[00:00] kde4 will be released in december and hardy will be released in april 2008 [00:00] lee__: We don't know yet if it's the same kernal as the driver expects, since you still have not reported the result of the command: uname -m [00:00] ok how dow I check and verify that? [00:00] I just updated to gutsy and kopete sigterms [00:00] ok [00:00] oops, sorry [00:00] getting that line [00:01] how do i chown to make it so i can get into my windows partion [00:01] Um. [00:01] >_> [00:02] intex: -f with apt attempts to fix broken dependencies. In bash doing && after a command, will execute whats after the && only if the previous command was successful [00:02] uikpouioy\]\ [00:02] intex: i'll get you a few links. the -f is to force it i think and && puts the firts command in the background. when a program runs it also create a lock file so more that one instance of the program can't get started and mess things up. when the program fails the lockfile is left there even tho the program is not running anymore. [00:02] * genii sips a coffee and waits for the aspirin to kick in [00:02] ok this is waht I got on the first line befor you said the rot [00:02] intex: let me grab those links for you. one sec... [00:02] -rwxr-xr-x 1 lee root 40335704 2007-10-16 05:22 /media/disk/ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run [00:03] is taht waht your looking for? [00:03] ,;;l [00:03] wait can you acceess my system? [00:03] genii: You and your coffee :) [00:03] MoNsTeR: chown /windows (or wherever you have it mounted) [00:03] maybe I am flat jsut not getting the line right or something [00:04] ardchoille: :) I subsist on that and pizza mainly [00:04] ScorpKing: -f is --fix-broken in apt [00:04] whats oh ok. :) ty [00:04] whoever you want to change the ownership to [00:04] lee__: Please. Type into a konsole this: uname -m [00:04] ok here it is genii [00:04] i found i [00:04] t [00:05] ScorpKing: :P [00:05] x86_64 [00:05] Scorp, I can't write to you, because I'm not a registrered user... [00:05] sub[t]rnl: whats [00:05] sorry that line slipped by [00:05] whoever you want to change the ownership to [00:05] intex: ScorpKing: -f is --fix-broken in apt [00:06] intex , ScorpKing: you can join #intex :) [00:06] lee__: OK, good! Now we know at least that you have the correct driver downloaded [00:06] #intex [00:06] hmm wait I have 2 of the same? [00:06] do i have to put <> around it sub[t]rnl [00:06] MoNsTeR: negative [00:07] MoNsTeR: example -> chown monster /windows [00:07] never mind..jsut the one [00:07] sub[t]rnl, Hmm.. I dident think you chould chown mountpoints.. or chmod them. [00:08] lee__: You may want to copy the driver install file to your home directory and then try running it from there. It might be trying to create files on the drive you have it on right now when it tries to run. [00:08] Dr_willis! :D [00:08] Dr_willis: eep your right [00:08] What's up? :3 [00:09] sub[t]rnl, :) [00:09] :P [00:09] Hay Minataku I keep meaning to head to the post office. but i get all tehse other Honeydooo jobs [00:09] Minataku, the box's are on the table and ready to take however. [00:09] Well, ask her to tell you to go to the post office XD [00:10] Cool, though, that's gonna be awesome when they get here :3 [00:10] Dr_willis: LOL Don't tell me YOU"RE sending him stuff too?? [00:10] I've got a dual boot question with xp prof media center ed [00:10] I can add MORE to my collection! :D [00:10] Heehee [00:10] Minataku: Geez, soon you'll need a warehouse [00:10] Im sorry no one news when will uploaded new release ? )))) [00:10] I've had many people send me stuff :3 [00:10] is cfs scheduler shipped with the kernel in kubuntu gutsy gibbon ? [00:10] when I install kubuntu, will all the program files stay included in the perceived partition windows is on? [00:10] its eecuting [00:10] MoNsTeR: heh, use umask [00:11] I almost bought some "network cable" tools - but egads those things seem pricey === phen is now known as greenguy [00:11] Like crimpers and cutters and stuff? [00:11] lee__: Whew, finally. [00:11] Yeah, that telecom stuff is typically pretty expensive [00:11] update: (in case anyone cares) it's getting to 13% and then just stopping. Not frozen exactly, but it won't do anything more. [00:11] $50 for a Crimper/stripper/puncher/ and a bunch of ends.. :) whats a decent brand to look for? [00:11] I wonder if we got them at work. heh... [00:11] sub[t]rnl: what is that [00:11] Oh, what's that telecom catalog I used to get [00:11] I think it was Harris or something [00:12] This was at menards ;) proberly a rip off there. [00:12] They seem like a good place to get telecom kit from [00:12] erg not sure if its the move or the screwy way I updated the machine [00:13] i installed the restricted driver using Kubuntu 7.10 RC then when i restart Kubuntu login screen is not shown, totally black screen [00:13] how do i revert this back? [00:13] greetings. I just put in an ATI Radeon X300SE card. I ran Envy and it installed the drivers. However, I can't display at 1280x1024 and my fonts are all screwed up [00:13] anyone have an idea of what I can try? [00:13] [02:10] Im sorry no one news when will uploaded new release ? )))) [00:13] sub[t]rnl: i cant veiw the files in the harddrive [00:13] CPrompt^: Nice nickname [00:14] Though there's no C prompt in Linux... though one COULD set up bash to display such [00:14] lol [00:14] !envy [00:14] envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! [00:14] MoNsTeR: ok its a windows partition or drive? [00:14] sub[t]rnl: its a harddrive [00:15] Minataku : yeah...long story of the name. Any ideas? [00:15] well itstarted then it ceased [00:15] ok, you'll want to specifiy a mount point in your /etc/fstab [00:15] sub[t]rnl: i have 2 harddrives one for windows and one for linux [00:15] Yeah, read the !envy thing [00:15] the monet it figured out waht I ws doing it stopped dead [00:15] You might be screwed [00:15] sub[t]rnl: what is fstab [00:15] MoNsTeR: man fstab [00:16] Type it in a terminal, read up [00:16] !envy [00:16] envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! [00:16] The manual pages weren't written for fun, they were written to inform you of various commands and things in the world of Linux === blendtux_ is now known as blendtux [00:16] There's a wealth of information already on your computer :3 === blendtux is now known as blendtux__ [00:17] lee__: You copied it to your home directory, and then it ran but then stalled? === blendtux__ is now known as blendtux [00:18] Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install.K15576 [00:18] gutsy available yet? [00:18] yeah and i know the drivers good too cause the chips locked [00:18] any idea how to disable restricted driver using recovery? [00:18] somebody HELP ME! [00:18] dsmith__: no. [00:19] MoNsTeR: FAT doesn't support ownership reall, and it just inherits the owner of the user who mounts it in fstab. I'm trying to help you bub... [00:19] you need to set a mount point in your /etc/fstab [00:19] FAT has fstab options to set who owns it [00:19] yup [00:19] If you'd read man fstab and perhaps man mount, you could see these [00:20] If you're not going to at least try to do part of this yourself, don't bother asking for help. [00:20] We're here to assist you, not to do it all for you [00:21] Correct. the Owner/Permissiona of vfat MUST be set when Mounting. [00:21] There are DOZENS of web sites that explain this. [00:21] hmm i have a verion up grade showing but.. [00:21] one would use the 'umask/uid/gid' options normally with vfat [00:21] Right [00:21] !vfat [00:22] its 0919 AM, Thursday Oct 18th, in Australia. I want Gutsy! lol.. [00:22] ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [00:22] hmm yeah its stalling [00:22] These will usually be set to 1000 for both uid and gid, since this corresponds to the uid that you are and the gid that is "users" [00:22] At least that's how I did it [00:22] Detected configuration:Architecture: x86_64 (64-bit) === andre is now known as Hoondie [00:23] Albiet with uid 752 [00:23] For reasons known only to me [00:23] lol [00:23] which is a lot further then be for lo [00:23] hehe [00:23] mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t vfat -o umask=0222 [00:23] or similer. :) [00:23] X Server: X.Org 7.1 and later releases 64-bit [00:24] Hm [00:24] Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install.f18898 and it ends there [00:24] !fstab [00:24] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [00:24] http://electron.mit.edu/~gsteele/linuxfaq/ has a nice little explination of the vfat and its options. [00:24] Why this bot doesn't tell them about manual pages every time is beyond me [00:24] !manual [00:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about manual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:24] !man [00:24] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [00:25] hi [00:25] hi [00:25] i install the nvidia package [00:25] Ugh... How dare they suggest using Konq for reading manual pages [00:25] Though I like the link [00:25] ^^ [00:25] try apt:/ [00:25] :) [00:25] i install the nvidia package and when i try to "modprobe nvidia" it tells me something about "unable to runn install on nvidia module" something like that, any help? [00:25] i wonder if thers a xxx:/ for my err... never mind.. [00:25] !nv [00:25] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:26] Minataku: dude :p [00:26] Make sure you didn't miss a step [00:26] Minataku: when i install kubuntu's packages they don't work === angelus is now known as Angelus [00:26] Did you follow the instructions? [00:26] These aren't your normal packages [00:26] Gutsy is available now in the servers!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:26] Gutsy is available now in the servers!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:27] There are more complicated things you have to follow for the restricted modules like nvidia [00:27] Minataku: apt-get install nvidia-glx ? :/ [00:27] sub[t]rnl: its a ntfs harddrive [00:27] >.> [00:27] * genii sips a coffee and awaits the first DDOS reports [00:28] well bbl.. time for more honeydo taaks [00:28] tasks. [00:28] Dr_willis: cyas [00:28] * Minataku replaces genii's coffee with... the exact same coffee [00:28] i need to disable the restricted driver that i've recently insalled to my kubuntu. I cant go to Kubuntu cos its all black. What should I do? [00:28] lol [00:28] sub[t]rnl: You do not have enough permissions to read file:///media/windows [00:28] Sorry, genii... I'm bored. X3 [00:28] MoNsTeR: I have plenty o9f permission! [00:28] Minataku: whats complicated with "apt-get install nvidia-glx" ? :O [00:28] I dunno, I don't use nvidia or even Kubuntu [00:29] lol [00:29] sub[t]rnl: teach me to fix it please [00:29] sub[t]rnl: i want to get music from it [00:29] O_O [00:29] MoNsTeR: sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /media/windows [00:29] MoNsTeR: We have explained permissions of mounts using the fstab file, Minataku and Dr_Willis have both offered information and relavent links.. [00:29] MoNsTeR: just read what we have told you my man [00:29] Greenery- you can boot to a console and change the driver in xorg.conf [00:29] I use Gentoo, I'm just here to help on platform-unspecific things [00:29] MoNsTeR: Read. The. Frickin'. Manual. [00:29] console = recovery? [00:30] We're NOT going to do things for you. [00:30] sub[t]rnl: i didnt see the links [00:30] You need an fstab entry to properly mount the drive every time [00:30] !shutup > Minataku [00:30] i just moved on from gentoo this week Minataku :p [00:30] ll [00:30] lol [00:30] MoNsTeR: Perhaps instead you should leave, then. [00:30] Minataku: you read my butt hole [00:30] Since you clearly only want things done for you and seem to have no willingness to learn anything. [00:31] And as I've heard from others, you have a history of such. [00:31] Minataku: yeah i wanna learn thats why i write down every command given to me gosh [00:31] Being uninformed is one thing. Being a baby is another entirely. [00:31] MoNsTeR: don't insult Minataku. I recommend you just keep shut broseph. [00:32] ScorpKing: thanks man your code worked great [00:32] mm [00:32] lets play nice [00:32] so how do i check xorg.conf in console? what part should i change? [00:33] Minataku and sub[t]rnl, i tried learning from those links ive did everything they said NONE OF THEM WORKED [00:33] MoNsTeR: you just said you didn't see the links [00:33] MoNsTeR: that changed all the files in /media/windows so they are owned by you which means you can read and write them. === Vorian_ is now known as Vorian [00:33] sub[t]rnl: omg ive got links before i needed it again because i just installed kubuntu again [00:34] !fstab [00:34] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [00:34] !fat [00:34] ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [00:34] Minataku: i used the second link that didnt work [00:35] Minataku: im looking at the first one [00:35] MoNsTeR: i also gave you a link that i know is working. [00:36] ScorpKing: give me it again and ill tell you if it works [00:36] ok [00:36] MoNsTeR: Sorry to be harsh, BTW, but we're not here to do everything. Learning and understanding is part of using Linux. [00:37] MoNsTeR: http://www.linux-faqs.com/faq/misc/ntfs.php [00:37] Minataku: i come here for a quick answer and i write it down so chill if you dont like me IGNORE ME [00:37] anyone tried the kde 4 beta 3 packages yet? [00:38] It's not that I don't like you, it's just that there is no quick answer here [00:38] Or rather, you don't like the quick answer because you have to do work yourself [00:38] Minataku: yes there is, no i look before i come here if i dont find anything then i come here [00:38] We've given you very quick answers, but you seem completely averse to reading anything [00:39] Minataku: thats what the irc channels for i read documentations [00:39] Have you read the manual page for fstab? [00:39] Minataku: just dont talk to me [00:39] Have you read the manual page for mount? [00:39] Minataku: the "man fstab" command? [00:39] Yes [00:39] Minataku: yeah [00:40] You need to specify in the line in fstab to allow a user to mount the filesystem [00:41] You also need to set it up so that you own all the files [00:41] Type "id -a" and give me the first two pieces [00:41] MoNsTeR: look at that link i gave you for all you NTFS needs. [00:41] your* [00:41] Now how will things work for those of us who have been running the release candidate? Will we just wake up tomorrow and have much less to upgrade? [00:41] Minataku: uid=1000(jon) gid=1000(jon) [00:41] compilerwriter: yes [00:41] Okay [00:42] This drive is at /media/windows, no? [00:42] compilerwriter: there probably won't be any updates [00:42] Er, no, that's the mountpoint you want it at [00:42] What's the device name of the drive? [00:42] Minataku: the drive is at /dev/hdc1 [00:42] Okay [00:43] how do i edit xorg through console? [00:43] Greenery: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sxorg [00:43] Greenery: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [00:43] Your fstab line should be: /dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [00:43] Greenery: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf or even better kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf [00:44] Greenery: that will open it in a editor so you can edit it. [00:44] Unmount the device, drop that in, then type "sudo chown jon:jon /media/windows" then "mount /dev/hdc1" [00:44] Minataku: im noob sorr yi dont understand what that meant [00:44] Type "sudo umount /dev/hdc1" [00:44] Minataku: it wont let me unmount it [00:45] Do it with sudo. If it still fails, make sure nothing is accessing the drive [00:45] Minataku: it unmounted [00:45] Okay [00:45] Now type "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old" [00:45] I ended up doing a fresh install. I have backed up my kmail directory. Should I just overwrite the current one with it, or is there a procedure to import mail settings? [00:45] Just as a precaution and to keep the original one around [00:46] Minataku: done [00:46] After that, type "sudo echo "/dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" >> /etc/fstab" ( NOTE: Leave off the "s on the outside, but KEEP THE ONES INSIDE ) [00:47] Show me [00:47] Show me what you'll type [00:47] Minataku: ahh [00:47] I want to verify it [00:47] that won't work [00:47] compilerwriter: if you ovewrite it all your old mail will be there. i think you'll have to set the accounts again and i don't know of any backup/restore program for that. i think there is one in gusty, not sure tho. [00:47] you need to use tee [00:47] It will work [00:47] That's what the >> is for [00:47] no [00:47] no. [00:47] It appends instead of overwriting [00:47] You are echoing the command as root, and trying to append it as the user [00:47] true [00:47] I do it all the time, I set up my NetBSD systems that way [00:47] no. Look at the command sequence [00:48] you need to do something like: [00:48] ScorpKing But I can safely overwrite it without causing version issues. [00:48] Minataku: sudo echo /dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" >> /etc/fstab is this the command? [00:48] how do i reboot from console? the command [00:48] You need a " before /dev/hdc1 [00:48] echo "/dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user, uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab [00:48] or you will get permission denied [00:48] Type hydrogen's command [00:48] Just to be sure [00:49] Exactly as he put it [00:49] ok [00:49] compilerwriter: i think so. if it doesn't work remove the kmail dir and start kmail again. you'll have to import the messages then. [00:49] After that, type "mount /dev/hdc1" [00:49] No sudo [00:49] WAIT [00:49] you could also pass the users command instead of user [00:49] also.. I put a space in there [00:49] hydrogen you messed it up [00:49] and I shouldn't have [00:49] yes [00:49] I noticed [00:50] This is why we backed it up [00:50] there is 'user' in there, no need for sudo [00:50] so what do i do? [00:50] MoNsTeR, if you've already typed that command in, type "sudo cp /etc/fstab.old /etc/fstab" [00:50] Then: echo "/dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab [00:50] Exactly as it's typed THAT time [00:50] lol [00:51] I knew I had you back it up for a reason [00:51] XD [00:51] jon@MoNsTeR-box:~$ cp /etc/fstab.old /etc/fstab [00:51] cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/fstab': Permission denied [00:51] lol [00:51] yea.. because using kate is so hard [00:51] @@ [00:51] You have to use sudo there [00:51] To copy the backup back to the original [00:51] jon@MoNsTeR-box:~$ sudo /etc/fstab.old /etc/fstab [00:51] sudo: /etc/fstab.old: command not found [00:51] hehe [00:52] heh [00:52] ... [00:52] sudo cp /etc/fstab.old /etc/fstab [00:52] you may want to sudo apt-get install brain at some point as well [00:52] Minataku: done [00:52] echo "/dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user, uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab [00:52] WAIT [00:52] FUCK [00:52] hydrogen: shut up [00:52] lol [00:52] Don't type that one [00:52] !ohmy | Minataku [00:52] Minataku: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [00:52] echo "/dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab [00:52] Minataku: i didnt [00:52] That one [00:52] :D :P [00:52] MoNsTeR: think about whats happening, you should learn from this. [00:52] Type THAT one [00:52] lol [00:53] !language [00:53] !enter [00:53] !attitude [00:53] lol [00:53] did you really need op priveledges for that? :) [00:53] Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [00:53] Oh, stuff it, LjL, it was a slip, and I was swearing at myself [00:53] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [00:53] The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [00:53] lmao :P [00:53] Minataku: ok i typed that now what [00:53] MoNsTeR: Now: [00:54] hydrogen: no, i needed op privileges because i thought i was going to kick someone. [00:54] * ScorpKing pass Minataku a beer... [00:54] mount /dev/hdc1 [00:54] no [00:54] mount /media/windows [00:54] I don't think passing the device will work [00:54] Either works [00:54] with 'user' [00:54] It will [00:54] I do it all the time [00:54] it does work [00:54] I had my left mouse button set up to give me a kmenu when I hit the left mouse button on the desk top and I can't remember how I set that up. [00:54] as long as it's in fstab [00:54] My externals are set up like that, and I pass the device [00:54] * Minataku nods [00:54] ah, yea [00:54] Minataku: done [00:54] I thought I remembered it not working [00:55] Minataku: now what? [00:55] MoNsTeR: Now, try to access the files there. [00:55] If all went according to plan, you can. [00:55] Minataku: where in media? [00:55] You can also create and delete and whatever files there [00:55] Just open something [00:55] From your Windows drive [00:55] Minataku: i cant :[ [00:56] Then I give up [00:56] :P [00:56] MoNsTeR: did you try? [00:56] MoNsTeR: alt-f2: /media/windows [00:56] sometimes when mounting a NTFS or FAT drive the ownership gets a bit confused. running chmod usually works. :P [00:57] Yeah, you may have to "sudo chown jon:jon /media/windows" [00:57] chown* [00:57] heh [00:57] Though it shouldn't be necessary (I've done it on my system, however) [00:57] -R in there [00:57] Well, ed:users instead of jon:jon [00:57] But you get the point [00:57] lol [00:57] Minataku: i cant get into media folder [00:57] i do yes, but.... [00:58] my adept crash, wahts the command to fix it [00:58] need support for the k-menu... little question ;) [00:58] Go into /media/windows instead [00:58] !fixadept [00:58] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [00:58] you may need rx priviledges for /media [00:58] Probably [00:58] no [00:58] to access subdirectories [00:58] just +r [00:58] Which you can do with a simple "chown ugo+rx /media" [00:59] You need +x to cd into directories [00:59] Er [00:59] chmod ugo+rx /media [00:59] Minataku: chown blabla -R for subdirs [00:59] Which, granted, it already should be [00:59] sc0tt___: Not here [00:59] shouldn't be -R though [00:59] Minataku: /media is locked and /media/windows is locked [00:59] Er [00:59] Scorp [00:59] as you don't want to change everything [00:59] Right [00:59] MoNsTeR: what do you mean by locked? [00:59] lol [00:59] MoNsTeR: Try "sudo chown jon:jon /media/windows" [00:59] owned by root :P [01:00] hydrogen: i cant get in it no permissions [01:00] Then "sudo chmod ugo+rx /media" [01:00] Then "sudo chmod ugo+rx /media/windows" [01:00] ScorpKing: yeah owned by root [01:00] MoNsTeR: give more info. [01:00] Or just type what I just told you to instead [01:00] :P [01:00] what if /media/windows/dir is owned by root? woun't -R help then? :P [01:00] won't* [01:00] Minataku: after doing the command i still get this Unable to enter file:///media. You do not have access rights to this location [01:01] It won't be [01:01] FAT doesn't support ownership [01:01] sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /media/windows [01:01] That's why we force ownership in the fstab line [01:01] Minataku: it isnt fat its ntfs [01:01] its not ntfs [01:01] you mounted it as fat [01:01] without trouble [01:01] then sudo chmod 755 -R /media/windows [01:01] thats just silly. [01:02] and unncessary [01:02] hehe [01:02] stop guessing. [01:02] hydrogen: its a NTFS i swear [01:02] Then how did it mount? [01:02] MoNsTeR: pastebin the output of `mount` [01:02] Or DID it mount? [01:02] Minataku: how do i check [01:02] I just told you. [01:02] Well, if it worked, mount said nothing [01:02] If it failed, it complained [01:02] anyone know where I can find ubuntu release graphics? showing hoary hedge hog to gutsy? [01:02] mount said nothing [01:03] Then it's FAT [01:03] lol. have fun guys! nite! [01:03] Is Compiz enabled by default in Gutsy? [01:03] if you use gnome, not kde [01:03] Minataku: it mounted as fat or the drive is a fat [01:03] the partition is vfat [01:03] It has to be FAT [01:03] For both [01:03] anyways [01:03] Otherwise it wouldn't have mounted at all [01:03] pastebin the output of `mount` [01:04] And mount would have spit a bunch of crap at you about "wrong fs type" and "could not find superblock" [01:04] http://pastebin.com/m3748ff76 [01:04] iss_student: you'll need to sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings* in kubuntu 7.10 then alt+f2 and run compiz to start it. [01:05] uhh [01:05] that makes no sense.. [01:05] I can't look. [01:05] but [01:05] What's it say? [01:05] its mounted as ntfs [01:05] mounted at /media [01:05] oh [01:05] there must be multiple entries in /etc/fstab [01:05] hydrogen: see whose dumb now [01:05] Well, you still are [01:05] hydrogen: well not dumb but i was right [01:05] lol [01:05] Minataku: shut up [01:05] But that doesn't mean we're not wrong sometimes [01:06] Sorry [01:06] I couldn't pass up that opening [01:06] lol [01:06] you need to edit the file. [01:06] Minataku: lol i wouldve too [01:06] you have two entries in there for /dev/hdc1 [01:06] Follow hydrogen's advice [01:06] I'll hand it off to him [01:06] o no [01:06] I was going to run away [01:06] and I do not want to teach someone how to use vim [01:06] sorry! [01:06] bwahaha, all yours hydro [01:06] kubuntu has a graphical disk manager dealy [01:06] whatever then dont help me [01:06] Use nano instead then :P [01:06] use joe! [01:06] sheesh [01:06] * kilrae hugs nano [01:07] I'm a University student, my brain is out of gas thanks to today's classes [01:07] lol [01:07] except i still call it pico [01:07] Heh, I had that problem at first [01:07] so nobody is gonig to help me? [01:07] edit /etc/fstab [01:07] On systems with pico I usually set an alias [01:07] and get rid of the first entry [01:08] and change the second one from vfat to ntfs [01:08] MoNsTeR: You need to delete the first line with /dev/hdc1 and change vfat to ntfs in the last line [01:08] Stupid school wireless [01:08] hydrogen: dude thats my linux harddrive [01:08] Open it up in nano [01:08] on kubuntu pico is linked to nano, so when i changed from slack which had real pico i never had to unlearn [01:08] MoNsTeR: You need to delete the first line with /dev/hdc1 and change vfat to ntfs in the last line [01:08] * sub[t]rnl sways [01:08] Then save the file [01:09] Type "sudo nano /etc/fstab" [01:09] MoNsTeR: "the first entry" being the first one for /dev/hdc1 [01:09] not your root partition [01:09] Then edit the file as if you were using Notepad back in Windows [01:09] as I said [01:09] brain not included [01:09] how can I get ubuntu to see all 4gb? [01:09] meeper: Open it's eyes [01:09] meeper: of ram? [01:09] or of what [01:09] hydrogen: yes ram hehe [01:10] meeper: what does free -m show? [01:10] 3.2gb [01:10] Sorry, long day, meeper, just playing around a bit [01:10] lol [01:10] hmm [01:11] dunno! [01:11] x86 should see all four gigs of it [01:11] do you have 4GB in there? :P i went 6 months thinking i had 1GB in a computer with only 512MB [01:11] and its not a HIGHMEM thing [01:11] hydrogen: i only see one line for hdc1 [01:11] because you see 3.2 [01:11] kilrae: yes, it's there, I see it in the bios [01:11] MoNsTeR: pastebin /etc/fstab [01:11] hydrogen: x86 should see all 4gb? [01:11] yes [01:12] I doubt that [01:12] I'm honestly surprised x86 still works [01:12] :P [01:12] well [01:12] considdering x86_64 (the apparent successor) is still x86 at its heart.. it will still be around for a long time [01:12] hydrogen: any ideas at all? [01:12] meeper: no :/ [01:13] http://pastebin.com/m1b56d524 [01:13] you sure its not a highmem deal with the kernel? [01:13] * sub[t]rnl sucks on his teeth [01:14] my teeth hurt [01:14] darn dentist [01:14] hydrogen: Can you please take MoNsTeR's issue? I'm completely out of steam here [01:14] hehe [01:14] Minataku: wow [01:14] MoNsTeR: line 12 needs to be deleted [01:14] ok [01:14] /dev/hdc1 /media auto users,atime,noauto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 [01:15] that one [01:15] Sorry, but I am human, after all [01:15] and then in the last line [01:15] change vfat to auto [01:16] hydrogen: i deleted line 12 [01:17] hydrogen: i still can't access media [01:17] MoNsTeR: sudo umount /media [01:18] MoNsTeR: then sudo mount /media/windows [01:18] err [01:18] no [01:18] hydrogen: done [01:18] then mount /media/windows [01:18] not sudo [01:18] hydrogen: it worked :] [01:18] MoNsTeR: yay :) [01:19] what is kubuntu es [01:19] hydrogen: how do i make it mount automatically so i dont have to do this everytime :] [01:19] It should already do it [01:19] That's why I never put "noauto" in there [01:19] * hydrogen isn't sure how well that works with user though [01:19] Oh, yeah [01:19] * sub[t]rnl gets out a gold star of persistence [01:20] Oops [01:20] lol [01:20] cmere hydrogen [01:20] You MAY have to put noauto in there and manually mount it [01:20] That's how I do it, actually [01:20] who is address kubuntu in spanish [01:20] its better to mount windows drives manually imo [01:20] I hardly ever shut my machine down or reboot it, so it's never been a hassle [01:21] !es | ubuntu [01:21] ubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. [01:23] hydrogen: so i cant have it mounted everytime i start up [01:23] hydrogen: so im going to have to do this every time!! [01:23] hi all [01:23] I found a way (using digikam) to retrieve my photos. [01:23] MoNsTeR: no [01:23] Unfortunately, as a side effect - whenever I open my home directory (with konq) digikam starts loading, then the loading icon in the bar disappears, and konq does not open the whichever folder was clicked. [01:23] MoNsTeR: every time you will just need to mount /media/windows [01:23] ok [01:23] MoNsTeR: perhaps.. it may work fine automatically === _czessi is now known as Czessi [01:25] ljl: well I am sorry about that :) [01:32] hm [01:32] So, whatever folder I select, digikam starts to open - though it never quite makes it. [01:34] SteamMachine, don't open with digicam...use storage media and open the camera-data folder there [01:36] BluesKaj: digikam is the only way I have found that will work. [01:37] humble hello [01:37] BluesKaj: ? [01:37] SteamMachine, isn't the memcard or USB device regognized in storage media? [01:38] is it worth the jump to 64-bit linux yet? [01:38] dga: Gutsy is pretty nice with 64 bit [01:38] no, just basic... [01:39] The USB device is recognized, but it seems konq isn't able to get past "13%" (in the loading progress bar) [01:39] I tried removing digikam and this message came up when I was using konqueror: [01:39] KDEInit could not launch 'digikam'.: [01:39] Could not find 'digikam' executable. [01:40] nosrednaekim: would my ATI driver still work? [01:40] SteamMachine, the files on the media card or usb device should be in a folder in : system menu/storage media [01:40] Which is located where? [01:41] how do i install limewire [01:41] MoNsTeR: you don't. [01:41] i downlaoded the deb file [01:41] Frostwire. But still, yucl. [01:41] but it doesnt install [01:41] SteamMachine, system menu/storage media [01:41] *yuck [01:42] do you know how to install it? [01:42] dpkg -i limewireislame.deb [01:42] lol [01:42] SteamMachine: thanks [01:43] no problem [01:43] BluesKaj: I can't actually see it in my menu (I'm running a kinda... Ubuntu with KDE hybrid) [01:43] SteamMachine, don't judge other ppl's preferences , just answer their questions if you can [01:43] Okay. Sorry. : ( [01:44] Is it okay to make suggestions? Such as "use bittorrent"? [01:44] what desktop are you on SteamMachine ? [01:44] KDE. [01:45] can somebody help me install limewir3e [01:46] or frostwire [01:46] home folder and remote places are there as well, SteamMachine [01:46] MoNsTeR: what did it say? [01:46] Did you use sudo? [01:47] Can anyone help with Dolphin? Every time I access my slave drive it crashes. My slave drive is FAT 32. [01:47] BluesKaj: Uh oh. I can't go near konq without it complaining about not knowing where digikam is. [01:47] It's trying to use digikam to open folders. I have no idea how on earth that would ever work. [01:48] Oh wait, you didn't actually type limewireislame.deb did you? [01:48] SteamMachine: it opens with archive manager [01:49] hello [01:50] why am I in the bantracker: when I obviously am not banned in this channel? [01:51] just refresh your ip [01:51] Can anyone help with Dolphin? Every time I access my slave drive it crashes. My slave drive is FAT 32. [01:52] no SteamMachine [01:53] So can anyone answer? [01:53] where are the ops? [01:54] tony_: what error? [01:54] there don't appear to be any ops in here.... [01:54] -_- [01:54] hexstar, that's a *cached copy* of the bantracker as far as i can see. === n1lo is now known as even [01:54] We don't have ops here, so you can do whatever you want [01:55] LjL: yes it is because they've taken down public access to the tracker since that cache was made so it's hard to know if I'm still included or not... [01:55] I'm not even sure why I'm in there [01:55] * moony says hello [01:55] I guess this question is better suited for #ubuntu where there are actually ops.... [01:55] will i have to upgrade to gusty tomorrow if i am using rc1 [01:56] (there are actually ops in here) [01:56] nosrednaekim: Of course now it wont do it [01:56] but hexstar, yes, your ban is still set, and i believe you have been banned enough times for it to stay set. [01:56] thank you for warning about that. [01:56] heh [01:58] nosrednaekim: Dolphin has crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV) [01:59] sorry for the noob question. can some tell me how to change directorys in konsole? I'm trying to instll a bin file [02:01] sboyer- cd [02:01] can I install kubuntu on a windows system (I have plenty of unallocated space) without burning the DVD? [02:01] lol...little simpler then I thought...thanks [02:02] MoNsTeR: still here [02:02] ? [02:03] SteamMachine: yeah [02:03] Okay, how long have you been using Linux? (in any form) [02:04] 12 years! [02:04] LordBacon: I was asking MoNsTeR [02:04] nosrednaekim: Dolphin has crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV) [02:04] yeah, well, I'm bored :) [02:04] SteamMachine: 6 or 7 weeks only cause my ati card never worked or i was to stupid to get it to work [02:04] Ahh! [02:05] So I assume you've not used the terminal much? [02:05] i have [02:05] Um. === tb is now known as Chipper [02:05] so you realise the dpkg -i etc.deb was supposed to be written in Konsole then? [02:05] yeah [02:06] And then what happened? [02:06] ididnt use limewireislame.deb ok [02:06] it gave me a error [02:06] Hey, my adept manager keeps complaining about another processes using the database, even after restarting, can i see whats using it somehow? [02:06] Which is what? [02:06] The error, what did it say? === Klowner_ is now known as Klowner [02:07] tony_: run it from a terminal and see what error messages are left there [02:07] SteamMachine: ok ill get it for you [02:07] thanks [02:07] ok...sorry more noob questions. Whats the konsole command to install a bin file please? [02:07] sudo apt-get install filename? [02:08] nosrednaekim: I'm sorry. I'm brand new. I know what terminal is but thats about it. [02:08] tony_: is this gutsy? [02:08] sboyer: you mean a deb? [02:09] nosrednaekim: Yes [02:09] SteamMachine: i know the problem :[ [02:09] SteamMachine: i dont have java :[ [02:09] sboyer: sudo apt-get install is used to install thinks from the repos [02:09] steam I'm not sure....trying to install updated firefox [02:09] oh, that's pretty easy to fix. [02:09] sboyer: why on earth are you doing it manually? [02:09] It will update when it's ready to. [02:09] tony_: open a konsole and type in "d3lphin" and hit enter, do not close the terminal, even when it crashes [02:09] i installed through adept, but it isnt current firefox version [02:10] how can I get adept to get the current version of firefox then? [02:10] !java [02:10] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [02:10] Most likely not, often ubuntu will have a version slightly behind the current. [02:11] ok...so can you walk me through the manual install? I installed a bin file once before but I dont remember the command [02:11] dpkg? [02:11] SteamMachine: im installing java :[[[[[ [02:11] :]]]]]]]] [02:11] cool, good luck. : ] [02:11] nosrednaekim: It opened and didnt crash. [02:11] sboyer: do you have the file you wish to install? [02:11] the last time i installed java it didnt work but this time its working [02:12] ah [02:12] yes I have it [02:12] nosrednaekim: I did it a few times just to be sure. [02:12] what is it called? [02:12] tony_: does it always crash on startup? [02:12] steam: firefox-bin [02:12] nosrednaekim: It happens when I access the slave drive 90% of the time [02:12] nosrednaekim: No [02:13] sboyer: you dont have to type everybodies name [02:13] That's it? [02:13] type there name half way then hit tab [02:13] does ubuntu get more attention then kubuntu [02:13] tony_: well then, access the slave drive 10 times using that method and it should crash once ;) [02:13] sboyer: just so you know, compiling and installing, rather than using debs is really messy. [02:13] hard to remove, sometimes causes compatibility issues. [02:13] by deb, you mean packages through adept? [02:14] uh... yeah. [02:14] well. [02:14] o fair enough...not for beginners then [02:14] I'll leave it be [02:14] actually from the repos. but that's what adept is. [02:14] Good idea. : ) [02:14] k thanks [02:14] nosrednaekim: Thats the mainDolphin screen that comes up with that command. When I select "Storage Media" and my slave is where it will crash [02:15] SteamMachine: i install java and it still didnt work [02:15] tony_: well, navigate there, the error should still be printed [02:16] is there a way to find programs that arent in the repositories? are there additional repositories available? [02:16] sboyer: most packages are in the universe repository.. if they are not there then check upstream to see if they provide a .deb for ubuntu [02:17] by upstream he means the original authors/source of the program [02:17] ok, what is "check upstream"? [02:17] ahh [02:17] ok thanks, that is generally listed on the website of the program then? [02:17] sometimes [02:17] in the download section [02:17] ok gotcha. great thanks a ton [02:17] ussually a google of "packagename .deb" turns up useful stuff [02:18] hydrogen: i got a deb for frostwire [02:18] or "program name .deb" [02:18] hydrogen: but it opens in ark manager === diogo is now known as aheiuhaiuheiuhef [02:19] aheiuhiuaheiuhfaiuehfiu [02:19] MoNsTeR: right-click -> Kubuntu Package Manger -> INstall package [02:19] nosrednaekim: I'm lost. I dont know how to navigate to it in terminal. [02:19] aheiuhaiuheiuhef: I don't think thats english [02:19] (/me praises tab-completion) [02:19] I don't even think that's human! :) [02:20] tony_: say what? I thought you navigated to storage media from within dolphin. [02:20] * MoNsTeR loves hydrogen [02:20] you wouldn't be alive without it! [02:20] !helpersnack | hydrogen [02:20] hydrogen: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [02:20] * hydrogen goes off for a while [02:20] hydrogen: hold on [02:20] ubotu: but uhh.. I don't like chocolate chip.. could I have an oreo? [02:20] hydrogen: it still isnt going [02:21] hydrogen: nvm its installed i love you man [02:21] sure! [02:21] * MoNsTeR gives hydrogen a oreo :] [02:21] nosrednaekim: Yes in Dolphin but not in terminal. [02:21] :O [02:21] * hydrogen doesn't mention that it was Jucato that gave the answer [02:21] my oreo! [02:21] okay [02:22] If I weren't reulsed by the idea of a dairy based snack, I'd be demanding an oreo. [02:22] now I'm gone [02:22] :) [02:22] Seriously, can anyone help me fix Konqueror? I can't even open any folders! *waaaaah* [02:22] why does ubuntu have more features than kubuntu [02:22] o_O [02:22] tony_: right.... run dolphin from the terminal, but don;t close the terminal. then use dolphin like you normall would. when dolphin crashes, and error message should be printed in the konsole [02:22] How do you figure that? [02:23] I bet someone said it in a blog, so it MUST be TRUE! [02:23] * MoNsTeR gives SteamMachine whatever delicious treat he wants :] [02:24] atlfalcons866: kubuntu has a killer feature... its called KDE [02:25] i know but it doesent have stuff like automatic printer setup [02:25] Howzabout... muesliii! [02:25] SteamMachine: whats that [02:25] nosrednaekim: I have it but it wont let me paste it in here. [02:26] What's Muesli? [02:26] !paste | tony_ [02:26] tony_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [02:26] will kubuntu run on a 433Mhz celeron [02:26] atlfalcons866: duh [02:26] How on earth... wh... I don't understand how you can not know what muesli is. [02:26] atlfalcons866: not very well [02:26] would it run good on xubuntu [02:26] SteamMachine: im not at wherever you live [02:26] SteamMachine: has raisins in it correct? [02:26] Yeah. [02:27] SteamMachine: oh that sounds good! [02:27] Raisins, bran, dried fruit, etc, [02:27] we call that trail mix [02:27] I'd eat some now, but I'm outta soy milk. *RAAAAGE* [02:27] SteamMachine: ok [02:27] SteamMachine: soy milk EWEWEWE [02:27] nosrednaekim: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41012/ [02:28] can I install kubuntu on a windows system (I have plenty of unallocated space) without burning the DVD? [02:28] !wubi | LordBacon [02:28] LordBacon: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html [02:29] nosrednaekim: will that let me do a proper install with dualboot? [02:30] LordBacon: of sorts yes... it uses the MS bootloader though. [02:30] I don't know what else to try. I simply can't use konq now. === robby is now known as soulwarp [02:31] nosrednaekim: well, I already have the space allocated to suse 10.3, I'd rather just kill it and try kubuntu gutsy [02:31] * LordBacon wonders if the laptop boots off USB Key [02:31] LordBacon: it should :) [02:32] IBM T60p [02:32] i'm trying to get a script made with synaptic that can let me download a list of packages on this computer with another computer with the same kubuntu system [02:32] anyone have any ideas? [02:32] It's almost as if it thinks it should be using digikam to open directories. [02:32] Is there a way to restore defaults? [02:32] does anybody have the tut for making kde look like mac osx [02:33] why would you want kde to look like mac os [02:33] :P [02:33] mac os has the looks of gnome [02:34] tony_: huh... IDK I don't really know C++ [02:34] i was going to suggest ubuntu [02:34] ubuntu has gnome and i hate gnome [02:35] i hate gnome too [02:35] i want a better loking desktop tho:[ [02:35] * nosrednaekim has his looking like Mac. but soley because it saves space on his tiny screen [02:35] I don't hate gnome, I just prefer KDE [02:35] somebody help me :] [02:35] I hate zealots [02:35] nosrednaekim: When Kubutu comes out tomorrow maybe its a bug they fixed. Can I just upgrade from the pre-release I'm on now? [02:35] LordBacon: dragoons are more versatile, particularly when massed. [02:36] MoNsTeR, what does "better looking" mean? My opinion of a better looking desktop is different than yours. Do you want more flash, more shine, more transparency? Specifically, what do you want? [02:36] tony_: yeah... you certainly can. in the meantime, try using konqueror. [02:36] because gnome is striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do [02:36] hey lets make our desktop look like vista [02:36] ;p [02:36] I want a productive desktop, with enough bling so that people don't gasp and wonder wtf is that ugly thing [02:36] soulwarp: thats easy... [02:36] soulwarp: nooooo! [02:36] personaly i don't like vista [02:37] my wife has vista and she hates it too [02:37] next time i buy a new computer i am going to microwave the vista disc it comes with [02:37] lol [02:37] I like vista [02:37] NickPresta: more flash more shine more transparency exactly [02:37] i think the best windows version would probably be 200 for me [02:37] 2000* [02:38] if i had a choice [02:38] vista install in two minutes on youtube [02:38] but it's not aero that makes me like vista, there are a lot of little things [02:38] but that's for a different forum/channel/audience [02:38] Why are we talking about kde vs. Gnome again? [02:38] MoNsTeR, install something like Compiz-Fusion, go to kde-look.org and start your search. Flash and transparency is easy to find :) [02:38] It's not worth it, so just... chutup. [02:38] i hate vista cuz my dads 3 year old computer cant even run [02:38] it [02:39] and plus its microsoft too [02:39] atlfalcons866: I'll bet it'll run Linux, tho ;) [02:39] MoNsTeR try playing with the theme and window decor [02:39] yes it does and 3x faster [02:39] Thanks nosrednaekim. You were a big help and I learned something new from you. Have a good night! [02:39] he uses xubuntu [02:39] tony_: No problem. [02:39] NickPresta: its hard to install compiz with my gaphics card i need a little help if im gonig to do that [02:40] ive install beryl on gnome before [02:40] installed* [02:40] compiz is under gnome [02:40] My friends give me computers that no longer run Windows. I install Linux on it and when they see me watching a DVD movie, they want it back. [02:40] MoNsTeR, we're here to help. You start and we're here to get you out of any trouble. The documentation is a good place to start [02:40] it's a layer between the Xserver and Xclients (but an xclient at the same time) [02:40] what gives KDE desktop effects [02:40] atlfalcons866: Xrender [02:41] ardchoille i know some friends like that too [02:41] MoNsTeR: If you just want transparency, shadows and some effects, kde can do that on its own.. no need for beryl/compiz. [02:41] NickPresta: only one thing before i start do i need xgl cfause i needed it for beryl [02:41] MoNsTeR: do you have an ATI graphics card? [02:42] ardchoille: i was talking to you yesterday my name was jon__ [02:42] nosrednaekim: yes [02:42] MoNsTeR: Ah, yeah [02:42] will i have to upgrade tomorrow when gutsys released if i am using gutsy rc1 [02:42] MoNsTeR: yup XGL for you... but its a whole lot easier in gutsy... [02:42] ardchoille: can you help me again like make a channel like you did yesterday so we i dont have to fuss [02:42] atlfalcons866: no... just normal updates [02:43] MoNsTeR: You can join #ardchoille, that's my channel. [02:43] i have one update i cant remove [02:43] or update [02:45] anyone know how to get a list of programs i have installed so i can have the package manager on my other computer to download them? [02:45] i would like the same packages on both [02:45] (i mean hard drives) [02:46] synaptic has an option to make a download script but i click it and save my file and it generates a bogus file [02:46] soulwarp: humm, there is a command for it [02:47] soulwarp: ill look for you on google [02:47] nosrednaekim i'll try the forums [02:47] soulwarp: nah... jst sec [02:47] k [02:48] "dpkg -l" [02:48] might want to pipe it to a file since it went past my scrollback [02:49] that does show the packages i installed [02:49] hm === lee_ is now known as lee986321 [02:50] i figured there was some sort of backup method [02:51] hey ya guys, I need that comand for running that linu restricted module thingy [02:51] lee986321: the restricted manager? [02:51] yeah [02:51] pleases and if genni is still here Iappologise for loggin [02:52] soulwarp: i couldnt find anythign [02:52] yeah apparently niether the 64 bit nor the 32 feisty came with it it [02:52] lee986321: you mean to get it or run it? [02:53] MoNsTeR ty [02:53] MoNsTeR: "dpkg -l" [02:54] eh yeah if its there if not I need the actual program [02:55] lee986321: "kdesu restricted-manager" [02:56] hmm it spulling up coman not found [02:57] hey everyone, I want to install KDE 4 on a ubuntu install. [02:57] do I need to install kubuntu-desktop first? [02:58] or can I just install kdebase-workspace only and that will do it? [03:00] !restriicted modules [03:00] anyone here install kde 4.0 on their kubuntu desktop? [03:00] erg [03:00] !restricted | lee986321 [03:00] lee986321: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:00] jackrazz_: I did... buts its not really working [03:01] er what was the question? [03:01] eh ok [03:01] lee986321: "sudo apt-get install restricted-manager" [03:01] !info restricted-manager-kde gutsy [03:01] restricted-manager-kde: manage non-free hardware drivers - KDE frontend. In component restricted, is optional. Version 0.33.1 (gutsy), package size 64 kB, installed size 288 kB [03:01] nosrednaekim, lee986321 ^^ [03:02] is lee986321on gutsy? [03:02] hey nosrednaekim,.. so it needs another month or so before its useable? [03:02] * Jucato headdesks... [03:02] just because today's the release doesnt mean everyone's on it :( [03:02] * Jucato headdesks... again... [03:02] oh I havnt seen that kind of a thingy since I played FFXI online...hmm Istill have an account lol erg I need log on to it soem time and forward all theeses comance to the ps2 [03:02] jackrazz_: beta 3 will probably be nice... but it didn't work for me.. your milage will vary.. beta2 worked for me [03:03] jackrazz_: I'd recommend waiting for the next beta or even RC, which would be in a month or so [03:03] ok, thanks so its a hit and miss kinda thing [03:03] at this point, sort of [03:03] jackrazz_: yeah [03:03] should I install kubuntu-desktop first or can I just install kde 4.0 on a ubuntu pc? [03:03] although I've had less problems with compiling from source than using the kubuntu packages for KDE 4 beta [03:04] Ijust want them to support our ati dirers in 64 bit ...or have a repositry for them that work [03:04] when i run compiz --replace, my desktop stays the same but the tops of all of my windows are gone. anyone know what the problem is? [03:04] thanks jucato..I looking to switching from gnome to kde finally after 2 years [03:04] jackrazz_: KDE4 is not ready for that ;) [03:04] hey, is there a package for the new ati radeon 8.40.4 driers? [03:05] *definitely* not ready for that yet [03:05] It's little things like better apps, equalizer, and so on. [03:05] they just added mobile 200 express support [03:05] ok I'll just start with kubuntu and wait. [03:05] thanks guys [03:05] mike-kubunt1: Xpress200?thats been around forever [03:05] but they've never had 3d acceleration support for it [03:05] just 2d [03:06] they finally got around to it (beacause ati bought them) [03:06] mike-kubunt1: in the fglrx driver they did [03:06] nope [03:06] well, if they did its shitty [03:06] mike-kubunt1: I have one... [03:06] u oh [03:06] then you don't have the same as mine [03:06] its big news [03:06] its linked from teh compiz site [03:06] they just did it [03:06] Hi all. Anyone heard anything like this? Get to kdm login screen but it won't recognise m,s,b, and a couple of other letters. Click on console login and I can login from there and startx. Strange behaviour, no? Any ideas. [03:06] this aint good that thing just crashed [03:07] ok how do I get to the restircted driver to enabel it? [03:07] pcie mobile 200 express hasn't had support in a while, check out thier site [03:07] if it won't run [03:07] from either driver [03:07] it has some, but very basic [03:07] mike-kubunt1: oh wait.... they just released their 8.42 driver? [03:07] the oe i'm looking at is 8.40.4 [03:07] lee986321: enable what? [03:08] http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html [03:08] mike-kubunt1: oh... well,you can manually install it [03:08] the restricted driver ..kedsu prprogram crahsed [03:08] do i need to do anything special for that? [03:08] or do i just use thier script and it will autoload [03:09] hi, anyone arround willing to help me out [03:09] never min I got it hehee [03:09] mike-kubunt1: I reccomend you build debs out of it. its rather easy, [03:09] !ati [03:09] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [03:09] hello [03:09] how are u doing? im happy to know there is kubuntu chat for helping [03:10] would anyone help me out with a little problem [03:10] shiwa: what is the problem? [03:10] I have to go... but others might be able to help [03:10] the problem is that i cannot access internet when i "sudo apt-get" [03:10] nor with synaptic o anyother programs that runs as root [03:11] im a windows network administrator willing to run into linux but know little about it, (just so u know my tecnic level) [03:11] is the upgrade out already? [03:12] I just used the comand update mangaer and 7.10 popped up [03:13] yes, the problem came suddently, i was installing many stuff and shuddently the internet connection stoped working in any package updater program or with "sudo apt-get" [03:13] there is a total of 877 packages [03:13] cool, thanks for the help [03:14] somebody reading me? [03:14] iam in the pacific NW 19:13 daylight time [03:14] would somebody help me please? [03:14] shiwa, does this happen consistently or only while you're upgrading to Gutsy? [03:15] NickPresta, yes it is consistently, i dont have internet access on my packet administration programs [03:16] i think they finally released th online version [03:16] the strange think is that i browse internet normally with my user [03:16] hell yeah [03:17] sorry shiwa compter..u seemed to have developed some AI [03:17] some what? [03:17] don't be a fraid it is just the beginning [03:17] Hey all. I was in here the other day & was talking to someone about having my /home on it's own dedicated HD or partition. I don't remeber who it was. IF you are here, can you reply? [03:17] AI or artificial intellegence [03:17] lol [03:17] uhm [03:18] it was a joke ll [03:18] whats the gutsy upgrade manager package called [03:18] even though i dont know much about linux, for me seems a probable problems, since there is a different user running those apps [03:18] eh [03:18] didnt get the name [03:19] i tried to log as root to configure the internet conection with its user but seems to be a disabled account [03:20] ah you have devoloped the abillity to over ride seeing that you are online [03:20] !root [03:20] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [03:21] i know, i know, i run sudo for root access! but then i dont have internet! [03:21] Shiwa did you tap into a goverment satlight? [03:22] i guess i may have to do with this thing: i use a WIFI WPA protected network, and to connect, knetworkmanager need to access my keys wallet, i supose sudo dont access same wallet and then cannot have the wpa key [03:22] is gutsy out already? [03:23] i think so... ...i ...think th online version s [03:23] anyone has other idea of why i cannot download packages with "sudo apt-get" [03:23] all i know is i am min an upgrade mode [03:23] please help! [03:24] try uising and this is going to be wierd when you get it update-manager [03:24] shiwa are you on kubuntu or the other ubuntu [03:24] i did! but when i SUDO i cannot browse on wired either [03:25] oh no [03:25] this is out of my league [03:25] the last update of ß7.10 killed my ethernet interfaces if I use wireless it sees the nets but can not connect the eth0 does not connect at all it is set to DHCP [03:25] i though kubuntu is a ubuntu with kde-desktop [03:25] can some one help [03:26] I thuaght so too [03:26] i installed ubuntu 7.04 and then i installed kde desktop [03:26] but evendently it "behaves differently too [03:26] then i got a kubuntu [03:26] shiwa: the differences run just a little deeper than the desktop. [03:26] and it missbehaves too>< [03:27] ohh, ok, tx, so i have an Ubuntu 7.04 + kde-desktop [03:27] guess im in the wrong chat then... [03:27] eh well,,,um.. [03:27] the command structers different..so i have learend ..the hard way === moony is now known as the3rdbt [03:28] no [03:28] the only way you can accss this if you are running k [03:28] you have the right area [03:29] waht color is your desk top shiwa [03:29] blue or..that ugly clor [03:30] If you destops blue and you have a a letter k for your menue then your right on the money for kubuntu [03:30] I think I shorted heer out [03:30] or him [03:31] ardchoille: [03:31] ardchoille: you there [03:31] i have 11 minutes remaning [03:31] to tell u guys what it is [03:31] lee986321: what are you talking about [03:32] i'm in trouble with Adept, can anyone help me ?