
pipegeeko.O  compiz, as configured in gutsy, breaks alt-shift-tab.  Worth a bug report?00:36
bmk789can someone tell me the best way to start getting into ubuntu development?01:04
mjg59bmk789: Developing under Ubuntu, or developing parts of the distribution?01:05
bmk789parts of the distro01:06
mjg59One of the easiest ways is to find fixes for bugs01:06
mjg59In the long run, you'll want to be able to upload things yourself, which will involve going through the MOTU process01:07
bmk789whats that like?01:07
mjg59https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU has information on it01:07
mjg59The FAQ is probably a good starting point01:07
mjg59#ubuntu-motu may also be a good place to ask questions01:08
bmk789ok ill look into that, what language would be most beneficial to learn?01:08
mjg59Most of our code is in either C or Python01:10
mjg59Probably a larger body in C, but a moderate amount of the Ubuntu-specific code is in Python01:11
bmk789ok thanks for the help, ill try to grab some books on C01:12
JohnKarahalisHello everyone, congratulations on release!01:32
JohnKarahalisis anybody here?01:35
RAOFJohnKarahalis: Yeah, just exhausted :P01:36
StevenKRAOF: And you didn't come last night. Hmph!01:37
RAOFStevenK: Yeah :(01:37
ajmitchneither did I, so it's ok :)01:37
StevenKajmitch: Yeah, but you have the excuse of flights. :-P01:37
JohnKarahalisIf you don't mind me asking, is anybody in here a paid employee of Canonical?01:38
ajmitchthere are rumoured to be some around01:38
* ajmitch is not :)01:38
JohnKarahalisI'm looking to interview a professional software engineer as part of a school project. A short interview of just basic questions really.01:38
tonyyarussoI'd guess that there are people not employed by Canonical who are also software engineers too.01:39
tonyyarussoJohnKarahalis: (it's sleepy-time at Canonical right now)01:40
JohnKarahalisooh haha right01:40
JohnKarahalisdamn time zones01:40
ajmitchtonyyarusso: it is?01:40
RAOFPeople sometimes email such inquiries to the various mailing lists, but I'm not sure how often they get responded to.01:40
slangasektonyyarusso: it's never sleepy-time at Canonical01:40
JohnKarahalisunfortunately, the project requires that the person be salaried01:40
tonyyarussoslangasek: well, close enough...01:40
tonyyarussothe sane ones sometimes sleep01:40
slangasekbut "software engineer" isn't exactly my job description :)01:41
JohnKarahalisslangasek: do you work for canonical?01:41
ajmitchwhat is it, "release monkey"?01:41
slangasekJohnKarahalis: yes01:41
Burgundaviatrained chimp?01:41
tonyyarussoslangasek: you should get some kind of cloak, btw01:42
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Awesome! So what is your job title?01:42
slangasekajmitch, Burgundavia: wow, I can see y'all are grateful that Gutsy is out... :)01:42
ajmitchslangasek: sure am :)01:42
* tonyyarusso wonders if there are any mirrors still functioning01:42
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Do you program, or are you involved in support and things like that?01:43
slangasekJohnKarahalis: Ubuntu Release Manager01:43
slangasekso I think they probably let me program some when we're not in a release crunch time, but I haven't had an opportunity to see this in practice yet. :)01:44
ajmitchI can't imagine that you'd be kept idle for a few months01:45
slangasektonyyarusso: why?01:45
tonyyarussoslangasek: so we can tell who you're with ;)01:45
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Ahh I see, so not much coding for you I guess. How is it working for a FS company though (that question is just out of curiosity by the way, not for the interview :)01:45
tonyyarussoslangasek: b/c all the cool kids have one01:45
bddebiantonyyarusso: heh01:45
slangasekajmitch: heh, certainly not; I just don't know that it would include much "software engineering"01:45
slangasekJohnKarahalis: well, it certainly involves some coding, both for keeping the release machinery running appropriately and for helping to fix bugs01:46
bddebianSo if you are all bored, anyone want to help me with a problem with a package? :)01:46
JohnKarahalisslangasek: That's awesome. I hope to work for a company like canonical one day.01:47
slangasekas for "how is it" - it's a lot more fulfilling than some software work I've done in the past01:47
slangasekbddebian: what package?01:48
JohnKarahalisslangasek: That's exactly what I wanted to hear! It seems like it would be more fulfilling.01:48
bddebianYou don't wannt know. :-)  gnome-breakout01:48
slangasekbddebian: ok, so what's the problem?01:48
bddebianI have fixed everything I wanted to except that the path for the levels isn't getting set.  LEVELDIR is supposed to be $(datadir)/gnome-breakout/levels and I have datadir=/usr/share/games but it's still getting /usr/share01:49
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Do you think you would be interested in conducting a short interview with me via email some time over the next 2-3 weeks? It would be a simple interview, with questions like "What is a typical work day like", "What languages and technologies do you use", "How big is the team you work in".  If you're too busy I completely understand, what with Gutsy and what not.01:49
slangasekJohnKarahalis: do you have an estimate of how long the questions take to answer?01:51
slangasekthough, "what is a typical work day like" would be a hard one for me to answer, hum - you'd probably find other Canonical folks better able to answer that :)01:52
CarlF1should the alt installer be hitting archive.u.com even though I specified a host ?01:52
JohnKarahalisslangasek: I mean, I wouldn't expect that it would take you more than 10-20 minutes to answer the questions. All I basically have to do is write a 3 page paper on the interview, it wouldn't be hard to do that if I had some background information about yourself and some answers to a few additional questions.01:52
CarlF1it does hit the specified host, but not after a long delay given the stress on arc.u.c, sometimes causing an error01:52
JohnKarahalisslangasek: But if you can't that's fine. I've got fallback options (not as good as a Canonical employee, but....) :)01:53
slangasekJohnKarahalis: sure, I could swing 10-20 min for that; I do think you could probably catch a better-suited candidate if you hung around here for a while though, or tried back earlier in the day (US time)01:53
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Yeah, I think I'll try tomorrow morning also. But could I put you down on my list of possible candidates?01:55
slangasekbddebian: source package showing this behavior?01:55
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Wow, thank you very much! What is your name by the way, my prof wants to know the names of the people we are considering. If you'd rather I get that info by email I'll send one to you.01:56
slangasekCarlF1: depending on what you mean when you say you "specified a host", no, you shouldn't have to hit the central server with the installer; but for support please see #ubuntu as mentioned in the channel topic01:56
bddebianslangasek: Well the current package just leaves stuff in /usr/share.  I ended up having to autoreconf in order to get localedir to work.01:56
slangasekJohnKarahalis: Steve Langasek (in my IRC client info, fwiw)01:56
JohnKarahalisslangasek: Ahh, this is my first time with IRC. Thanks so much! For now I think I'm gonna upgrade to Gutsy. Thanks again, I hope to talk to you soon.01:57
slangasektonyyarusso: anyway, my /whois already tells you who I'm with, I'm with the IPv6 goons :)01:58
TheMusoCongratulations guys on another great release.01:59
bddebianOh, we released? ;-)02:00
CarlF1slangasek: on 'stuff like this' I can't trust what i get in #u for filing a bug report.  in this case, I have a feeling it is part of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/11739802:01
slangasekbddebian: you need to give me a source package showing the current behavior that you're trying to fix; I'm not going to guess based on a separate version of the source packge02:02
CarlF1so if not here, and not #u, any other #chans?02:02
bddebianslangasek: http://www.bddebian.com/packages/debian/gnome-breakout/02:02
slangasekCarlF1: you're using preseeding?02:03
bddebian src/Makefile.am:           -DLEVELDIR=\"$(datadir)/gnome-breakout/levels\" \02:03
slangasekCarlF1: and you're going through a proxy?02:03
CarlF1well, if apt-cacher is considered a proxy02:04
bddebianI wonder how many packages I can stack on mentors before I get a single response.. :-)02:04
slangasekCarlF1: usually apt-cacher is not normally run using a proxy configuration AFAIK02:05
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CarlF1slangasek: that fits with how I had to set the preseed options02:07
slangasekCarlF1: honestly, I don't see how that's a bug; the syntax in that bug listed under "the only way I could get it to work were with these settings" look like the obvious and correct way /to/ get it to work02:07
CarlF1then maybe the bug is the description for http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/apt-cacher  "caching proxy system"02:09
slangasekCarlF1: it is a caching proxy; but it's not an http proxy, it's an apt proxy02:10
slangaseki.e., it only caches and proxies .deb packages, not generic web content02:10
CarlF1given is is meant to be used for that it seems odd that the installer settings  would be "weird"02:11
slangasekCarlF1: they're not weird to me, but I'm the wrong person to judge because I've been a debian-installer developer for years02:12
slangasekCarlF1: effectively, the reason you configure it that way is because you're specifying your local apt-cacher as your mirror, which is precisely how apt-cacher is designed to function02:13
CarlF1i say weird because it dose what a proxy does, but instead of the installer using the proxy settings, I have to munge the host/dir names02:14
slangasekyes, because it's not an http proxy02:14
slangasekso if the documentation doesn't make it clear that "proxy" in the alternate installer refers to an http proxy, I think that's the bug02:14
CarlF1that would be a start02:15
CarlF1i'm assuming apt-cacher is better than an generic http proxly, right?02:15
slangasekhmm, I don't know that I would say it's "better" - it's a different use case02:16
CarlF1better for caching .deb s02:16
slangasekok, then yes :)02:16
