
ThePubAaron`: you shouldn't, it's that simple.12:03
santanderunagi : caps get bad attention ;-)12:04
Aaron`my brother told me to come to this mirc internet window to get help12:04
santanderat least, in my experience :p12:04
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unagibut its attention nontheless12:04
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MasterShrekE-mu, ive seen that before, but i have no idea how to fix it12:04
MasterShrekAaron`, linux is crap compared to windows, you dont want it12:04
StevethepirateYour brother, by suggesting linux, sounds like he got all ur families 'clever genes'12:04
E-muMasterShrek does that mean it cannot access the CD image?12:04
Ishakabibble_hi guys and gals, I'm having a problem with the update manager. It keeps telling me to upgrade Compiz, but the weird thing is that every time I install the upgrade, the update manager still keeps on telling me to upgrade Compiz even though I have just done an upgrade. Does anyone know what the matter could be?12:04
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Aaron`i want linux12:04
riotkittielinux wants you too, Aaron`12:04
E-mucause dsl gives me a message it dropping me down to a shell because it cannot find the image12:04
cboxanyone help please???12:05
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Aaron`but my pc has too many programs installed already12:05
MasterShrekE-mu, i dont think thats waht it means, but im not sure exactly, googling it would be your best bet12:05
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MasterShreki gotta run every1, good luck ill be back later tonight :)12:05
MidnighTokerAaron`: linux will clear the disk for you ;)12:05
EstethIshakabibble_: That's a known bug with amaranth's repos. Simply remove the repo from your software sources after installation12:05
boselectaAaron`:  do you actually use the stuff you have installed?12:05
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Aaron`my pc is realllly slow anyway, but i paid quite a lot for it a while back. it's dell, so its good isn't it?12:05
riotkittieAaron`: if you have at least 4GB free space, you're good to go12:05
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santanderokay MasterShrek12:05
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Aaron`boselecta: i use microsoft works, norton antivirus and firewall and other programs12:05
joshjoshAaron`, You don't need antivirus or firewalls with linux12:05
santanderhi, i earlier installed ubuntu 7.04 desktop and i needed to ad a module for extra nic via 'sudo modprobe 3c59x', after that the nic showed in ifconfig. now i've installed ubuntu 7.04 server and i did again 'sudo modprobe 3c59x' , and it shows in lsmod, but my nix doesnt show in ifconfig, what should i try?12:06
ppl_can_b_koolAaron`: Joshjosh is a liar12:06
Aaron`riotkittie: i have 2 blank dvds so i can have nearly 10gb of space12:06
WinballAaron` Your in no need of those when using linux ,)12:06
ppl_can_b_koolhe's trying to h4x you i think12:06
Aaron`but my other programs need anti virus12:06
boselectaAaron`: right. so if the "other programs" are nothing special, you'll be fine with linux.12:06
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Aaron`why doesn't ubuntu12:06
cafuegoWhy is #ubuntu turning into troll central?12:06
Aaron`Because it's AFRICAN12:06
riotkittieppl_can_b_kool: simmer down.12:06
MasterShreksantander, linux-modules maybe, run aptitude and hit the / key and search for modules12:06
gnomefreakAaron`: the way the file system is in ubuntu12:06
joshjoshppl_can_b_kool, I thought this channel was for helping people, not being a lame troll. Go elsewhere, douche.12:06
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santanderokay MasterShrek i'll try :-)12:06
ppl_can_b_koolI made a single statement that I thought was funny, and you call me a douche. Not nice.12:06
gnomefreakAaron`: i suggest you stay on topic.12:07
ppl_can_b_koolI'm genuinely here to help people.12:07
Aaron`that was a joke12:07
riotkittiecafuego: i'm thinking school let out for summer like 8 months early, somewhere, maybe12:07
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patbamhi, i'm having some trouble figuring out how to mount an external usb drive. it's showing up in syslog as being " Attached scsi disk sdb", but it's not showing up in /media12:07
gnomefreakjoshjosh: that is uncalled for12:07
Aaron`anyway, so why don't i need antivirus? i have 2 installed right now to be safe12:07
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patbamsorry, kernel log12:07
boselectaAaron`: how old are you?12:07
EstethAaron`: Two antivirus at once is a bad idea, really12:07
joshjoshppl_can_b_kool, why scare people from linux? and it wasn't funny. it was lame.12:07
gnomefreakAaron`: the way ext file systems are they are harder and not as popuylar as windows fs12:07
astro76!virus | Aaron`12:07
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ubotuAaron`: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:08
Aaron`esteth: i like to be really safe, so i have norton 360 with firewall and then mcafee and then zone alarm12:08
ppl_can_b_kooljoshjosh: That's entirely opinion. Anyway, this isn't the place for a childish argument.12:08
gnomefreakppl_can_b_kool: dont continue it at all12:08
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Aaron`i don't want my documents hacked, i do emails and stuff that are private12:08
gnomefreakppl_can_b_kool: if you need help ask for help if you are giving help than continue12:08
ppl_can_b_koolgnomefreak: Will do. :)12:08
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gnomefreakAaron`: its safe12:09
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Aaron`but what about my other stuff12:09
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Aaron`like microsoft works12:09
gnomefreakAaron`: on linux?12:09
boselectaAaron`: you're more likely to have your emails hacked on windows than linux. and besides unencrypted email is not exactly private anyway.12:09
Aaron`i write my documents in that maintly12:09
MidnighTokerAaron`, www.openoffice.com12:09
patbamany hints on that drive?12:09
ppl_can_b_koolAaron`: There are open replacements for office applications.12:09
gnomefreakAaron`: than use oopenoffice12:09
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dc905guys, whats the 'name' of the remove programs app ? i lost it from my menu :P12:09
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ppl_can_b_koolFor example, OpenOffice. It doesn't get much more open.12:09
riotkittiethere are alternatives to microsoft works under linux. open office being one.12:09
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MidnighTokerAaron`, sorry, openoffice.org12:09
santandererm okay, how do i jump to next result in find in aptitude?12:09
riotkittieyou can install open office under windows also12:09
Aaron`yeah but i don't want to change office softawre to just install ubuntu12:09
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boselectaAaron`: why?12:10
Aaron`i want to use ubuntu and my other programs at once12:10
Winballdc905 try gnome-app-install12:10
Comrade-Sergeimy wireless is acting like it has no drivers installed.. how do i get them and install them?12:10
astro76Aaron`, if you used MS Office you might have an argument, but I guarantee OpenOffice is nicer than Works12:10
DrGizmondo_whats the position on Ubuntu security? do i need to bother with anti virus and a like12:10
cafuegoAaron`: Well, that's a problem then. Linux runs Linux software, not Windows software.12:10
Aaron`ppl can be kool, when you say open ofice, does that mean it's open security12:10
riotkittieAaron`: you may be able to run Microsoft Works under WINE but i am not sure.12:10
ppl_can_b_koolAaron`: If you insist on clinging to Windows applications, there is wine.12:10
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endoI can't seem to get flash working very well in opera/firefox. Always geeking out and needed to refresh the page. Any fixes?12:10
Aaron`all i want is basically what everyone has12:10
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MidnighTokerAaron`, "open security?"12:10
boselectai don't thing Aaron` can count on being able to get Wine going12:10
cafuegodrgizmondo: On internet facing servers you need a firewall yes, on a desktop box behind nat, don't bother.12:11
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Aaron`i want to install ubuntu linux and use it with all my other programs12:11
Aaron`like i have a link to ubuntu in the start menu12:11
DrGizmondo_and anti virus12:11
cafuegodrgizmondo: I thought antivirus was for mail servers that handle mail for windows clients ;-)12:11
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MidnighTokerAaron`, ubuntu (and/or linux) is not  a 'program'12:11
Winballand ms office12:11
santanderunagi: you were right, aaron gets a lot of positive attention now :p12:11
Aaron`why isn't it?12:11
dc905Winball, wow --- @5megs , thats big!! :P   but apt-get intall'ed and good too go.. ubuntu 7.10 is nice =)12:11
Aaron`you install the cd and run it?12:11
Aaron`run then install*12:11
riotkittieit'd be lovely if we could stop being condescending towards people in here because they choose to buy hardware that isnt open, or use MS OSes/apps. granted most people aren't doing it, but a lot of people seem to be doing it lately, and it's grating.12:11
MidnighTokerbecause ubuntu is a full operating system, a microsoft replacement, a state of mind.12:12
cboxhi hi, can someone help me with a small problem?12:12
MidnighTokernot a user-app12:12
Aaron`i thought it was like a sort of alternative to windows, like a different theme kinda12:12
Aaron`well, more than a theme12:12
astro76Aaron`, you should really have your brother explain more, perhaps12:12
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Winballdc905 What? I wouldn't know if 7.10 is nice12:12
MidnighTokerAaron`, i'd possibly show your brother a copy of the chat log too.12:12
boselectaAaron`: can you name other programs that run from within windows, but are other alternatives to windows?12:12
boselectai'm trying to understand here12:12
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dc905Winball, i recommend it!  compiz built in.. what a killer setup12:12
Aaron`astro76: i haven't spoken to him in 2 months, i don't think i'll be talking to him ever again really12:12
Comrade-Sergeihas anyone a HP DV9000 series laptop with ubuntu on iT?12:13
MidnighTokerAaron`, linux and windows both do roughly the same job, but they do it all completely differently. windows programs generally wont work on linux and vice vera12:13
Winballdc905: Bah I hate compiz :thumbsdown:12:13
Aaron`boselecta: well there's that firefox alternative to internet explorer12:13
musashii got a dv200012:13
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boselectaOK that's not the question though.12:13
dc905Winball, you dont like eyecandy? or just compiz ?12:13
Comrade-Sergeimusashi was it difficult to install ubuntu?12:13
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Aaron`firefox is to IE as what ubuntu is to windows12:13
Aaron`a different program12:13
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boselectaso why would you expect ubuntu to run from inside windows?12:14
Winballdc905 I dont like eyecandy, its useless. All default themes and black background for me12:14
Aaron`bosolecta: you install firefox in windows12:14
musashiComrade-Sergei, not with the installation of the OS, but with some of the other things like wireless internet and such12:14
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, like did you have to play with xorg.conf before you could boot to it12:14
Aaron`you install ubuntu in windows12:14
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dc905Winball, too each there own.. my desktop is a sexy thing :P12:14
musashiComrade-Sergei, i did with my friends PC12:14
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, what wifi card have you got?12:14
musashiComrade-Sergei, Broadcom12:14
Elalguien que hable espa?ol...?12:14
boselectabut  firefox is to IE as what ubuntu is to windows12:14
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, damn12:14
Aaron`people are trying to give me viruses by saying open secuirty office suites and uninstall my anti virus programs12:14
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Aaron`it took me a long time to set them both up, now people just tell me saying uninstall them12:14
musashiComrade-Sergei, i just got the wireless working like 5 minutes ago12:14
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boselectayou don't install firefox in IE, so why install ubuntu in windows?12:14
riotkittieok, i call troll.12:15
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, know how to do a intel abgn card12:15
MidnighTokerAaron`, you dont know what you mean by 'open'12:15
dc905Aaron`, you CAN install ubuntu IN windows if u use a virtual machine software l..12:15
musashiComrade-Sergei, but with my friends pc i had to edit the xorg.conf12:15
Aaron`Maybe i should just cut to the chase12:15
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musashiComrade-Sergei, not a clue :(12:15
Aaron`i read this text thing called how to be a hacker. and it said that i need linux to go on12:15
Ishakabibble_Is there any kind of Ubuntu podcast around?12:15
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Aaron`i thought linux was like a hacking suite?12:15
=== MidnighToker rotfl
gnranyone else had the problem with twinview, windows maximise to both screens12:15
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, what did you have to do with that with the wireless, i had to screw with that b/c linux dosent like my video card12:15
astro76oh it gets better :o12:15
riotkittieAaron`: can you go troll somewhere else, please?12:15
dfletcherthis has got to be a troll :)12:16
Aaron`riotkittie: troll?12:16
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boselectai think so12:16
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dc905aarong, you can run a hacker suite in windows using vmware too12:16
Aaron`wtf is a troll12:16
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Estethgnr: Yes, i solved the problem by installing compiz. You can disable all the effects if you want.12:16
MidnighTokerAaron`, http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/  -it will tell you *everything* you need to know12:16
musashiComrade-Sergei, i had to do alot of stuff, but only cause im new to linux. someone else prolly could have done it in less than 4 days ._.12:16
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Aaron`what's vm ware12:16
dc905Aaron`, you should go try vmware.. google it12:16
astro76!vmware | Aaron`12:16
ubotuAaron`: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:16
dc905come back when u have it mastered ;)12:16
Aaron`multiverse? repository?12:16
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, im not exactly new to linux but ive never had to deal with this crap before12:16
Aaron`all i want is to get linux installed to try this book out12:17
WinballJust do it12:17
boselectathen use the live CD12:17
astro76!install | Aaron`12:17
ubotuAaron`: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:17
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Aaron`yeah i'm trying to understand how to install it on windows12:17
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musashiComrade-Sergei, yea, i didnt really do linux before for the same reason12:17
ppl_can_b_koolAaron`: It's not that hard. I'm sure the people here would be more than willing to take your hand a guide you through it.12:17
danciosi've got problem with X crashing and hanging. radeon 9250 driver radeon12:17
musashiComrade-Sergei, but we are using it in class so i gave it another go12:17
Aaron`i just want a program called ubuntu in the start menu12:17
Aaron`and then i click and it runs ubuntu12:17
musashiComrade-Sergei, what was your problem, again?12:17
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dc905aaron - u need vmware12:17
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boselectaAaron`: it doesn't work like that. run the Live CD.12:17
dc905dont make me say it again, i will ping yo to death12:18
CPrompt^hi.  was wondering if someone would look at this menu.lst file and tell me if it is correct for the splashimage section before I reboot12:18
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl857.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
santanderMasterShrek only think i finf that loks alike is linux-restricted-modules12:18
Aaron`why can't you people just tell me what i need to know12:18
WinballAaron` You should also considder ubuntu wubi12:18
notgodMasterShrek: any other kernel/boot params I can try tweaking? like is there a noagp option or something?12:18
dc905can someone kick him? :P12:18
boselectai just did. run the live CD. no installing required.12:18
Aaron`all i want to do is install ubuntu12:18
santanderAaron`: wubi is great, you don't need to know anything, it does all by itself12:18
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, my wifi, my sound and my crappy video drivers...12:18
Aaron`what is wubi?12:18
Winballdc905 did you get my msg?12:18
mc44!wubi | Aaron`12:18
ubotuAaron`: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html12:18
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blaydeAaron`, Ubuntu needs complete control of it's hardware so you'll have to emulate hardware w/ vmware, qemu, etc12:18
musashiComrade-Sergei, my sound is still not working properly either...12:19
musashiComrade-Sergei, it works sometimes but not all the time12:19
astro76Aaron`, http://www.google.com/search?q=wubi12:19
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EstethAaron` VMware will let you do that, but i think you have the idea wrong. Ubuntu is like windows. You use ubuntu instead of windows, not in windows12:19
Aaron`maybe i've got it wrong12:19
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Aaron`ubuntu is a program, yeah?12:19
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PF|WSTPIs there a way on Server that I can change permissions to list the contents of a dir via HTTP?12:19
astro76!ubuntu | Aaron`12:19
ubotuAaron`: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:19
gnroooer i installed compiz, not it wont detect my other monitor :o12:19
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=== Pelo is considering applying for a job mentoring ppl in the use of a companies computer systems and special progs, on the basis of his performance in this and other support channels , he doesn'T know if this makes him delusionnal or what
danciosi've got problem with X crashing and hanging. radeon 9250 driver radeon. The resul is that i cannot stop-reset X with combination A:T+CTRL+BACKSPACE or escape to console. dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1 . ii  libc6          2.5-0ubuntu14  GNU C Library: Shared libraries12:20
Aaron`oh lord12:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:20
boselectaEsteth:  Aaron` knows that firefox is to IE as what ubuntu is to windows. he's trolling12:20
Pelognr,  ask in #ubuntu-effects or in #compiz-fusion , they'll be able to help you out with this12:20
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riotkittiePelo: just. say. no.12:20
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PF|WSTPIs there a way on Server that I can change permissions to list the contents of a dir via HTTP?12:20
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Peloriotkittie,  you don'T think I should ?12:20
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mistone_PF|WSTP: why not use FTP?12:21
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MidnighTokerpf in your apache config add +Indexes to Options12:21
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Estethboselecta: Oh, ok.12:21
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PF|WSTPMidnighToker where's the apache config12:21
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : if you ssh into the server you can do dir12:21
santanderanyone: i've modprobed the right modules for a nic, it shows in lsmod, but not in ifconfig, what should i try?12:21
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mistone_or ssh12:21
PF|WSTPI want this over HTTP for a reason12:21
riotkittiePelo: oh go for it. you are good at what you do, and seem to have the patience of a saint.12:21
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dc905Winball, get MY msg?? :P12:21
ThePubPF|WSTP: it's less an issue of permissions and more an issue of services.  http is for web pages, you might want to look into setting up a web dave server though.12:21
MidnighTokerPF: i assume its /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  -unsure, i dont use Ubuntu on the server12:21
PF|WSTPMidnighToker where's the apache config12:21
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DemortesGood god, someone help me.12:21
musashigl Comrade-Sergei, im actually in class so i gotta go12:22
Comrade-Sergeimy mouse!12:22
Peloriotkittie,  in here I can always tell ppl that I have to go , that helps a lot with the patience issue12:22
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Aaron`right back12:22
BlindravenDemortes, whats up?12:22
Aaron`look, all i want is to install this ubuntu12:22
=== nickrud having been at the pointed end of pelo's wit, a saint he ain't ;P
DemortesWrong channel, gutsy, sorry12:22
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : then you are going to have to use server side scripting to do it  (PHP, Perl, etc)  or don't put an index.html page in that directory12:22
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Aaron`i don't need another operational system12:22
ppl_can_b_koolAaron`: welcome back.12:22
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neverblue2does Gutsy have LTS ?12:22
Aaron`i have windows, that's all i need on my dell, right?12:22
boselectathen you don't need ubuntu12:22
MidnighTokerAaron`, that  is what ubuntu is.12:22
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brobostigonhi, i have put my kubuntu machine into reccovery mode as it woodent boot, and constantly keeps showing io-error hdc sector 0, during boot, do i need to run fsck,and how do i do that??12:22
Aaron`is ubuntu ok on dells12:22
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information12:22
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PF|WSTPCPrompt^, there isnt an index there12:22
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=== Pelo thinks nickrud is making to much out of the pointy pitchfork
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PF|WSTPCPrompt^ it says "you dont have permissions to access /dir/ on this server"12:22
SnuxollAaron`: Yes12:23
nickrudlol, probably12:23
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : then you need to ssh into that directory and change the permissions.  Is this a web server or local?12:23
SnuxollDell sells machines with Ubuntu preinstalled if thats any clue12:23
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PF|WSTPCPrompt^ web and local12:23
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PF|WSTPCPrompt^ the dir is /var/www/stuff/12:24
brobostigonhi, i have put my kubuntu machine into reccovery mode as it woodent boot, and constantly keeps showing io-error hdc sector 0, during boot, do i need to run fsck,and how do i do that??12:24
MidnighTokerAaron`, whats the guide you're folling that says you need linux?12:24
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CPrompt^PF|WSTP : then change the permissions to 750 and it should work fine12:24
PF|WSTPCPrompt^ ok12:24
Blindravenchown 777 *.*12:24
notgodanyone have any idea how to make a server qith a quadro4 cars boot properly? Currently it garbles the screen entirely. The system boots, but I can't interact with it.12:24
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PF|WSTPCPrompt^ didnt work. I even did 777 and it didnt work12:24
Pelobrobostigon, do a search in the forum for the exact error msg you get12:24
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, what version of apache?12:25
Pelobrobostigon, www.ubuntuforums.org12:25
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-72-227-37-48.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, 2.2.412:25
graelbI'm trying to run driftnet on my local machine, but it only shows pictures from my local machine... go figure, right? So is there a way to run it on my router, and see the output on my local machine?12:25
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, 2.2.312:25
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : stupid question but are you in the correct directory?12:25
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, it wont show you a dir index unless you specifially enable it in the apache conf.12:25
CheeseGardenerIs 10.9% contingous files bad for ubuntu?  is that too much fragmentation?12:25
notgodno x, plain text interface. Screen gets corrupted (wavy lines and dots across the screen)12:25
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, ok I need to know how to do that then12:25
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : chmod 750 html_dir -R should work12:25
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, where did you get the info from?12:25
lamegoCheeseGardener, you dont need to care about fragmention on linux filesystems12:25
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Pelograelb, are the pictures on the other computers in a shared folder ?12:26
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MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, if you create a webpage called index.html will it show it?12:26
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CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, I got it from a disk check.12:26
CPrompt^PF|WSTP : don't forget the -R so it is recursive and changes the files and subfolders12:26
=== graelb blinks
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, just a sec12:26
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CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, it is on /home12:26
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graelbPelo: no, driftnet is supposed to pick up stray packets as people on the network are browsing the web12:26
graelbwell, stray packets of pictures12:27
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MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, what disk check? -sorry, new to ubuntu but intregued by the idea of none-contiguous files. i keep getting told there is a) no need and b) no way to defrag on linux12:27
graelbat least, that's the impression i got12:27
Pelograelb, ah , don'T know the prog I was assuming something else12:27
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, infact, what file system?12:27
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lamegoMidnighToker, there is no need to defrag on linux12:27
graelbOk, the real question is can i use everything that's installed on my computer, but run the program on another machine?12:27
santanderi need help configuring a second nic in my pc12:27
lamegothat indication, is just a statistical indication, with no major impact on performance12:27
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CheeseGardenerMidnightToker, it's EXT312:28
MidnighTokerlamego, is there no software to defrag fragmented files?12:28
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lamegoMidnighToker, there is a defrag utility, but it is not required12:28
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, if I put an index.html, it just shows the text I put in the index12:28
PF|WSTPMidnighToker not the files in the dir12:28
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PeloMidnighToker, ext3 does not need defragmenting, it works differently then FAT*  file systems which got ppl used to defrag12:29
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, ok, so the permissions are fine, infact i'd make a point of setting them back to 755 at miimum12:29
MidnighTokerPelo, k12:29
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, done12:29
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, just check it can still see the index12:29
cafuegoPF|WSTP: So apache is being good, the "Indexes" option is disabled on that dir, which means it won't show a list of files.12:29
lamegoMidnighToker, ext3 and other linux FSs are not affected by fragmentation, it does exist but it does not affects the performance12:29
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, step two is to locate your httpd.conf... usually in /etc/apache212:29
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PF|WSTPMidnighToker ok12:30
MidnighTokerlamego, i find it impossible to believe it doesn't affect performance, infact due to the way my HDD works, it HAS TO.12:30
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ubotudefragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.12:30
cafuegoMidnighToker: You can probably do it via .htaccess instead of setting it globally.12:30
PF|WSTPMidnighToker, the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty12:30
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=== Juliya is now known as [Infinity]
MidnighTokercafuego, good point, ta12:30
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, hang on12:31
lamegoMidnighToker, if you do not believe, please read about it, that is a very common question, replied on several forums and articles :)12:31
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=== cwgannon [n=christop@adsl-71-150-250-207.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hilikusis there any software like bootcamp or anything to organize yourself, todo list, reminders, all that crap, but downloadable? so that i can install it in my server?12:31
[ASG] smileglasses12:31
CPrompt^PS|WSTP : that's not a good sign12:31
Pelolamego,  please pay attention , this issue was resolved a while back12:31
cwgannoncan somebody please tell me how to make my video files open with vlc by default?  it's not in Preferred Apps like i thought it would be12:31
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EstethHilkus: I beleive Evolution (ships with ubuntu) does what you want, allthough i don't use it much12:32
MidnighTokerPF|WSTP, try a file called ".htaccess" that contains the line "Options +Indexes"12:32
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cafuegocwgannon: Right clock a video file, choose Properties > Open With12:32
PF|WSTPMidnighToker in the dir?12:32
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CheeseGardenerso wait, do I really have 10.9% contingous files?  or will that number go down???12:33
Pelocwgannon,  assuming that vlc is installed ,    select a video file, right click,  properties,  select the open with tab,  add it , either from the list or form the  field at the bottom you only need to type vlc not the whole path12:33
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CheeseGardenerCan EXT3 file fragmentation go down a lot?12:33
Redhammer_the_Olhi short (simple?) question, I have some KDE apps in Gnome and want to control their behaviour ie double click and single clikc -- how do I do it ? what control prg do I need to use? thanks12:33
patbamhi, when i attach an external usb drive i get "attached scsi disk sdb", and it shows up in the device manager. but i can't figure out how to access the contents12:33
santanderhi, i earlier installed ubuntu 7.04 desktop and i needed to ad a module for extra nic via 'sudo modprobe 3c59x', after that the nic showed in ifconfig. now i've installed ubuntu 7.04 server and i did again 'sudo modprobe 3c59x' , and it shows in lsmod, but my nix doesnt show in ifconfig, what should i try?12:33
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, i say you need to defrag, linux or not. if the files are fragmented then it means the drive head is having to move to re-seek. that HAS to slow things down.12:33
gnrAnyone here had problems with twinview maximising to both screens? anyone manage to fix it?12:33
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cwgannoncafuego & Pelo: vlc isn't listed, so i enter that as the command, but that only opens vlc (and not the file i'm trying to play)12:33
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PF|WSTPMidnighToker nope12:33
PeloCheeseGardener,  the system will take care of that as you go , don'T worrry about it , it will go down12:34
lamegoMidnighToker, do not say what you don't know about, you do not need to defrag with EXT3 !!!12:34
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HilikusEsteth but i dont want an application, im running a server, i want something to set up an online service12:34
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lamegoMidnighToker, before starting with theoretical generic advices, read something, please12:34
cafuegocwgannon: You can choose a custom command and enter 'vlc' there.12:34
Hilikussomething than runs on apache12:34
Pelocwgannon,  you need to add vlc to the open with tab,  after that , that type of video file will open with vlc,  you need to do it for each file type12:34
MidnighTokerlamego, give me a link to read then12:34
cwgannoncafuego & Pelo: vlc isn't listed, so i enter that as the command, but that only opens vlc (and not the file i'm trying to play)12:35
cafuegoHilikus: There is any number of freely available groupware suites12:35
PeloMidnighToker,  I beleive the ext3 article on wikipedia has a nice summery12:35
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CheeseGardenerPelo, oh, so the system will defrag itself as it goes along?  The reason I ask is, when I went to gutsy, I had to force the computer to shut down sometimes when it froze, until I was able to fix it.  But will EXT3 fix any fragments on its own?12:35
MidnighTokerPelo, ta12:35
cafuegocwgannon: You may need vlc "%s"12:35
lamegoMidnighToker, google.com: linux defrag12:35
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gnrhaving troubles with twinview, windows maximise to both screens... any1 manage to fix this?12:35
EstethHiikus: ohh, sorry, i misunderstood. I don't know of any downloadable productivity suites myself, for installing on servers12:35
Hilikuscafuego but i want to run them on my server. most of them are free but THEY host it12:35
boselectacwgannon: did you install VLC the right way? or by hand?12:35
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astro76MidnighToker, http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting12:36
cafuegoHilikus: Not at all, lots of free self-host ones.12:36
cwgannoncafuego: just tried it with no luck12:36
boselectabecause i have it installed and it turns up automatically in my open-with list12:36
cwgannonboselecta: installed via synaptic, will try a reinstall now though12:36
Hilikuscafuego so i cant find them, can you give me names?12:36
Pelolater folks12:36
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MidnighTokerastro76, thanks12:36
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boselectamy open-with vlc command is wxvlc12:37
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cafuegoHilikus: zimbra (needs fairly big box, not 100% open, but nice) or IMP or Groupoffice or phpgroupware12:37
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Hilikuscool, thanks12:37
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cafuegoHilikus: have a search on www.freshmeat.net12:37
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markelhashi ppl, yesterday i was trying to config my d-link dwl-g650m. i've test to many things, but i've managed to put it working. However after a reboot the wireless don't work any more. How can i trace the problem? plz hlp.12:37
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Hilikuscafuego what are they called?12:37
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CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, so linux will defrag itself more or less?12:37
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cafuegoHilikus: search for groupware there12:37
boselectacwgannon: my open-with vlc command is wxvlc12:37
zaggy-nlIs it normal for the livecd to take ages and ages to load?12:37
P_KableWhat tool should I use to check a hard drive completely (sectors and all of that...)12:37
boselectazaggy-nl: comparatively, yes12:37
cafuegoHilikus: server based ones are all designed to provide shared calendar/contacts/mail for multiple users.12:38
astro76CheeseGardener, yeah an that article points out that files can be re-arranged on the fly12:38
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:38
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MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, not that i know of, but then everyone seems to be telling me i'm wrong so i wouldn't pay me any attention ;)12:38
zaggy-nlboselecta, I'm installing it on a 256MB RAM laptop, cd drive keeps making noise, taking forever!12:38
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cafuegoHilikus: A few of these are packaged for Ubuntu as well, so you cna install them via aptitude.12:38
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boselectazaggy-nl: that will take a while. is it doing anything on the screen?12:38
MidnighTokerastro76, thanks for the link but it tells me linux FS's dont get fragmented. i have info here saying one is, so the link doesn't really help12:39
cwgannonboselecta: wxvlc doesn't work either after a reinstall12:39
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zaggy-nlboselecta, yes, I just started the installation, It's at the languages menu, my cursor dissappeared, no keyboard/mouse response12:39
cdm10MidnighToker: What makes you think it's fragmented?12:39
astro76MidnighToker, is your disk >80% full, the article says fragmentation can occur if it is12:39
markelhashi ppl, yesterday i was trying to config my d-link dwl-g650m. i've test to many things, but i've managed to put it working. However after a reboot the wireless don't work any more. How can i trace the problem? plz hlp.12:39
zaggy-nlI'm downloading the alternate gutsy cd now, should be faster12:40
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MidnighTokercdm10, it was CheeseGardener saying he had "10% none contiguous files"12:40
cdm10MidnighToker: Linux filesystems get fragmented, but nowhere near as easily or as badly as Windows filesystems. If it's below 10% fragmentation, there's really no need to defragment.12:40
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boselectacwgannon: do you need to re-start gnome or something for the change to register, maybe?12:40
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[ASG] !start12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:40
cwgannonboselecta: will try that12:41
gnrin my nvidia setup im getting the error "unable to to remove old X config backup file" when i remove this manually i get the error "unable to creat X config backup file" lol.... what am i doing wrong?12:41
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markelhasppl some help one my wifi problem plz.12:41
P_KableWhat tool should I use to check a hard drive completely (sectors and all of that...)12:41
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cdm10P_Kable: fsck12:41
lamegoP_Kable, dd12:41
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, right, done some googling. the fragmentation you see is not file fragmentation, so its not a problem12:41
P_Kablecdm10=>  fsck /dev/sdb1 is a complete test ?12:41
cdm10P_Kable: DD is for copying a drive, fsck is for checking it.12:41
intr80_P_Kable: spinright12:41
CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, it's not?  Then what is it?12:41
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boselectafsck is for checking a filesystem12:42
P_Kablespinright ?12:42
Derspankstercreative audigy 2 soundcard ok with ubuntu?12:42
noelferreirahow can i check my disk for erros?12:42
lamegofsck does a file system check, does it sector reading for the entire disk ?12:42
cdm10P_Kable: hold on, lemme get the command... generally it's not a good idea to run fsck in read/write mode on a mounted partition so I'm checking how to make it read-only.12:42
P_Kableyeah fsck is for FS12:42
gnrin my nvidia setup im getting the error "unable to to remove old X config backup file" when i remove this manually i get the error "unable to create X config backup file" lol.... what am i doing wrong?12:42
lamegocdm10, by reading the entire disk, you are checking for physical errors12:42
cafuegolamego: it will if you give it the right options12:42
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P_KableI unmounted the partition already cdm1012:42
cdm10P_Kable: oh, you're looking for more than an FS check? Then use Spinrite.12:42
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, have a look at thelink, under fragmentation/optimisation12:42
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P_Kableand fsck seems to be too fast for a good "check"12:42
cdm10CheeseGardener: anything 10% or below won't cause any problems, you really shouldn't try to defrag your partition.12:43
P_Kablespinrite or spinright ??12:43
lamegofsck is good only for FS structure checks, not for surface scans, if that is the case12:43
cdm10P_Kable: SpinRite12:43
noelferreiramy systems interrupted because of electric failure and on boot i had IO erros in my drive. how can i check for it and maybe correct them?12:43
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lamegonoelferreira, fsck12:43
P_Kablethx cdm1012:43
paotzucdm10: on linux it is not really a concern about "fragmentation" but "linearization."  That's why fsck reports data as "contiguous"12:43
cafuegoif all you want is a blocks test, use `badblocks'.12:44
cdm10paotzu: I realize that, I'm just saying that CheeseGardener shouldn't be worried about fragmentation...12:44
markelhasyesterday i was trying to config my d-link dwl-g650m. i've test to many things, but i've managed to put it working. However after a reboot the wireless don't work any more. How can i trace the problem? plz hlp.12:44
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cdm10markelhas: what chipset is that card? run lspci to find out.12:44
paotzucdm10: ah I came in after that part12:44
cdm10markelhas: pastebin your lspci results12:44
P_Kablecdm10=>  spinrite is not in the repos :(12:44
CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, so what is continous data?  I'm confused.12:44
cdm10!paste | markelhas12:44
ubotumarkelhas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:44
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cdm10P_Kable: it's a $90 program from grc.com12:44
gnrin my nvidia setup im getting the error "unable to to remove old X config backup file" when i remove this manually i get the error "unable to creat X config backup file" lol.... what am i doing wrong?12:44
cdm10P_Kable: but it's the best for actual HD checks.12:44
MidnighTokerCheeseGardener, you know, i really dont know any more :S12:44
cdm10P_Kable: if you just want to check the entire filesystem, fsck will be fine.12:45
cdm10P_Kable: if you back up regularly, I wouldn't worry about anything.12:45
P_Kableno I wanna check the HD12:45
lamegocdm10, why are you advising for comercial software when there is open source software on the repositories for the same purpose :) ?12:45
cafuegoP_Kable: Like I said, `badblocks'.12:45
cdm10lamego: Well, I don't know of the open software.12:45
cdm10lamego: What is it?12:45
markelhascdm10, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40750/12:45
santanderi have a problem, i asked before, now i put it on : http://pastebin.com/m7ebbb9ed12:45
CheeseGardenerMidnighToker, alright.  Thanks anyway for the help!  I appreciate it.  L8er12:46
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cdm10I mean, I've heard great things about SpinRite, so I was just recommending it.12:46
lamegoread what other people already mentioned, like, badblocks, dd12:46
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cwgannonboselecta: restart of gnome didn't fix the vlc issue12:46
paotzuP_Kable: if you want to extract the data and also see where there are problems, you can image your partition with ddrescue (no underscore)12:46
cdm10lamego: dd copies stuff, it doesn't scan the disk for surface errors.12:46
markelhascdm10, i've managed to put it work either with ndiswapper or mad-wifi tools12:46
lamegocdm10, not again, dd reads data, if you run dd over an entire disk, it will trigger any disk I/O errors12:46
cdm10markelhas: I'm not familiar with how to get wifi working with that card, so I can't help you there.12:46
markelhascdm10, but now i do the same process but the card don't work12:46
lamegoyou can dd to dev null just to read the entire disk12:47
paotzuP_Kable: if it makes an image of your partition without having to read the same bits over and over, you have no problems12:47
cdm10lamego: yeah, but if the disk is failing but the ECC works ok, wouldn't it not find any errors?12:47
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boselectaso VLC is in the applications menu, and it runs properly, but doesn't appear in the "Open With" menu.12:47
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cdm10boselecta: so right click on the file of the type you want to set to open with VLC, go to Properties>Open With and add VLC manually.12:47
cwgannonboselecta: right12:47
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P_Kablepaotzu=>  I do not have space for an image, the drive is 200GB and 90% full12:47
markelhas"yesterday i was trying to config my d-link dwl-g650m. i've test to many things, but i've managed to put it working. However after a reboot the wireless don't work any more. How can i trace the problem? plz hlp."12:47
P_Kablebut thx paotzu12:48
lamegocdm10, dd is a nice tool, for a trivial testing12:48
markelhasany tips ppl?12:48
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astro76boselecta, yeah you're right, you can type vlc into custom command12:48
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Ginboselecta, you have to right click on the file and chose open with other.. and then select vlc. after that it iwill shows "open with vlc" for that type of files12:48
cdm10lamego: alright12:48
astro76boselecta, it doesn't show in my open with either12:48
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cwgannonboselecta: i'm doing what you advise, but neither "vlc" nor "wxvlc" as commands work entirely -- they do open vlc but do not open the file at all12:49
boselectaweird. anyway it's cwgannon with the problem. s/he claims that even manually setting the "open with" to vlc or wxvlc does not work.12:49
MidnighTokerif i install a second HDD into my computer, will Ubuntu try and read it at boot time?12:49
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boselectaok i see. maybe there's a filename expando or something you have to put in there.12:49
cafuegoMidnighToker: Not normally until you partitiln, format and mount it.12:49
cwgannonboselecta: i'm wondering if this is because the file is on a samba share...?12:49
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cafuegoMidnighToker: if it's already got filesystems, just add it to /etc/fstab.12:50
astro76cwgannon, yeah that could definitely be it12:50
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MidnighTokercafuego, its partitioned and formatted, i just dont want the OS to try mounting it or anything... want to DD it to another box as its a non-booting system from another PC12:50
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astro76cwgannon, not all apps support however it is that gnome mounts stuff, but you can mount samba shares for real in your /etc/fstab12:50
cafuegoMidnighToker: Even if it goes mount it, just unmount it again ;-)12:51
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markelhascan any one help me with wifi config?12:51
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lamegoMidnighToker, yes, the disk should be recognized, just look for it with: sudo fdisk -l12:51
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MidnighTokercafuego, well, yeah, i just dont want Ubuntu boot to try fixing it or anything12:51
astro76MidnighToker, unless it's in your fstab it won't be mounted or checked12:51
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MidnighTokerastro76, ta12:52
cafuegoMidnighToker: it won't try to fix it unless it's in fstab to begin with.12:52
cwgannonboselecta & astro76: confirmed working now with a local file -- can you please explain how to make opening with vlc the default?12:52
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MidnighTokeris there any file system recovery software in the Ubuntu package manager?12:52
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cwgannonastro76: is it advisable to mount my samba shares with /etc/fstab?  are there any repercussions i should be aware of?12:53
astro76cwgannon, no that's perfectly sane12:53
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astro76cwgannon, *yes12:53
markelhas"yesterday i was trying to config my d-link dwl-g650m. i've test to many things, but i've managed to put it working. However after a reboot the wireless don't work any more. How can i trace the problem? plz hlp."12:53
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boselectacwgannon: all i can suggest is what i've already said. right click on the file and set the open-with.12:53
cafuegocwgannon: use the 'credentials' option to specify login details, so you don't have the user/pass readable in fstab.12:53
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astro76MidnighToker, besides fsck?12:54
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cwgannonboselecta: thank you for your help12:54
MidnighTokerastro76, well, yeah :S12:55
boselectasorry i couldn't do more.12:55
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lamegoMidnighToker, yes, there is a tool called "testdisk"12:55
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cwgannoncafuego & astro76: thanks for the help on mounting the samba share (i'm following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255872&highlight=mounting+shares)12:55
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lamegotestdisk - Partition scanner and disk recovery tool12:55
youknowmecan I connect to computers with Ubuntu loaded on them directly to each other through they're Ethernet ports and have a network-like file transfer set-up?12:55
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sashimihi everybody12:55
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MidnighTokeryouknowme, you need the correct type of network cable, but yes12:56
astro76cwgannon, that looks good12:56
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sashimicould someone give me a hand with bluetooth on gusty ?12:56
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edubuntuCrossover set ips to same subnet12:56
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MidnighTokerlamego, thanks.  -and for my last question: how can i create a partition spanning two physical drives?12:56
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:56
lamegoMidnighToker, using LVM12:56
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO12:56
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cwgannonboselecta: i'm an idiot and misread part of your suggestions and you did indeed tell me how to make videos open by default in vlc, so thank you once more12:57
tdscan someone help me with samba? i'm a complete newb12:57
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:57
MidnighTokerhehe, i'm liking this bot12:57
youknowmemidnightoker: so technically it should work? But I have tried it, well, I tried using vncviewer with it, but I still had them directly connected.12:58
youknowmeWHat do you mean "right kind of cable" should not standard eth cable work?12:58
P_Kabledoes spinrite runs on linux ? just wanna make sure ...12:58
Tajhi every one12:58
lamegoyouknowme, no, it must be a cross-over cable12:58
linnoobhey is anyone availible to help a hopeless linux noob?12:58
P_Kableit looks like a windows type application12:58
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mc44linnoob: just ask your question :)12:58
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MidnighTokeryouknowme, connecting two PCs together (without a switch/router/hub) needs a crossover cable. pairs 1+2 are swapped over (so send goes to recieve and vice versa)12:58
linnoobits a bit complicated12:58
lamegoP_Kable, have you tried badblocks already ?12:58
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Taji am new to ubuntu and want to know one thing that do ubuntu support intel wireless 2200bg?12:58
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P_Kablelamego=>  nope12:59
linnoobi have that and it doesnt work12:59
maxois it worth upgrading to the 7.1rc? I mean, is it pretty stable?12:59
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maxo* Ubuntu 7.1 release candidate12:59
lamegoP_Kable, badblocks is the standard tool to detect and mark bad disk blocks12:59
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lamegomaxo, 3 days and you have the final release, wait :)12:59
maxolamego: what about the rc though? is it worth it?12:59
P_Kablebut how about spinrite ? is it linux compatible ?01:00
linnoobok, so my 8800 drivers arent working, when i enable the drivers and restart my computer, the thing f's up and i get all these weird ass colors and letters and it basically says that it cant load the drivers01:00
lamegowell, I am using it, nothing to complain about ;)01:00
Kudakwhen 7.10 gets out, can i upgrade my 7.4 to it ????01:00
P_Kableis there a package ?01:00
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maxook, hell I might as well try it. but if my computer blows up, I blame you all lol01:00
linnoobi tried downloading the latest drivers, but once i get them, i have no idea what to do with them01:00
Tajyou can upgrade...01:00
youknowmemidnightoker: ohic, well forwarding ports on my router never seems to work.01:00
youknowmeWould it be wise to forward all ports to be sure? as for the Internet and my open ports, would it not be the same as if I was directly connected to the net?01:00
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seanhHey, did the realplayer package get removed for gutsy?01:00
KudakTaj: aight thanks.01:00
lamegoP_Kable, no, spinrite is not available on the repositories01:00
P_KableI know01:00
MidnighTokeryouknowme, why do you want to portforward everything? --what are you actually trying to do?01:00
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P_Kablebut how does it work ?01:01
linnoobanyone knoe what to do?01:01
boselectaseanh: i spent an entire night trying to make realplayer go and had nothing but probs on gutsy.01:01
lamegoP_Kable, this is not the best place to ask about a comercial application, which is not ubuntu neither linux related01:01
Tajjust wanna know if some one know that do ubuntu support intel wireless 2200bg i try mandrake and it doesn't work for me... :(01:01
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P_KableOf course lamego but I presumed someone used it here at least once ... :)01:02
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lamegoP_Kable, no, you just got that app name, from a non linux user :)01:02
youknowmemidnightoke: I have never been able to set up a network or do anything useful rather than share a net connection with a router.01:02
youknowmeI'd like to try setting something up, even dabble in using a thin-client.01:02
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seanhboselecta -- did you figure out how to play real audio streams? I've been using mplayer but it's crashing01:02
linnoobsooooo no one knows how to make nvidia drivers work?01:02
Taji have acer 4060 laptop and in mandava 2007 it say press the wireless button01:02
linnoobor how to install drivers???01:02
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itnomadTaj: it works. There is an freenode channel for support.01:02
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boselectaseanh no i ended up getting wmv streams working instead.01:02
lamegolinnoob, nvidia drivers work out of the box for most cards01:02
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youknowmelinnoob, restricted manager?01:03
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itnomadI can't remember the name, I am checking now.01:03
P_Kablelamego=>  from a non linux user ??01:03
boselectahad no luck with realvideo01:03
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KudakTaj: maybe this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30904101:03
maxoTaj: google, first result: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30904101:03
TixerI just installed Gutsy, and it broke my install of Icecast by giving me a fatal error when I try to run it.01:03
Tajcan you please provide me channel name for support.01:03
maxokudak, you beat me to it lol01:03
PiciTixer: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion.01:03
Kudakmaxo: lol :)01:03
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FrogzooTixer: pretty sure gutsy's not released yet01:03
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:03
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itnomadTaj: ipw210001:05
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Kudakanyone knows a good book that teaches all about network related topics such as protocols and so on, i need a book that starts with the very basics and teaches "how things work"01:05
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itnomadthat is the channel name. all you need to know is in the links provided when you join the channel, most likely.01:05
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jason|cahi -- im trying to share files from my fiesty Kubuntu drive to a windows 2000 machine.  i can access the machine but it keeps rejecting my  username and password -- i need help please01:06
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Taji read that post before but the thing is that do ubuntu 7.04 support wireless 2200bg out of the box01:06
Tajlike suse 10.301:06
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MidnighTokerjason|ca, using ubuntu as the server?01:07
Tajmandrava 2007.1 do not support01:07
] tyndareus] hi everyone01:07
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MidnighTokerjason|ca, make sure its shared on the ubuntu machine, on the windows box run `net use z: \\[ubuntu] \[share name\ /USER:[username on ubuntu box] 01:08
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jason|caMidnighToker: ok01:08
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ScuniziWhat are the default port numbers for the built in Remote Desktop in Ubuntu from "system/preferances" ?01:09
MidnighTokerScunizi, 5800, 590001:09
MidnighTokerScunizi, its VNC01:09
ScuniziMidnighToker, do I need both?01:09
MidnighTokerScunizi, just 5900 if you have a client01:09
MidnighToker5800 is a web/java interface usually01:10
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ScuniziMidnighToker, yea.. I'll be using tightvnc on a win box into my machine.01:10
jazzanovahow can I find out what version of ubuntu I am no01:10
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PreZLaptopbah, GG download keeps bouncing between 120-180kb/s :(01:10
Seveasjazzanova, lsb_release -a01:10
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PreZLaptopit should be able to go up to about 2.5mb/s on my link :(01:11
graelbQuick question. In a man file, if something says [-] option, what does the brackets around the - mean?01:11
Seveasgraelb, reading the manpage for ps? :)01:11
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jason|caMidnighToker: for some reason it keeps reporting network name not found01:11
Comrade-Sergeiwhere is the sources.list file?01:12
graelbps? ifconfig01:12
MidnighTokerjason|ca, can you ping the box?01:12
nickrudComrade-Sergei: /etc/apt01:12
mc44PreZLaptop: the mirrors may not be as fast as your link ;)01:12
Comrade-Sergeithanks nickrud i forgot again01:12
Seveasgraelb, they mean that the - is optional01:12
jason|caMidnighToker: yes01:12
graelbSeveas:  I'm trying to put my eth1 into promiscuous mode01:12
graelbon my home network /disclaimer01:12
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MidnighTokerjason|ca did you set up samba on the remote box?01:12
jason|caremote = ubuntu?01:13
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jason|cai can ping by IP not necess by name01:13
jason|caand i changed the netuse to reflect the ip01:13
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MidnighTokerjason|ca, kk  -can did you use hostname or IP in the net use command?01:13
jason|cai used the ip01:13
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tdscan someone help me with samba?01:13
PreZLaptopmc44, well, I just can't see an option to 'switch servers'01:13
MidnighTokerjason|ca, any firewalls on any of the boxes? how are they conencted? what IPs?01:14
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mc44PreZLaptop: there isn't one :)01:14
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graelbSeveas: Do you know anything about driftnet?01:14
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jason|caconnected via switch ips are and ubuntu box) firewall on the ubuntu box has been opened to allow samba01:14
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MidnighTokerjason|ca, do me a favor and completely disable the firewall on the ubuntu box01:15
e-vocgood evening everyone01:15
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jason|caMidnighToker: how?01:15
MidnighTokermorning e-voc01:15
shantihi .. s1 please explain to me the difference between LTS-Version and default-ubuntu ? .. tnx01:15
MidnighTokerjason|ca, no idea. how did you configure it?01:16
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Pici!lts | shanti01:16
ubotushanti: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.01:16
jason|cait comes installed -- i configured it with   firestarter01:16
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e-voci'm running a feisty fawn on a laptop. is it worth and okay to update to gutsy already?01:16
joevandykWhat's 'xylap' and why was it absolutely killing my box?01:16
Snuxolle-voc: 3 days, might as well wait01:16
Kudake-voc: wait 3 days for final realise01:16
Picijoevandyk: its a screensaver iirc01:16
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e-vocSnuxoll: ah, till the final?01:17
shantiPici: yes but are there any other features but support ?01:17
MidnighTokerjason|ca, i'll have a look for instructions, but disabling the firewall would be the frist place i would start01:17
Picishanti: nope. LTS = Long Term Support.01:17
e-vocokay, nice. i'll be patient :)01:17
shantiTNX ;-)01:17
jason|caMidnighToker: ok01:17
Snuxolle-voc: Yes, the RC is stable and if you really want you COULD upgrade01:17
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Snuxolle-voc: But the final will have more bugs worked out01:17
Picie-voc: and better support.01:17
e-vocSnuxoll: okay thanks :)01:17
Frogzooe-voc: usually even after release, there's a flurry of updates - best to wait01:18
dudeslight problem here - i can boot fine from livecd, but trying to boot from flash drive installation gives me the dreaded "can't access tty; job control turned off" error. any idea what might be causing that?01:18
PreZLaptopfound it :)01:18
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jason|caMidnighToker: killing the firewall in firestarter had no impact01:19
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jason|casame result01:19
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Kudakanyone knows a good book that teaches all about network related topics such as protocols and so on, i need a book that starts with the very basics and teaches "how things work"01:19
MidnighTokerjason|ca, not sure about on ubuntu but you used to have to create a samba user `smbpasswd -a username` once a system user of that name existed01:20
jason|caMidnighToker: ok - -worth a try01:20
gnomefreakKudak: networking for dummies? atleast i think ive seen that01:20
gnomefreakKudak: dummy books are about as basic as you can get i have 30+ of them01:21
awalton__kudak: Wikipedia is actually a good place to start for that kind of thing01:21
Frogzoodude: for help with "can't acess tty" in Feisty, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588&highlight=tty+job+control.01:21
jason|caMidnighToker: that did it01:21
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MidnighTokerjason|ca, coolio, should have thought about that earlier, sorry01:21
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jason|canp  -thanks man01:21
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Kudakalright thanks guys01:22
ubotuIf you get an error on boot similar to  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off , you can try the fixes proposed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TTYError01:22
StevieWonderHello all very quick question.  If I install the Gutsy RC will it update to the final version on release day and beyond?01:22
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FrogzooStevieWonder: who knows?01:23
PiciStevieWonder: yes. Further questions in #ubuntu+101:23
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kuruminHello, there!01:24
FluxDHi, I have a problem. I am on Fiesty. When I use to plugin my NTFS formatted external it used to mount read only. But now its not even mounting. Any suggestions?01:24
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StevieWonderThank you both01:24
jthomas_Hi, Where can I find a tutorial on building a LAMP Server from source?01:24
idnzohey, i am getting the following error when trying to upgrade:  files list file for package `mythtv-themes' contains empty filename01:24
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idnzoit wont let me remove the package or anything, or install any new ones, any ideas?01:24
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Picijthomas_: lamp is just linux, apache, mysql, php/perl/python.   Install those from source and tada, you're done.01:25
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Kudakis it usefull to learn Python?? or not used much nowdays ?01:25
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jthomas_Pici: I don't have to combine them to work together?01:26
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Picijthomas_: well you need to make sure that they are configured to work together, but otherwise, no.01:26
jformananyone in here running ubuntu with X on a sparc system? i am having a bit of trouble getting X to fire up01:26
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Picijthomas_: its not one big package.01:26
ianm_Kudak: it is used for app development and also for many ubuntu system utilities and scripts01:26
Kudakianm_: oh i see, thx.01:27
ianm_Kudak: not a bad language.  Ruby is sexier though :D01:27
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jthomas_Pici: I know that, but I am saying if i do them 1 by 1 and they'l l work together01:27
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PreZLaptopmuch better01:27
PreZLaptopgetting almost 2mb/s now ;)01:28
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dudefrogbzoo: that didn't work, froze the system with blinking capslock and numlock lights01:28
PreZLaptophow to turn a 3-4 hour upgrade into a 15 minute one ;)01:28
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, I got it!!!01:28
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musashiComrade-Sergei, o.o which part?01:28
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, the video! this is awesome01:29
musashiah sweet01:29
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, i used "envy" and it did it all for me, i can even run beryl now!01:29
musashiComrade-Sergei, :) grat.  did u solve the sound problem?01:29
minusCompiz Fusion++ Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon++ ;)01:29
knifehatAnyone heard of a problem where ubuntu freezes when booting unless the computer has just been restarted from windows?01:30
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:30
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, not yet, i got to do that and wifi yet then its out with vista!01:30
minusPici, Im not asking for support... Im just here cause I can xD01:30
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dwxreaperi can type sudo su at the terminal and it works, if i am in gnome, and i open gedit, i can't save files because i am not root01:30
Ademanis there any way to execute a *.desktop file from the command line?01:30
musashiComrade-Sergei, lol, i have vista, xp, and ubuntu xD01:30
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dwxreaperhow do i open gedit so i can save files from gnome01:30
Piciminus: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for random chat01:31
musashiComrade-Sergei, ubuntu was doing some wierd stuff to my wireless card...01:31
xtlosxhey has anyone had any success installing the Release candidate of Gutsy Gibbon on a Macbook Pro?  Last time I tried, it installed, but when I rebooted after install, it wouldn't do anything just a black screen..... any ideas?01:31
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, ive had vista ultimate and i got to say its not that bad01:31
musashiComrade-Sergei, hopefully i fixed it..01:31
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adantehi, i've installed swf-player, what else do i need todo to be able to use flash in firefox?01:31
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, ive had sooooo many problems with broadcom chips01:31
musashiComrade-Sergei, i cant stand anything that lags for no obvious reason01:31
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=== NexusGS goodnight all
xtlosxanyone... macbook pro, ubuntu?  Anything special that needs to be done?01:32
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dwxreaperi can type sudo su at the terminal and it works, if i am in gnome, and i open gedit, i can't save files because i am not root01:32
dwxreaperhow do i open gedit so i can save files from gnome01:32
Estethadante: i beleive ubuntu-restricted-extras covers that01:32
javbIf boot with ubuntu live CD having Fedora installed, how can mount or see the host file system.01:32
minusPici, the scrolling isn't that fast now.. so...01:32
musashisudo gedit file01:32
javbThe fedora mail files?01:32
drew3 days? w00t01:32
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javbdoes the live CD mount it automatically?01:32
cosmodadanyone else having problems encoding with grip? ripping goes well but grip won't start encoding :(01:32
Piciminus: It was more for the people talking about gutsy anyway.01:32
Piciminus: and just a general reminder.01:33
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musashiComrade-Sergei, my sound works once in a while when i boot01:33
Comrade-Sergeiintel chip musashi ?01:33
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, amd makes sound cards? must be a laptop or something right?01:34
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musashiComrade-Sergei, yes01:34
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, i wanted the cache so i went intel core 2 duo 2.2 ghz01:35
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musashiComrade-Sergei, heh i dont really do anything hardcore enough for that01:35
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Comrade-Sergeilol musashi ive got 4 gb ram and a nvidia 8600 gs 512 mb video01:35
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musashiComrade-Sergei, rofl /hates you01:36
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, in a laptop!01:36
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musashiComrade-Sergei, o.O01:36
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, yours only supports up to 2 gb i believe01:36
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KudakComrade-Segei: what for? i told you already u dont need that kind of hardware for porn, u could use cheaper cards01:36
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EstethIs there a way to tell ubuntu to run a script every time a readable usb storage device is plugged in?01:37
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Comrade-SergeiEsteth, something in sessions maybe?01:37
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ChesterHello hello01:37
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mariocesar_boHow can I add a new file extension to a syntax markup on Gedit, like *.thtml to be HTML  ?01:38
ChesterIs there somebody here that could help me?01:38
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TixerI'm trying to install Icecast, but I get an error saying Could Not Parse XSLT file.01:38
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KudakChester: just ask your question, if someone knows he will respond.01:38
EstethComrade-Sergei: Thanks, i'll look at that :)01:38
musashiComrade-Sergei, my wireless card was hanging when i booted ubuntu, and if i restarted in either windows OS, it would be completely gone.01:38
sixdrawanyone know how to put different backgrounds on each side of the cube01:38
ChesterOwke, i installed ubuntu but when i reboot it show grub but cant find unbuntu01:39
Comrade-Sergeimusashi, well lspci -vvv detects it01:39
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musashiComrade-Sergei, do what?01:39
Comrade-Sergeimega verbose!01:39
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Comrade-Sergeimusashi, lspci shows whats on the pci01:39
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javbi need to chroot my original filesystem being on the live CD, any IDEA ? ? ? ?01:40
cdm10javb: what's the problem?01:40
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dwxreaperi can type sudo su at the terminal and it works, if i am in gnome, and i open gedit, i can't save files because i am not root01:40
dwxreaperhow do i open gedit so i can save files from gnome01:40
dwxreaperand now for my user, i can do gedit in terminal and it works01:40
sixdrawanyone know how to put different backgrounds on each side of the cube??01:40
cdm10!repeat | sixdraw01:40
ubotusixdraw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:40
xtlosxanyone anyone here with a macbook pro?01:40
subgksudo gedit01:40
dwxreaperbut for root it gives me some xlib error, what's the deal with that01:40
xtlosxcome on people01:40
javbcdm10, i want to install LILO, because i cant boot, so, i booted with live CD, but how can i chroot my installed system?01:41
ihopejavb: sudo chroot /whatever, I imagine.01:41
Comrade-Sergeigotta reboot brb01:41
n3ow_jaycould some one tell me how you install programs in ubuntu i wantedt o add the the new xchat but can not figure out the install01:41
TixerAnyone know why I'm getting an XSLT parsing error when I run icecast?01:41
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javbihope "/whaever" is what i DONT know.01:41
musashidwxreaper, are you trying to edit a file as root to save it?01:41
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TixerN30w_jay: "sudo apt-get install xchat"01:41
cdm10javb: sudo chroot /media/whatever?01:41
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cafuegofirst, bind mount /proc01:41
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cdm10javb: find what your normal disk is mounted under and put it after chroot01:41
dwxreapermusashi: i'm trying to save a file, i can only save it as root, but when i do sudo su in terminal then gedit it gives me the xlib errors01:41
n3ow_jaywhat is the sudo?01:41
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ihopejavb: the command mount will give a list of filesystems mounted; look for something like /dev/hda1.01:42
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:42
cdm10dwxreaper: you're supposed to use gksudo, not sudo, with gui apps.01:42
javbcdm10: Mmmm, /media i have nothing, either /mnt// how can i find what my normal disk is mounted.01:42
cdm10javb: go to Places>Computer and see what you've got01:42
musashidwxreaper, try "sudo gedit file"01:42
gnomefreakmusashi: gksudo gedit01:42
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musashior that01:42
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ChesterInstallled ubuntu using live cd. I've got 3 drives in my pc. And 1 Os wich is Ubuntu. This 1 is located on dev/sdb. But when i reboot it shows GRUB but when i select ubuntu kernel. It somehow cant locate ubuntu. What am i doing wrong?01:43
javbcdm10: dont have graphical. my monitor is not supporting the resolution ubuntu is sending01:43
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kiruwhy is it in the U.S. just 6:45pm01:43
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kirufuck usa01:43
Pici!ohmy | kiru01:43
ubotukiru: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.01:43
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gnomefreaksirry LjL  ill go to bed now ;)01:43
ihopejavb: use the mount command, then.01:44
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Chesterno1? :(01:44
Kewlbgor a problem.. been using ubuntu for awhile.. had it on a laptop -- everything working great, decided to try some new stuff.. installed mandriva -- user inferace much better than ubuntu -- repository sucks, so I decided to try kbuntu and installed 7.1001:44
Kewlbnothing works01:44
Kewlbas far as the network goes01:44
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LjLgnomefreak: too many trolls, too little time, uh :)01:44
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Kewlbno other distro I tried over the past few days (ubuntu, edubuntu, mandriva, centos, SuSE Enterprise) had a single problem01:44
Kewlbkbuntu for some reason -- no matter what I do it will not bring up my wireless network card01:45
musashiKewlb,  what kind of card01:45
KewlbIntel PRO/Wireless01:45
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Kewlbworked in every other linux distro01:45
ChesterInstallled ubuntu using live cd. I've got 3 drives in my pc. And 1 Os wich is Ubuntu. This 1 is located on dev/sdb. But when i reboot it shows GRUB but when i select ubuntu kernel. It somehow cant locate ubuntu. What am i doing wrong?01:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomefreak - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about douche - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:46
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gnomefreaknzero: please dont play with the bot01:46
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Retr0RobHello all01:47
Kewlbany ideas on kbuntu and the network card and why it would work out of the box in ubuntu/mandriva/centos but not in kbuntu?01:47
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pohhow can I reinstall an app without removing it first?01:48
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pohI forgot to ask google01:48
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johnny_i removed this package so i could reinstall it, but now it doesn't take the other deps into account when reinstalling01:49
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Elhola algun espaol01:49
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cdm10!es | El01:49
ubotuEl: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:49
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IdleOnejohnny_: did it remove the deps also when you uninstalled?01:49
musashiwhat is this beryl everyone talks about01:49
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Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:50
johnny_it told me to use autoremove01:50
Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:50
Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:50
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cdm10musashi: look it up on Google Video01:50
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cdm10Can someone kick him or something?01:50
musashicdm10, k lol01:50
johnny_no ayuda in espanol aqui01:50
cdm10!es > El01:50
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IdleOneEl: escribes /join #ubuntu-es por favor01:50
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:50
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cdm10heh, ubotu's slow today.01:50
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johnny_err en .. oops01:51
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youknowmeI have two systems connected with a cat-5 crossover cable, and when I try to use vncviewer to connect to the other I get:01:51
youknowmeCouldn't convert 'joe-desktop' to host address01:51
youknowmeUnable to connect to VNC server01:51
johnny_oh oops.. turns out autoremove actually didn't do it 's job01:51
boselecta alguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:51
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johnny_even though i said yes01:51
IdleOne!es | boselecta01:51
ubotuboselecta: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:51
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johnny_ok.. now , this package when reinstalled, is not regenerating an ssl cert01:52
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musashiwth that is hardcore01:52
n3ow_jayis there a upgrade from 5.04 to a newer ver ?01:52
boselectaapparently that means "Because someone can help me is that I have to reboot your pc every time"01:52
mrjyouknowme, do they both have ips or did you unplug one from your router, leave it set to DHCP, and expect it to magically suck an IP address through the second computer?01:52
Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:52
IdleOne!upgrade | n3ow_jay01:52
ubotun3ow_jay: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:52
Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:52
Elalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratosalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratosalguien me puede ayudar porque es que se me reinicia el pc a cada ratos01:52
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cdm10n3ow_jay: you'll have to upgrade 4 times to get to the latest version.01:52
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cdm10n3ow_jay: 3 actually.01:53
IdleOne!ops | el01:53
ubotuel: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici01:53
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youknowmemrj: they are both set to dhcp, what would I change it to?01:53
musashiwow im afraid if i downloaded that i would break my pc01:53
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XDataAnd I will execute great vengeance upon them with wrathful rebukes; and they shall know that I am Jehovah, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.01:54
IdleOnemusashi: if you want to know more about beryl and compiz join #ubuntu-effects or #beryl or #compiz those 3 channels can asnwer you better01:54
Tm_TLjL: wakey01:54
Pici!o4o > XData01:54
musashiIdleOne, i was just wondering the requirements, really01:55
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mrjyouknowme, hows the 2nd computer going to get an IP address if its only directly connected to the first?01:55
youknowmemrj, I didn't think of that, so.. how would I set it up?01:55
IdleOnemusashi: again they can answer you better01:55
mrjyouknowme, you'd give it a static IP01:55
Retr0Robmusashi, as far as processor or 3d capabilities?01:55
MidnighTokermusashi, make sure you can use opegl on your graphics card, other than that give it a go. there are that many options, even on an old box (1gb duron, gforce4) its usuable and some of the lighter things are nice01:55
youknowmemrj, just one?01:56
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n3ow_jayok maybe an easier question  how do you add a server to x chat server list01:56
mrjyouknowme, both might help if they're going to communicat back and forth01:56
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node357go into the server list and hit Add01:56
boselectan3ow_jay: through preferences01:56
dwezelHello all.  Is there a channel to talk specifically about Gutsy?01:56
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Picidwezel: #ubuntu+101:57
dwezelThank you01:57
musashiRetr0Rob, both :x01:57
musashiill jjust google it01:57
IdleOnen3ow_jay: click on Xchat and then network List then click Add Server or edit or something like that. #xchat is a good place to ask01:57
trogdorstill no luck getting direct rendering going with this intel card. Its i810 driver I think and its taking half my system memory :/01:57
musashithanks guys01:57
boselectaIRC -> Preferences -> Networks01:57
youknowmemrj, so would it be something like01:57
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mrjit'd be whatever private address under the same subnet you wanted it to be01:57
boselectasorry that's Edit -> Preferences -> Networks01:57
mrjthats like day 1 tcpip01:57
Retr0RobI find generally if you do a glxinfo |grep direct01:57
zonylHow can I specify runlevel on Feisty?    I changed the kernel command line in grub to have a '3' at the end, however, upstart doesnt appear to acknowledge it and still loads runlevel 2.01:57
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XDataWhat's your problem pici ? rOOb, believe in him and you will be in peace !01:58
Retr0Roband it said direct rendering: yes01:58
youknowmemrj, sorry, I'm not sure I understand01:58
mrj192.168.1.1 /24 and /24 ( works01:58
MidnighTokeryouknowme, with a subnet mask of it should be 192.168.0.x (x being the machine number)01:58
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Retr0Robyou are generally OK01:58
musashiRetr0Rob, well thats great mine says no rofl01:58
johnny_it's still not reinstalling files it installed when this package was first installed01:58
FluxDHi, my external drive is not automounting. Any suggestions as to what could be wrong?01:58
musashiRetr0Rob, thanks for helping though01:58
Retr0Robthat's about my luck01:58
johnny_i deleted them on purpose because i assumed they would automatically come back on reinstall01:59
XDataGod is prosperity and power !01:59
johnny_and yet.. they do not01:59
johnny_shut up Xares_01:59
boselectais XData some kind of JW bot?01:59
musashii have a opengl renderer string though01:59
johnny_shut up XData ..01:59
Retr0Robif you are using nvidia or ATI, you may want to use the restricted drivers01:59
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Odd-rationaleFluxD: What format is it? NTFS?01:59
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MidnighTokerjohnny apt-get --deep <packagename> or something like that, hang on01:59
musashii am using nvidia lol01:59
GreevousI've been having lots of problems with Compiz in gutsy; are these guaranteed to be fixed by Thursday's release?01:59
FluxDOdd-rationale: yea01:59
IdleOne!offtopic | XData01:59
ubotuXData: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:59
Odd-rationaleFluxD: Are you using feisty?01:59
PiciGreevous: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion.01:59
XDatajohnny, shut the fuck up01:59
Tech-Mikesup peeps, is there an app that will open/close cd drives - so i dont have to press the button (and also so i dont have to press on the tray) got one of those front panels that doesnt allow u to close drive with button01:59
XDatai am not your friend01:59
Seeker`!ops | XData01:59
FluxDOdd-rationale: yep01:59
ubotuXData: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:00
johnny_everybody wants you to shut up02:00
Retr0RobWell, Ive done a few of them and never got it working unless I have direct rendering enabled.02:00
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IdleOneXData: as a matter a fact Religion is o4o in all ubuntu channels so please stop or you will be banned02:00
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MidnighTokerjohnny apt-get build-dep <package>  -i think02:00
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XDatanon mais genre ubotu, t'es con ou quoi ? saloperie de malade mental02:00
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boselectaok so not a bot then02:00
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KidManHow do I fix the Error 15 message for grub?02:00
johnny_watch my language .. i didn't say anything bad02:00
Odd-rationaleFluxD: Then you need to install ntfs-g3. Just go the Add/Remove programs and search for "ntfs"02:00
boselectaoh well.02:00
naliothjohnny_: sorry about that02:00
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Retr0RobThere is  (was?) an option in beryl to use the other renderer, but I just got lockups from it.02:01
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LjLjohnny_: yeah i gave you the wrong kick message.02:01
Odd-rationaleOr use "Synaptic"02:01
FluxDOdd-rationale: but it used to automount even if it was read only02:01
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johnny_so.. build dep .. that doesn't sound like what i want?02:01
flushim having an incredible issue with alsa02:01
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flushi cant get my damn freakin mixer to work properly anymore for -no apparent reason-02:02
musashiRetr0Rob, by enabled you mean i can enable it?02:02
johnny_build-dep has to do with source packages02:02
johnny_ not configure package options02:02
flushPCM in alsamixer has no effects at all anymore, when i try to use alsactl to restore the mixer settings (cause i got soundblaster live 5.1)02:02
Picijohnny_: build-dep installs the dependent packages you would need if you were compiling from source.02:02
flushit says     alsactl: set_control:995: failed to obtain info for control #7 (Operation not permitted)02:02
Retr0RobYes, depending on the card.02:02
flushwhat gives?02:02
johnny_it's not the packages i need02:02
musashiRetr0Rob, hmmm i bet ill ask how to do that next....02:02
IdleOne!enter | flush02:02
ubotuflush: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:02
johnny_but the configure options.. not ./configure options02:02
musashiRetr0Rob, how do you do that?02:02
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johnny_the packages are installed02:03
flushbut got any idea.. im damn bored of this02:03
johnny_but the options to generate things like ssl certs, and adding config files happen  is what i need02:03
Retr0Robdepends on the card.. do you know what brand?02:03
IdleOnejohnny_: dpkg-reconfigure package02:03
Odd-rationaleFluxD: Did you try going to System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives and Media and see if auto-mount is enabled?02:03
zonylanyone know anything about why feisty upstart not using kernel runlevel parameter?02:03
johnny_aha IdleOne that sounds more correct02:03
musashiRetr0Rob, is there a command i can use to find that, i thought it was nvidia02:03
johnny_i rarely have to do much with apt other than install and upgrade, since i'm mainly a gentoo user, but at our store we use all ubuntu02:03
IdleOnejohnny_: I am not certain what package you are talking about though02:04
youknowmemidnightoker, wow I'm still having a lot of trouble.02:04
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Retr0Robyep... hold on, I used to know it off the top of my head.02:04
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FluxDOdd-rationale: it was automounting fine until I installed ntfs-3g but apparently after that it would never automount so I uninstalled it and after that its always like this02:04
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johnny_that didn't do it IdleOne  it just tried to restart the server02:04
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johnny_ which can't run without a cert and default config files02:04
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MidnighTokeryouknowme: whats going on? what did you do? deleted some necicary files?02:05
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ban-evaderHA HA HA :) j/k02:05
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IdleOneso johnny_ you need a place to add the config files?02:05
Odd-rationaleFluxD: ntfs-3g is considered rather buggy in fiesty. However, it has been fixed in Gusty.02:05
leg1p.snt msg 2 wrng site.wheels dodgy bros diff ole fella same e/ml not right tlk sn02:05
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FluxDOdd-rationale: it was working fine for me in edgy02:05
youknowm1midnightoke, no, unplugged my router to plug in the crosover cable to try again02:05
johnny_on a fresh install, it did actions like add config files, and generate a cert,  i deleted the config files because i modified them, and then expected apt to regenerate them on install  so i could get fresh ones02:05
IdleOnejohnny_: locate flumotion should tell you where the app is installed02:05
johnny_but that is not happening02:06
FluxDOdd-rationale: any other way so it can automount on plugin ?02:06
youknowm1midnightoker, I still can't figure this out02:06
johnny_i know where it is installed for sure, they just aren't there after reinstalling the package02:06
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, cant figure what out? i have no idea what you're doing02:06
Retr0RobOK, your gonna love this: I found a youtube vid for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W2GL9mpsn402:06
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MidnighTokeryouknowm1, sorry about this man, i'm in the middle of trying to get LVM working on another box. happy to help, just let me know again whats going on.02:07
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IdleOnejohnny_: you dont happen to have bakups do you?02:07
Odd-rationaleFluxD: Not that I can think of. But I'm not a guru. So I'm very sorry I couldn't help you much. :(02:07
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johnny_no.. this box was just installed lastnight02:07
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FluxDOdd-rationale: np but ty for the help02:07
=== Toma- [n=e17@124-169-251-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kanjohi there, which POP3 server you guys recommend me to implement on Ubuntu?02:08
johnny_if i have to reinstall my entire system for 1 bad non system related package, i will be annoyed, that is a severe deficiency of apt if that is the case, and i doubt that it is so02:08
Col^Hey everyone02:08
musashiRetr0Rob, maybe ill just try to install it anyway02:08
IdleOnejohnny_: sodu apt-get purge -remove flumotion & sudo apt-get install flumotion02:08
johnny_brb, please address all responses by by name02:08
musashiRetr0Rob, would it break anything >_>?02:08
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Flanneljohnny_: You need to remove with --purge (or 'completely remove' in synaptic) to reinstall config files.02:09
Col^Does anyone know how to get my games in wine executed with proper opengl?02:09
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Retr0Robwell, if you use the restricted drivers app, it won't let you mess up.02:09
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Retr0Robif you use synaptic or automatix it could be bad.02:09
musashiRetr0Rob, i hate to ask, but could you explain ._.?02:09
youknowm1midnightoker, ok, what I mainly want to do is use vncviewer. If I connect the two computers (one running 6.10 the other 7.04) with the cat-5 crossover cable, and set both computers to dhcp. then they say they are connected. I never tried to ping one or the other (shoudl have) though. Then I get told I need to have them set with static IPs, this is where I am lost as to what to make the IPs.02:09
johnny_there we go Flannel !02:09
johnny_thank you02:09
Retr0Robyou can make a copy of your xorg.conf file02:10
FlannelRetr0Rob: Synaptic isn't bad.  Automatix is.02:10
Retr0Roband it will save you if the install goes to heck02:10
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MidnighTokeryouknowm1, unless you have a dhcp server on one of the boxes, when they are conencted together there is a good chance it wont work. what are the IP addresses when they are connected to each other?02:10
Col^Retr0Rob, i am, however, in NFS Carbon it seems as if i run with a dx8 gfx or something... I'm missing different video options and so on.02:10
musashidarn what is the path to xorg.conf again02:10
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=== MidnighToker steps back in amazement. VNC on a default install but no ssh!?