¿ // tengo problemas con el Adept alguien me puede ayudar ¿? [03:32] Dristribution upgrade [03:33] la base de datos no se pudo abrir o algo por el estilo [03:33] !es| poty [03:33] poty: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. [03:33] no habal espenol [03:33] eh habla [03:34] it jsut said the three major brands that had cahnnels in spanish [03:34] I bet that bot don't know gaelig [03:35] or Gaelic [03:35] !gutsy [03:35] Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information [03:35] MoNsTeR ism upgraidng right now.. [03:36] !gaelic [03:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about gaelic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:36] taught so [03:36] will gutsy have that compiz-fusion thing enabled by default? [03:37] Edenbeast: Ubuntu will, Kubuntu won't [03:38] it's not deemed stable enough? I don't mind, mind you. I never really had much luck with it(compiz). :-/ [03:38] did you guy s know that linux is the only system that has a free Gaelic language? [03:38] eh dictionarys that is [03:39] I need help with Firefox please. [03:39] man this up dates gone fast [03:40] down load time start 19:13 end Download time 1942 [03:41] goddammit [03:41] what? [03:41] why the fuck arent they enabling compiz by default on kubuntu [03:41] there morons? [03:42] ibet i lose my ati drivers [03:42] I honestly was worried they did, it never worked for me on feisty (beryl did though but it wasn't what I'd call stable enough) [03:42] seems a bit too bleeding edge to put in such a general distro like ubuntu :-/ [03:42] lee986321: your ati card will work perfectly fine [03:43] 64 bit machines handle that better then 32 [03:43] eh i have an ati x300 [03:43] thanks though [03:43] lee986321: i have a 64 bit machine but i cant install flash in it so i dont want to install 64 bit edition plus it doesnt really go faster [03:44] ill take your word for it [03:44] lee986321: it will work my 9550 works and thats the worst card to have [03:44] lee [03:44] as long as you don't have more than 4G of RAM should you even use 64bit linux? [03:44] lol [03:44] lee986321: alot of people have problems with them [03:44] how many hours until gutsy? [03:44] i have 1gb [03:44] ram [03:44] well I jsut down loaded something of a gutsy don't know waht [03:45] erg only 500 someting [03:45] hello [03:46] Gutsy is supposed to have the gnash plugin which will work on 64-bit [03:46] when I restart ill let you know, unless the way I set my card up freezes me up [03:47] ?? [03:47] ^^ [03:47] its using termonolgy like fusing with === robby is now known as soulwarp [03:48] i hate to say it, and i do not want to say it, even, but i am disappointed in gutsy (in its present form) [03:48] and foomatic [03:48] anyone ever had this problem? [03:48] sudo echo "afm=ffmpeg" >> /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf [03:48] bash: /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: Permission denied === rob is now known as robii [03:49] jmichaelx: why? [03:49] there wet the drivers I just loaded === robii is now known as rob [03:49] soulwarp: yes, that's right [03:49] soulwarp: >> is not part of the command, but the shell redirecting [03:49] soulwarp: yes, it's because sudo only applies to the echo command, not the >> [03:49] soulwarp: sudo "echo 'afm=ffmpeg' >> /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf" [03:49] ted_: i am just running into too many bugs... issues mounting vfat partitions, and issues with rt2500 wireless [03:50] soulwarp: Is there a reason you aren't putting that in ~/.mplayer/config ? [03:50] jmichaelx: it has some cool stuff though [03:50] waht would some comon phrases be in a n upgrade? [03:51] LordBacon: I don't think that'll work either... [03:51] ted_: i am going to give gutsy a little time to fix this stuff before i decide to switch distros... i am a big kubuntu fan, but imho gutsy is not quite ready for release [03:51] eh any one "seasond at this"? [03:51] it was from a bug report work around [03:51] ted_: yeah, it does [03:51] copy and paste [03:51] * Edenbeast crosses his fingers for nvidia drivers working out of the box... :-| [03:51] echo "afm=ffmpeg" | sudo tee -a /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf [03:51] jmichaelx: the bulletproof X will help a lot of people [03:52] how do i make a link to the trash can on my desktop [03:52] ted_: A lot of people..... and the issues i am having could be taken care of soon. otherwise I am switching to debian lenny [03:52] corsses his fingers an is hoping that he is getting getsy and not the obeat thing [03:52] eh gutsy [03:52] ardchoille: get in your room please :] [03:53] eh try dragging the can its self there [03:53] ardchoille i think it worked [03:53] MoNsTeR: lol [03:53] ardchoille going to test it [03:53] soulwarp: It better work :) [03:53] jmichaelx: like they always say, the best linux distro is the one that works best on your machine for the stuff you want to do [03:53] soulwarp: That's the proper way to do that [03:53] ted_: totally true... [03:53] I tried gentoo...I can't get past the set updstage [03:54] ardchoille no error from the command :) [03:54] I amde it to password and it said...Unrecoerable error pasword ...soemthing and byebye os [03:54] soulwarp: There shouldn't be [03:54] dragging it didnt work [03:55] dang I really need to get glasses so Ican spell right [03:55] lol [03:55] hmm i tired [03:55] work with all the other iconys lol === shaka is now known as Parlotti [03:56] hi! [03:56] can somebody help me i want a trash icon on my desktop [03:56] When is KDE 3.5.8 coming out for Feisty Fawn? [03:56] why has the file-manager been changed to dolphin? On the site it says it's because of the simplicity, but isn't that more of a gnome thing? [03:56] Roey, it's out now I believe [03:56] Also, is upgrading to Gutsy as smooth as replacing the sources line in /etc/apt.sources.list, doing apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade? [03:56] http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-358.php [03:56] thanks [03:56] Edenbeast, I think they wanted a dedicated file manager without all the web stuff [03:57] it just asked my if i wanted to make changes..I said no [03:57] to the ext [03:57] how do you save a file in open office? [03:57] Roey: yes === Parlotti is now known as shaka [03:57] i try to save but it sais choose a file to open [03:57] save as [03:57] i dont want to open i want to save [03:57] sub[t]rnl: ok [03:57] same thing with save as [03:57] sub[t]rnl: any side-effects? [03:58] Roey: hrm [03:58] ya [03:58] hehe [03:58] like, say [03:58] is today the day gutsy came out [03:58] could somebody help? [03:58] how come i havent got the option to update [03:58] sub[t]rnl: do you know if Gutsy uses that patched xresprobe to properly detect Dell 2405FPW monitors by now? === X-DeluXe is now known as [es [03:59] Roey: not sure, you could run a find in the change logs though [03:59] oh so tahts the other lee [03:59] Airforce55555: that's weird ... it says Save As for me === [es is now known as [esFeinsGuets]X- [03:59] sub[t]rnl: ok, thanks === shaka is now known as Parlotti [03:59] huh [03:59] hi, anyone having "menu" troubles? I have all that extra text which makes the menu hard to use? thanks :) === [esFeinsGuets]X- is now known as X-DeluXe [04:00] MoNsTeR: Gutsy will be released tomorrow [04:00] yeay [04:00] is in the process of updating [04:00] 0 minutes befor reboot [04:01] MoNsTeR I cheated..I used a comand update-manager adn when tht faile I did the apt get. [04:01] i like to do wierd things like that [04:01] wow [04:01] Evening. [04:01] <[Tyro]> Hey, does anyone have a link to a tutorial of how to install Kubuntu onto a Win XP without clearing any data? [04:02] <[Tyro]> for dual booting [04:02] eh ithink its aobut to reconfig my net work here in a sec [04:02] [Tyro]: you mean, resizing the winblows partition to allow space for Linux and then dual boot? [04:02] sex [04:02] <[Tyro]> i dunno [04:03] update-manager always fails, for me , anyways [04:03] hello [04:03] waht the heck is hiplip? [04:03] Tyro: its not so hard, just make some partition-free space on your harddisc === melody is now known as BlueDrew [04:03] <[Tyro]> i just wanna know how to install Kubuntu onto a winxp system for dual booting without clearing data melody [04:03] Tyro, you could install it using qemu if you just wanted to try it out [04:03] got to howtoforg [04:03] [Tyro]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [04:03] got to howtoforg.com [04:04] well, you could just resize your winblows partition to make more room. or put another HD in there. [04:04] <[Tyro]> right === Parlotti is now known as shaka === shaka is now known as Parlotti [04:06] <[Tyro]> ok, well i got NTSF [04:06] <[Tyro]> so there is trouble [04:07] <[Tyro]> NTFS* [04:07] shouldn't be trouble. you should be able to resize ntfs partitions [04:08] <[Tyro]> it sais that it doesn't allow for read and write [04:08] <[Tyro]> only read [04:09] but the partition resizing app shouldn't care for a resize. read/write (which you can do on linux, btw) is more for everyday usage [04:09] ntfs3g allows for read and write but you can't have ntfs as the filesystem of your / [04:09] [Tyro] the kubuntu install cd can resize the windows partition for you [04:09] <[Tyro]> yeah [04:09] <[Tyro]> i was just reading this thing here [04:09] [Tyro]: do a google search on the resizing issue. [04:09] [Tyro]: The new Ubuntu/Kubuntu 7.10 supports NTFS read/write [04:09] <[Tyro]> "Issues with Windows XP and NTFS" [04:09] I personally have never resized.. I either install a new HD or nuke windows. [04:09] <[Tyro]> haha [04:09] <[Tyro]> sounds like a good idea [04:10] <[Tyro]> but not on a dell system [04:10] but if you just want to try before you commit, you can just as well run it in a virtual box like qemu or vmware and if you don't like it (which is impossible if you're a person of good taste :p) then you can just delete the one image file and be done with it [04:10] [Tyro] i've resised my windows partition with the kubuntu install cd with out any issues [04:10] I install vmware to run windows under linux if i absolutely need to, but I rarely do that. so.... not really an issue. [04:10] can parted resize ntfs owadays? [04:10] wish me luck as I restart [04:11] <[Tyro]> soulwarp do you have to backup stuff? [04:11] [Tyro] i didn't [04:11] Edenbeast: gparted can, but I don't recommend using it [04:11] it is always a good idea to have a backup of your important personal data [04:11] it has a habit of re-ordering partitions, trashing windows' ability to boot [04:11] <[Tyro]> yeah, i don't think i've ever backed anything [04:11] [Tyro] you get a slider bar to help you resize the amount you want [04:12] <[Tyro]> cool [04:12] [Tyro]: that's brave or... foolish.. especially on a windows machine [04:12] <[Tyro]> it is [04:12] <[Tyro]> i just don't see why any data would be lost, so i just never back stuff up i trust technology [04:13] <[Tyro]> But i'm pissed with winxp becasue it's not letting me disable Pagefile [04:13] take a look at the release channel... everyone got mad there ^^ [04:14] anybody here using anything other than xfs or ext3? I usually take ext3 but I must say I had some problems with it with the last kernels I got. :-/ anybody use zfs maybe? [04:14] Tyro just set it to 2MB [04:14] Real Men don't make backups. They upload it via ftp and let the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds [04:14] i use ext3, but i hate this checkup every 20th startup [04:14] <[Tyro]> Edenbeast it resizes it self saying it's too small [04:14] heh my computer is pretty much 24/7 :-s [04:15] <[Tyro]> that's what pisses me [04:15] hardrives can fail, regardless. Plus I'd never trust windows for my important data anyway.... too many issues. I made the switch to linux a few years back after my daughter was born and i had a lot of digital pics on my windows partition... only to have windows come back with an error of "unable to find magic cookie" on my HD... and I lost all that data. Since then I've been running pclinuxos (or kubuntu, or several other [04:15] distros) with ext3-journalised to keep my data more secure [04:15] Tyro: install more RAM [04:15] seems the obvious solution [04:15] woa taht is one bright screen lol [04:15] ati is intact [04:15] you better not be talking about me :p [04:15] what is VM dirty writeback time? [04:15] <[Tyro]> Edenbeast i have 2.5 Gig [04:16] <[Tyro]> and it only uses like 512meg [04:16] <[Tyro]> ands starts using the pagefile [04:16] hmm that sucks :-/ [04:16] <[Tyro]> Very much so [04:16] well [04:16] <[Tyro]> It's good to have the RAM for games though [04:16] it seems taht Iam on the gutsy version [04:17] and its not asking for updates [04:17] <[Tyro]> i need it for that, and it uses it, but all my other stuff pisses me off [04:17] what can I say, I'm happily usng linux since about '98 and windows free since 2002 :-| [04:17] gutzy comes out tomorrow? [04:17] which games do you play? some games can run on linux via wine/cedega [04:18] windows free here too... plus our work has switched to linux. We only have two machines there now with legacy operating systems on them (windows) [04:18] i like tremulous, very fun game [04:18] soulwarp: comes out in like, an hour [04:18] :o [04:18] * Edenbeast quickly hides the terminal services window remoting in the windows server *blush* [04:18] hope they fix the mencoder bug [04:18] which? [04:18] i solved game compatibility issues and the constant "hardware upgrade" spiral of pc gaming...... i got a Wii instead. problem solved. [04:18] in my defense it's not my server :P [04:19] <[Tyro]> what is windows Free? [04:19] mencoder is pffth. use ffmpeg anyway [04:19] Now i just use my computer for computing stuff. [04:19] I'm very compelled by that new game that will come out hellgate London [04:19] windows free means you don't have windows in your domain... home..work..etc [04:19] sub[t]rnl i like both [04:19] and I'd love to play TF2 as well :-/ [04:19] eh my ps2 surfices me for gaming until Isave up for games [04:19] sub[t]rnl but it would be nice [04:19] soulwarp: agreed [04:19] <[Tyro]> ohh, so you're free of windows like chains [04:19] no windows issues. [04:20] then mencoder wouldn't be so, as I so sophisticatedly put it.. "pffth" [04:20] but my computer has socket 939 so I'd need to buy yet another mobo + processor and probably new ram as well + a new videocard... it just nevevr stops :P [04:20] sub[t]rnl some issues when converting mp3s in video files [04:20] only reason I would get an upgraded gfx card is to get even smoother compiz-fusion performance. :) [04:21] sub[t]rnl only way to fix it was to downgrade mencoder :'( [04:21] no kidding? [04:21] does compiz-fusion have that beryl limitation where it'll run up to your vidcard's memory limit and will then display blacked-out windows? [04:21] I use ffmpeg/mencoder to encode my .avi files so I can burn them on dvd's [04:21] Edenbeast: that was an NVIDIA problem.... fixed in the newest drivers. [04:21] <[Tyro]> when was the latest Kubuntu released [04:21] usually use the tovid script header to do the dirty work though [04:21] <[Tyro]> or will be [04:21] ah ok, great :-) [04:22] I've produced some really nice looking dvd's in linux, thats for sure [04:22] using ffmpeg/mpeg2enc [04:22] kde 4 in december i think [04:22] sub[t]rnl personally i like ffmpeg for the speed [04:22] agreed [04:22] man... getting a tonsillectomy at 35 really sucks. [04:22] taht reminds me, Ineed a dvd authorign system [04:23] <[Tyro]> what version of Kubuntu do you guys use? [04:23] ok so how do I check if this is a beta that i reiceived or the real macoy? [04:23] [Tyro]: 2 times a year, they update the whole (k)ubuntu... today should be one update [04:24] I use a mutated version of ubuntu -> kubuntu [04:24] lol [04:24] currently at 7.04 [04:24] <[Tyro]> do you guys use both Kubuntu and Ubuntu? [04:24] 7.10 here [04:24] 7.10 here [04:24] lee986321: what version are you checking? [04:24] <[Tyro]> where do you get 7.10 from? [04:24] [Tyro]: just Kubuntu here [04:24] the one that I just upgraded [04:24] its possible to use kde or gnome [04:25] with kubuntu [04:25] Tyro: in a sense you can. You can install both Desktop environments and choose which one to use or have different DEs per user. [04:25] but kubuntu comes with kde [04:25] lee986321: oh, your wanting to check your ubuntu version? [04:25] <[Tyro]> you and Ubuntu is Gnome [04:25] the one thing I really miss from gnome is gnome-video-thumbnailer :-( [04:25] ubuntu -> gnome ; kubuntu -> kde [04:25] yes or in my case the kubuntu version [04:26] like ubuntu only comes with gnome but you can install kde or other windows managers [04:26] allain all yes [04:26] I don't like that the konqueror one doesn't pick somewhat random images, when looking at a series, they all display the same front image now. [04:26] <[Tyro]> So Kubuntu and Ubuntu, the only dif is KDE and GNome, but you can have Gnome on Kubuntu? [04:26] lsb_release -a [04:26] how do i know if i be beta or.. [04:26] and you can have kde on ubuntu, yes [04:26] <[Tyro]> so what's the difference between them then? [04:26] between what? [04:27] from what i hear ubunutu wil come with a new fall back windows manager that doesn't require x-windows in case it crashes [04:27] or fluxbox, openbox or any other DE or WM(window manager) [04:27] <[Tyro]> (K) $ Ubuntu [04:27] <[Tyro]> Kubuntu and Ubuntu [04:27] No LSB modules are available. [04:27] kubuntu IS ubuntu.. [04:27] one comes with kde one comes with gnome [04:27] but its running kde [04:27] <[Tyro]> so it's just what they come with [04:28] yeah, the core is the same thing [04:28] not every distro can fit on one CD [04:28] Description: Ubuntu 7.10 [04:28] fedora is like 4 or 5 CDs if i remember [04:28] <[Tyro]> so what are the main differences between KDE and Gnome? [04:28] the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is one command: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [04:28] or whatever it is [04:28] [Tyro]: quite a few [04:29] Release: 7.10 [04:29] kde is more advanced and way cooler. :) [04:29] yes! [04:29] agreed [04:29] yes :) [04:29] well am i a beta or... [04:29] larger memory footprint though [04:29] Tyro: gnome tends to focus on ease of use through simplicity, to lesen the burden for new users (at least that's my impression of it) [04:29] with kde [04:29] tyro... you may wanna also try out the livecd for pclinuxos 2007. kde based system with very nice multimedia setup from the get-go... you can get it from pclinuxos.com [04:29] kde on the other hand tends to present you with lots and lots of options and has more of a windows look [04:29] i treid gentoo [04:30] holy mother Edenbeast [04:30] my kde looks nothing like windows [04:30] :P [04:30] slax was a cool live cd i once tryed [04:30] lee986321: gentoo is good [04:30] Edenbeast: my kde looks nothing like windows [04:30] failed hard core at setting it..made it to pw an no idea what happend [04:30] mine doesn't either now, but I do think a base install resembles it somewhat more than gnome :-/ [04:30] yeah [04:31] lee986321: portage is a damn good package manager too.. just compiling everything from source throws some people off [04:31] but meh [04:31] yeah, I wanna use it now.. not next week, lol [04:31] and it's not like it's necessarily a bad thing: familiarity tends to be a good thing for many people [04:31] i am not saying its not... i just don't know where i went erong at.. said pw fatal error then shut down [04:31] ardchoille lol [04:32] i went with the sugested hints lol [04:32] i just want to know i f i had done my pw would it shut it down? [04:32] in set up mode? [04:33] and gnome has way more and better themes :p [04:33] Edenbeast: lol [04:33] I really really want a 'milk' theme for my kde, that would rock [04:33] kde-look ftw? [04:33] do you recomend the dvd the instead of the cd? [04:37] wonder how many time's I've refreshed ffox looking for 7.10 live cd [04:37] :} [04:38] giev [04:38] hey, my kopete keeps crashing now? === gustavo is now known as GuHHH [04:38] er, it just randomly started [04:38] only thing I've done was update + install kde4 beta3, but running kde3's kopete [04:39] only thing eh? heh [04:39] oh fergetting i have got to havve my celtic back ground [04:39] sub[t]rnl: only thing that could have impacted it I mean [04:40] yeah, thats a pretty big step though [04:40] hi all, where can i find kde4 beta3 packages, aptitude still doesn't show them :( [04:40] is the gutsy available to some people now? [04:40] try killing all processes releated to Kopete [04:40] and opening it again [04:40] as it's oct 18 in most areas of the world? [04:40] ps aux |grep kopete [04:40] sub[t]rnl: kay, one sec [04:41] sub[t]rnl: no other kopete processes running [04:41] sub[t]rnl what thre me for a loop was...doing my pw...i couldnt see any thing not even astrix when i typed it in [04:41] lee986321: hehe [04:41] i be [04:41] Ch1ppy: fire it up in konsole to see the feedback [04:41] that way you can catch any gripes and debug it [04:41] so I no idea if I was typing in the box or not [04:41] bbiab [04:41] sub[t]rnl: I did, no others running [04:42] does it have an actual scren that comes up when finished? [04:42] Hey, with KDE 4 beta 3, did they fix the kicker replacement? [04:43] and wah is it meaning when there is an nrecoverable error? [04:43] it means you have an error you can't recover from =0) [04:43] so taht means..wrong pw..back to the drawing board then correct [04:44] or do i have a bad disk? [04:44] I have no clue what you are talking about === scott is now known as scott_ === scott_ is now known as scott__ [04:44] millerjd: I'd tell you, but it won't even start for me :S [04:44] Ch1ppy: back [04:45] sub[t]rnl: kay, any other ideas? [04:45] Ch1ppy: what part doesn't start for you? [04:45] you also have to install kde4base-dev to get kde4 to start [04:45] Ch1ppy: try running it from a terminal === scott__ is now known as scott [04:45] Ch1ppy: open konsole, then run kopete [04:45] to see the output [04:45] sub[t]rnl: oh right, duh === scott is now known as go2dell [04:45] * sub[t]rnl nods [04:46] my company is have a 7.10 release party tomorrow and I'm wondering if they put some sort of menu bar (kicker) at the bottom of beta 3 for kde 4 [04:46] millerjd: maybe that's it ;) [04:46] if you get an error about a library missing, it's probably because the file you need is actually in kde4base-dev [04:46] millerjd: hold up, I'll try it in a sec [04:46] i ran into that [04:47] oh I neeok now to test a few things in my graphics..hmm it seems to be stuck in 32 mb rather then 256 [04:47] erg [04:47] I wish the kubuntu people had some sort of changlog for their kde4 beta updates [04:47] lee986321: your not seeing all your available memory? [04:47] Sysinfo for 'kubuntu': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2500+ at 1830 MHz (3665 bogomips), , RAM: 497/503MB, 111 proc's, 3.34h up [04:48] brb, taco bell time [04:48] sub[t]rnl: kopete: ERROR: : couldn't create slave : Unable to create io-slave: [04:48] klauncher said: Unknown protocol ''. [04:49] hrm [04:50] sounds like a permissions problem [04:50] millerjd: that got it, thanks for the tip. there's a bar at the bottom with a clock, but no taskbar and no menu. also, the status bar thingy icons are displaying above the bar.... [04:50] Ch1ppy: try running it via "sudo kopete" [04:50] for me [04:50] sub[t]rnl: ahead of you ;) [04:50] err, better yet, kdesu kopete [04:51] good [04:51] sub[t]rnl: that's it, good call. any idea what I can do to fix it? [04:52] * sub[t]rnl sucks on teeth [04:52] hello does kubuntu have good support or laptops? [04:52] its an issue with kdelibs [04:53] http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [04:53] theres the fix [04:53] you can either downgrade your kdelibs, or dpkg -i the download from that link === alexandre is now known as lemke [04:54] * sub[t]rnl recommends the download [04:54] do anyone know if kubuntu offers good support or laptops? [04:55] Ironman_: yes [04:55] i just use gaim ;p [04:55] kopete > gaim! [04:55] XD [04:55] wheres your kde allience soulwarp! [04:56] alliance even [04:56] lol [04:56] hehe [04:57] s/alliance/allegiance/ [04:57] Ironman run kubuntu on my laptop and love it [04:57] ardchoille: shush you [04:57] lol [04:58] does kopete have the ability to transfer pictures with yahoo messanger? [04:58] hrm [04:58] send files? [04:58] yes [04:58] i've never tested it [04:58] me either, but its there [04:59] I see pictures of my friends on yahoo accounts when they get online though [04:59] yahoo is funny about that i hear [04:59] sub[t]rnl: that works, thanks :) [04:59] Ch1ppy: np [04:59] soulwarp: I tried that feature recently and it didn't work for me [04:59] wouldn't it just be the same as sending files over msn? [04:59] ted_ doesn't work with gaim either [04:59] soulwarp: huh, it did work on gaim for me [05:00] SHIT GUYS [05:00] ch1ppy, you get kde4 running? [05:01] ted_ usually never shows the transfer on the other end when i tryed it [05:01] http://www.ubuntu.com/ [05:01] 0 days to go :D [05:01] soulwarp: yep, same behavior here, going in both directions [05:01] must be EST [05:01] anyone know if the beta 3 of kde 4 fixes kicker replacement [05:02] soulwarp: although I'm not sure if it could be my NAT router [05:03] millerjd: what kind of kicker replacement are you talking about? just curious [05:03] I think they call it kickoff [05:03] will be replaced with raptor [05:03] ewh, cool [05:03] no idea [05:03] I know in beta 2, there was no menu bar (kicker) on the bottom [05:04] company is doing a 7.10 release party tomorrow and I'm waiting for a machine to apt-get kde4b3 to see if it has some sort of start bar at the bottom [05:04] does anyone know a command to send a signal to a monitor if it cannot resume from suspend? [05:05] millerjd: fun fun [05:05] i can fake change the resolution [05:05] and have it come back after applying the same resolution that it was at [05:05] on my second screen [05:06] "monitor and display" commands [05:06] anyone is invited, cocktails will be served [05:06] where at! [05:06] millerjd: served at your kde? === alexandre is now known as lemke [05:07] phoenix, arizona [05:07] we are the only linux retail store here in the valley [05:07] <---orlano florida =/ [05:08] so we have parties when there is a new release [05:08] orlando* [05:08] though, if I got hammered and sat down in front of kde4b3 i would reeealy screw it up.. (unstable + more unstable = ...poop) [05:08] * genii thinks about coffee but sips a fruit juice instead [05:08] genii is a coffee fiend [05:09] period [05:09] its 2:00 PM, Thursday Oct 18th, in Australia. I want Gutsy! lol.. [05:09] sub[t]rnl: Well, I'm awake a lot :) [05:09] :P [05:09] when are they officially letting it go? [05:10] Frankly, I hate kubuntu. I'm a hardcore gnome guy, but I really like kde4 [05:10] I wonder what today's dist-upgrade is gonna do for my KDE [05:11] marx2k: the update manager is pretty ironed out, it was seemless for me, for the rc1 [05:12] so I'm sure you'll breeze through it, no troubles for the stable [05:12] haha no I didnt mean what is it gonna do TO my KDE :) [05:12] For the LOVE OF PETE why did they not fix the kicker in Beta 3?!!!?!!!!! [05:12] I just finished installing kde4b3 and still no kicker [05:12] no nothung [05:12] nothing [05:13] ...um [05:13] 1. There is no kicker in KDE 4 [05:13] whatever the replacement is [05:13] how'd KDE4 in general? [05:13] raptor! [05:13] I can never remember the name [05:13] 2. The fixes for it came after the Beta 3 freeze [05:13] is there a way to get the fix? [05:13] 3. Even at Beta 3, Plasma is still under heavy development [05:14] calling it the third beta hardly means it is almost finished [05:14] I know that, but it seems rather trivial that kubuntu is far behind on the kde4 dev [05:14] ... [05:15] I've seen some nice kde4 setups [05:16] but kubuntu hasn't put it together yet [05:16] in order to make packages, one has to take a snapshot of the state of the software at a given date. You can't take a snapshot of software last week, package it, then expect it to have todays updates and fixes [05:16] so unless you compile it yourself, yes, it will be behind a bit [05:17] is there a way to run dos from kubuntu? [05:17] the only way for me to install my particular version of xp needs dos [05:17] wine? [05:17] what a pain in the butt [05:18] um... no... [05:18] wine emulates windows api, not dos [05:18] !info dosbox [05:18] anyone know the command to upgrade my kubuntu to 7.10? [05:18] dosbox: A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.65-1 (feisty), package size 506 kB, installed size 1388 kB [05:18] when i runn the xp installer i get an error and it closes [05:18] tazgodx: there are instructions on kubuntu.org [05:18] and if you're trying to install Windows on your hard drive, you can't do it from w/in Linux, specially not through wine [05:19] ok, thanks WaltzingAlong [05:19] well my c drive is wiped so i'm having some issues [05:19] thanks WaltzingAlong, i'll try dosbox [05:19] I don't think I have the patience to compile kde4, I'm sure I'd bork something up this late at night [05:20] godfodder: if you want ms windows within gnu/linux then perhaps look at virtualization software [05:20] i'm very new to linux so i can use as much help as possible [05:20] lol [05:21] * Jucato doesn't think this is the right place to ask how to re-install Windows :) [05:21] heh [05:21] * sub[t]rnl cackles [05:21] lol [05:21] I get lost in front of a windows machine... [05:21] its sad [05:22] lol [05:22] my family thinks im a computer wiz so they ask me questions about windows... [05:22] although I must say I've never heard of a Windows installer that requires MS-DOS other than Windows 3.1... [05:22] i get asked why should we use free software when we can pay for software thats supported? [05:22] sub[t]rnl: The other day I caught myself on a windows machine i needed to examine, typing in: ifconfig a few times before I realised my error [05:22] lol [05:22] I have to run "cmd" every now and again just to see something somewhat familiar [05:22] genii: lol [05:22] I've done that [05:22] godfodder: btw there's a ##windows channel. you might be able to get help there [05:22] yeah it has a Uwin installer [05:23] dsmith__: Send them here: http://ardchoille42.googlepages.com/linux.html [05:23] its windows xp pro with sp2/sp3 [05:23] :P [05:23] brrrrr beta service packs [05:23] * Jucato is guessing it's sort of pirated software.. [05:24] Jucato: I have a "don't ask don't tell" policy [05:24] it comes with all these extras too... like a vista interface option lol [05:24] in which case it's a double no-no [05:24] ardchoille: thx [05:24] bbl [05:24] genii: but you're not an op. I would have to ask and kick :) [05:24] at least I ask first :D [05:24] ppl just refuse to go away from windows [05:25] Ah, true [05:25] dsmith__: They are afraid of change. [05:25] that or refuse to change [05:26] to be fair, some of them really can't... [05:26] agreed Jucato [05:26] i support close to 50 users.. [05:26] there are quite a few people that I know that run linux.. and though its bad to say.. I really wish they wouldn't [05:26] work, needed/favorite software w/o Linux altertanives, games *cough* [05:26] save on my cellphone bill [05:26] heh :0 [05:26] :) [05:27] (then there are those who are probably better off *not* running Linux :P) [05:27] I caught on fella trying to install windows Nvidia drivers on his linux box [05:27] yeh [05:27] lol [05:27] lol [05:27] I went to my buddies house last night, I had installed kubuntu on a partition for him [05:27] oh man zines for amorachs been takes out...its dreyed out i cant listen to any stations that celtic [05:27] stick around longer here and you'll meet people asking how to install an exe installer for firefox :) [05:27] and I saw ./someapp.exe in his .bash_history [05:27] heh, busted [05:27] lol [05:28] lee986321: whatcha talking about? [05:28] are my eyes playing with me or is 7.10 out [05:28] where...where [05:28] probably the former :P [05:28] it should be out Oct. 18... question is what time and on whose timezone [05:28] a critical part for dtreamimg in amorochs no longer available [05:28] would i lose anything by forcing an upgrade to gutsy right now, or should i wait until it officially releases? [05:28] Heh. A computer lab I maintain..we have 2 *buntu boxes. Someone downloaded msn messenger install exe to the desktop about 20 times [05:28] 1st of all, it's Xine and Amarok. 2nd nothing has been taken out [05:28] sunilonln: make a backup first! [05:29] genii: lol [05:29] judt s sec ill get the name of that plug in [05:29] genlmao [05:29] i just told it to update and it told me that an upgrade to 7.20 is avail [05:29] genii: LMAO [05:29] dsmith__: obviously; i'm talking about functionality and/or code changes [05:29] dsmith__: Even more ironic, Pidgin was running the whole time [05:29] * Jucato wouldn't probably survive as a sysadmin... [05:30] HMMMM [05:30] sunilonln: nope. [05:30] i use kopete [05:30] Xine extraplug in...it has been greyed out [05:30] sub[t]rnl: nope meaning it's ok to upgrade now? [05:30] sunilonln: yup [05:30] jabber, yahoo, msn [05:30] cool [05:30] lee986321: libxine1-ffmpeg is what you need [05:30] its under multi media [05:30] for amrach? [05:30] update manager is pretty ironed out, should be smooth sailing [05:31] genii: checkout ncomputing [05:31] oh btw guys, just a bit of a heads up. starting today, when people ask about MP3 codecs, tell them libxine1-ffmpeg instead of libxine-extracodecs [05:31] just keep an eye on the packages it recommends removing in the upgrade [05:31] Jucato: 10-4 [05:31] or if they're using gutsy, just tell them to install kubuntu-restricted-extras for the whole bunch (except w32 and dvd) [05:31] NetersLandreau: aircard? [05:31] Jucato: Has that been updated in ubotu's blurbs? [05:32] well it is upgrading so i guess ill just download an iso from the local mirror tomorrow [05:32] eh i am trying to listen to a pod cast [05:32] my amarok refuses to play mp3s anymore :-( [05:32] genii: ubotu doesn't give the package name actually [05:32] since the last upgrade [05:32] Edenbeast: try to check if libxine1-ffmpeg is installed [05:32] /msg ubotu hi [05:32] oops [05:32] * sub[t]rnl snaps [05:32] woops [05:32] I wanted to say it Jucato! [05:32] oh it has that and libmad and all the codecs you can imagine [05:32] sub[t]rnl: should i use 'sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release'? [05:32] /msg genii hahaha! [05:33] sunilonln: I upgraded through adept manager [05:33] * Jucato wonders why use the gnome commands... [05:33] sunilonln: but its the same thing really [05:33] Jucato: I want to query him a bit about mp3s and so on [05:33] it still says no mp3 support from time to time and then it usuually freezes on that :-/ [05:33] for my pod casts? i need libxine1-ffmpeg [05:33] sunilonln: there's a step by step for Kubuntu using adept-manager [05:33] sorry for what may sound like a stupid ? but i'm pretty new to linux, is there anything special i need to do to update to 7.10 when it releases?(i tried the RC and for some reason it kept killing my ethernet connection as well as my winblows partition) [05:33] sub[t]rnl: might not be the same thing really. [05:33] what happened to amarok-gstreamer btw? [05:34] Crazypoultry: are you on 7.10 RC right now? [05:34] Jucato seems they use the same repos right? [05:34] no [05:34] they deleted the main codec [05:34] did all the downloads change to dvd because im not seeing any more cd downloads? [05:34] 7.04 as of now [05:34] nvm [05:34] /msg ubotu shh, we'll talk about that later [05:34] sub[t]rnl: yes. but afaik, adept_manager makes sure some kubuntu stuff is installed before proceding [05:34] now amarok just complains about not finding the correct demultiplexer so I figure it's not looking inthe corect place somehow [05:35] sunilonln: use adept_manager just to be safe [05:35] Crazypoultry: nothing special. just follow the steps when it comes out [05:35] sunilonln: cause I know for a fact its ironed out [05:35] k, tyty [05:35] sub[t]rnl: already started it in the terminal; seems to be fine so far [05:35] uh oh? [05:35] * sub[t]rnl shuffles feet [05:35] you're using apt-get dist-upgrade? [05:35] yes [05:35] is that a problem? [05:36] now that's going to be more problematic [05:36] i can kill it; it's still downloading repo info [05:36] k, killed - i'll use adept [05:36] 1. make sure kubuntu-desktop is installed. 2. make sure 3rd-party unofficial repos are disabled. 3. use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --install-recommends" [05:36] * sub[t]rnl agrees [05:36] actually you can use apt if you really want to [05:37] they need to change the topic in here to support in #ubuntu since #ubuntu+1 is forwarding to it [05:38] hm... was that --install recommends or --with-recomends... hm... [05:38] hm.. [05:38] Jucato: i'll just use adept in that case [05:39] hrm [05:39] i thought you could just replace fiesty with gutsy, apt update, then upgrade === Ironman_ is now known as IronMan1 [05:39] badda boom badda bing [05:39] Jucato: searching in man apt-get for "recommends" returned "Pattern not found" [05:39] will compwiz run on kubutu? [05:39] ardchoille: yeah it's not in man, but it's an option [05:39] ah, ok [05:39] not that i need wobles as i have enough grahpics lol [05:40] Love those undocumented options, lol [05:40] sub[t]rnl: oh yeah forgot that step. step 0 [05:40] sub[t]rnl: not with gutsy.. there were some subtle changes [05:40] hehe === IronMan1 is now known as DropOut [05:41] so did we get the real version this time? [05:41] sudo sed -e 's/\sfeisty/ gutsy/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.stli &sudo & apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [05:41] adept is doing its stuff; hopefully it will work correctly [05:41] tada === DropOut is now known as Fade2Blac [05:42] sub[t]rnl: that won't work actually [05:42] * sub[t]rnl sucks on teeth [05:42] sub[t]rnl: first of all it should be dist-upgrade [05:42] sub[t]rnl: if you have enabled proposed you have better chances with that (and dist-upgrade) === Jucato changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 2: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | Gutsy party and "when is it out?" questions in #ubuntu-release-party [05:43] oops i am running office org [05:43] sunilonln: just follow the step by step guide and you'll be fine [05:43] * sub[t]rnl nods [05:43] okay, thanks [05:44] never mind ol' sub, he just gets those wild hairs [05:44] * sub[t]rnl coughs [05:44] Jucato: for that matter kde4beta3 could find its way to the topic? [05:44] grr!! [05:44] :P [05:44] :d kubuntu.org has it [05:44] * Jucato grumbles [05:45] anything else sirs? === Jucato changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy party and "when is it out?" questions in #ubuntu-release-party [05:45] haha [05:45] haha [05:45] bravissimo [05:45] looks great [05:45] got dc'ed, asing again: can I export DigiKam albums/collections onto a CD which preserves all the tags etc. so that a windows machine can read it? [05:46] * Jucato grumbles... slave drivers... mumbles... [05:47] When I install the kdebase-workspace do i get a kde4 session or just some apps [05:48] just some libs & apps, unless you follow the instructions on how to get a session [05:48] yeah, looks like dev and apps [05:49] !vista [05:49] vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org [05:49] pfhehe [05:58] Well, I installed kdebase-workspace and created a session, and it just crashes === KennethP_ is now known as KennethP [06:05] silly question, but if I download/install 7.10 RC, will there be a simple upgrade process to upgrade that to 7.10 Full Release? [06:05] jeezmos: yes [06:07] Jucato: thanks. does kubuntu usually release soon after Ubuntu (obviously thinking about hte 7.10 release today/tomorrow) [06:07] hi, there are final release? [06:07] jeezmos: same time [06:08] * Jucato points to the topic [06:09] or not yet? [06:10] HorD: not yet [06:10] sub[t]rnl tomorrow? [06:10] does kubuntu feature the power saving dynticks? or just ubuntu? [06:11] HorD: yes, very soon [06:11] HorD: Oct. 18. unknown time, unknown timezone [06:11] Dynamic screen configuration? thats listed in hte ubuntu release page but not kubuntu... [06:11] Shaezsche: if it's a kernel feature, then all *buntus have it [06:11] ok what about the new randr Dynamic screen configuration [06:12] BulletProof X unfortunately isn't [06:12] what? [06:12] are you talking to me? [06:12] ok... thanks you guys [06:12] Shaezsche: yes [06:12] what does bulletproof mean? [06:12] is it in ubnutu and NOT kubuntu? [06:13] dynamic screen recognition (I think) [06:13] I've always had trouble with debian-based systems when I use vi ... it seems like the keys are just oddly mapped. For example, I press the End key, and vi will capitalize the letter the cursor is under. Can you think of a reason this would happen? [06:13] Jucato can you answer my question [06:13] is it in kubuntu as well as buntu? [06:13] * sunilonln is 49% done downloading 1180 upgrades [06:13] Shaezsche: Dynamic screen resolution is already supported in the gutsy betas, it will be in kubuntu [06:13] thank you sub[t]rnl [06:13] Shaezsche: I already did. I said no, it isn't in Kubuntu [06:13] er.. wait [06:13] ok, u two disagree? [06:13] ... [06:13] i thought xrandr was supported in the final for kubuntu [06:13] Jucato your answer was not clear [06:14] sub[t]rnl: bullet proof X isn't the dynamic screen recognition thingy? [06:14] could be wrong [06:14] xrandr [06:14] what is bullet proof x? [06:14] ah if it's xrandr,I think it is in Kubuntu [06:14] * sub[t]rnl nods [06:14] bulletproof X looks nice [06:14] failsafe mode [06:14] http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087492.0;topicseen [06:14] i was impressed [06:15] is compiz fusion in kubuntu too? [06:15] negative [06:15] woa!? seriouslY? thats lame [06:15] easily obtainable though [06:15] not installed by default [06:15] but its default in ubuntu [06:15] so lame of kubuntu [06:15] yeah blame it on kubuntu... [06:15] heh [06:16] well how do i get it? [06:16] kubuntu is waiting for kde4, I guess [06:16] yeah the compiz team has -nothing- to do with it [06:16] the fact that compiz fusion doesn't work seamlessly w/ KDE as it does with GNOME is definitely kubuntu's fault [06:16] :P [06:16] lol jucato [06:16] oh i didnt know that [06:16] compiz was written for gnome [06:16] but yeah, stil so lame of kubuntu [06:16] * sub[t]rnl nods [06:16] i want to use gnome, but it doesnt allow me to adjust power schemes [06:16] only thing keeping me on kubuntu [06:16] the powersave while on battery mode [06:16] ubuntu adjusts it automatically, feisty was always dymanic [06:17] Shaezsche: I hate to dissuade you from kde, but surely it can be managed in gnome - just install the kde program that is helping you [06:17] I use gftp in kde, without develping hives [06:17] * sub[t]rnl chuckles [06:17] its a startup prog [06:17] i dont want that [06:17] all kinds of possible conflicts with power management [06:17] dont want to deal with that [06:18] What power management trickery does kubuntu have that ubuntu doesn't? [06:18] you can set profiles [06:18] powersave/dynamic [06:18] last ubuntu didnt let u [06:18] or it was broken or something [06:18] plus you can't set default to conservative in either distro [06:19] whtas up with that lameness? [06:19] may as well use mandriva [06:19] Mandriva's free, too [06:19] I used to use it [06:19] kelsa|martalli: power management trickery: kde-guidance [06:20] Jucato: Thanks [06:20] although I'm not sure if ubuntu is getting the same features now too, since there's a guidance-backends now.. [06:21] geez, you't think someone was pulling his fingernails to make him use kubuntu [06:21] well [06:21] it doesnt matter [06:21] kde4 will have its own 3d window manager anyway [06:21] better integrated, too, it looks like [06:22] Can I turn the 3d down or turn it off for my weenie p-2 and p3 computers? [06:22] yeah, kwin compositing runs really well [06:22] Hi [06:23] yo [06:23] anyone using kde4-beta3? [06:25] CPrgmSwR2: no, but i'm going to try as soon as kubuntu finishes upgrading [06:25] Just wondered, because kde4addons won't install [06:25] hmm [06:26] kelsa|martalli: speaking of disuading people from kde, what exactly am i getting in kubuntu that i won't in gnome? (i switched from xubuntu primarily because it was unstable and i use amarok) [06:27] sunilonln: you will get amarok by default [06:27] The KDE groups of apps are more coherent and generally very good software [06:28] sunilonln: not to mention kde4 is comming out soon which IMHO is light years ahead of gnome [06:28] k3b [06:28] fair enough [06:28] I used thunderbird for quite a while but recently switched to kontact, and these days it is an excellent, full featured outlook-style program [06:28] hmm, haven't tried kontact [06:29] its amazing have fast you can install stuff on kubuntu [06:29] kontact better then tbird? [06:29] anyways, i was asking because fedora+gnome is installed on some lab machines i use, and it looks really nice [06:29] Back in my mandrake days (9.2), I shunned it for thunderbird. However, since I have been using it over the last 6 months, I think its the best such program in linux [06:29] but i haven't tried it in a non-IT-maintained desktop environment [06:29] CPrgmSwR2: I am always amazed at that fact [06:29] why are openoffice.org promoted over koffice in kubuntu, is the general consensus that it's plain better or for compatibility reasons? [06:30] Edenbeast: i was wondering that myself [06:30] openoffice.org has better support for the word document [06:30] I prefer ooo over koffice myself (at least writer over kwrite.). But krita is great [06:30] I keep both in stalled [06:30] not the correct answer though [06:30] kontact work with exchange? [06:30] because koffice is just terrible. [06:30] dsmith__: Don't know, I don't use exchange [06:30] Daisuke_Laptop: Except for krita [06:31] * dsmith__ thinks its doubtful [06:31] CPrgmSwR2: i'll give you that [06:31] At the time when OO.o was chosen, KOffice wasn't that good yet compared to OO.o, specially in the MS format departments [06:31] but Kubuntu is moving towards KOffice 2 [06:31] krita is the main app I love from koffice [06:31] (at least that's the plan) [06:31] Plus, honestly, OOo can be deployed in tons of environments (win/mac/other linux) [06:31] kelsa|martalli: KOffice 2 will be too [06:31] Jucato: It's still not (on format conversion). [06:32] You won't find koffice even in a lot of linux distros (by default, anyway =( [06:32] Kontact: Support for Exchange is partly implemented in KDE Kontact. If you use it, please bear in mind that it is not supported. [06:32] ScottK: yeah.. that... :( [06:32] package kde4addons is not able to be installed [06:32] Jucato: That's essential for me. [06:32] for exchange you'll probably have more luck with evolution [06:32] ScottK: ditto... although RTF is a compromise.. [06:32] With the GPL, anything OOo can do, eventually KOffice should be able to do (and vice versa) [06:32] well not really "essential"... [06:32] kelsa|martalli: not really [06:32] same. i have to have the word compatibility or my profs will have my head. [06:33] I had a devil of a time with evolution and multiple pop accounts [06:33] Jucato: Except my customers all use MS Office, so compromise isn't particularly in the cards. [06:33] could anyone help me... why are my cd's mounted depending on their names? how could i change that every disc in the cd/dvd reader is mounted in the same directory? === jean is now known as joz [06:33] Daisuke-Ido, you should have their heads, they sort of work for you & your community, not vice versa :P [06:33] no apparent way to specify one folder for each accounts. I had to create rules which didn't seem to catch quite a bit of email [06:33] thunderbird works with hotmail, gmail and pop3 [06:33] hi. i was wondering if anyone knows how to change the size of the hit zone for resizing windows in gnome/ubuntu [06:34] gnome/kde [06:34] thunderbird can handle multiple accounst [06:34] i never used evolution enough though [06:34] ubuntu: you can hold alt and right click near the corner of a window and drag [06:34] dsmith__: Yes it can, although it likes to create a separate sent, junk, trash, etc folder for each aacount [06:34] yea, i know [06:34] but thats godd and bad [06:35] *good [06:35] ubuntu: it depends on the borders, set in the kde design settings [06:35] kontact just has a separate folder for each inbox. I am not sure now if I could have set it like tbirds default [06:35] could anyone help me... why are my cd's mounted depending on their names? how could i change that every disc in the cd/dvd reader is mounted in the same directory? [06:35] ubuntu, if you chop the window into quadrants, as long as you're closer to the corner you want to drag it'll start resizing from there [06:36] ubuntu: actually. in the middle it does either horizontal or vertical resizing [06:36] kontact is more reminiscent of osx mail, but without multiple separate programs for calendar, addressbook, etc [06:36] thanks xevious. i was wondering if there was a more permanent solution, because i find this to be a usability issue [06:36] ubuntu: you could make the window borders bigger. lemme check on how that's done [06:37] ubuntu: it depends on the borders, set in the kde design settings [06:37] so there's no way to change the hitzone without modifying the border? [06:37] i dont think so [06:38] ubuntu: K Menu -> System Settings -> Appearance -> Window Decorations, Boder width: [06:38] yeah. [06:38] i found that one [06:38] but it looks very ugly [06:38] ubuntu: if you had the hit zone for resizing venture into the window, it could conflict with actually using that application [06:40] hmm true [06:40] anyways thanks for the help you guys [06:40] it's just been a pet peeve of mine for awhile [06:40] my cd's are mounted depending on their names (/media/name). how could i change that every disc in the cd/dvd reader is mounted in the same directory? [06:40] because it's very frustrating that my window lose focus to another window behind when im actually trying to resize the window [06:41] i have the same problem... maybe there is any trick [06:41] and what i've found with os x is that they have one fairly large resize corner on the bottom right, that's easy to pick up and resize [06:41] maybe there's a way we can make window resizing less traumatic than it currently is [06:41] :) [06:42] press alt + left mouse [06:42] oops right mouse [06:43] anywhere in the window [06:44] ubuntu: found it? [06:45] X-DeluXe: yes i foudn it [06:46] you could change the settings, but i dont know where its in the english version :( [06:47] somewhere in "mouse and keyboard actions -> window" [06:50] * X-DeluXe is still waiting for the new kubuntu :) [06:51] * dsmith__ has been waiting [06:52] * Jucato has been on it :) [06:54] does anyone now how to install hplib [06:56] boeroe: for printing? [06:56] is 7.10 delayed? [06:57] i thought it was supposed to be done today :( [06:57] the day has just begun [06:57] Leopard: it will be, just hafta be patient [06:58] http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ this site says 0 days and this site says 18 october: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/ [06:58] i am confused [06:59] let me torrent it [07:00] i will donate my bandwidth :0 [07:00] it's not yet officially released yet [07:00] u have 2 wait [07:00] i am on ftth you know [07:00] fiber-to-the-home [07:01] perfect, u mean time passes faster like this? [07:01] 24 Mbit/s symmetrical line meaning up and download are both 24 Mbit/s [07:02] so let me torrent :0 [07:02] nobody has it, it's not released yet [07:02] to spread the open source [07:02] adept says "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." [07:02] and crashed when i clicked ok [07:02] should i open it up again? [07:03] i want to break the upload record ;0 [07:03] i dont have data limits [07:03] let me torrent it [07:03] all the little bits can help [07:03] i know my connection aint much but i want to help [07:04] sunilonln: did u have some details, what would u do? [07:04] X-DeluXe: i couldn't see which package it stopped on since it crashed as soon as i clicked ok [07:05] sunilonln: work with console [07:05] sunilonln: sudo apt-get update [07:05] well, i was in the middle of upgrading to gutsy [07:05] ok is there a linux distro with cartoons i can download and play with in the meantime while i wait for kubuntu gutsy 7.10 to be released? [07:05] so should i sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? [07:05] sunilonln: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [07:05] ok [07:06] X-DeluXe [07:06] sunilonln [07:06] The release candidate is no longer available in order to allow the final release to be transferred to mirrors. Kubuntu 7.10 final will be released on October 18. Please check again tomorrow. [07:06] :/ [07:07] nice promise :( [07:07] subtrnl :yes [07:07] Leopard: i'm not sure that's why mine crashed [07:07] since it had finished downloading [07:07] sub[t]rnl : where u from? [07:08] boeroe: sudo apt-get install hplip [07:08] Leopard: missouri, usa [07:08] oh misery i know that place nice :) [07:08] missouri* [07:08] :} [07:08] hehe [07:08] ugh sorry [07:08] misery is right [07:08] now worries [07:09] ? [07:09] does kubuntu have tango icons sub[t]rnl? [07:09] 天啊`` [07:09] 谁使用中文的? [07:09] liuchao : are you a chiwawa? [07:09] http://www.kde-look.org/ [07:09] :) [07:09] oke will try:subtrnl [07:10] chiwawa?? who is chiwawa? [07:10] Leopard: never heard of tango icons outside of gnome [07:10] havn't checked [07:10] oh ok [07:10] a chiwawa is a kind of a dog... [07:11] leopard:where are you from? [07:11] leopard: where are you from? [07:11] chiwawa is that really how its spelled? [07:11] Netherlands [07:11] looks funny [07:11] X-DeluXe: apt-get told me to run 'sudo apt-get -f install', and it looks to be installing the packages that adept didn't get to [07:12] i'am from china``` [07:12] subtrnl: this is what i get [07:12] Package hplip is not available, but is referred to by another package. [07:12] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [07:12] is only available from another source [07:12] E: Package hplip has no installation candidate [07:12] Leopard: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KDEmod+Tango+Icons?content=63486 [07:12] i dunno i spell phonetically [07:12] liuchao : i love chinese food [07:12] :) [07:13] i love that stuff they put in the food that makes it so addictive :) [07:13] `` `OH`` thanks [07:13] :) yw [07:13] sunilonln: ok lets try? [07:13] yeah, hopefully my system won't be shot [07:13] boeroe: do a sudo apt-get update [07:13] i'm going to be afraid of rebooting for a while [07:13] oke [07:13] boeroe: then sudo apt-get install hplip [07:14] :) what you name? [07:14] my name is Chao Liu! [07:14] my friend is from china chingman-lee [07:14] !cn | liuchao [07:14] liuchao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [07:14] i just call him ching [07:14] this isn't a channel for social chit chat [07:15] same error [07:15] ching? [07:15] what now [07:15] what ching? [07:15] Jucato : so please leave i am talking about connecting through open source with liuchao [07:15] sunilonln: i dont really know what you tried before, but if u havent made too many errors before it coudnt be bad at all [07:15] chingman lee my friend [07:15] X-DeluXe: i had just tried following the instructions with adept before [07:15] OH`` i see`` [07:15] i think it'll be fine [07:15] Leopard: no. you're the one who should take it to #kubuntu-offtopic [07:15] sunilonln: instructions? [07:16] Jucato : why you so mean :( [07:16] now i feel bad [07:16] Leopard: u found the tango icon theme? [07:16] subrtnl :what can i do more [07:16] leopard: you NO. QQ ? [07:16] yes ty X-DeluXe [07:16] oh i dont have QQ yet [07:17] i can get QQ [07:17] oh`` You msn? [07:17] boeroe: did that work for you? [07:17] fuj1san@hotmail.com [07:17] no [07:17] X-DeluXe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades [07:17] what can i do [07:17] OK` ` cnhnchao@hotmail.com [07:17] boeroe: well, you can download the source and compile it yourself [07:18] ok i add you [07:18] boeroe: after you have tried to sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install hplip [07:18] yes, and plesae continue your conversation in private there. thanks [07:18] OK` [07:18] oke how do i do that [07:18] sunilonln: eeeeeh Gutsy Gibbon is NOT out yet [07:18] i have kubunto 6.06 [07:19] !hplip [07:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about hplip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:19] !printer [07:19] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [07:19] sunilonln: but if you follow these instructions you'll just make the security updates [07:19] Jucato: , so how is your day today sir.... can you tell me what the delay with 7.10 gibbon of gutsing is all about? [07:19] thanks Jucato [07:19] yes i did that first update and then install but it did not work\ [07:20] Leopard: there wasn't any specific time given for the release. [07:20] Jujitsu Cato was Bruce Lee JUcato i like nick Jucato is it Brazilian? [07:20] http://hplip.sourceforge.net/install/manual/download.html <- heres the link to get hplip [07:20] so for all we know, it might not be late at all [07:20] thx [07:20] no delay, they have still time until 23:59 utc [07:20] Leopard: you can join #ubuntu-release-party and wait with the excited people. they might know [07:20] ok [07:20] leopard : i'am addid you [07:21] ok :) [07:21] leopard : you not online [07:21] no invisible [07:21] i send you message [07:21] OK` [07:22] i am online [07:22] my family is on msn \ [07:22] they make my life hell when visible [07:22] :) [07:22] spam me :( [07:22] ``````我不懂你说的 [07:23] my sister is worse she thinks 3 hour phone calls are normal :/ [07:23] you two, please take the conversation in private [07:23] Jucato: :) [07:23] sorry , I english so bad [07:23] its fine [07:24] I'd like to have a ton of pictures for a desktop-background slideshow that are stored in a folder. Do I have to select each individual picture, or is