[04:22] c [04:22] argh [04:43] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/150531 [04:43] Launchpad bug 150531 in ubuntu "dmraid45 not in kernel" [Undecided,New] [04:43] did you see that [04:43] http://people.redhat.com/heinzm/sw/dm/dm-raid45/dm-raid45- [04:43] a kernel patch is required for this [04:46] otherwise raid 5 on motherboards would never work [06:41] hey folks, Tribe 5 would not load at all on my system due to what appears to be a kernel problem with the ATI SB600 chipset.....is there any chance that might have been resolved before the official release? [06:42] pastebin for the kernel guys http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41158/ [06:43] Same subject as Geoffery2 almost [06:44] eh, tribe 5? [06:45] I get the starting menu, pick the run/install option, the kernel progress bar appears, then I get a memory allocation error and the whole system hangs [06:45] * JanC checks the dial on his time machine [06:46] oh hey - win has SP's we can have an ubuntu if we need to [06:47] Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:00:14.0 [06:47] aaaah XSource - breaking things again I see, no? [06:48] ? [06:48] XSource you should look at pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/41158/ [06:48] well, the way Mozilla keeps adding numbers with each release, I would expect to see a version sometime soon [06:49] meta-paonia: are you sure that's for me? [06:49] meta-paonia, if you want to be helped, you probably should try another way... [06:49] JanC - perhaps I need some instruction on this [06:51] the tricky part for me is that to debug the problem, I've been told I'd need to run some routines under Gutsy and paste the results...since Gutsy won't even load for me, that's just not possible [06:53] Geoffrey2, Ubuntu 7.10 was released yesterday, did you try the final version? [06:55] JanC, no, I haven't downloaded that one yet...guess there's nothing to lose by trying [06:55] well, I'm sure the developers won't even try to fix things if you didn't try the last version :) === ubuntusucks is now known as elkkubuntu === elkkubuntu is now known as myrttiubuntu === myrttiubuntu is now known as ubuntunonaked === ubuntunonaked is now known as ubuntunonakedgir === ubuntunonakedgir is now known as ubuntuhowfix === ubuntuhowfix is now known as howfixhowfixhowf === howfixhowfixhowf is now known as howfixbadubuntu [07:22] howfixbadubuntu? === howfixbadubuntu is now known as ubuntushit === ubuntushit is now known as ubuntuopshit [07:37] moin === infinity2 is now known as infinity [08:27] ok, I downloaded, burned and booted with the official Gutsy release...still will not load,....[26.197607] PCI: Cannot allocate region 1 of Device 0000:00:14.0 [08:29] the system hangs at that point, upon rebooting I get an error from the BIOS [09:08] hmm that dmraid kernel patch did not work, maybe just patch dmraid itself [09:08] have to check [09:55] c [09:55] ugh [10:04] anyone here who can help me figure out what appears to be a kernel bug? [10:07] Gutsy is giving me an allocation error when I try to run it, it can't allocate region 1 of device 00:14.0, which appears to be the ATI SB600 [10:16] is anyone here involved with ubuntu kernel development? [12:22] Lure_, can you please fix your connection? :) === asac_ is now known as asac === allee_ is now known as allee === zul_ is now known as zul === luka74 is now known as Lure [16:30] hello all. Gutsy will not load properly for me, I'm receiving an allocation error...cannot allocate region 1 of device 00:14.0, at which point Gutsy hangs [16:35] Geoffrey2, did you file a bug report? [17:03] ok, now....a bug report was already on file for this problem, but it was filed for Tribe 5....however, the response to the bug filing was they needed more information, and to run certain routines and post the results...problem being of course that since the problem prevents Gutsy from loading at all, there's no way to run the routines [17:17] Geoffrey2, you could at least add that it still doesn't work, and ask for clarifications :) [17:34] JanC: the problem was listed under Tribe 5, since it's also occuring in the official release, would I want to start a new topic, or just include a comment under the Tribe 5 filing that the problem is still occuring in the release version? [17:38] I think you should add it to the same bug and maybe update the bug details [17:44] ok, hopefully it can get resolved somehow, because I love Ubuntu, and really would like to move up to Gutsy [18:36] The upgrade to Gutsy broke suspend for me, so I'm rebuilding my kernel (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/121653) [18:36] Launchpad bug 121653 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "[gutsy] fglrx breaks over suspend/resume" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [18:36] i haven't built a kernel in a while (couple years) [18:37] i see that there are instructions for building kernels "the ubuntu" way. Is there any difference between the ubuntu kernel sources and just getting and building source from kernel.org ? [18:44] (sorry got dropped) [18:50] The Ubuntu kernels have lots of patches that aren't in the kernel.org kernels. [18:50] anything breaking ? [18:50] broad question, sorry [18:51] i mean: there's no reason a kernel.org built kernel shouldn't run fine with ubuntu, right ? [18:51] it should be fine [18:51] ok, thank you [18:52] zul: No problems with apparmor? [18:52] dont think so [18:53] great. I just had to change CONFIG_SLUB to CONFIG_SLAB because CONFIG_SLUB seems to break suspend when using ati drivers. [18:53] little bump in the gutsy upgrade. [18:54] rebooting now, guess i'll find out === mdomsch_ is now known as mdomsch [22:23] so, tested the patch to use dm-raid with raid 5 on 2 systems [22:23] it works, but requires a patched dmraid too [22:23] it has to load the module [22:25] http://kanotix.com/files/thorhammer/updates/dmraid/ [22:25] use that as base [22:25] + [22:25] http://people.redhat.com/heinzm/sw/dm/dm-raid45/dm-raid45- [22:26] then it does work [22:29] combined output of 2 systems: [22:29] http://paste.debian.net/40179 [22:37] dmraid binary is for etch, do not use it, compile it... [22:39] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/97655 [22:39] Launchpad bug 97655 in linux-source-2.6.20 "dmraid45 target please" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [22:39] btw. no patch is in conflict