
crimsunit doesn't make sense to nominate it for hardy yet ;-)00:00
kai^sdsblueyed: probably not. at least i can't see how00:00
crimsunapproved for gutsy.00:00
blueyedIt's the same as Gutsy, isn't it? Should it rather get re-opened and set to closed for feisty and before?00:01
blueyedkai^sds: see the bug attachments sidebox and "edit" for your attachment.00:01
blueyedkai^sds: but probably you must be member of the Ubuntu Bugsquad team for this.00:03
kai^sdsblueyed: thanks for the info. i have removed the older patch00:03
blueyedk :)00:03
blueyedCan you remove/edit other attachments as well?00:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 69455 in oprofile "[SRU] for oprofile, edgy-updates: bashism in oprofile's opcontrol script prevents user from setting any events" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6945500:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:04
blueyedkai^sds: why isn't the fix for feisty not in gutsy anymore?00:04
kai^sdslaunchpad offers me the "Delete attachment" button for patches other than my own. i do not want to try it out now though00:05
* blueyed is happy that this has not been abused yet00:05
crimsunblueyed: it was dropped quite some time ago00:05
kai^sdsblueyed: good question. i don't know.00:05
blueyedcrimsun: during gutsy development?00:05
crimsunblueyed: correct, during a merge00:06
blueyedLooks ok. Though it's "strange" to fix bashisms with using bash.. ;)00:08
crimsunblueyed: that's because it's not a fix; it's a hackaround00:09
crimsunfor -proposed, the change must be minimal and easily understood00:09
crimsun/bin/sh -> /bin/bash satisfies both requirements00:10
crimsunkai^sds: should be versioned 0.9.3-1ubuntu1.1, and the distribution should be gutsy-proposed00:13
kai^sdsso this line for example00:17
kai^sds+oprofile (0.9.3-1ubuntu2) gutsy; urgency=low00:17
kai^sdsshould be changed to00:17
kai^sds+oprofile (0.9.3-1ubuntu1.1) gutsy-proposed; urgency=low00:17
crimsun(back in a bit.)00:18
kai^sdsok. done00:24
=== RoninX341 is now known as etank
bddebianHeya gang01:04
bddebianHello nenolod01:06
blueyedCheers bddebian!01:17
bddebianHello Blue01:17
bddebianErr blueyed01:17
bmk789whats the best way to start contributing to ubuntu without having programming knowledge?01:22
robdocumentation is a good one01:22
bmk789writing documentation for what?01:23
robbmk789, how to use Ubuntu, see #ubuntu-doc01:23
bddebianWhere has pkern disappeared to?02:05
tonyyarussoSo anyone tried installing with the encrypted partitions option yet?02:09
TheMusoBed most likely02:12
TheMusotonyyarusso: How does one find that option?02:12
* TheMuso is considering it for his trip to UDS.02:12
RAOFtonyyarusso: Yup.02:20
TheMusoWhere do you get the encrypted partitions option?02:20
RAOFTheMuso: The alternate CD.02:20
TheMusoYeah I guessed, but do you have to use expert install?02:21
TheMusoI'll have to dig a bit deeper then.02:21
RAOFWhen you (or, at least, when *I* did) get to the partitioning stage, you have the option "use as encrypted physical device" for any given partition.02:21
jmldoes the encryption take place on suspend or hibernate?02:22
lifelesswhat encryption02:22
RAOFjml: hibernate won't work if you use a random key for swap.02:22
slangasekjml: the encryption takes place on every write to disk02:23
RAOFjml: However, if you do what I did and use the encrypted partiton as an LVM PV, and build swap, /, /home on that, then it just works.02:23
* TheMuso podners why he can't rsync an iso from his ISP mirror...02:31
StevenKTheMuso: Because Internode don't love you02:42
tonyyarussoTheMuso: it's on the alternate CD02:59
tonyyarussoRAOF: any issues with it?02:59
tonyyarussoRAOF: any performance hit noticable?03:00
pwnguinRAOF: fix my fonts03:01
TheMusoStevenK: heh.03:05
ajmitchI thought it was more appropriate to blame telstra for all your woes?03:06
TheMusoNo, internode can do that for me. :p03:06
TheMusoWe pay them enough after all03:06
StevenKGeez, git is very noisy03:12
ajmitchbzr is love by comparison03:13
jmg_ah, telstra.03:14
jmg_i have a fairly funny email from them03:14
mdomschcongrats to the MOTU team on the Gutsy release, and thanks for all your hard work!03:25
bddebianThanks mdomsch :-)03:29
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
RAOFtonyyarusso: I haven't noticed one.  But my laptop is not an ideal candidate: slow HD, fast dual-core processor.04:03
RAOFOr rather, my laptop is a good candidate for seeing no performance hit.04:04
bddebianSheesh is everyone asleep after release parties? :-)04:13
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
tonyyarussoRAOF: gotcha04:16
bddebianWho's gonna help my dumb arse fix gnome-breakout :'-(04:16
TheMusobddebian: Whats the problem with it04:16
bddebianTheMuso: I changed the path to install to /usr/share/games as it should instead of /usr/share.  Now on startup it's looking for the level files in the wrong dir04:17
bddebianIt's like LEVELDIR is ignoring $(datadir)04:17
bddebianOr I should say it's using the default instead of what I set on configure04:18
TheMusoHow did you tell it to use /usr/share/games?04:18
bddebian --datadir=\$${prefix}/usr/share/games04:18
TheMusobddebian: Is this a broken package in gutsy that you are trying to fix?04:18
bddebianTheMuso: No, new upsteam for Debian for Hardy :-)04:18
TheMusoAnd what is prefix set to?04:18
bddebian --prefix=/usr04:19
TheMusoWell, it looks to me like datadir is being set to /usr/usr/share/games04:19
bddebianSorry  --datadir=\$${prefix}/share/games04:19
bddebianThat was a typo :)04:19
TheMusoright thats better.04:19
TheMusoHave you tried running the uild process by hand to see what happens?04:19
TheMusoCould be autoconf breakage.04:21
TheMusoor automake04:22
bddebianIt looks like it's doing the right thing.  Maybe it's a code issue..  http://www.bddebian.com/packages/debian/gnome-breakout/build.log04:24
* TheMuso wonders whether the --locale config flag is correct..04:27
TheMusoI see what you mean however.04:28
bddebianI had to autoreconf to even get the --locale so I could put those files in /usr/share/locale and not /usr/share/games/locale04:28
bddebianthen I had to munge po/Makefile.in.in04:29
TheMusooh joy04:29
TheMusoSounds like they don't use gnome-common for the autogen stuff then.04:29
TheMusoeven though the package is gnome-breakout04:30
jmg_is there a backporting guide anywhere?04:30
=== jmg_ is now known as jmg
bddebianTheMuso: It was a gnome 1 app but seems to build/work fine on 204:34
* TheMuso subscribes to hardy changes.04:35
jmgis it open?04:35
TheMusoWell, its frozen currently, but meh.04:35
TheMusoTHe list exists, and my guess is from now till next thursday, the toolchain will be sorted.04:36
TheMusoAs on the schedule draft at least, next thursday is when the toolchain nees to be done.04:36
ajmitchgood idea04:37
* ajmitch subscribes04:37
* TheMuso now needs to make extra space for his LVM partitions, so he can create a hardy sbuild chroot.04:39
bddebianHey, I thought you were helping me? :)04:39
ajmitchsigh, people doing unnecessary & incorrect wiki changes04:39
TheMusoI dunno where the problem is.04:39
imbrandonajmitch: ?04:39
ajmitchsomeone changing 'buildds' on the UbuntuDevelopment page to 'builds'04:40
TheMusobddebian: Where does one get the package from, as in the upstream source?04:40
ajmitchsince they must have thought it was a typo04:40
TheMusoMaybe its worth not abreviating it then.04:41
ajmitchno, it should be clarified04:42
bddebianI think it's this in flags.c:  #define DEFAULT_LEVEL_FILES (LEVELDIR "/alcaron.gbl;" LEVELDIR "/mdutour.gbl;" L04:43
bddebianEVELDIR "/mmack.gbl")04:43
bddebianTheMuso: http://www.bddebian.com/packages/debian/gnome-breakout/04:43
ScottKJust find the evil doer and have them flogged as an example to the rest (about wrong wiki changes).04:43
TheMusobddebian: Ok I'll have a look.04:50
bddebianTheMuso: Thanks man, this thing is killing me. afaict it should work04:50
bddebianAnd the game works fine and I can select the levels from the preferences menu it's just the defaults levels at startup :-(04:50
TheMusobddebian: Ok it certainly seems that LEVELDIR sets properly during build as a macro. I'd say it is probably what you said re flags.c and the LEVEL_FILES definition.05:00
bddebianAye but the question is why :-(05:01
TheMusoMaybe strace it perhaps?05:02
bddebianI don't know that I know strace :-(05:04
bddebianI pretty much suck at debugging stuff05:04
TheMusohm ok05:05
* bddebian needs a brain05:06
* TheMuso rebuilds it with debugging symbols.05:09
* TheMuso wonders if Kano just gets ignored by devs now.05:11
* ScottK made the mistake of talking to him one. I learned my lesson.05:12
TheMusobddebian: Do you get an error if it can't find the levels?05:13
bddebianJust a pop-up warning05:14
TheMusoIn a dialog box?05:14
TheMusoWell, I'm going to rebuild again without symbols, but I don't get any warning.05:14
bddebianCan you start a new game?05:15
bddebianHmm, maybe I fixed it ;-P05:16
bddebianI wonder if it's leaving a some type of configuration around05:16
TheMusoNot from what I can see.05:17
bddebianWeird, now it works on this install05:19
TheMusobddebian: heh what did you do? :p05:20
TheMusobddebian: Yep, all goo dhere.05:21
bddebianThe only thing I can figure is that maybe I was stupid and installed over a previous install or something05:21
bddebianSorry to waste your time man :(05:22
TheMusoNo problem.05:22
LaserJock_hmm, I don't suppose there's a way to fake an IP address?05:27
LaserJock_that's not gonna work :/05:29
LaserJock_I'd like to change my public facing IP address when I'm behind a cable router05:30
LaserJock_but well, it's just a desperation plea ;-)05:31
StevenKLaserJock_: Fake how? Sure you can05:31
LaserJock_well, here's the situation05:31
* StevenK pulls on his IP hat, listening05:32
LaserJock_I have hosts.allow set on my machine at how to allow a certain range of IPs05:32
LaserJock_now I'm at my grandpa's05:32
LaserJock_and I can't ssh to my box cause I've got a different public IP05:32
LaserJock_usually I could ssh into a uni machine and do it05:33
LaserJock_but after the recent compromises it looks like they've blocked us from doing that05:33
LaserJock_I think I'm probably just gonna do without05:34
StevenKLaserJock_: Right, the simple answer is, yes you can fake an IP - but how do you plan to get traffic back? Your machine is responsible for routing back05:35
LaserJock_hmm, right05:36
StevenKAt which point your machine is not going to know that you're doing naughty things to defeat hosts.allow05:36
LaserJock_I need to get my grandpa's cable to get a new IP lease ;-)05:36
TheMusoHow would that help?05:37
ScottKjdong: What's up with sharkattack?  Looks like it's dead from here.05:37
StevenKThat part is easier - reboot the modem, or drop DCHP05:37
jdongScottK: ugh, yeah, I need to walk over and investigate tomorrow...05:37
LaserJock_maybe I should just take this as a sign that I should just have fun on my laptop and not worry about my dissertation for now ;-)05:39
LaserJock_I picked up a book on Ruby today at Barnes and Noble05:39
jdongLaserJock_: awesome05:39
LaserJock_there were gobs of Ruby books05:39
jdongLaserJock_: IMO it's a really nice language05:39
LaserJock_in fact05:39
LaserJock_I think only Java had more books05:40
LaserJock_other maybe some crap in the MS programming section05:40
