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vilanight ;)21:55
lifelesshah, my string.find() bug is getting 'me toos' :)\21:55
lifelessthanks for the email patch vila21:55
vilalifeless: you're welcome21:55
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jelmer'morning lifeless21:59
lifelesshi jelmer22:01
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vilalifeless: when you say "This format was introduced in bzr.dev" you intend to update with the current bzr version when merging I hope ?22:16
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mtaylorI'm getting this: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.MemoryError22:32
mtaylorwhen I try to do any bzr operations on a branch22:32
mtaylorusing bzr 0.91 on gutsy22:32
Odd_Blokemtaylor: That is normally a sign that there's a particularly large file in the branch.22:35
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: yeah - I shouldn't have any of those22:35
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: and it happens on bzr status, too22:35
Odd_Blokemtaylor: No ulimits of any description?22:35
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: nope22:35
mtaylorthe whole tree is at 11M22:36
Odd_Blokemtaylor: Nothing else huge resident in memory?22:36
mtaylorand I get the memory error almost immediately22:36
mtaylorI have 786M free22:36
mtaylorI can try kiling firefox and eclipse22:37
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: now I have 1.6G free, and it still gives me the error22:38
mtaylorI've tried 0.90 and 0.9122:38
mtaylorboth to no avail22:38
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: it's only in that one branch, too22:41
mathrickis there a way to see exactly what's causing rejects when unshelving?22:41
Odd_Blokemtaylor: Has the branch ever had any large files committed but later removed?22:43
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: no.22:44
Odd_Blokemtaylor: Does even 'bzr check' fail?22:45
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: bzr check works22:45
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: I'm able to branch from that branch and then operate in the new branch just fine22:46
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: but I can't run bzr diff to see if there were any uncommited changes in the old branch I'd forgotten about22:47
Odd_Blokemtaylor: You could run a standard diff?22:47
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: yes. that works - except for needing to filter out all of the autoconf crap22:48
Odd_Blokemtaylor: Also, can you tar up the branch, and extract it elsewhere retaining the issues?22:48
Odd_Blokemtaylor: Ah, yeah, that'd be a problem. :p22:48
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: well, it's in a local repository22:48
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: so I think if I tar up just the branch, it won't be complete, right?22:48
mtaylorOdd_Bloke: but I could try creating another repository, branching from one to the other to get the revisions and then copying over the borked branch22:49
lifelessmwhudson: mmm, its possibly a bug in diff matching, e.g. pythons standard libary at one point recursed waaaay to much22:50
lifelessmtaylor: ^22:50
lifelesssorry mwhudson :)22:50
lifelessmtaylor: is there a backtrace in ~/.bzr.log ?22:51
mtaylorlifeless: well, I get one on the screen22:52
mtayloris there a pastebin somewhere I can stick it?22:52
lifelessthis may be a C extension bug22:56
lifelessMemoryError may be sigsegv22:57
lifelesshmm, I'm not sure offhand of how to disable the C extensions in a packaged bzr22:57
lifelessso -22:57
lifelessfind that file22:58
lifeless(e.g. locate _...)22:58
lifelessrename it out of the way (as root)22:58
lifelessthen try again22:58
lifelessmtaylor: ^22:59
mtaylorlifeless: now I get an AssertionError23:00
lifelessmtaylor: looks like a damaged dirstate file23:03
lifelessdid you have a power failure or some such during commit, or si this on NFS?23:03
mtaylorlifeless: nope. not on nfs. and I don't remember any power failures23:04
lifelessanyhow, your current tree state has been damaged23:04
mtaylorlifeless: I did recently try to use the bzr eclipse plugin... perhaps that screwed something up23:04
lifelessit shouldn't be accessing this file directly23:04
mtaylorlifeless: ok. well I'll just browse around and look for uncommited changes23:04
mtaylorI don't think I had any23:05
lifelessyou could try:23:05
lifelessbzr branch . ../clean23:05
lifelessdiff -Nrup -x .bzr . ../clean23:05
lifeless[sorry that you're having to do this]23:05
mtaylorhey - no problem!23:05
