
gnomefreakjeffwheeler: yes00:00
gnomefreakjeffwheeler: install edubuntu-desktop00:00
jeffwheelergnomefreak: okay; I'm not running Ubuntu at the moment, but I was considering edubuntu at school for the LTSP simplicity00:01
gnomefreakjeffwheeler: edubuntu should be fine to install than it still uses gnome and has most of gnome apps00:02
gnomefreaknot sure if it installs all i havent installed from edubuntu cd in a while00:02
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ZirodayI can't seem to get LTSP to work, do i have to set some sort of default ip addresses or something?03:41
BurgundaviaZiroday: how is it not working?03:46
Zirodaywhen booting the client i get a "media check failed" error03:48
Zirodayhowever i was using the same cable, and ports before and it was woeking fine03:48
Burgundaviayou certain you are booting to the network and not a cd or harddrive?03:50
Zirodaynetwork is first in boot list03:50
Zirodayi mean order03:50
Zirodaythere is also no lights on the ethernet port?, is that normal03:51
ZirodayBurgundavia: ?03:55
BurgundaviaZiroday: no lights means no connect03:59
Burgundaviaconnection, rather04:00
Burgundaviatry a different cable04:00
ZirodayNeed help with LTSP on my client keeps saying Media check failed04:02
BurgundaviaZiroday: hey, did you try a different cable?04:03
Zirodaytrying that now04:04
Zirodaywell now it says no boot offers were recieved04:05
Burgundaviais there a green light on the NIC on the client?04:06
Burgundaviais there a green light on the NIC on the client?04:06
Burgundaviawhat about the server?04:06
Burgundaviahave you ever booted a client off this server befgore?\04:07
Burgundaviado you have a booted client on it right now?04:07
Zirodayshould the ip static or dhcp?04:07
Zirodaynot booted but waiting04:07
Burgundaviathe NIC on the server connected to the clients should be static04:07
Zirodayhas PXE04:07
Burgundaviathe client should be dhcp04:08
ZirodayWhat should the IP adresses of the server be?04:08
Burgundaviawhatever you want04:08
Burgundaviayou need the dhcp lease range in the same subnet as the server04:09
Burgundaviabut if you have successfully booted something off this server before04:09
Burgundaviawhat has changed?04:09
ZirodayIt broke on a plane04:09
Burgundaviais this a new client or a new network?04:09
Burgundaviawhat broke?04:09
Zirodaynew client, new network and the Raid04:09
Zirodaywe fixed the raid already04:10
Burgundaviado you have a crossover cable or a laptop04:10
Zirodaycrossover cable?04:10
Zirodayno its just a direct linik currently from the server to the client04:11
Burgundaviafor that you need a crossover cable04:11
Burgundaviadid you buy this cable?04:11
Zirodayno but its working fine before with a ethernet cable and a switch04:12
Burgundaviain order to connect two computers together, you need a special cable04:12
Burgundaviawhere the in goes to the out and the out to the in, basically04:12
Burgundaviaif you don't have one of those, you are going to need a switch04:12
ZirodayIf I put it though a switch to i still need the cable?04:13
Zirodayah right soory04:13
Zirodayokay I'll wire it through the switch now04:13
Burgundaviarocking, that should get you up and running04:13
Zirodayill try it brb04:13
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Zirodaysame error "No DHCP or BOOTP recieved"04:16
Zirodaygrr internet keeps dropping04:18
Zirodaysorry Burgundivia04:18
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Meshezabeelany known problems with new 7.10?07:08
kgoetzes, see the release note :)07:09
Meshezabeeltx kgoetz07:12
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dawkirsthi. if I would like to install some educational applications from the CD (i.e., without an active internet connection), how can I go about doing this?11:39
ogrause the addon CD11:46
dawkirstogra, could you please explain that?11:48
ograthe edu apps are on the addon CD ... http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/gutsy/11:48
ograif oyu pop that into an installed edubuntu system it will offer you to install edu apps11:49