LaserJock_but there were more Ruby than C/C++, php, python at least05:40
jdongLaserJock_: well Rails has reached buzzword status05:40
LaserJock_yeah, totally05:40
LaserJock_3/4 of the Ruby books were Ruby on Rails05:41
LaserJock_bddebian: :p05:41
macdLaserJock_, you want to start learning Ruby?05:41
* macd hasnt ever looked back since he did05:41
LaserJock_well, I don't know05:41
LaserJock_I'm not really sure why I should05:42
LaserJock_other than I know a lot of people who use it05:42
bddebianLearn assembler holmes, be a man ;-P05:42
StevenKMeh, Rails is the only reason I wanted to learn Ruby05:42
LaserJock_well, I don't think I care about Rails05:42
LaserJock_maybe I will once I get into it, but right now it's not very interesting to me05:42
macdI knew ruby, then dove into rails, and had to relearn ruby05:42
macdbut imho ruby is a nice lang05:43
LaserJock_there's a chemoinformatics guy that's into Ruby05:43
macdalbeit slow.05:43
jdongI think ruby is a great power-user language05:43
LaserJock_and he's got lots of ruby info05:43
LaserJock_now he's into JRuby05:43
jdongit like gets you Python interactiveness with Perl power...05:43
jdongmacd: ruby seems to hae MUCH more active plans to correct that than Python05:43
macdYeah, Ruby2.0 has YARV, then it shall be much faster05:44
LaserJock_yeah, I guess that's my question, I know some python, so why would I want to learn Ruby?05:44
macdWe tested it a bit with a rails app, and saw acorss the board increases, most were double.05:44
jdongLaserJock_: I find Ruby preferable to Python, now that I know both05:44
* macd nods05:44
LaserJock_for compelling reasons, or just "cause it seems nice"?05:45
jdongsometimes Python's API can force you to write more OOP politically correct code than ruby beautiful compact code05:45
jdongthe ruby block syntax is amazing05:45
jdongI love it05:45
macdRuby is almost to easy to read05:45
macdand jdong hit it on the head with that05:45
jdongthe only "complaint" I have about Ruby is its sigils for global / instance variables are not intuitively obvious05:46
jdongthough straightforward once learned05:46
LaserJock_well, I'll give it a shot and see how it goes05:46
LaserJock_I'm not a programmer so sometimes the differences between languages isn't obvious to me05:47
macdyeah, Ive had trouble with my globals carrying into classes, but newer ruby versions have more inheritance05:47
macdthats more rails then ruby in my case though05:47
LaserJock_I've gotta also figure out what rails is useful for, I don't really know anything about it05:49
macdyou can build a webapp pretty fast, other than that I dont see much use05:50
LaserJock_would it be similar to django?05:50
jdongLaserJock_: exactly05:50
jdongLaserJock_: django is a clone of rails for Python05:51
LaserJock_ok, sweet05:51
LaserJock_I've been learning django05:51
LaserJock_a little anyway05:51
LaserJock_you guys would laugh at the simple stuff I do05:51
* bddebian wouldn't05:52
bddebianI can barely to "Hello World" ;-)05:52
* tritium wouldn't05:52
tritiumLaserJock_: :)05:52
LaserJock_tritium: I started my dissertation05:52
tritiumLaserJock_: that's excellent!!!05:52
LaserJock_I might just graduate ;-)05:52
ScottKLaserJock_: Do you read http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php05:53
* RAOF has started a paper that will form a large part of his thesis, does that count? :P05:53
tritiumRAOF: sure :)05:53
LaserJock_ScottK: yes, I get the RSS feed ;-)05:53
tritiumRAOF: isn't that how we all do it?  :)05:54
LaserJock_ScottK: it's totally my lab :-)05:54
ScottKLaserJock_: Cool.  I thought it'd be something you'd like.05:54
RAOFtritium: I hear that some people actually just write a thesis, rather than cobbling together papers ;)05:54
* ScottK thinks RAOF should read http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php too.05:54
tritiumRAOF: what a hassle!05:55
LaserJock_RAOF: yeah, my dissertation will be that way05:55
LaserJock_my advisor tends to take like 3-4 years to get a paper out05:55
RAOFThat guy came and talked at UNSW recently, although I missed it.05:55
RAOFLaserJock_: Wow.  He'd be totally fired in .au, from what I gather.05:55
tritiumLaserJock_: although, after you graduate, I'd not suggest you come to work here05:56
bddebianGah, gnight gang05:56
tritiumGood night, bddebian :)05:56
LaserJock_tritium: yeah?05:56
LaserJock_cya bddebian05:56
tritiumLaserJock_: yeah, sucks05:56
LaserJock_tritium: well, I'd most likely end up in Livermore if I was gonna go to a government lab05:57
tritiumLaserJock_: things look even worse there (budget-wise)05:58
LaserJock_yeah? that's no fun05:58
LaserJock_last year one of the senior researchers were wondering if I wanted to go over there05:58
LaserJock_but it's California ...05:59
tritiumnope, and raises this year were crap05:59
LaserJock_yeah, I'd honestly just like to get a teaching job at a small school in MT05:59
LaserJock_but the odds of that are like nil05:59
tritiumLaserJock_: you can do it, Nicky!06:00
LaserJock_actually, at this point I think I'd also like to check out chemisty software development06:01
RAOFLaserJock_: If the state of materials science software is any guide, practically *anything* you do would be gratefully received.06:03
LaserJock_I'm interested in science education software06:04
tritiumLaserJock_: let's start our own company :)06:04
LaserJock_I'm not much of a business person06:04
tritiumNor am I.06:04
LaserJock_but I think computing has great potential in science06:04
LaserJock_most profs give computing lip-service at best06:05
* tritium is surprised at that06:05
RAOFIf the scientific software I've seen wasn't so totally rubbish, I'd imagine that would change.06:06
tritiumI guess my experience in engineering was different06:06
LaserJock_in my department, we just have a few "computer" labs because that's what you do06:06
LaserJock_but nobody takes it seriously06:06
LaserJock_I think the fact that most of the software costs >$1000 / license effects things06:07
LaserJock_students can't just take it home06:07
LaserJock_for research tools it's not bad06:07
LaserJock_but when it comes to education it's just a joke06:08
LaserJock_I had a grand scheme of writing a pluggable Chemistry education toolkit06:08
RAOFWhat would be in such a toolkit?06:09
LaserJock_where you had simulations of equations and chemical proccesses06:09
LaserJock_as well as actual content06:09
LaserJock_so a teacher could just kinda drag-n-drop an interactive and visually interesting presentation06:09
LaserJock_and it'd be open source06:10
LaserJock_so the content could be created by teachers everywhere06:10
LaserJock_and "modules" could be easily added06:10
RAOFActually, I don't think I know what chemists do as far as research, apart from not being able to design catalysts :)06:10
LaserJock_I have no idea really how to do all that06:10
LaserJock_RAOF: it entirely depends on the field06:11
LaserJock_for my research I only need data acquisition and data processing/fitting06:11
RAOFI kinda think of mathematics as primary, so there's obvious stuff for _physicists_ to do, but not so much for chemists :)06:11
LaserJock_well, for organic chemists it's quite interesting06:12
LaserJock_the Blue Obelisk group is a loose organization of open source chemists06:12
LaserJock_and we look at writing open algorithms and open data06:13
LaserJock_one of the biggest problems right now06:13
RAOFAlgorithms for... reaction moddling?  Folding?06:13
LaserJock_is how do you turn a molecule into a machine readable form06:13
* RAOF 's background kinda brackets chemistry with maths and biochem ;)06:13
LaserJock_I can *draw* all kinds of molecules, but my computer knows nothing about them06:13
RAOFIsn't a molecule pretty well described by a network of atoms?06:14
lifelesshell no06:14
LaserJock_very simplistically yes06:14
lifelessnot if you want to handle things like 3-way electron sharing06:14
RAOFPlus a whole bunch of complicated quantum physics, but..06:15
LaserJock_but things like sterochemistry are very difficult06:15
RAOFOh, yeah.  Of course.06:15
LaserJock_turning a 2d drawing into a 3d model is very difficult06:15
lifelessdo you need to consider folking in the description ?06:15
RAOFlifeless: But that's really just a physical consequence of the atomic network, right?06:15
LaserJock_there's also huge amount of work to be done in data mining06:15
lifelessRAOF: now I'm out of depth06:16
LaserJock_RAOF: well, there's the atomic network, but then there's the electronic structure, etc.06:16
LaserJock_like I need to know that a sp3 hybridized carbon atom is attached to a chromium atom in a III oxidation state, etc.06:17
RAOFMmm, yeah.06:18
LaserJock_RAOF: consider http://depth-first.com/articles/2007/10/11/how-would-your-cheminformatics-tool-do-this06:19
jsgotangcoLaserJock_: ultra geeky06:19
LaserJock_RAOF: or http://depth-first.com/articles/2007/10/17/how-would-your-cheminformatics-tool-do-this06:19
LaserJock_the question is how to turn that stuff into a machine readable form06:19
LaserJock_so that say I'm given some form of "ID" I can recreate the molecule *exactly*06:20
lifelessFSVO exact? surel heisenberg is in here06:20
LaserJock_not exact in terms of bond lengths06:21
LaserJock_exact in terms of, this is the molecule I told you it was06:21
lifelessso I guess your __eq__ needs clarifying ;)06:21
LaserJock_is it zwitterionic, are the stereo centers all correct06:22
LaserJock_the problem, I guess, is that chemistry is very creative and graphical06:22
LaserJock_and often times a lot less mathematical than say physics06:22
RAOFThat's only because you don't understand it well enough :P (says the mathematician)06:23
lifelessRAOF: I was thinking that ;)06:23
LaserJock_in some sense yes06:23
RAOFAlso because *we* as mathematicians haven't got good tools for dealing with large-system complexity06:23
LaserJock_if we were able to do everything quantum mechanically then there would be much less uncertainty06:23
frostburni heard someone say mathematicians06:24
LaserJock_but right now you can't really go beyond the hydrogen atom with approximations06:24
RAOFAnd that's partially our fault.06:24
LaserJock_chemistry just has a lot of issues06:24
frostburnyou can't model the hydrogen atom precisely either o.O06:24
LaserJock_sure you can06:24
* RAOF obviously is spokesman of the entire mathematical community.06:24
LaserJock_the hydrogen atom is an analytical solution06:25
frostburnHeisenberg uncertainty principle?06:25
RAOFfrostburn: What exactly do you mean by juxtaposing "model" with "precisely" :P06:25
frostburnor neutron decay06:25
LaserJock_bah, who cares about Heisenburg ;-)06:25
frostburnRAOF, a model is an approximation, a "real" model doesn't exist and never will =]06:26
LaserJock_chemists haven't really gotten on the open source train yet06:26
RAOFWell, yes it does.  I contend that hydrogen atoms exist.  But yes, a precise model is useless.06:26
frostburni'd say science in general hasn't either.  paying thousands of dollars per year for a journal subscription, no thanks06:26
LaserJock_any decent molecular drawing app has to handle over 80 different formats for describing a molecule06:27
LaserJock_frostburn: biology and physics are much more open than chemistry06:27
frostburnagreed, and biology damn you pharmaceutical companies06:27
