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vishalrao | hello. is ubuntu-mobile only meant for ultra-mobile devices? any chance of work/support for tablet pc's and their touchscreens and fingerprint readers? i have a new hp pavilion tx1302au and i got wireless and touchscreen working with commandline tinkering. still researching possibilities for the authentec aes1610 fingerprint reader :) | 07:06 |
pwnguin | i think the developers are focused on getting hildon running on umpc | 07:07 |
pwnguin | ive been looking at it for Tablet PCs | 07:07 |
pwnguin | at least what's in gutsy is not impressive | 07:07 |
vishalrao | any place i can help, maybe by installing test software to collect info for developers? | 07:08 |
pwnguin | the wiki has a guide | 07:09 |
pwnguin | for a xephyr install | 07:09 |
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pwnguin | vishalrao: also, there's a debian team called FingerForce looking at fingerprint Auth | 07:59 |
vishalrao | yup i have some links, currently that one too :) | 08:00 |
pwnguin | vishalrao: im aiming to get a similar tool into 8.04 | 08:00 |
vishalrao | neat | 08:00 |
pwnguin | for a different device | 08:00 |
pwnguin | its already in my ppa, but it requires users to be in the root group to work perfectly at the moment | 08:01 |
vishalrao | nice | 08:01 |
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pwnguin | beware, US developers have certain export restrictions regarding fingerprints | 08:02 |
pwnguin | do umpcs have fingerprint auth tools? | 08:02 |
vishalrao | right. im umpcs have auth tools in windows :) | 08:03 |
vishalrao | im *sure* umpcs have... | 08:03 |
pwnguin | you own one? | 08:04 |
pwnguin | i dont see one on the q1u | 08:05 |
vishalrao | the sony ux has one iirc | 08:06 |
vishalrao | no i have a regular hp pavilion tablet pc tx1302au, just got it saturday :) | 08:07 |
pwnguin | have the tablet working? | 08:09 |
vishalrao | yup, tried both ubuntu gutsy rc and opensuse 10.3, both need some tweaking to get sound, wireless working. lot of work to get touchscreen working. now im interested in getting the fingerprint reader working (somehow) :) | 08:13 |
pwnguin | what kind of digitizer does it use? | 08:13 |
pwnguin | wacom? | 08:13 |
vishalrao | some sort of "passive" one, the proc/bus/devices displays it as an "eGalax USB touchscreen" | 08:14 |
vishalrao | its not very good for handwriting, just basic touch is feasible... toshibas are better with their "active" screens i guess... | 08:14 |
pwnguin | my tecra is verra nice | 08:15 |
pwnguin | but the hardware integration isn't there | 08:15 |
pwnguin | i was hoping ubuntu mobile could produce some packages i could steal in a hurry, but they seem to be after a different kind of device | 08:16 |
vishalrao | yup | 08:16 |
vishalrao | really now laptop sales are (have) overtaking desktops, linux distros should try to support touch/finger/wireless as best as possible. i know vendors are not providing much hardware spec support... but some campaigning can help :) | 08:17 |
pwnguin | you'd be surprised what's starting to work these days | 08:18 |
vishalrao | yup, my main requirement was to get wireless working, which it does nicely using ndiswrapper. touch and finger are nice bonuses to have working... the hp tablet has a good price/feature/specs combuination which other laptops couldnt match... | 08:21 |
pwnguin | im quite satisfied with the tecra m7; it's a bit expensive, but it did come with a worthy video card | 08:22 |
vishalrao | what video do you have? mine is "onboard" nvidia geforce go 6150 :) runs vista aero glass fine, and i dont go gaming | 08:23 |
pwnguin | quadro nvs 110M | 08:23 |
vishalrao | nice | 08:23 |
pwnguin | apparently it's around geforce 7300ish | 08:24 |
pwnguin | and a year old | 08:24 |
pwnguin | anyways, this isnt very mobileandembedded-ish | 08:24 |
vishalrao | right | 08:24 |
pwnguin | perhaps #ubuntu-laptop would be a place more suited to discussing the finer points of tablet PC | 08:24 |
vishalrao | umpcs are all the rage these days | 08:24 |
vishalrao | ah, will check that out | 08:25 |