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youknowm1midnightoker, again, I am lost.02:11
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musashiRetr0Rob, copy made, here goes nothing.02:11
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, you have the two computers connected together with a crossover cable. you have them both set to get IP addresses from the DHCP server -which is your router, which they are not connected to any more02:11
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Retr0RobOK, if x crashes after, rm the new xorg and cp the old one02:12
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musashiRetr0Rob, actually i have to figure out how to install first :>02:12
youknowm1midnightoker, ok, I understand that now. but whats the next step?02:12
musashiRetr0Rob, brb02:12
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MidnighTokeryouknowm1, what IP address does each computer have?02:13
zonylcol: did you setup in wineconfig?02:13
MidnighTokerHow do I set up SSH service on my Ubuntu box? searching for ssh and nothing in default repository?02:13
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gregoroviusanybody knows of a good GUI or tool to rip DVDs to x264?02:13
IdleOne!ssh | MidnighToker02:13
ubotuMidnighToker: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:13
riotkittieMidnighToker: install openssh-server  [i believe that is the pkg name] 02:13
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MidnighTokergregorovius, DVD::RIP02:13
e-vocgood nite02:13
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gregoroviusMidnighToker, I think it doesn't support that format02:14
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youknowm1mdnightoker, ifconfig tells me this for eth002:14
youknowm1 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
musashiRetr0Rob, if i install the newest nvidia drivers, will it mess up my other operating systems :s?02:14
MidnighTokerriotkittie, thanks man. cant believe i have VNC and no ssh :)02:14
Retr0Robonly effects ubuntu02:14
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MidnighTokeryouknowm1, and the other box?02:14
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youknowm1mdnightoker, 1 sec02:15
Retr0Robif you get a freeze shut down02:15
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zengenWhen I run apt-get I get a ton of errors from scrollkeeper.  They're all formatting errors (no end of tag, tag mismatch...).  I found something similar on the forum: sudo scrollkeeper-rebuilddb.  Will that work for my problem?02:15
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musashiRetr0Rob, i found a perfect howto, someone installing beryl on feisty with nvidia drivers lol02:15
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IdleOne!br | duarte02:16
ubotuduarte: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:16
Retr0Robif you just need the wobbly windows and cube02:16
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ianm_"need wobbly windows" heh02:16
musashiRetr0Rob, i like the cube thing02:16
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Retr0Robgo to system-prefs-desktop effects02:17
ianm_Retr0Rob: I think that might be an oxymoron...02:17
Retr0Roband enable.02:17
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Col^could i use nvidia-glx-new drivers for my 6600, with better effect than with the restricted drivers?02:17
musashilol sec gotta activate new graphics driver02:17
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MidnighTokeryouknowm1, they both need to be on the same network, so they both need to start with the same 192.168.1.x  -with the x being different on each box02:17
cafuegoCol^: Those *are* the restricted drivers.02:17
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Retr0Robcross fingers02:18
Col^cafuego, ah ok02:18
cafuegoCol^: they're the userspace part that plugs into X.02:18
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Col^omg lingo i can't understand :) Userspace part?02:18
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youknowm1mdnightoker, they aren't on the same network atm02:18
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Seeker`Col^: IT isn't hooked directly into the kernel, so it doesn't violate the license stuff afaik02:19
youknowm1mdnightoker, do they need to be for me to figure this out02:19
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, you told me they were connected together with a crossover cable. that is the same network. have you changed that?02:19
Col^ok Seeker`02:19
MidnighTokerand please spell my name correctly, so it highlights in channel and i can see you're talking02:19
davemlinux1Is it safe to install the ubuntu-7.10-rc, and then make a apt-get dist-upgrade on the day of release?02:19
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Seeker`davemlinux1: it is relatively stable now02:19
Seeker`davemlinux1: there shouldn't be (m)any changes, unless a huge bug is discovered02:20
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davemlinux1By synaptic or aptitude02:20
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youknowm1mdnightoker: the second computer and this computer I'm on are one in the same. I'm short one cat-5 cable to connect both computers to the router.02:20
mrjyouknowm1, set the gateway to be the opposite computer, if you're on and the other computers IP is, set the gateway on 2.1 to 2.202:20
rodrigo_join #cacti02:21
mrjWhy are you using a crossover and not a router?02:21
musashiRetr0Rob, wooo i got direct rendering = yes now ;)02:21
RB2I just installed 7.10 RC yesterday and it's been 100% stable for me.02:21
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Retr0Robgood work02:21
davemlinux1How do i have to configure my sources?02:21
mrjThis channel has too many q/p/j messages it makes me want to stab myself02:21
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musashihmmm warning...02:21
Seeker`mrj: you can probably turn them off in your client02:21
mrjSeeker`, then I'd not see them globally, though02:21
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Retr0Robwhats the warning?02:22
youknowm1mrj, I have to many port forwarding problems with my router. I got sick of it.02:22
Seeker`mrj: thats a choice you have to wmake02:22
davemlinux1What do i need to change when becomes stable02:22
RB2Quick Question... in the terminal window, how do I send a function Key? (using ssh in the terminal window)02:22
musashirofl so what is beryl for then?02:22
mrjSeeker`, no way, really?02:22
duartekiba-dock for ubuntu 7.002:22
musashiit said warning this is experimental02:22
musashior w/e02:22
duartedo you know?02:22
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, i dont understand how you have them connected together  -and please spell my name correctly, pm me or give up.02:22
davemlinux1In etc/apt/sources.list ?02:23
Retr0Robwell, It gives you the pretty windows,02:23
Seeker`duarte: what do you want to know about 7.10?02:23
Retr0Robwhoo hoo!02:23
musashiRetr0Rob, so what else does beryl do that makes it worth downloading? the 3d backround thing while rotating cube?02:23
Wolf23some body help please!! An error occured The playback of this movie requires a video/x-avi-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.02:23
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musashiRetr0Rob,  and uh how to i move the cube >_>02:24
LjL!codecs > Wolf23    (Wolf23, see the private message from Ubotu)02:24
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mrjmusashi, it's a complete change of how actions/windows are handled02:24
mrjWobbly windows, other various effects02:24
mrjYou either want it or you dont02:24
mrjWe can't tell you to get it or not02:24
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abatshyhi every 102:24
Retr0Robwell, it has some nice window management stuff, but honestly the Compiz install that's built in to 7.04 is fine for me.02:24
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_ebirtaidwhat would be a possible explanation for the fact that under pclinuxos I can detect and connect to wireless networks with ndiswrapper and a windows driver but under ubuntu, using the same driver, I can not detect any networks even though the driver is working?02:24
Retr0RobIt gives the wobblies, the cube and transparancy02:24
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caravenaHello, problem with mi lapto. I upgrade to feisty to Gutsy, and not work fine the keyboard.02:25
caravena Howto detect the package with problem?02:25
caravena* of02:25
mrjWobbles + panel wall is great02:25
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Davy_Joneswhat does the evms process do?  it says enterprise volume management system.. what does that mean and is this process necessary?02:25
mrjBut I'm also on a heavy duty system02:25
FaltzerI need help with package management, allot of things corrupt after I upgrade using the upgrade manager.02:25
youknowm1midnightoker, two computers, I'm short one cable so they both can't be connected to the router at the same time for I need a third cable to connect the router to the modem. I CAN connect them with the crossover cable but they are not at the moment, I would need to disconnect myself from the net.02:25
boselectacaravena: ask in #ubuntu+102:25
Retr0RobBTW, 7.10 has copiz fusion enabled by default. supposed to be really pretty.02:25
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caravenaboselecta: Ok, thanks.02:26
Retr0Robmrj are you on 7.10?02:26
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dispositionanyone here a math/chemistry major that knows how to make trendline equations in gnumeric02:26
mrjI'm in XP right now, though02:26
Davy_Joneswhy is it not right to say 7.1?02:26
musashiRetr0Rob, so i can do the cool cube thing or is that only beryl where u move it around and stuff02:26
Retr0Robis it stabile?02:26
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, ok, so if you disconnect the internet, and have both computers connected into the router (in the LAN ports) can the two computers ping each other?02:26
Seeker`youknowm1: So you have 2 patch cables and 1 crossover?02:26
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riotkittie_ebirtaid: did you grab ndiswrapper from the repos? i've heard some people have better luck compiling from source02:26
riotkittieDavy_Jones: because 1 = january.02:26
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, is the modem/router connected with a crossover cable or patch?02:26
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Seeker`Davy_Jones: it is 7.10 because it will be released in the 10th month of 200702:26
dispositionthis is really urgent. i'm working on a lab report due for tomorrow and gnumeric is NOT graphing a remotely correct trendline02:26
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_ebirtaidI've not tried compiling from source, it could be worth a try02:27
mrjRetr0Rob, It's stable, I have issues here and there but I can fix them. I wouldn't use it as a production OS due to the constant updates coming out02:27
riotkittieDavy_Jones: x.x is year.month02:27
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Retr0Robmusashi, yep you can move the cube thing. I show it to my Vista buddies. It drives um nuts!02:27
_ebirtaidit's odd that there would just be no scan results though02:27
musashiRetr0Rob, k how do i do that02:27
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Davy_Jonesso the first ubuntu was released in 2001?02:27
youknowm1seeker: yes02:27
Retr0Robdo you have desktop effects enabled?02:27
bruenigDavy_Jones, no02:27
dispositionthis is really urgent. i'm working on a lab report due for tomorrow and gnumeric is NOT graphing a remotely correct trendline. i keep setting the low bound for the lowest X value and the high bound as the highest X value, but the graph still forces the intercept to be zero.02:27
disposition2004, october02:28
youknowm1midnightoker, patch02:28
musashiyes i got da windows and workspaces on a cube02:28
RB2disposition: Did you try #gnumeric on irc.gnome.org ?02:28
dispositionno, i will try that. thank you.02:28
urbanhghey can anyone give me a hand im new to ubuntu and im trying to load music on to my ipod with rhythmbox02:28
Seeker`youknowm1: dont some routers allow you to use crossover cables instead of patch cables, and do some clever electronic stuff to fix it?02:28
anolisim kinda upset with the new compiz-fusion settings manager, mainly because i don't know how to get my happy fire animations on windows minimize/maximize02:28
Retr0Robdo a ctrl-alt and the right arrow key02:28
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, so if you want both computers connected to the router, you have to disconnect the internet, right?02:28
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mrjSeeker`, It's called MDIX and it has to be on the NICs02:28
Davy_Jonesanolis: as in either #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-effects02:28
youknowm1midnightoker, yes02:28
musashinothing happened lol02:28
Retr0Robthen if you ctrl-alt and right mouse you can control it by mouse02:28
RB2The only problem I've had is getting 4 sides to my cube even after I reduce down to 1 workspace.02:29
getnthevan4candyI still can't get my wireless to work.02:29
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riotkittieanolis: i can only speak of the one in gutsy but its animations > fourth tab in there02:29
mrjThat's because you're from /b/02:29
dispositionanyone know what the best trendline program is for linux?02:29
youknowm1seeker, I'm not sure02:29
dispositionor spreadsheet program?02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
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youknowm1seeker, I could try02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
Seeker`youknowm1: have you tried it?02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
Seeker`!ops | abatshy02:29
ubotuabatshy: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:29
abatshyhey every girl i have cam and iam so hot if any girl wanna to see mu dick and make her cunt wet pm me plz bye02:29
Retr0RobI have had to log out and in again after enabling the cube.02:29
jeffreyfLinksys Broadcom driver?02:30
Odd-rationaledisposition: Try OpenOffice Calc02:30
MidnighTokeryouknowm1, ok, so assuming they are both connected to the router, they should both have an IP address that starts with the same first three sections the same (xxx.xxx.xxx.different) -and they should be able to ping each other02:30
Retr0Robthe windows wobble right?02:30
musashiah ok02:30
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dispositionit doesn't enter trendline equations02:30
LjLwhat the chanserv02:30
urbanhgdo any of you fine folks know how to get an ipod to work with rhythmbox02:30
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mrjwell, at least the girl booted him out, so that wasn't completely in vain for him02:30
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youknowm1seeker, no, I will right now02:30
smultronurbanhg: do you have the plugin enabled in rhythmbox?02:30
youknowm1midnightoker, yes, I'll try that right now, brb02:30
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urbanhgsomehow i deleted all of my music from the pod...02:31
Seeker`youknowm1: make the crossover connection between one of the computers and the router02:31
wilberfanWindows and Ubuntu don't set the system clock the same way, do they?02:31
urbanhgand when i try to add more music i get an error sayind device full02:31
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bad_cablesi forgot my password for my user and root02:31
magic_ninjadoes anyone know the mozilla gecko package name02:31
bad_cablesbut i am logged in now02:31
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MidnighTokerSeeker`, i dont think there is a crossover cable in play, just confusion02:31
wilberfanIf I change the system time in Windows, the next time I boot into Ubuntu it says the partitions were mounted in the future...02:31
eboyjrHow do I find out the path of the Ubuntu Desktop Wallpaper? and... when is Ubuntu Gutsy or Gusty coming?02:31
smultronurbanhg: hm. sorry. i'm not sure02:31
wilberfanIs there any way to get them to play nice?02:31
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bad_cablesanyone know how to get your own passwd?02:32
Seeker`MidnighToker: I got the impression that there were 2 patch and 1 xover, and he just didn't know waht to do02:32
Davy_Joneseboyjr: go to ubuntu.com to find out when gutsy will be out02:32
urbanhghaha and this time i just tried it and rbox... just simply closed on me lol02:32
Tm_Tcafuego: did you?02:32
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FaltzerCan I please get help on the Ubuntu Package Manager?02:32
Odd-rationaleeboyjr: /usr/share/backgrounds02:32
MidnighTokerwilberfan, thats cos windows sets the computers local time into the bios, you need to tell ubuntu your system clock is actually local not GMT02:32
bad_cablesplease tell me before the power goes out02:32
FaltzerI'm using Feisty Fawn, 7.0402:32
RB2bad_cables: open a terminal window and type: passwd02:32
Wolf23LjL: thanx but i have installed all packages, the onlyone that is to open that file that i have paste here02:32
MidnighTokernot sure how to set on ubuntu02:32
eboyjrOdd-rationale, awesome, thanks02:32
wilberfanMidnighToker, oh, cool...  do you remember how to do that??02:32
cafuegoTm_T: sry, typing with one hnd02:32
bad_cablesyeah passwd... you know what it is>02:32
KidManWhat does "Error in Service Module" mean? How can I fix it?02:32
MidnighTokerSeeker`, possibly... let him see what happens02:32
Davy_JonesFaltzer: would be better to ask the question than ask if anyone knows02:32
RB2bad_cables: It allows you to reset the password02:33
MidnighTokerwilberfan, i have no idea on ubuntu, i come from a gentoo background, hang on and i'll look02:33
Tm_Tcafuego: there's no laws for handsfree?02:33
wilberfanMidnighToker, I have the "Use UTC" box UN-checked...02:33
bad_cablesRB2: only if you know your oldone02:33
mrjSeeker`, you do realize "patch" is the wrong terminology right?02:33
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Retr0Robhey, got a cure for the "No Cube"02:33
mrjPatch has nothing to do with a cables pin-outs02:33
Flannelbad_cables: You can't get your own password, you can just re-set it to somethign known.02:33
eboyjrDavy_Jones, Thanks, 3 days to go02:33
wilberfanMidnighToker, "Clock preferences"02:33
MidnighTokermrj: Seeker` "straight through..." or X-over02:33
Davy_Joneseboyjr: np02:33
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Seeker`mrj: I've always heard them referred to as crossover or patch02:33
bad_cablesFlannel, how do you reset it...02:34
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Flannelbad_cables: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword02:34
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mrjSeeker`, crossover, straight through, or rolled02:34
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mrjpatch has nothing to do with pin outs02:34
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dispositionwhen it comes to spreadsheets02:34
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mrjpatch = short cable02:34
dispositionlinux loses the battle :P02:34
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mrjjust so we dont confuse each other02:34
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KidManWhat does "Error in Service Module" mean? How can I fix it?02:34
Retr0Robmusashi, check out this on the forum02:35
musashiRetr0Rob, im just gonna get beryl02:35
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RB2Anyone know how I send a function key to the terminal window without Gnome intercepting it?02:35
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Retr0Robnothing bad about Beryl, it's good stuff!02:35
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youknowmeseeker, did not work, crossover can't act as a patch in this case02:36
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FaltzerCan I please get help on the Ubuntu Package Manager?02:36
youknowmemidnightoker: IPs are the same as before when both connected to the samerouter02:36
musashiRetr0Rob, yea that doesnt work02:36
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musashiRetr0Rob, ill try the walkthrough, and thanks again02:37
unagi_someone say my name really quick i need to test something02:37
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unagi_thank you02:37
Retr0Robno problem, you got the hard part handled.02:37
bad_cablesok thanks02:37
FaltzerCan I please get help on the Ubuntu Package Manager, please? I've already reformatted 3 times, and still no success.02:37
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Seeker`Faltzer: What problem are you having?02:38
RB2 Faltzer: What are the symptoms?02:38
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mrjyouknowme, Did you set the gateways like I said?02:38
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FaltzerSeeker` it seems as if my OS Is corrupt somehow.02:39
musashiRetr0Rob, got it to work w/o beryl02:39
Seeker`Faltzer: Any error messages etc?02:39
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youknowmemrj, haven't got that far. still testing IPs and such because apparently they matter greatly02:39
Seeker`Faltzer: We need a better description of what is wrong to actually work out what the problem is02:39
youknowmemrj, hold on I'll try again02:39
dezelinhow do i speed up deluge torrent client?02:39
Retr0Robyeah, I just fixed mine lol, I set mine to 1 desktop02:39
mrjyouknowme, uh.. yeah, they're rather important to the tcp/ip stack. You need to set the gateway to be the opposite computers02:39
Faltzer Seeker`: It's hard to explain, but when I open synaptic it closes automatically.02:40
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GorthaxHello friends02:40
Faltzer Seeker`: And so does add/remove applications02:40
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musashiRetr0Rob, can u make all 6 sides a desktop, or no? just 4?02:40
Seeker`Faltzer: what about if you start them from the command line?02:40
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Faltzer Seeker`: It's like the system is preventing me from doing something to anything having to do with program management02:40
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Gorthaxive been trying to find a resolution to my problem to no avail.  I want to modify my System Panels, including changing the font color.  Could someone point me in the direction....?02:40
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Odd-rationalemusashi: I can have up to 32 :)02:40
Retr0Robhmm. Ive only done 4. 6 would be cool02:40
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musashiOdd-rationale, rofl 32 sided polygon02:41
Faltzer Seeker` I start synaptic via CMD but still closes.02:41
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Faltzer Seeker` if I run apt-get install -f I get a small message02:41
Gorthax<Gnome 2.1802:41
emmajaneGorthax, have you tried the "font preferences" under "system"?02:41
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edubuntuapt-get massage!02:41
Seeker`Faltzer: do you get an error message if you start synaptic from the command line?02:41
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emmajanegorthax: there's a "details" button which appears to contain color options02:41
youknowmemrj, and with the mask set to and the gateway set to 1.2 and 2.1?02:41
Faltzer Seeker`: No... It opens but closes it.02:42
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Seeker`Faltzer: no terminal output at all?02:42
Seeker`Faltzer: And what is the message you get iwht apt-get install -f?02:42
youknowmemrj, gateway set to 2.2 and 2.1.02:42
musashiRetr0Rob,  yea i like this im going to get beryl02:42
mrjyouknowme, yes the gateway is the OTHEr computer02:42
Faltzer Seeker`:  The message for apt-get install -f is 'Segmentation Fault (core dumped)'02:42
edubuntuDoes beryl eat rescources02:43
youknowmemrj, ok brb02:43
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Seeker`Faltzer: you say this has happened 3 times?02:43
Retr0RobIt is nice. btw, looks like I just have 6 sides, no top or bottom.02:43
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FaltzerSeeker`: Yes, and this only happens after running the update manager02:43
musashiRetr0Rob, i have 4 desktops and the top says ubuntu, bottom is blank02:43
Odd-rationalemusashi: I'm using compiz-fusion on Gusty. I don't know how desktops you can have in beryl02:43
Seeker`Faltzer: which version of ubuntu?02:43
emmajaneGorthax: or perhaps in system -> theme02:43
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musashiOdd-rationale, ah ok02:43
FaltzerSeeker`: Feisty Fawn02:44
jeffreyfFeisty Fawn: Driver for Linksys Wireless02:44
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musashiman wobbly windows hurts my eyes02:44
musashiand i already have a headace ><02:44
josheMuy buenas alguien quehables espaol para hacerle una pregunta?02:44
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riotkittie!es | joshe02:45
ubotujoshe: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:45
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alpinei cannot get skype to launch upon startup. i added it to the startup menu through Sessions with the command line "skype." it still does not launch upon startup. is that the right command line?02:46
FaltzerSeeker`: In addition, my Ubuntu freezes often. It forces me to restart via without the normal process often.02:46
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FaltzerSeeker`: I have like 384 MB RAM02:46
Seeker`Faltzer: can I see your /etc/apt/sources.list?02:47
Seeker`Faltzer: You should pastebin it02:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:47
diafic_sleep now. night.02:47
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alpineany help with the startup menu please?02:48
Seeker`Faltzer: also, try "sudo aptitude update"02:48
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Gorthaxwhat kind of help alpine?02:48
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Gorthaxoh, just read up02:49
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FaltzerSeeker`: What does the command you specified do?02:49
Seeker`Faltzer: its an alternative to apt-get update02:49
alpinei thought it launches skype.02:49
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alpinei didn't know what to put under command line02:49
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FaltzerSeeker`: I tried it, but I'll paste bin both the output for aptitude and the file you indicated.02:49
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youknowmemrj, ok, the computers can ping each other when connected with the crossover cable but when I try to use vnc I get02:50
youknowmeCouldn't convert 'joe-desktop' to host address02:50
youknowmeUnable to connect to VNC server02:50
alpineGorthax: I am trying to get skype to launch upon startup.02:50
FaltzerSeeker`:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40759/  That's the /etc/apt/sources.list02:51
mneptokFaltzer: and please use apt-get instead of aptitude02:51
vbabiy-Laptopwhat is the motu room02:51
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:51
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Faltzermneptok: Why, though? SOrry for being too curious.02:51
mneptokFaltzer: it is getting more attention and feature improvements vis-a-vis dist-upgrades tahn is aptitude02:51
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FaltzerSeeker`: And this is the aptitude output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40761/02:52
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Seeker`mneptok: I read in a bug report that doing aptitude update solved a similar problem02:52
alpineis there some kind of protocol for how questions are asked and answered? do i have to wait in line?02:52
mrjyouknowme, joe-desktop = an ip address right, and you just changed it to joe-desktop to clean it up or something?02:52
Faltzermneptok: Okay, will apt-get be deprecated in the future?02:52
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mneptokFaltzer: you cannot launch synaptic with sudo02:52
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Seeker`Faltzer: now try running synaptic02:53
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jeffreyfWhere can I find a driver for Linksys Wireless (I think it is Broadcom)02:53
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mrjalpine, no, because us volunteers cant answer every single question, so ask it and we'll try02:53
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mrjyouknowme, you need to enter the ip, not "joes-desktop" if thats what you're doing02:53
alpineI am trying to get skype to launch upon startup.02:53
Faltzermneptok: Neither can I launch it without.02:54
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FaltzerSeeker`: Still not working.02:54
alpineI added it to the startup list under Sessions02:54
Seeker`Faltzer: use gksudo to launch it from the command line02:54
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mneptokFaltzer: any GUI app needs to be invoked with gksudo, not sudo02:54
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Seeker`Faltzer: sorry, i dont know what could be causing it - I need to leave now as I have to be up in 7 hours02:54
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FaltzerSeeker`: Still doesn't work. Okay..02:55
Seeker`Faltzer: good luck02:55
Faltzermneptok: It used to work with sudo though.02:55
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Marsly1Excuse me, but what is "Ubuntu Gutsy"?02:56
Retr0Rob_Ubuntu 7.1002:56
mneptokFaltzer: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:56
noway-Marsly1, its the next version of Ubuntu02:56
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amrhello , how to mute my laptop speakers on pluging in my headphone02:57
Retr0Rob_amr, what kind of computer?02:57
Marsly1So, Gutsy and Gutsy Gibbon are the same?02:57
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Retr0Rob_Some compaq laptops will not turn off.02:58
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Faltzermneptok: *sigh* I think this is once again an OS related problem.02:58
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FaltzerIt returns a Segmentation Fault (core dumped)02:58
Odd-rationaleMarsly1: Yes02:58
iownyouhey can anybody help me with picking a linux distro?02:58
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magic_ninjadoes anyone have experience running steam02:58
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amrRetr0Rob_ : intel hda on fujistu seimens aMILO 150502:59
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Exiliowath is grub error 1702:59
Retr0Rob_OK, it may have the same, but try this....02:59
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Marsly1If anyone would be able to take the time to read this first forum post, and explain to me if the commands can only work in "Gutsty"... I would apreciate it --- Link --- http://luxrender.org/forum/frameset.html02:59
Retr0Rob_double click on the volume icon02:59
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Retr0Rob_find the switches tab and click on it03:00
MidnighTokerduring setup i set 800x600 as max resolution. i've just upgraded the monitor and it wont let me change it to anything higher. help please.03:00
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iStiKsMarsly1: thats an invalid link03:00
Odd-rationaleiownyou: I would go with Ubuntu! But were are some quizes which might help you get started with your own choice: http://polishlinux.org/choose/quiz/  http://www.tuxs.org/chooser/03:00
musashioook that was odd03:00
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Gorthaxmidnight, google for it.  There is a specific answer on the Ubuntu forums03:01
Marsly1iStiKs: oooh, 1 sec03:01
MidnighTokerGorthax, ta03:01
Gorthaxyou need to run the xorg configuration03:01
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Marsly1*Sorry* For huge post :( --- First: This is just really, really great news!!!03:01
Marsly1I just compiled Lux and here is what I had to do:03:01
Marsly1Compiling Lux in Ubuntu Gutsy:03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install cvs03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install build-essential03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install bison03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install flex03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install libboost-dev03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install libfltk1.1-dev03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install libboost-thread-dev03:01
Marsly1sudo apt-get install libboost-date-time-dev03:01
Marsly1And then just follow this:03:01
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Marsly1http://www.luxrender.org/index.php?opti ... &Itemid=7003:01
Marsly1Hope this is useful for others.03:01
mrjdude, pastebin03:02
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Marsly1*wince* sorry...03:02
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musashiRetr0Rob, i executed beryl manager and the scren did something but it still has the command running in terminal03:02
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NemesisDwhat would cause an ethernet device to just stop being able to connect to the internet. I am possibly looking in the wrong place but the best clue I have is dmesg saying link is not ready03:04
GorthaxMidnight, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397303:04
Retr0Rob_last time i used beryl I had to choose an xgl session from the login screen03:04
Gorthaxor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26905203:04
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ae88925NemesisD: do you have a link light?03:05
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Retr0Rob_Last time I had Beryl was in 6.1003:05
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NemesisDae88925, i can check, this is somebody else's computer so I'm kind of doing support over the phone03:06
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NemesisDae88925, anything else i should look for? i tailed /var/log/syslog but the person claimed there was nothing of interest03:06
NemesisDim about to call them right now03:06
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ae88925plug, and unplug the ethernet a few times.  dmesg|grep eth0 <-- assuming "eth0" is correct should show link up, link down.03:07
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bitwiseshiftleftanyone know a good way to get power consumption down on Ubuntu?03:07
NemesisDae88925, i believe it's pci, how would i do that safely?03:07
ae88925If it's a cable modem, router, or DSL router, reset the box.03:07
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ae88925Just unplug the ethernet cable, don't remove the card03:08
NemesisDoh ok03:08
mneptokFaltzer: at what point does it segfault?03:08
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NemesisDae88925, should i need to do ifup/ifdown?03:08
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ae88925possibly, yes.  But verify link first.03:08
mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: which version?03:08
NemesisDok, ill call now03:09
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bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: gutsy03:09
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bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: but it shouldn't matter that much, should it?03:09
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mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: then you already have the new tickless kernel03:09
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mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: and yes, it does.03:09
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bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: actually, i'm on 64-bit, but i have a tickless kernel anyway... i upgraded to 2.6.23-mm103:10
bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: but that only shaves like half a watt03:10
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zengenI'm trying to compile easytag with mp4 support, but it keeps asking for libmp4v2.  I have libmp4v2 and libmp4v2-dev installed.  Is it referring to some other package I need?03:10
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markelhascan some one help me to config dwl-650M rev 2?03:11
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mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: try breaking the srceen off ;)03:11
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bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: this advice is given AS IS, with no warrantee for blah blah03:12
markelhasi've isntalled the ndis and load the windows driver but onli link led is active and can't list the pci card03:12
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mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: thanks for considering that "advice." very generous of you. :)03:12
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jeffreyfAnyone know of LInksys Wireless Drivers?03:12
bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: but basically i'm annoyed that windows has 30% lower power consumption than linux03:12
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ae88925zengen, run ./configure --help.  Try to see if it requires a --with-libmp4v2 argument.  Maybe it's looking somewhere for the lib other than where Ubuntu puts it by default.03:13
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mneptokbitwiseshiftleft: got any daemon processes that aren't 100 % necessary? keep them from waking the kernel.03:13
markelhasany wireless expert aroun?03:14
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mneptokmarkelhas: i am, but you won't like my answer.03:14
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FaltzerHere comes another OS Re-imaging03:14
ae88925disclaimer: I have no knowledge of easytag or libmp4v2, but have had to specify --with-XXX in the past03:14
FaltzerFor the 4th time03:14
markelhasmneptok, why?03:14
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MidnighTokerfor a geforce4 do i want to use the NV or nvidia driver? -wanting 3D support03:15
mneptokmarkelhas: because i'll tell you to buy supported hardware from companies that care about users.03:15
bitwiseshiftleftmneptok: not really?  i mean, i turned off trackerd.  i tried turning off compiz, but that didn't help much03:15
mneptokMidnighToker: nvidia03:15
bitwiseshiftleftand compiz is shiny03:15
markelhasmneptok, yestarday i've managed to put the card working but after a reboot the card don't work any more03:15
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zengenae88925:  ./configure says it's enabled by default.  I found 2 libmp4v2 files in /usr/lib and tried setting the path in ./configure, but it still doesn't work.  If that was even the correct way to try to fix it...03:15
MidnighTokermneptok, thanks03:15
markelhasmneptok, ok :(03:15
SitheraeWhere can I find G++ after I have installed it?03:15
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mneptokmarkelhas: Cardbus?03:16
moppitMidnighToker: Double Check, with the Geforce4 you may want the nvidia-glx-legacy drivers03:16
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markelhasmneptok, pci wirelles03:16
mneptokmarkelhas: standby03:16
ShpookHello everyone03:16
cafuegozengen: the default libmp4v2 in feisty is broken03:16
ae88925zengen:  is ld reporting the error?03:16
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tt_A friend who gives me a shell on his machine recently upgraded to 7.10 and I found VIM was built w/o a default compile-time option I depend on somewhat.  Any idea what's up with that?03:16
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endrahey, when do I select "guided - use entire disk and set up LVM" in the partition area?03:16
zengenae88925:  This is gutsy.  Should I be in +1?03:16
mneptokmarkelhas: you in the US?03:17
SitheraeHow can I execute GNU G++?03:17
ShpookAnyone else have freezing issues with Gutsy, that only seem to happen in Firefox while using the scroll wheel?03:17
zengenerr, caguego03:17
cafuegozengen: Well... maybe :-)03:17
zengenOkay, thanks.03:17
cafuegozengen: is the souce package for it still faad?03:17
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mneptokShpook: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions03:17
markelhasmneptok, just for remark i've test so many thing yestardy that i don't really now want revolve the problem. however i remember that i've used ndis and mad wifi.03:17
MidnighTokermoppit thanks03:17
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Shpookooh, okay, thx03:17
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zengencafuego: I don't know what that means.03:17
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endraAs opposed to not using LVM.. It is an old 6.5GB hdd, 128MB ram 530mhz i586 trying to install XUBUNTU. Question is should I select Guided - use entire disk or use entire disk and set up LVM?03:17
mneptokmarkelhas: what brand and model of card?03:18
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tdo__algum ai03:18
SitheraeHow do I execute the GNU C++ Compiler?03:18
mneptok!es > tdo__03:18
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cafuegoendra: On that setup I wouldn't bother with lvm.03:18
ae88925Sitherae: assuming it's intalled, run 'g++'03:18
Flanneleton: If you've only got one HDD, you wont get much out of LVM03:18
endracafuego: okay, thanks03:18
gerroMasterShrek: fixed my comp up, turns out there was a bios fast boot option for win95 blocking most the system information. Also the extra memory wasnt plugged in right. Still no direct rendering but working on that ^^03:18
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mneptokmarkelhas: hello?03:18
markelhasmneptok, D-link DWL-G650M rev 3.00, and yesterday it reconize has atheros i think.03:19
endracafuego: the reason I ask is because grub was failing to install, not sure if it has to do with it or not.03:19
Sitheraeae88925: What is the shortcut to bring up the run thing?03:19
cafuegoendra: Nah, shouldn't anyway.03:19
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mneptokmarkelhas: that uses a chipset that is as yet unsupported by MadWiFi03:19
mneptokmarkelhas: you in the US?03:20
gerroendra: grub 17?03:20
ae88925Sitherae: Ouch, start reading about Eclipse or gnome-terminal03:20
endragerro: no, it just wouldn't install03:20
endragerro: fails to copy into MBR03:20
markelhasmneptok, nop03:20
Sitheraeae88925: I mean like.. there is a shortcut to bring it up..03:20
gerroendra: odd.. check the pins on your hard drive to see which mode its in perhaps it has protection on the mbr03:20
ae88925GNU C++ is just a command-line compiler, not an IDE03:20
mneptokmarkelhas: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility03:20
markelhasmneptok, so i guess it was the ndis that solve my problem. but now i try the drive and doesn't work03:20
endragerro: it is in a laptop03:20
endragerro: not my laptop at that, so I don't want to open it.03:21
gerroendra: hey it could happen...03:21
Sitheraeae88925: I tried executing it.. Says no input..03:21
FlannelSitherae: alt-f203:21
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tdo__algum fala portugus?03:21
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Flannel!pt | tdo__03:21
ubotutdo__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:21
SitheraeFlannel: Ty03:21
tdo__Alguien hablas espanol?03:21
gerroendra: you have a computer you have never opened!? wow thats like saving a christmas present until july03:21
markelhasmneptok, is any form to recover that good config?03:21
Picitdo__: por favor escribe /j #ubuntu-es03:22
endragerro: I have a laptop that I'm fixing for a friend that I have never opened03:22
SitheraeHey. Im trying to burn the Unbuntu iso to a DVD. What is the best software to do so?03:22
ae88925Sitherae: You will need to do one of two things:  1. Use a regular text editor to create your sources and open a terminal to compile   OR   2. Find an IDE (like Eclipse)03:22
gerroendra: cant fix it without opening it :P03:22
Sitheraeae88925: ty03:22
ae88925start with man g++03:22
Flannel!burn | Sitherae03:22
ubotuSitherae: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:22
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mneptokmarkelhas: i do not use, support, nor recommend ndiswrapper. sorry.03:23
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markelhasmneptok, hummm dammmm03:23
gerroendra: so what is the story behind this laptop? what you trying to setup?03:23
kuja_How do I install fonts without using ~/.fonts, instead I want to install fonts the way ttf-* packages do.03:23
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endragerro: not windows :P03:24
underwatercowFirestarter uses iptables, doesn't it?03:24
Piciunderwatercow: yes.03:24
gerroendra: what are its specs?03:24
endragerro: it is a very old laptop, 530mhz AMD K6 128MB ram 6.5GB hdd i58603:24
endragerro: My game boy screen is bigger than its monitor03:24
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endragerro: and I can't take a piss without it's battery running out03:24
gerroendra: ah might want to use blackbox then, Im fixing up a comp for my cousin its 500mhz with 128mb ram03:24
endragerro: and I'm trying to install XUBUNTU on it03:24
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=== mneptok recommends OpenBox
gerroendra: yeah it has a panel and you right click to choose programs to run. none of that desktop flash stuff03:25
markelhasmneptok, i've also used a asus wl-107g and this one connect right but when i try to transfer files over home network it takes 2x of my 11mb/s card :(. And the dlink solve that problem. but now i cant put it to work.03:25
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Flannelendra: either way, you're best off getting the alternate CD to install from, if you don't aleady have it03:25
mneptokendra: no full desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, or XFCE) will be very fun on that hardware03:25
gerroendra: I use all of xubuntu xfce apps like taskmanager and thunar. Runs super fast ^^03:25
marko-ubuntuhmm is firestarter safe today, last time i used it it blocket all my traffic after some ours03:26
brueniggerro, task manager?03:26
bqmasseyanyone know any open-source, linux fitness/diet applications?03:26
gerrobruenig: xfce4-taskmanager03:26
endraFlannel: I am using the alternate cd of xubuntu03:26
moppitNo but I have an issue of 2600 that talks about a hacker diet... (It wasn't very good)03:26
mrjbqmassey, even in Windows I used website apps for that03:26
endramneptok: just need a web browser and pidgin for her03:26
mrjbqmassey, fitday.com or something along those lines, i havent used it recently03:27
bruenigoh I just use htop03:27
bqmasseymrj: cool.. i'll check that out03:27
mneptokendra: OpenBox + Dillo03:27
endragerro: wait so I install xubuntu with blackbox instead of xcfe?03:27
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bqmasseymrj: I wish I was better at programming.. i'd make something03:27
gerroendra: also try to optimize firefox for slow computer but fast connection that way it depends more on network than cpu to render pages03:27
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mneptokendra: start with and install the server version. then add OpenBok, Dillo, Pidgin, and whatever else.03:27
endraguys keep in mind this is for someone who knows nothing of linux, so it has to be relatively simple for her to open up browser/pidgin03:28
mrjbqmassey, yeah i mean, i prefer it online anyway, i can check it and modify it whenever. i used to workout/box about 6 months ago and had to put on 35lbs or so03:28
mneptokendra: OpenBox is very familiar to most users03:28
gerroendra: you just apt-get install blackbox then on login choose session then pick the other one. You can also have gnome, kde, etc all on one system.03:28
endramneptok: of xubuntu?03:28
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=== mneptok sighs
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mneptokendra: start with and install the server version. then add OpenBox, Dillo, Pidgin, and whatever else.03:28
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mneptoki.e DO NOT USE THE XUBUNTU CD03:29
endramneptok: I heard you the first time. Server version of XUBUNTU?03:29
endraso server version of what?03:29
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gerroendra: its even faster if you remove gdm and login then do startx to load graphical system. (like 10mb less memory wasted) If you want fancy login use ascii art03:29
mneptokthere is no server version of Xubuntu03:29
ShpookCan someone tell me what logfile I would check to see why my system freezes?03:29
endraso .. server version of what?03:29
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mneptokthe server version has no GUI by default03:29
bqmasseymrj: box any more?03:29
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gotamaHi! How do I copy all files from /opt/ltsp/i386 to /opt/ltsp/i386_backup without losing a single byte. Help please03:29
Dialntonewhats' the deal with fiesty, and gusty03:29
Dialntonei dont' understand03:30
gerroendra: I just grabbed ubuntu 7.04 server and did apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and removed all the desktop environment window managing stuff03:30
endramneptok: either you're not very clear or I'm very slow. Server version of what exactly?03:30
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BlindravenWhy is it that people always refer new people to openbox/fluxbox/sweet.f.a to new users - does it make them feel elitest/hardcore? because its pretty stupid. they are going to see their next.to.nothing desktop have no idea and insert that M$ disc in a flash.03:30
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jdongendra: Ubuntu03:30
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mrjbqmassey, well it was muay thai, but now, I just my job and have been too broke to afford it + the diet, etc. I pretty much lost all my gains after 2 months.03:30
Dialntoneserver version.. ?03:30
jdongendra: there is only a server version of Ubuntu -- it installs a minimal command-line install03:30
ae88925Dial: Fiesty is 7.04 and Gutsy is 7.1003:30
endragerro: ah, well at this instant im installing xubuntu command line, isn't it the same thing/03:30
Dialntonegusty is better :)03:30
mneptokendra: the server version has no GUI. how would the server version of Ubuntu be different from Kubuntu in that case?03:30
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ShpookBlindraven: lol, that happened to me when I first installed linux. I was completely turned off by fluxbox.03:31
bottigersometimes my sound in feisty disapears. restarting alsa-utils doesn't work - what else can you try?03:31
gerroBlindraven: because reason people dislike M$ is because it runs things without them interfacing its best to have a desktop that does nothing without the users thinking of it03:31
jdongendra: yes, you can install a "minimal" mode on all the alternate CD's -- that's equivalent03:31
mneptokendra: instead of asking, go look at your actual download options03:31
endramneptok: I do not know. I've never used ubuntu linux, or xubuntu. This is my first time.03:31
bottigerIt's really annoying to reboot because of that03:31
bottigerNB: I'm running Kubuntu03:31
endramneptok: will you relax a bit. Stop treating me like I know all this crap03:31
jdongendra: mneptok's just saying if that you haven't downloaded anything yet, the server CD is a lot smaller.03:31
gerroBlindraven: looking at things that way every bit of wasted eye candy is adware ^^03:31
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bqmasseymrj: damn. that sucks.03:31
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bqmasseymrj: i've always wanted to try boxing03:31
Blindravengerro, New users dont care to be elitest tards, they just want to get things done and "know" how to do it.03:31
ramza3should I install scsi driver to write cds.  It detected my atapi device.  I am lazy is there an easy way to detect the right driver?03:31
Blindravengerro, then, when they actually know what they are doing - they can make that choice03:32
endrajdong: well, I asked earlier if installing the CLI is the same as installing the server version and all he said was 'go get the server version and install open box and ...'03:32
ShpookI fall into that category03:32
Dialntoneis there a speaker program i can play with for my on board speaker?03:32
jdongramza3: writing CD's should work out of the box.03:32
mrjbqmassey, I f'ing loved it, my instructor was pretty famous and a really awesome guy to train with.03:32
Flannelendra: There's a version on the alternate CD that is a command line installation only.  Theres also a GUI install.  Both of these have a textmode installer.03:32
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mneptokendra: you asked "Server version of Xubuntu?" that doesn't exist. people are helping you for free. do them the courtesy of basic research.03:32
gerroBlindraven: umm guy I was talking to is an elitisttard and fixing lappy for his friend :/03:32
Dialntonei wanna create music with my speaker :)03:32
bqmasseymrj: was it expensive03:32
gerroendra: no offense03:32
mrjno, $100/mo03:32
BlindravenShpook, heh, that sucks dude - your a perfect example :)03:32
ShpookI find gnome with just a few compiz effects and AWN to be perfect for me03:32
ramza3jdong: with xcdroast it mentions you should have a scsi driver03:32
Shpooklol thanks03:32
javbAny ideas on how to get Shockwave player working on firefox / ubuntu ?03:32
Dialntonei wanna create music with my on board speaker03:32
jdongendra: IRC lag -- he was answering a previous question... you're fine installing a minimal from the alternate03:32
Blindravengerro, putting words in other peoples mouths is bad mmkay03:32
Flannelendra: You can simply use the CLI-only install from the Xubuntu alternate CD.  There's absolutely no reason to download the server ISO if you've already got an alternate03:32
underwatercowPici: Aside from using firestarter, how can you disable iptables, or see that it's running?03:32
mrjbqmassey, have to buy gear and stuff, thats another $300 or so.. but that lasts you a long time03:32
NemesisDae88925, ok i just had him grep dmesg, link is down on eth003:32
mneptokjavb: there is no Shockwave for Linux03:32
ae88925javb: Adobe has no shockwave for Linux03:32
javbmneptok, thanks.03:33
jdongramza3: xcdroast is a really old program that may or may not have adapted to the newer 2.6.2x kernels and the updated burning infrastructure03:33
javbae88925: Mmm, ok.03:33
endramneptok: so why is it when I say 'I'm working on xubuntu' and you say 'download server version' then I say 'of xubuntu?' and you say 'don't use xubuntu' and I say 'server version of what then?' and you say 'download server version.'03:33
endramneptok: either way, thanks.03:33
=== motti [n=motti@pool-71-187-58-167.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kudakguys, i been doing some reading on 'vi' , it seems as an outdated wierd text editor, am i wrong ??03:33
SitheraeIm getting this error: Version 1.4.2 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.5 or greater is required.03:33
endraFlannel, jdong: thank you. I will do that now03:33
ramza3jdong: oh03:33
gerroBlindraven: yeah should learn that03:33
Dialntoneis there a program where i can create music with my on board speaker' for linux ubuntu of course :)03:33
=== Blindraven is so hardcore he uses vi to transform machine-code in to binary..
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jdongramza3: brasero, gnomebaker, and the thing built into Nautilus are all good GNOME options. There is also K3b , which is a favorite of GNOME and KDE users alike03:34
endraThanks again for the help everyone, I'm already half way with installing the base system.03:34
ae88925NemesisD: Do you know what the computer is plugged into?  (switch, router, cable-modem, dsl router...)03:34
=== gerro likes playing dance dance revolution while using vi
ShpookOh yeah, I came here cause I had a problem. My kernel freezes about once every 15 minutes. Mainly when firefox is open and/or using the mouse scroll wheel. Anyone have this problem? And what logs would I check?03:34
ramza3jdong: gnome toster?03:34
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Kudakguys, i been doing some reading on 'vi' , it seems as an outdated wierd text editor, am i wrong ??03:34
jdong!info gnomebaker | ramza303:34
uboturamza3: gnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 995 kB, installed size 2972 kB03:34
FlannelKudak: Hardly outdated, or wierd.  but yes, its a text editor.03:34
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jdongKudak: it's a text editor, and a powerful one at that03:35
underwatercowKudak: It's a editor which is usable without X and is installed in some form on nearly all linux distributions, and is very powerful if used correctly03:35
jdongKudak: I use it and prefer it to every other editor out there03:35
SitheraeIm getting this error: Version 1.4.2 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.5 or greater is required.03:35
ae88925Kudak: vi is the best editor ever03:35
=== eclecticus [n=chatzill@c-68-51-3-51.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlindravenI have an AM26000 and 4 gig of ram, the difference for me between using KDE/Gnome with Beryl and every bell+whstile you can think of and absaloutely nothing on Openbox is.. guess what? so minute the decimal difference would have to be somewhere in the .000's - why? because the memory/swap is not used up in any case03:35
fevelill guess nothing is outdated unless it has no users03:35
Blindraventhe only reason I use fluxbox/openbox is when i making my own menus and screwing around03:35
Dialntoneanyone know where i can get a program for linux so i can play music beeps from the speakers :)03:35
mneptokae88925: that's clearly subjective03:35
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feveland ill tell you...vi has a lot of users03:35
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ae88925Kudak: Furthermore, it is installed and available by default on virtually all UNIX flavors.  Learn it and you become powerful.03:36
mneptokKudak: are you trying to use vi?03:36
Blindravenoh, and "posing"03:36
underwatercowKudak: Some like using it for everything, for others, it's only used when a person can't open a normal editor.03:36
sivikok, i just reinstalled ubuntu on this machine and now my speaking are crackling03:36
jdongBlindraven: totally untrue; you still have to factor in CPU overhead of your desktop environment and compositing stack in comparison with Openbox03:36
Blindravenjdong, obviously03:36
Flannelunderwatercow: Theres no reason to use vim as a backup.  Thats why we have nano installed by default.03:36
Shpooksudo apt-get install answer-to-question.please03:36
Blindravenjdong, but for you to say untrue you'd have to of used my system :")03:36
underwatercowFlannel: it's better to know how to use vi as it's more versatile03:37
SitheraeHow do I install Eclipse?03:37
fevelShpook, seems like a hardware problem03:37
Blindravenjdong, my cpu/swap stack remains the same - i even ran nbench on every wm - same thing03:37
jdongBlindraven: I use powerful computers too, and can still feel the difference that a lightweight set of applications use03:37
underwatercowFlannel: besides, nano isn't all that great03:37
tt_Speaking of VI, if ubuntu 7.10 comes compiled w/o one of the default build options, is the only remedy to comple myself?03:37
jdongBlindraven: CPU/Swap are meaningless numbers. How about open up 25 new Firefox windows and see which WM finishes first?03:37
ae88925Sitherae:  Go to www.eclipse.org and download the CDT version.  (hope you have a good Internet connection)03:37
tt_in VIM, that is.03:37
Blindravenjdong, thats called elite imposed placebo getting to your head03:37
Blindravenjdong, joking joking :P03:37
FlannelSitherae: install the 'eclipse' package (its in universe)03:38
underwatercowHow can I tell if iptables is filtering, and how can I turn it off? without using a GUI that is.03:38
marko-ubuntugotama, i use rsync to take backups   rsync -avS /path_from/ /path_to/03:38
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fevelunderwatercow, iptables -F03:38
sivikflannel: what am i missing that is screwing up my sound, it was working before03:38
NemesisDfeh he bailed03:38
mneptokmarko-ubuntu: no --delete ?03:38
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dxdtwhat is the fastest image host to sign up for if I want to post a picture of BinBon's DVD spindle cage?03:38
Flannelunderwatercow: No, it's not.  But for the random time where X breaks and you need to fix it, it's good to have a basic text editor.03:38
NemesisDae88925, we will resume this at a later date :)03:38
fevelunderwatercow, as inflush the rules03:38
dxdtwhoops wrong channel03:38
zcat[1] rsync -r my_files server.somewhere.else:my_backup03:38
Blindravenjdong, I'll agree with one thing - menus FLY on openbox (faster then flux) I mean they are instant no mater what i do. By application load is the same, as is memory and cpu.03:38
jdongmneptok: why use delete on your first backup run?03:38
ae88925Flannel & Sitherae:  Does the Eclipse in the repositories have support for C++?03:38
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Sitheraeae88925: I have it downloaded but how do I install it?03:38
Flannelae88925: You need to install eclipse-cdt, but yes.03:39
Shpookfevel: that's what I was thinking, but it worked fine the previous times I reformatted. Last question: are there any particular logs I could check? I checked all of the logs in /var/log/ and didn't find anything03:39
underwatercowFlannel: that's true, but it's also not installed on a lot of other distros by default03:39
marko-ubuntumneptok: i backup my webfolder wit that.. works nice.. shoud i delete old files ?03:39
mneptokjdong: so you can reuse the command from the shell history.03:39
zcat[1] rsync is nice03:39
sivikoh wait, it wasn't the same, this is a new hd03:39
jdongBlindraven: right -- the window manager's faster at its job...03:39
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FlannelSitherae: don't.  Use the repository version.03:39
siviki mean mobo03:39
jdongmneptok: that works too03:39
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underwatercowfevel: What if I don't want to flush the rules? lol03:39
mneptokmarko-ubuntu: i don't know. should you?03:39
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jdongmneptok: I just can't turst myself not messing up a path in the destination and then all rmrf hell breaking loose03:39
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jdongmneptok: (and that's from several first-hand experiences)03:39
mneptokmarko-ubuntu: but definitely do add --progress --stats03:39
fevelShpook, you can try the system logs on system--->administration03:39
SitheraeFlannel: I've downloaded the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, but I dont know how to install it03:39
jdongmarko-ubuntu: add --partial too03:39
zcat[1] I'd realyl like to use cvs or svn for backups... I might set it up sometime.03:39
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marko-ubuntui dont delete anything, just backup changes mneptok03:39
matt1anyone know of a list of ubuntu packages that work on older systems?03:39
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ae88925Sitherae: Just unzip it and run the binary.  You might need to edit eclipse.ini03:39
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mneptokjdong: well, i'm better at rsync syntax, i guess ;)03:40
marko-ubuntujdong: okej, thx03:40
FlannelSitherae: Install the package from the repository.  install the 'eclipse' package and the 'eclipse-cdt' package.03:40
matt1like weechat, htop, raggle, and mutt for example03:40
jdongmneptok: good for you. have a cookie :)03:40
Shpookfevel: okay cool, thanks, it's a starting point. After that, it's back to searching bug reports and google.03:40
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mneptokjdong: can't doesn't pre-exist in the source so i can't put it in the target ;)03:40
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jdongmatt1: well you're just looking for lightweight alternatives to heavyweight programs then, right?03:40
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ShpookYou know, I'll have an orgasm the day HTMLKit releases a Linux version.03:40
Sitheraeae: Works thanks03:40
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Flannelae88925: Please don't recommend people go outside of package management when a perfectly good version is available.  You're only breaking their systems.03:41
AngryElfwhere does ubuntu keep mdadm configuration?03:41
WistesoHTMLKit as in java?03:41
juan11the command iwlist is working, i see my access point, how do i connect to it ??03:41
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mneptokShpook: sudo apt-get install bluefish03:41
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ae88925Flannel: Eclipse is well self-contained.  There is no 'install' so it won't break other components.03:42
underwatercowIs there a way to disable iptables without flushing the rules?03:42
ShpookI use bluefish now, it's a very close second, but in my windows days I fell in love with htmlkit03:42
matt1jdong:  i guess...  I'd like to know what's the best packages for an old Pentium system running a lite ubuntu system (openbox wm)03:42
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persian_xI have a very serious issue concerning Ubuntu, i had high hoped of installing it but nothing seems to be working correctly, can someone help me please?03:42
jdongmatt1: how about thinking of a task, then asking for a lightweight application that performs that task?03:42
Flannelae88925: But it also won't upgrade when he upgrades, or get security patches automatically.03:42
tkoodaanyone know why I still get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" after using `apt-ftparchive` (made Packages{,.bz2,.gz} and Release{,.gpg} files; and have signing key in `apt-key list`) to make a simple apt source?  -it's like it's seeing (and fetching) my gpg, but ignoring it??03:42
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persian_xI have a very serious issue concerning Ubuntu, i had high hopes of installing it but nothing seems to be working correctly, can someone help me please? PM me plz03:43
Flannelpersian_x: you'll have to be more specific than "it doesn't work" for us to be able to provide any advice03:43
matt1jdong: good approach... I'm looking for a gaim replacement for gmail chat, hotmail chat etc)03:43
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juan11how can i connect to an access point ???? i can see my access point already with iwlist scan , i cant connect to it,03:43
Yowsersim looking to build a vmware server with ubuntu as my host OS, if anyone can answer two quick questions for me please PM me thanks!03:43
mneptokpersian_x: did you update?03:43
mneptokmatt1: bitlbee03:44
=== hans_ [n=hans@rgnb-4db1d21b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
Dialntonewhats the command to do a test beep on the computer ?03:44
jdongmatt1: search for 'naim' or another console IM client03:44
jrib!pm | Yowsers03:44
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Dialntoneusing the internal speakers03:44
ubotuYowsers: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:44
=== erich_ is now known as erichj
persian_xFlannel> I have 180gb, 120gb of which is taken by Vista and I want to shrink that size but I cant. I am on HP tx1000 notebook and I get errors everytime I try installing Ubuntu after boot, mostly it jams at 15% during setup03:44
matt1mneptok: jdong; thanks  will check them out!03:44
MidnighTokerpersian_x, have you checked your install media?03:44
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Flannelpersian_x: If it stalls midway through setup, its most likely a bad CD.  Did you check the CD for defects?03:44
juan11the command iwlist is working, i see my access point, how do i connect to it ??03:44
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=== jroyer [n=ask@modemcable105.142-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Yowserscan i give URLs in chat?03:45
Shpookcheck the md5 checksum, the ubuntu site has directions for that03:45
Yowsersi have my server build in a wishlist on newegg :)03:45
matt1so as far as anyone knows, no one has rated the ubuntu packages for system requirements?03:45
persian_xFlannel> I have burnt ubuntu on 3 dvds and 2 CD-RW , and all of them stall here and there03:45
matt1in one list03:45
juan11the command iwlist is working, i see my access point, how do i connect to it ??03:45
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MidnighTokerYowsers, posting a link will be better than posting all the info and flooding the chanel03:45
Shpooklol Yowsers, I have many builds in my Newegg wishlists03:45
maxd#compiz config03:45
Flannelpersian_x: The CD has a check CD for defects on it, you can verify burns with that.  Also, burn slower (4x)03:45
Yowsersshpook, haha yeah me 203:45
Shpookpersian-x, it could be a bad download also03:46
Flannelpersian_x: You also might want to check the downloads (the MD5 of the iso)03:46
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matt1persian_x: have you tried using the boot codes ... like noapm acpi=off and so on?03:46
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persian_xnope I am very new to Ubuntu i've been running on crappy windows for more than a decade and I really want to switch to Linux but I am having trouble familiarising myself with the codes and commands and the whole picture frame of GNU/Linux03:47
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Yowsersi will be using VMWare Server (free version) with ubuntu as the host OS.. i plan on having 2 windows server 2003 instances and 1 windows xp instance... will this server suffice: http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/wishlist/PublicWishDetail.asp?WishListNumber=675578603:47
=== sdrev [n=steved@cpe-65-25-138-199.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Yowsersi will be running in raid 103:47
matt1persian_x: some systems will result in a black screen when booting unless you use a boot code to improve the compatibility.. press f1 for help at the boot menu..03:47
=== nekcaikas [n=nekcaika@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dialntonethis is soo cool03:48
Dialntoneapt-get install beep03:48
Shpookhmm...maybe my freezing issues are directly from firefox....an hour and still no freezing using swiftfox03:48
Dialntoneapt-get install beep03:48
Dialntone beep -f 1500.7 -r 10 -d 100 -l 90003:48
Dialntoneits really cool :D03:48
persian_xmatt1> which blackscreen are u talking about? I havent gotten any for now03:48
Dialntoneim making music with my internal speakers03:48
matt1persian_x: where the live CD stalls during booting03:49
Kudakwhat does it mean "press a to append text" ??? --- what append means ?03:49
endralange-pack-en depends on language-pack-en-base; however: Package language-pack-en-base is not installed. Errors were encountered while processing: language-pack-en. pkgsel failed with error code 103:49
Shpookdialntone: on older motherboards, you used to be able to route sound through the internal speaker. sounded like crap, but it was cool. i don't think it's possible anymore though.03:49
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endraThis is from the installation CD (no network), how do I get language-pack-en-base to install?03:50
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DialntoneShpook,  i remember doing this with apple when i couldn't remember -- i wish there was a linux program out there that lets you make music03:50
persian_xMatt1> Live CD stalls during LOADING (mostly at: Loading hardware drivers OR Loading network interfeces) AND/OR during the actual setup (usually at 15%)03:50
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KudakVI Users: what does it mean "press a to append text" ??? --- what append means ?03:50
tt_stick on the end03:50
MidnighTokerYowsers, personally i'd want 1core per "computer" -so 3virtual+1 host. get atleast a dual core board that supports dual core processors (or wait and put 4x4core AMD64s in)03:50
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persian_xBtw, I have AMD64 and I have downloaded 7.04 64-bit03:51
tt_Kudak: "a" puts you at the end of the current line and you can add on from there.03:51
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Kudaktt_: oh i see, alright thx.03:51
mmschneiHello, I am relatively new to Ubuntu (kubuntu actually). I was trying to get beryl working and I am having some issues, could some please let me know where I should be looking for support. I would great appreciate it. =)03:51
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persian_xAlso, I really want to take off Vista and start with a fresh HD with Ubuntu running only, but I worry that I might not be able to completly adapt myself and/or get stuck with hardware that I cannot find drivers for03:52
tt_Kudak: actually "a" adds at the current position, "A" adds to the end of the line03:52
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Yowsersmidnightoker: well it is a dual core amd proc, so 2 cpus... the mobo supports that proc.. and ubuntu can run on very little cpu, correct?03:52
Kudaktt_: yea figured it, thanks bro03:52
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eclecticuspersian_x: thats the problem I had when I tried to switch03:52
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Yowsersmidnightoker: the VMs will not be very cpu dependent03:52
Dryftle sigh.03:52
MidnighTokerpersian_x, assuming you can get a working bootCD then you know your hardware will work when you boot up. -can you try a 32bit bootcd maybe?03:52
persian_xeclecticus> tell me about it03:52
matt1persian_x: so many of us have been there.  keep trying. it's worth it =)03:53
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Yowsersmidnightoker: its just the quad cores are still pricey, and i was trying to do this build in budget :)03:53
eclecticuspersian_x: i got everything setup, and then realized my Wireless wouldn't work correctly, or not at all03:53
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jstarcherfresh install of ubuntu, I reboot from the installer and get Grub Error 2....any ideas?03:53
MidnighTokerYowsers, then it should do it, but i think its going to be slow.  -that and you'll want 4gb of ram  -if budget, then definatly up the ram  -the last thing you want is the machines swapping out03:53
DownixYowsers:  Bah, only quads?  I'm talking the boss into an octet CPU setup03:53
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matt1persian_x: I started with dual boot laptop, then eventually 2 PCs with ubuntu only.  my home is M$ free now03:54
Dryfthaving trouble accessing an Ubuntu share from my OS X laptop.  I noticed a couple of posts on the forums but there didn't seem to be any resolutions, it sees the shares but just keeps asking me to authorize and then saying my user/pass are wrong.  Any input?03:54
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Yowsersmidnightoker: yeah, it has 4 gb.. notice quantity 2 in the kingston ram :) should be 4 x 1gb sticks03:54
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persian_xwhich option would you guys recommend: A)Multiple OS Ubuntu&Vista (60gb/120gb respectively) OR B)Fresh HD with Ubuntu (180gb)??03:54
sivikwhats the command to reconfigure the xserver03:54
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eclecticuspersian_x: or that certain software wasn't available or compatible.. like for my computer science courses, we use Visual Studio C++.. had trouble finding something on linux that was comparable, and worked the same.. didnt have any luck03:54
Arc|Angelhey eveyrone - i hope the evening is going well03:54
nekcaikaspersian_x: this depends on what you actually use your machine for.03:54
MidnighTokerYowsers, missed that ;)03:54
sherra1zi have a problem with my ubuntu03:54
Downixpersian_x: I do Ubuntu with QEMU to run WinXP03:54
eclecticuspersian_x: I did the dual boot for a while, ubuntu/xp03:54
nekcaikassherra1z: poor you03:54
Arc|Angeli can not recall the method to stop the ops from asking for the cd03:55
sherra1zyes X)03:55
persian_xnekcaikas> Heavy bittorrent downloads, schoolworks (word, excel, powerpoint), Surf the net & sometimes games03:55
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, dual booting is useful; especially when you absolutely must haveto play that game that wont run in linux03:55
=== MidnighToker is minorly addicted to B&W2
Arc|Angeli am trying to install some things like apache and it keeps asking me to put the cd in03:55
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Arc|Angelinstead of going out to the net03:55
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Dryftanyone else using Ubuntu on a network with an OS X machine?03:56
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Arc|Angelwe have an os x at work03:56
persian_xMidnightoker>I realize but Vista wont let me shrink the space its been taking (120gb for GOD SAKE!!!) and I can only give 60 to ubuntu which isnt enough03:56
eclecticusdamn, i need another HDD. so i can try the dual booting thing again03:56
sherra1zi am a new ubuntu's user03:56
Arc|Angeland ubuntu pcs03:56
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eclecticuspersian_x: GParted03:56
MatthewPlanchardhey, I've uninstalled evolution and yet the icon is still under my office tab in the applications menu. Is there any way to manually remove it?03:56
Arc|Angeli am trying to get my terabyte server up and running03:56
eclecticuspersian_x: i had the same problem you are having03:56
eclecticuspersian_x: gparted is your solution03:56
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sherra1zthere are some spanish03:56
xIkeI am Dryft03:57
DryftArc|Angel: have you tried accessing an SMB/NFS share on an Ubuntu box from the Mac?03:57
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, wow, thats nasty, wont let you shrink it at all? -you could always re-install it. -and 60BG is plenty to get Ubuntu going03:57
MidnighTokerpersian_x, i'm playing with Ubuntu on a 20gb with room to spare03:57
Arc|Angelwe have secure directories stored on our webserver from the mac test machine03:57
DryftI've got a G4 PowerBook running 10.4.10 that sees my Ubuntu shares, but won't authenticate me03:57
xIkeyou guys doing anything to prep for gutsy?03:57
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persian_xmidnightoker> might be enough for Ubuntu, but not for my torrent downloads (which I will run STRICLY on ubuntu 64-bit)03:57
Arc|Angelthe authenticating is done on the ubuntu side03:58
persian_xecclecticus> THANKS A LOT!03:58
brueniggiving the computer a rest so that it will be prepared for the bloat that is the next release03:58
eclecticuspersian_x: for what03:58
cafuegoxIke: yes, watering the cats this afternoon.03:58
endraAn installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software. What is failing is the install of language-pack-en (caused by langauge-pack-en-base not being installed). How can I fix this?03:58
xIkecafuego: lol03:58
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Dryftright, Im just wondering whats up, since I know my user/pass are correct, and smb is setup as share level03:58
MidnighTokerDryft, if you cant access shares on your Ubuntu SMB server try `smbpasswd -a <username>` on the ububtu box03:58
DownixHow is Ubuntu's support for the 8-core SPARC T1 anyways?03:58
persian_xmidnightoker> see, Im really tired of Vista so I just want to give this piece of crap maybe 15-20gb and the rest for Ubuntu, but nothing has been working as planned lol03:58
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DryftMidnighToker: will do03:58
persian_xeclecticus> GParted!!03:58
xIkewondering if I need to uninstall beryl and compiz before gutsy03:58
Arc|Angeli found my u/p was perfect and i screwed up the 075503:58
MidnighTokerpersian_x, yeah, i hear that.03:58
cafuegopersian_x: I wouldn't worry about it, 60Gb is huge for Linux. (unlike for Windows)03:59
MidnighTokerpersian_x, use the 60BG at the end of the drive for backup, wipe vista off then re-install it03:59
Kudakwow, the vimtutor is an awesome tutorial guide03:59
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Arc|Angelso does anyone know how to get this server to stop pointing to the cd for installing apps03:59
MidnighTokercafuego, i think its the downloads that are the problem03:59
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MidnighTokerKudak, :)03:59
bruenig!ot | Kudak03:59
ubotuKudak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:59
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Arc|Angeli know we can do it - i just forgot it03:59
MidnighTokerArc|Angel, synaptic package manager03:59
Kudakbruenig: lol ?03:59
Arc|Angelfrom the command line?04:00
Ste-FoyOK thx MidnighToker04:00
krisHi, I'm looking for a program for linux similar to FRAPS, www.fraps.com, to capture video from the screen.04:00
Arc|Angeli do apt-get04:00
persian_xmidnightoker> If I wipe Vista off I will DEFINITELY not re-isntall it Lolll04:00
MidnighTokerArc|Angel, sorry, software sources04:00
sherra1zI have problems and i need help...04:00
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bruenigArc|Angel, delete the line from /etc/apt/sources.list04:00
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, if you were booting nicely on a live-cd i'd tell you to go for it04:00
Dialntonethat beep is driving me insane04:00
drewbyWhat is a graphics-based telnet program for Ubuntu?04:00
MidnighToker-also, how are you accessing the internet? wireless might not work without some fettling and its horrible when you cant get online to find out how to get online04:00
cafuegodrewby: xterm -e telnet04:00
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sherra1zif someone are able to help me, i will be pleased...04:01
MidnighTokerdrewby, or putty which works on linux/windows -but why telnet not ssh?04:01
Dialntoneis there a command line to run over and over again  in the terminal that won't stop?04:01
persian_xMidnightoker> yes stricly wireless =S unfortunetaly04:01
tt_yah, telnet has no graphics04:01
MidnighTokersherra1z, ask the question, not to ask04:01
krissherra1z: Go ahead and ask your question.04:01
cafuegoDialntone: `watch'04:01
drewbyI need a graphics based telnet of ssh04:01
sherra1zok, many thanks04:01
tim167about VLC: how can i change the order of the songs in my playlist ?04:01
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, i'd recommend cashing out on an ethernet cable04:01
drewbyto do remote matlab plotting04:01
CaneToadDoes anyone know if the new ubuntu 7.10 release is supposed to well support ATI video?  The ubuntu 7 installer won't work on my machine (ATI mobility radeon 9700) although Fedora 7 works fine.04:01
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, just incase ;)04:01
krisHi, I'm looking for a program for linux similar to FRAPS, www.fraps.com, to capture video from the screen. Anyone familiar with such a program and could provide me with the name so I can look into it? Thanks.04:02
cafuegodrewby: write a 2-line bash script that asks for a hostname via a dialog, then runs telnet.04:02
bruenigCaneToad, it's the same x, the same drivers that exist now, this is not microsoft, everything that is going into it already exists04:02
persian_xMidnightoker> What if Ubuntu doesnt even recognise my network card? lol which is most likely04:02
Dialntonecool i made my own alarm :D04:02
mmschnei_Hello, I am new to the whole composite desktop thing, I have been trying to get beryl working, can someone please help me troubleshoot my issue?04:02
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kitcheCaneToad: ubuntu 7.04 supports ATI also just that the ATI driver is horrible if you use the fglrx which most likely you don't with a mobility04:02
drewbycafeugo: that'll work?04:02
MidnighTokerpersian_x, thats most unlikely. the network card, i would think will be fine04:02
cafuegodrewby: of course04:02
tim167kris: i think you  'd want to  google xvidcapt, not 100% sure...04:03
cafuegodrewby: After you input the address, run 'xterm -e telnet ${HOST}' from the bash script, and voila.04:03
persian_xMidnighToker> if thats the case then I dont see why it wouldnt connect wireless (im on HP notebook)04:03
sherra1ztonight I installed ubuntu for first time, I tried to install opera like web browser, then Firefox dont work04:03
xIkekrisL gtk-record desktop04:03
MidnighTokermmschnei_, i know nothing about it, but it would help if you told us what graphics card, and what you've tried to do to make it work04:03
kristim167: Ok I'll look into that.04:03
krisxlke: Ok. I'll look into that too.04:03
fastfingerI am having hard time installign skype :<04:03
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, the wireless support is far more complicated than a generic network controller on a PCI bus04:03
Dialntonecafuego,  do you know how to make flashing colors in the terminal?04:03
Dialntonemake it repeat over ang over agian04:04
bruenigfastfinger, maybe you are leaving too much time between the first and second click04:04
CaneToadkitche/bruenig, booting from the ubuntu 7 dvd to install doesn't work on my machine, X server starts and then can't progress, wonder if 7.10 will be any different04:04
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bruenigCaneToad, it's all the same thing, releases are illusions04:04
tim167kris: http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/ :)04:04
cafuegoDialntone: take an acid tab04:04
MidnighTokerbruenig, it cant be the same thing; he's got two CDs ;)04:04
fastfingerbulmer: ? said libasound2 is unacceptable or something04:04
mmschnei_I have a nVidia 8600 GT, using the latest drivers from nVidia. I had it working earlier and now its broken from some reason, I start up beryl-manager, and then beryl crashes "twice in less than a minute" and I get dumped back to kwin. I have tried doing a complete removal of all packages and reinstalling but that doesn't seem to have changed anything.04:04
cafuegodrewby: telnet $(zenity --entry --text "Enter hostname")04:04
Dialntoneacid tab?04:04
fastfingerand the libasound2 i have is that latest04:05
drewbycafuego: why not just xterm -e ssh username@blah.com04:05
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sherra1zsomeone know how can I restore ubuntu at before date?04:05
kristim167: Gracias!04:05
MasterShrekargh, compiled a new kernel and my sound driver isnt there :(04:05
Arc|Angelworked perfect thanks - drew a blank on that for some reason04:05
cafuegodrewby: Run whatever, my point is zenity.04:05
sherra1zkris, hablas espaol....04:05
mmschnei_if I run beryl --replace then I get windows w/o boarders and no alt-tab04:05
sherra1zte necesitoooo04:05
Arc|Angelanyone have a good source list04:05
bruenigdrewby, or xdialog04:05
mmschnei_kicker seems to die to then.04:05
MidnighTokermmschnei_, i'd posibly say use compiz not Beryl. they are joining again, and my friend seemed to get compiz working with ATI as a first time linux user (so it cant be that bad)04:05
mmschnei_MidnighToker, I can get compiz working.04:06
persian_xMidnightoker> Do you suggest me to just wait for the new release and retry everything?04:06
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mmschnei_MidnighToker, I want to use some emerald themes, with compiz I dont' even know where to set the themes at04:06
Arc|Angelwhats this mean04:06
Arc|AngelSetting up apache (1.3.34-4.1) ...04:06
Arc|Angeldpkg: error processing apache (--configure):04:06
Arc|Angel subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 104:06
Arc|AngelErrors were encountered while processing:04:06
Arc|Angel apache04:06
Arc|AngelE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:06
krissherra1z: Si necesitas ayuda con Linux en Espanol, yo te recomiendo que buscas en #ubuntu-es. No puedo hablarlo muy bien. Lo siento.04:06
=== phix [i=threat@123-243-44-131.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
MidnighTokerpersian_x, i'd suggest trying a 32bit boot CD, or try the new beta -its virtually released and its stable04:06
bruenigsubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 104:06
Arc|Angeland that means?04:06
mmschnei_and I noticed the merging of beryl & compiz is going to be called compiz-fusion, but I didn't see anything along those lines in the application database04:06
MidnighTokerArc|Angel, sounds like your system is foobared04:06
bruenigthe script that runs after the installation failed04:07
Arc|Angelfoorbarded it is a fresh install04:07
MidnighTokermmschnei_, its not in the default repository, do some googling there are guides out there04:07
bruenigit isn't foobared, that person doesn't know anything04:07
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phixmozilla-thunderbird likes to crash (segfault) on me for no reason.  I am using amd64bit vers of ubuntu (on a intel core 2 duo, installed from alternative install cd)04:07
kitchemmschnei_: it's part of gutsy since compiz-fusion is done but it's not a merger really between compiz and beryl it's a merger between compiz-extra and beryl04:07
mmschnei_MidnighToker, ok, thanks, I'll give that a shot, you have any idea about compiz theme management?04:07
Arc|Angeli thought errors like this are done when it failed to install04:07
sherra1zmi problema es que a partir de intentar instalar opera, no puedo salir a internet con ningun web browser04:07
persian_xMidnighToker> Is something wrong with 64-bit?04:07
gerroendra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125084 might want to skip the part about conky though04:07
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phixIt only started doing that today, if I remove .mozilla-thunderbird it works up until I add in my IMAP account, then it crashses04:07
MidnighTokerpersian_x, no, but i've had older versions not booting on 64bit hardware and working fine with a 32bit release04:07
mmschnei_kitche, ok, good to know its in gutsy... thanks =)04:08
krissherra1z: Esta channel esta reservado para ayuda solo en ingles. Si estas buscando para ayuda en espanol, vaya a #ubuntu-es.04:08
MidnighTokermmschnei_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131404:08
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bruenigArc|Angel, the postinst script failed, you can open the deb up and edit it or perhaps there is a dpkg flag that will allow you to skip that script04:08
phixAny ideas?04:08
MidnighTokeror mmschnei_ http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu+compiz+fusion04:08
sherra1zkris: gracias, disculpa la molestia04:08
persian_xMidnighToker> Thanks so much, youve been great help!!04:08
MidnighTokerpersian_x, i have my moments :)04:08
krissherra1z: No problemo. One moment, maybe I can help you.04:09
Arc|Angeldid it complete the install?  -  An error is still not a good thing so I would like to find out what the error is04:09
MidnighTokerpersian_x, good luck getting off vista04:09
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krissherra1z: So you want to install opera, but can't? What's the problem?04:09
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persian_xMidnighToker> Once I'll know enough about Setting everything correctly on Ubuntu, Vista is going bye-bye forever04:09
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phixpersian_x: you use Vista?04:10
bruenigArc|Angel, seriously try to read the errors, they are written in understandable english if you don't just recoil immediately from them and go "I don't know this bah, what is this." It says that the post-installation script (the script that runs post(after) installation) failed. That means that the files were installed.04:10
sivikhas anyone have any luck with nvidia drivers with a 8600GT video card04:10
mmschnei_sivik, yep04:10
mmschnei_Im running it now04:10
phixsivik: yes04:10
persian_xphix> Yes, unfortunetaly04:10
phixpersian_x: why?04:10
phixpersian_x: install XP at least04:10
persian_xphix> Came with tx1000 notebook04:11
=== mudoch [n=lsall@c-71-58-0-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mmschnei_MidnighToker, thanks. I am not used to ubuntu yet. I don't get why compiz-fusion cannot be installed now on 7.0404:11
siviki'm apparently doing somethig wrong because its not working for me04:11
phixpersian_x: :S I wouldn't of bought it04:11
phixunless they loaded it with XP04:11
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phixor no os and gave me monies04:11
mmschnei_sivik, I grabbed them from nvidia's website and installed them that way.04:11
Arc|Angeli also have an issue where I tried to upgrade to 7.10 on my laptop and now that is foobarded it wont reconize any of my usb drives so i can save my email nor will it connect to the network - any suggestions on how to get my email saved04:11
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MidnighTokermmschnei_, its not something i've played with, and i've only been using ubuntu for about 24hours, so...  google is your firend ;)04:11
sivikmmschnei_, apparently i'm doing something wrong cause its not working for me, i'm running vesa right now04:11
persian_xphix> I love the touchscreen Tablet look and the fingerprint scanner, 200gb & AMD6404:11
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:12
sivikmmschnei_, didn't know it would work that way, i will try that one04:12
persian_xphix> They loaded it up with Vista Home Premium04:12
mmschnei_sivik, I couldn't get it working within ubuntu's package management04:12
jarrod_i just hooked up 7.10 to a monitor and had to reset the resolution to get it to work. had to take it down all the way to 640x480. this has caused some problems. the preference > resolution only shows this res. suggestions?04:12
fevelcafuego, LOL04:12
phixfingerprint scanner :/ you do relise everytime you touch something you are giving after your authentication key04:12
eclecticusi have a question - why did all of you switch to Linux04:12
mudochHello, I have a question regarding auto starting xxamp under 7.0404:12
sivikmmschnei_, thats what i'm trying to do it with, i will try the driver from the nvidia website04:12
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MasterShrekjarrod_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
eclecticusI want to switch to Linux but I don't know why, and it scares me that i might not find software that I need to work correctly... like what happend last time04:12
mmschnei_MidnighToker, thanks, I've been googling for hours, I've read both of the links you gave me already w/o much of a soln. found. I think at this point I'll just wait for 7.10 to come out and see how that handles it before I put more time into this.04:13
adantehi, where should i go to install irssi 0.8.12?04:13
=== drewby [n=drewby@pool-151-200-116-4.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
c_plus_plushello, my nvidia restricted driver gives me a blank screen if i enable it and reboot, changing back to the nv driver fixes the problem04:13
persian_xphix> worst comes to worst I'll get FBI knocking on my door, BAH!04:13
sivikeclecticus, what do you need?04:13
phixpersian_x: authentication via something you are is not a good idea, there is no way to change who you are if you get comprimised ;)04:13
adanteor even 0.8.11.. what is the deal with 'unstable' packages in ubuntu?04:13
MidnighTokereclecticus, i was sick of windows and couldnt afford new mac hardware... saying that, linux is far nicer than OSX, far mre open04:13
drewbyxterm is not graphics based04:13
drewbyI need to do plotting with matlab04:13
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mudochhow do I get the xxamp install to autostartup04:13
eclecticussivik: Visual Studio C++, uTorrent, Miranda-IM04:13
phixmudoch: point and click04:13
Flannelmudoch: don't use xammp, get a real LAMP stack04:13
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MidnighTokerpersian_x, there was also the worrying case of mercedes drivers having hands stolen in carjacking incidents when they starting using fingerprints instead of ignitian keys04:14
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mudochYeah I thought about that but xxamp has many module installed....04:14
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Arc|Angelany way to recover that laptop after a failed upgrade to 7.10 beta04:15
Berzerkerfailed to initialize nvidia kernel module04:15
Berzerkerany help?04:15
MasterShrekBerzerker, still?04:15
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:15
FlannelArc|Angel: Finish the upgrade04:15
drewbyShould I use vnc?04:16
mudocharcangel did you get that beat from Linux format?04:16
MasterShrekBerzerker, have you been upgrading or anything? you should only have to install it once04:16
bruenigArc|Angel, wrong channel, it is a good idea to at least understand like the bare basics of linux before doing something like that, I mean knowledge of front ends tends to be very unhelpful04:16
Arc|Angeli can not get it to connect to the network now, neither ethernet or wireless04:16
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bruenigknowing how to click through the python scripts is not enough to justify a jump to beta04:16
Arc|Angeli am no guru i know this but i have done upgrades before04:17
BerzerkerI havn'04:17
Arc|Angelnever had this before04:17
FlannelArc|Angel: Sneakernet to the rescue then.  Suggest you download an alternate CD for gutsy and use that as a repo.  But, you really ought to be asking in #ubuntu+1, they might have a solution for you04:17
Arc|Angeli wanted to test it on an extra laptop i have04:17
MasterShrekArc|Angel, well, u do realize that gutsy is still beta, but i would say you need to load modules for your nic cards04:17
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bruenigyeah it could be your network interface card card04:18
BerzerkerMasterShrek, I haven't been upgrading.04:18
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Arc|Angeli was thinking the modules got screwed when it rebooted - my son pulled the ethernet cord out by mistake04:18
bruenigthat had nothing to do with it04:18
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MasterShrekBerzerker, if i remember right you were using the nvidia driver from their website, have you ever got it to work?04:18
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BerzerkerI also tried the nvidia-glx04:19
kitcheBerzerker: if you installed nvidia from their website you might nee dot reinstall it if you upgraded your kernel lately04:19
Arc|Angelwell it was taking down the network manager and then the cord was pulled04:19
BerzerkerI haven't.04:19
FlannelArc|Angel: Try the alternate CD to do the local package thing to finish the upgrade.04:19
EADG_What program can I use undelete a folder & its files on a fat32 external usb HDD?04:19
BerzerkerI haven't done any upgrading of any kind04:19
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Berzerkerall I did was install madwifi, and the error was happening before I installed it04:19
mudochquestion regarding the auto starting the  XXAMP stack.... read something about the rc.local.... am i on the right track?  seems I can not find much on rc.local04:19
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MasterShrekBerzerker, when you install the driver, do it give you errors?04:19
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MasterShrekmudoch, if you want something to start on boot, put the command in rc.local04:20
Dr_Willismudoch rc.local is /etc/rc.local - its just a script file that gets ran at boot up.04:20
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MasterShrekBerzerker, what graphics card is it?04:20
Dr_Willismudoch i think rc.local is the Last thing that gets ran at boot up. ;)04:20
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MasterShrekDr_Willis, i think u are correct04:21
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Berzerker8600M GT04:21
Flannelmudoch: XAMPP isn't in ubuntu, its not really supported by us (because we don't usually deal with it).  You might ask the XAMPP people.  Or, as some have suggested, just use a real LAMP stack.  Its easy to install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP04:21
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sivikinstalling with the nvidia drivers still did not work with my 8600GT04:21
BerzerkerI'm doing this on a macbook pro04:21
mudochmastershrek/dr_willis  the default script says I have to mod the permissions first... is that correct?04:21
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siviki installed the drivers from the nvidia website04:21
MasterShrekmudoch, to run a program it has to be executable, so probably04:21
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sivikis there something else i need to do to test with it04:21
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Dr_Willismudoch rc.local should have the proper permissions allready. (it might need a chmod +x) to it..04:21
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MasterShreksivik and Berzerker, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:22
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Flannelmudoch: make sure you install it to /opt04:22
HeygabeWhat is the application that puts system status on the desktop in fluxbox?04:22
shanti hi there .. i always get nasty hangs when i try lvcreate ( it somehow trys to access my cdrom-device ) .. after some kind of timeout the command finishs .. how can i stop this lockups ?04:22
mudochok thanks all.... just wanted to get my head around the rc.local... thought that might be the way...04:22
Berzerkerwith the drive loaded in xorg, or vesa loaded in xorg?04:22
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bruenigHeygabe, conky will do it on any desktop04:22
FlannelHeygabe: Does conky wor with fluxbox?04:22
andy__can someone help me with my c compiler04:22
shantii am on the install-cd04:22
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bruenigandy__, you writing a c compiler?04:23
Dr_Willismudoch not a lot to rc.local :) its just a simple script. By default it just does an 'exit 0' i belive.04:23
Heygabeis that the one that comes with puppy?  I love theone that comes with puppy04:23
sivikMasterShrek, already did that, coming up and telling me the failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module04:23
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MasterShrekBerzerker, u should have nvidia in the xorg.conf04:23
andy__no lmao. the one I have on my ubuntu is being weird04:23
BerzerkerI can't start the X Server if I have it in there04:23
Berzerkergives me the same error as sivik04:23
Dr_WillisConky works fine with fluxbox :)  Flannel04:23
MasterShreksivik, and Berzerker you both have 8600's do you know for sure if that card is supported?04:23
mariooliveirai need help.  firefox  sometimes tries to open php file and sometimes  types starts opening  new pages to infinity04:23
BerzerkerAccording to different tutorials on installing Ubuntu on Macbook Pros, it should be.04:23
mudochflannel.... yep got the xxamp running, but have to start every time..... just doing a test box here for it..... I did install a LAMP on another box.04:23
sivikMasterShrek: yes, because i downloaded the drivers from the nvidia website04:23
andy__checking for sed... /bin/sed04:24
andy__checking for gcc... gcc04:24
andy__checking for C compiler default output file name...04:24
andy__configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:24
sivikandy__, use pastebin.com04:24
Berzerkersivik, just because you downloaded it from their site doesn't mean it's compatable04:24
CITguysivik: what is the error you are getting?04:24
MasterShrekandy__, sudo apt-get install build-essential     then try again04:24
eclecticushow do i find out what kind of HDD my laptop requires ? ATA-6, SATA 3.0 Gb/s , or Serial ATA150 ?04:24
sivikCITguy, "failed to load the NVIDIA kernel modules"04:24
BerzerkerI'm having the same problem as sivik04:24
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Dr_Williseclecticus open it up and look.04:24
mariooliveiraany one knows how to disable firefox from trying to open php files?04:24
sivikeclecticus, what willis said04:24
pavsok time for a silly question. is it possible to make linux box report a customized uptime report ie, instead of the actual 20 days make it say 20,000 days ;)04:24
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eclecticussivik: will it say ?04:24
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Flannelmariooliveira: youre viewing them through a webserver?04:25
CITguyhow'd you install the NVIDIA driver?04:25
mariooliveiraor opening  pages to infinite04:25
Berzerkerrun package from nvidia04:25
MasterShrekpavs, no, that would kinda defeat the purpose wouldnt it?04:25
Dr_Williseclecticus  look at the conectors on the drive.  it may be ide. or sata.04:25
sivikCITguy, i did it with the apt-get first and then install via the ./NVIDIA*.run04:25
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Flannelmariooliveira: Thats a misconfiguration on the server (its not executing the PHP script), not the browser04:25
Dr_Willis eclecticus as to the speeds - that normally dosent matter.04:25
adantehi, whenever i install a package now i get about a million errors pertaining to failing to write font cache and openoffice not being configured, how cna i fix these? i tried touchging the directories but this does not seem to have helped04:25
MasterShreksivik and Berzerker uninstall nvidia-glx first maybe04:25
CITguytry executing the *.run file with the --add-this-kernel option04:25
pavsthat sucks04:25
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sivikCITguy, ?04:26
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andy__what was the package name again?04:26
mariooliveiraFlannel:  How do i solve that?04:26
CITguyexecute ./NVIDIA*.run --add-this-kernel04:26
MasterShrekandy__, build-essential04:26
eclecticusDr_Willis: I want to upgrade my laptops HDD so i can dual boot Vista and Ubuntu, right now it has a 60GB HDD04:26
eclecticuswhat should I upgrade my laptops HDD to04:26
BerzerkerMasterShrek, I installed the glx after I found the run package gave me the error,04:26
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aroonihow do i create a .vmdk file to use with virtualbox?  are vmdk files smart enough to be growing in size like .vdi files?  can .vmdk files be expanded in the future?04:26
Flannelmariooliveira: Make sure you've got mod-php enabled, and um, I don't really remember.  You might ask in #apache04:26
CITguyit will proceed to compile a kernel interface for your machine and add a *custom.run file in the directory04:26
siviknow its actually doing something now04:26
Dr_Williseclecticus 60gb is plenty huge for that job. :) upgrade to whatever your budget can afford i guess.04:26
BerzerkerDoesn't it automatically do that?04:27
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CITguynot automatically04:27
siviksame error CITguy04:27
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eclecticusDr_Willis: But I torrent alot :(, 60Gb didnt work in the past04:27
Dr_Williseclecticus higher rpm would be nicer/quicker.. but more $$ - and will suck down battery life.04:27
Dr_Williseclecticus easy fix would be to get a external usb hd for your torrents.04:27
andy__eclecticus, buy a slave hd?04:28
Berzerkerexternal drive.04:28
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Berzerker160GB My Book04:28
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Dr_WillisLike you really NEED 60gb of torrents on the laptop all the time. :)04:28
eclecticusare those reliable ?04:28
sivikCITguy, same error04:28
BerzerkerI have one.04:28
BerzerkerWorks great.04:28
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eclecticusi heard they die on you04:28
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MasterShrekeclecticus, dont drop it =P04:28
BerzerkerSet it up through my router04:28
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Berzerkerwirelessly to all computers04:28
Berzerkerworks fine.04:28
Dr_Williseclecticus they use the same hd's as in the laptop.. ... so..04:28
Dr_WillisThe external hds are about the same $$ as internal hds when ya find them on sale. :)04:29
eclecticusdoes my laptop have to be connected to it in order for it to be downloading the torrents or. .. how does that work04:29
Berzerkerside question: how would I make something (like yakuake) run at startup?04:29
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Dr_Williseclecticus.. well to ACCESS the drive.. it has to be connected.. of course..04:29
MasterShrekBerzerker, are you on kde or gnome?04:29
sivikBerzerker, make it run at run level 204:29
cafuegoexternal HDDs cost the same as internal HDDs plus $20 for an enclosure <heh>04:29
jeffreyfhello.  What file controls what release/OS is selected for automatic boot?04:29
MasterShreku can put it in system > preferences > sessions04:29
sivikjeffreyf, grub04:29
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CITguyok, have you installed the following prior to executing the *.run file :: "libc6 libc6-dev xorg-dev make linux-headers-`uname -r`"?04:29
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Flanneljeffreyf: /boot/grub/menu.lst04:29
Dr_Williscafuego ive been finding the externals cheaper at times. :) gotta love sales.04:29
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MasterShrekBerzerker, yakuake is awesome =)04:30
sivikCITguy, their should be04:30
Berzerkerhow would I make it run at level 204:30
eclecticus$89.99 for a 160 GB laptop HDD..  how much do external HDDs cost ?04:30
MasterShreki dont think u would want yakuake to be at runlevel 204:30
Berzerkerwell then how would I make it run at login04:30
Dan_LOk.  So I'm taking the plunge here.  Would somebody verify this instruction as accurate and functional:    http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first04:30
MasterShrekBerzerker, u can put it in system > preferences > sessions04:30
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sivikwhy would you want vista04:30
sivikvista is worse than ME04:30
TIMURI have a Question04:30
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sivikTIMUR, just ask04:30
cdm10We may have an Answer04:30
TIMURHow do u set ONE inch MARGins in Open office ??04:30
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EADG_eclecticus: $129 for 500Gb external.04:31
jeffreyfsivik:  where is that on the drive?.....04:31
cdm10TIMUR: it should be in Format>Paragraph04:31
Berzerkera ha04:31
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MasterShrekformat > paragraph or something i spose04:31
mariooliveiraFlannel: Tanks for the tips i thought it was something of virus or something like that04:31
sivikjeffreyf, /boot/grub/grub.list04:31
CITguyTIMUR: Format > Page04:31
Berzerkerthat's done04:31
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Berzerkerback to the graphics problems04:31
bruenigTIMUR, your hand accidentally slipped onto the shift button a couple of times04:31
sivikBerzerker, lol04:31
jeffreyfsivik:  Thanks!04:31
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TIMURand then?? format paragraph ,,, i can't chagne in values04:31
cdm10yeah, who the hell capitalizes stuff on teh interweb?04:32
MasterShrekBerzerker, im confused as to why its not working, are u running 32 or 64 bit? and did you download the proper file?04:32
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Berzerkeryes, I'm almost positive I did04:32
cdm10TIMUR: Well, a bug in OpenOffice is preventing me from accessing that dialog at all, so I can't walk you through it... sorry.04:32
sivikjeffreyf, yw04:32
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griberalOther than package management, are there any major differences between CentOS and Ubuntu Server?04:32
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Berzerkerone second MAster,04:32
BerzerkerI'll brb04:32
sivikgriberal, i would run debian over ubuntu server, i hate centos, too many files to change a config file04:32
MasterShrekbow to your master =P04:32
cdm10griberal: package management and available packages make a BIG difference.04:33
CITguyTIMUR: Format > Page, Page Tab, Margins Group04:33
TIMURWho else can Help me To set 1 INCH margins in OPEn offcie PLease04:33
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jeffreyfsivik:  /boot/grub/menu.lst.........got it!04:33
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MasterShreki would run slackware over debian over ubuntu server04:33
sivikTIMUR, you should be able to move the tabs at the top and left to make it an ince04:33
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sivikMasterShrek, i have never used slackware, why do you like it better04:33
sivikyou still around CITguy?04:33
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drewbyI tried making a bash script04:33
cdm10TIMUR: what's with your funky capitalization?04:33
MasterShrekits beautiful, thats about all i can say lol04:33
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TIMURI can't tell how to make it an Inch04:33
sivikCITguy, what were those things i needed to install04:34
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RB2I just had the strangest experience... I rebooted my machine (running 7.10) after some updates and my Compiz theme changed.04:34
sivikTIMUR, ten little marks is an inch04:34
bbardlbraddHey, there's a lady crying behind my house... Can someone help me get a dock for Ubuntu (gnome)04:34
peacepipejvHelp, i nstalled a program via synaptic. Its nowhere to be found.04:34
FlannelRB2: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks.04:34
mehevi_I'm having trouble installing murrina engine for gtk+2.0.  I installed the deb but in my window decoration options it does not show up, I'm using xfce04:34
CITguylibc6 libc6-dev xorg-dev linux-headers-`uname -r` make04:34
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griberalsivik, why do you prefer Debian over Ubuntu Server?04:34
drewbybasically ssh user@place.com; tap matlab; matlab04:34
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MasterShrekpeacepipejv, what program?04:34
drewbybut it didn't work04:34
sivikgriberal, i think it runs better04:34
matt1what package will let me log into gmail chat using the curses command line interface?  is there any?04:34
CITguysivik: then run ./NVIDIA*.run --add-this-kernel04:34
SiCoTRoNiCmost installed programs are in /bin04:34
drewbyI need a graphical ssh client.04:34
Flannelmatt1: any curses jabber client.  centericq is one04:34
novato_brhow can I listen this ?04:35
cdm10matt1: gaim-text (finch on Gutsy)04:35
griberalsivik, in what way? less crashes? faster?04:35
MasterShrekdrewby, vnc, but its not really ssh04:35
matt1Flannel:  dm10 : thx04:35
bbardlbraddI have the avant window manger, and I've heard that they make a dock, but where do I get it? It's like Abides or something?04:35
drewbyMasterShrek: anything other than vnc?04:35
SiCoTRoNiClook for it again on Synaptic and check the properties and it will say where is insatlled04:35
MasterShrekwhy would you want anything else drewby?04:35
vvdSiCoTRoNiC: /usr/bin :)04:35
drewbyThe directions on my school website said x-win04:35
SiCoTRoNiCyeah, sory04:35
drewbyMasterShrek: because my school doesn't have a vnc server running04:35
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BerzerkerI actually get an error under it04:36
Berzerker"No screens found"04:36
MasterShrekdrewby, i think u want rdesktop04:36
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drewbyI'll be back04:36
sivikrdesktop for rdp in linux, its nice04:36
MasterShrekBerzerker, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:36
johnadsfsdfdfhow can i find out which version of ubuntu im running?04:36
vvd<tab> <tab> in a terminal gives 3065 here04:36
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sivikCITguy, same error04:36
Dan_Lcan anybody help with some partitioning questions?04:36
Berzerkerselect nvidia, right?04:36
Berzerkeror nv04:37
sivikjohnadsfsdfdf, cat /proc/version04:37
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CITguyjohnadsfsdfdf: uname -a04:37
MasterShrekDan_L, fire away04:37
johnadsfsdfdfDan_L, i can try04:37
MasterShrekBerzerker, id try nvidia, if it doesnt work go back and pick something else04:37
griberalsivik, aren't Debian and Ubuntu Server basically the same thing?04:37
johnadsfsdfdfLinux mythbuntu 2.6.15-29-386 #1 PREEMPT Wed Aug 29 13:20:33 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux ... which codename would that be04:37
bbardlbraddOh, no... it's called AWN (Dock for Ubuntu)... can someone help me understand how to get this app?04:37
BUDD}{Ai have a old backup i backed up with sbackup how do i del it ?04:37
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Berzerkerhow do I know the bus identifier?04:37
MasterShrekgriberal, ubuntu is based of debian04:37
Dan_LGenerally speaking, when doing a dual boot vista/linux, I should be shrinking the vista volume and running the live CD over it, true?04:37
Berzerkerdo I just leave it?04:37
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CITguysivik: run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common"04:37
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MasterShrekBerzerker, probably04:38
Dan_LI guess this isn't really a Linux question, so much as "I'm a stupid idiot and don't know crap about vista question".  Never mind.04:38
CITguyBerzerker: leave it04:38
EADG_Anybody know of a program that will undelete files/folders on a fat32 hard drive?04:38
johnadsfsdfdfDan_L, dont know anything about vista04:38
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MasterShrekDan_L, nobody knows anything about vista, the people that wrote it probably dont, its a crappy os alltogether04:38
johnadsfsdfdfDan_L: but id say that if you have 1 HD you should shrink the vista part, after its been installed04:38
sivikCITguy, same error "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module"04:38
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griberalMasterShrek, do you prefer Debian over Ubuntu Server too?04:38
sivikVista is almost as bad as ME04:38
MasterShrekand your hard drive sheds a tear every time it spins because it has it on it =P04:39
Dan_LYeah.  I suppose I'm just nervous about running this live disk.04:39
johnadsfsdfdfDan_L: and then let the ubuntu install setup a bootloader for you04:39
CITguysivik: have you ever had the NVIDIA driver working?04:39
Berzerkeramount of memory to be used?04:39
MasterShrekgriberal, neiter04:39
sivikCITguy, i have no clue, how do i determine this04:39
johnadsfsdfdfDan_L: burn your important files to disc04:39
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griberalMasterShrek, were you the one that said Slackware?04:39
bbardlbraddOh, AWN means Avant Window Manager... Well, I already have that window manager... but it doesn't have the dock, what ever shall I do? Someone... please04:39
CITguyBerzerker: use the amount of memory that is on board your graphics card04:39
MasterShrekBerzerker, if you know how much mem your vid card has put it there, but u can probably leave it blank04:39
sivikgriberal, yes he was04:39
MasterShrekgriberal, yes04:39
Berzerkerit's a 128mb04:39
Berzerkerso 12800004:40
BerzerkerI put?04:40
MasterShrekBerzerker, i think u need to put 12800004:40
Berzerkeror should I just leave it blank04:40
JEFFmasterFLEXAWN is the Avant Window Navigator, it IS a dock04:40
CITguysivik: a better question would be "Are you installing the NVIDIA driver from a clean install?"04:40
JEFFmasterFLEXyou must have beryl or compiz-fusion enabled to use it04:40
MasterShrekCITguy, that shouldnt matter04:40
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sivikCITguy, not anymore, how do i uninstall the old stuff without a reimage04:40
griberalFrom what I can tell, the only difference between Debian/Ubuntu Server and RedHat/CentOS is package management. Am I missing some other major differences?04:40
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MasterShreksivik, make sure if you are compiling the driver from nvidia, that you have nvidia-glx uninstalled04:40
onjCan anyone help me configure a Sound Blaster Audigy?04:41
MasterShrekgriberal, not really, theres a few things, but the package system is probably the main difference, and i guess the kernel patches that each distro adds04:41
Berzerkerwrite default files section to configuration file?04:41
PupUsercab2ceHi, I'm installing gutsy on a MacBook Pro, but it doesn't show on the rEFit menu?04:41
MasterShrekBerzerker, yea04:41
PupUsercab2ceHow can I fix this?04:41
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griberalMasterShrek, there are probably more RPM packages out there than there are DEB, right?04:42
JEFFmasterFLEXonj:  the drivers for the audigy should have been loaded automatically on boot04:42
onjWell, It doesn't work04:42
CITguysivik: are you getting the error when installing the driver or starting X?04:42
Iceshadowanyone happen to know how to mark and cut a region in vim?04:42
MasterShrekgriberal, i dont know for sure, probably about the same, anything that is rpm and easily be converted to deb, or tgz for slackware04:42
BerzerkerI rewrote it04:42
sivikCITguy, when typing startx04:42
Berzerkernow what do I do04:42
JEFFmasterFLEXonj:  it is possible that your onboard sound chip is enabled and that is limiting access to the soundblaster card04:42
MasterShrekBerzerker, try to restart gdm again04:42
onjJeff, I have no onboard sound04:42
CITguysivik: you've installed the packages i mentioned earlier?04:43
JEFFmasterFLEXonj:  i hate to blacklist the onboard sound driver to get my soundblaster card working properly04:43
sivikCITguy, yes04:43
jribIceshadow: v for visual mode... d for delete04:43
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astro76griberal, If I'm not mistaken, Debian's repositories are unmatched... 20,000+ packages... packaged well04:43
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CITguyhave you run ./NVIDIA*.run --add-this-kernel?04:43
PupUsercab2ceAnybody here know rEFit or know what channel would?04:43
bbardlbraddDoes anyone know if feisty supposes the new AWN dock?04:43
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griberalastro76, I have been using YUM to manage packages on CentOS. Is there something comparable for DEB?04:43
CITguysivik: have you run the *custom.run file in the same directory?04:43
onjgriberal, apt-get04:44
sivikCITguy, yes04:44
sivikgriberal, aptitude/apt-get04:44
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astro76griberal, apt-get, and Synaptic gui04:44
MasterShrekgriberal, ive never been fond of yum, apt-get is the bomb04:44
CITguysivik: did you allow the installer to configure the xorg.conf?04:44
jrib!apt > griberal (read the private message from ubotu)04:44
onjapt-get install <package name>04:44
=== Berzerker [n=Berzerke@c-67-189-201-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!software > griberal (read the private message from ubotu)04:44
drewbyNo luck with rdesktop04:44
Berzerkersame error04:44
WhiteNailsHello! im a new ubuntu user with 1 hour of experience  :)... loving it so far but im trying to install virtualbox via the terminal but i cant continue cause i dont know how to click okay04:44
drewbygraphics based ssh04:44
WhiteNailssee here to see what i mean04:44
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drewbylist x-win04:44
drewbyis what the school reccomends04:44
jribWhiteNails: tab, then enter04:44
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PupUsercab2ceAnybody here use Mactel?04:45
sivikCITguy, yes04:45
griberalall of those package management systems automatically resolve all dependencies?04:45
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MasterShrekBerzerker, im lost, can you pastebin your xorg.conf for me?04:45
sivikgriberal, mostly04:45
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WhiteNailsjrib: THANKS!04:45
drewbyHow do I use/get/connect x-win to a remote computer04:45
MasterShrekBerzerker, also the file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:45
griberalGreat! Thanks.04:45
CITguysivik: and you've tried startx afterward?04:45
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jribgriberal: yes, APT is what you want and everyone listed frontends04:45
sivikCITguy, yes, this is where i'm getting the error04:45
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onjAnyone possible fixed for the sound problem?04:45
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jrib!sound > onj (read the private message from ubotu)04:46
CITguyok, try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:46
JEFFmasterFLEXonj:  try sudo lsmod and see what drivers are loaded04:46
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JEFFmasterFLEXonj:  for my card, the driver name is snd_ca010604:46
CITguyset the driver to nvidia04:46
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MasterShrekonj, instead of just lsmod, do: lsmod | grep snd04:46
drewbyxterm -e ssh is not graphical04:46
sivikCITguy, ok04:46
drewbythis is making me angry04:46
CITguytry startx04:47
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drewbynot that I'm blaming you guys04:47
BlindravenWarning, DO NOT execute this command.  Question: How can I stop this from replicating when I type it in to a terminal.       :(){ :|:& };:04:47
MasterShrekdrewby, rdesktop?04:47
andy__where can I find the glib dev. headers04:47
drewbydoes rdesktop need an rdesktop server04:47
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drewbywhen I try to connect using rdesktop it says connection closed04:47
sivikCITguy, done, should i try it now04:48
sivikdrewby, sounds like a windows issue04:48
CITguysivik: yes04:48
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sivikCITguy, same issue04:48
drewbysivik: How to remedy?04:48
MasterShrekdrewby, reformat the windows partition =] 04:48
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sivikdrewby: make sure rdp is working in windows or take MasterShreks advice04:48
sivikits winblows04:48
andy__where can I get the GLIB 2.0 development headers04:48
drewbyI'm trying to connect to my schools computers04:49
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MasterShrekandy__, search synaptic for glib dev04:49
drewbyI can't go reformat them04:49
drewbyI can ssh into them04:49
sivikdrewby, they probably have the port blocked04:49
BerzerkerMasterShrek, see anything?04:49
drewbyno problem04:49
johnadsfsdfdfso how exactly can i find which version of ubuntu im running... i think its dapper and i want to upgrade to feisty04:49
sivikdrewby, two different ports, ssh port 22 and rdp is port 338904:49
MasterShrekBerzerker, not really, other than that you are using the vesa driver, can you put /var/log/Xorg.0.log up for me too?04:49
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CITguyok try this: sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`04:49
johnadsfsdfdfuname -a gives Linux mythbuntu 2.6.15-29-386 #1 PREEMPT Wed Aug 29 13:20:33 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux04:49
Berzerkerit's in there04:49
jribandy__: what are you compiling?04:49
Berzerkerstart at "log:"04:49
sivikjohnadsfsdfdf, man or cat /proc/version04:49
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johnadsfsdfdfok thanks04:49
andy__lib purple04:50
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MasterShrekjohnadsfsdfdf, look in /etc/apt/sources.list and check out the end of the deb lines04:50
johnadsfsdfdfLinux version 2.6.15-29-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 PREEMPT Wed Aug 29 13:20:33 UTC 200704:50
drewby"If you telnet to a Unix computer, rather than using a Unix workstation, it is likely that your telnet program is a text-based program.  Be warned that you will not be able to plot anything from a text-based telnet connection.  If you want to do plotting, use a graphics-based telnet program such as X-Win.  You will find an X-Win icon in most of the PCs in College of Engineering's Computer Labs."04:50
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drewbythat's what the website says04:50
MasterShrekandy__, if you are using feisty, libpurple wont be available04:50
jribandy__: you realize that in 3 days, feisty will have this packaged?04:50
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sivikCITguy, what else can i try04:50
CITguydid you run that?04:50
andy__hmm, no pruple for fiesty04:50
andy__not even from source?04:51
MasterShrekandy__, of course from source04:51
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drewbyI can't figure out what it wants me to do, though.04:51
andy__k that's all that matters04:51
jribandy__: ack, I meant *gutsy*04:51
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blazemongerubuntu is good for driver support04:51
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andy__I don't think im going to use gutsy04:51
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Jordan_Udrewby, What are you trying to do?04:51
sivikCITguy, did i run what, i missed it and i'm in cli04:51
drewbyUse matlab remotely04:51
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Ward1983is there a decent channel about HTML anywhere? (not #html they don't answer there)04:51
