
frb-screenXorg.0.log is for the Xorg server running on display :000:00
OmarianDaSkreech: I did not activate one myself. Unless gutsy came with one turned on by default?00:00
administratorupdate manager isn't installing :(00:00
DaSkreechNo shouldn't00:00
MinatakuYou need to use /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old if you've restarted X11 but need the log from the previous instance00:00
DaSkreechadministrator: Are you on Ubuntu ?00:00
moofooadministrator: it's broken here too00:00
Pasarokay, i will try to get results for both old and new now :) thx00:00
lee986321the mirros aaare down00:01
lee986321I had to load with out them00:01
boris_is there good image reader00:01
ubotwoKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php00:01
DaSkreechGwenview ?00:01
OmarianDaSkreech: how do i go about reinstalling network card drivers?00:01
John117harald: four items were listed.00:01
lee986321oh eh the mirrors for the security thing that is..it froze my system00:01
frb-screenI'm having connectivity issues too00:01
DaSkreechOmarian: They should be in the kernel00:01
PakoDeLeonanybody? :(00:01
frb-screenI can't reach google00:01
DaSkreech if ican ping it's own ip address then it's working00:02
administratordeskreech: no im gutsy but its the beta version00:02
DaSkreech just need to figure out why it' can't see outside the machine00:02
haraldJohn117: something like ath-hal wlan...00:02
administratordaskreech: im on gutsy but its beta versin00:02
DaSkreechOmarian: are the cables plugged in?00:02
Ummthanx Daskreech i got it it works x works now at my resolution that i needed00:02
ubotwoPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:02
John117harald: ath_hal and wlan00:02
haraldJohn117: what happens if you do sudo iwconfig00:02
yeo_Dolphin rocks!00:02
Azzco..So when I upgrade with adept it should shutdown adept and open the upgrade thingy... nothing happens though...00:02
DaSkreech!final | administrator00:02
ubotwoadministrator: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:02
OmarianDaSkreech: yes they are. i even plugged in a cable from a working machine00:02
lee986321whats in blue balzes is up with all tht is greyed out of all a sudden00:03
Silveira_NetoWhere can I find instructions to upgrade from Kubuntu 7.04 to Kubuntu 7.10 ?00:03
ubotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:03
OmarianDaSkreech: lights on the nic are turned on00:03
John117harald lo no wireless extensions, eth0 no wireless extensions, wifi no wireless extensions. ath0 ieee 802.11g essid:"" Nickname:"" ect...00:03
ubotubenbread: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.00:03
ScorpKingwhat program can i use to create kommander scripts?00:04
lee986321waht in greves name..... why is fire fox greyed OPut !00:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:04
haraldJohn117: do you see an ipaddress there?00:04
Silveira_Netosorrym its here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:04
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.00:04
John117harald none.00:04
UmmBig Thanx Daskreech :D00:04
ubotuUmm: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:04
administratorubotwo: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:04
ubotwoadministrator: Error: "E:" is not a valid command.00:04
clydedoes anyone know if a HP Pavilion 6730, 10GB hdd, 360MB ram, 600mhz processor strong enough to run Kubuntu 7.10?00:04
John117harald God i hate windows, but i sure miss my plug and play. LOL00:04
DaSkreech!aptfix | administrator00:04
ubotwoadministrator: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:04
haraldJohn117: culd you do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:04
lee986321wht the....why in heavens are things greyed out? like fire fox, and java 1.4?00:05
ScorpKingclyde: it might but it will be slow tho.00:05
haraldI'm just grasping from memory here since I have such a card but it's currently no longer installed :-)00:05
John117harald "no such device"00:05
administratorubotwo: http://pastebin.com/mabef4a300:05
ubotwoadministrator: Error: "http://pastebin.com/mabef4a3" is not a valid command.00:05
popeis there away to cancel installation via apt-get?00:05
clydewould more ram help? or do I need a faster processor?00:05
administratorubotwo: read mine00:05
ubotwoadministrator: Error: "read" is not a valid command.00:05
ScorpKingclyde: mine is 640MHz 320MB RAM and i run feisty fine00:05
LjLadministrator: you don't get that ubotwo is a bot, do you?00:05
haraldjohn117 sorry try the older name: sudo ifconfig ath0 up00:06
clydethank you...00:06
OmarianDaSkreech: should i try a reinstall at this point?00:06
ScorpKingclyde: make sure you have enough swap space - like 1GB or so00:06
ubotwofirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins00:06
DaSkreechOmarian: If you don't want to fiddle with it00:06
John117harald okay..  it didn't give me anything.. just went back to the terminal prompt.00:06
OmarianDaSkreech: i would much rather fiddle with it. don't know what else i can do though?00:07
OmarianDaSkreech: i want to learn it00:07
DaSkreechOmarian: can the other machines ping it ?00:07
popei started a download that is taking forever, and woul like to cancel the installation so i may use adept. But i don't know how to terminate a download initiated in konsole00:07
haraldjohn117 could you do sudo ifconfig00:07
lumacan someone help me please?00:07
OmarianDaSkreech: no00:07
haraldJohn117: look for your ath0 card in the list00:07
DaSkreech!ask | luma00:07
ubotwoluma: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:07
moofooso nobody can help me with the broken update scripts?! :-(00:08
DaSkreechpope: ctrl+C00:08
lumame upgrade is broken too00:08
John117harald Alot of info.  What am i looking for?00:08
DaSkreechpope: that kills anything in console00:08
administratorfuck you00:08
lumafrom kubuntu 7.04 to 7.1000:08
DaSkreech!ohmy | administrator00:08
ubotwoadministrator: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.00:08
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins00:08
ubotwoKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion00:08
haraldJohn117: it starts with the names of cards like lo and eth0, you're looking for "ath0"00:08
seriekrock!compiz fusion00:08
John117harald okay.. i see that.00:08
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/00:08
seriekrockhow do i activate compiz fusion in kubuntu 7.10 ?00:09
haraldJohn117: ok good now do sudo ifup ath000:09
ubotuluma: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:09
luma i am upgrading me kubuntu from 7.04 to 7.1000:09
ubotuadministrator: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.00:09
popenope, ctrl+c didn't do it.  It still tells me that it can't get a lock00:09
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion00:09
lumanow its installing the updates00:09
luma@ 22 % (configure xdpyinfo) it froze00:09
AzzcoWhen I get here: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot8.png , Shoulkd I just click OK and everything is automatic or do I have to shut down adept myself?00:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz fusion - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:10
John117harald "ignoring unknown interface ath0 = ath000:10
charlesg3how can I add an application to the startup process?00:10
DaSkreechOmarian: sudo iptables --list and pastebin00:10
DaSkreech!aptfix | pope00:10
haraldis there a pastebin somewhere on this server?00:10
charlesg3I need it to load after I login to ubuntu00:10
seriekrockhmm that guide was for feisty00:10
DaSkreechAzzco: Should be autoamtic00:11
DaSkreech!paste | harald00:11
lumaif i close the upgrade my system is half destoyed00:11
John117harald that sounds odd.00:11
OmarianDaSkreech: all chains are blank. there are no entries, just headers for the columns00:11
AzzcoDaSkreech: It isn't =(00:11
DaSkreech!autostart | charlesg300:11
ubotupope: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:11
haraldJohn117: you may still need to configure it open /etc/network/interfaces in your favorite editor00:11
haraldjohn as root so prefix with sudo00:11
DaSkreechOmarian: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:11
ubotuharald: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:12
ubotucharlesg3: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.00:12
OmarianDaSkreech: i tried that too. no luck00:12
lee986321what the...whats goin on with the ad remove  features?00:12
PasarDaSkreech: I get this line twice: "EE  AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"00:12
MidMarkhow can I disable xgl?00:12
John117harald it said it could not be loaded. impossible to read from it.   I was using Kate00:12
lumahas someone an idea to finsih my upgrade without closing it?00:13
OmarianDaSkreech: tracepath ... 1. send failed. Resume pmtu 6553500:13
ScorpKingwhat program can i use to create kommander scripts?00:13
ScorpKinghehe. hi wikipedia!00:13
haraldJohn117: open a terminal do sudo kate, then open it00:13
John117harald okay got it.00:14
haraldJohn117: you probably still need to paste in something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41136/00:14
slaugh!info gDesklets00:14
ubotugdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 466 kB, installed size 2452 kB00:14
haraldJohn117:  you'll need to adapt your network name and if necessary wepkey used (if you don't use wep just leave that key part out)00:14
John117harald okay.. i have opened it.  2 lines.    auto lo and iface lo inet loopback00:14
John117I use a wep.. where do i type it? what syntax?00:15
UmmBye all00:15
John117harald i use wep.. Where do I type it in here. what format?00:15
haraldJohn117: I can't tell you your wep key, it's a secret key :-(00:15
DaSkreechluma: Where did it close ?00:15
John117harald i know that.00:15
DaSkreechOmarian: Oh wow00:15
DaSkreechharald: kdesu kate00:15
John117harald but nothing in here tells me where to type it.  do i type wep=eebcere or whatever?00:15
lee__why is kts greyed out? infact why is a great number of hings greyd out?00:15
DaSkreech!wep | John11700:16
ubotuJohn117: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:16
haraldjohn117 I'll give you an example like has been used here 1 sec00:16
lumait is frozen00:16
PasarDaSkreech: any ideas? i dont even know what DRI is..00:16
lumaat 22% "configure xdpyinfo"00:16
John117daskreech thanks man.. but that is ubuntu. it looks nothing like this.  :-/00:16
OmarianDaSkreech: that is the content of iptables on a machine that has internet working too though00:17
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.00:17
haraldJohn117: like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41137/00:17
jonasphey, kopete is crashing when connecting to an msn account after an upgrade to 7.1000:18
Pasarso can i get kubuntu to work if my screen doesnt support it?00:18
DaSkreechkill it then run sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a00:18
Pasarubuntu 7.04 was running all fine00:18
OmarianDaSkreech: it's so weird because it was working on 7.04. Was recognized out of the box. DHCP worked fine and such00:18
blendtuxcould somebody tell me what port 730 netviewdb2 is00:18
haraldjohn117 don't copy that verbatim, just look at the format :-)00:18
haraldjonasp there's a fix for that look in the forum00:18
DaSkreechjonasp: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/304100:19
jonaspokay perfekt thanks00:19
lumamhh if adept works fine00:19
lumabut i guess it wont00:19
John117harald thanks..  I'll try and come back if more problems.  It seems like as advanced as all this is, it should be able to auto detect everything. like windoze00:19
DaSkreechluma: it should00:19
gerardo_join #kubuntu gerardo__00:19
haraldjohn117 it should.. as long as it gets the correct key it will if it's set up like most people do :-)00:20
ScorpKingJohn117: take a look at wifi-radar for encrypted wireless connections.00:20
lumaokay i will try it :S thx00:20
John117scorpking what wifi-radar?00:20
haraldjohn117 but just paste the first in and leave out the wireless_key part, if then you can do sudo up ath0 it should at least give you an ip-address for ath0 when you do sudo ifconfig ath000:21
ScorpKingJohn117: it's a program like networkmanager but it makes WEB and such connections easy.00:21
lumafuck!! i cant start adept normally :(00:21
frbcan I remove NetworkManager?00:21
luma fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a doesnt work00:21
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.00:21
slaugh!info mc00:21
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2058 kB, installed size 5944 kB00:21
zeemonhi guys00:21
DaSkreechluma: missing a sudo00:22
lumai am already root00:22
ScorpKinghiya zeemon!00:22
John117okay.. i'll try.  gtg.. thanks guys.00:22
lumasu root00:22
Ace2016Hi all00:22
ScorpKinghi Ace2016!00:22
haraldhello Ace00:22
zeemonIs it relative safe do the upgrading today? ^^00:23
* ScorpKing is the doorman. greating everyone and making them feel at home... :P00:23
Ace2016whenever kubuntu gusty turns on it turns the screen black, the lcd birghtness goes down to an EXTREMELY low level, if i boot vista after guessing my way through the maze of boot loader stuff then vista increases the brightness back to a safe level00:23
frbyou didn't greet me, meanie00:23
frbbad ScorpKing , no bacon00:23
haraldzeemon: it works perfectly here but I did a fresh install00:23
DaSkreechzeemon: nope00:23
ScorpKinghello frb!00:23
DaSkreechzeemon: Servers are dying under the requests00:24
Ace2016in short how do i remove all control of the backlight of the laptop lcd from linux/kde00:24
zeemonok, I'll wait then ^^00:24
lumamhh now it seems to work well :) :) :)00:24
AzzcoOkay so what do I need to do to manually upgrade to gutsy?00:24
Azzcochange in sources.list?00:25
DaSkreechAzzco: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade00:25
zeemonI´ll do a fresh install00:25
AzzcoYou're the man DaSkreech00:26
wikipediayou don't need to be a man00:26
wikipediayou need to be human00:26
Ace2016imagine this, you boot into a fresh install of kubuntu, the second you login the screen goes black, and i'm like omg omg omg omg omg omg!!! and i reboot and the hp logo comes up nice and bright but then it goes black when it talks about grub, then the same when it goes into bios and so i'm panicing even more, that has to be the scariest thing that has every happened ever!00:26
=== braier is now known as thunder-storm
OmarianDaSkreech: is it worth upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04 right now? what more does 7.10 come with that 7.04 doesn't have?00:27
Ace2016imagine if a noob installed kubuntu, wonder what they would have done00:27
AzzcoAce2016: kept it ;)00:27
Ace2016well its there but i don't know how to boot back to it without the screen going black again00:28
zeemonnew stuff http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php00:28
thomas_its a homework questiono i need help with: type a command that will create a file that contains a list of all the files in a directory and its sub-directories00:28
winbondare all the codecs working now in 64bit gutsy?00:28
zeemonmissing KDE 4 :(00:28
letalisis it possible to burn an iso onto a flashdrive? all i got are cd-r's and i dont really want to waste one :)00:29
DaSkreechthomas_: ##linux00:29
winbondis the next release gonna have kde4?00:29
DaSkreechwinbond: No 8.1000:29
Ace2016e.g if the dir is /home/ace/ then i'd do a sudo updatedb and type locate /home/ace/ and that'd show all the files and then locate /home/ace/ > list.txt or something like that, anyone know a faster way?00:29
winbondDaSkreech, so thats the next one after the next one?00:30
DaSkreechwinbond: yes00:30
OmarianDaSkreech: is it worth upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04 right now? what more does 7.10 come with that 7.04 doesn't have?00:30
winbondDaSkreech, thats about a year from now, right?00:30
frbAce2016: find /home/ace > somefile.txt00:30
tazgodxhow can i make it so that when your in one desktop you don't see windows that are open in other desktops?00:30
DaSkreechOmarian: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php00:30
DaSkreechwinbond: yes00:30
winbondDaSkreech, ok, thanks, do u use 64bit os?00:31
DaSkreechwinbond: no00:31
OmarianDaSkreech: i looked at that earlier today. don't know the specifics though. is 7.10 that much better?00:31
beazelCan anyone help me to install ksynaptics?  I can't seem to find it through the package manager...00:31
ScorpKingi've installed kommander. how do i run it?00:32
jonasphallo, i get an error during X startup - (WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available - which causes dri to stop working00:32
DaSkreechOmarian: Enough but not like wowie better00:32
iss_studentI am glad that 7.10 came out it has much improved wireless I can actually connect to wireless00:32
iss_student# Cli00:32
SteamMachineHi all, I have a few questions.00:32
zeemon*downloading alternate .iso* -.-00:32
zeemontorrent of course00:32
DaSkreechzeemon: smart. Don't forget to seed00:33
ScorpKing!ask | SteamMachine00:33
OmarianDaSkreech: i am just trying to figure out if i should upgrade at this point or not00:33
SteamMachineFirstly, how do I resize from the command line.00:33
DaSkreechOmarian: I'd say wait a week for the server load to cool off00:33
Ace2016resize what?00:33
beazelGot all else working (much quicker than normal) but can't figure out Adept.00:33
=== lee__ is now known as lee986321
jonaspfrb, do you mean me - "<frb> !fglrx" ?00:34
ScorpKingubotu: are you broken?00:34
Ace2016beazel: well install synaptic00:34
frbjonasp: no00:34
jonaspok ;)00:34
DaSkreechSteamMachine: parted00:34
frbjonasp: I have an ATI card too, and I want compiz, so I need fglrx00:34
OmarianDaSkreech. OK00:34
jonaspwell depends on your card00:34
SteamMachineBut specifically, how?00:34
lee98632132 bit version has fire fox an 64 bit can't get it?00:34
OmarianDaSkreech: BTW is there a way to change the resolution of the login screen...that seems to be set at a different resolution from the desktop?00:35
tazgodxhow come when i have compiz start, it doubles my active desktops. but like desktop 1 and 2 are the same ones,a nd 3 and 4 are the same ones?00:35
beazelace2016: Got synaptic all set, the pad works... just can't find KSynaptics on the package list00:35
ck42my adept fetch update is stuck at 99%.  HOw do I find out which repo it's getting hung up on?00:35
tazgodxor 1 and 3, and 2 and 400:35
Ace2016why not just use the alternative installer to resize it?00:35
DaSkreechOmarian: Not sure never stared at it too long00:35
lee986321as is miine00:35
beazelMaybe I'm missing a repository or two?00:35
winbondare all the codecs working fine now in 64bit gutsy?00:36
frbok, the new adept is impressive00:36
DaSkreech!repos | beazel00:36
ck42It's not been a problem except for today when I'm trying to upgrade to .1000:36
lee986321the repositry is like totally al but greyd out00:36
zeemonannoying bug that duplicated desktops00:36
lee986321all the use full stuffs gone00:36
lee986321it deleted my  fire fox plugins too00:37
frbwhat's the ubuntu method of configuring X?00:37
ck42I've got a CD burned.  Is there an option to use the CD to upgrade an existing FF install?00:37
beazelDaSkreech: I'm not sure I understand...00:37
frblike suse has SaX200:37
xeviousto redefine KDEDIRS, i put a script in ~/.kde/env, that includes the line export KDEDIRS=path1:path2, correct? do i need to quote everything after the =?00:37
DaSkreechbeazel: you will when the robot wakes up00:37
ck42telemail.fi ended up giving an error00:37
ck42...now it's just sitting there looking stoopid00:38
beazelNow I'm even more confused...00:38
shadowhywindhay all having an issue with doing the upgrade, I keep getting this error "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz" any ideas?00:38
haraldck42 add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy main restricted00:38
ck42will do harald.  thnx00:38
frbshadowhywind: easy, ubuntu.com is overloaed00:38
haraldck42: that'll let you upgrade from the cd, but don't forget to adapt your other repository links as well00:38
lee986321everythings failing00:39
xeviousi think there's a cdromupgrade script in the root of that cd too00:39
shadowhywindis that just the issue? just overworked00:39
ScorpKing!info kommander00:39
frbyep, I switched to a mirror and downloaded at 2M/sec00:39
lee986321try clicking on that link00:39
ubuntu!abuse | ScorpKing00:39
ck42ah..the adept fetch is going again LOL00:39
thomas_homework question: write a command to erase all files in a directory whose names begin with test and end with a capital letter00:39
lee986321what did you do scrp lol00:39
NickPrestaI should've waited to update to Gutsy. 12 hours and I'm only 60% done =(00:39
hydrogenhomework answer: rtfm in another channel00:39
ScorpKingubuntu: :P the bot is gone.00:39
frbthomas_: rm test*[A-Z], but watch out for locale issues, and do your own homework00:40
ubuntunot true00:40
ScorpKinglol. it's not talking to me. :(00:40
thomas_frb: lol i am, but i'm having trouble00:40
lee986321what is going on with the repositorys?00:40
OmarianDaSkreech: is there anything else that i can try to get my internet working?00:40
sub[t]rnlNickPresta: :P00:40
NickPrestathomas_, most of the time, when someone is having trouble, they attempt the problem and post what they have thus far. Then they ask specific questions to help them move past their problem :)00:41
lee986321try complimenting ubuntu00:41
frbso back to the important question, short of vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf, how do I confgure X in kubuntu 7.10?00:41
beazelI got a feeling my Synaptirs problem might be due to overloaded servers now...00:41
haraldNickPresta: but that costs precious Halo time when you can just have someone else solve it for you :P00:41
* ScorpKing wonders how to run kommander...00:42
NickPrestaharald, I just finished playing H3, actually :P00:42
Omarianharald: yeah...but then what about their time?00:42
apollo2011I am assuming I can't update my repos because the servers are getting hit pretty hard. How do I set up a mirror in my repository list?00:42
haraldI never played that game ever :P00:42
thomas_NickPresta: ok will do00:42
lee986321just had to try lol00:43
NickPrestaapollo2011, normally you would open adept, go to Manage Repositories, and then find the section where you can add a mirror.00:43
NickPrestaI'm not sure if all the mirrors have been updated with Gutsy. I didn't want to take the chance so I used the official Canadian Mirror00:43
Omarianhow do you change the default browser in kubuntu?00:43
lee986321ijust tried to force run a script00:43
thunder-stormhey guys00:43
lee986321and it sai something java something locked00:44
NickPrestahey, thunder-storm00:44
frbgrrr, my console is unusable, and I need to fix my Xserver00:44
haraldOmarian: go to your kde menu > system settings > default applications00:44
NickPrestafrb, due to the Gutsy update?00:44
thunder-stormi'm a user from germany and have a lot of problems with the upgrade procedure00:44
frbNickPresta: fresh install, X works as vesa, but I want to use fglx and Xgl00:44
Omarianharald: thanks, i knew i had seen it somewhere00:44
NickPrestathunder-storm, if you prefer, you can find german specific help in #kubuntu-de, although your English seems fine so we can assist you here if you like00:45
thunder-stormthank you, i know that channel :-)00:45
beazelYup, my own fault, couldn't find it on the list as there was no list.  Lots of Noob mistakes today as I've just come over from Fedora.00:45
Jucatofrb: you need the restricted/proprietary drivers for your video card. if you're on gutsy, you can use the restricted manager in System Settings00:45
thunder-stormi will give a hint @all: DON'T use adept to upgrade from feisty00:46
NickPrestathunder-storm, ah okay, just checking :) What seems to be the problem with the upgrade?00:46
Jucatothunder-storm: why?00:46
zeemonfrb reboot in safe mod00:46
beazelUpdated headers and bang, there it is.00:46
MetaMorfoziSthunder-storm > don't use adept for anything.00:46
frbI managed to do it00:46
ScorpKingi've installed kommander. how do i run it?00:46
frbI simply switched vesa for fglrx in xorg.conf00:46
MetaMorfoziSif you want good for yourself:D00:46
haraldapollo2011: you could just prefix the repository urls, like this "deb http://be.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted"   I'm in belgium(.be) our repositories didn't seem to be very busy I could download at about 450K/sec, my connection's topspeed :-)00:46
NickPrestaI'm updating to Gutsy from Adept and it's going fine, albeit slow (not due to Adept though)...00:46
frbthe bot hates me00:46
NickPrestafrb, the bot is gone :)00:47
MetaMorfoziSNickPresta > you have luck00:47
thunder-stormi've do an upgrade according to the offical how-to on ubuntu.com00:47
beazelJust out of interest, does anyone else here type Dvorak?00:47
frbblown away by the storm in washington?00:47
ScorpKingfrb: the bot is taking a nap. :P00:47
Jucatothunder-storm: hm.. could it be because you're following the instructions for ubuntu and not kubuntu?00:47
NickPrestabeazel, I am actually going to switch this weekend. I want to try it00:47
MetaMorfoziSadept is useless btw, that hurts me but this is true:(00:47
thunder-stormit fails, adept crash after 5% of configuration00:47
ck42OK...adept finished the fetch, but the "full upgrade" button is greyed out.  instructions said to click on that to do the upgrade00:47
haraldadept worked very well here, but my adept is from a fresh 7.10 install :-/00:47
thunder-stormjucato: oh no, i use the howto strictly for kubuntu00:48
JucatoMetaMorfoziS: unfortunately for the upgrade to gutsy, adept makes more checks to ensure a proper upgrade than simply using apt-get00:48
beazelTook me about a month, I'm still bad.  get KTouch!00:48
thunder-stormbut - thats not the main problem00:48
apollo2011harald: yeah thanks, thats what I was thinking I would have to do but wasn't sure how to exactly edit the urls. Although now I found in Adept how you can have it select a mirror from a list. (Lucky! I am lucky to get 150Kbps ;-P00:48
Jucatothunder-storm: ok can you tell me what've you've done so far and what happened?00:48
thunder-stormi will try it ;-)00:48
NickPrestack42, run: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" QUOTES ARE IMPORTANT00:48
Shaezschehow can i change the default boot!?! i tried editing the line that says "default 0" to 5 and 6, but this didnt work00:48
haraldapollo2011: just open /etc/apt/sources.list as root with any editor00:48
thunder-stormi have done a fresh blank install of 7.1000:48
thunder-stormit works fine - BUT...00:48
Jucatobut... ?00:49
thunder-stormthen i try to install a lot of new software from the original gutsy-repo's00:49
Omarianlater guys. thanks for your help00:49
thunder-stormopen office, firefox, java and so far00:49
Shaezschehello? how can i change the default boot os?00:50
thunder-stormnow i have hundreds of error-messages00:50
apollo2011harald, NickPresta: Looks like the easynews server in Virginia is pretty quck and browsing to it in Firefox shows they have gutsy so i'll try going with that...00:50
Jucatobtw, there's "kubuntu-restricted-extras" now to take care of most codecs/plugins needs (except w32codecs and DVD)00:50
NickPrestaShaezsche, I don't understand what you mean? Change which OS is the default (Windows, Kubuntu, etc?) or change the runlevel?00:50
sub[t]rnl!grub | Shaezsche00:50
Jucatothunder-storm: what kind of error messages?00:50
thunder-stormsimilar: dpkg: Zu viele Fehler, stoppe hier...00:50
Jucatosub[t]rnl: no bot00:50
Shaezschei want windows to be default NickPresta00:50
thunder-stormdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.00:50
Shaezschein grub00:50
sub[t]rnlJucato: kk00:50
Jucatoor rather, hammered00:51
thunder-stormAborted (core dumped)00:51
NickPrestaShaezsche, the file you must edit is /boot/grub/menu.lst.00:51
thunder-stormand so far - WITH STANDARD-Software00:51
frboh bother00:51
haraldShaezsche: you have to adapt /boot/grub/menu.lst00:51
ShaezscheNickPresta i did that00:51
ck42NickPresta: that seems to have done the trick.  appreciate that!00:51
Shaezschedefault 000:51
Shaezschechanged to 5 and 600:51
Shaezschenothing happened00:51
thunder-stormsudo apt-get -f install and sudo dpkg --configure -a dont work00:51
frbthe Xgl guide I found says NOT to use it on gutsy00:52
* sub[t]rnl sniffs sadly00:52
Shaezschetutorial on adapting grub/menu/lst?00:52
frb*cry* I want bling00:52
thunder-stormnow i have a crashed system with alot of errors and dont know, what i can do00:52
Shaezschei dont know what to edit00:52
Jucatothunder-storm: weird.. I've never had trouble installing software on gutsy....00:52
Jucatofrb: could you please ask in #ubuntu-effects what would be the proper procedure for that?00:52
thunder-stormthat is, i dont understand: on the same configuration on my notebook (same software & config, but with gnome) i have no problems00:53
brandoncan you install from ubuntu iso and then apt-get kubuntu and end up with the same exact system as if you had installed from the kubuntu iso????00:53
haraldbrandon no you'll have a lot of extra gnome files :P00:53
Jucatobrandon: you'll end up with ubuntu + kubuntu00:53
thunder-stormi think, kubuntu is not already supported enough...00:53
Jucatothunder-storm: the packages you are trying to install is the same for ubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu, etc.00:54
Jucatoso it doesn't matter if you're running kubuntu00:54
brandonJucato: that's fine.  and it works vice-versa right?  you can get to ubuntu via the kubuntu iso???00:54
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thunder-stormthats correct, jucato00:54
blendtuxwhere is the url for downloading the iso torrent00:54
haraldthunder-storm I installed those exact same packages about 2 hours ago... works fine here is all I can say00:54
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Jucatobrandon: yep00:54
boubbinhow do i use compiz in gutsy  ?00:54
Jucatoboubbin: um... could you try #ubuntu-effects00:55
haraldthunder-storm: do you get any specific recurring errors?00:55
ubuntuhttp://i22.tinypic.com/hukepf.gif <--- ubuto loves me00:55
thunder-stormhm - i'm work with kubuntu still dapper - and i have never seen this problems before00:55
thunder-storma lot of configuration errors, hundred's00:55
thunder-stormall in one dpkg-errors00:56
haraldthunder-storm: could you maybe paste some of  the error in the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org00:56
brandontougher question:  can you do a dist-upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, putting i386 version over the amd64 version?00:56
haraldbrandon I wouldn't do that: I'd do a fresh install or upgrade to 7.10_amd6400:57
thunder-stormharald: i will try it - but tomorrow, we have here now 2:00 AM and i must sleep - my day begins in a few hours00:57
NickPrestawould it be advisable to `kill` my distribution upgrade process and adjust my sources.list to a new mirror (faster) and then start the distribution upgrade again?00:57
haraldthunder-storm: same here I'm in belgium, good night and good luck00:58
thunder-stormthank you ;-)00:58
NickPrestathe upgrade is at the 'fetching the upgrades' stage - nothing has been done to my system yet, except for the packages being downloaded, correct?00:58
haraldNickPresta: yes00:58
ck42woohoo! My upgrade has begun >:)00:58
NickPrestaI might just kill this upgrade. The idea of waiting 1 day, 17 hours and 18 minutes is not desirable =P00:59
Jucatoheh you prefer a fresh install?00:59
ck42heheh....you would not be a good Gentoo candidate lol00:59
sub[t]rnlNickPresta: shoulda beat the rush. :P00:59
halyconhey everyone00:59
NickPrestack42, I think I'm an okay candidate - I waited almost a day to compile my kernel and such on my box downstairs :P01:00
Jucatobut it's a one-time deal only... in Gentoo... it's normal :)01:00
haraldnot even recompiling glibc on my old pentium 100 running gentoo here takes me a day :p01:00
NickPrestawell, I think I'm going to kill this upgrade. If anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you Jucato :)01:00
ck42NickPresta: A whole day!!??  you running that poor box on a 486 or something LOL01:00
NickPrestack42, 233 ;)01:00
Jucatock42: the 1 day +++ is just for downloading :)01:01
halyconDoes anyone have any experience with LIRC im having problems configuring the hardware.conf file01:01
Jucatothe actual installation of the downloads takes minutes/hours01:01
* seriekrock is away: Borta för tillfället.01:01
=== seriekrock is now known as away
ck42Jucato: well....the system is usable in the meantime though, right?01:01
Jucato!away > away01:01
Jucatock42: yep01:01
hitorikanaiHI everyone I have problems with my printer... if somebody can help me... pliz... I have a canon ip1300 I saw the log in ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3450617@ but still doesn't work01:01
* away is back.01:01
Jucatoat least until it starts installing01:01
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Jucatoseriekrock: please turn off your public away messages01:02
slaughanyone here has a problem with flash in the web browsers ? (gibbon), I've installed almost everything from repos that contains word "flash" and nothing happens at all :/01:02
ck42blast you file 70 of 74!!  hurry up!01:02
seriekrockhmm ok sorry01:02
Omariani just installed kdmtheme in kubuntu and am not able to make any changes to it. when i go to system settings it asks me to click administrator mode but i do not see an Administrator button01:02
seriekrockslaugh: 64 bit?01:02
dorkfaceIs there a way to go to a terminal session without using the "ctrl+alt+f*" method?01:03
seriekrockslaugh: flash isnt 64 bit, you have to fix it, but i dont know how, there is a way, but dont know how01:03
Jucatodorkface: um.. not that I know of. no01:03
slaughseriekrock: ok thanks01:03
hydrogendorkface: I think there is a command.. I don't recall what it is though01:04
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hydrogenchvt maybe?01:04
Omariandorkface: do you mean how to open a terminal console/01:04
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dorkfaceBecause, I had just rebooted my laptop.  And after a while, for some reason, my keyboard absolutely stopped working01:04
dorkfacemy touchpad worked fine01:04
dorkfacebut I could type NOTHING01:04
hydrogenas root01:04
hydrogenthat doesn't help you though01:04
dorkfacenot even virtual keyboard would work01:04
Jucatohe can't type anything :)01:04
hydrogenif your keyboards dead01:04
leexgxi trying to get my windows computer to acces my ubuntu pc (did samba)01:05
dorkfacebut after another reboot, the keyboard works fine01:05
Omariani just installed kdmtheme in kubuntu and am not able to make any changes to it. when i go to system settings it asks me to click administrator mode but i do not see an Administrator button01:05
Jucatokrap, why did I jsut press Ctrl+Alt+F1? :P01:05
leexgxubotu: samba01:05
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:05
JucatoOmarian: you're on Feisty?01:05
Omarianyes, 7.0401:05
JucatoOmarian: press Alt+F2, type "kcontrol"  and go to System Administration -> KDM Theme Manager01:06
torrents_inbouHey guys, I'm having an odd problem. I'm trying to upgrade to gutsy but when  I try to open the "Manage Repositories" dialog in adept, nothing happens so I can't continue01:06
LjLubotu: test01:06
Jucatothanks LjL :)01:06
Omarianjucato: thanks01:06
Jucatotorrents_inbou: nothing pops up? the adept window doesn't change?01:06
torrents_inbouJucato: No change at all01:07
Jucatotorrents_inbou: can you please check if you have software-properties-kde installed?01:07
torrents_inbouJucato: I tried setting a shortcut for opening the dialog but that doesn't work  either01:07
torrents_inbouJucato: Ok, I'll check01:07
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:07
Omarianjucato: its so weird. it shows up that way, but if you go to kmenu > system settings>appearance > theme manager you cannot enter admin mode01:07
torrents_inbouJucato: Yes, I seem to have that package alright01:08
JucatoOmarian: yes it's a bug in feisty, fixed in gutsy01:08
Jucatotorrents_inbou: weird... um... try to run "kdesu software-properties-kde"01:08
frb!find kde-window-decorator01:08
frbstill no bot?01:08
ubotuFile kde-window-decorator found in compiz-kde01:08
weswh-I had an adept update that failed, and then when I tried to reopen it it was locked, said there's probably another process using it. I rebooted the system - but it's still saying locked. what should I do?01:08
frboh, there he is01:09
Omarianjucato: cool01:09
Jucatofrb: let's try not to hammer him too much :)01:09
torrents_inbouJucato: It crashed when I tried01:09
torrents_inbouJucato: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:18: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)01:09
Jucatofrb: you can use apt-cache search, adept, or http://packages.ubuntu.com as alternatives01:09
frbI'm done, I just needed window decorations01:09
Jucatotorrents_inbou: hm... you'll have to do things manually01:09
Jucatofrb: ok :P01:09
lee986321eh guys... i just eralised something01:10
torrents_inbouJucato: No problem, just tell me how01:10
Jucatowhat did you eralised?01:10
Jucatotorrents_inbou: hm.. trying to recollect my thoughts. waking up + empty stomach = not good for thinking..01:10
flakee'ral-ise -  i want to eralise my whole harddrive01:10
lee986321eh... that if i had loaded kuuntu with out updating..i wouldnt have fire fox01:10
torrents_inbouJucato: I know how you feel man, it's damn late here and my stomach is complaining :D01:10
sub[t]rnlweswh-: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock && sudo dpkg --configure -a01:11
Jucatolee986321: not by default01:11
torrents_inbouJucato: Just want to let this upgrade run overnight if possible do it doesn't tie up my connection tomorrow01:11
Jucatobut simple to install01:11
lee986321waht the01:11
lee986321ok in 64 bit half the stuffs greyd out01:12
lee986321in 32 bit we get fire fox and all that stuff01:12
pcrtechcan't upgrade ;( servers are too busy01:12
lee986321fire fox is no longer able to be down loaded on tothe 64 bit01:12
Jucatopcrtech: try a different server or mirror...01:12
Jucatolee986321: really? that would be weird01:12
Jucato(and annoying)01:13
pcrtechtrying to use a cd01:13
lee986321I just tried it with th the 64 bit01:13
lee986321can't get firefox01:13
lee986321in kubuntu01:13
lee986321in fact there alot you can't get any more01:13
Jucatotorrents_inbou: you can ask around how to edit your sources.list to include feisty-updates and feisty-proposed. that would be the equivalent of enabling "Recommended updates" and "Pre-release updates" using the GUI01:15
* Jucato has to go01:15
lee986321hold on restarting 2 drive 2 thathas 64 bit01:15
torrents_inbouJucato: Thanks, will do01:15
torrents_inbouJucato: Although I think I'll wait until tomorrow evening when the servers are less busy!01:16
torrents_inbouJucato: Good luck!01:16
=== frb is now known as frb-screen
dorkfaceHow long should it take for the frenzy to calm down to reasonable levels?  Two days, a week?01:17
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Jucatoa month? :)01:18
sub[t]rnlhard telling01:18
NickPrestaI remember edgy > feisty took about a week to calm down01:18
Jucatousually a week01:18
lee986321ok iam on my 64 bit system01:18
soulwarpyes it would be nice to download some packages for my new system ^^01:18
imagine[laptop]Hi, I fetch updates with adept and it's not upgrading like it's supposed to be.... I don't have the option Version Update :(01:19
sub[t]rnlI'm so glad I did the bulk of the upgrade when rc1 came out01:19
Jucatoimagine[laptop]: did you follow the instructions to the letter?01:19
Jucatoimagine[laptop]: I imagine (no pun intended) that you enabled Recommended updates *and* Pre-release updates in Manage Repositories?01:20
imagineMan I read the damn thing 5 times... and never saw the Pre-release..01:21
imagineSry :(01:21
lee986321kttsmgr,movieplayer,xcdroast,gxine,firefoxwebborwser,javawebstart 1.4,mozalothunderbird,sim im are just a few that are no longer availiable01:21
Jucatolee986321: firefoxwebbrowser? how about just firefox or mozilla-firefox?01:21
lee986321Jucato all no longer availiable the latter 2 don't even show up01:22
Jucatolee986321: can you please confirm with #ubuntu-mozilla that firefox isn't available for 64-bit?01:22
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Jucatolee986321: #ubuntu-mozillateam01:23
lee986321I also tried to run the script that a freind gave me all packages have been locked01:25
lee986321I wonder...if I were to go to an older version if I can get it that way then up grade01:25
Jucatoare you currently upgrading or have adept running?01:25
Jucatothen apt is locked01:25
Jucatoyou can't use anything that will use apt-get01:26
lee986321I can try give me a comand line01:26
NickPrestaJucato, http://pastebin.ca/741836 Any idea?01:26
Jucatono need to try. it's a fact.01:26
JucatoNickPresta: er.. no idea.. I don't do compiz :/01:27
Jucatousing Ubuntu's packages for compiz?01:27
lee986321ok give me an apt get thing01:27
Jucatoeasy on the keys01:27
Jucatolee986321: why?01:27
lee986321goign to attempt a retrieve that way01:27
NickPrestaJucato, I don't have compiz installed, it's set to rc when I do `dpkg -l`.01:28
Jucatolee986321: you won't be able to use apt-get because you are currently upgrading01:28
lee986321 I already have01:28
Jucatolee986321: you mean it's done downloading and installing upgrades?01:28
lee986321Jucato the upgrades been completed01:28
lee986321I have the rom01:28
Jucatosudo apt-get install firefox01:29
psychollekanyone knows what is file 70 from 90 when upgradeing tu gutsy ?01:29
lee986321E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:29
tazgodxis there a compiz help channel?01:30
psychollekooooh - it gone trough :D01:30
sub[t]rnlNickPresta: I think you can increase your Cache-limit /etc/apt/apt.conf to fix that01:30
Jucatolee986321:  <Jucato> are you currently upgrading or have adept running?01:30
NickPrestasub[t]rnl, I just saw that on Google too. I don't have an /etc/apt/apt.conf though01:30
Jucatotazgodx: #ubuntu-effects which just takes you to #compiz-fusion01:30
psycholleknow it's stuck @ 66 from 86 :P01:30
lee986321Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:30
lee986321there it is01:30
jonasphey, i have a folder called "#" i cannot enter it via dolphin01:31
Jucatolee986321: can you please confirm with #ubuntu-mozillateam that firefox isn't available for 64-bit?01:31
jonaspcan anyone reproduce this?01:31
Jucatojonasp: yes it's a bug afaik01:31
sub[t]rnlNickPresta: create it01:31
sub[t]rnlNickPresta: :P01:31
lee986321no ones in there that is responding01:32
Angelushave someone encountered this problem? trying to burn the kubuntu gutsy amd64 image and it stops burning at 98% :S01:32
NickPrestasub[t]rnl, I think the problem is that I exited the upgrade early and my /var/lib/dpkg/status file is corrupted. I removed it and replaced it with status-old.01:32
NickPrestaI'm going to try the cache thing now01:33
yeo_nite all01:33
NickPrestasub[t]rnl, ah, the cache limit appears to have fixed it :)01:33
sub[t]rnlwhat value did you use by the way?01:34
sub[t]rnljust curious01:34
NickPrestaAPT::Cache-Limit "42123456";01:34
* sub[t]rnl nods01:34
Angelusis it posible to install kubuntu using VMWARE from windows to another partition?01:36
FireTekcan someone please help me.. I cant get my integrated sound card to work.01:39
ErtainIs it just me, or is everyone else gettings lots of lag while doing the upgrade?01:39
weswh-what kind of luck are people having upgrading feisty to gusty?01:40
ErtainMy download is slow.  That's it.01:40
NickPrestaYay. My (new) upgrade is downloading at ~130kbps!01:40
ErtainI don't know why I'm getting a relatively slow download.01:41
ErtainCould be my ISP, could be the Ubuntu servers.01:41
ck42I'm sitting stuck on file 2601:42
lee986321Jucato I checked with them and...they gave me a command line   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox01:42
NickPrestawell, I already have the first 1232 files downloaded. The rest of the file should be done in ~13 minutes.01:43
ck42ah, there it goes.  ~7hrs left01:43
Jucatolee986321: so they still have firefox for 64bit01:43
NickPrestaheh. Don't feel bad. I left my upgrade running for 13 hours and it was only 60% done01:43
lee986321kinda yes..but...iots tricky to get to01:43
ck42ja...no biggee.  As long as the system is still usable while it's chugging away01:43
Jucatolee986321: not really. just needed to Fetch Updates to refresh things01:44
lee986321hmm thaat there in lies the issue01:44
lee986321thh updates freez01:44
Jucatohammered servers/mirrors...01:44
NickPrestaheh yeah01:45
ErtainDran that hammering.01:45
* NickPresta hugs the Ubuntu servers :)01:45
jeremehrm... maaaaaaaaaybe I'll wait :)01:45
* Jucato thought you meant Drat01:45
lee986321fire fox is downloading bu slow as molasis in january01:46
replmanHi! Is it possible to configure the automounter that each time i connect my usb hdd (2 partitions) both partitions were mounted always in the same directory? Currently the partition where i first say "open" in the popup will be mounted into disk, the second one to disk-1....01:46
weswh-ah...yeah must be the servers01:46
weswh-I was just trying to do a few updates (not dist. upgrade), and it was sitting at 0% getting headers..for like 20 minutes01:47
sea4everHey uhm01:47
lee986321ok I have fire fox\01:47
sea4everHow do I make mingw work? I can't find it's command01:47
Jucatolee986321: at least you have firefox...is there no pleasing you? :)01:47
lee986321yeah..lol I have it lol, now to convert it to 32 bit01:48
Jucatoyeah, there is no pleasing you... :)01:48
lee986321heheehee I want it alll.lol..including the kicthen sink lol01:48
Jucato!info kitchensync01:49
ubotukitchensync: Synchronization framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.7enterprise20070926-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 328 kB, installed size 1100 kB01:49
Jucatolee986321: ^^^^^01:49
lee986321hmmmaybe if I were to gt a wife then I would... well be plesed lol01:49
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FireTekcan someone please help me.. I cant get my integrated sound card to work.01:49
lee986321but tahts not for here lol01:49
shadowhywinddoes anyone know if there is a way to add thunderbird to kontacts?01:49
Hoondiehey people, anyone know why kopete crashes after upgrading to gutsy?01:49
lee986321will return need food01:50
lee986321 ahh braving the storm heehee01:50
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SeanTaterI believe this goes to Riddell (because of ~jriddell), but this snapshot http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot6.png which is linked from kubuntu.org, is the incorrect snapshot relative to it's thumbnail. Specifically, it's a copy of snapshot0. I thought you might want to change that.01:53
=== sara is now known as tikal26
\etronwhat is kubuntu, and does it taste good?01:54
Jucato!kubuntu | \etron01:54
ubotu\etron: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:54
\etronhmmm... Gnomes are tasty tooo!01:55
sub[t]rnlHoondie: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb01:55
ubuntuewww gnome is nasty01:55
sub[t]rnlHoondie: dpkg -i that .deb01:55
Jucatoor since he's on gutsy, just click on it :)01:55
sub[t]rnlnot used to ol gdebi01:56
ScorpKinghow can i echo, cat or whatever the password to losetup -e blowfish /dev/loop0 mydisk so it does not ask me for a password but reads it from a file?01:56
DragnslcrWhy would the printer settings have a job's state as "Held"? The printer's display says "Ready"01:56
\etronScorpKing: you could use tcl01:56
FireTekcan someone please help me.. I cant get my integrated sound card to work.01:57
BluesKajwow, Ive been fetching for more than 9 hrs and it'ds still only 53 % finished...shoulda waiteed :P01:57
ScorpKing\etron: mind showing me how?01:57
Hoondiesub[t]rnl: thanks :)01:57
\etronScorpKing: but there is an option to read in the passphrase from a file descriptor: --pass-fd, -p num01:58
popeis there a way to install gutsy from cd and retain my files and programs already installed?01:58
=== D[a]rkH[a]ck is now known as DarkHack
ScorpKing\etron: i've tried that. it's confusing. :(01:59
ubuntupope: what are u running now01:59
=== ubuntu is now known as cheguevara
pope7.04 Feisty...but adept (and the repositories are checked)  wont' recognise the upgrade so i downloaded the iso02:00
cheguevaraif u reinstall the .iso it'll delete ur stuff02:01
sub[t]rnlpope: try using the alternate cd's02:01
sub[t]rnlpope: instead of the live cd02:01
sub[t]rnlpope: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades02:02
=== gary is now known as gary_inNYC
LastMalli don't think adept is the way to upgrade02:03
sub[t]rnlits pretty seemless, its just getting hammered right now02:03
ScorpKing\etron: sorry to bug you, but how do i specify a file descriptor? what is it anyway?02:04
\etronScorpKing: okay, there's 3 standard ones: 0 is STDIN, 1 is STDOUT and 2 is STDERRR02:06
=== jack_wyt_ is now known as jack_wyt
\etronScorpKing: that just means that STDIN is any input you choose, it could be a pipe.02:06
dpvnmehi, i'm trying to write to a file, i think it's protected. how to i go about to chmod it?02:07
\etronScorpKing: so, set it to 0, losetup <options> --pass-fd=0 and echo the password in from a pipe.02:07
ScorpKing\etron: so i could cat pw.txt | losetup -p=0 blabla... ?02:07
\etrondpvnme: using chmod?02:07
dpvnmeit's the file: alsa-base02:08
gary_inNYChi, just finished burning gutsy iso to cd, could i use this for offline update from feisty, or do i have to do a full wipe using this disc?02:08
\etrondpvnme: yeah, thats the answer. Use chmod.02:08
\etrondpvnme: chmod 755 or something.02:08
dpvnmethis is what i put in: chmod -r02:08
LordBaconare there any howto pages for fixing power management on a laptop using kubuntu?02:08
ScorpKingdpvnme: chmod u+w file02:08
DragnslcrAnyone know anything about this error: "E [18/Oct/2007:20:58:28 -0400] PID 18987 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/mfp) stopped with status 2!"02:08
popesorry, i was away a minute (son's not  a fan of bed time)...can i upgrade kubuntu with the upgrade manager from ubuntu?02:08
sub[t]rnlgary_inNYC: full wipe using the live cd unless your making a seperate partition02:08
\etrondpvnme: or the better way to set permissions is using the symbolic names, which actually mean something, like 'chmod u+rw <file>'02:08
LordBaconI had set it to suspend on lid close, but when I closed the lid, it just hung on a console with a blinking cursor, it never actually powered off, and wouldn't wake up02:09
FireTekcan someone please help me.. I cant get my integrated sound card to work.02:09
=== robby is now known as soulwarp
gary_inNYCthx sub02:09
dpvnmeI got at "operation not permitted"02:09
\etrondpvnme: -r is recursve... watch out with that one.02:09
dpvnmewell, it's only one file02:09
dpvnmei'm trying to write to alsa-base, which is for my sound card02:09
* ScorpKing slaps konversation...02:10
sub[t]rnlpope: yes, you can update your ubuntu, then apt-get kubuntu-desktop02:10
ScorpKing\etron: thanks. i'll try that.02:10
ScorpKing\etron: now it makes sense. :D02:10
\etrondpvnme: if you do an "ls -la" on the file, what sort of output do you get?02:11
popeah, i didn't explain clearly. Could i apt-get update-manager, and use it to update kubuntu, or will that download ubuntu-desktop too?02:11
Raineerpope: the only thing is apt-get is quite busy today, expect some slow speeds02:11
\etronScorpKing: cool ;-)02:11
soulwarphow come i'm unable to install Gimp, Firefox, Synaptic, heck even Tuxmath is greyed out?02:11
dpvnme\etron: so i put this in the console: ls -la "filename" ?02:11
popehmmm....is the alternative cd iso as large as the live cd? maybe i'll just go that route02:12
soulwarpi can't install koffice either02:12
Raineeryes it is roughly the same I believe, but would be much faster02:12
dpvnme\etron: this is what i got: -rw-r-r02:12
Raineerthan using apt-get02:12
Jucatosoulwarp: Fetch Updates first (or sudo apt-get update)02:12
Jucatothen try again02:12
dpvnme\etron: do i need to change to root?02:13
popealright. thnx 4 the help ^_^ i'm still relatively new to linux, but as always, the community has made the switch worth it. take care, gl w/ the updates everyone02:14
ScorpKing\etron: :Dx(lots) it's working!02:14
sub[t]rnltake care pope02:14
* ScorpKing adds \etron to his hero list...02:14
\etrondpvnme: yep, you will probably have to be root.02:15
soulwarp<Jucato> tryed that several times, it seems to hang at [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]02:16
Jucatosoulwarp: might be a server/mirror problem02:16
ScorpKing\etron: wow! now i can mount my encrypted disks at boot and read the passwd from a 128MB usb drive. thanks again. :D02:16
Jucatoyour server/mirror is getting hammered02:16
cptnspoonIs anyone else having problems upgrading to Gutsy via Adept?02:16
sub[t]rnlsee above02:17
Jucatocptnspoon: what problems are you having?02:17
soulwarpi havn't had any this after noon02:17
cptnspoonI'm assuming the server is just really busy, it took almost a minute to download the release notes02:17
\etronScorpKing: sweet dude .. Happy to help. Now go out there and hack stuff!02:17
=== saucisson_ is now known as saucisson
soulwarpdo i need the CD in the drive?02:17
cptnspoonThen it just seems to timeout trying to download the upgrade tool02:17
Jucatocptnspoon: yeah very busy servers.... try using a different mirror/server if you want02:18
* ScorpKing starts hacking his box...02:18
cptnspoonCheers Jucato, I might wait a day and if it's still bad I'll try some others02:18
pingvenoI can't find any sort of pre release updates or recommended updates in my source.list file. Where can I get a list so I can upgrade 7.04 -> 7.10?02:18
Jucatopingveno: have you tried doing it through Adept02:19
pingvenoYeah, that's where I went originally.02:19
Jucatoif you manually edit your sources.list, Pre-release = feisty-propsed and Recommended updates = feisty-updates02:19
Jucatojust follow the guide above with screenshots02:19
pingvenoAh, that would be the problem. Neither is in there.02:21
\etronlater people.02:22
pingvenoNeither repository, that is.02:22
Jucatopingveno: feisty-proposed wouldn't be by default. but feisty-updates should be there. why not try using the GUI to save you the trouble?02:23
pingvenoI'm doing a Fetch Updates in Adept. Should that do it?02:23
ronin_Evening everyone. Anyone here able to assist with a new Gutsy resolution issue?02:24
Jucatopingveno: Adept menu -> Manage Repositories first02:24
Jucatopingveno: are you following the guide? it's a step by step procedure w/ pictures02:24
Jucatoronin_: um... unless you give us a clue, we couldn't really say...02:25
pingvenoYes, I believe so. http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade ?02:26
ronin_Okay. Its probably pretty basic actually. I'm using a mobility radeon x600 which, aftersome tweaking worked well enough in Fiesty. I just did a clean Gutsy Kubuntu install, and with the "ati" driver, my resolution was fine.02:27
ronin_However,I need 3d, so I used the restricted driver manager and installed fglrx02:27
ronin_now a konsole "fglrxinfo" shows the driver as correctly installed IE: not MESA02:27
ronin_however, I can't seem to get above 640x48002:27
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes02:28
ubotwoTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes02:28
DragnslcrIs there any way of figuring out what's flooding my cups error log? I thought I had killed the jobs that weren't working02:28
LjLubotwo: part02:28
Jucatohehe :)02:28
pingvenoJucato: The repository just isn't there. Could you, by chance, just send me the relevant text?02:29
Jucatopingveno: did you see the screenshots? does it look something like that?02:30
=== fozut is now known as O_Trincador
pingvenoNo, it didn't.02:31
ScorpKinghow can i run a script in debuging/verbose mode so i can see what's going on?02:31
Jucatopingveno: you didn't have this when you click on Manage Repositories? http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/snapshot2.png02:31
LastMallJucato  jucato.org is yours ?02:31
JucatoLastMall: yes02:32
LastMallcool.   very useful stuff there02:32
Jucatothanks :)02:32
pingvenoJucato: No, I didn't02:33
Jucatopingveno: ok. since you're in Adept Manager already, can you plesae look for software-properties-kde and install it?02:33
pingvenoRighty-o, it's going right now.02:34
Jucatopingveno: that should solve the first problem of not having that Software Sources dialog box02:34
pingvenoAh, there it goes. The dl was taking a while to start.02:35
Jucatoyeah, that's normal... hammered servers02:35
pingvenoSurprise, surprise02:36
=== yam_ is now known as Yammeh
jtmoneyhmm, can i point us.archive.ubuntu.com to a different ip (using /etc/hosts) in order to apt-get firefox, etc.?02:36
Jucatojtmoney: you can just switch servers through Adept Manager02:37
Jucatoin the Manage Repositories (Software Sources) dialog02:38
mbishopI started a Full Upgrade in Adept, and then left the computer, came back about 30 minutes later...and Adept was at it's normal screen..no error message, no finished message, nothing02:38
ScorpKingi started kdesu from a script and it ran fine. now it does nothing (like in not a thing) and i think it's because it's still authenticated. how can i get past that?02:38
mbishopwhat happened?02:38
ajaguckimbishop: did you press 'Apply Updates'?02:38
pingvenoJucato I had some odd problems when I upgraded to Fiesty, so some packages might not have gotten in.02:38
mbishopajagucki: Yeah, it was downloading, or so it seemed, then when I came back it was just...sitting02:39
pingvenoMinor filesystem corruption.02:39
mbishoplike I didn't tell it to do anything02:39
DragnslcrIs there any way to tell which /dev/mfpN my USB printer is connected to?02:39
ajaguckimbishop: I don't know then02:39
n1lothe bug with kopete when we try to connect on msn it's resolved ?02:39
n1loat the moment i think is not. im using it on gutsy.02:40
YammehIs there a fix for the kopete crashing issue yet?02:40
nosrednaekimYammeh: yeah... I forgot the bug#/link though02:41
nosrednaekimJucato: anyway we could get that posted in the topic?02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:41
YammehOk, I'll search the forums for it later02:41
Jucatonosrednaekim: it should come into the main repositories soonish02:41
Jucatomaybe even today... dunno yet02:41
nosrednaekimYammeh: just a second02:42
xsachahelp! when i use 'sudo' it says: "sudo: must be setuid root" -- what do i do?!02:42
YammehOk, thanks02:42
JucatoYammeh: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/304102:43
jtmoneyxsacha: type sudo <command that you want root to execute>02:43
nosrednaekimbug 15350002:43
xsachaafaik, i need to chmod of /usr/bin to resolve the issue. but i need root for that? and i have no root password because that's how it is?02:43
ScorpKingis there something wrong here? - /usr/bin/kdesu "/usr/bin/kdialog --password Password: | /sbin/losetup -e blowfish --pass-fd=0 /dev/loop0 /home/scorpking/mydisk.enc" - it doesn't do a thing. :(02:43
xsachajtmoney: yes and i get"sudo: must be setuid root"02:43
Jucatonosrednaekim: ubugtu not here. gave the link already02:43
jtmoneyxsacha: root's password will be the same password of the account you created during install02:43
nosrednaekimJucato: k :)02:43
xsachajtmoney: it isn't .. :\02:44
jtmoneyi'm not sure then02:44
jtmoneypretty n00bish myself =(02:44
xsachaubuntu doesnt give root a password02:44
jtmoneywhat if you typed sudo passwd root02:44
Jucatoxsacha: try "sudo echo hello"02:44
xsachai have to do sudo passwd to give it a password, but sudo doesnt work02:44
xsachaJucato: sudo: must be setuid root02:45
ubotudolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.02:45
Jucatoxsacha: can you holdon for a while?02:45
xsachathis is a new install of gutsy gibbon by the way, had it for 1 day and this just happened randomly today02:45
jdongxsacha: do you have any root terminals open?02:46
nosrednaekimxsacha: did you remove yourself from the sudo or admin groups?02:46
popehow stable is kde4 beta 3?02:46
nosrednaekimpope: nor very02:46
Jucatoxsacha: can you post the output of "ls -l /usr/bin/sudo" ?02:46
jdongxsacha: can you run a "kdesu konsole" successfully (do that after Jucato's output)02:46
popei see...any hint of a release date? or even RC1?02:46
jdongJucato: this looks like a fun chicken-or-egg problem to solve :D02:47
Jucatojdong: oh ok..you'e tha  man!02:47
jdongJucato: meh we'll probably have to take him into single-user or init=/bin/bash short-circuit to setuid his sudo again... though I have no idea how it could've broke in the first place!02:48
nosrednaekimpope: release i sometime in december02:48
xsachajdong: it does nothing (no output and no console)02:48
DragnslcrIn the Add Printer Wizard, if nothing shows up under USB, what are the odds of the problem being a bad cable?02:48
jdongxsacha: can you ls -al /usr/bin/sudo?02:48
xsachaJucato: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 91776 2007-06-15 22:49 /usr/bin/sudo02:48
Jucatojdong: ^^^^02:48
Jucatothat's the problem it seems02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:49
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:49
jdongxsacha: well sure enough, it's not setuid root!02:49
xsachanosrednaekim: didnt do anything to root or sudo or any groups afaik02:49
fulat2khi folks, any idea how i can fix apt-get error while configuring acpid, acpi-support and powermanagement-interface?02:49
fulat2khave tried dpkg-reconfigure, but still fials02:49
xsachajdong: dont know how i did that but how do i get it back at setuid root?02:49
nosrednaekimxsacha: ok... just listen to jdong then :)02:49
jdongxsacha: ok, have you ever set a password on root in your install?02:50
Jucatolisten to jdong!!!!! he is the truth!02:50
popei've been using miro for a while, but i want a more light weigh podcatcher, but i only see penguin tv in adept, any other suggestions?02:50
=== lee__ is now known as lee98632
YammehI can't change the resolution of my monitor, dispite me choosing the right monitor from the list02:51
xsachajdong: nup, never set password on root02:51
pingvenoJucato: Do I absolutely have to apply all fiesty updates before a version upgrade?02:51
nosrednaekimYammeh: how mig is your resolution and what graphics card do you have?02:51
Jucatopingveno: sort of.yeah02:51
nosrednaekimpingveno: its safer02:51
jdongxsacha: ok, I'll need you to reboot into the Recovery Mode option at the boot menu. It will boot up to a root prompt, at which type "chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo", then type "exit" and bootup will continue.02:51
pingvenoWow, what a waste of bandwidth02:51
Yammeh7600GT and I want to run it at 1680*105002:51
pingvenoI'm thinking that starting this *tomorrow* would be a good idea.02:52
xsachajdong: ok02:52
nosrednaekimYammeh: you'll need the proprietary video drivers, install them with the restricted-manager-kde02:52
YammehI already did that02:52
xsachajdong: thx02:52
jdongxsacha: sure thing, let me know if that doesn't work02:53
=== lee__ is now known as lee986321
nosrednaekimYammeh: did you try using the nvidia configuration tool to do ti?02:53
DragnslcrAre there any improvements with printers in Gutsy?02:53
EllipsysIs anyone else on gutsy noticing a /really/ long blank screen after grub, or when they mess with video settings?02:53
jdongxsacha: you still online?02:53
xsachajdong: yeah02:53
YammehTo change my resolution?02:53
DragnslcrWondering if an upgrade will fix this problem02:53
nosrednaekimYammeh: yeah02:53
jdongxsacha: can you pastebin me /proc/mounts just to be sure?02:53
YammehNo, I didn't02:54
* jdong suspects nosuid in mount options....02:54
YammehI used the standard options02:54
nosrednaekimYammeh: yeah.. try using the nvidia config tool02:54
YammehDoes that configuration tool have to be downloaded seperately to the drivers?02:54
nosrednaekimYammeh: it may... i'm not sure02:54
jtmoneyYammeh: apt-get install fglrx-control02:54
nosrednaekim!info nvidia02:54
ubotuPackage nvidia does not exist in gutsy02:54
nosrednaekimjtmoney: wrong dirvers ;)02:55
jtmoneyohh, whoops02:55
pingvenoWow, 180 MB of upgrade. That's going to take a while...02:55
xsachajdong: http://pastebin.ca/74189602:55
nosrednaekimYammeh: don't install that02:55
Yammehlol, dang02:55
jtmoneyaptitude search nvidia returns: nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig02:55
jtmoneymaybe one of those, i'm not sure though02:55
nosrednaekimYammeh: nvidia-settings02:56
jdongxsacha: yep, you look fine, just reboot into recovery mode and issue the commands I instructed02:56
Yammehkk trying it now, thanks02:56
xsachajdong: ok, any idea how this problem started? it seemed to happen after i installed vendetta-online. i havent done anything else with sudo02:56
YammehAce, it worked. Thanks alot guys02:56
jdongxsacha: it's a very odd problem... nothing in Ubuntu repos that I know of has the ability to do this. Where did you get vendetta-online?02:57
EllipsysCan someone post the ubotu for dpkg reconfigure etc...?02:57
xsachajdong: off their website, linux x86 version. it's a sh installer02:58
jdongxsacha: odd; I'll take a look at their installer and see if I can reproduce the bug.... if it is a bug in that software then wow, they deserve a good slapping :)02:58
lee986321erg the downloading of the updates..erg02:58
Jucato!xconfig | Ellipsys02:59
ubotuEllipsys: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes02:59
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion02:59
EllipsysThank you, Jucato02:59
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:59
lee986321one hting I have noticed and I am not sure if this i s a good thing or bad thing , but I have noticed my cpu isnt working as hard taht is the fans not kicking in like it did with the tril version02:59
lee986321But hten my fans conected via directly and not the soft ware]03:00
jdonglee986321: is the fan using a thermisistor or otherwise heat-sensitive?03:00
jdonglee986321: the livecd is compressed using "gzip" so reading files off the CD requires the CPU to decompress those files first, before they can be used03:00
jdonglee986321: therefore, more CPU is required to do any loading on the LiveCD03:01
jdonglee986321: so what you are describing would be normal/expected03:01
ScorpKingkdesu does refuse want to run - wtf?!03:02
* ScorpKing slaps kdesu...03:02
pulaskiHi, I'm using apt-get install drupal-5.1 and the installation process was successful in creating its mysql database but returned dpkg returned an error of 5 lines the last of which was "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)".  Can anyone offer a suggestion how to proceed?03:02
Jucatopulaski: try "sudo dpkg --configure -a"03:02
pulaskithank you jucato I will03:03
lee986321erg any one know of any video editing software like adobie preier 6.0 or simular to adobies abillities03:07
lee986321that is a way to produce wips, fades slowmotion ect...or if any ones heard of toast03:09
daoudi5_how to find my jdk directory please? using by eclipse03:09
Jucatodaoudi5_: have ou installed sun-java6-jdk?03:10
Jucatolee986321: um... try kino or kdenlive... but for sure they're not exactly like premiere03:10
lee986321where do i get them at ?03:11
lee986321oh are those in the rpos03:11
daoudi5_but i thing that it is default install03:12
Jucatodaoudi5_: you should install it first then. eclipse will (or should) auto detect it03:12
daoudi5_because i can use eclipse03:12
sea4everHow do I kill a stopped job?03:12
lee986321ill have to wait for the up date spam to stop though lol03:12
Jucatodaoudi5_: no, sun-java stuff aren't installed by default03:12
Jucatodaoudi5_: what's installed by default is gcj only03:12
sayersIs there a recommended way to upgrade without breakage ?03:13
NickPrestaAdept "froze" at about 3% when replacing the packages so I quit the upgrader and did a `sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade` and it appears to be working. Any forseeable problems?03:13
jdong!upgrade | sayers03:13
ubotusayers: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:13
sayersjdong: Things break like that...03:13
Jucatojdong, sayers: see the topic above03:13
jdongsayers: they are the best upgrade procedures.... you need to remove most 3rd party packages and repositories before attempting an upgrade03:14
Jucato(the Kubuntu update procedure does that automatically)03:14
jdongJucato: do you know if that's in the update-manager core logic?03:14
jdongJucato: or an adept-specific feature?03:14
Jucatojdong: that I don't know...03:15
navetshow do I upgrade to Gutsy03:16
navetsand should I back up anything first03:16
NickPresta!upgrade | navets03:16
ubotunavets: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:16
Jucatonavets: please see the link in the topic03:16
NickPrestanavets, you should always backup sensitive data whenever doing something like this03:16
JucatoNickPresta: please don't give out that link. it's not updated compared to the one in the topic03:17
Jucatoat least for kubuntu03:17
NickPrestaJucato, oh sorry about that. I'll be sure to use the topic link in the future.03:17
Jucatono problem. I'll try to update it now though03:18
Jucatoso they'll be the same03:18
daoudi5_how can i installed sun-java6-jdk?03:18
NickPresta!find sun-java6-jdk03:20
ubotuFound: sun-java6-jdk03:20
NickPrestadaoudi5_, in a terminal, type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk03:20
daoudi5_how to find it03:20
noam_whoa. dist-upgrade.py takes over 600mb physical RAM!03:20
=== robby is now known as soulwarp
NickPrestadaoudi5_, you can use Konsole to install sun-java6-jdk. You can also use Adept Manager to search for the package03:21
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lee986321hmm i am going to have to stick my ps2 hdd back in to my ps2 lol03:23
lee986321but befor i do.....03:23
lee986321can some on im me so i am not off topic?03:25
lee986321oh wait going to off topic03:26
=== stu is now known as linux_stu
linux_studoes kubuntu 7.10 come with compiz fusion by default?03:26
lee986321it comeswith something03:28
dopeapt is updating extremely slow03:28
dopeis it because of the new release?03:28
lee986321linux_stu may byou can help fer a sec03:28
linux_stui can try lee98632103:28
lee986321how mux of the distros you know about?03:29
lee986321eh much?03:29
wastedfluidhey.. anyone having problems w/ knetworkmanager not automatically connecting to a wireless network?  it sued to automatically connect to my home network03:29