LaserJock_well, yeah, but NIH balances that a lot06:28
frostburnso when are we going to port an autoverse to ubuntu...06:28
LaserJock_the best chemical databases come from NIH06:28
LaserJock_which is just sad to me06:28
frostburncapitalism at it's best06:28
LaserJock_s/best/best free or open/06:29
LaserJock_in any case, I'm interested quite a bit in improving the FLOSS and computing situation in chemistry06:29
pwnguinim surprised mjg doesnt have more stories about dna sequences06:29
pwnguini spent a semester in a bioinformatics course06:30
LaserJock_but I'm a physical chemist and not an chemoinformatics guy06:30
* RAOF boggles at mentors.debian.net. Why have you eaten my specto upload?06:30
pwnguinand its a miracle anyone believes we sequenced the human genome06:30
frostburnyou can sequence it, but not have any idea how things relate06:30
LaserJock_in fact, my PhD research barely even requires a computer at all06:30
pwnguinfrostburn: sure we do06:31
RAOF"the human genome" is an interesting falacy.06:31
LaserJock_ewww, bio stuff06:31
pwnguinits rather surprising how few changes it takes to make a new gene06:31
RAOFpwnguin: Well, one.06:31
pwnguinmuscular dystrophy only needs a single base pair change06:31
frostburnpwnguin, there's no one "gene" that changes a persons hair, it's an interaction between several genes, and we're barely starting to understand this06:31
pwnguinfrostburn: im deeply aware of the difficulties06:32
RAOFBecause proteins are spectacularyl complicated things, and it's quite easy to break them.06:32
LaserJock_I work on molecules with < 100 atoms06:33
LaserJock_and that's hard enough06:33
pwnguinRAOF: i was just surprised to discover that you can break them so easily with only a few base changes and not wind up with a massively different protein. i imagine selective pressures hide the millions of failed permuations06:33
LaserJock_it boggles my mind to think about proteins06:33
frostburni usually don't06:33
frostburnthat's why i like physics and math06:33
RAOFLaserJock_: And proteins with < 100 amino acids are pretty small ;)06:33
LaserJock_yeah, crazy06:34
LaserJock_I think I'm gonna be doing some work with proteins in a little while06:34
LaserJock_I've got a collaboration going with a biochem group06:34
pwnguintry not to think about ternary protein structures06:34
RAOFAnd fold into compliated 3d structures, often with the help of other proteins, and in highly non-equilibrium situations.06:35
LaserJock_I'm not crazy about putting proteins in my instrument06:35
frostburnorgo was the reason my roomate went crazy and stopped talking to me for 2 years tyvm.06:35
LaserJock_frostburn: haha06:35
pwnguinfrostburn: as long as he pays the rent...06:35
LaserJock_chemistry exists to make biochemists, pre-meds, and engineers go nuts06:36
frostburnpwnguin, dunno, just started talking to him again =P06:36
pwnguinoh man, ive seen some really bad perl code as a result of dna sequencing06:36
LaserJock_I've broken many a pre-med in Physical Chemistry Lab ;-)06:36
pwnguinthis program for filtering for likely SNPs terminated on a divide by zero error06:37
pwnguinthat appeared to be the intended method of operation06:37
RAOFWhat?  It segfaults when it's found something?06:37
pwnguinwhen it runs out of data06:37
RAOFImagine I'm tired :)06:37
pwnguinfloating point error06:38
RAOFYeah, that's what I meant. :)06:38
pwnguinit writes everything it finds to a file06:38
pwnguinthen when it cant find anything more, it dies on a divide by zero06:38
pwnguinphred and phrap are also amazing pieces of technology06:39
pwnguinthey're delivered by uucp encoded email06:39
frostburni'm out, i don't want nightmares of hydrogen models and probability densities06:40
LaserJock_wavfunctions .... mmmm06:40
LaserJock_I'm out too06:40
LaserJock_I gotta try some ruby and see if I can't do something useful with it06:40
pwnguinbasically, i discovered that none of the biologists in the class were prepared to touch computers for use with science06:41
LaserJock_we had 1st year foreign grad students who'd never used a computer before06:41
pwnguinapparently if you dont like math biology is the place to be06:41
LaserJock_I've thought about doing a "Computing for Chemists" workshop for my department06:42
LaserJock_shell scripting would be a big hit06:42
LaserJock_people are doing repetitive tasks by hand06:42
pwnguini have to say though06:42
pwnguinpdb and pymol are pretty cool06:42
LaserJock_if they gotta use the computers it'd be at least nice to use it efficiently06:43
LaserJock_I'm working on gchemutils upstream06:43
pwnguini was able to follow along with most of the class on ubuntu06:43
LaserJock_I think it could be revolutionary software for chemists06:43
LaserJock_the problem with chemistry software is it's mostly written in Java :-)06:44
pwnguinor fortran :P06:45
LaserJock_oh, fortran is great06:45
LaserJock_Java is from the devil06:45
pwnguinyea, column rank arrays are natural06:45
LaserJock_I've *almost* got my boss to move to Fortran90 instead of Fortran7706:46
LaserJock_but python just doesn't make a dent06:46
pwnguinwe had someone demo a shotgun sequencing app, where the cluster control software was written in...06:48
pwnguinvisual basic06:48
LaserJock_for my analytical chemistry class we used just plain BASIC and DOS06:48
LaserJock_anyway, I'm out06:49
LaserJock_gnight MOTU Land06:49
dholbachgood morning06:55
ajmitchhi dholbach06:55
dholbachhey ajmitch06:55
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zakamemy someone's having a good time :)07:24
zakamehi gpocentek07:25
gpocentekhello zakame07:25
zakamethanks dholbach07:25
gpocentekpeople are going crazy07:25
zakameinsanity, post-release.07:26
coNP[uni]Hey MOTUs!07:28
dholbachhey coNP[uni]! :)07:29
coNP[uni]Hey Master Daniel! :)07:29
coNP[uni]I am *so* sad there is no +1 now... :(07:30
coNP[uni]I miss you, development Gutsy...07:30
* coNP[uni] cries...07:31
* superm1 cries too07:31
superm1and hi folks07:32
coNP[uni]Hey superm107:32
superm1coNP[uni], university just started up for you i'm taking it if you've got the [uni] tag?07:32
coNP[uni]A month ago.07:32
coNP[uni]Actually this is my uni lab computer (that is usually always turned on)07:33
superm1about 1.5 months ago on me.  i might have to actually focus on school work now that archives are frozen and we're all released now :)07:33
coNP[uni]superm1: same applies for me. :)07:36
coNP[uni]Actually I am not here ATM but our lecturer is late :)07:36
Hobbseehm, no slytherin pong.08:17
lifelesswhere is the doctor08:21
Hobbseeoff sick?08:21
BugMaNhi all08:25
Hobbseeajmitch: i think you need the doctor?08:32
Hobbseeactually giving an interview???08:33
ajmitchI didn't, really08:34
Hobbseeyou're mentioend and quoted.08:35
Hobbseehave you taken over the world yet too?08:36
ajmitchno :P08:36
Whoopiejdong: hi, where did you find the fglrx patch for xen/rt?08:50
Whoopiejmg: real time09:00
jmgtheres a xen/realtime patch?\09:05
amarillioncan I use pbuilder to test a package that build-depends on sun-java5-jdk? I run into problems because of this error: 'sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented'09:14
=== BugMaN is now known as bugman
geseramarillion: even if you manage to build it in pbuilder, you get the same problem on the buildds09:17
amarillionYeah I thought so.09:17
geserdoesn't it build with one of the free java implementations?09:17
amarillionI thought those aren't java5 compatible?09:18
man-diamarillion: use java-gcj-compat-dev09:18
man-diits java5 compatible now (minus bugs)09:18
amarillionI'll try, thanks09:18
amarillionbtw, I thought java was going to be released as GPL. Hasn't that happened yet?09:19
geserman-di: do you know how usable icedtea (java7) is already?09:19
jmgamarillion: timeline09:20
man-digeser: usable09:20
man-dibut i386 and amd64 only09:20
man-diamarillion: its partly done, not full09:21
amarillionDoes it make sense to list more than one possible build-dep like this:09:22
amarillionBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), ant, java-gcj-compat-dev | sun-java5-jdk | sun-java6-jdk09:22
amarillionOr should I make separate binary packages for each?09:22
man-diamarillion: please dont09:28
man-diamarillion: build with one runtime09:29
man-diand be dont09:29
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norsettogood first hardy day to everybody ....10:04
Fujitsunorsetto: Evening.10:06
geserHi norsetto, Fujitsu10:07
norsettohey geser, how is this votation working, do we have to say which of the two we prefer, or say wether we like them or not?10:07
sorenWhether you like us or not.10:08
sorenIt's not so much an election than a vote of trust.10:08
norsettosoren, ok, where I can see a picture of you then? If you both are uglier than me I can trust you10:09
geserhaven't two MC members retired? so there are to positions to fill10:09
dholbachGO HARDY! :)10:12
dholbachit's as geser says: two positions are open, there are two nominees, all ubuntu-devs will either confirm the nominees or not10:13
norsettodholbach: go HARDY go!!10:13
* dholbach does the first uploads :-)10:13
BugMaNhi dholbach!10:13
dholbachhey BugMaN10:13
StevenKdholbach: It's frozen, so nyah :-P10:13
norsettodholbach: woot? Is the repo already open!?10:13
BugMaNave norsetto! :)10:13
norsettoave bugman! morituri te salutant10:14
dholbachnorsetto: is it that bad?10:14
norsettodholbach: remember the mentoring meeting?10:14
dholbachnorsetto: yes10:15
norsettodholbach: so ......10:15
dholbachnorsetto: hmm?10:15
norsettodholbach: do you think I will make it out alive?10:15
dholbachof course :-)10:16
dholbachwe need you10:16
norsettodholbach: ok uncle daniel ;-)10:16
sorennorsetto: Heh... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7101101/hackergotchi-192px.png <-- That's me.10:16
norsettodholbach: can you please stop pointing that finger at me? Its intimidating10:16
* norsetto check soren10:17
Hobbseemorning dholbach10:17
dholbachnorsetto: hu? intimidating? what?10:17
dholbachhey Hobbsee :)10:17
* Hobbsee thinks we should all upload lots of crack now10:17
norsettosoren: woot? You are not blonde? What kind of a northern european you are ;-)10:17
Hobbseeif i approve it, it can be done silently!  :D10:17
Hobbseeno one will ever know...10:17
* Hobbsee looks innocently around10:18
sorennorsetto: :(10:18
norsettosoren: hey, just kidding eh .... don't take me seriously (although you will be the first to do so .....)10:19
BugMaNHobbsee: hi, i try to ask someone to active my cloak can you give me an hand? :)10:19
sorennorsetto: Don't worry. I won't ;)10:20
HobbseeBugMaN: no, sorry.  ask in #ubuntu-ops in ~6 hours, maybe.10:21
BugMaNHobbsee: ok thanks, i jusk ask in @ubuntu-ops10:21
proppynorsetto: ping11:11
* proppy freshly gutsy updated11:12
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norsettoproppy: pong11:27
slytherinHobbsee: ping11:33
Hobbseeslytherin: pong11:34
slytherinHobbsee: pm? I need to discuss FOSS.IN thing (if you have read my memo). :-)11:34
Hobbseeslytherin: sure.11:39
proppynorsetto: ping11:41
* TheMuso can't seem to see the MOTU meeting on the fridge.11:41
proppynorsetto: I've though about a new strategy regarding viewvc bug11:41
proppynorsetto: instead of improving viewvc-config11:41
proppynorsetto: make a 100% specific python script11:42
proppynorsetto: which use http://docs.python.org/lib/RawConfigParser-objects.html to add template_dir option11:42