sbalneavMorning all15:10
desertcHello -- How do I join the team efforts?15:48
sbalneavWell!  You've come to the right place.15:55
sbalneavWhat would you like to/can do?15:55
desertcI am a bit of a meet and greet kind of guy, and I have been talking with a good number of educators lately.  I realized I was recreating a lot of efforts of the Edubuntu team.15:58
desertcI was chatting with someone in #ubuntu-marketing the other day who was able to provide me with lots of success stories of Ubuntu in education, but I thought maybe I could work with your team directly.15:59
desertcI joined the Edubuntu Advocacy team the other day.16:02
dtraskRichEd...you in here?16:02
desertcAny other recommendations?16:02
RichEddtrask: i am now :)16:10
RichEdhi desertc ... we'd be glad for you to help16:10
RichEdthe best place to start getting involved is to attend one of our edubuntu meetings on wednesdays16:11
desertcAre there email mailing lists or other signups that you would recommend?16:11
RichEdwe meet in #ubuntu-meeting : alternating between 12h00 UTC and 20h00 UTC16:11
desertcOkay, I can try to fit in a Wednesday meeting, although I'm busy running a LUG one week a month on the last Wednesday each month.16:12
RichEdmailing lists are at: lists.ubuntu.com16:12
RichEdwhat time zone are you in ?16:12
RichEdso the alternating time is to accomodate the global spread of people ... you can attend when you are awake and have free time16:13
desertcSounds good.   I've marked it on my calender.16:14
RichEdunfortunately the fridge schedule is a bit out of sorts at the moment, but event times are usually found here:16:14
desertcSo next week will be at 12h or 20h ?16:15
RichEdthis past week was the 12h00 UTC one ... next week is 20h00 UTC16:15
RichEdmail lists:16:15
RichEdyou can find most of the info above at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users16:16
RichEdoops ....16:16
RichEdyou can find most of the info above at: http://www.edubuntu.org/Community16:16
dtraskHey RichEd!16:16
dtrasku see my email?16:16
desertcThanks for your help, RichEd.16:16
RichEdb.t.w I am the education programme manager for canonical16:16
RichEdand ogra is the lead developer for education also a canonical employee16:17
RichEdthe rest of the people here are volunteers / users etc.16:17
RichEdi'd suggest you also chat to dtrask ... he is also stateside16:17
dtraskyep I am16:17
RichEdhe is an edubuntu legend for inspiration and enthusiasm16:17
dtraskdesertc: where are you?16:18
* dtrask head swells and pops16:18
* RichEd can hear the ping sound all the way from South Africa16:18
desertcNashville, Tennessee.  We just had a Technology and Education conference here.16:18
dtraskI'm in class while my students are diligently typing away in KTouch16:19
dtraskI'm in Maine16:19
RichEddesertc: pop me an email at richard@ubuntu.com16:19
dtraskland of Linux16:19
RichEdor join the lists and send out a hi and an intro16:19
desertcI took the time to go there and talk with a number of educators and facilitators, but I did not have much material to bring with me.  Felt a bit unprepared.16:19
* dtrask seriously thinks we should change our state slogan16:19
RichEddtrask: what is the slogan at present /16:20
dtraskRichEd: you get my email about details on visiting our school?16:20
dtraskRichEd: "Vacationland"16:20
RichEddtrask: when was it sent ?16:20
dtraskRichEd: right after your last one to me...and I resent this a.m.16:21
RichEddtrask: could be worse :) but does not give you due credit for any hard work does it ?16:21
RichEdyour response to my idea about roping in the kids ?16:21
dtraskRichEd: LOL!16:21
dtraskRichEd: yes16:21
RichEdand was it a real mail or a facebook one ?16:21
RichEddtrask: got it and already read it the other day right after you responded16:22
dtraskRichEd: real....and some details about travelling here and all16:22
dtraskRichEd: oh...OK....thoughts?16:22
RichEdwe can set up an informal spec at UDS to toss around ideas and a formal management / mentor framework16:22
