
boredandbloggingshould something get written up about the release?05:05
Burgundaviathere is a half written story06:21
Burgundaviasomebody can finish it06:21
BurgundaviaMadpilot, boredandblogging ^06:23
Burgundaviamdke: you up yet?08:06
mdkeBurgundavia: yeah, unfortunately :)08:08
Burgundaviamind pretty-ing that up?08:09
mdkei'll try08:10
BurgundaviaI am working on a "first reviews" story08:10
mdkeBurgundavia: live08:20
mdkewhat did you think of Lucas' criticism on planet recently?08:22
Burgundaviawe might want to mention it08:26
mdkeI think it's pretty unfair myself08:27
Burgundaviait should probably be under the technology section08:28
Burgundaviaie, built on debian, GNOME, X.org, etc.08:29
mdkehmm. The website makes a pretty conscious effort to keep things simple and not confuse the reader with too many brands, it's a difficult balance.08:31
mdkebut you're right, in technical explanations then obviously the various software Ubuntu uses and is based on should be mentioned08:31
BurgundaviaI think it should be mentioned in the relesae announcement too08:33
mdkeyes. That focuses on new features and it could focus on some of the basic features of Ubuntu too08:34
Burgundaviaugh, the dc being hammered is making fridge editing difficult08:44
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=== mrevel-lunch is now known as mrevell
boredandblogginghow about providing a link to downloading and mentioning torrents has a good alternative for the 7.10 released post?13:48
boredandbloggingespecially if its taking some folks 9 hours to download an ISO13:54
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: hmm, there is already a half written story about that21:26
Burgundaviamaybe we shoudl infish it21:26
boredandbloggingBurgundavia: the reviews have started to roll in?21:47
boredandbloggingi added some links to the UWN, maybe we could use some of those21:47
Burgundaviasure, go nuts21:54
Rinchenwhat he said ^^22:18
Burgundaviahey Rinchen22:18
Rinchengreat articles these last few days22:18
Burgundaviayour team report was very boring, so added a bit about us actually writing a sotry or two22:18
RinchenI just want us to get some credit :-)22:19
Rinchenmakes us look organized22:19
Burgundaviaheh, indeed22:19
BurgundaviaI was thinking of a "10 most common misconceptions in reviews"22:20

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