
CIA-18ubiquity: superm1 * r2179 mythbuntu-ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/mythbuntu/apply-services): fix typo in mysql-server03:15
twbcjwatson: hale.10:56
cjwatsondia duit10:57
twbSo I'm using just the kernel & initrd to do the unattended network install -- rather than using casper over nfs and the live installer.11:01
twbDoes the simple d-i installer support GTK, like Etch?11:02
cjwatsonI spent quite a bit of energy on that, but eventually decided to go the ubiquity path instead11:02
cjwatsonI think GTK d-i needs a lot more effort put into plugins before it's sufficiently usable11:03
cjwatsonbut for unattended installs it doesn't really seem like a big deal11:03
twbOn Ubuntu, or generally?11:03
twbYeah, I was more curious than anything.11:03
cjwatsonwell, generally, but obviously Debian can do what it likes :-)11:03
cjwatsonthe partitioner is the main problem11:04
twbWhat's wrong with it?  It seemed fine to- ah.11:04
cjwatsonit's pretty much just a straight conversion of the newt installer11:04
cjwatsonthe only win seems to be that you get to use the mouse11:04
twbI think that's a corrollary of trying to smush the partitioner into the UI-agnostic infrastructure11:04
cjwatsononly because nobody's written plugins :)11:05
cjwatsoncdebconf plugins let you make things UI-aware11:05
cjwatsonbut it's hard work to do for the partitioner11:05
twbI get the impression that people have had trouble with the Ubuntu live partitioner, though, too.  Under Feisty.11:05
cjwatsonand the infrastructure for cdebconf plugins is unfortunately not quite finished (libd-i needs work)11:06
cjwatsonsure, ours is far from perfect either, I acknowledge11:06
cjwatsondon't get me wrong, I'm not doing a "rah rah Ubuntu rocks Debian sucks" kind of thing11:06
twbNo worries.11:06
twbIt's clear to me you're level-headed about it.11:07
cjwatsonpartitioning UI is hard; even the dedicated implementations (gparted, qtparted) have major flaws11:07
cjwatsonI don't think anyone's done it right on Linux yet11:07
cjwatsonat least not in a graphical way; the text-only ones are pretty good within that medium11:08
twbEspecially if you introduce multiple label types, LVM, md, and trying to maybe not blow away existing partitions.11:08
cjwatsonright. we have a design we're working towards that should accommodate LVM and md, but (again, spot the theme) it's hard work11:08
twbJust "blow it away and do something sensible" is working fine.11:09
cjwatsonand the flaws will probably only become apparent once it's in place11:09
twbWhat I'm keen on is for the whole metainit/upstart-sysv-compat stuff to clear up so we can actually have daemons using upstart properly11:10
cjwatsonyeah, I'm no expert on that though11:11
twbI did some work on thttpd recently and it's distressing how bad the init.d scripts are, because they're currently written by people who aren't experts on init, but rather experts on <whatever daemon>11:11
cjwatsontwb: so from your comments in /msg earlier I gathered that there was some problem with putting the keymap stuff on the kernel command line?11:12
cjwatsonare you running over the length limit?11:13
twbcjwatson: no, it's just inelegant11:13
cjwatsonif you're prepared to modify the initrd, you can use a /preseed.cfg file in there for the stuff that comes before bringing up the network11:14
cjwatsonor, as I say, kickstart works around it by bringing the network up early before fetching the preseed file11:14
cjwatsoner, before fetching the kickstart file11:14
twbcjwatson: I was already wondering about that so I won't have to run an HTTP daemon11:14
twbUsing file= that is11:15
cjwatsonyou can preseed everything in /preseed.cfg if you like, that's valid enough11:15
cjwatsonfile= doesn't come right at the start11:15
cjwatsonit comes after keymap handling too11:15
twbHmm, so without arguments it will use /preseed.cfg?11:15
cjwatsonfile= is basically for CD installs when you want to do file=/cdrom/...11:15
twbOh, I see.11:15
cjwatsonor to fetch stuff off the hard disk11:16
cjwatson(but nevertheless after hardware detection runs)11:16
cjwatsonyes, /preseed.cfg in the initrd is used unconditionally - any file= or url= arguments supplement it11:16
twbIf it uses /preseed.cfg from the initrd without being told, can I tell it NOT to do that -- for the odd occasion when I want to cancel out preseeding and do a fully manual install11:16
twb...or would I have to have a separate initrd?11:16
cjwatsonyou'd have to use a separate initrd11:17
cjwatsoninteresting thought though, maybe a wishlist on the preseed package11:17
twbAn example would be that all my systems would be seeded with TZ=Australia/Melbourne, unless we're building a box to ship out to a large customer.11:18
twbAlthough normally I guess we'd make them a new netboot entry with different initrd/seed anyway.11:19