dtraskRichEd: I'm trying to plan some things out here for a potential visit16:23
dtraskRichEd: up to you of course16:23
RichEdi'd suggest that the people who are keen to visit hire a car, and pop in for the day ?16:23
desertcRichEd, Also - I have been working on a new project that I thought you might be relevant to have aligned with the Edubuntu teams.  Would you like to hear about it?16:24
dtraskRichEd: Sure....anyone have an int'l drivers license?16:24
dtraskRichEd: yes!  Tell me!16:24
RichEdyep ... but i have to be out of here in 5 mins ... end of work day, end of week ... gotta function with my wife's work16:24
* dtrask waits on edge of seat16:24
RichEdcan you mail me ?16:24
desertcSure can.16:25
RichEdyou can even just chat to dtrask about it, and then just cut & paste the conversation16:25
RichEdand mail that ?16:25
^Migs^what's on the Server Classroom Add-On CD?16:25
^Migs^is there a list anywhere?16:25
dtraskActually I'm in the same boat...class ends in 5 mins16:25
RichEd^Migs^: it's the bulk of the apps you to go onto the server16:25
dtraskmail me at   dtrask@vcsvikings.org16:26
^Migs^oh wait, never mind16:26
^Migs^just found it.  Silly me.16:26
RichEddtrask: not sure about the international driver's licence ... but i am sure we'll have a local who can drive16:26
RichEddesertc: note also re. meetings that we are about to go into UDS and then the company meeting16:27
RichEdso next week there is an edubuntu meeting and then prolly a break for 2 weeks16:27
desertcOh, I see.16:27
RichEdsee here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Boston16:27
desertcWell, catch up with you all when you get back.  I'll be interested in what you think of my team idea, that I'm sending by email.16:28
RichEdmost of the key folk will be there and tied up16:28
RichEdwill check it out ... try to make the meeting next week if you can16:28
RichEdpop in here 15 mins before the time ... and then we announce the meeting and channel16:28
RichEddtrask: can you guess what earthshattering event happens tomorrow that has me very excited ?16:29
dtraskWorld Cup?16:30
RichEdthe rugby world cup final ... South Africa (that's me) vs England ...16:30
RichEdright i am wrapping up and will be off ...16:33
RichEdhave a good friday (not in the nail people to a tree way) and a great weekend16:33
^Migs^is LTSP on regular Ubuntu, or is that just Edubuntu?16:35
RichEd^Migs^: bundled on the edubuntu CD and easy install16:36
RichEdbut in reality it's a package that can be pulled down and installed into any *buntu16:36
^Migs^well, ok16:36
^Migs^you're right, thanks16:37
^Migs^I know Edubuntu at least has the GUI Thin Client Manager and all16:37
^Migs^why LTSP and not K12LTSP?16:37
RichEd'cause k12ltsp is a fedor implementation16:38
^Migs^ah, okay16:38
RichEdLTSP is the generic16:38
^Migs^didn't realize that16:38
RichEdyou can find the creators in #ltsp16:38
RichEd*buntu is in sunc with the latest ltsp ... thanks to sbalneav and ogra16:38
RichEdthe other main man is jammyq .... but he does not lurk in this channel ... just the #ltsp one16:39
* RichEd disappears in a tear in the fabric of reality16:39
dtraskRichEd:  Enjoy the game!  If Boston wins the next 2 games...we'll be in the grips of the World Series during UDS16:39
RichEdgreat ... someting to watch while we quaff in the bar(s)16:40
dtraskRichEd: Amen....world famous bar just outside the ballpark called the Cask 'n Flagon16:40
dtraskRichEd: Ever see the TV show Cheers?16:41
dtraskRichEd: set in Boston...there's a bar that it's modeled after16:41
dtraskRichEd: Well...it's time for lunch here in the EDT time zone...so I'm off....catch you later.  have fun with the World Cup match!  :-)16:42
desertcI could use some one page product slicks to give to people about Edubutu17:04
^Migs^has anyone come across any FOSS anti plagiarism software?18:07
^Migs^similar to TurnItIn?18:07
bluekujaheya highvoltage19:31
LaserJock_hi bluekuja19:31
bluekujaheya LaserJock_ :)19:31
bluekujahow are you jordan?19:31