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CITguyrun: sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`04:51
blazemongeris there a use for a frfee os when there's no drivers that take advantage of hardware?04:52
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TIMURGuys what about these GuYS who  sAY that PClinuxOS is a lot FASTER and BETTER than Ubuntu ??? are they right ???04:52
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Berzerkeryou need drivers to use hardware effectively04:52
drewbyI can get a no-graphics version of matlab with ssh.04:52
Jordan_U!best | TIMUR04:52
ubotuTIMUR: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.04:52
MasterShrekBerzerker, i think i need a different log file, thats the newest one from when you just started, try Xorg.0.log.old04:52
jribandy__: well libglib2.0-dev is what you asked but you probably just want to do: apt-get build-dep gaim04:52
blazemongerBerzerker: right now im trying gnewsense on a laptop a free distro04:52
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sivikmaybe its going to do it correctly now04:52
kcso i am sure this is old news however i cant seem to find a fix for the 3d chess game on fawn so can someone please point me in the right direction, keeping in mind that i just started using this less than 24 hours ago04:52
blazemongeryet if free means taking out 3d drivers04:52
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blazemongeri dont know if its worth it04:53
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Jordan_UTIMUR, PClinuxOS is a quality distro, Ubuntu is also, try both and decide which you prefer04:53
andy__no glib in synaptic04:53
blazemongerbut the concept of free open software is good..04:53
jribdrewby: you probably want to forward X by passing -X04:53
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MasterShrekkc, there are more fun things to do than play chess =)04:53
orionris there a way to make an icon on the applications menu that when clicked runs a command for you?04:53
TIMURJordan_U:  BUt they claim PclinusOS is faster AND more out of the BOX04:53
drewbyjrib: I'm new to linux, could you elaborate just a smidgeon?04:53
kcwhile i agree shrek, i am still new to this and am open to suggestions to better things to be doing with my time here04:53
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jribandy__: I just gave you the package name.  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list if you don't have the package04:53
MasterShrekorionr, right click the menu and click edit menus, and add one in there04:53
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sivikCITguy, working on it now04:53
Jordan_UTIMUR, Since you can use the exact same applications on both, and neither is known as a lightweight distro the claims of noticable speed difference are probably bogus04:54
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jribdrewby: ssh -X user@host04:54
drewbyjrib: thanks, I'll give it a shot04:54
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jrib!3dchess > kc (read the private message from ubotu)04:54
rryanblazemonger :  Free 3d-accelerated drivers are a result of industry problems, and should be considered transient. ATI has already opened up their specifications which is paving the way to a good Free 3D accelerated ATI Driver04:54
TIMURJordan_U:  what about the fact that is has build in Java, PDF, mp3 ,mpeg support ?04:54
Ward1983is there a decent channel about HTML anywhere? (not #html they don't answer there)04:54
rryanand NVIDIA is working with open source efforts to help improve the quality the NVIDIA Free driver04:55
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orionrMasterShrek: thanks04:55
Jordan_UTIMUR, Ask them to define "more" and explain if the difference in speed is default applications used or some magic speed booster technology :)04:55
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siviknow its saying the installed version is different than the kernal version, but i just ran the ./Nvidia*.run --add-this-kernel04:55
PupUsercab2ceAnybody know how to make my MacBook Linux partition show up in the rEFit menu?04:56
TIMURJordan_U:  They say BETTER kernel and optimization04:56
drewbyoooh okay04:56
JEFFmasterFLEXi would have to agree that PCLinuxOS is a faster distro. it is definitly more responsive04:56
andy__arg I don't like this pastebin04:56
CITguysivik: ok, run the *custom.run file04:56
drewbyjrib: so what I did was start X remotely?04:56
jribandy__: use any you want04:56
sivikCITguy, did that already04:56
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andy__mind if I im you jrib04:56
Jordan_UTIMUR, Go to Applications -> Add / Remove in the top left of the screen, search for "restricted extras" click it and install it and you will have flash java mp3 etc04:56
MasterShrekBerzerker, im totally lost, i got no idea why its not working04:57
CITguysivik: you ran the --add-this-kernel? and then the *custom.run?04:57
jribdrewby: if you run a gui app like "xclock" it will show up on your screen04:57
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jribandy__: please use the channel04:57
Jordan_UTIMUR, Again, try both for yourself04:57
drewbyjrib: I love you.04:57
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MasterShrekBerzerker, maybe try the beta driver from there?04:57
zylstra555Hello. I need to get FTP running properly. I would like to use FTP to access my public HTML files. How do I vsftpd to do this? I simply cant figure it out04:57
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sivikCIGguy, same issue04:57
sivikCITguy, same issue04:57
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CITguywhat's the error?04:58
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sivikCITguy, same as before, the module is not the same is the driver04:58
siviki can't pastebin it, because i'm in CLI04:58
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CITguyok, now run: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-kernel-common04:58
zylstra555FTP itself is working, but I just dont see anything when I log in using the usual user credentials04:58
andy__what category would glib be under synaptic04:59
adanteam i missing something with regards to emacs04:59
orionrDoes anyone have any ideas how i would go about doing this? I have a laptop and a deskop, i want to run duel monitors at once using the LCD on my laptop as an extended desktop screen.04:59
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adantei installed emacs2104:59
adantewhen i run emacs on the command line it just sits there?04:59
jimmacdonaldcan some help me with a driver issue?04:59
MasterShrekandy__, just search it04:59
emmannaa gud girl?04:59
adantehow do i get emacs working :o04:59
onjWhat happened?04:59
jimmacdonaldit appears to be with the new nvidia driver that came out.04:59
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trendi'm trying to figure out why my linux server keeps freezing up.. monitor/keyboard/ethernet connection don't respond after about 2 days of uptime.. ideas on how to diag?04:59
onjI was on here then all of a sudden I couldn't type anything04:59
BerzerkerMasterShrek, there are no beta drivers.04:59
eclecticusquestion - the new version of Ubuntu lets you share files back and forth between two OS's.. Linux and Vista correct ? I can save and retrieve files back and forth between the two partitions? we used to only be able to read from one.. and not save between either of them, is this correct?04:59
PreZLaptopdamn :( - beryl got removed from GG04:59
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sivikwhat was that again, it went to the top before i finished04:59
MasterShrekeclecticus, linux can read/write ntfs05:00
CITguysivik: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-kernel-common05:00
mobodowhere are the user passwords stored in ubuntu?05:00
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xp_prgcan I please have some help my double quotes key does not work :(05:00
eclecticusMasterShrek: So i can download torrents on Ubuntu, and save them to my windows Partition ?05:00
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xp_prgany idea how I could fix this?05:00
MasterShrekmobodo, /etc/passwd05:00
sivikmobodo, /etc/passwd05:00
Cray11233Salut/Hello Pascal05:00
jribsivik: you can pastebin if you want... for example: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234505:00
Cray11233retourne te coucher, il est tard, lol05:00
sivikjrib: i'm not having any issues with sources.list05:01
Berzerkercitguy, what's after that05:01
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jribsivik: thus the "example" part05:01
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mobodosivik: no passwords there05:01
MasterShrekeclecticus, i guess, but it would probably be better to copy them when u are booted into windows, using the ext driver for windows, especially if you are using vista because vista will probably bitch at you for writing to it05:01
sivikmobodo, you can't view the passwords05:01
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jribsivik: what do you need to pastebin?05:01
CITguyrun "sudo dpkg-reconfigur -phigh xserver-xorg" and set your options for your graphics card05:01
endraeclecticus: as far as I know, windows can read/write ext2/3 with the driver from fs-driver.org . And Linux can only read NTFS. I think they have this ntfs-3g or something that can also write05:01
sivikjrib: i don't need to pastebin anything05:01
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zylstra555Hello. I need to get FTP running properly. I would like to use FTP to access my public HTML files. How do I vsftpd to do this? I simply cant figure it out.05:02
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eclecticusendra: yeah it's supposed to be in Gutsy05:02
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CITguyI meant: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:02
mobodosivik: so, what if I wanted to reuse the passwords from user's account in apache? any easy way to do that, do you know?05:02
onjThe audigy still won't work05:02
Berzerkernow what05:02
MasterShrekeclecticus, you can install ntfs-3g in feisty, but vista may not be happy with you05:02
sivikCITguy, when i install the linux-restricted-`uname -r` it install the nvidia-kernel-common05:02
=== Jordan_U hopes that with Bulletproof X nobody will ever have to use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in here again :)
onjit says it's using emu10k1 though05:03
Berzerkerso I reinstall nvidia-kernel?05:03
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=== CITguy is confused
CITguyhang a sec05:03
MasterShrekBerzerker, try nvidia-glx-new maybe, but i really dunno what to tell you05:03
eclecticusMasterShrek: ntfs-3g only works with XP ?05:03
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MasterShrekCITguy, me too, same problem lol05:03
BerzerkerI tried that05:03
Berzerkerdidn't work05:03
MasterShrekeclecticus, it works with vista too, but ive heard of a few people not being able to boot vista afterwards or something, but ive never personally done it, so i cant say for sure05:04
CITguyok, are you both getting a nvidia kernel version mismatch error?05:04
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BerzerkerI don't know05:04
eclecticusouch, that sucks05:04
BerzerkerMine just says "failed to load nvidia kernel module"05:04
Berzerkerthe weird thing is05:04
Berzerkerit says under it05:04
MasterShrekCITguy, both have 8600 gt05:04
Berzerkerscreens found, but no usable configuration05:04
jribBerzerker: try to keep what you say on a single line, or else the channel becomes too busy05:05
Berzerkerthen under that, it says fatal error: no screens found05:05
=== alpine [n=panda@adsl-70-143-84-75.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
xp_prgI seriously need help with my double quote button on my keybaord any ideas?05:05
MasterShrekxp_prg, whats wrong with it?05:05
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xp_prgthat is what it gives me05:05
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alpinecould anyone please help with open office spellchecker dictionary? i am unable to add a new ditionary...05:05
xp_prgits like messed up05:05
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xp_prgit is a compaq evo n1000v laptop05:06
CITguywhich driver did you guys download from NVIDIA?05:06
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xp_prgMasterShrek, any ideas?05:07
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rryanxp_prg : from the command line, type 'xev',  then hit the double quote key and tell us if anything comes up.  Hit CTRL+C to quit after trying05:07
CITguysivik, Berzerker: what is the full name of the *.run file you have?05:07
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rryan(it's possible xev isn't installed by default, in that case type 'sudo apt-get install xev')05:07
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BerzerkerI don't have it anymore05:07
Berzerkerit was 100.14.1905:07
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raddyHello Everybody05:08
MasterShrekxp_prg, not really, are you sure you chose the right keyboard on teh install?05:08
xp_prgrryan well the log scrolls but nothing comes up on the screen05:08
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raddyDoes Ubuntu supports Delta-Updates?05:08
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MasterShrekraddy, whats that?05:08
xp_prgMasterShrek I think so05:08
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raddyMasterShrek: Incremental Updates05:09
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rryanxp_prg :  so when you first start it up, a bunch of stuff will go by, but if yo udont move your mouse or tyep anything it should become stilll, then if you hit your double quote key nothing comes up ?05:09
MasterShrekraddy, um....no? i have no idea whats the benefit of that?05:09
xp_prgrryan you want to see the log output?05:09
smurnjiffraddy: Do you mean like .diff updates so less to download?05:09
=== faulkner [n=chr@c-24-22-18-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CITguyBerzerker: try downloading the 9639 version at http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9639.html and try restarting the process over05:10
xp_prga window comes up with a black square05:10
rryanxp_prg:  Sure. If nothing comes up, then it's probable that your X server has the wrong keyboard layout for your keyboard.05:10
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raddysmurnjiff : exactly05:10
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xp_prgrryan can you pretty please tell me how to fix that?05:10
Berzerker--add-kernel-here or no05:10
Berzerkeror w/e that was05:10
smurnjiffraddy: I'm guessing that would be difficult to do because this is a binary distro.05:10
CITguyfrom what I can tell, your graphics cards are fully supported by the driver. However, in my experience, the newest driver isn't necessarily the most stable.05:10
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MasterShrekBerzerker, you shouldnt have to05:11
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raddysmurnjiff: Opensuse does05:11
raddysmurnjiff: Mandriva does05:11
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rryanxp_prg : Could I see the output from xev ?05:12
smurnjiffraddy: Oh, well I'm pretty sure Ubuntu doesn't have that functionality.05:12
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drewbywhen I ssh -X user@host matlab gives me a weird licensing error05:12
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CITguyBerzerker: download the *.run file, run ./NVIDIA*9639*.run, then try starting X05:12
xp_prgok one sec05:12
drewbyServer node is down or not respoinding05:12
MasterShrekCITguy, he left to try it05:12
drewbybut xclock works perfectly05:12
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raddysmurnjiff :  would it be in near future?05:13
therionGuys, a little question: how i can set my wireless in monitor mode with drivers emulated via ndiswrapper?05:13
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smurnjiffraddy: I don't think the devs think it is necessary.05:13
MasterShrektherion, i dunno if airmon supports ndiswrapper, what wifi card are you using?05:13
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=== Berzerker [n=Berzerke@c-67-189-201-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apeezeeany of you guys try the quake wars demo yet?05:14
Berzerkersame error05:14
rryandrewby : That's likely not a problem with ubuntu. It could be a problem with the configuration of matlab on teh computer remotely. Do you know other people for whom it works ?05:14
therioni use bcmwl5 drivers05:14
Berzerkerand now my screen resolution is screwed up with vesa.05:14
=== pavs [n=pavs@cpe-69-203-202-49.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
drewbyrryan: I know matlab works on the computers locally05:14
MasterShrektherion, you do know that broadcom cards are supported in-kernel now right? you just need firmware05:14
orionrberzerker: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:14
therionit's a broadcom.. but now i don't remember :S05:14
raddyDoes Ubuntu still sticking with brown art-work?05:14
CITguyBerzerker: run "sudo apt-get install libc6 libc6-dev make linux-headers-`uname -r`"05:15
drewbyrryan, perhaps I should vpn into the school network first, could it be possibly the licensing server only works in school IP-ranges?05:15
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MasterShrekraddy, kinda orange-brownish for gnome, blue for kde05:15
CITguyanybody here running the 7.10rc?05:15
MasterShrekdrewby, that seems like it would make sense to me05:15
onjnow I can't join another channel05:15
Berzerkerall already newest version05:15
MasterShrekCITguy, i am05:15
rryandrewby : If Matlab can run locally, then it shouldn't cause an issue, because X forwarding in SSH runs the program on the machine you are ssh'd into, it just forwards teh window to you. Matlab doesn't know that the window is going to you.05:15
onjI'm not online am i?05:15
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Dan_LAnybody ever gotten an error with a live disk?  Is it common?  Or is something very wrong?05:16
smurnjiffI thought they were going green.05:16
rryandrewby : Is a local copy of matlab already running on that machine ? Could it be that the license only allows one copy running at a time ?05:16
smurnjiffDan_L: Which livecd?05:16
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therionMasterShrek, it's not supported, doesn't exist an open alternative for my drivers?05:16
ApeezeeI think i have a fairly simple question...  I downloaded the quake wars demo and the extension is a .run file and it gives an error when i try and execute it05:16
therionfor broadcom05:16
rryandrewby  : Are you sharing the machine with anyone ? Could the license server have already passed out all available licenses ? Those are all problems I run into when using my campus's matlab licenses.05:16
Ashfire908anyone here heard of "autodesk"?05:16
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drewbyrryan: that's entirely possible05:17
MasterShrektherion, what card is it? 4311? 4306? 4318?05:17
Berzerkercitguy, all newest version05:17
drewbyrryan: would ps -A | grep matlab return anything, if so?05:17
therionBCM4306 802.11b/g05:17
rryandrewby : if it's already running on that computer then that would show you it05:17
CITguyBerzerker: run "./NVIDIA*9639*.run --add-this-kernel"05:17
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MasterShrektherion, its supported, u jsut need firmware, i can give you a link...05:17
drewbyrryan: okay well it returned nothing05:17
therionThanks :-)05:17
NeatcheeThere's one thing in windows that I miss:  When you have two open windows, you can drag a file from the background window to the foreground window without stealing focus (in other words, the foreground window stays in the foreground even after clicking on the background window).  Is it possible to make ubuntu/gnome behave this way?05:18
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Berzerkercommand not found05:18
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drewbyit says Server node is down or not respoinding05:18
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drewbyin the license manager error dialog05:18
=== greencookie [n=greencoo@71-10-81-104.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
xp_prgryan does that explain it at all?05:18
rryandrewby : hmm,  well that's definitely odd. I can do R2007a over X forwarding with no issues..  so its definitely possible.   Every now and then our license server goes down or runs out of licenses to give everyone05:18
kcjrib thanks for the link i am working on geting that download, but now i am having some trouble installing BrRL the installer wont open something about character coding any thoughts05:18
drewbyrryan: when I ssh into the computer without starting x, matlab works, but won't plot anything05:19
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-37-187.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribkc: can you pastebin the error?05:19
rryanxp_prg : I didn't see when you sent it, where did you put it ?05:19
kcwait one05:19
Berzerkercitguy, command not found05:19
kcCould not open the file /home/kc/BtRLDemoInstaller.run using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding.05:19
MasterShrektherion, extract the file here: http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv to /lib/firmware, make sure ndiswrapper isnt loaded, and then modprobe bcm43xx, it may be worth a restart after stopping ndiswrapper05:19
CITguyBerzerker: cd to the directory where the NVIDIA run file is located05:20
zylstra555I need to find my public_html folder on my Linux server. Where exactly would it be by default?05:20
Jordan_Utherion, Or just use restricted driver manager :)05:20
BerzerkerI am in the directory05:20
greencookieI'm new to ubuntu and I was in #kubuntu for the longest time asking for ubuntu help hehe:)05:20
therionMasterShrek, thanks again mate..05:20
MasterShrekBerzerker, ./NV<hit tab>05:20
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ArtVandalaezylstra555: in your home dir05:20
Berzerker./ doesn't work for me for some reason05:20
MasterShrektherion, come back and ill help you if u need it, ive set up many of these cards :)05:20
rryandrewby : That's definitely odd, and would suggest that it's something wrong with x forwarding.  Have you tried VPN'ning like you mentioned? I'm out of ideas I'm afraid05:20
jribkc: wait... what is btrl?05:20
MasterShrekBerzerker, sudo ./05:20
bullgard4What are the major differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL?05:20
drewbyrryan: well I've never actually gotten vpn to work in ubuntu05:20
ArtVandalaebullgard4: google it, there's a lot of comparisons05:20
kcbehind the red line something i got off of games arena05:20
Berzerkertab worked05:20
Berzerkerbut command not found05:20
NeatcheeThere's one thing in windows that I miss:  When you have two open windows, you can drag a file from the background window to the foreground window without stealing focus (in other words, the foreground window stays in the foreground even after clicking on the background window).  Is it possible to make ubuntu/gnome behave this way?05:20
MasterShrekBerzerker, chmod a+x NVIDIA<hit tab> then try to run it05:21
ArtVandalaebullgard4: for a start, postgresql can be considered "completely" free05:21
MasterShrekNeatchee, probably somehow05:21
Berzerkerok there we go05:21
jribkc: how are you running itL05:21
ArtVandalaebullgard4, I think MySQL is not allowed for commercial use, or some strange clause like that05:21
NeatcheeMasterShrek: yes, well, I was hoping for guidance on that matter, not just a reassurance that it's possible haha :P05:21
kci dont understand jrib05:22
jribkc: how are you running the file?05:22
MasterShrekNeatchee, well there are other things that are much nicer, like being about to scroll a window that is behind another window without having to switch the focus05:22
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kcreally i am so new to this i am double clicking on it05:22
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MasterShrekNeatchee, as far as the thing you are talking about, i would bet that kde could probably do it much easier than gnome05:23
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Neatcheeoh yes, i know.  I've been using ubuntu for almost 2 years now.  Won't be going back any time soon.  Just one thing i'd like to be able to do :)05:23
drewbyrryan: I can ping the server from here, so I doubt it's blocking outside licenses05:23
rryandrewby: I googled a bit, does anything happen if you type 'lmdebug'  ?05:23
greencookieplease help me.05:23
NeatcheeAhh.  You're probably right05:23
supinfohao a05:23
greencookieim new to linux05:23
supinfome too05:23
=== scyon [n=scyon@71-217-86-194.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekgreencookie, whats the problem?05:23
kcme too05:23
greencookieHow to get my ati card to work at higher resolutions?05:23
jribkc: there are a lot of nice games packaged in the repositories that will be easier to install... do you know about APT and add/remove?05:23
drewbyrryan: I'll give it a try05:23
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MasterShrek!ati | greencookie05:24
ubotugreencookie: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:24
greencookiei use restricted driver then x crashes05:24
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supinfowho can tell me ??05:24
kcnope jrib i am totally new but i am IT in RL so you can point me in the direction and i will figure it out05:24
=== Berzerker [n=Berzerke@c-67-189-201-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Berzerkersame error05:24
MasterShreki dont know much about ati driver to be honest greencookie, except that they can be a problem to set up in linux05:24
jrib!games > kc (read the private message from ubotu)05:24
Jordan_Ugreencookie, How did you install the drivers? Restricted Driver Manager?05:24
zoidberg_does anyone know how to mount and use a 3rd gen ipod via usb cable on ubuntu?05:24
rryanxp_prg: did you put hte output of xev in a pastebin somewhere?  sorry I must have missed it05:24
xp_prgrryan you here?05:24
=== xsnake [n=xsnake@c-69-181-100-252.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!software > kc (read the private message from ubotu)05:24
kcthanks again sir05:24
supinfoi don't this is....05:24
drewbyrryan: lmdebug is not a valid command, do you mean matlab -debug?05:25
greencookieJordan_U:  I dont I goto System>restricted drivers then its there..just not enabled yet05:25
Berzerkercitguy, same error.05:25
jribkc: you want to stick to the repositories whenever possible in linux05:25
greencookiewhen i enable i get kicked off the GUI05:25
greencookiethen I have to reinstall the whole ubuntu thing to get back.05:25
rryandrewby : hmm that might be it.. a matlab help manual referenced 'lmdebug' to debug problesm with acquiring a license.05:25
kcand how do i do that jrib or will the link teach me?05:25
MasterShrekgreencookie, you dont have to reinstall everything05:25
taggieneatchee, my brain is failing me on how, but yes, very possible, quickly as a workaround, you can (like in windows) drag your item down onto the application title in the app-panel on the bottom of the screen and bring the other window back up front.05:25
=== _Shaka [i=virgo@futomaki.befree.it] has joined #ubuntu
CITguyok, um ...05:25
MasterShrekgreencookie, what kind of card is it?05:25
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greencookieMasterShrek: please teach me how to get back without reinstalling05:25
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=== _Shaka is now known as Shaka
PaPaFDTrying to a little cleaning up of old files  anyone know what all the file are in  /home/<user>/.local are and are they needed?05:25
Neatcheetaggie: yeah, that's what i've been doing :P  Just wondered if there was an easy way to make it even easier :)05:26
greencookieDisplay controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71a705:26
greencookieMasterShrek: Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71a705:26
jribkc: link teaches... feel free to ask for more details if something is not clear though I may not be around in a few05:26
MasterShrekgreencookie, type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:26
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MasterShrekgreencookie, use the vesa driver05:26
kckk i am working on it05:26
drewbyrryan: hrrm, nope, same error, no extra output05:26
kcthanks again05:26
greencookieMasterShrek: what does it do?05:26
CITguyBerzerker: let's back up. Have you removed the nvidia-kernel-common package?05:26
Neatcheekc: ask anyway.  Someone in here (like myself) will surely assist you if jrib isn't around :)05:26
ubotuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x05:26
Jordan_Ugreencookie, How did you install the fglrx driver?05:26
BerzerkerI did05:26
MasterShrekgreencookie, reconfigures your xserver05:26
zoidberg_does anyone know how to mount and use a 3rd gen ipod via usb cable on ubuntu?05:26
MasterShrek!x | greencookie05:27
greencookieJordan_U: I'd like to know that as well:)05:27
ubotugreencookie: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:27
CITguyBerzerker: reinstall it05:27
Berzerkerthen I installed it after trying startx05:27
Berzerkerwhen it didn't work05:27
BerzerkerAnd that ended up giving me the same error.05:27
=== zaatar [n=zaatar@cpe-71-65-20-84.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CITguyok, what is the driver that is set in teh xorg.conf?05:27
greencookieMasterShrek: how do i know if i'm not already using vesa?05:27
Berzerkerright now, it's vesa05:27
jribPaPaFD: look inside, it's a bunch of settings05:27
greencookiei havent tweaked anything since installed ubuntu..its fresh off the disk.05:27
Berzerkerit was nv when I installed 963905:27
Berzerkerand it was nvidia when I tried 100.14.1905:28
MasterShrekgreencookie, you probably are, but if you cant get back into a gui, thats how you would reconfigure it back to vesa05:28
CITguyit was?05:28
greencookieoh ty MasterShrek05:28
BerzerkerI also tried it with nvidia, and that didn't work05:28
jrib!enter | Berzerker05:28
ubotuBerzerker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:28
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CITguyBerzerker: have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and setting the driver to nvidia?05:28
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:28
=== kyleBAKED [n=kyle@adsl-072-148-239-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
BerzerkerI'm answering multiple questions, I can't keep everything on one line...05:28
BerzerkerYes I tried that, it didn't work.05:28
=== Polygon89 [n=Polygon8@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bullgard4https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports: "Crashes of userspace applications should be detected automatically so the user gets an easy to use frontend for adding information to the problem report and is offered to send the report to our database." Are ther other applications yet besides 'userspace applications'?05:28
greencookieFor ipod get amarok!05:28
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok05:29
MasterShrekBerzerker, to tell you the truth, now that i think about it my friend has an 8600 and he couldnt get it to work either...hes been using vesa, you may just have to wait until they release a new driver05:29
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kyleBAKEDIs there a way to completely backup your home directory?05:29
BerzerkerI can't use beryl/compiz fusion can I..?05:29
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MasterShrekkyleBAKED, where would you like to back it up to?05:29
CITguyBerzerker: afraid not05:29
riotkittiekyleBAKED: there are many ways to do it.05:29
BerzerkerBack to OS X, it is.05:29
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riotkittieBerzerker: happy trails.05:29
bullgard4kyleBAKED: Yes there are. I am doing it using rsnapshot.05:29
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BerzerkerFrankly, I like OS X much better than linux, so far.05:29
CITguyyou've got to have a fully functional graphics driver to allow for the desktop effects to work05:29
greencookiehow can i join this channel using terminal? i got irssi05:29
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kyleBAKEDi have my home directory on a partition which is full, and i need to back up my home so i can resize that partition05:30
MasterShrekBerzerker, to each his own05:30
riotkittiethat's great.05:30
BerzerkerI just wanted to try out Ubuntu on my MBP, but it doesn't work.05:30
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kyleBAKEDwhich would be the easiest way to do it05:30
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-29-171.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekgreencookie, irssi, then type: /server irc.ubuntu.com then: /join #ubuntu05:30
BerzerkerSo, thanks anyway.05:30
rryanxp_prg: it looks like your " key is mapped incorrectly to dead_diaresus05:30
bullgard4greencookie: Just type into your command line /j #ubuntu05:30
CITguythat's alright, sorry we couldn't help you out05:30
PaPaFDjrib found what it was there were 800 meg of files in the Trash Directory inside of .local that were not showing up in my trash05:31
NebularI'm having trouble getting my joystick to work. When I run jstest /dev/input/js0 it says no such device05:31
greencookieThanks guys.05:31
Newbuntu2is there a way to make a live cd/install ubuntu off a USB drive?05:31
xp_prgrryan please tell me how to fix this I beg of you :>05:31
jribPaPaFD: interesting05:31
AvarielGnome or KDE ?05:31
=== PreZLaptop [n=prez@pool-72-89-83-140.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rryanxp_prg:  try the following command :  xmodmap -e "keynum 48 = apostrophe quotedbl"05:31
MasterShrekAvariel, kde!05:31
riotkittieNewbuntu2: sorry, the later it gets, the dumber i am. do you want to actually install from a USB drive, or do you want to use  a LiVe CD and have your settings stick05:31
CaptainMorganI have a machine that runs Fiesty in which grub defaults to, my second OS on the same hdd is Windows, I have second hdd that is only partitioned and I would like to install Solaris 10 on it, if I install solaris 10 on the second hdd, how is the bootloader - grub affected?05:32
CITguyAvariel: they've both got pros and cons05:32
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Avarielwhat are some pros and cons for example ?05:32
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Avarielmainly speaking05:32
xp_prgxmodmap -e "keynum 48 = apostrophe quotedbl"05:32
xp_prgxmodmap:  unknown command on line commandline:105:32
xp_prgxmodmap:  1 error encountered, aborting.05:32
riotkittieAvariel:  how about you install whichever desktop you're currently lacking and decide for yourself?05:32
MasterShrekCaptainMorgan, you shuld be able to choose not to install a bootloader on solaris, then just add appropriate entries into your grub on ubuntu05:32
NeatcheeAvariel:  I vote for gnome, personally.  It's all about personal preference05:33
Newbuntu2riotkittie: I keep getting I/O read errors from the liveCD, so I'm blaming the CD drive. Im trying to bypass it by going the USB way05:33
CaptainMorganMasterShrek, ah.. thanks05:33
rryanack sry05:33
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rryanxp:prg try :   xmodmap -e "keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl"05:33
CITguyKDE - larger memory usage than GNOME, confusing interface, great apps05:33
CITguyGNOME - Very Simple, maybe too simple, bulky, not a lot of eye appeal05:33
MasterShrekNewbuntu2, did you check the cd for defects?05:33
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xp_prgit is working now!!!05:34
ArtVandalaeActually, I think KDE uses less RAM than GNOME05:34
CITguybut I'd have to agree with riotkittie. install both and try them out05:34
rryanok ... so its definitely your keybaord setting05:34
Newbuntu2riotkittie: I downloaded the image 3 times, and burnt ~5 cds... ARGH!05:34
rryanxp_prg: you should try going to system > preferences > keyboard and making sure that you have teh right keyboard selected and keyboard layout05:34
ArtVandalaeNewbuntu2: have you run md5 check on the iso?05:34
rryanI can't really tell you which one is right b/c i dont know what your keyboard is05:34
edubuntuI havent tweaked my kde 2 much yet05:35
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Newbuntu2Artvandalae: not sure how to do that on my windows box05:35
mrjinstalling gnome and KDE is annoying, then you wind up with TONS of applications in your bars05:35
kahrytanNewbuntu2, do a md5sum check BEFORE burning05:35
edubuntuit laggs out on me though i know that it eats my ram05:35
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:35
rryanbut the command I just had you do is soemthing you'd have to type every time .. which is bad. if you have the right layout selected, you wont have to type that every time05:35
ArtVandalaeNewbuntu2: google "md5 for windows", I think there's a free program called toaster or something, a single executable program05:35
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
edubuntuGnome betta 4 me till i put more in this laptop05:35
=== jerbear [n=jerbear@cpe-024-074-104-237.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xp_prgrryan I did try that, it all looks right to me05:35
MasterShrekxp_prg, you can just add that xmodmap command to /etc/rc.local and it shouldnt bother u anymore05:36
xp_prgMasterShrek ok :)05:36
Pie-ratei love having a local APT mirror. i just installed kubuntu-desktop in less than a minute!05:36
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rryanxp_prg: I gotta get going, but at least that'll get you heading in the right direction :)05:36
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-255-52.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
xp_prgthanks rryan!05:37
Sweeperhey, I've got a fresh install of 7.04, reboots right after grub loads05:37
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kahrytanPie-rate, did you have kde apps installed before ?05:37
Sweepernothing in messages, reinstalling grubs no worky05:37
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MasterShrekSweeper, remove the work splash from the kernel lines in your /boot/grub/menu.lst and try again05:38
smurnjiffSweeper: What's in your menu.lst?05:38
PupUsercab2ceCan anyone here help me get my Ubuntu partition booting from rEFit on my MacBook Pro?05:38
SweeperI shall try!05:38
=== flamesrock [n=flamesro@d199-126-184-86.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
drewbyrryan: I managed to get somewhere with lmstat05:38
MasterShrekPupUsercab2ce, what is rEFit?05:38
CITguyhas anyone any experience in setting up a local apt server?05:38
MasterShrekCITguy, Pie-rate does apparently05:38
SweeperMasterShrek: hmm, can that be done from the grub prompt?05:39
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PupUsercab2ceMasterShrek: Think of it as a graphical grub for EFI machines.05:39
MasterShrek<Pie-rate> i love having a local APT mirror. i just installed kubuntu-desktop in less than a minute!05:39
Sweeperlike, during boot? or am I gonna have to mount with the livecd?05:39
MasterShrekno idea PupUsercab2ce,try looking at the docs for it05:39
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MasterShrekSweeper, either way05:39
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CITguyMasterShrek: what is Pie-rate?05:40
Sweeperit's just that I'm walking someone though this on irc, and don't feel like doing the whole chebang :P05:40
MasterShrekCITguy, a user05:40
MasterShrekhe left tho05:40
CITguyoh, nm05:40
=== CITguy feels stupid
drewbyrryan: lmstat tells me that that the license manager server (lmgrd) on the server mentioned in the license manager is not running05:40
kyleBAKEDhow can i change the home directory for a user?05:40
=== scguy318 [n=nodisgod@pool-71-123-180-118.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekCITguy, hes around alot tho, so youll probably run into him again, but im sure there are docs out there for it, cant be too hard05:41
CITguyalright, thx05:41
wizohey, in my /etc/network/interfaces, i have "auto lo", "iface lo inet loopback", "autho eth0" "iface eth0 inet dhcp" these lines should be sufficient for getting ip using dhcp yea?05:41
MasterShrekkyleBAKED, usermod --help05:41
MasterShrekwizo, didnt it work automatically before?05:41
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kyleBAKEDi have my home directory on a seperatly mounted partition, will usermod still work?05:41
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wizoMasterShrek, it worked, then i tried to change it to static, which i couldnt get internet access, so now i'm trying to change it back to dhcp05:42
MasterShrekkyleBAKED, yes, but if you just mount it as /home/user that would probably work easier, you jsut have to make sure the permissions are correct05:42
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wizoso i'm just checking if i've wrongly deleted any lines05:42
=== greencookie [n=greencoo@71-10-81-104.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dialntonei was just curious, how do i find a port -- im streaming media via VLC ... and im trying to get the port05:42
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MasterShrekwizo, i dunno, try it :)05:43
wizoMasterShrek, it cant seem to get an ip or something05:43
tonsofpcsAnyone know of a uif2iso conversion utility?05:43
greencookieI just tried installing the ati driver..kicked me off. thanks to MasterShrek i reinstalled vesa05:43
Dialntoneis there some sort of netstat to find the port?05:43
wizoit says no dhcpoffers received05:43
MasterShrekDialntone, there should be something in vlc's preferences that says what ports its broadcasting on05:43
MasterShrekwizo one sec, ill pastebin mine for you...05:43
roubenDialntone: sudo netstat -anop | less05:43
bullgard4https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports: "Crashes of userspace applications should be detected automatically so the user gets an easy to use frontend for adding information to the problem report and is offered to send the report to our database." Are there other applications yet besides 'userspace applications'?05:43
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Dialntonebut it there's another way05:43
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wizoMasterShrek, alright thanks :)05:43
roubenDialntone: sudo netstat -anop | grep vlc05:44
greencookieMasterShrek: how can i use resolutions higher than 1024x76805:44
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MasterShrekgreencookie, its not that you reinstalled vesa, you just reconfigured to use it05:44
roubenI dunno, what's the binary for VLC?05:44
SweeperMasterShrek: oi, apparently it's rebooting before stage 1.505:44
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Dialntonethanks m805:44
Dialntoneur a genious05:44
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Dialntonelike me05:44
roubenno problem05:44
=== matt_ [n=matt@c-24-14-109-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekSweeper, hmm, maybe not seeing your partitions?05:44
greencookieMasterShrek: thanks. Can i use higher resolution?05:44
=== calc [n=ccheney@ppp-70-250-226-180.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonsofpcsI found an old "all2iso" package for beos that includes uif2iso, I assume there's either source or a linux build, but I can't find the origin05:44
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SweeperMasterShrek: on a default install? :/05:44
MasterShrekgreencookie, you shuld be able to set that when you reconfigure xorg, try that same command except leave out the -phigh05:45
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greencookieok thanks05:45
MasterShrekSweeper, i woudlnt think so05:45
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SweeperI'll tell her to reinstall and use all defaults....05:45
Les_CaesarsThe fancy compiz effects don't work for me after I installed 7.10 RC. Should I expect this, or is it abnormal behavior?05:45
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Sweepersilly british chicks using loonix05:45
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Les_Caesarsis there a way I can test my 3D acceleration?05:46
SweeperLes_Caesars: glxgears05:46
MasterShrekwizo, i only have two lines: auto lo   and    iface lo inet loopback05:46
Les_Caesarsthanks Sweeper05:46
wizoMasterShrek :O05:46
=== err-or [n=edward@c-71-202-129-47.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekLes_Caesars, you need to install drivers for your vid card05:46
err-ordid i disconnect?05:46
wizoMasterShrek, nothing about dhcp or whatever?05:46
Les_CaesarsMasterShrek: Ubuntu 7.04 already figured them out for me when I isntalled. Why wouldn't 7.10?05:47
MasterShreknothign for me wizo, my wired will do it automatically, my wireless i set up on the command line05:47
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MasterShrekLes_Caesars, not sure...7.10 is still beta tho u gotta rememebr that05:47
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MasterShrekerr-or, your still here05:47
Les_Caesarsglxgears runs just fine btw. Just tested. Sounds like a config problem05:47
err-orwas my name always err-or?05:47
err-ori was dialntone,05:47
=== Zombine [n=alex@cpe-24-209-92-236.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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err-ornoooo, now everyone in the house is mad at me....05:48
Les_Caesars1600 fps05:48
MasterShrekerr-or, no, Dialntone is stil here, so u musta got d'ced05:48
=== adante [n=adante@124-171-199-171.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ZombineAnyone know where I can find an Xclient script?05:48
MasterShrekLes_Caesars, thats good05:48
MasterShrekZombine, for what?05:48
Les_CaesarsMasterShrek: So then, how do I jump from glxgears to compiz?05:48
Zombine1600 Frames Per Second?  With what?05:48
Les_CaesarsZombine: glxgears05:48
MasterShrekLes_Caesars, not really sure, im bad with compiz, borked many installs of it lol05:48
ZombineMasterShrek: For Fluxbox window manager?05:48
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MasterShrekZombine, what would you liek to do with it?05:49
ZombineMasterShrek: nm, I know where it is already :D05:49
nickrudLes_Caesars: what kind of video card?05:49
adantehi, is anybody able to run emacs?05:49
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adantei installed the package emacs21, when i try to run emacs it just sits there at the command line05:49
Les_Caesarsnickrud: ATI Radeon 9550. Kinda old but it hasn't antiqued yet05:49
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greencookieMasterShrek: i got irssi working but how do i view the ubuntu channel? right now im using konversation05:49
Les_Caesarsruns Doom3 and Oblivion well05:49
ZombineMasterShrek: gonna permanently disable this damn touchpad tapping05:49
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MasterShrekgreencookie, /join #ubuntu05:49
greencookieyep i did that..it says '^x' to view the channel05:50
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nickrudLes_Caesars: I'm not sure about that one, but I think all you have to do is enable gldestop under preferences05:50
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horsmananyone here know how to set up a freenode channel?05:50
Les_Caesarsnickrud: And where would I find that/05:50
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Gancho-RJAlgum brasileiro pra me ajudar, por favor ??05:51
Snuxollhorsman: /join your channel05:51
nickrudLes_Caesars: ah, ok. games work. system->preferences->gldesktop. if that works, ok. otherwise, you'll have a few steps05:51
scguy318!br | Gancho-RJ05:51
calchorsman: then message chanserv to set up stuff05:51
gregoroviusGancho-RJ, go to #ubuntu-br05:51
greencookieMasterShrek: i press ctrl x but i dont see #ubuntu channel talk05:51
tonsofpcsfound one on bebits with source, trying it05:51
Les_Caesarsnickrud: lol. gldesktop isn't there. But I'll try it in the console05:51
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gregoroviusanybody having complete and random lockups with gutsy's latest kernel?05:52
nickrudLes_Caesars: you running gutsy, right (what's three days)05:52
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:52
scguy318!gutsy | gregorovius05:52
ubotugregorovius: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:52
greencoo1ieMasterShrek: I got in!!05:52
=== nickrud bows to scguy318
Les_Caesarsnickrud: yeah. My previous install took a crap thanks to a mishandling of the HD. So I'm on 7.10 beta atm05:52
gregoroviusyes scguy318, I know i'm running gutsy....05:52
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nickrudLes_Caesars: change to #ubuntu+105:52
greencoo1ieMasterShrek: this is awesome. Thanks. so how do I view member list now?:) lol05:52
wizoMasterShrek, weird, i get "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0" if i just have those 2 lines that you showed me05:52
MasterShrekgregorovius, im using a custom kernel, :)05:52
Pseudoryx Does anyone know how to enable UTF8 Unicode at text mode (I05:52
Pseudoryx i'm using Server edition05:53
=== thev [n=thev@hlfxns0145w-142167159057.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekno idea greencoo1ie, its probably just a common irc command, and i dont know it lol05:53
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greencoo1ieRofl..all good man..05:53
scguy318gregorovius: thus you should ask in #ubuntu+1 I believe05:53
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MasterShrekwizo, weird, its probably nothing to do with that file then05:53
greencoo1ieI just have this small thing it says [2:#ubuntu(+Lcfnt #ubuntu-unregged)]  at the bottom in blue.. should I be concerned?05:53
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gregoroviusscguy318, oh, you're right, thanks05:54
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-76-166-204-51.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
greencoo1ieAnd MasterShrek any way to turn off the "quit" and "join" messages?05:54
ubotuirssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help05:54
wizoMasterShrek, alright, thanks anyway, i'll try it some other time :)05:54
Pseudoryx Hi everyone, i have problem with starting X server with Nvidia driver05:54
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Pseudoryx Can someone help out?05:55
MasterShrekgreencoo1ie, i dont know, i dont use irssi05:55
adantegreencoo1ie: there are some good introductory guides on the irssi website i think, i found them very useful for getting acquainted05:55
greencoo1iethanks adante.05:55
ubotuirssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help05:55
MasterShrekwizo, can u grab a dhcp address if you do it manually?05:55
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=== gabilan [n=gabi@200-127-90-208.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiegreencoo1ie: no. you should not be concerned about that.05:55
Gancho-RJAlguem poderia me ajudar com uma duvida? Instalei o Ubuntu 7.04 Server e o Gnome, pois bem, nao consigo usar minha internet em modo grafico ou seja no Gnome, mas no terminal, consigo baixar todas as atualizacoes...? O que posso estar fazendo errado ?05:55
MasterShrekPseudoryx, what card do u have?05:55
gabilanhi people. i u doin05:55
gabilancan u help me it just a commun problem i guess about compiz-fusion05:56
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: I have Gefore 7600,05:56
wizoMasterShrek, how can i do that :S05:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:56
riotkittie2: is the window number. the rest is the channel that youe in, and the channel's modes05:56
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MasterShrekPseudoryx, what driver did u install?05:56
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: everything installed alright (Nvidia-glx,etc...)05:56
greencoo1ieI think i like Konversation better than irssi:)05:56
scguy318!br | Gancho-RJ05:56
ubotuGancho-RJ: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:56
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greencoo1ieI cant use terminal while irssi is running05:56
gabilanwhen i wanna start compiz, (compiz --replace or wth emblade) it gave me this: /usr/bin/compiz.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/compiz/libdecoration.so: undefined symbol: decor_apply_gravity05:56
MasterShrekwizo, sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo dhclient3 eth005:56
gabilanwhat the hell..05:56
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: but when I use "startx" it said some problem with loading nvidia module05:56
greencoo1ieis there a way to swtich to terminal riotkittie05:56
riotkittiegreencoo1ie: you can open another tab, or CTRL + Z to send irssi to the background05:57
MasterShrekPseudoryx, try using the nvidia driver from nvidia.com maybe05:57
silent........ I've been playing music using my mouse to control, assuming my laptop media buttons wouldn't work.... so I just tried them.... and they work... I almost shed a tear05:57
buzz-cpDoes anyone know what file contains the user picture reference in gnome/ubuntu?05:57
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riotkittieor you can run it in screen. which is overkill, unless you're in a TTY.05:57
MasterShrekgreencoo1ie, ctrl+alt+f205:57
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Pseudoryx MasterShrek: I'm using Non Free nvidia from Ubuntu Respo05:57
adantegreencoo1ie: check the http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi05:57
greencoo1ieadante lifesaver05:57
greencoo1ieMasterShrek: thanks05:57
buzz-cpi.e. at the ubuntu login, when there is a picture for a user---what file references this picture?05:57
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Pseudoryx MasterShrek: I'd be appreacited if you can check out my xorg_log error05:57
gabilandoes anyone knows what going on05:58
MasterShrekPseudoryx, can you pastebin it for me?05:58
gabilanwith my compiz-05:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:58
gabilanit a fuckin error05:58
riotkittiegabilan: #ubuntu-effects05:58
ThePubCould someone refresh my memory, please.  There's a commandline tool you can use from bash scripts for poping up gtk widgets, what's the name of it?  ^_^05:58
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: I could not since I dont have firefox. Running on Text mode05:58
greencoo1ieanyone know how I can access web from terminal?05:58
greencoo1ielike websites?05:58
scguy318greencoo1ie: lynx05:58
bullgard4https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports: "Crashes of userspace applications should be detected automatically so the user gets an easy to use frontend for adding information to the problem report and is offered to send the report to our database." Are there other applications yet besides 'userspace applications'?05:58
ubotuBrowsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary)  -  HTTP servers: apache205:58
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buzz-cpAnyone know the filename that says what picture is used at the login screen?05:59
MasterShrekPseudoryx, paste the output of: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep "(EE)"05:59
greencoo1iesudo apt-get install lynx05:59
scguy318greencoo1ie: thats it05:59
greencoo1iesry my bad05:59
buzz-cpAnyone know the filename that says what picture is used at the login screen?05:59
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MasterShrek!repeat | buzz-cp05:59
ubotubuzz-cp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:59
ArtVandalaebuzz-cp: you can ocnfigure it in GNOME, but I'm assuming it would be in a gdm config file, or maybe even gconf05:59
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cupojavahi all..06:00
sapphy76Hi all06:00
buzz-cpThanks Art06:00
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naliothsapphy76: first off, is the program you are trying to compile available in the official Ubuntu software repos?06:00
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buzz-cpalso, thanks MasterShrek06:00
cupojavadid anyone try to upgrade from feisty to gutsy?06:00
MasterShreki did cupojava, why?06:00
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g0dd3sshai everyone!!! I have ubuntu feisty with kde and I have this battery manager monitor thingy that's supposed to be in the tray, but it opens in it's own little window, how to fix??06:00
cupojavaI am getting an error06:01
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Pseudoryx MasterShrek: (EE) NVIDIA(0): fail to load the NVIDIA kernel module!06:01
greencoo1ieDude lol! command line is fun but complicated. I had to tab a thousand times to search google. :)06:01
cupojavaabout some file "Packages.gz" not being found06:01
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Pseudoryx MasterShrek: (EE) NVIDIA(0): ***aborting***06:01
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jimmacdonaldok so I am not the only one have nvidia problems?06:01
naliothcupojava: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support06:01
MasterShrekPseudoryx, does: lsmod | grep nvidia    give you any output, i dont need the output just to know if it shows anything06:01
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: (EE) screenfound but not have usable configuration06:01
sapphy76/nalioth its an webcam driver06:02
MasterShrekPseudoryx, feisty?06:02
MasterShrekjimmacdonald, alot of people are today for some reason06:02
sapphy76I dont remember theese irc sommands06:02
buzz-cpjimmacdonald:  Google ENVY / ubuntu     this solved all nvidia driver / max resolution problem06:02
naliothsapphy76: have you tried plugging your webcam in and seeing if it works?06:02
MasterShrekick no06:02
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: lsmod | grep nvidia does not give me any output06:02
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:02
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cupojavaI was wondering if anyone else saw that.. or if the ubuntu servers are temporarily down06:02
MasterShrekPseudoryx, are u on feisty or gutsy?06:03
greencookie_I think ill stick with konversation for now06:03
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: Gutsy06:03
sapphy76well, I have to install the driver manually, but i need root permission in terminal06:03
MasterShrekPseudoryx, what kernel?06:03
MasterShrekuname -r06:03
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greencookie_Guys why can't I play simple games in ubuntu. They run too slow. Choppy.06:03
buzz-cpOK let's be dogmatic06:03
MasterShreksapphy76, use sudo before you put the command06:03
jimmacdonaldproblem is the farthest I can get is to the KDM login... if I attempt to login it kicks me right back to kdm.06:03
MasterShrekjimmacdonald, have you ever got past that?06:04
Scunizijimmacdonald, try #kubuntu06:04
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: something start with 2.6 ... end with 1406:04
jimmacdonaldyes before the updates last night.06:04
cupojavawhat kind of games are you trying to play greencookie?06:04
buzz-cpWhat evidence is there that the script breaks a machine?06:04
MasterShrekPseudoryx, try rebooting and when grub comes up, pick the 3rd option and try again06:04
jimmacdonaldScunizi... I get the same indications when trying to run gnome06:04
=== WhiteNails [n=WhiteNai@cpe-69-203-201-170.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: you meant the Recovery Mode?06:04
greencookie_Um i had one that had tux skiing down a hill or something..06:05
MasterShrekPseudoryx, no, the second kernel option that is not recovery mode06:05
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MasterShrekPseudoryx, there should be one in there if ur using 1406:05
Scunizijimmacdonald, get to a terminal wit ctrl+alt+f2, log in and sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  .. that might fix it by catching another update to fix the last one.06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1D083.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pseudoryx MasterShrek: ok, i'll give it a try06:05
ArtVandalaegreencookie_: you don't have the proper drivers installed06:05
MasterShrekgreencookie, games are overrated =P06:05
greencookie_and how do i kick my evil twin greencookie out so I can be myself?06:05
ArtVandalaegreencookie_: the choppiness in tux racer is because it needs 3d06:05
greencookie_MasterShrek: WoW player here ;)06:05
MasterShrekgreencookie_, youll just have to wait06:05
greencookie_*tries to snipe greencookie06:06
MasterShrekgreencookie_, WoW on wine06:06
MasterShreki tried pinging him greencookie_06:06
sapphy76how do I vlear the terminal screen (like cls in DOS)06:06
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:06
MasterShrektype clear06:06
greencookie_MasterShrek: before that I guess ill have to figure out how to enable 3d first:)06:06
=== Begasus [n=begasus@18.26-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spew - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:06
sapphy76that easy? wow06:06
MasterShrekgreencookie, what kind of gfx card?06:06
cupojavagetting this error: "ailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"06:06
sapphy76feelig dumb I am06:06
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MasterShrekcupojava, interesting, did u lose gzip?06:07
greencookie_I got some kind of ATI card. I dunno which..but I know its ATI shows it on lspci06:07
roubencupojava: running out of space by any chance? check with df -h06:07
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Scunizisapphy76, the light will shine upon you in time!06:07
g0dd3sshai everyone!!! I have ubuntu feisty with kde and I have this battery manager monitor thingy that's supposed to be in the tray, but it opens in it's own little window, how to fix??06:07
roubencupojava: if so, try apt-get clean06:07
=== InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106000c418bd9f7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekoh yea, i just tried helping you with that greencookie_ lol, youll need to figure out how to install drivers for it, maybe system>administration>restricted drivers06:08
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sapphy76Im a beginner in linux, but have many years experience with dos and windows06:08
sapphy76I like linux so far06:08
greencookie_yeah MasterShrek when I enable that, I gotta do the whole dpkg reconfigure thing cuz x hangs up.06:08
MasterShrekoh yea...06:08
=== Someguyfromhell [n=Someguyf@S0106000f3da88d45.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Scunizisapphy76, I was the same until last year.. now I run win2kpro in a VM just for work stuff that requires IE606:08
greencookie_Is there a way I can access this chatroom from firefox?06:08
MasterShreksorry greencookie_, i got short term memory loss, probably from green brownies lol06:08
ArtVandalaegreencookie_: with chatzilla06:09
MasterShrekgreencookie_, there is a java freenode client somewhere06:09
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cupojavawell.. there is about 900 megs still available.. so it shouldnt be the space problem..06:09
greencookie_chatzilla! voila!06:09
greencookie_thanks ArtVandalae.06:09
cupojavaand I can still see gzip06:09
cupojavain my path06:09
=== greencookie_ is now known as greencookie
=== greencookie streches.
sapphy76I have a xp partition for some gaming06:09
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Cpudan80Hello all06:09
Neatcheesapphy76: as someone who came from Windows not 2 years ago, feel free to ask any questions you have.  Everyone here is plenty friendly and willing to help :)06:09
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Scunizisapphy76, ditto06:10
Cpudan80I've got a problem with flash in Ubuntu x86_6406:10
sapphy76all I need is to get my webcam running06:10
ksivaji i know user name password of system with ip ,still i cant login because telnet and ssh says connection timedout ,but i can ping works06:10
greencookiesapphy76: which webcam?06:10
MasterShrek!nspluginwrapper | Cpudan8006:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:10
sapphy76qc pro 500006:10
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:10
Cpudan80I followed the directions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172706:10
Neatcheesapphy76: Ooo, webcams are a pain :(06:10
Scunizisapphy76, I found that mine works when I boot with it plugged in.. different model though.. creative.06:10
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sapphy76I figured that out06:10
nickrudScunizi: exactly which one, I'm in the market06:11
sapphy76the pro 400 cam worked a bit06:11
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sapphy76gave it avay to my mom06:11
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Cpudan80Well at any rate - I followed those steps06:11
Cpudan80But every time I restart the browser - I lose flash support06:11
Scunizinickrud, Creative live! cam video IM  .. fry's # 5063185 $22.9906:11
cupojavaI am experiencing some lag06:12
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greencookieYay! chat zilla!06:12
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greencookieBut I was hoping it would be integrated inside firefox. this is no different from Konversation:(06:12
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Scunizigreencookie, konversation has some nice features that I miss when using xchat..06:13
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cupojavasorry.. the server lagged out.. didnt see any responses after my response06:13
feldgutsy discussion in here or is there a dedicated channel for that?06:13
greencookieAnd it does not highlight a sentence when it has my name on it:( scumbag chatzilla..06:13
Scunizifeld #ubuntu+106:13
sapphy76any norwegians here? (novice users)06:13
cube#ubuntu+1 for gutsy06:13
homerj_more of an nvidia question: anyone have a laptop with an nvidia card in it? the slowdown threshold in nvidia-settings is set to 0c06:13
feldScunizi: cool06:13
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Neatcheesapphy76: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3743  << Try that for getting your quickcam to work06:13
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NeatcheePlease read the whole page first, as it details the whole process, and you may need to adapt some things if it's been updated since06:14
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greencookieJust curious06:15
greencookieIs everyone using gnome?06:15
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greencookieg0dd3ss: what are you using?06:15
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g0dd3sskde today06:16
sapphy76thanks Neatchee06:16
nickrudScunizi: frys it is this weekend, thanks06:16
greencookieg0dd3ss: ok.06:16
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greencookieHow bout konversation? everyone use that?06:16
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hdevalenceIf I wante dto display line 60 of file foobar, what program would I use?06:16
nickrudeven the right price, wow06:16
L0GANhello, where can I get blender 2.45 for ubuntu?06:17
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g0dd3ssgreencookie, i r using xchat:D06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:17
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Scunizinickrud, I have an old ViCam that became the 3comm camera that is now used by a security company.. Great camera, interchangable lenses (glass) and less than 1 lux.. unfortunatly doesn't work on anything linux.. :(06:17
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L0GANi downloaded one but it said some dependancy error06:17
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hdevalencegreencookie: konversation is nice if you use KDE. otherwise I'd say try xchat06:17
greencookieg0dd3ss: Ok. Me Chatzilla. :)06:17
Cpudan80Ok so I followed the directions for flash06:17
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Cpudan80But again, it only works once06:17
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VeinorI have a microsoft wireless notebook optical mouse 3000, and whenever I click on the middle mouse button, it pastes the text from the cilpboard.06:17
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Cpudan80If I close/reopen browser - it stops working06:17
sapphy76I have another annoying problem, cant get a higher resoulution than 1024x768... using an Geforce fx560006:17
greencookiehdevalence: how do i install xchat? sudo apt-get install xchat?06:17
SeveredCrossVeinor: That's how Linux works. ;)06:18
g0dd3ssgreencookie, ooo ook, never used that, is it good06:18
sammahello, If I'm moving all of my music I bought on iTunes over to ubuntu, do I have to burn all of the songs to a CD to remove the DRM?06:18
nickrudScunizi: I've avoided webcams for that very reason, I'm glad I peeked in just now06:18
hdevalencegreencookie: yeah06:18
VeinorSeveredCross: is there any way to change it so that when I do it in, say, firefox, I can move the mouse to scroll?06:18
greencookieg0dd3ss: try it. its nice. I like the dark color schemes. after all its all about personalization ;)06:18
Scunizisamma, that might work06:18
SeveredCrossVeinor: You can still move the mouse to scroll...Just don't push the button down.06:18
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g0dd3ssgreencookie, lol i have to make everything purple :X06:18
SeveredCrosssamma: Probably not, look up FairUseQT or something like it, there's a Java app that will decrypt your songs.06:18
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sapphy76I just used an NTFS config tool, I didnt have to move the music from anywhere06:19
VeinorSeveredCross: I know my old mouse actually registered the middle button as a third button, not as paste.06:19
greencookieg0dd3ss: Purple? lol. Better than pink;)06:19
Veinorsamma: he means qtfairuse06:19
sammaMkay, thanks, you all.06:19
g0dd3ssgreencookie, lol for sure 8-] 06:19
greencookieg0dd3ss: you can make it purple in chatzill too i guess:)06:19
Scunizinickrud, the creative is ok.. color is passable but not great, clarity.. well .. it's sorta what I ecpected after the Vicam which was tack sharp.06:19
fryguyI'm having some problems with torrent download speeds (not upload) in utorrent, using various clients.  I've compared the results in reasonable way (private trackers, downloading same torrent on different clients), and I can't get the download speed anywhere close to utorrent on windows (utorrent on windows maxes out my connection, 750+ kb/s, while ubuntu is doing 50kb/s).  Is there some sort of network tuning I need to know about?  I'm using the same port n06:19
L0GANi get error: dependency is not satisfiable: lib52-0.7.406:19
greencookiebut just havent tried it yet.06:19
greencookieg0dd3ss: how long have you been using ubuntu?06:20
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g0dd3ssgreencookie, a couple of years, in between windows, but still a noob06:20
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/06:20
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zaatar_you guys know of a "good" walkthrough of setting up svn the right way?06:20
g0dd3ssgreencookie, but I'm ready to get rid of windoze now :D what bout u?06:20
zaatar_i don't wanna f around this time...06:20
VeinorSeveredCross: so is there any way to change linux to interpret the middle button as an actual button?06:20
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SeveredCrossIt does?06:21
nickrudScunizi: one that works is enough for now, especially at the price. I can use it in baseball later without any tears :)06:21
greencookieg0dd3ss: I installed ubuntu a couple of days ago. First timer in linux so pretty new.06:21
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SeveredCrossScroll up and down are also separate buttons.06:21
SeveredCrossNot really sure what exactly your problem is...06:21
Cpudan80Anyone have any ideas?06:21
greencookieg0dd3ss: I'd love to get rid of windoze but I got my game there:( WoW:)06:21
Cpudan80Flash works for one go - but not for multiple ones?06:21
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greencookieg0dd3ss: I'm loving the whole linux experience.06:21
VeinorSeveredCross: With my old mouse, I could press in with the middle button once and then just move the physical mouse around without using the middle button at all.06:21
SeveredCrossScrolling the wheel up registers a button action, clicking it down registers a different button action, and scrolling the wheel down registers a third action.06:21
SeveredCrossOh. Don't know that there's a way to do that.06:21
g0dd3ssgreencookie, lol 8-} kool. wont it run in wine or sdomethin06:21
greencookieg0dd3ss: what music player do u use?:)06:21
MasterShrekCpudan80, 64 bit?06:22
L0GANwhy is blender not available in add/remove?06:22
SeveredCrossWhat's the problem with just scrolling the wheel down?06:22
VeinorIt's slow.06:22
Cpudan80MasterShrek: Yeah -- I followed those steps you sent me before06:22
MasterShrekL0GAN, sudo apt-get install blender ?06:22
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greencookieg0dd3ss: well for that I have to enable 3d acceleration and frankly speaking I dont like terminals right now:006:22
astro76Veinor, it was on Linux you could do that?06:22
g0dd3ssgreencookie, xmms or amarok, quod libet06:22
Veinorastro76: yeah.06:22
Cpudan80MasterShrek: If I run the npwrapper -i thing before every startup it would work06:22
MasterShrekCpudan80, i dont know, it used to do that for me before too, but ever since i upgraded to gutsy it doesnt anymore06:22
Veinorif I could change the amount each click of the wheel scrolls, I'd be happy.06:22
greencookieg0dd3ss: so i'm procrastinating installing the video driver for now.06:22
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astro76Veinor, you can, install imwheel and adjust it's config06:23
greencookieg0dd3ss: Amarok! to be frank this is one of the features that made me wanna bury windoze.06:23
MasterShrekCpudan80, i jsut made a bash script and put it in /usr/bin called flash-plug or something so i could load it right away if i needed flash06:23
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greencookieg0dd3ss: I'm in love with Amarok:)06:23
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cubethere is an offtopic chat06:23
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Cpudan80MasterShrek: Yeah - I guess I could just bump up to the next version....06:23
L0GANMasterShrek: ill try that but will it get the latest version available?06:23
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jimmacdonaldalright I am screwed... I cannot get this working after an update.06:23
Cpudan80How do you upgrade btw?06:23
Cpudan80I'm new to Ubuntu06:23
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g0dd3sso.O orly06:24
greencookieg0dd3ss: xmms doesn't quite cut it for me:)06:24
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Cpudan80!upgrade | Cpudan8006:24
MasterShrekCpudan80, u might as well wait until thursday when gutsy is officially released06:24
sn4keeyezcan i get help for xubuntu in this room?06:24
SeveredCrossVeinor: You can change that I believe.06:24
SeveredCrossMouse properties can change that.06:24
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cubesystem-admin-update manager06:24
greencookiesn4keeyez: #xubuntu06:24
MasterShreksn4keeyez, what do u need help with?06:24
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friedtofuhm. gutsy is officially released on thursday? the final version?06:24
mnmlhi, i want to make ubuntu sign on to a remote ssh server everytime i start up the machine.Anyone know if I can do this?06:24
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L0GANcand find package blender it says06:24
visof_how can i add repositories for synaptic?06:24
Veinorfriedtofu: yes.06:24
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MasterShrekyes friedtofu06:24
g0dd3ssgreencookie, yeah, but i kinda miss winamp, which is why i use xmms sometimes, but no media library, taht sucks, which is why i use amarok06:24
Kudakguys, what email server hotmail is using ?? pop or imap ???06:24
sn4keeyezi need help with connecting to my wireless router.06:24
MasterShrekvisof_, system>administration>software sources06:24
SeveredCrossHum, maybe you can't, I thought you could.06:24
friedtofuVeinor MasterShrek : thanks, making sure after reading off distrowatch06:24
greencookieI was in #kubuntu for the past couple of days until someone pointed out that there did in fact exist a separate room for ubuntu:) yay!06:24
MasterShreksn4keeyez, what kind of wireless card do you have?06:24
SeveredCrossKudak: Hotmail is IMAP I would think, but they may be using their own protocol.06:25
L0GANblender is one of the biggest open source apps :)06:25
mikubuntuany idea what might have caused an old dell laptop with xubuntu on it to crash, after it was operating properly, and then fails to take a reinstall, among other things giving a grub 18 error?06:25
sn4keeyezit's a smc06:25
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sn4keeyezmy card sees my router but won't connect to it.06:25
KudakSeveredCross: im configuring Evolution and i need to know what server type to choose from06:25
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KudakSeveredCross: how can i find out what server they use ?06:25
SeveredCrossProbably IMAP.06:25
astro76Kudak, hotmail does not support either06:25
sn4keeyezI changed the channel on my card to the channel of my router.06:25
cubesn4ke have you had another device hooked up to your router before06:25
sn4keeyezbut still no dice.06:25
MasterShreksn4keeyez, interesting, using network manager? (i hate network manager, straight command line is better lol)06:25
SeveredCrossYou'll have to look it up on Hotmail pages.06:25
Kudakastro76: what should i choose then ?06:25
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greencookieg0dd3ss: yeah no library. I need library for my collection too:)06:25
SeveredCrossHow can you hate NetworkManager?06:25
sn4keeyezactually i used command line?06:25
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intarwebzhey this is probably a stupid question but i dont' have a distro cd  handy to check it for myself...when you install ubuntu and you're going thru the gui installer, does it give you the option to install kde?06:26
SeveredCrossWPA2 through commandline is a pain in the rear end.06:26
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g0dd3ssSeveredCross, I do 8-} wicd pwnz06:26
astro76Kudak, their website, because that's the only way to access it06:26
MasterShreksn4keeyez, do u need a wep key or anything?06:26
krisHi. Is the name of the default sound device in Ubuntu /dev/dsp?06:26
Kudakastro76: alright thx06:26
sn4keeyezbut i'm a total noob to linux...so i think it is something minor06:26
sn4keeyezi opened up my router06:26
greencookieintarwebz:  you can install kde later on.06:26
Pumpitupintarwebz> kubuntu06:26
sn4keeyezno wep or wap06:26
greencookiesn4keeyez: join the group:)06:26
cubeso you activated wifi on your internet connection06:26
nickrudthe lastest incarnation of networkmanager, anyway. I have a static definition in interfaces, and it uses it if I'm plugged in at work. Wireless automatically at home06:26
friedtofuquestion: is there any way to change that keyring thing? so i dont have to manually enter the password everytime i log into Ubuntu to go online via USB wifi adapter?06:26
MasterShreksn4keeyez, i always do this: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid <essid>    then sudo dhclient3 eth106:26
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intarwebzright i know you *can* install kde later or kubuntu but is it an option in an ordinary ubuntu install?06:26
sn4keeyezyeah i am surfing on a windows computer right now with it...06:26
riotkittieits easy to hate nework manager if you have a chipset it does not play nice with. or if you have witnessed it's wonkiness in gutsy tribes first hand :P06:26
cubedid it have a wap key?06:26
greencookieMasterShrek: what does that do?06:27
Veinorso how do I use imwheel?06:27
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astro76intarwebz, there is a kubuntu install cd06:27
fryguyintarwebz: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde06:27
MasterShrekgreencookie, its for wifi06:27
L0GANhmm blender available only in the "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues". thats weird for a GNU app06:27
greencookieintarwebz: not sure about that buddy06:27
visof_what is the meaning od APT line?06:27
Kudakastro76: i goggled it and a few POP3 findings showed up, is it possible they use POP3 ?06:27
sn4keeyezlet me try that master06:27
intarwebzsn4keeyez:  you just installed, were you offered kde?06:27
visof_i couldn t add any repositories06:27
MasterShrekintarwebz, no, u just have to install kubuntu-desktop afterwards06:27
greencookieMasterShrek: Do you know how to fix my wifi prob?:) i cant use WPA on my wireless06:27
intarwebzor just GNOME06:27
astro76Kudak, I think people have written software to interface with the website and fake a pop3 server, is that what you've found?06:27
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:28
sn4keeyezi think xubuntu uses xfce06:28
intarwebzok thx ppls06:28
MasterShrekyes sn4keeyez it does06:28
intarwebzxubuntu is da bomb06:28
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Kudakastro76: no, i found a guide on how to configure outlook, and i guessed it didnt matter what kind of clients i use06:28
greencookieHavent tried xubuntu intarwebz .06:28
MasterShrekkubuntu is better :) kde apps are unmatchable06:28
Kudakastro76: on the outlook guide it says to choose pop3 for hotmail, so i guess same for evolution, ami right ?06:28
greencookieI love Gnome!06:28
krisHi. Is the name of the default sound device in Ubuntu /dev/dsp?06:28
MasterShrekKudak, yes06:28
MasterShreki think so kris06:28
KudakMasterShrek: alright thx. :P06:29
L0GANhmm maybe I ask a linux user to do the export for me06:29
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sn4keeyezi wanted to try out linux so i researched distro for an old pentium 2 thinkpad that i had laying around06:29
greencookiePlus it doesnt matter does it cuz all apps run on all different window managers if i'm not mistaken.06:29
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Pumpituphaving both desktop installed gnome and kde wont slow anything now would it06:29
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gcarrillohey all has anybody found the automounter to be unstable??06:29
sn4keeyezi found xubuntu and installed it...06:29
MasterShreksn4keeyez, did u try that?06:29
astro76Kudak, with hotmail and yahoo you only get pop3 with paid account, gmail you get it for free :D06:29
intarwebzhaha what a buzzkill when someone blurts out "i love gnome"06:29
astro76Kudak, and yeah that was an Outlook only thing06:29
MasterShrekintarwebz, tru.dat06:29
intarwebz;) j/k i love bash so who am i06:29
sn4keeyezsudo iwconfig eth1 essid get off my network06:30
greencookiewhats wrong with gnome:)?06:30
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MasterShreksn4keeyez, you need to put quotes around the essid06:30
greencookieits simple :)06:30
intarwebzgreencookie: its reputation06:30
PurpZeYHey all, I am looking to set a global keyboard short-cut and the guide I read suggested that I use gconf under metacity options...But I am running compiz-fusion, which is technically my windows manager, am I still using the metacity area of gconf for this?06:30
sn4keeyezoops, typed on the wrong computer.06:30
cubegreen have you heard of offtopic06:30
greencookieeh.. intarwebz why would that be? is gnome for beginners?06:30
krisI am trying to get gtk-recordMyDesktop to capture sound, but to no avail. Similar problems with xvidcap, too. Anyone able to offer any help?06:30
greencookie!offtopic |cube06:30
ubotucube: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:30
intarwebzgreencookie: ya06:30
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intarwebzubotu - that's cute06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about that's cute - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:31
greencookieah.. suitable for me. I just installed linux a week ago:)06:31
MasterShrekgnome is for nazis ---Linus06:31
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cubei like gnome06:31
intarwebzgreencookie: gotcha06:31
intarwebzyeah, linus disrespects gnome openly06:31
astro76!stfu | intarwebz06:31
ubotuintarwebz: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:31
greencookielol@Mastershrek is that true?06:31
intarwebzoh my bad06:31
riotkittiedesktop environment wars are for dummies --me06:31
MasterShrekmy prof told me that06:31
intarwebzyou can't even say rt*m?  how will our childrens learn?06:32
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cubewhats wrong with gnome?06:32
jdonggreencookie: it's slgihtly paraphrased06:32
greencookiewts rt*fm?06:32
EruditeHermithey, can anyone help me with renaming my ipod?06:32
jdonggreencookie: but mostly true06:32
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sn4keeyezok thanks master06:32
cupojavaDoes anyone know if the D-Link USB wireless adapter works with Gutsy?06:32
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intarwebzhaha i'm in like bizarro irc world06:32
krisHmm. Never heard the acronym jfgi before. Pardon my asking, but what's it mean?06:32
greencookieNow I feel bad for using Gnome:)06:32
astro76greencookie, read the fine manual ;)06:32
jdongkris: Just <explicative> Google It06:32
cubeerudite does it not authenticate it when u try?06:32
riotkittiecupojava: there are a number of d-link usb wireless adapters, with a variety of details. give a girl some details.06:32
krisjdong: Thanks. :-)06:32
greencookierofl astro76 neveer knew that one! lol.. thnx06:32
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riotkittieerrr with  a variety of chipsets06:32
intarwebzoh i thoguht it was just ForGet it06:32
riotkittiecupojava: which model? which revision?06:33
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EruditeHermitcube: I gave it to a friend and it got his name on it and I want it back to just ipod06:33
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greencookiej*gi Lol.06:33
cubewhat happens when u try06:33
sn4keeyezhey master do i put " " around it or <>?06:33
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sn4keeyezsorry i'm a total noob06:33
greencookieim on my way to earning a doctrate in internet slangs06:33
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MasterShreksn4keeyez, use 'get off my network'06:33
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MasterShrekor whatever it was06:34
bwidja28help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:34
astro76sn4keeyez, <> pretty much always means substitute something for it without the <>06:34
cubeif all else fails go into recovery mode and use vm to rename it06:34
cubejust go to the directory06:34
intarwebzgreencookie: internets06:34
sn4keeyezi didn't know that..06:34
EruditeHermitcube: which directory?06:34
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cubeyour desktop06:34
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cubeor where its mounted06:35
greencookieAnyone know of any graphical enhancements for Gnome?06:35
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intarwebzcompiz fusion06:35
EruditeHermitcube: which file on the ipod controls the name?06:35
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intarwebzgreencookie: did you install gutsy?06:36
astro76greencookie, yeah... gutsy with compiz-fusion06:36
intarwebzit should offer compiz .5 with it06:36
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x06:36
greencookieso i just do sudo apt-get install gutsy rite?06:36
cubewhat happens when u right click and try to rename?06:36
MasterShrekgreencookie, no06:36
EruditeHermitcube: it doesn't have the rename option06:36
MasterShrek!update | greencookie06:36
cubehold on i will hook 1 up06:37
EruditeHermitcube: it is greyed out06:37
sn4keeyezok after i typed sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid 'get off my network' what's supposed to happen?06:37
cubek hold on06:37
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MasterShrek!update | greencookie06:37
ubotugreencookie: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:37
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MasterShrekubotu was afk =P06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about was afk =p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:37
greencookierofl. I think ubotu was busy with this AI girlfriend.06:37
MasterShrekshes hawt06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alice - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smartbuddy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
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greencookiehe's a smart one;)06:38
MasterShrekheh, dont mess with teh bot too much tho greencookie some ppl might get mad at u06:38
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rathelHow do I stop Totem for loading every time I put in a DVD?06:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:38
err-orwhat the hell is mkv06:38
greencookieOh! Sorry. Didn't know.06:38
ParadoxxIs there a command to see the users currently registered on the system?06:39
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Dialntonewhy couldn't it be avi or mpg ... but why mkV06:39
intarwebzoh nm, that shows logged in06:39
intarwebzParadoxx: check your passwd file06:39
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MasterShrekParadoxx, users06:39
MasterShrekoh registered...yea /etc/passwd06:39
sn4keeyezMaster, my computer is stating no working leases in persistent database - sleeping06:39
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MasterShreksn4keeyez, is your router set to only release a certain number of dhcp addresses?06:40
ParadoxxMasterShrek: I'm looking at it now....what in there?06:40
sn4keeyezumm i don't think so... let me look06:40
intarwebzParadoxx: that's where your users are06:40
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Paradoxxoh, nevermind06:40
ParadoxxThank you much06:40
cubeerudite hold on06:40
nickrudParadoxx: users with numbers above 999 are real people, mostly06:40
sn4keeyezactually it is...but it's set to 5006:40
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EruditeHermitcube: ok06:40
chetnickdo i have to remove beryl before i install compiz-fusion?06:40
intarwebzchetnick: maybe, compiz-fusion replaces beryl so it'd serve to reason06:41
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friedtofuerr-or what are you asking about mkv? :/06:41
greencookieerm, is there an offtopic discussion room?06:42
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:42
greencookiethanks astro7606:42
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Pie-ratejust tried KDE... it seems better than gnome, not better enough to relearn a bunch of stuff though. Why was gnome chosen as the default for Ubuntu?06:42
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friedtofuerr-or if you're still there, mkv is a container file like avi... ah well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matroska06:42
greencookiebye im going to #offtopic06:43
astro76Pie-rate, there's not a million options06:43
intarwebzPie-rate: simplicity06:43
friedtofulol. i like gnome better >.>06:43
gunashekarPie-rate , i thought so too initially06:43
VeinorI figured out how to get firefox to do what I want it to do.06:43
cubei couldn't rename my ipod either so i looked it up and someone on the forum posted a way06:43
Veinoredit->preferences->advanced and enable autoscroll06:43
intarwebzPie-rate: gnome has corporate acceptance, too06:43
Dialntonecontainer file06:43
Pumpitupwhy does openoffice release upgrades every day...is it that buggy06:43
Dialntonecan it be downsized :(06:43
VeinorPumpitup: it's usually really minor bugs.06:44
cubewhat else is there besides gnome and kde?06:44
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chetnicki have never used compiz fusion, is it better than beryl?06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:44
Veinorcube: xfce06:44
Pie-rateintarwebz: i see. corporate acceptance i can see, but the simplicity thing... not so sure, KDE seems to organize its menus pretty intuitively.06:44
friedtofuxfce ...06:44
friedtofuhm.. there are others06:44
intarwebzchetnick: yes, it replaces it06:44
Veinorchetnick: beryl is technically discontinued now06:44
cubeand what xubuntu for?06:44
Veinorso... I guess.06:44
EruditeHermitcube: ok thanks I'll try that now06:44
Dialntonefriedtofu,  .. mkv file..06:44
intarwebzPie-rate: but it offers "too many" options06:44
Veinorcube: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce06:44
MasterShrekcube, fluxbox, enlightenment, blackbox, theres tons of them06:44
Pie-ratecube: speed06:44
intarwebzfriedtofu: is fluxbox better?06:44
Veinorxfce is minimal06:44
cubewhat does it not feature compared to gnome or feature06:45
=== picodon- is now known as TBird
cubeso if its minimal what can't u run06:45
friedtofuintarwebz - i havent tried it, but it uses less memory than xfce... :/06:45
Pie-ratecube: it has xfce, which is a minimal window manager, its more meant for older systems06:45
MasterShrekVeinor, compared to gnome or kde yes, but fluxbox is much smaller06:45
intarwebzcube: the main differences are usually the native apps (k-whatever, g-whatever) and how it handles administrative settings06:45
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intarwebzfriedtofu: impressive and noted06:45
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sn4keeyezMastershrek, can i pm you?06:45
intarwebzgnome has admin settings in diff places, kde has k control panel06:45
cubexubuntu... not for me06:46
Dialntonebah brb06:46
cubeyeah i like both kde and gnome but gnome is just what i am used to so i use it06:46
sn4keeyezI used xubuntu b/c my laptop is an ancient relic of the 90's06:46
MasterShreksn4keeyez, if your nick is regged, else just join #MasterShrek06:46
astro76intarwebz, there's actually a gnome control center you can enable in System > Preferences by editing the menu06:46
cubei will check that out astro06:47
intarwebzastro76: thx, i didn't know that06:47
astro76intarwebz, there's a bunch of goodies not enabled by default in the menus06:47
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EruditeHermitcube: I get "cannot initialise drive"06:47
rathelhmm.. mplayer isn't playing the right chapter when I just do mplayer dvd:// How do I find the correct chapter? It works on most other dvd's.06:47
jrsimswhat's a good GUI text editor?06:47
=== bcherry_ [n=bcherry@c-67-188-86-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intarwebzastro76: no doubt, but it's all about the defaults because when you're converting pagans from microshaft, you can only cover so much ground per session06:47
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x06:48
=== emet [n=stephani@unaffiliated/emet] has joined #ubuntu
astro76intarwebz, indeed, the defaults were chosen for a reason06:48
bwidja28help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:48
cubehold on06:48
astro76jrsims, assuming you've tried gedit?06:48
intarwebzhey are any of you guys by chance hot chicks?06:48
jrsimsastro76: I have not06:49
astro76jrsims, that's the standard gnome one06:49
astro76jrsims, still does syntax highlighting and all that06:49
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jrsimsastro76: that's what I'm after06:49
intarwebzwrong room06:49
bwidja28help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:49
astro76jrsims, if that doesn't suit try kate06:49
cubewell i can't rename my ipod because its read only if you go to computer-ipod and right click what does your says read only>06:49
Pie-rateastro76: why the hell is this thing not enabled by default?!?!? wow, it shouldn't even be in System -> Preferences, it should be in System06:49
cubein properties -permission06:50
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EruditeHermitcube: yes it says read only06:50
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astro76Pie-rate, you could right click it and add to panel06:50
Newbuntu2is there a way to install ubuntu off a USB drive? my cd drive doesn't work well06:50
cubeok hold on06:51
=== gcarrillo [n=gcarrill@cpe-66-25-187-182.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
astro76!install | Newbuntu206:51
ubotuNewbuntu2: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:51
gcarrillohey all06:51
Pie-rateastro76: i mean for new users.06:51
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gcarrillowhat do people mean when they talk about "upstream"?06:51
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mikebotWhat does this error in LaTeX mean: ! Missing number, treated as zero.06:51
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Pie-rateastro76: it should be at least shown in preferences, if not moved up a level to System06:51
astro76Pie-rate, yeah they've decided on the preferences menu rather than a control center06:51
astro76it's kind of redundant06:51
bwidja28anybody can help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:51
astro76they being Ubuntu06:51
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Extravertwhats the built in calculator in command line?06:52
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-24-7-153-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Extravertits two letters06:52
Dr_Willis!info bc06:52
ubotubc: The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06-20ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 65 kB, installed size 188 kB06:52
bwidja28anybody can help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:52
jrsimsOk, I'm looking for a GUI text editor with a sidebar that shows me my directory tree. Ideas?06:52
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Felosisi am debating getting a dell anyone here personally use one? any problems? comments?06:52
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IrreducibilisFelosis: Dells are okay.06:53
IrreducibilisWe use them at school and they are fairly fast.06:53
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IrreducibilisEven with the Pentium Ds in them06:53
bwidja28anybody can help me...to solve monitor refresh rate06:53
Dr_WillisFelosis now a days - you can just about price new pc's by the pound. :)  Depends on what you are going ot do with it and your budget a great deal.06:53
FelosisIrreducibilis well i mean like the ones that are supposidly fully hardware supported from dell.com/ubuntu06:53
JCarlosalguma brasileira ai ?06:54
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Dr_WillisDell annoys me when they try to force contract/warrenty/extras down your throat.06:54
IrreducibilisFelosis: Ah... no clue there. I use an XPS laptop though, thats all I know about dells.06:54
astro76!br | JCarlos06:54
ubotuJCarlos: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:54
=== diego [n=ZAK@201-212-188-123.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
gcarrilloi usually buy dell for the things i dont build myself06:54
gcarrillothe service sucks06:54
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gcarrillobut the prices are good06:54
gcarrilloand i like the hardware06:54
=== greencookie [n=chatzill@71-10-81-104.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu []
Dr_WillisI just happened to find a Gateway on Sale last month. :) cheaper then what i could of built my own.. but i still would of been better off building my own. even if  there was a bit more cost to it.06:55
nickrudjrsims: gedit with the plugins, enable the file browser side bar06:55
=== gregi_ [n=stephan@modemcable222.5-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Felosishmmm well its a laptop and i dont want to be bothered trying to part it06:55
gcarrilloi got a d83006:55
FelosisDr_Willis yea i saw that too06:55
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IrreducibilisHm, I wonder if I could build my own laptip06:56
Dr_WillisThe Linux laptops i hear are nice. BUT dell often has identical windows laptops with extra 'deals' that make them more of a value.06:56
gcarrillonot really06:56
FelosisIrreducibilis you can its just not cost effective06:56
=== Ishakabibble [n=simon@125-236-176-78.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x06:56
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IrreducibilisFelosis: Wouldn't it be cheaper to stick a Core 2 Extreme and 4GB ram and SLI and all that good stuff in a laptop chassis myself rather than pay alienware to do it for me?06:57
EruditeHermitcube: I figured it out06:57
gcarrilloi got a latitude with windows, and installed ubuntu and used the windows disc to install a VM06:57
FelosisDr_Willis true im trying different configs with and without windows, i also get a discount through work for dell so it pretty much evens out06:57
chetnickok compiz fusion install06:57
EruditeHermitcube: mkfs.vfat -n ipod /dev/sda106:57
chetnickbut is there any control panel?06:57
Dr_WillisFelosis i do also.. but the discount we get is JUST on the 'extended service plans' - so its a rip off.06:57
FelosisIrreducibilis possibly in that case hard to say though honestly i havent priced parts on a laptop for about 3 years06:57
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nickrudgcarrillo: what, no game partition :)06:57
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underwatercowIf I switch to Ubuntu 64-bit, will I miss anything important? Flash works on it now, right? or do you still have to use a third party like Gnash?06:57
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nomaSchetnick: #compiz-fusion06:57
EruditeHermitcube: thank you so much for your help06:57
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FelosisDr_Willis you dont have to get the extended service plan, just tell it the 1 year and youll get a small but some discount =)06:58
gcarrillonickrud: nope, i use the 360 for that :)06:58
chetnickooo ok , didnt know06:58
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Pie-rateIrreducibilis: have fun finding a lappy mobo/case that you can do SLI in. I'm sure anyone making an SLI laptop has made a deal with the mobo manufacturer06:58
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FelosisPie-rate exactly06:58
nickrudyeah, sounds a bit shakey to me06:59
Pie-rategcarrillo: Scalable Link Interface06:59
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cubegksudo and open the ipod06:59
cdm10macd: you here?06:59
gcarrilloPie-rate: thx06:59
Pie-rategcarrillo: a method developed by nvidia for running multiple graphics cards in parallel.06:59
gregi_we can have a audio conversation with amsn 0.97b me it's not work sorry my english i'm french06:59
cubeit should be open as root then...i don't know why what that guy said to do in the post didn't work for u06:59
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macdcdm10, yes?07:00
=== Zicks [n=simon@125-238-1-178.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:01
cdm10macd: hey, could you send me a link to your page that details activity in #ubuntu?07:01
cdm10macd: I promise I'll bookmark it this time :)07:01
macdcdm10, I havent run the report in a few weeks07:01
ZicksPlease help someone with Java for Firefox07:01
macdI'll give you the link but it wont be updated for about an hour07:01
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cdm10macd: That's ok, can I have the URL anyway?07:01
cdm10macd: great, thanks07:01
rathelhmm.. mplayer isn't playing the right chapter when I just do mplayer dvd:// How do I find the correct chapter? It works on most other dvd's.07:01
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underwatercowDoes Flash work in 64bit now?07:02
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=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-29-171.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:03
=== JohnDoe [i=JohnDoe@modemcable222.42-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
JohnDoeHi all!07:03
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JohnDoeDo you all speak french or english?07:03
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:04
astro76JohnDoe, this channel is English only, French in #ubuntu-fr07:04
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MasterShrekoh french lol07:04
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:04
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AnssiPWhy can't I "loadkeys fi-latin1" in console? And I can't list the available keymaps? How?07:06
JohnDoeAny of you know how to exchange voice message with Ubuntu with friend who are with Windows Live Messenger?07:06
coucou747MasterShrek> I know07:06
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coucou747JohnDoe> good luck...07:07
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AnssiPI have default 7.04, should I installe something to get Finnish keyboard for console?07:07
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russe11I have a subversion server running on Ubuntu 7.04. I'd like to turn that into a mirror of an existing subversion server, and have it automatically check for updates. Any ideas how I might accomplish this?07:08
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glassdis anyone else having trouble running an update right now?07:09
mistoneI don't have any ?07:09
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glassdi just installed, tons of updates for me07:09
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mm_202Anyone help me out with ripping a DVD with K3b?  Ive googled around but didnt find anything useful.07:10
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AnssiPShould I use install-keymap instead of loadkeys?07:10
mistonemm_202: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip07:11
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mm_202mistone: thank you07:11
mistoneI googled ubuntu rip dvd07:11
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jdongmm_202: you need to use Medibuntu repository's K3b to do encrypted DVD rips with it07:11
jdongmm_202: that's probably the component you were missing07:11
snowglobehow do i restart the sound in ubuntu?07:11
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speedy_how can i switch wireless modes07:12
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mm_202jdong: okay, thank you, I'll check that out.07:12
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glassdi keep getting this error about not being able to authenticate packages while running an update07:12
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JohnDoeAny of you know how to exchange voice message with Ubuntu with friend who are with Windows Live Messenger?07:14
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:14
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mistoneJohnDoe: two seconds of googling07:16
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DShepherdJohnDoe, skype works...07:17
adminnguys were is the mirror blob screensaver pictures folder at?07:17
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=== rhetoric [n=rhetoric@cpe-75-180-44-224.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
yigaldoes ekiga suck compared to skype?07:17
adminnanyone konw07:17
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JohnDoeI can exchange voice message with Skype to WLM07:18
ianm_has anyone used the truecrypt-installer scripts in gutsy?07:18
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Avt3kwere does mirror blob screensaver get the pictures from?07:18
=== sindre [n=sindre@ti221110a081-6512.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdJohnDoe, no. but if your friend downloads skype too07:18
DShepherdJohnDoe, you both can chat. but I am not sure if that's an option07:19
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speedy_can i any1 tell me how can can i switch wireless modes?07:19
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:19
Avt3kwhat about the mirror blob screensaver pictures folder??07:20
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yigalIrreducibilis: was that "!better" pointed at me?07:20
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unagimy god i will never buy a game through steam ever again07:21
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:21
=== pipegeek [n=ptr@Harkness-52.resnet.brown.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Irreducibilisyigal: indeed07:21
=== Andre_Gondim [n=Andre_Go@200-96-106-169.paemt705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Irreducibilisunagi: Concidering the server load.... better to buy the DVD07:22
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:22
ramza3anybody work with the pcsx playstation1 emulator and how to get a more recent version07:22
=== speedy_ [n=speedy@cpe-67-9-78-103.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sd32how do I change desktop managers?07:22
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yigalsd32: what dm do you want to change to?07:23
JohnDoeNo option work with WLM!07:23
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Scunizisd32 when you boot look for the Options button on the login screen, click and then sessions.07:23
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yigalsd32: do you have kdm installed already?07:23
Avt3k were does mirror blob screensaver get the pictures from? <<<07:23
speedy_im havin trouble switchin wireless mode...can any1 wat can i do?07:24
sd32not shure, put kubuntudesktop on top of ubuntu07:24
yigalsd32: if not it should ask you when you install it, if you want to use it07:24
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ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:24
Scunizisd32, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, then switch sessions the way I described.. you can make either one default.07:24
ianm_Colro: can't wait?07:24
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sd32scunizi, thanks07:25
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Colroianm_: I'd prefer not to, this version runs like crap so anything that's a potential upgrade looks good.07:25
yigalsd32: I believe, if you have it, something like, "dpkg-reconfigure kdm" should do it07:25
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yigalsd32: that is if you don't want the entire kubuntu desktop07:25
[R] does the livecd support S3 suspend to ram?07:26
Colroianm_: Plus the current version has been out for two months and still isn't on the restricted manager, and doesn't look like it's going to be added to gutsy either.07:26
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sd32yigal, i am running kubuntu desktop right now07:27
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yigalsd32: ok then dpkg-reconfigure kdm is probably what you will want to do07:27
sd32yigal, ok thanks07:27
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[R] no one knows about suspend to ram?07:28
rhetoricis there any better looking irc client for gnome than xchat?07:28
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rhetoricim not a fan of bitchx07:28
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cafuegorhetoric: irssi07:28
MasterShrekrhetoric, you can customize the look of xchat07:28
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MasterShrektransparent background even07:28
rhetoricmaster, sort of07:28
yigalrhetoric: you can also customize pidgin07:29
Scunizirhetoric, konversation is nice, irssi is nice but two different animals..07:29
underwatercowdoes flash work on 64 bit Ubuntu?07:29
rhetoricit looks ok with my gtk2 theme but meh, i'd rahter have something more customizable07:29
orianatrying to my nvidia working - have all files downloaded but stuck - display is 1024x768 - nvidia nx8600gt pci express07:29
rhetoricand not a terminal irc app im tired of it07:29
Scunizi!flash64 | underwatercow07:29
ubotuunderwatercow: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:29
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underwatercowwhat about Intel Core 2 Duo?07:29
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MasterShrekoriana, ive talked to about 4 people today who cant get that 8600gt to work07:30
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underwatercowScunizi: what about Intel Core 2 Duo?07:30
SeveredCrossunderwatercow: Same thing...07:30
MasterShrekrhetoric, mirc on wine07:30
yigalrhetoric: I just changed from irssi to pidgin, and am pretty happy with the results07:30
SeveredCrossThe x86_64 distro is the same for AMD64/C2D07:30
rhetoricwell in that case, anyone have a good set of xchat settings (lol) for a dark blue background?07:30
Scuniziunderwatercow, probably I just don't know what to referance for ubotu.. I run 32bit07:30
rhetoricim running ubuntu on an older ibook, no wine for me07:30
underwatercowSeveredCross: That's good to know... thanks07:31
rhetoricppc chip no likey07:31
orianamastershrek - so does this mean i'm without options?07:31
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underwatercowSeveredCross, Scunizi: The main reason I'm now interested in 64 bit is the X-Fi drivers are 64 bit only :(07:31
SeveredCrossWine on PPC would be truly impressive.07:31
rhetoricindeed sev07:31
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MasterShrekoriana, u can use vesa for now07:31
MasterShrekor nv07:31
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MasterShrekunderwatercow, whats X-Fi?07:31
SeveredCrossFlash on 64 bit is possible via nspluginwrapper, though I have 0 experience with it (I have a Core Duo, Yonah core, 32-bit only).07:32
rhetorici have alot of eyecandy working it looks alot better than whatever osx nonsense was on here when i got it07:32
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MasterShreki use nspluginwrapper for flash, works great07:32
underwatercowMasterShrek: Creative X-Fi... it's a sound card07:32
yigalSeveredCross: wine on ppc would be off the hook07:32
orianamastershrek - will world of warcraft be out of the question then?07:32
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underwatercowMasterShrek: is it hard to set up? or as easy as installing from a repo?07:32
neocorleonewhere can i download the skydemo07:32
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MasterShrekoriana, most likely07:32
rhetoricflash sucks on ppc :/07:32
MasterShrek!flash64 | underwatercow07:33
ubotuunderwatercow: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:33
Scunizineocorleone, skydemo?07:33
orianaummm - not to good...07:33
mistoneflash sucks07:33
rhetoricgnash works, but you have to leech the flv file07:33
rhetoricwont work in browser07:33
MasterShrekunderwatercow, theres a tut on there, pretty easy to do07:33
yigalmistone: but I want my youtube07:33
rhetoricat least on my box07:33
BobBarkerI have a somewhat theoretical question, why does ubuntu have a server variant? Is that not contrary to the point of ubuntu as a desktop distro specializing in usability?07:33
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underwatercowrhetoric: leech the flv file?07:33
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mistonedid you try gnash07:33
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BobBarkerwouldn't you just simply use debian if you wanted the package manager in a server enviroment?07:33
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rhetoricthere is a plugin for firefox that lets you download the flash video file from say youtube07:33
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MasterShrekBobBarker, server is just the same as desktop, minus some programs and a gui, you can install things though and make it just like desktop07:33
rhetoricthen you open that with gnash07:34
yigalmistone: gnash fails for some important stuff :(07:34
underwatercowrhetoric: why not use gnash directly?07:34
BobBarkerMasterShrek, you just discribed essentially what debian is07:34
cafuegoMasterShrek: Not quite, server boots a different kernel by default.07:34
rhetoricthat's what im saying underwatercow07:34
MasterShrekcafuego, yea i guess, but its pretty much the same07:34
rhetoricit works if you save the flash file and open it in gnash, but the browser plugin doesnt seem to work07:34
BobBarkerim not sayinh ubuntu server is bad, just...redundant07:34
mistoneit works with youtube :P07:34
rhetoricfor my ppc box i mean, should be fine in windows07:34
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rhetoricerrr intel bleh07:34
mistonebut your right07:34
mistonethe web without flash sucks07:34
underwatercowrhetoric: I installed Gnash not long ago, and it works fine for me... well... it's a little tweaky07:34
cafuegoBobBarker: Not at all, has different packages.07:35
mistonewhich in it of it self sucks07:35
MasterShreknsplugwrapper works fine07:35
rhetoricon a powerpc box?07:35
BobBarkercafuego, but they both use apt-get and therefore can share repositories07:35
underwatercowrhetoric: then again, I am using Gutsy, and it lets you install Gnash as a plugin, so maybe that's why07:35
cafuegoBobBarker: So?07:35
yigalmistone: yes, I use clive to download youtube clips anyway and then gnash to watch them07:35
rhetoricit's because of my ppc chip and otherwise antiquated hardware07:35
rhetoricim almost sure07:35
cafuegoBobBarker: You saying I should do a desktop install on a server and then remove gnome again?07:35
MasterShrekBobBarker, its just ubuntu with a few different and alot less packages07:35
rhetorici have the gnash plugin installed and it... kinda works07:35
BobBarkerso why fork a distro specializing in desktop users into a distro specializing servers which is made redundant because ubuntu being a fork of debian07:35
BobBarkera very popular server distro07:36
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BobBarkercafuego, im telling you to use debian07:36
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speedy87im having problems my interface isnt accepting private ioctl....what does that mean?07:36
MasterShrekuse slackware for a server07:36
rhetoricin the browser though, youtube videos are garbled and the controls dont work07:36
BobBarkerI know what ubuntu server is, I'm a professional linux sysadmin07:36
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mistoneBobBarker: I would rather use ubuntu because of the ideas behind ubuntu07:36
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BobBarkerI'm just wondering why there is a fork of a fork to specialize in a field the origin distro (being debian) is in07:36
cafuegoBobBarker: Because debian - bless them - have seen fir to throw certain useful packages out of the distro altogether. That and ubuntu is a bit more up to date these days.07:36
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:36
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BobBarkercafuego, but you could simply just add ubuntu repos to apt-get07:37
mistoneubuntu isn't more up to date07:37
rhetoricubuntu's dad could beat up debian's dad07:37
BobBarkermistone, that's not really an answer... "ideals"...07:37
BobBarkersounds like koolaid drinking to me07:37
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MasterShrekslackware could beat up debians dad and ubuntus grandpa07:37
mistonemeaning debians requirements are to high for what makes a OS07:37
BobBarkerim mulling this over, I'm trying to figure out why ubuntu server exists07:37
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cafuegoBobBarker: Install ubuntu packages on debian? And end up with an unmaintainable mess? You've never actually DONE this, have you?07:38
BobBarkermistone, you're not making sense07:38
mistonethey want every little detial to be opensource, I am willing to give that up for moe functionality07:38
BobBarkermistone, then don't use debian, use something else07:38
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BobBarkerbut all ubuntu is a redressed debian07:38
yigalI am on a debian unstable system right now :)07:38
mistoneyea I use ubuntu thats what I am saying07:38
cafuegoBobBarker: Ok, that's probably enough trolling for today.07:38
yigalcompiz-fusion, and all the bells and whistles not too much difference07:39
BobBarkerubuntu is wonderful for desktop purposes, that's it's original design. But why make a fork of a fork?07:39
mistonego to the wikipedia page on ubuntu07:39
BobBarkerto fullfil a purpose already completed by the original distro that is07:39
underwatercowDoes compiz-fusion work on KDE?07:39
mistoneit explains it perfect lol07:39
nickrudsingle source support, maybe, BobBarker07:39
mistoneunderwatercow: yea07:39
rhetoricbtw compiz-fusion and awn works on this 1.3ghz powerpc like a charm :)07:39
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BobBarkernickrud, that's actually a good point07:39
yigalunderwatercow: yes07:39
rhetoricawn-curves is awesome07:39
BobBarkerconsidering ubuntu provides paid support, correct?07:39
BobBarkerokay I'm satisified, carry on.07:39
underwatercowmistone, yigal: I had it working on Ubuntu (Gnome) then I installed kde-desktop, and it didn't seem to want to run in KDE.07:40
mistonerhetoric:  alot of is run the graphics card, makes sense07:40
rhetoricim not saying it doesnt make sense :) just is awesome07:40
yigalunderwatercow: what instructions did you follow?07:40
mistoneyep :D07:40
underwatercowyigal: none... I just installed kde-desktop, lol07:40
rhetoricim a first time linux fulltime linux desktop user so07:40
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yigalunderwatercow: to get cf to work you will need to follow some instructions07:41
nanonymerhetoric, heh, then you don't really know how fast xubuntu would run on the system ;)07:41
rhetoricmy previous experience in linux amounts (essentially) to trying to install slackware on a compaq in the 90's (yea that didnt go well)07:41
underwatercowyigal: I was hoping it would work on it's own... ;-D07:41
rhetoricand scripting in my scene kiddie days07:41
yigalunderwatercow: you have a lot of faith, I like that :)07:41
rhetoricso to see this box running smoother and looking much better in linux than its "native" OS is awesome07:42
underwatercowyigal: seemed like a good enough approach at the time... I had no reason to believe it wouldn't work...07:42
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:42
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underwatercowyigal: After I installed KDE... I re-decided that I didn't really have any use for KDE, and would rather stick with Gnome anyway... I was just curious why it didn't work07:42
MasterShrekunderwatercow, install kubuntu-desktop and choose kde from the sessions option on your login screen07:42
suupaabakawhy does compiz-fusion hate the xv video driver? :(07:43
mistoneyea I like gnome alot better , I have used kde in a wihle tho07:43
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mistoneI remeber whole admin screens just not working lol07:43
underwatercowMasterShrek: Is that why the compiz didn't work? I was still using gdm...07:43
yigalunderwatercow: I really like GNOME, I hated for a long time and only used the CLI but GNOME has come just such a long way07:43
mistoneunderwatercow: do you have ati or nvidia?07:43
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underwatercowmistone: nvidia 8800 gts07:43
MasterShrekunderwatercow, no, it shouldnt matter that you are using gdm07:43
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mistoneunderwatercow: yea if you hook us up with error messages then we can help07:44
MasterShrekkde4 is going to rock the linux world07:44
yigalunderwatercow: did you replace kwin, with "compiz --replace" etc.?07:44
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underwatercowyigal: that would be a no07:44
rhetoricdont forget emerald --replace :)07:44
rhetoricim assuming you'd use that with compiz07:44
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yigalunderwatercow: it will take a little more work in KDE but it is not too difficult :)07:44
miyakahow can i integrate my http server to xmpp client?07:44
rhetoricooh nvm in kde sorry i read wrong07:45
underwatercowyigal: I like the effects of KDE... but I don't really like the complexity... and I don't like how everything has a K in it...07:45
therealnanotubeMasterShrek: when's kde4 coming out? is that gonna be in gutsy?07:45
pentestdoes dapper drake dont have the build-essential package?07:45
funkybis it possible to run compiz on a tri-mon setup?  recently switched to ubuntu on my lappy and am having a great experience.  I'd love to load it on on the desktop, but that box is tri-mon...07:45
suupaabakaunderwatercow: I second that.07:45
therealnanotubepentest: it has it07:45
RamiKassabhey guys, can anyone recommend some good regex helpers/builders/testers for ubuntu? I'm a newbie when it comes to regex and would like an app to help guide me07:45
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suupaabakaKDE's naming system really bugs me.07:45
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underwatercowsuupaabaka: both of them? or just one of them?07:45
pentestbut it can't be downloaded07:45
mistonefunkyb: just wait 3 days, the new release has it built in...07:45
funkybthx mistone07:46
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pentestroot@staff:~# apt-get install build-essential07:46
pentestReading package lists... Done07:46
pentestBuilding dependency tree... Done07:46
pentestE: Couldn't find package build-essential07:46
rhetorici hate things being spelled with k when it should be c, in general07:46
therealnanotubepentest: what exactly are you doing, and what's the error?07:46
pentestthat's what it says07:46
underwatercowsuupaabaka: never mind... you answered already ;-D07:46
pentestwhat should i do?07:46
jmdcI seem to remember that the dictionary applet used to build in spell checking, and now it doesn't. Am I mis-remembering? Was the feature cut? Is it something that can be turned on and off?07:46
MasterShrektherealnanotube, i dont think so, its avaiable in beta right now in gutsy, but im not sure when its going to be released07:46
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therealnanotubeRamiKassab: grep? :)07:46
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mehevipentest check your repositories07:46
funkybi asked because youtube has several clips of compiz on duals, but non w/ tri-mon.07:46
pentestmehevi where is it located?07:46
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staykovmarinhi is there a command to open the file browser from command line07:46
RamiKassabtherealnanotube: lol, umm that would require actually knowing regular expressions :)07:46
rhetoricMortal KDEombat07:46
pentestpm pls07:46
underwatercowI have enough issues trying to get a dual monitor to work with compiz07:46
yigalfunkyb: you want it on 3 monitors :)07:47
therealnanotubeMasterShrek: ah ic... im curious to see it ;) right now i'm using gnome, just because i like gnome's panel better... :)07:47
yigalfunkyb: awesome07:47
suupaabakaunderwatercow: i might give kde a proper go if they got rid of the naming convention, but seeing as that's unlikely, i'm left with gnome or e17 (if it ever gets released)07:47
rhetoricdoes anyone know how i can find and replace a certain element of a gtk theme07:47
MasterShrektherealnanotube, what about gnome's panel is so pleasing?07:47
underwatercowsuupaabaka: lol... that's ok... I love Gnome anyway...07:47
mistoneyea  I really like gnome to07:47
rhetoricnamely the resize grabber on the notification area, etc.07:47
pentestwhere i can find the reposiroty?07:47
underwatercowGnome has just seemed more reliable to me07:47
yigalgnome is just getting better and better quickly.  it was unusable 3 years ago07:47
therealnanotubeRamiKassab: hehe hmm, true. how about searching for a regexp tutorial on the web? you know regexps also differ depending on the implementation... so you want to make sure you 'learn' the right one for your purposes :)07:47
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MasterShreksuupaabaka, i thought e17 was released now07:48
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jmdcstaykovmarin: nautilus [options]  URIs07:48
suupaabakayeah, it is reliable. a bit of a resource hog, but nothing compared to winblows07:48
RamiKassabtherealnanotube: for example, Komodo ide has a great built in regex wizard and tester... I'm not using Komodo though, I use VI/Eclipse and need something to help. There's a bunch of regex tester plugins for Eclipse but not really any wizards that will help guide building the expressions07:48
mehevioh sorry I was talking to someone in real life.  Try in etc/apt/sources.lst07:48
underwatercowGnome also has much better support... it's default in many distros and gets features sooner than Kubuntu07:48
suupaabakaMasterShrek: It hasn't been released, though you can still use it.07:48
MasterShreki know that suupaabaka, but i thought it got released like a week or two ago, but maybe i misread the rss07:48
mistoneyea compiz kinda of fucked over e17 lol07:48
pentestmehevi yeah. what should be written in my sources.list?07:48
suupaabakaMasterShrek: Serious?07:48
RamiKassabtherealnanotube: true, I'm looking to learn more the basics which are used in all languages then I can dwell more into detail07:48
=== suupaabaka checks it out.
