=== tonic-pushcart [n=tonic@203-114-182-35.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
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=== kwwii is off to bed for tonight | ||
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=== Lunz [n=I_Love_B@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
Lunz | does anyone know about animated wallpaper? | 07:41 |
troy_s | Lunz: What are you trying to do? | 07:41 |
troy_s | Lunz: You can write a python script that updates the gconf setting every now and then | 07:41 |
Lunz | i want to use a wallpaper | 07:41 |
troy_s | Lunz: And you can have an animated wall. | 07:41 |
Lunz | but i want my wallpaper animate.. | 07:41 |
troy_s | Oh man | 07:42 |
troy_s | Read what I just typed. | 07:42 |
Lunz | using glmatrix as my wallpaper..is that possible? | 07:42 |
troy_s | That is a different thing | 07:42 |
troy_s | setting a screensaver as your root window will cause a few issues | 07:42 |
troy_s | for one, all of your desktop icons will not be there any more | 07:42 |
troy_s | as you must tell nautilus to relinquish control of the root window | 07:42 |
troy_s | (being the desktop) | 07:42 |
troy_s | then you simply tell the screensaver to display on the root window | 07:42 |
troy_s | so in summary 1) set your gconf setting so that nautilus won't draw to the root window | 07:43 |
troy_s | 2) tell your glscreensaver to display on the root window (handle 0) | 07:43 |
troy_s | very simple | 07:43 |
troy_s | google if you need more help | 07:43 |
Lunz | wow..i dont understand what are you talking about...i am newbie lol | 07:43 |
Lunz | have you came across with xwinwrap | 07:44 |
troy_s | Lunz: Effectively 'nautilus' is your browser and file manager for the system -- it grabs hold of the root window so that you get automount icons and shortcuts on it. | 07:44 |
troy_s | Lunz: To display a screensaver in the root window (the desktop you are staring at) you will need to DISABLE nautilus from grabbing it -- that is a gconf setting. | 07:44 |
troy_s | Lunz: Then you tell your glscreensaver to write on it. | 07:45 |
troy_s | Lunz: http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Screensaver_in_Background | 07:45 |
Lunz | thanks | 07:46 |
Lunz | http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/14/animated-wallpaper-with-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu/ | 07:46 |
Lunz | does this work? | 07:46 |
troy_s | Lunz: Probably. Experiment and learn something ;) | 07:48 |
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Lunz | how to edit the splash screen? | 08:06 |
troy_s | Lunz: What splash? | 08:07 |
troy_s | Lunz: There is the usplash -- the splash when you start the computer | 08:07 |
troy_s | Lunz: then the splash that is between logon and desktop | 08:07 |
troy_s | Lunz: Ignore the latter as it is gone in Gutsy | 08:07 |
Lunz | how to edit with custom image? | 08:08 |
Lunz | not usplash.. | 08:10 |
Lunz | between logon and desktop | 08:10 |
Lunz | can i edit/replace it? | 08:10 |
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nothlit | gnomesplash is in gconf iirc | 08:26 |
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=== nysosym [n=nysosym@hlle-4db18582.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
nysosym | hi there | 10:35 |
lassegul | hi nysosym | 10:36 |
nysosym | hi lassegul how are you? | 10:36 |
lassegul | we just upgraded the internet product we sell to our customers, so its wild wild west at work. | 10:37 |
nysosym | ohh that's bad, good luck ;) | 10:38 |
lassegul | people complain that they dont get the right speed. Customer:"I was promised 26000 kbit/s. I only get 4000 kbyte/s." etc. | 10:38 |
nysosym | ohhh i have promised 16000kbit/s and get 3800kbit/s :D | 10:39 |
lassegul | nysosym: whats new on your end? | 10:39 |
lassegul | :) | 10:39 |
nysosym | hmm nothing interesting, i draw some characters for a computer game of a good friend :D | 10:40 |
lassegul | cool. Link? | 10:41 |
nysosym | nothing official yet, it's a private game in a very very early state | 10:41 |
lassegul | ok :P | 10:42 |
nysosym | but if you want you can see a work in progress concept character ^^ | 10:43 |
nysosym | http://www.nysosym.de/crazyboy.png | 10:44 |
lassegul | cool. What kind of game is this? | 10:46 |
nysosym | a mic of rpg and ego shooter, a little bit like oblivion but in a possible future | 10:47 |
nysosym | *mix | 10:47 |