vishalrao | heh, it asks to go to plain #ubuntu for support :) very few people in there | 08:25 |
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dholbach | good morning | 08:40 |
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Peter_u2 | Mithrandir, hello | 10:48 |
Mithrandir | Peter_u2: hi? | 10:49 |
Peter_u2 | One strange gtkrc issue I don't workout. | 10:49 |
Peter_u2 | I add one style and setting *.wm_pm_tb_prev_bn to use that style. Then in moblin-media app, glade file use wm_pm_tb_prev_bn as id of a GtkButton. Know possible reasons? | 10:51 |
Peter_u2 | The style and its usage is in gtkrc.maemo_af_desktop like what we did with marquee buttons. | 10:52 |
Peter_u2 | Just can't work. | 10:52 |
Mithrandir | I don't know much about how GTK theming works, sorry. | 10:53 |
Mithrandir | maybe kwwii knows? | 10:53 |
Peter_u2 | kwwii, he might still not wake, I guess | 10:54 |
Peter_u2 | kwwii, you wakeup and lol? | 10:54 |
Peter_u2 | Mithrandir, thanks anyway | 10:56 |
Peter_u2 | Anybody here knows the gtkrc issue? | 10:57 |
kwwii | Peter_u2: now I am | 11:28 |
Peter_u2 | kwwii, lol. Very happy you are here. | 11:28 |
Peter_u2 | You saw my issue description above? | 11:29 |
kwwii | Peter_u2: to be honest gtkrc stuff is pretty much magic to me too | 11:29 |
kwwii | I have no idea | 11:29 |
kwwii | sorry | 11:29 |
Peter_u2 | kwwii, no need say sorry. no problem. I have sent this to mailing list to see if anyone can help. | 11:29 |
kwwii | cool | 11:30 |
Peter_u2 | kwwii, once I get that done. I will update ume-basic theme as well. | 11:31 |
kwwii | excellent | 11:31 |
Peter_u2 | you know when is it time to add ume-basic to gutsy repository? | 11:35 |
Mithrandir | Peter_u2: it's not going in. Too late. | 11:36 |
Mithrandir | we'll add it in hardy | 11:37 |
Peter_u2 | Mithrandir, get it. That's fine. | 11:37 |
Peter_u2 | Mithrandir, neither not for libtelepathy, right? I didn't see upgrade for libtp neither. | 11:39 |
Mithrandir | yeah, sorry, I didn't get around to getting it in. | 11:40 |
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Peter_u2 | Mithrandir, no problem. what's the quickest possible time to begin hardy circle? | 11:41 |
Peter_u2 | s/circle/cycle | 11:42 |
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Mithrandir | Peter_u2: the next release usually opens sometime during the UDS, between one and two weeks after release. | 11:45 |
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Peter_u2 | When is gutsy released? I assume currently it's just code freeze stage | 11:48 |
pwnguin | the schedule suggests the 18th | 11:49 |
Peter_u2 | pwnguin, good. Thanks. | 11:50 |
Peter_u2 | where can I see such schedule info? A link is welcome | 11:53 |
pwnguin | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 11:56 |
Peter_u2 | cool, pwnguin. I appreciate it. | 11:58 |
pwnguin | np | 11:59 |
pwnguin | does the lpia arch work well in gutsy? | 12:00 |
pwnguin | ive set up a chroot and im underwhelmed so far | 12:00 |
lool | pwnguin: What's the problem? | 12:00 |
pwnguin | well right now | 12:00 |
pwnguin | start-hildon tanks on a missing mas | 12:00 |
pwnguin | whatever that is | 12:01 |
lool | Yes, but it's not packaged I think | 12:01 |
lool | You're not supposed to use start-hildon | 12:01 |
pwnguin | ah well | 12:01 |
=== pwnguin just follows the wiki | ||
lool | I came across the same error yesterday (and it's harmless) | 12:01 |
pwnguin | and when it was working, the whole thing felt... not nearly as finished as the screenshots i'd seen. i donno if theres some theme transition or what | 12:02 |
lool | pwnguin: Note that the wiki mentions custom scripts, not the one you saw here | 12:02 |
pwnguin | perhaps its just that chroot doesn't cut it anymore | 12:02 |
lool | pwnguin: There's a ume-xephyr-smthg script in a config package which you get when you build a fset | 12:02 |
lool | pwnguin: I think you should setup a chroot via mic instead of manually | 12:02 |
pwnguin | i think mic crashes on me | 12:03 |
lool | pwnguin: I started the same way you did, and the results were awful | 12:03 |
lool | pwnguin: What's the crash? | 12:03 |