there an easier way? [07:25] dorkface: Ctrl+A to select all [07:25] ha, duh [07:25] * dorkface smacks himself [07:25] dorkface ;) [07:27] are they any apps for K(de)UBUNTU to have a panoramic wallpaper that moves through a landscape ? [07:27] leopard: you from USA? [07:27] Netherlands [07:28] if i was from USA my internet would be slow like Jucato :) [07:28] : ) [07:28] :) [07:29] and who said I'm even in that continent? [07:29] sorry [07:29] it was a bad joke [07:29] very [07:29] Netherlands =荷兰 [07:30] you are in 1 second ping area [07:30] leopard : Netherlands =荷兰 [07:30] Netherlands is the country USA govt. hired to fix the levies in New Orleans to prevent another Katrina large part of Holland is below sealevel [07:30] subtrnl: another headache cannot compile [07:31] boeroe: what dependencie was unmet? [07:31] boeroe: or what did it gripe about [07:31] when i type ./configure it said : [07:31] checking for gcc... no [07:31] checking for cc... no [07:31] checking for cl.exe... no [07:31] configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH [07:32] Netherlands is the country USA govt. OK`i see` [07:32] thanks` [07:32] lol [07:32] : ) [07:32] boeroe: do a sudo apt-get install build-essential, then we'll go from there [07:33] i just out the last 4 lines because i cannot put the whole message here [07:33] liuchao : this is Holland we are Snorks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuCq0aZiPT0 [07:33] oke [07:33] bbiab, cig [07:33] the new kubuntu gets released today? [07:33] yes [07:33] yep [07:33] of course [07:33] :) [07:33] jk [07:33] no [07:33] ;( [07:33] tomorrow [07:34] so it seems [07:34] depends where you live :P [07:34] this is what i get: [07:34] Reading package lists... Done [07:34] Building dependency tree... Done [07:34] Package build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another package. [07:34] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [07:34] is only available from another source [07:34] E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate [07:35] leopard : i don't login it` [07:35] ok [07:35] np [07:35] what is np? [07:35] boeroe: Are your repositories set? [07:35] np = no problem [07:35] no problemo [07:35] OK` thanks [07:35] i dont know . i left it standard [07:36] !flood | boeroe [07:36] boeroe: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [07:36] login full [07:36] why? [07:36] how can i show you the repositories. i now where to find it in the adept manager [07:37] boeroe: in /etc/apt/sources.list [07:37] use pastebin ^^^ [07:37] oke one moment [07:37] where is leopard [07:37] or, if you want to, go to adept-manager, click "adept", and go to repositories [07:37] just another option :) [07:37] k, back [07:38] dont change the sources or you'll lose the security in ur system [07:38] Leopard: stop that [07:38] oops :o [07:38] sorry [07:39] i was ping echolocating through Adaptive Latent Semantic Analysis [07:39] Jucato : :) [07:39] I've just installed Kubutu 7.10 on our server. Internet access works. Then I downloaded and installed the Kpackage package handler. Then I [07:39] tried to install Subversion using Kpackage. At this point, it asked me to reinsert the Kubuntu CD and hit enter (looks like it needs some [07:39] support modules from the CD); when I do this it asks me again to insert the Kubuntu CD and hit enter , over and over in an endless circle. [07:39] What is the problem? and how do I overcome it? [07:39] i hope this doesnt ruin our friendship Jucato [07:39] jejeje xD [07:41] hrm, shouldn't sudo apt-get update fix boeroe's problems? [07:41] i would think [07:41] Pendeta: you downloaded a beta version, just wait for the official release [07:42] Jucato does the Kubuntu kernel use realtime data evocation as substandard data protocol? [07:42] no idea [07:42] ok [07:42] j [07:43] leopard : i'am go home` see you next time` bye bye `! [07:43] bye [07:43] bye` [07:44] I want to bind a keyboard shortcut to "desktop access", but right clicking the icon doesn't allow me to edit it. How can I make the shortcut? [07:45] X-DeluXe, looks like I will have to wait then, as the previous version doesn't support my lan card. Is there no way around this problem? [07:45] I'm bleeding from the cutting edge! === thomas is now known as grothesk [07:47] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41029/ this is my source list [07:47] took a while sorry [07:47] boeroe you dutch? [07:47] :0 [07:47] yes [07:47] BOEREN BOEREN psv eindhoven? [07:47] ha ha [07:48] :) [07:48] Pendeta: beta versions are ONLY for testing purposes [07:48] ben gefrusteerd door die hp printer van me [07:48] oh minder [07:49] Pendeta: so better wait some hours... (or maybe until tomorrow???) for the official release [07:51] subtrnl:still there [07:51] oh lord my paper is finally done and i am ready to pass out [07:51] anybody know how to get divx support in firefox? [07:51] boeroe: barely :P [07:52] ok, sources [07:52] boeroe add -> deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted [07:53] to your sources [07:53] sources.list [07:53] then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install hplip [07:53] X-DeluXe, it's really due out that soon? If so, I can wait. [07:53] oke [07:55] its 08:54 here :) [07:55] am [07:55] 8:55 [07:56] 8:56 [07:56] you are worse than a kid before christmas [07:56] :D [07:56] whom,/// ? [07:56] :/ [07:56] you... [07:56] no why.. [07:56] hey folks will gutsy be including kde 3.5.8 by default? [07:56] you are counting [07:57] Neil3: yes [07:57] sweet [07:57] that was a last minute change eh? :) [07:57] more like last days change [07:57] * skyion :) [07:57] * skyion << is happy [07:57] yeah unusual to change a piece of software so close to release, very unusual [07:58] but very appreciated [07:58] maybe someone here can help me, i just upgraded from the RC of gusty gibbon to the final release, running kubuntu, after the upgrade my audio will not play, i reinstalled all audio components (alsa, etc...), but seeing no change, amarok returns the error "the device is busy" but i have no other apps that should be using the audio, i've also tried setting the apps to alsa instead of autodetect w/o success, any ideas? [07:59] is arts running? [07:59] i am going to restart my system cannot start adept manger [07:59] flysuperman, try disabling arts, it sometimes hogs the sound card [07:59] k [07:59] sec [07:59] arts? [08:00] but then it might also be a driver issue with your card [08:00] /etc/init.d/arts stop ? [08:00] yeah, my laptop sound is busted too [08:00] you can do it in the kde control centre, under sound [08:01] Pendeta: sorry, yes you're too soon [08:01] nope, no luck neil3 [08:01] untick 'enable sound server' or something similar to that (not infront of kubuntu now) [08:01] damn [08:02] I tried removing and "make install"ing drivers, but when I tried to compile them, I got an error [08:03] Pendeta: "Gutsy Gibbon is NOT out yet (and NO, we don't know when exactly it will be!)" for details go to #ubuntu-release-party [08:04] Thanks, X-DeluXe. I'll just wait then. [08:05] can you give me the line again which i have to add to the source list\ [08:05] deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted [08:05] err, change that gutsy to dapper [08:05] oke [08:06] im ff to bed, night guys [08:06] gn [08:06] missouri man [08:07] whats a good torrent tracker that you guys use? [08:08] demonoid [08:08] lol oops :/ [08:08] Leopard : you use demonoid? [08:08] sometimes [08:09] what do you use othertimes? [08:09] usenet [08:09] i have a problem with openoffice on kubuntu, is this the right place to ask questions? [08:09] yush simes [08:09] Leopard : i never really figured out usenet [08:09] simes : shoot [08:10] usenet is just mail lots of mail its grey area really [08:10] its easy [08:10] and now [08:10] usenet predates the whole internet [08:10] already did an update [08:10] Leopard : ah, demonoid is a private tracker, i was unaware of that [08:11] Leopard : yeah, ive read about it [08:11] Leopard : is it practical for getting files? [08:12] Leopard : want to send me an invitation code, eh eh? [08:13] joking [08:15] sure [08:15] why not [08:15] i have *upgraded* to 7.10 [08:15] IM me [08:16] whats your sn [08:16] and now openoffice does a strange thing... when i open a document from the file manager or desktop [08:16] great i could instaal the holib now [08:16] or over this [08:16] the icons in the tool bar are not visible [08:16] many thanks wish i could give you a beer [08:16] or more precisely they come and go [08:16] also the menus [08:17] if i hover the mouse i see the icon [08:17] many thanks:subtrnl [08:17] BUT if i open openoffice first and then open a cdocument this doesn't happen [08:18] pillowpants : you want it? [08:18] i guess i should post it as a bug on launch pad [08:19] Leopard : sure [08:19] Leopard : do you have aim? [08:19] Scroogiesan [08:19] is my aim [08:19] i've tried to disinstall open-office and cancel all my user settings and purge the deb cache [08:19] Leopard : alright [08:19] but even then (after re-installing) i get the same problem [08:20] i switch to gnome and it works fine [08:20] Leopard : messaged you [08:24] i'm getting this error in amarok, Audio output unavailable; the device is busy., since updating to 7.10 final, upgraded from the RC, nothing else is running which uses the audio device, i've reinstalled xine, codecs, etc... still getting no audio from anything, ideas? [08:26] nobody taking on my openoffice problem? [08:33] bummer. I just got banned from te release party channel [08:34] hi folks [08:34] need an kubuntu 7.10 torrent [08:34] ain't out yet [08:34] want to save traffic [08:34] ;/ [08:35] depressing, no? [08:35] there are still teething problems [08:36] what time of day is it in canonical? [08:37] 08:30 [08:37] teeting problems, you say? :( [08:37] in london [08:38] i have issues with openoffice for example ;-) [08:38] Hm, nothing too detrimental I hope? Do you have the beta running? [08:39] no non è [08:39] it's nothing fatal [08:39] both my machines are running kubuntu 7.10rc [08:39] wonder what's taking them so long. I guess I assumed they would just have those things finished by the day before, ready to go for today [08:40] and they take ages to shutdown... it appears that networkmanager hangs [08:40] fantastic [08:40] and i have a wierd problem with icons in openoffice [08:40] apart from that all is fine [08:40] you're breeding nothing but confidence [08:40] my eyecandy works a dream [08:41] well, as long as the pretty stuff works [08:41] yup === sbucatino is now known as Sbucat [08:48] I have a pretty big problem when trying to update. [08:48] During my updates, I'll get random freezes and be forced to restart. [08:49] I am running off a fresh install of Kubuntu 7.04 [08:50] painful :-( [08:50] have you tried doing the update from a console [08:51] Yeah, I have, but the same thing happens. [08:51] I had the CD in the repositories for a while when trying to get the wireless on this computer to work, but I have since removed them. [08:52] away [08:53] i think i have everything working now in gutsy [08:53] except something is causing windows to snap when i drag, and it's not compiz === DaRkSlidE is now known as l1z4rd [08:57] sunilonln: the window manager is responsible for that. [08:58] has gutsy been released yet? [08:58] @Vosper: I believe it has. [08:58] * Jucato points to the channel topic [08:59] It has not. [09:01] waylandbill: where can i change it? [09:04] was eased? [09:04] was 7.10 released? [09:04] no announcement yet [09:05] Hi I have been having an issue with gutsy, where when I restart the computer, there is no window manager running (no borders, titlebar etc.) and KDE itself is real slow... I have to manually restart the X-server(?) Ctrl+Alt+BkSpc multiple times to get it right again. Help? [09:05] Also, I cannot switch between windows, and can only interact with the topmost window. I am currently having this issue as I just restarted... [09:09] i heard somethign yesterday about needing to close all internet ports while using linux? is that true? === Brownout is now known as Brown [09:10] german, no but it helps if you make sure all your windows are closed [09:10] 'close all internet ports' [09:10] wtf [09:10] it gets chilly this time of year ;-) [09:12] Hello Im sorry ,no one news when will be uploaded Gutsy ? [09:12] I close my ports all the time. Don't want my computer leaking onto the internet. [09:13] nice to know we have ports that we *can* close [09:13] other operating systems have built in ports that are always open [09:13] the only thing open about them [09:14] imho.... [09:15] !topic | cash [09:15] cash: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [09:16] Greets, everyone... [09:18] I'm trying to set up .xinitrc and am having a bit of trouble. Could someone help me out? [09:20] i fixed my problem with openoffice [09:21] When will gutsy gibbon be released? [09:21] sudo apt-get purge openoffice* [09:22] ibensw: read the topic [09:22] simes what does purge do again? [09:22] remove? [09:22] yeah but also cancel residual settings 'n stuff [09:23] so i installed the debs from openoffice.org [09:23] :-( [09:23] pillowpants: removes the files and settings [09:23] i copped out [09:23] i'm filing a bug in launchpad [09:23] Hello. How can I delete an entry in Konqueror's "block images from this fomain" list? [09:23] domain* [09:24] you blocked something you wish to unblock it? [09:24] WaltzingAlong : ah, right [09:25] WaltzingAlong: Yes. [09:25] Would someone mind having a quick look at my .xinitrc to see if there's an apparent reason it's not doing *anything*? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41035/ [09:27] WaltzingAlong: Ok, found it. It's in the ad blocker section. [09:28] hi all, i did all the upgrades listed in the adept notifier, now in the grub menu, i see 2 kernels, 2.6.20-15 and 2.6.20-16, the first one boots normal, the second one doesnt start X, and when i type kdeinit, it says $DISPLAY not set! [09:28] vlt: it may be in with adblock [09:28] ah you have [09:29] .xsession does things too [09:29] especially if you are logging in from gdm/kdm [09:30] $HOME/.xsession [09:30] is a sequence of commands invoking X clients (or a session manager such as xsm(1x)). See the manual page for xinit and/or [09:30] /usr/share/doc/x11-common/examples/xsession for tips on writing an .xsession file. [09:30] simes: thanks [09:31] help here? [09:32] Hamra: boot the one that works [09:33] Hamra: make sure you aren't booting the recovery mode option [09:35] nope im not, the one ending in 15 is working good, so i can safely neglect the other one? [09:35] hi there.. is today the release of gutsy gibbon? [09:36] nicus =))) I think some people soon kill U and me ))))) [09:37] lol.. i knew that i'm no the only one :D [09:37] nicus: it's today, but it's not out yet, and no, we don't know exactly when [09:37] Sysinfo for 'kubuntu': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2500+ at 1830 MHz (3665 bogomips), , RAM: 497/503MB, 130 proc's, 8.23h up [09:37] Ok thanks for help [09:37] nicus in all chanels all people say look in /topic ) [09:38] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/dvd/current/ ?? [09:38] that's the RC image [09:38] doh, sry [09:38] nicus: cdimage does not (typically) have the new release [09:38] I'll update the topic when it's out, so you'll know [09:38] thanks :) [09:39] stdin thnx stdin )) [09:41] So, I've been running Gutsy on my desktop since Tribe 4. Should I reinstall upon the official release to ensure everything's squeaky clean, or is that overkill? [09:41] contrast83: seems a bit to me [09:41] overkill [09:42] Yeah, figured so. I'd read of a couple people in the +1 channel doing that, so I just wanted to check. [09:42] your $HOME settings will always override system-wide settings anyway. so unless you wish nuke your home [09:42] Right [09:44] are there no big updates in the final release today? [09:44] Anyone tried Kubuntu Beta 3 yet? === Brown is now known as Brown_ [09:45] Err, KDE 4 Beta 3 [09:46] contrast83: tis installed, not used yet [09:46] lol contrast83 [09:47] d1n0: probably not, it doesn't help making updates when you're trying to make a release ISO [09:47] i'm off to check it out now, just finished installing. peace, y'all. [09:47] so there is nothing new? [09:47] happy gutsy day :-) [09:47] d1n0: probably not for a little while [09:48] stdin: how bout the kopete fix? [09:48] have seen the fix for i386 but not yet for amd64 [09:48] Jucato: I said "little while", that could mean "a couple hours" ;) [09:49] lol ok ok you got me :) [09:50] hello === Brown_ is now known as Brownout [09:51] is the gutsy ISO avaible? [09:51] not yet, see the /topic [09:51] stdin: ok, thank you. [09:52] GNUton: probably be a few hours yet [09:52] stdin: great! :) [09:53] is http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb not the kopete fix ? [09:55] hello [09:55] kopete crash will be fix soon ? [09:56] bburatti, http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb should fix it. [09:57] ok thanks === _roconnor is now known as roconnor [09:57] where can i find sources.list entries for Kubuntu? [09:57] this is probably the #1 FAQ or something but i couldn't find it [09:58] deadchip: in /etc/apt [09:58] stdin: that's not what i meant [09:59] i didn't mean where to add it, but where to find the ones for kubuntu [09:59] ok maybe it's a wrong premise [09:59] what do you mean exactly? [09:59] i supposed they are not part of default Ubuntu (i'm on Gutsy) and i have to add them like for any other addon repos [09:59] Ubuntu and Kubuntu use the same repos [09:59] ah ok thanks! [10:00] ok [10:05] while running chroot, it throws the error "chroot: cannot run command `tcsh': No such file or directory" [10:06] hiho [10:06] is there a Mirror which already has Kubuntu 7.10? [10:06] no [10:06] hi [10:06] it's not out yet [10:06] or BitTorrent? [10:06] k [10:06] no [10:06] marcreichelt--> http://releases.ubuntu.org.ua/kubuntu/gutsy/ [10:06] no it's not [10:06] while running chroot, it throws the error "chroot: cannot run command `tcsh': No such file or directory" ???????????? [10:07] ah - great [10:07] thanks santibiotico :) [10:07] brave_heart: try "chroot /path /bin/bash" [10:07] :) [10:07] marcreichelt: that's the release, incomplete ISO [10:08] santibiotico: if you post a link again, you'll be banned [10:08] ok, sorry [10:08] !ar [10:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [10:09] chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory [10:09] stdin:chroot: throwing like this "cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory" [10:09] is there any arabic channel for kubuntu? [10:09] stdin: incomplete? [10:09] you mean the release candidate? [10:09] !arabic [10:09] For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa [10:10] brave_heart: check the chroot === Sbucat is now known as Bucatoamano [10:10] marcreichelt: it's not a compete ISO, still being made [10:11] k [10:11] thnks [10:11] how long may it take for the final ISO to be created? [10:12] * WaltzingAlong realizes the image has not finished being built but thinks it would be interesting to have had all of us in release party and here running the torrent, waiting for seeds; could see the power of bittorent huh [10:12] stdin: thanks [10:12] stdin: didn't know that...someone told me it was just the final release, it was not my intention...sorry again [10:12] WaltzingAlong: yeah, BitTorrent at full speed :) [10:12] santibiotico: when it's released we'll tell people. and I'll update the topic [10:12] stdin: ok :) [10:13] PARTYYYY === marcreichelt is now known as partymarc [10:14] where can i get live come installable CD?????????? [10:14] when it's out [10:14] how do u upgrade from ISO? just insert the LiveCD and an upgrade option will be shown? [10:14] hehe [10:14] perhaps we should update the topic [10:15] "Kubuntu 7.10 is NOT out yet - it's ready when it's ready!" [10:15] Greenery: no, you use adept [10:15] hmm xephyr screwd my Xauthority file :| [10:15] How ppp+firewall? Nothing works with guarddog, protocols selected dhcp allow ppp0 === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy is NOT out yet! | Gutsy party and "when is it out?" questions in #ubuntu-release-party [10:23] http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ [10:23] now it's up [10:23] no it's not [10:23] but no link from frontpage [10:23] do not post links [10:23] no more beta [10:23] it's not out [10:23] yaya [10:23] if you post links, you'll be removed === sbucatino is now known as bucatoamano [10:24] from a normal user? strange ^^ [10:24] what's a "normal user" ? [10:24] X-DeluXe: stdin is no normal user. see who set the channel topic? [10:25] okay sorry stdin [10:25] hello ppl [10:25] X-DeluXe: it makes sense that users of gnu/linux would become ops when needed, not always through something like sudo :D [10:25] anyone with problems on gutsy when upgrading cupsys? [10:27] dpkg: error processing cupsys (--install): [10:27] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [10:27] does anyone know if conky works on xubunut [10:28] post the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to pastebin [10:28] s0undt3ch, it's missing a directory - can't remember which one though [10:29] stdin: http://pastebin.ca/740858 [10:32] stdin: any idea? [10:32] s0undt3ch: try "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu7_i386.deb" then "sudo apt-get -f install" [10:33] stdin: http://pastebin.ca/740864 [10:35] s0undt3ch: ok, try "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu7_i386.deb" and "sudo dpkg -i cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu7_i386.deb" [10:36] stdin: same problem [10:38] If I'm upgrading to the new KDE4 Beta 3 - shouldn't I then get the new fancy wallpaper? I think I upgraded but it look's *very much* like Beta 2 [10:38] s0undt3ch: ok, time for something else. do "sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupsys.postinst" and add "set -x" on a new line just after "#!/bin/sh", then press Ctrl-o then Ctrl-x after try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" again and post the result to pastebin [10:39] stdin: leave the set -e which is already present? [10:39] s0undt3ch, try: sudo mkdir /var/run/cups [10:40] s0undt3ch: yeah, just add it after [10:40] hi all [10:40] stdin: http://pastebin.ca/740870 [10:40] where can i get Gutsy please? [10:40] no beta [10:40] see the topic [10:41] pag: that exists [10:41] pag: and also /var/run/cups/certs [10:41] s0undt3ch, oh... dunno then (I just had similiar problem, and that was a solution for it) :) [10:41] stdin: yo dude [10:42] stdin: where can i get Gutsy Gibbon kubuntu plz? [10:42] s0undt3ch: can you make sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed [10:42] meuhlol: it's not out yet, like it says in the topic [10:43] stdin: yesterday at kubuntu-fr.org it was sayd: "Days before Kubuntu 7.10: 1" [10:43] stdin: yes I do have kubuntu-desktop installed [10:43] meuhlol: it's out today, but not yet [10:43] Odd question. I can't watch a movie on my samsung-screen. It works great on the laptop but on the big screen it's just a black square. Anyone know how to fix this? [10:43] and not yet? :( [10:43] It's just movies in kaffeine or mplayer that does this. Youtube and others work great. [10:44] stdin: http://pastebin.ca/740874 <- normal dirlist? [10:44] stdin: how many times to wait you suppose? [10:44] s0undt3ch: can you do "apt-cache policy sysv-rc" and tell me what version you have [10:44] meuhlol: no one knows, it'll be out when it's ready [10:44] okey thank you [10:44] see ya [10:44] * meuhlol offers an beer to stdin [10:45] s0undt3ch: yeah, that's ok [10:46] stdin: 2.86.ds1-38 [10:47] Hmm, different video-driver fixed it. Odd. [10:47] stdin: problematic line -> update-rc.d cupsys multiuser 19 [10:47] s0undt3ch: that version is not an ubuntu package [10:47] stdin: it aint? [10:47] s0undt3ch: there's the problem (update-rc.d is in that package) [10:48] s0undt3ch: you should have 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31 [10:48] how do I get to the ubuntu channel? [10:48] craig: /join #ubuntu [10:48] s0undt3ch: check your sources.list for any non-official repos [10:48] cheers [10:49] s0undt3ch: you should also be able to do "sudo apt-get install cupsys=2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31" to install the right version, but you'll need to disable the repo you got it from [10:51] where i can wound console commadns? [10:51] wound? [10:51] are the problems with setting up multipul monitors with KDE? [10:52] stdin: E: Version '2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31' for 'cupsys' was not found [10:52] found* [10:52] find* [10:52] !shell [10:53] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [10:53] s0undt3ch: post your sources.list please [10:53] stdin: <- http://pastebin.ca/740881 -> my sources.list [10:53] heh [10:54] heya [10:55] s0undt3ch: oh, wait, my mistake "sudo apt-get install sysv-rc=2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31" (not cupsys) [10:56] stdin: yeah, got it [10:56] stdin: all good now, Thank You! [10:56] os tis where we can ask about the kde beta 3 on kubuntu? [10:57] s0undt3ch: no problem, took a while but we got there :) [10:57] *is this [10:57] someone remind me where screen brightness is kept? [10:57] peterbuldge: #kubuntu-devel is a better place [10:57] thx [10:58] Hello. I am using 7.10 beta and experiencing some problems with knetworkmanager. It seems that it is unable to do a simple site survey and let me select which wireless network to connect to. This has been working flawlessly earlier. IPW3945 drivers are loaded and I can do a site survay with wifi-radar [11:00] hrmm [11:00] does kubuntu torrents need to be seeded? [11:03] any estimates on how much needs to be downloaded between the latest kubuntu gutsy RC and the release itself? [11:03] not much [11:03] I just upgraded to a new motherboard. I think it might have the jmicron pata problems. When I try to load off my harddisk I've got both grub error 25 and 17. Plus no livecds seem to load. It just says please insert proper boot medium and restart [11:04] Won't all the packages be renamed and have to downloaded again? [11:04] Ash-Fox: [11:04] no [11:11] Hello. I am using 7.10 beta and experiencing some problems with knetworkmanager. It seems that it is unable to do a simple site survey and let me select which wireless network to connect to. This has been working flawlessly earlier. IPW3945 drivers are loaded and I can do a site survay with wifi-radar === dino_ is now known as d1n0 [11:18] set_: use 7.10 release [11:19] ;-) [11:19] it's not out yet [11:19] uh... Kubuntu. sorry [11:19] if someone gives you a link, or if you find out, it's not the final one [11:19] it's an incomplete ISO, do not use it [11:20] true [11:24] how i install printer in kubuntu? [11:24] I feel like a robot in #ubuntu, continiously saying 7.10 isn't released yet. [11:25] me three [11:25] Ash-Fox: I know the feeling, and #u-r-p is insane [11:26] nk1: System Settings > Printers, Add > Add Printer/Class [11:26] stdin, maybe we should have a holiday on about to be released days :P [11:26] there is no lpc or somthing like that local printer [11:26] lpc cabel [11:26] i think [11:26] or near it [11:26] Just have a bot there repeating every minute it isn't out yet. [11:28] when i disable kdm in the sysvconfig... it doesn't go to console properly... just have a blinking cursor on the top left of the screen ? [11:28] when im booting that is [11:29] isn't gutsy due today? [11:29] E_mE: you may want to start into mode 3 or such [11:29] !init [11:29] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [11:29] or has it been delayed? [11:29] xevious: release date remains as the 18th of october [11:29] sweeeeet [11:30] it'll be out when it's ready, it's not out yet. ubuntu.com will say when it is, and the topic will be updated [11:30] wait a minute... there is a kubuntu 7.10 on ubuntu tracker. isnt it release? [11:30] it's not the final one, do not download it [11:30] alroght. thanks [11:30] it's NOT incomplete [11:30] warn everyone :) [11:30] yeah... :-) [11:30] hmm [11:31] it has missleading filename :-/ [11:31] looks like release [11:31] yes, it will be the release, but it's not [11:31] :P [11:31] it's still being updated [11:31] hmm [11:31] ubuntu rocks anyway [11:31] ^ [11:31] desktop edition rule :D [11:32] ardchoille: [11:32] ardchoille: you there? [11:33] anybody here? [11:33] i wanna update [11:33] to gutsy gibbon [11:33] MoNsTeR, it's not out yet. [11:34] Ash-Fox: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php [11:34] MoNsTeR, it should be out today, but it isn't out yet. [11:34] atp-get gusty-gibbon :P but itś not ready :D [11:34] Cenarius: its on the download page [11:34] no it's not [11:34] <_4strO> yop yop all [11:34] MoNsTeR, yes it's still pending uploads etc. and no it isn't [11:34] MoNsTeR: see ubuntu.com [11:34] An initial disk image was sent out to mirrors yesterday, so that the most bandwidth-instensive part is already finished, having been able to run overnight and such [11:34] ardchoille: whatever get mad [11:34] However, since rsync can do incremental changes, it is used to make minor changes to those images even after they have been pushed out [11:35] This means that while you may see ISOs on mirrors already, they are not guaranteed to be the final product yet until the release team tells us they're done pushing those incremental updates [11:35] is there a list of the kubuntu.org bleeding edge packages for gutsy? [11:35] To avoid people getting non-final stuff, please avoid downloading or posting links to mirrors until we get the word. Thanks! [11:35] stdin: better have that aliased :) [11:36] stdin: the torrent will be on the same page? [11:36] * Ash-Fox aliases "While you may see ISOs on mirrors already, they are not guaranteed to be the final product yet until the release team determines they're done pushing those incremental updates. To avoid people getting non-final stuff, please avoid downloading or posting links to mirrors until we get the word." [11:37] would anybody know why I would be getting the "can't configure simple C programs" error when I try to compile something? It's been happening since I reinstalled feisty a few weeks ago [11:37] I have all the gcc cpp and libstdc packages installed === Tstnz is now known as pizzicato [11:38] I can't figure out what I'm missing [11:38] peterbuldge, one moment. [11:38] peterbuldge: install "build-essential" [11:38] I have it [11:38] peterbuldge: apt-get install build-essential [11:38] sudo apt-get install build-essential [11:38] should I reinstall it? [11:39] I also installed the kernel source cause I read on a forum that not having that can cause the problem but it didnt help === hans__ is now known as Eruantalon [11:39] ardchoille: im mature i was just tired but seriously i wasnt mean to you i didnt come off mean to you at all [11:39] * xevious is sitting on kubuntu.com clicking reload periodically [11:39] ardchoille: all i did was say support was bad for kubuntu [11:40] so should I remove and then reinstall build-essential? [11:40] !ot | MoNsTeR [11:40] MoNsTeR: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [11:40] peterbuldge: what are you trying to build? [11:40] peterbuldge: it's just a meta package, so that won't make a difference, what are you compiling [11:41] !aptfix [11:41] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [11:41] well basically everything I've tried to build has had that error... amarok-svn, the latest mplayer, some stuff from kde-apps.org [11:41] etc [11:42] 7.10 release today? :o [11:42] RytmenPinnen, yes. [11:42] oh man. this is gonna get annoying, huh? [11:42] nice, will I be able to upgrade over the net? [11:43] I'm wondering is it bad to have more than one version of the gcc and cpp packages installed? Could that be causing the error? [11:43] should I just use the latest? [11:43] RytmenPinnen: you will, when it's out [11:43] good, cause I dont have any cd's [11:43] peterbuldge: no, I have 3 versions installed [11:43] peterbuldge: i have 3.4 and 4.1 installed [11:43] yeah I multiples before too [11:44] peterbuldge: have you tried compiling a simple hello world? [11:44] this is really bugging me [11:44] no [11:44] I haven't [11:44] peterbuldge: you know c? [11:44] no [11:44] I'm just now learning python [11:45] peterbuldge: what's the error and when do you get it. also, what are you trying to accomplish? [11:46] ardchoille: sorry for being mean [11:46] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions [11:46] hi all [11:46] i'm using kubuntu on my laptop. on ubuntu, when i unplug the network cable, it automatically connects me to my works wireless network.. but when i'm running kde, its network manager tool doesn't do that for me... any luck on setting kubuntu up? [11:46] is there a appliation i can install that will boot my Windows XP partition inside linux? [11:46] E_mE: VMware [11:47] osh_: is it free? [11:47] E_mE: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main [11:47] E_mE: Free as in gratis, yes. [11:47] Assuming your distribution is feisty. [11:47] peterbuldge: did you receive my private message? [11:48] yes [11:48] are you registered so that you can respond? [11:48] E_mE: vmware-server I think it's called. [11:48] no I'm doing it right now [11:48] any luck? [11:48] E_mE: I'm using it and it works great. Let's me keep both my beloved KDE and use company resources such as fscking-exchange and AD-crap. [11:49] I got the xevious [11:49] *the file [11:49] is Gutsy out yet [11:49] no [11:49] see the topic [11:49] i need Gutsy gimme gimme :) [11:49] Leopard: ssssh you'll make people angry [11:49] Leopard: get MaxOS Leopard ;-) [11:49] peterbuldge: how'd that work out for you? [11:49] whereś Gusty! [11:49] ? [11:49] :(( [11:50] O:-) [11:50] hang on [11:50] Cenarius : angel :) [11:50] osh_: nice :D [11:50] join ubuntu-release-party if you want to ask "when is it out?" [11:50] aso Gutsy penguin :) :) [11:50] E_mE: You got it? [11:50] stay on topic [11:50] gusty rocks O:-) [11:50] let me ask my robot ubotu [11:50] i quess so [11:50] :D [11:50] ooh is there gonna be a countdown? [11:50] !gutsy [11:50] Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due some time October 18th, 2007) | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information [11:50] can anyone tell me how to make livecds work. Because when I insert them it says: Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key [11:50] !release [11:50] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [11:50] :P [11:51] !release | Leopard [11:51] Leopard: please see above [11:51] 18th ocotober thats today weeeee [11:51] !release now :-P [11:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about release now :-p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:51] :) [11:51] :P [11:51] xevious that worked fine [11:51] ok, this is a warning: Today we have a 0 tolerance in here, so behave [11:51] ubotu is always right [11:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about is always right - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:51] !gusty | Leopard [11:51] Leopard: It is spelt !guTSy :) [11:51] peterbuldge: your c compiler's working :D [11:51] then I wonder where the hang up is? [11:52] how i can modify my sound ? [11:52] i wanna hear in all me speakers [11:52] and i listen only on 2 [11:52] x( [11:53] !sound [11:53] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [11:53] can some have uboto pm me please [11:53] 1* [11:53] !players [11:53] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [11:53] !players | Leopard [11:53] !botsnack > Cenarius [11:53] well nothing itś at system settings [11:53] itś only wine sistem configuration [11:53] :P [11:54] !botsnack [11:54] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [11:54] :D [11:54] ardchoille: Are you online?? [11:54] cutie [11:54] !botabuse > Cenarius [11:54] osh_: no... i'm using gusty... do i use gutsy-commerical ? [11:54] apparle: yes [11:54] stdin: youŕe a bad bad op [11:54] :P [11:54] Cenarius: don't care [11:55] lol [11:55] get a wife [11:55] :D [11:55] Cenarius: Be nice :) [11:55] E_mE: Probably. I don't know since gutsy isn't out yet. ;-) [11:55] i am [11:55] just joke [11:55] ardchoille: Thanks for all the help yesterday. I solved a lot of problems [11:55] :D [11:55] * stdin get's his kick stick ready [11:55] running gutsy here too [11:55] apparle: you're welcome [11:55] * Cenarius fights for his life [11:55] peterbuldge: attempt to compile something and paste the complete output to a pastebin [11:55] E_mE: i have it as deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner main [11:56] ardchoille: When's gtsy coming [11:56] ook gimmie a few [11:56] apparle: when it's ready [11:56] apparle: Just go to the download page and reload it like the rest of us. ;-) [11:56] WaltzingAlong: vmware is not appearing [11:57] osh_: thatś a good ideea .. [11:57] apparle: See the topic === aguitel is now known as aguitel__ [11:57] E_mE: with gutsy i installed vmware 1.0.4 from vmware's tar.gz [11:57] ardchoille: i pre-ordered the CDs and my request has been shipped (funny) [11:57] this ubuntu enviorement remindes me of Windows Vista [11:57] oh god [11:57] D: [11:58] Cenarius: ?_? [11:58] ubotu and me talked in IM: http://i24.tinypic.com/2hpul48.png [11:58] this desktop computing environment reminds me of a desktop computing environment [11:58] WaltzingAlong: did you install it from apt-get?? [11:58] E_mE: no [11:59] E_mE: maybe that will change with gutsy's official release [11:59] E_mE: That line I sent you with gutsy instead of feisty, it doesn't work? [11:59] WaltzingAlong: thanx.. downloading now [11:59] stdin where can i download kubuntu 3. ? [11:59] 3.x [11:59] there is no kubuntu 3 [11:59] Leopard: what is kubuntu 3.x? [11:59] i want to see old versions [11:59] osh_: im downloading it now :) [11:59] E_mE: From the repos? [11:59] whats the oldest version [11:59] i can get [12:00] !download > Leopard [12:00] WaltzingAlong: When is gutsy releasing??????? [12:00] apparle: when it is ready [12:00] apparle: today [12:01] !download | Leopard [12:01] ardchoille: im sorry for last night [12:01] hi [12:01] someone happen to use a realtek 8187 wifi stick with wpa on gutsy? [12:01] #u-r-p is flying [12:01] does it work with knetworkmanager? [12:01] what a rager [12:02] DexterF: i have Realtek 8180 === aguitel__ is now known as aguitel [12:02] aguitel__: and? how's it coming? [12:02] stdin is dapper the oldest one i can get? [12:03] DexterF: it freeze the system in gutsy [12:03] 6.06 [12:03] yes [12:03] i want the old one [12:03] aguitel: :( [12:03] then get it [12:03] any suggestion where i can get an older one? [12:03] DexterF: in feisty is in blacklist but it is working [12:03] Leopard: see the download link, it has the link [12:03] aguitel: well, I got it working with the aircrack-drivers, but no wpa [12:04] osh_ : I requested CDs last weeks and status is " 2 CDs requested on 2007-10-10. 2 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-10-15." [12:04] is this the final? http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/ [12:05] sure, why not. [12:05] yaya [12:05] While you may see ISOs on mirrors already, they are not guaranteed to be the final product yet until the release team determines they're done pushing incremental updates. To avoid people getting non-final stuff, please avoid downloading or posting links to mirrors until we get the word. [12:05] An initial disk image was sent out to mirrors yesterday, so that the most bandwidth-instensive part is already finished, [12:05] having been able to run overnight and such. [12:05] However, since rsync can do incremental changes, it is used to make minor changes to those images even after they have been [12:05] pushed out [12:05] This means that while you may see ISOs on mirrors already, they are not guaranteed to be the final product yet until the [12:05] release team tells us they're done pushing those incremental updates [12:05] To avoid people getting non-final stuff, please avoid downloading or posting links to mirrors until we get the word. Thanks [12:05] thank you [12:06] DexterF: is not official drivers [12:06] what are the new features of Gutsy? [12:06] aguitel: I know but at least 8187 should be backported from 2.6.23 in gutsy's kernel [12:06] hi. i have a very non-standard keyboard (laptop imported from japan) and i have ncely set up its extra keys to home, prev, next etc as needed with xmodmap. but the keyboard language chooser app, much to my chagrin , uses setxkbmap. How could I modify one of those layouts? [12:06] Leopard: topic [12:07] !topic | Leopard [12:07] Is there any improvement in Gutsy about sound?????? [12:07] hello [12:07] !upgrade [12:07] See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) [12:08] DexterF: if my card is in the try ,the system is crashing [12:08] have somebody the time to help me, i have some questions for an externharddisk? [12:08] !gutsy [12:08] Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due some time October 18th, 2007) | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information [12:08] aguitel: pci? usb? [12:08] usb [12:08] . "/topic" isnt working it says: Not enough parameters: TOPIC [12:08] aus, sorry.@dex [12:08] how do i see the topic when the text scrolls so fast [12:08] ?? [12:09] DexterF: pci [12:09] What is the preferred method of upgrading? Open up adept and do it that way or `update-manager -d`? [12:09] i cant scroll all the way up again [12:09] NickPresta: no https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-3692aaaed415e3427f54ec62dd8659474516b525 [12:09] NickPresta: there are instructions on kubuntu.org for jumping from feisty to gutsy the kubuntu way [12:09] k xevious [12:10] stdin, WaltzingAlong thanks. I was looking for that link :) [12:10] !paste [12:10] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [12:10] I tried to compile the newest mplayer [12:10] topic isnt working :( [12:10] this time I didnt get the c error but it failed during make [12:10] for me [12:10] so is the new gutsy out yet for me to install? [12:10] . /topic fail [12:10] how do I paste the output? [12:10] MoNsTeR: see the topic [12:10] or whatever [12:11] !paste > peterbuldge [12:11] how do i see the topic /topic isnt working [12:11] MoNsTeR: do you have feisty? you could install now; want the cd/dvd image? wait until they are released officially. [12:11] it says: Not enough parameters: TOPIC [12:11] stdin, do you suggest I disable all third-party repos? [12:11] Leopard: /topic #kubuntu [12:11] so, if i upgrade 7.04 to 7.10, do I have to reinstall kde? [12:11] WaltzingAlong: whats the best way to install i dont wanna lose anything :[ [12:12] NickPresta: I normally do, adept should do that for you but I always do it manually anyway (just in case) [12:12] ah nm [12:12] utnubuk: no [12:12] vmware needs inetd ... should i install this or could it cause a problem? [12:12] MoNsTeR: your settings and files are stored in /home/username [12:12] xevious its not working for me [12:13] WaltzingAlong: ok [12:13] Leopard: which client? [12:13] . /topic #kubuntu nothing happens [12:13] /topic [12:13] Leopard: its /join [12:13] Miranda [12:13] the topic is: Official Kubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy is NOT out yet! | Gutsy party and "when is it out?" questions in #ubuntu-release-party [12:13] ty [12:13] Leopard: nvm [12:13] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41048/ [12:14] its strange before it was filing during the configure on everything I tried to compile now it fails on make all the sudden [12:16] Leopard: nvm [12:16] oops === MoNsTeR is now known as LiL-JoN [12:16] peterbuldge: it's a conflict in threading libraries somehow [12:16] is there anything i can do other than reinstall? [12:16] this is so annoying [12:17] any improvements about detecting sounf cards in Gutsy [12:17] my system is pretty much hobbled [12:17] how i can update to 7.10 ? [12:17] apparle: detecting hardware is done by the kernel, and gutsy has a much newwer kernel [12:17] peterbuldge: Wait an hour or so and you can get the new Kubuntu for reinstalling. :) [12:17] i must reinstall ubuntu ? [12:17] peterbuldge: lol o'course that's linux, you dont have to reinstakk your hole system [12:17] have somebody the time to help me, i have some questions for an externharddisk? linux doesnt recognize it, and im a beginner. in the info center its listed.. but i do know . [12:17] *reinstall [12:18] upgrade instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-3692aaaed415e3427f54ec62dd8659474516b525 (but it's not officially out yet) [12:18] cyber [12:18] hi everybody [12:18] i have a question related to kpdf and compiz [12:18] maybe someone can help me? [12:18] dunno if here it's the right place to ask, but im trying to install gnuworld and im getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41050/ when typing ./configure :o [12:18] stdin : Feisty gave and is giving a lot of problems with sound card. Hope so gutsy is better [12:18] any idea what that could be? [12:19] so the problem is if you have compiz enabled (using gutsy rc) and go to the presentation mode in kpdf, it won't go fullscreen, but just give you a small window not appropriate for presentations [12:19] !ask | gandalf [12:19] gandalf: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [12:20] how can i change that [12:20] or is it a bug in compiz [12:20] just installed gutsy, but kopete crashes, anyone hacing the same problem? [12:20] gandalf: good question. with effects enabled here i can see most of the windows' contents until i maximize them, then the contents are shown as all black [12:20] ibensw: yes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 [12:20] ibensw: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [12:20] thanks [12:20] gandalf: sounds like a bug in compiz [12:21] hm too bad [12:21] tnh [12:21] i also have some problems with the digikam fullscreen slide show when compiz is enabled [12:21] thnx [12:21] ibensw: somebody earlier had that same problem [12:21] Is there a list of changes in Gutsy availabe anywhere [12:21] seems like compiz is not 100% polished yet [12:21] stdin, I'm made it to the step where I'm able to do a "complete" upgrade, but I don't have the option for a "version upgrade". Any ideas? [12:21] apparle: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [12:22] dunno if here it's the right place to ask, but im trying to install gnuworld and im getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41050/ when typing ./configure :o <-- any ideas ? [12:22] ibensw: i suggest you use pidgen [12:22] apparle: see http://www.ubuntu.com/ [12:22] apparle: or https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy [12:22] NickPresta: try relaunching it maybe [12:23] has somebody a usb harddisk here? [12:23] it works, thanks to all [12:24] sivakumer: i do [12:24] look at your query [12:24] stdin, nope, no dice. Oh well. I suppose I can leave it until later today... [12:24] Is ubuntu better or KDE (stability) [12:25] apparle: than? [12:25] NickPresta: try running: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [12:25] NickPresta: (the quotes are important) [12:26] stdin, that made the option available, yep. Thanks [12:26] * NickPresta starts the upgrade! [12:26] E_mE: Yeah. Get that from vmware.com, it's free and you don't even have to give a valid email if you don't want to. [12:27] E_mE: I'm not registered to send PM's. [12:27] is adrchoille here? [12:29] It would be fun to see the stats from kubuntu.org and ubuntu.com today compared to other days... ;-) [12:29] My friend has a p4 2.4GHz . When i start 64bit a msg comes "CPU doesnot support long ids. Use 32bit version" [12:30] so ubuntu gutsy is out, but not kubuntu [12:30] osh_: how do i link to my existing NTFS partition with vmware? [12:30] shucks [12:30] cant install kubuntu alternate :( failing installing initramfs over and over [12:30] apparle: p4 != 64bit [12:30] where is the new Kubuntu? [12:31] KDE users sleep more than Gnome users [12:31] Gutsy has not been released yet, it's starting to be tho [12:31] could i upgrade to kbuntu 7.10 from ubuntu 7.04 [12:31] stdin: ubuntu is. at least according to the ubuntu.com frontpage [12:32] xevious: I cannot run amd64 version on pentium4!!!!!!!!!!!! [12:32] xevious: the pages are being updated because the release is close [12:32] apparle: probably because a P4 isn't 64bit [12:32] apparle: there are some pentium 4s that are 64bit [12:33] it depends what core you have [12:34] Gutsy Officially released, most mirrors are still updating but it's out NOW https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-October/000105.html [12:34] prescott and cedarmill are 64 bit [12:34] kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Gutsy out NOW! | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy party and in #ubuntu-release-party [12:35] The Gutsy desktop iso still has a date of 16 Oct. Isn't that the rc1? [12:36] this may be just me, but I noticed as of the last update of kdelibs, when I click a link in a window (tried amarok, kmail, and akregator) that kfmclient spawns a huge number of times, and konqueror doesn't open. If i do a killall kfmclient, nothing happens, but if I let it continue it chews up CPU time like crazy. Does anyone else notice this, or am i just crazy? [12:36] ardchoille: you need to really chill out man i said sorry [12:36] ardchoille: the date is the creation date, not modified date [12:37] stdin: Ah, thanks [12:37] if i upgrade using the CD , will the softwares like k3b, adept etc get upgraded??? [12:39] um... ever since i once tried installing netbeans through adept_manager (which crashed in the middle), it always has a problem downloading anything. And if i do it through apt-get, it also always tells me about netbeans not being downloaded. tho that was ages ago. [12:39] Also will the new packages like restricted-manager-kde get installed [12:39] apparle: the cd will install some packages, the rest will be downloaded [12:39] any ideas how to clear its thorts? [12:39] we're official on www.kubuntu.com [12:39] what are some other desktop search apps besides strigi? [12:40] I do not like the whole indexing and taking up space thing [12:41] What do I have to do to be able to manage package sources like this in feisty? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot2.png [12:41] !desktop search [12:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop search - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:41] * xevious upgrades! === anti_ is now known as anti__ === anti__ is now known as anti_ [12:41] xevious wats it like? [12:41] rewolf: the upgrade process? [12:41] stdin: i am asking if all the packagesin live CD will be upgraded or i will need to do fresh install [12:42] rewolf: i just started :D [12:42] xevious. oh i thort u'd just booted into it [12:42] lol [12:42] im trying myself [12:42] but, i first gotta finish feisty packages [12:42] mschiff: install software-properties-kde [12:42] mschiff: what do you mean? adept_manager then adept/manage repositories [12:43] and my dumb adept_manager keeps crashing [12:43] apparle: just update from the instructions http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [12:43] "The commit could break" === aiden is now known as dgold [12:44] ARGH everytime i click Manage Repositories, it just downloads the latest versions or something. why doesn't it open the dialog? [12:44] Riddell: thx! [12:45] WaltzingAlong: I only saw a dump of my sources.list... [12:45] hi does anybody know how to use the kdmtheme manager with kubuntu? I can't install new themes [12:45] E_mE: Not sure. Perhaps you can add it as a disk under vmware. Never tried that though. [12:45] !changethemes [12:45] To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. [12:45] Al : u not the uct Al by anychance? [12:46] Not as far as I know === alex__ is now known as pippopippo_ [12:46] lol [12:46] E_mE: but a vmware-box is like an separate computer, isolated from everything else. that's both a strength and a wekness. [12:46] mschiff: you need software-properties-kde installed too [12:46] s/wekness/weakness/ [12:46] well. the upgrade directions on kubuntu.com don't work [12:46] hello everybody [12:46] thanks ubotu [12:46] crap [12:46] WaltzingAlong: yeah thanks.. like Ridell already told me ;) [12:46] my system's up to date and i'm not getting the version upgrade button it speaks of [12:46] Hmm, it asks you to use bittorrent, but no torrent-file is availible... [12:47] So um my system's running with the occasional pause... It's mainly noticeable typing here, it pauses every second or so. Could it have anything to do with nvidia? I'm running compiz but I've turned it off. [12:48] running top and nothing looks untoward [12:49] hi [12:50] after eventually convincing kubuntu to upgrade, it removed several packages that i installed, such as danish locale for firefox and several development packages [12:50] why does it do that? === DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck [12:50] Is 3d desktop available on kubuntu gutsy [12:51] sure [12:51] sredna: probably conficting packages. [12:51] night all [12:51] lol nite [12:51] is ubuntu better or kubuntu === D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack === Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Gutsy out NOW! http://kubuntu.org/download2.php | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy party and in #ubuntu-release-party [12:52] i mean good softwares with minimal download [12:52] How do I upgrade from the RC [12:52] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade doesnt do anything [12:52] apparle: yup [12:52] peterbuldge: nor should it. you have the latest dist already [12:53] so if I installed the RC I'm set already [12:53] I'll just get regular updates? [12:53] Riddell: is it save to upgrade using aptitude or does adept so special upgrade procedurees in some way? [12:53] peterbuldge: cat /etc/lsb-release reports what? gutsy? you have it already [12:54] nosrednaekim: shouldn't it ask for help to solve the conflicts then? [12:54] or warn me, or something [12:54] hmmm [12:54] anyone doing a feisty -> gutsy upgrade via adept? [12:54] yeah gutsy [12:54] mschiff: use the instructions in the announcement [12:54] because... it's not working [12:54] i am not getting a version upgrade button like the web site says i should [12:54] so I do not have the anymore? [12:54] xevious: follow the instructions at kubuntu.org [12:54] when did it update [12:54] I do not get it [12:54] when I go to: "Adept -> Manage Repositories" i just get my sources.list . Why don't I get a GUI-box like in all the upgrade-tutorials [12:54] WaltzingAlong: i have about 17 times [12:55] bottiger: install software-properties-kde [12:55] ME TOO [12:55] bottiger. its so irritating [12:55] WaltzingAlong: what? why? [12:55] nosrednaekim: Which one to use kubuntu or ubuntu (with only the softwares on CD and no extra downloads) [12:56] bottiger: so that you get the gui-box like in all the upgrade tutorial [12:56] WaltzingAlong: yes, but how does it come that I don't have that as default? [12:56] lol. I click Version Upgrade. it tells me there's a new distro version, i click next. it says "Could not verify the integrity of the upgrade application. This Program will now exit" [12:56] Am I missing something? Where are the download links? http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php just says "Nearly there" [12:56] What could be causing the version upgrade button not to appear in my Adept Manager? [12:57] rewolf: page is probably being updated [12:57] WaltzingAlong: I mean, how does it make sense to make an upgrading-tutorial where you assume the user has install another program [12:57] ardchoille: kubuntu.org or ubuntu.com or releases.ubuntu.com [12:57] I have all updates for feisty installed, yet no version upgrade button appears [12:57] sqint: same here [12:57] sqint : did u run 'kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"' ? [12:57] (quotes needed) [12:57] bottiger: then the guide should mention that [12:58] rewolf: No... the kubuntu upgrade guide says that adept manager should offer a version upgrade button [12:58] rewolf: it's supposed to automagically offer the upgrade [12:58] the one i read didnt [12:58] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades [12:58] WaltzingAlong: I'm just looking at the short official 4-step guide: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade [12:58] hey, does anyone know anything about l2tp? I don't know where to start. the docs I see are talking about pre-shared keys and certificates n'stuff, and all I have is a username and password. [12:58] it may take a while for adept to realise there is an update, the --version-upgrade option forces it [12:58] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-03dfe71741407e245a9fcd75bded428572061f53 [12:58] thats kubuntu [12:58] What should i do upgrade from CD or fresh install (no net at home) [12:59] my adept says that new version is available, but when i click on it, it tells me i dont need any updates...im up to date.... [12:59] rewolf: That's for the RC [12:59] sqint: that'll work [12:59] sqint: it may take a while for adept to realise there is an update, the --version-upgrade option forces it [12:59] stdin: who runs the website? could we get that added (that software-properties-kde needs to be installed to see the screen described in the update instructions) [12:59] stdin: OK [13:00] i just wanted to point it out that it's not realizing it. and i didn't realize that adept could take a while to realize it. do you realize? [13:00] WaltzingAlong: umm, ask Riddell [13:00] WaltzingAlong: #kubuntu-devel [13:00] xevious lol [13:00] hey what is better upgrade from Cd or fresh install as i don't have net [13:00] wish me luck [13:00] xevious: it relies on finding a file in the archive, some may not have it yet [13:00] i have a small question. i have the binary ati driver installed. what will the update to gutsy do with it? [13:00] apparle: fresh install [13:00] Hello there [13:01] noam_: did you install it from the repositories? [13:01] Anyone with a torrent link to kubuntu 7.10? [13:01] noam_: how did you install the driver? [13:01] nope [13:01] mine has been downloading and verifying the upgrade tool for like 5 minutes [13:01] that's why i'm asking [13:01] !torrent [13:01] Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html [13:01] !torrents [13:01] Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) [13:01] noam_: where did you install it from? [13:01] does medibuntu already have a gutsy repo? [13:01] and canonical? [13:02] Why does adept not honor held packages? [13:02] xevious: Yes, both. [13:02] i followed an official looking guide in the web which went through downloading a file from ati.amd.com, making deb packages out of it, installing them, and module-assistant things. i'll find a link [13:02] mschiff: because adept can't [13:02] asimon: thanks [13:02] modifying the software channels [13:02] stdin: you know why? [13:02] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI [13:02] noam_: ah ok,i'm familiar with that. uninstall the packages and you should be good. [13:02] noam_: the update should overwrite it with the new version I guess [13:03] mschiff: because it doesn't have that ability [13:03] stdin: will it? some of the package names are different [13:03] is there a utility to determine the fastest mirror automatically? [13:03] stdin: I dont want it to upgrade my hbci enabled gnucash [13:03] stdin: ok thanks [13:04] nosrednaekim: depends what it's called and the exact version it was given. if it's called something else then there's trouble ahead [13:04] !info netselect | xevious [13:04] xevious: netselect: Choose the fastest server automatically. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.ds1-9 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 92 kB [13:04] WaltzingAlong: thanks [13:04] noam_: before uninstalling the packages, switch the driver to the fre ati. in the monitor and resolution app. [13:04] stdin: yeah, its named differently [13:04] nosrednaekim: why fresh install??????? [13:05] apparle: well, you have fiesty installed with various apps right? [13:05] does it usually take long for the "Downloading and verifying the upgrade tool ..." phase? [13:05] noaxess_kubuntu, you mean, uninstall the packages now, then make everything work (as it will undoubtedly break), then update to gutsy? [13:05] some like more work [13:05] woohoo! [13:05] noam_: yes, that is what I am saying. [13:05] i need to download a total of 984M [13:05] :D [13:05] rewolf: the mirrors are being hit hard, give it time [13:05] all right, will do [13:05] i cant update...i have gutsy RC version and when i click on version upgrade button, it says i have the latest version :( [13:06] oh ok cool. actually i suppose thats understandable. i mean, it just came out. so stoked .lol [13:06] Flegma: you have the lastest version [13:06] !final | Flegma [13:06] noam_: but before you remove them, make sure you change the Xorg driver to be "ati", from "fglrx" [13:06] Flegma: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [13:06] yes, but why is the button active?? [13:06] doesn't gutsy support CUPS? kde4 apps appears to print using lpr ?! [13:07] or is it a problem in qt? [13:07] i have the opposite problem: the button is not active. trying a normal feisty -> gutsy upgrade with adept [13:07] sredna: kde4 is not complete, so expect bugs [13:07] oh no. 86k/s [13:07] rough. [13:07] i usually pull 750 or so [13:07] stdin: i kinda know :-) [13:07] nosrednaekim, alright [13:07] will my ATI Radeon 9550 work in gutsy gibbon? [13:07] well i'll catch you all later i guess [13:07] nosrednaekim: so what [13:07] stdin: i work on kate printing code, and i believe using lpr is not acceptable [13:08] nosrednaekim: will this create problems [13:08] apparle: well, if you hae any apps that don't come on the CD, then you can't upgrade [13:08] from the CD [13:08] oh. any .files in the home dir that i should replace with the gutsy versions when the upgrade is done? [13:08] why isn't qtconfig installed automatically?! [13:09] xevious: not neccesary [13:09] i have problem with hal......please look at this and help me....save me from fresh instalation... http://www.pastebin.cz/show/2148 [13:09] sredna: it could be the way one of the packages was built, talk to Riddell in #kubuntu-devel about it, he uploaded them [13:09] you install a HUGE, for many useless application like amarok, but not qtconfig?! [13:09] nosrednaekim: even with the switch to the new file manager? [13:09] how are these upgrades via adept going? i have a lot of "extra" packages and I would hate for it crash like it did when upgrading to Fiesty! [13:09] how come all the links t download the cd are for dapper? [13:09] xevious: yup... eveything should be handled automagically :) [13:09] peterbuldge: refresh the page [13:09] nosrednaekim: supersweetmegaradolicious! [13:10] hm, qtconfig doesn't allow to tell it to use CUPS :-( [13:10] hahaha i cant believe how hammered the mirrors are right now [13:10] nosrednaekim: Only the ati drivers and OSS drivers [13:10] ahhh.... had to shift +refresh [13:10] sredna: I guess more people use amarok then qtconfig. I doubt many people know about qtconfig at all. ;-) [13:10] noaxess_kubuntu, er, adept crashed during uninstallation. argh! [13:10] apparle: ah..ok, uninstall them, and then you can upgrade from the alternate CD [13:10] I have followed the guide on kubuntu.org and added "recommended updates". but adept does not give me any version upgrade button. I think I know about a --version-upgrade flag or something, but I'm really disappointed if people are actually expected to find out that by themselves [13:11] haraldhv: sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde [13:11] would adept do more than switch sources.list entries from feisty to gutsy and dist-upgrade? [13:11] will my ATI Radeon 9550 work in gutsy gibbon? [13:11] it all works [13:11] mschiff: yes, adept does much more than that [13:12] hello [13:12] byewindows: nice nick! [13:12] stdin: is there a list somewhere what it will do on the upgrade? I would like to see in detail what it really does or would do... [13:12] and hello! [13:12] I have an error with glxinfo http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41053/ [13:13] xevious: ;) [13:13] noam_: you talking to me? [13:13] LiL-JoN: should if it worked in fiesty [13:13] WaltzingAlong: yes, that's exactly the one I was using. could it be a problem because i am trying to use a japan mirror? [13:13] is a good download manager that will do segmented downloading like getright for kde? [13:13] I've wondered this for a while [13:13] kget maybe? [13:13] kget doesn't seem to do it [13:13] nosrednaekim, oh, never mind that. anyway, i'm reinstalling xorg-driver-fglrx from the repositories, that's the way to go, right? [13:14] mschiff: not that I know of [13:14] haraldhv: did you run kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:14] noam_: that might work, yes, but I think you have to get rid of the blacklisting of the fglrx driver in /etc/defaults/linux-restrcited-modules [13:14] nosrednaekim: yeah but i had to use restricted drivers [13:15] allrighty [13:15] LiL-JoN: well, gutsy shouldn't have any regressions, maybe the free ones will even work nor [13:15] my sympathies to the people with ati cards [13:15] (/etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common) [13:15] gonna let the computer do its thing [13:15] * xevious hopes that this speeds up. [13:15] WaltzingAlong: my point was that yes, I know about that solution, but I was going to use adept for once and try a userfriendly upgrade [13:16] the dialog could at least tel u if its downloading or queuing or wateva [13:16] noam_: yeah that thingy ;) [13:16] nosrednaekim: is there tuts for compiz fusion ? [13:16] haraldhv: adept will eventually notice the next release, the option forces it do look now [13:16] ah, the 8.40 drivers (those which come with gutsy) are actually nice. you *do* get a GUI for things you used to do in ati-initial --something -Xfoo -bar or in xorg.conf, directly in the gui [13:16] haraldhv: i was too. but since the upgrade notice hasn't propagated to all the mirrors, it's necessary to use --version-upgrade right now [13:17] LiL-JoN: I think so, if not its really just one command. :) [13:17] i have a AMD64 computer what iso should i download? [13:17] i believe that's essentially correct [13:17] LiL-JoN: amd64? [13:17] noam_: yeah :) [13:17] restarting X, brb [13:17] hopefully [13:17] how to run WINE on amd64 [13:17] xevious WaltzingAlong: oh, I see. so eventually normal users will get them too [13:17] haraldhv: correct [13:17] LiL-JoN: are you experienced with linux? [13:17] haraldhv: yeah. [13:17] !wine | apparle [13:17] apparle: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [13:17] nosrednaekim: not really but i have been using it 6 weeks [13:18] LiL-JoN: stick with 32 bit ;) [13:18] nosrednaekim: i just started using KDE [13:18] nosrednaekim: why? === emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh [13:18] what's the kubuntu development channel #kubuntu-dev? [13:18] xevious: #kubuntu-devel [13:18] thanks [13:18] LiL-JoN: 64 has some additional headaches, 32 bit is just easier, and there is not a whole lot of performace gain for normal desktop apps [13:19] is there a kubuntu DVD for gutsy yet? === sredna|konversat is now known as sredna [13:19] stdin : http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/otherosfs/wine I cant see an amd64 version [13:19] well i rather use my 64bit to the fullest thats why i bought it :[ what headaches flash will install now [13:19] admiralsausage: dunno, is there one linked off that one on topic? [13:19] apparle: read the link, it has 64bit instructions [13:20] LiL-JoN: lets see, win32 codecs (playing wma's, etc) skype, and almost any proprietary app that you want will be a pain to run. [13:20] nosrednaekim: not sure what you mean by that, but I can't find one on the mirrors. I guess I'll just wait. [13:20] nosrednaekim: so basically i have no choice? [13:20] "could not verify the integrity of the upgrader application, the application will now exit." sigh, error messages like this without any further advice should _really_ be avoided [13:21] LiL-JoN: I'm just warning you, I personally use 64 bit, but I have been using linux for over 5 years, [13:21] nosrednaekim: why do they make b4bit anyways? [13:21] stdin: I can't see the instuctions please tell me wjere [13:21] LiL-JoN: for computers with over 4 gigs of RAM [13:21] someone please? [13:21] I have an error with glxinfo http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41053/ [13:21] LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose ? [13:21] apparle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineForAMD64 [13:22] byewindows: do you have an nvidia or a ATI card? [13:22] Which one should I use i386 or amd64 [13:22] nosrednaekim: ati radeon 9200se [13:23] byewindows: you should get the proprietary drivers for 3d [13:23] how do i check if my kubuntu version had been changed from RC to official one? [13:23] stdin: I want to do it offline. how [13:24] nosrednaekim: sure the fglrx worked but the radeon 9200se seems not to be supported now [13:24] and then I tried a second time, and got through it, but it dies with "dist-upgrade.py: cannot connect to X server :0" [13:24] byewindows: really? humm [13:24] apparle: you have to download the debs from the website and install manually [13:24] haraldhv: don't run it with sudo... [13:25] stdin: Can you tell me which debs [13:25] nosrednaekim: I asked the question on kubuntu-fr.org but the answers was short [13:25] Riddell: snapshot6.png looks different to its thumbnail [13:25] Which CDs are shiped by default alternate or desktop?? [13:25] byewindows: I wasnt aware of ATI dropping support for it. are you sure about that? [13:26] apparle: why not just downlaod and create a cd? [13:26] byewindows: are you sure the driver is enabled [13:26] apparle: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.47~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-2_amd64.deb [13:26] byewindows: i have a ATI 9550 and the fglrx works fine [13:27] LiL-JoN: how can I be sure for the radeon ? [13:27] LiL-JoN: I have connection of 46Kbps [13:27] apparle: WHOA!! [13:27] anyone made the jump to lightspeed yet? [13:27] Hello!! can you try help me pls? I have to work on my linux but it sometimes exectue rest without reason... have you any idea what can be the reason for it? [13:27] LiL-JoN: sure, fglrx work to on the Radeon 9500 of my son [13:27] byewindows: kde or gnome? [13:27] kde [13:28] on 9500 Pro, no souci [13:28] LiL-JoN: Which Cds are shipped by default alternate or desktop??? [13:28] nosrednaekim, why would sudo modprobe fglrx return "FATAL: Error running install command for fglrx"? [13:28] Good morning stdin, what's the best procedure to upgrade to gutsy from feisty on the net , change my sources.list to gutsy and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? [13:28] desktop [13:28] apparle: i think desktop usually you can pick what disk i dunno man [13:28] how upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10? [13:28] BluesKaj: nope :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [13:28] am I the only one missing the "Version Upgrade" button in Adept? [13:28] !upgrade [13:28] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [13:29] noam_: you probably still have your FGLRX drivers all screwed up. did you get rid of fglrx from the disabled modules? [13:29] byewindows: ill try and help since im a ati user myself [13:29] yes [13:29] LiL-JoN: il fact I must have the tv-out on (s-video) so fglrx was cool for that [13:29] byewindows: what card do you have? [13:29] LiL-JoN: Ati Radeon 9200se [13:29] noam_: oh well, just turn the xorg driver to be ati and then upgrade. [13:30] helllo how can i upgrade to gutsy from feisty? [13:30] actually i'm on fglrx right now, but DRI is not workign [13:30] so im following these steps (http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade) [13:30] but it doesbnot work [13:30] Bjørn: lacking the "Version Upgrade" button? [13:30] LiL-JoN: some logs here http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=155725 (french comments, sorry) [13:30] noam_: you sure you are on fglrx? [13:31] elSandros: yes [13:31] me too [13:31] soo [13:31] if i do dist-upgrade... will it upgrade gnome as well as kubuntu... its only downloading 50MB of stuff [13:31] not really, no. but i see (II) Module fglrx: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc." \n compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 8.34.8, which is the correct version (the one that feisty has in the repositories) [13:31] run this command for version upgrade: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:32] upgrade manager [13:32] how do I update? [13:32] !upgrade [13:32] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [13:32] problem on version 7.1 ububtu - My linux is rested without reason after clicking different keys.. What can be the reason ?? [13:32] noam_: humm, maybe that disabled thing requires a reboot [13:32] i did reboot [13:32] Hi all:) Just installed kubuntu on an old PC and did all updates. All is fine except the CD drive(s) and USB stick are not automounted, cannot be mounted by hand, k3b freezes upon start. Any takers? [13:33] noam_: oh => === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Gutsy out NOW! http://kubuntu.org/download2.php | Upgrade instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php [13:33] is alternate CD alive CD???? [13:33] Bjørn: just run the command Greenery gave, and the button will be there:) [13:34] is alternate CD a live CD [13:34] eh... scratch that [13:34] byewindows: this is what you need http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/AtiProprietaryDriver download the ati driver [13:34] apparle: no, alternate cd is a text installer [13:35] so i can questions about gutsy overhere right now [13:35] blendtux: yup :) [13:35] byewindows: this is what you need http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/AtiProprietaryDriver download the ati driver [13:35] kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:35] ?? [13:35] byewindows: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html [13:35] blendtux: gutsy is out, so this channel is the official Kubuntu Gutsy channel [13:35] with the " [13:35] oke, i upgraded yesterday from feisty to the rc candidate [13:36] !final | blendtux [13:36] blendtux: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [13:36] byewindows: sorry i have to go but maybe somebody else can help you sorry [13:36] but now my kopete is not working, i did today apt-get updat and upgrade but still no new packages for kopete [13:36] LiL-JoN: ok thx ! [13:36] X.Org 6.8 Drivers ? this one ? [13:36] only opera [13:36] Hi! I have a Nvidia GeForce 8400m graphic card, and have connected my 32" HDTV with DVI ... I have managaed to set up twinview correct with the 32" at resolution: 1280x720 ... But I want it to use 1920x1080 ... when changing this in the "xorg.conf" manually, nothing apperas on my 32" .... any ideas? [13:36] u go msn on ur kopete? [13:36] *got [13:36] And using the nvidia GUI settings thing wont set higher resolution than 1280 ... [13:37] Greenery: there is an update for that http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [13:37] oh sweet [13:37] thanks [13:37] * nosrednaekim is glad he doesn't use msn [13:38] dont like msn but most of my friends are there [13:38] no [13:38] anybody else has problem with kopete in gutsy [13:38] crashing [13:38] blendtux: there is an update for that http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [13:38] byewindows: the https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [13:38] there is an update [13:38] oh where [13:38] nosrednaekim, i remember this problem, i have had it before, and it was solved with this: sudo ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/fglrx.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile/fglrx.ko [13:38] why is it not loading [13:38] ok LiL-JoN thx [13:38] oh crap [13:39] 1,2 GB download to upgrade [13:39] have a nice day LiL-JoN ;) [13:39] i thought that was a manual installation problem... did i mess something up? [13:39] noam_: ah! right! look, just do an upgrade and all that should be fixed for you in gutsy. [13:39] noam_: its BECUASE you did that that its not working :) [13:39] cool :) [13:39] byewindows: sorry i cant stay im 14 and ihavew to do homework before i go to sleep its 5:39 in the morning and im homeschooled [13:39] new kernel should fix all those problems [13:40] LiL-JoN: sweet really? I am too... 17 and homeschooled :) [13:40] how could that be? i replaced the kernel object in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile/fglrx.ko ? [13:40] LiL-JoN: nop, very thx to you [13:40] Now it says cant verify integrety [13:40] noam_: hummm IDK. but a whole neqw kernel certainly can't hurt problems such as tese ;) [13:41] nosrednaekim: yep im homeschooled and im 14 [13:41] :) [13:41] Bjørn: yeah, I got that too [13:41] just quit adept and run the command again, and you should be good to go [13:41] LiL-JoN: cool :) [13:41] thanks [13:42] what's with adept not showing the version upgrade button by default? === andre is now known as Hoondie [13:44] morning all [13:44] I see kde4 beta3 is now available [13:44] has anyone tried it? [13:44] WaltzingAlong: where can i find the update for kopete, cause its not updating via apt-get [13:45] swanfl: it's still gutsy only [13:45] swanfl: so my guess is no [13:45] no worries I'm gonna be using gutsy anyway :) [13:45] anyone know why i don't have the version upgrade button? it's saying there's 0 updates left, but no version upgrade button [13:46] Hoondie: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:46] kikoo [13:46] that line should be in the topic [13:47] hay all, does anyone know why my Full Upgrade button is not lit? [13:47] shadowhywind: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:47] should i be skeered to hit the upgrade button [13:47] blendtux: just download the file from the link and open it [13:48] hey all - gutsy all up and running - just noticed that the upgrade UNinstalled vmware-player, and apt-get doesn't want to install it- any ideas? [13:48] wich link [13:48] http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [13:48] anyone else having problems with upgrade? [13:48] thanks [13:48] Package vmware-player is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source [13:48] l3dx: lacking version upgrade button? [13:49] thanks that worked [13:49] elSandros, yuo [13:49] yup [13:49] thought so [13:49] followed the instructions. but no luck [13:49] run "kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [13:49] and the button will be there [13:49] even tried changing to the repos to "main server" [13:49] i just got a "Could not verify the integrity of the upgrader application. This program will now exit" [13:49] it'll probably fail the first time, though [13:49] elSandros, k thanks! :D [13:50] give a cannot-verify-type-of-thingy [13:50] so just quit adept when it does, and run it again [13:51] little odd way of doing it.. but it seams to be working [13:52] "you have to download a total of 1806M" [13:52] blendtux: there is an update for that http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb [13:52] thanks :) [13:52] kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" <-- Works great [13:52] yeah i am installing it already thanks [13:52] yup, working well here too...so far [13:53] hey all - gutsy all up and running - just noticed that the upgrade UNinstalled vmware-player, and apt-get doesn't want to install it- any ideas? [13:53] elSandros, thanks again! I'm upgrading :) [13:53] Is there any reason for someone with a laptop and a not great GFX card to upgrade to gutsy? [13:53] spykedtomato: try downloading vmware-server? [13:53] BluesKaj : updating going well? [13:53] is it correct when i want to install this update that it wants to remove several other packages [13:53] Since the main benefit appears to be the accelerated desktop [13:54] sllllloooowwwwww [13:54] how do i install java [13:54] ? [13:54] !java [13:54] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [13:54] CPrompt^, yes , so far [13:54] xevious: yes! I'm only getting 150kb/s [13:54] easytiger: i don't really need the whole server, just the player.... [13:54] I should have done like it did with feisty [13:54] bottiger: lucky. i'm rockin' 65 right now [13:54] upgrade two days later [13:54] bottiger: jumps up to 200 at times [13:54] CPrompt^, the DL speeds are a bit slow but that's to be expected [13:54] i wanna play with compiz [13:54] BluesKaj : good to hear. My upgrade to Fiesty didn't go so well. I have *a lot* of extra packages so I hope that it will go ok. [13:55] i wonder how many thousands of people are updating right now [13:55] BluesKaj : I'll probably wait a few days and then upgrade anyway. [13:56] CPrompt^, a hint: update feisty first then do the upgrade to gutsy [13:56] Adept doesn't show Upgrade button [13:56] BluesKaj : yeah. I keep my feisty all up to date. I think there was a package released yesterday.. [13:57] i want to install this http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com:80 [13:57] yeah CPrompt^ , i just noticed that today for the first time in ages [13:57] this upgrade will take half a day [13:57] plz someone how can i update feisty to gutsy gibon? [13:58] see the topic [13:58] and [13:58] !upgrade [13:58] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [13:58] I'm shutting ktorrent down for a while ,need all the BW I can get right now :) [13:58] BluesKaj : just makes me nervous I guess. Upgrade last time totaly made my computer useless for some reason. I have a lot of extras. Oh well. That's why we backup LOL [13:58] Hi everyone. I'm in a reaaaally messy situation right now. [13:59] What's going on SteamMachine? [13:59] I had ubuntu, I install kubuntu desktop, removed ubuntu desktop... and when I rebooted, I logged in as usual, but was greeted with an xterm terminal [13:59] I can run programs from this terminal, but I don't know how to get kde to launch in its entireity. [13:59] Hi! [13:59] SteamMachine, sudo apt-get install kubuntu desktop [13:59] I just downloaded the fix for Kopete. [13:59] err [13:59] kubuntu-desktop [13:59] =) [13:59] SteamMachine, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [13:59] BluesKaj: I alsready tried that. [14:00] It is installed. [14:00] Anybody? [14:00] I believe I saw something like "kde.pid not found" during bootup. [14:00] x_link: got one for x64? [14:00] SteamMachine: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings [14:00] I saw one in launchpad but it was quite large [14:00] stdin: but when i want to do full upgrade that option is greyed out in adept [14:01] XenThraL: No. [14:01] xenol: as me [14:01] hello all! I installed Gutsy rc few days ago. My general impression is good, however I wondered if any one of you guys is annoyed by hidden File Associations config panel. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/50320 The bug has been reported a year ago but IMHO has a new importance due to Dolphin. If anyone wants a simple solution, i posted a patch as the last comment. [14:01] bleeeeeeh that bug is annoying me [14:01] don't like pidgin :| [14:01] already newest version [14:01] what's this update for kopete that people are talking about? [14:01] XenThraL: I can't connect to Kopete, cause it crashes. So I just downloaded this fix. [14:02] I'm wondering if it shipped with that bug? which I'm guessing it didn't, what makes me wander if I should wipe my tribe 5 and install fresh [14:02] x_link: a while ago I found kopete kept crashing. [14:02] * genii sips a coffee and digs around for his allergy medication [14:02] To fix it, I uninstalled and deleted the hidden folder in /home [14:02] SteamMachine: Yes, I just downloaded a fix for it. It's a .deb file. [14:02] stdin: its still "dl'ing and verifying hte upgrade tool" lol. thats an hour wait [14:02] genii: people just mowed my lawn, my eyes are burning. [14:02] argh. there's a known bug in kopete? i really should have waited at least a week before upgrading [14:02] genii: i've never had allergies before this year. [14:02] Ahh [14:03] i want to install this http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com:80 how do i install it [14:03] I don't have issues nowadays. [14:03] could you post a link to the bug and the fix? [14:03] I don't understand what's wrong. [14:03] LiL-JoN, either follow the instruction in the java site, or use the ubuntu ways of installing java [14:03] Kde is installed, the system is running, but kde won't run on bootup and I don't know how to make it. [14:03] SteamMachine: you get your login screen, right? [14:03] xevious: I never had any til about 5 years ago. now they are horrible, especially in spring and fall [14:03] yep [14:03] SteamMachine: Did you just install Kubuntu? [14:03] noam i just want the newest version of java [14:03] SteamMachine: what runs on bootup? you need to pick kde as your session at the login manager [14:03] yes, [14:03] xevious: ping [14:04] SteamMachine: log out of X if you're in it, and check which session is selected [14:04] is there a kubuntu torrent yet? [14:04] it's kde [14:04] Jucato: yo. [14:04] I've checked it many times. [14:04] Jucato: sorry. pong [14:04] xevious : how did u get urs to start dl'ing so fast? mine is still dl'in and verifying the upgrade tool??? after an hour [14:04] LiL-JoN: jre or jdk? [14:04] xevious: hehe yo or pong would do. [14:04] Rebecca: yes [14:04] when upgrading from feisty to gutsy, I see 1 install and just 42 upgrades available, is this correct? [14:04] xevious: could you file a bug/wish for that in Launchpad if you don't mind (about the adept notifier thingy) [14:04] sounds like nothing [14:04] WaltzingAlong: url? [14:05] I have installed gnome, just the basics, and that won't load either. Though as I said, I can run programs from it. [14:05] elSandros: how do i know what i need cause some java doesnt work [14:05] xevious: so that we could formally discuss it with the guys who do the coding on adept :) [14:05] Rebecca: releases.ubuntu.com [14:05] Soon I want to simply reinstall from a CD... but until then... [14:05] WaltzingAlong: thanks :) [14:06] Jucato: sure thing. [14:06] does upgrading to gutsy require the use of backports? [14:06] xevious: thanks [14:06] Jucato: just gotta familiarize myself with launchpad [14:06] xevious: take your time. we have about 4 months :) [14:06] LiL-JoN: just try "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" [14:06] where i can download kubuntu gusty [final] ? [14:06] DevideZero: nowhere... [14:06] xenol: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:06] It's not released yet. [14:06] Oh wait. [14:07] lol [14:07] Hm. the site said it wasn't. [14:07] elSandros: i love you [14:07] SteamMachine , nowhere ? [] so what i should do if i want to insall it ? [14:07] wait until it's released? [14:07] Jucato: so i register first, then which section do i post in? [14:08] SteamMachine , but today is the 18 oct ... [14:08] So um. Is there *any* way to fix my issue? [14:08] well. [14:08] gutsy is out [14:08] i thort is was released [14:08] maybe it is. === Tstnz is now known as pizzicato` [14:08] lol [14:08] !final [14:08] If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [14:08] xevious: I'll get a link [14:08] SteamMachine: did you log out and choose kde as your session? [14:08] I'm not sure. I thought that it was coming out a little later, because of the time difference. [14:08] http://kubuntu.org/download.php#latest [14:09] xevious: yes, I did. [14:09] SteamMachine: whats wrong with starting froms scratch lol [14:09] WaltzingAlong: so it did ship with the kopete bug? [14:09] xevious: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug and just pick adept as the package [14:09] Well, guess I don't need to d/l anything then ;) Cept unless if i need to install it somewhere else that is... [14:09] how odd [14:09] Jucato: thanks [14:09] LiL-JoN: nothing? why...? [14:09] SteamMachine: well why not install from cd and start fresh [14:09] Jucato: you recommend that i hide my email address or not? [14:09] XenThraL: actually the bug is not in kopete [14:10] xevious: your choice :) [14:10] kdelibs, right? [14:10] are there untrustworthy people here? do you hide yours? [14:10] SteamMachine: so you wont have to deal with side effects of this problem [14:10] argh , is this thing ever gonna start the upgrade? how long have other people waited? [14:10] because a) I don't have the CD b) it's beneficial in this instance to recover the system. [14:10] Jucato ^ [14:10] rewolf: a long time people have said its took a hour [14:10] b4 the upgrade starts? [14:11] rewolf: no to finish it [14:11] oh [14:11] mine has said "Downloading and Verifying the upgrade tool..." for and hour [14:11] xevious: I don't [14:11] rewolf: im installing from desktop cd so i wont worry about that [14:12] there is a cd somewhere, and if I find it, I probably will just reinstall. [14:12] However... [14:12] rewolf: just be patient :) [14:12] I need to get back what I had first. [14:12] SteamMachine: ill try help you figure out how to fix it? [14:13] sure. [14:13] how do I identify and uninstall programs that I installed from source about a million years ago? [14:13] upgrade wizard doesn't starts, any tip? [14:13] Greenery: I will be, as soon as i know that other people have also sat on the same message for an hour ; and that its normal, and will progress [14:13] how exactly do you plan to help? (I don't mean to sound snappy - just that I'm not sure what would be useful here) [14:14] i can't install vmware-player because it says i have an old installation,but the old one isnt working... I installed it from source right after having installed feisty -- now i'm in gutsy... [14:14] rewolf: it did happen to me when i upgrade feisty ro gutsy RC [14:14] ok cool. thank u [14:14] now i can get to my physics studying [14:14] lol [14:15] hi, i'm using a custom kernel with feisty, but would rather not. is there a gutsy kernel that will give me support for 4GB of RAM and preempt for my usb mic out of the box? [14:15] SteamMachine: is this your problemo http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde&m=108055712504728&w=2 [14:15] Jucato: is there any general convention for tagging the summary? should i put something like [usability] adept notifier runs during adept-instigated dist-upgrade? or scratch the [usability] part? [14:15] !4gb [14:15] xevious: scratch the tagging [14:15] I checked "recommended updates" *but NOT* "unsupported updates"... then clicked on fetch updates *but* I do not have any updates or upgrades :/ [14:15] Jucato: right-o [14:15] LiL-JoN: maybe - I can't open it. there's no way for me to switch windows at the moment. [14:16] upgrade wizard doesn't starts, followed the instructions, but didn't help, any tip? [14:16] SteamMachine: can we make a privet chat and ill paste it? === x_ is now known as kutxiflin [14:17] SteamMachine: join LiL-JoN [14:17] LiL-JoN: sure [14:17] MidMark: you're not alone, I too am experiencing no upgrade through adept [14:17] :( [14:17] vbgunz: interestinh [14:18] I've tried to change also servers but didn't help too [14:18] WaltzingAlong: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 [14:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about 4gb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [14:18] * byewindows back [14:18] finally the x64 packages, if anyone else asks you can point them there :) [14:18] thanks Riddell [14:18] sorry, what the matter with this ati compilation http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41058/ ? [14:18] Arggh... [14:19] XenThraL: how happy are you! :D [14:19] LiL-JoN: hey :) [14:19] yes well, now to reconstruct the mess I did in my /.kde... [14:19] I juste think to you LiL-JoN ! Sorry, what the matter with this ati compilation http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41058/ ? === muzzle_ is now known as |Muzzle| [14:19] I tried, sudo apt-get update|upgrade|dist-upgrade. followed steps to do it through adept with no luck. I am unable to upgrade to gutsy. anyone know how or why? [14:20] vbgunz: cat /etc/lsb-release which version are you using? [14:21] lsb_release -a works too :) [14:21] WaltzingAlong: ubuntu 7.04 feisty [14:21] Jucato: thanks [14:21] * genii hands WaltzingAlong a coffee [14:21] * WaltzingAlong thanks genii [14:21] * Jucato is jealous... though doesn't deserve to be handed out anything lately [14:21] vbgunz: and you have been following the upgrade instructions? [14:21] * genii hands Jucato a coffee as well [14:22] WaltzingAlong: Anytime [14:22] yes, I enabled recommended updates BUT NOT unsupported updates. I tried to fetch updates but upgrading never becomes an option [14:22] apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade to gutsy ? [14:22] genii: thanks, but like I said, I don't deserve it :) [14:22] byewindows: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3557421 [14:22] I tried apt-get dist-upgrade after update and upgrade and all return nothing to update :( [14:23] vbgunz: my problem was 3rd party repositories causing it to bomb [14:23] Jucato: You told someone to sudo rm -rf /* lately? ;) [14:23] vbgunz: that can be [14:23] Okay, what exactly is it that causes kde/gnome to start when one logs in? [14:23] i disabled those and its going without a hitch [14:23] genii: nah... just not doing my "job" well lately [14:23] I'll try disabling 3rd party and see if that works [14:23] vbgunz: how about the instructions here http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade [14:24] one sec, will look [14:24] Jucato: Ah :( Well hopefully caffeine will help keep you alert so you can [14:24] hope so too [14:24] WaltzingAlong: yes I tried those exactly [14:24] WaltzingAlong: that instructions doesn't work!!! [14:25] update wizard won't show [14:25] no version upgrade? [14:25] no [14:25] nothing [14:25] try this link: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems [14:25] eh sorry wrong one [14:25] vbgunz: do you have software-properties-kde installed? [14:26] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes === stijn_ is now known as Kamos [14:26] Greenery: that known issues page is so glossed it hurts [14:26] WaltzingAlong: not sure, how do I check? [14:27] pasted the wrong link >.< [14:27] vbgunz: check it in adept manager [14:27] LiL-JoN: in fact I don't understand well. I should do the sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run with my user instead to be root ? [14:27] should I replace feisty in apts sources.list with gutsy? [14:27] vbgunz: or sudo aptitude software-properties-kde [14:27] vbgunz: could you enable pre-released updates [14:27] sudo aptitude install [14:27] yeah [14:27] vbgunz: you could but this upgrade process will do that for you [14:27] (if you're trying to install) === LjL3 is now known as LjL [14:27] byewindows: run with user [14:28] vbgunz: or sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde (oops forgot install) [14:28] WaltzingAlong: I have software-properties-kde installed [14:28] no update for me [14:28] LiL-JoN: I have the same error [14:28] I don't wish to enable unsupported updates. they all seem to be coming from backports [14:28] MidMark: how far do you get? [14:28] byewindows: Make sure its executable bit is set also so it runs [14:28] I see more people have problems upgrading? The upgrade button won't appear? [14:28] vbgunz: yes that's backports. please enable pre-released updates [14:28] WaltzingAlong: what? [14:28] am checking with adept if I have it [14:29] MidMark: in the process, the steps, how far do you get? [14:29] enable unsupported updates to upgrade to gutsy? [14:29] well this is weird, installation of gutsy went without a hitch on my machine. [14:29] byewindows: right click the file select permissions and select make executable [14:29] vbgunz: no! not unsuported [14:29] my gf's however isnt [14:29] vbgunz: pre-release [14:29] make the upgrade button (magically) appear! kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:29] LiL-JoN: chmod u+x ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run ? [14:30] byewindows: yes [14:30] the compilation doesn't work too oO [14:30] WaltzingAlong: I had always turned on recommended updates, all updated, but no update wizard [14:30] 10 hours spend on my Ati ^^ [14:30] can be that I have kde 3.5.7? [14:30] hi [14:30] MidMark: even pre-release updates? [14:31] Jucato: no pre no [14:31] but they are not mentioned in the instruction [14:31] byewindows: um I'm trying to think whatelse could be interfering [14:31] MidMark: working on that.. [14:31] should I enable them? [14:31] adept really hogs the system when updating :( [14:31] I had the same problems with upgrading and the kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" command helped me, upgrade tool is downloading [14:31] MidMark: trying to confirm... [14:32] for the past upgrades to Beta and RC, they were needed [14:32] -rwxr--r-- 1 byewindows byewindows 53989404 2007-10-18 14:55 ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [14:32] how do i delete a kernel [14:32] weird [14:32] ok, I swear I said pre-relase updates before and it didn't work. but it's seeing an upgrade now [14:32] upgrade only 18 packages [14:32] wow, thats gutsy? [14:32] vbgunz: no [14:33] I tried adept_manager --version-upgrade and it did something, but now it says : "Could not verify the integrity of the upgrader application. This program will now exit." [14:33] vbgunz: that should update adept first [14:33] Jucato: turned on, now shows 20 updates [14:33] baaack [14:33] SteamMachine: did it work? [14:33] nope [14:33] byewindows: another user yesterday had a similar issue. He had put the file not in his home dir and it would not run. Perhaps put it into /home , make sure it is owned by that user/group and executable. It is agui installer so don't use sudo to run it. Use instead from konsole or alt-f2 kdesu [14:33] Jucato: so download the 20 updates under "full upgrade" and then the real gutsy will be available to me? [14:33] vbgunz, MidMark: that should update adept to a new version that has the --version-upgrade feature [14:33] do i just do aptitude dist-upgrade to upgrade from feisty to gutsy? [14:33] hi to the room [14:34] plz someone can tell me how can i update feisty to gutsy gibon? [14:34] Jucato: don't confirm, adept isn't in the list of the 20ies [14:34] Kamos: select a diggerent mirror not the main server [14:34] MidMark: hm... [14:34] Ok, I'll try [14:34] SteamMachine: join my channel [14:34] To recap for everyone here... [14:34] I have kubuntu installed. [14:34] byewindows: The ls -l result there shows you should do something like chmod 755 < [14:35] The major issue here is that when I log in, I get a graphical xterm console. [14:35] vbgunz, MidMark: try upgrading first. Full Upgrade then Apply Changes, then Quit Adept. then restart Adept [14:35] * Jucato crosses fingers [14:35] Ok I try [14:35] no new packages when i do dist-upgrade :/ [14:35] ie, everything it there... kinda, but it won't load. [14:35] * MidMark upgrading also with proposed packages [14:35] I don't see adept in the list of upgrades :( [14:35] hmmm [14:36] vbgunz, MidMark: good luck. may the source be w/ you [14:36] I think I have destroy the run ^^ [14:36] the source... lol, [14:36] well, the foss i you want :) [14:37] if* [14:37] byewindows: ? [14:37] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41059/ genii [14:37] byewindows: reading [14:37] Extraction failed [14:37] hey genii [14:37] I did sudo adept_manager --version-upgrade, now it says launch my distribution upgrade tool....whazat mean? [14:38] a good firewall for kubuntu? [14:38] * genii hands BluesKaj a large coffee and goes back to reading pastebin [14:38] soulwarp: a tool to specifically deal with upgrading the distribution (from 7.04 to 7.10, for example) [14:38] soulwarp: use 'kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"' [14:38] * BluesKaj passes the timbits to genii :) [14:39] byewindows: Don't run it with sh or bash etc etc. It is a graphical installer [14:39] oh ^^ [14:39] stdin: that's not in the instructions too :( [14:39] how can i start version update tool plz? [14:39] nothing :( [14:39] byewindows: instead do: alt-f2 then: kdesu /home/byewindows/ [14:39] well am upgrading the 18 packages. I really hope this doesn't botch my system :/ [14:39] * LiL-JoN smokes a bowl of crack [14:39] Jucato: that's the RC upgrade instructions, seems to work on feisty tho [14:40] repeat the question: can kubuntu kde 3.5.7 for feisty did the trick? [14:40] or some other package? [14:40] * genii sends LiL-JoN to rehab [14:40] MidMark: not really. it shouldn't have any effect [14:40] stdin [14:40] command-not-found: error: no such option: --version-upgrade" [14:40] bash: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade": command not found [14:40] stdin , my first try for the net upgrade failed , so i re-edited my sources.list to gutsy with source-o-matic , now the upgrade seems to be working ...a bit slow but fetching the upgrades at least :) [14:40] * LiL-JoN Refuses rehab and goes back to shooting up herion [14:40] soulwarp: quotes matter [14:40] Heroin? [14:41] soulwarp: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:41] I thought you were on crack... [14:41] SteamMachine: oops lol [14:41] LiL-JoN: Don't make me sic the ppl that do that "Intervention" tv show on ya! ;) [14:41] BluesKaj: I think it's best if you enable -proposed too [14:41] Jucato: launch that command too? ^^ [14:41] stdin aha thanks [14:41] * LiL-JoN says jk and hopes he never goes to rehab [14:41] buenas tengo una curiosidad, tengo un 2 tarjeta de red en el sistema, y cada vez que inicio el sistema las cambia esto es la eth2 aparece como eth1 y vicebersa... [14:41] plz how can i run distribution upgrade tool? [14:41] ENGLSIII_SHSHSH [14:41] stdin, enable -proposed ? [14:42] sorry [14:42] : ) [14:42] Jucato: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/153911 [14:42] Or maybe kubuntu-es? [14:42] BluesKaj: feisty-proposed or pre-release updates [14:42] BluesKaj: the repository feisty-proposed [14:42] yeah, stdin done [14:42] is kopete broken for msn with gutsy? [14:43] byewindows: Get it running now? [14:43] genii: it doesn't work [14:43] stdin giving me the same deal "Ready to upgrade! Click finish to close Adept Package Manager and launch the distribution upgrade tool." [14:43] Jucato: i'm long-winded :) hey. at least i didn't go into the windows comparison... or should i have? [14:43] dystopianray: well, a believe someone else is having issues, but there is a patch... somewhere. [14:43] kdesu ~/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [14:43] who speak spanish here? sniff [14:43] soulwarp: yeah, you close it then adept starts [14:43] hi all [14:43] !es | Necrobyte [14:43] Necrobyte: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda. [14:43] xevious: looks oke to me [14:43] chmod 777... [14:43] stdin lol you were right [14:43] :\ [14:43] yeah [14:44] stdin ty [14:44] anyone gotten remote cups printing to work with kubuntu? i.e. the kubuntu machine is printing to a remote cups printer? [14:44] I updated to the gutsy RC yesterday with hopes of doing an apt-get update when the final ver. came out. Now none of my panels at all work. They are there but can't be clicked on. [14:44] Jucato: i know it's a bit nitpicky, but kubuntu is so remarkably easy that i believe it's come down to minor usability issues such as that [14:44] genii: the sh come from this page https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.28.8-inst.html [14:44] the remote system is working fine, as windows clients can print to it [14:44] it seems like torrent.ubuntu.com is a bit overloaded... there are other trackers avaiable? [14:44] sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [14:44] when I log in as another user everything works [14:44] soulwarp, just follow the instructions and things will work ok, yer on the right track now ...no need to keep quoting steps back to the channel [14:44] how do I tell the tempratures on my cpu and motherboard? [14:44] xevious: did u dan kdesu adept-manager --version update and it shows u now run distribution update tool? [14:44] how can I reset all my panels? [14:44] byewindows: Damn. Did you make sure to d/l the version for whatever you are running? eg: 32 bit for x86 or 64 bit for x86_64 kubuntu [14:45] !sensors [14:45] You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [14:45] xevious: it's ok. like I said, I may personally disagree, but I'm not going to block the wishlist/bug report :) [14:45] BluesKaj ok [14:45] okay [14:45] Jucato: rightio [14:45] xevious: I may comment later. :) [14:45] hello all , when i use kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" i get this error: adept_manager: Unknown option '--version-upgrade' [14:45] supposing I wanted to start kde from a command line... [14:45] how would I do that? [14:45] ATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.28.8 genii [14:45] startkde [14:45] xenol: i'm in the process of upgrading right now [14:45] $ uname -a [14:45] Linux team 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux [14:45] hi [14:45] i'm not getting any updates in aptitude dist-upgrade :/ [14:46] same here [14:46] SteamMachine: or if kde is your default DE startx [14:46] byewindows: What does uname -m report? [14:46] does anyone of you have a howto for XGL/beryl for Kubuntu (gutsy) [14:46] i686 [14:46] genii: [14:46] stephie: beryl is dead, merged with compiz to make compiz-fusion [14:47] genii: i thought it was uname -a [14:47] stdin: okay, so a howto for compiz-fusion [14:47] hagabaka,, boubbin ; alt + F2 then type : kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:47] let's have a dist-upgrade race: where's everyone at? i'm at 42% [14:47] welcome to the chaos gnomefreak :) [14:47] genii: I have dl this one https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [14:47] xevious: already did that a week ago [14:47] WaltzingAlong: blah blah blah [14:47] byewindows: Sorry LOL was in above. Yes, correct version then. If they suggest then sh to run it, try instead bash. So something then like: sudo bash ./filename (with prompt in the working directory) [14:47] stdin: :) been here already [14:47] xevious: got one of the main man for adept to reply :) [14:47] WaltzingAlong: clearly you're not in this race, then [14:48] How do I change my repositories now that RC is officialy released [14:48] xevious: but i can watch the rest sweat it out [14:48] Jucato: did you have me post this just so you could have it shot down? [14:48] byewindows: (K)ubuntu uses dash for system sh which sometimes causes grief [14:48] !final | iss_student [14:48] iss_student: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [14:48] xevious: of course not [14:48] genii: i never thought of bashing it [14:48] xevious: have you read his reply? [14:48] BluesKaj nice thanks. [14:48] Jucato: nope. and that was a joking question by the way [14:48] :) [14:48] kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" i get this error: adept_manager: Unknown option '--version-upgrade' any help ? [14:48] stephie: just "sudo apt-get install xserver-gxl compiz compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager" that should get it all for you [14:48] mohamed_: quotes matter [14:49] xevious: i think Jucato meant th ereply to your lauchpad bug post [14:49] LiL-JoN: I've had some frustrations myself over the sh/dash/bash issue [14:49] mohamed_: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:49] a [14:49] * Jucato tries to drop everything to help stdin [14:49] work calls me, AFK a couple minutes [14:49] genii: i suck with all that im starting to learn bash commands i got a book :] [14:49] hm. [14:49] nope. [14:49] See. [14:50] anyone else getting their keyboard not working installing gutsy? [14:50] I think kde is already kinda running. [14:50] It's very weird. [14:50] ubotu is that all one command [14:50] It has a wallpaper, and I can run graphical programs. [14:50] sudo bash ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run genii ? [14:50] ./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution [14:50] Removing temporary directory: fglrx-instal [14:50] the new intel graphics card X3100 in my notebook isn't bad... ;-) [14:50] But there is an xterm window (top left) [14:50] 1200 FPS [14:50] always the same... [14:50] iss_student: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is yes [14:51] hi all :) first of all sorry for my english (i tried looking for help on kubuntu-es but nobody knows the solution) [14:52] chuso: whats the problemo [14:52] i'm trying to upgrade to gutsy with adept. I have followed the steps on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php but i dont get the "Version Upgrade" button. I have checked on all kubuntu updates [14:52] !ati | byewindows [14:52] what files in .kde would I have to delete or edit or copy to reset my panels to default [14:52] byewindows: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [14:53] miked: ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc [14:53] right now I can't configure them becuase I can't right click them [14:53] chuso: press Alt-F2 and put in: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [14:53] chuso: (quotes do matter) [14:53] thanks stdin! [14:53] can you just delete will kde make new ones at reboot? [14:54] or copy from known good? [14:54] miked: just that 1 single file [14:54] if you move/delete all of ~/.kde, you basically move/delete all your personal kde settings and data [14:54] Jucato: i just replied [14:54] hmm [14:55] xevious: and I was about to reply. but you beat me. maybe later :) [14:55] i don't know what to delete to make space...there's not enough space even after cleaning apt cache [14:56] Jucato: i like this. a good compromise, because my only gripe was that it was illogical saying there were updates available while it was doing a major update. [14:56] Jucato: we dont have to stop adept from running altogether [14:56] xevious: yeah I like the compromise too. and since you agreed w/ it, I don't feel like putting in my own 2 centavos :) [14:57] xevious: technically adept isn't running... adept_notifier is... and it's actually the only one in the adept brothers that doesn't really lock apt down [14:57] i am having problems updating to gutsy following the tips on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php [14:57] The model of the card is in the 9xxx series, 9500 or higher, or it is in the X series (e.g. X300), or it has TV-Out capability. The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500. [14:57] anyway... [14:57] Hi, I have just used fdisk to wipe a compact flash ard and have now put on a clean bootable partition. The problem is that when i go to create my file system "/sbin/mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda1" it tells me that /dev/sda1 is inuse. Can anyone help [14:57] well... [14:57] Jucato: yeah i just caught my mistake :D [14:57] and now? [14:57] thanks Jucato I'll see what I can get to shake out === NetersLandreau_ is now known as NetersLandreau [14:58] Jucato: what's adept coded in? [14:58] with a Radeon 9200se... what can I do?; [14:58] miked: didn't you see the file name I gave? [14:58] xevious: KDE/Qt, C++/STL, and Python I think... [14:58] xevious: you'll really have to ask the dev(s) [14:58] MidMark: any luck? [14:58] yes I do I'm going to do some editing to see what happens at the least I'll copy a known good one from another login [14:58] Jucato: right-o [14:58] wow! 421 nics! :D [14:59] vbgunz: worked only with kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" command [14:59] really [14:59] miked: you can move/delete that file and KDE will generate a new one if you modify kicker [14:59] Sorry for the stupid questions but do the repository names change now that there is a release? [14:59] Jucato: it's probably beyond me, but i'm gonna grab the source and poke around [14:59] hmmm, am on the last of my 18 packages... I'll try that next :) [14:59] xevious: apt-get source adept :D [14:59] Jucato: gotta wait for this dist-upgrade :) [15:00] 3 hours left :\ [15:00] :) [15:00] didnt kde 4 beta 3 have a start menu ?? [15:01] can someone help me with upgrading? i get kdesu "adept --version-upgrade" is unknown command. [15:02] Is anybody else having problems executing kdesu "adept --version-upgrade"? Because apparently it doesn't exist. [15:02] xenol: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [15:02] ...that was convenient [15:03] In the "upgrade" section of the KDE site. It says at one point to: Press alt+F2 and type kdesu "adept --version-upgrade" [15:03] is there a way to list the sizes of installed packages, ordered from the largest? [15:03] OK, gutsy installed replacing Debian Sid (which I had for 5 years) hopefully the keyboard will be recognised with an install [15:03] Greenery : lol i decided to press cancel, restart and try again. and it instantaneously got past that point [15:03] my computer is telling me that it doesn't recognise the: "adept --version-upgrade" command [15:04] Distribution Release: Ubuntu 7.10 Does this mean Gutsy users are welcome here now? [15:04] heh good for u [15:04] hungrysam: "adept_manager" not "adept" [15:04] hungrysam: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [15:04] hungrysam: hit alt-f2, type kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" [15:04] bazhang: yes [15:04] stdin: thanks! Hiya! [15:04] ah [15:04] thanks [15:05] stdin and *: upgrade instructions have been updated [15:05] is startkde a command? [15:05] hmmm, gutsy is fixing problems on a fat32 drive [15:05] LiL-JoN: yes [15:05] actually it's an executable script [15:05] if you know that a system needs upgrading and the detection of that fails during that time, is there a way to make the update-manager force the upgrade? [15:06] Jucato: so it starts kde right? [15:06] LiL-JoN: basically, yes [15:06] back [15:06] Jucato: do you think that wil fix steammachines problem [15:06] Jucato: I'm in the process of updating the BinaryDriverHowto pages too [15:06] hi [15:06] hello [15:06] w00t [15:06] byewindows: you fix it yet? [15:06] stdin: the HowTo too? :) [15:06] im on gutsy beta, do i need to do anything other than apt-get update and upgrade? [15:06] Jucato: deleted kickerrc and logged back in and I'm golden thanks [15:06] LiL-JoN: that I don't know [15:06] hi bjwebb [15:06] bazhang: hi [15:06] byewindows: So no joy yet with running the installer I gather [15:07] howto upgrade from beta? [15:07] Any idea when the no boot splash screen problem is going to be fixed? [15:07] Jucato: nope "BinaryDriverHowto" :p [15:07] euhm I started the new desktop cd [15:07] and it's just presenting me with a blank login screen [15:07] is this normal ? [15:07] juhana: this isnt a search box [15:08] :( [15:08] juhana: im in the same position [15:08] i think its just the same as doing a normal minor upgrade [15:09] bjwebb, juhana: " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade " (there probably will be 0 updates though ;) [15:09] thanx [15:10] pag: ahh ive done that, i was just checking that was all [15:10] stdin: btw... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --install-recommends when doing from the command line [15:11] stdin: hate to do this to you again... but... gtg [15:11] Jucato: there is "sudo do-release-upgrade" from update-manager-core too :) [15:11] Jucato: Nooooooooooo! [15:11] * LiL-JoN thinks EVERYBODY should join #LiL-JoN [15:11] :p [15:11] LiL-JoN: why? [15:12] stdin: itsatrap [15:12] is update-manager-core available for non-ubuntu-server? [15:12] stdin: to chat? [15:12] hagabaka: update-manager-core is just a package, install from any version [15:12] it wasn't there when i tried to install it... [15:12] only update-manager [15:12] LiL-JoN: we have #kubuntu-offtopic for that, so don't spam [15:13] LiL-JoN: hi [15:13] Hi, is there some setting or program in kubuntu that likes to take control of removable media. I am having a real hard time formatting a device because it is always "in use" [15:13] okay [15:13] but it did give me do-release-upgrade, although it failed just because it couldn't access some unofficial repository [15:13] SteamMachine: did that work? [15:13] so, no matter what session I chose, it sent me to failsafe. [15:13] gawd the best DL speed so far is only 40kb/s, averaging only 18kbs [15:13] while i am trying to get feisty updated is says "fetching file 1 of 2" and it doesnt move from 0% [15:13] however, when I typed startkde, it did in fact start kde [15:14] there xterm is still there... and also, I don't want to have to do it every single time. [15:14] steam you have to add to the xsession startkde line [15:14] Oh? [15:14] How exactly do I? [15:14] hold on [15:14] Or just send me the link again [15:14] roy > system settinys > advanced [15:14] join my chat [15:15] pvandewyngaerde: ah ha :) [15:16] no method to upgrade from efeisty to gutsy worked for me. am trying to replace all feisty with gutsy in my apt-sources, hope that works :/ [15:16] don't ppl bookmark important links ? gawd [15:16] Does anybody heere know how to edit xsession's [15:16] seriously though, this should be a no-brainer by the next version [15:16] LiL-JoN: hey [15:17] nosrednaekim: where did you go [15:17] LiL-JoN: I have school work to do ;) [15:17] nosrednaekim: me to lol [15:17] nosrednaekim: do you know how to edit xsession [15:17] LiL-JoN: sure [15:18] LiL-JoN, /etc//X11/xsession.d ? [15:18] BluesKaj: no the kde xsession [15:19] debconf died when i was upgrading to gutsy and now the upgrade isnt moving forward. :/ === krugerk is now known as hellocommunity [15:19] LiL-JoN, /etc/X11/xsession/kde? [15:19] i has a gutsy k? [15:19] BluesKaj hi [15:20] hi ksivaji [15:20] LiL-JoN: in /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop? [15:20] have you tried gusty [15:20] gutsy* [15:20] nosrednaekim: yeah [15:20] LiL-JoN: what do you want to edit? [15:20] well, replacing all feisty with gutsy in my sources shows me 139 new installs with over 1055 upgrades... am going for it, I hope I don't wreck anything :/ [15:21] just upgrading to it now , but if it breaks my 3d and dri , Ill prolly roll back to feisty [15:21] the way it starts up kde [15:21] is there a kubuntu gutsy torrent? [15:21] bjwebb: yes [15:21] where? [15:21] vbgunz: try "sudo aptitude --with-recommends dist-upgrade" instead of the normal command [15:22] google [15:22] stdin hi [15:22] nosrednaekim: the way it starts up kde [15:22] bjwebb: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ [15:22] hey :) [15:22] stdin: I tried so many things and this is the only one showing results, I wait 6 months to try that or if I bork this one, I'll try it in about 6 hours :) [15:22] I have KDM themes enabled but when I change the theme it doesn't change the login screen any ideas [15:22] LiL-JoN: eh... what aout the way it starts? [15:22] !torrents | bjwebb [15:22] bjwebb: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can! [15:23] ubotu: good bot :D [15:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about good bot :d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:23] vbgunz: the command I gave should install a proper system from upgrade, it'll only be partial otherwise [15:23] damnit. [15:23] shouldn't it just be a little easier... [15:23] pvandewyngaerde: amy device is not showing up in "Disk and Filesystems - System Settings" but the OS is still claiming the device is in use? [15:23] stdin: ahem shouldn't you be telling people to use update-manager-core to upgrade? [15:24] ubotu: anything [15:24] nosrednaekim: its not my problem im helping a kid out [15:24] So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. [15:24] Guys [15:24] nosrednaekim: i found the fix === lee__ is now known as lee98632 [15:24] LiL-JoN: ah..ok. [15:24] jdong: that is for ubuntu (gnome) [15:24] steammachine was the guy i was trying to help lol [15:24] LiL-JoN, pls share it with us [15:25] hellocommunity: update-manager-core is a CLI command, independent of any desktop environment [15:25] BluesKaj: he was always starting in failsafe [15:25] <|Muzzle|> #include -- "QGLWidget No such file or directory" what do I have to apt-get ? [15:25] hellcattrav: it uses the update-manager upgrading logic without the GUI frontend [15:25] welllwell, It turs out that I got the upgrade last night [15:25] i found my problem why the livedvd crashes and why when i install kubuntu in textmode(which solves the problem) and then i install kubuntu-desktop which also installs powernowd crashes, the problem is powernowd, is there a way to disable it on the livecd (kernel parametre) and a way to not install when installing kubuntu desktop ? please :( [15:25] LiL-JoN, ok [15:25] BluesKaj: help me! you're my savour :P [15:25] lol [15:25] jdong: both should work [15:26] http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [15:26] BluesKaj: so i had to make his /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop execute the command "startkde" [15:26] stdin: yeah, but aptitude, you need to edit sources.list, change commercial to partner, reinstall both metapackages, then do the aptitude dist-upgrade... and you don't get nice logs of failures [15:26] sorry Angelus , dunno much about that :( [15:26] stdin: well, I stopped otherwise and tried yours. the upgrades remain at the same count but the new installs shot up to over half of what it was :/ [15:26] LiL-JoN: thought that what it always did. [15:26] stdin: you're right in that both work, but doing it by hand is just more trouble for the average user [15:26] *was what [15:27] np BluesKaj :P [15:27] nosrednaekim: but his started failsafe not kde [15:27] jdong: average user should do 'kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"' :) [15:27] that's pretty standard command prompt [15:27] ah..right :) [15:27] somebody please knows how to disable powernowd from being installed? its crashing my pc :( [15:27] bluescage, he can't saave your soul , maaybe you pc lol [15:27] stdin: true, but some people are extremely CLI-biased :D [15:27] As he said, rather than going to kde, it goes to failsafe. Then I have to start kde through failsafe... [15:27] angelous whats wrong? [15:28] jdong: then they aren't the average user, I win :p [15:28] SteamMachine: i can help you [15:28] SteamMachine: or did you fix it already? [15:28] SteamMachine: thats odd, do you have the default session set to be KDE? [15:28] yes [15:28] wait [15:28] I don't mind the cli at all. its only one t short of a lot of fun :) [15:28] LiL-JoN: no [15:28] you SURE? [15:28] absolutely. [15:28] I checked it over and over. [15:28] what is powernowd ? [15:28] nosrednaekim: no matter what he picks it goes to failsafe [15:28] mhm [15:28] lee98632,my nick rhymes with blues-ky not cage :) euro pronunciation of the letter "j" [15:28] !info powernowd | lee98632 [15:29] lee98632: powernowd: control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 120 kB [15:29] join muh channel [15:29] oh sorry lol [15:29] LiL-JoN: stop that [15:29] lee98632: powernowd crashes my computer as soon as it starts, it starts automatically in livecd and both when i install a command line system and then apt-get kubuntu-desktop :( [15:29] NP :) [15:29] WaltzingAlong: do you know how to disable it by anychace? [15:29] is there any risk in upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 by editing source.list . [15:29] ksivaji: yes [15:29] ksivaji: yes [15:29] ksivaji: the risk is that it will install a borked system [15:30] Is it just me, or does updating from feisty to gutsy just not work as explained on kubuntu.com? I never get to see the update manager offering to push me up to Gutsy ... :-( [15:30] lee98632, altho I live in Canada :) [15:30] ! powernowd [15:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about powernowd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:30] borked system means [15:30] Angelus: sudo aptitude purge powernowd [15:30] ksivaji: a non-working system. [15:30] ksivaji: not working [15:30] ksivaji: if adept isn't working with the --version-upgrade option, then use "sudo do-release-upgrade" after installing update-manager-core [15:30] WaltzingAlong: will that stop kubuntu-desktop from installing it as dependency ? :/ [15:30] stdin: the real user draws a dependency graph by hand, and uses ar x and tar to unpack their debs and uses vi to update /var/lib/dpkg/status :) [15:30] ksivaji: it means problems :P [15:31] lol i see ill try to see waht i can find if you need to do the online up grade...do you know how to? [15:31] hi [15:31] which command may i use to know which ubuntu version i am running? [15:31] santibiotico: lsb_release -a [15:31] jdong: nah, a real user gets out a little magnet and etches the bits directly on to the hard disk :p [15:31] santibiotico lsb_release -a [15:31] Angelus: no. you could use bum to stop it from starting [15:31] SteamMachine: pastebin your /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop [15:32] etc /proc/version [15:32] thx :) [15:32] Angelus can you do an online upgrade? [15:32] *cat /proc/version [15:32] stdin: stop what? === _root is now known as oplat [15:32] ksivaji: that only gives the kernel version [15:32] !info bum | Angelus [15:32] angelus: bum: graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (gutsy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB [15:33] stdin: i was talking to SteamMachine but it didnt come up with his name [15:33] WaltzingAlong: the problem is as soon as the packagemanager tries to install powernowd as a dependenct of something, the pc crashes, i can't even boot into the livedvd cause it starts powernowd automatically, so i have to do a command line system install first. [15:33] LiL-JoN: no, asking people to join your channel [15:33] so if i were running a rc version, lsb_release -a output would say it? [15:33] santibiotico, lsb_release -a [15:33] santibiotico: that you have gutsy! [15:33] nosrednaekim: this is actually LiL-JoN's, but it's identical to mine. [15:34] !final | santibiotico [15:34] santibiotico: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [15:34] stdin: i was asking SteamMachine sorry i didnt meen to say it loud next time ill pvt message him [15:34] wow the kubuntu upgrade servers must be hammered... I can hit several MB but am currently at about 20kb ... heh [15:34] what is x-mediaplayer2? Im trying to watch a video in a web site and Firefox cant find a plugin for that [15:34] it would say 7.10 [15:34] LiL-JoN: please do :) [15:34] Vermux: wmv? [15:34] !codecs | Vermux [15:34] Vermux: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [15:35] SteamMachine: idk how to make "startkde" start at the begining of each kde session lol its hard not alot of people have this problem [15:35] !failsafe [15:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about failsafe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:36] hmm... [15:36] SteamMachine: remember im noobie [15:37] Thanks anyway, you were kinda helpful. [15:37] is the figure next to USER in ksensors the cpu temprature? [15:37] don't feel bad amaroc has been dissabled from playing cerytain files online :( i miss my celtic music:( [15:38] is it just me or is there no 'adept' command regarding the upgrade procedure? figured it out tho, adept_manager [15:38] how do I turn on 3d effects with KDE on gutsy? [15:38] Angelus you still online? [15:38] is gutsy KDE 3.5.7 or 3.5.8? [15:39] I thought it was 7 but read it was 8 [15:39] its 3.5.8 [15:39] lee98632: yes im here waiting for an answer [15:39] i treid to render that an even with a 256 meg card it kept crashing [15:39] Random Fortune: Windows without the X is like making love without a partner. Sex, Drugs & Linux Rules win-nt from the people who invented edlin. Apples have meant trouble since eden. Linux, the way to get rid of boot viruses -- MaDsen Wikholm, mwikholm@at8.abo.fi [15:40] Angelus ok i am a searching....can you also upgrade via on line? [15:40] what happens if kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" stalls and times out on the download? [15:40] Is 2.6.22-14 latest kernel for the ubuntu-7.10 ? [15:40] anyone ...how do I turn on 3d effects with KDE on gutsy? [15:40] lee98632: i CANT install kubuntu [15:41] xevious: try a different mirror [15:41] sminded75: do you have the advanced desktop effects manager installed? [15:41] sytem >settings>window behavior [15:41] try taht [15:41] lee98632: i can install a command line system, and then install kde , and then TRY to install kubuntu-desktop which pulls out powernowd and crashes everythng [15:41] baz: i have whatecer came with 7.10 === root_ is now known as cinz [15:41] sminded75: are you ok using the terminal? [15:42] baz: y [15:42] Ok Il see waht I can find..hopefully Iaam not the only one searching [15:42] thankz lee98632 [15:42] :) [15:43] To install Compiz-Fusion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [15:43] WaltzingAlong: these are instructions for Ubuntu. how do I find applications in Kubuntu? [15:43] in GNOME its easy to turn on compiz but dunno how in KDE [15:43] Vermux: look up ^ :) [15:43] sminded75: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald compiz-kde [15:43] sminded75: in KDE is easy, just run compiz-fusion icon , and select compiz as window manager === ivan__ is now known as VirtuoS [15:44] hi, how have feisty>gutsy upgrades been going for people? working ok? [15:44] baz: should i really need that with 7.10, should it not be installed by default? [15:44] sminded75: it's not. [15:44] !sensors [15:44] You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [15:44] Vermux: kubuntu.org [15:45] angelus: where do i find the compiz-fusion icon? [15:45] what do i do if kdesu fail to do anything === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Gutsy out NOW! http://kubuntu.org/download.php | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4- [15:46] sminded75: on its website i think, iforgot, join #compiz-fusion [15:46] kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" just sits there, in fact kdesu anything just sits there [15:47] stdin: looks like the topic's too long, the end of that url's cut off [15:47] .......if I understand correctly, compiz-fusion is only installed default on ubuntu and not kubuntu?? weird... [15:47] Black_Monkey: yeah, I'm shortening it [15:47] sminded75: not weird [15:47] nobody? [15:47] sub: so whats the rationale behind it then? [15:48] ok :-) [15:48] kde4 [15:48] sminded75: compiz-fusion was tailored for gnome [15:48] ugh, linux sucks === stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Download Gutsy http://kubuntu.org/download.php | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Gutsy party and in #ubuntu-release-party [15:48] i see [15:49] thanks [15:49] Angelus errg iam a still searching..I fouund out waht it is but, I can't find out how to dissable it [15:49] anybody there? am i not even actually talking [15:50] sub: thanks for clearing that out... im back on gnome then :/ [15:50] subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault), core dumped [15:50] now, it did NOT want to see that [15:51] Hello everybody [15:51] ...give me a reason not to switch back to gnome (haha) [15:51] KDE 4 [15:51] Hello [15:51] anybody tell me how to make kdesu work? [15:51] KDE 4 is the shit? [15:52] all the sudden it stopped working at all [15:52] !language [15:52] !language | sminded75 [15:52] sminded75: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [15:52] nobody? === mrnotproper_ is now known as mrnotproper [15:53] jfro: reinstall it? [15:53] jfro [15:53] jfro: what's the issue? [15:53] trying to run the upgrade but the kdesu process fails to work now [15:53] kdesu anyprogram [15:53] hangs [15:53] i can do kdesu xeyes and it'll fail to work [15:53] reinstall kdesu [15:53] I've got a problem updating to 7.10. I'm upgrading from 7.04, when I click on Manage Repositories, I don't get that window shown in "Upgrading from 7.04 (Feisty)". I get a list of repositories instead. [15:53] I have been trying for weeks to get my dual head setup working with my laptop (ATI Radeon 9600). FINALLY... Now how to I make sure my config will work when I restart? [15:54] I used aticonfig statements to get everyting working. [15:54] igniter: read the instructions again you need to make sure the repositories are enabled then restart adept [15:54] sminded75: kdesu isn't a package itself [15:54] and, as it was, reporting the bug-utility doesn't work either... [15:54] and seems like sudo adept_manager --version-upgrade ends upf ailing [15:55] !info powernowd [15:55] powernowd: control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 120 kB [15:55] lee98632: you found something ? :p [15:55] :D [15:55] got it to work again, wtf [15:56] form wwaht I am guessing its built in to the disk [15:56] can you get the alternate version? === niels_ is now known as NielsE [15:56] the on that won't use taht...? [15:57] Anybody? I want to make sure my current display settings (dual head ATI 9600) work as they do now after a restart. [15:58] http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloading?release=desktop-newest&arch=i386&mirror=http%3A%2F%2Fmirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca%2Fubuntu-releases%2F&debug=%5B%27country_US%27%2C+%27country_UK%27%2C+%27continent_NA%27%5D&download-button=&alternatecd=alternate [15:58] i gave up on dual head, i got it working but it had issues [15:58] try the alternate download sik [15:58] !dualhead [15:58] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [15:58] eh disk [15:58] I have dual head working now. But if I restart, the settings are all screwed up...I have to reconfigure it after each restart. [15:59] the alternate can go in to text mode angelus [15:59] but then there the other question [16:00] Hi! I just upgraded to Gutsy. How do I make compiz start automatically? [16:00] !autostart [16:00] To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. [16:00] stdin, instead of getting this window http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot2.png I get a repositories list. I can't enable the "Recommended updates" and "Pre release updates" boxes [16:00] Can anybody tell me where to find usplash.conf? [16:00] igniter: sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde [16:00] Angelus somthing else to think about is if the cdrom is crashing your pc...then that program when it launches verry well might crash you system too [16:00] iss_student: locate usplash.conf [16:00] igniter: you can't ? [16:01] WaltzingAlong: ok, ty [16:01] stdin: no, will try that command [16:01] it's in etc [16:01] iss_student: /etc/usplash.conf [16:01] ive now got both monitors working on KDE.. but when i move my mouse into the second screen, the pointer turns into a corrupted image or so [16:01] Angelus taht is if it comes enabled after the loading [16:01] when i try to edit a contact in kontact or edit a task, i get an error message saying that the record is in use by another process. i killed kontact and restarted - still have the same problem. any ideas? [16:02] e_me: sounds like a problem with the hardware cursor [16:02] stdin: it doesnt help [16:03] Vermux: what doesn't help? [16:03] my klauncher crashes randomly [16:04] pvandewyngaerde: using kde4? [16:04] stdin: it is not clear what should I do in order to play simple video with kubuntu. [16:05] Vermux: which video? [16:05] nope KDE3.5.8 in kubuntu gutsy, but i guess its because i did a bad kopete-bug patch [16:05] trying to undo it now [16:05] Vermux: best thing imo is to install KMplayer and use that, works perfectly [16:05] I am using Gutsy Beta and am trying to perform the Distribution Upgrade (I only need to upgrade 8 aplications). Is anyone else running into a problem with the actual installation step of the upgrade? All files seemed to download just fine, but the actual implementation just hangs. [16:05] WaltzingAlong: video from a web site. firefox doesnt have the plugin x-mplayer2 [16:07] !info mozilla-mplayer | Vermux [16:07] vermux: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB [16:08] hey guys. im upgrading from feisty fawn to gutsy gibbon. using the instructions found here - http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade . But, stuck on part 6. system says theres no such command as adept :s [16:08] rand_acs: I installed it but it doesnt help play a video from the web [16:09] qualcuno sa usare linux [16:09] (tried apt-get install adept - says most current version installed) [16:09] plz help :) [16:09] when i try to edit a contact in kontact or edit a task, i get an error message saying that the record is in use by another process. i killed kontact and restarted - still have the same problem. any ideas? [16:09] lee98632: i know that it comes enabled after loading (livecd) and crashes the pc [16:09] :p [16:09] yeo_: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" (quotes matter) [16:09] yeo_: adept underscore manager [16:09] any mirror where i can download gutsy final? i've tried 2 where i found a non-rc that finally was a rc [16:09] WaltzingAlong: that did it, thank you [16:09] ahh. mistake in the instructions? [16:09] stdin: thank you too [16:09] hiho [16:10] i try an alternativ install cd but the lcd stays black after booting the kernel [16:10] yeo_: where does it say "kdesu "adept --version-upgrade" ? [16:10] igniter: great [16:10] are there no dvd-images of gutsy? [16:10] http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade [16:10] yeah perl segmentation fault [16:10] yeo_: that says adept_manager... [16:10] yeo_: I'm looking at it, and it says "7. Press alt+F2 and type kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" " [16:10] Vermux: what medai are you attempting to play? [16:10] yeo_: or refers to Adept the shortcut off of kmenu [16:11] now says that want to continue to install, but it stopped [16:11] not on mimne [16:11] mine [16:11] any idea? [16:11] ...guys... I have installed compiz-fusion on kubuntu but how do I enable it? [16:11] To install Compiz-Fusion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [16:11] rand_acs: a video from a web site. forefox says x-mplayer2 plugin is missing - and it cannot find the plugin for that [16:11] thanks anyway :) [16:11] Angelus then there may not be a way to dissable the live Cd version [16:12] any idea? [16:12] yeo_: send over a screenshot [16:12] it might be a bug [16:12] hi! ccsm keeps crashing, how can I configure compiz? [16:12] what can I do if the upgrade stop? [16:12] k [16:12] for example when I used a cd that had the beta version..my windows was aalllscroabled [16:12] Mithsir: what is ccsm complaining about when it crashes? [16:12] lee98632: i know, but is it posible that after installing a command line system, and trying to install kubuntu-desktop preventing it from pulling in ad installing powernowd ? [16:12] :p [16:13] what are the benefits of upgrading from feisty to gutsy? [16:13] sub[t]rnl: Segmentation fault (core dumped) (emerald-theme-manager -i has the same problem) [16:13] that I wouldnt know, waht options are in the live Cd? [16:13] .......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;........;..............;..................... [16:13] ehm [16:13] oeps [16:13] I am downloading it to find out too [16:13] sorry [16:13] lee98632: i can install kubuntu, by installing a command line system [16:14] Mithsir: do an apt-get --purge remove compizconfig-settings and reinstall it [16:14] WaltzingAlong, there u go [16:14] lee98632: then from comamnd line system, when i try to apt-get install kubutnu-desktop, it pulls in powernowd wich fux0rz everything [16:14] L:s [16:14] yeo_: thanks have accepted [16:14] now it has changed after a few refreshes :) [16:15] Angelus aare you also running a 64 bit machine or cabable of it? [16:15] ok I retry [16:15] sub[t]rnl: ty, I'll try [16:15] lee98632: yes it's capable of it [16:15] my update stopped for a segmentation fault [16:15] what I have to do?? [16:15] Vermux: weird, never had such a thing, all I can suggest is go and look in adept and see if you find mplayer plugins(relating to browsers) that's not installed [16:15] ok did you try the 64 bit version? [16:15] yeo_: ok thanks :D well if it was wrong we would want to change it to prevent the issues with the next wave of those installing [16:15] lee98632: intresting, because when i tried Gutsy RC the 64bit versin the error didn't happen [16:15] Vermux: btw, which version are you running, x86 or x86_64? [16:15] Anyone else running into problems upgrading from Gutsy Beta??? [16:15] happy to help :) [16:15] Paradigm_Shift: yes me [16:16] none has giving a solution [16:16] rand_acs: 32 [16:16] an installer that stops entire upgrade for a simple segmentation fault in a single package [16:16] that is not possible [16:16] Iam unfortunately running x86 because my drivers won't work in 64 bit [16:16] hopefully once my C++ is good enough ill be able to contribute even more :) [16:16] MidMark, I am stalled at the actual installation of the upgraded files [16:16] Vermux: ah, I'm running 64 and there's this awesome script that installs everything you need for the browser [16:16] try the 64 bit then [16:16] MidMark, step 4 of 6 [16:17] hmm timed out [16:17] !final | Paradigm_Shift [16:17] Paradigm_Shift: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [16:17] Iam guessing that the live cd is missreading soemthing [16:18] sub[t]rnl: didn't help - it crashes as soon as I click, e.g. General Options. [16:18] lee98632: hmm tonight i'll download Gutsy 64bit , but i hope it wil lhave the option to install in text , cause my video card is too new :p [16:18] uboto, I will try the command line method. I installed Gutsy Beta from CD and when I updated Adept the Upgrade button appreared [16:18] Angelus: then grab the dvd [16:18] oh you want the Alternate Cd then [16:18] Angelus: then grab the dvd or the alternate [16:18] Angelus use the alternate cd [16:18] Mithsir: is there any other information you can gather that it is complaining about before the seg fault? [16:18] when doing that upgrade it hangs after downloading and trung to actually install the files [16:18] WaltzingAlong, DCC failed - http://silenceisdefeat.org/~tok3n/snapshot1.jpg [16:19] lee98632: or the DVD :p [16:19] the dvd have both [16:19] :p [16:19] sub[t]rnl: not really... [16:19] yeo_: press refresh ? [16:19] is there any developer here? [16:19] Angelus http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [16:19] MidMark: #kubuntu-devel [16:19] chose alternate cd [16:19] yes its been fixed now. just providing the screenie as promised ;) [16:19] stdin: yeo_ mentioned that now it shows correctly [16:19] sub[t]rnl: Its a pythonscript - I dunno how to debug it... [16:19] thanks yeo_ [16:20] np [16:20] well, no ones perfect. even the devs make typos [16:20] :) [16:20] yip yip [16:20] stdin: do I have to add a third party repository maybe? [16:21] Vermux: to play what? [16:21] what type [16:21] ahh i think i have to close all open apps during update :( [16:21] Kopete crashes when I try to connect to MSN in brand new Gutsy install :s [16:21] kaminix: it's known, the fix is on it's way [16:21] yes, it says so in the release notes too [16:21] uboto, tried upgrading using apt-get - nothing to upgrade, so why the Version upgrade prompt using Adept? [16:21] kaminix: see Riddell's post on planet.ubuntu.com for a fix [16:22] stdin: should I give him the link? [16:22] stdin: x-mplayer2 [16:22] kaminix: there is already a fix for that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 fixed packages at the bottom [16:22] Jucato: if you have it, I didn't have it to hand [16:22] stdin: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 just in case.... [16:22] stdin, lontral WaltzingAlong: When will the fix be offical and get into the repos? [16:22] kaminix: it is in proposed already afaik [16:22] Jucato: it should go to topic! [16:22] kaminix: I guess as soon as the freeze on the repositories are lifted [16:23] anyone knows a reason why i cant mount my external hdd (ntfs) even tho i installed the ntfs configuration tool (+enabled it for external drives) [16:23] bbl guys. gonna let it update [16:23] When will the freeze be lifted? [16:23] Paradigm_Shift: you don't need to do a version upgrade, you're already running gutsy [16:23] * Jucato shrugs... [16:23] * RytmenPinnen just followed the steps to upgrade but doesnt have a verions upgrade button [16:23] wow, the mirrors are so full it's difficult to download the torrent files :) [16:23] !final | RytmenPinnen [16:23] RytmenPinnen: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [16:23] RytmenPinnen: make sure that pre-release updates are enabled [16:23] RytmenPinnen: see the link in the topic [16:24] erg canadas the only one with power to keep up lol [16:24] RytmenPinnen: sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde [16:24] RytmenPinnen: the instructions were updated a few hours ago [16:24] * RytmenPinnen is runnin 7.04 [16:24] stdin, I understand that :). How can I get Adept to stop prompting to perform an upgrade (as opposed to a dist-upgrade)? [16:24] ok [16:24] stdin, should I edit the apt.sources??? [16:24] Paradigm_Shift: I don't know what you mean, what it adept doing? [16:24] try the bloody Iso files there overloaded aswell [16:25] Iam hitting canada [16:25] and its even slow [16:25] its the only one that is working atm [16:25] anyone knows a reason why i cant mount my external hdd (ntfs) even tho i installed the ntfs configuration tool (+enabled it for external drives) [16:25] stdin, in Adept, after fetching updates I get a new button on the tool bar for a version upgrade (as opposed to the full upgrade button that is always visible). [16:25] and its at 18.kpbs [16:26] kowesix: no give us more data. what are you doing to mount it? [16:26] kowesix: how is it not mounting? That is, how are you trying to mount it [16:26] stdin, if I click on the Version Upgrade, the process goes fine - files download, etc. But it stalls at the step of actually installing the files it successfully downloaded [16:26] where can I find this in kubuntu :Click Applications → Add/Remove. In the top right, change the setting to All available applications. Then select Other in the left panel and then select the Ubuntu restricted extras package. Click OK. [16:26] :) beat me to it [16:26] Paradigm_Shift: so you want it to no longer show that a new version of kubuntu is available? [16:27] mhm more details.. just turning it on and waiting for automount... :) then it says something like: hal-storage-removeable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 [16:27] !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | Vermux [16:27] vermux: kubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB [16:27] ok if I restart upgrade says that a process is locking all, which is? [16:28] WaltzingAlong, ummmm, errrr, yessss, but I really just want to make sure that the system is correctly updated and in sync with 7.10 final. [16:28] Paradigm_Shift: report that on launchpad and show the report in #kubuntu-devel [16:28] holy cow this is gna take fior ever.......estemated time is 15 hours [16:28] back [16:28] WaltzingAlong: and what I suppose to do with this information? [16:28] and thats high speed net [16:28] lee98632: wait till tomorrow then [16:29] kowesix: I've never had a problem with ntfs external harddrives. Have you tried going into systemsettings/kcontrol and making a mountpoint for it? [16:29] Vermux: i thought you wanted to install the kubuntu restricted extras (in ubuntu it is called ubuntu-restricted-extras) so use whatever way you prefer to install the package. apt-get, aptitude, adept, so on [16:29] lee98632: or saturday ... till the flood stops [16:29] ok if I restart upgrade says that a process is locking all, which is? [16:29] yeah I have it updated already, I just wanted to test something on a second HDD [16:29] WaltzingAlong: I want to, but what do I type in the Search field? [16:30] re there really that many people using this? [16:30] lee98632: all the mirrors are going to be super slow because of the load on them ... you should use bittorrent :) [16:30] Vermux: with adept manager ? restricted [16:30] Vermux: with adept manager ? kubuntu-restricted-extras would be it exactly [16:30] lee98632: there are ~1500 people in #ubuntu right now [16:30] don't know how to [16:30] *faints* [16:30] lee98632: just download the .torrent file and ktorrent will automatically open and start seeding it [16:31] scheater7: i just noticed i cant create folders in the /media/ folder via gui.. and via cli he says mission denied -.- [16:31] anything thinking majors releases like this should be done through torrent (like WoW) so each just updating packages is getting them through the torrent? [16:31] so in a way Id be helping others then [16:31] lee98632: in regards to bittorrent, I'm downloading the amd64 iso right now and getting 100+KS/s [16:31] lee98632: then the torrent file will be saved like an ordinary .iso [16:31] lee98632: exactly [16:31] *make that KB/s === bucatoamano is now known as Maryjaneficarott [16:31] ok how do I go aobut doing that nd how many should I alow? [16:31] WaltzingAlong: I found ubuntu restricted extras [16:31] nvm scheater7, worked with sudo and now i'm able to mount it :D thanks [16:32] kowesix: I was just about to suggest you check the file ownership [16:32] I was a subscriber to cnet's RSS feeds for about 5 mins ...shoulda known they nothing but a poorly disguised promoter of MS apps and products and not so poorly disguised anti-linux [16:32] WaltzingAlong: is that it? === Maryjaneficarott is now known as bucat [16:32] kowesix: The folder is set so that root only can edit it. [16:33] no news on CNET about Gutsy ...imagine that :) [16:33] Vermux: the one for ubuntu sure [16:33] * lontra doesn't see bittorrent on kubuntu's website === meduxa is now known as toscalix [16:34] !torrents | lontra [16:34] lontra: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can! [16:34] !aptfix [16:34] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [16:34] lee98632: see that from WaltzingAlong ^^^^ [16:35] my system is updating to 7.10 right now, as I'm typing this.... awesomely convinient, thank you guys for the help [16:35] igniter: don't forget to thank debian for the awesome tools [16:36] thank you debian for the awesome tools :) [16:36] yes, go to #debian and thank them for kubuntu [16:36] (then run like hell) [16:36] haha [16:36] oke i am going to do it [16:36] debian is ok ,but a bit behind in some ways [16:36] BluesKaj: focus is different [16:36] eh ok um..Its doing something I said use bit torent thingy [16:37] err focus ? that's a pretty general term [16:37] O lord...why do I feel this going down a long slippery slope [16:37] done stdin [16:37] instead of saving to disk? [16:37] WaltzingAlong: installing [16:37] something like more on stability than on bleeding edge [16:37] Vermux: alright [16:37] hmm [16:37] blendtux: have you been banned yet? :p [16:37] kubuntu has i thing i don't like [16:37] nope no respons [16:37] it has many outdated software [16:37] :/ [16:37] like amsn [16:37] :/ [16:38] yeah sure , couldn't get 3d or DRI on ATI on Debian [16:38] BluesKaj: nah just run Debian Testing or Unstable [16:38] Angelus: What OS doesn't, except maybe if you spin your own LFS [16:38] BluesKaj: i've had more stability issues with kubuntu than debian unstable ... i'm hoping that changes with 7.10 [16:38] Angelus: amsn was installed with kubuntu? [16:38] scheater7: gentoo has everything up to date [16:38] WaltzingAlong: amsn can be installed in kubuntu [16:38] but its an outdated version [16:38] :s [16:38] :S [16:38] Angelus: sure it can be [16:39] i know it can be [16:39] :/ [16:39] thats what im telling you [16:39] but its OUTDATED [16:39] Angelus: what do you need the newest version for? [16:39] Angelus: but surely there's some software in Gentoo you don't like. Or something they do you don't agree with. [16:39] lontra: the newer version is less bugged [16:39] Angelus: i could install mozilla .6 on here too, what do you mean? [16:39] lontra I have it figured out I think.... eh was I to save the file to disk or run the bit torent [16:39] !ot | gentoo is not kubuntu [16:39] gentoo is not kubuntu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [16:39] lontra: the newer version is less bugged [16:39] Angelus: hopes so [16:39] Angelus: perhaps [16:39] Angelus: if not i'll be back to debian :) [16:39] Angelus: what version is the latest for amsn [16:39] lee98632: run the torrent file [16:39] Angelus: and if you were not affected by the previous bugs then no different to you [16:40] byew bleh no wonder tab completion doesn't work, byewindows left. i discovered the crux of his problem, anyhow.LOL [16:40] WaltzingAlong: i am affacted by the bugs [16:40] lontra, we can only hope and pray [16:40] WaltzingAlong: as a matter of fact, i don;t install software from the package manager , but compile them myself [16:40] ok did that hten [16:40] so i have less bugs :p [16:40] BluesKaj: he he [16:40] erg need to walk my dog [16:40] * genii wanders on autopilot to the coffee urn [16:40] Angelus: so there you have it. you have the lastest on your kubuntu, bravo/a to you [16:40] Angelus: general chat in #kubuntu-offtopic thanks [16:40] Gutsy time kisd [16:41] kids* [16:41] WaltzingAlong: it asks me to agree to the terms for debconf- java. What does it mean? [16:41] stdin: its not a chat :o [16:41] Vermux: sun's java's terms? [16:41] WaltzingAlong: operating system distributer for java... [16:41] Angelus: if it's not kubuntu support, then it's in -offtopic [16:41] WaltzingAlong: yes [16:41] but is there a way to get updates for certain packages like amsn on kubuntu [16:41] the canadian repos are awfully slow ...gonna take all day to fetch and install gutsy [16:42] oh hi genii i need to appologise for that abrrupt leaviong.....turns out that the drivers only work in 32 bit.....i am gusdsing....the 64 sie is screwed up some how [16:42] Vermux: so seems to be the sun java license [16:42] BluesKaj: considering the people upgrading, that's not bad [16:42] WaltzingAlong: yes, but what does it mean? [16:42] BluesKaj: use bittorrent and share :) [16:43] Vermux: if you accept the sun java license; the terms of how you can use java [16:43] WaltzingAlong: are conflicts going to ocur if I download it? because it seems it is not free [16:43] lee98632, 64bit leaves quite a few holes I'm afraid...still not ready for prime time IMHO [16:43] WaltzingAlong: but kubuntu is free and java is licenced [16:43] sure so do you want sun's java? [16:43] lontra, I'm net upgrading from feisty [16:43] you can install kubuntu-restricted-extras [16:44] Anyone have an WLAN-Card with RT61 Chipset and Gutsy working? [16:44] lee98632: Actually i found a page may help you, I just did it and it worked. the installer is for both 32 and 64 bit. http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually [16:44] BluesKaj: oh ... well have fun :D [16:44] hehe [16:44] Vermux: btw i have it on my machine [16:44] WaltzingAlong: many web sites use Java. can I operate Kubuntu without it with no restrictions? [16:44] Vermux: sure java works on kubuntu [16:44] !java | Vermux [16:44] Vermux: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [16:45] lee98632: needs module-assistant package and some others which are listed there. [16:45] Vermux: java or javascript? [16:45] emcascript? [16:45] Klowner: java version 1.1 (DLJ) [16:45] kinda difficult to surf without java ..necessarily evil I'm afraid [16:45] Vermux: oh ok, ya check out what ubotu said [16:46] Vermux: seems you want to install it and the two work together (java + kubuntu) [16:46] WaltzingAlong: ok [16:46] why was the option to hide the scrollbar in kopete removed? :( [16:46] noooo it was? [16:47] nooo! [16:47] yes :( [16:47] * xevious punches his monitor [16:47] !info preload [16:47] preload: adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-4 (gutsy), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB [16:48] at least wminput works :) [16:48] readahead daemon? creepy [16:49] !info prelink [16:49] prelink: ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20061201-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 683 kB, installed size 1044 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 i386 powerpc ppc64) [16:50] has anyone had problems using Adept to go from 7.04 - 7.10? Is it better to just use 'apt-get' ? [16:50] ok guys I have this situation [16:50] yamar: Yes, I thin kso [16:50] WaltzingAlong: it still not playing the video. Do I have to sign out kubuntu? [16:51] a package segmented fault and throw away me from updrade, now I'm able to restart upgrade but it crash soon without restarting [16:51] thx thorns that's what i thought [16:51] any idea??? [16:51] yamar: it adept poops out on you ... just use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade after [16:51] yamar: The most frequent bug I had with Tribe 5 was that what Adept couldn't install, apt and aptitude could [16:51] er ... apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade [16:51] the mirror has been broken unable to host [16:52] lontra: could be help me aswell? [16:52] MidMark: do you do this through adept? [16:53] lontra: the update stopped and now I'm unable to restart it [16:53] well it restarts but then close [16:53] Are there any tools in Kubuntu's install to make use of full disk encryption? What I would really like is a system that has /boot on a removable USB drive (which would also contain the keys) so that nothing on the laptop is unencrypted. [16:53] MidMark: what i'd suggest is 1. make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is pointed to Gutsy and not Edgy (change the word Edgy to Gutsy), then run sudo apt-get update (from a terminal), then run sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade [16:53] MidMark: that'll give you gutsy [16:53] thorns: Not a bug as such, just that aptitude and apt-get handle dependencies better than Adept [16:54] bipolar: check out truecrypt. I don't know a thing about encryption, but I've heard that word batted around with respect. [16:54] thorns: and aptitude handles dependencies better than apt-get [16:54] genii eh jsut a sec [16:56] Everybody and their uncle mus be downloading. :) Transfer rate went from 200+ down to 15 in the past two hours. LOL [16:56] OH TY genni [16:56] Hrm... is there any easy way to change the passwordprompt for sudo in Gutsy so that it'll look like it used to? [16:56] kaminix: no [16:56] Okay. [16:57] Hi. I just went through a Kubuntu upgrade, and at the very end (during the cleaning of the obsolete packages), update-manager started hogging >90% of memory, and eventually crashed X [16:57] lee98632: np [16:57] Suppose I'll live... :p [16:57] I had to reboot [16:57] yeah it's around 20kb/s now :/ [16:57] bipolar: why go to all the hassle, just encrypt your files wich are realy important to you, besides a encrypted file system is slow [16:57] gutsy came up, but adept manager still reports "version upgrade" as possible [16:57] scheater7: yes, I've used it before, but it's not good for full system encryption. [16:57] WaltzingAlong: do I need to install sun-java5-plugin? [16:57] as I said, the installer was ALMOST done (at the cleaning up stage) [16:57] lee98632: I already now have it compiled for kernel 2.6.20-16-generic [16:57] blendtux: this situation needs full disk. [16:57] should I go through the version upgrade again? [16:57] eh I think I have a bigger issue...bad wweathres on ethe way...looks like it just might down right get nasty [16:58] or is that a stupid thing when the installer aaalmost completed [16:58] oh cool genni [16:58] Iam on 32 bit atm [16:58] do I need to install sun-java5-plugin? [16:59] I seem to have a similar problem to MidMarks; I started a dist-upgrade through adept, which aborted due to a lack of space in /boot. I corrected the problem and attempted to upgrade again. Adept gives me the option to upgrade again, but the upgrade-tool itself says my system is up to date and aborts. apt-get update,upgrade,dist-upgrade does nothing. Any ideas? [16:59] bipolar: did you have a look at the existing howtos at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&value=encryptedfilesystem&titlesearch=Titles ? [17:00] OH SH...were in for a rough time ..I think wel llose pwoer onthis one [17:00] stdin: how do I Select the default Java version- sun 6?? [17:00] any one here in wa state? [17:00] got this -> http://pastebin.com/m78183b73 [17:00] any idea? [17:01] bipolar: i've used a combination of 2 or 3 howtos there. everything encrypted with one "weak spot"-password encrypted partition which gets mounted and holds the key files for /boot, /, /home and swap [17:01] Vermux: "sudo update-alternatives --config java" [17:02] genni i added it o my book mark...right now i have to go to store and get emrgencey suplies [17:02] Hi. I just went through a Kubuntu upgrade, and at the very end (during the cleaning of the obsolete packages), update-manager started hogging >90% of memory, and eventually crashed X. I then had to reboot. Gutsy came up fine, but adept manager now still reports a version upgrade as being available. Should I go through the procedure again, or will that cause problems? [17:03] eh what happens when 2 low presures meet? [17:03] equalization [17:04] seezer: that last one is what I'm looking for, except only /boot being 'week' and on a usb memory stick. :) [17:04] take care guys Ill be on once the storm sdissapates [17:04] er... s/week/weak [17:05] bipolar: just combinate those howtows - there is one with "encrypted everything" (one with password - just replace from there) [17:05] um guys [17:06] I would be doing my part if you lived in Wa state and did get this waringin but crrently we are under a watch [17:06] Hi there, how can I get a list of all installed packages? [17:07] seezer: thanks, I'll look into them [17:07] sven_oostenbrink: for example: dpkg -l [17:07] or with adept_manager === lee__ is now known as lee986321 [17:08] SeanTater, [17:08] seezer, thats what I need.. I can output that to a file.. great, thanks! [17:08] sven_oostenbrink: dpkg -l | more [17:08] dpkg -L | less [17:08] upgrade to gutsy broke my Xserver [17:09] oops [17:09] sven_oostenbrink: dpkg-query offers even more options to filter and play around for text output [17:09] dpkg -l | less [17:09] s,for,with, [17:09] can ne1 help? [17:09] dexterone: what kind of computer are you running? [17:09] if I have an ubuntu dvd, can I "upgrade" to kubuntu easily? [17:09] dell inspiron 9400 laptop [17:10] any one here in wahisngton state? [17:10] seezer, but like.. when I want only package names, no description, how would I do that then? [17:10] eh washington state [17:10] dexterone, are at the TTY prompt ? [17:10] dexterone: I'm sorry I can't help you, and it's not because of the computer you own. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't the same make/model I have ... [17:10] hi all, anyone available for some help with X11? i cant seem to get x11 work with the nvidia driver. if i use nv in xorg.conf it all works fine. but soon as i replace it with nvidia, the log says "No screens found". any ideas? [17:11] BluesKaj: no, I've had to revert to windows =( [17:11] tried to run nvidia-xconfig as well, but doesnt work either [17:11] hello [17:11] cosmic_: what card, what version driver? [17:11] Hi all, i have just installed firefox but need to get the flash plugin what do i need to type for apt-get? :) === frb-home is now known as frb-work [17:11] BluesKaj: but I have access to my linux partition [17:11] !flash [17:11] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [17:11] the-erm: ha ha, fair enough. [17:11] ubuntu [17:11] frb-home: nvidia 6200 ...how do i find out the version? it all worked fine till i ran an update :( [17:11] Can you get it to run on the live cd there dexterone? [17:11] thank you :) [17:12] cosmic_: not sure, I forgot what they are called [17:12] hi folks, just upgraded to gutsy from feisty. everything works well. but somehow apt-get fails when configuring acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface. have tried dpkg-reconfigure on those packages, but failed. [17:12] anyone knows how i can solve this? [17:12] a wierd thing. i installed gutsy beta before, and updated all the time. and now that gutsy is official out i have the option in adept to upgrade and it does a full upgrade as if from feisty????!!!! was thinking a quick update from beta to release is what needed [17:12] cosmic_: I'm betting you got upgraded to 8.41 which only supports really new cards [17:12] the-erm: I'll need to dl and burn the new release. I was doing upgrading via adept. [17:12] uhm, my "distribution update tool" doesn't want to run after I close the "version update" wizard, anyone have the same issue? or know how to run it manually? [17:13] frb-work: well i did a "update-manager -c" and after that kde didnt want to start [17:13] Shoot I'm scared to upgrade now. [17:13] Ben_Cs: I'm guessing it's a bug (waiting on confirmation), ignore it for now [17:13] Adept Updater keeps bugging me to upgrade to Gutsy even though I already did. What's up? === DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck [17:14] cosmic_: I don't know, I'm an ubuntu newb with a lot of experience with other linuxes [17:14] actually i wanted to update to 7.10 too, but it seems im still on 7.04 [17:14] I'm pretty new to linux, so it was probably me just being stupid. [17:14] *sigh* [17:14] dexterone, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at the tty prompt and chose the generic vesa driver to get X to work for you [17:15] err choose [17:15] BluesKaj: will try that. Many thanks. [17:15] im downloading the latest nvidia driver from their homepage now ..lets see if thatll work [17:15] dexterone, hope it works for you :P [17:16] how to setup nvidia in gutsy wqhen i cannot use restricted drivers ? [17:16] stdin: after the updater did some thinking it desided there's nothing to update and it quit :) LOL [17:16] Ben_Cs: yep, the fix is committed. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/153889 [17:17] hi [17:18] sven_oostenbrink: re. sorry. dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} \n' for example [17:18] hi folks, just upgraded to gutsy from feisty. everything works well. but somehow apt-get fails when configuring acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface. have tried dpkg-reconfigure on those packages, but failed. any help on how i can solve this? [17:18] when i log in to a kde session kontact always opens a window. how can i change this? [17:19] sven_oostenbrink: see man dpkg-query for more options [17:19] i want kontact to start but minimized [17:21] Can somone help me, when i'm runing steam my sound dose not work. [17:22] anto: #winehq is the place to ask [17:22] hallo? [17:22] stdin: oki [17:22] bin neu hier bei linux...weiss noch nicht so genau was läuft.. [17:23] !de | elias [17:23] aber der kopete instant messenger funktioniert niht ganz.. [17:23] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:24] WaltzingAlong: still cant watch the video: x-mplayer2 plugin is missing [17:25] hi, i'm new to kubuntu linux. Which filesystem should i use? ext3, xfs, reiserFS? [17:25] CString121: ext3, no question [17:25] WaltzingAlong: it says:"unknown plugin" application/x-mplayer2 [17:26] stdin: i thought so. thx [17:27] elias: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:28] Hi. I folled the instructions for using Adept to do a full upgrade. I did -- it took about 5 mins -- and rebooted but it doesn't seem like anything changed. How can I tell if it worked? [17:28] sweet [17:28] flawless upgrade [17:29] * stdin gives xevious a "I upgraded to Gutsy and survived" sticker [17:29] yay! [17:29] xevious: I did a console login and it still reports Ubuntu 7.04 [17:29] * xevious applies it to his case [17:29] snowdonkey: mine says 7.10 [17:30] ok [17:30] snowdonkey: lsb_release -a [17:30] snowdonkey: that's probably because /etc/issue was not updated for some reason; it's just an arbitrary textfile for the login prompt [17:30] i am upset that mouse scrolling and hiding the scrollbar are gone from kopete [17:30] jdong: Ok. Here's the output of that command: Distributor ID: Ubuntu [17:30] Description: Ubuntu 7.04 [17:30] Release: 7.04 [17:30] Codename: feisty [17:30] hi everybody, i have a question about digikam 0.9.3-beta 1. has someone here compiled it successfully? i get errors when trying it, although configure didn't complain [17:30] Good morning all. [17:30] snowdonkey: hmm it still thinks it's feisty [17:31] snowdonkey: you followed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade is to the letter? [17:31] Is there any way to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 using only the 7.10 CD? No network connection? [17:31] kubuntu seems to be doen loading a ok lol [17:31] hi [17:31] SDuensin: only with the alternate CD [17:32] stdin - Crap. I didn't download that one. :-) [17:32] SDuensin: Use apt-cdrom to read it as source [17:32] the upgrade process from the kubuntu rc to release isn't working. It throws an error about libportaudio0 being unsupported now, then says there are no upgrades available and the distro upgrade process is canceled. [17:32] stdin: I followed the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading they're slightly different... [17:32] snowdonkey: yeah, use the one in the topic until a bug or two are fixed [17:32] stdin: Ok thx. [17:33] evilidler - What do I do after I add the CD to sources? [17:33] Hi there - trying to ugprade with adept_manager --version-upgrade, I get: "Failed to fetch: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2". It's under the modifying the software channels. Anyone seen this before? [17:33] the desktop CD doesn't have packages to install (well, only a couple) [17:33] I can download the package using wget. [17:33] I've upgraded to Gutsy, but Adept Updater doesn't believe me. How do I convince it? [17:33] hmmm, I haven't upgarded my gutsy rc since yesterday and since today the final was released I would think I get lots of update when doing apt-get update & apt-get upgrade, but nothing, it sais 0 upgradable packages [17:34] anyone any idea how this is possible? [17:34] LogicalDash: you mean adept still shows the "Version Upgrade" button after it's upgraded? [17:34] Anyone know why desktop icons would not show up on desktop when added? [17:34] SDuensin: Well, if you have the full DVD or CDs, you should be able to add it as a source, and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade [17:34] stdin, precisely [17:34] Okay, I've just downloaded all the gutsy packages and reached the "Installing the upgrades" part, but got an error about how "debconf" and two x11 packages couldn't be installed. [17:34] xevious: do you use msn in kopete? as mine crashes out when ever i try to login with msn... [17:34] It's now sitting there stuck at 2%; any ideas? [17:34] LogicalDash: yep, it's a bug :) we know about it [17:34] Oakbox: nope [17:34] stdin, ok I'll ignore it then. [17:35] xevious: oh well thanks :) [17:35] LogicalDash: shouldn't be there for too much longer [17:35] thomas__: because a short while before the release all repositories were frozen [17:36] is there a known bug/issue involving problems mounting vfat partitions, or is it just me? [17:36] thomas__: (a short while meaning about a day) [17:36] stdin: so when will I be able to do the upgrades then? [17:36] bbl [17:36] If anyone is still running a 7.10 beta of kubuntu, could you please PM me the contents of your /etc/lsb-release file? [17:36] thomas__: you already have the final version, you don't need to do any upgrades [17:36] stdin: ah okay :) thanx :) [17:37] stdin: any idea when the kopete msn bug will be fixed [17:37] ? [17:37] Nobody? It's stuck at installing after 3 failed packages. Is there any way to stop the upgrade safely, perhaps? [17:38] thomas__: remember when I said about the repository freeze? the fix was made just after :p so we have to wait until the unfreeze, but there is a fixed deb here http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [17:38] ok i'm getting some odd launch feedback problems [17:39] hello I've a big problem when I try to upgrade my systeme and when trying to install the new packages I get this unable to make backup link of `./usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/openofficeorg23-writer.png' before installing new version: Operation not permitted [17:39] an gapcmon don't work right at all [17:39] what is a good and simple firewall for using on my laptop when i direct connected to the internet for gutsy [17:39] okay thanx again stdin [17:39] * genii hooks DaSkreech up with a coffee [17:39] I just woke up [17:39] * DaSkreech rubs eyes [17:39] any solution for that error ? [17:39] Why do I need coff...zzzZZZZZZ [17:39] !firewal | blendtux [17:39] DaSkreech: :) [17:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about firewal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:40] morning DaSkreech [17:40] !firewall | blendtux [17:40] blendtux: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [17:40] Hi sub[t]rnl [17:40] wathek: can you show me what "ls -l /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/openofficeorg23-writer.png" shows? [17:40] ok [17:41] stdin: -rwxr-xrwx 111 111 avahi-autoipd 31244199163531247 2008-01-05 12:15 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/openofficeorg23-writer.png [17:41] when i launch Adept Manager, it pops up, but i have an extra greyed out Adept Manager entry in my taskbar and the bouncing launch feedback icon by my cursor keeps going for a good 10 seconds after it's open === smoke is now known as El_Smoke [17:42] wathek: wow, that's seven types of wrong [17:42] stdin: ! [17:42] odd user/group there, 111:111 [17:42] stdin: is there a fairly standard amount of time that ubuntu/canonical waits before removing the freeze after a stable release? [17:42] genii: look at the size [17:42] yes it's a bit strange ! [17:42] xevious: When it stops bouncing it should go away >.. I think [17:42] stdin: 8-O [17:43] jmichaelx: it's kinda up to them [17:43] what could I do ? [17:43] DaSkreech: it does, but it used to just bounce until adept manager opened [17:43] delete it maybe? [17:43] ok [17:43] "sudo rm /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/openofficeorg23-writer.png" [17:43] can u help with adept manager [17:43] !adept [17:43] adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [17:43] root@wathek:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps# rm openofficeorg23-writer.png [17:43] rm: cannot remove `openofficeorg23-writer.png': Operation not permitted [17:43] stdin: ok, that's cool. i was just curious. i presume there will be some major bug-fix upgrades over the next few weeks [17:44] "apply changes" is not active [17:44] What is the command line way of upgrading? I'm giving up on adept. It stops the same place every time. [17:44] stdin: in root and it says operation not permitted ! [17:44] "apply changes icon " is not active [17:44] wathek: perhaps rm -f [17:44] jmichaelx: if the last few releases are anything to go by, I'd say you're right [17:44] rabindra: Did you select something to install/remove/upgrade ? [17:44] yes i did [17:44] cool [17:44] root@wathek:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps# rm -f openofficeorg23-writer.png [17:44] rm: cannot remove `openofficeorg23-writer.png': Operation not permitted [17:44] genii: I can do nothing ! [17:45] rabindra: You have a preview changes ? [17:45] but it is not working today but it worked before [17:45] ...I'll just install from scratch [17:45] yes i have preview changes [17:45] wathek: I suggest you run a fsck soon [17:45] plese help me [17:45] wathek: I'm thinking filesystem errors, that size (31244199163531247) can not be right [17:45] genii: I ran that [17:46] that's over 28416TB [17:46] lol yes [17:46] daskreech: help me withh that [17:46] hi i am on live cd [17:46] INVOKING emergency shut down do to power fluctuations in grid, Sever storm coming in [17:46] stdin: Yes it boggles the mind [17:46] how do I find a location of a program? [17:46] i am trying to change the size of my drives any idea how_ [17:46] I have 7.10RC installed. should I reinstall to get the release or should doing all the updates be enough? [17:47] !final | el_taco [17:47] el_taco: if you've got all the updates then you're running release [17:47] el_taco: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [17:47] el_taco: Updates applied makes it identical [17:47] lol [17:47] rabindra: Did you try just closing adept and opening it back ? [17:47] gonna try something [17:47] * xevious declares that 7.10 broke stuff [17:47] I have a problem that is driving me crazy [17:48] Vermux: type which [17:48] daskreech: ya i tried it but still the same [17:48] does anyone know how to change the size of the disks from live cd_ [17:48] jebus. swiftfox takes forever to load now [17:48] ubuntu_: Yes Gparted or qtparted [17:48] how do I find a location of a program? Im trying to locate Vlan [17:48] does cdimage.ubuntu.com have mirrors? === fgjfgjfg is now known as Ben_Cs [17:49] wathek: bah he left. Was gonna suggest fsck from livecd [17:49] rabindra: strange can you close adept and type sudo apt-get install adept on the command line ? [17:49] hello [17:49] DaSkreech: doesnt do anything [17:49] need help with Xserver after gutsy upgrade. Anyone? [17:49] MementoMori: yeah, most of the releases.u.c mirrors have cdimage too [17:49] Vermux: How did you install vlan ? [17:49] How do I make an application go autostart? [17:49] DaSkreech, i am on qtparted but when i tell it to change the size of a drive a warning with no texts comes up and nothing is chaged [17:49] MementoMori: they probably won't be up-to-date tho [17:49] DaSkreech: adept [17:49] !autostart | kaminix [17:49] kaminix: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. [17:49] !autostart [17:49] stdin: Heh :) [17:50] MementoMori: Yes [17:50] lol [17:50] firewall [17:50] ehm my internet stopped working afther using guarddog ahahah [17:50] need to configure it bettter [17:50] stdin: So if I add a script to autostart telling it to start yakuake and then make this and that tab, it will do that on startup? [17:50] DaSkreech: Im trying to add it to mediaplayer connectivity in firefox [17:50] i have ssh installed on one of my network PCs. i can ssh to it from within the network, but when i ssh through my internet IP i don't seem to be able to connect. My DSL router has firewall but i forwarded port 22. when i scan ports from online site it says 22 is open. please help! [17:50] Xserver wouldn't start after upgrade. Someone here suggested I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, which got me back into X. But now I have to run it everytime I reboot. [17:51] Vermux: Vlan? [17:51] DaSkreech: cant find VLAN [17:51] kaminix: never tried, maybe [17:51] qtparted keeps given me an error how do i make it go aay_ [17:51] away- [17:51] DaSkreech: mplayer has a fatal error- cant play video so I want to try play videos with a different player [17:51] ubuntu_: what are you trying to do? [17:51] Vermux: Use VLC. [17:51] Vermux: You can go to adept -> vlan -> show details -> installed files [17:51] ubuntu_: Depends what the error is [17:52] Vermux: It will show you where the files are [17:52] Kein, I am trying to change the size of the disk where i got kubuntu installed, [17:52] but vlan does not do Multimedia [17:52] @daskreech this is the error it gives [17:52] Oh. I thought you were trying to resize the ntfs partitions. [17:52] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [17:52] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [17:52] the response i get: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [17:52] I am trying to make a disk smaller and then give the fre space to the disk ith kubuntu, [17:52] rabindra: Force Adept to go through something or close a package manager. [17:52] When is Kopete going to be fixed [17:52] both partitions are on the same physical disk [17:52] !aptfix | rabindra [17:52] rabindra: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [17:52] iss_student: I didn't know Kopete was broken? [17:52] Unstable, yes, but broken? [17:52] Kein: I have vlan, just cant find it [17:53] Vermux: Try running vlan from the command line? [17:53] anyone familiar with ssh? please help [17:53] Kein: how? [17:53] alt+f2, vlan [17:53] That is the thing the error window is empty [17:53] iss_student: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [17:53] ubuntu_: try just using parted on the command line. or apt-get install gparted [17:53] DaSkreech: it cannot find vlan [17:53] @ubotu it asking whether to kill process 6511 or noy? [17:53] weird. [17:53] alt+f2, vlc? [17:53] i just get a picture adn an @ok@ button [17:54] rabindra: you do [17:54] Lemme see here. [17:54] iss_student: What's wrong with kopete? [17:54] .... [17:54] ubuntu_: You need to run the partitioner from somewhere else other than the system partition which is what you are trying to resize. Use the livecd partitioner, or the gparted live cd [17:54] Can anyone help with an upgrade problem that broke Xserver? [17:54] there was a but in kdelibs, its patched now though, for kopete [17:54] DaSkreech: it crashes on connecting to MSN *sniggers* [17:54] but=bug [17:54] Vermux: Vlan does not do multimedia [17:54] :P [17:54] stdin: Oh I'd have never figured that out [17:54] Genni I am on the live CD already [17:55] ...oh god, stdin, lmfao, why'd you have to say bacon? [17:55] stdin thanks a lot it has come [17:55] anyways [17:55] I've found that it doesn't crash while doing that [17:55] but DOES crash while in a chatroom [17:55] daskreech and ubotu thanks a lot [17:55] !bot [17:55] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [17:55] dextertwo: Shoot. Give us the problem [17:55] ubuntu_: Ah, OK, my mistake then. [17:55] stdin: you know ssh well? [17:56] hi AmyRose [17:56] Ben_Cs: depends on the problem :p [17:56] I upgraded to Gutsy. On reboot I Xserver was broken. I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, which gets X started again, but I have to do that every time I reboot. [17:57] stdin: i have ssh installed on one of my network PCs. i can ssh to it from within the network, but when i ssh through my internet IP i don't seem to be able to connect. My DSL router has firewall but i forwarded port 22. when i scan ports from online site it says 22 is open. the response i get: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [17:57] Can I apt-get remove/install xserver-xorg? [17:57] does anyone use gapcmon? [17:57] DaSkreech: Im trying to watch a video from a website [17:57] is kubuntu 7.10 out yet? [17:57] is kubuntu 7.10 out yet? stdin [17:57] Ben_Cs can you ssh to localhost? [17:57] stdin: [17:57] does it matter if i use gnome partiiotn efitor in kde_ [17:57] ubuntu_: yes [17:57] Ben_Cs: sounds like a firewall issue, run ssh -v to see whats happening [17:57] Vermux: vlan is not what you want [17:57] DaSkreech: I download mplayer connectivity extension and now it gives fatal error [17:57] ubuntu__: it is [17:57] do i need a firewall setting to protect my computer i am new to linux so i don't know [17:58] DaSkreech: sp which one? [17:58] How do i install ssh server on Kubuntu and check my ip? [17:58] ubuntu__: Read the topic [17:58] DaSkreech: so [17:58] well fuck then [17:58] sorry [17:58] * sub[t]rnl whistles [17:58] Ben_Cs: make sure there is "ListenAddress" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config [17:58] i am just .... [17:58] ubuntu__: ifconfig gives you your ip install the pacckage ssh to get ssh server [17:58] dextertwo: When you are running the dpkg-reconfigure, are you doing it with sudo? [17:58] genii: yes [17:59] ipaddress.org to check your remote IP address. [17:59] DaSkreech: is that the concrete command???? [17:59] ubuntu__: No [17:59] what is the concrete command than [17:59] ubuntu__: sudo apt-get install ssh [17:59] ty sub[t]rnl [17:59] ubuntu__: ifconfig for the address [17:59] missouri man :O [17:59] is there still no eye-candy/beryl/.. integration within kubuntu? do we really have to wait for fancy KWIN4? [17:59] hi DaSkreech [17:59] DaSkreech: which player should I use to open this video. before I installed the extension it said its x-mplayer2 plugin missing [17:59] and what DaSkreech said for your ip adress [18:00] well here is the thing [18:00] I am running kubuntu on my pc [18:00] Hmm... I thought this was the Kubuntu channel, not the ubuntu one. [18:00] simon_: not by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion for instructions [18:00] I'm on a Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop with an ATI X1400 Radeon Mobility and in Feisty ran fglrx [18:00] simon_: Or you could install compiz. [18:00] i need to make the give more space to the partition where i got kubuntu [18:00] theres an important bug in the installer for apt get if the network cable is connected but cant connect to securty ubuntu servers it removes All updates from the list [18:00] i am right now running lice cd, [18:00] ubuntu_: You can use QtParted or GParted [18:01] and want to make a disk smaller so i can give that free space to the disk with kubuntu [18:01] stdin, DaSkreech, thx, i already tried but i don't really want to use it until it is available by default to avoid problems ;) [18:01] I opened Qtparted but it gives me an empty error [18:01] dextertwo: in the dir /etc/X11 there should be multiple copies now of the file xorg.conf, with time-stamped extensions. What you might want to try is to sudo cp xorg.conf. xorg.conf (when in that dir) >perhaps try second-to-oldest dated one. [18:01] i installed gnome partition, but somene told me i matters if i use gnome partition while using kde_ [18:01] simon_: sooo you never install any programs other than those that come with the OS? [18:01] ty DaSkreech [18:01] what can i do) [18:01] nobody knows how to play a simple video file embeded in a web site? [18:01] Windows must suck for you :) [18:02] Vermux: Try vlc ? [18:02] Vermux: Use Konqueror and KMplayer [18:02] ubuntu_: Whoever said it matters if you're using KDE is wrong. [18:02] Is there a way to speed ktorrent up? Some setting(s) I need to tweak? [18:02] stdin: ListenAddress is commented with #. what does this command meen? [18:02] dextertwo: work, AFK a few [18:02] ubuntu_: They were probably kidding. Gnome apps and KDE apps can live in KDE and gnome respectively quite fine [18:02] genii: ok, will try that. Is it a very bad idea to remove/install xserver (once I've backed up the .conf files)? [18:02] Ben_Cs: that's commented [18:03] DaSkreech, sure, i am using gentoo on most of my machines ... i am the experimental type .. but the machine running kubuntu is kind of productive environment .... [18:03] dextertwo: no [18:03] simon_: sooo why compiz then? [18:03] so i wont fuck up the drives if i try to chage the size using gnome partition ill give it a try [18:03] DaSkreech: no. imean the ListenAddress command. what does it mean [18:03] hey someone let me know, do i need a firewall [18:03] Ben_Cs: it's the address sshd will listen on ( = all ipv4 addresses), I remember by default it seems to listen to :: (all ipv6 addresses) [18:03] DaSkreech, i was just curious ;) [18:03] !firewall | rabindra [18:03] rabindra: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [18:03] i am using net for the first time linux [18:03] rabindra: no [18:03] ubuntu_: i recommend backing up important data first [18:03] DaSkreech: No, don't do it? Or No, it's NOT a bad idea? [18:03] doesn't beryl == compiz now? [18:03] I thought they merged [18:03] dextertwo: Not a bad idea [18:03] el_taco: beryl+compiz = compiz-fusion [18:04] Ben_Cs: I had to change it to connect from an external system [18:04] stdin: both options are commenetd on my file. uncomment them? [18:04] rabindra: if your running a larger network or a web server or something, then maybe [18:04] DaSkreech, i would disable most of the effects ... i just like the expo and realtime-preview features [18:04] DaSkreech: Cheers. [18:04] rabindra: but yeah, iptables already comes with ubuntu, so you have one installed [18:04] Ben_Cs: just the one with "" on it [18:04] Compiz == compiz Beryl == compiz+fork compiz-fusion == beryl+compiz kissing and making up [18:04] stdin: ok thanks. will try in couple of moments [18:04] hehe [18:04] brb [18:04] rabindra: if you want one then run one [18:04] Ben_Cs: restart sshd after [18:05] DaSkreech: XD [18:05] how do I enable pop ups in konqueror? [18:05] hello everyone; pressing "version upgrade" on Adept manager in a kubuntu system shows a release message pertaining to ubuntu 7.10, not kubuntu. Is this normal? [18:05] DaSkreech, thx anyway, have a nice evening [18:05] hey [18:05] simon_: Those should ship in kde4 in a few weeks :) [18:05] my launch feedback problems are slowly going away [18:05] xevious: :P [18:05] haha. it's like my install is "getting used to" being 7.10 [18:06] how I enable pop ups in konqueror? [18:06] is there some smewth way to enable compiz-fusion, a la ubuntu's desktop effects setting? or just install the packages? [18:06] How do I make konqueror not change it's icon to the websites icon? [18:06] I guess the server's bandwidth is beign saturated? [18:06] xevious: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion for instructions [18:06] stdin: thanks [18:06] xevious: theres the compizconfig-settings-manager to control the settings, theres also a system tray icon out in .deb thats kinda slick [18:07] xevious: other than that just startup compiz like all other kde autostarts [18:07] my adept manager just crashed and says it may be due to some bug in the application [18:07] what am i supposed to do? [18:07] i was installing something [18:07] restart it [18:07] xevious: on 7.10 u dont have to do that, just install the packages [18:08] rabindra: try and run it again. [18:08] so nobody knows why there are again features removed? [18:08] ezr2007: install the packages, log out, log in and you have compiz? [18:08] !adeptfix > rabindra [18:08] rabindra: I've seen it crash on occasion, and it worked fine the next time. [18:08] ezr2007: or is compiz --replace still necessary? [18:08] it is [18:08] yaccin: From? [18:08] AmyRose: konqueror doesnt play the video. nothing is working with this browser [18:09] is there a way to unload a module? like the reverse of 'modprobe module' [18:09] Vermux: try firefox with https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/446 [18:09] xevious: unless you make a script with that in, then place that script in ~/.kde/Autostart [18:09] Vermux: Do you have KMplayer and the xine ffmpeg decoder installed? [18:09] stdin: i'll see how i like it first :) [18:09] thomas__: "rmmod" or "modprobe -r" [18:09] which packages do i need to make the moodbar of amarok work with mp3 files? [18:09] The kopete fix thingie (kdelibs4c2a) gives me problems with kdelibs4-dev: kdelibs4-dev: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (= 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2) but 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu3 is installed. [18:09] DaSkreech: kopete [18:10] hello, i just upgrade successfully to gutsy i got few questions concerning xgl and compiz [18:10] again [18:10] :( [18:10] how can i enable em? [18:10] the-erm:but why does it crash [18:10] stdin: thanx again :) [18:10] xevious: if you dont kwin -replace compiz will autostart next time [18:10] hi, anyone has an idea, where i can set max cpu freq ? Cause Kubuntu 7.10 runs my pentium m at 1600 MHZ, but it is only a 1500 MHZ CPU [18:10] ezr2007: it shouldn't [18:10] in kubuntu it does [18:11] doesn't here [18:11] Hey guys. Basic question. Any trick involved copying files from a Vista share to Kubuntu? Getting errors here. [18:11] doesn't here [18:11] rabindra: I don't know ... you could always google the error you saw. [18:11] tavoc: i guess in BIOS setup you can set your clock freq [18:11] yaccin: What did it do? [18:11] tavoc: install kpowermanager or something, there you can set your cpu policy [18:11] DaSthe option to hide the scroll bar of the contact list is gone... [18:11] hm, dont know, here it does [18:11] DaSkreech: [18:11] rabindra: no, i cant do that in bios [18:11] tavoc: why? [18:11] thomas__: i will try this, thx [18:12] rabindra: cause my notebook does not have this option [18:12] DaSkreech: in last kubuntu release they removed a patch that solved problems with the toolbars in jabber-windows, which was there 2 versions ago -_- [18:12] tavoc: did you try doing that [18:12] AndyM, I never had any problems reading from my vista share, make sure you mounted it properly [18:12] for eycandy, which is better now on gutsy.. compiz or beryl ? any good docs on setting it up? [18:12] BudgetDedicated: compiz = beryl now [18:12] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion <---- xenol [18:12] BudgetDedicated: beryl is dead [18:12] yeah i looked there already [18:12] BudgetDedicated: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion for instructions [18:13] Yammeh, should it work OK over admin shares also? [18:13] compiz-compcomm-plugins-main worth installing? [18:13] tavoc: well i think you can always enter BIOS setup by press DEL or any other key or you can ask your notebook vendor how to enter it [18:13] xevious: compiz-fusion-plugins* [18:13] yaccin: #kubuntu-devel [18:13] rabindra: yeah i know how i can get the bios, but there is no option to adjust the cpu clock [18:13] AndyM, yes, it works fine for me. [18:14] my KDED Media Manager doesn't autorun anymore, even if it's ticked as enabled, I have to manually start it at every login from the service manager [18:14] ok thank you. i'm trying compiz now [18:14] * xevious is excited to see if this works with the new nvidia drivers - i got the black window bug under feisty [18:15] How new are the nvidia drivers? [18:15] !kompiz is Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [18:15] tavoc: then i cant say much but atleast you can know that from your vendor [18:15] DaSkreech: i am curious if it is enough to install the compizfusion? is xgl running by default? [18:15] holy moly it worked [18:15] Speaking of nvidia I was thinking about getting a nvidia 5200 *specifically* for the svideo out. Anyone here have one, and know that the card, and the svideo both work? [18:15] ok rabindra [18:16] xenol: read the instructions ? [18:16] i've got focus follows mouse, but i just gotta change that [18:16] rabindra: bzt with 7.04 all was ok [18:16] hmm compiz seems to crash on my system [18:16] Does it look good, xevious? [18:16] xevious: To focus follows mind ? [18:16] at least the kdm crashed [18:16] Yammeh: well i havent enabled any stuff yet [18:16] Ah, I can't wait to try it :P [18:17] hmm ok compiz works, but no window manager ;) [18:18] stdin: do i have to restart sshd after changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config? cause just uncommenting didn't help [18:18] How can I set Konqueror to: 1) Make fonts one step larger by default. 2) Always use the konqueror icon instead of the one used by current homepage [18:18] WOOOOW! [18:18] ok compiz is sweet [18:18] Ben_Cs: yes "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" [18:18] could it be that I need something more in my xorg.conf to use compiz for my intel 945? [18:19] stdin: still - ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [18:19] BudgetDedicated: compiz is a window manager. if you have no window manger then compiz did not work [18:19] Ben_Cs: I'm not sure then, unless it's something to do with the client > server negotiation [18:20] stdin: ok. will try the forum. thanks [18:20] bbl [18:20] hellou guys, i have a question about adept version upgrade [18:21] If there are dependencies for packages on adept, does it download them too? === hanzz_ is now known as HanzZ [18:21] Yammeh: yes [18:21] DaSkreech: i am on gutsy does feisty tips apply also to gutsy? [18:21] Thanks [18:21] which packages do i need to make the moodbar of amarok work with mp3 files? [18:21] xenol: some/most do [18:21] kritzstapf: mp3s work? [18:21] i upgraded my system a while a go to rc, and now i just thought to try out the adept for upgrading. [18:22] i noticed that i got no upgrades, but the version upgrade is availble, even thought im running gutsy allready [18:22] kritzstapf: probably "moodbar" [18:22] is this normal [18:22] stdin: so i just install compiz and 3d desktop is rdy to use? :P [18:22] Macris: it's a known buf [18:22] Macris: i*bug [18:23] xenol: if your hardware/drivers support it [18:23] Macris: Upgrading from development to stable [18:23] ok just checking because, i actually crashed my upgrade process to RC version, so i thought i left something out the [18:23] kritzstapf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3 [18:23] n [18:23] DaSkreech: yep [18:24] stdin: i have drivers installed on feisty so i guess they r installed also on gutsy so just install compiz fusion and restart x windows? [18:24] xenol: no need to restart X [18:24] xenol: just "compiz --replace" [18:24] DaSkreech: ok , i got some parst of it working like the nice destopswitching and the fading etc. but just no bars around my windows anymore. would you know what could be wrong? [18:25] stdin: so i just "compiz --replace" and i can use effects without any probs on ati? [18:25] xenol: as long as the ati driver supports AIGLX, otherwise you need XGL [18:26] is there a program to convert windows cursors to linux cursors? [18:26] xenol: I mean, if the driver supports it, I don't know if one does [18:26] does anybody know how I may enable the Composite effects after an upgrade to gutsy? [18:26] stdin: well on gutsy u have xgl installed bydefault? [18:26] xenol: no [18:27] xenol: if it's installed it's enabled by default tho [18:27] !compiz | marcreichelt [18:27] marcreichelt: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [18:27] k, thanks stdin :) [18:28] BudgetDedicated: try edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" to Device section [18:28] pardon me but when trying to upgrade to gutsy I encounter an error - apparently the upgrader tries to download something from us.archive.ubuntu etc. which is not trusted - what do i do? [18:28] hi [18:28] does anyone know if kubuntu gutsy has xgl and compiz fusion working by default out of the box? [18:29] BudgedDedicated: nvidia-card? [18:29] rquinn: it doesn't [18:29] rquinn: you have to install both [18:29] rquinn: it doesn't [18:29] thank you [18:29] stdin: heehee [18:30] stdin: i got problem the repos in that article says that i dont need to add them but when i want to install compiz and its parts it cant connect to server what should i do? [18:30] xenol: change to another mirror, they are being hit hard from upgrades [18:31] wait until everyone is done d/l gutsy ? [18:31] stdin: so should i add those unofficial repos? [18:31] no [18:32] Help i am having major issues on Kubuntu 7.10 dolphin wont start Konversation wont start no application will run and i dont know why? [18:32] !mirror [18:32] Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [18:32] no dvd version of gutsy? [18:32] don't mean to bother but well maybe anybody knows what i should do: when trying to upgrade to gutsy I encounter an error - apparently the upgrader tries to download something from us.archive.ubuntu etc. which is not trusted - how do I fix this? [18:32] Leopard: What happens when you run them? [18:32] stdin: so should i change to us repo from my national? [18:32] xenol: yep [18:32] they appear to load and then dissapear === blabla is now known as stdout [18:32] shiva_: It's being buried ues a different server [18:33] !mirror | shiva_ [18:33] shiva_: Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [18:33] * DaSkreech glares at stdout [18:33] see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive for more mirrors [18:33] Hey guys congrats on a great release!! [18:33] how to install real player using Adept or otherwise [18:34] but how do i change the repository it's supposed to retrieve packages from? i set it to germany instead of us but it still tries to download it form us.archive etc [18:34] !real | martinjh99 [18:34] so what am i doing wrong Daisuke-Ido? [18:34] martinjh99: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [18:34] I like the way you can install ATI drivers /mp3 support without any messing about [18:34] Doh. rabindra ^^^ [18:34] sorry martinjh99 [18:34] martinjh99: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods [18:35] Not me I dont want Realplayer... ;) [18:35] 7.10 is so broken i dont know where to start to glue the pieces [18:35] Ok so compiz is now working after fidling with the settings manager. But I have one last question about compix. I have two monitors and use xrandr to have one above the other. I'd like it if I could get two seperate cubes on each monitor is that possilble ? I can't seem to find the option [18:35] stdin: you did the samthing I did. Wrong person [18:35] if my system is edgy and i upgraded to feisty can i upgrade to gutsy? [18:35] umm, Anyone who want's it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods :p [18:36] stdin: can those repos be from source o matic page? [18:36] Leopard: run it from the command line see if you get an error [18:36] Leopard: Ignore the badDevice error [18:36] coivu: sure you can [18:36] xenol: they can [18:36] voicu: yes [18:36] voicu: yep, you have to go Edgy > Feisty > Gutsy [18:36] will i get kde 3.5.8 or do i have to install it separately? [18:36] stdin: should i include beryl repo also? [18:37] voicu: u get it [18:37] kde 3.5.8 is the default in gutsy [18:37] ok then, thanks [18:37] xenol: no, beryl is dead === oliver__ is now known as Snakey1981 [18:39] well ok i'm asking agani in the hopes that someone knows how to upgrade to gutsy wihtout having to download the entire alternate dvd. as written above i tried to run the upgrade wizard which returned an error because the us server isn't trusted [18:39] UNIX RULZ [18:40] shiva_: try running "sudo apt-get update" in konsole, or try switching to another mirror [18:40] how do i switch to a different mirror? tried CH, DE, US, but it always tries to retrieve from the US [18:40] (done sudo apt-get update [18:41] make sure all your sources are set to the other mirror.. [18:41] !real player [18:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about real player - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:41] !realplay [18:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about realplay - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:41] !realplayer [18:41] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [18:41] shiva_: if adept just isn't working, try installing "update-manager-core" and running "sudo do-release-upgrade" [18:41] done that - same error. [18:42] (that's the server way to install it) . claims - as well - that the server isn't trusted. [18:42] howdy again [18:42] if I have an ubuntu gutsy dvd, can I "upgrade" that to kubuntu? [18:43] frb: install kubuntu-desktop [18:43] great, I'll go install it then :) [18:43] !purekde | frb, then you can do this [18:43] frb, then you can do this: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [18:43] anyone know if KDE4b3 has a task manager/kmenu yet? [18:44] LeeJunFan: both [18:44] LeeJunFan: task manager is ksysguard [18:44] LeeJunFan: i havent tested b3 yet but kickoff menu should be there [18:44] I have a question about xranr+compiz. Because of the limitation of 2048 x 2048 for 3d i now configured screen 1 'below' screen2 this way they fit in the limits of 2048 x 2048 because 2*1280 next to eachother would not fit. But Can I somehow 'trick' the system into using the vertical FB setup but moving windows from left to right instead of up an down? [18:44] hi [18:44] shiva_: You have something against the DVd ? [18:45] LeeJunFan: Yes I know [18:45] stdin: i installed compiz did compiz --replace and nothing happened [18:45] emilsedgh: oops, I meant taskbar. I'll probably try it tonight either way. [18:45] xenol: run it from konsole, see if it shows any errors [18:45] BudgetDedicated: you can setup the side by side screen if they fit within the virtual 2048 [18:46] BudgetDedicated: other than that, I'm not sure it can be "tricked" [18:46] stdin: showed this Checking for Xgl: not present. [18:46] evening folks :) [18:46] xenol: installed "xserver-xgl" ? [18:46] LeeJunFan: in kde4, if you press alt+f2, it brings up the run dialog. That contains a button to show the task manager [18:46] stdin: nop [18:46] xenol: or nvidia found? [18:47] xenol: there's the problem then :) [18:47] LeeJunFan: oh uh nm, you meant taskbar sorry [18:47] sub[t]rnl: no they both are 1280 so that does not fit. I understand how this is a hardware issue. But the software could possibly work around this and still make left to right possible. [18:47] stdout: i got ati [18:47] ok [18:47] !xgl [18:47] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [18:48] stdin: which guidelines should i follow? for feisty?? [18:48] Hi JohnFlux [18:48] DaSkreech: yo [18:48] xenol: no, just install xserver-xgl, then restart X [18:49] !sources [18:49] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [18:50] * nosrednaekim wishpers that the new ATI drivers are due outthe next day or so [18:51] Which? [18:51] OSS or the .... other ? [18:51] The other. [18:51] With composite supposedly. [18:51] anyone know how to configure compiz ? Where is it that you set up the shortcuts? [18:51] does anyone know of a website that lists all the file locations konqueror uses (e.g., cache, auto-complete, history)? [18:51] Hi. I ran an upgrade of Kubuntu from Feisty to Gutsy using the prescribed method for Kubuntu. At the end of the update process, at the part where obsolete packages are removed during the cleanup, the updater started hogging more and more memory, going beyond 90%. After a while, I noticed it gave the message "update-manager crashing..." and then X hung and I had to reboot. Gutsy came up fine, but adept still reports a new version being available. [18:51] the fglrx... 8.42 [18:52] Of course as far as ATI/Composite effects, I'll believe it when I see it. [18:52] Anyone know of a site that will help you set up your sources.list? [18:52] ubuntero_numero1: if you installed compizconfig-settings-manager, press Alt-F2 and put in: ccsm [18:52] ubuntero_numero1: in the Control center [18:52] !source-o-matic | the-erm [18:52] the-erm: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [18:52] LeeJunFan: seems a review was posted by mistake on Phoronix, it all works :) [18:52] thanks stdin [18:53] gspr: its reporting that gutsy is an upgrade while you are running gutsy? [18:53] stdin, its just a blank window with prefenences and search [18:53] nosrednaekim: Yes [18:53] Is it really a good idea to recommend users to activate the -proposed repo before upgrading (the instructions in the announcement), won't it be activated after the upgrade too? [18:53] hm, adept updates... better for the gutsy upgrade I guess? [18:53] nosrednaekim: Probably because the installation hung in its very last percent, like I explained. [18:53] ubuntero_numero1: the keyboard shortcuts are in each module [18:54] I'm getting ugly white edges around menus. Any thoughts? [18:54] gspr: thats funny....can you just tell it to be quiet? [18:54] stdin, but there is nothing in that window [18:54] BudgetDedicated: that's the compiz-kde window decorator, it's a bug in compiz [18:54] nosrednaekim: No. I suspect it's reporting this because the upgrade never quite finished. I'd like to fix that [18:54] gspr: ah.. right :) well, can you use the tool to do it? [18:54] stdin, its says filter, search, preferences, etc - nothing of settings of options is there [18:55] ubuntero_numero1: make sure you installed compiz properly then [18:55] On 7-10 [18:55] stdin: no workaround for that ? [18:55] nosrednaekim:Hmm.. which tool? [18:55] stdin: I have it on my main panel too [18:55] compizconfig - ccsm [18:55] hiya genii! [18:55] BudgetDedicated: yeah, use emerald or aquamarine I guess [18:55] does anyone know of a website that lists all the file locations konqueror uses (e.g., cache, auto-complete, history)? [18:55] gspr: the upgrader... [18:56] nosrednaekim: What do you mean? I tried to run the upgrade again, but it just says I'm already at the latest version [18:56] can any one tell me for the love of pete why it is faster to download to an sd card then it is to laod to the HDD? [18:56] gspr: thats funny [18:56] HDD is at 3 percent sd card is at 50 [18:57] and bothwere started at the same time lol [18:57] Got Problems. Kubuntu seems to not support my raid [18:57] lee986321: maybe the whole SD card is being kept in memory? so as to minimize writes [18:57] Ubuntu did, Kubuntu not [18:57] well plus or minus 2 seconds [18:57] what to do guys? [18:57] lee986321: the card isn't written to until just before it's unmounted [18:57] eh can you elebrate a lilte further on that one lol [18:58] oh no its direct [18:58] its flashing as the file downloads [18:58] lee986321: it all goes in to a cache first [18:58] eh [18:58] its by passing the cache soem how [18:58] lee986321: even "cat file > /dev/sdb1" still goes in to a cache [18:59] compizconfig - ccsm doesnt work [18:59] =( [18:59] weird..becasue its doesnt act like its caching because it in continual flash mode [19:00] but that doesnt answer why the hdd is stuck at 4 percent lol [19:00] lee986321: ah... hmm, CD write is supposed to be slow [19:00] q1w2e3r4: they use the same files so if Ubuntu can read it then Kubuntu can as well [19:00] lee986321: try just pulling out the card and see how much data is lost ;) (don't actually do that) [19:00] *SD [19:00] stdin: its too slugish with xserver-xgl [19:00] ubuntero_numero1: just ccsm [19:00] xenol: nothing anyone can do about that [19:00] Yeah, I really hated how badly xgl slowed my comp down. [19:00] * leileilol gets kubuntu gutsy from university of yuan ze [19:00] eh well the pwoer went out and the file that was there said 40 percent [19:01] DaSkreech: It was Ubuntu 7.04 before and it always worked. now its Kubuntu 7.10 and doesnt work [19:01] lel [19:01] leileilol: :-D [19:01] I deleted it and restarted [19:01] i'm getting the amd64 one [19:01] stdin: so i can remove compiz and xserver-xgl? [19:01] shame there's no dvds :( [19:01] because i can't read cd [19:01] xenol: if you want to [19:01] nor burn cd [19:01] Um, you should be able to. Dunno if there are any dependencies. [19:01] no human can read a dvd lol [19:01] DaSkreech, it doesnt show any settings options at all [19:01] stdin: anything else i can do with it and run compiz? [19:02] hey i can read a laserdisc :((( [19:02] well the hdd being the pain it is i canceled the dl lol [19:02] xenol: get an motherboard with an intel GPU or buy a nvidia card :p [19:03] stdin: gonna happen next week :S ordered yesterday but any chance i can run and see xgl on my own eyes or have to wait? [19:03] waht boards will support a pentium 4 dual threading 64 bit processor? [19:03] xenol: wait a few days for the new ATI drivers [19:04] xenol: you'll have to wait [19:04] nosrednaekim: u have same prob? === jono is now known as jono_ [19:04] xenol: no... xgl works fone for me, but the new ATI drivers will have AIGLX [19:04] hmm the ati dirivers taht I have are saying that I am only using 32 megs and I know I have a 256 meg card [19:05] nosrednaekim: and when r they to come out? ;p [19:05] xenol: withn the week [19:06] compiz is cool, but it keeps freezing a bit [19:06] for like up to 15 seconds [19:06] it's weird [19:06] hmmm [19:06] compiz? [19:06] compiz-fusion [19:07] stdin: to have strigi fully functional do i have to index my disk first? [19:07] ubuntero_numero1: rinstall ccsm ? [19:07] hmm because stinking cards stuck aat 32 megs even the reular see through window effects crash [19:07] hi, how do i upgrade my kubuntu via cli to gutsy [19:08] brobostigon: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core [19:08] but after i get all nice an situated i am heading to the sight genni gave me [19:08] xenol: if it hasen't indexed your files, it can't search them ;) [19:08] brobostigon: sudo do-release-upgrade [19:08] eh genii [19:08] can wifi laptops use wimax [19:08] DaSkreech, How? [19:09] stdin: i have only basic locations do i need to add if i want strigi to let find my photos, music, movies etc? [19:09] dhq: ussually not [19:09] apt-get dist-upgrade, is that right. [19:09] nosrednaekim, how is there any hack [19:09] anyone updated? i cant for some apparent readon;( [19:09] dhq: no [19:09] xenol: go to strigi:/status in konqueror, you can set what directories it indexes then [19:10] damn :( [19:10] brobostigon: No sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade === cosmin is now known as comosicus [19:10] hey all [19:10] im installing kubuntu [19:11] Congrats! [19:11] congratulations! [19:11] its at 82% "scanning mirrors" [19:11] for 30 minutes now :p [19:11] you will like it, [19:11] changed from windoze? [19:11] yes :p [19:11] good good:9 [19:11] hello, am I already supposed to be able to upgrade to gutsy from adept? [19:11] (yn) [19:11] i know i will like it .. i mean i can chat and surf during the installation [19:11] hyper [19:11] thats nifty [19:12] ok! [19:12] kenkku: yes, see the topic for instructions [19:12] !gutsy [19:12] Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents [19:12] thank you [19:12] stdin: after i chose which folders i start to index and then it returns me to beginning [19:12] !hardy [19:12] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) | Due April 2008 | For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron [19:12] i dont know why i cant upgeade it from adept. [19:12] Hello. I just bought sony MP3 player is USB device.. kubuntu dosn't seem to detect it . .how i can access this device? [19:13] you should have bought a sony walkman [19:13] xenol: just leave it alone after, it'll do it's job [19:13] it is walkman [19:13] apple is the new sony now === whip is now known as wanttoprint [19:13] HayaBusa: If it isn't recognised, you can't access it. Not all mp3 players will work in Linux. [19:13] stdin: but when i want to find sth id doesnt find anything =< [19:13] apple inc. loves you [19:13] hi [19:13] i love you [19:13] you are so right, leopard, but still, i love my ipod! [19:13] i have problme installing on WINDOWS as well, something about MTP device driver . [19:13] can someone help me to print with my usb printer? [19:13] ich cant print and would like :/ [19:14] HayaBusa: Maybe do a search for the model number on http://www.google.com/linux [19:14] thanks. [19:14] HayaBusa: ahh MTP [19:14] yehh mtp [19:14] adept doesn't "see" the version upgrade. could the finnish mirror be a bit late? [19:14] HayaBusa: #amarok maybe able to help :) [19:14] * xenol takes a few minutes break [19:14] !print | wanttoprint [19:14] wanttoprint: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [19:14] THANKS. WILL check that out [19:15] how? [19:15] hmm ok emerald is working better for me, now only the 'adept notifier' is undocked from the system tray and is annoyingly taking up space in my taskbar and on my desktop. any tips for that ? [19:15] why cant i upgrade to gutsy? [19:15] !print does not work on the bash [19:15] BudgetDedicated: restart KDE [19:15] WHY should someone upgrade from feisty to gutsy? [19:16] because i want to upgrade [19:16] hero: That's totally up to the user really [19:16] anyone else having a problem with - ccsm doesnt work [19:16] is a canon printer supported by kubuntu? [19:16] but anyway, i dont understand the upgeade snaps. [19:16] ardchoille: what kind of supposed advantages does gutsy have over feisty? [19:16] wanttoprint: read the links ubotu gave you. [19:16] ... [19:16] !print > wanttoprint [19:17] hero: newer programs, more compatibility, newer kernel. [19:17] hero: newer versions of apps, restricted manager, and others [19:17] the "full upgrade" thing wont be blue, or somethins like here http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot3.png [19:17] hero: Newer [19:17] gutsy has more guts isnt a coward and dares to takes those risks to get you that life you always wanted [19:17] bigger repository with more current programs. [19:17] ardchoille: restricted manager? [19:17] hero: yes [19:17] It's not as feisty :-) [19:17] have they frozen feisty at this point? [19:17] ardchoille: what's a restricted manager? [19:17] no [19:17] hero: They froze feisty when it relelased [19:17] they won't do that for quite awhile [19:18] DaSkreech : will love you more when you run Gutsy [19:18] daskreech, would be nice if you could support me, [19:18] without many complications... [19:18] reading stuff and so on... [19:18] DaSkreech: what i meant to ask is if feisty is such that no updated packages will be put in the repos [19:18] DaSkreech : i love you :0 [19:18] wanttoprint: reading is good. start with the hardware support link === boba is now known as boba620 [19:18] wanttoprint: You can find your printer there [19:18] !support [19:18] the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org [19:19] Bah [19:19] !eol [19:19] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle [19:19] hero: ^^^ [19:19] i cant find the printer [19:19] back [19:19] * ardchoille hands genii a coffee [19:19] wanttoprint: what printer is it? [19:20] hmm is it me or the upgradee through Adept is not wokrin ? [19:20] i hate this right now, === alex_ is now known as alex_bolivia [19:20] why is opera kinda slow on gutsy? [19:20] mpc200 [19:20] ardchoille: Ah, thanks :) [19:20] DaSkreech: what is that supposed to mean? [19:20] smartbase mpc200 [19:20] canon printer on the usb port [19:20] when I fetch update it stops @ 99% [19:20] hero: the ^^^ ? [19:20] will there be eventually a gutsy-commercial repo, or has this been replaced by the partners repo? [19:20] kopete aint working with gutsy ? [19:21] im giving up soon, i i cant get help [19:21] DaSkreech: yeah [19:21] imagine: Gutsy was just released, tons of people are upgrading/installing.. it may be really slow [19:21] If I add "/media/sda5/storage" as a directory in Strigi, will i scan it recursively then or just the folders and files within that dir? [19:21] boubbin_: msn? [19:21] boubbin_: it is i am running it right now and chatting with friends [19:21] nosrednaekim yeah koetes msn [19:21] lee986321: I'm around a bit now, work was busy [19:21] ardchoille: fair enough.. was just askin :) [19:21] fhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon [19:21] the printer isnt there [19:21] boubbin_: yeah.... its broken, but its a known bug which will be fixed soon(as soon as the upgrade craze is finished) [19:21] anyways, Torrent is better [19:22] nosrednaekim ok ioll use amsn then [19:22] hero: Read the line above it [19:22] imagine: Yes, I found it's much faster. I downloaded and am now seeding :) [19:22] boubbin_: actually, I think there is a fix already published on Riddel's PPA [19:22] okay folks.....this isn't flamebait just a heads up: I'm starting my review of 7.10's fitness for brand new users entitled "Kufailure: a review of Kubuntu 7.10" [19:22] wanttoprint: I know I'm looking [19:22] ardchoille: I have no blank Dvd lol :) only reason I want to use Adept ;) [19:22] OpenSorce: Take it to #kubuntu-devel [19:23] or #kubuntu-offtopic [19:23] OpenSorce: cool. [19:23] basically anywhere but here [19:23] Especially today [19:23] heh [19:23] How do i download the latest version of Kubuntu? [19:23] !download [19:23] Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [19:23] evjunior09: see the topic :) [19:23] evjunior09: read the topic [19:24] What topic? [19:24] ardchoille: Either way, Adept says my version is up to date and I don't see the button Version Upgrade >> [19:24] DaSkreech: ok, so feisty will be "done" when they stop posting security updates for it [19:24] anyidea ? [19:24] imagine: 1) I don't use adept 2) I don't upgrade [19:24] hero: from Canonical's point yes. [19:24] imagine: I have the same thing [19:24] there is no chance, or? [19:24] wanttoprint: No there should be [19:24] DaSkreech: has that happened with respect to feisty? [19:24] ardchoille: roger :) [19:24] OpenSorce: while ku-gutsy is very buggy right now, it would be cool if you could wait a week or so for the first batch of updates/upgrades to come through [19:24] Anyway to upgrade with Adept? [19:25] imagine: Please don't call me roger [19:25] evjunior09: see the topic [19:25] * ardchoille ducks [19:25] one problem still left from the upgrad... after reboot x failled to load with fglrx and the following error was in xorg log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41096/ [19:25] wanttoprint: What's it doing when you try to set it up? [19:25] jmichaelx, I have a deadline....I already waited a week because 7.10b wouldn't work [19:25] hi, in kaffeine the aspect-ratio is just very wrong, looks like 2:5 or sth [19:25] ardchoille: zzz Roger as "Got it" Radio call.. [19:25] how [19:25] hero: read the eol page [19:25] !eol > hero [19:25] imagine: :) [19:25] thanks [19:26] ardchoille: :) [19:26] i've gone to this little K symbol left/down [19:26] Systemsetting / Printer [19:26] i tried purge remove fglrx and reinstall trough restricted driver manager, but still got the same error [19:26] but dont know where i can choose the Printers Manufactor? [19:26] I cannot set 60hz at 1024x768 screen resolution in kubuntu 7.10, anyone knows how to change this? [19:27] ram [19:27] Does Gutsy mean no more "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && "sudo nvidia-xconfig" ? [19:27] rami: having issues? [19:27] wanttoprint: Go to System settings _. Printers [19:27] ardchoille: "system settings > advanced > restricted manager" makes me think so :) === phen is now known as greenguy === csanders is now known as qbert [19:28] stdin: Nice :) [19:28] wanttoprint: add a new printer... [19:28] how do you activate compiz on kubuntu? [19:28] yes and then? [19:28] !compiz | joshjosh [19:28] joshjosh: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [19:28] wanttoprint: click add [19:28] yes [19:28] wanttoprint: And follow the wizard [19:28] doesn't kubuntu 7.10 have compiz? [19:29] DaSkreech, That's why he can't find it. Heh. [19:29] DaSkreech, thanks mang [19:29] kenkku: the factoid just said no :) [19:29] special printer? [19:29] or printer class? [19:29] is there any reason why I wouldn't want to download the 64bit version? (I have a 64 bit cpu) I think I remember hearing that there is a bunch of stuff that doesn't work. [19:29] cause printer class ist deactivated, [19:29] DaSkreech: meh, I hoped it was outdated :) [19:29] of gutsy, that is [19:29] For some reason, I don't have any entry for Recommended updates or Pre release updates in my source.list. What repository should I add in? [19:30] how to compiz in gutsy any wiki threads about it ? [19:30] stdin: Do you need admin privelges to install a printer? [19:30] ? === boubbin_ is now known as boubbin [19:30] THis is upgrade from Fiesty -> Gutsy [19:30] What's recommended way to get compi zto start compiz with kde? [19:30] Macris: What ATI card do you have? [19:30] ist it the printer class or special printer? [19:30] wanttoprint: is there an adminsitrator mode button at the bottom? [19:30] thill2708: 32bit is easier, more things work. unless you have 4+GB RAM you can use 32bit just fine [19:30] stdin: ah, thanks [19:30] thill2708: the list is getting shorter by the release :) [19:30] DaSkreech: not if you're in the lpadmin group (default for the 1st user) [19:30] genii: x600 mobility [19:30] !autostart | Guyfromhell [19:30] Guyfromhell: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. [19:30] wanttoprint: printer class [19:31] nosrednaekim: that's what I'm hoping. I'd really like to be able to utilize this 64b cpu for once [19:31] sub[t]rnl: thank ya [19:31] genii: in feisty fglrx worked fine, but after... [19:31] please help! My installation of kubuntu 7.10 just hangs saying "scanning the mirror"?! [19:31] hmm... i am trying too... [19:31] sweet holy carp; 857 seeders, 1057 leachers on this torrent [19:31] bonaldo2000: Servers are being hammered [19:32] radio 3 [19:32] !language [19:32] Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [19:32] DaSkreech: why the hell are they making the installation depend on a server?! [19:32] wanttoprint: are you the first user on the machine? [19:32] How comes that my WLAN-card works with the Live-CD but not after install??? [19:32] thill2708: really no problems here for 64 bit... just no skype (at least easily) [19:32] Forssen85: try restricted manager [19:32] bonaldo2000: you have a better idea? [19:32] bonaldo2000: You can get the DVD and upgrade from that [19:33] even the DVD doesn't have all packages [19:33] DaSkreech: I downloaded the CD isnt that enough? [19:33] thill2708: is holy carp tasty? [19:33] Ok :) [19:33] stdin: hm ok [19:33] Macris: If you feel brave you can try the method suggested here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually but don't use the 8.41.7 driver, use the 8.40.4 driver (it supports your card, the newer one does not) [19:33] bonaldo2000: Which CD? The live ? [19:33] stdin: is there a way to try a different server - or is there a chance that it will continue if I just wait? [19:33] DaSkreech: yes, the live CD... [19:34] nosrednaekim: no it has holes in the flavour [19:34] nosrednaekim: nah, holy carp is catch and release only ;) And apparently worth a language warning [19:34] genii: il take a look thanks [19:34] Macris: np [19:34] bonaldo2000: no you can't update from the Live Cd [19:34] heehhee erg i got the alternate ook but the 64 bit verions is "stalled" lol [19:34] bonaldo2000: you can change servers [19:34] * runlevelten runs off to do more installin' [19:34] bonaldo2000: you can try waiting, or edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and choose another one [19:34] DaSkreech: ok how? And what do you mean that I cant update from the live cd? [19:35] stdin: ok, but I run the live cd, can I edit the file? [19:35] bonaldo2000: he means "you can't update from the liveCD" [19:35] sweet mother this is humming along at 500k; wish someone had put it on usenet, though :( [19:35] bonaldo2000: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file [19:35] YES, it seems it just progressed after all! [19:35] hi all... how can i set konqueror as default filebrowser again? [19:35] bonaldo2000: the live cd is for installing only, not upgrading [19:35] but thank you for the help anyway! [19:35] change .us to some other country [19:35] stdin: I AM installing! [19:35] !dolphin | dany_21a [19:35] !defaults | dany_21a [19:35] dany_21a: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [19:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about defaults - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:36] bonaldo2000: I know, but that's what he meant by it :) [19:36] DaSkreech: jucato made a factoid just for dolphin :p [19:36] stdin: ok. I will reboot now. Thanks for your help! :-) [19:36] stdin: i have no entry indoe/directory [19:37] stdin: *inode [19:37] I have a problem with adept. It is blocked in edition in the "sources.list" instead of "manage repositories". Any pointer to recover the default ? (I have already apt-get remove and install without success) [19:37] stdin: in what category should that be? [19:37] rami: Hello? [19:37] i figured it out..my sd card acting like a buffer...or...somethings messed up lol [19:37] dany_21a: in "inode" === teste is now known as poison--- [19:38] after the download completes ill remove it and see what its done [19:38] !ntfs [19:38] ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [19:38] !diskmounter [19:38] stdin: uh... i missed that.. sorry - but the search was misleading... "dir" or "ino" didnt find anything [19:38] patrick__: Which version of Kubuntu are you on ? [19:38] 7.04 [19:39] (French flavor) [19:39] !fuse [19:39] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems [19:39] !ntfs-3g [19:39] ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [19:39] :) https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDolphinByDefault?highlight=%28dolphin%29 --> "Ensure good documentation for changing back to Konqueror..." seems the documentaion is missing... [19:39] dany_21a: it's here [19:40] stdin: where? [19:40] you're looking at it :) [19:40] stdin: okay - your point :) [19:40] hi genii! i added replacedefaultroute to the config file but still the same problem. then i