=== hellraiser_rob [n=hellrais@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
hellraiser_rob | Morning all :) | 10:51 |
nysosym | morning hellraiser_rob | 10:51 |
hellraiser_rob | Is it raining everywhere, or just in London? | 10:51 |
nysosym | in the middle of germany everything is clear and dry :D | 10:52 |
hellraiser_rob | Thats not fair | 10:53 |
nysosym | that's life :D | 10:53 |
hellraiser_rob | You @ work? | 10:53 |
nysosym | @home ;) | 10:53 |
nysosym | holidays | 10:54 |
hellraiser_rob | Double not fair! | 10:54 |
nysosym | hehe, sry :D | 10:55 |
hellraiser_rob | Never mind, at least i'm not busy | 10:55 |
hellraiser_rob | hence irc chat :D | 10:55 |
nysosym | lol, what kind of job do you have? | 10:56 |
lassegul | dont worry, its raining in norway as well. | 11:00 |
hellraiser_rob | design department | 11:01 |
hellraiser_rob | good to hear lassegul :P | 11:01 |
tonic-pushcart | I remember somebody was asking about usplash stuff? | 11:21 |
tonic-pushcart | I can give pointers if people like | 11:21 |
=== calavera [n=cal@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
tonic-pushcart | night! | 12:21 |
=== nysosym [n=nysosym@hlle-4db18582.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
nysosym | for the next ubuntu release, we need more default wallpapers, people love the idea, to have the choice of a poll with good wallpapers | 12:47 |
hellraiser_rob | sounds like a sensible idea to me | 12:48 |
hellraiser_rob | i guess once the wiki comes up people can start submitting them | 12:48 |
hellraiser_rob | i've no idea who makes the decision about how many get included per release | 12:49 |
nysosym | but i think there would be a problem with the space on a normal cd :-/ | 12:49 |
lassegul | yeah the CD is packed as I understand it. | 12:50 |
hellraiser_rob | yes there is that | 12:51 |
hellraiser_rob | but i mean wallpapers are very simple to install yourself | 12:51 |
nysosym | sure, but i think the most people use the wallpaper inside of the package | 12:53 |
=== andreasn [n=andreas@90-227-183-136-no128.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
nysosym | the best example is vista, many people love the collection of the wallpaper inside | 12:56 |
nysosym | maybe the best feature in windows vista :D | 12:56 |
nothlit | more default, lol, i don't know that any more will fit | 12:56 |
nothlit | ubuntu keeps getting larger and larger | 12:56 |
nothlit | lassegul: what did you ping me about before | 12:57 |
lassegul | nothlit: hi. do you know if there have been any discussions about moving to dvd at some point? | 12:57 |
lassegul | nothlit: hmm.. | 12:57 |
lassegul | nothlit: thats a very long time ago, isnt it? | 12:57 |
nothlit | there is a dvd already | 12:58 |
nothlit | but isos are more accessible to burn or use on legacy systems | 12:58 |
nothlit | cd isos* | 12:58 |
nothlit | lassegul: yes it was two days ago | 12:59 |
lassegul | nothlit: i dont remember anymore... | 12:59 |
nysosym | hmm but ubuntu is one of the last distros who didn't use dvd isos as default | 12:59 |
nysosym | i think cd isos should be the option, not the default one | 12:59 |
nysosym | sooner or later is it impossible to avoid the dvd iso image | 01:01 |
nysosym | when i look at me, i didn't buy cd-rs anymore, only dvd-rw | 01:02 |
nothlit | you're still a tech geek | 01:03 |
hellraiser_rob | hopefully there will be no need to do anything but a seamless upgrade soon ;) | 01:03 |
nysosym | (i know i'm not the middle of the earth* | 01:03 |
hellraiser_rob | i wonder what the chances of getting an area on the official site | 01:05 |
hellraiser_rob | for additional official wallpapers + usplash options etc etc | 01:05 |
nysosym | i think there should be one "big" default wallpaper, for official screenshots etc. | 01:07 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: if you see the mailing list archives for this month, you will find discussions about art.ubuntu.com | 01:09 |
hellraiser_rob | lassegul: what was the outcome, greenlighted/ | 01:10 |
nothlit | hellraiser_rob: http://ubuntu-art.org/ | 01:12 |
nothlit | for less official, the wiki will hold less random works | 01:13 |
nothlit | and i'm guessing most of it will go into the community package | 01:13 |
nothlit | or someone will finally use the artwork builder | 01:13 |
nothlit | and submit it themselves | 01:13 |
hellraiser_rob | nothlit: thanks for the link | 01:14 |
