38 |
trdracer420 | adjusted | 05:38 |
darkangel_ | is the beta safe to install the website says so | 05:38 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: depends on your user level | 05:38 |
ojwb | and you want the RC at this point, not the beta | 05:38 |
trdracer420 | AlienX_ huh?? | 05:38 |
trdracer420 | i will not remember the sudo blah | 05:39 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: do you own a pen? | 05:39 |
darkangel_ | ive become pretty good with ubuntu | 05:39 |
trdracer420 | yeah... | 05:39 |
notv | copy/paste works nicely too | 05:39 |
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AlienX_ | trdracer420: i suggest you use it | 05:39 |
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ojwb | AlienX_, It's not "--xserver-xorg" surely? | 05:39 |
darkangel_ | i just cant get the it to install i follow the website instructions but nothing | 05:39 |
ojwb | AlienX_, just "xserver-xorg" | 05:39 |
AlienX_ | ojwb: dpkg-reconfigure --xserver-xorg | 05:39 |
AlienX_ | ok, then xserver-xorg :oP | 05:40 |
trdracer420 | ok done..well that --blah blah gives me opetions | 05:40 |
trdracer420 | oh | 05:40 |
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trdracer420 | AlienX_ what will sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop get me? | 05:40 |
AlienX_ | trdracer420: it'll stop your display manager | 05:41 |
AlienX_ | and also, per ojwb the command is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:41 |
darkangel_ | alienX_ i keep getting this error | 05:41 |
trdracer420 | AlienX_ why do i want it to stop? | 05:41 |
darkangel_ | warning: could not initiate dbus | 05:41 |
darkangel_ | current dist not found in meta-release file | 05:41 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: what error | 05:41 |
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ojwb | says that nvidia now supports xrandr, but not at the same time as xinerama, which I've been using for ages to gets 2 screens (on the same card) as a single desktop | 05:42 |
ojwb | if I stop using xinerama, can I still get a single desktop? | 05:42 |
aaro1 | I've had no success using the multiple monitor management tool with Gutsy on different cards from different vendors. Anyone out there have success using it? | 05:42 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: read the doc on | 05:42 |
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darkangel_ | alienX_ lol that where im at | 05:42 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: there's a whole section in there saying what to do if you get that message... | 05:43 |
darkangel_ | i tried sudo nano /var/lib/update-manager/meta-release | 05:43 |
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darkangel_ | but theres nothing there before i put all the info and after i put the info same error | 05:43 |
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RivaeAerya | is it safe to install KDE4 on a computer that NEEDS to be functional all the time and has Kubuntu Gutsy? and how can i remove it after i install it? is there any other way to try it out? | 05:44 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: you did a copy/paste and the formatting looks the same? | 05:44 |
darkangel_ | yes | 05:44 |
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gnomefreak | Flats: try using our repo instead of that one | 05:44 |
darkangel_ | alienX is there another file i can try | 05:45 |
gnomefreak | we have wine in repos | 05:45 |
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AlienX_ | darkangel_: i'm really not sure to be honest. | 05:45 |
gnomefreak | Flats: hint the repo is a feisty repo so it wont upgrade it | 05:45 |
aaro1 | I just installed wine. It was 0.9.46 instead of the current 0.9.47 release. Not sure there's a great deal of improvements in the .47 release | 05:45 |
Flats | Not sure what that means, I'm just doing an update-manager -c -d | 05:45 |
Flats | what should I do different? | 05:45 |
darkangel_ | alienX what command do i do to make sure im curently updated (all updates for 7.04) | 05:45 |
gnomefreak | Flats: its an unifficial repo so it wont use it | 05:46 |
tesko | ojwb, whatever you told me to do with dpkg worked, i got fully updated | 05:46 |
gnomefreak | Flats: comment it out or use thier gutsy one if there is one. i would comment it out and try to upgrade than | 05:46 |
ojwb | tesko, glad to hear it | 05:46 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade | 05:46 |
AlienX_ | darkangel_: if it doesn't tell you anything, you're good. | 05:47 |
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AlienX_ | brb | 05:47 |
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aaro1 | I'm getting ready to test installing Office 2003 Professional with wine on Gutsy. Just for giggles. | 05:48 |
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haffi | Hi, I just installed Kubuntu Gutsy rc-1, is there any way to enable compiz-fusion from a GUI? I have installed the nVidia drivers needed. | 05:48 |
AlienX_ | aaro1: it won't'll need something like crossover office | 05:49 |
cypherdelic | Thanks to Developers of Asterisk, Cedega, Compiz-Fusion, FreePBX, Gentoo, Trixbox, Ubuntu, VirtualBox and all the great stuff i've not mentioned. You really make my day. :) | 05:49 |
aaro1 | Crossover uses regular wine underneath AFAIK. Why should it work there but not here? | 05:50 |
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AlienX_ | aaro1: it's a very tweaked version of wine...give it a shot but i doubt you'll get it to work :) | 05:51 |
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gunashekar | wine is just an ingredient in the crossover cocktail! | 05:51 |
aaro1 | AlienX: The install seems to be running fine. But that isn't surprising. The proof will be when I launch it. We'll see shortly | 05:52 |
AlienX_ | :) | 05:52 |
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cypherdelic | and VDR and WINE ;) | 05:53 |
aaro1 | Looks like installation finished. No shortcut in the Wine menu. | 05:53 |
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trdracer | well im back on feisty fawn and 1280 x 1024 does work. | 05:54 |
trdracer | well whenever the this bs here gets fixed i iwll go to it. | 05:54 |
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aaro1 | "Microsoft Office Word has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application." | 05:56 |
ISS_Student | Can anybody tell me which file I can check and how to modify it so I get my boot splash screen back | 05:56 |
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AlienX_ | ISS_Student: gdmsetup iirc | 05:57 |
niwt | I got rid of my bootsplash by editing grub/menu.lst | 05:57 |
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niwt | unfortunately, I still can't see the boot messages | 05:57 |
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AlienX_ | niwt: you just removed 'splash' from the lines in grub right? | 05:58 |
ISS_Student | I want mine back I hate looking at a black screen | 05:58 |
niwt | I also removed "quiet" | 05:58 |
darkangel_ | ugh i hate this damn thing \ | 05:58 |
greg-g | I just noticed that I have libntfs-3g5 and 3g12 installed on this machine (installed at the Beta). Is there a reason for the two, or should I remove 3g5 ? | 05:58 |
AlienX_ | ISS_Student: oh, i thought you meant gdm....just type "splash" in the menu.list in all the perams | 05:58 |
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AlienX_ | s/menu.list/menu.lst | 05:59 |
niwt | AlienX: I changed it to #defoptions=vga=791 | 05:59 |
aaro1 | Hmmm. I wonder if winetools is a package | 05:59 |
warbisshop | MY compiz settings manager doesnt pop up anymore | 05:59 |
aaro1 | !info winetools | 05:59 |
ubotu | Package winetools does not exist in gutsy | 06:00 |
warbisshop | anyone have an idea what might cause this | 06:00 |
aaro1 | Great. That's needed it looks like in order to get it working | 06:00 |
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AlienX_ | warbisshop: what does it say when you try to run ccsm in a terminal? | 06:00 |
AlienX_ | aaro1: apt-cache search wine :) | 06:00 |
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warbisshop | AttributeError: 'compizconfig.Plugin' object has no attribute 'Initialized | 06:01 |
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AlienX_ | warbisshop: did you upgrade from feisty? | 06:01 |
warbisshop | no | 06:01 |
warbisshop | its a clean install | 06:01 |
aaro1 | AlienX: Thanks. I knew there had to be such a tool. Still no dice on the winetools | 06:01 |
warbisshop | how i installed kiba doc aswell | 06:01 |
warbisshop | however* | 06:01 |
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AlienX_ | warbisshop: make sure you have these packages installed | 06:02 |
cypherdelic | BillyG@BilliesHomeframe$ sudo killall linux && sudo modprobe vista && ./vista-take-over-world | 06:02 |
cypherdelic | segmentation fault | 06:03 |
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bardyr | heh | 06:03 |
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warbisshop | how do i make that shure :s | 06:06 |
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kevsthabest | hey guys. i cant seem to get compiz working in gusty. nvidia drivers installed but i keep getting white screen. | 06:07 |
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kevsthabest | any suggestions? | 06:07 |
ojwb | I have the composite extension enabled, but trying to enable desktop effects just spins the cursor for a bit and pops up a dailog "Desktop effects could not be enabled" | 06:09 |
ojwb | with no further information | 06:09 |
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MTecknology | What's the development summit and canonical allhands? | 06:09 |
cypherdelic | DonBush@Whiteframe$ sudo falseflag --target $HOME --match 911 && sudo mount /dev/africom && sudo killall iran && dd if=/dev/america of=/dev/world && sudo killall rebels | 06:09 |
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greg-g | Any clues on the libntfs-3g5 and 3g12 both being installed? 3g5 is no longer in the repos (according to synaptic) so I assume I can remove it? | 06:10 |
General_L | Anyone upgraded to 7.10 and uses an mobilephone (in this case sony ericsson k800i) as usb 3g modem with cabel? it worked fine in 7.04 but now it failes | 06:10 |
cypherdelic | segmentation fault | 06:10 |
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mon^rch | just broke on me:/ | 06:10 |
evilbelgian | what better ubuntu or pure debian | 06:11 |
ojwb | both are better | 06:11 |
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aaro1 | That's a coke vs pepsi kind of question | 06:12 |
kevsthabest | its all a matter of preference | 06:12 |
ojwb | and this isn't the place to get an unbiased answer either | 06:12 |
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kevsthabest | the biggest difference is ubuntu is more bleeding edge then debian | 06:13 |
kevsthabest | from what i recall anyways | 06:13 |
ojwb | unless you're happy to run testing/unstable, which can be a bit too bleeding for some | 06:13 |
haffi | debian unstable is very bleeding edge | 06:13 |
evilbelgian | bleeding edge ??? ( this is the internet there is no such thing as unbiased here ) | 06:13 |
niwt | yeah, debian is always behind the times with versions | 06:13 |
MTecknology | What's the Development Summit and the Canonical AllHands? | 06:13 |
MTecknology | I'm just curious if that changes the actual release CD or not | 06:14 |
ojwb | if you're running a desktop machine and want reasonably up-to-date stuff without much risk of random breakage, Ubuntu probably has the edge | 06:14 |
ojwb | MTecknology, no | 06:14 |
kevsthabest | MTecknology: its when the dev all meet to plan out the next release i believe | 06:14 |
ojwb | they're meetings | 06:14 |
MTecknology | ok | 06:14 |
kevsthabest | unless a really bad bug shows up that breaks everything.. gusty is still comming out on the 18(i think thats the date.. not really paying attention to the actual release date( | 06:15 |
evilbelgian | 18 is correct | 06:16 |
evilbelgian | i checked the site earlier | 06:16 |
niwt | on the ubuntuforums, posts regarding install problems are appearing about every five minutes - is that a normal rate? | 06:17 |
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mon^rch | and my kde/gnome fonts are out of sync :/ | 06:18 |
nosrednaekim | niwt: 0.o | 06:18 |
nosrednaekim | are they all similar | 06:18 |
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Flats | I still cant seem to get past those two last links it's looking for when trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 | 06:19 |
aaro1 | Ubuntu has its own visual experience along with (as I understand it) different default packages and tools. That along with the rapidly growing community greatly sets it apart from Debian. If the visuals in Ubuntu, the package defaults and the community appeal to you over Debian, then I guess Ubuntu is right for you. | 06:19 |
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clusty | weird.... | 06:21 |
kevsthabest | okay anyone here handy with compiz and nvidia could gimme a hand? | 06:21 |
bardyr | plus ubuntu has a less restrictive policy to restricted drivers | 06:21 |
clusty | amsn is complaining that its not translated in my language: ENGLISH... | 06:21 |
bardyr | kevsthabest, just ask the question | 06:21 |
Flats | Is there a way to stop the upgrade from trying to connect to a site? Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 06:21 |
Flats | Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 06:21 |
clusty | bardyr: read my mind :D | 06:21 |
kevsthabest | /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: pixmap 0x2a001b5 can't be bound to texture < everytime i try loading compiz | 06:21 |
bjb1959 | what is the easiest way to downgrade my nvidia drive to 100.14.09 to stop the random freeze issue caused by the new drivers | 06:21 |
aaro1 | bardyr: I mentally included that fact in the "default packages and tools" part | 06:22 |
WorkingOnWise | kevstha00 | 06:22 |
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aaro1 | although technically they aren't default | 06:22 |
aaro1 | they are just available by default | 06:22 |
san| | why do video and opengl stuff (like goom) not work nicely with 7.10 ati open source drivers? | 06:23 |
san| | anything I can do about this? | 06:23 |
WorkingOnWise | bjb1959: when did u install the new nvidia drivers? | 06:23 |
bjb1959 | using the restricted drivers module in gutsy to install the glx-new module | 06:24 |
bjb1959 | about 1 month ago | 06:24 |
aaro1 | san| short term, no idea. Long term, the ATI drivers should get really nice as development documents are being released. As long as your chipset is included in the ones where information is being released by AMD | 06:24 |
WorkingOnWise | oh...I'm not having any problems at all on my Go 6100 | 06:24 |
Flats | Is there a way to stop the upgrade from trying to connect to a site? Failed to fetch 404 Not Found then my upgrade bombs | 06:25 |
aaro1 | No problems on GFX 5200 | 06:25 |
WorkingOnWise | in fact, it works so well that my wife is green... she said she doesn't think it's fair that I always get the reallly good stuff. | 06:26 |
nosrednaekim | Flats: remove that repository line from your /etc/sources.list | 06:26 |
WorkingOnWise | She has the exact same laptop, just smaller display (her choice)! But she's on Vista | 06:27 |
Flats | thanks nosred | 06:27 |
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aaro1 | Vista? Hope you know a good divorce lawyer if you are making her use that | 06:28 |
Flats | I dont have an /etc/sources.list | 06:28 |
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greg-g | /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:29 |
Flats | ahh thanks greg-g | 06:30 |
greg-g | np | 06:30 |
nosrednaekim | sorry Flats | 06:30 |
WorkingOnWise | aaro1: lol. She's intimidated by Linux....but the more she uses Vista, the more she likes my laptop! | 06:31 |
WorkingOnWise | and she won't come over till the video on and netflix both work as well as in Windows. sigh | 06:32 |
san| | aaro1: where can I see if they're working on my drivers? | 06:32 |
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Jaymac | has anyone come up with a solution to fix NTFS partitions not auto-mounting yet? | 06:33 |
Jaymac | can't find anything on the forum | 06:33 |
aaro1 | I just told my wife what she was going to be using and she didn't care so long as I would help her if she had problems. She's never had any although I had to teach her how to burn a CD--once. Except for slow learners, I think the "re-train" argument is a bit overblown | 06:33 |
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aaro1 | She even figured out how to personalize her desktop without any help on my part | 06:34 |
nucco | hey, anyone here able to get gutsy to boot on a hp nx9420? | 06:34 |
robtaylor | my gf has veen using ubuntu for a couple of years now, but for some reason evince is really messing up printing pdfs atm, which is driving her crazy | 06:34 |
Flats | woo hooo Finally upgrading has begun... | 06:35 |
Flats | thanks all | 06:35 |
Flats | I thinkl | 06:35 |
robtaylor | that and that abiword prints documents offset by an inch at the top, and that openoffice's UI sucks | 06:36 |
robtaylor | :/ | 06:36 |
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anolis | my nautilus has died, i was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose/resolve this issue, no desktop icons/background can't browse folders | 06:38 |
aaro1 | I haven't tried Symphony yet (is it available for Linux?). But I agree--OO.o UI is not that great. Sun needs to get over the fact and do something about it | 06:38 |
bardyr | Sun needs to release OO to the community | 06:38 |
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aaro1 | Among other things | 06:39 |
Brucevdk | anolis: is it still running? | 06:39 |
anolis | yes, but i tried restarting x | 06:39 |
anolis | lemme kill it | 06:39 |
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Brucevdk | anolis: nautilus -q will quit without restarting automatically if it still responds, otherwise you'll have to manually (p)kill it | 06:40 |
WorkingOnWise | aaro1: the big issue I have always had is my day-to-day apps not working in Windows. Until OO 2, There was no reasonable replacement for MS Office, and even with Evolution, there is no reasonable replacement for Outlook if you are a real power-user. | 06:40 |
joebobjoe | hey guys | 06:40 |
joebobjoe | i'm new to the opensource os | 06:40 |
nucco | joebobjoe: and you chose a pre-release version of ubuntu? | 06:41 |
anolis | hmm now this is interesting, hl2.exe and Steam.exe are still running even though i logged out and back in they are defunct, i imagine i will goto init 1 then back to 5 | 06:41 |
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Jaymac | joebobjoe, if you're new you should probably be in #ubuntu using 7.04 :) | 06:41 |
aaro1 | I can't get Evolution connected to Exchange 2007 atm. Allegedly, I can install some extra stuff to make that happen, but as of right now, I don't consider Evolution any sort of Outlook replacement right now | 06:41 |
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nosrednaekim | joebobjoe: hey... hows it going? | 06:42 |
WorkingOnWise | The solution for me to be able to stay in Linux was VirtualBox. I can now run my Windows apps in Ubuntu, and except for 3d windows only apps, I lose Nothing now...but man does it take a ton of processing power! It wasn't possible till this year. | 06:42 |
anolis | brb | 06:42 |
aaro1 | VirtualBox runs an instance of Windows underneath? | 06:43 |
WorkingOnWise | Evolution rocks for the average Outlook user. | 06:43 |
nosrednaekim | aaro1: it can | 06:43 |
WorkingOnWise | Yes it does. | 06:43 |
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aaro1 | Is it an RDP solution or a seamless application type solution (i.e. Parallels) | 06:43 |
anolis | steam and hl2 are still defunct, how do i kill these runaway processes? | 06:44 |
aaro1 | scratch RDP and replace with virtual desktop | 06:44 |
WorkingOnWise | I have Windows XP running now so I can use Outlok 2007 and Business Contact Manager, and I'm in Ubuntu | 06:44 |
WorkingOnWise | aaro1: it is a vm, but I'd say 85% performance of native. | 06:44 |
bardyr | WorkingOnWise, enable KVM, i havent had any performance problems with Virtualbox | 06:44 |
bardyr | but im on a 1.8 dual core amd x2 tl-56 | 06:45 |
WorkingOnWise | there is a mode that makes it seem like you are running your apps nativly in Linux... | 06:45 |
aaro1 | I'm not asking my question well. Does it offer back-end transparency? Think Citrix remote applications | 06:45 |
aaro1 | No desktop within a desktop kind of thing | 06:45 |
bardyr | aaro1, it has RDP support | 06:46 |
nosrednaekim | bardyr: same even runs vista decently. | 06:46 |
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bardyr | aaro1, and does not need X | 06:46 |
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WorkingOnWise | bardyr: it's enabled. I only have 1GB of ram, so I can only give the vm 512. With Office 2007, 512 is the painful bare minimum! | 06:46 |
bardyr | yea | 06:46 |
bardyr | i have 2 gigs so theres no problem | 06:46 |
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bardyr | as long as i dont run vista :) | 06:46 |
WorkingOnWise | bardyr: lol! | 06:47 |
WorkingOnWise | bardyr: VB doesnt need X?! | 06:47 |
bardyr | nope | 06:47 |
genii | Will gutsy have cipux? | 06:47 |
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bardyr | WorkingOnWise, VboxManage startvm name --type vrdp :) | 06:47 |
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bardyr | WorkingOnWise, and i think the rdp is a little faster then with the GUI | 06:48 |
WorkingOnWise | aaro1: the last time I played with citrix remote apps was maybe 4 years ago. VB is Much better | 06:48 |
WorkingOnWise | so I could start a vm even if x was wounded? | 06:49 |
newnick | hi im trying to get my wireless card working was working before i upgraded to 7.10 and now it wont show up in the gui network tool, or iwconfig or ifconfig. if i do "sudo lshw -C network" it shows up but nowhere else. thanks | 06:49 |
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bardyr | newnick, what card? | 06:50 |
bardyr | newnick, and did you check the restricted manager? | 06:51 |
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newnick | bardyr its a siemens speedstream 802.11b, and its not restricted | 06:52 |
genii | Since no webmin now and cipux appears to be Debian maintainer's choice (per will this soon be ported? | 06:52 |
newnick | according to the help and support if it shows up in sudo lshw -C network then the driver is installed, but the support page makes no mention of what to do if it shows up there and not in ifconfig | 06:53 |
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nibsa1242b | it there a way to force an upgrade using a cd or dvd only? I'm doing the method from the alternative-cd & I told it not to check the internet for updates and its still using the internet. My internet connection is jittery and unreliable and I'd rather it not use it. | 06:53 |
bardyr | newnick, check dmesg | 06:53 |
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Pseudoryx | Hi everyone, I'm currently using gutsy server edition, running DWM as windows manager, does anyone know how to display the output from "Htop" apps on background mode, and blend it on top of Wallpaper? (in Xinitrc)??? | 06:53 |
nareshov | any idea when 2.6.23 is coming? | 06:54 |
mc44 | nareshov: in gutsy? never... | 06:54 |
nareshov | :O | 06:54 |
newnick | bardyr what in dmesg am i looking for? | 06:55 |
gnomefreak | nareshov: it wont be in gutsy | 06:55 |
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Pseudoryx | Hi everyone, I saw in some distro such as Knoppix or Puppy Linux, there is realtime CPU usage text displace on top of Wallpaper (similar with Gkrell), does anyone know how to do that by displaying the output of TOP ontop of wallpaper ( by load it up in xinitrc ?) | 06:57 |
nareshov | well, my hda-intel seems to be working only with the module in 6.23 :| (I compiled it myself today, the wireless firmware isn't available, so..) | 06:57 |