lee986321and have you seen any thing like this?03:29
linux_stulee986321: some03:29
linux_stulee986321: anything like what?03:29
lee986321ill send an im03:29
lontrawell i've had a sad 7.10 experience and now i'm back to debian.  whenever i log into X it would i could type in any window and my computer would never properly shutdown it would just hang ... anyone else had these issues?03:33
jtmoneylontra: takes forever to boot into x03:33
lontrajtmoney: it would get into X here but i'd open konsole, for example, and press keys and nothing :(03:33
jtmoneylontra: 7.04 was fine for me though... with debian you will have to wait 8 years before a new version03:34
jtmoneyi love ubuntu for the solid 6 month release cycle03:34
lontrajtmoney: or run debian testing03:34
lontrajtmoney: or debian unstable ... both viable options03:34
dopei can't seem to upgrade because it can't connect03:34
JRlinuxJust downloaded live kubuntu... Where do I go to add flash and Java to the live linux so I can try surfing with kubuntu?03:35
jtmoneyJRlinux: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:35
lontraJRlinux: kubuntu-restricted-extras03:36
JRlinuxWow, that easy, jtmoney ?03:36
jtmoneyof course03:36
JRlinuxlontra, kubuntu and ubuntu installs the same?03:37
lontraJRlinux: yeah but kubuntu is kde and ubuntu is gnome03:37
JRlinuxYes, that is why I downloaded kubuntu.  I like kde03:37
JRlinuxBut admire all the card games gnome has.03:38
lontraJRlinux: i like kde much more than gnome ... i like the customizability03:38
jtmoneyyeah, all the fucking nerds in my CS classes talk shit about kde03:38
JRlinuxlontra, I see03:38
Jucatolanguage please jtmoney03:38
lontrajtmoney: they like gnome?03:38
jtmoneyyeah, and xfce for one of them03:38
JucatoJRlinux: KDE/Kubuntu has lots of card games too. they just don't install by default03:38
lontrajtmoney: blah ... give me QT or give me nothing03:38
jtmoneywow, i'm having some problems just getting gutsy to boot up all the way :-X03:39
jtmoneymight be going back to feisty for a little bit03:39
* Jucato gives lontra QuickTime03:39
lontraQuickTime ... oh no!03:39
Jucatothat's what QT is :D03:39
* jtmoney gives lontra RealPlayer with all the "extras"03:39
JRlinuxkubuntu can load and use wine easily?03:39
noam_as easily as wine goes03:39
jtmoneyJRlinux: yup, sudo apt-get install wine ;)03:39
lontraJucato: that's what QT stands for?03:39
Jucatolontra: yes03:40
lontraJucato: really?03:40
Jucatolontra: but I bet you meant Qt earlier :)03:40
JRlinuxI dunno.  I might have to convert from PClinuxOS.  Thanks for the help!03:40
lontraJucato: that's what i meant03:40
Jucatolontra: :P03:40
jtmoneyJRlinux: i have tried many distros... i can say that kubuntu is the most solid, polished distro03:40
Fade2Blachey im having a serious problem i installed kubuntu on my new laptop and it finishes the install and when i try to run kubuntu i get this error,  bcm43xx: error: microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load fail does anyone know what that mean03:40
jtmoneythat's my opinion, though03:40
* genii sips a beer03:41
jtmoneyfirmware for a wireless card?03:41
lontraJRlinux: yeah i'd recommend ... either kubuntu or opensuse for a kde distro.  both top shelf distros03:41
Jucatogenii: hand me one please!!! :)03:41
* Jucato agrees w/ lontra03:41
geniiJucato:Geez, still here? ;)03:41
Jucato3 hours now :)03:41
jtmoneyFade2Blac: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:41
* genii hands Jucato a beer (Labatt 50)03:41
lontraof course i say that and i'm running debian ;P03:41
Jucatoany beer, as long as it's beer :)03:42
jtmoneyjust use feisty's instructions if you're using gutsy... some things may be different03:42
Jucatolontra: you did say "for a kde distro" though. so that's excusable :P03:42
JRlinuxFade2Blac, yeah-- my laptop runs the broadcom wireless.  I found it easy to install ndiswrapper, though, and it runs the wireless great.03:42
wastedfluidJucato: hey.  Can I ask you a quick question? Well, two, if you have a minute.03:42
lontrasure sure03:42
thomas_Anyone know why a memory card reader won't read my sony memory stick?03:42
thomas_or mount it?03:42
Jucatowastedfluid: you can try :)03:42
lontrathough i do run kde on debian of course :D03:42
Jucato(but it's not technically a kde-biased distro... but... offtopic)03:43
Jucato:P :P03:43
wastedfluidJucato: Ok, thanks.  First is, KNetworkManager no longer automatically connects to my home network.  Any idea?  Second, the volume keys on my laptop no longer work.. it shows a graphic of going from 0%, to 11% (with no noticeable volume increase or decrease), and then back to 0% if you go down.03:43
lontrasounds good :)03:43
Hoondiewhy do i notice everything crashing a little more now, eg, adept manager when i remove packages etc03:43
lontrawastedfluid: i have that same problem with kmilo too about the volume03:43
ScorpKingif i mount a disk as root, can i add options so a user can unmount it without being root?03:43
wastedfluidlontra: Okay, any idea where I could eventually look for a fix?03:44
Jucatowastedfluid: I think the 2nd one is a known bug03:44
Jucatothe 1st one.. I have noooo idea.. :(03:44
bacon333I think Kubuntu 7.10 is still a little unstable..03:44
lontrawastedfluid: not sure ... but i think that Riddell is the original author of kmilo ;)03:44
wastedfluidAh.  crap.  What about s2disk not working?  (s2disk: Could not stat the resume device file. Reason: No such file or directory) - but my /etc/uswsusp.conf has my swap UUID03:44
Hoondieso is anyone else getting the ocational crash of applications?03:45
wastedfluideh, my kopete crashes.. but that's known, too.03:45
Fade2Blacdamn i need to do all of that for a driver that sucks03:45
Hoondieyea, fixed that03:45
wastedfluidHow did you fix that?03:45
lontrai wonder if inclusion of 3.5.8 was a bad idea?03:45
wastedfluidHave a link? >:|03:45
noam_yes, it was03:45
Jucatowastedfluid: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/304103:46
wastedfluid3.5.8 has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me >:|03:46
wastedfluidwhoops, language03:46
lontrawastedfluid: you meant butt i know03:46
popewhat's the adress for the directions of installing update from cd?03:46
wastedfluidyeah, I did :P03:46
wastedfluidthanks for the link to the .deb to fix this03:46
Jucatopope: offline updating to gutsy?03:46
popeyes, that one^_^03:47
NickPrestaIs there a reason why nvidia-settings is missing all the options and panels?03:47
Jucatopope: what CD do you have? Live/Desktop CD or Alternate Install CD?03:47
Hoondiecompiz or beryl, which one should i choose?03:48
Jucatopope: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrade bottom one. see if that works03:48
wastedfluidwee; kde libs installing now.  Anyone have an idea where I could possibly lok for a fix to kmilo ?03:48
popegreat, thank you ^_^03:48
JucatoNickPresta: btw, updated the GutsyUpgrades page03:48
Jucatopope: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades sorry03:48
NickPrestaJucato, awesome. I'm on Gutsy right now. I'm just trying to get everything working again03:48
letalisany tips for compiz under kde anyone would liek to share?03:48
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion03:48
bacon333Hoondie, I suggest compiz-fusion03:48
wastedfluidI don't wanna try compiz.03:48
wastedfluidam i really missing that much?03:49
bacon333Compiz-fusion isn't in 7.10?!03:49
bacon333and yes, wastedfluid03:49
wastedfluidI think it is..03:49
Hoondiebacon333: whats the diff between the two?03:49
Jucatocopiz fusion is in gutsy03:49
letalisits fun but it makes your desktop pager screwy in kde03:49
wastedfluidBut I'm on a laptop.  I'm not on a desktop.. I don't wanna heat up my laptop just minimizing windows03:49
bacon333well, compiz-fusion is the new one03:49
Jucatocompiz-fusion = compiz + beryl remerged03:49
bacon333Beryl and Compiz have been ditched03:49
letalisif i could get it working as flawlessly as kwin does id use it03:49
Hoondiedoes it come with gutsy?03:49
Jucatobacon333: not really ditched03:49
bacon333well, it's re-emmerged03:49
bacon333not updated anymore..03:50
=== thomas_ is now known as thill2708
wastedfluidso what do I do un gutsy too activaet and start playing with compiz?03:50
bacon333I'm not too sure Hoondie, you will have to check around03:50
bacon333I don't have gutsy on this computer yet..03:50
Jucatowastedfluid: follow the link...03:50
letaliscompiz and beryl made a lovechild. that child is compiz fusion.03:50
wastedfluiddidn't see the link for it, sorry03:50
BluesKajNickPresta, my network install is awfully slow ...been 12 hrs , at 59% only :(   .think my repos is the U at sherbrooke PQ03:50
jtmoneycompiz fusion is HOT03:50
Hoondieis it buggy?03:51
bacon333not really03:51
bacon333it's pretty good03:51
Hoondiecool.. will install it :)03:51
bacon333I've had it on my other machine for quite some time... doesn't like Blender too much though :(03:51
letalisits cool in gnome. i dislike it in kde, it doesnt play as nice as id like it to03:51
Jucatothat's why it isn't in Kubuntu by default03:51
bacon333I suggest just trying it first with compiz --replace before going and writing a script for it03:52
wastedfluidif i don't like it, just restart x and it's gone (if i run it with compiz --replace) ?03:52
letalisid run kwin --replace first03:53
letalisitll save in your session if you leave it03:53
bacon333what you do03:53
bacon333is you install compiz-fusion03:53
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bacon333and at first, just run it with compiz --replace03:53
wastedfluidwell, it's going to be a minute anyway.  it's taking forever to download anythin from the repo's03:53
bacon333however, if you like it, and you want it running off the get-go when you start your computer03:53
bacon333You should write a script and link it with your startup options...03:53
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bacon333yeah, the repos are slow today03:53
wastedfluideh, it's release day - I expected it03:54
bacon333I had a nice download speed for kubuntu 7.10 from a sweden server today though... and I'm in Canada..03:54
wastedfluidjust not *this* slow03:54
wastedfluidI got it at about.. 150-250k/s03:54
bacon333700 kbps... never gotten over 500 kbps before :/03:54
wastedfluidI was just dying of boredom lol03:54
wastedfluidEh.  250kb/s = 250*8 = 2000kbps.. i was just bored out of my mind for 45 minutes lol03:54
bacon333sorry, meant 700 kb/s03:55
wastedfluidoh.  jesus.  you lucky rascal!03:55
wastedfluidi'd be satisified w/ 70003:55
wastedfluidthat's a what.. 15 minute download?03:55
bacon333when I was going through the list, I only found 100 kbps..03:55
bacon333then I went to a swedish server, and boom, 700 kbps03:55
bacon333never gotten over 500 kb/s before03:55
bacon333I was really, lucky... and amazed to get 700 kb/s03:56
wastedfluidhaha.. yah, i have comcast.. pretty fast.. i've gotten... 1.2-1.3mb/s before, and held it03:56
wastedfluidit's pretty fast03:56
bacon333The swedish have the best internet..03:56
=== andre_ is now known as Hoondie
bacon333they get like, 20 mbits for about 15 bucks a month :/03:56
wastedfluidI think I read a report that Japanese have the fastest03:56
wastedfluidsaid they enjoy 60mbps, average, in Japan.. I might be wrong, though03:56
wastedfluiddude, the US was like ranked #13.. behind some counry i've NEVER heard of before03:56
bacon333European countries seem to have good internet..03:57
bacon333Canada is really bad for internet..03:57
wastedfluidya.. and i'm stuck paying $60/month for cable.. yuck.03:57
lontrabacon333: europe is also sleeping right now03:57
bacon333I'm stuck paying 60/month for cable too, but I get a 20 gig cap03:57
bacon333true :D03:57
FireTeki want fios BAD03:57
BluesKajbacon333, where in Canada are you ?03:57
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion03:58
wastedfluidI want FIOS bad, too.. i'm THREE miles outside of their range!! ack!!03:58
tazgodxFireTek: is n00b03:58
FireTektazgodx is gay03:58
bacon333flame war... anyone?03:58
wastedfluidhaha, i guess i can't run compiz.. Checking for Xgl: not present.03:59
ScorpKingno be nice :P03:59
FireTekhe referred me to here for help with sound card03:59
NickPrestaCan someone explain how I would configure a twinview setup in Gutsy? The upgrade seems to have bork'd my twinview configuration...03:59
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lontrawastedfluid: use AIGLX?03:59
bacon333do you have your restricted drivers enabled?03:59
wastedfluidi have no idea what AIGLX is.03:59
wastedfluidi'm using a restricted driver for my video card03:59
wastedfluidelse, it's awful03:59
ubotuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl03:59
letalisi wasnt using Xgl and it works with the nvidia drivers03:59
bacon333Only if Nvidia would release video card specs..03:59
wastedfluidi have an ATI.. but no idea03:59
bacon333I hate Windows Vista03:59
fignewNickPresta: install nvidia-settings04:00
jtmoneyNickPresta: google twinview simplyrender04:00
fignewand that'll handle the twinview04:00
jtmoneyNickPresta: those instructions worked for me04:00
Hoondiehmmm.. compiz doesn't seem to be working04:00
bacon333did you install and then type in compiz --replace?04:00
Hoondieyea, that part worked..04:00
lontraHoondie: no window borders?04:00
Hoondiei have typed in ccsm and enabled stuff, that doesn't work04:00
Hoondiei have window borders04:01
jtmoneyHoondie: try alt+f2 kde-window-decorator --replace04:01
wastedfluidyeah, i installed it and typed compiz --replace.04:01
jtmoneyNickPresta: google twinview simplyrender04:01
jtmoneyNickPresta: those instructions worked for me04:01
Hoondieso i have the different window borders04:01
fignewNickPresta: install nvidia-settings04:01
Hoondiebut they are not wobbely etc04:01
NickPrestasorry fignew X decided to just restart... Anyways, I already have nvidia settings. I can't see any of the sections on the left side. It's just the "settings" panel with 4 or 5 options...04:01
kotelothere's a problem with this http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/04:01
kotelothere's a problem with this http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/04:01
kotelothere's a problem with this http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-upgrade/04:01
kotelolook the snapshot 604:01
jtmoneyHoondie: they're not wobbly by default04:01
Hoondiei enabled it in ccsm04:01
fignewNickPresta: what type of card?04:02
Jucatokotelo: please don't repeat. we can read well04:02
Jucatokotelo: and yes that's known already04:02
bacon333If only my right mouse button worked... :(04:02
NickPresta7900 GS. I've been using twinview for the last 10 months. This is directly related to the upgrade04:02
wastedfluidmy right mouse button? man i thought i had it rough w/out being able to hibernate on a laptop04:02
jtmoneyheh, same here04:02
Fade2Blaccan i run a 32bit distro on a 64bit cpu04:03
Hoondieany ideas on why it's not making my windows wobbley etc just changed the border? :(04:03
bacon333I have to hold it down really hard, and squeeze it down for it to work...04:03
letalisFade2Blac: yes04:03
bacon333I have a crap mouse :D04:03
wastedfluidyes, I run a 32bit on a 64bit cpu04:03
fignewNickPresta: are you running nvidia-glx-legacy?04:03
bacon333my other computer is far better though... MX518, :D04:03
wastedfluid64bit sucks.. just no support04:03
jtmoneyNickPresta: i'm having LOTS of problems with the default nvidia package with 7.10... i'm installing the latest from ati at the moment04:03
jtmoneyerr *ati04:03
ScorpKingbacon333: you mean you hate this? - http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/8489/mydesktop2uq8.jpg04:03
ScorpKing:P lol04:03
jtmoneyScorpKing: eww, why?04:03
koteloJucato, and who is going to fix that problem?04:04
jtmoneycan't afford a proper version of vista? ;)04:04
wastedfluidwhy would you want to do that.04:04
bacon333what's that?04:04
koteloi can't see the command04:04
Jucatokotelo: Riddell when he wakes up04:04
ScorpKingjtmoney: a friend of mine told me it's not possible. ;)04:04
wastedfluidThat's the ugliest thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life.04:04
lontrawhy would one want to make kde look like vista ... sad04:04
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bacon333Nah, I rather use my KDE04:04
bacon333Can't wait for KDE 4...04:04
wastedfluidif KDE4 is as big of a mess as 3.5.8.. count me out04:04
letalisi like dark colors but my menu is a kbfx kde logo :)04:05
kgbeneshas anyone here tried the beta of kde?04:05
fignewNickPresta: also, nvidia is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:05
kgbenes* kde 404:05
* Jucato reiterates KDE 4.0 != KDE 404:05
n1loi try.04:05
NickPrestafignew, yes...04:05
lontrawastedfluid: 3.5.8 may not be a mess ... just give it some time ... maybe it's packaging bugs on the kubuntu end04:05
bacon333KDE 4 is supposedly far better and cleaner..04:05
fignewNickPresta: try legacy04:05
wastedfluidit's not 3.5.8 in general... just the stuff.  kmilo not working, kopete bugs.. i guess it's not really "kde"04:05
MurielGodoiWhich is the easiest way to upgrade from feisty using the instalation CD which i just download?04:05
NickPrestafignew, why would I try legacy for my 7900?04:05
bacon333xfce ftw ^^04:05
Jucatobacon333: yes, but you have to clarify. KDE 4 isn't just KDE 4.004:05
thill2708anyone able to use memory sticks on their comp?04:05
letalisi can04:06
koteloJucato, and you know what is the command in the snapshot number 6?04:06
JucatoKDE 4.0 will be the first major release for KDE 404:06
letalisyou mean flash drives?04:06
ScorpKinglontra: some new users find it easy to use linux if it looks like something that they are use to. like the Linux XP distro.04:06
kotelotell me please04:06
letalisi got two in my system as we speak04:06
thill2708letalis: yeah, but I mean specifically sony memory sticks04:06
bacon333Windows is horribly designed...04:06
bacon333basic user as administrator..04:06
wastedfluidVista is the best looking OS they came out with in awhile.. it's just severely flawed.04:06
Jucatokotelo: kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"04:06
bacon333stupidest philosophy M$ has pulled out of their arse.04:06
fignewNickPresta: sorry, nvidia-glx instead of nvidia-glx-new04:06
* ScorpKing agree04:06
letalisthill2708: what kind of card reader are you using on it04:06
thill2708letalis: tifm04:06
NickPrestafignew, nvidia-glx is just a metapackage that selects either new or legacy04:07
thill2708letalis: it's the five in one that came with my acer laptop04:07
thill2708already did the google leg work. came up with zilch04:07
fignewNickPresta: no its not04:07
MurielGodoiAnyone knos how can I upgrade from feisty using the cd?04:07
wastedfluidthill2708: I've never got my card read to work on my Acer.04:07
Hoondiethis might help.. when i do a "compiz --replace" it says this "aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity" "no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting" but isn't metacity the gnome window manager?04:07
letalisthill2708: your best bet is to see what dmesg comes up with04:07
lontraHoondie: it is the gnome wm04:07
thill2708wastedfluid: really? I got it all to work (installed the tifm modules)04:07
fignewThe following packages will be REMOVED: nvidia-glx-new....The following NEW packages will be installed: nvidia-glx04:07
JucatoHoondie: yes and it goes to show how compiz is very much gnome-oriented :)04:08
wastedfluidNope.  I've never got it to work.04:08
thill2708letalis: Checked that too. Dmesg reports that a sony memory stick is in, and reports when I take it out.04:08
letalissure it spews what appears to be useless info but itll be the place to start as far as figuring out whether the system sees it at all04:08
thill2708letalis: other than that, nothing happens, I think04:08
bacon333This pisses me off:04:08
thill2708at least, nothing pops up or gets mounted I guess04:08
letalisit shoudl assign it a device04:08
ScorpKing!ohmy | bacon33304:08
HoondieJucato: how can i tell it to use kde? or would that error matter?04:08
letalismy flashdrives are treated like scsi devices04:08
thill2708[ 7105.380000] tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:204:08
thill2708[ 7105.488000]  mspblk0: p104:08
JucatoHoondie: dunno. not a compiz kind of guy04:09
thill2708that came out wrong, sorry04:09
fignewbacon333: why do you care?04:09
ubotubacon333: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.04:09
thill2708but yeah, that's what dmesg gives me04:09
ScorpKingwhat happened to ubotu?04:09
n1loKDE4 are nice, but. . . are to slow now. I compille it. For example if you aprox. the mouse on a "plasmoid", you'll see a little flick.04:09
fignewpisses = family allowable language04:09
wastedfluidit depends on your family.04:09
lontraHoondie: compiz doesn't use metacity it uses compiz04:09
bacon333the word 'crap' doesn't fly in my family..04:09
lontraHoondie: compiz is the window manager04:09
wastedfluidback when I lived with my mother.. that word would get me slapped.. haha.04:09
bacon333'shit' does, however..04:09
koteloi will use kde4 in the version 4.504:09
letalisthill2708: pm me ill help you with this04:10
Jucatokotelo: hm.. that would be in 2009+ hopefully?04:10
letalisim thinking of putting linux on an acer myself when i get some more money.04:10
* ScorpKing slaps bacon333 before someone kicks him...04:10
bacon333Are there actually moderators here?04:10
Jucatobacon333: yes04:10
bacon333I see..04:11
Jucatoso please, tone down the language. thanks04:11
Daisuke_Laptopbleh...  compiz fusion appears to be broken :\04:11
wastedfluidthere's a few.. you never know who it is, until they oper up.. and you're gone. lol04:11
n1lokotelo: Yeah, I think in version 4.2 or more high are batter.04:11
BluesKajnite all04:11
bacon333heh, I'm used to Counter-strike..04:11
Jucatonite BluesKaj04:11
bacon333You should see the language in there... it gets 'heated' sometimes :D04:11
jtmoneyfrom https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-a38c22ffc91074bf5a9e035fb239b67cc6402ffd ... "At next boot, Ubuntu will load an old version of fglrx, so you have to blacklist it by changing /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common to include DISABLED_MODULES="somemodule2 fglrx" where somemodule2 is the old contents of that line." how do i determine somemodule2 exactly?04:11
wastedfluidblah, I can't wait for a s2disk fix04:12
kotelon1lo, exactly  :)04:12
jtmoneyanyone? =(04:13
Jucatobacon333: true. in our place, it isnt "sometimes", it's the norm... but this isnt' CS :P04:13
ubuntuany reports pouring for the gutsy in this channel04:13
wastedfluidanyone have an idea when they might up to uswsusp 0.7 instead of the 0.6?04:13
bacon333I wonder if it would be possible to get compiz-fusion to run on a pentium 3...04:13
bacon333with 400 mhz04:13
bacon333and 256 megs of ram04:13
Jucatobacon333: you need more video card power than processor power04:14
ScorpKingbacon333: nope04:14
bacon333I only have an 8 meg graphics card :(04:14
ubuntupeople say gutsy is slow04:14
Jucatothen nope04:14
Jucatopeople say elvis is still alive too :)04:14
noam_you need lots of graphics card. you also need lots of processor power for getting reasonable performance even without compiz fusion04:14
lontraubuntu: what's your question?04:14
n1lokotelo: The speedup of KDE4 are direct connect with Qt4 lib. . .04:14
Jucaton1lo: that may be true. but we don't have metrics yet to actually lean on that as absolutely 100% infallibly true04:15
MurielGodoihow can i upgrade using adept getting the packages from cd?04:16
ubuntuLontra: I need to have the confidence to install gutsy after learning in this channel04:16
JucatoMurielGodoi: what kind of CD do you have? Desktop CD or Alternate Install CD?04:16
ScorpKingbacon333: the best i managed on a box that size was xfce4 with some lightweight apps.04:16
JucatoMurielGodoi: you can't use that04:17
bacon333I'm on a pentium 3 right now..04:17
bacon333450 mhz, 256 megs of ram, running Kubuntu04:17
ubuntuLontra: Right now I am on live CD! Last week I started with fiesty, but faced many problems and lost windows also04:17
bacon333Runs very nicely :D04:17
MurielGodoiJucato: outch... which cd should it be?04:17
JucatoALternate Install CD04:17
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:17
ScorpKingbacon333: 444Mhz 256MB RAM. it seems slow with kde04:17
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bacon333Not to me :/04:18
bacon333Seems responsive..04:18
bacon333Well, more responsive than when I had Windows on it :/04:18
Daisuke_Laptopanyone familiar with compiz fusion's blacklisting of the intel i965 chipset?04:18
jimmyww_"Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:18
MurielGodoiCan i save downloads if I copy all packages to /var/cache/apt?04:18
ScorpKingbacon333: yeah it will be. hehe04:18
bacon333Then again, Windows didn't respond much :D04:18
jimmyww_can someone help me with "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:18
jdongDaisuke_Laptop: I had someone explain it to me yesterday....04:18
lontrai see04:19
snowdonkeyHi.  What do I need to add to my sources.list to download packages "w32codecs" and "libxine-extracodecs".  Enabling all repositories in Adept didn't work.04:19
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: google for apt-move howto for that04:19
jdongDaisuke_Laptop: not saying I understand perfectly :)04:19
lontrasnowdonkey: install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:19
jdongsnowdonkey: google for "medibuntu"04:19
Daisuke_Laptopjdong: there was something like SKIP_CHECK in ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager04:19
jdongsnowdonkey: that repository contains w32codecs and libdvdcss204:19
jimmyww_"Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0" help me04:19
lontrajdong: isn't that include in the kubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage?04:19
jdongjimmyww_: that is not an error04:20
Daisuke_Laptop!patience | jimmyww_04:20
ubotujimmyww_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:20
jdonglontra: no, it is not04:20
snowdonkeylontra, jdong: Great, thanks.04:20
jdonglontra: w32codecsi s illegal for Ubuntu to redistribute and is not in multiverse04:20
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: if you just copy the packages there it won't work. if you run apt-move after you've copied it and create a local repo it will. :)04:20
Jucato!helpersnack | jdong04:20
ubotujdong: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:20
jimmyww_jdong,  how do i fix then04:20
jdongJucato: lol nice factoid :D04:20
Jucatojdong: haha never saw it before? :)04:20
n1loJucato: I'll try to help the KDE4, with testing and some "K"ode!04:20
ScorpKingwelcome back ubotu!04:20
jdongjimmyww_: what's wrong? That error is normal on machiens without a floppy drive04:21
jdongJucato: first time04:21
MurielGodoiScorpKing: nice... thanks for the tip :)04:21
bacon333Kool desktop environment..04:21
Jucaton1lo: that's the spirit! :)04:21
jimmyww_jdong, so how do i run the live cd04:21
jdongjimmyww_: can you describe the symptoms of what's wrong?04:22
NightBirdwhy do I have this feeling doing any updates to k/ubuntu is going to take awhile today...04:22
bacon333I've figured out a perfect linux formula... 2 substances... Linux + Coffee = win.. true story04:22
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: it's saves me tons of work. copy odd packages to /var/cache/apt/archives and run apt-move. it will sort everything out and make your day a bit brighter. :D04:22
Daisuke_Laptopbacon333: you would make genii proud :)04:22
jimmyww_jdong, i use the live cd of any distro and when it runs04:22
Daisuke_Laptopbacon333: he's one of the ops around here, he's a coffee fanatic :)04:23
jimmyww_jdong, after i choose start or live cd04:23
bacon333coffee rules :D04:23
* ScorpKing sips coffee and pass genii another beer...04:23
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Daisuke_Laptopyes, yes it does04:23
MurielGodoican I copy the entire gutsy packages to there and run apt-get dist?04:23
jimmyww_jdong, it loads normal then i get "Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"04:23
MurielGodoiafter runs apt-move :)04:23
Daisuke_Laptopjimmyww_: does that cause a complete lockup of the live cd?04:23
Daisuke_Laptopor does it continue loading?04:24
jimmyww_dasike_laptop, what do you mean04:24
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: yes. make sure you setup a local repo tho.04:24
Daisuke_Laptopjimmyww_: this is when you're booting the livecd right?04:24
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: and add it to sources.list and so on.04:24
bacon333I have no idea why I keep reading "connection reset by beer"04:24
jimmyww_daisuke_laptop; yep04:24
Daisuke_Laptopdo you have a floppy drive hooked up04:25
jdongjimmyww_: that buffer IO error just means you don't have a floppy drive. It is actually not related to your problem (which I don't know what it is yet :D)04:25
bacon333any other kubuntu channels?04:26
jimmyww_jdong, i cant do anything after this error appears, it just repeats04:26
ScorpKingbacon333: there is #ubuntu and #edubuntu and i think #xubuntu04:26
LastMalland maybe a #kde too04:27
jimmyww_and i cant use alternite cd, i have to use live cd04:27
* ScorpKing nods04:27
ScorpKing#linux is helpfull as well04:27
Fade2Blaclol thats cool the trouble i was having with my wireless card just got answerd in the new version of ubuntu04:28
noam_Fade2Blac, out of curiosity, what was the problem?04:28
ScorpKingbacon333: i think /list will give you a list of channels but you might get lag from that.04:28
mrksbrdhas anyone had difficulty running updates in 7.10????04:28
jtmoneyyeah, /list *ubuntu*04:28
LastMalli do a commandline install from the alternate disk, then add kde-core per Jucato's page instructions.  then add the other stuff I need/want04:28
jtmoneymrksbrd: yeah, the servers are getting hammered04:28
mrksbrdok just wanted to make sure it wasn't me04:29
Fade2Blacmy wireless card needed some kind of driver and it wouldnt let me start kubuntu04:29
ScorpKingmrksbrd: it's more like everyone. :P04:29
jtmoneycan i apply updates during the installer so that they get installed on my hard drive, or will they only be applied to the live version?04:29
bacon333ah yes, some lag04:29
LastMallkinda funny that anyone even wonders about maybe updates today might be a tad slow04:29
bacon333but not too much04:29
mrksbrdI noticed the d/l for it was very slow as well04:29
ScorpKinghe's not here04:30
jtmoneythor, zeus, juju?04:30
jtmoney(richard dawkins reference for anyone who's alert)04:30
ScorpKinguhm.. who knows...04:30
surgy can someone help me please? i am running world of warcraft on kubuntu feisty using cedega and it ran fine up until today and now it seams as though it takes an extra 20 or more seconds to load and when it does there is no sound04:31
the-ermis sudo apt-get dist-upgrade basically the same as running adept_updater?04:31
surgysound works fine in amarok04:31
noam_omg, dist-upgrade.py is taking 800mb physical RAM (1.4GB virtual) in the "cleaning up" stage04:31
mrksbrdalso cannot get firefox to install via sudo apt....any ideas??04:31
jtmoneymrksbrd: sudo apt-get install firefox04:31
ScorpKingor wait a while04:32
mrksbrdsays cannot locate04:32
bacon333or just use a package manager?04:32
ScorpKingenable the repo for firefox04:32
mrksbrdpackage mgr is sluggish04:32
jtmoneymrksbrd: can you apt-et install anything?04:32
mrksbrdummm...never tried that04:32
bacon333It depends how awesome your computer is too..04:33
mrksbrdthought there was a new command...lol04:33
* ScorpKing giggles...04:33
bacon333although your computer may be fast, it may not have the awesome level as say, my 223 mhz box has... :D04:33
mrksbrdlet me try something else brb04:33
bacon333I often say things that really don't make sense.. :/04:34
noam_in a moment, i will restart the system. hopefully all will be well.04:34
ScorpKingbacon333: that could be awesome for your blood presure sometimes. :P04:34
bacon333noam_>: boom now?04:34
noam_yup. i'm 83% through "cleaning up"04:34
bacon333I didn't even get into the er... installing tings.. part...04:34
mrksbrdthere it goes....sorry must just have been due to the servers being hammered04:35
bacon333probably because I installed KDE on top of xubuntu.. :/04:35
bacon333yes, the servers do drink lots of beer :D04:35
noam_nah, that's not it04:35
bacon333well, something happened to my computer..04:35
ScorpKinghow can i redownload but not install all the packages on my box?04:36
bacon333no idea04:37
ScorpKing:( i'm missing the kde packages because i used the live cd to install04:37
bacon333I am so tired...04:38
bacon333just tired :D04:38
bacon333not enough sleep :D04:38
bacon333Sleep? What's that?04:38
* ScorpKing thinks sleep is a luxuary...04:38
bacon333would be awesome if we didn't require it..04:39
ScorpKingheh, it's 05:40 here. it's gonna be a long day...04:39
Linus2Install question pertaining  to Install of 6.0? a few weeks ago on an old iMac.  In System Services ==:04:40
mrksbrdone last ?.....has anyone attempted to due a full backup & burn it to dvd???  what i'm attempting to do is make a bootable dvd once I have everything installed "just in case" something should go wrong04:40
shakeyhi all04:40
shakeyhas anyone upgraded to gutsy?04:40
bacon333I have04:40
bacon333one one of my computers..04:40
mrksbrdmee too04:40
bacon333lots of problems...04:40
bacon333I don't recommend doing so yet..04:40
shakeyyou upgraded to the official release?04:40
bacon333wait like... a month or something04:40
ScorpKingshakey: most people are still trying.04:40
mrksbrdalready 147 updates avail!!!04:41
Fade2Blacblame it on the rain that was falling04:41
bacon333I think it's usually a good idea to update about half a month after it's released..04:41
bacon333so some updates are released, to fix any immediate problems you may get after installing04:41
Linus2Install question pertaining  to Install of 6.0? a few weeks ago on an old iMac.  In System Services ==> System Settings: it says 'Module could not load... and "Error occurred during upgrade..."  How do I reinstall just that item?04:41
noam_well then, i'm on gutsy! and indeed, kopete crashed04:42
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* ScorpKing is away for now...04:42
bacon333*really dislikes the word 'crash'...04:42
mrksbrdalso seems konquer doesn't seem to like web addresses still04:42
bacon333Sometimes, I get nightmares about BSODs...04:43
noam_how can someone ship kopete, a respectable program, for a new version of an operating system millions of people use?04:43
bacon333Well, not really, but close enough04:43
bacon333I like pidgin...04:43
shakeydid 7.04 run into these problems first day of release?04:43
shakey* or similiar problems04:43
bacon333well, I had one problem04:44
bacon333it had to do with the K menuj04:44
jtmoneyshakey: no04:44
jtmoneyshakey: i'm reinstalling 7.04 right now :-X04:44
bacon333the other problem had to do with...04:44
bacon333installation issues04:44
cptnspoonHi again all, my Gutsy upgrade started this time with no troubles however now it's stuck on the "Modifying SOftware Upgrades" step of the Distro Upgrade process. It's been 99% done for well over an hour?!04:44
shakeyits disheartening really04:44
bacon333not good spoon..04:44
bacon333don't know man04:44
cptnspoonIs this still server issues and if so should I just try to wait it out?04:45
mrksbrdshakey, just give the guys some time they will perfect it04:45
bacon333my install crashed at 82 percent04:45
bacon333I unplugged the network cable, and it resumed04:45
cptnspoonDamn man!04:45
cptnspoonHmm, I suppose I could try that04:46
bacon333Linux is always perfect...04:46
Kreamis it possible for squid to cache https ?04:46
Kreamor even, proxy https ?04:46
cptnspoonBut I haven't even got to download the actual upgrades yet...I'm wondering whether I should try to restart04:46
shakeykde > gnome04:46
shakeysorry, i just had to say it04:46
bacon333ok, comparrisions..:04:46
bacon333emacs, or Vi04:46
pillowpantswhats the site that allows you to collaborate code again?04:46
cptnspoonVi hands down.04:46
bacon333I say emacs04:46
mrksbrdbacon33, have u ever attempted this...........anyone attempted to due a full backup & burn it to dvd???  what i'm attempting to do is make a bootable dvd once I have everything installed "just in case" something should go wrong04:46
pillowpantsi always forget the name04:47
bacon333never tried it04:47
shakeyhey good question though, i want to learn one of the two...you guys reccomend vi?04:47
bacon333I say emacs..04:47
bacon333Torvalds uses a form of emacs..04:47
mrksbrdwonder if reconstructor can handle that04:47
shakeyvi has all the crazy keyboard shortcuts, right?04:47
bacon333but emacs does too04:47
NightBirder... I think emacs probably is better known for crazy keyboard shortcuts04:47
bacon333emcas has a built in psychiatrist :D04:48
bacon333althoug unrelated04:48
NightBirdvi has crazy modes you switch between04:48
bacon333Blender has some really crazy keyboard subjects (modelling program)04:48
* NightBird preferes emacs over vi04:48
bacon333I swear every key on the keyboard is binded to something04:48
shakeyo yea, i remember vi, i dont like switching04:48
NightBirdbut then again, I've learned emacs, and not vi, so that might be why04:48
bacon333in Blender04:48
pillowpantswhats the sight you can copy/paste things to and share stuff with people?04:49
bacon333Ed is best..04:49
shakeyis there a version of emacs that looks better than emacs 21?04:49
bacon333it's the standard.04:49
NightBirdgo nano :O04:49
shakeyyea nano is aight04:49
letaliswhoever wrote vi didnt understand the concept of productivity.04:49
bacon333I like nano sometimes04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xemacs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:49
NightBirdnano is what i use for small edits from a command line04:49
bacon333when I was installing gentoo a while back, I used nano a lot04:50
bacon333gentoo is difficult to install... well, not difficult04:50
bacon333but can be a tedious task04:50
NightBirdany files I need to edit as root gets edited using nano >_>04:50
shakeyi like the idea of gentoo...i just never knew what cflags to use on my cpu04:51
bacon333menu.lst? "D04:51
letalisi like nano and out of habit i still type pico.04:51
* shakey likes nano but admitedly doesnt know many shortcuts in it04:51
jdongbacon333: it's not "difficult" (it makes sense and is logical) just time consuming because it's unautomated :)04:51
mrksbrdcan kubuntu run on the new mac's w/intel chipset???04:51
NightBirddoesn't ubuntu basically replace pico with a call to nano?04:51
jdongrather, WAS unautomated04:51
letalisNightBird: indeed04:52
jdongNightBird: yes04:52
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bacon333gentoo is difficult when you make stupid types on command lines :D04:52
letalisnano and pico are essentally the same04:52
bacon333like, -c instead of -C04:52
letalismaybe minor differences04:52
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bacon333(even though at one point they specifically point out to NOT use -c instead of -C) :D04:52
bacon333I've done the gentoo install so many times04:52
bacon333I've memorized some stuff..04:53
bacon333one being, hdparm -tT /dev/hda :D04:53
ekrengelits taking foreeever to download the upgrades for gutsy04:53
shakeythe easiest way to install gentoo is to hook up the box over the network, and then ssh into it through another computer04:53
shakeythat way you can copy and paste what you are unsure of - using "-c" instead of "-C"04:54
bacon333A nice script would be nice too04:54
se7en^Of^9ekrengel: you might not be the only one ... :)04:54
* NightBird explodes04:54
ekrengelse7en^Of^9: : P04:54
shakeyi read an interview with linus and he was saying he doesnt like gentoo for some reason04:54
shakeylinus is really opinionated04:54
bacon333he is04:54
bacon333slackware, anyone?04:54
shakeyhe is crazy04:55
bacon333nah, he's just Finnish :D04:55
shakeydoes he even have a resume?04:55
NightBirdshakey: why would he need one?04:55
shakeylol thats the point04:55
NightBirdit's like asking if bill gates has a resume...04:56
bacon333Bill Gates needs a resume04:56
bacon333If I were to own an IT company, II woudln't hire Bill Gates..04:56
bacon333or really any computer technology type company..04:57
shakeyi would hire him04:57
mrksbrdwhat is ubufox???04:57
* letalis billy gates holds up a dusty 5.25 disk of q-dos "I stoled it myself!" :D04:57
bacon333hiring bill gates?04:57
bacon333well, if you want lots of GoTo's in your code..04:57
shakeybut its good to surround yourself with diverse minds04:57
bacon333sec, I have an interesting link..04:57
bacon333let me get it04:57
shakey!find ksq04:58
ubotuPackage/file ksq does not exist in gutsy04:58
shakeyoooo...no kidding04:58
shakeyis there a way to search feisty repos via !find?04:58
bacon333can't find it..05:00
bacon333there's 2 images..05:00
bacon333one shows routed system calls extremely neat and tidy05:00
bacon333in a linux machine05:00
bacon333and one image shows system calls extremely messy and un-decryptable..05:00
bacon333which is Windows :D05:00
shakeyits funny to think...do people sit in IRC rooms dedicated to windows?05:01
bacon333I'm pretty sure Microsoft Windows is radioactive...05:01
bacon333I don't think there are windows fanboys, do you?05:01
shakeyi used to work with one05:01
bacon333work with one?05:02
bacon333did it work?05:02
shakeyyea to the first question05:02
NightBirdyes, there are windows fanboys05:02
mrksbrdI used to be a big windows fan.....until I found Ubuntu....the rest is history!!!05:02
snowdonkeyAre desktop effects included by default for Gutsy in KDE, or just Gnome?05:02
ScorpKingin #windows mostly05:02
bacon333oh, are they the ones who think windows vista is a good operating system?05:02
NightBirdone of the people at work would have us upgrade to vista if he had any say in it05:03
ScorpKingbacon333: the best ever aparently05:03
bacon333depends what your definition of "upgrade" is..05:03
se7en^Of^9vista sux i just downgraded back to xp05:03
NightBirdluckly enough, chances are vista would keep us from working05:03
mrksbrdVista is the worst OS since windows ME05:03
NightBirdso we haven't done anything05:03
shakeyi had vista on my work laptop..it couldnt even run vs2005 without crying05:03
sub[t]rnlsnowdonkey: just gnome05:03
bacon333yeah, the horrible attempts at 'good graphics' distract me.05:04
shakeyid be upset if kde was readily available on windows05:04
bacon333I would too :(05:04
mrksbrdalot of manufactures are sending their computers out ONLY vista capable....will run into probs if trying to downgrade back to XP05:04
ScorpKinghow can i make the bootsplash image be 640x480 during startup and shutdown?05:04
sub[t]rnlsnowdonkey: at least if your referring to compiz-fusion05:04
bacon333I have to register in the windows chatroom05:05
ScorpKingshakey: kde4 will run on windows05:05
shakeymrksbrd: yea, i actually "downgraded" my work laptop to XP, and i had to search for a lot of drivers05:05
shakeyScorpKing: any clue why?05:05
mrksbrdit's BS...talk about a monoply05:05
bacon333My eyesight has degraded since I saw all the MIcrosoft marketing05:05
ScorpKingshakey: not sure. maybe people will get use to kde and come to linux.05:06
bacon333I like the choice in Linux...05:06
bacon333more than anything..05:06
bacon333apparently Linus Torvalds also hates gnome05:06
shakeybacon333: yea ive read numerous articles on that05:07
snowdonkeysub[t]rnl: Yea, that's what I meant.05:07
noam_linus either loves things or hates things. don't take him too seriously05:07
ScorpKingbacon333: no use hating it. they work hard too you know. :P05:07
shakeywhat i dont get is...he stated that he uses fedora...which runs gnome, right?05:07
bacon333who works hard?05:07
snowdonkeysub[t]rnl: Possibly coming after KDE 4?05:07
bacon333fedora can run KDE and gnome05:07
bacon333yes, I've used it ;)05:08
shakeyi thought it defaulted to gnome05:08
ScorpKingbacon333: everyone giving their time to OSS05:08
bacon333nope, it gives you choice05:08
noam_he has had a techtalk in google about how every single source control system in the world completely sucks except for git05:08
bacon333I don't mind gnome05:08
bacon333actaully, I really like open source software05:08
ScorpKingi don't use it05:08
bacon333it gives you choice05:08
bacon333and it's good05:08
shakeynoam_: haha i saw that presentation on youtube05:08
* ScorpKing nods05:08
bacon333I don't use gnome either, but for some people it's fine05:08
shakey"they all suck except for the one i made"05:08
bacon333One thing I hate about Windows..05:09
bacon333no choice, all restrictions (DRM)05:09
ScorpKinglol. like thats working.05:09
bacon333tired of companies telling me of when, where, and what time of day I can watch my movies and other media..05:09
mrksbrdbacon...how about having to pay for everything05:09
bacon333I'd actually pay for linux..05:10
bacon333but that doesn't really make sense.. soo05:10
noam_"you see, SVN calls itself CVS Done Right. that can't be, you can't do CVS right. the SVN developers are probably in this room, right? you're stupid!"05:10
noam_gotta love the man05:10
shakeyyea, hes nice alright05:10
bacon333yes, Torvalds ALSO hates CVS and SVN..05:11
bacon333I saw part of his video at google..05:11
bacon333cool, a guy from finland..05:11
ScorpKinga google search for linus trovalds shows that video there.05:12
intelikeycan anyone tell me why a box would boot sometimes eth card A is eth0 and some times eth card B is eth0 ???05:12
noam_google techtalks own. well most of them aren't interesting05:12
ScorpKinghey intelikey! some boxes does that. no idea why tho.05:13
intelikeyScorpKing so i'm noticing05:13
hydrogenlinux hates lots of things05:13
hydrogenand he just happens to be in a position where his opinions are considdered of equal worth to the scriptures by geeks everywhere05:14
hydrogenso he gets worshipped for the wrong reasons05:14
bacon333Anyone here ever been on USENET?05:15
bacon333I've never been on it / used it :/05:15
LiL-JoNbacon333: what is that?05:15
noam_i'm too young05:15
noam_to have used it05:15
bacon333I've never used it either05:15
shakeyis it like arpanet?05:15
ScorpKingbah, we had 2 days sunshine in the past 3 weeks and i need to do some whashing.05:15
shakeyif i wanted to set up my nic card to be static, what is the name of that config file?  i thought it was /etc/networks...05:16
bacon333I believe USENET is like an un-moderated chat platform or something..05:16
mrksbrdscorp...good god where the heck do u live in the rain forest?05:16
bacon333of the old days of the interwebz05:16
bacon333he pulled a cat-5 cable into the rainforest :D05:17
jimmyww_how do i continue to boot from busybox05:17
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intelikeyshakey yes etc/networks/interfaces05:17
intelikeyjimmyww_ mount the root fs on /root and exit05:17
shakeyahh, danke05:18
lee986321i think i am seeding ubuntu 7.10 lol05:18
bacon333I wonder how you would go upon messing up a windows ME box..05:18
lee986321eh how do i seed kubuntu05:18
* shakey doesnt understand "seed"05:18
mrksbrdbacon...use next is really confusing...I use usenext which is very user friendly & has everything05:19
ScorpKinglee986321: just leave it there after the download05:19
lee986321neither do i lol05:19
intelikeyjimmyww_ the reason it didn't mount automaticly is what you'll have to determine.   probably didn't load the right module for the disk   or possably the /dev/root device node is incorrect.05:19
lee986321i have ubuntu but not kbuntu05:19
jimmyww_intelikey, thx05:19
lee986321so i down load the iso then?05:20
jimmyww_itelikey, how do i continue to boot from (initramfs)05:20
agm_ps  shows a process ' - :0 '  what is this05:20
the-ermIs it possible to upgrade from the iso?05:20
intelikeyjimmyww_ i might be able to walk you through that.  if it's not a raid array or some exotic somethin'05:20
bacon333Isn't Usenext proprietary?05:21
intelikeyjimmyww_ what fs is it ?05:21
jimmyww_can you go in the #xubuntu irc for me05:21
lee986321good  heavens i am all over th plannet ugg05:21
intelikeyand what disk/partition address ?05:21
mrksbrdhow do u mean proprietary???05:21
bacon333i.e. not free?05:21
jimmyww_someone in there is helping me05:21
mrksbrdusenet isn't free either.......05:22
noam_adept keeps insisting that i should upgrade to a new distribution, although i already have05:22
mrksbrdusenext has 4 tier pacages avail...cheapest is 10.00/mo05:22
shakeywhat is a java programmer on ubuntu supposed to do?  sun jdk > gcj05:23
mrksbrd]for 10gb allowance05:23
hydrogennoam_: you were suggested as the lucky tester of hardy heron!05:23
bacon333I don't know much about usenet05:23
noam_shakey, install jdk05:23
shakeyyea i did, eclipse boots faster now05:23
mrksbrdusenet you have to pay as well to access their "news" servers05:23
hydrogenshakey: the same thing a java programmer anywhere else is supposed to do.. wallow in misery and wish they were cool enough to use a real language05:23
* hydrogen hides05:23
lee986321dint realise there ws need for ps2 linux dvd either llol05:24
bacon333forget usenet then..05:24
* shakey thinks pwn05:24
bacon333costs $?05:24
mrksbrd10.00/mo for 10gb, 17.83 for 20gb05:24
* shakey wishes he had leet C skillz05:25
bacon333wow, a whopping 1.000 kbps download rate..05:25
mrksbrdonlything there isn't alot of linux stuffon there.....obviously05:25
bacon333I feel like having a flamewar right now..05:25
bacon333with... an unsuspecting Windows user...05:26
noam_bacon333, no you don't!05:26
mrksbrdi have fios service & get over 2000kbs/sec...which is actually 2+ mb/s05:26
MurielGodoiIs there is isolated packages files at desktop cd?05:26
bacon333is noam a moderator or something?05:26
bacon333who are the moderators?05:27
mrksbrdi've been with them for about 3 yrs now...they have everything...music, just released movies....etc05:27
bacon333yeah, I'm not going to start paying money :D05:27
bacon333I'm too cheap :D05:27
bacon333bit torrent.. >.>05:27
mrksbrd[00:28] [Whois] noam_ is an identified user05:28
bacon333off to bed05:28
bacon333night guys05:28
noam_oh, i'm not a moderator, i just have a sense of humor05:28
bacon333its 12 .05:28
bacon333later :D05:28
LiL-JoNanyone here on gutsy05:29
noam_heh. it's 6:30 am here05:29
letalisi am05:29
ScorpKingsame here05:29
mrksbrd12am here05:29
letalis12:30 am05:29
noam_LiL-JoN, if you're looking for people using ubuntu and KDE, you've come to the right place!05:29
bacon333I'll be back, one day.05:29
mrksbrdLIL...I am05:29
bacon333.or tomorrow05:29
mrksbrdcya bacon05:29
LiL-JoNletalis: is gutsy slow?05:29
jttnoam_, and where is that05:29
noam_right here05:29
noam_ah. israel05:30
letalisLiL-JoN: to be honest i havent noticed a slowdown05:30
jttnoam_, ok05:30
letalissure you dont hacesses that didnt die in the background?05:30
noam_LiL-JoN, compared to what? i haven't noticed anything slower so far05:30
LiL-JoNletalis: thats good to hear now im going to go make a install disk but can somebody help me ive never burnt a disk on linux before only on windows05:30
ScorpKingugh, i can't use Tweety as i nic coz Tweety is useing it. hehe. hi Tweety. :P ;)05:30
letalisk3b looks almost just like nero05:31
MurielGodoiLiL-JoN: one guy told me that their boot time got 20seconds faster after upgate05:31
Name141What will be the md5sum of the ISO ?05:31
Name141The correct one.05:31
LiL-JoNMurielGodoi: yeah i heard that too05:31
ScorpKingName141: it will be in the download website05:31
Name141Oh yeah I see now.05:32
ScorpKingrun md5sum yourimage.iso to get the one from the image05:32
MurielGodoiScorpKing: Arfet install apt-move i noticed that desktop cd has no isolated package files, so I can't use that :05:33
MurielGodoiScorpKing: is there other way to upgrade my system without download 700mb again?05:33
LiL-JoNScorpKing: how do i tell if my iso file is genuine. how do i run md5 sum05:34
ScorpKingrun md5sum yourimage.iso to get the one from the image05:34
shakeyLiL-JoN: i never do a check05:34
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: reinstall05:34
noam_what about other engines for amarok?05:34
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:34
LiL-JoNshakey: me either but thats what its for so why not use it?05:34
mrksbrdMurielGodoi, try ALT+F2 then in cmd line type upgrade-manager -d05:35
* shakey thinks to himself "because im ignorant"05:35
intelikeywhat is this release day ???05:36
lee__oh  no05:36
lee__i think were about to get hit with a small lightning storm05:37
shakeyIRC operates with multicast packets, correcT?05:37
MurielGodoimrksbrd: I will try that...05:38
lee__the release day for?05:38
Name141So basically, kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome ?05:38
letalisindeed Name14105:38
Name141Okie dokey.05:38
mrksbrdthat will allow u to go from 7.04 to 7.1005:39
intelikeyName141 not just "basicly" but "altogather"  yes05:39
lee__what is better genome or kde?05:39
MurielGodoimrksbrd: I had no update-manager here... i am installing it now05:39
intelikeylee__ blackbox05:39
Name141intelikey: eh ?05:39
jttlee__, depends on what you like05:39
mrksbrdlee, gnome is very generic05:39
shakeykde > all05:39
MurielGodoilee__: it is like religion :)05:39
letaliseverything that is ubuntu can also bei in kubuntu and vice versa05:39
shakeyproject looking glass looks sick though05:39
mrksbrdu can install kde as a session over gnome05:40
intelikeyor politics05:40
lee__hmm religion and computers hmm...some how.. never mind lol05:40
* shakey thinks gnome has a apple look n feel05:40
noam_i'm going to start an ubuntu flavor named jewbuntu05:40
lee__thats where I seen that bar thingy05:40
letalisthe gnome kde war has raged on since they were first concieved.05:40
lee__on the apple systems at KLTV05:40
lee__eh Macs05:40
* intelikey wonders how a desktop can have a"look and feel" ....05:40
hydrogenI'm not sure why it has raged on so long05:41
letalispersonally kde has more structure under the hood than gnome imho05:41
shakeyintelikey: what do u mean?05:41
hydrogenbecause everyone knows kde is the only option05:41
jttnoam_, i like that05:41
lee__eh me too05:41
intelikeyoh you mean the defaults.05:41
lee__wonders the same thing05:41
hydrogenand if you don't you are probably a comunist05:41
hydrogenor at least stupid.05:41
CapaHHow do I LOWER my mouse sensitivity ? After I upgraded to Gutsy my mouse has tripled in speed making it almost unusable05:41
hydrogenI mean!05:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:41
letaliswoot its faster05:41
lee__waht the05:41
noam_i mean, just look at the ubuntu logo, it's begging to be transformed into a david's shield05:41
letalisyoure just not fast enough for your computer now.05:42
Name141earlier I was running ubuntu 7.04 live, and I didn't really like gnome that well.  Also, I noticed it wouldn't write to my NTFS drives, will it now?  (or was the read-only due to it being a  Live disk?)05:42
shakeyo shoot, niles_ on the verizon network, i can call him for free if i want05:42
CapaHsoo.... anyone? please? Can someone tell me how to stop my mouse from traveling at the speed of sound across my screen when I breathe on it?05:42
letalisshould be in systemsettings or kcontrol under the periphrial options05:42
intelikey!ntfs | Name14105:42
ubotuName141: ntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:42
MurielGodoiName141: gutsy has ntfs write support05:42
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:42
Doctor_Nickmy sound is boned in gutsy05:42
shakey!language | Doctor_Nick05:43
ubotuDoctor_Nick: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.05:43
lee__eh I think I just realised orange red blob on radar..not a good thing to see coming your way05:43
jttCapaH, stop breathing :)05:43
shakeyi got kids in here05:43
lee__any how05:43
lee__I like kde but iam over loaded05:43
lee__I got so used to windows05:43
CapaHThe only thing I found was 'mouse acceleration' which was set to 2.0 --- I reduced it to as low as it goes (1.0) and now instead of traveling at twice the speed of sound, it travels at the speed of sound --- but I need it to be like.... 0.0001 :)05:43
Name141I heard that 7.10 is (supposedly) supposed to read/write in NTFS ?05:44
lee__and windows way of thinking that I completely fergot aobut waht it was like to be able to use source coding05:44
SilentDisis it just me, or are the poor servers totally hammered and bogged with everyone upgrading?05:44
mrksbrdName141, if running 7.10, shouldn't need that install, was already incorp into new version05:44
lee__just how many servers are there?05:44
shakeyfactor 805:44
CapaHcan I do this in xorg.conf somehow?05:44
LiL-JoNlee__: there is alot of them05:44
Name141mrksbrd: I am downloading 7.10 later.  The 7.04 disks just came today.05:45
lee__and how can a non profit....afford em05:45
jttCapaH, i suspect xorg.conf in /etc but not sure how to change05:45
lee__oops there I go again thinking out of the box05:45
shakeythatd be sweet if O Reilly would release "Xorg.conf in a nutshell"05:45
lee__so waht linux offers us is  away to compile, and build..and engenier am I correct05:46
noam_you can't put all of xorg.conf in a single nutshell05:46
Name141Oh yeah, another thing, is it possible to command line shut off the NIC and then restart it?05:46
Name141So I can set it up in crontabs05:46
Name141If I am not here.05:46
Name141My ISP has a bandwidth limit per day, and damn if I'm letting "idle" hours add up.05:46
jttCapaH, probably but i am not the expert there. i always keep the previous release  xorg.conf file around in case of problem like that perhaps some one else is better equipped to help with xorg.conf05:47
lee__so basically waht I have at my finger tips is not jsut the freedom of choice, but freedom to change the soft ware that e download? or look at it to build on it..well soem in part?05:47
Doctor_Nickhas anyone experienced sound not working after an upgrade from fiesty?05:47
lee__I think a light isstarting to slowly turn on here05:48
lee__yet basic enough for any one to use05:48
aslamHi all, is kdebase-workspace_3.94.0  beta3?05:48
intelikeylee__ sounds like you are getting there...05:49
aslamto me it looked like beta2, so i was looking for the kde4 beta3 packages... but couldn't find anything except the announcement :(05:49
SilentDisI wish i could program.  I'd love to help get apt-torrent working at this point :P05:49
mrksbrdName141, good luck...i've had nothing but troubles trying to keep 7.04 recognizing it05:49
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gusty and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:50
intelikey!foss | lee__ if no one mentioned this to you yet.05:50
ubotulee__ if no one mentioned this to you yet.: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing05:50
lee__well after taking the time to think aobut why  the ati drivers and other drivers...are the way they are..it creats a basic need, a need to use recources and a need to..eh..understand coding05:50
lee__yes taht part I understood05:50
lee__and I value taht freedome05:50
hydrogenaslam: 3.94 is beta305:51
lee__yes I was kinda perpleexed when I read  coppy left..lol05:51
aslamwow cool. thanks...05:51
* intelikey personally disagrees with the "Ubuntu is as free as we can make it" clause. and believes it's a "cop out" for not standing by the first statement.05:51
LiL-JoNhow do i burn the iso to disk on kubuntu feisty?05:52
lee__maybe it i s the challenge of getting this opperational that has led me not to reload windows...it makes me think FOR ONCE05:52
jttaslam, i had that page up earlier and cant remember where it was had all the info on it05:52
=== DarkHack is now known as D[a]rkH[a]ck
=== lee__ is now known as lee986321
MurielGodoiLiL-JoN: right click and burn using k3b :)05:52
shakeyo shoot!05:52
* hydrogen believes free-as-in-freedom is a personal ideal and is not one that should be forcibly imposed on others.. as this in itself negates freedom05:52
LiL-JoNok MurielGodoi'05:52
* shakey ponders...isnt that what America does?05:53
hydrogenthats for #politics!05:53
* mrksbrd thinks hydrogen is getting political on us.....look out05:53
shakeyo noes!05:53
MurielGodoiLiL-JoN: k3b also calculates the md5sum for you so you can compare them05:53
intelikeyhydrogen only as much as forcefully imposing non-free does the same.05:53
* LiL-JoN likes to eat little poor defenseless puppies 05:53
* shakey fights old grandmas05:54
hydrogenintelikey: its not forcibly imposed though.. you are free to not use it05:54
hydrogenintelikey: if its not provided, I am not free to use it05:54
hydrogenwithout going about third party methods and hackarounds05:54
* LiL-JoN is a foxy grandpa05:54
* LiL-JoN is just kidding05:54
intelikeyhydrogen "not provided" != "not installed by default"05:54
* mrksbrd wants to know if LiL-John has his gold cup in hand05:55
hydrogenbut I'm not sure what your point is05:55
hydrogenI'm talking about provided05:55
shakeyomg this argument is great!05:55
ScorpKingit's not an argument, it's a difference in opinion.05:56
jttshakey, yeah both of them will get banned!05:56
mrksbrdlol good answer05:56
shakeyit was grand nonetheless05:56
intelikeyhydrogen my point was "as free as we can make it" doesn't sound like installing linux-restricted* by default...   but. i've said too much already.05:56
LiL-JoNMurielGodoi: omg i love k3b :]05:57
jttshakey, i love to watch flame wars, ahh heere we go again05:57
LiL-JoN!shut up05:57
ubot3Factoid shut up not found05:57
ubot3Factoid retarded not found05:57
ubot3You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:57
ubot3Factoid ily not found05:57
LiL-JoNbrb im gonig to go grab a cd to burn GUTSY YAY!!!05:58
LiL-JoNim so excited :]05:58
leexgxdone that all ready05:58
leexgxLiL-JoN:  just make sure network is working when installing it05:58
MurielGodoiI can't believe that I downloaded the wrong image :(05:58
leexgxhow you do that05:59
leexgxwht did you downlaod05:59
mrksbrdlol what image is that??05:59
MurielGodoiI download the desktop image05:59
leexgxyou wanted server ?05:59
mrksbrdserver is second set of links....lol05:59
leexgxWine works very well05:59
Doctor_Nickhas anyone had problems with sound not being able to start at all after they've upgraded to gutsy?06:00
LiL-JoNleexgx: the first thing im doing is im getting on here to talk to everybody06:00
mrksbrdthats down there too06:00
lee986321still trying to get amoroch to run my celtic music06:00
mrksbrdI love the OEm feature that is in alternate06:00
leexgxLiL-JoN: i installed its works well06:00
akrilli have a problem06:00
jttsomebody help doctor_nick out, i dont do sound, im deaf06:00
LiL-JoNakrill: doesnt everybody have a problem06:00
lee986321we all ahve a problem06:01
lee986321ehmines mostly spelling06:01
lee986321but then iam on the floor lol06:01
akrillin gutsy, with compiz-fusion on, everything works fine EXCEPT shadows under menus. every damned menu has a huge white border instead of shadow06:01
leexgxakrill:  intel video card ?06:01
akrillleexgx: yes, actually.06:01
lee986321I guess the wii is getting linux lol06:02
leexgxakrill: seen it posted somewhare about that (bug in driver ?)06:02
ubot3Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:02
ubot3You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:02
ubot3It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.06:03
ubot3superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org06:03
lee986321!feeds the bot06:03
ubot3Factoid feeds the bot not found06:03
ubot3Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:03
LiL-JoNakrill: i was joking a bunch of people use the bot on me i was just seeing if it was fun06:03
MurielGodoiI resigned to upgrade and i will do a clean install!06:03
ubot3Factoid hungry not found06:04
intelikeyDoctor_Nick don't think that i can fix it for you.  but i "might" be able to point you at something that could help you fix it.      1 does alsamixer work from a console (not konsole, a real console tty)   2. if so, can you adjust all the settings ok. or do some stick, are some muted ?06:04
Jucatolee986321: stop that06:04
LiL-JoNlee986321: your gonna get kicked whatch06:04
jttMurielGodoi, i never do upgrades, only clean installs06:04
lee986321Ill stop06:04
lee986321any how sorry06:04
mrksbrdMurielGodoi, what happened?06:05
MurielGodoijtt: the ploblem is that I have some extra packages installed that i use in my work.06:05
colorsoundboydid an clean install but java will not work on firefox installed the files but after restarted it asked again for the dame file and said it is installed :|06:05
LiL-JoNjtt: i never have the same linux for more then a month because im always reinstalling its hard to find a linux you like/love lol06:05
jttMurielGodoi, and cant easily reinstall them i gather06:05
MurielGodoijtt: you got it :)06:06
lee986321oh that reminds me...how do I edit my line to bring my full 256 megs online in my card?06:06
intelikeyLiL-JoN i haven't installed/upgraded this sense 6.406:06
hatterwhen i plug a usb stick in it shows up in the file browser but then says 'you are not privileged to mount this volume'06:06
mrksbrddidn't that command work Muriel???06:06
LiL-JoNintelikey: whooo06:06
jttMurielGodoi, tough i feel for you i have to test everything i use before new installs06:06
LiL-JoNintelikey: thats a long time06:06
intelikeyno. just 18 months06:07
LiL-JoNintelikey: thats a long time06:07
jttMurielGodoi, so i keep a list and test each one then fresh install if all work one fails no upgrade06:07
MurielGodoimrksbrd: It was going to upgrade... but the download was at 3kb/s !06:07
intelikeypfft.  you must be young.06:07
meanyone running kubuntu 7.10?06:07
jttMurielGodoi, no new install that is if one ap fails06:07
mrksbrdthats because of the server load right now....06:08
LiL-JoNi just finished burning gutsy gibbon going to go test ill be back shortly to chat soem more06:08
jttare you folks familiar with the rsync of releases i got about 240K earlier with rsync06:08
Doctor_Nickintelikey: i cant open alsamixer or kmix06:08
Doctor_Nickthey just crash06:08
intelikeyDoctor_Nick ok that sujests kernel module.  start with ahat.06:09
hatterhow do i plug my usb stick in if i dont have permissions to mount it ?06:09
MurielGodoijtt: I have some workmates that are already running gutsy, that is ok, but i will need recompile all project again06:09
Doctor_Nickintelikey: so now what?06:09
mrksbrdhatter, alot of configuring, u using 7.04?06:10
jttMurielGodoi, ugh!06:10
ScorpKingMurielGodoi: same problem here. ;)06:10
hattermrksbrd, yes06:10
intelikeyDoctor_Nick you check the inserted modules aganst the chipset for the device.   i.e.   lshw | less    and you can grep the output of     lsmod06:10
MurielGodoiuhu!! I'm not alone!06:10
ScorpKingi have a custom and working kopete to name just one.06:11
mrksbrdit is a known problem in that ver, and takes alot of work in your fstab file, best person to get intouch with is genii06:11
intelikeyDoctor_Nick also usefull    lspci      modprobe -l      and google.06:11
hattermrksbrd, why would it kubuntu not mount this automatically ?06:11
gameforgeTrying to upgrade Feisty -> Gutsy - In my "Adept Manager", I click Adept -> Manage Repo's -> Download from -> Other... -> Find Best Server, and it defaults to the main US server (which is totally hammered right now) and closes the dialog immediately.  Is that normal?06:11
LiL-JoNcan somebody help me before i go06:11
LiL-JoNi have a bunch of songs on my linux desktop06:12
LiL-JoNand i cant drag them over to my windows harddrive but i can veiw the drive06:12
jtthatter, you know about sudo right?06:12
hatterjtt, yes, arent we trying to use a gui here ?06:13
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i have that installed already06:13
ScorpKingbah! what's up with this bot today?06:13
mrksbrdhatter, not sure... I had all kinds of trouble myself... u can try sudo ntfs3g-config06:13
hatterpoor people coming from windows...06:13
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: then just mount it with ntfs-3g and copy it across06:13
jtthatter, just asking because i dont use the gui06:13
MurielGodoimrksbrd: I'am glad that I put /home in other partition06:13
LiL-JoNScorpKing: im noobie lol06:14
intelikeyDoctor_Nick oh.  almost forgot there is an #alsa  channel too.06:14
hatterjtt, np, where is a usb stick that is detected then put so i can mount it ?06:14
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: hehe, i remember. :P06:14
Doctor_Nickmaybe ill just install from scratch06:14
lee__wahts the apget line for Xine? ?06:14
LiL-JoNScorpKing: its mounted already i just cant copy stuff to it06:14
* intelikey shrugs. 06:14
lee__apt-get update ?06:14
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i can take files from the windows drive but not put them on there06:14
CapaHPlease... can someone help me on a few things. I just finished upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04 - First, my mouse is *WAY* too sensitive, and even when I go to preferences / mouse and I change acceleration to 1.0 (lowest possible) and I set threshold to 20 ( highest possible ) --- it is still WAY too sensitive. Secondly, whenever I try to go to compiz settings manager (like I used to before the upgrade) --- it starts to load, then just simp06:14
CapaHly doesn't load. Can anyone help me?06:14
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: unmount it. what did you type to mount it?06:14
jtthatter, believe  /media/usb  something  or  /media/sdN  etc.06:14
* Rask330 waves. "This is probably the worst time to be seeking kubuntu-based help, but... I need some assistance doing a dual-monitor setup. I have the proprietary drivers for my nVidia Geforce 6800 XT installed, and both of the monitors set to their native resolutions. Trouble is, the smaller monitor (1024x768) pans and scans. How do I stop that?" :)06:15
hatterits not media/usb06:15
intelikeyDoctor_Nick i started this with "don't expect me to fix it for you.  but i might be able to point you in the right dirrection..."06:15
LiL-JoNScorpKing: "mount /media/windows06:15
jtthatter, in any case they should all end up under /media06:15
MurielGodoiwell guys... i will do a clean install and hope be back in some minutes :)06:15
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: can you pastebin /etc/fstab?06:15
hatterjtt, i would think so but it doesnt06:15
jtthatter, tail  /var/log/messasges see that  /dev/  it said came in06:16
Doctor_Nickintelikey: I'm saying that by the time I track down what's actually causing this, I could have reinstalled and set up all my programs again06:16
LiL-JoNScorpKing: yeah06:16