lassegul | nothlit: great work with the wiki. its nearly finished now, until we have more to put up. | 01:15 |
lassegul | nothlit: but still if you are clicking next to browse all the incoming alternate you will get to platypus and from there press next and go to /Incoming. You know how to solve that? | 01:17 |
nothlit | uhh | 01:19 |
nothlit | make a copy of platypus in hardy/alternate instead of a redirect | 01:19 |
nothlit | lassegul: we have a whole page to work on, contribution guidelines | 01:20 |
nothlit | and we can start on the faq as well lol | 01:20 |
nothlit | theres always things to do | 01:20 |
lassegul | lol ok. | 01:21 |
lassegul | i was just browsing through it today, and was happy about it. :) | 01:21 |
lassegul | want to work on it tonight? | 01:21 |
nothlit | lol, i was shocked | 01:25 |
nothlit | someone pasted two wallpapersized heron references on the animals page | 01:26 |
nothlit | no thumbnail | 01:26 |
nothlit | :P | 01:26 |
nothlit | yeah sure, dunno what your tonight is though, dumb time zones | 01:26 |
lassegul | you are +6 so its about your 4AM, which usually isnt a problem for you for some reason. | 01:28 |
lassegul | :P | 01:28 |
lassegul | norway +6. i like this way of zoning time. | 01:29 |
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hellraiser_rob | what are you guys going to do to the wiki then? | 01:49 |
hellraiser_rob | just update the guidelines etc? | 01:50 |
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lassegul | hellraiser_rob: yeah, the whole site has been redesigned, so we only have single pages left to do. | 02:02 |
lassegul | and some occasional tweaking. nothlit is the wiki wizard though. | 02:05 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: you never answered that poster guy? | 02:10 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: if you have the time, why not create an alternative? Im sure the loco teams could make use of a good poster. | 02:15 |
hellraiser_rob | lassegul: Was there a specific brief/need for it? | 02:28 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: not that im aware of. | 02:30 |
hellraiser_rob | excuse my ignorance, but loco teams are regional groups? | 02:31 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: np, yes. | 02:32 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams | 02:32 |
hellraiser_rob | Are there specific core fonts which tended to be used in the art team? | 02:34 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: not sure. theres always the ubuntu title font. nothlit do you know? | 02:38 |
hellraiser_rob | nothlit the user? | 02:39 |
hellraiser_rob | oh sorry i see what you mean.. | 02:40 |
lassegul | ;) | 02:40 |
hellraiser_rob | he must be on a coffee break | 02:47 |
lassegul | yup | 02:50 |
lassegul | hellraiser_rob: Maybe you can tell from this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/DVDCover | 02:52 |
nysosym | wuaaahh osx leopard edu 115 against 90from tiger | 02:53 |
lassegul | nysosym: what? | 02:54 |
nysosym | lassegul: mac osx 10.5 is as edu version 25 as the 10.4 edu pendant .... :-/ | 02:55 |
hellraiser_rob | lassegul: thanks for that | 02:56 |
lassegul | nysosym: maybe im an idiot, but i still dont understand what you are saying. edu version 25? | 02:59 |
nysosym | the edu version of osx 10.5 costs 25 more as the 10.4 edu version | 03:01 |
nysosym | 90 from 10.4 against 115 from 10.5 | 03:01 |
lassegul | nysosym: oh ok. im not seing the euro sign right. or dollar or pound or whatever it is you are writing. | 03:02 |
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hellraiser_rob | you folks work on mac hardware/ | 03:14 |
nothlit`alpha | i doubt it, ppc isn't even official anymore | 03:18 |
lassegul | not without putting a gun to my head / not a big Apple fan, no. | 03:19 |
hellraiser_rob | i do find it amusing the way apple fans think steve jobs is the massiah | 03:25 |
hellraiser_rob | amusing article which turned up on digg recently: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2193640,00.asp | 03:27 |
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kwwii | boah, what a day | 04:32 |
=== kwwii just flooded his kitchen | ||
kwwii | *everything* is wet | 04:32 |
kwwii | even the drawers were full of water | 04:32 |
nysosym | hi kwwii | 04:32 |
nysosym | wtf, how does this work?! O.o | 04:32 |
hellraiser_rob | how did you manage that? | 04:33 |