slangasekbut the alt installer supports http proxies because some sites *require* all web traffic to go through a proxy02:17
CarlF1i see what you are getting at02:17
CarlF1The installers proxy settings propose aren't there to hit a caching proxy for speed, they are there for when it is the only way.02:20
bddebianHmm, seems Mr. Langasek did one of the last uploads of stk too :-)02:20
slangasekoh, pff, some package I uploaded in 2005?02:22
slangasekCarlF1: well, if your site has a generic caching http proxy already, using it for .debs is fine too even if not mandatory, and probably saves you the trouble of setting up a separate apt-cacher02:23
CarlF1slangasek: cept I have only apt-cacher, no http proxy :)02:24
CarlF1I am adding a comment to the that basicaly says "not a bug"02:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117398 in debian-installer "netboot install proxy apt-cacher" [Undecided,New]02:27
bddebianFrick, I hate source packages with tarballs :-(02:27
slangasekbddebian: I'm out for dinner, but I'm leaving gnome-breakout building and will deliver a diagnosis when I get back02:34
bddebianslangasek: Great, thanks!02:34
StevenKDiagnosis: "It's broken"02:34
bddebianNo, I "fixed" it :-)02:35
bddebianthe build system is fairly broken though :-(02:35
bddebianOK, f**k stk02:45
slangasekbddebian: um, when I build that source package from scratch, I get the correct path in the binary02:50
bddebianslangasek: The path is correct, I fixed that.  When it runs, it looks for the levels in /usr/share/gnome-breakout/levels, not /usr/share/games/...02:51
bddebianI am thinking the locales dir may be wrong at runtime too but since I don't know other languages, I'm not sure how best to test that.02:52
Burgundaviaslangasek: as per my comment a few hours ago, we had to hold back while Gutsy was sitll in development ;)03:06
bddebianslangasek: Any thoughts or have I lost your help? :-)03:16
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
* bddebian takes that as he's lost the help04:00
Kanohi, when do you set the default to gutsy on packages.ubuntu.com?04:04
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jdongis it true that update-manager will automatically remove non-official repositories and also roll back or otherwise deinstall them? Or is that a Kubuntu/Adept feature? Or is it not a feature at all?04:30
ScottKjdong: It's supposed to.  I've helped one person today that had to remove some of the Automatix repositories manually.04:32
jdongScottK: does it just remove the repositories in sources.list, or does it have a mechanism to remove thigns in Local/Obsolete, and/or downgrade packages back to official versions?04:33
ScottKAFAIK it just removes the repos.04:33
jdongso users with unofficial stuff installed, I will still have to tell them to remove them04:34
ScottKI know for this release Automatix is recommending removing everything installed by Automatix and Automatix before upgrading.04:34
ScottKGetdeb makes the same recommendation.04:34
ScottKFor their stuff.04:34
bddebianScottK: And why did you help them? ;-P04:35
ajmitchrecommendations & reality never tend to match up04:35
ScottKbddebian: I don't think I did.04:35
ajmitchsince it requires the users to be able to isolate the set of packages installed from elsewhere04:35
ScottKI took stuff that we could legally do and stuffed it into the official repos giving them fewer excuses to exist.  If that counts as helping, guilty as charged.04:36
bddebianScottK: beauty :-)04:49
Burgundaviaautomatix seems to be very interested in helping04:50
BurgundaviaI wonder if they are seeing less installs which each release?04:50
ScottKBurgundavia: I think they've had a "management restructuring".04:51
StevenKBurgundavia: That's an interesting point - are Automatix seeing less people using them due to us making an effort with things like easy codec installation, along with things like mjg59's analysis.04:51
ScottKThe guy that appears to be running the show now at least has interest in cooperating and shows some inclination to listen when being told they're being stupid.04:52
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ScottKStevenK: I think that's true.04:52
BurgundaviaI wonder where arnieboy went04:52
pwnguinhe's still there04:52
ScottKI'd like to see mjg59 do a followup of their Gutsy release to see if their claims "we fixed all that" are accurate.04:52
StevenKScottK: Mail the tech board, I suspect the answer is, "Let's check to see."04:53
Burgundavia"WARNING: Automatix for Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy will NOT be upgradeable from previous versions. You must either do a clean install of Gutsy or run Automatix in Feisty and uninstall everything before upgrading to Gutsy." <-- http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page04:53
ScottKThe code to sigkill dpkg was at least commented out when I looked.04:53
pwnguinim sure mjg has plenty of other things to do ;)04:53
ScottKStevenK: I was sort of hoping he'd read the scrollback and be inspired.04:54
ScottKwelcome back milli.04:55
StevenKScottK: Heh04:55
* ScottK ponders the text of his secvpn removal request. Good technical terms for "This package is evil and must be destroyed."04:56
StevenKScottK: "This package eats babies."04:57
ScottKSounds about right (and does it using sudo - this part true).04:58
pwnguinScottK: just susbcribe a young priest and an old priest04:58
tritiumEvery time you install this package...Please, think of the babies.04:59
* StevenK chuckles05:00
StevenKScottK: Are there technical reasons for why it should be destroyed?05:00
ScottKYeah.  I'm not sure I'm knowledgeable enough to enumerate them, but the bottom line appears to be that the current package is unworkable and insecure and would have to be almost totaly redone to have a hope of working safely.  That's without looking at any of the upstream code.05:01
ajmitchStevenK: example - the initscript wants to write into /etc/inittab for start/stop05:02
pwnguinwhat about people who dont care about security but have to work with employers who do?05:03
TheMusook espeak says that weirdly05:03
StevenKScottK: Okay, I think the way forward is to say the bottom line bit in a bug report, and ask pitti to do a short security review - if he finds major flaws, kill it.05:03
StevenKTheMuso: How does it pronounce it?05:03
TheMusoStevenK: yook05:04
ScottKStevenK: That sound like an excellent idea.  Thanks.05:04
TheMusogutsy is spoken correctly.05:04
ScottKI already got an opinion from keescook on secvpn adding itself to sudoers.  He wasn't a fan of that approach.05:04
StevenKDouble ew05:05
ajmitchhence the slight reservations of having the package being installable05:06
ScottKRight.  Once I saw that I quit trying to fix it.05:13
slangasekbddebian: that was while I was still on the way to dinner...05:30
slangasekbddebian: anyway, it's doing the right thing at runtime too for me05:30
bddebianslangasek: Yeah, just got that with TheMuso.  Sorry to waste your time too :-(05:30
dholbachgood morning06:55
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myrttiubuntuhow #ubuntu I computer no working07:04
myrttiubuntuplz help :)07:04
myrttiubuntuop #ubuntu-ops no help rude they broke computer no #ubuntu07:04
Mithrandirmyrttiubuntu: that's offtopic for this channel though, this is a development channel, not a support channel07:05
myrttiubuntui be like them they kick and no connect #ubuntu07:05
myrttiubuntui can not connect #ubuntu07:05
OpenSorcethe following review of Kubuntu 7.10 will be released to the public within the next 3 weeks.....not trying to be flamebait....just notifying you guys....my boss is sending an email to you guys as we speak http://bigcatlinux.com/kufailure.html07:05
myrttiubuntupeople #ubuntu-ops no connect said they rude07:06
Karnaughmyrttiubuntu: I can't understand you, and nicknames like "ubuntusucks" is unlikely to get you any help07:06
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: your review is incorrect07:06
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: compiz-fusion is for Ubuntu, not Kubuntu07:06
OpenSorceBurgundavia, thanks for pointing that out I'll have it corrected07:07
myrttiubuntuKarnaugh i same nick as op but no connect #ubuntu, ops rude07:07
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: the other thing you might want to change is that we don';t install prop. drivers for good reason07:07
OpenSorceBurgundavia, whatever07:07
OpenSorceBurgundavia, it either wors or it doesn't07:07
Mithrandirmyrttiubuntu: you are offtopic here, please either stop being offtopic or I'll have to ask you to leave.07:07
myrttiubuntuall ubountu are rude07:08
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: it makes no sense to argue with you, suffice it to say, that isn't going to change07:08
OpenSorceBurgundavia, not my job to get into the how and the why07:08
OpenSorceBurgundavia, okay :-)07:08
Burgundaviathere, in fact, possible legal issues with shipping binary drivers07:09
MithrandirOpenSorce: you should point out the multimedia keys didn't work with your keyboard.  They work just fine on my keyboard.07:09
OpenSorceBurgundavia, Mandriva does it07:09
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: legal opinions differ on this matter07:10
OpenSorceMithrandir, it's all taken from a sampling of one machine07:10
OpenSorceBurgundavia, okay07:10
MithrandirOpenSorce: yes, and you don't say that, nor do you say what kind of hardware you have.07:10
OpenSorceMithrandir, that gets added prior to final publication07:11
MithrandirOpenSorce: I hope you are filing bugs about all the problems you have encountered as well07:11
OpenSorceThis is a pre-edit copy, btw07:11
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: I suggest you read this: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy07:11
OpenSorceand there is an error I gave too many stars for the keyboard it will be 4 in the final release07:12
OpenSorceBurgundavia, it doesn't matter.....I am rating it for new user suitability....that holds the distro to a higher standard07:12
BurgundaviaOpenSorce: binary drivers are not needed for average users07:12
OpenSorceBurgundavia, okay....either way I don't want to "troll" in here....just notifying you guys of the article07:13
Burgundaviaas for your wireless, what kind of driver do you have?'07:14
OpenSorceBurgundavia, you are welcome to join #bigcat if you want to discuss this further.....I don't want to clog the channel with off-topic stuff07:14