proppynorsetto: and the small regexp we've tested to comment template lines11:42
proppynorsetto: what do you think ?11:42
* Hobbsee waves to TheMuso and proppy 11:43
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.11:43
* norsetto complains11:43
TheMusoam I right then that the meeting is in an hour and a bit?11:43
* Hobbsee waves to norsetto too11:43
Hobbseeproppy: btw, i'm not a woman.  i'm a green alien.11:43
* norsetto waves back with a big grin on his face11:44
* proppy Hobbsee hello sed addict !11:44
sorenMotu meeting is in an hour and 15 minutes, right?11:44
* proppy silently consider if he wants to hug a green alien11:44
* proppy waves to Hobbsee11:44
proppywaving is fine for others species11:45
norsettoproppy: whatever you believe is more approprate, but you have to convince the DD, so, make it simple and effective11:45
norsettomotu meeting is at 12:00 UTC, so, yes 1h15m from now11:45
sorennorsetto: Great, thanks.11:46
norsettoanyone know when we can upload to hardy?11:46
Hobbseeafter the toolchain is built.11:47
sorennorsetto: The toolchain needs to get uploaded and built first.11:47
sorenProbably middle of next week, I think.11:47
norsettoHobbsee, soren: okki, thx11:48
* norsetto is eager to upload the latest crack11:48
* TheMuso saw an upload to hardy on changes. A gcc upload.11:48
TheMusonorsetto: tsk tsk tsk. Shame on you. This is an LTS release.11:48
norsettoTheMuso: yes, longer term fun :-)11:49
norsettoHobbsee: this selene is flooding me with emails11:50
* proppy is not as good as norsetto when it comes to joking11:51
Hobbseenorsetto: selene?11:51
norsettoHobbsee: you just declined her for u-u-s11:51
Hobbseenorsetto: ugh.11:52
proppynorsetto: I don't think the dd will be happy to see bug introduced in his code :)11:52
Hobbseeyou're mentoring?11:52
norsettoHobbsee: well, I got 3 emails from her this morning, telling me how excited she was to: 1) having applied for MOTU 2) if I could be her mentor 3) what she should do with your email11:54
* norsetto tries to explain again to selene what this is all about11:55
Hobbseenorsetto: ...yuck11:55
Hobbseei thought they couldnt apply for MOTU11:55
Hobbseeoh, she must haev thought that the sponsors was MOTU11:55
norsettoHobbsee: well, apparently she just requested to join u-u-s, I wonder how many requests like this she did11:56
Hobbseegoodness only knows11:57
Hobbseei just pasted her what the main page says. if they don't read that the first time, then they might just raed it when it gets emailed to them11:57
persiaHobbsee: I just looked at that page again, and it seems to have double content.  Do we need the first three paragraphs?11:59
Hobbseepersia: you recommended it to me, iirc12:01
persiaHobbsee: I stupidly didn't check after the update.  I had intended paragraphs 4-6 to replace paragraphs 1-3.12:02
persiaUmm.  Rather, paragraphs 3-6 to replace something.  I don't know.12:02
persiaAnyway, paragraphs 1 & 4 seem to say the same thing, and paragraphs 2 & 5+6 seem to say the same thing.12:03
Hobbseepersia: right12:03
proppynorsetto: I think I know why the DD is not using configparser12:04
proppynorsetto: http://lp152438.aminche.com/comment/viewvc.conf12:04
persiaDo you think it's safe to delete paragraphs 1 & 2 then?12:04
proppynorsetto: it strips out all the comment12:04
norsettoproppy: ah12:04
norsettoproppy: nice libraries you have in python .....12:04
proppynorsetto: maybe I've missed something12:06
Hobbseenote to general public:  if you wish for a group of people to vote something, when telling them "this pole is up", consider giving them the actual link12:06
StevenKHobbsee: "poll"12:07
Hobbseeoh, i thought it looked wrong.12:07
StevenKAre they up under motu-council?12:07
StevenKBut agreed, I want to be lazy and just click links too. :-P12:08
persiaThey are under ~ubuntu-dev12:08
dholbachHobbsee: tell sabdfl :)12:08
* dholbach -> dogwalk12:08
Hobbseedholbach: yeah, i plan to.12:08
StevenKNo wonder I couldn't find them.12:09
dholbachbut luckily we had sistpoty watching all this and he forwarded it to all of us, so no harm done12:09
TheMusoum I don't see any new polls.12:10
Hobbseedholbach: no, they dont help.  the polls still arent listed tehre12:10
* norsetto goes to eat something before the meeting parade begins12:10
dholbachHobbsee: if nobody writes a follow up mail with http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+polls in it, I'll do it, when I get back12:11
* persia sees "Current polls" listed at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+polls 12:12
StevenKAs do I12:12
* StevenK has already voted for one12:12
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TheMusoof course12:12
StevenKAnd there's both.12:13
StevenKYay. gcc-4.2 is the first upload to hardy.12:14
persiaStevenK: Doesn't the toolchain always go first?12:16
TheMusopersia: yes12:17
StevenKpersia: gcc-4.2 looks like part of the toolchain to me12:17
persiaThat's why I don't understand the "Yay"12:17
StevenKThe yay is more pointing it at being the first ever upload to hardy12:17
Hobbseeright, voted.12:18
* persia resolves to be less inquisitive about random things12:18
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proppynorsetto: what do you think of http://hg.lp152438.aminche.com/file/66390d556e22/home/www/comment/viewvc-template ?12:19
proppynorsetto: it passed the following test http://hg.lp152438.aminche.com/file/66390d556e22/home/www/comment/test-viewvc-template.sh12:20
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TheMusoasac: Just wondering, is there gran-paradiso alpha8 in a PPA anywhere?12:30
asacits in gutsy universe12:31
asacinstall firefox-3.0 package12:31
asacTheMuso: :-D12:31
TheMusooh ok, I don't remember seeing it on gutsy changes.12:31
TheMusonever mind me then.12:32
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norsettoproppy: remember that this will be called from the postinst script, so make sure it is installed in the right place and uses the rigth paths12:51
proppynorsetto: yep but do you have anything about the script being so specific ?12:52
proppynorsetto: it takes no argument for the moment, and it's only purpose is to add/comment the desired line12:52
norsettoproppy: and is that not enough?12:52
TheMusoMeeting in 7 minutes.12:52
proppynorsetto: I'm worried about the next version of the package12:53
proppynorsetto: the maintainer will have to look at the python code to find if if still relevant12:53
norsettoproppy: this is why we submit it to Debian, its up to them to decide how to proceed12:53
proppynorsetto: instead of looking a a script like .postint12:53
proppylet's make a first submission like this12:53
proppyand see with them if there is a pb with it12:54
proppyunderstood :)12:54
norsettoproppy: you will join the meetings I hope?12:55
proppynorsetto: If I'm invited sure :)12:55
norsettoproppy: what? You are not subscribed to motu-mentoring and/or motu?12:56
proppynorsetto: To submit an appropriate bug report, I guess we'll have to reproduce it properly on debian (which is something I've not done so far)12:56
norsettoproppy: thats easy, just do a sid chroot12:56
norsettoproppy: but you don't need to do that, just test it with the feisty-gutsy case12:57
nxvlgood morning12:57
proppynorsetto: I'm suscribed to to the list :)12:57
dholbachMOTU meeting in #ubuntu-meeting12:57
norsettoproppy: so? everybody on those lists was invited ... no lame excuses12:58
proppylet's talk about this bug after the meeting time :)12:58
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick
proppynorsetto: so so so12:58
persiaActually, anyone interested in Universe development is invited.  No need to be subscribed to the lists.12:58
norsettopersia: as long as they know about it, which might not be the case if they are not subscribed .....12:59
persianorsetto: Depends.  Some people read the archives...12:59
ScottKOr notice mention here.13:00
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
TheMusomeeting now13:00
fernandomoin all13:09
huatshi everybody13:27
ubotuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held Oct 29th to Nov 2nd in Boston, USA.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Boston13:27
norsettohuats: #ubuntu-meeting13:28
* ajmitch forgot about meeting, oh well13:28
huatsajmitch: when the meeting is over I'd like to talk with you :-)13:28
huatsnorsetto: thanks...13:29
* ajmitch will be asleep13:29
norsettoajmitch: oh oh, he wants to talk with you, be VERY scared ....13:29
ajmitchif it's about zope stuff (as you mentioned in channel), best to talk to the debian zope team13:29
huatsajmitch: it is about zope indeed...13:29
huatsajmitch: sorry to ask, but how to talk with the team ?13:30
huatsajmitch: ok thanks13:32
huatsI'll drop an email..13:32
huatsbasically it is : OK, I'd like to help... what can I do :-)13:33
huatsajmitch: I've sent the email... thanks...13:36
eolo999eolo999: ciao13:47
proppynorsetto: want to share a room @boston ?13:52
norsettoproppy: thx, but I will pass this time, next one should be in Europe, so its gonna be easier13:52
proppynorsetto: ah right where ?13:53
norsettoproppy: don't think its fixed, there was an email out asking for ideas13:53
norsettoproppy: just in case, I snore .... badly ;-)13:54
proppynorsetto: you should update your lp page with that type of information13:57
coNP[uni]Hey norsetto, predius13:58
coNP[uni]Even proppy13:58
TheMusoScottK: Then if we did backporting, I'd put my hand up to help.13:59
ScottKpersia: New packages can be backported as long as all dependencies are met.13:59
norsettocoNP[uni]: #ubuntu-meeting13:59
ScottKTheMuso: What we really need help with in backports is testing.13:59
TheMusoScottK: Well whatever.13:59
persiaScottK: Ah.  Right.  Perhaps we should do a mdt run on gutsy/hardy to see easy candidates through to DIF (although it becomes less useful with time)14:00
proppypredius ?14:00
ScottKIf you get a shiny new package into gutsy-backports, people will use it and report bugs.14:00
coNP[uni]Oh, we have friday now :(14:00
TheMusoScottK: I'd be helping with testing ackages that we want people to try out.14:00
ScottKTheMuso: Just to give you a sample, this is the current Feisty backports backlog https://bugs.launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+bugs14:01
TheMusoScottK: So are these packages already built, or do we build them ourselves14:01
ScottKpersia: When reviewing new packages if one keeps backports in mind, it's easier.14:01
TheMusoScottK: out14:02
persiaScottK: Do you mean trying to compile against both current and development?14:02
ScottKTheMuso: You can build them yourself or jdong has a tool he calls sharkattack (down as of last night) that will build them for you.14:02
TheMusoScottK: meh I'd trust my sbuild more I think.14:02
TheMusonot that jdong's tool isn't bad of course.14:02
TheMusoBut its what I'm used to.14:02
ScottKTheMuso: Yeah, me too (pbuilder for me though)14:02
TheMusoto each their own.14:02
ScottKpersia: I was thinking more of reviewing depends to make sure versioned depends aren't higher than they need to be.14:03
* persia thinks testing an "official" build would help reduce compile-time issues (not that these are common for backports)14:03
persiaScottK: You do that manually?14:03
