lamont | remember to hand out live cds... | 15:08 |
lamont | er... s/live/desktop/ | 15:08 |
lamont | gotta remember the new names | 15:08 |
someguy | lamont, should be interesting | 15:08 |
RAdams | how do I configure an ubuntu server to stop using dhcp and use manual settings I input instead? | 15:09 |
lamont | RAdams: is the network-manager package installed? | 15:09 |
someguy | lamont, gonna talk about the history, usage examples and landscape | 15:09 |
lamont | (if so, remove that - for bonus points, it'll down your network when you remove it. FTW) | 15:09 |
_ruben | edit /etc/network/interfaces if network-manager isnt | 15:09 |
lamont | RAdams: then man interfaces | 15:10 |
_ruben | installed | 15:10 |
_ruben | :p | 15:10 |
lamont | I _think_ that NM will ignore the interface if it's configured 'static' | 15:10 |
RAdams | ty | 15:10 |
lamont | maybe. | 15:10 |
lamont | because NM knows what you want, even when it's wrong. :( | 15:10 |
RAdams | haha | 15:10 |
lamont | I mean, how could you possibly want more than one interface up? | 15:11 |
lamont | or one down | 15:11 |
lamont | I can't remember... something to do with nuking it everytime I bump into it being stupid, instead of trying to deal with it... | 15:11 |
lamont | that's one piece of code that promotes suicide | 15:12 |
_ruben | heheh | 15:12 |
someguy | lamont, is eBox really going to be a management front end in the future for server? | 15:12 |
someguy | lamont, besides the official Landscape | 15:12 |
heno | jdstrand, nijaba: have you guys tested the server install option on the general DVDs at all? there isn't a test case for it unfortunately | 15:54 |
nijaba | heno: no, sorry | 15:54 |
jdstrand | heno: don't have a DVD burner | 15:54 |
jdstrand | :( | 15:55 |
heno | they might be a bit time consuming to download at this point too | 15:55 |
jdstrand | heno: I did give the latest amd64 netboot a spin this morning, and it worked fine | 15:55 |
jdstrand | :) | 15:55 |
heno | I'll try that as I already have the DVDs (mostly) | 15:55 |
heno | some help on filling in the general ISO testing is always appreciated though | 15:56 |
RAdams | what's that command that tells you how much space is available in a directory? | 19:08 |
hansin | Does anyone know what Python I need to install to use with FastCGI (in particular, Lighttpd's fastcgi module)? Or can I just install regular Python (and configure Lighttpd for this) and be good? Thanks. | 19:31 |
shane_ | Hey, anybody have any experience with webmin? I installed it there and I can't access it externally, while if I open lynx to https://localhost:10000 it works. I've no iptables rules. It also works from other machines on the local network. Webmin /should/ be bound to all devices. So anybody have any ideas? | 19:36 |
ScottK | !webmin | shane_ | 19:37 |
ScottK | shane_: The bot appears to be dead or slow, but the bottom line is that webmin is not recommended as it's methods are not compatible with the way Debian systems work. | 19:38 |
ScottK | So the only recommendation you're likely to get here it don't use webmin. | 19:38 |
shane_ | Hmm, okay then. Why is this the case? Could someone point me to a link? | 19:39 |
ScottK | That's what the bot would have done if it'd been alive. | 19:40 |
ScottK | The bottom line is that it's going to get you at some point. Best not to start down that path. | 19:40 |
ScottK | IIRC you end up with corrupted or broken config files. | 19:40 |
shane_ | Okay then. Are there any alternatives to it that are more debian-friendly? | 19:41 |
ScottK | vim is my first choice, but as I undertstand it ebox is probably the Ubuntu choice. AFAIK, soren is going to be working on getting that into Ubuntu for Hardy. | 19:42 |