jtthatter, possibly  /dev/sdb06:16
lee__or is apt get xine install?06:16
LiL-JoNScorpKing: but how do i view the file using konsole06:16
lee__its somethin I fergot to make a note of06:17
Doctor_Nickand i know what the problem probably is, and there's no way to fix it but reinstalling ubuntu06:17
hatterjtt, ok its /dev/sdb106:17
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: kdesu kate /etc/fstab06:17
hatterjtt, thx06:17
intelikeyDoctor_Nick the csues it probably that the module for your card has changed from one kernel version to the next...   just a guess.   but getting alsa working is a "one time" thing for most people...06:17
jtthatter, anytime06:17
LiL-JoNScorpKing: nvm i type kate /etc/fstab06:17
hatterthis is a real problem for linux desktop06:17
intelikeyor cause even.06:17
ScorpKinghatter: what's wrong?06:17
hatterplug in a usb stick and it wont let you mount it because of permissions06:18
hatteri'll be back, changing computers06:18
jtthatter, my gui mount use to work in feisty and one day it went away probably some other pkg messed it up06:18
ScorpKinghatter: is it in fstab?06:18
Doctor_Nickintelikey: I doubt its that, I unplugged the soundcard and alsa still isnt starting06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about politcs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:18
Daisuke-IdoScorpKing: that's the thing though - should it have to be in fstab?06:18
jttScorpKing, he got mounted06:18
ScorpKingDaisuke_Laptop: no06:18
mrksbrdjtt, i would have it working one hour, the next i'd have to start all over06:19
apparleHi everyone06:19
ScorpKingjtt: what options did he use?06:19
LiL-JoNScorpKing: http://pastebin.com/m45c988bc06:19
mrksbrdit's very frustrating.....so far w/7.10 i haven't had the prob06:19
jttmrksbrd, yeah mine just went away permanently so i ignore it and mount manually06:19
mrksbrdmine i couldn't even force it to mount06:19
lee__ScorpKing wahts the comand for  manually getting a program and intsalltin it?06:20
jttScorpKing, he mounted it manually just normal mount command the gui did not get fixed06:20
mrksbrdsomething was really wacky w/mine06:20
ScorpKingjtt: apt-get or aptitude06:20
lee__and the name of the program after it06:20
sunilonlnever since i upgraded to 7.10, my cpu seems to be running at full speed much more than it used to06:20
* LiL-JoN wonders if ScorpKing is readin pastebin :[06:20
ScorpKingjtt: he should add -o uid=1000,gid=1000 in there06:20
sunilonlnpowermanager is still set to dynamic06:20
* ScorpKing is reading...06:21
sunilonlnis it just me or is there something i should tweak?06:21
* LiL-JoN loves ScorpKing06:21
jttScorpKing, ok for my info add it where?06:21
mrksbrdScorp... I put in a UUID and everything when running 7.04 & still wouldn't mount06:21
intelikeyjtt the mount command06:21
AussieHatterso i just missed anything said about the usb06:22
lee__eh woul it be xine install or install xine?06:22
ScorpKingjtt: sudo mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sda1 /media/disk06:22
AussieHatterif anything was said06:22
jttintelikey, ok i thought he meant there wanted clarificatoin06:22
mrksbrdno matter what I tried was the same outcome....1 sec it would work, the next it wouldn't06:22
LiL-JoNhow do i privet message somebody06:22
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: change it like this - /dev/hdc1 /media/windows ntfs-3g user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 006:22
AussieHatterScorpKing, command prompt is fine for people that know linux, but coming from windows they dont06:22
jttScorpKing, ok he knew most of that he wanted the kde gui to find and mount it06:22
mrksbrdAussie....lol alot was said06:22
AussieHattermrksbrd, damn06:23
ScorpKingAussieHatter: yeah i know. :P06:23
mrksbrd<ScorpKing> jtt: sudo mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sda1 /media/disk06:23
mrksbrdtry that Aussie06:23
AussieHatterthat works, but the gui should do it06:23
AussieHatteror do something06:23
LiL-JoNScorpKing: after that what do i do?06:23
AussieHatterlike 'run as admin' or something06:23
lee__eh iam trying to get Xine extra plugin06:23
AussieHatteris there no way for the gui to look after it ?06:24
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: mount /media/windows and copy your stuff06:24
mrksbrdyour right but like I said it was a known problem in that version06:24
apparleDoes anybody use Foxconn motherboard06:24
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i love you06:24
mrksbrdAussie..... goto your fstab file06:24
CapaHI just finished upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04 - First, my mouse is *WAY* too sensitive, and even when I go to preferences / mouse and I change acceleration to 1.0 (lowest possible) and I set threshold to 20 ( highest possible ) --- it is still WAY too sensitive. Secondly, whenever I try to go to compiz settings manager --- it just simply doesn't load. Can anyone help me?06:24
AussieHattermrksbrd, are you speaking to me about know problem in that version ?06:24
LiL-JoNScorpKing: how do i unmount it first?06:24
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: umount /media/windows06:25
mrksbrdtype kdesu kate /etc/fstab06:25
intelikeyLiL-JoN add the  remount,  in the -o string06:25
mrksbrdyes aussie06:25
lee__whhy is when a bot leaves poepl do !bot?06:25
AussieHattermrksbrd, this is addressed in gutsy ?06:25
LiL-JoNintelikey: huh06:25
mrksbrdsupposed to be....(crossing fingers) Mine is working fine right now06:25
LiL-JoNScorpKing: bash: unmount: command not found06:26
intelikeyLiL-JoN you don't have to dismount an fs to change the options.     mount -o remount,blah,blah /06:26
AussieHattermrksbrd, would you be able to put name and comma of who are speaking to please ? sorry I am getting confused06:26
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: sorry, umount06:26
mrksbrdAussieHatter, type kdesu kate /etc/fstab06:26
lee__trying to get the xine extraplugins06:27
AussieHattermrksbrd, i have mounted it now, but my problem was my g/f trying to do some work and i was away06:27
mrksbrdoh ok06:27
ScorpKinglee__: that brings the bot back06:27
AussieHattermrksbrd, kde should be allowing a usb stick to be plugged in06:27
AussieHatteri uderstand the permissions problem06:27
AussieHatterbut the gui needs to address this somehow06:27
lee__ah oh I just learned something new06:28
mrksbrdAussie.... right it should pop-up a dialog box06:28
apparlemy friend's harddisk has default maount point as "/media/sda1" while installation of kubuntu. Should i change it to "/media/hdc1" or not????????06:28
AussieHattermrksbrd, or have a run as admin option like windows06:28
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i love you again lol also after i install gutsy can you help me get it mounted again06:28
intelikeyAussieHatter are you saying that "there is utterly a fault, if the running os doesn't monitor for new devices/media "  ???06:28
jttAussieHatter, mrksbrd i suspect it is a hot plug issue not calling the gui properly06:28
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: just write that down and if you have a problem come back. ;)06:29
mrksbrdjtt, i believe your right06:29
LiL-JoNScorpKing: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight06:29
AussieHatterintelikey, yes.  we are speaking of people coming from windows, i dont think its too much to ask if a usb stick is plugged in that it can be accessed06:29
CrazyPoultryi just finished the install of 7.10(a fresh install) and now when trying to add  programs from the "Add/Remove programs" i keep getting this (There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. ) any ideas on what is causing this(sorry i'm still pretty new to linux in generral)06:29
apparlemy friend's harddisk has default maount point as "/media/sda1" while installation of kubuntu. Should i change it to "/media/hdc1" or not????????06:29
intelikeyAussieHatter it can be accessed,   that's not the same as  "it does it for me"06:30
mrksbrdAussie...u have to keep in mind this isn't Windows....lol06:30
ScorpKingAussieHatter: i think it's handled by hotplug which has a problem and now it's not working. it does work on my box.06:30
ScorpKingapparle: no06:30
AussieHatterintelikey, do you think that each time you plug a usb stick in you should have to open a term window and mount it manually06:31
AussieHatteri dont think you should.06:31
ScorpKingAussieHatter: true06:31
AussieHatterScorpKing, on 7.04 ?06:31
Generic!compiz > me06:31
AussieHatterScorpKing, you can plug a usb stick in and out and access it trivially ?06:31
intelikeyAussieHatter then it's simply a matter of "openion" on what "should be"   and  off topic.06:31
LiL-JoN!compiz | me06:31
ubotume: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion06:31
AussieHatterScorpKing, ok, good06:32
mrksbrdAussie....Your right you shouldn't, something goes wrong in the config file & messes things up.....that's what I'm trying to tell you06:32
Genericis there any utility for compiz in kubuntu?06:32
lee__I didnt know taht this program had AI in it06:32
AussieHattermrksbrd, ok06:32
lee__you tpye in the lil black box and it tells ya06:32
apparleScorpKing:By the way why is it getting mounted as /media/sda1????????????????06:32
sub[t]rnlGeneric: compizconfig-settings-manager runs in kde, along with compiz and all the plugins06:32
lee__ok I learned something new06:32
AussieHatterapparle, mine was seen as /dev/sdb106:33
lee__taht lil black box..is smart06:33
Genericsub[t]rnl, ah, I didn't see a link for it in the menu06:33
EdwardElricubuntu ending xmms support :-/06:33
ScorpKingapparle: it's most likely a SATA disk06:33
LiL-JoN!xgl | LiL-JoN06:33
sub[t]rnlGeneric: you might not have it installed.  Try alt+f2 ccsm06:33
AussieHatterapparle, tail the syslog and you can see what it is getting discovered as06:33
Genericsub[t]rnl, you're right, it's not :p06:33
jttthe problem is i am always in a terminal window never in gui's and so i dont experience these problems :)06:33
apparleScorpKing: If it is normal harddisk then it gets mounted as hdc???06:33
intelikeyapparle because that's what the device is.   sda = first scsi or sata/pata or usb drive and 1 being the first partition on that device06:33
GenericOh sweet, katapult is actually working for me now06:34
ScorpKingapparle: if it is IDE yes, most of the time. use UUID's to mount your disks06:34
LiL-JoNapparle: hdc is a ide sda is a sata06:34
jttthey are however intriguing to say the least and certainly a problem for windows folks06:34
LiL-JoNScorpKing: when im in the dekstop cd im gonig to talk to you while im installing :]06:35
jttapparle, since kernel 2.6.XX  all storage devices are  sdX  something06:35
intelikeyapparle no need looking for a  C: or D: in linux   unless you make them...     : > 'D:' ;mkdir 'C:' ;mv 'D:' 'C:'06:35
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: np06:35
apparleLiL-JoN: I have a PATA hardisk but it gets mounted as hdc? Why?06:35
jttapparle, in 7.04 or 7.1006:36
apparleintelikey: I know I will not get C:\ etc but i wanted to know why mine is mounted as hdc and my friend's as sda06:36
apparlejtt: 7.0406:36
jttapparle, early 7.04 kernels  still had  hdX  later kernels had  sdX06:37
* ScorpKing lights a smoke...06:37
intelikeyapparle different hardware.   different device.06:37
mrksbrdapparle, different types of HDD's06:37
* jtmoney throws in a lipper06:37
* mrksbrd lol @ ScorpKing06:37
ScorpKingapparle: to get a UUID of a disk type uuidgen /dev/sda106:38
apparlejtt : if I upgrade to gutsy the mine will also be detected as sda??06:38
ScorpKingapparle: why is this so important if i may ask?06:38
jttapparle, cant say for certain but i believe so, the kernel modules take care of that06:38
intelikeynot unless gutsy is using scsi emulation like edgy did...06:38
* mrksbrd hands ScorpKing a hammer06:38
lee__wahts it mean when no "Suitable Mux" can be found?06:39
* ScorpKing keeps it close by...06:39
lee__what is mux lol?06:39
intelikey: > 'D:\' ;mkdir 'C:\' ;mv 'D:\' 'C:\' ;ls 'C:\'06:39
CrazyPoultryAfter installing 7.10 as a clean install, trying to use the "Add\Remove progams" i keep getting an error "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." and firefox is greyed out in the selection, I'm still pretty new to linux, any ideas on what is wrong would be appreciated06:39
ScorpKingapparle: sometimes the live cd will show hda and after it's installed it will be sda and so on and so on.06:39
jtti havent checked lately but alan cox rewrote the low level i/o drivers and i believe all the storage devices will now be known as  sdX  something anyone know more about that?06:39
xeviousis it possible to get video previews in dolphin?06:39
ScorpKingapparle: there isn't much jou can do about it.06:40
mrksbrdapparle type fdisk -l that will tell you your HDD type your system see's06:40
jttlet me look at my early gutsy about 3 weeks ago and see what devices it has06:41
JucatoCrazyPoultry: does that happen just when you try to run Add/Remove Programs or when you already try to install something06:41
meuhlolhi all06:41
apparlejtt: are there any improvements in sound configuration in gutsy, i have  and having problems in feisty.06:41
ScorpKinghi meuhlol!06:41
intelikeyScorpKing well he could dsiable the scsi emulation if he wanted too   :)06:41
CrazyPoultryhappens afer selecting and hitting apply, also happening in the complicated looking adept too06:41
mrksbrdCrazyPoultry, I had that problem, I rebooted & relaunched, that seemed to correct the prob06:41
meuhloldamn, DVD of gutsy not DL yet lol06:41
* ScorpKing nods06:41
jtmoneyapparle: gutsy barfed on my sound :-X06:42
jtmoneymeuhlol: use torrents, i was getting 1 MB/s06:42
meuhlol71% :D06:42
jttapparle, cant tell you because i dont do much sound others on here can answer that question06:42
meuhloljtmoney: i take DVD from torrent06:42
JucatoCrazyPoultry: what were you trying to install?06:42
jtmoneyi don't understand why people download the DVD anyways... i would just apt-get install whatever i needed that wasn't in the base install (very, very little)06:42
meuhlol140 kbs :/06:43
CrazyPoultryfirefox, and a few other random things06:43
CrazyPoultryfirefox is the greyed out one tho06:43
meuhloli take a DVD cuz i will reformat my HDD06:43
mrtimbono beryl on 4.10 :((06:43
apparlejtmoney: Why your sound stopped working??06:43
mrksbrdCrazyPoultry... type sudo apt-get install firefox from your console06:43
lee__waht the...Sun-Java Demo?06:43
* ScorpKing takes the hammer and go away...06:43
=== Generic is now known as Ashex
meuhlolmrtimbo: no beryl on 7.10 but think there are Compiz :p06:44
jtmoneyapparle: not really sure, plus i was having problems with the computer even booting into x properly... just installed 7.04 for the time being, but dist-upgrade is taking forever =(06:44
lee__Sun-java5 is a demo?06:44
ScorpKingCrazyPoultry: sounds like a broken package06:44
CrazyPoultryEneloop: Package firefox has no installation candidate was the result06:44
mrtimboi dont like compiz, lol i have been using the beryl layout and settings for the last year and some change06:44
CrazyPoultryerr that was e: Package06:44
apparleBy the way on behalf of my friend: which one should i install 32 or 6406:45
lee__eh whatsa spinning cube?06:45
lee__eh whats cube?06:45
lee__som new setting ?06:45
intelikeyapparle 64 may be a little more problemattic depending on what you do.06:45
mrksbrdif u have a 32bit processor u install that if u have a 64bit then install 64, but u bannot install a 64bit on a 32bit06:46
intelikeyyou can install the 32 bit on the 64 tho06:46
* ScorpKing sits back and decide to keep quiet...06:46
jttapparle, gutsy of 9/21/07  has all devices  sdX  or  scXN  kernel 2.6.22-12 so odds on bet are that all devices will be that from now on06:46
lee__what cube?06:47
apparleintelikey: In what way problematic06:47
* mrksbrd wants ScorpKing to give his input...lol06:47
jtmoneymrksbrd: LOLZ06:47
apparlemrksbrd: What about pentium 406:47
=== ubuntu is now known as LiL-JoN
jtmoneyp4 != AMD6406:47
jttmrksbrd, ahh u mean you cant run 64 at 1/2 speed on 32 any more :)06:47
mrksbrdis it a 64bit or a 32 bit....this is what were saying06:48
lee__cube is 32 bit an 64?06:48
intelikeyapparle wine flash and some other things may be hard to get working06:48
LiL-JoNScorpKing: im on the kubuntu disk every other time ive installed linux06:48
LiL-JoNScorpKing: ive had to press safe grtaphics mode06:48
apparlemrksbrd:can i install amd64 on p406:48
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: ok06:48
LiL-JoNScorpKing: this time "install kubuntu" works :]06:48
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: nice :D06:48
lee__lol i did06:49
mrksbrdif your asking about the chipset ....NO06:49
mrksbrdpentuim is pentuim & AMD is AMD06:49
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i love the new theme06:49
ScorpKinglee__: what are you talking about? :P06:49
* mrksbrd tries to take the hammer back06:49
LiL-JoNScorpKing: im installing right now isnt that kool lol06:50
* ScorpKing gives the hammer back and get a bigger one...06:50
LiL-JoNScorpKing: im just excited lol06:50
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: sure is cool. ;)06:50
apparleintelikey: Can you tell me other packages which are problematic on 64 like wine06:50
lee__hmm emotes...hmm reminds me06:50
intelikeysledg-o-matic for ScorpKing06:50
mrksbrdjtt, not sure if you ever could, there would be no benefit @ all06:50
LiL-JoNScorpKing: whenevcer i think about gutsy i think futuristic and clean and thats exaclty  what it is :]06:51
mrksbrdapparle, do u have a 64bit processor or not???????????????????????06:51
Ashexanyone know anything about usb speakers with kubuntu?06:51
apparlemrksbrd: i mean to say can i install 64bit on P406:51
jttmrksbrd, sorry that was a joke :)  a poor attempt at humor i am afraid06:51
LiL-JoNmrksbrd: i do lol06:51
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: every release just gets better06:51
AshexI'm having issues with kmixer getting the channel right06:51
intelikeyapparle google can,  i can't,     i can tell you that with older 64bit and ati chips  things went south in a hurry06:51
MurielGodoiI am back and happy in my new ubuntu gutsy :)06:51
LiL-JoNMurielGodoi: im installing it right now06:52
jttMurielGodoi, upgrade or new install06:52
mrksbrdapparle, as long as it is a 64bit processor, if u have a standard 32bit then the answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:52
MurielGodoijtt: new06:52
apparlemrksbrd: I don't know. That's why i am asking? i have a p4 2.4GHz. Thats all I know06:52
lee__Yahoo yippe does the celtic hsppy jig06:52
Rask330Again, this is probably the worst time to be seeking kubuntu-based help, but... I need some assistance doing a dual-monitor setup.  I have the proprietary drivers for my nVidia Geforce 6800 XT installed, and both of the monitors set to their native resolutions.  Trouble is, the smaller monitor (1024x768) pans and scans.  How do I stop that? :)06:52
jttMurielGodoi, so now the compiling starts?06:52
MurielGodoijtt: newi am still testing all features06:52
mrksbrdjtt, sorry that went right by my head....lol06:52
xeviouswhat's the sources.list line for the canonical commercial repo?06:52
intelikeylee__ between ???06:52
xevious(for gutsy)06:52
MurielGodoijtt: unfortunatelly :/06:52
Rask330I've successfully stumped the KDE channel.  X)06:53
intelikeylee__ oh the celtic music ?    i see.06:53
lee__heehee It was the greyed out java tht i had to down load manually Lava 6 runtime06:53
jttmrksbrd, i figured with all the debris flying around i would try to lighten things up a little  lol06:53
LiL-JoNRask330: or maybe nobodies had this problem06:53
lee__on amorch06:53
mrksbrdapparle....u probably don't then...I'd stick with a 32bit install then06:53
jttMurielGodoi, i feel for you06:53
LiL-JoNRask330: but thats a nice card if you were using windows caus thats for gaming lol06:53
apparlemrksbrd: Tell me is p4 2.4 GHz a 64bit proccessor06:53
Rask330LiL-JoN:  I suppose it's possible... but having two monitors of different size cannot be that uncommon an issue.06:54
lee__Albannach celtic guraunteed to test your subs and surropund06:54
MurielGodoijtt: that is okay.06:54
LiL-JoNRask330: more then you think06:54
lee__ooo i ferg to the graphic eq06:54
Rask330I got the card for $60 from a friend.  I'm really not a big gamer, but I didn't want to settle for some crappy onboard video.06:54
mrksbrdapparle, not all the time.....my guess would e NO06:54
MurielGodoiLiL-JoN: Here boot time got around 15sec faster06:55
jttapparle, i think p4 2.4 is definitely  32bit06:55
mrksbrdif it is a 64bit processor it usually says it somewhere on the puter06:55
melzhi everyone i just enabled universe and teh other repos on my new gutsy install, but it's stuck at "waiting for headers (50%)". i click cancel and try again it just stays at 50 I try using different servers and its still stuck, anyone know how to fix?06:55
MurielGodoiapparle: I thing that Pentium D was the first 64bits06:55
LiL-JoNMurielGodoi: depends what hardware you gots06:55
mrksbrdAMD are mostly the ones putting out 64bit processors to the consumer06:55
Rask330I really don't want to give up on Linux.  ^^;  It's just that every time I try, I hit a snag that I can't get past.06:56
intelikeyMurielGodoi heh  my boot time is less than half of the default setup.06:56
LiL-JoNRask330: thats what makes linux so fun06:56
ScorpKingapparle: cat /proc/cpuinfo might be usefull06:56
LiL-JoNRask330: fixing your problems06:56
jttapparle, execute  lshw  and look for the cpu section it should tell the width of 32 or 6406:56
MurielGodoiintelikey: there is some tips in foruns about that.06:56
mrksbrdas of right now 64 bit is kinda useless, because there are not too many apps out, 64bit would benifit if in a server or a high end gamming system06:56
mrksbrdgod I can't speel tonight06:57
jttmrksbrd, true, true again06:57
Rask330LiL-JoN: I don't know. I'd want there to be a basis off of which to customize-- something to fall back to.  But when things don't work like this, all I can really do is fall back to Windows.06:58
Rask330Really though, I'm not looking to philosophize :P06:58
intelikeyMurielGodoi it's ok i really don't want to make it thake the extra time that a default system takes...   posting in 41 seconds from a cold power on is fine with me.06:58
jttmisspelled words make it more exciting06:58
ScorpKingapparle: and lshw | grep width as well of course06:58
Rask330Anyone know anything about this dual monitor pan-and-scanning?06:58
apparlejtt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_4 this site says it supports x86_64 instructions06:59
* mrksbrd thinks Scorp is getting in over his head again06:59
* mrksbrd hands him a paddle06:59
jttapparle, interesting  do th   lshw  and see what width it says06:59
* ScorpKing hides and sip some coffee...06:59
mrksbrdapparle, but it has to be a 64bit to begin with06:59
mrksbrdapparle, what manufacturer is your puter07:00
intelikeycat  /proc/cpuinfo07:00
jttintelikey, exactly07:00
apparlejtt: i don't have linux installed on my friend's machine. i have a dual-core myself07:01
=== ubuntusucks is now known as elkkubuntu
intelikeywhich doesn't actually tell me if this cpu is 32 or 64 bit  but if it was 64 it would tell me...07:01
apparlemrksbrd: It is assembled07:01
ScorpKingdoes anyone here have a 64bit cpu?07:02
xeviousi do07:02
xeviousathlon x207:02
mrksbrdi'm not even sure if the make a dual-core 64bit....but I could be wrong07:02
ScorpKingxevious: what does lshw | grep width say?07:02
mrksbrd32bit here07:03
apparleScorpKing; I have a Pentium dual core with 64bit version installed07:03
=== elkkubuntu is now known as myrttiubuntu
xeviousScorpKing: er. a lot07:03
* mrksbrd smashes his head against the desk07:03
ScorpKing32 or 64?07:03
xeviousmost are 32bit, but there's 5 lines that say 64 bit07:03
ScorpKingcase closed. :P07:03
jttgoes to bed have to work tomorrow have enjoyed the conversation, later07:03
ScorpKingc ya07:04
mrksbrdcya jtt07:04
apparlec ya jtt07:04
* ScorpKing pass mrksbrd some aspirin..07:04
xeviousScorpKing: under cpu it says 64bit07:04
* mrksbrd rips them from ScorpKing07:05
xeviousScorpKing: i think lshw|grep x86-64 is a more solid answer there07:05
ScorpKingyeah, a 32bit cpu won't show any 64 lines from lshw | grep width.07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dss80 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:06
intelikeyScorpKing the bus widths are listed as well.07:07
* xevious adds medibuntu and canonical back into his sources, post-dist-upgrade07:07
apparleDoes anybody know a method to check the bit size on windows. I wanna do that before installing kubuntu07:07
ScorpKingthey wont' be 64 on a 32bit cpu tho07:07
xeviousapparle: yeah. lemme pull the link07:08
mrksbrdlmao rotf07:09
* ScorpKing sings a happy song and tru to relax...07:09
xeviousapparle: download wincpuid07:09
myrttiubuntui ubuntu how fix Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.07:09
myrttiubuntuKernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)07:09
* mrksbrd wacks apparle w/Scorps Paddle.............wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!107:09
myrttiubuntuubuntu broke computer :(07:10
myrttiubuntuhow fix07:10
myrttiubuntuhow plz :)07:10
intelikeymyrttiubuntu is that the live CD or an installed system ?07:10
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: think the problem is in /boot/grub/menu.list or /etc/fstab07:10
apparlemyrttiubuntu: How did it break your PC07:10
myrttiubuntui put cd in and i get error07:10
MurielGodoiWhich is the right package to install compiz on kubuntu? I tried compiz-kde but no success07:10
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: the UUID's are most likely mixed up07:10
intelikeyScorpKing "<myrttiubuntu> i put cd in and i get error"07:11
myrttiubuntuuuid's is what that how fix plz?07:11
ScorpKingi see07:11
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion07:11
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: never mind if you boot from the cd07:11
x128hello how can I instal the gcc ?07:11
vzduchsudo apt-get install build-essential07:12
intelikey!b-e | x12807:12
ubotux128: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:12
myrttiubuntuhow fix uuid's ubuntu broke computer i lose naked girl pornography07:12
myrttiubuntuhow fix07:12
intelikeysingular,  not s07:12
ScorpKingthen it should be broken. lol07:12
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: do you get the problem when booting from the cd or from your hd?07:13
intelikeymyrttiubuntu what language ?07:13
myrttiubuntureally big naked girl i touch07:13
myrttiubuntuhow fix07:13
x128x128@x128-desktop:~/xmms-1.2.10$ sudo apt-get -f install xmms07:13
x128Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho07:13
myrttiubuntuwoman home soon how fix quick!07:13
x128Creando árbol de dependencias... Hecho07:13
intelikeyhmmm troll alert07:14
x128Tal vez quiera ejecutar `apt-get -f install' para corregirlo:07:14
x128Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:07:14
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: i don't want to know about your naked girl. i have my own. awnser my question07:14
x128  skype: Depende: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) pero 1.0.10-2ubuntu4 va a ser instalado07:14
vzduch!paste | x12807:14
x128         Depende: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) pero 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 va a ser instalado07:14
ubotux128: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:14
x128         Depende: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12) pero 1:4.0.3-1ubuntu5 va a ser instalado07:14
Jucato!es | x12807:14
ubotux128: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.07:14
x128         Depende: libqt4-core (>= 4.2.1) pero no es instalable07:14
x128         Depende: libqt4-gui (>= 4.2.1) pero no es instalable07:14
myrttiubuntuScorpKing i boot cd now broken07:14
x128         Depende: libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12) pero 4.0.3-1ubuntu5 va a ser instalado07:14
x128  xmms: Depende: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) pero no va a instalarse07:14
x128        Depende: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4) pero no va a instalarse07:14
x128E: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente 'apt-get -f install' sin paquetes (o especifique una solución).07:14
x128it says the same when i type build-essentials07:14
apparleWhat does compiz do??07:14
lee__tuf luck  you aght not to have been vistiting places u aght not br at lol07:14
mrksbrdthat was the first spammer I have seen in here07:14
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: then get new cd07:15
intelikeyhe no will to engrish07:15
myrttiubuntui windows 95 but ubuntu better but not work you fix07:15
lee__taht reminds me07:15
mrksbrdapparle, it's a horrible program don't use it07:15
myrttiubuntui windows 95 but ubuntu better but not work you fix07:15
* mrksbrd winks07:15
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: slow down plz07:15
xeviousuh. adept_updater just told me that a distribution upgrade was available. i upgraded to gutsy this morning07:15
=== myrttiubuntu is now known as ubuntunonaked
apparlemrksbrd: in what way it is horrible??07:16
ubuntunonakedhow fix07:16
ubuntunonakedplz :)07:16
ScorpKingmyrttiubuntu: if the cd is broken get a new one. we can't fix it.07:16
ubuntunonakedyes fix you ubuntu broke bad release07:16
xeviousubuntunonaked: if you're getting that error when you insert the CD and reboot, then the computer is not broken. the CD is.07:16
lee__if it be picture then...07:16
=== ubuntunonaked is now known as ubuntunonakedgir
ubuntunonakedgirhow fix?07:17
ScorpKingah man...07:17
intelikeylee__ prezactly07:17
* xevious is tempted to hit the version upgrade button in Adept Manager07:17
xeviouseven though i updated to gutsy this morning07:17
nk1can someone help how i install fpt printer on kubuntu?07:17
mrksbrdapparle, I suggest you start out getting the correct version of Linux first then worry about Compiz07:17
ubuntunonakedgiri touch selvf but can not kernel panic how fix plz?07:18
lee__its ok xeviuos press da button07:18
lee__it won't bite07:18
ubuntunonakedgiri no bite07:18
xeviouslee__: i upgraded this morning though...07:18
ubuntunonakedgirho fix?07:18
MurielGodoiwhy when I install firefox apt-get install firefox-gnome-support as default in kubuntu?07:18
lee__ohh i upgraded yesterday ...didnt know that it was the final version lol07:19
nk1how i install fpt priner on ubuntu07:19
xeviousi'm gonna do it07:19
=== ubuntunonakedgir is now known as ubuntuhowfix
ubuntuhowfixhow fix?07:19
lee__it can't be fix unless u reinstall07:19
apparlemrksbrd: Iwas asking all these questions for my friend . I have kubuntu installed on my dual core PC07:19
ubuntuhowfixhow fix?07:19
mrksbrdxevious, what is it telling you is it has security and other updates to apply....not the whole program version07:19
ubuntuhowfixhow fix?07:19
xeviousmrksbrd: no07:19
nk1how i install fpt priner on  kubuntu printer is hp laserjet6l07:19
xeviousmrksbrd: it's launching the Distribution Upgrade window now07:20
xeviousmrksbrd: not adept updater07:20
=== ubuntuhowfix is now known as howfixhowfixhowf
Jucatohowfixhowfixhowf: stop that07:20
lee__you probably have a trojan07:20
howfixhowfixhowfhow fix?07:20
melzgah this is all broken n stuff :(07:20
xeviousis this a prank?07:20
lee__can theses things get trojans an viruses?07:20
intelikeygood by07:20
mrksbrdboy were full of a-holes tonight07:21
mrksbrdlee, very unlikely07:21
lee__hes flooding07:21
apparlemrksbrd : now tell me how compiz is horrible07:21
posingaspopularhey all. im running kubuntu gutsy, and when I run akregator, all my feeds are unreachable. they have that red X thing going on. when I try to add delete/add the feeds back, it won't go. anyhelp is appreciated and i'll asnwer all questions to the best of my ability07:22
mrksbrdapparle, it's not...was kidding07:22
ScorpKingwhere's the ops today?07:22
lee__so th ewolf eats java07:22
nk1how i install fpt priner on  kubuntu printer is hp laserjet6l07:22
lee__Amorok, needs java to run it music program?07:22
* vzduch hasn't yet bothered to install Compiz or the likes.. everybody seems to have problems w/ it, and I like to avoid problems :P07:22
Jucatolee__: no07:22
apparlemrksbrd : What it actually does then07:23
lee__or is it the xine?07:23
lee__well I got it lol07:23
nk1how i install fpt priner on  kubuntu printer is hp laserjet6l someone tell or i install xp back07:23
mrksbrdalot of different things, all visual desktop effects07:23
apparlehow to get visualizations for amarok07:23
WaltzingAlong!printers | nk107:23
ubotunk1: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:23
vzduchwth is an fpt printer?07:24
ScorpKingintelikey: ty anyways. :)07:24
lee__some printers are not compatible07:24
Jucatoapparle: install libvisual packages. forgot the names.07:24
xeviousmrksbrd: hah - the Distribution Upgrade brought me to a window that says "Your system is up-to-date. There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now be canceled." Buttons at the bottom: "Report Bug" and "Close"07:24
lee__what is Cups? or the acronym?07:24
apparlemrksbrd: How to know if my PC will be able to cope up with compiz07:24
Jucatolee__: Commun Unix Printing System07:24
lee__never mind the link answered it07:25
mrksbrdJucato, did you get that last spammer "howtofix"??07:25
* xevious eats some cheddar07:25
vzduchmrksbrd: [08:20:51] -!- howfixhowfixhowf [i=jo@gateway/tor/x-7f7c014e984dd1a2] has left #kubuntu [requested by Jucato]07:25
mrksbrdapparle, install it & try it, I have no idea about your system07:26
intelikeyxenophone....    "hmmm cheddar!"07:26
lee__*pets his dog as  dog falls a sleep07:26
mrksbrdahhhhhhh missed it07:26
mrksbrdgood job07:26
lee__how do you  do the emotes lol07:26
ScorpKingi'm off to work. have fun guys!07:26
* Dr_willis wonders whats an emote.07:27
mrksbrdthat always cracks me up.....someone has nothing better to do than flood a irc channel.....what a looser07:27
intelikeyDr_willis that's one better than a dmote07:27
mrksbrdcya scorp07:27
apparlemrksbrd: Dual Core 2.8GHz, 512 RAM, ATI Radeon Express 200 on board graphic card, 80GB hdc. now tell me07:28
* Dr_willis goes to zmote...07:28
xeviousmust have been a lindows user07:28
Dr_willisZZZzzz.... Night all.07:28
lee__emotes are when a person uses an active fraze  like wonder, gets, nods, or does someother action07:28
=== mike is now known as mmmiiikkkeee
intelikeyDr_willis now you are "pro-mote-ing" sleep...07:28
lee__the ifnal fantasy uses "emotes" to help players when there is alanguage barrier and communicates are difficult07:28
lee__EOL on the sub07:28
* WaltzingAlong wonders what lee__ means07:28
* mrksbrd demands a PLEASE, before i give apparle an answer07:28
WaltzingAlonglee__: /me wonders how to type /me commands07:29
apparlemrksbrd: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEDual Core 2.8GHz, 512 RAM, ATI Radeon Express 200 on board graphic card, 80GB hdc. now tell me07:29
* lee__ pets dog as he sleeps07:29
mrksbrdWaltz....just type /me <msg>07:29
lee__ah ok I got it its a me07:29
* mrksbrd thinks about it07:30
lee__where as in the game itsa simple /points to ther <t>07:30
* intelikey !07:30
lee__<t> being target07:30
WaltzingAlongapparle: it works like this: you try it out !ati either it works (well) or not07:30
mrksbrdapparle, u should be able to run it07:30
lee__we also use ^^  >< and ^><^07:31
mrksbrdlike Waltz said ATI cards are fussy though07:31
lee__and taht too oO07:31
mmmiiikkkeeesince i have had gutsy installed if I have "nvidia" as my device in xorg.config, when i go to log out I don't have an option for shutdown/suspend/Nada!  but if i use "nv" all is well.  any ideas?07:31
lee__or O.^07:32
WaltzingAlong!suspend | mmmiiikkkeee07:32
apparlemrksbrd: i have already installed the proprietary drivers. Now will it be fussy07:32
mmmiiikkkeeeI dont have a shutdown option07:32
mrksbrdU HAVE TO TRY IT07:32
* lee__ need to eat 07:32
mrksbrdevery computer system is different07:33
* intelikey is still thinking about "cheddar".... 07:33
mrksbrdI don't know what else to tell you07:33
* lee__ listening to something in gaelic07:33
intelikeywell not all are different,  some are alike07:33
lee__w/me wish taht he new the language07:33
intelikeyi'm thinking about disconnecting the case fan on this box.  too noisy.07:34
mmmiiikkkeeeWhen i click log out i _only_ a "log out" option. i have to run "shutdown now" to turn off the computer07:35
apparlemrksbrd: i am asking so much because i fon't have net and if I have to download from public PC ,I better first take opinoins07:35
mrksbrdintelikey, prolly going bad then07:35
intelikeymrksbrd actually no.  probably connected to +12 and should have connected it to +507:36
mrksbrd.............more power07:36
intelikeybut it sounds like a hair drier07:36
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:36
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
intelikeyoh it's back.07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
Name141Oh yeah , one more thing I noticed, the 'windows' key didn't work , but rather you had to use ctrl + alt ?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
mrksbrdapparle, your asking ?'s that we don't have answers for, the good thing about linux is it's free, if you don't like it then uninstall it07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
ubuntuisshithow fix shit ubuntu and shit ops?07:37
mrksbrdoh my go07:37
xeviousyay jucato07:37
xeviousubuntuisshit is a user on channels: #edubuntu #kubuntu #ubuntu-bugs #ubuntu-desktop #ubuntu-doc #ubuntu-kernel #ubuntu-laptop #ubuntu-locoteams #ubuntu-mirrors #ubuntu-mobile #ubuntu-release-party #ubuntuforums #ubuntustudio07:38
snowdonkeyHi.  How do I make Alt + Tab scroll through minimized windows?07:38
xevioushammering all fronts too07:38
Jucatoyeah we're dealing with him07:38
mrksbrdJucato, can't u ban his entire ip??07:38
Name141Tell him to go faster.07:38
dsl807hehe, I'm using nIRC which is a weird IRC client...this is the freenode kubuntu chat, right?07:38
vzduchsnowdonkey: the system should be doing that on its own07:38
Jucatomrksbrd: he's on tor07:38
Name141So he gets excess flood.07:38
intelikeysnowdonkey does it not default to that ?07:38
mrksbrdoh ok07:39
xeviousi wish i had his ip07:39
intelikeysnowdonkey oh you mean min/win only ?07:39
snowdonkeyvzduch: I just installed gutsy from feisty and now I notice it scrolls only visible windows07:39
apparlemrksbrd: it's easy for you to say .But imagine downloading all the files and their dependencies on public PC at 20Kbps and then taking them homw07:39
melzhi I just installed gutsy and enabled multiverse etc in adept, trying to update it and adept keeps gettingstuck at "Waiting for Headers (63%)" anyone know how i could fix it07:39
vzduchk folks, gotta run for half a day's work, then it's weekend time :)07:39
vzduchl8ers :)07:39
xeviousapparle: are you still trying to figure out which version to grab? 32/64?07:40
snowdonkeyintelikey: Nah, just regular Alt + Tab including minimized windows07:40
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: kmenu/system settings/window behavior ?07:40
snowdonkeywaltzingalong: I don't see an option there that applies07:42
mrksbrdapparle, don't u have internet in your area??07:42
apparlexevious: Yes on my friend's behalf07:42
mrksbrdmelz, it's not you the servers are getting hammered due to the new version07:43
intelikeymrksbrd it's satalite or dialup here.07:43
apparlemrksbrd: my parents don't allow me to get a connection07:43
mrksbrdah!!!!!....where is here?07:43
Oakboxi seem to have 122 processes running it that alot? (former windows user :) )07:43
xeviousapparle: can you download a small program to test something?07:43
snowdonkeyFor example if all the windows are minimized then nothing comes up with Alt + Tab07:43
MurielGodoimelz: You can use torrents it is faster07:43
xeviousapparle: wincpuid will tell you which model cpu it is.07:43
intelikeymrksbrd i'd tell you where "here" is, but then i'd have to kill you...07:43
hrisihhelp please, anyone knows how to transfer videos to the ipod, i m kkubuntu, sorry my english is bad :(07:43
xeviousapparle: then you can google that model and see if it's x86-6407:44
claudioalgun latino??07:44
apparlexevious: If both work then which one should I choose07:44
xeviousapparle: if it is a 64 bit chip, then go with amd6407:45
* mrksbrd puts on a bullet prrof vest07:45
MurielGodoiclaudio: me07:45
claudiofunciona esto?07:45
intelikeymrksbrd heh.   like that will stop a 47007:45
apparlexevious: but many say that amd 64 has sftware compatibility problems07:45
hrisihhelp please, anyone knows how to transfer videos to the ipod, i m kkubuntu, sorry my english is bad :(07:45
xeviousapparle: i use amd6407:45
hrisique necesitas claudio07:46
claudioque wena07:46
* mrksbrd stands beind a 12" thick piece of steel then!!!07:46
MurielGodoiclaudio: In fact I'm brazilian07:46
claudiopense que era como mula esta cuestio del chat07:46
xeviousapparle: the only annoyance was that i needed to fetch ia32libs and install a 32bit firefox in order to get flash07:46
* intelikey "lost target"07:46
xeviousapparle: so i guess for simplicity's sake you could do 32bit07:47
claudioalguien me puede ayudar a configurar la wireles de un notebook?07:47
intelikeybut enough of that playing.  i do my best to avoid having to "light" anyone up.07:47
xeviousapparle: i'm not sure if there's any real performance difference between the two07:47
MurielGodoiclaudio: Qual é o modelo da placa?07:47
apparlexevious: I will see the compatibilty. Anyway thanks for the help . Really thanks07:48
claudiola targeta es una broadcom07:48
MurielGodoiclaudio: Did you understand english?07:48
xeviousapparle: you're welcome07:48
claudiocasi nada07:48
jtmoneyde nada07:48
Oakboxhrisi: im not sure but according to http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9266 it should just work...07:49
apparlexevious: I have heard 64bit works faster07:49
MurielGodoiclaudio: Você sabe o modelo exato?07:49
xeviousapparle: then go 64bit if it's a 64bit cpu. it's really not hard to get 32bit firefox+flash+java installed and there are great howtos online07:49
MithsirHi! I just upgraded to gutsy. I noticed that X11 was really slow, so I enabled compiz (which accellerated it a lot!). But when I try to configure it, ccsm keeps crashing on me ("segmentation fault")... What can I do?07:50
claudioBroadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card07:50
claudioesa es07:50
MurielGodoiintelikey: sorry claudio don't speak english07:50
hrisithank u oakbox07:50
claudioestube lesiando como un mes tratando de configurarla en debian07:50
apparlexevious: alright07:50
claudiopero no pude07:51
claudioahora le puse kubuntu07:51
xeviousapparle: just grab that wincpuid tool07:51
MurielGodoiclaudo: join #kubuntu-es07:51
claudiopara ver si puedo07:51
xeviousapparle: if you have trouble figuring out which cpu it is, come back here and i'm sure someone can help you out.07:51
intelikeyMurielGodoi yeah i was checking the bot for help on that.   but the bot is down.07:51
claudiomuchas GRACIAS!!!07:51
MithsirCan anyone help?07:51
apparlexevious: Grabbed the tool. I will tell what result I get07:52
intelikeyMithsir sorry, i can't.  i'm a console guy.07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:53
intelikeyMithsir this is not the best time to find help in here.   a lot of folks that normally have the answers, seem to have went into release day hidine07:54
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:54
drayenjust booted into 7.10 for the first time (after upgrading from 7.04) but there are no wobbly windows07:54
drayenwhat am i missing?07:54
xeviousdrayen: compiz.07:54
Mithsirintelikey: I see... That's too bad :-/. Does anyone else have that problem?07:54
Jucato!compiz | drayen07:54
ubotudrayen: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion07:54
drayenahh ok :)07:55
intelikeyMithsir you are the first i saw mention it,   but i've not been here very long.07:55
xeviousand wobbly windows is one of the most useless parts of compiz07:55
xeviousexpo rules07:55
drayenyeah ok07:55
intelikeyJucato problem solved ?07:55
xeviousand i finally found a use for the set-your-screen-on-fire plugin07:55
Jucatointelikey: sort of...07:55
intelikeyMithsir has a Q07:55
xevious... that guy who came in and started flooding before!07:55
Mithsirintelikey: I see...07:55
Jucatogetting a hold of staffers at this time of day.. not really that easy :)07:56
intelikey Mithsir ask jucato07:56
Jucatowhat's the problem?07:56
WaltzingAlongxevious: i was not aware that compiz-fusion was meant to be useful07:56
* Jucato was about to take his "get well from being sick" nap07:56
MithsirJucato: ccsm keeps crashing on me, so I can't config compiz...07:56
xeviousWaltzingAlong: expo is useful. zoom is useful07:56
Daisuke-IdoWaltzingAlong: then you've obviously never actually used it07:57
Jucatooh man.. and it has to be one of the things I know nothing about :(07:57
xeviousWaltzingAlong: and on my system it's faster07:57
Daisuke-Idothere's a lot of eyecandy, sure07:57
intelikeyit wasn't "networking"  !!!07:57
xeviousWaltzingAlong: i havent tried grouping and tabbing windows yet, but that seems awesome07:57
Jucatointelikey: I did say "one of the" :P07:57
Linus2Is there a way to tell the Kmenu to simly rebuild?  (Just installed a bunch of stuff with Adept but it doesn't show up)07:58
xeviousWaltzingAlong: and you can write fire grafitti on your desktop. how is that not useful?07:58
WaltzingAlongLinus2: update-menus07:58
Daisuke-Idobut expo, scale, zoom, better window shadowing, those are actually useful07:58
JucatoLinus2: Alt+F2, "kbuildsycoca"07:58
intelikeyLinus2 sudo update-menu*07:58
JucatoWaltzingAlong: works only if you have debian menus installed (not really recommended)07:58
Mithsirwell, then maybe you guys can tell me how I can accellerate my X11 with compiz disabled (it is darn slow w/o compiz)?07:58
drayenis there a way to see programs you never use?07:58
WaltzingAlongJucato: thanks for updating me07:59
WaltzingAlongJucato: how does one remove debian menus?07:59
drayen(ie good un install candidates)07:59
JucatoWaltzingAlong: scratch that not really recommended thing. not really sure about that07:59
Daisuke-Idohow would an average user end up with the debian menu anyway?07:59
Jucatoif it's there and does no harm, let it be07:59
xeviousopening adept manager just crashed X07:59
Daisuke-Idothe only end-user tool that has it right there available that i know of...  is automatix.08:00
intelikeyWaltzingAlong having "menu" installed adds the "debian*" submenu to your kmenu   some like it     some dont.08:00
intelikeyxevious is that repetable ?   or a fluke ?08:01
snowdonkeywaltzingalong: Finally realized "show window list while switching desktops" was the option I needed in Window Behavior.  :)   Thx.08:01
WaltzingAlongsnowdonkey: great. i thought it was there08:01
xeviousintelikey: i think it was an amazingly well timed fluke on behalf of compiz :D08:01
WaltzingAlongglad you found it08:02
lee__I found an oops...streaming music and down loading data creast a break up in the stream08:02
xeviousintelikey: i was singing its praises a little too loudly08:02
JucatoMithsir: btw about your compiz problem, you could try asking in #compiz-fusion08:02
WaltzingAlongintelikey: aptitude shows i have 'menu' installed and that it was automatically installed. how can i show which package was installed to make this one automatically installed?08:02
Daisuke-Idolee__: downloading heavily while listening to streaming music causes said music to be interrupted?08:02
MithsirJucato: ty, I'll try that08:02
Daisuke-Idooh the horror!08:02
JucatoMithsir: and if you have your video cards restricted/proprietary drivers, it shouldn't be slow08:02
MithsirJucato: how can it be fast with compiz then?08:03
Daisuke-Idolee__: i really try not to say this often, but... duh.08:03
intelikeyWaltzingAlong apt-cache --rdepends show blah    maybe.    the man page knows.08:03
WaltzingAlongof course man knows all08:03
lee__well I never had it happen to me in um ...the um other thing'08:03
intelikeynot quite all08:03
intelikeyman woman08:03
Daisuke-Idobut it does happen08:03
intelikeyE: no manual for woman08:04
Daisuke-Idointelikey: no surprise there08:04
WaltzingAlongah ha so menu got installed when i installed fluxbox. ok08:04
lee__hmm women are like a sports car....they need a lot of maintiance and a lot of tlc08:04
intelikeythere ya go.  fluxbox uses menu08:04
Daisuke-Idolee__: i would recommend throttling your download, especially if you're torrenting08:04
intelikeyi think twm does too08:04
lee__iwasnt i was using the updatier08:05
Daisuke-Idothat could do it to08:05
lee__but i am finsihed with it now lol08:05
Daisuke-Idoprioritize :)08:05
lee__trying to find taht gaelic dictinary I once found08:05
Daisuke-Idogoodnight, i'm not being much help right now08:05
WaltzingAlong!info x11vnc > xevious08:06
xeviousWaltzingAlong: i've already got it installed and configured08:06
xeviousi realized that maybe compiz and vnc weren't compatible08:07
xeviousbut i guess that's not the root of my problems08:07
intelikeytrunk != root08:08
xeviousWaltzingAlong: my kicker randomly disappears from my first desktop08:08
OakboxIm new to this IRC stuff what do you mean when someone types ! infrount of something?08:08
xeviousWaltzingAlong: X has been crashy08:08
WaltzingAlongOakbox: it is a way to use the ubotu bot. you can message the bot to test it out. /msg ubotu !kubuntu08:08
intelikeyOakbox the channel bot  watches for lines that begin with ! and searches for info accordingly08:08
MithsirWhat is the recommended driver for a radeon card then?08:09
lee__ah found it08:09
WaltzingAlongMithsir: whichever works for you. which device do you have specifically? you could use any of vesa, ati, or fglrx08:09
intelikeyOakbox other than that,  it's computer code for NOT   like   !=    is   not equal08:09
Y3kdoes kubuntu get the upgrades that ubuntu also gets? or does kubuntu run separately?08:10
Y3kaka, kubuntu is developed separately08:10
intelikeyOakbox lots of times you'll see something like   !ntfs-3g  mentioned   which is saying that the infonode from ubotu will help   i.e.08:10
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:10
MithsirWaltzingAlong: not sure. Xorg.log sais "ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series".08:10
Oakboxintelikey: hehe thanks :) i knew the programming one08:10
WaltzingAlongY3k: many of the pieces underneath that are the same get updated together08:11
lee__hmm I think its commy cast having issues08:11
WaltzingAlongMithsir: how well does the 'ati' driver perform for you? otherwise you could install the fglrx proprietory one08:11
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intelikeyOakbox yeah   you find that irc is a melting pot of normal language computer language and pure geek08:11
MithsirWaltzingAlong: currently, I use the fglrx, but it is really slow when I don't run compiz...08:12
Oakboxintelikey: thanks alot :) hehe i will have to experiment08:12
Y3kWaltzingAlong, so the only difference is gnome and kde differences right?08:12
WaltzingAlongY3k: right08:12
intelikeynp Oakbox08:12
mrksbrdY3k, ubuntu is the backbone behind Kubuntu, KDE enviromnent is just applied over it to make Kubuntu08:12
apparleWhich one should i use ubuntu or kubuntu08:13
WaltzingAlongY3k: for me it makes sense to think about them as "ubuntuG" "ubuntuK" and "ubuntuX" all ubuntu with gnome, kde, and xfce08:13
intelikeyapparle you want gnome or kde installed by default ?08:13
mrksbrdapparle, Stubuntu08:13
LastMallapparle   decide whether you like kde or gnome08:13
Y3kyea, so it is possible to run both G and K in the same install right?08:13
apparleboth are cool08:13
mrksbrdY3k, yes08:13
WaltzingAlongY3k: you could have them both installed. when you log in, select which session you want to start gnome or kde08:14
intelikeyY3k absotivly08:14
lee__!hmm the temprature thing no wirky for my computer08:14
Y3kstubuntu? i thought it's called edubuntu08:14
intelikeyi mean posolutly08:14
xeviousi'm off to bed08:14
xeviousg'night folks08:14
LastMallapparle  i do a commandline install, then kde-core, then add the other stuff I want/need08:14
mrksbrdY3k....was a joke08:14
WaltzingAlongY3k: if you have one install the other through installing the package 'ubuntu-desktop' or 'kubuntu-desktop'08:14
LastMalland there's xubuntu which is xfce08:14
Y3kah ok08:15
WaltzingAlongor xubuntu-desktop08:15
akrillwhat i do is start with ubuntu, install it08:15
akrillthen do ubuntu-server08:15
akrillthen xubuntu-desktop08:15
MithsirSo, I am back with a reeally slow X usign the fglrx driver.08:15
akrillTHEN finally so i get the kubuntu-desktop stuff all defaulted... install kubuntu-desktop08:16
WaltzingAlongMithsir: interesting that it would be so slow. which xserver are you using?08:16
WaltzingAlongakrill: :d08:16
mrksbrdakrill, yea sorta....something like that....lol08:16
intelikeyand there is my favorite.  for Q in `dpkg -l | cut -d ' ' -f 3` ;do apt-get -y remove --purge $Q ;done    :)))08:16
MithsirWaltzingAlong: how can I find out? I think its the default one...08:17
akrilli live for system bloat08:17
mrksbrdthen u have project looking glass08:17
MithsirWaltzingAlong: I also have ugly graphic glitches, btw.08:17
akrillbtw, whats the difference between the CD and DVD isos?08:17
WaltzingAlongMithsir: use adept manager, search for xserver and check to show just installed packages08:17
intelikeyakrill a buck two ninty five08:18
WaltzingAlongakrill: dvd contains more packages and languages and can be either install from cli or run live08:18
mrksbrdakrill, dvd has most of the progs/packages on disk, vs cd where alot u have to d/l08:18
akrillah i see08:19
Exilantwhen trying to update to gutsy, apt wants to install 127 new packages and consume 988 more megabyte space, is that normal? and how to prevent it, i don't have that much space08:19
intelikeyakrill ok sorry it a buck two ninty seven    my bad.08:19
WaltzingAlongExilant: eventually those will get installed over what you have already so the space is just temp during download08:20
mrksbrdExilant, they are security updates & fixes....suggest a bigger HDD08:20
apparlecan kaffiene play .flv08:20
MithsirWaltzingAlong: I have xserver-xorg and xserver-xgl (maybe the later one is run?).08:20
MithsirWaltzingAlong: how do I switch between them?08:20
WaltzingAlongMithsir: i can understand that it will be slow hrough xserver-xgl08:20
intelikeyExilant you need to either remove some packages first,  or free some space.    or my favorite, "dont upgrade"08:21
mrksbrdmy god after 4hrs of downloading my updates are almost done08:21
ExilantWaltzingAlong, mrksbrd: No, it really does use that much additional space, not just temporary, and actually some pretty insane packages08:21
apparleCan kaffiene play .flv files08:22
david_hi, i just wanted to know if the RT61 default 7.10 drivers actually work?08:22
mrksbrdit will show a d/l size & install size in adept mgr on the right bottom08:22
david_or will i need to use the tarball in gibbon?08:22
Exilantintelikey: yes, good favourite, should have sticked to it08:22
WaltzingAlongExilant: it needs to download that much but then most of the packages you have will be updated with the downloaded versions - the new files copied over the old08:22
WaltzingAlongapparle: mplayer and vlc to the rescue!08:22
MithsirWell, I just removed xserver-xgl, now I get decent speed08:23
apparleWaltzingAlong: Will it play if libxine1-ffmpeg and libxine-extracodecs installed08:23
MithsirThanks for now. cya.08:24
Exilantapt-get ... 929 upgraded, 174 newly installed, 6 to remove and 1 not upgraded. Need to get 1164MB of archives. After unpacking 986MB of additional disk space will be used.08:24
WaltzingAlongapparle: ffmpeg can play it sure08:24
david_no one uses ralink wireless cards?08:25
apparleWaltzingAlong: So i will be able to play it with kaffiene08:25
mrksbrdExilant, yep then 986 of disk space will be used.....what the heck version u have?08:26
lee__oops sorry wrong area..eh it means okwell, night08:26
robewald|workhello, I have an xorg problem: "AUDIT <timestamp> X: client 1 rejected from local host (uid 1000)"08:26
* WaltzingAlong thinks so08:26
Exilantmrksbrd: feisty... latest update08:26
robewald|workit works as root, so i suspect i don't have the right permissions, but I really don't know where to look08:26
mrksbrdfrom a fresh install?08:26
OakboxI seem to have a wird prolem with Compiz...  If i select number of desktops as 4 i get 8....  any ideas?08:27
intelikeyrobewald|work what generated that error ?08:27
Exilantwell, freshly reinstalled when feisty came out afair08:27
apparlemrksbrd: For upgrade to gutsy which is better ,update from CD or fresh install, I don't have net08:27
robewald|workintelikey: startx /usr/bin/xterm from my normal account(uid 1000) it works as root08:28
mrksbrdapparle, your only option is CD then08:28
* SilentDis pokes ubotu08:28
robewald|workit work before (i am on feisty still) and i did a security update this morning08:28
robewald|workthen it stopped working08:28
intelikeyrobewald|work try just running X   and see if it does the same08:28
SilentDisgrrr, i need that infobit!  lol08:29
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apparlemrksbrd: What about fresh install08:29
intelikeyrobewald|work sounds like Xorg may have lost it's   suid  possably08:29
mrksbrdapparle, depends on how much stuff you'd be willing to loose, if u don't have much then do a fresh install08:30
robewald|workintelikey: X works, I get the strippled background. but no clients can connect to the x server08:30
apparlemrksbrd: Will packages like kaffeiene or k3b get upgraded if I upgrade from CD08:31
intelikeyrobewald|work did you try running something like   xterm --display:0    as the same user   to see if it errored or not ?08:31
WaltzingAlongluckily you stuck /home on its own partition so you can just format / then mount /home back, keeping all your stuff08:31
david_anyone with RT61 wirelss pci card success on gibbon ?08:31
SilentDisgrrr... anyone have the linky for the 'proper' compiz/compiz-fusion setup routine for Kubuntu 7.10?  ubotu doesn't wanna talk to me. :(08:32
the-ermI wonder how hard it would be to make a bit torrent type repo system the update is insanely slow.08:32
SilentDisthe-erm: there's work going on for apt-torrent now08:32
WaltzingAlongthe-erm: some of us installed last week or two days before 'the big release'08:32
mrksbrdapparle, it will update everything needed08:32
the-ermSilentDis: that's cool.  It's definitely needed.08:33
WaltzingAlongclap clap WoW style updates08:33
david_secondly, now that gibbon is final, is it still recommended to check "pre release" updates to update to gibbon? should i uncheck it once its done?08:33
intelikeyrobewald|work ok.   if Xorg will work,  and startx wont then the startx script may be calling the wrong executable.    ls -l /etc/X11/X  make sure it's a symlink to /usr/bin/Xorg08:34
robewald|workintelikey: verified, /etc/X11/X links to /usr/bin/Xorg08:35
WaltzingAlongdavid_: to upgrade to gutsy, yes i think so (having pre release/proposed checked) but after gutsy is installed it could be unchecked08:35
intelikeyok and /usr/bin/X is  -rwsr-sr-x   correct?08:35
robewald|workintelikey: yes08:36
SilentDisthe-erm: another option is to pull *ubuntu-alternate cd for your platform, and perform the upgrade that way.  the torrents for those are out there08:36
david_WaltzingAlong: thanks heaps!08:36
intelikeyrobewald|work hmmm.     will startx  run with out any args ?08:36
the-ermSilentDis: Oddly enough I'm downloading that cd, and the desktop - just in case - right now08:37
apparlehow to play realplayer files like .rmvb on kaffiene08:37
* SilentDis opens ktorrent and seeds out desktop for the-erm :)08:37
the-ermI'm actually almost done with the download SilentDis08:37
the-ermSo no worries.08:38
SilentDisbrb, time to stir the soup :)08:38
robewald|workno, same error, but /usr/bin/xinit works and gives me an xterm08:38
intelikeyrobewald|work then i'll have to assume that your startx script is hosed08:38
apparlehow to play realplayer files like .rmvb on kaffiene08:39
mrksbrdgoodnight all08:39
robewald|workintelikey: maybe not, that same error also appears when I want to log in from kdm.08:39
MurielGodoimrksbrd: night08:39
intelikeyrobewald|work ls -ld /tmp08:40
intelikeyerrr wait. kdm  that writes in /root   never mind08:41
bdgraueafter a fresh gutsy-install my webcam does not work anymore08:41
robewald|workintelikey: empty08:41
intelikeyempty ?08:41
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion08:41
intelikeyshould be   drwxrwxrwt08:41
robewald|workintelikey: yes, i deleted all before I restarted X and kdm08:42
apparlehey how to play .rmvb files08:42
intelikey<intelikey> robewald|work ls -ld /tmp  <<<<08:42
intelikeydash L dash D    long listing   dirrectories only08:42
intelikeydrwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Oct 19 06:06 /tmp08:43
jtmoneyas far as feisty, what's the difference between xorg-driver-fglrx and nvidia-glx-new?08:43
bdgraueapparle: i think mplayer can do this08:43
robewald|workintelikey: aah, ok I get you, sorry.... drwxrwxrwt root:root /tmp08:43
WaltzingAlong!info youtube-dl | apparle08:43
ubotuapparle: youtube-dl: download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2007.08.24-1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB08:43
jtmoney!info nvidia-glx-new08:43
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB08:43
jtmoney!info xorg-driver-fglrx08:43
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx: Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 7.1.0-8.37.6+ (gutsy), package size 8357 kB, installed size 22472 kB08:43
jtmoneyoh my god08:44
jtmoneyi just realized my mistake, i am retarded08:44
WaltzingAlongati vs nvidia?08:44
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jtmoneyhaha yeah, i have one of both08:44
intelikeyrobewald|work one other thing i can think of off hand.   ls -l ~/.ICEauthority  make sure you won it.08:45
intelikeyWaltzingAlong last count was 5-3 nv08:45
apparlebdgraue: I wanna play them kaffiene. Is it possible. Any realmedia codec library for xine engine08:46
intelikeywon it./own it08:46
robewald|workvery simple solution, disk full... *blush*08:46
bdgraueapparle: could be,but i'm not sure,  libxine-extracodecs installed?08:46
WaltzingAlong!codecs | apparle08:46
ubotuapparle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:46
intelikeyrobewald|work want a very simple solution ?08:47
apparlebdgraue: yes08:47
intelikeyrobewald|work   sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/<yourdevicehere>08:47
apparleWaltzingAlong; Can you tell me directly how to08:48
robewald|workintelikey: what does that do?08:48
intelikeyturns off the reserve blocks that users can't use but root can.08:48
intelikeymakes it all avalable08:48
robewald|workWell, the errormessage from gdm told me. kdm is lackin in this respect08:49
intelikeythat assumes  ext# file system    there is another way with rieser08:49
intelikeyrobewald|work that's not the only respect   imo08:49
intelikeyi wouldn't reccomend kdm to a windows user, let alone a friend...08:50
XsteelWolfWhat's a good download manager for rapidshare08:50
robewald|workintelikey: wow, that is rather strong :-) I like the autologin feature though. does gdm have something like that08:50
rand_acshow many is running Gutsy without issues yet?08:51
WaltzingAlongapparle: http://kaffeine.kde.org/?q=faq#question608:51
intelikeygdm is a good one.  has all the features, lacks some of the things that tic me off like writing in /root and not telling you what happened to it...08:52
intelikeyrand_acs no way to know,  they are the ones that we never see in here...08:52
robewald|workintelikey: well, maybe I should switch.... we'll see. now I got some work to do. Thanks for the help.08:53
intelikeyrobewald|work welcome.08:53
Oakboxcompiz is takine 97% of my cpu :S08:53
bdgrauehow can i get the information, which chipset my webcam have?08:53
rand_acsintelikey: lol, fair enough08:53
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rand_acsI'm backing up some data then I'm going to upgrade08:54
intelikeybdgraue what interface ?   usb ?    lsusb   maybe.08:54
bdgrauelsusb don't tell me the chipset08:54
rand_acsmy updater broke so I got the .iso and will do form that08:54
bdgraueit says only microdia08:54
dgrubanyone able to help with kde4? itś crashing my X server when i try to login to it08:54
sebartI have slow network (internet) connection using kubuntu gutsy. There is no problem on my laptop (ubuntu feisty). Anyone else with the same problem?08:55
intelikeybdgraue i'm not sure you can parse it from a usb device without first knowing what it is...  "oximoronic i know."   maybe someone else knows.08:56
Ace2016Hi all08:57
WaltzingAlong!hi | Ace201608:57
ubotuAce2016: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!08:57
Ace2016hi WaltzingAlong08:58
rand_acswell here goes the update, wish me luck...08:58
Ace2016anyone here know how to stop the program that controls the backlight?08:58
Ace2016the second i login to kde it turns the backlight to a very low level08:59
Ace2016i can stay for ages in kdm and its fine, the second i login the backlight goes very dim and i have to go into vista to get it back to an acceptable level again08:59
WaltzingAlongAce2016: maybe check the gamma settings in kde? kmenu/system settings/monitor and display/color and gamma09:00
sebartanyone else experiencing network slowdown on gutsy?09:01
sd32so is rc 5 the final release?09:01
dgrubsebart: \O09:02
WaltzingAlong!final | sd3209:02
Ace2016WaltzingAlong: that doesn't seem to work09:04
WaltzingAlongAce2016: which video card and driver?09:05
Ace2016using nv at the moment09:05
WaltzingAlongand difference when using nvidia?09:06
Road_killcan someone help me set up Compiz?09:06
WaltzingAlong!compiz | Road_kill09:06
Ace2016i'm in xorg and using konversation now, so probably not xorg or its drivers, i think its a service or something that is run on startup09:06
WaltzingAlongRoad_kill: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion09:06
Ace2016isn't ubotu supposed to say that?09:07
WaltzingAlongyes, taking a break i guess09:07
jtmoneyanyone have problems with gutsy intermittenly disconnecting their wireless connection?09:07
WaltzingAlongnot i09:07
jtmoneyehh, i think i'll just stick with feisty for a few weeks09:08
Road_killanyone else have crashing Kopete?09:08
sd32I have a rc 5 disk, is it ok to use this as a install or do I need to re-download it?09:08
WaltzingAlongsd32: use that. then normal update and upgrade from there09:08
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy? already patched. check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500  and toward the bottom are downloads09:08
sd32waltzingalong, thanks09:09
l3dxI have some trouble upgrading to gutsy..debconf and x11-common_1 failes to install09:09
WaltzingAlongl3dx: how were you upgrading?09:10
l3dxusing the upgrade instruction09:10
l3dxsubprocess pre-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault), core dumped09:13
mikeWhere is gkrellm ?09:13
Hamraif im going to upgrade to gutsy online, what is approximatly the size of the stuff that gets downloaded?09:13
mikenot installable,,hmm09:13
WaltzingAlongl3dx: what are you using now? feisty?09:14
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l3dxWaltzingAlong, yes09:14
l3dxI pressed the "report bug" button, but nothing happend..at least I didn't SEE anything happen09:15
Road_killDoes anyone have compiz running and could possible help me?09:15
WaltzingAlongRoad_kill: perhaps check #compiz-fusion09:16
mikeno ksensors in 710?09:16
Road_killthank you09:16
mikeGkrellm been replaced?09:17
l3dxwell, I need some coffee!09:17
webcodeForgive for my bad English09:17
RawSewageshould I upgrade or do a new full install09:18
K|full install09:18
webcodeDo not prompt, how it is possible to update Kubuntu 7.04 till 7.10?09:18
RawSewageok ty09:18
K|at least my upgrade is just painful09:18
WaltzingAlongwebcode: there are upgrade instructions in a link in the topic09:19
WaltzingAlongwebcode: Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade09:19
K|RawSewage: hd to small and for some reason he wants to install additional 1 gig of software i don't need09:19
webcodeWaltzingAlong, Thanks!09:19
mikeNo gkrellm /ksensors etc :(09:20
meuhlolkubuntu 7.10 has already mp3 support or need to DL something at plus?09:20
webcodeKMenu -> System - Crash :(09:21
l3dxWaltzingAlong, is there a way I can abort the upgrade? since it fails?09:21
Ace2016for some strange reason every time i see dolphin i think of vista's file manager, maybe its the address bar, but it sure does remind me of it09:21
l3dxsome kind of rollback09:21
Ace2016oh and removing the guidance power manager fixed it09:22
jarnAdept seems to be stuck at "Waiting for headers" - I'm assuming this is due to server load?09:22
mikejarn: yes over loaded09:22
jarnmike: Okay, thanks - just wanted to make sure ;)09:22
chakie_workjarn: i had the same and cancelled the download after a while. now adept flat out refuses to do anything related to upgrading09:22
mikei am using NZ mirrors09:23
WaltzingAlongAce2016: you can use konqueror. right mouse click a folder, open with/other   find konqueror  and check remember application association of this filetype09:23
WaltzingAlongif you can, grab the alternate cd (or dvd) through the torrent then upgrade from that09:23
RawSewageshould I use a torrent instead09:23
RawSewageI dont see a handy torrent link on the Kubuntu download page09:23
RawSewageit should be at the top, in big letters09:24
webcodeAfter yesterday's updating 7.04 systemsettings does not work. :(09:24
chakie_workany hint as to how to get adept to actually trigger a system upgrade? the docs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade just don't do anything except fetch the pre-release updates"09:24
sd32If I applied the kubuntu desktop to a ubuntu install, and then upgrade to gutsy, will it delete the kde desktop and make me reinstall it, or will it update the kde also?09:24
RivaeAeryaHello - I'm using Kubuntu right now and i plan on (maybe) switching back to Ubuntu because Ubuntu has got better support than Kubuntu, in features, software, and hardware. So, i deleted .gnome2 and .gnome and .gconf and .gconfd but now i can't run GNOME anymore. And, the preferences menu is loaded with all kinds of junk. So can anyone help me with all of this?09:24
