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frogbyte | motd | 01:17 |
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frogbyte | My video in gxine is not working. How can I fix it so it doesn't display the video 5 times in the screen? | 01:19 |
frogbyte | join# /ubuntu | 01:20 |
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magic_ninja | does anyone know the mozilla-gecko package name for wine, tryin to get steam to work | 02:33 |
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ZZ1 | Hello??? | 03:00 |
ZZ1 | :) | 03:02 |
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endra | Hello | 03:05 |
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ZZ1 | Hello endra are we online?? | 03:05 |
endra | My xubuntu installation failed a few times with different reasons. It is a really old system with only 128MB of ram (530mhz AMD K6 i585) | 03:05 |
endra | ZZ1: I do believe we are, yes | 03:05 |
ZZ1 | my first time here | 03:06 |
endra | ZZ1: welcome, my first time here as well | 03:06 |
endra | I am given the option to install in text mode, or install a command line system | 03:06 |
endra | My question is if I install a command line system, how hard is it to install the GUI front end later on? | 03:06 |
endra | (as if I did install in text mode) | 03:07 |
ZZ1 | the package has it so it would be a matter typing the right command. | 03:08 |
endra | Okay | 03:08 |
endra | Did you require any help, ZZ1? | 03:08 |
ZZ1 | just happy to be here with this working :) | 03:09 |
ZZ1 | thanks | 03:09 |
endra | :) | 03:09 |
ZZ1 | is there a cd burner software to make the iso image for a win 98 package? the nero is only good for winxp my old machine has win98. | 03:11 |
endra | I think K3B can make ISO images, not too sure. | 03:11 |
endra | or you can disk dump the cd in console: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/cdrom_image.iso | 03:12 |
ZZ1 | hmmm would have to load my susu linux in to run it ,, , ,, will try that thanks :) | 03:15 |
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endra | How do I know if I must use LVM or not? | 03:16 |
ZZ1 | wiki has alot of info on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_(Linux) | 03:18 |
endra | thanks | 03:18 |
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exw | anyone know what file to add "modprobe ndiswrapper" to modprobe on reboot | 04:53 |
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sn4keeyez | anybody with nothing to do that would like to help a noob? | 05:32 |
sn4keeyez | I need help setting up a wireless connection on my new installation of xubuntu on my laptop. | 05:33 |
sn4keeyez | is anybody here? | 05:36 |
ThePub | sn4keeyez: I had a "Network" panel under "System" after installation of xubuntu-desktop on my system. | 05:56 |
ThePub | sn4keeyez: but I didn't do an xubuntu install (is there one?), I did an Ubuntu commandline-only install and then fetched the desktop package. | 05:57 |
sn4keeyez | hey the pub | 06:20 |
sn4keeyez | you still there? | 06:20 |
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mikubuntu | any idea what might have caused an old dell laptop with xubuntu on it to crash, after it was operating properly, and then fails to take a reinstall, among other things giving a grub 18 error? | 06:25 |
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ThePub | sn4keeyez: in and out | 06:53 |
ThePub | wow, thunar is taking 15 minutes to move 400 MBs from one folder to another? O.o | 07:02 |
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Rynux91 | hey | 07:35 |
Rynux91 | ...da** I forgot why I'm here | 07:36 |
Rynux91 | ah | 07:39 |
Rynux91 | now I remember... | 07:39 |
Rynux91 | how do you install Flash player in 6.06? | 07:39 |
Rynux91 | for FF1.5? | 07:41 |
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Teejay__ | hi | 08:11 |
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Teejay__ | Is it recommended to go for a clean install from xubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 or upgrade via internet | 08:12 |
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zoredache_ | you should be able to upgrade, but the real answer will come out in 2-3 weeks after lots of people have switched | 08:22 |
zoredache_ | make a good backup of your system and try it... | 08:22 |
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Catoptromancy | quick what was the command that print kernel version | 10:08 |
Catoptromancy | heh | 10:08 |
TheSheep | uname -r | 10:14 |
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mikubuntu | i'm in a pickle guys. which kernel should i install with x? linux-generic, linux-image-generic, or linux-image- | 10:26 |
mikubuntu | door number 1, door number 2, or door number 3? | 10:27 |
mikubuntu | please help, i've been trying to get something to run on this laptop for four hours now .. arrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh... | 10:28 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: it's all the same | 10:32 |
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ThePub | Is there some way to have xfce align desktop icons on the right side of the screen instead of the left by default? | 11:18 |