LaserJock_pretty good19:31
LaserJock_I'm at my grandfather's house with my parents19:32
LaserJock_and I got a new Ruby book19:32
bluekujaoh :D19:32
highvoltagehey bluekuja and Laserz19:32
bluekujaare you a Ruby fanatic?19:32
bluekujahighvoltage, heya jon :)19:32
bluekujahighvoltage, I've just updated italian website gutsy links and I was wondering about the localised translation of edubuntu website...any news for it?19:33
LaserJock_bluekuja: I've never done anything in ruby19:34
LaserJock_I'm just looking into it19:34
bluekujagreat, so you gonna start a new language19:34
LaserJock_I was at the book store yesterday and there were pretty much more Ruby books than any other language19:34
bluekujaLaserJock_: I promised myself to get a python book, but I alwais forget to buy one :/19:35
LaserJock_I bought the Python Cookbook19:35
LaserJock_it's ok19:35
LaserJock_I gotta get better at C++ too19:35
LaserJock_but I can get lots of C++ books at the uni library19:35
bluekujaLaserJock_: which language do you prefer?19:35
LaserJock_bash ;-)19:36
LaserJock_honestly at this point I'm most productive with Python19:36
bluekujabut yeah, I like bash as well19:36
bluekujaLaserJock_: some news from packaging-guide side?19:37
bluekujaI see no more mails on the ML19:37
bluekujais it stoned?19:37
LaserJock_there was a book I almost got that was a "Ruby for sysadmins" book19:37
LaserJock_bluekuja: dholbach is working on it in the wiki19:37
LaserJock_it's moving ahead19:37
LaserJock_we're gonna get the existing wiki packaging docs merged in19:38
highvoltagebluekuja: I'd actually want to look at that tonight / tomorrow morning19:38
LaserJock_and then see how to best proceed19:38
highvoltagebluekuja: where's the italian site again? haven't looked at it in a while, would like to see how it has progressed19:38
LaserJock_highvoltage: is the new theme getting anywhere?19:39
bluekujaLaserJock_: what about permissions?19:39
bluekujahighvoltage, one second and I send you right lin19:39
highvoltageLaserJock_: not sure if you were at the meeting the other day, but we discussed it at the last meeting, we had versioning conflicts and the theme looked quite broken19:40
LaserJock_bluekuja: what about permissions?19:40
LaserJock_highvoltage: versioning of what? drupal?19:40
highvoltageLaserJock_: and it seems that news2000 is busy with a bunch of other stuff (or was at least)19:40
highvoltageLaserJock_: the theme. we comined parts of his bzr theme, and images he cut out using photoshop, but they don't work together at the moment19:41
highvoltageso he has to do a new cut with that specific theme19:41
LaserJock_and what about upgrading drupal?19:42
highvoltageI've thought of fixing it with gimp- it might not be exactly how he would want it, but at least it would work19:42
highvoltagedrupal can't be upgraded19:42
highvoltageit's the latest version19:42
LaserJock_really? it looked like 4.7 to me19:42
highvoltageno ways19:42
highvoltageit's been on 5 for ages19:42
LaserJock_ah, I must not've looked close enough19:43
highvoltageand it's 5.1 since recently19:43
LaserJock_ok, well that's great19:43
highvoltageI lie19:43
highvoltage5.3 is out19:43
LaserJock_how easy is it to get new modules?19:43
highvoltageso it can be upgraded19:43
highvoltagevery easy19:43
highvoltagealthough, I've meant to install the localisation module, and haven't been able to do it in the last 3 weeks19:43
highvoltageat least this week I'm home for a change19:43
highvoltagebeen out of town the last month19:44
highvoltage(have to go again monday... grrr)19:44
LaserJock_I was trying to figure out how to import the Handbook into edubuntu.org19:44
highvoltagenot that I claim to know anything about docs, but shouldn't that go into help.ubuntu.com?19:44
LaserJock_and I saw that there was a "import HTML" module19:44
LaserJock_well, IMO, www.edubuntu.org is underutilized19:45
LaserJock_and well, help.ubuntu.com tends to be Ubuntu-centered19:45
bluekuja_sorry, wireless link went down19:45
bluekuja_highvoltage, received the links I gave you?19:45