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Burgundaviabe nice, holycow07:17
ubuntunonakedgirhow fix?07:18
ubuntunonakedgirno help no #ubuntu how fix broken?07:19
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pittiGood morning07:22
Burgundaviamorning pitti07:22
StevenKMorning pitti07:24
pizzadudedoes anybody know the power output of the PCI bus?07:30
ScottKBurgundavia: Did you look at the other content on the site that "Journalist" pointed to?07:31
OpenSorceBurgundavia, I'm sorry did you ask me about the chipset in my wifi adapter?07:34
Hobbseebye now.07:34
Hobbseebloody tor07:34
OpenSorceBurgundavia, it's acx....which it seemed to think was a wired device07:34
ScottKOpenSorce: If you are a journalist, why are you putting your reviews on a web site of another linux distribution?07:35
OpenSorceScottK, that's one of my personal websites....it's just where I uploaded for review07:36
ScottKOK.  It looks like that web site of a soon to be Linux distro.07:36
OpenSorceScottK, it is.....I don't know if I'd use the term "soon" :-)07:36
ScottKOdd thing for a journalist doing independent distro reviews to have.07:37
OpenSorceScottK, and it's probably a project I'll have to hand off to someone else since it may be a conflict of interest for me07:37
OpenSorceScottK, I'm a geek...we make geeky things :-)07:38
ajmitchHobbsee: you may want to try & get him out of other channels also07:38
* Hobbsee watches her troll meter go off07:38
Hobbseeajmitch: i'm somewhat limited by the fact that we have no staffers around.07:38
Hobbseeand i dont have ops on every single ubuntu channel07:38
ScottKOpenSorce: It sounds like you've been working on it for some time.07:38
Hobbseeyeah well, it is australian day.07:38
OpenSorceScottK, yeah....about oh...a week :-)07:39
MithrandirScottK,OpenSorce: please take this elsewhere, it's not related to development of Ubuntu.07:39
OpenSorceMithrandir, I apologize07:39
OpenSorceScottK, #bigcat is open07:39
* ScottK will note that the domain was registered yesterday and shut up.07:39
OpenSorceMithrandir, sorry I just came back to answer a question about my wifi chipset07:40
MithrandirOpenSorce: sure, which is fine, but if (plural) you want to discuss further, please do so somewhere else.07:41
OpenSorceMithrandir, of course :-)07:42
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Hobbseesladen: yes, but you miss nice weather, compared to au.08:28
Hobbseeperhaps you should move to AU, and all the problems will be solved!08:28
SlimG2Why Isn't the locales for Firefox and Thunderbird included in their main package?08:45
StevenKThey should be included in their own locale packs, becuase they are enormous.08:46
sladenHobbsee: I'd consider it, but the latency is just unbareable09:01
pittiSlimG2: the main reason is that they use a custom method for translation09:04
pittiSlimG2: the entire FOSS world uses gettext, except for Mozilla and OpenOffice products09:04
pittiSlimG2: we are aiming at eventually providing them in the normal language packs, but it'll still take a while (maybe we'll manage in hardy)09:05
SlimG2pitti: thanks for explaining09:06
pittimvo: can I ask you again to update the status of bug 120957?09:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120957 in update-manager "UpdateManager fails to fetch dist-upgrade tarball" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12095709:42
mvopitti: this is fixed with 0.59.25 in feisty-updates09:44
pittimvo: and in gutsy?09:45
mvopitti: but let me read up on it again to see why it was reopend09:45
mvopitti: I'm pretty sure it is fixed in gutsy too, but I will double check09:45
pittimvo: thanks; just wanting to make sure that it doesn't fall off the table09:46
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gaspapitti: hi. I had reported two bug for uplash (and a wished feature), and subscribed you.10:10
gaspaso, in both reports there are my fixes. could you take a look if I didn't make something wrong?10:10
dholbachhey seb12810:10
seb128hello dholbach10:11
pittigaspa: ah, thank you! Will have a look10:12
gaspapitti: I attacched my bazaar branch, and i got a source package in ppa.10:13
gaspaso you can try it.10:13
pittigaspa: hm, I didn't get bug mail yet10:13
gasparight, you're subscribed only for bug 15295210:14
pittigaspa: what's the use case for 152952?10:15
pittigaspa: we should generally avoid asking questions to the user unless it's absolutely necessary (such as entering a passphrase for encrypted partitions, etc.)10:16
pittigaspa: did you have something particular in mind?10:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152952 in usplash "input command with timeout parameter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15295210:17
gaspawe use it. for our products. we don't want that user sees terminal10:17
gaspaand i think it could be useful for someone else... but this is only a whish. The other two are bug fix, and probably more important10:18
pittigaspa: right, I'm not saying I don't like it (after all, it's just an optional feature); I was just interested in a concrete use case (maybe we want it for something by default as well?)10:19
dokopitti: please accept gcc-4.210:20
gaspapitti: we ask things like "push 'f' key  if you want to force a check" ... or something like that... in that case the system should not wait forever for a key but instead goes on and boot properly10:21
pittigaspa: ah, I see10:22
dholbachogra: do you still make use of human-cursors-theme or do you also use dmz-cursor-theme?10:26
gaspapitti: and for Bug #154234? I'm not sure of this. I filed it cause i wasn't able to build the package in ppa.10:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 154234 in usplash "build-depend on libgd-dev " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15423410:26
ogradholbach, dmz iirc10:26
dholbachright, human-* is in universe10:26
dholbachI'll ask for its removal in hardy10:26
pittiah, that's a bit special; it works, because libgd2-xpm-dev (main) Provides: libgd-dev10:27
pittigaspa: http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~gaspa/usplash/usplash-addson/revision/172 looks fine, I'll apply that10:28
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gaspapitti, not at all10:29
pittigaspa: thank you for your fixes! what's the other bug#? I still didn't get mail10:29
gaspai'll write: "libgd2-xpm-dev | libgd2-noxpm-dev"10:29
gaspai think it's better10:29
pittigaspa: "libgd2-xpm-dev | libgd-dev" is best IMHO10:30
pittigaspa: make use of the virtual package, but prefer a concrete one10:30
gaspaoh, right.10:31
gaspaif you want, i'll push it right now.10:31
gaspa(now you're subscribed to all three reports)10:31
pittidoko: done10:32
pittigaspa: what's the third one?10:38
gaspa... mmm.. which are the first two? :-P :-P10:39
pittigaspa: #154234 and #152952, as above10:39
gaspaall are: 152933, 152952, 15423410:39
gaspaok, 152933 then10:39
pittigaspa: splendid! thanks10:40
* pitti hands gaspa the "official usplash maintainer" badge10:40
cjwatsonsomebody's gotta be ;-)10:40
pittiah, I'm TLA now :/10:41
pittiTIL even10:41
gaspapitti: i'm not even a motu. ;)10:41
pittigaspa: ^ that's "touched-it-last", and denotes the poor soul who gets all the bugs henceforth :)10:41
cjwatsondholbach: my ubuntu-main-sponsors membership is about to expire; care to renew it?10:43
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dholbachcjwatson: sure10:45
gaspapitti, but what should happen on launchpad? now it should appear something?10:46
pittigaspa: I assigned the bugs to me and marked them 'in progress', so that I'll get to them soon10:47
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cjwatsondholbach: thanks10:47
LabelI've one question10:54
LabelIs there any issue with fonts?10:54
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* ogra laughs 11:29
ogradebootstrapping stuff under /media makes the /proc and /sys mounts of debotsrap how up on the desktop :)11:29
cjwatsonI think virtual filesystems should be blacklisted from showing up on the desktop11:32
liwexcept for fuse ones, perhaps11:32
cjwatsonright, but things like procfs, sysfs11:32
ograbut its funny it doesnt show u in mount output11:32
cjwatsonogra: it'll be in /proc/mounts11:32
ogramight be (already wiped it)11:33
cjwatsonogra: mount reads from /etc/mtab and if you mount something in a chroot then naturally that isn't recorded in the base system's /etc/mtab11:33
cjwatsonI do wish they'd fix /proc/mounts to expose the loop device information11:33
Mithrandirapart from possible politics, that should be easy enough, shouldn't it?11:34
cjwatsonwell, it's been outstanding for years11:35
cjwatsonI haven't looked, but guess there's some compatibility implication11:35
cjwatsonanyway, I'm not well-enough-informed so shall go back to prodding debootstrap11:36
cjwatson(wow, hoary debootstrap installed so much crap)11:37
* Hobbsee curses the lack of decent scripting for irssi. or the script that she's currently lacking. either way.11:39
SpadsWhen will someone write a decent irssi-killer in python11:40
HobbseeSpads: i dont know.  so far, it seems that konversation is the irc client that sucks the least - and that's scary11:43
Spadsit has a curses mode?11:43
* Spads puts it on the "sucks most" pile11:44
Hobbseebut having to call up chanserv by hand is a ruddy pain in the neck.11:44
Hobbseeparticuarly when on multiple channels,11:44
sorenHobbsee: http://www.pthree.org/2007/07/11/irssi-chanserv-and-nickserv-helper-aliases/ ?11:45
Spadsnickserv is easy.  if you put your nickserv password in as the server password in your config, it gets passed along to nickserv11:45
Spadsand that method is resistant to juping11:46
sladenSpads: didn't know that, thanks11:46
HobbseeSpads: oh, nickserv is easy, yes.11:46
HobbseeSpads: it's the problem of having to op for every channel.  but there is a script, and i'll get my hands on it when the guy comes back11:46
Spadssladen: it works more reliably on other networks, but it does work very often here11:46
ogramvo_, would it be possible to make CDs that are used with g-a-i not open a nutilus window by default ?11:50
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Hobbseesabdfl: ping12:10
mvo_ogra: yeah, that is currently not ideal. is there a bug about it already?12:15
ogramvo_, i dont think so ...12:17