kwwii | I was preparing a salad, missed the fact that the water was still running very slightly and left the room to check my email | 04:33 |
kwwii | came back about twenty minutes later, slipped and fell in the lake in my kitchen | 04:34 |
kwwii | even the toolbox was full of water | 04:34 |
hellraiser_rob | oh dear :P | 04:34 |
=== lapo [n=lapo@host102-254-static.189-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
lapo | hi | 04:35 |
kwwii | hi lapo | 04:35 |
hellraiser_rob | hello | 04:35 |
nysosym | hi | 04:35 |
nysosym | kwwii: i hope nothing is damaged | 04:35 |
kwwii | nysosym: luckily I don't keep any electronics or electric stuff down low | 04:36 |
nysosym | fine :) | 04:36 |
kwwii | but my kitchen table is now a provisional drying table | 04:37 |
=== flyingjester [n=flyingje@cpe-65-185-43-33.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
kwwii | at least my wife cannot say that I never clean the floor | 04:41 |
lassegul | lol. | 04:41 |
nysosym | hehe :D | 04:41 |
andreasn | kwwii: ouch, flood | 04:41 |
kwwii | I mean, I am just finishing up my work for gutsy, looking forward to a bit of peace and then I go and do something like this | 04:43 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Next team meeting sometime around Nov 2nd 17:00UTC :: Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by kwwii at Tue Oct 9 16:27:08 2007 | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Next team meeting sometime around Nov 2nd 17:00UTC :: Check out the revamped http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ :: Coming very soon to a wiki near you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by kwwii at Tue Oct 9 16:27:08 2007 | ||
lassegul | _MMA_: whats up with the upside down writing? | 08:58 |
_MMA_ | :) | 08:58 |
_MMA_ | Grabs attention. | 08:59 |
lassegul | _MMA_: it sure does. | 08:59 |
_MMA_ | Been kinda quiet in here last few days. | 08:59 |
lassegul | it has.Im looking forward to kwwii finishing up his work on his other project, and can focus on this again. | 09:00 |
_MMA_ | I see. | 09:00 |
lassegul | anything new with ubuntustudio? | 09:01 |
_MMA_ | Not really. Im taking a break. | 09:03 |
_MMA_ | The guys are supposed to be handling things now. | 09:03 |
_MMA_ | Im fried atm. | 09:03 |
lassegul | the guys? | 09:03 |
_MMA_ | The rest of my team. | 09:04 |
lassegul | ok. | 09:04 |
lassegul | my laptop shut down when exporting a svg to bitmap earlier tonight, because of CPU temp over 75C. Not too happy about that. | 09:09 |
_MMA_ | Ouch | 09:09 |
lassegul | do you know the danger zone of an intel centrino cpu | 09:10 |
_MMA_ | I gotta talk to those guys about using multiple CPUs when exporting. | 09:10 |
_MMA_ | Sorry sir. I do not. | 09:10 |
lassegul | _MMA_: that would have been great. | 09:10 |
_MMA_ | I saw about 6 months ago when exporting it only used 1 core. :( | 09:11 |
lassegul | it still is. | 09:11 |
_MMA_ | Maybe I can talk to its lead at UDS and see if he can do anything about that. ;) | 09:13 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Yo! :) | 09:13 |
kwwii | _MMA_: hey man | 09:15 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: What's the chances of strongarming bryce into doing some things for Inkscape? | 09:16 |
_MMA_ | ie: Dual-core support? | 09:16 |
kwwii | lol, good luck | 09:17 |
kwwii | I do not think that he really works on inkscape anymore | 09:17 |
kwwii | he only does high-level management afaik | 09:17 |
_MMA_ | gah.. | 09:17 |
kwwii | but we can just look at him really mean until he complies | 09:18 |
kwwii | never underestimate the effect of the old evil eye | 09:18 |
=== _MMA_ gets his "ugly-mug" face ready. | ||
lassegul | combined with big blue teary eyes? | 09:18 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Got time for Skype or is it too late? | 09:19 |
kwwii | _MMA_: taking my (sick) son to bed, maybe after that | 09:20 |
_MMA_ | ok | 09:20 |
=== _MMA_ is sick as well. | ||
_MMA_ | I have some KDE4 questions. | 09:20 |
=== kwwii hands out pills to everyone in the channel and suggests they get some sleep | ||
_MMA_ | :) | 09:20 |
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troy_s | <_MMA_> I saw about 6 months ago when exporting it only used 1 core. :( | 10:05 |
troy_s | _MMA_: Not easy. Breaking an image into parts and applying a gaussian blur on the bits such that they seamlessly align is tricky stuffs. | 10:06 |
troy_s | _MMA_: Just ask the Blender devs. | 10:06 |