pwnguin | it locks up trying to add an fset | 12:03 |
lool | pwnguin: I got this in my chroot http://people.dooz.org/~lool/ume-xephyr.png but it was nearly as expected when using mic | 12:03 |
pwnguin | see, that looks nice | 12:04 |
pwnguin | i just got a "zomg you dont have flash" | 12:04 |
lool | pwnguin: If you start it from a terminal you should see what it's running | 12:04 |
lool | pwnguin: Perhaps your choice of packages wasn't exactly the same then | 12:04 |
pwnguin | perhaps | 12:04 |
lool | I simply installed ubuntu-mobile to get this | 12:04 |
pwnguin | huh | 12:04 |
pwnguin | i wonder what i installed | 12:05 |
pwnguin | because it wasnt ubuntu-mobile | 12:05 |
pwnguin | maybe i just grabbed hildon-desktop thinking it was the equiv of ubuntu-desktop | 12:06 |
lool | hildon-desktop is just an application handling the hildon desktop; it's not a meta-package pulling everything | 12:07 |
lool | Might be the source of the confusion | 12:07 |
pwnguin | well, that didnt exactly fix it =/ | 12:13 |
lool | pwnguin: I really recommend you try from the fset, making it work in a chroot means more manual work to repeat for you | 12:15 |
pwnguin | oh, it just takes time to start =/ | 12:15 |
pwnguin | its not like i actually have a umpc | 12:18 |
lool | Here neither :) | 12:21 |
pwnguin | man, theres' gotta be some insane dbus problem or something causing this huge lag | 12:21 |
pwnguin | ** (gecko:26146): WARNING **: could not start: org.moblin.media: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon | 12:22 |
pwnguin | probably because of the chroot | 12:23 |
lool | pwnguin: You did start dbus in the chroot? | 12:23 |
pwnguin | i thought so | 12:26 |
pwnguin | complains about NetworkManager and system-tools-backends | 12:27 |
pwnguin | that's on a restart | 12:34 |
pwnguin | if i just start it, nothing bad happens... | 12:35 |
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=== agoliveira got rid of the "size mismatch" error on image-builder by chroot into a target and apt-get clean. Looks like the problem was a corrupted cache | ||
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agoliveira | HappyCamp, sodarock, ping me when you arrive, please. | 04:58 |
agoliveira | The package libgl1-mesa-dri is not installed when a Q1 fsets is selected. Is there any specific reason? | 05:03 |
StevenK | I thought Mesa wasn't built on lpia | 05:04 |
StevenK | If I recall | 05:04 |
Mithrandir | StevenK: it is now, at least. | 05:05 |
agoliveira | StevenK: Well, it is :) I didn't have direct redering on the Q1 because i915_dri.so was missing. I installed it manually and it's fine now. | 05:05 |
agoliveira | (by manually I mean installing libgl1-mesa-dri) | 05:05 |
=== agoliveira was scared how poor the games were running for a moment... | ||
=== agoliveira is going to grab a coffee... | ||
StevenK | We so need to hack stylus gestures into frozen bubble | 05:07 |
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StevenK | That would *rock* | 05:07 |
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lool | Is there a way to calibrate the touch screen? | 06:12 |
lool | (on the Q1) | 06:13 |
agoliveira | lool: I don't know if it actually works but in the control panel there's a utility that does it. | 06:13 |
lool | I'll try that in a breeze, my manual build doesn't have the control panel, let's see the dailies | 06:16 |
lool | agoliveira: (thanks!) | 06:16 |
agoliveira | lool: The daily (at least from yesterday) does not have either. You need to install a package... let me see... | 06:17 |
lool | Does the daily have SSH? | 06:18 |
agoliveira | lool: No. | 06:18 |
lool | agoliveira: BTW wifi worked fine here! :) | 06:18 |
lool | agoliveira: So I guess you mount the .img or the USB key and chroot + install the package in there? | 06:18 |
agoliveira | lool: Here is working well too. I don't know what happened yesterday. | 06:18 |
agoliveira | lool: No, I star the network and apt-get. | 06:19 |
agoliveira | I just installed a image-creator image with the samsung-full-mobile-stack and it has the control-panel working. | 06:20 |