riotkittie | Pseudoryx: conky | 06:57 |
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nosrednaekim | nareshov: compiled your own kernel? | 06:57 |
nareshov | yeah | 06:57 |
AlienX_ | it's not hard :) | 06:57 |
Pseudoryx | {riotkittie}: can you show me how to that? | 06:57 |
nosrednaekim | nareshov: cool. well, you SHOULD just be able to use that then.. | 06:57 |
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nareshov | hmm :| | 06:58 |
Pseudoryx | {riotkittie}: how should I load conky in xinitrc | 06:58 |
kitche | Pseudoryx: install conky and just put conky & in your .xinitrc | 06:58 |
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joebobjo1 | hey guys, i need some help, for some reason ubuntu starts in low graphics mode | 06:59 |
Pseudoryx | {riotkittie}: thx | 06:59 |
gunashekar | naresh: is there a howto on that specific to #ubuntu? | 06:59 |
kitche | Pseudoryx: or exec conky | dwm | 06:59 |
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lee98632 | hello | 06:59 |
nibsa1242b | Is there a way to upgrade only from the CD/DVD? says you can use the alternate CD/DVD, however, when you follow the instructions it still connects to the internet. | 06:59 |
nareshov | gunashekar, yeah, saw it on a ubuntu wiki page | 07:00 |
nareshov | give me a sec | 07:00 |
lee98632 | eh question if we have the beta version how do we upgrade it? | 07:00 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: probably because you installed extra software. | 07:00 |
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nosrednaekim | lee98632: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 07:00 |
lee98632 | ty | 07:01 |
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nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: is there a way to tell it not to bother with the extra software and update later? for example, if someone didn't have internet could they just leave the extra software at their current versions until after the upgrade? Or alternatively, is there a link to the Alternative DVD, since that might have more packages on it? I can only seem to find the Alternative CD. Its incredibly slow doing the network upgrade (I'm averaging around ~30-50 | 07:03 |
nibsa1242b | kb/s) wheras I can bit torrent an image at >300kb/s. | 07:03 |
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nosrednaekim | That would PROBABLY break things. | 07:04 |
nosrednaekim | there is no alternative cd | 07:04 |
nosrednaekim | *dvd | 07:04 |
lee98632 | is taht all in one line? nosrednaekia? | 07:05 |
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nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: ok, well I don't want to break anything. I guess I just wait for a day and hope it works this time. Last time it timed out and I had to start over. | 07:05 |
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nosrednaekim | ah | 07:05 |
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hdoria | anyone runing wine + gutsy? | 07:05 |
nosrednaekim | leeyeah | 07:05 |
nosrednaekim | lee98632: yeah, one line | 07:06 |
andy_1 | can someone tell me if gutsy is better than fiesty\ | 07:06 |
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nosrednaekim | andy_1: it will be when it is all realsed | 07:06 |
andy_1 | is there any digital camera support | 07:06 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: I have wine + gusty running on my other machine. | 07:06 |
hdoria | nibsa1242b, my computer crashs everytime wine tries to create the wineprefix | 07:07 |
hdoria | do you know what can be wrong? | 07:07 |
nibsa1242b | andy_1: any digital camera I've ever used worked fine with Ubuntu | 07:07 |
andy_1 | I have 3 that I can't get to work | 07:07 |
andy_1 | I use fiesty as of right now | 07:08 |
lee98632 | eh I am getting this line 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 07:08 |
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lee98632 | nosrednaekim does this mean that I am already upgrad4ed? | 07:08 |
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nosrednaekim | yeah... that means you are all updated | 07:09 |
nibsa1242b | andy_1: mine always auto mount and pop up showing the contents of the camera (over USB)... digital video was a bit harder but I figured that out as well | 07:09 |
lee98632 | ergles ok restarting then | 07:09 |
lee98632 | crossing my fingers | 07:09 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: I have no idea, it seemed to "just work" for me | 07:09 |
ReL1K | anyone get weird characters when they paste sometimes? looks like chinese characters or something? | 07:09 |
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nibsa1242b | hdoria: about the only thing I use wine for on that machine is IEs 4 Linux though... | 07:10 |
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hdoria | thats what i need wine for | 07:10 |
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silent | no one having problems with yesterday's batch of updates I hope | 07:11 |
mon^rch | i sure am | 07:11 |
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gunashekar | silent: no problems : the original problems remain unchanged though | 07:11 |
dougb | is there a new feature in gusty to make it easy to create an account for a samba shared folder? | 07:11 |
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ReL1K | so noones having issues where they copy and paste something and it turns up to be chinese characters? :P | 07:12 |
silent | dougb, sudo apt-get install swat | 07:12 |
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silent | ReL1K, are people having that issue? | 07:12 |
ReL1K | i am | 07:13 |
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ReL1K | im not sure if anyone else is | 07:13 |
silent | ReL1K, well, good luck with that | 07:13 |
ReL1K | basically if i copy and paste something, it'll work sometimes, others it posts very strange chinese characters | 07:13 |
ReL1K | silent, you rock at helping! | 07:13 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: have you checked your repositories? I used to grab wine straight from " feisty", (which is where IEs4Linux tells you to get it from) but I disabled that before I updated to gusty | 07:13 |
silent | ReL1K, it's what I do best | 07:13 |
hdoria | nibsa1242b, i got from the wine website | 07:14 |
silent | ReL1K, you could always try a sudo apt-get --reinstall install xorg | 07:14 |
hdoria | directly | 07:14 |
kitche | ReL1K: sounds like a UTF-8 issue | 07:14 |
prakriti | i lost my network applet/ wifi-browser tool on my bar | 07:14 |
prakriti | and the network monitor tool looks the same but isn't | 07:14 |
winbond | i need a icon pack for dolphin, and a login screen replacement, can someone give me some links? | 07:14 |
prakriti | how do I get it back? | 07:14 |
gunashekar | ReL1K: do you have asian language installed ? | 07:14 |
silent | prakriti, sudo apt-get install network-manager | 07:14 |
ReL1K | gunashekar: i have a default install, nothing else installed | 07:15 |
silent | then add the icons by right clicking and hitting add to panel | 07:15 |
ReL1K | lemme check a peek | 07:15 |
prakriti | network-manager is already the newest version. | 07:15 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: I'd recommend removing the version you got from the wine website and using the package manager to install it. That is how its setup for me, and it works fine. | 07:15 |
edsiper | what's the real reason about why I can't do a 'cat /proc/1/maps' ??, maps has 444 | 07:15 |
prakriti | silent : but I only have network monitor in my progs to add | 07:15 |
hdoria | nibsa1242b, didint work. could it be a dri problem? | 07:16 |
silent | dont use the wine repositories unless you absolutely need to.. and even then, disable the ubuntu reps beforehand | 07:16 |
silent | there are some interesting incompatibility issues | 07:16 |
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silent | prakriti, you should have a notification area you can add | 07:16 |
silent | add/configure it | 07:17 |
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gunashekar | silent: An incompatibility or an issue is distressing for a user and interesting for a developer | 07:17 |
silent | apparently the notification area was coded by the guys over at redhat | 07:17 |
ReL1K | gunashekar: only have english installed | 07:17 |
lee98632 | well, i half of the ati drivers working lol, i just don't have the ati catylysst no more lol | 07:17 |
d4rk | Hi! Anyone know why libcdio-dev in gutsy is still version 0.76 (2 years old) instead of 0.78 (1 year old) ? Thx! | 07:18 |
prakriti | hrm | 07:18 |
prakriti | I have the notification area | 07:18 |
prakriti | on my bar | 07:18 |
silent | gunashekar, when you apt-get install xwine it uninstalls wine and if you install wine it uninstalls xwine.. and when you run xwine it complains about not having wine ;P it's kinda funny what can happen mixing repos | 07:18 |
prakriti | amarok shows up in it | 07:18 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: I don't know,. | 07:18 |
hdoria | im going to try. thank anyway nibsa1242b :) | 07:18 |
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silent | prakriti, try the online help | 07:18 |
nibsa1242b | hdoria: sorry I couldn't help more | 07:18 |
silent | on the right-click menu | 07:19 |
AngryElf | gusty upgrade process .... "Access to this internal disk is restricted to system administrators...." please enter password -- how vague and obscure, sounds sketchy to me | 07:19 |
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hdoria | no problem man. thats a strange problem | 07:19 |
winbond | d4rk, maybe they missed it, submit a bug? | 07:19 |
silent | AngryElf, by installing Microsoft software you agree to the terms listed below.... sounds sketchy to me | 07:19 |
joebobjoe | hey guys, i'm having a graphics driver problem...can anyone private chat me and help? | 07:19 |
d4rk | knix, thx winbond | 07:20 |
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silent | joebobjoe, !ask | 07:20 |
AngryElf | silent: yea but they dont ask for my password in obscure terms either | 07:20 |
silent | errr !ask | joebobjoe | 07:20 |
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gunashekar | ReL1K: just shut down and restart after a while , i had a similar problem ( the garbage though was in english) | 07:20 |
joebobjoe | i cant seem to find the right driver | 07:20 |
Yexo77 | I'm using gutsy with compiz. The logout screen should have a transparant background but instead it has a black background with white lines on it. I get that same image when I try to rotate the cube (should also be transparant when rotating). Anyone has any ideas? | 07:20 |
MessiahAngel | hi all | 07:20 |
silent | joebobjoe, what card? | 07:20 |
ReL1K | gunashekar: if i reboot it fixes it for awhile, but reappears | 07:20 |
joebobjoe | well, i have it, i just dotn know how to configure the xorg.conf file | 07:20 |
ReL1K | cant figure out whats causing it | 07:21 |
silent | AngryElf, why didn't you sudo the upgrade? | 07:21 |
joebobjoe | the xorg.conf file stuff is confusing moi | 07:21 |
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silent | AngryElf, it's probably just a superuser requirement | 07:21 |
lee98632 | whats better genome or XFC? | 07:21 |
AngryElf | silent: I did sudo the upgrade, that's why it's weird :) | 07:21 |
silent | lee98632, gnome or xfce? | 07:21 |
silent | AngryElf, hmm | 07:21 |
nibsa1242b | joebobjoe: what graphics hardware do you have? | 07:21 |
silent | AngryElf, pastebin it | 07:21 |
lee98632 | yea | 07:21 |
AngryElf | eh, i canceled it | 07:21 |
gunashekar | ReL1K: I am non technical but it went off after i disabled compiz , | 07:21 |
MessiahAngel | guys i have a pb with my RAID 0 and Gutsy... | 07:21 |
silent | joebobjoe, lspci and find your graphics display device | 07:21 |
AngryElf | i just wanted to see if anyone else saw it | 07:21 |
joebobjoe | i am usign a TNT 2 graphics card | 07:22 |
MessiahAngel | anyone knows how gutsy is managing raid | 07:22 |
joebobjoe | from like 5 years ago | 07:22 |
ReL1K | gunashekar: could be compiz, ill keep it off see how it works with that | 07:22 |
ReL1K | thanks for the tip | 07:22 |
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Pici | AngryElf: What are you upgrading from and what tool are you using? | 07:22 |
silent | joebobjoe, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy | 07:22 |
silent | i think | 07:22 |
joebobjoe | ok | 07:22 |
joebobjoe | any repo's i need? | 07:22 |
silent | should be in default | 07:22 |
AngryElf | Pici: feisty to gutsy | 07:22 |
AngryElf | sudo update-manager -d | 07:22 |
AngryElf | gotta reboot! :) | 07:22 |
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lee98632 | oooohh we have 2 days left lol... | 07:23 |
silent | lee98632, i didn't wait... :/ installed a few days ago | 07:24 |
lee98632 | that i dint know | 07:24 |
lee98632 | ahh | 07:24 |
silent | I'll have to upgrade to 8 soon ;P | 07:24 |
prakriti | Ahhh there we go: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager" fixed it | 07:24 |
lee98632 | eh how come the :( | 07:24 |
silent | prakriti, that makes sense | 07:24 |
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silent | should have thought of that | 07:24 |
silent | prakriti, apt-get --reinstall install network-manager would have worked too | 07:25 |
lee98632 | so silent what you are saying is that it already came out o is coming out? | 07:25 |
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silent | lee98632, I'm running the pre-release version | 07:25 |
lee98632 | ohhhhh too | 07:26 |
silent | | 07:26 |
silent | yeah, it's basically the release version minus a few final updates | 07:26 |
nibsa1242b | yep, why wait? I've got it running on my laptop and I'm upgrading my main machine right now. This time I'm smart and upgraded my UPS, when I upgraded last time my power went out and fixing that was painful. | 07:26 |
lee98632 | only on a 64 bit machine | 07:26 |
MessiahAngel | anyone knows how gutsy manage raid ? | 07:26 |
silent | MessiahAngel, no | 07:26 |
lee98632 | oooooo that would be painfull | 07:26 |
silent | nibsa1242b, I use a laptop now for most things... no need for a ups when I have a battery | 07:27 |
lee98632 | ok well Ihave half of my ati driver working, the important half at least I don't have the catylyst yet | 07:27 |
MessiahAngel | the thing is i did the upgrade from feisty and grub won't start cuz my boot partition is not the right one it seems | 07:27 |
lee98632 | well i am going to play witht the drivers lol | 07:27 |
silent | lee98632, you can install the drivers from the ati site, i believe they add the control panel | 07:27 |
nosrednaekim | lee98632: search for "fglrx" | 07:27 |
lee98632 | heck its raining dogs alseep and I am bord | 07:27 |
silent | but there may be an ubuntu package for it | 07:27 |
nosrednaekim | lee98632: oh wait..are you on 64 bit? | 07:28 |
lee98632 | that I am | 07:28 |
lee98632 | heehee also have ascript to revise the fire fox | 07:28 |
silent | lee98632, sweet jesus why? | 07:28 |
nosrednaekim | lee98632: ah... well no control center for you then. | 07:28 |
lee98632 | because its more stable...and I edit video lol | 07:28 |
nosrednaekim | unless you want to install some 32 bit libs..etc. | 07:28 |
silent | lee98632, you EDIT VIDEO? SWEET JESUS WHY? | 07:29 |
lee98632 | I don't hae the issue s tht I have with the 32 | 07:29 |
silent | :P | 07:29 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 07:29 |
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lee98632 | because I like I might be revolluntering for KLTV lol | 07:29 |
silent | opposite for me... in 32 i don't have the issues present in 64 bit | 07:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:PriceChild] : Home of the Gutsy Gibbon" | | This channel is for Gutsy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty join #ubuntu | Remember Gutsy still has bugs, so please file them as you find them | This channel is for support, "is it out yet" questions etc. in #ubuntu-release party please. | ||
lee98632 | heehee I also like to render 3d | 07:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
silent | lee98632, get into movie production | 07:29 |
lee98632 | hehee, well if they ever get something that is runable on linux I will | 07:30 |
Pici | PriceChild: fyi, you're missing the second dash in #ubuntu-release-party | 07:30 |
Balachmar | Hi, I was just wondering if I could change the settings of the visual effect besides off, normal and extreme (or whatever it is called) | 07:30 |
silent | custom | 07:30 |
nibsa1242b | silent: I enjoy the storage space I have on my desktop, and the graphics power. Besides, I'm connected to the internet over a microwave link so that, as well as my wireless router, are connected to the UPS. I can run for ~45min without power on my desktop, happily connected to the internet. That and I like the voltage regulation, the power in my area is highly subject to over & undervoltages. | 07:30 |
lee98632 | ok how's this for an asnswer...i like to be ...different lol | 07:30 |
silent | Balachmar, system > preferences > appearance | 07:30 |
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lee98632 | thats why i am running 64 bit | 07:31 |
joebobjoe | silent: i just tried that sudo nvidia thing, it installed, but the driver doesnt wrok | 07:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:PriceChild] : Home of the Gutsy Gibbon" | | This channel is for Gutsy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty join #ubuntu | Remember Gutsy still has bugs, so please file them as you find them | This channel is for support, "is it out yet" questions etc. in #ubuntu-release-party please. | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
PriceChild | Pici, woo thanks | 07:31 |
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silent | nibsa1242b, I run a server on a ups so I can have access to over 1TB of space from any machine in my house | 07:31 |
lee98632 | heehee and i like the attenin i get when some one sees a 64 bit using flash and java lol | 07:31 |
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silent | but yeah, the graphics power is good for the gaming... but I rarely do that anymore | 07:31 |
nosrednaekim | lee98632: thats nothin with gutsy its one command! | 07:32 |
silent | a little bioshock here and there | 07:32 |
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lee98632 | lol | 07:32 |
Gribbles | Anybody else having horrible stability problems with nVidia restricted drivers? | 07:32 |
joebobjoe | YES!!!! | 07:32 |
nosrednaekim | Gribbles: heard some complaints.. | 07:32 |
silent | lee98632, I suspect 64 bit ubuntu would have an easier way to get 64 bit java/flash working, but I'm too lazy... I'll wait for native to come out | 07:32 |
joebobjoe | i tried to use them, but now im in low graphics mode | 07:32 |
lee98632 | well hmm its ..i decided to get gutsy | 07:32 |
silent | Gribbles, worse than in windows? certainly not | 07:33 |
=== silent bsods | ||
lee98632 | yeah, i am just messing around until native comes out | 07:33 |
Gribbles | silent: I can't go 5 minutes on the nvidia driver without a hard freeze :( | 07:33 |
silent | Gribbles, ew... try the nv drivers for now until a new release | 07:33 |
san| | nouveaux? | 07:33 |
silent | Gribbles, or get the latest drivers from and install them | 07:33 |
silent | san|, new? | 07:34 |
lee98632 | ok now for the first trial test...the woble | 07:34 |
silent | english is so much more efficient than french | 07:34 |
joebobjoe | can anyone help me install the latest drivers? | 07:34 |
Gribbles | silent: yeah, that's what I'm doing, it sucks though because the nv driver can't properly support my older monitor so my refresh rate is seizurerific :( | 07:34 |
Gribbles | silent: I tried that and it TOTALLY screwed up my system, it wouldn't even boot | 07:34 |
silent | Gribbles, you sure? try messing around with modelines | 07:34 |
Gribbles | silent: how do you do that? | 07:34 |
silent | Gribbles, it'll take some reading and more explanation than I'm willing to give | 07:35 |
silent | google it | 07:35 |
Gribbles | ok thanks | 07:35 |
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nibsa1242b | silent: if I could figure out where to purchase a mini pci card that was guaranteed to work with Ubuntu I'd use my laptop more. However, as it is, it only really gets used when I away from home since I'd rather not drag cables all over the house. [I have a BCM4318 rev 02] I got it to work once after about 60hrs of playing with a long time ago, but then my laptop harddrive died on me. I wanted to back stuff up, but I was having trouble finding a goo | 07:35 |
silent | basically its a way to customize monitor settings using various values for things | 07:35 |
nibsa1242b | d backup solution. I've tried to make it work again, but eventually I just gave up. | 07:35 |
Gribbles | oh ok | 07:35 |
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silent | nibsa1242b, you're in need of a new laptop | 07:36 |
lee98632 | hmm i am missing the composite extensions lol | 07:36 |
silent | go lenovo | 07:36 |
vixyfox | Hello all, question for you all. I have an AMD 64 x2 processor... but I have currently installed 7.10 x86 version... should I be using the x64 version or does it matter? Or which runs better and has better support? | 07:36 |
silent | or hp | 07:36 |
silent | 32 better support, 64 better performance | 07:36 |
silent | been that way for a long time | 07:36 |
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silent | in any operating system | 07:36 |
lee98632 | lol they need to combine the 2 lol | 07:36 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: 32 bit is ussually a but easier | 07:37 |
silent | I know what I'm doing and I run 32 bit... cause I like things to just work | 07:37 |
lee98632 | i like difficult lol | 07:37 |
nibsa1242b | nah, just a mini-pci card... the laptop is pretty much fine otherwise as it does everything I want it to do other then connect over wireless... | 07:37 |
silent | sure.. I could spend an hour searching for ways to install 32-bit native software on a 64-bit install... but why bother? | 07:37 |
vixyfox | I'm having difficulties with it though.. I can't install the flash player on it saying that the installer doesn't support the 86_64 that I have installed... and I can't run Secondlife... which is supposed to just... run lol | 07:37 |
silent | :P | 07:37 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: seems you are running x86_64 then... | 07:38 |
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silent | vixyfox, if you're new to ubuntu, just get 32 bit... messing with flash on 64 will make you want to hurt something | 07:38 |
gunashekar | ReL1K: any luck? | 07:38 |
silent | and will give you a bad outlook on ubuntu in general | 07:38 |
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vixyfox | nosrednaekim: That was the only option available to me to download though was the x86_64 version | 07:38 |
Pete_^ | Does anyone else here have a bluetooth adapter and a bluetooth phone? | 07:38 |
vixyfox | other than the pure 64 bit versions | 07:39 |
silent | I have a bluetooth adapter, but no phone | 07:39 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: eh... where did you DL it from? | 07:39 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Ubuntu's website | 07:39 |
Pete_^ | Ah, It seems incoming file transfer connections are dropped instantly ( may well be linked with ) | 07:39 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 148712 in gnome-bluetooth "Gusty: Not seeing bluetooth services even after pairing" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:39 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | hi just cannot get ndiswrapper to load on my 7.10 amd64 system, I have an HP laptop and it just will not load ndiswrapper properly, I can do ndiswrapper -l and it finds my card and all but it never loads properly so the card is never an available option in network manager or for iwlist scanning, any ideas? | 07:39 |