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MasterShreksuupaabaka, i could be wrong...07:49
rhetoricmy major problem with compiz on this old machine: video sucks especially fullscreen07:49
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mr_butterhey peeps.  I isntalled something using apt-get install cvs I want to remove it can someone help please?!07:49
rhetorici got it working but it's slow and buggy07:49
mehevipentest edit that file as root and deselect the CD repo.  make sure all the repositories are uncommented07:49
ColroI want to install the latest stable ATI drivers (8.40.4) but the newest in the restricted driver manager are 8.37.6 -- I know they work fine from word of mouth, but I have no clue what I'm doing and want to know just how to remove them and go back to the restricted manager version if they do mess up for me. Anyone able to help? ;x07:49
MasterShrekmr_butter, apt-get remove07:49
suupaabakaMasterShrek: Nah, still under development. If it got released, it'd be all over the place ;)07:49
pentesti did mehevi but nothing happens07:49
mr_butterthank you master07:49
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mr_butterthank the heavens07:49
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therealnanotubeRamiKassab: ah hmm.. i've never run into any kind of regex wizard/tester things myself. :) i just kinda write a regexp, test it with grep, and if it works, wee. :) with some help from a regexp reference page or something.07:50
rhetoricscrew the heavens! :P07:50
MasterShreksuupaabaka, i like e17, but its a pain to work with at first07:50
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suupaabakaMasterShrek: Tell me about it. And the lack of a systray drives me batty.07:50
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mehevipentest now do sudo apt-get update then try to get build-essential again07:50
rhetoricwhat's e17? excuse my total ignorance07:50
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mehevie17 is a window manager07:50
suupaabakarhetoric: Enlightenment 1707:50
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MasterShrekrhetoric, an alternative to gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox, etc07:51
suupaabakarhetoric: Very fancy window manager.07:51
underwatercowColro: Most likely it would be as simple as making a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and replacing it if there's a problem, but I'm not expert07:51
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MasterShrekits fancy and takes low resources07:51
suupaabakarhetoric: Animated desktop wallpaper etc.07:51
underwatercowColro: I have an NVIDIA too, so that's my basis07:51
rhetoriccaps lock boo07:51
mehevihow low of resources? Less than Xfce?07:51
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rhetoricgetting used to this laptop07:51
mistonecaps lock is cruise control for awesome07:51
alphaHi All - Will a Nvidia GeForce 7300 GS work in ubuntu?07:51
jmdcmy experience is that the beauty is skin deep07:51
pentesti see now mehevi07:51
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MasterShrekmehevi, i think so, but i may be wrong07:51
mistonealpha for sure07:51
MasterShrekalpha, it should07:51
mehevipentest no prob glad I could help07:51
suupaabakamehevi: I think it's about the same as xfce, unless I'm mistaken.07:51
pentestthanks a lot dude07:52
yigalwhat do you mean by resources?  GNOME works faster than wmii which is extremely light on resources07:52
meheviXfce is wierd.  I spent all day getting it to work right for me07:52
alphagreat  thx a bunch MasterShrek  & mistone - mucho apreciate it  :o007:52
MasterShrekthats cuz gnome has tons of crap preloaded into your ram07:52
mistonealpha, it work no matter what, its just a matter if you want to use the nvidia drivers , I highly recommond you do07:53
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yigalMasterShrek: exactly but all DM do this even wmii does this its really the kernel doing it07:53
MasterShrekyigal, does wmii not load faster than gnome?07:53
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mistonewhen you install it, it will ask if you want to use thier drivers07:53
meheviwell its not because its preloaded, it will let that stuff go if it needs more memory to allocate.  Plus what good is memory that isnt allocated to a task?07:53
yigalMasterShrek: loads yes, but it works in general slower07:53
russe11I have a subversion server running on Ubuntu 7.04. I'd like to turn that into a mirror of an existing subversion server, and have it automatically check for updates. Any ideas how I might accomplish this?07:53
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underwatercowXFCE is pretty sweet, but it lacks some features I like07:53
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yigalMasterShrek: and I have to reload X server as there are memory leaks in wmii that are totally not present in GNOME07:54
underwatercowWhat made Ubuntu so bad three years ago?07:54
meheviI got mine looking like an amiga desktop.  topaz-8.ttf for the win07:54
yigalunderwatercow: I was using Debian 3 years ago07:54
MasterShrekyigal, i dont use wmii, so i wouldnt know, but i hate gnome07:54
jmlI've got a macbook and an external keyboard running gutsy. Is there a way to get the alt/win key reversal to change when I plug my external keyboard in?07:54
alphaMasterShrek - yup I do - Want to run World of Warcraft - Should be ok huh?07:54
mistoneunderwatercow: KDE was a just better in alot of ways07:54
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rhetoricis the official version of gutsy coming soon?07:55
underwatercowah, ok...07:55
mehevijml there is a kernel module specifically for that, cant remember what it is called07:55
MasterShrekalpha, yes, u shold be able to run it under wine, it may take a little bit of setting up though07:55
underwatercow3 days07:55
MasterShrekrhetoric, thursdaty07:55
funkyb18th :-)07:55
mistonehonestly I don't remeber but it I just rember it being no compltion07:55
underwatercowwell, 3 days for me07:55
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rhetoricas a first timer really, how hard should the update be for me?07:55
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rhetoricwill i have to recompile alot?07:55
alphaMasterShrek - yea I'm up to it - how about using CrossOver?07:55
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MasterShrekrhetoric, it shouldnt be bad, no recompiling07:55
funkybare there significant changes between the beta gusty i used a week ago and the official release?07:55
MasterShrekalpha, no idea07:56
zaatar_Hey, is ssh not enabled/installed by default in the LAMP server of ubuntu 6.06?07:56
MasterShrekfunkyb, mostly bug fixes i guess07:56
alphamastershrek - thx07:56
yigalMasterShrek: you hate GNOME for what reason?07:56
glassdam i the only person having update problems?07:56
jmdcI am looking for a dictionary panel applet spell checker? (Which I'm 95% certain used to be turned on by default?)07:56
rhetoricwhat's the best M for me TFR as far as updating?07:56
sauvinI hate gnome for it's "look and feel".07:56
mistoneok e17 looks pretty now07:56
mistoneI haven't seen the recent updates lol07:56
MasterShrekyigal, its crap, i got nothing, but i prefer kde07:56
mistonebut can't you do alot of it in gnome?07:56
underwatercowfunkyb: there are some changes, but I don't then anything major07:56
atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte407:56
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rhetoricatul: install the dependency?07:57
jmdcglassd: what problems are you refering to?07:57
glassdsome error message saying packages couldn't be authenticated07:57
atulwhich dependacy i required. I had install all but still it gives me error07:57
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rhetoricyou installed the one it named?07:58
yigalMasterShrek: I used to like KDE the best I even flamed GNOME in Ubuntuforums but GNOME just grew on me, it works very well with very little work and for me as a scientist and not primarily a computer scientist that makes GNOME better.07:58
glassdthe only other information i can get from the error is a huge list of packages (which seem to be the 300 or so that need to be updated)07:58
jmdcglassd: did you just do a new install or something?07:58
atulrhetoric, I install all dependancy but still which one is missing i dont understand.07:58
glassdyes i did07:58
stunatraI used to prefer KDE, but I grew to like Gnome, now I prefer it.07:58
ToddEDMso ok guys, when i get the transformers DVD, which is the best way to copy it? what program would you use?07:58
MasterShrekyigal, to each his own, im a gnome-basher tho lol07:58
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rhetoricatul: did you install the one in the error message?07:58
yigalglassd: I want you to run: sudo apt-get update, for us07:58
atulrhetoric, Yes I install that one also07:59
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underwatercowI'm going to goto sleep now, but before I do... a haiku...Haikus are easy / but they don't always make sense / Refrigerator.07:59
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jmdcglassd yes, do that. Also, did you change your apt sources file? (If you don't know, you probably didn't)07:59
yigalunderwatercow: ty, best have good shut eye07:59
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rhetoricatul: ok then it's above my head :) i was going to suggest ways to find this package :/07:59
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underwatercowyigal: thanks for your insight on whatever it was we talked about08:00
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rhetoricmaybe it's a matter of path definition?08:00
atulrhetoric, ok thanks anyway08:00
glassdi changed an option in the install manager to all programs to download vlc and gstreamer, but that's it08:00
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atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte408:00
atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte408:00
ToddEDMcan anyone tell me the best way to copy Transformers when i get it???08:00
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stunatraatul, stop flooding.08:00
MasterShrekToddEDM, the dvd?08:00
underwatercowToddEDM: Are we allowed to tell that in here? lol08:01
atulstundatra, ya sorry by mistake08:01
MasterShrekToddEDM, for backing up purposes right?08:01
cafuegoToddEDM: Is is legal for you to do that where you live?08:01
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ToddEDMits for my own personal use... is that better?08:01
rhetoricatul maybe another package is preventing the dependency from functioning08:01
MasterShrek!info dvdrip08:01
jmdcglassd: what happened when you ran the command?08:01
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.4-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1083 kB, installed size 2572 kB08:01
underwatercowToddEDM: It still has to be legal, but I have no room to talk ;)08:01
glassdit's still updating, lol08:01
cafuegoToddEDM: For personal sue still doesn't make it legal here in Australia.08:01
glassdmy speed for downloading packages seems to be really slow08:01
sd32ok, one more problem, when I logout, the screen flashes to a blank screen and sits there,  never goes back to the login screen.08:01
atulrhetoric, actually i am very new to this platform thats why getting in trouble08:02
ToddEDMok anyways, if it were legal, what would you use to burn it?08:02
underwatercowToddEDM: pm08:02
MasterShrek!info dvdrip | ToddEDM08:02
ubotutoddedm: dvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.4-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1083 kB, installed size 2572 kB08:02
rhetoricatul me too unfortunately :( what i mean is maybe another installed program is preventing this dependency from functioning08:02
underwatercowooh... I wanna try that08:02
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underwatercow!info k9copy | ToddEDM08:02
ubotutoddedm: k9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0~beta2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 649 kB, installed size 1764 kB08:02
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[chr0n0s] how are my felow humans today :D08:03
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atulrhetoric, ok anyway i ask to someone else08:03
vodgealgum Brasileiro?08:03
atulrhetoric, thanks and keep in touch here08:03
rhetoricgood luck08:03
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ToddEDMso those programs will just copy it all... i dont need anything else?08:03
atulrhetoric, thanks08:03
MasterShrek[chr0n0s] , no humans here08:03
[chr0n0s] !!br08:03
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:03
underwatercowToddEDM: I don't recall if I've tried dvdrip, but k9copy is very simple to use... it's my preferred08:04
[chr0n0s] MasterShrek : then fellow geeks :P08:04
rhetoricthis channel moves too gd fast lol08:04
MasterShrekthats better08:04
ToddEDMunderwatercow: thanks man, i will give it a try, i have both on my system08:04
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MasterShrekrhetoric, #windows probably moves faster =P08:04
rhetoricgood call08:04
[chr0n0s] rhetoric : that's why you type in this format --> <nick> : msg08:04
glassdok, the update was successfull08:05
rhetoricchr0n0s, indeed08:05
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underwatercowToddEDM: k9copy will let you select what chapters and such you want, titles, subtitles, etc, then you can burn it directly, or to an iso... you can also change size in the settings... if you want to get it on a 4.7GiB DVD, then make sure the iso size is 430008:05
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jmdcglassd: you in general have a good connection though right?08:05
[chr0n0s] 2 more days, damn :(08:05
[chr0n0s] my fiesty installation is broken :S08:05
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cafuegoMasterShrek: #windows is just a litany of "You need to reinstall." very boring.08:05
ToddEDMunderwatercow:  thanks, thats good info08:05
rhetoricLOL cafuego08:05
underwatercowToddEDM: I learned that the hard way ;-D08:05
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rhetorichow did i guess08:05
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[chr0n0s] cafuego : you can upgrade also, but i always like to reinstall08:06
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glassdthe apt-get update seemed to do the trick08:06
ToddEDMit comes out tomorrow doesnt it ?08:06
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rhetoric#windows subject: "Boot from CD"08:06
[chr0n0s] ToddEDM : 2 more days08:06
MasterShrekcafuego, thats all their bot says: reinstall08:06
jmdcglassd: you're getting the updates now? and its not slow?08:06
cafuego[chr0n0s] : You can't upgrade windows to ubuntu without an install ;-)08:06
glassd3 hours to download the partial update though...08:06
glassdno, it's still slow08:06
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[chr0n0s] cafuego : very true.. ;)08:07
ToddEDMwell im of to bed guys, thanks for the help08:07
rhetoricbtw im curious, if i somehow make my ubuntu partition unbootable on a mac ibook, how would i recover?08:07
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rhetoricsince i gues macs have no bios so to speak08:07
[chr0n0s] rhetoric : try alternate CD08:07
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jmdcglassd: you can find a mirror that is better.08:07
rhetorichow would i boot from cd08:07
[chr0n0s] rhetoric : bios is on motherboard08:07
jmdcglassd: do this - go to system, software sources08:07
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[chr0n0s] rhetoric : install OSx before you install linux ?08:08
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jmdcglassd: click on download from, choose other, and then click on select best server08:08
rhetoricchr0n0s: ive only installed linux on this machine, and im just curious no biggie if you have no idea :)08:08
[chr0n0s] oww.. sry then.. never had a first had exp on mac books08:08
jmdcglassd: then magic happens ;-) and things get faster (we hope)08:08
glassdi guess the canadian server is poopy then, lol08:08
rhetoricjust wondering hehe08:08
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rhetoricnot used to mac hardware08:08
rhetoricor linux :)08:09
[chr0n0s] rhetoric : mac might have nothing like grub, but bios is on hardware08:09
rhetoric2 jumps at once08:09
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jmdcit might just be getting pounded at the moment08:09
rhetoricim just curious what would you do08:09
[chr0n0s] i have no idea!08:09
rhetoricyay i win 1 million dollars :P08:09
glassdcripes, that's alot faster08:09
atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte408:09
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[chr0n0s] i;ll play mario on my ubuntu installtion :)08:10
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rhetoricanyone know if there is a playstation emulator that works decently on powerpc ubuntu?08:10
jmdcglassd: you found a different mirror I take it?08:10
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glassdoh yes08:10
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glassd~300kps now08:11
glassdinstead of 1208:11
rhetoricim cool with compiling said emulator, but im too noobish for any custom compiling or troubleshooting08:11
Lunzhow to edit splash between logon and desktop?08:11
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jmdcgreat! Have a lot of fun08:11
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rhetoriclunz: apt-get install gnome-splashscreen-manager08:12
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yigalla fem nikita is here08:12
Lunzi want custome splash screen..08:12
glassdi know i will08:12
yigalmaybe not08:12
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glassdi'm not new to linux, i'm just new to ubuntu, lol08:13
chetnickhi, i was trying to setup the splashimage in grub. but when i reboot computer i get failed to read splash image splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/images/frag.xpm.gz08:13
yigalLunz: you can make your own or get some at gnome-look.org08:13
rhetoricLunz: that package will allow you to choose an image for your splash screen08:13
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yigalLunz: or other places08:13
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rhetoriclunz: and also what yigal said08:13
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rhetoricgnome-splashscreen-manager is a gui to configure it08:13
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rhetoricdoes anyone have a good set of xchat color settings etc for a blue/white desktop theme?08:14
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[chr0n0s] how do i kill a window... the skull+bones symbol08:14
PurpZeYcan kill accept a variable (e.g. from cat) as a pid?08:15
rhetoriclunz: np08:15
emmanwhat is the best irc?08:15
yigalLunz: awesome08:15
rhetoricgood question purp08:15
[R] PurpZeY: kill $(cat blah)08:15
[chr0n0s] emman : what you mean by best ?08:15
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rhetoricemman do you prefer terminal or gui?08:15
PurpZeY[R] : Excellent. Thanks.08:15
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CryxHeya, anyone know how to change nanos charset? I have reconfigured locales and all but nano still wont show scandinavian marks as they supposed to be :(08:16
yigalrhetoric: do want to customize or have it work right away?08:16
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rhetoricemman: xchat is probably the easiest08:16
PurpZeY[R] : If my plan were to try to kill two apps (scripts at once) could I set that up kill (cat line 1), kill (cat line 2) >08:16
atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte408:16
yigalemman: pidgin is nice though08:16
yigalrhetoric: sorry meant emman08:16
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chetnickrhetoric: i dont have gnome-splashscreen-manager08:16
mistoneyea I use pidgin its good08:16
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rhetoricyigal: you mean xchat colors? i was just wondering if someone had a good color theme going and wanted to dcc me their conf files08:17
Coremonk22nickruddddddd u here?08:17
glassdPurpZeY: if it's in a shell script idon't see why it wouldn't08:17
chetnickrhetoric: i have a lot of others gnome-*-manager-s but not that one08:17
rhetoricmy desktop is dark blue and everything else is glass/clear08:17
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yigalrhetoric: no, not so much of a mod man08:17
yigalrhetoric: are you using glass icon set for gnome?08:17
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Coremonk22Question for ya guys, well kind of extensive one haha08:17
salzhDuring compiling freeswitch, i got the error: make[1] : *** [all-recursive]  Error 108:17
salzhmake: *** [all]  Error 2.08:17
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rhetorici forgot the name of my icon set08:17
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rhetorici think i opted against glass08:18
PurpZeYglassd: Well, I am trying to kill two shell scripts with a keyboard shortcut08:18
rhetoricmy gtk2 theme looks nice in xchat08:18
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rhetoricjust need to match the colors in xchat conf and im lazy :)08:18
joe74Hi I am having a big issue with IRC, it disconnect me all the time, any IRC I use it will do it, right now I am running Xcgat from live cd, can anyone see me>08:18
[R] salzh: that means nothing08:18
mistonerhetoric: what theme? I have tried all sorts of themes and the defualt is still the best I found08:18
rhetoricmistone: theme for what now?08:18
mistone<rhetoric> my gtk2 theme looks nice in xchat08:19
Coremonk22So I have a laptop with 160 gigs, it had vista installed. I installed ubuntu 7.04 and repartitioned the drive for like 20 gigs ubuntu, the rest vista. well, everything seemed to go ok, the ubuntu one had 20 gigs but when i logged into vista it had like 9 gigs total and some random unpartitioned space of 120 gigs or so...how do i repartition the 120 back into my vista partition?08:19
rhetoricoh gtk?08:19
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rhetorici got it from gnome-art08:19
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glassdPurpZeY: but your writing a shell script for the shortcut key right?08:19
rhetoricH20 something saphire08:19
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Coremonk22and i cant login to my windows partition anymore because i deleted the linux distro08:19
drewbennHey folks, still learning about linux/ubuntu: where, in the filesystem, is the 'Applications' (ubuntu feisty / gnome) menu located?  i.e. in MS Windows the Start Menu is a bunch of shortcuts located somewhere like \all users\<me>\start menu\ ... is the Ubuntu 'Applications' menu a similar beast, and if so, where is it?08:19
Agent_bobi have an issue with the keyboard not working correctly08:19
Coremonk22so it trys to load "grub" but cant load it08:20
Coremonk22so it just says error08:20
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mistonedrewbenn: top right corner of the screen it says aplications :P08:20
yigalCoremonk22: just use a live cd and install grub08:20
joe74can anyone see what im typing08:20
Coremonk22good idea08:20
Agent_bobdrewbenn in a terminal    echo $PATH08:20
Coremonk22im an idiot08:20
yigaljoe74: yep08:20
Coremonk22thanks for the reality check yigal08:20
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Coremonk22=] 08:20
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yigalCoremonk22: cool man08:20
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yigalCoremonk22: :)08:20
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Agent_bobdrewbenn why do you want to know ?08:21
PurpZeYglassd: I was hoping it could just be kill && kill...I am new to scripting...but I am already calling two scripts...I just thought it would be less bloated that way08:21
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jmdcdrewbenn: its somewhat different than windows. The easiest thing is to right click on applications and choose edit menues08:21
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drewbennjust curious, I want to understand where & how things are.... 'path' is a handful of 'bin' and 'sbin' directories.08:21
yigalglassd: you want to kill scripts so what is the problem?08:21
zaatar_how can i remove all the folders called .svn and their contents in the current directory?08:21
Agent_bobdrewbenn generally speeking, there is nothing outside of the users $HOME that concerns them.08:21
jmdcdrewbenn: I think some people misunderstood you08:22
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yigalzaatar_: rm -r *.svn08:22
drewbennjmdc I think so, too :)  I'm not specifically tring to edit the menu, just learn _where_ it is... there are a _lot_ of . directories in my home dir, so still trying to figure out what they all are & why.08:22
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yigalzaatar_: or filter for .svn with nautilus and delete them graphically?08:22
mistonedrewbenn: um the top right corner of your screen08:23
mistoneit says applications08:23
yigalzaatar_: there are a million ways08:23
glassdPurpZeY: what i'm trying to say is that i think the code linked to the shortcut is scripting, so it should work08:23
mistoneit says applicatinos08:23
mistoneright there08:23
mistoneyou don't have to go scrunging around your drive :P08:23
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Doomguy0505Anyone know why apt-get update hangs here?08:23
drewbennYes, I know :) I can run everything through that 'Applications' menu... I just want to know _where_ those shortcuts (assuming they are links of some sort) are stored.08:23
Doomguy0505Hit http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/universe Packages08:23
Doomguy050599% [Waiting for headers] 08:23
Agent_bobdrewbenn oh the crap in ~/.????   yeah.  most of what's hidden is hidden for a reason too.08:24
mistonedrewbenn: I have been using ubuntu for a year and I never needed to know08:24
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yigalmistone: that's amazing08:24
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mistoneI mean its somewhere for sure but who cares08:24
drewbennagent_bob yeah, I know that, too :)  I've learned the hard way not to delete or move files... I just am happier when I know what & why & how.  And links inside the Applications menu seems like a straightforward way to start.08:25
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yigalmistone: what kind of computer do you have to have that kind of luxury?08:25
PurpZeYglassd: Got it. . .Thanks.08:25
mistoneyigal: why would you want to know that ?08:25
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mistonelol  I mean08:25
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mistonewhy would you want to know where those shortcuts are?08:25
yigalmistone: I have been using ~/.config_files since the very first day of linux?08:25
mistoneI see what you mean now08:25
mistoneyea it is amazing08:25
CryxHeya, anyone know how to change nanos charset? I have reconfigured locales and all but nano still wont show scandinavian marks as they supposed to be :(08:26
mistoneI still compile stuff by hand sometimes :P08:26
drewbennheh, I had a computer at work where I had that kind of luxury: the productivity team took care of everything and I just focused on my job; now I have a linux machien at home and want to know a _little_ about the things they used to take care of for me.08:26
yigalCryx: ya, use Vim :)08:26
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Agent_bobdrewbenn if there is something specific you want to know, seeing that your questions has been answered several ways, and by several people; just ask.08:26
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mistonedrewbenn: your thinking about it backwords, figure out what you want to do, then find ways to do it08:26
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mjbrooksdrew, it's probably under ~/.gnome or ~/.local08:26
drewbennokay, question still is: 'applications' seems to be a folder somewhere, with a bunch of subfolders, each with several links.  Where would that folder be located?  In my home dir? elsewhere? what would it be called?08:27
vishalraohello. any chance of work/support for tablet pc's and their touchscreens and fingerprint readers? i have a new hp pavilion tx1302au and i got wireless and touchscreen working with commandline tinkering. still researching possibilities for the authentec aes1610 fingerprint reader :)08:27
chuy_maxis there some way to load a 2.6.15 kernel module in 2.6.20 kernel?08:27
mistonedrewbenn, all that stuff is gnome08:27
Agent_bobdrewbenn /usr/share   maybe.08:27
drewbenn...doesnt appear to be under ~/.gnome.08:27
yigalvishalrao: I would like to know if you get fingerprint detection working08:27
jmdcdrewbenn: its not actually a folder of links, its created by reading in a few files.08:28
mistonedrewbenn: seriously who cares, if you were using windows you wouldn't care08:28
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vishalraoyigal: i've got some links off google to start reading on. will work on it this week. doesnt look too good tho :)08:28
drewbenn(I'm still new enough to linux on the desktop that I don't know _where_ to look for these files, yet: .gnome doesn't spring to mind immediately, yet)08:28
Agent_bobdrewbenn also.   /usr/lib/gnome*  maybe.08:28
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mistonelearning how the kernel works is a decent use of your time maybe08:28
drewbennjmdc, thanks, useful information: a different way of thinking.08:28
mistonewhere the menu icons are, not at all....08:29
mistonebrb going to try e1708:29
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yigalvishalrao: there are several areas where linux is just not there yet, for instance voice recognition but with enough time and a little effort - good luck :)08:29
jmdcdrewbenn: It took me a long time to figure that out too.08:29
atulHow to install anjuta 1.2.4a I install this first then install 2.1 and then again remove all and now I want to install 1.2.4a How to do it.    While Manually installinig this version of anjuat it gives me Error: Dependency is not satisfiable : libvte408:29
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yigalatul: do you also want 2.1 installed?08:29
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jmdcdrewbenn: I still don't really understand where it all comes from, and have accepted it as magic. If I really want to edit the menu, I can always right click on it and say "edit menus" but now I am curious, and I'm digging around looking for the relevant file.08:30
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drewbennsoooo, ummm... where would this magic file be located?   Is it a collection of files, or one master file?08:30
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mjbrooksdrewb: it's one file08:31
jmdcdrewbenn: I think the design is to have several files, one for the whole system, and then user customization files on top, but let me look around a bit08:31
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glassdyay, time to install the update08:31
Agent_bobthere is an infonode for the file system higherarchy    if someone knows the bot call....08:31
orianaMasterShrek - What's a good gui file manager for Ubuntu?08:31
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Agent_boboriana gentoo08:32
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Agent_boboriana well maybe not for you.   :)08:32
orianagentoo - funny08:32
drewbennjmdc - magic's certainly okay :) ... until I try to figure out that piece of magic! Then I want to know the trick!  That's where I am with 'Applications'... starting small....08:32
henfonhi there08:33
Agent_boboriana you don't like it ?   it is a gui file manager you know08:33
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Agent_bob!info gentoo | oriana08:33
ubotuoriana: gentoo: a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.55-1.1 (feisty), package size 764 kB, installed size 2432 kB08:33
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jmdcdrewbenn: exactly. And I'm glad you're interested, because its providing a push to learn something thats been in the back of my mind a long time08:33
orianasorry thought u were talking about Gentoo Linux os08:34
MasterShrekoriana, depends on if you are using gnome, kde, etc08:34
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drewbenncheers, jmdc :)08:34
MasterShrekoriana, nautilus i spose08:34
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Agent_boboriana yeah,  i like to squeeze that one in on people that don't know about gentoo file manager  :)08:34
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neo_satellitehi, everybody08:35
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ianm_anyone have a public DNS server ip they can give me?08:35
orianakool - thats all i needed - used to to konquer in kde - easy to get around - one these days will become better at terminal use08:35
mjbrooksdrew  I'm running KDE, but I believe your looking for the /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu file which.. if I recall is an XML document that lists the menu structure in GNOME since 2.8 methinks08:35
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orianathx - mastershrek08:36
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Agent_bobso i have a keyboard that the ctrl keys don't work(inside of X) unless i reset the keyboard with the magic sysRQ key combo,   can anyone help me with this ?08:36
mjbrooksdrew, and I recall there's a corresponiding spot for .dierctory files at /usr/share/gnome/vfolders/08:36
drewbennmjbrooks, yes, that looks like it has the menus, great starting point, thanks!08:36
Felosisianm_ and
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drewbennhmm, no 'vfolders' subdir there, but still plenty to search for, thanks mjbrooks!08:37
ianm_Felosis: thanks!08:38
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Felosisianm_ np =)08:38
Agent_bobdrewbenn notice that most of the .desktop files are just launchers for the executables in the  /usr/*bin/ dirs...08:38
Agent_bobkeyboard ...  anyone ?08:39
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Agent_bobso i have a keyboard that the ctrl keys don't work(inside of X) unless i reset the keyboard with the magic sysRQ key combo,   can anyone help me with this ?08:39
drewbennAgent_bob -- '.desktop' files in where?08:39
FelosisAgent_bob what kind of keyboard is it, is it a laptop keyboard, desktop, usb, ps/208:40
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mjbrooksdrew, $ locate *.desktop08:40
Agent_bobdrewbenn i'm not so familear with gnome.   in kde i'd say  /usr/lib/kde/  but i think  /usr/share/gnome/ something....08:40
Agent_bobFelosis 102k ps208:40
crolle17i installed openvpn-package. and now i want to configure the my_open_vpn.conf which information of the server do i need?08:41
drewbennah... is 'locate' the bash-equivalent of ksh's whence?  Or some super-'find'?  It found a _lot_ of *.desktop files.08:41
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JohnRoberthow can I find my cpu temperature?08:41
abhiberahow do i get all gstreamer packages?08:41
Agent_bobdrewbenn no i think that would be   where blah08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cputemp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:42
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yigaldrewbenn: I believe locate is uses find and a database to catalog all the files on the hd08:42
FelosisAgent_bob ok so just a generic ps2 keyboard, you might want to take a look at xorg.conf or the xorg reconfig tool and see if your keyboard is set correctly since you shouldnt have to do anything special to get it to work08:42
rhetoricjohn robert you might look into installing lmsensors08:42
Agent_bobJohnRobert cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature08:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:42
drewbennyigal cool, thanks!08:42
rhetoricor what bob said :)08:42
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Agent_bobFelosis correct.  go on.08:43
JohnRobertta Agent_bob08:43
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JohnRobertat what temp should I start worrying08:43
Agent_bobnp JohnRobert08:43
JohnRoberttemperature:             63 C08:43
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JohnRobertit's an ibm thinkpad08:43
mjbrooksJohn  see any flames?  no  dont' worry   yes  worry   ;)08:43
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Irreducibilis70c ?!08:44
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Agent_bobyes about 70c start worring08:44
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FelosisAgent_bob other then doing that there is nothing else i could think of, you dont have another kb or another pc you can test it on, maybe one with windows so we can see if its a linux problem or just a hardware issue08:44
trogdorwhat up my homies08:44
IrreducibilisDo you really want to run it to the point of plastic melting?08:44
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JohnRobertwhat's hot to a human isn't necessarily hot to a pc08:44
Felosishehe 70c, WOW!08:44
mjbrooksboiling an egg on your CPU brings the temp down and provides the user with a tasty and healthy snack08:44
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Felosisthats 158 F08:44
trogdorAgent_bob: what's the prob?08:44
JohnRobertunless you're touching said cpu08:45
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JohnRobertlol, Fahrenheit08:45
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Agent_bobtrogdor the keyboard [ctrl]  only works in console  not in X08:45
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IrreducibilisTrogdor was a man. I mean, he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOR!! *plays frets*08:45
trogdorAgent_bob: there are some keyboard hooks such as "ctrl alt backspace" to restart X and many others, perhaps that file for you is corrupted or has wrong settings08:46
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Agent_bobtrogdor it's the ctrl+alt+<anything>  that i need to work.   specificlly f#08:46
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Tr0gd0rwow another trogdor08:46
Tr0gd0rhow dare he08:46
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IrreducibilisAnother dragon! eek!08:47
mistonee17 is not worth using08:47
=== Irreducibilis runbs
mistonecompiz+gnome is better08:47
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Agent_bobtrogdor i can reset to Xlate and it works but that makes a screen shot each time...08:47
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davemlinux1How do i fix the logout sound on ubuntu 7.10 since doesnt play when i logout or shutdown?08:47
mistonebut those picture menubars are awesome :P08:47
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trogdorAgent_bob: screen shot?08:47
davemlinux1I when to sounds but doesnt work08:47
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LordLimecathey, i was running nvidia-glx-new, and attempted an update to nvidias recent binary 100.14.19 driver, and things havent gone perfectly :\ trying to figure out how to get it to work, can anyone help me out?08:48
trogdordavemlinux1: perhaps wrong sound file, try wav file or something08:48
Lunzwhat is the default resolution for splash?08:48
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drizzytcan anyone tell me where to find a pdf manual for ubuntu?08:48
mistonedrizzyt: that would be a bigass manual :P08:48
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mjbrooks!gutsy > davelinux108:49
mistonejust google specific things you want08:49
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Agent_bobtrogdor you do know about alt+sysRQ+R   or am i talking to the wrong fellow still ?08:49
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:49
Irreducibilismoose: HI MR. CAPSY LOCKE!08:49
mistonecaps lock is cruise control for awesome08:49
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yigaldavemlinux1: that is one problem I have found, GNOME doesn't really do sounds right that is one place where KDE is far superior IMO08:49
Flanneldrizzyt: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/  7.04 doesn't have a PDF version I don't believe.  But it would be at help.ubuntu.com if it were.08:49
davemlinux1I did sound-sounds-enable (esd),play system sounds-logout it is check on logout08:50
LordLimecatnoone can help with my driver issue? :(08:50
[chr0n0s] LordLimecat : driver of ?08:50
yigaldavemlinux1: I have the same problem right now08:50
IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Perhaps reverting to a previous driver?08:50
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:50
IrreducibilisI use 93.6x08:50
LordLimecatwell, im not sure quite how to remove the new driver08:50
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trogdorAgent_bob: that isn't one of those keys handled by the X server though08:50
LordLimecator if its installed :\08:50
mooseWHY IS THIS08:51
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IrreducibilisWell I know windows lets you roll back drivers....08:51
trogdorAgent_bob: on some distros ctrl alt delete restarts system but its usually blocked because of windows noobs. Try googling that fact and finding the config file for ubuntu08:51
LordLimecatIrreducibilis: not if a driver install gets stuck halfway08:51
riotkittiefor tha same reason your caps lock key doesnt work in ubuntus, one assumes, moose08:51
Tr0gd0r//echo $asc(C)08:51
mistoneI am totalling using that08:51
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[chr0n0s] i have a USB hard drive.. and it has 2 partitions... when i plug it in.. it mounts both partitions.. how do i stop that from happening ?08:51
mjbrooksmistone  ;)08:51
yigalmoose: UBUNTU ROCKS08:51
mistoneits like internets08:51
drewbennheh, another silly beginner question: I want to run a file IN MY UBUNTUS from a terminal as if I double-clicked it in a file browser window... is there a shell command (ubuntu/gnome) that will open it with the 'correct' associated application (as in windows' 'start' or mac os x's 'open')?08:52
riotkittie[chr0n0s] : are those partitions in fstab? if so, edit the one you dont want out08:52
mjbrookslol  drwe08:52
Lunzyigal:ubuntu very cool..08:52
Agent_bobtrogdor sounds like the bums rush.   here's your coat, and here's your hat; now what's your hurry....08:52
riotkittiemoose: it's obnoxious, so please stop08:52
=== Agent_bob pushes self out door
[chr0n0s] riotkittie : nope they are not08:52
=== Irreducibilis shoots himself from laughter
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moosei laughter as well08:52
[chr0n0s] riotkittie : it's a USB hard drive..08:53
mjbrooksdrew  depends on what file you are opening and with what08:53
IrreducibilisYou.... *verb = infinitive* as well?08:53
riotkittie[chr0n0s] : i got that :P08:53
moosemy usb doesnt work so graphics is messed up?08:53
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moosefps is slow with ati08:53
moosemaybe i need nvidias driver08:53
drewbennmjbrooks - any file, I want it to open as if I navigated to the directory (slowly) with the 'file browser' and then double-clicked on it.  Is there something that will do that?08:53
=== [chr0n0s] wonders, moose ...
mjbrooksdrewbenn, support for opening files from the CL is provided by the app itself08:53
IrreducibilisIts like in french when someone says "Je parler" .... "I to speak?"08:53
yigalmoose: calm down everything will work08:54
riotkittie[chr0n0s] : you are using ubuntu, right? [as opposed to (x/k)ubuntu] 08:54
mooseJE PARLE08:54
crdlbmoose, you can't use nvidia's driver with an ATI card...08:54
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mooseIS IT I THINK08:54
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[chr0n0s] riotkittie : yup ubuntu fiesty08:54
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crdlbmoose, stop that08:54
Irreducibilismoose: Ah, Tu parles francais bien?08:54
yigalmoose: is this like Descarte, "IS IT I THINK" ?08:54
mjbrooksdrewbenn, Assuming it's an executab;e file, just type the name of the app, but you may need the path as well08:54
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[chr0n0s] !caps | moose08:54
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ubotumoose: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:54
mooseUBUNTUS IS funny and fiesty08:55
moosewhat is shout?08:55
drewbennMoose just a hint... typing in all caps is a good way to annoy people, please don't.08:55
moosei use capslock not shout08:55
Irreducibilismoose: Est-ce que tu habite?08:55
[chr0n0s] caps == shout08:55
app_Greeting from our Linux basics course!08:55
mjbrooksdrewbenn, if it's a document, you may have to call the file as an argument to the program you want to open it with08:55
=== mistone thinks moose is drunk
moosecaps is shout in america08:55
Agent_bobdrewbenn executable files can be executed in a termenal with   ./filename08:55
moosewhy is this08:55
[chr0n0s] it's everywhere08:55
moosei use it so i can see me talk in room08:55
=== Irreducibilis thinks that english is moose's second language...
mooseotherwise small letter all looks the same08:56
yigalmoose: you should use a special color for your name08:56
Flannelmoose: Please take the non-support chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:56
mjbrooksmoose, do you forget what you say often?08:56
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drewbennOkay thanks, mjbrooks.  Coming from my Mac & Windows backgrounds, there is a command to open a file "as if you double-clicked it" in each OS's shell ('open' in mac; 'start' in MS).08:56
Agent_bobdrewbenn shell scripts that are not set executable   can be executed with    bash ./filename08:56
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[chr0n0s] drewbenn : you got that working ?08:56
trogdordrewbenn: use exec or the path to the file to do that08:56
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[chr0n0s] open filename.pdf works ?08:56
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mooseit's ok, i sudo sued into my x86 business, updated the drivers and got the thing working08:56
webwizmsg nickserv ID zoa1r408:57
mooseno thanks to you guys08:57
yigaldrewbenn: or set the PATH variable to include the working directory "."08:57
LordLimecatwell now restricted-driver-manager doesnt think i NEED drivers :\08:57
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riotkittie[chr0n0s] : what i would do is go to Preferences > Removable Drives and Media [or wahtever it is under Feisty] , Storage > turn off mount removable hard drives when hot-plugged. then copy your fstab to fstab.old, and edit the original to mount the one partition you do want mounted08:57
=== john-s-318 [n=johns@cust-72-107.on3.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #ubuntu
drewbennYes, I know how to execute a file :) sorry I'm not being clear... I want to, say, open a .txt file in the default text editor; or open an .html file in the default web browser, or open the default ".NNN" file in the default "NNN" application.08:57
magnetronwhat CLI web browsers supports JavaScript?08:57
IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Restricted driver manager is teh-suxzors.08:57
Flanneldrewbenn: there is one for linux too (well, its window manager specific).  I don't remember what it is however.08:57
LordLimecatplease dont link me to that article, btw, ive read it and wouldnt be here if i didnt need real help :\08:57
trogdormagnetron: perhaps links2?08:57
LordLimecatIrreducibilis: do you have a suggestion?08:57
Agent_bobdrewbenn  other types of scripts with their respective shell     perl ./blah.pl       python ./blah.py     and so on...08:57
LordLimecatmy goal is to remove all traces of the old driver and install the new one :\08:58
magnetrontrogdor: trying... having trouble using it08:58
Flanneldrewbenn: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/16/gnome-open-open-anything-from-the-command-line/08:58
drewbennokay, I think the answer to my question is, "No, it can't be done." :)08:58
LordLimecatlast time i did sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new and installed the new one, but that didnt really work08:58
IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Using an easier distro of linux, or just WinXP if that suits your needs.08:58
riotkittiemagnetron: i thiiiiiiiink elinks does but i am not 100%. i would go through all the ones i have installed and let you know, but i am feeling fairly lazy.08:58
trogdormagnetron: there is w3m and links original too08:58
mjbrooksdrewbenn, it can, but it is more specific thatn just an open call08:58
undoyneed help why my windows xp machine cant see the share folder?08:58
[chr0n0s] riotkittie : thanks.. i think that will do, will check when i get my hard drive back08:58
LordLimecatIrreducibilis: thanks, except i wouldnt be in #ubuntu if i dint want to use ubuntu linux08:58
trogdormagnetron: think dillo might have a cli option08:58
Flannel!ops | moose08:59
ubotumoose: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici08:59
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[chr0n0s] undoy : you got smaba installed ?08:59
FlannelLordLimecat: you might be interested in that link as well.08:59
undoyshare folder can be seen by other linux pc08:59
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[chr0n0s] undoy : i suggest use ssh, simpler08:59
riotkittiefor the love of god, i wish people would stop trolling.08:59
IrreducibilisI wish trolls would stop ogreing too.08:59
undoyyes samba installed08:59
=== [chr0n0s] wonders..
tkoodaanyone got any guess why I still get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" after using `apt-ftparchive` (made Packages{,.bz2,.gz} and Release{,.gpg} files; and have signing key in `apt-key list`) to make a simple apt source?  -it's like it's seeing (and fetching) my gpg, but ignoring it??08:59
Agent_bobdrewbenn what file are you trying to execute ?08:59
LordLimecatFlannel: im not clear on how this is relevant?09:00
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Agent_bobriotkittie not gonna happen tho.09:00
FlannelLordLimecat: it opens the thing as if he were opening it via gnome, just like he's asking to accomplish.09:00
Amaranthtkooda: you have to use apt-key to add your key09:00
tkoodait sees the Package.gz and the Release, but dosn't seem to match the key09:00
app_Boy this Ubuntu is difficult for a Windows person!09:00
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LordLimecatah....but im trying to install a driver?09:00
tkoodaAmaranth, the key IS in my `apt-key list`09:00
drewbennFlannel thanks, that is what I was looking for!   mjbrooks yes, I know :) I'm looking for a generic, 'open anything as if I double-clicked it, without knowing the location of the program'   Agent_bob: "anything"09:00
jroyerjust for the record, links2 seems to have a support for Javascript but not so great: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3703609:00
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Amaranthtkooda: oh, you said that09:00
riotkittieAgent_bob: i know, i know09:00
Amaranthtkooda: dunno then09:00
Agent_bobtkooda you don't have the gpg key for that repo09:00
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Irreducibilisapp_: I agree....09:01
undoyok ill try ssh, tyvm09:01
riotkittieapp_: you will get the hang of it eventually, if you are patient  ;)09:01
tkoodaAgent_bob, `gpg --gen-key && --export --armor`09:01
Agent_bobdrewbenn i told you that,    ./filename09:01
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[chr0n0s] new ubuntu will be available as torrent download .. i hope09:01
IrreducibilisEspecially when one is like me, who uses windows more than linux, and having to remember the procedures for both09:01
FlannelLordLimecat: Sorry, maybe I misread something and you're not the one who was talking with him09:01
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trogdordrewbenn: sometimes you need execution privileges so do chmod +x program09:01
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tkoodaAgent_bob, I don't think that's the case?  -how can I confirm?09:01
riotkittiepartitioning makes me a sad panda. D:09:01
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LordLimecatincidentally, Irreducibilis, its not that windows is easier, its that due to shady practices, drivers have become closed, and hard to maintain.  Their performance has suffered, and hence i have to live on the bleeding edge to get decent performance out of my graphics card.  Using windows would be a slap in the face, since 95% of my woes in ubuntu have been caused by windows practices09:02
drewbennAget_bob... yes, that works for executables... I want to open, for example, a .txt file in the default Gnome text editor.  gnome-open (as I just learned) did that.09:02
Agent_bobtkooda the error message in apt's output  should confirm it.09:02
=== rredd4 [n=j@68-116-113-76.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LordLimecatbut thank you for suggesting i use windows in a linux chat, go troll somewhere else please09:02
Avarielquick question...will i have to reinstall linux if i want to use 7.10 ? i currently have feisty 7.409:02
mjbrooksfsck windows and their lousy drivers09:02
Avarielubuntu i mean*09:02
FlannelAvariel: no.  you're able to upgrade09:02
[chr0n0s] Avariel : you can upgrade09:02
[chr0n0s] !upgrade | Avariel09:03
ubotuAvariel: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:03
Agent_bobdrewbenn see that's the problem.   you say one thing but mean another.    gedit /path/to/blah09:03
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Avarielso its just like a system update from the package manager ?09:03
IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Not quite trolling, I am merely trying to find a balence.09:03
drewbennAvariel, on Thursday, 7.10 should appear automagically in your update program09:03
FlannelAvariel: sorta yeah.09:03
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IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Rather than taking one side, black or white, light or dark, I prefer to see things in shades of grey and arbitrate as a neutral user who uses both.09:03
[chr0n0s] Avariel : this is ubuntu. it is awesome ;)09:03
LordLimecatwell, so far ive only seen you bash ubuntu, its components, and suggest windows, and thats not really helpful.  I would call that trolling09:03
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LordLimecatregardless, its off topic, and if you dont have advice, telling me a component sucks is just chatter09:04
Avielhey all09:04
IrreducibilisLordLimecat: Don't get me wrong, Ubuntu has a lot of advantages over windows, I will admit...09:04
Avieli need help plz09:04
Agent_bobdrewbenn if not in a gui  the text based editor is  nano09:04
alpha Hello - Where is wallpaper folder ubuntu gnome?09:04
drewbennAgent_bob yes, I know, I couldn't figure out how to say it properly: I wanted a generic program that opens _any_ file, "as if I double-clicked it" -- e.g. a .txt file opens with 'gedit', a .pdf opens with whatever/is/the/path/to/acrobat, an .htm opens with /whatever/is/the/path/to/firefox, etc.09:04
tkoodaAgent_bob, the error message is just "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! ... Install these packages without verification [y/N] "..  there is only the single key in the keyring..  I exported via `gpg --export --armor` and imported via `apt-key add - < file.gpg`, and `apt-key list` shows* the key in there??09:04
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Avielcan some 1 help me with my server?09:04
Avarielsee i think if it was easy/automatic to install drivers then windows would be screwed with the opensource linux09:04
Flannel!ask | Aviel09:05
ubotuAviel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:05
[chr0n0s] Avariel : i think driver install are much better than old days09:05
drewbennAvariel I agree, I still haven't gotten my wireless working!! linux is more difficult, but has different payoffs than unix....09:05
drewbennerr, "than windows," even09:05
Agent_bobdrewbenn run-mailcap blah  would be about as close as you get....   you are asking the terminal to do what several applications are doing within the gui    not likely to happen.09:05
[chr0n0s] drewbenn : which wireless cards ?09:05
Avieli have here AMD64 Server and i install linux and it not reconize my network driver09:06
FlannelAgent_bob: It exists, thats what hes trying to tell you.  It's called gnome-open09:06
Avarielyeah i screwed it up when i tried installing my graphics card09:06
tkoodaAgent_bob, do I need to do anything aside from `gpg --gen-key && gpg --export --armor |apt-key add -` to get the archive key in my keyring?09:06
alphaWhere is desktop wallpaper folder in ubutu?09:06
Avarielhad to reinstall linux09:06
Agent_bobdrewbenn i "might" be able to write a script that would do that.  but i see no reason to.09:06
Avielsupermicro server09:06
Avarielmy screen suddenly went black when i switched the resolution and it never came back !09:06
drewbennipw3945 on 7.04 feisty, everyone says "it should just work," and i've tried just about every thread under the sun on ubuntu-forums, still no joy :(09:06
jmdcdrewbenn: I found out more about menus. /usr/share/applications contains many .desktop files. These create the menu items, and have lots of metadata and translations and stuff in them. Apparently, there is typically one .desktop file per menu item. So I was wrong about the multiple entries per file thing. Anyway, the menus are created out of those files (and probably could be created out of others too, if you told it to) by using a .menu file. .09:06
Avielwhat to do09:06
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drewbennAgent_Bob, 'open-gnome' did what I want, as Flannel said.  It's exactly what I wanted!09:07
mjbrooksdrewbenn, that's FUD bull... linux isn't harder than windows, you'd have just as much trouble on windows if the XP driver was broken for your wireless card09:07
Agent_bobtkooda that i don't know.   i'm not the man to ask about gpg.   only i recognized the error message.09:07
MidnighTokeri do a lot of remote maintainance and am looking for a tool to display `wall` messages to using running X09:07
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drewbennWow, thanks jmdc!09:07
tkoodado keys in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg need to be signed by something (anything?) in order to be used by apt?09:07
drewbennmjbrooks I agree.. there's just more usuers on windows, so "my driver is broken on windows" gets more attention, faster, than "my driver is broken on linux"....09:07
tkoodaanyone got any suggestions on where to get help for /etc/apt/trusted.gpg ?09:08
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Agent_bobdrewbenn you mean only within gnome-terminal  you want that ?    cause that wont work in a console.    i'm sorry if we aren't communicating well here.09:08
drewbenn(well, more appropriately, "gets more attentions, faster *from the driver's manufacturer*")09:08
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Avarieloh how do i address my response to someone ? do i click on their name or is there a keyboard thing ?09:08
[chr0n0s] how do i search in aptitude install base ?09:08
mjbrooksdrewbenn, that too is a crap argument.... there is much more community support for linux than there is for windows09:08
jmdcdrewbenn: also, did you see the comment about gnome-open? if not, gnome-open file does the right thing for you from the command line09:08
MidnighTokerAvariel:  most irc clients support tab completion of names09:08
drewbennAgent_bob, yes, I'm not communicating well.  I'm still on my first ubuntu distro -- haven't gotten to installing kde yet -- so, 'within gnome-terminal' is apparently what I needed.09:09
drewbennmjbrooks I also agree - I'09:09
AvarielMidnighToker: oh i see09:09
MidnighTokerAvariel:  xchat/mirc as default, not sure about others09:09
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drewbennve gotten a lot of support within the linux community.09:09
MidnighTokerAvariel:  there ya go :)09:09
LordLimecatif i want all traces of nvidia driver removed, do i need to remove nvidia-kernel-common?09:09
AvarielMidnighToker: thanks, xchat here09:09
LordLimecator would that be a "bad thing"09:09
MidnighTokerAvariel:  ditto :)09:09
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drewbennjmdc yes, gnome-open is doing what I want, it is exactly waht I was looking for :)09:09
jmdcalpha: there isn't a wallpaper folder. You can change backgrounds by right clicking on the desktop. Gnome remembers which wallpapers have been used in the past in the gconf registry.09:10
jmdcdrewbenn: its pretty hot stuff09:10
Agent_bobdrewbenn got ya.   i'll move on.   but anything else, just ask.09:10
drewbennThanks, Agent_bob, for the help :)09:10
[chr0n0s] glassd : try gnome-open <filename>09:11
Agent_bobglassd file `which gnome-open`09:11
jmdcglassd: if you do gnome-open file from the cli, the file gets opened as if you double clicked in in nautilus09:11
jmdc(very hot stuff!)09:11
ZweisteineHi, I want to recompile the kernel, I copied the config file corresponding to my running kernel from /boot into /usr/src/<new kernel>/.config. When I run make menuconfig the file is changed in a dubious manner. Am I doing something wrong?09:11
glassdhandy that09:11
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CryxHeya, anyone know how to change nanos charset? I have reconfigured locales and all but nano still wont show scandinavian marks as they supposed to be :(09:12
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rredd4can i get cube effects with a nvidia geforce 2 card?09:12
glassdZweisteine: i don't think you need to run a config install if you have a config already09:12
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Agent_bobZweisteine if you copy the config  why generate another one ?   or am i missing something ?09:12
jmdccryx: I checked the docs when you asked a while back, and they say if your terminal and local support it, it will use UTF-8.09:12
mjbrooks!kernel | Zweisteine09:12
ubotuZweisteine: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages09:12
jmdcCryx: which terminal are you using?09:13
multidexhow do i run a .sh file?  i want to install jahshaka-dapper-x86.sh09:13
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jmdcCryx: that's your shell09:13
Agent_bobmultidex  bash jahshaka-dapper-x86.sh09:13
jmdcCryx: are you using xterm, gnome-terminal?09:13
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drewbennmjbrooks...  I agree that there is a _lot_ of community support, and in fact i've been availing myself of it, but I'm still in the "wireless doesn't 'just work' camp."  I am beginning to think that it might even be a hardware problem, in which case the MS support side couldn't help me either :), but it still elaves me with "my first home *nix wireless didn't work out of the box."  So, I am left with --from my experience-- "linux is09:14
drewbennmore difficult than windows."  (very subjective, I know)09:14
multidexthank you agent09:14
jmdcmultidex: you may have to add execute permissions first09:14
glassddo people actualy use anything other then bash nowadays?09:14
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jmdcthats chmod u+x FILE09:14
Agent_bobglassd dash09:14
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jmdcglassd: mostly its just legacy code09:14
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drewbennglassd, switching to ksh, to match my work environment, is low on my priority list, but I'll get there, eventually.09:15
Zweisteineglassd, Agent_bob: I would like to modify a configuration option, but keep the rest as they are.09:15
Agent_bobglassd bash is bloated.   dash is a posix compliant shell09:15
mjbrooksglassd, my shell is set at random on bootup  ')09:15
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Zweisteinemjbrooks, Thank you for the link, I will read it09:15
yigalAgent_bob: what desktop manager do you use?09:15
glassdmjbrooks: that must get anoying...09:15
drewbennmjbrooks, that sure must make life interesting!09:15
jmdcCryx: did you just start the terminal from the applications menu?09:15
mjbrooksglassd, nah... it's fun09:15
multidexit's for dapper and i'm runing feisty, so i get the error "This script only applies to ubuntu 6.0609:16
Agent_bobyigal desktop manager ?  heh  console user here mate.09:16
glassdZweisteine: try a make gconf09:16
glassdor menuconfig if your using kde09:16
yigalAgent_bob: ok, well then at least your not a hypocrite :)09:16
Agent_bobyigal i try.   thanks.09:16
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glassdi forget the qt gui config option09:16
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Cryxputty :P09:17
=== mjbrooks wonders if it's Thursday in some part of the world yet. ;)
glassduh no...09:17
AshexWhat's the easiest way to get the video file info through command-line?09:18
Zweisteineglassd, I'm using gnome. gconf doesn't work. xconfig needs QT09:18
Agent_bobAshex maybe   file blah09:18
glassdZweisteine: lemme look it up 1sec09:18
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mjbrooksAshex, what kind of info?09:18
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Zweisteineglassd, do you think using a graphical configuration program will not overwrite my .config in a dubious manner?09:18
Avarieli heard ubuntu 7.10 will be more compatible with drivers...maybe some might just work without requiring installation..could that be so ?09:19
Agent_bobyeah and what kinda vidio file09:19
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glassdZweisteine: it's how i used to do it09:19
Ashexmjbrooks, elisa crashes when playing a video, so I just want to grab the codec info09:19
AshexAgent_bobs suggestion worked though09:19
Zweisteineglassd, Ok, I'll install the gtk headers then09:19
glassdthere is a gnome one09:20
jmdcAvariel: the new kernel will include new drivers09:20
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jmdcand make some more wireless cards "just work"09:20
Doomguy0505Does anyone know how to install libflac++6 on Ubuntu? Is it even possible?09:20
Agent_bobAshex file is pretty handy,   might want to make a note of it.09:20
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AshexAgent_bob, I'll mark it in my notepad :)09:21
winchesterPATdell ubuntu ?09:21
mjbrooksAshex, you mean gedit  ;)09:21
Doomguy0505The only flac++ v6 is from gutsy, which doesn't like feisty libc609:22
ubotuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.09:22
winchesterPATwhats the meaning o G in edit ?09:22
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glassdthe g prefix usualy means gnome09:22
mjbrooksthe ever informed ubotu  ;)09:22
winchesterPATdo i need to reinstall my ubuntu ?09:22
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winchesterPATonce the next versio comes out ?09:23
Agent_bobok.  i'm going to swap keyboards now.   on two boxen   see if i can at least move the issue to a less used box.09:23
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=== Agent_bob <mumbles> "i'll probably start using that box more if i do this..." </mumbles>
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, you can stay on that version as long as you like.09:23
winchesterPATwhy ?09:23
drewbennwinchesterPAT no, you should be able to just press an 'upgrade' button to get the latest version, if you want it.09:23
winchesterPATi shoould ?09:24
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winchesterPATdo you mean i can ?09:24
Agent_bobwinchesterPAT gedit ?    gnome-editor09:24
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, you can, if you shoose to09:24
drewbennyou will not need to _reinstall_, just let the auto-upgrade do its thing.  Again, only if you want.  If everything is working great, you don't need to change anything :)09:24
winchesterPATwere is this button ?09:24
jmdcwinchesterPat: What's your question about gedit?09:24
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drewbennwinchesterPAT are you asking -- do you NEED to upgrade;;;;    or is it easy to upgrade vs. do you need to format & reinstall from scratch?09:25
Agent_bobdrewbenn well said.    i stick with the LTS personally.09:25
mjbrooksunless you ised Automatix, in which case things are fudged and you can't upgrade normally09:25
=== Agent_bob doesn't like updating things.
winchesterPATshould i expect troubles ?09:25
drewbennAgent_bob I've been screwed over by too many updates, too :(09:25
glassdthis is going to sound like an odd question, but is it me or do full screen videos in linux just do a standard pixel doubling method rather then a smart resize?09:26
Agent_bobi'm an "if it aint broke, don't update it!" kinda guy.09:26
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, did you use Automatix on that installation?09:26
drewbennwinchesterPAT I wouldn't expect any troubles, but I haven't upgraded yet, so I can't say.... that said, if things are "just working" right now, there may be no reason to upgrade.09:26
Agent_bobbut this is broke.  so i'll be back          maybe....09:26
Doomguy0505Does anyone know how to install libflac++6 on Ubuntu? Is it even *possible*?09:27
winchesterPATcant i reinstall and still keep al my stuff  ?09:27
drewbennwinchesterPAT sorry, I'm still trying to understand your original question: what were you asking about the upgrade?    It should be very simple, if you want it to be [barring that 'automatix' question] .09:27
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winchesterPATnever eard about autimix09:27
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, it depends... is you /home on a seperate partition?09:27
jmdcwinchesterPat: the update manager gives you a nice button for upgrading to the newest release. Its not always perfect. Several releases back, when the feature of "automatically" upgrading was new, there were some problems. Its been good lately though. I would go for it.09:27
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drewbennYou won't need to _reinstall_, if you don't want to.  You will be able to just upgrade.  Have you gotten the upgrade manager popups, where it tells you about newer versions of software you have already installed?09:27
jmdc(Unless, as everyone else says, you used automatix (May it burn forever))09:28
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winchesterPATautomix is evil ?09:28
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mjbrooksthere is no maybe09:28
winchesterPATwhats it dor ?09:28
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winchesterPATwhats automix for ?09:29
drewbennah, from wikipedia: "Automatix is not recommended by the Ubuntu development team"09:29
jmdcit tries to make many things work out of the box, but it is reallly reallly badly done.09:29
jmdcand it breaks things.09:29
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glassdbreaking things is bad09:30
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drewbennnot breaking things is good09:30
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jmdcback in the day, it was a pain in the neck to get mp3 support installed. Automatix did it automatically.09:30
glassdunless your breaking the seal on a new dvd or game, then it's good09:30
winchesterPATdont you mean fixing things ?09:30
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mjbrooksit's a 3rd party "blind rhinosourus" that charges through you're system destroying everything in it's path in a cludgy attempt to make your mp3s play, when all you have to do instead is simply apt-get the restricted package  :^/09:30
Agent_bobwell.   it wasn't the keyboard.09:30
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glassdgstreamer for the win09:31
jmdcmost of the problems it tried to address have been solved09:31
drewbennwinchesterPAT I was trying to be funny, but I'm an engineer, so it doesn't usually work :)09:31
tommax1083hi, all can anyone help me on install wikimedia on ubuntu server 6.0609:31
Agent_bobmy xorg.conf says 104  but i tried 101 and 102 also  same thing on all.09:31
mjbrooksdrewbenn, lol   that last one about being an engineer did  ;)09:31
g0dd3ssgahhhh why does firefox take soooo loooong to start up09:32
mjbrookswhat's the keyboard again Agent_bob ?09:32
Agent_bobpc 102   ps/209:32
BlindravenwinchesterPAT, Just remember, opinions are opinions - Automatix has worked a GEM for alot of people aswell - just see for yourself and if you like it - great, if not, uninstall. Alot of people only dont like it because of the no-ask methods in which it installs, funnily enough, if you chose to install it chances are you didnt need to be asked duh.09:32
drewbenng0dd3ss do you have a lot of saved tabs trying to re-open, or no tabs?09:33
winchesterPATany one tryed new opensuse ?09:33
glassdAgent_bob: your having input problems?09:33
g0dd3ssno tabs drewbenn09:33
Doomguy0505Why doesn't Ubuntu have any libflac++ 6?09:33
drewbennhmmm..... we may have been led astray by the automatix discussion: winchesterPAT, did you try it?  If not, we should drop that thread!09:33
Agent_bobglassd yes.  ctrl key not working in gui mode.  works fine in the console09:33
jmdcBlindraven: I really disagree. A lot of things are not set back to the way they were after an "uninstall"09:33
drewbenng0dd3ss no ideas, sorry :(09:33
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g0dd3ssoook thanks drewbenn09:34
winchesterPATautomix is good after all09:34
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drewbennsorry g0dd3ss ;)09:34
Blindravenjmdc, ye, im sure there are lots that would disagree, thats their super perogative - I'm just saying it comes down to opinion.09:34
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winchesterPATfixes mp3 play back09:34
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elkbuntuwinchesterPAT, this channel is for Ubuntu support only, #ubuntu-offtopic is for discussing other distros and non-support things :)09:34
glassdAgent_bob: that sounds about as random as my old acpi errors back when i used gentoo...09:34
Agent_bob!automatix | winchesterPAT09:34
ubotuwinchesterPAT: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)09:34
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Doomguy0505apt sucks09:34
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drewbennwinchesterPAT - did you try it?  Or not?  You originally asked about upgrading to 7.10... Automatix will (may) affect that.09:34
BlindravenwinchesterPAT, and just remember the "All knowing bot" is fed bias from a mostly bias and elitest userbase :)09:35
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tommax1083anyone know a good text editor for wikimedia? thanks! :)09:35
winchesterPATdrewbenn: i call to my right to remain silent on that question09:35
ipx__2 days :-D09:35
drewbennah, okay :)09:35
glassdmy 7.10 beta install should get updated to final when it's out right?09:35
Agent_bobglassd hmm.  well it's hardly random.   i can switch back and forth  and each time i go into X  it has to be reset before it will work to get me out of X...09:35
Blindraventommax1083, vim :P09:35
drewbennI'd recommend _not_ upgrading to 7.10, in that case.  Things work for you right now, right?  Then don't try to break them.09:36
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Agent_bob!worksforme | Blindraven09:37
ubotuBlindraven: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:37
glassdAgent_bob: yeah, same thing happened to me, some things wouldn't work in X but they did in the console, it was actualy an acpi problem09:37
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glassdso random09:37
cwgannonwell, i've got it all back to working now, but i'm not sure why it was ever not working at all ... i reinstalled compizconfig and installed emerald; both are accessible from System, Preferences menu, though CompizConfig is now Advanced Desktop Effects Settings09:37
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Jordan_UFor some reason Neverball goes left when I tilt my laptop to the right and visa-versa, I can't find a setting to switch this back09:37
drewbennHey Agent_bob, are those bot commands to prevent people from discussing topics?  (I'm about 5 years behind the IRC curve, so just curious)09:37
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Agent_bobglassd i assume you were running acpid  though ?09:37
glassddrewbenn: i don't know if anything is broken or not, lol that's the problem09:38
BlindravenAgent_bob, I've been in the channel for 3 years, stick the smug bot up your bumbumb09:38
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=== Blindraven yawns
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drewbennglassd, do things work for you the way you expect them to? If so, nothing is broken :)09:38
Jordan_Udrewbenn, Just to save us the time of typing the same thing over and over :)09:38
glassdAgent_bob: it was a notebook, so yeah09:38
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JakobsenHi there. I have problems getting my wireless network card to work on a Thinkpad T60 (2008-CTO). Can somebody help?09:38
Agent_bobBlindraven i'v been in the channel for 2 minutes and you cause it to stink.   </shrugs>09:38
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glassddrewbenn: except for upscaled videos being really fugly, things seem fine09:39
Jordan_UJakobsen, Do you know what chipset?09:39
BlindravenAgent_bob, bias. hushed.09:39
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JakobsenJordan_U, that's one of the things I need help to do..09:39
drewbennjordan_U -- I don't understand, "just to save us the time of typing the same thing over and over" -- is that in reference to my bots question? I know what bots are, I just haven't been on IRC in 5ish years so I don't know the latest l33t bot commands....09:39
mjbrooksJakobsen, in a terminal type "lspci | grep Wireless"  without the quotes09:40
drewbennglassd I'd be pretty happy, then :)  You could have worse problems.... read the release notes, and see if there is anything that seems to address your exact problem.09:40
Agent_bobglassd yeah i'm not running anything with X that should be causing that.  i'm satisfied that it's something in my xorg.conf   i'll look through it again.09:40
=== LordLimecat [n=limecat@ip72-205-25-135.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jakobsenmjbrooks: nothing is found09:40
LordLimecatwell, at this point i cannot install any nvidia binary drivers at all :\09:40
Jordan_UJakobsen, You can check in System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information or "lspci" in a terminal09:40
Jordan_ULordLimecat, What have you tried?09:41
LordLimecatis there any chance someone could help me get them working again?09:41
JakobsenJordan_U, all I can get from lspci is this: "03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 0024 (rev 01)"09:41
mjbrooksewww   1 sec09:41
LordLimecatJordan_U: ive tried the restricted driver manager, removing nvidia-kernel-common and reinstalling, installing the nvidia run script, etc09:41
glassddrewbenn: i somehow dout that is high up on anyones list for things to look into, hehe09:41
riotkittieatheros, wee.09:41
Jordan_UJakobsen, Have you tried System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manger?09:41
LordLimecateach time, ive verified the xorg.conf, and restarted gdm (as well as restarting system), and i get "screen cannot be found" issues09:42
JakobsenJordan_U: the only driver in there is my ATi driver.. I already checked09:42
LordLimecative had the nvidia installer rewrite the xorg too09:42
Agent_bobwhat if i remove everything in the keyboard section execpt the discriptor ?   will that let xorg "leave the keymap alone" ?09:42
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winchesterPATany one tryed the new opensuse ?09:42
winchesterPATis it better then ubuntu ?09:43
mjbrooksJakobsen, have you looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3897209:43
LordLimecatJordan_U: this all started when i installed the nvidia driver from nvidias site without removing nvidia-glx-new.  I later uninstalled the nvidia official one, and removed nvidia-glx-new, reverted to nv, and tried again. Nothing seems to work at this point09:43
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, nope it is not09:43
winchesterPATwhy ?09:43
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alecwhI'm using a dell latitude D630, and I'm having problems connecting with my school's WPA network. All my friend's macs and windows PCs connect fine, but my computer just won't connect. The WPA pass is correct. Can anyone help? I'm using NDisWrapper I think with my wifi card.09:43
Jakobsenmjbrooks, I will do.. Thank you :)09:43
glassdthere is a ps3 version of ubuntu?09:43
drewbennbecause you are in #ubuntu :)09:43
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mjbrookswinchesterPAT, because it is not.. stop trolling09:44
Agent_bobdidn't work....   </shucks>09:44
winchesterPATtrolling ?09:44
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elkbuntuwinchesterPAT, you've been asked to take non ubuntu support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic09:44
winchesterPATmjbrooks being biased is evil09:44
glassdbut your in the official ubuntu channel...09:45
=== LordLimecat seconds elkbuntu
drewbennwinchesterPAT, 'trolling' means writing comments that will anger the people involved in the conversation.  You are in a chat room named 'ubuntu', so asking if a non-ubuntu distribution is better than an ubuntu release is like walking into a bar in ireland and saying 'england futbol sucks'....09:45
elkbuntuwinchesterPAT, you've been asked several times to stay on topic. if you persist in your current line of discussion you will be removed from the channel09:45
mjbrookswinchesterPAT, I'm not biased...  I currently have many different distros under my control... I answered your question09:45
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Jordan_UwinchesterPAT, Bottom line, if you are not trying to get support for Ubuntu, you should not be in the Ubuntu support channel09:46
mjbrooksty Jordan_U09:46
hugolpanyone in Gutsy and being unable to conect to the network after this morning updates?09:46
mjbrooks!gutsy | hugolp09:47
ubotuhugolp: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:47
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hugolpok thanks09:47
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winchesterPATlinux people duck09:47
mjbrooksso near yet, so far away09:47
winchesterPATbiased idiots09:47
mjbrooks!ops | winchesterPAT09:47
ubotuwinchesterPAT: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:47
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@a213-22-32-111.cpe.netcabo.pt] by elkbuntu
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elkbuntumjbrooks, you were aware i was here, it wasnt needed to do that09:48
mjbrooksno sorry   I was not aware09:48
mjbrooksbut ty09:48
drewbennhe's right, he just made the mistake of saying out loud :)09:48
drewbennmjbrooks I agree, I want the official release today :(09:48
Frogzoo_winchesterPAT: how so? mods won't tolerate that btw09:48
LordLimecatthank you -_-09:48
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LordLimecatso, Jordan_U, any ideas? :\09:49
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LordLimecatsort of sucks to be without a useable 7600 :\09:49
Agent_bobfrogzoo_  i still haven't gotten the ctrl key to work inside of X    did you have any thoughts on it ?09:49
alecwhI'm using a dell latitude D630, and I'm having problems connecting with my school's WPA network. All my friend's macs and windows PCs connect fine, but my computer just won't connect. The WPA pass is correct. Can anyone help? I'm using NDisWrapper I think with my wifi card. I have a topic @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3541789&posted=1#post3541789 , but my question wasn't really answered.09:50
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jussi01!wpa | alecwh09:50
ubotualecwh: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:50
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mjbrookselkbuntu, I don't know all the ops, and since they don't stay oped, it's hard to see who of those I do know are here on the long user list  ;)09:50
jussi01alecwh: have followed the ionfo in that link09:50
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alecwhjussi01: What am I looking for?09:50
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NinjaSouljahblastin out the new collie buddz cd on linux09:50
jussi01alecwh: the are certain instructions for wpa09:51
drewbennalecwh, follow the link from 'ubotu'09:51
alecwhOk, I will. :) T hanks for your help everone.09:51
glassdi'm still completly lost with this video upscale issue...09:51
jussi01alecwh: :)09:51
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elkbuntumjbrooks, we have had discussions before regarding op related things, and i was actively talking :09:51
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NinjaSouljahwhats up with virtualbox will I have to install a copy of windows in linux or can I start running programs?09:51
jussi01!wine | NinjaSouljah09:52
ubotuNinjaSouljah: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:52
NinjaSouljahyeah there is the filebrowser09:52
Frogzoo_Agent_bob: any other keyboard layouts installed apart from the one you're using?09:52
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NinjaSouljahwine browser or something when i run a program from there I get a kernel.dll error09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about docx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:52
mjbrookselkbuntu, ummm... perhaps you mistake me for someone else, or had that conversation before I arrived here tonight  ;P09:52
drewbennelkbuntu, if I may offer an objective viewpoint, I only saw you say two things that looked like standard comments from a bot..09:52
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jussi01NinjaSouljah: have you checked if the program actually works with wine?09:53
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adantehowdy, anybody here familiar with lvm (particularly over raid-0)09:53
NinjaSouljahI bet it doesn't09:53
Agent_bobFrogzoo_ not sure i follow that ?     there is only one mention of keyboard in my xorg.conf   and i'm just starting xorg and twm  right now for testing purposes    so ???09:53
jussi01!appdb | NinjaSouljah09:53
ubotuNinjaSouljah: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:53
elkbuntudrewbenn, you werent informed? I am a bot ;)09:53
NinjaSouljahthat is why i am going to virtualbox it09:53
jussi01elkbuntu: LOL09:53
NinjaSouljahor the other program09:53
drewbenncheers elkbuntu :)09:54
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drewbenn!elkbuntu op drewben09:54
mjbrooksdrewbenn, I should grep my log cause I don't recall him talking before he spoke to me  lol09:54
drewbennhmm, worth a shot :)09:54
NinjaSouljahvirtual machine09:54
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alecwhhow do I find my wifi card?09:54
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:54
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mjbrooksdrewbenn, you mispelled your own name   lol09:54
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LordLimecat:\ anyone have experience fixing restricted driver manager?09:54
drewbennhaha :)09:54
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NinjaSouljahwell with vmware should i have to install the windows xp software to it?09:54
alecwhWhat is the command forgetting the name of my wifi card?09:55
alecwhfor getting*09:55
NinjaSouljahor create a separate partition with a install of windows?09:55
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jmdcelkbotu, mjbrooks, drewbenn: Today's xkcd comes to mind strongly: www.xkcd.com09:55
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Agent_bobalecwh   lshw   or   lspci09:55
jussi01NinjaSouljah: you will need to install windows, yes09:55
drewbennhehe jmdc you're absoutely right :)09:55
NinjaSouljahbut in a separate paritition or can i do it under linux?09:56
Frogzoo_Agent_bob: sys -> prefs -> keyboard - gnome seems to have its own keyboard layout management, not sure how it interacts with x09:56
jmdcNinjaSouljah: vmware uses a large file in the host os, not a seperate partition09:56
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mjbrooksjmdc, bwahahaha09:56
NinjaSouljahso i can do it within ubuntu09:56
Agent_bobFrogzoo_ not sure i follow that ?     there is only one mention of keyboard in my xorg.conf   and i'm just starting xorg and twm  right now for testing purposes    so ???09:56
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jussi01!keyboard | Agent_bob09:56
ubotuAgent_bob: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:56
NinjaSouljahI was running desktop effects with the 3dbox thing it kept freezing my system09:56
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jmdcI'm still not sure if elkbuntu is human.09:56
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NinjaSouljahI guess you have to have a high end video card09:57
Agent_bobjussi01 please read my post.   no gnome.09:57
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elkbuntujmdc, :09:57
NinjaSouljahI have found that many cups of coffee can solve most any problem09:57
jussi01Agent_bob: sorry, I came only recently...09:57
mjbrooksjmdc, he's an engineer I believe... so the answer to that question is... no    lol09:57
Agent_bobjussi01 np.09:57
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drewbennengineers are human. mostly. :)09:58
jussi01hey you lot, watch it... elkbuntu is a woman.... :P09:58
NinjaSouljahsometimes they just collect data09:58
mjbrooksdrewbenn, was going for the 2-4-1  ;)09:58
elkbuntudrewbenn, in a terminator sort of way?09:58
frogzoojussi01: dude..09:58
NinjaSouljahso i wouldn't classify all engineers with the engineer title09:58
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amidanielHi all. I'm having some difficulties installing Xilinx ISE Webpack. Getting the error message "Xilinx Port::Process Exec Failed:1309:59
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jmghi all09:59
amidanielAny ideas how to fix this? :)09:59
jmgdpms keeps blanking my screen :(09:59
jmdcelkbuntu: no offense meant, btw09:59
jmgeven though i have dpms false in xorg.conf09:59
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elkbuntujmdc, none taken. meanwhile this is waaaay offtopic :)09:59
mjbrooksjussi01, that's why I love telling people that I don't gedit, I kate, cause I prefer girls!!  ;)09:59
novato_brhow can I compile the software linux toh windows environment ?09:59
jmgmjbrooks: :p10:00
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mjbrooksnovato_br, can you be more specific?10:00
jussi01anyway, back to topic10:00
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jmgnote i have neither a keyboard nor a mouse, i am using lirc10:00
novato_bri want to compile de openoffice to environment windows10:01
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novato_bris it possible ? and how ?10:01
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NinjaSouljahdoes anyone know why the touchpad mouse freezes after i switch users?10:01
Agent_bobcross platform compiling    yes it's possable.10:01
mjbrooksnovato_br, you can download a version of openoffice for windows without needing to compile it10:01
novato_brmjbrooks, how can I do that?10:01
mjbrooksnovato_br, www.openoffice.org10:02
novato_brwow, mjbrooks10:02
NinjaSouljahi have this cheap acer 2420 laptop that was dropped on me after my company bounced several checks and laid me off10:02
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novato_bri thought that i need to compile10:02
NinjaSouljahanyone want a laptop, cheap I got 2 laptops 6 hp athlon xp desktops 2 touchscreens and a nichipri thermal printer10:02
jmdcninjasouljah, I've seen similar weird things happen. I think its related to acpi stuff10:02
NinjaSouljahI will sell it all for 200 bucks10:02
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NinjaSouljahso maybe a bios update or setting will cure10:03
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Agent_bobNinjaSouljah oooh  the "cheap acer"   probably with  "ati everything"   ;/10:03
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NinjaSouljahyeah the paperclip one10:03
NinjaSouljahit is a bastarg10:03
mjbrooksNinjaSouljah, do they run linux?   :P10:03
novato_brmjbrooks: I thought that I would need to compile it.10:03
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NinjaSouljahI have been sucessful with the acer10:03
mjbrooksnovato_br, nope, that's already been done for oyu10:03
NinjaSouljahI have everything working on it10:03
Agent_bobNinjaSouljah impathizes...10:03
jmdcumm ... can we stay on topic10:03
jmdcmaybe sell stuff on ubuntu-offtopic?10:04
NinjaSouljahI had the desktop effects working good until I ran opera or mozilla10:04
NinjaSouljahthen it would freeze sometimes10:04
novato_brcool, that I wouldn't need to compile it10:04
elkbuntuNinjaSouljah, trying to sell things in support channels will get you into trouble10:04
NinjaSouljahalthough I am a computer technician I wouldn't recommend it to a novice10:04
NinjaSouljahI am just kidding10:04
NinjaSouljahI wouldn't sell it anyway10:04
NinjaSouljah200 bucks 8 computers10:05
elkbuntuNinjaSouljah, then please cease this discussion10:05
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=== Agent_bob wonders where the "sell" came in....
tuukkisremember brush your teeth10:05
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NinjaSouljahI am just mad at my company that is all10:06
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NinjaSouljahthey owe me like 1500 dollars10:06
NinjaSouljahand they just dumped all this stuff on me10:06
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novato_brwhat do you think about linux on asus motherboard?10:06
Agent_bobyou got off cheap.   count your blessings.10:06
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novato_bris it good idea or not?10:06
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NinjaSouljahand it works for my computer graveyard since I am a technician10:06
mjbrooksnovato_br, haven't heard of any issues10:06
Agent_bobnovato_br i know nothing particularly bad there.10:07
elkbuntuNinjaSouljah, this is a technical support channel. please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or another non-support channel10:07
glassdi have ubuntu on an asus notebook...10:07
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tronyxis there any way to not have an icon appear on your desktop when you automatically mount something?10:07
NinjaSouljahI like asus I have always liked them ever since the oldskool days10:07
novato_brmjbrooks, yep, the asus will build in chip with linux10:07
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Agent_bobtronyx i'm sure there is.  in kde you could right click and configure it to not display "device icons"  but i'm not well versed in gnome.10:08
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paffcioi have a quick ubuntu question...10:08
Agent_bobin fact i don't particularly like gah-no-me10:08
NinjaSouljahcheck out some barry brown10:08
mjbrooksI have a quick unbuntu answer10:08
NinjaSouljahor some dennis brown10:09
NinjaSouljahI am out10:09
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novato_brmjbrooks and Agent_bob look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=589gvghX6QE10:09
Catoptromancywhat was command that print kernel version?10:09
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paffcioin 7.04 which I installed on a DELL inspiron5000e, after a successful Gnome, Kde or XFce session the notebook refuses to shutdown or reboot. Any pointers?10:09
jmdccatoptromancy: uname --all10:10
mjbrooksCatoptromancy, uname -r10:10
Agent_bobany reason that this keyboard shouldn't work propperly ???   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/40200     it's  102 key  ps/2  qwerty10:10
=== Catoptromancy adds to my list
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allan_Guys, having a strange problem. I Umount'ed my /media/disk (USB Stick) yesterday, how can i mount it back again?10:11
Agent_bobCatoptromancy uname    and the switch -r restricts the output to version only.10:11
novato_brmjbrooks, did you see the video?10:11
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Agent_bobCatoptromancy uname -a    for all kernel info   not that you need -a10:11
paffcioany suggestions about the failure to shutdown?10:12
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drewbennnovato_br, that must be kde-powered, there are a lot of options (I kid, I kid!).  funny, though :)10:12
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jmdcpaffcio: do the logs tell you anything?10:12
Agent_bobpaffcio sudo init 0     see if it works or gives errors10:13
novato_brdrewbenn,  what? sorry, but i didn't understand the joke.10:13
jmdcpaffcio: actually - do what he said10:13
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paffciook, I'll try that next time. I'm on the problematic workstation now...10:13
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BleedingMoon_does any1 knows about an assembler for ubuntu?10:14
drewbennoh, my bad, I thought it was supposed to be a comedy video :(10:14
novato_brbut in next future the asus motherboards will bring the linux buil in chip10:14
Agent_bobyou can check the syslog and ksyslog    in /var/log/ paffcio10:14
novato_brno, drewbenn10:14
novato_brit's real10:14
paffcioi'm going to look into it now...10:14
BleedingMoon_and another question, if ill download ubuntu 7.10 today, it wont have to do a mssive changes when it will release10:14
novato_brit's true10:14
novato_brboot in 5 seconds10:14
drewbennoh, that is pretty cool!10:15
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novato_brlooking for on google about this issue10:15
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jmdcbleedingMoon_: I would wait a day, myself.10:15
jmdcbleedingMoon_: wait, nevermind. I thought you said 7.0410:15
yigal5 s holly cows milk10:15
mjbrooksAgent_bob, is it a non-us?10:16
tkoodaI figured out my issue with the apt ignoring my /etc/apt/secring.gpg :  I was missing a few fields (`apt-ftparchive` didn't add stuff like "Suite:" and "Codename:"?) in my main Release file.10:16
jmdcbleedingMoon_: downloading Fiesty now is just fine, and probably won't have many updates tomorrow10:16
Agent_bobi have two installations of dapper on one box   i wrote the sysv* for one the other is stock    there is over 30 seconds differance in boot time to a console login.  no X10:16
Agent_bobmjbrooks no.10:16
drewbennoh, wow, it is really cool!10:16
paffcioAgent_bob: syslog: syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart.10:16
jmdcbleedingMoon_: I mean gutsy10:16
drewbennheh, I'm too used to 3+ min bootups :)10:16
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jmdcI am having issues, typing10:16
mjbrooksAgent_bob, hace you tried  Option        "XkbModel" "pc105"10:16
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paffcioAgent_bob: anacron[5316] : Job `cron.daily' terminated10:17
paffcioOct 15 19:52:01 komputerek anacron[5316] : Normal exit (1 job run)10:17
mjbrooksAgent_bob, I thought pc102 was no-us10:17
paffcioit seems like syslog is fine....10:17
Agent_bobmjbrooks i tried  101 102 104   all the same.  didn't try 10510:17
paffcionothing unusual, no kernel panics, no crashes...10:17
jmdcpaffcio, what happened when you did init 0?10:17
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NeoGeo64question for anyone who knows10:18
Agent_bobmjbrooks 102 = non-us ???  i just counted the keys and there are 102 keys on this board.10:18
NeoGeo64Will gstreamer in Ubuntu 7.10 support MIDI10:18
paffciojmdc: actually let me do sudo init 0 now - I'm on the machine that has the problem.10:18
jmdc!ask NeoGeo6410:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask neogeo64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:18
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paffciothanks guys for the help! i'm gonna try sudo init 0 thing now... bbl!10:19
NeoGeo64no one know?10:19
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Agent_bobNeoGeo64 i don't know,   but it seems most sound cards anymore don't support MIDI  you have to emulate it.10:20
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jmdcNeoGeo64: it doesn't look like gstreamer supports midi.10:21
jmdcbut why don't you try googling it?10:21
jmdcgstreamer has a website you know?10:21
NeoGeo64why wouldnt it? midi is very old and standard10:21
NeoGeo64i dont get it10:21
Agent_bobmjbrooks nope   pc105 same thing.   still have to reset the keyboard to break out of X  i.e. ctrl key not working in X10:22
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mjbrooksAgent_bob, http://www.xfree86.org/current/XKB-Config.html    might be helpfull  or at least informative10:23
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paffciosudo init 0 produced the same thing: x server exit and a motherboard freeze up10:23
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Agent_bobmjbrooks looking.10:24
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jmdcNeoGeo64: The gstreamer people are working on other things, I guess. Midis aren't completely unsupported though. You can play them in amarok, I believe.10:24
Agent_bobpaffcio sounds like the "halt" command is sending the "wrong" code to the bios.   is a bios update avalable for your board ?10:25
AshexI'm attempting to debug elisa10:25
Ashexbut when I run gdb -args elisa10:25
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mjbrooksAgent_bob, better http://www.charvolant.org/~doug/xkb/10:25
Ashexwhen I type run, it says no executable file found10:26
ChupaChupsawhat is Gutsy?10:26
Ashexit also says "/usr/bin/elisa": not in executable format: File format not recognized10:26
Ashexanyone know why it is doing that?10:26
jmdcNeoGeo64: Maybe this will be useful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=873610:26
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paffcioAgent_bob: not as far as I know. however this was not the casewith Ubuntu 5.04 and 5.10. Neither was this a problem with other linux distros. For some reason 7.04 is acting up. Everything else is 100% stble otherwise.10:26
drewbennChupaChupsa, it is Ubuntu 7.10, the follow-on release to 'Feisty' Ubuntu7.04.10:26
jmdcChupaChupsa: gusty is "Gutsy Gibbon"10:27
mjbrooksAgent_bob, perhaps you want "en_US" insteaad of just "us"10:27
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ChupaChupsaeach  version every 6 months has a different name???10:27
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erUSUL!midi | NeoGeo6410:27
ubotuNeoGeo64: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo10:27
Agent_bobmjbrooks that's a "LOCALS" thang  isn't it ?   should matter on the ctrl key10:27
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drewbennChupaChupsa, there are internal codenames, like (E)dgy, (F)eisty, (G)utsy; the numbers show when they are released, like 2007-04 (April) is 7.4; 2007-10 (October '07) is 7.10.10:28
mikubuntui'm in a pickle guys.  which kernel should i install with x?  linux-generic, linux-image-generic, or linux-image-
drewbennThey aim for regular release, about every 6 months.  It is sort of a goal in the software engineering profession to have predictable releases :)10:28
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mikubuntudoor number 1, door number 2, or door number 3?10:29
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jmdcChupaChuupsa: yes, the codenames are of the form <Adjective> <Animal> and tend to be somewhat silly10:29
mikubuntuplease help, i've been trying to get something to run on this laptop for four hours now .. arrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh...10:29
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paffcioAgent_bob: the screen glows in diferent colors when I try to shut down (maybe x server issue?) and then the motherboard is non-responsive.10:29
jmdceach release is supported ... 18 months?10:29
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Agent_bobmikubuntu it's all the same kernel  and two meta packages10:29
erUSULmikubuntu: linux-image-generic10:29
ChupaChupsabut what if there isn't much to change in Ubuntu, they still release it?10:29
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erUSULmikubuntu: that package is a meta package that allways depends on the more recent kernel aviable10:30
Agent_bobpaffcio are you sure it's "non-responsive" ?  did you test the magic sysRQ combo's  ?10:30
mjbrooksAgent_bob, it may... from what I'm reading "Users of US keyboards have two options: us for plain vanilla US keys and en_US for a keyboard with a group of interesting additional characters"10:30
drewbennChupaChupsa, when they start the next 6-month release, they have a list of features for the next release, some critical (i.e. they would delay the release to ensure those features are included); some low (don't delay the release); many in between.10:30
=== FelixCuLpa [n=eattofuh@c-76-28-176-92.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULChupaChupsa: in the OSS world there is allways to much to change ;)10:30
Agent_bobmjbrooks no change.  tried both.10:31
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drewbennChupaChupsa it is a common release ideal... you should read Brooks' Mythical Man-Month if you are still curious :)10:31
mikubuntuerUSUL: thanks.  new question, is there any telltale signs of a harddrive being broken?  like maybe a clicking sound?  i have been trying for hours to install flux, or xubuntu on this machine and it keeps hanging up at different places, i'm starting to think a hardware prob10:31
mjbrooksAgent_bob, if you were in KDE I'd point you to Kxkb    ;P10:31
paffcioAgent_bob: even the kbd CAPS LOCK key light refuses to work. No combinations work, only the power button if held down.10:31
FelixCuLpaclicking noise = harddrive10:31
jmdcmikubuntu: yes, a clicking sound is BAD10:31
jmdc"the click of death"10:31
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FelixCuLpathe IBM deathstar click of death10:32
erUSULmikubuntu: strange sounds are allways a bad sign...10:32
jmdcyou should back up everything on that disk, ASAP10:32
mikubuntunothing on it, not a prob there10:32
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drewbennheh, raise your hand if you've performed a backup in the last six months....10:32
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=== mjbrooks raises both hands
=== drewbenn raises his hand about a quarter of the way, sorta
mjbrooksand feet10:32
PriitM_clicking sound may be normal for some drives(hitatci for example)10:33
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=== drewbenn encouraged 2 of his friends to back up... does that count?