fullermdYou could tar up your working files, rm them and .bzr/checkout/, re-checkout the tree, blow away the files, and untar the old ones.23:06
lifelessfullermd: simpler:23:06
lifelessbzr branch . ../clean23:07
fullermd(I dunno if remove-tree would work if the checkout metafiles were wonky)23:07
lifelesscp ../clean/.bzr/checkout/dirstate .bzr/checkout/23:07
lifelessmtaylor: ^23:07
lifelessthat will discard knowledge of renames23:07
lifelessand of pending merges23:07
lifelessbut will be otherwise good23:07
mtaylorlifeless:  turns out I don't have any ditry files... so the bzr branch . ../clean23:08
mtaylorgives me a tree that's got everything23:09
mtaylornow - if only I knew how the dirstate got screwed23:09
lifelessabentley: the graph is the problem, I'm adding a HeadsCache to graph.py23:09
lifelessabentley: we do 1M key lookups to commit a merge of bzr.dev.23:10
abentleyDo we really need to be doing that many?23:10
lifelessone hopes not :)23:10
mtaylorlifeless: thanks for the help!23:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153749 in bzr "dirstate C helper MemoryError on bad dirstate file" [Undecided,New]23:12
lifelessfiled as a result of your problem23:12
mtaylorsweet. glad to help ;)23:12
mtaylorlifeless: would my working tree be helpful at all?23:13
mtaylorI can tar it (and the repos it's in up) if it would be23:13
lifelessit *might* help figure out the nature of the corruption23:13
lifelessthe only file we'd need is .bzr/checkout/dirstate23:13
abentleyWell, I'm really asking if it's the caller's fault or the callee's fault.23:13
lifelessabentley: we do one heads() call per file being committed23:14
mtaylorlifeless: you gotta love it when you get a launchpad oops while uploading an attachement to a bug :)23:16
ekimushi, just wanted to start playing around with baraar and ubuntu/feisty has this in the description "Unless you have a pressing reason to use bazaar you should use some other revision control system as upstream development has ceased." - is that remotely true or just a bad incident that it is an outdated version?23:16
Odd_Blokeekimus: You want 'bzr'.23:16
mtaylorekimus: ^^23:16
lifelessmtaylor: we're having a postgresql glitch right now, admins are on it.23:17
lifelessmtaylor: just try again please :)23:17
mtaylorlifeless: it worked the second time23:17
lifelessekimus: thats a bug in the packaging - the 'bazaar' package is not bzr. 'bzr' is the package name.23:17
lifelessmtaylor: cool23:17
ekimusOdd_Bloke: thanks, looks a lot better :)23:17
ubotuNew bug: #153749 in bzr "dirstate C helper MemoryError on bad dirstate file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15374923:20
lifelessabentley: its taking 10+ seconds to answer heads(('robertc@robertcollins.net-20071017014801-c6u8dl03zk1gko3r', 'andrew.bennetts@canonical.com-20071012052646-wl95idld3ijjy714')23:43
lifelessabentley: so I'm thinking its graph's fault.23:43
ekimushmm the bzr ignore is a per location setting/command right? (still scanning the docs and no hands on experience yet)23:45
fullermdekimus: It gets set in the branch you run it in, yes (it all goes in a '.bzrignore' file in the root of the branch)23:47
lifelessekimus: there is also a global ignore you can set23:48
lifelessin ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf|locations.conf23:48
lifelessI should say 'local ignore'23:48
ekimusyup i can set the ignores in a central place but the setting is local to each repo (somehow like this should be correct)23:50
lifelessyou can set ignores in three places:23:50
lifelessaffects all use of bzr on your machine23:50
lifelessaffects use of bzr by url matching23:50
lifelessaffects that one branch23:50
lifeless(and propogates via merge operations to other branches)23:51
fullermdDon't you mean ~/.bazaar/ignore?23:52
lifelessoh, perhaps I'm confused23:52
* fullermd didn't know you could set ignores in locations.conf...23:52
lifeless*ignore me*23:52
fullermdecho lifeless >> .bzrignore    8-}23:52
lifelessekimus: generally though, its just 'bzr ignore NEWS' and it DTRT23:53
ekimushttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#ignore seems to be that a .bzignore file is used also (just thru the ignore command)23:54
fullermdRight.  'bzr ignore' just adds lines to the .bzrignore file in the branch.23:54
ekimushmm something i'm missing is some more docs about the how to run a bzr:// server and what options there are for access control. then again, a) i just have to try it b) it's python and the hooks seem to be easy to do (if they are as simple as plugins - which i just found out that i read the docs for instead of hooks)23:59

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