nibsa1242b | back when I experimented with 64 bit I figured out how to install 32bit firefox and then it worked... of course whats the point of running 64 bit if you end up installing 32bit versions of almost everything you use on a daily basis anyway... | 07:40 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: don't worry about the thing saying "for AMD processors" the x86 for intel processors" cd also works | 07:40 |
Pete_^ | Although I can see services.. | 07:40 |
lee98632 | hehehe Hey I got caaty up and running lol | 07:40 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: I will have to check again and see if I can just get the x86 version then | 07:51 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | fyi had same problem with gutsy i386 | 07:51 |
lee98632 | yeppers I have catylyst up and running | 07:51 |
lee98632 | my drivers are complete | 07:51 |
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vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Hmmm.... that is confusing... concidering there is no x86_64 version available on the site to get 7.10 gutsy | 07:51 |
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ezzieyguywu1 | is there a solution yet for suspend with fglrx driver? | 07:51 |
san| | the radeon driver? ;) | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | san: yes | 07:51 |
jager | Marvell 88W8335 wifi in gutsy, ndiswrapper shows the xp driver is installed but the network managers doesn't see it, what might my next step be? | 07:51 |
nibsa1242b | ezzieyguywu1: I don't believe so. However, the next version of the fglrx driver is supposed to be out real soon now and should hopefully fix it. | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: just AMD64? | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | so, anyone getting suspend to work with ATI video card? | 07:51 |
lee98632 | Ant-Aliasing is at 6x :( | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | nibsa: thanks | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywu1: using which driver? the proprietary one? | 07:51 |
lee98632 | yes | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | nosred: i believe i'm using fglrx | 07:51 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: On the site there are 2 available. One for the 64, one for intels/x86.... which I don't understand why that message came up | 07:51 |
vixyfox | Nor why I am having so many difficulties | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | i've tried using uswsusp but for some reason gutsy doesn't find the s2ram command | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | yah... get the intels/x86 | 07:51 |
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lee98632 | anisotropic is at 16x :( | 07:51 |
Laser87 | Hi! | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywu1: yeah... its failing for me as well,using the open source driver works though. | 07:51 |
lee98632 | 8 bit buffer Over lay opperational :( | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | nosrednaikim: i just install that one by removing fglrx through the restricted drivers manager? | 07:51 |
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lee98632 | oops those were supose to be smileys lol | 07:51 |
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ezzieyguywu1 | lee: look like smilees to me :-) | 07:51 |
lee98632 | heehee | 07:51 |
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silent | I'm gonna try installing a 2.2 kernel on gutsy.... boot for the errorz | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 07:51 |
nibsa1242b | ezzieyguywu1: I read through the bug report on the fglrx driver & suspend last night. Basically it has something to do with a kernel change that the current fglrx driver doesn't like. The options are to not use fglrx, not try to suspend, wait for ATI to fix the problem, or compile your own kernel and hope it works. | 07:51 |
silent | KERNEL PANIC | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywu1: correct | 07:51 |
jager | oo | 07:51 |
lee98632 | well I be a cat ion a hot tin ruff theses drivers just falt want nothing to with kubuntu | 07:51 |
AngryElf | when I run "compiz" at the command line I get Checking for Xgl: Not present -- any ideas? | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | nibsa: thanks | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | AngryElf: ATI? | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | nored: would that disable 3d graphics? | 07:51 |
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AngryElf | nosrednaekim: yes | 07:51 |
san| | ezzieyguywu1: it works with the open sorce radeon driver | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywu1: possibly, yes, depending on your card | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | AngryElf: you need xgl | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | angry: sudo apt-get x-server[something or other] (?) | 07:51 |
ezzieyguywu1 | ok, will try brb | 07:51 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Hmmm I checked the one I had downloaded... it was the i386 version.... *is really confused now* | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | waaa? do a "uname -a" for me pls. | 07:51 |
nibsa1242b | ezzieyguywu1: look here for further details about the issue... note most people who tried to recompile the kernel said it caused issues for them. | 07:51 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 121653 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "[gutsy] fglrx breaks over suspend/resume" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 07:51 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Me? | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | yeah vixyfox | 07:51 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: One moment, gotta get bakc into it x.x | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 07:51 |
AngryElf | nosrednaekim: I do, but when I log into the XGL session (from my feisty setup) I got this info popup telling me not to :( | 07:51 |
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nosrednaekim | AngryElf: just log into your normal session. I think XGL will start automatically in gutsy. | 07:51 |
nosrednaekim | no need for a special session | 07:51 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | I see jager has/had similar question to mine, anybody got any ideas on how to ensure ndiswrapper is loaded properly ? | 07:51 |
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] | 08:16 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 08:16 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 08:16 | |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: Home of the Gutsy Gibbon" | | This channel is for Gutsy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty join #ubuntu | Remember Gutsy still has bugs, so please file them as you find them | This channel is for support, "is it out yet" questions etc. in #ubuntu-release-party please. | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by PriceChild at Tue Oct 16 19:31:16 2007 | ||
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken! | 08:17 | |
(nosrednaekim/#ubuntu+1) vixyfox: ah ok, well, then you can increase it to about 20 gigs. / is where all your programs are housed,which. unless you are loading alot of games, shouldn't require over 10 gigs. | 08:17 | |
(jewbilee/#ubuntu+1) it seems like whenever Unbuntu updates, my /boot/grub/menu.lst file gets changed and everytime i boot up afterward I have to change the harddrive, partition information. how can i stop this? | 08:17 | |
(nosrednaekim/#ubuntu+1) /home is where you keep all your files, which should be as big as you can make it. | 08:17 | |
(vixyfox/#ubuntu+1) nosrednaekim: If I am going to be loading lot's of games, what is the biggest / can be? | 08:18 | |
(nibsa1242b/#ubuntu+1) vixyfox: if you choose to have a /boot partition, make sure you make it big there have been issues lately with ubuntu wanting 50MB or more free on /boot to upgrade | 08:18 | |
(Arenlor/#ubuntu+1) jewbilee I have the same issue, only it removes the noapic to the end of it every time | 08:18 | |
(nosrednaekim/#ubuntu+1) vixyfox: as big as you want it to be. | 08:18 | |
(stefg/#ubuntu+1) vixyfox: a standard install uses 2 GB... so *everything* in ubuntu doesn't use more than 8 or 10 GB. the most spaceconsuming things are usually games, which lve in /home/username dir when you use wine or stuff | 08:18 | |
vixyfox | They will go in /home/username when using Wine? | 08:19 |
jewbilee | Arenlor: it sets my root from (hd0, 1) back to (hd1, 1) | 08:19 |
stefg | vixyfox: right .. wine has a .wine-dir in your /home | 08:19 |
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Arenlor | jewbilee, I'll check and see if it's a known bug | 08:19 |
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jewbilee | arenlor: awesome | 08:19 |
vixyfox | So then I could still just keep / as 10 to 15 gigs? | 08:19 |
stefg | vixyfox: i have 7,5 G and use arounf half of it | 08:20 |
Brucevdk | stefg: I already have 9.3 and don't have everything (by far) installed | 08:20 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: no.. if you have that much space, make it a good 20 just in case. | 08:20 |
vixyfox | stefg: Okay Nosrednaekim: Okay that makes sense | 08:20 |
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fiXXXerMe1 | If i install the RC now, and then do an apt-get upgrade on release day, would it be the same thing as installing the release? | 08:20 |
nosrednaekim | I have a 30gig / and am using 5G | 08:20 |
stefg | Brucevdk: how did you manage /that/ ? | 08:20 |
joebobjoe | stefg: i am no longer in low graphics mode | 08:20 |
joebobjoe | stefg: the nvidia driver works | 08:21 |
stefg | joebobjoe: nice, so it fixed itself ? | 08:21 |
joebobjoe | i guess so | 08:21 |
nosrednaekim | fiXXXerMe1: yup | 08:21 |
joebobjoe | should i enable the accelerator in restricted manager? | 08:21 |
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stefg | joebobjoe: i think it's already activated | 08:21 |
vixyfox | If I'm making / is it primary or logical? | 08:21 |
joebobjoe | its not in use | 08:21 |
vixyfox | actually, same question could be made for swap and home | 08:21 |
ezzieyguywuf | ok, update in case anyone cares (:-)) tried suspend with fglrx active and xgl off and xgl does not seem to be the problem b/c it still did not work | 08:22 |
fiXXXerMe1 | thanks nosrednaekim | 08:22 |
joebobjoe | stefg: its enabled but not in use | 08:22 |
Brucevdk | stefg: just ran the graphical du, seems I have at least 3.7G as apt cache :) | 08:22 |
stefg | joebobjoe: ok, so activate and reboot once more (system will ask for that) | 08:22 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: err.... how many windows partitions do you have? | 08:22 |
ezzieyguywuf | when fglrx was nt active it worked great, so does that sitll make it a kernel problem? | 08:22 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: ok.. good to know | 08:22 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Just one | 08:22 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: not sure.. | 08:22 |
vixyfox | located at /media/hda1 | 08:22 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: make them promary then | 08:22 |
joebobjoe | stefg: its already activated | 08:22 |
nibsa1242b | vixyfox: esp if your /var is mounted on root... you need to be careful I had an issue where some log files filled up my / and I couldn't boot. I highly recommend putting /var on its own partition | 08:22 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: i think its just a driver issue | 08:22 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: could be | 08:22 |
ezzieyguywuf | any idea why s2ram is not recognized when uswsusp is installed? | 08:23 |
Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: Because it doesn't exist | 08:23 |
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Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: It is not included in Ubuntu because it does not integrate with our suspend setup | 08:23 |
ezzieyguywuf | amaranth: how can it not exist if i've installed it? | 08:23 |
stefg | Brucevdk: ok, that's just ... errr.... stupid.. sudo apt-get clean, or put /var/cache/apt/archives to another partition (like i do) | 08:23 |
Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: s2ram doesn't, uswsusp does | 08:23 |
Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: it just has s2disk and s2both | 08:23 |
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ezzieyguywuf | amaranth: so you mean its not included in gutsy, b/c in feisty i had s2ram | 08:24 |
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Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: Right | 08:24 |
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Brucevdk | stefg: well I might want to do something with some of these packages, so not that stupid. Anyways, why bother moving it to a seperate partition? | 08:24 |
WorkingOnWise | what are the most functional apps to use for suspend and hibernate with Nvidia Go 6100? | 08:24 |
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joebobjoe | stefg: i am restarting | 08:24 |
ezzieyguywuf | amaranth: so s2both is supposed to work pretty good? how bout with fglrx driver? | 08:24 |
Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: apparently suspend and resume is broken with fglrx? | 08:25 |
stefg | Brucevdk: to not delete the cache if reinstalling. BTW sudo apt-get autoclean does only the outdated stuff | 08:25 |
AngryElf | so my setup is fglrx + dual-head -- after much screwing around I've gotten the monitors mirrored w/ Compiz enabled -- but if I try using screens and graphics to turn the second monitor into an extended desktop all hell breaks loose -- has anyone gotten this setup working correctly? | 08:25 |
ezzieyguywuf | amaranth: yea. i was hoping that since in feisty uswsusp helped, maybe in gutsy it would be the same case | 08:25 |
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AngryElf | ...right now screen and graphics thinks that the second monitor is "disabled" despite it actually being a mirror right now | 08:26 |
nosrednaekim | AngryElf: go to #ubuntu-effects | 08:26 |
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Amaranth | ezzieyguywuf: afaik s2ram doesn't do anything you can't do with our suspend system | 08:26 |
Amaranth | nosrednaekim: ... | 08:26 |
Amaranth | nosrednaekim: #ubuntu-effects is 1) For compiz and 2) Dead | 08:26 |
lgespee | I have a new Dell PC, which has no PS/2 ports anymore, only USB, I have the USB keyboard (with cable) connected to the machine, but I can't use it in the bootmenu of the LiveCD, however in 7.04 it did work in the bootmenu | 08:27 |
Amaranth | AngryElf: Blame Xgl, I guess | 08:27 |
ezzieyguywuf | amaranth: ok, thanks for the info. i though that s2ram was a user-something or other while the system suspend had to do with kernel (i'm not entirely clear on the specifics as you can see) | 08:27 |
Amaranth | AngryElf: Xgl + dual monitors either works or it doesn't, I haven't seen someone have it start out not working and end up with it working | 08:27 |
tharun | I have been trying to use dasher 4.6.0 from the repos with Kubuntu gutsy, but it crashes every time I try to change the language from the settings. Also, it gets stuck once it goes past a certain number of letters. Anyone know how to fix this? | 08:29 |
Brucevdk | stefg: autoclean did clear out a lot, I wonder, updates aren't cached? | 08:29 |
Arenlor | Amaranth you have any idea about menu.lst being changed on every update, the one guy has his HDD posistion changed and I have the noapic removed | 08:30 |
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stefg | Brucevdk: autoclean looks at the recent package list and only deletes, whot is no longer in the repos | 08:30 |
joebobjoe | stefg: argh, i now cannot chose a high screen rez | 08:30 |
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stefg | !fixres | joebobjoe: | 08:30 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: You're not editing menu.lst properly | 08:30 |
ubotu | joebobjoe:: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 08:31 |
jewbilee | Amaranth: it happens to me as well, my partitions are changed everytime it updates | 08:31 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: If you pay attention to what it says it tells you it gets wiped out on every kernel update | 08:31 |
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jurp5 | how to delete kubuntu-desktop with dependencies | 08:31 |
Amaranth | jewbilee: You too | 08:31 |
joebobjoe | stefg: this happens i guess, when i enable that restricted driver | 08:31 |
jewbilee | Why does it get wiped on every update though? | 08:31 |
Amaranth | There are sections above the actually menu entries to setup the default options and default partitions, don't edit the menu part directly, that part is autogenerated | 08:31 |
jewbilee | ok | 08:32 |
Amaranth | jewbilee: Because that part is autogenerated based on the stuff above it | 08:32 |
Arenlor | Amaranth, how do I do that? Which part? | 08:32 |
joebobjoe | stefg: i still cannot enable desktop effects | 08:32 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: For you it's defoptions | 08:32 |
Amaranth | Arenlor: should say '# defoptions=splash quiet' or something right now, add noapic there | 08:32 |
AngryElf | Amaranth: what's with the warning I got when I first started up after the Gutsy upgrade that claimed that I shouldn't have to use a special session to start XGL? | 08:33 |
Amaranth | don't uncomment it | 08:33 |
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stefg | joebobjoe: yeah, might be an unsolved problem with that vaio hardware. you might need to blacklist the battery or use some special boot argument. And ...err.... Desktop effects are not going to work on such an old video-adaper. you need at least pixel-shader 1.1 | 08:33 |
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Amaranth | AngryElf: You used to have to run a manually setup Xgl session, now it starts automatically no matter what session you use | 08:33 |
Amaranth | stefg: You don't need any shaders | 08:33 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | can anyone give me any hints as why ndiswrapper is not loading at all on my gutsy laptop, broadcom 4326 chip wireless | 08:34 |
AngryElf | It doesn't start when I use the "Gnome" session | 08:34 |
Amaranth | stefg: You need something at least as fast as an intel i855 (although that's probably a little on the slow side) and texture_from_pixmap support | 08:34 |
Amaranth | AngryElf: It should | 08:34 |
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Amaranth | AngryElf: Do you have a ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable file? | 08:34 |
Amaranth | AngryElf: If so get rid of it | 08:34 |
AngryElf | I do cause that info box told me to :) | 08:35 |
stefg | Thanks, Amaranth for making that clear.. | 08:35 |
Arenlor | thanks for the help Amaranth | 08:35 |
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rom1v | hi | 08:36 |
gunashekar | hi | 08:36 |
rom1v | when I am trying to compile my wifi driver from intel : | 08:36 |
rom1v | | 08:36 |
Amaranth | rom1v: iwl3945 is included in Ubuntu | 08:37 |
gunashekar | yea | 08:37 |
rom1v | 4965, yes but bugged | 08:37 |
tharun | I have been trying to use Dasher 4.6.0 from the repos with Kubuntu gutsy, but it crashes every time I try to change the language from the settings. Also, it gets stuck once it goes past a certain number of letters. Anyone know how to fix this? | 08:37 |
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rom1v | | 08:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 144882 in network-manager "crashes with OOM" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 08:38 |
vixyfox | The home folder is ext3? | 08:38 |
nibsa1242b | anyone know a good resource to purchase a wireless-g mini pci card? | 08:38 |
joebobjoe | streg: sorry system didnt shut down correctly | 08:38 |
joebobjoe | should desktop effects work on all graphics card with the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.01 driver? | 08:38 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: yeah | 08:38 |
nosrednaekim | !hardware | nibsa1242b | 08:39 |
ubotu | nibsa1242b: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see | 08:39 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: newegg sometimes has them | 08:39 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: thanks | 08:39 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: So as it sits, I right now have /dev/hda2 as ext3 which has 20 Gigs to be the / and I have /dev/hda3 as swap with 1019 MB and I have /dev/hda4 as ext3 which has the rest of the freespace in it... will that work? | 08:40 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: I'd make a separate partition for /home | 08:51 |
vixyfox | that is what /dev/hda4 will be | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: make the last partition "/home" | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: it makes it MUCH easier to backup your settings and/or change to another system if you want to do so | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: ah, ok, all good then | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: you have to select the mount-point to be /home | 08:51 |
rom1v | someone can help me for compiling my wifi driver? | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: btw, this is a desktop system, yes ? | 08:51 |
vixyfox | nosrednaekim: Ah okay, and BlueParrot: Yes it's a desktop | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: if it is a server you may want to stick /tmp and /var on separate partitions as well | 08:51 |
vixyfox | Should I have a /var partition anyways? I saw someone mention that earlier | 08:51 |
joebobjoe | ubuntu thinks my desktop has a battery | 08:51 |
joebobjoe | keeps on coming up with fatal errors | 08:51 |
joebobjoe | can anyone help? | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: shouldn't be necessarry for most desktop installations. I don't bother, some people do... | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: not necesary | 08:51 |
vixyfox | BlueParrot: Okay. Does swap need a special mount point? | 08:51 |
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nibsa1242b | vixyfox: BlueParrot: even if its not a server, /var on its own is good. Other wise you could run into a situation where a log file fills up all the free space and the system won't boot. (Happened to me with a card reader that wasn't working properly... I had over 80GBs of logs) | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: no... just format it as swap | 08:51 |
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nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: which is very rare.. | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | vixyfox: naaa, swap isn't really mounted as such | 08:51 |
vixyfox | Okay, here goes then XD | 08:51 |
vixyfox | actually, just before I start | 08:51 |
vixyfox | So /dev/hda2 is ext3 and / for the mount point, and /dev/hda4 is ext3 and /home and /dev/hda3 is swap | 08:51 |
vixyfox | Does that sound right? | 08:51 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: yea, its rare... but proper partitioning is easier then having to load a live cd because the system won't boot and delete excessive logs | 08:51 |
BlueParrot | nibsa1242b: nice one... question is if it is worth the trouble... I mean you coudl always boot off the livecd and clear the logs ... | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | vixyfox: thats fine | 08:51 |
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nibsa1242b | BlueParrot: unless you didn't know why / was full, then you'd be confused... or if you didn't have the live cd (I generally use the alternate install cd). | 08:51 |
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rom1v | I am trying to compile my wifi driver for iwl4965 | 08:51 |
rom1v | can someone helpme | 08:51 |
Kilroo | Hmm...if I have a game that only runs under Windows, does not work with Wine, is not really a fast-twitch type game for the most part, but does require precision likely is it that I can play it satisfactorily on a virtual machine? | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | Kilroo: doe it require directX> | 08:51 |