K|chakie_work: you can always modify your sources.list09:24
webcodePlease, help :(09:25
webcodeAfter yesterday's updating 7.04 systemsettings does not work. :(09:25
chakie_workRawSewage: the torrent files are where the normal downloads are, ie on ftp09:25
chakie_workK|: that's the next step, ie a normal "edit sources.list && aptitude dist-upgrade"09:25
RawSewagechakie_work, I see now , thanks09:25
K|ah, ok09:25
chakie_workK|: but there is this nice tool that's supposed to do this. and it's always a mess when some repos don't work09:25
K|chakie_work: i thought that only worked in gnome09:26
chakie_workie a brutal s/feisty/gutsy/ won't work09:26
K|never really got used to adept09:26
chakie_workK|: which? aptitude dist-upgrade?09:26
K|no, a gui-driven update to another version09:27
chakie_workK|: ah, it worked ok when i updated to feisty09:27
=== ubuntu__ is now known as LiL
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chakie_workhm, but i would need some kind of list of all the needed repositories. i guess that adept can add them to sources.list after a basic upgrade09:28
LiL-JoNhey guys im installing gutsy right now im on the live cd :]09:29
ubotusd32: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.09:29
ubotuRoad_kill: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion09:29
Road_killhey guys, how do i use my Windows button in Kubuntu?09:29
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php09:29
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:29
Ace2016chakie_work: you can get good generated list of repos here http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/09:30
chxGutsy is one part cool, one part problems. The brightness setting keys on the laptop (FN+F1, FN+F2) does not work anymore, how could I debug? when coming back from suspend, the backlight remains off. Finally it uses the old problematic ipw3945 instead of the new iwl3945 module, how could I change that?09:30
E_mEhow can i restore my graphics settings.. there completely bugger after trying to install my ATI x1600 graphics Accesloration... how can i revoke back?09:31
chakie_workAce2016: thanks!09:31
mneisenIs it just me, or does upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy just not work as described at kubuntu.com? The Adept Manager does not open the UPgrade Manager, even after updating the system to the very latest Feisty packages, and after enabling "Recommended Upgrades". What does work, though, is a short "sudo do-release-upgrade" on the CLI. Anyboday know anything about that issue?09:31
chakie_workmneisen: well, i see the same09:32
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E_mEwhen i press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace it doesn't go back to console either :/09:33
* LiL-JoN is installing gutsy :]09:33
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bonaldo2000Can anyone answer me this: If I supplied the irqpoll option when I install ubuntu (I thought I had a problem that it might would be able to solve but didnt) will the effects of the irqpoll option remain in the system after installation even though I no longer have it in my boot parameter list?09:33
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: how goes the installation?09:33
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bonaldo2000I asked the question a couple of times yesterday, but no one aswered :-(09:33
LiL-JoNScorpKing: it didnt work last time now im installing it again after playing halo 309:34
bonaldo2000(it should say kubuntu)09:34
LiL-JoNScorpKing: its at copying files...34%09:34
Ace2016E_mE: thats not the best way to get to a terminal, logout and press ctrl+n or was it alt+n, something like that, its in the menu, then run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart to get back to kde09:34
Ace2016to get back to kdm and login again*09:34
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: lol09:34
E_mEAce2016: i cant see the desktop...09:34
mneisenchakie_work: Do you know why this is so?09:35
E_mEAce2016: i'm trying to get my graphics settings work.. i tryied to install ATI Accesloration and now it refuse to book into any xserver what so ever!09:35
chakie_workmneisen: no, sorry. that's why i came here09:35
mneisenchakie_work: I even tried on a freshly installed system (VirtualBox)?09:35
mneisenchakie_work: OK, isee.09:35
E_mEeven went i revert back to a stable config09:35
Ace2016so your xorg doesn't start? tried setting the driver to vesa?09:35
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i have a list of program im gonig to install then after that i want to install compiz fusion then after that i want to drink some koolaid (keep in mind im not black)09:36
LiL-JoNAce2016: vesa always works09:36
LiL-JoNScorpKing: most of all i want to make sure there are no problems cause if there is im going to BUST out my old feisty and BAM problem fixed lol09:37
Ace2016yup thats why i suggested it09:38
LiL-JoNScorpKing: do you know a page that shows the ati cards that are gonig to work?09:38
* LiL-JoN Copying Files... 61%09:38
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E_mEive used vesa now and i'm getting: Requested Entity already in use!09:39
helloyohey guys, anyone having issues with kopete? no issues in the RC, but it crashes every time i try to log in09:39
LiL-JoNhelloyo: yeah alot of people are having that problem09:40
LiL-JoNhelloyo: theres a fix out there09:40
sd32this is the first time i've ever seen a op in here09:40
LiL-JoNsd32: whose the op?09:40
E_mEworks now that ive taken dual monitors off09:40
paghelloyo, fix available: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500/comments/2909:40
sd32dont know09:40
Ace2016he is the op09:40
E_mEAce2016: how can i revoke back to standard graphic settings?09:41
helloyoLiL-JoN, pag: thank you09:41
Ace2016well vesa was the standard failsafe kind of dirver, you could reconfigure your xserver by doing  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  but not sure if that would make it better or worse09:42
LiL-JoNAce2016: it will make it better09:42
E_mEthat didnt work for me09:42
chxSo. The KDE powermanager applet does notchange the brightness of my LCD panel. How could I debug this?09:42
Road_killHow can I get Kubuntu to start using my Windows button (super) key?!09:42
LiL-JoNsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:42
ScorpKing_can someone kick SkorpKing so i can get my nick back? plz...09:43
E_mELiL-JoN: i used that earlier and won't boot at all.. i think my gflrx drivers are buggered09:43
Ace2016chx: same here, i had to upgrade my kernel in debian so i'm going to do the same now09:43
pag!register | ScorpKing_09:43
ubotuScorpKing_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:43
LiL-JoNRoad_kill: thats like teaching a dog to ice skate09:43
posingaspopularScorpKing_: /msg nickserv ghost (nick) nickpassword09:43
Ace2016when i upgraded the kernel i got the function buttons to work, so at least i could use the buttons09:43
l3dxAfter a failed upgrade, and a reboot. xorg is dead09:43
l3dxis there a way to do a rollback from the upgrade?09:44
* LiL-JoN Scanning the mirror... 82%09:44
ScorpKing_hehe. konversation did something and now it's full of $#$^ . brb09:44
noaxess_kubuntuanybody know information about the newest 300mbps wlan card driver for linux?09:45
noaxess_kubuntuo where is a hardware list for latest kubuntu?09:45
=== ScorpKing_ is now known as ScorpKing
ScorpKingthat's better. :D09:47
felix_eriddell: kde-stable and kde-latest still point to 3.5.709:47
Road_killLil-jon: so its not possible?09:47
LiL-JoNRoad_kill: i think it is im not sure if its easy tho :[09:48
posingaspopularRoad_kill: what are you trying to do09:48
LiL-JoNScorpKing: hey are you the ScorpKingi was talking to earlier?09:48
LiL-JoNScorpKing: i lub you?09:48
ScorpKingkonversation has gone mad09:48
Road_killposingapopular: compiz uses alot of the "super" button, so i was hoping to get it to be detected09:49
* LiL-JoN wants taco bell yumm yumm09:49
LiL-JoNScorpKing: 94%09:49
LiL-JoNconfiguring hardware09:50
ScorpKingnice :D09:50
mikeok nn temp monitoring,,hmm09:50
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ScorpKingi'm trying to update the packages on 7.04 but you guys got the servers so busy i keep on getting lag and very slow connection. :(09:51
Road_killchange your respository09:51
Road_killi changed mine, thats how i was able to upgrade to gutsy09:51
LiL-JoNScorpKing: im done installing it09:51
LiL-JoNhow do i privet message somebody09:52
pagLiL-JoN, ie. /msg nick Hello!09:52
posingaspopular do /msg09:53
chxgeneric question. how do i backlist / enforce modules ?09:53
chxkernel modules, that is.09:53
* LiL-JoN finished installing gutsy hope all goes well on reboot09:56
wilsonif someone here is running kubuntu 7.10 can you tell me what happens when you go to k -> system settings -> regional & language -> install new language09:57
wilsondoes it just load up adept ?09:57
LiL-JoNill telly ou09:57
l3dxI've no other choice than using vista for at least until monday if anyone can't give me a way to undo the upgrade, or tell me how to start the upgrade "all over" form terminal. Can you live with that?! :P09:58
wilsonbecause i removed it from mine and when i go to do that it says kdesudo could not be found ... but kdesudo is installed fine09:58
LiL-JoNwilson: its kdesu09:58
flaccidwilson, #ubuntu+109:58
posingaspopularwilson: yea it works just fine.09:58
LiL-JoNflaccid: this is the channel for gutsy09:58
wilsonok weird, it's working now09:58
wilsonit wasn't before, must have been the reboot09:59
flaccidit is?09:59
flacciddid it get released now?09:59
LiL-JoN flaccidyeah its official now09:59
prasanthI am getting an error while doing version upgrade  from  gutsy beta (It says system is up tod ate, but Adept manager still shows Version upgrade :-)09:59
flaccidoh sorry my bad09:59
wilsonis anyone having issues with ksystemlog being unstable ?09:59
WaltzingAlongprasanth: that is a known issue09:59
flaccidi'm way behind...09:59
E_mEmy OpenGL is still sying Mesa Project!! how can i get ATI working in Gutsy?09:59
flaccidE_mE, its on the forums09:59
flaccidand/or the wiki10:00
prasanthWaltzingAlong: Is there a way to fix it?10:00
E_mEflaccid: i tried the forum way.. still didnt work10:00
E_mEflaccid: i used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:00
flaccidyeah it can be a real pain E_mE . sometimes im unsuccessful too. maybe #ati can help10:00
* ScorpKing is away for now...10:00
flaccidE_mE, there are several threads on the forum with your particular problem and how to solve it10:00
E_mEthanx flaccid10:01
flaccidand yeah you might have to try a few things to get it to work10:01
flaccidas in a few dif threads coz there are at least 3 on it10:01
WaltzingAlongprasanth: not yet that i know of10:03
E_mEflaccid: another problem i had was the mouse cursor curropted on the second monitor ... any ideas or links?10:03
WaltzingAlongprasanth: just do not click to upgrade to next release as you know you have gutsy (7.10) and 8.04 is far away yet10:03
rand_acsdamn cd's update script doesn't work...10:04
prasanthWaltzingAlong: thanks :-)10:04
WaltzingAlongrand_acs: the alternate-cd ?10:04
WaltzingAlongrand_acs: how far do you get?10:04
flaccidE_mE, i reckon see how you go once you fix the fglrx stuff. its possible its related. i aint herad about that problem on ati sorry10:04
rand_acsdoesn't even start10:05
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LiL-JoNScorpKing: hey10:05
LiL-JoNScorpKing: that had to be the easiest upgrade ive done EVER10:06
rand_acsWaltzingAlong: running the script with the run dialog gives no feedback, but running it from the live disk(with the execute shell scripts) gives one output line saying something like, "can't find /gutsy"10:06
E_mEflaccid: its fixed... but its using MESA GL10:06
flaccidthats not fixed..10:06
rand_acsWaltzingAlong: MD5 checks out10:07
flaccidyou want it to say ati technologies10:07
* ScorpKing is back...10:07
flaccidmesa is software rendering of glx10:07
WaltzingAlongrand_acs: did you get the dvd? otherwise update from cd is possible with the alternate not the desktop (live) cd10:07
E_mEflaccid: will the same process i use in feisty work in gutsy?10:07
flaccidyou want the hardware on the v card to do that10:07
posingaspopulardoes anyone know when the gusty docs are going to be out? because kubuntu.org/documentation.php is missing both gutsy and feisty docs10:07
flaccidE_mE, most likely10:07
rand_acsWaltzingAlong: nope, the standard, 693Mb alternate cd10:07
* E_mE tries it out for the second time10:07
flaccidposingaspopular, they canned that a long time ago unfortunately. i don't think there will be any10:08
flaccidat least not desktop guide10:08
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: so it's working?10:08
rand_acsWaltzingAlong: should it give some extra update option on startup?10:08
posingaspopularflaccid: ah yea, you're right. they stopped desktop guide. i remember being told that on the doc-team mailing list.10:08
LiL-JoNScorpKing: hell yeah its so fast omg i love it10:08
flaccidi offered to fix, but the doc team are closed minded and ignorant and only want a topic based system ie. wiki plus in kde10:08
flaccidposingaspopular, yeah i argued with them on that list about that10:08
posingaspopularnah i agree10:09
posingaspopularthere SHOULD be a desktop guide10:09
flaccidif there was a definitive guide it would solve many problems, but they prefer duplication, redundancy, unofficial, untested documentation...10:09
flaccidand they won't budge on it. one day i might make my own guide but yeah10:10
WaltzingAlongrand_acs: the bottom of the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading page tells how to upgrade from the alternate cd10:10
posingaspopularflaccid: yea i joined the doc team to try and fix that sort of stuff, but it doesn't seem to be that I can do anything10:10
posingaspopularso im going to see what happens during hardy10:10
flaccidlol you did the same thing as me pretty much. its not that democratic when you just have certain people say no and thats it...10:11
flaccidposingaspopular, um nothing will happen lol10:11
posingaspopularflaccid: i know some of big doc people though, we have lunch and stuff. and i'll see what happens10:11
flaccidlike who, nixternal?10:11
posingaspopularflaccid: if you want to do a kubuntu desktop guide, like they used to have,i'll hep out10:11
posingaspopularding ding ding. we hang out once a month or two10:12
LiL-JoNanybody wanna help a newbie get up and running10:12
posingaspopularand i had lunch with j-jesse once too10:12
posingaspopularLiL-JoN: shot10:12
flaccidposingaspopular, thats what i proposed, he just said it was wrong and not a good idea basically. maybe you can talk some sense into him10:12
mneisenchakie_work: Still interested in the solution?10:12
posingaspopulari'll kick him in the head on sunday10:12
posingaspopularhe's very opiniated10:13
flaccid'we are moving to a topic based system' that um err nobody really knows about and is offline um so err10:13
flaccidyeah he doesn't fit into the open source model imho ah well10:13
posingaspopular(he's a republican if you cant tell)10:13
LiL-JoNposingaspopular: ill try donig it myself then if it doesnt work ill ask here for help10:13
flaccidnot everyone is a yank you know..10:13
posingaspopularsure im up all night10:13
flaccidoh thats right, yanks think the world is the US... :p10:13
posingaspopularflaccid: yea that is more dev oriented. which the kubuntu guys fit into10:14
posingaspopularand CLI and stuff like that10:14
flaccidi wanted something like the freebsd handbook that covers all and is written in an appropriate style10:14
flaccidhaving no manual for something is ridiculous imho10:14
posingaspopularflaccid: yea i agree10:15
posingaspopularlike Xubuntu didn't have ANY docs until feisty10:15
flaccidexcellent :)10:15
posingaspopulari helped a bit with that too10:15
posingaspopularreading for grammar etc.10:15
posingaspopularit's ridicolous10:15
Road_killhmm.... did anyone else's keyboard volume controls stop working in Gutsy?10:15
Road_killit is detected, but it doesn't change the volume.10:16
flaccidyeah and in terms of kubuntu, its pretty bleak.... i offered it to the doc team, just like you and now thats why it doesn't exist because they said no10:16
posingaspopularRoad_kill: yea i saw that bug reported elsewhere10:17
Road_killawwwwww boourns10:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:18
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:18
flaccidi hate hearing things like that10:18
flaccidnot even a kubuntu specific entry for doco with ubotu..10:19
posingaspopularsee even those docs are 7.0410:19
mishaI need some help ugrading to gutsy10:19
flaccidyeah its a joke..10:19
posingaspopularmisha: gnome or kde?10:19
flaccidcommercial distro my ass :)10:19
E_mEhow do you perform a kernel update?10:20
mishai ran the upload tool last night, and when I woke up it seems it just crashed10:20
flaccidE_mE, via adept or apt-get10:20
misha(I left it while it was downloading packages)10:20
E_mEflaccid: it says i have to "You have to recompile the kernel module after each kernel update"10:20
flaccidwhat says that?10:21
mishanow i can see that all the packages have been downloaded, but not installed10:21
flaccidin respect to which kernel module?10:21
E_mEflaccid: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide10:21
mishaand when I run the update tool, it just crashes10:21
E_mEflaccid: about 3/4 way down10:21
flaccidoh thats 3rd party guide...10:21
Road_killthat was a strange crash :S10:21
* flaccid goes to look10:21
mishacan I continue the upgrade myself (from the console)10:21
posingaspopularmisha: sudo dpkg --config -a10:21
flaccidwhich mod are you talking about. if its nvidia then yeah10:22
posingaspopularthat should get all the packages in line10:22
E_mEflaccid: ati10:22
flaccidkernel mods are compiled against the kernel version, so when you update the kernel, you need to recompile the mod10:22
flaccidwell yeah you reinstall as its kernel based driver (blob)10:22
E_mEhow just reboot ?!?!?!10:23
flaccidsudo reboot10:23
mishaposingaspopular: that command reports errors10:23
flaccidor goto the menu10:23
flaccidthats if you were asking how to reboot10:23
posingaspopularah, thats why i got so many errors earlier10:23
E_mEno recompiling kernel10:23
E_mEit doesnt have a command how to do it though :/10:24
flaccidyou don't need to recompile the kernel10:24
flaccidonly the mod which comes from the restricted driver10:24
mishacan i do a dist-upgrade from the console? will that help?10:24
E_mEflaccid: im confused if i need to do anything here! or just carry on with what the guide says10:24
posingaspopularmisha: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:24
E_mEim going ahead and rebooting as it says10:25
flaccidE_mE, just do what the guide says.. it has the instructions. you are talking about compiling the module, not the kernel itself... this is done using module-assistant10:25
jon_can somebody help me make a nick name defualt in konversation10:25
posingaspopularyou might want to apt-get upgrade before you dist-upgrade though. those two commands handle dependencies differently, iirc10:25
Road_killwhat is the best audio device for KDE?10:25
E_mEflaccid: i apprisate your pasients :) thank you10:25
flaccidnp y010:25
Road_killcause i get alot of "xine parameters" are busy10:25
Road_killeven though no music is playing10:25
mishaposingaspopular: thanks10:26
posingaspopularRoad_kill: amarok10:26
rand_acsbtw, the cd's script bugs out on me10:27
mishadoes anyone know how the upgrade tool works tho?10:27
Road_killum..... weird ass logging out happening10:28
Road_killout of no where, i get loggedo ut10:28
flaccidhmmm i guess gutsy looks like another buggy production release, as usual10:28
rand_acsit's complaining about DistUpgradeViewGtk and DistUpgradeViewKDE not found10:29
Road_killhmm should have stayed with Fiesty10:30
Road_killanyone else's KDE sluggish?10:30
rand_acsthis is when I go: "sudo sh /cdrom/cdromupdate", the instructions on the update page just does nothing, I assume it's giving the same error10:30
jon_Road_kill: not at all mine is super quick no lag at all10:30
Road_killmaybe it is the XGL server that boots up initially10:30
jon_Road_kill: even when i drag windows it doesnt leave a trail like in feisty10:31
rand_acsI might do a reinstall, I've played around with this thing probably a little to much ;p10:31
Road_killmaybe it is just my comparison to compiz10:31
Road_killwhich uses hardware acceleration10:31
jon_anybody want to help me install compiz fusion in a sec10:32
WaltzingAlongKubuntu is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled) by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion10:32
jon_WaltzingAlong: what would i do without you10:32
Road_killjon_: I dunno whether it is worth it10:32
E_mEflaccid: im getting error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared obhject file: no such file or directory?!?10:32
Road_killI currently tried it out10:32
=== jon_ is now known as LiL-JoN
RytmenPinnenis the ugrading tool supposed to take long to dl?10:33
WaltzingAlongRytmenPinnen: probably lots of files and the dist was just released so servers are likely busy10:33
flaccidE_mE, thats common/related as well. check forums/google. it could just be a missing symlink, i can't remember exactly10:33
Road_killRytmen: change the server you are using10:33
RytmenPinnenI'm on a finnish mirror atm10:34
Road_killthen i dunno10:34
E_mEflaccid: also ATI driver is leaving traces around the screen :S10:34
Road_killdoes anyone else have the "version upgrade" constantly in their adept manager?10:34
Road_killactually brb10:34
WaltzingAlongroad_kill: known issue10:35
Road_killok sweet, finally everything is as it is suppose to be.10:36
Road_killsilly compiz-fusion10:36
Road_killgot to wait until it is more stable10:36
E_mEflaccid: fixed... thank you for ALL your help :)10:37
LiL-JoNanybody know how to mount a harddrive?10:37
flaccidE_mE, oh great. no worries mate10:37
WaltzingAlongroad_kill: known issue10:38
flaccid!fstab | LiL-JoN10:38
LiL-JoNflaccid: nothing popped up lol10:38
Road_killWalt: Yup, figured it out hte hardway.10:38
WaltzingAlongRoad_kill: i am not sure how stable compiz-fusion will be with kde as focus is on kde4 which will include these types of effects10:38
LiL-JoNi have to edit the fstab file?10:38
Road_killWalt: Sweet, I can't wait for KDE410:38
LiL-JoNanybody know this problem10:40
flaccidits on the wiki10:40
LiL-JoNi right click on my hardrive to mount it and i get the error hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100010:41
flaccidoh not good10:41
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
flaccidcheck if nouser is in the options for that partition in fstab10:43
=== Mez|Away is now known as Mez
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-425085.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions10:48
gerry_salve a tutti10:49
WaltzingAlonggerry_: buongiorno10:49
iMann(same here) http://ubuntu.etherkiller.de/ (Located in Munich, IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity)10:50
gerry_ho una domanda da fare a qualcuno che abbia il tempo di rispondermi ...10:50
gerry_in primo luogo sono nel posto giusto? cioè qui posso fare domande o no? non uso irc quindi non lo so...10:51
Road_killhow do you use strigi?10:51
LiL-JoNflaccid: what?10:52
LiL-JoNflaccid: what in fstab10:52
WaltzingAlonggerry_: /join #kubuntu-it per italiano10:52
gerry_what is strigi?10:52
WaltzingAlong!info strigi10:52
WaltzingAlongdesktop search in kubuntu 7.10 is through strigi10:52
Road_kill!info strigi10:52
Road_killi know that10:53
Road_killbut how do i use it10:53
flaccidhave they fixed that yet, coz i've never had it working in dev release10:53
gerry_ok grazie mille10:53
LiL-JoNwheres fstab located?10:53
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: /etc/fstab10:54
posingaspopularat /etc/fstab ;p10:54
WaltzingAlongRoad_kill: should be in the tray next to the clock on the panel. just click there, type something10:54
LiL-JoNugh i always get this WHY? http://pastebin.com/m2256416710:55
Road_killWalt: No tray over here10:55
LiL-JoNbut it does open in kate10:56
flaccidLiL-JoN, change the ownership of the files in question to root10:57
flaccidbut i'm thinking that you can't run kdesu from cli10:57
flaccidnot sure why10:57
LiL-JoNflaccid: how can i make it so i own every file10:57
flaccidyou might have to do sudo kdesu kate /etc/fstab10:57
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: not desired10:57
LiL-JoNill try that10:58
wilsonsudo -s10:58
wilsonthen you're the super user10:58
QwertyMHow do I get AVI/MPG/WMV previews appear in Dolphin instead of just kaffeine icons :\10:58
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: otherwise sudo chown jon:jon *.* -R but do not do it10:58
flaccidLiL-JoN, using chown, but you don't wanna do that. your system will not work.10:58
LiL-JoNsudo: /etc/fstab: command not found10:58
wilsonyeah you dont have to own the files, just change into the superuser with sudo -s10:58
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: need a program to edit it like vim or kate10:58
wilsonnano is easy for a new user10:59
LiL-JoNi still go those errors10:59
wilsonor yeah, kate10:59
jovanscan everybody help me to get my microphone works on gutsy10:59
flaccidmaybe its sudo "kdesu kate /etc/fstab" . but im not sure why its doing that. try going to alt + f2 and running kdesu kate /etc/fstab and make sure that root pass is set10:59
se7en^Of^9LiL-JoN: try sudo nano /etc/fstab11:00
flaccidi think he wants gui text editor like kate11:00
flaccidLiL-JoN, is this gutsy ?11:00
LiL-JoNflaccid: yes11:00
LiL-JoNflaccid: but i got these errors in 7.04 too11:00
se7en^Of^9well ..........11:00
flaccidthat could be the problem because i've never had that problem before doing that11:01
flaccidLiL-JoN, was it same install but11:01
flaccidyou generally get those problems trying sudo with a gui program11:01
* Jucato tries to scroll up to see the conversation11:01
haraldanybody know how to solve the kinit can not find an image to resume problem at boot? it drops me in shell (after which startx works but that still is annoying :P )11:01
flaccidnot kdesu with a gui program from cli11:01
LiL-JoNJucato: can you help me with mounting problems11:02
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: kdesu to launch a gui program; sudo to launch a cli program    (both to obtain superuser-like rights)11:02
JucatoI can try... (although I doubt it.. :() )11:02
chxKopete crashes when logging in to MSN with Gutsy. Anyone seen that too?11:02
Jucatoknown bug, fix is on the way11:02
WaltzingAlongchx: yeah that has been addressed11:02
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)11:02
Jucatothawed... hahah! I like that11:03
LiL-JoNJucato: what can i put insides my fstab to make it mount my harddrive11:03
WaltzingAlongsure from frozen to ... unfrozen?11:03
Jucatois the bot not responsive?11:03
WaltzingAlongthink she is on break11:03
chxgreat. How can I enforce some kernel modules ? I need pcc_acpi and iwl3945 loaded, ipw3945 and video not loaded.11:03
Jucatoubotwo: ping11:04
LiL-JoNanyways Jucato my harddrives in /dev/hdc1 how can i edit my fstab and add that in there11:04
ubotuLiL-JoN: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:04
ubotwoThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:04
Jucatorawr! silly bots11:04
Jucatoubotwo: part #kubuntu11:04
JucatoLiL-JoN: if you want a GUI way to do it, you can also use System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Disks & Filesystem11:05
flacciddid you check the nouser option...11:05
flaccidor add user option11:05
LiL-JoNidk what you mean by that im noobie11:05
ubotuPackage strigi does not exist in gutsy11:05
WaltzingAlongchx: /etc/modules11:05
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:06
flaccidshows on the help page for fstab11:06
chxWaltzingAlong: nice. and where can i ask kernel not to load ipw3945 and video?11:06
WaltzingAlongchx: just add the module names to that list11:06
chx /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:06
chxis it?11:06
WaltzingAlongchx: blacklist should not load them, right11:07
chxI have no idea why my kernel loves the old 3945 wifi module but I do not love that... iwl is cooool.11:07
LiL-JoNJucato: i did it the gui way and it worked perfect11:08
rewolfwoohoo gutsy ftw11:08
chxI am so far not impressed with gutsy but we shall see what the next reboot brings...11:10
WaltzingAlongchx: alright11:10
chxnot being able to set brightness is a huge blow and -- i guess htis is related -- after suspend the brigthness is at absolute minimum11:11
chxalso, s2ram is... gone.11:11
chxjust like that.11:11
chx dpkg -L uswsusp|grep s211:11
chxshow s2disk and s2both11:11
chxwhere is s2ram??11:11
chxwhy it has been removed...?11:13
LiL-JoNwhy do i have broken dependencies11:14
WaltzingAlong!info s2ram11:14
ubotuPackage s2ram does not exist in gutsy11:14
LiL-JoN!info death11:14
ubotuPackage death does not exist in gutsy11:14
LiL-JoN!info cancer11:14
ubotuPackage cancer does not exist in gutsy11:14
WaltzingAlongchx: using fglrx or nvidia? i would guess that is to be expected11:14
LiL-JoNatleast we know it doesnt have cancer11:14
chxWaltzingAlong: no. Using i945GM.11:16
chxWaltzingAlong: I am running a Panasonic laptop (see above my need for pcc_acpi :) )11:16
chxseems https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uswsusp/+bug/134238 it is gone.11:17
mikeSynaptic works better than add/remove :)11:19
Jucatohave you tried Adept Manager?11:19
yogiMoin zu sammen :)11:19
LiL-JoNhow do i install flash?11:19
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:19
JucatoLiL-JoN: you on Gutsy?11:19
E_mEhas anyone encountered the problem with ATI and mouse cursor leaving trails on the screen??11:20
LiL-JoNJucato: yes11:20
JucatoLiL-JoN: install kubuntu-restricted-extras11:20
Jucatothat should take care of flash, java, mp3, etc11:20
LiL-JoNin adept?11:20
Jucatohi posingaspopular!11:20
posingaspopularhey Jucato11:20
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:20
posingaspopularwhat are you doing11:21
Jucatoadept or apt-get11:21
Jucatotrying to wake my brain up :)11:21
mikeapt-get works well11:21
RytmenPinnenis it best to upgrade fomr the main servers? cause I just got an error: Failed to fetch http://mirror3.ubuntu.com/dists/feisty-seveas/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'mirror3.ubuntu.com'11:21
posingaspopularJucato: im trying to shut my down. ie been up for .... 18 hours now.ive been doing calc 2 hw and trying to summarize Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig all day. and messing with Gutsy11:22
Jucatolots of stuff...11:22
posingaspopularyup, being busy busy11:22
posingaspopularyou know how that is though11:22
Jucatobusy as a mouse :)11:22
LiL-JoNhow long does the install usually take cause i pressed y and its not doing anything11:22
Jucatoer.. wait.. that's freddy :)11:22
posingaspopularyea him too11:22
Jucato(the mouse part... speedy gonzales...)11:23
posingaspopularbut i work and am trying to film a part for a skate video11:23
posingaspopularJucato: that photo is hilarious! i have no idea where it came from either. Freddy thought I gave it to nixternal and he was po'ed for like 4 hours11:23
Jucatohehehe :)11:24
LiL-JoNwhat picture11:24
LiL-JoNi wanna see11:24
Jucatotsk tsk... it's a secret :P11:24
posingaspopularLiL-JoN: h/o i'll pull it up11:24
LiL-JoNposingaspopular: thanks11:24
Jucatoit's still on nixternal's blog I think11:24
posingaspopularoh yea, you're right Jucato11:24
posingaspopularit's only for the super secret devs ;o11:24
LiL-JoNim not one of those lol11:25
posingaspopularyea neither is Jucato11:25
posingaspopularhe's posing11:25
WaltzingAlongRytmenPinnen: the upgrade tool (described in the upgrade instructions) should take care of it11:25
Jucatoas popular hahaha11:25
mikeWhat libs I need to play dvd's?11:25
posingaspopularLiL-JoN: thats my brother11:25
Jucato!dvd | mike11:25
Jucatorawr!! c'mon ubotu! dont fail me now!11:26
LiL-JoNposingaspopular: thats hilarious lol11:26
=== cherry- is now known as unpoppedcherry-
=== unpoppedcherry- is now known as unpoppedcherry
mike! mp311:26
RytmenPinnenit crashed during "preparing the upgrade" I've switched to the main servers now and trying again11:26
posingaspopularJucato: there was a post on the planet a while back, a month or two i think. it was an app or script that a guy wrote for bills and sharing rent and stuff with his roomate. you know what im talking about?11:26
Jucatomike: it's lagging11:26
Jucatomike: <ubotwo> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:27
RytmenPinnenyay, 196bps :P11:27
LiL-JoNRytmenPinnen: it started downloading11:28
Jucatoposingaspopular: I'm not sure...11:28
RytmenPinnengoody, it passed the first part, lets so how it goes now11:28
posingaspopulari thought it might be the deb package of the day, but it asn't11:28
Jucatoposingaspopular: BillReminder?11:29
kuilhi all.. I have some problems starting qt-designer using version 7.10..  it complains about: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 311:29
kuilanybody else here experienced this?11:29
posingaspopularyea that sounds about right11:30
LiL-JoNhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=Ck8bM97Hh3I i gotta learn how to do this11:30
RytmenPinnencrapps, same error :(11:30
RytmenPinnenfailed to fetch a bunch of sourves11:30
kuilRytmenPinnen: was that for me?11:30
kuilk.. sorry11:31
RytmenPinnenI'm having trouble updating :)11:31
LiL-JoN!hi | all11:31
kuilupdating isn't a problem here... but starting some programs is...11:31
kuilwell.. first a break... maybe later11:31
nexanohi, ive been trying for quite some time now, googled, read the forums etc, i just cant get my geforce 7800 card to work, as soon as i install the drivers for it and reboot, the screen goes black at xserver login11:31
LiL-JoNdoes ubotu work anymore11:32
nexanoanyone got any suggestions on what to do?11:32
l3dxI just did a "apt-get dist-upgrade" after a failed "normal" upgrade..but now I'm not able to get into X..could anyone please tell me how to get nvidia drivers up and running again? This is irssi in console :\11:32
Jucatoubotwo: ping11:32
LiL-JoNnexano: i have a idea to help yoiu11:32
nexanoLiL-JoN: please be my savior ;(11:32
ubuntu_Jucato: be strong! you have to help them all :)11:33
WaltzingAlongnexano: then drop to a vterminal with ctrl+alt+f1, log in, check the X log file with   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log    scroll, look for (EE) errors11:33
Jucatooh thre11:33
nexanoWaltzingAlong: well im on a fresh install of kubuntu now so its pretty clean :p11:34
LiL-JoNnexano: write this command down and go into recovery mode and run it "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" then when you get to the drivers screen pick "vesa"11:34
JucatoLiL-JoN, nexano: or you can use "nv"11:34
Phlostenanyone else having crash issues with kopete?11:34
nexanoLiL-JoN: ive tried that, same problem still11:34
nexanoJucato: nv doesnt work either :/11:34
JucatoPhlosten: <WaltzingAlong> kopete crashing on gutsy? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)11:35
LiL-JoNdang im assuming you have 2 boxes11:35
Jucatonexano: ok in that case, "vesa"11:35
PhlostenJucato: cheers11:35
nexanogot a laptop and normal one LiL-JoN yeah11:35
nexanoJucato: sure vesa works, but i kinda wanted to actually be able to use my video card properly :/11:36
Jucatoyeah at least now you can browse and search for the answer right? :)11:36
LiL-JoNnexano: once you use vesa we can help you further11:36
nexanoJucato: like ive been doing the past few hours yeah :P11:36
nexanothis is a last resort11:36
posingaspopularJucato: someone's busy ;p i need to kick the tooth fairy in the head. night11:36
Jucatog'night posingaspopular!11:36
Jucatonexano: I'm not sure why "nv" wouldn't work though11:37
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/11:37
Jucatoit's the free nvidia driver11:37
idefixxI just updated and now when i run midnight commander (and other curses like stuff) in konsole its just sluggish. what is that?11:37
posingaspopulari'll try to come into the chands more for the next month or two until open week and all the bugs/ help gets sorted11:37
LiL-JoNJucato: the ati driver didnt work for me11:37
nexanoLiL-JoN: im on vesa right now, havent installed the nvidia drivers yet11:37
posingaspopularholler at cha boy LiL-JoN11:37
idefixxoh and when I enable the beryl window manager it goes away...11:37
LiL-JoNnexano: install restrice drivers11:38
Jucatonexano: when you installed the nvidia drivers (nvidia-glx-new?) did you also install linux-restricted-modules-generic?11:38
pvandewyngaerdehow do i auto-start compiz every time i boot ?11:38
Jucatonexano: if you're on gutsy btw, you can just use the Restricted Drivers manager11:38
nexanoJucato: i didnt install linux-restricted-modules-generic no11:38
Jucatothat would be the problem11:38
Jucato(although I can't still understand why"nv" wouldn't work)11:38
LiL-JoNJucato: the free ati drivers didnt work for me11:39
idefixx... alright. how do i disable xgl again?11:39
JucatoLiL-JoN: yeah. but that's ATI. no surprise there :P11:39
LiL-JoNnexano: run "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic"11:40
nexanoJucato: im on gutsy aye, but restricted drivers also gave me the black screen11:40
LiL-JoN!hi | ScorpKing11:40
ubotwoScorpKing: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:40
LiL-JoNnexano: try them again11:40
nexanolinux-restricted-modules-generic is already the newest version.11:41
LiL-JoNJucato: have any idea what his problem is11:41
Jucatonexano: which nvidia package did you install?11:41
nexanonone right now11:42
nexanobut ive tried the restrocted, nvidia-glx-new and envy11:42
Jucatoso you haven't tested yet? :)11:42
Hamrai think the best way to install nvidia drivers is to install "envy" and let envy do the rest of the work11:42
posingaspopulargah! bug! must... squash11:42
Jucatowell you need nvidia-glx + linux-restricted-modules-generic11:42
ubotwoenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:43
nexanohavent tested what? :p11:43
nexanokinda got lost in the wall of text11:43
Jucatonexano: tested using nvidia-glx (or nvidia-glx-new) but making sure the linux-restricted-modules-generic is installed11:43
nexanowell my terminal says linux-restricted-modules-generic is installed11:43
nexanonewest version11:44
WaltzingAlongbest to avoid !envy and !automatix. it may work for you but it may not and when not, support is not provided here11:44
WaltzingAlong(for envy or automatix)11:44
zorglu_q. is there a way to prevent the logout popup window from having the 'weird fading effect' in the background ?11:44
chxso . i rebooted, and brightness control still does not work. how could I debug this?11:44
Jucatonexano: ok, so now try to install nvidia-glx (or nvidia-glx-new, depending on your card)11:44
nexanoallright sec11:44
Jucatozorglu_: yes. can you hold on while I get the link11:44
zorglu_Jucato: thanks.11:45
zorglu_Jucato: keep the strengh :) my admiration to you in this release week :)11:45
nexanoJucato: 7800 = new?11:45
ubotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:45
Jucatonexano: check the list ^^^11:45
Jucatozorglu_: thanks11:45
LiL-JoNJucato does work hard on the worst week ever11:46
Jucatohahah I wasn't here yesterday much though11:46
LiL-JoNScorpKing: where you go?11:47
Jucatostdin had to take most of the work11:47
ScorpKingstupid dailup connection. :P11:47
LiL-JoNdang that sucks11:47
idefixxwhy is konsole slow like i was using a 14.4er modem and gnome-terminal works with curses interfaces?11:47
Jucatozorglu_: um.. hold on for a bit more? I found the file to edit, but forgot the values to put there11:48
zorglu_Jucato: ok i dont need it now. i will come back in one or 2 week :)11:48
zorglu_Jucato: keep on the good work. always amazed by how helpfull you stay after all this time :)11:48
Jucatorawr! I need to find it anyway11:48
nexanoJucato: ok so i installed the driver11:49
Jucatonexano: then run "sudo nvidia-xconfig"11:50
Jucatoand take note of the filename of the backup copy it made of xorg.conf11:50
nexanoallright, now what? :P11:51
lokpestis there a Kubuntu.org bleeding edge KDE repro for gutsy?11:51
Jucatonexano: logout and restart X. if you have problems, use vesa again11:51
lokpestcan only find fesity ones11:51
Jucatolokpest: gutsy has KDE 3.5.811:52
ubotumike: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
ubotuall: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:52
ubotuScorpKing: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:52
lokpestso theres no repro yet11:52
Jucatolokpest: repo for what?11:52
ramii need help with updating to 7.1011:53
WaltzingAlongrami: from 7.04? Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade11:53
lokpestJucato: like deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest feisty main but for gutsy11:53
Jucatolokpest: there's no repo for KDE 3.5.8 in gutsy because it's installed by default!11:53
lokpestok :)11:54
Jucatolokpest: you don't need that for gutsy11:54
lokpestok :)11:54
lokpestIf some new KDE comes out, there will be a repro? ;)11:55
Jucatorami: have you followed the instructions in the upgrade page?11:55
Jucatolokpest: *IF*... yes11:55
ramifull upgrade!11:55
Jucatodon't expect 3.5.9 any time soon11:55
lokpestso btw11:56
LiL-JoNJucato: its going to be kde411:56
raminow, lets wait and i hope my router wont be faulty....11:56
JucatoLiL-JoN: hm.. well... we'll see11:56
LiL-JoNi cant wait until it does come out11:56
Jucatoanything else?11:56
JucatoLiL-JoN: you'll have to :)11:56
lokpestthe KDE contolcenter tells me a lot of stuff :) what kernel im using etc11:56
ramiwill the KDE version of 7.04 have th same features as the GNOME version?11:57
lokpestbut not what release of dist?11:57
LiL-JoNJucato: lol i wanna make my kde look sexy but i dont know how11:57
Jucato!changethemes | LiL-JoN11:57
LiL-JoNJucato: are you good at that11:57
ubotwoLiL-JoN: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.11:57
Jucatolast link ^^^11:57
Jucatoif you have problems, I'll be back in an hour11:57
Nexa|LTOPstill black screen11:58
* Jucato has to go11:58
* Nexa|LTOP waves11:58
ubotuLiL-JoN: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.11:58
ubotwoKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion11:58
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion11:59
dystopianraywhat do people think of dolphin in gutsy?12:04
arkygeekhi everyone :)12:04
arkygeekwell, i am in the process of upgrading from ff to gutsy ... on my 24" iMac... at the install part of the process now... It only took about 20 minutes to download all the packages - i was shocked...12:05
LiL-JoNdystopianray: its great12:05
dystopianrayLiL-JoN: in what way?12:05
arkygeekIt looks like it is going to take about an hour to install the pkgs though12:05
LiL-JoNeasy to work with12:05
LiL-JoNnice looking12:06
LiL-JoNdystopianray: youll see when you install gutsy12:06
yeo_arkygeek, you have new iMac or old white type?12:06
dystopianrayLiL-JoN: I have installed gutsy12:06
arkygeekboth - but am installing it on the 'old' one12:06
arkygeekyeo_: the nvidia should be ok i think hey?12:07
YammehHey guys, I'm having trouble with compiz, I started it and my title bars have gone, I've ran the command from troubleshooting "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24", and I'm getting errors unrecognized options12:07
yeo_yeah, nvidia provide good driver support for linux12:07
yeo_why do you want to run linux...when you have osx! ;)12:07
arkygeekyeo_: i am about 50% more productive in linux12:07
yeo_fair enough. you dev?12:08
LiL-JoNdystopianray: then what do you think of dolphin12:08
arkygeekyeo_: however, when i want to work with pictures, movies, web, etc.... guess where i go :P12:08
yeo_the only place12:08
arkygeekyeo_: yeah, pretty green still, but yeah...12:08
dystopianrayLiL-JoN: I'm not sure if I like it, it's a huge change to a fundamental part of kde12:08
yeo_my powerbook is broke at the moment. so im on my pc12:08
yeo_i think dolphin is great12:09
dystopianraydolphin doesn't have tree mode12:09
LiL-JoNyeah i liked the konquerer but this is way better12:09
dystopianrayand dolphin doesn't support ioslaves12:09
yeo_arkygeek, how good is the hardware support from ubuntu for intel macs? i know it was kinda sucky with some things on PPC12:09
arkygeekyeo_: people get so confused when they see my iMac lol... i have baghira installed, kiba-dock, and beryl with an osx theme... hehe12:09
arkygeekEVERYTHING works on this machinne.  even the remote.  it was dead easy to set up12:10
yeo_when i get an intel mac ill be running VMware fusion12:10
arkygeekyeo_: i just hope Gutsy works as well... (it is my production box, so I am kinda taking a risk...)12:10
mmartinis anyone else experiencing problems with kopete (specifically with msn)?12:10
yeo_mmartin, yes. there is a fix for it12:11
dystopianraymmartin: it segfaults with msn there is a fix though12:11
LiL-JoNarkygeek: run the live cd and see if everything works12:11
mmartintheres a fix *already*? wow they work fast12:11
arkygeekLiL-JoN: heh - too late... I am mostly through the upgrade12:11
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WaltzingAlongmmartin: sure12:11
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)12:11
dystopianraymmartin: an unofficial deb from a link in a bug report12:11
LiL-JoNarkygeek: sucks if it doesnt work cant you just reinstall feisty12:11
dystopianrayWaltzingAlong: when will they be thawed?12:12
mmartinthanks :D12:12
WaltzingAlongdystopianray: i do not know how long the wait is12:12
arkygeekLiL-JoN: well, in theory you can set apt to allow downgrades, but I'm not so sure it is a good idea.  one question though.... is there a kernel update?12:12
arkygeeki think i am 2.6.2012:12
arkygeekoh boy12:12
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LiL-JoNwait maybe not arkygeek but there was for me12:13
arkygeekthats me12:13
arkygeekLiL-JoN: what does uname -r   give you?12:13
dystopianrayhas anyone tried virtualbox in gutsy? apparently it has problems with the tickless kernel?12:14
arkygeeklol   libsexy2 ?????  :-)   hehe12:14
LiL-JoNarkygeek: 2.6.22-14-generic12:14
arkygeekoh boy......12:14
arkygeekLiL-JoN: kernel updates always scare me12:14
LiL-JoNarkygeek: why?12:14
arkygeekLiL-JoN: because they cause problems...12:14
stupidgirlhi everyone, I have installed gutsy and in adept, I enabled teh universe n multiverse repos and when I go to reload, adept gets stuck on "Waiting for Headers (40%)" and doesnt move, still the same after rebooting, and changing servers etc, anyone know what might be causing this12:15
LiL-JoNarkygeek: dont worry12:15
arkygeekLiL-JoN: especially if you have to compile your sound drivers against the kernel source and stuff....12:15
arkygeek(like i did)12:15
arkygeekbut, mayeb it will work12:15
* arkygeek remains optimistic12:15
WaltzingAlongstupidgirl: lots of people still downloading?12:15
LiL-JoNarkygeek: my ati card and my sound card (i forget what it is) always has problems installin but gutsy installed no problem everythign worked so you should have no prob12:16
stupidgirlWaltzingAlong:  i've tried different servers n stuff, I tried a few hours ago and I'm trying again now, surely if ewere only due to lots of ppl downloading, it would just be reallly slow, not keep stalling at 40% constantly12:17
mmartinwell my msn now works. thanks for your help12:17
WaltzingAlongstupidgirl: another route is to get on the torrent for the dvd (or alternate cd) then upgrade from the iso12:17
stupidgirlWaltzingAlong: i have the gutsy cd, dowloaded it last night as soon as it came out, I'm just trying to get teh extra software stuff from repos12:18
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WaltzingAlongstupidgirl: oh so you are already on gutsy. seems to be timing out while grabbing off of one server12:18
WaltzingAlongcould be a router issue for all we know (thus far)12:19
stupidgirlWaltzingAlong: yah ok I tried different servers n stuff, o wellz.12:19
arkygeekis there a download tracker somewhere?  it would be interesting to know how many times gutsy has been downloaded since it was released12:19
robinlHi, how do i remove all the kubuntu settings and stuffs like applications, and then configure the media codecs in GNOME?\12:21
LiL-JoNrobinl: go to #ubuntu12:22
wilsonwhat are you actually trying to do robinl ?12:22
robinlwilson: switching to gnome12:24
wilsonapt-get install gnome12:25
wilsonchoose gnome as your session on bootup12:25
YammehHey, I'm having some trouble with compiz, I've rebooted my pc and now the graphical desktop won't load, how can I disable compiz through the cmd prompt?12:25
* wilson shrugs12:26
wilsonyou didn't install kde4 stuff did you yammeh ?12:27
robinlwilson: yeah but the menu's in gnome are filled up with KDE apps12:27
YammehNot afaik, just a standard installation of gutsy12:27
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YammehAnd then I followed the directions on the link in !compiz12:28
randacs_has anyone installed the nvidia kernel on a fresh install of gutsy?12:28
WaltzingAlongYammeh: how far do you get? the graphical log in manager?12:28
randacs_nvidia kernal deb*12:29
wilsonyammeh, edit the compiz stuff out of ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrrc12:29
YammehWhen it boots up all I see is a flashing "_", doesn't get any further, but I can use the other prompts (alt+f2 etc)12:29
ksivajiis there any safe way to upgrade from feisty to guitsy12:29
WaltzingAlongupgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade12:29
zuccohi, what is the md5sum for kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso ?12:29
crazy_busI installed a core2duo with intel g965 graphics card.  But it seems to be randomly freezing when using firefox and blender3d.  The numlock and capslock lights flash and the mouse stops moving.  Other times the screen goes back with only the mouse remaining.  ctrl+alt+F1 does nothing.  What to do?12:30
zuccoI didn't found anywhere12:30
robinlwilson: yeah but the menu's in gnome are filled up with KDE apps12:30
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WaltzingAlongrobinl: of course12:31
nicolai_zucco: http://releases.ubuntu.com.ba/kubuntu/gutsy/MD5SUMS12:31
wilsonyou can get rid of kde i guess by doing apt-get remove kde12:31
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wilsonbut other than that you'll have to remove each app you see on the menu12:31
WaltzingAlongzucco: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.10/MD5SUMS12:31
wernerguten tag12:31
zuccothank you12:31
robinlwilson: hmm12:31
wilsoni dunno why you would but, kde has the best apps, like k3b12:31
WaltzingAlongguten. wie geht's12:32
robinlwilson: yeah, i guess i'll be keeping some apps12:32
nicolai_zucco: I believe it should be the last of the four md5sums12:32
crazy_buswill gutsy stop the core2duo and intel graphics freezing?12:32
robinli'm switching to gnome mainly because ubuntu supports it more12:32
_luke_Hey - I seem to not get the option to do an in-place upgrade to Kubuntu 7.10 in adept?12:32
WaltzingAlongupgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade _luke_12:32
_luke_My system is completely up-to-date, but the version upgrade button doesn't appear12:32
WaltzingAlong_luke_: ^^ read my post - probably need software-properties-kde12:32
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_luke_WaltzingAlong: thanks I'll give it a try12:33
DexterFso - is upgrading to gutsy mostly smooth or have people reported unusual problems?12:33
WaltzingAlong_luke_: which version do you have now? feisty (7.04)?   cat /etc/lsb-release                   also when following the instructions, be sure to use the quotes like in the instructions12:33
robinlwilson: i'm switching to gnome mainly because ubuntu supports it more. I know i prefer KDE though12:34
robinlit also has much better support for desktop effects12:34
WaltzingAlongDexterF: two issues: need to follow instructions (completely) and instructions seem to infer that everyone has already installed software-properties-kde12:34
WaltzingAlongrobinl: compiz-fusion was made for gnome and less work has been focused with that on kde because kde4 will include already similar effects12:35
DexterFWaltzingAlong: um, *which* instructions?Ä I intended to give adept a try12:35
wilsonthat's cool, robinl, good luck. i know i prefer some gnome apps, like synaptic is a better package management app over adept, adept annoys me12:35
sam_robinl: know how u feel...12:35
crazy_bushow long should the gutsy install be on the "Scanning the mirror option"  It's been stuck on it for around 20 minutes so far12:35
robinlwilson: yeah, adept crashes on me all the time, and is clumsy :P12:35
WaltzingAlongDexterF: um the ones in the topic?12:35
WaltzingAlongupgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade12:35
_luke_WaltzingAlong: 7.04 - seems I didn't have "Pre-release updates" selected (I  don't think that was mentioned when I tried last night)... giving it another go now12:35
WaltzingAlong_luke_: in one of jriddell's pictures it shows prerelease updates is checked (and needs to be checked)12:36
sam_robinl: i prefer KDE too, but am shocked how many people support Gnome.. and Ubuntu.. its almost like Kubuntu doesnt exist the way Ubuntu keep popup on the web12:36
Assidwhats the command thats run on start up to show the battery meter?12:36
crazy_busstrange.  As soon as I posted that it started working :)12:36
sam_news etc12:36
Assidi got rid of it.. and now i want it back12:36
_luke_WaltzingAlong: ok trying now12:37
wilsoni dunno why they went with dolphin, i prefer konq12:37
WaltzingAlongAssid: guidance-power-manager?12:37
dystopianraywilson: i also prefer konq12:37
robinlsam_: yeah so i get the feeling i am kinda forced to use Ubuntu12:37
WaltzingAlongwilson: you can use konqueror in place of dolphin. right mouse click a folder, select open with, select konqueror and click remember this app12:37
wilsonyeah i know WaltzingAlong konq is really good in 7.1012:38
robinlsam_: and it's getting better and better all the time, though kde 4 will be a blast i think12:38
wilsonit's fast, it's got tabs, it seems to be able to browse to most sites without problems12:38
Assidthanks WaltzingAlong12:38
sam_robinl: sad really.. and KDE is way more powerful...12:38
robinlsam_: hmm, yeah12:38
sam_robinl: true dat! can't wait 4 KDE412:39
yeo_konq is much improved in gutsy?12:39
robinlsam_: although i know the first final release of KDE 4 isn't going to be stable12:39
robinlat least, i think so12:39
sam_yeo_: whats mostly improved in Konqui?12:39
wilsoni dunno, i havent bothered installing firefox12:39
AssidWaltzingAlong: for some strange reason it doesnt go to the task bar.. its sitting on top left corner12:39
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sam_stability.. take time...12:39
sam_robinl: ..will probably stabilize after 4.1...12:40
stupidgirlhow 2 uninstall things from console12:40
stupidgirland reinstall12:40
stupidgirli think adept is screwed up or somethin12:40
intexI've just formatted my computer and then installed Gutsy Gibbon 7.10, and still it gives me the "Full Upgrade"-button in adept manager. Then, when updating my system, it suddenly says it's up-to-date, and cancels the update. Why is this? My system should be up-to-date, when it's the newest distro!12:40
yeo_stupidgirl, sudo apt-get remove <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>12:40
WaltzingAlongstupidgirl: sudo aptitude       gives an ncurses interface12:41
robinlsam_: but the gnome developers are lazy to keep up with KDE 412:41
stupidgirloook thnx yeo_12:41
stupidgirlthnx WaltzingAlong12:41
wilsoni tried giving the kde4 stuff a go, it hanged on load up. I don't recommend it if anyone is thinking of trying it12:41
ksivajiplease someone tell me whether 7.10 is better than 7.0412:41
WaltzingAlongstupidgirl: or sudo aptitude purge <package>    or sudo aptitude install <package>12:41
yeo_a good idea would be to do include the clean command. so that the package is downloaded again and not installed from the local copy12:41
yeo_stupidgirl, sudo apt-get remove <package> && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install <package>12:41
stupidgirlalrighty thanks 8-}12:42
sam_robinl: true... but look how Dell are poshing ubuntu, look at howtoforge.. and all the other sites...12:42
robinlsam_: yeah, i don't get it either. but i think it's a better choice to go with ubuntu, because it's got much more support12:42
sam_robinl: am tired of KDE been treated as a second rate citizen!12:42
WaltzingAlongwould make more sense to see ubuntuG and ubuntuK or something the like so they could all be called common base ubuntu but with different frontends12:43
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WaltzingAlongsam_: perhaps you could find a kde centric distro?12:43
randacs_yeah KDE is so much better than Gnome12:43
yeo_GNOME is for manic depressants12:43
sam_robinl: makes sence for uses.. but im also a coder.. ant prefer KDE/Qt so would be sad for me to deploy ubuntu Desktop, when i develop 4 and in Kubuntu12:43
yeo_QT roxx12:44
randacs_indeed :D12:44
sam_WaltzingAlong: will probably switch to Suse or Mandriva12:44
Blake812Hi to everyone12:44
randacs_best framework I've worked with12:44
robinlsam_: hmm ,yeah, well, luckily i don't have that problem, as i just use my computer for normal stuff :) so it doesn't really matter what i choose, and although i prefer kde, gnome's got the most support and development, like ubuntu12:44
Blake812I've a problem with Kubuntu12:44
sam_yup! Qt/KDELibs r the BEST!12:44
Assidman loading compiz at startup juyst makes this machine go mad12:45
yeo_kde has the best apps.12:45
yeo_Assid, i think thats normal...if you mean flickering screen/desktop and some pauses12:45
randacs_I'm hoping installing nvidia-glx out of adept will actually work12:45
sam_robinl: hey! enjoy... hopefully here from you later - after the switch.. maby a 30days with ubuntu article!12:45
ksivajiBlake812 what problem ?12:46
Blake812<ksivaji>How can I use my soundcard Crystal CS4236?12:46
robinlsam_: wha?12:46
Assidyeo_: nah..  the apps dont go to the task bar..  emerald makes things worse. some other isuse here and there12:46
wilsonktorrent is great , it's best torrent app on any platform if u ask me hehe12:46
sam_yeo_: true but sadly look at Evolution is more promoted that Kontact.. and i can see why...12:46
dystopianrayexcellent it's possible to make konqueror the default file browser12:46
Blake812<ksivaji> Sorry for my English, but I'm from Italy12:47
Assidyeo_: maybe i should do a fresh install too12:47
sam_robinl: ya.. if u do switch.. let us know hw it goes.. my hope is u'll come back.. esp.. when KDE4 comes..12:47
wilsonyeah, evolution is pretty good12:47
wilsonif sylpheed at html support i would use that over evolution12:48
ksivajiBlake812  sorry12:48
robinlsam_: i already switched, as i created a new user (because gnome didn't start) and moved my files there, so kde won't work now anyways12:48
sam_ive used ubuntu sometimes.. but only on Servers.. desktops i find it cripling and then later switch back to KDE12:48
Yammehwilson: that file you asked me to remove compiz from didn't exist apparently (|/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrrc)12:48
yeo_Assid, i dont know. no guarantee itd fix anything. but if its no inconvenience12:48
dystopianrayah I have wonderful konqueror back12:48
Assidkde4 still very very buggy ?12:48
yeo_i use icewm when im dev12:48
dystopianrayasimon_: that's right12:48
yeo_and kde with compiz when im showing off/playing :)12:49
dystopianrayAssid: sorry that was for you, kde4 is still buggy12:49
dystopianrayasimon_: sorry wrong person12:49
wilson[your home directory]/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc12:49
YammehThat's what I tried, and it wasn't there apparently12:49
Assidvery buggy? or is it just buggy here and there12:49
YammehIt said no file or folder found12:49
sam_robinl: hey! enjoy... hopefully here from you later - after the switch.. maby a 30days with ubuntu article!12:50
Blake812My soundcard doesn't work with Kubuntu !!!12:50
letalisim a kde man myself sam_ but right now im test driving gnome just to see if i like it :)12:50
wilsonls ~/.kde/share/config/ksm*      try that12:50
dystopianrayAssid: try it out, i haven't used the latest beta12:50
ck_42Is there a way to do the update via CLI?12:51
YammehWell I'm in livecd at the minute, so I'll have to reboot and try, bbs12:51
Blake812It's CRYSTAL CS4236 (ISA)12:51
sam_letalis i must say.. some of the things are more polished in ubuntu for gnome than 4 kde.. and you'll probably like it...12:51
wilsonouch, ISA ?12:51
RytmenPinnenstill getting errors when updating12:51
ScorpKinghow can i download the source of the kubuntu-artwork-usplash package?12:51
letalissam i remember the first iterations of gnome.12:51
* letalis shudders12:52
sam_just like im also growing to like OSX ever since i got a macbook.. and what to port/clone some apps to KDE12:52
wilsondidn't even linus say he prefers kde over gnome =)12:52
letalishonestly the biggest thing that keeps me going back to a linux desktop is konqueror.12:52
sam_wilson u right!  but he also seemed to say he uses neither - dont know why?12:52
dystopianraykonqueror is the best part of kde12:52
Assidwilson: thats cause gnome at that time was too damn buggy12:53
ck_42Is there a way to do the update to GG via CLI?12:53
WaltzingAlongck_42: yes12:53
Assidand he asked them to fix the bugs.. gnome guys said no bugs.. and he sent in a patch 4 hours later12:53
letalisi love how i can drop a cd in the crive and it lets me rip the audio tracks straight from the disc without third party programs.12:53
yamalScorpKing: apt-get source <packagename>12:53
ScorpKingty yamal12:54
letalisgnome + yakuake is livable :)12:54
WaltzingAlongletalis: it only looks that way because of the way the kde devs wrote it12:54
momalumm can someone tell me why... i just installed 7.10 (kubuntu) and in apt it has version upgrade button which by the looks of it attempts to install it again. I installed it from cd12:54
dystopianrayletalis: yeah that audiocd:/ ioslave is amazing, although I still prefer kaudiocreator12:54
letalisi know12:54
ubuntuhey guys12:54
ubuntuI have a question how do i install automatix in kubuntu?12:55
letalisits not magic but the fact it simply looks like your copying mp3's or ogg off of the disc is pretty cool12:55
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)12:55
ubotwoAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)12:55
Phlostendoes dolphin do anything that konqueror doesnt?12:55
letalisi like the bookmark thing a little better in dolphin12:55
dystopianrayPhlosten: suck a**e12:55
RytmenPinnenhow annoying, pastebin doesnt work for me. Does anyone else having troble updating?12:56
WaltzingAlongPhlosten: not that i know, just does it differently and less of it to simply the interface of what it does12:56
letalisbut thats it if konq had that, dolphin would go byebye.12:56
ubuntuutopiancradle rock me you disasterful man you dystopianray12:56
dystopianrayi don't know what they were thinking putting dolphin as default12:56
dystopianrayit should have been made optional for people who want to try it12:56
ubuntuits broken12:56
Phlostendystopianray: how did you change it back to konq?12:57
WaltzingAlongdystopianray: and for people who are new to kubuntu/kde and who have not been using konqueror?12:57
letalisits like going back to win3.1 file manager after playing with vistas explorer.12:57
ubuntuthey should use the open version of Directory Opus12:57
letalismaybe not that bad12:57
WaltzingAlongPhlosten: right mouse click a folder, select open with, findkonqueror, click remember this app12:57
letalisbut it feels crippled.12:57
dystopianrayPhlosten: http://sathyasays.com/?p=2312:57
dystopianrayWaltzingAlong: that doesn't work very well, we want konq for non-directories as well like system:/ and media:/12:58
haraldanybody else have their kaffeine lock up?12:58
haraldmeaning just showning green bar like thnigs12:58
RytmenPinnenthis is what im getting half way through "prepering update" http://pastebin.ca/74229112:58
ubuntuSO how do i install automatix2?12:58
dystopianrayWaltzingAlong: konqueror is still perfectly fine as a file browser for those new to ubuntu12:58
dystopianrayubuntu: you shouldn't use automatix12:59
ubuntuthat was pretty generic information telling me exactly NOthing12:59
ubuntui am on a vm if it gets broken i' ll use a snapshot12:59
WaltzingAlongPhlosten: and through file associations, find system_directory  then put konqueror to the top12:59
ubuntuit cant harm me12:59
wilsoni like now with tabs, u can just have different dirs tabbed12:59
ubuntui am immune12:59
RytmenPinnenthis is what im getting half way through "prepering update" http://pastebin.ca/74229113:00
dystopianrayyeah tabs are excellent13:00
WaltzingAlongubuntu:  visit the automatix website. automatix support not available in here13:00
dystopianrayand being able to mix and match all manner of konqueror tabs together in one window13:00
dystopianrayfish:/, smb:/, http:/, ftp:/, file:/ anything you want13:00
Phlostendystopianray: cheers13:00
dystopianraydolphin is just ridiculous13:00
haraldit's good for very noob users like my mother :-)13:01
Phlostenyeah, i prefer not to have a 'dumbed down' computer though13:02
WaltzingAlongPhlosten: some would argue there is no other way to do it13:02
WaltzingAlonga meeting of the users and machine through the interface13:02
wilsoncyborgs !13:03
wilsoncool ksystemlog just crashed again13:03
ubuntuWaltzingAlong: i didnt know that why so hostile its all opensource13:04
dystopianraywhere is the strigi config/database stored?13:04
WaltzingAlongubuntu: sure but quality is the difference13:04
WaltzingAlongubuntu: you may try it, it may work wonders for you, it may not13:05
dystopianrayoh ~/.strigi13:05
ubuntuadd and remove programs is painfully sluggish in Kubuntu13:05
ubuntui am looking for an alternative thats all13:05
WaltzingAlongubuntu: sudo aptitude13:05
gridl0ckeverything works better from konsole ;p13:06
dystopianrayis it just me or is strigi exceptionally crap?13:06
ubuntuopen source shares one characteristic with communism and that is bureacracy thanks for giving me some WaltzingAlong13:07
* WaltzingAlong ignorse13:07
WaltzingAlongubuntu: ok thanks13:07
ubuntufriendlyness and kindness is proprietary so it seems13:07
dystopianraymy strigi keeps dieing13:08
wilharti lost all application in menu! and menu editor error:  kde-menu: You must specify an application-id such as 'kde-konsole.desktop'13:08
ubuntuhe asked for it13:08
ubuntusorry about that13:08
ubuntui am just offended by his rudeness13:08
wilsoni recompiled strigi from svn13:08
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wilsonit was hogging resources13:08
arctanxGood day, I'm wondering about setting a system-wide language. I installed the esperanto language packages using install new language in System Settings, but when I click on "Select System Language" I only get a variety of Englishes. KDE is in Esperanto, but nothing else is, including apps like Openoffice which are if you set them manually in their own options. Any idea how to make it go system-wide?13:09
dystopianrayarctanx: I don't think you can set the language in one place13:10
Jucatoubuntu: if I were to tell you that I were offended by your remark about communism and bureaucracy, would that give me the excuse to give you a piece of my mind, in a channel that's not for that?13:10
Jucatoubuntu: besides, he's only telling you the truth and the support policy we have for automatix13:10
arctanxdystopianray: So all over the world, everything comes in English, until you go around to each program which supports it and say "No, I want you in French" or something?13:10
ubuntujucato i know i am sorry13:10
ubuntui got emotional sorry13:10
Jucatohm.. where's T3...13:10
ubuntuits just the way he said Jucato13:10
dystopianrayarctanx: you can set it 'globally' for kde and gnome13:11
Jucato!automatix | ubuntu13:11
ubotwoubuntu: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)13:11
ubuntui am used to more friendlyness i suppose13:11
ubuntui am sorry13:11
dystopianrayarctanx: but other apps like OO.org it seems need to be configured separately13:11
Jucatoubuntu: I can't see anywhere where he was being rude to you. he in fact told you the correct place to go for help and that it's not supported here13:11
arctanxdystopianray: Ah I see now. So when the KDE language is set, does that mean that KDE apps (like, say, amaroK), will pick up the language setting if they have a translation?13:11
dystopianrayarctanx: that's right13:12
arctanxdystopianray: Got it. Thanks muchly13:12
humboltodid anyone successfully try out kde4?13:12
dystopianrayarctanx: but gnome apps won't see the kde setting and neutral apps probably won't see the setting from kde/gnome13:12
arctanxMakes sense.13:12
=== psycho is now known as fennek
dystopianrayarctanx: although setting a global locale may help, i'm not sure13:12
dystopianrayarctanx: /etc/default/locale13:13
arctanxdystopianray: Now that was one of the things which interested me, I don't seem to have one, and I can't work out how to do it. A howto I found pointed me at a package called localeconf, which seems not to exist13:13
YammehHow do I load a text file so I can edit it in konsole?13:13
DexterFcome to think of it I really don't know a good reason to upgrade to gutsy.... hm...13:13
Jucatowhat the?13:13
dystopianrayYammeh: what editor do you want to use?13:13
DragnslcrJucato- it's a different address every time13:14
YammehWell I'll be using the alt+f1 gui, so I can't use one with a graphical interface13:14
dystopianrayYammeh: do you know how to use vim?13:14
JucatoYammeh: use nano13:14
dystopianrayYammeh: try: nano textfile13:14
DexterFYammeh: the what?13:14
vltHello. I found the value "MaxRequestSize" for cupsd.conf and set it to "0" (which should be default, I thought) but that doesn't help. A large print job (33 MB) causes the printer to be stopped with "Print file was not accepted (client-error-request-value-too-long)!". Any idea what the problem is here?13:15
Yammehok, thanks13:15
YammehHope I can sort this damn compiz problem this time >>13:15
dystopianrayvlt: did you restart cups?13:15
vltdystopianray: Yes.13:15
wilsoni dunno why he doesn't just mount the disk from the live cd hahahaha13:16
arkygeekhumbolto: i tried from feisty, but couldnt get it to work.13:16