=== hellraiser_rob [n=hellrais@5ac03e4f.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
hellraiser_rob | evening all | 10:31 |
troy_s | greets hellraiser_rob | 10:33 |
hellraiser_rob | are everyone's floods under control now? | 10:34 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Who knows. | 10:34 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: You are skilled in the web dev alchemy are you not? | 10:34 |
hellraiser_rob | i think it was kwwii that flooded his kitchen earlier | 10:35 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s: i try my best :D | 10:35 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s: can i help? | 10:36 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Side projects, but most certainly I would think. | 10:37 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: What is your site again? | 10:37 |
hellraiser_rob | http://www.robertjamesphillips.com | 10:39 |
hellraiser_rob | i should put more icons and stuff up really | 10:39 |
hellraiser_rob | it's pretty basic at the moment | 10:39 |
troy_s | big fan of basic | 10:40 |
troy_s | is 'moodalbox' based on moolibs hellraiser_rob ? | 10:40 |
hellraiser_rob | mootools | 10:41 |
hellraiser_rob | so where you from troy_s ? | 10:42 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Vancouver British Columbia Canada (more or less -- a burb outside) | 10:43 |
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hellraiser_rob | cool, you still at work? | 10:43 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: I work in one of those silly creative industries -- I work in terms. | 10:44 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Short answer, not today. | 10:44 |
hellraiser_rob | that's cool | 10:44 |
hellraiser_rob | if only the same were from me | 10:44 |
hellraiser_rob | i'm a creative soul trapped in a corporate world | 10:45 |
hellraiser_rob | :P | 10:45 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s: so what exactly do you do? | 10:46 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: I work in the motion picture industry and keep creative side projects on the fly. | 10:46 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s, sounds good to me | 10:47 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Vaguely ranging from still photography, motion picture photography in music videos, illustration, and other silly combinations of worthless relevance. | 10:47 |
=== _MMA_ is now known as MetalMusicAddict | ||
hellraiser_rob | troy_s, i feel you are being modest, sounds very interesting | 10:48 |
=== Misosaki [n=Misosaki@ip5-193.eyrkonaeac12.dialup.ca.telus.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
hellraiser_rob | is anyone else having trouble getting bloody deluge to do anything? | 10:49 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: It can be for about the first two seconds of 'wow' -- then the hard work of execution comes into play and it is just ugly hard work in my estimation. | 10:49 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Use bittornado | 10:49 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: It isn't terribly well designed, but works like a bomb. | 10:49 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s, roger that, thankd | 10:49 |
=== MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_ | ||
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Do you have any other work up onlines? | 10:59 |
hellraiser_rob | troy_s, what kind of work are you after? | 11:00 |
troy_s | online even (jesus -- onlines sounds like my mother from 25 years ago "You are going out to play 'ataris'"? | 11:00 |
troy_s | hellraiser_rob: Anything really... I am always interested to see collections of work of the folks who drop by here. | 11:00 |
hellraiser_rob | lol | 11:00 |
Misosaki | lols | 11:01 |
hellraiser_rob | i'm afraid not at the moment, i had to get my site up in a rush to get a job, but will update it to be complete soon hopefully | 11:02 |
hellraiser_rob | anyway i must retire for the night - good evening to you all | 11:04 |
Misosaki | laters hellraiser_rob | 11:06 |
troy_s | night hellraiser_rob | 11:06 |
=== Misosaki [n=Misosaki@ip5-193.eyrkonaeac12.dialup.ca.telus.com] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Have] | ||
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=== yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu-artwork |
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