agoliveira | (and the wifi works better too) | 06:20 |
lool | agoliveira: Thanks for the tips | 06:20 |
agoliveira | lool: My pleasure | 06:20 |
lool | Did you upgrade the BIOS? | 06:21 |
lool | Or rather, should i? | 06:21 |
agoliveira | lool: No. I didn't. | 06:21 |
agoliveira | I don't know either :) | 06:21 |
lool | Do you know on what the installer is based? Is this some preseeded d-i or is it a kind of scripted ubiquity copying the casper live tree? | 06:22 |
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agoliveira | lool: I beg your pardon? | 06:23 |
cwong1 | Mithrandir: ping | 06:23 |
lool | agoliveira: The "Install" flavor of the .img: do you know which software is used to do the installation? Is it the same software as the alternate install CD (d-i based) or the one of the live CD (casper / ubiquity based)? | 06:24 |
lool | agoliveira: Indeed, wifi is better with the daily build | 06:24 |
agoliveira | lool: It's just a script that does the instalation. Nothing fancy. | 06:24 |
lool | agoliveira: Ok | 06:25 |
lool | agoliveira: So it's based on the live FS on the USB key which is being cped; thanks | 06:25 |
lool | Groumpf, screensaver also kicks in when one doesn't move the mouse on the daily build | 06:25 |
agoliveira | lool: Never took a closer look but makes sense. | 06:26 |
lool | Crap, panel didn't come up and WM died | 06:27 |
lool | Or something died | 06:27 |
lool | Arf, Ctrl Alt Backspace to the rescue | 06:29 |
lool | agoliveira: I don't get the Control Panel unfortunately; it writes loading on the right top corner, then I see a small window part on the top left, and that's all :-/ | 06:30 |
agoliveira | lool: On the daily yu have to install something... I don't recall what it is right now but using the image-builder I get it right from beginning | 06:31 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: do you know anything about the Acrobat reader for gusty? | 06:32 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Acrobat reader is commercial, I don't know the status in this case but you can use evince. | 06:33 |
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lool | Pff can't get focus in the terminal | 06:34 |
lool | Let's find a second keyboard | 06:34 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: I have tried evince and it works fine. Does Mithrandir know more about this? | 06:34 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Very lkikely | 06:35 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: tx, I will contact him. What timezone is he in? | 06:35 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Good question but I guess is GMT +5 | 06:36 |
cwong1 | tx | 06:36 |
sodarock | agoliveira: what's up? | 06:37 |
agoliveira | sodarock: Hello there. Sorry but now I forgot :) Shouldn't be anything important... | 06:38 |
sodarock | okay :) | 06:39 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mobile: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mobile): set by dholbach at Tue Sep 25 18:08:39 2007 | ||
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Mithrandir | cwong1: don't ask to ask, just ask your question and I'll respond when I'm around. | 08:23 |
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cwong1 | Mithrandir: Do you know that status on Acrobat Reader? | 08:24 |
cwong1 | s/that/the/ | 08:24 |
Mithrandir | cwong1: I have a local package which seems to work. | 08:25 |
cwong1 | Mithrandir: Is it the same as the one that you can download from Adobe site? | 08:26 |
Mithrandir | yes | 08:26 |
cwong1 | Mithrandir: Does it work for you in Firefox on Gusty? | 08:27 |
Mithrandir | haven't tried. | 08:27 |
cwong1 | I tired it and it didn't work for me. | 08:28 |
cwong1 | Will this package be available in gusty for download? | 08:29 |
Mithrandir | no | 08:29 |
Mithrandir | gutsy is closed for further uploads, and additionally adobe reader doesn't come with a redistribution licence. | 08:29 |
agoliveira | cwong1: For quite some time I don't feel the need for Acrobat reader as evince is working quite well and it's smaller, quicker and free :) | 08:30 |