ubuntuwow automatix is great :0 why isnt it supported 0;13:16
wilsongeez  ubuntu13:16
Jucato!automatix | ubuntu13:16
ubotwoubuntu: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)13:16
ubuntuHow do i install pidgin on Kubuntu?13:17
ubotwopidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.013:17
dystopianrayubuntu: sudo apt-get install pidgin ?13:17
DexterFwe should introduce certificates. "level -1: you can't tell a gui from a tty and haven't heard of vi, mcedit, nano or something similar. please, please, don't fsck around with something as unstable and complex as compiz."13:18
ubuntuyeah thanks13:18
humboltoIf I would only get this to work: Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm13:18
wilsonor just type pidgin into adept or synaptic or whatever13:18
ubuntudystopianray: i thought you had to add a repository for it manually in order to work13:18
humboltoI am getting: AUDIT: Fri Oct 19 14:14:45 2007: 9131 Xephyr: client 1 rejected from IP
ubuntuthats why i asked13:18
dystopianrayubuntu: err no?13:18
dystopianrayubuntu: pidgin is in the standard repos13:18
nosrednaekimhumbolto: that looks right.....13:18
Jucatoubuntu: if you're on gutsy you don't need a special repo13:18
ubuntuwow iLinux :O13:19
wilsonkubuntu installed with a repo setup  already for me13:19
ubotwoVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:19
nosrednaekimI think ubuntu is a troll......13:19
ubuntuautomatix2 has iLinux can i install iLinux through add & remove also?13:19
humboltonosrednaekim: but does not work13:19
shadowhywindtake it the servers are stil being over-worked?13:20
nosrednaekimhumbolto: try changing the "1" to "2" in both places13:20
danijel_franesco sei italiano13:20
wilsoni dunno how many times you have to be told about automatix hehe13:20
ubuntuthats not very Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from you nosrednaekim13:20
humboltonosrednaekim: did that already13:20
humboltoconnection to "localhost:2.0" refused by server13:21
nosrednaekimhumbolto: do you have a firewall setup?13:21
Jucatoubuntu: you can try searching in Adept Manager for ilinux. if it's there, then it's there. if it's not and automatix has it, it means it's not officially supported13:21
wilharthello my friends, all my menu has been cleared, how do i redo them?13:21
wilsonxhost local:root13:21
wilhartmenu editor doesnt work13:21
Jucatowilhart: what do you mean cleared?13:21
nosrednaekimwilhart: eh? your whole KDE menu has nothing in it?13:21
ubuntuiLinux is like iLife from Apple but then for linux thats kewl :)13:22
ubuntuand its free13:22
ubuntuand open source :)13:22
ubuntuis there a way i can download and install software from softpedia through apt-get ?13:23
Jucatoonly if softpedia offers a repository for apt13:24
ubuntuhow do i manually install something in Kubuntu than?13:24
Jucato!software | ubuntu13:24
ubotwoubuntu: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:24
ubotuubuntu: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)13:27
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.013:27
Jucatohaha late again :)13:27
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:27
ubotuubuntu: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:28
shadowhywindlooks like the bot is also over-worked13:28
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:28
ubotwoYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:28
nosrednaekimwow... he is LAGGY!13:29
Azzconosrednaekim: Do you ever sleep? o.O13:30
nosrednaekimAzzco: just did for 8 hours13:30
shadowhywindis there a fix other then waiting, for "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"13:31
AzzcoI still can't boot from the CD... I only get one line of text echoed "ISOLINUX 3.36 Debian-2007-08-30"...13:31
nosrednaekimshadowhywind: switch to a new mirror13:31
Jucatoshadowhywind: how long has it been like that? might be just a server error13:31
shadowhywindits been happening since yesterday, trying to do the upgrade13:31
Jucatotried to change servers? the us server is really being hit a lot13:32
shadowhywindhow can i change the server?13:32
Jucatoin Adept Manger, Adept  menu -> Manage Repositories13:32
nosrednaekimshadowhywind: adept-> repositories13:32
Jucatotoo slow :P13:33
nosrednaekimI have a 6 second lag over this dial-up connection13:33
shadowhywindhows "main servers" *prbobly even worse then the us servers?*13:33
nosrednaekimAND I have to go eat and then get to school... have fun ya'll13:33
Leopard_iLinux: http://customize.org/screenshots/3977913:34
nosrednaekimshadowhywind: nope... don't use those13:34
Ash-FoxI upgraded my server setup to gutsy and since then, I find I am unable to communicate on my 'internal network', my /etc/network/interfaces can be seen at http://pastebin.com/d78d41049 - any suggestions? ifconfig shows all the adapters are up with the correct IP address assignments.13:34
Leopard_i think nosrednaekim  is a troll13:34
JucatoLeopard_: he is definitely NOT13:34
ardchoilleLeopard_: Be nice, he's been here forever.13:34
Jucatonot forever. that would be me :)13:35
ardchoilleJucato: hehe, that it would13:35
nosrednaekimI've been here about a half-year13:35
Leopard_Jucato, is my amigo13:35
nosrednaekimwell really, more like a year now!13:35
ardchoilleI was planning to install Gutsy but I can't even get "sudo aptitude update" to work. I guess the servers are still being hammered.13:35
arctanxardchoille: Just grab a new mirror13:36
arctanxchoose one from an odd country ;)13:36
ardchoillearctanx: Tried a few, they're all slow.13:36
arctanxdefine "slow"13:36
nosrednaekimardchoille: did you try columbia?13:36
ardchoillearctanx: Hey, not a bad idea.13:36
ubuntufatal error i hate automatix ;913:36
Jucato!caps | ubuntu13:36
ubotuubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:36
ubot3ubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:36
ubotwoubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:37
ubuntuit wasnt a shout i was just talking out loud13:37
arctanxI use my own ISP one in Australia, iiNet, and it gives me a solid 160kiB/s13:37
ubuntuin real life13:37
ardchoilleWhoa, slapped by multiple bots, lol13:37
Jucatoubotwo: part #kubuntu13:37
dystopianraystrigi is constantly complaining about files not existing and then crashes13:37
dystopianrayI don't know what the hell is wrong with it13:37
vltAny idea how to solve my CUPS problem "Print file was not accepted (client-error-request-value-too-long)!"?13:38
Ash-FoxHeh, gutsy reordered my network cards13:38
vltAsh-Fox: /etc/iftab13:42
Ash-Foxvlt, thanks13:44
vltAsh-Fox: BTW, you should edit that file _before_ you change the nic in a headless server machine ... ;-)13:46
Ash-Foxvlt, I never changed it :P13:46
Ash-Foxvlt, I upgraded to gutsy and it changed the order of the addapters.13:46
lil_cainRight, upgrading to gutsy today13:47
ubot3You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto13:47
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto13:47
lil_cainI can go to init 5, I don't get any errors...13:47
lil_cainit's just, I only have ttys13:47
lil_cainno gui13:47
vltubot3: Who art thou, Sir?13:47
ubot3vlt: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:47
Jucatovlt: backup bot. ubotu's overworked a bit13:48
vltJucato: Aah ok13:48
lil_cainany one any ideas13:48
vltlil_cain: What does `runlevel` return?13:49
ubuntuhello how do i install kiba-dock on Kubuntu?13:49
Jucato!info kiba-dock13:50
ubot3Package kiba-dock does not exist in edgy13:50
ubuntui am on Gutsy Gibbon13:50
Jucatolooks like kiba dock is gone13:50
ubuntu!info kiba13:50
ubot3Package kiba does not exist in edgy13:50
ubuntu!info kiba dock13:50
Jucatoubuntu: no use trying13:50
ubuntui need Kiba dock :(13:51
Jucatoyou can install from other sources if they provide a .deb package for it13:51
lil_cainubuntu: tryed compiling it?13:51
crazy_busis this bad? Sys Temp:    +51°C  (high =   -79°C, hyst =   +51°C)   ALARM13:51
ubuntui am n00b u r my hero Jucato mi amigo help me please13:51
lil_cainnot the easiest way around it, but...13:51
vltlil_cain: Anyzhing interesting in /var/log/Xorg*.log?13:51
ubuntui dunno compile what is compile?13:51
Jucatolil_cain: if there's a .deb package, he shouldn't have to compile13:52
ubuntunext-next compile like in windows, lil_cain?13:52
ardchoilleJucato: Someone told me that Gutsy makes it safe install .deb's from other distros. Is that true? I didn't realise the devs could pull off a trick like that.13:52
lil_cainubuntu: with make files, although if there's a .deb that'd be better13:53
ubuntuwhat is this deb?13:53
Jucatoardchoille: not really. it just makes installing .deb files easier with gdebi-kde13:53
Jucato!deb | ubuntu13:53
ubot3ubuntu: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)13:53
ardchoilleJucato: Ah, ok13:53
Jucatoubuntu: a bit close though13:53
ubuntui am running Kubuntu not debian13:53
ubuntudebian is other linux13:53
Jucatoubuntu: Kubuntu is based on Debian13:53
dystopianraystrigi can't index image files?13:53
ubuntuoh ok13:53
lil_cainnothing looks odd in /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:53
jpatrickubuntu: kubuntu and ubuntu are based on Debian13:54
ubuntuso ubuntu is debian for n00bs?13:54
* genii sips a coffee and tries to pry his eyes open13:54
ubuntui like kiba dock13:55
ubuntuwhere to get deb for kiba dock i dont google cuz i am in china13:55
ubuntucant trust american companies tell my govt. i am using free stuff13:55
Jucatohttp://www.kiba-dock.org/ <-- their website13:56
Jucatocan't see a Download link/page though13:56
JuJuBeeI can't make my IP settings for my eth0 stick for some reason.  I have never had this trouble before.  It keeps reverting back... I set to manual, change the IP and Apply.  If I close system settings and go back, they are set back to what they were before I changed them.  What am I missing?13:56
Jucatoubuntu: try this page, it has instructions: http://www.kiba-dock.org/index.php?option=com_mambowiki&Itemid=3913:57
ubuntuJuJuBee: you taste so sweet i love my JuJuBeans based WaWa coffee13:57
Jucatoubuntu: please don't do that13:57
ubuntuthanx Jucato13:57
ubuntudo what?13:57
jpatrickubuntu: it's Linux for human beings :)13:57
Jucato<ubuntu> JuJuBee: you taste so sweet i love my JuJuBeans based WaWa coffee13:57
Jucatounless you two personally know each other. but still inappropriate here13:57
ubuntuyes Jucato you dont have good coffee in Venezuela?13:58
JucatoI'm not in Venezuela or anywhere near13:58
ubuntujoke :)13:58
ubuntuyou mi espisito13:58
ubuntutiamo :)13:59
JuJuBeeNow that that is over... Why would my network settings revert back?13:59
ubuntuits your dns server13:59
lil_cainah, wait, I have something in my xlog14:00
lil_cainfatal server error, no screens found14:00
ubuntui wear my cloggs also when i dance14:00
shadowhywindsweet!!! I am past the fetching updates !!!14:00
geniiJuJuBee: Is eth0 also the interface for internet?14:01
ubuntu56K Shadowcat14:01
QwertyMI'd like to use KDE4. I've installed kde4base-dev successfully, now is there anything else I should attempt to be safe before trying it out in the sessions?14:01
ubuntusee told you so JuJuBee14:01
ubuntuglad to be of service14:01
shadowhywindxmms is no longer supported?14:01
dystopianrayis anyone having any luck with strigi? it seems to be one of the crappiest pieces of software i've ever used14:01
JuJuBeeubuntu : stuff a sock in it.14:01
LiL-JoNwhats the name of ms core fonts package14:02
ubuntuwhat kind of sock i dont need sock you mean cuz i am chinese i need a sock there thats so rude14:02
QwertyMjust do ubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras :P14:02
JucatoLiL-JoN: didn't you install kubuntu-restricted-extras yet?14:02
Jucatooh yeah it's not part of that :P14:02
geniiwork, AFK14:02
Jucatoyeah install msttcorefonts14:03
shadowhywind*cries* sure the first time the upgrade goes through, I don't have enough space for it *cries some more*14:03
LiL-JoNyeah thats it14:03
ubuntuafraid for Kubuntu14:03
JucatoAway From Keyboard14:03
QwertyMubuntu-restricted-extras is the main part, kubuntu one adds flash etc ..14:03
JuJuBeegenii : /etc/network/interfaces has the correct IP info... but still when I run system settings and look at the network info it is wrong.14:03
ubuntumi english is no god14:03
dystopianraywoah speedcrunch is massively improved, it supports binary and hex!14:03
ubuntunoway get out of here dystopianray14:04
dystopianrayubuntu: I am serious, now I do not need to install kcalc14:04
ubuntubinary and hex woah14:04
QwertyMbtw, any suggestions to my earlier question?14:04
QwertyM"I'd like to use KDE4. I've installed kde4base-dev successfully, now is there anything else I should attempt to be safe before trying it out in the sessions?"14:04
LiL-JoNthanks Jucato i love you14:04
jpatrickQwertyM: I suggest just experimenting and following what it says on the site14:05
dystopianrayubuntu: binary and hex are extremely useful to programmers14:05
ubuntui know14:05
JucatoQwertyM: just follow carefully the instructions in the release announcement page andyou should be ok14:05
Jucatodystopianray: how about octal? :)14:05
QwertyMjpatrick: ok, will run those commands, thank you. :)14:05
ubuntui programmed automatix with hex and binaries :)14:05
QwertyMJucato: you too ;)14:05
dystopianrayJucato: It's not useful for much other than file permissions14:06
ubuntu!automatix  rules14:06
ubot3ubuntu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:06
Jucatodystopianray: yeah it was a sort of sarcastic thingy :)14:06
dystopianrayhehe ok14:06
ubuntuJucato:  is naughty D:14:06
Jucatonot as much as you. so please do behave :)14:06
ubuntuhydrogen:  you live on real campus?14:07
ubuntuyou have bed and toothbrush hydrogen?14:07
Jucatoubuntu: I must also tell you that this is not a social chit chat channel14:07
ubuntuwhat is chit ?14:07
Jucatoso don't got offtopic and just out of the blue make remarks such as those14:07
ubuntuJucato: ?14:07
Jucatochit chat = offtopic conversation14:07
ubot3#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:08
ubuntuyou mean chinease Jucato?14:08
ubuntui dunno what chit means14:08
dystopianrayis there a graphing calculator program in the repos?14:08
Jucatoubuntu: chit chat = offtopic conversation14:08
Jucatodystopianray: kplot?14:08
ubuntuwhat is chit then Jucato?14:08
dystopianrayJucato: thanks, i will try it14:08
dedii have a iptables command to aktivate masq, but don know where to put this comman to automatc excute during boot14:08
Jucatoubuntu: it's a two-word term14:08
voicuhi, i have a HP monitor that can rotate to 90 degrees. is there some software that will rotate the screen?14:09
dystopianrayJucato: there is no kplot in the repos14:09
ubuntuchit means short Jucato14:09
Jucatoactually it's chitchat sorry14:09
Jucatonot 2 words. one word14:09
ubuntuso any short chat is forbidden Jucato?14:09
LiL-JoNhow come im gettign a version upgrade14:09
LiL-JoNwhen i just installed kubuntu gutsy off disk14:09
dystopianrayoh it's kmplot14:10
Jucato!offtopic | ubuntu14:10
ubuntuso chit chat is an idiom Jucato?14:10
ubot3ubuntu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:10
Jucatodystopianray: oh sorry. forgot the m14:10
vzduchJucato: it _is_ two words, only I know it hyphenated --> chit-chat14:10
jpatrickubuntu: this channel is for support only, all other discussion is done in the offtopic14:10
arkygeekwow.  that was painful :s14:10
Jucatovzduch: merriam-webster thinks it's one word.. but whatever, the meaning is the same :)14:10
ubuntuok jpatrick i need support for automatix14:10
ubuntuhelp me please14:10
Jucatoubuntu: again...14:11
ardchoilleWhatever happened to the CNR (Click-N-Run) stuff that was suppoed to be in Feisty?14:11
jpatrickI don't use automatix, no idea14:11
vzduchjpatrick: all other discussion would be done in offtopic if people only used that channel.. o014:11
LiL-JoNubuntu:  you sohuld have never installed it thats the support i give you :]14:11
Jucatoubuntu: we don't support automatix in here. go to #automatix if you need help14:11
=== oelewapp2rke is now known as oelewapperke
ubuntuJucato:  thank you14:11
LiL-JoNhey ardchoille :]14:11
ubuntuoelewapperke:  has big ears14:11
voicudamn konversation... so does someone know of a program that will make kde compatible with a monitor that rotates to a portrait position?14:12
geniiJuJuBee: I ask if eth0 is also internet because if the computer is doing the ISP login, it will revert any settings you make to whatever the pppoe login gets from server (usually pppoe, can be other types)14:12
ubuntuoelewapperke are you a pancake?14:12
Jucatovoicu: krandrtray?14:12
Jucatovoicu: Installed by default14:12
dystopianrayvoicu: to make it automatically rotate the screen?14:12
geniibah he left14:12
Jucatoubuntu: stop doing that!14:12
voicudystopianray: not necessarily automatically14:13
jpatrickubuntu: please behave as if your niece was in here14:13
voicujucato: ok, lemme try14:13
dystopianrayvoicu: xrandr can rotate the screen14:13
Jucatojpatrick: he might be asking what that means next... :/14:13
ubuntuhttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chit-chat the Sir was right Jucato chit chat doesnt exist its chit-chat (hyphenated )14:14
ubuntuJucato:  :)14:14
ubuntumi amigo14:14
ubotuPackage kiba-dock does not exist in gutsy14:15
ubotuPackage kiba does not exist in gutsy14:15
ubotuubuntu: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)14:15
QwertyMWeird, I don't have a sessions folder under my /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/ .. and the command is asking me to copy a kde4.desktop from within it. :S14:15
LiL-JoNdoe sanybody know where i can get vista looking icons14:16
ScorpKingl8rs guys!14:16
JucatoLiL-JoN: http://www.kde-look.org14:16
Leopard_he left yay14:16
UnI am trying to install xemacs on kunbutu 7.10, anyone can help ?14:16
luiteI've installed kubuntu gutsy ony my thinkpad T61p, most things are working fine, but the volume buttons don't work (they don't control the volume, only mute/unmute). I did set the master channel to PCM, any ideas?14:16
Leopard_ubuntu was annoying14:16
jpatrickLeopard_: there'll be more...14:16
Jucatoand I'll be ready :)14:17
JucatoUn: what seems to be the problem?14:17
LiL-JoNJucato: i know at kde look but i cant find them14:17
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:17
UnJucato: well, that I can't find it :-)14:17
Unpackage seems vanished14:17
jpatrickLiL-JoN: search for Crystal Project14:18
JucatoUn: xemacs21?14:18
LiL-JoNok jpatrick14:18
UnI tryed xemacs, xemacs21 xemacs21-mule, xemacs-something14:18
Unbut it never exist14:18
Jucato!info xemacs2114:18
ubot3xemacs21: highly customizable text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4.19-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 48 kB14:18
Unfine, I want it ! on 7.10 :-)14:19
YammehWell that sucked, had to reinstall gutsy :[14:19
vzduchisn't there XEmacs 22 yet?14:19
JucatoUn: um... sorry that bot isn't update14:19
JucatoUn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=xemacs&searchon=names&subword=1&version=gutsy&release=all14:19
Unapt-cache search xemacs14:19
Unpython-mode - Emacs-lisp python-mode and doctest-mode for the Python language14:19
voicujucato: how do you rotate the screen? there is nothing in there for that14:20
voicuoh wait14:20
oelewapperkehow do I get the live cd to boot me into a shell immediately ?14:20
JucatoUn: please also check if Universe is enabled in your Manage REpositories14:20
oelewapperkeinit=/bin/sh or init=/bin/bash is not working14:20
UnJucato: trying...14:20
Jucatovoicu: there's a system tray icon14:21
voiculol, i know that14:21
Unror: Packages/Sources file not found.14:21
JucatoUn:  you're looking at feisty14:21
Unam I wrong ?14:22
Jucato7.10 is Gutsy14:22
voicuthis is freaking annoying... it says i need admin rights for any changes. i do kdesu and it crashes14:22
Unho, sorry, my mistake14:22
JucatoI already gave you the link14:22
Unyep, but I thouth that... well14:22
JucatoUn: please check again if your universe repository is enabled. if it is, sudo apt-get update, then try sudo apt-get install xemacs2114:23
shadowhywindis it normal for the upgrade to take 2 hours?!14:23
UnJucato: how do I do check that ?14:24
LjLJucato: ubot3 works better than ubotwo14:24
LiL-JoNwhere can i find vista icons?14:24
Jucato!info xemacs2114:24
ubot3xemacs21: highly customizable text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4.19-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 48 kB14:24
ubotwoxemacs21 - highly customizable text editor - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for more information14:24
JucatoLjL: ^^^ :D14:24
LjLJucato: and both work better than ubotu :)14:24
vzduch!info xemacs2214:24
ubot3Package xemacs22 does not exist in edgy14:24
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/14:24
ubotuxemacs21: highly customizable text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4.20-1.1 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 48 kB14:24
John117Does Kubunut Gutsy come with Compiz?14:24
LjLubotwo: part14:24
JucatoLjL: part14:25
hydrogenDon't you think that theree bots is a bit much?14:25
Jucatooh sorry14:25
JucatoLjL: rawr!14:25
Jucatoyou're lucky I'm not vindictive (and not on the council :P)14:25
shadowhywindand let the two hour wait begin!14:25
Jucatohydrogen: ubotu's on and off. overworked14:25
Jucatoon strike14:25
John117question: Does Kubunut Gutsy come with Compiz?14:26
dystopianrayJohn117: no14:26
Jucatonot installed/enabled by default14:26
LjLJucato: meh, being on the council doesn't mean no opwars! :(14:26
Jucatohahah :)14:26
John117dystopianray: thanks.  Is it a pain to install?14:26
dystopianrayJohn117: no idea, I don't use it14:26
Jucato<ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion14:27
John117dystopianray do you use any enhancement like it?14:27
Unhow do I check for  "universe repository" ?14:27
JucatoAdept Manager -> Adept Menu -> Manage Repositories14:27
vzduchcat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i universe <-- if the line has a # in the beginning, it's not activated14:28
dystopianrayJohn117: no, I do not care for 3d desktop effects14:28
Ash-Foxvzduch, grep accepts a filename as a second parameter, so you can use: grep -i universe /etc/apt/sources.list14:29
vzduchAsh-Fox: not bad, didn't know that :)14:29
hydrogenvzduch: overuse of cat makes me cry :\14:29
vzduchhydrogen: why?14:29
hydrogenoh, Ash-Fox already mentioned it14:29
tininHow do I upgrade to gutsy? adept manager sux!14:29
Unvzduch: ok, done. thanks14:30
tininI do not get notifiations about a new version avaliable, do I need to change the sources list first?14:30
hydrogensee the topic.14:30
Ash-Foxhydrogen, I use cat a lot.. even for transfering files. I don't use scp.. I use: cat filename |ssh server "cat > filename"14:31
* Ash-Fox overuses cat :P14:31
* Ash-Fox pets Jucato14:31
* Jucato purrs...14:31
hydrogenAsh-Fox: thats just sillier14:33
Ash-Foxhydrogen, you'd be suprised how many systems just don't have scp14:34
tininI-ve followed the upgrade guides for kubuntu, but no luck. My question is> Can I change all references to feisty to gutsy in sources.list and then dist-upgrade?14:34
Ash-Foxtinin, you can try, but it's not recommended. What did you have no luck with?14:35
dystopianrayis anyone else getting kernel panics when hibernating?14:35
Ash-Foxdystopianray, nope.14:35
dystopianraydamn, I had perfectly working suspend and hibernate for two releases, now hibernate panics and suspend sometimes fails14:35
Un universe repository is now enabled, but still no xemacs. any more advice ?14:35
JucatoUn: did you "sudo apt-get update" already?14:36
ubot3To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.14:37
voicuok... my upgrade to gutsy didn't go as well as i thought. i had to stop it before it was done and now the monitor configuration says i have an orphaned control module. what could be the problem?14:37
user_give me one line of command to enable mp3 decoding!14:37
UnJucato: yes, but it failed, hanging at "99% [Connecting to fr.archive.ubuntu.com (]"14:37
user_sorry :P14:37
tininAsh-Fox guides tell you to manage the sources list via adept manager, and some guides tell you to enable the "Recommended updates" and others also to enable the "Pre release updates" and then reload. But this does not work for me, i get no notifications about the new version avaliable14:37
tinin"Enable PRE RELEASED updates"? I'm a cautious user, why I need pre-released updates to do the upgrade?14:39
UnI tryed to "fake"  fr.archive.ubuntu.com  to  archive.ubuntu.com but it didn't get much better14:39
tininthe change of instructions for upgrade and the need for -proposed was caused by a bug in Adept not reading the new distro version file properly.14:39
LiL-JoNWhats a "Kicker Background"?14:39
=== marcin is now known as thid
tininI-m not the only one haveing problems with upgrade https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuGutsyComments14:40
ubot3To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:40
tininKubuntu sux, it is not beeing maintained as I hoped14:40
tininThey care the most for ubuntu14:41
Unfine. stalled update restarted. but it now failed during dependency14:41
voicukde is worth any kind of trouble :P14:41
elcucomy adept is not able to download the, ReleaseAnnouncement, so the wizard cannot continue. any tips on overcomming this?14:41
qb06restricted drivers wont work on kubuntu 7.10 nvidia 620014:42
shadowhywindI have a question. If i am doing the upgrade, and i need to shutdown the comp, and its in the fetching the upgrades would it be safe to shutdown?14:43
tininqb06 that-s another sad notice qb0614:43
haraldshadowhywind: yes14:43
UnThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:44
Un  xemacs21-mule: Depends: xemacs21-bin (= 21.4.19-1ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed14:44
Un                 Depends: libdb3 (>= 3.2.9) but it is not installable14:44
haraldUn you know the obvious solution right?14:44
shadowhywindk thanks, I just reliazed that it was friday and in about 5-6 hours i am going to need to power down the laptop14:44
JucatoUn: ah I have another guess... your server is having a hard time.... might be affecting the packages it sees...14:44
haraldUn: use vi  :P14:44
=== jon_ is now known as LiL-JoN
Unharald: well there  is lots of "bad solution" :-)14:44
tininqb06 restricted drivers was one of the NEW advantages on kubuntu gutsy, I wanted to try it, anyway you can try envy script to do the same14:45
UnJucato: ok, I share the same feeling. may be I should try again tomorow...14:45
Unthanks all for your help. I will try again tomorow14:47
* Un is away: I'm busy14:48
Jucato!away > Un14:48
dystopianraydo I need more swap than ram to succesfully hibernate?14:48
Jucatouh oh.. he might gethttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windowlicker14:49
Jucatorawr sorry!!14:49
Jucatosh*t :14:49
Jucatosorry sorry  :(14:49
Unwell I did not chante my nick name...???14:49
Panthadoes anyone know how i can install canon lbp2900 printer in gutsy? I tried the guide in ubuntu-wiki, which worked with 7.04 version, but with gutsy cups says "/usr/lib/cups/backend/ccp failed"14:50
JucatoUn: public away messages14:50
dedihow can i get compiz to autorun in kde?14:53
lup0anyone still have the kopete msn problem14:54
lup0possible fix for msn-kopete crash: http://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/17733/Kopete-MSN-Crashes-Kopete.html14:54
lup0don't know what the file contactlist.xml is, and I take no responsibility for what happens you delete it14:55
lup0haven't tested myself14:55
GS3User007haven't looked at the fix, but kopete did crash on me when i tried to use msn14:56
GS3User007installing pidgin atm though14:56
dedilup0: does not work for me14:56
pvandewyngaerdeis there Xposé like feature in Kubuntu for compiz ?14:56
Jucatocompiz has such a feature14:57
JucatoGS3User007: that's the bug. and there's a fix14:57
noam_there's an updated version of KDE core that fixes the kopete crash...14:57
Kachnaanyone experiences this? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087600.0 (xgl related)14:57
JucatoGS3User007: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/15350014:57
Jucatobut the fix should be available through normal updates soon14:58
GS3User007i'll grab it then14:58
dedii still dont know how to start/configure compiz on kde14:58
GS3User007it's not a huge deal, i'm only running a virtual pc atm14:58
tavoci installed yesterday kubuntu 7.10, and now my cpu runs to fast. Normally it is a pentium m 1500 mhz, but now it runs at 1600. How can i fix this? It occurs in the live cd and in installation14:58
Kachnadedi: what graphic card?14:59
tavocin 7.04 all was fine, but now the cpu is to hot14:59
dediKachna: nvidia 814:59
dystopianrayi acn hibernate with uswsusp but not with the default hibernate method14:59
Kachnadedi: well it should work like a charm with xorg O.o just sudo apt-get install compiz-core compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager (and others..) and then run compiz --replace < did u try?15:00
shadowhywindhay all a quick question, Does anyone have any ideas on why my printer is printing in green/blue instead of black?15:00
LiL-JoNanybody wanna see my desktop?15:01
Daisuke_Laptopbecause you have the ink backwards?  because the black is empty?  just a couple possibilities15:01
GS3User007it's been my experience that some printers will compensate for lack of black ink and start spraying dark colors instead15:01
shadowhywindink is in the same spot, black is still good. I know i am out of yellow, But in anycase it works correctly in windows15:02
GS3User007no idea then15:02
tavochas anyone an idea, where i can set cpu frequency?15:03
=== siraj is now known as siraj_
herasHi guys/gals. Is it true that dist-upgrade is depricated and that the upgrade-manager should be used?15:03
siraj_first timer here15:04
herosiraj_: welcome15:04
siraj_hey thanks hero15:04
GS3User007siraj_: hi, me too15:04
wilharthow to i get to see a window that is behing another?15:04
Daisuke_Laptopi dunno about deprecated, but upgrade-manager is certainly a better choice15:04
Daisuke_Laptopwilhart: click on it15:04
wilharti have to press on the upper panel15:04
siraj_try alt+tab15:04
wilhartDaisuke_Laptop: i have to press on the upper panel15:04
herasDaisuke_Laptop: why?15:05
wilhartDaisuke_Laptop: else it down get visible15:05
vzduchupper panel?15:05
siraj_wilharrt try alt+tab15:05
wilhartsiraj_: i have supercha-tab yes but i have to mark it with mouse15:05
wilharton window anywhere with mouse, now it sshows only with upperborder15:05
LiL-JoNdoes Kubuntu not support MP730 printer cause on Ubuntu it worked15:06
siraj_right click the upperborder and see what happens15:06
wilhartsiraj_: no?15:06
siraj_wilhart: trying this first time15:06
wilhartlet me explain again15:07
wilharti have 1 window over another.15:07
JucatoLiL-JoN: it should. we use the same printer drivers15:07
wilhartwhen i press the window behind window ontop15:07
wilhartdoesnt chage window..15:07
wilhartbut when i pres son upperborder it changes.15:07
LiL-JoNJucato: then how come it doesnt reconize it im trying to share it15:07
Daisuke_Laptopthe upper border...15:07
wilhartwhere do i enable that it shows wherever u press on that window15:07
siraj_maybe this window has been set to always on top15:07
Daisuke_Laptopthe title bar?15:07
wilhartyes tile bar:)15:08
siraj_yes I think upper border = title bar15:08
LiL-JoNJucato: the windows computer on my network has the printer and im trying to use it15:08
dediKachna: thanks, works now, but still does not autostart even with --replace15:08
wilhartsilly me.15:08
LiL-JoNJucato: how do i install samba15:08
Jucato!samba | LiL-JoN15:08
ubot3_LiL-JoN: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT15:08
UbotwoLiL-JoN: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT15:08
Daisuke_Laptopi actually had that problem once...  but i have no clue how i fixed it15:08
vbgunzhow can I reinstall gutsy without actually reinstalling gutsy?15:08
wilhartDaisuke_Laptop: damg.15:08
vbgunzI mean, I am not talking about putting in the latest cd and installing from there... reinstalling gutsy from within gutsy, reconfiguring it,15:08
siraj_how do i join another channel?15:08
vbgunzfirst time ever, an upgrade completely broke my system... I boot into a cursor, no X, no terminals. just a blinking cursor :(15:08
siraj_I am usig Konversation15:08
tavocsiraj_ /join #channel15:08
E_mEis KDE 4 Beta 3 quite buggy?15:08
vbgunzanyone know how to reconfigure gutsy?15:09
siraj_right here?15:09
wilhartDaisuke_Laptop: OMG! how do i do this.15:09
BloodyTuxHey. Wow, lot's of people...15:09
wilhartDaisuke_Laptop: really annnoying15:09
tavocwithout whitespace15:09
carpoolHow can I connect via pppoe (dsl)? with kubuntu 7.10?15:09
LiL-JoNJucato: that helps me a little bit but im still lost15:09
Kachnadedi: get fusion-icon, i'm not sure if it is in repos,but on compiz-fusion web it is :-)15:09
letalisim convinced that framebuffer console support is hosed in gutsy.15:09
* BloodyTux yawns, "Time to get back in the game"15:09
dystopianraycarpool: kppp?15:09
JucatoLiL-JoN: can't help you there. don't use samba...15:10
siraj_where do i get a channel list?15:10
Jucatodystopianray: nope that 's for dial up15:10
dedifc ^15:10
vzduchcarpool, dystopianray: pppoeconf15:10
Jucatocarpool: run "sudo pppoeconf" in Konsole15:10
ardchoille!info kickoff15:10
ubot3_Package kickoff does not exist in edgy15:10
UbotwoPackage kickoff does not exist in15:10
LiL-JoNJucato: isnt samba a printer sharing system?15:10
ardchoille!info kickoff gutsy15:10
JucatoLiL-JoN: nope15:10
Jucatowell depends.15:10
BloodyTuxSo, just got a new gfx card, EVGA e-Geforce 7600 GS, does anyone know if kubuntu has a driver for it preinstalled or where to get it. Downloading Kubunut iso right now to install.15:11
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
carpoolvzduch, Jucato : thank you for your help, I will test that. CU!15:11
kaminixI'm having problems with SCIM/SKIM with Anthy. If I try to input anything in Japanese on a line it pushes what I type to the front automatically.15:11
dystopianrayBloodyTux: use the restricted drivers manager15:11
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:11
BloodyTuxThanks Dai.15:11
CPrompt^BloodyTux : it'll work but it will probably be 800x600 res.15:11
siraj_can anyone point me to some interesting channels?15:11
dediKachna: jap isnt in repo (yet). think will just do a kde autostart script15:11
CPrompt^siraj : what's wrong with this one?  :p15:11
bjwebbopen office mucks up when i change kde colour scheme15:11
siraj_nothign wrong15:12
siraj_just wanns try15:12
BloodyTuxCPrompt^: Ya think Beryl will work?15:12
tattersAny used alternative cd to enable LVM with encryption, I keep getting failed when trying to set it up?15:12
Kachnadedi: that's the way i use too :-)15:12
CPrompt^BloodyTux : I had Beryl working but ran a script to install it and configure it.  After a few days I lost interest in it LOL15:12
dediKachna: do you know what runns good with a ati card? radeon driver with xgl was quite crappy with feisty. still that?15:12
LiL-JoNJucato: my printers a MultiPass MP73015:13
bjwebbopen office mucks up when i change kde colour scheme :S15:13
BloodyTuxMy sister ran Beryl on her Ubuntu install for her laptop but she started to hate the themes and reinstalled windows instead of taking of Beryl...15:13
wilhartsomething with kopete can't load it crashes.15:13
BloodyTux*off... Can't type today15:13
siraj_I am running Kubuntu on VirtualBox under WIn XP. So the internet works well inside Kubuntu.. I wanted to know.. will the internet still work well when I install Kubuntu directly to the hard disk? I have a feeling Kubuntu is sourcing internet thru the windows15:14
BloodyTuxAnyone need help?15:14
bjwebbBloodyTux: me!15:14
GS3User007wilhart: kopete currently has a bug using msn15:14
wilhartGS3User007: oh..oke.:)15:14
bjwebbwilhart: its not kopete btw15:14
bjwebbits a lib15:14
BloodyTuxbjwebb: What's up?15:14
bjwebbyou can download a .deb fix if you want15:14
siraj_everybody who love multi-protocol IM clients say "MOOLAH!!"15:14
bjwebbBloodyTux: openoffice is being a pain15:14
BloodyTuxbjwebb: How?15:15
HamraGS3User007: is this bug in kopete on gutsy only, or also on feisty?15:15
bjwebb1. it has screwed up since i changed system colours15:15
bjwebbe.g. no icons on buttons15:15
bjwebb2. it has no window decorations when im running compiz15:15
tavocwhy is my cpu running to fast ...15:15
GS3User007Hamra: don't know, kopete crashed on me earlier, someone posted a link to a fix15:15
siraj_coz it wants to break 100m WR15:16
siraj_nuubee :P15:16
BloodyTuxbjwebb: What version of Kubuntu and OO are you using?15:17
Kachnadedi: well,it's better than on feisty,but the major problem i have..: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087600.015:17
bjwebbBloodyTux: its gusty and 2.315:17
BloodyTuxbjwebb: K, hold on.15:17
Kachnaand also http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087580.0 < that'S all i found out so far :/15:17
bjwebbbut the first problem, i had on feisty too15:17
dediKachna: i will take a look15:18
siraj_I wish i had a fast computer which played real fast games15:18
siraj_My computer plays Solitaire really really fast :)15:18
BloodyTuxbjwebb: 1. How are you changing colors. 2. Why Compiz, Beryl is newer and might not have that problem.15:18
siraj_gimme some channel lists15:19
=== ubuntu is now known as liquid
hydrogenis what you probably wnat15:19
Kachnadedi: I'll love u if U'll drop any idea :P15:19
bjwebbBloodyTux: 1. in systemsettings 2. sorry i mean compiz fusion :D which is newer still15:19
arashDoes someone here has experience with DC-qt? I wonder how to increase slot numbers, so I can get in to some hubs.15:19
bjwebbhydrogen: ive got it15:19
hydrogenberyl was a really bad quality fork of compiz that went no where and thus ended up merged back into compiz15:19
=== liquid is now known as liquid-x
bjwebbi just cba typing the full thing :D15:19
BloodyTux1. K 2. Good.15:19
bjwebbhydrogen: that's not quite true15:19
hydrogenbjwebb: well, beryl focused more on the eyecandy/plugins15:20
BloodyTuxhydrogen: Damn, I've been gone a long time o-o...15:20
hydrogenthe core went downhill in its efforts15:20
liquid-xhi, i managed to screw up my xorg while trying to configure dual screen clone15:20
BloodyTuxGo random stupid resource hogging look better programs!!15:20
BloodyTuxVivat Beryl.15:20
krangspeakin spanish15:21
dediKachna: i will have to try it myself before i can say anything. hope xgl doesnt take 30% sysres anymore15:21
BloodyTuxbjwebb: What does OO look like when you change colors? Screenshot would help.15:21
arashOr someone here know about good alternative to DC++ for linux, I can't say Im satisfied with Dcgui15:21
wilharthow stable is kde4 ?15:21
hydrogenit's not15:21
bjwebbBloodyTux: okay15:21
UbotwoFactoid ubuntu-es not found15:22
ahiahi :|15:22
UbotwoSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.15:22
LiL-JoNcan somebody help me setup my printer15:22
BloodyTuxwilhart: Yea, don't change yet. Wait till it gets complete.15:22
UbotwoThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:22
wilhartBloodyTux: oke15:22
dediKachna: fglrx has now composite support?15:22
wilhart2days after my birthday15:22
* BloodyTux waits for screenshot, "Anyone else need help?"15:22
ahiasomeone knows how to reset the sound card rilevation by terminal? :|15:22
BloodyTuxahia: Nope ^.^15:22
LiL-JoNBloodyTux: i need help15:23
Kachnadedi: with xgl server,it had ever :-) but can't run any other 3d app with that15:23
liquid-xwhat to do when xserver can't start? nvidea crashes before login :( help??? i've been searching, even swap back original file, no avail15:23
ahiaso bad :(15:23
BloodyTuxLiL-JoN: What's up?15:23
CPrompt^what is rilevation ??  LOL15:23
LiL-JoNBloodyTux: can you help me setup my printer15:23
arashliquid-x didn't you make backup?15:23
BloodyTuxLiL-JoN: Yep15:23
ahiamy sound card is not always rilevated by the o.s. in the startup15:23
liquid-xarash: i did, i put the back up in still crashed15:23
wilhartis there any themes packages?15:23
LiL-JoNBloodyTux: omg i love you15:23
* BloodyTux thinks, Finally something I'm good at doing :P15:23
CPrompt^ahia : ok...what does rilevation mean?15:24
arashliquid-x: ohouch, I'm sorry to hear that, And Im not good at these things :p15:24
ahiai'm not english excuse fot the bad esplaination15:24
liquid-xarash: know anyone that can help?15:24
QwertyMHow do I get Video Previews in Dolphin instead of just a Kaffeine Icon?15:24
LiL-JoNbjwebb: where did you get that "k" from15:24
dediKachna: hm, never run for me with feisty, and i tried really a lot there :) only had ati and readeon driver run, but very very slow and laggy15:24
bjwebbLiL-JoN: kbfx15:24
arashliquid-x: No :(15:25
LiL-JoNbjwebb: whats that lol15:25
ahiawhen in the startup the system checks the sound card...15:25
BloodyTuxLiL-JoN: hold on.15:25
BloodyTuxbjwebb: http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=310962715:25
ahiahow i can do this again in terminal? :|15:25
BloodyTuxbjwebb: Check that thread.15:25
Kachnadedi: i had it working like a charm on feisty :P15:25
Kachnawell, not that good charm,but it was running :P15:26
dediKachna: ok i have a x800, they make additional problems i read ^15:26
BloodyTuxbjwebb: It's about Ubuntu and Arch but it's somewhat what you have.15:26
LiL-JoNbjwebb: where did you get the k from thats tight15:26
YammehAnyone know of a decent plugin for firefox so I can watch embedded videos? mplayer keeps crashing and closing firefox15:26
Kachnadedi: :/ x1600 over here15:26
bjwebbLiL-JoN: well you need an applet called kbfx to display it easily15:27
bjwebbbut it was just on kde-look15:27
BloodyTuxDamn you Kubuntu ISO...15:27
dediKachna: i saw it in your config :) its unbelievable how much better nvidia runs15:27
BloodyTuxSo big...15:27
CPrompt^ahia : you can do "sudo asoundconf list" to see what it brings up15:27
Kachnadedi: yep,but i hate nvidia :P looking forward for 8.42 fglrx to have at least any support..15:28
LiL-JoNbjwebb: can i get it from kde-apps.org?15:28
ahiaNames of available sound cards:15:28
ahiaand now? :|15:28
dediKachna: but i hate ati more, so i started to love nvidia again :))15:28
dediKachna: but also nvidia sucks. purehd support for linux for example15:29
CPrompt^LiL-JoN : you can get kbfx from the repos too.  I don't like the newest "Sphinx" as well as the last version.15:29
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: how do i install it "apt-get install kbfx"?15:30
CPrompt^LiL-Jon : open Adept manager and it will be listed there ;)15:30
Kachnai hate nvidia coz i had to setup a few computers with nForce,it was pain in the ass :/15:30
bjwebbBloodyTux: okay, ive been reading that15:31
liquid-xKachna: hey know anything about xorg?15:31
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: ok15:31
dediKachna: i have nforce boards since beginning, never had really problems with it15:31
bjwebbwhat env variable would i run OOo with for default kde theme (as apposed to gtk)?15:31
sub[t]rnl /back15:31
Kachnadedi: lucky u :D15:31
bjwebbwhat env variable would i run OOo with for default kde theme (as apposed to gtk)?15:31
CPrompt^ahia : still not sure what you want to "check"  It sees your sound card.  You can do lspci from terminial to see if it detects it15:31
Kachnaliquid-x: a bit :P15:31
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BloodyTuxbjwebb: brb15:32
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ahiai cant explain it in english :(15:33
ahiaexcuse me :(15:33
liquid-xKachna: me 2, you see i can't get my xserver to start, even after using the back up file. the log said screen found but no usable config15:33
elcucothe upgrade is failing on my system. the upgrade application fails at the stage which it tries to download thoss 2 files. i have no idea which files, nor how to tell the upgrader to use an alternative mirror (it tries archive.ubuntu.com which oviously is dead)15:33
elcucoany hints for me?15:33
Kachnaliquid-x: could U paste the xorg.conf and log file?15:33
Hamrahow do i backup my system?15:34
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:34
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: what does that do?15:34
BloodyTuxsomeone want to help bjwebb???15:34
BloodyTuxKinda busy.15:34
sub[t]rnlgenerates a user defined /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:34
Kachnaelcuco: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in console15:34
liquid-xKachna: where can i paste? here?15:34
Kachnaliquid-x: www.pastebin.cz for example :-)15:35
elcucoKachna: yes, i can do that, but whats not the "ubuntu" way... what else does this updater do?15:35
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Kachnaelcuco: well i was born as debianist :-) i don't know much about desktops yet15:35
sub[t]rnlbjwebb: if you want kde to resort back to default, just do rm -rf ~/.kde15:35
Urblixdoes anyone have their keyboard volume keys working?15:36
sub[t]rnlbjwebb: this will remove any configurations you might have set within kde15:36
YammehMine do, Urblix15:36
elcucoKachna: then you are not help to me... (someone who works as an embbeded debian developer...)15:36
blendtuxbut bjwebb yes and data like downloaded podcasts etc etc15:36
sub[t]rnlelcuco: that is the "ubuntu" way15:36
blendtuxi would do that only if that is your last resort15:36
sub[t]rnlelcuco: apt-get is debian is ubuntu15:36
liquid-xKachna: http://www.pastebin.cz/show/216015:37
elcucosub[t]rnl: i am not that clueless15:37
Urblixdid you have to configure them? or did they work out of the box?15:37
sub[t]rnlI didn't say you were15:37
Kachnaelcuco: I'm not really a debian developer, just a poor beginner programmer :/15:37
elcucosub[t]rnl: i just want to know "what else" does this upgrade tool does15:37
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: do u happen to know how to do dual screen as well?15:37
dediKachna: can you tell me where to set the window decorator? cant find it xD15:38
bjwebbblendtux and people: i just want env default theme for OOo, no other app15:38
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: i hear theres a command for gutsy15:38
elcucosub[t]rnl: well, yes, but i am talking about the distro upgrade part.15:38
Urblixfor dual screen, i would probably use the new config tool15:38
liquid-xUrblix: where is that new tool?? i couldn't find it.15:38
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: you'll want to define a double instance of your "Screen" "Monitor" and "Device" within xorg.conf.  Depending on the xserver driver your using, you can then set the layout within the Serverlayout section of the config15:38
blendtuxbjwebb: default theme for OOo,15:39
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: i did that, and nvidia crashes before login15:39
blendtuxdefine default bjwebb15:39
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: what was the crash related too?  Show me what its griping about15:39
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: http://www.pastebin.cz/show/2160   <-- my xorg and log15:39
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Urblixits in sys settings, under peripherals15:40
Urblixpick display15:41
pvandewyngaerdehow do i get flash in firefox-3 ?15:41
alaurinbonjour, a tous, j'ai des plantage sur ma mise a jour de kubuntu vers la gutsy ...15:41
HelvascaHey I'm trying out KDE and I can't seem to find many of my Admin tools?15:41
UbotwoAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:41
liquid-xUrblix: did that, u mean where it shows the screen and set resolution? didn't help15:41
pvandewyngaerdeHelvasca: bottom right > system settings15:41
sub[t]rnlHelvasca: Start-> system settings  or alt + f2 kconfig15:41
pvandewyngaerdebottom left15:41
Helvascayeah I'm in there15:41
HelvascaIt seems quite... empty15:42
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: do modprobe nvidia for me15:42
YammehWhat is the file I have to edit to change the priority of my sound cards?15:42
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: tell me what you see15:42
Urblixyou have to maximize the window and go into admin mode15:42
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: i'll have to boot back into it, right now on live cd :S i'll do the dpkg reconfigure first15:42
xicohospiI install dgen,but i can't see the executable in menu of kubuntu,Where is it please???15:43
HelvascaHow can I enable so I can have a XDMCP connection come into box?15:43
mike-kubuntui just upgraded to gutsy from fiesty and i have a few configuration questions15:43
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: i'll be back :)15:43
mike-kubuntufirst off, is there a way to configure dolphin so that there are no left or right hand information or bookmarks windows?15:43
xicohospiI install dgen,but i can't see the executable in menu of kubuntu,Where is it please???15:44
bjwebbblendtux: default kde theme15:44
sub[t]rnlHelvasca: sudo apt-get install xnest15:44
mike-kubuntuand i have compiz installed, but i can't find how to launch it as beryl-manager is no longer intstalled15:44
TimSI'm getting MSN errors, is anyone else getting these15:44
sub[t]rnlmike-kubuntu: make sure you have ccsm.  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:44
GS3User007TimS: in kopete? yes15:45
sub[t]rnlmike-kubuntu: then you'll add a sym link to /usr/bin/compiz in your Autostart directory15:45
The_Machinewhat's the best OSX like type dock for KDE/Kubuntu?15:45
TimSNope, Pidgin but its the servers15:45
Helvascasub[t]rnl: this is quite different to gnome!15:45
newsense07mike-kubuntu: from run command : compiz --replace15:45
sub[t]rnl!autostart | mike-kubuntu15:45
xicohospiI install dgen,but i can't see the executable in menu of kubuntu,Where is it please???15:45
Ubotwomike-kubuntu: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.15:45
sub[t]rnlHelvasca: :P15:45
GS3User007TimS: I installed pidgin and tested it briefly, it seemed to be working fine for me15:45
Helvascasub[t]rnl: don't know if I like it tho15:45
wilhartcould someone tell me some nice themes?15:45
sub[t]rnlTimS: there was some problems with kdelibs and kopete crashing15:46
sub[t]rnlTimS: it has been resolved15:46
TimSNo, Its MSN errors15:46
TimSNot the program the server15:46
stuany time i try to install any package in adept it gives me a break error, and the command line gives me the following error http://pastebin.ca/74243115:46
YammehWhat is the file I have to edit to change the priority of my sound cards?15:47
stuany time i try to install any package in adept it gives me a break error, and the command line gives me the following error http://pastebin.ca/74243115:47
mike-kubuntui'm getting some errors with /usr/lib32/libvorbisfile.so.3 etc ins not a symbolic link, i added these manually, where should i link them from in order to not get errors15:47
dediKachna: can you tell me where to set the window decorator? cant find it xD15:48
Jucatodedi: System settings -> Appearance -> Window Decoration15:48
sub[t]rnlstu: sudo apt-get -f install xchat15:48
sub[t]rnlstu: or sudo aptitude -f install xchat15:49
dediJucato: i mean the one compiz uses :)15:49
stusub[t]rnl: still gives me error15:49
sub[t]rnl-f will fix broken15:49
stusub[t]rnl: still gives same error15:49
Kachnadedi: it was under general i think,sec.15:49
stuit doesn't seem to be installing dependencies or somethiang15:49
Kachnadedi: oh, in ccsm, go to window decoration and set "command" to emerald --replace for example ;)15:50
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carwash^i see i'm not the only onw with kde-windows-decorator problems..15:50
dediKachna: oh ok thanks :D15:51
Kachnanp :P15:51
sub[t]rnlapt-cache search atari15:52
UbotwoFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs15:53
UbotwoIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:53
carwash^is kopete still broken wrt msn?15:53
sub[t]rnlcarwash^: negative15:53
blendtuxbut kubuntu comes already with a default kde theme for OOo bjwebb15:53
VermuxWhat's the shortcut for minimizing a window?15:54
liquid-xsub: hey15:54
dystopianraycarwash^: yes but there is a fix available15:54
bjwebbblendtux: huh?15:54
carwash^dystopianray: in the repositories?15:54
dystopianraycarwash^: no15:54
blendtuxlet me look bjwebb15:54
liquid-xsub[t]nrl: that sudo dpkg-reconfig didn't help15:54
Ahmuckis helix even close to real player ?15:55
carwash^all hail to the ugly amsn :(15:55
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: modprobe nvidia15:55
sonicwhy doesnt kubuntu konversation ship with freenode is my server list?15:55
sonicisnt that the home of kde irc?15:55
dystopianraysonic: what does it ship with?15:55
Ahmucksonic: because it's a ubuntu distro, so your connecting to ubunt15:55
blendtuxbjwebb: my openoffice is using the kde theme wich i use bjwebb15:55
sonicjust ubuntu server15:55
Ahmuckwhich is a part of freenode i think15:55
Ahmucki just change it15:55
bjwebbblendtux: i have dark colours, which open office doesn't like15:56
dystopianraysonic: irc.ubuntu.com is a freenode alias15:56
blendtuxoke you could try this bjwebb15:56
bjwebbi want to run open office with normal colors (using a env variable?)15:56
liquid-xsub[t]nrl: nothing showed up15:56
GS3User007is there a keyboard command to switch between desktops?15:56
noam_ctrl tab15:56
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: ah ha15:56
dystopianrayGS3User007: ctrl+tab, ctr+shift+tab15:56
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: i'm running out of options, you got any idea?15:57
GS3User007not working... probably another glitch with msvpc15:57
carwash^in compiz. what is the normal linear window switcher called?15:57
blendtuxbjwebb: do this in the konsole15:58
Ahmuckis there a way to remove kinfocenter?15:58
dystopianrayAhmuck: why would you want to do that?15:58
Ahmuckwhy wouldn't i, i never use it15:58
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: sec15:58
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: whats your video card?15:58
CPrgmSwR2Hi, my internet connection speed is varing on Kubuntu but not windows15:58
bjwebbblendtux: ....15:58
blendtuxbjwebb: openoffice --style keramik15:59
blendtuxehm correction15:59
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: Nvidia GForce 7900GS~~15:59
bjwebb/home/bjwebb2/keramik does not exist15:59
blendtuxooffice --style keramik15:59
bjwebbany idea what full command is?15:59
bjwebbnah same problem15:59
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: have the nvidia driver installed?16:00
liquid-xit was working earlier16:00
liquid-xuntil i tried to do dual screen and it fucked up16:00
PriceChild!ohmy | liquid-x16:00
Ubotwoliquid-x: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.16:00
blendtuxno bjwebb this is not the right path16:00
liquid-xi replaced the backup xorg.conf, still messed up16:00
liquid-xapologies for the swearing16:01
sub[t]rnlliquid-x: yeah, try the nvidea-xconfig utility16:01
sub[t]rnlsee if that generates an xorg.conf that you can use16:01
sub[t]rnlI'm suprised that sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't helping you16:01
liquid-xsub[t]rnl, i only have terminal, i'll try that now16:01
liquid-xyeh hang on brb16:01
CPrgmSwR2I have a very bizarre issue, kubuntu is not making good use of my connection speed can someone help?16:01
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: what type of connection?16:02
QwertyMAnyone using KDE4 here?16:02
CPrgmSwR2sub[t]rnl: broadband16:02
blendtuxi am not QwertyM,. but what do you think of it16:03
bjwebbblendtux: what is?16:03
CPrgmSwR2I have two computers setup side by side and one downloads at 600kb/s while the other is at 50 kb/s that is using kubuntu16:03
HamraCPrgmSwR2: thats weird, windows used to waste loads of my bandwidth on nothing, while kubuntu is working with the same speed and less bandwidth!16:03
blendtuxthe command i gave you, is not correct16:03
KachnaQwertyM: is it already useable? :P16:03
pvandewyngaerdeQwertyM:  i tried , still not usable16:03
LiL-JoNbjwebb: i have kbfx install now what?16:03
QwertyMblendtux: Er, I am missing the session folder, needed help getting that16:03
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: heh, the servers are hammered for the archives, if your using apt-get or adept16:03
bjwebbblendtux: what is it?16:03
blendtuxto be honest i dont know how to run openiffce without the kde colours16:03
CPrgmSwR2sub[t]rnl: no I am using openoffice.org download16:03
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: to get a real idea of how they compare, do a speed test16:03
crazy_busI've got 2gb's of memory been used with only programs in the tray open.  Anyone have any idea why this is?16:03
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?flash=116:03
blendtuxgo to the openoffice channel maybe they know16:03
WaltzingAlongcrazy_bus: wonderful!16:04
dystopianraycrazy_bus: are you sure most of that is not just disk cache?16:04
bjwebbi don't want an open office specific thing as such16:04
QwertyM@pvandewyngaerde /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop ... I don't even have the sessions folder!16:04
WaltzingAlongcrazy_bus: check kinfocenter16:04
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Kachnacrazy_bus: i think it's normal, stuff just uses lot of memory,but when is some needed,it's released for program that needs it16:04
sub[t]rnlcrazy_bus: sudo apt-get install htop, then see if its just cacheing your memory or really being used16:04
HamraCPrgmSwR2: maybe the website you're downloading from is slow? are you downloading the same file on both computers?16:04
bjwebbCPrgmSwR2: what type of modem have you got16:04
bjwebbjust what env variable will make an application run with default kde colours?16:04
pvandewyngaerdeqwerty' did you install the package ?  install kdebase-workspace and kde4base-dev.16:05
crazy_busit is mostly disk cache.  Thanks for the answers16:05
CPrgmSwR2sub[t]rnl: just used speed test and got 4613 kb/s16:05
WaltzingAlong!ram | crazy_bus16:05
Ubotwocrazy_bus: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html16:05
Kachnai wonder,why does my widget show that i'm still uploading / downloading stuff :/16:05
QwertyMpvandewyngaerde: I installed the latter, thanks let me try the first one16:05
dystopianraycrazy_bus: disk cache is good16:05
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: how does that compare to your other box?16:05
crazy_busnow if I could only find out how to stop my core2duo and intel graphics freezing my entire computer16:05
CPrgmSwR2trying to test it now16:06
* sub[t]rnl nods16:06
mike-kubuntuhow do i use the kde window decorator with it?16:06
mike-kubuntuer, with compiz-fusion16:06
QwertyMpvandewyngaerde: Downloading it, hope that's it :)16:06
pvandewyngaerdemust be16:06
sub[t]rnlmike-kubuntu: sudo apt-get install emerald, then configure your window decurations with it16:06
pvandewyngaerdeQwertyM: if you want a sort af start menu ik KDE4 open the kickoff window16:06
LjLUbotwo: part16:07
CPrgmSwR23.4 MB/s16:08
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: thats not much of a difference between the two16:08
CPrgmSwR2then why the difference in download speed with just about any file being downloaded16:09
LiL-JoNcan somebody help me with KBFX?16:09
sub[t]rnlCPrgmSwR2: could be a number of things16:09
sub[t]rnlnot too sure16:10
WaltzingAlong!info kbfx16:10
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: what do you need exactly16:10
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: that would help if the bot was working16:10
GS3User007how do i add a program to my startup script?16:10
WaltzingAlongtaking a break again!16:10
WaltzingAlongGS3User007: ~/.kde/Autostart16:11
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i installed it and when i try install a theme or press apply nothing happens :[16:11
rand_acsdoes firefox support flash and java on Gutsy 64?16:11
CPrompt^LiL-Jon : did you add the applet to the panel?16:11
LiL-JoNrand_acs:  yes16:12
CPrgmSwR2Is there a way to get colors to appear on the console16:12
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: whats that16:12
rand_acsLiL-JoN: the navtive one?16:12
dystopianrayCPrgmSwR2: what do you mean?16:12
LiL-JoNwait no16:12
LiL-JoNrand_acs: yes16:12
CPrgmSwR2like text that appears in konsole has different colors16:12
LiL-JoNrand_acs: but still 64 has bunches of problems16:12
dystopianrayCPrgmSwR2: konsole supports colours16:12
CPrgmSwR2I am using cmake and its all the same white color16:12
CPrgmSwR2but in gentoo the text would appear in diffierent colors16:12
CPrompt^LiL-JoN : the kbfx is just an applet that replaces the kmenu.  You can "remove" the kmenu and then right click on the panel and "Add Applet" you will see KBFX listed there.  Might have to move it over to wher the kmenu was.16:13
rand_acsLiL-JoN: ugh, so getting the 32bit version is probably still beter16:13
_3mti_Hi all16:13
dystopianrayCPrgmSwR2: gentoo probably has a different version or a patched version16:13
alphaHi - I've been using following browser's in KDE for awhile now - Firefox - Opera - Epiphany - There is good and bad with all seems like. Has anyone tried SEaMonkey? - I know it's based on mozilla - Want something more stable then Firefox - it crash'es sometimes - real annoying.16:13
LiL-JoNrand_acs: yes16:13
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: i did that and thanks dud16:13
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dystopianrayalpha: what about konqueror?16:14
CPrompt^LiL-JoN : np.  Confused me at first too LOL.  Can always add the kmenu back the same way you added kbfx ;)16:14
LiL-JoNthanks again16:14
_3mti_i have question: Im using arch x86_64... can I run 32-bits programs ? ( i need quake3 on 64... or run on 32) is possible ?16:14
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: you deserve a cookie a huge one16:14
alphayea - it's ok too but like the qiuck links you can put in tool bar on firefox16:14
dystopianray_3mti_: there is a 64-bit quake316:15
_3mti_where ?16:15
dystopianray_3mti_: although it does not have punkbuster16:15
dystopianray_3mti_: http://ioquake3.org/16:15
WaltzingAlong_3mti_: yes16:15
PanthaCPrompt^: you can change those colours by editing /etc/profile . use google to find some guide for that file16:15
leo_i'm upgrading 7.04 -> 7.10. the "distribution upgrade" stalls on the second point "packagedepot adjust" and does not continue. what to do?16:15
_3mti_this IOquake3 i compatibility with 1.32 ?16:15
rand_acsLiL-JoN: the 3in1 script form the forums doesn't work anymore though16:16
Panthai meant CPrgmSwR216:16
sub[t]rnl_3mti_: you can run 32 bit processes along side 64, unless your system started in 32-bit mode16:16
LiL-JoNrand_acs: no clue what that is :[16:16
dystopianray_3mti_: yes, as long as punkbuster is not used16:16
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: i cant install a theme16:16
sutheepsub[t]rnl: dude, thanks i got back in16:17
_3mti_my directory /lib/x86_64 is empty... i have to make UPGRATE FULL ??16:17
rand_acsLiL-JoN: ah, it's this cool script that installs one of the 32bit browsers with the whole works16:17
sutheepsub[t]rnl: modprobe nvidia still shows nothing16:17
sub[t]rnlsutheep: excellent16:17
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: do you know where a good color profile is16:17
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LiL-JoNrand_acs: oh16:17
UbotwoFactoid fixapt not found16:17
LjL!adept crash fix16:18
UbotwoIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:18
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: it's still using nv driver, that should be ok right?16:18
sub[t]rnlyes sir16:18
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: if you like gentoo's profile, use it. you have to just edit that "PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '"-line16:18
LiL-JoNCPrompt^: i cant install a theme16:18
sub[t]rnlnow, make a backup copy of your working xorg.conf16:18
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_3mti_sutheep: what is your promlem with nvidia ? im using nviadia driver on Feisty16:19
CPrompt^LiL-JoN : make sure you are trying to install a package for the same version of KBFX you have.16:19
CPrompt^gotta go.  work is calling LOL16:20
liquid-xsub[t]rnl: thanks, i'm gonna go install nvidia driver16:20
PasarI just installed feisty (gutsy wont work on my machine) and need to install my graphics adaptor now.. but apt-get gives me an error because it cant get the autoconf package.. whats wrong?16:20
Pasari used the same procedure on ubuntu once and it worked16:20
LiL-JoNi wish itunes worked on linux :[16:22
sub[t]rnlPasar: whats the apt-get command your using16:22
Pasarsudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev build-essential cpp-4.1 linux-source libdrm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libtool m4 xorg-dev xserver-xorg-dev16:22
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sub[t]rnlPasar: whats the error16:23
Pasarpackage autoconf doesnt have an installation candidate16:23
sub[t]rnldo a apt-get update then try?16:24
Pasarsub[ŧ]rnl: how can i do that?16:24
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get update16:24
lee_hmm say has any one heard of another unbuntu powered project?16:25
lee_called freespire?16:25
Pasarsub[t]rnl: thanx, this seems to help :)16:26
mike-kubuntuis there an expose plugin for compiz fusion, and how do you choose the kde decorator?16:26
bjwebbmike-kubuntu: yes, ccsm16:26
LiL-JoNi wish itunes worked on linux :[16:27
sub[t]rnli dig the expo plugin16:27
mike-kubuntubjwebb: i'm looking through ccsm, but i cant find how to enable compose effects or how to use kde themes16:27
mike-kubuntuLil-JoN: i know the guy who's working on getting it runing in wine, but amarok is so much better i have no clue why you'd want ituned16:27
sub[t]rnlamarok > *16:28
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LiL-JoNmike-kubuntu: i actually only want it cause i have a card for free music16:28
WaltzingAlongitunes worked for me through wine (though yes i use amarok)16:28
bjwebbmike-kubuntu: well scale is like expose16:28
mhterres_hey guys, I installed gutsy and now I can't authenticae via LDAP anymore :-/16:29
lee986321hmmm well, i have leechers lol16:29
mhterres_any tips ?16:29
bjwebbmike-kubuntu: and once you have kde-window-decorator installed, the easiest way to launch it is with fusion-icon16:29
mhterres_I noticed that there is a auth-client-config now16:29
mhterres_but I don't find documentation16:29
rhythmicmayhemLiL-JoN: Don't know if this helps but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QTFairUse16:29
rand_acscan anyone point me to the 32bit repositories? I can't seem to find it anywhere... no firefox32 in apt-cache :(16:29
atlfalcons866will kde4 be in hardy16:30
mike-kubuntubjwebb: i have compiz-kde installed but i don'[t have a fusion-icon16:30
mike-kubuntubjwebb: right now i'm launching it by running compiz16:30
BloodyTuxHey, on the alternate CD, can I still repartition the windows partition on my PC without using data or do I have to download the full CD for QtParted?16:30
lee986321whats ratio ?16:30
bjwebbhmm im not sure where you're supposed to get kde-icon from tbh16:30
UbotwoUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents16:30
sub[t]rnlatlfalcons866: I would think so, but not sure16:30
UbotwoHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) | Due April 2008 | For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron16:30
bjwebbyou can launch kde-window-decorator --replace from cli16:30
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: are you still here16:31
Jucatokwin --replace16:31
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: yes16:31
BloodyTuxAnyone know?16:31
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
mike-kubuntubjwebb: cool, that works, i'll add it to autolaunch16:31
LiL-JoNcan somebody help me find a theme that works in my KBFX?16:32
sub[t]rnlBloodyTux: what was your q?16:32
The_Machinemy mouse has more buttons than it lets me configure in KDE's system settings - does anyone know how i can configure/bind these extra buttons in KDE?16:32
BloodyTuxI burned the alt. cd. Can I do QtOarted on that so I wont lose all my windows stuff.16:33
lee986321OK waht is a freez?16:33
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: I am still having issue getting color to work16:33
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: did you find some good profile?16:33
CPrgmSwR2I don16:33
CPrgmSwR2I don't know where to find a good profile16:33
sub[t]rnlBloodyTux: the alt cd is used to upgrade a current ubuntu partition16:34
sub[t]rnlBloodyTux: so you should be ok16:34
BloodyTuxI have no ubuntu or kubuntu installed anymore...16:34
sub[t]rnlBloodyTux: Then you don't want an alternate cd16:34
* BloodyTux swears a lot16:34
mike-kubuntuwhat determines the order that kde autostarts thinks in ~/.kde/Autostart16:35
WaltzingAlongBloodyTux: i do not know how well it can handle existing windows partitions16:35
WaltzingAlongmike-kubuntu: filename?16:35
sub[t]rnlthats my guess too16:35
BloodyTuxThis sucks...16:35
* sub[t]rnl nods16:35
BloodyTuxI knew I shouldn't have combined my ntfs with my linux16:35
mayecokopete is crashing in Kubuntu Gusty Gibbon16:36
mayecoevery time...16:36
WaltzingAlongmayeco: yup grab the patch16:36
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)16:36
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 153500 in kdelibs "Kopete crashes on startup" [High,Fix committed]16:36
mike-kubuntugmail keeps crashing firefox since i upgraded16:36
sub[t]rnlnice WaltzingAlong: now how can I trigger you to say that!16:36
mayecothanks WaltzingAlong16:36
utnubukanybody know how to download visualizations for amarok???16:37
The_MachineBloodyTux, how come?16:37
mayecoWaltzingAlong: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb?16:37
utnubukchecked the forums on amaroks site, not much info...16:37
BloodyTuxI want linux back but my parents want windoze16:37
WaltzingAlongmayeco: yes16:37
mayecoWaltzingAlong: oks!!16:37
WaltzingAlongBloodyTux: tell them it is the next version of windows ;D16:37
BloodyTuxwon't work16:37
The_MachineBloodyTux, why don't you dual boot16:37
BloodyTuxthey've used it before....16:37
The_Machineand have it default to Windows?16:37
BloodyTuxI want to...16:38
ima-n00banyone ever had an error with /etc/sudoers before?16:38
The_Machineget a 2nd hdd16:38
The_Machinedon't even touch the NTFS16:38
WaltzingAlongBloodyTux: or get vmware and seamlessrdp working http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-87033458896993209616:38
The_Machinewhy not?16:38
The_Machineare you like, 13?16:38