shane_ | Thanks, ebox looks like it'll do what I need. I wish I'd heard about it before, I spent ages packaging webmin in a debian-friendly way. | 19:45 |
shane_ | !webmin | 19:48 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system | 19:49 |
ScottK | shane_: If you decide you're interested in helping with ebox packaging, testing, be sure to let soren know. | 19:49 |
heno | dendrobates: have you guys done some sparc netboot installs on T2000 or so? | 21:07 |
dendrobates | heno: since the RC, you mean? not yet. Will get to it in an hour or so. | 21:09 |
heno | dendrobates: ok, cool. the folks in #ubuntu-testing were wondering? ;) | 21:10 |
dendrobates | heno: I'll join #ubuntu-testing and give an update in a little while. | 21:10 |
heno | ok, great | 21:11 |
orbstra | I am trying to install uShare, I added the repository, and when I try to install it through apt-get, I am told that I am having problems with my libc6 dependency.. Libc6 is up to date as far as I can tell.. I can paste bin the exact error if anyone is willing to look | 21:39 |
fujin_ | probably a different version of libc6 | 21:40 |
orbstra | how can I fix this?.. I am fairly a newb, srry | 21:40 |
orbstra | !pastebin | 21:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 21:40 |
fujin_ | show me the error | 21:40 |
fujin_ | I'd built it from source if you're getting dependancy errors around libc6 | 21:40 |
ScottK | orbstra: You need to discuss this most likely with whoever is providing the package you are installing it. | 21:40 |
fujin_ | that's just me, though ;] | 21:41 |
orbstra | | 21:41 |
orbstra | fujin_ I have tried upgrading it too, no luck | 21:41 |
fujin_ | what version of Ubuntu? | 21:42 |
fujin_ | feisty? | 21:42 |
fujin_ | upgrading to libc6 >= 2.6 will probably break lots of other stuff. | 21:42 |
orbstra | I beleive so | 21:42 |
fujin_ | believe/know?" | 21:43 |
orbstra | I cannot remember if I got 7.04 or 6.something | 21:43 |
orbstra | what's that command to check real quick.. | 21:43 |
orbstra | srry.... :( | 21:45 |
ajmitch | lsb_release -a | 21:45 |
orbstra | thnx.. 7.04 feisty | 21:45 |
orbstra | so is there anyway I can fix this problem, I need to have 2.6 to run uShare, yet I cannot upgrade from whut fujin_ tells me.. I think | 21:46 |
fujin_ | it doesn't appear so, I doubt they'll put 2.6 into Feisty | 21:47 |
orbstra | fujin_ thats agrivating, is there a way I can get 2.6 just for that one program? | 21:47 |
fujin_ | no, libc6 will break lots of stuff if you change it arbitrarily | 21:48 |
fujin_ | it's like, a package that *everything* is built against. | 21:48 |
fujin_ | the repository you're using is probably not for Ubuntu, more likely one of the newer Debian revisions | 21:48 |
fujin_ | or possibly Gutsy (#ubuntu+1) | 21:48 |
ScottK | orbstra: Ask whoever is providing the package to build it for an earlier libc6. | 21:48 |
fujin_ | !package libc6 gutsy | 21:49 |
fujin_ | I thought that used to work | 21:49 |
fujin_ | !package libc6 | 21:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about package libc6 - try searching on | 21:49 |
ScottK | orbstra: Usually it's just a question of building it against the different version of the library. | 21:49 |
orbstra | ScottK: should I do that or just see if I can find another Upnp program to share music and videos off my server to my xbox | 21:50 |
ScottK | orbstra: Up to you. | 21:50 |
fujin_ | gah, upnp | 21:50 |
fujin_ | I'm sure you can come up with a better way to share media | 21:50 |
orbstra | ScottK: does anyone here have any solutions off the top of their head | 21:50 |
orbstra | fujin_ with an xbox.... its tough | 21:50 |
ScottK | Not me. | 21:50 |
