
kwwiihi hellraiser_rob19:10
hellraiser_robkwwii, so are you all done for the release tomorrow now?19:19
kwwiihellraiser_rob: yepp, looks like it19:28
kwwiiresponding to a few community emails atm19:28
kwwiican't wait to start work on hardy19:28
hellraiser_robhaha, i can't tell if you are serious or not?19:29
kwwiiwell, a nice little vacation somewhere tropical would be pretty nice too :p19:29
kwwiiactually, I was trying to be serious19:29
hellraiser_robthats good19:29
kwwiibut maybe my tiredness is showing through19:29
hellraiser_robi have been very impressed with gutsy19:30
kwwiiI liked what came out of it too but I think we still have a long way to go19:30
hellraiser_robi think after a long project everyone feels that way slightly19:31
hellraiser_roband maybe miss just how well it's turned out19:31
kwwiiyeah, it is easy to get really sick of looking at it :-)19:32
hellraiser_robeveryones done a great job19:32
kwwiiI should count all the releases I have done in my life19:32
kwwiiand probably take a week off of my life for each one19:33
hellraiser_robwhat other distros have you been involved with?19:33
kwwiiI worked for SUSE for 7 years19:35
kwwiiI bet I have done somewhere around 20 linux releases19:35
kwwiiwell more around 25+19:36
hellraiser_roband you still flood the kitchen :D19:37
kwwiilol, no doubt19:38
kwwiithat is probably one of the stupidest things I ever did in my life19:38
hellraiser_robi did think to myself, who checks their emails for that long!19:38
kwwiilet me tell you...the artist list alone (which I admin) gets like 20-30 spam emails a day19:44
kwwiiI bet that on a good day I receive a few hundred emails19:45
kwwiilol, we have a "mailing list" section on the GetInvolved page but no specific info on how to join it!20:56
kwwiihehe, nor does the link to the meetings page work20:59

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