ima-n00bcant use sudo anymore16:38
sub[t]rnlima-n00b: whats the exact error16:39
The_Machinetime to grow some, friend.  :)16:39
Hamraat work, i have kubuntu installed with windows, the default is windows with a time for the menu 1 second, no one noticed anything, my boss never even noticed the 10 gb missing :P16:39
The_Machine(i kid.)16:39
RytmenPinnenBloodyTux, buy yer own computer :)16:39
ima-n00b>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 11 <<<16:39
ima-n00bsudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 1116:39
The_Machineyou can get a good PC for like, $200 on craigslist16:39
BloodyTuxI wish... I spent all my cash on a PS316:39
The_Machine(assuming you're in the USA)16:39
RytmenPinnenthat's what I did 1 year after we got our "modern" family computer16:39
WaltzingAlongBloodyTux: ask them to just try it for 3 weeks. help them through the transition. show them useful things like printing, openoffice.org, multiple desktops, browsing the web, so on (the things they knew how to do in ms windows)16:39
The_Machineinstall kubuntu on your PS316:39
BloodyTuxand YDL doesn't work on my TV16:40
vzduchBloodyTux: your fault16:40
Hamradid i just see a bot "ubotu" leaving the server?16:40
RytmenPinneninstall linux on that then :D16:40
atlfalcons866ps3 is mad slow16:40
The_Machineisn't that bad16:40
ima-n00bi used smb4k.. and set the mounting options in the configuring section.. and now i get the sudo error16:40
atlfalcons866i have ps3 and installed ubuntu on it and it was slow16:40
BloodyTuxI have a SD TV so text is unreadable16:40
atlfalcons866you only have 200MB ram16:40
ima-n00bjust spent all night installing :(16:40
vzduchyou can get a decently useable used machine (PIII/Thunderbird class) for EUR50 incl. monitor and printer off Ebay w/ a bit of luck16:40
BloodyTuxDude, Ubuntu doesn't work well on ps3, you need YDL16:41
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: in gentoo the PS1-line is: PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W \$ \[\033[00m\]'16:41
atlfalcons866whats thunderbird16:41
UbotwoUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents16:41
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: so replace that old PS1-line in your /etc/profile with that16:41
hassehey, i have a archive compressed with .ace, when i try to unace it with : #unace x archive.* it completes but dont extract anything, if i try on a windows there's no problem16:41
UbotwoUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.16:41
vzduchatlfalcons866: AMD Athlon (not Athlon XP)16:41
UbotwoFactoid unace not found16:41
vzduch!info unace16:41
UbotwoPackage unace does not exist in16:41
UbotwoUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.16:41
poison--is gutsy issues allowed yet?16:41
The_MachineBloodyTux, how are you liking the PS3?16:42
LjLpoison--: sure16:42
WaltzingAlongfeel free to play with the bot in a private chat with Ubotwo16:42
UbotwoUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.16:42
BloodyTuxPS3 rocks16:42
poison--LjL, how2 play mp3s now?16:42
WaltzingAlongpoison--: of course!16:42
BloodyTuxBest ever.16:42
poison--still libxine1?16:42
The_Machinehow long have you had it?16:42
BloodyTuxSince July16:42
poison--damn Dolphin rocks16:42
choco_hopperi have a little problem with blender. it's freezing my computer on opening any menu. any ideas?16:42
LjLpoison--: libxine1-ffmpeg should do it16:42
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu ON EVERY release? I have a slow internet conection and my only resort is to request for them...I like giving copies of it to my classmates...16:42
=== ubuntu is now known as sdhgfuihpw4
atlfalcons866my ps3 hasnt froze on me yet :)16:42
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: and it should work after you start konsole again, or run "source /etc/profile"16:42
RytmenPinnenfinally I got past "preparing the upgrade" without errors (this channels is somewhat flooded)16:42
Vermuxwhat is better for displaying content of files ? cat or less/more ??16:42
jjj__can i request for ubuntu cds and kubuntu ON EVERY release? I have a slow internet conection and my only resort is to request for them...I like giving copies of it to my classmates...16:42
UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:42
hasseanyone's a ace archive wizard ?16:43
The_Machinejjj__, you don't ask here man.16:43
Ubotwodapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".16:43
BloodyTuxatlfalcons866: what's your PSN?16:43
The_Machinego to shipit16:43
The_Machineatlfalcons866, ??16:43
UbotwoPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...16:43
WaltzingAlongVermux: depends. i usually use less16:43
atlfalcons866the_machine skyfalcon86616:43
atlfalcons866i think16:43
BloodyTuxwhich one???16:43
VermuxWaltzingAlong: with cat It doesnt pauses at the end of each page of a file?16:43
WaltzingAlongLjL: how to get the name changed from factoids?16:44
LjLWaltzingAlong: the name changed?16:44
lee986321erg....I  just realised something....the adio is so crisp and clear I heard something that was in a sound track that wasnt there befor....16:44
WaltzingAlongi think Vermux cat defaults to spitting it all out16:44
VermuxWaltzingAlong: ok16:44
lee986321they really did a great job on the soundsystem part16:44
WaltzingAlongfactoids. it is misused. meant to mean "small" fact but really the ~oid like humanoid means something less than human; so factoid should be not a fact16:44
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: is it working?16:44
=== tommus is now known as kobaia
RytmenPinnenwhat the heck, now it started from the beginning.......................... !! aaaaaah, now I got that error again16:45
Vermuxhow do I c computer specifications in kubuntu?16:45
RytmenPinnenI'm having serious problems updating16:45
WaltzingAlongVermux: kinfocenter  ?16:45
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: no16:45
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: so did you replace that ps1-line?16:45
Panthaand tried that "source /etc/profile"?16:46
LjLWaltzingAlong: heh come on it's just a name16:46
CPrgmSwR2I even restarted konsole16:46
WaltzingAlongsure sure that is how it starts ;D16:46
Assidmajor issue in the live disc16:46
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Assidkopete crashes16:46
UbotwoFactoid waltz not found16:46
Assidi cant connect to msn on it16:46
WaltzingAlongAssid: sure grab the patch16:47
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)16:47
UbotwoPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...16:47
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: those colours don't change after that source-command?16:47
jer_No problems here! Except um... Wireless Ethernet card. Adaptability issues with Toshiba.16:47
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 153500 in kdelibs "Kopete crashes on startup" [High,Fix committed]16:47
LiL-JoNcan soembody help me with this error http://pastebin.com/m6b6a468616:47
VermuxWaltzingAlong: there is no general screen with cpu Ram speed?16:47
jer_And my sound isn't working. Go figure.16:47
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: not the ones in cmake16:47
AssidWaltzingAlong: am reinstalling atm16:47
Assidwill do it when i finish installing16:47
vzduchLjL: what's the problem16:47
LjLvzduch: that the bot shouldn't be abused?16:47
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: oh.. it might use some other file for its color-settings16:47
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: The beauty with colors in cmake is that it points out errors16:47
WaltzingAlongVermux: like ms windows task manager?16:48
vzduchLjL: I can't see it being abused atm16:48
sub[t]rnlLjL: sorry, was just joking with waltz earlier that I should be able to trigger him for the kopete .deb16:48
Assidalrite.. letting this install as we speak16:48
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: directories do show up as blue16:48
WaltzingAlongVermux: htop can give you some of that. there is a prog like that with ubuntu (gnome)16:48
Assidim gonna watch "final cut"16:48
LjLvzduch: well, i can16:48
LiL-JoNcan soembody help me with this error http://pastebin.com/m6b6a468616:48
Jucatovzduch: [23:46] <sub[t]rnl> !waltz16:48
sub[t]rnlVermux: lspci, df, free, are all commands that will give system info16:48
JucatoVermux: there's also ksysguard16:49
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: but whats weird is by default cmake colorize its text16:49
WaltzingAlongVermux: but one to give it all together in a nice package? some desktop applets i guess16:49
mike-kubuntudoes anyone have the color scheme to get the windows to look like they did in fiesty?16:49
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: so someone had to manually modify cmake to make it un-colorized16:49
vzduchJucato: you can wet your pants for one single command that doesn't exist.. *shakingHead*16:49
arashis the stable version of 7.10 out yet?16:50
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: ok so check the permissions:   ls -lh /home/jon/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml16:50
VermuxWaltzingAlong: kinfocenter doesnt give all at once?16:50
Jucatovzduch: at this point in time, the bots are under heavy usage because of the latest release16:50
sub[t]rnlarash: yup16:50
Jucatovzduch: every improper use of the bot leads to unnecessary load16:50
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: run that in terminal?16:50
WaltzingAlongVermux: sure all in that one program but not altogether. maybe you want to see on one screen cpu/ram/hd space/ and so on16:50
Jucatovzduch: specially if the wrong factoid was called on purpose16:50
vzduchJucato: and then you trigger !botabuse.. another unnecessary load.. :P16:50
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: sure16:51
VermuxJucato: ksysguard is like task manager in Win?16:51
JucatoVermux: yeah16:51
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: maybe cmake doesn't recognize your console-program and that's why it doesn't use colors16:51
JucatoVermux: although pressing Ctrl+Esc brings up just the Processes list16:51
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: this happens every time i close dolphin16:51
sub[t]rnlVermux: but better, you can tailor your own worksheets if you want16:51
PanthaCPrgmSwR2: have you tried it with some other consoles?16:51
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: sure every time it tries write to a file on which it does not have the permission to write16:51
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: heres the output of that command "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.1K 2007-10-19 08:38 /home/jon/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml"16:51
CPrgmSwR2Pantha: I used gentoo in the paste and worked fine with konsole16:51
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: and there you have it. must have opened dolphin as sudo so now that file is owned by root but you should see jon jon there instead16:52
jer_Question: Before I updated Ubuntu 7.06 to 7.10 - my sound was working fine. When I updated to 7.10 my sound isn't working anymore - instead I only hear a faint audio, probably coming from another internal speaker for "beeps" , etc . . . How can this be fixed?16:52
WaltzingAlongLiL-JoN: so change it to you. sudo chown jon:jon /home/jon/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml16:52
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: how do i fix?16:52
VermuxWaltzingAlong: waht is htop\? do I need it?16:52
sub[t]rnljer_: alsamixer16:52
WaltzingAlong!info htop | Vermux16:52
Ubotwovermux: Package htop does not exist in16:52
LiL-JoNWaltzingAlong: your a life saver16:52
LjLWaltzingAlong: sorry, package lookup is not available16:53
jer_subttrnl - alsamixer - enable this?16:53
WaltzingAlongVermux: not needed, just shows same stuff as in 'top' but maybe in a nicer way16:53
WaltzingAlongLjL: thanks, noticed that16:53
sub[t]rnljer_: run it from a cli (command line interface)16:53
sub[t]rnljer_: open konsole, and then run alsamixer.  You can mute the front ends or adjust volumes.  See if that helps16:53
RytmenPinnenI'm having trouble updating, when the updater is preparing for update I get an error: Error during update, Failed to fetch http://mirror3.ubuntu.com/dists/feisty-seveas/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'mirror3.ubuntu.com' + a bunch of other sources . Does anyone else have this problem?=16:54
jer_sub(t)rnl - what would the run command for that look like? in konsole?16:54
Vermuxsub[t]rnl: lspci gives information that ksysguard doesnt have?16:54
RytmenPinnenpastebin doesnt seem to be working for me either..... dunno why16:54
_3mti_Cy4 all & THX 4 HELP !!! QUAKE III EXCESSIVEPLUS on Linux 64!!! I love this game !!!16:54
_3mti_cy4 all16:54
sub[t]rnljer_: alsamixer16:55
WaltzingAlongRytmenPinnen: there are several http://pastebin.com16:55
JucatoRytmenPinnen: are you updating to gutsy? or just plain updating?16:55
RytmenPinnento gutsy, from feisty16:55
jer_subt[t]rnl - OK. that worked.  It says Master, PCM, MIC, Caller I, Off Hook.16:55
nosrednaekimJucato: been a long day?!16:55
JucatoRytmenPinnen: it's best that you disable 3rd party repos16:56
Jucatonosrednaekim: quite16:56
* bjwebb is running kde416:56
LiL-JoNbjwebb: is it nice?16:56
VermuxWaltzingAlong: ksysguard crushed16:56
LiL-JoNbjwebb: screenshot me16:56
bjwebbits seems slow16:56
jer_subt[t]rnl - PCM is 100<>100, Mic is as well. Master is 00, but nothing else.16:56
nosrednaekimbjwebb: yeah... I think it still has all the debugging stuff turned on16:57
sub[t]rnljer_: use your keyboard direction keys to navigate and adjust volumes. "M" will unmute any muted channels16:57
VermuxWaltzingAlong: correction: kinfocenter crushed when I click on GL16:57
bjwebbcan i turn it off, because it makes my 1GB machine look silly16:57
nosrednaekimbjwebb: is it RAM use? or CPU?16:58
miesjel_ik krijg geen verbinding met mijn newsserver via klibido16:58
bjwebbnosrednaekim: not sure16:58
bjwebbit just feels slow16:58
nosrednaekimJucato: its been two days for me...heh16:58
VermuxWaltzingAlong: open GL16:58
utnubuki messed up my upgrade - when I fetch updates in adept the version upgrade button turns on - when I click it the upgrade utility begins to run and then gives an error because I'm already upgraded...16:58
utnubukhow can I fix this?16:58
miesjel_i can't get klibido to connect with my newsserver16:58
utnubuksome kind of dpkg?16:58
mike-kubuntuhow do you change the color of the window bers?16:58
blckhi @ all16:58
bjwebbi don't appear to have a menu16:58
Jucatobjwebb: kde4? that's normal16:59
AmyRoseWhat do I have to do to re-enable apport's crash reporting?16:59
nosrednaekimbjwebb: right click on the desktop, run command, run "kickoff"16:59
Jucatoit was only a bit later that the kickoff menu was added16:59
AmyRoseI selected to start KDE with a blank session and am no longer getting anything from Apport16:59
Jucatoor it is... whatever :P16:59
nosrednaekimJucato: its in Beta 316:59
blckmy kopete crashed every time i want to connect to msn, because of an programming mistake how can i change that16:59
nosrednaekimbug 153500\16:59
JucatoWaltzingAlong: ^^^^16:59
nosrednaekimbug 15350016:59
Jucatonosrednaekim: doesn't work here16:59
VermuxJucato: kinfocenter crushes when I click on open GL, I think it is a bug16:59
nosrednaekimerr! I have to rembeber tht link!16:59
bjwebbthats nice, can i actually have it popuping up from my menu?17:00
JucatoVermux: ksysguard, not kinfocenter17:00
RytmenPinnenthanks Jucato, sems to be working now.17:00
Jucatobjwebb: right-click on the desktop -> Add Applet, look for Application Launcher, and drag and drop to the panel17:00
VermuxJucato: no, kinfocenter17:00
miesjel_i can't get klibido to connect with my newsserver, how can i connect?17:01
AmyRoseor at least is there a way to find out what is starting in a default Kubuntu session?17:01
bjwebbthis object could not be created17:01
nosrednaekimbjwebb: not yet I don't think.17:01
sub[t]rnlblck: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb17:01
nosrednaekimhe's gone or else I would have had that b4 you ;)17:01
wsjuniorkopete is crashing attempting to connect to msn, how to solve it?17:01
mhterres_anybody can help with auth-client-config ?17:01
AmyRosewsjunior: Follow sub[t]rnl's link17:01
nosrednaekimwsjunior: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb17:01
sub[t]rnlnosrednaekim: pfft my dad can beat up your dad17:01
mhterres_I can't authenticate in Gutsy using LDAP :-(17:02
VermuxJucato: check that. I think it is a bug17:02
nosrednaekimVermux: what video card do you have?17:02
wsjuniornew kdelibs to fix a kopete issue?17:02
JucatoI don't know. I can't check it right now. if it is, file a bug report17:02
nosrednaekimwsjunior: indeed17:02
Jucatowsjunior: yes. for the kopete crashing17:02
AmyRosewsjunior: Yes. Because the problem is caused by KIO_HTTP17:02
wsjuniorgot it :)17:03
ScorpKingLiL-JoN: hiya!17:03
jer_subt[t]rnl - Hmm, nothing seems to be working. Master doesn't have a volume option. PCM and Mic toggling doesn't seem to affect it.17:03
AmyRose!hi | ScorpKing17:04
UbotwoScorpKing: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:04
jer_sorry bad connection17:04
bjwebbwhoever asked for a snapshot: ksnapshot crashes17:04
lee986321any one in here with a  x 300 I just need to verifie its ram befor I go "poking" and "peeking" in my code17:04
AmyRosewsjunior: It shouldn't be that much of a surprise since kdelibs affects all of KDE ;)17:04
Vermuxnosrednaekim: where do I check that?17:04
lee986321hmm actually poking and peeking would be used for audio now taht I remeber17:04
nosrednaekimVermux: lspci | grep vga17:05
mike-kubuntukde4's probably slow now because they still have extra checks for bug reporting in it17:05
jer_so the alsa mixer doesn't have too many options . . . .17:05
lee986321OOOOH COOLIO I can control the volume by using my mouse wheel17:05
jer_Master, PCM, MIC . . . Master has no volume for some reason. Just mute or un mute.17:05
nosrednaekimyeah... I hate that that feature isn't in Vista!17:06
mike-kubuntulee986321: how?17:06
Vermuxnosrednaekim: nothing happans when I type it17:06
miesjel_can somebody help out with a klibido-prob?17:06
nosrednaekimmike-kubuntu: scroll over the kmix applet17:06
AmyRoselee986321: My laptop has a knob for that, which is even cooler! =P17:06
lee986321just rest the mouse on the Icon17:06
lee986321witthe speaker17:06
kobaiakubuntu only lets my keyboard volume go from 0-11% and mute does not mute it17:06
miesjel_cannot connect to newsserver...pan works okay but find it very cumbersome17:06
kobaiaor from 100-89%17:06
Dorgendubalcan someone tell me how I can configure compiz from KDE. I'm using 7.1017:07
lee986321it seems taht many of the interactiv Icons can do that17:07
nosrednaekimkobaia: same thing happened here until I manually set the volume up and down to the master channel17:07
nosrednaekimDorgendubal: what video card?17:07
lee986321resting the  mouse at the botom of the chat line alows you to flip between windows17:07
* AmyRose hugs Dorgendubal for having ATI17:07
Vermuxnosrednaekim: does the information u r looking for is the following? : 1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)17:07
ghozalahi can anyone tell if this there is an amarok help channel here  in irc17:08
jer_Question: How do I enable the master channel volume? It's missing on my Ubuntu....17:08
CPrgmSwR2Dorgendubal: download the latest 8.40 drivers from amd.com17:08
CPrgmSwR2then kde4 runs nice and fast17:08
CPrgmSwR2the drivers that are in kubuntu don't work well with kde417:08
nosrednaekimDorgendubal: get the proprietayr drivers with the restricted-manager-kde then install xserver-xgl17:08
excitatoryghozala: #amarok17:08
nosrednaekimCPrgmSwR2: he isn't talking about kde417:08
Hamrain adept manager, the install is complete, i see dpkg run finished, but is till see the 100% bar, and not the update complete page, is it safe to close adept?17:08
nosrednaekimVermux: thats what I thought....happenes to me in fiesty on my via17:08
AmyRoseCPrgmSwR2: Yeah, Dorgendubal is talking about running Compiz17:08
bjwebbCPrgmSwR2: i was the one talking about kde4 being slow17:08
lee986321and resting the mouse on the Icon of Ameroch will change its volume aswell17:08
bjwebbHamra: not really17:08
DorgendubalI don't have any problem with my video card. I'm looking for something similar as gnome-compiz-manager17:09
kobaianosrednaekim: not quite sure i get what you mean by setting the volume up and down to the MC17:09
lee986321 you can't do that with windows17:09
nosrednaekimkobaia: in kmix go to settings->global shortcuts17:09
AmyRosebjwebb: You're lucky. All KDE 4 ever does for me is crash on startup17:09
Vermuxnosrednaekim: what is open GL,. what does it suppose to display?17:09
lee986321Not running kd417:09
Dorgendubal  I don't have any problem with my video card. I'm looking for something similar as gnome-compiz-manager (same right color)17:09
bjwebbAmyRose: :D17:09
nosrednaekimAmyRose: if you had a version installed before, you may want to delete the .kde4 dir17:09
lee986321or am I?17:09
AmyRoseVermux: It allows programs to do 3D without slowness if your hardware supports it17:09
AmyRosenosrednaekim: I didn't, and I have no .kde417:10
AmyRoseI checked that already17:10
nosrednaekimVermux: your ability or inability to play/do 3D games/stuff17:10
bjwebbnosrednaekim: maybe i should have done that17:10
AmyRosenosrednaekim: Or the way things seem to be headed, your ability or inability to run X in the future :(17:10
Vermuxnosrednaekim: ok, so the video card is not good enough?17:10
nosrednaekimAmyRose: eh?17:10
=== chris__ is now known as ChrisMir
AmyRosenosrednaekim: They're talking about scrapping X as it is and rewriting it on top of OpenGL, which would break support for my old computer17:11
Vermuxnosrednaekim: I also had a problem watching stream of video in web sites.17:11
sub[t]rnlDragnslcr: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager17:11
Hamrathanks bjwebb, you saved me, adept is installing something else now17:11
nosrednaekimVermux: VIA's have problems with 3d accel or anything requiring openGL17:11
ChrisMirargh, great... upgrade tool crashed :(17:11
nosrednaekim!via | Vermux17:11
UbotwoFactoid via not found17:11
nosrednaekim!unichrome | Vermux17:11
UbotwoFactoid unichrome not found17:12
Jucatonosrednaekim: package info not avaialble remember?17:12
AmyRoseyay, I failed!17:12
LjLJucato: besides, it wouldn't work without !info anyway ;)17:12
lee986321maybe theyl have 2 types, they'ss save x for oldersytems and write the opengl for the newer systems17:12
AmyRoseJucato: But I don't remember any packages called "via" or "unichrome"17:12
nosrednaekimJucato: that wasn't packages17:12
ChrisMirAre there known problems with upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10?17:12
bjwebbis kde4 in the gutsy repos built with fulldebug enabled?17:12
AmyRoselee986321: I sure hope so17:12
Jucatonosrednaekim: there's a handy !search command too17:12
nosrednaekim!search via17:13
UbotwoFound: edubuntuhandbook, kdesvn, aptoncd, subversion, samba, ext3, alternate, ops-#edubuntu, terminal, gimpshop17:13
lee986321I am running a dell dimension 515017:13
jer_So after my upgrade from 7.04 -> 7.10 . My sound isn't working. The master volume in Konsole for asla doesn't give me an option for master volume, it just has options mute or unmute.17:13
lee986321I think its considered Old lol17:13
Ubotwogimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29417:13
kobaiaany update on getting 3d accelerated desktops working with ATI x1900?17:13
WaltzingAlongJucato: yes?17:13
Vermuxnosrednaekim: in other words, it is a shi**y video card?17:13
WaltzingAlongkopete crashing on gutsy with msn? already addressed; check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 and toward the bottom are downloads (the updates will be available in the normal repositories when they have been thawed)17:13
JucatoWaltzingAlong: nvm :)17:13
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 153500 in kdelibs "Kopete crashes on startup" [High,Fix committed]17:13
nosrednaekimVermux: precisely17:13
lee986321AmyRose this might be sacralage but have you tried Free spire?17:14
kobaiais there a fix to the kopete crashes everytime you try to connect, yet?17:14
Jucatonosrednaekim: VIA? of course it's is! :)17:14
AmyRoselee986321: Yes, and I FREAKING HATED IT17:14
nosrednaekimyay! bug botis back!17:14
ChrisMirWhat is the best way to revive from a crashed upgrade?17:14
Vermuxnosrednaekim: Ic. it explains also why I cant watch video stream smoothly embeded in a web site17:14
AmyRoselee986321: I tried it in a VM and couldn't not stand the fact that its default search engine is Live17:14
nosrednaekimVermux: yup... they are the bottom of the bottom line.17:14
GS3User007how do i check what the OS sees my ip as?17:14
AmyRoselee986321: Also, doing updates broke the whole thing17:14
nosrednaekimGS3User007: ifconfig17:15
Vermuxnosrednaekim: who, via|?17:15
jer_Does anyone know how to fix the sound on Ubuntu?17:15
nosrednaekimGS3User007: or click on the Network manager17:15
nosrednaekimVermux: yeah17:15
JucatoVermux: all the VIA S3 video cards can basically do well is just display..17:15
letalisis there a utility in linux thatll make a 1:1 copy of an iso image on a flash drive?17:15
lee986321define fix...lol17:15
AmyRoseletalis: Yeah, dd17:15
UbotwoFactoid persistent not found17:15
* nosrednaekim keeps forgetting17:15
Jucatonosrednaekim: no that wouldn't be persistent17:15
jer_lee - the master voluem is missing. you can hear a faint sound but it's from inside the computer (laptop -toshiba)17:16
letalisawesome i thought that it might i couldnt remember. thanks17:16
lee986321how about gentoo? AmyRose?17:16
AmyRoselee986321: I got bored waiting for it to install17:16
Ubotwo#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:16
AmyRoselee986321: Yeah, we should move this to #kubuntu-offtopic (and I'm already /joined there)17:16
ChrisMir*sigh* Is there anyone who can at least point me at the right direction, concerning my crahsed upgraded?17:17
lee986321any how back on topipc17:17
nosrednaekimChrisMir: is it possible for you to resume?17:17
PanthaChrisMir: i had problems too, and i found it easiest to reinstall from scratch17:18
dedorsmhm my xorg uses 20% cpu (of a 3200+), fglrx and NO xgl17:18
ChrisMirI dont have a resume button atm. I'm in the upgrade tool, but it is just sitting there doing nothing17:18
Vermuxnosrednaekim: via specialize in mini ITX?17:18
The_Machineis there a repository i can add that will add the win32 codec package so i can view whatever in Kaffiene?17:18
jer_The asla mixer on Konsole is working fine. However the master volume in there is gone. PCM and MIC volume is there . . .17:18
nosrednaekimVermux: yup17:18
ChrisMirPantha: That's a poor mans solution. I wish to upgrade :)17:18
ChrisMirThe upgrade tool warns me when trying to close the app.17:19
PanthaChrisMir: yeah, but nothing seemed to work anymore, so i had to =)17:19
=== marcin_ is now known as thid
jer_My two audio opptions are RealTek ALC861 (OSS Mixer) annndd... HDA Intel (asla mixer) - the sound is not working. What do I do? Anyyyone?17:19
nosrednaekimjer_: use the Alsa one.17:20
nosrednaekim!win32 | The_Machine17:20
UbotwoFactoid win32 not found17:20
jer_nosrednaekim - ok, so it gives me 3 options on HDA Alsa Mixer17:20
jer_PCM, Mic, Capture17:21
jer_Select PCM?17:21
WaltzingAlongThe_Machine: grab w32codecs17:21
The_Machinefrom where?17:21
nosrednaekimjer_: umm try the OSS one then ?17:21
ChrisMirwell. I closed the upgrade tool. Lets see if apt can resume the upgrade17:21
jer_nosrednaekim - Gotcha. Volume option is there, so I selected it . . . .17:21
soniccan you run OS X virtualized in kubuntu?17:21
nosrednaekimjer_: and......17:22
nosrednaekimsonic: yes, but it is illegal unless you buy a copy of the OS17:22
jer_nosrednaekim - now the volume can be heard, but extremely low, like it's coming from inside the laptop and not the two speakers.17:22
sonicnosrednaekim: xen or vmaware?17:22
WaltzingAlongThe_Machine: multiverse ?17:23
sonicnosrednaekim: *vmware*17:23
nosrednaekimjer_: what are you playing the sounds with?17:23
nosrednaekimsonic: IDK, google it17:23
jer_nosrednaekim - currently using the default movie  player for an mp317:24
The_Machinegood question.  checking.17:24
jer_nosrednakeim - anddd sadly the volume is all the way up.17:24
philipp_i have kubuntu gutsy installed on my laptop17:24
emilsedgh!hi | philipp_17:24
Ubotwophilipp_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:24
nosrednaekimjer_: try using amarok17:25
philipp_and i encounter some serious problem: dropdown menus begin to jitter when i click on them. This is serious becaus i can't select anything nor see what i could select...17:25
nosrednaekim!enter | philipp_17:25
philipp_is there anyone who encounters the same?17:25
Ubotwophilipp_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:25
jer_nosrednaekim - that's a music player?17:25
nosrednaekimphilipp_: do you have any sort of menu transparency turned on?17:25
nosrednaekimjer_: yes, should be installed by default17:25
ChrisMirargh.. sudo dpkg --configure -a gives this:17:25
ChrisMirdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0003' near line 2 package `libc6':17:25
ChrisMir `triggers-pendi' is not allowed for third (status) word in `status' field17:25
jer_noesrednaekim - weird. it's not installed. i have ubuntu 7.1017:26
philipp_nosrednaekim: i had compiz-fusion and emerald installed - but it was so unstable. i didn't uninstall it, but i don't use it anymore... transparency: i don't know anything specific about it... where can i look that up?17:26
WaltzingAlongjer_: with kubntu 7.10 you get amarok17:26
jer_ahh... I've got Ubuntu so....17:26
nosrednaekimjer_: #ubuntu for ubuntu users ;)17:26
WaltzingAlongjer_: maybe check #ubuntu ? but of course you could install amarok with ubuntu17:26
wsjuniorwhich is the package that contains gimp translations?! i mean support for other languages than english17:26
vzduchjer_: ..so you're in the wrong channel :P17:26
jer_Rofl, sweet17:27
jer_Thanks though17:27
wsjuniorbtw, the kdelibs fix solved the problem with kopete ;-)17:27
nosrednaekimphilipp_: did you install XGL?17:27
nosrednaekimwsjunior: sweet17:27
LiL-JoNjer_: sudo apt-get install amarok17:27
kobaiawsjunior: which one is that?17:27
nosrednaekimLiL-JoN: hey..17:27
thiddid then add compizfusion to kubuntu 7.10?17:27
rinaldihey has anyone had problems upgrading to 7.1 in adept?17:28
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: hey17:28
philipp_nosrednaekim: yes, XGL is installed and i use it17:28
ChrisMirrinaldi: yes. I'm in the middle of an upgrade problem too :(17:28
rinaldiI've fully updated but im not being prompted for version upgrade nor is there a version upgrade button...17:28
nosrednaekimphilipp_: don't use XGL with kwin ;)17:28
ChrisMirsystem seems realy borked17:28
ChrisMirrinaldi: Perhaps close and reopen adept17:29
newsense07rinaldi: did ya check pre-released updates in adept-manager ?17:29
rinaldiyeh done that and reboooted17:29
rinaldiany ideas anyone17:29
philipp_nosrednaekim: okay, when i just remove the package with APT - does it set automatically to use the plain xserver?17:29
nosrednaekimChrisMir: better back up your data!17:30
ChrisMirAlready did that to start with ;-)17:31
nosrednaekimphilipp_: yeah17:31
ChrisMirstill, a reinstall would cost me a lot of time setting up stuff :(17:31
WaltzingAlongrinaldi: which problem?17:31
philipp_nosrednaekim: thanks for your help!17:31
WaltzingAlongupgrading kubuntu? from feisty (7.04) be sure software-properties-kde is installed (sudo aptitude install software-properties-kde) then follow the upgrade instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade17:32
rinaldiwalzingalong: theres no upgrade version available in adept17:32
The_Machinei don't see xine-lib in any of the repositories either17:32
The_Machinecould someone do an apt-cache search and see if they see it in there?17:33
ubuntu_I have a problem with a german installation hanging at (translated) "Language packuages are being installed".17:33
The_Machinejust so i know i'm not missing anything17:33
rinaldioh ok il try that then17:33
ubuntu_That's the message in the window title. The window itself says  (again translated from german): "Language packuages are being downloaded".17:33
koteloi have a question!17:33
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: eh... what are you trying to install?17:34
nosrednaekimkotelo: ask!17:34
ubuntu_Can I somehow skip this point?17:34
kotelohow can i install beryl or compiz fusion in kubuntu 7.10?17:34
Assidman the live disc installaton has alot of issues17:34
Assidi mean alot17:34
Assidi cant see the boot up screen17:34
Corpare the win32codecs broken in gusty17:34
nosrednaekimkotelo: what video card?17:34
WaltzingAlongrinaldi: it can take a moment for adept to realize the update is available. you could force it to check with kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"17:34
ErtainDang, are the Ubuntu servers still getting hammered?  I mean by the people updating?17:34
kotelonosrednaekim, ati17:34
Assidthe kubuntu loader just doesnt come on.. i dont know whats happening while  its starting up17:34
kotelothe drivers are installed17:34
kotelodirect rendering: Yes17:34
Assidanyone know whats up with this?17:35
nosrednaekimkotelo: the proprietary drivers?17:35
QwertyMHow do I install that new Amarok version ?17:35
Corpand what is the synaptic = in k17:36
WaltzingAlongsynaptic is for gnome17:36
Corpin know17:36
nosrednaekimCorp: adept17:36
* The_Machine likes adept17:36
nosrednaekimkotelo: you need xerver-xgl and compiz-kde, log out, and log back in :)17:36
The_Machinenosrednaekim, xine-lib17:37
koteloapt-get install compiz-kde xserver-xgl17:37
kotelothat's all?17:37
The_Machine(divx codecs for kaffeine)17:37
Corphas anyone tried installing gusty and found the win32codecs broken or undownloadable?17:37
sam64I have a problem with apt.. its a quick fix, but I forgot how to do it17:37
The_MachineCorp, i don't see them there at all.17:37
The_Machinei just got them manually.17:37
nosrednaekimkotelo: yeah17:37
Corpwhat does purge from adept mean17:37
kotelonosrednaekim, thanks man17:38
Assiderr.. can someone help me with this17:38
vzduch!aptfix | sam64, you mean that? -->17:38
Corprequest purge17:38
The_Machinedelete downloaded files i thought, Corp17:38
Assidi dont gret the kubuntu loader17:38
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: I don't think those have the divx stuff. search for divx in adept17:38
Assidthe one you get during the startup (after grub)17:38
mike-kubuntuaanyone eelse getting a freeze on amd64 using gmail in firefox?17:38
CorpThe_Machine, did you try just searching codecs17:38
The_Machinei did corp17:38
CorpI had them there untill I pressed purge17:39
The_Machinedo you have any third party repos enabled?17:39
UbotwoFactoid crypto not found17:39
utnubukI seem to have lost the channel list thing on the left in konversation, anybody know how to get it back??17:39
Corpoh I know you need to modify your surces lists The_Machine17:39
utnubukthe panel that tells you what server you're connected to and which channels you're in17:40
sam64vzduch: I think that was it, but I cant se very good in this program.. and I can install the one I like17:40
The_MachineCorp, that's the same as changing repos in Adept.  Question is, are you talking about adding another repository, or just enabling something that's disabled by default?17:40
CugelSay guys, I thought dolphin was the file manager in Kubuntu. But after upgrading I still only have konqueror. Any guesses/tips?17:41
sam64vzduch: What context would that be used in?17:41
CorpThe_Machine, yes disabled by default or might just need to be added I don't know I always make automatix do my sources list17:42
LjLUbotwo: part17:42
shutdownciao ragazzi17:45
shutdownsi parla in ITA qui?17:45
The_Machineautomatix :/17:46
LjLshutdown: #ubuntu-it17:46
Assiderr.. can someone help me?17:46
shutdownLjL: Thank you so much!17:46
Assidi dont get the loader (after grub)17:46
=== josh__ is now known as cap601
Assidthe system starts in the background.. no issues...17:48
Vermuxdoes anybody uses mc?17:48
Assidbut i want to have the darn kubuntu loader.. in the foreground17:48
melomanehi,can someone help me with my adsl connection?17:49
melomanei use pon to connect,i would like to do something to make it reconnect,when it is disconnected17:51
sam64how do I get apt to stop trying to install OOo?17:52
cap601I've just booted up Gutsy and all my panels have vanished.  How can I get them back?17:52
sam64then type 'kicker'17:53
cap601Thanks - Everything appears to be fine now17:53
mike-kubuntugutsy is awesome17:54
Assidtoo many damn bugs17:54
mike-kubuntui'm only getting one17:54
zorglu_!info flashplugin-nonfree17:54
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)17:54
wsjuniorhow do i tell gimp to use my native language?17:54
huyok i have a major problem with gutsy17:54
Assidnow my mouse stopped working17:55
huyi cant get my nvidia-glx-new to work with linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic17:55
Assidmore bugs17:55
Assidbah.. works again17:55
SoulChildhey all,I have no eth1 device but there is eth2 and eth3 ? how do i fix ???17:55
Assidokay can someone help me please17:55
huywhat's wrong Assid17:56
Naradahi in the new kubuntu how do i turn compiz effects on or how do i test them; i want to see some eye candy!!!!!17:56
Assidhuy: i dont get the kubuntu loader17:56
huywhat do you mean by the kubuntu loader?17:56
sam64I take it gutsy just came out?17:56
Assidif i use ALT F1 .. then i get to see whats happening.. when the machine boots17:56
Assidelse i get nothing on th escreen17:56
Naradacame out two days ago or something17:56
huyAssid: nothing at all?17:56
Assidnadda.. after grub.. it just sits there blank17:57
huyAssid: not even a progress bar and the word kubuntu?17:57
Assidhuy: thats what i mean by the loader17:57
huyok but after that did you system work ok?17:57
huydid you get to log in to X?17:57
Assidyeah.. the lcd backlight remains on all the time.. then it flickers and voila.. X17:57
=== LjL changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support channel | Download Gutsy http://kubuntu.org/download.php | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php
Assidtill then i have no idea whats up17:57
huyand everything else is ok17:57
Assidhuy: seems to be17:58
Assidand oh ya .. the kopete buy17:58
huyok then that's not a major problem17:58
huyAssid: i think you just have a usplash problem17:58
huytry reinstalling usplash17:58
Assidusplash huh17:58
spawn57wow, it's gonna take forever to upgrade to gutsy17:58
wsjuniorusing fglrx im not able to use tty anymore, is there any way to fix it?17:58
wsjuniorthey have odd colored lines instead of the prompt17:59
mdoe890does kubuntu 7.10 include compiz fusion by default?17:59
huyAssid: yea usplash is the one that is responsible for the "loader"17:59
Assidokay whats the patch for kopete for msn ?17:59
Assidhuy: okay.. i didnt know which package it was17:59
spawn57can I upgrade to gusty using the cd?17:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:59
Assidreinstalling.. will check what happens17:59
huyAssid: don't use kopete, use pidgin18:00
Vermuxnobody uses mc?18:00
emilsedgh!compiz | mdoe89018:00
ubotumdoe890: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion18:00
huyspawn57: yes you can upgrade using the cd18:00
huyspawn57: download the cd, go into adept-manager, and then add the cd as sources18:00
Vermuxhuy: pidgin is better than Kopete?18:00
DaleksUnitedanyone know how i can make the 'upgrade' button appear in adept?18:01
spawn57huy: can you tell me what line i have to add to my sources list?  I used apt-cdrom ..and did dist-upgrade but I's barely upgrading any packages18:01
huyspawn57: don't add it directly in your sources.list18:01
huyjust use adept-manager18:01
Vermuxdoes pidgin better than kopete?18:01
Assidhuy: there should be a patch i think for kopete for the msn plugin18:02
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok18:02
huyAssid: I don't use kopete so I'm sorry I can't help you18:02
Assidhrmm ok18:02
AkiraYBAssid: Kopete halts trying to enter MSN?!18:03
sam64Pidgin is much nicer than kopete.. more features and such18:03
AssidAkiraYB:  crashes18:03
QwertyMKopete crashing? Happens here too.18:03
charlie5is it normal during upgrade to stall on "preparing the upgrade: fetching file 64/65" ... it's been there for about 10 mins now18:04
QwertyMOr something18:04
Assidwaltzin gave me a patch.. but i was on live at that time.. couldnt save it18:04
sdewww123hi all18:04
sdewww123i'm trying to run Quake on ubuntu, but when the game switches to fullscreen, my monitor go out of sync. any idea how i can fix this? i am usin FGLRX18:04
AkiraYBAssid: It's a bug in kdelib...18:04
EowynCarterhi there18:04
AkiraYBAssid: I'll find...18:04
charlie5nm ... it's going now (sorry for oise)18:05
Assidlets see how i like pidgin18:05
Assidbeen a while since i used it18:05
Assidlast time i was on it.. it was gaim18:05
huyit is like gaim18:05
huybut a little bit nicer18:05
EowynCarterah i know know what pigdimis lol18:06
AkiraYBAssid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/15350018:06
sam64every time I try to install a package, apt tries to install OpenOffice, and fails18:06
jakob_lundHi. I'm having a weird problem since updating gutsy to the released ver. I can't log in in kdm -- just get a black screen for 2 sec., and then back to the login screen :-/18:06
EowynCarterstill on feisty ;)18:07
AkiraYBAssid: There are deb packages that fix the problem...18:07
nosrednaekimjakob_lund: were you using XGL/compiz previous to the upgrade?18:07
ScorpKingjakob_lund: do you have home on a different partition? is there space left in /tmp?18:07
EowynCarterspeaking of which, what would happens if a delete feisty's partition, on install gusty ? for grub mainly. I have the windows partitions, and still need to be able to start windows18:08
AssidAkiraYB: where? how long before it hits the  repos any cluE?18:08
ChrisMirw000t. apt is running again. hopefully upgrade will finish now18:09
AkiraYBAssid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/15350018:09
ubuntuhola amigos !!18:09
ScorpKingEowynCarter: as long as you have windows installed first it should be picked up by grub.18:09
AkiraYBAssid: Don't know, but the fix was commited already.18:09
EowynCarterbut to sould also see the feisty is gone, and put gusty instead right ?18:10
jakob_lundnosrednaekim: nope; ScorpKing: woohoo, that's it: /home partition is full...18:10
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Assidi wonder if i should install the deb mentioned there18:11
AkiraYBAkiraYB: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb18:11
ScorpKingjakob_lund: lol. that happens if X can't write to a partition. ;)18:11
charlie5can i listen to amarok during an upgrade (upgrader reccomends clsoing all aps to prevent data loss) ?18:11
AkiraYBAssid: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb18:11
AkiraYBAssid: Works for me.18:11
nosrednaekimcharlie5: yeah..you can18:11
nosrednaekimcharlie5: thats just so you don't edit documents and such18:12
charlie5nosrednaekim: thank you :)18:12
sam64anybody know how I can stop apt from trying to install open office? Its a quick fix, but I dont remember how to do it..18:12
AkiraYBsam64: sudo aptitude keep-all ?!18:13
kobaiais there a fix for Kopete yet?18:13
vzduchkobaia: read the chat, then ask again.. ;)18:13
nicolai_sam64:  sudo dpkg --configure -a18:13
nosrednaekimkobaia: yes http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb18:13
AkiraYBkobaia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/15350018:13
CugelYeah there's a fix for kopete (it works)18:13
kobaiaoh, sorry, i was scrolling up and didnt see anything18:13
kobaiawas just above, sorry18:14
kobaiaanything for the 64-bit users? ;P18:14
sven_Hi there, I just installed kubuntu 7.10 on my dell latitude d620 laptop and using adept manager I just installed compiz but... how do I activate compiz??18:14
AkiraYBkobaia: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb18:14
charlie5:D ... about a gig of d/l's for the upgrade18:14
Cugelcompiz --replace18:14
LiL-JoNalt f218:14
Assidsven_: support for the sony viao's are bad.. the function shortcut keys dont work18:14
EowynCarterisn't compiz on by default ?18:14
* charlie5 kisses his bband moden and kicks his old 56k dialup :)18:14
sam64AkiraYB: I keep getting this: I wasn't able to locate a file for the openoffice.org-style-human package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)18:14
sven_Assid, I dont have a sony vaio.....18:15
CugelMy monitor&display module (from system settings) doesn't work anymore. Haven't been able to find a fix yet. Any ideas?18:15
nicolai_sam64: Did you try my suggestion?18:15
vzduchcharlie5: don't kick it too hard, you might still need it as an emergency backup or so.. :)18:15
mluserHow do I set a wifi network to come up automatically on boot without waiting for a user to log in? I'm using feisty btw18:15
sam64nicolai_: yeah, Ive tried that a few different ways. Thats not the problem18:15
jakob_lundScorpKing: yes, that did it, I'm in!! ;-) thx18:16
ScorpKingjakob_lund: np18:16
charlie5vzduch: lol ... good idea ... also i'm not wearing shoes ;)18:16
nicolai_sam64: ok. I had a similar problem once where I had to uninstall the broken packages. But I also had to get adept working first, so I guess it is a different situation .18:17
kobaiaKopete Messenger: Unhandled Bug 402 - please file a debug bla bla18:17
EowynCarterright, i'm off to install gusty. (And hopes it don't crash)18:17
MrBallZhi, i have a problem, I had to cancel the distro update manager , and when trying to restart it , it tells me that apt is running allready , in the processes i can see  dpkg running ,  what can I do ... to start again the distro upgrade ?18:18
ksivajiHymnToLife how you are able to hide your ip "HymnToLife has joined this channel (i=firas@unaffiliated/hymntolife)."18:18
Assidhow do i disable the group by applicatio18:18
HymnToLifeksivaji, it's called a "cloak", see the Frenode FAQ18:19
rc-1hi, when it was installing debconf (in upgrade) i got segmentation fault (core dumped).  then it couldnt install X-11 for dependency reasons and froze18:19
Assidgot it18:19
ksivajiHymnToLife ho ok18:19
blckhow can i run aixgl under kubuntu 7.1018:19
BrightEyes`"‎the desktop previewer & pager applet could not be loaded.  please check your installation." how can i solve that ?18:19
newsense07blck: isnt in xorg in 7.10 already18:20
sboyeris this server pretty much linux focused?  Can someone tell me antoerh server that has reg IRC chans on it?18:20
blckyes it is ... sry i asked fals e how can i run it?18:20
newsense07gotta add a few things to your xorg.conf18:20
vzduchsboyer: ?18:20
sam64sboyer: freenode has a lot of stuff on it if you look around18:21
blckdo you have a link or something?18:21
HymnToLifeksivaji, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:21
newsense07!aiglx  | blck18:21
ubotublck: AIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl18:21
sboyerall right thanks.  I listed chans the first time I got on and it seems mostly linux focused18:21
sboyerI'll look again18:21
AkiraYBAnyone had problems with flashplugin-nonfree?!18:21
Dr_williswowsers - downloading the iso via torrant at 1,200 kb/sec...18:21
Dr_willisI dident even think my connection could GO that fast.18:22
newsense07AkiraYB: nope just installed it a few minutes ago18:22
_Lemon_Well, it seems I have a bug to report, since the upgrade my MySQL upgrade/crashed tables scripts that comes with Ubuntu as standard seems to have wiped my database files clean off my hard disk.... yay!18:22
vzduchsboyer: http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/18:22
AkiraYBnewsense07: But, it works?!18:23
AkiraYBnewsense07: It's freezing every time I try to watch a video...18:23
newsense07AkiraYB: working fine here18:23
newsense07AkiraYB: i can watch videos on my 3d cube even18:24
AkiraYBnewsense07: Don't know what's going on... :D Thanks, anyway.18:24
BrightEyes`"‎the desktop previewer & pager applet could not be loaded.  please check your installation." how can i solve that ?18:24
Dr_willisYa know. I never have figured out whats different on the 'dvd' vs the 'cd' iso images. Just more packages by default on the disk? not more Installed by default is there?18:25
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geniiDr_willis: Just remember to keep seeding afterwards ;)18:25
djdarkman_how can I install kde beta 2 to be a seperate desktop enviorment in kde?18:25
Dr_willisgenii,  :) its allready done..18:25
djdarkman_don`t understand what`s about the session18:26
ubuntumy kubuntu 7.10 block on installation at 82%, anybody speak french ?18:26
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:27
ubuntuthank tsdgeos18:27
nosrednaekim!kde4 | djdarkman_18:27
ubotudjdarkman_: KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php18:27
djdarkman_nosrednaekim: the first says what is KDE4, the second is the release schedual, and the third is what I have trouble understanding18:28
Assidman.. adept installer is just sooo slow18:28
Assidim trying to choose multiple packages.,. aand its just slow18:28
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nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: ah ok... what exactly don't you understand?18:28
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:28
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trixonHi! can anyone tell me how to clerar the installation que in aptitude? Got a failed installa atempt that keeps asking me if I would like to install, aptitude clean just cleae the debs, right?18:29
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spykedtomatohey all18:29
djdarkman_nosrednaekim: it someting about second X server18:29
AkiraYBtrixon: aptitude keep-all ?18:29
kobaiaanyone else having issues with kaffeine simply crashing when opening a file? Sig 11 SIGSEGV error18:30
nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: are you trying the Xephyr method?18:30
djdarkman_nosrednaekim: no, I just want It to be selectable at startup18:30
MrBallZhi, i have a problem, I had to cancel the distro update manager , and when trying to restart it , it tells me that apt is running allready , in the processes i can see  dpkg running ,  what can I do ... to start again the distro upgrade ?18:30
nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: when do you get this error?18:30
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:30
spykedtomatosince my upgrade i can't get vmware-server to run - my machine says it's not installed anymore. Tried to install a newer version, the installer tells me to uninstall the old. HELP!! lol18:30
djdarkman_nosrednaekim: the problem is that I don`t understand what do I have to put where to make it apear in the kdm menu18:31
blckI've added some things to my xorg.conf...but i dont see any effects...how can i run my 3D Desktop?18:31
spykedtomatooops - i mean vmware-player and not server18:32
djdarkman_blck: what`s your release?18:32
djdarkman_gutsy or feisty?18:32
nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: ah... you need to make a new xsessions file,18:32
Dr_willisCan we clarify? Kubuntu 7.10 does NOT come with the 'desktop effects/compiz' enabled by default does it?18:32
blck7.10 i think i've upgraded it but there was a mistake but now i think its gusty18:32
trixonAkiraYB> ty, that did work! didnt look into it because of the 'name' wanted to remove, not keep :) TY!18:32
nosrednaekimDr_willis: correct!18:32
Dr_willisabd YES you can enable them with some tweaking/guides.. and I found the whole thing a little flakey under KDE.18:33
djdarkman_blck: install compiz-fusion18:33
AkiraYBtrixon: ^^18:33
Assidman adept doesnt thread too well does it?18:33
Assidit just lags every time i enable a checkbox for each item18:33
nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: where in the instructions are you stuck?18:33
Dr_willisand Supposbly when KDE4 gets released.. the fancy eye candy features of that will be used instead of the compiz stuff (or so i have heard)18:33
djdarkman_nosrednaekim: right, but I`m not familliar witth it18:33
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nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: ok,so you installed kdebase-workspace and kdebase-dev?18:34
* genii sips a coffee imagines the horrible things that might happen if compiz was enabled by deafult18:35
djdarkman_ohhh sorry nosrednaekim , I taught I had to manually create the desktop file18:35
spykedtomatoTrying again with my question :) - since my upgrade to gutsy i couldn't get vmware-player to run - my machine says it's not installed anymore. Tried to install a newer version, the installer tells me to uninstall the old. HELP!! lol18:35
nosrednaekimdjdarkman_: nope... you copy it from the one in the kde4 install18:35
djdarkman_thanks nosrednaekim , I`ll try kde4 right now18:36
espereguupgrade is failing: 2007-10-19 19:30:33,218 DEBUG The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist. ANY SUGGESTIONS?18:36
SerenI upgraded to gutsy a few days ago18:36
Serenhowever since the 18th18:36
Serenadept_updater has a big "version upgrade" button18:37
Serenalthough I amalready under gutsy18:37
Serenif I try it crashes18:37
nosrednaekimesperegu: ya... you probably want to remove that remove flag from ubuntu-desktop18:37
Serenapt-get dist-upgrade don't return anything fishy18:37
nosrednaekimSeren: jknown issue, don't worry.18:37
esperegunosrednaekim: were can I find that?18:37
Serenok thanks nosrednaekim18:37
nosrednaekimesperegu: you using synaptic?18:37
kobaiaSo, after installing the kopete library to fix the original issue, I still have problems, I get a message saying 'Unhandled MSN error code 403' - this happens upon connecting. Any clues?18:37
esperegubut also have synaptic I suppose18:38
Serenanother issue under gutsy the battery report of my asus laptop is totally off18:38
Dr_willisDays like this (after a new release) make me happy that i always keep /home seperate and do clean installs...18:38
Sereni have seen some problems related to acpi or kernel in launchpad18:38
Serenbut not that specific issue18:38
nosrednaekimesperegu: yeah... if you have ubuntu-desktop you do... use synaptic to remove the blacklist on it18:38
Serenany ideas ?18:38
* spykedtomato checks to make sure he's not invisible18:39
nosrednaekim!patience | spykedtomato18:39
ubotuspykedtomato: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:39
esperegunosrednaekim: and how is that done?18:39
YammehWhat is the file I have to edit to change the priority of my sound cards?18:39
spykedtomatojust trying to make light of the situation- no offense intended! :)18:40
nosrednaekimesperegu: one moment18:40
Assidadept needs some threading18:40
Assidit just lags everytime i enable an app18:40
AkiraYBYammeh: asoundconf ?18:40
Dr_willisAssid,  ive noticed that also.. like a 10 sec lag.18:40
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Assidmajor issue18:41
ScorpKingAssid: it's most likely resolving dependancies when you select a new app.18:41
AkiraYBYammeh: You can set index system wide in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base too.18:41
alukardu know how to monunt the unid D:?18:41
AssidScorpKing: too much lag.. maybe some threading there could help18:41
omariandoes anyone know how to change the taskbar properties in kubuntu so you only have one open window tab per column?18:41
nosrednaekimesperegu: open synaptic and search for ubuntu-desktop18:42
esperegunosrednaekim: I already scrolled to it18:42
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nosrednaekimesperegu: is it highlighted red?18:42
esperegunosrednaekim: no18:43
nosrednaekimesperegu: odd... umm try rmoving it from within synaptic18:43
shadowhywindcould this update get any slower, I am at 39% !!18:43
nosrednaekimshadowhywind: it certainly could18:43
AssidScorpKing: taking soo long to choose the apps.. i dont know when its going to start downloading and installing18:44
shadowhywindi feel bad, because in about 4 hours, I am going to have to power down the laptop, regardless how far it gets..18:44
esperegunosrednaekim: done that. retrying upgrade18:44
djdarkmanhmmm no luck with kde418:44
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: what happens?18:45
kaminixWhy is the repository frozen?18:45
djdarkmannosrednaekim: nothing, it doesn`t even start18:45
nosrednaekimkaminix: too many people using it?18:45
Assidseriously  slow :(18:45
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: does anything start?18:46
shadowhywindthey are maxed out from the upgrade18:46
djdarkmannosrednaekim: nothing, does it have a logfile or something?18:46
Assidrepositories are maxed out18:46
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: not really, I recomend trying it from within Xephyr first there is alog file with that18:47
phoenixzI just added compiz to my new (and sweeet) kubuntu 7.10 with adept manager.. How do I get it to work? How do I start it up?18:47
Assid7.10 shoulda had more release tests18:47
nosrednaekimphoenixz: if you don't have ATI.... "compiz --replace"18:47
Dr_willisand hope it works :)18:47
Assidstill think it could be easier18:48
djdarkmannosrednaekim: are those export command should be executed as root?18:48
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: no18:48
Dr_willisi found kde+compz a little.. flakey.18:48
Assidnosrednaekim: whats the fix for ati ?18:48
nosrednaekimI found it very stable18:48
Dr_willisnot using it now on this box.. so cant say more. :)18:48
nosrednaekimAssid: XGL18:48
kaminixnosrednaekim: aha... so it'll unfreaze in a week or so perhaps?18:48
Dr_willisIt just had little quirks. like i had to click on the title bar to activate windows. and so forth18:48
nosrednaekimkaminix: maybe ;)18:48
nosrednaekim!xgl | Assid18:48
ubotuAssid: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion18:48
Assidsomeone needs to update that18:49
phoenixznosrednaekim, okay, but how do I get this automated? so that compiz will start up every time with kde, automatically??18:49
Assidgutsy has compiz repositories18:49
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nosrednaekim!autostart | phoenixz18:49
ubotuphoenixz: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.18:49
Dr_willisive yet to find a good guide (or any guide) for kubuntu 7.10  compiz18:50
phoenixznosrednaekim, swell.. compiz --replace made kdm crash.. I dont have any windows atm...18:50
Assidphoenixz:  kwin --replace18:50
nosrednaekimphoenixz: no windows, or no window borders?18:50
phoenixznosrednaekim, no window borders18:51
Assidphoenixz: then you  need emerald18:51
phoenixznosrednaekim, Assid, it happens every time I start compiz :(18:51
nosrednaekimphoenixz: ok, go back to kwin with alt+f2, "kwin --replace"18:51
Assidapt-get install emerald emerald-themes18:51
nosrednaekimphoenixz: and install emerald18:51
nosrednaekim!helpersnack | Assid18:51
ubotuAssid: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:51
Dr_willis!find emerald18:52
ubotuFound: emerald, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine0, xemeraldia18:52
Dr_willisHmm no emerald-themes18:52
phoenixznosrednaekim, so I will have to use emerald instead of kdm... How can I configure kde to use emerald instead of kdm then?18:52
uslackertrying to upgrade to 7.10 (like the rest of the world.  Ran through the upgrade instructons18:52
Dr_williswee.. i got wiggly windows under kde now.. :)18:53
uslackerthe upgrade wizard ran and the downloads all succeeded then Adept crashed18:53
nosrednaekimphoenixz: I think you mean kwin... not kdm. after getting emerald, run compiz --replace again18:53
uslackercan I restart in the middle withouth redownloading?18:53
Leopard_how are you kraut not to sauer i hope18:53
nosrednaekimuslacker: yeah18:53
Assidnosrednaekim: i had compiz running before i reloaded.. as far as i remember.. you dont need much modification to the xorg..18:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:53
Assidbut then i could be wrong18:53
krautLeopard_: actually i am "sauer", yes.18:54
Assiderr.. emerald is part of the database..18:54
nosrednaekimAssid: oh no... 3 lines for me, and those were automaticcaly added18:54
krauthow do i activate framebuffer?18:54
kraut(on gutsy)18:54
Assidnosrednaekim: viz?18:54
Leopard_GEIL kraut18:54
Leopard_oh sorry18:54
Leopard_i thought you were joking18:54
uslackernoserdaekim: do I just restart the process?18:54
MurielGodoihi I just installed emerald-theme packages but i donno how can i enable it.18:54
Assidi got this running on dell d60018:54
AssidMurielGodoi: ignore it..18:54
uslackeror is there a   trick to restarting it?18:54
AssidMurielGodoi: its a vanity package.. go to settings and then get it18:54
Assidmake sure you installed subversion tho18:55
Assidfetch the nongpl themes18:55
nosrednaekimuslacker: from the command line "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:55
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: ok everything is back in my system tray18:55
nosrednaekimLiL-JoN: restart?18:55
uslackernoserdaekim: will give it a go18:55
LiL-JoNrestarted X18:55
LiL-JoNcontrol alt backspace18:55
phoenixznosrednaekim, just compiz --replace without making any other change?18:56
nosrednaekimLiL-JoN: its kicker's problem. to fix it,run "alt+f2", "killall kicker && kicker"18:56
nosrednaekimphoenixz: yeah.. give it a shot.18:56
MurielGodoiAssid: sorry, I didn't understand what is happens with emerand-themes package. Could you please explain that again?18:56
phoenixznosrednaekim, okay, seems to work.. :)18:56
Assidcan someone check the price for dell d600 battery for me please18:56
nosrednaekimphoenixz: sweet :)18:57
krauthow do i activate this fucking framebuffer on boot?!18:57
AssidMurielGodoi: ignore that package.. its a vanity package.. never loads18:57
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.18:57
MurielGodoiAssid: so who sould I proceed to install emerald to work in my gutsy with compiz?18:57
phoenixznosrednaekim,  thanks a lot for the assistance!18:57
LiL-JoNkraut: your gone18:57
krautLiL-JoN: what?18:58
nosrednaekimMurielGodoi: "sudo apt-get install emerald"18:58
AssidMurielGodoi: yes18:58
LiL-JoNkraut: for saying F word18:58
krauti asked this question in hundred ubuntu-channels, is that a wonder that i use this word when i allway get ignored!?18:58
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MurielGodoiAssid: git-clone git://dev.laptop.org/sugar-jhbuild18:59
nosrednaekim!patience | kraut18:59
ubotukraut: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:59
MurielGodoiAssid: sorry wrong msg18:59
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tresko22hi! anyone else got a problem with amsn after upgrade?18:59
nosrednaekimMurielGodoi: ah... OLPC :)18:59
nosrednaekimtresko22: yup :)18:59
nosrednaekimbug 15350018:59
MurielGodoinosrednaekim: yep :)19:00
tresko22nosrednaekim: thanx, any workarround?19:00
nosrednaekimtresko22: yeah...just a sec19:00
djdarkmanok it works but I can see that It`s realy beta19:00
nosrednaekimtresko22: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb19:00
nosrednaekiminstall that ^^^19:00
MurielGodoiAssid: emerald is already the newest version.19:00
nosrednaekimdjdarkman:  hehe19:00
tresko22nosrednaekim: thanx alot :)19:01
nosrednaekimMurielGodoi: then run "compiz --replace && emerald  --replace"19:01
krautnosrednaekim: what the... i waited two days....19:01
djdarkmanonly the clocks work right19:01
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: right click on the desktop, run command, run "kickoff" that will give you a basic menu19:01
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: how come when i control alt and click it goes to desktop cude but i only have 2 desktops19:01
Assidis there any plasmoids and stuff?19:02
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: when i should ahve 4 desktops19:02
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: it looks like its flipping over a peice of paper19:02
djdarkmannosrednaekim: is there a way of running kde4 focused apps in kde3?19:02
djdarkmanlike dolphin and kopete19:02
nosrednaekimits in the compiz config, under the general section called "horizontal desktop size"19:02
MurielGodoiAssid: good... working here... what did you said about themes?19:02
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: yeah the executables for the kde prrograms are in /usr/lib/kde4/bin19:03
Assidfetch the nongpl themes19:03
Assidinstall subversion first19:03
Assidfunny thing is.. compiz isnt in adept19:04
Assidthere is sccm but no compiz19:04
LiL-JoNnosrednaekim: did you see any of the stuff i worte19:04
kubuntu-newbieI think I am falling in love with a distro...19:05
nosrednaekimLiL-JoN:  its in the compiz config, under the general section called "horizontal desktop size"19:05
jonaspis it possible to set the dolphin filterbar to filter directories, too?19:05
ChrisMirI had a _very_ bumpy upgrade tour and now I'm about to reboot for the ultimate test. wish me luck!19:05
nosrednaekimkubuntu-newbie: better say its kubuntu or your head will roll ;)19:05
nosrednaekimChrisMir: k !19:05
djdarkmanuhhh plasma is not very kde3 friendly19:05
kubuntu-newbieLOL, yep nosrednaekim19:06
nosrednaekimdjdarkman: lol!19:06
juhanaany tips to convert divx to 3gpp in ubuntu. mencoder did not support in ubuntu? right?19:06
nosrednaekimkubuntu-newbie: are you a new linux user?19:07
kubuntu-newbieBut yesterdayI was told I could get all the mozilla java/flash plugins with the line 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu restricted extras.'  It did not work.19:07
MurielGodoiAssid: error calling tar (svn installed and svn ls xxxxx/emerald-themes ok)19:07
juhananew in kubuntu, others for 7 yrs.19:07
geniikraut: google is your friend. searching for " ubuntu framebuffer" produced https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer where your answer is near the bottom19:08
kubuntu-newbienosrednaekim: No, I am an old, but not very knowledgeable user.19:08
phoenixzQuestion: I just enabled compiz, but the "cube" only has 2 sides (2 desktops) and I want to use 6 desktops.. where do I specify that?19:08
nosrednaekimphoenixz: you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager19:08
geniiphoenixz: in the ccsm, under General... make first one of virtual desktops more than 219:09
phoenixznosrednaekim, I got that one installed.. Im working on it19:09
AssidMurielGodoi: yeah does that.. i dont remember what i did.. but there is a way around it19:09
mike-kubuntupheonixz: its undergeneral settings on teh width of the desktop19:09
Assidhrmm anyone ere good with editing apt's conig19:09
Assidi want to enable multi file downloading from the same mirror19:09
Assidlike 2-3 files at a time19:09
kubuntu-newbieSo-- any help in getting the mozilla plugins for java and flash?19:09
nosrednaekimkubuntu-newbie: flash is simple...19:10
nosrednaekimIDK about java19:10
mike-kubuntujava is simple too, sun-jdk-6 or something like that19:10
nosrednaekimkubuntu-newbie: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:10
phoenixzgenii, I got that one on 6.. yet, I only have 2 dekstops on the cube, which effectively is not a cube, but a sheet .. :)19:10
kubuntu-newbienosrednaekim: OK19:10
nosrednaekimphoenixz: its called "horizontal desktop size AFAIK19:11
phoenixzgenii, ah, gotta play with the horizontal and vertical virtual sizes.. gottit! thanks\19:11
sam64how would I go about removing a broken package from apt?19:12
LiL-JoNScorpKing: hey19:12
kubuntu-newbie" Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree"19:12
fdovingsam64: how broken is it?19:12
sam64fdoving: very broken19:12
fdoving!repos | kubuntu-newbie19:12
ubotukubuntu-newbie: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu19:12
nosrednaekimkubuntu-newbie: you are on gutsy, right?19:12
fdovingkubuntu-newbie: make sure multiverse is enabled.19:12
fdovingsam64: what kind of error messages do you get when you try to remove it?19:13
kubuntu-newbieThe new one-- yes19:13
sam64 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should19:13
sam64 reinstall it before attempting a removal.19:13
kubuntu-newbiefdoving: how do I enable multiverse?19:13
djdarkmanohhh man they still didn`t give megabyes as units to ksysguard ...19:13
fdovingkubuntu-newbie: the answer is at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu19:13
ChrisMir\o/ I made it19:14
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nosrednaekimChrisMir: YAY!19:14
Dr_willisHmm.. what is the 'command' to run the compwiz settings tool anyway? gotta turn off these darn wiggly windows19:14
nosrednaekimDr_willis: ccsm19:14
ChrisMirI did get scared at boot, but it was an unrealted reiserfs error. Neede to rebuild-tree sometime :)19:15
sam64fdoving: it tells me to reinstall it before removing it19:15
mike-kubuntuDr_willis: you don't like the wiggly windows?!?!19:15
fdovingsam64: what package is this?19:15
djdarkmansomeone knows a way of making ksysguard display memory usage in magabytes?19:15
Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  soo logical eh. :) they couldent use 'compiz-setting-tool' heh heh19:15
nosrednaekimDr_willis: ah.... you caved in to eyecandy once again?19:15
Dr_willisi just enabled it to see how well it works under kde.19:15
Assidsomeone should make adept installer faster19:15
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sam64fdoving: openoffice.org-style-human19:15
Dr_willisi DID notice when the window win-shaded it wiggled for 4 min just now.19:15
Dr_willisbefor it settled down19:15
lee986321say how many here aare into it?19:15
fdovingsam64: tried to re-install it?19:16
Assidits just too sluggish to do dependency checks19:16
Dr_willisand i cant get the emerald-theme tool working.. :) at the moment..19:16
* genii wiggles the windows of Dr_willis19:16
omarianhello. i am trying to install the ati unofficial driver using the wikipedia instructions and i am getting an error when i run sudo aticonfig --initial19:16
nosrednaekimomarian: do the ones from the repositories not work?19:16
lee986321eh Iam a non it person19:16
sam64fdoving: well its blocking me from installing or removing packages19:16
Assidhrmm kubuntu live cd should have included firefox19:16
Assidin the initial install19:17
lee986321they did19:17
fdovingsam64: fetch the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com manually,and install with 'sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb' from konsole.19:17