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Kilroo | That's a remarkably good question. Let me check. | 08:51 |
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Kilroo | Yes. | 08:51 |
Kilroo | That's not encouraging. | 08:51 |
nosrednaekim | Kilroo: ok, how old is it? | 08:51 |
Kilroo | The latest release is from October 4th. It only requires DirectX 8.1, if that matters. | 08:51 |
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] | 08:53 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 08:53 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 08:54 | |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: Home of the Gutsy Gibbon" | | This channel is for Gutsy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty join #ubuntu | Remember Gutsy still has bugs, so please file them as you find them | This channel is for support, "is it out yet" questions etc. in #ubuntu-release-party please. | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by PriceChild at Tue Oct 16 19:31:16 2007 | ||
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken! | 08:54 | |
(nibsa1242b/#ubuntu+1) Kilroo: how much ram do you have? | 08:54 | |
(Kilroo/#ubuntu+1) 2gb | 08:54 | |
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ezzieyguywuf | two questions | 08:54 |
ezzieyguywuf | i think this is a compiz window, but most times when i get a popup system notification or of an app has to open a new window, it opens way in the bottom right corner of the screen | 08:55 |
ezzieyguywuf | any way to fix this? | 08:55 |
ezzieyguywuf | also, if i have two apps that need to output sound, only the one that was opened first will work | 08:55 |
ezzieyguywuf | any suggestions? | 08:55 |
nibsa1242b | Kilroo: what game is it anyway? | 08:55 |
Kilroo | Albatross 18 Season 3 :D | 08:56 |
Kilroo | er. | 08:56 |
Kilroo | The :D is not part of the name. | 08:56 |
nibsa1242b | Kilroo: I get that... lol | 08:56 |
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markelhas | can some one help me with my d-link dwl | 08:58 |
_dan_ | hello, whats the issue with cryptsetup in gutsy? every other boot i get a eror msg | 08:58 |
_dan_ | Check kernel for support for the aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 cipher spec and verify that /dev/sdb1 contains at least 261 sectors. | 08:58 |
markelhas | can some one help me with my d-link dwl-650m. i've put it working yestarday but now after reboot it doesn't work any more | 08:58 |
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DEADBEEF_ | is there any way to issue a 'lock/unlock session' command via console? | 08:59 |
nibsa1242b | Kilroo: looks interesting, the best thing to do would be to try it out... I think you'd have fps issues, but good luck | 08:59 |
markelhas | can some one help me with my d-link dwl-650m. i've put it working yestarday but now after reboot it doesn't work any more | 09:00 |
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markelhas | can some one help me with my d-link dwl-650m. i've put it working yestarday but now after reboot it doesn't work any more | 09:01 |
markelhas | plzzzzzzzzz help | 09:01 |
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markelhas | don't have net any more | 09:01 |
markelhas | vi wifi | 09:01 |
vixyfox | Okay, installed okay, but, it says I need to enable restricted drivers... clicked on the restircted drivers and found "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver" But when I go to enable it, it says "The software source for the package nvidia-glx new is not enabled" How do I enable it? | 09:01 |
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Atalanta | hi | 09:01 |
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Atalanta | what is this | 09:01 |
Atalanta | oh right. | 09:02 |
atlfalcons866 | is kde4 usable in gutsy | 09:02 |
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markelhas | foda-se | 09:02 |
miketalanca | I have a problem concerning the upgrade to Gutsy. I tried doing the upgrade the recommended way (kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" since I'm running KDE) but it said a bunch of packages failed to install. Now it's just hanging at "configuring libslang2" | 09:02 |
Atalanta | okay question: is 7.10 going to have improved speeds on x86-64 intel processors also? or is the only 64bit going to be amd? | 09:03 |
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vixyfox | Anyone? | 09:05 |
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mr_joel | I boot up the computer, with Gutsy in...and then it gives me that first boot up menu, I choose install....and then in says "udevd-event[2369] : run_program": '/sbin/mod probe? abnormal exit ..................H E L P? | 09:05 |
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mr_joel | can anyone help me with that boot problem?? | 09:07 |
TheInfinity | mr_joel: depends on what you have a prob :p | 09:07 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel: you've installed gusty? you are booting from the cd? | 09:08 |
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mr_joel | I boot from the CD, yes....but then it stops and returns me to a BUSYBOX built in shell....and gives me that above error message I stated before. | 09:09 |
Neatchee | Hey all, still having a network problem. Every 15-20mins i lose connectivity. My wireless stays connected, but all attempts to access the interwebs are thwarted by timeouts, and all established connections go dead. Any ideas? | 09:09 |
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mr_joel | udevd-event[2369] : run_program": '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit ........THAT'S THE ERROR IT GIVES ME AFTER EVERY BOOT. | 09:10 |
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mr_joel | someone help? | 09:13 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel is your goal to install? simply run the live cd? | 09:14 |
mr_joel | I don't even get that far! it won't even get to running the live CD! | 09:14 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel: did you check the cd to make sure it dled and burn correctly? | 09:14 |
mr_joel | yep. | 09:15 |
Pici | mr_joel: The live CD does not run on every computer, that is why we provide an alternate install CD/ | 09:15 |
Atalanta | it seems there are no experts in here, only people with problems and quesitons lol | 09:15 |
bascule | what kind of machine brand/model? | 09:15 |
Tpop | Where can I pull the Xgl packages for Gutsy? | 09:15 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel: if you are trying to install, you can always try the alternate CD. does feisty work on your machine? | 09:15 |
mr_joel | nope, feisty gives me the same error. | 09:16 |
mr_joel | I'll try the alternate CD when I get a chance. | 09:16 |
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bascule | !xgl | Tpop | 09:16 |
ubotu | Tpop: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:16 |
Tpop | Thanks\ | 09:17 |
bascule | ok :) | 09:17 |
DEADBEEF_ | is there anything in there on fixing the missing window decorators bug? | 09:17 |
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bascule | does emerald run? | 09:17 |
DEADBEEF_ | on top of compiz, no | 09:18 |
bascule | does here | 09:18 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel: have any other linuxes ever worked on your machine? | 09:18 |
bascule | [20:18:47] kenny@guess_who kenny $ pidof emerald | 09:18 |
bascule | 6112 | 09:18 |
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crossbones | my laptop doesnt work right when I shut the lid | 09:21 |
crossbones | it doesnt go into standby mode | 09:21 |
crossbones | like I told it to | 09:21 |
crossbones | it should go into standby mode | 09:21 |
mr_joel | yes. I had an older version of Feisty once....and windows works....and also, when the boot CD is supposed to be looking at the cdrom, sometimes the access light on my floppy is on for way too long, like it's trying to get something from there instead of the boot CD. | 09:21 |
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bascule | reckon it doesn't like the chipset | 09:21 |
fyrestrtr | is gutsy ahead or behind fc7 in terms of versions of core packages shipped? | 09:22 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joel: you can try booting with the bootparam noudev if the live cd allows that | 09:22 |
vixyfox | Okay, so I figured out how to get the restircted drivers for my graphics card to work, but I also downloaded nvidia-settings... but I can't find it to use it... where would it be? | 09:22 |
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bascule | vixyfox: system maybe of applications but just alt+f2 nvidia-settings | 09:23 |
Atalanta | okay question: is 7.10 going to have improved speeds on x86-64 intel processors also? or is the only 64bit going to be amd? | 09:23 |
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fyrestrtr | Atalanta: I don't think you'll see much difference. | 09:23 |
vixyfox | bascule: alt+f2 worked great ^_^ Thanks | 09:23 |
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bascule | np | 09:23 |
Atalanta | thanks | 09:23 |
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mnemo | can anyone recommend a good GUI app for doing SCP file transfers? | 09:24 |
bascule | only KDE based stuff | 09:24 |
recon | Will my RC install automatically update to the final release, or do i have to do a dist-upgrade? | 09:24 |
bascule | dunno gnome very well | 09:24 |
TheInfinity | mnemo: KDE | 09:25 |
bascule | recon: dist-upgrade | 09:25 |
TheInfinity | fish:// | 09:25 |
mnemo | ok, but can't I use the KDE apps in vanilla ubuntu too? | 09:25 |
recon | bascule: darn. how's it work again? | 09:25 |
TheInfinity | all included in konqueror :) | 09:25 |
bascule | recon: well apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:25 |
nibsa1242b | mnemo: yeah, you should be able to I used kate and k3b all the time | 09:26 |
recon | bascule: ok, thanks. | 09:26 |
mnemo | nibsa1242b: so name a good KDE app for SCP transfers... I tried to type in fish://user:pwd@ip/ in gnome explorer but that didnt work | 09:26 |
bascule | cause it doesn't support it but konqueror and kate do | 09:27 |
mr_joel | how do I use that noudev in the boot menu......after I press F6? then add it in there to the boot options? what does that do? | 09:27 |
Neatchee | Hey all, still having a network problem. Every 15-20mins i lose connectivity. My wireless stays connected, but all attempts to access the interwebs are thwarted by timeouts, and all established connections go dead. Any ideas? | 09:27 |
Neatchee | This problem only started after upgrading to gutsy | 09:27 |
TheInfinity | mnemo: gnome has no fish:// | 09:27 |
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TheInfinity | just konqueror - and this is part of kde | 09:27 |
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TheInfinity | the file manager ;) | 09:28 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee what card? did the upgrade change anything relating to your wireless configs? | 09:28 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: I don't think so. It's a BCM4318 using ndiswrapper | 09:28 |
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nibsa1242b | what revision? | 09:29 |
Neatchee | 1.45 | 09:29 |
Neatchee | oh | 09:29 |
Neatchee | sorry revision on the card? | 09:29 |
Neatchee | or version of ndiswrapper? | 09:29 |
Flats | I just upgraded to ununtu 7.10 and when I restart my x dioesn't start fatal server error no screens found | 09:30 |
flink | Hi there ! | 09:30 |
Flats | that cant be good | 09:30 |
lloeki | mnemo, use ssh:// instead of fish under gnome | 09:30 |
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flink | I've some problem with AC3 passthrough and a creative sb live 5.1 since a recent upgrade. Anybody having this problem too ? | 09:30 |
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nibsa1242b | Neatchee: what revision of the card? I know on my computer it changed the blacklist and removed any custom modules I had installed when I upgraded. If you've previously blacklisted something like bcm43xx you might want to check to see if its still blacklisted. | 09:31 |
Neatchee | aha that might very well be it | 09:31 |
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nibsa1242b | Neatchee: yeah... what I meant to say is it removed from the blacklist anything I had added there in the past during the upgrade. Because I said yes, use the new blacklist since there were a good bit of changes. | 09:32 |
Alan | erm, are there install CDs? i can only find install DVDs | 09:32 |
mnemo | lloeki: i tried using "ssh://hostname" but it says "no hostname "" is found". is that a common error maybe= | 09:33 |
fyrestrtr | Alan: for? | 09:33 |
nibsa1242b | btw... seriously what revision of the bcm 4318? I have a rev (02) (the cursed one) that I can't get to work. | 09:33 |
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Alan | gutsy RC | 09:33 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: the card is revision 02 | 09:33 |
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fyrestrtr | Alan: I never downloaded a dvd image, just a cd image. | 09:33 |
Flats | how do I rescan for my video card and drivers? | 09:33 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: once you get it working, would you mind letting me know how. I'd love to get mine to work. | 09:33 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: and no, my blacklist is still as it was | 09:34 |
Alan | fyrestrtr, | 09:34 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: well, it's working, and was working almost flawlessly in feisty | 09:34 |
Alan | thats all i can find... | 09:34 |
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lloeki | mnemo, well I just popped up a nautilus window, pressed ctrl+l, and typed ssh://slug and it worked | 09:34 |
Neatchee | i remember trying to compile th newest ndiswrapper from source in feisty and having problems, so i'm going to try downgrading my install of ndiswrapper | 09:34 |
Alan | oooh | 09:34 |
Alan | found it i think | 09:34 |
Alan | heh | 09:35 |
fyrestrtr | Alan: | 09:35 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: working with ndiswrapper? where did you get the windows driver from to make it work? | 09:35 |
miketalanca | I have a problem concerning the upgrade to Gutsy. I tried doing the upgrade the recommended way (kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" since I'm running KDE) but it said a bunch of packages failed to install. Now it's just hanging at "configuring libslang2" | 09:35 |
lee986321 | erg kubuntu is dead | 09:35 |
mr_joel | no hope with this udevd-event[2369] error then??? | 09:35 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: from my hardware manufacturer of course :) | 09:35 |
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lee986321 | try and this worked for me even though errors galor came up | 09:35 |
lee986321 | try update-manager -d | 09:36 |
Neatchee | Acer, in this case | 09:36 |
Neatchee | I have actually a few drivers for this card, because i went through them trying to get it to work. I'd be happy to upload them somewhere if you would like | 09:36 |
lee986321 | in the Konsole | 09:36 |
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Cidan | hi, :D | 09:36 |
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Cidan | I'm trying to boot amd64 RC1 by DVD, but all I get is a blank screen and nothing else | 09:37 |
lee986321 | e guys I hae version 10 on a c d rom how would I take this one that I am on and use the cd rom to upgrade it instead of the web? | 09:37 |
Cidan | both in normal and safe mode. | 09:37 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: yes, please... I actually had it working once, but my hd crashed (and I had been working on it for 3 straight days so I wasn't exactly sure why it started working) and I haven't been able to get it to work since. | 09:37 |
Cidan | Anyone have any ideas? | 09:37 |
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lee986321 | cidan you might have a dammaged dvd | 09:37 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: oh wait a minute | 09:38 |
Cidan | I checked it when I wrote it, it was fine | 09:38 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: the drivers i have won't work for you, most likely. I forgot they are x64 | 09:38 |
Cidan | Does it *require* that it be burned on a CD? | 09:38 |
lee986321 | cidan try burning another dvd | 09:38 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: Let me see if I can find the i386 drivers from Acer | 09:38 |
niwt | lee986321: I think you need to list that dvd in sources.list and comment out the repos, then update, then dist-upgrade, but that's just a guess. | 09:38 |
lee986321 | and use a lower speed | 09:39 |
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lee986321 | ah, well its only 2 days away I can wait, I jsut thaught Id have fn tinkering | 09:39 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: I don't care... if I have to change over to x64 to make it work I will. Although, my fiancee would be slightly annoyed as I'll have to reconfigure stuff and its primarily her computer. | 09:39 |
Cidan | huh | 09:39 |
Cidan | you're right | 09:39 |
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Cidan | I just booted without the splash/quiet | 09:39 |
Cidan | getting I/O error | 09:40 |
Cidan | on the disk | 09:40 |
lee986321 | yeppers | 09:40 |
lee986321 | tahts a bad dvd all right lol | 09:40 |
Cidan | sure is. Thanks mate. :P | 09:40 |
lee986321 | I used a cd rom, and burnd it at a slower speed | 09:40 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: try this... Select Notebook, Aspire 5000, Broadcom Wireless | 09:40 |
lee986321 | RW stink at recording the info though | 09:40 |
Neatchee | that package should contain the inf file you need | 09:41 |
Cidan | well I have no CD's, I left them at my other apt. :x | 09:41 |
lee986321 | dont use an rw | 09:41 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: thanks | 09:41 |
Cidan | not, I'm using just a DVD+R | 09:41 |
Cidan | er, DVD-R | 09:41 |
lee986321 | oh well then with the dvds just try another but use a lower speed | 09:41 |
Cidan | aye | 09:41 |
NeoGeo64 | I'm really high. | 09:41 |
Cidan | as a kite? | 09:41 |
lee986321 | one would think as low as they speed you wouldnt need to do that | 09:41 |
mr_joel | I'm also getting an I/O error but with my floppy/fd0 sector 0 ..............what does that mean?? this is after using the noudev during boot option time. | 09:42 |
NeoGeo64 | Well, kites don't fly that high. | 09:42 |
NeoGeo64 | Only maybe a few hundred feet. | 09:42 |
NeoGeo64 | I'd say I'm about as high as the Moon. | 09:42 |
Cidan | fd0 when booting from CD? | 09:42 |
mr_joel | yep! | 09:42 |
Cidan | that's the CD, :P | 09:42 |
TuxRox | The nvidia driver keeps craping out on me. I have seen that other people are not having an issue with it so I find this odd that it is not working. Yesterday it worked fine after I reinstalled the driver due to a kernel upgrade, but today I started my laptop and I got the low res X config application. The /var/log/X.0.log did not provide any information at all as to why it crashed. Is there a different log now that there is a failsafe mode for X? | 09:42 |
NeoGeo64 | Windows XoRG | 09:43 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: i remember there were a few other things i had to fiddle around with, like running "ndiswrapper -a 4319 bcmwl5" because the wireless card is also somehow tied into the modem or some crazy ass retarded thing, so it needs to be forced to handle requests at 4319 as well as 4318 | 09:43 |
Cidan | the nvidia driver causes CPU usage to go to 100% if I move a window | 09:43 |
Cidan | on my 8800 | 09:43 |
Cidan | looks like it's a known issue | 09:43 |
Cidan | :/ | 09:43 |
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Neatchee | nibsa1242b: sorry, that should be "ndiswrapper -a 14e4:4319 bcmwl5" | 09:43 |
lee986321 | oops | 09:44 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: ok... btw are you actually using an Acer? | 09:44 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: yes | 09:44 |
Neatchee | much to my chagrin :-\ | 09:44 |
lee986321 | eh ati drivers are an AMD | 09:44 |
itrebal | thus far I've had a pretty decent time with Gutsy Gibbon, but trying to setup the restricted nVidia driver is giving me a headache: "API Mismatch: NVIDIA kernel module has version 1.0-9631 but the X module has version 1.0-9639" - that might be in reference to an API version, any idea whats up, if its known, and if theres a fix? | 09:44 |
Cidan | I tend to use the nvidia package from their website | 09:45 |
crdlb | itrebal, what does uname -r | 09:45 |
crdlb | say? | 09:45 |
Cidan | more up to date, :P | 09:45 |
fyrestrtr | itrebal: recent kernel update? | 09:45 |
niwt | why can't I install both nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings??? | 09:45 |
itrebal | 2.6.20-15-generic | 09:46 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: ok, gonna try to tweak some stuff. be back in a few | 09:46 |
crdlb | niwt, because nvidia-settings is in nvidia-glx | 09:46 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: ok, I know from trying to configure it in the past the people who had Acers had to do some things non-Acer people didn't have to do. I actually have 2 laptops with the card. One is an Acer and one isn't. The Acer primarily runs Win XP though, so I can watch Netflix movies on demand on my TV. | 09:46 |
niwt | ah, thanks | 09:46 |
crdlb | itrebal, as I suspected | 09:46 |
crdlb | you're using a feisty kernel | 09:46 |
lee986321 | this is wierd | 09:46 |
crdlb | niwt, nvidia-settings is for nvidia-glx-legacy where it was still separate | 09:46 |
lee986321 | it nt saying its a beat release but a dristibution up grade online | 09:46 |
niwt | thank you - I'll try the driver now | 09:46 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: I wonder why it keeps disconnecting on you... do the connections/ disconnections show up in a log file some where? | 09:47 |
lee986321 | eh guys Iam going to have a half ubuntu and a half witll that effect anything | 09:47 |
itrebal | crdlb: and which one is for Gutsy Gibbon? | 09:48 |
lee986321 | oh boy this updates going to be really korny | 09:48 |
crdlb | itrebal, 2.6.22 | 09:48 |
fyrestrtr | lee986321: it might affect half of your system half the time. | 09:48 |
Flats | Ok I am using the I945 chipset. Upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 now X won't start and I get a Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) any ideas? | 09:48 |
itrebal | aye, ok, thanks | 09:48 |
crdlb | itrebal, make sure you have linux-generic installed | 09:48 |
niwt | lee986321: sounds like a bad idea | 09:48 |
lee986321 | lol well i am goin g to let the up date play out lol | 09:48 |
lee986321 | wahts the worse that can Happen? | 09:49 |
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fyrestrtr | lee986321: that's the spirit! | 09:49 |
niwt | lee986321: re-install from scratch | 09:49 |
itrebal | crdlb: is there an easy way to upgrade the entire kernel at once? I'm not seeing it in Synaptec | 09:49 |
lee986321 | maybe Ill fix the bugs in both lol | 09:49 |
crdlb | itrebal, they're parallel-installable | 09:49 |
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fyrestrtr | itrebal: if there is an update, you'll see it in update manager. | 09:50 |
lee986321 | to late to turn back now lol | 09:50 |
crdlb | you can choose the version you want at the bootloader | 09:50 |
itrebal | hrm.. I see, then I must be accidently running the wrong one then, too hasty at the boot ; back shortly | 09:50 |
lee986321 | erg 1 hour and 31 I am going to walk my dog | 09:50 |
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lee986321 | isnt this waht linux is aobut..having fun? | 09:51 |
Flats | startx | 09:51 |
lee986321 | if it works hmm | 09:51 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: ahhh, i just read the release notes on one of the newer version of ndiswrapper, and it actually fixes problems with both wpa_supplicant and 64bit broadcom cards haha | 09:51 |
lee986321 | waht should I name the new os lol | 09:51 |