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fatal__in case anyone is interested, it seems like the ubuntu iproute package fixes a problem which already has a fix in the imported debian package.... I don't know if this "double-fixing" might cause problems.... I'm updating the debian package to use the ubuntu fix, and dropping the debian/patches/ip_address_flush_loop.dpatch .... (I guess you'll get this automagically on some future sync, but thought I'd notify you guys now anyway..)12:50
fatal__hth, hand.12:50
fatal__btw, the debian iproute package has moved to git .... http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/pkg-iproute.git;a=summary12:51
dholbachMOTU meeting in #ubuntu-meeting12:57
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dholbachcjwatson, Riddell, slangasek, Mithrandir: we're discussing universe and hardy schedule in the MOTU meeting in #ubuntu-meeting right now13:03
liwdoes Ubuntu have a document like the Debian Policy Manual? or a document describing differences from the Debian one?13:06
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pitticjwatson: Do you have some time today for looking into d-i/dapper to install lbm?13:56
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JohnKarahalisHello everyone14:19
pittiseb128: would you mind if we generally drop upstream changelogs from cdbs packages?14:29
seb128pitti: yes14:30
pittiseb128: they are often quite large, not terribly interesting to users, and easy to get for devs by apt-get source or looking at the upstream page14:30
seb128I find it really handy to have those available without having to getting megabytes of sources14:30
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seb128pitti: well if we really need extra space I guess it make sense14:31
pittiseb128: I'm currently working on a cdbs patch to symlink identical documentation files14:31
pittiseb128: in a generic fasion14:31
liwspeaking as a sysadmin, I've often found it useful to read upstream changelogs when debugging things14:31
seb128we should consider using 2 CDs or DVD one day rather though14:31
pittithat shuold already help quite a lot, but if we would drop changelogs entirely, that would help even more14:31
seb128because we start doing a lot of compromise on what we can ship due to CD space which sucks14:32
pittiliw: I don't argue that they are useless, I'm just weighing CD space vs. the level of utility14:32
pittiand I'd rather drop those than eternally argue about which app to kick out next14:32
seb128well, I would prefer having extra translations rather than upstream changelog to be honest14:32
pittithat too14:33
seb128but I would like better having everything14:33
seb128is switching to an another format than 1 CD on the table?14:33
pittithe Debian changelog is more useful for me at least in many cases14:33
liwpitti, well, I'd be in favor of changelogs over, say, oo.o or firefox, but I'm cantankerous and contrary, and I know it's not going to happen14:33
pittiseb128: no14:33
pittiseb128: ATM, one CD is a design goal (and you don't believe how happy I am about it...)14:33
pittiwell, it can always be argued otherwise, of course14:34
liwany chance of Ubuntu supporting usb sticks officially some day, by the way?14:34
liw(I'm all in favor of having at most one CD, personally :)14:34
pittiseb128: well, if you want to include the upstream changelog in your package, nobody will stop you, btw14:34
pittiseb128: it's just about not doing it any more by default14:34
seb128pitti: I like really having one CD, but if it means throwing changelog, translations, limiting the inclusion of some applications, etc...14:34
pittiwell, let me first finish the symlinking14:35
pittithat's unanimous, I take it14:35
seb128pitti: I've not strong objection, I'm not sure how the userbase will react though14:35
seb128liw: that should be easy enough to do and would be nice for hardy14:37
cjwatsonliw: we support installing from USB stick - what's missing?14:37
seb128liw: there was a post somewhere (planet or list?) this week about a script from redhat, somebody adapted it to Ubuntu and it seems to work fine14:37
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cjwatsonit's not particularly well advertised though14:38
seb128cjwatson: there is no obvious way to create the key for users14:38
seb128cjwatson: like a "click here to make an usb bootable key"14:38
liwcjwatson, well, I looked for that option when I installed my laptop after starting to work for Canonical, and I couldn't find any documented way of doing it14:38
seb128liw: there is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick on the topic14:39
cjwatsonseb128: hence "not particularly well advertised". I agree14:39
seb128cjwatson: right, I was already typing when you wrote that, I agree with you14:40
seb128pitti: hi14:40
pittihey seb128 :)14:40
seb128not sure why you pong-ed ;-)14:40
pittiI didn't14:41
liwpitti, multiple times on some channels14:41
pittioh, argh14:41
pittithat must be that test autoresponse script going wild14:41
dholbachpitti: don't say "it was the cat" - nobody will believe you14:41
pittiseb128: thanks, fixed14:42
Hobbseepitti: you used /ame not /me ?14:42
Hobbseeor /a something14:42
pittiseb128: takes a little while to migrate to a new IRC client...14:42
pittiHobbsee: I didn't use any command; it was just a test autoresponder which says "pong" when someone says "ping" to me14:43
Hobbseepitti: ahhh14:43
pittiI meant to disable it, but forgot14:43
StevenKAnd it matches on "ping", not "pitti: ping"14:43
pittiwhen I actually tried it, it didn't respond to either14:43
Spadshaha someone said typing14:43
* pitti wonders why it suddenly started to work14:44
StevenKWhich is naughty, since words like 'typing' and 'zipping' ...14:44
seb128pitti: which one do you use now?14:44
pittiseb128: weechat14:44
pittiseb128: the one and only client I found which supports vertical splitting, and it has nice scripting capabilities, too14:44
seb128ah, you liked the screenshots with all the chans splitted on a same screen?14:44
StevenKSo many terrible places we could take that name.14:45
pittiseb128: yeah, that was it; I have three vertical splits now14:45
pittiwithout the need to sort the xchat windows every day, alt+tabbing through them, and so on14:45
Keybukcjwatson: do we want MoM to use unstable for 8.04 or testing?14:55
cjwatsonI meant ubuntu-devel@lists :-)14:55
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 2 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom14:56
StevenKHrm. My poor newly upgraded Gutsy machine does not like LVM.14:59
StevenKHrm. No, it's because it can't find the first hard disk.15:00
StevenKFun message during boot like "ata3: failed to recover some devices, retrying in 5 secs"15:01
StevenKLooks like our good friend HPA is too blame.15:04
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sorenStevenK: Hardy amd64 sbuilder also has all uppercase dpkg output :)15:12
StevenKsoren: Yay ....15:13
StevenKsoren: Let's file a bug this time. Then mvo can fix it. :-)15:13
sorenStevenK: So now we know it not the string "gutsy" that's messing it up. Big surprise.15:13
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sorenStevenK: Yeah, and then he'll say it's dpkg... and the iwj will say it's sbuild, and then elmo will shout at everyone for not getting anything done.15:14
cjwatsonI'm inclined to suggest stracing the entire damn thing and look at what's fiddling with the tty.15:14
cjwatsonyou'll get a hell of a lot of output but it's faster than bouncing it back and forward between people who can't reproduce it15:14
sorencjwatson: If it was the tty that got told to spew only upper case it wouldn't be uppercase in the logs, would it?15:14
cjwatsonsoren: you can't tell the tty to spew upper case without it showing up in strace15:15
sorenAlso, it's only dpkg's output. Not apt or the build.15:15
cjwatsonwe assume that it is some process under sbuild that's doing it15:15
StevenKsoren: Shows in the builds logs for me.15:15
cjwatsontherefore, strace -f sbuild15:15
sorenStevenK: Yes, exactly.15:15
StevenK2.6.22 doesn't boot, and 2.6.20 doesn't start X.15:15
cjwatsonsoren: oh, I misread - but even so, strace will show dpkg printing lower case and something else printing the same thing in upper case15:16
cjwatsonso you'll be able to isolate from that what's at fault15:16
cjwatsonor if it *does* show dpkg printing lower case, then you go and beat up some mad locale definition15:16
sorencjwatson: But the logs I get in my e-mail is also upper case?15:17
sorencjwatson: strace and schroot is not an easy combo to work with, by the way.15:17
cjwatsondue to set-id?15:18
sorenI assume so, yes. I haven't really bothered to look into it just yet.15:18
cjwatsonif that's it, make a private copy of strace and make it setuid root, then use that; see strace(1)15:18
sorenIf I just try now, I get: E: PAM error: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info15:18
StevenKRight. X with nv15:19
StevenKNow to figure out to disable HPA so 2.6.22 will actually boot15:20
sorencjwatson: Didn't help. I'll try attaching to the apt-get process inside schroot when it's running. That should work.15:22
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StevenKsoren: If strace is installed inside the chroot. It might be simpler to get schroot to spawn strace apt-get.15:23
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dholbachcan all teams please include their team reports on  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/October2007 ?15:24
StevenKOh, grumble.15:26
StevenKCan you not disable HPA without recompiling the whole damn kernel?15:26
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dholbachPriceChild, mathiaz, Burgundavia, Mithrandir, superm1, popey, bryce: if you teams have, can you please include their team reports on  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/October2007 ?15:33
popey22nd is the cut off isn't it?15:34
PriceChildgah IRC haven't had a meeting this month... will poke people about it and probably just add things we've decided outside meetings in -ops or ML for gutsy+15:35
dholbachpopey: jono asked me to ask people to move their stuff :)15:35
mathiazdholbach: sure.15:35
Hobbsee_PriceChild: so stop being slack :)15:36
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* popey makes some stuff up15:36
pittidoes anyone feel like eyeballing a piece of really horrible shell for me? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038/)15:41
pittiit's a cdbs patch to symlink identical documentation files to dependent packages15:41