noticed that internet in kde apps only give problems when eth0 or eth1 is down. if i have local network or configure the network manually all seems fine. wtf? [19:41] Is there anyway to get the normal kde settings thing rather than the kubuntu version? [19:41] how do i upgrade to Kubuntu Gutsy Stable release? i'm in the release candidate now [19:41] dany_21a: we'll probably knock up a wiki page soon (ie: when I have the time) [19:41] !final | RivaeAerya [19:41] RivaeAerya: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [19:41] GuyFromHell: Install the package KDE instead of kubuntu-desktop [19:41] the server is down? [19:41] HorD: No Just hammered [19:41] HorD: which "the server" ? [19:41] DaSkreech: kk, thanks [19:41] there are quite a few [19:42] GuyFromHell: or just remove "kubuntu-default-settings" [19:42] this->http://ubuntu.c3sl.ufpr.br/releases/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso [19:42] try another one [19:42] any ideas how much longer till an official kubuntu + kde 4 is released? [19:42] ScorpKing: So when eth0 etc is up then you dial uout it works as expected but if dhcp or so fails for ethX then ppp0 does not become default route either? [19:42] Jack3: about a year [19:42] stdin: would be a good idea - i am suprised that !!dolphin is only req. 8 times so far [19:42] a year? [19:42] what?! [19:42] Jack3: version 8.10 [19:42] wanttoprint: Hello ? [19:43] * genii hands ScorpKing a coffee and sips one himeself [19:43] files downloaded, while installing them the process has stopped, after 3-4 errors, it's stalled at 2%, configuring libstdc++6, what's the next step? what may happen if I just restart the computer? [19:43] stdin, but i have 50%!! [19:43] Jack3: I read that kde4 won't even be stable til sometime next year [19:43] Jack3: 8.10 [19:43] genii: yes [19:43] :( [19:43] * ScorpKing slide the cookies over to genii and sip his coffee... [19:43] geeze that sucks, but good luck doing that, i cant complain about free stuff [19:43] HorD: if you're using wget you can resume from another mirror [19:43] Jack3: unofficial .. well now we can talk [19:43] ardchoille: it will be stable until december, but not complete [19:44] ah, ok [19:44] emilsedgh: Until December ? it's going to go unabomber after that? [19:44] dolphin is only req. 8 times so far? what do you mean? [19:44] Jack3: it's because it will be releases too late to be in gutsy, and the version after gutsy (hardy) will be a long term support version. and kde4 will be far too new and buggy to be in a LTS [19:44] stdin, i will try... [19:44] Guys, how do i set dolphin as my default file manager? [19:45] patrick__: Ah ok hold on you have to install something [19:45] rivae, its default in gutsy [19:45] genii: so i think i'm gonna configure eth0:1 manually to solve the problem. ;) [19:45] yo [19:45] ScorpKing: I'm not sure how to prevent that. but perhaps statis ethX settings [19:45] rivae, you have an older version? [19:45] *static [19:45] ScorpKing: Yeah LOL [19:45] damn, just mounted my usb hd with diskmounter but i cant see any files [19:45] lee986321: no !dolphin. He means the bot [19:45] hi poison--! [19:45] oh [19:45] and i cant even use system thinguie cause it says theres some issue [19:45] DaSkreech: will not be stable until december? [19:45] DaSkreech what ? [19:45] sup Scorp [19:46] RivaeAerya: it should be there by default ... as default [19:46] genii: it's funny but i've seen a few guys here with the same problem but no solution. [19:46] stdin ah that makes sense, thanks [19:46] DaSkreech: yes, but i upgraded from feisty to the release candidate and didn't create a new user [19:46] but we should be seeing something unofficial soon, that will be pretty good? [19:46] emilsedgh: You said KDE4 will be stable until december.... [19:46] i have a question [19:46] im new [19:46] i open adept manager [19:46] How do I turn on Compiz in Kubuntu 7.10 ?? [19:47] RivaeAerya: Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to dolphin [19:47] RivaeAerya: Why do you need a new user? [19:47] !compiz | Forssen85 [19:47] Forssen85: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [19:47] DaSkreech: it will not? at least its planned to be [19:47] and searched sun java 6 plugin [19:47] i download it [19:47] Can you have a firewall in ppp connection? Have tried guarddog in feisty, with dhcp client for ppp0, protocols allow, but everything stalls.. [19:47] and now it say its broken [19:47] how i get new [19:48] emilsedgh: Never mind. You botched the explanation :) [19:48] hi! I have the problem that the "upgrade tool" is not appearing after it's download - pressing finish after the updates leaves me with nothing happening. [19:48] ScorpKing: I'm sure there's some easy solution but darned if i know it :) [19:48] :P [19:48] patrick__: software-properties-kde [19:48] !java | master3000 [19:48] master3000: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [19:48] what is supposed to happen if you try to start the live system ? [19:48] how do i get kde 4? [19:48] I imagine it should go straight into kde [19:48] lee986321: see the topic [19:48] mine shows a login screen [19:48] without any users [19:49] and I can't seem to get anywhere [19:49] oelewapp1rke: that's .. not cool [19:49] if my laptop burns a Gutsy Gibbon, is that animal cruelty :P ? [19:49] genii: i might join a mailing list an give a looooong discription of the problem. hehe [19:49] and* [19:49] I ran the test cd integrity [19:49] oelewapp1rke: ok listen to me and don't do anything til I tell you [19:49] it said no errors detected [19:49] ScorpKing: I'm half-heartedly googling it right now [19:49] oelewapp1rke: try putting the user as ubuntu and pressing enter (no password), if that doesn't work then it seems like a bad burn [19:49] oelewapp1rke: if you press Alt+Ctrl+F1 it will drop you to a terminal that shoudl be logged in already [19:50] DaSkreech: it doesn't [19:50] alt+Ctrl+F7 gets you back the GUI [19:50] it shows a lot of text [19:50] but no shell [19:50] DaSkreech Thanks al lot I will try [19:50] oelewapp1rke: It doesn't ? [19:50] no [19:50] oelewapp1rke: Where did you get this Cd from? [19:50] lee986321: It's in the topic [19:50] kubuntu.org/download [19:50] some mirror in france [19:50] chx: Yes [19:51] perhaps I should try leaving it at the login screen for 5 minutes ? [19:51] genii: i know how to get past that for now so it's not serious. maybe i can use kmail again. :D thanks anyway... [19:51] something that needs to timeout [19:51] oelewapp1rke: More like 15 seconds [19:51] ScorpKing: np [19:51] i just installde new kubuntu and it can't load module restricted drivers, have anyone had the same problem? in rc1 that worked [19:52] DaSkreech: I have a core2 duo with sata disk [19:52] but it's not starting very fast at all [19:52] is it only me not able to connect to repositories servers? [19:52] kubuntu gutsy with 3.5.8 [19:52] a bit surprising [19:52] ScorpKing: I suspect because no default route gets set the "replacedefaultroute" option has nothing to act upon [19:52] Ben_Cs: depends what ones, most are being slapped about with a large trout at the moment [19:52] oelewapp1rke: optical media [19:52] oelewapp1rke: Always slow [19:53] genii: true [19:53] stdin: il,us,main they all show 27% and stuck [19:53] Ben_Cs: no everyone and their grandma is trying to get on the servers after a while they get fed up and go to lunch [19:53] ubunturos: Why? [19:54] ScorpKing: You can make some eth alias for one of the adapters and give it a static IP and default route [19:54] DaSkreech: KDE 3.5.8 was released two days ago, and it is in KUbuntu [19:54] ? [19:54] ubunturos: Yeah? So ? :) [19:54] ubunturos: we had it before it was "officially" released ;) [19:54] We have Beta 3 for KDe4 as well and that was announced last night [19:54] ScorpKing: But still leave the main to use dhclient [19:54] DaSkreech: everyone downloadin gutsy u meen? [19:54] genii: that's what i'm doing right now. :P [19:54] ubunturos: Isn't open source grand? [19:54] DaSkreech, stdin: umm,ok [19:54] DaSkreech: it is great :) [19:55] ScorpKing: Heh :) [19:55] * ubunturos is downloading the alternate CD [19:55] DaSkreech: Damn, and i built KDE last night from cvs. [19:56] stdin: when do u supppose the repos will be available? [19:56] Ben_Cs: hard to say [19:57] stdin: are they under maintanance or just being overloaded because of everyone getting gutsy? [19:57] * ScorpKing is away for now... [19:57] Updated/Fixed version of Adept is now in feisty-proposed, you should enable that repository before upgrading with adept [19:57] Ben_Cs: just being hit by the downloaders [19:57] stdin: i see === ndrea_ is now known as ndrea [19:58] Ben_Cs: A week safely [19:58] DaSkreech: any way I can get the console visible on startup [19:58] #ubuntu [19:58] why, after upgrading my system, does it say i have updates that need to be install? [19:58] I tried removing the quiet splash boot options [19:58] but it's not helping [19:58] XD [19:58] Can I upgrade a Feisty install to Gutsy with the regular CD? I don't feel like hammering the severs. [19:58] oelewapp1rke: Honestly it's supposed to do it I have no idea why yours is behaving badly [19:58] nicolai_: no [19:59] oelewapp1rkedid you check the md5sums ? [19:59] DaSkreech: I ran the "check validity of cd" stuff [19:59] I'm burning the cd under vista [19:59] no easy md5sum tool [19:59] are there any issues upgrading from feisty to gutsy? [19:59] I just installed gutsy where I used the irqpoll option when launching the live cd..this does not have any effect on the final installed version? Like the irqpoll causing it to choose some different parameters or something like that? [19:59] hmmm, what is the command to shutdown from the commandline? [19:59] Is is just my previously unmaintained computer, or is memory usage in Gutsy VERY much improved from Feisty? [19:59] shutdown [20:00] thill2708: your hibernation might stop working, at least mine did. [20:00] oelewapp1rke: You can get md5sum.exe [20:00] I have 100MB less RAM usage and 400MB less Swap, it's amazing. [20:00] stdin: is there a known gutsyissues page ? [20:00] thill2708: I bet there are others as well, check the Launchpad [20:00] stdin: How come? Isn't that supposed to work? [20:00] Lynoure: I just don't feel like trying to figure out how to bu my data right now :( [20:01] DaSkreech: not get, I don't think [20:01] hi you guys [20:01] never mind i figured it out [20:01] nicolai_: it still uses the network to install most packages [20:01] apt-get -f install [20:01] thill2708: bu? If that is short for backup, even one with keep is better than none, especially if you back up /etc, /home and dpkg --get-selections [20:01] i got a question ... well upgrading still doesn't work. can i simply replace feisty by gutsy in sources.list ?? [20:02] stdin: Fair enough. I guess I'll wait one or two days then. [20:02] shiva_: yes, it should work [20:02] ok thanks you guys [20:03] shiva_: No, don't know why, but my experience tells me it'll break your system badly. As said, no idea why, maybe it's better now. [20:03] Uh... [20:03] I have done it [20:03] it was seemless [20:03] Oh, good. [20:03] kaminix: only if you have extra repositories [20:03] I did it with an older release, and it fucked up hard. [20:03] Ahhh [20:03] !ohmy [20:03] Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [20:03] Oh, sorry. [20:04] if you upgrade by changing sources.list, make sure you upgrade with "sudo aptitude --with-recommends dist-upgrade" [20:05] otherwise you'll get some strange mix of feisty and gutsy [20:05] hi [20:05] I can't get SCIM/Anthy working in Gutsy. :( [20:05] is there an md5 hash for the 7.10 release anywhere? [20:06] upgrade went somewhat OK, so i restarted, everything seems ok but KDE is redrawing like crazy on a lot of UI elements, anybody know what might be up? [20:06] Pasar: for the whole repos ? [20:06] Pasar: You have one on the CD if you mount it. [20:06] for the iso [20:06] kaminix: but there's no check be4 burning? [20:06] Pasar: from the place you got the ISO, look at the "MD5SUMS" file [20:07] stdin: thanx, that helped :) [20:07] Pasar: As stdin said you can dload one, but you can also do as I said an mount it before burning and check. :) [20:07] Gah. [20:07] Too slow. [20:08] has there been a better kickoff ported to kubuntu yet? [20:08] DaSkreech: md5sum is ae9b209fe4b9caf545fa2011631de797 which seems to be correct [20:08] I'm gonna try again [20:09] wow apt-get is really slow today :/ busy day ekh [20:10] joshjosh: A better kickoff? [20:10] anybody know what might be going on with my redrawing issue in KDE? [20:10] slaugh: Upgrade day the day A server becomes a man! [20:10] :] [20:10] everything is insanely slow [20:10] Why does Boinc start up automaticly! [20:11] jfro: remove compiz. [20:11] and xgl. [20:11] ok [20:11] thanks [20:11] also my cdrom setup seems to be borked [20:11] jfro: you can set how often the desktop is redrawn in ccms under general [20:12] DaSkreech, Yeah. the opensuse menu. there was one ported to Kubuntu, but it was pretty horrible. I was wondering if there was a better one. [20:12] well it's li keevery action/mouse move makes all the UI widgets draw and horribly slow [20:12] can see them all trying to draw or something [20:13] jfro: adjust the values within compizconfig-settings-manager (ccms) and see if it helps [20:13] don't have such a program [20:13] I can't see any optical decivces on my machine... how do I know that they're recognised? [20:14] are you using compiz-fusion for compositing? [20:14] i just upgraded, i wasn't === me__ is now known as Ked [20:14] i had it installed but wasn't using it [20:14] Azzco: How are you looking? [20:14] ,/media and k3b can't find anything either [20:15] oh [20:15] hmm [20:15] No popup if I put in any kind of CD either [20:15] Azzco: lshw ? [20:15] i got a pop up but perms denied regarding CDs === KennethP_ is now known as KennethP [20:16] DaSkreech: That's a really long list... [20:16] hi there [20:16] greets doc__ [20:17] Azzco: Pipe it into less [20:17] lshw | less [20:17] hmm, fixed that, now i can't eject CDs, mount them fine (as normal user) [20:17] only ivman can unmount [20:18] DaSkreech: Nope nothing abuot CDR drive... [20:18] Has anyone managed to upgrade kubuntu to 7.10 with adept? [20:19] files downloaded, while installing them the process has stopped, after 3-4 errors, it's stalled at 2%, configuring libstdc++6, what's the next step? what may happen if I just restart the computer? [20:19] Azzco: Does your BIOS see it? [20:19] I did it using adept [20:19] tuomas_: I have [20:19] !compiz [20:19] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [20:19] But that was weeks ago [20:19] DaSkreech: Yes I can boot from a live cd [20:19] hello, i want to upgrade a remote (desktop) kubuntu feisty to gutsy .. is it safe to use the "Network upgrade for Ubuntu servers" @ http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading or does adept do something specific for a kubuntu upgrade? [20:19] [21:19] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [20:19] DaSkreech: Well I never saw grub load but it said ISOLINUX something... [20:19] igniter: but the upgrade didn't finish with you too? [20:19] i think it's outdated :P [20:19] moofoo: the server upgrade should work nicely [20:20] hello all btw [20:20] DaSkreech: thank you.. i'll go for it then ;-) [20:20] Kachna: No it's not [20:20] tuomas_: all files downloaded, I got the errors while installing them [20:20] I think that the packages that ask for settings are causing these problems [20:20] * moofoo wants to see a xp->vista upgrade from a remote host that easily ;-) [20:20] igniter: same here [20:20] DaSkreech: strange, did dist-upgrade and compiz popped up [20:20] now I don't know what to do :) [20:20] Kachna: You had it installed before? [20:21] igniter: go to console and enter sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [20:21] DaSkreech: nope [20:21] tuomas_: ok ty [20:21] well i had it long ago,but removed... [20:21] hello [20:21] Kachna: apparently not enough :) [20:21] !hi [20:21] Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [20:21] HOW can it be that a NEW version has more bugs + lesser functions then an old version? [20:22] this SO sucks [20:22] i just installed kubunti 7.10 but adept keeps saying there is a version upgrade [20:22] with purge param :P strange [20:22] im really angry :( [20:22] maybe i should downgrade to 7.04 [20:22] yaccin: kopete ? [20:22] igniter: did you get it working? [20:22] yes kopete [20:22] -__ [20:22] i mean how can it be? [20:22] hi [20:22] it worked perfectly in 7.04 [20:22] B-Minus: yes, it's a bug [20:22] and even in RC1 [20:22] yaccin: The smooth scrolling thing was apparently killing laptops [20:23] i have a serious problem [20:23] stdin: ok tnx [20:23] DaSand the MSN protocoll? [20:23] my AltGr key isn't working [20:23] ... [20:23] for me the graphical upgrade failed also on 7.04 [20:23] i run gutsy [20:23] tuomas_: one thing, the updater is still running, can't execute the command without closing the updater first, when trying to close the updater it warns about the system becoming unusable if the process is interrupted [20:23] yaccin: That's patched already [20:23] yaccin: the problem with kdelibs has been resolved [20:23] possibly becoming unusable [20:23] for kopete [20:23] DaSkreech: your ubuntu user login "works" [20:23] igniter: you have to close the updater but don't reboot yet! [20:23] as in it does not say password incorrect [20:23] ok [20:23] oelewapp1rke: On my live CD? [20:23] but it immediately gets back to the login screen === kilrae_ is now known as kilrae [20:23] oelewapp1rke: there is no password [20:23] on your live cd ? [20:23] yaccin: and it's not a kubuntu bug, actually, it's a KDE bug that the kubuntu guys kindly fixed for you [20:24] DaSkreech: yes it does something [20:24] oelewapp1rke: You have to setone up with sudo passwd ubuntu [20:24] ya pas des francais ici , [20:24] ? [20:24] !fr [20:24] and smooth scrolling never made problems on my laptop... [20:24] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [20:24] igniter: apt-get will probably also give you some warnings... [20:24] DaSkreech: hmmm so what should I do ? [20:24] and... how can it make problems when its an option? [20:24] I see the login screen [20:24] if it doesnt work, simply turn it off [20:24] the graphical login screen [20:24] -_- [20:24] oelewapp1rke: And you can't get to a console ? [20:24] and i dont have updates for kopete or anything else [20:25] just openoffice [20:25] DaSkreech: no [20:25] yes, I can't execute the command yet, some process still is blocking it [20:25] yaccin: It's an option that gets turned on and wakes up the CPU constantly [20:25] ctrl-alt-f1 shows me a disclaimer screen [20:25] no promp [20:25] I'm trying with ps -aux | grep adept [20:25] igniter: no, there is just the lock file [20:25] just the legal mumbo jumbo [20:25] DaSthen turn it off? ^^ [20:25] oelewapp1rke: alt+ctrl=f2 ? [20:25] to close whatever it's blocking [20:25] !aptfix [20:25] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [20:25] +F2 ? [20:25] same ... [20:25] tuomas_: what's the file name? [20:25] and how do i get the kopete-msn-fix? [20:26] tuomas_: what's the program name? [20:26] yaccin: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [20:26] igniter: delete the file /var/lib/dpkg/lock [20:26] will it be in apt in a few days? [20:26] alt-F7 gets me back to the graphical login screen [20:26] oelewapp1rke: Kubuntu Live Cd? === Basti is now known as _basti [20:26] yes the desktop x86 cd [20:26] <_basti> hi! [20:26] ...So how am I supposed to burn a CD when ubuntu doesn't recognise my CD drive? [20:26] yaccin: I suspect [20:27] DaSit should be now... -_- [20:27] oelewapp1rke: Can You join #kubuntu-devel and report it ? [20:27] yaccin: The servers are being hammered [20:27] that means for devs as well [20:27] DaSkreech: you always find an excuse, dont you? :P [20:27] tuomas_: done, I've just executed the command === xipietotec_ is now known as xipietotec [20:28] igniter: apt-get dist-upgrade? [20:28] yaccin: Well if you would like to walk over to the servers and put htem on manually then that would be great :) otherwise it's not feasible. [20:28] did it start installing the packages? [20:28] wow only 8 hours left for my upgrade [20:28] yaccin: and you have a link to install it there if you like [20:28] DaSkreech: hmm walking could be a bit difficult for me ;= [20:28] ;) [20:28] <_basti> i'm just installing gutsy gibbon and want it to join with my /boot-partition which another linux is using, but it wants to format it. so I decided to make the grub-things later on. but now, at setup step 6 theres an option "install boot loader". should I uncheck it or leave as is? [20:28] oh another question.. i just realized that i have R installed from the official r-project.org repository and they do not provide gutsy packages yet.. anyone know if the upgrade feisty->gutsy still works? (R is at version 2.6 and gutsy only has 2.5.1 in it :-( ) [20:28] tuomas_: yes, it's asking me to execute apt-get -f install [20:29] it's been upgrading for about an hour and half already so this is just awesome [20:29] Azzco: sorry I misssed it does it see it in BIOS ? [20:29] igniter: I entered apt-get -f dist-upgrade [20:29] I can't get the 3d effects to work! [20:29] Kubuntu-fi [20:29] DaSkreech: In bios it's seen yes (No problem ;)) [20:29] moofoo: It will ignore it then [20:29] I installed Compiz === blendtux_ is now known as blendtux [20:29] ATTENTION EVERYONE UPGRADING TO KUBUNTU 7.10 -- STOP DOWNLOADING IMMEDIATELY soicandownloadfaster [20:30] proprietarysucks: just use bittorrent [20:30] ? [20:30] I'm at work unfortunately [20:30] Azzco: strange what does ls /dev/[hs]d* output? [20:31] DaSkreech: yes but maybe some dependent packages that are in the repository are updated and hence break things?! .. [20:31] Forssen85: whats the problem? [20:31] anyone else finding kopete crashes when attempting to log into msn? [20:31] moofoo: can't be if you have 2.6 installed already [20:31] sda ,1,2 sdb,1,2,3 sdc,1 and2 [20:32] adz21c: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [20:32] adz21c: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [20:32] ty [20:32] tuomas_: I'm going to execute apt-get -f dist-upgrade as you said, from what I see, this is the same as doing the upgrade from adept, right? [20:32] if you upgrade by changing sources.list, make sure you upgrade with "sudo aptitude --with-recommends dist-upgrade" [20:32] Azzco: You have three hard drives? === ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_ [20:32] otherwise you'll get some strange mix of feisty and gutsy === ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__ [20:32] DaSkreech: R consists of quite alot of packages (and thinks like "codetool" "cluster" etc) http://cran.at.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/feisty/ [20:32] DaSkreech: I was just asking myself the same thing.. [20:32] Azzco: Ha ha :) [20:33] DaSkreech: Might be my portable [20:33] Azzco: Those all look remarkably like hard drives [20:33] igniter: yep [20:33] but ok... i'll see what happens if i run the magic do-release-upgrade ;-) [20:33] tuomas_: great, thank you :) [20:33] DaSkreech: Going to check this out a bit, sounds really weird [20:34] why is Kubuntu much more unsupported in some things than Ubuntu? [20:34] Azzco: Yeah, Maybe they are ploting against you [20:34] Anyone using Netbeans? [20:34] But I really hope these "easy to user" things would much more reliable! [20:34] RivaeAerya: Cause developers are thrown at Ubuntu. There is one paid dev for Kubuntu [20:34] DaSkreech: Indeed, they'll undo my bed when I sleep =o [20:34] pierreth: not yet. :P how does it run under linux? [20:35] If the graphical installer isn't reliable then people should be guided to use apt-get [20:35] ScorpKing: I have just installed it [20:35] tuomas_: there is no such thing as the "default user" unless you have a mac :-( [20:35] DaSkreech: so does it have plusses for me to switch to Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu? [20:35] pierreth: it runs on java right? [20:35] RivaeAerya: Not too much. The main difference is the desktop environment [20:36] tuomas_: if the graphical upgrade fails people should use do-release-upgrade, not apt-get [20:36] DaSkreech: The only problem is, GNOME is very slow here [20:36] DaSkreech: oh, and, the printer support etc etc? [20:36] DaSkreech: I'm not talking about default user, I'm talking about creating an easy looking upgrade tool which will mess up peoples computers [20:36] Okay I really have no idea how to get my CD drive going.. [20:36] ScorpKing: Yes. But I don't have the Java tools.... [20:36] RivaeAerya: and in my opinion the support crew. the support here in #kubuntu is very friendly [20:36] and the "just works"? doesn't "just work" in Kubuntu [20:36] that's true :) [20:36] tuomas_: And I'm saying there is no ...standard user. Sorry wrong term [20:36] ScorpKing: I just have the Ruby tools [20:37] pierreth: i think you can download them from the netbeans website. [20:37] tuomas_: Everyone plays with the computer in slightly different ways that will make thigns break [20:37] ScorpKing: I want to do Ruby with it [20:37] !codec [20:37] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [20:37] ScorpKing: yes, but I don't find it [20:37] pierreth: let me look... [20:37] whats the command again to installt the codecs i need to play mp3? [20:37] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats < read [20:37] DaSkreech: apt-get dist-upgrade works and in my opinion isn't that much harder to use than adept [20:37] I've only changed my chassi and then ubuntu can't recognise my CD drive... [20:37] no i cant find it [20:37] RivaeAerya: Well they have huge teams working ona each of the specs where we have to make do :-( [20:37] is there a way to search for installed packages that are from 3rd party repositories? [20:38] ScorpKing: Netbeans looks cool on Unix [20:38] please tell me the command [20:38] RivaeAerya: still trying to figure out a way from the quandry [20:38] DaSkreech: what do you mean? Sorry, dutch is not my native language [20:38] tuomas_: for some people [20:38] err [20:38] english [20:38] and i just said my real language :P [20:38] ubuntu: so you can't find the link called "MP3" on that page, and follow it to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3 ? [20:38] ubuntu: apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg [20:39] How do I get Compiz working in 7.10?? [20:39] DaSkreech: your cue ^ [20:39] !compiz | Forssen85 [20:39] Forssen85: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [20:39] ScorpKing: I guess Java comes by default, but not for the Ruby version [20:39] DaSkreech: too late :) [20:39] RivaeAerya: Well Kubuntu can't get as many things done so they say well it doesn't make sense to send more people cause they caon't get instant results but we can't get more projects done without more people [20:39] stdin: damn! [20:39] apt-get libxine-extracodecs isnt working [20:39] it failed [20:40] Azzco: i read it isnt working [20:40] what version [20:40] what now.... [20:40] Azzco: [20:40] DaSkreech: hmm... that's a pity, because i like using KDE more than GNOME, but if my computer really will "just work" in every way when i switch to GNOME, i might just take it. [20:40] ubuntu: what version ? [20:40] version 7.10 [20:40] pierreth: i won't know. i'm gonna use it for java programming only. i see the tools here - http://www.netbeans.info/downloads/index.php [20:40] RivaeAerya: What would you like to just work ? [20:40] gibbon === demetrio is now known as zebbers [20:40] ubuntu: ? [20:40] ubuntu: apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg [20:40] ty [20:40] ubuntu: read the Gutsy instructions then [20:41] DaSkreech: hardware support, Xorg, configuration [20:41] The first two KDE should pick up as well [20:41] it really does quite clearly state the package [20:41] which configuration [20:41] ScorpKing: see, it is not easy to find, I have the version 6 [20:42] RivaeAerya: Which configurations are you talking about? [20:42] pierreth: oh i see. maybe the java website? [20:42] ScorpKing: I don't need the ide again, just the java tools [20:42] !java [20:42] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [20:42] ScorpKing: i will make a google search [20:43] ok [20:43] ScorpKing: Do you like Ruby? [20:43] DaSkreech: well, i'd guess "everything", but, i mean Xorg, hardware configuration, compiz fusion, automatic updates (adept is sometimes a pain to use, because it crashes all the time), and other features. [20:43] pierreth: never used it. [20:44] ScorpKing: Ok, I love Python but I want to learn Ruby [20:44] RivaeAerya: use adept_updater from the sys tray :-) [20:44] Ok, it could be kitchensync that caused the problems in the upgrade [20:44] pierreth: i know pascal and some asm. busy learning c++. [20:44] ScorpKing: I know well C++ [20:44] <|Cugel|> Trying to update -- but things seem to be very down. [20:45] DaSkreech: that one crashes too :P [20:45] ScorpKing: Netbeans does C++ too [20:45] DaSkreech: in fact, it crashed on me at the end of the system upgrade [20:45] amaroks moodbar wont is not showing up any moods! (testing with mp3 files) [20:45] tuomas_: seems to be working fine, thank you! [20:45] DaSkreech: its not working it get this message: [20:45] Package libxine1-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package. [20:45] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [20:45] is only available from another source [20:45] E: Package libxine1-ffmpeg has no installation candidate [20:46] pierreth: using kdevelop. ;) [20:46] !paste [20:46] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [20:46] igniter: nice if I could help [20:46] I just assume that many have similar problems while upgrading... [20:46] Being nice to people isnt open source anymore its outsourced for proprietary sharks exclusive nowadays [20:46] RivaeAerya: well if it helps any the two peopel I know who upgraded to Gutsy on Ubuntu both had the update manager crash on them as well [20:46] how can i make a folder and all its contents readwrite with any user? [20:47] !permissions [20:47] The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux [20:47] ScorpKing: kdelvelop is cool too! [20:47] kritzstapf: try installing the moodbar package [20:47] !abuse | ScorpKing [20:47] ScorpKing: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [20:47] DaSkreech: ok but adept crashes too on normal updates, almost always at the end, when its at 99% or something, at the last package [20:47] lol. :P [20:47] Strange I haven't had mine crash since edgy [20:47] DaSkreech, ... it is installed, otherwise i wouldnt be able to activate the moodbar [20:48] Arrgh I'll just reboot again and hope that I can burn down the gutsy ISO from a windows partition.. [20:48] i cant get the mp3 codecs i enabled all the the repos in adept manager and then i entered the commands in Konsole to the codecs but its not working [20:48] :( [20:49] how can i get a KDE color scheme from my PC to my laptop? [20:49] poison--: sudo chmod o+w -R /dir [20:49] (one that i creatyt by myself not downloaded) [20:49] DaSkreech: I think adept is mainly unstable when the package asks the user for some configuration [20:49] sweet [20:49] ty SK [20:49] np [20:50] !mp3 | Leopard [20:50] Leopard: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [20:50] tuomas_: Agreed [20:50] ubuntu: update first [20:51] RivaeAerya: how often? [20:51] DaSkreech: pretty often, since a few weeks ago [20:51] What's the command to open the GUI dist-updater? [20:51] is it possible to change the port that is audio out on the sound card? [20:51] RivaeAerya: Did you check the logs to see why it crashed ? [20:52] nzk: adept_manager --version-upgrade [20:52] Hi all. I'm trying to upgade to 7.10 folliwing these instructions: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading I enabled Recommended updates and let it get a new list of packages but Full Upgrade is ghosted and there is no Version Upgrade button. [20:53] By the way, how is it possible to view for example zip files in konqueror with zip:/file.zip [20:53] Personally I like it more than ark [20:53] Perseid, i think you need to update your feisty packages before switching to gutsy [20:53] DaSkreech: no, where are they? [20:53] Or is this fixed already in 7.10? [20:54] can someone recommend a fast mirror from germany? uk, se, de are super slow atm... (yeah massive dos at the moment but maybe there is one mirror that is not that stressed9 [20:54] kritzstapf: Yes, but I thought that was what the Full Upgrade button was supposed to do. [20:54] Perseid: try closing adept then press alt+F2 -> kdesu adept_manager --version-upgrade [20:54] moofoo: tried torrents? [20:54] Perseid, are there other update-buttons? [20:54] ScorpKing: for upgrade.. so torrent is not a real option [20:55] how can i change the default methode how ubuntu suspends? the normal suspend doesn't work, but pm-suspend --quirck-vga-post works [20:55] moofoo: lol. true [20:55] -c [20:55] hm fi seems atleast reasonable.. [20:55] still slow :( [20:55] ok rebooting after a gutsy update...wish me luck. brb in 5 mins hopefully ;) [20:56] !mp3 [20:56] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [20:56] DaSkreech: There's the button. Thanks. :) [20:56] !mp3 gutsy [20:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about mp3 gutsy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:56] but 730kb/s is at least better than 50kb/s ;-) [20:56] its not working [20:56] RivaeAerya: /var/log normally [20:56] ScorpKing: I think I found the answert here: http://dlc.sun.com/netbeans/download/6.0/milestones/latest/ [20:56] anyone know of a simple batch audio converter? I want to go from flac to mp3 === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [20:56] which codec to i need to install to have mp3 in GUTSY GIBBON please? [20:57] RivaeAerya: you can check in Ksystemlog as well [20:57] I tried that pages [20:57] ScorpKing: I need the full package [20:57] but it isnt helping me at all [20:57] pierreth: nice. looking... [20:57] ubuntu: do you have universe enabled ? [20:57] in adept ? [20:58] cpk1: for loop in a bash script ? :) [20:58] pierreth: there is a 172MB download there [20:58] ubuntu: yes [20:59] I have tons of albums I want to convert so either a simple to set up command line tool or a simple gui [20:59] ScorpKing: Yes, it is big, I am downloading it now [21:00] lol [21:00] hmmz [21:01] what codec do i need to install to have streaming mp3 support in amarok ? [21:01] ScorpKing: thank you [21:01] w32codecs doesnt excist anymore ? [21:01] pierreth: uhm... i didn't do much but you're welcome. ;-) [21:01] Am I doing something wrong or are the download mirrors getting hit hard because of the update? [21:01] B-Minus: libxine-extracodecs [21:01] !info soundkonverter [21:02] soundkonverter: KDE frontend to various audio converters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 479 kB, installed size 1888 kB [21:02] B-Minus: libxine1-ffmpeg [21:02] tnx [21:02] DaSkreech: and overall, i get the general feeling that kubuntu is being far less supported than Ubuntu, but then there's the fact that GNOME is slow on my computer and that it's being slowly developed (i see almost no progress in the new versions), and the fact that KDE 4 might replace GNOME in future Ubuntu releases [21:02] Question: if I supplied the irqpoll option when I install kubuntu (I thought I had a problem that it might would be able to solve but didnt) will the effects of the irqpoll option remain in the system after installation even though I no longer has it in my boot parameter list? [21:02] RivaeAerya: Will never happen === deva is now known as deva_ === deva_ is now known as deva__ [21:03] DaSkreech: KDE 4 as ubuntu default? [21:03] RivaeAerya: Never [21:03] B-Minus, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [21:03] libxine-extracodecs isnt in my list :s [21:03] DaSkreech: and if everyone prefers it? [21:03] DaSkreech: and will GNOME keep up with kde 4? [21:03] B-Minus, that installs about all the restricted bits [21:03] RivaeAerya: Canonical does not prefer it so it will never happen [21:04] RivaeAerya: irrelevant. Ubuntu will not ship a KDE desktop ever [21:04] DaSkreech: i am locked out of adept and Konsole and i cant kill Any of them from KsysGuard :/ [21:04] If gnome is slow on your computer... I think it may be time to switch to fluxbox. or somthign rea light [21:04] ubuntu: define locked out [21:04] DaSkreech: and will GNOME keep up with kde 4? [21:04] B-Minus: you need enable multiverse first [21:04] Dr_willis: KDE runs fine [21:04] cant kill them cant get in [21:04] RivaeAerya: At some point yes [21:04] B-Minus: and then install the package [21:04] DaSkreech: but i heard they said if sometime they realize that kde is better enough, they will switch? [21:04] locked out i dont know how to define it differently [21:04] i has a gutsy now bye [21:04] ubuntu: won't open? [21:04] Personally, I think two separate distros for Gnome and KDE is a good idea. And it's not as if you can't install both if you want. [21:04] yes [21:04] DaSkreech: they will get the features of KDE 4? [21:04] emilsedgh: Not going to happen [21:04] hi [21:05] then Kubuntu should die and Gubuntu should born :D [21:05] RivaeAerya: I suspect Gnome at some pointwill be pressured to add something [21:05] DaSkreech: really? why? i think it will happen in 2-3 years [21:05] does anyone here have their kubuntu desktop printing to a REMOTE cups server? [21:05] But they are two very different projects so don't expect anything drastic [21:05] The people who like Gnome are going to like Gnome no matter what KDE does. [21:05] what new features will KDE 4 have, then? [21:05] !print | tzanger [21:05] tzanger: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [21:05] So i just upgraded my Kubuntu and it says "Ready To Upgrade!...Click Finish and close the Adept Package Manager and Launch the distribution upgrade tool" What is That? [21:05] kritzstapf: what is the use of the moodbar in amarok [21:05] i have a problem with guarddog vs limewire and irc... some help about configure them out? [21:06] !kde4 [21:06] KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see . The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php [21:06] stdin: Whoops ^^^ that needs an update [21:06] the box the printer's attached to can print, windows PCs can print through it, but I cannot get kubuntu to do it remotely [21:06] blendtux, it shows a bar with different colors indicating the "mood" of the song youre playing [21:06] DaSkreech: thanks, but this does not appear to be a newbie issue [21:06] Ok i am in adept again DaSkreech which codec do i need again for Gibbon? [21:06] i always install gnome +kde + several other window managers. :) === _czessi is now known as Czessi [21:06] tzanger: Printer sharing !! :) [21:06] sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [21:06] Perseid: yeah well, problem is: i like KDE more, GNOME runs slow here, but i want my computer to automatically support hardware and automatically restore X if it ****'s up, which is only there in Ubuntu, which has GNOME, and far more better support [21:06] what is the purpuse of that [21:07] ubuntu: libxine1-ffmpeg [21:07] should isntall about all the extra codecs [21:07] So i just upgraded my Kubuntu and it says "Ready To Upgrade!...Click Finish and close the Adept Package Manager and Launch the distribution upgrade tool" What is That? [21:07] Perseid: (For hardware and other stuffs i mean, not the IRC support) [21:07] evjunior09: It should launch it for you [21:07] it dosent [21:07] I allready broke the 'bullet proof X' under Ubuntu. :) [21:08] I normally install ubuntu, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [21:08] RivaeAerya: again the hardware support should be in KDE as well. [21:08] DaSkreech: If it dosent launch it for me what do i do? [21:08] that's not a DE function [21:08] DaSkreech: thanks I will check that out [21:08] kritzstapf: what is the purpose of that you can hear the mood of the music yourself as you listen [21:08] im not sure the 'bullet proof x' is just in ubuntu either. [21:08] DaS\ [21:09] DaSkreech: it connects to archive.ubuntu.com and isnt downloading the codec [21:09] congratulations ladies and gentlemen on a fine release of this magnificent linux distro [21:09] :( [21:09] mah i cant upgrade too many people downloading [21:09] * WaltzingAlong is quite convinced that a bullet would do sufficient damage to his laptop, affecting X or not [21:09] hi..anyone can tell me whats the different between ubuntu 7.10 cd and dvd image? [21:09] If Ubuntu gets it then everyone gets it. RivaeAerya [21:09] WaltzingAlong: Apt-get remove X first [21:09] pcrtech: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ [21:09] resakse: The DVD has all of main on it [21:10] Guys, when i lunch adept and go to "manage reposetories" i am only getting a list of repos... [21:10] ubuntu: Servers are being hammered. Be patient [21:10] how can i get the settings window where i get to tick on recommended updates?? [21:10] maverick_: sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde [21:10] maverick_: Oh like with lines? not checkboxes ? [21:10] DaSkreech: you mean the DVD got ubuntu + kubuntu +xubuntu +edubuntu and other thing? [21:10] yeah [21:10] resakse: yes [21:10] DaSkreech: yeah, see the printer is there, it's shared, I can see it from my kubuntu box that wants to print remotely [21:10] DaSkreech: yeah [21:11] DaSkreech: thanks :) [21:11] maverick_: yeah you need software-properties-kde [21:11] but when I go to print it gets held int eh queue, and if I use wireshark to take al ook, cupsd is returning 'bad client request" with "no file!?!" [21:11] ok, thnx [21:11] what version of cups ? [21:11] DaSkreech: it connects to archive.ubuntu.com and isnt downloading the codec [21:11] !kde4 | DaSkreech :) [21:11] DaSkreech :): KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see . The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php [21:12] Much gracias ! :) [21:12] DaSkreech: even the Xorg restore thingy? [21:12] ubuntu: It's being hammered it works just .. might take a while [21:12] RivaeAerya: Should be [21:12] RivaeAerya: I'll lookat how it's implemented [21:13] ist ~568 KB [21:13] DaSkreech: ok [21:13] something is wrong DaSkreech [21:13] its not downloading even 1% [21:13] ubuntu: If you like you can get it from http://packages.ubuntu.com [21:13] I dont see "mc" in gibbon repos :/ (?!) [21:14] I want Konqueror back! how should I tell it to be the default in 7.10? I don't like Dolphin! [21:14] slaugh: should be installed by default [21:14] ubuntu: it wouldn't surprise me if the first line it /etc/resolv.conf was some search; that the delay is related to some DNS problem [21:14] !dolphin | Jadi [21:14] Jadi: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [21:14] Jadi: right click on a folder, "Open with", "Other", "konqueror", "remember" [21:14] genii are you still on? [21:15] info mc gutsy | slaugh [21:15] !info mc gutsy | slaugh [21:15] slaugh: mc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2058 kB, installed size 5944 kB [21:15] lee986321: Yup [21:15] how long will it take untille gutsy repos get unfreezed? [21:15] LjL, ubotu, tnx :) [21:15] !info mc gutsy [21:15] mc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2058 kB, installed size 5944 kB [21:15] may I im you... I need you to verify something [21:15] genii: Brew another cauldron ? [21:16] and then explain waht I did to get it [21:16] DaSkreech: so, If i wanna upgrade from 7.04 on my 3 pc, I should download that dvd image instead of that cd image right? [21:16] thomas_: A week safely [21:16] resakse: or use apt-cacher [21:16] lee986321: sure [21:16] resakse: Yeah unless you get the alternate CD [21:16] ok [21:16] now kopete doesnt work at all -_- [21:17] DaSkreech: 45 mins more here at work so I could drink at least another urn by then.... ;) [21:17] thanks :] i've founded "mc" [21:17] kopete crashing on gutsy? already patched. check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads [21:17] its finally working after i killed adept notifier [21:17] WaltzingAlong: i installed the patched deb [21:17] it doesnt crash [21:17] linux works the same way like windows kill until it works [21:17] DaSkreech: thanks [21:17] :D [21:17] it simply doesnt connect [21:18] yaccin: #kubuntu-devel and report for me :) [21:18] ubuntu: 70.4 and 7.10 RC1 worked better then 7.10 final :( === gary is now known as gary_NYC [21:18] * genii sips a coffee [21:18] yaccin: seems you decided to install the next set of packages [21:18] genii: how much coffee do you go through in a day? :D === gary_NYC is now known as gary_inNYC [21:19] hello [21:19] hello. Is there a known problem with setting a wifi card (ipw2000) channel with iwconfig?? [21:19] WaltzingAlong: in normal 9 hour workday about 10 cups, 12 oz [21:19] :D [21:19] 10 cups... i bet your piss reaks of roasted coffee beans [21:20] mine does after one mocha [21:20] (well actually two servings) === deva__ is now known as deva [21:20] !language [21:20] Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. === deva is now known as deva_ [21:20] << me? [21:21] Finally downloaded 7.10 after 30 min that took long :) [21:21] oh great [21:21] now also konqueror freezes whole KDE [21:21] really? [21:21] thats it [21:21] im getting rid of this crappy 7.10 [21:21] -_- [21:21] maybe im installing RC1 again and dont update [21:22] i was just thinking about upgrading too [21:22] hi, short question. Is filtering away/join messages in kopete posible ? I can't find the opton . Thank you very much [21:22] How easy/possible is it to downgrade back if 7.10 doesn't work for me? [21:22] gary_inNYC: good luck then ^^ [21:22] kawa: why don't you use konversation for IRC? [21:22] lol that rough eh? [21:22] installing 7.10 in a moment hope it is not so crapy as yo say [21:22] Perseid: im afraid you have to reinstall :( [21:22] Perseid: reinstall? [21:23] Yeah I've been with 7.10 since tribe 3 and it's been perfect. [21:23] nine01a: .10 was perfect till final release :( [21:23] burning iso i cannot wait :) [21:23] now i cant work here :( [21:23] ScorpKing: It gets the job done very well. Only the floating away messages bug me :) [21:23] yaccin: There's 95 packages I need to update and now you're scarring me. [21:23] scaring* [21:24] nine01a: i used it since tribe 3 also and everything worked... [21:24] kawa: oh ok. lol [21:24] RivaeAerya: Let me know if you find anything [21:24] ssee ya later upgrading to 7.10 [21:24] gLuck [21:24] Wow...40k/second. LOL [21:24] nine01a: but now... kopete ionstantly crashes because of msn.-.... installed patch... now kopete doesnt konnect and konqueror freezes whole KDE -_- [21:24] yaccin: Yeah I saw that in a couple of places but haven't tried it myself yet. [21:25] im glad my laptop still runs RC1 [21:25] everything works there [21:25] heh.. :) [21:25] The upgrader is saying support for some packages ended. None of them are something I installed myself so do I care? [21:25] 31.0kB/s [21:25] Perseid, do you care? :) [21:25] Mine's only going ~20KB/s =/ [21:26] If not.. well.. and if you DO care.. whats your options anyway.. [21:26] is it better to use full upgrade in Adept or upgrading from iso? [21:26] so any one any ideas on why my 256 meg card is reading 32? [21:26] any ideas on how to correct it [21:26] DaSkreech: now that i've set the "recommened updates" in adept...and reloded it and followed the instruction...still i don't get the "Version Upgrade" button [21:26] hi, i'm trying to upgrade to 7.10, but the upgrade manager hang in the process. Any idea what i can do ? [21:26] lee986321: is it partitioned? [21:26] lee986321, reconfigure the x server - for a start i guess. [21:26] gary_inNYC: better to follow the upgrade instructions [21:26] *downloading real debian iso now [21:26] maverick_: press fetch updates [21:26] jbesiee: where? [21:26] lee986321: nm. wrong context lol [21:27] eh its the Video card that is reading 32 megs...I didnt think you could partion ram [21:27] gary_inNYC: now? from ISO [21:27] i did, and no updates are recommened....then i closed and reopened adept... [21:27] DaSkreech: here http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot9.png [21:27] Ah. The actual downloading of files is going at 600K. Nice. :) [21:27] yeah, im thinking of updating [21:27] i was about to say I never heard of partioning rma lol [21:27] jbesiee: That's not cool [21:27] Lol i thought you meant a flash card but I read it wrong, being tired. [21:28] gary_inNYC: servers are hammered right now [21:28] k [21:28] lol I know lol [21:28] Hello everybody... Anybody know ever have a problem wherein only root can access a mounted drive? Root seems to be unable to change the perms on the mount point.. no error, but they just don't change. [21:28] DaSkreech: 10 min after launching, and nothing it done, it tells me to fill a bug and it restore the system [21:28] i guess that makes sense [21:28] so how can I corect this minor issue, well major issue because its really hindering my 3d === alfonso is now known as Sambrista === Smooph is now known as Blaumann [21:29] !reconfigure [21:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about reconfigure - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:29] Hmm [21:29] !fixres [21:29] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto === Blaumann is now known as Smooph [21:29] especaly when my memory speeds a meeger 297 mhz and my core clock in the card is a meager 325 [21:29] what card is this anyway lee986321 ? [21:29] i heard gutsy is going to come prepackaged with compiz-fusion... if so, will i have to uninstall beryl and emerald themes beforehand? [21:29] "Improved desktop, updated applications and increased usability features are just a few of the surprises with this latest release. The goal for Kubuntu 7.10, codenamed Gutsy Gibbon, was to remove the edge and the feistin" [21:29] eh taht 297 is my vid card not my pc [21:29] gary_inNYC, that Might be a good idea. [21:29] xD [21:29] thx [21:29] thats SO true [21:30] atix300 [21:30] gary_inNYC, but i did a clean install. [21:30] i have the drivers loaded for it [21:30] and its a pci x16 [21:30] that's prob the best option, but i'm impatient and lazy... lol until i fail will i do a full clean install [21:30] !help [21:30] not the typical pci card [21:30] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [21:30] lee986321: Anything interesting in `dmesg | grep fglrx` [21:30] gary_inNYC: ubuntu yes kubuntu no [21:31] badandy: try mount iwht -o umask=0022 [21:31] jsut a sec [21:31] jbesiee: always freezes there? [21:31] Thanks DaSkreech, trying it now. [21:31] WaltzingAlong: why no for Kubuntu? [21:31] http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php << "Under the Hood, Latest Versions and New Qt Langauges" [21:31] eh can I im you wit hthe results I dont want to flood [21:31] DaSkreech: yes. im' trying to switch from french server to main one see if it is better [21:32] Pastebin is better since we can all see it [21:32] !paste [21:32] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [21:32] cause I am not sure waht I am looking for [21:32] gary_inNYC: A clean install is actually much faster [21:32] the relationship to gnome is better than with kde i suppose or would not be as stable with kde; perhaps next time; of course you can still use it with kde, just not on by default in kubuntu 7.10 [21:32] lee986321: use the link above =) [21:32] jbesiee: at that point it has nothing to do with the server [21:32] jbesiee: Can' you try the server upgrade ? [21:33] thx for the info everyone... gLuck all [21:33] DaSkreech: well, it hangs while downloading some files as part of "preparing the upgarde", it never reach the fetching completed as in the screenshot [21:34] gary_inNYC: a) compiz is mostly sprung from Gnome so they don't worry too much about KDE bugs and b) Kubuntu has one paid developer so there is much less capabilty to add frivilous stuff and c) KDE4 will come with his by default so we would put it in to take it back out [21:34] jbesiee: Servers are nbeing hammered [21:35] hi [21:35] ohh first time I did that sorry [21:35] DaSkreech: i guessed it :D any way to dowload it by hand or on others more available servers ? [21:35] people have no patience. :) [21:35] DaSkreech, that worked perfectly. Thanks for the quick assistance. I'll go figure out how to get that in my fstab now. :) [21:35] well 2 peeps are looking at it now erg [21:36] so wahts going on lol [21:36] !mirror | jbesiee [21:36] jbesiee: Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [21:36] badandy: for the options coloumnput umask=0022 [21:36] hi there [21:36] !hi [21:36] Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [21:37] k, thx, i'll have a look or even wait tomorow :D [21:37] eh I added it to the book mark section [21:38] nine01a its been pasted genii said that I can edit it [21:39] hi guys, were kde 3.5.8 packages released for feisty in full or only base packages? === arunabhaghosh is now known as arunabha [21:40] lee986321: what's the link to it? [21:40] BlueDevil: In full? [21:40] DaSkreech: all the packages [21:40] BlueDevil: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-358.php [21:40] for? [21:40] hmm which distribution am i going to use now? -_- [21:40] oooohhhhh Iam sorry I amnew at this [21:40] yaccin: why? [21:40] lee986321: It's all good [21:41] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41123/ [21:41] vzduch: because 7.10 sucks [21:41] yaccin: Fedora :) [21:41] nah fedora is worse [21:41] DaSkreech: w0rd :) [21:41] martoya: "Base packages are also available for Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty), with more coming soon" [21:41] yaccin: gentoo [21:42] Slackware. Be a man. :) [21:42] yaccin, PuppyLinux :) [21:42] thats my problem... kubuntu was the best ive ever used -_- [21:42] go away with those... things :P [21:42] yaccin: And you are not willing to give it two days to sort itself out? [21:42] lee986321: Okay yeah it's saying there's like 33MB of video memory. Have you looked for a BIOS setting that might be related to that? [21:42] yaccin: Vista! [21:42] * Dr_willis hands out Patience to the channel. [21:42] DaStwo days? two days without internet? [21:42] i mean... everything worked in RC1... [21:42] yaccin: what sucks about 7.10? i'm planning to upgrade [21:42] Dr_willis: can' apt install .. servers are slooooow [21:42] well I figured out why KDE cannot print to remote ipp servers [21:42] * Dr_willis thinks this souns like wireless problems.. [21:43] it shouldnt be worse then RC1 in final release... [21:43] -_- [21:43] tzanger: wazzit? [21:43] in my PC? [21:43] when it invokes the 'ipp' command it gives a list of options but does not include them in quotes [21:43] the bios its self? [21:43] ipp expects options in quotes, and then the file to print last [21:43] or file(s) to print rather [21:43] lee986321: Yeah. The BIOS setup. Might have something to do with it [21:43] BlueDevil: msn doesnt work in kopete... so ive installed a patch now kopete doesnt work at all an konqueror crashes my whole KDE -_- [21:43] hmm just a sec Ill restart. [21:43] so this is something either deep-seated or configured wrong [21:43] and check and brb [21:43] lee986321: I have to grab some food so I'll be back in a while [21:44] hm on upgrade I get lots of error while packages are being installed... === nine01a is now known as nine01a|food [21:44] yaccin: you could try Mandriva 2008.. got very good reviews the last few days [21:44] * genii hands out coffee to Patience [21:44] vzduch: ill take a look on it :) [21:44] ok I'll make a note...were alos t o have a sever windsotrm hit [21:44] PCLinuxOS was also nice but had too much crap preinstalled [21:44] * ScorpKing pass genii more coffee to hand out... [21:44] ScorpKing: Yer hired! ;) [21:44] yaccin: not really.. my problem w/ PCLOS was a lack of packages [21:45] :D lol [21:45] does anyone here have remote IPP printing working with Kubuntu? [21:45] vzduch: explain.. ^^ [21:45] If MSN outright doesn't work in this version of kopete wouldn't they release a fix in short order? [21:45] i just installed kubuntu 7.10. whenever i try to connect to msn using kopete, kopete crashes. what can be done to make it behave? [21:45] Perseid: there is a "fix" -_- [21:45] tzanger: Ah ok [21:45] hi [21:45] yaccin: no Audacious, no normalize e.g. [21:46] vzduch: hmm i dont really need audacious [21:46] Man, no MSN is gonna suck. Are there other IM clients for MSN? [21:46] I'm in Adept Manager and trying to sort my search results by requested action. I click on "Requested," and it moves down and up like a button, but nothing actually happens. How to fix this? [21:46] tuomas_: updating finished, now what? restart? [21:46] vzduch: bt the had KvIRC preinstalled for example [21:46] -_- [21:46] my kopete client dies on msn at the moment [21:46] Perseid: use meebo.com so long... [21:47] oh wait... that page doesnt work with konqueror... so you have to install firefox [21:47] or you can just install amsn [21:47] amsn. Cool. [21:47] yaccin: who needs KVIrc? o0 [21:47] hi [21:47] hi [21:47] somebody should make a note about the kopete bug(s) in the topic :P [21:47] on my laptop adept_manager crashes as soon I click the first "Continue" button in the upgrader.. what can I do about it? [21:47] hi [21:47] Maybe I'll use that until there's an official new version. But surely that isn't serious enough to switch distros over is it? [21:47] vzduch: thats what i was asking myself ^^ [21:48] and thats why im not going to use PCLinuxOS [21:48] id love to use gentoo [21:48] mschiff: id run adept_manager in a konsole [21:48] but it simply sucks :D [21:48] and look at the messages in the console [21:48] whats the room for kde4 [21:48] ? [21:48] hi [21:48] why hasn't the kopete msn issue been adressed _before_ the gutsy release? [21:48] hi [21:48] see what it says when it dies then use the paste services to show us [21:48] ? [21:48] proog: well it worked before the release ;) [21:49] letalis: I already tried that.... and I tried stracing ist.. but I can not see anthing strange.. [21:49] proog: stupid, isnt it? ^^ [21:49] yaccin: yes, very :) [21:49] letalis: I will try again in a few minutes.. have to boot it [21:49] im so angry about it -_- [21:49] have you tried using apt-get? [21:49] and the "fix" made it even worse [21:49] yaccin: like I said ages ago, it's a KDE bug that the kubuntu devs kindly fixed for you [21:49] yaccin: the fix? [21:49] id love to smash someones face now xD [21:49] stdin: WHAT DID THEY FIX? [21:49] if it dies with apt-get then the problem wis with apt and not adept [21:49] -_- [21:50] yaccin: got complaints? #kubuntu-devel and report bugs on launchpad, otherwise nothing will be done [21:50] I don't get it. Someone on the kopete team is going to say "Oops, my bad." and in a few days we'll be able to update to the new version. Meanwhile we can use amsn. So how is this a huge deal? [21:50] proog: yeah there was a link where you could download a .deb and install it, but as i said it made everything worse for me [21:50] hi [21:50] stdin: i simply switch the ditro :P [21:50] sonic__: Sorry? [21:50] hi [21:50] yaccin: then do it [21:50] proog: it appeared right before the relelase [21:51] i just use pidgin when the kopete devs brainfart :D [21:51] I've just finished updating the distro by a konsole command (adept throw a few errors got stalled and had to cancel the updater), is it safe to restart now? [21:51] lol [21:51] I used apt-get -f dist-upgrade [21:51] DaSkreech: what do you mean? [21:51] !hi | wikipedia [21:51] wikipedia: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [21:52] !hi | Daisuke-Ido [21:52] Daisuke-Ido: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [21:52] and so i see this distro release didn't go quite without problems :) [21:52] proog, compared to some of the other released ive seen.. :) its not too bad. [21:52] Any special instructions for upgrading from RC to final? I ask because in Adept Manager the 'Version Upgrade' button is enabled and yet the distribution upgrade process halts with "Your system is up to date." If that's the case, why is the "Version Upgrade" button still enabled in Adept Manager I wonder? [21:52] !final | ajagucki [21:52] ajagucki: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [21:52] hi i just uppgraded to gusty from 7.04 [21:52] proog: Nothing this big ever goes without problems [21:52] ajagucki: ignore the Version Upgrade button for now [21:52] stdin: okay [21:53] but then i restarted after i thought the intallation was done [21:53] and now adept tells me i can update to gusty and the uppgrade window opens? [21:53] what did i do worng? [21:53] DaSkreech: i know, it's just that one of the problems is a pretty vital option (msn plugin) for many users [21:53] guillermo: Known bug. Sorry about the scare [21:53] why have my work trousers got teflon in them? [21:54] proog: It happened last night basically. how are we to plan for that? [21:54] proog: Plus MSN breaks servers all the time [21:54] <[Al]> Hello! [21:54] !ot | bascule [21:54] bascule: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [21:54] !hi [21:54] Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [21:54] DaSkreech: it just sounds very strange that something happens just like that [21:54] DaSkreech: and yeah, msn is some unstable shit [21:54] :) [21:55] <[Al]> When my laptop's in "plugged in" mode the graphics are all laggy and crappy. When it's in battery mode the graphics are awesome, but of course my battery runs out. Can I make it run in battery mode even when plugged in? [21:55] !ohmy [21:55] Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. [21:55] proog: You do realize that the people who package Kubuntu are not the same people who make kopete right? [21:55] they keep trying to go to windows based OS and that ruins things for them :) [21:55] got a very strange problem with LiveCD. After booting into X mode it asks me to logon. No guess what should I enter [21:55] Perseid: yes, i know [21:56] [Al], sounds like the power-saving features are confused. and reversed to me. [21:56] CPU is throttling down on ac. [21:56] Perseid: but was kopete really updated right before the release? [21:56] <[Al]> yes me too [21:56] <[Al]> can I turn them a) around and b) off? === steven_ is now known as Walkboss [21:57] Irvine: Can you ask in #kubuntu-devel thanks [21:57] proog: Perseid its not a kopete problem iirc [21:57] i hope that at least k3b still works :( [21:57] Houston, we have a problem [21:57] anger, how do i get .fi domain? [21:57] i think it looks cool [21:57] wikipedia: they are quite hard to get [21:57] Kevin Carmony, former CEO of Linux desktop distributor Linspire, publicly announced that he’s switched to Ubuntu. [21:58] Why am I unable to mount my /home partition? [21:58] DaSkreech: Sure, thx [21:58] heh.. we need a CEO focused Disrto now! :0 [21:58] how do i check what kind of RAM memory i got? [21:58] It says that /dev/sda3 is already mounted or /home is busy [21:58] shouldn't it be possible to just use any non-existing domain for connecting to freenode? if possible how? [21:58] srry my techincal knowledge is very poor [21:58] I tried other locations too [21:58] is this possible? [21:59] Hello. Firefox crashes on javascript enabled sites. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. How can I fix this? [21:59] Dr_willis: why wouldn't he switch? :) [21:59] And mount doesn't say that /dev/sda3 is mounted... [21:59] Hello [21:59] ? [21:59] I'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 [21:59] how do I launch the "distribution upgrade tool" ?? [22:00] <[Al]> click Start... [22:00] <[Al]> sorry [22:00] <[Al]> so no clues on reversing AC and battery modes? [22:01] Do I have to start the adpet manager again ??? [22:01] Dr_willis: CEO ? [22:01] i like waiting time [22:01] lol [22:01] Can Anyone help me ? [22:01] wikipedia: But... you are wikipedia.... you know all [22:01] is there a bug report in launchpad i could follow about the kopete+msn problem? [22:02] khatahn: with as many people have experienced it, it's probably already there. [22:02] Daisuke-Ido, yes [22:02] ATnightAThome: alt+f2 adept_manager -- version-upgrade [22:02] In case I need it later is the Distribution Upgrade program saving this terminal output somewhere? [22:02] Daisuke_Laptop: that's my point actually, i just want to find it :) [22:02] Wouldn't mind for some help here... [22:03] people should look to God and not to themselves or to other people [22:03] anger: Sup? [22:03] This site: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade doesn't tell you anything about this command... [22:03] that's where the true understanding lies [22:03] ATnightAThome: you shoudln't need it [22:03] DaSkreech: I can't mount /dev/sda3 to /home [22:03] ATnightAThome: did you press fetch updates ? [22:03] anger: how are you mounting ? [22:03] if I press version upgrade or "Versions-Aktuallisierung" it says that I should run ... tool [22:04] DaSkreech: mount says that /dev/sda3 is already mounted or /home is busy [22:04] DaSkreech: and it's on /etc/fstab too [22:04] wikipedia: don't bring religion in here please :) [22:04] That's what it tells me: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot8.png [22:04] DaSkreech, ok [22:04] know that linus is god, and Bill Gates is lucifer :D [22:05] (that was a joke, before anyone gets upset) [22:05] what's the most lightweight linux msn client? pidgin seems to bring lots of useless gnome stuff with it, and amsn brings useless tcl/tk stuff [22:05] << satanist [22:05] :P [22:05] wikipedia, There is no God. [22:05] DaSkreech: I just tried mount /dev/sda3 /home [22:05] khatahn: if it uses it, then it's not useless [22:05] khatahn: amsn [22:05] Daisuke_Laptop: So how does Steve Jobs fit in? :) [22:05] actually, never mind, that would probably be the web browser msn functionality on msn website [22:05] anger: type mount by itself [22:05] Does anyone have any idea about my Firefox issue? [22:06] anger: see if it's mounted somewhere else [22:06] DaSkreech: Did it, it's not mounted [22:06] ATnightAThome: ok [22:06] @DaSkreech: I think I did ... [22:06] but how do I .... [22:06] Perseid: i'm not quite sure [22:06] khatahn: meebo.com also has msn support :) [22:06] !mp3 [22:06] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:06] but doesnt work in konqueror... even if konqueror would work -_- [22:07] "close the adpet manager and launch the upgrade tool" [22:07] lsof /dev/sda3 [22:07] he's not as evil as gates, not as pious as torvalds... perhaps he's the equivalent of Plato? [22:07] ATnightAThome: when you click close on that button it shoudl start the tool for you [22:07] DaSkreech: empty [22:07] but this is offtopic, and this is a bad day to get into offtopic banter, with tons of new people :) [22:07] hi... has anybody the same problem, that "mute" in kmix (beneath the clock) does not work... the icon turns gray, but music still plays - also the volume control (if i singleclick the loudspeaker) has no effect [22:07] it doesn't [22:08] how can i define which mixer is controlled by kmix via the icon in the sys-tray [22:08] I'm about to upgrade to gusty. wish me luck. [22:08] i just like to manifest my thinking in string [22:08] in frestyle [22:08] and then i forget if i don't use [22:08] ubuntu_: hint: use console [22:08] anger: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /home says what? [22:09] DaSkreech: is it possible to download the final release now and then add the updates that hopefully com in the next day to the CD? [22:09] so i need to package my products so they survive automagically [22:09] Does anyone have a link explaining whats diffrent about the "enterprise" version of kontact that gutsy has? [22:09] yaccin: in theory yes [22:09] it's not for selling but just for my appreciation [22:09] DaSkreech: how? :d [22:09] ppl may criticize quality but for me good enough is ok [22:09] DaSkreech: /dev/sda3 already mounted or /home busy [22:09] yaccin: There are projects one is called reconstructor I think [22:10] and then if i feel something better then i do it [22:10] anger: are you in /home? [22:10] anywayz... i need to make my living soon [22:10] oh right of course you are [22:10] i know that [22:10] DaSkreech: thx :) [22:11] DaSkreech: mount /dev/sda3 /home/test/ doesn't work either [22:11] I've been trying this for hours [22:11] <[Al]> Even if I stop as much ACPI stuff as I can it still goes crappy when I plug it in. [22:11] DaSkreech: nor any other mountpoint [22:12] It's also not possible to do an upgrade with the desktop CD except for reinstalling everything [22:12] anger: only for that partition ? [22:12] ATnightAThome: You can use the alternate CD to upgrade [22:13] But it 'd take me a few hours to download it again ... [22:13] ATnightAThome: Are you up to date? [22:14] How do I know if I'm up to date ? [22:14] DaSkreech: / and swap worked ok but there are some problems with ntfs partition too [22:14] anger: I mean is sda3 the only one that won't mount to anywhere ? [22:14] anger: make a empty folder and mount it to there [22:15] DaSkreech: /dev/sda1 doesn't work either but don't know if that is because of ntfs [22:15] anger: same error? [22:15] DaSkreech: I tried to mount /dev/sda3 to different locations [22:15] DaSkreech: Pretty much the same error with /dev/sda1 [22:16] Busy? [22:16] OK. Reboot time. Wish me luck. :) [22:16] Hi, I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and now my ethernet card won't work. I had 7.04 before and did a clean install. The card shows up in lspci. It just won't pick up an ip address [22:16] hi there. how can i make a new partition using kubuntu? [22:16] It was working 7.04 [22:16] DaSkreech: yep [22:17] !networking [22:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:17] Isn't there a apt-get command [22:17] Omarian: sudo ifconfig -a [22:17] like distri-upgrade ? [22:17] ATnightAThome: apt-get dist-upgrade [22:18] DaSkreech: what do you need to know from the results? [22:18] why, after I just installed the gutsy cd I downloaded this morning, is adept-manager telling there is a version upgrade [22:18] Not fully [22:18] ? [22:18] DaSkreech: could this be because of some security thing? [22:18] stdin: what's the --install-recommends flag ? [22:18] I don't think that I had selinux before 7.10 [22:18] peterbuldge: known bug sorry working on it [22:18] hi all :) [22:19] anger: apparmour more likely [22:19] !hio [22:19] 0 aktuallisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktuallisiert [22:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about hio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:19] !hi [22:19] Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [22:19] so just to be clear I shouldn't do the upgrade? [22:19] peterbuldge: you can if you want it will tell you that you are up todate and die [22:19] i'm trying to install the new kubuntu from the cd, but it always breaks at 82% of installation. Can you help me please? [22:19] hi guys, does anybody know how I get rid of dolphin and can use konqueror as my filebrowser of choice? [22:19] DaSkreech: --with-recommends [22:20] I just burned a gutsy-alternate cd to upgrade a system which is not connected to internet. At boot from this cd I can't see any option to upgrade! Menu only mentions different Install and a few more options. how do I use this disk? [22:20] how do I stopit and keep it from nagging me me to do it again? [22:20] !dolphin | harald [22:20] harald: dolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. [22:20] awesome thx :-) [22:20] ATnightAThome: there we go you need --with-recommends as well [22:20] TheGentleman: not from boot do it from in KDE [22:21] DaSkreech: If I remove package apparmor I will find out, right? [22:21] it doesn't understand with-recommends [22:21] top returns a > 95% of CPU usage from ubiquity, but its paused on 82% [22:21] ok DaSkreech , thanks.... it is not much clear on Gutsy upgrade pages! [22:21] DaSkreech you might wish to add system_directory to that notice, it also shows up with dolphin as preferred app. Thx again. [22:22] DaSkreech: what info are you looking for in the sudo -ifconfig -a results [22:23] OK. I have no nvidia driver again after updating. [22:24] any suggestions why kde isn't starting after update to 7.10? [22:24] nothing happens, kdm starts i logon and thats it - no loading screen... === nine01a|food is now known as nine01a [22:25] I don't get it. [22:26] DaSkreech: you still there? [22:27] i have a strange effect going on - the fonts on my desktops are leaving some strange blocky shadow on there [22:29] i had sometimes the same problem what i did is rename the icons [22:29] nah, didn't work... [22:29] The_Machine_: [22:29] Any ideas? [22:29] how do I copy and paste from desktop to Konsole? [22:29] "dist-upgrade.py: cannont connect to X server 0" [22:29] Hey guys, I got an error "Could not install 'debconf'" When upgrading to gutsy, any idea what to do? Here's a link to the error: http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1ys9.png [22:29] ANY italian? [22:29] right mouse button [22:29] Vermux: ctrl-insert [22:29] ITALIANI? [22:29] Hi, I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and now my ethernet card won't work. I had 7.04 before and did a clean install. The card shows up in lspci. It just won't pick up an ip address [22:30] shift-insert is paste [22:30] Vermux: how long are you using kubuntu Vermux [22:30] good night folks [22:30] I give up === D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack [22:31] blendtux, and it never came back? [22:31] how is trevino's repository? [22:31] blendtux: 2 weeks. 2weeks also using linux [22:31] ehm no not realy [22:31] cool Vermux and how do you like it [22:31] anger: and I copy with ctrl+c? [22:31] interesting [22:31] okay [22:31] blendtux: it is frustrating [22:32] Vermux: or ctrl-insert [22:32] i am considering to upgrade to the new ubuntu but i have second thoughts since i dont want my system to die from it. So does anyone know a good program for making an image of the entire disk so i can restore it in case of failure [22:32] norton ghost, not sure if it works on linux though [22:32] anger: ctrl instert both for copy and paste? [22:32] Vermux: Only for paste. [22:33] blendtux: how long r u using it? [22:33] Vermux: no, shift-insert is for paste [22:33] ghost... i remember that [22:33] ill try that thanks [22:33] hope its free [22:33] i keep getting an error when trying to upgrade... [22:33] intex: so copy I do with the mouse only? [22:33] it says check my connection [22:33] Yeah. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut for that =( [22:33] Powercut [22:34] anyone else having a problem upgrading? [22:34] I did [22:34] Or am I should say [22:34] i am having an issue getting my ethernet card to work in 7.10. i did not upgrade though. did a fresh install [22:35] anger: so I copy with ctrl insert and paste with shift insert? [22:35] i think i did something wrong, i installed on kubuntu 7.10 trevino's repository for ubuntu 7.04 and the sistem asked for a distribution upgrade, now i'm upgrading but it is stuck [22:35] I do too. But, I have to format my computer anyway, so at the moment it doesn't bother me. [22:35] Vermux: try it yourself [22:35] someone knows a brazilian chanel of newbies? [22:35] i have the ISO [22:35] maybe i'll do a fresh install [22:36] When I go to start x with the nvidia driver enabled it says API mismatch that the driver version(100.14.19) doesn't match. This is just after upgrading to7.10 [22:36] robby: Might be a wise idea [22:37] Vermux: i am using it since redhat 5.1 orso [22:37] At least my updates are so corrupted by now [22:37] well the reason is simple i will help the cops [22:37] I'm gonna spam my help message again with hope someone can help :| [22:37] that is a long time, and yes, i guess that linux is a frustrating experience at times [22:37] I got an error "Could not install 'debconf'" When upgrading to gutsy, any idea what to do? Here's a link to the error: http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1ys9.png [22:37] Omarian: sudo ifconfig -a [22:38] DaSkreech: i tried that. do you need the results of a specific line? [22:38] Yammeh: sudo apt-get install debconf ? [22:38] Omarian: Can You pastebin it? [22:39] This is mid-upgrade, does it not matter? [22:39] anger: ctrl insert doesnt copy from Konversation but copies froom firefox [22:39] DaSkreech: let me see if i can === ryan__ is now known as Dankchild [22:39] lol Vermux [22:39] yes copy and paste can be a frustating experience under kde [22:39] how could i connect to the chanel Braznet? [22:40] Vermux: some keys are reserved in some apps [22:40] Vermux: for same reason you can't use ctrl-v in console [22:40] fabio: #braznet [22:40] #braznet [22:40] ops sorry [22:40] Vermux: If you highlight it with the mouse it automatically copies it [22:40] fabio: click on it [22:41] Vermux: you paste with middle mouse button [22:41] there is nobody there [22:41] why there isn't a mirror to italy from kubuntu's download page [22:41] ? [22:41] its the most one near me [22:41] ;s [22:41] DaSkreech, when using sudo apt-get install debconf I get an error saying resource is temporarily unavailable. [22:41] angelus [22:41] Vermux: if you want windows like experience with kde, just close klipper in kicker and use the old proven cntr c for copy [22:42] sei ita? [22:42] and conrt v for paste [22:42] io l'ho scaricato tranquillamente da ubuntu.it [22:42] Angelus: change us to it in the file /etc/apt/sources.list [22:42] fabio: That's how you join that channel [22:42] DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m6107ae4b [22:42] Yammeh: Which resource? [22:42] DaSkreech: im talking about [22:42] vincenzo [22:43] the mirrors [22:43] i wonder if the repos are bogged still [22:43] on the WEBSITE [22:43] "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" [22:43] :/ [22:43] !mirror | Angelus [22:43] Angelus: Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [22:43] Yammeh: do you have adept open? [22:43] ubuntu.it ? [22:43] !it [22:43] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [22:43] I'm guessing the upgrade is using it? [22:43] robby: Will be for like a week [22:43] Vermux: did you got my last comment [22:44] Yammeh: oh you are upgrading right now ? [22:44] DaSkreech: io non voluo parlare in italiano :P [22:44] thanks [22:44] Yes [22:44] blendtux: I ve never used any of these shorts. which one is the best and the most comfortable to use? [22:44] This error was during upgrade [22:44] Angelus: :) [22:44] Yammeh: Ah ok but it's still going on? [22:44] you can use the copy paste from each application [22:44] DaSkreech: i don't want to talk in italian, i wanna download it from an italian mirror cause italia is the nearest country to my ISLAND [22:44] Angelus: Wasn't meant for you [22:44] like you normaly do when you copy and paste in windows [22:44] No, it's came up Error, could not isntal debconf [22:44] corsica [22:44] fala portugues? [22:44] Upgrade has stopped [22:44] the funny thing is that klipper makes it more complicated [22:44] Angelus: use bittorrent [22:45] é latim também [22:45] !br [22:45] Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [22:45] blendtux: I use to do it with the mouse. now I want to start using shorts, because I m dealing with inux [22:45] Yammeh: close the upgrade then [22:45] blendtux: so what do u recommend to use? [22:45] any suggestions why i can't start kde after update to 7.10??? after kdm login nothing happens [22:45] Vermux: highlight the words with the mouse. They are automatically copied [22:45] ehm nevermind use the mouse and close klipper [22:45] then it behaves the same as under windows [22:45] Vermux: use middle mouse button to paste. try it out [22:46] hello [22:46] hey [22:46] blendtux: How does klipper make it harder ? [22:46] how can i run kde4? it doesnt appear in gdm's menu when i install it [22:46] I clicked close on that error and it's came up "Could not install '/var/cace/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.2-5ubuntu13_i386.deb [22:46] r0y4l: Check your logs ? [22:46] Think it's worth me starting the upgrade again? [22:46] because klipper remembers everything wich you highlight [22:46] Okay so after visiting the lands of closed source and burned my ISO I still can't boot... it gets stuck at ISOLINUX something... I tried booting an old LiveCD and the samething happend.. so it's not a faulty burn... Any help? [22:46] unf: read the topic ? [22:46] blendtux: So? You can go back and bump something up the list [22:47] blendtux: and it's X doing it not klipper [22:47] its an extra step [22:47] lol, so sorry [22:47] no that is klipper [22:47] úýÿß¿¼½¶õô¬¬* [22:47] DaSkreech: nice! [22:47] if you close klipper copy and paste works the same as on windows [22:47] Yammeh: Hmm Looks like hte package didn't download correctly yes resater the upgrade [22:47] DaSkreech: nothing.. xorg log is clean, no errors. X is working only kde doesn't work. i tried to remove .kde .kderc, without success [22:47] Azzco: So it's not a kernel error then? [22:48] I closed that down and it's continuing to upgrade.. there's no cancel button other than the X at the top of the upgrader [22:48] r0y4l: try ~./xsession-errors [22:48] DaSkreech: What would be a kernel error? not being able to boot LiveCDs? [22:48] with klipper you cant copy something from this channel and then highlight the url bar in firefox and paste the stuff from the channel, becuase you highlited the text in the url bar, its going to paste te same what was on the url bar DaSkreech [22:48] Azzco: yeah [22:48] DaSkreech: do u use that methode only to copy and paste? [22:48] kan you kuys kelp ke kleaze? [22:49] blendtux: Bah :-P [22:49] blendtux: Alt+ctrl+v and reselect it [22:49] Well I tried a ton of old liveCDs... Gentoo Knoppix, kubuntu6.06 [22:49] DaSkreech: how do i get that scroll effect in Konversation? [22:49] not that hard [22:49] i hate that behaviour, so thats the reason i never run kliper [22:49] I don't think that it's the same kernel on those =/ [22:49] Vermux: Mostly [22:49] DaSkreech: how do i get that scroll effect in Konversation? [22:49] ubuntu: What? [22:49] the extra step as i said DaSkreech, with klipper closed i dont have to :) [22:49] Azzco: might be your IDE controller chip [22:50] DaSkreech: what do you think of my sudo -ifconfig -a results? [22:50] Azzco: have you tried the latest 23 kernel yet? [22:50] blendtux: explain again the thing with kliper? why it is better then using the mouse? [22:50] Hi all. Question, adept doesn't shows me the point-and-drool interface for managing packages. I guess it's because my sources.list has been heavily modified? would someone please point me to a copy to the default feisty sources.list so I can use the gui cute upgrade process please? [22:50] 23 no... [22:50] blendtux: With klipper open I think if you highlight and press Ctrl+C then it gets in new klipboard which only gets pasted on ctrl+V so it still works the same as in Windows [22:50] blendtux: but when using konsole, isnt it better to use only the keyboard? [22:50] !sourceomatic | Lars_G [22:50] Lars_G: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [22:51] benpicco: I've reseted the bios settings to default... [22:51] DaSkreech: how do i get that scroll effect in Konversation? === oslo is now known as oslo_pasl [22:51] slowing in here down yet? [22:51] Azzco: well I had a simmilar problem when I just bought my mainboard at the beginning of the year [22:51] <_michael> Hello I was wondering if there was a way to make KDE 4 apps to run normally under KDE 3.5.6 is that possible? [22:51] DaSkreech: you dont have to do cntrl +C for klipper to pick up the higlighted text [22:51] !easysource | Lars_G [22:51] Lars_G: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [22:52] Azzco: it was the jmicron IDE controller chip on the P965 board - it was not supported by the kernels of these live cds at this point [22:52] Omarian: sudo dhclient [22:52] hi! after pressing "finish" in adept to launch the "distribution upgrade tool", absolutely nothing happens - any hint? [22:52] why Klipper is needed? [22:52] benpicco: The weird part is that I've allways been able to boot liveCDs and I'm quite sure that noone fiddled with any settings in bios [22:52] DaSkreech: clear you klipper history and try it out for yourself [22:52] well it could be handy [22:52] Vermux: [22:52] cause it has an history [22:52] does anybody have problems with kopete in gutsy when connecting with a msn account? to me it always crashes [22:52] ubuntu: What scroll effect? [22:53] text the way it scrolls [22:53] Azzco: oh, you *were* able to boot live cds on this machine? [22:53] and sounds [22:53] you can assign actions to the copied text Vermux [22:53] benpicco: yeah... untill I switched the case.. [22:53] blendtux: Well aware of that but if you press ctrl+C it works exactly like Windows [22:53] _michael: what do you mean by normally? [22:53] Thanks for all the sourceomatic suggestions [22:53] blendtux: Kliper is the tool that keeps in memory all previous typings in Konsole? [22:54] Azzco: oO what is the kernel saying when failing to boot? [22:54] Hi, I'm about to do a clean install and rather than write the data I need to save to a disk, I wondered if I could perhaps set aside a portion of the harddrive as a temporary storage. [22:54] for example when you copy and mail url you can assign it to open kmail [22:54] no Vermux [22:54] that is the bash history file [22:54] benpicco: I only get one line exchoed "ISOLINUX (somer number) (And stuff I can't remember...)" [22:54] or whatever you use [22:54] <_michael> nosrednaekim: I was hoping I could install maybe a few Qt 4 dependencies and not need to fully upgrade, then be able to run the apps as I would any other app in KDE 3.5.6 [22:54] blendtux: konsole [22:55] chuso: Known bug http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [22:55] ubuntu: What about it [22:55] Azzco: are textmode installers still working? [22:55] _michael: yup.... you can do that [22:55] blendtux: so the Kliper is only for text on the desktop? [22:55] Vermux: No that's bash [22:55] benpicco: I'm downloading the alternate installer right now but I really would want to know what's wrong in any case [22:55] _michael: just install kde4base and kde4base-dev and all the addon packages that you want [22:55] benpicco: yes [22:56] no Vermux clipper is the copy history for kde, so when you select something for copy it remembers [22:56] klipper [22:56] DaSkreech: blendtuxjust said that the bash is for the konsole [22:56] _michael: the kde4 versions of programs are in /usr/lib/kde4/bin === Vorian_ is now known as vorian [22:56] Azzco: well, the it would be important to know the error message [22:56] Vermux: yes I saw I'm catching up [22:56] blendtux: ok [22:56] Vermux: if you press alt+ctrl+V you can see a history of the things you copied [22:57] <_michael> nosrednaekim: Thanks, do you know roughly how much space the dependencies would take up and are they are accessable from the package archives or do I need to compile them? [22:57] DaSkreech: nice! [22:57] anyway my problem with klipper is, that on linux there are two seperate clipboard buffers, and this is for me anoying [22:57] hi, what 11# error message (or signal) in kde means? [22:57] DaSkreech: sudo dhclient results: http://pastebin.com/m6a0c8c04 [22:57] blendtux: klipper was made to try an unify those [22:57] if you look at the history you will see it's no where near easy [22:57] DaSkreech: how can I select text on kde without using the mouse? [22:58] _michael: if you are on fiesty, you have to enable the backport repo, in gutsy they are in universe, and I would estimate about a half gig at most [22:58] Omarian: your network card is eth0 right ? [22:58] so i close klipper Vermux, but for you first learn your way with linux, and kde, and then configure what you dont like, [22:58] DaSkreech: yes [22:58] Omarian: and how does it get an IP address ? [22:59] blendtux: how u select text without using the mouse on KDe? [22:59] Kopete crashed on Gutsy with error 11 [22:59] speart: same to me [22:59] <_michael> nosrednaekim: Thank you very much :) [22:59] speart: MSN ? [23:00] yeah [23:00] ehm, it depends in wich application you are [23:00] speart, chuso: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [23:00] but to be honest, i always use the mouse to select text [23:00] now i get Fatal server error: no virtual format found [23:00] blendtux: there is no unified methode for that? [23:00] DaSkreech: thanks a lot :) [23:00] i am not sure, maybe somebody else know's [23:00] blendtux: lets say for example in Konversation [23:00] Vermux: No many programs are older than KDE and KDE is 11 years odl [23:01] you can move the curser with your keyboard [23:01] thx DaSkreech [23:01] DaSkreech: where can i get the same alternating color pattern for my chat window background as the nick list has on the right? [23:02] is compiz installed with gutsy kubuntu by default? [23:02] Is /home/user/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml supposed to be owned by root or have I found a bug? [23:02] DaSkreech: what does your last comment related to? [23:02] Everytime i close dolphin it gives an error because of this [23:03] DaSkreech: where can i get the same alternating color pattern for my chat window background as the nick list has on the right? [23:03] nicolai_: did you just transfer your home DIR from another instal? [23:03] !compiz | tazgodx [23:03] DaSkreech: how do Iselect a text without using the mouse? [23:03] tazgodx: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [23:03] but Vermux, learn your way first with the mouse and your keyboard, learn how to work with linux in kde and on the terminal and then configure your system [23:03] tazgodx: in short, no [23:04] thanks [23:04] but start with the basic, Vermux [23:04] !compiz | Leopard [23:04] ah...an updated factoid [23:04] Leopard: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion [23:04] but it is installed with ubuntu isn't it? [23:04] blendtux: agree, but isnt the basic is to know all the shortcuts to make it easy? [23:04] Vermux: there being a standard to do things [23:04] do you guys think it would be better to get the sun certified system administrator or the rhce [23:04] ubuntu: that can't be done right now [23:04] nosrednaekim: completely fresh install [23:04] nicolai_: not that I know of [23:05] DaSkreech: u r saying that there is no standard to select text? [23:05] there are a lot of shortcuts, Vermux, and every program has it own shortcuts aswell [23:05] DaSkreech: the machine is set retrieve ip via dhcp [23:05] tazgodx: to some extent [23:05] but if you want to know what shortcuts kde has already configured you can look in [23:06] blendtux: ok. do u know how to select text with the keybord in Konverwation? [23:06] droach: are you going to work with sun machines or redhat machines ? === ubuntu is now known as riew [23:06] Omarian: What's the IP address of the DHCP server ? [23:06] [23:07] nicolai_: odd open a root doplin session (kdesudo d3lphin) right click on the .kde folder (you have to enable hidden files) and rightclick and select properites-> permissions [23:07] Omarian: fascinating address :) [23:07] Vermux: kcontrol ---> regional & Accessibillity ---> Keyboard Shortcuts [23:07] DaSkreech: how so? [23:08] Omarian: breaks a lot of rules but fine so be it [23:09] blendtux: u meant system settings keyboard and mouse settings? [23:09] nosrednaekim: so all folders and files in .kde should be user-owned? [23:09] take a look Vermux [23:09] nicolai_: Yeah pretty much [23:09] nicolai_: yeah.... and user writeable [23:09] you want to learn, learn by exploration [23:09] blendtux: And break stuff! [23:09] DaSkreech: what rules does it specifically break? [23:09] DaSkreech: just curious [23:09] blendtux: but there is no kcontrol [23:09] do this [23:09] 10.10 is private [23:10] alt + F2 [23:10] and then type in kcontrol [23:10] a 10.220 is a public address that can be given out to someone so this could cause conflicts [23:10] DaSkreech: the other 2 machines i have can connect fine though [23:10] no issues at all [23:11] alt + F2 <---- shortcut for the run command :) Vermux [23:11] why isn't GUtSy DVD out? WHYYYY? [23:11] Omarian: I'm not saying there are. just that in theory there could be in future [23:11] !adeptfix [23:11] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [23:11] But as it is such fine lets try fix it [23:11] nosrednaekim: heh, now the bookmarks-tab in dolphin disappeared, but the error still pops up [23:11] blendtux: I knew that already [23:11] :) nice [23:11] DaSkreech: ok...:-) i will try migrating to a different ip in the future [23:11] Angelus: any of the DVD isoswill do fine they all have all the desktops on them [23:12] and is kcontrol opening already Vermux [23:12] nicolai_: lol.... are you still in that root session? [23:12] Vermux: Alt+space [23:12] Hello, I'm in the middle of a kubuntu upgrade to gutsy (via the update_manager), and during installation I have an error "Could not install 'debconf'" the note says "subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault), core dumped" -- how should I proceed from here? [23:12] nosrednaekim: nahh.. exited after I changed the permissions [23:12] Omarian: can you give the machine a static ip address and see if it can ping the machine [23:13] nosrednaekim: They didn't last apparently :) [23:13] I want to set up a small partition that will (for the time being) remain independant from the rest of my installation. [23:13] nicolai_: odd.... erase your whole d3lphin config DIR [23:13] nicolai_: "rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin" [23:13] ie, I wanna move the contents of /home onto it, then move them back later. [23:13] blendtux: I managed to get to that menue through system settings [23:13] nosrednaekim: 2 sec. I'll try changing it through console first. [23:14] systemsettings is kubuntu specifc [23:14] arent system settings and Kcontrol the same? [23:14] and it will come in kde4 though [23:14] no [23:15] SteamMachine: you can just copy all the contents of the home folder to another location then mount the new drive over the /home directory. [23:15] Brilliant, they killed Kopete. [23:15] DaSkreech: i am trying to do that and is telling me that gateway is invalid [23:15] SteamMachine: No need to move it back later [23:15] DaSkreech: let me see if i can fix that [23:15] Omarian: do you know what your gateway is? [23:15] blendtux: what dou mean kubuntu specific. I c that they have the same icons [23:16] DaSkreech: i do. i will put the ip down [23:16] Artimus: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 === DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck [23:16] Omarian: can you pastebin the output of route for me ? [23:16] there are some tools wich are made by the distrubution, like system settings if you use for example another distrubution like archlinux, you wont find system settings [23:16] * DaSkreech hands genii a pot of coffee [23:17] letalis: DaS [23:17] blendtux: ok, I c that Kcontrol is more comprehensive [23:17] system settings is not part (not yet) of kde Vermux [23:17] letalis: DaSkreech, how? [23:17] nosrednaekim: yep that worked. Now i just have to hope that " sudo chmod -R 773 '/home/user' " didn't bring new bugs :) [23:17] make a folder called backup or whatever you want to call it [23:17] DaSkreech: Thanks muchly :) [23:17] just so that you remember it [23:17] DaSkreech: Yeah, I've seen that. Just kind of sad that a last minute "fix" ends up breaking stuff. [23:17] nicolai_: heh [23:17] it cannot be in /home however [23:18] !helpersnack | DaSkreech [23:18] DaSkreech: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [23:18] Okay... [23:18] blendtux: but Kcontrol has more options. is it like the control panel in Win? [23:18] nosrednaekim: you too it was getting hard in here by meself [23:18] oke guys i am going to watch the movie 300, goodluck Vermux, [23:18] i would recomend it be in the root directory [23:18] ./backup [23:18] DaSkreech: haha... yeah... I bet... this is the WORST time to be doing support [23:18] its the kde control panel, [23:19] blendtux: thanks, enjoy [23:19] I'm suprised that no password promt comes up when I use kdesu. I like it, but it also makes me feel paranoid. =) [23:19] goodluck Vermux, stick around, and remember every first step was difficult [23:19] nicolai_: It has a memory like sudo now [23:19] anyway copy the entire contents of /home to /backup as root [23:19] how do i get an alternating color background as in the nicklist for the chat window in Konversation? [23:19] remember you learned how to walk, :) [23:19] blendtux: I will. thanks for the advice [23:19] nicolai_: Sonn it'll have inteligence and take over the world ;) [23:20] then mount the new drive as /home [23:20] riew: you dont [23:20] I can't spell today... [23:20] hi.. kubuntu 7.10 just hangs up on my computer :( i verified md5 hashes and did try safe mode. it does boot up even with some xWindow but then it gets out to text mode again and hangs up [23:20] Azzco: And worse .. all the passwords [23:20] blendtux: I learned how to walk 3 times in my life [23:20] Pasar: hard hang? [23:20] DaSkreech: no matter what ip address i put in gateway, it says ip is invalid [23:20] wow, why Vermux [23:21] and you can move everything back to where it was, you might have to reset user/group permissions with chown and chgrp afterwards though [23:21] pretending ppl are stupid [23:21] arggh. Now the bug is back, and the bookmarks tab is still missing. [23:21] blendtux: so I have the ability to learn this too. cast, and knee operations [23:21] no matter even if you have phd [23:21] Omarian: pastebin the output of route [23:21] if you can't be yourself [23:21] stupid [23:21] DaSkreech: well, it just doesnt continue to do anything it says something about some directory that doesnt exist. and stops at local dot something. i can "regularly" shutdown the system by the power button but that's it [23:21] letalis: cp -a [23:22] Pasar: no shell ? [23:22] yes :) you can Vermux, its not that hard [23:22] i think i have a huge problem, i did a version upgrade last night and lost power at some time. now it tells me i have packages to update, but won't update them. :( [23:22] blendtux: u c, it is like studies. if u dont implement what u r studying u will forget it. if u r not walking for long time u forget to walk [23:22] DaSkreech: maybe i could type sth but there's no prompt or anything [23:22] Pasar: do you know about virtual terminals ? [23:22] blendtux: talk later [23:23] DaSkreech: no [23:23] tazgodx: Why won't it update ? [23:23] Hm. I'm going to try this. if it doesn't work, I suppose it's not the end of the world. [23:23] Pasar: are you in Linux now ? [23:23] hi everyone [23:23] DaSkreech: no, XP [23:23] Pasar: ok well in Linux you can press alt+ctrl+F1 to get a terminal [23:23] does anyone know which servers are up-to-date (in order for me to upgrade to gutsy) ? [23:23] Pasar: alt+ctrl+f7 will get you back to GUI [23:24] first when i open adept_manager, i get an error right away, "could not find mime type application/octet-stream" [23:24] DaSkreech: will that do any good? i didnt even get the splash screen showing how my system loads [23:24] then i click full upgrade, apply changes, and i get an error, "There was an error commiting changes" [23:25] DaSkreech: just a very brief moment of a blank green desktop and mouse cursor [23:25] DaSkreech: route results http://pastebin.com/mda97ab7 [23:25] Pasar: can't kill to try "_" [23:25] i just did it for the 5th time, and it looks like its going again....thats weird [23:25] Omarian: your default gateway is blank === colin_ is now known as kernco [23:26] Omarian: try sudo route add default gw [23:26] DaSkreech: true.. but do u really think the system will stop loading just cuz i switch to X?? [23:26] DaSkreech: I know. it will not accept it via gui. keeps saying it is invalid even though i know it is not [23:26] DaSkreech: resume, not stop [23:26] plz join #########################linux [23:26] Pasar: no switch From X so you can figure out what's wrong [23:26] plz join #########################linux [23:27] wikipedia: do you have a support question ? [23:27] yes [23:27] DaSkreech: well, i am not in X when the system hangs, im on the console [23:27] what is kubuntu? [23:27] DaSkreech: I am getting message: SIOCADDRT: File exists. Should I look in /etc/hosts? [23:27] !kubuntu [23:27] Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE [23:28] ok i finally started the upgrade but i get "2007-10-19 00:26:19,965 ERROR pre-requists item 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/release-upgrader-dpkg/release-upgrader-dpkg_1.14.5ubuntu11.2_i386.udeb' is NOT trusted" in main.log, how comes? [23:28] hmm.. my dolphin issues just got an easy fix: back to konqueror. I guess I'm too tired to battle my laptop this late. [23:28] im installing with a fresh install and it's stuck a 82% because it's "scanning the mirror" [23:28] Omarian: strange [23:28] any ideas? [23:28] is the url down? [23:28] DaSkreech: isn't it? [23:28] ubuntu: Servers are being hammered [23:28] DaSkreech great :S [23:28] Omarian: whats the gateway address? [23:29] DaSkreech: i know ubuntu sucks for my graphics card, but apart from that i got feisty running fine. so why would kubuntu 7.10 not run??? [23:29] DaSkreech: i think it is not accepting any input. I am thinking of reinstalling [23:29] Pasar: I don't know you would need to check the logs === edulix_ is now known as Edulix [23:29] Omarian: can you ping ? [23:29] DaSkreech: okay, i will try again and take notes of it :) thanx so far! [23:29] Pasar: ok [23:30] I've got a weird version of adept... how do I get the default one so that I can upgrade with it? [23:31] nicolai_: what kind of dolphin problem do you have [23:31] DaSkreech: [23:31] i found a screen shot of you on the web :O http://blog.nixternal.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/yakuake.png [23:31] Azzco: apt-get install it ? [23:32] I allready have adept installed, but not the one with veriosn-update and tabs for what should be installed... [23:32] DaSkreech: i cannot ping [23:32] Omarian: What ip address did you give the network card ? [23:33] [23:33] Angelus: Isn't Yakuake pretty? [23:33] ? [23:33] DaSkreech::that's part of the dhcp subnet [23:33] who's yakuake DaSkreech? :O [23:33] Azzco: what do you see when you go to adept -> manage repos ? [23:33] Angelus: The application in the picture [23:33] Just a list, no tabs at all [23:34] Omarian: what's then subnet address ? [23:34] DaSkreech: aint that a terminal? [23:34] Azzco: install software-properties-kde [23:34] Rumor has it that gusty gibbon is out... [23:34] Angelus: Yes named yakuake [23:34] DaSkreech: [23:34] Thanks DaSkreech [23:34] purpleposeidon: You have talking to the topic haven't you?? [23:35] Omarian: strange indeed [23:35] Heya, Dr_Willis :D [23:35] hmm anybody know where kmail keeps its settings? I've copied over the old kmail folder but it doesn't show my imap account :-/ [23:35] can it ping the other machines? [23:35] DaSkreech: i will try that right now [23:35] I'd rather just keep everyhing where it is (-3 now), live and let live, if it aint broke don't fix it, [23:35] Anyone know how to perform an upgrade from CD? [23:35] DaSkreech: iĺl prove you wrong look at this screenshot alternating color in the chatwindow: [23:35] harald: in your ~/.kde folder [23:35] blendtux: The bookmarks tab is empty and everytime I close the program it gives an error about not being able to write to bookmarks.xml [23:35] purpleposeidon: hear hear! [23:36] all00: Same as before but have the CD in your sources [23:36] DaSkreech: So which version are you using? :) [23:36] DaSkreech: yes I copied .kde/share/apps/kmail but it doesn't get my imap settings, do you think kmail saves those somewhere else? :-/ [23:36] blendtux: For some reason the file keeps changing permissions to root [23:36] purpleposeidon: Gutsy [23:36] DaSkreech: I've never done it before :( I'm sorry [23:36] Hey, i've just got compiz-fusion working on kubuntu gutsy (may i say really easy to install compared to fiesty!) does anyone know of the best way to have it start up with kde - i asked the guys at #kde but nobody is around who knew how anyone have any ideas? [23:37] harald: i don't think so but it's what kmail thinks isn't it? [23:37] DaSkreech: tried the upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 -- got left with a partial install. I have now downloaded and burned both the LiveCD and the AlternateCD -- not sure how to perform a full upgrade (I get nervous around the partition configuration). Any ideas? [23:37] ok thx [23:37] !autostart | benbread [23:37] strange, so you already changed back the permissions, and there is no root proces writing to that directory nicolai_ [23:37] all00: No its from inside KDE [23:37] all00: no need to boot up from CD [23:38] do a lsof on that file nicolai_ [23:38] DaSkreech: the Package Updater will not run -- it got shafted when I tried that method earlier today [23:38] and see who is using that file nicolai_ [23:38] ciao [23:39] benbread: copy the fusion-icon icon to your desktop. then mv the icon to .kde/Autostart/ [23:39] my god, there are 1475 people in the ubuntu channel === lee__ is now known as leeadkins [23:39] bwayne: i don't think i have that - i'm invoking compiz using 'compiz --replace' [23:39] all00: shafted? [23:40] blendtux: just lsof '/home/user/etc.' ? [23:40] DaSkreech: FUBARed ;) screwed up :D [23:40] all00: It can't run? [23:40] the file wich dolphin says it cannot wirte to [23:40] DaSkreech: Correct -- it runs but nothing is clickable [23:40] DaSkreech: when the system hangs, i can get a console with alt/ctrl/f1, but not get back to X with alt/ctrl/f7 [23:40] use the keyboard? [23:41] Pasar: What are the X errors? [23:41] DaSkreech: the system stops at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/sc.local) [OK]" [23:41] Pasar: grep EE /var/log/X.log.0 [23:42] DaSkreech: there are no errors if i press alt+ctrl+f7, just no reaction [23:42] blendtux: lsof comes up empty. But it hasn't changed back to being annoying since I last changed permissions. [23:42] DaSkreech: somewhere up the screen i get "etc/default/locale: No such file or directory" [23:42] i'm still skeered to hit the upgrade button, not that i've ever had a bad experience.. it's ominous [23:42] !kopete [23:42] DaSkreech: eh, "grep: " and then that msg [23:42] Lunar_Lamp: MSN? [23:42] DaSkreech : here alternating colors in the background of Konversation: http://i21.tinypic.com/10y136s.gif [23:43] you lose DaSkreech [23:43] :P [23:43] DaSkreech: nope - new upgrade to gutsy and kopete is broken. I was using it for months in gutsy testing and it worked, lol [23:43] I was wondering if it was a known bug [23:44] oke nicolai_ but i have a movie to catch, 300 watching it in my bed so i am gone, ask me tommorow if your problem comes back nicolai_ [23:44] hallo [23:44] hi [23:44] Hallo All [23:44] Leopard: Mail riew and ask him how he did that :-) [23:44] Lunar_Lamp: Right do you use MSN ? [23:44] i am riew hehe DaSkreech [23:44] DaSkreech: in case anybody else asks: you also need to adapt ~/.kde/share/config :-) [23:44] DaSkreech: yes [23:44] file kmailrc [23:44] Leopard: oh then you have it solved already :) No need for help from me [23:45] I have a problem with my Nv card can anyone help me with it [23:45] i wanted to prove you wrong DaSkreech thats all [23:45] :) [23:45] blendtux: thanks. Will do :) [23:45] Ok, any ideas why my adept persists on showing only the "repo list" management interfaze? and why it wont let me get and use the "version upgrade" asistant? [23:45] Lunar_Lamp: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3041 [23:46] Umm: What problem [23:46] harald: great :) [23:46] Has anyone managed to work around the segfault while upgrading debconf, on the road to gutsy? [23:46] spanish? please [23:46] cool that there was a fix for the kopete msn problem that fast, oss rocks :-) [23:46] !es [23:47] Oh well I fixed it by hand [23:47] rnieto I think you'd be better of in #kubuntu-es most people here speak english [23:47] you fixed it by hand Lars_G, what did you do to resolve it [23:47] Lars_G: install softwar-properties-kde [23:48] Well i have instalt my video card through resticted drivers en after that when i reboot my resolution is 640x480 how can i fix that [23:48] harald: thanks you [23:48] DaSkreech: sigh Yeah I'll do that [23:48] DaSkreech: Dont worry anyhow adept_manager --version-upgrade worked [23:48] !nvidia | Umm === adam is now known as Anacrusis [23:49] Yes nv [23:49] DaSkreech: thanks for the link :-) [23:50] OK, has anyone even encountered the debconf segfault while upgrading to gutsy? [23:50] when i try to eject the CDROM, i get a "unmounting" dialog with a progress bar that goes to about 90% and closes, and the CD drive makes a noise like it's about to come out, but it doesn't. how could i fix it? [23:50] Fish-Face: Yes [23:50] DaSkreech: have you solved it? :D [23:51] Fish-Face: What package did it fail on ? [23:51] how can i install times new roman in openoffice? [23:51] how can I Feisty-->Gutsy from command line [23:51] update-manager -d [23:51] neverblue2: command: "update-manager -d" [23:51] neverblue2: Follow the server upgrade instructions [23:51] administrator: Not command line [23:51] how can i get ins the command line exiting x [23:51] DaSkreech: debconf [23:52] -d? [23:52] develop? [23:52] yeah [23:52] i unno [23:52] Fish-Face: Ah try apt-get install debconf [23:52] how can i install times new roman font in openoffice ? [23:52] neverblue2: install update-mnager-core [23:52] neverblue2: then sudo do-release-upgrade [23:52] hidey ho [23:52] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is no longer recommended? :-s [23:53] Hey there. I had Ubuntu installed on my laptop before and the wireless networking worked great. I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and It's not recognizing the card. I don't even really know how to ad it. [23:53] john117 which card is it? [23:53] so, I got ubuntu installed, and I'm in the middle of trying to install kubuntu [23:53] How can i get in to the command line exiting x [23:53] Its an Atheros card that came in this Toshiba Satellite. [23:53] hi, i ran almost all the distribution upgrade procedure, i had to stop before it downloaded around 1.2GB of data ... how can i restart from that point on ... [23:53] frb-screen: sduo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? [23:53] CTRL+ALT+BCKSPACE [23:53] now, when I go to a console, it's all messed, how do I force the framebuffer into a usable resolution? (messed) [23:54] Azzco: it's working on it, but I'm getting crappy download speeds [23:54] DaSkreech: k, I'll have to kill some things first [23:54] errr ... never mind ... i got it ... [23:54] I just want a working console right now [23:54] harald: no [23:54] DaSkreech: grep tells me: "/var/log/X.log.0: No such file or dir" [23:54] messed = text area is much larger than viewable area [23:54] Umm: Exiting X? [23:54] thanks DaSkreech [23:54] Umm: Alt+ctrl+F1 [23:54] harald, it is an Atheros card. Don't really know the exact model number of the card. [23:54] ok guys I've updated to kubuntu 7.10 [23:54] MrBallZ: just refollow the instructions [23:55] tons of new bugs! COOOOOL! [23:55] john117 atheros cards should be supported out of the box :-/ [23:55] anyone know? [23:55] MidMark, by what means ? [23:55] first I haven't reboot and halt in my kde menu [23:55] DaSkreech: yup, that's what i did ... but daaanngg 1.3GB ... that's too much [23:55] DaSkreech: any idea what this "release-upgrader-dpkg_1.14.5ubuntu11.2_i386.udeb' is NOT trusted" means when doing a upgrade? it looks a bit like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/144920 but it's not clear what to do.. [23:55] MrBallZ: :-) [23:55] harald: when i click on the network icon in the task tray, it says no device installed. (I've made sure that the hardware button for the network card is on) [23:55] DaSkreech: sorry i took so long. am doing a bunch of other stuff too. anyway, I cannot ping any other machines? [23:55] big thanx Daskreech i have found i site where i can reconfigure x so that my resolution will be normal but it says it works the best if i exit x [23:56] Umm, video card manufacturer? === lee__ is now known as lee986321 [23:56] then seems all sooo slow [23:56] terribly slow [23:56] so any hints on getting my console text to fit the viewable area? (it's an ATI FireGL 5200 Mobility with a 1600x1200 LCD) [23:56] DaSkreech: yeesh, screw this upgrade manager thing, I'm using a terminal [23:56] Omarian: what ip addresses do they have? [23:56] harald: and of coarse, there is the ever-present ATI 3d graphics problem. But i'll deal with that after i have internet connectivity. [23:56] and .3 [23:56] lol internet [23:57] Umm: ah sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop [23:57] this is quite the storm were having here in WA [23:57] DaSkreech: any idea why there doesnt even seem to be an X logfil? [23:57] John117 do sudo modprobe ath-pci, then verify with sudo lsmod | grep ath, that should show about 3 modules [23:57] lee986321: yes, yes it is [23:57] heein the vally winds are at 45 [23:57] oke daskreech i can go to the commandline en reconfigure my x but how to i return to my x ? [23:57] Omarian: Can you get it ping itself? [23:58] DaSkreech: yes i can [23:58] I saw a tree downed in redmond [23:58] any how Genii waht was that sight for those drivers, I am on the drive that is 64 bit lol [23:58] harald: okay, standby. [23:58] Pasar: /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? [23:58] oh rats I was going to rebot ..oh in the Bios there was only settings for the motherboard [23:58] HI everybody... [23:58] X*org* ? [23:59] ouch [23:59] Omarian: Firewall ? [23:59] Note [23:59] I need help with a printer... canon... can somebody help me? [23:59] eh not for the video card [23:59] =( [23:59] Umm: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart [23:59] Printers are the product of satan! [23:59] haha [23:59] /var/log/Xorg.0.log is for the RUNNING instance of X11 (if one is running) [23:59] I can't install my printer... is a Canon Pixma ip1300