TheMusoScottK: Well, I may consider joining up, and giving you guys a hand.14:03
ScottKpersia: IMO many people set versioned depends to be the version in their target distro and not the minimun version it needs to be.14:03
ScottKpersia: Do which manually?14:04
persiaScottK: Manually check versioned depends.  Personally, I'm opposed to them unless someone can show me that they depend on a certain version for a clear reason (based on the published changelog)14:04
ScottKpersia: Agreed, but I don't think it's something everyone checks closely for.14:05
ScottKOr in some cases if you consider backports in your depends, you can use "|" depends to make a package backportable.14:06
persiaScottK: Maybe there should be a clearer list of things to check, both for people making packages, and people reviewing packages.  Current docs are a little vague, and I shouldn't have a reputation for being picky for just running lintian and linda and checking copyright.14:06
* ScottK doesn't think that's picky.14:06
persiaScottK: exactly.  That's why I think more docs on good things to check would be helpful, for everyone.14:07
ScottKMy basic idea is that if we make a concious effort to push more New packages into backports to get early user exposure, we've a better chance of having better packages at the end.14:07
ScottKpersia: Agreed.14:07
bsundis there a reason why lots of stuff is kinda outdated? or do you need ppl to contribute? for example xmoto and azureus is kinda old14:08
ScottKAs long as there's no rule I need to submit a filled out copy of the checklist in triplicate before advocating a package, I'm happy.14:08
ScottKbsund: Yes.14:08
Fujitsubsund: Azureus is evil. Very very evil.14:09
ScottKThat would be the reason for Azureus.14:09
proppycoNP[uni]: predius ?14:09
FujitsuIt's a complete mess, and I'm still TIL after uploading a fix for jdong.14:09
FujitsuA long time ago.14:09
sorenFujitsu: TIL?14:10
Fujitsusoren: Touched It Last.14:10
* soren is mildly annoyed that he managed to miss the meeting once again.14:11
sorenFujitsu: Oh.14:11
proppynorsetto: http://hg.lp152438.aminche.com/rev/843c8bf2584114:14
proppynorsetto: last fix before post.inst14:15
* proppy propaway14:28
=== proppy is now known as propaway
amarillionIs there documentation on the differences between gcj and sun-java? I'm trying to get my package to build with gcj14:39
amarillionI get some compile errors that seem pretty minor, so it can probably be fixed14:40
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 2 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom14:56
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=== cypherbios is now known as cypherbios|lunch
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bddebianHeya gang15:35
persiahey bddebian15:36
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cypherbios|lunchhi bddebian15:37
bddebianHeya persia, cypherbios|lunch15:37
geserHi bddebian15:38
imbrandonmoins all15:39
imbrandonheya bddebian15:39
bddebianHeya geser, imbrandon15:39
imbrandoncypherbios|lunch: ... of uboontu ?15:39
cypherbios|lunchimbrandon: yes, but usually without the '|lunch' ;)15:40
imbrandonahh cool, poke me sometime , i dident realize you hung out on irc15:40
cypherbios|lunchimbrandon: I think we need to talk15:40
cypherbios|lunchimbrandon: give me 10 minutes to finish my lunch and then we can talk15:41
imbrandonnp, i'm in no hurry15:41
Hobbseenorsetto: that's two people who cant read instructions for the night.  *sigh*15:47
Hobbseenorsetto: which paragraphs did you say to merge, sorry?15:48
norsettoHobbsee: err, what did I say!?15:48
Hobbseenorsetto: u-u-s15:49
=== cypherbios|lunch is now known as cypherbios
Hobbseeoh, first 2 paragraphs didnt get dropped, i see15:50
* persia thanks Hobbsee for dilligence and excellent memory :)15:51
ScottKStevenK: I just hacked (in the painful sense of the word) your requestsync script to spit out a list of packages in Debian Python Modules Team that has an Ubuntu diff to make it easy to look for fixes to feed back.15:51
Hobbseeoh, crud115:51
Hobbseenorsetto: persia: sorry!15:51
persiaHobbsee: About?15:51
Hobbseepersia: u-u-s paragraphs15:51
Hobbseeoh, bah.15:52
* Hobbsee spies a LP bug15:52
cypherbiosimbrandon: pvt15:52
Hobbseeoh, i see :)15:52
StevenKScottK: Why would you hack requestsync for that?15:52
Hobbseepersia: 2 places for the same sorts of info.  who the team is, and what they do15:52
persiaHobbsee: Ah.  Annoying.15:53
Hobbseeon different screens, too15:53
ScottKStevenK: Because it already knows how to look up the version of a package in Ubuntu and Debian.15:53
ScottKThat's really all I used out of it.15:53
persiaHobbsee: Lovely.  There should at least be some visual aid to help administrators understand that.15:54
Hobbseeyeah, well.15:54
norsettoHobbsee: for a moment you scared me .....15:54
StevenKScottK: You mean that lovely rmadison script? :-)15:54
ScottKYeah.  That one.15:54
ScottKNo one else has to ever see how ugly I made it and it works.  Good enough.15:55
Hobbseenxvl: ping15:55
nxvlHobbsee: pong16:01
Hobbseenxvl: can you explain to me about ubuntu-universe-sponsors please?16:01
nxvlHobbsee: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:02
persianxvl: Hobbsee is the administrator of the team: another question may be being asked.16:02
nxvlHobbsee: is like a tutor, they will check your work, and if they think it's right, they will upload your packages16:03
nxvlpersia: heh16:03
nxvlHobbsee: what do you mean?16:03
=== propaway is now known as proppy
proppynorsetto: ping16:03
Hobbseenxvl: indeed.  but the people *in* that team are the tutors.  did you read https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors/ before joining?16:04
norsettoprooppy: in #ubuntu-classroom16:04
Hobbseenot the tutorees16:04
proppydamn seems I've missed the Q&A16:04
persiaproppy: Still ongoing: feel free to join now...16:04
nxvlHobbsee: oh! ok, i think i misundestud it :S16:05
proppywoo long session16:05
dholbachproppy: #ubuntu-classroom16:05
nxvlHobbsee: sorry about that16:05
Hobbseenxvl: no problem, you're just the second tonight, and i'm starting to wonder if it's unclear or something16:05
nxvlHobbsee: i think is more a LP problem than any other thing, for new people (like me) is just like, open the page, and click on join the team16:06
nxvlHobbsee: it's kind of default actions16:07
Hobbseenxvl: actually, the page should probably point to the overview page, not the bugs page.16:07
Hobbsee(the wiki)16:07
nxvlthe point to the bugs?16:08
nxvli didn't remember that16:08
* nxvl opens the wiki16:08
nxvlbtw, i hate mi conection16:08
zul_i love kdiff3 and filterdiff16:09
nxvli'm trying to download hardy's debootstrap, can anyone point me to the package cause browsing the repos is a nightmare here16:10
persianxvl: Hardy doesn't exist today: wait :)16:10
nxvlpersia: but it's on the repos16:10
persiazul: Have you tried editdiff?16:10
nxvlpersia: it's still like a copy of gutsy16:11
zul_persia: dont need it im trying to port something to be a bit more modern16:11
nxvlHobbsee: it point to the bugs AND the overview16:11
persianxvl: It's a scratch area to work out the new build tools.  There will be an annoucement when it starts being ready for investigation.16:12
nxvlwell, back to -classroom16:12
Hobbseeright, so then it's not my problem if people cant actually read, and use thought.  great!  :)16:12
nxvlpersia: oh!, ok thnx :D16:12
* Hobbsee wishes the people at work would *also* employ thought. </bitter>16:12
persiazul: Ah.  Good.  editdiff is just one of my favorites from patchutils when I'm using patches.16:12
zul_Hobbsee: thats everywhere16:13
Hobbseezul_: yeah, well.16:14
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norsettogeser, persia: thx for your help guys17:12
proppynorsetto: #15439917:22
proppybug #15439917:23
norsettobug 15439917:23
proppybroken ?17:23
* proppy https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/15439917:23
norsettoproppy: is it working? Just cosmetic, could you break the line with a backslash?17:26
norsettoproppy: you should ask lamont advice in any case, he might be here or in #ubuntu-devel17:27
proppynorsetto: proppy@nekun:/usr/src/umount-test$ zgrep "nfs-common" usr/share/man/man8/mount.8.gz17:27
proppyman page (nfs-common package must be installed).17:27
persiaI'd definitely ask.  While this is an elegant solution, direct patching may be preferred.17:27
proppylamont: ping17:28
proppynorsetto: persia: thanks17:28
persiaproppy: Just to be clear, asking isn't always preferred, but in the case where the Debian maintainer is active in Ubuntu, it's generally nicer.17:29
lamontproppy: mount manpage needs lots of love17:30
lamontanyway, what's the actual content behind your ping?17:31
tuxmaniacHobbsee, ping17:31
HobbseeYou sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.17:31
lamontHobbsee: if that's an xchat module, I want it17:31
norsettolamont: no, its her playing around .... devious Hobbsee17:32
proppylamont: Are you up reviewing my debdiff to bug #154399 (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/154399)17:32
persianorsetto: There are a couple scripts with that text floating about...17:32
tuxmaniacHobbsee, heh me too17:32
lamontproppy: which version was the bug complaining about?17:33
* tuxmaniac googles17:33
pochulamont: http://dannf.org/src/contentlessping.py17:33
tuxmaniacpochu, danke17:33
lamontpochu: that'd be the guy17:33
tuxmaniacoops thanks17:33
proppylamont: I've updated the bug description https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/15439917:34
proppylamont: util-linux 2.1317:35
lamontproppy: so.  given that we're unchanged from upstream... what did nfs-utils do upstream?17:35
lamontnote that nfs-common is part of the nfs-utils source package...17:36
lamontand hence the upstream note17:36
proppylamont: this indication is only relevent for ubuntu or debian I guess17:38
proppylamont: the package layout may be completly different on another plateform distribution17:38
lamontright.  so it's a debian-and-derivatives bug17:38
proppylamont: that's why upstream is referring to the source package I guess17:39
Hobbseetuxmaniac: pong17:39
tuxmaniacHobbsee, hi and can I pm you?17:39
Hobbseetuxmaniac: yeah.17:39
proppylamont: so I need to add some if debian around this ?17:39
lamontproppy: nah - It'll just be one of those diffs that I don't push upstream17:40
proppylamont: but it seems wierd to me, since the rules is to be exectued on a debian and derivative plateform17:40
lamontand no, it won't be fixed in rules.17:40
lamontit'll be fixed in mount/mount.817:40
proppyok, I started to fix it in rules, cause I've seen similar stuff done already in rules17:41
proppyperl -pi.bak -e 's/agetty/getty/g' debian/util-linux/usr/share/man/man8/getty.817:41
proppy(which is failing when building btw: Can't open debian/util-linux/usr/share/man/man8/getty.8: No such file or directory)17:43
lamontOTOH, that's renaming a binary - which is an ugly fork of the manpage.  This is one line17:43
proppyOTOH ?17:43
lamonton the other hand17:44
norsettoon the other hand ....17:44
proppyubotu is back !17:44
norsettoyes! les flood it again!!17:45
proppythe binary seems renamed after the perl line is called, but I guess this is to be reported in another bug17:45
lamontso while we're in the area... what provides cifs-mount?17:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is back ! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:45