Flats | Thats the error I get when I startX | 09:51 |
nibsa1242b | lol | 09:51 |
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unmyth | does gutsy support the FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick out of the box ? | 09:51 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: so what does it say to do? or do we not have that version in Gusty yet? | 09:52 |
niwt | ok, here goes - gonna restart x with nvidia - brb, I hope | 09:52 |
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Neatchee | nibsa1242b: it's not in gutsy | 09:52 |
lee986321 | well ill be back onine in a few | 09:52 |
Neatchee | doesn't look like it will be either | 09:52 |
Neatchee | i just built from source | 09:52 |
lee986321 | Ill take some snap shotss and post em soem where | 09:52 |
Flats | I have the 915resolution installed but I don't know how it communicates with xorg.conf if at all | 09:53 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: yeah... I'm gonna have to do that then. I just always seem to screw up somehow if I build things from source. | 09:53 |
lee986321 | niwt I'll reinstall form scratch should I have a major oops | 09:53 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: ndiswrapper is REALLY easy | 09:53 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: unpack the source, make uninstall, make, sudo make install | 09:53 |
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nibsa1242b | Neatchee: do I need to apt-get remove ndiswrapper before hand? | 09:53 |
Flats | Ok I am using the I945 chipset. Upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 now X won't start and I get a Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) any ideas? | 09:54 |
erov | Firefox broken in kubuntu latest gutsy.. also kopete cpu usage is OFF THE CHARTS when you init a new message to someone .. | 09:54 |
Neatchee | nibsa1242b: it might not be necessary, but i would still recommend it | 09:54 |
nibsa1242b | Neatchee: if I later need to remove it how do I do that? | 09:55 |
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Neatchee | nibsa1242b: the source comes with a "make uninstall" function, so you can just re-download the source later and run "make uninstall" | 09:55 |
nibsa1242b | ok sounds good | 09:55 |
TuxRox | The nvidia driver keeps craping out on me. I have seen that other people are not having an issue with it so I find this odd that it is not working. Yesterday it worked fine after I reinstalled the driver due to a kernel upgrade, but today I started my laptop and I got the low res X config application. This happens if I use the nvidia restricted module from apt or if I build my own from the nvidia downloaded installer. The /var/log/X.0.log did not provi | 09:56 |
TuxRox | de any information at all as to why it crashed. Is there a different log now that there is a failsafe mode for X? | 09:56 |
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niwt | TuxRox: were you doing anything in particular when it crashed? I just installed nvidia-glx a minute ago, and I'll test it | 09:58 |
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luca | hi everyone | 09:58 |
_thomax | hi luca | 09:58 |
luca | can someone help me please? I have watchdog running even if it is NOT installed on my box! | 09:59 |
_thomax | lol i have the same with wifi-radar | 09:59 |
luca | ... | 09:59 |
luca | I'd like to have that removeed if possible | 10:00 |
_thomax | just go to system services in kcontrol and tick off the box that sais start at boot | 10:00 |
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_thomax | it should do the trick luca | 10:00 |
miketalanca | I have a problem concerning the upgrade to Gutsy. I tried doing the upgrade the recommended way (kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" since I'm running KDE) but it said a bunch of packages failed to install. Now it's just hanging at "configuring libslang2" What should I do? | 10:01 |
luca | _thomax it could do it if watchdog was there | 10:02 |
_thomax | then i don't know | 10:02 |
luca | miketalanca....well if you are not afraid about that...I did it from the command line | 10:02 |
luca | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:02 |
luca | much safer I am sorry to say :) | 10:02 |
luca | adept-updater often fails even during routine upgrades :-/ | 10:03 |
miketalanca | hm | 10:03 |
nibsa1242b | miketalanca: I want to tell you to quit the upgrade and try again, but I'm not going to advise that since I don't know enough. I had 2 upgrades that timed out while downloading and am now doing it for the 3rd time and it seems to be going ok. | 10:03 |
miketalanca | Alright. | 10:03 |
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miketalanca | I guess I am going to try from command line. | 10:03 |
miketalanca | Thanks. | 10:03 |
_dan_ | u may want to to aptidude instead of apt-get when dist-upgrading | 10:03 |
miketalanca | alright | 10:03 |
_dan_ | saves u from some dependency errors | 10:03 |
_thomax | miketalanca: i had some timeouts to, just make shure your apt sources.list works flawlessly and hope for stable internet :) | 10:04 |
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asraniel | hi, any one else having random hardlocks once a day with gutsy? | 10:05 |
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mr_joe2 | so guys, I put the Gutsy tribe 3 disc in and my system booted up the Live CD fine. But the RC Gutsy disc won't get that far, does that mean I need a new RC disc.....try burning it again?? | 10:05 |
nibsa1242b | _thomax: I wish dling was more stable... I think the servers are overloaded. I'm dling some packages at less then 10kb/sec. | 10:06 |
_dan_ | mr_joe2 what do u want to do? | 10:06 |
miketalanca | It said that another process was using dpkg, so I restarted X...and now I have no X server. | 10:06 |
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_dan_ | nibsa1242b u can choose local mirrors | 10:06 |
miketalanca | :/ | 10:06 |
_dan_ | miketalanca why would u do that? | 10:07 |
luca | miketalanca uh nice | 10:07 |
luca | I might know | 10:07 |
nibsa1242b | _dan_: how in the world do I do that? | 10:07 |
miketalanca | I didn't know what was using it. o-0 | 10:07 |
luca | miketalanca: do a "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 10:07 |
_dan_ | nibsa1242b system->administration-> software something | 10:07 |
luca | and change your video driver to vesa | 10:07 |
mr_joe2 | well, the udev-event thing was giving me so many errors with the RC disc.....I/O errors concerning fd0 and maybe it's the CD? | 10:07 |
_thomax | nibsa1242b: by editing /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:07 |
_dan_ | miketalanca look it up, but dont kill stuff randomly, no wonder u dont have x anymore when something is in the middle of upgrading x | 10:08 |
miketalanca | I don't think it's the video drivers; I used Envy to install those. | 10:08 |
luca | miketalanca do I guess right if I say that you have a close-driver video card? | 10:08 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: if you are using synaptic, its in the repositories gui | 10:08 |
_thomax | nibsa1242b: and google for source-o-matic | 10:08 |
_dan_ | miketalanca try in a console dpkg --configure -a | 10:08 |
_thomax | !apt | 10:08 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 10:08 |
nibsa1242b | mr_joe2 you said you checked the cd and it didn't have any errors | 10:08 |
Cidan | Does anyone have any ideas about the whole 8800/move a window/100% CPU issue? | 10:08 |
luca | miketalanca _dan_ suggestion os very good actually | 10:08 |
miketalanca | Yeah, I have a GeForce 8600GTS | 10:08 |
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luca | there you are | 10:08 |
nosrednaekim | !envy | 10:08 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 10:08 |
luca | miketalanca: change the driveer from nvidia to nv | 10:08 |
luca | I would NOT use envy, no need to | 10:09 |
luca | nvidia driver is up-to-date in the repos | 10:09 |
miketalanca | alright | 10:09 |
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luca | once you have X again do the dpkg --configure -a | 10:09 |
miketalanca | It says "status database id locked by another process" when I try the "dpkg" command. | 10:09 |
kidalabama | hello i cant update today patchs | 10:09 |
luca | good | 10:09 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: _thomax: can I do that while the Distribution Upgrade is active? I'm fetching file 1358/1676 @ 10.4kb/s with 13hrs remaining right now. | 10:09 |
luca | do a top | 10:09 |
luca | I mean command top | 10:09 |
_thomax | no | 10:09 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: what is your normal connection speed? | 10:10 |
miketalanca | alright | 10:10 |
_thomax | you have to do apt-get update | 10:10 |
Cidan | I wonder... | 10:10 |
itrebal | crdlb: thanks a bunch! its working wonderfully now (I even have the neat effects that make me motion sick :) | 10:10 |
kidalabama | _thomax: me ? | 10:10 |
_thomax | nibsa1242b: | 10:10 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: I'm on a "384k" microwave connection that will easily do 700kb/s+ while bittorrenting. | 10:11 |
miketalanca | OKay i see all my processes... | 10:11 |
_thomax | kidalabama: you can try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 10:11 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: yeah.... when you are done there, change to a local mirror. | 10:11 |
kidalabama | _thomax: ok | 10:11 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: matter of fact.. you could kill that if you want. and restart, nothing has been installed yet. | 10:11 |
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nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: ok sounds good | 10:11 |
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TuxRox | niwt, the system was booting. Nothing unusual. | 10:12 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: so I should change it to say "server for the united states" since I'm in FL- US? | 10:12 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: actually I just saw something that says "select best server" trying that | 10:13 |
nosrednaekim | good idea. | 10:13 |
nosrednaekim | I wouldn't choose THE server for the US... I personally use Columbia in NY as I am in NJ | 10:14 |
Cidan | found bug in installer | 10:14 |
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TuxRox | niwt, I installed the driver yesterday with nvidia's script, replaced the xorg.conf with one from my working system before, and restarted X. It came up fine. Today it would not go in to X. | 10:14 |
kidalabama | _thomax: dpkg: syntax error: unknown user `amavis' in statoverride file | 10:14 |
kidalabama | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) | 10:14 |
luca | rebootin | 10:14 |
Cidan | if you boot to 7.10 and install with XFS as /, it will warn you about using XFS with Grub, but the buttons to "continue" or "Go Back" are backwards | 10:14 |
Cidan | Go Back will continue | 10:14 |
Cidan | and vice versa. | 10:14 |
fyrestrtr | lol nice bug | 10:15 |
Cidan | I thought so | 10:15 |
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Aishiko | I'm looking to mirror a drive and I was thinking of using this tutorial; However does this mean I'll have to have both drives blank or can I create a RAID array by adding the second hard drive and telling it to use it as the second in the arry and if so how? what's the best way to go about doing this? I can clean off the drive easily enough if I have to. | 10:15 |
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nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: apparently my best server is so lets try this again... | 10:16 |
nosrednaekim | Cidan: report THAT one :) | 10:16 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: lol | 10:16 |
livingtm | I just upgraded from feisty to gutsy. Since the upgrade, compiz crashes quite often. is this a known issue? | 10:16 |
briansk1 | is there a way to use the graphical update tools with a non-standard repository? IE, I want to use apt-proxy so I can update the 30-ish clients in this office overnite | 10:16 |
briansk1 | or should i just roll my sources.list out and then just dist-upgrade instead? | 10:17 |
nosrednaekim | livingtm: run compiz from a terminal and wait for it to crash,. and then look at the error message in the terminal. | 10:17 |
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riotkittie | livingtm: what gfx card do you have? | 10:17 |
nosrednaekim | briansk1: I think you'll have to roll your own sources.list | 10:17 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: first it came up with somewhere in Italy, so I rejected that as bogus and ran it again... both my machines like columbia, they must have a good fast server over there | 10:17 |
livingtm | riotkittie, i810 driver | 10:17 |
livingtm | been running like a champ with feisty | 10:17 |
briansk1 | nosrednaekim: well, that's a given, i phrased my question weird - the point was, will dist-upgrade be ok? i seem to remember with feisty there were some extra hoops to jump through | 10:18 |
niwt | TuxRox: I usually let the nvidia installer edit my xorg.conf for me, but this time I just installed nvidia-glx-new with synaptic | 10:18 |
livingtm | nosrednaekim, its usually a segfault. let me see if i can catch it | 10:18 |
nosrednaekim | briansk1: if you are just mirroring an official repo, I don't see why not. | 10:18 |
Cidan | sad to see the 8800 bug is still here | 10:18 |
Cidan | :/ | 10:18 |
Cidan | *sigh* | 10:18 |
Cidan | I want to switch off windows, but until it's fixed I can't. | 10:18 |
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hylje | ! | 10:19 |
Cidan | I'm not that bad | 10:19 |
TuxRox | niwt, and it is working fine I assume? I tried that today. I uninstalled the nvidia installed driver and installed the nvidia-glx-new package. Still does not work. It is very odd. | 10:19 |
Cidan | :P | 10:19 |
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Cidan | but I do run Vista as main, until the 8800 bug is done with. | 10:20 |
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nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: is there a way for me to mirror the repo on my home network so instead of downloading everything separately for each machine on my network I only dl it once and then they grab it from the server on the lan? | 10:20 |
rom1v | someone can help me to compile my wifi drivers iwl 4965? | 10:20 |
nosrednaekim | TuxRox: why don'tyou try installing it with the restricted-manager? | 10:20 |
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nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: sure is. | 10:20 |
niwt | TuxRox: seems to be working fine - I've got my favorite screen resolution, nvidia-settings works, and I'm watching a video file right now | 10:21 |
ror | oh GOD I'm following the instructions at the ubuntu wiki for upgrading but it's failed to upgrade passwd/bash/coreutils all that kind of stuff | 10:21 |
niwt | guess i should try something like tux racer to check the 3D | 10:21 |
ror | logon, passwd | 10:21 |
ror | you know, these ESSENTIAL things | 10:21 |
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ror | any way I can force a retry before I restart and die? | 10:21 |
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_dan_ | u can always do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade in the console ror | 10:22 |
TuxRox | nosrednaekim, The restricted manager is installed. I tried that today as well.. | 10:24 |
nosrednaekim | TuxRox: and.... | 10:24 |
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livingtm | Ah, crash finally.. the only thing i got was: Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 10:27 |
tesko | great now my command terminal is nothing but high ascii characters | 10:27 |
tesko | anyone know how to fix that? | 10:27 |
nosrednaekim | livingtm: useful <_< | 10:27 |
livingtm | yeah | 10:28 |
capiira | hi will gutsy come with the newest blender, gimp,inkscape,? | 10:28 |
nosrednaekim | capiira: if new means release before about 2 months ago,yes | 10:28 |
hit | is there ANY ftp client for gnome that can satisfy me? | 10:28 |
capiira | blender is 2.45 | 10:29 |
capiira | gimp rc3 maybe final in few weeks or days | 10:29 |
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Flats | Ok I am using the I945 chipset. Upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 now X won't start and I get a Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) any ideas? | 10:29 |
nibsa1242b | hit: I use filezillia, its not exactly for gnome but it works for me. | 10:29 |
borovy3488 | can someone please provide me with a copy of your sources.list? I think mine is wrong | 10:29 |
TuxRox | No go. I have tried many different ways to get this to work. I have been working with Linux since 1997, have dealt with xconfig issues in the past, probably hundreds of times, yet this is a mystery. What really is upsetting is that I am not getting errors in the X log file. I can't troubleshoot a problem without an idea of the issue. | 10:29 |
hit | nibsa1242b: fxp, file priority and so on | 10:30 |
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borovy3488 | can someone pastebin their sources.list for me? I'm not sure if mine is correct or not... | 10:31 |
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nibsa1242b | hit: I don't really know what that means. | 10:32 |
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hit | just what i expected :P | 10:33 |
nibsa1242b | nosrednaekim: well now I'm getting anywhere bewteen 16.kb/s and 503kb/s os I guess it'll be faster this way. | 10:33 |
nosrednaekim | nibsa1242b: cool | 10:33 |
nosrednaekim | !sourceomatic | borovy3488 | 10:33 |
ubotu | borovy3488: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 10:33 |
livingtm | Damn, core Segmentation fault is ALL i get. this timewhen i opened compizconfig | 10:34 |
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borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: thanks! | 10:34 |
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nosrednaekim | livingtm: go into #ubuntu-bugs and ask how you can diagnose it | 10:35 |
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theAtom | hi | 10:36 |
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theAtom | how can I undelete a file I deleted on ubuntu gutsy? | 10:36 |
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borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: can you help me out? I was told to add something to my sources.list and I'm not sure if its correct now. that website didn't really help, I added these:: | 10:37 |
borovy3488 | deb gutsy main restricted | 10:37 |
borovy3488 | deb-src gutsy main restricted | 10:37 |
niwt | theAtom: how did you delete it? | 10:37 |
borovy3488 | !pastebin | 10:38 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:38 |
theAtom | niwt, pressed DEL key and emptied bin. | 10:38 |
theAtom | any way to get file back? | 10:39 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: are you running gutsy? | 10:39 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: yep | 10:39 |
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nosrednaekim | and you didn't already have those in it? | 10:39 |
borovy3488 | no, isn't that weird | 10:39 |
ror | jesus | 10:39 |
ezzieyguywuf | is it wrong if my swap file is being used before my user memory is up to 100%? | 10:39 |
lee986321 | erg this is off topic but , my dog and I are drenched and we just got sleted on | 10:39 |
niwt | emptied your trash? if so, I don't know how to get it back | 10:40 |
ezzieyguywuf | i have 2 gigs of mem and a 3 gig swap file i believe | 10:40 |
ror | an hour gone and now it's repairing my broken system and I'll probably never be able to boot back | 10:40 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: here is the pastebin of the sources.list:: | 10:40 |
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nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: not neccesarily | 10:40 |
lee986321 | erg Iam stillupgrading | 10:40 |
drsatyri | hello all | 10:40 |
lee986321 | waht is it that he s missing? | 10:40 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: did i make my swap too big? i made it that big because i read somewhere that swap had to be bigger than mem in order for suspend to ram to work | 10:41 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: have you been suspending to disk? | 10:41 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: haha not since i upgraded to gutsy, but in feisty i was (pretty consistently) | 10:41 |
drsatyri | anyone interested in a potential bug w/ rtl8187, wpa and intermittent dropouts? | 10:41 |
drsatyri | id like help in providing adequate debug info | 10:42 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: that looks good | 10:42 |
drsatyri | sry to interrupt. | 10:42 |
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lee986321 | LiMaO are you on? | 10:42 |
theAtom | how can I undelete a file I deleted on ubuntu gutsy? | 10:42 |
ror | how did you delete it? | 10:42 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: you been doing any really heavy compiling or such? | 10:42 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: OK, so I don't need to change anything? cause when I ran apt-get update it said something about multiple sources.list enteries. | 10:42 |
lee986321 | undelte? | 10:42 |
theAtom | !numa | 10:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about numa - try searching on | 10:43 |
ror | there should be a trash can lower right | 10:43 |
LiMaO | lee986321: yeah, i'm here! wassup? | 10:43 |
skyhook | How big should the swap be? | 10:43 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: no | 10:43 |
theAtom | | 10:43 |
lee986321 | oh just was wonderhif you had that script..if not if you have the one that worked.... | 10:43 |
lee986321 | I oopsed an eh erased my PSP can't lock | 10:43 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: except right now i am retaggin about 20 gigs of music, but even thats just using 35% of my 2 gigs (plus about 1% of swap) | 10:43 |
LiMaO | lee986321: you want the script again? i have a new version with new links that do work =) | 10:44 |
lee986321 | LiAmO I am updating though I am on fiesty | 10:44 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: ah! those two first lines are not needed | 10:44 |
lee986321 | Liamo oh that be better lol | 10:44 |
lee986321 | Oh And I finally got registered too | 10:45 |
nosrednaekim | ezzieyguywuf: thats probably OK, swap is somtimes used for different things. | 10:45 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: are you sure, because after I added them, I had to do like a 2 hour update | 10:45 |
borovy3488 | (upgrade really) | 10:45 |
ezzieyguywuf | nosred: ok, thanks for the input :-) | 10:45 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: yeah... I don't think you need them. | 10:45 |
lee986321 | LiaMO I am on fiesty btw | 10:45 |
LiMaO | lee986321: you can get the new script here: | 10:45 |
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borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: could the upgrade possibly have added what I did need and I no longer need those? I just want to make sure before I get rid of them | 10:46 |
lee986321 | oooh cooio, eh I have to register lol | 10:46 |
lee986321 | brb | 10:46 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: possibly. | 10:46 |
borovy3488 | nosrednaekim: ok, thanks | 10:47 |
nosrednaekim | borovy3488: in any case, try removing them, you are not going to toally mess up your system by doing so | 10:47 |
niwt | theAtom: did you see this page? | 10:47 |
Cidan | Note to self: make sure /boot is not XFS | 10:47 |
Cidan | or Grub will go apeshit | 10:47 |
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theAtom | niwt, that webpage is useless | 10:51 |
zsz | anyone else got selectboxes flickering when hovering over them with mouse? This virtually disables the selectbox - the selected value cannot be changed with mouse. | 10:52 |
zsz | Pressing tab key a few times moves the focus away from the selectbox and the value can only be changed with keyboard | 10:53 |