LaserJock_I *could* have mdke put it on there, but I was trying to get creative19:45
bluekuja_LaserJock_: what permissions will be set up on the wiki?19:47
LaserJock_bluekuja_: none, just normal wiki19:47
bluekuja_LaserJock_, I mean I hope not everyone will be able to modify it19:47
bluekuja_LaserJock_, normal wiki?19:47
LaserJock_setting up permissions is not trivial at all19:47
LaserJock_bluekuja_: it's just on wiki.ubuntu.com19:47
bluekuja_LaserJock_, and on help.u.c?19:48
LaserJock_bluekuja_: I'm just saying that the packaging guide has no special permissions19:48
bluekuja_packaging guide will be deleted from the doc team trunk?19:48
LaserJock_maybe eventually19:48
LaserJock_I'm gonna keep it around for a while19:48
bluekuja_LaserJock_, yeah, understood the point. I was just a little bit confused about everyone able to modify a document like that19:49
LaserJock_why not?19:49
bluekuja_highvoltage, disappeared?19:49
bluekuja_LaserJock_, small example19:49
bluekuja_a contributor decides to add something to the doc19:50
LaserJock_*every* other doc is on the wiki. Our policies, which are more important than the packaging guide, are on the wiki19:50
bluekuja_mess up the informations he adds there19:50
LaserJock_it can't be any worse than what's already on the wiki19:50
LaserJock_well, yes, probably some people will mess some things up along the way19:51
LaserJock_but if we have lots of eyes watching it it'll be easy to revert19:51
highvoltagesorry, friend just phoned me19:51
bluekuja_ok, that was the point19:51
bluekuja_and anyway yes, a lot of ppl will take care of it19:51
bluekuja_so I guess there wont be errors19:51
highvoltageLaserJock_: yes! edubuntu.org is underused.19:51
LaserJock_I realize the concern19:52
bluekuja_highvoltage, received my link?19:52
highvoltagebluekuja_: just received it, thanks19:52
LaserJock_but we haven't had problems with our Policy docs, so I don't know why we should be any more concerned about the packaging guide19:52
bluekuja_highvoltage, you can browse all sections from there19:52
bluekuja_LaserJock_, yeah, you're right on this19:52
LaserJock_highvoltage: I'm hoping we can freshen up edubuntu.org19:52
highvoltageLaserJock_: we've had some bursts where people have joined and meant to do a lot... and then they just dissapeared19:53
LaserJock_the ubuntu.com site just rocks19:53
highvoltageLaserJock_: yeah, ubuntu.com is quite nice19:53
LaserJock_we need a realistic plan19:53
bluekuja_LaserJock_, please keep me updated on that. e.g when a first draft will be up and running on the wiki19:53
LaserJock_and just buckle down and start small and keep working19:53
highvoltageLaserJock_: I'm just quite weary of long planning sessions and planning around the website, and then the people who wanted all the bells and whistles dissapearing19:54
highvoltageLaserJock_: I'd rather do lots of incremental improvements19:54
highvoltagewell, yes, what you just said :)19:54
LaserJock_bluekuja_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide19:54
highvoltagethese big fancy plans all flop, I don't like them19:54
LaserJock_highvoltage: yes, that's exactly my point19:54
LaserJock_highvoltage: we need *some* goal or plan in mind, but it *has* to be realistic and it needs to have small steps19:55
highvoltageLaserJock_: *hug* :)19:55
highvoltageLaserJock_: I think we should also just-do-things, without thinking of toes we might step on, if someone has a problem with something, we can fix it again afterwards19:56
bluekuja_LaserJock, thanks, how far we are from ending it up?19:56
highvoltagebluekuja_: the window that lit up that I thought was you, wasn't :)19:56
highvoltagebluekuja_: where did you send those links? by email?19:57
bluekuja_highvoltage, nope, here19:57
bluekuja_but I lagged out too early19:57
bluekuja_I guess19:57
highvoltagebluekuja_: ah19:57
highvoltageLaserJock_: if I'd have to prioritise web tasks, it would be (not in a specific order, but just things that are currently important)19:57
highvoltage1. Update/remove obsolete content19:58