ChupaChupsaok, then tell, me, these changes are 'majot changes' like a change from windows98 to windowsXP? That is, will there be much to reconfigure after each release? or is it just - 'update and go on'?10:33
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mikubuntubut, an error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system ... could this be the hard drive causing prob?10:33
erUSULmikubuntu: if the drive supports SMART you can try to check the "health" reported by 'sudo smartctl -a -d ata /dev/sda | less'10:33
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jmdcwell okay ... but a NEW clicking noise is a bad sign10:33
erUSULmikubuntu: use the apropiate /dev/file10:33
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Agent_bobpaffcio ok.   acpi    that's what you are fighting.   if there isn't an update for the bios  look for patches for the linux end of things   or maybe a work-around,   that's the best i can do for you.    at least you are pointed in the right dirrection.10:33
MicroHi - can someone tell me best way to add other desktop backgrounds to use?10:33
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jmdcMicro - just right click and do change desktop background10:34
mjbrookswhen my drives start clicking I back them up then do a drop test... then I know for sure if something is loose10:34
drewbennChupaChupsa I don't know for sure, I haven't lived through one of these upgrades yet!!  I believe that they are supposed to be easy, though.  Theoretically, if you run the upgrade things will continue to work as they did before, "just better."10:34
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erUSULmikubuntu: if you tell us the exact error maybe we can figure out what's happening10:34
paffcioAgent_bob: thanks, anything helps. So far ununtu has worked perfectly on it, I'm just hoping not to damage the system by constant power-off by power button...10:34
drewbennmjbrooks lol10:34
FelixCuLpawhen my harddrive is broken I just wipe it then swap it with someone elses at work10:35
FelixCuLpatheyve got warranties10:35
FelixCuLpaI dont10:35
PriitM_Few years ago I downloaded some linux distro with dial-up(56k) and the hard drive what I downloaded it on died. I already had like 60% downloaded.10:35
mjbrooksChupaChupsa, it's kinda an update and move on as long as you keep with it... it only becomes major if you skip a few releases10:35
Agent_bobmjbrooks i even removed the keyboard section altogather and it still doesn't let me out of X without the   alt+sysRQ+r   first.10:35
Microjmdc - only see three choices after this new install of ubuntu - would like to add others - not sure where to locate them....10:35
mjbrooksAgent_bob, hmmm10:35
mikubuntusays to check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details, but i don't know how to do that in the middle of an install10:36
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ChupaChupsamjbrooks: to "keep with it", how much Mb do I download each 6 months?10:36
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erUSULmikubuntu: Alt + Crtl + Fn (n=1,2,3,*4*)10:36
jmdcMicro: save pictures somewhere convenient. Then click "add wallpaper"10:36
Agent_bobpaffcio luck with it.    and check the bug reports,  if there isn't one, then make one.10:36
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Agent_bob!bug | paffcio10:37
ubotupaffcio: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:37
mjbrooksChupaChupsa, through the upgrade manager ~300-400Mb10:37
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paffcioI'll be happy to help out. Thanks.10:37
Microjmdc - pics can be put in any folder setup under "Home" ?10:37
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mjbrooksAgent_bob, oerhaps you need a new KB   ;)10:37
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Agent_bobmjbrooks but i just changed this one ten minutes ago10:38
jmdcMicro - that's right. Your home directory is where you should save all your files. Also, many applications store their settings in your home directory. I would probably make a folder in it and store pictures there10:38
mikubuntuerUSUL: na, nothing happens for me with those keystrokes10:38
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Avielhey i got problem10:38
FelixCuLpawe all have problems10:39
Agent_bobmjbrooks and "no that's not when the problem started"  lol10:39
Microjmdc - thx - new to all this - really like linux though....10:39
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Avielmy system not reconize my network driver10:39
Avielwhat to do?10:39
FelixCuLpathen how are you on IRC?10:39
jmdcMicro - if you're coming from windows, the home directory is like your Documents and Settings folder10:39
jmdcAviel: is it wireless?10:39
Agent_bobmjbrooks thanks for all the fish tho.    i'll let you get on with your life now.   ;)10:40
jmdcAviel: what hardware is it?10:40
Avieli have here supermicro server10:40
drewbennMicro, are you using 'gnome' or 'Ubuntu' or ... ?  There are programs that will organize your photos for you, and apply tags to them... I have heard (but haven't tried it) that 'F-Spot' is a good one, have you tried it?10:40
Avielamd opteron 221410:40
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erUSULAviel: which network chip?10:40
Microjmdc - great gives me some - direction - have a long ways to go - but will hang in there10:40
AvielSupermicro  AS-1021M-T2+B10:40
jmdcdrewbenn: I've used F-Spot, its cool.10:40
AvielMCP55 PRO10:40
mjbrooksAgent_bob, perhaps reconfiguring xorg??10:40
Agent_bobdrewbenn ***'gnome' or 'Ubuntu'***   do you mean   gnome in ubuntu ?10:40
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drewbennjmdc it's in my applications menu, but I prefer ls and gimp :)10:41
erUSULAviel: lspci | grep -i net10:41
Microdrewbenn - will google it and check it out - thx10:41
mjbrooksAgent_bob, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:41
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jmdcMicro - if you have a lot of photos that you want as backgrounds, I would recommend using Fspot (its in apps,graphics)10:41
drewbennagent_bob, trying all variations... as opposed to 'windows' 'apple' 'xp' 'vista' 'kde' etc.10:41
mjbrooksAgent_bob, bit drastic though10:41
FelixCuLpahow come my graphics card seems sluggish when I have an 8800gts and the drivers installed10:41
Agent_bobmjbrooks that's different than editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file how ?10:41
dovecothelp i have a problem sneding mail to internal users10:41
dovecothelpcan you help me?10:41
Microjmdc - just do a " sudo apt-get install f-spot" correct?10:42
AvielBridge: nVidia orporation MCP55 Ethernet10:42
Agent_bobmjbrooks cause that's where i been making the changes,  in the xorg.conf file...10:42
mjbrooksAgent_bob, its through the magical package manager  :P10:42
Kerzingerhallo, Ineed some help to get my X-Server to run correct, the problem is: the X-Server fails to start (X Window System Version 7.2.0) this occurs after an update of ubuntu. The error-messages are: Failed to load the NVUDIA kernel modul10:42
dovecothelpguys please help me10:42
drewbennMicro before you do that, if there is an Applications button on the top or botto of the screen, try that, then look for Graphics, then look for F-Spot... is it there?10:42
jmdcMicro: oh, I thought it was installed by default. If not, that should do it.10:42
drewbenndovecothelp what program do you use for sending mail?10:42
AvielBridge: nVidia orporation MCP55 Ethernet10:42
FelixCuLpamake sure to download the new nvidia packages and delete the old10:42
erUSULAviel: 'sudo modprobe forcedeth'10:43
FelixCuLpathen change your xorg.conf10:43
Microjmdc - I'll check in synaptics10:43
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FelixCuLpafrom nv to nvidia10:43
FelixCuLpaunder the device10:43
Agent_bobmjbrooks heh,   yeah.   but if it  doesn't also change something in /etc/defaults  or something like that,  then it's just a fancy way to edit the xorg.conf   and "yes i have reconfigured several times too"   ...10:43
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Avielshow nothing10:43
jmdcMicro - well if you do an apt-get install and its installed ... nothing bad happens. It just tells you10:43
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dovecothelp<drewbenn> can you help me?10:43
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drewbenndovecothelp sorry, I have no idea... by 'internal' do you mean a corporate e-mail system?  Do you have a corporate IT department you can consult?   ....   others in this room might be able to help, i can't, sorry :(   also, try google....10:44
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erUSULAviel: now 'sudo ifconfig -a'10:44
ksivajiis there anyone using opendns in ubuntu10:44
KerzingerFelixCuLpa do you respond to my question?10:44
mjbrooksAgent_bob, I'm out of ideas at the moment  :^/10:44
Aviello and sit010:44
erUSULAviel: please when talking to me add my nick in front of the reply10:44
Agent_bobmjbrooks i've been working on this for several days now.     although not very aggressivly.10:44
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benclinchksivaji: Yep, easy10:44
Agent_bobmjbrooks reposting >>> thanks for all the fish tho.    i'll let you get on with your life now.   ;)10:44
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dovecothelpi can send mail to yahoo gmail and other but to root i don't10:44
AvielerUSUL: show lo and sit010:44
mjbrooksAgent_bob, kk10:44
selig5 /Kerzinger me10:45
AvielerUSUL, show lo and sit010:45
erUSULAviel: can you post the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu-nl.org?10:45
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ksivajibenclinch opendns seems to be slow for me10:45
erUSULAviel: those are virtual interfaces not the "real" ones10:45
Avielhmm how i copy thas10:45
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Avieli know10:45
drewbenndovecothelp you're well beyond me, sorry to mislead you.10:45
benclinchksivaji: Wherabouts in the world are you?10:45
drewbennoops 5 seconds late.10:45
Avielits not reconize the real 110:45
Avieli need install some driver?10:46
ksivajibenclinch india ->chennai10:46
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Microjmdc - opps - really klutzed up this time - prog there already under "applications/graphics" time to move on - thx.10:46
Kerzingerselig5 please explain10:46
Avieli need install some driver for its reconize my driver?10:46
benclinchksivaji: All of the servers seem to be fine, I can't see any reason for it to be slow10:46
Spee_DerHave a good day folks, I'm off to work again.10:47
Microthx 4 all help10:47
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selig5Kerzinger: it works for me10:47
JediMasterGutsy out today?10:47
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drewbennJediMaster -- I wish! 2 more days :(10:47
erUSULAviel: in theory the forcedeth driver (that you already loaded) is the one that runs nvidia ethernet cards10:47
Delphinusplease forgive the n00b question, but whats the difference going to be between the RC and full version of 7.10? Just some updated packages? will an apt-get upgrade from RC be exactly the same as final release?10:48
Kerzingerselig5 please explain what is working for you10:48
ksivajibenclinch my dns address ,
erUSULAviel: which version of ubuntu are you using?10:48
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AvielerUSUL: so why i dont see eth0?10:48
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mikubuntuis an old laptop monitor likely to be crt or lcd?10:49
Avielits not ubuntu :P10:49
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benclinchksivaji: That's correct. Could you try setting the DNS on your router?10:49
selig5mikubuntu: lcd10:49
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ksivajibenclinch how10:49
ksivajibenclinch my server address
mikubuntuoops, just selected crt10:50
erUSULAviel: i do not know sorry :( maybe you can try a different kernel image? what version of ubuntu are you using?10:50
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benclinchksivaji: Follow the "Router Instructions" here - https://www.opendns.com/start10:50
liberumIsn't there a RSS reader out the with a filter funktion? I wan't to see only a few of the news in a feed. The only one i found so far is knewsticker.. but that's not what i'm looking for. I need a big reader where i can see everything at once.10:50
JediMasterAviel: this a forcedeth problem on a nvidia motherboard?10:50
ksivajibenclinch ok10:50
erUSULJediMaster: yes10:50
Tomcat_liberum: liferea has something like that I believe... search folders/virtual folders.10:51
Avielsupermicro board10:51
JediMasterAviel: I had an issue with it working in gutsy, but I fixed it and posted it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13683610:51
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jmdcDelphinus: don't worry about the level of your question :-) Things that would change at this point are very little. Fixes for showstopping bugs, and thats about it10:51
liberumTomcat_: I'll look that up, thanks :)10:51
JediMasterbasically: modprobe forcedeth msi=0 msix=010:51
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Delphinusjmdc: thankyou. so getting RC then apt-get upgrading = same as full release?10:51
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jmdcDelphinus: yes.10:52
Delphinusjmdc: cheers :D10:52
jmdcDelphinus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseCandidate10:52
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jmdcThe gist of it is, changes at this point delay the release. We don't want that.10:53
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drewbennjmdc, are you a 'we' that just wants the final release (i.e. user) or 'we' that is working on the final relase (i.e. developer)?10:54
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KerzingerFelixCuLpa failing of the X-Server seems to occur frequently after updating of ubuntu, how to make the system stable to updates?10:54
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Tomcat_drewbenn: Both. Nobody wants the release delayed... the development rules after freezes are pretty harsh. :)10:55
jmdcdrewbenn: I'm a user. I've fixed a few bugs and such, but basicallyy I'm a user.10:55
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tronyxis there a way to merge an ext3 partition with my root partition so that my total root partition increases in size?10:56
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[maTa] how to rezise LVM partition? acronis 10? gparted?10:56
drewbennthanks, just curious :) Your answer implied both! I certainly don't want the release delayed either.... and Tomcat_, I do understand trying to make fixes after a release date, _no_one_ wants that!!!10:56
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Tomcat_tronyx: No way to merge partitions with free tools, sorry. Maybe with commercial software.10:56
jmdctronyx: LVM is designed to let you do that, but you have to start out using it from the beginning I believe.10:57
ksivajibenclinch can you help me to find my router10:57
jmdcdrewbenn: I shouldn't be careless and put on airs like that ;-)10:57
tronyxso if i have a root partition which is 7 gig on a hard drive which is 40 gig and there is approximately 33 free gigs of ext3 i can't put them together?10:57
CrummyGummyHi all,10:57
benclinchksivaji: Yep, what make is your router?10:57
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drewbennjmdc, sorry, I 'understand' from my internal corporate view, certainly nothing on the level of linux!  I've just been the focus of local management :)10:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:58
ksivajibenclinch its a router from ISP10:58
CrummyGummyIs there any command I can use to show the status of all startup scripts?10:58
ksivajibenclinch http://www.ubuntuslave.blogspot.com/10:58
jmdctronyx: well, what would it mean to "put them together"? If you write to the root of the filesystem, which partition are your writing to?10:58
CrummyGummysomething like rc-status in gentoo.10:58
benclinchksivaji: It's not worth bothering then, just change the DNS on your computer10:59
jmdcdrewbenn: hey if you can get managers to support linux ... I bow to you :-)10:59
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ksivajibenclinch my net gone slow after changing to open dns10:59
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jmdctronyx: you can however, mount the other partition somewhere.10:59
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tronyxjmdc, when I installed gutsy I decided to just give it a small portion of a second hard drive to hang out on so I could experiment with it.  I've grown to love it but 7 gigs won't cut it.  i was hoping i could use all 40 gigs of the hard drive10:59
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tronyxi'm not terribly familiar with linux file systems, can i move my home directory to another ext3 partition?11:00
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benclinchksivaji: That's odd, have you restarted your computer?11:01
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liberumTomcat_: cannot find a filter function int here... i can search in all feeds though...11:01
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jhaigtronyx: How do you mean?  You can create a new partition, and then mount it on /home.11:01
ksivajibenclinch ya11:01
Tomcat_liberum: There are virtual folders... like the "Unread" or "Important" folder. I'm not sure if they can filter anything besides those flags though...11:01
Tomcat_liberum: Wait, I'll install.11:01
benclinchksivaji: Very wierd, I honestly have no idea what's wrong then11:02
jhaigtronyx: Or you could change the path of your home directory, but I don't know why you would want to do that unless you have a lot of users.11:02
tronyxi might be a little bit lost on that jhaig11:02
_aaain Linux, lost passwords can be found how?11:02
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liberumTomcat_: just found extensions :)11:02
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ksivajibenclinch may be something wrong with my ISP11:02
Tomcat_liberum: There are "Search Folders"... that should do it for you.11:02
tronyxwell if I keep downloading programs and adding onto my system, won't i eventually fill up the remaining 2.5 gigs of the 7 gigs i designated at the install?11:02
jhaigtronyx: OK, I've just read your previous comments as well, and it makes more sense now.11:02
Tomcat_liberum: Just tried it... I can filter out all news items not containing a specific word in the headline, for example.11:02
benclinchksivaji: It could be I suppose11:03
ksivajibenclinch thanks a lot11:03
drewbenn_aaa, did you write them down and tape them to the bottom of the keyboard, by any chance?11:03
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benclinchksivaji: Welcome11:03
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jhaigtronyx: So, if I understand correctly, you have partitioned your disk to have 7G for the root partition, and then about 30G unused.  Is this correct?11:03
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tronyxyes jhaig11:03
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tronyxwell the 30 gigs was ntfs but it wasn't doing anything so i reformatted it to ext311:04
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jmdctronyx: is there anything on the 30 gigs?11:04
ferronicaHow can I repair a corrupt iso file?11:04
jhaigtronyx: OK, then you can create a new partition, copy the files from /home onto the new partition, empty /home and then mount the new partition on /home.11:04
tronyxno, empty ext311:04
jhaigtronyx: Is it already mounted?11:04
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jmdcjhaig: that still wastes a few gigabytes of space though, doesn't it?11:04
tronyxsudo fdisk -l?11:04
liberumTomcat_: Youre right! Big thank you :) I like liferea alot allready.. so many settings11:05
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Tomcat_liberum: Yeah, it's really an awesome but still easy to use RSS reader :)11:05
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modumasshey all, im trying to do a distro update and i get this error http://www.pastebin.org/4952 any ideas?11:06
liberumTomcat_: Anyother thing that anoyed me was to not be able to set the individual update time for feeds... i have feeds that updates like once in a month11:06
liberumso that's great11:06
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Tomcat_liberum: :-)11:06
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jhaigtronyx: Unless you want to change the partitioning, you can just do (something like): sudo cp -a /home/* /media/hda211:06
equinoxeslt les gens11:06
jhaigtronyx: This will depend on how the new partition is mounted.11:07
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tronyxjhaig, could I PM you?11:07
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jhaigtronyx: OK11:07
jmdctronyx: I think you should resize the 7 gig partition to take up the whole drive. This has the potential to destroy things. Make backups.11:07
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tronyxoh wait wait11:08
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tronyxi can open gparted and resize the 7 gigs to use the whole drive?11:08
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jmdctronyx: yes, but it might break things.11:08
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jmdcso, either make backups or ... play fast and loose like I usually do ;-)11:09
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benclinchHey all, when I boot server edition, how come it comes up with a load of stuff starting _after_ the username prompt? How can I make it do it before? It doesn't affect anything except looks.11:09
tronyxi think i'll go with the fast and loose =p11:09
jhaigtronyx: Well, I think you can do that too, but I am an advocate of having a separate /home partition.  Having said that, I have found a bug in the gutsy installer that has problems with this.  :-(11:09
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tronyxit's a new isntall and I don't have a ton on this OS yet, pretty much anything valuable is backed up on another hard drive such as movies, music, pictures, etc11:09
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tronyxi ran into a weird bug with gutsy install too11:10
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tronyxjmdc, if something breaks how soon will i know if it's broken? =X11:10
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jmdctronyx: most likely right away11:11
tronyxmeh, worst case scenario i need to re-install gutsy and get my themes back11:11
tronyxthat isn't too bad is it?11:11
jmdcit should be fine11:11
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jmdcI'm just covering my ass11:11
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jmdcwhich is weird, because this is IRC11:12
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jhaigtronyx: The bug I found is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/migration-assistant/+bug/152261  You are only likely to see it, though, if you already have a separate /home partition from a previous install.11:12
Monkeygillis there a way to restart alsa in ubuntu *without* rebooting?11:12
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Monkeygill( sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils ain't cutting it)11:12
ferronicawhen i burn iso file K3B genrate error burn failure?11:12
Monkeygillerr.. +force-reload or restart11:12
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tronyxjhaig and jmdc I will be thinking on these things but now I believe it's time for bed.  should something go wrong with the resizing I know I wouldn't be able to let it go until the morning11:13
tronyxon a final note, if it isn't too much to ask, why a seperate partition for /home?11:13
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jmdctronyx: you can nuke the install, and everything magically is still there11:13
livenicelyi have a problem with my fire fox11:13
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jhaigtronyx: So that if you need to completely reinstall for any reason you can format the disk but keep the home partition intact.11:13
jhaigUnfortunately, the bug I found prevents this in Gutsy  :-(11:14
tronyxawesome idea11:14
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jmdctronyx, it is11:14
tronyxso, if you had 40 gigs of hard drive on a system with a gig of ram and an amd 3400+, how would you allocate that space?11:14
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tronyxand 250gigs of NTFS which is more or less media storage as of now (if that matters)11:14
jhaig... and the Feisty installer works, but with a small hack.  (Manually unmounting a partition part way through)11:14
NeatcheeHey all, I'm having a network problem.  Every 10-15 minutes, I lose connectivity.  My wireless connection isn't going down (signal strength and connection is fine), but I get disconnected from any services (AIM, IRC, etc) and can't make any other connections (no websites load, etc).  Any ideas?11:14
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NeatcheeThe disconnect only lasts for about 20-30 seconds11:15
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tronyxfeisty craps out on me when starting X.  there's some bug with ATI X1000 series video cards11:15
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livenicelyany one know any command to tune up ubuntu 7.0411:17
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jmdclivenicely: please be more specific11:17
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drewbennthanks for the help tonight, guys, have a good evening.11:18
jmdctronyx: you could probably leave your root partition at 7 gigs. That gives you more than enough space for any programs you ever install. Its always good to have wiggle room.11:18
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tronyxi guess I keep thinking of the root partition as c:\11:18
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jhaigtronyx: Without the c:11:19
tronyxLOL so true jhaig11:19
tronyxincredibly beginner questing incoming *warning*11:19
jhaigtronyx: Linux doesn't have drive letters.  Everything is mounted in a single directory tree.11:19
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wwwjek 11:19
SoundI'm trying to install 7.04 desktop on a x86. I get the splash screen, then I boot in normal or safe mode, it shows the progress bar and it keeps moving forever. VT1 only shows "Loading..."11:20
tronyxso if i install a program like deluge or hmmm....anything, a game, media player, etc, it's kept in /home?11:20
livenicelymy ubuntu now contains so much errors and problem like desktop , panel , firefox and many more. it is 2 months old installation. have u know any command to solve these problem i mean check all packages and remove and install like apt-get install -f11:20
jmdctronyx: nope11:20
benclinchHey all, when I boot server edition, how come it comes up with a load of stuff starting _after_ the username prompt? How can I make it do it before? It doesn't affect anything except how it looks.11:20
jmdctronyx: /home is like documents and settings.11:20
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jhaigtronyx: It depends how you install it, but usually no.11:20
Soundhas anyone ideas about my hang described above?11:20
tronyxso how is 7 gigs enough room?11:21
smmagicAnyone know why my keyboard freezes on java?11:21
modumasshey all, i cant do a distro update, i keep getting this error.. http://www.pastebin.org/4954 any help would be awesome11:21
modumassive noted what ive done in the link11:21
jmdctronyx: the filesystem is all 1 tree. You mount the 7 gigs at the root. Everything uses that 7 gigs. Then you mount everything else at /home. Now /home uses the large partition instead.11:21
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jmdctronyx: so, the fact that there are multiple partitions is hidden from you.11:22
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tronyxi need to do a lot of googling in the morning...11:22
livenicelylivenicely@DigitalMedia:~$ sudo apt-get install -f11:23
livenicelyReading package lists... Done11:23
livenicelyBuilding dependency tree11:23
livenicelyReading state information... Done11:23
livenicely0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 67 not upgraded.11:23
livenicely1 not fully installed or removed.11:23
livenicelyNeed to get 0B of archives.11:23
livenicelyAfter unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used.11:23
livenicelySetting up clvm (2.02.06-2ubuntu9) ...11:23
livenicelyStarting Cluster LVM Daemon clvmd could not connect to cluster manager11:23
livenicelyConsult syslog for more information11:23
livenicelyinvoke-rc.d: initscript clvm, action "start" failed.11:23
Sounduse pastebot!11:23
livenicelydpkg: error processing clvm (--configure):11:23
livenicely subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 311:23
=== Kudak feels a kick coming up
livenicelyErrors were encountered while processing:11:23
livenicely clvm11:23
jmdclivenicely stop!11:23
livenicelyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:23
Soundlivenicely: don't do that again.11:23
benclinchFor the love of god, no!11:23
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jmdcubotu: !paste11:23
jmdchmmm, I lose11:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:24
livenicelyi am so much disturbed11:24
tronyxas are we11:24
tomato^hi all can someone tell help me about cron job?11:24
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tronyxjmdc, jhaig, night and thanks again for your assistance11:24
livenicelyonly in 3 hours my normal ubuntu becomes monster11:24
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tomato^e.g. i have a script, andd i want it to run every minute can somone tell me how to o it?11:25
wwwjek 11:25
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livenicelyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:25
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tomato^can someone help me pls?11:27
jmdctomato^: try man crontab.11:27
bmanany known issue with gutsy that would cause networking issues?  I am having problems connecting to anything from the GUI without pinging from the command line first11:27
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bmantomato> what kind of help?11:28
LifeSFi cannot wait till a version of ubuntu works on my laptop11:28
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jmdcLifeSF: what doesn't worK?11:28
LifeSFit doesn't load lol11:28
lbo_Have a problem, I cant get my network card to work,its a dell optiplex 755, according to novell the fix is to add kernel param newid="0x8086 0x10bd,e1000", but thats for novell linux. what do I do to get it working with ubuntu?!?11:28
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LifeSFi don't wanna crash it unless i'm sure it'll run properly completely11:28
bmanaccording to novell?11:28
LifeSFi've tried 7.04 and 7.10 all updates so far11:29
LifeSFtwo linux distros livecds worked but i wanted ubuntu lol... can't wait :)11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsync - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:29
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bmani cant search at all to get my issue, cant connect without pinging a host first for some reason11:30
LifeSFactually ubuntu doesn't really want to start loading drivers unless i unplug it and when i do it eventually detects a few11:30
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LifeSFthen freezes11:30
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kane77does anyone have experience with bluetooth gps devices? do they work in ubuntu?11:30
Invert314Gutsy > Vista11:30
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jmdcLifeSF - tell us about your hardware.11:31
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jessereyji would like to inform you about our services if you are interested. we offer affordable prices. please visit our website http://jrjbusinesssolutions.com11:31
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jessereyjthanks a million11:31
Delphinusany noticible performance enhancements by running 64bit over 32bit?11:32
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Midknihtanyone adept at gutsy netowrking issues?11:32
jessereyjThis is a great Business opportunity you wouldn't like to miss!!11:32
Midknihtsomeone kick him11:33
jessereyji have to go now11:33
jessereyjGod bless you11:33
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici11:33
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LifeSFoh we can't pm?11:33
LifeSFhmm well it's a : hp pavilion dv9428ca11:34
AndrewB!register | LifeSF11:34
ubotuLifeSF: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:34
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DelphinusLifeSF: are you a registered user?11:34
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lbo_anyone able to help, on how to get my network card working with ubuntu?11:34
Midknihtwhole bunch of updates just came through11:34
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Midknihtcan you ping lbo_?11:35
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jmdcLifeSF - I don't know HPs numbering system. Can you just give us a general sense of it - when did you buy it, etc11:35
LifeSFabout two months ago11:35
modumassso when is guts going to be supported, i mean the "upgrade distro" button is there, in the update manager11:35
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jmdcnew and shiney, eh?11:35
LifeSFyup, and so far been enjoying learning linux with ubuntu11:36
joelsw1080I is nice on linux11:36
lbo_Midkniht: no, I cant even load it... its a brand new dell computer. only thing I found on google was to add newid="0x8086 0x10bd,e1000" to kernel param, but thats novell linux... :(11:36
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jmdcLifeSF: I thought it didn't boot?11:36
LifeSFnot on my laptop11:36
jmdcmodumass: the release is in 2 days.11:36
Midknihtgutsy is supported as of thursday11:36
=== Instabin [n=instabin@oh-76-5-121-35.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
LifeSFmy pc; it's all fine and better as the releases come11:36
LifeSFbut i can't get it on my laptop11:37
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jmdcLifeSF: oh ok.11:37
kondor101using ubuntu 7.10 (if that makes any difference), i have a 2nd hdd mounted and working fine.  is it possible to add it to my "Places" pull down menu?  (its currently in a folder called nas2)11:37
Midknihtlbo_> have you tried to install from the live cd then see if the networking is working11:37
LifeSFand like i said, i don't wanna crash the lap unless i'm positive it'll do what i want lol11:37
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Midknihtkondor101> right click on the folder in nautilus to add to places11:38
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lbo_Midkniht: livecd doesnt detect the network card, thats the problem11:38
jmdckondor101> sometimes its called a bookmark11:38
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Midknihtthats what i mean it may be detected after install, live may not get it11:38
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Midkniht52 updates just came through11:39
Midknihtupdate first11:39
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LifeSFis midkniht talking to me? i easily get lost11:39
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Midknihtnope not you lifesf but its cool if it applies to you too11:40
LifeSFi don't have scripts on my itc11:40
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kondor101midkniht  got it, i opened the folder and added a bookmark.  thanks so much11:40
LifeSFnah just thought you were mentioning to install ubuntu to test out it's full install11:40
LifeSFbut like i'm saying i love the livecd since it for sure points out what will for sure work and all11:41
lbo_midkniht: no, I installed ubuntu, and still cant find the netcard11:41
Midknihtin a optiplex?11:41
=== Keypad [n=richard@125-238-134-210.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Midknihtworks on mine from live11:41
Midknihtmaybe your onboard card is bad11:41
lbo_midkniht yeah, optiplex 75511:41
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AndrewB!ops | wikipedia11:42
ubotuwikipedia: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici11:42
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tomato^my cron jobs wont work can someone help me11:42
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lbo_midkniht: network card works great, no problems with it, its becourse its a new computer and its a new network card11:42
tomato^here's what my crontab -e content11:42
lbo_midkniht: only linux that has a problem11:42
tomato^m     h  dom mon dow   command11:43
Midknihtlbo_ check dell support on it?11:43
tomato^01    *   *   *   *   /home/unison/cron/mysql11:43
KeypadDoes any one have experience with setting my linux box as a wifi point for my laptop ? Ive got my wifi drivers installed. I just need some help11:43
lbo_midkniht: dell doesnt support linux11:43
Midknihti cant digg at the moemnt because i have no reliable networking in gutsy11:43
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nekcaikasi wonder if i should begin work using ubuntu on my macbook (dual with os x)11:44
nekcaikasor shall i just leave it as it is..11:44
abhiberacan anyone help me with pkg-config? i messed it up totally11:44
nanonymeabhibera, erm, what did you do?11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg-config - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:44
LifeSFjmdc: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01071123&lc=en&cc=ca&dlc=en&product=3446408&rule=29967&lang=en11:44
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Oli``How can I change the minimum lengths for user passwords?11:45
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kane77does anyone have experience with bluetooth gps devices? do they work in ubuntu?11:45
Midknihtbluetooth works, dont know on gps11:46
Midknihti use a audio gateway and a headphone set11:46
abhiberananonyme: i was cross compiling some packages and now my pkg-config points to my toolchain library instead of my local machine library11:46
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tomato^where does logs of crontab located on ubuntu?11:46
tomato^i cant find it under /var/log11:47
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abhiberananonyme: now when i do a pkg-config --cflags <package> it points to my toolchain directory11:47
abhiberananonyme: how do i get it back?11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg-config - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:47
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Midknihttomato^> /etc/cron.daily/sysklogd11:48
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ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux11:49
=== gyaresu [n=gyaresu@ppp121-44-210-39.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
M_WSI just removed everything to do with windows and installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop. Everything's ok but I can't get my wireless card to connect to a network. And when i plugin an internet cable, it says it's connected, but there's no activity.11:49
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jussi01!wifi | M_WS11:49
ubotuM_WS: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:49
tomato^can some one tell me where the logfiles of crontab located?11:50
MidknihtM_WS > click the icon that looks like two teminals overlapped in the status bar11:50
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cidwelhi all11:50
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Midknihtshould list wireless netwroks11:50
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jmdcLifeSF: make sure you are using the 64 bit edition11:50
LifeSFyes lol11:50
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Midknihttomato> I told you where it was11:50
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nanonymeabhibera, no idea, i'd cross-compile under a chroot to avoid messing up my installation11:51
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abhiberananonyme: what's a chroot?11:51
cidwelthere is a way to make the openoffice writter to put by default the alignment of the entire page centered like word and not at the left side? >_<11:51
Midknihtchroot lets you mount another root filesystem under linux11:51
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nanonymemidkniht, or to another location on the same filesystem11:52
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nanonymeabhibera, you can have an ubuntu inside an ubuntu11:52
SALEgood question cidwel. I'd like the answer as well :D11:52
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cidweldoh :S11:52
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Midknihtwhere is my joint at11:53
Midknihtneed it11:53
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Midknihtfound it woo!11:53
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abhiberananonyme: huh!??!?!?!? u mean XNEST?11:53
Midknihtits for setting "/" root to somewhere else11:54
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varkaOli``: /etc/pam.d/common-password11:55
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nanonymeabhibera, i mean like you have an ubuntu installation in like /fs/ubuntu, then you do chroot /fs/ubuntu /bin/bash and use that environment normally. the best you can do is break the chrooted ubuntu linking11:56
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Keypad2Can some one please help me setup my ubuntu box as a wifi point ???11:58
Keypad2Ive been trying for hours11:58
SALEdid anyone managed to install patch fow ipw2200 wifi card for packet injecting? I tried but i just can't get any ARP requests :-(11:58
Midknihtwell slow down take a break, smoke a joint and relax11:58
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RantingHumanIs there a way to force vsync on? Nvidia and Gutsy RC being used.11:58
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G_Washingtonwhat is the open source license type that allows commercial and closed source derivations?11:59
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Keypad2Can any one help me with my wifi problems ?12:00
Ayabaraany compiz-users here? how can I make the expos-stuff work? f10,f11 and f12 doesn't do anything for me12:00
MidknihtG_Washington > BSD license allows that12:00
atikaHai ,aku atika siapa namakamu ?aku pingin kenalan .12:00
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Keypad2I got my drivers installed, I just cant get it to share the internet with firestarter12:01
SALEenglish please atika!12:01
Midknihtnew kernel in todays updates, you should update before asking gutsy questions12:01
M_WSI often get (13 permission denied) - how do I create root permissons on my user?12:01
atikaOk,whats your name ?12:01
MidknihtM_WS? wjat do u mean?12:02
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M_WSMidkniht - I get things like "Cold not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists..." when I try things in the terminal window12:02
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=== Midkniht updates to new kernel and chats on stonedworld irc
RantingHumanAyabara, do you have the compiz settings manager installed?12:03
MidknihtM_WS> use "sudo" before the command12:03
AyabaraRantingHuman: yep12:03
Keypad2I guess all the cool people that normaly help me our are busy / sleeping12:03
atikaI'm women,and you?12:03
Midknihtkeypad2> no offense I could help you but my networking isnt allowing me to search google at the moment12:03
Midknihtatika! atika! atika!12:04
Keypad2But your Irc works ?12:04
RantingHumanAyabara, And enabled expo, etc? Then, try super key + e. (windows button + e)12:04
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rastaI am having a slight issue with resolution.  Despite all my efforts i cannot find anything on how to fix it.  My screen reso will only go to 800x600.  I edited the xorg.conf and tried a few other things.  Anyone care to help?12:04
AyabaraRantingHuman: that works fine12:04
Midknihtyeah its fuked up i can do msot things from the terminal if i ping the host first but nothing works from the gui12:04
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AyabaraRantingHuman: but the other ones I think exist (show all windows from an application, show all windows) aren't there12:05
Midknihtrasta> run " sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" then try to kill X and retry12:05
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lbo_Can anyone help getting my network card to work in ubuntu linux? Optiplex 755, novell linux needs kernel param newid="0x8086 0x10bd,e1000", what does ubuntu needs?!?12:05
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M_WSmidkniht: when I do $sudo make uninstall - There's another persmisson denied. how do i change that?12:06
AyabaraRantingHuman: I'm looking at the "Default Key Bindings" stuff on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz12:06
Midknihtlbo_> have you tried ubuntu with those same params?12:06
rastathanks Midkniht. Ill try that.12:06
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MidknihtM_WS> what are you trying to make uninstall on?12:06
Coremonkey22anyone awake?12:06
lbo_midkniht: yeah, there isnt anything called newid to grup12:06
Midknihtas soon as i can get networking rite again i can search12:07
M_WSmidkniht: Im trying to install ndiswrapper according to the thing here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/139012:07
lbo_midknight: I presume I have to add something to "modprobe e1000"12:07
=== Midkniht smokes a bowl and waits on updates
Coremonkey22So check this, Im running vista, and i install virtual pc 2007, install unbuntu 7.04 get everything running.....then i reboot the virtual machine, now my sound and my wireless doesnt work....odd? any help? :] 12:07
MidknihtM_WS> if you installing it then why are you doing make uninstall?12:07
Midknihtvirtualpc doesnt support ubuntu12:08
M_WSI'm merely doing what it tells me ;)12:08
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RantingHumanAyabara, Sorry, I don't think I know enough to help :)12:08
rastaShould I need to restart Midkniht?12:08
Coremonkey22but it was working?12:08
AyabaraRantingHuman: thanks for trying :-)12:08
Midknihtrasta> a ctrl-alt-backspace should do it12:08
Coremonkey22and i have ubuntu running in vpc12:08
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Midknihtmay need to reboot though12:08
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Midknihti didnt say it wouldnt run, just not supported in virtual pc, microsof prolly does something to break it12:09
Coremonkey22its just wierd how i had it running for a bit then as soon as i rebooted shit went donkey kong on me12:09
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Midknihttried vmware?12:09
=== Crozar [n=abdulla@auh-as24790.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
Coremonkey22vmware costs $$$12:09
Midknihtnot if you have ur image already12:09
Midknihtvmware player is free12:10
Crozarproblems with app's is theyr dont tell you how to install the stuff with it12:10
SlimGPetition against OOXML: http://www.noooxml.org12:10
Coremonkey22where could i get an image?12:10
Crozarguys how to installplugins for kopete ?12:10
Midknihtthere are downloadable images all over12:10
Coremonkey22or u talkin bout the ubuntu image12:10
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AyabaraCoremonkey22: VMware server is free as well, I think12:10
lbo_sudo bash12:10
Midknihtubuntu vm12:10
Coremonkey22so jus go find a vmware image?12:10
nrdbCoremonkey22: there is vmware-player12:10
Coremonkey22players free?12:10
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AyabaraCoremonkey22: on the VMware site you have lotsa Appliances you can download12:10
CrozarCoremonkey22: get virtualbox !virtualbox12:10
Coremonkey22nifty, so i jus gotta find a vmware image of ubuntu12:10
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox12:10
=== Airwulf [n=Marten@lbst-rn-4.lbst.ecs.Fh-Osnabrueck.DE] has joined #ubuntu
Airwulfhello to you all12:11
Midkniht!google vmware ubuntu12:11
Coremonkey22thanks for all the help guys <312:11
Midknihtno search12:11
CrozarCoremonkey22: you want to use windows and vmware ubuntu ? LooooL12:11
AyabaraVMware server is also free and enables you to make your own image12:11
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Coremonkey22not me, room mate12:11
Coremonkey22im dual booting ubuntu and xp12:11
Crozari removed XP to the trash12:11
smmagicIs virtualbox good?12:11
xloleris search a german user ;D12:11
Coremonkey22ew vista12:12
Crozarand sold the cd key for cheap + a bonus CD on a slick case called ubuntu with a letter of why the key is cheap12:12
Airwulfwhen I add "neugebau        ALL = /sbin/lbst/ldap/courseshow" to /etc/sudoers. why must user neugebau enter root passwort when calling 'sudo <cmd>'?12:12
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Coremonkey22id use ubu 24/7 but i still have some win apps i need to run12:12
Coremonkey22unless theres opensource virtualization for ubuntu?12:12
smmagicI think virtualbox12:12
Midknihtgutsy updates almost finished for the day ! woo!12:12
xlolerist hier ein deutscher?12:12
xlolerich mchte meine festplatte partitionieren, kann mir jemand eine anleitung schiccken12:12
=== Midkniht smokes his bowl
=== presto1 [n=ubuntu@adsl-70-238-202-53.dsl.lbcktx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:13
Crozarguys how to install kopete plugins , i dont see a plugins folder in usr/shares/kopete and i dont see 1 in home folder12:13
Coremonkey22is virtualbox win based or lin?12:13
GinCoremonkey22, try virtualbox or vmware12:13
Coremonkey22going to do that :] 12:13
Midknihtvirtualbox is for everything12:13
Coremonkey22off to google land i go12:13
Coremonkey22:] 12:13
Stevethe1iratemy X is screwed since i took out my nv 7600 gtx, using onbaord for now... I've tried dpkg-reconfiguring.. but to no avail...12:13
Coremonkey22have a good night/morning gents12:13
Stevethe1irate!qemu | Coremonkey2212:13
ubotuCoremonkey22: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo12:13
MidknihtSteve> whats it do?12:13
Coremonkey22so many lol12:13
nrdbCoremonkey22: have a look at Xen12:14
Coremonkey22k so xen, qemu, virtualbox, vmware12:14
Coremonkey22any others i should know about ;)12:14
Midknihtthose are the major ones12:14
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M_WSHow can I check the Charset on my Ubuntu?12:14
Coremonkey22:]  thx sir12:14
Coremonkey22enjoy ur bowl friend12:14
Stevethe1irateMidkniht: it like looks like its changing resolution.. then it phails.. .and i get an error message saying "X-server has been shutdown, try again in 2 mins"12:14
Midknihtvirtual pc if you get the version before connectix sold it12:14
Coremonkey22i wish it was still connectix owned12:14
Midknihtme too12:15
Coremonkey22fkin monoposoft12:15
Midknihti liked it12:15
Stevethe1irate.. back to X issues :P ....12:15
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presto1should i be able to acsess my ntfe external hdd while im testing my live cd12:15
Coremonkey22btw, when 7.1 comes out, they have any plans to support widescreen resolutions?12:15
Stevethe1iratepresto1: not by default.12:15
Crozarguys how to install kopete additional plugins??? anybody12:15
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smmagicCan you install a virtual machine with a upgrade disc?12:15
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Midknihtwhats a upgrade disc?12:16
smmagicWindows upgrade disc12:16
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MidknihtSteve>  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg didnt work?12:16
Coremonkey22smmagic u got a cd key?12:16
Midknihtumm linux support12:16
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eulogy_Coremonkey22, I'm running the 7.10 RC on Widescreen and it looks perfect. It does have better resolution support than 7.0412:16
Midknihtnot winderz12:16
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Stevethe1irateNo, chose 'intel' as drivers.. failed, tried vesa, also failed12:16
Coremonkey22then im sure u can find an image of full version somewhere12:17
Coremonkey22just look around ;)12:17
Crozarguys how to install kopete additional plugins??? anybody12:17
Coremonkey22really? thanks eulogy :] 12:17
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Stevethe1iratewill.. with 'intel' drivers, it loaded.. but like crashed when i logged in12:17
eulogy_No problem.12:17
presto1stevethe1irate how hard is it to set up12:17
Coremonkey22mines a lil blotchy =[12:17
Coremonkey22nothin too terrible12:17
=== BleedingMoon [n=tal@IGLD-80-230-173-187.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
smmagicAnyone know a windows xp full image? :D12:17
eulogy_Yes I had the same problem in 7.0412:17
Coremonkey22is RC a beta?12:17
Coremonkey22i didnt think 7.10 was out12:17
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Midkniht7.10 is out on thrusday12:18
M_WSWhere do I check my default charset in Ubuntu?12:18
eulogy_RC is a release candidate.12:18
Stevethe1iratepresto1: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g && sudo nano /etc/fstab [then add the line to it]  then sudo mount -a12:18
Coremonkey22lucky bastard :P12:18
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eulogy_Alpha -> Beta -> RC12:18
smmagicNo one has a windows xp image?12:18
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presto1ah ok12:18
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Coremonkey22smmagic: torrents :] 12:18
Stevethe1iratesmmagic: i do.. want me to ssh? :P12:18
smmagicSo slow12:18
smmagicIf you can steve12:18
Midknihtsmmagic> this is not a warez channel or windows support channel12:18
smmagicK then12:18
Stevethe1irate!warez | smmagic12:19
ubotusmmagic: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:19
Coremonkey22liek i said, google12:19
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Stevethe1irateMidkniht: like, X loads with 'intel' drivers... but when i log in, it hangs then crashes....12:19
Stevethe1irateplease Midkniht .. got liek a project due in < 38 mins12:19
Coremonkey22how many changes are in 7.1 eulogy12:19
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Coremonkey22anything drastic?12:19
Stevethe1irateshould i put 'intel' back12:19
Midknihtafter you did the reconfigure did you kill X?12:20
Stevethe1irateMidkniht: no.. /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:20
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Stevethe1irateoO.. my nick is wrong.. lol12:20
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Midknihti think i had to reboot to get it off the nvidia drivers and back to on board video12:20
Stevethe1irateMidkniht: done that as well12:21
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Stevethe1irate[since that] 12:21
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Coremonkey22eulogy_: any drastic changes in 7.10?12:21
Midknihti did the reconfigure then reboot and that was it12:21
Midknihtsorry cant help more12:21
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eulogy_Drastic? Yes I believe so. Compiz Fusion comes built in.12:21
Stevethe1irateokay. let me fix12:21
eulogy_Like Beryl with Mepis.12:21
Midknihtlots of drastic changes in gutsy12:21
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Stevethe1irate[back to intel] 12:22
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Coremonkey22changelog anywhere?12:22
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eulogy_Yea let me link you.12:22
Coremonkey22preciated :)12:22
Midknihtwoo updates installed12:22
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Coremonkey22ty sir12:23
eulogy_Quite welcome.12:23
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Coremonkey22*high five* for all ur help :)12:23
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M_WSI like to recode a .reg file, where do I check my default charset in Ubuntu 7.04?12:24
thesaint4444hi guys, anyone know how to make a bookmark for a command like ssh in konsole? sick of typing it in every time.....12:24
Coremonkey22You might be a nerd if: You've been playing with ur computer for 15 hours straight.12:24
Coremonkey22actually, longer than that =\12:24
Stevethe1irateSighs.. okay.. my Xserver login screen loads.. i put my username and password.. then X hangs .. then reboots...12:24
Coremonkey22I started messin around on here around 3pm yesterday, its now 7am12:25
eulogy_Christ man.12:25
Stevethe1iratethesaint4444: like ssh bob@some.random.server ?12:25
Coremonkey22ive got a problem12:25
eulogy_Steve, what card are you running?12:25
Coremonkey22im a web developer/sys admin though12:25
Stevethe1irateintel onboard12:25
Coremonkey22gotta keep on top of stuff12:25
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Coremonkey22startin to learn ruby on rails12:25
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Stevethe1iratei had a 7600gtx.. but was having heat issues.. so took that out...12:25
Coremonkey22so that took a good chunk of my day12:25
eulogy_Ah man I'm not sure what to tell you. Sorry mate.12:26
Stevethe1irateeulogy_: huhs?12:26
Coremonkey22if you guys havent heard of it yet, id HIGHLY suggest looking into it12:26
de-pehi bottiger?12:26
Stevethe1irateruby on rails?, Coremonkey22 ?12:26
thesaint4444Stevethe1irate: yes.. just like that...12:26
Coremonkey22its like12:26
Coremonkey22on the fly coding12:26
Coremonkey22its INSANE12:26
Stevethe1irateCoremonkey22: python > **12:26
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Coremonkey22so much faster and easier than php12:26
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Coremonkey22or asp for that matter12:26
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Coremonkey22AJAX ftw12:27
Stevethe1iratethesaint4444: : pico ~/ssh.sh12:27
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Stevethe1iratethen add "ssh username@server"12:27
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Stevethe1iratesave the file12:27
Coremonkey22u know what i <3 about ubuntu12:27
Stevethe1iratethen "chmod 777 ssh.sh"12:27
Stevethe1iratethen you can ./ssh.sh12:27
Stevethe1irateto connect12:27
Coremonkey22i was compiling all the apache packages today and installing php and mysql12:28
Coremonkey22and it all just connected itself12:28
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Stevethe1irateGood OSes do that though Coremonkey22 ....12:28
Lunzmalaysia locoteam is already exist but not active and seems dead..what should i do?12:28
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eulogy_I switched to Ubuntu because I hate Windows.12:28
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Coremonkey22and this pidgin app is pretty neat too12:28
Stevethe1irateI have windows still.. just for gaming..12:28
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Stevethe1irateand DC++12:28
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eulogy_I use cedega for gaming on Ubuntu.12:28
Coremonkey22whenever someone says my nick, it highlights their name12:28
thesaint4444Stevethe1irate: so add the command into the file and then run the file as a shell script?12:29
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Stevethe1irateCoremonkey22: most irc clients do that.....12:29
poestyHI BETUL12:29
Coremonkey22not mirc :-P12:29
Stevethe1iratethesaint4444: basically.12:29
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Stevethe1irateYou can make mirc12:29
eulogy_Xchat does it for you.12:29
Coremonkey22yeah i agree12:29
Coremonkey22xchat is pretty pimp12:29
Stevethe1irateas a script... .replace('Steve','/bSteve'12:29
Stevethe1irateor something12:29
Lunzirssi is better12:29
wizoirssi and mirc can do that too Coremonkey2212:29
Coremonkey22easy on the caps bro lol12:29
Stevethe1iratexchat is for chinese people :P12:29
eulogy_I'm not sure what you're talking about poesty.12:29
poestyHI CAREMONKEY 2212:30
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Lunzwhy so many caps?12:30
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Coremonkey22Attention :)12:30
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wizoCoremonkey22, i'm using mirc and i've done mine so when someone says my name it highlights the line12:30
eulogy_Caps key broken.12:30
Coremonkey22caps lock key is 1/4" from ur pinky12:30
thesaint4444Stevethe1irate: ok, but there is also some inbuilt functionality in Konsole that lets you save your commands and 'bookmark' them i just cant remember how to do it...12:30
Coremonkey22wizo: i guess im just not very explorative huh :P12:30
Lr5Umm, shouldn't java plugin used by firefox be ns7-gcc29, not ns7?12:30
wizowhat you said is in green :p12:31
Lr5It currently is ns712:31
eulogy_Oh man. Dude. Knowing the exact measurement the caps lock key is from your pinky is worse than playing for 15 hours straight.12:31
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Coremonkey22yeah, id say im tired12:31
Coremonkey22never read maddox before eulogy?12:31
eulogy_Any good?12:32
Stevethe1iratethesaint4444: sigh.. dunno.. i use like, true konsole console.. like.. no copy paste even. [atm] 12:32
Coremonkey22You should invest your time, its quite hilarious12:32
Coremonkey22one sec ill link ya12:32
eulogy_Preciate it.12:32
Coremonkey22Quite welcome ;)12:32
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thesaint4444Stevethe1irate: true konsole? what is that?12:33
eulogy_Thank you.12:33
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Coremonkey22OH WOW! Desktop effects in 7.10, im psyched. More things to hassle my POS box XD12:34
eulogy_It's fantastic imo.12:34
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eulogy_Ah. Brb. Restart.12:34
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Coremonkey22:] 12:34
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lbo_midkniht: think I found out why... my nic isnt supported until 2.6.22 fedora kernels... and ubuntu livecd is 2.6.2012:36
adanteis there a place or repository i can go to get reasonable up to date software?12:36
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IdleOne!repos | adante12:37
ubotuadante: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:37
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eulogy_You need sleep dude.12:38
Coremonkey22sorry for the caps :(12:38
adanteIdleOne: thanks, yes i've obtained a passing familiarity with the system, i have opened up all the repositories and the backport, but i'm still finding this stuff is a little out of date12:38
Coremonkey22I think i'm going to rid the room of my stupidity12:38
Coremonkey22and catch some Z'zzzzz12:38
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adanteIdleOne: i was more looking for recommendations on repositories, if anybody had any12:38
Coremonkey22I'll be around tomorrow ish <312:38
Coremonkey22ya know, 5 pm12:38
Coremonkey22or so12:39
adanteer, specific repositories that is12:39
Coremonkey22take care eulogy12:39
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eulogy_Alright take it easy man.12:39
Coremonkey22read that maddox stuff12:39
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Coremonkey22its good material12:39
Coremonkey22=] 12:39
eulogy_Will do12:39
eulogy_Already am12:39
Coremonkey22take care sir12:39
eulogy_You too12:39
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liberumAnyone knows how to mount a truecrypt volume without write protection? The -u parameter doesn't do it for me12:39
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lbo_will, ubuntu 7.10 come with kernel 2.6.22+ ?12:39
Coremonk22i give up12:39
Coremonk22night :P12:40
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eulogy_These are the current notes lbo, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc.12:40
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Tomcat_lbo_: Yes,
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lbo_Tomcat_: so it will support my intel 82566DM-2 nic?12:41
M_WSI do "$cd ndiswrapper-1.42" then "$sudo make install" then when i type "$sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/.driver/wifi/DRIVER/bcmwl5.inf" - it says "ndiswrapper: command not found" - what am i doign wrong?12:41
newubuntueveryone out there12:41
dA_ShArPhi all, I have a bluetooth enabled Phone with which I take photographs. Now when I try to send those photos from my mobile via bluetooth.... my mobile detects my computer but when I send it it shows sending failed :(12:41
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adantefor instance, i need the latest version of git - is it possible to get this from apt or do i need to compile it myself?12:42
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Tomcat_lbo_: If there's a driver for it? Better check with a LiveCD.12:42
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thesaint4444Stevethe1irate: thanks...12:42
opexocWhy when I uswe printenv then I wont get every variable in my environment. The proof is execute of this command: echo ${!H*}. I get many variables which are not located in printenv.12:42
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M_WS...and I get loads of errrors and warnings when i $sudo make install ndiswrapper12:43
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lbo_Tomcat_: I know fedora 7 has support for it... and novell linux, I just wonder if ubuntu has?!?12:43
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newubuntuHellloo..I am facing a problem..I dont get my DVDs automatically mounted on my Desktop of buntu 7.04...Instead Ihave to go to /media/adrom to browse my files...I would rally appreciate if some one can help me????????????12:44
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LifeSFJMDC is GREAT HELP just wanted to point that out,... not for people to spam him,... but i give that guy a star :)12:45
GutsyGibbon-DeanHey everyone. any israelies in this channel?12:45
LifeSFgood night / day everyone12:45
eulogy_Good night Life12:45
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newubuntuHelllo..I am facing a problem..I dont get my DVDs automatically mounted on my Desktop of Ubuntu 7.04...Instead I have to go to /media/cdrom to browse my files...I would rally appreciate if some one can help me????????????12:46
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M_WSI do "$cd ndiswrapper-1.42" then "$sudo make install" then when i type "$sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/.driver/wifi/DRIVER/bcmwl5.inf" - it says "ndiswrapper: command not found" - what am i doign wrong?and I get loads of errrors and warnings when i $sudo make install ndiswrapper. I try to follow the instructions stated here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/139012:47
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IdleOneadante: to check versions of software that come with ubuntu check out http://packages.ubuntu.com12:47
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GutsyGibbon-DeanHello, could someone tell me of a way to record image and sound with Istanbul?12:48
IdleOneM_WS: have you installed build-essential?12:48
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M_WSIdleOne - I dont think I have. the only thing i have here is Ubuntu installed from the CD12:48
newubuntuHelllo..I am facing a problem..I dont get my DVDs(Data + Multimedia) automatically mounted on my Desktop of Ubuntu 7.04...Instead I have to go to /media/cdrom to browse my files...I would really appreciate if some one can help me????????????12:48
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adanteIdleOne: ok so git 1.5 does not seem to exist in official packages, i mean are there other repositories out there which would have this? how do i find them? or what do people do when they decide they want this and it's not available? just build themselves? do they do this for every program?12:49
GutsyGibbon-DeanHello, could someone tell me of a way to record image and sound with Istanbul?12:49
IdleOneM_WS: ok sudo apt-get install build-essential12:49
GutsyGibbon-DeanI've tried using recordmydektop but i get an error.12:49
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IdleOneM_WS: then try your sudo make install command12:49
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Crozarnewubuntu: wait for ubuntu 7.10 comming out in 46 hours12:49
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IdleOneadante: launchpad.net does have a section for users who create they're own packages12:50
smmagicOn the beryl website which tar do I download?12:50
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Crozarsmmagic: you want to get beryL?12:50
eulogy_I'd wait for 7.10, it has compiz-fusion built in.12:50
Crozarsmmagic: ( compiz fusion is the extended project ) means its beryl but updated and now its name is compiz12:51
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M_WSwill try now, thanks idleone12:51
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smmagicSo which do I download?12:51
eulogy_What Crozar said :)12:51
Oli``<Crozar> newubuntu: wait for ubuntu 7.10 comming out in 46 hours << Why wait?12:51
Oli``It's pretty damned stable12:52
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GutsyGibbon-DeanHello, could someone tell me of a way to record image and sound with Istanbul? (ubuntu 7.04)12:52
newubuntuCrozar: What is the guarantee that this will not happen in Ubuntu 7.10???12:52
GutsyGibbon-DeanI've tried using recordmydektop but i get an error.12:52
Crozarsmmagic: wait for 7.10 its comming out in 46 hours , and download that from www.ubuntu.com it will tell you a tutorial how toupdate from 7.03 ...... the new ubuntu version 7.10 gutsy has Compiz ( beryl ) built in stabled and with support12:52
app_How do I set the umask so that it affect also GUI components, Firefox etc. not only Bash?12:52
app_I don't see umask in User privileges in the Users GUI tool.12:52
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Oli``GutsyGibbon-Dean: what do you mean? Istanbul does that for you =)12:53
newubuntuCrozar: Have any1else faced that problem???12:53
Crozarnewubuntu: i have 7.10 theyr is things i thought no way they will find this no way nooo way and they did because i have updated this fix 8 days ago lol so i guess WAY maybe im on the fix , and if not you can report this , or ask for it12:53
ProtonZconnect irc://freenode/#claroline12:53
GutsyGibbon-DeanOli: i've tried recording, but it doesn't save sound.12:53
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Blackkattguys... do i need to do anything with Linux (Ubuntu) system seems slow, do i defrag or such here?12:53
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Oli``Oh I see... you might need to change your sound input (through the volume control) to stereo mix12:54
CrozarBlackkatt: your using the older ubuntu linux? do you have somehting running like beryl?12:54
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GutsyGibbon-Deanok. thank you.12:54
CrozarBlackkatt: ( beryl = Compiz )12:54
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BlackkattCrozar: i have the newest beta and no effects =)12:54
smmagic46 hours till 7.10..12:54
smmagicSo close yet so far12:54
porkpieguy's how do you set the time zone under ubuntu ... need to set it to CET12:54
app_So I've got umask u=rw,go= in .bashrc, but creating files with Firefox they are u=rw,go=r...12:54
newubuntuCrozar: Is their any way out???Please tell me over this....12:54
blentehy guys how can i stop forever the process "beagle-search"?12:55
CrozarBlackkatt: many things may slow the computer , and yes i dont think you need a defrag or something , but check your system processes12:55
BlackkattCrozar:  its possible to defrag?12:55
Crozarnewubuntu: i have a DVD problem , i cant run DVD's it cant read them it says cant unmount12:55
Crozarnewubuntu: i reported this bug long time ago theyr fixing it , not everything goes perfect you know , it depends on hardware specs12:55
Tomcat_Blackkatt: The Linux filesystems are generally engineered to not need any defrag. :)12:55
eulogy_I have the same problem Crozar. 7.10 RC?12:56
Crozarbut as for your problem newubuntu its just something to do with software thing probebly it will be fixed with 7.1012:56
BlackkattTomcat_:  sounds good ;)12:56
Crozaryes 7.10 eulogy_beta12:56
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Tomcat_Blackkatt: You shouldn't fill your partitions more than 90% or something, but that's all.12:56
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Tomcat_Blackkatt: Because at that fill level, they cease being efficient.12:56
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BlackkattTomcat_:  yeah i can see that =)12:56
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Crozari think he must check hes system processes12:56
NixMancan i dist-upgrade kubuntu right now?12:56
Crozarmight have many bugged out processes from beta programs thats still froozen or lagged out12:57
CrozarTomcat_: processes is another priority for ALl operating SYtems around the globe12:57
NixManfound this for ubuntu, how can i do this for kubuntu? http://www.thelinuxstore.ca/static/ubuntu_7_10_upgrade.html12:57
Oli``why not?12:57
CrozarNixMan: you have ubuntu 7.3?12:57
Tomcat_Crozar: Yes.12:57
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Blackkattcan i update xbmc without reinstalling it?12:57
Blackkatton ubuntu12:57
Oli``7.4, no?12:57
CrozarNixMan: wait for ubuntu 7.10 its going to be  out within 46 hours12:57
IdleOneCrozar: it is ubuntu 7.04 not7.312:57
NixManCrozar: kubuntu 7.04412:57
Oli``where did all this 7.3 come from?12:58
newubuntuCrozar: It means there is no solution to it???And also please tell me about VCDs..When I put in some VCD, it also does not get mounted over desktop???12:58
Crozaroh ok , ya wait for 46 hours :)12:58
Tomcat_NixMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-3692aaaed415e3427f54ec62dd8659474516b52512:58
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Crozarsorry 7.3 was from somethign else i remember this number12:58
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Crozar7.4 :/12:59
app_Look like I can change system wide umask default for bash in /etc/profile, but are all programs run through bash, no?12:59
Oli``NixMan: I say go for it. I've been on Gutsy since before the beta... It's certainly very very stable right now12:59
Crozarnewubuntu: you mean you cant watch them?12:59
Annoyingn00bUh, since I ended up here, someone mind telling how to prevent Ubuntu's X-chat from automatically connecting to this server?12:59
Crozarnewubuntu: vcd's nor DVD's you cant watch them in ubuntu12:59
NixManOli``: i was going to try to, if i can figure out how to upgade now in kubuntu12:59
eulogy_I agree with Oli, NixMan.12:59
Annoyingn00bIt is a bit annoying to be forced to come here every time I start the program :/12:59
Tomcat_Annoyingn00b: Right click on the server on the left side, uncheck the autoconnect.12:59
Annoyingn00bTomcat_: Oh, thanks01:00
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app_So how do I achive this: by default any file created by any program should not have read rights for "others"?01:00
Tomcat_Annoyingn00b: Or find the network "FreeNode" in the settings dialog, uncheck "automatically connect"01:00
CrozarNixMan: why didnt you get UbuntU , because you can use KDE session , who wants to write , only if you are intrested hehe01:00
eulogy_Here NixMan: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/7.10/01:00
M_WSIdleOne: Now I installed build-essential, but it is saying stuff about MD5Sum mismatach (unable to fetch some archives)01:00
Lunzmy xserver hanged before the login screen..what should i do?01:00
Tomcat_M_WS: Have you done "apt-get update" before?01:00
Crozarapp_:  right clicck properties , if its music or video you can change them by chooseing which app to handle it01:00
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IdleOneAnnoyingn00b: click on Xchat> Network List > Scroll down to Ubuntu servers and uncheck the auto connect box01:00
eulogy_Ah bugger, guess he didn't get the link...01:00
indravenihi all01:01
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M_WSTOmCat: no, when I try apt-get update it says (13 vpermission denied)01:01
Tomcat_M_WS: "sudo apt-get update" :)01:01
newubuntuCrozar: I cant watch VCDs files that are in .dat format only from CDs not from Hard Drive..And I can watch DVDs by going into /media/cdromx..and starting the file from there....01:01
Crozareulogy_: we need a trash notifier so when user comes back he gets linked hehe01:01
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indravenii have a sony dsc-w35 digital camres01:01
indraveni<indraveni> and I installed the drivers for it by gphoto2 package01:01
indraveni<indraveni> but when i am trying to detect the camra thought the gtkam, its showing as, Could Not Initialize camera01:01
indraveni<indraveni> what must be the problem ?01:01
indraveni anyone there to help me with my digitalk camera ?01:01
eulogy_Crozar: That'd be awesome.01:01
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M_WSTomcat (I dont have an internet connection on that Ubuntu machine, I am now trying to get ndiswrapper to work so i can install my card)01:02
Crozarnewubuntu: what u saying>? you mean if you BUY a DVD or a VCD cd and put it in ur drive can it play it???01:02
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newubuntuCrozar: My problem is that Why they dont get mounted automatically onto Desktop???01:02
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newubuntuCrozar: No It does not plat it from the CD..01:03
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Crozarnewubuntu: you mean it plays GOOD!!! thats a priority question that most people with hardware problems have this issue , but your issue is not a problem its something to do with configuration thats it. and maybe to make the file type known for the system01:03
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eulogy_Well at least his plays.01:03
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Crozarnewubuntu: if u have a cd / dvd / vcd and your drive cant play it then its a hardware problem and this bug is been reported these issues happen on couple of drives , depends on the brand and manufacturer ect..01:04
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M_WSTomcat so i cant do apt get update from there01:04
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Lucky_PhilHi Guys01:04
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Lucky_Philanyone know if there is an application (besides KB3) that will burn CDs on Gutsy????01:05
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kalwhat is the exact time for the 7.10 to release?01:05
Crozarmyne doesnt play nothing , even if i burn cds i cant read them but other computers can its a known bug issue for my DVD CD R / RW drive from toshiba laptop s801 , and couple of otehr drives have this issue maybe to do with some wireing to the system or somethinfg lol01:05
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Crozarkal:  46 hours01:05
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Lucky_PhilI've tried Nero Linux and it "appears" to work fine... but none of my audio CD's burned have any sound.....01:05
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jxxtindravemi, I have a sony camera I did not install any drivers for it but as soon as I plug in the usb it is identifed as a mass storgae devicwe01:06
kalCrozar: is there also an hour/minute countdown that i can see on the web?01:06
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Crozarbelieve me ubuntu 8 will show a complete no problem system ( thats the timewhen Windows lose for good )01:06
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Ballenais there a way to chnage a link to a program so it opens in the minimized mode?01:06
indravenibut my camera is getting mounted automatically01:06
Crozarno kal01:06
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eulogy_kal: It is suggested that you update to RC before then to escape the download rush and simply update RC on Oct. 18th to Final Release.01:07
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jxxtindravemi, So what is the problem01:07
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kalok... it is then 20071018 09:00 hrs (GMT + 0)?01:07
Crozarwhy eulogy_?? if he updates to RC then its bad01:07
newubuntuOK...Thanx a lot..Last thing which i wanna ask is: What should I do to get both of my CDROMs mounted automatically on my Desktop(whenever and whichever CD I might insert..DVD,VCD,Data CD)?????01:07
Crozareulogy_: i hear theyr was problems whenupdateing trust me i did and had new bunch of problems , and now to fix them i must format01:08
Crozareulogy_: or go the long cut hehe01:08
newubuntuCrozar: OK...Thanx a lot..Last thing which i wanna ask is: What should I do to get both of my CDROMs mounted automatically on my Desktop(whenever and whichever CD I might insert..DVD,VCD,Data CD)?????01:08
Crozareulogy_: but i will format once 7.10 is out01:08
M_WSIs it IMPOSSIBLE to install ndiswrapper on a machine with no internet?01:08
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eulogy_You mean RC update to FR is bad?01:08
eulogy_Or 7.04 to RC?01:08
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Crozarnewubuntu: its something to do with configuration thats it. and maybe to make the file type known for the system01:09
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Crozarnewubuntu: then it will handle it such other cd's does when inserted01:10
Crozarnewubuntu: im not sure where to go from here coz i have a hardware problem i cant test it for you ;)01:10
indraveniany one there who has already done  work around for sony digi cam ?01:10
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newubuntuCrozar:ok thanx a lot dear..hope to talk to you again01:12
jxxtindravemi, Did you go through the find camera options in the photo program??01:12
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jxxtindraveni, Did you go through the find camera options in the photo program??01:12
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thesaint4444hi, can anyone tell me how i copy the 'contents' not the directory itself including sub directetories from one directory into another? thanks.....01:13
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newubuntuCrozar: I think you r a Muslim,,So Allah Hafiz...01:14
M_WSI have dell wireless 1390 wireless card on my laptop where I have just installed Ubuntu Feisty. Now I can not properly install build-essentials from the CD (I get stuff such as MD5Sum mismatch and Unable to fetch archives) - As for Ndiswrapper, It seems I can not "make install" without these build-essentials, because then i get tons of errors and warnings. How on earth can I get my network card to work on a machine that NOW doesn't have in01:14
Crozarnewubuntu: ameen01:14
stupidgirlhi everyone, in gnome i use 2 b able to exit a program by typing "killall whatever" and now i have kde and it doesnt work why would that be?01:14
indravenijxxt, which photo program u r talking about ?01:14
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penguincentral!o4o > newubuntu01:14
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jxxtindraveni, The one you are trying to use01:15
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indravenijxxt, gphoto2 or gtkam ?01:15
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto01:15
indravenijxxt, in gphoto2 there is no such optio01:15
indraveniand in gtkam, when i am asking to scan, it saying no camera initaliszed01:15
jxxtindraveni, I thought that there was my bad01:15
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mzuverinkin various programs, such as but not limited to xchat and gnomebaker I get those nice character symbols that sorta look like dominos instead of the actual character, whats the best way to solve that?01:16
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pederanyone got an idea what could be wrong when my computer hibernates fine, but seems to ignore it when powering on again, thus not resuming?01:19
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M_WSI have dell wireless 1390 wireless card on my laptop where I have just installed Ubuntu Feisty. Now I can not properly install build-essentials from the CD (I get stuff such as MD5Sum mismatch and Unable to fetch archives) - As for installing Ndiswrapper without build-essentials, It seems I can not "make install" without these build-essentials, because then i get tons of errors and warnings. How on earth can I get my network card to work o01:20
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adante_IdleOne: thanks! launchpad was very useful01:20
aguitelEl ,cual es el tema01:21
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jmdcM_WS: don't use the CD, get updates from the web01:21
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PiciM_WS: iirc, ndiswrapper is on the CD.01:22
jmdcjxxt: yes?01:22
jxxtthat is his problem no connection01:22
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jmdcyou have a connection now, because you're talking to me. Plug your laptop into whatever connection you've got01:23
jxxtjmdc, I jump on the key a bit early sorry01:23
jmdcthats what I was hoping for01:23
M_WScan i otherwise download these things in one package and just use my usb stick ?01:23
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jmdcjxxt no problem01:23
jmdcyes, that works too.01:23
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jmdcBut, if you use the package manager it will be easier because it will take care of dependencies for you01:23
mzuverinkM_WS, you cant plug in the machine with the wifi card to a wired connection?01:24
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M_WSjmdc: build essential isnt in the list, manual install gives errors. any clue as where i can download it ?01:24
M_WSmzuverink, it connects but with no activity with the wire01:25
mzuverinkM_WS, the NIC is supported?01:25
JDahlI am deleted my WIndows partition and want to use the freed space for linux. What's wrong with "/dev/sda2   /mnt/data   ext3   auto,uid=1000,gid=1000  0 0"?  Mount complains that uid=1000 is an unrecognized mount option01:25
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M_WSthe card is only functional with ndiswrapper I just read01:26
mzuverinkM_WS, is it a laptop?01:26
jmdcM_WS: what list?01:26
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M_WSyeah its a laptop01:27
M_WSjmdc. in add applications01:27
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jmdcM_WS: build-essential is collection of tools and libraries and such, so its not in that list.01:27
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jmdcwhat you really want to do is sudo apt-get install build-essential01:28
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mzuverinkM_WS, unless its old as the hills its got to have a ethernet port for you to connect it to a connection via a cable, you dont have access to the router or something?01:28
jmdcor use synaptic01:28
WeissJDahl: uid/gid is relevant for a windows partition, but not for ext301:28
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M_WSmzuverink, yeah, i have access to the router... the laptop is pretty new01:28
ericdxsalut pas moyen de faire la mise  jour de wine ???01:28
JDahlWeiss, ah - thanks01:29
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ePax Whats Exim smtpd?01:29
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jmdcM_WS: your laptop can be plugged into the router01:30
vasseri want to install pidgin on my ubuntu (7.04)01:30
jmdcyou should do that.01:30
mzuverinkM_WS, so why use a usb stick to put your needed .debs to get the card to work, just plug it in and then update and set up your card instead of using the cd01:30
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vasserthe problem is, before removing gaim, it tells me it will remove "ubuntu-desktop" (among over packages)01:30
mzuverinkePax, its a mail server01:30
jmdcvasser: pidgin is gaim, but with a new name. In 7.04, gaim is installed by default.01:31
dgjones!fr | ericdx,01:31
ubotuericdx,: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:31
M_WSmzuverink, I will give it another go, earlier when I plugged in the cable, it came up as connected but with no activity. Ill try it again01:31
jxxtePax, exim smtp is an internet mailer01:31
_Lucretia_I did have java working on here, but in synaptic, I cannot find which package javac, java, etc are in01:31
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ericdxmerci ubotu01:31
_Lucretia_i've got both 1.4 and 6 installed01:31
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, use the search option in synaptic, search for java01:32
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_Lucretia_mzuverink: yeah I have01:32
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, what version of ubuntu are you using?01:32
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linux4mei'm trying to install ultra monkey but it only has red hat and debian packages. how do i create a ubuntu package?01:33
firbioshy i have a problem to install ubuntu it freezes in 6% http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=100085801:33
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, provided you have the proper repos enabled, you should be able to get java via "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts" which will also add the firefox plugin01:34
alainhi guys,, wat was that program that can install x11 mouse themes ... i used that b4 but i forgot the name01:34
_Lucretia_mzuverink: I'm getting this error: com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath01:34
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firbiosthis is my problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48218401:35
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_Lucretia_mzuverink: and no java6 plugin, that's why I installed 1.401:35
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, I have no idea about that one01:35
mzuverink_Lucretia_, sorry01:35
_Lucretia_mzuverink: I mean, in the repos01:35
isneiHow do I disable the right mouse button?01:36
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, got to easylinux.info, the feisty section, check your repo list against the one they have, and then try again01:37
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pulseezarhi, i've just tried to import all my tunes into rhythm box and it's telling me that the plug in to decode mp3 cannot be found. What can I do?01:38
mzuverink_Lucretia_, you have multiverse and univers, canonical fre and non-free and medibuntu free and non-free in your repo list?01:38
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isneihelp, how do i disable the right mouse button?01:38
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mzuverinkpulseezar, you install ubuntu-restricted extras?  or the good, the bad and the ugly depending on your version of ubuntu?01:39
egonwmoin, I got a eth0 hardware problem with a HP 6720s... e1000 driver loaded but 'link not ready'... anyone with debug tips, or pointers?01:39
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pulseezarno, I have the latest release. What is it and where can I find it?01:40
jxxtisnei, you can change the mouse to left handed by preferences mouse I do not know how to disable01:40
_Lucretia_mzuverink: http://phpfi.com/26928901:40
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mzuverink_Lucretia_, looks like you have everything, you could try going to suns java site and installing the official from them, but first uninstall any java you already have installed via apt01:42
mzuverink_Lucretia_, beyond that I do not know what to tell you, sorry I could not be more help than that01:42
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knoppix21can anyone help me with x01:43
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knoppix21i cant boot my ubuntu on my laptop01:43
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xavier_alguem do brasil?01:44
gnrheya, I installed Songbird and updated my playlist but NONE of my music plays, i just get "error" in the play bar. Anyone get this problem? or knows what im doing wrong?01:45
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FlatsIs there such a thing as 945resolution?01:45
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Frack-Hessecould someone plz tell me what the _default_ font for the gnome terminal is?01:47
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ePaxHow do i remove exim? What program uses exim smtpd?01:47
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pulseezarmuzuverink: thanks! It worked!01:47
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panosruHi, I'm on Gutsy 64bit and i try to install Java on firefox can anyone help me? If i go to a page that uses java applets it says me that the plugin is missing and i press to install it, it installs icedtea 7 and then i restart firefox after that i go again to a page with java applet and it says me again that the plugin is missing and i press again to install it but this time it says me that this is already install (as it should to say) b01:48
panosruut java not works.01:48
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Frack-Hessecould someone plz tell me what the _default_ font for the gnome terminal is?01:49
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jxxtpanosru, I had similar problems and installed gnash but still some flash would not play so I went back to feisty01:49
Tomcat_panosru: Go to #ubuntu+1 and install sun-java6-jre01:50
panosrujxxt, i have no problem with flash i have problem with java01:50
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Tomcat_panosru: Or sun-java6-plugin01:50
jxxtpanosru, sorry mate01:50
panosruTomcat, i will try #ubuntu+1 (thanks) i have already java installed and plugin for mozilla too01:50
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panosrujxxt, no problem01:50
Tomcat_panosru: Weird. Check "about:config" (address bar) in FF.01:51
panosruTomcat i have all the java-* installed01:51
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panosruTomcat, everything seems to be fine01:51
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Tomcat_panosru: What page are you using to check?01:51
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MtJBi'm trying to make pokerth, which requires qt4 instead of qt3, but i am not having anyluck.  the docs say to point QTDIR to /usr/qt/4, but there isn't one.  where should i point it?01:52
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pulseezarhow do I start GDM?01:52
Tomcat_MtJB: Did you install libqt4-dev?01:52
panosruTomcat, i tried many already but this not the problem because on virtual machine for example the page works (vbox with windows xp) and the page that i make the tests currently is http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?loc=4&premium=01:52
Tomcat_pulseezar: sudo gdm in terminal01:52
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MtJBTomcat_   let me check, maybe only core...01:53
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gnrheya, I installed Songbird and updated my playlist but NONE of my music plays, i just get "error" in the play bar. Anyone get this problem? or knows what im doing wrong?01:53
Tomcat_MtJB: When compiling software you always need -dev packages01:53
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pulseezaraww...already running?01:53
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MtJByes, its installed01:54
Tomcat_MtJB: Check /usr/lib/ for qt4 files... maybe /usr/lib/qt4* or something? Don't know01:54
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MtJBTomcat_, thanks, will do01:55
Tomcat_panosru: Works for me. Did you absolutely positively restart Firefox after changing your Java install?01:55
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panosruTomcat, of course01:55
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_Lucretia_mzuverink: np, ta01:57
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freakergood morning.01:58
smoenuxwhat does it mean to packet a website?01:58
gnrheya, I installed Songbird and updated my playlist but NONE of my music plays, i just get "error" in the play bar. Anyone get this problem? or knows what im doing wrong?01:58
Tomcat_smoenux: Doesn't ring a bell here.01:58
freakerhow can i clear the RAM from the console ?01:58
Tomcat_panosru: Then I'm out of ideas. :)01:58
Tomcat_freaker: Clear the RAM? What do you mean?01:58
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nrdbfreaker: turn the computer off.01:59
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smoenuxlolz ^_^01:59
panosruTomcat no problem i'm trying ubuntu+1 now but i don't thing that anyone can help me on this issue01:59
freakermy ram is almost full, and when it's full, it gets stuck, can't i clear it somehow ?01:59
freakersor seriouse ?01:59
Tomcat_panosru: You could try deleting your ff profile (~/.mozilla) and see if it works afterwards...02:00
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panosruTomcat nice idea i will keep it as last option02:00
panosruthanks ;)02:00
Tomcat_freaker: Only by rebooting. When your RAM is full, the PC automatically uses the harddisk to write out RAM data that's not needed at the moment.02:00
Tomcat_panosru: You can easily try by just moving it somewhere... no damage done. ;)02:00
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panosruTomcat yeah that i will do02:01
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egonwanyone here who can help with a HP/Compaq ethernet problem?02:01
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jussi01M_WS: did you get your build essential problem sorted?02:01
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Tomcat_egonw: I doubt it. But I had the same laptop. Maybe I know about it. ;)02:02
Tomcat_!anyone | egonw02:02
ubotuegonw: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:02
egonwubotu: tried that earlier...02:03
robanyone know if Ubuntu dynamically sets up /etc/network/interfaces or not?02:03
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Tomcat_rob: Not really dynamically, but the file gets read/written by some tools.02:03
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egonwTomcat_: you did not manage to get eth0 network working either?02:03
Tomcat_egonw: It was working out of the box actually.02:03
robTomcat_, okay, cheers02:03
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egonwTomcat_: :(... got a recently new one... thing I might need to update the e1000 driver...02:04
Tomcat_rob: NetworkManager does that as well nowadays.02:04
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_Lucretia_mzuverink: it was this: update-alternatives02:04
panosruTomcat, unfortunately i get the same problem.. :(02:04
robtombar_, yeah, there is a guy in ##linux which has his one nick jump anywhere from eth0 to eth5 on reboot, was just wondering if anything during init would be altering it02:05
Tomcat_panosru: Weird. Try "java -version" in the console. Output?02:05
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robeer s/nick/nic02:05
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panosruTomcat, i already seen this, java version "1.6.0_03"02:05
Tomcat_rob: No that's not something with networking... the Linux kernel tends to rename some devices sometimes, happens especially with eths and suspend/resume... but Ubuntu has options to rename them somehow.02:06
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Tomcat_panosru: I'm really out of ideas I think then. ;)02:06
panosruTomcat, but java should not be the problem i think that this is mozilla's issue, eclipse for example that uses java works fine02:06
Tomcat_panosru: Yeah, if you get a java -version output your Java installation is perfectly fine...02:06
panosruTomcat, no problem, thanks for your time though :)02:06
robtombar_, thanks that's what I figured02:06
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J03can someone point me towards the tutorial to isntall ubuntu from a hd partition rather then a cd?02:07
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Tomcat_!shout | debed02:11
ubotudebed: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:11
Tomcat_Hi debed.02:11
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debedcan anyone please help me with the apt-cacher.co0nf02:11
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J03can someone help me install linux from a hd partition please?02:11
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kanjoexcuse me02:12
kanjocan i ask a question?02:12
penguincentral!ask | kanjo02:13
ubotukanjo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:13
vasseranyone in here using btnx ?02:13
penguincentralkanjo: what's up?02:13
firbiosproblem install ubuntu "CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT"02:13
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kanjowhat is the copy command to copy recursively and symlink preserve a folder to a folder?02:13
penguincentralcan anyone help kanjo02:14
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debedhello help me with apt-cacher conf02:14
firbiosthere is solution for my problem  "CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT"02:14
Oli``doesn't -rd do that?02:14
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Oli``^ @ kanjo02:14
kanjo=_=, maybe I ask @ wrong place?02:14
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penguincentralkanjo: no, i don't think so02:14
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Kerzingercan I use apt-get to install a package from a file? thanks02:15
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jdongKerzinger: no, use the gdebi command02:16
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egonwKerzinger: or dpkg -i bla.deb02:16
jdongegonw: that can be a pain if he doesn't have the dependencies -- gdebi handles it better02:16
jdonggdebi package.deb02:16
Kerzingeregonw can you force dpkg to search fopr dependant packages02:16
jdongKerzinger: if you use dpkg, you first "install", let it "break", then run apt-get -f install02:17
Kerzingerjdong: theres no xserver, because it does not sptart02:17
egonwjdong: ah... did not know gdebi could do that02:17
jdongKerzinger: gdebi is a console command02:17
jdongKerzinger: gdebi-gtk is the graphical version GDebi02:17
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Kerzingerjdong thanks02:18
Oli``hell if we're getting into launching gui apps, just double click the bugger =)02:18
firbiosheeeeeeeeeeeeelp me02:18
jdongOli``: he's stuck at command line02:18
jdongKerzinger: sure thing :)02:18
FluxDHi, my external USB and thumbdrives are not automounting. Any suggestions to automount them?02:18
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Oli``d'oh =)02:18
firbiosi neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed solution CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT02:18
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jdong!repeat | firbios02:19
ubotufirbios: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:19
firbios:) :( ;)02:19
Oli``firbios: download the TRM290 module...02:19
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adaranhow can i stop a kernel module from being loaded at boot time?02:19
Piciadaran: blacklist it.02:19
FluxDadaran: blacklist ?02:19
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Pici!blacklist | adaran02:19
ubotuadaran: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 02:19
firbiosproblem install ubuntu "CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT"02:19
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nibsa1242bhi I need some help I was trying to install Gusty RC with "update-manager -d" it failed, I ran apt-get clean and tried again... now it says "Not all updates can be installed" so I clicked Partial Upgrade. Then its not able to authenticate some packages. What should I do?02:20
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firbiosand this is the detail http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48218402:20
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adaranPici, i did that - do i need to run anything else? maybe a new initrd.img ?02:20
jdongfirbios: doesn't look like anyone here knows02:20
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adaranPici, i added pata_jmicron to the blacklist - however, it is still loaded02:20
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jdongfirbios: ok, let me try to understand the problem....02:21
FluxDHi, my external USB and thumbdrives are not automounting. Any suggestions to automount them?02:21
jdongfirbios: so your system uses the trm920 IDE chipset?02:21
firbiosi dont know wht is trem 29002:21
jdongfirbios: or does it just hang when trying to load that, but that chipset is not needed?02:21
firbiosand how can i see if i used it02:21
adaranFluxD, same question to you actually - blacklist does not seem to work for me (trying to stop pata_jmicron from loading)02:22
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FluxDadaran: Other than that I have no clue sorry02:22
jdongfirbios: try booting the alternate (blue textmode) installer with "trm920.blacklist=true"02:22
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jdongthis will force that module to never load02:22
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J03where can i find the turotial on installing ubuntu without a cd?02:23
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adaranjdong, oh, does that work with any module?02:23
nibsa1242banyone out there running on gusty rc?02:23
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anolisdoes anyone know anything about getting raw packet injection working in ubuntu with a senao NL-2511CD EXT2 wireless card?02:23
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jdongadaran: sure does; on alternate CD only though; I don't know if it carries through to the installed system. That might recover a single-user boot and editing /etc/modules/blacklist02:24
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jdongI mean /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:24
adaranjdong, i added to the blacklist in modprobe.d, no effect02:24
anolisnibsal1242b theres a program that will edit your bootloader to load up a netbased install.. lemme find it02:24
adaranjdong, does that work for modules in the initrd?02:25
jdongadaran: no, that's the only place blacklist is not read.02:25
FluxDHi, my external USB and thumbdrives are not automounting. Any suggestions to automount them?02:25
nibsa1242banyone have any tips for rescuing a failed upgrade to Gusty RC?02:25
adaranjdong, so i need to exclude it from the initrd somehow? or will updating it honor blacklist when creating it?02:25
jdongadaran: very good question..... I am unsure....02:26
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VichI'm running the latest gutsy02:26
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adaranjdong, *sigh* and i'm not even sure that'll fix my problems (some of them at least =/)02:26
Vichit's awesome02:26
dbkimhi all02:26
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egonwTomcat_: ah... found a bug report about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/15188702:27
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dbkimI urgently need a help!02:27
egonwTomcat_: thanx for your help anyway02:27
MartinWI live in South Africa where internet is still very expensive. How can I set Ubuntu to cache everything I download forever? (I have a big hard drive)02:27
anolisnibsal1242 here is the net install tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot02:27
jab2002can someone tell me why i get sound on login but not through any sound program?02:27
dbkimmy windows don't have window borders02:27
jab2002what do i need to search for to get it working02:27
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dbkimso I can't move windows =(02:27
dbkimplease help me02:27
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egonwMartinW: try increase the cache size of your browser02:27
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nuccojab2002: check your volume settings02:27
anolisdbkim if you can get to a terminal type metacity02:27
anolisthen press ctrl-c02:28
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vassercan someone help me with btnx ?02:28
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vasseri installed it+ its config02:28
jab2002thanks but the default sound through gnome test on Autodetect doesnt work02:28
jdongadaran: what is the problem?02:28
MartinWI would like to cache .deb packages as well after they have been installed is this possible?02:28
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vasserbut it doesn't actually change the buttons' assignments02:28
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dreware desktop effects ever going to work on ATI cards =\02:28
jab2002Any one else02:28
nuccodrew: use xgl02:28
dbkimanolis, REALLY REALLY THANK YOU02:29
egonwMartinW: if you use apt-get/aptitude, they end up in /var/cache/apt/something02:29
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nibsa1242banolis: thanks, I followed that... it failed. then after a apt-get clean it didn't seem to want to start again... now its doing a "partial upgrade" and in 5-10 hours I'll be able to find out if'll work02:29
adaranjdong, i get an "IRQ 19 - nobody answered" error, sometimes. if that error occurs, my SATA drives go all funky and don't answer, so the system cannot boot02:29
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jab2002how do i tell the system to reconfigure and auto detect the sound card ?02:29
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adaranjdong, i've narrowed it down to this:02:29
dbkimanolis, THANKS YOU SOOO MUCH02:29
adaranjdong, disabling the USB controller in the bios fixes it02:29
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dbkimanolis, YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:29
adaranjdong, disabling ACPI support in the bios fixes it (but then i'm stuck using 1 out of 2 cores and baaaaaad performance)02:29
anolisdbkim, no problem, for future reference metacity is what runs the window decorations, must have crashed02:29
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anoliswell anything other than that nibsal1242b i don't know what to say02:30
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adaranjdong, irqpoll option _used_ to fix it, but with newer kernel versions (can't remember which) that doesn't work anymore. now irqpoll is still required, otherwise my mouse is very choppy02:30
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nibsa1242banolis: it failed because apparently firefox, powernowd, and some other programs "crashed" and it wanted to file bug reports, said it couldn't, and then said it ran out of memory. I didn't even have firefox open.02:30
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jdongadaran: hmm, so what are you trying to do? blacklist the USB controller?02:30
MartinW!shout dbkim02:30
adaranjdong, and there's the jmicron raid controller (it's a cheap onboard chip, that doubles as an IDE controller - i have set it to IDE)02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shout dbkim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:30
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:30
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adaranjdong, no, see, if i disable the jmicron raid controller or do not attach a drive to it, it boots 95% of the time02:31
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adaranjdong, (like it did in the beginning, without irqpoll, now i have to use irqpoll, but 95% isn't too bad)02:31
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adaranjdong, i'm not sure whether it's a hardware problem or not, windows vista has no problems whatsoever02:31
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jdongadaran: ah, so you want to zap the JMicron controller....02:32
nibsa1242balright see you all in 5-10 hours and hope my upgrade to Gusty rc works on attempt two02:32
jdongadaran: and I don't think it02:32
adaranjdong, OTOH, the jmicron controller is shit - yeah02:32
jab2002can anyone help me with SOUND issue02:32
vasseranyone here uses btnx ?02:32
jdongadaran: oops; I don't THINK it's a hardware problem per se, but rather the hardware behaves in a way the Linux software doesn't expect02:32
vasser(and can help me with it ..)02:32
adaranjdong, i used to have the DVD burner hooked up to it, while it worked someonewhat fine on windows (only burned one cd), it only burned coasters02:32
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jdongadaran: i.e. not standards-compliant. And yeah, JMicron is a disaster and I've heard lots of bad reports on the quality of the chipset, both in Windos and *nix. Mostly with burners and mysterious chkdsk corruption02:32
adaranjdong, yeah, i'm betting it's the bad pata_jmicron driver (and by bad i mean 'does not work' - could be that the controller is very funky)02:33
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adaranjdong, yep, the worst part is: i'm poor and i've got a cheap msi neo-f02:33
jab2002thanks for nothing????02:33
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adaranjdong, it has 6 S-ATA channels, but only 4 slots wired on the board (the "deluxe" version or so has ports for all 6)02:33
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adaranjdong, so i want to hook up 4 HDs and a cd-rom i _have_ to use the jmicron at least once02:34
jdongadaran: so you're not using anything on the jmicron, right?02:34
subhahi all,can anybody tell me, during net-installation time,if i dont mention one step (for eg. time zone selection) in preseed file then will d-i ask the user or it simply ignore that step ?02:34
jdongoh you are02:34
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adaranjdong, the windows drive, which linux needn't care about. i use to put the dvd-burner there (but then it only burned coasters, as i said)02:34
Eedgeouch; modprobe ndiswrapper just crashed X :S haha02:34
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ubuntu_irc_haterEedge that sucks02:34
socdid someone install etqw already?!02:34
adaranjdong, now since it works fine on win (and the win drive can crash all day long, it's a spare HD and only used for gaming), i'm trying to make linux ignore the jmicron all together02:34
soci have problems with it ...02:34
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socit says: ./etqw.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:35
jdongadaran: an ugly, ugly, workaround is to remove the .ko module for pata_jmicron, it's somewhere under /lib/modules/02:35
EedgeIt's still freaking out now...02:35
jdongadaran: then run sudo update-initramfs -u02:35
soci'm running it on a amd64 ...02:35
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Eedgeso much for driver present / hardware present... haha02:35
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socdo i maybe need a i386 package for that?02:35
linux4mehow do I create my own packages for feisty?02:35
jdongadaran: reinstall the linux-image package matching your kernel version to "replace" it02:35
adaranjdong, yeah, thought about something along those lines. however, i'll try pata_jmicro.blackist=true first =)02:35
warriorforgodI have run sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx to install the nvidia drivers, however when I startx I get teh following error.  http://rafb.net/p/u6qTYD48.html  Any suggestions?02:36
jdongadaran: unfortunately I don't know of any blacklisting method in the initrd's, but I haven't looked too hard02:36
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jdongadaran: all the source code to the initrd is in /usr/share/initramfs, configuration file is /etc/mkinitramfs.conf02:36
adaranjdong, i'm trying first with update-initramfs -u and see if it's smart enough02:36
vilasboas_hy has anyone installed the beryl on ubuntu 7.10?02:36
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adaranjdong, hmm02:37
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adaranjdong, i noticed something:02:37
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jdongadaran: also.... initrd is a gzipped cpio archive02:37
Picivilasboas_: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion.02:37
adaranjdong, i rebooted once without running update-initramfs, but adding to the blacklist02:37
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adaranjdong, now i checked the initrd.img and the module is in there02:37
jdongadaran: you can even manually unpack it to fool around / mess with it if this doesn't work out02:37
EedgeI had just remembered to blacklist acx_pci, and then we I tried to load ndiswrapper it just killed the system entirely.02:38
adaranjdong, then i ran update and NOW there is my blacklist file in the initrd.img02:38
jdongadaran: ooh, that's promising02:38
adaranjdong, so are you sure it doesn't check the blacklist?02:38
adaranjdong, yeah02:38
jdongadaran: I am not sure at all02:38
nicholasi all, i'm having problems logging on with Gyachi , i i downloaded it last night and all it say when i log on is "logging failed.. invalid user"02:38
adaranjdong, will reboot02:38
adaranjdong, see what happens02:38
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adaranjdong, and let you know when i come bakc02:38
adaranjdong, brb02:38
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rafaelsiqueiraGuys, I have a little problem :(02:39
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abhiberahey can anyone tell me how to configure pkg-config? i got all my libs and cflags screwed02:40
warriorforgodI have run sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx to install the nvidia drivers, however when I startx I get teh following error.  http://rafb.net/p/u6qTYD48.html  Any suggestions?02:40
Eedge... why are modules in my blacklist file still loading?02:40
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nuccoabhibera: you probably have incorrect screen resolution setup02:41
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nuccotry running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'02:42
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abhiberanucco: not dpkg02:42
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nuccobackup your xorg.conf first02:42
abhiberanucco: pkg-config02:42
grissom_pthey guys... i'm kind of new using this kind of operating system. i have an ASUS C90S laptop with GeForce 8600M 512MB graphics card. is it possible to run the installation of ubuntu 7.04 using the graphics mode? i'm not being able to do that, a black screen appears and nothing seems to happen. how to i switch to text mode? plz help02:42
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nuccosorry, I was talking to warriorforgod.02:43
tapashi, where do i actually find the packages?>02:43
JediMasteranyone here have Nvidia Twinview working?02:43
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Oli``JediMaster: yup02:43
nuccoabhibera: maybe a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure pkg-config' would do the trick :)02:43
nuccohe he02:43
dgjonesJediMaster, i have, but i'm not on the computer with it working at the minute02:43
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vilasboas_can anyone helpme i need to install beryl on ubuntu7.10 but it doesn't apper the cube on the desktop02:43
EedgeI have "blacklist acx_pci" in etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and yet on boot it's still loading? Any advise?02:43
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warriorforgodnucco: Here is the kicker.  I was running with that X config at those resolutions.  Rebooted after updates and couldn't get to X.02:43
abhiberanucco: no02:44
abhiberanucco didn't work02:44
abhiberanucco: still points to the incorrect libs02:44
nuccoabhibera: 'completely remove' the offending libs and then reinstall them.02:44
nuccoincluding pkg-config.02:44
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abhiberahmmmm... maybe dpkg reconfigure the libs :)02:44
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adaranjdong, still there?02:45
nuccowarriorforgod: I guess there's no harm in trying... maybe you haven't selected the correct drivers.02:45
abhiberanucco: no use :(02:45
abhiberait's still not pointing02:45
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dgjonesvilasboas_, you'd be better to ask in either #ubuntu+1 for support with Gutsy 7.10, or #ubuntu-effects for help with beryl/compiz02:45
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nuccoabhibera: paste your xorg.conf02:46
eitreachhvaeh, denne her Nordic udgave, understtter den dansk som standard?02:46
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nucconot sure what the problem is but I could take a peek02:46
Oli``JediMaster: is there something we can help with regarding twinview or were you just asking how many people have a dual-screen setup?02:46
grissom_ptanybody? :\02:47
abhiberanucco: ??? xorg.conf? xorg doesn't have anything to do with pkg-config02:47
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Oli``grissom_pt: try adding a noapic to the end of the boot parameters02:47
nuccoabhibera: sorry, I keep mixing you up with warriorforgod... sorry.02:47
abhiberanucco :)02:47
nuccoabhibera: did you do the 'complete remove' and then reinstall for the packages?02:47
Oli``failing that trying getting into vesa mode (that should be an option on the list, no?)02:47
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JediMasterOli`` or dgjones: how do you stop the windows from spanning across both monitors when maximising? (bearing in mind I've got xinerama disabled for compiz-fusion to work)02:48
JediMasterOli``: sorry on the phone ;-)02:48
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noodles12hey guys, i'm upgrading to gutsy right now. while installing, it says it couldn't install some packages: tzdata and util-linux   . is that bad? or can i just manually install later?02:48
Oli``JediMaster: have you *just* enabled twinview?02:48
nuccobtw, anyone able to get ubuntu versions newer than 6.10 to work on a hp nx9420?02:48
JediMasterOli``: yes02:48
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Oli``JediMaster: I found restarting X fixed it02:48
EedgeI have "blacklist acx_pci" in etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and yet on boot it's still loading? Any advise?02:48
JediMasterOli``: already done that02:48
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grissom_ptOli``: thks. i'll give it a try02:49
Oli``JediMaster: hmm okay... how are you screens positioned (in the config)?02:49
nuccohey warriorforgod: are you sure your display card is supported by those drivers?02:49
dgjonesJediMaster, i'm not sure, i'm only experimenting myself at the minute, mine is only set up as one big desktop at the moment, i only set it up yesterday so i can';t suggest much, i did find the help file on the nvidia website quite useful reading tho02:49
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Jonnexive got a query regarding tri-booting XP, Vista, and Ubuntu, on one SATA disk.02:51
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Jonnexive already got xp and vista dual booting02:51
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Jonnexand i use vistas boot loader02:51
Jonnexim wondering what the best thing is to do when installing ubuntu02:51
nuccojonnex: you should be able to install ubuntu and let grub do its thing.02:52
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Jonnexdo i use grub? or is it better/easier to not install grub, and have vistas boot loader see ubuntu (if thats possible?)02:52
Jonnexgrub will do its thing automatically?02:52
nuccoJonnex: its easier to let grub do its thing, *automatically*02:52
EedgeI have "blacklist acx_pci" in etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and yet on boot it's still loading? Any advise?02:53
Jonnex... " *automatically* "02:53
Jonnexis it not so automatic?02:53
Jonnexso how is it done?02:53
nuccoafter your ubuntu install, grub will detect other OSes and create entries for them.02:53
nuccoyou don't need to do anything, just say yes when asked.02:53
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Jonnexahh .. well thats comforting02:55
Jonnexill get that done asap then :D thanks!02:55
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nuccohey, anyone know of any way to stream video from a central server to a TV set, with the minimum number of equipment?02:56
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ubstudHey I need help setting up freenx. I installed it on the host computer but the client computer can't connect02:56
kanjohow to autologin as root under console mode? (I am using Ubuntu server at the time)02:57
ubstudfor "host" I put the ip of the host computer and tried connecting02:57
whyameyeis there a gnome applet that will show instantaneous CPU usage? gnome-system-monitor only shows average over time so if there is a runaway process it is hard to detect. I'm looking for something like top but that is a gnome applet02:57
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jetscreameryou can set the time slice ithink02:57
JediMasterOli``: http://pastebin.com/d41e0db4f02:57
nuccowhyameye: gnomesystem shows instantaneous CPU usage.02:57
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whyameyenucco: what is gnomesystem? do you mean gnome-system-monitor? It doesn't show it by process.02:58
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nuccowhyameye: by process? there I can't help you. sorry.02:59
maja] ghdsvgiasfgsuifsuifhefudsgfes02:59
dgjones!ops | maja02:59
ubotumaja: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:59
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Fallenoumaja < stop that son of a bitch02:59
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DevideZeroubuntu gusty final has been released ?02:59
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whyameyenucco: top at the command line does it. How do people detect runaway processes without dropping to the command line?02:59
PiciDevideZero: no.02:59
FallenouDevideZero < the 18th03:00
ubstudany help guys? On my freenx problem.03:00
elkbuntuFallenou, despite the behaviour of maja, who is likely merely a bot, that type of reaction is not called for03:00
nuccowhyameye: I see my cpu usage stuck at 50% when I have a runaway process, (dual core system)03:00
whyameyenucco: and how do you identify which process is to blame?03:00
Fallenouelkbuntu < sorry ... was upset03:00
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DevideZeroi have request 2 ubuntu and 2 kubuntu cd's and they ware sent 13 hours ago ( lunchpad ) ... so they have sent me beta version on the cd's ?03:00
elkbuntuFallenou, you must be incredibly miserable on the internet in general then03:01
nuccowhyameye:  click on the system monitor applet, it will open system monitor, go to processes, sort the list by CPU.03:01
Fallenoudon't think it was a bot, just a kind of idiot -_-03:01
Oli``JediMaster: erk both your screens are set on auto... on the metamode (near the end) try this (if your monitors support 75Hz): CRT-0: 1280x1024_75 +1280+0, CRT-1: 1280x1024_75 +0+003:01