cjwatsontimezone's handled much later, of course, so you could do that with URL preseeding or similar if you wanted11:24
twbGood point -- I could have the preseed in the initrd ONLY set up the keyboard and suchlike, and then do the rest via HTTP11:25
Nycthello there12:34
Nyctanyone free to give me some advice on installing Ubuntu - first time user here12:34
xivuloncjwatson, loopinstallation requires to override a few files in the target system (init.d scripts, initramfs-tools, and update-grub), what is a good way to do that?12:42
xivulonI'd guess that the patched packages should hit the gutsy repo and I'd only need to override the packages inside the ISO. Is that ok?12:45
xivulonI still need to go over the patches and clean them up by the way (probably this w/e).12:46
cjwatsonxivulon: gutsy isn't going to change now13:25
xivuloncjwatson, what do you suggest?14:03
xivulonI mean overriding the files is ugly but easy, the issue is of course when people upgrade such packages.14:05
cjwatsonxivulon: for init.d scripts and initramfs-tools, write them as separate scripts rather than changing existing ones; that should be possible for the most part14:26
cjwatsonxivulon: what needs to be changed in update-grub?14:26
xivulonHmm umountfs must skip /host (and /boot) whenever umounting /host will cause / to jump...14:28
xivulonNot sure I can do that in a separate script14:28
xivulonSo basically if umounting mountpoint X you unmount device Y which also host root, then you have to skip14:29
xivulonAs for update-grub kopt is not set correctly in the case of a loop installation14:31
xivulonThen of course you need to take care of /host & co in umountroot14:37
xivulonBut that can be done in a separate script14:38
cjwatsonOK, I'm just telling you what the constraints are. It is not possible to change gutsy for things other than major regressions, security problems, or data loss bugs.14:40
cjwatsonso that's what you need to work around in order to support gutsy14:41
xivuloncjwatson, what we used to do before, was to have an init.d script that would patch subsequent init.d scripts. That will work, but it's not the most elegant solution.14:54
xivulondpkg-divert will be used for update-grub15:04
xivulonThe plan is to use dpkg-divert for init.d/update-gurb/initramfs-tools within lupin-support, and override the ISO to provide an updated lupin-support.deb. Any issue with that?15:20
cjwatsonyou can't use dpkg-divert for anything in /etc15:21
xivulonI thought it was too easy15:21
cjwatsonit doesn't work at all for configuration files (not shipped in .debs), and it breaks in corner cases for conffiles (shipped in .debs)15:21
cjwatsondpkg-divert is probably reasonable for the rest of it15:22
xivulonFor init.d I can use an early start/stop script to override umountfs15:22
xivulonOkthat's all I needed to know, thx15:31
xivuloncjwatson, I really think that /sbin/mount.ntfs should be skept within sendsigs.17:47
xivulonusers that have ntfs(-3g) mounted and reboot, will end up with the ntfs killed by sendsigs as opposed of being unmounted17:48
xivulonthis is not a lupin only featrue, and can result in data loss/fs corruption17:48
xivulonnow reading your comment in #15158017:51
cjwatsonplease make this sort of comment in bug reports rather than by IRC17:52
cjwatsonI find it very difficult to keep track of bugs raised on IRC and would prefer people not to do it17:52
xivulonSure, I had missed your previous comment. I think you have a good point17:52
cjwatsonand shifting between bug reports and IRC when the issue isn't immediately resolvable makes it extremely difficult to look back later and see why something was done17:53
joshkevand: hey21:52
joshkis there a way to get proof that the ubuntu boot procedure did or didn't successfully fetch the preseed file?21:52
evandjoshk: I *think* it writes stdout/stderr to /var/log/casper.log21:55
joshkah, darn. network is unreachable21:55
joshkDHCP being weird, i guess21:56
joshkthat kinda sucks, though.21:56
evandwhat do you mean?21:57
joshkreconciling syslog and capser.log, network was available 13 seconds later21:57
evandhrm, I could move that further down in the chain of events.21:59
evandcjwatson: ^-- thoughts?21:59
joshkdon't you have all sorts of dbus noise to figure out whether dhcp client has gotten a lease yet?21:59
evandhrm, indeed.  I'll toy around with that later.22:02
evandBut first I need to head to the bank.22:02
joshkmoney's important.22:02
evand'tis indeed :)22:02
joshkis there a way to tell preseed to mount an arbitrary device for preseeding?22:38
joshksay, /dev/cdrom122:38
joshkalternatively, a way to specify an arbitrary command on the command line22:48
joshk(isolinux command line)22:48
joshkis there like a ubiquity/really_early_command that runs before preseeding that i can sepcify maybe?23:32

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