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tinin | hi | 02:31 |
tinin | anyone here using gutsy yet? | 02:31 |
wbadger | I believe you can find help for gutsy in #ubuntu+1 | 02:33 |
totalwormface | i am | 02:33 |
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tinin | I'd like to know how to upgrade | 02:35 |
pequatre | hi. I'm using Xubuntu Gusty, i've last upgraded a few minutes ago.when trying to add the "network monitor" to the panel, it doesn't launch. Do you have this problem too ? | 02:35 |
pequatre | tinin, to gutsy ? | 02:36 |
tinin | yeah | 02:36 |
totalwormface | you can just do a 'sudo dpkg -c -d update-manager' | 02:36 |
totalwormface | :] | 02:36 |
tinin | ok | 02:36 |
tinin | i'll try | 02:36 |
pequatre | well Alt+F2 then type "update-manager -d" then you'll see the option | 02:36 |
pequatre | is anyone using gutsy here ? | 02:37 |
tinin | pequatre, did you find gutsy buggy? | 02:37 |
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pequatre | tinin, well to me it seems it doesn't add much to feisty, except a few bug :) | 02:38 |
gnomefreak | pequatre: join #ubuntu+1 for gutsy help | 02:38 |
pequatre | gnomefreak, | 02:38 |
pequatre | gnomefreak, ok thx | 02:38 |
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keitherz | hello | 03:28 |
wbadger | hello | 03:28 |
keitherz | hey cant i set this to 1024 x 768 resolution | 03:29 |
wbadger | xfce menu -> Settings -> Display Settings | 03:30 |
keitherz | not listed maybe its because im only on live cd | 03:31 |
keitherz | how about upgrading to gusty gibbon | 03:31 |
keitherz | ok found ok found it | 03:33 |
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keitherz | will xubuntu release gusty gibbon at the same time ubuntu release it | 03:36 |
wbadger | yeah | 03:36 |
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keitherz | yey 2 days to go | 03:36 |
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keitherz | im gonna install linux when they release it... friday | 03:37 |
wbadger | you may not be able to download it all in the same day... the servers might be overloaded | 03:37 |
keitherz | im gonna install xubuntu 7.04 and then ill just upgrade it... | 03:37 |
keitherz | hmm.. | 03:38 |
keitherz | when i format one partition on windows | 03:38 |
wbadger | that's not a good idea | 03:38 |
wbadger | it is safer to install a new version than to upgrade | 03:39 |
keitherz | what tool should i use and format to what file format | 03:39 |
wbadger | on the live cd you have gparted | 03:39 |
wbadger | which you can use to format partitions | 03:39 |
keitherz | or just format to unallocated then install linux | 03:39 |
keitherz | oh ok | 03:39 |
wbadger | but don't forget to backup all the data first | 03:40 |
keitherz | use gparted then install linux | 03:40 |
wbadger | because once you format a partition the data on it is lost | 03:40 |
wbadger | actually gparted is part of the installation | 03:40 |
keitherz | yes i know | 03:40 |
keitherz | im just going to reformat then install linux cause the tutorials i can find is for ppl who need to create partition then install linux on it | 03:41 |
Catoptromancy | will jsut running update-manager get to 7.10? | 03:41 |
keitherz | ya | 03:41 |
Catoptromancy | cool | 03:41 |
keitherz | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades | 03:42 |
keitherz | how bout you | 03:42 |
keitherz | well good night... | 03:43 |
keitherz | bye | 03:43 |
keitherz | wheres shut down | 03:43 |
keitherz | oh here | 03:43 |
keitherz | haha | 03:43 |
wbadger | :P | 03:44 |
keitherz | im new to xubuntu cause i first tried ubuntu but cant install it i only have 256 memory | 03:44 |
keitherz | ubuntu will be little slower | 03:44 |
keitherz | interfaces are different | 03:44 |
mindframe- | try fluxbuntu :) | 03:44 |
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Jester45 | anyone know how to fix a dependacy conflict with libc6 being allready installed but libc6-i686 needs a diffrent version | 03:55 |
Jester45 | i just dist-upgraded a server to gusty | 03:56 |
Jester45 | gutsy* | 03:56 |
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/ | ||
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Release Candidate (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.10/rc/ | ||
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neozen | meep | 09:51 |
TheSheep | The program 'meep' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 09:53 |
TheSheep | sudo apt-get install meep | 09:53 |
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vulcanius | hey, i just installed the xubuntu desktop and messing around i turned on the decorators in the desktop tweaks. the screen went black but the mouse remained, unfortunately theres no settings confirm countdown. is there a way to undo this? | 09:57 |
TheSheep | decorators? | 10:01 |
vulcanius | in 7.10 (don't know if you guys are helping with this or not yet) in the Preferences menu there is an utility for window manager tweaks. one of them is for window decorators or some such | 10:04 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: nope, can't see nothing about decorators | 10:05 |