highvoltage2. give the site a bit of a facelift19:58
highvoltage3. get some more useful information, and links to things like wiki pages and help.ubuntu.com19:58
highvoltage4. have a better frontpage, one that changes often19:59
LaserJock_well, that's exactly what I was thinking19:59
highvoltagethe user and community ideas that pips1 have are nice, but I don't think we're big enough at this stage for that, and that can wait for now, imho19:59
LaserJock_so maybe we can create just a simple "web site todo" page20:00
LaserJock_and as we can we can work on things20:00
LaserJock_I totally agree with you about the "just do it" thing20:00
LaserJock_it's easy to fix stuff20:00
LaserJock_as long as people are just deleting content20:00
LaserJock_overall Edubuntu tends to suffer from over-engineering when it comes to documentation or community stuff20:01
highvoltageheh, yes20:02
highvoltageyes, a wiki page with bite-sized tasks would be good20:02
LaserJock_ok, today I'll start that, if that's ok with you20:02
highvoltageI'm more than ok with that!20:03
LaserJock_just throw down some ideas20:03
LaserJock_and we can all edit them, etc.20:03
LaserJock_but I agree with your list above20:03
highvoltageI've been a bit unhappy about the site for a while, and I've been feeling a bit driven under by the over-engineering stuff.20:03
highvoltagebut I'm quite happy that you agree with me, and it gives me some new motivation :)20:04
highvoltagehowever, some friends are expecting me at a party- I need to run for now20:04
LaserJock_ok, well I gotta go for a little bit20:04
LaserJock_it's lunch time here20:04
highvoltageI'll look at some things tomorrow morning, can you post me a link to such a wiki page if you create it?20:04
highvoltageI'll get it in my away log20:04
LaserJock_yep, will do20:04
LaserJock_I might email edubuntu-devel actually20:05
highvoltagebluekuja_: don't forget to send me those links either20:05
highvoltageok, great20:05
LaserJock_just to make sure pips1 and everybody else knows20:05
LaserJock_and we can start some discussion there as well20:05
LaserJock_highvoltage: alrighty, I'm pumped20:05
LaserJock_let's make it happen ;-)20:05
highvoltageyay! :)20:06
bluekujaback again, something is going wrong on my nm20:13
bluekujahighvoltage, looked at that website? how does it look?20:14
LaserJock_bluekuja: he had to go20:28
bluekujaok then, I'll ping him tomorrow when he gets up :)20:28
bluekujaLaserJock, thanks :)20:29
bluekujaLaserJock, where does ubuntu splash image is stored?20:31
bluekujaLaserJock_: cannot find it in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash20:31
LaserJock_bluekuja: the boot splash?20:32
bluekujaLaserJock_: splash image, when nautilus, np applet loads up20:32
bluekujabefore having your desktop20:32
LaserJock_ah, gnome splash20:32
LaserJock_I actually don't know/remember20:33
bluekujaok, I'm currently searching it for a friend20:33
yotuxany one offer some help with PXE booting?20:34
stgraberbluekuja: /usr/share/pixmaps/ IIRC20:46
bluekujastgraber, seems it has been removed in gutsy20:46
LaserJock_could be20:47
bluekujastgraber, for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/13711820:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137118 in gnome-session "Gnome splash screen and sound disabled in Gutsy (dup-of: 129029)" [Low,Invalid]20:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129029 in libgnome "[Gutsy Tribe-5] No Sound on Login Screen or during Login" [High,Fix released]20:47
bluekujastgraber, that's why I cannot find it inside /usr/share/pixmaps/splash20:47
LaserJock_I know the removed the boot splash, I didn't know they removed the pixmaps20:47
bluekujasame here20:48
bluekujathat's why I was searching it around20:48
LaserJock_heh, I like it without it20:48
bluekujait's the same for me, but a friend was a little less disappointed about not having ubuntu splash image20:49
bluekujaon gutsy20:49
bluekujaI take a break for a while20:50

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