dorkface | anyone here familiar with nvidia-settings? | 10:55 |
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niwt | dorkface: a little bit | 10:56 |
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niwt | theAtom: yeah, I see that you need to know the file size. You might also look into Phoenix Recovery Suite, but that requires money | 10:57 |
dorkface | I seem to be having problems with it. I have a picture that will perhaps shed a little light. | 10:58 |
theAtom | niwt, forget it! oh well :) at least I know no person can get my deleted files, unless they work for the Feds LOL | 10:58 |
dorkface | | 10:58 |
theAtom | niwt, the average person accessing my PC could never reeover my deleted files. so guess thats a good thing | 10:59 |
dorkface | I only get that one option to the left. Is that the way it's supposed to be? | 10:59 |
theAtom | do I need to run a Anti-Virus program on Ubuntu? | 10:59 |
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nosrednaekim | !virus | 11:00 |
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niwt | dorkface: there should be a list on the left, and configuration is at the bottom of the list | 11:00 |
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ubotu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 11:00 |
dorkface | I don't see it | 11:01 |
niwt | theAtom: the average person probably can't get to your non-deleted files | 11:01 |
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niwt | just lock your screen when you go away | 11:01 |
niwt | dorkface: you sure you have the nvidia driver installed and running? | 11:02 |
IanLiu | Did someone had sound problems with Gutsy? Any solutions? | 11:02 |
dorkface | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 11:02 |
zyberzero | Hi, ive got a queston about the Gutsy release. I attempted to upgrade but after one hour or something and some error messages, the computer "told" me that the upgrade thing failed. There may be errors that can't be fixed by the upgrade program. So, now for an example firefox isn't working at all. In the output there is some files to gnome-2.0 missing, or something like that. What can it be, and what can I do? | 11:02 |
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dorkface | installed them, tried it, removed and reinstalled them | 11:02 |
savvas | IanLiu: intel hda? | 11:02 |
lee986321 | LiAmO should i go a head and load fire fox as usual? | 11:02 |
niwt | dorkface: try this: grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:02 |
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IanLiu | Yes, I got a intel onboard sound card | 11:03 |
lee986321 | and then run the script? | 11:03 |
niwt | see if it says nv or nvidia | 11:03 |
zsz | in a weird twist, the selectboxes are fine in non-kde apps -- but I still cannot use selectboxes in KDE control panel. In akregator, the selectboxes work, but have a few second delay when clicking them | 11:03 |
dorkface | done | 11:03 |
savvas | IanLiu: cat /proc/asound/cards | 11:03 |
niwt | and? | 11:03 |
nemik | does anyone here have a thinkpad t61? if so does your CD burning work? | 11:03 |
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dorkface | has a bunch of drivers listed | 11:03 |
niwt | nv or nvidia | 11:03 |
niwt | ? | 11:03 |
dorkface | nv | 11:03 |
dorkface | I also tried to change it to nvidia | 11:04 |
dwangoac | OK, I'll jump into the fray with a question - I did a fresh install of Gutsy Kubuntu RC and running synergys reports no errors but I cannot connect to the Synergy server from any other computer (always forcably rejected). | 11:04 |
dorkface | with no success | 11:04 |
savvas | nemik: what are you using to burn the cd? | 11:04 |
niwt | ok, you need to either edit your xorg.conf by hand or run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:04 |
IanLiu | There is no such directory in my Gutsy.. | 11:04 |
theAtom | dorkface, may we see a pic of your face? :) | 11:04 |
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nemik | just right clicking in nautilus, default nautilus burner. it sees the drive OK. just says the CD is invalid | 11:04 |
theAtom | are there any good 3D games that run on Ubuntu? | 11:04 |
savvas | IanLiu: ok try this: lspci | grep -i "audio" | 11:04 |
nemik | savvas: ^ sorry | 11:04 |
dorkface | hehe | 11:05 |
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niwt | theAtom: planet penguin racer and tux cart | 11:05 |
zsz | theAtom, that depends on your definition of good | 11:05 |
dwangoac | Has anyone run Synergy server on the latest Gutsy? It worked fine in Fiesty but it's almost as if there's a firewall running. I'm abot to resort to poking around with wireshark. | 11:05 |
savvas | nemik: try other applications, from the menu Applications > add/remove... | 11:05 |
IanLiu | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 11:05 |
savvas | nemik: I suggest one of these: k3b brasero gnomebaker | 11:05 |
IanLiu | It worked fine with feisty | 11:05 |
nemik | savvas: thanks | 11:06 |
theAtom | !define good | 11:06 |
savvas | IanLiu: I have the same device and it works here: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 11:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about define good - try searching on | 11:06 |
zyberzero | Hi, ive got a queston about the Gutsy release. I attempted to upgrade but after one hour or something and some error messages, the computer "told" me that the upgrade thing failed. There may be errors that can't be fixed by the upgrade program. So, now for an example firefox isn't working at all. In the output there is some files to gnome-2.0 missing, or something like that. What can it be, and what can I do? | 11:06 |
IanLiu | Strange... | 11:06 |
savvas | nemik: n/p :) | 11:06 |
savvas | IanLiu: close all your sound applications and do this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base | 11:07 |
theAtom | how can I get gutsy to recognise my Asus inbuilt webcam? | 11:07 |
ror | zyberzero, I've had the same problem, the upgrade has nuked my system | 11:08 |
ror | it's running fine tho since I've not restarted yet! | 11:08 |
ror | worried when I restart my system will be hosed | 11:08 |
IanLiu | Oh shit, I am updating Gutsy xP cant apt-get | 11:08 |
zyberzero | ror: It messed up my firefox | 11:08 |
savvas | theAtom: you complain to Asus since they don't support linux :P (just kidding!) | 11:08 |
zyberzero | So i can't start it | 11:08 |
theAtom | savvas, any solution? | 11:08 |
theAtom | ror, save everything before reboot! and next time Use Acronic Trueimage | 11:09 |
savvas | theAtom: well.. which webcam is it? no further info about it? | 11:09 |
theAtom | savvas, no! its inbuilt into my Lamborghini Asus Notebook | 11:09 |
Oli`` | ror: have you tried an apt-get install --install-missing ? | 11:09 |
ror | Oli``, no thanks I'll try that | 11:09 |
savvas | theAtom: paste your: lspci && lsusb | 11:09 |
savvas | !paste | theAtom | 11:09 |
ubotu | theAtom: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:09 |
zyberzero | ror; and dumb as i am, i rebooted into windows because i needed Internet (surf the internet with w3m wasn't an option). Now I'm not sure if I want to start Ubuntu again :) | 11:10 |
theAtom | savvas, I type: lspci && lsusb ? | 11:10 |
savvas | theAtom: yes :) | 11:10 |
ror | I'm in same position zyber | 11:10 |
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ror | I guess all I can suggest is what I'll do which is use the proper release DVD iso when it's out | 11:10 |
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savvas | IanLiu: then wait for the updates to finish, reboot and check the sound again, maybe it just needed an update ;) | 11:10 |
niwt | zyberzero: you can install firefox manually in about two minutes | 11:10 |
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zyberzero | niwt: And how, if I may ask? | 11:11 |
niwt | then blow it away when you get the official version working | 11:11 |
theAtom | savvas, | 11:11 |
theAtom | savvas, does that help? | 11:12 |
niwt | get the file from mozilla, copy it to /usr/local, tar -xvzf firefox-whatever-version, then to run it, just type /usr/local/firefox/firefox | 11:12 |
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savvas | theAtom: unfortunately no, I was hoping it would say something about a camera device :\ | 11:12 |
niwt | add "sudo" where needed | 11:12 |
theAtom | savvas, it does | 11:12 |
theAtom | no? | 11:12 |
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zyberzero | OK. I'll try to boot into ubuntu again. Wish me luck :) | 11:13 |
theAtom | anyone know how can I get gutsy to recognise my Asus inbuilt webcam? | 11:13 |
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savvas | theAtom: where? I can't see anything | 11:13 |
theAtom | zyberzero, LOL | 11:13 |
zyberzero | theAtom: ;) | 11:13 |
savvas | theAtom: is your sound working btw? | 11:13 |
theAtom | savvas, thats cause you are like me, a Ubuntu noob :) | 11:13 |
Apo1 | anyone else having samba problems in gutsy? | 11:13 |
theAtom | savvas, sound works great | 11:13 |
theAtom | !samba | 11:13 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:13 |
borovy3488 | does anyone know how to make firefox buttons and text not look so blurry in gutsy? | 11:13 |
savvas | yeah well.. this ubuntu newbie got his webcam working :p | 11:14 |
theAtom | savvas, how? | 11:14 |
savvas | the thing is.. I knew what chipset it was :P | 11:14 |
Colro | what directory is xorg.cfg in? trying to edit it :/ | 11:15 |
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theAtom | how can I get Webcam to work on Gutsy? | 11:15 |
Apo1 | anyone else using synergy? | 11:15 |
theAtom | what protam I use to use webcam? | 11:16 |
dorkface | Is it a problem that I am doing "nvidia-settings" as a non-root? | 11:16 |
dorkface | root won't let me do it | 11:16 |
niwt | dorkface: you should be user | 11:16 |
dorkface | ok | 11:16 |
borovy3488 | anyone know how to fix the ugly buttons and text in firefox??? | 11:16 |
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niwt | if it works, you can make a button on your panel - it doesn't seem to show up in the menu | 11:17 |
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niwt | oh, duh! there's a menu editor | 11:18 |
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savvas | theAtom: I use cheese | 11:18 |
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zx80user | I cannot get alsa sound to work in gutsy - oss emulation seems to work though, strangely??? There was a message about updating alsa which I foolishly ignored and cannot recover now - how do I get those messages back? | 11:18 |
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PP|Spydon | Is gutsy released at midnight? | 11:19 |
gunashekar | This channel is for support, "is it out yet" questions etc. in #ubuntu-release-party please | 11:19 |
niwt | it's always midnight somewhere | 11:19 |
lee986321 | LiAmO what was that link again..some how i bothed it up when regestring lol | 11:19 |
caesar_ | hey, is there a way that I can convert a linux download script generated by synaptic, into a script that Windows can make sense of? My only source of high speed internet is on a windows machine 15 miles away. | 11:20 |
PP|Spydon | lol niwt... :P | 11:20 |
PP|Spydon | which timezone then... :P | 11:20 |
pvandewyngaerde | how do i force a redetection and reinstall of a dvd writer ? | 11:20 |
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niwt | caesar_: what are you gonna do about the last 15 miles? | 11:20 |
PP|Spydon | Take a sledgehammer and crash it and buy a new one and replace the old one | 11:21 |
theAtom | savvas, my webcam light blinked as I complied some driver for it! SO how do i NOW use webcam? | 11:21 |
gunashekar | petroleum derivative | 11:21 |
Cidan | jdkhasdjhs | 11:21 |
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Cidan | I swear, RC1 is crap | 11:22 |
theAtom | what progam is used for webcam? | 11:22 |
gunashekar | last15miles connectivity using fossil fuel | 11:22 |
theAtom | <Cidan> I swear, RC1 is crap <-- well write something better than | 11:22 |
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SuperPigs | yall | 11:22 |
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Apo1 | RC1 is fine except for the fact that samba wont work | 11:23 |
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theAtom | I compiled drivers for my webcam. Now what do I do to use webcam? | 11:23 |
niwt | gunashekar: that's what I was thinking - is it possible that he could download all the debs and setup his own repo at home? | 11:23 |
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caesar_ | niwt: Well, I can control the computer with VNC. If I can make it run a script, then I don't have to make a special trip and haul my box | 11:23 |
caesar_ | niwt: instead, I could just pick up the .deb's the next time I'm in-town | 11:24 |
savvas | theAtom: did you try cheese ? | 11:24 |
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theAtom | savvas, i thought u were joking | 11:24 |
theAtom | !cheese | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cheese - try searching on | 11:24 |
savvas | lol | 11:24 |
savvas | apt-get install cheese :) | 11:24 |
theAtom | savvas, install cheese? LOL | 11:24 |
gunashekar | lol | 11:24 |
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silent | !my mom | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about my mom - try searching on | 11:24 |
savvas | theAtom: i'm serious :P | 11:24 |
silent | poor orphan | 11:24 |
savvas | Description: A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. Cheese is a cheesy program to take pictures and videos from your web cam. It also provides some graphical effects in order to please the users play instinct. | 11:24 |
keanu | lol silent | 11:25 |
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gunashekar | lol | 11:25 |
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theAtom | savvas, ok! cheese installed. now what? | 11:25 |
gunashekar | roflmao | 11:25 |
savvas | theAtom: you eat some cheese and type: cheese | 11:25 |
theAtom | savvas, will aMsn also work? | 11:26 |
zx80user | !lightbulb | 11:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lightbulb - try searching on | 11:26 |
silent | i use pidgin cause I'm too lazy to learn a new program | 11:26 |
zx80user | !message | 11:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about message - try searching on | 11:26 |
silent | !the birds and the bees | 11:26 |
theAtom | savvas, cheese now appear in menu under application | 11:26 |
caesar_ | anyway. Is there a command in windows that just downloads crap? I could just replace the command in my linux scripts so that Windows could download for me | 11:27 |
savvas | theAtom: yeah, accessories, but I have no idea about amsn :) | 11:27 |
silent | caesar_, it downloads viruses on boot if that's what you mean | 11:27 |
gunashekar | downloading crap-- program called laxative | 11:27 |
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server_ | Hi again | 11:27 |
silent | hi | 11:27 |
caesar_ | silent: heh. But that won't be a problem, since all of the files are just being trafficked to my Linux box, where they won't have any effect ;) | 11:28 |
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server_ | I can't even start X now | 11:28 |
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theAtom | silent, hello! remember me from 2 days ago? kept getting Openoffice depency problems | 11:28 |
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theAtom | silent, you wont believe the solution I found | 11:28 |
silent | theAtom, hello there, did the recent update fix your problems? | 11:28 |
ISS_Student | Hey the Atom did you get it fixed | 11:28 |
silent | what was the solution? | 11:28 |
theAtom | silent, listen to this! I moved my clock date forward ONE day and did apt-get upgrade, and it worked fine! then returned my clock back to normal | 11:29 |
theAtom | silent, simple as that | 11:29 |
silent | theAtom, ......... | 11:29 |
silent | w.o.w. | 11:29 |
theAtom | silent, | 11:29 |
theAtom | silent, read that page | 11:29 |
silent | world of freaking warcraft | 11:29 |
zyberzero | OK. This is my problem: I've tryed to upgrade to gutsy, but it failed. As the dumbass I'm, I've rebooted. | 11:29 |
theAtom | silent, read the last commment! amazing eh? | 11:30 |
zyberzero | X is starting, but not showing the login screen | 11:30 |
Jacob | zyberzero: rebooting doesn't sound dumb to me, unless there were dependency problems | 11:30 |
ISS_Student | Anybody know how to fix the problem "hal-storeage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" that's when trying to access a usb hard drive. | 11:30 |
theAtom | silent, who woukld have thought moving clock forward ONE Day would solve it? :P | 11:30 |
savvas | wtg | 11:30 |
silent | theAtom, that's weird | 11:30 |
Jacob | zyberzero: graphics chip? | 11:30 |
zyberzero | Jacob: Intel intergrated something, i quite new laptop | 11:31 |
niwt | forward? as in larger number? | 11:31 |
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Jacob | zyberzero: hmm, last i would have expected. must be the x3000 (sp) or something like that.. though the "intel" driver should be working | 11:31 |
Jacob | but if X did start, it might just be a temp GDM bug | 11:32 |
pi3 | Hi, I just installed gusty and gnome-panel doesn't seem to appear, can someone help me? | 11:32 |
zyberzero | Jacob: X is starting, but not showing the login screen. I see the cursor, X is rebooting, and just going like that. | 11:32 |
ISS_Student | I finally got KDE going on my install. I installed and used the GWM instead of KWM | 11:32 |
Jacob | zyberzero: boot into recovery mode (single user mode) and run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade in case it was just a bad package bug | 11:33 |
zyberzero | Jacob: Thanks, I'll will try that. | 11:33 |
Jacob | there were a few gdm update recently | 11:33 |
Jacob | updates* | 11:33 |
zyberzero | Jacob: I did this for a few hours ago | 11:34 |
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zyberzero | Jacob: so it may help me.. :) | 11:34 |
crossbones | how do I make my touchpad stop messing up in 7.10 beta | 11:34 |
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crossbones | on my laptop | 11:34 |
crossbones | it hangs up and goes erratic sometimes | 11:34 |
hetauma | any1 else having issues with loosing title bar of windows randomly? I guess emerald crashing | 11:34 |
Jacob | hetauma: most likely emerald, try switching it off and just using the standard one and see if it still happens. when all else fails, apt-get upgrade :) | 11:35 |
zx80user | anybody any ideas how to recover old information messages from the panel - or had oss work and not alsa on gutsy? | 11:35 |
chapium | anyone having issues with tzdata? | 11:36 |
crossbones | how do I make my touchpad scroll area work like a scrollwheel? | 11:37 |
crossbones | on my laptop | 11:37 |
Jacob | anyone know what happened with ESD, by the way? I noticed that it wasn't in the repos anymore, and rejoicing (unless it is only temporary) | 11:37 |
crossbones | in 7.10 | 11:37 |
chapium | hetauma: definately sounds like compiz is dieing | 11:37 |
hetauma | Jacob, it is emerald for sure. if I run emerald --replace after that it gets back to normal. without emerald I don't get those issues. I was wondering though if other users reported such thing | 11:37 |
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Jacob | hetauma: Bug #145369 might be it | 11:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 145369 in emerald "emerald-theme-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] | 11:38 |
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crossbones | why none of you help me? | 11:38 |
chapium | crossbones: i cant help you ?( | 11:39 |
crossbones | was that a smiley or a question | 11:39 |
chapium | :( | 11:39 |
markelhas | hi ppl, how can i make my ndis config permanet? cause yestarday i've config it and after a reboot didn't work any more. now out of nothing start working. | 11:39 |
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zyberzero | Jacob: It didn't work | 11:42 |
hetauma | I wonder were most of the developers are located. seems like europe but not sure. (based on the time that most of the updates usually come out :D) | 11:42 |
Jacob | :/ | 11:42 |
savvas | !girl | 11:42 |
ubotu | Girls dont exist on the internet. See | For more interesting reading, see | 11:42 |
niwt | hetauma: you believe that developers stick to a normal daily schedule?? | 11:43 |
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zyberzero | Jacob: Apt-get says something about that gnome-themes, gnome-whatitmaybe-themes and ubuntu-desktop isn't installed or configured. | 11:43 |
hetauma | niwt, just a bit by the means of coordination | 11:43 |
niwt | lol, maybe | 11:43 |
Jacob | zyberzero: ah, that might be it. back in recovery mode, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 11:43 |
zsz | how do I disable XGL in gutsy? | 11:43 |
riotkittie | >_> | 11:44 |
zyberzero | Jacob: Thanks, I'll try that | 11:44 |
Jacob | zsz: Compiz, right? System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects > None | 11:44 |
crossbones | oh | 11:45 |
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savvas | !busybox | 11:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about busybox - try searching on | 11:45 |
savvas | hm | 11:45 |
zsz | Jacob, do you know how to do that in KDE? | 11:46 |
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IanLiu | I am here again. My sound is still not working... any tips? =) | 11:46 |
Jacob | zsz: ah. no, sorry, I don't remember the specific instructions for that. | 11:46 |
savvas | is SELinux enabled by default in ubuntu? | 11:46 |
pi3 | I've just installed Gutsy and I'm having some really ugly errors: first there is no gnome-panel visible and I can neither start it; secondly aptitude returns errors of misconfigured packages and refuses to install them and to install some other programs.. can someone help me, please? | 11:48 |
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axjv | Does anyone know how to make a clickable shortcut to execute an sh file? | 11:49 |
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savvas | pi3: try press alt-F2 and type: gnome-panel | 11:49 |
pi3 | savvas: i did that but didn't work | 11:50 |
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savvas | pi3: if that doesn't work try: killall -9 gnome-panel | 11:50 |
niwt | axjv: right-click on panel, Add to Panel, Custom Application launcher | 11:50 |
zyberzero | Jacob: There's errors about gnome-themes. I've tried: dpkg --configure gnome-themes, but then I get some errors that "symbol lookyp" failed, ant the some things about some pixbuf-2.0 or something... | 11:51 |
pi3 | savvas: hah, that just look like magic :), it worked | 11:51 |
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frostburn | what tool configures xorg.conf in gutsy? | 11:51 |
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axjv | niwt: Do you know how I could get that onto my awn or desktop? | 11:51 |
dwangoac | Terse problem report: Running synergys on Kubuntu 7.10 looks OK but all connections from clients report they are rejected regardless of the port used. Any suggestions? | 11:51 |
savvas | pi3: did you use the beta release iso? | 11:51 |
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pi3 | savvas: I upgraded from update-manager | 11:51 |
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pi3 | (using parameter d) | 11:51 |
zyberzero | dwangoac: Can you telnet from your clients? | 11:51 |
Jacob | zyberzero: hmm... that's weird | 11:51 |
Jacob | and I'm not sure where to go from there | 11:51 |
savvas | pi3: ok, don't use aptitude, apt-get is far more simple, do this: sudo apt-get -f install | 11:52 |
Cainen | Alright, I upgraded easily from Kubuntu, but for some reason the distribution upgrading program locks up immediately on Ubuntu. | 11:52 |
Jacob | might be a bug | 11:52 |
dwangoac | zyberzero: Very good question - I haven't set up sshd yet | 11:52 |
savvas | !paste | pi3 | 11:52 |
ubotu | pi3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:52 |