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StevenKpitti: My only thought is 'Ew' :-)15:45
pittidoko, seb128: ^ you maybe?15:46
seb128pitti: I'm looking at it15:46
pittiStevenK: alternative approaches appreciated; this is the kind of stuff I'd rather do in a 100-line Python script, but that's inaappropriate for a cdbs rule IMHO15:46
StevenKBenC: So, how can I disable HPA if I think it's the reason 2.6.22 decides to disable the SATA channel my hard disk is on...15:46
dokopitti: later, away now15:46
seb128pitti: I'm a bit unsure about the "iterate over Depends", it'll make the result Depends of the packages installed on the system15:46
pittiseb128: I tested it with tracker, which has a lot of libraries and packaes depending on them, etc.15:47
pittiseb128: well, it iterates over dependencies which are built by the same source package15:47
StevenKpitti: Of course, but at this point I'd rather get my desktop machine booting. :-)15:47
seb128pitti: right, but I mean what if nautilus and gedit have a common README.GNOME?15:47
pittiseb128: that isn't caught with this code15:48
pittiseb128: and I don't think it should be15:48
seb128pitti: ah, I didn't read the code careful enough then15:48
pittiseb128: so, what it does is:15:48
seb128I was having a first quick looks before trying to understand the detail of the regexp15:48
pittiseb128: it finds the intersection of dependencies and binaries from that source as candidates of packages to consider symlinking to15:48
pittiseb128: i. e. I cannot consider *all* binaries of the source as symlink targets15:49
pittiseb128: just those which the pacakge I'm editing depends on (or pre-depends)15:49
seb128pitti: well, what happens if let's say nautilus Depends on gnome-control-center and they have a README identic?15:50
pittiseb128: I never symlink copyright (Debian Policy), and only documentation files, since those are (1) the worst offenders, and (2) if it breaks, we don't ruin the entire system15:50
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pittiseb128: line 12 in the pastebin will rule it out15:50
pittiseb128: since gnome-control-center is not a binary built by the nautilus source15:50
seb128right, sorry, I misread this one15:51
pittinp, it's really horrible15:51
pittiseb128: such kind of questions is why I asked for a review ;)15:51
seb128the logic looks good to me15:51
* pitti fixes the comment15:51
pitti# fix absolute symlinks created above to relative15:51
pittithat makes more sense ^15:51
pittito "be" relative15:52
seb128yes, it's better15:52
pittiseb128: I'm reasonably confident that it is correct15:52
pittiit's not necessarily optimal15:52
dokopitti: why reimplement fdupes?15:52
dokopitti: there's no possibility to disable symlinking15:53
pittidoko: I found it doesn't make the code much simpler, and so I can avoid the dependency and depending on the output format15:53
pittidoko: ah, good point15:53
dokopitti: and it doesn't help for inter-package symlinking15:54
infinitypitti: What if you end up symlinking web docs, and the user's webserver doesn't follow links (for /usr/share/doc, or at all)?15:54
infinitypitti: Not that two packages should contain the same web docs ANYWAY, but being unable to disable to feature seems... Likely to cause a problem for someone.15:54
pittiline 10 > [ -n "$$CDBS_NO_DOC_SYMLINKING ] || ...15:54
popeydholbach: done15:54
pittiinfinity: web docs should absolutely *not* be in /usr/share/doc IMHO15:54
dholbachpopey: rock on15:55
infinitypitti: Ahh, I'm blind.15:55
infinitypitti: And, uhm, lots are.  Always have been.15:55
pittiinfinity: that's why I confine it to /usr/share/doc15:55
dokopitti: and it doesn't help with the bloody gnome help files15:55
infinitypitti: We even used to serve /usr/share/doc from webservers by default for that reason.15:55
pittidoko: as I said, it's a first start, not complete yet15:55
pittiI rather do it in steps15:55
pittidoko: "inter-package symlinking"?15:55
dokopitti: I'm not sure if you find even one link ...15:56
infinitypitti: The obscurity > security camp is the only reason we don't serve /usr/share/doc anymore, not because docs aren't there (they are).15:56
pittiinfinity: right, but if you explicitly server /usr/share/doc, this should be fine then?15:56
pittidoko: lots (such as changelog.Debian.gz, changelog.gz, NEWS.gz, etc.)15:56
dokopitti: cd debian/$(cdbs_curpkg)15:57
infinitypitti: The point is likely moot, as long as the feature can be disabled, since maintainers can just clean up breakage as they see fit (only have web docs in one package, which is correct anyway, or disable symlinks, or whatever)15:57
dokopitti: you can't find any duplicates you search for15:57
pittiinfinity: ah, point; they shouldn't really be duplicated15:57
pittidoko: hm?15:57
pittidoko: ah, I see what you mean; $rootdir takes care that I will15:58
infinitypitti: My only practical concern is "what if people are already managing this differently, and changing CDBS breaks their carefully-mangles rules file to do something Very Bad"?15:58
dokopitti: ahh, ok.15:58
dokoinfinity: they can disable it15:59
pittiinfinity: do you see how it can break?15:59
infinitydoko: Yes, but who reads every CDBS changelog and then checks if their package build changed?15:59
pittiinfinity: if people already symlink it manually, that should be fine15:59
pittisince this is a general and by-default rule, it should be designed not to break anything, right16:00
StevenKRight. The find only looks for real files anyway16:00
pittiinfinity: oh, I see that bug16:00
dokoinfinity: without it you'll never get people like our gnome maintainers to change their habits (although it's known ...)16:00
pittiinfinity: I shouldn't use find -L16:00
infinitypitti: Say I have a setup that removes dupes forcefully and symlinks.  From the opposite package that you find first.  And I do it after this new code exeuctes.16:00
infinitypitti: And I end up with packages with no changelogs.16:00
pittiinfinity: instead I shuold change the *target* test to -f || -L16:00
infinityStevenK: You're making the same assumption pitti is... That this code will never run *before* my hypothetical custom-mangling code.16:01
StevenKinfinity: Ah ha16:02
infinity(So, you remove a dupe, add a a link, then I blindly "rm -f foo/changelog", which was the only "real" one left, because CDBS and I disagreed about which to keep)16:02
dokoinfinity: well, it runs in dh_builddep ?16:02
pitti^ new version with "disable" variable and symlink fix16:02
pittiinfinity: no, since any code you run afterwards cannot change the .deb any more16:02
mathiazdholbach: I've added the ServerTeam report to the Monthly report.16:02
pittiinfinity: since that very rule calls dh_builddeb16:02
dholbachmathiaz: rock on16:03
pittiinfinity: and any code you run before is fine, since I only look for real files, not for symlinks16:03
infinitypitti: Kay, I admit to being mostly CDBS illiterate (by choice)... There's no way to modify the builddeb phase with rules?16:03
pittiinfinity: there are quite a lot of hooks16:03
infinitypitti: If not, then my concern seems to be addressed.16:03
infinitypitti: If it can be hooked/altered, then it still stands.16:03
pittiinfinity: but I deliberately put that code in between dh_gencontrol and dh_builddeb (which are in the same rule)16:03
dokopitti: where's the variable?16:04
pittiinfinity: i. e. there is binary-predeb which you usually do to chmod files, remove files, etc.16:04
pittidoko: I suck, wrong paste16:04
pittitry again16:05
pittiinfinity: in the diff context you still see the dh_builddeb call at the very bottom16:05
infinitypitti: Ahh, so I do.16:05
infinitypitti: Alright, seems to address that concern, then.16:05
pittiinfinity: I need to do it after dpkg-gencontrol to see all dependencies, and before dh_md5sums to avoid mangling it agai16:05
pittiW: tracker-utils: debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink16:06
pittibah, lintian16:06
infinityDoes it have a direct dep?16:06
infinitylintian's not supposed to warn on linked-docs-with-direct-deps...16:06
pittiyes, it has (it doesn't consider any others)16:06
infinityOr maybe it's only smart enough to do the doc directory, not files.16:06
pittiit could be made more efficient by also considering transitive dependencies, but I guess that code will give us 90% of the effect already16:07
infinityEasy enough to fix lintian, your solution is policy-compliant.16:07
infinityOh, wait.16:07
dokoif [ ! -h debian/$$dep/usr/share/doc ] && [ -d debian/$$dep/usr/share/doc ]16:08
infinityYou realise dpkg behaves pretty "special" when files change to links, right?16:08
dokopitti: ^^^16:08
infinity(Not as bad as when directories do...)16:08
pittiinfinity: well, I do know that it is spethial when directories change to links; which is why I don't touch directories at all16:08
pittidoko: ah, can do16:09
pittidoko: hm, wait; why for the depending package? that shouldn't matter16:09
infinitypitti: For peace of mind, build on of these sets of packages, and upgrade one that got itself symlinks (but not the dependency)... And make sure dpkg didn't do anything weird.16:09
pittidoko: I need to add a check that $(cdbs_curpkg)/usr/share/doc isn't a symlink16:10
dokopitti: that as well16:10
infinitypitti: Weird things may include unpacking the links, then following them when "removing old files", and other really bizarre stuff.16:10
dokopitti: do you miss indirect depends?16:10
pittidoko: yes, I do, see above (first correctness, completeness later)16:10
pittiinfinity: dpkg follows symlinked files? eww16:13
infinitypitti: It's had such bugs in the past.  I'd want to verify that it no longer does. :)16:13
infinitypitti: It's not SUPPOSED to.16:13
pittiinfinity: ok; I could imagine that this would wreak havoc in interesting ways16:14
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StevenKOh, I forgot about that. Now that I've upgraded, tracker is taking over my machine.16:14
HobbseeStevenK: it hasnt taken over mine yet.  i'm really wondering why.16:15
pittiinfinity: at least I can dpkg -i the old and new package back and forth, and both symlinks and files work fine16:15
infinitypitti: Alright, good, good.16:16
pittiseb128, doko, infinity, StevenK: thanks for your review!16:17
seb128pitti: thanks for the work on that ;-)16:17
* seb128 hugs pitti16:17
StevenKpitti: I don't see what I did, but sure. :-)16:18
