
dholbachgood morning06:55
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Mithrandirmorning, mr Holbach.07:04
dholbachgood morning Mr. Heen07:11
dholbachhow are you doing?07:11
Mithrandirjust got up.  Nothing too wrong so far.07:12
dholbachhehe :)07:12
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loolHmm where does the mobile-* hostname come from on the q1u?  I've properly setup hosts and hostname, but it keeps the name09:00
loolHmm /etc/init.d/hostname.sh09:00
loolOh same conffile in two packages, hmm what about we change the master hostname.sh to check whether /etc/hostname exists or else creates one?09:03
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smagounDoes McCaslin support hyperthreading? Or just Menlow?14:44
mjg59McCaslin doesn't14:45
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vania99hello guys, just one question, is there currently some work on a ARM version of ubuntu mobile ? I would be very interested in that ... 15:41
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smagounvania99: No, there isn't at this time. Feel free to start one if you like15:42
agoliveiravania99: Short answer: no.15:42
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* ian_brasil said that this would be a popular question ;)15:52
ian_brasilmaybe add it to the channel info?15:57
Hobbseeanyone seen or spoken to markuman in the past while?15:58
agoliveiraian_brasil: It's on the faq... I just wish people read it... <sigh>16:00
Hobbseeagoliveira: hint:  point them at the /topic, and refuse to answer otherwise.  works a charm.16:01
Hobbseeagoliveira: calling !topic is also effective16:01
agoliveiraHobbsee: Don't know this markuman. Any other clues?16:01
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:01
Hobbseeagoliveira: long ago channel contact.  *shrug*16:02
ian_brasilagoliveira: yes, i know...maybe if it was on the channel info you could just say 'scroll up' instead of 'look at this URL'16:02
Hobbseeian_brasil: does anyone *read* the channel info?16:02
smagounisn't it easier to type "no, not now" than to try to get people to read the topic/faq/etc?16:02
agoliveirasmagoun: After the nth time, it becomes a real PITA.16:02
smagounbut even after the nth time, "no" is still easier to type than trying to push the FAQ16:03
ian_brasilHobbsee: I always do but i am English and so like formal things  like: 'don't enter the channel without reading the info' 16:04
Hobbseeian_brasil: oh, as in, on join messages, the ones which go to everyone's server window?  :)16:05
Hobbseeian_brasil: topics are the way to go, really16:05
ian_brasilOK i am in danger of showing my ignorance of IRC protocols now so i will keep quiet16:06
smagounToddBrandt: ping16:07
Hobbseeian_brasil: smart move.  i'm an #ubuntu op, among other things :)16:10
* ian_brasil bows deeply16:11
* Hobbsee pokes Mithrandir16:14
bicchiHow do i get the touchscreen working. Which driver should I be using. I have tried: egalax16:37
* agoliveira looks for his crystal ball for the answer.... hmmm, no... too cloudy...16:48
dvarnerbicchi: your having trouble with the touchscreen?17:09
dvarnerthe driver we use is evtouch17:10
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rustyldoes anyone know what installs dh_testdir?  I'm trying to build a package via pbuilder on a new system and missing whatever package installs this22:42
rustylgot it... debhelper22:47
ian_brasili am getting an error deb-data-member-wrongly-compressed using debuild ...any idea what this might be...?22:52
ian_brasillooks like i found a lintian bug23:03
jpan__robr, you there?23:42
rustyljpan__, 23:46
robr_ubuntujpan__, yes? how's the flood clean-up going?23:47
jpan__robr_ubuntu, water retreated. fans are blowing23:47
* rustyl has visions of Jacob using his laptop from a rowboat23:47
robr_ubuntujpan__, i saw you're email with calvin23:48
jpan__robr_ubuntu, just like in a hot tub, it is the water heater tank broken23:48
jpan__robr_ubuntu, i wanted to ask you about the fb driver as well as our tolerance on the limitations23:49
* robr_ubuntu wonders if we should take this topic to #moblin23:49
jpan__robr_ubuntu, ok23:50
robr_ubuntujpan__, i'm not seeing you on #moblin though23:50
jpan__robr_ubuntu, i am having problem log in. let me try again23:51

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