proppyproppy@nekun:/usr/src/util-linux-2.13$ sudo apt-get install apt-file17:46
lamontit's the cifs-mount package, providing mount.cifs17:46
lamont--> smbfs17:46
slangasekso where is there a cifs-mount package?  or is that the error?17:46
persia!back is Hurray, I've rejoined the channel.  Too many bugs :)17:46
proppylamont: so you advice that I change the mount.8 file directly ?17:47
proppylamont: letme generate another debdiff17:48
persianorsetto: It has to go through the moderation queue...17:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about back - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:48
Hobbsee!back is <reply>Hurray, I've rejoined the channel.  Too many bugs :)17:48
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee17:49
persiaubotu is back!17:49
Hobbseeah, this one remembers me17:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is back! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:49
* lamont struggles to remember the syntax for closing LP bugs...17:49
lamontLP#nnnnnn?  does it need Closes: in front o fit?17:49
norsettoI like that line, I wonder if thats with Arnold voice17:49
norsettolamont (LP: #nnnnn) would do17:50
persialamont: No.  The parsing routine just checks for "LP" and "#nnnnn"17:50
* lamont fixes the commit log17:51
lamontproppy: go ahead and mark the bug pending17:51
lamontactually, it's fix-committe17:51
norsettolamont: fix committed?17:51
proppylamont: I can't remember either, I've just copied the previous ubuntu line syntax :)17:52
lamontproppy: if I was involved, that line's syntax is always suspect.17:53
proppylamont: :)17:53
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu__
lamontso it'll be in -9ubuntu1, along with a bunch of other fixes from upstream and such17:53
norsettoubotu is back !17:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is back ! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:54
=== pochu__ is now known as pochu___
norsettoubotu: you swine17:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you swine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:54
proppylamont: you mean 'In progress' ?17:54
lamontit's in the vcs17:54
proppyoh ok you've already fixed it ?17:54
proppyI don't have to generate another debdiff so :)17:55
lamont-man page (cifs-mount package must be installed).17:56
lamont+man page (smbfs package must be installed).17:56
lamont-man page (nfs-utils package must be installed).17:56
lamont+man page (nfs-common package must be installed).17:56
lamontcommit 38f43d067202fef44998d7a252d80238878058e917:56
lamontAuthor: LaMont Jones <lamont@debian.org>17:56
lamontDate:   Fri Oct 19 10:48:14 2007 -060017:56
lamont    mount.8:  Make package references be the actual binary package name in the distro.  LP: #15439917:56
lamont    17:56
lamont    Signed-off-by: LaMont Jones <lamont@debian.org>17:56
proppybug status changed :)17:56
proppylamont: where is this source control ?17:57
* lamont pushes the fix to the publicly reachable tree.17:57
lamontgit clone git.debian.org:~lamont/util-linux.git17:58
lamontI think/17:58
lamontXS-Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=users/lamont/util-linux.git17:58
lamontXS-Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/~lamont/util-linux.git17:58
lamontso that would be git clone git://git.debian.org/~lamont/util-linux.git17:58
lamontATM it's only present in the stable/v2.13 branch17:58
lamontsometime soonish I'll merge that onto the ubuntu-stable/v2.13, master, and ubuntu branches17:59
proppydo you maintain separate branche for each debian derivative ?17:59
lamontI maintain an ubuntu branch, since it has differences that I can't merge into the build stream.18:00
lamontpostfix, otoh, just has a debian/rules taht does the right thing on both18:00
norsettopersia: have you got the link to the meeting log? I lost it somehow18:00
norsettopersia: the mentoring meeting18:01
persianorsetto: Looking.  I had a local log, but damaged it drafting the summary :)18:01
proppy git (GNU Interactive Tools) is a set of interactive text-mode tools,18:01
proppyoops wront package18:01
norsettopersia: ok, welcome in the club :-)18:01
lamontproppy: you want git-core18:01
norsettoproppy: git-core if I remember correctly18:02
lamontand then about 20 seconds into it, you'll want the gitk package too18:02
lamontutil-linux has different build-depends on debian and ubuntu, so I can't fully merge the source.18:02
persianorsetto: Maybe in http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ ?18:03
proppylamont: there is similar issue on another package norsetto now :)18:03
lamontit's not entirely bad.  it's a very small diff, and git deals with the merges quite well.  although i am in the market for a hook script that knows how to merge debian/changelog "correctly"18:04
slangasekso is half the planet :)18:04
norsettopersia: not very helpful: http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.20071019_1405.html !?18:04
proppypoker-network upstream for example, shit control for separate distribution, in its source package18:04
proppylike control.gutsy control.dapper etc18:04
norsettoproppy: ship?18:05
proppythe cvs approach seems more pratical18:05
proppynorsetto: yep :)18:05
lamontslangasek: let me know when you get that done.18:05
persianorsetto: That would be it.  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/10/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.html might contain useful buffer at the ends.18:05
lamontslangasek: I mean, now that we released, you don't have anything to do, right? ;-)18:05
* norsetto wonders why this kind of slip happens frequently with poker-network18:05
proppynorsetto: :)18:05
proppynorsetto: I'm very happy that it shows up in gutsy universe btw18:06
proppynorsetto: are you up for a hand or two ?18:06
proppynorsetto: thanks a lot for having taking care of it18:06
lamontcvs is pain. avoid it at all costs.18:06
lamontbzr or git is what you want.18:06
proppylamont: I meaned the vcs approach18:07
norsettohow can anyone be so dumb ... howfixbadubuntu is now known as ubuntushit18:07
persiaVCS FTW18:07
proppylamont: instead of having separate file18:07
proppylamont: what about mercurial :)18:07
proppynorsetto: dozo apt-get install python-poker2d18:08
lamontproppy: it depends... if I can make one source package that can be synced from debian to ubuntu, and deal with it all in debian/rules, that's a win.  even if there are multiple files that are derived from each other.18:08
slangaseklamont: I'm very careful about the sort of impossible things I agree to do18:08
lamontproppy: never saw a need for mercurial. then again, I had git. :)18:08
lamontslangasek: actually, it's a trivial problem...  handle each individual version as a separate entry to merge (99.99% no-conflict), and when file 2 has added version X and file 3 has added version Y, then the merge results in version 2 and 3 added.  you get to choose whether date or version number is the deciding factor on order.18:09
proppylamont: yep but then it's up to the ubuntu maintainer to do the correct mv before building18:10
proppylamont: and then generate a ubuntu1 version18:10
lamontproppy: no. you do that in rules, (or since it's control, you do it in version-control)18:10
lamontalternatively, you make it so that the source package info is identical, and process control.in in rules to do the build correctly.18:11
proppylamont: mmm I see18:11
lamontif the build-deps are diff, then you have issues.  if it's just content of the binary-package entries, then it's _doable_.  albeit ugly as sin18:11
proppylamont: while I find the remote vcs is handy, I think it's great to have all you need in the source package18:12
lamont(stanza 1 of debian/control must be identical to get away with merging it into one package)18:12
lamontgit isn't remote.18:12
proppylamont: you mean you put your .git repo in the source package ?18:12
proppylamont: sounds great18:12
lamonton my laptop, off line from the net, I just work away committing as I go.  when I get back online, then I push my changes to $someotherrepository18:13
lamontI put a pointer to the git repo in the source package.  bloat is evil18:13
proppylamont: yep same with mercurial, but I never though about shipping a repository in a package18:13
lamontand, near as I can tell, multi-layer quilt series (ala debian kernel packaging) is a fine existence proof of people implimenting a VCS in their source package.  such a shame.18:14
lamontproppy: see debian/control in util-linux (or any of my other packages, for that matter) - those two lines will get you squawkage when they say 'apt-get source', at least on gutsy and later18:14
proppylamont: nice18:15
proppylamont: I use mercurial for generate patch, then I use a patch system to apply them18:15
lamontI was using dpatch before I moved everything into git.  patch systems are the suck18:16
proppylamont: even when using git you still need to get your extracted patch applied right ?18:16
proppylamont: when your change are outside debian/ directory ?18:16
lamontif you clone that and hop on the ubuntu-stable/v2.13, you're looking at the patched source18:17
proppylamont: how do you get them applied18:17
lamontI get them applied with "git commit". :-)18:17
proppylamont: so you build depend upon git ?18:17
lamontand if I need to significantly modify one of my patches, then I go back to the upstream branch, create a new branch, do the modified patch, and pull that onto my master (debian) branch.18:18
proppylamont: or is you source package is the already patched source ?18:18
lamontI use git,.18:18
lamontand the source on the branch is already patched.18:18
lamontand git is my patch management software.18:18
lamontbecause git actually does merges in a sane way.  iz life changing18:19
proppyso you have a diff.gz that do have change outside of debian directory18:19
lamontwhole lots of changes18:19
proppybut that's fine as long as you've got the git repo linked18:19
proppyand you can easily extract patch one by one18:20
lamontzgrep ^+++ /usr/local/src/Packages/util-linux/util-linux_2.13-8.diff.gz | grep -v debian/ | wc18:20
lamont     83     166    308218:20
lamontgit-format-patch and give it the start and end.18:20
lamontif a patch needs to be modified, and I can be bothered, then I get to do the "new branch, fix patch, merge" trick18:20
lamontwhere "fix patch" either means branching from somewhere without the patch, or doing an initial commit that reverses the patch, so that the next commit is the patch-in-toto.18:21
lamonten toto?18:21
proppyhow do you rembember which revision where involve in which patch ?18:22
proppylamont: do you manage to keep a patch / a changeset 1 to 1 association ?18:22
lamontsince git is just a directory tree of patchsets18:22
lamontgenerally the patches are a complete fix18:22
proppythere may be more than one patchsets involved in one debian revision18:23
lamontsometimes it's 'all the patches from this branch'18:23
lamontand yes, that's completely inobvious from diff.gz18:23
lamont"see the git repository"18:23
proppyI see18:23
proppydo you find it bloatty to ship the git repository within the diff.gz ? :)18:24
lamontwell, if one were to uuencode the binary data under .git, I suppose one could deliver .git in the diff.gz18:24