niwt | axjv: I don't know how to put a button on the desktop, and what is awn? | 11:52 |
zyberzero | Jacob: : Oh, crap. | 11:52 |
savvas | pi3: paste me the output as ubotu said | 11:52 |
axjv | niwt: Avant-window-navigator | 11:52 |
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savvas | s/said/explained/ bots don't talk :p | 11:52 |
pi3 | savvas: I did that but the problem isn't solved, ok.. let me paste it | 11:52 |
niwt | I don't know it | 11:52 |
zyberzero | Jacob: So i need to reinstall it? Or what should I do? | 11:52 |
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axjv | niwt: How would I make the launcher so that it ran the sh file? | 11:53 |
Jacob | zyberzero: I'm not sure really; did the live CD work? | 11:53 |
WaxyFresh | THANK YOU DEVS!!!!!! i just restarted my laptop with gutsy and found out my wireless card now has supports and the new kernal supports my sound card and a million other things! | 11:53 |
Jacob | zyberzero: oh wait you upgraded | 11:53 |
niwt | axjv: put the path to the script in the command line | 11:53 |
zyberzero | Jacob: Yeap, I did upgrade. | 11:53 |
motti | gutsy seems to be freezing all the time, i need to deavtivate the gl desktop to let it work for more then 25 min at the time, but i still experience crashes, especially when 3d apps are being used. | 11:53 |
=== WaxyFresh bows before all those who helped get gutsy up and running | ||
motti | I am using nvidia drivers | 11:53 |
niwt | command text box, I mean | 11:53 |
Jacob | zyberzero: try the live cd. if it works, a reinstall might be necessary. if not, it is most likely a bug. :/ | 11:53 |
pi3 | savvas: | 11:53 |
axjv | niwt: Nothing happens... | 11:53 |
=== savvas steals the bows from WaxyFresh | ||
niwt | axjv: your script is executable and can be run by user? | 11:54 |
zyberzero | Jacob: Yeah, now I know what i'm gonna do on my free day tomorrow :) | 11:54 |
Jacob | :P | 11:54 |
axjv | niwt: Yeah, I can run it in terminal using sh | 11:54 |
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axjv | niwt: But when I add sh or even sudo sh in a launcher it doesn't work. | 11:54 |
zyberzero | Is there any way to "back" to 7.04? | 11:55 |
axjv | niwt: I've also tried ./ and a path to the script. | 11:55 |
riotkittie | zyberzero: fresh install of it. you cant downgrade. | 11:55 |
cyclonut | can someone do me a favor and write my name? | 11:55 |
savvas | pi3: ok give me a sec | 11:55 |
zyberzero | cyclonut: | 11:55 |
cyclonut | cool, thanks :) | 11:55 |
zyberzero | riotkittie: OK, thanks anyway. | 11:55 |
zyberzero | cyclonut: NP :) | 11:56 |
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pi3 | savvas: take your time | 11:56 |
theAtom | got my webcam working but its UPSIDE DOWN :P | 11:56 |
zyberzero | theAtom: Turn it around then :) | 11:56 |
theAtom | cant | 11:56 |
savvas | lol | 11:56 |
theAtom | inbuilt into laptop | 11:56 |
dwangoac | zyberzero: Interesting - I have openssh-server installed now and outside connections are pretty much just plain ignored | 11:56 |
zyberzero | theAtom: Oh, weird. | 11:56 |
theAtom | savvas, cheese etc works. but my image are upsoide down | 11:56 |
theAtom | damn :( | 11:57 |
savvas | theAtom: what?! you have a LAMBORGHINI and can't move the camera?! | 11:57 |
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savvas | proposterous! :p | 11:57 |
riotkittie | stand on your head. | 11:57 |
dwangoac | zyberzero: Putty just rejects my credentials from the reomte system, but I can ssh to localhost... | 11:57 |
theAtom | savvas, BUILT into it | 11:57 |
=== savvas looks at riotkittie | ||
zyberzero | dwangoac: Sounds like a firewall to me | 11:57 |
savvas | theAtom: I have a mobile 3 years old and it can circle around the camera | 11:57 |
riotkittie | savvas: do you have a better idea? <hides> | 11:57 |
dwangoac | zyberzero: Clean install of Gutsy, nothing added AFAIK... | 11:57 |
dwangoac | zyberzero: That was certainly my first thought though | 11:57 |
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savvas | theAtom: isn't there some configuration to flip the screen? | 11:58 |
savvas | check out the preferences | 11:58 |
crossbones | the linux 7.10 ubuntu wont hibernate | 11:58 |
riotkittie | ok. apparently, you do. | 11:58 |
savvas | pi3: I need the output of your sources.list: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:58 |
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crossbones | it goes black the screen and then nothing | 11:58 |
crossbones | it wont power down | 11:58 |
crossbones | how do I make it work? | 11:58 |
theAtom | savvas, u tell me | 11:58 |
zyberzero | dwangoac: You should ask some other guy if there is an built-in firewall. I don't now. Gutsy screwed up my Pc.. | 11:58 |
savvas | theAtom: you have the web camera, I don't have it anymore :) | 11:59 |
zsz | which script starts Xgl? | 11:59 |
pi3 | savvas: | 11:59 |
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savvas | pi3: use the us archive mirrors, from the menu go System > Administration > Software Sources | 12:01 |
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savvas | pi3: select download from: Server for United States | 12:02 |
niwt | axjv: I just make a script, made a button, and it works | 12:02 |
niwt | *made | 12:02 |
axjv | niwt: Button? | 12:02 |
niwt | yeah, wasn't that the plan? | 12:03 |
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savvas | pi3: then click close, it will ask to reload data, try do it, i know it will end up with some errors probably | 12:03 |
pi3 | savvas: yes, I'm | 12:03 |
axjv | niwt: You mean a link? | 12:03 |
axjv | niwt: Wow, I'm stupid | 12:03 |
savvas | pi3: you're? :p | 12:03 |
niwt | no, I mean a launcher on my panel | 12:03 |
pi3 | savvas: unexpected enter :S | 12:04 |
pi3 | I mean return | 12:04 |
WorkingOnWise | What is the package called that gives me the "Sled" type panel menu? | 12:04 |
savvas | pi3: ok any errors after updating the sources? | 12:04 |
pi3 | savvas: is the us mirror somehow more reliable? | 12:04 |
axjv | niwt: Umm, what exactly was the command | 12:05 |
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niwt | just the full path to the script | 12:05 |
savvas | pi3: yeap, in fact, I don't even see the argentinian server listed in the archive mirrors | 12:05 |
axjv | I'll try that, hold on | 12:05 |
niwt | looks like /home/me/ | 12:05 |
axjv | Should I run in terminal? | 12:05 |
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sinX_ | Ok, anyone know how to sync an iphone? | 12:06 |
pi3 | savvas: ok, it seems to have finished now | 12:06 |
savvas | pi3: no errors? | 12:06 |
pi3 | savvas: nope, at least reloading... | 12:06 |
savvas | pi3: ok, do this again and paste me the output: sudo apt-get -f install | 12:06 |
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niwt | axjv: when you run your script from a terminal, do you have to be in a particular directory for the script to work? | 12:07 |
axjv | niwt: Yeah, I think so. | 12:07 |
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pi3 | savvas: | 12:07 |
axjv | niwt: It's a game, so it must have a few dependencies | 12:07 |
niwt | well, the launcher will run it from your home | 12:07 |
MessiahAngel | hi all | 12:08 |
WorkingOnWise | hi MA | 12:08 |
MessiahAngel | anybody has an error at start u pwith kernel ? | 12:08 |
niwt | axjv: well, if you need to change directory when you run it from terminal, you'll need to add a line to the script to cd or write another script to cd and then run the game script | 12:09 |
axjv | Lol | 12:09 |
axjv | niwt: A script to a script? | 12:09 |
axjv | niwt: Well, I just examined the script, and I changed a few directories | 12:10 |
sinX_ | anyone know if it even possible to sync an iphone currently? | 12:10 |
niwt | ok | 12:10 |
axjv | niwt: It assumed that the directory it was running from was the game thing | 12:10 |
axjv | niwt: So I made it cd | 12:10 |
axjv | niwt: I'm gonna test it out now | 12:10 |
niwt | cool | 12:10 |
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savvas | pi3: sudo apt-get install --reinstall tzdata | 12:11 |
dwangoac | OK, so different track - does anyone know if Kubuntu 7.10 comes with a firewall enabled? I can't even SSH in (always reports access denied). | 12:11 |
axjv | YES! VICTORY IS MINE! | 12:11 |
axjv | Err... I did it. | 12:11 |
dwangoac | axjv: Heh - that honestly lightened my day | 12:11 |
niwt | dwangoac: did you install ssh? | 12:11 |
pi3 | savvas: keeps outputting the same error | 12:11 |
MessiahAngel | i can't boot gutsy on kernel but i can boot on, any suggestions or solutions ? | 12:11 |
dwangoac | niwt: Yep, just now - I was previously having problems with synergys not being seen by clients. | 12:12 |
savvas | pi3: ok try this: dpkg --configure tzdata | 12:12 |
frostburn | MessiahAngel, we need a more specific error to diagnose | 12:12 |
pi3 | savvas: the same error again... :( | 12:12 |
pi3 | dpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure): | 12:13 |
pi3 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10 | 12:13 |
savvas | grrr | 12:13 |
r3m0t | I'm using snd-hda-intel on ICH8, but everything is extremely quiet. Can somebody fix? | 12:13 |
pi3 | do you think this is related in some way with gutsy? | 12:13 |
savvas | pi3: uname -r | 12:13 |
pi3 | 2.6.22-14-generic | 12:13 |
savvas | pi3: whatever it is, we'll try and fix it | 12:13 |
niwt | !synergys | 12:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about synergys - try searching on | 12:14 |
savvas | pi3: did you upgrade from feisty? | 12:14 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > kernel panic : can not mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) | 12:14 |
pi3 | savvas: yes, using update-manager | 12:14 |
MessiahAngel | >frostburn i might miss one or two words | 12:14 |
savvas | pi3: don't close the terminal you use from now on | 12:15 |
frostburn | MessiahAngel, did you try | 12:15 |
savvas | pi3: cd ~/Desktop/ | 12:15 |
niwt | dwangoac: ok, I just read a description of synergy, and it sounds like a potential cluster fsck | 12:15 |
savvas | pi3: wget | 12:15 |
dwangoac | niwt: Right | 12:15 |
WorkingOnWise | What is the package called that gives me the "Sled" type panel menu? | 12:16 |
niwt | are these computers in the same room? | 12:16 |
dwangoac | niwt: I suspect that the problem is not with synergy itself - I've been running it on fiesty for a while and it continued to work after doing an upgrade | 12:16 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > thx, that is the exact msg i'm getting, i'll try that, thx for the link :) | 12:16 |
dwangoac | niwt: Plenty - I run a test lab (I'm a beta test lead) | 12:16 |
pi3 | savvas: I'm feeling like a ssh server ;) | 12:16 |
niwt | why not use kvm? | 12:16 |
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Kein | Is Kopete supposed to crash repeatedly? | 12:17 |
savvas | pi3: you should be familiar with these already, gutsy is not stable yet :P | 12:17 |
dwangoac | niwt: Quick history is I had fiesty installed with Synergy working, upgraded to Gutsy and synergy kept working but I encountered a console bug (which has been filed), so I did a format and installed fresh - now that it's a fresh install I'm seeing odd firewall-like behavior | 12:17 |
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savvas | pi3: is it done downloading? | 12:17 |
dwangoac | niwt: I have a physical KVM switch, but I prefer synergy as it's absolutely fantastic to be able to run multiple computers from one mouse/keyboard combo - you get really addicted to it after a while :) | 12:18 |
niwt | dwangoac: uh, which console bug? | 12:18 |
pi3 | savvas: yes, done, I mean like you telling me the commands.. if this keeps bad, may I allow you to connect to my ubuntu by ssh? | 12:18 |
dwangoac | One moment | 12:18 |
pi3 | what an awful security hole, letting strangers do that though | 12:19 |
savvas | pi3: well no problem here, I love ssh, but I want you to understand some things, just to see the solution ways :) (not that this will work 100%, but I'll try) | 12:19 |
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savvas | pi3: apt-cache show debconf | grep -i "installed" | 12:20 |
pi3 | savvas: I understood all the things you said to me, but I think that you will be more agile if you have the command line just there in your monitor.. | 12:20 |
savvas | pi3: sorry: apt-cache policy debconf | grep -i "installed" | 12:20 |
pi3 | Installed: 1.5.14ubuntu1 | 12:21 |
LiMaO | Kein: i run gnome here (feisty 64bit), but have used kopete everyday (almost never turn if off) and it doesn't seem to have a single problem at all | 12:21 |
Kein | I'm running Gutsy, so that's what I was wondering. | 12:21 |
savvas | pi3: sudo dpkg -r tzdata | 12:21 |
Kein | Anyways, it actually runs well until I try to get in an AIM chat. | 12:21 |
Kein | With one account, it works fine. | 12:21 |
Kein | With the other? | 12:21 |
frostburn | is there a known issue with edid in gutsy? | 12:21 |
Kein | Crashes the split second I press enter. =/ | 12:21 |
savvas | pi3: removed? | 12:21 |
WorkingOnWise | What is the package called that gives me the "Sled" type panel menu? | 12:22 |
pi3 | savvas: removed | 12:22 |
LiMaO | Kein: what worry us even more is that gutsy is 2 days from launch =P | 12:22 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: ah... gnome-menu ? I forgot :\ | 12:22 |
LiMaO | i guess i'll skip this version hehe | 12:22 |
savvas | pi3: sudo dpkg -i tzdata_2007f-3ubuntu1_all.deb | 12:22 |
Kein | It's working perfectly for me other than Kopete. | 12:22 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: gnome-main-menu | 12:22 |
r3m0t | my sound... :( | 12:22 |
pi3 | savvas: dpkg: error processing tzdata (--install): | 12:23 |
pi3 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10 | 12:23 |
Kein | pi3: Had the same problem. | 12:23 |
savvas | wth | 12:23 |
Kein | Remove it. | 12:23 |
Kein | Then reinstall it. | 12:23 |
LiMaO | Kein: try using gaim | 12:23 |
Kein | LiMaO: I do. =D | 12:23 |
Kein | Pidgin, even. | 12:23 |
LiMaO | oh ok | 12:23 |
Kein | I like Kopete more on looks, though. | 12:23 |
WorkingOnWise | savvas: gnome menu gives a windows-ish start menu... checking to see if i have gnome-main-menu installed | 12:23 |
dwangoac | niwt: Found it - on launchpad, it's Bug # 129910 | 12:23 |
savvas | pi3: let's try once more: sudo dpkg -P tzdata | 12:23 |
niwt | thanks, I'll look | 12:24 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: that's what opensuse has, I misunderstood, my bad :) | 12:24 |
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dwangoac | niwt: I added the note at the bottom from user AC | 12:24 |
pi3 | savvas: it has been removed | 12:24 |
WorkingOnWise | savvas: actually, the menu I'm looking for originated with opensuse. | 12:25 |
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savvas | pi3: sudo apt-get install --reinstall tzdata | 12:25 |
niwt | ok, I don't know how to look up a bug | 12:25 |
dwangoac | niwt: OK, let me grab a link for you. It's a really nasty bug that very much needs to be resolved before Gutsy is released - it means advanced installs won't work on laptops, among other things (that and I just don't like hard crashes) | 12:25 |
dwangoac | niwt: | 12:26 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129910 in initramfs-tools "tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy" [Critical,Triaged] | 12:26 |
dwangoac | Whoa - nice one ubotu | 12:26 |
ViVeRANT | Wondering if anyone here has found any other ways around the following bug: People with both the rev 2 and rev 3 hardware seems to have used an alsa patch to get around it but also needed model information. Is this something better taken up in #alsa? | 12:26 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130559 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) - no sound" [Medium,Triaged] | 12:26 |
niwt | and I just discovered that the google search box in firefox does nothing | 12:26 |
savvas | pi3: ? | 12:26 |
pi3 | savvas: it worked :) | 12:26 |
pi3 | just finished | 12:26 |
savvas | pi3: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-minimal | 12:26 |
pi3 | done | 12:27 |
savvas | pi3: sometimes old configuration get in the way | 12:27 |
savvas | pi3: sudo apt-get -f install | 12:27 |
pi3 | savvas: is that all? | 12:27 |
savvas | well I hope so ;) | 12:27 |
pi3 | savvas: wow, thank you | 12:27 |
pi3 | what was happening? | 12:28 |
niwt | thanks dwangoac: I'll look at it as soon as I can get firefox running | 12:28 |
niwt | geez | 12:28 |
dwangoac | niwt: Gotta love brokenness - it won't let you paste into the address bar? | 12:28 |
savvas | pi3: well I think tzdata had some config files leftover from feisty :P | 12:28 |
niwt | yeah, I saw the page for a couple seconds, then firefox crashed and won't restart | 12:28 |
dwangoac | niwt: Move your .mozilla directory out of the way | 12:28 |
savvas | pi3: the install finished? | 12:28 |
niwt | I tried a pkill firefox, and i got input/output error message | 12:28 |
pi3 | savvas: do you think I should report this? | 12:28 |
pi3 | savvas: gutsy install? | 12:29 |
niwt | now I can't open a terminial | 12:29 |
savvas | pi3: well.. um.. whatever it was, it's long gone now | 12:29 |
niwt | I'll be back in a minute | 12:29 |
dwangoac | niwt: OK, that i can't help you with :) - sudo ps -A | grep fire ? | 12:29 |
niwt | oops - I can't go anywehre while I'm downloading stuff | 12:29 |
niwt | I'm gonna drop to a console (I hope) | 12:29 |
savvas | pi3: is the apt-get fixed now? no errors? | 12:29 |
pi3 | savvas: well, thank you. Amazing how you did without looking | 12:30 |
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niwt | no, I can't log in on console, either | 12:30 |
niwt | gonna try ssh | 12:30 |
pi3 | savvas: no errors seem to keep alive :) | 12:30 |
vixyfox | Hey all, how does one open the repository to edit things there? | 12:30 |
savvas | pi3: ok now do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:30 |
savvas | vixyfox: you mean: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:31 |
ViVeRANT | vixyfox: you mean the sources.list file? | 12:31 |
vixyfox | Yeah | 12:31 |
niwt | can't ssh in, either - next trick is temporary power deprivation | 12:31 |
ViVeRANT | beat me to it :p | 12:31 |
niwt | bbiab | 12:31 |
savvas | :p | 12:31 |
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vixyfox | Thank you ^_^ | 12:32 |
vixyfox | Trying to add compiz fuzion | 12:32 |
savvas | thank ViVeRANT, I beat him to it :p | 12:32 |
ViVeRANT | vixyfox: Gutsy also allows you to add repo via the software sources UI | 12:32 |
savvas | vixyfox: gutsy already has it | 12:32 |
WorkingOnWise | savvas: I loked for 2 days for that thing! They must pulled it from the repos just to mess with me! | 12:32 |
vixyfox | O_O | 12:32 |
vixyfox | it does? | 12:32 |
vixyfox | where? | 12:32 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: the gnome-main-menu or what you were looking for? :P | 12:33 |
ViVeRANT | System > Admin > Sw Sources > 3rd Party Tab | 12:33 |
savvas | vixyfox: wait | 12:33 |
WorkingOnWise | both, gnome-main-menu is what i have been lookin 4... | 12:33 |
savvas | vixyfox: System > preferences > appearance > visual effects | 12:33 |
vixyfox | Savvas: Then turn on Extra? | 12:34 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: well good, because I haven't got a clue how the sled looks like :) | 12:34 |
savvas | vixyfox: exactamundo! | 12:34 |
savvas | that's programmish for yes | 12:34 |
vixyfox | Savvas: Nice :D How do I add or remove things though in it? | 12:34 |
savvas | vixyfox: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 12:35 |
vixyfox | Savvas: Thank you so much ^_^ | 12:35 |
WorkingOnWise | It's real handy for someone like me that installs a few thousand packages, just cuz they sound interesting. :) | 12:35 |
savvas | vixyfox: you'll then find it under system > prefs > advanced desktop something ;p | 12:35 |
vixyfox | Savvas: Downloading now ^_^ | 12:36 |
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savvas | WorkingOnWise: got a screenshot of sled? | 12:36 |
ViVeRANT | ah thats a nice way to get to that... beats the advanced desktop settings effects menu | 12:36 |
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ViVeRANT | well okay maybe not :) | 12:36 |
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Redhammer | hello I am struggling to get mysql started | 12:36 |
ViVeRANT | again | 12:36 |
savvas | they should have a contest with helping | 12:37 |
savvas | :p | 12:37 |
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Redhammer | anybody able to tell me what I need to do to get mysql to start | 12:37 |
techjim | i can update to gutsy via "update-manager -d" correct? Is this a deprecated method or is it suggested? | 12:37 |
ViVeRANT | I do it all day so I am used to it :p | 12:37 |
savvas | Redhammer: a daemon or a client? | 12:37 |
nickrud | techjim: preferred method | 12:37 |
Redhammer | sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 | 12:38 |
Redhammer | returns failed to start server | 12:38 |
WorkingOnWise | savvas: um....where would I post it for u to see? | 12:38 |
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savvas | Redhammer: maybe mysql-admin can help a bit | 12:38 |
Redhammer | Setting up mysql-server-5.0 (5.0.45-1ubuntu3) ... | 12:38 |
Redhammer | * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ] | 12:38 |
Redhammer | * Starting MySQL database server mysqld [fail] | 12:38 |
Redhammer | invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed. | 12:38 |
Redhammer | dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure): | 12:38 |
Redhammer | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 12:38 |
Redhammer | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server: | 12:38 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > error solved | 12:39 |
savvas | Redhammer: ah wait | 12:39 |
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frostburn | MessiahAngel, reinstall grub? | 12:39 |
Redhammer | savvas: yes | 12:39 |
savvas | Redhammer: paste the log output to | 12:39 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > no, simply edited it | 12:39 |
frostburn | MessiahAngel, even better | 12:39 |
Redhammer | which logplease | 12:39 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > the line initrd was missing | 12:39 |
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frostburn | yes, ramdrive is important | 12:40 |
niwt | dwangoac: I found it, and it looks like the same problem I had | 12:40 |
savvas | Redhammer: this one that you just pasted.. is there no more after "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server:" ? | 12:40 |
MessiahAngel | so i added it and it worked fine | 12:40 |
dwangoac | niwt: Welcome back | 12:40 |
zx80user | sound is badly fscked. Knew I should have waited | 12:40 |
Redhammer | done | 12:40 |
dwangoac | niwt: Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I'm ignoring that issue for now and just making sure I slap my hands every time my fingers wander towards Ctrl + Alt +Fx | 12:40 |
savvas | Redhammer: nothing after that? | 12:41 |
MessiahAngel | frostburn > i'll go post this solution in forums, that might help others getting this error | 12:41 |
Redhammer | then it goes on about mythtv | 12:41 |
niwt | lol | 12:41 |
Redhammer | but nothing helpful | 12:41 |
Redhammer | I think | 12:41 |
WorkingOnWise | savvas: actually, it's one of those apps that a screenshot would'nt tell the tale. Install it and see. Add it to your panel. If you have 2 items that both say "Main Menu", the correct one has a computer icon. | 12:41 |
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dwangoac | niwt: Anyway, I've confirmed that from multiple computers elsewhere in the lab I can't SSH in or otherwise get to my laptop; all outbound communication works fine however (as in the case of switching my laptop to be the synergy client) | 12:41 |
niwt | I got rid of vga=791 | 12:41 |
savvas | Redhammer: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall mysql-server-5.0 | 12:41 |
Redhammer | thx will try that | 12:42 |
dwangoac | niwt: The notes seem to imply that fix does not work on an nVidia based laptop | 12:42 |