endraI think something happened during the install. It stopped at 87% of 'select software and install' and I went to alt-F4 (the other terminal) and it is showing a bunch of kernel lines with a stack/trace and the process gzip. What's going on/how can I scroll up/how can I fix it? Thanks03:01
kitcheDevideZero: probably not htey sent you feisty most likely03:01
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elkbuntuFallenou, in my experience as an op, it's a bot03:01
Fallenouelkbuntu < ooooh yea =), even in real life03:01
whyameyenucco: you mean by cpu time? That give the total cpu usage of a process since it was started.03:01
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nuccowhyameye: to sort the list by % CPU, simply click on the '% CPU"03:02
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nuccoI believe its instantaneous03:02
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lonranI am using nm-applet but it cant find any device. I get this error msg in the syslog: Oct 16 14:55:33 HG01 NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I nm_dbus_get_networks_cb (): error received: org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - There are no wireless networks stored..  Any idea?03:02
Fallenousince i miss lunch today i'm upset03:02
whyameyenucco: I don't seem to have that option. I'm running dapper. What are you running? Maybe it has been added?03:02
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nuccowhyameye: I'm running feisty, but I could do that in dapper too.03:02
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nuccodon't you see a '% CPU' column?03:03
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Fallenoutop | sort would be ok too i think :p03:03
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whyameyenucco: I just found it. It was an option to add in "preferences." Perfect. Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.03:03
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redicohuhu, i dont understand  this howto :  /7.04/ configuration :03:03
Fallenouwith some options03:03
nuccoFallenou: he wanted a GUI :)03:03
DevideZerothis is what im talking about : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40810/03:03
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ZeroA4whyameye, maybe you have to select % CPU column at Edit - Preferences03:03
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whyameyeZeroA4: exactly. I got it now. Thanks!03:04
ZeroA4whyameye, err... too late :)03:04
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JediMasterOli``: both monitors actually work, it's just that window maximise across both03:04
whyameyeI'm trying to see if ubuntu is finally ready for the non-geek. One of my requirements is that the person using it never has to drop to the command line. I'm not willing to set some of my friends up with ubuntu until this is the case. That's why I was wondering about this.03:05
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Oli``JediMaster: yeah I'm just trying to get you nearer something like mine so I can eliminate differences03:05
kanjohow to autologin as root under console mode? (I am using Ubuntu server at the time)03:06
JediMasterOli``: ah ok, do you have xinerama on (and are you using compiz-fusion?)03:06
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DevideZerosomeone can help me with shipit ubuntu cd's ?03:06
Fallenouwhyameye < for some exotic hardware/stuff there is always need of command line03:06
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nkbreauhey guys, I installed ubuntu on my laptop last week (dell latitude m830) and everything worked out of the box buti noticed that when i plug headphones into the lineout jack the main computer speakrers dont shut off... is this a common problem or something easy to fix ? I played around with all the sound settings in the audio properties as well as lasamixergui but not success.....03:06
ZeroA4whyameye, do you count Alt+F2 as command line ?03:06
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whyameyeFallenou: yeah but that's only in initial setup. Once the system is configured it should be OK?03:06
Fallenounkbreau < i've already seen this on the internet ...03:06
Fallenouwhyameye < hummmmmm i think yes.03:07
nucconkbreau: I had that problem once, I rebooted, and problem was gone :)03:07
JediMasterOli``: brb, restarting X =)03:07
whyameyeZeroA4: it's pushing it. :-)03:07
Fallenousince you can edit conf files with gedit and so on ...03:07
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whyameyeI don't mind if initial setup requires the command line03:07
nkbreauunfortunetly ucco it;s not a reboot issue...03:08
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nkbreauFallenou i found afew things with other laptop models but they required some pretty heafty config changes to get it workin... was hioping there was an easier solution03:08
ZeroA4whyameye, them you are set... you can do all by using an editor and calling commands by Alt+F2 ;)03:08
JediMasterOli``: ok, no difference, other than my CRT is now flickering at a horrid 75Hz ;-)03:08
Fallenounkbreau < think you should try them03:08
whyameyeok thanks.03:09
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Samaseonis there any way to extract rar files?03:09
Samaseoni tried the unrar-free package, but for my rar files it fails03:09
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ZeroA4Samaseon, you have to install an extra package...03:09
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Oli``JediMaster: okidoke, go through nvidia-settings and set it to something realistic03:09
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SamaseonZeroA4, ok, any idea where to get more info about this?03:10
JediMasterOli``: done =)03:10
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adaranjdong, well, none of the options worked. i'm adding a hook script to initramfs-tools to remove the module03:10
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ZeroA4Samaseon, synaptic has an rar (non-free)03:10
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=== genii sips a coffee
jdongadaran: that works.... you can add something to the beginning of the initramfs scripts that deletes the file03:11
SamaseonZeroA4, ok thank you, i'll try that03:11
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jdongadaran: in case probing the module in the first place causes hell to break loose03:11
jetscreamera?you wuss! drink the whole pot!03:11
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ZeroA4Samaseon, ok :)03:12
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DevideZeroopen solaris is linux ?03:12
adaranjdong, yeah, created a hook script with rm -v `find $DESTDIR -name pata_jmicron.ko`03:12
Oli``JediMaster: Ok.. I've just noticed that I have two screen sections in my xorg.conf03:13
nuccoDevideZero: you called it 'solaris'03:13
Fallenou<DevideZero> open solaris is linux ? < hum don't think so :p03:13
jdongadaran: err, where's $DESTDIR?03:13
nuccoecho $DESTDIR03:13
JediMasterOli``: want to pastebin it?03:13
jdongadaran: that's your actual root, right?03:13
jdongnucco: this is inside initramfs; won't help :)03:13
adaranjdong, nope03:13
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Oli``JediMaster: http://pastebin.com/m12d177ac << i've only posted the relevant section - see the bottom03:13
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adaranjdong, removed `/tmp/mkinitramfs_R22849/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/pata_jmicron.ko'03:13
nuccojdong: oh, you guys are doing black magic! keep going :)03:14
DevideZerosomeone understand in shipit ubuntu cds ?03:14
adaranjdong, i checked. no DESTDIR in my env, however, i put a simple 'bash' in the hook script first and checked if an env var contained the destination dir03:14
auowEEvince is too slow, how can I make it fast?03:14
FallenouDevideZero < what do you mean ?03:14
JediMasterOli``: you do have xinerama off right?03:14
adaranjdong, rebooting now, to see if it worked =)03:14
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jdongadaran: wait03:14
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adaranjdong, hm?03:14
Oli``JediMaster: yeah03:14
jdongadaran: $DESTDIR is most likely your root filesystem03:14
JediMasterOli``: just had to double check ;-)03:15
DevideZeroFallenou , see this : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40810/03:15
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jdongadaran: you should only check where modules are in initrd....03:15
adaranjdong, i told you, i checked. that's what the -v is for on rm03:15
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adaranjdong,  removed `/tmp/mkinitramfs_R22849/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/pata_jmicron.ko'03:15
adaranjdong, there =)03:15
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adaranjdong, DESTDIR = /tmp/mkinitramfs_R2284903:15
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adaranjdong, although that changes everytime i run it, i assuem03:15
jdongadaran: ah, ok03:15
nkbreauFallenou - how easy is it to do this - http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=478714 ?03:15
FallenouDevideZero and ? you asked for something that does not exist yet :o03:15
MW_SHi rthrthhhtrhrth03:15
adaranjdong, i'dve noticed if find would've gone through 700 GB in less then 30 seconds =)03:16
adaranjdong, brb03:16
DevideZerothey send that ubuntu isnt released yet and that the will send the cds when it will be , and they also say that the have sent the cd 13 hours ago how i can be ?03:16
FallenouDevideZero < Gutsy is out the 18th, and i'm not sure that even the 18th there will be ship it CD :o i think you will have to wait a little bit longer03:16
ubstudanyone here used freenx?03:16
IrishDavehey, i just installed gutsy and i cant get my custom dsdt patch to work like it did in fiesty... any ideas?03:16
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vasser_hello, anyone here uses btnx, i could use some help running it (already set it up, but it does nothing)03:16
dgjones!gutsy | IrishDave03:16
ubotuIrishDave: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information03:16
SamaseonZeroA4, then non-free unrar seems to work, thanks, bye03:16
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FallenouDevideZero < maybe au automatism :o, maybe they sent the feisty ? or maybe just an automatism and they will wait for new Gutsy to get printed on CD03:17
DevideZeroFallenou , "4 CDs requested on 2007-10-13. 4 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company 13 hours ago"03:17
IrishDavedgjones: i know..... but has anyone come across this problem? im using the RC03:17
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DevideZeroaand this are gusty cds . . .03:17
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Fallenounkbreau < very easy03:18
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dgjonesIrishDave, see ubuto's link, the people using Gutsy are in #ubuntu+1 and they're more likely to be able to answer you03:19
nkbreauFallenou can you walk me through ? I'm afraid of messing stuff up.... and is this something i can but in a .sh so i can run it whenever i need to ? seems like it needs to run after you reboot or hibernate or something03:19
IrishDave_hey, i just installed the gutsy RC and i was hoping to get my sound working again using a custom DSDT hack but it didnt work, i followed the same procedure i did for feisty (copy to initramfs-tools/ then dpkg-reconfigure)03:19
PiciIrishDave_: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.03:19
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IrishDaveok dgjones thanks03:19
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JediMasterOli``: brb03:19
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adaranjdong, wow03:19
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adaranjdong, still loaded03:19
Fallenounkbreau < tu unload a module just type rmmod name_of_module03:19
Fallenounkbreau < to load a module just type modprobe name_of_module03:20
Fallenounkbreau < you have to do it with "sudo"03:20
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nkbreauwhat would be the name of the module to remove ? snd_had_intel ? and modprobe will just redetect it ?03:21
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milesHi, I am looking to compare text files to find what lines exist in one document that do not exist in the other.  I don't care about what line they appear on--I don't want line by line, just the document as a whole (So not diff's default behavior).  Anyone know how to do this?03:22
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:22
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nkbreauso snd_hda and not snd_hda_intel ?03:23
abhiberaany one know how to set the paths in pkg-configure?03:23
jetscreamernkbreau: no i meant you typed had... not hda03:23
jetscreameradd the intel03:23
LjLmiles: i'm not sure what you mean. you mean that order doesn't matter? i.e. if there's a line that's the 1st line in one document, but the last in the other, that should be reported as "present in both documents"?03:23
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abhiberaany one know how to set the paths in pkg-config?03:24
milesLjL; The order doesn't matter to me, that is correct.  If the 1st line is the same as the last I don't want to know about, just a line that is in the first but doesn't appear at all in the second document03:25
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Fallenounkbreau < is it ok ?03:25
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milesLjL: if the first line is the same as the last in the second document rather03:25
LjLmiles, well, i could think of this: sort the files first, then diff. a working syntax could be  diff <(sort file1) <(sort file2)03:25
Fallenouabhibera < pkg-config does not follows the LD_LIBRARY_PATH too ?03:25
ubuntuEdgyhelo ppl03:25
LjLmiles: of course, in the output, you'd also lose the original sorting of lines, that way03:26
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Crozarhey , Gutsy going to be out in 44 hours03:26
abhiberaFallenou: no03:26
milesLjL: That could work, the order does matter in the files, just not to me right now, so I will just create new files out of them first03:26
pythonguyhey add, i install Gyachi last night, but i can't log on to the yahoo servers , all its saying is "logging failed.. invalid user.. or could not log in.. have any solutions for me ?03:26
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nkbreauFallenou i get this:# rmmod snd_hda_intel03:26
nkbreauERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use03:26
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LjLmiles: that command won't overwrite the original files, though03:26
Fallenou PKG_CONFIG_PATH  abhibera ?03:27
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seanhOh dear, so I installed Gutsy preview over a Feisty install on my thinkpad and now, then I plug in a projector, it doesn't seem to get any signal from the thinkpad. Tried with multiple projectors. I dunno where to start, any pointers?03:27
aaro1Anyone have any luck getting Evolution to connect to Exchange 2007?03:27
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LjL!gutsy > seanh    (seanh, see the private message from Ubotu)03:27
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Fallenouseanh < for gutsy : go #ubuntu+103:28
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Fallenounkbreau  < you have to shut down each program that uses this module03:28
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Fallenounkbreau < xmms amarok totem etc ....03:28
nkbreauhmm no music players are active....03:28
Fallenounkbreau < look at your lsmod and rmmod all modules that uses the module you want to unload03:29
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nkbreauthere is like 5 that start with snd_03:30
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nkbreauwould i have to remove them all ?03:30
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nkbreaumake that 1503:30
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dgjonesaaro1, yes i do, although I do it using a http//:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx address, but it works fine & connects ok for me03:31
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Fallenounkbreau  < no03:31
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Fallenounkbreau  < look at your lsmod, you have a column named "Used by" ... get it ?03:31
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Paddy_EIREhaving fun LjL03:31
Fallenouflooding us with unban =)03:32
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adaranjdong, worked03:32
nkbreauyeah i see it03:32
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adaranjdong, that's for the support!03:33
Fallenounkbreau  < ok that's the name of other modules that use a specific module ... you have to unload all modules which uses the module snd_hda_intel03:33
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Fallenoufor exemple :03:33
Fallenousnd_pcm                79108  3 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss03:33
Fallenoui have snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss which use the module snd_pcm03:33
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Fallenouif i want to unload snd_pcm , i have to rmmod both snd_hda_intel and snd_pcm_oss03:34
Crozarguys whats a good archive program for kde? 7zip or X archiever03:34
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nkbreauand then when i do modprobve will it pick eveyrthjing back up ?03:34
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nkbreauordo i have to add them all back manually ?03:34
Fallenounkbreau < i think yes03:34
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Fallenounkbreau < modprobe resolves dependencies ...03:34
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Fallenoumodprobe do a great job usually :p03:34
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Crozarwhat is a good archieve program for KDE , 7zip or Xarchiver03:35
aaro1Hmmm. I'm getting an error that says "The server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector supports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only.03:35
Eedgehow do I blacklist a module in 5.10?03:35
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dotHello people, I need help with Amarok03:35
dotwhen I open a mp3 file it says: error loading media03:36
LjLEedge, 5.10 isn't supported anymore, i don't know if it's done the same as in more recent versions03:36
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LjLdot: install libxine1-ffmpeg03:36
Vletaaro1: looks like you may be out of luck for now :( ... http://www.mail-archive.com/evolution-list@gnome.org/msg05465.html03:36
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aaro1I saw that. I also saw rumblings about people getting it to work with something called brutus03:37
EedgeLjL: Cheers, but just trying to get my wifi working so I can update: adding the module to the blacklist file doesn't seem to be working.03:37
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aczidEedge: edit /etc/modprobe.d/blaclist ? i think03:37
MW_Swhen i type: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper i get sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 16 15:57:26 200703:37
aaro1Oh well. Webmail it is for now I guess :/03:37
LjLEedge: you need to reboot too03:37
aczidoh you allready got that :)03:37
dotLjL: well it won't play me pm3 files03:37
JSweeneyhey all, I am looking for some help installing apache 2.0.59 --can anyone help?03:38
LjLdot: but libxine1-ffmpeg installed successfully?03:38
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EedgeLjL: That's exactly what I have done :)03:38
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Vletaaro1: check out http://www.omesc.com/node/103:38
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dotLjL: terminal said: libxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version and 0 upgraded + newly installed 0 to remove and 0 upgraded03:38
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ZarHi. I'm new to Linux and want to migrate from Windows XP. I already have Ubuntu working and was wondering if there is a better firewall for Ubuntu. Firestarter looks a little bit limited compared to other app I use in Windows.Doeas someone have any suggestion?03:39
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LjLdot: does it only say "Error loading media"? that error is usually followed by another explanation message03:40
dotLjL: can you help?03:40
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jetscreamerZar: try guarddog or shorewall perhaps03:40
twoshadetodhow can i change the default window size? say like when I open up firefox, and click it from full screen to "regular" it still is full screen, I have to manually resize it03:41
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jetscreamerZar: or man iptables to eliminate the front end03:41
dotLjL: Error Loading Media No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported.03:41
Crozartwoshadetod: the new UbuntU 7.10 is all good :D03:41
jetscreamertwoshadetod: don't leave it maximized when you close it03:41
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PiciCrozar: Please do not suggest 7.10 until it is officially released.03:41
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jrib!devilspie > twoshadetod (read the private message from ubotu)03:41
LjLdot: are you on Feisty?03:41
CrozarPici: :D03:42
jetscreamertwoshadetod: that's a quick workaround not a fix03:42
dotLjL: yes03:42
Zarjetscreamer: Thanks. I have another question that may sound stupid. Do I need an anti-virus?03:42
twoshadetodjetscreamer, I'll try but I think it doens't matter03:42
LjL!virus > Zar    (Zar, see the private message from Ubotu)03:42
jetscreamerZar: not usually, unless you want to scan a windows partition03:42
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twoshadetodjetscreamer, I remember once i made the terminal have a "default" launching size something in termcaps, i wonder if this is it but i'll check that, ill make it smaller then close it and relaunch03:42
CrozarPici: im using kde desktop on ubuntu , i want to open a .tar file and it cant it askes me to open with something , so i knew archive manager is for gnome so i got 7zip i cant locate it to open it with it wehre will it be?03:42
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BlindravenZar just use iptables combined with gresecurity.03:43
jetscreamerCrozar: try file-roller03:43
Crozarwhats that jetscreamer03:43
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twoshadetodjrib, checking it out03:43
jetscreamerCrozar: it's what you want... or you could man tar03:43
Zarjetscreamer: yep, would be nice to scan an Windows partition since I will run Linux on dual-boot for now.03:43
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dotLjL: yes im on feisty03:43
jetscreamer!info file-roller03:43
ubotufile-roller: an archive manager for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 588 kB, installed size 4508 kB03:43
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CrozarXarchive is not good>?03:44
Crozaror Karchive03:44
alainei guys.. i realy like the TSCu_Comic font..y it isnt in gutsy03:44
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jetscreamerCrozar: the default kde one is called ark... i personally prefer file-roller03:44
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Zarjetscreamer: If someone get acces to my system through Ubuntu it is possible to the hacker to infect my Windows system partition?03:44
aaro1Vlet: thanks. I'll check that out. Got to insall a PC right now. Oh joy03:44
aguitelanyone use k3b in ubuntu ? it freeze sometimes my system03:44
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:45
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Crozarthanks jetscreamer03:45
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twoshadetodjetscreamer, I'll be damned...03:45
jetscreamerZar: possibly03:45
BrandonMHello and good morning Ubuntu gods. I summon your knowledge!03:45
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jetscreamerbeen there done that, twoshadetod03:45
twoshadetodjetscreamer, I'm suprised I never closed it in the size I liked ....it worked03:45
twoshadetodjetscreamer, thanks alot03:45
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Kopfgeldjaegerhi (amsg)03:45
BrandonMAnyone care to take a shot at my installation problem?03:46
Paddy_EIRE!ask | BrandonM03:46
ubotuBrandonM: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:46
Pici!ask | BrandonM03:46
PiciPaddy_EIRE: ah, too slow today :)03:46
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Paddy_EIREPici: :)03:46
aguitelanyone use k3b in ubuntu ? it freeze sometimes my system03:46
LjLdot: i'm *googling*. breathing on my neck won't help.03:46
[maTa] how to remove LVM from disk?03:47
dotLjL: ook thanks for helping03:47
Zarjetscreamer: is there any way I can lock my C: drive (the one with Windows system files) from inside Ubuntu, so I can avoid intrusions?03:47
LjLdot: try closing amarok, then    mv ~/.xine ~/.xine-backup       , then opening amarok again03:47
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BrandonMI am trying to install the AMD64 edit. of 7.04, i boot to the CD, it gives me the installation menu options, I choose start/install, it looks like its starting to do something, then my screen goes to powersaving mode and the capslock and scrolllock lights flash in unison03:47
jetscreamerZar: don't mount it? not sure exactly, but maybe better to work on the prevention rather than what happens if hacker is successful03:48
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LjLdot, i said      mv ~/.xine/ ~/.xine-backup     not     mv ~/.xine/ ~/.xine/-backup03:48
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Paddy_EIREBrandonM: any particular reason why you are using the 64 bit03:49
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BrandonMis there a reason I shouldnt?03:49
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Paddy_EIREBrandonM: many03:49
Zarjetscreamer: Yeah, that would be better...just a little bit windows paranoid...lol03:49
BrandonMlike what particular reasons?03:49
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Paddy_EIREBrandonM: well without going in to it unless you know why you are using it in the first place then dont03:50
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BrandonMok, so is that going to solve my install problem?03:50
LjLBrandonM, there's a couple of programs that simply won't work on amd64, mostly closed-source ones03:50
Paddy_EIREBrandonM: try the 32 bit install much less hassle03:50
dotLjL: now its working, thank you03:51
dotbut what did the command do03:51
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BrandonMsee the thing is Ive gotten Version 6.x to install just fine.03:51
dotwhat did I do for loosing the driver?03:51
Zarjetscreamer: I'm downloading Ubuntu Studio gutsy to try it, since I do a lot of media work. I read somewhere that you can write on NTFS drives by default on this version, is that right?03:51
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Se1Hi evceryone03:51
jdongZar: that is true03:51
pythonguyhey all, i install Gyachi last night, but i can't log on to the yahoo servers , all its saying is "logging failed.. invalid user.. or could not log in.. have any solutions for me ?03:51
LjLdot: get your ~/.xine directory out of the way. that's a directory that contains configuration files for Xine, the media engine that amarok uses to play stuff. google said that removing that directory solved that problem for other people.03:51
Paddy_EIREBrandonM: where you using the 32 bit editions of those?03:51
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Zarjdong: thanks, that's nice.03:52
dotLjL: is it out of the way now?03:52
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jdongBrandonM: looks like a kernel panic; have you tried the 32-bit installer before?03:52
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LjLdot: yes, although i've made you *move* it to somewhere else rather then *deleting* it, just in case. you can probably delete .xine-backup now if you want, though (but it'll just save you a couple of bytes on the disk)03:52
BrandonMI have not03:52
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BrandonMI think I will do so03:53
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Paddy_EIREBrandonM: highly recommended03:53
jdongBrandonM: it's worth a shot... 64-bit is used by fewer people, so it's only natural that it might have more bugs03:53
BrandonMthe only reason I switched out of 6.x was network performance was simply unacceptable03:53
dotLjL: thanks you are a real ubuntu god03:53
jdongBrandonM: in addition, there's no true benefit of 64-bit mode unless you need an app to address more than 4GB RAM03:53
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BrandonMI tried all the IPV6 work arounds (disabling etc).....and the performance still sucked03:53
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ZarI have another question maybe someone could help. I'm experiencing a lot of difficulties to make TV time to work with my PCTV card. It would be possible to run an Windows TV application using Wine?03:54
nanonymebrandonm, perhaps your problem isn't IPv6 then? :P03:54
BrandonMI will download the 32bit edition and see where that gets me though03:54
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Se1Hi ! I have some problem with compiz. somethimes, the screen blinks for less than a second but it's annoying03:54
Paddy_EIREBrandonM: works great here... you would have to be more specific03:54
Se1Someone to help ?03:54
BrandonMnano, agreed.03:54
BrandonMmaybe it will all be perfect03:54
jdongPaddy_EIRE: sounds like one of those nasty interrupt-related issues03:54
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Paddy_EIREjdong: yeah03:54
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BrandonMone last question: Does 7.04 32bit edit. automatically detect X-FI sound cards (I know creative just released the driver a few months back)03:55
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jdongBrandonM: no, it doesn't03:55
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BrandonMhas anyone had problems/issues with the XFI driver yet?03:55
BrandonMis it pretty easy to install?03:55
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jdongBrandonM: creative just released a binary, beta driver for it, and it's even beyond Gutsy's feature freeze. You would have to install it manually03:55
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BrandonMwell I will go download 32bit and see what happens03:56
BrandonMmaybe all will be good.03:56
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jetscreamerZar: i dunno, but if it doesn't, install ntfs-3g and use something similar to this in fstab: /dev/sda1               /home/.xp               ntfs-3g         auto,users,noexec,rw,umask=022,fmask=0113,dmask=002,uid=1000,gid=1000,nls=utf8  0 0   change the uid&gid maybe03:58
xbeanxwhat package contains zlib development libraries?03:58
jetscreamertype id to find out who you are03:58
jetscreamerxbeanx: try apt-cache search03:58
ZarThank you all. This community rocks!03:59
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Se1An other problem, sometimes my computer is stuck and the only way is to reboot it manualy. Someone knows why ?03:59
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anhaaSe1., probably you have one corrupted service.. go to your shell and try top...04:00
Paddy_EIRESe1: have you tried holding down alt+SysRq  then typing REISUB instead of powering of your comp manually04:00
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Paddy_EIRESe1: not now though.. whenever the freeze happens..04:01
Se1Thanks, i'04:01
Se1ll try next time04:01
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anhaaSe1, or try this Alt+Ctrl+F2 (F3,F4,etc..)-> write reboot in promt04:02
Paddy_EIRESe1: also are you using an ati card and running beryl? this causes system lockups sometimes04:02
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Se1Paddy_EIRE: no, I'm running compiz-fusion with a NVidia 760004:02
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Paddy_EIRESe1: does it happen when you are running compiz-fusion04:03
Se1anhaa: How can i see if a service is corrupted or not04:03
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Se1Paddy_EIRE: this freezing thing ? yes, it happens when I'm running Compiz04:04
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Paddy_EIRESe1: compiz-fusion is still in early beta stages and is very unstable04:04
anhaaissue that im thinking: if i install newest ubuntu, does it have repository for vmware? and can i start with vmware my present windows xp virtual machine, and can i use the programs in windows like i use it now (office, games, etc....)04:04
etronikHello all! my samba shared printers stopped printing after I upgraded to the 2.6.15-29-k7 kernel... any ideias ? thanks in advance !!04:05
Se1Paddy_EIRE: I see, that's maybe the point. but I'm worried about the computer stuck sometimes04:05
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Se1Paddy_EIRE: Do you think it'll be better with the new release (I mean for Compiz, which should be inclued in Gusty)04:05
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profanephobiai need to backup multiple windows computers over ssh to an ubuntu server... what would be the best way of doing this while trying to avoid installing cygwin04:06
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CapaHQuick question, I have a 64 bit processor but some people have told me that getting the 32 bit version is better, can someone give me suggestions on this?04:06
Paddy_EIRESe1: maybe maybe not, I'm not a big fan of eye candy04:06
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Se1Paddy_EIRE: I see, ok. Thanks anyway04:07
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chook#join ubuntu-fr04:07
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bullgard4What do the device names  LID0, SLPB, AZAL, RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, LANB and MODM in /proc/acpi/wakeup stand for?04:07
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bullgard4What do the device names  LID0, SLPB, AZAL, RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, LANB and MODM in /proc/acpi/wakeup stand for?04:08
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LjLCapaH, it's not "better", it just runs more software because some (closed source, mostly) software only has a 32 bit version. the performance advantages of 64 bit are negligible.04:08
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M_WSI just installed Ubuntu for the first time and Im trying to get my driver for my network card to work with ndiswrapper - but when I use it, i get "permission denied at /usr/bbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 146 - How do I change these permission settings?04:09
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Paddy_EIRE!root | M_WS04:09
ubotuM_WS: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:09
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LjLbullgard4: i don't know, but they're quite certainly the events that can make your computer turn on from soft-off. MODM is a RING from the modem, LANB is the network card, LID0 is a laptop's lid sensor - those are my guesses, no idea about the others04:09
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IdleOneM_WS: use sudo before the command see if that fixes it04:10
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bullgard4LjL: Are you not mixing things? wakeup designates them as 'devices', not 'events'.04:10
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profanephobiaok no answer.... well how about permanently mounting a samba share over an ssh connection04:10
atlfalcons866should i use reiserfs or ext304:11
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Paddy_EIREatlfalcons866: yeah use ext304:11
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LjLbullgard4: call them what you prefer, but they're *devices* that can cause a wakeup *event* :)04:11
atlfalcons866but ext3 uses 5% of the space04:11
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Piciatlfalcons866: then why are you asking us if you don't want to use it?04:11
bullgard4LjL: This answer is diplomatic.04:11
IdleOneatlfalcons866: how much space do you have?04:11
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atlfalcons8666GB harddrive04:12
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Paddy_EIREatlfalcons866: drives are really very cheap these days04:12
kyrosAnyone know of a howto for  getting files from Windoze to Ubuntu through Wubi?04:12
atlfalcons866its for my old laptop04:12
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IdleOnewhen did microsoft change the spelling of the OS they release?04:13
Paddy_EIREatlfalcons866: 6gb is not going to cut it im afraid04:13
IdleOneatlfalcons866: then use reiserfs04:13
atlfalcons866kyros: use a thumb drive04:13
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kyrosits a 4g music folder...i dont have the money for a big enough thumb drive or time to use a smaller one04:14
atlfalcons866i guess i will use jfs  and xubuntu04:14
atlfalcons866do you have a dvd burner04:14
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kyrosya... i never thought of that04:14
jetscreamerjfs is good04:14
jetscreamervery good04:14
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atlfalcons866i have had problems with it though04:14
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M_WSWhen I use sudo to use ndiswrapper I get "Timestamp too far in the future" - what does this mean?04:15
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jetscreameri had one only, and fsck fixed it... power outage no ups04:15
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jetscreamer>1 outage, just one error04:15
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atlfalcons866the only problem i had with jfs was fragmentation04:15
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IdleOnemeans you have already reached the time before ndiswrapper has and it isnt sure if you know what time it is... btw what are the loto numbers?04:15
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misiek9321hej jest ktos z polski04:16
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:16
M_WSIdleOne, what do you mean?04:16
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atlfalcons866are laptop hard drives cheap now?04:16
IdleOneM_WS: was a bad joke sorry04:16
jetscreamerhe means tell us the winning lottery numbers for friday04:16
jetscreamerthis coming friday04:16
geefinatordepends on what you think is cheap i guess.04:16
M_WSI wasnt quite sure - this is all new to me04:16
jetscreamer/join #ubuntu-pl04:16
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geefinatorM_WS:  He was just kidding around with you :P04:17
markvandenborrehm, I only have one virtual desktop with compiz fusion enabled04:17
W9ZEBok, besides installing cpufrequtils.  is there something I have to do to make them take effect automatically every time the system starts?04:17
misiek9321jest ktos z polski04:17
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Pici!pl | misiek932104:17
ubotumisiek9321: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:17
markvandenborresomewhat of a pity since I'm doing a presentation on gutsy next sunday04:17
IdleOnemisiek9321: /join #ubuntu-pl04:17
W9ZEBI want to use the conservative setting by default with 1.8ghz - 800mhz settings04:17
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markvandenborreany hints on enabling mutliple virtual desktops ("the cube") in compiz-fusion?04:18
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majhas anybody gotten or had experience with Intel ICH7R controller under ubuntu server 6.06LTS?  I am trying to figure out if it supports it or not.04:18
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IdleOne!compiz | markvandenborre04:19
ubotumarkvandenborre: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:19
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org04:19
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NaradaIs there ubuntu for macs?04:20
IdleOne!ppc | Narada04:20
ubotuNarada: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ04:20
W9ZEBanyone know how to make the cpu frequency scalling work by default on boot?04:20
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markvandenborreIdleOne, thx!04:20
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NaradaIdleOne: i'm assuming then that for intel macs it is same as pc?04:21
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IdleOneNarada: yes04:21
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atlfalcons866did anyone install ubuntu on a ps304:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:25
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lunzhow do i put shortcut icon on the bottom of desktop like mac?04:25
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nixno0bis there any app that monitors power consumption?04:25
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AlatarCan anyone tell me if WiFi Dongles are supported in Ubuntu/Edubuntu?04:25
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firbiosjdong: thank  you, i'll try with trm920.blacklist=true.04:26
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davemlinux1No logout sound on 7.10, how can i fix this?04:26
Picidavemlinux1: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.04:26
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ledreamerhello ervery body04:26
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davemlinux1I tried with gui but no luck04:26
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w00tzillaI have a question about a couple of partitions04:28
w00tzillaI used gparted to repartiion the drives04:28
w00tzillaand i no longer have "write" priveleges to the drive.  read only04:28
M_WSWhen I use sudo to use ndiswrapper I get "Timestamp too far in the future" - what does this mean? Im trying to get my wireless network card to work.04:29
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minusHi there ppl. Does anyone know why my Canon EOS 400D doesn't show up on the desktop like other cameras do?04:31
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minusWhere is cameras mounted so I can manually get there?04:31
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skoenmanCan anybody tell me if it is possable to setup a postfix server in the place of a exchange???04:31
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nixno0bNo one knows any apps that monitor power consumption?04:31
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Simon80nixno0b, g-p-m does that, sort of, offers a history graph and stuff04:32
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Simon80anyone know why subpixel smoothing of fonts would be blurrier in gutsy?04:33
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AlanI currently have an Atheros chipset wifi card i bought originally because of linux compat, but the range isn't that good....  what is the best linux compat minipci wireless card?04:33
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w00tzillaAnyone know why I lose write priveleges with my general user account if I use Gparted to partition the drive?  Using 7.04 (Ubuntu Studio)04:33
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minusw00tzilla, chmod?04:33
buntu_bumhello all04:33
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w00tzillayeah.  the root account is the only one that has write access04:34
AlatarCan anyone tell me if WiFi Dongles are supported in Ubuntu/Edubuntu?04:34
jetscreamergparted is scary2me04:34
w00tzillaif I change it, it still does not work for my user account04:34
AlatarUSB Based ones I mean04:34
minusw00tzilla, what filesystem is it?04:34
buntu_bumanybody familiar with network manager in 7.10, im havhing trouble using the nm-applet04:34
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minusbuntu_bum, I have some problems too...04:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:34
Simon80buntu_bum, not enough information04:34
riotkittiew00tzilla: how are you launching it?04:34
Picibuntu_bum: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.04:34
skoenmanCan anybody tell me if it is possable to setup a postfix server in the place of a exchange???04:35
DBlueHi I have GNU/Linux dual boot now, I installed Arch Linux, but I don't know how to setup grub, so that both Ubuntu and Arh can be booted from grub?04:35
Simon80Pici: thanks04:35
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buntu_bumalatar, try to find a usb dongle with a zydas 1211 chip in it, those should work out of the box04:35
AlatarThanks :)04:35
w00tzillariotkittie: I installed it via synaptic and it shows up in the "Administration" menu04:35
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buntu_bummultiple applets spawn in they tray at startup minus?04:35
DBlueDoes anyone know how to setup dualboot?04:35
riotkittiew00tzilla: do you have /one/ hard drive?04:36
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minusbuntu_bum, no.. rather that it loads forever and shows that it doesn't get any IPs eventhough I can surf the net xD04:36
w00tzillariotkittie: I have two hard drives installed and one USB that I use. the secondary internal and the usb both have this problem04:36
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riotkittiew00tzilla: are they mounted at the time?04:36
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firbioshy i have a problem in install ubuntu "CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT"04:37
w00tzillaaccording to gparted, they were not mounted.  they have to be dismounted if my memory serves me right04:37
nixno0bSimon80, g-p-m from apt?04:37
drhumanisthi ppl04:37
buntu_bumim also having trouble manually setting up network configs, the applet crashes out with a seg fault04:37
etronikAny Samba experts in here ?? :-) my printers stopped doing their thing... since I ugraded the kernel...04:37
drhumanistare we gonna able to upgrade from feisty to gutsy so flawlessly as claimed?04:37
drhumanistor should i do smth else before?04:38
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Simon80nixno0b, gnome-power-manager, comes with ubuntu by default04:38
nrdbHi I have a problem.  I just rebooted my 6.06 install, and it said it couldn't find the inittab.  So I rebooted into my 7.10 install, now when I mount the partition (hda5) witch had my 6.06 install on it there is no 'etc' directory listed.  Is there anyway to recover this directory ?04:38
tech0007drhumanist...i did04:38
DBlueCome on help me, with the dualboot?04:38
Simon80nixno0b: right click on the power icon in gnome -> power history04:38
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firbiosi neeeeeeeeeed help04:38
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kyleBAKEDi have a partition currently mounted to /home and i need to unmount it, but home is always busy, what could i do?04:39
drhumanisttech0007 - what are your immediate observations? any driver problem - esp related to nVidia??04:39
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firbiosi hy i have a problem in install ubuntu "CHARGEMENT MODULE TRM290 POUR IDE CHIPSET SUPPORT"04:39
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DBluekyleBAKED: boot as root04:39
riotkittiekyleBAKED: why do you need to unmount /home :o04:39
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tech0007drhumanist...sorry dude.dont have nvidia04:39
nrdbkyleBAKED: change your /etc/fstab and reboot04:39
DBluekyleBAKED: the umount home04:39
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Simon80firbios: I personally have no clue what that means, or where you might have seen it :|04:39
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kyleBAKEDthe partition i put my home drive home is full, and im just going to merge it with another one04:39
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nixno0bSimon80, power icon?04:40
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drhumanisttech007 - ok buddy :) Any other problems in general?04:40
tech0007drhumanist...install all updates for feisty first before u dive to gutsy04:40
kyleBAKEDty, ill try both of those04:40
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erUSULkyleBAKED: do it from a livecd04:40
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riotkittie!GRUB | DBlue (check the last link)04:40
tech0007drhumanist...for gutsy questions #ubuntu+104:40
ubotuDBlue (check the last link): grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:40
app_Who understands console-setup package? I dpkg-reconfigured it for Finnish, but after reboot I am back to square one...04:40
firbiosSimon80: ok i am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 server I start it like everone else then it gets to loading trm 290 and stops. Anyways i tryed to go through expert way and not load trm290 but then it loads another one but that one stops lol. is there another ways to get ubuntu server install or is there away to fix i see alot of people have that same problem as me but no help to gitting my...04:40
firbios...server installed. i so want ubuntu as my server.04:40
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kyleBAKEDill see what I can do, thanks04:40
drhumanisttech007 - oki04:40
Simon80nixno0b: go to system > preferences > power management > general tab, and enable the icon, then you'll see what I mean04:41
app_How do I get Finnish support for console?04:41
Simon80in feisty, I mean04:41
app_In Feisty.04:41
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LjLcan anyone recommend a good IRC bouncer, with robust logging, auto /away on disconnect, not too hard to configure, and without surprises (such as automatic away messages or nick changes)?04:41
DBlueriotkittie: I have Ubuntu and Arch, and I don't how to add Arch in the menu.lst of grub04:41
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ThunderStruckLjL, for xchat?04:42
usr_robif i add a new drive as slave into the system can i mount this on /var , thou the system is already installed?04:42
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DBlueriotkittie: are you there?04:42
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ThunderStruckLjL, there is something in search irc last time i checked but i think it was a bot04:42
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w00tzillaRiotkittie:  any ideas on that?04:42
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Alanwhats a good minipci (laptop builtin) wireless chipset for linux use?04:43
usr_rob( i have mounted the drive on /home now )04:43
PiciLjL: irssi can bounce iirc, but only to one server per process/port04:43
app_What the f..k? I go to System / Preferences / Sound and pres button Test, and the whole Windows dies!!!04:43
Simon80firbios: I dunno, I guess you could file a bug about it04:43
riotkittieDBlue: following the last link would do you a lot of good, and will explain it better than I can in my feverish state04:43
LjLThunderStruck: for anything (i'm generally on konversation, but it shouldn't matter) - just an irc proxy. i'm on muh currently, but it's far from optimal04:43
Simon80firbios: maybe you should see if it's still a problem in 7.10, since that's almost out now04:44
Simon80firbios: but I don't have any real answers04:44
ThunderStruckLjL, i remember something like that in search results i just wish i was able to run it04:44
DBlueriotkittie: but I don't have windows04:44
LjLPici: one server at a time is fine, but i'd rather use a dedicated program... there are a few in the repositories, but i'd just rather avoid trying them all, since it takes a while to find out whether they work well or not04:44
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firbiosSimon80: ok thkx04:44
LjLThunderStruck, there are a few, just not all of them are good - or even close04:44
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riotkittiew00tzilla: no, i can't understand why you'd be able to launch gparted from the Admin menu, but not be able to modify partitions outside of them being mounted.  Launch it from a term instead, [gksu gparted]  and see if it gives you any error messages04:44
app_God, nothing works. No Finnish in console, Gdm initial resolutions  was wrong, Sound setup just crashes...I am soon ready to go back to Windows.04:45
ThunderStruckLjL, ah ok04:45
riotkittieDBlue: <sigh>. The /last/ link did not deal with windows. look again :P04:45
nrdbHi I have a problem.  I just rebooted my 6.06 install, and it said it couldn't find the inittab.  So I rebooted into my 7.04 install, now when I mount the partition (hda5) witch had my 6.06 install on it there is no 'etc' directory listed.  Is there anyway to recover this directory ?04:45
riotkittie!GRUB | DBlue04:45
ubotuDBlue: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:45
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DBlueriotkittie: sorry, and thanks04:45
LjL!locales | app_04:45
ubotuapp_: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf04:45
w00tzillariotkittie:  thanks and I will give it a shot04:46
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riotkittiew00tzilla: good luck. if you cant get it to work, you can go to sourceforge and download the gparted live CD :|  i tend to have better luck with that myself. though i have never run into your current issue04:46
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majhas anybody gotten or had experience with Intel ICH7R controller under ubuntu server 6.06LTS?  I am trying to figure out if it supports it or not.04:48
w00tzillariotkittie:  I plan on doing a fresh install of 7.10 later this week anyway so I will probably just deal with it until then and properly set up my /home to the second hard drive which I did not do the first time.04:48
riotkittiei was stupid last night, and started repartitioning, then ran a shutdown -h [time]  having no clue when my partitioning would stop :o i didnt realiza what a bad idea that had been til i woke up04:48
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LjLriotkittie, ugh, talk about looking for trouble04:48
LjL!hi | DrCuddles04:48
ubotuDrCuddles: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:48
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DrCuddleswoo a welcome xD04:49
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LjL!rootirc | root04:49
uboturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.04:49
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adantehi, can someone explain exactly what comprises a release?04:50
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LjLadante: define "comprises"04:50
DblueI can't still dual boot04:50
tech0007Dblue...log in to feisty as regular user then join irc04:50
LjLfirbios: practicing smileys?04:50
Dbluetech0007: what?04:50
adanteLjL: what makes up a release04:50
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LjLfirbios, stop please... it just causes unneeded scrolling on the channel :)04:50
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w00tzillanew release every 6 months.04:51
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Dbluetech0007: what is wrong being root, a?04:51
tech0007Dblue...never mind :-D04:51
DrCuddlesa release meaning a finished product?04:51
LjLadante: i don't get the question. a release is out every 6 months, and the developers try hard to make it a stable collection of packages when it comes out...04:51
skoenmanCan anybody tell me if it is possable to setup a postfix server in the place of a exchange???04:51
adanteLjL: so, it is a stable collection of packages, anything else?04:51
Dbluetech0007: I need to setup for Two GNU/Linux booting04:51
tech0007!rootirc | Dblue04:51
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riotkittieDblue: how did you try to boot arch? ark? whatever it was? did you go the chainloader route or no?04:52
ubotuDblue: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.04:52
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redicohi again, Gutsy Gibbon  will be released tomorrow for Ubuntu and Kubuntu ?04:52
DrCuddlescant wait04:52
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Dblueriotkittie: no04:52
Piciredico: 18tg.04:52
redicoPici : 18tg means ?04:53
DrCuddlesWith Gutsy Gibbon, does all the 3D desktop effects come with it?04:53
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Piciredico: er, 18th.04:53
redicoah okay04:53
riotkittieDblue: you set up an entry for it with title, root, kernel etc etc?04:53
Dblueriotkittie: I did04:53
redicobut does Kubuntu come the same day?04:53
Piciredico: Yes.04:53
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redicoTHANK YOU ALL04:53
DrCuddlesWhat is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?04:53
riotkittieDblue: what error did GRUB give when you tried to boot that other distro?04:53
Dblueriotkittie: title root (hd0,3)04:53
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Pici!desktops | DrCuddles04:54
ubotuDrCuddles: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors04:54
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redicois there long time soupport vor the Gutsy Gibbon ?04:54
LjLadante: ... it's a CD you install Ubuntu from. really, i'm just not sure what you're asking04:54
Dblueriotkittie: image not found04:54
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w00tzilladrCuddles:  Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop and Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop.04:54
riotkittieDrCuddles: ubuntu uses GNOME, Kubuntu use KDE04:54
Piciredico: no. 8.04 will be LTS.04:54
riotkittieredico: no. lts is april04:54
DrCuddleswhat is the difference between Gnome and KDE may i ask?04:54
Dblueriotkittie: my arch is on hda404:54
bullgard4What do the device names  LID0, SLPB, AZAL, RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, LANB and MODM in /proc/acpi/wakeup stand for?04:55
Dblueriotkittie: but with its instructions it said sda4, not hda404:55
redico hehe , dont mind - i am upgraded fisty fawn ... and i got some problems ... always :)   really looking forward to gibbon04:55
LjLDrCuddles: they're completely different environments. written in different languages, based on different GUI toolkits, with different UI design guidelines04:55
KilrooWait a minute, I thought except for the first three those were window managers, not desktop environments...04:55
Dblueriotkittie: and there for =, in root, like this: root = /dev/sda4 ro04:56
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DrCuddlesif i wanted all the cool 3D Desktop features which would i use?04:56
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M_WSHow do i start ndisgtk (graphic interface for ndiswrapper)?????04:57
Dblueriotkittie: are you there?04:57
cobb28DrCuddles: It would be easier for a beginner to use Ubuntu (Gnome) to enable it04:57
spinozawhen i create a file or dir with my remote development tool the create dir of file does not inherit the permissions of the parent but only mine. How do i make the folders and files inherit from the parnt dir04:57
DrCuddlesthank you04:57
DrCuddlesi see my newness to the OS shows :] 04:57
adanteLjL: i guess i was just wondering what sort of features are to be expected in the new release, and if i threw in a gutsy repos into my sources.list and updated packages via apt today, would there be any difference from doing whatever it is that is done to upgrade ubuntu to 7.1004:57
PiciDrCuddles: Everyone was new once.04:57
DrCuddlesThank You!04:57
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DrCuddles:] 04:58
redico and, installing "Gutsy Gibbon" now, will be upgradeable to release "Gutsy Gibbon" ? or is it in fact ready ?  someone knows?04:58
cobb28DrCuddles: I'm new also :) I will say this OS is a bit easier on my brain than Gentoo was :)04:58
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riotkittieDblue: are you pointing at the right kernel?04:58
DrCuddlesim just reinstalling Ubuntu on my main PC now04:58
DrCuddlesFiesty Fox04:58
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DrCuddlessomething happened and it gave me a headache04:58
DrCuddlesso i just thought blah04:58
Dblueriotkittie: like I read the instructions from arch setup04:58
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LjLadante: ah, then you're asking what's new in Gutsy and how to upgrade. that's a question :-) just plugging the new repos into sources.list is likely to cause trouble. quite likely. we'd all like to be able to apt-get dist-upgrade, but due to technical limitations, it's really much better to use the dedicate upgrade tool04:58
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Manzanyone know why I cant install xchat?04:59
abcde_Beagle isn't indexing some of my drives.  I did some research, and I read that it is because one is FAT32, and I'd assume since the other isn't indexing because it's NTFS.  Does anyone know how I can get these drives indexed?04:59
redico-----manz  because of the "RTFM" ?04:59
Manzredico, what is RTFM?04:59
DrCuddlesI was a user of Vista, how crap is it plz? lol04:59
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Pici!rtfm | redico04:59
uboturedico: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.04:59
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riotkittieredico: simmer down04:59
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PiciManz: Are you getting an error?05:00
riotkittieManz: are you getting some kind of error message?05:00
redicowhat is simmer?05:00
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LjLadante: as for new features, there's a short introduction at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/RC - if you want something more detailed, look at the specs (some are implemented, some not) at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - and of course, you can check http://packages.ubuntu.com/ if you're interested to see if specific packages have been updated to newer versions05:00
DrCuddleslike calm05:00
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kiddo369In 7.2 server is there a network perfomance utility - much like top?05:00
DrCuddlesbut when your heating up milk xD05:00
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Manzxchat: Depends: tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5) but it is not installable05:00
ManzE: Broken packages05:00
jhaigkiddo369: pftop, maybe?05:00
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M_WSquestion. when i install ndiswrapper through the add applications screen, where is it then installed to?05:01
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redicomanz, what does it say?05:01
jhaigkiddo369: iftop, but it may not be installed by default.05:01
chandraI'm using Gutsy. After logging in Gnome just hangs. In the syslog I could see this: gdm[10581] : WARNING: Didn't understand `' (expected true or false) . Does anyone know what this means?05:01
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aoupiManz: try installing the package called tcl8.405:02
kiddo369jhaig: thanks - I am guessing if either one isn't installed by default there is a package availble for them?05:02
DrCuddlesChandra: There might be a function left open in one of your config files somewhere05:02
LjLManz: "apt-cache policy tcl8.4", which version is available?05:02
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jhaigkiddo369: Yes.  There is a package called iftop05:03
chandraDrCuddles: Where do I find the config files?05:03
DrCuddlesWhat is the easiset way to enable my restricted NVIDIA drivers in Ubuntu on a clean build05:03
aoupiLjL: woa, 'apt-cache policy', didn't know about that, nice :)05:03
kiddo369jhaig: thank you again, greatly appreciated.05:03
DrCuddlesChandra im sorry mate but i simply am not sure, im new to this aswell, it just looked the most obvious thing to be the problem05:03
adanteLjL: thanks! even if you still don't understand my question i think you answered it :] 05:03
jhaigkiddo369: There is also iptraf, which (I think) gives more detailed information.05:03
=== Matthew^^ [n=matthew@81-86-231-11.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
redicomm envy  installs driver  automatically ( but i dont have good results with this package  from debian on my ati )05:04
Manzfor tcl 8.4, it says Package tcl8.4 has no installation candidate05:04
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tech0007chandra...'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep EE'05:04
Dblueriotkittie: i tried update-grub in terminal, but nothing grub didn't found arch05:04
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Fat_FerretHey, I had a kernel panic because I tried to update the nvidia drivers so it would run at my correct resolution is there anyway to fix this without format the whole system?05:04
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anolisnautilus has died on my 7.10 install05:05
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upcguyhi all im new to linux, i'm installing gaim with voice support , when i do "sudo make install" i get back "make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. can anyone help me out?05:05
tech0007chandra....#ubuntu+1 for gutsy05:05
kiddo369jhaig: even better, thanks05:05
jstarcherwhere can i get open office templates?05:05
ThunderStruckanolis, join #ubuntu+105:05
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DrCuddlesChandra: Join the IRC channel #ubuntu+1 for help on 7.1005:05
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rcookseywhere is my friends list cache in gaim messenger05:05
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redicoupcguy:  configure before - maybe?05:06
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chandraOk. I'm joning the Gutsy channel05:06
DrCuddlesbye bye05:06
Manzhow do I enable universe?05:06
riotkittieDblue: my personal experience with using GRUB in such a manner has been very touch and go. you may be better off installing Arch's bootloader to the superblock of its partition, and then having GRUB chainload05:06
Fat_Ferretcan anyone give me a hand with this kernel panic?05:06
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hendrixskianybody use a Mac?  I'm about to write a post to my LUG about how not themable it is, I just want to double check that this is true?  anyone?05:06
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:07
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upcguyi did im getting the same thing05:07
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Dblueriotkittie: there was option, but I skipped it05:07
redicoFat_Ferret:  i dont know if the only way is do adapt the driver ... can you not just try to adept xorg ?05:07
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aoupihendrixski: themable?05:08
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Fat_Ferretwont even boot enough for me to enter commands05:08
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hendrixskiaoupi, yeah, as in can you change it to not be gray the whole time?05:08
riotkittieDblue: !paste your menu.lst and see if anyone can find issue with it :| or try posting to the forums. i will take a peek, but i am full of narcotics sooo i'm not promising results05:08
riotkittie!paste | Dblue05:09
ubotuDblue: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:09
aoupihendrixski: oh, not very themable at all really, there are some buggy apps thou, nothing I'd recommend :)05:09
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hendrixskiaoupi, ah, that's what I thought.  my understanding is that the theme on a Mac is pretty static, I just want to double check before I make an ass of myself :-)05:09
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DrCuddleshenkrixski: I think it has a certain amount of them style changeabillity if yoo download apps for it off the net, but other than that Linux owns it all over the place. Also mention how crap WIndows Vista is aswell :] 05:09
neopsychehi, im having some issue trying to figure out how to install alien-gui .. to run gui for alien ..05:09
redicoFat_Ferret:  i am not trained enough to help you. But anyway - where do you try to enter commands?05:09
leitaoDo anyone know how could I enable/disable dad (duplication address detection) in my dhcp server?05:09
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=== hendrixski might as well answer someones legit question while I'm here
hendrixskiDrCuddles, I know... which is why it amazes me that anyone would want to use something that's ALWAYS gray05:10
riotkittiehendrixski: answer Dblue's question. :P <hides>05:10
Fat_Ferretredico: Kernel panics on boot , I dont know how to drop to a prompt05:10
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DrCuddlesI am still using Vista atm05:10
DrCuddlesand its terrible05:10
riotkittiebecause grey is visually appealing to some of us, hendrixski05:10
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hendrixskileitao, I believe there's an Ubuntu-server channel  ... if nobody here knows, those guys definately will :-)05:10
DrCuddlesand takes up about 30 time more memory05:10
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stondchefso 7.10 comes out 12pm tonight?05:11
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stondcheferr 12am05:11
hendrixskiwhat's Dblue's question?05:11
riotkittie12pm tonight? <blink>05:11
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Picistondchef: It comes out when its done.05:11
redicoFat_Ferret:   so you "bake" a kernel ?05:11
DrCuddleswhat is the easiest way to install the NVIDIA restricted drivers on a clean 7.04 build? Do i just allow it through the Restricted Drivers Manager?05:11
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PiciDrCuddles: Thats the easiest.05:11
=== hendrixski bakes his kernels with extra cinemon
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riotkittiehendrixski: they are having GRUB issues. they want it to load another distro but their current incarnation of menu.lst gives a 'file not found'05:11
TUXedomemberusing gpilot how do i install apps to my palm?05:11
Manzon the wiki, you enable universe and multiverse using software properties, but in 7.04 i dont see that tab05:11
DrCuddlesPici: then i can use Beryl?05:11
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Paddy_EIREManz: they are already enabled in feisty05:12
Pici!beryl | DrCuddles05:12
Fat_Ferretredico: no i was using a program that updates and/or installs different versions of the proper driver05:12
aoupiFat_Ferret: a broken kernel aint fun, don't you have the old kernel left in grub?05:12
DrCuddlesPici: Or Compiz05:12
hendrixskiriotkittie, oh man, that'd prolly be over my head... re-installing grub may autodetect all that stuff though05:12
ubotuDrCuddles: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged.  Help in #ubuntu-effects - see also !compiz05:12
KilrooOut of curiosity, has anyone here successfully managed the trick of using an existing (dual-boot style) Windows XP installation through VMware player?05:12
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:12
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redicoso there is no old kernel you could boot via  your bootmanager ?05:12
hendrixskiKilroo, don't do it05:13
hendrixskiI tried, I hozed my WIndows05:13
DrCuddleskk thanks will head there now THANKS ALL :] 05:13
rakyi'm not getting the vmware EULA.  are all the packages .deb?05:13
riotkittiehendrixski: Grub only detects Ubuntu and ... some other OS ... none of my other distros, so I dont think so05:13
aoupihendrixski: that's a feature05:13
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hendrixskiKilroo, which was a good thing.. 'cause I just stopped using windows05:13
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers05:13
Manzhas no one else had problems installing xchat?05:13
Fat_Ferretaoupi: grub still gives me the option to boot to it and it will try to boot but it will panic along the way when it tries to load video drivers05:13
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=== riotkittie tries to install xchat
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hendrixskiGrub isn't Ubuntu specific... it can detect any OS... from Windows, to Amiga, to Solaris, to any flavor of Linux05:13
neopsychehow can i make my program work.>?? its tar.gz?05:14
abcde_Beagle isn't indexing some of my drives.  I did some research, and I read that it is because one is FAT32, and I'd assume since the other isn't indexing because it's NTFS.  Does anyone know how I can get these drives indexed?  Or is there an alternative indexer that will?05:14
Paddy_EIREhendrixski: or bsd05:14
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neopsycheTrying to get ALIEN to work.05:14
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neopsycheTo get rpm to deb05:14
neopsycheto get xnview05:14
riotkittiehendrixski: i know it can detect any OS, but if i add a distro, i /always/ have to manually edit.    :|05:14
neopsycheto get gif image05:14
aoupiFat_Ferret: if you know what you changed you could boot from a CD and, well, unchange it :)05:14
neopsycheinstead of png05:14
hendrixskiPaddy_EIRE, yes, and BSD... it probably even does HURD05:14
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hendrixskidoes more than LILO05:15
=== DrCuddles s
riotkittieLILO does a lot. like... makes small children cry. :x05:15
KilrooI'd love to stop using windows. Get me Albatross18 support through Wine and a Linux driver for my OneTouch 8900 USB (usb support in Wine would do it, the scanner software installs and runs just fine with Wine) and I probably will, unless an employer makes it impossible.05:15
Fat_Ferretis there anyway to to simply format the linux partition and not loose windows so I can install 7.10 in a few days05:15
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DrCuddlesNoone is talking in #ubuntu-effects05:15
pTaArmihi =)05:15
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Lunzdoes ubuntu support dell laptop?05:15
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hendrixskiLunz, yes05:16
hendrixskiworks great05:16
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DrCuddlesNoone is talking in #ubuntu-effects :[[[[[05:16
hendrixskiI'm on a Dell laptop right now05:16
Manzwhy dpesnt ubuntu come with xchat anymore anyway?05:16
IntrepdLunz: specifically which one?05:16
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DblueMy system was overloaded05:16
VletLunz: Yes, but depending on what laptop it is, you may have to do a little extra work to get things working 'just right'05:16
hendrixskiDrCuddles, patience is the key word when it comes to IRC05:16
KilrooI still haven't figured out a logical reason why Ubuntu drains my cordless mouse batteries so much slower than Windows did...05:16
aoupiFat_Ferret: yes, there is, the installer will ask what partitions to hoose and which to keep (if you feel unsure when it asks you to confirm, ask in here)05:16
IntrepdKilroo: wow really?05:16
pTaArmidoes anybody know how to setup x for dualhead with 2 x-servers ( each monitor with 1 mouse and 1 keyboard)05:16
VletKilroo: sample rate maybe05:17
DrCuddleshendrixski: kk "/ ill wait lol05:17
hendrixskiDrCuddles, sometimes it's a few hours after asking a question that I get an answer on some channels... like mythtv or miro05:17
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DrCuddlesok thanks05:17
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rob-eif i install gutsy now will i be able to update to just update to the stable version r will i have to reinstall????05:17
pTaArmii know..its an spezial question... in the forum is nobody who has an idea05:17
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redicorob-e : best question05:17
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Vletrob-e: when it's released, you should be able to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:17
aoupirob-e: there should be no need to reinstall05:17
KilrooCould be, Vlet. All I know is I had to switch out my rechargeable batteries in Windows every couple days...Linux, less than once a week.05:17
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riotkittieheh. i got a warning my wireless mouse's battery was at 14% last night. if this was windows, it would be long dead :P it's still at 14%05:17
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rob-eokay then, i know what im doing today05:18
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aoupiriotkittie: it's problably just the mystical inaccurasy of batteries: 100% ->1week later: 100% -> 1 day later 0%05:18
Fat_Ferretok , thankyou both for the help I will try to install 7.10 in a few days when its released.   Now does anyone know how to install freebsd - j/k I have another machine for that05:18
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Dblueriotkittie: my system overloaded and I restarted X, that's why i didn't send my grub menu to pastebin05:18
ManzXChat-GNOME IRC Chat cannot be installed on your computer type (i386).05:18
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claes_aTrying to install Ubuntu 7 on a box with an Nvidia Quadro Gfx card. Am getting an screen instead of the live distro. Any tips?05:19
Paddy_EIREFat_Ferret: wrong channel05:19
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Fat_Ferretthanks again guys- i was playing about freebsd05:19
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Dblueriotkittie: wait few seconds to open the page05:19
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frojndhello there, Wheere can I get this part of gimp: http://shrani.si/f/3Z/SP/3rb7HAxc/gimp.png05:19
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hendrixskiFat_Ferret, yeah... you rip out the LInux kernel, install BSD, do a little dance to the god of difficult things, and mabe, just maybe you can install bsd05:19
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PiciFat_Ferret: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.05:19
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Lunzintrepd,i am thinking og buying dell laptop,the latest model and i want to install ubuntu on it..should be no problem right?05:19
app_I tried dpkg-reconfigure for localconf and console-setup and console-data but still no Finnish characters in console!05:20
amadeuxWhen I connect my camera, a camera wizard pops up and asks me if I want to import pictures. But I would like to access the camera(s memory card) manually instead. Where is it mounted or how can I mount it?05:20
VletFat_Ferret: don't knock fbsd ;)05:20
Paddy_EIRELunz: which model05:20
hendrixskiLunz, or you can buy a Dell with Ubuntu already on it05:20
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Manzdid anyone else have problems getting xchat after isntalling the new 7.04 ?05:20
aoupiapp_: writing or reading or both?05:20
Vletamadeux: if there is not an icon on your desktop, check /media05:20
hendrixskiLunz, they sell laptops and desktops with UBuntu already on it... and they offer support over the phone if you have problems05:20
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Lunzpaddy_eire,wait up05:21
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IntrepdLunz: if its an option to buy the dell with ubuntu on it, then do that - if not, most things work out of the box.  For example, I had problems with my wireless card and it needed some extra work.05:21
Fat_Ferrethonestly ubuntu has been the best distro by far that i've ever used, I love freebsd tho I was a user in the mid 90s and I have a pc dedicated to it at my feet so I am trying to relearn alot of things in a short time. Right now I have 2 ubuntu pcs and 2 freebsds05:21
L0GANhello, whats up with the ubuntu version names?05:21
Pici!codenames | L0GAN05:21
ubotuL0GAN: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more05:21
app_aoupi: both05:21
hendrixskiLunz, http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs05:21
hendrixskithey cost less05:21
IntrepdFat_Ferret, i agree completely05:21
hendrixskiwork better05:21
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: nothing05:21
aoupiapp_: what does echo $LANG say?05:21
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VletFat_Ferret: I also used to use fbsd a lot - it still has a place in my heart, but yeah, ubuntu is just nice :)05:22
Lunzthanks guys05:22
hendrixskiL0GAN, what do you mean?  the version names are cute05:22
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hendrixskiL0GAN,  and the number scheme is reasonable.. it's the year dot the month  so 7.10 is October 200705:22
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hendrixskiLunz, enjoy your new Ubuntu Dell :-)05:22
L0GANwell people refer to names instead of versions so i never know what version and what order05:23
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Paddy_EIREL0GAN: not exactly hard to remember05:23
hendrixskiL0GAN, oh, if you go to wikipedia you'll see a list of them05:23
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hendrixskiPaddy_EIRE, neither are the names of fraternities on campus, but nobody can ever seem to get those right05:23
L0GANvx.y is much easier to reference in my mind I guess :D05:23
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app_aoupi: LANG is en_en...something.05:24
app_In console05:24
hendrixskiL0GAN, Dapper is the LTS (long term support) which is supported for like 5 years or something like that05:24
app_X is JUST fine05:24
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aoupiapp_: does LANG end with UTF-8?05:24
Lunzhendrixski,will use it to maximum,so i couls show off to my fellow microsoft users..05:24
hendrixskiL0GAN, edgy was... well, forget about it.. it's done.   Feisty Fawn is the current one and Gutsy Gibbon is the next one05:24
L0GANfunky names almost reminds me of windows :P05:24
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TechyIs anyone here aware of ASN.1?05:24
=== Laserl [n=Laser@ip-45-97.sn3.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
hendrixskiLunz, nice.. yeah the next release comes with Beryl PRE-INSTALLED05:25
hendrixskiso you'll be able to make any of them go WOW05:25
app_aoupi: it is en_US.UTF-805:25
L0GANLovely Leopard (but that would get into trouble with Mac probably :)05:25
hendrixskiL0GAN, yeah, everybody does it these days: Vista, feisty, Leapard, etc. etc.05:25
Laserlanyone know at which hour will 7.10 be released?05:25
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hendrixskiL0GAN, the next one after gutsy gibbon is hardy heron :-/  I want to shoot whoever came up with that one05:26
hagnasheesh where is the log of why cron won't launch this dang command?05:26
hendrixskiLaserl, past your bed-time :-p05:26
Lunzhendrixski,beryl?i thought compiz-fusion is better?05:26
nanonymelaserl, don't be so impatient :)05:26
hendrixskiLunz, err... that's what I meant05:26
minusIs it possible to get aspell in Swedish while I use the rest of the operative system in english?05:26
=== FastPutty [n=FastPutt@modemcable046.76-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
L0GANwow I see a 8.04... and we still wait for 7.10 to turn up :O05:26
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hendrixskiminus, yes05:26
FastPuttycan ubuntu server could replace and does eveyrthing a cisco pix501 does?05:26
app_aoupi: since dpkg-reconfigure does not cut it, is there a magical place somewhere where to fix my locale?05:26
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minushendrixski, tell me how! :)05:27
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: every 6 months05:27
hendrixskiminus, just go to the synaptic package manager and install the language pack for it... it'll be one of a billion options05:27
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minushendrixski, well.. already done..05:27
aoupiapp_: there is, I think it is /etc/locale.gen05:27
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L0GANyou mean after 7.10 8.04 will come?05:27
Lunzhendrixski,i have problem using beryl manager so i remove it and i installed compiz-fusion and walla my desktop is like in the hacker's movies 1998..05:27
minusam I just supposed to relog?05:27
LaserlFastPutty: every linux distro could do it05:27
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minusFastPutty, don't use Ubuntu for servers...05:28
app_aoupi: no "/etc/locale*" anyting05:28
minusThats what Debian is for...05:28
hendrixskiminus, oh... hhmmm, if that doesn't work then I dunno.... I have spelling set up for Polish and English  and that's pretty much all I did :-/05:28
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Ballenaminus: why not?05:28
FastPuttyminus: k thanks you05:28
Fat_Ferretminus: what about the lamp server release?05:28
hendrixskiLunz, sweet.  Yeah, I have neither running.  But my girlfriend has beryl, and it's fucking sweet05:28
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vohi, i accidently ran mkfs.vfat on a previously fat32 partition. is there a way i can recover the data?05:28
Laserlwell said minus05:28
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minusBallena, Ubuntu is less secure and less stable than  Debian is...05:29
Paddy_EIRE!ohmy | hendrixski05:29
ubotuhendrixski: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.05:29
minusSo debian is the ultimate serverdist..05:29
hendrixskivo yes05:29
Ballenaminus:  ok05:29
aoupiapp_: do you understand swedish?05:29
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support05:29
hendrixskivo there's a tool called photorec05:29
app_Ja, jag kan tala svenska05:29
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aoupiapp_: brabra http://www.lukaug.org/index.php?title=%C3%85%C3%A4%C3%B6_i_gnome-terminal&printable=yes05:29
vohendrixski: thanks, i'll look it up05:29
Vletserver = openbsd :)05:29
hendrixskivo and it'll recover data from stuff that's over-written05:29
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app_aoupI: ja, talar svenska05:29
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hendrixskimost of the data05:29
hendrixskisome gets lost05:30
app_aoupi: ja, talar svenska05:30
aoupiapp_: jag tror det ska funka05:30
Lunzhendrixski,so we can use the f*** in here?05:30
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Pici!se | aoupi app_05:30
ubotuaoupi app_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se05:30
PiciLunz: No.05:30
antzen__any good tool for recovering data from an old DVD where Windows fails?05:30
hendrixskivo make sure you have plenty of free space to save the recovered data on... because it takes up like 5 times the amount of space it's recovering :-/05:30
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hendrixskiLunz, we probably can't, It sliipped05:30
minushendrixski, doesn't work...05:30
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Fat_Ferretok seems like many ppl have different opinions of what a server os should be, I was thinking of using the ubuntu LAMP or fbsd with apache and proftpd installed05:31
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Paddy_EIREFat_Ferret: ubuntu server is perfectly alright05:31
VletFat_Ferret: I have ubuntu server installed on a compaq proliant, and am very happy with it05:31
Lunzhendrixski,slipped of a keyboard u mean?i thought only tounge :))05:31
Fat_Ferretexcept i cant get ssh to install...05:31
Manzok guys, I got xchat to work, for future reference, I was on 7.04 gnome, and I just did a distro-upgrade05:31
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minusFat_Ferret, sudo apt-get install ssh05:32
minustried that?05:32
Fat_Ferretdid that05:32
minusFat_Ferret, what does it say?05:32
=== whyking [n=whyking@HSI-KBW-085-216-069-166.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
L0GANerm... "Free Flash support with Gnash"05:32
LunzManz,u might want to try irssi05:32
gcostello!ubotu es>gcostello05:32
gabriel__i have i problem with ubuntu 7.10 and my notebook, because when i latch the notebook and open him, the mouse disappear05:32
xbeanxmy /usr/include/ldap.h doesn't contain #define LDAP_MOD_INCREMENT ....what gives?05:32
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ManzLunz, irssi was actually how I connected the first time, but thanks05:32
app_aoupi: din link talar on gnome-terminal och X. Det r inte det problemet. Console is totally different.05:32
hendrixskiminus, interesting, there may be some other stuff to do then, I totally don't remember doing anything else, but.. umm, good luck?05:32
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gabriel__i have one problem with ubuntu 7.10 and my notebook, because when i latch the notebook and open him, the mouse disappear05:32
minushendrixski, ^^05:33
Piciapp_: #ubuntu-se05:33
Picigabriel__: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.05:33
L0GANwhats wrong with flash plugin?05:33
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aoupiapp_: oh, the virtual console05:33
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bullgard4What do the device names  LID0, SLPB, AZAL, RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, LANB and MODM in /proc/acpi/wakeup stand for?05:33
gabriel__Pici tkanks05:33
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Fat_Ferretinvalid operation05:33
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Assassynanyone knows is there is any GUI for lvm2?05:33
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vohendrixski: thanks, i apt-get'd testdisk, which includes photorec. it's processing the disk now and it's already supposedly found a bunch of txt, gz, jpg, psd, pdf, and ai files05:33
L0GANi hope the official flash plugin will be used because i'm a flash developer myself05:34
Paddy_EIREminus: its open-ssh05:34
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hendrixskivo... yeah it'll pick up everything.... you may want to turn off some of the filetypes or else you'll get inundated05:34
hendrixskivo that's my only beef with the program.. is it picks up everything... even stuff you deleted years ago which is MOSTLY over-written05:35
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L0GANwhat would be the problem with sticking to the official flash plugin?05:35
hendrixskiL0GAN, write an angry letter to Adobe for how sucky their linux software is05:35
w00tzillaOff to lunch.  Is it ok if I idle in here or should I leave?05:35
M_WSI think I've succefully installed ndiswrapper. but now when i do "$sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/.driver/wifi/DRIVER/bcmwl5.inf" - It says the driver is already installed. It seems to me that it's not really the case, as when "$sudo iwlist scanning" - none of the interfaces are scanned. whats wrong here?05:35
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hendrixskihope I helped at least someone05:35
minusPaddy_EIRE, ok..05:35
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L0GANhendrixski : and gash is compatible and better? hard to believe ;)05:36
crolle17is it possible to open a new tab in console by command?05:36
minusPaddy_EIRE, Well.. I installed SSH with "apt-get install ssh"05:36
Paddy_EIREM_WS: have you checked the ubuntu forums for your chipset05:36
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minusatleast what I can recall05:36
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Paddy_EIREminus: cool05:36
HaZiLlaive just disabled GDM, now how do i re-enable it from shell05:36
Fat_Ferretm_ws had the same problem with the lappy i am on did you try rebooting the system?05:36
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M_WSPaddy, yeah, and it says the network card only works with ndiswrapper05:36
M_WSfor wireless that is05:36
darkangel_which channel is for gusty05:36
L0GANI tested flash on ubuntu and it seem to work perfect05:36
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MasterShrekM_WS, why dont you just use the kernel module for your broadcom chip?05:36
L0GAN(for my content anyway)05:37
geniiHaZiLla: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:37
Assassynanyone using lvm2?05:37
darkangel_i need help installing 7.10 beta05:37
MasterShrekM_WS, all you need is to put the firmware in /lib/firmware, i can get u a link for a tarball of the firmware05:37
minusPaddy_EIRE, Maybe its because I use Gutsy Gibbon05:37
Picidarkangel_: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.05:37
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:37
nanonymeheh, still two days :)05:37
=== sixdraw [n=brk3@213-202-183-234.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
sixdrawhi guys how do i install .src.tgz files?05:37
MasterShreksixdraw, you need to extract it and compile it, what is it?05:38
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Paddy_EIREsixdraw: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/05:38
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sixdrawefax new version05:38
minusPici, Shut the fuck up! You are just flooding the channel with shit when you say that all the fucking time!05:38
crolle17is it possible to open a new tab in console by command?05:38
M_WSMasterShrek - I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, I just installed Ubuntu. but would that mean that the original driver is being used without wrapper. right now Ive spent most of the day trying to do it like they say here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/139005:38
MasterShrek!ohmy | minus05:38
ubotuminus: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.05:38
=== Kyozo [n=tuomas@porkka.yh-asunnot.kotinet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sixdrawhow do i start the compile?05:38
Paddy_EIREminus: watch the lingo.. and he is hardly flooding the channel05:38
MasterShrekM_WS, what kind of card is it? 4306, 4311, 4318?05:39
minusMasterShrek, sorry.. But Im so friggin irritated on Pici05:39
Assassyni need help with lvm2 on ubuntu05:39
M_WSMasterShrek: 139005:39
Lunzwahhh...what is that all about?05:39
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MasterShrekminus, why? gutsy isnt supposed to be talked about in here anyway, thats what #ubuntu+1 is for05:39
nanonymehmm, is checkinstall good?05:39
wipcan i download ubuntu 7.10 today, will it be the same as the release in two days?05:39
linux4mehow do I compile software?05:39
MasterShrekM_WS, same as i have, its actualyl a broadcom 4311, i can get you a link for the firmware, while im doing that, make sure you unload ndiswrapper05:40
Paddy_EIREminus: Pici is one of the most helpful members of the ubuntu community and he is a volunteer.. so calm down05:40
nanonymewip, might be, might not05:40
nanonymeit might have last-minute changes05:40
minusMasterShrek, well.. I can still support others with other ubuntuversions. Cause the commands are almost 100% the same..05:40
wipnanonyme: will wait then...05:40
=== MasterCheese [n=masterch@5ac1c767.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lunzcalm-down everybody...05:40
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L0GANit will be possible to download the Flash plugin automatically instead of gnash, right?05:40
M_WSThanks mastershrek - its a dell laptop by the way05:40
wiplinux4me: do you have the source?05:40
Jeriathhow would i change my computers name on the network?05:40
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Lunzlets have a tequila...05:40
wiplinux4me: if yes, with a terminal cd to it05:40
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wiplinux4me: autoconf or configure05:41
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MasterShreknanonyme, yea, use checkinstall05:41
wiplinux4me: make & make install05:41
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linux4mewip - yeah, i'm trying to install ultra monkey on ubuntu fiesty but it doesn't have a binary package for it05:41
M_WSMasterShrek, how do I unload ndiswrapper from the terminal?05:41
minusPaddy_EIRE, Well the latest hour he has probably posted 20 "Don't speak about Gutsy in here. ITS TABOO!05:41
MasterShrekM_WS, sudo rmmod ndiswrapper05:41
=== Dumskallen [n=bengt@217-210-201-158-no71.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Paddy_EIREminus: so.. its not for your benefit05:41
MTecknologyminus, it's not taboo... it doesn't belong here05:41
MasterShrekM_WS, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv05:42
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wiplinux4me: ./configure --help (to turn off some feature or on)05:42
M_WSok thats done now05:42
Paddy_EIREminus: there is more new users all the time and they also need this information05:42
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linux4mewip - tks05:42
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wiplinux4me: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local to install the software in local or /opt if you want05:42
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nanonymemastershrek, does it work for non-root installation?05:43
MasterShrekok M_WS grab that file, open a terminal and cd to the directory where u downloaded it, run: tar -xjvf bcm4311_firmware.tar.bz205:43
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geniilinux4me: I see on the ultramonkey website the source comes in redhat or debian based. Hopefully you got the debian based05:43
nanonymemastershrek, that is, if i install stuff in contrib on our system, can i still use packages?05:43
=== Flats [n=Flats@c-68-38-79-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShreknanonyme, i think so, it will just make a debian package i believe, i cant remember tho its been awhile since i compiled anything from source05:43
Manzwhen i do 'sudo apt-get install wine' it sits at 0% [Waiting for headers]  for like 10 minutes05:43
M_WSMastershrek, thanks for all your help, gonna try it now on that machine.05:43
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Manzoh nvm, its working now05:43
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FlatsHello when trying to upgrade to 7.10 I get this message.  Anything I can do to fix this?  Failed to fetch http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found05:44
FlatsFailed to fetch http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main-all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found05:44
WaltzingAlongbecause it waiting for headers05:44
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WaltzingAlong!gutsy | Flats05:44
ubotuFlats: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:44
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gnomefreakFlats: join #ubuntu+105:44
Basemhi all05:44
Basemneed some help05:44
MasterShrekFlats, if you look at that its a feisty repo, if you are upgrading to gutsy, you cant have a feisty repository05:44
VletWhy was asking about cronjobs not working?05:44
MasterShrekask away Basem05:44
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Basemi'm useing live ubuntu dvd05:45
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VletErr, not "Why", but WHO was asking about crontab :)05:45
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Basemand when i try to install application05:45
Basemit look for it online and download it05:45
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Paddy_EIREBasem: why is that a problem05:46
HaZiLlaive just disabled GDM, now how do i re-enable it from shell so it boots with gnome instead05:46
alvaroim speack spanish S:05:46
VletHaZiLla: how did you go about disabling it?05:46
Basemcan we tlak in privte05:46
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Basemi cant focus in here05:46
Paddy_EIREHaZiLla: have you tried the forums05:46
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:46
Paddy_EIREBasem: its easy to focus05:46
Basemi have ubuntu dvd05:47
HaZiLlaVlet from services05:47
linux4megenii - i grabbed this,http://www.ultramonkey.org/download/3/debian.sarge/heartbeat/heartbeat_1.2.3.cvs.20050927.orig.tar.gz05:47
HaZiLlain the gui05:47
Jeriathanyone .....how do i change my computers name on the network?05:47
Basemwhich have all the program05:47
Basemso why ubuntu look for the program online05:47
M_WSMasterShrek, Ive extracted all in a folder05:47
Basemwhy dosnt it look for it on the dvd05:47
Paddy_EIREBasem: install it and add the dvd as a repo05:47
VletBasem: problem with talking in private is that the rest of us can't see your queries... the person who started talking to you might not know the answer to your question; he/she is just helping to get things moving for you05:47
MasterShrekM_WS, now move all those files to /lib/firmware05:47
geniilinux4me: Yeah that looks OK. Paths etc in make should not need tweaking05:48
Basemis just alot of talk in here05:48
MasterShrekM_WS, you need to use sudo, so like: sudo mv bcm43xx* /lib/firmware05:48
=== keks_bla [n=keks@pD9E3BE1D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Basemand i cant focus reading all05:48
VletHaZiLla: Ahh, I think the easiest way to get it back is to log in via the terminal, and type: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:48
Basemto see whiche part is mine05:48
Paddy_EIRE!enter | Basem05:48
ubotuBasem: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:48
VletHaZiLla: then go back and turn it on the way your turned it off05:48
=== BlackWand [n=gfdgfd@c83-255-26-130.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
simenCan someone assist me with a little problem, please? I can't hear any sound at all in Ubuntu. This is my sound card: "82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller". My computer acts as if the volume was muted. I  do not recieve any error messages when I play sound files.05:48
Basemfirst of all dosnt the dvd have all the program on it?05:49
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WaltzingAlongsimen: aplay -l05:49
BlackWandStupid question. Whats the default root password for Ubuntu 7.x ?05:49
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:49
Paddy_EIRE!sound | simen05:49
ubotusimen: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:49
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M_WSMasterShrek, done that now too, theyre in lib/firmware/ now05:49
abcde_Beagle isn't indexing some of my drives.  I did some research, and I read that it is because one is FAT32, and I'd assume since the other isn't indexing because it's NTFS.  Does anyone know how I can get these drives indexed?  Or is there an alternative indexer that will?05:49
=== solea [n=jael@p54875076.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekM_WS, now do this: sudo modprobe bcm43xx05:50
WaltzingAlong!info beagle05:50
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ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 883 kB, installed size 3892 kB05:50
cypherdelicThanks to Developers of Asterisk, Cedega, Compiz-Fusion, FreePBX, Gentoo, Trixbox, Ubuntu, VirtualBox and all the great stuff i've not mentioned. You really make my day. :)05:50
=== ST47_ [n=st47@c-24-0-64-193.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
VletBasem: I don't think it has everything - just the 'main' group of applications05:50
enjahovai'm having a problem where connecting to anything takes about 5 seconds of silence, then a great connection05:50
M_WSMasterShrek - ok done, it doesn't give a message05:50
Basembut it's dvd it's 3.976 GB05:50
enjahovadoesn't matter if its ssh to server in network, or opening webpage to google05:50
MasterShrekM_WS, it shouldnt, now try scanning05:50
enjahovahow can i diagnose this?05:50
Paddy_EIREBasem: it does not have everything05:51
kitcheBasem: it doesn't have all software in it but has just a few extra things05:51
Basemany way05:51
Basemi want to run exe game05:51
=== linusl [n=linus@user144.85-195-51.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekBasem, edit the file: /etc/apt/sources.list     and put a # in front of every line except the one that has cdrom on it05:51
WaltzingAlong!wine | Basem05:51
ubotuBasem: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:51
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MasterShrekthen it wont go online Basem, but you probably kinda want it to05:51
Paddy_EIREBasem: I already told you.. install ubuntu then add the dvd as a repository05:51
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VletBasem: I then perhaps it is 'main' and 'universe', but not 'multiverse'05:51
M_WSMasterShrek, I should buy you a crate of beer. That did the trick ! Thanks very much!05:51
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linux4megenii - i tried ./configure and i have a configure error: the following components noted earlier are missing: glib-devel, libnet-devel, Please supply them and try again05:52
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Basemi cant focus with all of you05:52
Basemplz only one be talking to me05:52
MasterShrekM_WS, and its much better than using ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper is a crappy hack lol, you are using straight linux kernel now :)05:52
Paddy_EIREBasem: If you can not read then its not our problem05:52
L0GANPS has ubuntu a DVD player to watch DVD's ?05:52
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VletBasem: that's not the way this place works though05:52
Paddy_EIRE!dvd | L0GAN05:52
ubotuL0GAN: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:52
Basemi need only one talk to me05:52
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-40-62.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Basemnot all05:53
kitcheBasem: only is onyl talking to you05:53
Basemnot the game in windows run with deamon tool05:53
L0GANPS backing up DVD's is not allowed05:53
Basemhow can i solve this problem in ubuntue05:53
M_WSMasterShrek, That's one great solution, i didnt find that anywhere on the internet.05:53
Lunzbasem,read faster05:53
L0GAN(thats why we get those warnings before playing )05:53
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WaltzingAlongBasem: typically replies to you have your name at the front05:53
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Paddy_EIREL0GAN: it is allowed05:53
cypherdelicand VDR and WINE ;)05:54
Lunzbasem,just scroll back..05:54
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: you have the right to backup always!05:54
L0GANPaddy_EIRE : show me what DVD allows copying?05:54
VletBasem: Just curious, if you're running on the live dvd, then I would assume you have windows installed... so why not run the windows game in windows if you haven't actually installed ubuntu?05:54
MasterShrekM_WS, the kernel driver is still said to be somewhat unstable, but i dont have problems with it, ive helped alot of people in this room set it up this way, and not really have any issues05:54
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gnomefreaksorrry for caps05:54
enjahovaso does anyone have an idea why all my connections (using ssh, firefox, ping...) wait for 5 seconds before going forward, then work fine? its like 5 second latency that just started happening yesterday05:55
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: copying and backing up are 2 completely different things05:55
WaltzingAlongenjahova: dns?05:55
gnomefreakUSA the dvds are against the law to copy05:55
L0GANgnomefreak : I get pages and pages with warnings NO COPY ALLOWED,05:55
L0GANwhats the difference between a copy and a 'back up'05:55
kahrytan!lang | gnomefreak05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lang - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:55
gnomefreakL0GAN: depends on the laws in the courty you are in05:55
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kahrytanyou get the point :)05:55
enjahovaWaltzingAlong, how could i check that, another computer on the same network has no such problem though05:55
gnomefreakL0GAN: you can rip it to harddrive as backup :)05:55
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WaltzingAlongenjahova: both behind the same router/gateway?05:56
gnomefreakkahrytan: yep05:56
enjahovaWaltzingAlong, yep, same ubuntu setup too05:56
L0GANi buy my DVD's and never had to back up one of them05:56
M_WSMasterShrek, before i start doing all kinds of uneccesary things. I read that it is possible to install photoshop by just copying a windows install plus registry entry (converted to charset). What's true about this?05:56
enjahovaWaltzingAlong, is there a way i could check if its dns?05:56
gnomefreakL0GAN: this topic should really be in #ubuntu-offtopic05:56
Basemguys plz05:56
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: I buy mine but I always back them up05:56
Basemone talk to me in privte05:56
WaltzingAlongenjahova: cat /etc/resolv.conf05:56
Paddy_EIRE!offtopic | L0GAN05:56
ubotuL0GAN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:56
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WaltzingAlong!patience | Basem05:57
ubotuBasem: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:57
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Basemi'm patience05:57
MasterShrekM_WS, no idea, ive never really used photoshop, and especially not under linux, but i would say wine shold be ale to do it05:57
moope1anyone got any idea why my shift key is not working no more/05:57
Basembut if some one really want to help me then plz talk to me in privte05:57
=== komposter [n=komposte@ppp91-76-83-70.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
=== WaltzingAlong has used photoshop 7 in wine
Vletmoope1: soda on the keyboard? ;)05:57
tommygjhmm, which distro is most05:57
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MasterShrekmost what?05:57
moope1Vlet hur hur05:57
tommygjhehe sec ;P05:57
kahrytanWaltzingAlong,  i hope legally.05:57
L0GANPaddy_EIRE : then you dont have many :P.  Well I also see the player only allows unencrypted DVD's. Would need to download additional libs it seems05:57
L0GANany commercial DVD players available?05:58
Paddy_EIREL0GAN: I have ALOT05:58
moope1ah crap can someone type puls for me/05:58
enjahovaWaltzingAlong, apparently we do have slightly different nameservers, should i change mine to reflect his?05:58
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moope1is in =05:58
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WaltzingAlongkahrytan: just to show a designer it could work. yes i had a legit copy to an earlier version. for bitmap editing with layers and such i use something else05:58
moope1cos my shift key dont work105:58
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Paddy_EIREL0GAN: harddrives are cheap fortunately05:58
enjahovaWaltzingAlong, and once i change it, do i need to restart networking (and how)05:58
moope1and i want to goto ubuntu plus 105:58
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kahrytanL0GAN, PowerDVD  is/was Linux05:59
MasterShrekM_WS, you may want to uninstall ndiswrapper though, i dont know if it will cause issues on a reboot...05:59
Vletmoope1: has this problem been around for a while, or did it just start? Have you tried restarting?05:59
Lunzlogan,i am sure u get a different meaning in dictionary..:)05:59
tommygjwhich distro is the best of openSuse and Ubuntu to get the most out of the hardware in my laptop? drivers and stuff05:59
linux4meapparently I'm missing glib-devel and libnet-devel, how do I install this on feisty?05:59
L0GANkahrytan : I use power dvd atm05:59
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Manzanyone else been having problems lately connecting to the wine package server? (wine.budgetdedicated.com:80)05:59
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WaltzingAlongenjahova: that should be filled out from the dhcp request. (my guess) your router, gateway is giving you a dns address to itself but its implementation is poor, so it has errors filling requests05:59
moope1Vlet; i restarted last time but its come back05:59
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WaltzingAlongenjahova: so solutions would be to set the name servers manually to those set by your isp (not by your router/gateway)06:00
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enjahovaWaltzingAlong, i changed mine to use his, i'm at an office and i think they must have switched one of the nameservers or something. it works great now, Thanks!06:01
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Paddy_EIREL0GAN: http://www.news.com/New-copy-proof-DVDs-on-the-way/5208-1026_3-0.html?forumID=1&threadID=4805&messageID=30510&start=006:01
WaltzingAlongenjahova: wonderful!06:01
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cypherdelicBillyG@BilliesHomeframe$ sudo killall linux && sudo modprobe vista && ./vista-take-over-world06:03
kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:03
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cypherdelicsegmentation fault06:03
M_WSwhere can I find out what Charset ubuntu is using?06:03
kevsthabesthey guys.. i cant seem to get compiz working in gusty.. nvidia drivers installed but i keep getting white screen..06:03
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kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:04
mojo69_server irc.DaIRC.net06:04
riotkittiei am so pathetic.  i am sitting at my desktop. and sshing into it from my laptop.  :(06:04
kitchekevsthabest: it seems to be a bug it's all over the compiz-fusion forums06:04
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kevsthabestdo you beilive its been fixed in the svn?06:05
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kevsthabestactually i checked the forums.. didnt see anything that would help me..:S06:05
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WaltzingAlong!gutsy | kevsthabest06:06
ubotukevsthabest: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:06
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kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:06
boris__hi every106:06
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kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:06
ToToRojoubuntu rulz06:06
x_hello everyone06:06
kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:06
jacek2jacekjust testing06:06
kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:06
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:07
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M_WSwhere can I find out what Charset ubuntu is using?06:07
boris__im downloading quake wars and i wonder whether is will run on open source ati RV350 driver ? if it wont, im gonna install fglrx, but im not sure whether it will reconfigure my slightly modified xorg, i use AIGLX for compiz fusion06:07
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boris__it will*06:07
WaltzingAlongtry it out06:07
x_i have Creative Audiogy ZS Plotonium Pro , what's the command line in terminal for MIXERS ?!06:07
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kerbauhow to install vsftp server06:07
Paddy_EIREboris__: no you need fglrx06:07
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | kerbau06:08
ubotukerbau: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:08
=== General_L [n=genlee@c-bddde253.029-172-73746f2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
boris__will instaler reconfigure my xorg before installing fglrx ?06:08
WaltzingAlongkerbau: sudo aptitude install vsftpd06:08
kerbauthanks waltz06:09
x_what's command line in terminal for creative mixer ?!06:09
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General_LAnyone upgraded to 7.10 and uses an mobilephone (in this case sony ericsson k800i) as usb 3g modem with cabel? it worked fine in 7.04 but now it failes06:09
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Lunzkerbau,jangan repeat06:09
WaltzingAlongx_: alsamixer06:09
WaltzingAlong!gutsy | General_L06:09
ubotuGeneral_L: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:09
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x_not alsamixer .. i need creative audiogy 2 zs pltnum pro mixer06:09
cypherdelicDonBush@Whiteframe$ sudo falseflag --target $HOME --match 911 && sudo mount /dev/africom && sudo killall iran && dd if=/dev/america of=/dev/world && sudo killall rebels06:10
kerbaui have download vsftp.tz but i do not how to install06:10
Paddy_EIREx_: no you use alsamixer06:10
kerbauand configure06:10
Basemi need some one to help me06:10
WaltzingAlongkerbau: ask google06:10
Basemi'm new so i need some one who go step by step with me06:10
cypherdelicsegmentation fault06:10
Basemif any one ready then let me know plz06:10
benzs_shelp with what ?06:10
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x_Paddy_EIRE  honey i don't use alsamixer06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:10
Paddy_EIREBasem: I have already answered your question earlier but you just ignored it so ...06:11
WaltzingAlong!info vsftpd06:11
ubotuvsftpd: The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 111 kB, installed size 408 kB06:11
Lunzbasem,scroll back06:11
geniikerbau: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91887.html06:11
kerbaui already ask google..but no find any answer06:11
boris__<Paddy_EIRE do you know when ati is going to release a driver that works with 3d effects ?06:11
kerbauthanks genii06:11
Basempaddy can u answer me in privte?06:11
Paddy_EIREboris__: they already have06:11
kane77the biggest showstopper for me is absence of suspend/hibernate in gutsy... I mean it still stays the only OS on my laptop but if it would suspend it would make my life much more complete :)06:12
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geniikerbau: you're welcome06:12
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Paddy_EIREBasem: I use the main channel so everyone can see what is going on06:12
WaltzingAlong!info suspend206:12
ubotuPackage suspend2 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:12
Basemthen thx for ur help06:12
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z0rzHow can I automatically run a couple root commands on boot easily?06:12
Basemand enjoy ur main channel06:12
boris__Paddy_EIRE supported driver that supports compiz fusion and is not in beta ?06:12
kane77z0rz, put them in rc.local06:12
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Paddy_EIREboris__: like anyone else you will have to use fglrx.. I have ati with fglrx driver which runs compiz-fusion and games06:13
z0rz/etc/rc.local or /etc/init.d/rc.local ?06:13
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Xargohi ho :) i just installed and used ubuntu/linux for the first time, and i'm still having a few problems06:13
geniiz0rz: first one06:13
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boris__Paddy_EIRE what is the command to reconfigure xorg ?06:14
Xargoone problem is that my wireless keyboard doesn't get interpreted correctly when at the login screen, anyone else has that?06:14
Paddy_EIREboris__: you will have to use xgl rather than aiglx though06:14
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foxiness!hi | Xargo06:14
ubotuXargo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:14
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kane77z0rz, /etc/rc.local06:14
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Innomenhow can i disable the touch mouse on my laptop via ubuntu? (there is no way to do it via hardware or bios)06:14
Paddy_EIREInnomen: gsynaptics06:15
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WaltzingAlongInnomen: touch mouse? touchpad?06:15
boris__Paddy_EIRE that is the problem, xgl doesnt support games on top of itself06:15
Xargothe keyboard works with everything else, even while in bios setup; but at the login screen of ubuntu it's suddenly interpreted totally different; when i press certain keys my mouse cursor jumps around06:15
boris__plus xgl works weird on my card06:15
Innomenthe stupid laptop thing that keeps making me mess up while typing :P06:15
boris__slow like hell06:15
WaltzingAlong!info aptitude search synaptics06:15
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WaltzingAlongInnomen:  aptitude search synaptics06:15
ubotuaptitude: terminal-based apt frontend. In component main, is important. Version 0.4.4-1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 1428 kB, installed size 8556 kB06:15
Paddy_EIREInnomen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:16
boris__what is the command to reconfigure xorg.conf ?06:16
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boris__sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver ?06:16
Innomenreading, thanks guys06:16
Lunzsudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:16
riotkittieboris__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:16
erUSULboris__: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'06:16
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Paddy_EIREboris__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:16
boris__whats -phigh for ?06:16
Paddy_EIREactually use the -phigh method06:16
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riotkittieyeah. definitely. -phigh. <hides>06:17
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boris__(i use gutsy but i suppose it works on it as well ?06:17
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M_WSHi. Anybodoy know where can I find out what Charset ubuntu is using?06:17
Basemany one can go with me step by step?06:17
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | Basem06:17
ubotuBasem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:17
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antzen__Hear and behold the ugliness of Winblows.. Explorer copy from DVD to disk fails while DOS "copy" succeeds.. ;-)06:19
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LarHi. I'm new here. Anyone around to help me with Ubuntu screen resolution in MS Virtual Machine?06:19
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IdleOneLar: you are running ubuntu in a VM from windows?06:20
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Innomenof course it wouldn't be even remotely straight forward. ubuntu rocks but its got a LONG way to go. While attempting to "Enable SHMConfig" I get the error.06:20
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kerbauabody know where vsftp gui06:20
InnomenGnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:06:20
LarI can install Ubuntu06:20
InnomenAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.06:20
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Larthe screen resolution craps out on me after it's installed.06:20
IdleOne!fixres | lar06:20
ubotular: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:20
WaltzingAlongInnomen: need to add that part to the synaptics part in xorg.conf06:21
LarSays it's too big, and I can see huge letters...06:21
M_WSDoes anyone know where can I find out what Charset ubuntu is using ?06:21
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tattersI got an old ipaq 700mhz 128mb ram will ubuntu server run on that06:21
IdleOnetatters: yup06:21
ZeroA4tatters, yes06:21
InnomenWaltzingAlong: i got the errror as soon as i opened the file trying to add said line to config06:21
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kerbauhow configure vsftp using GUI06:21
Paddy_EIREBasem: install ubuntu from the dvd that you have then read on how to add the dvd as a repository... very simple to do06:21
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kst-I know a great trick how to free up disk space from your ubuntu install... delete the 900MB log created by lirc daemon! :D06:21
tattersk,thnx is gutsy server any more resource hungry than older versions ?06:22
Larubotu, I'm stupid. If I can't see to log into Ubuntu, how do I get a console window?06:22
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Paddy_EIRE!gutsy | tatters06:22
ubotutatters: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:22
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VletLar: ubotu is a robot :)06:22
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kst-Lar ctrl-alt-f1 to go to console, ctrl-alt-f7 to go back to GUI06:22
VletLar: hit ctrl-alt-f106:22
Lari c.06:22
kerbauhow configure vsftp using GUI06:22
LarI'll give it a shot. Thanx06:23
IdleOneLar: ctrl+alt+F1 ctrl+alt+F7 to come back to gui06:23
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Lareven if gui is messed up cos of screen resolution...06:23
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tattersI been using gutsy since tribe 3 but only desktop version been eagerly awaiting the 18th06:23
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IdleOneLar: get to console and run sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:24
nuccoanyone familiar with dhcp here? I'm trying to configure a dhcp server so that each time a client requests an IP address, it's given the next available one, regardless of the status of its current lease06:24
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M_WSwhere can I find out what Charset ubuntu is using ?06:24
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LarI'll check out the stuff you've told me, plus the page on screen resolution. I'll be back...06:24
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Larthanks a lot.06:24
Paddy_EIREM_WS: google06:24
ManzI am trying to install wine, when i type "wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -" it just has a blinkin box06:25
ipx__M_WS: UTF-806:25
InnomenThis is absurd. is there no way to disable a device without editing a config file?06:25
M_WSipx_ thanks06:25
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shawnrgrI've attempted to edit the fstab to mount my second hd at boot but its not auto mounting. not getting any errors that I can see. I've done this before but i just installed gusty, shouldn't matter but its not working. can anyone help me out?06:25
WaltzingAlongInnomen: need to add that section. then restart x06:25
kerbauhow configure vsftp using GUI06:25
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kst-Manz why not install wine from the repository?06:25
nuccoM_WS: you can usually chose what charset you save into (in for instance, gedit) if that's what you are looking for.06:25
InnomenWaltzingAlong: so no, there isn't.06:25
riotkittiearent you the guy who was waxing and waning poetic about his desire to tinker? editting config files = tinkering. so tinker :P06:26
Vletriotkittie: heh06:26
WaltzingAlongInnomen: the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf          section referring to driver synaptics06:26
Innomenriotkittie: uhh disabling a build in device is not what i meant06:26
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WaltzingAlong!synaptics | Innomen06:26
ubotuInnomen: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:26
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InnomenWaltzingAlong: yea read that, scroll up to the error i got06:26
VletInnomen: Is there anything really that wrong with editing a config file?06:27
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kst-Vlet it is not exactly user-friendly06:27
IdleOnekerbau: there is no vstfp package did you compile it yourself? if so check the site you got it from to see if there is a GUI you can install for it06:27
Innomenvlet: "linux for people" no, but itsd a little off goal.06:27
nuccook, no help on dhcp here...06:27
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IdleOne!ftp | kerbau06:27
ubotukerbau: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd06:27
=== nucco wonders where to go...