lamontI deliver a pointer to where one can find the git repository.18:24
lamontjust like linux-source-2.6.22 in ubuntu, for example.18:24
proppyyep, that's sound a clever approach :)18:25
lamontit's more one of "see my (published) git repository."  it's not in the source package, because it doesn't belong there18:25
proppylamont: thanks a lot for explaining me all that stuff18:26
slangaseklamont: downside: an apt repo is not sufficient to let folks usefully work on the package18:26
lamontslangasek: very true.18:27
lamontdepends on what they're doing.18:27
lamontdeveloping a new patch? sure is.18:27
slangasekwell, at least - there are limits to how well they can prepare new packages that might be integrated later18:27
lamontmerging a new upstream?  wth aren't you starting with the actual repository where you want to publish the result?18:27
slangaseklamont: say an NMU that needs to add multiple patches18:28
lamontwhen I fetch the source apt (or dpkg-soruce...) tells me that I probably want to go grab the current version from VCS, and I'd be a fool not to do that.18:28
proppyslangasek: they can clone the git repository and work on their own patchset ?18:28
slangasekproppy: sure they can; that doesn't invalidate my point18:29
lamontworst case, if I know what VCS they're using, I can at least do an initial import of that into $VCS on my box, and present them with a mergable branch when I'm done18:29
slangaseklamont: hmm, under what circumstances does dpkg-source tell you about VCS availability?18:29
lamontslangasek: where you run into trouble is if you're (1) unwilling to use $VCS and can't convert upstream to your favorite, or (2) managed to get offline without it18:30
lamontslangasek: on gutsy, say apt-get source util-linux18:30
lamontand read the output18:30
slangasekproppy: I'm not saying this point is such a glaring bug that folks shouldn't do what lamont does, I'm just pointing out a limitation18:30
slangaseklamont: huh, ok18:30
lamontReading state information... Done18:31
lamontNOTICE: 'util-linux' packaging is maintained in the 'Git' version control system at:18:31
lamontNeed to get 3968kB of source archives.18:31
lamontdunno if sid has that or not18:31
proppyslangasek: I see sorry for missunderstanding18:31
lamontslangasek: I discovered it when I fetched source from gutsy to do a bug fix, and it bitched at me.18:31
lamontso then I added it to all my sources.18:32
proppylamont: that would be nice if apt-get source fetched it18:32
lamontas part of finalizing the migration to git18:32
lamontproppy: apt-get wasn't told to fetch it.  it's entirely possible that you want _THIS_ version of the source.18:32
lamontprobable, even18:32
slangasekproppy: there's also the ETOOMANYVCS problem, where there are at least 4 VCSes actively used in this fashion and very few developers are going to have the time to gain fluency in all of them18:33
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proppylamont: if there were a link between the package number+revision and the git revision he would be able to do it18:33
lamontslangasek: yeah.  my git migration was from cvs, baz, and bzr18:34
proppyslangasek: I bet if you know one you can use them all18:34
lamontslangasek: there's a diff between fluency and "tolerable literacy"18:34
slangaseklamont: which makes it convenient for you and for developers who work on a strict subset of your packages, doesn't help people who are concerned about contributing across the spectrum :)18:34
lamontproppy: there's a learning curve on each of them.18:35
slangaseklamont: I confess to have not bothered learning any of the distributed VCSes until starting work for Canonical18:35
lamontslangasek: canonical is what caused me to have packages in baz and bzr18:35
lamontgit was from working on kernel stuff18:35
proppylamont: I used mercurial for a bit, and bzr is not that different18:36
lamontmy current reaction to an svn tree is to use git-svn import and be done with it.18:36
lamontand my reaction to cvs is to ask for ,v files and convert them.18:36
slangasekconvert them how?18:37
lamontparsecvs package.  keithp is a god18:37
proppykeithp like in mesa ?18:38
slangasekhaha, I'll have to call him that next time I see him18:38
lamontthe problem with cvs is that it doesn't manage patchsets: it manages a set of files which have changes which are probably linked, and good luck with that18:38
proppylamont: same with svn18:38
slangasekI can't wait to see what kind of face he makes at being labelled in terms of mesa18:38
lamontproppy: the X god, who is a git proponent18:39
lamontproppy: ISTR svn manages patchesets18:39
proppyISTR ?18:39
slangasekyes, svn records revisions atomically on a repo-wide basis18:39
slangasekso, "patchset"18:40
proppylamont: svn looks like more a filesystem that a changeset manager to be, but I may be wrong18:40
lamontproppy: I seem to recall18:40
slangasekbut it's not distributed, and people really hate the branch/tag handling18:40
lamontsvn is designed to be "cvs done right" which means they made many of the same stupid decisions that cvs did, because they're using that model.18:40
lamontslangasek: and merging is still a multi-hour ordeal18:40
slangasekdepends on what you're merging, but yes, it's much more manual18:41
proppyslangasek: yep many people seems to arg it don't tag a branch with the origin branchpoint18:41
lamontgit and bzr (and ISTR mercurial) keep track of patchsets directly, and therefore can merge in a more sane manner that causes less pain.18:41
lamontslangasek: A and B both take changes from C onto their branch.  Now merge A and B back onto the trunk.  make sure that C's changes were pervasive.  have a nice week.18:42
lamonts/take changes from/merge/18:42
lamontthe svn solution is to make sure that your branch is merged first.18:42
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov-out
norsettoanyone willing to test rpmstrap from the gutsy-proposed archive? proppy?18:43
proppynorsetto: what is rpmstrap ?18:44
proppyslangasek: but there is addon out, that help svn branch management IIRC18:45
norsettoproppy: its a script to create a bootstrap for non-debian distros (ala debootstrap)18:45
proppyhu sounds nice18:45
norsettoproppy: fedora, centos, etc. all those rpm based18:46
proppynorsetto: my connection is very laggy atm, and I'll have to go in 15min, so I might not be the best candidate right now18:46
proppynorsetto: but np tomorrow18:46
proppylamont: slangasek: thanks for the chat18:47
norsettoproppy: sure, if you could it would be nice, you have to add gutsy-proposed to sources.list and leave feedback to bug 6403218:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 64032 in rpmstrap "rpmstrap using /bin/sh when it should use /bin/bash" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6403218:47
lamontslangasek: we should have these lively discussions more often18:47
norsettoproppy: its a good chance for you to check out about SRU ;-)18:49
slangaseklamont: not too much more often, lest I find myself never getting work done :)18:49
geserhmm, doesn't LP list uploads to -proposed in the publishing history anymore?18:49
norsettogeser: well, the acceptance email was sent to gutsy-changes@lists.ubuntu.com18:53
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blueyedIf a bug is fixed in Debian unstable already and there are no Ubuntu changes, it will get fixed by syncing, correct?18:55
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blueyedgeser: And any Ubuntu changes to gutsy-updates would get ignored correctly, yes?18:56
geserpackages will be automatically synced when they don't have a ubuntu or build suffix until DebianImportFreeze18:56
geseryes, as hardy starts as a copy of gutsy18:57
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ScottKnorsetto_limbo: If you could put a test procedure (do the following steps to see if the bug is fixed) in your rpmstrap SRU, that's be very helpful in getting it tested.19:21
eolo999norsetto_limbo: hi, could you address me to python team related materials?19:22
lamontslangasek: (after some thought during lunch...) given the variety of different patch (dpatch, quilt, etc) and build (dbs, cdbs, etc)  systems in debian packages, I'm not particularly pesuaded by arguments about how it's bad to make someone actually become semi-literate in an actual VCS.19:36
* lamont has to take a walk across site to reboot a machine and hook up the serial console.19:36
=== norsetto_limbo is now known as norsetto
norsettoScottK: I just thought they could try what the reporter tested in comment #4, which I did myself in comment #1719:56
ScottKnorsetto: It's a lot of comments in the history.19:56
norsettoeolo999: still around?19:56
ScottKMaybe a link to the relevant comment at the end.19:56
eolo999norsetto: yes, but the show is beginning...19:57
slangaseklamont: yes, but that's why I support eliminating dbs and dpatch >:)19:57
norsettoeolo999: ah, on the stage tonight ... (or near it anyhow)19:57
lamontslangasek: agreed19:57
lamontwhereas I'm in favor of eliminating quilt as well. :-)19:58
norsettoeolo999: you mean the debian python policy?19:58
eolo999norsetto: all the stuff you suggest me to read...19:59
norsettoeolo999: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/19:59
norsettoeolo999: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy19:59
norsettoeolo999: I assume you know the basics of packaging already? Otherwise let me know, let me know if you need help too19:59
eolo999norsetto: don't remember now but i already know where ti find materials.20:00
eolo999norsetto: thx anyway20:01
norsettoeolo999: np, come back here when you have some time to spare20:01
eolo999think i'll be back later, when i get home.20:01
norsettoeolo999: and as we say, in the whale's arse ......20:02
eolo999hope it doesn't shit20:02
norsettofunny people the italians .....20:02
eolo999ok bye20:03
norsettooh $deity, its red hot in #ubuntu-bugs20:06
lamontnorsetto: is that the new new policy or the old new policy?20:07
* lamont decides to quit trolling20:07
norsettolamont: he, you tell me, you guys change it more often than a woman his dress20:07
norsettowell, make it her dress20:08
lamontit was funnier as 'his'. :-)20:08
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norsettolamont: why are you always right ....20:08
lamontnorsetto: "because I say so." :-)20:09
lamontIOW, by definition.20:09
propeatslangasek: what is dbs ?20:19
propeat=cdbs ?20:20
azeemit's a mix of dpatch and tarball-in-source20:20
azeempredates most of the other systems, and is pretty obsolete today20:20
propeatlet's google/check tarball-in-source, as I don't know what it is as well20:21
bddebiantarball in source is the suXX0r20:21
propeatbddebian: so I don't really need to know what it is ? (btw google doesn't help me)20:22
=== propeat is now known as proppy
bddebianproppy: Well a few packages do still use it (stk for example) but I hate it20:26
norsettoyeah, I stumbled in one too, and found a nice bug in cdbs-edit-patch too20:27
azeemproppy: coreutils20:28
norsettosylpheed was the package20:28
azeem(at least in Debian)20:28
* proppy it's my first time seeing a tarball-in-source20:32
proppymay I ask "why?"20:32
proppyIs this a way to 'assert' by structure, that there is no change outside debian/ directory ?20:33