fujin_ | ftp? | 21:50 |
fujin_ | ;] | 21:50 |
ScottK | sftp | 21:51 |
fujin_ | can't you soft-mod Xbox's to run a debian derivative anyway? | 21:51 |
orbstra | ScottK: between an xbox and my server? | 21:51 |
fujin_ | hell, you can probably even install nfs with a little tweaking | 21:51 |
orbstra | fujin_ soft-mod = void on support... and xbox have recently found a lot of hardware overheating bugs.. I actually thought mine had one over the summer.. good thing I didn't mod it | 21:52 |
fujin_ | are we talking about xbox360 or xbox? | 21:52 |
orbstra | 360 | 21:52 |
fujin_ | ah | 21:52 |
fujin_ | I thought you were referring to an xbox. | 21:52 |
fujin_ | Have you tried 'gmediaserver'? | 21:53 |
fujin_ | gmediaserver - UPnP Mediaserver | 21:53 |
orbstra | fujin_ but it comes with 30 thousand other things I don't need... is there a way to just get the UPnP feature out of that | 21:54 |
fujin_ | I don't know, nor do I care | 21:54 |
fujin_ | it probably works, whereas uShare does not | 21:54 |
fujin_ | i.e.; you don't have any other choices | 21:54 |
fujin_ | short of pulling the source to uShare, installing build-essential and building uShare locally | 21:54 |
fujin_ | which as I mentioned earlier is what I'd do if I came up against a libc6 binary dependancy. | 21:55 |
fujin_ | or I'd use a repository actually designed for the version of Ubuntu that I'm running, be it edgy, feisty or gutsy | 21:55 |
orbstra | oh | 21:55 |
lucasvo | hi | 21:57 |
lucasvo | I have a problem with installing python-mysqldb | 21:58 |
fujin_ | O RLY? | 21:58 |
lucasvo | I run dapper | 21:58 |
fujin_ | paste | 21:58 |
fujin_ | bin | 21:58 |
lucasvo | fujin_: well, what should I paste | 21:58 |
fujin_ | the output? | 21:58 |
lucasvo | it does install, but there's nothing in site-packages after the install | 21:59 |
lucasvo | ImportError: No module named mysql.base | 22:00 |
lucasvo | that's the error my python script says | 22:00 |
lucasvo | fujin_: | 22:01 |
fujin_ | sounds like fun | 22:02 |
lucasvo | not really | 22:03 |
lucasvo | fujin_: any suggestions? | 22:06 |
fujin_ | sorry, no idea | 22:09 |
lucasvo | even though I do install the python-mysqldb package, the module doesn't get installed into site-packages. what am I doing wrong? I'm on dapper. | 22:09 |
fujin_ | sounds like dapper and python being awesome | 22:10 |
fujin_ | are there any other ways to install python packages? sorry I'm a perl man | 22:11 |
lucasvo | fujin_: sure, no problem | 22:11 |
mathiaz | lucasvo: how do you call mysqldb in your python script ? | 22:11 |
lucasvo | mathiaz: it's actually django | 22:12 |
lucasvo | mathiaz: but 'import mysql' from a python shell doesn't work | 22:12 |
ScottK | lucasvo: Why do you expect it to be in site-packages? | 22:12 |
lucasvo | ScottK: well, because I installed it! | 22:12 |
lucasvo | (the .deb) | 22:12 |
ScottK | lucasvo: That's not where Debian python packages install things | 22:12 |
mathiaz | lucasvo: do you have a pythonX.Y-mysqldb installed ? | 22:13 |
lucasvo | ScottK: yes | 22:13 |
lucasvo | mathiaz: yes | 22:13 |
ScottK | lucasvo: Which relase are you on? | 22:13 |
mathiaz | lucasvo: try import MySQLdb | 22:14 |
lucasvo | ScottK: dapper | 22:14 |
ScottK | Ah. OK. Well for Dapper it was a mix of old and new Python policy, so that might be where it wants to put it. | 22:15 |
lucasvo | ScottK: it works, but django(the pytohn webframework) needs it in mysql | 22:15 |
lucasvo | can I make a symlink or something? | 22:15 |
ScottK | Then that's a bug in django. | 22:15 |
ajmitch | I've not seen django try & 'import mysql | 22:16 |
ScottK | Probably. | 22:16 |
* ajmitch checks on dapper | 22:16 | |
* ajmitch has a dapper install, just for special plone stuff | 22:16 | |