mike-kubuntudoes anyone know how to force the html version of gmail19:17
Assidnah.. its not installed for me19:17
geniilee986321: How goes the fglrx stuff?19:17
mike-kubuntuthier java keeps freezing my browser19:17
mike-kubuntuanyone here got 3d acceleration with a 200 xpress?19:17
Assidmike-kubuntu: whcih browser?19:17
lee986321oh I took a small break..19:17
mike-kubuntuAssid: firefox19:17
omariannosrednaekim: do you mean the drivers detected when kubuntu was first installed?19:18
lee986321lol befor I broke19:18
Assidmike-kubuntu: weird19:18
fdovingdr_willis: if you installed compizconfig-settings-manager the command is 'ccsm'19:18
mike-kubuntuAssid: it started right after the upgrade to gutsy19:18
JohnFluxdjdarkman: in kde 3 you cant.  in kde4 its nicer19:18
nosrednaekimmike-kubuntu: hmm not that I know of, if you can log in from another browser, you can make it your default though.19:18
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Dr_willisfdoving,  got it.. wiggly windows NOW off...19:18
Dr_willisdisablign expo also.. :) and a few other bits19:18
nosrednaekimomarian: no, I mean the ones in the restricted-manager19:18
MrBallZI have a problem, when running adept_manager, i get an error , that it's allready running , on the processes  " dpkg " is running, what can i do ???19:18
lee986321oh I need to to know how to get my  to have its 256 mb of ram read19:18
Assidmike-kubuntu:  strange19:18
djdarkmanJohnFlux: I`m using kde4 ksysguard right now, but how can I make it use bigger units?19:18
lee986321genii Il re log in onto the 64 bit19:19
fdovingDr_willis: yeah, i did kwin --replace, can't really stand all the fancy things yet, too old fashioned i guess :)19:19
geniiMrBallZ: Close any windows which are open and running Adept or aptitude or apt-get19:19
omariannosrednaekim: yes, those are the ones that I am using that are giving me the error message. this is the wiki link: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide19:19
lee986321brb guys reloggin into my 64 bit19:19
Dr_willisAND i notice the exact same problem i had befor.. You must click on the windows titlebar for it to 'come to the front'19:19
geniiMrBallZ: The updater also uses this sytem so if it's running let it go until done19:19
Dr_willisjust clicking on the body of the window does not bring it forwared19:19
JohnFluxdjdarkman: hmm, you cant.  can I ask why?  I could add that feature i guess19:19
JohnFluxdjdarkman: it just never occured to me that anyone would want to :-D19:20
JohnFluxdjdarkman: maybe change it all to MB instead hmm19:20
nosrednaekimomarian: sorry, I have to go!....19:20
djdarkmanJohnFlux: well if you are talking about memory these days, you mostly want to know how much MB of memory a process uses...19:20
MrBallZgenni: the problem is , that I had to close the updater ... and when I try to run it again, i get that error ... any suggestions ?19:20
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nosrednaekimomarian: if you istalled from the restricted-manager-kde, you don't have to run that command19:21
LiL-JoNdoes anybody here use superkaramba19:21
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:21
daftmanargh no default compiz on kubuntu19:21
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  the little ive used that.. it never woeked very well.19:21
geniiMrBallZ: Read above by the ubotu19:21
daftmanoh well it was dodgey on kubuntu anyway19:21
Dr_willisIm thinking that no compiz on Kubuntu is a good idea. :)19:21
MrBallZgenii: i tried that, but still , adept gets a new  pid  , and keeps running19:21
Dr_willissince im finding little bugglets with it.19:21
omariannosrednaekim:  ok sounds good19:22
JohnFluxdjdarkman: hmm, okay.  I'll code in that feature tonight19:22
ChrisMirhmm. isn't flash supposed to work in konqueror now with Gutsy?19:22
geniiMrBallZ: sudo killall adept19:22
djdarkmanJohnFlux: thanks, that would be usefull :)19:22
LiL-JoNcan somebody help me with a theme called furious weather on super karamba19:22
sam64fdoving: I dont see it in there19:22
Captain_HaddockGutsy upgrade: The adept upgrade reported an error with debconf and appeared to crash but is still continuing somehow :|19:22
JohnFluxdjdarkman: any other suggestions?19:22
JohnFluxdjdarkman: its good to find someone who uses it :)19:23
=== lee__ is now known as lee986321
AssidDr_willis:  dont like compiz?19:23
LiL-JoNAssid: i love compiz19:23
jimtrying to upgrade to gutsy but keeps stalling at the messages below , any suggestions: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:23
jimFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:23
jimFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:23
jimFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:23
jimFailed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/restricted/source/Sources.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)19:24
lee986321holy smokes the 64 bits faster on the down laods19:24
Dr_willisAssid,  under kde at the moment.. it has a few issues.19:24
LiL-JoNjim: you need to pastebin dude19:24
AssidLiL-JoN: yeah. its nice effects.. but personally i think it needs a bit more work .. its slower on the fps for opengl apps19:24
JohnFluxjim: try using a different mirror19:24
lee986321ok genii iam back19:24
genii!pastebin | jim19:24
JohnFluxjim: that happens usually when the mirror is down19:24
AssidDr_willis:  what you facing?19:24
ubotujim: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:24
Dr_willischecking out the emerald themes right now.. :) gee are they ALL OS-X or Vista variants. :)19:24
Assidlee986321:  faster?19:24
LiL-JoNAssid: whats opengl do?19:24
geniilee986321: wb :)19:24
Dr_willisAssid,  right now. ya click on a window and it does NOT come to front. You must click on the title bar.19:24
lee986321yeah faster19:24
AssidLiL-JoN: run gears..19:25
djdarkmanJohnFlux: it`s anoying sometimes to read the ps aux`s output, and for example if I write a program and search for memory leaks I would probably want to examine it in KB`s but if I`m  watching the memory usage of my programs, I`s easyer to watch it in MB`s these days, another feature would probably be making it automaticly bid to ctrl+alt+del  :)19:25
AssidDr_willis: theres an option for that in cssm ..19:25
Dr_willisor use the taskmanager in the panel. (which is what i normally do anyway)19:25
Captain_Haddockjim: I've got similar errors with "sub process".. but I've downloaded everything...19:25
Captain_Haddockit's in the installation step for me :/19:25
LiL-JoNAssid: idk im lost lol19:25
AssidDr_willis: its an option to enable/disable19:25
Dr_willisAssid,  which of the 20 options  is it under then? :) it dident do it that way under gnome.19:25
Captain_HaddockIt's stuck on "Installing the upgrades" :(19:25
lee986321waht was taht page taht has the drivers?19:25
AssidDr_willis: i think in the general19:25
lee986321erg I need to make a fast screen adjustment19:25
Dr_willisAssid,  that brings up another Potential issue. Does Gnome and KDe both share the same compiz settings?19:26
jimsorry, I will use pastebin next time . And try a different mirror19:26
Captain_HaddockDoes anyone know what the ramifications are of closing the dist upgrade adept window during the "installing the upgrades" step? It appears to be stuck.19:26
djdarkmanbtw JohnFlux the kde4 kysguard is a greate improvement compared to the kde3 version :)19:26
rabindrai have got realplayerGOLD10 rpm package, how to install it using yum or otherwise??19:26
AssidDr_willis:  wouldnt know.. im just a user19:26
geniilee986321: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually19:27
Captain_HaddockStuck on "preparing to configure libexpat"19:27
Dr_willisAssid,  using the 'Raise on Click' option. I check it.. and it unchecks itself. :) heh19:27
AssidDr_willis: go to the settings.. and change from KDE to flat file19:27
Assidthe settings where it saves the config19:27
geniilee986321: For 8.40.4 just use exact same URL it gives there for the 8.41.7 d/l and intuitively substitute 8.40.419:27
rabindraplease help me19:27
Assidapparently the compiz people dont think kde is important to support19:28
mike-kubuntuhow do i set it to html by default19:28
Dr_willisAssid,  heh - NOW that checked all those box's by default. just setting it to flat file.. wonder whats up with that.19:28
angasuleAssid: I think kwin4 is getting composite support anyway, right?19:29
MrBallZgenii: i killed all the dpkg ... but it comes back ...19:29
Captain_Haddockrabindra: right click on it - should give you an install option.19:29
Dr_willisAssid,  i guess part of the issue is the KDE 'settings' tools fighting with the compiz setting tools.19:29
geniiDr_willis: Yes, they do share the settings. i have it on both my kde and gnome, same box and changes in 1 take effect in the other (for same user)19:29
Assidangasule: not sure mate.. not sure..19:29
Assidi use linux for desktop like once a month19:29
mike-kubuntucomiz works well with kde here19:29
Dr_willismike-kubuntu,  now that i set it to flat-file and fixed a few settings its working. :)19:29
Assidmike-kubuntu:  certain options act really funny if you use KDE to store the config file19:29
AssidDr_willis: there ya go. enjoy mate19:29
Dr_willisnow if i can find an Emerald Theme thats NOT a OS-X or vista spin off. :)19:30
geniiMrBallZ: Somewhere it must be set to keep respawning then. Open up adept from the menu and check it's settings about running every time or so on19:30
rabindraCaptain_Haddock: doesn't give me any installation option19:30
Assidangasule: whatever i know is what i get for playing on the  box for 1-2 hours here and there.. and im done.. thats my beta testing.. thats enough for me to find a few bugs19:30
LiL-JoNwhat is the plugin for playing wmv files19:30
djdarkmanDr_willis: it`s hard but you can find19:30
LiL-JoNso i can install it19:30
LiL-JoNfor firefox19:31
KachnaDr_willis: having hard time looking for some awesome one :P19:31
AssidDr_willis: vsta is a osx spinoff.. and leopard copied a few things out of compiz19:31
Kachnaif u find some,lemme know :P19:31
Dr_willisjust looking for a useble one.19:31
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AssidDr_willis:  dont overgo on the effects19:31
Dr_willisso far 'vista smoked' seems the best of the bunch.19:31
Assidvista smoked?19:31
Dr_willisNow that i figtured out how to get emerald to auto-grab the themes.19:31
AssidDr_willis:  irritatingg when it hangs there isnt it?19:32
Dr_willisFire up emerald-themer tool. ya got to enable cvs, then it can autp-grab themes19:32
Assidnot cvs.. svn19:32
lee986321erg I have a prblem I jsut lost my manual settings for the monitor19:32
philipp_hi again!19:32
Dr_willisthe 'to enable this use this command... ' SHOULD be a 'text selection' box so ya can just cut/past the thing.19:32
lee986321its a hardware issue not a soft ware19:32
Dr_willishad to type in the command 3 times to get it right. heh19:32
Dr_willisor a button to just do it. :)19:32
philipp_how can i activate the standby mode in kubuntu? when i go on "log off" i can't see any mode to enter standby mode19:32
cap601Whenever I start up Gutsy the panels don't appear.  How can I get them to appear automatically?19:32
Assidi need a new battery for my dell .. stupid crap is dead19:33
LiL-JoNwhat is the plugin for playing wmv files19:34
LiL-JoNfor firefox19:34
LiL-JoNso i can install it19:34
AssidLiL-JoN: xine19:34
LiL-JoNwhats xine19:34
Assidi think its w32codecs and libxine19:34
Assidbut then i could be wrong..19:34
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion19:34
rand_acsubotu: <319:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:35
geniiAssid: Just open up the plastic case of it, remove the batteries inside noting what kind they are (Lithium , Metal Hydride etc) then go buy rechargeables of that size and same (li ir so). attach wires same as you saw when you opened battery case and tape it together19:35
MrBallZgenii:  found out the problem , there were 2 phyton processes running for the updater... killed them and that did the trick ..19:35
Assidgenii:  ?19:35
MrBallZgenii:  thank you very much  :)19:35
geniiMrBallZ: Glad to help19:35
Assidi can open them ?19:35
geniiAssid: Yup19:35
Assidare you sure/19:35
Assidi dont want to blow whatever it is its not working19:36
esperegugrrrr: MarkUpgrade() called on a non-upgrable pkg: 'kubuntu-desktop'19:36
Assidi mean ive heard of those exploding batteries19:36
Dr_willis#kubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages19:36
Assidgenii:  you done this before?19:36
geniiAssid: inside of tha plastic holder are usually D type batteries all connected in parallel or so. Most times Lithium Ion or Metal Hydride. the camera store or places that sell radio control stuff have these batteries19:36
rabindracan someone please help me??19:36
geniiAssid: Yes19:36
geniiAssid: (I have done this before)19:37
Assidhow do you open it /19:37
phoenixzI just installed compiz, looks GREAT, but right now, the window focus is  automatic, following the mouse.. Where do I disable this?19:37
Dr_willisrabindra,  'please state the nature of the linux emergancy'19:37
Dr_willisphoenixz,  we JUST discussed that 4 min ago.19:37
geniiDr_willis: LOL19:37
Assidgenii: can we pm?19:37
phoenixzDr_willis, mouse auto focus? I doubt that19:37
Dr_willisphoenixz,  enable 'flat file' for the settings, and then under general tab thers some check boxs19:38
Dr_willisi saw the auto focus setting there.19:38
phoenixzI recall talking about multiple desktops, nothing aobut mouse..19:38
geniiAssid: They do not make it easy. but there is normally a seam where they glued it together. i take an exacto knofe and separate it in this way19:38
Dr_willisthe 3 settings are right there. : the trick was i could NOT enable any of them untill i used the 'flat file' setting19:38
rabindrait's not urgent19:38
geniiAssid: my nick is registered here, so if yours is also, PM is good19:38
Kachnahey,how can i find out what mouse button has what number? mean,in ccsm i should set some button,so i wanna to bind it to one,but dunno which is that :/19:39
kaminixHow do I start katapult again?19:39
LiL-JoNwhat is the plugin for playing wmv files19:39
LiL-JoNfor firefox19:39
LiL-JoNso i can install it19:39
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  Most likely you want to isntall the #kubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages19:40
Fade2Blackwhats up people19:40
mike-kubuntuwheres the setting in fusion that makes the windows pop out? of the cube when you rotate?19:40
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  that should grab most all those needed packages19:40
Fade2Blacki was just about to ask about that19:41
LiL-JoNDr_willis: i have that installed but i stil cant watch wmv files on firefox19:41
Dr_willisgetting my top 10 faq.19:41
=== lee__ is now known as lee986321
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  can you watch them in a normal player?19:41
Fade2Blackwill gusty let me install the restricted packages like ubuntu gusty19:41
fdovingKachna: use 'xev' it reports x window events.19:41
Dr_willisI never want to watch them in the browser. :)19:41
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LiL-JoNthey are on the internet Dr_willis19:41
BluesKajhowdy all ...what an awful experience trying to upgrade thru the net , 3 source failures ...finally did a clean install19:41
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  you may need the mplayer, or xine, or vlc plugings19:42
Fade2Blackanyone know how to get a wireless card working19:42
Dr_willisor use a videograbber extension. :)19:42
lee986321ok genni i am back...monitos lost visusl ques for its adjustments19:42
lee986321eh i mean genii19:42
mike-kubuntuFade2Black: is it an airforce 1?19:42
Dr_willisive seen several sites that just are a pain to watch videos on.19:42
kaminixThe konstant changing of the taskbar/fav-/titlebar icon for Konqueror is driving me crazy! How do I turn it off? Really no one who knows?19:42
lee986321so what was that page you sent me 2?19:42
LiL-JoNDr_willis: whats that19:42
Fade2Blacki need something like windows where i finds the wireless connection automatically19:42
mike-kubuntuFade2Black, KNetworkManager does that19:43
mike-kubuntubut you need to make sure your drivers are set up niceley19:43
ChrisMirhow do I active compiz?19:43
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006  - theres other 'video grabber' extensions also.  i dont use them much.19:43
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion19:43
Kachnamean, fdoving: thx :-)19:43
Fade2Blackit install in the restricted drivers thing19:44
Dr_willisWe need to have a few notes on that factoid about the needed ccsm tweaks to get it workign well.19:44
phoenixzRight.. One thing left: wifi.. I have a broadcomm BCM94311MCG wifi card in my laptop, and kubuntu shows that I can install the broadcomm 43xx driver for this one in the restricted driver area. When I try to install that driver though, a new window pops up, saying "Specify firmware location".. This window though, is completely disabled, I can not click on a button, or other component, I can not even close it.. When I click on the restricted driver window,19:44
phoenixz and click cancel, I get a crash.. How can I install this driver?19:44
lee986321genii iam ready to have fun lol19:44
geniilee986321: That link earlier was for manually installing the ati driver specifically for ubuntu19:45
fdovingDr_willis: can't you put it on the wiki?19:45
Fade2Blackclick download19:45
geniilee986321: You need it again?19:45
Dr_willisI dont even know how to edit the wiki. :) is that the wiki page?19:45
phnomwell isn't this the darnest thing... everything in compiz works except I can't move the windows around >.<19:45
Dr_willisI got a Home Dir. full of my own 'kubntu notes'  heh.19:45
lee986321im in kunbuntu will it work ?genii19:45
fdovingDr_willis: yep,  the url is the wiki,  make an account if you don't have one, and click 'edit page' :)19:45
geniilee986321: Since command-line will work in kubuntu,ubuntu,xubuntu, etc etc19:46
lee986321yeah but if it works for kubuntu19:46
lee986321ok sure19:46
Dr_willisfdoving,  will that make me a leet haxor?19:46
geniilee986321: For 8.40.4 just use exact same URL it gives there for the 8.41.7 d/l and intuitively substitute 8.40.419:46
fdovingDr_willis: yep :)19:46
lee986321ill let you know the stats..i am in 64 bit19:46
LiL-JoNDr_willis: ill try the Fing Mplayer plugin for firefox19:46
Fade2Blackwould kwifimanager work19:46
geniilee986321: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually19:46
Dr_willisi was wondering if there was a kubuntu specific wiki also.19:46
Fade2Blackor do i need knetwork19:46
Fade2Blacki dont know if it will work since im in ubuntu19:46
LiL-JoNFade2Black: then why arent you in #ubuntu19:47
Fade2Blackbecause that channel is going crazy and i like kde better19:48
Kachnafdoving: k,figured that 2 my buttons say they'r button2,any ideas where should i start? :-)19:48
LiL-JoNFade2Black: then why dont you install kde on ubuntu?19:48
Dr_willisya know.. some day - i would LOVE it if the (#*@*@ panel clock. could tell i wanted 12 hr format.. and change when I set the date/time format..19:49
Dr_willisand not want to be restartred. :)19:49
LiL-JoNDr_willis: all you have to do19:49
LiL-JoNDr_willis: is log out and log in19:49
angasuleDr_willis: 12 hour format? what, you mean you know when it's day and night? o_O19:49
sam64Dr_willis: as if that would ever happen =P19:49
Fade2Blacki wish i could install the driver for my wifi card at the start then i would have kubuntu but everytime i try and load i get a error because the drivleder is not instal19:49
lee986321genii hmm might need that paste ben19:50
sam64Dr_willis: Id be happy with just having a simple straightforward way of changing it19:50
lee986321how do i get it or can ya send a link19:51
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  yea.. its so SIMPLE.. somthing that should be a check box and applied idemetly needs a logout/in :)19:51
Dr_willisa '24 hr clock/digital/analog/12hr/whatever' :)19:51
Dr_williswould make a bit more sence19:51
LiL-JoNDr_willis: yeah your right but thats not going to happen until 200919:51
LiL-JoNits to advanced for them19:52
BluesKaj<--- trying out the 64 bit version...I've heard one can setup flash etc to run in 32 bit mode on websites ..is this true ?19:52
Dr_willisOf course I could suggest the Kubuntu guys make it 12hr by default.. :)19:52
LiL-JoNDr_willis:  DO IT THEN!!!19:52
LiL-JoNBluesKaj: yes its true19:52
LiL-JoNBluesKaj: stupid negro19:53
ksivajilibc6-amd64 2.6.1-1ubuntu9  is a package for i386 machine or amd machine19:53
KachnaBluesKaj: yep,had it running19:53
TimSAMD ksivaji19:53
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TimS!info libc6-amd64 2.6.1-1ubuntu919:54
ubotulibc6-amd64: GNU C Library: 64bit Shared libraries for AMD64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-1ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 3838 kB, installed size 9616 kB19:54
TimSWhy is there no USB support during boot?19:55
Dr_willisTimS,  i had usb support during my boot..19:55
ChrisMirhmm... with compiz the mouse focus seems borked. apps focus on mouse but only get on top when clicked on titlebar19:55
ksivajii am upgrading from kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, my kubuntu 7.04 is not a 64 bit os but now update manager in installing libc6-amd64 2.6.1 now what does it means ?19:56
Dr_willisTimS,  ive noticed that with SOME systems you might not have usb keyboasrd support. depending on their bios in the grub menu.19:56
TimSWell, during grub. Very annoying, my MoBO supports it, but not pressing ESC to choose my boot options19:56
Dr_willisTimS,  enabling 'legacy usb support' in the bios MIGHT help there.19:56
TimSDr_willis: My Bios supports it.19:56
ksivajiTimS can you understand what i am trying to say ?19:56
Dr_willisTimS,  bingo.. I have a bios that supports it.. but GRUB dosent work properly with my usb keyboards. I have to use a ps2 keyboasrd on that one machine19:56
Dr_willisTimS,  'usb legacy' support option in the bios MIGHT fix it.19:57
lee986321!paste bin19:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:57
TimSIt is enabled, I can edit all the BIOS settings with my Keybaord, I cant see a Legacy support option though19:57
Dr_willisTimS,  and i have this issue on only 1 of my 5 machines..  its some odd bios/usb/grub quirn.19:57
TimSI have the MoBo manula here, lemme see19:57
TimSWhat machine is it, out of interest, what make MoBo?19:58
Dr_willisTimS,  whats sad on this ONE box. If i enable usb-legacy. both linux an windows refuse to boot. :(but grub works.. heh heh.19:58
Dr_willisThis is some old Asus AMD64 MB. its about 4 yrs old now i think.19:58
TimSWeird :P19:58
TimSWell, Mine is a brand new mobo, off amazon19:58
flakeis there live version i can play with of 7.1019:58
_buzi hate d3lphin, how can i deactivate it for good?19:58
Dr_willisYep. I keep a spare ps2 keyboasrd handy.19:58
_buzflake: desktop release is just that19:59
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TimSIt might be discontinued, but its the best MoBo arround :P19:59
flakeah ok19:59
ksivajiTimS is it possible to upgrade for kubuntu 7.04  i386 to kubuntu amd 7.1019:59
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Assidi cant open the batttery19:59
Dr_willisTimS,  theres a NEW (asus?) mb that has Linux built into the motherboard. :) for fast booting of a Mini-linux.. heh heh.19:59
Assidwhy do they make it so well packed19:59
TimSDr_willis: Yeah I saw that19:59
TimSLooks good, 5 second boot19:59
TimSOnly worth while if you can have a full Linux boot in the background20:00
TimSWhile your waiting, you can browse the interney20:00
Dr_willisid like it for just a mini media player :)20:00
sam64or play tetris20:00
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TimSTrue, my MP3 player has a longer than 5 second boot20:01
TimSMeizu M6 is awesome though20:01
mulanderIs there a way to check the 'real' screen resolution I'm looking at? without referring to xorg.conf?20:01
fdovingmulander: xrandr20:01
fdovingmulander: that is a konsole command.20:02
genii!pastebin | lee986321 ... for any output/errors etc20:02
ubotulee986321 ... for any output/errors etc: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:02
Dr_willisTimS,  your 'use' for it - i think is  Not a useable use. :)20:02
fdovingmulander: the resolution with the * is the one you're looking at.20:02
mulanderfdoving: thanks20:02
mulanderfdoving: the reason why I ask is after the upgrade my screenres switched to a weird 1152x864 (from 1600x1200)20:02
nonewmsgsi downloaded gutsy and the md5 is right in the iso but ive burned it twice and i keep getting (the same) wrnog md5 on the burned discs.  the first one i burned at 40x and the second at 8x20:02
Dr_willisThats  Linux on the MB - is a neat feature for rescue/recovery systems also. Be neat if it got popular.20:02
mulandersetting it back up results in graphic rendering problems20:02
bacon333I can't find any update manager in Kubuntu 7.1020:02
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mulanderglxinfo still says that I have my graph drivers installed and montior vsync and hsync is set properly (or auto detected properly)20:03
lee986321yeah i got it up20:03
AranelIn new kdesudo, It always remembers my password, How can I disable "remember my password" function ?20:03
lee986321and i have one already lol20:03
MurielGodoibacon333: k > system > adept manager20:03
mulanderthe question is why it doesn't want to work after upgrading from 7.04 to 7.1020:03
BluesKajbacon333:  no need yet , but in the konsole " sudo apt-get update "20:03
bacon333thanks muriel20:03
* Rask330 waves. "For some reason, adept is telling me that I can upgrade to 7.10 ... I'm reasonably sure that I've already installed 7.10. Is this indicative of something seriously awry" o_O20:04
lee986321did i do that right?20:04
geniilee986321: OK, reading20:04
bacon333Is it just me, or is gutsy still quite buggy?20:04
bacon333I even had troubles in install... I had to disconnect my internet connection because it hanged at 82 percent..20:04
geniilee986321: Heh... you forgot to give the url the pastebin gave back20:04
bacon333'scanning mirrors'20:04
lee986321starting a new one thwen erg lol20:05
Rask330bacon333:  It's likely because the servers are seriously mobbed...20:05
bacon333did anyone else have this problem though?20:05
bacon333It was 'scanning mirrors' for like an hour...20:05
Rask330I did, but I switched my APT repository to someplace in Ukraine.  :D20:05
bacon333how would I 'fix the damages' then? :D20:06
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bacon333update.ubuntu.com is commented out somewhere :(20:06
BluesKajthe canadian repos failed me 3 times trying a net upgrade20:06
bacon333hey imagine, from Quebec?20:06
lee986321http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41223/ is that better lol20:06
BluesKajyeah bacon33320:06
fdovingAranel: kdesudo uses sudo directly, which means the configuration file is /etc/sudoers, the timestamp_timeout option is what you want to add.20:07
* lee986321 figures out what paste does20:07
fdovingAranel: you want to use 'sudo visudo' from a konsole to modify that file.20:07
lee986321genii is that one better lol20:07
bacon333I want more coffee..20:08
geniilee986321: Yup, better :) Reading20:08
* genii puts on a pot of coffeee20:08
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bacon333I <3 coffee.20:08
lee986321so thats what the person ment by feeding back20:08
geniiBlueskaj: try debian.yorku.ca/ubuntu20:09
Aranelfdoving: thanks, but if I add this option, is it logout me in console every 10 minutes ?20:09
lee986321no one explaind paste bin to me be for lol20:09
fdovingAranel: add 'timestamp_timeout=0' without the quotes, to the end of the line starting with 'Defaults', making it look like: Defaults·   !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn,timestamp_timeout=020:09
sam64I very much dislike preground coffee20:09
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bacon333I don't mind it..20:09
bacon333I hate not-fresh coffee..20:09
fdovingAranel: no, sudo will just stop remembering your password.20:09
bacon333It needs to be just brewed..20:09
Aranelfdoving: thanks, u re awesome :)20:09
bacon333otherwise, well..20:09
lee986321hates coffee alltogeather as well as pop, can't hav e em lol20:10
bacon333even half an hour. I run.20:10
bacon333You hate coffee!?20:10
sam64I put fresh beans in the freezer right up till Im ready to use them20:10
lee986321can't have alchy either lol20:10
lee986321well it more like hates me20:10
the-ermAnyone know off the top of their heads how to set up a local apt repository?20:10
nonewmsgsso would you trust an OS whose md5 doesnt match?20:10
lee986321sends me to hospital20:10
alexandrepeople i have instaled kubuntu gutsy and firefox but firefox very very ugly can help me ???20:10
bacon333I get headaches if I don't drink enough coffee :/20:10
the-ermNever mind I'll just google it.20:10
WulongHi, I can't get my intergrated audio card to work. Everything looks good, amarok plays just fine but no sound. Output from lspci http://pastebin.com/m260837d5 . Suggestions?20:10
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sam64I dont get coffee related headaches20:11
mike-kubuntubacon333: get off of that20:11
lee986321ok genii, i am also downloading the updates20:11
bacon333I enjoy coffee.20:11
sam64although I often drink 6 cups minimum20:11
lee986321eh main ones that is for the system20:11
mike-kubuntubacon333: i used to get that to, your addicted physically, and coffe breaks down the nerves in your brain associated with short term memory20:11
bacon333I think I'm going to go and make more coffee.20:11
alexandrepeople i have instaled kubuntu gutsy and firefox but firefox very very ugly anybody can help me ???20:12
lido76-02yooo people20:12
bacon333scientific evidence?20:12
Pasarhow can i get a text editor with admin rights? "sudo kate" wont work for some reason :(20:12
mike-kubuntubacon333: its not dude, go check out recent studies, more than 2 cups a day starts to get harmfull to your nevouse tissue20:12
bacon333uh huh..20:12
sam64alexandre: download the safari theme =D20:12
bacon333people also said that eggs were bad for cholesterol20:12
bacon333And they just found out it was complete BS20:12
alexandresam64: thks i try this20:13
ksivajialexandre try someother theme20:13
mike-kubuntubacon333: but you don't get headaches from not eating eggs o.o20:13
bacon333I only got headaches when I first started drinking it20:13
bacon333I don't get it anymore20:13
alexandrenot theme is ugly is rendering ugly20:13
letalisok im mad at this kernel. framebuffer support has been in the kernel since as long as i can remember and NOW its broken??20:13
letalisthis sucks.20:13
alexandregmail withoutr colors20:13
mike-kubuntuanyone here with a 200m express got it to work with compiz?20:13
sub[t]rnlletalis: yup20:13
bacon333Not drinking coffee?20:14
sub[t]rnlletalis: hopefully they get a fix20:14
bacon333That's like saying using Windows is good for you.20:14
lee986321my human nuro net work cant handle the ussage of such input as coffee or alcholic beverages..they severly corupt my system causing ultimate shut down of vital process that result in terminal or catastofic shut down of  bio networks20:14
letalisconsoles are almost unsusable after youve gotten used to it being in 1280x1024.20:14
mike-kubuntulol, i know, i still drink like 4 cups a day too20:14
ksivajialexandre try opera or install vedio driver20:14
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mike-kubuntubut its scary that they have evidence of that20:14
TimSWhens KDE4 and Amarok 2 due to be released20:14
sam64its not really scary..20:14
alexandreksivaji: not video driver, konkeror works fine, only firefox have this problem20:15
nonewmsgsno one as any comments about that i cant get a good md5 on a burn20:15
sam64cause theyve proven that 6 cups a day is good for you20:15
Alarmhello. how can i upgrade my system by ignoring some packages ugrades20:15
KachnaTimS: december i think20:15
Kachnaor november..20:15
TimSI want Amarok 2 so badlt20:15
geniilee986321: Sorry for lag. Several others i am also assisting plus work.20:15
bacon333sam64: YES!20:15
Alarmfor example if my upgrade wants to install foo1, foo2 , foo3 . to ignore the foo2 for example to be upgraded20:15
bacon333*goes off to make some coffee20:15
mike-kubuntuis there any danger in enabling the kde4 beta 3 repo's?20:15
lee986321its ok i know your human lol20:15
jefftohello there20:15
ksivajialexandre ho it seems that problem is with firefox .20:15
lee986321i think20:15
mulanderanyone has an idea what could cause the resolution problems?20:16
geniilee986321: Try to run that command in the way shown at the link I gave you, with the -dpkg Ubuntu/feisty    (or gutsy or so) parts etc20:16
bacon333I win20:16
sam64coffee actually lowers your chances of getting diabetis and a few other things20:16
sdlnxgk911 I need  help !!!  I uninstalled some package by mistake for openoffice language and now adept and allot of other programs are gone is there a way to go back????20:16
osh_Hmm, bad bug after upgrade. I need to install "alsa-oss" manually to get youtube-videos to play with sound. :-/20:16
bacon333yes. Yes it does.20:16
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lee986321oooooooh ok20:16
mulanderrefreshing the question: 'When I try to raise my screen resolution, the display gets corrupted - it worked on higher res. before the upgrade what could cause the problem now?'20:17
bacon333ok wait20:17
bacon333install restricted drivers?20:17
bacon333mulander: did you install the restricted drivers?20:17
jefftoI have found a bug in kcontrol on kde3.5.8 on kubuntu gutsy, how I can report it20:17
mulanderbacon333: no, ati opensource drivers20:17
mike-kubuntuany danger on enabling the kde4 repos? will it touch any other package in my system, or does it keep the beta ones seperate?20:17
sam64well I gotta go20:17
mulanderbacon333: and it worked before version upgrade20:18
bacon333mulander: Go to K menu > system settings > Monitor and display20:18
yonkeltronthe volume keys on my thinkpad are not broken...due to gutsy...is there anything i can do?20:18
mulanderbacon333: and?20:18
bacon333and adjust the settings..20:18
sub[t]rnljeffto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/20:18
mulanderbacon333: hsync and vsync are set ok20:18
bacon333and screen size?20:18
aklgagdgj"downloading and verifying the upgrade tool..."   <--- hangs in there20:18
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aklgagdgjsomething wrong?20:18
mulanderbacon333: changing it to higher res brings the display corruption20:19
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bacon333ok, and your refresh rate is maxed to your monitors refresh rate?20:19
sub[t]rnlaklgagdgj: The servers are slow right now20:19
aklgagdgjI can't wait!!20:19
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aklgagdgjsub[t]rnl: how about speeding them up?20:19
sub[t]rnlneither can anyone else20:19
mulanderbacon333: according to my monitors manual it can handle 75kHz in 1600x120020:19
sub[t]rnlthats the problem :(20:20
mulanderand that's the current setting20:20
aklgagdgjI think ubntu should upgrade them servers20:20
bacon333you mean hz20:20
lido76-02Hallo mensen20:20
mulanderbacon333: typo :)20:20
bacon333mulander: just wait a while for an update then... it might be ubuntu's problem..20:20
lido76-02zijn er ook nederlanders20:20
* nonewmsgs wonders if Hz is actually kHz20:20
sdlnxgkis there an undo delete for kubuntu???20:20
aklgagdgjthat's not a way of running a business. Do you see m$$ servers ever slowing down on an upgrade? Do you see Apple ever slowing down on a upgrade??20:20
lido76-02you are geeks20:21
geniilee986321: Since i am in may channels please help me by putting my name in any messages to me so i can see the channel blink red...thx20:21
sdlnxgkI uninstalled a openoffice file and now missing adept and allot of other programs20:21
yonkeltronlido76-02: we're bigger geeks20:21
lee986321genii waiting on the system up dates ..iam kind unable to do any thing atm uti they are dne lol20:21
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geniilee986321: Ah, ok20:21
lee986321genii yeah i thaught that20:21
bacon333aklgagdgj: pfft, M$ never has more than 50kbps anyway..20:21
bacon333aklgagdgj: you never notice any slowdown, because it's always slow :D20:22
cap601Whenever I start up Gutsy the panels don't appear.  How can I get them to appear automatically?20:22
sub[t]rnlhave you ever seen a microsoft ever offer to upgrade their operating system for free? oh wait, thats right..20:22
aklgagdgjI've been pressing thr upgrade button for hours now :(20:22
lee986321M$ media plays stincs20:22
lee986321it clips, the base is distorted and..20:23
draik7.10 released already?20:23
nonewmsgssub[t]rnl actually ms does do service packs20:23
sub[t]rnldraik: yup20:23
lee986321oh yea ya the highs are scracthy20:23
draikHow is it?20:23
sdlnxgkanyone out there that can help me??20:23
bacon333now Microsoft is offering "Windows One LiveCare"20:23
sub[t]rnlsdlnxgk: whats your question20:23
bacon333This way, M$ can rake in EVEN More money from you, by fixing their own problems.20:24
bacon333Having a bug free system wouldn't be too M$-like..20:24
sdlnxgksub[t]rnl,  I deleted a openoffice file and now adept and allot of other programs are missing :(20:24
aklgagdgjthat's  what I am saying, Ubuntu shouldn't have a mediocre servers20:24
bacon333where's the business in that?20:24
aklgagdgjthat's not professional20:24
bacon333Ubuntu has great servers20:24
bacon333M$ has far worse than Ubuntu's servers..20:24
aklgagdgjbacon333: I cannot upgrad20:24
sub[t]rnlsdlnxgk: sudo apt-get install adept20:24
nonewmsgscan i upgrade to gutsy by using a cd as a synaptic source?20:24
bacon333aklgagdgj: change your apt-resources or soemthing then20:25
sdlnxgksub[t]rnl,  I tried that once but the sources were locked for some reason20:25
aklgagdgjwhat's the command line to upgrade?20:25
bacon333or software sources20:25
sdlnxgklet me try again20:25
sub[t]rnlaklgagdgj: sudo apt get udate %% sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:25
sub[t]rnlerr.. && instead of %%20:25
LiL-JoNhow come my video is choppy with mplayer?20:25
aklgagdgjsub[t]rnl: thanks20:25
MrBallZgenii: my upgrade assistant doesn't run, i click on version upgrade , and it downloads it, but nothing runs20:25
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: are you running compiz-fusion with it?20:25
sdlnxgksub[t]rnl,  will not let me get access says it's locked by another process20:26
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i just turned off compiz-fusion its horrible20:26
bacon333Compiz fission is better... j/k :D20:26
sub[t]rnlsdlnxgk: don't apt-get if your already using it, like with adept_manager or something20:26
aklgagdgj0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:27
ksivajisub[t]rnl ps -le20:27
aklgagdgjsudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:27
sdlnxgksub[t]rnl,  I was using adept but had to close it down it was deleting all my programs20:27
aklgagdgj0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:27
aklgagdgjwhat does this mean?20:27
sub[t]rnlaklgagdgj: that your using the most current version of the system20:27
aklgagdgjI do I know I've upgraded?20:27
bacon333I'm going to go and re-install Kubuntu20:27
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: so can you help me20:28
bacon333I'll be back in an hour or so20:28
aklgagdgjsub[t]rnl: but I am trying to upgrade to Gutsy20:28
sdlnxgkI don't really want to reinstall but might have to20:28
sub[t]rnlaklgagdgj: in a cli, type lsb_release -a20:28
sub[t]rnlaklgagdgj: tell me what it says20:28
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: yeah go to prefrences and change the video driver to X11 for me20:28
aklgagdgjDescription:    Ubuntu 7.0420:28
aklgagdgjDescription:    Ubuntu 7.0420:28
sdlnxgksub[t]rnl,  is there a file some where that shows what I uninstalled?20:28
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: tell me if it looks better20:28
sub[t]rnlsdlnxgk: /var/log/dpgk.log20:29
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: x11Shm?20:29
aklgagdgjwhath's wrong?20:30
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: now when i open that page it crashes20:30
* xevious pops in20:30
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: open what page?20:30
xeviousaklgagdgj: you're trying to do apt-get dist-upgrade?20:30
LiL-JoNthe page with the video on it20:30
cap601Whenever I start up Gutsy the panels don't appear.  How can I get them to appear automatically?20:31
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: go back to the Xv driver20:31
aklgagdgjxevious: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:31
sub[t]rnlcap601: press alt+f2 and type kicker20:31
LiL-JoNi cant it closes before i can do anythign sub[t]rnl20:31
xeviousaklgagdgj: have you updated your sources.list to point to the gutsy repositories?20:31
lee986321genii grabbing a bit...systems doing  a rather bulky up date20:31
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: apt-get --purge remove mplayer, apt-get install mplayer20:31
cap601sub[t]rnl: I've tried that but they disappeared again on rebooting20:32
aklgagdgjOK  NOW IT'S WORKING20:32
aklgagdgjdoes it need a new kernel?20:32
sub[t]rnlcap601: make sure they are not auto hiding?20:32
xeviousaklgagdgj: it installs a new kernel20:32
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: done20:33
=== ubuntu is now known as bacon333
bacon333I'm back...20:33
bacon333I'm going to re-install Kubuntu ^^20:33
cap601sub[t]rnl: Both are on "Only hide when a panel-hiding button is clicked" and there are also no such buttons20:34
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: now what20:34
kamikazeпошлите меня на русский канал пжалста20:34
sub[t]rnlcap601: next time they disapear, run ps aux|grep kicker to see if the processes are really ending20:34
Kamijoanyone here who have installed Gutsy on a Dell D380?20:34
bacon333lol russian...20:34
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: it crashes still20:35
lee986321waht a version upgrade waht CD did I load?20:35
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: it crashes still20:35
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: open up konsole, and run mplayer from it20:35
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: tell me what the error is20:36
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: and what video driver are you using?20:36
lee986321I thaught this was gutsy lol20:36
xeviouslee986321: lsb_release -a20:36
aklgagdgjwhat are the stuff I need to fix manually in Ginsob?20:36
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i dont get a error20:37
lee986321genii erg I thauhg tthe cdrom that I placed in the tray was the upgrade lol20:37
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i get this long list of keys i can press in mplayer20:37
lee986321oh so then no panic ok20:37
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: so mplayer isn't crashing, only when you attempt to play a video?20:37
ksivajiis it possible to cheat ISP and use more bandwidth20:37
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: yeah20:38
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: what video driver? do you have compiz-fusion running?20:38
LiL-JoNwhat video driver in mplayer sub[t]rnl?20:38
sub[t]rnlksivaji: yes20:38
lee986321xevious wahts a lsb_release -a?20:38
bacon333oh shit hard drive clicking sounds. I'm screwed.20:38
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: the X11 video driver20:38
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: no compiz is off20:38
ksivajisub[t]rnl in wired network20:38
lee986321oh you are so totally screwed20:38
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i cant tell you it crashes20:38
xeviouslee986321: run that in a Konsole and it'll tell you which release you're running20:38
xeviousbacon333: start burning backup cds/dvds20:38
lee986321ah ok20:39
geniibacon333: clicking = usually fatal20:39
bacon333I already have :D20:39
bacon333I know20:39
bacon333Oh, it stopped20:39
bacon333maybe it was just my CD20:39
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: right click on mplayer, go to prefrences, and change around the video driver till you find one that works20:39
Dr_willisor its a fan cutting through a power wire in the case. :)20:39
LiL-JoNwhat video driver did you say i should use?20:40
tommymannI'm having trouble setting up a guest user account20:40
bacon333I honestly don't know why gparted isn't pre-installed in Kubuntu.20:40
aklgagdgjI am w00ting20:40
bacon333gparted is so much more awesome than qparted. I don't even know what qparted is.20:40
tommymannqparted is gparted ported20:40
bacon333gparted is better.. :D20:41
bacon333works just as well, no?20:41
tommymannit's the same program in a different language20:41
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: what video driver did you say i should use?20:41
flakehere i sit all broken-hearted, came to dump but only g-parted20:41
lee986321No LSB modules are available20:41
bacon333but it seems less awesome.20:41
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: mplayer and the X11 video driver should run well20:41
tommymanndepends on if you like qt or not20:41
sub[t]rnlflake: lol20:41
xeviouslee986321: lsb_release -a, not just lsb_release20:41
bacon333same stuff to me20:41
LiL-JoNit STILL CRASHES :::::::::::::::[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[20:41
bacon333What is qt anyway?20:41
cap601sub[t]rnl: Just rebooted and no panels. ps aux|grep kicker gives  "josh      5707  0.0  0.1   5128   824 pts/1    R+   20:39   0:00 grep kicker"20:42
tommymannit's the gtk of kde20:42
lee986321i did20:42
tommymannif you want it in gnome terms20:42
sub[t]rnlLiL-JoN: try other video drivers.  Don't just yell in the channel please20:42
bacon333*wonders what gtk is :D20:42
bacon333I really don't know much about it20:42
tommymanngnome tool kit I think is the accronym20:42
bacon333all I know is it has something to do with programs..20:42
* sub[t]rnl tags xevious20:42
sub[t]rnlsmoke break20:42
lee986321xevious http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41223/20:42
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: i dont get how you can yell  tpying?20:43
aklgagdgjit got interrupted because I don't have enougth free mem on /var20:43
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: im jut going to remove mplayer and mozilla-mplayer20:43
MrBallZhelp... after i click on version upgrade and get the windows, the upgrade tool doesn't come up ... any sugestions on bringint it to life ?20:43
LiL-JoNsub[t]rnl: and reinstall them20:43
xeviouslee986321: try without the ' '20:43
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bacon333Well, since Windows is clearly a better OS than UBuntu...20:43
bacon333j/k :D20:43
lee986321oh ok20:43
MrBallZ!kick bacon33320:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick bacon333 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:44
flyingparchmentafter upgrading to 7.10, amarok keeps crashing.  is this a known issue?20:44
LiL-JoN!kick | bacon33320:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:44
=== lido76-11 is now known as lido76-11_
LiL-JoNi wanted to see if it worked20:44
bacon333Time to delete some partitions..20:45
cap601Whenever I boot up Gutsy my panels do not appear unless I manually run kicker.  How can I get this going automatically?20:45
xeviousbacon333: graphical toolkits (gtk, qt) control how pretty much everything is drawn on screen. scrollbars, text boxes, lists, dropdowns, everything that you see, just about.20:45
bacon333SDL is win.20:45
=== Munra is now known as usuario__
xevioussdl is a cross platform graphics library20:45
lee986321xevious same thing i left out the quotes20:46
aklgagdgjhow do   I check free space on my hard drive?20:46
lee986321in the earlier20:46
MrBallZhelp... after i click on version upgrade and get the windows, the upgrade tool doesn't come up ... any sugestions on bringint it to life , so i can finish my upgrade ...  ?20:46
xeviouslee986321: hmmm20:46
LiL-JoNaklgagdgj: give your computer a bath :]20:46
xeviouslee986321: i'm not an ati user, let me read up20:46
tommymannaklgagdgj: do you want to know all the time or just right now20:46
bacon333installing ubuntu20:47
lee986321genni helping withat lol20:47
bacon333it's best to not really look at your settings when you install it..20:47
geniilee986321: Thats the same result as before because you are still trying to run it the same way as before. try instead (in the same directory the file is in):sudo chmod +x ati-driver-installer-8.41.7-x86.x86_64.run;    sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.41.7-x86.x86_64.run  --buildpkg Ubuntu/feisty          <-- if feisty. if gutsy substitute appropriately20:47
kaminixAnyone else having slight probems with kaffeine/xine in Gutsy?20:47
lee986321its the upgrading i know idea why lol20:47
bacon333I haven't tried it yet..20:47
LiL-JoNOMG my firefox wont play wmvs this is why i like windows20:47
bacon333how do you like windoze?20:47
lee986321genii oh its up grading to a newer version20:47
geniixevious: for reference please see: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually20:47
LiL-JoNbecause i can play wmv's with having to do any work20:48
MrBallZgenii: help... after i click on version upgrade and get the windows, the upgrade tool doesn't come up ... any sugestions on bringint it to life , so i can finish my upgrade ...  ?20:48
bacon333isn't that windoze media video or something?20:48
cap601Whenever I boot up Gutsy my panels do not appear unless I manually run kicker.  How can I get this going automatically?20:48
tommymannlil-jon but you can play oggs now without doing any work20:48
lee986321evedently i stuck the wrong disk in the drive lol20:48
tommymannyou win some you lose some20:48
tommymannget easyubuntu20:48
LiL-JoNtommymann: to bad i dont play oggs20:48
* MrBallZ is affraid of restaring computer when the upgrade wasn't finalized20:48
bacon333lil-jon, are you flaming linux or something?20:49
aklgagdgjhow can  I check free space on my hard drive?20:49
tommymannuse easyubuntu to get your propreitary codecs20:49
LiL-JoNMrBallZ: i hope your computer dies20:49
bacon333Really, you can't even compare Ubuntu to Windoze20:49
LiL-JoNbacon333: not at all20:49
bacon333*burns windows XP discs20:49
tommymannlil-jon easyubuntu.freecontrib.org20:49
lee986321genii eh he was asking about my version (second line))20:49
geniiMrBallZ: from konsole:       sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:49
aklgagdgjwhoa thanks god I've got free room, how do I enlarg a volume?20:50
LiL-JoNso can anybody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to watch a wmv or mpeg with mplayer?20:50
sub[t]rnlyour firefox is crashing? when you try to watch something with mplayer??20:50
ksivajiLiL-JoN add some plugings20:50
LiL-JoNksivaji: i have all of them :sdjfkafmdsafjdadsanpi20:50
bacon333wow, Kubuntu inststalls fast.20:51
DragnslcrLiL-JoN- you can try #ubuntu as well, since that doesn't sound like a KDE-specific problem20:51
bacon333Don't think you can play games and browse the interwebs in Widnows while it's taking its time installing...20:51
tommymannrun it in terminal20:51
kaminixOk, so I have libxvidcore4 and the mplayer codecs installed in my Xine-loving Kaffeine player now. Why can't I play XviD? Kaffeine lags up. Hade same with a DivX5 file until I installed mplayer codecs.20:51
tommymannand give a terminal read on the forums20:51
bacon333you can't even install XP within 2 hours..20:51
LiL-JoNyeah Dragnslcr but they are busy helping other people20:51
bacon333nevermind 20 min20:51
tommymannlast two posts to lil-jon20:51
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents20:52
tommymannwith crashes you may have to wait a few days for forum assistance20:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jesus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:52
lee986321eh wait a minit, if Iam 7.10 then waht is the UPgrade its refering to?20:52
cap601Whenever I boot up Gutsy my panels do not appear unless I manually run kicker.  How can I get this going automatically?20:52
tommymannthis thing is going down in the rapture20:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windoze - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:53
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents20:53
lee986321genii eh Iam 7.10 why is it upgrading to a new version?20:53
XenThraLhum, anyone know of any good frotends for mencoder/ffmpeg/etc ?20:53
XenThraLI don't want to dive in the myriad and seemingly infinite command line arguments20:53
sub[t]rnlcap601: cd ~/.kde/Autostart && ln -s /usr/bin/kicker20:54
aklgagdgjhi how do I enlarge LVM?20:54
bacon333bug #1 in Ubuntu20:54
sub[t]rnlcap601: though if it isn't starting automatically, something is off20:54
bacon333Microsoft has a majority market share.20:54
BigDaddyhey guys, should kubuntu automatically mount ext3 partitions?20:54
Fade2Blaci cant get my wirecard to work ;(20:54
Fade2Blacthis sucks20:54
tommymannbigdaddy yes20:54
Fade2Blaci have a laptop that cant connect wirelessly20:55
tommymannbigdaddy the only time I have seen it not is when people install ntfs-3g sometimes20:55
Dr_willisGotta love it when a guy asks a Q. then ignreos your answer..20:55
lee986321what the..it said taht there is no upgrade and the upgrade will be cancled lol20:55
yonkeltronsleep is broken in gutsy...i have a thinkpad....20:55
BigDaddyThat's what I thought. I used the live CD to resize my old XP partition so that I could my /home20:55
geniilee986321: Lots of updates i imagine20:55
keoni86im trying to install on a nvraid system im folloing a howto but for somereason I am unable to do apt-get install ubuntu-base any ideas? im being told "E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-base"20:55
yonkeltroncan someone help me try and diagnose the problem?20:55
Dr_willissomeone tell this guy to check the mount man page unser the 'user'  option in #ubuntu      <kahrytan> How do I mount ext3 partition as user?20:55
sub[t]rnlDr_willis: heyas :P20:55
BigDaddytommymann: I tried mounting it with just a rightclick mount, but that did not work either.20:56
lee986321genii ok iam back on track now that the system puked back the up grade lol20:56
geniikeoni86: First try: sudo apt-get update    then: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base20:56
tommymannbigdaddy: did you try to mount it in terminal20:56
Fade2Blacanyone have any ideas by my wireles card is not finding any networks after i install the driver for it20:56
BigDaddyDr_willis: instead of asking some to tell this guy, why don't you tell me?20:56
Dr_willisBigDaddy,  what  exactly  Heh - hes not sure WHAT he wants..20:57
sub[t]rnlFade2Blac: what wireless card are you using?20:57
Dr_willisi do not think that using the 'user' option in fstab alters the file system permissions on the filesystem20:57
Fade2Blacboradman or something like that let me check20:57
BigDaddytommymann: Not yet. I did edit my fstab and restart my xserver. I thought that might have done it though20:57
Dr_willisahh - hers the probem --> <kahrytan> src,  try again with  non-geek lang20:58
Dr_willisI think its a failure of learning the FUNDAMENTALS. :)20:58
mathiasalguien habla español20:58
tommymannbigdaddy: try it in terminal20:58
sub[t]rnl!sp | mathias20:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:58
Fade2BlacBCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI20:58
lee986321genii step one done20:58
tommymannbigdaddy: I had an external and I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't mount20:58
keoni86ive done the update multiple times i was able to apt-get install dmraid20:58
word!es | mathias20:58
ubotumathias: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.20:58
sub[t]rnlahh, es!20:58
tommymannbigdaddy: until I tried mounting in terminal20:58
lee986321genii moving on to step 220:58
mathiasbueno chau20:58
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)20:59
tommymannbigdaddy: and it turns out that my harddrive had a mechanical error that the system didn't want to touch20:59
BigDaddytommymann: I never had a problem with an external. Just plugged it in and it was on the desktop. What was your problem with it?20:59
yonkeltronsleep on my thinkpad is broken in gutsy...what are some steps i can take to help myself?20:59
BigDaddytommymann: smart system20:59
tommymannbigdaddy: yeah, so I fscked it and everything was ok20:59
Fade2Blacsub do u have any ideas20:59
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  good flood in Ubuntu. :)21:00
tommymannbigdaddy: but I had to have terminal tell me why it wasn't mounting21:00
=== usuario__ is now known as Necrobyte
tommymannbigdaddy: because I tried everything21:00
sub[t]rnlFade2Blac: not off hand, let me look around21:00
LiL-JoNDr_willis: im banned from it whaa whaaa21:00
keoni86genii: maybe my sources.list is incorrect or something? i was able to do apt-get install dmraid in the chroot21:00
sub[t]rnlFade2Blac: you said you had to install a driver? for it to be recognized?21:00
Dr_willisLiL-JoN,  you did paste 10 lines...21:01
Dr_willis10 identical lines.. :)21:01
Fade2Blacit was already recognized21:01
Fade2Blacbut i had to install one for it to work21:01
lee986321genii its updating and at 45 percent after the completion of this line21:01
LiL-JoNDr_willis: they've never helped me anyways?21:01
Fade2Blacits the card that u need to install the driver from restricted fw21:01
LiL-JoNDr_willis: they've never helped me anyways.21:01
Dr_willisGiven the Quality of your question.. :) im not suprised21:02
bacon333Now my computer is 'scanning the mirror'21:02
`ph8hey all! I've just upgraded from feisty to gutsy and i'm trying to enable compiz - i think i'm still using kwin, can anyone tell me how to turn it on?21:02
LiL-JoNim going to ignore you21:02
Dr_willisYou might want to check the forums for your problem21:02
Dr_willisit sounds rather rare.21:02
Dr_willisbut since you got me on ignore.. i wont bother  looking for you then..21:02
BigDaddytommymann: this may be dumb to ask, but I need to mount my new partition before moving my /home to it right?21:03
Dr_willisThers a lot of interesting 'ideas' as to how people should be helped in #ubuntu floating about.21:03
tommymannyeah, normally /home should be on the most stable partition21:03
Fade2Blacthis sucks21:03
Dr_willisi like to keep /home on its own hard drive21:03
tommymannI'm with you21:04
BigDaddyDr_willis: that is what I am doing, moving it to a new partition21:04
Dr_willismount new drive. like to /media/newhome  COPY home to it.21:04
Dr_willisThen  move /home to some other name /oldhome21:04
sub[t]rnlFade2Blac: are you using ndiswrapper?21:04
shadowhywindhay all here is a question for you.21:04
Dr_willisthen Mount /media/newhome to /home21:04
Dr_willisis how i normally do it.21:04
BigDaddyDr_willis: Can I change the name (Newhome) at anytime after mounting?21:04
TrueFXhi guys21:04
Dr_willisthen if it works and you verify it .. and only then. remove the old home. :_21:05
Dr_willisBigDaddy,  of course. :)21:05
tommymannI back Dr_willis on that one bigdaddy21:05
TrueFXhow can i move listed and grepped files to another directory ?21:05
Dr_willisor ya can just  link it.21:05
Dr_willisln -s /home /media/newhome21:05
shadowhywindI am 58% done getting the updates, and about 30 mins away from having to shutdown my laptop. If i hibernate and power it back on later. would that continue the update? or is it better to just start over?21:05
fdovingTrueFX: xargs21:05
TrueFXls |grep debug | ...??? mv /destination21:05
TrueFXhow should i use it ?21:05
TrueFXcan u write explicitely ?21:05
BigDaddyDr_willis: the plan is this. Move my /home to it's own partition. Whack kubuntu 7.04 and clean install 7.1021:05
tommymannshadowhywind: why not just lock the session?21:06
* xevious starts strigi indexing21:06
Dr_willisBigDaddy,  thats doable.21:06
lee986321genii I made it this far http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41223/21:06
bacon333how do I change my software sources in Kubuntu?21:06
speedy-gonzhello problem with x as normal user "I830 Vblank Pipe Setup Failed 0 "21:06
Dr_willisBigDaddy,  i normally  manually edit the fstab after an install to point to the proper home.21:06
sub[t]rnlshadowhywind: if you hibernate, it will stop the update.21:06
Dr_willisi dotn trust the installer to  do it. :)21:06
shadowhywindbecause i am going home for the weekend, and want to take the laptop with me21:06
tommymannbacon333: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list21:07
TrueFXfdoving: ??21:07
bacon333but how would I change it during an install?>21:07
jttbacon333, do you mean where you get your packages from?21:07
sub[t]rnlshadowhywind: I would just let it finish, less you would have to start all over21:07
geniilee986321: Thats the same url you keep pasting21:07
bacon333well, it's hanging at 82 percent21:07
bacon333"scanning the mirrors"21:07
bacon333oh wait21:07
bacon333nvm, its good now :D21:07
BigDaddyDr_willis: just out of curiosity, why aren't mount points in /mnt ?21:07
BigDaddyisn't that what mnt stands for?21:08
jttbacon333, /etc/apt/sources.list21:08
bacon333its good now21:08
bacon333no need :D21:08
geniilee986321: Or else you still keep trying to run it the same way instead of how i suggested and the install method I posted shows21:08
keoni86chould someone privmsg me their sources.list21:08
LiL-JoNhello can somebody help me with my firefox crashing after trying to play a mpeg file with mplayer (it does this everytime i try to play a mpeg or any file with mplayer)21:09
=== linuxmce is now known as linuxmce666666
bacon333I wonder when Windows 666 will be coming out..21:09
sub[t]rnlspeedy-gonz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/12710121:09
fdovingTrueFX: correct ls|grep bah|xargs mv -t /some/directory/21:09
vzduchbacon333: never, I suppose21:10
tommymannkeoni86: why do you need it21:10
Dr_willis!find pmount21:10
ubotuFound: libpmount-dev, libpmount0.0, pmount21:10
Dr_willis!info pmount21:10
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.16-4 (gutsy), package size 84 kB, installed size 656 kB21:10
keoni86im unable to do apt-get install ubuntu-base21:10
rand_acsguys, my emerald shows no themes, anyone have an idea how to get this Fetch function working?21:10
keoni86and i think maybe my sources.list is missing something21:10
fdovingTrueFX: mv -t dir/ is essential, as xargs will add the rest of the arguments after the full mv command you give.21:10
bacon333installation done21:11
bacon333be back in a bit guys21:11
keoni86seeing how i can install other packages21:11
`ph8hey all! I've just upgraded from feisty to gutsy and i'm trying to enable compiz - i can start it with compiz --replace, but none of the effects seem to work!?21:11
tommymannkeoni86: what version of kubuntu are you using?21:11
sub[t]rnl`ph8: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:11
`ph8got it sub21:11
`ph8that's where i'm checking the boxes21:11
keoni86well im trying to install 7.10 on nvraid and i ahve been following this howto21:11
`ph8just it doesn't seem to affect compiz :o21:12
keoni86and i am unable to complete this step21:12
rand_acs`ph8: I just installed it too, seems yoiu have to set them21:12
BigDaddytommymann: OK, I cannot find the proper command for mounting. Where do I find all the switches I need?21:12
sub[t]rnl`ph8: your positive compiz is running?21:12
LiL-JoNi guess ill never get help21:12
tommymannbigdaddy: switches?21:12
`ph8yep, the title bars on the windows change any everything21:12
`ph8unless it errors out and that's some sort of fallback21:12
tommymannbigdaddy: the command is mount21:12
`ph8Starting emerald21:12
`ph8Segmentation fault (core dumped)21:12
`ph8Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Clearlooks": Failed to find a valid file for theme Clearlooks21:12
BigDaddyit's not just "sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media newhome" is it?21:13
`ph8any ideas on that one?21:13
tommymannjust sudo mount /dev/hda221:13
MoLernerwith GRUB: if i'm using savedefault, should i comment out "default x"?21:13
lee986321genii http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21:13
Fade2Blacmaybe i installed the wrong one can an amd64 run the intel x86 version?21:13
lee986321yeha I screwed up on the pasting but I got that line21:14
sub[t]rnl`ph8: where is it tryint to load that theme from?21:14
`ph8not a clue21:14
adz21cFade2Blac: yes21:14
sub[t]rnl`ph8: doesn't say after the dump?21:14
`ph8nope sub21:14
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hellyeahwird die hilfe auch auf deutsch angeboten?21:14
`ph8i don't seem to be able to change the theme either21:15
`ph8as i have the emerald manager installed as well21:15
Kachna!de | hellyeah21:15
ubotuhellyeah: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:15
Dr_willisuse the emerald-theme-manager tool and enable/download new themes21:15
blekoshi, when i start kopete and choose "set status online" kopete crashes21:15
Kachnanp :-)21:15
ubuntuhi, people. where i have use russian chanal? kubuntu21:15
Kachna!ru | ubuntu21:16
ubuntuwho is know?21:16
ubotuubuntu: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke21:16
tommymann!ru | ubuntu21:16
bacon333everything seems fine..21:16
Kachnatommymann: i was faster :P21:16
jtt!russian |ubuntu21:16
lee986321genii ok I got it figured out no lol...ok hers the frefeshed link21:16
tommymannyou win21:16
Kachna!uzbek | Kachna21:16
mike-kubuntuwhere do i put blacklisted modules?21:16
lee986321http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ genii21:16
joheyWhy isn't Compiz enabled for ATI display adaptors in Gutsy Gibbon? At least not for my two different computers with those kind of cards.21:16
sub[t]rnlmike-kubuntu: /etc/modutils.d/21:17
sub[t]rnlmike-kubuntu: /etc/modprobe.d/21:17
Kachnajohey: ati still has a poor support21:17
Kachnajohey: new driver should bring revolution like today or so :P21:17
`ph8ok fixed the clearlooks error21:18
`ph8still not working brilliantly21:18
`ph8where does the core dump to?21:18
joheyKachna: Okay. Can't I enable Compiz neither for the free nor the propreitary driver?21:18
poison--hi guys21:18
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php21:19
poison--how can i create a shortcut to execute a program?21:19
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts21:19
hassei have a ace archive containing 80 files, when i try to extract it, it stops at file.c40 i have tried with 4 different archives, same story, anyone ?21:19
hasseit's unace-nonfree i have installed21:19
XenThraL`ph8: how did you do it? I think I have the same error as you21:20
poison--download again?21:20
geniilee986321: No specific url info in there again LOL just http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21:20
XenThraLand what command were you using to run compiz?21:20
joheyhasse: Are you exceeding the file size limitation for your file system?21:20
lee986321genii http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41230/21:21
lee986321ok try inow lol21:21
geniilee986321: reading21:21
hasseno, because i have files at about 8gb, and this one is about 321:21
joheyhasse: Okay. It was just a wild guess.21:21
BigDaddyDr_willis: I'll be damned it was that easy. I was trying to make it more difficult21:23
lee986321genii i am not going any further ten that atm21:23
geniilee986321: Please. Follow EXACTLY the instructions found here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.41.7_Driver_Manually     for feisty or for gutsy it is the same. just put gutsy where it says feisty if this is the case21:24
hassejohey, if i ran a : unace t file.ace, wverything is fine, but not when i try to extrace21:25
BigDaddyDr_willis: how do I commit that mount to the fstab?21:26
lee986321geniigrr restarting that line21:26
joheyhasse: Sounds like you have problems writing to your file system by some reason.21:26
rickeyif i have a 256 dsl connection and downloading gusty  from the server ,what should be  my exspected download speed21:26
rickey i have a reson for asking21:27
h3sp4wnrickey: 256 what ?21:27
hassejohey, i done have any problems if the archive is a rar archive21:27
h3sp4wnrickey: so divide by 821:27
h3sp4wnrickey: ~32KB/s21:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bemused - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:29
rickeyhummm i ant getting that much21:29
rickey only about 27.121:29
dhqbemused server is not there for gutsy21:29
joheyhasse: Okay. I don't know then. If you are sure you have free disk space on the partition, I can't tell what's wrong. It would be easiest to blame the archive.21:29
joheyI am about to buy a new computer, mainly for desktop usage with a Kubuntu GNU/Linux system. The hardest choice is the display adapter. What can you recommend? I want one with free drivers for the kernel and Xorg, still decent hardware specs.21:29
h3sp4wnrickey: Thats reasonable21:29
h3sp4wnrickey: There can be overhead in a few places21:29
hassejohey, 100gigs of space, and the archive works on a windows machine21:30
lee986321genii grrr erasing hdd and restarting grrrrr21:30
vbgunzno joke. updating kubuntu feisty to gutsy is the absolute worse experience I've ever had on gnu/linux in the last 2 years. I had to restore a backup. how am I supposed to upgrade? none of the instructions work at all what-so-ever. anyone know what I am talking about?21:30
joheyhasse: Ok. I don't know then.21:30
rickeyso on a download like this you cant exspect to get a high bit rate21:30
arovbgunz, I know it doesn't help now but I would never recommend using upgrade option21:30
h3sp4wnvbgunz: just do a reinstall but use apt-get dselect-upgrade if you want21:30
kovenskyI can't access windows shares using Kubuntu21:31
kovenskyI get the infamous NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error21:31
kovenskythe weird thing is that sometimes I can access shares subdirectories21:31
kovenskybut I can't access any files21:31
vbgunzaro, what do you recommend?21:32
poison--permissions issues21:32
kovenskythe transfer fails either via konqueror, mount.cifs, mount.smbfs or smbclient21:32
kovenskybut works under Windows21:32
poison--<kovensky, try to change dirs and files permissions21:32