infinityStevenK: Same thing I usually do.  Be grumpy while pitti makes random changes and blames his improved code quality on your grumpiness.16:18
* StevenK grins16:19
* pitti wonders why his shiny new tracker package still doesn't have any symlinks16:19
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Hobbseepitti: it has a crackmeter.  if the level is too high, no symlinks for you!16:19
pittiseb128: wouldn't it make -- kind of, just a little -- sense if tracker actually depended on any of the libtracker* stuff?16:20
pittihm, I guess the daemon doesn't use any of its own client libs16:20
StevenKNice how tracker-status doesn't actually work16:20
pittialthough this proves that my code DTRT, it's still weird16:20
jamiemccpitti: they are client side libs only16:21
StevenKSo, if I start something that grabs a shedload of CPU, should tracker stop using CPU time and heel?16:21
seb128pitti: right, it doesn't use those libs16:21
pittijamiemcc: ah, ok16:21
Hobbseepitti: DTRT?16:21
infinityHobbsee: Do The Right THing.16:21
pittiHobbsee: "throws a gummy bear at Hobbsee"16:21
Hobbseeinfinity: ahhh16:22
Hobbseepitti: :P.  i dont eat lollies.16:22
* Hobbsee throws the gummy bear to infinity16:22
pittigummybear != lolly16:22
infinityHobbsee: Neither do we, we just lob them at each other.16:22
infinityHobbsee: You should have seen the laptop damage at UDU...16:22
dholbachmentos! :)16:23
Hobbseeinfinity: i did :D16:23
Hobbseeinfinity: for sevilla, anyway16:23
Hobbseepitti: they class as a lolly in my book16:23
Hobbseeinfinity: oh, udu.  right16:23
infinityHobbsee: High velocity Mentos = Very Bad for laptop screens.16:23
HobbseeSpads: really?16:23
Hobbseeinfinity: hahhaa, yes16:23
JohnKarahalisHey, everyone.16:23
pittiHobbsee: hm, in my country, a lolly is a round piece of candy on a stick16:23
infinitySpads: Peeps do, though.16:24
StevenKinfinity: Who coped a dented laptop screen?16:24
infinitypitti: That's a lolly-pop.  Australians, however, refer to anything vaguely candyish as a "lolly"... And I imagine that's of British origin.16:24
sorenWould it be confusing if I started filing sync requests already?16:24
SpadsHobbsee: three independent reports here: http://www.pigdog.org/naked_splicer/html/tnipnaz.html16:24
Hobbseeinfinity: excluding chocolate16:24
dholbachhttp://images.google.com/images?q=lolly - hm16:24
infinityStevenK: Daniel's took damage, and I think one of thom's many dents was from UDU.16:25
infinityStevenK: Others likely suffered too.16:25
ScottKsoren: If you did, you wouldn't be the first.16:25
pittisoren: no, that's fine16:25
pittisoren: there are quite a couple of them already16:25
* dholbach did today :)16:26
* Hobbsee has a sudden, unpleasant thought16:26
* ScottK did 9 or 10 yesterday.16:26
JohnKarahalisI was wondering, does anybody in here work for Canonical?16:26
* pitti whistles innocently16:26
* infinity points at someone else.16:27
Hobbseeno, no, anyone who works for canonical we took out and shot.16:27
JohnKarahalisno one? Is it still night time in Canonical HQ? I tried last night but not many were around then eihter.16:27
Hobbseebut now it's all the canonical employees, not just the release manager16:27
JohnKarahalisSo are you all pretty much volunteers?16:27
pittiJohnKarahalis: quite a few of us are; why?16:28
dholbachhrm :)16:28
Hobbseedholbach: bot is lagged, i think16:28
JohnKarahalisoh really16:28
pittiubotu: *shake*, wake up16:28
agoliveiraAt least the ones who matter :)16:28
* agoliveira ducks quick!16:28
infinityagoliveira: Tsk.16:29
JohnKarahalisWell. I'm a first year SE major at RIT. As part of a project I am required to have a short interview with a professional Software Engineer (or computer scientist, you know, anything along those lines). Would anyone be interested in conducting a short interview with me. It wouldn't be long. Mainly questions like "What is a typical day at work like?", "How big is your project team", "What languages and technologies do you use?" Would anyone be16:30
* Hobbsee beats agoliveira16:31
Hobbseepitti: you'll make him fall over more, doing that :)16:31
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Away
* agoliveira falls in love for Hobbsee16:31
Hobbseeoh dear.16:32
* Hobbsee is very unlovable, she assures you.16:32
sorenpitti: Ok, rock. I'll start filing them. Thanks.16:33
agoliveiraHobbsee: I'm married, I know how it goes :-D16:33
Hobbseeagoliveira: :P16:33
Hobbseeagoliveira: glad to hear it.  i'm not interested in ubuntu to meet a boyfriend, per se.16:33
infinityHobbsee: Ouch, I'm crushed.16:34
Hobbseeinfinity: "You Poor Bastard"16:34
dholbachwhere's the CoC police?16:34
Hobbseedholbach: kickbanned.  i have ops in here.16:34
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis, many people here can help but we all have some sort of different attributions. I, for example, work on the embedded project, doing mostly packaging for now and a bit of software development but if you think I can help, just call me in private16:35
agoliveiraHobbsee: Would be a very poor place to find one anyway ;)16:35
JohnKarahalisagoliveira: What do you mean by packaging?16:36
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: Create software packages in a format that a distro can understand, install, uninstall, etc. In our case, .deb. pcakages.16:36
JohnKarahalisagoliveria: ahh right that's what I thought. Just wondering because my school has a degree in "Packaging Science" as in physical packages. :P16:37
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JohnKarahalisagoliveria: Anyway, do you think you would want to participate. It wouldn't take more than 10-20 minutes to answer the questions probably, but I understand that you're all very busy so if you can't that's fine.16:38
SlimG3Is there any (plans for) logos representing the (current) ubuntu release codename? like a drake for dapper drake, this would be doable since all the codenames represents animals in different "moods"16:39
ubotuThe Release Managers are currently hungover, and wont be releasing gutsy today.  No gutsy for you!  NOT YOURS!!!16:39
Hobbseesheesh.  have some lag!16:39
sladenJohnKarahalis: I suspect lots of people will help;  might be better to ask via the mailing list though, and none of the people here are likely to be "typical" software people16:39
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: I would love to help. I just can't do this right now but if you poke me in about 1 hour, I think I'll be able to help.16:39
* agoliveira thinks that ubotu snapped :)16:40
JohnKarahalisagoliveria: Awesome, thank you! I actually have a class in a little bit, but when would be another good time to contact you? I have about 2 weeks before this paper is due, so no rush.16:40
persiaagoliveira: It's the bug count - ubotu keeps getting in trouble for flooding.16:41
sladentelflon flood-resistant upgrades for ubugtu16:41
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: So call me monday.16:42
JohnKarahalisCool, what time? And IRC?16:42
sorenpitti: Even though filing sync requests is ok, I don't suppose uploading new stuff is kosher at this point, is it?16:42
cjwatsonsladen: depends how you count it. I certainly have been a traditional software engineer, though that's not so much what I'm doing at the moment16:42
cjwatsonsoren: you can upload, it just won't be accepted yet16:42
pittisoren: you can upload away, it'll land in unapproved16:42
sorencjwatson: Oh, ok.16:42
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: about this time is fine16:43
SlimG3Is there a dedicated channel for the ubuntu graphics/design/theme apartment?16:43
sorenI for some reason assumed we were supposed to wait.16:43
Hobbseesladen: ?16:43
sladenSlimG3: #ubuntu-art16:43
sladenHobbsee: tab über completetion16:43
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: Just look for me on freenode and call me.16:43
Hobbseesladen: ahhh16:43
JohnKarahalisagoliveria: Great! Thanks! And if you don't mind me asking, what is your official title?16:43
SlimG3thanks sladen16:44
JohnKarahalisagoliveria: And, sorry, but what do you mean by call? I'm new to IRC. Is a "call" like an IM?16:44
sladenJob title: Typical Software Programmer #43716:44
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: You know what? I don't have the slightest idea :-D16:44
JohnKarahalisagoliveria: haha that's fine, I have a general idea of your responsibilities, thats all my prof needs16:44
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: Yes, you can just open a private conversation like on IM.16:45
JohnKarahalisagoliveira: Awesome. Thanks so much for participating!16:46
agoliveiraJohnKarahalis: My pleasure16:46
pittidoko: what did you mean with gnome help files?16:53
pittidoko: ah, symlinking identical pngs, and so on?16:53
dokopitti: yes. but IMO large -help guides should be splitted out anyway (like it's already done for gimp)16:54
pittidoko: right, but lots of small changes will help as well16:54
pittidoko, seb128: so I do the same "symlink to depending packages" trick for /usr/share/gnome/help?16:55
seb128pitti: /usr/share/gnome/help should not be duplicated16:55
dokoseb128: did you change it?16:56
seb128pitti: do you have any example of where it happens?16:56
seb128doko: change what?16:56
dokoseb128: gnome-games, totem,16:56
seb128doko: what is duplicated in totem?16:56
dokopitti: all the packages that were rejected before release16:57
seb128doko: and no, user help should not be splitted from the package16:58
dokoseb128: then fix gimp16:58
seb128doko: what about gimp?16:58
dokoseb128: it has splitted user help16:58
dokoseb128: OOo as well ...16:58
seb128doko: that's a different source package which contain those16:58
seb128that's not part of the program16:59
dokoseb128: how do you decide this?16:59
seb128doko: decide what?17:00
dokoso the list is: gnome-applets gnome-games gnome-power-manager gnome-utils totem tomboy17:00
dokoseb128: "that's not part of the program"17:00
seb128doko: apt-cache showsrc gimp-help17:01
seb128it's gimp-help17:01
seb128it's not from the gimp upstream tarball17:01
seb128I didn't decide it17:01
seb128upstream did17:01
dokoseb128: sorry, that's a bogus argument; with the same argument I can add all the OOo help to OOo-common17:01
seb128doko: I think it makes no sense to remove the user documentation from programs17:02
dokopitti: you find the list of all current duplicates in the liveCD build log17:02
seb128most users expect F1 to work17:02
seb128and to have documentation17:02