ajmitch | /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ | 22:17 |
ajmitch | ok, python2.4-mysqldb definitely puts it into site-packages | 22:18 |
ScottK | Agreed and import MySQLdb works on my Dapper box too. | 22:19 |
ScottK | If something cares where the package is installed that something is IMO wrong. | 22:19 |
ajmitch | lucasvo: what is django complaining about? | 22:19 |
ajmitch | ScottK: django really never has cared, from what I've seen | 22:20 |
soren | hansin: Did you figure out the python fastcgi question? | 22:20 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: | 22:20 |
ajmitch | looks more like a possible configuration issue with django | 22:21 |
ajmitch | what version of django? | 22:22 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: svn, 2weeks old | 22:22 |
ajmitch | right, so something probably got rearranged with the django ORM backends | 22:23 |
soren | hansin: If not, python-flup is probably the answer to your prayers. | 22:23 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: up to date | 22:23 |
ajmitch | since the 'mysql.base' that you're referring to would be /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/ | 22:23 |
ajmitch | (assuming similar paths to .096) | 22:24 |
ajmitch | s/.096/0.96/ | 22:24 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: that means? | 22:25 |
ajmitch | why are you using svn anyway? | 22:25 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: newforms and that stuff | 22:25 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: you say mysql is broken in svn? | 22:27 |
ajmitch | no, I'm saying that it's not python2.4-mysqldb that's the problem | 22:29 |
lucasvo | ok | 22:29 |
ajmitch | but a different issue in loading the django mysql backend | 22:29 |
ajmitch | it at least appears to be there, so most likely an issue with the python path | 22:29 |
ScottK | ajmitch: If pythonpath was a problem, import MySQLdb wouldn't work, right? | 22:31 |
soren | ScottK: It seems to be django's mysql glue code that's b0rking. | 22:32 |
ScottK | Sounds reasonable to me. | 22:32 |
soren | not mysql itself. | 22:32 |
ajmitch | ScottK: I mean that it's trying to import mysql.base, which is /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/ | 22:36 |
ScottK | I see. | 22:36 |
ScottK | soren: What do we need to do to get cyrus-sasl2 added to the list of packages the server team tracks? | 22:38 |
ajmitch | according to the loader code (changed a few weeks ago in svn), it should be prepending the import path first, if that fails, then it's assuming it's external | 22:38 |
soren | ScottK: Just subscribe the team to the bugmail. | 22:38 |
ScottK | soren: Team admin has to do that now. | 22:39 |
ajmitch | lucasvo: I would suggest asking in #django, but I see you're there already | 22:39 |
lucasvo | yes | 22:39 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: thanks | 22:39 |
soren | ScottK: Oh, right. | 22:40 |
soren | The "Ubuntu Server Team" team was successfully subscribed to all bugmail in cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu | 22:41 |
ajmitch | wonderful | 22:42 |
* ajmitch waits for the deluge | 22:42 | |
lucasvo | ajmitch: this strange error means my mysql is too outdated | 22:57 |
lucasvo | :( | 22:57 |
lucasvo | that means I have to upate my server to edgy | 22:57 |
ajmitch | oh that's special | 22:57 |
ajmitch | the code is *meant* to raise a different error if it's too old | 22:58 |
lucasvo | or mysql_old does the trick | 22:58 |
ajmitch | I just saw the ticket url | 22:58 |
lucasvo | ajmitch: yes, it's a bug | 22:58 |
ajmitch | how irritating :) | 22:58 |
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