=== caravena [n=caravena@pc-84-203-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-laptop | ||
caravena | Hello, problem with mi lapto. I upgrade to feisty to Gutsy, and not work fine the keyboard. | 02:23 |
caravena | Howto detect the package with problem? | 02:24 |
caravena | Sorry, I write in channel ubuntu... | 02:25 |
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=== Dan_L [n=chatzill@adsl-76-239-11-129.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-laptop | ||
Dan_L | Anybody around who can help with a quick install question? | 04:28 |
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vishalrao | hello. any chance of work/support for tablet pc's and their touchscreens and fingerprint readers? i have a new hp pavilion tx1302au and i got wireless and touchscreen working with commandline tinkering. still researching possibilities for the authentec aes1610 fingerprint reader :) | 08:26 |
pwnguin | i humbly submit there's no "development" in the channel in the last few months anyways | 08:28 |
vishalrao | :) | 08:28 |
pwnguin | it might help if rebuilding ubuntu kernels wasnt so opaque | 08:30 |
vishalrao | oh | 08:31 |
pwnguin | ok. so I'd really like to debug suspend on this laptop | 08:33 |
pwnguin | even when i purge nvidia etc, it doesn't work | 08:34 |
vishalrao | ah suspend/resume, another feature not ready for masses yet... | 08:37 |
vishalrao | its funny that im on ubuntu channels now, i actually have opensuse 10.3 running on my tablet and desktop atm :) | 08:37 |
pwnguin | wacom works fine with my ubuntu stuff | 08:38 |
pwnguin | as does thinkfinger | 08:39 |
pwnguin | to be fair, suspend / hibernate aren't very reliable in vista either | 08:39 |
pwnguin | when i bought the laptop, i wasnt expecting suspend or the tablet to work, but so far it's ok | 08:41 |
pwnguin | but if i want to figure out whats wrong with my sd card reader | 08:44 |
pwnguin | ive gotta figure out how to build lrm | 08:44 |
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=== egonw [n=egonw@kokosnoot.wur.nl] has joined #ubuntu-laptop | ||
egonw | what about hardware support questions? is that allowed here? | 01:41 |
egonw | got a recently new HP/Compaq laptop... | 01:41 |
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lkm` | Hi, does anybody know what is the state of problem with SLUB allocator and ATI cards in upcoming Gusty release? | 03:03 |
lkm` | Waiting ATI to fix it .. ? | 03:04 |
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hello I am struggling to get ndiswrapper to work on my hp laptop, I have tx1000 amd64 running 7.10 rc and somehow it does not load ndiswrapper its modprobed and all, as far as I can tell | 03:48 |
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cypherdelic | Thanks to Developers of Asterisk, Cedega, Compiz-Fusion, FreePBX, Gentoo, Trixbox, Ubuntu, VirtualBox and all the great stuff i've not mentioned. You really make my day. :) | 05:49 |
cypherdelic | and VDR and WINE ;) | 05:53 |
cypherdelic | BillyG@BilliesHomeframe$ sudo killall linux && sudo modprobe vista && ./vista-take-over-world | 06:02 |
cypherdelic | segmentation fault | 06:03 |
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cypherdelic | DonBush@Whiteframe$ sudo falseflag --target $HOME --match 911 && sudo mount /dev/africom && sudo killall iran && dd if=/dev/america of=/dev/world && sudo killall rebels | 06:09 |
cypherdelic | segmentation fault | 06:10 |
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hi just cannot get ndiswrapper to load on my 7.10 amd64 system, I have an HP laptop and it just will not load ndiswrapper properly, I can do ndiswrapper -l and it finds my card and all but it never loads properly so the card is never an available option in network manager or for iwlist scanning, any ideas? | 07:40 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | hi just cannot get ndiswrapper to load on my 7.10 amd64 system, I have an HP laptop and it just will not load ndiswrapper properly, I can do ndiswrapper -l and it finds my card and all but it never loads properly so the card is never an available option in network manager or for iwlist scanning, any ideas? | 07:51 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-laptop: Welcome to the Ubuntu Laptop Team | This is not for support, please use #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-laptop): set by Burgwork at Thu Dec 21 22:30:00 2006 | ||
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hi just cannot get ndiswrapper to load on my 7.10 amd64 system, I have an HP laptop and it just will not load ndiswrapper properly, I can do ndiswrapper -l and it finds my card and all but it never loads properly so the card is never an available option in network manager or for iwlist scanning, any ideas? | 08:33 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | its turned up | 08:34 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | fresh install now I have i | 08:35 |
Redhammer_the_Ol | t | 08:35 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-laptop: Welcome to the Ubuntu Laptop Team | This is not for support, please use #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-laptop): set by Burgwork at Thu Dec 21 22:30:00 2006 | ||
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