persiaIs it possible to do something at install time, with the right hints?  The packages will not get smaller, but the footprint will, and users will never not have the basic docs.17:03
dokoseb128: yeah, but we do have to make compromises due to CD size. OOo opens a dialog and asks the user to install the help package. sure you could do better offering an option to start the installer/update manager17:03
seb128we surely don't want to start doing that for every desktop application17:04
seb128and I'm not sure we need that much space yet17:04
seb128let see how it goes without the duplication17:04
dokosure, removing gnome-games from the CD is an option as well17:04
dokoseb128: we already know, we do have the numbers17:05
seb128doko: gutsy was not oversized and we will win extra space with the cdbs change, what do you need space for now?17:05
dokoseb128: translations17:05
dokoseb128: java plugin for the browser17:06
seb128we should not start creating complication and make users run installers when clicking on an help menu only for the sake of having free CD space we don't use17:06
dokolooking away from cd sizes is "creating complication" ...17:08
pittiseb128, doko: so while the separation of help into extra packages is debatable and should be decided on a case-by-case basis, symlinking identical files should be ok, right?17:09
pittidoko: I'll test it with gnome-power-manager and gnome-utils17:09
seb128pitti: if that actually works yes17:09
dokopitti: yes, if you can turn it off; I think turning it on by default is the right thing to do17:09
pittiseb128: right, of course17:09
seb128pitti: dholbach tried on ubuntu-docs before gutsy no?17:10
pittiI don't know17:10
dokoubuntu-docs is fixed17:10
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
pittimvo: can I ask you to verify bug 152113?17:14
mvopitti: let me have a look17:14
pittimvo: I'd like to put it into -updates today, so that we fix feisty->gutsy upgrades ASAP17:14
mvopitti: oh, gutsy was missing?17:14
pittimvo: the actual upgrade breakage is bug 116193 (fixed in the same upload)17:14
mvopitti: ok, I check this out17:15
pittimvo: yes, gutsy-proposed didn't have builds yesterday17:15
pittimvo: thank you!!!17:15
sladenseb128: I would *love* if F1 didn't work.  It pops up everytime I try and aim for escape17:21
sladenseparating docs out helps the embedded case17:22
seb128sladen: not really, or it needs to be made in a smart way, not by just not installing those and having a broken menu item17:24
pittislangasek: swapping caps lock and escape works *wonders* for us vimers :)17:26
pitti(except that I always erroneously switch on caps lock when I sit on a different computer than mine)17:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152113 in tzdata "Brazilian DST date change needs upgrade to 2007h" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15211317:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116193 in tzdata "error upgrading tzdata_2007e to tzdata_2007f" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11619317:27
slangasekpitti: what does one switch tab with to avoid nick collisions? ;)17:27
pittithat is still a mystery to be solved17:28
pittiseb128: tested now; images in yelp do break with broken symlinks (so I rule out caching), and work again with fixed symlinks17:50
pittiseb128: that rule indeed buys us quite a lot of space without any noticeable behaviour change17:50
RvGaTei thought i'd come in here to report that some hardware is not supported by default...17:50
seb128pitti: good ;-)17:52
pittidoko: I shamelessly stole the basic approach from your g-p-m upload :) (although I do not modify debian/<package>.links, I think this is too evil)17:53
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu__
=== pochu__ is now known as pochu___
pitticjwatson: would you mind if I upload and accept cdbs? it's arch-all, toolchainish, and I'd like to have it before we start the rush of syncs and Gnome packages, for maximum effectiveness17:54
RvGaTewith this setup: motherboard, Abit IP35-E. And a hdd, Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB 7200rpm S-ATA..... is not detected the hdd... making it unable to install.... if you need any stats, just ask... (if you have a solution, #ubuntu ofc... :P)17:54
cjwatsonpitti: not at all17:54
pittiseb128: that also means that we can probably drop most of the hacks from evolution et all17:55
pittiseb128: s/all/al/, d'oh my Latin17:55
dokopitti: all such packages like debhelper, devscripts should be uploaded now17:55
seb128pitti: good ;-)17:56
seb128doko: is hardy open yet?17:56
cjwatsonsomebody should merge base-files17:56
cjwatson(and change it for hardy)17:56
dokook, doing ...17:57
cjwatsonthe debootstrap change in question is syncable from unstable (or will be soon) whenever somebody feels the urge; but note that debootstrap-udeb has C code so it should wait until doko's happy with the compiler17:57
dokothe buildds are still happy building it ... ;)17:58
Hobbseedoko: pedal faster...17:58
cjwatsondoko: are you planning to upload glibc afterwards?17:59
cjwatson(still 2.6 rather than 2.7, I assume from our earlier discussions017:59
doko[ Uploading job glibc_2.6.1-6ubuntu1_source18:00
doko glibc_2.6.1-6ubuntu1.diff.gz 676.1 kB, ok (15 s, 45.08 kB/s)18:00
doko glibc_2.6.1-6ubuntu1.dsc 2.2 kB, ok (0 s, 2.21 kB/s)18:00
doko glibc_2.6.1-6ubuntu1_source.changes 11.4 kB, ok (1 s, 11.35 kB/s) ]18:00
dokohas a b-d on the new gcc, so accepting should be ok (plus gcc-snapshot)18:01
* pitti pokes gutsy-proposed queue18:02
pittiseb128: so, as discussed, we'll push gnome* gutsy-proposed under a blanket approval and have it publicly tested extensively until after allhands, right?18:06
seb128pitti: yes please18:07
dokopretty please have a look at the pango changes first ...18:07
seb128pitti: I've only uploaded safe updates and read debdiff until now18:07
pittiseb128: you rock! :)18:07
pittidoko: yes, I'll process the entire queue now18:07
dokopitti: I mean *look* at the diff, and/or test OOo / firefox with the new version18:08
pittiasac, Riddell: please do follow the SRU rules for SRU bugs (subscribe ubuntu-sru, gutsy and hardy tasks, etc.); otherwise this will fall off my radar18:09
seb128pitti: the only one which has non trivial changes is gnome-games which should be ok, that's only games and upstream said the code was not used18:09
pitticjwatson: aah, the traditional vim upload \o/ (not accepting yet, though)18:11
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cjwatsonheh, wasn't me this time :)18:12
pittiwhich reminds me that I need to merge mutt :)18:13
slangasekhaha, best autoresponse evar on ubuntu-announce from a hotmailer: "You e-mailed <foo>@hotmail.com, this is no longer my e-mail address anymore<br><br>Since Microsoft is communist, it does not let me forward my e-mail, so i am stuck with this automated reply"18:17
pittibdmurray: would you have some time to SRU-verify bug 152113? that'll include the fix for bug 116193 which breaks an awful lot of upgrades and thus I'd like to get it out ASAP18:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152113 in tzdata "Brazilian DST date change needs upgrade to 2007h" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15211318:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116193 in tzdata "error upgrading tzdata_2007e to tzdata_2007f" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11619318:17
Spadsslangasek: haha yeah, I get those too18:18
bdmurraypitti: let me look at the report18:18
sladenslangasek: must admit, "communist" would not have been the first word that came to mind18:19
pittidoko: there is no pango in gutsy-proposed, BTW18:19
slangaseksladen: that's what's great about it :)18:19
dokopitti: and no glib?18:20
pittidoko: no18:20
dokofine =)18:20
pittidoko: was it meant to?18:22
dokoI don't know18:22
=== dendro is now known as dendrobates
dokopitti, cjwatson: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/queue/ doesn't show hardy yet18:23
bdmurraypitti: only gutsy needs verification?18:27
pittibdmurray: yes, dapper/feisty/edgy are already verified by mvo and in -updates18:27
pittibdmurray: mvo is on it, too, now (he just told me)18:27
bdmurraypitti: okay, I'll let him do it then. ;)18:28
bdmurraypitti: is -proposed available now?  I was looking at verifying the kopete crash with msn bug too18:29
pittibdmurray: yes, it works; I'm just processing the queue, most stuff is flushed18:29
pittibdmurray: will still take some 3 hours to build, though18:29
pitti(and get into the archive)18:29
bdmurraypitti: okay, it is still early here18:31
mvopitti: verification daeon18:32
bdmurraymvo: I was looking at some update-manager bugs and noticed a couple with errors regarding medibuntu18:34
cjwatsondoko: fixed18:34
mvobdmurray: oh? can you give me a example please?18:35
bdmurraybug 15395818:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153958 in update-manager "update-manager problem when upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15395818:37
dokopitti: maybe accepting OOo at this point waiting for the bootstrap is not helpful18:38
superm1mvo, how come the extra repos aren't disabled before the package lists is updated to run update-manager's dist-upgrade?18:39
superm1i ran into something similar a few releases back, but never queried further into it18:39
dokotrying to lower the build score by hand18:39
superm1mvo, it appears that they are disabled after the apt-get update18:39
mvosuperm1: its important that it knows where it starts from, its important for the calculation of obsolete packages18:40
superm1mvo, but what about cases like this that the old repo is no longer valid?18:40
mvosuperm1: it basicly compare the packages that are not downloadable anymore before and after the upgrade to figure out what is no longer needed18:40
superm1mvo, is there a better way to handle that18:40
superm1or not necessarily no longer valid, but perhaps not contactable at that time18:41
superm1perhaps catching the IOError, but still heading forward?18:42
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dokocjwatson, pitti, seb128, Mithrandir: please approve gcc-4.2 in binary NEW18:50
=== norsetto is now known as norsetto_limbo
geserdoes somebody know what happened to the accepted packages for gutsy-proposed?18:58
geseror where they are currently?18:59
joshkdoes any ubiquity-automation documentation exist, or am i going to have to trawl through the source19:17