cwong1 | is evince an opensource project? | 08:31 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Unless it has changed since last time I messed with the sources, yes :) | 08:32 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: is there any plan on hildonize Evince? | 08:33 |
agoliveira | cwong1: It's done already (though I didn't test it lately to tell you the truth...) | 08:34 |
=== agoliveira is firing up the Q1 | ||
cwong1 | agoliveira: I tried it and it wasn't. | 08:34 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Did you try the lpia build? | 08:34 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: I just did. The menu is not hildonize. | 08:35 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Crap... let me check | 08:35 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: The version number is 2.20.0. | 08:36 |
agoliveira | cwong1: 2.20.0-3? | 08:37 |
agoliveira | I'm checking the sources and the patch is there. Let me check the binary... hold on | 08:38 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: mine is 2.20.0 | 08:38 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: from the about box | 08:38 |
agoliveira | The problem is that the latest binary available from ports.ubuntu.com is 2.20.0-1 (don't know why) | 08:39 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: how do i get the 2.20.0-3 then? | 08:40 |
agoliveira | cwong1: apt-get source evince and build in a lpia chroot. | 08:40 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: will this be fix in gusty? | 08:51 |
agoliveira | cwong1: I don't think so. | 08:51 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: apt-get source evince didn't find the package | 08:51 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Check you sources.list. I just did it. | 08:51 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: my sources.list has "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports gutsy main" | 08:51 |
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agoliveira | ports don't have sources. Do it from your normal gutsy install or add a gutsy source linux there | 08:51 |
cwong1 | ok. tx | 08:51 |
Mithrandir | agoliveira: because hildon's not in main yet, and evince is, so it can't build on lpia until hildon is in main | 08:51 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: Oh... understood. Thanks for the explanation. | 08:51 |
agoliveira | cwong1: So you will have to do build yourself but should be pretty straightforward | 08:51 |
cwong1 | agoliveira: got it | 08:51 |
agoliveira | cwong1: Cool. | 08:51 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mobile: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mobile): set by dholbach at Tue Sep 25 18:08:39 2007 | ||
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Inuka | robr, ping | 10:52 |
robr | Inuka: yes? | 10:53 |
Inuka | robr, does the current kernel support lpia? | 10:54 |
robr | yes | 10:54 |
Inuka | what is it called when I specify the architechture at compile time? (lpia?) | 10:54 |
robr | yes, in the sense we compile it with lpia optimizations...the architecture passed into the kernel makefile is still i386 | 10:55 |
Mithrandir | cwong1: I repackaged it into a .deb | 10:55 |
Inuka | robr, oh ok so I do not need specify any special options. it is already in the rules? | 10:55 |
robr | Inuka: if you're building it in an lpia build root (i.e. image-creator lpia project) then that's correct, as far as i know | 10:57 |
cwong1 | Mithrandir: Can you send me the instr. on how to do that or put the image somewhere that I can try? | 11:01 |
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Inuka | rob, where you able to get x to start after enableing c4, my x windows keeps on restarting in a loop. | 11:59 |
Inuka | rob, I am in the process of recompiling a new kernel I will give it a shot with that | 12:00 |
Inuka | rob, if I boot to the terminal the system is not stable though... | 12:03 |
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Inuka | rob, left usb drive and instructions on your desk | 12:51 |
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