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filthpig | I'm considering buying a new mb and cpu (well I have to, my current setup went to Iraq earlier today. Seems it was allergic to a RAM chip I got hold of :s) Anyhoo, should I go for an Intel/nvidia or AMD/nvidia setup? I will never leave the nvidia graphics ;) | 12:42 |
savvas | WorkingOnWise: ah ok :p | 12:42 |
niwt | dwangoac: nvidia desktop here | 12:42 |
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daekdroom | were there updates for gutsy today? | 12:42 |
dwangoac | niwt: I see. So, do you happen to know of any firewall type things or funny iptable rules that are shipping by default with Gutsy? | 12:42 |
niwt | hang on | 12:42 |
dwangoac | niwt: Take your time - I appreciate the help | 12:43 |
nickrud | dwangoac: have you told ssh to allow connections? (listen address in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 12:43 |
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niwt | dwangoac: no firewall rules in default install | 12:44 |
niwt | heh, you probably think I know what I'm talking about | 12:44 |
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daekdroom | were there updates for gutsy today? | 12:44 |
niwt | daekdroom: I think so | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | daekdroom: we are frozen for release | 12:44 |
niwt | this morning seems like a long time ago | 12:44 |
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daekdroom | gnomefreak: ah, ok | 12:44 |
Hammy_ | Hey | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | you may only see a couple a day until after release | 12:44 |
Hammy_ | I have a simple question | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | Hammy_: ? | 12:45 |
=== nickrud has absolute faith in the 18th | ||
dwangoac | nickrud: I don't honestly remember changing it - let me check | 12:45 |
savvas | Redhammer: if that doesn't work: sudo apt-get -f install | 12:45 |
vixyfox | If you turn on Desktop Cube, how do you display it? | 12:45 |
vixyfox | *is feeling really stupid* | 12:45 |
savvas | vixyfox: all in the key bindings | 12:45 |
gnomefreak | niwt: im getting that way although it will be the first time (atleast since breezy) we made the exact date | 12:45 |
savvas | the keyboard shortcuts | 12:45 |
Hammy_ | gnomefreak: my question is can i use any .exe programs using Wine for gusty???i just downloaded it(the Wine for gusty) | 12:45 |
gnomefreak | we are normally a day off | 12:45 |
vixyfox | Savvas: I tried looking there, I couldn't find any | 12:46 |
gnomefreak | Hammy_: some of them yes | 12:46 |
Hammy_ | what do you mean some of them? | 12:46 |
niwt | I think a day or two off is not a bad thing | 12:46 |
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ggilbert | Hammy_: Not all programs will work properly in wine | 12:46 |
Hammy_ | so a program like aim.exe will tht work? | 12:46 |
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gnomefreak | Hammy_: wine doesnt support all apps. see #winehq and ask if it supports your app | 12:46 |
ggilbert | Some will and some won't. You mostly just have to try it and see. | 12:46 |
savvas | vixyfox: | 12:46 |
Redhammer | @savvas no luck | 12:46 |
gnomefreak | Hammy_: it might #winehq is best place for that | 12:46 |
Hammy_ | gnomefreak:thnx | 12:46 |
vixyfox | Thank you Savvas :D | 12:47 |
Redhammer | no idea but not starting mysql server | 12:47 |
Hammy_ | ggilbert:thnx | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | Hammy_: use gaim | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | :) | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | or my fav. naim | 12:47 |
Hammy_ | gnomefreak: thnx for the tip but it was an example, i will use that now though since i didnt know about it lolz | 12:47 |
ViVeRANT | vivyfox: also make sure you have setup 4 separate workspaces or you will just rotate between 2 windows and not a cube. I ran into that as I got fusion up today... | 12:48 |
savvas | Redhammer: does it say which dependencies are not available? | 12:48 |
gnomefreak | Hammy_: i know it was example hence the reason i cant give you a straight answer ;) | 12:48 |
filthpig | I'm considering buying a new mb and cpu (well I have to, my current setup went to Iraq earlier today. Seems it was allergic to a RAM chip I got hold of :s) Anyhoo, should I go for an Intel/nvidia or AMD/nvidia setup? I will never leave the nvidia graphics ;) | 12:49 |
Hammy_ | lolz ok | 12:49 |
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savvas | Redhammer: maybe this document helps: | 12:50 |
Redhammer | thanks checking it | 12:50 |
Redhammer | log said next to nothing I am afraid | 12:50 |
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Cidan | uh | 12:51 |
Cidan | so if you mount /boot on another filesystem | 12:51 |
Cidan | 7.10 goes nuts | 12:51 |
Cidan | clean install | 12:51 |
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dwangoac | nickrud: OK, it's been at least a year, but I'm poking around in sshd_config and I don't see anything I'd need to change to ensure SSH is open | 12:51 |
weirdbro | How do I make the network manager try to store keys into the "login" keyring instead of the old "default" keyring? | 12:52 |
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nickrud | dwangoac: ListenAddress, I had to enable that and set it to | 12:52 |
vixyfox | What is the super key? | 12:52 |
mc44 | vixyfox: the windows key | 12:52 |
nickrud | vixyfox: the windows key on the left | 12:52 |
Angelus | guys, i tried to install kubuntu gutsy but it doesn't recocnize my Geforce8400GS, instead of bootup splash the monitor turns of , then when its gonna go into KDE it turns back on and crashes with a blank monitor, this problem is with kubuntu feisty too, i installed kubuntu feisty in text mode and crashed when i tried to start X with the nvidia-glx drivers, anyhelp ? :S | 12:53 |
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compilerwriter | I have had a bad experience in an update to the rc. I have a copy of the iso on cdrom is there a way to use it to try to finish the upgrade? | 12:53 |
Cidan | man | 12:53 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: you can only use the alternate cd to upgrade | 12:53 |
Cidan | Gusty really needs to be pushed back | 12:53 |
Cidan | :/ | 12:53 |
compilerwriter | How does one do that mc44 that is what I have | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | Cidan: it will be fine for release | 12:54 |
socketbind | hi, how do i say politely that the font config dialog goes nuts? | 12:54 |
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dwangoac | nickrud: Enabled by removing # and restarted ssh - same access denied message; I can connect on the local system. | 12:54 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: add the cd to your sources.list | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | !upgrade | compilerwriter | 12:54 |
ubotu | compilerwriter: For upgrading, see the instructions at - Please join #ubuntu+1 for questions about upgrading to Gutsy, and use #ubuntu for "normal" support only | 12:54 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: sudo apt-cdrom add | 12:54 |
weirdbro | How do I make the network manager try to store keys into the "login" keyring instead of the old "default" keyring? | 12:54 |
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Redhammer | savvas thanks for all your help still having no luck | 12:54 |
socketbind | would like to file a bug but english is not my native language : \ | 12:54 |
Angelus | will it be fine for my problem too on release gnomefreak ? | 12:54 |
nickrud | dwangoac: sudo iptables -L will list any rules you have running. Gotta step out for about 10 min, work. brb | 12:54 |
`23meg | anyone running compiz on a nvidia Geforce Go6200 (mobile)? | 12:55 |
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dwangoac | nickrud: Nothing listed under any of the chains, etc. - looks to be empty, which is puzzling the crap out of me | 12:55 |
daekdroom | `23meg: it will probably run, but it will eat your notebook's battery =P | 12:55 |
gunny | `23meg: im on a 6800 g0 | 12:55 |
vixyfox | Angelus: Have you tried hitting F11 when the screen goes black? I had a similar problem with my GeForce 8600GTS | 12:55 |
dwangoac | I'm going to reboot (which won't affect this IRC session) - BRB | 12:56 |
compilerwriter | ok mc44 did that | 12:56 |
`23meg | daekdroom, it does run, but performance is low | 12:56 |
Angelus | what happens if i hit F11 vixyfox ? | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: it will be fine for release is what i meant. each user will have a prolem with any release doesnt mean it should hold back a full release, fixes can be made after release for certain issues. if you have an issue report it on and when they look it over they will decide when it can be fixed | 12:56 |
`23meg | gunny, how is performance? | 12:56 |
daekdroom | 6800 is way faster than 6200 mobile... | 12:56 |
vixyfox | Angelus: I'm not too sure, but when I hit F11, it ends up displaying the screen so that I can at least work and finally gotten the nvidia drivers installed properly | 12:56 |
compilerwriter | mc44 now what | 12:56 |
savvas | Redhammer: I frankly believe that you haven't tried everything, especially what it says "after installing mysql": | 12:56 |
gunny | `23meg: no probs very happy with it | 12:56 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:56 |
`23meg | does performance differ a lot between mobiles and non-mobiles? | 12:57 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: assuming you're half way through upgrade | 12:57 |
Angelus | vixyfox: do you know how to install the nvidia drivers from i couldn't get them to work | 12:57 |
savvas | Redhammer: does this command return any errors: sudo apt-get -f install | 12:57 |
Redhammer | savvas: done that sorry to disappoint | 12:57 |
Cidan | in grub | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | right now main issues would be kernel, boot, dbus, hald, ect... apps issues can wait unless it prevents a user from using Gutsy (not by choice) | 12:57 |
Redhammer | same errors | 12:57 |
vixyfox | Angelus: Don't do it that way, your sure to get bad results | 12:57 |
Cidan | root in menu.lst has to point to /boot? | 12:57 |
Cidan | or to the / | 12:57 |
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daekdroom | `23meg: we can say 8700 mobile is faster than 8400 normal, mobile is a high efficience tendence =P | 12:57 |
Cidan | filesystem? | 12:57 |
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Angelus | vixyfox: its my only way. the kubuntu drivers doesn't support my card | 12:57 |
vixyfox | Andgelus: Best way to do it, is once you are done, enable restricted driver access. | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: whats wrong with ubuntu drivers? | 12:58 |
vixyfox | Angelus: One moment and I'll give you the exact things you need to put in ;) | 12:58 |
Angelus | gnomefreak: they don't support my card | 12:58 |
savvas | Redhammer: ok: apt-cache policy mysql-server | 12:58 |
itrebal | what is the name of the fancy graphics (ie: what does it use, compiz, beryl, etc)? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: what card? | 12:58 |
Cidan | Does anyone know where "root" in menu.lst for each OS has to point to? /boot/ or /? | 12:58 |
daekdroom | compiz-fusion | 12:58 |
ViVeRANT | compiz-fusion | 12:58 |
weirdbro | itrebal: compiz fusion | 12:58 |
Angelus | GeForce 8400 GS pci-e gnomefreak | 12:58 |
itrebal | thanks :P | 12:58 |
compilerwriter | mc44 that was about where I was. When that finishes then what? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | your right and neither do nvidia's drivers atm | 12:58 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: then reboot and hope for the best? :) | 12:58 |
`23meg | daekdroom, thanks | 12:58 |
itrebal | is there a way to enable The Cube? or does it not have one, yet? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | seeing as they are the same drivers that nvidia released | 12:58 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: backup anything vital first :) | 12:59 |
Angelus | gnomefreak: wrong. nvidia drivers does. i install them on gentoo | 12:59 |
compilerwriter | I should remove the cdrom though before the reboot correct? mc44 | 12:59 |
Angelus | and worked fine :) | 12:59 |
savvas | Cidan: mine says: root (hd0,0) | 12:59 |
ViVeRANT | itrebal: It would be in the Advanced Desktop Settings Menu if you have the manager installed | 12:59 |
mc44 | compilerwriter: shouldn't really matter, just don't boot from the cd | 12:59 |
Cidan | yes but you don't have /boot/ on a different partition | 12:59 |
Cidan | I do | 12:59 |
Cidan | :P | 12:59 |
ggilbert | nvidia's drivers/hardware currently have some pretty nasty bugs with compiz fusion. | 12:59 |
savvas | Cidan: well.. root (hd0,1) ?:) | 12:59 |
vixyfox | Angelus: Your going to want to do the following. Open up Terminal. Then type in "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new" Then when that's done, type "sudo aptitude install nvidia-settings" Then "sudo aptitude install nvidia-xconfig" | 12:59 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: we cant change the drivers so it nvidia-glx-new doesnt support them than nvidia's drivers version 100.14.19 wont | 12:59 |
Cidan | yeah, but do I need to do that, is what I wonder | 01:00 |
Cidan | no nm | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: if they do that that version will work in ubuntu | 01:00 |
Redhammer | trying that | 01:00 |
Redhammer | thanks for your persistance | 01:00 |
Angelus | gnomefreak: it does. i tried them and they worked on another distro | 01:00 |
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gnomefreak | Angelus: Closed source means we cant change the source | 01:00 |
Angelus | on kubuntu they didn't the screen just went blank | 01:00 |
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itrebal | ViVeRANT: compizconfig-settings-manager I assume? | 01:00 |
Angelus | gnomefreak: it means they are not uptodate the kubuntu drivers | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: they are the same drivers differnent kernel modules | 01:00 |
vixyfox | Angelus: Have you tried what I wrote down? | 01:00 |
weirdbro | How do I make the network manager try to store keys into the "login" keyring instead of the old "default" keyring? | 01:00 |
itrebal | oh, found it | 01:01 |
savvas | Redhammer: does it say "Installed: 5.0.45-1ubuntu3" ? | 01:01 |
ViVeRANT | itreval: correct | 01:01 |
itrebal | thanks :) | 01:01 |
Angelus | yes vixyfox | 01:01 |
ViVeRANT | sorry itrebal | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: nvidia's latest release was 100.14.19 | 01:01 |
itrebal | :) | 01:01 |
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vixyfox | Angelus: I don't know what is wrong then, my 8600GTS card is working fine after doing that | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | ubuntus latest release is same | 01:01 |
vixyfox | Angelus: you made sure to enable restricted drivers? | 01:01 |
Angelus | then there is something in kubuntu that hates my card gnomefreak , cause in gentoo everything worked perfect | 01:01 |
Redhammer | yes | 01:01 |
Angelus | vixyfox: kubuntu doesnt have that | 01:02 |
Angelus | only ubuntu has it | 01:02 |
Redhammer | sudo apt-cache policy mysql-server | 01:02 |
Redhammer | mysql-server: | 01:02 |
Redhammer | Installed: (none) | 01:02 |
Redhammer | Candidate: 5.0.45-1ubuntu3 | 01:02 |
Redhammer | Version table: | 01:02 |
Redhammer | 5.0.45-1ubuntu3 0 | 01:02 |
Redhammer | 500 gutsy/main Packages | 01:02 |
vixyfox | Angelus: Does Kubuntu not have their own channel then? | 01:02 |
Redhammer | well no and yes, I am trying but it fails to install obviously | 01:02 |
Redhammer | let me see I will try a reboot and just try and reset veryting | 01:03 |
Angelus | vixyfox: i tried ,. no one answered, thats why im giving a try to gutsy RC , but seems the same problem, no its worst, since gutsy doesnt have a text installer i can't even install it cause it crashes in the live cd cause of the driver issue | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: you do as you wish but the drivers are the same the kernel modules may not be. so feel free to build them but your nvidia drivers will not be supported by ubuntu and you will build them on ever kernel update | 01:03 |
savvas | Redhammer: try this: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server-5.0 && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | Angelus: try in #nvidia | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | gutsy has a text installer | 01:03 |
savvas | RedKrieg: paste me the log output to | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | its the alternate cd | 01:03 |
mc44 | the text installer is the same as ever | 01:04 |
savvas | oops | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | he left | 01:04 |
savvas | he left :s | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | lol | 01:04 |
savvas | thanks :P | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | hey pointing out whats right in front of your face is easy ;) | 01:04 |
dwangoac | niwt: I got it! | 01:04 |
niwt | ok, spill! | 01:05 |
=== savvas sends a piece of e-cake to gnomefreak | ||
savvas | party leftover :p | 01:05 |
niwt | I'm editing my intramfs-tools/modules right now | 01:05 |
dwangoac | niwt: Turns out it was because bcm43xx-fwcutter didn't cut the right firmware file for my wireless adapter, but eth1 was still present | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | happy birthday btw | 01:05 |
savvas | thanks :) | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | savvas: get ready there will be a party in a day or 2 | 01:05 |
dwangoac | niwt: For whatever reason, it put my system in a state where some traffic was going down a dead-end eth1, because it was neither up nor down yet present | 01:05 |
savvas | gutsy final? hehe | 01:05 |
niwt | wow | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | we get to open up our release channel | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | savvas: yeah | 01:06 |
dwangoac | niwt: I didn't know that was possible... Anyway, I cut the right firmware and rebooted - problem went away | 01:06 |
niwt | cool, congrats | 01:06 |
=== gnomefreak wonders if its not already open | ||
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savvas | gnomefreak: let the "I got no graphical desktop!" deluge us then :p | 01:06 |
gnomefreak | :) | 01:06 |
Creationist | How do I access my hard drives from a Live CD? I can't even mount them: "refused uid 999" | 01:07 |
=== nickrud considers /ignoring the word video | ||
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savvas | I surely hope they fixed the restricted compatibility as much as they could | 01:07 |
gnomefreak | Creationist: with a chroot normally see !grub | 01:07 |
Creationist | !grub | 01:07 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 01:07 |
savvas | wb Redhammer | 01:07 |
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gnomefreak | savvas: depends on what restricted modules you mean | 01:07 |
nickrud | dwangoac: ah, I see you're up. An orthogonal problem ;) | 01:07 |
Redhammer | yes hello savvas I am still trying | 01:08 |
woodwizzle | I'm running Gutsy 64-bit and I cannot get any video players to play DVDs | 01:08 |
woodwizzle | i've tried VLC, Ogle, Mplayer, and Totem | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | woodwizzle: you need libdvdcss2 | 01:08 |
savvas | gnomefreak: I heard there still are problems with ati drivers :\ | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | savvas: thats ati not us if you mean for compiz and such | 01:08 |
nickrud | they work, as long as people don't get fancy | 01:08 |
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dwangoac | nickrud: A problem I never would have thought of, but I saw dmesg complaining about the firmware not being loaded even though I thought I had gotten that working | 01:08 |
savvas | Redhammer: try this: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server-5.0 && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | ati has been adding support for the same thing for last 8 releases and still hasnt gotten it right | 01:09 |
woodwizzle | gnomefreak: I have libdvdread3, Is libdvdcss2 in any repos? | 01:09 |
savvas | Redhammer: paste me the log output to | 01:09 |
rebelThor | hey, just upgraded to gutsy, and now both cedega and wine stopped working on my Warcraft III :( | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | woodwizzle: no | 01:09 |
mc44 | !dvd | woodwizzle | 01:09 |
ubotu | woodwizzle: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 01:09 |
niwt | dwangoac: ok, gonna try a reboot now - thanks for the help | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | !dvd | woodwizzle | 01:09 |
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Creationist | Also, after reinstalling GRUB, I can no longer boot Linux. Error 17 (partition could not be loaded, or something similar) | 01:10 |
gnomefreak | brb going to enjoy the e-cake ty savvas ;) | 01:10 |
savvas | gnomefreak: ah ok, no idea, I'm glad I use nvidia though, but it still works :) | 01:10 |
dwangoac | er.. I should be tahnking niwt for the help, but I'll thank nickrud instead :) | 01:10 |
savvas | haha oki doki | 01:10 |
nickrud | dwangoac: heh. | 01:10 |
=== nickrud likes it when people actually read syslog | ||
Redhammer | there is a line about # | 01:12 |
Redhammer | 071017 0:10:30 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-external-locsudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnfking' I am checking that now | 01:12 |
dwangoac | nickrud: I bet. It would have been easier to get to this point if the system didn't crash every time I tried opening an out-of-X console - they really need to fix that before they release. | 01:12 |
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nickrud | dwangoac: ati? | 01:12 |
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dwangoac | nickrud: nVidia laptop | 01:13 |
savvas | Redhammer: that sounds more like a bug to me | 01:13 |
Ertai88 | Does Gutsy work with 256MB of RAM? | 01:13 |
savvas | Redhammer: hold a sec | 01:13 |
dwangoac | !system requirements | 01:13 |
nickrud | dwangoac: ah. I had a similar issue with ati, by removing splash from the kernel lines I got consoles back | 01:14 |
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savvas | Redhammer: I'll install it here and we'll see what happens | 01:14 |
Ertai88 | I read them, it said I needed 358MB or something similar, but I'm wondering if it'll work install and work properly with 256. | 01:14 |
dwangoac | nickrud: Yeah, with this particular combination it's even worse - even removing the vga=791 line still doesn't help as it just hard-crashes as soon as you switch over | 01:14 |
nickrud | that sucks | 01:15 |
dwangoac | indeed | 01:15 |
cafuego | Ertai88: it would, but probably not the Gnome version. I'd use XUbuntu instead. | 01:15 |
dwangoac | But, things are at least workable for now. Thanks again for the help - I need to get back to work. Later! | 01:15 |
nickrud | Ertai88: it'll work, but will get into swap thrashing pretty easily with more than a few apps open | 01:15 |
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Ertai88 | Swap trashing? | 01:16 |
cafuego | Ertai88: Using alot of virtual memory, making it slow. | 01:16 |
nickrud | thrashing: too many apps wanting to be in ram | 01:16 |
Ertai88 | Ok, thanks | 01:17 |
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Creationist | I'm having a problem with GRUB. After installing Windows and then following the !grub tutorial to fix the boot loader, I now get an Error 17 when trying to boot into my Linux partition. Can anyone shed any light on this? | 01:17 |
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weirdbro | Creationist - | 01:19 |
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savvas | Creationist: also :P | 01:20 |
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lee986321 | LiMaO just wanted to say thanks...Now I can view Mt St hellens web cam lol | 01:20 |
lee986321 | eh I see it touched off quite a controversy though lol | 01:21 |
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