bdmurrayI think there was a post to ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-announce about it recently19:25
evandjoshk: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-October/002001.html19:28
joshkevand: cool! thanks.19:46
joshkso automatic-ubiquity will generate a preseed file after a normal attended install?19:46
joshkoh, i get it19:48
evandyou need to generate a preseed file yourself19:48
evandhit f6 at the CD bootloader (isolinux)19:48
evandand append url=http://yoursite/yourpreseedfile.seed19:48
evandthe values in that file will get pulled into debconf19:49
evandwhich will be used by ubiquity19:49
joshkyeah, got it19:49
evandok, great19:49
evandif you have any questions, feel free to ask them here (though #ubuntu-installer would be more appropriate) or drop me an email.19:50
joshkhm, partman crsahed19:50
evandYikes.  If this was using the automated installer, file a bug against ubiquity and attach /var/log/syslog and the preseed file you used.19:52
evandwell, either way file a bug :)19:52
joshki'm betting my preseed file isn't working, since i last used it with feisty19:52
joshkin short: ubiquity/components/partman.py:360, assertion failed19:53
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
evandhrm, you may be missing a question or two.  Check it against the preseed file I posted in that email to ubuntu-devel-discuss.19:54
cjwatsonthough it's still a bug if it fails an assertion19:59
cjwatsonjoshk: hey, didn't you use to hack on partman? we could do with more people working on ubiquity's partman integration ... ;-)19:59
cjwatsonbasically it'll fail that assertion if it doesn't go through ok_handler with partman-auto/{init_,}automatically_partition as the current question20:00
cjwatsonwhich may be a little too fragile ...20:00
lamontDo you want to continue [Y/n]?20:01
lamontE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc620:01
lamonthrm.  I hate it when dist-upgrade says that20:01
cjwatsonat some point I must grab Ian and find out what that means20:02
elmoit's an apt thing?20:04
elmoI thought20:04
elmoand had to do with not being able to break dependency loops (or whatever) for essential (or virtually essential like libc6) packages20:04
cjwatsonhmm, you're right20:04
* mvo_ hides20:10
pittigeser: gutsy-proposed binaries should be accepted automatically (unless they are new, of course, but that shouldn't happen)20:13
pittimvo_: ah, there you are; my /query timed out on 'mvo' :)20:15
[knap]hello, any ubuntu audio team member?20:16
Amaranthmvo_: We missed a couple things for the blacklist20:16
Amaranthmvo_: And maybe we should use --indirect-rendering again for nvidia now that the driver is fixed20:16
Amaranthmvo_: So people don't get the memory leak thing as quickly (or at all depending on their hardware)20:16
pittimvo_: thank you for verifying20:18
[knap]or anyone involved with alsa20:18
ajmitchAmaranth: why would compiz refuse to use gtk-window-decorator? it looked weird upgrading compiz on my laptop (was a few weeks old) & the window decorations changing20:20
Amaranthajmitch: If you have emerald installed it uses it20:21
ajmitchI can run gtk-window-decorator manually & it worked, I just never saw where it got set20:21
ajmitchis that optional, or it just happens?20:21
pittidoko: meh, lots of -dbg20:25
[knap]why isn't this bug fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9385920:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93859 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[Feisty] Very low volume on Toshiba satellite a100-155" [Medium,Confirmed]20:30
[knap]it is araound since 7.0420:30
[knap]still happens with 7.1020:31
pittidoko: done20:31
LaserJock_[knap]: well, the simple answer is because nobody's fixed it20:34
[knap]I would fix it myself if I had the knowledge, does this have to be fixed with the alsa guys or here in ubuntu?20:36
evandisn't model=auto the default for snd-hda-intel anyway?20:37
[knap]evand the line "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" doesn't exist in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base20:37
evand[knap]: my point is that I'm not sure it needs to be.20:38
[knap]ok, I don't know but it fixes the problem20:38
[knap]so is there anything i can do to get this fixed?20:49
LaserJock_[knap]: you could talk to kylem or TheMuso about it, I think they're in charge of the audio team20:50
[knap]LaserJock_ ok i will try that, thanks20:51
VletHow much space does a full mirror occupy?21:02
LaserJock_of the archive of .isos21:03
LaserJock_*or .isos21:03
Vletthe archives21:03
LaserJock_hmm, I think it's something like 40GB for i386 and amd6421:04
geserVlet: for one or all archs? for one release or all?21:04
Vletgeser: Well, depends on how much space each release occupies. I would like to at least get each arch for gutsy. I know many people here on campus running ubuntu, so I thought a local mirror would reduce load on other mirrors21:06
geser40 GB for i386 and amd64 for gutsy is a good estimate21:09
Vletthanks. I just wanted to make sure the machine I have had enough space before I started rsyncing21:09
geserVlet: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror21:16
cjwatsonfor reference, feisty+gutsy main+restricted amd64+i386+powerpc+source is:21:16
cjwatson30599976        /mirror/ubuntu21:16
cjwatsonof course that may be a totally useless number to you if you want to mirror universe+multiverse too21:16
geserVlet: according to that page the complete archive is around 170 GB (I found a site mentioning it around 200 GB)21:17
LaserJock_I should talk to the CS department at my uni about mirroring21:19
LaserJock_170GB isn't really that much space wise21:20
LaserJock_bandwidth around campus at least wouldn't be much21:20
ivoks_230GB is official mirror of all archs21:20
ivoks_but that will grow with new releases21:20
ivoks_hr.r.u.c is nearing 1TB of traffic :)21:21
ivoks_(in two days)21:22
VletI seeded 86 gigs of the iso today :)21:24
LaserJock_it'd be interesting to get bandwidth numbers for all the official mirrors for the first week of Gutsy release21:25
cjwatsoncjwatson@rookery:~$ du -s /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/21:25
cjwatson174628444       /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/21:25
LaserJock_does that go back to breezy?21:26
ivoks_breezy wasn't first ubuntu :)21:27
LaserJock_ivoks_: I'm aware of that21:28
cjwatsonLaserJock_: no, breezy isn't on archive.ubuntu.com any more21:28
BurgundaviaLaserJock_: what we really need is more crappy bandwidth country mirrors, but another mirror is always good, I suppose21:42
LaserJock_Burgundavia: well, it'd probably be a uni-only mirror I'd guess21:43
LaserJock_I don't seem like my uni cares much for Linux in general, let alone Ubuntu21:44
LaserJock_but I might convince them that providing a mirror for the uni would be chep21:44
Burgundaviait is a good way to get Ubuntu in21:47
LaserJock_I gotta get them to stop shutting down linux labs21:48
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
hungerI get a invalid signature from the ubuntu archive automatic signing key on gutsy-proposed.22:42
gcarrillohi all22:42
gcarrillodoes anybody know of an online browser for GNU source?22:42
hungergcarrillo: ?22:42
gcarrillodoes that mean the question was unclear or that you don't know :)22:44
hungergcarrillo: I don't know what you want.22:45
hungergcarrillo: A online browser as in some app to look up docs on the internet? firefox springs to mind here... ;-)22:46
gcarrillosorry no22:46
gcarrillofor example22:46
gcarrillothats the source browser for opensolaris22:46
hungergcarrillo: I am not aware of something like that.22:47
gcarrilloi wonder if theres something similar for gnu22:47
hungergcarrillo: Some projects offer it, but more on a per-project base.22:47
gcarrilloi wanted to look at the source for echo22:47
hungergcarrillo: There is no central entity that can collect all the source and stuff:-(22:47
gcarrilloi thought gnu was the central entity for the userland stuff like that22:48
gcarrillolike command line tools and such22:48
hungergcarrillo: "apt-get source bash" will get it for you.22:48
gcarrillooh cool22:48
gcarrillothanks ;)22:49
hungergcarrillo: Nothing gnu related, just normal ubuntu/debian goodness. You can grab the sources of everything in the main/universe/multiverse repositories that way.22:49
gcarrillook so where in my fs will that source live?22:51
gcarrilloonce i've apt-get'd it22:52
gesergcarrillo: in a dir below $PWD22:53
gcarrillooh sorry22:53
gcarrillodumb question22:54
mdkehow does one get a package removed from the archive? just a regular bug report?22:58
gesermdke: yes, plus the usual sponsoring for non-MOTUs/non-core-devs22:59
mdkegeser: so I just subscribe the sponsor group and ask them to remove the package? I thought it was much harder :)22:59
slangasekhmm? what sponsoring is involved in removing a package?22:59
sistpotymdke: you should have a good reason though :P23:00
mdkeslangasek: I dunno, I was asking23:01
slangasekyes, I'm questioning geser's response23:01
geserslangasek: only the ACK from a MOTU/core-dev is the reporter is none before subscribing ubuntu-archive23:01
mdkeright, I see23:02
geserMOTUs/core-devs can directly subscribe ubuntu-archive to the remove request/bug23:02
mdkeok, I'll do that. Thanks23:03
mdkeactually, perhaps it's not necessary. The packages i had in mind (ubuntu-quickguide and ubuntu-faqguide) don't appear to be in the archive, they are only in my tab completion for apt-get install... perhaps a remnant of having a system upgraded over many releases23:07
geserpackages.u.c doesn't know any of them (also for past releases)23:09
* mdke nods23:10
mdkemy bad23:10
mdkeanyway, useful to know how to do it, sorry for the timewasting23:10
purpleposeidonTo the individual who thought that using UUIDs for all of the disks was a good idea: Please type=UUID=9dd73528-841d-4ced-a0fc-be130e88a5de  at least 7 times.23:49
purpleposeidonI'm sure you'll soon be almost as good as me at typing it.23:49
sistpotyfor i in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; do echo UUID=9dd73528-841d-4ced-a0fc-be130e88a5de; done #:P23:55
sistpoty(sorry, couldn't resist)23:55
TheMusosistpoty: lol. The slight inconvenience of typing it pays off in the end.23:59
TheMusoMany a time a UUID instead of a device node has helped me considerably.23:59

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