h3sp4wnvbgunz: dpkg --set-selections < ./selectionfile (before reinstall) then do a server install put the file back and apt-get dselect-upgrade (or just use aptitude it normally works much better than apt-get)21:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about permitions - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux21:32
arovbgunz, I have always just had two partitions, /home and /, then I just backup whatever I need, format /, and install the newest version21:32
rickey you guy,s are doing a hell of a good job , thank for being here21:32
kovenskypoison--: it isn't windows that can't access my shares, it is I who can't access windows shares on the network21:33
kovenskythis is the only computer with linux21:33
poison--i know21:33
poison--and u have to change permissions in linux.. not21:33
vbgunzaro, no way. I need to upgrade. I do not wish to reinstall. this shouldn't really be an option :(21:33
kovenskyI'm not sharing anything, I'm trying to access a share that's hosted on a windows computer21:34
kovenskyif I try to use "smbclient //Server/Share"21:34
arovbgunz, it's a lot less painful, but okay21:34
kovenskyit fails with the error21:34
h3sp4wnvbgunz: just use interactive aptitude then21:34
kovenskysometimes, if I try to use "smbclient //Server/Share/Dir" it works21:34
kovenskysometimes it doesn't21:34
h3sp4wnkovensky: try just use mount -t cifs21:34
kovenskyand I can't access any files21:34
poison--sudo chmod o+w -R21:34
poison--add the dir after the cmd21:34
h3sp4wnkovensky: cifs is the protocol used by new versions of windows21:35
poison--sumtin like: sudo chmod o+w -R /home/mrp/STUFF/21:35
trilobitI have a graphic driver problem with the upgradet gutsy (7.04->7.10) the standard installed fglx driver with the ati 3d acceleration works not so fluently with the ati x600 (Hp nx8220). for example the drop down comboboxes in all kde application don't wor well )21:36
kovenskypoison--: I'm on Kubuntu trying to access a windows share. Windows don't have Unix permissions. The share is "Full Control" to Everyone21:36
RivaeAerya_Hi all - I have a problem. Tracker says everything's indexed but i can't search anything in either the deskbar or the tracker search tool. Can anyone help me?21:36
kovenskyanother question is why anonymous login doesn't work21:36
kovenskyI have to login as Administrator21:36
nosrednaekimtrilobit: did you have XGL/compiz running in fiesty?21:36
trilobitno without any xgl I'm runninng kdm21:37
nosrednaekimtrilobit: but do you have XGL installed?21:37
vbgunzh3sp4wn: how do you use interactive aptitude?21:37
kovenskyh3sp4wn: ls gets stuck on "lsing" the mount contents21:37
h3sp4wnvbgunz: sudo aptitude21:37
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h3sp4wnU to mark upgradable21:39
kovenskyh3sp4wn: ls can't access the drive, I have to -KILL it21:39
h3sp4wnkovensky: with cifs ?21:39
kovenskythe smb: protocol on Konqueror works up to accessing the computer21:40
h3sp4wnkovensky: To Vista ?21:40
kovenskywhen I try to access the computer, it asks a username and a password21:40
kovenskythe server is XP21:40
=== elena___ is now known as frunza
h3sp4wngutsy ?21:40
BigDaddyI was just considering switching back to the 64bit verion, does wiine still have problem with 64 bit?21:40
sub[t]rnlBigDaddy: i believe so21:40
h3sp4wnBigDaddy: The one in the repos should be fine21:40
nosrednaekimBigDaddy: probably since it is emulating 32 bit windows21:40
kovenskyI input Administrator and a empty password (anonymous logins aren't working for Kubuntu but work for the other windows machines. why?)21:40
BigDaddyguess I'll stick with 386 release21:40
h3sp4wnBigDaddy: If you want a newer version then it won't21:41
kovenskythen I can see the shares21:41
trilobitnosrednaekim: Yes I have installed xserver-xgl21:41
kovenskybut if I enter the share it says "file or folder doesn't exists"21:41
nosrednaekimtrilobit: remove it, the way xgl is right now, if you have it, it will automaticcaly start21:41
kovenskyif I directly type the path to the mentioned "Dir"21:41
kovenskyI can see it's contents21:41
kovenskybut can't copy or see any of the files21:41
meson10i am jhaving trouble upgradinmg my system21:41
meson10it sayd new  version available but..after downloading..it hangs on installing..and doesn do anythinh for hours21:42
h3sp4wnBigDaddy: The version in ubuntu64 is  a 32 bit application built against 32 bit libs21:43
mpstumpI had that problem too, but it eventually happened. I think the default repositories were pretty bogged down yesterday.21:43
wastedfluidhey, is /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux still the default suspend script for kde?21:43
BigDaddyh3sp4wn: so it works, just without any 64bit optimization?21:43
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion21:43
nosrednaekimwastedfluid: probably as the power-manager uses HAL to tell the somputer to suspend21:44
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hangs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:44
* nosrednaekim thinks its kinda silly to try to optimize 32 bit windows for 64 bit21:44
kovenskyh3sp4wn: when smbclient connects anonymously, I get access denied errors to do even a ls21:44
h3sp4wnBigDaddy: It works as a 32 bit application21:44
h3sp4wnkovensky: connect using a username and password then21:44
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meson10!upgrade problems21:45
skyionHi Guys having trouble with my Advanced Desktop Effects Setting compiz, its empty21:45
skyionno setting21:46
skyionrestricted drivers for ati is installed21:46
kovenskyh3sp4wn: then any command gets stuck and timeout21:46
meson10I am unable to upgrade my kubuntu, after downloading all teh updates it hangs on installation21:46
nosrednaekimwastedfluid: yeah... it uses HAL.21:46
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trilobitnosrednaekim: thank you I will try it21:46
mpstumpI'm having problems with nvidia drivers. After using the repositories, and trying directly from nvidia, I finally used envy, but I'm still getting staccato video playback with kaffeine.21:46
BigDaddyanyone else downloading the DVD ISO torrent at the moment? Mine is slow as hell. I would have thought it would be fast today21:47
h3sp4wnmeson10: Are you trying to upgrade between releases with adept ?21:47
mpstumpthe nvidia problem is post gutsy upgrade21:48
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coreymon77hi guys21:48
coreymon77small problem21:48
coreymon77while downloading the upgrade packages for edgy last night, there was a power outage and my computer restarted, now apt is all corrupted21:48
tomdaproblems?? are there any problems than21:48
meson10h3sp4wn: adept_manager21:48
h3sp4wnmeson10: If I was you I would do - sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop and then login via console and do sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade21:48
coreymon77is there any way to fix that or do i actually need to do a fresh install21:48
h3sp4wnmeson10: (upgrading kde whilst its running can cause issues)21:49
meson10h3sp4wn: Hmm Ok21:49
mpstumpanyone else having nvidia problems, or know of fixes?21:50
h3sp4wnmeson10: or just do the aptitude command from in X but its slightly less safe21:50
coreymon77so, can apt be fixed? because id really rather not do a fresh install21:50
sub[t]rnlis it complaining about being locked?21:50
h3sp4wncoreymon77: what exactly is corrupted21:50
poison--<mpstump, using a 7300 gt here perfectely21:51
poison--used Envy to install tho21:51
h3sp4wncoreymon77: Are you certain its apt (don't say apt if it may be dpkg)21:51
mpstumpmines a 5200, I even tried manual install with the 3 different driver files.21:52
mpstumpin envy, I mean21:52
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!21:52
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mpstumpw/o envy, my machine was about 1/10 speed. I tried the repositories, no success.21:54
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coreymon77h3sp4wn: ill give you the error21:55
coreymon77h3sp4wn: when i try to open adept21:55
nosrednaekimmpstump: did you try the restricted-manager?21:56
mpstumpThe nvidia page is vague about which driver to use. Is it possible my card is now a "legacy" card, even though previous installs it wasn't?21:56
bacon333How do you change the login screen?21:56
kovenskympstump: I'm using an even older card, MX series21:57
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nosrednaekimmpstump: I don't think it is a legacy card, but useplain oldnvidia-glx to be safe21:57
kovenskyand nvidia-glx is working perfectly21:57
kovenskytry running 'apt-get remove nvidia-glx && apt-get install nvidia-glx"21:57
nosrednaekimlegacy is like TNT221:57
bacon333TNT2 is win21:57
bacon333I have one :D21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
mpstumpOk, I'll go back and try restricted repos again and report  ack. Thanks21:57
nosrednaekimmpstump: not restricted repos... the restricted-manager, which sets the card up for you21:58
bacon333 How do you change the Kubuntu login screen?21:58
kovenskyand I still can't do anything on other computer's shares :'(21:58
nosrednaekimbacon333: google it.21:58
bacon333I did. Didn't find anything related..21:58
Bur3kyes buth with the glx how it works with  Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237      ?21:58
bacon333or too related..21:58
rand_acs!emerald themes21:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald themes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:59
mpstumpkovensky, after that, what command to update xorg.conf, etc?21:59
nosrednaekimbacon333: actually, I think there is a kcontrol odule for it.21:59
kovenskympstump: I didn't have to change anything21:59
kovenskybut if you're using gutsy21:59
nosrednaekimbacon333: indeed, "kdmtheme"22:00
kovenskygo to the control panel22:00
kovenskyand choose the icon to the right of the keyboard icon22:00
kovenskya monitor with a "x" inside22:00
bacon333Where is it nosrednaekim?22:00
nosrednaekimbacon333: in the repositories22:00
flakei just downloaded a live .iso,  can i drag it to a mounted blank cd-r disc on my desktop to burn it, or use gnome-baker ?22:00
bacon333no no, how do you access the kde control thing? :S22:01
bacon333I'm new to KDE, sort of.22:01
nosrednaekimbacon333: ah... alt+f2, "kcontrol"22:01
The_Machinewhat do i install so i can SSH into my machine at a later time?22:01
The_Machine(just ssh?)22:01
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: "openssh"22:01
Bur3kaptg-get install ssh22:02
The_Machinecouldn't find package openssh22:02
The_Machinejust ssh22:02
nosrednaekimit was openssh in fiesty I think.. sorry22:02
The_Machineoh, yeah22:02
The_Machinethat's why i even asked the question - i always used openssh too :P22:02
Bur3kapt-cache search ssh22:02
rand_acsso anyone here installed emerald and actually got the themes?22:02
kovenskyit is openssh-server22:02
The_Machinerand - just download them from somewhere22:02
The_Machinejust type in emerald themes into google or something22:02
The_Machineyeah kovensky, i get it now22:03
coreymon77h3sp4wn: www.pastebin.ca/74281422:03
nosrednaekimrand_acs: go to www.kde-look.com22:03
rand_acsnosrednaekim: yeah I know you can download individual themes there, but I was hoping to get the standard lot22:04
The_Machineit isn't working22:04
coreymon77h3sp4wn: and when i try typing apt-setup in konsole is says command not found22:04
nosrednaekimrand_acs: ah.. well I think they removed them from the repositories because of liscencing issues22:04
rand_acsnosrednaekim: that would explain it :)22:04
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: have you ran sudo apt-get update?22:05
vbgunzh3sp4wn: I had broken packages. i was never informed about it but think I fixed them in aptitude. I now have a version upgrade button in adept. I hope this works.22:05
coreymon77sub[t]rnl: it did say to run apt-setup first22:05
coreymon77but ill try22:05
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: well, then run that first ;)22:06
esperegugrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr f*ckin upgrade22:06
sam64hey guys I still cant get apt working22:06
sam64on feisty22:06
coreymon77no luck22:06
nosrednaekimsam64: whats wrong with it?22:07
coreymon77i tried apt-get update and it gave me this22:07
RytmenPinnenI'm updating atm and I got an error saying a debconf package migh not be working state, how serious is it?22:07
nosrednaekimRytmenPinnen: which package?22:07
RytmenPinnenit says the debconf package22:07
coreymon77h3sp4wn: www.pastebin.ca/74282122:07
RytmenPinnen"subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault), core dumped"22:07
sam64nosrednaekim: it has a broken package in it, and I want it to just ignore it22:07
coreymon77nosrednaekim: sub[t]rnl you guys can look at that too22:08
coreymon77so, any hope of fixing?22:08
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: thanks ;)22:08
sub[t]rnlI've seen the Dynamic MMAP one before22:08
tekteendoes anyone know how to install compiz-fusion?22:08
nosrednaekimsam64: can you just lock it?22:08
coreymon77sub[t]rnl: whats it mean?22:08
RytmenPinnenI tried to tpress report bug too but konqueror refuses to start22:08
sub[t]rnlyou need to set your Apt::Cache-config: to a higher value22:09
sub[t]rnland it will fix it22:09
sub[t]rnlsec, let me find out where22:09
sam64nosrednaekim: Im not worried about recovering it, I just want to install k3b so I can burn an ISO22:09
coreymon77and i do that how?22:09
The_Machinehey guys, what's the best/recommended VNC server to use to remotely access the GUI of your linux box?22:09
nosrednaekimtekteen: yup. simple... do you have an ATI card?22:09
sam64nosrednaekim: how would I lock it?22:09
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:09
coreymon77The_Machine: depends, what are you trying to access it from22:09
tekteenand configed22:09
nosrednaekimsam64: I only know how to do it from within synaptic'22:09
tekteenneed fusion22:09
waylandbilleveryone upgraded to gutsy yet?22:09
nosrednaekimtekteen: you need XGL first22:10
bacon333I did22:10
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: go into /etc/apt/ and open apt.conf22:10
nosrednaekimwaylandbill: not from the state of the mirrors22:10
sam64nosrednaekim: I dont have synaptic :\22:10
RytmenPinnenanother error "Could not install "/var/chache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.2-5ubuntu12_i386.deb"22:10
tekteenI did it on feisty before22:10
nosrednaekimsam64: umm22:10
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: then add this --> APT::Cache-Limit 4000000022:10
The_Machinecorey - why?   give me an example.22:10
RytmenPinnenhlep me please, I'm kind of worried I'll trash my system with all these errors22:10
coreymon77The_Machine: what are you trying to access it form22:10
The_Machineanother ..  computer.  I'm not sure what the quesiton is, exactly.22:10
coreymon77The_Machine: OS?22:10
tekteenhow do u install xgl22:10
The_MachineI mean, Computer A does a VNC session to computer B running VNC Server22:11
The_Machineboth windows and linux22:11
nosrednaekimtekteen: "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl"22:11
RytmenPinnenanother error "Could not install "/var/chache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.2-5ubuntu12_i386.deb"22:11
[Relic]anyway to use cp to copy a drive with all the .<subdirs> copying properly?22:11
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: after you've added that to the apt.conf, run sudo apt-get update22:11
nosrednaekimRytmenPinnen: just wait for it to finish..22:11
RytmenPinnencould not install x11 common, the errors just keep comin, and as far as I know x11 is pretty important22:12
The_Machinecoreymon77, okay, yeah - linux and windows machines will both be accessing it via VNC22:12
nosrednaekim[Relic]: -R?22:12
h3sp4wncoreymon77: You can remove the lists22:12
waylandbill[Relic]: you can use dd to copy a drive.22:12
tekteenit is installed22:12
[Relic]nosrednaekim, -R didn't seem to work since none were there22:12
coreymon77then look at the bot answer22:12
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:12
nosrednaekimtekteen: "sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager"22:12
h3sp4wncoreymon77: /var/lib/apt/lists22:12
h3sp4wncoreymon77: then do and aptitude update or whatever22:12
sam64nosrednaekim: if I just remove the broken package from the list, will that fix my problem?22:12
nosrednaekimsam64: what list?22:13
tekteenisnt that compiz not fusion22:13
coreymon77sub[t]rnl: umm i cant seem to find apt.conf22:13
sam64nosrednaekim: the package list22:13
h3sp4wncoreymon77: dpkg --clear-avail (won't hurt either)22:13
nosrednaekimtekteen: its compiz-fusion don't worry22:13
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: create it22:13
The_Machinealso, what do i need to be able to burn mp3 files to CD using k3b? :)22:13
nosrednaekimsam64: probably not... did you try forcing a removal?22:13
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: as audioor as data?22:13
sub[t]rnlh3sp4wn: NickPresta had this issue the other night on one of his boxes, this seemed to fix his22:13
RytmenPinnennow the upgrade seems to be stuck at 3% what do I do?22:13
sub[t]rnlh3sp4wn: hopefully it works for corymon too22:14
sam64nosrednaekim: yeah - it said I should re-install it, then uninstall22:14
RytmenPinnenthe terminal window is empty22:14
coreymon77okay, give me a sec, im gonna open irc on my kubuntu box, i have it open on my mac at the moment22:14
bacon333I can't find any login window controls in the kcontrol thing22:14
hasseanyone heard of a problem with ace archives if it's more than 40 files ?22:14
h3sp4wnsub[t]rnl: If it was working perfectly for him and the reason it happened was power failure don't see how that is possible22:14
The_Machinelibk3b2-mp3 maybe?22:15
coreymonokay then22:15
RytmenPinnenis it possible to cancel the update half way through if its stuck? will my system be trashed when I reboot?22:15
tekteennosrednaekim: now what should I do?22:15
coreymoncan you tell me again what the thing im supposed to add to the apt.conf file i just created was22:15
sub[t]rnlcoreymon77: then add this --> APT::Cache-Limit 4000000022:15
sam64nosrednaekim: actually no.. that was before I tried to force it. after I tried it said this..22:15
sub[t]rnlh3sp4wn: NickPresta had this come up after he stopped an ugrade22:16
nosrednaekimsam64: looking into it22:16
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: yup22:16
sam64nosrednaekim: E: Option -force: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>.22:16
[Relic]if I use conquer will it copy everything?  backing my directory before I make a new install  :)22:16
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[Relic]konquer  :)22:16
tekteennosrednaekim: no what (comp-fusion)22:16
tekteennow what22:16
nosrednaekimtekteen: install emerald22:16
RytmenPinnenis it possible to cancel the update half way through if its stuck? will my system be trashed when I reboot?22:16
coreymonE: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf:1: Extra junk at end of file22:16
lucahi veryone22:16
coreymoni got that22:17
lucacan someone help me please restore alsa?22:17
nosrednaekim[Relic]: say "show hidden files" before you copy22:17
coreymonwhen trying sudo apt-get update22:17
sub[t]rnlcoreymon: what exactly did you add to the file22:17
nosrednaekimbye everyone!22:17
coreymoni created /etc/apt/apt.conf and then put that one line in it22:17
h3sp4wnThat is a fudge changing something that did work fine22:18
sub[t]rnlAPT::Cache-Limit 40000000;22:18
sub[t]rnltry that22:18
RytmenPinnenis it possible to cancel the update half way through if its stuck? will my system be trashed when I reboot?22:18
bacon333It seems that amarok doesn't install the mp3 support properly. Arg.22:18
sub[t]rnlthen sudo apt-get update22:18
sam64what context should I use '-force' in? I tried 'apt-get -force remove', but it didnt work22:19
nmjohnsotry apt-get --force remove22:19
The_Machinecoreymon, any suggestion for which VNC server i use?22:19
rand_acsquick question, does anyone know if compiz will still be usable with KDE 4, or does KWin take over all of the candy now?22:19
nmjohnsoif you are using the full name of a switch a lot of times you need to add the second dash22:19
sub[t]rnlRytmenPinnen: it won't trash it if it isn't installing packages.  If it is fetching you will be ok22:20
RytmenPinnenits 3% installing packages22:20
sam64nmjohnso: "--force is not understood"22:20
RytmenPinnenthere, were a bunch of errors earlier22:20
nmjohnsowell now THAT is interesting22:20
nmjohnsotry -f instead of force?22:20
bacon333still doesn't work22:20
nmjohnsoand what are you removing?22:21
bacon333amarok keeps on asking me to install mp3 support, even though I installed it..22:21
coreymoni personally use freenx, but thats techinically not vnc22:21
sub[t]rnl-f is to fix broken packages with apt22:21
nmjohnsoah yes thats right i'm sorry22:21
coreymonsub[t]rnl: okay, apt-get update is running22:21
sub[t]rnlcoreymon: woot22:21
RytmenPinnenis there a chanse I can restart the update then ?22:22
coreymonno errors!22:22
sam64Im trying to remove some broken openoffice stuff22:22
RytmenPinnenI'm getting 1000 of errors :(22:22
nmjohnsosam: have you tried apt-get -f install?22:22
bacon333Amarok can't play mp3's properly :(22:22
moofoohello, if do-release-upgrade stopped due to some  broken 3rd party packages i removed now, is it safe to run "aptitude dist-upgrade" to continue the update or should i run do-release-upgrade again or do something completely different?22:22
coreymonand adept worked!22:22
coreymonthanks alot22:22
h3sp4wnmoofoo: have a look in interactive aptitude at what the problems are fix manually22:23
newsense07anyone know if wine will run ie ?22:23
sam64nmjohnso: that seems to be working22:23
coreymonsub[t]rnl: are the main repos still slow? or is it better now22:23
moofooh3sp4wn: the problems are should be fixed and aptitude dist-upgrade does not complain but i wonder if do-release-upgrade does some additional magic22:23
nmjohnsook the -f comman should fix all the broken installs on the system....should being key word22:24
sam64nmjohnso: part of my problem is that I have an un-fixable package somehow22:24
moofooso is it ok to continue the feisty->gutsy upgrade with the "dist-upgrade" ?!22:24
root_i need help!22:25
nmjohnsois there any way to make tar split an archive so that it only gets large enough to put on one dvd22:25
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sub[t]rnlcoreymon: they are still pretty bogged down22:25
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coreymonsub[t]rnl: what do you suggest i use then?22:25
sub[t]rnlcoreymon: I have a 9mb/s connection though, so nothing really hangs for me22:25
bbeck_I just upgraded to Gutsy, and I was wondering if anyone else noticed that there are no icons on the tool bar in OpenOffice?22:25
sub[t]rnlcoreyman: you could download an alternate cd, burn it, and upgrade that way22:25
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rand_acsI have another weird issue, I can't drag windows from one desktop to another anymore, on compiz that is22:26
coreymonsub[t]rnl: what about a different mirror22:26
sub[t]rnlcoreymon: sure, give it a shot.  the adept upgrade is pretty seemless, and I would use that if it was available22:27
coreymonsub[t]rnl: any suggestions as to what mirror?22:27
phnomAnyone got any tips on putting a working wastebin on the desktop instead of as an applet in kicker?22:28
atlfalcons866will kde4 be in hardy22:28
bacon333I would assume so...22:28
atlfalcons866will it make it in to gusty22:28
coreymonatlfalcons866: kde4 will be available way before hardy if kde4 is released when its supposed to22:28
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rand_acsah got it, "Rotate Cube -> Edge Flip Move", damn this thing has many options :p22:28
bacon333I get this: "Amarok cannot play mp3 files" when I try to play mp3 files in Amarok22:29
moofoomh ok so any information on what do-release-upgrade does after the initial checks and modifying the sources?22:29
bacon333I then click the "install MP3 support" button22:29
coreymonatlfalcons866: it will be available as a gutsy package when it comes out22:29
bacon333and it installs it, but once I restart amarok, it still can't play it22:29
mw46Hi, I'm ubgraded from Feisty to Gutsy (Kubuntu). Now I ran adept_updater, it did two updates for gutsy but in the end the sceen reads 'A new distribution version is available! Click next if you want to upgrade now.22:30
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mw46Any ideas?22:30
sam64nmjohnso: it wasnt able to repair openoffice, but I do have k3b now, which is what I wanted22:30
h3sp4wnmw46: do you want hardy heron (or whatever its called)22:30
mw46no, not yet;-)22:30
RytmenPinnenmw46, I've heard the upgrade button is there even if you've upgraded allready22:31
coreymonmw46: its just a little bug, dont worry about it22:31
RytmenPinnenif you succesfully ran the update once you most likely have updated it too22:31
mw46OK;-) I'll ignore it for now.22:32
RytmenPinnenhmm, is it safer to dl an iso and update with that? cause the update has frezed at 3%22:32
charimsKubuntu rocks.22:32
_michaelhello I was wondering if I were to upgrade to Gutsy through adept would my highly customized settings for all my programs get overwritten?22:32
atlfalcons866is it possible to use kde4 now?22:32
coreymonRytmenPinnen: are you using the main repos?22:32
coreymonatlfalcons866: if you want a beta yes22:32
lontraatlfalcons866: not really ... if you're a tester or a contributer22:32
coreymonatlfalcons866: is not scheduled for release till december22:33
RytmenPinnenI've downloaded everything and it has installed 3 %22:33
atlfalcons866_michael: probably not22:33
flaketried to boot my media center amd64 x2 with ubuntu7.10 desktop-amd64.iso, but it stays on a black screen - should i try to boot with safe graphics instead, or is there another problem?22:33
coreymonRytmenPinnen: then its not frozen, the main repos are just quite bogged down22:33
RytmenPinnenbut I'm not downloading22:33
coreymonRytmenPinnen: try using a different mirror22:33
lontra_michael: you're settings shouldn't get copied over .22:33
coreymonRytmenPinnen: what are you doing then?22:33
RytmenPinnenI've dled everything, and 3% installed and now I'm stuck22:34
waylandbilldoes the kde4 packages give a full kde4 desktop or does it just allow you to run kde4 programs22:34
atlfalcons866does gusty kubuntu have same features as ubuntu like automatic printer setup?22:34
coreymonfor how long22:34
RytmenPinnenyup, nothing happens22:34
RytmenPinnenthe terminal is blank22:34
RytmenPinnenabout 10 minutes now22:34
coreymonatlfalcons866: kubuntu=ubuntu except for the DE22:34
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mw46RytmenPinnen: is there a window open waiting for your input?22:34
RytmenPinnenI'm somewhat worried that I wont be booting If I cancel and restart22:34
_michaelatlfalcons866: OK, but I have removed some of the default software I didn't need (therefore the kubuntu-desktop meta package isn't installed) would that package get installed with all the extra stuff I've removed (ie would I get say kooka and digikam back and have to remove them again)?22:35
RytmenPinnenI cant even hide the terminal22:35
mw46can you look at the console and see what's the last there?22:35
nicolai_RytmenPinnen: I've tried it being stuck for more than twenty on Feisty. If you can afford being patient you should give it some more time22:35
RytmenPinnennothing, its blank22:35
atlfalcons866_michael: your settings are saved in your /home folder22:35
nicolai_RytmenPinnen: ahh, nevermind22:35
michaeldoes any one know how to configure a pcmcia network card wireless g notebook adapter bye linksys22:35
atlfalcons866_michael: if you remove a program the settings are still there22:36
RytmenPinnenthere was some errors, concerning x11 too22:36
coreymonmichael: depends, what card are we talking here22:36
chemisusi just installed 7.10, and i can not stand this dolphin browser. could someone please tell me how to make konqueror the default again?22:36
atlfalcons866chemisus: right click on a folder then change it to konquer22:36
chemisusi have checked system settings for default applications, could not find anything there22:36
_michaelatlfalcons866: I know but would I be forced to remove all the packages from kubuntu-desktop all over again?22:37
chemisusatlfalcons866, im pretty sure i tried that. tried opening a folder with konqueror and setting it to always open with22:37
newsense07anyone have any problems with the wine configurator in gutsy yet?22:37
atlfalcons866_michael: i upgraded from kubuntu fiesty and still have i my programs22:37
mw46RytmenPinnen: there is also a log file written in /var/log/dist-upgrade/... maybe that gives a hint.22:37
coreymonmichael: huh? 7.10 uses dolphin?22:38
RytmenPinnenk, I'll take a look at that22:38
coreymonmichael: i thought that was not until kde422:38
nicolai_coreymon: they've made a port of it22:38
coreymonmichael: whoops! sorry didnt mean to highlight22:38
coreymonnicolai_: why? isnt it not done yet?22:38
_michaelatlfalcons866: Ok thank you22:38
michaelit has an fcc id of pkw wpc54g-2 on it22:38
chemisusatlfalcons866, yea, just tried it again. any subfolder that i click on in konqueror, it opens it in a new window of dolphin, and if i close it and open the folder again, it opens it in dolphin22:38
atlfalcons866chemisus: try removing dolphin22:39
chemisusatlfalcons866, that was my next guess, but i wasnt sure if that would break file browsing or not22:39
michaelI am running kubuntu 7.1 yes22:39
wesleyguys what do you thing of kubuntu 7.10 and the many problems it seems to have22:39
coreymonnicolai_: isnt dolphin not finished yet?22:39
moofoowhy kubuntu uses actually dolphin not d3lphin? i thought dolphin kde3 dev stopped and d3lphin is the kde3 fork under development?22:39
nicolai_coreymon: In my experience on Gutsy, dolphin is still unstable, but otherwise dolphin should be a fairly simple program I think, so stability wasn't hard to achieve.22:40
atlfalcons866chemisus: it shouldnt break it22:40
chemisusatlfalcons866, works fine now22:40
chemisusatlfalcons866, thanks =)22:40
RytmenPinnenmw46, http://pastebin.ca/742853 there's some of it22:40
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coreymonwesley: it was just released, of course its gonna have a few problems22:40
RytmenPinnenfrom the main log22:40
coreymonwesley: give it some time22:40
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atlfalcons866dolphins the default file manager in kde 422:40
coreymoni know22:40
coreymonbut by then it will be finished22:40
coreymonand stable22:40
chemisusdolphin just doesnt seem like it has many options22:40
chemisusi couldnt even find a way to sort by file type in dolphin =/22:41
coreymonchemisus: thats the point22:41
coreymonchemisus: its not as bloated22:41
lontrachemisus: just use konqueror22:41
chemisuslontra, i am22:41
RytmenPinnenmw46, first error is in line 8122:41
lontracoreymon: customizability doesn't equal bloat22:41
lontrachemisus: but i agree with you ... i prefer konqueror over dolphin too22:41
chemisusi used ubuntu for almost a year, and i switched to kubuntu just because of konqueror as a file browser22:41
XenThraLspeaking of both22:41
XenThraLhow do you set custom actions in dolphin?22:42
XenThraLit doesn't seem to read the ones I set for konqueror22:42
lontrachemisus: that's one of my main reason for kde is konqueror22:42
coreymonlontra: i know, but konq is slightly bloated, and dolphin is probably not finished development yet22:42
atlfalcons866you can use konqueor as a file manager in gnome22:42
michaelwhat about my pcmcia card22:42
RytmenPinnenseems to be one at line 35 too22:42
lontrachemisus: er ... that's what i mean ... i mean that's one of my main reasons i use kde22:42
coreymonlontra: it will be better when kde4 comes22:42
wesleyDolphin i can work with it its nice but Konqueror is better but not in look22:42
lontraatlfalcons866: sure but it's not as integrated or as fast ...22:42
root_i have big problems on kubuntu :( is someone available for help pleaseee?22:42
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Angelusi have big problems on kubuntu :( is someone available for help pleaseee?22:43
coreymonmichael: i already asked, what card22:43
atlfalcons866i cant stand nautilus22:43
chemisusi cant stand dolphin22:43
chemisusatm anyways22:43
lontracoreymon: imo ... konqueror is far from bloated.  it has a lot of features, yes ... and it may not be the most user friendly but it has way less bloat than firefox, epiphany, and so on22:43
coreymon!ask | Angelus22:43
ubotuAngelus: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:43
chemisuswhy release a product like that when its not even close to being finished?22:43
gorlak_i like dolphin , its simple, and quick actually.22:43
XenThraLdolphin's not bad22:43
ck42trying to use the alternate CD to upgrade.  It's not coming up automagically and if I try to run the cdupgrade executable, it's bitching that permission is denied...even though I'm running it as root....what's going on here?22:43
chemisusive not had any speed issues with konqueror22:43
michaelcoreymon: I answerred it is a wpcs54g-222:44
gorlak_i would rather have the other programs open up items, not the file manager handling everything.22:44
* lontra hopes kde 4 isn't so simple by trying to 'gnomize' it22:44
chemisusit doesnt feel bloated to me, in fact ive noticed more responsiveness with konqueror then nautilus22:44
dromeoDid anybody else have problems while Upgrading...I'm failing to fetch packages from Amarok and kOffice.  Is this a known error?22:44
coreymonlontra: konq does everything though, file browser, web browser, previewer for everything, text editor, picture viewer, etc22:44
mw46RytmenPinnen: what's the space situation on your box?22:44
coreymonmichael: chipset22:44
chemisusi dont use konqueror as a web browser22:44
* moofoo uses krusader and mc for most file related tasks anyway :)22:44
lontracoreymon: exactly!  the beauty of konqi!22:44
mw46The first problem is in line 73:-(22:44
coreymonlontra: thats too much22:44
lontrai use konqueror for everything22:44
RytmenPinnenabout 18 gigs free22:44
coreymonlontra: file manager should be file manager22:44
mw46Before that there are some timeouts while downloading:-(22:44
lontrai will still use konqueror for everything in kde422:44
gorlak_konq is like the IE for linux :)22:44
gorlak_it tries to do everything.22:45
mw46even in / ??22:45
chemisusill admit, konqueror does a bit to much for me, such as all the previews, but as file browsing i prefer it22:45
lontracoreymon: i disagree ... why do i need 3 programs when one can do it all?22:45
Angelusi can't install kubuntu , it crashes, i solved that by installing a command line system first, then apt-get xorg, then installing nvidia drivers, installed kde, installed kdm, rebooted, worked fine. opened adept, tried to install kubuntu-desktop, crashed at 92%, i rebooted into safe mode , installed the rest with apt, i rebooted into normal mode, it crashes when it tried to start kdm, but if i start kdm in safe mode, it works, but at normal boot22:45
coreymongorlak_: not really, dont compare it to ie22:45
Angelusmy pc crashes.22:45
RytmenPinnenyes, I have only one partition22:45
chemisusmost likely 3 different programs will do their tasks better then the one that does all 322:45
lontrafirst thing i do in a kubuntu install is wipe away the customizations kubuntu has made to simplify the profile22:45
TimSA process called beagled-helper is using a huge ammount of my CPU, what is it?22:45
TimSIs it beagle? because I dont need that running really, is it safe to kill it?22:46
dromeo Did anybody else have problems while Upgrading...I'm failing to fetch packages from Amarok and kOffice. and upgrading ends.22:46
michaelmichael: correction woc54g22:46
coreymonmichael: what chipset?22:46
RytmenPinnenmw46, you think I can still cancel the update, and try again, or, Dl an iso and burn?22:46
skyionwill someone take a look at my compiz, in pastebin compiz output & xorg.conf22:46
gorlak_i know it doesnt have the same amount of problems, but konq does seem like its trying to do everything, and every file22:46
michaelcoreymon: wpc54g22:46
coreymonmichael: chipset, not card22:46
coreymonmichael: ralink, broadcom22:46
mw46RytmenPinnen: I don't think your upgrade will go much any more:-( At least not in that round:-(22:47
michaelcoreymon: i do not know22:47
coreymonmichael: give me a sec22:47
Angelussomebody knows an answer for my problem pleasee? im desperate :(22:47
mw46You could try to run it again and see if that helps.22:47
tekstacy'lo all22:47
RytmenPinnenk, but I suppose I'm screwed if I reboot since it allready has started installing22:47
coreymon!patience | Angelus22:47
ubotuAngelus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:47
mw46all the *.deb's are still in /var.22:48
chemisusdromeo, check your /etc/apt/sources.list. i noticed that some of the lines in mine got commented out during the install22:48
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tekstacywhat's the easiest way to rip a camcorder dvd to a .avi?22:48
lontrayou guys sound like you want to gnomify kde ... it's a shame22:48
vltHello. Where is the "Version upgrade button" mentioned on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading (in Adept)?22:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:48
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:48
wesleyby me in 7.10 kopete crashes but theres a patch for and kdetv crashes and compiz lets restart kubuntu22:48
dromeochemisus:  hmm, ok, i'll give that a try, thanks22:48
Angeluscoreymon:  sorry man, but really want kubuntu and im desperate22:48
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Angelus* i really22:48
huXfluXhow to enable desktop effects?22:48
coreymonAngelus: well then be patient, when someone can help you, they will22:48
sub[t]rnlhuXfluX: through compiz-fusion?22:49
Angelusi will coreymon then22:49
huXfluXbash: compiz-fusion: command not found22:49
atlfalcons866can compiz run in kubuntu22:49
sub[t]rnlhuXfluX: sudo apt-get install compiz-kde && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager22:49
weedarI seem to be unable to upgrade to gutsy via adept, is this a common problem?22:50
coreymonmichael: type lspmcia22:50
wesleyi got the feeling the fast update to 3.5.8 was not good its since then it does work good22:50
lontrahuXfluX: or ... sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager22:50
sub[t]rnlweedar: negative, whats the error?22:50
coreymonmichael: put the output on pastebin22:50
huXfluXsub[t]rnl and? reboot or smth?22:50
weedarsub[t]rnl: There's no option to Enable the "Recommended updates" and "Pre release updates" repository22:50
michaelcoreymon: say command not found22:51
sub[t]rnlhuXfluX: newp, ccsm will create a link in your start -> settings to configure your desktop22:51
coreymonmichael: lspci22:51
FiretechAfter upgrading to gutsy, a lot my system seems to have gone back to ISO-8859-1(5) encoding, which screws up a lot of  the console action, what should I do to fix it? I can't write special characters (like åäö) in either konsole nor any TTY :S22:51
lee986321genii, I have to place the PS2 hdd back into the  PS222:51
sub[t]rnlthen alt + f2 and run compiz, or create a sym link in the ~/.kde/Autostart directory22:51
huXfluXcool, thanks22:52
lee986321and I wound up loading th wrong disk any ways22:52
wesleyi i start adept its says now in 7.04 only read process is runnig but i not openend it but afyter the update to 3.5.8 its sais some packin did not install22:52
* sub[t]rnl blinks22:53
coreymonmichael: try typing lspci and put the output on pastebin22:53
sub[t]rnlsomeone decode that for me22:53
lee986321i ws trying to figure ot why the thing went into upgrade mode then it said22:53
michaelcoreymon: wha tis pastebin22:53
nicolai_wesley: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:53
lars_Boy am I dumb. Noob mucking with apt-build and filled my hard drive. HELP!22:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:53
nicolai_wesley: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:53
ck42I'm having a problem with a lock that won't let the upgrade proceed....where are the lock files located?22:53
lee986321thats a lot of of downloading22:53
nicolai_wesley: That should do it22:53
sub[t]rnlsee nicolai_22:53
nicolai_ck42: see my earlier posts22:54
lars_What can I delete when apt-build has filled my hard drive?22:54
lee986321any how genii i seen where I went wrong at22:54
moofooon another machine i also have trouble to upgrade (asked yesterday without solution): ERROR pre-requists item 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/release-upgrader-dpkg/release-upgrader-dpkg_1.14.5ubuntu11.2_i386.udeb' is NOT trusted22:54
lee986321I saaaved the link22:54
moofooany ideas how to fix this?22:54
vltHow can I initialise an upgrade to 7.10? I tried opening Adept but it doesn't offer it ...22:54
coreymonmichael: go to that site, paste the output there, press submit, and then paste the url it gives you in the channel22:54
wesleywhat should i do upgrade to 7.10? or stay at 7.04 ? the only thing that better is that in 7.10 is kdenlive in adept thats all22:54
sub[t]rnlvlt: have you followed the steps on the ubuntu website?22:55
Cugelwesley: well you get a newer kernel.22:55
CugelAnd new bugs.22:55
wesleyyes and those bugs drive me crazy22:55
coreymonCugel: which will prob be sorted out pretty soon22:55
nadinetetinei have a problem updating to 7.10 anyone can help me22:55
vltsub[t]rnl: Yes, activating "Reccommended upd", close and reopen Adept ....22:55
coreymonCugel: once the frenzy dies down a bit22:56
nadinetetinei tried the forum can't find22:56
lee986321I hope the server don't freez up on this install with the updates..should have unplugged the modem22:56
chemisusdromeo, did that solve it?22:56
sub[t]rnlvlt: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from a cli22:56
CugelWell it works fine for me. Except the fact that the monitor&display settings do not work.22:56
coreymonsub[t]rnl: no need, he prob didnt update through adept yet22:56
vltsub[t]rnl: Is there a problem with Adept?22:56
dromeochemisus; we'll see... it's doing it things22:56
sub[t]rnlif he said he followed the steps, then he might already be running the most current22:57
coreymonsub[t]rnl: have you updated the repos through adept yet22:57
wesleyin 7.04 is the bug in kopete not22:57
nadinetetinewhy do i always have the error, canonical doesnt provide support for...22:57
coreymonnadinetetine: its not an error22:57
sub[t]rnlcoreymon: yup22:57
nadinetetineim noob dude help me22:57
nadinetetinei tried the repositorie thing22:58
coreymonvlt: i meant you22:58
charims_i need some help setting up internet connection sharing in kubuntu22:58
vltcoreymon: ?22:58
coreymonvlt: have you updated the repos through adept yet22:58
charims_ive tried a few different approaches, but with no luck22:58
wesley7.10 is not that a big change i think only the art and dolphin and debi22:58
nadinetetinecoreymon: what do i have to do then22:58
coreymonnadinetetine: its not an error, its just a notice, telling you that you no longer can get support from cannonical for the packages22:58
coreymonnadinetetine: that usually means that they are outdated22:58
coreymonnadinetetine: its not an error22:59
coreymonnadinetetine: just continue with the upgrade22:59
vltcoreymon: Yes, I think I did.22:59
coreymonvlt: try it again22:59
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wesleyi think i feel little disappointment in the 7.10 version i expecte a good version22:59
nadinetetinecoreymon: cause i tried yesterday and it kept telling that no update were installed or something, but it looks like it works now...23:00
lee986321well atleast he wasn't in kubuntu and did what i did lol23:00
ck42I'm having a problem with a lock that won't let the upgrade proceed (using alternate CD)....where are the lock files located?23:00
* Angelus is dying23:00
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purpleposeidonmy grub died23:00
wesleybut what do you guys say stay at 7.04 or upgrading? i think its sad that theres no beryl in 7.1023:01
sub[t]rnlberyl is a dated relic23:01
vltcoreymon: I open Adept ... check that "reccommended updates" is selected ... press "fetch Updates" ... nothing23:01
lee986321oh try oem mode23:01
Silentjohnwhens hardy being released23:01
sub[t]rnlcompiz-fusion is the merge of bery and compiz, wesley23:01
lee986321ck42 try the oem mode23:01
fairmanPlease, i have problem with Compiz. I installed it according to wiki manual, but when i write in Konsole compiz --replace it will return this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41233/. What is the problem?23:01
lee986321then have it set up then tell it to prepare pc for shipping23:02
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:02
wesleysub[t]rnl: i know but beryl was easy to use23:02
noam_er. when is the fix for kopete going to be included in the repositories?23:02
sub[t]rnlcompiz is too!23:02
coreymonvlt: try pressing full upgrade23:03
lee986321why does this thing scan the miror?23:03
sub[t]rnlnoam_: when the repo's unthaw23:03
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noam_sub[t]rnl, what do you mean?23:03
lido76-11eej mensen !!23:03
lido76-11iemand zin om te kletsen23:04
wesleyyou can download the deb already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/153500 thats patch the problem with kopete in 7.1023:04
wesleyLido ik ben nederlands23:04
sub[t]rnlnoam_: the kdelibs bug that crashes kopete and msn will be added to the repo's when they un freeze them23:04
lido76-11heej gezellig! alles goe?23:04
noam_and then what happens when the repositories update? will they override this patch?23:04
wesleyja maar dit is een engels kanaal hoor kom prive ofzo?23:05
vltcoreymon: "full upgrade" is disabled23:05
noam_sub[t]rnl, i see, when will that be (approximately)?23:05
lido76-11is goe!23:05
sub[t]rnlnoam_: in.. 32 seconds23:05
noam_:/ thanks anyway23:05
dromeochemisus: looks like it's working now.  i just commented out amarok and koffice.  thanks for your help23:05
noam_there are no downsides for installing the fix, right?23:05
sub[t]rnlnoam_: you should be able to update your kdelibs4.. now23:05
flakei have a hp amd64x2 5000+ media center XP, trying to boot with 7.10 64-bit, going to black screen23:05
lee986321eh    is xp media center 32 or 64?23:06
wesleywill they put a new iso on there servers thats no good that bug from kopete its scares new users23:06
chemisusdromeo, np23:06
[Relic]only 17000 more files to copy  :)   dpkg -l >> listofinstalled     correct for dumping everything to one text file?23:06
lee986321has 32 bit media center23:06
nadinetetinecoreymon: now it looks like it's stuck at installing the upgrades o% for abou 2mins23:07
lido76-11heej wesley het lukt nog niet om prive met je te praten, enig idee waarom?23:07
wesleyja omdat het niet kan vanwege spam problemen23:07
flakexp media center is 32-bit on harddrive23:07
flakeamd64 means 64-bit pc, right?23:07
lido76-11not funny23:07
LjL!nl | wesley23:07
lee986321ooo ouchy23:07
purpleposeidonI get Error 15 when loading grub23:07
oscar-aji need the kubuntu irc channe in spanish23:07
coreymonnadinetetine: give it time23:07
flakeumm errrrr right?  that's what i bought it for23:07
sub[t]rnl!es | oscar-aj23:07
lee986321guys could that pose an issue23:08
wesleyyes i am nl ljl23:08
ubotuwesley: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl23:08
ubotuoscar-aj: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:08
vltAny idea how to enable "full upgrade" button in Adept?23:08
nadinetetinecoreymon: k thanks23:08
coreymonvlt: its not enabled?23:08
lido76-11any idea how to chat personaly with people?23:08
vltcoreymon: It's gray and not clickable.23:08
wesleyyes upgrade and then fetch updates23:08
coreymonvlt: okay then23:08
LjLlido76-11: /msg nickname message23:08
coreymoni really dont know23:08
nadinetetinelidoLdouble click on the nick23:08
purpleposeidonlido76-11: You can only /msg if you're identified23:08
wesleyno you cant in this channel nee to register23:09
flakelido76-11 - i just grunt and make funny noises23:09
Angeluscoreymon i don't think anyone read my prob23:09
coreymonAngelus: ask again23:09
noam_well, the fix worked :o23:09
B-Minusis the version upgrade bug already solved ?23:10
RytmenPinnenwell this is truly interesting, I think I'm updating to gutsy like a normal update with adept23:10
flakeamd64 / winxp32 bit media center pc is running on 64-bit hardware, right?23:10
vltHello all. How can I enable "full upgrade" button in Adept?23:10
coreymonvlt: if its not enabled, that means there is nothing to update23:10
wesleywhen will be kde4 default?23:10
noam_probably after it's not in beta stage anymore23:11
* xevious is getting really frustrated with compiz not remembering where his windows were23:11
sub[t]rnlmaybe it does and your forgetting!23:11
fairmanvlt: you have to do "update" and wait, if there will be opinion do this23:11
RytmenPinnendoes anyone know if what I'm doing is possible23:11
xevioussub[t]rnl: har har23:11
fairmanvlt: fetch upgrades23:12
RytmenPinnen[01:10] <RytmenPinnen> well this is truly interesting, I think I'm updating to gutsy like a normal update with adept23:12
xevioussub[t]rnl: i have it set to remember window positions23:12
sub[t]rnlRytmenPinnen: yes, its the recommended way to upgrade23:12
wesleyi dont get compiz fusion beryl was so easying and now they removed ir from the packing does any one know how to install beryl23:12
sub[t]rnlxevious: with the smart positioning?23:12
xevioussub[t]rnl: yeah23:12
RytmenPinnenmy update crashed after 3% installed and now I'm updating with adept as regular system update23:12
vltfairman: I already did this.23:12
h3sp4wnusing adept to upgrade between distro's I would call suicide23:12
fairmanvlt: and do you have Gutsy, od Feisty?23:13
RytmenPinnenwell see what happens :D23:13
vltfairman: still Feisty23:13
noam_h3sp4wn, heh, it really can be very buggy23:13
vlth3sp4wn: What would you prefer?23:13
noam_and dist-upgrade.py took 800mb in *physical* RAM (1400mb in virtual memory) while in the cleaning up stage23:13
xevioush3sp4wn: worked fine for me23:14
RytmenPinnenI'm gonna burn a gutsy iso.............. hmm, now something is happening23:14
wesleyi think i stick at feisty i can install kdenlive by just adding the packings23:14
purpleposeidonHow do I regenerate grub menus?23:14
h3sp4wn!works for me23:14
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.23:14
fairmanvlt: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php - check this, paragraph about Upgrading from feisty23:14
sub[t]rnlnoam_: you sure it wasn't just buffering the ram?23:14
sub[t]rnlfree -m can be deceiving23:14
noam_my computer actually got slower. i have 1GB RAM. i closed firefox and amarok etc and followed it cautiously in ksysguard23:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:15
sub[t]rnlksysguard, :P23:15
sub[t]rnluse htop23:15
noam_because half an hour earlier someone asked in the channel what to do because dist-upgrade died in the cleaning stage (X Didn't have enough RAM) and he had been left with an unfinished installation23:15
h3sp4wnDid anyone bother to build a gutsy kernel with cfs yet ?23:16
lontrawesley: kde4 will probably be default in 8.1023:16
h3sp4wn(or -ck patches)23:16
lontrawesley: that would be my guess23:16
JohnFluxlontra: unlikely23:16
lontraat the earliest23:16
sub[t]rnlnoam_: interesting23:16
JohnFluxlontra: 8.10 is a long term release23:16
JohnFluxlontra: it will have to be the version after23:16
lontraJohnFlux: no it's not ... 8.04 is23:16
mannuelhow i go to tty? ctrl+alt+F1 didn't work23:16
JohnFluxlontra: opps, yeah23:16
noam_kde4 will probably be a bunch of bugs connected by features for at least half a year after it's out of beta stage23:16
coreymonkde4 will be available for gutsy as a seperate package23:17
coreymonnoam_: pescimist alert!23:17
lontrait's always curious why so many people ask about kde4 ... i wonder what's wrong with kde 3?  it's pretty kick arse imo23:17
noam_oi, i'm just being reasonable. should i remind you that kopete got broken in 3.5.8?23:17
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sub[t]rnlsome people like the bleeding edge.  And its when those same people complain about bugs that kinda irks me..23:17
frank_I'm upgrading to gutsy right now using adept. Hope it goes well. downloading at over 600 kB/s :)23:18
wesleyNo kopete got not broken in 7.04 when upgrading to 3.5823:18
lontrasub[t]rnl: i agree ... if they want to run kde4 and have nothing work ... have fun ;)23:18
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noam_wesley, try logging in to MSN messenger23:18
tekstacywhat's the easiest way to copy a camcorder dvd to an avi?23:18
vltcoreymon, fairman: 'and "Pre release updates" repository'!23:19
vltThat's missing on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:19
coreymonvlt: ???23:19
wesleyif loged in at msn23:20
oritemishi, I am installing kubuntu and I am stacked into 82% "reading the mirror", someone knows what to do?23:20
coreymonvlt: why ubuntu, why arent your doing this from the kubuntu website23:20
sub[t]rnltekstacy: k9copy, or k3b rip it, then use ffmpeg to convert it23:20
sub[t]rnlor tovid23:20
tekstacysub[t]rnl, thanks23:20
sub[t]rnloritemis: servers are hammered23:21
wesleyi hope 8.04 will be better and with kde4 or at least let the user choose23:21
catemuServers are hammered23:21
sub[t]rnlthe drunks!23:21
weedarI think the reason my adept won't do a dist-upgrade is because I don't have the necessary repos23:21
frank_wesley: it's true that with so many new things planned for kde4 it might take a while to stabilise. and 8.04 is a LTS release for ubuntu23:21
coreymonthats why im not using the main repos23:21
weedarCan anyone give me the "name" for "Recommended updates" and "Pre release updates"23:21
coreymonim using an alternate mirror23:21
coreymonmuch faster23:22
coreymonweedar: just add them through adept23:22
catemuI used alternate mirrors too23:22
nmjohnsowhats the command to check for direct rendering]23:22
frank_weedar: feisty-updates and feisty-proposed23:22
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imaginenmjohnso: glxinfo | grep direct ?23:22
oritemissub[t]rnl: there isn't a retry button or something like that. What can I do?23:23
wesleyYes frank_ but i think kde4 will be stable in the time 8.04 release i mean we got 7.10 the big different is the art wich you can download for 7.0423:23
sub[t]rnloritemis: wait :/23:23
coreymonoritemis: retry button23:24
sub[t]rnl<oritemis> hi, I am installing kubuntu and I am stacked into 82% "reading the mirror",23:24
sub[t]rnl           someone knows what to do?23:24
frank_wesley: let's just say that the kde people are pretty abitious for kde423:24
sven_Hi there, I just installed kubuntu 7.10 and Im having 2 problems.. 1) I want to install the restricted driver for my wifi, a 43xx driver, but when I do this in the restricted manager, a new window opens saying "specify firmware location" but that window is like frozen, I cant select anything, I can not even close that window.. When I press "Cancel" in the restricted drivers screen, I get a crash.. How can I install this restricted driver?23:25
purpleposeidonHow do I fix grub Error 15?23:25
oritemissub[t]rnl: Or even more, what should I do, if the setup routine don't find the mirror?23:25
sub[t]rnloritemis: there are other options for upgrading.  You can backup your files and install from the liveCD .iso, or use an alternate cd to upgrade23:26
flakedoes it take a long time to boot 7.10_amd64?23:26
terrestreany one using 7.1? ctrl+alt+F1 didn't work for me23:27
sub[t]rnlterrestre: black screen?23:27
noam_works here.23:27
wesleyyes i know it looks already nice kde4 but i dont wanna run it along side kde323:27
oritemissub[t]rnl: I am doing a installation from strach with live cd.23:27
weedarthanks frank23:27
sub[t]rnlterrestre: theres an issue with passing vga= in grubs menu.1st with the current gutsy kernel23:27
sub[t]rnlif its in there, take it out till the kernel team gets a fix23:28
coreymonwesley: even i wouldnt trust kde4 until its stable released23:28
terrestreoooh thanks sub[t]rnl23:28
coreymonwesley: i tend not to trust core linux related betas such as distro betas or DE betas23:29
coreymonwesley: too much room for problems23:29
sven_Im using a Dell Latitude D620 laptop with a broadcom BCM94311MCG internal wifi network card.. kubuntu gives me the restricted driver 43xx for this card but I cant install it becausre the install window hangs.. How can I fix this??23:29
wesleythe beta from kubuntu was better then the stable release23:29
Angelusi have a problem, i removed the user i created when i installed kubuntu, and added a new user, but nother is working on it, i mean , Adept , apt, things like that. any help?23:30
sub[t]rnlsven_: its pulling the driver from servers that are really bogged down23:30
sub[t]rnlsven_: find an alternate site with the driver, or compile it from source23:31
fairmanDoes anybody now how to run Compiz Fusion on Kubuntu GG?23:31
coreymonsven_: everyone is upgrading to gutsy, so the repos are a little overloaded from everyon using them right now23:31
sub[t]rnlfairman: sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager23:31
wesleyi know how to install but running it does not just did restart at me23:31
sub[t]rnlAngelus: sudo apt*23:32
frank_sub[t]rnl: fairman when I tried compiz in kubuntu I had a problem with the window decorator crashing often23:32
wesleybut i realy dont think gutsy makes that much a change23:32
Angelussub[t]rnl:  ?23:32
DerDritteIf I installed ubuntu, then aptituded kubuntu-desktop and run on KDE is it, in fact, kubuntu?23:32
Angelussudo apt-get install blablabla does nothing, it just starts a new line23:32
sub[t]rnlfrank_: I've had it flake out too23:32
coreymon77DerDritte: yes23:33
fairmansub[t]rnl: yes, i have it, but when i want run (compiz --replace) it does not start - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41233/ this output23:33
sub[t]rnlfrank_: but doing a killall compiz.real and alt +f2 compiz gets it back up23:33
h3sp4wnDerDritte: Its with both lots of packages installed though23:33
xeviousdoes kubuntu-desktop install kubuntu-default-settings23:33
sub[t]rnlfairman: try running compiz23:33
coreymon77i would expect so23:33
DerDritteh3sp4wn: that's okay, enough space...23:33
frank_sub[t]rnl: hope it gets better eventually23:33
sub[t]rnlxevious: hrm, if your --purge it will remove config files for defaults23:33
sub[t]rnlxevious: if thats what your after23:33
h3sp4wnDerDritte: apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common (and then move the rest from section gnome with aptitude23:33
xevioussub[t]rnl: i was just checking on DerDritte's behalf23:34
Angelusi have a problem, i removed the user i created when i installed kubuntu, and added a new user, but nother is working on it, i mean , Adept , apt, things like that. any help?23:34
xevioussub[t]rnl: because i'd assume that kubuntu-default-settings would also be necessary to turn ubuntu into kubuntu23:34
=== flake is now known as the
sub[t]rnlAngelus: use "sudo" before the commands23:34
frank_DerDritte: xevious, kubuntu-desktop doesn't install all the applications that come with a kubuntu install AFAIK23:34
Angelussub[t]rnl: read my problem23:34
fairman sub[t]rnl: the same output with "compiz" instead of "compiz --replace"23:34
coreymon77xevious: youre not turning anything into anything, youre just adding kde23:34
Angelusnothing works, even sudo23:34
DerDrittefrank_: That's not what I really need...23:34
xeviouscoreymon77: refer to DerDritte's post up above. i'm aware of that23:35
Solifugusis kubuntu 7.10 available yet?23:35
sub[t]rnlfiarman: ok sec, let me check your paste23:35
DerDritteh3sp4wn: what for?23:35
coreymon77Solifugus: yes, it was yesterday23:35
xeviousSolifugus: yeah23:35
xeviousi'm out.23:35
xeviouslater folks23:35
huXfluXi have no symlink in .kde/Autostart, why does compiz start automatically? :D23:35
coreymon77DerDritte: is all you want to do is add kde?23:35
h3sp4wnDerDritte: If you wish to remove the gnome stuff if you don't want it - not 100% sure what handles certain things if there is a crossover23:35
coreymon77DerDritte: and keep gnome23:36
sub[t]rnlfairman: what video card you using bro?23:36
DerDritteh3sp4wn: kk23:36
sub[t]rnlI'm guessing its blacklisted23:36
sub[t]rnltheres a way around it though.. sec23:36
DerDrittecoreymon77: Think is: I wanted to test KDE.23:36
wastedfluidAnyone know anything about a fix for volume keys on laptops.. going from 0% to 11%?23:36
sub[t]rnlfairman: what card you using?23:36
lontrawastedfluid: that's a bug ... and iirc didn't you ask about that yesterday?23:36
DerDrittecoreymon77: When I already had installed and configed ubuntu (gnome).23:36
coreymon77DerDritte: if you want to keep both kde and gnome on your computer, just add kubuntu-desktop23:36
sub[t]rnlecho SKIP_CHECKS=yes >>23:36
DerDrittecoreymon77: I did that...23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: that will do it23:37
wastedfluidlontra: yeah, I did, but I want a link to something I can possibly watch (like a bug track # or something) to look fora fix.23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: then you are fine23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: you have kubuntu23:37
lontrawastedfluid: it's upstream as it affects my laptop in debian ... so search kde bug reports23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: and ubuntu23:37
DerDrittecoreymon77: Now it seems as the adept is confused about being 7.04 or 7.1023:37
huXfluXi have no symlink in .kde/Autostart, why does compiz start automatically? :D23:37
=== the is now known as flake
fairmansub[t]rnl: hmm, how can i exactly find out? I have some intel card integrated on motherboard23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: is ubuntu 7.10 yet?23:37
DerDrittecoreymon77: jepp.23:37
sub[t]rnlhuXfluX: start-system-advanced-sessions, kde might be restoring your previous session23:37
coreymon77DerDritte: did you upgrade ubuntu yet/23:37
DerDrittecoreymon77: I'm afraid so :P23:38
Solifugusso what's on the "alternate" cd image?23:38
sub[t]rnlfairman: lspci23:38
sub[t]rnlfairman: look at the top23:38
coreymon77DerDritte: no problem23:38
coreymon77DerDritte: that should be good23:38
coreymon77DerDritte: i would expect that kubuntu-desktop now would be 7.1023:38
DerDrittecoreymon77: where can I check?23:38
frank_huXfluX: I'm not sure where that setting stays but you can run kwin --replace  to get as before23:38
DerDrittecoreymon77: clicked around a bit but didn't show anywhere...23:39
sven_coreymon77, sub[t]rnl , so thats why the "specify firmware location" is hanging? because, I have not even specified the location (on disk or remote server) or the "Ok" button yet..23:39
fairmansub[t]rnl: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)23:39
sub[t]rnlblacklisted fairman23:39
sub[t]rnlfairman: do this23:40
DerDrittecoreymon77: aptitude says it's Version 1.59, that can't be it... :|23:40
Lars_GThe Distribution upgrade has (I'm very certain) hung23:40
sub[t]rnlfairman: echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager23:40
Lars_Git's on the installing upgrades step.23:40
sub[t]rnland try it23:40
wesleyhow long is 7.04 supported?23:40
Lars_Gtrouble is, it's been "configuring smbfs" for about 10 minutes now. I'm gessing it should be expecting for my input, but the terminal area is just a gray square, no text element.23:41
Lars_GAny tips?23:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-fix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:41
Lars_Gmy_: next time point the vector, but thanks a lot.23:41
frank_wesley: 1.5 years23:41
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:41
Lars_Gyou suggest I stop the upgrader first?23:41
sub[t]rnl!apt fix23:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt fix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix-apt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:41
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
Lars_Gmy_: maybe you mean apt-get -f install?23:42
h3sp4wn!adept crash-fix23:42
sub[t]rnl!adept fix23:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept crash-fix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:42
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:42
sven_I have another (rather anoying) problem in combination with Compiz: Clicking on anywhere in a window but the titke bar will not raise the window.. There is a configuracion for that in ccms, in the general area, I checked it, but like 2 seconds later it automatically gets unchecked! Thats like microsoft windows behaviour! :) how can  I check that thing and have windows raise properly??23:42
Lars_Gthanks sub[t]rnl23:42
wesleybut you can still install programs after those 1.5 years?23:43
sub[t]rnlxevious: hey didn't you have sven_'s problem23:43
Lars_GWhat's the next phases? cleaning up? an "apt-get clean" ?23:43
DerDritteAny got the link to a how-to: compiz on kubuntu?23:43
y3ksudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop doesn't give me gnome stuff?23:43
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion23:43
fairmansub[t]rnl: wau, it works :)23:44
sub[t]rnlfairman: :)23:44
sven_sub[t]rnl, any idea what his fix was for this?23:44
sven_its... anoying..23:44
dvayanui just upgraded to gutsy and all my msttcorefonts stoped working23:45
sub[t]rnlsven_: yeah, i know it was something simple23:45
sven_sub[t]rnl, it usually is...23:45
sven_once you know it.. :)23:45
sub[t]rnlyour just wanting it to keep click on focus right?23:45
dvayanuthe updater said something about installing x-ttcidfont-conf, which is installed, but makes no difference23:46
bottigerAfter I upgraded to gutsy KDE has been running horrible. it's really really slow, and my dual-screen setup doesn't work as nice as it did before. "nvidia-settings" claims that the drivers isn't being used, but the restricted-manager says they are, and compiz runs really nice in gnome23:46
sub[t]rnldo -all- the plugins in compiz revert back if you check them in ccsm?23:46
sven_sub[t]rnl, raise window on click actually23:46
bottigerCan someone help me get my system running again :)23:46
terrestreit's compiz working on 7,1?23:46
fairmansub[t]rnl: it is not perfect, but it seems good, thanks very much23:46
sub[t]rnlbottiger: modprobe nvidia23:46
DerDrittesub[t]rnl: thx. Tried compiz.real first, didn't work out :P23:46
sub[t]rnlfairman: no problem23:46
sub[t]rnlbbiab guys23:47
dvayanuah, yes, and kdesu fails with command not found, regardless what i call23:48
DerDrittecompiz went nuts.23:48
dvayanubut works if called from shell23:48
sven_xevious, Did you have a problem with compiz that windows did not raise correctly? if so, how'd you fixit?23:50
sven_using kubuntu 710 with compiz, how can I again get the ctrl-alt-esc to work as "Kill application" ?23:50
fairman /j #ubuntu-cs23:52
Lars_GAre the 7.04 compiz instructions ubotu gave applicable to 7.10 too?23:52
Dr_willissven_,  you have to do 2 things.. enable the 'flatfile' settings in the compiz settings tool. then you can check/change the focus/autoraise settings in the general tab23:53
Dr_willissven_,  "ccsm -> perferances -> backend -> flatfile" then General Tab -> focus and raise Behaivor.23:54
frank_I've got 2 instances of dist-upgrade.py each using 30% of my 1GB of RAM. I hope it will be ok23:54
jonasphey, my apach2 stoped working after upgrading to 7.1023:55
jonaspstoped working means it does not start at all but without a single error23:55
sven_Dr_willis, hurray! that did it!23:55
sven_thanks lots!@23:55
Dr_willissven_,  thats going to be a FAQ.. :) i just know it,.23:56
Dr_williswas my directions clear? going to make a factoid for it  :)23:56
Fade2Blachow do i install the restricted drivers from a term23:57
Dr_willissudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras kubuntu-restricted-extras  xubuntu-restricted-extras23:57
Dr_willisPick what one you want. :)23:57
sven_Dr_willis, it was very clear23:57
h3sp4wnFade2Blac: Which restricted driver exactly23:57
sven_Dr_willis, but.. isnt this somehting that should be fixed?23:57
Fade2Blacthe boradcom wireless card23:57
Dr_willissven_,  well technicially comiz is NOT supported under kubuntu. thats why its not included by default.23:57
frank_I just lost the upgrader. there is a lock file still in place. what do i do to continue the upgrade?23:58
Dr_willisand i think the issue is how kde and the compiz settings are gettingsaved/set - thats what the flatfile thing fixed.23:58
sven_Dr_willis, I mean, it may not be a bug directly but... if you dont have specific knowledge about this, forget about ever finding it.. you wont find it in a faq either because you would not think of looking this up in a faq... at least, that would go for me..23:58
h3sp4wnFade2Blac: I doubt that can use the restricted manager as the firmware is taken from the wl.o blob for wireless routers23:58
wesleysystemsettings crashes in kubuntu 7.10 i got upgraded to kde 3.5.823:58
h3sp4wnFade2Blac: And completely illegal to distribute23:58
h3sp4wnFade2Blac: use fwcutter23:58
Dr_willissven_,  compiz has a lot of 'layers of issues' that all need to get worked out.23:58
h3sp4wn!info fwcutter gutsy23:58
ubotuPackage fwcutter does not exist in gutsy23:58
frank_!fix apt23:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix apt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:59
Dr_willisif flatfile is not enaled.. you cant check those checkbox's. You cant have sepetate compiz settings for gnome and kde at this time (that i know of) and so on.23:59
frank_!fix adept23:59
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:59
Fade2Blacok i just installed kubuntu and i cant even load it beauce i get that error message23:59
sven_Dr_willis, technically may be but.. compiz, at the moment, is like the holy bible to convert ppl to use linux.. in the past 6 months, I alone got almost 15 ppl to use (k)ubuntu because of it..23:59
Dr_williscompiz is still very very much a work in progress.23:59
kotelowho is going to fix the snapshot number six?23:59
h3sp4wn!info bcm43xx-fwcutter23:59
ubotubcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-3 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 116 kB23:59
h3sp4wn!info bcm43xx-b5323:59
ubotuPackage bcm43xx-b53 does not exist in gutsy23:59
Dr_willisi wonder if the java app/compiz issues have been fixed23:59

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