Paddy_EIREInnomen: I sent you a link with exact instructions... yet now you are trolling06:27
shawnrgr/dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,noauto02   -  this is right, isn't it?06:27
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Vletkst-, Innomen: agreed, but for now, it's nothing worth getting upset about06:27
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Manzkst-, I'm just wondering why it doesnt work properly, for all of my friends, it would just ask for password, and that put that on the trusted list, with mine it just sits there blinking06:27
M_WSnucco.. i need to recode a windows registry key to the proper ubuntu charset. that's why i needed to know that06:28
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Innomenvlet: it is when you kids get all insulting to me personally when i complain about a tool.06:28
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Paddy_EIREkst-: Innomen read this http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:28
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M_WSnucco: something like $ recode ucs-2..ascii adobe.reg06:28
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Innomenvlet: do you not agree trhat a device manager is a somewhat basic part of an OS?06:28
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Paddy_EIREInnomen: no need in ubuntu06:28
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: funny, i fine a reath urgent need to disable this device06:29
Paddy_EIREInnomen: we dont want fisherprice windows standards06:29
VletInnomen: disabling a device is not something that comes up very often for the average user06:29
kerbaui want install ftp server...dont know to configure using command06:29
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Paddy_EIREInnomen: easy06:29
riotkittiei cant speak for anybody else but i myself am not a kid, and i've yet to see anybody get personally insulting towards you06:29
kitche!info vsftpd | IdleOne kerbau06:29
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Paddy_EIREInnomen: unless you cant READ06:29
ubotuidleone kerbau: vsftpd: The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 111 kB, installed size 408 kB06:29
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VletInnomen: What kids are insulting you? I'm 28, and TALKING to you.06:29
IdleOnekitche: I asked ubotu in msg and it didnt know06:29
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kst-Paddy_EIRE you might wanna read this: http://www.intranetjournal.com/articles/200710/ij_10_10_07a.html06:30
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: strawman, i never said ubuntu needs to be like windows, i said there needs ot be a way to graphically manage devices, if you accept command line as sufficent for basic tasks, why have a desktop or even write ubuntu in the first place?06:30
IdleOnekitche: oh vsftpD :)06:30
kitcheIdleOne: :P06:30
IdleOne\ty kitche06:30
kerbaui want install ftp server...dont know to configure using command06:30
kst-IdleOne ubotu is a bot :) not a human being06:30
InnomenVlet: you laughed at riotkittie's little stab, good enough for me06:30
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IdleOnekst: yeah I know06:30
Manzanyone know why the command "wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -" idles with a blinking cursor, rather then taking me back to prompt?06:30
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:30
riotkittiethat wasnt a stab. <sigh>06:30
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Paddy_EIREkst-: linux/ubuntu is not trying to be nor will it ever try to be windows... why would we want inferiour standards.. if you can not deal with it stop complaining and go back to windows06:31
shawnrgrAnyone good with fstab? i need help mounting my second drive at boot.06:31
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=== nucco scratches head
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kylemoryanybody familiar with the differences in os x networking and ubuntu?06:31
Innomenso, the straight answer is, no ubuntu has nothing that allows a user to disable devices graphically, because wanting that makes me a baby. (fisher price) True or false.06:32
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VletInnomen: no, and calm down06:32
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nuccoM_WS: is that perl? don't think I can help you out there...06:32
Paddy_EIREoh and kst- instead of just reading the title read the actual content its a great article which will set you straight http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:32
riotkittienobody said it made you a baby. please, stop going to great lengths to feel victimized.06:32
kst-Paddy_EIRE you might want to come off your high horse and think about what you're saying... some people don't enjoy spending time with editing configs and using terminal windows, they want the trivial jobs to get done as easily as possible... not everyone cba to h4x0r06:32
Innomenvlet: oky06:32
IdleOneInnomen: no all it means is that nobody has made a GUI for it. perhaps you could :)06:32
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kerbaui want install ftp server...dont know to configure using command06:32
kerbauhow configure vsftp using GUI06:32
Paddy_EIREInnomen: stop being and idiot06:32
kst-Paddy_EIRE I read both parts this very morning, thank you.06:32
Innomenriotkittie: Paddy_EIRE: Innomen: we dont want fisherprice windows standards06:33
riotkittiebut editing a mere config is not the end of the world. and if, as you said, you want to tinker, you _are_ going to have to be willing to get your hands dirty06:33
Paddy_EIREexactly.. grow a brain Innomen06:33
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:33
=== harvest316 [n=harvest@c211-30-196-132.mirnd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
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IdleOnePaddy_EIRE: chill please06:33
shawnrgr/dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,noauto02   -  this is right, isn't it? i can't get this drive to auto mount at boot. anyone help me out please?06:33
kylemorywhen i connect to my university's network with my mac, i can do whatever i want (web, torrent, irc...) .. but on ubuntu, setup the same way (i think) i cant do anything.. all the windows machines on campus go through a proxy that blocks everything.. but this doesnt effect my ibook for some reason....06:33
kylemoryany ideas?06:33
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Innomenriotkittie: disabling a device is no more "tinkering" than creating a folder, its a basic part of an OS06:33
thebighamI wanna do a fresh install for Gutsy, but i do not how to do that. Can anyone help me with that??06:33
kerbauanyone please...06:33
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Paddy_EIREInnomen: says who06:34
IdleOne!patience | kerbau06:34
=== riotkittie sighs, and flees.
Vletkerbau: I don't think there is a gui for it06:34
Jaymacthebigham, see #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support :)06:34
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frank_hi thebigham06:34
Vletkerbau: Did some searching, and it appears one does not exist06:34
kitchekerbau: edit it's config file /etc/vsftpd.conf ubuntu might put it someplace else though either with gedit or another gui text editor06:34
ubotukerbau: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:34
kerbauhow about using webmin06:34
Innomenvlet: riotkittie: -=Paddy_EIRE: exactly.. grow a brain Innomen=- Who's pretending to be a victim? Are not words like idiot, and phrases like "grow a brain" personally insulting?06:34
frank_the same way that you have install 7.0406:34
Paddy_EIREInnomen: stop trolling or take this to the offtopic channel please06:34
kerbaucan vsftp integreted with webmin06:35
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: you need to learn to defend a point without using insults.06:35
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IdleOneInnomen: please stay on topic ( support )06:35
=== Paddy_EIRE shakes head
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InnomenPaddy_EIRE: stop insulting me and i'll stop responding offtopic06:35
Pricey!offtopic | Innomen06:35
ubotuInnomen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:35
kerbausorry people06:35
thebighamI have some more questions, how do i remove those Ubuntu Generic ###### on the GRUB during startup06:35
Paddy_EIREInnomen: actually read that article..06:35
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thebighamI have like 10 of them06:35
InnomenIdleOne: ok, how can i graphically disable a given device?06:35
kylemorywhy can my mac get around my school's proxy, but ubuntu cant??06:35
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: i did, i'm still asking06:35
Vletkerbau: In a cursory google search, it appears it can. I don't have any info on it, but I would assume a simple google search for vsftpd and webmin would show you how06:35
Paddy_EIREInnomen: then you are a fool06:35
nuccothebigham: edit menu.lst06:36
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geniikerbau: webmin has been removed06:36
tamerHi all , i think i am having a problem with the colors here , it's not crucial but i expect a better performance from my LCD screen , does anyone have an idea about this ??06:36
Innomen!offtopic | Paddy_EIRE06:36
ubotuPaddy_EIRE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:36
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IdleOneInnomen: I do not know. and it does not seem there is a way to. you can make a wishlist bug on launchpad.net if thee isnt or perhaps make a GUI for what you need06:36
PriceyPaddy_EIRE, Innomen stop it now please.06:36
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InnomenIdleOne: thank you for a straight answer, the first one i've gotten today.06:36
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kerbaugenii: what  u mean webmin has been removed??06:37
kerbaui alreasy install webmin06:37
InnomenPricey: so when i'm attacked, i'm to blame. isnt that kinda like "she was asking for it" ? sad. Are you a moderator?06:37
shawnrgr/dev/sdb1/var/local/storageext3user,noauto02   -  this is right, isn't it? i can't get this drive to auto mount at boot. anyone help me out please?06:37
genii!info webmin06:37
VletInnomen: I think we've established that there is no gui for it. If you'd like to help, this is the spec page for the device manager: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeviceManagerSpec06:37
ubotuPackage webmin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:37
Basemany one know how to run iso file?06:37
kerbaui already install webmin06:37
Pici!webmin | kerbau06:37
ubotukerbau: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system06:37
IdleOneInnomen: you need to remember that people here are volunteers and not everybody has every answer. there might just be a GUI for disabling a device but I dont know of one. please relax and try searching or like I said make a wish on launchpad06:37
Innomenvlet: you realize that IdleOne was the first one to say there wasn't06:38
nuccoshawnrgr: replace "noauto" with "auto"06:38
geniiPici: thanks, thats the one i wanted :)06:38
VletInnomen: okay?06:38
Basemany one know how to run iso file as cd?06:38
nuccoor remove it entirely06:38
InnomenIdleOne: i was attempting to expose a fundamental problem, and then i was attacked personally for daring to insinuate that ubuntu is less than perfect.06:38
nuccoBasem: mount it, but it won't run as CD06:38
kerbauahh i like webmin06:38
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:38
shawnrgrnucco, huh, i've always used that before in the last 2 installs and it seemed to work. I will try, thank you for responding06:39
Basemthat's the problem06:39
nuccoBasem: it will be accessible as a folder06:39
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Basemcause the game need the orginal cd06:39
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Basemi dont need it as folder man06:39
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Basemi need when the game check it find the orginal cd in the cdrom06:39
Innomenvlet: ok what, its hard to debate 15 people, and each time one of you scolds me, i'm going to respond if i feel the admonition was unjustified.06:39
IdleOneInnomen: I understand but like I said these people are volunteers and not trained or payed to help you in the manner you expect :) although the Ubuntu community is the greatest I have seen yet06:39
Basemany one know about this?06:39
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riotkittieoh. for. the. love. of all things holy.  before anyone began insulting you, you chose to call us children.06:39
InnomenIdleOne: i agree 100%06:39
hayashi1did some1 try the linksys powerline mod ?06:39
PriceyInnomen, sorry I was away for a second. Yes I am an operator of the channel, would you like to chat with me about this in pm?06:40
abcde_Beagle isn't indexing some of my drives.  I did some research, and I read that it is because one is FAT32, and I'd assume since the other isn't indexing because it's NTFS.  Does anyone know how I can get these drives indexed?  Or is there an alternative indexer that will?06:40
Innomenriotkittie: being young is an insult?06:40
IdleOneInnomen: not lets get back on topic before the ops kick us both :)06:40
nuccoBasem: maybe wizard in here can come up with a way to 'mkdev' and hook it up with the mounted folder :) ... if at all that's possible06:40
Innomenriotkittie: i meant nothing of the kind06:40
Paddy_EIREok guys change the subject06:40
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=== Paddy_EIRE *yawns*
Basemand when that will happen06:40
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IdleOneInnomen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeviceManagerSpec check out the link maybe you can help out06:41
PriceChildAHEM!!! This channel is for Ubuntu stable release support only. Offtopicness ends here :)06:41
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Mark7Why can't Gajim do file transfers?06:41
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InnomenPricey: i'd rather they get off my back, and i'd like to have my comments public, for the record. But I'm flexible.06:41
Paddy_EIREBasem: make an iso image on yor hdd of the game then mount it06:41
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tatterswhat time GMT is gutsy going to arrive on the 18th06:41
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: i'd like an apology from you. I never called you names. And i did not deserve the ones you called me.06:41
PriceChildInnomen, then #pricechild if you'd like others the chance to talk06:41
Paddy_EIREInnomen: clear of06:41
PriceChildtatters, when it is ready.06:41
mariocesar_boHello all, I can't share a fat32 hardrive with samba, What is happening?06:42
Basemfor the sousend time06:42
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DopplerDeffectIs it difficult to determine hard drive free space? I notice a lack of any native app in Ubuntu to do it, any I can apt-get?06:42
Basemi dont need to read it06:42
IdleOneInnomen: if you feel the need to explain yourself then there is #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-dev to speak to the devs about your issue here we concentrate on support as best we can06:42
InnomenPaddy_EIRE: not surprising that you'd want the subject dropped.06:42
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Basemthe game chek for the orginal cd when it run06:42
VletMark7: Are you and the person with whom you're trying to share a file both behind routers?06:42
Paddy_EIREman I hate trolls06:42
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InnomenIdleOne: noted, thank you, i will06:42
PriceChildBack on topic _please_06:42
VletInnomen: Do you have any other questions about ubuntu?06:42
Basemand i have the cd in iso forme06:42
Basemyou got me now06:42
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tattersPriceChild: has ubuntu ever failed to deliver on proposed launch date before?06:42
Innomenvlet: no but i have a question about the support channel06:42
PriceChildtatters, no. And we won't this time.06:42
Paddy_EIREBasem: have you mounted the iso image06:43
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VletInnomen: then perhaps you should take it to #ubuntu-offtopic06:43
Basemoh my god06:43
Mark7Vlet.  What's a router?06:43
InnomenPriceChild: whats the policy here on adhoms?06:43
Basemwhy i need to mount it?????06:43
PriceChildInnomen, adhoms?06:43
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Innomenvlet: i'm asking about policy in this channel, am i to ask that in another channel?06:43
VletMark7: Like, a wireless access point or other cable-modem/dls sharing device06:43
Basemi need the iso file to run as cd not as mount folder06:43
PriceChildInnomen, best place for that is #ubuntu-ops06:43
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linux4mei tried ./configure and i have a configure error: the following components noted earlier are missing: glib-devel, libnet-devel, Please supply them and try again. can someone point me in the right direction?06:43
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PriceChildInnomen, see also /msg ubotu guidelines06:43
hayashi1Basem: you want to use a drive without mouting it ?06:44
Mark7WOuld it make any difference if I told you I'm using GAjim as a multi protocol IM client Vlet?06:44
InnomenPriceChild: insults, ad homs, to the man attacks.06:44
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xbeanxI'm trying to compile a bottled version of pything, including python-ldap..  When I compile python-ldap I get this error:  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl  .....however I do have libssl installed06:44
Paddy_EIREBasem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736906:44
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PriceChildInnomen, #ubuntu-ops06:44
Basemok guys06:44
Basemi have game06:44
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Paddy_EIREBasem: follow that link it will solve your problem.. or it wont06:44
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Basemwhen it run it look for the cd in the cd room06:44
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Basemand i have that cd as iso fil06:44
InnomenPriceChild: no, if he can call me an idiot here without repercussion i can act similarly.06:44
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Basemin windows i use program which run the iso file as cd06:44
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Paddy_EIREBasem: does the same task basically http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736906:45
Basemand make the game think that i run the orginal cd06:45
fevelhey guys, is there a list of hardware that are well suported by ubuntu so I can build the perfect box?06:45
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IdleOneInnomen: you are very close to the line I suggest you take this to #ubuntu-ops and speak there about how you feel you have been threated06:45
Vletlinux4me: Try doing: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libnet1-dev06:45
anolishow do i kill "defunct" processes?06:45
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musashiman i still cant get my wireless to work properly....06:45
Basemsome one just give me that link06:45
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Basemand i dont know how to save it06:46
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Basemshould i make it as text file or what06:46
VletMark7: I'm not really sure. I don't know anything in particular about Gajim, but I know that if both you and your friend are behind routers, it can be difficult to transfer files06:46
Paddy_EIREBasem: read it06:46
hayashi1just highlight the link it copies it06:46
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Mark7I don't think either of us are behind routers06:46
Basemi did read it06:47
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Basemand i said i dont know how to save it06:47
VletMark7: does it give any error or anything?06:47
nareshovany idea when 2.6.23 will be provided?06:47
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odomsbar_I recorded this with Ubuntu http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5683698455031323470&hl=en06:47
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Mark7It doesn't say anything vlet06:47
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Paddy_EIRE!tab | Basem06:47
ubotuBasem: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:48
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Vletodomsbar_: very nice :)06:48
nareshov'cause only 2.6.23 seems to work fine with my hda-intel sound06:48
VletMark7: So what happens when you try?06:48
Paddy_EIREso your response/questions are highlighted to me06:48
Basemthis is my first time i use linux ok06:48
Paddy_EIREBasem: follow-the-guide06:48
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Basemcan u plz dont help me any more06:49
Basemi dont need ur stupid help really06:49
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Mark7Nothing, Vlet, the transfer doesn't even start06:49
VletBasem: Like I was saying earlier, what you're trying to do might be a bit difficult to you if this is your first time using linux. It's like asking someone to change the oil in a car who has never seen a car before06:49
cachedHow do I test if i'm running 64 bit or 32 bit?06:49
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nareshovcached, uname -a06:49
Paddy_EIREyou can take a horse to water but you cant make him drink06:49
nareshovshould show something06:50
Basemman i think windws was the best06:50
Basemis hard to use linux06:50
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Basemis not compelte operating system yet06:50
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cachedwhat does generic imply?06:50
riotkittieits hard to use any OS the first time around.06:50
Basemit just for the basic use06:50
nareshovcached, uname -m06:50
kerbaugo windows go06:50
Paddy_EIREBasem: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:50
riotkittiethe fact that you. omg. <argh>06:50
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hayashi1every good thing is hard to get XD06:50
linux4mevlet -tks, i think that it is but now I'm getting problems downloading the package...06:50
dopplerdeffectIs it difficult to determine hard drive free space? I notice a lack of any native app in Ubuntu to do it, any I can apt-get?06:50
nareshovi686 = 32-bit06:50
VletBasem: it's getting easier every day, but certain things are still difficult.06:50
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Basemit's velt in windws i just have program to run the game06:51
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Basemno need for all this06:51
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soikezHi... Is there any way to find all the broken symlinks inside a directory?06:51
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Vletlinux4me: I'd load up synaptic and search for them in there and try it... maybe you and or I didn't type the package names quite right06:51
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Basemany way thankx al and i'm done with linux06:51
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Mark7I'm trying to send a file to someone right now and nothing is happening, Vlet06:51
Paddy_EIREMark7: you using dcc06:52
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VletMark7: try to see if the other person can send you a file... not sure what's happening mark... just trying to help, but I don't really have any answer for ya06:52
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Pseudoryx Hi everyone, I'm currently using gutsy server edition, running DWM as windows manager, does anyone know how to display the output from "Htop" apps on background mode, and blend it on top of Wallpaper?06:52
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Pseudoryx Hi everyone, I'm currently using gutsy server edition, running DWM as windows manager, does anyone know how to display the output from "Htop" apps on background mode, and blend it on top of Wallpaper? (in Xinitrc)???06:53
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kerbauanyone knows how to download video from redtube.com06:53
IdleOnePseudoryx: #ubuntu+106:53
Castmichhello guys, got a small issue here with my video drivers. if I use fglrxinfo while on normal user i get: mesa3d, on root I get ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600.06:54
Vletkerbau: holy nsfw! :)06:54
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Mark7Someone tried to send me a jpg and all he got was Mark canceled the transfer of pog_build_1.jpg06:54
Castmichalso any 3D application runs in windowed mode and can't go full screen06:54
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Vletkerbau: check out https://addons.mozilla.org/ for firefox addons to allow you to download flash videos.06:55
kerbauVlet: what nsfw06:55
VletNot Safe For Work06:55
Mark7not sdafe for work06:55
wastrelwhat's dwm06:55
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Mark7Doctor Who Magazine?06:55
livingdaylightYo guys.... is feisty gibbon ready yet?06:55
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Vletlivingdaylight: thursday :)06:55
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kerbaui just try06:56
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livingdaylightVlet, :p06:56
etronikhey guys, for a home server machine is ther much difference from 6.06 (daper?) to the latest version ??06:56
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etronikdapper... sorry. ehat the latest stable version btw ??06:56
PriceChildetronik, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"06:56
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=== Vlet shrugs .... bug/security fixes in daemons, etc
etronikeheh I hear ya06:57
sainzeoi have been unable to get my sound working in ubuntu - i have an audigy2 sound card and i set it as the main card under Control Panel - Sound - any suggestions?06:57
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kerbauno any addon firefox can dowload video from redtube.com06:57
etronikalthough... something did get broken during minor kernel upgarde06:57
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PriceChildetronik, upgrades could be more trouble than they're worth. Especially when you don't have any reason to upgrade it seems.06:57
livingdaylightactually, i got a question related to Amarok... i've had to apt-get remove --purge it; yet when i reinstall it i don't have a fresh install and have the same problems i tried to lose by remove -- purging it...06:57
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:57
stuart-hey guys06:57
livingdaylightAnyone know if and where there are any hidden or configuration files?06:57
PriceChildlivingdaylight, probably related to your user specific settings in ~/.kde ?06:57
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stuart-sound seems to be looping over and over, like a broken cd. how do i restart alsa?06:57
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Vletkerbau: yes there are. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=flash+video&status=406:58
livingdaylightPriceChild, aha... yea... couldn't find any hidden files but figure there are some config files related to amarok somewhwere ineed to remove...06:58
PriceChildlivingdaylight, well most kde stuff goes into ~/.kde :)06:58
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etronikPriceChild: but thats my point... in order to say or not I have or not... I wanted to know if there were major advances in the server version... I dunno, better VMWare performance for ex.06:58
livingdaylightPriceChild, where would that be? :s06:59
PriceChildlivingdaylight, ~ means home, then the folder .kde06:59
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livingdaylightok, gotcha06:59
LarI'm making good progress on my Ubuntu installation. Except now poor mousy won't play nice.06:59
LarHow do I get my USB mouse to work???06:59
Mark7File transfer's are okay in Pidgin, Vlet06:59
cyclonutquick question - I want to try out fluxbox, but I want to do so without breaking gnome06:59
fevelhey guys, is there a list of hardware that are well suported by ubuntu so I can build the perfect box? im asking again cuz people might have missed it from the discussions06:59
cyclonuthow do I go about it?06:59
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PriceChildetronik, I don't know off hand, but again I'd say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".06:59
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Paddy_EIREcyclonut: fluxbox wont break gnome06:59
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Mark7So it's a Jabber problem07:00
cyclonutPaddy_EIRE: how do I attempt to use it instead of gnome, then?07:00
etronikPriceChild:  gotcha...07:00
PriceChildetronik, hardy herron (8.04) in april will be the next release and you'll be able to upgrade straight from dapper to hardy, missing others out. That might be a more beneficial upgrade.07:00
Mark7Time to go and post on the forums07:00
fevelwhats the interface for xubuntu? aint it fluxbox?07:00
cyclonutPaddy_EIRE: I've tried to find the answer, but no luck07:00
PriceChildetronik, sorry... the next LTS release.07:00
PriceChildfevel, xfce407:00
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages07:00
Paddy_EIREcyclonut: well you would sudo aptitude install fluxbox then logout and change your session to fluxbox07:00
etronikPriceChild: k, thanks07:00
kerbauVlet: thank..i have try some addon....but no any luck07:01
cyclonutPaddy_EIRE: okay, well, here goes07:01
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Laranyone able to help me out with how to get a USB mouse recognized???07:01
Paddy_EIRELar: which mouse please mate07:01
fevelLar, whats the problem?07:01
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fevelLar, they usually work, im using one right now07:01
LarMS Wheel mouse, uSB, optical07:01
mxcarronjust a question07:01
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linux4medoes anyone here have ultra monkey runnning on feisty with an LVS-DR setup? i'm interested in the config files.07:02
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Vletkerbau: I dunoh man... this isn't really the right place to talk about that07:02
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fevelyou sure the mouse aint the problem?07:02
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sainzeoi have been unable to get my sound working in ubuntu - i have an audigy2 sound card and i set it as the main card under Control Panel - Sound - any suggestions?07:02
Paddy_EIRELar: that should work straight away?.. one sec07:02
Larthat's what I assumed, but the curser just sits there looking at me...07:02
LarI'm setting up in a VM.07:02
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Larworks fine on my Windows box.07:02
Aw0Lcan anyone recommend a good linux-friendly pda?  I've always used Palm-based pda's.  Is there something better nowadays?07:02
mxcarrondo you have problem to read subtitles with totem (gstreamer)?07:02
Paddy_EIRELar: are you using vmware-server07:02
fevelLar, then its a misconfig on vmware07:02
Larno, MS07:03
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Larvirtual pc 200707:03
Paddy_EIRELar: that lacks usb support I think07:03
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kerbauVlet: nevermind.. i just boring right now..hahaha07:03
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Laroh, that could be a problem...07:03
fevelnope Paddy_EIRE07:03
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fevelyou just have to enable it07:03
Paddy_EIREfevel: are you sure07:03
livingdaylightPriceChild, i tried Listen and its nice but seems to break down easily, i.e. its not all that stable for me07:03
Paddy_EIREfevel: oh ok07:03
LarI'll try a ps/2 and see if it works.07:03
fevelI installed win07:03
Larthanks for the tip.07:03
fevelon vmware-server with usb mouse07:03
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Paddy_EIREfevel: could you explain to lar how to enable it07:04
Larvmware just seems to use a lot more resources07:04
fevelhes not using vmwareserver07:04
Larbut then maybe cos it works better?07:04
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Paddy_EIREfevel: was wondering there07:04
fevelsorry Paddy_EIRE07:04
fevelnever heard of that07:04
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LarI don't like the way vmware leaves services running all the time, either.07:04
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hdoriaanyone running wine + gutsy?07:04
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Larmaybe a diff forum :-)07:05
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Paddy_EIRELar: I think all VMs leave services running... its nessacery I think07:05
Picihdoria: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy/7.10 support/discussion.07:05
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Brazileiroke tal a todos07:05
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Brazileiroaka se habla espaol ??07:05
Larthanks, Paddy. I'll take a closer look.07:06
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hdoriaBrazileiro, #ubuntu-br07:06
Paddy_EIRELar: sure .. also check the forums for people with the same vm setup your doing07:06
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Brazileiro---[|hdoria|] --- ok07:06
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ZeroA4!es | ZeroA407:07
AngryElfhow do you disable all the annoying password prompts that I get throughout GNOME?07:07
cachedWhy is it that whenever the Wine Gecko Installer dialog box opens up, the console says Shutting Down (then counts up)07:07
Paddy_EIREAngryElf: you dont want to do that07:07
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linux4mevlet -tks, it installed ok now07:08
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Instabin|Workn #games07:08
Paddy_EIRE!sudo | AngryElf07:08
ubotuAngryElf: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:08
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AngryElfPaddy_EIRE: yes I do07:08
AngryElfI know what sudo is, thanx07:08
Instabin|Workhas any one run ET:QW on ubuntu?07:08
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AngryElfanyone know how to disable all the annoying GUI password prompts throughout GNOME?07:09
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kitcheAngryElf: that is gksu man gksu and it should tell you or you can always make it not ask for password at all07:09
Paddy_EIREAngryElf: well thats a bad idea.. you basically want your system to be running with full root access open to whomever07:09
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daedricwhats wrong with ubuntu.org ???07:09
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AngryElfkitche: thanx07:09
Paddy_EIREAngryElf: although I found a guide 1 sec07:09
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Picidaedric: The website is ubuntu.com, not .org07:10
andy_1can I get some help fixing my screen res.07:10
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kitchedaedric: how are we suppose to know?07:10
trogdorhow do I edit /etc/motd?07:10
daedricPici Ohhh.... sorry :$07:10
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wastreltrogdor: sudo vi /etc/motd.tail07:10
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ZeroA4daedric, it not a site of ubuntu linux... use ubuntu.com or ubuntulinux.org07:10
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Picitrogdor: edit /etc/motd.tail07:10
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Picitrogdor: man motd for the reason behind that.07:11
trogdorPici, wastrel: thx07:11
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bullgard4What stands the acpi wakeup device AZAL for?07:12
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Paddy_EIREAngryElf: try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty read the  How to use "sudo" without prompt for password (not secure) section07:12
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Sontax`lapHey is there something like frontpage or dreamwaver for ubuntu ?07:12
arcad3days left?07:13
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Piciarcad3: 207:13
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arcad3just cant wait07:13
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dgjones!nvu | Sontax`lap07:13
ubotuSontax`lap: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It will be in the Ubuntu repos for 7.10 ("gutsy"); meanwhile for other versions add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:  "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu {edgy,feisty} universe"  (pick your release and list it without brackets, and no quotes)07:13
Flare183Sontax`lap:> yes Kompozer, Bluefish, and some others07:13
Paddy_EIRESontax`lap: http://www.kompozer.net/07:13
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Flare183Sontax`lap:> quanta is the best07:13
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Flare183i think so anyway07:13
AngryElfPaddy_EIRE: not really what i'm trying to do -- I'm trying to get rid of the annoying GUI password prompts throughout GNOME...like the one that comes up if I want to edit myh networking settings07:14
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andy_1I need help with my screen res. I can't change it from 800x600 =\07:14
arcad3romani pe aici?07:14
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Paddy_EIREAngryElf: thats basically what you're doing07:14
fourthgenHow do I get Xchat to automaticaly do stuff on connect?07:15
Paddy_EIREAngryElf: thats why its not secure and not recommended07:15
linux4mei ran ./configure and it appeared successful for source files I downloaded, what else do I need to do? i downloaded and extracted this file, http://www.ultramonkey.org/download/3/debian.sarge/heartbeat/heartbeat_1.2.3.cvs.20050927.orig.tar.gz07:15
smultronanyone know the name of the CLI program that can split audio files?07:15
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erUSULsmultron: sox07:15
erUSUL!info sox | smultron07:15
arcad3linux4me: sudo make && make install07:15
etronikanybody willing to help me with weird mysql configuration problem ? check out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40841/07:16
The_Joe_Y'know, I have sound working, but only through headphones07:16
ubotusmultron: sox: A universal sound sample translator. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.18.2-1 (feisty), package size 323 kB, installed size 748 kB07:16
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The_Joe_And yes I've checked that PC Speaker is on07:16
smultronerUSUL: thanks, i'll check it out :)07:16
fourthgenAlso, anyone know how to get a users list up on Xchat?07:16
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Picifourthgen: I think you right click on the side and theres an option, but I'm not sure, I dont use xchat.07:17
alhyou sse07:17
MessiahAngelhi all07:17
nerafmelpthere are spanish channels available?07:17
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PriceChild!es | nerafmelp07:17
ubotunerafmelp: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:17
=== N3bunel saluta
The_Joe_Anyone have any ideas?07:17
nerafmelpthanks a lot07:17
alhdont know07:17
nerafmelpsee you s07:17
davidmfourthgen, View/Userlist07:17
The_Joe_I only have sound in my headphones07:18
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The_Joe_And I've definately got my speakers on07:18
linux4mearcad3 - bah, getting an error 1..07:18
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gnranyone know why songbird wont play my music files? i just get error in the music bar...07:18
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arcad3paste the error on patebin07:18
MessiahAngelanyone has done the upgrade to Gutsy from Feisty on a RAID 0 stripe system ?07:18
arcad3*pastebin sorry07:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:18
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chuy_maxI use Ubuntu feisty, but I need to use dapper drake latest kernel, is it more safe to download the kernel source from dapper repository, or to download it from a linux kernel mirror and compile it07:19
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gnrit doesnt tell me the error07:19
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arcad3Pici esti roman?07:19
gnrdoesn't even show up in the errors window07:19
Piciarcad3: no.07:19
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arcad3i have a question...why NVU in FEisty isn't in repos anymore?07:20
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Piciarcad3: because it wasnt being maintained anymore.07:20
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linux4mearcad3 - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40842/07:21
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arcad3hmm did ./configure gave u any error?07:22
mr_marvinhello. i have partitioned my newly bought data hd (on "slave") using 2 ntfs partitions in winxp, but ubuntu sees it as one drive? is that ok?07:22
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blacklotus89searching java-config for ubuntu does anyone know where i can find it?07:22
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UNDERsoNHello I have a problem. I wanna use enlighment but when I'm starting it is using wrong encoding. Which command can help me to set encoding or language in Enlighment?07:23
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linux4mearcad3 - no, i'll run it again and double check07:23
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trogdormr_marvin: if its just for data why not use ext3, the specifications for such a file system are open source so more likely to be supported. It also doesn't fragment like ntfs07:23
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trogdormr_marvin: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=windows+ext3&btnG=Search07:24
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mr_marvintrogdor: i gave it a thought, but decided ntfs... i typed "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb1" and end line is "partition table entries are not in disk order"?07:25
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blacklotus89UNDERsoN: /wc07:25
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mr_marvintrogdor: also: Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary.07:26
linux4mearcad3 - here is the tail output of sudo ./configure, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40843/ - heartbeat says it is already the latest version if I do sudo apt-get install heartbeat07:26
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JaredI have an amd 64 processor, is it worth it to switch to 64 bit ubuntu?07:26
JaredI mean...what would all the complications be?07:26
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UNDERsoNblacklotus89> UNDERsoN: /wc>> what does it mean?07:27
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trogdormr_marvin: oh so you use that disk for things other than data07:27
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arcad3then that was the prob...07:27
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arcad3next time first look if ubuntu has in his repos the package u want ....if is not compile from source07:28
newbiiieI used the standard GUI based ubuntu 7.04 live cd when I tried to intall on my hp laptop.07:28
newbiiieGot error message and instalation hung. Found a possible solution in the forum, but it requires access to terminal.07:28
newbiiieHow do I accsess the terminal from the "boot start up window"?07:28
newbiiieDo I need the command line based installer to accsess the terminal from the start of boot session?07:28
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MasterShreknewbiiie, wait until thursday and install gutsy when its released, or try the alternate feisty install07:29
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mr_marvintrogdor: no, just for media?07:30
MasterShrekKI4IKL, you cant really switch, youd pretty much have to reinstall07:30
skipsjhnewbiiie what was the problem and possible solution07:30
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craig1709Hello, I upgraded to gutsy a few days ago and my numpad on my keyboard has stopped working, any ideas?07:30
soundraynewbiiie: to access a terminal, boot the full graphical system and choose Applications-Accessories-Terminal from the menu. Alternatively, hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 for a text-mode terminal07:30
MasterShrekcraig1709, #ubuntu+107:30
Seeker`craig1709: Num lock?07:30
trogdormr_marvin: oh okay..07:30
The_Joe_Shrek! :o07:30
MasterShrek=] 07:30
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:PriceChild] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy support in #ubuntu+1, Party in #ubuntu-release-party
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The_Joe_Got sound at long last but it's only in my headphones O.o07:31
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:31
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mr_marvintrogdor: i just hope that all is ok, since win does not report any errors?07:31
craig1709apologies for asking for support in the wrong room :( <insert swearword here> - never mind anyway, I had mouse keys on :'(07:31
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Instabin|WorkAny one here install quakewars demo yet?07:32
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bullgard4What stands the acpi wakeup device AZAL for?07:32
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arcad3The_Joe:remove the headphones JACK and insert the speacker jack in its place07:32
ZergiuI just downloaded a movie with bittorrent , there are a lot of packages , what do I need to do now?07:32
The_Joe_Arcad3: Huh?07:32
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The_Joe_They're built in: Laptop07:32
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PSyKoHi, ive rm -rf /bin, what shall i dO?07:32
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MasterShrekZergiu, this is not the place for that kind of talk07:32
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trogdorZergiu: get the gstreamer 10 packages except the dbg and doc07:32
LjLPSyKo: reinstall.07:33
Instabin|WorkPSyKo: reinstall07:33
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VletIt seems like impatience of visitors here is directly proportional to the polularity of ubuntu07:33
Zergiuwhere should I ask then :S?07:33
trogdorMasterShrek: what sort of talk would that be07:33
arcad3then  remove the headphones07:33
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:33
MasterShrektrogdor ^^07:33
teratomai want to rotate the utmp on my ubuntu box, as in erasing all traces of who has logged in recently, how do i do that?07:33
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newbiiieskipsjh, problem and sollution here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty07:33
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waldo323Vlet, sorry i took everyone's patience i've been stockpiling it07:33
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trogdorMasterShrek: there are thousands of torrented open source movies :P07:33
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__Hey all wondering if anybody here has Dual Booted Ubuntu 7.04 with Mandriva 2008?07:34
trogdorI mean heck just look at google video07:34
predaeusteratoma, there is a tool called logrotate, I think ubuntu uses is by default on the system log files.07:34
bkjHi. I have openususe installed and i want to intall ubuntu on another partition.I want to know will the ubuntu installation overwrite my boot loader from the opensuse?07:34
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Elb1What size is the ubuntu 7.04 iso?07:34
arcad3yes bkj but it will be included in the ubuntu grub boot menu07:35
kane77the biggest showstopper for me is absence of suspend/hibernate in gutsy... I mean it still stays the only OS on my laptop but if it would suspend it would make my life much more complete :)07:35
linux4mearcad3 - tks. i just wasn't sure i had to compile. the documentation is not entirely clear for ultra monkey07:35
soundraybkj: yes, it will. But it will probably recognize the Suse installation and make a boot menu entry for it.07:35
hdevalencehow would I use sed to strip the html tags from a file? I tried sed "s/<*>//g" index.html but it didn't work07:35
=== Redhammer_the_Ol [n=Red@79-74-240-224.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zergiuok , a better idea , how do I copy files from the ubuntu partition to the windows one , and they are mounted07:35
akornElbl i think it's around 695 megs unelss you get the DVD07:35
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PriceChild!offtopic | kane7707:35
Vletbkj: If it's grub, it'll probably just update the manu.lst... otherwise I'm GUESSING that yes, it'll overwrite.. just guessing though :)07:35
ubotukane77: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:35
soundraybkj: if not, you can always add it afterwards07:35
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blasty_the sound of gnome/gdm is broken and loops.. until I kill the esd daemon.. yet XMMS plays my music fine when I configure it to use ALSA and the proper device. yet configuring ALSA in the 'preferences -> sound' dialog for gnome sounds does _not_ work. any ideas?07:35
MasterShrekkane77, agreed07:35
bkjVlet its grub07:35
trogdorkane77: suspend is most useless thing you could do with a computer :/07:35
bkjsoundray how can i add it?07:35
MasterShrektrogdor, not with a laptop07:35
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kane77trogdor, why do you think so? it is _very_ handy on laptop07:36
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trogdorMasterShrek: it appears powered off but still has the fan going right? what are chances of it getting thrown into that leather bag and overheating until its crap?07:36
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trogdorkane77: its also endlessly buggy with hw vendors07:36
soundraybkj: it's a matter of adding a few lines to /boot/grub/menu.lst -- get specific instructions from us here if you really run into this problem.07:36
akornTrogdor: mine doesn't run a fan at all when it's in Suspend07:36
MasterShrektrogdor, hibernate turns all power off07:36
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antares88algun espaol?07:36
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:36
kane77PriceChild, is it realy OT? I just wanted to find out more about suspend/hibernate in ubuntu...07:36
trogdorMasterShrek: hibernate sounds useful but its requires so much disk space it really depends if you want it or not07:36
mr_marvini'm not sure if i have a problem, but ubuntu does not recognise file system on my secondary hd?07:36
Vletbkj: Well, when you install two versions of ubuntu side by side (on different partitions) the second install knows to update the menu, not overwrite, so I would guess that the ubuntu installer will just look for /boot/grub ... meaning for all it knows, your other linux install could very well be ubuntu07:37
PriceChildkane77, gutsy is not release. It is offtopic.07:37
akornmr_marvin: what type of file system is your secdonary HD?07:37
kane77PriceChild, it is just matter of hours...07:37
MasterShrektrogdor, it doesnt require THAT much disk space, just as much ram as you have i think, and suspend is nice for powersaving between classes07:37
PriceChildkane77, Don't care. See ubotu's message.07:37
MasterShrekkane77, join the party #ubuntu-release-party =P07:37
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mr_marvinakorn: 2 partitions in ntfs, but ubuntu sees them as 4 partitions (unknown, unknown, novell netware (!?), empty)07:38
akornAnybody know if Mandriva's bootloader would overwrite Ubuntu 7.04's? both are GRUB but i hear they haven't fixed it from overwriting07:38
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akornmr_marvin: lemme check what program it was that i installed, but i'm able to mount and read/write on my other NTFS partition with it07:39
Vletakorn: for that, you'd likely have to ask the mandriva people07:39
trogdorMasterShrek: eh guess I'll give it a try but think its broken on my laptop too but it has gutsy now07:39
kane77PriceChild, okay.. I apologize...07:39
=== Saenger [n=Saenger@dyndsl-085-016-238-165.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayakorn: yes, it should overwrite if the installation works properly. But this is really a Mandriva question.07:39
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akornVlet do you know their IRC server?07:39
bkjVlet is it possible when on the installation of ubuntu to choose not to install boot loader?07:40
mr_marvinakorn. any use if linux cannot see it? i inspected with "fdisk -l /dev/sdb1"?07:40
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pejo_hmm. anyone ever noticed a problem where you get this code 200\230 instead of "[" in xterm?07:40
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Vletbkj: It may be, but I don't know07:51
akornmr_marvin: oh you can't even see it when you're booted into Ubuntu?07:51
bkjok thanks07:51
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MasterShrekbkj, maybe, i dont remember exactly, but you can always go back and reinstall grub to a different partition, like your suse one07:51
soundraybkj: only if you use the alternate CD07:51
Zergiucan I copy files from linux to windows partitions?07:51
mr_marvinakorn: yes. that is what i get when i type commend above...07:51
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akornmr_marvin: Maybe try installing a program called NTFS Configuration Tool (you can do it from Applications==>Add/Remove)07:51
soundrayZergiu: yes07:51
KilrooHmm. Are there any other "flavors" of Ubuntu aside from the main three and Fluxbuntu?07:51
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Vletakorn: #mandrive maybe?07:51
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waldo323bkj, you can choose to install grub somewhere else at least if you have to install it, then you can just change the menu.lst to include ubuntu07:51
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Zergiuok , how :P?07:51
Vletakorn: I mean #mandriva07:51
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akornVlet: thanks...if it'sn to that i'll just check online haha should take two seconds :)07:51
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soundrayZergiu: ubotu will send you private messages07:51
soundray!ntfs > Zergiu07:51
soundray!ntfs-3g > Zergiu07:51
PriceChildKilroo, ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, fluxbuntu, elbuntu, edubuntu, gobuntu, mythbuntu, then there's stuff like ubuntu ce, ubuntu me etc.07:51
mr_marvinakorn: no, no... on my first (boot) drive i mounted ntfs without problems, but on secondary ubuntu cant't even see that patririons are in ntfs07:51
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KilrooThank you.07:51
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Vletnubuntu :)07:51
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Square_rootare all those proxy lists out there http only?07:51
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ZergiuWhen I listen to music amarok colapses , why?07:51
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osmosishow do I find what package owns  /usr/sbin/locale-gen07:51
Amaranthosmosis: dpkg -S locale-gen07:51
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PriceChild!offtopic | The_Joe_07:51
ubotuThe_Joe_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:51
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predaeusZergiu, run amarok from a terminal and see if it prints some error messages07:51
The_Joe_Wrong Channel >.<07:51
=== preaction [n=doug@h69-11-204-229.69-11.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekThe_Joe_, why, if u waited this long i would have just waited until thursday07:51
pulseezarrhythm box is too much like itunes for my liking, any good alternatives?07:51
AmaranthMasterShrek: gutsy is done07:51
The_Joe_I know but I got persuaded07:51
MasterShrekpulseezar, amarok07:51
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MasterShrekAmaranth, really? i was not aware07:51
The_Joe_I didn't even mean to send that to Freenode07:51
soundray!player > pulseezar, please read the private message from ubotu07:51
predaeuspulseezar, Audacious07:51
AmaranthMasterShrek: Unless some huge installer or data loss bug shows up at the last minute (not likely) it's done already07:51
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mr_marvineven though partitions are not recognised, ubuntu will mount them properly... guess this is not a problem? :)07:51
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bastid_raZori'm attempting to locate drivers for a lexmark X5070 .. but i'm having issues finding a driver07:51
pulseezardoes anyone use foobar 2000 in windows and know something similar for ubuntu?07:51
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akornmr_marvin: sorry i have to run but i don't know how to help you other than trying that program out!07:51
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pulseezarmaybe audacious is quite similar...07:51
mr_marvinakorn. thank you. i think it worked out..07:51
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davemlinux1No logout sound on 7.10 gnome-desktop,but from preferences tabs plays with no problems07:51
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davemlinux1Any help appreciate07:51
soundraydavemlinux1: #ubuntu+107:51
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gunashekart out?07:51
gunashekar/join #alsa07:51
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blazemongeris gibson going to be worth the update?07:51
BrightEyes`anyone to help me configure my mic to work with skype? (using alsamixer)07:51
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CaBahey everyone07:51
blazemongeri dont see the point in releasing new versions every few months07:51
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soundray!gutsy > blazemonger, read ubotu's private message pls07:51
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teratomathe bot should kick you for rhetorical questions07:51
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andy_1can anyone help me with my screen resolution?07:51
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blazemongerwhat version of ubuntu u folx use ?07:51
soundray!fixres > andy_1, please read ubotu's private message07:51
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PriceChild!offtopic | blazemonger07:51
ubotublazemonger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:51
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:51
soundray!msgthebot > CaBa07:51
=== Shyde [n=shyde@HSI-KBW-085-216-077-234.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
pulseezarnext question: the volume wheel on the side of my laptop doesn't work when using ubuntu. WHat gives?07:51
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy support in #ubuntu+1, Party in #ubuntu-release-party
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Tue Oct 16 19:31:02 2007
(llivavin/#ubuntu) MasterShrek: shows nothing.08:19
(Pici/#ubuntu) llivavin: ps aux | grep apt08:19
(lgespee/#ubuntu) I have a problem booting the LiveCD on a new PC from Dell, the problem I think is it has no PS/2 ports, and the USB keyboard is not recognized by the boot menu08:19
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(soundray/#ubuntu) xion87: ubuntu is love08:19
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(w00tzilla/#ubuntu) soundray: you need to chill out. I am asking the question for someone who has an answer. Unless someone were to spend the time figuring out what to do, they would not know about firestarter. It is something that has to be added seperately. This is not needed with a fedora or centos install. I am wondering why something like Firestarter is not installed by default.08:19
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(llivavin/#ubuntu) Pici: llivavin 5878 0.0 0.0 2884 760 pts/3 S+ 14:19 0:00 grep apt08:19
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(Pici/#ubuntu) llivavin: hrm.08:19
(Vlet/#ubuntu) lgespee: Is it 7.04 or 7.10? I had similar issues with 7.10 betas08:19
(MasterShrek/#ubuntu) lgespee, it should be recognized, maybe try the gutsy cd when it comes out in 2 days08:19
(lgespee/#ubuntu) Vlet: 7.10 RC08:19
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(pulseezar/#ubuntu) soundray: ubuntu may not be love, i'm not sure how much I like it...08:20
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lgespeeMasterShrek: I am using 7.10 RC08:20
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geraldohow do you set up the "mail" client to a different email account... that is one other than that by default which is my user name @ubuntu08:20
w00tzillalgespee:  I had similar problems and when I used the VGA or safe graphics mode it worked ok.  Yes, I am referring to mouse and keyboard problems08:20
soundrayw00tzilla: and I'm telling you you need to raise this elsewhere. In -offtopic, in #ubuntu-motu, or file a wishlist bug on launchpad. But stop bothering us with it, this is a support channel.08:20
llivavinlgespee: is it pluged in?08:20
MasterShreklgespee, its rc there still, somewhat unstable, its probably not loading the correct usb drivers08:20
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lgespeew00tzilla: but I can't choose that option, cause I can't move to another menu option, cause the keyboard doesn't respond08:21
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Vletw00tzilla: for just the reason you mentioned. Ubuntu is meant to be a noon friendly distro - a distro for average desktop users. Average desktop users have no concerns with or need for firewall management tools. Including one would add unnecessary complexity08:21
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AmaranthMasterShrek: Other than about 5 issues if it's broken in the RC it's broken in the final release08:21
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lgespeellivavin: for sure I can press F12 to get the PC boot menu to choose CD, so I am positive it is08:21
VeinorAmaranth: any clue what the five issues are?08:21
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pulseezarso, how can i mess around with gnome options?08:21
xion87somesone know how i can create a script?08:21
AmaranthVeinor: one with compiz, one with usplash, a couple with gnome iirc, and one with open office08:22
Veinorxion87: a script in what program to do what?08:22
lgespeeMasterShrek: well I hope it will be fixed before the day after tomorrow, I will throw in a 7.04 CD, to see what it does08:22
xion87i want that hamachi autorun08:22
Vletlgespee: That issue may be resolved in the final release. #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel to ask about it08:22
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AmaranthVlet: no08:22
w00tzillaVet:  It could work in the same way most other base firewalls are set up with other OS's or other distros.  Anyway, thx for the info.08:22
soundrayxion87: System-Preferences-Session-Startup programs08:22
lgespeeVlet: thanks08:22
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llivavinI cant use apt-get it says another program is using it? Even though there is no program open that is using it.08:22
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Ginllivavin, does the file /var/lib/dpkg/lock exist?08:22
Vletw00tzilla: well, other distros like fedora, etc aren't meant to be as 'dumbed down' as ubuntu is :)08:22
Amaranthllivavin: update-manager may be doing something, wait 5-10 minutes08:23
Megaqwertyllivavin: what's the output of: lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:23
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w00tzillasoundray: You do not have to respond; that is your choice to do so.08:23
llivavinGin:  yes.08:23
Ginllivavin, just remove it08:23
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soundrayw00tzilla: you're adding to the noise, though.08:23
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xion87ok done :)08:24
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pulseezaram i the only one not feeling the ubuntu love?08:24
xion87thx i go08:24
cujosoundray: name of loaded module is tun  (found in lsmod)08:24
llivavinThank you gin08:24
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w00tzillaThere is more noise with the joining and leaving than there is with my question.  Rather than tell me to shut up, you could answer my question with whatever you know or think and then call it good.  Customer Service skills go a long way, even in IRC08:24
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soundraycujo: so it's loaded already, but it still doesn't work?08:24
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kazim59I want to do kernel module programming.. but its unsafe to do so on running kernel... where can I find ways to setup module development environment (e.g. I've seen people using qemu for it)08:25
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Veinorw00tzilla: you can't help join and quit messages. You can stop talking in #ubuntu.08:25
lgespeeVlet, MasterShrek: in 7.04 it works08:25
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soundrayVeinor: actually, you can filter join and quit messages.08:25
Ginkazim59, use virtualbox?08:25
Veinortrue, but my point is that the people who are joining and quitting can't stop it on their end. he can stop talking.08:25
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soundrayw00tzilla: still posting offtopic. Please make sure you don't get yourself kicked.08:26
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llivavinGin: Im still getting the error thing.08:26
Ginllivavin, same error?08:26
Steve-Tanyone got ubuntu running with duplex sound? ie recording streaming audio in audacity08:26
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Vletlgespee: yeah, I think I had the same issue with the 7.10 livecd... we'll just have to wait til thursday and see08:26
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pulseezarmmmmmmm no love in here, maybe i'll boot back into windows...08:26
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Veinorpulseezar: what do you need?08:26
Ginllivavin, check the file /var/lib/dpkg/lock again, if it is there again, then something in the background is doing a dpkg job08:27
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w00tzillaVienor:  I think the question is a very important one, one that I will need to answer to my bosses if I chose Ubuntu as an alternative OS for my users. Out of the box Ubuntu is supposed to be secure but the lack of firewalling concerns me.  The question is legit; the responses I am getting are not warranted.  I still have yet to receive a response that gives me a legitimate reason.08:27
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cujosoundray: no,   i can "ifconfig tap1"    it accepts the address but if i make a "ping" tcpdump shows on tap1  arp requests one after the other and they are not visible on the phisical network!08:27
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soundraypulseezar: you never acknowledge the help you're getting, so I don't know whether I get through to you.08:27
kazim59Gin: Qemu & virtualbox almost the same, but exactly what should I do?08:27
pulseezaran os that i like a little more08:27
lgespeeVlet: okidoki, thanks for all the help so far08:27
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soundraycujo: sorry, this is over my head08:27
soundray!ops | w00tzilla uneducatable about offtopic08:27
Vletw00tzilla: it has a firewall. It is secure. It just doesn't have the gui for it. A GUI which would be irrelevant to ubuntu's target audience.08:27
ubotuw00tzilla uneducatable about offtopic: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici08:28
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cujosoundray: thanks for your time  ;-)08:28
llivavinGin:  what could be using it?08:28
pulseezarsoundray: sorry, I keep looking stuff up and losing myself a bit...08:28
Ginllivavin, so the file is there again?08:28
Ginllivavin, just wait a few minutes08:28
llivavinIt's been like this for the past 10 minutes -.-08:28
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cujosomeone who knows ubuntu networking!!      i need a real expert!08:28
LjLw00tzilla: stay ontopic or join #ubuntu-offtopic. this channel is *only* for Ubuntu Feisty (and earlier) support questions. anything else must be avoided, since the channel is loaded enough.08:28
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w00tzillaAsking about ubuntu firewalling is not on topic?  All I am getting is rude responses but ok.08:29
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soundraycujo: please state the problem precisely. Your question won't attract much interest from people who have that specific knowledge about TUN/TAP.08:29
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Steve-TIf we're talking firewalls, does anyone know how to tell moblock to unblock news.easynews.com?08:30
Ginllivavin, sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock  this should tell you what program is using it08:30
soundraycujo: also, be prepared to repeat after 30 minutes or so when experts may have newly logged on.08:30
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w00tzillaSteve, there is supposed to be a GUI for moblock but I have not tried it yet.08:30
spokHello there!08:30
llivavinit gives me nothing.08:30
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malmithe restrikted drivers managers "fglrx" (ati) driver wont work for me (ubuntu 7.10 x64) :<08:31
cujosoundray: thanks!08:31
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w00tzillaSteve, I typically turn moblock off when I am not doing bit torrent type of stuff08:31
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spokDamn, those Xchat for Gnome looks pretty nice. I'm just wondering if not to dump Irssi for this =)08:31
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Ginllivavin, did you use sudo??08:31
cujosoundray: so i write all the facts in one line???   this will be big!08:31
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Ginllivavin, weird... :08:31
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emmajanew00tzilla, have you tried googling your question?08:32
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Ginllivavin, have you done something unusual lately?08:32
ompaulcujo, if it is a novel use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:32
bexamous_when making a custom live cd...  how can you have it automatically log in as root rather than 'ubuntu' user08:32
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emmajanew00tzilla, I'm unclear on what answer you haven't found.08:32
jaldharSince I upgraded to gutsy, udevd pegs cpu to 86%.  Anyone seen this?08:32
blix__Im on Vista and I'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu...the Ubuntu boot process won't let me, I get the message "cannot find information"08:32
soundraycujo: that's fine. It'll demonstrates that you have tried to solve the problem on your own.08:32
blix__any solutions?08:32
llivavinGin Adept manager crashed on me saying something about headers08:32
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blix__I've had this problem before and I resorted to deleting my Hard drive08:32
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soundrayblix__: the ubuntu boot process? Please elaborate08:33
Ginllivavin, Adept manager?? never heard of it08:33
blix__when I just burn an .iso onto disc08:33
llivavinGin KDE08:33
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soundrayjaldhar: please ask in #ubuntu+108:33
blix__and I want to install ubuntu on a unpartioned disk08:33
kane77how do I permanently enable the tips that powertop gives me?08:33
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Ginllivavin, maybe try #kubuntu :\08:33
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jaldharsoundray: never mind, it's been reported: bug #11931508:33
soundrayblix__: please try to keep it on one line. So you boot off the CD and how far do you get?08:34
llivavinGin its all the same thing, and This is ubuntu with KDE installed.08:34
Ginllivavin, but try restarting your pc and see what it does08:34
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llivavinGin that was the first thing i did.08:34
blix__but the Ubuntu disc get's as far as displaying the logo and then just prompts - can't find information08:34
blix__and then I'm just left with a shell.08:34
llivavinblix__:  Make the CD again?08:34
blix__the CD is fine08:35
ompaulblix__, a ubuntu shell (bash) or grub boot manager shell?08:35
blix__I'm preety sure it works08:35
blix__probably a grub boot manager shell08:35
soundrayblix__: please keep it on one line! Have you checked the CD using the boot menu option?08:35
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emmajanew00tzilla, for example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43273&page=108:35
ompaulblix__, sorry let me rephrase that are you on CD or hard drive?08:35
Steve-TI thought Bitttorrent'ing was the time to use moblock most.. when theres fake IP's out there..08:35
blix__Yeah I was shown the boot menu and I selected Install and Start Ubuntu08:36
Ginllivavin, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-420759.html08:36
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blix__saw the logo and it couldn't go any further, this must be a common problem.08:36
soundrayblix__: at this point, you have the option to check the CD for errors. Try that, and if it reports a problem, re-burn the iso.08:36
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blix__I'll try with another distro08:37
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Tronyxblix, may i ask what graphics card you are using?08:37
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novice_roothi, i need help with playing real media video files08:37
ompaul!bootoptions | blix__08:37
ubotublix__: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:37
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blix__Nvidia Geforce 8400M GT08:37
ompaulblix__, ^^ go there look at that08:37
novice_rootis anyone here having a workable solution08:37
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soundray!restricted > novice_root, please read ubotu's private message08:37
dpfI have a ATI RADEON 200 Chipset on motherboard with the restricted drivers enabled...when i go into winecfg, the dialog box is too large for my window so i cannot click OK or CANCEL...anyway to adjust this?08:38
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kane77dpf, can you move the window?08:38
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dpfleft and right not higher or lower08:38
kane77dpf, alt + drag08:38
dpfcannot adjust Wine Desktop window either08:38
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soundraykane77: wow, I didn't know that would let you move beyond the top and left! Very useful, thanks08:39
boris_ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected08:39
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boris_whys that08:39
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dpfkane - does not work08:39
novice_rootsoundray, i have already tried all that i can get on then net08:39
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boris_i ran it with 'sh' command08:39
soundrayboris_: run it with bash instead. sh is dash by default on ubuntu08:40
novice_rootsoundray, i even have real player installed but thing is after playing for sometime it generates segmentation fault08:40
novice_rootso i need a more staable solution08:40
soundrayboris_: you can reconfigure that by running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash'08:40
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boris_soundtray : 'bash ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run'08:40
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dpfkane77: when i tried to press ALT + DRAG, it did the same thing - will go up but not past the WINE desktop so still cannot see the OK/CANCEL button...Thanks for the help08:40
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soundrayboris_: yes08:40
boris_ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run: ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run: cannot execute binary file08:51
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soundrayboris_: okay, then you'll need to do this: 'chmod u+x ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run ; ./ETQW-demo-client-1.1-full.r5.x86.run'08:51
soundrayboris_: please note: no pasting here.08:51
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kane77dpf, well I won't be of much help then...08:51
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llivavinThank you gin08:51
RkyRaccoon55does anyone know how to get amarok to play .ogg?08:51
soundraydpf: can you connect an external display temporarily?08:51
dpfkane77: is there a way to have the wine desktop open larger?  As it is only right now about the size of a gnome-termnial window08:51
soundrayRkyRaccoon55: what does it say when you try?08:51
dpfnot sure what you mean, soundray08:51
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boris_soundtray it works now thanks08:51
soundraydpf: you're on a laptop, aren't you?08:51
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RkyRaccoon55soundray, nothing it just wont detect them in my library08:51
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dpfsoundray: no desktop with 17" monmitor08:51
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RkyRaccoon55soundray, nevermind it just worked08:51
soundrayRkyRaccoon55: what did you do?08:51
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soundraydpf: I misread your original problem, sorry08:51
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RkyRaccoon55soundray, rescanned collection again08:51
soundrayRkyRaccoon55: oddities...08:51
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RkyRaccoon55soundray, yea08:51
lgespeeVlet: I placed a comment under bug 35530, there I also read it's possible to skip the graphical bootmenu (gfxboot) by holding the shift key while booting, this is indeed a work around, the system now boots from the livecd08:51
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therapydoes anyone in here get a black screen after resume when logging out on feisty, with fglrx, xgl and desktop effects enabled?08:51
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Vletlgespee: oh, that's very good to know about the shift key08:51
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dpfsoundray: when i open up winecfg to make changes, the Wine Desktop window it opens in is limited in size and cannot be adjusted.  Therefore, I can make changes in WineCFG but I cannot press OK to save them.  It will only allow me to drag the window up a little and i still cannot see OK08:51
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meheviHi guys.  I'm using Xfce and would like to know what I would edit to disable the password when the screensaver wakes up?  Is it the same place to disable password on unhibernate? I need to get rid of that too.  Unless I could make a keyboard pop up so I could enter my pw...08:51
soundraytherapy: that and other weird problems. I moved back to the radeon driver on that laptop.08:51
nullfsI am using rdiff to backup files from a bsd machine which makes use of ACL's. I am getting this error with rdiff on my ubuntu box that says 'ACLs not supported on filesystem at /location'. So I apt-get acl and then I remounted the /backup drive with the acl option but it still giving me the same error08:51
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nullfsis there another step I missed?08:51
mehevidpf try holding alt and dragging anywhere on the window08:51
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WaltzingAlong!info youtube-dl08:51
therapysoundray: maybe stupid question08:51
ubotuyoutube-dl: download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2007.01.19-1 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 64 kB08:51
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therapysoundray: maybe stupid question, but is it possible to run desktop effects with radeon driver?08:51
erpiecan i ask some help?08:51
mehevierpie !ask08:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:51
WaltzingAlong!ask | erpie08:51
Flare183!ask | erpie08:51
ubotuerpie: please see above08:51
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soundraytherapy: in principle, yes, but on that particular machine, it won't work.08:51
dpfmehevi: same thing - drags, but only goes up a little and not to the point of seeing OK08:51
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crazypoultryi just installed 7.10 as 7.04 would not install on my notebook, When using the live cd i have a wired connection that works fine but after booting from the hdd it disppears, i'm a complete new guy to linux and i'm lost any help would e appreciated08:51
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erpiethx well my prob is to install java6 on festy08:51
WaltzingAlong!gutsy | crazypoultry08:51
ubotucrazypoultry: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:51
erpieive get all packages08:51
therapysoundray: thx08:51
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:51
WaltzingAlongcrazypoultry: what do you want to do?08:51
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markelhashi can some one help to install a pci wifi card with ndis?08:51
Flare183!java | erpie08:51
ubotuerpie: please see above08:51
dpfah ha08:51
arcad3where shall i copy the speedtch-1.bin ?08:51
WaltzingAlong!wifi | markelhas08:51
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ubotumarkelhas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:51
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mehevidpf you got it08:51
dpfi figured it out - changed emulation desktop to 640x48008:51
erpieive read the help above but it cant solve mine problem08:51
crazypoultryi lost my wired connection after installing, not sure whar happened08:51
Atalantais Ubuntu 7.10 (assuming i downloaded the unstable version right now) pretty close to what we'd get in 2 days?08:51
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dpfchanged back to 800 x 600 and it worked08:51
markelhasWaltzingAlong, that didn't solve my problem08:51
soundraydpf: well done :)08:51
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markelhasWaltzingAlong, i've installed my d-link every thing was working but now not anymore08:51
Flare183erpie:> well you have to direct the program to where the jre is at (ex pathmname)08:51
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WaltzingAlongmarkelhas: and the problem is?08:51
erpiemm what u mean flare?08:51
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markelhasWaltzingAlong, now i load the driver and make the modprob but the card is not reconize any more08:51
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erpiethe prob is that java6 need jre and jre need java6 to b installed08:51
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Flare183erpie:> ok what is the program that you are trying to get java to work on?08:51
dpfThanks for the assistance all08:51
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markelhasWaltzingAlong, it's a d-link dwl-g650m08:51
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy support in #ubuntu+1, Party in #ubuntu-release-party
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Tue Oct 16 19:31:02 2007
(Vlet/#ubuntu) mehevi: Oh, you need an on-screen keyboard for it?... interesting. I don't know.08:56
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(Atalanta/#ubuntu) markelhas: what card? network card? video card? what are you on about08:56
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(Flare183/#ubuntu) erpie:> then open a terminal and type in: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre08:56
(mehevi/#ubuntu) Vlet yeah having a tabletpc is a bitch, to put it frankly08:56
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(Flare183/#ubuntu) !language | mehevi08:56
(ubotu/#ubuntu) mehevi: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.08:56
(Atalanta/#ubuntu) Flare183: is Ubuntu 7.10 (assuming i downloaded the unstable version right now) pretty close to what we'd get in 2 days?08:56
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(markelhas/#ubuntu) Atalanta, pci wifi card D-link dwl-g650m08:56
(Atalanta/#ubuntu) ok08:56
(erpie/#ubuntu) apt does not work and also synaptic bcuz i have a BIG prob with ethernet08:56
(MasterShrek/#ubuntu) Atalanta, pretty much08:56
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(Flare183/#ubuntu) Atalanta:> yeah08:56
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(Atalanta/#ubuntu) MasterShrek: thanks a bunch08:56
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(Vlet/#ubuntu) mehevi: Maybe worth filing as a 'bug'... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu08:57
(markelhas/#ubuntu) I'm really frustated :(08:57
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Rich4What are the key shortcuts for linux? Is there a link, possibly?08:57
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Flare183Atalanta:> but I still am going to wait08:57
AtalantaFlare183: thanks. and im assuming that any changes that would be important wont be found until a week later anwyay08:57
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Flare183Atalanta:> right08:57
mr_joelcan anyone help me with a "abnormal exit" error concerning installing ubuntu??08:57
AtalantaFlare183: well im using vmware so ive got naught to lose08:57
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Flare183Atalanta:> lol08:57
VletRich4: Look at the 'keyboard Shortcuts' control panel08:57
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Flare183Atalanta:> true08:57
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meheviVlet if there was a config file I could edit I could hack in fuctionality myself.. I had to with GDM and the Onboard keyboard.  I tried /usr/share/xscreensaver, but that just points to all the screensaver 'hacks'08:58
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AtalantaFlare183: is 7.10 going to improve on x86-64 intel processors like macosx leopard is trying to?08:59
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miketalancaI have a problem concerning the upgrade to 7.1008:59
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mr_joelwhere can I go for help with boot problems?? no one in the boot room!08:59
=== skippy longs for native 64-bit Flash, so I can watch YouTube at work again...