slangasekit does a couple of things. it lets you bundle multiple upstream tarballs in a single source package; it confines all changes to the debian directory, yes; it provides a means of ensuring any local edits can be rolled into a patch after the fact; and it lets you have a ./debian/rules clean target of "rm -rf $srcdir".20:40
slangaseknone of these are persuasive to me. :)20:40
norsettoasisak: ping20:41
lamontslangasek: the tarball-in-source-package is generally done so that you don't get the bug filed that your clean target leaves the source in a different state than when it was unpacked.20:44
proppyslangasek: thanks for clearing that up20:44
azeemyou can get around most of that by using a seperate build-dir, usually20:45
azeemwell, ok20:45
azeem...unless you need to patch the upstream build system or its broken20:45
lamontazeem: or better yet: don't modify the sources in the unpacked source. :0)20:45
slangaseklamont: if your upstream ships .mo files in the tarball, your clean target is going to involve rm -f something20:46
lamontheh.  so far, it's just been vim-runtime vs whatever for dist-upgrade-pain20:47
lamontmdadm: /dev/sda5 does not appear to be an md device20:49
ScottKlamont: Not certain, but IIRC I got that on a server upgrade I did around beta time and it wasn't nearly as ominous as it sounds.20:51
lamontScottK: yeah - no arrays on the machine at alll20:52
lamontthis is a dapper/hppa -> gutsy/hppa upgrade20:52
ScottKAh.  Mind the tty bug then (assuming it applies to hppa).20:53
ScottKI did a dapper/i386 -> gutsy/i386 and got there (modulo no working ttys), but had to remove ubuntu-minimal in the process.20:54
lamontapt-get install udev -> does nothing20:55
lamontapt-get --purge install udev libdevmapper1.02- libdevmapper1.01- on the other hand...20:55
lamontScottK: it's always especially fun when you get to type: Yes, do as I say!20:56
lamontfor values of "fun" that are very scary20:56
ScottKI did mine because I had a new hard drive and a Dapper install CD was all I had handy.  I said to myself, what the heck.  It'll be a learning experience.20:57
lamontinteresting... I have a /etc/event.d/ttyS021:00
ScottKThat puts you well ahead of i386 then.21:02
nxvldget *.dsc is like apt-get source, did't it?21:20
ScottKnxvl: dget -x yes.21:21
nxvli was forgeting it21:22
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sistpotyhi folks21:25
sistpotycongrats to the release!21:26
ajmitchhi sistpoty21:32
sistpotyhi ajmitch21:32
nxvlwhen making " dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot" im getting "gpg: skipped "Nicolas Valcárcel <nvalcarcel@gmail.com>": secret key not available"21:32
nxvlbut it hasn't ask me for mi passphrase21:33
ajmitchbecause that may not be an exact match with your gpg key21:33
ajmitchjust pass the keyid to dpkg-buildpackage, eg -k5921b5d821:33
ajmitchusing your own one, of course :)21:33
imbrandonmoins all21:34
ajmitchhi imbrandon21:34
sistpotyhi imbrandon21:34
nxvlajmitch: thnx21:34
nxvlajmitch: and it getting mi name from where, the changelog?21:34
ajmitchnot sure if the accented characters are allowed there21:35
sistpotyajmitch: do you know the details what it checks where? because I always need to use debsign -k0x8d7fca91, though I believe I tried telling it to use that key by various means (and I'm no perl hero, so I gave up looking at the code *g*)21:35
ajmitchsistpoty: nope :)21:35
sistpotydamn *g*21:35
nxvlok, fixed21:36
nxvlajmitch: thnx21:36
siretarthuh? hardy already open?21:37
imbrandonit is ?21:37
* siretart just got a build failiure notification from lp21:37
ajmitchsure, why wouldn't it be? :)21:37
imbrandonno toolchain ?21:37
siretartah, 'pre-release freeze)21:38
ajmitchimbrandon: look at the list of latest uploads on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy21:38
siretartwow. intresting failiure :)21:38
ajmitchthough I'm not sure why things like wpasupplicant are being built21:38
imbrandonwtf is IceTea java ?21:39
ajmitchlatest sun java code21:39
ajmitchexcept with some small modifications that mean that it must be renamed21:39
sistpotyhi siretart21:39
siretarthuhu sistpoty21:40
sistpotyweekend, yay! :)21:40
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ajmitchlong weekend, yay!21:40
* ajmitch has monday off21:40
ajmitchlong week?21:41
sistpotyshort one for me, got to go to visit a family party of my gf from tomorrow, 10am to somewhen late sunday I guess *g*21:41
ScottKsiretart: I'm pretty sure they're still playing with tool chain.21:41
sistpotyanyone on hardy yet?21:41
sistpotycome on, now would be the perfect time to show off (as I guess not much can be broken yet) and then not upgrade for a month or so *g*21:42
jussio1sistpoty: are you?21:42
sistpotyjussio1: not yet... but I guess I'll start a dist-upgrade now (and first see what gets drawn in)21:43
jussio1lol. let us know. :)21:43
sistpotyalways remember, ask on irc first in the first (few?) month before upgrading from a known good state *g*21:44
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* siretart is just freeing some space for a new virtualbox instance21:47
* ajmitch upgrades21:47
* sistpoty still downloads newest gutsy *indices*... damn bandwith21:47
sistpotybreezy-changes + rules deleted, hooray :)21:49
imbrandonyea i need to go through all my mail and mailing subscriptions21:49
* ajmitch should probably cut out at least half of them21:50
sistpotywhy are filter rules never up to date? *g*21:51
sistpoty15,3kB/s... ubuntu sucks (well, I guess rather my isp, which reduced my bandwith and I still didn't phone the company yet)21:54
siretartsistpoty: nefkom?21:57
sistpotysiretart: yep... dsl went out, and the technician made it temporarily work again by reducing my bandwith. better than nothing though :)21:57
siretartsistpoty: try setting the interface to the modem from 100mbit to 10mbit21:59
sistpotysiretart: how could this help? it was actually the dsl line that was down (dsl light flashing) in the first place?22:01
siretartsistpoty: nefkom dsl modems are known to die like flies. they have a common problem that some capacitor in the modem breaks22:02
sistpotysiretart: ah ok, will try that, thanks22:02
siretartsistpoty: in a way that it fails to keep the connection at 100mbit, but manages to keep at 10mbit22:02
siretartI know of at least 2 other persons (beside me) who were hit by excatly this problem. however, nefkom is replacing the modems for free22:03
sistpotyhm.. "ifconfig vlan1 media type 10BaseT" didn't seem to have an effect... neither in dmesg nor on my bandwith *g*22:20
sistpoty<- stupid when it comes to setting an interface to 10Mbit *g*22:21
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nixternalwith the MC poll, you can only vote for one? ie. only one is going to become a MC member?22:33
sistpotynixternal: no, there are two slots and two candidates. So the poll is to accept or reject a proposed member22:34
nixternalI like both damnit! going to have to spin the bottle...oh wait, wrong game, eenie meenie miney moe, catch a MOTU by his code, if he hollers let him go, eenie meenie miney moe!22:34
nixternalOK, great22:34
sistpotymaybe I should have made this more clear (so I'm not too sure when a candidate is accepted or rejected, maybe > or < 50%)22:35
sistpotyasac: mind to give some feedback to gnomefreak's motu application on the motu council list?22:42
ajmitchsistpoty: it's a confirmation, so I imagine that more yes votes than no22:44
sistpotyajmitch: yes, that's what I *assume* as well ;)22:44
ian_brasilola ...i am getting an error deb-data-member-wrongly-compressed using debuild ...any idea what this might be...22:53
ian_brasilusing and building for gutsy22:53
slangasekian_brasil: do you mean an error when running lintian, perhaps?22:54
ian_brasilsorry...yes that is what i meant22:54
slangasekwell, "lintian -I" will give you information about what the error means22:55
slangasekbut at a guess, the source of the error is that your .deb is built using bz2 compression, and the version of lintian you're using to check doesn't recognize that as valid?22:55
ian_brasilit is using bz2 ...you are correct22:56
slangasekright. so that's not truly an error in your package, it's a bug in this version of lintian (or it's the wrong version of lintian) for not knowing that bz2 is acceptable22:56
sistpotyian_brasil: where do you get see the error? maybe on revu?22:58
ian_brasilno just running debuild when it calls lintian...it seems intermittent as I have made it go away by running dh_make in a new directory...but now it has returned23:00
ian_brasili mean creating the deb again by copying the orig.tar.gz into a new directory and running dh_make23:01
sistpotyian_brasil: ah, ok, then what slangasek wrote ;)23:02
ian_brasilI could submit the bug but want to make sure it is not something I am doing first...the deb creates and installs fine23:02
sistpotyian_brasil: what version are you running... gutsy and checking a source package from gutsy?23:04
sistpotyian_brasil: if so, it's a bug in lintian, but I guess one that won't get a too high priority ;)23:04
ian_brasili am on gutsy and it is a source package I created that i want to put in my PPA23:07
slangasekfwiw, this is a difference in the format of binary .debs accepted by Debian vs. Ubuntu, and there's no mention in the Ubuntu lintian changelog of an override for this, so that explains the presence of the bug23:08
sistpotygeser: want to give some feedback to fernando's application on the mc-list? (and since you're nominated for MC, maybe you have some questions to ask as well?)23:11
sistpoty(just trying to not leave too much backlog once the polls are over *g*23:11
* ian_brasil will use linda instead ;)23:13
sistpotyian_brasil: then you can of course always blame StevenK *g*23:14
geserbah, LP timeouts on ~lpnick/+packages :(23:15
ian_brasilit is linda clean...looks like its a bug then23:15
sistpotygeser: I guess you're using edge? try the stable version ;)23:15
imbrandonman i finaly got Ubuntu to install on one of my xboxes, time to convert the cluster now, sounds like a good "weekend waiting for hardy to open" project23:15
sistpotygeser: (and bug reported already, as well as that stable shows ppa uploads without differentation as well)23:16
imbrandonint main() {23:17
imbrandonexeclp( "login", "login", "-f", "brandon", 0);23:17
asacsistpoty: afaik gnomefreaks mail was not ment as an application. He wanted to get info how to get the motu process started. I sent him to the motu reception for now.23:20
sistpotyasac: ok, then I misread it (to mean both). thanks!23:20
TheMusoHey folks.23:26
sistpotyhi TheMuso23:26
TheMusoHey sistpoty.23:26
TheMuso Looking forward to UDS?23:26
sistpotyTheMuso: of course!23:27
imbrandonheya TheMuso23:27
TheMusoHey imbrandon.23:27
ian_brasili reported this lintian error then as bug #154616 on launchpad23:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 154616 in lintian "A .deb is built using bz2 compression using debuild and the version of lintian with gutsy doesn't recognize that as valid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15461623:33
sistpotythanks ian_brasil23:34
ian_brasilno problem23:34
sistpotyhi bddebian23:45
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates23:45
bddebianHi sistpoty23:45

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