vulcanius | are you running 7.10? | 10:07 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: yes | 10:07 |
vulcanius | TheSheep, do you see in either the Desktop Settings menu the Window Manager Tweaks or somesuch towards the bottom? | 10:08 |
vulcanius | TheSheep, heh, oh i hope you didn't click on it and screw up your desktop like mine | 10:11 |
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TheSheep | vulcanius: nom just looking for anything that would vaguely resemble 'decoartor' | 10:11 |
vulcanius | well do you see the menu item i was referring to? | 10:12 |
vulcanius | i may not be referring to the right thing | 10:12 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: the settings menu contains 'desktop settings', 'window manager settings' and 'window manager tweaks' | 10:13 |
vulcanius | window manager tweaks is the one it was in. it should be like the first or second item in the WMT. what are those first few items? | 10:13 |
TheSheep | tabs: cycling, focus, accessibility, workspaces, placement, compositor | 10:14 |
vulcanius | it would have been under compositor | 10:14 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: 'enable display compositing', 'display full screen overlays directly'm 'show shadows under regular windows', 'show shadows under popup windows' | 10:15 |
vulcanius | it was enable display compositing. sorry, too much python on the brain, forget i said decorators | 10:16 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: did you enable compositing in your xorg.conf? | 10:16 |
vulcanius | after checking enable display compositing the desktop went black and only the mouse remained | 10:16 |
TheSheep | apparently your card has trouble with it | 10:16 |
vulcanius | TheSheep, unless that enabled it in my xorg.conf for me then no i didn't | 10:16 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: at least with current setttings | 10:16 |
vulcanius | TheSheep, so it can be disabled through the xorg.conf? | 10:17 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: see http://wiki.xfce.org/faq#windows | 10:17 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: you can disabel the option by editing a file in ~/.config/xfce/mcs_settings/ | 10:18 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: ~/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/wmtweaks.xml | 10:18 |
vulcanius | ah, many many thanks | 10:18 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: you can switch to a text console with alt+ctrl+f1, log in and edit that file with nano | 10:18 |
vulcanius | ok, just disabled it, gonna switch back over to xfce and check it out. thanks for the help | 10:20 |
TheSheep | vulcanius: you might need killing the X with alt+ctrl+backspace | 10:21 |
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archoniam | Ello. Can someone help me with a shell script i'm making to back up my files? | 10:24 |
wbadger | archoniam, I think you'll find most help in #bash | 10:25 |
wbadger | but we can try | 10:25 |
archoniam | um ok. i need to know why this command comes up in error: zip -r $BAX . The command has all variables set. | 10:26 |
archoniam | error says that it has invalid command arguments and says cannot write zip file to terminal. | 10:27 |
wbadger | echo $BAX? | 10:27 |
archoniam | $BAX=/home/archoniam | 10:28 |
wbadger | does it say: zip error: Nothing to do! (archoniam.zip) | 10:28 |
archoniam | No. it says zip error: invalid command arguments (cannot write zip file to terminal) | 10:29 |
archoniam | i've tried everything | 10:30 |
archoniam | ok lemme do it in terminal itself and not from shell scripy | 10:30 |
archoniam | script* | 10:30 |
wbadger | that's a good idea anyway | 10:31 |
wbadger | and I think that it's not enough arguments to the zip prog | 10:31 |
wbadger | yeah | 10:31 |
wbadger | if you want a file backup.zip for example | 10:31 |
archoniam | what others do i need? zipfile name? it wont work that way 4 sum reason | 10:31 |
wbadger | you should (I think) | 10:32 |
wbadger | zip -r backup.zip $BAX | 10:32 |
wbadger | this works for me | 10:32 |
archoniam | ahhh that's what i did wrong | 10:32 |
archoniam | uh oh | 10:33 |
archoniam | okay now BAXSAVE=/home/archoniam/zipped.zip | 10:34 |
archoniam | i tried it and got same error! =( | 10:34 |
wbadger | what was the command? | 10:34 |
archoniam | zip -r $BAXSAVE $BAX | 10:34 |
wbadger | if you do it in a terminal do you get the same error? | 10:35 |
archoniam | um lemme chech | 10:35 |
wbadger | (don't forget to set the variables first) | 10:35 |
archoniam | check* | 10:35 |
archoniam | i did | 10:35 |
wbadger | yeah but when you try in the terminal | 10:36 |
wbadger | you have to set them again | 10:36 |
archoniam | WTF? it did it | 10:36 |
wbadger | it worked? | 10:36 |
archoniam | why wont it work in terminal then? yes it worked | 10:36 |
wbadger | it works in terminal or in the script? | 10:36 |
archoniam | in terminal. but i need it to do it in the script. aw heck ima go to#bash | 10:37 |
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