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mr_joelproblems with booting 7.1008:59
miketalancaI am using Kubuntu, so I ran the "kdesu adept_updater --version-upgrade" command08:59
Vletmehevi: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeScreensaver/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#head-5196776d04ed41242da63723d837fa188d57693a08:59
Veinor!gutsy | mr_joel08:59
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ubotumr_joel: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:59
miketalancabut a bunch of packages failed t0o download08:59
Flare183Atalanta:> might want to ask that in #ubuntu+1 because my knowlegde is limited08:59
miketalancanow it's just hanging.08:59
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ZeroA4mr_joel, what problem with boot ? gives any error msg ?09:00
miketalancaIt's been on the same "configuring libslang2" step forever now.09:00
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mr_joelI did that UBOTU!!  it gives me an "abnormal exit" error after in starts the CDROM09:00
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nanonymehey, any ideas if you can do checkinstall succesfully without root?09:00
Flare183mr_joel:> ubotu is a bot09:00
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:01
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studdockIs anyone having trouble with audigy gamer cards?09:01
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meheviVlet maybe that would work with gnome-screensaver, but I'm using xscreensaver with xfce09:02
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mr_marvinhello. how can i access "permision" tab for folders, if i'm not root?09:02
Vletmehevi: ooh yeah09:02
pipegeekGogo gadget gibbon09:02
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ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:02
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:03
meheviVlet I found the man for xscreensaver brb09:03
Veinormr_marvin: you mean like in nautilus?09:03
MasterShrekmr_marvin, you need to use sudo chmod09:03
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:03
mr_joelI boot up the computer, with Gutsy in...and then it gives me that first boot up menu, I choose install....and then in says "udevd-event[2369] : run_program": '/sbin/mod probe? abnormal exit ..................09:03
studdocksoundblaster audigy09:03
Metal03Hey there fellows...  I had a sound blaster sound card and apparently it causes some problems with World of Warcraft with wine, so I decided to remove it and go with the on board sound!!  But I think I have to configure the sound of my mother board in order for it to work!!  I'm just not sure how to do this!  Can someone help?09:03
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Vletmr_joel: What ubotu keeps telling you is that if you have problems with 7.10, you should go to #ubuntu+1 not #ubuntu09:04
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MasterShrekMetal03, do other things' sound work under wine? did you enable alsa in wineconfig?09:04
mr_marvinVeinor: yes, with nautilus. i'm not very familiar comfortable with chmod yet...09:04
Veinormr_marvin: ok, press alt-f2 and then run 'gksu nautilus' (without the quotes). That particular window will then be running as root, so be very careful.09:05
pipegeekGots me sum gibbons playing in a sandbox09:05
pipegeekthey seem happy09:05
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mr_marvinVeinor: thank you.09:05
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kotausup Veinor.09:05
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Metal03MasterShrek: I've tried everything possible to make the sound work under wine with WoW...  but there's a problem with Blizzard new sound management and Sound blaster's cards apparently (on the Creative web site) for now I'm trying to make the sound work from my motherboard!!09:06
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kotauVeinor my fps went up to 28 with xfce instead of gnome-desktop09:06
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MasterShrekMetal03, does the soudn work outside of wine?09:07
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Metal03MasterShrek : Nope09:07
MasterShrekMetal03, lsmod | grep snd09:07
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VletMetal03: I gave up trying to play via wine... wow is the only reason I still keep a little partition with windows on it :)09:07
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MasterShrekVlet, i used to run wow under wine just fine09:07
Metal03It works fine...  well it did b4 patch 2.2...  now it still works but I have no sound!09:08
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jefonesHi all09:08
mr_joelso....no ideas on boot errors?09:08
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jefonesThe notebook Dell Vostro 1000 is 100% compatible with ubuntu?09:08
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VletMasterShrek: /me is on an ati card, and it just doesn't run as well as in windows... I don't care enough to fix/solve that problem :)09:08
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MasterShrekjefones, http://www.linux-laptop.net/09:09
Metal03MasterShrek: http://pastebin.com/m6bbbd2a509:09
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DruidikusHi, i need help with gnome and compiz. Where to ask?09:09
MasterShrekVlet, yea i spose on an ati card it could be painful lol09:09
MasterShrek#ubuntu-effects Druidikus09:09
jefonesMasterShrek, thanks09:09
Druidikusthx :)09:09
MasterShrekMetal03, it looks like its loading your sound card's drivers, are you sure your not muted?09:10
kuliWhen I mount fat32 disk I need to enter password. I would like to disable that.09:10
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Metal03MasterShrek: I used to have a SoundBlaster card that was working and I decided to shutdown my computer, remove the card and reboot!!  Is it possible that Ubuntu is still loading the drivers from my SoundBlaster card?09:12
MasterShrekMetal03, it doesnt look like a soundblaster card though09:12
heterodoxkuli, add your user to the group of the /dev/ entry and make it group rwx09:12
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MasterShrekMetal03, lsmod | grep Audio09:12
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kotauVlet the 'no lock screen after hibernate' is a setting in /etc/default/acpi-support09:13
Metal03MasterShrek: Done, didn't return anything though!09:13
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MasterShrekMetal03, hrm...09:13
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MasterShreklshw | grep Audio09:14
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mr_marvinuduntu does not see 2 ntfs partitions on my secondary (slave) data when i type "fdisk -l". it sees one drive only ("Disk /dev/sdb: 250.0 GB")09:14
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Metal03MasterShrek : WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.09:15
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MasterShrekthats it Metal03 ?09:15
studdockI have a soundblaster Audigy Gamer; the driver is loaded, but there is no sound09:15
`Matirmr_marvin, that seems to be your slave drive09:15
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MasterShrekhrm Metal03 it doesnt look like its seeing your card at all...you may need to slap that soundblaster card back in09:16
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CommanderCoolafter having booted windows (xp) my linux network dont work until i boot from boot-cd09:16
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_Lucretia_is there a gcc/gnat 4.2.x for feisty?09:17
admiralsausageHi folks... I'm going to ditch Mandriva Cooker for Gutsy on Thursday. Does anyone know the Ubuntu equivalent of Cooker (ie regularly update to stay on the bleeding edge, reporting bugs etc)09:17
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Metal03MasterShrek: Well I have no card, I'm just trying to use the sound from the motherboard!!  Is there a way to configure that?  I have a pretty standard motherboard I'm sure Asus A8N09:17
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ZergiuHello , can someone tell me how to install rar on 6.0609:18
studdockMetal03, is onboard sound enabled in the bios?09:18
MasterShrekMetal03, it should automatically pick it up, maybe issue these two commands: dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base   and    dpkg-reconfigure alsa-utils09:18
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kevsthabestupdate-initramfs is searching for a initrd.img that doesnt exist anymore.. wheres the file i need to edit to take it out?09:18
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mr_marvin`Matir: it is. i mount it as ntfs, i mount it with "/dev/sdb1 /media/wine ntfs-3g ". is that ok?09:18
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kevsthabestor actually how would i go about to fix it09:18
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CommanderCoolafter having booted windows (xp) my linux network dont work until i boot from boot cd. ideas, anyone?09:19
eddie84hi all09:19
CidanCan you burn the 7.10 RC1 release onto a DVD?09:19
CidanOr will it fail?09:19
Metal03MasterShrek : I'll check what studdock suggested, then I'll try your suggestions...  brb09:19
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FFFcan i block someone on ssh that has more then 3 bad attempts?09:20
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studdock<--- Noob, how do I log on as root?09:20
geniimr_marvin: You need a -t before FS type there09:20
FFF2432studdock, sudo -i09:20
studdockthanks, FFF09:20
Pici!root | studdock09:20
ubotustuddock: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:20
Alancould anybody recommend which internal laptop wifi chipset I should go for??09:20
MrPinkis there a way to access files saved under ubuntu (ext3) via Wiinblows ?09:20
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`Matirmr_marvin, it would be ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/wine09:21
geniiAlan: Anything but Broadcom09:21
WaltzingAlong!info gnash09:21
ubotugnash: free Flash movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1ubuntu0.1 (feisty), package size 117 kB, installed size 216 kB09:21
emetis it true that they *drink* Ubuntu in the congo?09:21
mr_marvingenii: i'm confused... why win sees 2 partitions, and ubuntu none?09:21
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Alangenii, heh, i know that one - my bcm4309 seems to be the only bcm43xx that ndiswrapper doesn't like09:22
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CommanderCoolafter having booted windows (xp) my linux network does not work until i boot from boot cd. ideas, anyone?09:22
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MasterShrekAlan, have you tried using the kernel module?09:22
Alangenii, I meant more, what is both compatible AND good09:22
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AlanMasterShrek, 802.11b only09:22
CidanWhen I boot RC1 off of a DVD (amd64) I get nothing but a blank screen.  No DVD reading, nothing.  I select Start or Install, and then... nothing.  Tried safe mode, nothing.09:22
mnemocan anyone recommend a good GUI app for doing SCP file transfers?09:22
geniimr_marvin: No idea of the partition inconsistency09:22
Alani really need g support09:23
Fat_FerretPici: cant studdock just "sudo -su "09:23
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Fat_Ferretthat would give a root terminal09:23
studdocksudo -i worked09:23
PiciFat_Ferret: sudo su is not suggested, sudo -i sets up the environment variables correctly.09:23
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Alanat the moment i've swapped it for an atheros i had, but that thing is lacking in power/sensitivity09:23
Fat_Ferretwhat exactly is the -i varible?09:23
MasterShrekwhat is only 802.11b?09:23
Fat_Ferretnvm checking the man page09:24
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AlanMasterShrek, wireless B - only goes up to 11mbit09:24
AlanMasterShrek, bcm43xx kernel module doesn't appear to support g09:24
MasterShrekAlan, you are in feisty i assume?09:24
AlanMasterShrek, yes09:25
MasterShrekmines at 54mbit in gutsy09:25
geniiAlan:Generally for linux, Intel and Atheros wifi chipsets are well supported09:25
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AlanMasterShrek, what model do you have?09:25
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Fat_FerretPici: thankyou I learned something new today.09:26
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unagiwill gutsy automatically be loaded with the updates?09:26
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MasterShrekunagi, what updates?09:26
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unagiautomatic updates09:26
AlanMasterShrek, i have a 4309, and its so bad it makes ndiswrapper panic my kernel when i try and load it...  the closest bcm43xx + fwcutter gets me a 4306 driver09:27
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Piciunagi: no, you will need to do some manual steps to initiate the upgrade.09:27
AlanMasterShrek, and i can't get g from it...09:27
unagiis the upgrade from feisty painless?09:27
gianlucahi guy some can tell me how to add in favourite a channel?09:27
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Alanso... I'm considering buying something new09:27
MasterShrekAlan, i think u need a newer kernel, when and if you upgrade to gutsy you shold be in better shape09:27
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MasterShrekunagi, theoretically09:28
panfisthello can anyone help me with my wireless card for my laptop...it was working just fine then i booted up today and it won't show up in the GUI network tool, or in ifconfig or iwconfig in the terminal. from the help documentation i tried doing "sudo lshw -C network" and it is there, but the documentation doesn't tell you what to do after that09:28
AlanMasterShrek, newer kernel? why?09:28
Vletunagi: no, and yes. It will not automatically upgrade; you will need to manually: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:28
MasterShrekpanfist, give me the output of: lspci | grep Network09:28
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:28
MasterShrekAlan, new kernel, newer bcm43xx driver09:28
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AlanMasterShrek, same firmware though....09:28
MasterShrekAlan, mine was at 11mbits in feisty, and 54mbits in gutsy09:28
unagiso its somewhat possible that upgrading will cripple my system09:29
panfistmastershrek: there is no output09:29
AlanMasterShrek, oh, i see....  I'll try that then!09:29
MasterShrekunagi, its somewhat possible, but itll probably be ok09:29
AlanMasterShrek, is it safe to upgrade to the RC yet?09:29
Metal03MasterShrek: It wasn'T activated in Bios...  now the sound works in Ubuntu...  but WoW still has no sound!!!  :(09:29
unagi2 more days right?09:29
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Alanhow buggy is the RC?09:29
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MasterShrekpanfist, really? did u type Network, case sensitive?09:29
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[chr0n0s] 1 more day.. damnit09:29
MasterShrekAlan, it runs fine09:29
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[chr0n0s] hey MasterShrek09:30
fevelfine here 209:30
MasterShreksup [chr0n0s] 09:30
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MasterShrekMetal03, do other wine programs have sound?09:30
panfistmastershrek yes i tried both. i've even enabled my hardwired ethernet now and the output is still nothing...09:30
fevelI upgraded today09:30
AlanMasterShrek, if i have the opportunity, am i better off doing a clean install of gutsy?09:30
Alanrather than an upgrade?09:30
fevelI think the servers will be overloaded on the release day09:30
MasterShrekpanfist, pastebin the output of: lspci -vv09:30
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Metal03MasterShrek: Lemme triple verify, but I use Ventrilo on wine and it works fine!09:31
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[chr0n0s] fevel : i think you can got the torrent09:31
MasterShrekfevel, youre probably right09:31
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[chr0n0s] get*09:31
fevelim not getting the iso09:31
[chr0n0s] torrents rock09:31
fevelim upgrading09:31
[chr0n0s] then what are you getting ?09:31
[chr0n0s] k09:31
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MasterShreki reinstalled from the rc09:32
[chr0n0s] i am better off to new install, present install is rigged09:32
fevelthats why I chose to upgrade to rc today09:32
MasterShreki needed to make a bigger partition anyways09:32
feveland apply patches later09:32
[chr0n0s] fevel : wait 1 more day09:32
geefinatoryeah i am in the middle of upgrading right now.09:32
feveli have already done that09:32
fevellike I said09:33
fevelin one day servers will be full09:33
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fevellast time I had to wait in line :P09:33
fevelu seeeeee...a lot of people like ubuntu09:33
geefinatorfevel: thats my motivation too :P09:33
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AlanMasterShrek, ... i can only find DVDs for the RC...09:33
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panfistmastershrek http://pastebin.com/d2582d20f09:34
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MasterShrekAlan, check other mirrors, i dont rememebr where i got it but i found a cd09:34
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Metal03MasterShrek : Ya, other wine programs have sound09:34
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fevelgeefinator, I had no problems09:34
fevelgeefinator, and I had a lot of third party apps09:34
fevelI disabled the repositories for them09:35
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MasterShrekpanfist, weird, i dont see it there at all, are you on feisty?09:35
heavenquakeis FUSE included in the standard Ubuntu Linux Kernel?09:35
fevelalthough other people might not be that lucky09:35
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Cidandlfjslfj.  Okay, booting the 7.10 RC1 ISO, blank screen and nothing else.  Any ideas anyone?09:35
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MasterShrekheavenquake, i believe so09:35
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MasterShrekCidan, safe graphics mode?09:35
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CidanTried it.09:35
Cidanalso, this is the amd64 ISO burned onto a DVD and not a CD.09:36
ubotuGutsy Gibbon (7.10) Release Candidate information and release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - The RC is development software and as such unstable, support *ONLY* in #ubuntu+109:36
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kyleBAKEDi have a digital keyboard, a yamaha ypg-625, is has a usb output to connect to a pc but the drivers included are only for windows, does anyone know what software or drivers i can use?09:36
MasterShrekMetal03, i dont know why wow wouldnt have sound then, is it some option in the program somewhere?09:36
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Metal03MasterShrek: It used to not detect any sound device I think...  but I'll verify that AGAIN!!  hehehe09:37
panfistmastershrek actually im on 7.10 release candidate, but my card was definitely working after i upgraded, and rebooted a few times. just not today...09:37
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MasterShrekpanfist, i relaly have no idea then, do u konw what kinda card it is?09:38
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unagiis bluetooth better supported in 7.109:39
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MasterShrek7.10* as in 2007 - October09:39
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Metal03MasterShrek : Ya...  it's like WoW doesn't see any sound devices...  when I go into the menu, the "sound input" is greyed out!09:39
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reberhi all09:39
MasterShreki dunno what to tell ya Metal0309:39
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MasterShreki gotta run tho, gotta go to class09:39
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panfistmastershrek siemens speedstream ss1021 ... i installed it when i was running 7.04 and all i had to do was plug it in and it worked09:40
MasterShreklater every109:40
Metal03MasterShrek: Alright...  thanks anyways!!09:40
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Basemcan i run my webcam on gaim?09:40
reberis it the same : installing gutsy now than upgrade, or install gutsy in 2 days ?09:40
zxxxwhy my shell is empty,when I enable GL desktop09:40
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dimeowow.  I think my domain has blocked port 6667...it wouldn't work I tried 8000 instead...it works?09:40
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MasterShrekpanfist, well, thats weird, make sure you have linux-modules packages installed for your running kernel09:40
MasterShreklater every109:40
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fevelMetal03, try removing the sound card, booting up, then reinstalling it , and booting up again09:40
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Sergohow to copy an file name that contain an space?09:41
Sergolike : New File09:41
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fevelSergo, renaming it is one way09:41
kevsthabestnew/ \file or something like that...09:41
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BurlynnSergo, put "New File"09:41
Burlynnqoutations around the name09:41
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dimeoanyone know how to change the font size in xterm?09:41
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jinnhello,anyboy here?09:42
SergoBurlynn thanks, it works=] 09:42
dimeohowdy jinn09:42
zxxxubuntu-cn 09:43
jinnwhat client you use to join this irc?09:43
dimeoI'm using irssi right now09:43
geefinatordimeo: Edit -> Preferences > Appearance09:43
unagino......no one is here09:43
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unagiwe are all bots09:43
NeoGeo64lol chinese characters09:43
dimeounagi is the master bot of the hive09:43
NeoGeo64i remember when mirc would just display them as ?????? ???? ????09:43
freeman163i didnt know ubuntu supported asian fonts09:43
Basemcan i use webcam on gaim?09:43
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jinnI use xchat09:44
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zxxx enable GL DESKTOP ,09:44
unagiwebcams are tricky on ubuntu09:44
jinnbut it doesn't work well09:44
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[chr0n0s] jinn : so what is the problem exactly ?09:44
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studdockHa, my SB audigy wasn't working because I had digital out enabled on alsamixer09:44
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NeoGeo64two more days until 7.10! can you feel the excitement?09:44
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freeman163yeah, i can09:45
[chr0n0s] NeoGeo64 : 1 more day09:45
studdockif you have sound problems, try fiddling with alsamixer09:45
[chr0n0s] it's 17th Oct already09:45
freeman163it's probably the only thing thatll fix this problem, actually09:45
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SergoBurlynn, but in this case, cp sergiu /media/"New Volume"/ ...09:45
unagiim not really excited at the moment09:45
fevelits 1609:45
Sergodoesn't work09:45
fevel37 hours actually09:45
unagiunless webcams bluetooth tv tuners and the network monitor are better09:45
[chr0n0s] fevel : 17 it is..09:45
unagithen ill be excited09:45
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[chr0n0s] time is 01:15 Oct 1709:46
fevelok then [chr0n0s]  , no need to argue since you manipulate time and space09:46
jinnwhere are you?09:46
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studdockDoes anyone know how to change the settings on a video card?09:46
BurlynnSergo, try typing the New with no qoutes and hitting tab to finish the name09:46
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[chr0n0s] india/asia09:46
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SkinnyPuppy34Will there be any difference b/t the gutsy tribe updating or a new fresh install after release?09:46
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freeman163that might be why09:46
unagii didnt know there were time zones .5 hour off09:46
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fevelunagi, there are 24 hour ones09:47
BurlynnSergo, either that or put the qoutes around the whole path instead of just New Volume09:47
Sergodoesn't work..09:47
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Sergolet's try09:47
unagiwhat do you mean 12 hour ones09:47
erpiejust question, after suggestion on this channel iv finnaly strated to install java jre now the console display the license to accept but i cant click or select a butto to accept it, what i wrong?09:47
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unagithere are 24 one hour off time zones i know..........but here in hawaii it is 9:4509:47
[chr0n0s] erpie : try using TAB key09:47
unagihe said it was 01:1509:47
erpiethx crr0n0s09:48
[chr0n0s] 01:17 AM now09:48
unagiso therefore whatever time zone he is in is x and 1 half hour off09:48
NeoGeo64two more days until 7.10! can you feel the excitement?09:48
erpiethx a lot it work09:48
unagiim marveled at the half hour09:48
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[chr0n0s] i think timezones are 0.5 hours apart09:48
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NeoGeo64now when they say ubuntu will be released on october 1809:48
unagitimezones typically are 1 hour apart09:48
NeoGeo64which time zone09:48
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[chr0n0s] NeoGeo64 : any two adjacent timezones09:48
fevelgood question NeoGeo6409:48
unagiNeoGeo64: maybe africa?09:49
kbrooksNeoGeo64, GMT, but [chr0n0s]  is right too.09:49
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kbrooksactually it depends09:49
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[chr0n0s] depends on ?09:49
NeoGeo64Will it be a single cd image?09:49
dwxreaperi like to type sudo su, so i dont have to keep entering my password09:49
fevelpeople are like........so expectating09:49
NeoGeo64i dont have a dvd burner09:49
dwxreaperhow do i do that from within gnome09:49
youknowmeI'm trying to use vncviewer, and I'm connected to a router so me speed should 10/100Mb/s. But when using vnc its kinda sluggish, small changes refresh somewhat fast but if the whole screen changes it takes a second or two receive the data for the new image. My network usage only come up to about 1.5Mb/s.09:49
psusidwxreaper: then use sudo -s instead of sudo su09:50
dwxreaperyouknowme: vnc sucks, use freenx09:50
NeoGeo64also, how long will it take me to download the ubuntu ISO on 56k?09:50
kbrooksyouknowme, umm.09:50
fevelpretty long09:50
minusNeoGeo64, Forever?09:50
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fevelid order a cd09:50
NeoGeo64cds take too long!09:50
dwxreaperpsusi: does not work i am in gnome09:50
minusid to as favel09:50
NeoGeo64i ordered one in februrary it came in august!09:50
fevelnot longer than you will09:50
minusfevel, *09:50
psusileaving a download go all night while you sleep is better than waiting weeks for a cd in the mail09:50
youknowmedwxreaper, freenx? is it in add/remove?09:50
Rich4I need help.09:50
freeman163quite a while : x09:50
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NeoGeo64and bthe cds were scratched!09:51
[chr0n0s] about 30 hours in a 56kbps lines09:51
NeoGeo64because apparently customs opened it up!09:51
minusyouknowme, sudo apt-get install freenx09:51
kbrooksyouknowme, it's EITHER 10 or 100 Mb/s. and that number means THEORETICAL network speed. things can change: latency, etc.09:51
NeoGeo64so i complained to customs09:51
NeoGeo64and they didnt do anything09:51
Rich4Does anyone know how I can re-enable the drag-to-workspace feature?09:51
Odd-rationaleNeoGeo64: Have you considered UNetbootin? http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html09:51
[chr0n0s] NeoGeo64 : the custom ppl scratched it ;)09:51
unagilol @ 100mbps09:51
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unagii wish09:51
dwxreaperyouknowme: you have to download it, vnc isn't the best as far as being reponsive09:51
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dwxreapereven with the right setting there's still a couple hundred milliseconds latency09:52
NeoGeo64the cd wouldnt boot at first09:52
Rich4Where I drag a window by a side to switch it to that workspace?09:52
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NeoGeo64i had to use a cd scratch fixer09:52
Sergoumount: /media/New Volume is not in the fstab (and you are not root)09:52
NeoGeo64then it worked09:52
fevelyeah cuz if hes connecting 56k we assume he will transfer at full speed09:52
kbrooks!enter | NeoGeo6409:52
ubotuNeoGeo64: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:52
fevelwhich he wont09:52
Sergoquestion: may i add the volume to fstab?09:52
dwxreaperi like to type sudo su, so i dont have to keep entering my password09:52
Sergo=] 09:52
dwxreaperhow do i do that from within gnome09:52
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NeoGeo64i get about 6/k sec transfer rate on my line09:52
kbrooksNeoGeo64, one line please, that's extremely annoying.09:52
youknowmeminus, "E: Couldn't find package freenx"09:52
Basemhow can i install wine?09:52
[chr0n0s] dwxreaper  why you want to be root ?09:52
unagintfs-3g wont mount my vista partition09:52
kbrooksNeoGeo64, er, not is, "was"09:52
eulogy_Anyone here use Cedega?09:52
Odd-rationaleNeoGeo64: With UNetbootin, you can install ubuntu with only internet connection.09:53
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NeoGeo64i am sorry i will type more in one line09:53
ipx__unagi: what error?09:53
youknowmedwxreeper, ok, I'll check they're site09:53
unagino error09:53
Basemhow can i install wine?09:53
unagiit just doesnt mount it or let me write to it09:53
[chr0n0s] NeoGeo64 : calculate 700*1027/6*3600 = number of minutes you will need09:53
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ipx__unagi: you closed vista propertly?09:53
fevelBasem, sudo apt-get install wine09:53
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kbrooks[chr0n0s] , huh? what's that?09:53
[chr0n0s] hours809:53
[chr0n0s] hours*09:53
ipx__not pushing any buttons or shutting down since it hung up or something?09:53
Basemhow can i install wine?09:53
fevelBasem, or use the package manager09:53
ipx__weird. What are you typing to mount it?09:53
[chr0n0s] time taken for 700MB image, dowloaded at 6kbps09:54
NeoGeo64Hmm..  I may try and download it at my college they have a 15MBps internet connect09:54
Skuldohey, wondering how long it takes for the partition stage of installing ubu as a dual-boot with windows takes for a 250gb drive09:54
MrPinkI have a problem: I am trying to access my linux partitions via windows... I've tried 2 different applications that clame to do so... but both of them fail to show my "userdirectory" one of them says the file is damaged and the other views the folder as a file... any ideas?09:54
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kbrooks[chr0n0s] , 1027 as in what? :)09:54
MrPinkany ideas how to access my user folders and the files inside?09:54
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NeoGeo64Odd-rationale: website?09:54
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fevelMrPink, yeah...stick to linux09:54
[chr0n0s] err.. 1024 ;)09:54
freeman163go on linux : D09:54
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MrPinkfevel: I will and I do... I am more curious than anything ;)09:55
freeman163it can recognize both : p09:55
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Rich4I need help--I can't drag across workspaces anymore09:55
kbrooks[chr0n0s] , oh, 1024 kb09:55
[chr0n0s] my bad..09:55
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NeoGeo64hehe [chr0n0s] , you math genuis09:55
Odd-rationaleNeoGeo64: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html09:55
kbrooksack, 33 hours09:55
fuzzyanyone around a udev guru i'm noticing that the /dev/disk/* are symlinks to the dev/sd* block devices, and I would like udev to either map it the other way around or make block devices out of the the /dev/disk entries, anyone have a solution?09:55
[chr0n0s] 700*1024/6*3600 it is :)09:55
kbrooksthat's incredibly long09:55
MrPinkfevel: I was just trying to play a video file in windows09:55
fevelMrPink, heheheh...I dont know man...I once had those problems too09:55
[chr0n0s] that indeed is09:55
NeoGeo6433 hours is a very long time. i cant stay connected more than a few hours before the connection degrades and boots me off.09:55
tronyxcan anyone help me figure out how to get my NTFS partition to mount every time ubuntu starts?  it did on my last install though it appears not to anymore09:55
fevelMrPink, I mounted windows on linux and put the file on my documents09:55
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kbrooks[chr0n0s] , i just plugged in 80, and it gives me 2 hours.09:56
[chr0n0s] tronyx : it's in your etc/fstab09:56
BasemReading package lists... Done09:56
BasemBuilding dependency tree09:56
BasemReading state information... Done09:56
BasemPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:56
BasemThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:56
Basemis only available from another source09:56
BasemE: Package wine has no installation candidat09:56
[chr0n0s] kbrooks ? 80kBps ?09:56
ZnuffieBasem, what are you trying to install?09:56
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fevelMrPink, of course youll need the ntfs-3g drivers installed09:56
lucahi everyone09:56
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NeoGeo64Znuffie: It would appear he is trying to install wine. lol09:56
jinnanybody use cedega?09:57
kbrooks[chr0n0s] , i'm only estimating my connection. yes 80 kB/s09:57
lucacan someone help me please? I have watchdog running....but watchdog is NOT installed on my box!09:57
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tronyx[chr0n0s] , there is nothing in my fstab about an ntfs partition09:57
eulogy_I have Cedega but I have trouble with it myself09:57
fevelnice pasting Basem, and thanks for the lag09:57
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ZnuffieBasem, did you enable universe, multiverse etc.?09:57
kbrooks[chr0n0s] , but that is _only an estimate_.09:57
Basemhow can i enable it?09:57
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jinnme too,I think it not support widescreen09:57
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eulogy_Yes, I'm running it on wide also.09:57
tronyxif i try sudo mound /dev/hda1 it tells me that it doesn't see it, but if i go to a file navigator, the partition is listed as 'disk' and i can browse it09:57
[chr0n0s] kbrooks : good luck with download then.. i am stuck with low speeds anyways.. might opt for torrents09:57
eulogy_Does your screen mess up when you try to play the game?09:58
Znuffiewhat's the control char for the bot?09:58
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Znuffiebottiger, help09:58
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Basemhow can i enable it09:58
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[chr0n0s] tronyx : can i get output of these 2 things.. sudo fdisk -l09:58
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[chr0n0s] and your fstab ?09:58
tronyxcan i PM them to you please?09:58
[chr0n0s] paste in the bin09:58
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[chr0n0s] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:59
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jinnwhen I use it to run starcraft,I can't see the button of the picture09:59
=== N3bunel va doreste o seara cat mai placuta
=== N3bunel away
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fevelBasem, try system--->administration------->package manager09:59
Basemhow can i install wine?09:59
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kbrooksBasem, we are helping you.09:59
jinnsudo apt-get install wine09:59
eulogy_sudo apt-get install wine09:59
ZnuffieBasem, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu09:59
fevelstop annoying man09:59
eulogy_ah you beat me09:59
[chr0n0s] i am pretty sure now.. the timezones are 30 minutes apart --> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/10:00
Basemi have only Keyring Manager10:00
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ZnuffieBasem, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine?highlight=(Wine)10:00
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fevelthen enter kubuntu channel10:00
Basemi cant find package manager in the administrator10:00
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ZnuffieBasem, search better.10:01
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fevelBasem is probably not using ubuntu10:01
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kbrooks[chr0n0s] , no, 30 and 60 minutes apart.10:01
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[chr0n0s] 30+30 is 60 :S10:01
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[chr0n0s] kkk..10:02
[chr0n0s] got an example for 60 also10:02
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Basemi'm man10:02
Basembut useing it live10:02
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ZnuffieInstall it.10:02
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Basemi find synaptic package manger10:02
winge-d_angelhow do i take away the annoying start up sounds that ubuntu uses when logging into gdm?10:02
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ZnuffieDude. Install it.10:02
fevelthen why would you install wine?10:02
Basembut i cant find wine in it10:02
Basemdos it have another name?10:02
eulogy_You have to install it dude.10:03
=== DBAmethyst [i=daemon@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
winge-d_angelZnuffie, chill...10:03
freeman163search for wine10:03
arrowI'm trying to stream videos from my computer to my tv.  I'm using an "S Video" cable for vide and a head phone jack to av adapter for video.  I get sound but no video, is there anything that I have to do in Ubuntu to make video work?10:03
eulogy_Live is for testing it out to see if you like it.10:03
eulogy_Chill Znuf.10:03
fevelZnuffie, calm down...LOL hes probably a noobie window dude10:03
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ZnuffieHe can't search for the damn software because he hasn't got the Universe repository enabled.10:03
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Basemdos it have diffrent name?10:03
feveli know10:03
juntistikhello everyone :)10:03
eulogy_Hello Jun10:03
feveland after he installs10:03
winge-d_angelfevel, lol calling him a noob is more offensive to him then calling him an idiot, if he doesnt know what a noob is10:04
ZnuffieBasem, install it.10:04
fevelhe wont do anthing with it10:04
[chr0n0s] Znuffie : he probably doesn't even know what a repo is10:04
Basemhow man10:04
dwxreaperi go to save a file with gedit, and i can't because i am not root, but in terminal i can type sudo gedit10:04
tronyx[chr0n0s]  did you see my pastebin?10:04
Basemhow can i install it?10:04
dwxreaperor sudo su, what do i do10:04
ZnuffieBasem, you click the "Install" icon.10:04
[chr0n0s] tronyx : you haven't given me the links10:04
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fevelwinge-d_angel, lol...I meant no offense10:04
Basemoh i wont to install it now man10:04
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winge-d_angelfevel, hehe i know :-)10:04
Basemi'll be mass in it10:04
arrowBasem, is this what your looking for?10:04
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Basemi need to used on it first10:04
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ZnuffieBasem, INSTALL ubuntu.10:05
Basemand solve the problem i find before i change to it10:05
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fevelBasem, you need to install it in your harddisk10:05
ZnuffieBasem, is your iq lower than 10?10:05
ZnuffieBasem, in order to install WINE on UBUNTU you FIRST have to INSTALL UBUNTU.10:05
fevelBasem, or even if you install wine...how would you run anything?10:05
winge-d_angelZnuffie, you better stop... its getting annoying10:05
Basemok listen10:05
Burlynnyour not going to be able to run wine off the livecd10:05
Basemi have only 2 partion10:05
=== Fredle [n=fredle@195-144-080-060.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
Basem1 for windows10:05
Basemand the other for my data10:05
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Basemso if i install it to the windows10:05
freeman163you can make new partitions...10:06
winge-d_angelZnuffie, maybe he doesnt even speak english as a first lang... be considerate10:06
Basemis it gonna remove all of it or what?10:06
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arrowhas anyone ever streamed video from their computer to their television?10:06
fevelBasem, you should probably study a little bit more since you have issues10:06
freeman163yes, it would remove windows, but you can add more partitions without damaging windows10:06
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Basemonly one question10:06
fevelstudy partitioning and dual boot10:06
freeman163the tool is buit into the installer actually10:06
Basemif i install it on the windows partion10:06
ZnuffieBasem, you have a setup in your LANGUAGE.10:06
Basemwill the windows be ok10:06
erUSULBasem: 'sudo apt-get install wine'10:06
Basemor the ubutnu gonna format the hwole drive?10:06
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eulogy_He cannot install erUSUL.10:07
erUSULBasem: if you have enough ram you will be able to lounch it10:07
Odd-rationaleBasem: Do you have Ubuntu installed anywhere on your hard drive?10:07
freeman163Basem,  you can create a new partition. anything on that partition wont affect windows10:07
fevelBasem, now thats a not very smart question since ubuntu is an operating system like windows10:07
mr_marvinwhat is /dev/sdb1p1, /dev/sdb1p2 in linux?10:07
erUSULeulogy_: dosen't have internet?10:07
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eulogy_He doesn't have Ubuntu installed.10:07
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Basemi run it from life cd10:07
Burlynnyou cant run wine off the livecd, period. you would have to install it10:07
Znuffiemr_marvin, probably /dev/sdb210:07
eulogy_He's running live.10:07
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erUSULeulogy_: you can install things on the livecd10:07
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Oli``How can I install RubyGTK?10:07
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fevelBasem, make backup, and format your harddisk10:07
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fevelBasem, then install ubuntu throug the live cd10:08
Basemoh man10:08
Mr_Awesomehow can i uninstall a .deb package that i installed with gdebi?10:08
erUSULeulogy_: it will be installed in the ramfs10:08
Odd-rationaleBasem: If you would like to try it with out any partitioning, use Wubi: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html10:08
Basemi cant format10:08
winge-d_angelhow do i take away the annoying start up sounds that ubuntu uses when logging into gdm?10:08
[chr0n0s] tronyx : sorry, i lost the track, what are we solving here.. you DON't want your NTFS hard disk partition to be mounted ?10:08
Basemlisten to me10:08
erUSULMr_Awesome: dpkr --remove package10:08
fevelBasem, r study what I told ou above, you decide10:08
ZnuffieMr_Awesome, you could use apt-get10:08
Odd-rationaleWrong link: http://www.wubi-installer.org/10:08
erUSULMr_Awesome: you can use apt aptitude and synaptic too10:08
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Basemhow can i use the free space of the windows partions to make it for ubtunu10:08
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erUSUL!install | Basem10:08
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freeman163Basem,  that tool is built into the ubuntu installer10:09
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
ubotuBasem: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:09
ZnuffieBasem, Start the installer. And you'll be guided.10:09
mr_marvinZnuffie: yes. i gett strange listing when i enter fdisk -l /dev/partition_name, and wish toknow what is that "lp_n" suffix?10:09
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erUSUL!dualboot | Basem10:09
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winge-d_angelsomeone teach Basem how to shrink an ntfs partition...10:09
ubotuBasem: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty10:09
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[chr0n0s] winge-d_angel : which OS ?10:09
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Znuffiewinge-d_angel, strangely enough, the installer teaches him...10:09
Odd-rationaleWubi will install Ubuntu on windows like another program. If you don't like it. just uninstall it. Simple!10:09
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winge-d_angelZnuffie, i know its frustrating... :-P10:09
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fevelyeah Basem if youre using at least version 7.04 you can just start the installer and follow the steps10:09
Znuffiemr_marvin, erm, why are you listing a partition?10:09
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Znuffiemr_marvin, -l should list the contents of a DRIVE not a partition10:10
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winge-d_angelchr0n0s : which of my questions are you referring to?10:10
tronyx[chr0n0s]  sorry, didn't see your message.  I want it to mount automatically everytime ubuntu starts but I don't see anything about it in my fstab.  it was mounting automatically with my last install which was about 2 hours ago10:10
winge-d_angel[chr0n0s] , which of my q's were you referring to?10:10
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dimeois there a way to set the user passwords to work with 5 characters?  it keeps saying password too short for a 5 character password10:11
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[chr0n0s] tronyx : try this Application --> System Tools --> NTFS configuration Tools10:11
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Znuffietronyx, just add the 'defaults' options.10:11
mr_marvinZnuffie: i made a mistake ;)10:11
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feveldimeo, strange, my password is 5 caracters10:11
rutterHi, does anyone know how to list package history as installed/removed via synaptic/apt10:11
blackkattam so totally lost need some help with vmware and ubuntu anyone up for that before i start asking questions :P ?10:11
erUSULdimeo: to unsecure (even 6 chars are very few)10:11
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rutteras in*10:11
erUSUL!vmware | blackkatt10:11
ubotublackkatt: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:11
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:11
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darkchr0n0s_winge-d_angel : you want to shrink a NTFS partition, rite ?10:12
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dimeoi know 5 characters isn't ideal, but it's what our district is using10:12
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chr0n0swinge-d_angel : so which windoze OS are you using ?10:12
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ZnuffiePasswords should be at least 32 chars long ^_^10:12
winge-d_angelchr0n0s, it wasnt for me :-) it was for Basem10:12
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dimeoin an ideal world ... but we need to set it to 510:12
chr0n0stronyx : any luck ?10:13
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winge-d_angelchr0n0s, i would teach him but i've never used ubuntu's installer to shrink an ntfs partition myself10:13
blackkatterUSUL:  i got it installed np there, the problem is and if its possible to run nvidia drivers insted of vmware driver?10:13
freeman163use 5 then a random charactwer, like a space, underscore, or random digit?10:13
Znuffiedimeo, I would make my employees change passwords every day, minimum of 32chars and when they change it... the next password shouldn't be similar to any other password previously used :D10:13
winge-d_angelhow do i take away the annoying start up sounds that ubuntu uses when logging into gdm?10:13
VletZnuffie: screw that - every 30 seconds they should change it :)10:14
chr0n0sZnuffie : 32 length password everyday... sounds like a plan to me !10:14
fevelwinge-d_angel, go to sounds10:14
ZnuffieActually they should get a "password needs to be changed" prompt every time they click the mouse.10:14
freeman163winge-d_angel, preferences>login window10:14
mr_marvinis it possible to set up gnome so it is mor win-like? in 1152x864 averything looks too big10:14
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Rich4My system no longer switches desktops when I drag windows to the side. Anyone have a solution10:14
blackkattam trying to get xbmc working with vmware ...but no luck yet. AM on vista and run Vmware with Ubuntu on it..but cant start xbmc cuz vmware drivers are used i guess10:14
Vletwinge-d_angel: in the Sound control panel, there is an option on the 'sounds' tab at the bottom10:14
tronyxno, i have no idea what it is.  the last install mounted it on startup no problems, that was 2 hours ago, this install mounts nothing on startup other than the ext3 stuff10:14
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RedEyeZhey, i need help getting Ubuntu to boot off live cd but the X server wont start10:14
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dimeofreeman163: the users-admin panel won't accept 5 char password to be set10:14
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Vletfreeman163: oh yeah, or that :)10:15
Znuffietronyx, paste your fstab entry for that thing.10:15
Znuffiedimeo, and it shouldn't.10:15
Odd-rationaleblackkatt: For a virtualizer, I would use VirtualBox.10:15
erUSULblackkatt: no afaik, vmware does not "virtualize" the graphic hardware only the cdp10:15
chr0n0stronyx : try this goto Application --> System Tools --> NTFS configuration Tools10:15
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Znuffiedimeo, like everybody said: it's stupid and probably nobody will help you with it. Minimum of 8 chars.10:15
erUSULblackkatt: cpu*10:15
Rich4My system no longer switches desktops when I drag windows to the side. Anyone have a solution10:15
winge-d_angelVlet, fevel thanks10:15
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blackkatterUSUL:  aha i see10:15
freeman163dimeo, i mean change it from pass for instance to passw1 or something10:15
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fevelno problem10:15
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juntistikanyone know why when i try to save a new xorg.conf via my video card manager, it would say unable to remove old x config backup file? i cannot save my resolution =/10:15
RedEyeZi cant seem to start the live cd10:15
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blackkattOdd-rationale: VirtualBox whats that?10:16
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ZnuffieIt's a crap crap crap virtualizing stuff.10:16
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ZnuffiePlayed with it last night... fugly.10:16
Odd-rationaleblackkatt: http://www.virtualbox.org/10:16
Rich4My system no longer switches desktops when I drag windows to the side. Anyone have a solution10:16
blackkattok i will check10:16
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tronyxznuffie, http://pastebin.com/m687d1e7810:16
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chr0n0sRich4 : are you using conpiz/beryl ?10:16
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RedEyeZCan someone help?10:17
Znuffietronyx, dude, you set the "noauto" option... how the hell do you suppose it should auto-mount it?10:17
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chr0n0sRedEyeZ : you need to explain youself more10:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:17
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dimeoyou know whats even more stupid than requiring 8 char passwords minimum...allowing passwords to be reset from recovery console... is there a way to disable that?10:17
Odiea good program if you need to install common packages is called automatix10:17
Odieit automaticly installs packages10:17
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Odieits for the non geeks lol10:18
fevelautomatix breaks systems on upgrade10:18
Rich4chr0n0s: what are those?10:18
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)10:18
bahi   10:18
feveland we have an upgrade in two days10:18
arrowhas anyone ever streamed video from their computer to their television? I'm having a problem with this.10:18
rutternm, found what I was looking for10:18
tronyxznuffie, dude, i came here asking for help, i had supposed it was clear i was a beginner, why do you need to respond like that?10:18
juntistiki removed automatix because it sucks poop10:18
RedEyeZWell I put the disk in boot to cd, then after everything is done, it just says the X server couldent start10:18
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Vletdimeo: in /boot/grub/menu.lst there is an option to password protect the grub menu10:18
fevelautomatix should die10:18
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chr0n0sRedEyeZ : something like no usable screens found ?10:19
Znuffietronyx, wait dude... what are you trying to automount?10:19
reberis it the same : installing gutsy now than upgrade, or install gutsy in 2 days ?10:19
dimeoexcellent thx!10:19
RedEyeZno it just says unable to start X server10:19
tronyxan NTFS partition10:19
RedEyeZthen i click ok10:19
Znuffiereber, same10:19
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bahijoin #ubuntu-sa/10:19
Znuffiereber, you would just upgrade it anyway10:19
tronyxit has all my mp3s and media on it and I want it to mount every time i boot10:19
reberZnuffie, ok10:19
juntistikanyone know how i can bypass this error "unable to remove old x config backup file" when trying to save a new display config?10:19
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chr0n0stronyx : PM10:19
Znuffietronyx, and wich is your ntfs partition?10:19
Colrois there any way to change what mirrors the update manager uses? I'm getting 20-30kbs on my 10mbit connection, id like to download at least a bit faster :/10:19
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feveljuntistik, did you do wahtever your doing as root?10:20
Rich4chr0n0s: I don't know if I do.. any way to tell?10:20
ciclonerhi :)10:20
juntistikim editing the x server display config via my nvidia settings manager.  im unsure wether or not its running as root10:20
blackkattOdd-rationale:  do u have time for a quick PM chat =)10:20
Comrade-Sergeii did this tutorial all the way through (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493095&highlight=4965) but when i do sudo modprobe iwl4965 it says fatal error what did i do wrong10:20
ZnuffieColro, sure, just change your mirror under the package manager.10:20
tronyxwhat do you mean which is my ntfs partition, as in hda1 hdb, etc?10:20
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Oli``Anybody here know the package containing Ruby/GTK?10:20
Znuffietronyx, yes10:20
ZnuffieOli``, apt-cache search ruby | grep gtk10:21
Odd-rationaleblackkatt: Sure. Can't garuntee that I can help, though...10:21
RedEyeZafter i click ok, it starts to print a message over and over again10:21
tronyxit should be hda110:21
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bahi     10:21
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fevelyou should probably paste here since more people would see highering your chances for support10:21
juntistikis there a way to open this settings manager via terminal and use a gksudo command?10:21
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feveldoes highering exist???? =P10:21
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bahicomment en peux installer yahoo sur linux10:21
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Oli``Znuffie: thank you =)10:21
tronyxif u sudo mount /dev/hda1it returns mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:21
tronyx*hda1 not hda1it10:21
dwxreaperi want to be superuser in gnome via freenx(vnc), because i can't copy files, etc, how do i do this10:22
blackkattOdd-rationale: ok u have been pmd =)10:22
ciclonerwho knows something about "jtr"???10:22
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fevelprobably sudo nvidia-settings10:22
Znuffietronyx, ofcourse. you need to specify a mount pouint.10:22
fevelbut im not sure10:22
VletArabic is so pretty10:22
Rich4My system no longer switches desktops when I drag windows to the side. Anyone have a solution? btw-I don't think I use any beryl or any other..10:22
tronyxsudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/NTFS?10:22
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fevelRich4, Than I never heard of ubuntu doing that10:22
juntistikvery nice fevel, worked like a charm.  thanks10:23
bahicomment en peux installer yahoo messenger sur linux ubuntu10:23
Znuffietronyx, yes, but you need to create the NTFS directory first.10:23
feveljuntistik, no problem10:23
dgjones!english | bahi10:23
ubotubahi: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:23
Comrade-SergeiRich4, that sounds like beryl10:23
cicloneri have a question about john the ripper10:23
dwxreaperi want to be superuser in gnome via freenx(vnc), because i can't copy files, etc, how do i do this10:23
ciclonerhelp please10:23
dimeoRich4: are you using brightside?10:23
tronyxoh sweet lord it worked10:23
Comrade-Sergeii did this tutorial all the way through (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493095&highlight=4965) but when i do sudo modprobe iwl4965 it says fatal error what did i do wrong10:23
Vlet!ask | cicloner10:23
ubotucicloner: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:23
Rich4comrade-sergei: how can i tell what I'm using10:23
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Comrade-SergeiRich4 cause beryl does that10:23
juntistikhow can i remove beryl through terminal? apt-remove beryl?10:24
tronyxwhat do i add to my fstab to make that happen every time znuffie?10:24
ciclonerok Vlet, to use alpha+digits, in incremental mode??10:24
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dwxreaperi want to be superuser in gnome via freenx(vnc), because i can't copy files, etc, how do i do this10:24
chr0n0sRich4 : i doubt something like that happens in gnome, but not 100% sure10:24
tronyxand I did make the NTFS directory under /media, i manually mounted it fine10:24
RainyLitin ubuntu wiki there was tutorial, how to remove beryl10:24
Znuffietronyx, /dev/hda1        /media/NTFS   defaults 0       010:24
Rich4comrade-sergei: how do i fix it?10:24
RedEyeZWhat can i do to get X server to start?10:24
Vletcicloner: Huh? What's the question?10:24
fevelchr0n0s, i doubt too10:25
juntistikok ill go check it out rainy, thanks10:25
Comrade-SergeiRich4, idk ask some one in #ubuntu-effects10:25
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tronyxok, brb going to try this10:25
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VletRedEyeZ: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:25
Comrade-Sergeianyone have a intel agn wifi card in a laptop that works?10:25
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chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : mine10:25
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, how did you make it work?10:26
chr0n0sit's a/b/g10:26
chr0n0snot n10:26
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tanner_ Tanner10:26
ciclonerwhat's the correct sintax in jtr to work" with alpha+digits??10:26
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, well mine wont work.... i even followed the guide and it gave me errors10:26
chr0n0sno idea, yet to see n cards10:27
RedEyeZwhere do i type  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:27
Vletcicloner: This isn't a Jack the Ripper support channel10:27
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tanner_anyone know a way to get my ip when i remotely connect to a machine?10:27
ciclonerok sorry :)10:27
ColroZnuffie: So I can only choose between a US server and main server?..10:27
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ZnuffieColro, nope10:27
chr0n0stanner_ : makes no sense to me10:27
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bahispeeking  frensh10:27
RedEyeZVLET: where do i type  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:27
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[Alex] :-D10:28
neopsychehow can i install stream ripper10:28
tronyxznuffie, it didn't automount10:28
Vletcicloner: Not trying to be a jerk.. just saying, you're not likely to get an answer to that question here... I personally don't know10:28
VletRedEyeZ: in a terminal10:28
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tanner_chr0n0s: when i ssh into my server, i want to log from where i have connected10:28
Znuffietronyx, type mount /dev/hda1 now10:28
VletRedEyeZ: If you're asking how to start X, I can only assume you're at a terimnal10:28
RedEyeZI cant even get the Live cd to start10:28
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, how did you get it to work?10:28
VletRedEyeZ: which, Gutsy?10:28
bahilink yahoo messenger ubuntu10:28
Jamolocan anybody help me please i am using ubuntu start dvd  i have bought a new hardisk bios recognizes the hard disk but cannot boot from the start dvd why is that???10:28
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tronyxunknown filesystem type 'defaults'10:28
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chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : mine is Intel a/b/g and worked out of the box10:29
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RedEyeZubuntu 7.0410:29
Rich4nobody talks on ubuntu effects10:29
freeman163did you change the boot order to try to boot form the disk?10:29
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Comrade-Sergeiit seems my wifi is disabled how do i enable it?10:29
chr0n0stanner_ : does man pages for ssh server help you ?10:29
Chris5801i need help with my wireless card10:29
neopsycheI have downloaded a tar.gz file DOES anyone know HOW to install that?10:29
VletRedEyeZ: And so what happens when you try to boot from it? Do you get a blank screen, or do you see anything at all?10:29
Jamolofreeman163 yes first from the dvd then from the hard disk10:29
chr0n0sneopsyche : untar it10:29
neopsychechr0n0s: ok10:29
Chris5801i nstalled the driver with ndis10:29
tanner_chr0n0s: no.10:30
neopsychechr0n0s: you mean extract?10:30
Chris5801but it still wont work10:30
RedEyeZwell i see the ubuntu logo, and i hit enter, when everything starts up, it pops up a massage saying X server failed to start10:30
Vletneopsyche: if you right click on it, there should be an option to extract it10:30
kbrooksneopsyche, what are you doing?10:30
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chr0n0sneopsyche : find the readme file in the extracted files, and follow the instructions10:30
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VletRedEyeZ: What type of video card do you have? do you know?10:30
tronyxneopsyche if you run tar -zxvf archivename it should extract it, contained inside there should be a README10:30
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RedEyeZthen it tells me to reconfigure, but in the command line a message keeps poping up and i cant type anything in10:30
geniikbrooks: Yes, that would be my first queation, "What is it that you need to install some tar.gz file" etc10:30
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tronyxznuffie, it tells me unknown filesystem type 'defaults'10:31
neopsychetronyx: it has extracted10:31
Jamolocan anybody help me please i am using ubuntu start dvd  i have bought a new hardisk bios recognizes the hard disk but cannot boot from the start dvd why is that???10:31
Znuffietronyx, oh, add ntfs there too10:31
Znuffietronyx, /dev/hda1        /media/NTFS   ntfs defaults 0       010:31
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freeman163Jamolo, did you change the boot order to try to boot form the disk?10:31
opexoc_What does it mean if ./configure throws error: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions, but I have installed  tcl8.410:32
chr0n0show go i access  the man pages of ssh server running on my PC ??10:32
VletJamolo: Does it boot from the CD at all, or is it just not booting from the CD? You may have to go into your bios options and tell your system to boot from CD10:32
tronyxok, brb, let me try this again10:32
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Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, im going to try gutsy to see if it works there10:32
chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : me too waiting for some fixes :(10:32
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JamoloVlet i did but it doesnt work ( to boot first from Cd)10:32
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Vletchr0n0s: man sshd10:32
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chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : sony vaio + linux sucks10:32
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freeman163ugh... anyone good with the srr addon for firefox?10:33
chr0n0sVlet : found it :)10:33
VletJamolo: so is it trying to boot from the CD or not?10:33
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, No ubuntu + hp dv9500 dont play nice10:33
JamoloVlet no10:33
RedEyeZVlet: it boots up to a screen that  says X server canot start - then it tells me to reconfigure - it sends me to ca command line but i bant type anything in bacuase a message keeps poping.10:33
Chris5801can somebody plase help me10:33
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VletJamolo: well, then it's got to be either some setting in your bios, or your cd might be corrupt10:33
Comrade-SergeiChris5801, !ask10:33
Jamoloand just when i isconnect hard disk i can boot with the cd10:33
freeman163it seems that it's recognizing my slashdot rss feed, but it reads off the cnn one >.<10:33
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VletRedEyeZ: What type of video card do you have?10:33
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:34
Jamoloand just when i disconnect hard disk i can boot with the cd10:34
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freeman163jamolo, i know whats wrong10:34
chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : i think i should have bought a linux certified laptop, but too bad i cannot find any in local market10:34
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RedEyeZVlet: Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics10:34
Chris5801!ask my wireless card wont work10:34
Jamoloyes freeman163?10:34
freeman163jamolo, you need to change the boot order wihtin your bios.10:34
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, didnt think there was such a thing10:34
VletJamolo: sounds like you've got some master/slave issues10:34
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Comrade-SergeiChris5801, join the club10:34
VletRedEyeZ: Are you by chance connected via DVI?10:34
freeman163first it should try to boot from cd/dvd, then hard disk10:34
tronyxthanks znuffie you are a gentleman and a scholar10:34
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Jamolovlet sorry dont know much about master slave issues10:35
fevelchr0n0s, dell sells them10:35
Jamolowhat i have to do?10:35
chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : i believe there is.. and i think DELL will work nicer with ubuntu, as it comes preinstalled10:35
chr0n0sfevel : only in US10:35
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Chris5801wat do u mean join the club10:35
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fevelchr0n0s, im in brasil10:35
neopsychetronyx: ok there are a bunch of files in the directory... the readme just says how to use the program not how to install it?10:35
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, i htought you ahd a vaio?10:35
freeman163when it boots up, enter setup. there should be an option in there sopmewhere about boot devices10:35
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theAtomhow can I undelete a file I deleted on ubuntu gutsy?10:35
VletJamolo: check the jumper pins on the back of your cdrom and harddrive and make sure they're not both set up as master10:36
tronyxwhat program is it?10:36
kharlosshi there . how can i upgrade PHP to latest version ?10:36
Jamolofreeman163 i told bios to boot first from cd10:36
dgjoneschr0n0s, and europe for Dell's, plus I think Asus and Lenovo both either sell or are planning on selling linux laptops10:36
RedEyeZVlet: Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics10:36
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Jamolovlet ok10:36
theAtomdgjones, prove it10:36
chr0n0sComrade-Sergei :  i have a vaio, tho i wanted to buy a dell.. but ended up with vaio10:36
freeman163err, vlet, they both should be master, one should be primary master and the other secondary...10:36
Comrade-SergeitheAtom, well you probably shouldnt be running the hdd you want to pull the file from10:36
JeriathERROR: You do not appear to have libc header files installed on your system, please install your distribution's libc development package.10:36
VletRedEyeZ: yeah, and are you connected via a DVI cable, or VGA?10:36
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Jeriathi get thay when trying to install nvidia drivers10:36
Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, i wouldnt buy anything sony if my life depended on it10:36
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dgjonestheAtom, have a look at Dell's website, that gives it away10:37
RedEyeZVlet : VGA10:37
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chr0n0sComrade-Sergei : i;ll follow that from now on =P, also add ATi to the list10:37
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VletRedEyeZ: ahh... perhaps you should try the 'alternate CD' available on ubuntu.com10:37
theAtomComrade-Sergei, your comments are invalid and useless10:37
theAtomComrade-Sergei, your comments are invalid and useless10:37
Comrade-SergeitheAtom, ?10:37
theAtomdgjones, I said prove ASUS are doing it10:38
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Comrade-Sergeichr0n0s, nah ati s got open sourced graphics now10:38
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Calculonhi i have a small problem10:38
theAtom<dgjones> chr0n0s, and europe for Dell's, plus I think Asus  <-- Asus?  prove it10:38
RedEyeZalright, does the alternate cd boot to LIVE so i can ste it up to dual boot?10:38
neopsychetronyx: It is streamripper10:38
Calculoni have installated IPV6 protocol10:38
Calculonand it work10:38
neopsychetronyx: in windows streamripper has a nice GUI10:38
JamoloVled sorry sounds perhaps stupid but i dont find that :(10:38
neopsychetronyx: is there one for linux?10:38
Comrade-Sergeiive had it easier with a radeon 8250 than a nvidia 8600 gs10:38
Calculoni have apache10:38
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freeman163lets hear it thengah10:38
Calculonin local10:39
freeman163you havent lived till youve tried it with a geforce 2 : p10:39
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Calculonbut uf i see the link ::110:39
Calculoni can't see nothing10:39
Vletfreeman163: if a cdrom and hdrive are on the same ide channel, one should be master, and the other slave, no?10:39
theAtomhow can I undelete a file I deleted on ubuntu gutsy?10:39
RedEyeZHow do i install to dual boot with the Alternate cd?10:39
bruenigtheAtom, wrong channel, you can't10:39
theAtombruenig, wrong channel?10:40
bruenig!topic | theAtom10:40
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theAtombruenig, is this Ubuntu?10:40
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dgjonestheAtom, i said i think Asus were a due to - http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9292516116.html10:40
freeman163why would you put them on the same channel?10:40
VlettheAtom: gutsy support channel = #ubuntu+110:40
theAtombruenig, ok let me rephrase my question.  how can I undelete a file I deleted on ubuntu?10:40
Comrade-Sergeibreunig doesnt it just take the first part off the file to delete?10:40
ubotutheAtom: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:40
achtzehndoes openoffice have a package for inputting pinyin to get chinese characters?10:40
bruenigtheAtom, I answered you as well10:40
yasercan you recomend a good hardware chat?10:40
theAtombruenig, why cant I get my deleted file back?  is there no way?10:40
Jamolovlet i think you are true i am much better with software and operating system than with hard ware :(10:40
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chr0n0stanner_ : try man sshd_config10:41
theAtombruenig, how come the Feds can get deleted files back, but I cannot?10:41
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yasercan you recomend a good hardware linux related chat or just hardware related at least?10:41
bruenigtheAtom, no there isn't, unless you know some data recovery places you can take your computer too10:41
Chris5801can anyone help me10:41
Genelykhello !!!!10:41
Adria1Hey all.10:41
dgjonestheAtom, that wasn't what i was thinking of though, it was actually Acer I'd seen the article about10:41
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theAtombruenig, how can the data recovery places get files back?10:41
freeman163theyre the feds. they can do a lot of things we cant10:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:41
theAtomdgjones, ok!  cause Asus are not planning on it at all/10:41
Genelykrequeriment minimus  for gutsy ???????10:42
theAtomfreeman163, what do they use to get files back?10:42
VlettheAtom: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext3carve/10:42
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yasercan you recomend a good hardware linux related chat or just hardware related at least?10:42
donchriscoemsg nickserv id rabbit10:42
ompaulyaser, ##hardware10:42
Adria1Hmm. on Gaim, i chose MSN, put my Email and Password in (correct), and it has problems connecting, anyone know why? (I'm new to Ubuntu btw) :)10:42
chr0n0stheAtom : hardware reading directly ?10:42
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fevelyaser, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about numa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:43
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VlettheAtom: numa = http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext3carve/10:43
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theAtombruenig, seems u were wrong:  read this:   http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext3carve/10:43
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theAtombruenig, not wise to give misleading information10:44
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VlettheAtom: good _luck_10:44
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bruenigtheAtom, ok if <48kb will do for you, have fun10:44
skyhook How big should the swap be?10:44
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SeveastheAtom, please tone down a bit...10:44
bruenigI don't have many files less than 48 kb I must say10:44
bruenigperhaps you do10:44
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bruenig<48KB if default block size=4kb.(if default size=8kb then recovers 96kb file)Identifying and recovering files based on analysis of file format.10:44
theAtomSeveas, ok.  So there is a way to recover a deleted file using numa?10:44
VlettheAtom: yes, use it10:45
bruenighopefully you used 8kb, then you get double the recovery10:45
SeveastheAtom, numa? I only know numa as non-uniform memory access...10:45
VlettheAtom: Read it's manual10:45
fevelthere is a way to recover deleted files10:45
theAtomSeveas,  http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext3carve/10:45
Chris5801i guess nobody can hlep me10:45
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theAtomfevel, tell that to bruenig :)10:45
fevelor recovering facilities woldnt be able10:45
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bruenigtheAtom, read the description10:45
chr0n0sChris5801 : help in ?10:45
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SeveastheAtom, no idea, never used that10:45
bruenigtheAtom, less than 48 kilobytes files10:45
fevelthat package is a sucky one10:45
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theAtomSeveas, do you know any way to receover deleted files?10:46
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SeveastheAtom, you could try that numa thing10:46
bruenigtheAtom, were these files you deleted less than 48 kb?10:46
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theAtombruenig, what? really? it only recovers files less than 48kb?10:46
fevelbut hard disks are magnetic devices that files are only deleted after re written upon10:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:46
theAtombruenig, no! 170Kb10:46
Chris5801i cant get my wireless card to work10:46
bruenigtheAtom, yeah if you would read the description in that link you sent me instead of being a yapping ubuntu using idiot10:46
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theAtombruenig, settle down please10:46
Seveasbruenig, !language10:46
chr0n0sChris5801 : which wireless card is it ?10:46
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bruenigit says files less than 48 kb10:46
theAtombruenig, please tone down a bit...10:46
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theAtombruenig, no need to get nasty and name calling :(10:47
Chris5801dell 150110:47
Chris5801its built in10:47
VlettheAtom: Do you have any more questions involving ubuntu?10:47
fevelcome on bruenig, he was trying to help10:47
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SeveastheAtom, you should chill down as well10:47
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:47
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onjI need help getting my sound blaster audigy to work10:47
kane77fevel, and even after writing over it it can be restored, but that goes beyond mortals abilities..10:47
Seveaskane77, :)10:47
theAtomSeveas, im chilled, im not the one calling people idiots like bruenig called me10:47
onjUbuntu 7.10 RC !10:47
VlettheAtom: Do you have any more questions involving ubuntu?10:47
theAtomVlet, yes10:47
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:47
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fevelkane77, at least my mortal abilities .....LOL10:47
theAtomVlet, is there any AV for gutsy?10:47
bruenigfevel, no he wasn't, he though he had found something that I hadn't seen and tried to act like he had achieved something but failed to realize that < 48 kb file recovery is what he found which is nearly useless10:48
bexamous_when the livecd starts, what logs in the 'ubuntu' user to the console?10:48
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bexamous_anyone know?10:48
VletAntivirus? Aegis.10:48
fevelbruenig, yeah I just saw it...but its ok. make peace =)10:48
Seveasbexamous_, yes, gdm10:48
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theAtomdoes final come out tomorrow?10:48
fevelwere all very smart people10:48
Seveasbexamous_, the installed system can do it as well10:48
VlettheAtom: 18th10:48
SeveastheAtom, the 18th10:48
theAtomits 17th now10:48
kane77fevel, you'd need to take the disk apart and examine it physicaly for remaining magnetic charges using special equipment...10:48
feveland smart people crowded in one place tend to get itchy10:48
bexamous_sorry not in X, just the first console10:49
theAtomhere in Australia10:49
Seveasdepending on where you are, that's tomorrow10:49
subparcan someone help me out with setting up a dual boot10:49
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SeveastheAtom, experience learns that it's usually not before noon on the release day that the release is official10:49
fevelkane77, ooh...thats nice10:49
theAtomSeveas, do I need to download final and install it fresh?  Or can I just to apt-get upgrade on the 18th on the version im running now?10:49
theAtomSeveas, ok10:49
Vletsubpar: this can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot10:49
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theAtomam I running RC gutsy now?10:50
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SeveastheAtom, update-manager --dist-upgrade10:50
[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : gimme me output of     lspci | grep less10:50
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fevelon pastebin ocourse =)10:50
fevelor ill lag to death10:50
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[chr0n0s] nah.. 1 line it will me10:50
VletSeveas, theAtom: or "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", right?10:50
[chr0n0s] be*10:50
feveloh ok =)10:51
Chris5801huh? im kinad new to linux10:51
SeveasVlet, that'll also work if you change your sources.list :)10:51
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subparVLet: I already have ubuntu installed, in order to reformat my unused space, I'll need to boot the live cd and use gparted there, right?10:51
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feveljust worried for my sucku sucky terminal nec laptop10:51
VletSeveas: ahh yeah10:51
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[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : can you open a terminal ?10:51
theAtomVlet, so on the 18th after final released, I type: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?10:51
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theAtomSeveas, I type this in terminal?  "update-manager --dist-upgrade" ?10:51
VlettheAtom: See what Seveas just mentioned10:51
VlettheAtom: yeah, follow his/her advise10:52
SeveastheAtom, you might need a sudo in front of that10:52
[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : yes/no.. be quick!10:52
Eedgequick question, just installed 7.04 and am having problems getting the resolution about 800x600, even though in my xorg.conf it clearly states modes up to 1280x1024!10:52
theAtom"sudo update-manager --dist-upgrade" ?10:52
Vletsubpar: yep, you got it10:52
subparcool, that's all I really need to know10:52
subparthanks :)10:52
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=== theAtom writes that commend down" sudo update-manager --dist-upgrade
por100pre1gksudo 'update-manger -d'10:52
Eedgehowever, only goes up to 800x600 in the screen resolution thingal?10:52
[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : then on the terminal type    lspci | grep less10:52
fevelpor100pre1, no need for sudo10:52
fevelor is there?10:53
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fevelI didnt10:53
Odd-rationaletheAtom: Or check the web: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades10:53
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theAtomhow can I create a shortcut that is on my desktop from a file on my USB stick?10:53
dgjones!backup > dgjones10:53
theAtomOdd-rationale, ok10:53
zach_i have a problem with my usb ports.....as soon as I plug something in, it powers right back down10:53
Lifeisfunnyhey, it's been '2 days' for the last three weeks........ what's going on?10:53
Chris5801it comes up woth my network card10:53
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[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : i need the output10:54
Chris5801the dell wireless 1390 Wlan10:54
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theAtomSeveas, that webpage says to run "update-manager -d"10:54
fevelChris5801, youll need ndiswrapper10:54
[chr0n0s] can you copy paste it ?10:54
por100pre1you'll need the password anyway so use gksudo10:54
freeman163err, it has?10:54
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Chris5801i have it10:54
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Chris5801and i have installed thedriver10:54
Eedgehow do I get my screen resolution about 800x600?10:54
theAtomSeveas, whats diff between update-manager -d and sudo update-manager --dist-upgrade ?10:54
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Eedgehow do I get my screen resolution about 800x600?10:54
feveland whats up? not working??10:54
Eedgeoops, didn't mean to send twice sorry. lol10:54
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VlettheAtom: man 'switches' like that will have aliases. in this case, -d is short for --dist-upgrade10:55
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frandavid100can anyone who uses a DVB card give me some help generating a channels.conf file?10:55
SeveastheAtom, read the manpage for update-manager, -d is for devel release10:55
KworthHello, I have installed Firefox on my System but the flash plugin just does not return any sound. All other programms return sound just find.... what to do?10:55
Chris5801Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1309 WLAN mini-PCI card (rev 01)10:55
theAtomVlet, ah ok thanks10:55
por100pre1don't use sudo for graphical applications10:55
fevelthats a pavillion notebook10:55
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theAtomSeveas, whats  devel release?10:55
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[chr0n0s] Chris5801 : ndiswrapper installed ?10:55
SeveastheAtom, when it's not finished yet :)10:55
theAtomSeveas, lol :)10:55
fevelsee if its up then10:56
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Chris5801and i installed the driver for the card10:56
VletSeveas: suppose I shouldn't pull answers out of my ... cough ;)10:56
freeman163eff, the upgrade screwed up.10:56
[chr0n0s] fevel  : please take over, i have no idea of ndiswrapper10:56
kukukkuany one please help~! every time I try to install sun-java5-jre it gives me an Error in /usr/share/doc-base/jde10:56
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freeman163my mom shut the comp down in the middle of it last time >.<10:56
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IanLiuHow do I enable Compiz Cube Desktop?10:56
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[chr0n0s] freeman163 : first lol ;)10:56
freeman163heh... yeah, now i get an internal error about HAL on boot-up10:57
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[chr0n0s] freeman163 : wait 1 more day and get new version, the clean install ?10:57
dwxreaperwhats command to see current cpu utitlization, last minute average, etc10:57
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neopsychewhy cant i save a .gif?10:58
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oktanouc /window close10:58
[chr0n0s] dwxreaper : try top10:58
ebirtaidowned ;p10:58
oktanoucoops ^^10:58
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Vletneopsyche: maybe be more specific with your question10:58
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Chris5801yes ndiswrapper is instlled10:58
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dwxreaperchronos: i tried top the output confused me, can i do top | grep /% or somethign like that10:59
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fevelChris5801, is the module up?10:59
simenI can't get any sound in Ubuntu. My system acts as if the volume was muted, I don't get any error messages, and it works regularly in windows. This is my sound card: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller. (I'm fairly new to linux and ubuntu, so I'll need a detailed discription if it is possible.10:59
manic_anyone know how to add a windows xp os on sda1 to the grub menu10:59
neopsycheI dont see an option to save as gif in Kolour Paint10:59
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Odd-rationaleIanLui: Are you using Gusty?10:59
Chris5801wat do u mean, how do i tell10:59
dwxreaperchronos: nm it was my terminal, had to type reset, and i'm in cmd window10:59
manic_for some reason the install didnt add it automatically which it normally does10:59
erUSULmanic_: there is an example in the coments of the /boot/grub/menu.lst10:59
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theAtomdo I need to run a Anti-Virus program on Ubuntu?10:59
manic_erUSUL : perfect thank you11:00
dwxreapertheatom: not if you like to live dangerously11:00
Yourname`Hi. For some reason my Ubuntu feisty is crashing and I don't know why... what can I do to diagnose and fix?11:00
theAtomdwxreaper, pls dont troll11:00
[chr0n0s] dwxreaper : try gnome-system-monitor11:00
dwxreapertheatom: it's a legit answer11:00
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theAtomYourname`, check memory11:00
bruenigdwxreaper, you use anti-virus on gnu/linux?11:00
dwxreapertheatom: ubuntu is more secure than windows by default, any system is still vulnerable11:00
theAtomdwxreaper, its trolling11:00
fevelCheck this out Chris5801...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709211:01
neopsycheVlet: what can i use to save a file in .gif format?11:01
dwxreapertheatom: poor question11:01
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bruenigdwxreaper, if so, have you ever caught anything?11:01
dwxreapertheatom: well not a poor question, but that's up to you11:01
fevelChris5801, but first... do a lsmod | grep ndis11:01
dwxreaperbruenig: never caught anything on windows either, never ran anti-virus11:01
MasjIs there a known problem that prevents 7.10 to run Compiz-Fusion on multiple screens for example tvout11:01
feveland tell me the output11:01
theAtomdwxreaper, count to 6011:01
Vletneopsyche: this is probably why it doesn11:01
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Vletneopsyche: doesn't save to gif... http://burnallgifs.org/11:02
Yourname`theAtom: How?11:02
bruenigdwxreaper, oh so you don't run it, see I thought you were saying to run it which implies that you might run it. My fault.11:02
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neopsycheI need gif for a program.11:02
Vletneopsyche: You could try out 'gimp'11:02
neopsycheVlet: where in gimp will i be able to save to gif?11:02
theAtomYourname`, when you load Ubuntu, the menu screen has option to check RAM11:02
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freeman163save as maybe?11:02
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theAtomYourname`> Hi. For some reason my Ubuntu feisty is crashing and I don't know why... what can I do to diagnose and fix? <-- First thing CHECK your RAM11:02
simencan somebody assist me with a sound problem?11:02
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Chris5801i did11:03
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fevelChris5801, whats the output11:03
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theAtomsimen, I can yell for you if you want :)11:03
[chr0n0s] gimp is god of all paint systems :(, something simpler can be used11:03
Yourname`theAtom: This is a remote server.11:03
nomaSis there a way to configure internet by USB connection ?????????11:03
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theAtomYourname`, so what?  Ubuntu needs to run in RAM11:03
theAtomYourname`, think about it lol11:03
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XiXaQwhat do I need to do to let a user connect using ssh?11:04
theAtomYourname`, check wherever the RAM is11:04
Yourname`theAtom: I'm a beginner, and I have no idea how to do it. Are you willing to help me saying more than "check the RAM"?11:04
=== [chr0n0s] can't find the regular ppl today
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VeinortheAtom: do you mean check the physical ram? because hardware faults are usually investigated last.11:04
Chris5801ndiswrapper           194608  011:04
Chris5801usbcore               134280  6 ndiswrapper,usb_storage,libusual,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd11:04
[chr0n0s] Yourname` : if the OS is crashing. make sure your RAM isn't faulty11:04
fevelthen its up11:04
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VeinorI wouldn't check for bad ram right away, especially if it's a remote server.11:05
fevelI would redo that tutorial i showed you11:05
theAtomVeinor, according to whom?11:05
Yourname`[chr0n0s] : It's brand new RAM. Changed it twice so far just so I know it's got good RAM :)11:05
Eedgeany suggestions about forcing screen resolution about 800x600?11:05
fevelI gotta go to college math now, so I cant help you out...im sure someone else can11:05
theAtomYourname`> [chr0n0s] : It's brand new RAM. Changed it twice so far just so I know it's got good RAM :) <-- Brand new RAM can be faulty11:05
nomaSis there a way to configure internet by USB connection ?????????11:05
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jdongYourname`: so what if it's brand new?11:05
Apo1so is it just me or is anyone else struggling to get samba to run in 7.10 RC?11:05
Veinortwo sets of brand new ram plus the original set being faulty?11:05
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platiusEedge: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto look here11:05
theAtom<Veinor> theAtom: do you mean check the physical ram? because hardware faults are usually investigated last. <-- investigates last?  according to whom?11:06
[chr0n0s] Yourname` : testing for a fault will take about 15 mins..11:06
fevelChris5801, you should install wifi radar and make sure it really isnt working, or redo that tutorial...11:06
fevelIll cya later guys11:06
Eedgeplatius: cheers, checking the link now :)11:06
[chr0n0s] bye fevel11:06
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jdongVeinor: why shouldn't one do a memory test first if the symptoms strongly point towards a RAM fault?11:06
Yourname`I understand. But are there ways I can check Ubuntu itself for errors like logfiles, etc?11:06
Veinorjdong: well, if the symptoms point towards it, then sure do a ram test. But all I saw was "ubuntu crashed".11:06
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jdongit's one of the most trivial things you can do, and once that's ruled out you'll be far more productive....11:06
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theAtomjdong, hello my dear old friend :)11:07
PurpZeYIs there any way to set a particular wireless network preferred without deleting another from gconf?11:07
jdongVeinor: I am still catching up on scrollback..... *sheepishly reads up*11:07
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Apo1I would do a memtest too11:07
jdongtheAtom: why hello11:07
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fevelbye [chr0n0s] 11:07
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atlfalcons866anyone use reiserfs11:07
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[chr0n0s] if Ubuntu crashed, i can think of 2 things rightaways, memory leaks in some program, or faulty RAM11:07
VeinorYourname`: have any programs been installed lately?11:08
Yourname`Veinor: PHEX.11:08
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theAtomYourname`, you dont want to listne to me. yet I provided u with an answer to your problem11:08
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jdongif the entire operating system crashed, and you do not run any experimental (i.e. ndiswrapper, some webcams) hardware, then I'd suspect hardware11:08
[chr0n0s] theAtom :  think that is not an option for him, if the PC is situated at a remote location11:09
pi3Hi, I tried to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but it failed during installation (configuring), now update-manger says: "E: tzdata: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10; E: util-linux: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured". I'm afraid that Ubuntu will have problems if I reboot11:09
jdongpi3: that error should not cause problems with a reboot; it has been reported a few times today already11:09
VeinorYourname`: are there any programs like compiz fusion, beryl, ndiswrapper, or a webcam for which the support is not necessarily the best?11:09
[chr0n0s] pi3 forums ?11:09
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ramses_sad sd11:10
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Apo1anyone else having samba problems in gutsy?11:10
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ramses_k hay de nuevo viejo11:10
pi3jdong: in addition, amarok and some other programs cannot start11:10
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Yourname`Veinor: Nope11:10
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VletGutsy = #ubuntu+111:10
jdongpi3: that can be normal if you have not rebooted since upgading11:10
ramses_q honda homie11:11
Apo1ta vlet11:11
caesar_ok. I've got a stupid question. Where are .deb's put when they're downloaded?11:11
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Colrowhat's the command to edit xorg.cfg?11:11
freeman163same place as everything else11:11
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pi3jdong: ok, thanks, I'll back up just in case and reboot11:11
Veinorcaesar_: depends. if you're using firefox and it's not prompting, probably the desktop11:11
PriceChildcaesar_, /var/cache/apt/archive11:11
[chr0n0s] pi3 : give it a shot :P11:11
intr80_Colro : nano /etc/X11/xorg.cfg11:11
PriceChildcori[s] , its xorg.conf11:11
joerackHello. anybody can help me how to remove a windows application i mistakenly installed? thank you11:11
Vletcaesar_: Depends on what you downloaded them with... Firefox usually downloads to the desktop.11:11
joerackits under the ine menu now11:12
intr80_Colro : or pico, or vi, or emacs11:12
Veinorjoerack: and there's no uninstaller?11:12
caesar_I mean with synaptic. I think PriceChild answered my question11:12
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freeman163i tried to run duke nukem 3d in wine11:12
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freeman163hmm, actually...11:12
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freeman163i think ima try again11:12
joerackVeinor: no, it-s office 200311:12
[chr0n0s] nice torrent speeds :)11:12
joerackI didn-t know i had to use xoveroffice11:13
Colrointr80_: that file is empty..are you sure it's in that directory? ;x11:13
borovy3488which site has the best torrent speeds?11:13
reberfreeman163, is it a free game ?11:13
freeman163was on old pcgamer disk rofl11:13
Veinorjoerack: eww. um, cd to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files and remove the directory by hand?11:13
rathelI'm running fiesty, and I don't know what I changed, but I can't seem to go fullscreen with mplayer anymore, it's just a box in the middle of the screen when I go fullscreen, How do I fix this?11:13
joerackwill do11:14
theAtomanyone know how can I get Ubuntu to recognise my Asus inbuilt webcam?11:14
Yourname`theAtom: I know, but you're not pulling in full sentences, and to a newb like me.. it doesn't make sense.11:14
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bansteen666hey motherfuckers11:14
theAtomYourname`, just cause it doesnt make sense, doesnt mean its not accurate11:14
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freeman163bansteen, i think your looking for @oedipus11:14
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theAtomanyone know how can I get Ubuntu to recognise my Asus inbuilt webcam?11:15
VeinortheAtom: Yes, but it's no use being accurate if it's unintelligible11:15
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trippin445i have a question if someone could help me out, i was wondering what is or what chipset works best with ubuntu?11:15
[chr0n0s] Yourname` : do you have access to the computer ( i mean hardware access) ?11:15
Veinorfreeman163: :D11:15
caesar_ok. My second question: is there a way I can script a WINDOWS computer to download .debs for me/11:15
gokiAnyone know whether the Asus P5KR will be ok with ubuntu? (RAID, etc.)11:15
theAtomYourname`, RAM problem11:15
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trippin445i have a question if someone could help me out, i was wondering what is or what chipset wireless cards that work best with ubuntu?11:15
VlettheAtom: Second result in a google search for "asus webcam ubuntu".... c'mon people... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=350151511:16
Seveastrippin445, intel ones work perfect, atheros works decent11:16
[chr0n0s] trippin445 : intel ABG wireess works fine with ubuntu11:16
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Seveastrippin445, others usually work, but beware of broadcom 431811:16
trippin445do they support monitor mode?11:16
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darkchr0n0s_Seveas : i believe Intel ABGN has some issues11:17
Yourname`Ok, let me come back when IU have physical access.11:17
freeman163its not liking my .exes : /11:17
Yourname`Thanks guys.11:17
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borovy3488do you guys know if the normal way to make the firefox buttons and text not blurry will still work with gutsy?11:17
Seveasdarkchr0n0s_, interesting11:17
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theAtomVlet, ok! i downloaded the drivers from there! now what? :P11:17
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trippin445seveas does any of them cards support monitor mode?11:18
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Seveastrippin445, never tried that so wouldn't know11:18
Seveas!wifi | maybe look here, trippin44511:18
ubotumaybe look here, trippin445: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:18
darkchr0n0s_monitor mode ? wireless ?11:19
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macjason0607i want to put a linux distro on a emachine 2ghz 128mb ram ? can i do this ?11:19
Seveasmacjason0607, sure, but 128MB isn't really cutting it anymore11:19
PP|SpydonI think so, yes11:19
simenCan someone try to assist me with a sound issue?11:19
darkchr0n0s_macjason0607 : if you can just get 128 more RAM, it will be great11:19
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joerackAnybody with a black screen problem after a while beryl is running_11:19
Colrowhere is xorg.cfg? trying to gedit it and can't find the directory :/11:20
PP|Spydonxubuntu works fine with 128MB11:20
VeinorColro: /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:20
darkchr0n0s_Colro : /etc/X11/11:20
Amaranthjoerack: Disable sync to vblank in beryl-settings11:20
Veinoryou need to be root to run it.11:20
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Veinor*edit it11:20
trainhow to I configure the desktop effects11:20
trainI have them enabled11:20
Colrois my xorg.cfg file supposed to be empty then?...11:20
Colrowhen i edit it all i see is a blank file11:20
macjason0607Seveas what linux distro should i go with then ?11:20
Seveastrain, install compizconfig-settings-manager11:20
christian_some body have11:20
trainis there a configuration tool, like enabling the cube11:20
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altair_How to i get cat to print more than one page to a ps file11:20
VeinorColro: it's called xorg.conf, not xorg.cfg11:20
christian_the package .deb11:20
christian_fusion icon11:20
Seveas!enter | christian_11:21
Colro...my bad :|11:21
darkchr0n0s_lol Colro11:21
ubotuchristian_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:21
darkchr0n0s_cfg are in windows11:21
Veinoralso, you need to be root, so run 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' (without quotes) from a terminal11:21
rathelI'm running fiesty, and I don't know what I changed, but I can't seem to go fullscreen with mplayer anymore, it's just a box in the middle of the screen when I go fullscreen, How do I fix this?11:21
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Veinorand be sure to make a backup, just in case.11:21
joerackthanks a load amaranth, I though it was a wrong resolution11:22
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theAtomwhat progam is used for webcam?11:22
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prophetIs there a channel for extreme beginners for kdevelop?  I am having a boat load of problems.11:22
pi3jdong: just rebooted and everything seems to work ok except for one thing: I see no desktop bars I mean the one with the open programs11:22
simenCan someone try to assist me with a sound problem? (no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller)11:22
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theAtomI compiled drivers for my webcam.  Now what do I do to use webcam?11:23
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Seveas!repeat | theAtom11:23
ubotutheAtom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:23
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Veinorpi3: do you see the panels at all, or are the top and bottom of your screen just showing your wallpaper?11:23
theAtomSeveas, :P11:23
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ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:23
darkchr0n0s_simen : on a laptop ?11:23
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TazaSo a new ubuntu will be released tomorrow?11:23
theAtomSeveas, sghould I use camorama?11:24
prophetjoin #kdevelop11:24
darkchr0n0s_Taza : 30+ hours11:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camorama - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:24
TazaI was just installing Gentoo, it fsck'd up, and I decided to go with Ubuntu11:24
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VeinorTaza: two days from now, I believe11:24
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TazaSays 1 day to go on the site11:24
sahlI can't get my new Logitech Quickcam Go webcam work under fiesty , any help ?11:24
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freeman163ubuntu ceased being able to read my windows drive11:24
SeveasTaza, one day and several hours11:24
TazaMabbe I should go with Slacktough11:24
pi3Veinor: I don't see neither of both panel bars, I don't understand what you mean11:24
SeveasTaza, count on at least 36 hours from now11:24
Colrois anyone here successfully using the ATI 8.40.4 driver? the repos still have 8.37 and I kind of want to upgrade11:25
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altair_theAtom, is you do a search in synaptic there about about 6 - 7 programs for using webcams11:25
darkchr0n0s_Colro : i am using 8.4011:25
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PriceChildTaza, #ubuntu-release-party :)11:25
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pi3Veinor: if it helps, the "effect" of the maximized windows closes to the upside of the screen11:25
Colrodarkch0n0s: no problems I assume? :)11:25
pipegeekjust installed the RC in vmware11:25
horde_can anyone help?  I'm trying to set up a user account for ssh/scp purposes.  But I want to keep the user in a single directory with read/write privileges.11:26
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pipegeek.... the printer dialog is far more confusing.... what happened?11:26
Veinorpi3: so, where the list of programs normally is (at the bottom of the screen), do you see a black or grey or whatever bar?11:26
simendarkchr0n0s_: Yes. on a laptop.11:26
darkchr0n0s_Colro : works fine w/o compiz11:26
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pipegeekIt's a better interface to cups, if you know cups, but it seems worse from a general usability perspective11:26
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darkchr0n0s_simen : i can try, but not sure.. can you give me output of uname -r ?11:27
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pi3Veinor: no, no bar at all11:27
carlosaugustoareHi = Hola11:27
caciociao a tutti11:27
darkchr0n0s_carlosaugustoare : we know11:27
Seveas!it | cacio11:27
ubotucacio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:27
Veinorpi3: when you press alt-f2, do you get a dialog box?11:27
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pi3Veinor: yep, that's how I opened the IRC client ;)11:28
simendarkchr0n0s_: I've been using windows until recently so basically, you have to tell me how I give you the "oputput of uname - r"11:28
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Veinorpi3: cool. try running gnome-panel11:28
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dibblegodoes gutsy use the new ATI driver?11:29
darkchr0n0s_simen : can you open a terminal ?11:29
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Seveasdibblego, no, it's nowhere near usable yet11:29
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simendarkchr0n0s_: yeah.11:29
tonyyarussoUm, how do you address an e-mail to someone not in your address book in Evolution?  Particularly, multiple people at once?  (In thunderbird I just hit enter and type it in)11:29
darkchr0n0s_k then open one.. and type uname -r11:30
dibblegoSeveas, you mean the driver is not usable right? (not gutsy)11:30
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Seveasdibblego, correct11:30
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darkchr0n0s_simen : k then open one.. and type uname -r11:30
dibblegoSeveas, thanks11:30
Veinorpi3: did that help?11:30
zomgoblinzhow do I list all packages installed that start with gnome* ?11:30
zomgoblinzusing apt11:30
pi3Veinor: nothing seems to happen, although when I alt-tab I can see a black rectangle (telling where the application is on the bar)11:30
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fujin_dpkg -l|grep gnome11:30
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pi3Veinor: If this helps, this is the first boot using Gutsy11:31
Veinorpi3: well, for gutsy, I think you need to be in #ubuntu+111:31
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chem199can some one tell me how to print more than one page to a ps file with cat, in jpilot it only seems to print one page11:31
darkchr0n0s_simen : you have speakers/headphones ?11:31
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pi3Veinor: ok, I'll try there.. thanks11:32
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darkchr0n0s_simen : quick quick11:32
simendarkchr0n0s_: yes, integrated speakers. i have tried headphones too.11:32
acidherehello everyone11:32
Krampusis there a way to make apt work with an autoconfiguring proxy?  I have a local mirror I'd like to use but still have it grab security updates through the proxy.11:32
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darkchr0n0s_simen : headphones not working :(, coz i have the same problem with, headphones work fine tho11:33
horde_how do i keep a user out of everything but his home directory?11:33
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simendarkchr0n0s_: Aw...11:33
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darkchr0n0s_simen : i am afraid i can't help you anymore :(11:33
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Veinorhorde_: make his home directory /? :P11:34
ryanakcawhy won't my ssh + key work? http://pastebin.ca/739088 ... I went 'scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub host:', and then on host, I went 'mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh && cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys'... what am I missing?11:34
simendarkchr0n0s_: Ok, thanks for trying ;)11:34
horde_Veinor: uh, not exactly what I was looking for :)11:34
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horde_I know nothing about admin.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.11:35
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chem199horde_, they cant access anything in any higher folders11:35
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ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:36
horde_chem199: yes, I want to lock them into their home directory, no higher.11:36
chem199horde_, do you just not want the user to access higher via naultis and the cli11:36
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Eedgewhen I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I dont get the option to auto configure?11:36
Intrepdman adobe's flash plugin is a disaster11:36
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erUSULEedge: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'11:37
markelhashi ppl, how can i make my ndis config permanet?11:37
EedgeOk, will do... just rebooting :)11:37
horde_chem199: I'm having trouble with my FTP server so I'm trying to let my buddy scp a file.  But I don't want to leave my whole system open to view, etc.11:37
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chem199horde_, for ssh11:37
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chem199horde_, goto the system menu and go to admin then to users groups11:38
horde_chem199: yes, ssh11:38
horde_chem199: ok, I'm there.11:39
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acidheresomeone with spare time want to try to help me set up my dev enviroment?11:39
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chem199horde_, there you can close out access to external drives and other things11:40
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fujin_apt-get install build-essential11:40
chem199horde_, try this article http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-deny-or-restrict-access-to-users-and-groups.html11:40
acidherelol im not that stupid11:40
acidherebut thanks11:40
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horde_chem199: many thanks!11:40
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axjvDoes anyone know how to make a clickable shortcut to execute an sh file?11:41
chem199horde_, sure, sorry couldnt help more11:41
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fujin_acidhere: then you'll have to be a bit more specific11:41
tonyyarussoaxjv: "add launcher" I think i9s what you want11:41
EedgeerUSUL: Thanks alot :)) can go higher than 800x600 now: What does -phigh do then?11:41
acidheremy gcc does not find the .a im trying to link to11:41
acidhereeven though its there11:42
axjvtonyyarusso: I tried that, but I'm not sure what to put for 'command'.11:42
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acidhereprolly some sort of syntax thing i dont understand11:42
tonyyarussoaxjv: sh /path/to/file.sh11:42
xris_Does anyone know how to change the repositories that the "update-manager" uses for updating?11:42
axjvtonyyarusso: Didn't work...11:42
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tonyyarussoaxjv: Check the "run in terminal" box if you want to see output from it11:42
fujin_xris_: vi /etc/apt/sources.list11:42
horde_chem199: no worries11:42
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Yahooadamhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 - appears to be corrupt, any way to fix it/get it fixed ?11:43
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xris_fujin_: I don't think that works for the "update-manager" as it comments out all those sources once you start the process, and then uses different ones anyway11:43
carlhakoxris_, google for ubuntu sources.list theres a site that will make you a new sources.list :)11:43
axjvtonyyarusso: I don't see a run in terminal...11:43
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tonyyarussoaxjv: ah, it's in "Type" nowdays.11:43
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tonyyarusso"Application in Terminal"11:44
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Eedgeoh I see, it makes it only ask me high priority questions :) ok11:44
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xris_carlhako: I alreayd have my own custom sources.list but when I do update-manager to upgrade to gutsy, it just uses archive.ubuntu.com11:44
axjvtonyyarusso: Kay, looking.11:44
neverblue2how can you find the gateway on a box (i have sshed into it) ?11:44
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kane77wow.. it CAN suspend..  however after restoring from suspend I get blank screen.. so I was waiting for a while and was pressing keys and after about 5 minutes the password prompt poped up...11:45
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axjvtonyyarusso:  Terminal comes up and dies.11:45
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tonyyarussoaxjv: boo :(11:45
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axjvI've been trying to get this to work for a few days now...11:46
axjvMaybe 'Location'?11:46
VikingI was curious if anyone has fixed the blank screen on bootup when using an nvidia 8800 gts?11:46
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chonny_starcan i have some help here?11:47
acidhereyeah prolly11:48
acidherejust ask your questoin11:48
acidherethats what i did11:48
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VikingI was curious if anyone has fixed the blank screen on bootup when using an nvidia 8800 gts?11:48
axjvDoes anyone know how to make a clickable shortcut to execute an sh file?11:48
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neverblue2thanks fujin_11:49
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chonny_stari'm on ubuntu 7.04 and i can't use my usb ports : mouse, usb key ...11:49
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chonny_starnothing happens11:49
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chonny_stari added usbcore, usb-storage in etc/modules11:49
kane77how do I find out if I have swap mounted?11:49
Eedgeerk, say, how do I disable desktop effects from term?11:49
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neverblue2do you see your devices, when you enter that command?11:50
Yahooadami had that before, faulty motherboard, usb 1.1 would work but not USB2 chonny11:50
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chonny_starlsusb -> nthg11:50
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dercl#join radiotux11:50
dercljoin radiotux11:50
alindemanIs the archive site (archive.canonical.com / us.archive.ubuntu.com) up?  Am I just having issues on my end?11:50
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raphaHi all!11:51
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Vikingdoes anyone have any experience with the blank screen issue when having an nvidia 8800 card installed?11:51
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raphaI want to install Gutsy Final tomorrow - but is there a way to get a list of packages I have installed now, so I can just apt-get them all in one swoop after install (no, I don't want to upgrade)11:51
Eedgeerk, say, how do I disable desktop effects from term?11:51
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chris__how do i use gdm to log into an ubuntu that is next to me?11:52
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chris__it says remote login via..., i enter the ip it says no hosts found...11:52
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VikingHasn't anyone here had the blank screen on boot up issue???11:53
Yahooadamchris_, did you enable it ?11:53
chris__Yahooadam, how?11:53
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chris__and i can only access the computer via ssh...11:53
Yahooadamchris_ system -> admin -> remote desktop11:53
chris__Yahooadam, how do i enable it via ssh?11:54
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Yahooadamdunno chris_ - you only need to do it once ...11:55
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chris__Yahooadam, i don't have a monitor on that system i am trying to remote into....11:55
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Yahooadamcrhis_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6661611:55
[chr0n0s] any idea how to fix this http://pastebin.ca/73912411:56
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theAtomgot my webcam working but its UPSIDE DOWN :P11:56
Yahooadamchris_ probably easier just ot plug in a screen for a sec and turn it on, then its done :p11:56
VikingCome on guys, someone here must have an 8800 GTS and get a blank screen on booting up!11:56
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MasterShrekViking, how did you install the driver?11:57
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Yahooadamhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 - appears to be corrupt, any way to fix it/get it fixed ?11:57
VeinortheAtom: turn your webcam upside-down. problem solved.11:57
chris__Yahooadam, (vino:26354): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:   :(, and i used the -X option....11:58
Heavenhow do i change the directory to the desktop (from terminal) what is the command line?11:58
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chris__Heaven, cd ~/Desktop11:58
raphachris__: has to be allowed on the host comp11:58
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chris__rapha, how do i enable it?11:58
purity_controlheaven cd; cd Desktop11:58
underwatercowjoin #ubuntu+111:58
Vikingwell, on my other computer it must install a default ati driver, then I use the restricted driver manager to install ati's driver, but with my main machine, I can't even get to a desktop11:59
theAtom<Veinor> theAtom: turn your webcam upside-down. problem solved. <-- not possible!  buolt into my laptot11:59
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VeinortheAtom: turn yourself upside down then.11:59
YahooadamtheAtom, turn your laptop upside down11:59
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carlhakochris__, i think its in /etc/ssh/sshd_config uncomment xforwarding11:59
Veinorin all seriousness, no idea.11:59
theAtomgives me headaches :P11:59
MasterShrekViking, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:59
carlhakothen restart ssh /etc/init.d/ssh restart11:59
chris__webmin: Allow X11 connection forwarding yes11:59
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chris__so its enabled....12:00
Heavenand now how do i run a file named equinox3d-0.9.1-2-Linux ?12:00
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VikingI tried installing using the alternate disc, and everything installed fine, but when booting normally, it goes blank before it shows any GUI12:00
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chris__X11Forwarding yes <new line> X11DisplayOffset 1012:00
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Heavenwait wait...12:01
VikingI've tried changing the driver from nv to vesa to nividia to vga, but nothing helps12:01
ryanakcawhy won't my ssh + key work? http://pastebin.ca/739088 ... I went 'scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub host:', and then on host, I went 'mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh && cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys'... what am I missing? the AuthorizedKeysFile line is commented out in sshd_config . I don't have root access.12:01
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Heaveni tried to change the directory again from desktop to a folder on the desktop named equinox3d-0.9.1-2-Linux and sais he can't find the path12:01
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jimmygoonHow flexible is the encrypted functionality of LVM? Like can I have it come up with a custom message as it prompts for the password?12:02
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freqmodHello, does anybody know how to make apt fulfill a dependency without having the packages for it12:02
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joerackHello, anybody can help me on a black screen recurrance using beryl?12:04
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VikingMasterShrek, I'll give your idea a shot. thanks!12:04
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kitchejoerack: nvidia?12:04
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kerwinzALguien sabe q ES SPAM?12:04
joerackkitchie yes12:04
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